Program The leather tnlty, Military CM# Mostly cloudy, cold Pro* and Con* lx>* Monday night to See Pace 2 .Serving MSI) For 50 Year* Hiah today S3 I Birwrii KAST I,ANSIS'!MK'H1GAN—'ft ESI)AV.~AI'll!I, 28, 1959 PRICE 8 CENTS" frt Assignment: \erter Senate Votes to Reconsider Opens \tlied Talks Use of Veterans Trust Fund L lls OP)—Taking • up his first foreign ayvi'/nment as ti¬ Bill Gomes cretary of Staff, Christian Hcrtpi* arrives in Paris o help shore up weak points in the u-esfcni front Russia-Trained Red leva talks with the Soviet t'nion. New Chinese Up Again } will begin formnl talks French, ^•rnan counterpart- Wr the French British and i¬ Foie tinder three general German reunification, Handiwork 13-year-eld Negro, from a iail fell at was dragged Poplarville. TOKYO — S.hao-ChI, til. n Moscow-trained theor¬ ist with a reputation for jfettinp thinjr* done, became presi- Michigan Bv HARHV rilRhf Scnntor* took security. Ml**. late Friday by masked another formal By KIT IRIt KMIV dent of Ketl China Monday. , (tep Monrlay and armed raider*, lie was to night toward averting pay. and*French In succeeding t»» 'lie '»f Mao Reds Rcas f«»i a four- PMllkin before the pa: king )>.t «>ai v F•; ia> morr.- a iharge of raping * white wo¬ •.ear term. th« tall, white-haired ploye*. including those at I foreign ministers talks :ng arc bCiicvcd in be »he woi'l: man, noii of a pfasant family vtrength- MSI era May II. if .ill 'ne Aisonjst, I,t. Kir!r Robe;'-. ( ted hi^ status to the heir apparent Chinese Communist Party Strategy B' v Simla.. car-, tha< burned in the Pelping ing radio hailed hierarchy. Peip- Fin a* "a leader For Geneva*n* Trn«t Fund A"(-•;*he fund were r<»n?rovcr5ial [American source -aid. second only to College Students within minute-; ol each oth« r,. Mao T/e-Tung " voted l«.wn urprised if we didn't Chou En-Lai, premier for 10 iv '.ip Senate !a*t were termed total* by their ""WARSAW ., >•,•{, neva." owners. Andre l/.vas, Howell After i '.'.n 'n table the i'( W-. r Western foreign min.- work (mi M?crci re¬ junior, and troit junior. William Hessel, De¬ In Kidnapping Red Chins* Parliament, the National people'* f 'ongre*.*, elect¬ t on for 'he F. i . • • »> • pi ' M> i!d:i • . V -r. , .ind .g.. *, .i'# M J?« <| g t ; . Si *..! ' .■ ' dgr.-. i-'fo «'e: they have from radio Peiping. In,plying g. Pe:p;r.g'-i Br- ». •.. .1 . mat a Wirbel, MSB safety officer. from Pearl River Junior College, »#a*- ior •. a .< .1 Aid We-t in Cold War i»v . en ef the soviet there was #ome opposition t<» ele- This would explain the sudden about five blocks from the jail tend . rver. H. Sdtion of Ma«»'* coldly efficient ,«,i ,x t ■ * the Warsaw Part *' S * i'|- and rapid burning, he said where Parker, 23-year-old Neg¬ aide, it said cryptically that TJil *ig: ' r>' to dciega'e ranking i session, whtrh ■ - . ,u; '*"> ";e Polish capital Ferd. tiOvaa Mid thai hi* wm unlocked at Ike time ear. a 1952 ro tape truck charge. driver, was hold on a "had the support of a large seg¬ ment of party member*." There long ha* been speculation in the En. p«-«r» ('ornfruiniS'* give Re'' C'nina fuii recogiutiuit war.t *•» Business Vital—Ike Fl.: We fare are ,«vt • .# .s i#e "fur partners on the "Well, at least t have insur¬ Saturday, when eight or 10 In addition to the presidency Foreign Minister Andrei f'-ro- 32 Ofni ',A t. aockr-r of Sp« *n a fCivi-'er',,^ » a package plan ance," he commented. hooded rught riders broke into Liu holds position* as we mykn and fnreicn minister* or •Sft- l.c-vjs ( hr:-' ran Ri 1 to the Russians at The For^ began burning first and as East laming the jail and brutally beat and kidnaped Parker. chaimmn of the party's central committee and vice chalrmu i <-f depute* of the other part pow • er* — Roland. Chechoslovakia, Mazing Matches ' 'be '-t'. .lu 'Ail a"i* $242 firemen ■ I- -' • I. 'wee* id eludes Western a resolve to turned their hoses on the flame-. In nther developments Mon¬ ♦ he National Defense Couni . Fast Germany. Hungary. Ro¬ Scare Fireman "X -U; g.«* ■ .Mi'iuding occupation Ilessel's car, a 1950 Dodge road¬ Hi* party post is considered N". mania, Itulgiria and Albania. i» day. Sheriff W. Moody express¬ • •(imnnt'e'l 1 f •• | Berlin, steps to advance ster parked six cars away, burst ed condolences to the 2 behind Mao. The tmni«ter» 'wo . * VVT IE!!Vis. NV .1- _ S.A„., ... The Senator emnlusired. hnu « elaved reunification »f into flames. Parker fhU «rr»ing, ret-e*" i-i •«' f >. <'"•<■"• X. p. ' •• , • e*er, that the *late will have no *..«• eennooue s''i .« • .e Weat Germany and family for the abduction; two Thev »•♦ f ,r an h(«jr ■*: d ha f ♦>■«'•••1" fund* alter Julv F and that the * ""'h moves in central Iv The department nf public safe- was still Investlgsting several doten FBI agents came unon the •eene and had to find lodgings hscajH'd Convicts this if'ern<*»n. It I* learned that r:..m»- lii. a . r«;. K.'.r.K, r. M"ii.!.i.. . •-! n n- E. .... e/.: • -.,-r Veteran* fund i* the only mean* of e«tabli*hing a ca*h re*erve. Bsiiri'. ubl# arises, when it one source comes to ap- leads,, A report from the labors- tor* on the cause of the fire is in BogalUM. La., II miles awray, and the Judge originally sched¬ Finally < .ire I j> r* will meet aga. tap* in final -t ' da »n Sue- per. a P. ♦••1 . i, .« vc**'f -m • •• I '»M| • g-range " (ill --n ,*• 'he -ime only form uled to Irv Parker bitterly con¬ <»f lactict, emphasis and al- expected later this week. demned the lynch mob. To IAnte Officer quick v.eie end (••ild called in not •d. ■ ; <»f added *,ix. ,ut ' > :n*uie a •/ Vt'iff than 4') ,.|. e»erv<- ve an ',*ke "St* April 16 a rar owned by Jack Chamber ,f FBI agents questioned two or MONTGOMERY. Ala. CP- — naking but to approve oe-. •..«,! >; •• n'tr.g nir Money »VV;i .-an* FurU) and Benson, Kalamazoo sophomore, three people at Bogalusa, former already made • K. "•i" M.«l "A* long as the Communists \t .»•'•• «'• la'or " Loan burned on a lirody sidewalk un¬ Two , escaped convicts came out lense der similar circumstances, police homo of the rape victim, but of hiding anri led fiolice on t ' he pursue their basic goal of i»r«^d Amor.g 'he ii. o-n't*! ; «gam>f of * and diverse fronts." Ci-enhower .qu.'iaqng ' .e ? md s -u reported the apprehension of the agents declined to reveal the ex¬ wild cat-and-mouse chare Nathan to Write ■n ('harie* Pre-, ,tt ilications youths who put the rar on the tent of their probe there urday. agents went to Rogalusa Sat¬ more than an hour Mo?.' *!;* • 'i fii*, N"','hing n a burn»d .*i...r. said, "we have meet their no challenge rholre hut to wherever "h If u. n cW'tv. q . n.nded vVfyo -a: T.'.U i s dewalk indicated but a polygraph test that r was done as •■n the premise the kidnaper* They finally surrendered m«'k- - For Kiieyelopedia and however it is pr-sented ' ' Old M' Jta.-oart Available a prank and had nothing to do with the fire. may have taken Parker out of the state. Iv to a lone motorcycle offi. »i Earl i*hi!,ipi. 36. and Ch *' ^ Dr. Haa* Na'.-un. profe*.o»r of music at MSI*, a ;•* ;h'«* has I: .»urnpihg ' r 43.9tfll.- • v -lig r-'n;.;g gci'Af, »»■-.; '.V!i; '>,orWj mdil* aiBr-.veri'i (m Ml f-oeign d •. ' .e Sweeney, 26, dole a cfcy wan been cunmissioned to ap;i«'aranee a* ng ' will be available for Judge Sobe Dale—fearing leg¬ m P evident d«H-;ared tha' "*he n- islative penalties — condemned works truck, abandoned it a f"w article on The Minstrel Sn -w • The company La for Summer ?«*reft:a-g«f the frw world arc the tilment under the Na- Profit. Discuss the lynch m .b thai dragged away Parker, accused of raping minutes later, broke house and stole a car. then ran into « for Encyclopedia Ainencaha. Riicntly appointed 'he a - ■ ••»••• latum would of .\'!>nci,' » Hi* r.but futiie at, . I crhal Rattle IDefense Student I>#an it in'o a ditch trying to g- ■ forial AM \ Teaching Theory a pregnant white woman. Dale postponed indefinitely away from city patroman C. boar I Revnw. quarterly pubiica'mn of The C'entf r;r;i K\|M'rt lo .S|»«-;,k fat'#' States'. ::.,lic>" ' ir :.-e l.'n;V: on mm: s* t Swindle. *he MSU College of Science a Fred Heir: •>( ' *• Am»r- i may be obtained (hi I icujnnnt 'he trial of Parker ly in peopled pearl River County the sparse¬ Three other Kilby prison in¬ Art*. Prof. Nathan alv, .i ! • '• Dr. «:i Medics' A ••v.rf';a'; -n w. ! . Eisenhower told the business¬ tor II cdnesilav i Meal Dtvtatee ef We. courtroom. mate* who sawed their way * > present a paper on "American adort-ns •* ;• mt iunthtsin meet¬ men they ran do their bit in the ef btedeet Af- Too few students love know¬ freedom with them Sunday flight cold war by promoting private Should Ri )TC r»e required or Song from Charles Ives t<» • ; • ing <cie!y's m ; d w e •• t Union tixtav The *opic of * a? ing marshal public opinion at ■ if this question w.»! tie alre free v»:: argue the topic Tn«« Board uf Trustees should Resolved of communication skills, and "For the first time in recent woi id col.-, and mat of the Com- or secondary schools, ab .i*h • ompuisory ' ROTC at Miiw Jehn Barron, regular host years the two candidates for murnvt world r,s«-s dents whose academic MSU * on View point*, suggested univer¬ Al'SG President are radically "If Mut Acre *o :«Hit;nuv. the indicate superior Speakihg in favor >f 'he' res- sities are prone la forget that different." says Heinhard Schu¬ result would ^>c- catailrophic.'' o r preparation's In mann. elections commissioner. olutton will Wesley Hacketl, mathematics, engineer- the heart af the university Is Eiannhower said. Lake C>d«-*-a Schumann stated that the junior, and Dr. • modem foreign lan- the professor In Ms classroom, rad¬ Chari^s Pedrey. Associate pru- ii klatef. Duatv? Chapman and said Strandness: nta who are eligible "Some universities proceed on Bill views Livingocxi, on bold opposing several issue# of cur¬ Forestry K\|htI ?-.#• two-year training pn-gr-. i of speech. Opposed to other respect but are are Duane Chapman. Muskegon 1 in a curriculum other the premise 'hat the professor rent interest. To Speak Here Hc-giVs .*of»nomore, and Roger ought not to allow teaching to Because of this fact he expects specified in the first IV, assistant professor of interfere with hi* work. voting to be heavy in Thurs¬ Dr. Han# Kubier, research as¬ |tegories. "It used to he *aid that scratch day'# final* sociate at the U S. Forest Pro¬ et .Jiotmc*. cations for loans for the Tbe State New $ is circulating a teacher and you find a preach¬ Every MSU student will have ducts l^brwatory ,n Mado n. academic year will be petitions *hj week "■*> send to er But today you find a politi¬ arnp.c opportunity to vote. Wil. w.ll via;! MSU Thursday until August 15, 1959. MSU'* governing body which cian Off-campu* students may cast to give two lecture* on current read: "We the undersigned fav¬ The tee her who finds he hi* ballots m Bcrkyy Hall and the research products in wood tech¬ or hanging the ROTC program Zeta Sets nothing' to »*y becomes pic»ccu- Union from 1 a.m. to 5 p.m. and residence halt people can vote nology The lectures wil! be held in at MSU from a compulsory to a pied with the ways of position voluntary basis." Students may and power. a! noon and evening meals. the Forest products Building, Thursday • Put him in charge of a com¬ Everyone is reminded to ID cards. bring B-4. The subject of the first lecture sign these Wednesday at special •ables in Berkey Hall and thq Zrte ftororlty will pre- mittee and a filing cab.nct and Union Concourse. he grows wis? in the language Votes in the primaries showed at Ham. is "Fundamental Type* annuxl "DZ Forum'' West Shaw in the lead with 204 of Wood Dying." of budgets. Put him in a class¬ r, April *0, at thr chap- room and h* want# out. though of the 2.881 total. Butterfleld At I p.m. the seminar vubject Prof to Attend Con ro Ill Oakhill Avenue, he will protest to the contrary. ar.d Bryan were second, etch will be "Cause and Effect of Dr. Kar! Stilw jM*d at tb* "The professor would rather having 178. Snyder led the ft- Growth Stresses In Tfees." tvoiogy department will take •paakar will ba Mr«. be liked than president," added males with 156, part in the annual spring meet-. Strandne*. "but no really pain¬ fraternity voting was unus¬ Barptrom,. originally of ually low, having only. 191 tal¬ Ctuuiiilatei on U'BRS ing of the governing board of and now ruining in ful choice* are involved here be¬ the American Institute of Bio* cause he figures that if he's liked lies of a potential 950. Duane Chapman and Bill LIv- anting. logical Sciences. he may well be president. By classes, sophomores led event whale ah* laatiai the . Corptrotn will >p*»k cn ingiKKt, AUSG presidential can¬ Dr. Sttiee will represent tbe "Ail of this is fun to watcn, with 1.551, followed by the jun¬ Cedar in prepnmUM fur KSl'i npariaoa of United Slate. didates. will participate w a kecaety ef Hunan ior's 171 and <14 for senior pf. > Mudanlg no ioraign but it does not produce high- rural. J mm IImBI question and fices. mmdadness in the young" wbm TP Apr i\l "You Think There's Still Hope V Mieliigan State News Lei's Keep ROTC Debate Read Daily by MSI-'* 2.V0M Ktudenta and The .MU' Stale Newa is publlsixil by ntudentH of Paru||v Micl,,,„ , 0 l'iuvi'i>Uy. K«nl hansuig. Alien., without duect faculty si,,.,",' I' i> not the lUfu iul vuic# <>i the university or of Ihe 'stun, On Mature. Logical Plane oi but wlule seeking to serve the beat interest a of both, Mam, i . battle am move which would drive it wedge between t,. wheliier it come* trom within the university or from ouunn- the Ass.Kiated l're-s Inland Daily Press and Associated « |T AT TIIK I.AST inn' ..l <|...»v.•• i\ siioirr wa wi-h to -I rva iiutiip that Press ii: v TtouniHaWIt\ Pronli'iit llniiiialt i.•couhc-im• it"hod\ is foinf to I'olil oiit coat while wa 'Vnl. :.i, x<>. IS Titwltty. April -S, 1H."iO v r p.l takiiiK "a pmmI. luu l* tti'l-t Iji»H on -ui h Kroiind". thav wiil Cnmpio Clnitsifieils 'J W'r Ihink it m titin im .. '■ ■ 1 !:.t\o to if., i? without our support. look lit Ilic wl'i'lf «oiitiovi i o r • •.111- Viiur Kry to Hotter Value.* . . , I I • ro a ra ccrt.iin faction-; on this rain- pulsnry \»msiis \.>imitor\ traininr ni .Mnht- Vii n Stat«*. pu .i- pri'T' up fw*ri'nliaa!l\ «•» all aollapa Much hint l**n *» ■' h»0 •• »t »» that afta'li ' ln'tii-o'vi s to aiiv CAMPUS CLASSIFIED » « catnp'. • . foni|H|Uor.\ f I .t tllit: v a* *.U"» « ' c :!io\oi • pan' f t" tha -aka of afital* niectiups and ji,H f uuJai i It-Mil t" '1 •• • I -pi • a.iifik' div-on-iwH nmoHK Rt»l* ftiilor of Hii« Statf Ww «l« nt • KT) 2-1511 EXT. 2615 V\*«» fi'fl that tlir ill"'. •s!>i..t;on t.ik- U. to.! ♦» .1 * I.'UTi •:!.! 'to placed oil Dr aillinev: 3 p.m. Day Before Publication for Tnea., \\ Tliur*., and I'ri. Kditinns. fny on an iiiiihmIih\ atni> -pin ii' • v,'i a v •.' 11111. i i \ < if 11 • i - -♦rva- tha hast in* Mon. edition Deadline: 1 p.m. Frl. olir hwtiMia on lioth ah •? flo • » •> ' ' I." too :|i;i\all't ft.I sflltlallt-. Hills Finable 8-17 and 1-5 Monday through Friday Tlir arvrnMii'iit over Ijo'h It.. - «{• on..!• »i \ -tiidant v\• ■ i!.I if-! evade hj« militafv into n ■••'rn's of ii.-rr-a: miiiii.-d -t.ttin.« m . o'. (..!! I». ill tipp.'T' !!• . lie would ri'laittali anil retaliation.- 11:..! Ii.tve I *>v ••• t ':'I fai l tha tfraf? or some otfiar choice CLASSIFIED RATES a-itla tlia l»a-ir ipie fioii of w I a' , - oi ' t.T a'"t i yr.tdti 11;• 'M. lie could 111 liecoma an minimum 15 woids HOUSING MSI' in tie long' run. offi.or thneiyh l andidate School FOR SALE 1 day 85c \S 111 I H11 HI \ I ■ i" t. ira or an of the other officer training pro- 2 dayi $1.45 ras|Miu.-ililc I >r nuii'l' of Jl-.o ti oo ..m i Kr.itu- 3 tlia K( I It day* $1.95 pl'oyialll. Hilt W» far! tie >illi;.« IS FT HY 8 FT. Nev t it hi it yattinv' out ot liaii'l. Ss U I: SI K it. tl-ch..». a of fulfilling n 4 days $2.25 Itatier. 10SJ. 3 bedroot 2-3712 after 3 p in. Wr :ianl ,tnd irra-poiisilila If wa eliminate compulsorv I»t)T(* let'« tut# M li -T I .JJI.ii k with white do it for si mi iii I reasons, with full aware, i' tpiiur II II drive (mnkI coiujt- LOST and FOU fealinifH ovar IJO'l't . RO 2-.IIH8 11 na** of the ramification* of such a If thi* prohlam of training i ■ change, MfJA I. ATI i •*■'•« Woe wl-rri. I.OM PIlKETT brown ia»e. Phv*tc*-M.i poinjf to turn into an tinlii'.ilthv. tin Anu ri and without haste and hysteria. radio, while roJ*«er. IX' A-f»4u« In' riHitn. Reward. Phone I i een 8*5 .10 p in I" ran pmpnfa 11*1.1 hat tla. tlnn v* a Would ra let'* keep the fight clean and aln.\e lhar act* tha entira i na ilroppad than h..,ii l force* if If we change IIOTC. let's I ,C»ST I. A DIES' Bl.t'l or j EMPLOYMENT #' -bid*, vtclnltv imociatad with it- tl i i' for the right reason I n R llllllllg ED 1-1)1' y r F N' AM) WOX'F.N wan'ed »..i '• .riuionr auivey .vofk (l«mi : hoot» ■>> *u.I your s.hedutr ji i l- i PERSONAL prikonal inlrrview, rouiact Mr Tat Military. Faculty. Students ess Views oil ROTC J loss FD 7-1830 f TH| MOO MAIf '• FOR RENT irtied • • S/Mvihititi for 1 oiii/iii/.swv . . . S/woliiiifS for I olimlarv . . . table and III. TYPEWRITERS Iter.' f Ihrin '. ' All. MAKES po a' ti.H i ..I ami rlr Campus II •■■at tang StOL e-a" * I t TVI K » ROM ■ \ . ir l« CIFAK that the M'.rr ' * t w-hu-h • •# a* whether thi v W ;•! go on for J'' Dairy RlanT an To Arm*. IIUKh M ;ioi. U f. «>,,• i learhir* «'f loUtsiN ui ,,r- * ' * i ti t l»ppf r«f P.- A-m V -i i-j; an t irili'tti v u'le-t. •• a* ' i rant ■ ollor •, Dr Charles I.arrowe FOR SALE JOII *< AI F WALL I he Am* t»: •• i . our « nK FD 2-3371 no • or.- ft likes Hon " mp'-! t» •" ' make# \-sorbite Professor of Fconomlf* mdiUfv OH •• it i nl Thi.fii** tA-irrtt si'oiitsu f.xw the i a rr-1 T(»NT ho|?n I •tub i .ur, \ IMVI RSirV I \|sTH for H e puipoge "! in en* it'irt I.lilies' f .H'i but y " j \e Mill got n It pi.O ;l ' I' . . II»• it »f .%ir hrienre ' r.- • *- o'l* •» " ' ; K gi.-t v i' .i.i* ♦»;# 1 ruth A uruversitv . j;*.! niber ado it, iti ..t . W . . ■ . i »• .ntial 'j.Kilitv al buiti'fi KFNNV DAVIS OH » ilMrt I sttRA Rit It II ^ '• »r.k *l.ether the IVpt •*! '■ ...... ', ! i"., • •* . .J... , J Ml independent ; jiri.e* Ind ai. Mill* (inli ( '>ur»e nor 1-14.. f 1 he*her MSP shouM have ■ • " i% -t jttrj' ' pn> rnirn'* ... . it aut'1 i ••; '■■■ ■ it'll I he ''ii" ROIC !r r.i»1 11! f. i-.' V s 1 f, hi i* Ar- «'•! I ■ ' MEN . ' ov - i, a I <• ,r. I \ Tl ' Pi fv> v II"' ' ' l». of It)'' INIFRESTED I w t I hn< e f«» - V • . « ' e ' '* I ,,,ji an . i . t f»"n»* ' end?. i< illi rsp o t ;.j .ft '.. * maim r i iir- MttttuiH sraltv. v j good «) : • • ■ • ' " t" V won*. a stand more da«krroil« and I •' rrestn;.' e • I* ,,|< .!..»»• w i'i the i.tft • fiv»■• of a ijmiw'! ifv ill mi r,i( ♦ -' ■ul'l sitend the in*. i us f|*in, . w • P i r -e .1 cb k. ■ .it' »•». t' i». thev I's- eh «' Itrili Hk li»u»e l'o-oi) . .. . . . • • |. a« an * h.S'e» c j, sh'-ulit ' . ' I •• fuU'H'ti of mr."ne If "* < met 7» Whltrb tb FD 2-4JC t , impoitam. • April Tt 7 30.S .%» , . ->• • i. • Ue. 'e *•» p jo, ''ut of abdicating i«. mr.'ioi nor .... • i.i Sr. OfltIP . * Mr*. •' !*■ . . - ,. i . r.- Jin"' "«• : ' If SRRIN6 iargains 1"T4 the new |<*V«i K> .. 'ell, • ' r * e C i .!• • k. f,. »,. the rlevues of irelffo* I'■> .. ' i ht.irk north of Stuilen' rtitl the comj. p,,', • '11111 i.' •■ nt Iliitepcndi'Mt mi'vl I . • ■ 'S' i 'til n. i the TVfcpn* fvpt. t - deteru .or m-. o., ♦ ....... r; i.i..,' I". I ' : y I r-ltv uf M hlg.P' ROR 'I*m' P e ,i • ■ • < . • t4ltfH»K and rrP-hary ' "il'd he "fTf*'• M t • Uk* Sin v i «v.1.1 •• •» e a .• •npu' orc -,.*?« • ? I XV, I. - N'-.'i I'blMi I'.t Will'"- IP > IV " I"1 I too »h i. ad • • e •*: t iCU'1;.. 4 f4' ?4 \ Drive-In Tbeattr b-.v , i -errvs tio .1 'f -tent itr ' t--t •»•.• ti- < i ■ . \ . - * .vi- 1. ; LbiigiltlOII t" • I . I ee pa**e« Rrtng I D n". s • "« Shite Pc, ' to rirln m • »• « e , ,,f. , t: th«> irtv I .. f .• • »>. « . , v* .1- s I'f |w at». m '■ john hicks mardwasf M f..r j'. !.' KW A-r RAKERV I" , • • e «• • i«t"t- t'.l A - 1 «orSofin lb • ■ . .1 • , . • p. , on iri'i i drniratrd « ■ . 'ii " ' m .h \ o the t. 4 1e . • ' i e . a < r : i . ,c. , irvftmi t>* * Se" . - 1»r Vtrior smith i 12 to Phnue IV 4 » \ I'M f- ii'j. • M a !., ;•« I'M 11 -Tit* "»« "RATED < AKFs t>FI IVFttF!) i» " • • >1 It si I .!• . • 'it . • ' . 1 a* "'• •• f Professor of Fronomlf* I ■ M.i.tie« In 4luli»v*. Many nfh.r ., • . MSV V |e,»r' ng ilfS# t \« 1 * -upul-" place in the MARIA » A Ml F.HON ft. V|.|» f.-A ' " I i ( (IMPII SOIIY RIIU • "t'l'l he air-» ilr M»o nii«*rie* llr.. mrshle purr » - ' tuuiMrr T,. n *kr . Pan -eo.e ' » ' l.wjsl ll.ike.y. IX' 4-878.. »! llai.U Dan.e*. ji.n tir- Hi" a.f\ti' • .. V. '.,1 V »inli t ■ llroili.«fit krhuminn T.»teit« P-.c ground* . a -bar, 11 "in.!* y editing, FD MV1I * llhln srrtlpf on ■'( '» ' rue,a jaunti-Mi a * • llail I ikrti.1' ',v ' Mine f»v>" able v x, ti m * I.FA N'FH <;r. »4-k- Irttii Itltll |tnc*«le I nmmimlrr . i ■ ,,tli i i.i o e in i"i »• of li ai'Mllg Il.» I'M' l<* i ■ . »'• i • • , f. «..u j It.*'' en»- •r.i «p> In# • .»•>.' ... y ii't rli,'. thi in-iHied THE t Rilll s||lll I tl HI a. .,.1,-t',. • . I- the « j •• " •»!#!' h..' Xro g .. FD FIN'FST IV t .* »e « M.i » i i i..... I O.'. i uf %*■* V- Li, • • :• .k g i for »M 'fl bilk. ' at" ■' * T hman i ..n.ln> The J"« »,1u»b'y M'/j.»'"\ #• ♦b.* pn--.-t (IT... It'-1 >.* ' • , ' i • by Stevrn* II.LIP . ... will >|n»mer|y ' • t,l • .' i • • '• .1 •:• • m»u!'I he ' .i.i * B'itiir llarii* ISi ki P.. . " e rants • p.iulj Hrnwn. Houston, lev freshman . i ii • i ».t.i 1. • . U< ar* and i.'htfg Conta .11-p. Silh.r sutVM-1* la » \<■ it thri.. . u»|. . hlrrat-ite to *'•!' It a* phi •••' » V*. HastJr radet ^t . Age:u-y. IV 2^X84. I thtwk i ' ■» i.' taken e • .' r I \ » It VOM# s||Ol I II h." •• l» u re i xjM ru-.i.r ADltl , ii' i Ml.he SERVICE , . .1 i* teint gt V t 1 l.'t r - i evei. to||llll«t ilv.o-- jv^tf.xKl x1j'. be Hit - t * n i l s. e I t.iei vuluntui' I'liigibi' ADlfR » \ ., el e whafeit-r 'ha' IMt'. yJiT'l";: "ubv i»tlr..«' - • i» t.«*M ha\» f "ir lu-tf.-i .' i-i.-i Hi'Tv T S I p'a' ■ a r, . "c.- ■».'•• o. tualh 1 tinn's okto»os • iriak SRiCUl ■ • • ... . ' a ' Jh. -'Mill'' Kfuj'S trii'br the vo|'iii1iir> t>»« A .A A* !. N.o \ , v ■' • i ' • • . t •' inter* *. . i • | ft SfRV'NG thfc 8- \i I.y a-i'tibi H'lbM'i 'hi* '1"- I» !') b« «h n. w'.n.n i • of ' i* di*riiia' ioiT m'litary sox •N TOWN WIT1 pr.'Sram in P.r fii'i • •» lames Dean Sriiilh * . • • • Milt.". «! -tplfsl I l»i Kirhanl Rudnrr DELICIOUS SRUD former lu«ir rartrt two rears In I S. Nav* MILITARY ROIISH ? • t» ■» .tar ( 11 .fit *h..w p*.I • \**oriate Professor af Philmnphr T**v'»e F» lb# vuiunturv HOTt iaominton sits AI 111(11 (i|| ttt At %V t progreni wuuiii i>»- t:«i «r iv pine hjo IP M. 'or ' -"Id •era f. i n.»' Jul'.. SRUDNUt SH< The present |u.'i;, I- .I<<.ijitrti lor »i.i««*i a • of. • m •».- ii*.- » «•<*,! afd «! tinnis racoutts (4 r • i< p.ol . ....» • ■ »-h ,'n-r* * ion'. Is, ij.icii-si.ti ami Hbnot mac b a- I 11-MiMlh Wr-emri Rrlli o, .* . ini.ercrted This nr )unu*i « i-.j, nerring act », -cm e . i.-i- 'lie wilson 60lf lAllS 1 « * tiluntfj rtitrl • p. I'.t'.i: jrogi.ti »•• '• * u medium, anil n» ' YPI.VfJ RV El'NICr leant " "t v.. : ■ neeil. ■. a e-.n »t... n i. ■•* : nt'able fo iki !!»• In •'. shag golf mils ptd aenire. clone to K..»tv. P Vr. I HMI'I I •vOlil Roll ...•■•• a jt.>s,sil»ie It fherrr , > rp* of *•• .- g " >' X loine. ED 2-1"" n illt' P -• • *«• ,»•> ;>i . juogra.'M vvoul't hotter *'u- lASfMLL cars ' • I • \V V' er.i an an.t s.- - o.i.'* M mf.ii m.itb'o horseback ridtno on the h .■ IP »TV t o l«-, 1 u- -.nt- tli.- >i -ii.!.] m i bio on "r .wl-. am eit poi- rlnnsrivania TINNIS MILS #1 Triple R Ranch. Oi • • . up ii # gt.ot s'auihi In- g vt-u oW those eligible and •is• j. ApiiI 2i> Half mile #■• its o t t ;Mi' ','llhill III g" I ' .1 on t.ak#*,.ng Road » hat»« 'j SOFT e* P'f • • • • • t V *or«. .«• i c.f'iMih real ire an* • * i 'm lALLS. 4 »" Ft re. - jirrseh! |)i"grant rfiu's of the oae. s. ' f A W ' • • ' br efficient mu*i «' help drxclop Jradrr- op« "ui* v-tli h»- p tli * ,' the lii.i*' in Itn futuie, even TYPING IN my home ' iu ker rr:« ■ • « of . Linmatltl I ha' ■ u he d<«eMi t s«'e the benefit* now whlt| hankies ' fheai# report,. #(c. IV 2 -^r traiomc • . • ...» ' , ♦ thovight and sjh-o. i Maurire Oherg. Muskegon sophomore SWEAT SHIRTS. »• qualiPr* «>? . I • (***ruti«l h. the of thr univeraitv *--• -ft I . TYPIST ANN BROW * Basic radrt Flew trie tvpr.' •ml ihioi • .* < • • .i • Int.n Saitoh Itiliin Forcing a ' students to enter avich SlfCRlNG I AGS t " r n.nera and (heeta. abu freshman . training . , *ccn-,s to work OIIKTRA of thi: V I II Rl V* ill have to ,m.>- AIR "ig opIM.rtiitio* ' ; •' '•••. ' Hj-ip radft at tnw p'.irposra to the essentia! MATTRESSES. R«l we. ses* a greater tm uilth-bi Itui | * a. • proee** <«f ile* elojung inb lhH'tual w ttklom and < . lOAtrilMlRA KOIt a in'ellei-tual CUfiOfit?, the a wider range of RAIN COATS, p# ' I. typing wanted a *Uioi-'a and the student * experience. Phone IV ».f Aim*, : . r • l>e' uk v>ur|>»»ac. mies SRORT SHIRTS. » O e I ron«|»ilr camoua ,-ct » thr «f Milltar* Srlrnrr * • j.'vn, '• V MII.IVARY TR%IMhi' t»..- P-e I*n»*rair ha« Iteceaaarv ent- %IR lORt l ROTt ' .P i . a<- r>ha>u on inculcating an (voperativcly f • revampTtOTC programs and to j price to »tud#nU. tin \i -' ar I •« unquestioning accep¬ 'Ml The OTHI* SlUDlNT IAI0AINS ervone a* a prri'sralt.-- • it' •» u-!op o -■ ■'> * re*U«! iiiH ' '■ * a 1 com- tance of authonti. is antithetical to the basic attract gentd students 10» HOU ,x.. ru"jLi.!M nreseot • Vi Ac. r concern- purpose of university lustra,1 of making freshmen UANOOI ClNTIR W.- O-h a •».*.-», i , c« !■» the ref\:5ar education, that of sign when enter¬ *erv or nhera develop* ing. the first vear could be devoted to TV.*ADIO-Hl FI *»,' ef tha prohVft • i'. • • mg a critical and ■ • .. . i -t • .-'e - * • ' inquiring mind selection HOUSING .MVL'C .»•«• a . c« —;v!> -. *o e^'t-r and recruiting ■It loll A- .1 -Of* v «• k' As the author* » f the R.»nalil fhtiltn* hrrlmillr junior rrvcr.t Dartmouth study h.ln, 1,1 «. Orand la times f o \ have shown, the prow nt "Fduraiion and Military i . i •• m • \ >v • \itv iiifol cailrt ROTC approach to tram* leadership * Rep < 1" ;i! r: " officers *s outn>Ktesl and should be alwdy h» John Masband and Ciene . . , .. two \i %Rs in n%"it replaced I.son*. rt.e J.I at i v.. V i i-u., Rorr • onu with a pre-profcKMonal program In which disci* Dartmouth ( allege _ , T V.-RADIO mmi'l i ' tram t* in tiaaviiT f.|t-.:n- etf ■ • • - & •• tt a.: free 2' '• *•-.! *>-e trar-iftil n-.. !ai\ «b« pluurv drill woulit be minimised. It i» turther IT'S TOO FAR OH to begin but new approaches to the forecasting action, A.A.tmints X*n,.W"- hut? Vl> hive male* ha- r, eviqent th*t >uch a iv.a i sli. » . ■ 1 . • P.. 1 .• a. t piogram would be most ROTC program are ■ » a • being explored bv tne Defense Dcpt The Reserve ■ i atu.lent - inter*-, t e. l" . i ' < the rr«jx>nsi- productive of the . ■ ; * . • 'i a: » u? • highlv it officers we will rvu •Iter • • o'r a no jv*an rrv nrod m the future Force* IY>hc\ Uoard has listened * Manv truer uto our . > ' -• o• >. P« ' r a >'u4» - ' »o ' • t i);.' career -f he like* referred them to the services to proposal* and -lull.. IV MB. T*'; tntred to u;t •> t '. •». . .»■■ oi«. .t \ >. . • 1 Thit ■'» the opportunity flv- II mpuisor.v method of obtaining of fieri* ROTC i* a w asteful. Uneconomic the principal provisions i* one to for study Among New Iv IWAl. furnished APARTMFNT. Rent includ#, utili- Lay-Away • . . i-4 IIOTi' • ■rogf«iv If I am correct I v change basic ROTC to "elective tather . li cnosir wia , actual*v cm - i.o • . . . Jim IkiutUt. seuthf.eia iralar informed, almo-t «.» penent of Ihe student* who than the present com* j !!5* S c*4*r- D* 4-4372 If hti'iv veil Tho a-*-.!-• t.• lake pulsory ANT ITEM OU.'N :. h, . • • j . Aavaucrd carle* wars HOTv" drop out in ot thc r the program when freshman and aopiiomore Reserve Officers Assn. }i«;T,tRFl: with tile batti. unturnuned rooms exceui I ! INcrw.liy 10% gtwu free * Newsletter. lo. r# 'rigerainr and stove. Air eon- April IS : ddtorted cIim# («> campus LA».AWA» TOM v _ - and AA l» i J 'wL Artu,tJ K#nberry. Dr. El>. 6IFT TOOAT »l i PON.RAIN!! \ *.£ la ssVa N. ctT PtA J Michigan Slate UUCTIOI ' £ -*s '4-J IT News FURNISHED THREE ROOM rnent for wine Udv hne a«i) Near rampui and apart- Ml gtukvot gcrvkca uaid . and Parkin# per monui Uuiltle* Wm. H. Th< —*> F~a»t tanong. MKtugan Garage available FE P-ftDS. ,pace Included d V u. .* im- ... r*.! Wnbiished *..niy anil en Clasa days *pung i#o..s. weekly; .« Monuu* tiiruuah> inclusive dining n'n'k^'n ST anatimenl ^2 Jewel* v.? SiV <4u"t *hr#e room* ■ ■ »v. kpr.-ul tie-', can i*sv:e het»e#u ni'ni»r* ai r*. «innmer (#im» a»U « fjM lerms Filtered and hatn (trick F.'gidef Skopoiifl .XI irtontl via** matter under tl.« ai-1 in Mn a* •Move refrigerator neat, building — •a. Fa.t«i»| Wnir .1, lata at the post ollice hot «at#i ' IV S^i744 -UJI Mall fcubtm-rtv'ion* paxab'e In advance, ■ "'. io -/. term*. It loi thiee term- *v lor one term 13. lor 4*« ^L_ ■Meinbet AsMje.a'ed Coilegiate Pre»« of u.e inland Daily pre»v A»*.m ta«cd Pie*a and |. . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS uun.*oirit.U5 i TRANSPORT 1 the . I—a—*5 *"*3H READERSHIP ,,iG,yR.?Atjf.isHip . LOW COST . . • • • . ll-Mli AIM. IR R*. %r? 5 N pirvcy Shows Sex, Finances Bluest Problems M!r!T!OAV STATE NEWS La Pa lotn ba ra Ii lasts April in, 19.19 face Thre# Student JlDITOR'S ■first in a NOTE — This Is serle* on the pro!)- Marriages Are Here for Good In their marital problems. MSU oilcis a marriage coun- are actually wanted at the time lb th«* ago of fhree, Dr. pie ,i chance to grow 1flge,'• er. r Dr. Conformity .1 o Ji e .tairman r,f the ph IwiPalouibar.-i, political se en - at MSIJ must re-evaluate Idcnloghal and organizational principles to make \ Ihey are born. V.'i.ttz said, the child of married .%airl fared by the thousands of Mj-VK.. on In applying «h.< {»!.; --.ophv to department. Sunday nigh' them valid for the 20th rrntur*. campus, and Couples are more apt to plan Kf-rsity students In the nation c.fy <.t furnishes for children so that the birth- students in campus housing campus marriage-. Dr. Reu! that he didn't believe theretould learns t<> got along with a large sa d, be •) n.uch conformity !J j marry during their college ciimes after graduation when the group of children. the partners rrmrt. fer-i • !x,th MSU campus. on |s.) MS!* id'-nl Many times . P O o-i/.r. .1 . :' I i. - rep:c..rnf 10 hu-bfind has a job, p.he s.ud. under other circumstances went to By PAIX RIVAS ' lie school, and •< r both con¬ LaPalombarn, In open jr. c *, >• •-.i f Nad handled Although having children docs not have this opportunity Judcnt marriages are here !o social agencies, tt'htle in college has its draw¬ until he goes away to school. tributed to the ;uc\ '• talk before the Y-»ung Soc-ih*' • [ • •> d Stale* t nv ou e ... t Dr U. Campus man lag.-* Club, added at h" was happ backs. Dr. Kenneth Wurlz. ..n Seven out of 10 wives a.e r---f.r.e . ke» ! ir.p Pal- f Id.* Is the opinion of D A i*. : . . ; I'.nant ;al difTrn-iit type- of ,d< rounding, ti, see the birth ni ':ie • .rgan ' • j, instructor in tho psychology de- . . .... ., -,r; gainfully employed nationwide, |«:i? Itcul, assistant prof. .... . D? l:. ■ 11 was due paitintMil, • aid he iKlicvi.- the according 1<» Dr. Rcul. That said. tion at MSU. I want !'! l,e school of social wo:I-.. ' :.« fand'. v. .*;» ttnivt .'v d' is imjx. tant '-j '.li;#. away you we!'." tie a d "a*'.rl I ho-•• !•, I,'her than condemn stud-: • ■••• ' 1 i: '• i commnniiy often, cer- the-e wive* will not go back to from the hu>r».«nd you're gomq t-» be wi'h u- f- M.arj t.i,., ad vantage u.p.o-.,a. - f ed D L.-ip; . the home is a fat! soeletv must fiiages, the universities, p.. Some couples begin with less raid, the "tiadgr- • f superiori'v" a !,r.g time'* I Th. many thildrcn and la-'gr? lo-.rn X 'i DON'T religious leaders, and 1 h»• III in SI, she said, while others accept. It must also ae- over the nor,- I. if i!om)»ara attacked the ' - play area.; available near r.n- eg. eMuia'.ed icpt that campus marriage are line (leaning* Box Inanities should take a r.- .l - range as high as *1,000. Many lampus h'.u :ng, he said, ofl'cr.v li»»re to stay, she said. • ife who helped earn the i f interest in current even's " -v t ;c Storage approach as to what Uh v have bud-etoii their finances so ti.e child more opportunities foi Some critics of nociety mv to degree if thy marriage is to be he find* prevalent local'. I r. r a talk • v an otfici Ido to aid young couples, Di, «lose that in some eases an In- i)("»i adjustment. Successful. vai amazed,'* he'e-'. said in a recent interview, put the mother hack In the • rrase in the cost of inilk rail that when the Hungarian i»\ , T' '. The ^ofn-,,'1 In this environment less effort home and end juvenile delin¬ oi n • . I questionnaire in a recei t cause itifTieulties. lufiOii occurred it cau-ed nam a lU'iii • made by Dr. Real reve t I ">• I'.I. .«• u» incline K parent required on in watthing the child the part of the quency. said Prevent your Itr. Iluel. marriages they ft . Africans t pfu- ,-.t .MSU. Perhaps t'. :• • < hhat, according to man m .1 than would he necessary in a d.s'itrue from Bu«iaiatid, she the Speakers lecture, on "The | simitar study made rerenl- • two family ioclologists at |Vnlycrsity of Pennsylvania. »•! children, t: •••!,, and t<» ni'ije get along wr:i importan*. s.i.rl. Young marriage !>ecause it maki i« s desire- young Campus I isil Uriah iu Italian Sorlalhm." he said the N'ettnl soeialhts of Hals that atudent mar- ...d m ftnan- Je.itns to t.ikc the role of othi;-. paitnts, and also g ves the cou- S;v We- • At! in * '»m !- EVER THINK »• fr-their par- ris will arrive-».n • .onpu? sara undeslreable and high- ''elay l»hF. It ra! aid, .">() p.-, for The a five dav ABOUT fof, Jame» Rossard and A Eleanor Boll said .*>ta i. f. I ,•••' ed adm.' * INFORMATION *U :> ga'ion •.! men are Wi- ?-.• Ati. o.).er* • r,t .. n •, G«t WILDROOT type f SELLING . e.„. Hagea had harmful ell. usually unwanted aj.d p ' a sumed I Ml III \l United Rtate for Be i m mfh k CREAM-OIL Charlie! f.MDEft Mil RIMi f \1 Ml DI N T gue of Young Adu.' ■ked-for children, |-u>- t OMMITTIT. ORfiAMZATlON f« T:.e deb gate* < e - f LIFE INSURANCE? couple* also fared p ni., t'n:o:i » p.m., t'a'hoiin Student Gen- > ,uth counr. <,f tneir n-.-p- (IV «. I III I Ml lent of financial Imcuii' . dc : r> 1 I •, v AMIYI1IIH t \RNI1 II cafeteria Coffee hour, I jve (ountiicr [the atressea and strains I'l HI It 111 ( OMMITTU \I.PIIA DIM \ TIII'.TA The de'eg,.* " » r; . ' timr ii'rt '»»r<-tt if prior ! with it, 1 H ! 1 p in , .3I'l Student So. 7 I'll (iiitncr. K'f'tion# - ci, .... 111• • ri« ,|,,n . - p.m . f".er,t fail" <■' V • l"n '< ! S-.y . ' I t v,4,, gh the married stud. . ' " I d r Mini «),|| rjlflr mill l|( \ ok, OKI III HIS in regard* to " e :.i! • a " " - N'u.e bid - iiMimm j.if, ||SU t»r• the same mm . M |p.-rc« nt AOI'S 30 p.m.. Women'* Osm. es'« VVhi '• it*. Mivfng.f ' < ;J ^ i -d nn i»n . i..iu v^iiisf r*p*rirnre, 11% tho marriage s.M-.m Ir.if in 30 p3.1 I'".-.:- t ' ALPHA PHI OMKOA • .!. guest* of 'he M.-h gun Coo j . ,-n I )•» \ -on » i'rfrill- unit ,r(»nt|fi- | In divorce, Dr. IB ' ■ d. I MilM I Its 3VIVI X 7 p rn . .323 Student Soi vices. t.-ve F.x'.en ,n " ''i..I l. • ,lf ,, \,slt,Anf » said she believes that one 1, I. ,1'iri.if ih-ir luriiiuj v*«i, RIM-ROT Thev 1 '■**•. o g - • • ■ a .• i«o mi. inn, itnf IN most Important factors id.-f(|,in, Jh» 410 Nat s > t:.- -.,ff w I ' 1 .t.n ■ it, owith \tinivrr,ar« ihl, Inline mandate failures at f >• : . .• !>'e« ■■ r, had ehil- on c-mi. - VOlAtJ DI.MtH R11H "u* M.St' *h«- i ii. f -f i. ii S'S'e far ' ■ rio oi r Mean Statu Is the couple's .» . •), the ; • : f • m the b.rth H 30 -prntttif ing p n: 33 ITip Bureau (iff ,-#» fa:... fan.Me* :,i • •»'!• !•• .« n.m i»tal*4 Vnrss of available sources . *1- ft v.- • 1 d • rv. HI fM K AMI HRIIil I III! 111. AMI tOMMI NITY i a'houn ' o-.n';.. and va-; I ! ' R 1.1 IA HoRr.l A ho*« Mp. Generally, college stu- fir. lieul said if appears that 7 30 p in , 109 An't.'Hi F t DM MITT IF. 4-11 a-tivi'ie.. (•»«. o> i «"n» in « Mntmmmi nrrrr i realise there Is no stigma'. ' •« ' Wildfoot frail * dot, tut I i «•» I'Hiu-uiiin! npp«riMitOi-«. a relatis rl> small number of mn! : :';ation nl , pm, 311-A Student Ser- be With 'he Campija 4-i| < in mm I poitonalin rvjii or . .in |i.i,-ib)litli.« m a •olid. to seeking counseling children horn to MSU rouplr* TRANMPORTATtOV f I I B V >■**. a« 7 .10, r,».»n 7:2. Ag Ha '. Tne ■ ft t* pri-par** (« with* M 30 p m 31 t'nu.n \V\TIR C ARNIVAL EXEC Iih.f , pubhr .« •• c. t>. mi o i '"n« woii nhii it, »i|,r AWN At TIVITIEN BOARD HOARD Tie delegates are - ■H • n»f .ji r1»iotr»1 o, srrilhg p»o|l»' • O..., ,, , |» HI n- It «ll,hl> .338 S'uoei:' S**' n f. Ml p : 8pm. .117 Sfuder.' Service*. a peaking and w.'l b« talking "■'I ",o . . r. HI4( Crossword Puzzle • 7 »• flvmi'ive cow.* it run oxttpiii toi i tiqiH M through interpreter*. V*- !»-»gef p- 338 S'uden' Servivey 4 10 pm, H)3 Berkey. Rolf «b-nru' board. th-orge wlfl address the grad- ; Acmott V Kindled ft Business Kin I ROXII MOPII t orvc II. »'e atudent colUKjuium on JrsnMctioB 8V Look 'p . Mu:at room. Fse u- Kant and Bolzano «.n Space.'* I Ritual 3« CulJ-likt • ve t'ouncil. TOWER GI'ARD • I9S7-.19 I Skein «t bird K 3'i r>m., 33 Vnian. General MEMBERS I 88. Alluro •unci. 5 30 i rn., Casa Nova's. AO. Articlu [AlfirlM 4I.Go*l Unfit* 43, Abhors Cnmpuii '"In-sil ie f rinse an unhealed w< -und on ?h*» ame in the Hrsf annual Cen- AT ANT RATE, unless player, manageherJ GetWILDROOT lop of ♦he big athlete * left foot. Collegiate Conference frosli A COITLE OF WEEK* ago the Detroit Tiger* reminded us of the 1951-58 Motor City baseball some sort of attitude and performance rhjJ Thomas suffered 'he injury fgraphic indovr track meet. fcREMMILChaife! Murrn 24 when hi - caught in the dor-r of ,, Bo-'.n f .•*»♦ was ith T :e 54 Broncc/S pun!.* to won the meet 53 4 for the squads when they Hist their entire opening series to Chicago largely through their patented ability are enacted, the '59 Detroit baseball t !uh J continue not to reflet its individual iv»-i to fall aseep at the switch when the going gut jN.tcntial and will continue to wallow whri, In t'hiversitv elevator he <.pe-- virtans Drake. Bradley ar.d now and mathematically must stay for at MiD-sac-huM-P M« mori. I rough. (P o' tig vijue' to alvi competed but awhile B H'epjtal surgeo;: Pr C'he-tep .;oed far behind the other Time brings back old memories, and as the But of these days, maybe this year. P. Howe said i 'km o .'' e schools. Bengals continue down loss lane (to the 12th another one one soon, the patient fans of S. -;| tioh tieeame hf-can** In- a tr It-graphic meet, the rung so far, w ith time out for a win over Cleve¬ the land! we recall the specific group which so re¬ ern Michigan are going to weary of v .: J ccraping nr/mc of the f t comj ctt- .in their own ratised skin «»f th sembled the current one. losers lose at two bucks a game and iv: ifiUii v • upper i k and the time.- arc wired .n baseball franchise may go -ide of the fo-'t, above the t a central location for com- It finished the 1952 season with a personal Browns or Athletics. the way. of th.« j to die m*ord-breaking 50-104 won-lost tally. 45 games This year has already shown the eff»,«? Hi* f Fitch in the HBO, seventh place St. I«nuis. .-| some 34.000 customers compared to their •ai.' be kept m.mbolimd f ' a t . ■ Ward in the 2-mi'e and Somewhat disturbed that year, having lost r| week or 10 d.i's until heuhr.g M;k«> Gerhard i:i t~r high jump. game total last year (74.474 to 108.381 , , PaI'I SHIIDY,* hair esfwrt. «t*»t eight straight to open the season and finding they had a sub-breathtaking 7-8 record. h/r taken pi;»<*»■ J! «ver the leading Spartan . Wild root limn thr>«r eowhckt!' their charges ll'j games out of first after just Add to a 1-12 baseball record the fact d The H-ruien' t.» the lanky, scorer was Ed Gravdon 40 had been played, Tiger officials began to ex¬ Detroiters ha\e been t.'he H H freshman interrupted h.» placed second in the 2-mile subjected to a year rfl ( %TCUIR SAMMY WHITE of the Boston Red So* bap* up : third in the tviic. periment. sivirts losers (Lions, Red Wings. Pist» hi- athlete, and m'I'. •' eartM-i1 onl. h few w eek - after itaiiwl the wire Harkdnp after a pop fly off the hat of Clint Court- S -e oihe: se- ond place win- They peddled local hero George Kell. Hoot may consequently be in a less sympathetic a ney. \\ i-hiiKtnn senator* catcher. in fir*t inning of game in Wash¬ Evers. Johnny Lipun and Dux> Tr»ut (Evers and to begin with. he MiTl-ed "vej , h.": ♦ V il ri. -s were Jerry Dobenau and ington Sunday, lie mK*ed the hall, which ran he *een near hi* left Akt».'*a m the p..!e vault Upon have as y»t failed f«» become radio an¬ It is almost as hard to suggest ways ts hi \ l'i incV hi- u the high- shoulder. > • • ' nouncers as a result) to Boston. In return they to professional athletes as it is to tell th? t| t broad nimp respectively. *j got big Walt Dropo. who once the vear before of public relations wizard Nick Kerbawv hc»J Tiini- Cuts Softhall (lame Short Detroit got him—led the league in RBI's, and a generate interest in the mediocre basketbadk handful of lesser lights. tons when he himself cannot. Boston dropped from second place at the tirre But it is easy to predict and to spot a * 11 Cullmi Coke, Kool llrrr or Oraiif:. Six-Paks Down Bryan Eight of the swap to sixth at season's end. better, refusing to give up Us hold on last place, hut the comparative success was somehow un- Detroit fared event baseball when (more it yells at you, and unlr c • • s hwAi'2 for two runs I he a* inner# combined a-hi! burden* that year m favor of Ered Hutchinson, DELIVERY 8t00 I'.YI. - I :.'!0 A.M. and ♦ a.< hits in the Jsr«t frame. hat*man. Iwn walk* an infield mors sec Briggs Stadium's facilities used • v| rt.n- IM soft bait Six-l'ak. be- who later built the club into a solid fifth place for minor h.n i hi the three hit .! • - V. t,or le 2-6517) *a fw which was called for G. * ctr-u-e *'• t i-utftfid error. Dave In 'he second. Schwa-1.' help- llank Aaron leading league %\wJi \Val*»-r, who go'v tne fr«*e pas', *;> *. ' it on the mi«. ;ie. '-u own cause wft, a After that. Schwartz closed • \e tliiubie int«> tigit! fie'd. He THE TAREYTON RING F ♦ i: o-'-.r '-n hi! f..r Eight The the loners only ot came >- in x I d >• thini unui-ti u.-.t'orford, t: an.; n * . then u E.o ' > Hunger .ei C-.-t.h 1 f > a U. .* Musial, Mantle W eak at Bat M.tiibi'e mt a three b.i^er, w NEW YORK (T-—1« this the tionaT League with .500 on 26 hits Chicago. ,387. a' third beginning of the end for Stan m 52 attempts The Tigers, In last p, Six I*ak . .or e r-* hack f.-r Musial" Vic Tower of Cleveland'! pace- a 1-12 recxml. had thi. c , His performance in h.< first setting Indians was the leading among the first six in . t4 game* tin* *ca.*on wns t«» - American la-ague letter with In addition to Kaline. r - ir; While h.« St. Lou 431. Then t ame Ai Kahne of De¬ Harvey Kuenn at . .3iu5 Cardinal^ ate fh-undering in the troit, .411 and Nellie fox of Rocky Bridges, .MO. Nutuma'. l*.igue race. Mmuai, 38. i.< floundering at the plate. i>m. The seven-time batting champ- who has a lifetime major Jackie Robinson Has league *\rrnge of 340 for 16 s«-a#.*n*. hit* A in ha# collected 49 tries for a year ago. after hitting safely only .224 mark 11 Equal Chance at Hal\ m h;s first 14 game*. was BRltXiEPOnT. Conn. —Jackie Robingnn gayg hitting 509 with 29 hit* 37 BTiss baseball's hall of fame but Hv times at Imt. in Hurwitz, preside! the Baseball Writers Assn., says ht "has just as yv: Musial ha* had only two ex¬ chance as anyone else eligible tra bases, both doubles, thi* mm- • »r. and he has batted m f vp Robmson. former Brooklyn Dodger star who was the first it.'—. Robinfc*i quit - runs The only distinguishing Negro to play in the major 195. lewoa and hrn,«. features of his performance league#, told the New England Hurwitz would not b, . were base hits that thwarted no-hit conference of the National A#*n. until Uw vot, in 1»«:. pitching eff«*rts by Jack for the Advancement of Colored batiford of San Francu»c»x and HnntN. mM Uut Wfor. • Glen Hobie of the Chicago Culw. People Sunday night that "if I i-.ave to get m bv not ■ IM mt -IH Mickiv speaking Mantle of the New out when 1 *ee a baseball te.*m »l««i wtw Imt, bad I. • York Yankees has a .235 mark o«- an individual doing some¬ »rtW hi IN nihil »4 • for 13 games. The *»%•» tan Ml tar l». n < alugging out¬ thing wrong i gut-s* I'm nwt go¬ fielder has only four extra ItM M nllMll .lltlM. W I ing to gvt in." blows among 14 hita. one double, Election to th* hall of fame Hurwitz, iportj wrl'rr f t I one triple and a pair of homer* at Coopers town, Boatan Glob,, uid ,b it r N.Y, is by bal¬ Meanwhile, Hank Aaron of lot of itaaeball writers who have wriMra partlcipata In ttr i Milwaukee is making the moat been in tha tion. Each mambrr outstanding ahowmg among the association 10 or viuci l«| mt*r# years. Only players who man and to ba atactc.l lug league batsmen. Througn have been out of active muat ha namad an It Sundajr*« «anw». he led the Na- for five years or more are baseball r*r»-| alig- mora ot tha bnlMa. U« I no out wna alartad. ImI 2 Days hara that ha fait hm«| apaaka out againit r. » vf| die* ha could fail at ,a r| tha hall ad fanw. m 'V* Vv *. Wed. as jrJ* 2 . Color Hib J' (Mm • Narakjr o No tV starts tomorrow & wgttte BXM&JF# li THt MAL TMNW M WUMMU... TH« IUL THMO IN riM TOBACCO TABTII New Dual Killer Tarciioiu air 1.01 booiiiii.g » lug 011 I'.S campuictl Juvl ult 4 K».L V.n, ll Ami at Tiff * II * mc. why ,ic ilicv 10 |..(,ulji? Jutl ulc a pull. You'll in. No Dowm paymrel 1 NEW DUALFILTER A*'/fcSs»*CsiiWN XAwm foyiy -» "oet Mom on or lite ... go on to a movie* ^ Swedish Champ Arrives in U. S. No Fill I (nick Lack filiiinip In Feeling Sharp Patterson-London Appear To See Patterson-London Bout For S/Hirtans In Fine Shape for Fight Bv JIM WALLINTiTON Rod Carpet IH I I V MAI f.11 KltTV has solved hi« fullback problem INDIANAPOLIS CP» — Their heavyweight til3^ fight onlv four davs off. champion Floyd f'.i'- alK»iit 120 other residents of hiv horT(etown of •■w m 3>w York from Blackpool will ar Major a year loo lule. •eron and challenger Brian I^M fo» line-up fer'. the event. The remaining tick*** .State would pmbablv 'have won at least four more games A driving foAerf vale up to » *23 top. \y.w YORK l/Pl — luce- But Miwtm is bark, and with four top-notch replacement*. rain 'ie ehamp to rut kh«»i • hiv i i i jni .r Johansson arrived Mnn- Kormmii the "MARTIN CORPS'' are sophomores ("ail Charon, around t>.e Indiana S'a'e Fa; - Ron 1! Intramural 1 and Dannie Are and rk al Ckbacn IM-liirlc uida\ - -1. * -11 he riii.Oied into the end /one three times. Besides the drilled ;n the Fairground* («.u- (l ( * • (i fi ' Mr van •. 1 HaIPv ". lUllrv J. g |i ,V(i Patterson flow in ttvu II !l \ « \|ii«ite in 11 i on -: the Bo >;»• ( *»product ripped through the oppo ing line >"iin: where the fight will fie held W Sl»»w T. Ifi. W Sh-** I 4 , openhagen Monday morning. Wa-lOfi«t iii. K rillKI ar. .Imi.ii Iran 1.(1 I. a good ground gainer this spring. He ihaiie, both pfivsicahv and n.en- I minon« I IS. Finmnni J. IS question* from the rlihl di.pla.lni Ih. I.., phi.. Ihr, ... »h.n Ik.. I~.k Ik. Hi, I* "ten on< • Saturday ta.'!".." I^mdor/s o'ner f»riie Millrv fi, '• It olr >. 4. \ es» N % i iti\,ki. I I M.I I; Al- "■ d kept Ha'eher out of the last scrimmage, but he made Molierflaid 1. Ifi M'i(i»rf)»l4 », « .• (wWm he* III., rk.mpinn.klp -.turpif .lafk Ji added 'he boxer • -- Kailirr fi. in. Kafhrr « I johAnsaon, who leaped to in- min ed Known the week before Though tougher on defers e, the relaxed and confident Mr* in t. a, Hrvan 1. ( "a':«»nal fame by his one- W frt. i;n .'iu-jHiundi-r piiiuhrd the first string lin« 'for needed thud down ,- I knockout of Eddie Ma l|iiinrn)l;i 11 in- I rnni Cliani|iinn«lii|i i.m .kngele* IM L»nd«»n - camp e*i»ecfe(J h, ■ M-ilirrfi-14 1. I!. Rut(«rfi#l4 r, 4 . aidagi «•, er.'cr " e riiig a' au*iu' 20.3 forfrHu an in 19.3N, waa accompanied Milwaukee ' harhe Ane of »f,e Detroit I.ions i« Dannie s brother, arid th* ,<»und- e six o«"»tir>d< '.gt-'«. Hr> an » nvrr Hrran • Two Stale Men Win Bi<; IB .<», h:« parental Kan FranrKen two brother*, young Ha" .oian has a chance to make mark for himself than w he*. w »iuw i over W Shaw t I inrinnati .53* 2 a So fa; n ojtped hii B* a of whom is hij sp.imug he h.o dot «• «r.*- n»"t ..AM* 2'. jiunt,ng and his busting form ha* made more '. n heavy >*eight crown Jan ' vot.r.rvftAf.L ( hieaga *n-i ; hla finance*-, Miss Hit - than one lineman -brink ftwav. l i-ani-h r». I.A;* Honm»o a A Bowling ( Irown for Doubles ' .417 3 'a a Hem ' -oia Pat'-*- on *..' f Philadelphia ( (. y>U iy. IV Off an4 Out II, II l.uiiiWren; his and or and his Wi'h m.e I-I'.bleiri solved, fiaugheity t tin turn his eve* elscwhe.c pr-Aoai-.y « » ;i »"«»ut I ii 4 I mm-ni a. IV I, IJ, fffliaoai f; 14, her, Plitahargh and , role i r.Uj'e on other*- And no one tould blame he la' k I •• !«••! Ji •ail 'he I i. 11 „ • HI. UnIS « II .?« . . I - an. Scholar* II f SO e queel toning rame af'er Minnesota ' '»•' "• •'♦•'I "• hi/Tv-elf, "if only I A; |$, 9 maiMged '■» mite .The f lupheru totaled 2 fifltS pins one of these had p.o . f fu *• i.'t*rgcr'* y fe. Verotvi - am. »io(i|ri nwr Acta (farplll ■-■•■tiling apeer he* b\ R-iluiid MDMiaV'S irsll.T# a*t fa ' • out Illinois b\ II pin* Saiuid." .. >«(.:i,»«» their thud title. The . nrswm, chairman of '.he city'* I Aniclei «. I'lttskiirtli t »« win I", m bad »i fierce and public even's the Rig tfl i>" * big *'hauip »h fi-r eniun saw Irinikra al PhllaMelpKU. Marc! Prunoco-t •wnittee, and Melvm Krule- pmtidiip The emiV -' v a* he u pmlginfi hletic h. rhalrm*n of the sta '•» commtasnm. .lohanason si ihe t'luvgn ilty of 111 .n.• - . and left ..•••I* T\v» na w Mijfer A>-\ l»cU»M« hi«» 't*d to i.'ir scri,r„j team. ( hltaaa al Hilwaak**. roUAA s liANil p«iip«ne4 Suffered s. vmhi .fun;,.i Ion Mar ' ' 'p * change* maiKed Mondav « sctimmage rcpi.-ued Bob Bercicn al left halfback Bet, State News I Afirhigan Sta'e men won » .strained kn»-e m Saturday* workout and wont am# through without toiiimr- A«n Fraurliri at l»hdaMr||i»»ia (Si • >• - die double* frown Thev \*cic Anionelll «!-#) *i. Kemprod. (J-*i a«'i"i. u'-M Moiptriv. Bob Sun filled in for ! ; <• g arx-e—a himeell other than to s.r certainly thinks he ha* a ^vrJ chance—or he Intramural .foe /arnbrario and Richard Ihi<- Then total was 1.142 pm« al Daniel i.iul* al (|-2| liarlaaall (Mi—M- va. lawrenia (l-l» Art Lnd Di Bi ai.ds'atter e VorfftcToss was va* elevated dropped from the to the ?lr*t line as Mm* first to thud an end ar'.d .1 . P' t. tTj tolled a set id"s of 22.'), 181. l hliaga ai *il*aul»» (K|— |»ra- ( "fgia* " r<| to Brand.tatttr .• ■* ouldn't hava Ixiwsal (l-ll va. lav - dot. Fred Arhana and Duk ()*• taken the fighv :, •emetiaiiea wfth the aid eomater BUI Baaeaaahn and ef sn Highlights and t9| /ainbratio rolled '».t and for ■ 189 f"i a t<»ta| of 397 pin- * aerie* of 181. 313 pm to'a* ualf gaaiea arkeduleM. Vi'omeiiH* 'IVimiH dine ate t'.v othei ends v (hi sport* April IN. l.j. fititor mieraretar ha revealed he <*cifha abaut !tt pounds, now and »c« Team tennis ree'ers C|»t*'.I .(1 l' e I -M .are "f:.. «■ lev.^ !:<* tei-ity IV v fP'-H-l ght from ti e f't i of \ticl igan won the Sugar Rav llasn't Signed fight at 19*: that he ibdepvrKlent. frateinitv d«»< Team Lokcm Ut npcfU la want# hla sparring partner* fast mi torn' lennis tcsn ■* A tew • .UKie- e en' With » tot^l «»f *22 p,t.< He »;*.» «•(»-» the ai'i-cvem* For llout 11 it It Hasilio Yet I.itc teagh; that ha aemettmrs coiiKi*:* of four men. tw«> «'• > « )*ui<*'':' i *n * tin a g^"*, total Thp wsimrns* tennis team, iiic\|icn-i»«'l> — per n. (itt.ei toankt pattwipatmg In lefusing to he', •• ould prefer a couple of tuneop l ive in lioinc like ii* ml lea ef laadsraih. and dees- rtw deadline f»»t r«»*tera :« Fi i- rdi'tg 1 uarwlc k Kalama/ia» College in their first sa.d Monday he hasn't signed bouts fir*t. a alin».|iliere i t eat uattl 9 p.m.. and that he dsv a? 3 <»0 pjai match of the season. Due to the In iefeiise of his ovddle«e;gt t «»>!•• MSf v. :th 2d»i4 Michigan a hepaa hla mother ran reah fee PaddlebaJl Singles Tourna¬ rainey weather the matche* * ere ment signup* are being a.-veptert. 2 81(1, OhM» State 2 810. «fo . a i i;g ' tie against Carn,te», Ba«w!o l.ilc i|iiiell\. Ii.i|>|>■ I\ in a riMiperathr htm aa Amertoaa feed la "tee •MM Flirting 2 318. Indtat a plaved indoors at the Ment In¬ a 'he L«m An^elr* Coliseum •ad* far htm. Sign-up sheet* are p".t*-d .hi the tramural Building. II.MNOIK COLLEGE OF 2.AOL anik W;»«ii)«»n with 2,487. S< n' . Ha ie going to Indian a polls to bulletin buanis opjmMte t' *• Joyce l*riewvki p'a dig » I Theie are detainto he work¬ OPTOMFTRV *<*tch Wm Patfrrwei-Hrian L«»o- hamttwll courts or ihe tingles for Wale defeu ed R ed eu* the chii': j»;*»•. said * 1 ■n trie fight Friday nighv He fne at txteiision 2Rftl Seal Co-op thuf Intramural Annmih-fA mary I , ,uther 8-2, and 7-3 Man- a rt u-m i*sing t'-.e 'ight. but i • amission n. applu aiinnu far it« ('lasses h*(inniii( ■ ft the impraasion ha didn t tntries can b* made In the I llotnant. Ihe No 2 • s hi'en't I wil.| «.c I am September *. I«r* now being rank much of l»nd(»n'* chance*. al'-universitv nflg ' ahimt fro- p.aver, lost lo Mary Kttk 1 "sci than ever lo an agu-e- re« e|\»4. I don't know how good Um. 2 (Hi to 4 ho ( .mte^'ar nd 8-0. Isabel Rack Schedule pir s ..... < l-yeaf rnnrse «f prnfesslonjl ttuMv m If now but when I sen- him enter bv t«» U^r third single* lost to Lynne V • i'iav - A Sari Fi at • -< -- (.if, p»»- I*i4ni| In the a-ti*- f \asnt aa good." JohanwiRi aergeanU on 'ut» at ttie ROTt nioru 8-2 and 8-8. and M.c- a»t n ofer. Roy Warne-, anr.ounie-i iHselor af Optometry fie SOFTH4I I. • 4 i rsnge. Tliere i* s twern- ('•raves playing 4»h >"•»;» Satairdav that te*. f; nm-im Ill grn fe*» Ihe co*t of OPEN HOUSE cent to cover lost to Joeine Dtpple 8-1 ic t 8-4 Hi :o fight m fa-s Angeles . «a animunitmn. The toumv is upe.< I I SO II Minor V|i«* Michigan Slates Sue > ■' " et t'onfim .it -on > Mtm IMIMIMC Intramurals • i «too|o \» ( «»tel (.•Mini I UK l«> meii » 'he '.»urnamec' State. Tins made the f.naf or ei|,|iv- Have More will b« run on a first-come fir* I I I on. II Ill mmons 1 ♦» 4 1 I I in mono $ ye 1 S«hkI !»•»• 3-2 in favcM of Kalawao* Roti.n«or) Basilio f.r*t shot at h;« -aid he '" " • .1 e g;\e vhen alent *|lr. hours uat ari» and trirnces. I is i|irrifir4 lili- served basts, wu'.h the fir«? 23 7 :.'iO V:.'II) |i.iii. I I lmr. April 28 1 ? I (unions Sis WfHe for bulletin in- RFi.f ATR AR • Participant s be.rjg allowed to shtio! The ail-university tournament will be held at tt>e h<>r»ej.h«a- 1 M«'hrr | ee. vollctm4i i. S save gg laundry: lipnott i -dirge (if Optometry I'll * ( Mlrhigan hlcagn is, Illinois y en-is For I The total number of men pur* pits on Old (.'.allege Field Wed¬ in I i niirt Hitiri 1 I f raii.pnrtiilinii I'lnnie KO 2-.">33.> 39c > in • :(»(> Werbie-i'iiy. till Mick. At*. N*ar ktUogg l'*nl»r Apr MICHIGAN STATE NEWS April J8. 105* Zip M O Panama Rebels Followed Junior College Role Hydrants Clean Campus, Student* through to clean the pirK,t Important inFuture Various fire hydrants on cam¬ cording to Burt Ferris, M p!:n Troops Set pus have in been deluging students, the course cleaning process. of their annual and maintenance superintend Students concerned about f Of Michigan State sneakers are asked to B? V r • To Attack Every spring the fire hydrants are opened and water is poured gy with the spring cleaning ,• Campus Classifieds Hijrh Readership Invaders (hr iFMTOR'g VOTE: Thl. h «« —K •« <— function and toplr. nnd.r rnnMmllM »» •f*1'''' "tf',h',Br «■« Cwnmlllfe •• ■ hr I'oturf »f th« r«l*fr-lj.» I Lillian* (!ompri*e \ Itulk of Force BE VELDA NUte Nam Nlf»« TBOCT ESIInr SENIORS Name cards, to be end* ' V AS AMI A <*)—The jrnv- Th<- future growth of MSU depends on a clear under- with Graduation Anneanctmm, crnment claimed Monday «t:inf 4atf"Xuv*uvfPniah. Three uf the four Panamar- arricultral economics. ■( lan* with the original force of 8'i h»»l been drowned Initially" Hathaway said, "I was somewhat disappoint, or rap¬ tured. ed in what appeared to i>e lack of interest on the part of The party, the faculty to participate in plans for the university'* fu- including one wo¬ man, * wa* said to lowly along th« eastern -shore- 1m* moving • latteiy, we've been encouraged by thoufrhtfui letters COEDS! tine under the reservation of and yrowiny interest amony the faculty. Evidently the air and forces. Jose Bazari, Watch for the pen PiinLder of government, said the function of the committee had not been made clear before, National Guard is ready to de¬ and the paths of communication were not known." mand Ahat the invaders surrend¬ er. The committee meets daily 9 a.m. to Been. Open meet- TNrea ' nf the Invaders two Cubans and a Panamanian, al« teady had been captured and brought to the capital. They inr-< "The were held two weeks a*o. faculty emphasis has been on improving the Intel- lectusl atmosphere of the whole campus," Hathaway said. GRAND were several miles in advance of VISITORS and guests at SI. Lamhrrt Lock "Thev feel that for on one thing students are too little ships forked through official opening of Ihe Ml. aware of programs, such as drama, that are offered. ? the mam party spotted at Santa Montreal uatrli as (.1n.11li.111 irehreakers d'lher- I.awrenee Seaway for ocean going vessel* Satur¬ Isabel on the r<»ast, and weto villr, foreground, followed l»v Montr aim. are first day. "(me main concern of the committee has been the lm. roundad tip without resistance by a National Guard corporal plication of the junior college and the transfer student. M ith the growth of the Junior colleges how can we best and a hastily organized posse. Falcone Honored ah-urli the transfer into our program? How can we make Tha Panamanian prisoner, Gudlenno Gonzalez, told news¬ undergraduate life meaningful when it will be increasingly men the Invasion that *'so far was 1 know,'* plotted by Ho* Concert liand to Perform broken up in the future? l»erto Anas, j>rominent lawyer "IVhet kind of oo(varsity do wo want MSU tobe 10 oad At Music Session in Chicago an-1 diplomat who httike with l'u years from now?" the government a year «r<«. He PIZZA PI'i has taken asylum in tho Brazil¬ Ths committee has been asked to eoneldaf the following ian Kinbassy, Gonazicz. said The MSt? concert hand, whr f«.rrn Prior? thi* tir.e group,M bv von Weber. Miss Burt will questions: Ariaa had given him $4,000 to What image do has a reputation f«,, »>cinc ««!«• Due to the critical audience pics "Scene and Ail*," from we wish to preeewt to the prospective take to Cuba to finance the ex¬ the leading linivet it, ban ; «h;. .> wi'.l t- on hand, the baud • Lutsa th.Montfort," a tenor Student? pedition. the n.iti'.e, will perloru. •' t .delated to : saxophone ado by • Hertfshfi Gonzalez told newsmen that aeveiiteelitii ineetin, ye- en . pieseii' and formal concert. a moru 'lliose attending the confer* i an the university offer a program to n largo number NOW. OPEN 10 A.M. of students and still attract and although the expedition started the North CenUa! Mil i Line The f » ...sing are ln»- mIio eiue will Ih* professional musi* atimulata tho porauna of fr»nn Cuba, he understoo,! that. ti.r< Conference. Mas H, CI «ians arid educators from the en- exceptional capabilities? Ha il Caitro, brother if Cuban * ago. v. 1, •• It to i. nan ive pla-.fd. fy i iva! Overture" ' ' re mid-west region. Their pur- remade 0 » ir Krrakfaet I'teirurr Fidel Castro, was I >1 William Sui. ple-iden' How ran we Improve tha oat of oalimsK* remniim IB. I'at" F. v. i rpt flon> p-':-e i* to promote a better tin- ■ the ★ Luiirh , •gainst it. the NCMK. tire, mv.'e ! the If eluding Ihe faculty, library and pbyakal plain? \i.jn/oi.; Kc peifoim on the Fnd..\ mo I... F;»•>:.! Mp*han," bv fctjumenUllv an 1 vocally. Mciw can we attract Increasing numbers of able 41.*? ?5-1on dle««»l-powered inva¬ persona sion l*Mt found beaeiu-.l on the ing of.the ' From a wi-ek-lon,' »enous intro a! i- i »n. O ven Heed The 05-piece band has lu^en s« enliege teachers? How do we convince our faculty that ★ Dinni'i pc. In audition. Urn Makey. quite active this year. They San Bias peninsula was Franco- t» educate students to their i>t view, tins is one of the mi Mo higar. Cjty. Ind senior, and performed at all commencement full potential |o one of their Garcia r , i • < f Havana They important engagement■< the i>.p fai' ! Hurt. Ortonville exercise*, n winter concert, and greatest challenge*? Identified him as the man men¬ has evei Ih-cm a* ked I > ♦. 1: jtioie. will be featured soloists. sopho* they have just recently oomplet. What kind of aervices doe* th* nntvemlty now hare or KdRqpr TUESDAY'S SPECIAL tioned in a letter to Ana ' fam¬ I'r.if la-onard Faleot.e Iav« wit! e l a successful tour of Raked Meat I'alties with Mushreem v.m • perform the '('Hi* the Up¬ should it develop to meet the need* of our ous dancer wife. Dame Matg.d •|i u « distinct hon.-i to pc met C>4u-ertH No. 2 in L FU'/* per peninsula. growing arban Sauce Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. Punteyn iJ London. Mr « F"i • In addition they will lead the ami suburban non-farm economy? try n w a r Jaih I la d week for Stewed Tomatoes. Roll Ik Hutter. Iced Lansing t'rntenmn! Parade and How can we channel research to th* significant problems Tea be Coffee, questioning about a revoluiiou- mv plot, but win rcdeiitied alter 'DohI Dcluv Donate Todav'1 » W p ay three concert.*, idled, in the l>nhd HGTU parade* an, authorities blood drive oi» t.. i fas', -ts' i. During this time « »urless of the OldMnobile' lb- Is there s maximum size for the Uqm After 4t30 p.m. ea.d next wis k, ,\Uv 4-H m Detu W.i'K th living units t.. publicize ties s .sion of General Mmors Corp, attainment of goals would be university beyond which A National Guard source said the Armv attil Ait !• o.- They have sponsor is I the march¬ impaired? Serving the fineit Pittm 'At Altvojs i. reiM-l tactics apparently were to W hile no definite deadline It() IV vie for a trophy given f » The bhsld Will IK ing balil for many >e.u- How- has been sat for a report, tbe open as m.ii»v fronts as |«owub;r primal i! the group with the highest prr- «'ver. this is their lit at committee hoped to complete iU to w attet and weaken the na¬ ni contliliUtron t \ • '* I «! backing work by July L accord, 203 M.A.C. tions 3,000-iuan police and ceritage of doiioi i'>pi'.dl, Lo h rl'»nor w h: of the concert b«nd. ing to Hathaway. ED 2XM6.I An a.' ■ u* i unpiK apjHn'd for redded Wiln hi» «kaiatro*v army. «|ono? ' \s ill be made l' i ap . t i leavti (lie a>e of nee s Sluilrnt Sym/wiiam goal of 2.1H»0 pints «-f bh»nt Jon N. Sehu*tcr is -hairman I ne Bel Ci.-- !>:. od t< ced ill.! d the drive and IVU- bkAuwun Dr. .lames tin t vvui be stationed Duo Mce-chainnan. Stum, humanities Inatroctot. will addre'< the atu- 1. Which would you roawMee .kJI (Icnt Symptwiutti in Humanities ftjllltitllltilililtllitttiliitiii iifilitft; •i|ii4lit«liIllintil- Staior Class Msbm aimiltrtljNffi '•"ir*1**" sod backgrounds, their u>uUiguic..aad.adsptabUiiyI or your future mate is primarily a —»— Of (A) geography, or,(B) late? » G grttic views of Alesi« de T.«- quevdle, an early ltfth century S. Wbich of these two French •talesman. j To: MAR KITT STUDIO lamomlnairweutt you most prefer to be like: (A) >lid*e,or.(ll),Uidwi( vwjmthovtn? King If you Witt to mm aisuable unexpectedly into sumjofitmoney, bank or invest would jou (A) nod spend only tbe CJ — UKtxm. or (B) take a off to ."3 T—it: Oar Vale M Duals 3. If neither party's rendidate'k'aw travel around tbt.wwMT year » Ml. tit bm4 >41 AVAil. !• itaif-Mvini ilad? | For The election was asliafsctory to would you (A) not vote, or you. (B).rete *□ •Ma. Oalllurl MRHMriri «f ior.lhe "imsar o(.two evik"]. Do you u think the Mfk BHtlMl rrilinc. 41.0# th* sayire "It* never rerns, but it pours" i (A) d-d ' "Saaior Of Tha Waak" 4 If your performsnce in a untrue,'. or (B) lavvnbiy .towel I generally mills ti:tok slrvick (rare effort Pictures was being unjustly criticised, would »—Hiirw MtlMifl Inivrriit) you (A) settle the'scm. direrthTih t g«i SM ft.M li. I T . your cntic. or (B ) ig««cejtjaml let a Would you ratherImrml'i (A) gnat art, or (R) e IftllM i, Tuu r tram; Senior I imnril. 11.11 'IMIHIInlUlllliilMIUnniurimUMilltlliilMlUlllUllllllllUIMIIIillliluiil choice of filter rlgjinH i I -s^Get Me to the Grill on Time! or (B) Irieodly adviaal' Gsl ma Next time you light wpAake a moment to think about what you iwelly want in your filter dgvetto. MM men An Zaglish Riser think for themaitvee choose and women who VICEROY... \ for the reey wmnd raauon that it's the one from cigarette with «thinking man's fil ter and a •molaiiw maw's »nrtr College Bike Shop 131 X. Harrisuit (ft on three out af th, (X) on four out f.a qj tia - »»,. lilur k Norlli ,»f Kellogg Cenlep ONLY VICCROY > A THIN KM# MAN'S if MMzaiftcnit_