I A Rarity? Tlic W oallier Thlnclads Schedule Partly < Inuriy. Mild Lone Home Meet lliith Tndaj fir, See Page 7 Sirring MSll For 50 ^ <1.51. No 21 i ast tussive. MicmoAN—raTnAY. may iTimsT I'HICK CUNTS Landslide—Livingood Trium j >hs In AUSG Presidential Contest GOP Pushes Ton! lioMi Bequests New■ Use Tux Iteeoiml I.075 (iovcrnor Assails Plan; I'ollnl II, l.urr, (Klrrink Tax Called "Blackmail' Result < of Thursday's nil- n» tar v*m>«'IAiii» rni** Sennit* university elections for Stu¬ Republicans rnntntod ahead Thurxilav with « lax dent ttovemmeh! "nrul das*, plan eallptl a "blackjack" by I»cm«vtatif Gov \\illiania while Michiiran sank tleci»cr into a financial off ices rnntred from small quagmire. Tncy pushed tin for h j»a<*iig-» margin \irtorjes In rutin- Vote Fririnv the four rent use tvn \ H. lax bill, equivalent to a one cent ROtr RPON'!)OR»n all-univerxitv Mravf Ml ale flurried. Fa«l |'levelunil. Ohio, aenlor. The drive New* I'h/iln Pv 41 Hove* sales tax incrense, firm in re¬ solve to tie It to a bcleaguerefl NEWS In ,t landslide Otisl for At*S(; pleiiilelit, Ihll I ,ivillK«i,if| tereiv prcqTosat for emergency state e,| ,1.5ftI Votes, defeating Milan- \ t« dlaeuaaed by Judv I'cteir. Honorary Arm* kick* off Honda* at A a.m. Donation* ran be Dearborn xophomore. anil built Risen at Dent Hall. treasury relief. "The me tax er netMng" wa* the ultimatum la the tiovrnwr. IN BRIEF Chapman who tallied 1,273 votes Another runaway came in the Tl-.r Mat, administrative board Me-r' / Set !*!„• «it in wa* for 2,000 Pints ar.i priorities f.,r h.-' try blocked out Wcdnesda.v. spending it In order to clear the decks. gt. dr.- x r Ike Promote* thtton 4 l*«»|>e John XXIII. 4 * 11 Sfi f'ON'Gltt'SHIM N roiiltt tlir lit lint h in 11nn .it,ii \ hmi# s.o. imixt.i iii \\ ii D'»u. rr|iii*ii|attM'«i. _ • ' t* obligations without specific DlH-.i, am- i>-.min«tf,| J,.v l'lt- i ad board «h n? Fi rithou . - Tl»urota-. t.i I.. approval, excepting r'v welfare, m ho»»l and a fevv UK o r Sc. reta?v of S«a'c I!, hi. |t't the coming Mderrtl rrvidrilU «tf Ittcham . ( Olintt • (her categories. b,"i .."Vhi; a uodetse. rrtio v ap»H*ar t: s.-,:" ^.e/\.- and air thrrrlntr fI. - - \ 1 up Mrcvto. funiN- - -mi- a->u it- t>-a«t« ; n - - ihlr Red l.» ( i trrritf oh* rrntri hlnntl from tbr Itcrr Woo i pliers. 1 hi*, ruled mil nintrarturs. ntunet for *un- telephone for e-MUon i.' nftao* Add Tickets for Senior I In 11 ,h>i to your Red t S. . stub if ynw «l». :u .< - ou 'r,\ ;1 ■ f n. i-ti. Mil*, travel expenses and even \ikilti Peaceful? If •, t.re.I hli-ixt this Open for (teneml Sole •, m\ , to get J»,1 of it. M.,v ed hi urine out Tburaday w here sh« in ha-' tacn awaidert a ta-t i ,n r. I i'hxxl vou give i* 4-;; Ik I, Hall from H-.S A'! is Krafit/ innMH'- the Uighani in-iv l i'Ml: to lit those l«ema hock Into the In fH-./i-e prize for tfif.R Tn - flt can In- U-'hhI Mm llgutmc dorms. fraternities. soroi dies IMvment scheme. • rtke the v«-Mior vi<- thltd, t/vor kepi—4»f « .1 l„ Hi t -.ill-. polio, and hejtat.t'i. and coup- are t untune in com- Minority ftene-ttata frt the ahiioun* e.| ThutMiay at. th,- S Ml a |... t i< e from Wayne He. iretittin with the result* posted vlet I'nlo-i began it* lug M,.» open »! On* I nit»!i .1, k I M >>, .•nu'l Ml etitU' 'm r and ki>1nc\ d Senate tried in valtt tmee more m , Kill. ,t-.-rvt.irv won i rctnfoiv.ng hen; t aiiia."- btorr tyiH*-* "f bleeaf.-- A-'isting ttic t»i«'H*l drive ate •o unfiec/e the treasury icf liar Weekerif. ♦ ♦ * Si nhM' datuI- In thill l.r hrhl -in • M,i it H \\ n in !' "i (,'oeds Tit|>ped .!«, k \ Hi sou II ittner .ltd flflH. defeaflr bill, which would permit H"M « '1,1 It till■ Hini «i ! ' Semite 1 iron In i. Toive. (Jua'ii. Sii"*t'aps and the t lid • mediate sale of Veteran* Ttu -in-aa>-out f.^v ' • • S> tidi.tui .i!ut H.uili Tin- iiuiiifil i-ynit i $>••?» *i accident.-, and »' « s. ftmd si^urities with 43 million I'." ii. i with 7f WASHINGTON V It,i s. i, In t'n- i Hi.'! r .r . Hrt-ic I»« >Tr tiic? . .. , <>•,>. MSI* goal hm- bo. vet,ii v,« collars cash value. •t lleiiningi litis Moriiino '• ' v - ate > .'e/f Thutr>.lav nt.. ».» put u-t '■■■ » Ml H« ! i ll'!,t b» - i >. M it b,>*« ■ i o vt i'. Ih' eamst-ri The atale's general fund. ID pint*, a- -m;i:; p»- .. "(Ml d«,||.os ,,f enietgen.A to? h : it till' jhc i \ < Ming H li In j,. tnc nec\t«Hl am.m:,' P • . t-onipamr an I kiltf for huu**-keeping purposes, '■ltd..' f /,ii,','f ^ n."i|»y to help filernllv v !» i h\ I lull KtH-rh.ii i .. ai l.i Itirh'im Sri .• I ton i an only !>«• piarti.in- v- bo a«-iuevi' h 90 pt" - facet a deAcll #| 1113.MM.P0* to ,i'»r en !-,e* liuil.l up their »"-oti«,m- To.- oh-udM-i •(' Mm tio Hon . u tnatK.i; tt-eoid will Ih- rx- Mae 13 With finlv l2t.5PP.PM »r o w hhng t.» dtt you; ; • . e- The House and Senate MOV,- o-ed frtwo the week •. parade, •-•••• I' ' ' t iit.ii d, sett lot j our donation < ■ • an .Mu D.hhrt rraonrie* In alghl. Inelwding eo'|iptoini>e *1'i a -n-allei H-'Hiali"! Mugs I lets/her uitlt 77) tat- favorable «>uii!i'-n> ..(»>• PIP.NM.PM at the moment. .I'.iount "Ph. li 'Ooi ai if .'UNlU'ttl :•» S.PilidrtV 'I; • . peril.qo lai ties in the set ret.it % raee dr j-i.xh'ss include the tea: ■>>' lalueahn> Slate The 108 million dollar use ' 1*1'-i-lr-nt t' ii d dorm Thursday ■ rnhowi - li ■ Uuirtimg ..ir i • i. h.t i a kr.l featril sue Heekiti.iii who to.ik Infui procedure. It t* actu« - bill would provide for divers, -i I,*; 225 million* ' I., S*v rnair-;!v , , find ,itni hi- t »ut -ViM.litU; Si'i• >u,: i-in 'I "ir tapping •? fti.l tnlev Mary I t»erhardt re of about two-fifths of reieipts * * * pus. f r>. 30 !o 10 .lo j. nt. I'anel DiM-iiNHioii the year ?.» the rebuilding of * -i .it ..I |!».«» • , lO.'lllrti . Ill, |l , Jill. ,1*1.1 leMi-tl 7»« title* lit lake the * * * c I .S. lo ttrhil \liee t'iist ill li. Hi t for Mu- .hill. Measurer *|tot from Hrtsv Wood lillianm tills thin Veterans Trust fund. %2 "Hi and |||U(.»'I • ■r \|«y Mornutg Smg Onl,. ward with 552 tallies. Stmu t r»l Sltilrtl A iium-1 of M* famous 1* S. BOSTON ii'1 Ttie Unite i I" iittm* fill hi- .1 . .1 ii i Hus-um educator* will die- .«*, r, . villi ii:.- v." I ha (aurrnori Hat. an Tw ,-»>•' - >• .' *»»;« •' y O • t ' S'afe* plans to hut I four w h.'e .,- The r.iM.i.iMt.i j»t♦ Soph,.ii,-a.- Nil event on rampuv will .group--* fi'tm M. hm«n h;sp i ■- tfie ddtetviicc* betwten the Hill to Hmil, Nrrnril ii a- info space m a safelli'e r.ir.Ui^ .1 .. Ft i *... .j ,ii. ( hi. .. , •«n' I (in,- it'Miit-, pre*- I t hi ml p I OMeii-ik defeated t ihii ation.il steni.s .,f their M-rti.n ri I gi-iit-ra| i Ii.iiiim.ui .•! • «i f h; inn mil "a Ir wav la Uir ROTI Mood st :;•».. . : pavtu ipab in the s\ Fails bv Four I olrs i »x* month and h«»pes •<» iwing th.- IMII. '.I 't'.tr Hiiai.i IVte Von l ivr nohom W,„at Ive (ountr.i- SuiKirty oil 'he chad- • back to earth as (lie world'* v-i«»i a!- .l««i n.^ next Tsfntlat, Mat ..nnna Mtcn.gan V'tt-a: am n-,i'i',i-d DOli votes to fsige ou' • 10 program, ' t.tst . nt-r.- fn-'imeh .ui,| junior wo¬ acreeing to the change! rts'iva a' 2 !>'• Satuida- ,n Mcetityj «•{ WASHINGTON 1*1- Hj I successful 'a-tronaut- '* Il.i.-.l.-rlk.'l-'ft I iiii.liliiill men iin In In- Fat l.uoiio With H4d in the vict- itrrwrd The Auditorium Tht cm»ti>. all ^Mluds ' votes, f|ou»t- DemtM rats failed * * * a air hippo I live p,-tfbptent rate The*e differences have caused fhi- II IM'lr t- i.f 'I A Thursday • :, . for an adequate r .!«• diViMtm v\;iiii,i> ,»• distrn-t in »' all-out bid ' » Steamer Pound/ It.'lllilill. t iM-||illl|!i'll Set iftai with ktj voles grout colli cm in l*>th couiitriu- bieak « ir '.| It.ippe I !U,»Ufi'r 1 »'« I",... K.i,1 I1. .-I.i f.' A defeated Jan m tnussed rh-'t uu•;« defeated Kathy i painless and harmless pn>- •t.e three Russian and throe Eisenhower promptly voiced ported findlnRs «»f what thev inn hungim/ i»\ Hp.mow Ib.spi- alniut who would Is* tap|)«l for Or. I Harden 75H. | and takes only one h«»ui of Tilllt- l.i >|M-ilk r s educators will cross-exam¬ deep gratification f«»r the 2Ho- said may t>e the Great fatkes steamer Carl Bradley which -ar k fa: ,|i|tli«»l I'll ".* l.is! Thursday a!- MiotnlK-rship, while the* membeis tune, 1) Maurice ( rant- of « Hu- ine iach other trni,H.n f the two organization* worried Winner* In Ike raee* far atala 148 vote by which the Home i/naruties Dcuartme.nt ,K-ak John Rc Hal lata, in Lake Michigan last Nov lit thMHl.-iktl, t la all denor* upon rompb- C'amplMil will would have taken from Sucie- r .«• t <»' of Nun-1 "Uf,«rm* near Qui! island about 4."» mile's nut administration. wa Bitch member of the honor, Ii i* desirable to have only Ih» on the Unitwl States panel. tary of Agriculture Ezra Taf hi*p»- liilehrM. Ktbby Vail M: Warth it a* 8 Fiiu.c- at the V A 1. Markushevich, A. S. Mak- northwest of Charlevoix. tdiu»-d for it rubral hemor- responsible for seeing khi meal previous to donal- * Benson the power to pass orr->. it .trios was William*. FatU shlrtum 4<: West 314 Kvcrgtctn. All tfiteie*ted hov. ;.nd K. R ltashidov will > nagc hi- received Tuesday elicit thai her tappee was on hand, on lakeley. Jaan [diypim all fat food*, students arc invited to attend. represent Russia. rural electrification and tele¬ in- lost control of his car after time, and ignorant of the fact North Crawford II: u:** biood you give p'": by your body. When von i* never phone Joans. Spartan R ivt-M suffering a stroke. that she was to be tap|>ed. avrki Jl. Campbell, Phyllis Ihtar- v one of the twelve Court J indict- lo Speak v«d.-circulating in your *y>- pints. Grgunixe I'icnic Ka.st West' Mayo. Mayo. Mat French Dolly Claw.ton 3:"i. your body goes right to A family picnic Sunday from East I.aruha,, Mike Roberta til, MSU Celebrates Imw ;■•» manufacture more to > p in. at Rotter I'ark i», -ched- Abbott, Jean llunie 150; J'- \ its a are place, short time the back again.'only now are thirteen pint* in c\- twelve At 3 pm, today, ut Fauchi J tiav wa* frequently marked by Day Irtiw Day I* s.A iiied by Spartan Wive.-, MSU's student t u* wives month's meeting. Picnic-goera organUutiori, as Nam y MeiTill IUK, Ma,on,. Gen Wong l»h. Congress Repre.-tentaUvex for the fraternities are Larry Camp¬ proc!a!meJ will bring their -twelve for you and one theater. Slave Supreme Court cUshes between the workinginen for the*- first time in IP.58 by meat to own grill and a main bell with '*>2 votes. Maul Mat¬ to help someone, to stay Justice George Ed warn* will and government troojw. F'rvaident Eisenhower to honor uish to pass. The.club will fur- lock aith 17M, and Richard speak'on I .aw-Our Gonccpt of the American "rule of law.*' nmh beverage, dessert, and rel- Swope with 133. Or,it red Liberty" in MSU's ob¬ [here are deAaite benefit* lo k Mood this spring Find. Ijtt year MSU was the onl> ;-he« according to Mrs. Arthur servance of Law Da> U.S.A Hororilv represenuti\e* are university without a taw i^'ho.)! Wheeler, refreshments chairman. Itudenta at MSI* you are rou- In. Russia, and many parts-of to izbaerve the day. Prof. Hen- Mrs. Robert Hudecvk and Mr.-,. lllanne Itemura 137. and Jane Europe cannons boom, crowds orik Zwarensteyn of the College Fredrick Chappell, activities co- ftingham with Id? vote*. cheer .t.id workers parade in of Business and Public Service chairman, haye planned games pur Minialera observance of their celebration said. and prises for children and Repri-senUng the men's dorms will be: in Emmons, Mick Fer¬ of May 1, a day to show the adults. tiree at Convo power of labor. Justice George Edwards, cently re-elected to the state re¬ and Relay#, 1-legged races balloon-breaking craitests rari 131; Bryan, MO; East Shaw, Dave flronaner Bill Wallace The first day of May has been supreme court, will be featured are some of the event* planned. FAR1S inMi with 128 and Pete Mcpherson — Four Western many thing* to many people. apeaker at the second annual After the organised games 142; West Shaw, John Schneider p-cn minjster* proclaimed full • In Olden England, France and celebration txiay. Hp will be there will be facilities for team vrncnt 123. and Jack Knirk with 132 Thursday on a master Germany it was celebrated with introduced by Prealdent John A. sports such as volley ball, soft- to break down votes. cold war much rejoicing and merrymak¬ Hannah. ball and badminton for the In the Bailey election, a tie P ,ns in Europe. Then they ing in a festival handed down by Juatice Edwards ha* been a group. ; into between Richard Toth and Ernie an unexplained hud- the Romans in honor of Flora, Court Judfp since May. Riddle will be decided on Mon¬ goddess of flowers. was appointed by ) one would say what the In medieval England, the cen¬ Due day in a re-election. John Love Mcwmr Williams gained a Bailey sea*, with 155 £t«rs planned to discuss. ter of the May Day celebration a vacancy. S. vote*, but the'other two candi¬ Secretary of State Chris- was the may pole and the fair¬ dates each received 134. Herter and diplomatic est of maidens the Queen ef the !i of Representatives for East Lan¬ Britain, France and May. At the end of the Ifth century sing will be the following win¬ Germany wound up their ner*: Ellen Doyle 135, Darrell pre-Geneva consultations labor organization* of Europe " v after Voitik 113. Barbara Lee Whipple noon, a day or two began presenting their annual the ynrli waay 127, Jack R. Miller 141. Charles dvaace of expectations. demonstrations on May 1. Dm pf M« Herbert 149, and Don Creyta, The Door Is Ah» su s Open" i\ficliignn Slalc Ncavs M Graduating Seniors Deserve r RpsH (balls to Xisr's 'J.A.ROR MUhlann s?4?e N'p'v* I* jtublishcd »'> Slndrnts and Factilo lUutPnl* orMlrhig.. . 0 *pi«iIv i 'li.p I'nsi ranging Mali vvlth»ut "vp im.vpr.llv diVPCl faculty supr u. nt Registration* Kxam Privileges cot ...i«.l»l vnit•* ci I--V .-..pkitig t.1 «P»VP 1IVP I'pfi nvtprpst* Of notu. atand- • h .'ti# ant tn«t\r vtlti.'» Mould drwp a v»pdgp bPtVPrn • • v fr i< 11i*vft Mom WiCuu UiP untvpisUv or fiori mtlsldp Hp A*MH )atp(1 Prp** Inland Daily Prpv. and AasoclatPd » -,t, STfOKNT rOM.HI-:ss Wih!nr-.!;n r 1 TV;s h the first spring term that graduat¬ pas>fsl a rrwlutinn t" nvommrtni f«< iht* ing seniors will take final exam* Col. 51, 21 Friilny. Mny I. I!*.">•) Pi administration that vrraiiuafir.c r- • .- Senior < ouncii petition#*! the Academic allmvod to register on the first .(;<\ <■! t oun* • fhi* year in attempt to reg.v i registration. If thia suggestion i* ap}»m\ e«i. v» «■ ** • *'is exemption from final exams. -The pn- pe«*^' thev suggesfe*! would allow only .^licliigun Stale Nov* .141 sturtpnt SpiMcps F*«t Lansing. Altchigan then «ee another group :t« privileged students who autotnattoo ; > ■ voP.fal freshman ismip hptwepn sununrr and fall <*rnit. Rnin e\:imi!iatio|Js srtond class matter under 'he act of March S. ISTS at tha post rap# mnn> registration perns i; r ■ i through the prtnev- carh ll.net- « o ♦ • «> SUM OR I'M M il. de-eiAes credit for *Ataii'B«ib*?rt|>ttonk pavahle In sdvance for en* term tS. f0i t«, term- «i for three terms. S3. effort, but met with no «urvr-* th - . . . ^ students are gran tin I fn- come-i-ion. >t :is Me-, her of the Inland Daily Press, As*.H-iatpg Pre«« tPd ^ One of the re..-ons Av.u'ated Collegiate J'res* athletes, too. rernw specm; rrgi-tt.«n.o; gl\en for t«-final assistance the candullv prepared rt-qiie*? w»« the "Special privileges" ago in. *«»me in. * -ntd-ntioii that the new plan, which had aav. But in this net' «i> fVi: •» »"• - » i\. di-.t alter careful studv. shoiih! not bp real l* raws# for alarm "getting a hotter deal than I am " because s.in e group «iio this •» it This i« *he trial, and if m. Kl) 2-1511 EXT. MIS registration mill, seniors m;o oncountm be 'be *»nce But. in the same light, it nv ItMSIiKM: » » » n«t r»WloitU» tar Tin problems unique to those with .just on* snnpiv mark the first of mam year* n Thurs., and Frl. MIIImi, term left. Meeting requirement* for grad¬ w bdeh all seniors w id take final exams. j»n.s Man. Fdltien Deadline: S p.m. Frl. uation, securing umarticaiiv. after thev have receive.! Rill* Payable (-1* snd 1-S Monday Ihrwwgb Frlda* required courses ami credit* ■ these problem- can some!inn-, their diploma* make last-minute st beds, e ai d course Which of 1he*e situations prevail* is up ' to the Senior Council soon to he chose CLASSIFIED RATES HOUSING ^ change* not on>- difficud but next ?.» un minimum IS »e.d» . possible (if course one can ultva.y * stav and. in particular, to the senior <•!•** pre«- ideuf elected Thursday t Jmv ')c for sale an extra term At anv rate, we think • ?e;.*oniihi© to Phi* i« one area of concern to all senior s 7 d«y. H.45 3 dm tl.W ?,bl beiieye that ria>* standing does l ave son »• and oi e :n which the elected executives FRFF.D STUDENT COI of the class can have a meaningful veite 4 d«y\ 47.25 to aell blf^ meaning Those u ho Vuo e *uc, es«tiii;\ dar*. Thl* IMS. remainder of « « ccune through !.* term* «a' be ju'owr.f Most of the functions of class office?* 5 day. 42.50 Mobile Home, X X .14 preaenth 1 .k,-.. . home lot near University more concessions than freshmen «* least seem to involve no sort of actual governing additional charges laaalroom. 1a.gr hvtnc a-.i , meal for nem-lvweda thev can be put on a level with athletes nothing which would significantly* afte. r for etch word over IS . — Mudenta. Under panoo jv » »«U| Perhaps, however, thus special privilege a members 4.f the particular class R.i 6c per day mar he granted to seniors wuh the thongi.' tb * ,* one opportunity to show that a rlg*4 that it will pacify them, compensate for president and his council can. do something AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL — • iheir loaa of exemption from final exam* i f meaning for even* senior. Thev can be THI MOO MAIDS y»« W# proteste.i earlier when seniors lost more than figurehead* We hop# thev wi j the exemption STtaTTCNS SPORTS C*R CiNTIR 4 OI4 tbat roteb- the\ ha«t be d for vear- proye th.* in the week* to come . *• » ^a»e a T« f ■. l.rltrrs to llir Ktlilnr ■Film l iirr DAtgy plant aNTm ' STMews Grts More Reaction 011 ROTC Veir 'Imitation of Life* a ) imeral • I tioin mi: I A MUD A C HI erl your -eivice* !»!M foolliarnt Katma Ta, for fh» a • , la Mllfi I letters 11ren Hami Da1.. I' g fi«- j . I f| I n< . d - e». »>at tw h.s •\« farbwik i*- tb 'J Tr.-ycrsji' lnt« nudiona) Iwuiyht the y.d-ngs M> J-awi • tkin*e?tr«4> e* . . ■ , t,'©-*- *»"* lr> vy# .'i>e • . • a- A screen rigb'- .**.•: n }. m».y le yersion »>! r«nme IKMSf* ■ •« • * * V T ID FINFST d -ave -rt- t\ g-a tills:* tcdi ■ ■ ■ » hi r lu.yci, ' Imitation »»' '*•*1. g .V f-.«* i<« r « life." U. g>, *n comb,., T he »• g e-v : ."» - rM 'p a -a\ n » . nr 'r»i The v « , in mi* iH 1 '■■■> Stevens .formerI g 0...0 • \*« rv- « .a.iiu l!-' v -. -i- Ileavpi •- at » - r> '« «• 0* > • '« . ail .*.' ' tnt spoits cfntjh • - H'auu- llauis .).» ' »•* a gag. •.* . n»•• J. '.ia » ■ a -. a • um Nfi.r- .** nar Fi« dears ai-,<: oll'ers Cow fl'id wl ?•> t* ' 'A a •i-t'- ' ^ ' W.* si - . • • ' m i« v • TbADES WIlCOMI ygen.t IV t> • ». k Asivt. « »- ■ •- ,H» , . , • »al« yitnmutm .. . . ..wt a* ... » . ■ r. r.K :n 1), t:. * MIKF Mills , i and ttnuari* « ■ cn all cats ... v'l-'v * ?» ■ ; ! -it -.- radi an i •a t p.ts to the Sta-. .. *1 •» sli*l| «n-1 . Amn • «♦ t ueet. }-\ p p. t.< I •wr*»«p Kslln i the . Drive-In i- ■ awvwnutMs. Gival ur.c<>.>it.p> f hrrsl ii» I Ihffh . ' * igi hai r b«- i trim itwmtgh haer*mi hsc* h***r, «ir. The i." ..o ' • i v .lasp«'g» M..S ftivynstTH Me»' oat KWAsr HA Mm t)» , . KOTA i'' >m * « »* ' • ..- 4 I tV; . to ooittcn or CD ; "in; i\ Iduatlv .le.-orate.t rsson lr» Kit r«*ri*piu«tt:\ v . -m . ♦ * i • » i .a ».niiu.it' i.»r R.i I'hon# maAitanan IV 4 ■ pnn>>.p!c* ami * «• ! \T«)V i" AM AMI Students . . f 1'wo I'arcllrl Mnrir* wnlhin tt-ie.r •• I ! ■ REAL ESTATE •Of l*« * s .fit:; Deplo.v Wvl II , tJx>ug**i v» :• I LANSING- PR AW . .»» gg? x n I.* t"«. two bedi.mm units t In name *4 wispps si p- i >n»i C tena ate i.tlhtlrs la «C £ •* - a ••'•*» i a Mi it .. nnv tnanmna * • fy i ». - h.p;»-in men and '* ■ ■ -- - f1 ». u'f ft- tin liners. »|j g-gjia of UtpN* r Resig..i„!,.ii . . o- i.!*«*.» M'' -A iia ig V • V ! ANSIVG 1014 Ma r - #• i < • dinpd to iiaoon n m- r !<# f . i-rcii.mm» I', baths «' »•- * x', **?• of ail ht *h.'p l« Ikf I4iIP» •tn\g iihmii Sue i.o .a move im tin v • V«t "i\ - r.,.2 a nus an.I Red rpda> -• s * «* ■ be; : '. f'""'fr, H) 2-1 Hi rinmg • pr*«r?p •* >i*» s 1© Ih# I dltrti ' S* ' •*• • Ulsoo r .. Jan. ■>. 1 end Ihp sr*u V> cwn • « If - ' ' K*W Si.KN *1 DAN \>. SERVICE XX Illrp-sl (••grip • nan Nangi it eroerpc • ( . ne I.I) v)«f, 2' 1*1 AX SPEC * . t t « • Th! ■ . f- FOR SALE . ' V\N wt*i MOTMfIS OAV SPECIAL DELICIOUS SPUCN IAalhr«n luvi'K < ). Upward X|r(urd< SPUDNUT Sh, « nen ' V - srj on eto * I harlct Mrid 11 t t> t 1 (•ieaa fAuiwcr t I'll RarpPlt VPIN'ci BV rt'KU } nirt *er\ u-e close in ^□jn aoaa aua v oaoq aas i:h I f» 1 pa A 0 ... d , •« i !u it. t^n«- KD t-'.•■■■ Mptipn | Uf h« . ... *"P^« • »-«.' ' Vt'INO IN MY home jaas 3ouoo3R.i « Re* Jardp* • • • ' eti> . pp.- ■*>'. ..*■■ Mt*.tr reihtrta. etc IV laanun A■.;. . • „« mau - l.ahnelp X|uM>ag f a . > . "t P. ;»» I TYPIST ANN Bnoyv * □oom 3CKM tarrell Ragshaw . . »>> I . U ;• , , s S-J".Vi F.tertric •i ... .-.J tvpew; ^03(1ULIJ aiSJRU Qf-ia aano * > r. t law re a.» Rephier Atelsia .. wm h Thompson ' ing •; er« ana thexii. alao *> ioa t • t ' a -, •» •• rr. -prp.- • . i.Mibitii jewelei u*jan onna^ia f* rt RtiTv Mill** 0«m« brnnmi'iilalum Tourrt liunn spaptan aviatio'- !*:.fre-P • g. ao;.i aaoort " " i t.s ■ r ..c- - libel fa»w* ! crs ... ^ „ i,d; . K iU • , □ *□ ? J lOi litU >r..v s.jv - »' d.S* l * 1# v « »'• Reraard Rlamer f' r *v: '•••■ I»*.v* ->0! . • 1;iC ij,M- 1, (? naun.-iM . uoufj » ».H,.iet»! - a-!fl -e#.r Ci Tana* i I v» A t I, w AMIFH RFN'DIX sri.* ra ti *aa.R " " *» '' I ' * * Xrtaur R*•& a' sr Plo.r.e FD S-IH.31 Jt r. ■- v .ui •* i H ana r.fh * H* GOW N >« I FN v t; ppu.irr, cf lark Xml Nef ACmwsm U-cugt Fror- « r.« X kivilaaa rduon fi/e l ike n J71 P1>|M ErAiaief ek«-» «»* -.aufto t t>s*c ROTV r r> :-2;... Capital C.ty A.rpad W— 21 . «*nv« » oAcs«»-.ar>a the hs* J aba Real* ' l«etf* * ■ {«ji, df. or a ifd . AKt > ot.i ivkhf t) adv ERTIkf that «> i.anisaiM.*n of oar ns*>an», dp- Harnsteia ■ r«. 1 's tfide» *•'»!:% «.l- i r Hnt sandwich troard I f^r.sp to which 5S refits trad Gitan«n !* dt 11 ctf 'et " ••*' 'V «» ' He..- - ab.e or;ce« Contact Ei *ertence Phone .. . " - -- ■' • 11 .* ■ J.«''... h,n^M>ntr ; HFA tlRDFK XVD- IV •» weuofi I let* tXitoee -■ Gat tn can.Du* . .MidJtior) El). Jmm D«»* y* Makartrbiaa ::: •'■ • - .1-4UW j, *e 11. TOUR LAUND«* * ♦ Tbamaa rra.-v,v„ k.trhtn utensUe* FD 2-t'" and Sitrialitlf Dae CarWar a,..tn pfi cv*a cojisiup;popular.t> . PORTABLE HELL 4-S&33 and H>■ ■ • ' 4»l» iiMHMU H Dp.sip true to Jab* xareip n- crofiln- reader. Phone ED t-3Tsc • > l'urfto*r? ' Ext 2.VJV 41 Altrbael R«»r J.i.~ YQUS r».." ,;E r»r 22 t. LANSIN6 lAUW' Silplif II AI'sim '• Uw Ullv xteai Rreffprg SIX HUNDRED "X ■vMiVESAlAi! X.***A«« ..Vtr DIAMOND Perfect 2»-roint ENGAGEMENT stone Valued RING JHI elBalHB UHH SI. Hrr» Spvswa: «PPM ago Willieei Otitis o\tr WOO »!30 iash ED "-17M dav* at TV and RADIO f-.-a iteaRIa Brsmii TO once to students L*i IS Naaa NOTHING!!^ . cunoijt*. we en«no#c 21 « Young Rabert Raesiitoe tronu-s. !2a Woodmerf » » Nefavse S-ac*A,;ju meet.r.g. psppc^rvg ■» "l IXTTTM—V ED 2-k227. car a dtacua* on o' aoc«aLa«v f.. Narrtaa* HOUSING TV-RADIO-HI FI frr < ef*G its ♦ ♦ • hvnor-r in Ampnce. We Ifrd uwM TV tett Ser FOR RENT « fauna, howpver, that the.- do- Turn It On-Hleezf E Lansing. U. E. !-*'••• hates. 113 W. Grand Rive* IC c M-.on cpr.iered arouna Tneth- out wmr UIUI i APARTMiNTS - r *i uf uf.p of Lie m*.yc poulita lie i.toarv. NOTHJNC16000 GtSEF'J UJHVMDNTYtW USE j Golf Course. ED 2-kM6 'IDEAL BACHELOR APARTMENT S2 at st>op open. • a m to 3 3c pt- I T.V. Techniclant Co.. *— 1 *;i barley p*rt»ea, The* suffered that ate'e Riwsa* STRATEGY? iNewh f.irnlsi)*d Kent Inoludtt utltl- »gan IV 7-333i ties UiM % Cedar. IV 4-45U tf 41 R»e t ownenhip of property * ...t-* **-juJa bp mar* Pior»s»rr.- end ir ■ Aig/il Staff "Ml— .1^9., -taff ROOMS FOR tlusa to campus. students ED 3-34CS3 or TRANSPORTAT ♦4 So w U Moras wanted to « 44 C;av*i eff.cietr* *\*,r.r., tner of taai r.f isp.iidsr. or ir-ET • we xigkt star* ■#>(• •)<«?»• a n «a*e« LOST and FOUND ■ j or MadlaoA. Leave blay « return May II, momir.g ^r- '•' •> co*»-« tar tan ,rd out b> *\- ED 3-U431. «.»effees». Aeeer. %•»«, »•««©» »e UMtior. Whea ?n* •a*» i.o«t nckett si.mr »s'wssr"- "••• I brown rase. Phvslrs-Math US roopv. Reward. Pnon* Bailey A-31*. rot,. lecture H.iute. RIDERS Indiana. WANTED leave >'-* 1 . Rtn. return Sunday* ' n i Kn.seL. ed 3-3H3. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS jrody Arsonist Car Burnings Called May t. PitrTtiriM or Pyromaniac Job Attend Church This Sunday Itv r.ll.nmT 7IVT The choice of older model car* •aid Toeh. They may he com¬ lno-lon*, BUS. »o one nf any PEOPIES CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST SCIENTIST ie nio*t puf»lln«^qwr«tli>n U I* "If we assume thai the ar«nnt«t number of reason*. Toeh would only speculate a* (HAPEL CHURCH a pvrnmantae. it would be di(- 'i.it possible nvtivo coulrl fleult to *|>ot him." «aid Toeh. to the motives of the arsonist AND STUDENT (ENTER EAST LANSING FOUNDATION Itrimtr of lb* Sfolli-r einir.Ti „,0 have tor maliciously ite- who fired three ears in the Dro- Th* I lr t I 'bill «i of i I, r i .1 "Fyromaniacs have si np xv st ftrm i.R ,ms another's proiterty" lieen dv lot liMmitfttoininatlonitt known to range from beautiful Si I. Ill ■ •(, llo.ltto. M*»«. hat kind of tverson Is he" If the arsonist is a p* reman - (N ati..i»f| | uttirftan < onnrlt) lis IV. tirsmt lilirr woman to reapoeted old gentle¬ he mar hare assumed ihe Morning Worship to on vid tuts Hans Tech. assistant pro- lac. Missouri St mull jus | . liianit It iv rf men t pii. ...i, ntfrrl "on f|>«t linnit River »t Uirhift Lr nf criminal pssrhnlnas. tn- ears were insured. Toeh ex¬ Per.. Jnaojih Porter, Sllnlalpr "Except for a desire to start plained. Ihe* weren't. 441 Abbott Road tlao bio. Kx \ini|» of m-ihr* [ effrreil t« the Hat, Ne«" and II iltt Rtv. p. luttvnr tint. I'saior t Ri-rvUp* II » nr. . aneeulallnns on the atleieit prolNthly watch fires, py¬ The arsonist may he "ju*t r hapei in • «::* » »• - V.; | in | || . ' irt rnif || M A *|. •unitav Srliool ll am. romaniac.* teml to mat's personality. appear as plain sick." said Toeh. He may nromal as anyone Snb|p< t he is a pyromaniac. he else" he said. . have an intense dislike for people • f r to on • si Mi tt *1 II\ I. I tviittsiiir *i phipiis i in mi it "In a sense. fire* started hy a Hi«htr«9i*mx* and Judgement |l easily !«• 'he guv next nod the, college student in parti¬ Sin, M m i y 11 i,| Pitt hi niny At 11 it in i nf p* rmttaniac St Mi tv *111*11 F are self-defeating. cular. • said Ton'1- , (tola I ■•iiiioiMitnii >i .,|| I II Ittble Slndv Srra ln a ' , difficult to generalise, • OKI iaM || on * vf Hi'viinu ||hi.m ihi .ina in p. 114 W. t.imil Itii rf aid "Those fires may tie the n 4 oaf Supper, •»i y 11 * o> II* i * • ,,'f a vandal or a mentally Uv : tin p *| i impii* * |irr« Opera Pumps It i v s.lii .imn rson. Itul it's dangerous to Gamma t»r tl a Program p in. Sl.nv W-t. Pel . to conclusions by saying nil • at. in. t t»|i|r! VFM"U S u pm. arsonist is a pyromaniac " I III p VI • am * |> m 'ft 4 |i m Ipn ■rt, said he heltevea that If Interim Pastor, ttrv. Iirmvhl ttilnrr I lllllsl *MM VN|» r lllilsl s"' •at unlay 1 • or. - i |i m. llIIfill Si lliinl • I were farced «"» anea. aa to 20*4 Peon 9se. IMIN \l II U III ||II » vit.« I it oh I'nlix fmrn oiil I mi,II. I the araonlat la. Ute trnden- smith * f i i« *|ir.ihrr. Sale Priced II \IJ| Is a Mill |ip em-.I Alt rreli nmt I aiii-orf I luir h HI INK Ml K aeern to l'«" • nf the eaae Unit, Michigan " 10 t *1 It BO * \t »i« • smvlip* ami »|,,» atl,| ,. ,f)# L,d piromanta The payehol til I oil* till tier volt* ttplioma lU 11IM14 Itlfllll, Parsonage Rit. OX B-ft«# ii a Mini, ui, Wrtrnni trill Ilium Ihltiiiih lilt l» aihiml ,«(■ T emphasised that this aaas theor*. 9 -90 sivever. elpctimstan.dat evl- e may aupport this theory rvomaniars arr usually or). ho said. Although the ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Or . EDGEWOCD EASTMINSTER EAST LANSING ll.sd of causing the fires Is fully determined. Ihe EAST LANSING PRESBYTERIAN TRINITY CHURCH yet pros t-rik place on late & CATHOLIC STUDENT PEOPLES CHURCH sdav night". and ■I three fires took plaee CENTER ttilrrifrn»mlH»liotit| CHURCH fit apart in iv*nii# tin the general el the defaulters arneP- area WESIEY FOUNDATION Ht*v. e. citiryg tvirti*MA li.d N lldgdgorn M.iad Rev. Robert I. Storr-limf, Sflrvlalpf Paaiod rr R Rd*attain;la lr r Plpple * * * 510 lUvUI'MI Stint woitMtie at 1JT M \ » Avroud UllxtlO M IrllOi tll, ftvii M Jlrr Carry On . i* trlii" lia moth «»f i»r*nd Rlwr) I.citIK* |. Jordan ti mmv »'Himih*M II 14. lnrr»ligalion 9|in|alrt« II" v tinman A M-'irU'-o. Uinlxtrr • f HflM »»• * I It TO I IK I i»l I m ini. Jr. IIi.-1« HpIhmiI, aid (I iimniuiiloii v|. ttpi.a'..or ) bllee are still Invosttgatmg t i« - a 4* • in 11a - 11 it S'lHtl ** thbolt llonl » Id f M IV "I *I||Q Mmlxlrr } car startrsl ti> «n «r- tliahv alltlng 11 t U A Itrv. lli.blnaoit 11 I a pp. •I *1111 *9 * HMII V («t early Friday morning A Id mi tliivri) • ^d Hi am tlinrih Si lou.l, rallli \ura in *inii'»N" am Mrd I ilinnh >.hiiul l*»r limit ar.id* a in I' M c*iirr Ro««ry) i interviewed Nurarrv for h.ih sumn • lul iimltr. '* r c *V | * » '• Ill Ml I hti Mr, I 1 * lab re;vt!i on the rau^e Saturday 4 5 id * t id # od P.M. Pi. I" r! OOP. I ny I at '• '0 atvd IP n.. i.,.« t linn lr *i fund II o in ■ ; >e fires, Botnr type of de- I bur. ii v. •rrihnn ■ III" I • ll"> .v ' •• |I lion| I netmn aeerlerant has In-en crih room tbt'oish Junior tilth CATtltri.tr *itit»vr t»m;\\|. "Till. I IIHts I IAN A r 1IOM1 M A'l I'nivPt |ty sii|tl">ily i*M. A partial report *»< litVlt< ll I'l ■I'rii'l. /.Alios Mllfs SlMiAt I it a m ( iillry * i Uvr. ** ps|py livtsi Thursday, Lt Fai'e llnitrn , •tntof II• ula I lax* — II • 11 IH NTS 11 M I OMR 1 19 V St. |rit* said hut the result* wvm 7.0» p in , Hfiln- i i» r.\ • nlrtf 10 III *11 *. vt'.d ptandmc completion. Ph*nt I It f-RTTS a ill. M llUli IrliiHil tPlluwalilp ) lo I p in. I all Ml 2-5119 fur Iranxporiaibin l< • d I i-dar Si Itim! I'ravpr ami flib'* siudv fcewpoinf Sfln 'lalk F.ugen# Jfnnttig*. Maiftant |(e*si»r of business artmitui-tra- wiil Join Dr. Charles llir- ALL SAINTS SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH keld. n»iM.int pmfes*>r ef North Matnr.llA Ave at P. Mlrhlean Canities. cm WKAR rmiio. 8»un,ia* *'■ 2 •Viewjvoinls." EPISCOPAL CHURCH •tut l ft ** a - It I ii k luit At Mourn Itlver llrlva Rev. 4aiur|# II. Illlaun, .V|e,i.i,r K ii net v Si li«.i| — 0 15 AM, They will discuas "Machw- Howard P Sui..leu, it ir liexnmnd J lu ll i It in Modem Society." 51'iinlmc Worship — II in) A If. •no Abbott ll..ad — t il ? 1111 lO Ol) A II llii.le Si h'.ul Hniir, f nllec* f't ixa I uigbt 9 Her vie* — * P *1, * try lit liavid Marnier, N .un it Sili iee f'vrmng h. rvni) -• 7 «4 I' M. R»v. J'dth r. porter — til.plain lr.pl, HSU SPIT I 91. INVII9 IION: I nuiarned Hiudentr Id youny p« .pl-e snn« »ilp Go ORDER YOUR Tree hua servlro leaving Slnw and I irm Ian* 9 ?0 4 lit IK ROOST •PP.AKINI* A M anil d 'H PH. Routed llifmicli rainpii. t <>r liirlle i Inlruinalluii r ail |* r '• 18f ll.do A.M. Mornlug Prayer »r W«iy to IvmmunluB and brtinon CAPS AND GOWNS Soma CARTERHURT CLIR •;Jd P.M. Sunday VISIT THE UIIIVERSITY (HAPEL Church Every Sunday OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYERIAN CENTRAL METHODIST MIS K. Michigan Rev. Milium Hartman, Pastor WER-Cin EISIE CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH 2827 I Mil IIKiAN Morning a no A Ottiiaa at (hetinul Ottawa at Capitol Mwrahlp 11:00 % M (ml. |» iid-nt *un«l.ain. n(-aI I're-MlllenUt (Pisher llu* I lor) I-.3B Communion In Chaprt Chnrrh Krhnol • 15 A >1. R5.V. O. J. 11 la.a IK A, PABTOH Rev. Wilium (1. Kuben, Minuter VouIII trlluw ahlp S J-l P M. IS a m. Nunday Ibble hi huu| Iravld S Fej/r||, Parish Minister 19 or ship Bers lc»4 at Ml and 11:11. Rvenlng service* 7.00 P.M. LOYATIY SCNDVY 00 a.m. Morning U ..r»IUp Mle Harper, MlnUlrr of ChrUUatt Mid-week, lhuraday 7:00 P.M. 4* pa, Education Youth liruupa . BLRMONl Mno leaves International Center at •• p.m. Evening Inspirational Bervlro 10 0t» and II :3d -THE f.Mll.Kkt II VLLH1I MI5-* AM and S:04 I'M K..uImI NOW!! • :IS Two Horship Service* Urouah rainpua Per information (Nurverv Re-organired For Hotter Service) Mr. Ktthen pieaihing at both Paul Mnrrtaon prrathing •n time and piacda of elop* call For TranspoiUtloii call IV U-710J «ervlce» d id Youth Groupi ■V 7-1411. dlrd suod.iv evening Calvin tluh fCloaett Baptiat Chnrch to Camput) for aingl* >ouug aduli* Central It a friendly chut, h Welcome 7* FIRST (HIRSTIAN UNIVERSALIST EAST UNSING LAHSIH6 CENTRAL FREE BETHANY BAPTIST REFORMED UNITARIAN METHODIST CHURCH UNITY CENTER CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH At Jeffcrvon B. Iloimet at Prmpert IfS W. Grand River ROXIK Q. MII.LIK, Pastor S50d S. Pcnns* Is .tnia Avcnod Lansing IN MarahnR It (3 block* S'.uiu of Sparrow Hn«p.) Morning Worship at II od a m. •unday Bchuul B:45 A.M. Roy. John M. lafnun, pa»tor Morning Worahlp — Ham. Sunday Service 11:00 A.M. RFIG.V OP DEVISE LOVE* Training t'nion B:15 P.M. I'hurrh School and N'uraerv UNION BOOK STORE VnnUi Bervlco — 7.od pm. ftuod.iy Nthool l| am. Worship 14 55 A M. A 1:39 P.9L Adult 11 llou ship 2nd Sun. 7:30 p.m. Helen 4 lark, ilrganUt Morning Btrvlcn IB AM. Evening Bervko t P.M. Evening Worahlp — 7 J» p.m. On Cariipue Don Circle, Soloist Paul B. Clark, Pas log Ear TranaportaUon Call IV 2-9857 Fellowship c,f Religions liberal* Wed Meeting* | pm. .stiidv Claaa . Affiliated with th* SiiutbanB Kiiu. 7 p.m. Room 3d, t nlon Text: "How I laed Irulh ' ***• doairo tranaportaUon — llaplist Cons cue,on »• rttol call Mr. RoH (|V 1-51*4) *Tfcn Chnrrh of the Light and __ kev. Gerald K. 9*yinan, Minuter Affiliated with limit Rrhool of •» Mr. Van VUet (CD 1-5114) Llfd Mour" 1 House IV i-2(tl9— .study IV D-3053) Christianity Lee * Kunuiilt, Mo For Tranxpurtatiun call FU Mil) Mtntinw state %nv* ;»i ?*n t 1. Above Average l'av o Couimissiftn to Sluclv Lalror Law v f»- Cartes KilhnfUwerJh. 'M-fenl a ,? v. rn. This throe-man Job Offers Surpass t i i. r ft .tr.al Bvl ■' MS!" • • : I- ^ A «■•• ' »•»:! at-em« ' In-Hi v •• . '••• • n! "■• «••. v' ia A■ c fir m A meets.* * « «-..s :'l be >! i Records for Field af.r .1 r •.ovr v aro*e ever ' TVo f!<»wiind ftp hotel nru! rrtinurant major* h.> michr«l d.vK.-n • f M.eh:«.n;\« S <- a r.»-\v peak, acrordinv to W osii-y Sehtnidt. i'i * "nriri* of ANNUAL .,» f !,•„:{ (>n the Ford-Cars- p'aroment in Hotel, Kestaurant and institution Manage¬ ment. T' a ,-np involved the p.".v. MAY-JUNE CAMPAIGN .j - mnn.itfemenf v . i t > f : t M" • i l -' worker. rumen t an i iiir,-in!« arehitects for hot. ! pen pie. Dr. Thompson v.- Th. • "Ws re la. i . f? are needed i*» Wins Institute ' ' > rav-idlv p rowing i'dii*ti\ "f • ,:.w e port* t • SALE ! .' . o;-;v .rv.r.ihe- a:.d rh;>r.-o* an .ve fa For I rd.int that f -r owner^h'o f„r young peop'.e i' ft t.. Ohio. Hoard Post . •• are unlimited. Senior* helnr plared !bi« i ,srre>! over >e.,r • • n * .should have four lo five npeninr* per !>r .T • T' . . li -r.4' .e ior.7 strum \kvi! 1957 rn»M) per»nn. The Martin* *alarie* of <•' *'e <• '• > ' < ' " . : ' "'ii! ill t e if« »• Wr it TV. * t-evirr of :«•:.»,* "••• • »t • . nr f a" '«■> on »:• » « «• v c t! •• • v m : V •. .. - s; t f • • \ : V ' ' •• these people are well above the evmptu averarr. Thia year three sfiirtenl*have bee,, plaervl at Tnisteps i , f i'. - - A — it*, i'-i 'v.er.t. 1»... .«. -f H-v.l 1 *• f J ' VniC "t V .v SFt.OOO and one at $13,000. $010 KIIUll! III! S ' o'her k«y i'ti'l ^ NUtllTS, CTC ,-n in " - m T; e remand f.,r student* i-«- - 1954 FORD inr.o nirvuoi i:r ir J >1 MlAVS ti ' • f r Se hot,! «rh <• . The i" •' i' u? te! • K ' * On'i v ■ • V if. 2 <* the ?a--ge*t -, • • • r •- V-t ? «1i" r V Ml rtdiM 1 • ' . . I- I'rf m the Unites! *•.<•< - . , . or ,n4 UMtenga making everd-iv* , u v..k a ,\ - ». i - >hu;» v-w ! Mat. 60: Sti. »er.*.« fr<»rn th.p teho.haw F « t , the The a, :.-.nee equ ! vv/h any « -i Carh . :ent. $170 T.HIAY K SAT. "We have " W. tr • Vo'., !>:• .1 ,4U 19.-.5 n»r\ i:or: r _ e nnlv trrLr.irg V • s* - ■ * •■ -.. ! f i«j:i roxTi \r VV r.i--. U i . . r. ,t< - I L UTUKS fi-r/er f * Koti-l ar.d res* uira-d. • v- ..s . . ri e.vndiKtpvl ui-*i *— ho;.: H *• 1. av. i lb ' ■ , * Mi -.lfe- Atfc 1A tlrt llrlvt ("»f N« e*F* V— $7.1.. l ii.l I ;in>in? Shnuing ;ri n-.vnt. Ok'nh.v- • ■. Univer- 3 .<•» ?-€l - r V I '1 r».!l hf'Vr . t•"".ee-fype facility,'* sa. i : Rug'4" So-.r. • Lydrsmaii. ,1»ive Wji l"o r v : if. -e-pre- \ $:»40 197,9 V M l. "i \\vi:i> s. h-nt. H.'*,4J C .* 4 ■ ■ f . The vhool earrlea on public S An-of-n; G*s - s-vi, . relations with Individuals in the nnnr.K r-.nnarf r. V.,:*- tv.-Nh: -et- n | r-^irrlMf « , ..i •« 4 « MOTIIF.ir I: n. Ah;n«H* v i».w ro\n\r , sr \HHN(i si A eornpar.v. en-^e having reetioh of t Ftii n nmus wn n\i: of ihe prrtiv **«,• S and i in the Men's IM a huildinc Id., . I !«« hvrd'.ip. e.l .• v..e I'.iustry » K.r • ^ ' ■ : t.-nt rl.-.vl -h thf-n. H..: ■ » h«! •'» . .. f nr+ rt , ' rer '' - I *- •I " ' «u« L «» i;p the repnt.it; -rre to jn'erv.ew our *tu»lont . school. It . 195#; Mrnn nv T'.e r'ac^uiei.t .•rv..r sba a« 1;1' 1 Circus Tickets .•> . v "<• .• Sole Tod I Jl« *> ; . h>r its studmU, SI 170 i97,r, nir\ hoi i i 197.: PI YMOl'TH is SHOWS START AT — 1:13 - 3:15 - 1.15 • vis • .Vffl »P- I I i: vrt I1KS START AT — 1:1, - 1:11 • «:ll • '»:1T rer of the r . . j ■- s \! $ AS $1010 f! iTi> M " vekn vniK ... rsni ( \ft mi.il SBBL&. INDISCREET GLADMER THEATRE • PIIONE IV. 2-')n.t I • the vv i'l , if. t, — A* II r: t i'.v n NOW - SHOWING . tirub'e' ■ t mm the Top of I he I0V...I) iemtMi...,ick |irl Iwil It, birritri DR/VE-/H THEATEE World A New BUD ROUTS ... i e ?; rn.i World of Wonder*! . . . 1 RI • S\T ,4, Hl(. IIIT* • HIT NO. 1 DM I AT U/alt Oui«u| i HIT \<» «3, \T «» Ifl to every one. retatdt—« Married students /\ Ti l Ti'f cf Ue brine .WHITE their families cameras t.» take •Lansing s chevroij't ctstt- . "XX VJoLfOitmlJt children with pirlim the rlu«i . «< ( 2722 & 2800 WILDERNESS , . . WHITE i tL>'. f ' i. ,>arh •' <' ut> i-«!VU* George advisor, SIR ytll! S- i . L MICHIGAN itdfJt T^NlbOLOR ^ * t WALT VlSlfV ftf fMVfNiA DISNEY'S^- WHDfRNf5V $ Trur I ft Aii,tntu*» fMtwta cti, (»• T- ■ ..« us ! that .sh-nii.i U? u .r tne . pr«-s* i ' ti.« *.; UaUL pun Van tichnicoim * h»*rtv •"•J , -i —?-«n.s . on »c*.s for tha* - ; I ucHN U n pm II ih so .-* n:» • . ! i r. vii i;i shown ' ' 1 • Thvv 'A . Wmtte) & ,.* IAIT ikHktSq •_ ib. *»♦««- l.':V> 2:1". I. ci.wK* one • • . R;SJ . 10;GS M.ow i. ne for tho»* •> Pm first-new ten sir.ee i—aw 1 vj • ■- have Advance ticae' *And God Created Woman"... from t.he *TAII1* Ml |IM *|)\\ MSI 51 tisieiaii' tame producer.. .writer... Jerrv Lev, director' is in 'tirtsha Itov* "Ttcmot-B To Plav in Sli,lV MS • Mt»N • TltN t:» Bit* HIT* Foe Centeiiiiiai ■ Peiieci g^Furlousji IpDEEN^F \!SU TT*u«ieians G^R w ... the ' Cer.turv of M OUTER SWCE^I laiisin* Centenn. , c>e presented at X .■ and Saturday at the * ter. Produced and din- • 'VK»! Can of WJi: FRI. AND SAT. 'Century of Music" FREE! BONUS l^nsing through 1' ' 8IANT (4) UNIT nimue—from the •*>:.■ r r r COUPONS FREE! phen Foster, the rr SWELL FRQGNAM and barberiho f'i..- . S "Wakes'And God THEATRE CANDY FOR THE KIDDIES through the Johr. P era and Crcaiec Woman' up to the pj» " * F The stage orche-' ^ soem I.Ke a r.urscfy NOTE: ACADEMY AWARD Bob Eberhart inclu-k WINNER • RUST DOL L MKNTARY I RATI RK taier^-,. "WHITK WIMlKRNKSS musicians and will Le,er\c.i SuMjr.la' a- a *rm mivs schittv iihior ti»odenf; Mr.'. Richard John lie.*tt a* the Vtiion for tr.etn- -n> si i: prick- Fair l ive1! : .<■ >1 a t-!>na» 'I tr s .■ itv i . Province president, who st.Hr Vrws Sbriel.v Crfiior t'* n* IONMI /NOT ■. :•« !H nrigin.i! meu-- • hr ?r»astini«ttreks: and M - pe'etN-rtfi Jit I'm Slip Pricp. thp new S!«tp Sew* K»ciety editor Alnnjr with spring term ci'iv.e term p;»i-tii*j*. niul 'hi-* M»i>«. assistant to lh' I'd like to toll von a few „f the thing* we've cot weekeml promises to hp one the l»e*t for u;i.v pnrlie*. Province Coil vent ion. Dances r it,* Mar* : \-rg i-.•fe-s.-r n'a (,f M » te i.ijs -ifi« r a - - - Mr an y i if Women offer hour will he he'd * lined for you in the publ.Yity world, Soft lights, roninntic music. .-mil rnerii*. in^fvothv (rtnvn*. i-m a:*i •■tr adminisfra* .>n • r ha:>'e- house ^receoing Haniicil |»y Religious (groups - r < kr'd like to henr more of what you and your li»inc with a handsome nuui at i mim.1 . •• Su: la-, u! Hl'Ir II i«i r.•; » ;•!J''t'ln I luhi|) nl fleet inns, honors, who's working on rammitlre*. tin- Rri.iii't •! tfn- .'nnnal form-it l,-n" e*H |iresrn| her with a siirfie'se . a i,. prll't\ fl.l ?'».• dl'ttVl's If tin. 'i">2 sijj.jyn, h •»"i.* • it,-. H« #... V.V." al orrurrnees—all make news. O; 1 .) II I II •!"»,il q fruit, ( alhollr Sin- Win mtisif.-i) themr Hum "Mi: ihm i 'm • Am ho iv.r. Mel .1 'Ni'pii Rm iter nf 'hr p \. t 1 ke're swamped with pinning- „nd en.'i.pement, hut we're (! u form si! ' dent OrK.oio.ition will travel |o ngv lintiui'mrn' \vi" speak •• Ihiir in n Rrlnxril rviminy al the t-msini{ Cimn'r-. u oiy.i i - " i tti. yvio I is rrn XiihiKin Collefe al ' ft', pnosi* |ng to get them printed us fust us possihl... ,Si hear with Club will to thp music of thp !..■ hrl.i S ill" uv < v. 'I'tiii :t' Vrsilanti for • Mi.hiean Fro The TelloM-shlp of Relirlou* -the paper has just so much spare, and it has to he BachrN r- p.. • , Hi in' \ 'f .i 'i m ' h , o ( iilre I nm enlloil. Vomnt Ihr l iberals meets Siindu al 7 in Uino*iihere !■: i H»- ... ..."'••! M I'll-. a firsl-onme-first.seiv, d h , Inei lentallv, someone Thr riillimuilhPiin. fifth nnitiiil v,. , ■ sri Ptlrt j| sneaker* Is 1.1. (iov. 'IH Colon. ■ !IC. -ti,'in" h I,, The loplr of disru*- EAGLE CAFE v. "l ', I'hi Mh plpflsr for mil. Mill tip i suggested a tie-pinning e.ttunin tail in test, we hope'i Thitli|i Hit, lite reminder: please type all information or write clear held tiipithl a( M Alton ItilK o tot T i To. mm I of 1 • ■ ' e I..•') ia sion Mill he "Waterialisni." " i i'i' i,.i I».• fa -y iij ho ,| ,n j a• .i AT TIIK ( nillltrv ('lull, fhr formal Hlrnrr Ipe \. |! . irfv a' *hr Mar'in l.'ibie, i' find inolttde full • name, heme town and elus>. Joe Jones \\ \siiin(.ton \ rtAiipr nlll feitiire dei'»»rj|liois i! th* k< It . .'ii n lie" Utnof tf fr.ni H-l ! a lot of namesakes attenduu- J|SU directors In thr |*hi Mil rotors of rnsr ;*net im>u\t(iwn i.ansim; V Pi Sbidoii' |'..:i!|i|a'N«i' nhi'r Thr mno-l rf thr p\rr»iig getimps has Inporte.: listing,. |t|.s move, ptr . and S| .1.1.1 11 2 f I n 'I'l.l vprm-; db.nr v ill hr sri hy thr IPMslr of thr • If 'I : (ipkn tim. A KTKR you can set—tis rieio SuturrloY . utt. r evening ti..,.i Khvthm Ki-ies. i if you hare any new. at all. hp stirp to let lis know. \ M i l I.'Me 'A !Ii be h.'l.i by Engagements a f aiiterhiiri n»1 sooner anil ( bib Mill meet for eseniiiK pras fi 1 .H»-1.» ' or Ttrn sem -fr.rm.V lie'.l in Wi"lamsb-n. afT.e 1:00 a.m. TIIKATHK SNACKS |lf in .111 Student Srr<« p., opposite the eletalnr. You'll .Hi ,|t 'h.' s,.||..tf it.T|»y P pl.iM ■ • er setii.r »| Villi simttay al \ll I thp worlety's quarter, a In tip rramped to he sure, twe b\ rn.iim'e ;it a litniqhl It. t?u ^ t I'll \ IX I I \ ft Suiols < It ii r eh kflerssards lhe» ^•e with nports on a two-thirds fer them, nnp-third for F P ■ ■ .-lib * a n rl r a .'thpiMorp. Mm den. v\« lb .mo y >V.'I «ill dllhili hr e'lrsls I lir of Heslri | nun u«is) hut just a.k for nip or a soeiely retfltrler In hplji .' . Whirl '• oiipmi it ?*»«"■ . • (roups Mill diseuss tlr if you want, iu.i leu.r your npw. (hare il in In Int. Wednesday I in thp smiply bo\ mrr in thp far rnr- of '' • K rtx -' .,0,1 mi*:'.: Wr vy i ill V ,1 fo.it i . ■ i o... i n \|..i .. n. i'1- . \ 't Nanrv .■ 'h.im.in' Turner. "11 l.'fe Is Io |»«.nc Thai We Kind Dry Clean INow! ._ l>.nk »' m i t inu o I tll.il t: i'cn ,m i I' .' ' ■ I t • *l» V II Mint •!. .1.1,Ml li I! I.I S. ■ • I iMIei mThe P •1' V • \. H H ''*.r• • ill"- /.eta FREE STORAGE iioy ail f, MI..H .if I Mj.hu K..J :».! P P.i I'I Jd iikp to sttirt an "tlti Campus' rolnnui h it hjn f hp no\t , mi h mo i,., ftk. so rememlier to keop a • p" tpil N m i 11k» of h. I . lb \! Pit \ till I \ II mow what you're dome anil oth • - ;«r« .»■ inf» . i t«>«i . li IIP Anas. I. oo-.ri : mo .. i, < llrlri.il li I... I rilir \ I). y|si .ii.'c \an- It. I .ilk S.iliir.lux .. fending al'out you. lb. I- IV 4 \ J , Hutin. So. 11 '1', . N i i bow , no >< p,.int. to , lb , m H '-a rt m...\ r j rif r f.»r FREE Malhpr««fii| .leaniie Johnson. I..K:# thr Detroit Kr»r Prrs*. « ,!! \lph.i lb It i |'| prrsrutw thrii ■>. itm- Ballot Box srtintl "HiMithrrn ColllHon" for- m»t trrm p.irti t iilr i rtifrr n Vimiiiiay rvriiiur thr i.iiimiu t \ .! i: •• .to Hill senior Clirls hi'IIi a" t ku' a■ • •• ».i (inmnui Mehsiimre. Moiili'lau, I'i..u jii'.tK "I.a S.ituiyl.n i.t'v a* of a! Thi-t.i f>.,. 1" noon Prrw Sigma luncheon Phi's III'. I n-li lti*..»init I miij[h al 1*1 Ua Walrr- ihr Wrathrr I"-ir • < 'C.i ..(« ItrrorAtinps y« i'l \jfntn sr'iiiiut . ..i. to |{ .i . . ■ li 'lint. " i-» it n.t 'tn b.in- Uurib Now Arailalilr I'r.H.f Your Coal*. orai'y •« ' <' •• as .'« g ir- ' f,«■ .i siMithrrn pUntAiHin motif anil i. i .sherrv I'elli. ( iinii.i' pin Club \ Ml \ fi ' •lanrliic Mill hr In thr mihir of itt.i \|,i . nj.ii.1.1. to rtaro.M ii • i • - i»« depai fmeiit <>f t Ctonbck. M. |ourtt..:tsm.. i-o«».| |itiitiu!i*m Uir I'Utliim 1 i t.'ti mh S.ie.iuoa Karla inu'.. •) S' rv.i eshift ma |j)iii|iari' Our I'rirra ! Errr Parking At Rrar K.i , II. ' . • ' ' \\.itirm.iu, l.aii-iti, to,..i. t. •s i '* "ti:i'.'i -ti the pHirnabsyj, r. 1 : > Peek hum. I .ike i it v nift ,1 ■ 1.. I •' uat.uuf' One Hour Marfinizing ■ ' m t. i m,t A'olui Tun On «'RU •» br • in . hi i ,'| Ti.-mU i- r looted of' ■ in III I I \ III I T % llll 1 % \l; lb' • • a- .i u i.;.' i,. 11(4II are pi t s. • V Ian lluiilmf. I»• -<• . ... • . it . n t •'•. f iv ,v n.j'.ti Tt .v. « ' M i \IM' ) -to a nl • .hi We . i/r« •;.»v.e Wl Al so V .v-|vrr . :»•: Hit. Pv M . *> ■ in » \I|.h i | "te lb t. S'. • • s in .; «. Oh' • - r. Iran Urlhl. i'i»!r to Minn. It,.1 ( • kri »'V !:, fu ! fb'l.t <\,r r\ ef» lleil MINT TrXMM)* LUCON THEATRE BLOW tlie til. . ill . M.o .. V ... •• Molfou (il »ve. I bl U • I i.o p. .-'ii-hn' |re«r.: tre.v • v • • SI«II14 %lptl4 I Itsllou Mill lion . . ;\^»t BOf>hcmb*ti or Mrs Rulh Il.iIr tlirlr hotisr KH1MA K\VV\ rent!.- riiN-4.' tnnthrr. o ,i ira aint ftlnnrr n.ii Jan iMllfon. Hut! el ink toph K* DINE OUT TONIGHT C hi Rrr • unla» afternoon >lis llib has ■ a., i. ' . d.ive i vi .. We tei !i , I^ng hrrn thr s\l hoiisrmothrr fur ituMu I'nivi i v.*.. • ,»pbo"5oi». VUV-l'tfr st.tr ■ !K trn \r*r s Ihr nlhr rhaptrr s.v n.i Ph, T.io..!oii Fell* r liim • ><>■«» •• • • • < • anil alumni from thr |m*i trn M.intiine. iK'tvo ' «rnuii to I) rref.ir». M • > I H|)4ti4ll Utlfk vrars will srrrnatlr Mts Hair r I»,.' .u ., Tnprka, karvas cures j*orvh: ' ' Y Enjoy ilie Finest Food il _I 1/it, K-i'' I,' . • ■ *»' I' IN I.ANSINI. ^wrr. trrnwurrr. .L-hu i ■>' ... ' V * toii\^ is m ri:iMi\iu; \i\ n\v: innati, Oti }un.< '! t'.'O III'**t'. H.»n.iU He. See I'mii l eaturn All |l»> I'minu! DINE s At It's Best — ( iintuuKMix I rum I p.m. rrs AST I IH**T IO STATE Mum MUR niKiiiiN I ralurrs al. i»w VY 11II THE DINES fy Ufl |* V| A IYOMIERTI'I. IHNNF.H I DAYS! »%|| I uti I' >1 i ,Hi.l | _ | tin . |j; . Ml || n 121 E. MICHIGAN AVE. ••llll M\ll\(. - l is ' H 14 Hi THE TUNE III PLEASANT Mkr.' C»N«hiAIco^C — l(n\ofIn Ill MID ON IOC AVION IN VMI • llprn until II pin * LUNCHEONS MAVIVACKt ^ HAMMOND ORGAN MROUSEL mi.m^.duik R|1MlAS»wnr|MRQllLL MI-'SK * dinners AT •show II It III) . |l| (iii nuiiOOUClASI "IMining'i thiginal + dancing ( hamuli llmitrr" « IMllltM %flt)N omtii n rnooK\m l>l %|. I l» .*• ."»H 7 the PAGODA «t lh* UTRVIMi DIM l»\V I ROM 7 •« III DICK CLARK goes for RM. Miikr* Itenprinlioii* Voir Rhmv«H NBJBI fur Unllirr'i f)«v (•(•/^i *,| t s? 'f ftlork North "He^ fiHMv. I J"*t !««« a nuivip that's r »■ jrrpatps*' Gidgel 1S2I PLENTY III ritEE PARKING IN OI'R IDT I.. MH HII.AS AM. PHONE IV 2-A5IA nf the ( •pilnl It's all aliiiut a cutp tr-pri «ml her faiiiiln is wirnnipt Aapla ParUi( with the aurfboartlprs at Malibti lU-iuh. It'- the fir*' movie I've ever endorse!I I'm ,!»-•♦ vou'll jro for 'Ciiilfettoo!'* link ( lark TARPOFFS CORAL CABLES' MAIMS TOIIO 121 E. KALAMAZOO I lul.r be the eiust on vour street Hrirrvaliaui IL FORNO ROOM ; to pall in love WITH "ihr nam, that mrdr pinna fammi* la Laaning' \ nit hir fetoe4. Mat Iter'i liny — PIZZA — COMPLETE DINNERS Opt* Dally » p.M. . 2 a.an — SNACKS unit now enjoy — dinner ry candlelight I •raduatiuu 2nd. GREAT ATTRACTION ! ! ! sunday evenings %atitBkfUtr > • p.ai. II 2-6233 - MIOWN 1:11 - 7:20 ■ I ..MM. llUfl IM MUtt Pro. nil! _ "Marlon Glenn Machikoi "for The LAIGLON RESTAURANT TemlereBt Steak BRAND0F0RDKY0 Oprn 0 Dan A frrk -"'The teahouse You Ever 7 a.m. Io II) |i.ui. W?s ofthe August Moon*. m ClNtMASCOK sod MtlROCdOa Ate" Fraliiriiia 1 Hi T-Houe Ser%ing -v—'Eddie ALBERT- fwulfO | an iugami 'Wipu MTOaAai-wnaM <2.95 -J Hrrakfawl COLOR C.MTOON "BOB1MIOOII iirttl" CINEMASCOPE-urn* COLO* j> Lunch ZEIBLER'S CHARCOAL WEDNESDAY Dinnrr A FIRST RUN ATTRACTION ! NOW! MICHIGAN MOUSE toasca ■ .yfjysu. a iyuhaim la Thf Trandnr Shagging Cmtrr tAcaoaa raou AaaAiou'a. "CRIME and I'LMSHMENT' TOME EARI.Y! AVOID WAITING IN LINE! MICHIGAN NT .11 M UN Kobsmen risis The Spartan* Mv 1 ••• Ohm St f'lirl.iv and lUlfi "' - S ifii'.hi'. t- Til Kit K AUK \ MtlOl S OPINIONS a* to ' |.tv\ «hat may pr.»v»» to I►«- tin . n... • h ,! ft I "tiinrrost ,; i<> !>•»■ I».» i M-a mi i*:<• hip fii'ht. tlm WiiiM >'i"!<•■>. S1;.mU \ rn.- |ilnyof'l's. T ic Koli^mrn, 1 in tin • ••, --tonal font ha it champ' ' h 11 >. Mmvh i n;,, f\oniurk> friiini' •>•) far. xharo i.- i i». rt»\. atiil Inrlinnnpnlis ".*»" •.*j • •; ilmm-' the cckcilff. purl*.* to t*mi !• ; i • i -\ ••• l - ; a i ,.i inn i* thi; . nil. il< \ vu i rhampimi iiv, ln!J H, infi.al iM> nmt it ii' a in tinr «f tbr ■ .1 I'.hUf lilt |MTo hi- t: • "!I the linear .I,- • rmrlauft'tf ;nj» tlliir cuuM two r.iinri « n thi- wax i■' Ii i "inl«»?l 'I on i If lit at I" ' f 11' * t Satunla*. JO tit!. > ' •'! W ill ;»i It li'J'1 t" ' ' ' hi ci mill : pi bi-ilnrv l.tp' 1111' |. I l:i h | >. X It ii at I ami • '-.ri n v i ■ in it - rt'i m" V : llfUM "c !'-• i t vi ii w i'ji h. i:..' ■'•nal!'- t' \ * nil-lit in T'tiil;«' The htt'ku.': ii. niih'lt ntt'f % P n rT-»» & Ui. KitOtVtVf* TII\T MH ( | If Is no «.K» v sport. aiup V»»« junior forward*: In* is a roo'tio halfh n !. I'lmiti tlx vi 9 It! i ■& A A *a » .- - Mm. fron in stprifis |ir.»rtiri- Frirh Mrodrr iscr'-lol Iflli attrnipts t<» dirrrt a In id shot pa-t tint for hirh spartan icnrrr last »p,imn Kbnt iim-iI lipn- is an pfltriivp scaring x .Iniiii sonthan as .fotm firlmisi and Ilnnir I'ook MHTPf. tl-ri rotivrrif on tin* play. All but (••tnmi air Idkn In pnl in on tin* trmuftil fh»"r ;imi -t.il tin-n " Sorry, u»* can't help you. Hut h:n«- l«»: - •»! room for first-rate stmiois who want to p-1 phio - fas I in the communication'; imiu.-trv Scnuc-- with I IsT t»l it •i tit KSI; tn ,i r i> ii flair for science, cmrmo rmc. hu-nu at count •Ml 1^ \'|)X ihirllr hofsr: and With Ing,-management an«i |>ersoniH'J woik •H Tslin: h ♦ "tr an!- Ir. t ' T Kirnl out how jspm fit into iln> hn nu m h, t M'lST Si tt.li . a • on I MMl II IN f»: rt one interview. S»s- vour I'ktcetnett: t o>-« • i ' I* \l" RHIM l» I't ami arrange .1 vi«it with our r-on .ut • i" v *t« \i -i : t The* '11 l«r on campus t" t;, k \ ■ i . a (». Michigan Ih I i'eiephitlie i <-1u|: fllhi*i t'O'irr f ur-' l' ''» \l Ri»ss | Kiist Ihrr, broken hand Jim .!ak:,h - | Mi|\ sk< brio rd hand; I red Boylcn, ? ir; ItPUt. «rr.>t' ' i. il-n'lrr Ir »mwt wit' t v* is thr « w-wriiI «• Voutm limrtN - "lotorevi |r» %ft sr. • too!.or thr Ittir out «• stair liiivrrs \ < rsr. .vUiAi.U II S«» Answer ; IIIHI I K VI Ml V/OII |\ |.|;t; t Alt " i tfsaaananflasniaaanaiitsaar'P'n-nr 1 lie t-.u liits li.is 11• iiiH'vii,.• i open.I . ■, luritjiurn f ir. tton-v St u !;to!>. pj.v n it ot* ami in.ithi mati. u.ns iVrsoimt i i n- jov t oinpet»tjvc v..i.• i ,i v une,piain .1 opportunity |or n-. "Uiiitiou an t «.!• v I ; . couver: . y- rial y.te.itmnv wttiatlivc rrtiieim aex imiul.itivr t m. k ie.ixr ami Rowing Tea *.tnts-vl CtluCrttiiHi h pto^laiitv. In Triaiigwi T he I ai ihtv 1MS imoot i« Njsxnvilnhtv r Hii« ! «>ut In if I »r ttrt' N.t\\ > it vo.ii» h aiui tlt •• v I '< weckerai vt iop- - • ■ r. State erexv la. Ok, ant tot^nlhr, of enwMr- \ctna*'* nieiit pioia.e.iis ,:i Nvn !i ait.is t» ,iit- Ih'i an «B|vr! in Mrcralt hie .ontiol an.! 1 ml lie t it-, tf O lui-y , .out t'iOt tfi»n .0 . • >!..• • •' Mt'A S ■MMiW gui.UiMV mtetm. H. v pa it ,-f Tarl.ir.v SH-tixut F a NX vtelUN. i!u itl.ii t ti u'n. t.ui .r Jtaccs \v iU to ru , ' " the mraitii MkI rtigmtx-i mi; team .»f romjviu-uts ami toinputerv. eietftonn- • '1.. OI-.' mp :s- torn .' • U.S. Nayjyl Avkh#hi 1 dsudy at x'lintt I > '.er ; (1- • If, no!•, t lUe.iMiiia. ht .it tl.inv'il nSi;,,.,., •' 2 p.m. The S;*»rVe. i Imhwumk, likiunA. mini iittfi Mihiu.ume w.uUu N\tts «iis )!a.n to enter the Ireshr Hm Job ofim lum a ncyy AxvoinpliNhnicnt of the varsity and var.-i'.y o|sjxuiunifv i;i.pt>vN,! : .« <*»! piviit'SMtllMi C\|>II NNlt'tl so versatile and, of course, Olympic sanies. Three r:e,n x rs of *•— wcmrrtl atit)MSiitH*i in their fkhU. He washes like team -- A.7 fv*i,'i.Ttu tr*t! /v hJhil in iu *, o hankie while are veteran tmx; Lmmm thai W i* pukung Valuable t.xh- let. Hap Joy and Mb L nu p,N.uXu terry shirt with side slits end will lead the varsity colorful pocket it members w ho are a applique .. and often ci> c mpete •ffct moo in the picturt rs white than one of tbe three ca' duster, pink tassel end DICK l.l MUSKKt;, Mil lilt,AN STATK Mi tmtiai sacker Bill S- fringe; solid pink or aqua Mike. WiiAoai, Bruce 1- Jie'JJ be on tampue to meet yem on Bruce Hunt, Hiilar ■?•<% •och s. m, I sues t.9l IT HSUAY, MAY 5 La-hop •; Hop Briar. Wvt y*r$eH into this picture by o(ranging for •n interview through your flotement Office today/ \v pV \'_ u»»- TV SERVICE br I! litIsiH|S Responsible Technicua* Call or Come in General Radio K iT 2727 Kalamaiue IV 5-5972 Calls $4 Campus Only Illinois Tough Foe Thinciads Fscs Batkei 15 *s lajor league Spartan NcIIits Travel lo (Jiainpai^n Cap' A' Standings Af'er j| ouPdB'eek ldv off hr- "»»• hci'i'tui'ig ">;iii hip in leturnee. ate Only Home • It the Sp.it '.ii! h.ivt ■ m'm I I •»11111 H•A SA ho h.'S "»1 ,T» 'M..I i iuive uf 'he 'vcaUiei. MSI's on in y\ 11 M.I i inled a 10 retold. Thev opened •peet ttta'i hc< and loci on'y f". IAlt Kins ii S.-ilii, d« v tenm morniUB will re*ii'ne fl' 10 when pin" ♦ he reason Snturd.iv h' CoIumi during three -rason* of v.u r - Meet Set I te\ eft nil 11 1 714 — hit* • i'h .1 slim "» t virlorv ovn- i-oimpi tilion — I hlciuo ID « 1 it icccf* Illinois in C'ii.u'ipaitu: " e Ihtekevps of Ohio SUtlp and Again'-' ihi »'ilf com i•« '<• As Iiritis' iMllimoi r k.ols:!* ( «» «» 1 ? ? t This t'| },p 1 fu,a> <•( a 'I'd I ue ■ At-erp i,i a rained t'M't li ou' of d WiiA nc Sln'e Ihi-u ( • «»:»* i'h It the Stan cjtMie IH ohar ?in* up •.< t'l '• -ed ' - Saturday m, P o hinr.t'i|i X •1 171 3» Illinois presents a major oh- 'he f>hi'« StfUr tt>e»»l Thi' »"■> Hally hails a Veu B"«t',n So.k »; n 1 In? .(«» %' 3' (tolfl'I'S OfH'lt Uiflp hi Ihe path of the Spsir- iaits' hnpex lor a sncrrxxfiil sea • '' a' '• I-. • n Mill 11•»'i 11ki*-s" 'he N'" 1 -p"'. " hde !>•- a* ,11 'he N't, ,ii,d ( af ' Holt l.»k* K;r« IH N ull 1 ! .11.1 R' Ron,I Trip son piled l.as| a apri 1(5-1 mark the lllinl com¬ in regular Iie't r Hi p! U'.ffp-an 1 he \r'i 1 -I'MMt A liitn-inninp r.tllv i»\ MO I -11 \ \ - Itt s 1 Is \ar«ity Rmtril \\ 1 hnl 1 seastiii competition. The* then ('otpple'ing Ihe smgle h," • i,,( inning W illi I-W ay ii lii'isi Thrlii I'i fiiih»«l Tlmr •ik i tMageph'Tf. H-.ii • went on to a second place finish •••ill |„. II ill mini 1- I iluli ,1 in the Big Id championship*, a* S.t- ai l and I!"., M« ■ .ions MArrv iii t, ilj.v niyht I mih'hIii ( hi ,i) tiMiinu fan "-'id ' > s i.tMM well as an eighth place spot in I .iv e ., Mtchiiran State'* thlni'lad* A!|r|i,| si|Hl'l"t'il out H 7 "» I >lo"ft ing tfir-i 'O'.O I'. g Hi Ihe NTH championship* *1 till nuke their only httnte t* in Thr llf'tn* scornl four llrltn k ! ' #) . i ■ 'he Sjiit; »,|ti 4-tlfl'I'S d'C ' ' Annapolis beginning The tan* appearance of the WoS out. I • jiustiiu. I I this -• ,wUt",'l ' < O'd-, four of lilinoi ' m v ;in - Mondav ii run-* in the lop of the fifth. K'e« pl.t vet < hive been lo-' he 1'' • of I).' ,l«ir »en«on at Ralph Young g ,g.- ' a Ipi nti H'-H'il u it.ret <• i'h Nn'ie hi.it two sun I'scjvp xtrikt1- Hie U,m> via gtadualion Amotig not M-t'g a SI A - }-,ei,l. Saturila.v at 2 p.m. G.t't'P dM'l tniifeie'ire f-n" Nui'n jh# pace-setter of Hie Sp»»- mit■* l.y 1,1 A pitrhrr llnnk >' < M i it dtt'i VV.'I .... nfi V \|lu\ M || %fi|T tan< jt their Big 10 indoor mil# I'ron/Mk fihlnl hip iitninc Hcftue 'rltlt tiinf '•» < 4'tipus tt 1 I'd f.H ,.„A-cr -n. Ttob l*ake. |.»ke won Mica \a -ii hi' RtiilHl Hetui. Itlii ami the pa me. tlil.A ink** Q 4 «•»? , •».# cent with a time of 4 in# 1 os Vhgrlrd II 4 Iil7 — ho a Hnee-eflA' mn'' h with Hie "Owe af thoA* InnitlMa <«i March »nd ataiuls a fire I. oi'hda l'h, '••»» im -is l .no 1 541 Null MM' isi'ii 9 1 in I'. It tui-i loAva \luird.iA, RNtuifA Ihe freerb lure mmt rbarre to beMer th* MSI' * ai - In I n' first iontnu .is < i> ii !t h i.I '■«.. ttl'l • riUldilrltilii* 6 n .tv» 3' . Ihetr npening dual win over t ninnwrs in l*apt F«>m fo* the tviitnc rr Siiho^ii hmnrr- I'ittshlllgb ft a l?4 Central Michigan and Western HAVE DELIVERED »«mmi arenas hh • (hatca and mmny impecrepUNy ,if Kennedy, third Hi the indoor ril the loi'tinn "1 'he fourth, in 4 Ii .'»15 1 ■ • i hi inning>* Smith, with carded twin ll't, two-mile while Smith v '» s»n l.iii.isirt at I'iiisbtitgli, THE CRITICS ARE wrpiwi (hwwibia...ll tot ,tipe'e in the mile Bit' Rev- S»d»e New* I'll ot n H\ SI N«><* l.amhda ('hi had a total nf |IOAl|ll,ll*l| . '-'■tire Ddine. Wht'h funis « and Jim flnran will eUn 'SI \\V" i„i»; | \ nine hil% white Ihe grim rol- ■ an UlllU * l.\A||S I i ant iar o al All|,«aiih*e lN| - tiiuch "f gulf tointielKion n DELIGHTED-AND .n the two-mile frrvhniHH hop—I« p-jumper «hou» |e«ted aeven. The winning pitiher •. . u inning form . , , «n i ronrak and the l«wer ho s Imii s , | I) a « W'lllay ill k| Hig 10 arhrnds, ran ie« a 5-0 YOU 11 BE, 100! The hpartana see »h# aliens I oa Vng*J*s al I tin Itinati IM - Hi * »dal* II II v* C*ni 10 1 • In ih# middle dtatowrea wllh Ih»n Sawyer. fi-iotd thlo Ihe fotu-Avay cnti- l.m ( »rr. fewrth hi the Mi and n»h Hughes fifth in the eat Hop. Step and .lump Iri another mutest Sgma t'hi. I Imago •• l'|iil*d*l|ihl* IN i -Ifnblile RI I'll i, liw ens | mils »i I'lUshoigh i« I i (Nl—Miypit • i»'-' The ln-h had Hieii chasesf all last week, nudging t)elr«»it, hehind the one-hit t'ilching of »'!» x• I n*nd !»• Ii 4**, IN Ua# rear. The ton three T"'n Itenlr. do-« nr,( Sigma Phi 19 I". Zte#tjc£z\ I of • rumMnattow mi l*he. Smith, i arr ami Mafhea will he alatod to ' rat the IN. while Brian t'aatle. "Sunny Kyps Olyinpics K.|iait».n, fl-2. The Sig Fp> uered two ittiein ne»•«.!• iiuicpeiuieni •.»» f'l' tci.n dnrni . fid' i-,-tcr* mill • a' heir three the hands of the losses in 15 outings Rpartans, •: 'he sprint Jtra'e will n-e i»< uy*ni\ RI \M i f collected two hit< for the w ,ti IahIw P., i.lli'ln I -111»• I« - •h I".*IM. John Sharp aim Matthias iia anx Mehwald m the Ihh *h.H» Uhpti s.ilnmon "Sunny" Al.imi;i u.ui t|.* Imp. .top Hti.l net"', white picked tip flip In n Ihim-'l onlv hi'. tuiiincv „ t -l.i. «ii' i a «ui" illie .(Frenrli), e ••eiigruher. March, fa«tie or lump humii With It" 71..' m II,,. o|,j,, SIulr Rrlm• riTiml. Sigma Chi collected -ix run* ( '" II" i' , }l <»giis ', . |i| » a»n * I'l I'tn th« ?20 I,, it in,* I'l.... I thr I n-y mn: n 1 i.f n ilrivr luuur.l ,i on jn-ven h '* and I? walk- S'g Ii . in,i.,-. .'i Mi ii IM iitiil'iu-K i,»r the hundlaa, Coach Fran >i'nrh will vend Mike Klein Olvinpn l.i.l f,.r tl„. tall, lit In- Murium. n a one I'hi Epsihm had two runs on hit Mid two €) > "i * It' • II - ■ II I-hi '■ """ "pI'U Suudd . (irrM-alni by . « Jason llarnem and eith* 1 •! ' (I IM'ii ' tt I' ' 'l| 1 .. U.I Rredenherk or Tom Rliuh «a.er in the high# and the t »p ; * •• ci X• ••' rA t'Ti' tlmrig 4.' Ill EVER THINK Miehigai Stafa Uiivarsity •***e of Klemhan*. BreilenUn h. While i on.nrting in (he Bri¬ •»t ge Ward. Ilamesa ami .»• htaher in the lows tish Have I inpire (iimet, I run and Krian f*nv|»er. vhuii> mri ABOUT FOREIGN FILM SERIES k'rnhama is the Spartar * two \iolrnlUn« Mhn uere hofh Vatli 4 p«former in the fir •! e er. ■ i ae a reault of a fourth formerly track raptaina >|»4rlan «quad. on the SELLING fimah m the Itwtoor p<>> I v *1 "U« •. "ir- ,| in.f ' <||< FAIRQHILD THEATRE, >!i. law Grk/trum and M< LIFE INSURANCE? * ^ r '. aVA-ioi 4 MSf. the wakl ovnpleto pola vault •••. hdlumar H* spva hold* Hie • > i" mil'! hove ur-.-ie *- Mam#*# r * tide a>v Ward. alatod Elliott fH the eorld rrioril on the l)»si» of * .'»4' 3*i' perforinaiicr in 1 'I '• '• •f'r N'igciinn .iihlete f.u he COY G. mi.t NU. It FAST MONDAY AND TUESDAY! •' i Ufi a' Michigan Si.r'e. Mail «f Ih# l#.V memh»r« of nm » ' ■ < > ,| ii jirior P- >*a lump. Hut the Vl \% nurk i* onlv .»!' i« h Ihe 4*-.'iglit "f C'»i'* m .a h he eai« flHirr" i ha oi*u« Klemhan*. Ward ,VnW m • are or* prnurt „r Oi*m Ihr, «*r» rarrfiilH anil s> onofl- Kernes* will no in the high i« Pi i —'i ' •: • • allv Wanag*r« s*l»rirrt T»ira were atiiinllv traiorW hv our vlalf of II V-.sOi4iil llio w*r* a4*qoA'*|y flrian, »a during thur li-ariiliig **.r« 7:00 & 9i00 r.M. t> " '*•*" • * n.p. %n«t ili*\' ar* harhr# with nation-wlit* mor/inr aort l\ AilM-rtl»inir 111* f..'r;e?t r Rqnifahl* t.il* V«Aiiranr* hoiiha. r*l*hraluig us l#Mli VoniiriAarv ihit »*.'» t#«nani • 4>f e»«s>t Admiwlont 50c IM Resulfs S'a'' a . • " . ' •» V ■ .■■..•'I A, A ».e '11' ' * iitp i r " i i. ' ->3' • . Stat# 7*?^ year, la Ih* woritf * Mk larg*o rorpnrailon l.ife most We are loja thai our |i*lroi| Ag*n. y is ihe ir# l4rg*.l-|noitoi ing Insurant * organl/aiion in Vmerna rnir I'M# proifm lion totaled al M'l million dollars •"Ml t'.b" Irurn *•- aia# If a our* willing lo work and eager lu grow In a prof*. .tonal ■ areer aorrsAii. Viinin. aim wj« hori| in with no lonllaliwn lo income and pl*nli of mauagrmini o|i|iorimuiies ' r4 r. at hi i we would be #lad tu m**i Ami and explore yunt |io«.ihii,n*s in a solid Benin ( it«. Nigeria, competed in life-lime endeaAer I i'tn t. /hi i - <«., i h. j «i| mh »a t rrirket and field h*ryiiiK pruplef it. pat i u ri it. its Mn a in Ij(o« which is located some Night k|Hirts Idihkr If a on are lnlrre*l*d lo '• ir lleiriill organlrallon we will h< i-ail.Me • »M I. Uhlt l» i'rl hi, Ala* J. »•> pm, af Ilie Plaiemrnt llureau, hlmleiit RerAiie* llidg TWO miles fnrm h«» native cit*. •n » "ii Inu.bmen I. latkawitft I I I'•;>«( Page Seven * ,,v Ii k klund (i.f, Agi n, v laneger w" « «tM« II • I •• ... m '4 4 ' i.l'. i • - .1. ■ lugnx h.>ii ». Aalmalt I Today & Tomorrow is the I «. Phi lie|( | t.< •• c«ui, i g .• m.i ,> <»f W.«.c-iji. ' • iih ii. u* m a 'U ii a %r.t, f : ho'icfii the rapidl - *. Ih* pric*« «Hh •pwiir id* lirealifnst ill GUAM's , frm Wallaet't •/V CaffM uf Cookias — Dat-Acgaaialad Gifts Smart eyewear does so much to romplete your fashion picture • • lifonnalioa aboat tha - COED , . . ao much to make that first imprawion memorable. And at The ( Gi ll SI.KMIEIHWNO CLl'R la reserved f«»r those SLENDERIZING Wallpea'f you find a selection roe da wha want to "ra-dlatribute' 'their weight. The first that 1# unbeatable . . frames treatment la TREK, membership ia I'KI.K, and weight prob¬ to wit every occasion . and per- CLUB lem advice hi I REE. have 33% hp becoming a member. penality. 'I boat ararninga after I'vt h«*n up lal* cramming for a thr** hour, typ* wtckly xuii in nuclear physics I jusl don'l fttl myself. assay Th«a | go lo (Mam'a fur a Spartan llrrakfasl (2 tggs, ham. I - COED PRICES - larg* paacak* far only 95c) and I'm myself main. IIAIItCTTS I'KRMANKNTS Kria moraiags I fssl good, I f**l b*ll*r after caliag hroakfasi at Odaai'a. k ' 7.50 1.75 rermanenta are ( AhtALLY STYLED, wot Thia ia the COMPLETE CO NT. >hampoo i H*»e your favorito typo of broakfaat al Odam'a tomorrow and gel set ia separata. Kg lit curled. Give# hair a neat, natural look thai Gaa# Maraiag faaliag. • OPEN Yawp apt r a tor a will be a« hand to graet yaw. Gradwatea af Virginia Yarrell Ineti- iviMNGS • tola af Advawaad Hair Styliwg, the? will ha happy to anawcr any question* aw hwlr atyllwg ar haawty car a. •21 L Braad N»t la Louia Cloau*,* Odam's — WALLACE OPTICIANS a pa. go i-iitt the spot for perfect coffee ... tor Appointment* jor .v. uaJii-ai-u. ft. iv t-ii'i PHONE ED 7-0715