/ Finals Today! (id Out nnri Vole Tlip Weatlicr for Officers, Heps, Cloudy and Cool AI'Sfi President l.n« Wednesday 12 Eorxft 20 High today lit; EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—THURSDAY. APRIL :!u. 1959 PRICE 3 CENTS MSU to Trail in Pay Priority AUSG Welfare Given Donates iVIonev .1 st Preference 28,000 State Lmploycs^ Officer* (Use Fare* ell Talk* May Forego Pavs Gov. Williams and his administrative board \\Vdnc«dnv OiiMhoiiKHHil 11<»!lilt's were ordered a halt in payments from the state's general fund set tiffiili* WcdiU'. day night and set up a priority system for dispensing the money fur the use of tntornntionnl that's available. Week Activities By Al'S(I In It,4 last meeting of the year. Functions The action, taken in a e-Mon called h» cope .-.perla! with Who'c-hiM'fcd su« ..i t f,f this Michigan's >evcrc cash -hortage, euituml culminated an.i n'^iueiohtan tv«nt» M- v !» with ihe In* Of Creeks H.--'urcd *.'l.9(ii 1.000 com. ,q of welfare paymrnti receiving ternalionn! VV (ivu!. v. as evi¬ i uc today. They'll i>e madff from H'ESLEV HAC'RETT. Jft) and Dr. Charles Pedrcy, I.ake Odessa Junior. associate professor Mate val Reserve, speak in fa* or of \r*i I'holo t»y I'rlr Waller* compulsory ROTC itrdni-Mlai nichl at the debate spnnmrril by the denced tion. by tins AUSG resolu¬ Meet Togie ,j genet *• lU.Hon,ooo net i»u!anre in tht at fund Iapeerh and lieutenant commander in the \j- Forensic* Union. Farewell iddreMn were seat* Some 200,000 tried person* collect¬ throughout Wednesday night's merlin-. Out-going Pre¬ Mrmlirr* I rjiril ing direct telief ruled top prior- >i» ill a coordinated effort. "It take* A Greek forum consisting Ite met. Rise at Debate Some 28.000 st„!h» employes leadership on the floor of row- of 20 empers fraternity and .10 so- p.ud from (he general grras," continued Walther. fund rority members and five ad¬ however, utmost certainly Out-goim; Speaker l/>well ministration leaders rftt Ik* paid Ite fi.re May 13 will un- Hrigham .said that JiP finds that 'e-i tLi** Uegi-I.iture r nme 4 in May Hi to discuss the meet Compulsory ROTC the revolutionary cycle in 1951 through with 'he needed funds. when AUSG was given auto- Their next payday comes May 7. re*pon*ibilitiei« and interests Horny has lieguri its evolution¬ ary s'.age Now the effect nt in- of the MSU Greek system, The priority system requires *lil» N*#»» Willio l»v l)ti» frlivrr I'leased psvment of It*1 • million dollars Bv MAIT IH'FF emoha.sis on academic TIIExE ACTORS are patiently waitins in the wins* for their announced Ud Keulinp, pre¬ negative side. Wesley Hiuknt in primary school interest to lo¬ tarv gcirfi.-e should not fake importance is being felt. rue*, a* the rurUin cm up nn another Editorial Pate Editor said: "This Brigham emphasized the need »hnwin« of "The Imaginary sident of IFC. cal school districts May 15 he- country will re¬ precedence over these subject*, Im did." Pirlurrd. left to right, are; bwirir Itrudvik, Jamr« Tay¬ A*. fore any state employes ran he k totions flared and tempers main strong if her military re¬ which are taught (or students to feel responsibil¬ lor and Sharon Van Riper. Wednesday night'* I Ft on » volun¬ paid. And Slate Treasurer ity toward campus organization* presidents San- ^i» roused Wednesday night mains strong," he asserted. I tary basis." Bowlby summed up and governing bodies. Assembly meeting. ford Brown estimated only 22» • small hut attentive audience Sl;i|>*lirk. Satire Renting listed the five faculty i think the crux of the issue eon* for the affirmative. million dollars would come intq •ew out questions to panelists crrntng compulsory is the point CMtf Jwottro Dtok Btola pre. representatives invited as Presi¬ Ihe state treasury before Uiaf lowing a formal debate on the that 80 percent of the junior «»f- rented Ma trainee* to fill the date. dent John Hannah, Thomas bic, "ResolvedI The Hoard <1 Tapping Imaginary Invalid' lices for our armed forces are Justice paaHtoaa an All-t niver- Hamilton, vice president for Sisters should abolish c»m- sec-ured oily Jndlelary. Hllde He*se, |red Trailing state employes on fhu through college ROTC Academic Affairs, Guy Hilt, t>i- Jsory ROTC at MSU. programs. Combined with the llennlnger. Jack Moffett. and rertor c»f High School Coopera¬ priority list were the big *tate May I Sing . 7'How relevant is ROTC 1 » a fact that over 50 percent of those l.ynn Cilll were approved by the universities Michigan. Michi¬ Proves Entertaining — tion. and Lyle Thorburn, man¬ n-ld in which communism is v.ho eventually chose the ad¬ gan State and Wayne State. The rongreaa. ager of residence hall-: ^king its strides on a n mixed another (Sidney Phillips). Kappa Kap«a Gamma represent William* and bis all-Democratic nfessor of speech. debating i- with satire on the Micneat To add to the confusion, the IFC in the Miss Lansing Queens Cabinet took the action after the more im.oortant. educational!y history of May Morning' gestions ti». the administration . put the resolution, answered than fessinn and toppei with wife wishes the invalid would i-onteat waa unanamouslv pass- Republican-controlled Se n a t • subjects like English at: 1 wa* the passage of a irsoUitj,.n riting Communist action in Sinv the .Men's 01 hp Club outstanding aet.ng bv the %?SU really die so she can inherit the balked on utilization of the 50- economics, and thus on an edu¬ to pro|M^e a more stiingrnt liij- iet. cational basis will simr nrcompafiierl by !•!.»> ers resulted in a highly en¬ money. million-dollar Veterans Trtut compulsory mil}- rary policy. The congress ap¬ In further businei"-. Mike I;- Kef Bowlby, assistant pro- the bells of Ileaumont Tow¬ tertaining rendition of M *iiere's Mohere claims that ail you have Fund to pull the state through proved a policy which w«»u.l ' Oldham, executive vice-presi- The Imaginary Inva!. t' Weo- do is put a cap and gown on its cash troubles. ) or of economics, in stating er. The profrrom will boffin case in favor of abolishing AAUP Takes 7 a.m. Friday at the tower. provide for a closer checking system in the library. nesdav nii;ht in the Arena Thea¬ a man and he becomes a doctor flent, explained ttie planned May 7 meeting of the IFC executive Democrats hod thrown their i ter of the Aud. whom gibber liecome* wisdom uulsory ROTC said "Com- council and Guv Hill, head of support to a plan drafted by l:.*.cn is not the American way May Morning Sing is the tra¬ From the uaap propria ted fund, The play continue* through and whose nonsense become* i i.fo, although wc do admit upulsion in some areas." Up Voluntary ditional ceremony on May 1 when new members of Mortar Hoard and Tower Guard, senior and rongreM St— to the approved allocating 1959 Activities far- Sat unlay Ui" n.ng with performances be- at B IS p ox Unfortun¬ ound reason. The author fakes j turn at high school cooperation. The purjKise would be to discuss the roll IFC might play in present¬ •sen. Frank Reodle (R-St. which would liquidate serrultleu in the fund as rash was needed. Flair) f The national security, ' rig to the constitution «»f ac- ROTC Issue .sophomore women's honoraries, nival, for the annual At'Mi ha mi net $190 w ere appropriated ately a small gathering of le>> than 100 saw Wednesday night* hiriLsclf when his characters dis- cu«* ■ M"!.ere a* a trouble-mak¬ ing MSU ciimou* life to high school student*. The fund rebuilt starting in IMS. would he vraduallr lire "tapped " from the unappropriated fund. ing f-a»l. * United States is in the hands profJuction The A special brass ensemble play¬ The play is resolved when the T Gordon Grimes, speaking American Association of A bill to establish a pr-xv Outshining the pndess.orial J Congress and the President of for the executive council, stated Tuesday, however, Republi¬ Ir University Professors (AAUP) ing in the towar under the direc¬ system for congress delegates performances of the re*? of the invalid becomes his own dixdor country. If they felt com- that Theta Xi is still a cans switched their position. strongly favors voluntary ROTC, tion of Byron Autrey of the mu¬ was also cast, were Jarr.es H .nd is capjied with the tradition- campus T«»ry ROTC was vital to our approved. Taylor a*. They turned their support to an according to action taken during sic department will begin tiie ihe "invalid'* fatt >1 hat .md wig amidst the pomp fraternity and that IFC 1.* do¬ I'Mjn's security, it is up to .«?.«{ la: u ing all it can to reinstate the indirect one-cent increase iri the Wednesday night's meeting program. Smith and -phr.dor of traditional laitiii l-m to legislate it. They did C.nrnirul Thnur* as the •-a'.cv fervati*. MSU chapter # t ite tax coupled with liquida¬ Although AAUP took no di¬ It will play "The Heavens De¬ Toinette. phrases *nd singing. I'- give the responsibility for "The trophies .to be awarded tion of the trust fund, with part rect action, sentiment was nearly clare the Glory of God." and Returned Tudav The action take* on :.he «»L»ect i»i the increase earmarked for Juerira's national security to unanimous behind the proposed The Trumpet Voluntary" by «»f at this year's IFC Sing arc now Stat© Hoard of Trustees," change to a voluntary program. Pureell. Living unit representative-, a three-ring two of them compete with "n» tutus a *,'w riterrlrwliiiit I'ryiiul- cm display, said Neal Patterson rebuilding the fund. Hou.se Republicans ian« Chapman, Bowlby's part* in his report to the assembly. endorsed Two resolutions were submit* The Glee Club under the di¬ may pick up all sketches and trail of characters for audience Practice for those interested the GOP |r on the afirmative side point ted which reflected members' ' rection of Edward Richmond continuity lor Water Carnival attention. in trying In closing, Iieulin;; asked all senators' stand Wed¬ out [or next year's fraternity presidents to urge nesday. —~ opinion. They were: will sing ."Brothers Sing On," between 3-5 pin. today in 317 The plot revo'^s around the [' But " we cannot be laelallon- 1. It is educationally unsound by Grieg, "With a Voice of Sing¬ Student Services. Rejected invalid who wanb to marry hi^ iheerleading squad will be held tonight at seven o'clock. Men their members to vole in to¬ I'ndrr the Constitution, t ho « Ffdrey replied. •'I've heard themes and song titles will be day's election. to have compulsory ROTC. ing" and "You'll Never Walk daughter to a foolish boy (piayed hill rould not clear the Legisla¬ "hUan la going to aecede from will meet in 2'6 Women's Gym 2. ROTC. being a rurrieular Alone." returned at thD time. by Jerry McBndei proie>«ing :•> and the women in 127. ture until Mav II—long past the ' In ion to lei foreign aid." he _tpped. issue, is strictly a faculty matter. Bleachers will be placed at I m lout's ion Agent time when Williams said new I Summarizing the points of the Dr. Stanley Idzcrda summar¬ the end of the Beaumont Tower walk. MSU Tradition* cash was imperative. ised group feeling on faculty prerogative when he stated that A breakfast in honor of the To S/teuk Friday In action Wednesday, the Sen¬ ate by-paxsed for another <.iav f'm/. Boedecker he "violently opposed the thought newly tapped members of Tower 1946 No Smoking Kapto Sunoto, press attache of Dorms conn deration of the original Guard and Mortar Board will - motisly Hurt that the Hoard of Trustees has any prerogative on curriculum." follow the* program. Women's League will entertain Spartan m the Indonesian Embassy Washington, D.C., will speak on "Indonesia's Foreign Policy" at at trust fund liquidation bill. Brown readily acknowledged the sophomore Bf JL'LIE NHEPARIMON MSU's first Water Carnival I" Auto Accident Jouriiulixiii Honorary honorary and President John Hannah will host Traditions have always been "Lantern Night" was founded It tradition had also brttomc that every an man early en¬ the International Club meeting Friday at 8 p.m. in 31 Union. thai his stole treasury shows u balance in excess of 1IM million Hold* I'rritn l.unrheon Mortar' Board. Parents of the in 192B. Oiiginally on a May The public has been invited to dollars. | Prof. Karl Boedecker was rc- tappers have been invited. a part ot MSU. evening, a procession of cue .s trusted with the care of the attend. ned still in critical condition Theia Sisroa Phi, women's Thursday night the two honor¬ For a long time at MSU, there moved through the campus, each campus would studiously avoid A specialist Nearly all, however, is rwr- Edward Sparrow Hospital in journalism at marked • idncsday Journalism honorary, will hold aries will serenade living units was a time-honored tradition a senior, junior, and sophomore, the straight lines of a city park. the School of Commerce in In¬ by state law or the night suffering from its a annual Indies of the Press where prospective tappee* are that no student would anioke on carrying a lantern which she This explains the beautiful wind¬ Constitution .for $peciai purjjosea •"fbrai hemorrhage which he donesia. Sonoto managed vari¬ luncheon Saturday noon in 21 living. campus. would pass to member of the and cannot legally be put td a ing walks of MSU. ous magazines during the Dutch 7 -;ved in an accident Tuesday Union. Ilelcti Bower, Detroit WKAR By 1M€, this tradition against class below. During the World War II regime. other uses, he said In a resolu¬ I T.11- 46-year-old professor of Free Press movie critic, will ad¬ dress the group. Replies to the to Begin smoking, which had been violat¬ ed with increased frequency by The following Stunt Bay was originated. Sen¬ year. Senior years. » lull came, but it was soon followed by an eruption of Ox Roast Heads tion "etttng forth its position on general fund payments. L'-'»untmg P 'dtu.n and financial admin* in the college of busi- invitations must be made to Sue Series on Russia veterans, was abandoned. With¬ iors would dress as children and campus activities as old groups "The Legislature," the board in the year coeds were permitted said, "has ordered payment* T 1 and public service, had a Clark by tonight. Tickets are $2.75 per person. WKAR will b*#k ita naw an¬ to smoke in dorm rooms. carry toys to class, rollerskate around the campus, % and old customs were revived Named by lleatou from the general fund which appear and new ones developed. i ke while te*. "Anatomy of Soviet Com¬ In IBM, the tradition began of driving his car on as green freshmen. This burst of energy fostered Ox Roost committee chairmen cannot possibly be made.* I " campus, munism." at 7:30 p.m. todajr and "Cap Night" when freshmen, All through the years, the tra¬ new movements that became im¬ have been I Police said his car left Vets' Checks 5:30 p.m. Sunda,. who had to wear brown caps all dition of organized rivalry ex¬ portant parts of college life: the announced by John i-aitorjum Heaton, Bellevue, Neb., senior, road out of control Tit* program will e*amine tha year, burned them in a huge isted between the classes. Soph¬ International Festival, Greek Touring Show |1 d crashed into two trees. Prof, VtlmM trim. I Soviet way of life, including ad- Are. At the same time, seniors omores would waylay tfeshmen Feast. Lambda Chi Alpha's push¬ general chairman of the annual «fccker also ucation and tportf, in order In burned their old textbooks. AteHfaie fee Ike >eetee attained facial (la w-Hk Ike telle* to make them dance, or eat nap, cart race in Circle Drive, Sparta- spring event. rA* as 4 result of the crash. skeete ilea far (Mr five Americana a better view of On a June night in 1920, a or to barber their hair, or to toss cade. Career Carnival, Campus They are Gordon Galloway, I A member of MSU'* faculty Communiam, a major banter to fourth of the students perform¬ them in the river. Chest, the Senior Ox-Roast, and k*M 1*4*,. (-13 ML. k <3 *a ifceee dxc meets; Don Wiseman, foods; 1950, Boedecker headed r-i m» democracy. The Mttea dicrunea ed the "Triumph of the Nation's As a result, the annual contest the table carving serior coffee (.'■tea. Tk* eartetj ifcew -111 Chuck Markley, publicity; Jim ff u'Uversity'» mission to Bra- K-O Ma, I Russian promise, aa opposed to Faith." In 1923, this pageant was betwesn freshmen and sopno- hours in Old College Hill. J . ;rum I"' waa assistant to IBM and in r-S Ma, « actual tccompltebnteDta, which have occurred moved to the Rod Cedar River moras was stahod which was Times change and students Mitchell, tables and service; 4 13 4k* Jeckaea fte— to the dean T-Z Ma, 3 durinf lb* td and combined with the annual tha tug-of-war through the nver come and go, but traditions will Judy Miller, tickets and Russ v* year Bolaberlk nten. graduate school. tilling tradition to form by the classes. always live at MSU. Kazmiercaak, games. N. f Anr "Hon Is It Yoii Don't Understand I s?"* M Gel Out and Vote Today Michigan State News Read Daily hy MSl"« 23.1M student* and Faettlt. 0 The Ml. hig.-oi State New* i» published by student* of Mich. f . For Sound, Mature Leaders t'nivejslty, Kaxt I^hsiiir. Mum !' hut to is pf»t the i.:f 1 {*1.11 nil lie seeking to h.ittle an* trove von.- serve w lu« m «,i without duett faculty the universitv «>i the heft Interests of both, would drive a wedge betv«r«f, of the stu<-. • . v ' -ifier 11 iiimi" '• >m wiUiln the inuver = itv or lroni outside THIS IS IT! Fir./ #»Wtif»ti* will !>♦■ l»**M 1.. In .lii(|piit.«? Thl* slpm« fmm Studr>n( 1.' M e Ar.ociated l're»» Inland Dally I're** and Associated > . , I'e- today f«»r cf;t«« offStudent «it«\ • i »»- (»o\ernnienfY dual re«|n»naihillty to both 'he *> Indent* and the university. \ ol. 51, So. 20 Thui'fulay, April 50, t0.»9 f',• i»* Dirnt rppre^i'ttfatsve-i ;««:.| Al'M. Irc-idc)'. Although th** State \Yv - orra^ionai! Thi-i i" as it nhotild he. for without reyu- iperhaps e\ett fre»|uen»'v| *ppm« t«« lie at lation* the university would anon he in » odd* with th# institution down the hall cutllrd AIM'niver-Gt •. Student f•«»\-«»rnm**tt* terrific "late of confusion and chnoa. Aa TM est A ICS sovrecKM NATIONS, amp what HAPPENS in TMCSfc Michigan State News we .serve a-' a check on Student f invent- WMKM MUST M PRCOCHlitP Si I student Seivlcet Fa*t Landltg. Mkhtf an COcWrFttta, is 1 *nmttim** nick named \1I l ntver-|t\ merit's tendency toward conservatism, it As SUCH BOSlMl SS PUT Homogi* OlIPS Puhlbl-ed on i la»« d iv« ^londay ^hfouah^FiId^^Uiclu., Sheep linider.». ■• •• >■• ■■■<■ . : tirade- ai» .serve* ih a check on our liberalism. fail, w Intel mil Mirhit tern.* weekh duTj"* f.,s!,,.an ,.M.e between summer and t»U tenna f, .. fire«! a* c«»n'*tr:. • . » v. i. .,f »»;«-h SOMIANIIKICK IIKTWKKN the extremes oud •'.♦ * malt'1 under the ail of March 3. IM at the p..«, * lily BsiPfitij*! -♦t|*f»T' m* '••» balance i- struck which has always seem¬ pa > n'de in advanca for en# term »* •. tei * 4i f"t three term*. Tn |he «-;t*tiJt! > ■■•tm i, «ittjtiy in on ed to work out well for the university and _ Member o! the Inta. -I Daily Tie**. A*«ociated Pre.* * . • Ink'le tneetinv* of Sfnde' • te.\ eminent, the it- students. A.«o, .atrd i'olli'gia'e I'res* «p eveninjr'* nctiv..?;*-. x«,..'.i re-..-' prol»jit>! Student (Jovernmenf. therefore. Is not S< CnmpuR (."In^^ifie■ ore . dehpti tlie useless or nonsensical body it is F. some-, prdrpflttrat ronftt« vour choice of Student Congress represen¬ Billy Payable B-lt and t-S Many rtile« and. rviNiln !:«#«- which st t tatives and Student (Jovemment President. Mehday Ikrnngh Prid«r dent a jrripe about lS.it reeer.r choose accept I carefully ami responsibly. The are formulated and enacted hi the Student representatives you pick are going to con¬ ! classified rates" ( onjrres-.. trol vour affairs for the next year. minimum IS word. PERSONAL Why • i. w11 Student t.overnmet.t adof.t tot out ami vote for responsible, mature 1 d,y 15c THI MOO MAIDS i»» IWDiulioita which are w*fiiptm;r- oiuecfed leadership. lj d.y. $!.« M##t va.' '•,»»xd ai O. I d.y. ....' Sl.rs ®» a« a-d il-ott !*if b-«' , l.rllrrs In tin- Kilitor 4 d.y. tns T'»a» yiu**«'f a"d tei*«- . , , T« rafr#»»-»*#«t »>«t • « i d.y. SJ.50 » 0AIBY FtANT ANTMOS' 'Outside Pressure' Questioned ADDITIONAL charges for o,ch word ovor 15 MAHTA" J A MI EBON Band l)anc#«. * r>iX!r... parti** day • 6c por eddtnga FD 1-4551. Ilali •T» Nm filler■ •»i i "lie | «uch iwii! card* are no On fnnm«I Apr;! ts • I.*• ' wt «t# Vr/A'cr/ irl dnng.-toti Name Withheld he 'ban a bomb S'Nckk Reviewer Sao: automotive j TflK Ja. kirtn Combo. Th# UN EST IN rnr 1* hi Reaanl pi. ■ MGA ROADSTER vKnel •*V'iiji • Ap \V Li lit' it Itnmh * * * Phone KD 7-fil? Beat offft In st#v#na «formerly 21 I Jack Braiim. Harris 3a. v. J,. »'p»nt the Tt*"VTY~ VogeA fjiml* a* saving » the ' ' a ■ i ' '• • i t ' X'*- t» the I Ho.* li \derail (lulls New History Highly Readable' i i I.xn in DfNTOV rnlet Diek « AM V* »Mfl 1 M ro f-.vtn AVD litter- ring and pin- for n d*ara and other*. Con's Agettcv. IV 2-uf!2t. mrnrRT GAI r. and Y » , ROTC feeling w..» rtf.o -wiiMrn i 'a-e thia wd to tne «u«tr , b# l|ir "~r>A m* a«;..rirt • •• .O'M •' ' „• • MM •» Naked ,■ miporia.,' M«.a Basic ROTC TIIG AMKRICANH: Till ((H.ONUI- HXI'HUIUNtl i»i>ie* 'hough!, he". i* Aniet.ciiii* 'iibli*mil uiftitutiuri'. piofc- v.oiiai 'i.>- fiisc.irdrd xxswuus <>f TR.JA '.'n-helm-X Maintained -inte x'.iserati I'utporatlon nmm woe* w'ttE E 'l'imn «*x*et« new hx On!' i Ihftween 2-3 p m to the t reat for tw, Drive-ln. H- , ^ JLwiall-t Studs ipi Hir i' ; M5.V» kd 7-OS47 lltb 5 p m 22 KWA*T BAKFRY Waste of Time diti«n* and dogma'., *?•. •. y ><%: h. iiriM'f Ite |Im ntri ' * by a d«*lin«*d b'hties »»t knovy - PfTD | diviituailv decorated , #»*» . , M " I I'V i warv pen li. :ptt: le.ri in the 'vou d woik anil ouiplia i/.;iig ex|**ru'nce rathn I JV4'i M fj-Tf Black With Whit# f f"/.N VY DAVIS ORcMF>TRa | IH-• mil t <.iunp . ,1. Evervotie interested in the oi.gins of Amer . RtriV can I • •#'!»»r R M dux# Good Condition ire e<«re. ♦, »ir». * . . 1.1. "• 1 > Mi' I Ilk. program aboutd no' be cM iration wi!' nan' t«» re* Ihe ti phih>H»|wuc stems. e» • Amerirant. ESTATE" •• ihe pe»s|>le w S.wt; Co'llpllNol I Ihe « alanial Itgetienre. W-.Meti in Dan.el Ho.iivt.n naif, this levrlopment in f-uu pai- REAL e-rniLt be fuil'.s * ■ • ■ • ►. .trp n.i! in 'h« U«»T(' l»tn• Ho..rstiti, pri»fe**or of hta'.oj> a" 'oe t'niveiM'.y ul.t !v ctMinung aivtmns on education, lav employment t l.ANRING 1014 Me gi..i" ip-.mu.-.- I h'«k the ic«|Ui» e it. me and »• ♦.Tef.HitU'.* r4 the '.e»-e*t t'hi«.igo and author of three earlier wt.tka m mncr Iti etimaiion it resulted 1 = , redut #d to »l* iaa». li d« l»«*•»«■ course in ltl.M-ttfX5 and 'hit highly • c spieaiung rather w Avrrn yvAmtry* rti i • r t'edrnom*. I', baths r>wrvf.«« »S«ww •.• irr« - « readable volume 'tteit* »he emergence titan 'he deepening of r»nrt time , » ••Mm i \ H «... gta-iuh'ci 19.X7 , F.*perirnre not ne e**ar» living room Nice varn »ese*l thnr alentOie* «ikl '« ... • . ;.!• .• »>e- ■ , i Knr'he o? a peeu'itrly Atneriran i knowledge, ill the profession*, in the breakdown i "ixtai t Odan C.nII , « . tuie duun», t.it « _FD 2-MT.i 9 > i ran.put and Red t edar S artitnr-.r to ihe treautifu! thittq* 1-fiHvr alteadv completed 2t of e. abliMic.i • ■ j want Ihe.v krv>'» edtonia! vearj. It it the fliet valurre of a traditiotn and bairicts and a - tart OX.r.#f FD Mill AMesi r«M|ilrile.* «>• p.." ilf. or. a f«-\...... if von ran . Aim ' s of active riiitj- in the ■ •he cited trilogy that witl carrv ibr atudy down to pr >- movement science, in away 'lie production from «|)ccialization: and in foFsale I'd be parifc-ut.o: present and mav wed be a landmark of inventor* rathe, ;<•■«*« . 1re I•'» tt IhiIuIm Th,-. jjives n,c a difTereti' in . •• : of tioi im . \ c.v Amercan intellectua' and n;!tu»al his'on. 'nan ihc'M'in an In all SHIN& BARGAINS areas the emphasis w a ■»» the IdmUtv .»f the •« t». be ' ItOTf < <»..?ro\rt ss. •• t. rr.ot r\et*■ ■ h i' pun 'he pra.Mi, .d ra".er tf.an the doctrinaire IBEAK SZECtAi y\ Prm-eeding from the poin* of view ina' ' ;-iAi ... 1 \ |iiTS#iire« ** Who »rr thss>e » fs • «... , • r« mat* (..•ih,»j • a more objective otic I it.dea ling to ttra' Amencan I « » -.»*)* **• I s.'N w THE If ST e-*n*furatiwt Inter * .-■» f « .-t * Live thought and «•«.!' 'e rare* I niformilv Trend j n » I vrUes Meiiullt III"* notbilu; • , g.iih and !»«■'.,- Vn'ougb great A ' r *yjr IN TOWN WITH * tlouble Btr.li g ti< * l» if •• e i < Ih;.' to •>, i in it". o\r> ..in# philosopl .. E.stems such a* Pui i- M.iok Toire i* concerned with the American iA ; I* I '» mfiMir "* M e Ruuun ■ rli:. i.."i.sni. Hato.Ma'.t*i)\ .11 .• I: anwentientali«m •rn.iein tow DELICIOUS SFUDN/S t . Sin r I ;:k.« manv otbec- did "•* v .< x which the printed word craoxi to o«- • g 7-eyre f,r • i • v ' « adv.uncd Kt1|\ . .4 C-- one .•re^i wrt'ei*. U- • • It i' HerrjAif iJuM'i'.f •' VI Hm>r«t n ha* a'trnip'etl t« pie«en". •fie ptone lx r>: a titera'x c'av an.i la-g.ili '<• 5RUDNUT JHOR ... ll^C HI «.1S a "lore Mt A> .'iira'e pirp,,. "m rise of be "AiTrRs r.cmv ATTTNVr 'xinat 4 1 ramiMri' I'm.*," ; . \\; • ttij, the h.t t « \ cat Aneii-an o |he puhn. tu p,, an! par* ••• to > • " p, • K> « ' l i, iu e (>• r\i■ *"d ■ ap medium sir# I ike new fu »*r i*o he.m .1 is the I < *' r.g ' »• nri'iiie o' At'w- .can pi,.,i ueie 'he iep a, ir g , f 'ue mn emiii.Pitu pill *er* ire. rloae to progv*. ^ 1*»".'e l i e he'd A ei , an a'' iiirii . H the Nev? I in'rf.i and wait n' think i'.'r ia'> ircoBAtrn i ikfs nrnvrnrtj Cherry Lane. F.D 3-1" ■? • •' • I" .■ ,» • .?• and the of cu.'ait I tamtnes i>«'lie« hi 'lirtax* 1o resign fn»-i the N*v IU \ Amerlran ( onrern with rraamatie i»"U!,.ng fiom. ' Manx nt'u r TYPING IN MY home » « » t \ ci \ On,. ,:i 'be \i m \ : i- He t failuie to establish a . .i.'ui.i , ,'.i« i>a«tri*« Pr nahle price* * Thai'.I Mn». h ,s pariiiuat!. miereste.i in ..*• Baker* IV t mas theiia r#t>orts. etc. IV 2-*»-l "4 I-. .4.1 i «'i\. • i » v.i • e 'i■ i n\e«tiga:r»s t' c:r, , i»- •1 e Smo-i va < ie"».iei v '•» a\-i,,. t m ev e- T'-.e fit l»r Hens |mH girl.-. Inn km ,. ■ . .1 O.H.1-, '.eat* ' ur' >rrwrt» "TYPIST AW BROWS »'r I Im. ... _* V- «»l ig:u» of A- TAIT rfci»RDFH - W. 1 iea»i 1 ut'mie. to fu-e ' ,»« 1 " and "he •*" ■ ! «« a:ri> Gax KviellriU londltioo. ?•?«.'«» Fle> trir fx pe •- a*i>t. si ' Mr! . ' v xv .*• Lite :.| mpl'otn.icv. ill. FJ >• pir iiH.e .«.< - .< ' «f in 2-tic,• naoera unvcit o* • Koropean ,n'e"e- •a' i.fe an s lite r v incut, miii'x 21 and tuij. al»w t- • » 'liking litVIi " a . t«,e distrust of I! "i* nmnc Vie beg.nn,rjg< ,.• "i*- An.*'! \, p.iipo c a'.' I'* , i.a so ,.u aii,, Txu. tendency Aj'c/i' Staff ■ iH-\l i n ' «troj» IxMtibc K I ■ 1 1 tt L. ' I ', ' fiange "h. 1 •• •« : ii .'a ltd nts 'be won: j praitica' 'ale- an ; or: workable .x a , ' AIJN'I RTISF THAT t OM > rent >andxvnh board hx • t pat'i ipa« I rrsh • TV hFT Good foiidition. a.»t Contact Fred FD 7-W2J • #• M|M MH-f %•"#» t e :.r'et \ppro.K h lituire* I raiiitional «?'' C.roxe __ „ lets ' , , iiu uiio ' FII 2-21V' N-'-'.e 2.' t.BIBISnl I'P K.,,fc» H v. ha* u«i.-.\sle- 'A' \-nrrn I' «g- x« r: Li t II---Ii»i h..s written * TVPFttRITTFR. HICK'S lAUNDRCP^* «•> A.'i.i • Wire Kin-. . . Jmii M.tu '■> .tun ed ; «• n.is ur «•: v FI.FiTRb 7K7 E. MICH 1'i'VF »»-«r« ► rii|r« gla«s>« ->i«S( A4 ttsff Ifeuttf l wan'eii 10 .\a r .x ■ l- .♦* ' are and B... • •i.tird han, • • • « .t ' .una. t . 1m ,. ■ lo mat ei ,. . \ fc utrn-iles Fl) 2-1*5.4? 2? DROR Off FOB SELF St«.2 ft .-V t.... wt.. I' g- ■>: ji .1 a, ■ •» v I,lets • , , POMl ABI.F BI.i l AMI > f» ik#d |r-(] f <«rea»ri Move!' , -pMci°.Ti»b'rr ■T.iA.Pjl r llari-bk »•'• , -• i' -g.o!. r ,i ,,-opnx and belle ' .'"ih read#i IMu.r.e KD 2-JT*'.' Crosswonl Puzzle It mi iimi 1 • • if H i • M r\ I .xi I'. ''..fill s flesh a ,c ►!*• 22 WE SPECIALIZE IN DRORO* BUNDLES FOB STUDENT loo H »:M fu TlUlNil pum. m.i II ill. in- o: A •• . 31 UeU9 --Lt1* t|pSfisd Men leee/tl : .-cd hi;!ope ::c •«.• i cruan dilute s'-vm P. U» AMONG r. • .»o.,,t„rr FNCACRMRNT v.ih.ed RIM. iv a E4fc- , g -n. II •- ox#. »2ik' tl.Vi «a*n » l> 7-172# d- I • r*«ta.ae» t J1 M •• I Illusion Hahs y • on.sts 0? Ma-saihute *. i/u«Ke' ■ t if of " Iho.itaM 21 e* 13 PING per'em WANTID. M'F l"-" 1 Phone ■ e t Pullet f LKietiieiwM •1 ,st.« ..f iVniiM ,va.'v a. py.lan" t" ; foirfa'.acis an IV 2 •* bPOBT >44 FAR to i aix.uus ft lletMrg I l« V,mh ■r-izi-rH1-. lo llie Idilur to Iff •»d It a and transplanter, of V.tg.n a ha. a..,' «>«. «. .nil hc.t wide r nuiii". force but the *' ."•it «•♦,#' e» II, n , TUF a,)(t i«dl*'S l.ATF«*T golfing , TV AND RADIO t* P'bc* v > I».»*l»lln.« We ai r a ;.a/rd Kuropean-ma.r pan* to n.ee" i.nv ■» • of goner... •tritxti i l a.tivitx aooaiel at sub-' pn.e to i uiin|. Quality at budget ktudent* t'l .y '12 Mut«A N 'CT V." t ic a< k Ute> fo.ui.1 m America - o; \ iew m tne "futpu.g <>• in -f India" Kill* Goli Cuurar one Uoiw.ft ija WiHrdintie. f iftatrumeftf pop e Uiflt ibe a A mvi ' * spp*- Sip* .s.;.,lcnt AMerieantstng I urapean V»ew|Miiii« jit giioiett bow the i, i'e ea*I •>' f l-xc-u g V « IS :•« FD -'-a227 UNtvtilftir St .V . 4 vongies. win.1. l i# second t»«sni ctea,. can 1 »mt: ;'.Miteci t«» the rise of iltPM 3* He- t in i;s,1.g rcgu.a'iuni •\ e\»>*e,- id hut .«»»ean pomta uf vc w"h tne An and e: .. Air.e: ; e an GOLF~~CLUIS •I laMtf W .ngt . in«ntut..m* i yunclHMt •J 42 tlocwli—lN have w.Miun un.ieigiauua'es we Jai h l*reene HOUSING | • N«.: ■ -a •!.',>-ned ou:m'!\«'» !1 It AlMna'e 44 C s»n\4 ta-wt-an #f Vea(trUa> t Fwari f'4-a- S'SO Ion it Mstjit .ft a.icp'.i.g li-.e atKinnnwble .u- FOR RENT ft Sent || UpftfM o*.k tt WeeJ blue¬ I T«itn DOWN ? Join • Animal fi rgcinvnt of . ak.ng us live .n Om; Irei do:n dotm.tone*. H l v RAFTIAT ITI'DhNT UNION informaiion afabtments No** M.H RfflL *' SO V. SCO something , V) Amrtiftt u«ed we felt could Only I4.9B p.aet tt ha t r.»v RM-ORMII5 CHRISTIAN hp*: RAC Mr-OR apart.mfm : 5 4 !*• changed. 7 15 p.m. 42 Union M4HV AM ATIll ft RADIO f H.d cu!e| Along with th.« .ve H I.LOW SHIP ,'Neftl* rumia' ed Rent include* utib- >1 Act H Church er 51 ConiUf.l'r 52 Oreat Lata S Bel Woe t Kac'uintl . l« i-iht.'v a:e forced to accep* a terrifff ' KNPPA AI.PHA Ml 7 lb p.m . c ollege Houm H» (MB • 1,r». 2w.i s ledar IV 4-4577 tf j' SIE IA4IT CU> (*>«, :-.aii» burstcn LtVing oft 7 30 Pub 30 p n>. rfANOO* SOI* CC-W tmenastei f 3J Guifei •r .r.l.i II Female 1 u* ca c- p.m. .a: ,.ns »v »- fre>h nent* t |n i.an Koumiry Building Pient rt'R.MSIlFD for ore THRFK ROOM apa' If European 5« Anarchatt S Chen of a.v about ha.f, of \t >-..vr. • iadx Near can.pu* «r,d IV dee: Ml.sl.tA' tol buy line ia f-ISC* tlackb.r i 35 Tea 0 ■ expenses mi 1111 a NOATION • ncr MontK Ltilitir, 4imn V M i.tary sl.NIOR SUINGOi r <«R AIM ATI naid and txa-kipg *na.e Included H Cirl at^i>4»r # Noa it has l*in piop.vsed t sri OLNf • • ntfra Th.rf la** itbitan' .a' 7 p • .. I tf \a" v «iiAiMirru I OKI M »a'a*r a> ailabl# » F IMttSR 22 TV-RADIO-HI El Sarvt • ' teed '• O.gant v Mftg'e male imdergiadua'i s 7 p.m. Mural R.s»;i. u*ed TV sat# Js#rx Mt.VR I Ol Mil I 'f lAX'IS ST Qu.rt thiee F (.anting. $3 E. Lar We»>> lloiir't* ■ •J Irrrfular v a , also be made *.0 . and bath room* conform 7 p.m.. Towei Ron.r. Ur..o:» Br , a auartu erit building Sale-. 113 W Grand Bty«r a Spr.lt. .sit n gcn" res'! .c'.ion* <:.»xe retrtgeratixr. heat h«»t "water, I: seen.* tr. "1 " » BlCiMA 1HI.TA kPsll.ON narkin# block to campus and Us ".hat MSI' .« lMN.Vlu.Pg 1 • 7 p.n- bus FD 2-4.41# 55 Bei.nef . W wlev Houm- j,, T V -RADIO SERVICE •f. Reduce a c 10 'm..,"iietl and gia.tua ra'ra e niHLkV IOUMIATION 1 TWO RtHtMs FOR *tudent« ur to atudont* New - "* > usientx on: - • «v w *«CA iS-d *taff tel#x ikjon aalea Eree tvit-e • pilpy Cloae to campua F.D 2-3*32. ... NIN5N I.I M III ON 23 at itate So I title Said »hou»i>pefi • am to R >' Pn p? i 12 10 p m We.;. % Ho. T V Technic una Co, *>32 A r Menr.l Wt ale * Oskew. :n»> we . .. KD* SALE igan. • IV 7-553# .« MuriN 1.1 rnuR IHAPH Mm tmaie pea". iitt'.r has been »a.d •' Aeiated 1* 1110m ;he 4*s»p'e ailvs'tcd t«*iu«$ Lay-Away Sal* • Sf Ho'e ,n a b> tlio 7 pm. Mahtin l.iuhei h'r.apel. | We u.«n'l know fence whet net p«vp e MORI Aft ftOARI* I rkto kr.-Dr.NT coi plt. i 52 flit:t • d.Mi'i 1 cad the Stale New* 1 6 30 ».m i ,° "'i. r«n""«>'*d#r of grim cwlleic |l' DEPOSIT WILL t' W '*ibvjf ji4»t taut tead what'* prun¬ Art R.irw, I'm m i ! . 55 Late AI.PHA HUT A MOM A ; *f 71 Th.4* M.-bile Home, ISM 1 ' 34 >',b*rtv Rui.t ANY ITEM CUtlNS »•' 5* T d.er ed preaentlv bnated on I (Nirw.l'y IC% Eo> i. >•" 7 p.::. 3i tnion I''our lot r ear I'Mveratty. The one Depart \\V-iv.lt be i >p»-..Me. r . bedroom, large n.au.age . Sup* lol d. Wa'.tti Ttiwtii^ -vU Co. -Xi- I pm 4 I at lei 31 1 GIFT TODAy FO« F Nif Tti#ref »re, all this is not w N Ireland direvtH PHI UAMMA Nl /T^VN- MUCtlON <5 Aacten| 1 or problem But are the ma c !>»N '& \ Hebrev a'.udeuta going lo ju*t sit bar* 7 p.m . 35 Union Dre»*.. LOST and FOUND Wm, M. Tkompis' i ATHOUC STI OKNI ^♦a»urf and accept this" Expeeia'.r out' ORGANIZATION «OSj FICTCFTT RUDE mi*. S* Entire ! MIC HIG % V «TATF VFWA Page Thre# To Jazz., ( lassicdls SENIORS Could Imperil \j«m# r#rrfs. fo h# enelow«d Space Travel r"'» selection-: .*f "i nvn , i* »e■ rv i,'.K. w and II lie four pre- is obsessed with thought* of pur- sint, ' Number Five" is a storv with Graduation Announcements IxsinNGTON ■! band m—Thr space |!i could imperil space travel lnits — rndnt nm at least at limes -- »• ''es t' "c. Thi< i; the \ i"u altitude and extends about •"'■'""I mile* from the earth's vut - estimates same a* pre- r'mod back from Pioneer fV fo¬ ri ir.it ts that radiation outer belt r much Irs— itt'i *'• in : than that in the lower bet?. in the tion In ronlmt. must of the radia¬ in the lov rr passed Ihrntieli the sMefding'. hnlt Nevrrthelns-. V.in Alien mpde easily ' ! rented of ' » Phi*' "ua!!. stu ho by t}•«» I!--id a ' ! A'cv M .i , . • .. • |'/ii,. g ■„,, Theatet, 4*1 All I. iiaMoi .ii gbt in of a voung and out of love couple who falls in The poetry selections taken from Sataiburg, ItrownieE. ,|j ho ^ aZJtObp- -^STUIfNIS -A SIJfPLItS Km farther aloft than pre- Vhtuallv ail of the former 1' I l''1 j' • Peace. John Howe and Fi t li'i-dietM I'he It - vl 4aj/ Xan jtnq/nitA. the w»* ilrrit that llv ind at ion br'? |-s where thine arc, h"lc* thiough the radiation belts in effre'.. !•.»m a eien-.d in titu'ion who I'.uuor, Wi!| direct the re . lings «ummrr or . Lvcrcr of the radiation boh. possibly when Iioh to lie a U mni|iue tuirrfM unwMnJ storm-like uut- Stale Meet ' c are ••ill offer an alternative in Lily two separate belts* \vh>rh b'" of radial inn from the sun ra-c shielding ar umt the sf>ace L suspended like monster without [hnut* around the earth, be openings above both U • ' lb ! 'ft l':oi|i • »itl that .• . I tho M uch 1 I\*. the oi Fell. "'5. short- ic vv a- I .lunching • ucti an hold Zeta Tau it. State Alpha sorority will Hay Satindav i* radiation prove too heavy or expensive, at least foi the ear¬ liest manned vcii'mes into outer One Block East Of Campus rvrn trvinir i and south polar region ':*' the Union, ft eta Phi (the MSU I'AI.M BEACII wash and ■ i»a the >un and this ma*. space. (n Allen Mid mrMitrermrnt* '• e c:ii«(,t ., temporary v iden- c-o.ip'ei i tiv« In.m will host ropre aoita- the Univer.- iv of wear suits pot vnu at ease ted bark from the Pioneer "f 'he outer hand of radia- > ipare probe, while em mile Mi. inuan. Albion. Utuveisi'v ..f 1 and jjive vnu added rAnt'i* » orbit around the sun. ten- lie Toledo and ('entia! Michigan dence nIs*o ml information rn- lieeatise von Know < Activities will include (eh Indicate that: alumnae and active meetings hi you're I#m»!< inir your liest . . . |ie outer limits of the 'A', : V, mot Ming, a hinc'u">n wit » These handsomely tailored h"* radiation belt extend. ' ski's presented bv the • v« | at times, to an altitude of r liapters at neon mi l a peept <«.i HAIAI BEACII suits retain | 0 mlies from be earth. c«m at ttie house in the afternoon. their rrisp, fresh look i ,1 with a distance of 3.1.500 _j clocked by Pioneer * p" - matter how tiifht a schedule punr, Pioneer III- The 1 ai• • r you must keep. . . . to an altitude of mu r, miles before plungu Slop in today and htok o\er J Into the earth's atmosphei. . our wide selection of styles (us Van Allen told a spa- e and sizes. feosiuni sponsored bv the N' • . . „ (l Academy of Scion''. . ;.t, I ■American Physical Soviet* Ipew dimensions of the l« • I tentatively estimated this HAMBURGERS 391 (Tlie radiathw. belt rlnse*t <■, I BEE ALTERATIONS (earth begins at about 1.1U0 Bee ula rs. Shorts, I. on it*.. 1021 E. Ukvm) IIIVKI. Iadio Clears Extra Eoni»s and Stouts Size* .11 to 51 1,000 Gift ED 2-6647 Elect SI M il Fit SI IT I.INK-l I* mfusion MtTIIIR f.OlllRIV talks •llaipfl "Wash anil Wear" . * 39.tS W 44It newsmen #1 ll»r entrante In nriiinmnMM^^Mii—— Br.irh Fashion Fiver Mugs ITU HTIS Would tiko to . V • •Palm llitrkne** Pavilion of Columbia- | he matter in regard '»» the • KIO lm|»ortrd Silk tnnna Presbyterian hospital. New Vork I year seeming a siuoo t: in connection w."i t ify where he will undergo mi operation Ibis week to deter¬ Dry (11 c a n N o w! •Paint Itwarh •Spring Weave Tropical ... . IfM 55.0# Hartman's qualification The fact is that there was mine if a chest tumor Is malig¬ FLEISCHER •Pure siik Tropical 75 a# FREE STORAGE . nant or hrnign. • Mohair — Nor-Fast #5 a# tibility of sta ll a gift; 1h»a- | It *n qualifications, met civ t Up th# mlaundei .standing IOVG. IKI.IMI R» NT Tl \UM»S LIICM TJKATRE IUMK slore Hour* MnnI liurt.. Frl. 9 3# l«» 0 P M iriiif from Hartman s vagu# Mill nf the 10.1 member# of our lono never loot mtisirtrrrrt It prior Tile* . Wed.. Sat. • 30 3 M lo € P M i #f #a«urtng th# W0(Mi. ♦ «* v .suing o* . . . \ ei I lie ♦* who have hren with n« more than : tears averaged Mil In nionthlv Inramr U«l seat live men who ram* with 11* 4% salesmen «fr how I unliable l|rnn Vlatianer* None hart ptrvtou* I lie Invuranc • espeflenrt. Most of them hart no pies lout telling enpeiienre. f"h\nrt w» are verv prourt nf them Thev were rarehillv anrt silentifl- rally seletlert Thev nere kkillfullv tramert bv our staff of II Ssiioaol Maiugers. Thev were *rtei|iia»elv llnanrert rtoring their learning years ifm* Vnrt thev are harkeil wuh oallno-nirte matom* anrt IV artveriltlnc. The tiiiiilahle I.lie Vwnraiue Sorlelv, relehraling lit KMIli ,Vnnl*ei»ar> (hit \ ear. I* the world's 51 It largest eorporatlon We are tnlrt that our Itetrott Agenrv l« «he Irrt laraesi-nrortorlng lite Insurante orianl/ation in Amerlra Our |9M prurturtion loUlert al- luutl SI'I million dollars More people keep going back for Camela If sou re willing tu work anrt eager to grow tn a professions! rareer with no limilafioo to tnrome anrt plenlv of managmienl upimriunllies. than any other cigarette today. Tha .V.H.TVTT—sumi wv would he glad to meet you anrt eiplor* your posslkillUaa In a solid, Camel blend of costly tobaccos haa. aiUl'I'milQ; life-time endeavrr VVe ie ,v •■going eonrern** and we'ra growing. We're prepared to make _ . the neressary imeslment In high-iailhrr. aoihldoiis men who are eager never been equalled for rich Savor and to achieve son ess in a professional enterprise devoted to serving people. If \.,I| aie Inlereslert in our laeWott organltalion we will he available easygoing mildneaa. Today aa always, nil May J, M p.m. at the Placement Mureau. Murtrnf nervlres Blrtg Coy G. tKiuod. C L U . Agency Manager the beat tobacco makea the beat amoka. COEDS! ty-pmu rit. M$ sad (amy We# . . , Watch for the Haws a real GRAND OPENING cigarette- of the have a CAMEL COED SHOP ☆ EXCLUSIVELY-'*"— Sue iJr CLOSE— i#r cwd" GilQland PRICED- Fir WIIAT IS THE COEII SHOP?? Svt Tomorrow's STATE NEWS — YOU MAY BE SUIIPRISEU: "If he should get by you, Emma, double back for the Camels!" Traasarar #. i. Oarasid* Tarawa Ca., Wlum-laM, H-C Anr M Spartans-Badgers Jifntir te xnrs Cary Middlecoff Picked Jo hi» row 0 April 3*. 1939 Mijor y. h*. v ir Golf Tourney by Slim Margin FORT WORTH. Te* icP» — Forty-eight golfers were poised Wr.hiesd.iv for the start of the and has been year, wars the playing well this slim choice of th« writers, and they haven't yet lake. W. who »bot • hie round of CI at Houston la«t week end to win flrot money. fourth. ML Lewie SlMdings AMERICAN lEAfllt W L PH. OR In Lone Home Ma Powerful Opposition Offered Bv Wisconsin Track Team $27.3on Colonial National Invi¬ p.rkcd a champion. m*% x-Cleveland 19 4 .714 — tation Tournament with Cary Arnold Palmer of Mgonier, Nothing much wait said about Baltimore 9 .59# V: .Saturday afternoon, at p.m., the MSU f hinrla.h • Middlocoff. the nenfrus dentist Pa., was rated next; Dow F'ln- T'-mmv ft-h of Paradise. Fla.. from Ivv*K»rl Bench, Fla., hav¬ strrwald, the quiet young man the National Open champion and Chicago 9 I't face Wisconsin in their only dual meet at home this ing most cause for worry. from Tequesta. Fla, who's na¬ defending camp hce Neither Kanaaa City 9 .511 *'» In indoor competition the a tine sprinter in Boh im> Middlocoff. who won the Co¬ tional PGA king, got third rat¬ •<•.}* I ",* ru Littler of Singing Hill*, New York 7 .399 3 Badgers placed fifth in the Big who will double in the |./ lonial's ton money hack in 1951 ing. Jark Burke of Kiamesha Calif winner •.? !•*•<, murnaments . .492 10 with 16 points while the 220. 4 W, this year Phoenix and Tucson Spartans finished seventh with Dan Lnnphear and jt.n Washington 7 .439 —given much r#»n fideratinn. 1331 points, so in view of past eke, fourth and fifth t ip ■ —j 1HEHSH3 VOTE fr ju't gne< t, sfvw how wide thi* tournament always is over the tough 7.011-vard Colo¬ DETROIT *• Play night game. 3 12 .143 performances this promises to be a very close meet. The fop runner on the Wis¬ ly Indoors, give the B;. line shot putters, while is the squad's best in the , now knowing w»tiN-r.xtt«Vft kMl'LTs h nial Count rv Club course that consin squad i* Captain Jesse P. --mb- - w> Sew York I. Chicago 3 jump and broad jump cw^" has a 35-35—70 par Nixon who tvon the 600-yard han«»« City 7. Washington f Ii the? mile relay. \v.« Colonial officials declare they IIITROIT 7. ftaltlmnre I championship in the Big 10 in¬ l>nasfs a line team eomp.^. ^ have their finest field evqr. ClcvrUni sr. floRtnn. lpmt|tnnrcment for the Spar*un | wmM k« S" jr. non first prirr. Big Mike Soorhak of Craw- Washington at DFTnniT—rtarhrr «I-•» ss. Povtark <#•?> Only game* srhegiileA. Dan MrRlnnry who will com¬ pete In the mile and 2-mlle tet. vBfrateful •wtlior > g. r, NY. who wis Colonial in t9$*. hadn't won events. MrKlnney placed third In the Indoor 1999 yard run. Thr if | did not eipreti his jackpot at las Vegas when NATIONAL I. E AO IT. Spartans, however, are strung In these two events w Ith Boh Lake, citlmmMB »»tained tht years. I946-4T-48. Spartans f«»r three rhllagclehta 3. I.ns Angeles 4 Milwaukee a. si louts 3 IM Results s Inclnnatt II. Chicago • SOFTnAtt / Sports by YOUR CLOTHES I os TODAY'S I, AMU Angeles at Philadelphia IM- houtax <•>•! vs. ftemprnrh 43-«i XI I onls at Milwaukee (hit—hellner C.%11 games pooipooeill YOIIIYHAII. Delia (hi 7. IS. IS. Sigma I hi IS. 4. It slgma No IS. IS. DTD S. 13 Connie and *an «»-•» vs. Npahn t?-7t Francisco al Plttshurgh CM— 1.4 A IS. IS. PK Sigma S, « Forfeit* LOOK BETTER Mrt ormtrh t«-ll vs. Ilanlels t hi< ago at Cincinnati thi»—Anderson Kappa Sigma over Al. Ft lis Fhl over FK Fhl BRIAN FASTI F 1111 / c: / 0 § $ i Paris Fashion |M> ss. Purfcev tl-ll HT Ft over SAM . fares rough uppencnt ARB LAST LRNCER LANi -uRsf= wmiirtm STATE Yollevhall Team JOHN ,Jv:|N WHEN CLERNEB (eoci* to Nalittnai SANDRA Off OANOHERLIHV RT... Michigan State's v>\ SliSAN KOHNER SUSAN KOHNFR RflRFRT ■ ROBERT ALDAtint ti»am will journey to " • tionat eollrgiat* eha- volleyball meet whin-. JUANITA MOORE ^AHALIA lACKSON held in IV* Moines. T v ahlrt Uundrt • drv cleaning six and seventh. Flo*; ut s ear: ()ran 5.90 »er»%% from Student service* bldg. new 4iefanding champion University and Willi.v « < 1 are the pre-rnateh f n uti MR** g H -no** r*r MAnlWUNA* || |! rami cartoon -roimnnon gri KKOMr - 4.90 The team will l>e preredemt f«»r Big 10 *.v Iwmg the first to ever f ■' national tournament. 3.90 ED 2-4024 Tlie team, however. •.« J Im» at full strength he>,. »* I Choose A Pin For • • RI'NDAV • • soccer team nieks. injury incurn't b spiker Gund.u The coach «»f th» • v -TNC TCAHOt'M OC TNE AlOt'RT MOON' Dick Nelson will fill in t#:J MOTHER — also — -high Bonrrr- injured player. The spiking power « provided by Danny M Joe Armstrong and John I On Her Dav! LAftT TWO HAT* ( amplfte MImiws MICHIGAN The set-up men for " are Bernie Mihara an t t:99-3;94-a:9«.7 14-9:24 Filizola. Tha team1 r strength consists of ]U«n C*« 1 :2b-s:m-a!m^7:44-9:a3 NOW SHOWING another caftabln aet-up n a J IM NATMACRlCIRR*^ Pellegrini Sign* 11 MQk PHILADELPHIA U'' - "j Philadelphia Eagles wtmooa Wednesday signing for linebacker Bob Pellegnm r defensive halfback I Pellegrini led tha club r i TOMORROW IS SCPER-BARGAIN DAY! intercepUons last year ».•:!( for 00 yards. Sae Two Feat urea _ All Day Preview! al'CCR-RARGAlN DAT! r«Mn> at; -GIDGRT- — lee . I;|| . >;M . U:ll -TNS MATING GAMC" — t:» - Ut . 114 STINTS TOMORROW! Thur. Last Pay j pe THe rmUT ON YOUR UTRECI 2 • Color llit« TO PALL IN U>VE WITH 'I v-r ■K I arm fold Oo«d ood S'V'i. fvS Fficf tang* bom 13 m»o4 IP, ' i, BRIGITTE -OtokCMi I BARDOT Sttphen Boyd • Alida Vafli TBE Eitra ARM! HEBVBNFKLL al MT A 0 *1 MAI.OO ( AKTOO.N FESTIVAL X 4 • Lwik Packed Macoa CartMM • 4 RANNEY jewelers Slarta • feature No Doww Pay uin Today I liicwnu lumoon Next to Stat* Theatre TODAY 1:30 7:40 . 3:33 . 0:43 - 3:33 W0edw,r4 — One al 0:44 - jb'i Apr M \Kr Tire Mirnicus ^tue sr.wn MSU Professor April Jfl. 1"" Helps Develop MICHIGAN STATK MATS y\ Torn MORNING IIABI1 ampin Ctamifipds High Koailership o M iti MfKHKIt • niEltKK - RI K « K R • •» I K « » R*BIKI»K* Tor iirnTR ^ TV SERVICE University Program in Okinawa M c by Rr*pen«lMe Teehnirim, I'all or C'nmr In tit v\i i \ rt mm, Tmhrr. who vprni l\»r* *»•»»•* , • avvlvtanef in rtradrnuV ntvi igeneral Radio \ TV !'). ' .■ : r-v fin Okinawa. wa* *rirmr mil- I : m: V • . a. lit. ii- «■! ' • • '•* n <■( 'he tin;v«:r?it.v advi»- ,-rr o. l 0 Ttirltrr rstiiWislieil a tr»?»rl»i«« «nit r« r.»r«h wtrant l?» nv rinr bi.»li»a* the f'rd fe-r-vrar ilr- Titp pr«»ram In Iht* tirld fur • he tinl*er*H*. This in «iHO-rtn. m«>vfd «n ..pi t ;,'u!um \ .•«a:r,l>; . It. > Wftli In Ihr prfAide r* nf To '• 'i'.. i --apNe Id-her • rhiiti. It" awmff r* Mao .-ii.- .! • in- r'r.* .r. who • • >• « oti . , ,5'nc Rio u,» I'tr post ii . V» • •. .! , "!'■ I- li.l 'vHi'd ..AT .V A* :r if thi ,ii, . i, . » ,d r hlir. elf for nuc Im- dntir* a* rhitrrmn »f DAVE BIEBER • ii t hin e rommiiniM Jn r r- ■ m -i ;i'ni-v ir«, ; ■ \i :;ddr -, i. he ot CANDIDATE jit. n.Ass , i d . • I. S-irirji Sniit^ IMIKSIIIKM' M I H 11 M • X 1 H I III • II III I I M • ' 1 M * * '' " •1 H " HfUEL FOUNDATION fl»r fuuii-t'liR «' I'ltit-fr MHIIW. MM 1. 7:00 p.m. •.;.* ei u%«. -*IM it* I .11. »;un* ,.f l!-r Cn-wIi* have hern *rnl SnMi.'ith Sen ice-* at ZIU* llnn*e. in \r.i •'.'■.hi i!ti/\»r llif. for Sermon: "WHAT IS JUDAISM" l«< r-ih te deirrrx. No** V.\ KRYON'K WKI.COMF: t •- « ' I , 3i --J * tv.nno :* i ,i n . in !'*(» liuen'.l*. T».i rr *.i.;l. St MI\Y.#tt\\ :i. 6:00 WW. Vi- Ol *. Supper Clnh at I He llillel Hoti*e risiis pi wliich Krn I linilil. GASOLINE Kosher I lot Dog-*. Dr. Joseph Re> Her Speak* on "IH PNOS1S." VOTE Social following tl»* l.n-vrM I»rirr« tn Tonn In Ihr lr*j r inn a1a.miI tin ttt *i r.th> i \wr.n He.t *s IT SUE i. in t;,e Ir. e lilt sli.MVi, ol |Mlitinn* (hi *ti»drni* **'in rlrnK v I i. ** ml lit ttrrkc* It ,11 t i«.. rt lb » *i .1 II.(* |> . i*ur.r* prriaiitin to Ja|tftttr*r *• O «r.-|l K«l. y i' i la *«... f :» opinions mi rninjuiNn - lie > Ii «*»- *( » < Son- * ;"t< • *» >mv rultr.re. Kfitl vr-r i *.uh hiu-r rmppn-r M*dn«*sda* flu *K«i rnlln1r,| a in Ihr mam Inlili* ni lit. I nfr;* MOTOR oil ithn>) ihnnA • Irw of llir man* *tu .19 2 Kill C.I0 1 (las.rooni. lnrr«';iso I;i*Iit mio.'li - I • < h.. ■:* ,10 Ail ■■ l Till 1 *1 .1 ft.. Cigarette* 2*»c per pack CURt t'<., \V. V.. Ji Oil 21c qt. ami tip Tcaclwrs of Retarded f> auied . . ,. «luden' a **»•••'.; Id .tep-.n ?.* mi.. 11i i11'41 t Oriltr* i* located Ui*l two in h »*r.!v,-i .in.. 1'h, Am/-- hlorha ra*t • of the Culver- i ('•*'. \ : - *it* en tirand River. Come ;• . A*rs I- - IV i . m and *ro Cliff. 1 vtr* • • df ItMik- i * in Jp-" SENIORf Jerrv A .okr s I'm:. I h* ninrir^ If«rhin( **f rail* » Ihr mrnUtt* jMliHicr and : ' , . If-., PIZZA PIT cultural (.hintiti fiu.U i »r. nrn t • be *urb f\p«v>rd Indm In MOV lll'EMd \.*l. TREAS. ira-R |,r>>.uirfii « rtin ui, ai I piniuimn .: bf , *« trust i. rr,. I bo ti i dUatltil* ti r IVtrlorr . fitri »**B'i»lf about tbr thru «»' Perk Up Your Car if ll.vi.kfii.i Franz lr• i.. p.. * m, »itt»n*l and mm-la I ★ l.lilirli s and *1. tt ■ i» t- »hi * i'"i- »» i m»v iriiHoi '«»•,.i««i in l»« i«»i enable Ir Itirm |*».lrt»lial In 1,1 iSHELLj save .... ir lliiinrr a,Mi *c vh i; milium i«> !ra*r ^ **m thrm your paint . . . be!.m« I..-I ;t FREK rut rillHMlWS M'Ct lM. Old l a-lnoned lieef Slew with fre*h !! The new Arrow FREE-WAY ; v>a»li ll.i» i. |i his ir«r'.al.ie*. (run jello. roll and hul- ', puts "action" in a shirt.. villi i-.irli . . . | U-r. coffee or iced lea. i, Oil 7.Ac ~^ - ■ ili.inp an.I liilirication. Hc c\ a kndtcd shirt iu*t m.idf f«>r a.tivi sp.irt« A h-i.n, aroami, V Pi-li.rr wr'i). Tl,«- r-i;ght» nir-.li- V- I'm our r.-ir in j:*.*..! ruiniinp «• Any Vlt-iil On Tin- kn h (.*r Vli iiii \fl,*r I i.'lll |>.in. .t>-*ut perfect nrili TODAY'S Iinn r — an.I «»oi| li.nt.iiia conili- I nila. fncdoin cut l-'tr ui ; :i\ i. j i jk-vt. :i. the The luck, front, Jrts the . Srrring ihr t inert I'ixut An Alirayt The Day! collar ht \our neck just right. In 203 M.A.t a variety of Made* to match or . Kit 241863 RED'S SHELL SERVICE >r*hnatf *' w t:-; \v-ui sumnur spotUwear. $4. 1 . TIP Mifh. AM- Near krllogg Center JACKIE HATTNER FREE COLD ~ARR0W+ STORAGE first in fashion a: v CAMPUS CLEANERS (ORIVE-M) The iww Anew FNB-WAY b h$B! VOTE FOR FINEST ThtrcT no* a nun on camput who uui'l um on. IN si thew n»w «twn-b«k ihira. For tcnnil, go!- GLENN i TUXEDO RENTALS or bum FREE-WAY any sport, the unique cut of the Arrou prevents binding or Braining — THE TNMKINC KAN'S s COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE rwr. (There's plenty of style in these shirts, too.) HARTMAN NOMINEE j ALTERATIONS In many smart colors—and ior your selection. Arrow we have moat FREE-WAY, $4.00. oi the tr¬ SENIOR CUSS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PRESIDENT SENIOR SEC. ED 24972 kraft's store for kl 347 E. GRAND RIVER STREET FLOOR -1 ; '$kk m