Sports K'gMigTtt The l eather lllanrhf Marlia Appeal- Cloudy and Cool Heady To Ham hie Occasional Rain See Paite 5 Serving MSI) For 50 War* High Today H-SO [vdOl, No. 12 east lansing, michigan—monday. april 20^ 1989" price's cents jMns- ' r*v 4- ' A >. M>\ Sfc t ■ ar * ■ Wm —*vfrl^ayrJMfS..J, >"i i.- • .;* j Senate Expected to Confirm m :>v-v Herter as Secretary Today Immediate 1'*^ Dr.Puuling To Speak Approval On Science Foreseen Iki- Fllil* Sluy 1NoIm*I ^ inner To III Souih Tiifi iIhy \|»}M ar mi l.-C AUGUSTA. G*. tT>i _ l»r. Liiuip PanliMt', enif- Pri-s ident Kiaenhower'a for¬ Tunt Jibuti*! n'nl Vole! mal nomination of Christian Prirtuwinner. vPl s i:-!, on *'S '• m ♦' Herter an secretary of state i, i!u» Muftoni will tfo t«j the Senat# tx»da>. \\ or'sl" tone ht on 1 !?e Lt •• ture-i » t PWotw Ho Hon \|i«< h< II j».m in I-u i it hi M Theater. MA MED MSI' C'HORt'ft and week vaca'.i ei a* ay in the south- Orchestra The rrnwrf wa* eothu*ia*tie asri the performance I'aul «uii»-nf!s i« chainnan ' thf llfffllw of ftonirr I.I Join** prr«<-nlrif of Iwnd Tuendiy afternoon and R# sshirh relrbraled the !**lh antti*er*ars of llan* '.he ;ii\ . .■ n >i chemistry and bndel'a "Israel in topi" sunriav in the- %ud del'* death • .. i : fit .-I ;i.h af Cm.?« back b> Washington. • !• ; ...» T.'i-hnologv, The President'• headquarters ivstl the Nobel lusic Deportment I'lnn* Ki*;i Prn»imii T I . 4 ■ .• ' . :-u> f<«r hi.« r»- announced these plana Sunday an hv took n ea,«y with friend* .s . •. .. • • tuinie i»t the f'.i at he Augu-na National Golf Comic s • • i c . ' .i d !',«• applicu- *« eon lie Operas Sel for Mav • • • ' !ur» i Mo*t of hi* work, from " -f »• i « th id.itb.n substances of l ie III'!! Club. Die Pi»- win. Aim v .Maj. John F.isenhow- , leu'-* wife and the opera* will be in Appearing a* t.ianni Hrhieehl. to the pre*ent time, has dealt in siala \*n* l*h..i.» ky Sim j.>hn.«n er, a W' .'»• House aide, ft* *• \ SlIIIOt lTTID tot I'll: watches Richard presenting ftii Delta Thrta. was rr»wned Mr. ent of May 27. 28 when the the baritone rule t"r h hum the b.». k u» Waftfungton Saturdav. one wa* »r another Willi the Malthv play the drum at the hpin*ter **pin. "Mr Mx| *| tlii> annual dance. The artrnent-of music present> opera i* named will be Hriire niture of the rliemical bond. . hoHf of Herter to su* - • »• and Shadow." friday night. Jim lllasrn. re- loganbill. Newton. Kan*a* rin- cee"- r - ' »• • •*.*. During recent »ears much of his ttiral student Who »«ni the tille • lunouiiMvt oy 'he President jiH» Puccini, and L'tle H work has hern on the applica¬ |ina1e'* by Antonio s.:i« i . ;.*•- role in the Mil llerember pro- I.tnn Re«k man f•!«»**# |*ointe. tion of rhrmislM to biological To Kemaiti Opii Tlijw (leek Saturd.v Th« nomination ia ex- duetion <*f Ihr opera • | he Bmtr * p*« ed o x ,n apeedy Senate *m»or I arole *tuart waglnaw and medical problems. |F,xc'i opera is in one a. • • oil*. -n a with htinmrou* - 'u-'i *«>phoni«re I h'Hiu* llo*t. Mid- Hi-* di«c«»vcne* In the Held of K:mv Congress Petitioning Continue*s dleton. lihio fre*hnian %llan ••• » regular Wetk'.v romlc characters Th* • hi' iinnc le"tne»d4v Itonna sawatrke. laprrr • •n Building vheie *'»• \!V V 4, . r-e r . 1U55 and ..f the rhtlltps M-da! on £ tor 5»!ud»".' r* n- Df 'l ifts mu* l»e nnctf «".d HT M«*.»dc Wet Yak*-lev j Pa!t| •iiprniriK ini'ead at Tuesday, the and |»as id Mirier. vera, in Mai. pi «/ , m for confrtbutanu to internal ra<« »iH t. ntinne in 11 returned to 329 St ; inn Set- Si.-.'uni. North W, ilAiial d.iy. border in the ( a -<»- n f - r, , ,n! * f a r* faMiiWa" Paul #•» That ' . ana. *aid Hagrrtv. thaf Mar produc' ■ ••• "1 • , H. . . • ..f. ThursiUy the deadline for re¬ < o*s II. S'.-j »ifH \ all.- i, Hie Po' i o*nt Aon't hold a new# fast time that ino*t tin ' V Pj . turning ndiiion* a F-'e i • . , in p i. .•■a u-ii-:. e W'.Mjn. silay. '.he pu*- ie b«-en atagwrt in K .» trn t*. t>9 candidate* tiled peti¬ i i ■ \ , A* for 'lie p.«ft . ' tions. c B . " t 4?h* ,\ , K ■ r,l '. ,i « a, A .th new vm» n 'Gianni Hchirrhi" lake* place . •' i u-m \* • ;.••••■•» ■ ' i . t . i - .1 m J. ' m ' v fti.ft 'he press scu¬ V lore nee Halt. Ihr *tnr* »* I'm ... f. oi ' . I'm i, Hi, • 'hat out « greedv, «rlf-*reking te i ;• ... i i pnki'eu ah- I He 1 ' 4 Na'tonal Sosuf* nil?. Hum* llonati ha* J»i*t II..- 1* • o r V ' f .i- ! > : • 11 «r'ing ,* scheduled ,. •v < -ir *i |rd and V»l% luppMli grief I IV IT V \ * I.X ti I • • . i.A. to. ! (,n 4 k1 4 Cabinet ie#. kirbm family find* thai their bit grief, ihmat and di»a|» Vrvsidenl u. v of I u. ii -i; Frda> dt-< lined nniinmit plnUneni enme from the fad al v a'f.tti aiMiu* a rfpi»rt that *1 I Ihey hare been exrluded Hie will 9t their rich ffla Proclaims ' , ... I M - (Jm'k )\cck, hie pixwieti! »,aa jkpnt two mea- Aa*.«« *a> TiOet'a Dalai lwtma, jte Bmn. s vb e- p'» '• '»! F. Low Day ho i •. * fnar hui refuge m India Miu'k ' iv* fit for Gods' t».»' ei jun; . - •a# uM'd 'he Chinese | Hn<«a ba# tai led ht* I arrv a< i Oftti-iv t a'el I-» to various hi* reiativt* chant.-«•* but T' »• : ••» . Sfart'li llt'ojii* W.« ket 4.J.I: • •• u of • . ? -f violrt'mg their piedg# f.M Tibet y n of receiving th. n l. ... I. „? Et I. • .n Mr. 4 4 Starts Mav 10 H ig. i ■. *aui he war staiHiiiig 1 en tarn # liarmi Srhmhi rem# h<#jjei« '• - III Punama Wc ii • .if l an-1 !.••» K'»ierU i'af we-jo«* • - ' v-pn- Wift'k • ♦iv 4 v .»f % ?»«• fte; tamiing and general having anvthing i« . (i-.vk Mat 10 IT *•!! fan.-t | Schuvhi an up ■'.ir* ■ •' i'\\ v.; a *' ■ A •• ■•. Set :i MSI I'rofa f . I',.' V , D*i-i>. Mel* , Sue a Ht;.-* W-.-- —pi! «*. F t hn '»w •«*(* " Tt.e ,n of ..i. io.i.i-, rea.ii.iing tvetween anj exchange chief* m» in ^»rt tnchy pr»nn'»itr a* t . »f A* Jm< • H»a»er'o DR. UN'I'M PAI'UNI. tnwrrr rip th# relative# of the •»•*•<*•> • ' ■ '.*• |u*r. H.nlrft Hill Mallaie anil • nil fa h«iab ^ hen Schicchi The evt-.i- agi*es a* I I im *■ : '• uo'./HH ,.yir**.'«n A»ih 'he cw .'fit 41- Da- it* At-*-'. aod h.» I a —s ..c than *?AO0/hsi pcfpgy of the h■.' .. . John suer ttahh. I a*l Hr*an l»«*e l»r«i» «*haw. Mill Myers- e w.. » m ■ •« Qualities C'a !«- t. hot Shaw loan Hurdo and dative* delightful .•»!»,) Pictured i ix iag'i'. * are a; id by \ t. - * !• Mss, -. a for rawearefi and ' l».-. . b..,n.4 I" gl..b >».' Ar.*> ;• . •:•«' Hilt I litrtr, Irvile *»»r of dp;do*I •>.»-h .1 i . . i-t, iH-lae..,- «?!■! r- A • « r 1 ■ i d tr iivei « ■ - M.lft I* H IV •: !*>. -n -cii. k Navcia: Guard D->n of material* * (ef» • . i Tti# Student 8yu p tl ,1 i'.i il.f- ' I "' A • • i . . 'v rowd ju-.v • * 4a- r Cnurrwa, aottut ?0 U»MM>N D Itie f point under i • a •■■■£ , .1 4 4 nnanitta* wtil meet 'v Tue» i« < -i.. *!\*m her* The a'U-'k ..-i Wrttril) Dr OhimU M - V • M is ' ' ' " '9ft ' t*» p*.wety wi.r re.»'i - I id p m in 15 t'tm.n 7>«* ir.f»:rr-,.»V fe*x.r of phssi •. ' ' VfvM- Hoi f I'M. u -•„• . •• e 44*n state How - i.-r 1 w ,-•» t»rr Geoffrey Mtnae. a- IV,. v. • I • ; add after 'be ten' e-j a*. J Anboruo A Ber'io and German setii* »•» til* eUH:trlfiCadl'»» 'f -ft* > . * - !,i> <,- .♦ '>.ak:ng the lofetsor in humanities va.a- . r ft...J Ud new ata'e 18th Century I'- •' r m *• a- 1 n * e*'a> r»f Lurke and Mob an .*•1 • yi uf Bum' • m ■ pUve wherg th# would get diacuMttm will ra a;.: i\.f. .. vivi.f A J interested student* *.* a -ft j . f i * i' a Union Music Room Adds ■ . i " i w I 'o.tft iaHift* * for .• < i» ■■'■t', Edwarts*. te- Ihwrnven labeled Ibe Italrwl It ted to attend. 11* SUp • <1 ^ Max 2 e IV era move a* tragic and aaid fa I (« a a aided to *t»e-a* *fj ' Th« l-aw — IsKAR Prcscnis ( 4t• x there ia heller land tw be fewnd l»* the fia'eu-.'* -rut t'y pre- (> ,r t. rfKcpt A Ordered iubct- There» a place in the Union Bui now. in »»klitK»n to 'he check out th# one* iwloriguig w e>io< a'M»n. W-.iiftiC and spea* h ia Michigan Defenae. Mining. ♦ •i ntcng the 'ww.' chtuai a' range- wfit-.-e s -u i»n re al to your new unit* and a **» r p in mi- the school. par*, merit* »;>ok*» to itudent n#nu a- the Ih aid s-.n.-dy h*hing, and tnwrtat trade ar# the 11 haunter Series p,,. The o. r *•«.•: at J y wtii be he-.d Mi? a tf. Jtur a« a A fwuvar wrtthaut yltml* niche, in the jukebox rh re. a f9i album h'-f» »"d Iff the main r«*gn Mm ;* S gatro-nnga or» Hh-wh cor.« enong*iOftt'i*«•:-. !Fi S,».g is m..*l klaakan adtenlwrera. prwniMUng fealwrew far ! A ' er- '»-sf afe ifls iked 'o •> s 4 Slay '17. ben Disaster S".-k« " r-e- Kuvft.a twing {•!.«*, def#n#r » tears •*' of the "fit «l • i.-i-* a W»ck A , n< i !e |V. *.rt'» new docunicn:.'. y i r ihr) fid t*.*A pia.lrg t-CjUiprncnl avail- made available for u*e by «tu- seating capacity to provuie fac — < 'he biggeat bu»inc,«* t'. S. DEW 2wa.«»-*te;vti aMrijch- Hw-.n street (bnrianii jars a a Voper service kuHUay, a * ill probe ifito Hurra:; be- ti. an-e has f*ea inftfalh*d in th# de.-ti and faculty men.bcix lilies for group discuMioru and me radar Valium, bomber . Mi> 17 * a vict in a emu The pr -^ram a> 'f«wor, said MSI' was Union* ir.usuc txasn Itecenti.v, According to Mua Rtoyie Tex * recital*. grouts held * sexoion there *». and interceptor aitaa are scat- be heard at 210 p m ever* the -.iftiy university wnsw.**t a tnrte n«*-* Columbia atett'opreeuc W hite. Union ictivitiea doe*' 't. F;r># aft* coniiiottee chaiiu an. tciwl over the »'.ate Several Since its bcgimiibg in 1949. law school k, »*beerv« Wia day. »#*.« were added to ihe yxiatir.g ibteiier* auyth-ng* Ton. Ni*-en, Iron Mourwam ahota A |-" faviL-'c* may fr«an B#ft-thov#n s ' Seventr. Sy u- enjoy the roohi haa t*en the awr -»f junior, said that tentative plana //I'll Thrmr llrmllinr eluded a«dual U. S. reaethw# l# air base operaUuna in* e *enes. produced b> the The numeiout music muaic located phooy" to the "Twelfth .Street programs l: v-iiiity &f Texas. *'>■■ *'• I'll I Kii/i/ki I'ii In Mrvt the third fkaar of the Union * roun. on H.i«" by Pee*Wee lluai in Lest year, under tTo« direction are u.'»i(er*ay thjv term f »r stu- dent recitals and programs to All liviuc Mil* mel turn an aaaumad defenae buiid-up* aie predicted attack Even larger ? physical, cmoUonai a i in their water carnival theme* F. o.t-. and itudent initialed .• -utfj -wing, way for a U>r.g tu;e on# of the four a#un.l p' -of of the Union Board * fir.c -a."* stimulate appreciation of some fur the future in th;» area. I h»l*rm 3-5 p m. Uata* in 317 T ay# tcp.c, "Who* '■ ;a-.» Phi Kappa Phi. »• , .rtuoliy unuard by Use itudent booth*. committee, several prc»4ia:ua pf the !e»a familiar art# *iudeni Her*k-ex. fsinto will "Have plane and then will ,v*r-r i-'*.ie*y. a hi mtwi UftJIjr orcauie of outdated Ti An S'iditional booth hou««» a were preawmcd in conjunction TVie Mum is optui to vveryona travel" could ha the cude u| ■Charge Here?.** will he Msrtag * ibemea new I pr- toii-ma of command and ui- Uxlay in 2bi Pr.ya*cs-14atn a? i r pm pc. u> jg. apha w«| w urn piano. Loaterier* may also bring With th# Ledure-Confert series except cfuktren sev#n days a late. ewveCMMi U lag •«*■ W* but week kwn 44 #-■*. and §-8 pm. iNctna, p rn, . At»rl M Book Bor lovers Commence "INrilnar, Some Of Thaw Non-Teren. Are Get I in* Llowuriflit InfrienHly ' Iiii|H'(liiiH"iils Seen to World Court world tries to live b;.. t. Hi .1 M. ROIURT* Eisenhower and during < O Assoclated Press »«« Anilfrt r«ve*.t \t*a to live by. are merely Literalisiv h'uCiling Service \o.« Vu Pros;dm- Ni\.»n has -.landing* between men wh \V'('h the U-so!iiA" of N'.r.«ns die or pav< out of po-i''- M M!-- > Tf-1 that .tit futon* n'ri -. . v n-s.hte.TA : .after' World War riariona agreerr rnls Vhotiid con- responsibility. I! -he rr.ited Nat., r.* could The thoughts of dead ■»! it i now i v' h f.m \ r ,o •j.u c!au-vs fo; Miomi-t >n of Till" NOOK RIVII'WtR' over M>nie of its functions, a dead era offer little e» 'he • dmt 'e . ••d a.< ,e interpret a* :ve t<» U- ioi.v a 'he k.' ■> •• the name of the Permanent W""!d Court, with the. stgna- upon which judicial de. 's apint"r. !" A.:.) - of Interna'iona. Justice be based. Kver >i::< • " ' •.• o.n • • * ' *" a " v as changed, no; with i-ony. 'o rewt *"e Court's deei«?« t»'v. abiv. the preser.t a-t-cven: over nie. is. which could then b« The idea of 3 norid court to >ub.iect to judicial rathe 'Berlin, wouifi bs* submitted to H ^.ch ha* •,ris ;ou!d take then unilateral interpretation, .iiav^l l! < the C'Hitt Khru damental eonfh"!* such s* 'he As for the friendly r„ •ears d<> ♦ ha* perhaps tier*' h.oi been v.-,ir have ever handled would the M other NATO p, a . 1 #■". , har.4»-. but rot ;u- much as the that »a>. v» • v p - MP. ii-ft-"t tries to make gain anything by taking Y\ •if ■.. -.ns'ifar as major mat- to court her out. over recent tf arc concerns i. the xistwar ston to retain direct cor <■,, - ha* more ofren appea.ed Rinding lifrlsiolt of her Mediterranean fleet i J j,.. i*.(. na: !;ke a 'ra«tee in ba- Then the court would decide than submit it to Allied ov * ney have a i> ruptcv rathe- than a living ar.d what the »Utus of Berlin The idea of an interna*! |„ decisive factor between nations. jrmuid be atwl ever, I**," >, nuld n>»*nt t.r Si.n • > ■ ..." . - je . • • n reign of law is. like the ihoi, ; !"o iu-u- '• !(,•, jI! V ''I : d {'••' ' I Receive* Impetus 'jf bourwi to follow .*< der ision. the United Nation* itself • .f on ...■•• • i ;• . v.. S .• -isa H" . I- Thai ar o\ernrav n picture. ideal in a field where man The He*, though no* a pra.-* - .* ' • •»"h fi"Hi 'r »■ l Mate Nn > have his goals even tlv a r«, a; ■•••a. h to ,t. - nicrer.- r« u I ton.i 111 \ SJte«. I renrli Itrpurtm nt - >* mar.s iu'er- the prospect of attaining • | fji: n. . vec • •• npetu* n:,-;..-M .s£r» e' «hu-'h the is in the faraway future, under the adv>-acv of Pie*tuent Tin; IMMI N>l HM KM N :. ,• M r » to I \\ on III Kxelmli' Freshmen CLASSIFIEDS orett » ftanrinm lluu-e. N ^ . I'•*.'» - Mi pp CAMPUS Till HI I* MHIIIM. Study Reveals (iliausre ED 2-1311 EXT. 261S u !.■ • •• «• • ■» • Projiosed for l»()T(i DHUlUNKS: 2 pm MO KKFORK PI BI.ICATION FOR Tl'F.S., THI l!S.. AMI I 1(1. EDITIONS MOS. EDITION DEADLINE: 2 p.m. FRI. WKD, • • • • iI IHTOK'A NOTI : The * follow in* At Wi le appeared in the Sen i" i), i >< • ■. kt «• ' ' f »•!' " ! -J I". York Times \pril l!.i Bill- I'a.ablf 1-12 and l-S Mnnda. Ihrwuph Kridnr • • . tiii W" ».•• >•«•"!.#; • ' I Kit I '••••■ I I l||S IMI'OSMIil l ..Hi .iiu I'le., 1., he line more than Itno colleve am i» ithe three niiiitarv Mi* tn«.k i.i" if . ... *. r.- ...... 'hi.', D I f let Wbi> •ifi'Mir* o|MTate IteAprve Ottie r- |f««iisi*iV-' ' "rji* pco/rams. • Olif Hi. n ' The HI»T< i« varioinfy reynnif 1 CI ASSIP'C1 RATES PERSONAL I• i s'ai. I aii'l '• .in i.fet ... 'he el.' '■ ' > a* an tm- FOR SALE • ■ m.rbmum 15 words II H e iv .'I' ! • Ml.' ' • horjaiit fontnliii! ion t«» 'na' i«om • ;; •' " ■' " ' • p A1 f FHAN7. xnd la>on ■ I • •• ii;. it' e. i" .' • . i ' until -'•?-'»* *t tp[nut lii-cip!:ti. • .. '.v.t*'. ; . : ' • . 1 d., B5: take ' hm »ii to the . - n ..iutu.n is. ?! • » i• • • • 1 pro-.'e*-. 2 A- i $> <5 4 A S» T S I) \e-b '! heater box Otfice . it it.,**e- HrniK ID • v: • • • al'i . _ rxpi-i > . ' nn:.! ' ti» I e .. ! oj IIB *VTigt*F l.A.MP Ml IS PIT A : , • ■ , i : • • 11 *n wi .j k u|i"l. . dwv S2 25 »StB ,."-u«i»rt nationwide W 1 .iii ■ a ii put' the :• (u Him uhaclr* eh; ii *50 4C • .• ii ,-*o 5 d v '* .epair Never rloied ' II . He t,,. .1. Ii' ... a. TCS*. 0**0*0'; ith INVITATIONS A20:T.~»'AI C' .SalS WEDDING l> I ' tl .' f,,. - - i.-Hi'tg Prune Tl' 2*3»'ZV llpet IOVS'O*. SF?S i:»i AUTojjpTlVE .» IIMIM M I Ms •INN S «aCOU£TS f. THE UN EST IN om»)C s » C (>f r • i4*i r wmtH) The Plavttova P I , • y . rf'rnv. i H w 2 IASEM.i C4»S Hi Strteti* formerh Jim Voor .j Je k B'4jii. Hai ti* Je. k*on. \'. i • tSNSV.ANA TfNN'S IA.LS d»"4r« ami oilier* Contact Rue Vd John l out hi lit Asenrt IV S-dHL't | SOf ..S MODERN-AfH* DANTE r « i Letter* V to I Ik* I'iililor P.'t.ular i iumr at » popular t • D.. . Click UJ 7-733# I WM'T HAN* fs KENNY DAVIS OltCHKMTRA L I ol/Hilary HOTC Favored. .*« .. A ■ > 4 II.n-- novrc Hr,; 4" T*"t e «v »■'• Si^fcA' SK.ars |a&S - I . • I «r REAL ESTATE f •.. » i»n" , tS J ■> nt' H BEDROOM HOl'SE f to tin- liliior 4A N C0a*< j .• i . an ovine- Pink Cape E od It, <>• s*o»t YM,a*s s >h I • !<•♦ un lull, two-ta • I*,, '(ifplicri, wall-to-u* '•« Hi • (H V*A* CHi*»04l? S*» '.A JACIPS % - 4 • Oil! naeement $>1 «•# d> : ■A lv* I a: « ' ill Uir CC O'^f* J The *•, . „ I K . • STtCIS' |a»£A N< y « « - *»f r ■ ••• •41 *0*0 « S *• SO* »Ji R*ANOO* CEN't* SERVICE «** g if. ii* 4 .<1 thi 0* iii 1 4 • afTa.i * I*IAK SFFCIAUSTS Michigan SI it I «• Ncm> if 1 hen 4 .• ,4 h* p: r-pr Ri »1Y ••ejK .MWI, progrmr pi FN V. N TM| V. |F_M iTi CC"'J T"0't 4 .. i" 1 ».i \ can ha t r « 014 (HCCiOUS S6U0NUH in,' ■ i* f 1.»t ♦hr roiaiKmahip •r . I,r ■ >' ' « «, * [, .» • e a "if !». tf.r» II),. . . . 5*UDNUT $HO* 'a* e% «n |4 . • , . eg :i .a: 4"ll;lf A* 4 cure*"! • r. .... . I- ."J. Ii"' 4 spartan aviation inc ft '44'. . • p lei ... .411 after' ai.A> ttie itlduoe# K . ," A uli-d i 4»- KdArr IV * * e pffnp.e atiarti u» nw militorf 'ne imttM* «f Wte |ii 1 I (Itlor ln rhirf .fhl| ( aiUhan MIIIUI» Is Lf nit vsioii*! Norif I.train Kiniutrdir •n<1 siae;f 1— iiiii iwioa Wc« w«H*,c. * - HOUSING Menacing editor lUnli I In e-t •*«*» e«4 •» * 14 40 . « ' Hiimikv, \| 4ii uri loliu S|in |»h» • »o •"•*» c for rtnt I In oUlioo lllfei toi Paul I sin INFORMATION N i r jM ♦*e>e!ef ekaHr' HM'MNTl Cap*#1 C't* Ai.pprt IV * ' « <-«>vsp:,f ; v., m. >ut a*, thmm 4 4 I lit tl It Sit |IF N T FftilCfiON * HOKSHBAI K RIDING-H A^ I Crossword Puzzle t»IU• 4NI/ \ I It»s € * • »i» • j • > - , a Ap-ii Triple 2»» P MaP Ka-.rt. •• lie Opeiiitra ra«f **♦ ' 4 « 4 > ' »1P *1 l^ke i^meinf Hoed » lit. ' 4' 3. ED !-♦*. 41 It OAS tn ralHtna. \ ••!!«« *)•• «• . :,!Ri. ! 11 4S AG* •»» • W • A 1 ** IMPING IN MY hun e MinuK' l Avl CAIS 6w*«aNT|(0 T ... *. tm >'.e»» iep.»rt« eu IV a-MUZ I A if:lit f. . ,',T - ; • a Staff - - • il 4 Itr * »«fc* • NO UiT T|*MS HICKS LAUNDROMAT : \i •«. i.g .* . Sl| h' »«.!..» Sr-4. .1;: * M' h ;(-» AN a«»i«<4f.l >«»• Hr. krrteh. • i-.danl iH M41&"'. ..VlAT CHlVAOiE* DKO* OfR ROK SIIF Hi" »4,ier >!«• »l....k 12 I »itod»f|f Sl«G' Mitt 1 i,4, H..... r * her i»4' 'rd a d C-. a Nu*til Itii* An in " ttill M k»n* 4 tkirliliii wf SFFClALlZE IN D*0* C*» •• lion S.abl A4 *«*t' H«f ilt u t Is G ' tl,.'. ,11. • aNDL£S FOK STU0£NT: t) ClUllMjf I Wfai.ii# r## t. Soltlllnll to * I'tilllr Jj-. Ht'. (kuwllflltn' r . . 0 r4?. I# D«H'um«n| >tf Let" IT C Hystrtultf » m Krvvti i#uee 44 H»'Si "■* *1 i Sfrcp Mr. « S«! «4i *1 Ilia H«*%«»' 1 .t 5 Itwll hr '»»r ' r». ai t- Kur-i -w ' . Nil t»*. Michigan Stall* Nrnst •OOMS TYPIST ANN BROWN Z-.'Ha*' -..'.■era tie.irtr and theaia. lv|4*n"rr •'*« g»ne»a' P» puri'P |lllt* A| '! : , «..«»' . llfait lUih bt M«»l • * sttidenu and I a. alt* FOR RENT La »' » ,.)# HIN4.; ) -t t> lnk«h.s«nf 4* I 1 I I e. Wo * ■ M*r *OUK LAUNDK* of 0Ia|Ti * It it *'!»«» V«Ml . .* \V' . *> v. b# :t,» LOST and FOUND 4A : MI . .4 I - 4 . .. , if # I . * ». « If Rutt % 6 a He * Ai'1'1 " | M A/r « I A^ <* ■.... - .HE S (. *«.•»»• a 4 • I !*(#*• - . .61 4 r ViliM# Cif»j #n4 4 !' «•••» i» r*.« * I o> it« Kit •' :• jn.Hr *.-.1 4,. ., ; Mi 4f 4t* FOR SALE •' • •>' K • A . ft Mow *u0* »trnr.| f> v . • r 1? u »«. * '... 1.' Y.»u >•»-. ' • ,M" '.c- rn j-e ' ■ u--_j I. LANSING LAUND*' RvtWr »> H. . ' -e at April -O | '».*»«» -a ■ W >.tm t .. . t u :. ♦. PERSONAL ' I4 "f - t , - t : r v radio %rj#vn r »pe. 1 i>'.r- t«. atudrnte New a; T ■ar-' J.3 :«v* c " v;\" V , * , * i T f • a n 5 -ir-. s«,u«r Miee free u •* . • e •< 4.4 et*«.i ' • »• •»'...!• -,*r * a::v -V? V '•'«• « •• , - Te***r-e. .1 ir. to a ; ( \ Te»huuiAi* Co, :ai22 f f ♦ -* bv a»-1*c \~«AS ... r. 14 «\ 7-ssaa • ".er r . «i r H 4. itna'- 'iiif a tM«>kc ; -a .e vrtT ik:.A» * Si, m envelope S4. • * ', -4*e po*M,v.U' - ' • fewt I»av J4 t • . *»«- • - - «btj' a--, IAT.AWAV TOMOKtr-eS ■ il " a 40 ♦- '■» I"!.-.,ed it , Gift T0DAV £0* F>N(^ »-•- me 1#-. *.. » 1^4 H J" , ♦' . SIKCTION. u . . .« • t #v" Jv "sT # S. ' Phki • '..a,,..y VAX ftOU CLUlS • »» M*.'.»!>» ■ « • 44 44 ' Wm, H. 0 lie J'f k L. 41 '4 • ,■* t ... loT. .»«. ,11* *-£ ,'\i • *«• Thompson c j' Jaweler • . . - . f « I g M iter ha 4* r4 » ' • He- %• •» r . «.•* «.«• • , e I" .* , £'»»40' Sk«cp-| Cf '*• i' t " A L ■' , - ^ • ♦v s-i- ;•« (i " * **»»-** uc o., tan .» I'r ds»i transportatic FlANDOl tfcCtF COwISi Mb' BAKER\ DEI l\KRx Ml 4) . n- RIDERS MAVrru TO j a,'- »4wo.;« de>. wrpted rafc, temna JR ' leaving April 7'4».- reumr • • RMS ■a nr 4-rna Mf**e t ?*-h Cuntad Peggs. ID | «*a ' 7 pan. I AnnnCAV STATE NEWS Tour of iet Nam Police rampii* rtACrMI NT RI RR1U j l)r. Thornton April »«. ID3§ Page Threw 'Bl llnrhelne'a degree (Ml Master* (Hi Doctors Where no de- | tree i* indicated, all degree level* are rligihle to Interview. To Herri rt> Made hv (lenewe i.rimimil Psvcli Lender lo Lecture OPENINGS EOR THE EMPLOYERS EOLI.OWINfi MAJORS Hrrofniilion (loinily Seniors ilte- l.'te- To I,a. Ki.foiceme !nd MSU Visit .. S'earns. rf d. <"or- • ■ 'e n-, and the Crim.nai < if APRIL !2. IWf» MSI* •• .. Sciencc-Drivcr Kd.-Ma¬ ' . v Ohm '.em pr-ui. ng high Lit there **» part of an inapec'ion tour of United States chine Shop (Ml (Ml, and Mu¬ d ' g.«n and hea • •units concerning h ..ilege eon-• ON VII. IIVI.I.ROOM DANCE CO I ICSES I'l'mn i« the basis for this |iice facilities. sic (vorall (Ml (Ml Women* •■tge* at \1S( • W r;'.>n a pn.gram. a> cording ••• .1 • ARTHUR MURRAY • As lenders in polite work, 'he Counseling (B) (Mi l:i are attempting to learr a (.adds ({darn Com.r.g Glass Wo; ks Mecii. (Bl (Ml En«is for en- Ik' «■( c., ne ■ .'uri'.ug! •(> MS' -on, Adirim>frati%e A .•'.r.* ' V e-Pre*id»ntt f«»r A--adem.« |i ch a bout American j» • i .• t «• g.neering or rie.-i'tn. Chein. • B» .' »•« : a t e ■ ti active du'> *...• •« '.ere not g.. :.g on to THE BROOKLYN CENTER >up visited Jackson State P- - • Saturoav from Spe .ce A t r various acctg. positions. the Kalamazoo P. .■ p>. ! ■ • Ge. Che: try (M) (D» for re- j AKF .r 15118. a" He late; r>• r« t'end college LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY bdment. and the MSP »... ... 1 . T-3K •rarch. SUMMER SESSION ..lied F..i:» * I'rixon Still Twist* • ■ it. ► unit ologv iBi (M» majors ( 0JI1 gr yiuilrnlv in %• w V«»ri for the nuninrr »rc •.flrtrd ■.eftiire* concerning the oper P u 'enologv und« rgi .i lu.ite* il;" '•I'jHuiuiui* in ram 4- 1114m e >1 urdiiv ' 9."»8 T':oi 'mi n ait- Vn« of the I crier*I Bureau of f »r summer employment do- >■ • ■*. a< a IdilKiF. >!..»• — • yet pi ainl 1 .»vmotnv 4' '• fii h>* >11 limn <>• r -if A Irslif alion and other allied 'ill anal>sia v»f tomato •• :• ' Ho '1 ' ecurit forn yt. h- •4 I . • •; »(rt 'uimmi s l^ Jlllir » 4ml |ulV i> • . ip.vernp e: t «■' '-on .cl; oi«K-k Si.ndav function* urrr . '.ducts • -i "ren.Ai k.tP'n e«i pos*• 'Jo j.nlr * ' ihiHf "I • Hi" ' v in ihr < ".'cge .,1 | .Itrial presented Mi '■<*n -rrtroS of " The'Diver wv *»; game. Physical or Adalylual ; - is .if edge of tens; .. -1iJ 1 .. .gned V < .i d Vn ■•>%, ilu t "llrgr <>t ftuyui'W Atltmilivirjlum ♦ «n.p. ♦•vemvni* ann eonsMut ef- Aside from poltn- a<'n * « !;»:ry (Hi (M 1 (D> ma- i fi.t'thei the .1. *fiv» Mo '.ma S'.ite Prison and "ir t .14*1 14IC Nyimel delegation vim ted • t e n .vng i.ige and rul- lion a- e- mpc a'fe- p* ' as ,'liiM.ii • ;> pi.'.nlril le vnull 1 4inp«l« «<»h»grv hut ule plant in Lam . .. ' . - an; technical service. RtriC rommissinned off tree - m the l'mte.1 staty*."' m ••' • > Sat.1: 'ay. 4- 4 |m..hi * Ni a N"ik I 11 y caviiv ira.hrtl hf all viibw4>«. when it witnoi-u f . alumni. 11 Leonard ( . .».rv jlf H14II • time modern Amen*, at au* \pp'"4< • .in |nt Ihf Nillimiri ViviCTtW *TC »MI» hemg I-ion in action. fiainher and Knhrrt fireen. •net base officer*. were llnnnali Attends a> . ptcil \Vi«ic plmrirviM «MI • •>( V dm 1 «n in I It. T'ie group ;> now >r. > • as It; bikivti I 1 iitci I ill. i < ir p * 1 Hi• "k 've I. will to W;,* so-tn journe\ .. N ■>••• 'or ; .a . f ti Defense Meeting n y Plume I later J 908) K< guiiaiton ni4v be timiplr ryi STORE YOUR hi- \ ;ng a. ['on, DC. • a! ! -■ S cure i* al»" hv mail jne of the ^ j„ . iaiuiuiK ba-e 'o, Pre, tent John Hannah 1* *t- Day and Evening Classes »ng Phong, comm.!". F. h 'wvr «k; hi* fre- l«ng » aid Ur r 0»*¥'0' 0»0' "ii iul 44 r:l Guard's fama . ,.i. g a of th* Pel .« m G( at'. ■* L ha.* escapes! '3 .. It,.-.- o.'c u a-:4e . y'r» a" .« nanen' Joint B<»ard oft De?en»«- attempts H • P" '- '.\e • ••! fie eat let* *x. "fid l anada-t'S. in Norfolk. Va •.vt in con to. i •■!.*. *,<■■:. . *.' ai 'ouna • •; - a siing I>t HaruiAh act ve* a> VS i tie?. .ri-, ;»<•'. k CLOTHES so -• a> oai - ■•■ha.;'can «n thp Joint Board inning Van Ve a * a e\ v: rise ex¬ una! mvestigat.or. o Hannah will return to campu* cept Geotgia peache*. analyze? record .. Wedneeday'. nnal activity. H» v »rmation abou' » : »n* in his coi.n: a u . I'rofessor I'lnns p« to of determine -he eder poller . :T' • Trip lo Scotland *41. tl? ia4 24S avail, AT not her lr Van B" rv J.'i- avm .ate 1 # - able in time-saving ituiy i i-nmmihMoner in vugnn a • o' , !, ;> and Inc. ;?*- aid* Outlines •nmmarie* wf •TIE CAHK AND KF.EDINO UK ROOM-MATE? of tun million people, lie H. C." "et A' Mich- each iwiinrl reading MM Jurisdiction over 500 poller- S" •< eaek It -M. COLLEGE CLEANERS i. Improved polu r adminis- 'ho •* »■•! lion procedure* and recur il i. ( r nf V « n . r Mil,Lit Tt'TOR SKRVICK II » '!•• 'If mtenanre are the arras in >IUg\ „r G..« g"'-V tMtker* Setknllyt IniverMtv Hull P. It!' Lull irh he Is mainly interested jyfo: •• " V , \ Ww« ?M R*r, 120 W. MICHIGAN DRIVE-IN PH. ED 2 4713 ! un i«-r Communis' nil* } in, Juiw 30, re- Dallaa S. Teaaa nveinls-r of tl.e a: ..u. < K»e t-e. ing V.«n H . ■ . *..hi* vummer » . »rv »•».'.•! r.««»m »•» it»v •••i.-ii »•''•'• • •»• i *f o*'!h I « ■ .*• t Int' n ttc national point- e» • n •'.# Uepa ' %■ ♦*»;' f he S d • <•' * s'tatliMi •1 • t. giMg f" 11 iiiitii1- 1* • »'-iv Inur K«».'«e « ' - I; my'. ' M ' rooumlor* **'•• til... .'I [».»! .1.1 th . • k ■ r I -.1" mate* i* th • The last roe-tibc •• EYE HI-LITES ■ . ^ 1; -yr -11 - I I - 1'' 1' ' not'**' " Nguyen t '.rig i »•!» a- »ry. d.iCiSol ■»! . u»« ,,i 1 • h* DRY CLEAN AND STORE .; 1 . - ' . « h ... ir. < ^ ' * ' •♦ \ 11 ■• ' ■ W •■ " •»'•( I .l» » li ixon ry Rot livfrUvr Dr. Joseph B. Gutstein HASHING TON viicaus' ,.r, *.iirt P',' new 1r Sun t ' N.»: i H V 1 ' e • • a WINTER CLOTHES NOW! Ww \ "i'■ . gofy.Vi a ill ' ^ e lU»SH n %ll \ lmhilaili> lioialo Mriuin •rrteU ISa11v %l»" iviiioit Rakrii «.<»•«• mi cuam , 'kirtf uyiMaina Itf lakr Out t'J a": siV:V•«•«.» TORRES B l" R.« «t ». in-. '. ..1' | i.r 'i, .«t iiiti»'i'»nt 'pi 1' •» a co 'if r ■ I. .« tl .t hr , I !■* •■ V y« tiy > ''H Ml" ■ in - eld >« • - "he »pn« ai * will havr !•• tiave in- < 1 iliw« • *• r*•• t t«i h' *• »*4 whici.-eaa I'r.f »■ naiad ar^d about the l»«ti|er»hle llUi«.i'ne III *• t. It »• wtiietitiw* Rytly «iv WALJ-ACE'S 4 , new eve I* thu to' |h».ii I* I »»iiilled one 'due I f«*»[• I rernl'lalt who nit under »e?en ieet '»'! «ml wighwtt rmydiHrrnr ANSWER n. four h'liuiml |wmiix|« I lwre * ten t » l.lewaed ti I hi* entire until »ne n I CONTACT ««>n I hi* m l» completely not »«' When adapted In a per- .. . I • >* I » ' ' • •» ®n« ' pert to «p«>t the ten*#* an .. , |in i , , . i «• ..1.4' u w • |e*« that a he knows In advance person •• wear-.g the pi AND DAY PROOFING h» 1 !>• ml M-yt f digri «• =1 Jul *• »•' ,l.*l »► -X iwi .« 'iird apph- turn P.ok •■» ' 1 • < ' *•* *•' «' niakt • |i»]f!yhle 1 ••"»»! in-yte- Not tiie lr,cl ■.'■•• ■> r k.i«' »-• Ql Is||aIN DELIVERY SERVICE SERVICE 11 • . -1 . , .y' M ■ VS > I. ; - wr• Impn 1iret'e* | id-' 1 <■ • • W>-"» ■•■■' > ' I\ # » If I *eie et'Ait. that I tfu-i d contact lew. all f. |l, . h»l ».g-, "I *• 1 > fralut »' d * ' A ■ SM V, >4. i w wld be mure Hkely Fliiitp \| .1 r .• ■'•> \»yv Ipfttyl d lo be m>». »'ed ai getting ! I o go .(i In -J'i' > Ig * ii«iu Ui^te led -- ioe"ic »*h< * 4 s MWT,e Could l" «. ,r w.-ll a»;oi». 1 I like '•• keep i« ♦ •• ' ' •• • id 't - I anAWIK the ehli « ■ • 1 ••• H .1 •• " esaraination ft - ,-t' • • 4^ Il • »• it ■ i rill, ,..g 1 : • * 1 '■ It." 1 optical aer% tee would make a suitable pa¬ a , !•„• . „■? ; » • .. <,» W »* yiH-.i'.tMd «'i '• " « M. W. C . JEN "I N tient tlillmm •# ran tact lent I . ... . i .Mm. ' •*• •» ML B. C. JONES wearers, the wurld atef ran l» - • v • . d 1 • ■ .... a DR. J. ft. SIXOS hardly he wrong- r- • .'Ofxj " » . I It '•'•'•• k " • Reguttrcd opi.wicfnail WALLACE Dr. Joseph I. Send inquire* m CmMom Kent Deluxe Cleaners tialyyo the »tn*t. W .dUJ iM'Vrf t(,ey« |W * M't *lli>wci iv • "4 lad Urubi — ortoittTtiif rruOOfa n»a» 211 S.;Washington IV 73)522 II gyyy, »ff *th»ned In rr««i tht itrrrf hit gourarf/ f« a |fl W %«# stale tm, t onist ami »im k n/»«»n /''■ op t#,,. f i». ooistantliog «'• ""f Theater Writ- Uftlfl MM» Tan stag—| §7 >. U j filing l-n |»l Ittnftnl 1-0321 non hit ti ri§aitttr» •»• tlnr/bom. "»» Ai(«r cfgnraff* ntlR ktit*/ "m»ktn'%." tuk toot pUamit. KVM3 IUi I |)».l.l.jI I.S 'jl.IISI.ll \I!) IIIMAS #JVU SI IAM 91JOI1 xods S)D|9 N»M$ -s j€ |}».».>ioiii|;>«II 1 OI H VlOUXISM II AMI I nos.ut\ t, i jnr s.,* I >Vh\ qsiiiMi \I1|I| siniM. I »|'l sI IMA WSM | riM • a .l., i V U|-!| ,i« |,i... | M |,rji. 11. V : KOW I'VSA }£!!) | K(S), yiIAAA BA -)C4 V1.VIIHHV \U \lll< IJJ.I Vl.lJO» !}>u \\ |\\ H|} ■ H'IHIHI jiuii- Ud ijiinS 1 )iopl'I !}"l'l'I' ' ^ !i|7» XJI-HI •) V mmm ^llKJ|PII1 P| |t|«|»" l(|s' //llaal'I( |'MM| JMUU ^)tjoinj ni )(ji \o m 11* ).VMOIA.S A %1 OVI V oilj|l!) )qi, OJ |i»*iU'!i ,}"i-'Ujfn j'.'i i\ '' ){l)(Utsl.|\ )iS ou jqfr ijHijj 11,(,. B « -r M "l.j )». pjjjK( OJ )qj l.dliiljfil -a'.a-.iil• !i , v \ fi.l.- 1 !Vs-vlA s*lW4|*u ,ta . . «• • I:J.V ?^ 1'Vflil. • ^ jo g;« qijs q«» ux'.d•- •> «. ; • •' 5 •• * Up lwo j i"i- r | pdjdUid U aq« M9\* «9 ,.,d jrnis ftNld {)J.lltIIUS m|d | JJ|IUf4|«|l« "Wl|J **• d||uq|u« loop qr|| 1 oj » r|| **J i .mun iu |uu)ul% qu V .!.A |a.u-)q|jpk V||, iiijro urjj.s .|,»|rl»»u iujp- l*U||J|Ji |.p ||J»qi- ^ |u pid juiijtq iq« iiri|ru* 4i;i | |\r|vnir/o« |J(r» jjriH I»||||MMJ>| «| JVIUJ )U |u ld|iid |qu n.ujdp N jnjt Miiquni ■ M'I I "si ^sfoj ]seBna yi)*iu. ) ik||u |ii*i ) rjj » rd| IA V i'Oli M«ujj a.|iq !»« qrtjiuru yiq %».|tnp|iAq jjrjqjp liM A )(«w •• i| » iuitriis I M'I > r||i I "J'I'M |\«uuJp* ««»l m«l« |'«M mi q«»« jlJ%| ddU NU IUJIA|P JJXNA «up U|ri u| ,jjuiip iu SU|JJ ||»uiJ Aru sujau. »a iuotup «M«nup q« OtrA >A®IPJ*S I !<« |US|« 4»|>M| \| k«| )ti UIIJ- ,pu diijqjiv xJ'uiajp j|PupjuBs mu/nd qaut !| u »j«ijp m■ i wutdjWJ s|iou • |ju||i „/ « soilop |U ||tf» i*|U WIDHIOVN *;*!,ulf UJ«P» •• •• IC'V y«p*»t* ll UJUl | no .I OV-l l« i M-* eup I.J11JMX MM... . ».i ■ >Ul|1,.' .)••« - t»0 ( jriuiJN «l OM iqjI'. I"• vt i« i» u •» k *> . *•'-.* J" I ti t itv »•-: VOM >HO\A.I\J* o\ YK4MO YS l i YMl.J S AIIOS VI l i.YMI <: i" , -ivup !J- dt . . JM- S J'* tA 1 MM MM « M" w N» « ;p NlA .!* a»i l.'l AA 1' XN3 H1WVMNVN1A UfNNA SIMA #,U* o'» i i | ivi vi-'> I **tA'• ANU SIJAI.I i.»i| J/ aaU|| *•' I IWJI'MP 9 — Kf|M*aqjj — \di' \|'M !«»•»• VI?o t 1 ■««« | M OJ V MMVNNVan JVWI1A MVMI f MJ lCNlNpU .U .(iJ ta . .. | qqrlw N»U I I lfHI — f "'la •"'! si '« \i *•-" s?it tii.*|W % • H< •* MU«qiiJlq 1 A i»: a' ^amiuI N3WYlMVai* SI SI' IV » NI SI 1 1k KU|iJ iu qi( iu ii- *a• li.VOVI » MI *I 1 1* t »l | OH|» ,ru | »ru» |«i « ■ HP q»l| tqJ a llip I.0.3 l . il< > l |4« dirop 1 no no «|i t . MM '»d«|li|ur » »l muiiildi u | H ,nrU V %."3 1 •<. u*JJ iqJ qj«p mt uaqi- .u • . - - - >» '•>!. HV HUH.4 : - H «>q|n'i" , . |1 ri » «»» liM 1 *no j t iiuroNJa in.>IJ,| |]nt«d|| rup imu 11.uu4p MIII IV 01 lM.til ai >ii.irtu l.u % 111 » -|oqu s »• |)nt«d|| tj III A } ttUUhjA dP uu iqj jjxiij !|auii|i( j«4>jp j|.l|Ppj||iM» r, MI 1 k|inj>|. t\i — V /«'•/" /• II1 I.I I « J^NNAWPDH[ IOO *V » SI . » | JIM'W • II • rJtoup qf»d rup I >M<1 «N|N«P hiijuji iqwt (N»;.^r >i .0 *dil | iriM |«i ■ r I o% %i)*j|a« -\r — «| tt>oi|ijp.|ip ... - 'tiH.. V •»<" 1< u*. "I I/ . »o |>f iUtJJ iiuiM qujdi n«MO > tr - J IHr llllilitlUllU QiNisrwsaOdJ |4J ]O 4U1| I/lJ lruiA 1)4 m9% 1 ;♦ ' • |«« |AJ1 qppAl aa mxa a 9010* q< .j.,*»"* ,iiw, ,r ■» AN|ii M/iA ui.pj 9 «JAI |vni|tJ «^OJ«tilUf .NMM •/ | ll|W t , a il'J" *ua-Mt 'h«w ]mm ||o»iHsiaa gaiA3 |N NU^lh POM M>*" IS '•-» ".i^d » yiMiri \u >i nit SM .aM• »•* 1 **- ' iM H- of s \ n»|i|»n utut i\ r ^IUN i\%o wo l *» W\.u lf; f'u *t j r.a I S .TI i» I'MIJV.I \ l| III I a"-)•q , » lM * «► pui*«iJp J OJ j .U • » , • JOUl d«d iJ'MK *1. ;1. MSW liM CMI ,rn i-i <:i: iftrHUh \|*» . *NU ;ut< ,»a * * .J'MI \OW SIIOU l\l! mm pi j u»»m f*»*l OiU♦"• I V * - l"tr| ltr'« .U* «.T * • J !*IJN.'tj !J' OSJlS.SI \l a » oq*A PV iUUI^N . IH ssal *liM NOSi 1W31A.I 0III1 1.1H3 »qj«j slwa i iaiiHM frjq frjuujjp s llMII !!trf-kNJtr N»v •*,*«. i I ad|v« fqu MMi»uq«|M| KJ )» A trA lt w* «mv UI||1 IU | M |lUI» "|#A * M 1<*" S<» • RAM" •»*> *uu^u-. .a IJ»I nit .jyn •* .1"* | »M«df| K|ip ) IIJJ |)o|,M,s»,U *iP ;«A.\rjp«% *|KU» ;uj t o ]* * )f»xr u nu*< < * nq • siuf'j M*» *» 1|10 |>(>i S|iol< MIS *°* Ttriu a-fd \{>t i-'•" ?11 * * * » nus n I )lliJ WMBBOMJP *IJH ll l;U'A»-i»i%v ■«; .*i *■' u*|tiiij|p AM*, fo, os NU , '>T» iu *HW M«.'. •» VWI V'udH a \|»|" |}f»\ KU | ||>\ II»»IU»| V|*.»>»»i.\ r ,m • V' M• *"TJIPJU ;4U MT|\»u ,u - NI330 VNQ 1N3 OBVQ.i .-LJH3 DMWAII JUN-.up MA ||* 1INIII1 ;u I J»MUIH.|OJ — siv8N3iii uni v 0JUtIJIUJUlt l./lt//l4« III S1VLJ3 ; hsiivv ioho «""i.i.i t «JB| ;/lli 1111)11 iU/ ,UII/I/III/I — y ll )|( >< II111. S M. H|l' lliK lli H I.IUH'll >/l./ll/I.J ll/ //llI. llif'/ /U/1I//A || JOJUO |)OOIU I. ll I lliS I SHOVA VX i-on t f ii.ij/liiill /iii/Y- — VH x«n j«» 1H3 HOSJ jvwons I «v» I .da- SINN3S 031H3W VIH fittt {ttJf ,/14 I./IIKI • / >S1 'MMIS lllliM.(IIIN Uf 1/4/III/ — ,t,i)ii /11111, 41/1.1.lliM/ / i* /1.1.41-( ll/ M'I" •:« II11/11 III/ l.lltllfllil — :|t •§:««• c r \tni na /t4ji./rti iiii i/m/ V" ;/14 111.1/1111111,11111.4 itiiij'1. wiiwmii' "/ kmsw J VIMlirif I.I MSI HI.S VUH\)LlO\;; ||X .« |sg«| | Pl.all.S \ V Anrt MICHIGAN STATE NEW* M r ] Anrll -O.'IIIA ppolntmcnts .r* - -a / ill O Tornados Expected Ag Board Approver, SiKtWtfi ft|j|)"intnirnt>. ti.rec or o! English Julv -1 J V C W . he;.!'.'! |>t.' in. in-.iiton -imi .ind I5\- ■ hti* ^ V. lie To Strike Michigan SHEPARD irti-.n. ;>sr i*tnnt prof.- j<. . i cducatum; hral. at cionomlr*; Vlr- foreign pr*»j«rt .appointment, JaiM< Ka*. a*H»K ta' krt.'.«Mne. < :m en. into runt. lur Kiidolpli. foreatrv; Robcn I »r- IT. pnimotiin.*. four new. rle-u- •or o| mnthcfiurilrs. I *rn and Htrhard Stin«on, tiorfiriil- Jr liotrurtur \ Koetiirf. -tricot engineer - . « in pp. it lure. I mn lluherliun. suit *clencc; n.i'.mns, four trar.'feiv. !4 leaves *'"»!'< project jwtpolntpifiii ii i A*•'!'• •oti. tiitn t~" • ileal en|iiiferinit How»nli Ttieiidorc Kennedy, hflra landmark. of iihsonro and 13 re-gnat ions it. rv KneduyPi. .iwetetarii tn i. met illurguaj engineer-' A I Ihitrman Jr., communication Vir.illici* Bureau Forecast* .•oid •i"*min-it!t-n- at MSt." \imi po!; 11,'.'. i t.. the I *.« k a) >' re prornotion* to 1'iII prolt *.«oi vlllli. BAST I.ansim; STOKE OPEN WKII.\IMMI a:..hnv Thin l.n i»v thw : i ■ t !'>*• to Mi.rrh .*|J. !<*;. Boijert Quimbj- and Karl Thump- I Vim* in Nr\l Three Month* S «f Board of A- r the appointment.* wire Fa uh re F .or api >y i" t'ri' -/u /V.i .n.l to M.ivine A"f i ir. I... I'mi K-, . . i.ofan*. hi I ;)•).;) K*nr .I'd and William Ho.>k- nl int ei'.toeioio(f*, paUiolii Wayne h.,n stt r Marvin liumaniticb; Marv Alice Burrni- .lumen Klllntt, John Moore and Solomon, natural oclencc UNTIL ® P.M. V] eto.tive Jul* 1 ■•<,:>, MSI' n . I'ri.i I'nclet William Sea- / iVfO follows firutirwald. rjardner Jon***. John < T'.w.'r f'trn: i'«i* wi.1 *frik«* Nfitr;«r» fhi- v«\*o.n'n.<*nt. wen* approve! To • t lit .IS pro.e or lr\ II1K ri-ivi, I lin o.',-) - H- hert Seh- Doii'irtl and Kuland Salmonmn. .10- and »h Stone Jr rhrrim- • t!:>• rt«*M litmonths ari*nnlimr !<» tin* I S. UVatli- fo||ov.*.s i efts'* ' Vr Sept. 1 r\y' .i' '• ;> 'iltur.ij enviiieeung ll' Jattie* Tn.w j?io! . H ' tmn; Mirdechai Kreinin. Thoma« • • it'in u. This f'ur»»{*asf i- i».ion Michigan'* avpritge tor- . , *.* u*• it* >•)•♦■<• ifird i It •••■?■» . Pi erefote llerlneH fl . n pin sir* ami astronomy, Mover and I'aul Straomann. eeono- '),•>:•,• rtPstoi! |P»fnir»' r' > Hot if ■ urn
  • .»'»«• Center.. Hdl E I. Marietta, insurance. la*A and U! lie.. •i ' i* Kfranrim • .on on.) • ri-ne. /fnrlir- \\ nH'.ri In T. . •id- |l..-> M.ii'eson. counseling fat cslutc. Claude McMillan, w- nonnel and production; Hubert S) i«- \oit- I lux .'10 i , t . pi ,* ><> *•».,; ,,f t.i i. r . ■ • • ' " . i » h.irles t-ooinnitu- llir«i-hfe|d. S»« • • I'miti'iti'ins o» assorlatr professor llano, poti'lcal scPnco. Edward Srny- >1.i ■. I Ttoni.- .-lirni* linn oen c.lsnn vicHride k. v. marketing and trannpnrialimi; fiirahrih Htoh Iniprtoemem *• * t amer..u Movers, tournallcm. Fred¬ of H mid, * :rirnltiiral ec- the r in ContinuinR ,'1 i nland \n. Helen i nni, looine • *i ■ W ilium Maree, animal erick Alexander, speech In.n 4tnl >.ff>rr adniinistr e M^rstfef to I'm k. «nofrtinafor, St.,files ll»ll unlet, inarkelin . V • I Kiitinujfie Itlin rutin. M»\ I i«' lOii«|wrt.itliili. P tlton VIrl'arl ."'i \i ' v. in l» Hl/|Mtrn K, 4ssl«ltni rtifn • personnel »nd prnduriloii in lien a • - r. ■ I I'. I, l'e. 1.1*1 0- lor Ipe/ IMaremrnl Mill v. srrrel.oi Hitrt-ili f« tlir % pf il '« Smlltl. piillllral siteine, r»n anrt furl fierlarli. urban Vlillnn ■ It. FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY IP i *,«.. >.i f. Jum '-a- .* t . r ■: t ■ •• . eha.rifian I'.. •, • •* i„ . ;iuwhere. fldii ancle* in the tornado'* pilli OJ.I Anyone under 21 and not a fre>hmnn should he 'Jur 5 fMi If untitle lo enipe lie lltl in ahle to live anywhere with their parents' per¬ RAIN! RAIN! RAIN! f he net rest dr|irr**i«n *u» h o a mission. dltrh or ratine. If »V !'•.»» .e »|M»k IP.'lie .*Jf - The Itoard of Trustees should make ROTC vol- •e ; ' . Avoid p. )». I rh', 'I I I b.MldlllJf ■. I.Uildiro- «, Vl »Mh !j re- • X'( I S;r- e the of |p.d. .fMn >h ".'Ml mile I),. . y"n, Ati /// 0 /ni/'/ietis firry s/irilin. :i. untar>. I.iguor restrictions for students over 21 and liv¬ Just for You, l«- v-*»it>j».»rV i r»»-:'v. such t r,»..e ht i i nil AT• Dfcv. Be ready for it. ing off rumpus should he abolished. .. .nun ami• *vmn* • m • / ■ n,.»:e f. keepif.C w i'»i No student should he expelled for violating a l'»v*e ! 'eve.' of liquor regulation once, Miss MSU...1 f' ever, Itie f» (>t it, fpin.ature Lot LOUIS make r- *i ,i And ar. i " e gym p i . . • i'it-i[i,»rt if .■ l.t i o the . i. It pep rallies are continued, expensive profession¬ of Join* s.'it 1U r • ;i 'D .ti e it-.-. ' sil l Jp'i Kukt iuuli, ' iniil ?.»•»* »i*v al entertainment .should he replaced with genuine rema.n i rain ii , i-iii, Pv i*hatrm;,u your r.^ar . • H i.lo v»>; .f. fltr *»Aer Ho.., * student interest. |ae,^ ■*». In the men's dormitories, spring dress regula¬ t*uil4in< the annthHesf fhasenieni corner in a of house» a Dollars Attention realty rain prosf. tions should he in effect lor all three terms. usually niters greate*! *afet>. Manufacturer » ( luse Oul i». Students and farultv should not fear taking a lie »* % furniture iifind inside — «ti)i> n.rris — public stand on an> controversial issues. The re¬ walla mas afford wwe rover • ».e»r* and wtid"v «»" 'he Woods—Value* In S17.5A taliation Iwth fear is usuallv exaggerated, but • , ami r.i • u-les of , h",, , where it does exist it should he eliminated. \))H nlllv SCl.'l.") Of**)' >1.1 .lit Iron*—Value* to it 150 exclusive lilted 1\oh unit CRAVANETTE process PANE CHAPMAN I water repellent» On Grind River — Arm** I mm New vimlenl service* ttinldiri* far AUSG President STUN Check* .Miiileil I riil rri b- v F I ramlor Gulf Citurisr i ''trim o' a- l M. r * i I or tier I H I «• anil M *1 iNrvl lo Hill Hnapps I H't. •••■ * . MFN ... Reslaurant t J The Natural Shoulder Suit Q7 HEX'S YEAB the alloc iIihI makec a earn of bein|t 1.U.VIFORTABIJ ; U)»*P . . . StHirftarie, . , I* * new too emly for a!! TO THE ** to •tor' Umi-i-M i\r, pl-rnrvrrj t witof you aie qouuj lo do aiiei yoai gioduabon June. i Jin i«n ! wry Jjj away IViialjoV rxolutive t'la.i ArrH Con» 1.. Publi• £»,vk, Bwltir and Can i- l.uilt riKiit in to KUi>|i>ir< ONLY CLASS wo:, r.q lor Compu.. . .11 Now 0..D ol th- f«*t you're un am) off all ila;, i-aom.j uuhtio* ,n th. nai.oti ha. mo,» thai: i; 000.000.000 atmtnd ,o Perfwlion-atylect with Penal. (.oul Ti» oifoi.y ian.., To>i:t jo'e famoiij. little roitnil heel among th, mm'.,'. owum ofmaiaig ai...:v compan.,, ami wafer-thin platform to pigndiag U,Ih gun On,- of l.i>liiiiii»! our iii.>rc |io| Mimnii'r uii.l ninvli.0 wi»... Yau wouJ.! b* w.« ,n in, lo g.„ Unuml.biatu Pub!,,. So:,.., ,,Ilou, £on. euahit.ii your every campus, in the office, in the step on 12.9 •ij-uhan uoa tiai: home. A I! Spring color, in " . . . now o! c,»l ywu. tt.irriin ami < .ilton I «nl al it. fim-.t. ,tM» 4'a-l 1: width., AAAA. h. N.ifs.\. Dark llniMti, Oliii* ami I Itlur. vol R ID IS vol R CRARGR-A-fLATE (legiUn, Shorts, longs end Eitniongs) SEND FOR THIS TOOAY. W '• iyr tka cba;a^ i« Co. leje Grj»4a«'e» W,,i M F..! * A>a : VU Newark 1 N#. ;,JMy ^ f< 1*41 UN CVpf. »: ■i: | ' I I »luti CAST LANSING • GR |\I» hi v | r o> mi t %M|<1 , IIJ EAST GRAND R2VU) DOWNTOWN L1N- PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS SOUTH WASH1X JI »or HCR CO., NEWARK 1, N. L AVBNVI Parkins — City Lo AVSNUE Aak u, AIk>u! T v \ I t l*n I iffl \. | Re.Vi