"WeProhalth Won't Know Till The T.nM Minnie SliJ'frr Courses Proposal 'Wholesale' Is Tale of Greed Mho We'll Put In Orbit*' routes ton ' r stiff. I iv a si live* mathrmiliP-. ,h' in iL'th Vvrl ft re f«<- A« a gen. guides vntk. I ( IX r.fr 11 IOR YOI 11 tint I "111 % I i titrating Quallt* ilgrlna lan't tackled • uat from srvcnlh gvadr It* .11 RUM I UMDMIN mth glide or Intei. ,i it ,.pt high arhddl. have Iwm recti" Random Hotio V 1 |4.M> Pair* Prin «l o*. \» t The reoomniendaliort. n-.rnrled f«w 'h** nation's. In . In ot*«l»»r *,i uniliM -'. 'n.i .'«:••>• • \1 . r*t rhiWron repot t prepared by .i Du.n's I Can ll I'm Xmi \\ hnlr-ale. .mators assemble.! »u lirl panel «»f evjiett* «»!d G».i t \ that gifted students edit •!»'' via! t'otinell of Ten j on mn.tl fir>i m» ■: II;.n • ithrntaties and thr \p, chararfet. algehra tn 'lie Tilt .n right .nation Assn. FY..-H hck • wu :..••• • •• gi^.ie. and leatr the IHh *" e. ' rr.» ** nil h . .! ■ > H ' ,iiN .>• *' «> • . . . . ' : ■ ' < CntniMiA 1'I it as if in! a llijrb Kon.leifliip t* \:1ct 1 . U..* , ,i !•< » vl'ei*.-,, . ». • • .- , . : Mux. H.ign . , Hwix ... Tin, SI , . ■...w • CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . H.igcn s.. . Ml tilt. « S.. X , ,N. hi. the ia't, • hi k. Ell 2.1511 EXT. 2415 r- • he ,p hi,: V. , ' v, , Headlines- J p m |ljt Rrfme Puhlieatlnn for Tiles . lie posse* « ♦ • i.i• ■. THiiis.. and • rl. t dltinn*. M<*H" . I* 0|»|*«»»Mr Mon I dition Headline; ? p.m. Trl. CLASSIFIED RATES |' HOUSING minimum IS wo»d« I d « ! at th- '<• •• » .-** TOR SALE •ho 1'J.t beg * m t . i . hi;* • ' low ».!*« ' • in M«fGHllVlAV C.HtVtOlll 1 \ S' .k. M '«* m u r« . , r a ■ ■ " ••k'v Bogm r_r V' • • •.••«■« J » i ..i.i. Iiii a *! '• e « _ »Sf novo • v- *"• XX: 1<»*« Ml. tlAHP".»N " en Mha at njijx.it., »• .. * h , .1 ju.*l*aii ' IT' « : i ■ • ■'• • l«i*itr4k.n*>tHX. 1»k4- «n • treadt light »• »* n.-i « . .. ■ ij. ; i\|t. t to :»-a*. i! v« if. f r 14>i"»ni|iig tM* incuts "w i T>at|t' ll..*rn a Its*' S ar.<1 again. t •*. t I - $. l-. ■ .. ,« » ,i «* fro" » IliOir* ft! • \ . " hn f». voi ht f in i>f o» n h..a tw oar in. •en i d : a *• "Ttttut itihtin a LOST and FOUND ■ . * ■ r« gat.i* n» - of th.-» other, a ii,fc h • ; I 0«1 *4,m |T AtIIP tit IMOVp *;na»iv . ii if-fiii «etli"K Trtit*' prifot* * h * j in vii i>i«t\ «»f • t« |iln« qui- • - ♦i r» I nf and i» ni*:.e ■ . ■ * e t'.- k .*» Letters to tin* Kililhr • a"t tFD J Wl, HI W la • « rtiji f.'t the r ■« ■■> . ■ i ■ k ■ on »a •ctii sv John t ansfirld PERSONAL Interpretin» the New* Keep Speech 1« (he I dilor on Curriculum H H .s vr- »# e n e • .. tklrif SfilCHOM THi * MOO MAIDS »A* ■■ 1 4d Teli*Li Has (>ootl Li>l til HpIVitiipps s s. .4.1 si^ws it .'ep • . he tme-.! «»t t o to .,;' ' » thing and ths' «*' othe ■ rtfliv.i u «rh*e pf t. ... A.i.« ... - g. • Ma a s gta.-. i*!e a . » • i l> ' An.tajv \ DAlEv eiANt ANTHON* i,n .a .»• SVi"1 Hi4* ijwe«' ,*t fot rejw: a ".rni radei ;n g'lv Al. CAAS GUAAANtttO a"is-* paMJe* $ ■ . -n n*inia i Mim . « * * . -e«|wMi«ihie leaders. «> . *»• t i\.n«.. »»' 1 .ii. *' .h, IH MarGUllVtAV CHFVlOlft « ritilinis El) 3•CAM, *' denvvra.* «tviden<« Hall X! . «. Mi r: l* affirma".r , rer. "itpp.*.t% « nmpiilsert Pregtani 'hetr ri* •»,'!» .ikg \ g- »>:• te.-i THE HMsT IN nn |hi» \ 0inr\ he " ' fttntHile InatrnHefs | nmni Mtlli . • .-• « on i wi ( ii ivutanc* ting « >-v»,. «•** * la. ki 111 « .1, nil. The PU* i I 11 . • "1,1^'* unnnetl* Jtin *.• C*o* *: • lie1 't ami'-.f a the t ' * «nt« »< d * n. ». ' ,t*k* i s »t.in. ti H W i re ,ni ttarils J»> k . He ^ >hn h sin » .• Ha*., t o.i eae estahov! « * « i» .• *r 1 tee an* »ii«*ic ano other" oimji i '4'« Cotitai t h r •' < r i .lepa V s *- f i nt i'f ttler. «'> A Familiar .g * . mi.-gram or Lie engine,-, w* . : an* othei i-• • Ml VOIASW \i.r\ 'I OAS *agr »•*.»•$ .•..••»;}« I.ht •• Otigioa n« nn I'liiMiR . . H1 \n» VIA I.IN and rrrit l •as* ' ii. a>' .■» Hi* "tat* "* i* tn eei> J»i $i ni tor t**o i •• s •« a -• ... tor t,t> w a* ehange.- ' fw i . • hut . - .it "•# i rem lEilve-ln Bli.w •*w\m nt T« a ** * o' SubjtTl Is « » nk» f • * i'iiwi)i< S !. •* . k 1' 4NO Nvtfied rrs.siw MV. . KWAsT WVKPWV HltLtM • ' .*• * * an.' %4 | | a ml $*■ i ntiiatl* nratrd rahr *• . . ,i'\ ne, • MKIe.; t« r> 0*0,1,- t»>t1t»r. |)i» HIM*: l< . A - ,1. • . • »h» I to • l.'M I'liooe IV 4-W.a* !•* nt Iha KaiKWiM. j>... •r The ah -. to ve^ HpiipivpiI • V t k tVtifrH I .sat ft Vk 11, • r, . i . - ■ a i e"e « .- » it " »; -. \ *|- a. *11..* * jdfpa.e • r. lev TT«*» f «s ntjsvien' f iw *•»!'• liktt ' . » r i n$>iall.- e. «» twh REAL ESTATE artvw-ij a?*- ro :.«mi • s $« W'lmr, »v* X'• I shared ii Il*'t1shti*» a« w 4» '.»44 OX? la the I (liter E LAN KING MM AND • * n*WH< Kt| fr«».u.a. .» :o.-» >• lllfti Vlnul speeeh i ran t r>* out p. ,• ■ ■ «.«,, . mafte ron» rt n« > )h iii ii urn t« PnEI : * he pa ' * MSt «. Itf the fa'..*. ie« ... the a a . > » n r «c nrd* ..f the t n.te EMPLOYMENT ,t-. Je u'liitie, laia* » niii.i-n* oven and rangi Michitiau Stale Ntnts .«-rt« have ts ..♦• l»i«.«er '#s' a *jicr. I * He tea, of t/r r- 1*. » i e|i»t« ] acrrp' f » k i slMOR* Will' a « . f iiuUlei s ) U I-a.tl.1 «n Hi) • " • • ., •# • high s, i..» a vl tMe-■ rk.liUi* s. r-.-.t-e hep r*vt*en '••• ff • r WoTl' prikgpa a * ».,lr* ,»$i$vr..ini'« wit! a •;»*«! float., ia. r i t.MIMi tat4 Marie . ■a* e ;.»>iavw Ua the iwt.ni.l* HI .»■• • - • . t nn A.we .• Ht^Pt rm ira!«oti.» * wound. o>« I ..tat.o«* ri limed tn |iai: qssi la.4 Dalls hs Mst "SUMi student* ar*4 larulls «,t*«e.-h tNr . . «. .iO $«n teachers More ImptotaM .■ * f pf the 1 pet" g. -ig I! the A iy ia'-• 'i.I I' hath-l *>*•. koe.it•' a •(* v. *» i i«--: - ' lie "i.vVf.e ' ••• .i . . <-'i v. v.untvaivs". i. " Mu. At • im* '.mn Nue '»art' las lews . *» s »..r*r afVt ha*f,g ha tia>;o irfl. Needs t areful > os*-*» • Muds .1 nus an,I He«1 l dar h- ' »• M O.H toe lift. st.hi> t» I*. » • . a . »hn Am« e» e> r« the * e; * a* • 'te. ■ • • . • ED 2-1 let I V.1H »»..!• wees , . .f rt .>■ ». • »k e~o i h \ r >a- i r' '0 •■a RCTTC ,M in* atssitiw fr+m* v . . f k , AjHdkM the - ■ * and u\ > • |r • irv»« • « . ■ ,»!•« c .*,. s • Vk MTV> H* ki i * kKE h $■••! ■« • i ■ its • t ROTt" * .i h r , «-,• .•*:»!" ' a:-.-a. A ■ r • IREAK SPICIA&IS'S X ktl, N.\ SJ M.m.ih , NT 111 I 'it k I TSc i s cv.e * . • ie-. * • ' • » ae<-. ' * ,i i'» i 4 -1>.. i, " . - HE I; jT \ a ne ■»... ' an."* •• *.a • • WN WIT) \-r •' e .»■ .* of a - • IV FOR SALE OCLICIOUS SBUD Crossword Puzzle 1 l.Vh.'.i t»e !)-• I .h,>Tlt>ltX,XCr:] n i .a » . Al -« r . * * . -i a !\ then its :r « a.1 a c w*sM>ryb iIOJ H«t|i Martin •n- > »■ a •!' * • ; u in* i"AT* motmiis pat special SBUDNUT SM 94 SmsTt 4 I O t"W^*a y oVJFVr'LI l :* ;r 4 ♦ 4 « *;.i • tist " net I Malaga <4 p n«era . 't"s 1* the Iditoe s• .-ie •»•!. ir ankone *»•. l Vf'IMi U1 Kl'NIt E wtaua If Moha-r. L S s*t ■> . .«e r* e * * we to a h.»»tk <4 »ri i.. e $ l,»e e Hfu » fltf f.t S i'he.. -, lain*. r.U l*lt'l 1 Weeaairtng 1 a e! er» t t ... tr»n» Met •- • e e t ^ aia.d.rnng HUT f IW>TMfail> » I a lVq 4 T 5 s .k .p. w. * K01\ it-pie.M . i »g:•;*•-» a* MM' r ae*%net• fU'lsl; ANN OltOUN. tfty- tour It Italia* Jk r v*:green |R;a ' ■ rti»i»w.;> . p.n •• e.- « *. l iges Protest 3-3: tr.e t< ji«»i mien ronJ neal ai Pane-a **l o S __ h *..e st s- uer.ia r.» faku.t* tT.e «nfetet»» Ma t uige othe taruHy * - ins ami liiivn, alto ( It 4 MM, ,H Is c a t e ' 4 i-.isisT; a 41 D»rti*h . t■> o t »'r*t w *nd «a'.iv „« n a*it- .r t;,f "••..iieh's *k h share rrik opinion l»trs«ed ue.ghU P* t c. "c'kM*"c ■ ,'tbl r •. etteta ana \e:t»al t o.-, i *i, .» t-4.*e their vouc* and S'AITAN AVIATIO: pen* II PWar.fn tT- t [-.a I i«| of IWnef.it t>\er.'.eai .• oowevjrt. k.w.o n pTofct'i to '.he ) 4ar.vatis« i«. premature H holttlten to Irtdas a I'liifte the •■vt--.$eni THOMPSON H Tad a* C.mitMete l»o ia.su* ooaeite: to tv ete iie\elop;nc ,>*! vamjius 4T Vest and ma * of tl". 4 ;« the Cusr (*,•'. uoi* and JCWlLli 1- laaaat lepresentattons b* «a rtaa fh». PC* * e r lee Stvne ,e irw.i'a > tra n.ng d--et no . r.» Jo riot rg!.e«-er.' a major •• tar Caitf tr m t 5 ' Harder C !>t tdtince t ♦ ur\e p.:r ai.d flijkt t*aa| «ka- H Meihef It W vtasp eafl .^>mrn of jr. • $-er:a.n'> not m> t.fl r l< Ama arr.aa. *erfl» k She*r t a n , t »e tei.r*t.ta: m.o».:i -p.mor rit'BS WAt.lTY at h i,:- Cepdal Cdy Airped V Apporl .tn * tk n.jejietdlen' re a$ ue» A w.ii.i rti i.ne „• n % trfc harr. , « I am.' laa U B.rh ]rii;.g..# s.vak or i-ii'tra -ea*o ng 1 * • n,.' wjiu'.g 'o be rushed r* eauipmei;. • luding TYPING WANTED NI S rrw • lun* bag*. *hcir«. acHr»».'*ie» and tx Cmh r- r r .r.oorrant Ua- • ii.E n r- pr- :: r - - to rj> T-Ota* be e re'.ate.i to T7T~ K 24 B-:-wa» »e*-.it i.f our country. If thr 4. ,-OlfUIAN j3 A a, I Dry Lie • INFORMATION v*» POLUXA. hl.K K w r~ kn.Je I. LANSING LAUN lg*~L err >• u* err teim.n ed ir r i i r *6 Pale frees »iiengt '.en.ng m our the directum o? aecuritj, not wtihe se*e*i »*,t, e* a.so three E-ate su it, net and a pawn mac to 2 r 132.* jm-, ,»*"ch £rh*»annecse. G* w r i i : r S ot-Tea IVHRMllttMl (MR iseakewing it M E- Sha* 21 , TV AND RADIO vepat ■ "1L!" yr n Triteness A. r. leawdatolter ' r rn,e to students. Drove w r &; cz K A'terrpt * * * for DCCOWATEO CAKES DELIVERED parties birtMava Mane other i 1 tronice ED :-42T 132 Woodmere. E SI .'e*e: WT" .i r i C ;Nr- p-pr- as St!;ft " t'lTlloth"11 HIM Vole for Peauula dehneiM paitrim K*»a»t Bakers. IV 4-ri» Weatonable prices tr TV.RADIO EEMV1CE. —] r EpjH Iv * | «'• Da: r tim.AM/ %no\ T» the Editor; STOVE, TYPE WW ITT E It norch ru* ELEcrmc rates to atudents. New television salee. Free tube w 17" s he; (las** a re and and at shop open • am. to •:» | t When college atudents *i*« hen L';" utensi.es ED l *— U P. >«nd» are TV. Techntciana Co. )Nt w E "1 •Hh ! ♦e SC to* Do n a.wue hi I A t.AMM % Mt.VA auuve L.e .e world appreciation of huniot. *kjil be in PORTABLE hiu-ru/iltn reader. BELL AND Howell Phone ED tgan. IV a aoriy w .IM *»r Est 2M.-. HICK $ UUNORO w rK — a j. > Ks > atat*. WfHfot# for Peanuts' „ rw . fesnneia nn fl Pt liceir an t Laedette Mf won ciuii SKI E. MICHIS ...ti ar-p- mor oamwr nc*7"! M !ta..aae -t a».« „ »« M.WO»> Irm Sitter l««. . »W3 I n wi iNcuua a. ~1 rl — i ■ i .■prj ~~~~ I ?t < • 1. ■ r •;« ArliM Ikl.iii Nn I4.H 5-> •• ,.0 iundus rot i IV 4.1447 .j _ i 1 -..Ijr-j □ >* rv. Prance' .a y ' " ' '• le: r-« ATp/il .S/ii ff 0.1, It.,| 4 df • • e a» iUi< ~.ine War K X ja a ,t *»*. a v, - ^•taa Tr**i "Aery Cushion TRANSPORTAT I ——— .1 M.I 1.^- «« ♦. !•»» U:irii| lc cn '»• WarkerWartW »ie* Man ftANOOt S0L6 COUISi RIDERS WANTED TO ML" BUM aialf Many ranrk or Madtaon. leave May E : . IV 4-4444 ieturn Key 11. i *— " mh intitN trtir \rwe M»t I tv.a lean Ferguson MSU Moss lliot C,on I ml Expla ined of ives Views Vlv Ml lit TBIII'T Berndt sai'l W f ». '.«»»i hrhvri* the fir»ti it ,,lf intm* fi .« I"tf« fffirc " State %>«• Nlehl Iditnr .... . . • •r •• i.|iifM\ «i"t M'* Hp i 't» rpsui1« nf f.mi'e The plan f«»r |»ic\cm'm»p an l .»=•< . •vriDK#v in the t/nivrrsi-v i.|Kr. ' v *.»! Jif il .r"|l»»Mci|i||. Mi. h'jj «'i "tVr |»lair rmith.iAis on *1tt < *':f(»rtiia tint The titiiversi'v HJct Liberal Education tn;i*A h(*Mi»\ MM n» >-ci.|*>n* )x«r| 'r. rrnH 'HI' dent trader* t«t..lr<(lling nm. S'i»!*•. v* .(« pt c cti'r.l I t ' • < • *•»»I -ix m IfMer f'.rm . arlloiiK," In.ill «aid "We in t.» t rp-. . ri• «* vc. nice? iitf >' in keep nffiirr* out of the in. . .. ,m ui. arrording t»» Tru> For World liKlcrslniidiii"' P K< mm>I nii'vri ' C'lIfi Iro •) n I'I ^ < • mediate area (tauter Mu life or property," linlna there l» W-. ,rn'a living ,,.lr . i . ..n'rolKiig iimh are » > h»t'»u« The Rioup a'fpp.liMl up' > • 'i>.»i " Iter r.«tt -aid U a 1 e lilieinl education lunvldc* i„„> Willi i » ■...li.l rutnitlntimi >•' 'lif N;ili.i'i;i| t ..pin pin «• ..n We v ■ ,• .nl r-l'.rma' •>. ' Int -""r'-n Hi-M M. i-.i-ig a ud flag mi fi'.nf -»f I, build and 'I *'VIK "»•' " i .iHtiilinir nf I ,fM|.ii« s.irn , if . t.ii.'l I If I •• •. r O ,■ , ... • 'mo t.ii Ym i- 4»r i« • I 'i r nlu |..r world," Or. Llnj'd I'VritiH.m, M,«u „|,,i„miw| ...o«t K s p' nnin|» a MSI* iHf |> l»' ■ I. » . 1.1 f|> a\ •«>»■•« t v.*. « fi •»" . ... M'i'ahle f the gif .s >'' Jhe girla ate pqn h |: the i '.'llrye of Science ami An. .Ir. l.-n,,,) U MSI">r ( • !«'»••■ v;. fl l. t'. M. n c | >;» : ... tr ■ M-l' I kr.ext- ,. .oil ' ,r i- » » m' ' o t pc|t,Hu,ii'e " lt-» 11'". 11r;i I Mf I Mr '.ill. • pt •'»*• ' VP SCI v •• P«, ftti'i i ' i■ • Importance y\.v • tiidu W.iill'. ■ ; pi r•• In.' .tf . S' ir!• v lit ,M. In thr llfht of tW« arro*« SPECIAL TO MSU STUOENTS If Scrolls ••ItHMKf N V\( X MfHt N7ll and .lor I lanaean. Irft, will at»(r \>m« I'hntit III provide orirAlr for lltr drr««r event. Tlekela !»..• stllrhrlt fhe thr rati* ronntrv. Mlihimi Stair In rlatifird 1U ba«dr pnllrv rrtard rrafflrtord and $35.00 DISCOUNT Discussed irmt Mr tu In Sririn« moiIi (m ,n,l r|n*r in- «itt» and Itonk *tiank and llonnir It intlnlpti. Held, look appim intlv at Ihr *tan attnnont-lne thr nil - are «»t «»!' *1 11..in in ihr I nion tick el offiee. Ihr hiahliaht nf Ihr daorr will hr Ihr annonnrr- mrnl of Ihr mrmltriA of ihr '.l'l i luh and the i,lf „,rh s . pis ■ • •'n.| itidividugi l.aa »t»e» »igh' In a hrhavlor r.nl (IN M l IIM.I.ItllOM l»\N( I ( fit ItSliS thr I'ttllrgr i mmnHtrr »itit Ihr (inhrMitv Srntor Itall to hr held Friday, 1 11 OnKlandina Senior of IU»0 i.t'e •uui«« :f -villi Mm « -il,mm .• \ l.iglil , (Jive New In Ihr llntrt Old* haliroom. Itob IhrilMit %ll I nitrNIt I n«in.m. and t mnmiltrr." «r «4II take ad «ml put utid d-» auvthing Ib.M -vnuld ANTHUN MURRAY To ChrlMiaiiilr » a lit at r nf mi, •tifier*Mnl„ hii 1" mg d '••o.lil uiHiii (ut.Hrlf, Mm „ cifli' ImkIx. Mm pfuiplr nf "u linn-rnl I |t.iu. TimIjiv r will rmnr out nl tfi romtnll ill a'a'e vhn make M,». tinivri«Mv I'llONF l\ 0.7.VH I H>n fanunw Pro.l Sea SetoMjs trr% in tt-Kitd In (lie fnlutr of a- h »> i Mm gniwl tuame of -KW > -A\e y.'ja A« important prtneipilUv 'in lltr I ollrir of Hrhttvr and htv Apcidnil Kalal la BocrirHuT ih.. ft \t tlghl lb*** e**)" b» throw. mi I'hr ... m .iw,M * ptoirft.ir, i it fa. ,.!• .■ urn n j,.11, ■, 1 . very beginning* «f i'lM- 'th.- i»»..,.W£t 1 v |.,.«| .. ,,, Jifi, mm l» i. Iimg -taff mmm mci Lanffv." an oiit«tandinR F.mkIuM |fi hmt n ... i ,i,.,, .. In.IV.- - Septemi.. I. r# .» I -'M.lt Tit »|, 114* g, .vol I. ll« i . . >, p. p. ... i. iM'tii- ma.*. , • s r | ,o,\i.»gt*n det'lared Wednesday «'f l ho in- i ill Ihr M lit I .1 ..p M-m tfidivultia': '• an I ...I:..' (Iraiifl Opening • III *g(.||l( •, » .. It...',!.•< k. ! .. ie months In JngM April J*. at MSU. Ih.nkfc .it., m )!.hrlpim: t!..... tin- ittrssinon, m'M.t I net it lrf.mj.rn,., S\*il- iv.-lv h iM.in Ihr limits ..f k ...» The loivg Init ial *en»P«. a. - l.r, K' IH, i , iti/ennl ,p fnl Mm g,...d «.f 'lie '"'ti k'tiiimtv .uiil t»*Mi t'. i s ill i.usinr-s y. i r,xrdmg to |»mfe*.««»r John \Yh»ie, fiiiimvt-.t i- I. in fhr t li»*i Son (vine are hla wife. Horn- uriivei -M-. < ummiitM', s,ut.lf enrich •»»* knowledge or .olinmi t.Mlmn. fin* i.roint ,s I hit. Inn •«•».•. Hail .nil hiiiM. H'n,|. n' ma " r • Ir- u ual SPECIAL i>V t>a. Kfi"o*in.1 «»f the Now k.i|.|..,i 1..( lo thr I'S govern¬ ment Mini th. f.ttulm VrtrgHS A riaughlar, Halrina. ami hi« ^Testament which 1* very muoii toiiiMi.nion "t H' i-'t ii.oll.rr Mis i . A. Hnnle.-ker of . ti,nlii-raiii e 1 >1 a Mi-aKirr ■ ri.i.il# • . . help us intri >.l h. Short Hill. \ I ,<•.,1 . ,ti, utivr.sily |m.!hv, how th# early Chnsltang Iiio I h< llr i* a naliAf of Milwaukee, I Mm t .1 m-ivi. . Hill lie I.. I.I I*i,Mil said IrhntigM «m 1 what thee wrote " l>* f. recehed Ph.It. I'h.M. *'►'f s. IM »• and I'll l». drgrera ft ..in the t'rel- Kuril' Mi fMM.'tal in.inr. I .ill nig prevention nf riot* i« anaaaetliiiig Llocd, "thai Paul an.1 John and \i' verally of W'hrmnln, Ih v. I »i»s 1 Kvum i.f the < »!<'•- I he oniveraity ha a very little Lie* from a reaarvoir «»{ Mm* iiUu li will «»f— routrot over. Suits & Dresses 99c Nri-oantard «Idrh a* an out¬ m,.« ( omimirut} , Lnd Wnntnnkwy nnuplled hv standing immunologic!, Irign. lU f-n»• eotning to MSU he war The lie .t « .r. '.» prevrn' .mdi firm'.. ■ha Kswnaa and many other on 'ho fnii"\ of l,;tke K"tet • rtmu fur M.e umvei lu •on tri rivrd a I rnlrnnOl an aid i^ F>'iah forta which were in Pal- ( niti-go, I'iih.imIv of Wise,
  • .1 ii ip. .f sMnleni -i r- .»•■ " |.,.ir poiil. g-kg-K 99C \o I whola |wr— vn-' ng pr.-fr o. «t Hatvai.l Only Ad* anrrmrnt of S«irorr u \V al flier -aid or llr j I'.-r v, . . , ■ rt v • (it .ntiiat. s< I»«• ll.N-'lorkrt vt .n a n..Mohof ».f itlrisrr Krlimis He rd Mm f.»M..-a»|ig |,.e WWW. fHatlngiilsh vf,»,.'i'o inraiu !lie »ni' n r a • Pit !» U ■ «• I ii:m ■ • fhe Amm ii, an i- < oinnnx . A n , 2 -kirto term of WiMirw n in Ui.i« nii.i U4tl Atminan A-aij of I'nivristiv I n hii XCoiiro i oiinn'Iiti(j r I n i r *, iTddeii'p •»'! 13 k-. pro--.. liioi! lea lei" »xi;. BO iaparlnat af hu- tv'» |-o» '. \r profr-.M.re, Southern Fa'onotttnj If-.tlK J (iwiiiw! fill ''i git «'u- « '.i k -h"li, Mm . '»ut «e in ' I'ej-r.m - •MVNMI member* Hr i.h !•- 4 ."4" ■ in inv A.-", and tlie Amen.an I'm- 21 llr. Srlf S.-rxi.'.- I .nimlrv ilotit i\ cr at MSU. dtb-M.lnl nrl Wnik in itr'-iilrmm HaMs" ■ a# Ma PVtaMa af the .i ». r'lt ifii- ' .111 r.a 1 ' .. ... h '1 I arier A.-n t »• X.ngl (i.nf.-ienin r.f till- .«•"! St i.|.-nf f et n- mil' a* a W .'.-l.rr, 1 \ •I Oaford and \ on. t .» .4 • ritaplr. in \ t ie. , m . S. . to i Hp uma 'o have taken * >esTf »• git S'lph-Mt A.lvunrc ix-i-l in , am nf p d.l . .'{2 N,'» S|..',-.l.|.i \|git«f,,r •ever • Nhv* Vofk fiiy Id't urtk, ' i ll. VI' I I'v uff.t .-( « Ml M « ' •aGftt krauae lo Allen.I sh'.v koimI faith ill talking n- er Woli (.loll.,-, (.i.-i.».-r, (li«'U|M'r, Snfrr Nf I'S% In nrganiralim. of Uuani Maiiics KtRI. IMIIIIM kll OOi vergll a nf fir tola an who help the n'tnirri' problem*," Trtgitt Wo Imvo h» puf ompha.si* on catd. the of eetiAiral homorrhage mffer- Iloiifereiiei! al IJI). 47.MO foreign •lodenU odjuat mad listen uttly In the recfrgnt/- Wendrow's a lo kftierlron orodemio und ml- Mw IMmwiI fc1aa\ Kgnift* Appointments M Tueeday rught lita^rar o« t anipus. while dnvwig AssUUnl Krauve h«« Pt ofeaeor Hen if hern fele. tr.| i.f total life. r.| drnla " governing grout* f-J etu- "Tht« i« • year-round Job." not The MSO Ttnard nf T. n'rc-e Ill* rondilion had bren lmtrd ttio Nat i, .iiat Siiefico Founda¬ gtlemli'ig the . oufeirii.-e •rma ana f 'f,e I'S he added. "There l« very llllle a What* pointed recctnl( oppiotr i the f«r)l»wutg aa rritiral ht thr Sparrow lm» tion lo pa.ticipnte In 'tu- Kn- \* • , «• i r |'resent gt i vo* poltrenian ran do to correct what thought-forme com* B Jiarialam. Tt* Dead %bunct«ntly Sea tiaiuf»M If A. t» (KitialM . . . h I Hit" • . Ap' 1 Ura.i • t t I t' r h-.«i'V Nt». ' 't* i Or) a'lo.n I ilt'ftd . mi . rfl..... •. pilal kinrr the Mtokr trrra atiflrird on t award arrtdrnl whrn • him to hit two Aoditorioni drive lie fare ruta and a poaalhle g.nrriing which vrr ily of t«ra|»iii<9 wMI.Ij# held a' twlri'd Una The conference pn.gi.nn .< < -Mf.irti. a ' »• I'm- ■ m- *i. ir- g >. a »■ , ••Iiiliieflt, fulrigli I'he the UN (lelngutpg I-.On I'd'1 "k.shop dl*U-»M«.i's of, .. i,lim¬ ru.hii-MV, other* haven't done throughout the year." MSU ha- certain g.-oglap . , a. irs-Ha in ctMi'rol'ihg him not* Econo-Wash i oitruaaion, Siglted to improve Iho m.t'lir, it, i of tubjei U vital '< u.'vt- JtlNHt Vine Slrri-I obvious . ,. trcMv.i . uiilvrem # lepreaiMdolivei vveiv A |»t II t>.. n»l gtudetit »•*< ■ • u.g" th# trndlg tu U|M.uitr• K - T0NI6HT - hihI norno »!;.ff ro-oi .i.nalot of partment at MSU. ii'ift. ».*d •ml lr«o»r jsm »o M|'| MITj "| a •* I." ».•mimI.vI»oti «'•"* tornden lA'li n. |v.4it>r»l a> .rtuta, Srnt ai Sctu.l.a. •* !-*». r».n.»ta»-t 11 lat-' lUtva-d pr.»- •. SPAGHETTI FEAST ('.oral (Jal.lra' MARRIED **•.«♦ *' l rxiv#.«.»» of O«.o N"t» STUDENTS vail hovnixi.tt »t«t,n. «*«i»UrxI tfea.i «>f rd..«itn'n, e«ao«o'|| -.id niliff loot! Nt..» l> to nn*. n. »« Aug. IS. e»r* II Fomo Room WhaSa MM fhe friM. gnd hod of airt'MUMul All You Can Dal M Scroll** mi.tr>, Jtttv 11 I* %•■ >1. •»»- • rnmrnl o»rk In. IrMaSor. *•»»• hit S * p.. I that tfie\/ i-8 p.m. i.uir (Mtaianl |.tnfr«*ar nf loot dut» 14 lo V*a »*- Si.ljjlr' -t.l.iri.l- !"• —>r -m t ntn/ «tau(mnt uMHliirU •rrnh *1 H<^»n* Alrrrafl; M#nj«m.n prKmlnda*] fllMU—and m. Hulitdi. awiatant ptolowt of ooni- muniaatlon tkttU. »*e» I. •• I • •*»» K~ tu* on ite>< «x»» ttw vwljr br Aug. Iruadir. t>. n •stinno ■•xai.on 29, Jr. IMS | wno W»ia. Hrs»arcl» (rnt*r Sorvi.aa. work tolkriaM l^orar tn Inatructor AP'tl » with th* Kaltonal rnnntninl- a.Ml Intor- rr,'1- SPECIAL prniMl '• Aann.ltural « omtnonua- »sri>n Manalwld aaneoat# Thin un-L only \Truma n Jabs l.ona. profeaaor of l»*tiloa. clothin* and t rU'rd arts. Kept J. I^t «'» Ax.g 31. ll Russians I^Ki. frank Hlatf. a»so< lat» piofi-»- ».,r irf phsales and aain noiw I i«0 to Aug .11. IW. NaUonal l*«p' Rain Coats Kounrtalaoii fell.nealnp "»r re|.elle.il lreulr.1, fur uuly s.'.rtice atud v af Okmrri Jotin l vreer- pr»- ( l. jiH'ii, Hitler lyrjiammauM «e>-H»rry s. (•vWir ami head "f aocu.lofjr ano -nthropologv July i« to Aug IH tu Id Sunday that any- prrrara rrt-.rt on rrar-rch m India. latruil llaoklna. s2.25 WMtomaba peace with Mof. iiaxx itiiMiiiia muat have a •-».M laU prof •••or of polH»v"l *«'- r.,v# P«ft» M-.u inatruolor in »*rong enou* to make them looda A.xd nutrition and Hyde H*n- land by all agreement> reaih« *..n, aaaoewte profeewir ui Snfhsh, I April 1 lo June Jk' ti all BcsignaUons and terminaUoriB ap- Xi FREE ft;# former president »aid the i-wiane "make agrcamct.U only ^Vujrnr tr.fcernr. Inairartor in (OKitniinlraUun »klll«, Ang^ Hi I'ij > Hr^tk them.** s. hanker. a.»lvU*t w»«looo«r o« In a brief talk at the dedi- • tonnnUra and sjfrit t enlef. Ant- 31; aloiati s'!on of the National Guard asalatant tn»lru|. | «»ni« sweep over 'he Yew York Yan¬ pitch »f the xecwnd gan>f kee*. The score* were 4-2 and henatnrx. *1 SIMt * For the «1umptng Yankee* 'be Ihe left field fenre »ng 'uin defeat* »ua.j(. it nine )e Tigers knocked out B»h many others for the m.»t c.«mp;:*hed only eight times rTe- sriM w.v ■; .. \ uso. the la*t time h> Ted Tur'.e* I v fore he could com - runs in an America:; *u pie's three innings in the open¬ doubloheadot.. Williams n H»T Jinimv Foxx. and divkud ex teammate A ctvssvd of 43.43ft , 1 u • Gehrig. Bank Green!* tg er IV,ko Maas before he eouid set to svatrh the Tiger* >v and Kaiph Kmri ate among ,H . . rnoNt »p : 4.'. ® is out .«f the first inning «»f the tendanee had been *»** i the oo-holders of the record Htm n>jr*T brw rim r«o* nightcap. season. It was the ,• . The victories wane IVtroit'a ref arc»s tv -auo OOO rw»tro wom4>» • Maxwell drove in IVtroit'a tendance at an American^ thud and fourth against 55 de¬ feats and n the space of a few first run in th# opener with a game Una season. 8RIGITTE BAROOT NOW SIIOMIXt* Injurs l.ist Is Shrinking; nmplrfe Show* "IKE NIGMI HEAVEN FELL' < 1 flO-3 «?-» fll-M0-!> |« f INIMA.fOPI I \1K \ lAITHANCOLOR Mrphrn IV* d • 4tidi Valli I ?:-* ?a Hey Gang! features A # 4.t Green Gridders Aerial 8Whites \inoti\ i K.sii\ \i mm,cm Here To Defeat Jf. 1), i f ~ I Comes It* JIM *ard TI^ Sophomore Fd Rvan Coach Duffy Daiih \ nt ki kpot stoh c 1 happ* with lite pa** » ^ , 1.1 OK 1 \KT«*'V In attempts te c.>o| off, tl-te kept tiip drne alive with a first down just before Martin's run S'tti the recoitrittg and I' viri ,*\l I , Y»|U.' MU WI1H W'h.te Met defense, the which weather, the i»reen was as The next time the ttieens had Kxcrplumal In rec« \ -4 i Ifl KSIIUKI Van-, #* m;i! to the a.r for five the had Bie'at pemhmrd with first atnn* halfback Hrrj i n 1 i.\i>pvi - H*r tim ,-MA+idcwr.s ba.l in Saturday's fo»u- Fred touchdow n Arbana* for an Ig-ianl derlev w ho pulled in f .'. on Ihe swing play. B. a scrimmage. I'lRST Kl \ Sec. id sn.ng Quarterbaek I»^t- Tommy Milsen engineered the he was on the dead rv, \ r* Bielat hwsed three of the next aeortng drite which wax had twx» defenders rovrrg|J ATTRACtlO* flcrfecrt TD m'c the Greens, made . c* a* V MRk POUilAS rapped b« Martina t sard Hsgluaiarr halfba.-k li -CI51 Ml - up of first and sec.vvl stringers, plnitge. The Is,peer junior threw Mliner did Ihe samr f« >1 d up etg1-' touctvtowiis to j knA HIST FOR UFE r , a ll-yird pas* to Boh Suel and Whites aleallng Ihe hill J purlon^fi f third and fourth n MS11MKM iimf.Hirr , r.e s'.Tv.g r t Wt.'es e rhipped In a frtat down with a 10-»ard sprint from defender*. list* RaUmsn staried the IV*n Kopach. a Coo, ri Bie'.tt t. s*r\i his stvond scor¬ Green ball mlling when he In¬ joined the growing 1 «; !« tercepted rial HrhkA i pas* and ing pass, this time to Jim i*org- starhling sopiiomore* n A went f<»r a tonrhdown. Pre*leu*- iat, aft^r Paul R.vhester recov¬ broke through tlie \V', e uJ ered a White bob . I* the «»reena were raaMe So bring er. made hie return 1 lal wasn't going Is above him he went off uck>« for a 23- a notable one hi tm dp.-CP tat^i off the first team, threw a aeor¬ maging two weeks ago, Hatc e -i Mi wfti-Acu asm. tng paw himself. Ballman was up f.w l.wt time with . ; 1 the reeelser again in the play around end and ruggc.i .J that covered 37 yards. The first cgartol'trie N0KT1IC00L SLACKS Baker capped the Green scor¬ ing with a 3-vard TD plunge. of Ihe spring was alirmrwl The Whites had to turn to l ero* l.eedervnilk. I ended the airways for their only wore. fooled the Green line for 4 Ike Grinuley. aucceoiiing Hnako >arda. | and liSrcy Lourtermilk at quar¬ State"! Injury list > . J terly, k. threw to Barry Zmdel urday as all but four ' «a • • I f.»r t e marker which was set vtously injured gt THOMPSON up Sharp. ' 'with • 23-yard to* to John into the scrimmage »'tt the sidelines wc«* iir-.l c»l bharp had Jnet rsinrned frsm Ane, B»»b Bercich. lorry rl the llds-Wdtwis track meet and Art BrandcUtuc 1 Only two players juries in the ecrimrrwp 1 suifemj Winieki will be out Ui-t. "1 dae with a cprainru Mitch Newman returr oi til tion after suffering a 1 required cig. inches to f A VmWWMMWmilMWMMVVMMIMMMmV > i Artistic Dry Cleanc %/ Plain UrrMn | dh "| QJ I CoaU or Suit* i $lst)l I'nlincd Drape* gl.00 Pair A*- lot* it toty in our AM) REFRESH WITH lightweight, »ot*r-r*p«ll«nt Priced (run FAMOUS A4tW MEN S WASHABLE LEISURE JACKETS HOT DOCS - 13c 11 o..s»'k In co.wo! cemiort of our iwortty (tyl*d jeclaH. HOOT BEER.- 5c & 10c I*h fine cc-6»d C0«0« poplin zipp«i.|ront jocktt wi* knM*d ROOT BEER FLOATS - 15c. 20c • 30c cutt« ens bcgk> *or docon-coMon -oih -*or pulls**, with zip plocket kn.t coCor, Cunt, bono*, and ocfcon-bock tntort* ,.*.!.»1 tXff Lurtm Than BMc ltd LMusing US E. GRAND RIVES E. LANSING (TWO ILOCU Ull or AMiM A <-t.ANsrHr.PS . » hframural . I.OW CORT , . partans Beat Badgers . . . State News vVr 4 XI3 Schedule EYE HI-UTES n 1st Dual Outside Meel Sislil spnris IdUor I'agr I i Dr. JoMph B. Gutstein 6y Alas I lf.4 —»g ; ilalo Men 0v!e I'apt F.v.l.tv km •g j rarefnl t»rorthinner ran dta- vtnin#r-wp to IfSkp if. tenths of a mmoiio. tv.uo at « *« OF DISTRICT l rnvet thia at the ffraf flail , * c the world's tec or d nf 1 h Spartans j and save rsarrane i awraawad held bs lit inn llntbes of I nn • "« esamed fh,:t(» « o effort, time, and mnnay, ROSS SHIRK -e land ">4" * jm*hlMr »"«f ■'' " H •:• f r ■• i.o.l ,ipp.t«w in the .•!'-t l ake won the .onfnen. r ml'e QIIMIflSt SMI# \r«< rtlrtlrt n* St RrtU* II on; tops Neumann Mau h "i i -« HI effort Tti.a ••irfte.it 'e ml^-efur# * vjV« « :h a At «•' (V effoi • »%m» M All * IIIIM I Alls add final tenches In their ?2*y59'« vir- th and % ian a w J".' for the lhirr» \i »'[' tit » Grades? plaol ofigioeted .a I*•«K #».»• Te there a «iar*rlar«t ireiaw lei* ever Mi«n«iwm a* lhr» stilt the mile-ieU*. •jiiarteis uf a mile in the Mn b Mil s. oiUo.f, I he svealrlis f«.r rr.ntnrk Jersams? I ntsemwin (*#« gwlned • me I r>|tiltart elan wr>e rf.e • - iKan Stale Ileitis s at the Imgin- Tin oi it t**ura te.,1 If ffimrtN tW renlesls |n knltsmi'ii llrop 2 nf » of the in.l.s. » season vlxs.se urorn •»' I odes «all the p#*- «fre«s» f ANHAAIRl ,, lie sard I .is? |lol. was a soph" MAIL ORDKR SRICIAll urn seal erot hsi: in ti.inks g#otlrmr*> e«i"« No" The roti nf ynur mn- r t!• IU' tit |H"|| ' ! holms w i*| v ;, ! bi!? I 1 llsbotl rrlas 1 5 Vrt I .iTill I. IN Ol .1 rert aprritl eaadlUoaa Itka j 101>..t — sb keraiaeonua, apbabia, at* . rsT" *w,s Wins hv t !•• .: ? jr.; .i'.i. m»w •' •1 season, tmating \N is» «»usiti. • Mil SHtrflNC IM THr UV4 r NrntKot \ll ROOM !•• •«'<< gave the thine!*.i* » J ins WOrki'lM ' h« \ i>|<• t\s.» out of the three p.noes I Aka«* po.a is yur ONIY COItl til INI ill S I nIOKI I Sand ftnqulriaa •,-tsrsin l«Md a" he won the Duo ^COMPUTE SflfCTfON high hurdle* (IS !1 a ,ld.v tins i »srd first in the high uiiv - r •• K • » isi gOrdw Todoy^ Dr. Joseph B. CAMPUS BOOK •,T g w from •"> Mike Klcmhans pj.« > y : ... Ibe wpaiians held the llmssier Ibe bollom of UN till I AMI'I v v.( «n the hurdle* tl* .' H . ■ seoieless nnlil L r Gevfi* Want tied -v m the high Jump l-V 1° ' h ' .' , tlir llir ninlH bases ssben wills Waekett loaded Iwo turn mil | LP'S by MAIL, I... STORE I A*l l.KAMl KIAI K i nn h lots n Knln then tailed Drp). < • At IttlHS | RtlAI I MtfN | In the MA event. Mann beat lale'g neb llwghea In a phnlo on southpaw Ken Avers to rtsd the threat Avert ssalkrd the [l!( Control Ave , Albony^^^p i»«»h 1 SMi si bile Badger Han tsis| man lo fa.e bins toning in IrKtimev run* In third Ml . h the ssinssinc run GET SATISFYING FLA> I then took a lead . , e • gt'd. .-ii «■>•' >>nt# a* thev made a tle« «mtri| thr «. i ! ! e i.an . Th. ■ g. irrii So freiidly to I apt 111. rr:> i>t the discus add pr ttnir ami ,t to. tlir ,• . ■. s o:' s'.ii • i 'i.l ^ vi a ene-tvid finish »n thr s, - \. ■ M t."» th i i ilium ■ % triors but sinks ramr s a., UtM-e h s a- t r SKIMMER • .v In m the eiglilb in insaie tt»e h >♦« Brehivd *et a meet ttc.p d «s in 4 the ??0 a« he wa» n.e '• " "en f i flat* . '.wend -\ reammate .toh 1 ■ : s .si, w e: • 'o so. SWLDI5 -No Wer e-M Mo VVeiMengrub* • • • w d• sou* ith wa« icon m larphear ai-d He-neke ileue f!all it what vmr mil tb»* No dry * daboiM.r sift* kat •• »»rr > < mi second and thud is ilhlrlit'*»>ox It title osg mans happv rfturnt f,ive'.v. world el fashion. Tor gaoiie men ol numerous b.rilulav • " \. ,s »' I "»■ l • at | tlesreree . . . Ibe bpartans evened asokea fond memories; tor lp the seere with atrsuig shew \A v S- s fa-ted f:-r » isasemoi gantlamen it prnvsde* a saiin'* Ka id f • >« in tha nest twa events stair IMS behind ' » at the II mi - Sturm«r appear##c«. All arc «%»ta*i la end o» the tit *>t innuu bul nine : . ; u a ; t v try iL red# <9 3~ 2) and back with one Mm in Ibe (up <•9.4* 01 wete the ftr*t nf tlie srmnd u hrn Jerrs K<»» d*s the finish line in toe urk rerentls returned in the ;r -me and Ward aivi Harness • :t :•"• r'e'~4-1 1 * v t?-e !op two in the hr»«ad In t:ie latter rvatit. Wai.i kes stone double Meal p.»»i iinitd »n a I till HI Til R *5 ln....u • -I • ' . i :i TV SERVICE • ■ es-re D«1 a rex meeM record wPh a I .arry rJ •a . e Of *2 ( . *' bv fwwd »au Krffltr nr. • her ;rwrsM was »e puifefKl •e 220-low hurd.e* a.* Mur Kespniistble I e« bineians iun*»e 1 . •- - ar,* #i>n wuh it tips# t all or t ume in u. . :•< 4 O g-.v# t!;r Spajlan-- a «" • I .met a I Kadio K TV I ART f.RAMl RIAIK iBiM >4 eae Mi .e then \.v. '«- • ?! !l 1 . KaUma#o«» (IS Till. ( AMTI n ATti&i "ij ' 'm: to tie the S'ete th# meet meet rr* • -• ll.iM-li.ill llai|agrr» t alls A4 I anipns IA i-JC.t Oul* I t n: i a*«ur# \ '■> - l 'At C# i *'.# f.nal even! of the e r .'.e-re:av tram of Me - STARTS Carr. Hufhe-s. and e STATE - • their Ik* lger n\a?« WEDNESDAY!! EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN SNOWINS! A NEED TO KILL SEIZED H HIM AND MELD HIM... AND MADE HIM FEEL LIKE A MAN...Willi A WOMAN/ tad ISHMFNT ||C V 8a# hove Fbll Molls greater length of fine tobaccos filters the smoke f J and mokes it -J mitd-but does not tb# A IVou flat 9r#o«#e length of Up f^R MqH# RfaaAap laaffk D RhNhgMlil - '<40aa fitter out thot. U-M* I#Ucm# manay urn 4UMt##N#kifliw|k URm^MIR prearaled lr Aliebican but# ISJtiBfying I atvers! r rnoMPoaroavawi-aaneaT Outstanding end they am Mild | IOIEIG* rn* flavor 1 KlllCf Novet. t4 V'lttt" ^Mb^yay^Jftfao4#ggifciggi# / Am AIM IIIOAN STATli SVm MSI! Locomotive I Piny Sit ill fully Ala* M Seniors of the Week Presented tljH'ii In ViNilors 0 lit II I Mi III IINMIIN .ii I Mr hypochondria". phu- ... , ...oiphMHy hoodwinked In Itniirond huff will he hMp M. • It Tatl»»r, rlnlh'd .lector Thing* tsnt foi" . limb • Into-the csib of MSt"* fm lined .i. i .piii kit. however. n- Hn mi| | it it p|. • 111 • planned to man v In hig it ram locomotive *•.»• h we'k- »i- i'ii:;hii»i( mo t of flii- pja i rhft , I..,. f|i- ilortoi's Itllot V'a ' nIf hi- hoina>ho|(| The Hfln-'nn locomotive and £ !V • . i vmH> , i.t«n> M.Mride) wb" v r ■ I••. i ... | i'iil.i An,, So..Mi ||, < of, . • Hir i « mo ili . to v Whirs from J-5 p.m. rmh i i m tjiMllv, In ;o ni'iM n" • ... i , tnn«i» trm-her. Saturday atid Sunday, wrath"! • Mtlna. to • ivr h< • \ In 1 In thn i "liflltjop. At - permitting An attendant wdi s f»«vn in mi . fo ■ v I ft «Shn»"tt VanUlpiu» he 'present, o I n 'i . ..f f-u i;iI > vpr, ■ it mo-, t . get h» r hand* ort hrt Weekend visiting holi.n wit! iv-i «npt ' ,ii :'i"iit ii mid p • fr 11« |hn plat. Ion ■ I i. .i 11. oi i Mr. motirv with Hn* nid of A' lie Hie continued end of a' least through the present school el ■ iHVi.lll' ffl. l tl', 't lit 11 litofhn flvlward Flpu1' sear, according" to Pr, Ihdlht II fi-i'pn I ill nth to ili'ifovri Maker, director of the Museum. rhfllm ♦>v it ii Kin I 'nrvvr < nrithiil in- feeling.- of his wife mid < rvntnnllv t'livii the "l»ii ipo-inij the scheming wife The giant, 1041 railway rngim 111 llll IHRIION /III I'll KM «N i.t helping Argon become doc* was gift of the Chesapenki I lirmr I Imsrii lot lif|;;m ••iftiplv with A' i -o In* may tront himself. it a and Ohio Hallway Co. also itnrkrd tin twih iptil.nt aalr* Drv (llean Now! Ilhie Ktd free storage Itlnrti KM Untie ll»l» C«»u (irrrn Met*- ('«« ?> aiti.«>."» i »i . , Ir.i i IP ijof 1i"-(, FREE Mothproof lag r< ^ G^) ry^g>v9/ J. .. nt • Ahoic with matnlitHhu Wil.l.iirs COLOR AND .* '* '*"» urn all lutiirivMt mrrair she h.iv Keen a mrmtirr «f .limtei I mm rIt hah'* I nlen Ikniit, f*ir*ldCMt llan Reception Commlltre and CONTACT I i»ni|tiirr (liir I'rirrv ! 2 1'iw CAMPUS rnl# M liiom nl ihihtnin for the I'nrkiiiK /Al Krnr Arti* tlira 4 arnit at Mir the- LENSES DESIGN FOR Croitjt I Inns Minic Critic AAI One Hour Marfinizing XI NO \ SPR1NC 59 MINI II MINIS LOOM THEATRE EUSE Qs 3 CJ?C?s£) Qj> iyr ■ . O- I 1 e M.- Moiii m 'v, • • ,i. \;. ik.uo , , AIihiii Blue v t £ • . . r 4-i i. |'r|f|ter Bed k. ■ • .re.i her »>.■? > -• • m < , Blark Heidi B»ne Holy (Ue • . , .. I.ne> fie pi. Ui-i "In spring Tom Oioni rp . I*. - t!< -• v i: »• i . •/. V . '' * • M »i\. ' • safe «i2.»r, v- • rnmlnrhlilr <0 • Itat krd In AVatUee % •| *r.»is of drprmUlile ASNNNWSNNSS\SSSNSSSNSNNSVSNANSNNW.SSSNSSSV.V eftieal irnlrr c FREE lilt AA ( Jl\s|\ € IMP |i ( . JOM s IMi J It. NIXON 1 j Piillikii ( jikr. Knnl llrrr or OrMii|ir Higjntfii J ft t. i<), ha!.- AO 0X0 v nilli g — Mrp. Our llrm WALLACE OS »dv*W!."»IT) I-tuvim;—107 N. AAivhiiKloti isSS".SSSSSSSSSSSS%SSNS%%NSS%%\%SN%SSS\S%\SSV.\SN- tin S/mint Ai uml* hi/ , SANDk Jl'-N'E (JRADUATES ORDER VOIR 9 CAPS AND COWNS 7 .11 .**1 (III Nl. 9 II AN 1»H Al •> 5 fQ 6c)Q^d/» JN.6X9 e/ ll»urry To .l/n|< /i All I lulumi, lly IlKUhSHIBe; and HANKS i THE TAREYTON RING HARKS THE REAlTHING! NOW!! VOLK III CARD IS IHAgfiKIT! V^H'H CHARGK A I'LAIK Him war TMfnnrc «ui mm wnu: t. it combines an efficient pure - white outer filter... • > • 2. with g unique inner filter of acti. vatep charcoal which has been ... • definitely proved to make the_smnh» RIGHT ACROSS VI union book store of a cigarette milder and~imonth>r HOME EC BUILDING 3i; EAST GRAND R1VI DOWNTOWN LANSING AVENUE EAST LANSING S2« SOUTH WASHINGTON Parkin* — Lily Lo! AVENUE Rear Entrance —Snepard's will Ask Ul About reimburse you! Free Parkins