I S(» Candidates The Weather Michigan State News l.jiinKond, Chapmitn fair Stale Platforms liOw Tuesday !!S See Pa*e'2 4. J Serving MSU For 50 Yrars High today » GO EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—WEDNESDAY. APML22!>. 1 VOL. 51. No. l!l i'lVlCE W K NTS OTC Row its Other niversitics Payl ess Payday Looms; Wallhcr Lcarna A( Kift 10 CotlVo MSU Okay This Week MARY HIT!' Mitorial Pare Editor ISLT students are imt Military Fund Move e in their campaign for hange from compulsory voluntary UOTC, Chuck Debate Set Blocked by ther. AUSG preaitlent, ed at the Big 10 Stu- t Body Presidents* Con- To a in In Republicans nee thts past weekend 'Final' I'ropo-nl tirdue. Oil ur other Pig 10 schools are (!iiiii|iiiPor\ Follows llaurii* ir.g into similar proposal, Offii •ur Iniiniii^ her reported. Student gov- From AP Wire Service* iier.t .'«t the University nf The The state of Michigan, .■nsin has passed a compulsory reenm- burdened with it,a cash cri¬ rlation to be sent to the controversy, : "live on sis. will miss, it< payrolls this legislature, advocating Citr.ipUM for i " terms, will .ging from a compulsion to be fornmllv ••f the situation has re- d in a qualified' recommen- equalling the amount due from n to aet rid of compulsory January, plus SI million an Feb¬ C. A required survey of mll- ruary's allotment. This payment "wilt permit u* scienre has been sua Rested 'a T,i4 our April payrolls—but rrptacement. \i<* w;ii have 'a have additional Lienta a* the University of er n • ;. |; ., , id" funds from the date if we an* •> tis ore Investigating the W II.t • ,i lMike i M< - pn>' nir bills," emphasized May. C* program. No action ha* Juni* i MSI' will meet IU Thursday •ed at any plane at Purdue U ■; B ■ >>e!ar. m »- (April) navroll, hut beyond that utty, where HOTC is com- KEN'NETII KRI 711 last t annine Junior (cen¬ appearing an foollt.lt Argrm in 'The Imaginary Jfr-> " <•( 't - r. I Do me* the financial ornblem volution K ter), with the awMatire of fieurge Prevcntt. 'Fa• Inva'-.l." The pl.M will he presented at R:15 p m. C'l .i: i M».. prey* upon the hypochon¬ toiilgut Ihrouali Saturday iu the Arena Theater Si.p:i.-n -•-» ak ;n Savor Denitioii. administrative avftUtant the University of Michigan dria of James lay lor. East l.ansiiiR M*|>h»motr, of the And. of a!,. . ;i■:.g ,ircren* MSU in charge nf university relation*. ; i« rut compulsory. No in- prog ht . w hu 'vrequires 'i:e m.i- As Muv cash crKU concerni -tJon obtained Iowa's ram. was Along with U of M, on Tonight in And jr.uf pfete of underclassn*'n two yrgfi > of military train¬ ' i coiT - tn»» 'ate of Michigan payroll--. Gov. \tertneu Williams announc¬ was not represented at the ing. ed Tuesday that alvwit SluOOiio end meeting. 'Imaginary lu> alitT Begins Rim The ROT( program wa estab¬ in salaries due Thursday an ' though no action on a stu- lished when MSI was founded Friday cannot la* fwud liecau r tevel haa been taken here as a land a rant rollege in IK.TS of Mu» depleted general fund. ernlng Rose Row I partir tra¬ The and the clause making it mm- iJemnrratie governor' in other Big I# aehools thi* 'The Tmagi nary Invalid," M->- •'The Im.aelnarv Invalid" is daughter to a doctor t-. climina'e pulsarv was added during the announcement came on th#? hee.y been an important atudent luie's c-»mcdw a!>- u* the last ptav »»f .lean Baptistc a h\pn- nutitcal exjiefisf Civil Mar. Iliseussiun of the • d a new ip'adlcK'k in the Malther said. I'oqiielin Mulirre. I rench drama¬ . citondi'iac «V)d hi** medical tn-u;.*- months-old effort of the legisla¬ i» faculty athletic council*-, tist and actor. Mollrre Is famoiis Aiding Argoifs irr-.auinary ill- pros and cons of this setup has h: will ture to solve the state's flnannn' h make the decision whether . be 1 r# >*•• ' • at K.15 lor hi* broad farce* and come lies i" », urea group or yt - M.ndn appeared peiiodieallv on the ed¬ stale Neirx t'fiuin bv Ron Murr.iv tcr;iu'ht through Sat.w.i itorial page of the Slate News. THOSE Til, SIIOM'ERS are bringing bare feet and minor -.mm-, .# result of shrunken ta.*. >H> 'or the Big 10's re-enter- i. tv '• •• uf cliaraiter, in wfilch lie ridi¬ fh line, hift inttutifu! wife; Boo- revenue' K".s# Bowl contract, had M-SU .n til,* ai. roadblocks Helen M leGi-egor. Dearborn junior, doesn't seem a cules a vire. "Invalid" attiek*- Th- State News h., been cir- Hie state theater <»f the And. ncfoi, an advocate-n-law: Pur- to mind V. ;nn'* variable weather. And If everyone manage* inate.s Republican ved student Itcommenda- tlie tiiedie.il profession nf its dai Besides !(*• t d,Mdm ' ling petltUgiN thi week •«» surh arareiul majurity :efured ill a caucus on the question. At Wi - -ur ev« nin»». - gon, ,, and Fleurant, an maneuvers in spite of the weatherman, we won't f/icmances, there .'..11 2 p rn • el to MSU's governing bod. mind either. Tuesday to go along with liquid¬ ,n and Northwestern stu- iqmtheeary. ■ hi.'M read "We the undersigned ation of the 150 million veterans 1 resented negative recoro- mantmee on Sa'uid.r, Mav 2 'Invahn' cciitery.ai ound , Iteliue who changing Mm BOTC pr trust fund unle&s this were tied Tn ke,r- may »#• purchase-1 «• "a plots with Hoii- i.itlons, rt systems In the eight l'i -am ticket off he. . haoruirii. • t-» . A jiid'rry r g his n w ho young nrfoi u*«es fection to her turn heaut> and af¬ Ar-an mtain-t gr c; • at MSU from a tnmpuL- a voluntary has.Stu- •Flyer' Oilmen Stir • 1 » a penny increase in ih* nereent sales tax state's Democrat* « represented were corn- his • • • r;', ma} sign the^c today it previously have turned down rhildren and then wait* Presidential Candidates own and wide variation found. Berkrv Hall and the ■ hi Republican efforts to put a sales Libran\ I for Arran'x death. vac?tern, for example, ai- r j students on the judicial l\vgislralion Starring a^ Argan o Jan.ei I n.on t'ono/uiM' a o ix* obtained Petitions in the may State •ax increase through the GOf- domuiated legislature. . while Minnesota t-iient court. has an Taylor, Ea*t Uinsmg junior. N- -*■ s ' IT lev. Fuui'y members who me in- In Hot Debate on Radio Among their pay this week those who won't will be th# get ikcontin'a court eonstats r of law students. At MSI .. en- On Congress Anemia Others include Sharon Van H per. Hat Rwk vootiornore .. . J] - t.-iotct petition* art* a.ked t*i contact in signing cuculatm.; Kv CTirc K RM HARDS 144 legislators themselves. II student* and line and Kenne'h K * /.el. Ma.-.#u Pr P.. hard Budner, a.- « viatc A *hi*ct "f paper emli»r>inif a candidate fur the presidency representative* of the Dean indents office. Two im;xir*.«* several *. resolutuvn.i arid to.i>, ric-ug with .'»i»r..i»J cet the finil innoculatioii at Olin llospit.il Ln-forr the close of this (unior who portrav: i#oin purgou an.I Di.'ifoiiu- prof.— .r of phiiosopiiyf^or Pr, CharU l.arrowi. am'M'ia'ir pr ,♦ of the AH-l'nivcrsity Shid^nt Government and signed Politico* fiun iiuiirler. Othn member* ft. of econumici. "Y<*unF Socialists ('lull*' raided the temperature of an al¬ icjh.'rts Communities of the -or cholarshlps, academic hiaioi "tf. > i , -'.' I i :• t ♦Thi and student government be otvdfic d.ickct as the th.'.-H-'ifi Those who received the hid include George Brudvik. Lanti:^ ready hot ilehate on a radio program Tuesday night. ind S'uden* (,%»ngre - conclude-s it? fig-Khman; Ellen Einlaw. I\to*ky A m u lulwi debati* m-tween representation shot v, infer quarter are sched¬ Ko.-il.-.-ker liijurnl ~*— among other am** aiscuss- ■term of otfiro t'Uiuiit A resolution calling for the uled for tfle second innoculation now. T ickets for polio shots may f!i «hinan; Sidney Phillips, Char¬ lotte ophnmnre; Edward Flour- Proft-Mor Karl Boedeckcr wa caiididaU-s Mill Livingood and Duanv C.'hapman wm ciunaxeo about the paper whlrh. he said, was delivered to hi* houne. No States Exfiert a'.ther attended the confer - iiov. l>?troit junior; Gerald Mi-' when Torn Kolesiak. lavingoori library to install a closer thi v k- Ik* purchased thmugn AUSG for taken t» Sparrow Hospital a? one offered any knowledge of Professional politicians and Bride I) «• a i b o r n rophom #rc 10.45 p-m. Monday after an auto¬ intended a* a meeting for lirg ?y>tem w 'I h, up f(»r c. i- 50 cTiii each in 333 Student campaign manager. di.l-r»Iayid the paper's origin. not citizens groups make the big •r.f and incoming student rideration. No socctiics «u»- in¬ Service-'. George Prexcott. Tawa-s sopho¬ mobile accident on Auditorium yi-llow shtt't "f paper which decisions in the American com¬ ' heads, with Bill Livingoud, cluded as to the type of the |»r■»- more. Carol Bothrock. Dctrop Bo.id near Ked/ie chemical naidr Chapman ;<[•<> came under fire munity according to Dr. Peter iientiaj candidate. Livingood posed system, howeve; Tv.e > + + + ireshman. and Linda Smith Pt- building Volt* fr»! when student phoned in a a eh,ingulf fju.in* a Rossi, a visiting .sociologist from Duane Chapman, his op-- Student Bights an • Welfare* tioit frenchman. — lb.*-decker KfTcred head in¬ Chatxuaii. AUSG |»*, Mdcnt The Student Congress picnic, See CANDIDATE*. Page « the University of Chicago. Committee will rcpor' a The production staff includes juries m the accident. He i> nut (signedi Young Sociali^U Club " were both offered a In a talk given at Kellogg to make the trip. resolution to allow gradnfttm^ or.L.nally viieduled (or today at Patton Lockwrxid, East Lansing te.-jiooihng to treatment yet, a-. - Koic.- :oi:. lrtsicieni of the Center Tuesday evening. Rossi Bancroft Park, has been cancel- grad student; Mike Price, Chi¬ seniors leges early registration privi¬ •( i because of weatner condi¬ cago junior and James Carvei. cording to hospital sources an.i his condition is listed as \er.. Veterans' Assn.. s.»i;i tlic piece of paper was delivered to hn- Plane Drops t>aid that civic groups make only the small decisions. ig Sisters' A bill to permit proxy rrpre- tions. Ea»t l-ansiiig grad atudent. •evert. home., Chapman denied • anv connec¬ Steel Gable to "The function nf the rltlsen i« support and the professional *eillation for htudettt t ongrex* Siiiiiuicr Russian Tour Plaimcil \tend Signup members will be debated to¬ night. A ho to be considered are tion with the document. I have nrd had this printed LAS VEGAS. Nev. f/P> — A to create." Jloaal staled Is the American trend. snd know nothing about it." he 1.500-foot long steel tow cable Rossi said that one industry appropriation measurr*. Student Chosen Ambassador > deadline for t w • women dorm* said over WBRS, Brudy Radio. fell like a bomb from a jet fight¬ towns may be controlled by a •* resident# to sign The International ( lub has ask¬ ud to be Just as the debate ended, Cn. t er south of here Tuesday, ter¬ single business. However, f ■i Sister to fall freshmen wo- ed SfcOO for It* annual Interna- Crnffler. who lives in one of the rorizing a Las Vegas couple and that business is locally owned, fca* boen extended to next lional Eeidivai. • This, summer an MSU student at various Youth Communist dormitories nearby, rushed down us influence makes the com¬ ?»day. damaging a trailer and two cars. Two hundred dollars ha* ln*t*a will become the first community 'Komsomol camps throughout the the hall with written state¬ munity more solid. a The heavy cable draped over eaw#n for the deadline requested • fdr Activities Carni¬ goodwill ambassador from the country. ment. a 7,200-volt power line as it A constant competition be¬ i-on is that 1,600 freshmen U.S. to visit Russia. After her return Sept. ".^Iiss • val. scheduled for the lirst week Griffler. Vice-President of the lar-heri through an area known tween community loaders to -t# r- Suzanne Leslie, are expected to enroll of fall quarter. Grand Rapids Leslie said that she plans to Young Socialists Club, sold: "Any as "trailer estates" two miles which one can come up with the fill and only 600 women senior, will sail from Montreal AUSG President Chuck Walt- touch high school French in ftie statement that the Young So¬ south of Nellis Air Force Base. most changes within a commun¬ 1 •ifhad up to be Big Sis- her will present a tinal execu¬ June 19 for a 40 day stay in the Grand Rapids school system and cialists a* a club sent any peti¬ Alive with high voltage, the ity is another trend pointed out USSR under the sponsorship of tion, or leaflet around support¬ by the speaker. Rig Sister tive report. Walthvr and B.ll present lectures and slides cable hit the ground near where the Grand Rapids CounciP of Russia to various Grand Rapids ing Duanc'a candidacy Is an ab¬ This urogram was the last of l b> Livingood. candidate for the Edwards Kerns was watering World Affairs. civic organizations. solute lie and an attempt to a series of lectures on social AUSG presidency, are scheduled his yard. The impact sent him *• "AH 8), to report on the Big 10 Student The program is arranged bv This will be her second trip smear Duane'* campaign. The sailing six feet through the air. science and community research g't m lie# ef what Body Presidents' Conference the Experiment in International to Europe. In IN# she visited Socialists never put out any such "It was like a small bomb," sponsored by MSU's Institute ue life b like kefere they Living in Putney, Vt., which at France under the Grand Rapids leaflet" for Community research, v* on they attended lasF weekend at said Kerns. "I saw a ball of fire cawpea. the same time, is sponsoring nine Council of World Affairs "Teen¬ Purdue University, Both presi¬ Tho piece of paper entered the coming down the cable and took ap sheets have been sent dential candidates were offered •experi mentors'' to Russia, Miss agers Abroad." This program discussion when Chapman was off." ali women's Leslie said. EconomiUi Meet dormitories. the opportunity^ to attend the • featured a five weak trip through asked about his membership in As the cable whipped across sheets will be turned in at Half of her stay in the USSR France and a stay with a French session, which was to be for re¬ the Young Socialists Club. the top of Kerns' trailer, Mrs. Professor Martin Bronfenbren- A'*'S activities meeting May will be spent living with a Rus¬ family. tiring and incoming executives Chapman admitted signing Kenee Kerns was jolted from a ner of the University of Minne¬ sian family. The other three In preparation for her trip to the club's charter to help it be¬ standing position onto a bed. from Big 10 schools. sota economics department will Little Sister's will weeks features a trip through the USSR. Miss heaile is study¬ come a campus organization but Neither she nor her husband " names ★ j* * address the Joint Economics-Ag¬ y« sent out to the Big Si»- the Soviet Union with nine other ing the Russian language under added that he did it to "see that suffered more than bruises and riculture Economics Colloquium *h 1M Michigan State News Two Seek 0 Read Ilallv hv MM \ TVftftf) Students and I arultr The Dbbnguished Srh*. Top AUSG Post - *hlu Water Carr.iva', trea.«ur»r o* INFORMATION ?. s of the ?'.• and a Detroit Free Pre-< Deba'e S;>ar:a Clau*. a ft d*e.-n.ty ho ne Gftll R WFIR CHAIRMEN HOME ECONOMIC^ A AM—MAN.AMEMI.Nt, M 9. *0 r. -r Ur.:*«n Board Bc-om. VOC ATIONAL CI UR 8:30 p.m.. 3.3 Unio: a use; ?«<*• schoJ'jrship, and i- a met* oc •' . via- ■ Honors In e -Fraterni* 7 .3 nr. 30! Hove K .".on'.c PI MU EPSII.ON nh »• (/'!e-e a-v. ■ Af«G COVGREAA 7 30 p.m., Cotiff —.it'ee on^VRsr-O Pcancel lei. because t>4 MAC RIM L ( LI R VP- Chanman*- rep'P er.*- Ra e- ca~r:':jr.f. Physics-Math. D: 1 e.'ne- fi 30 Dr*m ITj"! Rif'r • pm,. mko will ffali !rv Stu.'tept fj.-.ve'nrre'.* He speak . Vol. 51, N". I!» ttV.ln A'.ri Two f.RUR WTIK PI EI.ICITT Purge. Meeting 'o ni-cu ♦ion Over the Set ' • pt •.'•■fd a.id ca'ed l.e COWWITTfE pian? for spring par? anebnor-t- V/Rl'S VAAUP radio pfitg'U r; Pr.li'Vd. 3 3 rr. 41 Union -.nations for club officers. Oj'.en • frowlfltlon," wh:ch* Intervtev e? . 9, 30 p.m., 32 U i.tlitorinl .• • • €" ATHOl.IC ATI DENT to all. Pre-'rien*. John A. ffarr.ah Reauchamp. instr-: • , 'he vib'» ORGANIZATION AP ART AN WOMEN'S LE.AGI l: ciolngy. will speak < t of freedom for "h" • - s'tident 4 9 *n Catholic S'ude'it Cen- 7 c m.. 32 Union. D:es«: nee! cialist's Views on P^- body MSb' . a- Why Do Students rafeteria Coffee hour Kerstin Rudabatigh. depar'- WATER CARNIVA! l!t» - * r- " -d p.rr.. Catholic Studen' ment of IfPR. will narrate CONCESSION A mv^ Di K F!. WurV. fit 'he p- - Center Cpmtr.'Cee meeting*. Slides of 10 >2 Olympics " R 30 p.m., g\ depart men' 42 Unic tit AGRONOMY CU R tri JUNIOR P.ANIIEL Tom. 310 Ag Hai! 6:30 p.m.. 40 Union llirliigan Slat,- Suppress Us, Dad? (F R.il Uvingood • ! a Detro;' GREEN HELMET 341 Atudent Se-.. B :'iniur majoring in police adrrun- It 30 p m. 35 Union PHI ETA AIOMA Selection Published on class e-,., P. i-ti at ion. of ne-x member* 7 p.rc,. Old College Hal! But-'h th-oufh Friday tnc!tt*i«f <», He ha' been 'he A!'Sh. -epte- smoke*-. • in'er and spring •« — ACCOUNTING C LI R botidavs; weekly d-r -f Wmi. yon look - Ilk.' 111.- to... !»■- In -' ♦cru. wrii'' yuMl •er.ta'ive from F.a •' " g for 7 p.m.. Tower Boom. I'nior PERSHING RULES ♦cti and one special ' -, f"* in threv pour.*♦ . on.- I». too. wiat h««t»f»*••:«•«I a vcar an-i wa* cha'-ra* of tne Guest speaker. James S-* ee- 7 30 p.m. !1 Dem Hall Elec¬ he* ween «un-.mer and >, Fn*ered a* aerond rb't - traff: a.-)d «»fetv rorrmlHee ar.d rev. Michigan National Bank tion of officer*. No uniforms. be* »ct of March 3 js i If wily a roiitfh term. pop. report-, lot- of Hum work, a member of the s'eer ng eom- "Fmareial Sraterr.er.ts and MAHF.RtES AND WILDLIFE oUice. East Lantlng. M you know how it v Vmi ilou'l really yet a chaiue to leant mt"ee Credit." CLUR anything, juft try to keep up the h.-nl, He reran*:v rer-etved the oi.t- Forestry Cabin. Vic¬ >*oii had time for p.-titioniny to he 1he man with the i»i \m: chapman ••'and'.ng junior award for "'J He Ml. UVINGOOD WAr PROWENADERA T p.m.. Women's Gym. Open 7:30 p m tor . Jansen. Michigan depar'- A'iglit Sinfi /.a* chairman r.» nui-' ** dancing ment of Conservation, wilt dirtiest shoes on ram|iu*. J not ire. •"'ations for the Ve*eran'j As -■■ - Nitht fditor _^_.. from Miokeg ta»r of *he Bryan Halt cotjnnL i 3d pin. Women's Gym sneak on "Quail a* a Game- %s«i«tant . ■ s Heifcho, 11 majoi ing n Soti* jtion. chairman of Greek Fen -d member of the Student- B'litnes* meeting. bird in Michigan." THAT'S OUT latlAT. THAT'S an honor, on know how- a a Wire Editor Science Div Spartacade ticket* rhairman Faculty Motor Vehicle Comm;t- It i*. Reekie^ | really lon-e.t up on the term rejiort in piny Hp i* the holder of an Alurrn . nairman of polk* anri stwurifie* poiiff pla> iny .luM trv to y»-t hook-* out of the library. A on * a a * ♦ * know what? We have'to yo throuyh a rhne cheekiny tern that take- forever: ami worse than that. I couldn't ThPsp tjeetl*1 »rp WANK I'll.AfMAN the ehmgps I th nk Mirhigstt S'a*« on* whim aven e of action remaine~tna avenue by ROD- t« being changed. The Board of Trustees can make any ehange CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS buv n report on piny pony pla>iny from anyone. What's this rhme rherkiny? Anvon* ovpi 21. rra'p ahip to live anywhere. Oi fein»> shwrld bf a' MSP. t!r!*ed action by faculty and students, ED 2-1311 EXT. 26U Anyone tin.!«- 2t anu no* 'nrough petitions, poll*, and resolution* can in¬ I'pshman, stiould ah)p to live anvwhere wjth form 'hetTi of Well, ftprrie yoodie-yoodie* decided that we needed to be » our opinion* ana desires. They DEADLINES: 2 p.m. D!Y BEFORE Pt BI.ICATION FOR TEES., WEI), their parents' mission ' Why' are interested in what we have to iearrhed every time we left the libra rv. per say; they al«o THITtS, AND FRI. EDITIONS fne 1 jtv- Rovernmentm# sioclv, but change i* not imp->s«ibte. Bilk Pay,hi, M2 and l-.l Monday through Friday of them ffiiyn in atudent yovernment. They made aome kind The advAntayes of vrs ial education do not ap¬ ♦ * * pear great enough to reunite all jung'e unde: BI1.L UVINGOOD of resolution, alony with other student irroupa to recom¬ graduate! to live within prpwribed geogtaph.ral VVnai snotcid be the obligations of toe PtesKient mend a stricter cheekiny avstem to President. Hannah. W# bouridat it**. of AtTSG* CLASSiRED RATES student* are loamy our riyhta, left and riyht. The ImHrUnl laaue The Pre* ,-tent should eontr:bute to the owralt VAMtAXMRI IS 1 The important »wne. however. I* auperviaion • advancement of *he University and iU student KVKMYTIMK A'OI' TI'HN around there's some new re¬ v» tion-viipi*r\-ion A' what aye if an., a e -ve ' Klv He Si:witd represwit a'i students on »his I Jdy ISc SPRING 9ARGAINS TOMORHOW IS THE 7 day* $1.45 v toi Glenn Hattman fn« striction. It's a yreat way to learn--about tlemorrary. rapatile of' h-adirig indeiwndent. un«n|>er\i-e«l • «a in pi is matter* which pertain to them It * v J d«yv president. Experience Students restrirtiny stiidefits'.' h doesn't Hound dirta- vp- ' There «ie individual-' 21, 30. or hd who es.*nt;- 'ha1 he be a per*on upon whom the $1 fS "-tf'C.iAt *or!*u M* I t. IoHaI to me. I suppose the library'- been lo-iny books fl'e in«'«p:ible 'of--.l-HuminK till- reapoi»«ibititv a . s'udertts . ar. depend and hotel ' re*pon»ib!« for the 4 d«yi $2.75 °rrc'^ ;:v-- f* • I* l MEN INTERF-STED X\ lit the pen en'age ifmapsbu* of this .t on of ' I'Vint With a tonrt fr-, -i ie*p.>n«ibii;t. e.i problem* I J#yt 12.50 JOHN H,CAS HAIDWAK Yeah, well some, somebody ... t he State News said we is largr-i Hu* regant'es. <,• -Ahe'iret the rtividing Th** fo- o « r.g ar* (he programs I "***•!»Jrl attend the oj>, wooiu «e I -#-a D- r- a f -r U- Uedrtvk House !'o-«n lost alxiut in books in l!K»7-l!)5K. ine Is -M oi pareti'-approve!! sophomore*, the ♦»» 'ee 'ake form- April if'i 7 *1-9 ») pn ADDITIONAL CHARGES .. . ;--39 the new 195A ho,;»/ T $40,0OOf !.*ige itu."'.'i "f students ate mature enough for GPFATER AT! DENT BENEFITS • t . . t ACt t M C'LFAXFH GF tank- »>!o. k north of tdf ddck woi« »v#r IS me A'i attachments fr.i Studen* »-« inde|M»iide'st e t «p: g Yeah, |t,'.s a lot, I yuess, but what's more important: Change ROTC to a voluntarv ba»n *«. i.ng , cleaning E15 Year cuarantec Ki>- c in 1* rn«i«i *ea. i-cja «'hi pleilte, • Ij* <0 n ike dorrmtorv 'iviny none attra. live If -re out na'mnal securlh I .Eh A If Ik CAME R A Vrttnm ! J ani'-ihilatinn Sunday a* * to be thinkiny citizens, but how ran you when you've yot it ■ oniveiMt . isitirv to pai r t|»e dormitorie* fnrreate «he AtfSG loaf, fund AUTOMOTIVE t >■ Pl l f'H aofihall diamond »n ■ » it II of thM« restrictions stariny you in the tare. You ran't '' ronta.t Ron Jamea. ED 2-M47 I'a'i • in « 'uannei. should at >*«• r»* told so and amoun* -.f individual loans '/> mo^e a.jc- make up your mind iitoiul nnythiny. Rov it's rouyh. Ite'ioire fie»hnien to live in dormitories, and qujie •. fitlil 'he ne»d.« of the studer.' Ikxi RFVERK TAPE RFC ORDER SERVICE - n-1-t.ie othei. sMident*. under 2! »o live whe-e I ewer III MacGtlltvRAy • f II* !h tape $140, Age l.lmlt CMiytOtlT TS) v- 19? ai*tr It WKI.ImTIHS IS just a new Idea: mavbe if will work, no 'hi'l. pandits want them to live This would *e*m 3 I.owe. »r.e unapprove.1 housing age IRIAK mee! many of the legal, ftnsmia'. and moral t>» ?l ti VASTER< r.OWV SC tENTF. bond SPfCUi SI thiny elsH does , , , liver heard of "honest." or priviieye- ro.igr; arr honest, ma'ure. ar. i v<= yr 'fS* IUICR • a a - A ifl rati - ed inn *i/e hike new »l« st»\"Nr, rw[ if obligation* Michigan State ha< assumed approach. I D i'-IH* or ot»||yatioru ?1 IN TOWN NA I*' VelvnUrs RtlK 4 Promote the stride n* book ex. nany* WhstM you sav Pop? 7 The Hoard of Trustees anoaitd make TtOTC fSTtf.V) 'ha1 DECOR AT ED TAKES DELIVERED OILICIOUS $PUD*il? so the entire aftider ' b/»dv .» tor pantei. Never mind, hoi», yo on seuffiny vour shoes. voluntary hmhrta* * Manv other ; Th,v ,# 4 profit ft run ft* existence de|tnou» pa*trle« He i.-nnahl# prices . Hut likte I was aaviny. it's ayninst 0311- constitutional .1 Uquor restrictions for student* over 2t and 3 Exter ..n »' student . riyhta. You'd think wo were i-riminais or soinethiny. Ily the we v son, are those Hook* on tiie hall table yours? for students under 21 should he pi-w»atk»n «i 6 I";fi/* t'SNSA to '» fij p. ev'er* HOUSING tapivg rv rrsu t h Hue. but not expulsion establishing 4 fe*pon.>.b!e indix dua' a' N'sA Co nid aervire. rl»«e h. '•»* CMfvROiff Yeah, why, 4 In the men's dormitories Spring dress oidins'or The id**«. program*, an.! \SA POR RENT R Chen v t^inr. ED sp.. Nofhiny eperiiit, It's JuM thai three of them have assign* regulations should ire In efT«Tt f<»t all thtee term* «.»red activities tn deva'op ind viduo « an5o Electric Improve At'AG flervtre «•" tvpe • - • lieat or ox.' p..ner« and thcais, also vsneie dee* ex.-' it should be aliminated. Improve AUSt# *e»vt^e to the err-re Parkntf Two (> *' ..ter. e< ■"* IV ?- IRJ-1 %fraid l» Mian lAt&f StllCTlCN . ;* iMid' bf inl 'mHjcing a more effu-ten*. and a mo c fDFAL HA< IIEI OR APART MEN- T A KI^SOMTION ItlTHMMFMHNi, that toe bbrarv |»u \i»ii temiMiiher the letter Victor Sm-o Hiriitiftn! organir-.U.ma' svs'em VOUR lAUhC®' iurntahed He't >'••--hide* u'ic- ■ i.'ie '- the Slate New* ale»u' ROTC' Jt wa«r t I Work adopt a alrlrter checkiny id student* leaviny the librarv w ith Mil A on the possmrn's of re- •ie- ?S»nl s i ed.-* IV 4-4.572 " RlCklO US AND CL" in |» srn.dti alone i* •* *> authored h. with-hook.<\ will In* present ml before the AIM. tonyrrss a*tng dress regulation*. rw .ISHI D THREE • o fatuit. memlieis. The o»hei All CARS CeUARANTHD ROOM ai-a"- authin lacked V In.Hate a plan that *ir e* an.- "" 'nr imr lad- Vm- nieetiny WiSines4la\ niyht. '♦•i .nr. he was afraid t„ ».gn hi« name mnssming student affairs regu.a*;..;,, AND IAS* TERMS' ( »y* a-m be leviewrd »r.- Tha re.solufWn. thouyli not proposing am specifn- meth I minted ts» interview a professor In 'he •mined petlodiraih *0 that adjustments ».«• lone « I. LANSING IAUN74* relayv* te od of Enforcing* the Cheekiny. doe- how'ever, favor rev ision i»*vcholoyv department on WMFLS ala»u' *ex ta' to Id MatGHw'VlAV CHfVIOwft exis-'uig regulation- r*- ire maa« •i i*.,t. a* Michiyan S'a'r He s*M he'd like 'r I4- sf Q-.i.e* »'-ree prn.-na of tlia pn'aanh |n>liry because it U ronsnlerisl Pwittv* Atepa - * *•* C-a- -' v i". I'.' ina»le«jnatr t> U he was afraid «f tha leiieryussiutu ttii* migh !0 To take pos.*i\# stco* *.- tie •eiriaer rft«.- , k anartment heat t iilrhr.jf rent AWF.HTlsr THAT i' sod unrealudit> "e.c-triforme t block hoi wa'ei t oandwtrh hoard * of studer.' tntereat and opinion in or-ier • to iimoiu ar.'i ontavt Fred. ED 7-iUii' 4 Dick » 3-ttlS ilolnu^ eavvulive vice president, said that preui. The Young S»>ciali*t. had gresit «,iti u|i> >o »*i!cs such a« droit regu ation* and rompuls, a 2" TYPING WANTED ' dent Hannah lilas not taVoied nilv sti'onyer proyiani tie 'iiiy l» uiideiyiaoua'p■ t.i s.gn their chare! ROTC do no' have fOR SALE espei lenre phone IV t'wie sic .» originate through r ,!t.»r.a t « > amnuh mri. h more than !i i.ma .st* §4 cause he "did Hot Hunk that student- would M.,ti U To prumuie rUeri' gosernmen M.ind tor tt " .g* i State, lui . t „t, »'t,A ROADSTER He, of'e *he> ate afiaui to sa\ *o I signed on ts f"u tRAlifRS TV AND own fee; "hen RADIO r. •ur- etiailr' Heyardles. of hov« much I Uisagre* rcpre«eir,,;*■, n D-'-.a '• t.aef! lo' ♦ V a ted Bui!' t«r GOLI ClUIS c..rT,m»tiee (SvK't to traruum' a id i-.li Mow datsem.wa * I ne on. To Mikt CkiRiN iUofmaluMi to atudeni organi/atiotu <« K-v ti:»\ Sink • Ne. il.us- .an en*, ye. he nutue in the ad regulations* ? Cnnttnue the 1 ii 'ii' Know how tor F*«'u!t> working reau .u. betw-ge >*i* a » - a I SO I*" Committee on Al'SG ami the State Ne.is and establish Studwv Affair* w-ou:d out * • No. »4 4| react t«. any partutilai H' cxiv Hadm '•RtAl I AKE-S hou->e ptup. ».%: | ntav to wrong, but 1 thrnk thev 3 STRATTONS STORTS CAR ClNTER trade* - ■- •' Lo y...-- Inform house councils and the wttji t«r> lieilroniri* and auto- would be opp.*o.i t" an-, major hbeia'i. at ton mam. gU\- li eui ng iKxties aiMui* Al'SC* *aaner M4'm l^t in* Trailer Oely U •» n *v he that the I'sanmittee as a whole doe* no* student body par.* affet'tr.g \tt * • * M ,, *nuiatri\ represent faculty opinion - LARRy Cc Mr Frank Pinner. Acting Director of the Gov¬ < Place responsible, Aledeet Plaeemeel LOST and FOUND FRANOOR GOlE co.'ij ernments! Reaearch Hureau said in hi* •*»«« intelligent a. an:» *• . rient* or a'! IT Plt'KFTT IV • ISC* cm the Kulute of the University." tnat "in »■ Student-Faculty Committer i rase Pn> sha-Mnth US lecture Sil.inr. rue I aincereh | t a«iwii*a •« ¥*•«#'«•>• i matter* aiteciiitg the sluden's life outside tne tavuiHtm. the facuits- has nearly no voire arid ike the opportune to see that it l*he actions of Ine President of be'ievw in the program and takes ?„rn w. .. ,t Reward Phone Haiiet 22 tred I TV-raoio-in"fi used I.ansm.f, TV S3 aots E ser-. Sen la i W.gwam S'-iuen' «ov- tfia GOkDEN HAWS t„ - . ert'ainly no continuing sitate ei 11 ment a fieri the m:ere**« T l A VI K H A->KYf LEX in bales. 112 \V Grand Ri\- IS If » Italia.. of even mda.du- leather i -*«• F.,k- Mam of us do not believe that ino.vidua: maunlr.nl f'eed.M.t and s.K'.al »' Michigan State t'niversitv: ;• j« thetefore o' me li'.-t-i » R -ad t oi'ta. t |0 He undr* ¥ ..h-ira:»» ie.sp..nsibilit> are fuatere.1 h. paramount importance tnat he b+ the »houe of i W-lla.is, »D 2-1.VII. rv' SRARtAN AVIATION <1 need puMtton of having to give tactt con*eh' a to tvnnauonal leprcsentative cross-a*. tmr. of the atuuent tant I •« II Volar if » poluies of which we do not ap this ran be achieved in tail* one 16 Inthe lead prove " ' • the poiis and exp'eesmg wav. t>v go.ng i44g FivaaouyH a PERSONAL II Pate «>ae Avenue Rrauat sour view* Don ' auoae this privilege, THi MOO MAIDS SAY ?0 Count** If th* i» true. new 4 « method «^f providing for to the interests of nance faio.tv iegulaii.ni of student representative y.nettvtierr •,0ft condui: is needed, ItM » n e FI>fM WioiNf (F#df jl Presently if this ptoteovwa no matter what vour cnou-e ma. oe CWIvROtIT . change aoes not occur. p.ea^e 22 Plotted get out ena vote " " a-d a-. Cogdol Cdy Airgod ^ 24 Eacitetl I •• fttU. r« t'— , w ith * .)»(• ..... " T V -RADIO SERVICE "nfd ■-ul hA.S T«: I'XCN.. 'HI M»RCWR» 1 c- hr»>ye Show iny - ra'es u» atudent- Nr talion 26 Make* s VvV>1S 4 T£AA ATT,T0£ 3: AH PCS : TH Xxi.v5iXU5 DAiRV PLANT awTwokiv ANTHONE ua. HAL. 'einuion at «hoo open • a m to « tale*. Free • nutlake TiVt.ASy Tft-' T.V Tevhniciono Co 3. C2 f I •A 21 Hf|K>.f 21 Request :. f-y WY TO w X.-X f W A. E tlDE.ciOP A10C: l^eBrun Display UR MARTS Band JAMIESON'S DIXIE-LAND Datuea. frataera. ,M" ,V . J.-OlV AS>J£TiVtT£\ ED Wtat | 31 Fttlumt 33 All thai Kreage Art Gallery Is still d.s- IRADiS WHCOMI Lay-Away Sale tout4 t-* piaving the work of Rico.Le rt.1A?IS..7OM "°" r^| ON ALL CARS "" »i 01 POSIT will l« w tthftl Brun and regu!ar staff Char** ti#onard members. ANY ITEM 0U.IN ' ''' -| w.th Kiti* ami Grant !Nc*T.eiiy 10% t»' * 31 Hour. Swayxe employment night -' •* . and n li > ouve »«t our vote* D A p 19 LA y. A WAT TOMO»«0>yi 40 Sfl b.id* Drawings v Kather.ne Wuiu- «ANf»D 41 hwi 42. Fui j /BCY : H2?ciTCtoii^ ier. regular staff member, who w*i. tin e «'AIT*C.«!>-rVLI. u- H.vp»r.en4# pa| nr.*^*ai i . HSUT 1 •»'r*b«. The Plav IX rv.u, ^nua.c- Smith tin rooAr MI »*B'| i Ujit iwuiayt (Mani GrUL Ifi J1 "— turnJt'% j!m 'vWhluV • illlCTION jj|]pi ^ -j 44 Hutr>r- recently returned trum a sab- •u'!L .a1 other* ."•"*» Jevkton. Valla- 46 So .'on J »oil U*ar» end biticAl leave in Barbade# as Conta. t Bud-Mor of Noil) 47 Aur«.-:« «Nll as a mtmosial displav t,f te.ep..on# hour, ta *urv*v wurk wanted Coou tor p*. Ai«lu". Agency. lV~iHM24 IV >i ™ "**"r Wm. H. Thompa ton trheduie wurka by Trank ror OUJF A VERY and Aiui 46 A. ,t ,% and color reoroducti, Uoyd Wrlgh- 5!T?i! m'S1"- T-;: I**' »*•»• N#5fS5i Jeweler * 1 are also 1 1 F'gi-dcf Shoppirq £* '' j un- display " ■ K' «h* ♦ "»• DrtyeUn'D*"*; IV S Q740 ^..,The Gallery is open daily for rent f, W AST BAKERS DEUVERS In- Monday through Friday g ;0 5- =23£3e—— olv idualK dccmateri t ake aerving Tuaaday • sailings I to • a net ulY!Znn***-AtA MAKE* por- p•; Pboh* lv 4 hel«r» l is transportatic Suoday ifumwu I ts I. I??-* uprtgnt. mamial and eler - . U Book WANTED: RIDE RIDE FROM KENNY navi* nirugin. 'M' • WANTED: « !• : 1-1477 OAVI* ORCHESTRA. ED- , aouth Lanatng. weekday*. W «-R4H after R JRp aa. focial Worker Reports: Tri Delias Offer AfiriVIGAV STATE NEWS April 29. 1959 PageThren lollegians Get Fewer Divorces [EDITOR'S NOTE — Thh I* tional ambitions for those of her Thr wifr frrls that she has !• family nrd religion? bark- g second in a oerles on the husb.'i nd been unjustly burdened with the grounds. and in ruce |hlrm* fared t»r thr thou«- In some instances the wife responsibility nf making all the The married homing comrnu- K of university students in loses herself in a "deadened'* derisions, said fir. Reul. In ef¬ mtv at MSI'. Dr. Win t/ said, is nation who marry during juh while the husband forges fect. she Mid. the wife has be¬ I' ethnocentric than the sur- |ir college years.! ahead intellectual!*, creating come a wife, a husband, and a lotinriing area: Things ate ac¬ Be PAUL RIVA* sears later a considerable gap mother. * cepted here on campus that out of every four m.mi- between the couple. " Married students need be to v. ould not be in the ordmrrv Mav I The working wife Completml app end in failure—especial!v also see* aware of the great degree of ad¬ conservation midulewcstern com¬ I he marriage partners are in her hiisbnnd with c.*sl> during justment that must be made in munities. I'trs must in* returned to t I r early twenties, the din. and if she new r at - a real community. Dr. Reul said. Michigan Rtri'c. he sail!, i* ••vpii'-- D.v.mop frw'-'Vtcr to, Luxury... tender! cd'.-ge »j,e There the roles pr. Myrtle Reul, assistant t»-• triuvt imagine are reversed— well insulated fr«>m the attitudes Kld.l V . M,IV 4 i.,r in the school of s<>« in! the situation, the nxiologiMs re- the wife is no longer the provid¬ and prejudices of Fast I .arising. Ik. said in a recent interview P'»! u -.1. er t AMPt'S CLASSIFIEDS However, upon graduation the \ the failures Usually mmm Tiie Fenn?\ !\ama study noted In thi« area the greater re- student rouple must learn a new . l.OW t OST [the first two or three Ma¬ that often the wife's envv spivisibilitv falls on the wife as srt of values, he said, and new . HtCili READERSHIP . . SIIIRT LAI NDKRING jor,* those couplet in the ■ stiongthentsl rrmritn-e l>v *he husbands ♦•» determining how the marriage adjustments to a community that RI.OWINf, |',| lir.i.j < i* more than a pl.iv activity to speech n-«:irk« w;!l turn § at ions of unskilled label j ! corns rning out. said Dr. Reul Is not, artifieallv created surh as than a high school educati >n. tu> classriHirn n-iauonships. In man* respects the married haiiriicappcri rhibtr-n Through these devices, children l«>jrn to the one at MSI'. form sounds which |*ho.«e with collesr back- The jealousy, they said, often student enmmunity Is homogen¬ help them to communicate normally with their All in all. said Dr Wurtz, peers. Hinds ouffer fewer failures. flares up in minor arguments eous. said Dr .Kenneth U'urtx. '•it's a good way to live.'' L the a.aaa marrted students w ilh the subsequent release of instructor In the psychology de¬ Manv of the marniges that d » partment. The rommunlty mem¬ J eampus representing about the pent up emotions and anxie¬ fi.il would have faih'd even with¬ |perrert of the total student 70,000 Children ties. bers ell belong to a certain edu¬ out 'he adder! pressures of cam¬ Hi I alien, the marriage seldom cational strata. The h .'hand th'.nk* 'he wfe pus !jfe, said D: Ib u! Howevei, i In divorce. jealous end unreasonable. ant However, he raid, the conmni- little preparation * '••• e before m.t: - those marriages that » '••• wife feels the husband ;s n.t\ is heterogenous, in that, there i'age might have a*\e-.| :-"me Dr. Reul believe* the chief a-«n is the lack of prepata- not ha* done. appreciative of what she i« a great variety of- differences the failures. Need Speech Help i for the new experience, At MStT t)» Reu! said. the wife ften the student or senile not severed the 'apron wl'-o has « ve had no r<.!!rge ex fieri- oftr«n re*ent« her '"outside ' Six West Africans Visit u lletui-. hivh »*-r. Reul Xpc, . I the evttfleel romantic set- said. Michigan Department of Agriculture officials. H ■ ef the moonlight ramp«i« The group arrived at Capit.il tea'-- iter »n\;e*;e« mav cause her y end firl together hnld- t'i reject C'i'v airport at 12 34 p.m. ami Fix tcni'ories in F -.i. n the role of the mother went to the Capitol to visit with Africa I | hands, there Is a constant feeling that "he i» being bur¬ ate •icj»rv<<" by trie Were [ serial to become "pinked" In environment, she r\- dened down even e\en resent her more. She husband. may Dr. fluvernor arid membi'rs ft Mennen of the Willi.m? legislature. leaders. M a i' v W oodwarJ, assist,* nt Drv (IIcan Now! "plaainr" le almost re- The six visitors will talk t<>- state 4-11 (.'tub lerctir i- coor b- • H»-ul explained, because of the da* with 4-H Club staff mem¬ iirttijr of the group'a \i-it fait she must hear the chi'd FREE STORAGE bers, distills agricultural educa¬ fo ; study of eampii« and both trad ia*»n part in the tion with College of Agriculture at the University « C latum--. (.upper Mine l< and Continuing Fkiucation staff A braille Is pew titer \n inlav ylvani*. Prof. James Bos- After the babe i« born. sh# members and tour the exi»en- pu/rle f»r mentaliv retarded end Aas't Prof. Eleanor said, the wife may become m«r«* a mental farms at East tkinsing Trip Wanned child Tbesr are few of the , both eeriolofiists. said thr v I failure* in campus mar- tesentfu! because the husband, lied rimrn with school work, Oi Thursday, the six will go a educ4tioii.il ai,u for lumtirapned FREE Mothproofing due to itvko veems uninterested in ttie famJv to Marshall to visit with farm children on display this week quarters. situation He doesn't have enough families in Calhoun county. AUn on the aehednle is a meet¬ By (Geologists In the huildini; lohhv of Ihe education ♦hey said, the time to spend with her end the i her own educa¬ child.* ing with mem hem nf the Mich¬ The MS!' • as i •• .'i geolngv department it . ■. igan Department nf Aartrnlture aponsoriug a field tr.p to Suc- foe a tone of laboratories and bur.v. Canada, next r o->th !•*» uiginecring Exposition Sot facilities with farm on Ertdav. A cooperative leaders Is slated far that afternoon. meeting tour copper the area. Student* and nickel nunc- in intere»te i ir* Conijwrr Oiir I'rio -! ! l-'rri- I',irking \l Ih-ar for Opening Next Weekend j>ar*i- Saturday's schedule calls fur eipating may contact Dr Ho-.'d One Hour Marfinizing a trip to Ionia county for a 4-H Stonehoure. ext. 23«'i. by Fiui-xv. tractor plowing program ami to I ExMblta , . , Crown* g'itie«»ring OTilMlee <»n campus, ia Tran*j»ortatii»n expyr-e- for Kent county 1m a stop at a spring f...May Hop . . . these aro gn-ater interest and und«r»t«nd- lb# university ca>h;er. Lot,, ig The group will depart on Sun¬ ive also Science arid Engineering and meals are expected to keyword# fm the weekend Key S and 9 when the 11th ing of io the public and atudent*. dae morning. The visit to the alxiut |6 a day. > t HINT U XHMIS LUCON THEATRE BLOCK central Michigan area is part of Engineering Exposition This year, the Exi*>.sitn»n will The group will he guests nf a two-m<*ith tour the group Is I bp held. Include exhibits from industry, a una mt the mining companies hi making of a half-dozen states. Ihe area, which «*ilt ioimIu«i a Exposition, sponsored by faculty exhibit, and student ex- Engineering Council, a ro¬ bibi'« The therr.e of the faculty tour of Its mines. tating organization of En« exhibit ;» ' The Space Age." the Lawrence (#el* StonehouSe. w t»o *.x i .♦< • live highlight of this exhibit be.ng • .»• "launching" of a nine f• *«• t. Teaching (Irani the area, will lead a *en«';.». of geological, iv.iiotnu s TENNIS Engineer "•plica of I'rires are being given for out¬ Atlas sa'ellite. For South Korea geographical features Sudburv region, a id > ' sa. t ' • Iwards Due standing student exhibits. The (Jueen of the Expswdtion * fir El wood Lawrence, profes¬ MloUp bu«lburv will come ail of the mining coni|»amc; in i old.. 1 will he crowned on Trfdav sor of English, has been granted rw# engineering students w-.it morning. Mae I. In front nf Olds The !i ip was tent .»*.>. * •» •. a Srnith-Mundt giant to teach ce!ea bfiCAU.tie.uIJ.ack «*' i tonight in llall. Xhn wilt preside over I ho " in South Korea t in tbv.r field aridities nf but will bo held if enough p«*i '«- the Espnelttnn. In- An instructor here for -11 years, eluding the Midget Ante Race, cipanti sign up by Friday. lawrencn will tench during the l Milton X.ii* 1 junior m where *he vrtll "mengniee" the winning dvtver. next school year at the Unicer Seoul. He will direct - Toni TVenss Herrmann, Tikis Expoeltima will s;ty of DON CREYTS Robb veer s courses in American civilisation j Junior In metallurgical! again feature a Midget Auto nod Amniloan literature. fnr »psqustta. Riverside. Cm. Race, with the Engineering de¬ The L'Pivnralty nf Snnwl Is la • In civil: John Bier. I.ANSINU HEP. .Sniior i!uh >'ua«rr rage' a a What ban liietime .222 hitter in with .180 ha'.tine - ■ DIAMOND RINDS WALLACE'S . nnyJo-irrar new MifMIr III 111 MX T.rc changed malt e George April !•». IPage l ive Committee to Find Ways Strickland. land Indian shortstop. 13-.veai-obi Ce\«r His rep:* KKKI'S.UxK CONTACT AMI ti» 'be question i« direct, but n ; Of Improving Programs \ii-v informative: h:\tiikhstonl LENSES NEW ORLEANS t!P)—The |>ow«'ir>*l -wnliv* n.mnil Major I things.** must be doing the \ c ■' MKTS nf 111# National (*o1I«jri«te Athletic A—n. xntml 1 nesdn t.i appoint a select committee to stmlv ihe entire recrni'inir League ball Two season*, after sears lie nine ago. was he quit base¬ major league a favorite of ALSO |irnKTnm and financial aiil to collet-e athletes. Walt Byers, executive dire. - — - Standings the fans, had a outstanding lenutalion as an infielder, hut lu* LOOSE DIAMONDS lor nf the NCAA, said the se'ec'. \All Tilt AN IT Afii r. wasn't hitting. re-evaluate the program and de¬ l-ommittee—yet to b« named W I. Prt "« to I ft. termine hew much it could he Discouraged, he went home ■ kill have nothing to do u-i h improved." (leveln mi in t .714 N'c-w Orleans where he worked t lii'-.-lgii AT SPECIAL Lmlation* of existing standards T c corr.' -Tree, he *a ri; u ii n % .841 in a spftrbng gixxis -tore and a' ^ut rather atudy means of im» i "Tf fi*»m a!. >v# * - college Hnttimnrr «» .A .841 a race 'rack muteul w indo > I'KICKS x-Kansns ( its 1 « iroving the program. P e* der.ts. ath!e*.r directors, H'e.vfver, baseball was ' ' "I don't knew Its need at faculty ner"-'*M« »r-d coaiiies. New Vork ft 7 .48? "..s b,g iMerest. He decide i Brm eaid. "bni it's • The Kg hoe of the three-da"-' Boston ft 7 .48? •: v another season. When ? »• den Irani time to time te meeting if there i* one—will \-l\4dilittlon IIFTROIT ft I II 8 4?« out Indians staited training .it fu - Thompson's Jiwclry « >me today when the IB-man son. Ariz . Strickland w as r council act* or. the report of the X-Flaying niRht games »>a'tbng the lookies fm a pi.ee 22*1 M.A.C. Ave. • safe Ex-Fighter committer on rules infraction*. Bwrj. as ex-tec ted. declined 'n speeu'av en pena!t:e*. but 18 SV«*hlntiiin N»M it »*11 \s s Inrnirt|i|«-t* S I>rk II u K*n-»x ft Ml 1.1 s I liti .1IJO. « ft %. I«..l|inn*a n open: 'g t' e roster, Striek'and ! i w as f" at defen «,»• ,lt,: K. I.ansinj; • c nmfortable • harked by WaOaee'a ?| rears nf dependable [Confident ca>es ate under consideration. it I.. i nil ,(i tifxriatui pn«t|»(inca poses', manage! .lop Gordon »•»- Hulllmnrr »i lift Hull optical servien im*t|»onrif piamed The select committee. B said, nod on Medic wonld rawaid- • . . . LOW C OST . . . DR. R. r. JONEM hi London Mo.. singles in four trin* I" the plate er the national letter sf Intent SS .Willie III ii ,»i Kin.,** « lit—Nantm <1-1 i x . Terr* 11 •» against the Kansas City Ath¬ DR. J. R. NIXON h? which an athlete Indicates he Hall lloor e • l l»f l Itm l Walker letics. lie drove in two runs as will sign a grant-in-aid scholar¬ ffegiffered opfoint f '»a Ink Hi •» the Tribe won 8-4. Ilt'tlrick lliiiisf INDIANAPOLIS <,r> — ship with a partirnlar college, t Ir* ilinl I'rrry (I II IN)—|Sr e «v er The next liementber Tomtnv Farr? hut eventaallv another school finds his way la of 'me-drive day he i.tpped doubles ami a pn - a- OI'KN SMOKI R WALLACE Kohod.r thought he had a RI'NNCRX IN ONE ef (he high teheol class re lav events al Ihe \ A I If IN At. I I At.I F fobbed of a third extrn-ba'c lc« thance against Joe I/Oiiis 22 The council alio turned a deaf annpal Fenn Relay Carnival In Philadelphia appear to he chasing law Angeles III .1 .887 — bv 'be A * cehtci; fleldfr. Bill \\ ptl. Apr. 29 OPTICIANS Lara ago. But the little, ear to a plea by Southern Cali¬ their ahadewa m one runner take* a header In pasaing the baton, Milwaukee .818 | T l"'e 7:10-9:10 p.m. l ast lawdag —— fornia to lighten the two-war (•oing dewn In renter Is Manfred (ieiger. of Ashury Park, N.J., Han Franrivo .800 I In 14 game* he his hit safe •. anown Welshman from Ton. "All university men Htatn Theater Rldf. probation it was given last Jan¬ High He Wool, aa ho hands haton to a teammate. Cincinnati .1.18 ? !8 time* in ,V» time.* at bat. He I.sMing—I•? N. ipandy tame so close, uary. Chicago .100 ?«, ' as two homers, six doubles and cordially invited" | Tarr ia bark, not a. a fighter Southern Ca| drew the tern Philadelphia 417 1i« 12 runs |>attcd in. tut at a writer. He Li covering Brian London, another British a* an outgrowth of two pro*pet - live athletea being given illegal .Await Illinois Meet Pittsburgh .181 In his best season, 19.13, tie HI, Louis .?«7 hit 284 and drove in 47 runn in ieavyweigM who fights heavy, inducements The incident har>- II I >1) W'S III si | IS I2.t games with the Indians 016 SAVINGS ONE URE height champion Floyd Patter- k»n for the title Friday night, peneri w v. as hile Southern Californ a serving an earlier two-year V Nclters Rained Out I hiCMfd *1 Man IrstiMxM) pn Upon eil >lllwsilk*f. |Ht»«|HX|i»a «i I'hilaa.lplos, A-ked if the explain his year's rest migh' hitting. Strickland NEW few give London a chance eith- Farr thinks that is not .right. penalty. Si OltlV I mil* si ( Innoiioi, |II>x||»HIK1 *a:d FREE The ban handed the school in In Wayne State Match i (JIIII'I *• lirrtlllril If I'm still batting 380 on What kind of a fighter t.« your I Oil U s l. AMI S January keeps it nut of NCAA Sept 27, I'd say it helped." AAHrn A mi Huf Tkr— l.o« Antrlr* .O |M.ina«l)'ln* IN |— ^an. Ijondon"" Farr was a>ke<1 i hampionships for two years and I'mlrc* » M| \« H'lhi'fl* I l-ll "He It raegk ted ke i* tough " <.ff t'-.e NCAA television program San tram lu u st l'lll*l>iir|h i\l- All Fallr ftaarMlwg The MSU tennlx team will return t«> the ttijr In wars at % nf lint-Ill n-«i \» Mimr mn "And let me schedule 1 or one Although re- - Champaign, Illinois, this Saturday looking for their second < lili .ikii al llmlnnail iM-Hlllmsn HUMANITIES N. A F. Nu Patter- kit fc? a a*ed fu-ung to modify the penalty, ihe council sad it hoped practices conference victory. They were rained out in helroit Tues¬ St Mil »on l out* v*. (" il al Nii\haII II III t«. Uilxxaukr* t N |—•Jaile Hii*li in-«) Basle ?4I, 34? and 243 avail¬ UafoanHy earlier el tee ke wet the title? now in effect at Southern Cali¬ day in their second match of (he regular season. able In time-Mving otudv wo t he will he this time fornia wou.d prevent such inci¬ aids. Dutllned anmmarles nf Siaalair Sarviaa, laa. 1 Lend mi Is t feed punch- dent* in the future. Tuesday's after an all meet was railed off morning rain left Noble, and No. 4 player Roger I'A-Naw Cirucli earh assigned reading. SI.RO Tne committee on rules in¬ • t watched Patterson four o*^ fractions rcp«»rted on an inquiry the court* at Wayne State Uni¬ versity in wet and slippery con¬ Bielefeld. Noble advanced to the •Ixth round of the 1918 NCAA Gels Ml I IffiT eaeh. THAT ■» times in his workouts and t .at Georgia State Teachers Col¬ MII.I.STI TOIt SKRVIf K dition Wayne officials postponed ehampionahip* before being elim¬ I have yet to see anything that at Collegebnro violated Mitlor Tiiiin fakes him a great champion, lege NCAA ru:es by allowing ath¬ the meet until 4 p.m. in the inated. \.,y WASHINGTON i-Vi coach IM-be - If r\- Erdelat/. Southern Methodist I niversitv AAa.hing L'|t LubricaUn letes who had signed prof hope* the weather would clear They still have letterrnen AI Bo* 294 K 31.17. Ko Rocky Mtrciano. Certainty w,int< '«• mark time In football t up. Hut at 3:50 a deluge hit 1h« Jfoltmann, Bob AAr AA ill I'iik I p And IMivtr Ai>ar Car |o I/wis Why. Joe could take al contracts in one sport to plav Drnckcnridge. iifcxt season, he tau have a jo1! Dailaa I. Texas Motor City, forcing cancellation George Gilmorc and Jrw» Kpkms. I'h. IV ft-fXJx Arrow, from Ktmk'o i man's head off with his hook. in other interco;ieg:a*e spc.r's ac ui ;ik*is?ahi with the \Va.*>n- altogether however. Tim fourHOti.e ►atterson is quick all right bu? Tie college resigned as NCAA -cmn* in/ton Bed-kin .. .ast month, but Byeis The Illinois meet Drubae is to tie a formidable one af'» ' | am not sure thet he is a g*xid member • waiting promises to be a real two ( Mch Mike Nixon "f the N i- tuncher." said a notation would l«e mane conference meets this ve.i i i.ii.i. Football league club, this '•onfererue ie.%1 for the i2 In I/mdon they nv the «vi.i« me school resigned wh'e under Spartans. The Illlni have beaten ^ devci'«ped Tuesday, made ' e |iave » I. been cut from 10 to 1 *o « Both the rhamp and rha: e .- investigation o/ The IKini have lost their m\ starter* only two from last season'* team that finished with sin and Ohio State thus f.i Badgers were defeated, 8 -!. bile Ilie Buckeyes were blanke- The ■i-n. offer mum after Hrdclai/ re igo» »«d 11.nu the navgi academy ea: • ier t' ii month. man her wound up heavy work Tu< - IH Results a 18-1 record and a second place I^st Saturday found the .-v a Krdelatr. is under^t'MKi 'o tia <» flying an airplane?* fiht*h in the Big 10 champion- tan rietters edging Ohio -vav ■ at. They expect to tape' <-ff •.•id Nixon he was consider, ig jktuT** Ihe next few days. The weig «ovta«i i by the narrow margin of . 4. -ever.11 other opportunitie* a »leuned. Ills (•raduatifHi tmh Illinois' ftp. f has been set for 12 no-n |IM*| indicating somewhat the job 'h» v tbougiff Pt the time he w«m'i IKST) Friday at the Indiana y on vtau i. singles player of last year. Carl have in tackling filihoiv stay out of the game this >ea-. n.ii-x ? u. ». ij. Mil#* i. a ts. g (fate Fairground* Coliseum, p.Ut*rfi»ld T. It. «- IS, •utiecfield 4, s her# the ftght w ill tie he S. IS. 4 London has attracted quite a Rr«as I aver am* 1 H«llcv 4. IS. II. IS Pailev 4. 4 If. g a! following berauw of the Hr«aa I. Is IS. Prsaa i. 14. t «v he has conducted himself ImmoM 4. IS. IS. Im«*aa 1: I. « intervlewa and other public Nuilsrficld 1. IS. a. It. Watterficld 2; IS. IS. II profeisioual tools at hie disposal. kapearances. rnn*s« 4 IS. IS: lamu S. I*. It 'Hie Facility has immediate ( JUNE GRADUATES for engineers, electronic irieotistS, ii ists and iii.ithetnaticiaiM. Periouael MP* phpe> HEDRICK HOUSE CO-OP toy competitive salaries, •orquaDed up|Mirtunity lor nxognitioo and ad> ORDER YOUR vameinetif, |iro(evsionent5, tnissiie guidance systems, lies part of radar mn|M'lM'titft ami tmri|>uirrs. i Iwtriwil In link hrik a SUM tarim M* t tin.* research ami tngineeritug team of the U. S. Nasal Asmmucs Kanlit) at t iairitrr-niearares, heat tratkder stndn^ ami aiiti-subinafiiie svarlara tysfeMMk Jmlianalioiis, Imliana. «CAMIWU.'« llll'IIAN *HOr I'AHrUU'l M ll iuti »l AccsNiipiixhnH'nt of the impoudde 9 * * Ills job offers him a new opportunity I t ra« lit ion at NAM. If you aid a young e every day, ami Ik* likes it. He eujosT I 3 W BLEEDING MADRAS working in diversified programs that mail or woman xa itii initiative and inp* t liallenue his ingenuity. He is Riveti^ agination who has talent to contribute IE IS r » avsigmnenls vntlt iignificant respousi- a dynamic Nasy. consider Naeal Avi- onus Faciltfv Indianapolis as an entlct hility. He apprcviatet discussing his DKHMTEI.V "IV pioblems with collragur-s who «ire f€-c- for your pfofysatonal expression. >'*r tk* (■>»: Shirts — Bnartn — no w a ngm/ed •ufhonties kiMiwk UmL he in their fields. He .tn yvnsiwtMt vtff fic ABrd m marian (rfl. u gatfimg vaiuabk tccb- appkakfc tm*l Spmm patednan Sarin Traaka — Titan. •The tnee In Ihe pktere It <9 DICK IX'NDBKRC, .MICHIGAN STATK '56 fpt Ik* girl*: Shirt. — B*rna4»a. M He'll he en cempet te meet yen en I mm Tt'ESDAY, MAY 5 Ret yeerteR left this picture hy nrrnnflnf fee interview threeph yen# FietiniX OHkm tednyl Pom Travel ■ ■ 9 > UNION BOOK STORE u s naval avionics facility X Indianapolis 18, indiana swauutc V3 jobs kivma.1t itijmmvjI \ .