7: M '•Tell Yoil What — Eel's Offer To Guarantee As Mii' li An Ts Still Art — INrODrti.t'OH 0 Deiuoeraey As Tliey Have In The Capital Of PhcL.S.' Vlsl I'KOllt.X 4ll» Rs XIART W UDMI \ K I.I y'il I Even nn a Postcard *f"M .4--1-1 : ! Ml lit M |»|*( I Ik' I I \4 IIMIN H*»lO\ no>m. A JI Sa.tit.-' AMI . IIOIII p.m :io it t'n %SS-s. K- 0 :'( ■ '■ . Us v p.m. d.iitctlig K id p m., Women's (is. (*lo«ed i>,, li.ivt beef! f iuneh Ht \ . t • 1'■ uon t«- Tin: TKOITll.K the eavenur. nr |... T'h e- .on V. id UI-C-.I- mee'lni unt" \v;M Iw present. git! ■ f»« I l.lil V \si!h group 4 4 II It ( AttyHVAI -KlM, ho fir>t dr»w u |»ic''ir» <•? hi- I MOM HO%KI> l ie ft;11;«»»ui' -<" »'«■ 4411 KM \n SIM ima 4>l 4X|i Qtu x ri.OAT . m.i . • w it!; it- vet 7 .10 p.m., Union Music Homi MM II 4X1( 41. I XlilXM It* ( (I4I4HTTIT. the nod** female i.* t'ri.on Bohrd Fine A'!* C«>n.- ft-ii i : o i»v. 111 t) Mali . pin., 3(5 Union. mitten to pre ent » dio u.v ... an.I when i' .. -ex gimmick i- current: h.4piv4 .41 imi4 rx| WURM AN 4l.4ltKI.TlNi. on l»r. Xtiivag". hamix of 'h- t uited State- IV-t Office I let >t R Anns. * 11 I Cltft I'oiiege Unit . M M t K I %IIM% %I . KratiVf-.'" IiiMa -t.«rt.-.t the pr.-eti! •»•!♦• i skcr. : 3ft pan.. Centennii* |., IM HI l< 11 1 }\ 44 41 1 k ( hixi4 41 Kellogg. Panel dUcu- v. '•>»■!: fv painteil a r»-« iin'mi* mido f.t!!••«I "1! N'akei 7 a in , 34 Union 4|.4(».%/|x| i'(1414111 ii i HlliT VOI It CAMH - 1, }{ : u ..1.1. u ) eh oeca-u-m ?t-jure* t.iwani fine art - anil r.U k VilXi MM ll.TV > o. Mm a! Risen. 1 'in- i- l»lll4TT.S (IROMII-sn,,, 7 10 p.m., B-4 South C'.anpu . s;;.'h, thought the en trover- "Muja" created .»• the time Initiation of new mi'nlim r.ltEK 44uk i ii4ir4iin ( OI NC Il.t , her birth «.i fine materia! for wide screen, color, ami plus n discussion on p.uk m- H 10 p.m. Union Hoard H-" R p.m., 31 Unicin. I.IU IK 441 IK rimicm 4 I IIOI.K • RTI'DKN'T Ava 1 iahlrier. inj Exposition. <()V|4tlT1l> ORCiAM/ATlON §< Assured that, since (.ova i< a good artist, his painting is JR. P\MIU 3 p.m., 41 t iiiom » p m,. Catholic Stud. ». 30 p m.. 40 t'n on . p.< fi.Hl. ('niteii ,\r'iO - • ««rp mailed "lit more than J.ooo 44 4 i i.c i 4kxiy.4i ter cafeteria. Coffee ho., UIN('II) sr\KT%Ns tarils j.'raced with thi- v- t.. plug the nn.vie 7 30 p.m., Quonset 5fi. Bofti i IlKURIIIUXs (04(4111111 7 10 p.m.. Catholic s* 7pm. 323 Student Service*. Center. Committee mo.-1 ITISTAI. IN'SlWT'lRS seized the postcards tlti- week. of Directors meeting at " p m. Art"'- : -oe I'ost Of?ae Department's (ieneral Conn-el, iU't'ert A rue: "Works of art in one -it ting may. again-? a differeii* background. he del dared obscene. It turns on tile Use of the «,,rd. The. chose this pot ire for publicity. T«» t'oe average CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS persons !hg* \m Hist another picture of a nude wi.mi.im. You El) 2-1511 EXT. 261.7 don't have to hit him over the head with a hasehal! hat — the motion picture going to he sew OKAKMNCS: : p.m. IH> IlKI'nili: IM IU.ICATI0X FOR TCES, WED.. Till US.. AND ERI. EDITIONS Artie continued that the postcards are a "commercial MOV EDITION DEADLINE: 2 p.m. FBI. exploitation of .sex . . . a pandering to the lewd and las. avion*." Hills I'hval.lr 8-12 and I-.'. Monday IhrnuRh Friday Cnitpd Artists retaliate! that «ince the postcard* were repiica.s of works of art they would he perfectly harmless to the normal person Ope of the uifnes-e.«. however, psychoanalyst Theodore Reik, allowed that "It is doubtful that there is such a thing as a normal person." IF THIS IS true, both the Post Office and United Artist* nr« Arguing on pretty shaky ground*. As Postal Inspector AgU» sees it, the average guv ahould he protected from pictures of nude women "in the wrong setting" A- I'nited Artist witnesses see it, tin average guy isn't ta/ed h> tele [H> i.1* .--I* «r? at all. Hut, if the average g.i doesn't exist. the two rathei a iii<* the New; teresting arguments are ipnte point!es- Pnychologist.s are prett. mum »n. agreement ... rnaiitv and abnormaiiU |»ut Americans as well a - other human- in various -pot .t nr.- relative term--. which w.m A iiixlo-. t nwrican Differences aver the sClih While the Post Office and 11...A • wood apparent! Soothed by Mac's Statements .• urn to be tu-rving aentheticali a riu-fer of peopii -.no vttei in the middle, it seem- t" u- tb.it Hoilvuood i f• old one of the two with a legitimate claim t.» thai ovrup.it no Its I ti ttoHt i: I s a. WasmnE'oii ART IS ART no matte! while it i found "T1 • \.. •d tswKUInl Cress Sew* Xndhvl n « U' I . ■ h . .1 . Mam" ran be found on the wall' of at? g.i '.-rie ..... -ub:, . » any "norm.d" person. P ran be found on paperback D««.>U • V . A: %«ree on line I'osiliun Tack-. ftci e«*lbie to a." .u ' i<»v ei .. V It n» a p..,( . In. "wrong" plate. - sC" 1. .!f> s ,, pn... If, liolh wimnI want* to burden the masses with ar< we need only hope if does attes t some id then f • v Ash SiihImI Opinion on Y.S I •. 1 ■ MM RTKKN III NDltl H -f.,.im' I . .1 aumed !. . ,\SA since .\|>l i.iowsl la.-t \ At 7:'h» toiugtit AI 'Si; wi.i \.it. w to?; Keirrt Itiilish ' | ItlOtlll» | ,t||- Vlrrline an a continuing ba-i . with N> \ II »w lepreaenlesi or 1* N.SA nuni1 a term »< dentil tiiianced the trial ba-i- niemoerstuj It N.»' • lent ahmshmui ion flu vear. Indents a •> a w i ute whi'Du r to continus' w .• ■ N A Conventions and NSA slues ,,t, m appro of the sum AI S(. coiieetei ti.u ierin ct -o cent fee* at regit ration port ant tltvmion for ,\h>l P»» \u-wp. •! tinanciai. NSA Can Assume much t< -pon-.i.i it ;» u W . Atinlenta ahotdd be informed ,,, to wnc men U1 itat.itund organisation reaih tne.in .-tuden< . who know or want t. hn..\« N> \ trw X attend the Student t ongr» no. tun i "Peanuts* Said , dent Servite- nK«Zl eg I ho noU fing is .-pen to » ' • ^■A VlBc A r* ti O iTt in t '&Idi It) "Degenerating* t comes student opinion Represeida? t.i.i constifuer.t« and try to stimulate .1 »» !ere« 1 " he dVTA^Ij|P'A H9 T On • W* c R*5™" f N . 9*t|£y| * P t Y« the Idll.ir Whether NsA the tie vice «r nine lit effective, »;« w bet twr it muled can oenefd t (. u;., . f rot tudei »TO»Mi 7m*K\ **»tli- \r». | f-m.i ;' t . !>• -tMMi W We., wVt 7*3-1 i *s#t N| SrW7"r Nf -rw'ajf IW Ut lake .. . i«. : ,», 1. . * ; s»4t» \r»> Mieliigan State News WlwtWA •» Yoieto • ftwui* Dillt to V|.p I bv<«t >0 Sedwct.c* W'ont«n > m? vs' J! S*»a«d walk 13 Bitiir'hrrk WHITJ HAS, iS ■ GifT TOBAT rc« J4 One j own sweat smuts >,■ SEIECT1CN 'ME MOO MA 3S SAT perann Sill' s, sags i Frifrant :• hr:.-' v * < 1 M..n.U4 v » City in S'ti-6 JACKETS. S O , caiay Plant anthony hau i¥ t-C-7** I ; ; < 'in Indiana tt Laborert 1001 olmb« student pok MOle f t, mando* iaIGAiNS DAVr BAU. », s, ,, .. •J Dance *tep c£nt|r Tn/ /"'?hcx■*cS I'jfis*"r c'm; , s -nr t»o «rp# Drivr-in 44 Studs d^.a- SITTER IX MY hirfre T 41 H.*h WKt mi™'oak * " ,D : W evl.-.rvSav Kreb*. ED t-OiT* dOcmoMU. Co/- »-• Ue.e t M.. C •sr *«? rr—c— «v Mfflysvisimsszm FAIRLY RECENT FRIL-- • __ it to rw.t until June. mj> fc-/ '■< KM SrtoAaoa. KO l-fTiL J MIOTICA* NTAT* wc > Viet nam Aid Landslides flf» *n>fe# rtcr 5 SSI ApriMllVS a i u SPRING SPECIAL Described nalc for Office 1W (rfirtliner lirnktm: 'Inspected • Adjusted |ri* Conference Cuiim'h « *« el I'ark 83.00 f.iilirif'alion *jtfo Oil f.'hanjre liver «f 'No-Hurry' Kulcn JINfiTON* (,V)—Th*» £«»na?n hruthnd isle Tutadav and *hi»k*d through Uy a ;»■ ; !r. a r.'»- v,.(. - H. & F. University rmatlnn of Ghr»*tian IfcrU-r Hfrcrat&ry of H'.aG:, !*»md tht way frr •»■.+ . _ Sinclair Service, Inc. K.h'dariy, lair* ovi-r 44-year-'. f *i'h r,.i Oil/ Award:-, i Washing ^Ia#|r#r I line 1.1# Lubrication from liter Du'drd. rawer-»tr ./.ken (riven to rive We Will I'iek I p And l)*li\*r Vour f ar am i for the roth It that Monday for Pari* U.S. Senior I'h. J\ Arro»«. from Kloek i He*'t. in a frr* world r.v* K.lfh 0*T,. *.?,[+'• hlnitterV (onfrrtnrr In /■« ft 'ftr, M.' ■: for riit-Hnt talk* fc*e *'r •*{ v. r. Mv-.m Hi of t or;. ' ff,Vr >-f / *• • • Coma To [ tovh-and-to German f'fs;;. f," A Ha han »r.Mi ire < ; wu;* f»t T.. vr.V/v. r r f'/rrrta'* ra',/.. » r.e trmj, f;vr. t :>'i a r.-ardt 12 ••• rr- •: 'New York, New York" fed Hrrtnr, wt o ha a l.r.g , . » .v.-; , k«** No 2 man. f-.r •»f.' / .: t rr-; .;/*-! f-/r « r | Deparlrrier/ / • Green Splash | a unrr.tfjo&t x - f OHItPA HON Mermaids alien f»mr nnly a f*i* a.' /• IferW won an **« nimona tale of ap. 4 '•" r» }i 7>e j hium S \W. fll K motto »h» u»mi point* to u» ►>» fliane tl.» provoeatne Ma«t- tirn whleh *l-r» Terr? and ku* Anne Hhite t»»m to have i(nor»d f► iff Sorma fl»fc#r.aa TIIK f'KIt K 01 April 23, 24. 25 ill# Senate foreign a at If rn Vr W • <.'e ^ rk t|l Of I.If Committee. flerWr. metal rruUhea he T- JU r- ;n h r.>... |{oocliron«lria«: IN 71 KSDAI - Womea's Pool aaae of arthrttU, . ap- Iforr th« eommittee tn All Af'I'f.IKH wtiona no bii view a. Honorary Ile^ins 'Invalid' Tickets $1.00 Open Next W eek ONI.Y 70 THK **r'ou» rjulz/.r* ho AhIm'h of Scarlet to tili'tK Of HOt I.K ' from Sen, ',V.t ( riiori or At floor ►-OreJ, v. ho i m.arbc fetin iaflealhle T f A Ml'I H IIO'JK -70Iif: •'if" quW.oov • * Plav IteIicar»al.H rire Kir IU< * a* an J /. ■ uid ilu* /• - Ibc.ear wirla-c J : j .. a' I Km m Tr*r*jr'i W frr Tirivs >»-•-* Ifell V ,| fx- i [ ' T. : t n THE TAREYTON fcjri H M m KK tmft' AmM; ft, » «• • . .a-'-.-.- k'ri f .r « ,e A RING , < • . (>-,*- * - . . ■ . >^-y, aa ? > »' .. a i --t A. A I** muaii Nni 1 -r —' . - F Mpo- ru*tfiyi Jlrr. Jai It*.' V.. p V,| i . ehordr'a of Invalid renter* on the Irjan v* ho *rh*rr»»« otarrmf Tarior. »a*t at 4rr#n l.arwii-f *t Jamen funioe. T .<* * MARKS THE u*# 'jh, ,,. »*irs »ft >** ontai t ii ,-;-n to miO» hia *'>« r.f diufhtrr, *ha.»of» Van Riwr I lal t"* t Si-.ved tt »»M ne • i e J * "" » * Anf elwiue. to d"►» tor to elimi¬ a pla«* the fole of lie- £ REAL THING ■ • opnr.moee. I.it-,'* F,: medwal *»• -1 IANCK r«J nate hi* enormow* **• I re ar.d K»»»netn K'eael Ma*«>n i a (Miputar red t r* .'*• r,.*'*■ p.- fienve* Lr!-*•*» • 5 \* Junior poetrart tw,tn | i. t f-r^T." A *. ' • * K - A ' / »- * a ' and Imftim* I CMtaTf a J f " • ,-f $r. ' Ft i - . - » ♦ - - a • ' O** 'If *• : "h /' /r r# THf VIJtL TH.H3 IN MiLONEGS ..Tnf VfAL ThiNQ IN f H| TOBACCO 'It'l' V ■■ a K.lg*. T '• ». • . . r. «■ . • :r - ■ rP' . -. r . ' ***■**£• H-'-dv » .-a il » , " it ^ . * £ Vt> "a-r.r^e-t * '»»* * -< h v ,♦ . . H - ■ »*., a» t •** U- \s\%rAi \r. t'xU.; It a I'-- • rv,?.':„» //,, ; • • * • MTE . . tvrn . • Ji] J'hr. A '.eru, S4,';rji» gr»-l i* Ix-na ; b :n«T i*, r . , (, P. - lrcir iv pare £v«MVxv, !.- A* I • '» ialists f : j Sir inn ni In K cut ltd v z A • • • , - ■-? • < Spring I h T ~r « is • •UON'J*' purrvm hat blithrlj pfM/fih- K *4 f»r Nrian a net ft-endinf *,#ri**i of n'mioat rvnrortior.t, I SH0» Y.' hot h • Mind faith in the o. er.airr'f*- ' fin* • Ir.ining V l»o\ -loragr ; k*. Pr js' -fJ C *• rr ."er , 'y^e *r.tt H- -*♦ !■ » I'Mi a w.- ?n ' ? DELIVERY Ht.loY'.M. - 1:30 A.M. pai *hm you p.cs thorn up. • to. trary \ VARSITY DRIVE-IN On Grand liter Srm Slndet \ «er t>#, n*.)4 *t EO 2-6517 — t , pt s ri^ssii *r'/s i 5H REAliCRSHIP . . lWw«WWW/«WlWW,,MWWAWVM> i OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT t'N'TIL, NINE J Al.rlfl Minim a v state sr.ws M April 22. I#V» I'M* KoMf Red Sox Official Denies Sidelined Afler Came Injur) ° Intramural OinrgCMif Discrimination Martin Returns to Gridii It llii-lnn i;r<.M|iv III.'Inrr< 10, Rot;*-** 7 ntmly denied t ha rye-* thiit thf It" -'"ii ba-Hmll ''lull «Ii and 12 -erond to if; tne icquue l la-fun-, tie roth I retui n easy dent Irom apring reraihn,' < «. Vrf« a. Anitnal* i 11 iiiiin.iti-(J in tin- hamlliiiK o! Iiitirlrlr-f .lorry "I'limp-di*" game a foo'i»ai! tragedy ♦«•♦«♦,- f.mdh.hi. Tin- V, uuld en.v.V Nn NtniM 7. Ham krholur* led in. lo 1-cd.urn to t'.«- giuin -n "Martin hud l,« < « Eicon, v Arli I. IS, II A ». AMikn i The Old-Tuners were, runtimi; .1, !!•/! oi-ep sjxd. of ch li , Ifii hani l r ('• mitcll, \ .• •• pre i- m «aaiii**II mil uiiH drtilr-rl the f.1 »uh»fv I''. I »l« 1 a t'.i- plav. . 111.aMart.;. fn h - junior «•-'! I*h;m. ' < up to u rOi larnitiiKio- 17. AN P»i f U li| Mini Imimiu- I allegations Inn imlnlril nut Aall.lt ..'imiUii k, !"ao days hi- (>U • m.Hi.i,- i-i • \.i had guri. «.-• «•}< , .even ? r»- foi . < IHIfV II. Vlkr» ' he desnihrd as inaccuracies, the 111 >< I S-'V told tin- Me . to fh-fer.-! agam-t a pi- to I* Iu ,1. of 42 ' -If' ran • u 'hough hp h.'i'l HI art In Hall .A, Vela II • lh»rfi-il> !».•• iMaal.a a I \ In relation In NAY- in* lif«".'' \inriuin (llllM'IU ( 'lltOllli.V- 11.11 At.'-' ■ 'I ' I I' charge lli.it tlreen Im«I not i uv Molded, ex-Spartan ba.l- hue ii.ill IHt) '.n.. for ."<41 no. I liiiinuii.ill'iii 111 a I hi- uu-hi'il hm 1- Mr. 1 tin woic- hern purchased •• :♦»• in.- or.'- 13. Hi- r.n.i '.' ;4 HIR HMIIIt hi the Red Sua knc-c- for mx tin- i lull (mil ,t Ni• »*i •» Ii.a 11 pl.i Wher, "a pa-s ' a thrown * pa- 1 f'r Ht) aids, unc. tu.- hut <-.line iu Ihe elnli in a park* . . It MlJiV V.'« He b»; TV SERVICE • ;111rin :•I.-i-i Imii- Hir I -aiiiihIn i morning," i». In- age deal saHIi Sail i rail risen. rained 'puoy I . aoo'he; hark " of S*.,'. \1»i'i!< .i touchdown M.r'.n a vi. agi-i a ' i.i'i'/ii '/i t :■. jnograrn . - hv added < 'onnfll had lo r«-!'-a\p his mar, -and n><-•.♦ ~i ;.a:'d* u.i aifivi- non-rcisiv'*.!" 11 .< 'I Tin- only dif- •n..M <6 punts Ji< ,}l Responsible TerhtilrLins Tin- Mr AH met t«» an i hari-i- fi i i-i, I>i l i ii n ii mill iIn- Up to make the lackk-. W' ' 1 Kurned riifi'- j»ur<'- l!Ii - arn Juno, 1'Jitb, undij full i'i' Come ill i.f lii,i-. I-i ought I.-. Hun Huh' A.fii« fa kerf t.» the outside and r.d j ♦•♦ '.on m i I. Inn llo-.vatd, Nr.-- and r-uki-it up !7fi yards on Emend Ifiiiliti & TV jiri-tip' '.In- National A-'ii. f"i • in i III.AMUK V1AHTIN h.ek t'. the ifetde Martin hit k i. koff le'iin,-, Sp.i.'.Oi ii.ek-^ H,- runtinuod h , !.»• A4 < am pun Only an I I'"- Ami iH iin V i' 1t» r a n ?. neij s.inl We have .ihsnhih-iv left leg and knee iiio-k on ifie squiid, vy <«r of phvMi-al < I w 111111 •• mil iii itlM i IMUll.ltlOIl .1 .11 f i ^ ' ii' i", IU California (ioiirt About the same time I.arrv tfn-i he* xtarted I I.I'M U. lllVd A'; we AC .lilt to I outer. <»ld-Timer lineman. At¬ n ovlp xtimulatioi ■, SOPII. V. PIII.S. (lo i (Jill fl, . -A 111 .1 "A" I iu 11,1 jim,(mil* " ■ flu! foltimi f>'« ( Jmvez Racine Stadium tempted hall rarrler a hloek free. to shake the Martin ueni 2 Rookies j>i-.Kri--4-iv«* ri--i '.< Martin slopped 11 ed uii . h.ngi !:>.♦! he " a «-d to Oliri lleaMh Cen¬ ed sport* room In ,p For Honor ; u• tl Hilling. SAN' FflANClSrO f/fh- Thn f'alifornift Siiprf-m'- (Vmrf ter Af'er the Health Center, a diaano-u. i». Answering trriiAiliiiiiA thai TiipMifity Hifairi affirm.-il th»- tfidtl ti'dween I.os Anyl'"< and Jnini- Fejirig. team ph-- sir,.in. lP-• u; .1. tin vine Ntaditmi site transferred to the tuj ix 10 gn at nr.rtj,.. Refi l l tog Iu rh.iitp- that i . Senators loom as the Jeailinr I.:artiurn u*e. [,11 l lorn Ui hi- ... (iia-i n ll.nl 1" ell si||.|e. fee| !<| The derision, nettling suits candidate.- for the American Kirshhuiim lost It; not tc vi r than jM-fMltl.il Ml!'"Ill-, ill SluM il.ih brought- hv Julius Ruben and the f/- An- To Srrrro I'luyrrt ; , , «e|p# awneilor ♦ oiirt arm the Eeayue lioc.kie of the Year he- got hurt " All/, I I't 'ulinell '..lid thai tin' I.His Kirsiihaum. I.os Angeles fled Sux protected hltil Hi eve;;, la spa vers. In efferl reaffirmed high rourt Tueolay iiffirna-I '.he Nt.»rti»i< lodaA hom fi .10-!H A ward in ll'-Vt. Fc-uiig -a.' W- lower eotirt's aetmn pm. and each nichl. includ¬ !orris t' a s-.-ii'. a' iiidarn the .Supreme Court's derision of t*.rough Mornl.iv"* p a tt. i 'Am. duiitit a t-> 'he ri,-!;* of ing Naiu(ii.i\% and Sunday*. T.i-i.v • «• v ii'rft for a,. lie iiuintrMf Hi one fx-rasmti last Jan. 13. had 13 I 33 4 •• * 4 Itur- eity and the fioiisn., a.i'h 151 parlit ipauls a* ill lie able l»a4. fur »- urv If he Allien ii iiofel did not invite Thai deil iun had •. - . " a .3D4 balOn# avo- lljdield the i' " was resolverl in the .1,it, to rliler the Men HI Ituild- 1 • c<>rlr,I v revile railed t|i ii.nl, ,ii|.| n>Vil« huti-an k that onl.v A|st stiidents s* ill f. -• «• run. hut •* ',*■ Sit gnthU'»-. N'a'-" uhi-i• leaf, of Ihe Natmn.il '.*• .- 1, at".; age piO if"* ,1c- >. W«'i"-r i>t Ba"' • H<« k« •-•'a.g'-r A s'-Uflc-t.-4 B A! f RUSH SMOKER N-agiie are r»*p«,'',«'d reoiv to H-»de four players tn Detroit t toe Je man h-.1 Who g k wa** rrmre, Wrnte Sox , i » »n.1 Jerry Ca»ae of ' V ♦ Ifl'.'i ■I ■ .If I J if" '• ' In .g lh*v.n 'Hie x«'d the I.e..' - AI'RII. 22 TilNI P.M. OI.D COl.I.EC.F IIA1.1 II omen's players mentueiesl In the tia » ' i fl'-rise g 1 IIad ley has t-fofll and • .Hi 1/1 talk* are brothers nruui an i ■aerage He has one homer and RKFKKSH5IENTS llan v C'glJen, Miwr Reaunie a ,d Hum ever the ilw tor said that three KHI. fash, who beat nut pho.m: fd N 1 plaa in ffljX. since the required for the regular job has wallop hor IM /Vi'i'is prrmd t«»r proper rehAhilitAlinn ed •n unidentified deftiMemai. m a pair of homera and driven Ifie Wings' farm teaOi. in six runs. W ■••.> f Cleurge flhinrfti Imhmh, NOW lliru SATURDAY! STATE general tfie rejse-f n anagei-roai h, itei... 1 IM Schedule 5 ' Waike? ft -V a 2fi-vc»«r-'-ld W, 4 fc' - f. - ! • -.si off.c«-r.-. Tr. 1 v arc for p- _n*si sunn » »II I- M 4 A , TH*: v.^e g . . . 1 • iiu.ii vriHsi iiiins • 1 ('.vnlrttl'n I'imIoIvy *«♦» IH SI I. > n» i' in •• ' 4 4 ^ . r .1 re/orqi • •m ; Ii... • tr X-i i ft. A • ; • 0m-or . p Itw moil I^Md Si^im Contmi l ot ♦ -si 1 A »tif V,.!.'. mmm „ a v i.vtj i/ l.vroia Harr • w*n|illOli vmikKul Ot 1 ♦ .,lal c.ahles v* At III • ' a I-Ufa- : J' M n ■ I'll ! point iluldimrn *» A A A| % JJ i a ft, Se-" v ASHIS'r.TnV oh AO.II. Hrrtrirk w .. A .1 r n ]*. 7- .1 • r . t > Tt'l-'il- V. If'.!'-.. "A *1 . Il-in.rie .. HoKtantf Hull ■ h.h'ha ► -ef!i"( - j.. • . ha«. Aigtt«s1 • Mlnti . • . Jim footna .* VS a- '; " n, t Hirfi-.ii 1 v 1 1 •km I Rini»ni I » P-slotev llnUCfl.ria 1 piaved ha fua, k 1 o'l-U;* Tl •• fit# firs' tw«. a»-a*.-n* wp • .. > «n *' r- ■ ."•• • ey,a:. . r rluh sr- ftrv a e' • ii a f-'-rr Nit Ccwn'h Mike N \.,r\ ,t '. • • No •-« ', '*•» - *P i t khia 1 *» S '• g\ • e plane tr» u»e him at er»d » -.XV fw'od < now 1.INC. —• - * a tmrcng J'" < K ,0 « 7-1 Sett a. skull* Gsrorge A*. :e». k<'u . teM.is• l/ibae Mu: U.S. KEDS COURT KING * ick-heiding *«•' •>/.•; •* » member t>f Uw capitoi pu... e Vol I t S RAM 'MM-* .1 ucU«" V • I'm, g* ' f-«» c r 01 -,r- b-a •a'ver, h.ta .n 27 irpw 1 M ps I I'd Phc ** Dip her fc- . .r.g, oral . The RedskuM aieo (I 1 cm 1 ill I-i «. At f • »r ,2)9 rejiurti-d attiery. It 4 gvm !' *M that quartertoick itta o PI for porfoct footwork and comfort tr»| had hi* Ralph Gugh. - U»n*i;s t t t I I ♦ S • |im rctnvAcd tvm >. a to fl t fSIORT W»s| rrofetvionally ch»*ijjnrd br and for lopfliRht tennis Tueedav. 41 4 ivm g>re J i sam l»rli* 1 hi a. rappa SHOWS sr- a« »*k s,g I •!- - J I* *M«< A A players. featurmK a flexible* arch for comfort; an * I.' - * M 2 U 1.1» abrasion rcstMant solo that stands up to any OH SHOWING playing surface; laces to the too to insuro perfect fit, complete doi It I. e ff stl re phim.lt Support. Fully cushioned, heel to toe. About $8.W, \ ^ Speclatular IOOK f OH 1 ME* Rf ps tapft — Attraction* Jack llaA*kin« Joan t olhns in "I AMI Of Jill; I'M \R \tllls" 2;10 . 4 do - » £4 1! iO 4 Ii - k'U © MMtTUK (VUVMKtS - »*n — ... it Amienos AT V*. . • u v ■ o «i "May sers well become, a* did .SurprMrf "slMprr" of the sra^.n:"" _ '.Marts,* the fhll. Imiuirrr , ' , — IT TALK* STRAIGHT TALK A NO VANDERVOORT lURiw -> WUMM MlM PECI-S REAL FEELINGS 213 E. 80. RIVER ED 2-2114 OH MB! ... f ropmg tilt grg$p,ng llMflF IHUWMM MbkiMifii . ... th* grip ( ■MMmiNSlMI ct tspir to*gn*9l Exclusive Dealer Keds for Men SOPHIA LOREM. ANTHONY OPEN T0NI6NT TILL 140 PJ. tiMNV n>*l' 4 D»n - . I Co Near The W ater" QUINNj J ' a--. fliN [ - Also - "7IIKIDFS FOR 7 HKOTHFRS" Mil wwRtjsiie M*1 tVEMS s°Ov — ".SEVER STEAL ANYTHING 6AI' artans Handed Loss Don Black. Ex-Indian Pitcher, Dies It*-hitter a(aift«t the fttbletirf on J nit I ft Western Michigan 'V. V- . J .VI* -. • hr. f e *»nt to the rr mor* he re. » »;Ied It, C leveland when till »■ v:#-? •..» '*r> Rahias \»»»k •'■••'i l'» took 'harfe in IM* rime* »,ne of them lie a Minced Major league WALKER i-l Tilt Standings j ft I ittillmtf I or 7»') ffftfHttifttl* hiimiiiu t t! Soph. Pres. Srorr Onrr NATIOKAI. l.r.Afii r. ami mi fts 1 f \f,t » rond lulling W 1. ret fall V. I ft WAUACE'S new Mllteftftbeft l-lei Anffeie* i ft J 1 tit ftft* — ' C.'leveLrtfj Sew ft J '•.. MICHIGAN riuy-hr-urar Rroneo• of We* t o r n 4 or* ft-ftme Pr• nail#* ft 1 fthft 1 flaltimore t NOW sllOUIN#, r omplete *ha* » CONTACT j oft.: v. ; i<» : if v :d I (reached * 0-1 . ti . t» : ;r i% i< LENSES nttihurib IS Ut ft f#r.Tkni i J * IV, Rob P-a'oia- •■*.> " e B*f1ai nifht game* lr.lt decri.'/n of *v.e 'vi i1»• i , • '. A It TI»MMVA t.A'irf • |m W»* for . ■> Mil*#*••• ' iminngii • i htitifft-.-. before he .» - ' < );jr r jn* •.. r IM.it* i •? « . ' . r.; : • *» • ". Itn at I.e* » •. t I the third ir.r.ir.p .V a i*«*tnp!a » '*-»»» tf hin< fhve* r,T.'1 v.»- -1 TubAi « 1 '•» e w Miu.'it.. •» ruitft.iHu ■ *. — f h4.f • . * . p* to four hit* »• '•« h.fft*.'* •* ft-.**"* 'i «i 1#A ^ 5 ..... f i»-.« " • remaining fr»r;>- te* rne'ie* it I** < N > — . . .. rk'.ir K- 11-It «• »**'.• ♦ e *• 1 *' »runt 1'r-k ■>.«• Clfi'iftMeU •» PHl«ft*rtN •*«*• liafif--... , .... e-..»v*«* \»r . ■c-conM by i •ad • i -4» »t »rie»e 1 »♦-. ; n». • • e. • JC'a* - •< t *•.!• «t a Nifafo— Hie.fJ »l l| *•. >»» I -. . .»5 < "• I tally on «*/•#,! of > ,-r «* » • . il-a r* . * pmiupe «•->> . W I II. ;,no- < oujrortt bk Golden hit 4 MAI KM I Kl< IIARfl and "PUom Hoom' Geoffrftmi of the Man- trail I anadlena hold .Sri in MSI Paul Mir the Stanley f up whleh the team won for the ^ iH"it.ro fourth ronaerutile linrt roarh Ton Vtlake UMk | at bftl when the of the rluh The year t anadiena a»er aa eoarh Bergman • uf» palled »n attempted whipped the Tortnla Maple Leaf* »n . c;»T • »*er•/» '.a ■ • Montreal laat week to the aerie* Srhudllrh wortd win JUROEHS • ».'»•< •» M i i»e a rm raurht In the U »e«ea v' «»>*f <»(,;» | at terond ba«e to end 11-1 Donat XilMI SiM-ll;H-kiii«r - »K '»I aer»>« C3!2EE5I9 THE r,t \\ i i»N«»s OK k r io%*• . e, •» >■ K > it * (th'ivlaiul Indians Rant Remarkable Ok / k "MX'/s f * t" .»,d .» PENNVR9CKER ■*.»» «• fi. M Rim eh less limn' Team r a ' « * v, a »V; • • r II I "1 f if r • ' r WALLACE •- M.v * * ' e » .4 < 'n •.* • Wl.ePV-.M OPTICIANS r B«r; ' * 4 ■ ,rr v f * .../ «-• j. • x-' .* p • • . fiit fa»a.»a — . M L.« • r -ir.i : in- r»-:.r V f In# 4 -a > T fte « v»» k >«{ i Bftrvd Rerr g * *• #> Ill " ■ a-r ?r »• !>♦*• r ii*. 7 t/rr-. fio -f-lC \ Ma.» afM K .e; . r e • - DIAMONDS - a - " • r e GET SATISFYING FLAVOR.., Be¬ a'-l C.'ex •*: VXM .'.. » KHfilii ar ftr.a a i.ng e • en ..a;, e* » 1^- Cj' r*e*re * So fj-ienclly to your taste! 4 ". • r , d « •-.# 5 »-'f '» t'0t • , « -■ r «■- . v • » a .-^* .CUSS RIN6S- LJo . . I • *. e '4, e-1 • i .r-. e third, the * ir.rari1 rom • a » • •: • • '4 • - > '. a • b elntlea and an er*'>r . - e-. pr.\r+ ' ie M. S. V. |p plate fuur more time* |ie ' v i ; *»?». uotr ftv»r o.t No flat'filtered-ouf'flavor! b-e fit' 4 No dry "smoicod-out'taste! ■ I lev eland routed I'aul f'^tarfe H, «»,•■ in the fir*t inning at Mino*o Trnni* Train Work* - DENIMM - \1 -e ' 1 • ' . walloped a three run hftmr run Oil I ii.illi-nar Matrlir* B*. • - . •*. . and Mr I* Ma rid ror.nerted with • S.rjr r e < 'earn -e.i t%a'e WatrhM ind Jtntlrj e mm abuard Afino«a» delivered a : fih.lr *4 ' ■ l*--* run Matt in the *i*th and ♦ ■ '» T.e..-a, ' - S' ►•Mara •» • I'nurr « three run drive rapped . • • \>, yj- S'a « Lr.r.fc , ■>+ ft,, r a five run *P.a lJtS,*r.' t*t • I'ifi's'-ti "i a* >SlfkltiAN CkLMt | (i (otf a«0 tfmil pmc a / C .» >✓« 1 IV4 •»>«". tea IV Av. »«d.% .« a *A*:'« ♦ftv;e« • ilJ» Ja* 'V e- 3 »il . • a -eft ».* - i*i OiPkOMftf ••ftkOdat •••* »**w»«fta« wair • ft • ftft A**O' «0* P •« • •'•He* » »* r.aii t eta ran J|n50: paia we i^c» i 10 • 1 vrrtoti A ww^m.^y t»^»t aia uitirttt tt# wetlft mt U omrtvn at i t i a or m . % ^ T»at att » M oo taft loowi DIPLOMAT th( pon PutvOi Aho V .OHIII a**se« TQtacoo m w?%mm 1 8m hew Ptxl Vc 8 gree**' ie»vg^ of fr* Kbccc^ f>ni*rc tr<; f a Ond mo«es .r mftd—hut dc«i re* ftftar out thct Iv* /v- -^-C- y -♦ O4b •''"a-i *• •* ' .4r -IT VBV-1 jppgftm Ta ommo 'OM ftmy tftwa fM» ATOH lftlM»»« ftftifV'-a 1 Outstanding and •* Mild! ^ ft* 4 wmmm ^a»^|pfty«jMUpftepaft*Mi* Ami) Mirmr.AV inrr vnill April »t. i§» Gov. Williams Backs Five Faculty Members Sale of Vols Fund To Leave for Oversea* I so of Fund Slill Uncertain Iruim t»f AIim'IH'i' A'ill Allow Tlu-m As IVopowil (iocs lo Senate 'I'o W ork, .Sliitly ill Korri({ii Nulitoi. ti> 1 hi »tit t» I'btmt Five Michigan Slate Ifnlver- I Mi * tfllKiratiirv «*!«»tn!«s 1 the flit«• of a Republican plan to ulil- if,,- I n«-i i f;i 1 nt v altv facility •meniliera will wi/rk IrlfhMiHl neerlK ,,f ,J I nisi I'll it* I t«♦ meet tilt* itft!e^_cn*h rri*li , , thr \ el mi ■ 1 men 1 he 1* mul and study ovecseaa while «n u , ihr hill moved Imvnnl it** first teat on the Senate f 1i.i|»i 1.ill.tie. ■ii»; 11111*'«. t a v Fulhright grant to lecture ami niinialrution, on Iimvc^ . Mfri.iUfI'll*" h» he prrsetitetl M.n f 1 < 1 i««via. Oslo, Norway. family ineinber of inuiifiii,.li Ii Ilr. Vraah Wall, aaaarlale pro iyr.nl l>evrlo|Mnfiii 1 ?iJ «,i>li I hr ra*t liH'llldf*' I.Vllda M* - Orrrn Spl»«h ppr»onnfl prarllc* furmalloiiN. feaaar a# (IMKOKI, an Inlr •riMilioJ If- pfcy*tr* and aairanamy. 1*101 rrtl* Miuiltl be iliuii|»ril WiHidiUrre, N V fimliunu.. for r*|»ei lellfftl hi, an eerlaln aaperU *f , w ill wark Info Ihr «Ulr'* mirtnli' grnrral Sue Mill*. Sknklf, [II, fir h flmrlea ClofTI, l^uiy I- New York Tlifiiif the lhaary ml aallda. ut I.tuamuir, Kwlt/rrla fund, at *il it.i,- fbrir for dl»lrl- iiutii, Pruf. John Uietrm, Two facultv ineinl»era plan lo htilluii It* agrui Im and for pin • bin.I. N V , aoplioniorr; and.lo.i i itr|>Artment of •<*. work In Ecuador, !*ruf. liogri 'Splash' Presents Show pokm 010*1 In nrrd. Hen. Kttliinui/>• to Auif. I tt. will KfliinlihiiK "f the fiiiol iv..11 I volvi-i fniir |*s»i»lr, eeiilerm. .1 chemistry def»a'Hoent, will Ih* on |>i>-|*q hr iiuiifilohni in 11 It*» o HtV'l leave to aerve as biochemical |nm t on hi* study of j Ihr nrllori t«* Kenrral (wo flillill-fll bright lights iirul hiiAtle-luistle. fund fm a nil vol ffiiiKl The crew fur the jiliy 1*1.'. t"- firwi Splnah, uomen's avvlni- SCAMrULL'll NI'BUUAN NllOr ( AMPMI.I. N HI Uli alMiluiii in liai.h NaMdra 4 miner. aenlnr. will he t-lutlo Nituilv StiAsfii, N"i lh - ininjf Imnoiarv, pienenla Its an- aw lmmlnc Hie that wan her fit-ilnuon, I.ynne Frniuni, YOU'RE TOP DRAWEI xilir ben llarold Ktau rif tiff for * Vlilf. Intlrii en Kol lowing Mm New York reeh. t'nhm Pier ahnlnr. lltrultr •iitllcafril II* il kluiltr of fi rr iirohablv br Mould tiol hlmarlf hf rln lion* UNUt ill lien II-llbrralcil I Ulta * raiullilalr. Hit forlbronilng Mai uiirerlaiii. from lliel atiurce MAKK TMK themo of this .veal'* allow, Hie Audtenen will Ih- viaitfiiR (hf An addition to Ihlj year'* show wMl be I wo mer-meti from 2 YOUR TOP-SIDERS MIC IIMJAN MTAli: NIMH Howery, tdilnrtlowu, Coilliai the porimise fraternity. The w William* •list hf IteUrvc.l gj liew (hMil also adds lo Hie ireauty liiiii'(|j.iSiii*; m .1* tilimi i'»i ui thai Mil K MOR.NINCJ MAUI I Park and Broadway. of the a)u»w. J Men anil CoeiU >|iacr lioslriirliou thr *la?e 1 hf «rifti m.'u'.I !.*•! !ia\i* t<» !>ikr nilllluli 1l0li.tr !•»■-* Usui FLACKMI NT HI1K.IU Tirketa are now on sale at the Union ticket office. ScliiillfT Mould If ifitiii'f-1 I" '4*11 i'iii; the ill) Marhelar'a 4f|fM (MI Mailer* (O) Doefori. Where no 4o- r *891 Speak turilit-t lit lotl.iv * nuiihfi, lo •i I tut. Iw r.tii the ioovimoIii ** f «»•• la Indiratad. all tfrfraa level* are ellglhle lo Interview. lioilfrcy ; IfVi! In HI,'.' tt rir AI'KII. tJ. lilt NKW YOIIK (4V-r.ntrrt.lnfr *111 ifi it. i in thai tin - M el f III" f li Roller Ihihlu* Arthur (hwifiey, facing chest ver A!! rlem. Ill), mat *rrondjrv and »!" than ' '|m*» 1 fi. iiiii'ijuivt* St-iiooli 1 Deinnl «ui*a) sutRriv for a po.i; ihle cancel, Spais1 X»■»• In .f 1 iirti.m i i (he t«i}»ii* t»f a piwiaM 1" he UUtlM tile III"! IgiMJUit ilii tern hen lahianau (H) i the Ihttiicatiini emineil lomtrht at faun lo "keep your fliiRera cro»»- ; 11. (Ml, MktR. (II) I Mi, Per Adm. tii " \d r.t . • i - <• mi I A.m ' t.. i»«i. liu... II h ill llepins (Mi (M>. Retail Adm (It) "1 think I'll be back with you iM>. Advert. (Ill IM). A It, ,.:'V *j , a i.• hivtr |«». i.tlllfrii }tiry|tirt ' iin I'Hhii.iih again one day," he said on a THr. RTORE WITH TNI BKH BMHIlt (II) (Ml major* for • limU * v h.) i. > .l ir.tfi i.f the IH • !»** lyllfd f.ll f . MiltllSk "f I \ Ihiilio Series An'tR. junior executive tea 1 nee jh»»i- pie-ta|»ed nmrrnng radio broad* HAN %U»|.f - * i.P - MM |MI .« I.' ■ I t iliii , r to Miltt llln',1 IK U'-M. t'Mf'.SI "i »'* lattio mv U "taiiv Sears, Itoehuck K. Co. A.t lk- (II) mnjori fur aetmunt- pects t«» l»e off H»e air at least (lO-J !■.. 0 A 111' " m i!i ise pi r-ehted over »l t t - I lie iinlff hf I tie et ruing t« 11} . ant traimnif prosiam. two months. IN NVHN.ia.IN h.TTHMRIVO JOHN NVHR.II IN N.'l lll WK.Ml WodlUitiav olterinNHi *1 In- a tt rlriMHr In llaii«n». Ilult ilardwaia Mutual* (.en Uu* (Hi. MktR ill). tJh. . ,l.t f.rmit l ist (hulls 40llrll will *|inli fur lite Mo¬ III.* I ailed Nation* prenMita- Ait* (H> majens (01 aotaried rten! National tiluralluii Ami., tales. Minimum arc 22, imut ?: >.'i »H«i! Hie fValiod* AM'aid, mul M hiillrt i SniilIt nnil Morse pincriiii Im* merited Dry tiican Now! Clean ihr lugfir-i award in the radio Aiherlon Cuuuuuiuiy I'll,MM Mil ih M!-». i ill Ml - * I . I . Ml I;,- lit ton .Skhoois Ail elfin an.larv (11) t em tiers tearhen of See* Mraftuiif- ury * ii : r full -• i . - ■ . .«•« ««I,- ill «'u!l With il!.' : .he mid 1.11 • 11111 •( 1 i,I iiijniiaiioii,,; utwin • -l\eilrtllt-> M •■'!!» ||i.< list l-«' »:•*>'. •lti*r«;»,ui. "flee Malh 'lit. St irme (Hi or Arl • r •taii-iliu; $1 rll.MMI-.MM,; l»t»ur Hi'i f-.iitivs \ (ir o I If 1 iMluirt I!»f h Mo> 1 |H». III.*toi v (Hi (one of pie - SPECIAL v.on.* ihouitl include coach- H mil. iml-ii-i'iii - i 'I'iMfc.liv » 1 f rSI-M 11 nil ! il* thojf»;* and ,M4'« N« VV at l«n j V ' i V< r.u -Uli I ffl.Wtd lo| Ml»|ld |H.t. • in*', History 4II». Math (11), Math-Sc. (J)'. F.nflnh (II), 2 Plate Skirls - • • i | - A .1 i'.i llfi||nia" i»i;i j»r «".<•»• t f a .*•■) .if rh|; iiiii -i » •or \h* \N RpK ivh (ift.riapliv or Hut. mi i . t*, 11 it -... v * |»t-0|fi .to. 'I i. in IU| i i-iitutr l» Si , . M "I •iiVtiitt, < h - % ,ll • uMili : it ,, »• im | < * • I K « HiiK liM I 'l < I'l., 111.' rV!lit" an - l. M-H.f) 1 Krt, hull. I If I toll hot) will. Il of Ml.'! Ml hi,r II (il-.. ! ;i :..X iotlai |hr Paik Foreif S' Im ! DmrUt (lit (Ptiy Kd minor). All Klem. (II) teacher.*, |2 Swaaters 11 Im atfo Aiea 1 . i'IH i ) "llll,U«tit»U Ih l.t Ih. nil I mold and Hie t|Uf»tifv«a,tl foreinn oiunliit*. hnsutbr Wtry ill), PliVHiem (11). Rml. w .« mil ,;«■ ! IMt' St MM.1 ,1 until iH'l t • « I i-Mli mid t-.iiu •« - Mrli m liouttlat. Maui Km f uui, orv (ID, Kii«U*h (Hi. Main 111'.' (ji»li IliM-ounl Laugh al the Wealln-r | tMHlilltllhtl )' -•>»*tl.;i f.'l Mil lifii Mi»,Ien!«, in | tii•;» ( IP A So. Suit ill'. I u*-.«•* Judv Hollid.i', Vlrlnr IhaKr. Sir Iti'ievillf rubli, St'liiM,: A-i l.ieni. (li) tvachei? I-el |Ja Water- tia"? »!i»kh •n.l i» at I'm tin I'm 4siiiM.1v. . Ui c,'Siege «m.j in (h» l„iiuviKf Dlivit-r and AHml •i'i i t- ui , duealh'ti. llilfbf. hI. . I lAdioit- Area) Caril* Now Available I'riMif Your Coat*. This is your last week lo BINGO. Come in f« Mori- jH-nplp drop in for Camrl* thtn One Hour Martiniiing uxor thutk bio any othrr ciicarrtli- on rarth. It atamla to rraaon: thr brrt tol>am> niakra the brat amoke. Thr Camrl hlrn.t of roatly tobarroa haa nevrr brrn rquallnl for rich flavor and easygoing mildncaa. fed, pad Immty v«# la lh, pad . .. Have a real f.11? cigarette- £« • % haveaCMMEL a-pT m A 7-9 p.m. Wednesdi I 334 Evergreen . and two cartons of Camels for our leader!" UPSILO i?