|*tioniiair«- Planned The Weather iture Committee Showers, womewhat I/»w Sunday night warmer ... .*i.» \udies Problems Vol,. 51, No. 17 SrrviiiK MMJ For SO Vrar. EAST I.ANSIS',i, MKTIKJAN—MONDAY, Al'ltll. 27, l!i.Vi High today I'KH.E # t.'ENTS 50-5.7 niversity Faces }oR'N NOTE: This I* the (lion f the L'nlvrrdly.l fir^t »f iuo article* ripLfnln* and topics being ronsidalp ilathaw»>. riiii'm ■ n for th»* Itpp on tlio Kntnrp of th«» I'tiUrer il\. ,.io uritmat;- [in commit top'* Una for thn commitUo rnyiKMi- v.-;i- fir t in. -I -,>: . 1; .lati. Pi Search for Rebel Band frpwidcnt John A. Hannah ir nou.!'I .1 to •»,. ir . fculty in his "Stain "I* 1h»* I't»i\it• " ;•*}«fr« bided to appoint a familtv rotnniittnn patterned alter - that Election Reports Say kin Coilnifp planning committon «»f Hill, lend to Appoint wimp of Hip bed and Jihh-| member-, Eamlidates Small Partv jfgtiilly," I>r. Hannah said. pnt.s ' Mccmnti to knott Very !it 1 !#• ah.ail th»> commi' only reaction that app» i»Ml were rnmplaitit • that Announced On (!oast | professors worn not avail,P .* prm; trim for four- I llrilllilia ||)|.lfl«| Bents had plan nod. oiiiiui—ion Set* lurry out thn rewanh on thn future «.f th«- nmwr- To I'.iii.iiti.i l ifx must havn nu n who are national!5 rerovni/.r«l lor krearch qualities," Hat haunt -aid. A f:nnl !I«t of ranrllrlatf'.H PAN*A -t X T' — Am'.'* rlit. lent* should roali/.n that, wiuln t h«> rannot «lii-ftj\ for ail- university offices In trols Sunda rnngfH 'Ira ;y [from the study, tho result.4 will in- mo-t mi|oitanf the cnrrlintf elnctlona were the i.ao!h**»d -nr. p,.:- Jr- ► brothers, sisters and children." ho aid. red Re*er *. ! •• re'ri" f' - anno ir Sunday by ycara ago Stanford completed a similar *tud> con ATW»> Elections Commis- •» of r-re. |«mly with undergraduate education, at cording to plon. ;^.r*e«| Fa- - aMM nr p». ■v. Other Mlif(hll\ different studies hare been clone }{.■■}• g nam«re r arionear Thursday** fir.alr ■ska and Minnesota, he said, wi" re R.'! Living'ccl and Trre r;.'-.- * «--.gw *' nmittoe is matin up of thn following facultv rnnm- Stilr S»w« ehftfn k) Hi'l ki*lmM Ir:* .* Ci.nj.r .an. candidates for «ee*' - w rejy,.-*' * a4 an .r IflM WU.S'T'/, llertolt freshman, declare* "I'm Not a Pauper" la AW> r-rc.'Jent; Gler.n Hartman re.*.r.n -*a* re-.-g thur Adams, associate profe-sor of history; VVal- ze-: . tlohn lfc»n Klein. >eu Y«»rk tit* junior, at the Hobo Fattr held and J.r'i B'aren. senior r!a-i • "re . * , uru' ■ -i' i-vvi' V. professor of economic- Pearl Aldre-h. prof#*, Mlurdj* nifht 'hy Fast Khau-'a I'rerinrt i. the setting «u a j.r«- ! c • Fnr.r ar.d er. a.,.«ar»»r' • institution administration; Richard IPt-rrurn, I hrsjpejiir and Ohio hoxrar. Wavne senior vice-prf- kr of chemistr\ . ?!!'»• ,D< 0r KOTC Dchalf Ic: f • ' : Iff - •- - vit sr. J I;. ! ft-trkor r.g»r and !)*♦.» B.»- T'-rry Da¬ jur.ihr v.<"C- SU«a Vmi I'hniu by Hit! K.Hitua \J .gc Fleischer ar.d , professor of marketing and t ran-port.it ion admini- H. II. Kimlier, professor of humanities; K. M. Claimed for W ednesday f,ro. Rof |te->• *?a: * r ' Fre-f.arU- junior secretary; and Bets*' f#RFFN SFI.Aslf'S ''New York, New %'ork" drev» Ui a eio*e ^*t urd«r night as a sell-out eroad watrheg the performance of shim¬ f una Undine to Indians th* r-ported thn rommandant «f k, associate professor of civil enpitmerinp. Wvefward. -.'..or treasurer: mers who reeenllr received national honors. the -an Bias Reservatiofl, at Melby, distinguished professor of education; Paul Th*» pros ami con< of re pi Irt'f! fifiTf pet. thelp first for- fete Van Ireer and f.arrv [MSU % let-president and professor of continuing rii.il treatment on a camp're- Ai'te -ciie e(ine-'L'»y niirht at Osterir.k. sophomore president: To Honor Donor* 7.'50 in the Miior Ami wtmn At St. and the Forensic^ Ln- Fd I uhlin and Roberta XVo«h| ; Beatrice Moore, associate professor, counseling i'.n spm^or a public debate. anphomore vice-president: Pat • id Charles Whitehair, professor of veterinary Weidner, professor of political science, replaces Tm4' The * rtCiTf.' read, MSt' h'l.l."! Stinlfnts With Fades and mwre secretary: Vanet den and Kue Gtlliland. sophnmore Fitted, aopho- Kathleen Har¬ Kresge Center Heady rornpuia-ry rather th.«n volun¬ | Adams during his leave of absence. 1 ia no student representative on thn committee. tary." si wlrrs'ed « by prr.f. , . R , " Scholarships treasurer: F r R*';den' C'wrgress sea'* For May 9 Dedication S- Err.,"»r.» Roger Macl>*.id. Rut nittee membership is a full-time job." Hathaway Sy*\ he-id of !he English de- V'a ask that students wanting to express their p.'»;trr,• '■ no t.rt* Dr. (.'-.uritn debate - Pe«lrey. will It»- . Musi Rvupply Fre.lag pr. • '.f.rk Ferrari Rurev —'RJcTerd T'-'h. JoC.r. I/ive arui The Kr**ii* Art. f"enter will he formally in a ceremony honoring the donors of the IIhuild- Ma fi - I letters Jo members of thn committee, recogniz- ,-»•«• Ernes' R.dci.c Rrvar.—Ken An- pro f**sv=r of fja^rh and Mo.-o U.an 2 COO MSU r ud-n injf. according to Prof. Howard Church, read of the ar de¬ re- ..a*, - a G-..,-; p.t.a- - - i r'ega'e n..I Wallace ar.d John . we read the State News and letters therein." Wwley Hackett, lake -- V sre- •re involved :•» the vrlerirac: Babe, West Shaw—R.J Myec. partment. f art planning a questionnaire for random student ",nior. advanced AFROTC »ad- ua're *rh'»lar*h.p program—rr a;. • 'rthr, R. h; e.dcr ar.d Jack Kr "/. Sfc**nt an R. Kresge ar.d f.i 1 to aald. Ml would not expert the questionnaire to you favor HOTC, Yea or No.' We want changes wakirig compui-ory prog{a:i, :n_ favor «<} the cf a:.* i •♦d i»K'►rre*.ar.-'« *n • reapply rte;.> the S'.av R'j-w —Tiuve (Jr'iM'ier, Pe^e r-wv. ir,<\ Duncan B»r.e a»/r, of S toe y K*esge as we:; ,t • F-inda'.or. -w... . Senior Ball Pedrey k a lieutenant rom- New,* *.f snt. ,, T uesda/. receive a;, vapre.t«>oR of 1 for all problems the questionnaire covers." away could not say what issues will he included in maniier in the naval reserve. Ilarkett i* a memlier «»f the A.' xtudent* who are n >*' . Abh>.-tt—Barbara **'.rr«a McUlellaftd; Hur* ln.' .ps ar.d — a n from Prtss.virr,' Jor.n A stionnaire. "While the same number of letters havn MH|' debate team and the Far- \\e revi.-re ' ng. I in the paper on dress regulations and HOTC. we emir a I nion. *rh'»:arvhlps a* well tFrnoj- vr.o.-rships must r-app a* a;; othe • -Gc-i Wong unci N'or*h Carr.phelJ— .Rr.ar- 'l-Ti Hannah V.ce-pres^ler.r M ,'.,s M -«* - For Seniors The I w. f arihhetn ">mm4iid Opposed to the ' , - for A'-a;,r»r..p cwvi^rratKQ »ier. AT.'I re er.'. r oeadoaariers in the < anal /one 1 whether, in thn long run, the two are Coaly anil PbyHi* • Dw<*r*v- wa equally im- serve offerer training ; r ,*•; j re-t! >ii' n of St - ,r< w..' • w..'.g .n'-'J V'V haa been taking- tnerea*ed m East Mayo—j'a* Fn-r. ar.d .••an *r.e Co.lege ..f &.«''• se- will be R'jg* r IJ..w'by, jva'tv f-.r fr.-tr la5' <*tudrnU presently rerelvin- ar.d Art*. 'W.U ^r»-er.- Kre• fl.r.g a- runty measures ever siare de profexsor .■ioeirue Par.o,. We*' Mi r the moat important can he covered in this question- "I ecf.riorrucs ar. i M">l Fntranre 'tuition >. junior . a :.or*f" f pre: sf. .re t ■ go ,n .ale for • •• V-- Ba f a (tiaardia annnunred Xpril 15 Ouane Chapman, Francvi Katz and tXA'.v Claw- ... * • 1 he added. Muskegon t oilege, ur I II whoUrvhip* d-> »*• 'he '. *»■ ie a T .>*•»- that an invasion sit being plan¬ son: g t .r.'*. ,r..:.g f Vre Height* sophon nut need ned in * aha f>r I aaked the general age of thn committee members, t» reapply fur neit Fa.?4 Lar. lor — Myk«- Rocrer' ■ g U .r.g *.he V. \* revere mer-enar# In *-xiAterw f once MSt" s Tuevda' W-• year. The— 5 *'f -'S '« t s: foreigners'' In the p*v of Fsn*. Ray cited Hannah's talk before the College of Agri- • founding a.» a and-grant t'odvste automatic all? be continued if < XIsu In he presented ia gold re res ,.»!'? ' . ren. - manuns 1 in which he said that results of time .n 18.15. the compulsory m.l.'arv Jrar Crawford and !V a"en,T *he t fication* hate been met. S'urtum and Judy P~ v annually to "that person uhu has a- . s under fue on the ed»tr»ru»l page* V " a re- e (J •'.« •' ; ho obligation to live with the plan. of tne S'a'e Sew* R«-ip.rn*,, >f these a c i' nrsft—Labbv Va! and Car'-. dune the must in the preceding - . »t s: r .'""V*; *0 e.p -ve4 have H e! lia . ■». May .8 t- 1 »n/> a sers-.u.* tinan year for art In Michigan.' from Conclusion 1uesda> In reaU«>r>M» to itixlcnt Inquiry. F-*er: pf'ibltm rr.av app.y for any a the artist members of the Mich¬ 'I- .'-j' iirorWw-Cit/vy V.-aerrr-a.' - re 4 — e-. President John A Hannah trod di'iorul cash »*ar:i.« ava..a Jane igan %r»demy of Science. Arts reren * Spartan RoumKable on April I V Bingham, D.ar.e ,>-M . «r s .«■««. ■, for Rent year, even though and letters. tnat the Board of Trustees could - and ManIvn Bet-kor, Fra*err..- r • ever IS. Colleges Vien Problem* change the program to a volun¬ ncc-'j not reapply fcr their tnal \es—I^arry Carrpbel Pail Mi'* ChartT.. v.«ck, John Eaton. PhJ'ip Fd- fine ar'i tec'.'.r. of Co* M.<-r..g • ris.-.re; *rrr,s tary basis sf it wanted, but ar.d ket* wl'. he ii*tfto-u'■ *} Applications f r scholar^.;* "jWft Pearson and Richarl A. aderr.y will p r e »e r. ; • jn/j re «re - -t ir.'re , .Tipun - urged careful action on the mat¬ the to al .••jrier.' tf'er Tuasday on undergraduate award. A rv., • i 2'*t IrN wre»* Safety Gmvo ■ .* ter - R^.pe^. .T . impus w hich must be reapplied for T^.e dvd.ca*.>n include w avaiiab.e in the scholanr. College Coilet'urena if e- provided by Bob Fberhart and petitions In Berkey , Yoiiik. D«v»atd L'Anvoreau*, Ba-- .mil this offae. 2C2 Student Service- ' True gallery *... r.ave ^r; hb orrhestra. Tlietu %heduletl at Kellogg week to tend to NHt 'i govern¬ ing body which read: "We the Thoyo intmsted in apply ? the ,r,te-- I l/dm I'hi undersigned favor r hang tag the KOTC program al AH' from a nimrc.fr school a< we 1 ai, ' >r« (.resp I (mcls«IM( I imiu-km! W.,» The art bu.iding i.vdr»e- -.'Utiwn 'a- *he wjwmcr-. \amen Hearlers mpoiuibility for Mfet.v program., <.n |h- nation', compulsory to g voluntary the next academic year. Jnsii-si-f •intw basts. Mtss I itiell nu.-n re-r.revernen' on '.he ;m.-1 of 're T.en: -.'f the OtiUtand,ng Sen.or «nd univemity campu-e. will 1* rvaminr,! at an boata." are advised ,t » make appln a*, n Sim tVaadvarg, tttes Hue#*' Boaa aad Miss «.iililaa4> W'»na**~ Win kretg« Foundation un- f "ne ! >.Vy -.t«s »r«i the pr»- of '.'is For Thursday before the decline. May 15 %rea .% (Raal sa* West tktsi fs»»- cern !■>' 'he improwr mr? of y*"r.ta'.,'jR .50 Club. inference today thrmiyh Wednesday. Similar petitions are already ■a4 bey an i. «*e4»ss4a»—*r»s t This luo ut '-'ienpureed -of ren- •*»—Arsn ■ iRaUsrtlsM. Retii-r education tnd public wtifara. Rtwe-jrer* am •».',? partk^pa'.i. Mine the thrwrt,? event ircu'ating among faculty mefr;« 'ft. yeiee'red t>y-a comrn.'-tesr of llannah .lllenth Mrrt Rreading Tf.»-a>r ? Vt . - r?> Dr. Lowell Fuher. t'n tiers. Any faculty member wish¬ ft Illinois professor and Concert to Fete ing pt-utkms is asked to contact •-ran# II (incluata* LtMln. Oi(«- •a. lark sr. iMiastt. taapmaa >n V Offiff Hour* r.e Sen.'ir 'anuut4nd-ng service : . ■a "hre A'Ufal lave *♦?• ar.rv.u.v.- nt of the School and Dr Richard itudr»or, associate attending the biannual C unc.1 aer. STUN' will hold of fue nours '.na ur.tversity The gcva M. una* W uncindtn* Win *a»r every Tuesday frren 1-2 p -r. 5'J merr.hers T.en for-re *he rtu- drairretic* u-rei-.-rax >. s -.m * |fety Council. Fisher will The music department wilt , Presidents of all the B-g 10 -di¬ SaHtt, nHaa Padas. WMs Manner *.« '3 Student* Swvktt Any.ne eleuj of 'he 1050 aiumm. aporur-r *_he pc>gram. "Tho Organisation of feasor of economies. versities wtil be .assembling at «map. nailmia. Van re«r, fow. wishing pick up their h«> k; Ticket* the dance are ?Ve -»a<*ert Dav;a present J'»nn fjorman. tenor, .n Student petition® may be ob¬ the Wennmgf aad MISS Weed). *«*- 1 Sefety Programs '* University C.ub for the Sst—4»ea H. Vnesdai — area C. sad whreh have not ye' bven aoId 12 V) and proper attire <* dvt .g- BaU». Che-sea ;uru«r Sue F*ere- Ipecul interest to the par- a Seni'-r Recital, tc*Uy a*. SIX tained in the State News office. meeting n ednnaday—Area may di* »> at tfei* nn». natesi as "drtwj.' t ,Ti*r.. Laming ,un. r. Terror Su,- pts ia the problem of pre- pm n toe Music Aud .vsc: Snylet. NY. J- ! and controlling "student Gorman, wide v-known student of sotout. Gears Itascd un Old Oxford l uiwr*itv (Irrcnionv Arut R^e, Hirr.KC ,ar.. -r, Dtaa# ['f ** "irresponsible ma«# be- m a voice Eger, Ni.ee, 1.: 'rasftmac: Js» Outlining a program for Greenwell Appearing with him Brokeosiure. revelaoc. Ofeie. will be Traditional I with campus disturbances on the pr -granv Sharott Muiftara. S:. May Morning Sing Scheduled Friday *.:«po.enoee: 1 J. W. Truitt, director of Schw-orm. piansst. Graun soph¬ Jowtpfa lopkomor*. a.:; F»r-* SU AU-University Student omore. ant Albert Deirdersu. G «Hi r frestimaft. KataJlt Mer- nt, and Richard Ber- violinist. Springfield. Fa. grad v^i. Shaker He.g-.-i. fhtuo, fraar- cad of the MSU Office of student One of tht older tradition* of dates back to 1)0$ and a cere- TNiroufh the Itth century tht* the senior and srephomore wo- the direction of Edward Rich¬ T.ar., • 3e» io«..nv Romulus ttive Service* The public is invited to at-' Michigan Stale will be repeat¬ mun> at Oxford University in- program consisted .of secure, •rren * aororarsw. Mortar Board mond, Viil sir.g Gr-eg t 'Broth¬ junior. ' tend the concert which wiH in¬ En. .'an J music. Toward arid T -.-r Guard ^ Ssr.g On. ' "With a Voice primary safety problems ed Friday morning when the the end of ' ne ers T«r> -r.g;na. senpta, "Peace, studied include the rc- clude Italian. German. French The Magiu'en Tower wlucn ten.ury, on a rainy day. ' c The main theme of tne tra- of Singing" and "You'll Never JoOn M-c.rev. Peace * by WalXact annual May M >rn.ng Sing wtil of radioactive contami- and English song*. wa» begun m 1432. *t the i"« - piocceu tng* moved Inside the drivn has changed from a music Walk Alone." f Bjrhet*. East Cleveland. Oa-c, • tire prevention and pro- Selection* will include "Q take place beneath BeauihGnt versiiy wa* completed n 1504. tower and the custom * as festival to the tapp.ng of new Dr. Tbuma* Hamilton, MSU aeni-jr. ird Numoer Fiva* by 1 poisoning and Sleep. Why dt>es Thou Leave Tower. and the dedication cerem >ny adopted of waging tiv College members by these honor arte* vice-president .n charge A sc- R. A, Ball, firmer MSU atts- rvaation and chamicwl Me." by Handel. On May I. 1W« a May Day wa* »o successful that it Grace, g *acred 17th century Friday's program will include, academic affairs, wdi emcee the aent. will be read. Festival sponsored by the music fcjcatsfid sear after >e*r. hymn. for the firs: time. * bras* en- program. Four pomns. two at whica *rr trape. Ilibit* department w|». held for the Km;f Ifwtrv VII i exs r.« Thjg. hy'niti is still swig every «eit n!c Under the d»rectl««i of Members of Mortar Board and beatnik, will 'be during.the conference Moo Surmmr first time on campus The: G.rV Luted h. '.-vfl* - t»> May i. at €. au.t. by a choir f Autre; of the muatc de- Tower Guard will serenade liv¬ read to [feature radioactive decon- .rod Mm* GIt.» C'ubs «ni tee t.vsrer t-' t>n ■ r*«n , ensemble will and classical music. rlao equipment, flammable TOKYO iJP'—Red China *1 .i ul tx Mu* An C't' -• •. .vHiaJ boys. O^nclnj in tre 're;:'-:nt- r?w" ing units Thursday evening after The reading >H . the ' Burde't successor 1<> Mao Tt.- ifiirs gathered but ere cli For t'.. i r. n envu. • slrcc- bv low and crei>n.ire Wendell Westcott, vi-Kung hours. Only three living [ safety containers; automa- name a f«>r a program «f music by luter moved P» Mai v.. T. ook 'he car.-,e e% c«:. f'rf The Heavens senpt and 'he pueury wili o« extinguishing systems. Tung as President when Parlia¬ a co nearby river folio* ..ira enneur. unit* naving a prospective Mor¬ d^yctau ay Jumtn Inang ar. De- f fmctaa ment reconvenes today. Peiping ReauriKint Tower, the anw! of a meinusial *o thu» The MSU May Morn:ng pr>- Declare the Glory of God." tar Board or Tourer Guard tap- trust nam equipment and radio announced Sunday, May Morntiig sing actually a^-itingui*huci patron. gram was later taken over oy The Men's Glee Club, under pee will an ill eMMSi V V A t»r Mr, Nixon Sniffs '•On Ynn Afford S2.1 A Ifond For Is'' Science Not Required. Why R0T( M Up Voles works both sides of the street, but it h.o* (I IHTOK's NOTF: The Teacher** I'nion W*l Week passed the folloxxing resolution: "He believe any Many professors and students re.i military institution, if it is to I, 0 IN* f I IS HOLE of sol>pr *.t;itm*nuin, Vici*- I'twirient Nixon, aft«*r r Aniemlment of Iph. ;*•* Which i on!, another wax of «;r iny military obligation. a public stand on HOTC. The student scribes that the I*nitisl State- has th- iha* where once the tear- of the American On the contrary, most professor* haxe alteadx . 11 Trustees nieinta t s have been curl.:, paid more than lip setxtce t<> their i-.-ontix's rijrht to decide whether it wdl .•|rt*"th«- people could be exploited in the 1,'ed bun". Ideals. They haxe fought in battle ..i haxe done etu(imaging this kind of open disiu uirisfliction of the World t'ourt in .o m : ox1, their b ar of atomic de truction, and will help to insure an intelligent cits i . their KP for America. Students cannot «*xade stance, which i> like a biMnc*- ■man .U'.-'.-r tn.ir pmleience for survival, can l»e ex¬ truhtarv serxue by skipping fiOTC m college. crucial issue. in): that he will refuse to be >ued it m* ploited ' -and In all means let if be thinks the case max yu ayain i bun. The corollar.x i* that for the lh*mncr;D- Moreover, if a serious «ju« -tion of for eicn policy were involved. e\en on an e\ to follow the lend of Senator Symington, .mil others who put their trust in more*ami INFORMATION ploratnr.v basis, it would m.t be for Mr. bjyyer aircraft and mis-ile- is political fob A( IIVmiAi ( ARMVAI, A\\% IAHI TIU. («IN(TI, ( ATII4II.IU STITHM . Nixon to launch the trial balloon I. Mr. Nixon has somethiny, and fhex had (i 30 11 p.. 33H Siodent S' tviies. I/ATION JI 'ST Till-; SAME, what Mi Nixon said better hiixe it too. if thev don't'want bad Till MF. CDMMITTU: 4 p m. Catholic S AUH activitikn HOARII . has jrreat importance. The Nation once in¬ news in libit I. ter Cafeteria. Coff.* 4 pm. 41 Union. 7 pm. 33R Student S.-rvae*. ferred to Mr. Nixon as «u opiMii'liinht who —The Nation, April •*» KOTO, Ooinni Skills. PolirvMiikiiig Oil CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS AAUP Veep Favors Opinion Polls ED 2-1511 EXT. 261.V IIK.ADI.INKS: 2 p.m. IllX ItEFOIlt: Pl ltMC XTION I'OK Tt'KS., XX El), T* t'dltor: I'uiMfc- hnusfnr force Till Its.. AND FRI. EDITIONS M, l.e .1 - del. n*.. J:-..- du.n ''..ngratulation* MOV EDITION DE ADLINE: 2 p.m. FRI. - on ■ .-m (Mlgri to Ml'UrC ev; u i.!:mi«si i. 'lie Depart men: of (ilass Officer \1 iudcr.u (in not like ti» b1 . pm ■ .iiiiMiiuriiti'.ii Skill-'" Thai, u. rt tii« doims. find ou! why mm - Kill, Pa.Hhlr M-12 and l-.'i Xlnndav IhrouKh I riday th# ' Jolts llundlcd f.,M# i*- •(.!«■ into unpleasant sr iia't'.n;- Some of nix main lom- IP IT WREV'T PA-XNc-. t "rtpul«oTy to h x'utiintsi •• n.t Moth the Tear her I'm. ." i-.l I5v (iommittee |.'aud« of dorm life were the u't o ?= ou: T^eje f CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE PERSONAL •he local chapter of f >e AVP olivilliei (ir»*»« rule lM*ing foi ced to pav hA- So 0.1? ff-'.-A'.'.c minimum IS word. ere if)t<*re«ting therm. :x i n o., ' • J con hi no! ea* I I .a i »x'xDx7:'r Sw- SvAvCo'tix.^ 1 tSc I kw As r itAKr.rtv r>i To Ho- I illtor 'am 2-9 30 P *n. and day rants . . i , •in iiln.tUv (t#corilt#(| r..i )#au#. a l. * hail I la- ieve ! i,l !; meal, then I».I 2 d,yt $1.45 |4 tor I'hull# IV 4-' Txxo P'-ard mend..-' D- c. a ... inv a HtfVPtil ami .titn V.oi'i. 11- ■ . . pie^itleil! and .• - • la'crt. ot'tnsi forced *- 3 day, $1.95 ADIER 1 A •# > :.(Ss- siHretlll n n(t ■ MARTY JAMtF.SON >i»s|s»n't«s| favi.iJii.lv x • o,j U" (ompict# ,*, move < u! of ♦ 4 dnyi $225 ADiER i 7 i • /( Ibtinl I)jmi<#«, s : •#, ft hot l'. Die M»" r.. ■ •*' -< lii.ihin •iUfti :i' 1 lie a iieeeM jj..v." leiiec.' rx i'> pa. ft;. a'.on ' am.the* .'ii doim mention of t1 oVi : v.< Tjg&n*1 5 d,y> $250 TENNIS OXFORDS . •# ••tiling* Il.«il Ft J 2-fk.V'l. p»ll: an.I the ii*.-o"M* ■■■' ■ < . i u no ? D 1'oflH"' Si'ji'! .1" aV poiux »n t ie loti'iai' . •' hel s, 1 va. ,*, . ADDITIONAL CHARGES W'llTAPy SOX - : - -• Tilt FIN FIST IN , tlmtx, IndicebM thin th. w<*f. CO.: f.r .. y. having 'o *igf. up .'mk-iinn t iiinhn, the f tor McX word 0*fr 15 MiliTAfty ROL'SH. P., #f.-. he guided, renins1'»v•» . x h- ■ a 'lb -ea: 7"C J 'hSJ "tAd Bt , " si, x 4*11*1 .formerly ,t m i "..mmiltce on the t atui. m to. Do (>e-.pie Midden'< ' . e a *. ".h S v" K ■r*eiv,1S J ;.x be par day BADMINTON SETS $7 41 up. Pt.ium, lUrrl* l , j near* And others. Cote. I 'rux'Ctsity «h«t i". !'n .a. ih..r. when' entering th.- Arrn.-v. IV 2-1*24. ui. ,,hr> Wf i\i^ 'it TENNIS RACQUETS 1' • . r. Hannah. V#»r» ' A' ttgc 16 XXc ran dru jv\SD Mi.Tv tv AUTOMOTIVE WILSON GOLF B*LlS \ MdllFRN-Ains !H • rt ,( |).A * i >n« limy ##l< •• w»• can g« i" war a*. 2 "t'oi-ular rmiAl# at a |... I .Hit* W .O.I \.-'r and .11 .Ilk hu* SHAG GOlF BALLS C ♦mlh tt** X xMnM-it'i« -a1' • •• lii x* »■ ' dink, F:i) 7-73.". \ ice |ir«">iitrlit lEf M.e&tUIVfUy CWfylOLET Pirsalenl vita. ■ h.'ct . sti*.; . «n n •' .ve whe e x« e wan! 1 BASEBALL CARS cj , lime* I en hers' I noin Other Vlemhei AMI' until tlov we ate graduates' 6 CHEVROLET f.- RENNSVlVANiA TENNIS BALLS SERVICE tf you Ciwvliut the p" ' ».,r- anyone lie #*|ierV•: a - T- r y' r» f , 'The Iliad; (hrhal' "( I VI «'H "VI-. ' I. »ope • .VIi.-lii^an Sliili- V-»» SLEERING BAGS AIR MATTRESSES -J." 1 I * ' srudnut shc» 6 . Ml llt»! • k#' », RAIN COATS IKHISCBACK J. ItlDI.S Lacks Interest. Store . • «! C»Miu,e«( , <«. iirt, Triple tt Ranrti. , o.r • .( tiule .. n>. g up SRORT SHIRTS 1 - . Anrll Half ,„,je # ••'#* ai.rt »i«i ■■■g » !»•> Lak« LAmutg Road. I 1 •*'*- « »»•* • .In- I., t - •» SRRiNG jackets 1 - lit I It- I I ttl ItXttt • >d ei>> »ih»i i*i I■ «■■ • -1■ i. . p • 001 other student Bargains TYPING I.N MY ham# f '• '» ! a *r t... ,'l#> fox hole Ui#*ii renort*. etc. f\* ?-«J East September, at -the N * . - «« I m l> ttx. op'oa * ' ■' via-, I*,-. *■ iue mot i*Sf CHEVROLET F rx frandor center TYPIST ANN BROWN I.oreti wofi the \ olpi t up •< lb-' Act re -• t"i lu pel Uhat Are officer* Itnti#*. • •• KlrytrT# no rlNfi AHRCiAH* IllgUrtRl* tHMPIFTK *-2"V( iv,",. fornmnce in ' The Hlnck (trcbiu, an h.- \mt nc.e. "'it* , " m.trt-r# and tl,«ia, aJw Michigan Stale News •' . 'r-'' #• M# y ,jrtr .i *x-#l • i/rH inc. X oni|H'tlth i hue i fx.. ■ • 1 S41!" f A in.• n' ' (I, r a. ... v.. •• IrurUi tinsi cat nv-1 t (.reli t pcrfoiiuanec I If" • ■ ' • • ollbrr Ul»! one evueit- I" 1 • 1 he»d llaile to MM • 1i «l»(l Sludenl* g,„» I , Th« IU.uk On hid ' . -in ■ 'i ■' I • * .* • , HOUSING inteiinittentD mehti.-iu •' • ■■■*••' r' ' • ■ •t»l« |Niltl«>n of hei ••••.'• ' •' cos- • LARGE SELECTION FOR R£NT l»" MIM'II Side Mrpiinu *-d Then* I- l«s> n.u. 'i 1 it o •'<>• ARARTMENTS Fl.fkt (rai"!#f ek»d to umk« i' « t • ' » '• " '• xm'Fn.XK) Capital C'ty Aapod I'KVA!) t'HMMI- I oirti • xx aii.w , . « Aui CARS GUARANTIED mid X if iue v i.i • •» ' ' -• I'aye Two ► > ' , •' • * TVRIW Wi'lion# C>|>4-IE4>. ANTFD AND EASr TERMS • . p JV !•> i h.okitiiiliii for' (lie ' i .;.. ..'limn |M-ch i< ' xtl MmGiLLIVRAY CHEVROLET • " v n. x( ! i,■(! APARTMF ST TV AND RADIO t. '••* •• It. I - At.'llfc > Oil. I * I ' H ' \ I nok Into |i /Xdi-4 • • un,,. :- .xiident \ leu.,. JV 4.(.»;a t, "':*ni.«, 122 WoiKJmere. x> ifi and nfU'i fi.i t F.D 2-H227 A| 11.a..... 1 I. • i,Iy. rny I'tVF IIIKC F ROOMS '• *' i-'ihirn #kr#nt A : to. I-IC-U. lid. • ' x* ' *■■( MICKS IAUNDRC" »t(.Vi , ,w,. t an*. « 1 then i > .« ...m a , ... ,.it i,yu. ... ., I f. M!C>* • lliei e tnn ' a. . ! • ' • A I .ATT :<*(. xx.:, .-r 'a *•»• il.i K-»..,#*, s u F.I)- DROR OF# FOR SELF i Mote I nhkri* •*Uu*liui.» • .!# -INIXtfl JV j )#♦<». • F •-» .to -!>«• -e i I lank lias a x.. . 'Id.M V.rtt en |> tt, -• fOR SALE WE SREClALfZI Ifi DR • \-* l XX 11.1" M. * h. ' ,t • UNDLES FOR marliac# hhi* rc*n;i* l( on tiw* • pn _ EMPLOYMENT I»*1U4S ft-F«t' STuC MFN AND WOM K.N xx Anted""™ *■'!-:•*« < I» r.ra.i itnng*, Hum tin on • UieiiMnfe turxev \x«.rk -p*4- r«rf*"i,ai*.e i.m#i XOUR LAUNDR' 16 Opt .anal I" lioi- "S to 1 II- vour *M*hedule For in'lrt nmn i.12 M"h"* Mutne» .Manor Pe. coui »#« of Hal interview, contaci ,\jr Te: • Pupjare #»CKED UR AND CEi Aieam.n.i ii . ■ ru ;-i2.to -a.ull.in i, | rill,,', fur.I, - «"J4 x is « rr HY , «|i*". we .»• »,;i: tf Tp»##f#.d N.« w..,„ •$ • :sc F Hi.xc t Tifitt 'I"'"""" itie net xx ..it, i col» p._,- i- -- . . 2 l'orttm*r>u| Sue ^ K d.t .li# - FOR RENT . Wax', & Cry , X'F" » E. LANSING LAWS: ti t ui# iiiueed. to Aigan<)u.aii ind.an 1 5 PfXX RITTifs i.toie *-.(l upn«i«. manual and ele,- At.l. MAKFS P-T LOST and FOUND ! mac toll # «.'• .*• T#mpt#t,on u Hem Uieni «t Campua B.x># TV RADIO-III F1 Se* Si*..* 14 lUi'IJ AI.UGATOH~n teed used TV net# .'*• > nc# Tneatet !,rtwJf.rnFlovd i F fihMW *"'> I.Ucr. t l-aiiMiii. 13 E S. J-'- arntiier*. f [j j.jmi J. t.'ick'thad t* Fut#*t FOR SALE IT !N»les, J (2 W Grand Re * i 1» K.t--hfn I111.P rt-JAll HIT, II l„k,, ui»fx> ! iFTdF JttRT C'irvette head.« port- 22 Appi# ad ret'.exert Three latter t.vo- f,1""*- l£_-^nann "> _ • -' 1«ln...|.i 0(„.,ne_F D_; Ml.t* ,u ,r rale* T V RADIO SERVIl t to -indent- Si - televjPtun sales. Free ' drin*. f ii :*:w:" Mi,,t, open • a rn to 8 ' IMI XI \ll\l. .. X XI1 Kpii Urnrr 2.' 2( A frt.n ♦ Ri'NU.F PERSONAL i V Technic Jam Co. 3- - ii.e MMt.ua x**n e »■ i,y;,, * * . \ifcN s THRKK-cpeed u?«n IV T-354ft * 25 O; Uintici ; *'"• p-•■-Mi- - M , ,r*'r' ba«ke» l.r» than. THE moo maios say If . 26 Wage, peepie ouisuir ti,.- mallet lot x Kan-.* .- a, . u - : liy (.liuii»c J1 Amar.carv piaywr g*i| f-D ' ion 60LF CLUBS toncn't.»n. A ♦*« ? • I o* rt''d-c-errir, a».i4 il Lay-Away Sa¬ OtXOSiT Wl'.L I* ' It" goes "i 26 Tortu: (Mil to U„ llousiiiii Rule? > *4. „ # •" *Nf item DURI*. •«hd>' •tc A*, no ;.nt# • N«. «,c-r t-e#t * FL" th# e'*e During .';.( - ut of .. u, ,, 3- Angu.ihe*. a 1 il #io*i o •§. {N9"r*atiy (0% ♦-.» i .t-x-n* f i(;t- 11» ll»# I dliiit '»■+ L Dairy rlant LAY-AWAX TOMCRF i ... grii.it-; xx f n ! , , t.n-t 4 , Ne- |4-*S anthont m*u whixh gtxe rrmaiRabn* W hx .. . Plump p«it, i . Jti k GIFT TODAV FOR » N SapfKir t#J »• ( 0 W.'«4 •(.penally the xilwnir da.igfsUt Dei" he-. I y tti %h«p«4 0«t, Ift ftt eun"*Y DAVIS «*f.irsTH* re- ii SELECTION i p«*tutd> aeema U» l* lon.p.og W Pr.fit y et x re.xin au..,a » • XX* . par; .oil*." ' IVTt»r*TtD I.N • pithe, u- !«• • cant wf *,,i» B,,„, ln. cushion . . Nome wili find • The Ma'it.g i.., . ' » > au-e t yS*' iisn.'sc1 .:.n- , an-ifn) RRANOOR GOLF course ".""a "JM,«**""*« Wm. H. Thorr.p II > tvi'y vxarmix amu- ..*• ft off-, anxpii* app' ox P>r*a HMt", i *.i ! "a*" at •x 'tons ttpM. the if.#.. r* • I'.,,, «, ...i,-,; - • , 31 Teoi'.nf . tv ft-SSCl . 2X.C2-"U "" »>0nr.d., Jeweler (he two, bv.l ; i » eii't i1.. ... . "*w lK&e hoiu# « orrtx we f'ft-Joi Shcpprt*§ : T.o,;.AKIr.s deuvired -xol., ol Mul,,,, Per.,'.. ll (Hound Diithda*.* \Iai)» „m*r iv B-o OHIO UVK TOM- Nextr Steal A1 y„u l. , „ - thing iama. •!.> a- r#t i.x A », p, i..." itaxt >1 at Utai. an ; !i ' I'.ed w.* *i emp TRANSPORT/ a'sivima, tn.wt Ughttn down o, ■*»'■%"«usnaa.&« mrUW'ra! '>A"PL W,',,*\V" V0d 1* M"; *IOr»* WANTID > T-iS."4' 4*" .. *"* M«» »fi' I I A »»r M Michigan SMte\ grr.i! jump- Tigers (Yawn!) Lose DM and New' Shine Michigan statf ktw* April 37, I9JH P««« Four Jng-;.*«'k i .-.tor 0 traged If- rehoiju-s STATE during cjnipaign the <•! S-»ar> 2J c< To Kansas City Again In NAAU Gyiu Meet Cerv'* inside-the park homer TODAY K TI'KSDAY KANSAS riTY «-Tb—B"'1 Two Spartan jrymnast*—one too "young:" and one too FIR AT Shown all ! EYE HI-LITES with fu«» on ha<»* in th«» thir d inning- provided the margin "old" for Coach (I cor ire Szypula to use on bin squad th!.« Sunday as the Kansas t if\ Athletics handed the Detroit sparkled in the National AAU meet Friday and by 'Fivers their l'Jfh defeat. I Saturday at Amherst. Mass. Miaalng hh thlv " K-v>hm.»n Steve Johnson fin- ahlp meet rrown of the year la THE LAUGH OF Dr. Joseph B. Gclsiein ■ Too led and "tie run across i third on the trampoline. the hortiontal bar eeenl. Man ... fourth inning. Ho also i, ahead of such success- Tarahla flared fonrth behind 1 with the bases full /, Michigan'* YOUR LIFETIME! Onratinn* vtirv ve •ho ».*th. in i) . vr-s!«v k •• men a* "all. But it was a Mich— Califnrntana AH KhnHork and Jarb Beekner and Maaaacbnaett'a about C ' Hon Munn, who *'e ;? «he ninth ho retired with v::i!!.iii. ICelm Brlegel. Tamhla prevloualy prohlrmt • ■ .»•:• ;»n.| the bases loaded.. ... . .• event to give promise won hla aeeond Big 19 and ftrat • . A I'M."', u's of Wolverine Mill be • i.;. Knenn, Larry Don* . >• u- crop NCAA rmwn this year. out With th. an.wrrril ,»r. . !' -•'.••• Bridges. Hud Dale* TVd Muaycrko. star nf State's h* l»r J R • «.k .\Tr at that point and nk H ml and. who made his 1058 team title tie with Illinois n-.nh.-d pineh hitter Johnny iate name with the UnL- scholastieally Ineligible M« em »t v.i.,,, fiutttrtn In who was in rrr talk* ovea .tnirtr »wi ] ■l r.< IhU rnlnrnn BARDOT THE i ;»•»•' i, Ttiei, he forcing home Kuenn. fanned pinch hitter v of Illinois as champion, was NCAA tum- third in for the past season, was sixth on the side horse and ninth on drill- nM Thr Sp-rt.ni ran tkrlr .1 r — wml l»ll-»»l« •rrlmnt.i,, Monday mg. fifth on trampoline and . #**r* HOTTEST »; »i. W:b«»n on a three and two long horse vault. I O Cutatrta ENPOSUMC f »r the final out. • : tn free exercise He is According to Szypula, Muzycz- Upiomcirui SINCE MAN Harvev Kuenn was Detroit's vj assistant Spartan ,.Hd i* working on hi* fco was out of ahape. but can. Martin Ilaa Racking CREATPO I.ii. gun. getting two singles in with a little extra practice, be Ell Ml addition to hi* two-bagger. r- degree. in top form for August's Pan- Duffy's Fullback QITSTION American (Tames ttvouts. State's ( omplrlf Show*: 1:00 - .T»l - 7:16 9:U four NAAU entrants plus sopho¬ ft J6 9 52 mores John Daniels and Chuck 1'nlum; 1:29 • 3:3! - - MOM |"*>i '» it i Thompson plan to try out for OlfJillrfJ.'l Woes Are No Mort thwiosSfif* •B'l MKTRlH.(ll"H the games, Szypula said, GLENN'FORD I WsUllIf CASCAll ItflHOiliVHl ftiiVNftW ft?DCl4" M*W¥S |Y!tUH Ym! Mnre than like!* tar» l*n«e* will rnahlr ron- *«»il lo '* **cr. tiOTOUi MGM DEBBIE REYNOLDS IN Schedule Spring football practice D j11.»I two weeks old mi I |i COMior snrTnvi.L Daugherty has his fullback problem already solve.i. MBRMBiH JffT fiCMiRDS , rnmpftr In mhif aporU where TONY RANDALL1 s ?e That fact was made clear i you *rr now un a hi#- to rfo •«» Sii 1 hnniRR* I % t 1 rambled PAUL DOUGLAS for , omore. f I wilh iIiwn Thffr Is oh- Oi I Hnlterheld I «. 1 after Saturday's full-scale scrim¬ , III' t llultrrflrld I *i. 4 mage which saw n Green team marker, smmi[^(M9¥l'9M¥OI7rf vinii* suprrloHti rtf rntilirl 3 n«ilt*rfl*ld I it I 7htMdtmgG(u**' i IM John ON I Hrv«n « *• • composed of first and second Sharp, a Flint a '.'nil ATTRACTION!! trn« u raring for •urh a ports I'm 1 Hit an ? V* 4 more, scored the White V,.-, «•, foothill, h.tslirth.ill. ha«f- SIEASCOH is) -. uoCOtOt j »!• I W. Shan » *• »a stringers score six touchdowns MIOWN AT 11:011 I'.M OM.V! to on# by a White team of third in the scrimmage on « • • l»ill. anil hofkri etc. CEO CLARK *»• I W ahan 2 *• 3 ••UM MI'Ml *r s e. aha» a o ie and fourth stringers Leroy lamderniilk. T',» « 3* covered 50 yard*. kiinrTT Going Into spring drills PLUS in 1 nalhtr * ti * Martin plunged for th* ■ OI'TNTION: Cartoon "The i» i Huit*rn*M a ««. I Daugherty was concerned about | Ol I Mrvan in. 1 the knee Blanche Martin Injured Tl) after he and Herb Ad I mi ! ««n. 1 wear bif.ieal* i Hying Cat" Ol t Brian 1 v« 1 toted the ball from the (, ♦« SECOND • t t»» i »w i.t i t i* • h t?. jen '«. . ■>, Interested ('.in I liv.fi!. in J jfc 0/ coef-v# »•"» <| ••Safari City" A I.a teat World- Wide Newt! ) or 1 Halle* * v« • liH I Hail** • *i 1 OH t Hsilev I *i. 1 *P I W. ahan 4 v». $ *!• t F Shan 7 • lust spring Hut two scrimmages have disspelled thi^c fears. The two arrimmatr* have al*e yard line, Charon replace* Marin, scored from Hie 15, on* tig *4«J OM C WilM *» shown thai four other fullbacks hP 1 a. ahan ; ) AN sun: I v« VOI.I IYR4I I on the rosier are more lhan the last score being (hp * " j. DIE MM livm I rmirt I adequate replacements for Mar¬ spectacular. The B»>«# BIG tart madr IVv all moan* Itifma! Irnsrs ami are fittrd now throughout eon- tiring MEWENFEU: MaMga> SMi Uilmiily • M Fliwwrlh «• I «ird I de Vela va C«*m I rnuri 1 aioogea a ee 4 nral Oahle Vela Homnera va. Off and tin. Five of the Green TD's were fullback took a short PA*I !• I arry Blelat and raml bii the end tone. A key Murk ihr rottntrv. ronsiilt your r«n- Ona scored by fullbacks with Carl ■ thrnnn hy Paul Rorti*>t*r FMEMR nil SERIES » M Manor Mir# va. Phaniome Charon scoring three. Martin > SURPRISE ' i tart Irris prai titionrr fui morr Information. (ion 7 4'onrt 4 I n I k II a* • ee innona 7 v*. • Flan* Rrholara an t Park Baker each scored one. Halfback Gary Ballman, a soph- Baker plunged from f"r his TD after rurjs^i ;. five yards. Ballman , Send Inquiries to prcsnils the three. *c-»u ATTRACTION Slarls Dannie Ane. rtinnlnr > Dr. Joseph B. Gutsfein — urnsrftiiAY •I* OPTnMPTItlVT Priitilfn Hide THURSDAY "WITH A SONG IN MY April 29. .10. May t, 2 Wednesday . Salardav Matinee Saturday May 2 Whites, one for )*ad two Ion;, 50 yards. He pun-., go*»d yardage, also. 1 COINS In Ihr FOUNTAIN" I'll W Mlrhltan LUCON Ave AI.NO HEART" *:l.i p.m. 2:00 p.m. — — f lanilni Mlrh Genuine •*<' %ROI's| |," 1*1. tVanhn* 1-4)11 MEXICAN FOOIb i I (Ami-ricun) MSU PLAYERS - tobtii i.vs mrsn II lilt Im hilsSa*. TsoihIm ^ Mcslran HikN ! Trrlmirnlor Mu.it'ul a#rv#a Hslly Vlu» Aoiiiu l tm Tah# 4lui j ularring TORRKS »" iSnnNaywarA RoryCaHioi* David Wapw Moliere't Rolicking Comedy < (Jane Froman on Sound Track) ; toted HUMAHITIZS • One of **Ten liesl** in l!i."»2 The Imaginary Invalid 241, 242 and 2*3 In time-saving *in in FAIRCHILD THEATRE Outlined aumm.u i'« >j aaalgned reading uq Moaday id Tndiy, Arena Theatre All Seata 11.00 Auditorium (ieneral Admin*inn MILLS TITOR SEKYll April 27 Md 28 7 ami 9 p.iii. Ticket* aiallalile now at I'nion Ticket Office Houthern Methodist I nbrm ] Box 2M S.M l'. AdiiiiNsion: aik Dallas A, Tesaa More red-blooded skiere cheee after Cemele than any oUier cigarette today. The Camel blend of coetly tobaccui haa never been equalled for rich fla- vor and aaaygoing mildneaa. It atanda to reason: the beet tobacco make* the beat amoke. leeue toda emf fmmy «•#>• Seflaaere.., 9i AND UP Have a real NEW TITLES ADDED DAILY oigaratta- AT haveaCAMEL "t GIBSON'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE (In the People'* Church Block) "I see your husband's after her Camels again/" ipark: n Nine Takes Two State News / Natters' Lata troding 4 2 g'-.r.y 'o Rally Edges OSV Vo I position. Jae% >f Three From Wolves ir#»♦ h|»«.ff« tilifMr I'-oblc- ' " *c .,r-y i»5.ir'lay he 'live-ion, tfu- .'.ISC' pu* fc» "op and '.n J» ♦-1 ge ■ O1 '' 'i . i «• •> . < B ? •< shoved M^t' further IP ftp Rule, however, urk M' ."a as ft-3. ft-4. he then edged Ret Haa- fnmed If* h « ■ke Spartan* tuuk Cm i Mjr Smh Pi e. .,iirl niiee n ?»»#. H \pfii i**t* 4. in the,. • g ; . ,fi- 'r.f'CJgh ng ic • .urnph, defea«:im M» • 't\ ed 'o i»e the winning L game* With 'hi* I*rii\• - t'» ' ii.diPiP b» v,d the • "(•' C'i'uo hi. c ir\r ' try am, 3-7, ft-2. ft-1 m the. ptifhigati tlii* weekend • , » '> •>' M st„, |i' , ' 'tJeifteldCf A? I*ilfd«»v .-«e< Bog* - Blhgenboef ft ' V N • ft do* Stale (jlollVrs W in - their 19*>» liig K) ha •■L.i'i ie-.cjiil f t- •(." c ■ r.d ■ < man lh*an Look. »;i i hounle* 'cams df Hatr?:' I apt. link ">liM»«r" Rail.it/ let; f. »,ut,1!: ',e"c, Th« • « tpvill formed the other Half ■o. i*1.. Doffm»e.-S a a ate « ki, who hrot ju-' . • i i: pe K'dyxmeil eeke.t (hi' a went all the ttiv In I rid ax fc'ujrird nli d'.uf. »■ «. inr.r t S• ..r of the doubles team »opnbm.ition ;>■-■'{ M'-o '-P.Agenhocf awes? * to the l!ne-uo third [ Victory in fnria*.'• Ir at Ann At but mr| *.m.* . rmiteat, holding the Unlirrittr* ha >eii 'he Spa it an hit parade the exc-tiug meet wmee '■ >' that provided the impetus for " :?h r apportion %p pro IViaiigular .Match . ■ l«» onlx al* hit*. 11/ staved off three straight double* victories, v, )c c• c-e margin of vietor*-. 1-12 tlugfest in the top h.< f » ninth Inning rallv after nne lifts-five total bases. ?* rnns lie, along with Pli'genhoef. made Y .osdav find* 'he team trprel- > tuMi»f* twin b 1 and 11 hits highlighted the wild run had cume home hv striking lip the doubles dIIo thit *1 tried / • , in *rot' to Take on a nor. WolVM gft.ttM .. lint the last opener ef Saturday'* dmrhle- the vparUns' dela*ed r,il|v. tttn men with the ■ever, hv topi rig a*i header at Old t allege Held. Afirhiiron SthtP tiinotl t»i» '« «wv-e ofiponent, Waynp t I*ln» run mi third base. pg thriller in tin* ni^ho ip. It.clwt/. ai'I'-'l hif 'I .. , ;ii| ». nf Northwpatprn f" % I of ■ifH MNkrv Sinks, who has been • ''»• ti • 'h If.-'I Tijf - he., he 'he Sua.'ar>«' N'o 2 htrrler «» over Woatcrn Mirahi|f»ti hi '1 Ml' urrlnv ke tWO Weekend v11' • • i .•« •I f• r.*.t ' -a'-ker I*. '! S'h'H ■ far "ii: nt Forest If. Akfra >rolf row : / Mr Inst one defeat pu' On? S|.a #eri«nn w»« f ha*ed in !:»«v-fo-trear on' 'he fire, came but it nn ♦/» nut 'o and three h» s or e 'cr.'h of a up run* ar» tthitener tallied an ftft. re!»v tram ran.e up •• « Maine "I > e 11r «t Columbus in 'he final four fr»-ne« MSI Cvncvrs RON Ml sf \| | Flagenhoef t»de temporarily then turned the when he heat r geeond ptare fmt«Jdv didanr# in g 5ft while Inking to fiarke't got credit for the v.< - kedy and Bob I.nko i'#» t> Si* representa'ives nf MSt.f a itrong Stanford rjuartet torv. The aerond game, ached- earned plan toe epee sen nation Mave Mills. :»> g miwurr in 'he ninth hv pr.ihl-m. K ha. ennipili-rt il- -\ri(in-lv n-w -II • ke«f in a to* fur • • • p ^ r champioruihjp by pulling an up- General M'ftot* Imtdu'e i m'erfielder .lohnny lt?i«-se!t ai- m? win over an MS'/ alumnu IIP,ST SI MMP.lt P.MI'I.OVMKNT DIKF.tTOItV— Meanwhile, at the Michigan !'#••• ed the winning run U» come . Bav in » wiling rega'.'g > i 'd Open track meet in Ann Art*>r Dick Burry, wfio is the national »• r>a..'.c f! .1'. B.g :0 op,y»n- I't'iU. «ilh nv.r lOO.HlHI .umm-r li-tinp. in .'•<> • Wfe horn e B*k« Looting. E.ic h tea i. Sf'ordav 7.a< h k'"id ae* 100 and champion. N'o.'ri.vif'ern ar.d Wu»cori- STATUS k An rnuntri— • eamfartaMa ierre l.umianskl ellinaaed a •d 4A point/. bid I>e< ante 2?0 yard dash record* w ith time* Two oth*r alum*. George • haehed by WallaeeCg fine series by geUIng tw® ef possessed more «e« of 3ft and ?! I secorwla respec¬ Thome* a'id Fred Freiiieid, plar- SHIPS — Tit A VP. I. — ItAVf IIP:- — T\ — IS- 24 vewra af IrpaMaMl the Mpartana' all btla. ed third in aai>er and fourth in lll'STRV — ItPiSpiAIK II — ItPiSIHITS * IIOTP.I S tively The recird* were not al- The Kobsmen 'hrea?*ned wi'h I.AST I DAYS! aphral aervtew y w».t * warded t'»e Flnf* foil respectively. t finishes than MSI", t.- e h"'.> ever. because "f a •wo men out in the ninth when t.OVT — It MHO — -TI UA — Oil. r.. . — ( OS- (In worr.cr.'a i '.rr ^-'i'.on, soph¬ I»H. 3V. r. JENftCV h'MM.g wind STRKTION — P'XK.MS — S XT'M. A STATU ief team* pai*.« pa' fig Sink*, playing fir^t fur the firit. omore Judy Goodr.ch took fir t DR. K. C. JOVE* Ne*? Saliiidae the learn " Michigan After g mid*. !>»• fan* W.vonsin at Halph Young time this »ea..'»n, doubled. It gh'- place honor* in the foil diviaio.i PARKS — (AMI'S — more" UK J. R. vrxov han ler Boh Marrereau of 'be while Mary 5b»ghy placed fourtii. Institute of Technnir.gv, V dd in 'he «. ndermeti'i only fair lawsiue * awoui H IHM JC «od Baldwin Wal'a. e. home meet of the sea/on. Wolves stifled the budding raliv Inrludn. nam?-, %alartp-. |M^-il -l*4 *l»r Ageery I NIVKKSITY (tPiSKAItt II Assih IATP.s — IT NUie Tkeater Wig. ^ IV t-MM r.eld Slo MMllMIN WPMf NV t!. NV I^nsiwg—147 S. Wppfctafl Standings WWWWWW^i^^^PWWWWWWWW **. . , Research in the direction of new hori/on* ** H SOPHIA AMERICAS' tEAC.i r w L frt. f.R NATIONAL I.KAGI E W 1. Pel. r.n FREE LOREN ANTHONf OUINN Dry (Ilean Now! Ins Angeles • % •41 — Ift ft .714 — s Milwaukee 7 4 .ftlft »• i/.2 Gallon Cokr, Root Brrr or Orange ft .641 1 San Francisco 9 < .600 •i 9 1 .443 1 Cincinnati : ft .51ft i'» with 2 — Rrg. One Item Pixxa F FREE STORAGE Cllf 1 ft .531 2*« Chicago 7 7 .509 i ft 1 4ft2 3'i Philadelphia s 7 .417 i DELIVERY 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. p Pittsburgh 5 7 417 i • f .46! fe 3'i kinitM ft ft .4!9 4 St. lamia 4 II mania ?67 S'r VARSITY DRIVE IR l owmmii ||. Mlloaube* I* Fruit 1 12 .061 • '# van 1 ■•* > ranrltcn 1. I hlrags I Sri«*l»» IT. St I unit I! (ED 2-6317) FREE Molliproofiag aivn%r « nrsilts IMHOi.iriti * V fhilaeelrUiia t, 14 ■M* •- 9i < 1/veUna i l iiiiitt i t.twrs ■m«rr I, S; N»» Verb I, t Van I rinrlon al fhilahelfhia |N|-* I.aniili at the k pathff Briagtnn i, l tntnn/lli * I-#» ti. Uoberta «• -1 k 10'. l.a-li Di-coinit |*>* kk|4lo ar fimkaigh TOflAV'a OAMM i Iiksio al *iil«anh»a *JUlb-/)fa,AMeut,^u£! SMOKER ym. V Md den ad lUe yooH M tb» S • O ct 5oc« St.ck DeodO'O"' brings ic. «'*. wnirtat Kcount •*«•» c*ll lor Cok« dunaf important cwtiini Tho cold crirp Uito, t.'e, c'l-doy p'otect onf . tho rati of CoenCoU • U»+ iron rol-Ons thot i« p. nr* Juat vhnt tho ciiont ordtnd. So up • Aetec (Fan sprays thai ar>p ' MONDAY 7-9P.M. APRIL 27 prriocopo nnd Mkn t look into Uo • D#*er fhon cisw that art fraasy •Uuntion. Ad mm of tho futurtl-iurt H,«S •!•••*" •rd retif reiW^iw dimh into n pvf •dt pad rainx with n Coir I I— 507 E. GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM HERKEY | M mailt m/wbihed . • • havt a co«»i By land or by sea—you need this Soeial Security! ItMod wdo» ieih of ">• coM-ceo '•"**■» ** U-MUI (Otd-lOU ton UNO lOPMM' Ifaaai>r tah-nt • h \\ • -n campus Hovvland. ?ri.ffit «-.d continuity I'NTIL 9 P.M. ami on the Spat ban and the direct, r of WMSH. .J "State News. The program's aim Is to cjr- A seii.il s' tctH i' n.a - •• with a th. 'ptihtie'r misconceptions ?.!» avcrave. T«-».: "•!•»:> «■*' a iiinj. thi r:ojahiIities, needs tcachiriK rarer; m Hawaii after at : ie.-dres of the exceptional she takes t trip t.. Pairope c!t:V. Hank Mason is chief jj'usti Traf lit 'Hi. .diitdre'i appeali,-g cm thu r.j 'he A CSC I Student .sen.- actually have_ tlte__pi'<»h- Appe.:' C'-nr! lntv bci-ii; detnonstrated. They A.; H-.n.t, «" .. Uden vai • from gift d to the mi; ;r; finan- Mid a.v : fi* ."v - p!,y.icn!lv-tnndicap- :f.i. Ilank • Ue.» ptinio hv Marr Kht I'hoto tiv Marr Kin i«e c ;i!o. I'ce v av their prob- A p a P^ - ''..r. ' IIANK MASON •i TOM IIORSTM.W ■ . ci ,.••• met .fid solved :s dctn- Pl- Ho .Pic! hoc . - ' i •1-'t t'.-.i t»% filmed cn-e sttidh'K P.i Selected fn»- seniors r.f ♦ F*., Sovr.i. Ft-v -en "» . envirotttnenta! situa- vwk are Torn Hr-tman. licit; .ir I*' -it- K< '■ i T ii c*t lay lev. ami Ifank Mason. Wv.iti- - ybmdirut >. if i . ••v.u-., !! ■ • Demit hie Set I'i.e ! a-Week dt.'Me iimvc.' itv av» t a.:» d :>■ b'nr bloat Material svf IP- was pro- i.c.r.l 'iv Syr.lcU.-it* t'ti'Vfi • ity T«»nl has hetm Union Hoard If.ink >• a • Mst The f>F".-.ing Water Cauii- i .i the National Educational Secretary ami has participated MSI Mr ■ fr!r, I . A duo 317 Jitii- Telcvisto.'i and Radio Con'er. in (Ireek Week, J-H'»p, I' M" : SiMi-m1. Orr'-.r: »m'i ti tl iv itt Hoard' Week and the .V'ivi'a-- C ;v« t*;t\ C a " S. Vice. inMvv.cc 2-N p.m. .in.l Water Carnival-. She h'.e S-« lets of We-: !>l !'. To. ?)!!»• of float; tit:,- -if I*olio Epidemic St*»e X>v»» I'hofni by Inn Johnv.iti also been Career Carnival ft an - A oresid'T.: • ( hi fr.Pernr-. " us. .«tut arrangement; ske'eh- fil.INN HARTMAV. fPSilifr Junior, meifM Ihr key* to a l»«l miet Chairman. Koe'hor sorority. Pi Beta Phi. f>.'. 1 !•' ve Surma in tK.e P IK 1 •- 1 • Pv- idCfV . • ■ s : ■-.* an.-, drawn continmtv. $lo scale, • heck NEW drmic "*tomt YORK -Polio warnings" are be¬ ep . "Merry fHd*" from Norm llaker, local Vliiiek dealer. Ilartman. a For the ACTIVE! she has been secretary, activities C hic., if. >• >m, arrangement. $2o eheca coming rerious a eras* the tta- eandidite for aenlor prealdent, I* staging an "old fashioned cam¬ ehainnan and rush chairman. He is a 'iirmh. 1 "n t fioat deposit, request for ♦ion. the National Foundation paign" thi* week. As • freshman she served a- Vets A$sn. -!•<■! ;a" t»ermi.s«t -ns. rejortcd Sunday. Woman ... (.arilIon Cancer! Scheduled On thr golf rour-r. n, the tog shop . June II at Itea union I Tairer at... Ihr ramput or imlnor..! Famed RHjclan carillonnetir Staf Seen Is launching hi fir.it American concert tour, a .neven-week trip which will hrlmr him to M8U June 14. Serving as manager of the 1 .'FOOD-mile tour is Wendell We •- Troiil \ tiled Head Ovtr the iraitt gov pu Special Selling — M St r rarillonncur who • tudied with the Fumpean mm- (If Honor Soeielv •.Hian and teacher in 195** !) il M.lcolc reef, pt de- - cert - are •rfj.'dulod in .'Ft !' cli'.I pi«"• Aoiericai, and Canadian citic* Mst i.,liter of P'. The dune It emrri! MSI' K.ippa Pin i fionnt s.m'1- will t»e ,i dedicatory perform - oil mi1 •tun; ..pre oil tin* completed 4,-ix'd « Mil.', \-pri i carillon atop the university's Wash fcn' Wear Suits |»r Jam.- Anderson. n»r- Heaumont Tower. chahi.-.t! rmginrt i my. s, ,-r. trti>. Three other Michigan per¬ 1): .lame;- !)ve. ,dt< nitsti •. tr« i- formance* are ftchedtiled for the surer. I);. John N« U. t, p'i\si.-! llelgian irtIM—Mw 31 rnnrrrt* *'gv and pharma.-o'opv. .loot rial at Memorial Church In Ormse «■«>! respondent. Mis U.oU.mi I'ninte I arm* and Chri«t Church .let •propelled ll.tiuia. base' collegr ror.t- Cranhrook In Rlnomfiehl Hill*, fort, to 75% ilaiTon convene and June J al the tnive r*lty of .Michigan. 7furhrrs' I nion - 25% cotton your energy, lenu^" Staf Nrn i . citv cariltonneu I hen your Mrido, Mecluden. S1 Rombout's Rob; mm Cattudia' and due - .o Ojijinsi's l{(l'i( -horlen your day! Inr of the * Jef |>«»nyn" Interna¬ MruUier* of the Mst' Teac.n- tional Carillon School located cfv Ciiioit. Amct pmii PiHteration of Teachers. Ian,. 1.t1m. m-ivc there. the He «l*n serve* a* professor at lielginii College for ha. ted approved tiih. "We the f>4 owing tc«om- believe thrt'. i Save . . . . 87.50 Music. conductor of the Royal educationally unsound to have Orchestra and Choir and organ- IfOTC on a compu!'-.ir\ ba : " i t at Our 1-tdy W Hant-wyk t'nio: ntenibeis l»a 11 < »*«n i bv ,shnctu.o« pool la1-* week A statotrenr. Mr. lyres, who ha* rompmeil punted on IikI.iv--. edi'ofi ti pa,;c. a roitsitlerable latdv of Carillon was osmsl Sun-lav t the t music, ha* trained cat illiounvurs ion. giving the iv;»m»iv or. wtu. ,i throughout the world. i' |.."|S.VI it.S lil\ ! l-'ll Regular • Price The ehiMic of MARRIED 839.50 K iwli *ii* K ear by STUDENTS Suits • Feather rivvriKK-riiKK light yet it Kent Deluxe Cleaners Offers you rarely wrinkles and it wears — t, SANDLttl one pair pant*