Rail Start! Tlic Wcnllicr Tilftra I .oat l ii—I Partly Cloudy Kind (!onlrxt l.n» Turoday ii S" I'nic* .1 Serving MStJ For 50 Year* tliich lodav 75 I6U All No- n~~ "KA8T (MX.SIN(;rMlf'l»«;XN^AVKONK. I)AY, MAY l». i&atT" "j'llICK 5 CKVIK Icicivo 85(10 1hree MSU House Clears Payroll Bill; Professors ufcuoMi iven Arthur Adam* Teacher A wards in an afttrniaKi n et ting of (he Ac- made bv a * pedal faculty torn- Awaits Williams' Okay |!.i*t'«ry ilcpnrlmenl, John adeiiiic Senate The a ward mlltee whlrh Include* former ii in education and Austin money ix 'lia.'.n from till- De¬ award wlnnei* la Ita member¬ i-r m humanltir* received annual DlaliriRimlied Awards Tuesday, velopment Fund. contributed by alumii. V"f *.it v. and friend* of the unl- ship. Dr. Adamn, 42. all arvtria'e l» each are Nomination* made for hy tludrnU. Uir imrdi fa< ultv fi» nil ***#»* itfib ear** r+. Washington. r»;. Hurmer. r r ' t r *• »l M-r A .vena*e.iipprnven h!'! Ilr. Ilan*«in. It, an aakoriate vci#*ri«i-t, flii'f uf w hich n n*a b I e profc*«or In the foundation* of In i ii r i Ttif.'lav mnrninp -'ate t/; pay gome education department, teaches in kftiT ■ ii/ »,•' a car at rurrlcnlum and the aoclal back¬ em piny ev who ** er.t Mi< hi r, ,'ifjrj ff-srrir-'.n jive. ground of education. He hold* without pnycheckg las* three degrees from the Univer¬ nu»". " wa- 71. WfoJc r!eari"l The r,f sity of Illinois where he taught id • .'ft;e,] rr.ti".{be ir- before moving Is Michigan Htate ' a vlb'.e «k'i ' }leprMefjf.h*.vi's 7 .i*« !&y. p. In 1HS4. He la a member of Phi : rn , *.;..e fra- * J.« iikoiy will U» -r"*'!••• for Gov. Mela V. .re Kappa, National Council for Huclal Mudle* and the Acad- Lfr.e Vcia'. em* of political and Social A . I 'f -»• / ./ .*• ffeienee. -i.'f /«*.«-«* r.g * -45- Dr. \I'K o ,t of humanities, joined ir/i reeSy f/f -a.': : RI HTii: AST f F.NTI R it preoenting IU flr*» malor evhlhttlou HI t;.e faculty in up'oi di»- s'At- H»»i rsxu Sr ■— Morrst • • • ••* Vu> W" * ugh Mar Si. Til# department of art la featuring warks of old i-bage I t*T MI4U'* eleetorisl convention was modified Tueodsy H'/jao pnaf/Ji.w/j v> '•» |ell aa modern matter* Exhibition hour* Saturdays and Man- charga as an Army Air Force •. historical off .err night lo elcet tu pyeaident And vtee-president- Fresidlng over the 77'.e .rs A graduate of JONN lltNMlM r»>c, , I-l pm ; daily limUiipm, and Tuesday e\ruing*. t l pa. iPf- * ' • r ♦••err: hrA»r I!*. election* I* 55arne with sa looker Hud hpongley. Otiemn arwl Columbia Cniver- *»/■-.: a .V/if it v.e ra'a treat- X!- •. .♦ »t-: • ■,-/ pta...'# aity, h# had taugnt hlsUity at . -r V> jay 'y/ »/• » 110,4V) V/8 [tack Foreign I'oliev Prineton arel the University of Akron. In 1W5! hi w-as on leave Ff'if University lldrmer *p»ke*mcn who mote«| i t 14 to Six ll«»|iiluli/«'tl nre *rf earrne-cad by law ? r sje-- A'<• .♦. *a.f '/? V:.i as a rnlbrlght scholar at Far uk Jeffrr»'.n, 54»t, sft-r retiring t jra'- a y -air. r. •/ Gcr.er- lemocralic Senators I University In Egypt. He is a longtime metntier of the Arner^an Historical A/so- AJesandiia. from pin. dgo. sclent* the eiletwlon tonferenc* wse fsculty fl»e attending s toll on the rem- 31 Killed in Crashes »■'/• J A-*? The tttrn'-rauc b«t»rsor phAMiod the fond joggling pi a a ns- pu* lie iid Mr*. Ilscmey were "doeen t add a ai'bl to the ataU [old Up Appointments eiaVm. er A single Distinguished Tesch- Award has been given most sterinf st Kellogg t enter A' r"r'in t Xf, pti'."e Hdr-e- As T wo Planes Explode trcAAorr "* 'It w; .I b* i'.l'jf ^.ra'c ff years since the presentation was wa* .• -■ -r.g * j a serv V*—lemocratic «#natnrk hold up action * originated in 1852. hut as Vice M. ' a-'. Ave v, ge» t *•»*' • '* HAf.nMOHK r?*»—A f apithf Airlir.es New Vork-to-Ata «at b. . S'/.ves M.rhigar. s wo diplomatic appointment* Tuesday in a caustic at- President Th-/rr.a« Hamilton, the f'tf - * - d- v 'jit * vp v'a. e-i UrHrt \ i*'-ouf;f. turDbprbp plane, f.vmie thronyh 'Sr*ci fjj re w/., It *», -f- nn the Kiaenhowt-r adminiatration'a foreign policy and cenndtte# chairman, aaplained :n y-u 'td pa.e-'.g vuiailv " : trj,' 0 »we a'.A-» v> r-.est :'r 1*7*rf If-"* Ms" v*mther. ey;.>,/!e*l in ftifht ltx>ut If# m,e» C4.B* nf Ba'ti- Md 2' jayr*. aiipprp.taion of information, to the Senate: "the eommdtfc er ■ - >■ he »* d rii'-r*- «a*e I ue#'Jay. kiiiir./ ail 27 W eid'*se--.er.t veral Xleriiorrat* on the this *ear wa* confronted with f »« a '> in ;82J, §■•'! »*' f r-l ' e ph**en/ers an'J fb jr crew, .a.-'j' rr* the pleasant dilemma of having mfi i* • men. ;,r i k/vcue: ».y Ae-^ 'e | e f -re.gn relation* c*«r.nwt« got to ariuabbtir.g among Petitions Due so rr.any esrellent reorr.rrerid- f*n *tig He *s« » .;r«' .r.'er * « ' • Axel 23') ■ »:j. car-ic a* • • Tlt X-rays 0 r»f *.'.»• M '. - , e-j Vj •*,# Wcr". *v *fm .'4 *t.or.s tha* It wa« found In.;**- v « r t«' e- tarbrr.-.e live* at a hearing on the aer < sp.le' A.r s.hle *■) settle rm a single award Le.r.geb'ifg lT>n\ »4i ' !'»** ".at S'a'j's 48 " ,-r. v fif.ati-aoi of C. l>»ogia« Dii- l or ALSC ■* e-f e* * pier e—a r'* er.: 'if '-'c 1 to lie embamarW»r to I»r-ei pat nff aetlon Executives being honored ad only aa in¬ for was It roneeculPe n»n Also secrete/, of the Onion And ev' iT. ay •//. *A'. Vs., i.'.i-'ig a', t'e Oar- a.'rf >*•»' - r '.g**. efre-gr-.-. rat* <. ne •» a* ■*** - dividuate. hut ateu aa represen¬ M. Al VTIN MOOMU II v (r reeks ' (•rower*' Assn. *in«e 113* lie ' A*" - , least an- tative* ai the many, sua ay Ana > fwd"« Two were >-; o.-d ( ongrr** Farlesa |aHpi ftf ptl Tueuday. to Eire! leachera ska grace uur faculty." *er*ed us secreUrr sf the »«- • VafiliiJid 'jf "e 24 >leit% Uat weak and »Ute the »»'• neuttel (»•! (trower* of MPh- wee* l"n and Raid thus Imcan # alest Eisenhower kppolntee* Officer* Tonight (r.hef award 1852 Dr. Davtd W. D Dukwm, winner* since U. S. Kcniuvcs is*n H df since 1*4!. Wa* \r }V' D- 'ge an 1 fra'.i-rr. < *»"• a'Caar-: -d N'.'e-r.wrr»ra stota I a.to hot water with Sena'e : *' I '"vfa *a.'i N*» • Fnglish department, 1852; iJtar r*ia-rr.* will r/#» earvu*- T'f *5S%' Keats, although it ai»pe*re i Dillon at least wa* in no Today U fh<* last day for fiainlintf in petition* for po¬ Vairitank*, engineering draw,r.g, Travel Ban Or.try g.-sdwste Minn W'/TA . *r-H •••A S». ' «r,«V'(r» c !• Kust tfci* ever: •» ' ' r/ <"*. *.»•*■ apd-5 aj^d-e*.* * *.a«' be***, rr ?ve*« Ii*.' ,.i - . :ge« a 4 eg, s at--re e--,; 8r>ee, I 1853, X/r. King MK rutal, phyn- • fcv He ear'.e. • r f -'-7.ted a f..e#e •%'. V? V/? dar.ger of failing confirms- tation.* on the Al'SG r.g H'I a ever, • mtecu* t/, the mobi'e "• - ral edicetK/n. 1854; Boyd WASHINGTON »' A : dtn* degree Ui p, . H'^-e urob«T.e».-f ■ , « e V4 A* 'cad-d .'ft V.'A»-,.-g- tivr l»ranch. Churchill, farm cr'ipi. 1855, year ban on A".c >-m • <#f MiMfif Ua'a'c] in the '•d.'ud.'er b ' *•». : ?•.— -.1 *-o » Kettle ended recently with '■ • «4d • hud he —.1 a- Director* and commit'ee n.en.« Kajre Kinder. f-*#ds ao<| nitr»- Buigar.s *. -. "H T. S.rv»..r.4 H »***» "-dS,'.**? 'j :a'e *• e*- I re*idDati«m of Mr* Cla-e •.ugh Kki-.ldU-b , • rtsy eve- j OeUU et- t-ir lampui Cheet, Publie tion, 1854; J*met Anderaon of bring.fig U S t\m\ions * ■ • trie wi'bc- ■*>•*■*t fuM *•• .• ' .•» ¥ 'A- ir.e Luce just after shu wj' . «Jed b« ...gstr-ng ReUtions, Per* iruie!, mechaniral engineering and c«,mrr.urns' ns', ♦ c--* "e eg- fnred aa «mba»surtor to Donald Buel! of Kpeerh, 1851. to normal 1 he big craft ripped apoc* tn a V*.-t J Academic Be^.efi!?1, St j'Jerit Ot • cber C'l H-r • b - , TKe suv a hell of flee, spewing hiu of "it .Straus* haa bean on the garura'ior.i grid I'ep Hsliie* will tepsftrnHiv i '•I** bfisr-e* K-,- C*>.,-S'_^ lA e .♦ ' -A j An wreckage over an area el a utile poonctng this •*: J.-hit Nor eon te- # # In* eommitte# where several bef<*-e the Senate (W« P.-tili<»r* are V» be *(irno»t »n AlISG to Offer whose t; N passport* are the teadr »■ «v**..ra- •c lu two smm bodies were few ad tesaII clusters I l/emocfata prp fighting h*a a1 the 1'tiwjTi C<»ncourse. .New ed iv>* valid f'.-r trav», t-< . i ./iisn funers JW,r» hundreds *f yards assy. Most Others were Items Submit iir.avm. Scholarship m Bulgaria rr.vsst have tf e vrtded.before tney can g » i . were usaagted. or ia hrte 2 Tax Itills • rela- kI M» elerlieaa will be held One 3300 atholarah.p it avaJ- This can be a"orr.p,;».- ♦ Trlffunt I'liiiineil T'se •»* a- ^aer.'r - r-.. ab> frewvv *t»e A5UG for next -i 5d " v-ura Tr«r C-«* ' - teaighl fee Ike pw«k*i *f eee- pa*sp«vrt off./e* here or in N? »i tu# *»»«*litre rat** I e—IHn pliMil la take great effleer* arhool year. Criteria t r th»i* \'nk. B AV>n, Miatr. . ('■>■ *. On K\|>reanioiiiaiu .-»#•" we* 4 Ki-" ■ *ho!arar.»p aha.! be' completed New Or>ans, L«,* Ange.t* ■ Bry»e F'epp. repretentlng fie*t two term* at MSU, and an all- San 2'ranci.wo. A I and «4MW * Mm S*w pr^grgrn uevo'.ed '"e Lansing, and Dave Grt^ieuer, ie- univarsity average of 2 pooit Tue««ae '-Lxa'-'ik que»tH>r.- aula m the Unsun. drawn the unarges against Hoattw Hams og the nut. or/. | untU a cloaad door heam.g eee ' on foreign add fund*. kep. Arusor Law Tne Coirrfnittee <«t Committee*, Slarta Tonight in Aud iou*dw*ed A« iSK IWI tat t ining'a Lung (wnich co«eg federal of Scarlet Begins Run ew i Rules of pr«*-*dure are in order Slatdl lo lyfilnre Sly t ii pur if sun wouag he Us¬ NSHINGTON (Ah—Gen Ni« be adapted by the'rww Cor.- Music wall oe v*e fee lure of . ed si It peeswsat. Twining, chairman of the Crm Wee* Tsuxviav rirra.*.| Two rayed Ca;vuu*t ty-»r- Tf* orsf --a* ^e: cage r», r grtss. , I' chief* of staff, underwent >A*m tl IiwM.' f—u( -•lar. aS Wa amjar atw rtiifi a* fraterriitee*. oauspele -a IFC * *l Celvan Co^'ege & Gra-J i. grwi'-a-*-: ;**»» /.» ia. crr.e V*7 Tuesday. The upper br Tt-U Alpha fhl. Mttooal •ad part at Ma cart ara TWta N*r-s The p.->gra.~i *.?. be Rap* is will kdture to *-*e Ra- tax "i"^. 4 fries, ac to. « " of his loft lung wa* rtmov- Programs. Reports dramaiw, hooorarr. will kactt a (uur-iutfbt rua al I II tattlpht la A:.an Adtia. Datrcii ** ferohekuvt ov er Brady rei--;. la- icrmuw-cjQ et»*..e(i4»UT*r.t wsJi i* fornaed CVtstian g-anisetthis M«ta. iff* joTcen: f >x Jt J*& x_l a!»> u*©**14 m* . a...- « k At AAtJP Meeting tha itudM a—alar, *a Aud. ■ play's dlrartor. is prMtdcr.-. the. wumers ' Sareeisy S a Re* Henry Van T-, tecra^rr ' f r.ugon spokesmen **id it Tha i<—lama., whicn tuat'.'. f7 Kk. «'*rrjr-ykk*( *-,«• *a*O Tha plar waa wnttaa laat yttr of '.h- hosweary N'e* Green He -. 4 tae- f-iWy will be another two taruua Uiwui parwa, at ivJ «hCa dari*&Am:\ before the aariouaneu of The AAL'P Will hoi. * bu..- by Harry OU*ar. aa a craatrva drama, war. daaipnad by J:r, Irwludod ia tho "Aar-i' can a.o» be lappadL jner amy . Wher Xi- 'D-V-.a — •Iness can bo determined, r.ta* and program meeting maaiar'a thaala. It ia la tw* acta. sr. Dcssald Btaapardn-r. K i. Gree* Few*:. StiBegiag Ifcd g>i c<« "CilvlateBt s-vi Vs* Re'.*G:a U'C •. H D O'BCTCT. ' D-Drb-ioJl Baaudntn. Ramulua junior. *n-1 the tiasuo la examined Thiiriday in 31 Union st *^30 Tha play ia caaitfad with • sraduaia stadsnt. Boca*! *m. Zauk. w»Xi climax v* sxiaaal of r*.v. as»1 Re.**»*v'v TSr *"*2 F-sOcru:x Ytbrt »'*VTe«e Baytaoad and Caraia Lawar.d- <■ announcement said, how- middta-claaa aowthara Mkhi«aa aw—1 ot Bay City. Thrao Btvors asm. M.ry Grew* Wee* Saturday ev«r~M :u/e will be g.v*ti a: 7 45 f^es. tr-i". .'. btw V, kRCUsaMrt, sst.nr.utVo P that Twinmg'* condition Th* t>uun»ii will includ. tf- family', attampt la maintain ra- Barroaa. G*ud Itspuls aipho. The aJ-wuveraity aifa-7 smii be 7^. -relet at Col ege nf -.be .v^r* it*-* t-.-so .pactablllty la tha diaitnq at a Bpacial liphtuid and *la*mj Ulada KoAl&of. Brr..-.!- r,e.,J at DelU PL, 12!- the operation was very .r.r.o.1 cUi.1" r»(»rU Ud » l«- adacta have ban Dr. Ahtiway H caaa k&struc- 3-.i 4136 -— ■hanaful paat Tha time apaa naaipnad by ■ .-"n snpaauiijis: Joha Aloar.i. Da,: Gr*»i River. ' >f p»ychciJC. isfactory. port tf a-.e fwuity r«or»M-«" Miehaal Welch. Midland wruor v h*«i A * V— - - » C .ac-x Jf.eC ' c .Tarad la tha play la boa l(Tl Sudioow wadnata studrr.' The feast r.J Mgia at C P-st. tion propoMi.. Th. program will J « lsU*a*. anl fvCwser p**ve. w-J (he 11-year-old air force offi- be a discussion with several to KM. Park. Ivaaataa, 111, yam-.r. Jan. tDkrtaiaiMSt as.: daracang wall laet'ure » *TSe ScrTcre^ga:* u? — uu ; fhncc a sev«« kSodi yrrtc uouur* [ wa* recently reappointed by n? "dent Eisenhower to a sec- members of HSU* Board of ,t ruaaa. Bay Oty bw-Ti- ti.xnr *: I p-aa. The mesau wi£ CW*2 RToac-pte -ag CelvaOaKr-* Trustees In matters of faculty- and hUlUt Bidfa. Trae-am feature bartec-ed cr, >; aua oeuk- The iectwe as slated fee 3.43 two-year term as chairman I th« admmiatrauon add MOWS W ud ia charcou; s-u. FA Mag 33 al i7a"ugi Wiwx ;iv- > Af»r M 0 Mielii •ran Slate New t-iomp Of Yon - Jill >rrm To Hao> Tlir OM-Fa-lilonnl France Changed in Ministers in * r>«.f •»■■ M-r iilea That We're hippo»etl l»» UtJiver Ih<» ,>lail r-< •vtden»-« ef ^ F'JP-'e to««h •' X V), r ill I StATti R V'C D«rfP ,,.fr rcrtJ&J&s ^paktmen » Don't Mi»- (lianco To Promt Opinion THK ' OMMI ITM n«\ #*-• v *>r-f •- - ••*• k mn t * '<*• • h# fault -•*• " jj rf. '-.■■*■- • si'lent the ' A SM OM» OfM'f i|{ II MM the f»r» '» ••»« • h')" ♦* ■ ' i r, ' «•■ ■. «•»*♦* ef rr>i- • ' " • ho M "1 ' 1,1'v) ? • • . '1 • A third e• • • • lfX*Mk on ' tiro* ws'> *»-» We ha*! fw.nder* fnen? t' • • • •' •nuyM ?•'' ' r.ne hv A Vr- t! j*,.» s !>!»• *";<»,/* * I \i I i/n Ml Mid If- l III I l» fif *»?ii'len■ ofs>»; " ' (,()!* Liislws lut<-i*pr«'tiiii* tlir N*'»«s tilt* for .n dm-" « ' Other f < int haVI- !... • i„- • It Trlrnrum Iui—ian Thrpal in Ira<| < hided ft» >?* " • hale in an ♦*.*r-»• • '• Forces British Ganihle time j'»?' U« « -r H» t M KOItUtt c tnaru^d Prr« Nf*» tailol pi/thp !*.»' >».,*♦ *t» *»*«" ' * ?*' •' l' a *| I •- ( ■ ,»rrt* ■' ' ■ • ,• K .*,rr- • -e * -a ar. i a • 1 t<» M «r»« r*>vrr*- r,»» *,:her the * iir.mur a'« In* Drought up h' I s ■ r > » IfWl t*i?h a -a? ! - K.- .f »| 4 , »» »« a • . armlvo- of «?n«t»-r.r . .V* 4 ed •-;x Student lead*-r-. •• , - ' • ;i* K*»«*■" « #-*• • » !»■- rmjfh? . j* rt • tiaiet? -"*0. ' • a * A! Alt, fa?. tr . . M-t>» .n a—.' »;v.i *<■»" K i *tI.-. < f.e > - «-*ea • ifv,'* .. ■ *■ Hi-, «« part ».f at Krxoiu in Irae f*a* t r*'.- Till. AKI AS Ol i . • *• teei ♦*'»--n»"'* t"' %' *.• *» *. f«>ti*iderat t< ' ■ < » a»w! phv-u*-' »*>; that *!•*•«» » i i t a umver-it . ?; • -••rt. I Mill of f fir M «t Iplttit! V «•? Hi*' r in • ptlfllK res#*'1 I he-** . ti " • ' Kfifni* for *«<-» to I'h'»;«• it''" St iniiu.i - it » « r ' • ftaira t »> f1 - ■>*!•. • 1 « of tn«lifferrr-< • ' V "rhaiH o' ?i i ■ . . t itnlh « onri-i >■ ■ * •hi art u«M*tion t. ' * I Ullr ilnpr for (trituh *41 HN O t * K »i •' m • . . Crossword Puzzle OM • sl' '*'n N| I #ll :* ' rj*S f ,a *H*H • f H INFORMATION i«(4t %n: * N.i *- * 4rioi>« » «* ■ iMtn c'o\ \» an t Hi tilmt'i» rJBibt* •: - k EMPLOYMENT a-J . vw tu. « , •, 1 ti.i- VMN ' roiwr*il B»h J" Milt I 'D^t -O »|Bvt tt \ i J I » \IM\ \l 4-iu eiucouJ " ti H i.. » it iti lint •- *» - • - Aim. eiANi '** * ' ai-«* VjoOa. » Out o* *ty!» * »•■ t * » • , t o, ,r » - " U Ll? 't.HjSJ NAT pn & #. . iH»«/ ik «e tt j*r m 4-m*» J SlUONU* 1" fri'l pj „ |w • V % :a4'- V 11\ 111I -% « %l;xI\ \t # kt RSI-NKI) AevHTVitsr 3 • ( *>• * " 11 liwtfmliin II l J ApfiojS. -, r.iban w.ui 1 T;t u a y.' ■> OTht. i \M .1 i. jr.i- > ■ f It a s «V -A£^4^.-!- Ti,,.vo,V„4 ■ in i Hal* p., r> i n»« tdo«« . .• p«t iiir, h. tM 1 ti^ar . t« ri„ MrvK« r|l 14 (iiinii Hwwnda! 14 iWar. I* f) .1 ♦ aliii ♦ Q;t SNBfii 'ttt D \ II It i \ltM\ %|. » vii'itvrut :,t. '•»* 'akt i rr US?** «rr*,*'-"V|l TM«,» 1 "-".I BOOM. 'Sc*.rr» UM. tD 1 *>» bird • hrai Haby iw i «i\» I "*vjt»sH ' t *'<1 t -'.ir,vi.„T.v4. I l "1ST ANN *»'" u I) Intilttat |3 !<••.» » ,* l|i*t'*» »r VlttlUlK I'iillll A. -A-K A HAUJNTI. VllUJir 4 ' -4^0 ik-a . .Lil Jlif J-SWSil rWvtrw 11 Hamnani t l laJhr if M t\ \t.» Ml M » I 1 H * •" ' .1 . ■ t I , I,,. Krnla: . Ik 4 ' *»••»»•#4 4i>e U * f*l a ■ ''. » •' r . .a » O sm. " 1. f Michigan Stale New- • tnmbuilon . • 4» Hi nh f liaiffeoti' I 01.M N#»» UKCO. H- ■ ■■■<:* f4 ^I _ 44 LHagtM# If K- 1 h. liovgtl'ain it • 4 2 iOOMS TH| CllANtS' ' • -I » -SO i \|"- 4A f'r * ■ *■ ■" J»«it.#r » f ■. ■? H ,tr of '*■'4 aaar " , , g4, PllilSTIlftl MH-l * POI4 da- Rihixi ana ■ im such >iason'| > 1*1144 S " •"* t *'•' '*•- •• -Sn>«4a» I ,s-, .»•<» a.o.na It liiKt lau't t S A b» all am Mama 1 to |i'»aaa». N : ... 4* . •. • ' . U O'-.t" , . * w-ITlA *SS5u 'XKi 2iUlwSia!Srr ^lUft« ;t tUhg «itu bnoaa« «« •»-— dafc«{*3 phoiia S • '•* . tie • 14 Vin»»a> MM. \M» Ml U N HUM ' • \ ■ - i4iB.fi*' a< j f«' »a .. « l tof,0 M "«Tt»-*»"f m.rvrMiatais Ac- id 3>All! O'ar 4 em W*t* i I r • ' 1 1 I* HsorrwMa- *' ' l"' U» •- % «' Mat i'h 4. #• ua r Mitor.i.r-, ottut fd-.rij " *r * H) |« Pntl\iflu*MI ? I'alKr i ' ... -s-a rr a* H 1*; * Ct'ilt S r fO» SALt I. UNHNi i III SMI I' Kl A twSM^TIi' 91 (Himai ii j i ' ■ th:» —— : < Onooi" • '• -. «» .r.its tM (uM :-i - u v t i. I \IIIOl II -II III N| . A cOC? vvC* V COvX y t Wt «.£ s ' ( 7-- tOLP ClUM r » « , S! t'« i - '.J^r "T?AV*LO ' ,| <-«naitio«..4r.*nv ttuat Taa Mrromi in. rr # s*» I rijouif auioirauc vaaher, CD I Mi 8 ♦: I I'ttMtll IK t I I It -• i6 »a« * | I r-W •xu' it r ■ H •!{« ««u »ir . Ka* »4H LOST and FOUND SIUOENTS l£«". ' 1 — th -I \l{ I ts DOVII S - I I O.I | p'; e- 13 Worn! 'OCT THI WIN«fC V\ .4 . ,-W.' f.|. '.k. 0-u la 41 • » • rri,.f> MOPPING RAO ,„„i~ ta ;«io 5; K. i..*v 0» istuthiAf N'eai i»ii .4 tA.it y-ore or. Gtaint Ron S-lur- ^ lu- i. , -Ii HI SI ola.AM/\Hos- £>- tVA> C W jr* • w' 4I A.4 .W.. »~KrSi1MYtO Mir.' " M».» 19. VvA*AiMO t«|«« W »t»V| A** HadMU i Kgi BOINGJi * I Ml M II st-y,',-. acholics f«A**00« 60U COUISk Mi Pie t*t* Tm H n >.S't\ScT0 _ U ' r,^ 99 H ! ■ »i • «• t■-».». Mm-i »;.*»• r. 0?Vvw*Ct -*C \c »S^A^T£T< •V t |«C9 , IOST I.U3HT TAM Jmk'm b.u- — NMf MM • 44 *■ C«- a i; - .• * . ...» tl.KOMlMt t i t It .1!. .KsfUMhan- . - RSfaV.'Jf?5^,LSLW5S: -} ~r en, w v. ;• 1 »V.TtD JSS. '**"* c->'-r; . a: » • u< vii n 111 it WK.fi HCUSi FA:.\T bp A ft TAN ATIA'O" » r 1 I I. - * ", 4 0. I , » t>"? V * II! "s ** : * i •« a 4.' . 1 <)>T ' 44 BI"1* ATlH « 1«" mn4 i 44' IT 11 M.„ I du- Pi "i ^fvrri room ■ U * *•*"•*» v'V •—*"« «•••'« Pl-ur.» Ilk » s ro-1 +i±Mrd *.; r * i |H ii 4.n« ."4J4 f t# I Oil ' JOHN LIGHT fcl.i'ft buuow H'tMkll HlC«$ HAIOWAM ia n ' •>»« At oat i oa Cr.,« I In'/'A 'W"' ■*.*".« lo* M«t U P»'r- li.|U tan *1 I ai | UaAri C* A*..a 1 -a. V . . . _ Apt Stale Netters inrmnAV P. the "ft-nik" J1 lu N. V Pllll.AMUI.PHIA i-l'i Sutritr Uav Robinson Tnesd.i Lose to U o f M Vr The p.irn!*( l/m Am-'. .".1 •».; ;!' t. -v«i; t.-li.nl h.-ii ! sipncil (•> (it'lVhil in I'liil.uleljiliiji Sppi. L'l ujrxiiiNt Ciinmu iMpsrull Wins in Singles ca'rher •» »* .« keep pi IS.^ilio the miililU'U t'it'liI ch tnjpiohHhip I ho N'ntt«»tt;i) !l»»v • xrtttt%\ i . srtRf ts » - srtai ts * kf t«t *n i • *cym in iiip V- ii. fool* «wa> from him Mn> 1 It.i-ii how t-V« I. h.p. II"' Mull K '< r • •I it.>l'u i .mix f"i .1 of title half a defense nulli.- Despite 7-2 Whipping promoter.*, including '« IN v l\ t!H. i t ) Athl.-ii. iMUiil boxing extrrprJse* of t> a lielter-tlian-iiveraKe University of Mlc)iir.,n ml Mr H-ip.itt il nelters their thinl I.. • -let e.n:u il lid Mild I son Squill i- Ii. leant hiintletl Hie Spnrlan N11A i •tiki iv II- THIS ONES I'll e |(i>MlimMl Miieiv den, N'.-ii York, went Into n-n. roRtilar season Tnesilay tin the local eourts, * h i' Ihe hoi,! hi .1 u hen thi New York ronmu- The nil*'! w ns the «|H»nrr "[ .*<•» * date hi strip him n! I ' The lone Spat tan i lMiHIUll sc.i! I'lnJo- .1 twit-ion'est inlri) *t«te scries niKUlt us a tesull of I ill l»e concluded this »ftcr- . <11 !i>n;.< vt iiiiu'!' vvntiM 1m n-< M. H-.it w *i. S.iul Sired of the N* Mocl-Meseall t. an. • it. . .1 • , tits, li.-ht ii* i i.iii,n „l 'Z 3(1 when MStJ plays k Sirwrim ('«>nrl hruiil ' TheV defeated Mm!- Samuel ||n»f, it I'ltll idrlphl.y ho-.t I" VVcKtern Michi«nn Dui- tf! Satisone-tJordon, »- i GASSER! and ordered Robin.on rili rotinrlltnuii. wax iilenlilieil versily. The double* romlm nf its the pluiiluDi hi ll.ltold S.tl I II .1 Idle defetlM- Wlthll. Mi.Mifial) "H'l't five of the i,^1 Ml-1 d (til. *«n-Duhie arrounlrd fur Ill (Mil ! well ■ I kind, rill irfii-lr.ition rotund* six Nihfili'K rnatiMcs, as it- * * * rt'.e 15 day Ihe Wolverine'* viehuir* ximtrr Itose ii.is n"t nrrxrnt :il pi'1 I", I i \ , lien out of three ilotihle* en I- Pie N.w York defeated llnlehkiss Shnth thr |itrii loiitrrnnr r.illnl hi ■ H.iintei- to iletciit stale for the The dowhlew team of /,r SPARTAN 5 lilrin to tinnoiinrr the Robinson i."i ile In. hit *Mid 11. itii.hll. ueiidit Mh>, ii. . mm olid lime in two years. The A- 4 reff-l'earork liested l|i.ffmM sis nine Thr roiinrMittitn i> «n k , i..vi Wolverine* blanked MStf I.Tt M»Mlt".'>n did iinf r.'ii i \ . SasNAfh. R-f», 3-G. 6 1 tm -v in ,| hospital \ ear. H U tin other win. ...e risiltili iittsn 'i u. i In ttrsi Jordan. IT^Ii, lull Despite the !«»•>. R«n Heseall Mm tugan'n regulai ' » niir ii-; hi . (»• - in i -HI! ■ > • rotilinued hi* winning way*. He ih. inn* iti.nueu. tiiri JriiMiii, er, Krnrtk Fulton, v. • It. : lie 'III, WW iL'l.tll was the lane single* »irtar for mitmipuny the ten 6, s.iiil he *i mild Hit tic lit in the In III-1 Stair and. In addition, rnmposed t.an.in# beeatl.se of ll.|sillo Until,I lint sic|| to I'll Id ttiihlnsoii—hut "We half of the Spartan*' only win eiiiisr of th)*, Wavt • is mu III h.i\r to dixrusx the in liter with nlng doubles combination. Roger v as moved up to th, 4 hwtri if Il4xiiin siRiii." itti li \ t I I'.ol N( Is aw.iv from :«n Iw-envered y*all a* rifihl i'lagenhorf was Ihe other mem¬ and Mike (JorUott w .ten It. ! 1.1 I r, Wall, makes a valiant Irv for the hit hy llank Aaron ber. yet into comjretltlofi . . • , I. A. lor ;is | the ,|.m ,,1 it,. Milwaukee liiavr* in a game tdaved In I hleago'a Wrlgley lid! Ilotihkls* eoMtiuui'd tu ii position. I. x.lk 1.1 ii*. | n-iti tlondav. this first Inning hit went for a triple. yfiiilg of hard lurk her* n- lie The ntect with Wr r e X | i , led ill. ' !■ > Ii .11 ii S ..'ill 01 III Inst to John Krn k-oii of MirM- w ill wind up « r i* I Ile Sit A III led ItnhillMUi * ifiiin Mi the No. I spot, li-ll. ti - 2 stand f«»r the Sim it ah I , title ollrr rrilr.lted W.n nines to In IM Softball I-1 irk-on was ji finalist in the play n triangular n.. •», the rhmmdnn to xisn lor .i de ..nl M(:iie,| (.ir t . No 1 slot a, the Rig It) ehainp- Minnesota, Iowa and 1 Irlise jiKOlnxl Itoxllio. the No ! rotixhipf- last year at Madieon Friday and sr.- t wmv.lt • t N* Utl.lv I V % IHI.lv % XX I ill.IS \ w llltiM eontrndri tic lit for the It rei omnirndi d Idle hetnrrn llosilio r huit--1. would iotxl Distribution II ins Smith (terry Duhie whipped In (hr No. 2 singles l»oug fi-3. I'liillii-K. Cull* Ira.lr .in.I former rlMtiipion time I oil li ?i Hoh Sa**one edged ( apt. rnrr Willi the wimirr to inert Ihe tradinii rliAllrnxrr. |»ir*inn.ihli Will ! feeJ Must I Mi < I rom Droits Scholars luster lloffman, A-4. ti-4. larry /aitreff heat Roger I'lagenhoef. i-iiiijsnra.i'HiA IMiilli,.- i xphlri Wrlih within tin d.lw ■ It u k t" t. ti. li-4. and Wayne I'eaeitrh put lii.Miti --ii. who M i. Meni IT, i • . I' ■ nbhfion o*.ifpyrXv•Mt'if ii !af«lv !!v,t!I« Srituiars J'hiladi-lphla I'hlilies the meet out of rrai li hy defeat¬ i-ago Cuba Tues-!,• .. i le d. . ii \ fit in k«, I'«r, ing Hoh Sas*aek. F.-4. 7*5. In the southpaw pitchers, S''- two i .y:[ No. .% match. head of the J'hillie* ' ' ■ I Hirrhild Thoatir • 'Id J'l ,1' tlCe at),I MAY 20-23 s: I "• iif-.t liiadi- th.'d vi - Mcm-iiU * win eaiiie in the N)» Phillij* of the (*ut,s ti spot over Mike llut'don, The 25-year-old 1"- . Malinip Saiuiilai. ^.'t. p.m. 'l'he I iMHls team pushed aeros* ti 4 the 24-year-old Mor»ix»; AUVKNTlTtrs IX SOCIAI. SCIKNCK: NO. .1 seven runs mii a eomMinatnni ol 'Ihe Wolves «l*o had Uiuig* I Misted identical 0-2 •- •* ■ iair the*- ilid- their own way far this season. l*hllh|- MSI I'l. VI I lls six errors, two walks and a for th»* mrwt • T«*l*v. rxng-n* temi »r,t.» ti e ts«,n.stif»x tsortd • 1 • .1 v,.,» lire tuple |iv link Sanner. Ml the doubles, they vvr.ip|»d 10 last year, while ■- let lit tsk»- np Uo »:i'.';r«t o| »ntiiro|«>ii>^V - tlo »tu>iv (>I IUAII ttieir victory My taking two won I and luet 6 tar ' « iv prt'srnf Ti V\ wI'll? down in up •nd hw i-rtirirp fo • .Mil I'. Doc of three niatehe* lies In 1038, IV "ngtn - I nun st. l s fHitrie mm I th»- Krrnrlnnnn, Tennetue Williams' i in inouMd ;ti I .Me -••• pljiro of 'till MSU Places Thiril J'At'-l.-.i'v > . r. i p,,' .k.p. A! i • • i -1 -1 . ■• ,i of , i, the I'flmr |'ilhre*titl,n.|Mi« Iml... « . Jw •. . 1 V*l Uh d Huvd wis • ui»o t ati ikitym. . • .1 ? . I'Vi'M thotiii i J-ix i . in. i-l. of .it\ !»,,.s|.| of tie vM-tv h unlOu* It. Mi l. Tin i: i Id. W.i* i I ir Iv'f'i -«t..I ! (n| |. iv.iil i *lw (iloi Kvahr - ,n |-iv i»t'« i\ pUvshiit Ion (tr!» ttl i sith-wsik »»tr, Mppttirr lift" r.trh tmrf | he *.-rt t-> » lssl.«.n.»Mi.- situ ei (oiil .t"- ec'utnr wl »t.- the f.e sij'AI! V I I. I \l!l i:s IV .lb IW-nrUe then srtllcd down and finished the game with III klrikr- In Volleyball Event fsmldtsl hrtnlv s! tinlrtlc srnl jr-» hs| in letswn t oies ho I la vol Nivrn out* fur the Die inning*. T»m worked on hu »iAiop cvdeft«*in. wtin li one ol II,,- Michikran State finishes! thin! in the recent Na*. It il* llivwiiilh Itrisleit MTnnd hasrman for tt»r ii i ku. I nods. k»1 ttiice for thrrr at the ( oJIeiriate volleyball championships at I>es Moine I . * 1 llelnirali Ivetr plate and Sanner gut two fur In the opening round the Him I 1.am 4*l< r The State team mad* . « three Spartan- raioe up agauirt a more to Ih-* Moines at their Show n '1 w li e at k I T I * OA i . one hi! in ttie 't 'd « xp<'T,enved I'niVerxity of K«n- tonal expense, due ' , . , ?'•' font'!'. !> o lale *a* tca'ii and were beaten 15-13, 15-7 fund* The squad w* r ?" left tie ,1 in Since It w»« a ttouhle All SimU lifM'tvt'il SI.DD eimmAtioii «•\ vrat-heti a di"p|u'«l them down into the I ttlun Tit'kfl Office hratk' * de, Ron Crowe and I). '• ■-I, " , f.'urtn !-«■ i •-••»* They pUvmi Keua* State plavei-coach ~* next and whipped Diem two George William* « \ iir-.il* UiiIi ltii-li Set Chii ago won the collcgi ?.-aight. 15-5 arm lbto get ■ Y ■ MSC V.r-.'v Club W,ii havk into ( intent.on Tin* win pionahip by overjK»w«-, , • MITI:: liul.'.i ,> I.,ii]...» lit• wax attributed to splkei* Da.fos sas in the ttnali 15-13, • V*,*• * annual *(-ruig torn rusM ., t ' Vx/I.-fl.' .* ' v * ^ ' • o* ' . Matt,nx. n ann« Iolu» 1'iloi • I niveraity of Kanaaa Thia time v. i« e w lee ted to tho • M.-tontos, m Jo uii-w- *iri wikI am avid sloop ixdioctof, witM Ute Dam. which appeared to he liasl UinMitc All-Amcrican toarns '•» »•' wlmm Niafotw hwl l»wn (i>« tow Utter 1 .situs lYu! il'xispxi f,-M took them. 13 1 and 11-1, aa Dam Next year's nstionuis w.-'i »] llwl alUwiuih ahe Ka.| never |*i t ip. oti S»gaM«,.. U-vcxl 60LF SAVINGS in HSTlVAt donnfi July on a tramwodoui JA22 and Augutt held In Dallas, Texas. him and wiu.texi k> inofi * tarn Hie mod *-l.e w,*» eiRhti-en »eor* FLhTtVAL - w th Fl.p "Pero-do" PfitMipy and •1*1, Uxuititut ar.t docile, an i her (stfier. ttie rtclo*»t tnait to the •i v - * . , tna molt fanvjut vocalilts and irdw. I.*.I a*nre»i to stve half hi« lortutw* to the luolund of to r at Van's • **-4*'ument4'Mi m the jair world •n oiva #«ter*3*d. ad-out vesxiont tlwitex- p Mbieu and Ui'oioxlutelv Ixk sixi Or /» : e :.»»r n-t in a new PANORAMA SUBMARINE! |*ws*r* for J-** it v r ' OF tvtNTS - ypo'ti. parties, The hrst «nht of fit* pn*s«nit(*e t-rvle fxjievf t-- tiehyht >,c»- art . ! e» day and n ght . . . "go Sum Mw was, •» she lhMil, tienuJ.j.ii - hut Oii'v I \ stolei- cat.*e" on our l.OOO-toot Uach f'UKKaittA -Jf''.: tranv'ormed into an authentic ani» Sifi.xi.s-s had M-riuua do«i te t..at i.t j |«.it;t«si v.*ti* I »•-« !.-. e( TOLVNESIAN VIL1AGC and the efiMkm U>r»c. * ' -t I'll. * Civ,^'* C ut) Juna 1 thru Novem- |lut "wslwrtnfi as s w the s.fihl of letiK TVtni. >ifisl.s» ! v | I iiII* .till,iiii.iIi,- tc if:' Am th-.» m a 4X, an even fin-ster dusapfaxnUiM id c*-fr,u:fi wher, !.e or • 1 ' Unf a -eAdy famous for endlessly ace resort t:.\m»y vi.\s ri:i{ Sukmirinr Mndwirhr* Tl>e i>hi ficntieinaii wae, *« ladtt* lV'tal ciaitnevf. th» ri,i» - if - tr iMtPi*} saned fun . th# 0IP10MAT! at Casa-N'ova an In the tribe, but. ufdortAaatefy, tin" thniauu u cui.ai.p to t.o GOLF CART oiplomat Eaar DIPLOMAT Wtar Irdie *a A *A» prune |«tc A lifetime beauty of at* pyx I. • Ill V ri f -4** k l-IRS Ewropaan Plan ju»l laden siih drliriou* rold meal* and es-4 at ti,e . Hcatraw h»'k • ne nvirn i • ' |»rune pit* which was I . Uniiiiutn and Meet, moun¬ JU u'" * «»«' tx«» QQpsiiv ft a '10s '4 |u« dowry, ttiAshed hi* teeth, and »nw..|wsi o^ into t;,e jungw *t urn in * ted on aniooth Ft RMIM pot BU , ratlins, PHI VKt AST AMI aWcannfi xdrH and kirloMfi at whau ill U* ui l.». j^tM >t.• r..| nan-cm raatx e wheel*. I'lVMH TNRt 4t i y j :» in «mi IK V I PAM V 1HNI J11.T 1 *ptoy goodnna. Try litis huge sandwich «n tr-< thus, awoarnj! thu*, kni-ufi thus ^cs'.sv* k'«ke>l o\rr * Auloinatie fiddinc han¬ KlHiM* ia or is# koom dle Handle adjusts 1 liemp of <4 y ou know ' — turncxi out ts» to . '•wh Italian bread and how tasty a A* I'lthi-iAtdhrpJnii Ijertu*' any hrifihh arc cub- DIPLOMAT the lint I .Ji*fir>-v« Irxiin t?-e ln,t l*jth«-eahthr>;.>»s ri'itt rru. k'.'.JO milvfd ll"»lv upward ifl irdeiMVt |5s t':uj Mi.hiie I'mUsTttoc marine nauilwich can he at . . . lirnoti pian ha-i >tis»Rt«xi tf.e le**h. which w«* * m*..a?k*!-.e J 12.95 rorcw also COUWTWVT CLua terhnicai acharsetttrpt, tsit fratik.* red {sartiruiarii UM-. u< Ulltu xoo.vwooo-av-TMi.aaa. PtgitiC* " v-v*X? Ce*iM WtOtU tut W»| C *»» / ta»T »W)((4tt. gU* N li* Mr*--'!:.!' ;»rv*.-^ rn tuar -.-.srote*! ti* .i < *"• f*'«'Ui »r*cby«*. *M pwwe Tr«v«* AMNl In ti e \r.4:tf. e prf-,.»i twme the ph»I utij*-rtw t ,l.MS'Vi-fT «r pboop New Vuik JM-Ult (llpp kundavn Demur. «u MhN hi the hrsUirv * tiua - Hull. Hnuttinl T-rW5! m HB|w*rUPt* Borwuse, fond irwmi* wit.wajt afiTicuitnrr Ufnre TEX MS would te MiHUim, and without hnest kdrf iigaretU t>" tofwCrv■, ate! » t!«vul *r ufwrni th*rt wouid W y--u »ia*M t*e without tf* list sii vt; ii vi,i> KESTKINGIXG (ASA NOVA'S that tov-rxy U»*, *i*f I wouid I* WiUt- N> Km and •ut a pit. That» why. 35<* 1 d«y grrvlct sut Tha Otdm and Fimatt .5 fur «l.tN> all prior. Piamrim im Em$t Lmutmg With+*l fofcwerw gnu tmuki mlm U tat Soul War/fmroa «. t!rt ri#0r«tte. Fhttip Marat. « nan-kit ft tntoit that rant ha SHOP TONIGHT TIL • P.M. 111 w-. fhtLf Mrtrtta w . BMW 4 I V, Af>r M MMTIMi AN ST ATI* S'KWA 0 Prof. Rciiickf iO Max r.lft.-t Opon House VmWtlA Wins Award Greek Week Schedule ' I V pi, R Sel for For Rt'srarrli TODAY V r #»;#mi p.m. Fxt'hnnyp dlrutiTs / Salunlitv * Ih y Paul rteinrke. profrasoi ph.vsloIoKv and phaniiarolo^.'. 7 ;fi<» p.rti. ('otnmtinity I*r«--< aRvasMiiiR' Im.- i I«**r. of sinj.' 1.0 |Mthliei7.c ID Mnl'ilo Lnils ltn.iti-,| wo* tiiimrd the lll.tlt Srfilor A lit I. % It It % Mil I III in Knit IdiitsiitK Ward Winner f"i iou. Thi* Itiiik III illftT Mllln'r |f.-r..trh hx tiir I'h'mI ehaph i of TIIIKSDAY niriil mi IIim tm«»l fi ".i'Vi'ii' SIkiiui XI, actrntifh' hohorurv v t'iir 0I11 j'irl \x h"'.- jii:*t xi't'H iorlrt.x H:•'. • WJ» "tt Tuesday hlght if| the Union. The i'ii'Ti nvvin 11 is '»rw thi- FREE - ONE FULL BALLON In'irtf xtilli ii- xrar. < loki'. Itool Hot «r I Iranni- I i.i • c nir sunn' x»f 'It'" fni 11'' Hi Richard llyi'inint, profen- ••lit i Vr»« I'htiln lit Hon XlutMx i.ii i ht .Hid •..nmit ' ill Xliir S»i»' kt ««»» Murrax • or of rhrniistrv. received a $.Mt XX iih lii'ii. I llrni I'inak |gv, |v I.. I.I Ileal it S.ltU! il.l v Mil ITAKV MIRITN turn Ml rn won InrMfax far tMr trraml , )i«> M'i f.u "i f l.t 1 ••«•! .M'P.v I It'll t C (.lilt t it'iii*i"*tI fur .Mii-hik'jtn iiwiiriloxl n vr xMtiv's itf r.-plct pilots i'. h.l la fit Si h.dat • hip .mil 11.1vipatoi? to sj\ AKIii»Ti • .».U t- a* -<|h>x'j»! rx-renionica till! nti.ic iin""li.xht, !''• it"n ." Mil" 'hi Cnltl'lp- "f Agio ui Ttuv-ilir \ ' ' : : I oilt.lt II Ml il .IllMt hho.X the 1-itntnltfiP' .It, . • !" 1 1 ill! (till'*? lift . -I hlif ,n.| 1 Tin- .Hi iv-1 of I!iitMVi tMiv thf • |.t 1 . I " f ,i i' 1 .. " J- ill /an tret ire f»e/s t ti.it «ii,i t. .".nit I • til! ' hlg I ill'. - i-1 ft ill.* I'.ntUM • Mi. • .|l M.St' • AI ■ 11. a. < It-nrliinii (>rnut Tin- xxiP I.c irn.hlv iviiien' F"i. .• If M i.ii a* le "H I tm nil !i 11. 1 • It'. ' lax. ■ I ii Unix ill ix'i •, 1,. 1.1 1lt. x'i>i'i'i 'x it.. uimiselx'n' ad» gr"t»nd.x Oi,t t die.!. In Srnul. hnrvn tfi li'tnpl I.* 'i'i' al! i.f tivt 4.2IMI • • totI till IMI I • "t-.v. -en. ■ Kngin -t oil' .if t.iun hi nil that, ihr on. Tin - » ■ u R'.nalii .Ii I. 'in liilioit'il MM v. i tli .nx n a-, well a* it 'v.* dot tin •. . tvc. a I - , . . .i p ; •' 'I l.llt in.tir .ihimal- ... An F"T- ivii hi i'i a'.otis' Ei.h.mge i" M, I.vt IXXi.lKMl •it, l in litvpl.i -s ilt i'f .'Mi 'i'i ■ e .i, tm \ V H|»iit t.t II .1(1.1 ill.' ■ ■ a v fng i»i"- Ion I., x f i'.iIx'i". 4'»" 'tall y rahr. HO IX p.. M -t te HI W»hrrtm r . 1. n, .. ' ■< 1 '* i.t'ii •.•viiu ,1111 in . nn.1 JT.iMi'i i'i..i i Mm n:i > mill tltiM I Ailrlx Hntiiitril voir M«»n|r rntx . h.i ken an.I itiikix picnix »•» »i. Y! tii ik-i 1 11 (H t iivi Ix Muck l aiixltn krixlor navigator. k. 1 (i thf XX'tloir family Ptt v f >t Thl*» illxtfliiril III tlir h.illnxx Ilaxlil Jirkx.ni, I al.ot t:*pot>- llf Iht IT >1-'Ml •■.I III limit xxt-rk fnt IiiiiimII srulor MtUxlot htnrx Wini" A • 1« 1 1.1 i 1 • i in toft 11 ul'.im - .1 . - Staf. f K-J'M: »Im» it. app.lli'td ill lint Ii tils tfr. I.anstng. xria.tr iuxi(il«r In- .• 1 I. i.n.' ■ : »v« 11 .1; i' • ! « pr-'X isi .n.« in nit rumpus .11 in tin s mill his trrrrnrr I'ccktiaui. lake (Ox. Imlfi That alt .ipi'ii fhr pu!< f. M •' AC. •»' srhnlastii- 41-hirtrmriil* tiiiiloi ptl.il Milltrtl |l(oxxi»in», It. t • •• x"lain. '!n ham' "I .'to " fi>! ie. tu* ng Att rt MiiMiiiii in.tti't, iiiii. :l . Olixrt, junior navigator ami itnimal . and to immri xpli'tlon*.. • !«• -i. the p. .g; an for !?'•• Wrtlrx Rllpxuiru, WikrlPltl. j«" IN' Ti|N9-rM» ■ft -i.11» Hi |•hi tm pil'il. histfi • J 'tixexl I'm rial? ll> ii.ii-' Phi I'el il inns Urmly A . n.'i * 'tn • ■ x erk.- ■ - S'ale tn 1921 ' K I'! il. p., (unit. 1.. ■' 1. ; 'Jo i -e- '"l.V, t * \« it" •• . t ..... • I If . iti . .. it.. ||. lit 1, 1 I'nr Hi It Ufinn AKHOfi fix . t: . p.-o . •' i: f t '» x *U't«' ii I - d »nd in the t rote I t . I . II.. ■ i.ii • pal¬ H." I. "M , Spaiian Hi W ig .MO "ig • . > ed 1(1 pi.H k ' * ' ' S!i.»txn»iii. In .niiiiiiMfi ft» hi* •■* '*»k "" Ihr i«f light a-.ruftf? fix m* ; : ^-n kc.i up in ,'i.tH Siti- •* ID.1P n«i't Radio Wmksht'i' She M|Mitjii miit tit ITohrrlnr. !»«►»♦ dent s# rvti t'tmv should he l«, 1 s'x' .iiifior' hft'. ii .' 1" t't 1 'i I'l 1 -mu'Iium A! 1," -i lurttX'.T t'l i.\ t pi! kruixv The "i tc. i .i'i-i «; grr f-" !'!•• Spatlaii n. 1, .. M.<* S|..tttan It, Wag-.p t 'leitwr- Ifi-itt tn nit.I .1 inMi.tiri ' ! t'f llfloi ii i Spai la \\ I i • i ■ i". t. > i 'i •• eagie xemi 1 "in StiuU'ti! ;!,e A E *1 ti f-iei. » .van I 'i >p H>. )• I ' i.ii event and alHiuhi iiava !tn- I . - n: • I ilul Slulislira ahi'.li iiirei oldc! |>* ."i f. t • «. Als.u? 1." ■ intriit* 'X Ih' fj: .v . • . " i at x . I'nr Sjiriiiss Trim etl l.t 4if I -r '1 . ; \ ji m . . I - |. .■ 1 ilrlll Mr « Iti.'.ii - if. !kl« English NEArtSIGHTED PROFESSOR ■ 1.114 ! • Hi'ti '1 H K< tinvt OPENING SOON Thlnhllth translation: Thl» fellow Iih* *0 many ilegrt*1*. lie look* like a thermom- GOOTIMGOl Hi Ml III Hit I eter. He'* no myo|n.:, lie n.«l* ulaMW* to view tliintt* with alarm. Thouuh i|uite \\ V the man of letter*, the only one* he favor* ■ i • 1 lit) , . Ii H it vt 4 r.r v « WATCH THIS SPACE FOB an- I..S. M.K.T. "I take a dim view ol ■a l*»i .'.in ' an : tt 1 en! brand*," he . t other "Give me the . ! w s./t t ' it"*' Urn* i ! s..ys. ttt» 1 nt.'l I'u.i.r, i.'ifn X -t.t. . ' I M'lii! ■!' ' .nlUitUv.t Ikxh o jii«»:|. FURTHER INFORMATION honcat taate of a Lucky Strike!" We *ee i' '4 ! :" ; # nil ilrfiturti lit All the ..»n,« thi* chap a* a *ort of squiritHhtlual (hut J > si (lit* lit £ I.I t** l« x'Mi xx rt - remarkahly faraighted when it come* It 1,1:1 t ! fcl.t-U to cigarette*!. l;t.i w 1th.i1 »xx 4 l|.M.i tll VIKINO OaasMIN in ft • 1 .teiM - ' w .1 *,«■ ,« vi..i 4,- I '» I t rvi. t lake HOW 10 BRAKE » word—/WenJkVi. fxv example. With it, you can uiukc ohiuimt- *25 . Mi ft'» •. cwi T\f infilfimkvj', )oud TV (ytUtvision), bad TV ($mtUeviMion> and gxAKi 'IA notuftmoni. Tliat'® Thinklish—and it's that cany! WVre pavtnf for tlw Thinkliah word* judfod be»t~\oar dicck w itching _ NX .i«li ami X* far to go! Stud your «orda lo Lucky Strike. Boi 67A, Mt. V^non. >>w York. KncW your Mint, addrwm colkge or Thinklifht univeraity and da«K BABY COBOS Git th« gtnuina articl* ... . .Xiitl 000 F®""0 POLISHED Out the honast tact* conoNS of a LUCKY STRIKE _ SPECIAL nr"-"»«*H*uwt,pw>u>" stock moat \ $3.95 to got a bottor shaval VABSITY SHOP PRE-iLECTRIC Q*«kw . . . cloMf... m*h., . . . no menw .he. mackin. yow ut. 1 00 22* \t»Vtt Hd. SHAVE LOTION ->■ rt ! Ka»l tanking . ; INULTON NnM - im •Vm| !>»> ; ? k?9 \mM : \