Fashion Parade Tile Weal tier Jditrst Summer I Hshions I'aillv t'loutl), cwilrr For College W ear Htgli Today ii."< See Supplement SiTvinjt MSI l or .*>11 \< ;ir« l.ow Monday yj, ~VOU 51, No. 28~ KAST I.ANSINC. MICHIGAN TI l -|i\y, y|\y u , I'KICK 5 CKNTS William's New Plan Declined Big Four German Impasse Relieved Plunge Into •# «' f. 1 Ioiinc Krfiiscs To J link Utiles Storm Rips Ann Arbor (lolil War The kv nil' AMWUTin ear is House «leelineil !•> Our Rilled i\r?r«lialiHiis .oiupeml rule* Mnnilny niylit unit put up fur ininitiliuti' Ili<> I lift'S \\ i s| Heal Hack By Fallen. i i.. (,ir hi.i ii mow n liill hit-It < ">t. |,,I v\ illiumn *i.i'l ••nrli«,f Mum. hivoslnwnl ,!Hv WCMIIII rt-lftiHt' tiri.liit Power W ire rarmtirknl fmul* "tul |n. mil the pn»mpt m.f.iitr ■ .t i on mi it riti situ nt i i:i - 'l »i»I.T l'«l*l« \\ To i t IUiiiL ;i\ Mate pay roll which went i. M\N hlows al t tmiles mi cuke tie lKiartlt last week. in celehration of Ins 7alh birth* \.r..«* Sb Mi.-lii^iiii l.s. VN «uil«I PTOYHIT WllllMIIlH likd ■•'!! ■ • da> al hotel mi New York t its •l.'O Million lo I nod I 1 could hiwe t> <" id ■ lildai. take was a surinise v v\ Allium i \. lawmakers acna-d t . .. presented to him lo newsmen lt'til t• 11 in*. ;il leu*■ t Htte a w a , • loll of House rule- ■ • v 111 v i; r o s I* till n.ulii, ii|i|ud soul hca^l- . | , j-tf dm lined tin ii i'i-ii' ■ 're nli'iu i .t i'tili-1 -• . Mo It.publu-itn Wr.iiid l». ■ II.iiiimIi S;i*« •*ni .Mii'liiyuii .Moiulay. lint lo » , el I '. nr. t in. » ka.ifl told till* Hoot ' link in ii -1 haw hcon riding • Jon rnii*t II I •*. in *milt* .it t .ii Ii*|t hrio in World W Pa . when i t'lll' UitS. lie is i student at l>lfklll*oM < til so lion, under the normal It« tin- In.riliT in It I'lfsitleill lit,usei ell Needed to Lick A' ■•ill.' i:' jskt .1 tsl.itiv e srliedulr. the men* me it . Mien ( > ■ ti • ?. ..Mil' | H l\ fit .ll || util iti» Wut Id U al II tin u ill he drhated and (tune ii|» lm I < l*t i til w lieu i .it I. \ he i a ini- •>! 4 tt,le on the House Hour l»;l » •d •d I - -t i|H>"li.t I til k 1 to West IStii.t In li titln pi i Imli State's Problems t i so. u i Wi ha.l s..- I '* ' • it It It- t ht it. t'.iik the i titiiitt titii f luMigtt Minister Ymliti i.umi. not ' Mill I li'.t sll.t y II i* I* .III.Ilium t tl i kit and tli* lilt; I hit * niiiiisteis ,q j.rohlei ti. it h» ii'tiilil mail u ul it* Uieit 'i rankled fhiitiuhuut tin ilai ! { r I Ih ■ ui er til* *1*1 t ilth llttur ltu**iau -, e .my i lTc t on lill'ITipt tl» hrtll- I .1*1 > .*1 til : 111 . St.I* I* pit 1 " • thr IU Coed's Dean t't i (••ilt-t *iii * tab!* U-. ■ j M .... i f this iii'.lit .. . : . f yoveriioi .!'• ,'tMMI v'llll.t!' S ■ *ck*h« ltd! \t the Ion the Wit his Spe?ks !o PanHe! . ..e cash cii i I! it •• t»f in thumb that .mis oiln I akr lltii . kel in t * mi a twister Itarelt missed Har¬ tie* no lie ' • bor Ilea ill IHith "»t Intnl. with !78 had Nearly 36.000 their hi-weekIi state paw-links work*'* puptU Inside. a i atk Unities piiketl tt I .Ml tret aw at were twist¬ li.r id nt I *m Ii a In A! Convocation iwthheld last I hoi sibi* I'lM.n, S. | r:»>>k I . , ... , (tlti'tit Irndiii. .iC' in i w ts ed into a heap of wreckage. I HW \nt» KM IIYIONII rehearses ih. tiler f luh in pirp.ti t- Meanwhile In' • s lot waul In pit's. 1)1 Itllf B. At A' I inn fur llieir annual roiireit. The com 111 Itr In Id ai I airchdil ■ - ! It'll a the 'I \mrti. irpuhln . in . hoii. oM»- e 1 ■ Ih- lb '-H'llH tonirhl at TIV, mcltiiK lirtr l.imi . 1.1 it . as \i" t« , • 1 I •'» •! ' b i it ittaii ul lh* i,i -i .."erupt,* to t mi tnii.ii, the ilnmlai It s allt-lttl utt wet.' 11.111 w ttoil *l.tis o| itie ■m a flu ... < . •• *Nol lleliiled lo tla*.-' i /.tit M ined lu lit tn* hat* I,.r • t. • alp. li I > It-.•« * tt' «ta*h that thieatrut-il In ,!*».• p. r :.•» t • i ittttite and t hi. f lu>liie I'm tl«e I. -t lit .. !.-. fill lde m 11.nit tent * *it „ t.*!.,,, • . an l i t;.o I: - i'' ■ . V klei aiilhto td the not el Hr Lynching Lye II i/ncssrs lotinti ■! ut S.» ' ■ a a t "o it* opriirng . n ttee, «ante ..p : 4 < llann.>h was lite traiuied sp,ak M ' -<1 1 lo't>40t|Jg "ti uoUU Li - * p.- - ei at the dlnnn Mi- O'il'.f li.- p i • - •« . : it# a fat u:t hep. Ilariy I* : I iil .n ti • Ann Arboi ii << Until itlenijil Suicide , H'.-.nA prop .-, i ■ n»i»uh', . rut-bin ki t, . t I'ltl'I.AHl ii I i Vt,*' 1 M i- i ithirgftc w ti; > S\ ( . a, f.l -Ulll l (!Vim I „ .i * on t M.u k I'.I •I (li! . Ifl to e long Rupi"'t t.-.-t i mi n III I I he | lil'v. w«. Va ..t I .nt e dm i \ • . He t it lit I uiigir** it Is »,iv I we- I , lie,, stiout; tipiniun tli* I nihil hll'l' (Hull's i 4 I Mil*- Hi ie res Sleul < ' ul in* .« I t.ij Ih.u .n A- •i'uuld suppttll tit alum of ti.* ) .v h ■»i| tli*,# > • . ht In ml. 11 h I t'k till.I Us,- „f p|*ss||,K r.ii Sfi.'IO in M eel; 111 .„*:- f ri jr •. s >n*. .m . In Annual Sing i.oftilt ami mm t il pruitli tt.s in iliiti t.f ru n lift *t|ui alt'tl upiiiiuus , . |v the .tint Th.cvtfs «dT tt*a h**just ttf tin. . limit Islalitl tilt ' totittlri * sprint trlainiiislii'i **36 worth f Set Tniiiglil • i i • lilt l.tut I, ,J,y with latin Ymetua . a-npug during the t * » •1 * a/.ule 4 s*| i,ml dispute oiri Utricle owner* t-«.K • . Af|*sr Van Ness tth'> witnessed siiap* uf the taide wlurt I biow—17 biuw't the healioi ami limi ,»f will urcuttat* were »bdi n. a- „ Talker. , ul hei last Wed¬ Dept. Of Public Sail ' Baseball pipy o is .1 I'i. Sliaw Sets nesday briefly ami She has slme was hospitalised paid her Dug Golden, and 1 >*.» I Junior MM bruit fine and lias been tr|ei*td »t* ported that a total < Mken from their i s. o bleelioneeriiig T. .tli of !• tit I lllll** l..e Wtaconaln game Also lait f'r.da.i. t A,' ' Tonight at t l.ttims Scholtirsliiji . . a» J s vliil I.. I r-,iorted $39 f>0 was '■ • .t ' the. meet t- n t IN a: H.vei dispensing n.n. m;. . ■« I omposiliuns t Ultlifiilitms W hit I, fullnw 41 r T< haikuwski s ' llwspodl Tomiliu Tiisr .titi hi |ioisk< st.og ' ( Itisc I ritltiv (l/H'll Wt't'lill" ' Y t l*ai Midnight hi I tiii' i -.i na! intial corn* I'tw NIndents ? Nihlock. of tl»r Vusir llepait i.-te loarrut.* *< meii| faculty, and Maidn. l air jet! ■ ft lit-un lo I ell" in II ii tin ( andldalrs ate humiliated at rum entittii from a lot of poten¬ a f,as|oldi's • lull! irmtr Yrmasli is followed hi Ihire Scl I'luirstltiv rb< \mrro in tials suhinllteij hi the iafiou* - lliurs. *| Wonilti a- I waiuI*! prerlitfU, They enter a ilsorous < iiud • 41'iangrd h) Nilrs. 4iid two N* lampaign and are later elerted. An< gro spirituals The Kfi'.T ;; . -ut; » running ; ■ •f Afttu an ,i. f . pt. v. "it ate !'• 'f.t 1*4*? t -1 ' H.m I 'dot. ? h lib vu ..|Jt ; ;. • I Jl'illl t . . i I. ■ tf it*» S:.< »n >;«i A : n H rt» s frwiit Kt » s -f H«<-a »fid - INiiker ca.-'Tt - .ut !ou • In-ic, af'cr v • Til l Villi* hpr. other favorite dark usji t: < * ma - en!* r v»r»s or the race a; wi'h him. lie wa*fi " n ;-t. ti4 On," b-, <1 v •Natural Bi-aiili* V i*. f..ippei/ed |h.''. aoout hi* sj,*!. : 4 S-" v-lt.n, i.h;. .a tent.-i art Sr.p Di ikaubien ar.<| ... email »./<> a!..i t i United YppliiaiiU |||||*| hr ,h!* to fcruto I-t car. ♦ i-ii. driuoiistrate tlilti.itr The (»l«a- 4 hnamial hnt.'rtainmrnt Will be fin- Uw Kidding He v.a* ir> , .t »idi-nt a W!ftk*r term n a ! ■- ■ need ami leadership ahilitt r-;• be i ny v.-.r.-ius campus group* . Vr '•» Mm :•. A Univcnit good lilisetiship autl oilier" h« i i , pfcviostf to the tarnpvtign and ha.*n't Wen the • .< - j fit* v h.v-- 0: oualilirs a* eiuleiwrd in |V If is back and ru;'t.k »erv; t.u ' ' r.'-stru ,iti<| :«»..« -'j the required lettrn of lecom The rommitlrr i« luneutiv ■nit lour tk»i«g Navy Krcruiler* Moth were iiueslioiied id I B| iUMj. mendaliun. ■i ft considering the (olhiwliig arras of spetial interest lo stinirut* llt-re lliroujih Friilay men investigating Ine Tarkrr i/ne-uii offn als said, and neither The J- 'si- atuT iuitvbon of l-'.a . case, P ■- i i.» ' •' - ii -4. up d;1c« ipr t.f f The officer procdmnent /in-if.e nffice of N*val-Offirt*? seemed pressure lo be under ait| heatf because of lb Juzzy Concert S« St ... • W., it.. Brv ur.tvei-iui' hi •ions its. iHe future, attauv* the quaitt* of l»r«'uremcnT lhdroit 'ami the "Dimthsinris in s.»:.r. t , *• WJIf'V (tWt "j .'i » - *'! in , ut 'it >. in', i, : • i Sai ei A a* Slat son. Growe Be. TTte sheriffs office i ond annual y*u t-.m.r , pi <-• t.c* fi/m Mi-wi.U etrrc.- MJ iKh ;i wavvsCI si .tern, con - will be in the Union front 9 30 A'nacker's condition n .n, c cd by the Phi Mu Ad-ba Mst' kjitrariit.'. junior college HOTC Kfid physical nU|- ' > -noi ui »>«">'• A .'-h A-IT.II, I.■>!.-, ot''«;r f ./ 'Or. a n». until 3 30 p.rn Triday. Dr. W. f, Stringer, who »fy munc fratern ' . m* 4-H St ho'' -t i --.hip'" do »»«/ nec-i it f i the ftt'»*»ii.d Mi--* -Na- licatn>!i Any June graduates who de« cd Amacfccr, declined to >s presented Thurvd.. ■ " ■' reapply for new j,ca> h • ».;s« . a! Bi Ul.:, h/*ti'ti * Other tiipk-* include Ut* -tv. . Slate Srut ehnto bs I rank lawiitr -;re h navy career or wish la what poison he had uc< n, music aud. A 17-oic.. . . - J. jii "■' vvb'j a.c •Iu i*. - w ei »• t lordnu llau • M ,*• and acitdcmic con-ate of ihc u»n*1 W43f Bt'NIC'C BOBtBTS, »pe»ker at the ranllel eons oration just fulfill Uu-ir military uuhg.,- his condition was or gut a > present two show ,. »' T 3d superior Student and Hum id* • iU.'ph C.rtR , and- i'w-. list D- \ i r^jti. internal Mrvncn of Aho Mwiiy It prmitHl witli • roraage bjr Jean MeLtei hrrrk Week bun as an officer can obtain in¬ details He even declined to J« II and'one at 9 Titer* . nu a i- Si-hbi.M fiii.-s veil n, other geftcp, former superntr copi t un vcoity uiid the public tela- ? •wrlll WnrkUMt ckairman. formation at thia time. newsmen hi« own first name. inisaioa. charge. u-jiti'i >tb'»lkJanip* inu*'. icapp.y. '4v 'of Lot- Angeivi. l."« of 'be tfiivaftUj, „ \ M Michigan Slate News "Welcome To Geneva"1 East, Wcsl 0 Re. 4 »« MM i ZS.ftftft Students and faculty CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS v-' i'ate *.V a: -. g * • » •» Mi.-h »•' putiHC'ed by gUideni* <• f Abrh'rtn ft** tie withr-nr direct faculty »up«-rv'»'' u'.'.ifiMh i.r .-r the »• . Ii ' 1 ( • Yield Points iiti Mill t.vr. :«is . j . «#•> « »•«»! i- lfitili «►» «»'••'• **.i'ut- Man. Milton Itrltllnr: * »m. I'rl. v t till. fniMi «-l; nnt l-V M.hhU» Ihtonah I rto.. V..I M. v • ?* Tuesday, May 12, 1050 Page Tw< Wc»l'» Pr»cimi»lic Outlook Con firmed CLASSIFIED RATES HOUSING minimum IS -orda Why Mail Grades lrt GENEVA bT*i t'ntrm Both the Sos'- And the West had to yield point.* in order to get the I I daya ] day. 4„ $1« SI'S S5c FOR RENT AFAirutVj To "Authorities":' big four meeting started Mon- d«v The West heat a Russian nia- S ♦ day. day. »?•» $2 50 with • air ATirr.-Tiva. 111! -alieil ' -tuvf file b4Hi. and !«'••• I" • lainir rnrurnitlieti refrieeiwTitr AIMpr.l* no 411(1 v , I'HKSSKIl I'Hlt TIMK, the repi.atrrtr's office fall term Store IS* Kenberrv Drive .» reuver to extrari international ADDITIONAL CHARGES IT) J-4M4 al»i»b!c>»*fif *»*?» s"ran5v it* report ran! mailing policy ami recognition for Communist East lot aach wotd IS ten! ,i'T r-v *' ' addresses instead of holding them Germany. aoou: But Hus*ift established a lini* 6c par day vevf-.r i, .. • \u*. ' r »rtinw according to student age and HOOM TOK (JIHL •uxainr Itcd right for East and West fall term* Hal" ftittiue a»n.' preterm. »• Germans to Intervene m the big automotive .vnrk available if ile-li>ri I > e »»?•;>• dev:de»! !*•! week to return to Its traditional KD i kill alter # »» n» |vnver riebftte* tm their country .* |H5A VOftfl ('I.KAN ri'Mimiii tl p.. \ . .• ;»* follows: J) reports of stmlent- problem*. I trtiwporrelion. Slti»d*rd tin" H.< fUHIM TOR RENT MM t . 231 Mo*»t' tingle woman lo l»ir in «iul ur vr 21 w» auVmaficaKy to home addresses ti e parents , Heart ef Imum 1 dm Miver Dr brnler new IV J-iKWl tire* • ,i. nan ton hovale home Ha'-, «>r y .irori' .- >. un-e.-* the student is married; 2) reports Britain » Selwvn Idovd and required l.tiiheran preleri, ! ISA8 MCJ.A COITE Fulli eiju'i' , -ill v alifi Saturda v and > of si j.(en's "21 <>r r«\rr y' either to home addresses or local't Andrei Gromvko plung¬ •»en ling report ear !* home to the folks is a policy which two German* • In the conference inlrrnat Willi T«« US date* l a. k near y 4 > yrat* Kegistrar Kermit Smith said room. I—. TRAVPI.O « 7... I is uff;.e follows ?ue principle because it keeps appearing Gromvko aeeking a voice and ex> ellent (.unlitmn. nian> e*» • seat for East Gennaiiv at the vluiliiiL' autoinalw washei Ut . ■ in the catalog earn yc<»r. conference table, settled in the lufti vnii i'in rwo-'.r-e " UK CJI i:>TION ITS vali.hfv and urge whatever faculh end for the right of the E»»t German delegate to ask if he sir it might speak IW.' foltu HANI IIIVK.IIS ie."' l(»ST RTD fttl.l TOLD t»lra», afnmU *.»ke a rrifica! 1 »>k at it. v In that sen** Gromvko won a Iti linde' em eilfii! i"Militlon. t"i» ' .in f«. Dean of Vcletmart*- fS-^.rt ofine ialatner llali Side • j.- rants. :t *eer-« to us, are token measurements of point Ilia maneuver also en¬ it. i I'uaa IM Tl) J <«•■) .. how »r,! studer's |n*rftvi ,n cia*s. As such, thev are |»n-, able#'the Russian* to (Mv*e a i 'i 'ail . HTVHOt T! It A till * e,." of fh.e Orr- ga-ml Hrr* 40I AhO"U ViMrtmei.' mat : t'e ou*.rr-s «turi#!it who performed, and the champions of both a"ei S I,oh! MIOlMMNCi HAG <•. iii *• lb lea id a h'tlung Ne. 1 manvs to have a aay in the con¬ e 'tt to |tut student. rni . I ore o- <>raud R«ve Mfa A ( Old » Tut'' e'l'i'i" ■' ference room. U' about 2 |» m Hew aril KD i'dJeuts bear ire fmantmrdens of nuM students, as "e\t ef km they are genera > \er> interested in what kind fealtien (hanged ftltghtlv The Weat. resolved confine : OS' t*AlR OK : s erf-rmances th« ;r children ar# giving in school. Hut the role of holli to employment a.. \ . mtv ail Her g laate* kr |! . th*t twe s*,iden, v. performance is primarilv for Gennanys to Kevi it Lh'Jili i..icik. that of advisers, emerged fron: RS.latSTEHt t» .MH\T> T1 »l» tUDi "e benefit of his junren'* i« U>!h an insult \ » the student tne hru*h w ith their lines mt«ci f and imlicati Wualiued n rem tl v.rgi. a HI*! 111.lit t \N •••- par«n'.ft an n i f lauit.v educational prin and their poaition on 1 aiigntly ^ ^ • '-hi ! iillii'' (• Ilftt l ga- bl- changed II j»er«' .if '» f i- .;d »♦ . l a . . itnrf l>,.v» II. a e "upterow Hi>v|iiU: ■* r - e- A 1-le If* arb Neuher fotetgn minister Loth- WK I" AN NOT HKI I* hut see ft distrust of the tudent PART TIA'T WAITHf««if *- needeai J * «e H' ■' iv ' l.rllrrs l«» I lit* I '.ililur a- Bo'; of last Germany noi < aril. " r personal" a' I irtam * i»e- ie>>. e •>■ " ft f*bi. v which p are* grade rrjairts in the hands ot Meinrich \'on brentano of West _ . neie.aarx *1..*' he • •> .'♦vgber authorities (|>arcnto. And we see n.» reason «h\ tiermanv will be full partici¬ t'lr: |0 3» n r: r ».D t t* studrfita ierne cunt: >t I with their be trus'ei t.» notify other persons education, unless we think education is con House for Compulsory KOTC pant* at the conference and the East Get mans will not br »b.e to claim tnev have been recog¬ AiDMfner HI" A l OAMK'ttl Oihvi'i' d'* gn. .outbid*..• »l> t'M- " . need $ help? vets spniethmg to which tve stmieut must t»* subjected against nized actually or implicitly. bis wil and *t the direction of hi# parents i Mill OH s NO 11 I his Is Ihr I1114I rrjil* Iroin a nietuhrt nl ft H n' I-.*- :t '.mmiKliste'v apparen', But the American.*. British for sale If this is so, or'v tea.****'* no,J parents would exercite *' or picas 4 course ant] French gave a lit: t groun : r»i e, and or.'y toufcer* and parents would get an educa III# BtUfll I'f lt» Ihr sialr llU»lt'P» Nruv in AIISIS»1 Unbuilt «>l Ha-sir Nat Sei o ■: 1 fee' Nat Si i As adviser*, tne Germans w uid have haj '<*' part of ine Basic t'r- - no right to intervene |S»tf Apr I |s "\\ otilil »nil rrtsid •( I'# debate* lias Defende hut sometHe* Now if thev • 1 a ■ in If w# wi.vh to ffiara** tie student, we must assume he a« desirshls !>• lisir 411 rsprrs- ami stch Tl'X «t?r V A'tn wi.'e • • e:b sis mran* of ge 1 the eve of lire conference cava! Neer'v ne v reatmiabo I* van choose. I t csiucaU' n !«%•* ves the abihtv to »l»ii «f sludrnl 4ml | it nil 1 iiplii- make dis '• C acn'ss «o t< r slndeni* ar# chairman he will allow them ' < tUer • p n h hi »n Ihe inn's if'" nl 11141141114 i»;ci5of.s. And if we grft»-t the studcP a will which can t.e tvr ■ »• ' o a c,l IV; i.i(.. f th. speak if there art no objections VIM r l .ANSI Nit THHTI" bed * pr» poveri e t - puidly thing »»i 1 in • lolunUit basis.' 1 suir New# on I; , 1 vebe ocn? i'1 Tbursdai i*e:c , hie bv-imol are* IWne* -n •**' AS m-ftiwng hit own rwp°t rant I ndereuadiag Rear bed . -it r til. wttr> l"«\ down pa nen' To lb* I ililoi to Nat s. « ass shed fee, Pi one TO M»« 33 .Vnrtls speaking this gnes II KT UM.V ».KAI»I > are not tve end result of a term's 1,, a •• ge'her dirterentlv an» of the big four the tiOl.T 11 I'll" Qt At m t b;,.i M I Cftjftftla jw*w»i work. i»iuc*t:,>n is. Hut when a university make* to t*. pnret A (•■•-» o'ete !m# r>» ">e- grades veto inter* cntuma by nthr ! >ne .and ladie* eqnip"en' i.uludm# most important — by grab*, hs hfts.iif honors programs on grade*, hv gradiut tvaluatirg students acconimg to lie*' Median Lrtlcr German squad nf'Tmai Eust-Wmt But already an unuerstand- ilobt auoat*' bag* It it a* »' >>e». •nlaaianii*' av. »weo a> nfi *'"t 1 SiiN wP FOP SCHOUPi' * ng a aort of gentleman» fast lag r * 1« s s- -•« •*» aceenhvg To ft cheek-ist of grades ithe mea > and cresiits Ithe measure of i" n^t l 1 dels Answer agreement ha* been reached GO IT (tt'Rft ft* »' SCHOLARSHIP OMlCt quantity i - - • * ; that thai t.e veto wdl no: be uaed tbd tei for »V« Ml ' i the -e gr»»ies *hou'd fir*! l evsial Goif i O'.iii ' 5* the concern . f the sludeo' |«i (he tdllor .n normal circumstances gtnid 1 • U 1)1 M t higae V- 1 t"e 'a • tha* »t iter's are scarce \ l.hi4i If U is used. If if OlAOltNfc MAV IS»» insuite-i when t t *■,< aggrieved • .\ d •• t reo, vf first ha-d tha N r» \ Af ' side will be able t i ask for a ftlATygiNR rvport of their perform, •HI.. KlHi HP MP A I.R a.irt Hf. s"d "•» Ma'# N'ev*s nf fwin| mforma: meeting of the Bg etie ours e.i is u.s :o feci students necti more with which to if • (the tin* *(t (IV t'.# - e r 1. : , #•! »IU| unuf s iiU' to- Tour to resolve the part.cuia. *•«' • • i-'*-.«ee- 'I lo Ing Lr«tl T aai'I > "j i:i t.'.r Al.Vi pie* - difTicuItv J hong ID I r". *, r ,#v '. VtHi auted t la* Tie entire episode, under0n- torsc-eii'. ng Gromykot intention u> oa:- lloir ilnmt » .i»- '..'vr Your,* t'tmpuhorv SfM'llinp'/ Miwiiii lb# point s'- i * ,n 1 vour di .a ; feat 4>cl 4 major S*'h <«f the in the t'.'ughes? Kremlin, aerved tradition* to o.>n- - It a uifc Hani' JaW-v \ mhik MiKircRrn »Vi lent confused lust ii«t' » .liii! ui:-,er» cunit. i—fe wj ii'terea'.iiyf in- IV 2 iw.i A ■ • g Wilh other *pe I e" -r*. last wr«k when S.g' t ittto ivvjr aeieftt. You *p- 'widmgs of Western ofTic.a.s u.a' preparing 'V I n. n Ik an1 « "What ? > .<» »t MSf on ,«*'Ar to *c« wiuaelf up is a de this o.'nfererice untike VftM H 'HCMRSON '.yvr HA K P R\ DKl.lvrr Wrekc-.H ^ 1* and < shattered eur ' conception of the world v ir'a *er of drm.* j ae a 1 irtue at produce am important politics jiwui* Via- Faun* |V VftlEs be college ,*Mtftn; at « Uierhood or fair agreements student. MftHlV 'A'.'ltSON ft DIXll It suggested tbat l.ttle pro- EUa P i*' ■ Den e*. ;,*• tjga g., aft" rareful etamitur 'gfe*.* i« likeii toward a sella ' 'dug. EU 3-aSil. We«t 1 m ran ment ««{ the Ma one c* v the Si • basic problems ef l»Ti i H * .»: i ftK I-.* T>» J tVM; Cross word Puzzle * v iub » r 'v»rae'ment p at to German* and Europe i '' dr per*.#* t pest.*'«#• beav. i.nil* « Mar. ■ abn jj».i «*! tH( MOO MAIDS SAY 4' *t:porta: : r*. 1 in the e'e-. - tkrlegate* of the West cxavurier ! ax' U*af IV 4 ft.|« t* "■ appea * 'Sat fe». even (irvmyko ht« i.»me here unde bPORT.SW KAH Tiit UA ! | * » a,«Hit ri * wur of th.» arders to do n,, more than 'n new r:..h - " .cm .•» crolorae. guaranier the holding of tne ♦•a-1 a' W •* •' *' students I ninteraated !' pmpuscd aummit conference. pru*» India!' HUB Goif 1 > . »e >•...:m,'j . Mftl Iter *a»T c' r lert.rvg V * V arc a - OA:RY RLANT .-o- «.* ■. Ho -. ;v»n. >i'i at issue that. d»i nor tnvolse left • ' of taming at -he-i i e cct,on* the #*. HtfonmriOM P R AT F.R.N I f Y OR HOO •SoiAiftii,; . h« * 4 i*.>.ic I* e f4N -ORTHOOOX ITIDLNT '■ »• .3 room tlOAtae aton* ' rftortftAOft ft HOfftF p vhmsh. fr't-i S »*-i4env> U' AMN. HD to rent for eummec ,f.p4i Zone-funUahed • ..a-ge y-e , rem. CD- P"u eo fur frale'mity or u r-S* of i aw * ln*t. uc(mv the %- • Id ph. Jft I'mor » d-veiling t ulpable Nsiy cf - acvomn. ode ting >» »<* ' "',l Taf king l« ,er% ldeel » elreiitftURf (HII.D Dtk UoiPMtNT fn* . * ,ft-' . •• ARAftTMSNTS rretaram u».«r runua'.ed ; * ( LI B ft" trrelevanc uder *r*.»ai with option r« iowue? tor.ft! MM HI) OR APARTMENT Con tec* Mr. ftcott, 214 Chat n p m . 105 Hop-# Ec Bel v News ».D J m* * rurnt*aed Rt«t inOudas wtih. - • -1'" • • tra' ^Nteson* G«rlick *.11 apeak ElevUon ef : I*H S Cedar IV gaftj a' ' arut aiw, ' ■ ti | • lipimi Ut ,'4 oncers a - m -c dev . x» pert n ' TOIAO PtROt RATH | i tVRLlASK t AG I aperT*»venr. June'-Pwaten-.ber CNl\*TR*m ~ VII.- SERVICE the eiec'uor. • 30 ph. ♦ 5 On# hftdmo-n Turn tared especial:* peraon. I'mor. D*r<>»a» re- UUI 1>K ». in bihar r.itusc a. t» * TR INftfORT %TtON (II R j !*)•<' CiUveratty Vutege 23 u». •.& ihi irsr co' ( Mil Board «{ truster* b. W ft tale New* I 30 pm, IS Umor f t^NKING TOL'R room unfur- i appea IN (CAN A.lH T-.C.. rv -;•? ns-ed aoattmen! lnck building.- ;«swe» t*»vh «.an4i4«te*. VOL*NO RRFI1UC AS* , Hegt *Kl v*«tf-, Rtnrft in tan-p .t. omcious sauoNwn 1 vingooi two* d SO p m., 3ft Vntor 1 Otv'v ia* - a »t*nd on ah fhoor StuSMhnen Rtehv. '*» -» a.... ?ve ro MM jo tv«ue» y»Hj did baf h* went AftRN or nrr-CAMrt ft irjONur iHO* * »w? fun*- He •TVDRVfft APAJTTMZNT TL'RM.ftHED TWO ,-,n r !i? I". *' n .1 t h in ft 1f. or 'our I'r.approved • ■ h r in* :j nee. 7 W pjr., 33 L'ruon. Shower, ve barking no..«irg (We# io ram put ; * arc STVN. and a canipua H % ft Rummer and fa?. Ul Wm-dmera » IBiT TYPING ftlRV- K« penanced raf.o ' ft p m W.m.en lenatng, To aea phnna IV 7-flTT*. ju Turebten Me . a Gvm Cbee to eempua. PbWfV !-•• TT..» eaves taxi poaaiftie con. fROMEXADRRft EXEC RO.ftRD MICHIGAN AVE ACROftft f-*m ctutloas to* from your arti- • IS pir, Wtvneo'a '■emaue for r.-.rea man. r.mwhad IVWRQ BY Kvmrs CRbMrdb- e.e E ther Gym, Old four foofwa. fir*i fVnof Barking P'ft Mtvum. clue* u> caatgua « w# of U&U -re »ut>* fthd N'ew Officer* ■ l h«n » Lena CD Available June tHh IV 3-eMt jg l-ldCR n*n*w usly rerseeuUng you be- mrrA aiGMft rw * awe of ytnir denus.*ratic • IS pan, I'mor.. T*A.voo« Ntaa «**u. I..TW. a 1 '•**. Dactrte tow* stand Mural Room. •d aaanment for one or two Utlll- opaigRai. Te^ or »ou a e a p. sir lf*»er looking P edging t»ea furniabed ftK monthly. Can He Mm aad taeMk aCT«5ata! — IflT ft #f*er ft am. and loader*. Tr i «rap*t<>at tA Weme your iATWOUr IB DLNT — Oerk %* jj lost UplM*. TV Mas uao a <»RGAM/ftTK» Hair, - ■ •»*•• toe tea • ftjn, CatNalic reRvtftirrn~.\rintmrvt > n, 4 to iiiUa.a, IM L'aHiai r- fttudent Cen. Woodrot,,. t u, ' '•r 7" ft.Ke.rver and o- Ttl) b«-n TIP 9-43X7. cafeteria Coffae b-n.-. • n>*w*a, fms u«ipui -Parking eD#r 'hm ID *.2713 W.ftTtm CARRIVAL EXIT Michigan Sute'Vs, w ra»ea T\ -RADIO ftcmtrr to eluden*» New and ftpent "«* Ml lutei Serv.sftp t JT.. rE2S?"tE. *r*w*fc.* - * —- - . .,T [ , .i , televwen Tree b*He che • t M am, Od AlunuU Offlrt to .to tow I i7»m Private ertranee •»■ cast (Stit aaa tv axa ■ ia I m » * "T"" • • m lelRpn wewpra •• tftTcig-x Tr-dar trc'ustv# e^nrg tell. Studan, vrvkaa. iaxier I pa. ^. M 'V . t#r-w »'«rri »'««* ntroL cus fr '•em t-.d■ Warner T > m. Daaai HaU. Tarm aeeriai Your Key to Bctttr Vtluet _ frssnmae in m Part/. ft'eced »« ^" *' "" «»t gaejEiBf. Mite. f SW I • lam. Old Callfta Ha'.L Ctmpui Classified! . . . Low Cost : •i. : l. » M: Mr* 7 Apr >] Spartan Net Squ Micmr.AV state vnv* 0 Ma? 1?. IMS Pag# Tin* Old Timers Game to Honor IM Truckmen Run in Finals !. Faces Wolvserine V'a a e. Bob Huffman won meet Monday in 2.13 0. Baker won in the HR0- yurd final in the men's IM track Frank the final in the high w i?h 19 3 v and Hart.- w:*h 4»» '• 1 \ Fmal* in the shot put t.» d'e*. IfkJ-vard da*h and 22" . Et fid-yard b/tv >:.,••• Trainer The oldest am »ng Spartan Heppinstall at Half Old Officially retiring Jul* I. the see murh action, and hi* coach¬ Western Miehipin to PI; \ Jump with 5*11' B: -.ul jump yard dash wtll b# held Fm llah-born |\ S. ritlaen *n ing staff of four former Spartans final went to Frank Scaramuzzo day. Timers. Jack Heppinstall. will be the firat head trainee Stale hir¬ — Dan Currie, Jim Ninowskl, MSU Next in Home Met ( honored at half-time of the third Norm Masters and Roh Fried- ed. A flxtnre mi eamput since annual Old Timers game which 11*14, he Marled work In ether lund—will field a team of lop- Thy Spartan nutters open a week of u :: be played Saturday in Spar¬ noieh tridders. who have made II I li li v ! Stadium. Joh» after earning from Finland play this afternoon at 12:.'»0 p.m. when i> tan where he •tarred as a fteceer either name* for themselvc* in Nearly 43 years as a trainer Player and track Man. the pro rank* or starred on la«d rival Michigan on the local courts. I.A.ST 2 DAYS f r Spartan-Aggie athletic teams fall's varsity. Wednesday, State faces West¬ John Macklin, athletic direc¬ IAIV IANSINO • MON 55i = playing under the banner* of tor at that .time, heard of Jack On the s«dtf of the Old Timers ern Michigan in the windup of 10-1 «0 T 05-10 10 Fantastic exploit* Mj-iniii Michigan Michigan Agricultural College, State College and and hired him as a trainer ant groundskeeper. Since then over will rule, be the free substitution experience and physical j -ux-inee! home staml. The Wolverines finished in 01 yum —.10UIS AND Michigan Stale University, will MEirfl 10.0(10 athletes have received sire. Roadblocks will be age and third place in the Big Id cham¬ of the mastrr-sp*! Tt „xL ,N THEIR • receive just praise, both at the game and at a dinner afterwards. physical attention from him Trie general public is invited lack of experience with the dou¬ ble wing "T." pionships last season and have a solid tore of live returning let- Mo\ *■ FIRST to the dinner honoring Jack. I'art of the Old Timers roster JACK IIFPPIN'STALL term en buck this year. I STARRING Tickets for the dinner C"*t *>j Earl Mnrrall and Jim Wolves dual Disjmii reads: the , # . eldest Old Timer • • « last year MS and be obtained fnnn Io¬ Ninowski. quarterbacks; Lcroy inert victory string of 47 was ^-1 ran 1* lY ROUS! nian Frimodig, busmen manager Bolden. Art Johnson. Evan Slo- finally snapped b* Notre Dam- iduis Ill 01 - BB,"» why* SMITH a.l» l»M ioliac of athletics. On both sides of the half-time ceremonies honoring the veteran nao and Walt Kowalczyk. half¬ backs. and Sam Williams. Pav# Kaiser and Bob Jewett, ends. Intramural in the second meet of the year. The streak had extended back to NEW llruntlayre ^ EN US TONUillT May 14. 1931. Included in .Mich¬ of trainer will be two halves of ♦ ★ ★ igan's victories last year was a fntemati* > !f^0OEQ,S IC8UMMNPW fpMONO O Pl|N perhaps the best game • f foot¬ ball played in S;*artan stadium. One of the best all-star alumni ran Backfield coach Bill Yeoman the first two strings throu-i! Highlights 9-u blanking of MSI'. The nucleus of this war", niittee (!• the org:» ila IiL y MAHTIMi Till It-llU K!h Hudson'* Unforgettable Adventure-Romance THICK AT « o: - "0 13:3# squads ever assembled wi'.; ftv- ile Duffy Dougherty's rjirrr' earMtv which will be decked out brand timing drills while Head C*oach Duffy t e Paughertv scrimmaged remainder c-f the stjuad in Mondays spring practice s> - r li'y ti •• ' M-7.U • • i •' -e» v. r- . ' be . . - *vi.!.til is biui: around v'api Jo Ba Fi.c •ft w.i- division .v. a tin a N in Mimtci- "nuyht •lispute" i in •n a new offense, the doa- 2ND iiir SM>n. efforts — — ble wing "T." t In A land-Unknown To Man1 Working with Y«x-man ag.«« t ) I'ltOt l> ItKltK'h Coarh Daraa Dibble, who will liurk i i. the dummies were Tommie Wil¬ fv^.y-r-^ - or • ' \lan lailil OlixU drlhyiUnd son. Blanche Mat tin, Jon Marx hi* •• • « ' -A ' • • !• names Inelnda • • • the an.i Herb Adderiey in one back- IM » ! g. - from u.-x Mi ll nil K and I Kl held. Ft a*. an.i t . t U \t>» >1X \\\ \KH IN Yttl'R TRII" ABROAD ■ Sitting on the sideline? were {t i ire I l.i* a: 12 n WINM K — HI M %.„- -or v ■ : IV F". 1 *10 ! will keep him ou' f r ti e re¬ ' ■" "r IMxld Nlven . P . ' . • i ■ ■ ' « r Th- Br frwrn day * mainder of the spring tin* llayworth Boy Sen IM n.'T t »■ M.-mb.' " of lirlnirjh Kerr iiac£' ni V\aVYtIOVH: u expected hack in tune for the t-» • -1 i ;,r '. i umi opu VaHa season's wrap-up. Hun I *m-4*trr — 17 3# pee da* •h Shown tuire at ft 17-12-01 Whl — f|# a# per da? AM. DOMENTK AMI hframural : AUDRPV HEPBURN • ANTOY PERKINS — JNI» MAI I Kl to. — roiriflk TR Mil. TODAY'S SHOW RCIIFIIt I.F MICHIGAN ARRAMf.ll> Write for Iralur?: I 0# 3;l4 i l7-7;3J A 9:53 ' hi ATRI I \*1 - PMQMI 13L.' I l> ws Schedule GJREENMANSIONS ...till' forbidden forest* Ivwoilil I III' «»cn»« CO»QO>tCi? IU»« MnT crntlry O. •(» ft' f •">•*' I*. Comsckt, Itrun ttd Hklk-Mfymg £j>." ■< > *i» hi \i n ONI I AT I# 13 fiosx tours I« It. I t Lifoh..m, I ■ • v . \ i Itlurk I I A III idlr •^LEEJ.C0BB l>. « >.«,«! |»l.l | tit Slit oil \ % I KID It -LADIM Mi.HI iHlv r HKIX I Rs tlhs IT* CSV 1774 Dr*ftd«»f. 1 N T C. It I l-|i • Ifi.v y* •iLn»i Err* imi i 1 <1 MT74 | »»»l A .kp. v . X,. X I « »>f*l i.4b|r« 4HI. , si' i *»4ftm ||4ll * * lib* »" • On II i. I i \ brr» *1' i ten I !■ \ i . p auki i it yi I. I Mil*, Xb. • II. I I tinri l HI AIIP' XIII I ft \ tl XI 1. It BMlni.iMn—i. f/W - i.*m I. i «url t m Hi NCFUNSlUMM MANGANOVIVECA UNDFORS • KOfFPW NORN; " « p HI BiiUv t »* It.ilrv p m )l*ilrv it lUllrv vrVT ® "Al l JK*.*i: I VMKS" » p m lU.lrv V v* |lA|l« > R«p llopr and Rhonda I Irmtnsr lum I i mil i : lluttrtiiffil 7 ft I Toll W \M» GLADMER UHIIV-UVV t mtn* i »- I .. Hiittrffirld It H«»W I IXt. I iirsity t W— u»t ur,' mmi niuvn Imitation _ S4MKA DEE • DAN O'HERli ^ V • ft.t, Xl« Ul | U I'M. SUS4HHOHWIR• ROBtRT M-ldS'? V.^: Yi-ill| xm 1 • , » .. I' ■fWLlinl, A INTERKUlOMl HCTUtt TOMORROW! TOMORROW IS SI I'M! Htlt(,t|\ • llll. ATTRACTIONS HAY — SEE 2—I I. ATI RES—j hi UVNA TI KNER IN "IMITATION HI I I II I V hiitni •t ii IT.t S I :.#« i* 3i. ttl lt NEW TEVll III i i i i. H You CHb & THE^E light oithcr end! THQllSA I Hilt Get satisfying flavor...So friendly to your teste! OQjl " KCNMO lif MTfcCA MURRAY • E6AN • REMICK - OWENS I' am) S«« how I'all Mall', famous length of tine tobacco travel* and gentle* the smoke - NO FIAT 'FIITERED-OUT" FLAVOR! makes it nuld—but does not tiller out that satisfying davor! WW* \ iii ' NO DRY M PATRICK • Ben LISTER • Bal^*CAMP8£tL: - A 'SMOKED-QUT" ^s*s=r—" r*m — TASTE! \ . last WVV - You gef PHI Ma t i Pall hUM famous t'EHtsVOlL I i Travof# d ovtr. .IT famoci tenjtti c! tNi and Outstanding... tkay or* Mild! li Tmesi tobaccos irc^ey can buy naturally travels and fentl#* th« smoa# . . unda* around and through Part Mall !>n« tobaccos! t -™»ni-0UIST also — ; -Juc-: • !i •1 •— • :nmt < vnu» ^ ton / im/tr- <. .. »v.r «-.-w II M ithlrtlry C.rtrrirtt ii',' ''t1-'i't'. n<: > ilai *r - *3^5** ( ,*-r=r In Oltl limns I'rrp -C Jk V-. v " % • • » IIKKII AHHfcltl.A ■** = (mi- , -• - *4 VI -ri'.r' uiiij ball)* «iis one of the _* • » r «5_ Spartan (oeen tram's main * ■*» '•* * j sta>s SaInrtla*. The (irceil* too}* a 2li»7 »tan»e-iserinintajie_ verdict over their intra % * squad ri*ais, the White*. Adderle* helped piiee the nt• tuck with a strong ueointfl it nine, and 2.Vvaid touch¬ a down reception of a Tom &*%£l \\ lUon pa**. The gridder* will join loree* Saturday to rv»J oppose a graduate root in- Kent in the third annual "Old Timer*" uame. (Stale New* photo h> At Hojce). falMl'Ui ( lassil iriis Iltjrh Uradrl'.shlp SU to M ee I . , JVISli 2ml in Mi't'f . 7 Major State League v News 4 Make All-. American FOR THAT LATE EVENING Ifavne Slati VVII lilt X_ Slandings \\ II VI .11 >ulii Sport* » dnor From Stale Pistol ream SNACK OR MEAL VV 1 IM lift su/#ii# kaiiimv Four i Ttir pistoi *|iuinurril ht Vb* 17 fajr live fllUlot '.ra¬ thf lit I I t t It bnd Vi lli v irreiilh Irish oil Wotnla Ha-rhail t hi, tt a. • IS •• n 14 11 ~ ils in,-;. * ir fl'ilfil ll4tlOII.ll I'M'OIS lilt lull Wtll'll . TRY . : i A -\ it lil.trt'tl *f|.|iui| ;in lit tt.ih;mnr«- l\ 17 VVU 1' . III s.ifllipill . in fit l or \S ctliiesihi* l.holi \* Hoslnn .tshiitalnii' 11 17 If t ! Mill A«» 3 3 ll.Mbof S.' .n, , . tlMIt'll tniu iMllinnl *|Mi|istiird 4li iiimIU Im thr I *1! \ \ ♦*,. •■» fourth p'.u . N'w 1* 4 IIS4 s 1 Ilk V"rk II 1 1 lit 1 4 4 4U 4M1 4 C'i Links llcnts wilt' U's Mi l !; Ralph's "KEWPEE" Cafeteria • \V I.' ON ('," W ;- , • 111 lltot! •) lii Mill «' Slrjoif .Invitees. *)-0 .- HUM. \* s IO S| 1 Is llit st ■ 1., > - * *-:•? . the >}«..' n . a w ..1.4.,.1.111 l.ots of Itl .Oltl Homemade Pastry ■ ;■» .i !'ti ! Hon a? I.N ' ll>«. *> \ *11 s s St» SlMt|* ''I'Hi'ti- IM Results l.\. . K >,tre Kll'UI 1 ,, \ - 1, * ,MK 1 *1 1 1*11 C ool Itrinks » ' I'll It, 11 III »• 11• ■ • , '.i ' '»f P. « K HO rr II 1 111 III . U I.lil..*! I'll 1 \ ■ 1 41 , , P .« !) 0 w us !!ir J.oiH IIMIII* I, \ . * m I i - \i>»iula> in IM U-. 'I - ' \ I Urn I (Sets s in.K.M t 1 • , *. l»r I... K •. 1 tniil I nl.jr\ t.»i,..- \ i Ii «tiii,|ri i iiiititM k.- II 'pen I ill I .Mm P.M. Mon. thru Thur*. r',- 1 K ' II ill Hit \ \» • ■ • • - • • . till I'l * * i » r ' \\ t:.«• i 'j • W W Ji*. !'--»» 1i, >»r.-tui>K v iw»» - '■ • ini.- i. Ht > ■ • . , . if,.im*. ) I :Tt» A.M. I ri. and Sat. N V 1 ION VI \ -If r » I •' 1 1 Vt .1 1 h '■SSI I ate *| il*( .1 Ukff V\ I 4 1 w IN I (.It a— s • . I., •••.", . •• ■!. .1 411.1 ..M l "ttril- 1hr I nil,. \ fl. K t|.|>.« | |w Mi, n. li 4 »v M \ •» * *1 •• , | I I I in: in ill l: t< • •' II 11lo t .11 t. .Pi..-. V \ l.»s Viurlrs !«• li .11 1 I 1 14 II itinjii »lt0 1' I. ill. m 1 !fir «' foip it..... i si.,.. > 4 n n .,i• i * si,*,. I .. $ TV SERVICE j 7 ?' 1; >i ..*• ni I »ii»:' *i . S411 | 1 jtirlst-o 1,5 17 to n. jo.-M* i. ; I 1 (■ n j ■:11 1 -V 4R i> [• K . Mu- : .1 •till > t!r*|ionsiWlf. I t*i loot i.tns 1*1 4\n 4 . t.». \\ ».k- Mini \ il.tdnl|iht4 II M i.i. t .ill til I in I'liOhurch II H 4.'»K -4 li... v. \ l.eoeial Itailio \ |'\ | 1 l« 1.4.1 7 1 i..«ou S| 11 Ills • til II.r Ihllit Hllrll led off with 71 '7 I l\4I.iiim/no •I* i Mi V * * III ol I l< 4 sorllitl irtHOiiter tlirmitli Ho* IV ".VP! rriilrr \flrr w.ilW W nunlrl I si. - r I -.rt HwiHiK l«ll»H llto..- <>« t «•»•» 1 uiinnnt j, 1 .11. I alls M t 4lit|oo Unit .1 *111 i »!"■. .».»> ib' inotlird 4nntlo'i ilhcir ll.ii.inh I • » Mir- •• nr4nl*«t li i*n t«ok t 5-1 drt »*»• |ll|> * * s I. % >1) S •liorls|«|i. nun lii| *itrll erwiout | K 'h'nifii I »«•%.! j , l Iiimo HitilrlO In thud strimlr ttrpprd Oi «nd lv VI I H - rf and spnit i h.«lt bid dun it « jiri Iri t «t|iirrrr |»bi ks i »\n thr ?:♦»» «» »• IiiiiiI in Imiiic In Ihr till! run CAMPUS BOOK STORE Hl-tir jtsn nnrrd uii a ae»4t«l» till Ii) lUllf, • to* '»>• | i . v. o- i". iiii-. f T VII III! •■■ ! • Big 10 Slandings K t; ■ »• - .«4 h* It,I , ,^|, O.. o . 1 >tO»it« «Ui4 I'. H.i fp I It i-.i M f . p -lt« -p. i ACROSS FROM UNION lllumt* ' . i* i * I ■ • ' I nri > jim I • .. .. M -.4 . . Mil II *1 V U S »♦» I Sale!««amt - »• - ... size M n hi* in VM. in . . *t |t . ^SFIV. V- • H IM iintiH IM "„:i , * llhm *»a«p III , , ptfv •!»«!. j-rt t !«•« i U: Nnrltiwi»«4»f n .so pb-krci )p | *i- ■ 1 .t-wr Ait * I'lirdur IK brush stroke |\*t K \M K 4|tiaII«It re* i.'Tw twi'f i .»o ketnl in I I.. coior reproductions «• . ^en i vi is|* [ , • • I'-i -' t •» • I *.'W «*,>•; I. '.!'■*«, ; in tlliul t(( v(Millsll>|ji| V 4 4*4* • Vt»un«llri\r»s • vtutnrrjrrir* I |»WS? S-f*iav* ' ii' * Out uf sutr lirorra *•.».* i> AM) Htt HAM) sn, III )'i.-,Ks IM.dl.iJtA IKI.Y of famous paintings ALL DRY CLEANING 1»'J i At I. if \u Answer IV 5-1419 Mounted on heavy hoard* untied a 1//1 foolei fa e i arnish ! I 20# OFF Muh Air. DUI 19 t-IJtl So reml you tan attually see. feel the raned hru>h Mokes ! vhi.s \( ct.tir vsii ii in nti- tn " • ■B Heads fur I nuatn$* ... I enfu d I ulue — USA) to IIM MAY • JUNE CtMMJM ARTISTIC CLEANERS » Ji A It (; AIN s ■MAGINI! 98 | no: I'K Kt r .v I»KI.. "x 1 : "1 • UK r.ivi: M.I A n\K VKAK U KITTK.N I.I AKANTKK ONLY I •ach AIM! RAIN! PAIN!| . . H. - - Sttvr VI »♦ » aa.WMt, i.t** i*.v t 'ii i • i• w.ioy awntmnof "•«' *iwj h*4ft w«i |) im.* MP. Hi 1 UV i» . ,'.»i » < «r> j » «)•*'•- K tp. m'juh- ijuwilt -»•' . vi ««• i«u Ys^wiidc. lununirii •nd r««*rrd with muMriim nti «e»»lii» rrpitftlurfloUi io*»« fm.jh. riulmitrtl Willi rr*|»«in, in f'mf tn ot tarnuh Hut irvnal to add »t* tai* tolnr*. «p«fily d i.tmh •u«kr« .M5 /i |>r<»l'rit*« roaiiiif n»>w • SlM?0 St 170 m Atautv to r»rr* luont in your homr, for jrih#.». rutli tn tally to» Be ready for if. ... .. 0 ' • i V * 2- it*?> f-nuf .rd «» ufll- v». ,t! JU.. »«M i tir\*»oi.rr .Jovirtf I'.Iif!, i,d .> t»i'» no rtfid it » v * 4-a«s iam ruaarkaliW talur ' (»-..! "im» »mt iir t*h !'•,i !-.«• ! ftiing *i, #«t • -• iv.ii * Uiwat Mutter pine* by M urld-H* ntmned Artult . , Let LOUIS make I t.* ivnw StOlfl . t*4 t\r> -« thriK Una i»*r- W*« r. p *> * 5e-«*f ;m->4 -I- NASH **4tt4. MAWHt.Kf 1 «l« d !.*#?•- », - i Van Copb, Kmoir. Vt*iu*r, Jtouauii, Hoytr, many oibrr*. J«V r IJ- . . I 114-U h» 2 really rain proof. in a i«a v*»t il" brlfrr W*» • I S+'i. t...» «ni-4 i *f »r» Uom tifw' B.jvi **>» \*UV »1,4W, rwa *tir is rwAMi tnim raw va«...WNMi van waivi . .ii' inKttAe «mv *-,**av-p w-». Otfr):4t> mi!" * Hn» 1M6-4 ft'HO V-» J-d-iwr . SALE! Tuo-lnrh H iim Solid ttmk t'romm• «i »-sd' Vtw- fttO«t s:;.,riV: Aru-dJt* »»lw. «• h»-»;rr ar-rt tivrrdfi'. # ( ..-• # fl r f.: H ttl »t tMi-tdr-MiIr W'4* »t« it vuu »>»)» Main tn t>- Sinrdily *"n«liu'trd. mi nut hni*K AaLwu'ttl (rime, tn lha favnri(i *rnn|» |t*itrm anil !>• t ■ ,* 11070 V*"»« now #170 •"'I popular 4IM4. pwr jifty frammr imi«r it KKf.f. laltrt jnt| a ntimtta, and will Ii«a your brutb atroka pnnlt that art Mh*n l"wk — •» amaaingly In. roil! "d"K* "CRAVANETTE Bud Kouls -Chevrolet lbaJU-inth tiie h tin |.98 2.49 2"*2I-uii |i tiie 2li3tl-int li liiw m,. 2.98 rei*H.'nt) 1 ( rinl (water Ijmsiiift's C.hwrolel (rulrr IH*24-inrh *ue 2.49 ,cr»». I torn \.a -.ludml Vnlm anil 2*i«. K. .*lirhi*an IV S-SSA-I \ SI%I| \„ MJ* I!. IM* J* ROTC Blood Drive State Pliysieist 2*400 Visit Kresize S'liior ('oiiiii 'A Apr Plans Intense ; m Falls Short of Goal Study Abroad After Official Oftening Some of the most famous art- /V'iiii(HI« Pt* Krnjl tiios for Ser.4j. Over 2400 people vb-ited Kr<>«- av»ikk>k jf. • ^ MSI* si'ierdist has received o ctav uilh The a |{OTC annual 1>!>>< >t! drive drew to total of I.7H pint- donateil. Although this was a close Ki'i- t-.vo ' A fe"ov..y-ins for stmh abroad. ge Art Center Saturday and Sunday where the Department i-ts in history are repre«erf*ed. including many from the French c'»':.-xrr-e »nd the Sc C. -fscc. 317 Stude: j I): Donat'i Montgu.nerv. p:<>- Any -tjct » Jib pints over last v»«ar, il fell 252 short of this year's jroal. and Italian schools: Cetanne. D«?- . of Art featured its first major . ft'-MT of will lecture op* a peCitiu® for th- M ! m Aiv;\ recovered its f.oohv a-, i conduct rfjearch at the L'ni- exhibition containing the work gas. Renoir. Gauguin, Tipeofo. cons.mKteesn Vh \ ,i ! (if 1)8 J*-;to;! "! /•••' % I ptia I fi-llrm l*i \err.'v of''Grenoble. France, for of old as well as modem mas¬ Titian. Dme? is ihe only Ger¬ Puelkity. pnaoiic re a n .hirici" i' 77. t h'i sit ma \l|ih,« On • . i • \ ■ flu %ln \lpli.« o ne '"onths utulcr a Fulbrigh'- ters at Kresge Art Center. man. c.ii, w-3*^r ratitat, , VP , • »i. a* "poO-ld til tl) JX'I'IMlt \l|>ll4 I'lll %l|>lli» feilowhio and then do research The show will extend through Contemporary artists .nctucr - .en?. »'d stocidr oi * \ F ore*'t an additional three month* < t f. M SltltOMf lit S Mav 24th. New grillery hours manv well known names- Die? " rv ci- I.I III III.I I'll! iO'lj I'r.ivfr- tv of Grenoble and pur¬ Tuesday evening?.. 8-9 p.m. The Ion. public is invited at all times Shahn, Max Beck man, Eugene . CA1IPTS CIASCFIL. b:« studies in solid state . Iv4|i|'-i vhn.a Thru sue S. ?P!" « " -ian • M; \l|ili! OHM ft without admission charge. Rinnan. Louis Bos a. .. low tx*: /r vlull i iuiiiiim 11**111 physics. j. . or • v.' . I ; o, , flu tin A member of 'he staff since 1 ..(• ,K f(il rht* .for RO'I C ir \i|iii,i < I.I Onifttit « \l|llM I'lll J. HtGAR IKNIVFR. now «!. is *hov* n haw he laakfd la |#?4, left, Montgomery has been pri- ■ i y. fu n I .>\ I meet Or I I.I Delta UHla ru'ii-.W eonctrned with basic when hf was named director of the f ederal Bureau af Investigation, 1 la.- lilo...i lilf.|.l *UHM ll.lplu I..IIIIIH4 l<.«}•!•■• HOVItV-! DllliVIS and as he appeared ,V»th anniversary nf his appointment to the fwiliaa. al a lunrheon recently. Mar It marked the fVudiev i, . . fun of .• tatic electrification larnenta! research aimed Drv Clean INow! < a understanding the atom by ex- mg "1 fferenccs in the iso- Slarls I S. Tour ;ie« of tithaim FREE STORAG1 • . The physicist received the U.S. an : Ibi.D. degrees at the I'm- Cincinnati in '^48 Belgium's Kins: Baudoiiin IH\ri It M I It s of I IIItlI'll I I p I'M". Hi ha* aulhn-eci num- I'..I -.1,111.1 % i nli.» lotniiu I'lll mi; ni l IK II i Jl.lllMI I'm • I " .. p.«iM !* S«'"«int ■ fi(" I'Hil" FREE Molkprstfiig flu h iimia f i Receives Warm Welcome I jh^Ii al ihr V rather Vlpll4 I. .11111*14 II It" W SI l.i-ojjrapli* Tour 10'. Cu>ll Oi-riiillll IK II I till IO-IH U \*sl|f\(.n>N »' K V.n a!.»(tg I .el I « V alrr- IH ll.1 I |l»il«l|l the tos.'e. II.K Kimiiii fur I Mi.r.- I'lll I iii-ia sictii • t i'i K a|t|»< " I- Hens «*>' Baud uirn tnav run into so Torre vrii! too-- for four l.iiril- >oh V\;iil;ilili- 1'r.M.f 1.Hir l ull*. I'lll h-HM'-* I Ml hio ■ M-inoii; \ '■ -•■ < ■ •-"> rrmcnUM': a M>C vodefit* :-i participate In II- I 4 I llrl.l fI • ' • f • nhowi i. i' : a- \ I..1.4 I .l| (Mlir 4 . • •i.M :.ti •>. i-a-.ort in 1;is lift " »V„\ '.e State t'n.ver>itv « geog- 0-1.4 I In \l|.l>4 I p-ll.m I i> • " . A • !•! I.'rt'i Oil. > . .i iu ■ i< ' <-f h>« family from V - detadr, Interested MSG One Hour K l|.|>4 ylpll4 is. o. .to vvi'n *■> Marfinizing 1 11pll S K»p|M I'M r n IS } ears ag i 1 : 11• (hbould ("ntact Dr. D.e- asrpor* >n Hells hiW"M f>n IGu'inschv.eilv:. h ipin >>'. " 4\ ft.«. /. t.i tt. i i. h SIM-» fi.. fill % I ft,I kspp* pits t hi Or I' i ' Sltll.4 ft..14 11.300 (;<>! Oucslionnnircs n il RI NT Tl LUCON THEATRE < tx « u Kir ,iv . - ■ I' . .« rep. : 'e ' : 'he Sla"' nateiv .r>» M-iU.u.e 4 Ooo q ie» e-.- e- ".civ sent bv 1 i..ll ■ -le"' l»vt / ■ '. : i . - >u. •: -mi n UiSfil * - • ■i;>piov n'aelv T'MtO qu ■r 'he Kuture ' ,•5 ncr; " e? K i i ' ■(".ilium, atudvti'f. P«rk Up Yoer Car uf 1.4 U' i * vSHEU// hI tin ... . 1 , ■ -ufili'ii' bav r . fHr cask ... \ I 1 iht-'i * • • : . I ' Save S3 Oa Rii i a..-1 Ait- i" a" ' - "I Poiat Special" * Shellul.i nation "» f|l. Pirniium Oil < lunge * llrake \H|ii»tnifnt \ Mind • ffl * ( I Orain-Klu«h ( ontlition It.ldialor K»l«tr 'l ire* * ( lean Air I liter trillion* \rvilnl I or I oil Om-rn % KrgpUr SI t.Ofl \ aliir for "HOI If llo»e II" y held June I people 'hi| the road * li" unit 5 and it tile |» sgniUt r. ihrliir have nf Imrn iIuoib ihM I lie (aiiuval *Uir Sou fh«»1« In »r«i » a an l»il Udn of annual rrto-aivin« I Hill event, kirtiiM* 4rnhi| ami brluo mil In , iv, s>ii-»v.'c >er RED'S SHELL SERVICE Tin Miih \vr. Near Kellogg Crnler { I Do You Think for Yourself? ( > f; ' f* X 1. Oo >ou think V l 1. Jta ywi iwnlc t: at Men who I>».k. »I:.. \o:i -'fry ■ -M ,■• 4H ^ I£> Da Do xhi \".i Hunk lb. slunk tne unm maitm "* "A m... penny .«l taved u ma •v ' the G ...i" «■ \. Ml v» In tl iiiw> talk UK ar. arc \v ' >•» i-. 1..- itruveti ;.iVcd . n |» p* n- rarnr-i is - \. an excuae f*»r' 1 \ M inwrMglitcil'' licarsiglitcd ,i . vu'„ i..!i ^ wati c >.-ur .. .if »a. r»a. ' c '** r^VP^P • h a thrift pnvep? more people should follow \ a dcuutroui ecooom.c policy.* > > : ' - * a g ri p. k \ I).. •. i k rve 'ha; tiie expression 111. "Kver> cloud has a • » ,.-..ut \ stick". (( the out* > h» ipni her Study f r a:. . van sentimenUUty * opt m-m m-th a poetic U«Pae* *ci faulty ntetev>roU>g) .1 M- Ih. •- .4 . it'* Orkr t-'o "»" ' 1 »>x* ,!!•■ * ) ■ ' « 1i U- v Do you m, - that !»*• p.i g other pe«:pie a' ail timet iB'i uulica'.ve «v! an _- -rt' . .'•;.icv> , CJ , * symbol o( s ilruc to cvitujuvf nat ure.' * k • vou a lot of tun! h »;n you a lot of - Ir.cnda * - * get >ou » - • - of• a lot trouble! Cu I fe; IMAIf fo f! v to i S tv ■ 'ik the primary purpose o? parking at « -• H> take til.' OVM.I * ' v stop kli-vla\ pxriunf* .8 raise m 7 hnd out wh\ 1 tic b p.i, I »v> i;';a>*tl? uiaav pwple icSW theif cars at tome"* C J 9 < k »«!' i i'ftiter,w. , ; ... JUST YOUR TYPE Thai . wSy imc. «;cp«' J V:i(•«.'. v on • , ! 4 ;-.s ■ , u m ^ U.ufcXar*. r^ublM a: i ! ► *r ' t« I--. sut;»f>x-A' g Dim any Mhw fMtoU. TrsMtitar! :• rv Ilie rig'.! r tr%t;o- r l ^ Wlu.1 4 t *•»••• « en the rvvomraenda'nojt V'f lumput I....UK - Ah.a>. hIter and ha. u Mdi' ; >.it fneti-b:' Ami «.». t Y,mr (. Htm Mud. „t, .nvy >uu- -, ulu# »llh vuur .Sw,.a»4-««. I "'Ublr. >uu II T »M, to |...,hr I..,,.., W H.-HJOU Ihmkw y-iuiylf. uurt,* «in I. . voj li.-;, n j Ktutwnu |n-, yuu n,„, tinK .. on iiiHgttient. n.H ch-inor. in ' ■ (uf lialpu, 4,.,,,,^ ■ And lii i. j.ii ..^.nur., That \ txj tvpinf thr rorrm-t h why men ,mi *i.n,,n » thini. 'or Ihrtiw tN-n> -Smith I orona mm —"f— u-.;.. >."1.1,.c Ml. rx thi. rxiius.m >^.1:.', hmne Vli'KR->V.Ih<-> kn.i» t!ut nniv MCl.Ki'V »!udy "Hjmr on nxiH-iL thai M. t.m«li >K> .1 th ::king nun', tilu-r ,.n.| a .a, ,,iu i>p«i| in jit.i ton d.n- jml d'« >mir» Pun » L>-te. Hua. nitli «n> South-Cortaui I'uitahl, Oprwritor imludint .Smith 1'iom'i ''I/" t '-'/VV I" nUr /.w yumhMtt, H Smith i mum 1 - ' di-.U r m..n and h-urn . . y."' ttf.'.:i..y tr.-.'k ^ '' *Vf h.m to typ,. thi* .-a.v »av on tho tturki'i ; jet/Km fim»t nod |4,tm( portabip typewriter! The Man Who Thinks for Himself Knows— ONLV VICEROY HAS A FILTER...A SMOKINO MAN'S TASTEI THINKING MAN'S Smith-Corona Af school, at ken**#, In bL;$ir»ss ,. a , ,|f1 rw a«c« ,bc« 'io t, p«( ;l!ti