Play nail! The Weather Workoml Itnxrlinll 1 loud)', O#ol, Hhnweip. With I' of M |,ow Thurwria) I Si-* I';ikc 7 Ililfh 'i'relay . •"» *VOI.. hi, N.i. Hi I.A.ST I.ANHINt;, MK HI'JAN H'.lhW, APRIL if, JtiVJ VlilCK Ti i KVJ LIQUIDATION OF VETERANS FUND VOTED DOWfl tlescarch Parties 3 (.aucusesl C>al| Institution s iVo/jo.sw/ Over Issue] ■ ;.n I'.trly l in... Oomi J f r.'t-r In li-iuti- tilting i ii. mt i. ' w. tins - I . f »lil» '•■■. ..- Thi) <:.» .'a *. ■ -,f ^2 !/> 1 f »i#,*w r:t'A». iw.d - a /o •. th* (up .f- 0-r i vj f'/if 1 F.I f' r- ^ V/» y Vll] ' '•# * - '•i i .r -j i . 4' , ' * CO .">• ' • i '. . >A:J • » .•/> < .1 lid Kwfvf# the fi^l fourtp»» K Dfpiiii|i 1 f,» »u '.>yio*4 W the Mil V o • *.«, P* vo., fi . !» b»M *M i| IK %Sh rwiiri. Ml* at M«f for »h# fi r It frith *»fVf refreshments to rntintrr iiueen r^ndirfites. M-ondin* «I• r> rive l«k» • ■f ^.7 te.» H vi>« tr.4 fvr »*e | a rr.ofr.rr/t owt from »oof.f«,« little nUrtar Thgruf*? ajcht *v *5 < Merink Leads Cailipilft in Voter .*'*<- Warning I«»ned . [AUSG,-Class Election Primaries Feature 1(*« «.*»«' *3-1 vy Chapman Okayed Sweeping Landslides, Pholo-Finish Races Bv Election Board »' * (> V* f | The r**u!u ' rd •"!» and Silvia (fuall* took g inrivervity ir y^>i i»ite t I , «(«.» »'«rrUM rare were Jukie M« weald V vn.r a «a* Ta » rar.dida'« II.'leer with »"}" vote* and V." - .} . r a' s .. • . t» — •iii/t I'd m • *v«4 wtai f -I \i**Vi *rtiith with 711 vole* In llonsr llcnr • .. r.eot totai 'V. of In, rur Iiavr |)Mitrll| rrfeiv- #a'h fh* two othar randidaiat in Ma, hi f»'» -tid»nt In ill j ft/iAc •*U.r/ vae sy tie-* till peak hm • ta Ion/rat* lb|»r»trntali • »i»r|i/.n stt 9w»ee • *«u ad in f»#ri Wong I. tr.d fV'.li Land Tax Hill lelutd w * j State Singers Schedule . . ^luc* U»ivb#r . : * • 21 »at «*» » v -. up on t a»l'»r IT In s I raft' at Ii'i'ff »»m« 'lw* third with IV totes ■ ft.. • ( 'o' *** V the l«. tarn p».'r tha (Spring Concert Sunday in juni'T rlat* trtrMair rare with II". ' • "it a • Pat 'IIIit Irush is . '. > *7 - -e a ar: li. * S a » - t »" lalhct Sua ftarkman rrm*in#d I niri' Thff State Sinpt > -■ < • in the ftrv'knrr dropped rate with 110 and out with lit I pi»i# Of tin ion* ' ka>'-»v iM R. 1 » ^ * el |J "■ '*• "<-• : » — " » : a? a concert S jruL t«t<«» I U#'« : The public i* cord.a . ' ■ yt >«• »i?t «;.aiad UM * ..1 < pa»-if4»*. ua. pwat v I,;. ; In %hhatt fa»n ll-arr# talliad (hind If arns v 3J *ota« and Mr ma ^1 ' lallabd k'4 w?:- b.^»li 13l b» win tha tare. - hnalt. All llamls (){( Sa*| in inc II. lin# Miry wara I Una I, Ja*« » "hill, iaanna ■*ra f,trans I! and Mama Iwrwn InTihetRendl « . -•» • % .i- Leer r « ! MM, a II Hotilna Wind octtad HI tot#* % w vaevis »» tro'ii ta ta TOKYO Oft — p. ; In thn toptwmitr tir» pr#«tda,*ii vie V«13 11 •..! ti* t «VT|M ft ra'» »nd Id I ublin i«tat#d ll^i. • At ir*4A< 1« a m|I« ! pharpiy warr.M tr-.i, •. "uri'1%% * roiven w ill ofTsr TV» wvf ♦ re•<** Kobnrt f'artlo took totn* .1V t vs end other trite.* 7 "%»• p*. It -a R*«r < both urn* i oir,pjni'4 *el*etlofv* i ■■ ■! ' - •- «-! . i a iKe la# wi. lh»"f ewseeaei »**.,- ».?*•+<* *:.l V •ifatnrt intervention ,n T •; * • srd performed with in ?•* ft a a, Pa: I* av « a •-.«#? u<| tin rebellion, MremrtiUl fn*«,mblc* \ irhrl It touoiM •» -■ »p*»*>r%»v ». Udms *»1 t- bl't croup «f torali,t* from the Un- •Hack on India, h »i *. Da!at Lama, with a -1-- • • tr orcamiat.on the Hadrlcai Or»:ini,| Slates >-» t)w tiewtwcw *>, fptwei " *lR(rn will tirti on* croup of tnat the phooUrtf is all bo: cimpntitMB* The f hair It Tli- Iteciliil "I crushed Tibetan *:r«.ri*' - « the mountain* eobth <-f it.a; i ■... - i> 1 !tal, wiped out the bu * of f »' At ' rebellion and ktiled,., a ur.-.- or raptured nearly Z.CbO rHj*. . ft ft" .,">e Red troops are n tha scattered retnrun'..- V A' i •«!.'-t. r. P ;:V '. • . .. Prelude* pcid and "they will be wioed < . . < . ! A' I'.- ' • " N Ac;' e«l.*" ,v N .-'potary • spirui-a (irven Sjdasli Water Shmrj the near future ' » J < ar." merits "A part of the rcbe.* «•- fled to Ind.a, sa Tha MWWMl sartion r-pan* with ft' r-;•••: .e-h-.aeis, •.•evera," eiansie and fifia; .vp" she ««• Makes Debut In Full Horn eonimuni^ut broadeast .• hod o fcs„n< in tha Nitht for tw» ••Tip-.- iCKfip.'is !'etptn«:. harp, played by K trap Murpm us*: Muart * ft"»-n!**w ft A stdelifht earrie ;n a and Irlena Toth. Tha Madri«al tvltoa?," piid the RtC a.- • issued jn Taipei b;> -*h- 1 • - »«inrnp«->a. ..v Torn J " C#«>j{rap'... ai BULLETIN Y .1* i T%e wverte-- s j»e;-t * k-t -5*, -,r* a -T./.X i UTU4 ii ;»e-e »r-*.j{ra « ft ' .ubiisa*1 in that a.i the Tw« nu la a Ireiy parklaf hs uty js«r f*w •« sr«s- rvie are shippinf 250.0 0 re.n! let t*4* menu to T;o*t and Tfut TO.fVrt c?,\.;ea>.f f-e»i wnun< pre err.- for m »pwere at isreet pwrflPeai Ne-ir *r> * "2>: rta/ C.r» i 1 of these have already been m.v- ;. y fs the paru a;a tpomea !!!• til la tr*. ^axxstfH- fimng^ettk hljp| #d of ,.ni T-v a ifte- :« a 'r» sco-.-.j -v.,td .mad m by airlift. A I sscng The Hsh Ou . riaikl He* aad. 4c*a*tsi S-rv Radio Paip.r.^ broad.:a>* unae.. aotiQii "'Neta Vll :-ar.^vd by Cow*-;.. 1 « i MtlMrfi the uraad parked Y-rs t-t.* 'i.-es f*:r» Tics' R«1 military pronoun* err<* p. ;* • i-w»_ iir*e alor,g with officially h- •:.e Pr'ologu* to Catulii i ar- fit* ear* away, hepaa la hara a» Bcsm^eay s.. . scvm* w-mTA also wanun^a froiiT^ deputies m tr-« rr-";i" fc:' °r^ iT-J fjr Tlue i% Ik* »r«ad week ear* * No.'f.;y •«? and tiacy K~*c rxtvd .Tit* w.„ J * %iuy SaRcr^aa.-? • Kit I N.taiul Prop!.. C r..rn, '• "<»«•• »' « have aysienaily kapaai at the not ovonicirr »«n» ■ > s.m w i*. «» mw« rwwu wtt mo f. a ->■ ^ v.-.-- :erf-.rr.uncf%, ,v« Vimam's Tx-Moh* •BO imo«r«UJU »~1 7 .. , needy la«. Palace are Mtfl la* Ml tatku k i*. irul fill. •< tko Una Inuni v< .OOOS la ham** -»• .VLuti *;rsJ5irf J«| Awry MniiuruiU not . ! • ir-ooto. J or. . t.., to ta« «v«l.. i . veatifatiaf. Im tort. >ra took,'* U la *u. i-X-a:^ -«ti »3uaiL Csaswx.4, 3oo y *nai» icui •"erry 4*,* ); Ctuui tutorial ' f»r(oreai». >licliiir;m Slain News Knotigli To Have \ Krv Of Voiir Own?"' 1iilri'|)niin^ llir New* •uwt "»l«o!eti(- trill 1 *•»«!<' Reds Waul lo Eliminate Wcsl Berlin As (llianiH'l lo Freedom for East Zoih N« I M KOMI RI N Associated the** New% II nlMi ll'iluerd lilt* blltlt IMlr III »'* Vr.t, \ut li'iti MriiiMnn nt I-M l Ihr mil* thing about I!!.-»I-r»7. from t«!» t«» 15 0 per MvliftNlul. m» IIi.h i.xvl Al \V»" I I il'l mMllt tllllt Will III". If Will nuKiHtioii n now I liter lime* tl*r» incrriv«e Ihnmn Hoard Replies Pave v<*I mull 11.'- nitrii ultuMtl Wav lor SludrEils I' Now ,III" Inn I HII'I Gel HH»» litem < V i'll inn* hr '• fill linliinil lipping Willie \Vl I I <» I V n I < it I iiiiiking tier populnllon of nut in uetvlein l.uropr There tta* selectivity lie-thf^juiilgnitiori ft«» 53.7 million', the l.»n iuilli\ htMitn* hIiihiI h pool iithi'l It • u ntil f• •» lit. Km I Gcrmnnv In other thiin the ag^-rtrk.1. win.., nrrrnts itnnui* >«l\ Il'l M ! It'll! hhr i hhmmI h.v the fewer tie* which biml yuidi. • Mid ■ • Vt • ! <«• ii-l refugee* in Jiod the Int.! M'Vttn week*. Tie htl h haded *H. » ■ . h Mil* hv Ihe tlioU*H'iil, the in I -oi • • pop hdiou lie.|. they said, hei mine of continued Cemmu-i - Hint la hoi forte *et« older ami le r- |»r. .(ill lo e inletferenre in their work and live*. ID'I t'et-pe. em. ami iwoalii. I" '< The PopilUliAii Ifefeieoce t'.-llcull of \Va.fiHi* Ifed effort* to Improve their living funilltlonr Pl'Sltl '••it »•*!iiiiute* thai tun nuiiio'i pe*'p!e li.t-e 'flee They reported thai ihr f!n*t German ethn« \ lined. «'..*.•<• ■ f i to Wc ' lieimanv Miu r I'l.'.O. !»• i ol liomil MVklem 11hi. •1 a' w it* heln'g handicapped by the f|ig|. •i t he 11»I'luiM i • i' I.hem in lh* p.n ' foe vrni* of leurtiei - They said more tttnti 375 ccietttim lit ten Oil t h. I • I' ■ Wo! (irim.oi fignn' show m> h.hi Ii.i I of *n.l .1,4110 tenrhn* fled m 1050 alone. »r «o e\|H »•- i.n« < ■ . . these were under J.i \e«r* of .ig» end auolhei Thin emigration i* one reason whv aovirt rut omnnttee «m tin I it no J, H pereeol helweeu ?S ar.rt 4-*» «ot would like t.» eliminate the na*ia r»f We. Thi* ha* no I onl> i educed the l-'n t (ierman !a Met lnt and clo*e the corridors by which thro nd will t.. Imh force. i*ii' .tolted ti« l»ese un' I n no- 4jf people Wed Germany. TTva emigrate', uaaiiiir. make* comparison between the two ay sterna too peii cut women as rompaied with 3. p. u p! in \ fourth i lark -i ihe I'titled Stale* easy and Phi oh* Inn*. 'icmdent .loUn V h..nn., till: tuo ut hi a i-. • hnr Hut Hmi«r. have we are cerf.p! pi.j .r n- .. . (AHPUS CLASSIFIEDS VprCH.sful i.\ IUu \N IMIIt'UlttN of t o V * ( . IIVKIMV Mn.lVfcM* Opinion of Shulents.~ l)ieull\ I. « the fact that th» ' n■ * I? ft.' I'houa IV 4-*."B* hat an eapreis. pi it al'ie are M . t w . to *. I lit Mill i Mill t lie X|»lr vi*nr\ .1 AMtrsoN x fuxrr i.AM) Many student* *•'« - News ii mil 11 * i week n. Mieiu ;,o.i! |.mi he* gm»»r „ e.l.hnirs HJ 3*(VMI, Welt Xh.,- in*tanothei campaipo th.i lo ts iif |'ip *» ,| (IimiiI nf 14)1 tier ronttnue, fu' t-• luislees Un (>i*«i < oiihm. Tin. |'U><>HV«. Ili.t is nunc km ' \\ «>*• lil % mi re* Jill tt ilesltjIUr Ntevei.* • foro-erlv Jho V.mrhrh lUlt ihoae repUe- fcofv I" .1*1 ft 11**1411. 11JSI I II J». ||fU>||, V*lu ui rsMirsklmi wl slmlriil «le«ea ami ..)»,»■». till A CtlWUgn in .iii.l I null' III ( oill*( I lioil-M inmiloil l IIVRA V CHfVlOlft Atei'i 1. IV x-iirtjj , aae. loin or rllJIlililK ihl s HIMt n»»o»p Mourns X Sluttent a'"l op I'UUi tin liwtn a i oihihiImh « lo PollilU. I 1 IIANir ham i 'oluiil iti lijsis ' >n |jf lout * oopuiar prut ill affect the |, lui. i mil I. ui Ihr sis (toiAil uieiiihrr* her SOFT lAlli lid facult* t - let t heir * s» III llirl. trohrs lilt It retitiohs w lii IH. i m i. . ' lie low < W Jli WN!T| MANKlfS SERVICE rga all th«we who fe. S Wl At SHUTS • RfAlt SRICIAHSTS . - , | ohintarv lUM'i prm" p-. w.'N& |AGS I a atihient* to '! '■ WN WfT» ' T" *»gn t he-e p. * * ■ | M*natssts s loard itself have »'UU td niake your .'eminv' S»0»T SHUTS ., Slat ftojnl ol tnnirri I SRUDNUT SHOR *.. ARS <»L!A«ANTf tD SntNG JACHTS s Mii'liioaii SI;it«* New- AND tAS» TERM OTHia STUDENT |A It GAINS • W fo* hoif a* FRANDOt CENfIR Ft M.iC.Ui IVRAT CHlVROiEf oMoJiAiico • vki v nri ivrnru »vi', I'.e h rri « omj i.i tr " • 7-." '''• . fti. i. |ipa !•>• Iiio • l.ll p. -,1,, |i»iiria 4.-.ft hiMit, «4Mi . . || i oniter t» smith I hairman « etli.'l.r trunk , 4Sy S|s| tt.Mnl o| .( f.| 1*11141 tost | nislers i*»t!SN AVIATION INC. Crossword Puzzle jIIAI *1 »4.l V 44f . 3J lv*i»s'» . as he* ;;**j housing I V#hi%-1* 3* Rdhitr |jn V iiiih r ploey Mark I ttrmlv M*t II.• oil uf tiiistrea 5|N| imi It.m.iI uf litistern nsisurn i'OMONS liens CA« ctN'H / fllrr /'../u s /'•'...IUI lliilt rn II j\oil trrtnllt irteivrd arartmints MgwUteMia srvrrjl «ii*fiu juit liiurt» I" the I (titer Vm-HOSHI PHIVATI" riHVISH- •' ' "* • iiuiitniitus trltei h ha'h. l'tn-,ti«N4. Auto- ftk, fait up a ti n ti I •V« AUST.N HlA: fy \ ueei .. cool Parking" Tv« • V ftowl ■ Am|>U« prohlrnis. we wish |n '•* iv a-tua* • a. Rrtmd make it elear le uur readers II. Ut iutud that we will nut puhliah an* II Rartw* letter* without knowing their fg R#wi.«i i* seiine IVe will withhold the writer a name lo re«tue*t If there I* justification for doini In *ut event we will not -1-' •"••' *e V-visuitl k>l I,....... !««DIS WlLCOMl Cnnrtl* K'liu, publish ant one's name Wlr» Nine shaiwh (Mrt» Si(h. sun ON All. C»«S aiaitiM Hi* will tieotcr Vnn H*u»> n*nr» *s hiovhjn. viarg J*na*sek sanAs Irnuitb employment K.V NHAr van to V. ..T ic. „r t 7.7"- Ke**» .N£XT Vv'sX' heimn.nj Jaiy Jo StU Nt. MH lAUxtH tllH t1 T n 3.i t'ruon. Buft.u LOST 4nd FOUND » Jo I.CWT LIGHT i J.s Vni.m U. J,». ALLIGATOR . : 2-aJ'a ' i.v1. . • • ftvu;..e tiep«r*jjvent. r can stt IT Nja' ao my okie t:a h for sale ■ "■ * The Crisis fcisruft »■ in CCWE csv s; i-a .n o qt-0 aaay ! • .j; isvx_a^-w: " Ufvtm* ' personal . •- pun. . »Pi av BJI ii- I I nttKVN 'stt IH.NT AASV. *' "• . I'rviventity;an • S'opr;«| mini ii mi him 'v k>tm , .'LI.WI/VIIOS transportation i«» *t- c«iut RoA, a-tii Rn..^ MirniOAN BTATK IfBWB Debate Precedes April U. It',» hiaTkrri uig 11 ingress' NSA Decision Attend Church This Sunday ,4,ii not t»> rcrtftiliflM out that NSA Ji.** fnori» ... than 4fjf| !»t#*1 thftngc.?" now, how |a U going to , EAST LANSING CHURCHES ftlf.ut on,- .;,.11 stu'tenU* Ai>n« rniillnrj »tudcnt* "It'a up to you," Hunter T** mi-r <• h'-ntwi »n»l ,n,'i . pllft»|. with • number •MSIf in In Uir first vole, however, IS iti-itributirig ,V'-,A I joining t't, rililtion to f}„. O l^irl Infor- rtftlt nut •"••'I of merritiera voting f»v- MARTIN LUTHER UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF , . ieiifTiiintlon, a til I not of 4firiiMlon In* 11,1, h,'t 14-,, lltl'lCVMl enough to meet th# »e*|ulre«l no>4 rtlrw Hy at > u.rr vt,.,.;, It;,„g|,.„ twi-thinh nurjorlty CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST SCIENTIST Ii"1**' i,f a week liefw, »"•' I |l, Vil' l 'I , u,, At the flnul fueling of thai hill, CHAPEL J I «.no r/t nagntlvo opinion C'ongren* h«el *■"< '"•< «>" I., ,1*11,1,,* .I ,t ,,illt, „ rltarutalon 'Hie wk) resulting 14 ngftiu lteftte«1, ye«, 11 no, h»l- AND STUDENT (ENTER EAST LANSING FOUNDATION IOM9 tf thft gyiMf Onoft Ml. I..Mil Yft# YbaS ft# I that time to postpone I,,,! lot »TVe<| only to auiotftiitlfttM SUNDAY •fNlllt't.l 9Ut' r**fu »:«rf(i*t I«a».f4*ll')rrft>ft«(l'.ftal in order to give o p the em tier deeiaion n,«• thue j, »i*f, IIIvlaM.ft ftt Ann llfMl WMt »»o«4 Ho' it Mift.tiift ,i.abluent*. fMlftftftvrl AvftftAr 144 p*y. I',t* ft ft rem, Miftitf* NSA ": " piot,at. r,.,t i*"n 11 v TODM hie lobbying had itp- (Tvft blofka Hut til »f n.rk.y Mail* »r.V. t. liftAHOI 19991,,,# tMaa'ft II ft a*. kllOAfl 1., fn.u.y |«"Opif t'U' • I'll" ^«-n done riming th»« of AJ'Vi i'».«• if - <4NOH4MOItWG 1 ft• Ml It* I-AIM If* 1'IITJ ut p,0 l-Pii t 14 iM U N A M, Iift4«/ I'AvM II ft ft*. rtmli mih-.N'SA gi onj.R 'NSA bifci-, mla. a nnn-purtpfth ii Hi»Av irnvir n nonyit/e at eroKi.ra m •iriMfti feSir.'I, iji'b (11,.nr*>l i./ H,r • jrlngton, Ferrta ln*tl- fc.-my of i'» annual /..iSofui gift, AlflftUftWftlMM ftftl JftAiftfHftlll 9 M, Pi it. «ft4 II >« lirKTftlvft OF A7b'• tW*»>f j eg ion ;i I NSA V« I.,|t II.NPAV arftvi'r, r ll«»»r ftftA JtttAtUjr ftI, lira! rxplftined »h« t< I II Mito itftAr ■••41*4 »*».*• ■ lie oiiMoriitl org.iru/.i* r».4,,.r,|; Hiatal* r I M ftft4 M It • no IM ». b'tM ftit*4 *•«(.!;, .nr-.| (MS lore, I M ft ft 4 a H am • V,i "up, J to pointed IN CM. fimyil Vtip'i N'SA k rcpH-wnNibva of ••; u j* § an, MVL W»4 r»L UlftM llllft rfft|»*M A | Ma evi V iar.tjii,4 lift I 'M if I Iftiu'lft'P/n eol#.« vf iMwly 4tnpu« ft *1-4 ft M. bl Directory a H.lhorf •ftbjftrl •4 urutn ftf ♦ a. r. n a« e• ia O, YftftgftM III 7»n Tioti »• I YMl'aWlftf 1ft. ' Yo-I t.av a 't ii- ui to I ft ftft -t ft ft* a* 4 I > /i ft {, aft. 0,» tt'inp will a Oft«4 Uft ^ani/alittiiM ir.ikf you I p/' son! >our vt» ». • Irprr in- laUriM Pftfttor. MSA !»••« ItvftftM OrUN A»ft. pftftl«#• bbuftin m>. in ft n (.Hurtis ftiftU IMjtri *t »|,#if.| rop'l l.'ftftf *ft Im ftt »e*/(a; ft ft ftft. «r 1 ft t.l. iftio ItroAri ftft.'i, hoA'CVftr, tiiaf tiilion Set NSA "/on no'. g'.o*f, t,, u% ir,ia MUAIfftft i MAUI a a sir* • MAW. KH AM. lit »«■ Afl ft«ral«ft4 vabvanA U • *4 f,*I ft*4 im Cftaoft oy« li.i'iif ia no »;<» AX ffillf CM W*l",e,ft !fc'».9|h t.!|li I'kvd i(i •«ft4,*4 ftv.« k-fit Organizations !)!« lftlNM|ft Nft- OX MM f.llk CviO*N w»i'*.»ft and by Al.".<; i gMiuTfttiori. If w»'ie nut »tunu- Puroau, ha* hr«i» ^ni I* itsitly for any 'hairing it ropy, I »ht« directory tut- ill ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER EAST LANSING f.»hi/a'lon.\ including 4'ifl group*, Jiving nng iHjtlirn, public#, 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN TRINTTY CHURCH b»e<-iAl event*, •ft! i i/1rt **f* and photic CENTER |a ta' 4 a f. * r/.J a« U vr. *1 CHURCH th# pr'intent* tii'l SWEATER VESTS WESLEY FOUNDATION A giftift T»mMi( *:»feo i group are lilb'tj gay. gftVart t~ NUNUl ft» »« IM'*I ftf UN U41N14 r». t Kriftftftii H r jvtfnlcnrf of fttu'b-n'*, K> W Ittplei » •< in biiiftft* luol gey X gCOXV* XB4HNI | administration, pm- IH M A C, IsMtft »ria*n M. f»ftft*ftft » the ijm> of ad mum- ti*«f|i I hiiift ri wiA'fti m.ftA ftf te»*er) lino AY nwiAN lllTViCM ftgTit i' «. tbftiiir iuvku MMIiitfi ¥tory, IhifJ N»y I'limia A Wftfrtews, WfftJVa# fart l.t«iU| If. N-4a lav.1, 911 ft published by AL'Vl, 1 M • • M • 14 M . II M Ataet ■'*•! ] by William l/.vett, iXftfeft OM»M M IX ft May. g*i.lfc»vA o. Mil, vi.a.atft# Wuor. ' N O MftftftMl l ja a ml r ft*f,ft i-ftv,?, irwai Nyft# 1 h I 14 ft M , ft«4 Ca4ar ft'ftm.i r* IHRMI i»0. i'.( Ab,« Pat/ "1MB |NAg/«Cia'.g fit lAilX* W AM*.• ft Watt *r • Mart',*',* ft4 Oftur MAM iniimix Oft loaf r„ 7wr. aibNirir A««f t or t« ivrg J4 »% ft Aft. Nftfi*:* a*4 avft'.Aa.Af VTNtg MgTKll CtabMNfti Iftlf I4A AM. * 11 ftft a tn , iUla llfllfi M/ gay. TriNit A. Menrn ' *f»ft «-AV.l tit K*it 4 I'ftAft • U AN-lt>4o I'Aftftl VWft i n r m. iftfMY mwri aA4 »A4«# '•aaO (ft# CftAaftf I'fttaeA Xwraftfj M ft.,.a Aarvtotft •MarAftf MM * MM M IX, (Deo lafcA*,! at > fel *A4 li ftftft. • a r*. Tnntf r«3«w ft«a*AV ■■■■ilft1 tr>* low tiimi* lisint N.(A CAfioiM aniiitf wwah. * W 41'. X A*£f w»*rx - gx lafteftf »M <«Mt X AVION MtftYt AC NO AY • M • ■, CftU«fft CUM. Nolfft XftftM H'l'ft t UM — 5J « • TCbftNM YlttANI IX IX 144 ft*, PXaaXa# Inma M KO 1-tfM lljft am AIM Mil A ItAv.i »aiJft»**i»'t ** * I*- MS tb PP.) f-f U*w«»e*je«a* M CftAft# itftftftl ALL SAINTS SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST WESlfYAN HETHOOOT CHURCH n«f-ft NaffalU A*D ftft X Nva.faa 9BC0PAL CHURCH Maafii gitar Oritft fta, faMffft g g MftaNal m —4 liinfti «U ftt liafaf laavN - IX A X IfttN'l r. IqlM. If b. pataavftg | Nantaf Veu.) * I1X AX •X — SO l-llll 1 v-*'ft larfaa IN 9X UN AM. KIN laftftftl Rnf, Cftffaf* Can Topi - ftft Of. liaiN Wt'fiAf', Miani lutntft l*at)«« Uoiaft • IX IX lat. hta I. Nntr — cu»uia 0«t«, M«U • nrlAl. L*mAT»»y t ftftift/eeX MiliftN fta rnftft ftwwyfaft faa. Eul IftMtof #«/ lum tuaa U4ft»* tf h*< U 'iaft ( nwaw-Vftftfa I! A W lYgWOW v IVVIAV IIIYlCtl *000 % 1 in 1 i«fa rt..A««r.T^ KR088W0RD No. 24 » m r w. iiatciM -TBitsna wins logxr* ■Ml ^ DOWN | t. Tl» ftftl'l M*4 a M AAall TWA INNvN ft (■It X gooar Co t I.MI lnwr.4 la MmU'Im • tftmi ftfat Ml ftDHWft latvtei lki« a»4 row lata * 'ft A W t*4 ft *4 IX g. Tftw IM'« Mwt ■••(aft HUM ftft laaiftW fit fif'Alf u.'.'-au .»* ««.( IV MlO A. b>r>nt 4 Itftift* Bo • Iftftftt ilLS- Some ►vf g, alMI lidlliNINEI tidddd jir31 amen iinnnnn VISIT THE UNIVERSITY CHAPEL CtiurcK Every; Sunday tr * 'uSSli^. illlR HHHHBBn ilHBHin OUVET BAPTIST yiJII HUD didlai FIRST PKSBYEBAN CEBTKAL NEIHOOCT • AftAvatV n TW gai ul iH JBHMillB MM ft I BIB-CITY BIBLE CHURCH CHUKN ill MYT ■ MICMJOAX 1H1-1# 0**ati ftft ^ g(l)~ll— ftuAisaauJ raa-WUVfti*! ' f*JMV Xftft lM) XXX. fa. ». YCLNftlXA, lAIhA ■" a I ft-ftfa g —lift Xfftto lo 9o4 Wrn*m fa. ft. UAaft. laaMA fwiaft Mft MX ILIterwM ft <« »•*>•», llaftMf dY CM _ awr—Bl <*■>—1 4A |X. V« ■*3 M- > *ft .Wt» I toafttnftaftai Unva iftX ftftX NX HTWMI Td« Nanuft ft u mi ~ «4iift .1 UHY— ry la wiaawft far Ufat fa'*m| Yd* Inaifafuuaft caul IV Mitt ft 4ft twAar UBVERSAim EAST KMAIY BAPTIST * ■ * * UBBTAMAM nautili clau'u I'Vaatl'lOiaft »t»« CHUKN inaat ImT UbMW.T.mUil nfraft^ •nft tW MrUt Ml HfiS4 fiSJa' 1 IMS Ml IX IMA Aft ft rx IX /awllnat nfiaaMt ncHcoi MoshBfefieshing ttic «00i WITHOUT 9llTIII imnnr.ah btatt ntws fsrr rc-f Instructors Deniantlcil April 11, 1959 Schedule Open 1 louse For Special Education .'1.10,INK) llnmlirappnl Clillilrrn Speech, Hearing Club la Meet •TV end Hearing fl.-u year's probations-** period. tN» • The program is >le« -rne 5 for K«-i|iiirt- S|Mi-iiil I'arililie*. lVarhrr, The field of special education—teachlnir rlii group plans to affiliate w th the _r-.-r.V-- of • e -'.u lent body, or are blind, deaf, crippled, speech handicapped. nil r ;>• c' MSU w.'.i h\.1 an open hiih s.-'-a*-: st.: tent, who J u*e S ' unlay rr.oming to a - national prrfr^.or.V. «pe vh and s-.v tarded or emotionally disturbed—fx a rapidly rmiht he tnterr-ted m working r M.r.t irvnested perv-T.s 'v '!l bearing fraternity, Sigma Alpha Em :• the he'd of speech correction, field today. this field must, in • e v. -rr nits and rewards of t r f.'M Saturday's t»p*n hou*r. which «"• h.wtt.onal r me.uoal." arcord- . In addition to the groat de¬ special too. In addit|,,n has hern planned -entirely by . •. p; Ralph 1 envnegger. mand for qualified teachi-i-a in emotionally mature, Tie Speech and Hearing S<^- th* student group, ss ill berin at }•: >•' spec--' pa': ' 'gv and these areas, the emotional satis¬ have the pallenrr , c'-y. r.r!e up cf s'ud<*rtts :n Sam. In 235 \nd Student audiol and advisor to the factions Involved in this typo, standing to be IhrilUg f rrrreetion and therapy, guides will he on hand to greet Serb a"' He ami Society. of teaching should l»e an in- degree* of progress, «. >< ree *n ?ei by Student fW- visitors as they arrive. \ ::-cnnor. .. corree- eivnsed Incentives for more stu¬ raaea even r -.mmt last Dererr.vr. After a many ih» t. ••>* ,.r.d a student will open dents to major in special edu¬ progress represent* •he u Pn » hr ef talk cation. effort on the part of th, the areas of a. *.v.' ev the S>inulav llini Tur«ilay! r, •" t 5at.-fae::-'!is of Expert* estimate that there are Teaching in the , 3.1tl,tMltl and ttli.Mt education offers not i1. grand hits::: c rreets-m *- k between . )«hi.«n FIRST T'-e •-•■••• not V ties wul phystrallv nr mentally handl- intangible reward* rapped children who need ape* teaching but also £ . its SHOW be a no. informal. includ¬ chilly trained teachers. rial rewards. A .i- s ;s - 9.S5 1:15 I' M. ing obsrrv.i*. n of therapy it* lion major, more..-,... -^n. a d, .. >.■'»: ' In most large ritic* special rlaasrooms It) their school sys¬ in * regular elon •• kewhu... t:r.e* room or in a *i*.... ♦ » t.)'ma. ,y with student* tems are set a*ide for the train¬ in his chosen hj <•* and faculty. ing of handicapped children. eiiucation. Very different from ordinary A student w ho •!••«. (lord* Awarded el.vwrooms, these classes ate small, often ungraded, necessi¬ education his IM'gtns hi* junior needs. More of tating cooperative work with 2 Scholarships Till: SP1CIU TEACHER i* required l« under¬ stand the Individual needs of the rhild and Is ar- her In meeting these trarhers are these upecifle urgently needed at the present mattv other exiwrls- -therapists, plot# all the ie.p, eluding practice t«.. time. psychiatrists and medical pr»- quainted with equipment and materials which aid simtiel—an.i the use of tools and a regular classrtHee classroom, in iu» techniques which are quite for¬ Si-rii*. Compare* Si-Inn, eign to the ordinary classroom course. Provisions t..r, a graduate degree • , teacher. Feature Red, I1. S. Education lie arranged on the WSMB to Most schools establish special are eager classrooms *'"w-e to Students Interc.?. education are uigei In this series, entitled •"Meet¬ etudcnU in their respective the programs are state reimburs¬ ed up to ?•'» ' of actual cost. display yf spe« i.. ing ef Minds." three Ru**ian ablution*. Counties are rapidly voting mil- materials and thei.., and three American educator* Smullawsni* translation is tnent in the lobby of •. Inge to provide special class¬ will rross-esamine earh «the» of Education Huildu./; used dunnfc Hie program, which room* in out-countv areas to . on the educational concept* of the two countries. 4* on ii'tn. supplement aire a d y existing Thousands T'O questions wTJ renter .-» • Pr. A. I. Markuahrvirh, first minister of education community programs of hatidi« npiwd children, how¬ Two Senir around the dd!ereneve :■ the ever. will not he provided an of the Russian Soviet Fed» rated training and the ed «#-*"- Socialist Republic. (RSFSR), opportunity for a basic tal education largely elemen¬ because To Prcsn reived by American and Ri will lw one of the educators or) v of the lack of qualified teachers. ! r t.vrv pi t; - ! progiiini. Kdm*ation " ' New Pcrspec- f..r MSI' all ha* areas training programs of special educa¬ Joint Hm A '»ng v\ ". tyni will be I>r. A A. Stnirnov, and Mr. N. G. tion. both undergraduate and The music deja s Hhaptnalenko. graduate. Students majoring la present • Joint i«- . . seniors April at ♦ -- the Music Aud. IK-antia Itauy*. Mur student aud Midio,-. a cello student of 1, in the String Sp«t .j lum in music edura-. taken an active pat:, music, the Univers •• Orchpfctra, and thg Chamber Orchestra Misa y*n Epp* V- aenior, studying m x f haa also been ii chamber muaic gr 7 tfniverxltv S3rmp.*w-> She studies flu'.r 1-Viedewald and *« ist with the on '" year'* Hutmus Com Irtielda Stojo *' Rickard are *««', ttie concert. The progrem ej*v flute cotnpoaitiorvi, "t * by Caplet arid ' Presto.'' by EncK Mist Van Rpps ■ openg her Solo part " gram with the A . movement of the cert© in iwa> u y 1 »• »—. 1 II you on ^ r.s.-. wk,*. -1 a*»»■ Jfif A»<-' tM — H tft •■•i iSm •'*1^ Faith Groups MlflllG tv MAU VI vt e Banquet, Discussants Highlight April '< IV,t fa f#»|r Set Activith's Ballot Box MltVI/l Ml< KKV »""sr.A In "IIIK I.-AST MII.K" ilt/yy virion M ATI UK in • hHCAI'K WKfiT" Convention of Ifig 10 Creeks . For Weekend .Si ta OmWron. national / !/ #■!«-? ti»i| officer* of Itei profi>i»:nnaf r,ref.!deriC Judith Hol ler), Br,fh- tor, juoiof ••, rei*r-. Jufi, I GLADMER H '(>!'■ fraternity arc- pretlderif. Jooe*, Roger* C J / j- ,o 'n-i T/x*1 feligl'HU gr'*!(.* ),*>, ♦ or-ni* Ki'it.f' Three <)uki N* f OS.Ml. /IKII e. - •>. r^» • ar; ed '■»" < a hurer, Joan/ir Soiitl,. Ilo e l ». heduted a full vta-e-k-aw-.j «.» " r '* a-i'J vl'-^-prctirJcrif, Sue. junior. ,, B / 'ge y i.i,:'.. a r-. . •JSC' m hof to tbe ar,m ■< paid***, dancea or*! wor*h p a*-*., Mi-i'und junior. «♦•"» d Meer.'lv ele/o.-! offuer. -d JO Ib'.er -I f ,M' f'i. f. t ' Iwsod'rf « ed 1 i/t.r.x flor/e * TIIKATKh • I'llUM; IV. 2-9K.11 vi'••-|,n»Mf|»-f»tl Ma,,ia Mltr-I.e'l, . Mre' if./' c. ,e y. ' v •»»*«• PoMltry S'lenre I luh »•« p'« - HeJier, " i or '' erve fu i Grand It41,1,11 j,bomorc. trea- ' rV »*• » h»- p'ar.f.ed a ' TOMOKROW IS SI I't.U ItAII'.AIN dept. WlPJflrri Ho!me»t Roo »•<» or. ' a- I i* ' ».,'ri Healer fMMillon a»Mf hold J,''!r II jMt. Midland • r. ! O •!-. Jill . Is y, .. . - in> «).). ^ i k vn io.s , i u,iof • e [, i«:de-;' r,,.» | '.f .: f« .' ene.O' *' ■" '' I — — — |ih»ii> «.ff ' ■«' h ' | e e - f 'At e * • awtanning part? tonight l», the ,1-1,1,jj »«*fr**«;tf ( Gf'f,'/. |f/» :» 'or-' oo ore >»• ■ e,v », Ft P JO v ' are / ■ .. . • M'' »-< M-t|,i«-v.•; j fb» /»(, 'fan 411' KK) IfUlSKV in -IIIK I.V-T Ml( K new Intramanl kalMIni * pl»« •rt, Jo Johof.uon S ■'■ Mpfia annual laemhouke ' e • »r fig to, ■.'• ;•!. Ke 'ogif ■ Mill hold an In¬ "if n- (^if.ding •c-rctat ■. f»e- h/n»ri tth'te Violet lorrrial term part* ih'on hi'— I Vi - I'c'Ki part? will fallaw at lh» Wnl»t S'.e To. Iff n er Moo,' Re • » veo nf formal record dame Haturd** liana*. Haaliy mnlnr HmIm key. Orfor»| junior •prrof). Waylnrr-I tu>r,it*r. ill he held at Walnut IDIU I'M S —«il If \),W H. 4 11 It). I olio a inr the dinner , prn- evening fo welcome the *prlng elerted officer* r.f Countr« C ,'ub thia evening, the far am will vim id* film "Mar- NVu-ly «•!*■' * a-r J of,', r» fpy. irrohf kirtln and open ho»,*e» ariwifl. f arrrlng out the theme Kappa **l|ma are prpcldent, flon • Fiite violet will he the central la Sigma Phi. *»,er »n , o ,r , Mill he held for the *«r«rltt and April Hhovycr* rouplcy o ill Andci'on. Bat'ie f 'reek oenior »'tra*Uon of the deroration* •-secuHve I ii t.mi'ii ftf . at' ;,r» '♦ fraternity d-leyatey h»; iPl'i dre«* in l*ermuda ahort* Vfo' . ffillet Foundation «%ti: . e'«. vine, preaident. I;, d t for the or'atlon "III he t*of **7-Shif ley, Sue f '**k. V;' k-1 ourg ,■,r:. -■ llrRa iPlta. PI lt»U Phi. Kappa Iirala PaaAOver nr..I Free port. ft I, pro- ide,| ),» |j,e p|a*hor« I • v V »- j , H,.o» fh.r I!,■,♦'■ • Delta Mfh. phi, P*l I pallm. vl<-ea tordgM at 7 30 »• Hi *■: iar y vi' **• |.-r eti'ler' ,* -e-f «... * / I'm Itoi'/ Muff*'., I>e'ro.• ,•)■ !.ot f r ..u .. M, ■ fir Ita l.nrimi Kappa Kvopa llouae uy no|iho- / * a ' ■ ' ' » )i*)* And'r ' u So''', » R > o. f•anuria ^Ijm, No. Phi l»-M» ('aiiferbury Club ■ m**D No ti-fcl-ii), l!»wrmt I ior *rea urer. Sal'v I'; ■» Iheta mil f'xmmi Phi He I a 'lit* day at All Saint* . „!»i\g «i>Mor f; M. Ka.,.,4 e f*'k Wofiiing..*. r,„. or,., * open h*M««e« ta'.ll feytnrr troop ffJ Muffa ff V [ Churrti fnr a coal aui^.^r o lopho- ♦o. a, Sorr'V If mo »r ».*• k'naint. mlaera red refre*h ing thia the B*v John Me.- !■»"'• I Minor mrnta. *i!l lead a dia/-Ua*ion. |Ji*c* r. f'«- ♦ r # «-f 'n,( r,ffj. # •» ing Ida BwJy of Chr,'* \iplia (,amma Mlio »-p p, r Ihi-i. Knot v r flaaiaia* Italia wilt hold • .fU'.l 'ICflV Jl I anavawgar Irani 7 It-It !• party th»« evening Hrat* Mark. r;-r» SSctm aft. Vi« Ill , ju" !»,• * - . Pinning! | tha Martla Lwtdar Chapel Cbaptar* of Oiirmi !> -» a l- «• •' t I'or' . •'-■* ( •■>. l'p» frd if'-r, «r« ■ ; .■ *- I»ha -%l l»*l»a M ara M*p,ua ian* Maf jurnor " W Bu», . Robbie's I in a bowling tnumamc-rJ S i •.. ' " pre .u« f Mai Jlarr.f. Iron pfternnon at t at the tv;*» His & Her \f•- .'.U. . un.or in ra'jirv. Mat CathoTlr Student Or gar -/a* • ■> i, '•> III 1.1 % f Ml 4I PIIS PMI « * . p.»r, V. ' a nana ur I•■■III hava a card I 'S.r. j •■i- / B -* -• • Vanry *4agm. R*>rtirntar tonightfrom '♦ ;2 * ■ Shorwar*'* la the thrv.* of informal dame tr» r» he f " • M« »• Mpha Kappa f'%| ;,r# Jr« offifn•• « ' Sag.' .'.'.*• thu'h • ' ii.' Me:,,.-: I ftarnea. ..4 ' ' {.* ,. • . tlary I .on i fappell. Shop I.ouir V i .■: ffMofitiaf aar.ior; lurday night at tie Center. «• pr#*i'j« Jam» * J* ».*■' J^ne- M«»rlev, If fig"- f a-' '•» fini Mr*," nine Feature*: r.j j irnor rprrr'*", f %,.ne Mltehell J,-« 4i<0 ff ■ ' • Vfu/.re fr ' /tuition* afriVl/v frttni niiami Engagements D».-.ia! ■ itn'tr I'oj^iff »o Urn M*lH»«e||. Ijr- . ( )u..,- lean • .Novellv -hirt»ai*i dreM-e* ir% man*. rok»r* and r>« •«"»! nffif-Cf• '«f pattern'. CM Owwta Alpha Phi arc pretiUrnt, Jo Af. K VPP% K %PP % OA MM % B'-.e M'j !/••/ t.i« • "^oft dale* dreoeea for »arm "^prin/ evening* Xaary BaUa. I>ailr- n •'c''- 'o.r. , -aal. 111. Ann Aiiktin. i. {.- cora toTrant Kraf t* MSL' gra v ;■ ^ ■prri.'lcn'r. Ijianc Hn'.r, t • < M. • >pr*r!> eeparate* from Yliumi J>acb r • lur -oi • *K a •" - I ie i,i.i t y «h.m» rill jhata and ThrU Chi. |J» .»■ 7).j n, ' Hi '* Jo Karlela. ... rdi n*u (in*, r J' » '«■ *«* i r Ka » >1 £g> and ' . M • ... Mi/h» ' r,t-r. ■ R*;..•!• - , ** . ' a M Ilou* ■ t*hw»«re -I 'i - Robbies His & Her Shop Juraor. to Grant, A- I^ru.rg llrl'.a Ti.e'.a hue Clark Vu k*bo 2H7 Al. vi. mi 2 i ff*lim grmduaU: Naai Graaa M ' g. I tMRlit f III AI Pll% I aanior. to Mkltari V.'.-.-a of of llelta Jan f,ie*ege. M, J'. . i i aani'w ar*i F>«a T •• »-.f. '#■ i • #-(» t PI; Iw Maalrt. Ill'o f Kill* junior, to Jim I'ar.x M . /♦!« « iMfl/irti p;».jrtit. jur..>n. Eve. vt> e - - • Jnhn»on, A'.a if.l A « 4 J i ' •' Jim » ■ Socielv '.a Mar eI Roger*. . fraduata and Alpha Tau (ft' >-i* j. M.i, I#*'.- DINE OUT TONIGHT ,re 4'.d K ',/, 4 f**".' hi I P»M i , Tor»^j an -»r - e *»♦, ai./| Mar 'et.r Mem - !r» j.. junior, re- Tom Ri«muuag f»a*x Stale New • Society I diU.r ■ Marti Houston, M.St; grart i- '0 *. rordmg *ea •aokior, < a-*,, V-gv . •;. an IreW.ft jun.'r ror*enj»o'.- Dalta i:.g aerrr'ar.. f 'r ■ * H»wr.a' JWWWWW/rWWWWWW/WW^A'MMW* With F'r\-a! Oak " f»r, t»-»ai Jna K!;ar ft' «.• , «« f > ur of . r* is LAN*LSrj iky. .ai EAGLE CAFE to f.vadna Srr.' r. jn.or and Tbata X, Rerrmly ♦ ee**d off .'•erg r»* Saginaw srr- Vfatrl Jtoarlallw »•» p-eciden* .far, .'/-.-e ' f)a la- T»* , IHIWMOWN I.ANSIM. Dinner For Two ,r, DINE 4»iriiTnr DINES , \ ry-pre*.'irrjt Mo», M'-f!- a» *<>• k Hwrti 8hM. Tniado Or • • ur* Oh»o, .ufi '* v< it1* nine and Da!la Taj r>- ta pat Yf fje'ro ' , jraturing Steaks & I hopo Kolamwii pafttyrrn>■» K. MldniA.M ATg LAJGI.0N RESTAURANT l:i , ♦rea«jrr-r '#regg J'»hnwif». After Theatre Snatki Bob WUliama. Notr# r>a«^ r F*:;«. M.nri ,ru«»: ■rg. Wilrwe. , Nr* r rlet-'a-l offirrf of UPIN I Mil. Hit e Itv'HLOvs ni. junior, io jerry Bohnr, Xlaml (Ohlol fnlveTSi'y »- * liiniffli Phi VteU are pree.Jer I,|iril h* A MrrL TIm Omm Room •Jta Tau Dtlta; Jaa Matt. V" > hu'h F >M. M* I'lraurt j*n. mm parking e MSSEKs f r«* v.rr pfrti'ln.' l/„i Fou.'ia. 7 a.m. to III p.m. Urar, Ohio, junior to Twry l+- Citadal aanior. Jud? Safpiiw junior. v.--e-pre- "l.aming*t Original » ti4N'|sn «., C'r.n, t Itart o*il tinnier"* • rac*AdJ*.g «er *•♦'•• to BlU ll'/var, Mat. • "IT* 111^ f vi C'oaret. Sa ii* Ste M*v» f-,r: I ^ 7lo*&tM(h4ti *■ t h# Cdl Alaha Barr • la; mg ;u.- .■■■ l-dl* f ft Miry Jo Byma. M l/« • v • •raaure* f • nn.e Daior, Gru<« Ft tpaudardale M »:n'e I .ii in h RoomvoH Hotel Gyr.t Haga aanior and !> •* Recer>*:* Kappa Kappa f*amma are pro # er'ed off.<-at« n' \ 1 •uitty and lliiinrr • FThrk 'n N'afK v M 'ler. M i*k#*o', Pawla !. I? r>- c • ■.ar * ,r,t'riERHL ly/NSLR Haw York S V K-, < profetaional w#ro- - ' - is 4 PLfcA.SA.ST ATMOaPHfcKZ r, to Boipb MudgaTi, rif*. are pre^idan*., Jawn Sbari- loll /.rrr Grar^i Rap*Kii junior, rica- AT gtudan'. dan. \irV , I l/r" the PAGODA rr-"t" MnnMy Iraliiring I III I -ISoiir •11% ING l%fcXT DVT HUM * a A. • IB M J42.U.T - ItfOHtelNDt D IT — prcaeaU ZEIGLER'S CHARCOAL %\% - Dl NC %x MINE* — CrOt ttef.T !|VtV* HOUSE f'l.T.N T\ OF FUKh PtRW.H IV 0( a LOT "WITH A SONG IN MY In th, )r _ Oaa a, "Tta B«*r ta IIU LAST MMT HMHT IfulArr'i /Vi lyyM 1*ih> j > m. ■ i l». FAMMJ IKATK FMMT, AML 24 anil >04» ts,m _ DtSSfcK »> 1 vst>! iwiay art TiMrty. 7t00 A 9KM P.M. I. rmluiifiii/i Ipd 27 art M Hatiukf llrr ii 30c II *-6233 ND.kV KYEXIXLS j . I Mh 7 and 9 p.m. AdmiMun: 50r jJ ■ :4 1 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Griddcra Work on Belly Scries A nr April 74, 1959 Page SI* M Major League 2nd Full-Scale Scrimmage Track Squad Enters Drake Relays 0 ing With hi* tight* set on la«t week's Improv¬ performance*. l>r.tkc All Relay.* week on Saturday. Coach Dittrieh has ♦ance medley, mile and one-mile four-mile, two- relays. State Standings Set for Stadium Saturday Head Track Owoh Fran Dit- been puting his t h I n c I a «l * mav compete in the sprint med- ley. AMERIC AN LEAGUE NATION Ala LEAOITa trich left Thursday, taking a through timing sessions in ['re¬ W I, Pri. r.B W la Prt. GB Blocking weakness was shown milk connected on an nine-man relay team to IVs paration for an assault on four In the Ohio State Relax* la«t Sportan jfriddero prepared to i. 9 ttMllwaiikm 6 I .857 with this favorite targe Moir.e*. I«>wa to coni'vte in the different relay event- the rii>- week, the distance medley team. Clrvrland — wrap-up the econd week of by ail strings. First string backs romp«>sed of C'apt. Forddy Ken¬ N>w York 3 Angflm 7 4 .781 1 spring practice with a full-scale had particular trouble with their freshman. Art Brandstat*> nedy. It«h l ake. Jim Carr and Chirigo 3 San Franrlxro 7 5 .383 l*t scrimmage Saturday, the aecond assignments. The day's only long Brian Castle. In*t a very tight Hallimorr S«i Chicago 8 5 .545 t of the season. down run was scorcxl b> •- Pass protection was poor. Tom Coma To race to Notre l»ame. covering Hinbtn Kiium <'lt> .400 4 .9 ^-Cincinnati Philadelphia 4 3 5 4 .444 .479 3 S Students are again invited to Wilson, directing the first team. string quarterback Larry I:., He took the ball through the distance in 10:02. view the scrimmage which be- «M snowed under time after Washington .304 5«i Pittsburgh 7 5 .784 4 line on an option play. The event i< made up of a "gins at 2 p.m. Saturday. time by onruahlng defensemea. DETROIT 1 9 .100 8 St. I .on Is S 9 .75# Sl» Thursday's workout consisted Gary Mailman, second "New York, New York' 440, 880, leg. run .-mile and one-mile it: '.ha- order unless Tit CM 91) '9 IDTKOII RKSCI.TS \-phving night gomes I III HSD AY'S RKSI'LTS mainly of learning the belly series plays of the double wing Ike Grimsley and l^emy I.oud- ennilk both had a hand in run¬ halfback, loomed as the f to be named the outst ,r. there I- a large number of en¬ I los Hand ID. 4 «!? tries In 'the case <.f a large field, W'4>hiitKit>n I. Sew York I "T" and the flrst punting of the ning the second 11. On hi* first sophomore of the sprii ^ rm villi the half-mile leg will be slated HilMnmrw t. Hn*lnn 7 (inly game* arhodttleil «»nl- gams'* at PltUburgtl. tnr. srhrdulcd. apring. piny from scrimmage t/>Udtr* had outp4'rformed such • ih first. TODAY'S Ci AStKl Illanche Martin, the fnllhark lengers as Art Brandstatter, j, TODAY'S DAW* Cincinnati (KWif siiiMitikr* ai who la making a rem hack after Osendine and Charon. A breakdown of lot week'-' Vrnriiniha (0-?> Green Splash Chicago )l ( Irvelmd iN|-IM»ntit| IM Results (it-ir 1 ** %ngrlr» at S« |.ni|l» |Si)—PodrrR a disastrous knee Injury, got hla If Ballman does take (he ho, distance mod It-;. tl-Di v«. Xrnrr «I -1» t ... 01 j.h<»ws tht»s,» »plr« - C.i*?'e a( Washington (M -Deliigjt , l-l , \ a Jtikntll ll-t) tee Into the ptgskin fer fair or. It will he the second wtr iig* (_ <|-Dt it \ tlenfinrtti - itt-ttt Pitohurgh •( rhilatinithla (N) — P.< punting yardage. Bet Dean Leek •OrtBALL year that the winner h.i« I tOOt, Carr tl:57 5> I-ike It) I Hill I at Kmwi ( »(y iM-M.tffl It* < 1 -11 v*. linens (•-! > Mermaids <2.Vh anu Kennedy it 16 l ake and Ca*tle are one-half 5 ti 11. \» only gantra arhrdulfd. r^rr\ (»-?) San ) rant-Urn af Chlca-o—AntvSflll <]-«i it Nlllman (l-l) ig expected te de the keetlng egaln this fall. He had a fine nf 0. Sill Dam % »l«ma Nc 0, Delta « M 1 ■ graduate of Kaat Detroit school. Mickey Halker. it, i|,r 49.1 yard average last leasee. sis ma ( hi o. 1.1'A • man's farmer teammstr, «, of laat year's «urcea»ful two-mile pr SIS «. Ml 1 April 24 aai 25 relay team which broke the ex- Ming world'* record with a Netters Face Ohio State A practice-long scrimmage emphasised the belly series and RT rt 10. DS Phi ? I Ink* S, rubar* 4 named apring. top sophomore 11, Phi Dell 1, PK Phi 0 The pair led East Dctrc't 7:21.4 effort only to finish sec¬ passing. Pour strings had a turn DTD II. Phi Tan 7 unlwaten in Womss's Pool in the workout. Thata (hi S. P«t I 1 an season :i ond to a great I nlvemlty California % llughe*. Don Over least Year's Sixth Place At Union or At Door Marsh, Tony Smith and Max Showing that hit the team. ADR IS. ACS 0 Jayheet ever t'au (forffll) stung in the fall. Weixscngruber will accotnpan.v Bittrieh. Chaffing1 ht the 1»if nftrr over two weokt nf fdlenrnn* Plav Central and Western MSU'p tennis .squarl travels to i'oliinilnis, Ohio, this After* msin «t il p.m. to open up their, 1059 season Against Ohio COOK'S State. •ext I,noked U|v,n «»f the year a* the fir*t real ger.hoef defeated Bob 5*a«sack, 6-2. 6-2. b» haul down tt:e No. Golfers Tee Up for First Meet! for the netterx, MOTORING IN EUROPE Saturday'* long meet should toward revealing whe¬ go -a 4 po-tfion. anrl Ron Mescal) l»eat Jim Musell, 6-4. 6-1. to travel Central Michigan and Western lin to the number two and three before another triangular n c.7 _< way Michigan provide Mirhig.m spots respectively. Baldwin here againat Indiana and ther the Spartans can do anv with the squad in the No. 6 slot. State's golf squad with its first ranked number four on. the troit May 8, DRIVE YOl'RSELF TRAVEL PUNS better than their sixth place on Completing (he 4-man learn tastg* of competition this spring squad last year while Caplin Is finish of m.%8 in the Btg 10 in a triangular match today at considered one. of the top new¬ RECOMMENDED ITINERARIES championships. will he Doug Smith In the No. 7 Forest Aker* golf course. comer*. single* position. Hoffman will he Coach Stan TDrohac's chief The Spartans, who didn't take The newromem to the squad. No. 3. while Kasaaek romptlf* INFORMATION — RATES conoern earlier In the we«'k w as the usual southern tour this Gary Whltener and fiary Bar¬ as No. 5. the condition of Bill Hotchkiss. rett, rank right behind the lead¬ spring, will be using the match The Gro*«»» Pointe Junior con¬ The doubles team will, con¬ as a tutieup for the Big 10 sea¬ er* and should he In the feur Sonii'lliiii). iic* in t!urii|it'ui! Travel tracted h sore tlipwt and there sist .»f Hotchkixs-Smith •* *he son to open one week later. and Ave slot*. v*.t* some doubt as to whether No 1 team and the duo of Jack Reynold*, by winning the ('. A. Smith. Sieve Miller and bv he would !»«• at»le to hold down b.tcK-Hi»ffrnan a* No. 2 Holding team tonrnament Ihla spring, Boh Walsh round out the team. his No 1 slot in the singles di* the V • .1 spot will in* the Pla- will shoot In the number one Smith i* a sophomore, while TH0S. COOK & SON vision In Saturday's nwtch. Bv mid-week, however, he was gen h«s* f - M esc all com b»». 7n the only meet in which position on the hbs4. Reynolds, a Junior letter winner, held dow n Miller and Walsh terwmner* Both are junior let- Miller and the* competed against OSt* last the nnmber tlx position on last Walah posted winning dual meet suffering no III effeelo. He heal call for hriieluire ill Easier Hoffman. 4-7. 4-4. In an veai, the Spartans etlge>i tiiem year'a squad with a record of records last >ear. with Miller bv the narrim- score of 15-14 In three wine, a lorn and a tie and. holding down the number fiva Infrasound malrh lo protect hla a tpid tf angular meet in which a 71.7 average. position. No. I spot. College Travel In other matches. Roger Bla- li.w.» and Minnesota also ripateii. parti- Coach Ben Van Alslyne has named junior letter winner Tim Baldwin and sophomore Ty Cap- Tee off time is at urday. The match will be tha Spartan*' only home appearancp in 30 Sat- ISO V. ( liber III) 2-H(.(»7 CAMP COtflVSEI,I.OR OPEMXJS ( — for Faculty. Ntudents snd Graduate* TIIK ASS(K IATION (IF BillVATE CAMPS — Crew Oftens This Weekend • • . comprising 250 outstanding* Hoy*. Girl*, Brother-Sister this and Co-Ed Camp*, located throughout llie New England, Opening iu spring season, the in "eights" Wayne State it thu man is . . Middle Atlantic State* and Canada. . . . . INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning summer em¬ ployment a* Counsellors. Instructors or Administrators. POSITIONS in children's camps, in all area* of activities, Spartan rowing team will tangle with ,Wayne State University Saturday at the Tartars' Detroit River course. Spartan*' only Michigan compe¬ titor scheduled this year. Heading the^Sfwrtan entry w ill lw veteran crewmen Tyler, Mi¬ Scheduled races Include the flying an airplane? art? avaiiat.!»• lan Savich and Hap Joy. All fre*hman and varsity «ight-man other member* of this year's 12- WRITE. OR CAM. IX PERSON: >hrlls and the varsity four-man man crew are newc«oners to the ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS—DEPT. C shell, according to Coach Jim S3 Wait 4211x1 Slravt, H.iom 621 sport. Ron Westen, counted on New Ymk J«, N Y. Tyler In last year's meet Mich¬ to tw one of the team, main¬ igan State won three races, all stays this year, was recently sidelined for the f*wv«n with • shoulder injury. niral eaperimre with Inxlxwtrv". finest proleunaul luols ■( hii tlis|iuul Gibbs girls Hie Kwcihty has immeilule openings for engineeri, electronic scientists, plij i- get Icists anil mathematicians. I'rr sort net ne top Jobs joy competitive salaries, uneqisallril opportunity for recognition ami axl* vancement. profenional free.lorn, Itb- era! vacations, accumulative six-lx thal's Mm vori leave,' attractive rrliremen. benefits, ami aJ-, vaucnl mhscalMauI pmgraina. for oer JACK REYNOLD* • • • lead* Epartap golfer* . The Facility has ma an responsibility Sirrr. A. if!' for the Navy's research ami develop.' FOB BETTER (pacta Cm far CoBm Wmm Ob. not htmlh. of ActnuDr, men! programs in such arras as: air. Hteitnin Writ, Cattf Dm* kf l rrmnr lmrne electro-mechanical ami electronic far Gimo Guu u Woaa. TV SERVICE Ml r>|.rit in Mtrrult fire rontrol ai»t br mi..ile fiiiiUnee lyilrnu. lie. |ui( of (be fx«xarcli ami systems, inertia! components, railar ^irfiannf x Iwimttli TrrtuitrUn. COI rr ( mm. In eiiemeeiiin: lejni of csan|H»irnts anil rouipiitrrs, rlectrmui' General Radio & TV lie- V. S. Naval Avixaxixi counter-measures, hrat transfer studies, Facility at •00T0N 14 IMIl'WOl M. tin g. KnUmninr . lixxliaixapxilix. In.iuii.i- ami anti-siilanarine warfare systems. Ma roa« p. utu voaa . . >X hrt iwa. IV MRI MOUTcuia. met *»«' St a**** w. • lightweight traveler, . Cilh M Cam Onl' 111. h'l. ofiffi him Accomplishment of the impossible is • wet. oatvitinst 4, iuoM islam, im eegsu tt • new <>|>|MUI>it.ily every day, an. I he likm it. He rnjoit tradition at NAF2. if vuu are a young er-repellent raincoat of 65r« Winkiiin in ilivetnfinl programs thai man or woman w ith initiative ami im¬ dacron and Mr} cotton... finest care.. ^1 challx-ngxx hi, ingenuity, lie ii gi.en agination who lias talent to contribute to plu* complete machine wash. ..Mgnmenli Willi iignikr,nl retpoiisi- a dynamic Navy, consider Naval Am- hilily. He ,j'|ue*i*le. iliu-uuing hi. onlcs Facility Indianapolis as au outlit ability: thin U the eucceM |>ioMrmi with olUwgue. who are rec. rtni/.il aiillmriiiri in their firltl.. He lor your professional expression. cxnt of the eeaeon.,. ragian for your Ml tnWfeSi uit! ht UI.-.I m ar,-..s,la.»r ,„ •leevee, fly front, tlaeh iuxw»» Uut he u gauuitt; valuable levh- anplaafii. tiiisl Srfsar pseissne.i. jackete. natural, lire, fine dothiog 34 to 46, regular and *Tfco sua In the picture it long. — DICK LUNDHKKU, MICHIGAN STATE 'if, - and Oo'R bo Mi taaapsrs to awe. yev on TUESDAY, MAY fast service yautaaR lot# tkia by aeraagiag for lalerview thrmsfk yavr Fioeoowot Oti.ce rafeyl too! u s. naval avionics facility ^ todlonapolts 18, indiana i Bxulxtuul l ■y II omrii's I f nnis Mnlfh ismen Journey to Ann Arbor State News ■!, S'.>:r- i* vjii hold g h K-'iIafiifn Co. i- T' »,rt i' * •(,<• #'',f S;»?.rtor( "• set ,4 r'rtir'A Sta/imrn. H »>*\ Hash With Michigan Today SiIghf *t|iort« Editor Ren Rurn- Heof fun lovers. April 21, IV,<» fag* Seven SUN-TIME STRAWS I Bill |j|r»l Ti|fr I . day Fhone F.*» e S:»iir'.ir ■ »'er| «j ,e of *f.e, am* at K»rrv »h*r* in |»er*'m h' IM < n'f and e-, j.;,'. e*.*, t !ub off,' « to bay in at The victory gavt the In-i.j- « This S i*,'!." *a.d h* ofxninf of § «weet> of tint thjee-g;»-< e *ft,» , u. ' f ' ■ f- « ■ *,e "A 'I'jdH Cleveland, winner of n-ne fit IM building • •aball iaa*on , r t « * A 11 ' e f-.r.• ?,e f ret 10 garner. t'*,k ii, a . „ . a r .■ for #.-••• e ad-.-anred feint*. «„nt'-*t* by 14-1 and 10-! g g.ppe. I fn into toda*- * Starter and 1'wer ft.,- • - ti«rr» »-• O- ki who fa rim to fiatro.' in ,l •* thetr IjUt tw o Martin trada, vielderi two "<• * |&t>«rtar« ihoui.1 in the aprnnd inning. Oitn toad i align* favorite* •>1 tha haxe* on a aing!** | who h*ve mar<- walks in tha third before J ||v 4 out of 11 Running '"'It "vfr A h.* !>•«' •«on n an and an infiald on' pt Shnei Coa£s ►Hois#' P»<*a'r t a♦•?•», a Ma ' n I Rvmrvt for the belted hi* winning-mar sun hou • Hnoiery — rtgh*.her.tiet IMS IMHANAFfH.H MM* WINNfR Jim me Hrvao (Ir ear I die. ■vt tnt'ul duty eewara Ma IWUM Special with chief merit a air Heward Gilbert Ol Hug* t Wo'wnw. a«d dfdcatr Geerga Ma lib •lino. W AM IIINf#TON* —* hOWVTOVVN I.ANMING 11m far faalttraa built-ie hydra alia Jeeha la apard pit atopa. NUMMITIES Baaie 111, 211 and *41 avail* •a kmr. Ileal Throw* No-llitlr r i^POn Campos ah la In «intf*«avinc «tudv , IMrh fial- aid*. Oatllafd aummarir* of With TV I ■■UMahl third a ad hi mixta ('.hi (Iold rarh a**i«!' ere*i- gr, V» eeglege We tje ed^tRRVW '■•it* over the rou>. p»icat.> for 'ha m 'i.rg ...«uaard" I b-- >■ %n ir.tomrtm oamud. vl NEW STYLES IN - |.#a itn* S-grr.a Ch;> rigt.t-hl' • i i - fiur *»r>.r:/ */a■. err%»vl mwmgy w I v» a/ryfr^:» farh v-*# M^'ifui hote-rrvan U<»u Spartan* elll • ■.» ■ - a ird'y U.,ng ■•'./o i «r, haei lao,.- fierrurnd, * ho two fo» - a 4e«Mehea4er IMP alerting threw K> WALLACE SUNGLASSES :*• ; f*-;^refl Ff • •'/•irel v.ra r.uig! The * nr.«*r*' n.g .nnirg WtkTHaid *♦ "y, ' cr - g'» U< «-* i^v» * /e ren*1' e.*ee«* ae mm 4^ lii# secmd Mft Albirt# hnoi kwi ♦, wwieo bier I'''.*.'!*, U< »»e'weii t<«»r «*Ae. w« 'IgftMR inBht'nfl't a .'me drive d-ig.,- an,) ir.oveu H#»-K*n wtview b* R*u*< h 4 l.nrnt, featured at Mallare*. !■« ■. t ■» ei',n fpjt. ff b rvor* emne, »*;> a g*d e niuel to .start to aerond on an outfield errcn Pav-ltan len»e. nptieallr perfert fur outdoor i-fiPtaeta Thus Winner! therr imaahed a Milk are four 1 • r. • < ■-#• - ent'-.r'z-e feir-*uiA, a ke^iifle *naa wi artlvitlr* »ro«ird-and poli».hrd I'i 'urt e to give cm re,l J • 3-0 record 1 '.ff.e ;rto cenlnfitiri to *♦•* t Why. vbaA a •; a-v e»u* 2ad AM a %l*ion hour after hour They mar be ground to tout Vt ai < »r vaJi U*»'* fKobe tayi t-»* ?!!*,! * He tiffed aecindi la'er r..' b.g f°r a tl.n (i on a Kit bv Jack PattiM»n, Irr l .rrain optical preemption, if rei| prefer. ' e -r rsr>e *':*A -t+AiA t red bed Ow h* • f tr» tram up.witn In the third tiimt t hi rime I >7 f * '// 4 7/ONS fc, < S *•-*' '1»a. ».ai te»ri »-u«er, r#n U.e «nb,«rK Nrene . !!« has tie* n h»«k within* mere Mllleaenlh# •*% CAMI & CARKV • - .• hurling a'aff tJfl C // *. S/, ** »#, ?/ ed ©V ' » ' t ■i*vvf •■ *• ft •r-rui' r e«rre *»* va*ra TT-nmL «*"• •trength ef t«e tingle* and Ine 1 down tht n»''v *i» ■ *(>{a*r:»fif# egre «n/ eu ^ aAedl. Aw AT* fff-cg hit hauanen. 1 i hU lor»k ww protmbly gf Cra g e-. UmMi Ch' roul-.'r, t it r on net Beaie'a blaring fa-* WALLACE OPTICIANS *! ' ■■ tve -nret smfr-r**,'-' »;,ing ,gf. t> Of . ■ •;** rue v - imt 4;afiW, it-', "ru % m f'raetm. 1 i atcortrf game -•! ba of the arwj fa-ed to ge* a hall nut .• f.eld. Although they 6RADE A NOMMENIZED c Ntata . r."w•» (heater Bidg |.a*t l^an*ing UgfWfrn. • fh 1.(1 1-11 IT /*/ : U 'i | *ai aieu id >or,t «m aro^r*t ad .i-t; a*r unuinui< ; r:ne ra 'i !>■ were a l:*tJe fhakrv on defer.## J; [ b> eerul vetaran at t.--es, the*r second baaerran. 32c lAJkfr L* »r. 1 It.;.' S'A.rre;*, p.^ le 'he he*' {Ja- \ MdrrerMU to m« of 'he game In 'he final frame »» • far to hu >ft t/» snatch ■ e ai d Wohtnrc* a hard bd ba .' off t!^» b*t c.f tirnne -aincn 2kd4. Uave Gra•, uehih'1 the Eu*l I-anting Iso |«*» t vo-hit p-tching of John Aiteti- bu-ger. 3055 E. Mirli. Ho*t 7m f\tp * aa the b.g men Ju«l Wr»l ol Sear* (ii. Foe * vb the atick a* f w-three and *maafie«1 two home he went three Tom Riley LANSIM FARE PROBUGTS GO. Fight *:-o rem* hrrnerrd f #r the winner* »»r* fir-t tfumr dr» •ir**i ireetint • man ■ 4w vm« } if—a t* <»,*- oi em.J t/ni fcWi.if* :*> hae a ctanor '*» ■/efigr.twra. rham- ur v'*., -»Afi * ' errr«..o.- vr m in* twju o»l bMsk bai jttanrp and rha'- - • -i-ie, > w»* oof ••* o.c.r'j*, ran r»bn,.v ha I London. aot«rrn!y » i V> «'r i, g'»*r. *nt4* with rmg teeth. If '* I TVureda* M »rld'« haavy - DON'T BE FOOLED - '» U -e &#-t; - C W- '*, fg*,u« • '/V *a vr.% imv *4*1 go r.iot r-», un-a&t* 4* * vwaed. 1 now an up bout tar Pr - a -en** i>| humor. . I titlp drfwida in |aga*nat European YMM OUTKS WITH \ >n»n '■an ! ' • >« »» .* * 'nan w he a wearied. T^we* II You Feel You're Jonanaaor. - rr.f— V-'* V, brai ->»|t*»'et/er y»*i/ ^r-e^ert owe t.aifmnd waa i,»a* » ** r y *i *nn. ''.renairnpWe **a^i few Ur*«. Of fwr* ■ TKi IF AM FAV AS rod-carpeted NOW. ^ h "Mad r •- kn bead- Behind the Eight Ball... oith all the porr.p Vftrf '-f Rhe-.-e pmniu, Wagh m*J md NIK FALL » Apr4 : " U am But uu se 5«cr*mry a».*«r- • •■# ■* -ourt>h. trm hkm od 7r*er me . • • Ktlai and rnjoy \ cur-elf. forget >our *a4 ipv« t ".an A.* >'ai ; cot 3» triaubicN* it Ukt Unsing Park. 1 here'» no- I;-,* -,e :\-■'l-.'ry v-: >-uU *f>ttle -nau" -am N*m thipg likt a weekend of fun to rai*# your GET AN ITEMZEI KOCTT FIR opiriU and «*park you through the next week w coe oei*» te-tt. YiUd oat »r>i*ief he « taaiij. of tla****. Ktde one of our light-hearted TW c . way 7> iA'-r-.u3. • •» kir-frorw ». el 9wm, In Wi at '-•>? p.Ttp! V T**L.-* I* i m>>i* tf *. e'-onent* !• it YMM IAMKITS - YKY ARE VAUAIU TR YRG. .'RiuwemenK. arcade. Come or on zander through our M*11*) out and -ee us thu weekend. bun.are? L*e* A tZbO^tef >r#ier'> 0# V.e Lk»*» ig " :" ■' 0 ''s" Year enjoyment i* our buoine*-. r- «ii fner*..y and full a iloo. --a.Trt lJ the heiart oi dari;**** - SEE US FIRST - Fbuip Morre* LAKE LANSING l» rt, at arvort, 1/ Kbilrp M'.rrw it oe. the© tiA4p 'ne vuA S» iovh? k**r«« e-'A «f at*ei. for yoo aa*y be «gi gut » » 4.00*7 v4 aewf Cy atvi »ith * -er^ -4" fe iDio*. U* ou* tiling u a* rttrm.a* e to Cleaners be *u! College hnag. TW, f*.r?«- tt-AA# 4ora i»ui tnrn » fcjoeiv, ie eswy. Ju*t r<..*W h>ra ,n e OPEN FRIDAY. SATURDAY HURTS f*' enoirri rn# Fkiltp gorre (aaipaay efekae Wa'f- 620 W. Mkkigau Ea*l Uoaing ED 2*1713 ANN SUNDAY AFTERNOON b,/*. fke cife/«/>'< e»/A heifar "meiuR**." >«* aiarx m *4/rr a 10 g«*M rich 4e«*»s. No*/ pm 4 -*r <-p- -.p aoa. 4 w«