Sport* lli^lili^lit The Weather linfm Who lloiiiril ' Windy, Warmer A mil her llollKiinie .SSUto VM1/W. llirh Today f.5 Srr Pai(r .1 Srrviag MSli For ."»0 Yrari law V. win—d, y „ VOL. M. No7I0 " KAST MNSISfirMfcmOAN—Till IthliAV. M'tltUZt.'W.U Herter Handed Policy Reins I Etliloritil * Ike Pledges To Support Hai|K Congress Adopts Secretary Housing Proposal 000 of Slal.- m |)»-pt. I'ATERN AI.ISM rmrnt ll >.i-• h«i.i! ofice fiffttn fit. • li'lfu-w'lu/ when h htti'l*!.' .uliti>111*1 ration r«mirri|t- tw forv.urtierl a lirt of kUKife-'i-l hmi- iuK rxyulhtion- rc- vmi'itii tu St.u'iffit faffVerrifneh' I iirjr r th«; term* r»f tlie r« V. i-fln*--ilav tiiyht nil ainfflb male ufi'Ji r; r;» l *#«s•- *1 udent* v.hi br forhlilih-ri to IjMt in Ufiapfiro'.«>' l o i n.-/ .•v«*rti'»riM #»f th«« rekoluliufi * that* I. All Mnpli- unfltTKratliih' are required lo live In rjuarlera fijijiruveti lay the ur. t t*' for at least miru- 111ai itaii'inrdi of r.itfety hfid drt'l'. It. 1. The area In which qua i n.av la- approverl J« T"'^^ Inuiidril hv I.. Ml. Hofie A « 11 the south, N. fJkemo" W/—m|. : 1 --i - • W/ m n 1/ T L I load nit the i-haI, Ijike lu.r-• I'entiavivaiiia Ave, on the v.. — I load on the north and with a projection of >; #. n. rlamr* and living unit* t»it and off ruagw 1U* IVtiiirvIvania Ave. due north tu Lake Ijihsiny liuati. car far Ufoln .rnuml Lhr r.ntl»ii«. r>|i< • looklnc for a bleyrle at a r*>a***nabl# pttrm «m at 4. l fi«u|iervMefl quarter^ rnav in- approved unlv f'.r li 10a evrr-lnrrraalnf dtiljir, Ix-tHrru lhr hrld at thr aalvagr aurlion yard U*g**«S«<, btudefits in the upin*r college-, <,r s.iuuehtH 21 year* of or older, or veterans with J> nmnthd ».r rfi'.re f.f He* No on NS A active ervice. In additiufl, these •>tp*r*lit*l? a* 1 lb#f4|.»u»l# l#-»m *u*h *• ate**# for. the *. Thr- Huriif rules of vowlw 1 are It effe*f fi,r st. i- b#*t adiu»t(n*r.t »»« tb* I.*|t;a< » Ao *PS>*'«d ;.r vf USG Modifies Committee's ni»Miirmnj u -!,> ; '-W •efit« reyardie.- f.f where th*-- r«- .'if. '»r. ».r off rampu-. - »u (eyidfaa* *•*.#'•♦#' * * »'# 4 ll-if »« j#< llffll f»ll WK have aiwa f#-:t that fu'lent ' «,ver J1 , . > , •hf*ul«l TK»t la* subject to tif.; » f ;t- eontrol !h the i bor e llannali to S|H-ak ' **r MO to# 4-*.4-tf- » r; . Recommended Housing Rule »f housiny, the resolution pa fj », '-♦uilei.i f f*nyres" t- ri.uch riui'ler and more liber*! than the • ijri'e"tion» "f.e ■liflrnt C«»nurv.* Wwlnr* |lt rwiwl unaninifHj.u t«. h.v <»-- ImitlMflg v.i ri .. if! hi iHfteiM"] 'lot) Of I v !t|f Jma'.'.Mir. I on- un uwt A' V; rereiveiJ. The administration seem- t.. hive a tradition of a iniiiis' a jia'ernal attitude toward -ludents that is *' Big 10 Greeks Meet P.) ft 11 I M'M\«TIK nrnd to the au. [ mi administration • student in,- It-.. ai.-f |'» till" v a li"f. rommittee, J'residen! JfannaK. and final.'-, to fhe iPmnl nrefif ♦ folttre. Ave w:!h pr'jf 'r . of J'erm- An he .1 of Trustees for approval. When, *.r in what form, if veil * (cording to A' V: - ti- '.In- > Ave. flue north to Ukf Hep flu- Ltvihg'"! t.* !-».- emerye from this f' ^mWahie >'a if.t-et *>f discussion, i' f all tingle man uraii»,?! * i, • ". ?; • r Wllt Im required lo Ji.i in *«'" lioundan*-. are in effect at : *•. *•. at,-I 14 imjai*!fihle to pre*. king checked and »m<1 %,i isi-nt vr» - • ivr in mfrfi*!,! We strongly hojie •hut d'.otd with equal s'renyfht 1 '.r.f#*#R*» tiil ff#ri#» r ji i**»; N* * bv I I the university "ft* »* !».••• • - <»f a *.Ve '■■MO ' <*• that it will t»e ni'Khf.. I to ahoa students over 21 to live parti* p*.# to a w'4'M. i* «pa tha »•_; ,* * :#• »**?<>, The rommltter whieh SMffrit-.* ,! I hniMl standards of gafei, «i.-t • *S where and how the. i 1*bm fnday r.-r#.' tar? fv* Sraa: T* nwvs !.a. ed the original rrgillation* rea« Illation.'* »onri| to part up*ni the faet that We feel, however, * at Student frovernmenf ha" done -k.-.g • E • I led quarter* will he the resident e hall* are not fill¬ Al'housh a mainrttr nf I «•*• its larst. in this case . respectable job, to represent the to upper college hUol' iit ed flulv % Moo sluftrlit* of the gretamrn |iff»»nU4 Mini in fatwr V'S" <■- of rraf filiation student body in this • "er. Ue hojie, at lea^-t. tha* fhe.r i SI tr over or veteran* 7.10M caps* it y now live In unl** with National IS montks «r more of a< - tenll) hall*. Modrnta' AkM , thr II II final re^olutioti wil( la? a«i •'e*l in toto, if the ru.e* ff;us* fa* daty. win maintain a 2 « voir wa« not enough t-» m»»l rev i*ed. .'.g ' ' V P*» " iff The to! MOr.Oii?:e«. tuies v ■ -i.'l !»' U. lUf fhe •• - thr iffUlation. twn-thtrd* required |*>r rr• A Irv Har,r.«ir. k * f K-* f els himl Lsi> 1 *•*-»*. t> S»CSH* J he famnilttn,'i lugy-• 1.. I,\« !*,. Homo Kconomics ti I*- !■:• ' ■ t* -y »- 1 Honorary # a -/,«j Mr will be faflewed b* t" lot lot li wouhl ^rgrsdufltc* to live m «hm>< .1 • . j.'.fi . fi«>. * . A - . h - r !: - 4jl'p: K v-i ttilt#r g*#«. p'»».d»^t Soon to hire Fin#n*»l »'«d Aiiih/iiiicc* «.f the Am*ri'«r. • I Annual Awards * - --i r (kuprr\utd !»'*• t/.V Mf.*l f, ^rtinent (unsupct vised» p> ■ » •,- :**« «- v. .1. t;ii ■.»■. • .M MSI Pi to. *r fit af rdu-*- - v- "*-ha*y |r* going only to atu n • ', i'»iiu! . . ti'.n aha will »s*»a an ?'•» !l,i • ' .f .K s ?»f» «•**** tsrrs* rtiii school. f.n'lei tiii * - « i# iiiaifhti? t .j. N#«t |e» »<#-!» *##• *a •** Wnrfc in tl* «» 4**•(»( It« • lie* 22 or over to live off- *U C. i'i«'TiU rswh/ to • 1, ./ .N' . • *■ Iff*.'J U'MUH '• Re«iptent af tb# Anna Udm » .■ toe e*a Vf 7 *• f-gf. * ' Award far aaUtandins ability in plwabwas far J r«urt..l#r* and «n se j Vpu* unapprove*! h -u r A < U ' H' ..liv pa • ij* • /• • . - aif'if liM W»* over »Se «f*# I i i; i.r" 1 '«• A . 0. *r..' ou 4f.fiIfig elathlnr went U> %|erilee fnom¬ Ifidarp-t defined u. th< • • A • ■» ax* ■e>-* 4Vi*.atect .*.ta U»c b-.- as ktrbmsnd lad •*»»..# x:,-i t ruler, which UH luU*-' 1 hi timutot <1! ti. ,# roeii * Ui'..* a t « divjuaii . < t. *!. .r.piiioarr *ir-#*.*?*«. fr», . f " - .iig t»<« du.nrr l> '« *•<* T*.»* ' srr pte H " * fs - i ./..MOg •>■■- *.f?.0 .s* Ujist. f • •- of 'he f ■"]' !f§ Eaten*- -r. A * *"J a*. • Jo p - I [any PomIn liicontchlnl « . "f Jus' Jir la ...ry, * a,., j.*.« f - ^ A Vii-U '. *r»i .N iUi'nn I'l- p*., juv* • r.i**'Ar> «#f <>»■ Nu » *' n Eveiyr. Vsr»or sent'/f. f >r re. f »■ -..rvr- r *'♦:•# ' V"'- ' ' > .V. I'a'ai Jtog* • .e •.■-1**. »*- Jiurxied ♦^-•e ir. !VZ»» Is*'..,** and < •*."* \ntire *•"" *4 u iU'-r^JtrL *, h-.-i • Primaries T caching - •-•S.-X" -aSrt.tog Today! trnil* Meager sad Sum » An- • ajar # •_*- 3* - • ' r. ptai*a»»<«r. *. '«-r4*r*g » Alt Nlate New* P'dde.t M«»fn»'*i ft.-' 1 .<■ *""4 ;•# •' »Sa - »«rt .3 • l» U-nii.) fjrf pr*.*A»t,-"f.. V S-fMHi. president *nd rke pre»i- fapber* «Ui have * fr^wir#d »>•< to.'** nft. F-edwr**, r - Pit s/ oft-f s. t»u* • *, .; de*t swsfdad U»e • tssdit.-r.*! f.eived 1 A** ' ■ mrrt.r.g U4«) it * |R ' " •« *, a M.: ■#* *• •■]>'■ it -f oe sei® f *-f •.«. rtbkeas «# pM *M lsvrnd«r te h.g» «*■ •. e * . i-mge - Bludent* will vote tiai.iv Ma • * Baa* Ma Sue la the pa nil# a turf* darfcf-errr " «M *'i .Ariaraf he- • J:. / - Ue*# msjass a a - - a-.#; ' *./'• * ■.. ;# iSrawie rf..d Ik-tuu** Rafiue anil i#» • Integration ' Sees Md Ave Student Covifiets -r. retaaksg *»#nt u. Aaae |*snw *11, a « * t -.a— -* • % Iiean Theii'.a l' r1r- • »• It*. . ("and Kuxrn, Lebby Va«i Boydrr Cup **-*rd*!-d Voting will take place in a ! Mii-l iM-rothv MrlntfMh. Iktooce hall* during tt«c IS'ot Wanteit • prammre maiftteifung toe *.i* MtoUtUc * Wii'vur. I! uf . • TV urn- fere*# Pla vers on Tour for !1 ( ong re** *e*U there • ' average *r Ship training f-i-.a s. ... *--• 'it # d evening meal hour* ' *>■< hvrina South, M:.f r i Jrr u u f- d ,-ig dig', ji «li no romprttnon. *nd the fni- p.*. .. . - • Willi imalifi' d In the Union Concourse t - F-cempua atudenU, « am-, low In* Mated have been aetomatir all* Hutlerfietg. Jen Hei. Ifv Governor +■ tnnr. Ijinsiflf Van. rr. Aires ( I' • farti *x*l f e J'mn Pr « Radge, 1 :>r H« i.-*'.#n. » -id ^ro.c» t •-* H i-«#e -*<- •" -r-d .'wS jer-r.- f f'-S--.: e« * "h *v. n. Student* are reminded that Wu»j#5". retailing '.t u. it. *a The Michigan Inr'*" A.v" - fvf Acadnrr.c ABuutt. • At per- to- > John Martinen Rather, J a me* •* • »p*#« » - **n - ^to.4 2«i. "to* KV." tf will need ID card* to vul» WASHINGTON .J* — A s* •t*dt "Trends Acavir- feyers ir® Head. < arl C.rtlfler; Raiie>. rscipaat 'd the J- -0 wer- . K* «.«* i* Frsta" ' V«n M«o*en. Pet Me*ton hin¬ -v, teaching me/ur fr»*r. Pi < oe*M '*•> ** « sr.: I,#-era prya »r«irii me ICSfJ Mattoer. Vlrkt civil ngsu leguiatam k*vr.'.« * Duffy der. Res hnsrtoi. Msrv Bonrdo: p.age. I.I., wgg s war da.; tt.e da, Ouo. junior. Ddugr-ert?, ds*e r'*a ly and *?!• fru»tie»g effort W "ram U.vegra ;ii», ax 1W, S I smpheli. Nsary MrUcrt*; d.srn tarn the thxoaU of I .and on. Hharee Breegleve. H Prof Write* for Test b ltP CM. INI BaM i vice I Bar. . t Vaae.rv. Sr-aron liaenm. Wil'iam*, Carol Drommet S. "will be Such *.* pvjpi* " jeff*lstAOr!>,* inefftctual as t he Executives Stress Brain Potcer Dr Ken. Vor-^-ras. fcssarare VSt Veccgast s'd *--en wf£ *r —ary tear w2l -oc g. fe aga_a « Fratey itotooco so| toi Burn- Li'. Ler.* research of A?^e- Robert Taylor p*tared sr. -or- y-g—WKIC st. "t* DtpMsttS' a< li rt/c f aswod by a jecfartb-i Junior W aaeev the ocr*j> be at wit _ T<^. eaecutircs. leaders in *he t.' iorctojeMt»" eaa a' IgSU. «.n*. Br jie P-app. John Con den. bnm." 'evd of marketing, met in K- - Lud.'um V*e' Corp-Ts* im.titwf. s markr*ur.g Cepar*.- t-, r Ho-a- TVrv X a.m. ofl Mug* Pietaker. gnany If ' O* if '.5# fjTJLr.tdm'e. f$ *1> Jack (iamtson, Pitting, Canter toe V-'scts .- Lihsn "The rtUsees mi 4tokeme fl.i Jbrnda* evef.i'g- tton; Jvhk aRteveruon, senior as¬ as "maxi/.g -tXir Leagv-age Oar * -? -4* >.*tog Xjp»| Phillip Eck+trom, Janet Jane* wiU; embrrs of ItSL* Msrke*- wkiek toe sales depsC^er: *i» pwssaod Fr*Say petitioning is still open for »i* •rrs# the is pgfckc mM sociate, toe Iftditftrul Mtfsd*- t;es." T«-.> Mm! to a" for V » a new t#*.*, a a* e^'e-s $y The pter was vsewod In claaa president, rs titer IhM wto .;.g •<;: x.. faculty and lUdcnu ; > S. I- Hlfftti** sad j-X-urad vacancies in married houair.g, diicuM the trends and opportur.- iaf aertkm of Arvh -jr la'Ve. I r ; ;•**> 1 marketing :«♦ arry Otartnk, Larry Walker tiee ef Uw reses." by lta.-p#r A BcjATWO A^r.. -S. end will rerna-n open until these iters at. marketing today. Taylor, ger^ra! mans- • to/ftg t > * toe Lace sr.] Peter Van Laer; sophomore teagrem. H-s peasi "TV Pwwvcvs positions *ro filled. The iroio point af the - in tne exncuvve fnat a •'.uden* ocgar. u' ic, ut Naa# friw.n Xiof ar*e TV s**y *•_ a*e » 1^, pood and Sue Hajrk professor of communicstic-n t>* auto to deteriorate pae for the 1 iffclBb fieid- anagerrer.-. um-4 Kf vgj Center eoaca'u*-#: t*y "** X3U franc Apr. ; [ Primaries ler Congress teali state." pHarvi^i PO«TU*B. ma w*i a» Hay 2 I he Said in: fraternities. Paul skills, »at among those attend* ICSU-s Dr. BKpne Keiley tn toia monner. accor-- — » 9» mm "If the federal ■tudai aied toe pangl of aaerkev* to rluk preneknw *u r-j~-an a a. CMata. TSe ptoy jg i Ollila. Stephen ing a recent three-dsy Manage- bramg power at tog mant InsUtute st the University caitinue# k« prsew tog experts htfl members tt basic re* f A.*»ty jo.: nifnt a nosey nwev- |aana, Larry Campbell* Robert of Wisconsin trying to force ustegratym | were: Bdsrasd DanRbr* rice prcs- ef people to tne mar¬ ;ratr^-wsul its me organua- eoatrasbn here Bsdneeds y 24- Baton. PhilUp The institute la one of nearly tu cm in public Mriwoa ident and general manager "f tjoa af vj dlscsmrtoa were: b toewr ref^a 2*rAi»c« is n**'4 to. sd . Ceri Wur.g and tJO t-u-ducted UuN yosr by Air PSoducu, rxe toore south." Patterson said, S epkens Diet*, vibe president it 11 Paie- i *1 pfesaden:. Due Drumuv*-*d. set* OK a*.JOLs a kypwenndmx. Taylor. Umvc'Uty of Wisconsin Ex'en- lauon* teteaaa toe KA dirsc- IK retaxy ; Die* Hatoeto. trswaurer; Tbe dueortnsce bedtx. »'W« Tarorts foe the Division through Manage¬ fanutfes oorxera yu [ Abbott, Jean Hume, Myrna *M-n ment Institute as educat.oral grow worse and di Bckksrdt; very brand cultural Dan Sogle. ptotoity; and Dr. R-wMki set fere v> egg: ju> sir.- are en asae *: • Jackie Shilling, school syetoaawsll be boos «n a <0. bowk. i Giroux and public services for ail eituem. I [enter Kcjccls Hcil Request WlflllfiAV ftTATF Hf.Wn (.onfrssioiis of I rlix km IT April SO* WO ragefhrea Rerman Arms Flow Starts Toaiulil ' indonesian I'airchilri in at Continue .«»•'# ,larger ■ 'ban Cab* to foro.a .r'e Voir. arid ib/ige-r fr>,m *../ ago toe d.»- Ut JiVt/ Nationsl fa»*o- JASIHNOTON <1*i ru,- The i veil' pnve suh-dahM- h In the past to the rearming of to make It appear that the (I St«Irs scornfully 1uihcd t'nit- g aphi' el H'c let y what llei letn aides have lie. n West «.eiman»- a projeet un¬ ed Slates had suddenly started in Wednesday u hu-'i;»m u lii«' I'll,it he dertaken after the Novtets start¬ arming West <,ermsny In a man¬ at that thin roiuifiy halt r* Ltup of toii Ifai ml' Ml.-. . ap- the lii.tjor hues of f K fun lAii! maiiilalii ipi ed hullitlng tip military tine or¬ ner Jeopaidlrlrig tire <»eneva PAT POOAS pole v . Iiait. 0 h\ funnel Son- ganisation* In Communist last meeting. Jlty for Writ PafTmnnv I negotiations ■re. ovm tieimuny |»«-rut. % ho John | .,-t« , hniii v AIumiI rtO minutes afi.-r llet'.-i Hermans. 't i e Kd-'Siai) hole ret ailed that White's kta'err.ent said Ut# □V Mas Stale h.-pai tiuei.T la-1 Mali 11 20 the f S. liriM.u • tieii|/'iieiiiii>' of NATO military I'uinplctcly hypoc-rllim! , , , in an t Kieti* ti ainhiis^o.loi s in M«>. SOPH SEC Y hagotida effort," Hirer fan. olo White r was agreed upon by toe a Slide t>t-.. 'o.-d the r S . oa 1«.let Soviet officials that ah linriil spokesman said «,f tin- Mall-inert!, Willed |:>-nation NATO council m t>» • pre km,ably was « leate.l wild Hnglr-hatid.-d action WOdhf hint pet proposal llellei. p; '<■ p.-e I,, f..( a f.»|. ign 11,101 '. - letdlM-r Ili17. Th.-iv .% r»othw d i Soviet hid was made In a loideicne oil It.-lilu .'Mid to, ulH'ut what the I'lli'i'l I «hlrh the Kremlin sent In I lie Soviets protested against* The We. tein ambit , SI a'it I- d'Htig provide •' •• hlncton Tuesday. IU reJer • the tutted Slates II*KIM supplying dun. Tie . aiitlottifig lid- ia fed naiM.t. ,...,.i.„t > | sum the ftrtl Important puh- lliost Mi.clcill weapons *•» Wr-t PIZZA PIT modern weapons. Including mis¬ 'u of llie |*4»rl.» toast longshore nove In foreign dpM t 'tic pie,-sefi1 staid- In • > policy |..l siles «ap:tl>le of drlUrrlng till, flcimany and other ail.e?, ho pMi.s onion, iJ.-fl.r, or make a separate ja*a< e testll.ed Tuesday - Ing the swearing In Urdiir*- w mi lie «ds to West Herman v said. the, with (.cumin v |too»e I II - tmoir.ll -e I of C hristian llrrtrr as see- and olhrr NATO allies. The Hos- A• It\ illem Kussla rlted this harhground. Furthermore, Wtu'e the -e .oi.ioilttee lie 'all'd .' -I I.. Wgr of state. Mans have objected many times I' H. ofthlals said. In an attempt t « helo for f.ener altssioi't imc dedon-.ive n.ea.oies again '. .. I lu.or k.i S tiei. "outrageous ' V I* • NOW OPI.N HI AM. ,'v.viel niill'aiV o He ,e. («-. ted Uie Soviet . i-ilni that the buildup of We t (.eiman ■fr I'n-.ik l.i-t it a single-handed si'ion by 'he t'nlled tiefjeva fiey Stab', 'o 'orpedo to* .i'i- o Is "tolallv .Hrvo.'l of substance,' Whits* said. harye VOTE fr I .inn Ii ★ liinoi-r Terrv mi \\ - -pi.i f \i. Hit It Hume Made Meat !*»•'»f with f.reen CI ass iiim; NOW! DAVIS He*r- Mi-hed Hull .ind Hu'ter. < uff.e |'r.i*tne- .»nd u' J'ed Je.» . Junior Vice Prosi'V^f \s i' ll«*li%«*r Af«-.iI On Hit- MMIII l:*'40 jr.HI. n thv limit t'tzzn J* Unas 2o:; \i. \.i. I II 2-0DO.; N»w Sampt— J«-t MikftUiid Pit A Trsll.OV-Pltl sorority memliers Horlimsn 'standing! fr Arri».H -* V Milk are . Highland fh., III.; f arola J pealed before a Jewish passover dinner. Silverman, sr. Tittshurgh, Fa; Helena Mamrlrk, A > right are; Joan l.asket, fr l.inierty. N \ fr.. Flttshurgh. While Uuld Itinr Now , |'a.t and -Sharon <«urewtla, fr, Hloman. sr., Charleston. W \ a . (liana Itr n ton liar loir. fp Ire I r*-.'iin Atailalilr • pin- l*> »v « \sii & i viun Field (lniMiii <- a-.-'ah' prufp.Hur In home* hrrtitn Keri ho; Ram sl.ohesi (ityWwkiiktio I lirptrtflirlit te««-r. y u?- and cl.ud drveU.prr,c!.', gawhllie ahr.ut OX A IghtUrd 32( p new r. ' •1,1,'iie* dc.tiuvisl tho \toln in major, . * . i Kr.owit.g ;i«a a t,» .'tipof tar.t a* knowing fc.-u-ct fuinllure." f .ugtit hard to nrfitn.l tho bln/e. Chemex i of today'g n»'«-l for jci- There arc roar y jou «mpof. 1 IraineM in e*| j p'',.c •» - ' :i.itics for iiu.ue train* 1201 E. '.rand Kiur FREE I There is m d.t, ,n,d Who krurx' erpur.rr.erit f«f f • #«.-», hon .- ar.d econuriusia UvJ',i»'r>. in buitneas jcrsnttnel, I..i-l bn-in- Coffee Maker nd* and makes, fcv. to hu. tis.neer, j./ui Itallshi, and defoon- 1 how hj ciHcse eci.rv.mi- sii a lor v. \ 't Gallon l.ukr, Root Bcrr or Orange .10.-.,-, E. Midi. (returned ntly. esdlega graduates to the campus re¬ a* itla 2 — Hrg. One llem i'iua \ Ju»l W n| of >i-ar- nt equipment Information, DEUVKKY Hs3U P.M. - 1:30 A.M. LANSING FARM PROOUCTS CO. t In equipment are rrrjuir- \ i some home economics rur- for ell tepehlng majors VARSmr DRIVE IN VsWAW.V.V.V.VaV.V.V.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V.W.V. kitchen OiialiO 1 noma in may la* o-,.- the < '• • « (ED 2-6517) I; GASOLINE • nine by f..r the most VAVAV/MW^^^^W^AVAWWW.V.-.'.-.V ♦ • > ptocea of pqui{ime4rt, Ac • list I ooest Frlcea In Town I to Mum Rval>n, RfgiilaP J Ethvl root, HUMANITIES 28%.,J ralm and I Ml. OAS and !tl avail- MOTOK .III. •a ttme-saving studs romfortaldr . , , JIM Outlined summaries of reading. M M 2 itn\ ran I lierfert iletcriptlnn n/ a CilcarettM 21 r prr pafk IIS TUTOR SERVICE Oil 21c a qt. and up man in a HASPEL . . . anil ynu tirink Methodist I nlvarsity llrakcs is located Just two i blocks east of the I niver- Sir I'erior auit Bos CM AM tl. Dalian I. Tessa sity on I .rand River, torn# etery drop in and see t lilf. and \nu'II h# a. rml a* you lank, hii . . . -top in today , , , *i hut, jour nil,. - R - ■ * *rv .' '.r-.T •*. T U E »39« ;; V ~ji*i-.' V. * *.- j fr.--. . .- ' -« ; ' - . A'.i t.--,.-*'. X N |{rxular«. Short*. I.nnt*, *' *. f. Jltlra I .one* and SUul- E T - *-u -j t .,1 Sue* .11 la II D A I RCK Al.TKRATIOVS 0 L SOIh.r Suit, and Topronla ... 119.10 to JI21.00 S M*n « Spurt CoaU 29.91 In •UI IIO FIrmI At » S War round Mailt* 1.1.93 lu 39.10 Pint (1-1 ru|.«) I.-VI S Summer Sail* . .. 39.9.1 lu 101.00 • Sumarr Mark* .1.91 CAMPUS CLEANERS lu 22.91 Uu.rt (2-1 I u|»«) . m - m • m uu (Hanoi *iioi*n ll,\ «»( l.MI Lillrr- . f ree .«#/«' tlorniif >r*ad. /ar M and /.ad" Inutility trrriir .literaliuif H0LDEN * RE1D El> 24)972 .-,17 E. Graml Kia'rr KRANDOR SHOPeiNC CENTER am.* M-un Turn, Mm, Ttu*. rrt. I N M. ,.M AN. M « r * m * r N jHg£ervmam*H. It: «««u MM^ws A or I M O MIC HIC.AN April 23. IMS srur NEW* r»«« >m,r MSIJ Fencers Face Filial s AVMA 11 Hurler Fans 14 IM Results .xormAiu Ray Robinson Ordered To Defend or Lose Tiilj Hrvan 0. ». Hrrei 1. ' ' , In Mo-llil 1M Softball Came 4. % linOr»fl-lrt I. 0, an 1 thfe elected caption df the feticim' AVUA M. 1. riylnf llttlrkMf* • i . V. aid fink Heir., • !* 'I P. Xha» >, U; 0. ». • Bin ..r: • t I. worth i. Mow Ian4 I fet i. l • .4ii, w ill he •'»! Ihe «-!»«*•• -■** »!'• h.v iniiN nohi.e •tig ^iri/rlt» lielweeti the Dutch- Itrvan I, l». Mryaa i. S NY Supreme Court II.tiihii.Ih Siffmip ■ Kre,i Kiciheit will omp'-tc left ai"I renter Odder* to It*van I». Mrvan 1. * The t-v ri1 - AVMA II pitcher John Vim- I rnmont 1. IV Kaamnna I, M a? fieri" June. Hi* urn'' hi! and D'H.rKc Iu.i ii'Icm hii'l the rijclit formula »c«re AVMA s final tally. I k» I. Aihrr « (mmam 4. 9, Kmm—% I. 4 In 1.1 liavN for liuNilio tirown Mulrii wii; lie a sahfe entry. Wednesday night us he *tru< k The only man to hit Van- ( oral ItiMn 40. Af 9-4 • Hern h.c »•«■« »» iMtmna! < i • •* out H I.f the IA Flving Dill. - fw.imd^n'N overpowering pitch iluwvr II, I lr-v • nw W«l«l wi:: h, .fo-i . j ..ti f..j the he ' 1 'Vi»* I >< • • i, in hatters that fared him ami .. ... She.nei lie HeW «»l|t to the forfeit* NEW YOftK t'V)—In n precwlent-*etllnir .let-! Hathar I »v»f Rathar • n •■!«.». aii'l Heir* «»•!• '<• - •i '■ M. « t .1 :i n Iio-liitiw in tlie IM i, :• nei.lei in the fifth and final Ifartrirk OS" M»H prrmr Court Jnillrp Siiul Slrcit Wi'dniwlay iliri'rl.ii r V ti t ■ c'MifcirtH i- «h.irnpi. ii! league. lii the flirt three inn- lul l I VRAI I to avar | I I, 11-0. 17-11 liay Kuliinmn to ayr.-o wilhln 15 iiayn U> ilefend hi- j rich -v., l**^e» twlre In the I,,;-. Van Iwaarden threw only jl»M.. • n.iiis' j ":c •• « make: mi In AVMA inning scored After Frank Sliem Ti pit. lies t.i retire nine batter* kip»4 0I« ovar SIM. Il-li II ■ I'K si| ovar Malta CM. 14-14, 11 1. weiyht clmmiiiotiHliip iiK«In«t Cnrnien l!««lllo or pi- MllilHilN HTATI MHH v i, 'In Dutchmen pitcher, walk m • ii.ces- ion . Il-o of tho I It l«*. taken the action hcrm,.> lilli i»\ar PR Phi. forfait Chuck ShnJ* t'lM'R MIIKVINIi IIAMI1 »w.» nun, Norm Itncvr «i., UliMt Rlaailia, |he former cham¬ , court. pion and Ma. I eantender fram f hillenanva, N'.V. If Kohlnwon Barker IKMTM ♦M ATTR UTION SIIOIVN AI « II Inn', didn't. Die eafnmlMlon aaid Utla «an|d ba vacated. Tha commixxion said It had the If illiiiinn Sclirilult n Inl llnni-ball N or/, Oli£ BOSTON W) lied S*»x anriouncesl — The We J rf)r better that ailing Te«i WiJluma • (WITOIKB f For lit KMC A«*»- WlLLUM HOLDEN TV SERVICE take a brief workout w j,*? way I'aik Krklay. It w... ^ I by of the i», mm Reapanalble Technician* first workout tor tha Jraior Call Came In union champion. MAGQE McNAMAftA ar General Kadi» & TV Woiiams aufferad a t>lr. Vice /,:>> ■Hom4tMylM.MArti»U "J: //^HAMBURGERS 2*2? E. Kalamasaa IV 5-5b;2 f alls M fampu* Only nerve training in his neck during i ah4| xinca hwx x-on s|KH-ial protectiva coliar <•.-* cd to h«*lp haxlen hi* rw* Preside*! LEARN TO PUT ROLF if Honor* r«lleifp 1024 E. Git \M) River 1*1.1 w "\eir eany mplhmr' fori* '"Ihni'l (in Near l lie U alri* Ron I hi Frau*h, Pro it Phi Ptii Sigma ED 2-6647 RK.INM KS AMI AnVAN(T.I) it firren Helmet - AImo- "7 IIKImjs FUR 7 HROTIIFRS*' 5 WEEK COURSE LESS TNAN $10.00 CO SIMNSORED MY Y.M.C.A. - Y.W.C.A. FAIRWAY 80LF SCHOOL I'HONE Ell 2-8715 We're Having A Shoe Sale Si, MII.ES EAST OF EAST I.ANSINfi ON C.S. Kj Dry Clean Now! i Our Entire Stock of Shoes Are On Sale! SPECUIi=r1 Frit Storaga aad Watorpraafiag Dress Shoes Sport Shoes Flats 10'i (jth liinrount (!ar.l« Now A«ailulilr lauph at the WralluT let Ua Waler- Proof Your Coa(«. Hi-Mid Heels Pennv Loafers This is four last week fe BINGO, (erne in today. Ties On* Hour Marlinizing uxwiHUKHoa Chuckaboots wCnepkiBwdr ?»( *e> Ud*lua illwur I you w3 b*. too. wk*n jrow *•• lit Boir of colom wkita, biod. h Md.aavy.piak, royal 3.00 **—0, praaivx at* 10.90 2 Pr. For 3.90 9.90 4.00 8.90 Thm ar* RrakfR Siu* of Iko Sormm'r Mml I'opuUr Styln tis Cols Komcr. Iinlians iirl 3 Ifonit- 'I' tt in Kill S.'ilimlav Yrjiir Key to V.r*trr Valurv . , a" 1 State 7* . rr, 1, r f , . . I.OW fOkt Ne-'« - I of M 'I'il 1 Set Friday Ggers Sail lo 10-1 Loss OJT ■ V Tr,. \\ \ Mfhl HfiHttt Nl'ot It I'rtrnt vrlunrf Itiriirtt -> lliitrv !*<•: I 11\ <»! '•>!ii' i -• •!».#. fi.'ii/ Oil A lit II 13, hVi I'afcr | |v* \ intimate story, :ln(l 10-1 ' 1OU'M i h" , iiniiny 0 i [ Ti; ♦•> ■ W»"l;,«■ of ' .'i >.std I'-;K ;m irresistible M-I i'H ••.»:! . i i .»• . ! . V»"l i i it' ' ' ' * hH I IM Schedule scoundrel i tuny •/j'h if v t?h ,i ')»» m-loaded »injf » % I ha ».a/l i|. l.t.lh taarna rr PAT PODAS ;n i> it. t«i 1.1 I .iitiiig tm 4 I □n I Or I nd 1 a tit rttitlrd llitltr It. I I.*..'. %t Mu.e.dtnh '•ma ft im >1' I.* a'lt It. ■ It « 1. V| .that vt. >ll*filt r 41 Old I nl I tank lilt It# lot r hr tould Major League rr- lagr I /rltj III I A IM tt |th |>| lltr ■ tultrr In Ihr trtrnlh Inn- ♦ it ' t'.H vt A♦ • ♦ It I I Oat* Mil \» »'•! I ln*. Vlr I'ttttrr end Vflnnle Min ♦tan ainclrd brfnrr I nlevltn llnrd lift I Italia ♦ t.l tt till 1 Altrr.a I hi o I ' 1 ftlgifia hit SOPH SECY ivruil hie mid hnmr run nf Ihr nf * ItA »•».» tt HI I'l Standings ert era *!• 1 Fh Fhl At. Fhl Itart e«tn Inlii Ihr lower erate In Irfl hr Id. A I# V "1 //J, ' if. I A'a'» I tt f.r» l.tnotnat r • il.RM AN I.MM » N A llflS VI. 1 «".« «u rj wire I on'» rr •'» fit t la.haat <1 1 att M.Uil I • IV I. I*r» ",r ♦it 1 RAF. tt lermti.M.ta f.H w i. i'ii r>.-.g -ife.riet> • au' I f.H Ml Ah Ftl tt A• H I .HMO Milwaukee 0 | trt '.I r 'rrn Sl'ltjien .who Jirl'i - IM I f rungl» tt K 4 I'd **,7 HH I III tt F0l l.atn « 1 M.I » * I «w Angela* 7 3 700 ' r'l a 'r ur to IUI NateK'-r. ar.d , *F I ft I ft tt Fhl fan ♦, | 000 1 * a >a S'tl'k- AF I l..nfct tt I .thata , * »«n I riiMltiQ « S *.4*» t & I IM 3 I lil. «tt,«i N s-ag'/n aurtrd tl.r In - aft. \ ',!,(! ■tii .1 S .00 .11 1 inMnnati ' a;, »,''i a one fi'nih r 4 •, 444 3 ' h it* 4 f» 400 I1 Mi . f K'.' ati'l hornr * hm 3 4 !»*• 3 .1 1 .300 V. rt-i. (,Of.r of i$t'utf Sunt a ritUhiireh 1 V ?n»; 4 I II Ml 7 M I nun .1 a' 17 J | I- ' n>o the >lt f|t-;'i pa\i!- Ilia coKon CARDIGAN bsrmiu * m vi i I * >vf. III I MMl l * plating tilt hi earn* . I «.et: Herrta rratorrd »o h.« , Hallimora t M.l ' 1, H a»tillit « >i| in / 4 irt ,«# • »,rd for his failuir to hi", and SLACKS f Lerrndn) I < tli 11 i • l/o.,r<1 fir I! a ehut'Hlt hid with pUlMS % UMh t|H* antra a' I'hllaUrij.n i« IN. e • ♦»* mtwnj h'trr.r run lull" I'./airn inD) »r It,hi ,*oj u at ktmnnitr »J i j III 1ROII — Part» lathi 10-11 U a{ t> « t 1 «,in* 111 a h at 11 lit. »i.i 1 a 1 hi4f»l nr. VI If Ihr tftr 11,g Michigan State Uaivarsily -till Motion—-Fapfiat M 0* I mi mtiati at I'ltOhurfh . slav *o i ' 'he rou'.r. m a nr Nf 41# had or FOREIGN FILM SERIES « on - Kafir Id |0-It in,.. it || 11 Hut i|.|, It4»l .our twaalar end pi ar Or Aula A t »• I,r«|.iI»A •la' * • I'roi a tvrd lo tHr l.a.t Mil*" r ♦ 11 Uunrjar • l * r 1 f, aa k I. lit. * and FAIRCHILD THEATRE Mm.r n %t - 5 ' I*. - 4 II 1-1 a 14 11 ' ardtgaot from LARRY WALKER *♦1 •6"' THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Till R. LAST DAY Best Bel APRIL 23 and 24 I Your lloiiuv ( oupona 2omm For 7: CAUSEY in 1 H I 414 44-7 JT- lo •« NOW MIOWINf. -SLVMC SiLAL ANVTIIIN'L SMAIJ. Onee Pair >4 It IS ■S9H ■WUjraMIN K3wBBSk TOMORHOW IS M I't.lMI tit'. UN IIU .S»« T«o r Mlurr. — All l)a> I'rrnr > "rtmmrt—krt* - I #t-l II - • l. "M.u.c Htm*" * I 34-'. I. . 43-13 13 Btttlllrt tptt ..HI || fm hve TOHOMOW MC W Tony ' Poor Now af Federal's! "Rain 'n' shine" coats .. REYNOLDS-RANOALL-DOUGLAS priced so low you'll be amazed ... now only _ a ^ ^ ntr 1 'V TheAtdtuig Game* * " »' <*«. .* - %-t "• " " " . u* •**rv4." > *• ■ * \ r.4 r. • ^ •• «{ ;• »* V.-?. no « r /rs? SArs, r4~ -1 pi. 1 — At *4 L+\ ;■/'# vitA u«t-«n rarh * t;J ,3 Ir i Ok».A# FRED CLARK UNA Miami ' . . . . tr ^wtft'k. i+vi*. r,», v v* A t'-i wi-J* w ;y* Ws* t-> g..a».ft Ja Hwi'b afc, j at i ttki a. a • It tt .» rat fr«B | 1. _ VU»u 4 > l^tlrtl Vti Ik MKIIIfiAN ATA if M i A »(•»• In Si/iirrzr, Too Farm (1mlit prndin f, April 21. Ift.A^ f Special Education Week S'ltldl"!. a euro synip 0 I title rca on tiianv t.eitlipa-to . ATl'KNTiiis" Clinic Topic iiaviriK croatri'i and ihin't thy nut When tin* cap in en un tie', HIIAW IIAl.t VOTKl 1111,1. Iici, Tells of Teacltin'g Challenge At Kellogg li ft oft a collapsible lube. Sor¬ bitol I- hue>''f'a111 that helps row Ji'Niuii Itiht ■. i«'• :• i(i Iheit ...ri«irial mm - VICKI'llKSIliu N'evv eoncfpt* In tho up- nf li hand" Hi" 1 hull I >1111' 1111!S|II Olill 'oi|ll'ill!"fl Tin* cli j« 1 !»•» j i*»* te.uhim; in- spooi fiirrn o rod it is n rntiiti tuple ;it rhddicn w11■« jiliv ■ km'Iv Thmiii'lifiii 't>« M, 11,i! ifi.l f;11111! v will In1 avail- an- il.l,. OXmIiIII I III' VlltlMll r.o - tto* 24th iitirujfi! MStJ Aktriuil- tipped mi.I ntenhilly te- r; >ii-1*1.1 vh 'if i"■: nil II1. 11 • I I.I' rlM'l (lift'HI ft'. illV o\o'l III '.JM'OlMll Olllioil- tucol Firi-'ineo Clinic which shut- l,tr,|i'| u.'l he Iii;:Ii':i:Ii'.ivI dur- will ho mi • v!nln Mo l!,.|| .III, i t.. .1" vvi'i I|ll'" t|.»n,. td Tuesday and cirdinuos tmiav. IllK' -Sl'tM l.ll I'Mll. .i'l.'M W. .-K ' n,. mi m hirli u ill I leerved «i' MSIJ lobby ..r I ho Colli' " <•: I' III. A It-week *cr(rs ill Irlrvlihtll F.rrthkt 'liinnjhrimri, muMant (if /uit11ir: M'tii.i iv. |irngr.itm "it *per(iil education Viro *(ilo*.idoiit, roM Mioh dop^i l- A<•'iv11»«• H I!.. • •»!»• >»«»tit ' h »• u ill begin Motiilm, on stilt loll V eek u 1!! In- - I" 'I ' 1" "ie I'rriichiiHiii Itiilrs t\MS|t, | liiitiiirl 10 niont, Fodcral Uosj-rvo Mink of t'tilcaifo, will do. ipiv tiie Miiijo. t Si'M K'luc i•»» i ''i1' ' " The lit I ptoi't mil •'r,i(i>>11 with thr In triiftinri.ll Hillloini f.iinilnhi \.i *.. .in iii!i"' - i.,! i two itv'i with .hi fiphilio liiorratu.'. ji.ii tmi'iit of To ' Ii<■ r K-Im' iln'ti. 'I'd I ii'iv I finis Poll ..f m«|iv nlu.r .tilToriMiff Miiro than 200 M.ehiifan hat.k • Alloc IM vl» llrlndl «.rnl«ir • !ii. h m.iko |.. . nilt/i-'l trntiilliK «•!'. are KeIh»K!{ for the tw-»- ninl |irr*l«lnil-o|cr( i»f ttir Sprr- l*.\ It IS ■ 1*» A . hi In .1 Km III . . , 11 1 rlav event '.viii. ii i . hoinj; i • |,i| | (Iiir.ition I hil». «*;•*«! the pur- \\ hi!.' W . .11III'I h.ilj'i.,!'-. ' I li . ; Slltlh I t' . 'Vol Ott III 'hf '.!■! H"i ».oti*of| hv the Mulii«an Hanke. toi.o'.hoi ili'.l- .1 JlO III I'i . k 1 II . "li 'itfl'.l h" I. A 'illation and l»«•!H li" MSI |m«r nf (he w rrk I. I" iii'Miialnl , •II.' . 111"' more •diuhnlv ritirrl.ill* fnr*lt« Wedm - la. I.nro Ai»•(.'.!i!11 li-'i! .i'I\ h.Utile iippi'il ' 'In. .il'lo .n"l ('i»!lov;o of A e lit III till o r.»l t * ■ • mm mill tmphniHuiev u llli op- I i !>»\v.i:«! 'ho I ">i' ■ '.'li''! o ' It niii '.'i!'. '-i/htfit, I llltlSTI AN III HI lit lift now miril.iiv of ctiilc. (ilk-* with ('/.tip. i a'iv. Kx'oi .'in Sei vlt i poiliinillm In (hi* »'.»|»ulI> on* .i i Io n view '•! 'ho p! Ill ' V. n I.ami. .1. . i ipph il niul ( iMlrtiMH J. IVilllNfn l lilhrl hl oi llir Srnslr I orrliii lt« l ltton* lliphli^tduu! Kit' t-ofdon lit a pi titling lirlil iic • >. i.ill ii i *i i > ii 11 ii '.If' fhn' I fonitiiiltrr lit WmcliiiiKtoii Th.mIi' hrfurr the opening of u hearing Tuo'tlav a talk on ' Avii'u - Whm -III'i«'iil m.1 n-r in • iii- 11. .'Ifiiss. :u V. - .1.1 sol. nil ' I in- Sue t.ii ('..liifiitioii < . a. on llerlrr'n filur** for (lie po t of M-rrelnry of *Ule I lie Semite turo* Siteldtoh."' li.v Ivy l>u*- t. llns null. "I ■ "Mil tlllll- nil I h i!'<% I I ■ l • * I»; i i "iiin11!ti'o Hii.iiiiHtoiislv rmiflrmrd lleitein notiilimlloH li.v m roll rail voir «f ti.'in, proshtt nt t.f th.p Tiii'.t ('.mi- , i . . workillK on ' h >■ f■ hiM\ s. iio.I aiuni ■■ on i "ml") • id CoorKia A*"»< into.. S| >• <' i • 11 Ivhif.tlloti Work' p"' 1(3-0. party HHll.ll MII .mil ||o U i . h.'pllliC i j„o I..' nrr Mr-s DHVis. i Ii.iIiim.O'. the I It.' .'Hill foi ' W lltn" '• . p....i 'Ml S.ii.i It o | f ii s. co j tf then"-' i* o ' > to o M ' HIP Itv I: 'roii ii':. i i.... n . I -»;i»#:'t»u14; cotiioi . Itntl. Mm. Snfi'ly l.nnfrrrnrr t o,I l.'iiiii «;t!irr i.- it nil i-h-not H y ( l.'ls'l nolll kjioi 111 i ' i ' I".»ru f■ 'i : • loo' iii of; • II'. loll !"|" ! .ii. ' lit' hi •» Ki n/i" I'o'i ipko, Milfonl MMiiot, Yvonne Ml ('lonioti'. tuiiioi Tiie en.v on Sixth Natttiual (V»iif> t'iiuipie Safets will in-' For A Moot I .till, ilo.if, i I i)»|'h- 1. ti" ' • ii'-. v iiutlov. niKh; tihil. i .i fnl! .t.'iioi I 'tf-kat el. Dotioit son i" i in Kelloftn Center Mo ml'., retarded, Mii'-n-n .v * 11 • 11111.1 t m.. ii. It. M.u ». v Win, l.iinaiii: Artimr. nn-t Hnrvh. I Minting iiinim. "Hoiijfh :»!i. WetbiCMtav, April t Or I'rlriliiinn .liniwicil In I'liliiflilti I'roji'ct Ill' 11 III t N i, |m .)?;ioii. o (iistttic ti i■ iieen a- • A Snack I'.iki t..| ,t two ye.ii' pi-t iod, lb tie 1 » I c.tV t > h I! MM til. • 1 !"•' Pa !i in ,i West P.iKi* *.»• = . a. ! a ill Com* To .n i-.-i ip tli- tml.l i K'.l'l i .olmifiistiMfion and tilate.l area . "New York, New York" Ralphs VOTE Willi "KEWPEE" Green Splash Cafeteria PAT Mermaids An Idcnl Spol lo Meet \our I'ricnih Cord niST-KRAD SIHIRT COAT' P0DAS April 23. 24. 25 Tadored • i• i11 cu to i ye . >r.u the fashionable tlim look. H'tt; rpott coat to wear with your favorm ■, . ! St* fed m tin ivy manner with narrow lapels, his"; , and natuial a; It will carry you ttirough the □v Womor's Pool dh »•.•••' choice i f and a ur.uite fol'.i' Washable, of courie. In o» Tickcl* XI .(Ml $11.93 SOPH SECRETARY \l I iii..i. or Al Poor II. Kositciikk BRCK* of Kb 11 :t V. WASHINGTON 0 < s m "SUIT* MgViW' Kyaz^pRicesJ niacss Ul H0xt4 III II K will re Tires! MOBIL DaUXE RAYON WITH TYREX z ti iii: n it: IT IlKI .Kss o 900x14 28.97 lll.ACk U IIITE IU.AI K M ill I E 26.07 o OSOx u 900x14 2S.3J 31.55 34.JS TIRES! 470x15 710x15 12.95 17.31 .11.54 21.13 17.73 19.44 21.31 23.71 31.42 81 1'""ul,.,i 70 30.10 740x15 19.07 22.95 21.13 25.50 '-"•t h ~ \ ih'■"•ii e.. All At Al l. PRICES PIT S TAX AMI (OFFER (.OOP FROM U'RII. 21 i« MAY .1) RECAPPARI.E TIRE! UlriK ^ X"»rr}ir,1(r i; _ W V¥- 'Pn MOBIL V' OT ■y-yVJV|i/ . Jj SERVICE EB 7-0178 t