hil lire (lommilli'i 'I'lii' Wi'iitliiT of l'ni»»rxlty I'gr ft) rloiid) Mtrli Tnniuhl HikH Today 51 (in! Serving MSIJ I'or ."»() Vrar* how Wednesday I- ■ >!. :.i. No. ::<» "BAST I.ANHINU, MlfTIKiAN—Till H.-liAv MAV IIJWi vnt(.r % f KNTH" House Vetos Penny Tax Stale ltca, x • i; . * »'«> employes n u,r .' -'.IT..r.v Mae bluer v , qui'k I*- '?.#• «-ver»»" thP family Trying to Hide Past r ■ .r»«e .< r «'l , trolt fiem/»rfatve fI oof |e*d« I, '! l ' >„r»..| ;• *br legislature House speaker feoo Pears I »in aftern»e»fi. Plans Ks'haun and other Host H'nr?/ A. fjer'rkved by T« l and Ft - leaders *»ri set to hod die i , RANK KtKXfTTJV A-'-' f' I t- *■: " one fa • garitr.i r and H c Wi ave, i a« i II lull's Our Future? too s»si rnes *» *f#t • »t»» p/saiBie rofryfsm.i* rreasu*' f iiv# lighting m*e r»* r •/'. . ?!•«*'- r, ' to fa.J fared wi'ii '.he /;cu' T. ft \RO| li I'l l 1/ mivif «,f East Eanvinc lead* The aturienta rilttrihuUri litfwnulisn ahout the P»ft 1. 4, *e# o h h • r** chara«-*er pr^raval .. I a4 fr 1 the pi.. Muitsni wpinlnn <*n the V l and pertinent f»'W sion 1 tilt* r.wt leader sa<4 » the «t orient* nl this r.reek project the ay unit the f H to \ •"Asf*** «*f Scar lei" •>» ff»n • >1 f .n f f.U r\ indig-i&hon priihlem* the university mud house* throurhout East I amirif rremhert of the -en ate won ♦.hu Studio theater, 49 I* b-lm puhli'Mint of the tul^er'uiotiv moMie \ l!a* unit with 'ft* we fu-r.i'y an 1 hi »n'#u4 rone ji af oid 2U The. face in the future, likely h* IBVite-f to Sit t* OA t „♦ *he oper..ng perf'4rnr.*nr«i «*u|hl tonlihl the ( »m ro-sponsored with the Inthain f ountr IH \»*fi Jf < <•' f.' ,*'|-. ir.i'sy at- the ..artu w.ere rimvincirg enough i a* »«teior>» as well j drama Wednewlay n ♦he end. especially Tel, y.ne> a mittee «f the Future «f the end. y 'if pre«.»fi*f«i carefill , w»tj» eel i f me end f Uiis play, fina.'iy fa.. Iniversity held* an upen . •*#;,* CMTHwJ the Action N;nu (ja.r'.ravfd by Luutu i.ff his rr.'»ral pi'destal. A* nine meeting. lli'ils Ni\ WrslN IMiiii K" >fl s«e*T!««l '» rm\f tr.v s'-«i?a trm, u «r.e "» vei»r-'>id*. the Ijf, , Interested «tudent* are in- $.t+k'ifT-'* i- Act II. »• her ^ arxi jr* the rr-MorU ) . .n*< w'r j'»1 qu.te cor»» f *.!r» Beer* at "1# p m. Tho«e wishing !<■ «(»eak In 511 Education i»n Soviets Drau Feet at Hiir 1 Moot a snedfir topic rnav uh»4ulr I th# farr .iy en the path 'o time with the rnminittee lit It la hrr x**t which the railing Mrs. Ral •ton * t I vt ( risitt I iuilrihution , tries hard»et to cover, 1541 hi|#y pit. .-bed voire, deliver- 'I he rommiltee •« mrrrnt p. Tin vsso* j - rrr*. *««*« j r ♦ rap erude line* in per- Miehigan s 17 ' • a is near- | Ir f unsiderlng admi«*»i> Ifefter m,j the tmarwaa post* derdale. J .a who ««ed to lie relations and |;i»li and t»*'H on f'eland and • #eefeosh». ; it m l»et/sit and Ward physieal education require¬ mon Head ment*. vaila remain* unehanged Iran*# and Briiaia held P. the uir• M./ h «aa Ike life# w»» is Mi'higaA trouble *er» Appointed *»re .^r.;e view later 4 there British was ipd eymaa wothirr to aa.d bar m«'h lan/h sa'.*d rroftey th | rs vope frosn rt s» * »:>! 'otests For 1959-60 firomiko railed he nt'd in ' pr'ka fr*m ?*»•>• t the esse help- • -te «*rt Irtv <>. she M#h&e« i »o -if Uef h' pl.au, due to he • *f aip • Ills four { oreif r. Minis'.' |H fur rr.masters f,n*|l» pe*- Uawt iniinee Off »<•«;; s '»f '• .den* f; »r.gre:-< .'-ere' elecl^i :* • ">9-hf» S' i- the governor told newsmen I onfererue muddle * n together attempt various p* tented delayed B* their a op-ntn* spee'hes dispute over 4,ro- The general f»«4, wUI go etbtu tfe# ; ragrt and »*and » too-.*.- he didn t know whether the nr»t rryko* efforts p, seal i -mmm lltieal problems into one tari(le Jasihngton (/rv-Vn- spe-i*«-r, Bote Plapr- vp*-#*--- hig hi-weekly 31 rojild he met. Me said lift" *■•»> payroll due Mi* lie declared surh an appr''*' l»t»t Poland and • *ee ir*sJo\«a la 1 official Jamet Carey ;,ro-U». Or*.!.•*'.♦ ', se»rf» would rorrplete|\ h».-» k the wor »«. fu!1 net'itiatWs in the roo- , ; in payroll* due lawmakers. Jud¬ tary. Nancy MarLaar»n of the conferenee ferervee resday joined in an at- ges and legislative staff mem Hu'ev . "f ,r«' **»t- «>n Lewi* StrauM ai tiers on I rid ay rould he skipped ad«/p'.<*'i an=1 Afe the «arr,» a •ary of commerce. last year with t*o major e*cef>- Wui;,i,\ii vwi*.t that 'if- * It's .1 (,asscr ad:r..fii»t»abve te«ard Fey, pre*.dent Vr Ir/.rr- :i'.rk^ One, the C'.^r,tee a» l„.*1 ct ' - h'H'. Union of Elect r .at C'.rurr i"'*. bOW the 'A-e.,!-J "V-'e •,*!<•• 4;.;,. a;y > < » k«, ;i4 StrtuM has a Na- M %J. fits. R A E K H l> % I. ». to app--;r ♦ < •#; m'.ttew. / ,'r. >«'. g. , ♦ . i j rr.on.t-, • . ■ J -■ 5 »U«* « ' .1- comply* and *",« r*t lit Mil TT. I r •mm* rider In the approval of C'"t.gre*. w-i-.ere ar.• - l^yt..lhante Nflfl /, i/#/fMli#fis 11title a position oC such vast can diplomat u well as the en- pr-iVA, was needed. S*--*nnd, t'»e r«> '-•►".Jigal.rara 1 K. ai «; « eommander In the e»dey Strauss m- :l« occupied re-'.-rmmend chairmen ar.d v ire - • Hs'atuik Rr.nl- fortes eser invade Weal Berlin, .'Mi llir in .*» I ra.li>'. |«.f aganr.e ron's : g • chairmen of M.-rr.mit'ee^ tiut the ' ir tuj frequent returns t > i a rr • stand and called Hamlett will decide when Amer¬ ret'-mmendatiens subject. t ~.j*t • Drew Pearson a liar icana will start ahootinc. apprf*vai of Congrev- are FJreviO j'>- » A »u«e- «&*r* ».n (>If • - • -n ^: [r*por.4.nf he had procured !/ the ftrvt name on the C'-m- plane crash** n f'r ■■ S' a lev ar.d oattal water t ' ■ s ..denl Ss-rvKt* a.v- ng about list was World Food wcret" information n.ittee r»-cm.menned her witne«. chairman. 3^ lives in a 24-hour p*:'- •' A rr. re Riibrrli, pr- -. ' AL'SG president. Bill Uvsn- thr >ugn Wtdfletd* / '. Wi» • e U : J ..." ,tj* ,i— Distribution gee»d. asked for ar«d received ap- proyal f'>r two cabinet ap{n>*r.*- t*4'l Thi'iii dlatM* lo Relax f #4 •> g Jta £.'v Be* * -* - 4 •* I -v . ■ hr-.i » j ,r - - •»* >•*» e*« TT.ev are Dick Holmes, ad- CARE Topic rr.inivtrative vkc-president, and *• • « f.;. »-■ .—er:- TW"> • rf *•, k « -• •* " . • " 4 ■.? . Tfte open a president of CARE weekend conference art will Bili Aid ridge, treasurer Paul Matk.ck, John Cow deft. East I^insirtg, and fratmuties, Louis Offers Jasz to Summit .-sr. T. t ■" :- .- i't *;v: ' kf■ U--/ -vVn • " i.* *»" . «*».i ia.c. » «a #.i > ?* ye Arr.erkan I'»d a&ur.darKe and B.li Errett reprcscnt.ng married' everybody contra- GENEVA R—Tfurftpr ter leiu.* mz—a thing the B«a»,wr.t Harry S IV- w. w"*4- e * "sy -. w - —?■>* w.i /■« '.n everybudr else's testi- tt» relation to starring countries bousing, were elected to tae "e okt hap^y ^ Carcpur» <*".*■»- *- .r.c.cg 'siu'i r,.. v>- •>.* ace ConuiuUet on Committees. Daniel 'SAtcrirrM'i Armsir-r.g If it ir.nti Vnem r.appy ivv rf irz -» 4 and Sen Gale McOc (D- at a dinner Friday n^ghf in Kei- N." :Vio *a44 1* relaxe* 3A-y ear rues Dzu-ut v. p*r-rt«: -we :-cx. blew mVj town -Tiesday ar, 1 TU*««s us hasypv. at- asked in a general sort iegg Center offered to rela* the Ea>t-We - New Otlearu-bc«rn jsJUif-4.% , &*A.'■■■; '-e n •* . Murray luncoin, president of reiaxes Wiem ^ay «bodj*« lying here — i' CARE and of Nation wide Inaur- .Saving* KmihI foreign minirerj w»ih R«i rtm si'. ' foe more dedfiite 'u*r it "he undenUlcment uf the ance ccanparucs. will "Advantages of Surplus speak j?i Disposal Sale* Slump not "I muaic ri'/A't know ncdhtng 'abou* ravi, Armstrong replied Hf ~. A-c-'-i ana; "* fareftead IUJ «i* .1 Greek Week kkedele politics." he said, "thai if I towd Daddy, you grttic; me | -dent Eisenhower cr.ce Abroad " ieep here. rJrrji as a river Y a Genes-a^, Salehsr.^ said WASHINGTON TOII.VV ipoke up in behalf of Dr Stanley Andrews, director »till and listen. *«U irer. better ask Ike about that ' BI-ta n daddy •Fat bfeowia* of the national project in agri¬ savings bond program haj just «»t | - •» at his news wofmhcK suffered its worst flump since daddy, maybe I can relax then, 'He said he h»4 fasih m Air,e.*- two concertf tcetight." . l:t«t |UB IH Sin* F-4 he f^nda opposition to the cultural communication* and October, 1357, raising new ques¬ a litUe." kcaa prexidenti He ca.7,e ; 7*re Bu.,e?, — I ' ee baffling. former director of the United The sun hot and be mop¬ " That last one we had—fee wfee.'e he uA tNe Swiss c*'.s Aaditarim tion# about Uncle Sam's money was States •'Point Four'* program, bk»w lot vt;U jumping after last troubles. ped his perspirutg face used to a c#f pian-j.' were -wdl! speak on "Dangers and s-.ffawed Armstrong "Y- kr/ow rught j corjceri "-S.VTVKD VY The Treasury announced Wed¬ •Get them cats to relax.1* be problems of Surulus Dapoa-1 he tried to put me >» ai.—Ath,a*'« Haiida ■ Abroad." ' relax this tensK>n in tr.m.—Grv«k J'«e>: iions of American*—declined in he thought Poland and Czecoo- • try to outplay an^jther jaaKmaru Center at 6 45 p.m. Tickets may The cat who tried to cut htm to.* he sa-'-h Y-Ai don't call me DeiU sigw* PW April for the flr*t time since Slovakia should be allowed la be reserved till Thursday noon too late to twU"* git in the foreign ministers mc«U was g MiMOun piano piaytr 1957's tight money period. by calling extension 2531. .. 'Y Anr ■JM 0 Hecht's 'Sensualists" A Book information Soviet Minister's Gilling Signals At East-West Geneva ConferenJ : v «*o KDIT— Filled Willi Morbid Events TIIITA fWIION • • . We*fr*. Hou»o P: i»uK'h more, even ■ v'« «Kin lOI>D%TlO\- t n •> j» We«le\ H vjm IpnOK * M»Tf ; M»% Mir- fiie We*' ami truiM.ive t ie S/ %dd hnull Potaloea Geniun.A are full TIM: SK\<1 \I Kh . Vc \\ \r»K i %KMV At IXII I . ,ru,tr. 1 fiiet \V rorre*p«nden» bataaininf p.isitu-n. • •• »•.: Ij. r >' Haven't Ilea id j,, :■ fh'!• ' * : . O ! A'lint OU'.vr the I tiiteil Xilion*. M- After e.v snaHWe•' a - ,• *.s A h< 'hen '• '?••• !♦ i< a good bet tV ■, I ! I II I. IS l.i:i l • " • • 'i W«*ll \y\ Mi l H KXIMO 11 1 H p., r,t «>oiet »cllvllie% rlmel* peJ'« 'ha* * '■ ei ii n'ssvem li nt ■ , . J :;»n t. !• II' I We IN «•» formed .''ejii. but - ' 1j<« of this , > < K 'unai \ Hi f r.ri vm.r .)•; .fi-.v:. n». t e l'« '■ • problr-' aveumclafevt k. . . . 'P. <" I • - —• -If .imu- ;M < l IH |t, . irrreitlh tread* the AF Mitt the t.eneti I onferenrr. Hu* *:?•- ■'' I I I I on Mill* Fv • • • en- . gift** !ha« the -■.lie . r ran • • : ' •- • ! .tfi.l • ■ 1 t-i..tit p-fif'. x tJrortsvkn have to g.\e the convrunM couc/sc* n ..Id war probfmt : . 4", . C .|!i»*e ft" , e 1 fV t exjwvr fo . . ©f .1 nth»Ii-t- , P.sjj K.'ij: 1 ■ n- a b.vger rote in world tffatr* Ttiis makes it dttV • llev fieri. \ \ - r even rroiv t.ian tm* mee'ing t'^e II— »r* ,:ng '■ i. t'Ut <*n tfte — !"■■■ ! ••••;■• r ' ' St I'll % OFLTX THf.T % na*' gains m pu \Ve»t t«» stand Arm > ■T have r»i*ed a vv-o'e **:•••« • f»'\ it*'A » ' !>a H' •»»". Oihner Hi ' vrn'.v a few con,t • up I ... mutterintr. *'N'ow what appearet! f.» he pun?/ p .- "tnm.st sumi* !|, 1'nriViv.r •stngn ni: h«-v hi F.ivt-Wc-t Kern llet ' • ur • . » - • • • • T.tHt ...i- ♦ •• thihv. > • ■•••iff cedttral quest iv v i, 'i o' the . breakdown ( WTIKBI HV run .iv.• t a ?.*» > par*. • ft. «.!•♦ Maniii'v iifi»le- . T'e- pr. p.i^anda the t iaim teand*. JbtW (]<»••» ' RII'TM *TIT»EVr I NIrtX •I the < ; • h ' - n • if" I:.- !'.»»•«■. !*«'»«•»•'»? : pn . f'mnn t nunisr . • < knife for a -oircica! fountlat r„j ' ■ ; , - •»' • tri' n.t'.i*'- lonf.nottl fo fit. t'ii. PI Ml I PSfl.OX * .10 p m., ik: Phv»ics-Ma!h CLASSIFIEDS v v A .••• v, \riT.lt splMMM, an evening reatlmr reserve f.ihn Nfi»th> rnw. Speak n !> ted \»- CAMPUS t1. !,• * SrnMiah-K hi* tif:»- ; • ' Ii ■ • ■" • ^••n«uali«t*. ■ • " «ler r»\uuoi u.o« let'f with «'\« rt»t iI!t• ■! 1 an.I f XTIIOI K XTI fUVT OfHi \\l/ XTIOX pa- iv» ed 2-1511 - ext. 2d is (U V ' !1 ' ' '\ I • ' 4 p M . 1" • ' Si S'uue. • i . • - phi if 1;influ* t'f the UK \|)l.INKS: „• I'.m IMV IIKKOKK I'l IH.Il ATIOX COR Tl.'KS, VVKI», hi tn v irtiiu» ♦" \ .'.'.er- *;..»! f.t'Ueeri Ann atiii her HI I % HI I % HI I A . p 1" . '4 t*m«n i> Till US.. IMS Kill. KIIITIOMS .MOV. KIIITIOV DK VDI.IXK: 2 p.m. Kill. V Till: TIIUK MMS MCI I'MM left !tu- K" g on* ike* ..»/ ( ■: -: '.»'!• i re\ ft u er With MOK1 \R HOAR|» Wear |ln«n Weil wavwanl at.-.! u»,4..- • 5• s* ,1 »al ii'-»^rn>! tt»r 'he a'itht»r Hill. I'*. * hi# 8«IJ and I-,'. Monday through Kridar to . N't, rnee'.ng > e. . ' we*. hnsbanil «?: li.»\e i'ffli e\po««H| oiliv the author m'- ph tingle \ : • » 1 - _ I \ •' ' minimum IS »o d. Mar. inv« t n;»r;«. tha' t ♦ • •« ' !. •.-• * 1 HI II \MM 1.11 h. \ f he.- " Red Tactics II oaldust 1 2 day, day 11.45 SSu *f At^giN^ • 2 mi 11 ■ »*»T sge nrxTAi. Hew«id. lien, i. trailer * in .1 v* 'Huf a voui h 1 til! ft rent. I' S uru 3 day. $1.45 Hot Iter Old Diplomats *• if «1 personal . The i« ? ■ ♦ day, $2.25 i< "a true r» v< m ' »-v. • a •I'.M't Vir:," V-. i.iitl. *'} 5 day, 12.50 r 1 . v inj: t»i h.-isl AI tUUlOMrR 4,n » »,.!» art to the sta r Kvpes 1! thc-i- «»v ♦ • ' .v. •. k • • a «!re*-e* at a •» whjr-.r " He J M RORI RT* .« .r Mptu ADDITIONAL CHAUGfS itrlwrrn J.3 »> m u»r tv he wonM ' * • t .\ 1 • *ti > nii if 1 pia 1 r k'e-isire in Kin hiivin«">4 %««*euted Prfw Newt Xnilv«l i.» li-r i'se»t Drive-in I XfpbA So- aac., woid ova, 15 winner* nw«.' fr->n i. . . t • The Western Forei^m Mil'. a* Geneva he a •> MF itxrsT IN 6c par day k, i'i ( u>.'bit, T nr I »,llf th vrire tii" |»• • • . . t If f- :,.'hf Hide the a *i }-«.»• see- V.I to rotitiisetj t,\ tt;e t»eeminirly < »f .OP of the >o\ je" " WW M TMOMRSOS lion* d JCVVfUR hepjune-- ale \ •• I ha! ai! l»ook* ha"- »• f<• deie^uti'ii: ft, proeetinral ma' woiii.in't fit/e Mia 'i automotive v inlef |fi?ere^;nr • "< in ;*< H ,1 j 1 . i'• 1.,1 . in 1.in - I■; ■ ' t! af to oiil liptiti- a* heitit Ai'hesot., t o. ! Ifiiie*. Anthopv _ prnvemi • t i«'M. H' >\ rt nt: : Aim l,f>*t»u»n nut in • 1 th.ike 1? Worth the 11Mir. a h .Ir.tuUI .»} I'aiett or t•eoi'k'e* HmIhiiIV » lr r , r r • • ..)(«.■ V, .• • KU AV! It.AHf ItV f aentefl " ex?rem*, I !: . *.41,d <»r'hl,i », (.la's, rtr. <.|«tf'«| C.reen 1 an ' ■»■ - ■! ■ l»l» ft'O'i ?"» tfloU' i •ollie J >: r t" J u >-.»■ f r » •» M'M-, ' *L-A. |\ * ' T't i Uh. 1 I.,, i". I • tor shy wntten .thai stijlie reroli !•»( in* .• ' ' « .'i-Mta .«i it I.; JS'I fs HD-AMllli M A '. ' s 4p»> r.y.r ir t- •' " tur«» to t f « \ ,t \ > . i it *! • !" re..*,. >aittlia I loll,1 han :• fan , ;«i $itv fn,, * (O 7 .-«• V AK11 J.A Vftf.sox - . be it." I g-i • aj a a P. .•>. |i ' r • k- tu ?-•?.» - e. i f ■ e, tig ... 'A- a A It 1 w'' '.V» H : ill! r * • v; • 4 iUir]ii"im Stale .\eps » up a> iurpr ** * » * lie * Just i , I s Ve • ■. on : rtnd.li. i. Mis.! w'i ?Mfc MOO MAi[ Other f>4tnrit liw" ' t : tj»>* Rr<,| llait. fo M»| (OIIclic HOY . t.iH A! f "t.VV Vi.in*.eteu housing" * t " e f!e 'v VA", r -a !e , p t J> .• i , e 'ake ■ ■ » ,t f.-gne.' ' W Tulttl I : » AS I..I. $ i kr POR RENT a • • P.- • 1- ,e ' t „«• ' f>.1 f , . *• e ' » T.o,,... VamU'd • f ' 0A IY plant (1 . •#«(»( p.p. ■ ra 7a; Woe c.'e; C are fiiii>t«ment«lly »«ratt*e •»« ti.e W*»* 1 We«terner ■> ei I»r IN a-4i«i V »I» t.. I R. A UOlNl C'FM,I •* Pt. 1 re> t t » . - ;■», •# rt» \.»l. ul, .No I! u» • , irppre-o. • % vg • * i. kt • •' 'tvg ai c; a i orrr r.i. t, * • '•'» REAL estate r f. f. - •e.ote-ate * cbf*/.* • •, • rp . I: » ( ^ A V A1; AH' f d S'lT ».» H • »Krw»« AHIA HE' .le, : I,v..a 4 .*1 uu. , Nh.rler, "employment ■ - ■ " ' I tV. "« ' f ■' *•' ». i.ietAd •b.n.t Jul. el lunat'urtlof. '-r-.e. T' •■••'1 dee l-t • *'» ! A1. VA I 'H K f H 111 A!. '«*'# i»»w« a .arte ta Wed » • • rt n »• , r #■ r.l »■ -g-# • -r; ... r HaUtP ■id frK «• a*e «.»4$ MfNti t,»r etnuifft t * r •« K . r ... » . I la |„» p, Alt t flV* • « • I :• nr • , AK» I A \s; pHOS ; A(i| I • -* t all P'ff W 1'mtfn « , r'l reh A." 'If '| • P a «- • en" A *> »t» 7- ■ ,1 eve Pur Hliutil* . . n J -s* A' • l-rnit* Tf.e ' H KM- IP At'AHTVIs; en a r nun st i v TtlMt f ithm i v on - • A lia.-i gy\ r*' r* ja r 14- « lr# r.rmt. 1 r r* v • MN r.„» IV V *44 ■ , tnrAt. HV-llh.il pvihlirhB APARTVIFS ; s*' ' r.i Hp- - 4 X- sea o-4 • "* 1 s , #.1-r IV i s,;; I; It V *7* f • rM ts e. * ' - U . A' n f4kE t'MVFP*!TV VI! • ' ■' "a g.-..It ?.i * I *1 . 1 .» , a " • • I V [,•» ,!*• E.-H * ■ -» ».!» . -'.as Tr* r li t t.#U*i»- E r: *•'* v >, H'..» r. " » i I •» • - V i .age 2 tx tlAAi.rTT TU w • a-1 !* . .'At ; ! i» to- .r ! VVAJM FOt'R IP « * ■ 1 -. a a*, ut.fv.r - . 1 • \D|H-al t.t Pi u|# a t } » ' El' ■ b ,.ii, * • out T ■ , . r,,I ;ip,/t- » H! i •• Ms- * (tiatanc* ' IN r-' •AH", VAf.J * • M .#»r «n Re-" 4' n« a Ce-tl ■ e »' 'a * rt 'r ' Et» 7 X>*1 .. . r.e» _ ' A " A H f I NT • |l» hS,»Hl« 1$ii » AMI SA. ' e 1 , #{><• Jkf.,, a, era* ft (Kitki *1." n#r ■» «r\«] .a«;n« „ . f' *,r . u, wJ \ s Use .* f >19 • a- p~ » or ' •*, « I ,,t •*::» ' Th£ ft-'. dinner^ - s-,i f : ,t . Para,, » . AN ' *• a a' e lis . .n# IV A-ftja* .A DELICIOUS SfUC'--'» AtROM I Only tJL °'\r t » han mm MAR At t t At"' * - »,'•! f " Attpn, »rt-a a * ivpvtM T. i t.Q - n tE y » ti. S»U0NUT SMC ' A*{ *'T A\ '* Slate ».*.■ Jor-ef • Hoi «, e*i iti, liojuiry of (.rush - , , , • t l> H* *■ ♦ is $ * « • • IJ OivfKiMi# A c Oi'sfll, it a -j ,, tt*-. i F* n'.r.a: I'M qH''4(a WJKJT * t IPtNO RY FVWICf ' I) l aunty in ?t » S3'i '' »- • i «• isjiKD APAn;wi.\r $ ,.r , r»ol »»r,r|o*e • in ^u.T fcirt'v ' 1 rllii- r H»r • . V"1 ■ lent* ' A' i: r: • ■ • ' ' * * it ' Pa- >a-s !., Un*. ID »•!«.' H'*tod I. II Fisnt * a sr. 4 |J II Give* li 4 h'a, , .. - « . w for sale TYPIHT ANN IROWN « A oftart 7-f'tv'rip t.re I'rom.Mftie 39 l!»*nrr Iliiiiliinil I'.rmr 4 • -e A • E . W M'vy t> GOLF CLWIS 4 ' 1 T'HA ' E ' "NEE ' - - -ec HOOMv e»,4f>« C-* erl" grid lhN4 liK P 4»-4r >s< . t#t - - , , ■ • . A M- * ! if I? Court*ay 40 Cewarua Ssiuwen el Vntirp> 1 Pw« * (*» as.,, A.r w " II Ueeful Pie, -• suiil 'lnr.\nisuhli' rial A;ta R, A ' v ! 4 • h». ■i-.nS -r Kr to p- « 4n,! \ \ P TV AND RADIO re'. • •' < I .ip"» * T •> i ■ i 'be A*. V., r g • ' 4 t J r- \ .» A:.'u!'« NW# to -tw 4A Habtttr Sneak,n| la* t-andt ! CVwi *» a leann tn,.i 0-, S* ts Room EUR r.IRL M*.m-,pr g,H| I tgr,n» Bar, «ut|.ng gr.d t». Mo ret michigan slate news tl On U s M K.in 2 Poem* it br,n.e d«rp It Iran»gie«» i U « . . of ED •Pe. ace » |» e. ceah e •® pe.i ■ »ri mt Metvn 4 it.t at . C .-' ' 7" vA ■T" 3JT 22 lluik tut "W *■.,»<. i, tMUam R**- 2* A age US ativanra f,»i te n t; fo» i» i • • I *, a",. r IN!-.-' r v..*aoio aiavr t -• y r Tjr J** St it ' >'•> - rnT'■*_«£* Wtabue Itomcg Mgaer r«-r» tu gtiKEcota. .. FD 7-UA54 ;« T:, b'i Pieaa. Awe aretf P:e»# 37 leiev \*ion agfe* Fre* r « A«>.. a sea gna ir.e 9 ' . U.J , i , 1.1 - : j i" « !.'4 TBAvrirt u t a* aftao open • A.m. t« • , , •h ,.,j , l U T*° fe-lrrH.- a T V. Tauhnsr.an* Co, > 1 , f?V L :* t Huratval houckoi I .liter Haiiatot| editor lis thief . Hill ( alUbaa JOHN HiC.S H.40W.M i: , a •* s.wdsr.g gut«r*TkgUc , i1 e«nd,f..m. c Mv.fr ngnv pmjm m- |"D 7-H.Mi ig4n IV T-UM ♦ r<^4, tiihmi - • llusine^s 1|4ti«;er Hard* C hrist at MtCtC'S UUNCtC*'* R" TT n .ffr ;.T" I'd* t irrHUtkn IMrrrtwr John Murph* 'H.uwran OHADr AftNv. Ml KT *f tX l*5a :^2 L TH. .at,—t* »' naca'nV. I | I i ll, 1, Paul Lesher • T. . FT »:• — i,> Ihr hlilur • n» tdaor and -di«, e l.s-ie -"i-,' S-.-e vi*Af DtOr OFF FOR Sl»* St® " | - • «. , r n i. k • . , ,r m« an .,r m .NisUi |Jt. >>l4te New* . Idiiwia %u*oie requevte 'i4.** >-'u" entir" *NuaUijr . — 1 U»,. Mult HaMi**«. | airs villi#!, ,i fauosat «r »r r.-|□ f Put It til l, vutiiitiUetl fur the N J tiafil, r4«* **•**' ♦ H*lUs !r , I Mtiuaf wii JJ" Fa.vUen! k.UMn » c«n- a*%0 wt spiciAiai in s» ':J I *»,„♦!* •UNOUl KM SIuJ"'* ' if" - w via*«2rec*r. *«,,,» ~1n 1 •| he n«l «vrr Jart nurds lon|, \«n. I4IUM i 4>tuf »u, ei>. • L,i'k.Kw*"* *• ***••' h»»i* s,#|, Nine* f- Ut-OHAill, C...O UUJVU.U oari.e* bl:thu*v« Mane ®ther 1V *-JI49 IV t latr »r^ r m Wt-rl *»4 " Pate trio, s4I,d. ttin, »4 r.;, de. 4-,.m. rg.tue* LOST and FOUND" 3 Pfl 1 i4*" ' 1 ! 1 1 j 1 A/«.*/»' Shi I f 4»« ^,»|i t HallM.h V*n4t* \,|hi N rid* Ifi-nl I dttor* i.nr W j« irrhirtn. uii.i m<" «» I- -*t b-aeiv KNGUAEI PIKE- CJkHHl IV Heawyrgbig »ril: Aiomwa cr;. [jT/ j lr*Mntnr ' S > I *,kin* 1t i J ' -£,,% •' r •K , 11 | ml, viever -a, B" e < , en.i tuna*.*. Wire I 4il»r« Ml,ion t M4« Nau*«at %ian*t»r h«u ,rTi\. ,1. ,• ,| i, ... ,.... ZZmziiZSn: I j□ Jx_|_i_i 4f Se: fe " ' • ldn.tr, . Ha*attl 4„4tt \|,,Ut Helmet, I - l",\l,„,u"k I an iff »* rr« tn(ton vtitlar si | vi*., > rednta I '"da ,,, Jm lotntdje. N all- anr.4rv rsas, 14iiof %4vrnoiN( Ifeura* Manaaer Urre «,hm ; ovt ?H ... I iviiT ..h.*,.u -no ®'f- A v ear. 'eave toi-trr*. 4-7 pni iro,* ->f igcuitv aWparme n»* Cf" ' Hill Hiriman ; !W3 VlNDAtaK PVNC.F » lu<. v'# % oV' ■ Cuk" It ?4» I\ 4-tags *' f*a«# w"> "criis.-. e-' C?I"L* English b'• - Jg Marg4. to ConU2 ' '* I Mic inc. an si air. ni;u* M»» 1« lr.1 fat* Thf»« Lewis Hits Labor 'Chastity Belt' WASHINGTON '1* r""'' '• p.'f •*•! ton* to t'StriW f,r given broad p .'.« : '•< « tild him. few is yrlil, the Infor¬ i',or.- Board H> 8 » A-ould * fa .Irn ;« " .'i,t /.if 'afegoai mation r on Id he used h* the ■if. v 1'- ^en . i» in • around the ' A*ked if be olijerted to rrnk- union * enemies »>f A-» • i < •• n v. ork« i ,u'd ing \|ine Worker* I mon fin I • . . • . he. • f . '.'i-m ;n -old t'nited ** i' ■' of no- aore* puhlir, l.ewi* *«id lie mi'r 1 W-i i ■ f iiii.fi »h»» f t i • go-.- Ha* advised again*! it by * Mine • A> I • Ha f.ahor Sun mn: ' • • ' e«pt.re no- 1,'r.ion a'torney nao.'-d ' h.ii.« * ?4-de'. 4.„g IfH-T. j, '<')•. i!i to (urti «»'" • 11,1 to j' .on v ou'd refit.' e " •o.o'ur'"* / t'/o-e Of r . ,P i ' » ond-t !•»' i ' './« i> I! *"»»d ' .#•'*• m «• pien'y of h» f f ifj ef? - • t«i handle n.i - ' • fUp' •Pla» fairly. *e flyera of the li«.' fie rouoselfrt Ia- .. s cJiiimI the 4 . . . M*lr S»*1 Plinln *, |U«« M«lii«r 1 in: HOI si: being visited here i* nnlv one of 1,1 "••Mrried to ap'»thR'ee«- rnomritf local rruil-nli to fi.r nun* area hmiw* being canvassed .,y 4 p,irl Uk«- |)» Of 4I|I ■.'•aringi ai lv.later! rj*e». d MAKft. I HI. Hilly 4(4ill*t til tlP If IliOM* h* tlaVlllg ||,r Greek Meek C ommunity |*r»jrrt. the * rav* taken. ir.v>.Iv4r jf on'v "the lilt8* of the U. #vetf ef.t '• Mlf ll|i4%S hi ATE MM He l.kened the ft ickef* '' • . ||C Sin" Scltethilcil Toni»lil . A CjI ft MOUSING Iflftir ♦ . },< a led by .V n John S.!f - ' e , 11>.Ark», to 'the '■ a « .«*: mt unit' the Tudor hit,.: , Creeks Of tfOH Pay Trilmle la Cads I, atsle, .'h I.ewU a .•(■.!! ' • u< n showed h»* old deliveririf hi* argument* of the Sparii ftchtio« ,. 11.- )Vilh J'all II eek af Festivities v ith their «|Me«lioriing. a the rommittee member* wary barbed thru*! that matte in •V poii.*. * e •». t b , ■■ • f• ..viTi.'v S.n.r wi.i fw! j i »h ml West t ir i le llrt»e . le.i", *.t I i. li r ■ -y- with n.ir . 4ruiiof| In <»|«| < ollrgr lie Id. . n i i i'%M%a n* j 11 * . will ' J. ' If IT* • . o:|, « X in t':f» liii'lilfjj .. . t»e the first event. i o 3 hMT t'l SJ|M O'I J.;m.S;ilg ■' H'cti'n • '1: tiny rose hud in hi* lapel. I.ewia ould he put in operation by . i t' i or • I'j'iI. The photo was requirement* ■a. l)< o. sometime* with a pounding fi»|. I irt .eve a. »,en *"u "a' j « In "I | ».ng their prtte-w inning mIo- intermission. I hr v ■4 • nrej's • ,# vu.re vf 70 ;Rg n,.,. - .1 Ijlaralifia, If Ir visit m. Utttim i Ralph's "KEW'PEE" Cafeteria \ . during -Medicine Holds tjon* I winter term scholarship im¬ provement trophy will hr pie- vl '*.e f ■. .* l.boiMn v. l -f liar a : n A if.e ' e; ,• ar.' « • • ■i m ; ! a i'rf'n.iiffi » jt i'f 1 >• Milt and "...•o * v, arjy**'" * »: 1'f'V/rtfti •ented and new members of t'erd bg !a'».r cur.'f.i i- - t/di Art-. r.reen Helmet will hr Upprd I lonors Convocation - < A'.:i""-, ' rw/ ko*j ti DELICIOUS 1T *1 S a*e ba r,, e •. , e I TfcP r- progtarn wi.« be I;:GH Pt'.Mjt.P'iHiP ajfa.'.»* 'be ;a.'.r, t/-v:i aai't r- • \ »r,d winning «.»I** ' • "l ight*-eight page* «*f misery be ; *vt<1 over Wll,S I II- . . ■>' r ' ur- I ' " m ,1', «■'" t he ' o i-yv »,f \ i ' nr. for mem'eer* of labor union* ' "*> «.[>• ?ri v.til a Bo apt**' r . • M*- •- a ' I ,'i • ■ ->.ji'h* .n 'ho I,;'Our «« the war lewi* de*«ribed a * I t*f si rt ii p I . V; ' M * i WMSH bill sponsored by I hairmanf.ra- II- A ' The be pii b I ft Had.o will broach -*•- ' ■ * |vr.r ' ' • a ililifjer ham Harden «ll-M i af the I»«i«mI | llllil • f :i "i« ' ,»>l. H' i'.H * A I . • . I : i: 4lidih, . House l abor ( *mmitUe. | ,*t? fehrrrrion. Alpha Ha- • i (^nalilv Kc*d*«»f)dir!« ' 1 ' ■.".4? » T -K !• rhi.rr- .fi «»f lie v . •• \e'- Block and Itridlc * I' A GASOLINE - 'J.ia- I i .#»»*••. .'tne ptHiim »!•'' I ,41 A e'.-'.' a? J • r. i 1 Knida. Ji K »;•{»■ I'M, i - I Drill*mail*- |*«io|r% fc#r Ilruogrrl I Carol N*i*on, Alpha I<« a .o.n, ar.d Given llaniialt . ■ . • lla* lowest f'rire* In Town *• pi, reerflttry: Mike - •• f.*' • ; epsfiiiof f. t it * i ttri4 Chi Alpha. r.« r «, !. *•*t trirvi.'■,'»r;; Ed Barton. F • - » - of • -;e »*4*■:* •'»- Bull Picture ' .if, ; r-mratna; Chiidt I* ■'< sv..r>., Kapr*a SiC"»*» f>e*« •>' ' ••* ' * - 2S\, .32",,i. **' a.tv, a.-.'Ml:. .■ ■ . §m decoration*. MOKiK c»ll f. yn 'be *' »> ' r UHnetdrr •tenlnr wrnritr Presenting the award* will he » » a *4 fralrrnit* member* held e\- fir. Ilenrik ^Ufseth. pr«fe»*or a'.rtuaJ fi'-ek a"1 ft 30 * -nigh- a- •{*. • V •• The most desirable eandidate* 2ifn!ran *jI vHant# dinner*, for whirh four^ I rlrriimrians' of health mi' rohiologt |lr Konald C,e**ert. I p- and puhlir *: F F.*r. • - .v. he said rerord in will have • *ue/es*ful both hro«drasting and •r five aornrttv wamen from J'din c urn pan* I'r Pot»ert It p». r • }* • p - • Cigaffllm* per p.t'k ewh home "e^rhantted'' hou*e* tear huig. «ith an equal number of fra¬ II /I'fN Ham *hirmer 4iid professor of turgerr medione and head of the ».f • J • V v fin fHl 21r 's :» n 1.4,0 1 i|t. ;ind up " •«t o ternity men. i- d small animal etinii llr >|ark . hloe Is* t „f < ' r I I'llT Drum's ea Tr* «e>rr rid annual f-n / • I I.nut I'lat t I \lrrl ) tmr f riftith limes professor of siirger* anil •it* on r.rand f:. v e' to me tt t*' *ei «-it neid 4 " mrdinne «i>d I'r Wade Hrir.her in ir.d see C all ■ naart. T^ua }ean * r« , r.e »' •. |.r..fe*s"r and head of turgeig r-jhtir*c!f*.f tha ♦uherrulos i* - »• and medi'ine a-.d Bi"id.e f.-'». • 1*. V. W. A Air -i F *1 J» Je'-'e •« I>r J »r- ■ 0 tor fun -iii'l f,-ll,»s»»l,i|, KQDL KR08SW0RD No. 27 'I e * I' ! *;• •» I' . be > o? r,.<.aa/'- l.lll.K |'Far tr.t ar.d j>#*rtinemt f,.n j, S a an s-'. *"*•' e» <;«! ACtOiT • out T-B to hoti**-* through"U£ ' A • ♦ "4 T'.e 'a far ' nor IHIKS tot MIOII | t a F»«t Lanaing c a-Chairmea area. j,.-- ( h«. « I '*e e ,, f. j,r B .«ni ' ? Come put this weekend -. . bring your af (ha pro>ert a vb'htt v I>r fhar.e* < » Mi. friend*, k very one goes for thi* great game "a Jaaa bprnrrr. Alpha Omi- "I H/i! It * -IS—a: « I - - ft k » Schr.ir*. Bneden 1 or.paQ/ iNmtrr the pleasure ml galf driving m Hs^s-t u H reoa fi. and Vkan Haber, Pht modem tee# the mini*tor* game a-,-: Ml*. (a«y*-£.a Cortoa. •ur »r 14 » M kappa Taa. Hum Payne. At- •a the Wcikl.D n Mkt'ttr ruuraa. pet- It I - • • t ■ H»a Phi. and Tadd Rrallnc. PM m 'r.p— ' .'.J I IVcifn Namrcl lo N.E.C. « ,r* -a Imrway I pdlaw, a r« a . ptanned tha eirhania It '* e«t|4 " * * golf range is* t B; .e. - ' I-k »• ir. bh H,-r. loarence j- •( • f. «' r If 'A ' ' •.T* rwn :.a. e r»eon hotrod t» I'f mile* east of Last laming M It 1< " * . « Altrnd* Wrilrr** I • • e*e, .,* .e ' v ."•..''ev of tr.e \ • Nau«.rr«al F etf»n- i Totten, rd.tor for f • Vre e *•'' be old .It Chi C."nt.n4:ng *•>.*,rtr.rrit c»f ir.formati'm * *«, Education Servu-e, been admitted to tre , 4„ , . »> • -i i'. - of • e ) m«kf I' t Dr H drr .. v SPECIAL PURCHASE i e; - '.tee aid fir Y-.r. Ter*cfi B-rad ls>»t Writer*' Confermce - e**i:-a'-ve var frw.Jtii'. tf 100% Wool Mi-4?* :: y, a: M»dd:.burjL, t' NEC". ege, M.dcSlebury, Vermont. s A-«a M S — • BLAZERS Dry Clean Now! KeS. .SI7.UK FREE STORAGE NOW ONLY S 11 SA'TQW FROM SfSw'TiESA.tinER HOIS TO FREE MolhpraofiRC 10b la-li IiiM-uunl Ijuyli at I lie U'raliirr • f -. • KQDL l.i l t» P aler- * • * U hile. reil. njy» I'ruuf Tour I oals. • A» coel a---i u a >rtrA el ?rwa a-r binl, Now Availjl.lf >i/e- U-14, • F:r*«#. oaf tabajca r«ud rwfrenn vn&'Ad ^ t ree I'arkiug At Rear a—a v^e ww-t t-6w*. tnerwl f•«• 1 Gonpare Our l'riff p W*i rorr |nJf i Bobette Shop par tarowt ytrar tfiroat ret retr*M*eatriaei f | ^ One Hour Martinizing ^ 127 E. Grand River Eas| l an-inv Om€ficflS Mod "Rsfehirig 13 LUCON TNEATRE MJGK Nr\l lo I ani|ius Book Store ,,.«wto a it •r*itti ^ A r i Squad Assembly mkiiimw statu M us Apt "S|ijnTinj5" M Mar l«. I1.M IMBf I »»l Old Timers 0 jw Major League Floyd Meets i Id re (hie For Spring Classic With Fiarsifj jjN^ ?. Standings . M -15\ i. \i(i(y gistin- n V r AMMHI AN \\ I I %« HT; I IM \ 11111 v II U 1» w;ri. I I'll IT IS II \lil» TO l»i:i ITV 1:. l»»«t t» nppe.irn ivrtnin tmu Mint Moyil I'iittii on 1 I'oinj I" defend hit tit It* npjtiii I CM Alum Star C'lfVflnnd Its 't .Ml) Itilw 411 Iter |ii ID hi . a wiirthwhili' opponent. ' f hirago Baltimore Washington Its II l.i I? ! ■» II ,'t.l ,.M7 X-!,Os Angrlrx 1.1 it ( I r.itielseit iiiririM.ili |K 1 ' I. II ill: nun ,vt»; r.l'i Tim liniil. chnliilnl for N'.-w ^ «rk .hue M*», It l^inf li.'illv li'iiicd ;i the i-p'Tifi 1 mh.Tii.tiI'tiiiii I'irhi for the wml.t - V■ifsPractice Hnalon Kan*** flly I* II II 11 lii ? Ill) ( filr.it; •» fall sloairt; la II. i 1. ll • .Hi! in lloaV.MVrij'ht title I'Vrl-. I li •« IMiif .h'liall Mill til' Svvi'ili-I. it llii' L'lialliMijfi'r Jittil l»o> pMinioti'i Hill !»• •'riiMofili i.i c%|Ml u In Stadiu \>w V«rk tt-ll IID I'hlliirlr Ig.hl.i 11 11. HI7 iajr a inillinti-il'illar pate. ■ IlKTMOir 11 17 1IU SI I .Mill* in 11 ,:nr. WlliM sllU's III «il I Is %-I'Mtint; nlfht /mum' To claim that Ihh v\ill lie tin- iri'i'iitcst (ntornalional 14,000 Espmid fhlr.ir'i I. Minion " WI liM Mi \\ '•» III t I t* ficavvwcij'ht eliani|M>»h 'lii|i lij'ht t - «}M• i« a chini at It. it. Cor Suliir.l.u | ,i. I t tile a 1 in ill 11 III INnll lit W.*«lllN|lnll, |m»\I(muni I'llll llll I|||||.I ll Alter all. the match hot wren Anmntina's I a lis I-'irpu ami riiiTi London, in i\ lonmh He is a hand oine, in- for their initi. lellipenl 1»11 tin im;in with a rood lookiup pill friend, i ll Weflnesdav n!' Warriors Sign (iliuiiilierhiiii of which cstahli die • Inpiinai .« ;i favnritr with I he ptihhe. Spartan Stailiuri lie move- fad and piick .. i:li npht and tiinnv liovmc |)lf>l.!e, sin »JI \ rilir.ADK!.PfllA M'i •• W I) A |.i 1 in ll).V). ixp«<' • (Tlio Stilt) Chamln-1 l.iin, Mt.n expert rive him it pood ehiiliee t<> dele.i! |''|o\'d. This it elf crew to airive f 11 ml, two Inch tiiivki'tii.i l st in, I. IMIpreeeileilteiJ. Wednesday mainmi? woi-koiP> iigni-d wdii He And I here i no preat ptihlie iiitmient fa\ori»ip I'attee. S.'ii'irdav s 2 j» tn Philadelphia Wanior. i"i iimh oil ll.- hie foiiplil inliecpieiitly, and his tnanap"!. t u fhnii $.K).1H)0, making tniu Hie If.e Old Tinn.'i . highest paid plaver in the hi I»'Am.it". Inn weaned the public with hi hatth • aeain i hldlr S>1*« I'hrilH hv IMVF Wrlltcr nty. tnr.v of tile National Ihu-kethoil the lntei iiatioii.il Hoxinj' ( Int. .mil ALhIi on Square Carde). J NINdU'sKI. (Mil Thner niMrtrrtiark si ml iipmi^i'i prarlirr fur thr Old Timers' rl»*h The rnarh and he •/rl A'tn. In slioil, the ptihlie would like another natiiiieil ji. il m b I. . in - iitlii r nl tin ( IivcUimI llrriu lis. Willi (lie Mndngan State vanity Saturday. %i*tant*. whiih ei.i.v,>n m Prior to rhmnhcrjnln v > i»•" lie, arm ir» « tn Mrd- Mnow *ki. Norm M.v.* - tts |)em|. e>, l.oni and Hock M.iii iano. Ineemai' .!i»h;m . mi m-asIiiii i log, Molt tVintsy'.M reported - Paul A1 . Oil Would I'll till- hill. e\ oil Ill I holil Swedill. ( urrie and B«>h I n«-nii,.j.< 1 linn phi* was considered the the VV.ii i-nnt'dent that tlicir Ill I \ ICTOIO l"i' I he Swede i far I l oin ii uireil. h< »i|uad will h treat ti:c E !(d>l)ic. Sluiw Hurl * 'pile the tune it took Halter...n to finish off London M.. (tstrs, 11 (MM) fan* In a (toi j NOW llim SATI7|(I»AV!| STATE I, I'loVtl looked shill'p in the etieiMilltel'. He laj.| haek too font hall. much, and he missed at tune . hut hi. flurne v err sharp Ftcl Stablty, «, 2 Illli ATTIMCTIONS! ShuLmils; Tigers Rained Out • I lit ST and hew |ldei'inpl\ la ' I Vidian tie llii informal ion M-r. ||4»\ IT realj" t.ei SllOtV that thr Old Tin . tested, hip all the same he i a talented champion ai 7 fit) I'M — i»;»r with any ?•> » III iy ll I lie o||e III t he lie t. Hie-game, halfn i M MlJIIUI ■ itXHAKO tCIK 1 Althoii.'li it .v. ju'vei known i> forehand how pond a fi lit ti I* ninp. I.;s inn of game tcrerii'-rues ■ 'in- liei la'. NiiiKic a. the i I..* r.a viarn ill lit Rimick • Paisfca OmnSi . .. w I.e. t ni one h.t aionn • d more nit»•»■»■■.( than in afternoon «>f It -• hea\ \ Wejph! t/oiil inc. .Mali' iano foii"iit Archie Moon editor says. The fiiatiti wrn p|»ei| it up h.- frf.h M.ing, Uihl'vlde eat ai'e velliHJ' fol There vv I lie fj s. l'"l. ai d 1 hi Could he t ll earl* with fur first lrtnii)K« runs SI I V like 11VI . senfu'ion tifa r< t fir-t inilhoii-dollar pate inc. tIn . olid I out ..llll mate aiaurisl ex-teammate Ruhen (iu- iiimp run a I'.oil 10 trainvt Jack H«v in HHL (Aliin iiiiio million dollar "pate" included leievi iiii*/. \ three-run hunter lit Uti¬ -c I.i'N '4-1- : It. I- formani e t>y the p le* Ma.Vfc wa* ttie tile hit. Iron i ' >.i|Jl[!(ll t'l f.urfh |»'.i e 2', >ion and motion picture nnupt and awarding of UaKiier at vi homered. In the *»e- irr.eji off the lead, and , half , The prediction here i that I l"\il will win. twit riot until game ja rforn.era. iiiul off linn ( ai dwell who re- ■ en La '.a. I ' thud-piacn litter hi. luiipliest fiph?, and tn.it l.e Will t..III new re The team of I pect lie\nt loxer fiiimei <()-2». i.arst* The Ciii. that tin* gathere-i as hea\ \ weiphf idiampi"ii. Itul whiitnef tile iMitriime, the II,.-.- . i a! nail O.e . oi.lv Din- (.( c«i»jrt>»nlK th.rd annual co/r interest in it will hem c |II h"Mii" " A •fiUi'l ?h-• Kerll. . f he h' ii\ VW i ipiif liavoc in SC a w iio ii;;. !4 !« he? a;,- any pr . t illc poe -ai giie hoMli" l ' he ot ! -repealed ■ . . tpi.ee acci'ed- ai !;-,.• V'f.de S,.*' etire. it i'i! to Nat I leisclmi. La • M.ie j. uiie edit or. fin the line are .u.i, tiip, f a 1 f ". g /neh, ilidr. { w.iik a man . It i-i a s|mck, tlumph, to t mil Ilan < urrie, Norm M. attiit on tit eel nip a wort h the .r. ■ a 111 tic U title S'»x oi and an nr.I FJIA nupht pet into hi. . V oil low . Slip It' iL-hillsol \ u.c.. ,ki | > i, ii ;t li- oliiir. ( ifa r l iters Srll DoU\ tine nf the five xinglex nff I'arker*; Boh Jewctt .une rum :di t al'tueti I '.a -lllo. f arey of the ( hiun* I'.- r, l.i(i«| IimIMii*. wlio w rr rained Shaw «»« hv Ted Wtllistrnv. hi* •nil 41 Nr« V>rk. two wthiT 'I'tt II liili' Sox tir*t hit «f the year. Iwur run- Tom Saidork of the I i..,ivi] p»str»i!liei| — Eatln. I ill..-. Orli/ Si;;.. o.tev alvt W«*lr oerutile talngley (ave ( hlrato SWIM TRUNKS h*. I ii * 41 IVdUmnre and nrbiorr i* — ti..- n.-* twn run* In the firxt inninf and Hacks that p'.a. , knh patrick • (*>..» lister • fcj.«.'campbi ll»b-ty on, davits 11) Mrrl in Jill..- Ill -anil at Ua init'lmi pinned the |u*x nil I rank Sulli¬ I.eroy Huiden ski of *: • M.mia».«vi!«*.»• **•*!.*» . van (1-2). the Clov« SIIMIAV S2.95 up ' M W Mil V, « 1,(1(10 invc . Spahn >s iir.lv the third !e?'v to po,*.t us ii,a- v a> 2 .0 win* in Karl MormlI and <. the fjofe. V .• "auntie name" tn»* <2W> se-'.c-r ant rsnuit Cart f'-njoi Hl*rv Hutdxl (2r>3) r/.vk and ("tareni Kagles. Hert /.• *- . STAItltINC . . . ItOSAMM. III ssia I, VARSITY SHOP r:p Clev* tr;. a-e -tse other t.v- Sj/af.n, who Wastungton Zur to of the ll. Red . !<«>w ha* *• 4-4 r»-<-orx .-mnaufi" e.i the Id Malhew*, a walk and aarri- Fourteen Of tr • Tl»-I;»l inn. now miowim, op'.-'lisng of firm hunwrTuiM Ifon fire lied the *rure l»r the Brave* were memtn rs of " j.ickv'i. jfkliunaffclu of tf,»« In the fourth. Bill* Brutou'a tan team, iwluduv 1 W. H. Hudson's unforgettable story of South America 1 Afneri.*an A>*n. tn make room Immer won the game in U»e l.v. Arch Ma Is os, eighth. Art Joni ron, Sam V.. • K/wi/.niystcrioiu as she was beautiful ...of the strange secret Jim Wulff. that lay hidden in a lur^Dttcn laud unknown to man. Thirty-tig ••pliemof named to the Spartan turn ter announced thi« »»> none will appear in thr *■*' 11 huffy Itaughertv v»:„ MarouiiiMiMkn ' "A* again*! the alunuu ton un HLfUN-silvan! mangano vivlca UNDfORS gloflrly iijrne The starters i • should be ends \ •; A , and r>«ve North- * * Tminitumv is siri'KiMititii.tiN ham Palmer py!e and guards. Mickey V/- /-.* ob¬ Sr» Two Krnlurrs — All llay I'mirw tain Don Wright. • ' > MT'KIMIAIK.AIN hay! Wliks, quartertaick *!' ■■ T hatfbark Herb A * Boh Bercich or J 11 tin. us 11.w scuiaii i.i:: fullback Blanche .v "tkmi'kst" l:2li.5:l2 !i:l.J Gary Ballrnan. "alias jkssk jamks" and Randy Ma« k . a 11 tie. mores who will s»e the second team. Admission to th» k-. BOB HOPE RHONDA FLEMING tor adult* and 50c ? ' Ul Ai Expel Oar Tmm Ynr *TR«rt ihknoi c*| ■fFcialixai la tunc rtpur*. IM hha pat jrourar'l (mm far (iw »ui *»| (bar afeMi. Una. Btnr u4*e| . 0 Mill Yri th ci a- 3 ) Biw 10 Next obsmen Edge Irish, 5-4, Golfers ul Michigan For Final Matches ith tloiiczka's Last-Inning Rally fa Michigan Statft'* or,r:<* {loptpn s*olf "rjuad tmveU to Ann Arbor thje uenkemi for i"« final rt'K'iiar Hp«»on match of the dpaeori. Th«- r M'.»l r ev v. a 'i;» . 1 Russians # f.r* t»# fuir *aend DeV' HifUreaks 1 Hit ifo 'rt- S;i«r*afi • '.t f I 'fir, ft , of M Exercise B r 'fit «• •' '»? • • * y Dradlork f'oarh Men Van g|*tyn# a link* On Breaks learn. I I for the *ea*on already hold* one win over ea#h Wl»- I H|llo» llollllT". »on*ln and fpetrolt tan* nipped th# fladg#r*. Ik'*- Th# Spar¬ ,sink« (ifl« W in M V'lliK .V>-A\»-r' I"'1. a' Northw#at#rn and hum- llr i'i'lit?. j»re*ii!ei.t of ♦>!•* hied M#trolt h#f#. TtA, laat i t| flljld ' orn- w ##k |{«ih Monr*kn'« twiwn,! In tHp Inittom of tii#» f, • »?•»**- rt t hoiH with '■I. .♦..gaff •». r" ,v * ff,' *'rf*r I on. r- * jo:m if" if'Jt i'1 *la»a Natsy Pho'o hi lies# W»li-.-f » .e opjpei..'.i'f. f .* o' ■* e r 'h inniny tnt\* the Spnr. f'.fl I IIOK IIKISH the return of toiler from V4e*tern f» !;» the l:t|4.»n* ha\«- it nn»»e« e Spaf'en*. ar.-: Be'V#-* ' # A"'' - I>**ebgll ti»*m h rom#. tfiihicarii lobn f imk llotrbki** lost bit matrh t-J, '.-1 but the e • r-«. »",rrwj ., ,>fr4 r.-, •» «ll . 'ie.-j ..*h * I i»*i I" f • ...» behind .V4 \ irtorv mv.t spartan* won the rrial'h U-T •f flfff • g ' fe;' tr # t :»••• or»*i»k' I*.* 2 ' r# I fume W>dne««l#4\ #• < ' g •: *# 1. Sa' ifdP g 1/ Ncl e • ' |»'.i . ■ ivilrir* l->W 4. :»g and through «.«»*' «»i fiPVPi at|4-»i| - ' S(|iiad Scores \\ in - w • 4 .' 1 -.4 . 1 a' .' " • »• - *« '• - a • -Jili■: r I. » ...hrim'rrp ratchet r^r hnm# ff*n '' • i 4 . *•! -r Over llroncos, 6-5 a*. •f.e VI' Ie*i?' l.'.'va.ii 'J • unking linn **> a- K ' H A«e f k SMITH % »♦ .$»4tf'( lr*m Muuuw r . rt< ■ fit ''f> th«« • 1 aim* at Wot serin#* II N.ii#* . . too , 4 ? f'. e •*"*T v |uoi .g'.#--t »u #l#r*wd • »-i four hit*. ifWlnO.i.jt li'lurtrt tit th» *«vi»l I fllun Yoor ' '>M#r ai i#upi'»* * ■ • '/f V.e .n 1>V5 *>7 li» t \I?ft V Mil.i.»it er r»v#f the nght fie in fe-i • «: .argea- rr«»fg.r, IP. lie II- • 1,* v.# yr#,: if,| Inch «t«rting hui.i • .J. ' . »-! V .»,an m favor tit Ni'k P.«. • • ; ♦ Tfi f../,«1, who beet th# St a'# • r. «'4'» I'lv.tct I, ' |>4 » W'll ff ',»•# «erk at South Bend • t ^tll'l|t>V|tlKI fll || III. Ill R Vladr ( a,-.- I",-, 'ifr- 4 arlwriglit »llilr* lr»l«» Ihinl IM.I.SOM COLLMK Of ba^e Wednesday after relehtalinr hi* f»r»l «|arliiig auiinmrnl with Manrgka. ek* rem# Into the a long b'a*t |«( ||tf renter field orroMrrir RAnrhhUler f»r Mart feme Irish third baseman l»ann» nlrkfr Jim €*mi»l*m In the llaian awaits the kunu I artwricht hail another hit and twin# ant iim.,i».fr »*#• aeeiwaflawc f*e on base the H* •• '-* U .•• # aaaea kf|Wtia| \ thlh greeted Pelihnkh with on error* a* spartan* upset Notre Mime VI •p»e*«r |. lkt» ara as* kaiag • inning blow. Hannan ah I » f aplln a Wfpbwnor# like ratai.#4 L.rbed (He looa eng ticket ■smith" ha* been «ho»#tinf tn the I.nk«. foorth «*pnrU» pitcher In It.eilio \|u*| >ij»n In the double* plaa. the onl* -taa' »•■*•*# *f p»s*eaa4*wal Mr nurntier one *pot and aseragirf Ma«.ag >• laa gagraa L .rk In Ike i»me. gnl rredll lor ^(tartan tearn able to ram# up *irf»ae* per round laek Rey¬ Ihelar of hgvwgetff w,th vp tor* the fl«ren- linhinstm a w a* Jh# «tn ■»-drp Dame *huh » s liriiisltilniiciil v- ho h*0 I hit* matie r>» Wekrf «t*ita Krundare to the »n hoef - Me*# all defeated Moore M"rn* r orn hi nation t * T he b*"! » nolds. rett lad lirn k'hmidt. hi') Baldwin and Bar¬ Ma"* IJ.II Kl'Na ha»e been the other rrair tn.fd !o*» in I* outn.g* We *»et I ni«D and Iron • nrtain ll'»tf i.k i*» w»» the lone »• w< ipi May fa 94*0 IhjHinIs , |, **ja v, • ••arter Koreil nn Ufte»fr.e»i t>»n SaikeM f- > - on Scftl. 21 liiihl aateilite* er* ' |f«i« Ihea^do that 4 artaia « ^witrr, in e ton. hvrr in ti.e in •«.((!*« Nn | lie poiition w a« ilefeated hi |«hn alar* of the t#arn 1' g«- » . *0 -t" far • *• . " »»>« *a I*IIAktl w» lain •* ig»i- f of W e»terri : 4 inning on • nn-k o ■•• eten ( hm* nf.fe •, ; fc a« a**r«. it lyar.fwa ••- -f.ee end fielder • . r •• e - • • • e ' • I, »"t a* 4 f inal 4 • are-red en unearned *a • ft* »*t*efr» w IfltlTf 41 he third feeturing h .. ■ 1 »f• w opwatirf ». » f *« raa mimi ■0 f^.l/ten er 4 Dean In"*1 • 'if* .4 l.i.MSI Iri*h regained the #4 • *fh. imr»ng • run <*. ' .BA 1 •• and • walk A' ' - ♦ . h 1 . Pick keleer M »IUi I ha*e I'ohiusnn won the frown from riiiiiiitMI- \<>ip jtfs/eunan*ig _>« h«ll* eng fiene iPoff*. dimi ftasiltu ^|arlh PI* but ha*- kuiM* lri*k MMrihpnw Mugger n I fought »inre \lnlniiii ilnli- I'ii nn neg i kit in right thai akipped Ike fenne nn ene hnnnre Track Title Stale " far owl H id* f artwrtfh!. of feeefc of ge tender News SAVE ... on one of the lor one thing aithmnh R«»h- 'he runnert ''■dad third on * g-<» .♦ I wet# he a in*on rrete ha* tigned etiden.e that I hate no Itmlni •<>■> i* world's finest dinnerwares ..e double Jerk Gno'ei * • «gied 'O -eft minute* *'# going U» fight him It takes two to make a eontrert and it take* -a. g Se.rer. hut Jot.n r.e-e- » eg e r>e pie'* nailed DuP le it Uf make a "tight e.«*». ^'Ting to pan* horn* V fe Dome rr.a-le »t t ! !n f e «. fei'r.g t«o run* o'. " te a in the Infield. S.ng »-* •• Intramural Cart»rigtM and Bill S< r,- : ■ I h'e *> pry* en Irtek rete !• thp bottom b«e>o e »' • ff Results r>eia e'en#a, geitm* tie fega • hip g*oee-w»nrung rail*. I the ha*#e R f'f n I li".i' ksiM.* • or i it % 11 Km,»r« t pax *> Intramural ■ 4 \< I* , Slw|f« 4 • >f ( fkifi I ill Etih ppp 4m to the Uilrg m ■ ••f pp twp walk a a*g a hit. ruenMM it Hedroe I M * i. Marker iT \ V U \ I •. •ghiff la ehah t« th# ahawer* gn4 Whihg In rpMefee Cretg ftep ikwir |g taaa Irtek #•> Schedule H ... R nh Ski > i liiMks 4 * %\ if % i 4 RuMeruatd || «... a iifvivfa.. f *w-»ar« -;•» •• *re '.»• *««a ' «•-» * 4 ttflritt pMh Mth« Qraatt. Greae. » i i .»r •» flol. (.men »,ff *1an»r M• » 4<•>«>• . f'*"gH IP Uh pt parang bam r»'l»i «»*»* » >»h a vt •«!.». - . . • . i eg *ha tgarha faathall ka*# I .) 11 s p.i»i • «,fr f »•. ■*• »r# •»»*• «ll agar thrav I1>*>1«4 «-»r Hfil th Urn plet# far «• awi. *« » *«M*a Pi' " • .i r m * » »• V Ml I.I % H«l I tiH i i e- • ? *>-*» — t l«» «ef If l h, frnLn fleag hp fir*I. ton '•'* kki »»» ( IV* i . * R'««4 lio> * liM t tie rut *« i« * H I I* 4ef k iif 11-1! 1.4 l Jr, V --a1 ^ painu GranPr, but Brhudlh i *»' ' » |i» » H" 1 «» II i Pill *e' lllll. Il-I* li * ►•-*ag hpra harm, mp^ir.g •"•^-e pttPMiphng W> area* Jor.n n »»• i *4K »« '• uninmi i 1,1 m s*W •. < t*') I i % i H, Hi* »k»t erf Pk t » P IV* Uriel* t*.|| SPRING SALE r *♦»# p!pr. r a w RatAer ' »* Hs*e*' * "th I p4»M.* » »1 *»'' »• Spartpna, *ho d p# i • „ p W m Pai»i#f 4 »« R-reer • parr* *t4tp. g.J. Tuevley. r- * of famous (.•« ? < •»«rt ♦ ""ti -eroff B:g 10 p'ev frinev sfrr |f»'er. e re!|pr-r|weil#r Purdue The* mee' en* • y I » sua* «*#■ «*»* r.ym < II I ! *» >• »» I 4 l eort 4 I «'« ">•* I"* ' • • One Bio« East Of Campus M . W *««• « eirvglp gar># end runner-up • HI* 4 ». W S0». • rfl I gotthleheet9r. W *t4« I *« * * IV* "" -n ;*.*»■ * f«r;. i" 4 ■' ■ TRANSLUCENT WHITE CNMA Arzberg • u met v ACdttioi. ' > ••• Am t rt-*, -'■■■uir-ivrtu; . 'trw? cr.'V-f- »r ' - r * " Hrgiilnr frier $25.80 19* ¥' 1CKKT MS UNTft. HAY 23 ONLY > our f a v, r; V r, * I. j p' * ecv e« k; cvn v e r* UNDKR TH* CLOCK t , ■kaad* tad th* holMltyt colUr. l-w M-- -k-sT*A^fp4tf.ure» IMIggg SERVICE fgr FOUR trt to nauch mora fun ui I Collar*. Irut: Ijf ' a" *:.»»-<'* p'i t' a'.; eff4- .. f> 4*:ri F'.-r*.^rt* ''*45 arMCai -*i""®aue ef Nht Now York if you Hop at '| 'ev.i". •--* !•; P..«*r*.gr a««l #*or#«" kif Xht BUonorf traditional fttontf ' iC etdV-r. *' .rt _s. »*' r *.* 4 -al " • as* . f| t tfws#* Of X* e.e-y* t'tra-".* *:'t av,i Sart-r#-. N. ga* HQai| »■««• a* twy ctmpuj ui !J4 . A varielv of jprtnlw, plam er' f '..•eJiUfi' A *. ,T< ;.*»**~4iPL "wf-.' >K«J* *'g couttry' KofMOuitl, uti rtiUarn pad pUto - hitf $ Vyi'.'.fnJ f.r ..Tk-l«: it**.'-.* &■«;• it s*. *» at tp.a i»*i ai WntI to our Colin* Dtpartn.r.l *;*t A.wan a»a...sa wy*a »—g CfVltAL tTATIOS h *• * '• KU 2-6647 SMALL'S 211 SOI TH W ASHINGTON AVt.Nl K ^tUhtonarwiH. JOT >oulK \^p*hingt#0 A*t. 00flkS T'f Berries g Perk Lee4 Hvr) M A***". PrttdetU