Fa-V: MSU Athlete Goes to Indians I- «V' Usui «»»!■ >«$ Luplow Signs Contract for $25,000 Al l.uplutt-, ci'titfi fiddi r ami I»ji «*imH truio, aipn«'«l a Iioiiih contract with the (T«*viT;»ti»l hitler on fh# MHIf ha tit, > M 1 od had hall '"},mpu». there v.er»* offices in Jcnbiori, 111 fe«-|jn/H Sri both the o-.er •'At Noi-t ti,<- to oj'ii him." Duff . ^ded until th* »ea»*on fit ' He wa* on the v r*«? v..x "'■:i Indian* I hnrfilay. ||«* wa - ai-o a halfback oil the Spartan •it ju-l -how* how inron*iderat# lho*e hird* ean he.'* of "igning for a »rr.« ! 'e-Ti'i * fall but we talked him Jit>A hail team. into play in/ for u*. A* iUkih * weren't counting on hirn fumed- ha eh.dl l oach John hoh*. "Next week we fini-li He win signed hv Walter "lh»oF* F.ver«>, ricvclaml ffirm our llig |u *ea*on. You'd think they would at lea-t let him to play next fail berau * «tpee*e*t him to -i/ri ilurlhtf »lir»i ior, at iii- hom«» in Sayinaw. The Win* H reported to the ijmmer" fini h out the *ea*on with u*. We've l»een trying to get the lie more than F&Vhio. The h»-- i,f |.up|«»* eliminate- ns'ithrr candidate for the pro- to *ee the light, hut it'* the *ame old ntory all the I,u|ii«»u-*m* hillint; .10* with 20 hit* in 10 lime* at hat lime." • * left half hark -pot on the f**»thall team. Ilaughertv n*»w for the Spartan* tie fore -tuning. lie hil four home run*, mu-t rel\ lk.it ller»»»h John Mar* who l* "*. p.'-pii- have recommended ciiftjn,' out ha-ehall on -enior or junior including a key hint* in the ninth inning which helped He- have heen running one-two at that -pot, or -ophomore Hoh en? i" .« ■ .. college port because of what the pro- do to feal .Notie Dame, .VI, Wedne-da*. Three of Ihe four hom¬ hurl. er* came in Itig III lompetilion. tH." . . I K*.o* "They keep raiding u* all the time. This Koh* ha* *eef; more na tun d cert. «t »• n't help matter*." lb* w«i aeioiid on the l••am in nin*-t«»tto«l-ln with H*. aw a- h' ft, profe* • or. I. • pa ' President of the American \ n of ' Onl\ I lean Look* 21 Kl'l * rxceedul l.upiow't total. til! t'A< of If.err, f* - > H The 2") 1 eai old sophomore till had two vi-ar* of rligi- ley. I:.. ' *ia» h«-, ( hairman of the %'t AA ha »■•. !! It'-her' ^ r.-i '.Ni¬ * r ii airdr liihtv remaining in imth football arid ha*ehail, and wa* rule n.,; « e and recently wa* tn.rned head coach of th/* • *.er ma ma* j'" elated to he in the graliler ' *t,.rtm/ hack field r.cxt fall. ran ' " an ha -ehail team. The |a*t two \1 — t pl.i er. to .j; pro r-»mtract* during If. < I.. n«. ii arguing for year- for tome kind of an agree. I.nplow had hern -••light l»> -eteral major league clulm, lite -ea on were Hoh |J\ rd and I ra I ran* hi. T he> ink* J including the lletioit Tiger*, lie went to hi* home in Sagi¬ m«?.' v.. '?:<• pio ha.-ehall ftowei-* irriilar to the pr», f-a,f. nwlrsrU during tiie -ea-a*n. IfAli .< • • * n,. Festivities I« Aerevt ! Includes many ^ as well as pro past all-Am r< draftees from i.. * .< 1} Tlicla Clti rndurtion of the Old Timer \ lbppinstall and the top pla>»r . \.t* * • •».. . End Week ill us Si up New York ,-t hands #r»d the gymnastir t.-,.rc I•» I tSird game in the w-ri«■* j r h'lld the edge for the hr - t-A>. • For Greeks first VUwr Pre*il the Green Hay I'l'.lh ' i**i '4 •*' *'ii «'UM h*de kr«. r, !•♦•«* Week. this >• T : r }: r |I i i'tdre.,'•*♦*. * r* - a.'-uni# Ik* ta4fbe« jrirai i I.ynn Chandnoct, a Vf.lV ,.r; ■ • e«-i. irf- . * A - u> Ass A S-jma lull* Iti f*elta appeirinr in "« f ft * Ed Bagdon, » . fsrk, and I, plaved In 194ft. I" 1212 I. r.jA id Hi er > »*t valine costume* * on •wifitl r,r other former Spartan •. . Kit. M" a »•' by prise its "liter* |i Vflhlfif I ike •iAfi .-ng ff " 1 >*11 pm. a l»am* * Third pla^e *»nl to i speckle the roster. Amonji rifOVflo HXHIITDN I i«iffl. I «ac l«laad. l-iirM* t hi \lph4 «ho %4ng | *p • . • are Vic Zucc'i. Clar- (hufk "fiieTlev."* so sririml frtternitv I'eaki ar»d TM; Bob Carey, | pwilon . and Sam Williams, J9*8. ['""i double by Daugherty to carry v, (■■•if.rfui , -f'.rit v U»g*» • eft *f« a*;1 S«'..,rf»a f *'<><■• JOHN UtlFIIV Bill I allahtn • Ule ,r.d S-*i Hards r»*d I hr*«t fl* l VI r *•»•- newly Diseussed •r wing "T" flays 'f r.g}|?h annual A"* r»* If' - reappointed to powiUon* on lh» •lete New*, do* so pi in* for % eate*e mf tfi-Mi. tod Ham* •-*»•- competition for the fust pe«» year's paper 'hv*d» *i. edoe*t»4 *; [*fu« I «r* fullback Blanche Mar- Tr •• ;*»'» '• •'.*• -"t'er- • . l.re.vmJ# I'd fg halfbacks Herb Adderley •^ ,1*' nrf,*, -.eld »? « "4 ' - She » Wf*er«M« S|iurtuii >lay Fold «* f br«|* j «pi inched# rvtays* char* 1 TIW^ f„no T£T T«b W,Uon in Ui, lack- _ _ _ IMIRM. I.imim: ,(|d T|m„ ru,h . . . : i .a rw*. hurdle arad cv»-if *»irman are M.. » V'-t S-nd;'. I* starting line has center John Wir. k py Walker, tackles Palmre Pyle ai.-i J-' '• ' > 'v*' ' ' »r-": • p .«• H* Xi ( '> ah >t aivl A.. •* »rtd Helen M#cGreg< , Puhliratitm Costs filled the /ete v K»U hoUr«ht| Tie «*« ivirtni impr',«eme»| Arbanas and T>ave Nnrtbcro.- D*«runro junmr and Deita (i»« . tr«,ph* l'»r »inter term the <.ne can blame Martin if he is ma The H t game Cnrnehus iMtw. head v ' Dr. ja»intmcnt4 to eight top p" t on the .State .New 4, >p*r- hf,«*e Datereiti %l»h« (*amrr« JCe- ' *aa in last spring's contest that he ir,jwir**t t..i *.,«.-e that kept f.f-n* wJ- i';i I-* phiUnopty *nrt rei.g. -n -*♦- KDi trnphy for highest «cb*»i- •sac •. ' • > - I out of action last fall. •en Knrinvcr am! Wolverir,*. purtment, Westascn Mich*ga'» l'r<- tr.hip V a* reeeived •>) Alpha sue* *A >>r.T R' 'T . P-T.ivsicm for adults Is II and for students with f U * M cents, B*II CeHaban, De?r*«rt jun ivgrsity. will Ije gu#s» speaker at It hit's fit* *i(mi fir I Idno V«vsi- ftMctusg hpibvai. ac-r - C.imflitnl? . lut 14,000 fans ara expected. Hard* < r;*t. R *kv River. Of the \e*try K-r*i(«, Sunday mahrr. Iff ad«»*or. pre«enied •i/ff •hiurpwwvi*. I; N • :* |-Iieu msrUsr* jultUMr, and J'-hn Vfurphv N» 10 30 am. at the band shell. In a prruv »U»r» ehreut the trophies Remhard oSmum %.-wi* !»•« V*l %e* ozeohed to the f»- Hai' fTVafe «■tpfviTttote, were re- fiue*t «peak*r a- .'.ne bsnquct .'rivf;.-.,,1 lit Union Finidtt Available the Interna Doner levuval TVi: - patod lull cadet '.nnXif 4-. • sere* of Dr TMoboo Haoide* Sunday at 11 Ju am *iil be Dr. yppkiitnt a* edi'Mf-.c-c h . » 1 IP'' Sl-a leaded Use Mopskarr netire- thoS he' he pe'SB'-Ued b* fOlot 'menacing ediua and bu*.n»- the Mala New* erred'm * . «. iM . • I'aul Mil er, vkv-pres»deiit for tag a troop ef I kriatm »te- '*>j Vi '*e G •* Old Apr. met* of the peoyraai Vt »Ulf4| «mS his 'reyaauMNan is meraeger of *he Male News * . Members in Crisis i,ff-campus wilt give D»e invKation. affaus Dr. I>#eaf fail term nar.ed as list summer Chrtst wa» editor. a.« denta weald ••an ( eeaaek •nerd dear# ' prevent "a Kee- fbr.r -Uf vn J V-*f *5. A.jf-e V»tS '#» ' • 4 • g . k •*.— that rt gj'i •• fdrao wwnr? for ihe ,*•*. < fairs »■ p**4*«t ua for Cfter to oeeopc Use pees- ' oeadiiwi.- 'af¬ I '*••••-» '• w generai theama/i ,f He ad.-teq h, .#• deSr"" of 'he *ule I snrfv.f J th» current *Utc c»,h cri,i« prevent, the univcr-itv kryaiuu 4* e*er*»r>e '»? Vrv vh» even? 'OR* "** tf -T of 1 srh. .Soltil Ectmomisl *.•- i * known, are not Rw***ao* hut • - » mt.tinjf iu monthly payroll, the resource- of the ntiaene ef tk» I kreine an¬ •• • *sae I' C redit Union will I* available to it, memoir,, -. d other lewntr* .entirrl* %• • 4. .e- f f| v- S.".r I *r i •• Irird Luker, credit union preaident. To Ttilk Sunday •orb. IM? ga pot dn RnmIiii ~.er U. r>*»R-e • to. ■ MMDhere then mav .>p'> ••nrd Darn hot rather a rne. ft *" j' t*.4 :ed X.* .Ne * ■ - ' te * ' ■ a * i •• ■ afy Klfi Ct,tit«npnrant mrewk pt,. I kratnftan to.r. re.»- Jif d? *rr • -e - •. • award dame* If ,, . •IKcUI ."«o. he »."t. Umitwt to },rr., *ii! bo dtorretod at 5un- frier Proposen - they 4a any eword Dpm at *4 " *» *•* «* ' • •" fCA'e •' r .3 the etr.txjnt the ir.e.rtber nortr.,.- - , .',* mfht'i mootinj of tk, Bird, Kft'XVa >, itif'xet* but orrr.iKi Dvte*. V'O T -•% ' aM. Bat D. e > !v would man •» WM-h .tr.e Y.oiT.f SocialtoU Club by Dr. Ten#, Junior, and Dui Stover, Mhl fca »ot the ideol peace for f;A w "«* .if : jffwr* rtscee nifiealion Plan In a44 B the roofoMoa, it . a ■ -* P** .« H.twtofMb, noted otono- Bemn Sswiac^ senior, were s>- ■> _ n* no# dad aav *> -e »*v*c c* re Thete loan, wouut crrr ' miat of tb. Bureau of Buauvte puwxtad adilur and tfuaioei* man- tshevai seed Bob 9b ait# oTtnfcuf the arta. Phi in tbfeshiWf i Berlin Dispute leM-then.norm,! intere,t ch*r,e. I.uker Mid. to heiy de'rer 0— and IroooniK ■ocial. vrvt—ar of reouomic, RrerereB and a.- afar for tb# IMi Wniverine TW board fat presently CO- at ail In at—-doman. Um I a- keen, pywdeot of if-nom ct»-.s-c.ae sjs »ar* «.» *43 The prove oa grade uf *e Jtaw r:.>* a-hS u *- tvEVA ■ - • • (J") ,10.'lor.,1 t^treun, co»U Hrndcrere', topto irtlt M "TD. dkacoatsnuatkei of the or aay oth¬ — Secretary of pe+«m£*~?. -tr- 5«tcaa he »9prc..#'o Tk, Mm, rata kM Urea M er If pa (am wen a *#«l k Herter laid en the line Ir.ltatireary Ulreta of the becaue of MX ill in toU he vosd. x» - ew irwhiMl "ThiR* H ,| wlult * •— a-"-*1 * ef "tf a r b the Chanqinf indttotrul DttoriOutMS Tberv shouhf he mare eta* a»-s-=c«* v*-3 .jausnrru.*? J'*3*? the WeeTa sweeping eMlfe. ec M ««* »*••••*- at kmptoymret- in ffper- Antfa-J. cowrapone-n? Jt courts St* ap* • -• x g s*: "x rt -sport r«f P»*n for uoitlsf Berlin, toe, a mreia. Th. torture, wtuch to opm to will he rnai divirtual , >-*. praed-ww ,-v.' "V al!- '|V« see* . r : R*agEast and West Germany. It U taoly eor to totone , th, ouWic. will WfM *t at tlx# Mart regular me*t- aerardatg *-o - BaJharix* n - xa .•enre ^ "-ve Sacm% v* # foreign minuter Andrei aid Luker e*«*•*. Tva£-. C"iW» I lister Uthar Bob. who U detinue protedare,." Mid Luter. 6 :"0 p.m.—fjrrek Foot. Data l FM Pvcan a* picisd 1-* "1 as an adviser, said the TVie tredit ur.Kii wiH wait uot.i at MDAY T*« c-er-auve** * . - '; Ji a "? airoucx Frvaey .n Jig "Is i.? such importance mat it rescue, » rd that there -til lo:30» m—Rdiiciotu Convoestiee, UiBrtihdli otaer ftoOrr.: Serviictm, a^4 sca^ac ud 0 It io - i , b> Joseph ainull it *•' ' " ' |ui a minimum 15 word« I ofisnlrr iMr Helelton I featuring THI MOO M. DS s„ liun 11' m' of « out age day One of the U-ss slow |.m»in* - ' 2'ds)t $1.45 Ft' TTI B snfv 'iON *» tF# »avs rf t- , foi uhuil Kithi'line I).!: . it.,. ..., , ,-!i-vi'ii:.il dittu e it Tna»t yon right » I own P»;C!S sc. us that this dance ha- .. ri jitili operation "t 'he 3 days $1-95 Son Davy St, « kliotlU-t XC'-e SlinWing 4 daw $2 25 tASTiR smvis."i cutting room, as very lilt!< l» wa t.ng lot s... Mil I. IIVIVfiOlHl ».!i- In tin- (r«»l at Ml lie hrltl I he amphibiom snake rh.tiim.tn r»| l> ri o rr gut-;', $2.50, ... • »»•»1 j a an Indian being dragged ir 5 dayy voj morey e« > I*ii\il;i>' i-ohl and finds the ru ihe sdprrstdioUH Indians , , 6c per day j to (he « re*t J)rive.|, . I'm- region belie\ e to In wm. h. THOMPSON It !« h in it thev nttempt ' c.i: that »he together with Abel jeweler raised her in the Credit I nion to iid lu'-.i-r who ha- Employes aim Nulfo. her supposed gi es bf• ,• M ev«. l ce„ t .ingle, become involved in a ei.es of perilous altuattorta t t'OO' Shepo i-f vJtpf*' The cast has Audrey Hem i lliiu Anthony Perkin* »s Abel, 1 .it .1 I'ohh as Nulfo. Se«Mii* • .r a - a as head of the Indian in be The V- , ID it HI I Id It SPRINt; and mat Fven if M- ami Henr.i Silva as his sou ,i-K- . mmr o' them hire anvthitig trras. guM covered occasional chair kitchen drape* Kmrlleul vondilio" • Jure i i p.iiiicul.irlv noteworthv to ,> . • then 11edits as fai a* "Oreen OELT j Ktl a-Sfl'BI .14 „ M., .- vie " Is cottcei lied n.iutr* about it that fav- fiiw r » pi us «)(;Al.lTV at bud- Hudson's novel has ,i .. , ,u t!u» f: in ha\ r had no su« h gc nines A otmiilele lm« oi men* Win. t.. - nates It- lottdei s 1'he | .ind ladies' equipment Including luck, urilortimately. M\»tc a;.ia'« been hard to «ell eh clulls, bag*, niiae*. acceMni'irt. and ami,oil ,«t suhntantlal savings. In- v ri-.-! 'C.reeii Mansions" t l ad movie. ju*t an a cr.ijje one than Mills t.olf i mnsi- one note SCRAFi k rhrnteii Fais! of Fiast Lansing. L',8. Ifi 31 Mis# Hepburn* husband. Me ei 4 4 i->;TOM SAABw ,t-i i !<>i ( • 1. !/ VI ( \I'HM hatha, fenced terrace, Mai - l !e School >ire* Owner will r.irrs SV to- .- Moral life of A- • o»- infamous pi.-o • - o! | contract- with low down pavipeut . , «.t. ' RtD C . » AH *Li " i • . ,-ti.huiitioi era has on .. a...u. iT'-iv filmed Thi« lin e, the »< I'[u»ne liD ? WtiM .1;' • met jrgatilh • • i .'idit i la< tual ami the in. . ■ i• ifor the person with whom it a ton. Mas aa i it.-.i1 •, At ■ sscarfare" I'apone p • mom snowing at the (Jladmer ♦ VI AUSTIN M|Alt* HOUSING HiTH PM 1 i he makers of this sem. .to, fit.*: geiount of (a pone A ah«o- tela*:* e! l*a«-s a. . • o-a ' on. ' i im- to pow ei in t 'hit M< . »< not to furtifs it with the sonsa- FOR RENT T0M0«S 1-, th»« • I "Urti in Wtihh could »o i n,,i n.i-* be. 11 Injedeii Cat pour %• 1: fe AVAll.ABI.F kPI*TrMBRfl 1»t r.iiiiratioii liiii ni pav liagadorn. Kl>- chosen to have been iw.tnal 1-t»70 tvadn't t apone nught have t.-rn i t i .-« ;u' OKF.14OS Alt F H'ARHTW.TON M to pnijinneoie tn aiir tuimh" >' K-prctani« piiisuits He was » usualls A HU.r, t |9S APAHTMKNT TO MfAFfT wttti g.MMj (Ml> ^ , N.i*ivttt 'IVi'-.-M..: '! ' rsti tri-irve| r*-..i |)i J.'kv II and Mr H. -u utiHtie. ton .hr,i block to home Tl., , t-nsmei* aectimi ri> 2-(ki2!i or FI> under construction • awriliej i •! V. i • w i ajH.ne'% lespr-t tabihtv o n'n.ci ,h»i dubious .n v irw of the 2-MV. 33 Dieted ahout Julv [<• . d lun^ ran- « i, " • ' >• record of death* STIATTONS SPORTS CAR CENUR « i" ' r g • - m 1 :.»■ v a« ie*pon»ible He died tmons plus a large |i'» » *urgi • 1 AKF I ANNIM. FHON tAOf. firejilai e p, bah a -d |di-—a alls ffeli-o 1' Mittogan - ,iii•!• - ,r«t an atoieut AM J 'wo-ear garage, tui • "• • »hould be bei-.ci ai for t)si«s cuttous about ( ap.-ne 'fifite* i at iiioeit Automatic gas I h-se kit, lien acre, ♦he 61-yrm~":,l A' ) - in enviromiiem Thi :- fnttttous charaiter neat Couple IV ».JM o IV i And g Luge lot ».,,, , » i iri the vast is t a- rraJ in ?x pre led to i»r up,- : > 33; with fiuMticing ,»| •um* hn a- . r.t • glrl_ /rieud p.a-en bv fa- Spain Rod Ste.ger. m th# tdf# • tirvitni rr m;i i aihf — i t"»w and m-i. cI s-m, ■ suftetl to thi at of stojv and does the i- ts.eUent rond!Tio* Nec FPRMSHFtl APARTMFNT TMHH i.ida and color nee justice " i.W 'her* . ih«• Joint ChiiN <■: s .i!f Hi- • c«Mii*aum, ano oveihaoi UW - Ah .It- nihil .tune Ftp 7*.H)lI, «» '.e ){■ I i -»•. s««eii now IV B-7H.tt 31 flvo rr *i \ I I. 4' Twining un.im .vri,! lntcri>reliii<> the Mens IDF A!, It VfliF.i OF AI'ARTMF'VT ,n- Mlttfl I'll TllW.1.1', I..' ' lit I Ml FOHP AN icshed Mn tii.-iiuje* uttit- FRATCHNfTV OH i r ie« :"HM V t cdat. P '•use. i.i room to. » 4-*.v;j (f of the 11 tipper loin- • t on i ca "ipu" Zoo. vfHt.tA«F rSTVFRvt f V VIL- proved for frateri < lung. It ««* ft|Ml.i.«t 1 • !» . H» J \| Knttt H I a 'fie ACie* ! A(.f «v'eomniod»- I 'M FoHfl l o.\ V FM ! I HI I A ai>artment Jo-ie jitemi.f • t * giif perfonne.i tin ss«,» Associated Tress New* Inalssl Whs. then d.d a» a-l One beitronin Fumistied De|M.<, •• *■ - Ifr*' P'.Ml, IN «••!... HAALrrr • i'i"p.iganda -t-ia' • .r t Hi a*.- • raruhttone home Jif.iic-Pi K.-l - ' !f.y8 AI F A HiiMlo m u#i one FHAMKlH NF.AH SMALL tut -n- lai g« >» null." Michigan Stale !\rvv> - >*.H o- * While with liia-a top in,one ea! v *o «f/#i H H.D apart'oe-.d tor one m two t'tni- room Fxeellent m i 36 '!-i"c«',ed $40 umritt-.iv I'an he »n walking i]ii« IMIIlNtllOWl (lilt »o--;e new .... a chevs ovei -•-«•. a'tei ( n it' ami hundavs lake pver 4'.. . ttrad II.IIH hi >1 St '« '.mm student* md | a: t.ie Be. a.ne ;• tiei-e»sar >, tl i*.: KAHMASf. (.IMA ( lara St |j '"•tins with • .ultv . oap*-- Ma, ovifie* *'■ he or. a oiuitiei ImiMiit* z.'< merit tUUIfHI Plume 1 »«• Muliln-I S' i tlnnvr«iii Fa*' Lan* > .. . . H'A'*!hg . ft a Berlin m ... I' Kalamarou. IV ,y t' HMMIKII APAHTMF.NT 3 or 4 > • ,• d no- '••• 'he tote.g:: - 11 iii-i IP* i'i 11 i ministers «• summer and OI F.,!| Two ia i v • , > . K.a .tii'ltIR siiMUFH bat n;.„ k« 7 TTB;1 a''er 7 p 0 tr.ic. ,ampu* Parking fclj- SERVICE ga'loi. |a>v pf.ee sci 1-. PI PI HI /OHIO!. % < i}* b.iitei• -ehi I ',) IREAK SREC M t|l\ \t. ~ ATTKA'TIVE TtlKFF ROOMVI . w.t toe oath t'lifurnished rvu-iit S'#V N.» THI b EMPLOYMENT . ' «'ov.- .«•.»! retngeiator Air r.«n- IN TOWN W dito.ned 1 |o-e to mmpm and A A P \oL 6J* No. :u rrniat. \i. V A! r sAlJISMAN HA« Kt.Hn 'MJ v--f Kenherrs Bus*. Adults DELICIOUS SRJON.% HI M I \ I t»l MHIHIS " adv a t sing -adi V Fart- CD 9-4M4 W. ■■.- ]! • -Tk*v 't > go.at . unimiiiiut; 11> ,- i>>. s'o'i/ft of:s pTaIq '•• V \V."- * ■ il Wca.dinerr x\ •OOMS srudnut s-:• 1 • • " ua Crossword Puzzle 71 . MAC | i imi h\ h*l *R 11 j A I'M n pur .--V'-. .• .i K,' !n«.v1.rt.r wes'fip f,.- 1 jV dig • he • Ut HHHV Phi .VIav W AMk.li *t«-1 hi ed.aleb Mm. . >.* |h- ' NIVLHMTY house at redo, ed APPHOVKJI RiyiMs 6 ' t t. »i A HVUM ' r. ; * i u'M r " ne> lunu rr TYPiNt; ! tvtrs Tiled *4 Behold A]»i»]lIr|i|s'T A TIEIO ■ K • m.igh ava. fl > r.D 3-1 IM -h.-wer*. rV. parking Did *rrvice. elo»e b Chcrry l.anc. F.I) .-•;• I tr« 21 Cnt.re H '/ i* 0 A js IC. 1 A H inted to Ape Urst ree H hole of Itrrlin needs SIH IAL VVDHKJH fsoe-temett IOC At. pr,.gr. agern . Position fQR SALE |Mtv ;t js 'T ,O.H sjHkf ;* • « \ •jaunt, (r rs pi.., . ' i ,.ie • .» '' elop gti-uo . el, v it ft < r TYPIST ANN DHO I 1NII UHt It \ I I I It >' K rush q»*ii i2M°.^4ciBF>i!v lit lit Mh«t n . - s CP under r • Ki. old. a .in* F.s.-e.ie..' nerw.nnei 2-2»jO. Ll«it rn- l,.. . ■ ■ u,g • r area- — null. good flraihle .-our- naocrg and thealfl. a - t LjL{A;>;g|o s. - aalarv v pi are f.'B:nlVii H . i >.i im._ .i;.. •(» srr < muu.-d. won'; gw? up a:,.. trailers i' » :» no' a roudor position hut »ng ft» thru tn.HM thc\ a heads have a tig-.n*- .•Tattse (>i»e ftlMNI pl?C*» \ I HOI It .me jdi, VLNDALF ftAN(iF , u„. « s|| ItlH BiP. i '.e A ';»« septembet ! P>a«e write lull nuali- TH| CLEANEST C-( cftutiFt to GoddOgg ©? CiRi A ■ V • f. ,N S , J|Lj!LiAfMJ»4^ hi: t. tsi/ \ | it i\ ' a.' > a- i .(? In atom* L iludu.l ar.d 717 Tow -.- l.-m IV 4-BSK., 1 M range Will aaetific. SUCH REASON*!-' *> f > AlSjTjt |c[i !l" It Dw*H earth *;T-r. : T -«*- to ' ; ; e or- »eiid S la *mg N' htg,. Il'L*£ . ;w ^iv;t S NB. "h Klein;,, * *1 Not th..*a A-t • " "figi'-.i ! MAUI m» ,-W* p. VI dk.H f di-U3k .,1* N :» ft One bed- d, :->e A~!Tr\ E' " n!!' l'«th llNlfeir 12 l'4**.it£ is r :«'f ■ 'V.. !.,r ,,? j,, r,| .•rantee ICis> go-si . • arjieted. air tuii- It tinned 114 fa*hu»ru A \ I i i;i * w wo?id. I ;|; iraller ilaven A«»' A L'c • > ■;.«s !. w , i .u-an a -i -1 (.e earned d,. in* 'hone FT) 3-M!i.i IS .Smoothest lttlUt>«n 4f OlUrJly I Put! « I (Ml ItHI H> 'ie.«».ii < sale* 33 ( I I II ix-. dmn sainc «!e.«:« r .e.c.o m HuM.au Inters lew* I. LANSING LA .v"»* KOtaifwy ft HalliKxi 4.> tannum when <• •, ' will l>r held t-*13 PA| A' L .i.i ' Excellent ««m- 14 Mm ba»kri Sidgeot 4 IViu.ve ia»! il. A-'YU an f .ties Mac I* A- 31 32 a ' »•* O'u li ' MAC l.fe D Mitjiremen .» »,uh » cut But fan Lai ting Aak for Mr Lv» A-14 Mobile Hump* hy«1t'«i>' large Using 6* Oppo4.nl & kitsiMMt b> fas f u g:ea!iM pa.' of Maim'. 4H Detiie U Kli \\ s|| |H \ fs \SSN .uu-vt J3 FD T-taVw. TV ANO BADIO iwrlm f Who® ju.. eout'p *• (icnwa • pais.ige refer a to fu'uie 4" OtaltMfi' r»ri»e to *tudeut- II AUH i- ■ ,.p ;d»t Afuirei iIkaiivhi mf.»» ma'- OF Fit F CitRL FOH JT tirumbl# T I re te- . s « ye- on the jedmhcdUori of switchboard t VI TRAV LIX) 42 Two hedrnom* tmnica. tag Woudn-.e * Mrraiilrv w«»rk and tspn.g M,tries Bros f VI I'll V cb«< jufOro » Nurtitf»d 40 Prepared •neat for 4S Pla>e.1 « I WtlUM III| | \ •' -'fted the A 'ed package t.ei many u : 4;i, dependent i.anting. Rt) J-3'«kt 3j excehent Hutting automatic vsaeher ronriitt.m mam extras F'u J-iM*** In* kO 3-I97 * \ } g s «• f the. m ei? aii'l W first carO v." *v»m»- of Uie»e p. yhrruiiai v ASH CLOTHFJs • #1 Nooaaof preservation d. j;,.- PAKTV VVMB Qt'At.IFli ATlONd 3| lu.-uo- • ta-iuj? their Mcps w.iicc cheaper At Weodrc 41 A bale 4-4:.., jjp t |g, n to niati and ere* t aud oriental rock (jRADLATlKf. MINIMI pn-M u anil garden 111 2-03*3 Ml>T SH I. 141* '# block wr*t or f*tn 49 Potent.at t. errfnr? tma ^rt .n ' *CM»ler Full hath, wall-to-wall of r{jr t VMIKIU Kl « I I It 1; ic.iev lion niota! wa> nil auipiise package is meanmg.ev.* hp * mw.vii-1 ii - . ,, lartvctc * Sleep- tour Make me in SUK BLACK 1V 44 L»»"i» '• : j . A Su.ftV Iu• • i.. «. ...J s CAM PUB TTPING f: IMI IIHaIHp i hi i Kl I It.lHl g FOifSALF^ ' ;-,,K T V -RADIO BE IVY! F i IBM; \l A MAN B LOS7 and FOUND rate* to idudentr FVGLIMI STYLE b.ke teles i»ion aa.'e* Free (. -*i ..-ilioi; Saudle luurU $21 at 1 vJi . UWT . IJC.HT TAN Digskin bill. Hiop open • a m 'u FL) V»VS 4... ' ' ' ll-'o'-e I i, •• *, fold ut VSrinitv o» 1**0 bWfc dak- ~ Teihntruna Co • * -* DfamZ? OtTSl . hill Ate or Biter if an. IV 7-VWa ^ N Me , er offer* ample reward. Contact U llll R \N All HINT .% A A \ •Marge CO l-$67» 31 OAITAN AVIAl'O* »* ; ' '' 1,1,; SRARTAN GAROENS ■ 1 • V»• s.. V I ' Anin.e , , , j l/)*T UtNTAL MU WM,.I ' bpi ing Bad "fe ■""( ■ * •- Bran«... • ««" P 4t» pi ab« — |S i IIRlAfl \\ S|| |l| \ I MH \II\I1HN S;#-. SO.SC )•-•••• >-*x- e-.. IMF riKr-T IN null.: Smith rifU i»>i'i «••** vi i-n v nil iivin, \ i#r$;*<»«—H#fedor« Ro. Jm.man Inv Th. H,. K B..h. C.,«W C<, A»»m. C » ' C.ih.- N,.r.;it, Tert.:'..*t» J .? 2*"- J"" Vuwh.,,1 I \I IIOI.lt ATI III NT •*- g..-o»id«d it.L dear* *3,'"' and etlait .H*""Contact r~*~nBnd-Mur V.IU- WANTED OK(» \M/AT ItlN N«C). nf I4«i ^ ' »' » .«' • • Student Fs» t«<•***$* 01 — IV 4-$700 HIV ALUKNl'f C.I rwd mi Juno, into" •* * 7^ »" ..",b l tn furnlatand Baortment HI A| p |OKI M A am rhon. iv 'T yoor. from faculty || loave of abaener t.*1* * !• % - - ; Hi1' • v.-n c iif« EO 2-47X1 4-7 p n S&fSS? -kjewrajinaoir*onor-t*io ecrruraf— OUIL'S KNGUBH td^aw j daapogotaiy! CO J-4-w* ** MtcncAN nan kiwi Mi* n if,* Fa*a Thra. Travel Films Sel 0reeks Plan llU'lutllOR N.nrl'i "Portrait" oP a'*ORta|itiy, l.l.lorv, Term Parlies This ■ Attend Church Sunday tourist flllra,1ii.,fni, inclustiy, r . Krtllr" »mt Wll»« Butler', rminnit ami ■ arr two lrtture-nhu, man Intrrast r-|„, i.itl-, (ha ami *4,11 il ,,f I, ,, twin *r« thn big ,)<•■ MSU Auil. Friday l-i.Hlhll v. iu« wont* for the wdthrnd't not in 1 Tin-, film will oUri show j. «•- «aifofl^r, »«»<•»!«« of I L ihowtt Trawl S'-rirn and nt B pro. Tha Christ With inn #tn»i Htnu»nt iii'.<|firi Rhi)fy4 rrifiit-vol liii ► 1.lf*i , . hy -%jifI. Cht OtrBfi'i »hn arrival of airrog tr* ealdbratir.g with thwir EA§T LANSING aiURfcllES 1..., ruRnt proaram will rln till- (italics, ami (uiUli. l„i,|,|. hv«lri»» annual term i»nriy, "Spring Js j;mi" 1 h.'.a :>d jyorw liiRa — all sit aga.ic 1 a I,,.,, ll'fi* 'at the Civic Center lhi§ irrir*. f-rriihg Ioikmir>| the dinner, around „i ,,.l In ;, i..«M Nny.l will oar- i„r 51m, "PortralU of tr>*Hh. •lar.i ir.jj -. in Oa ?r» the mime of CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF _ ■ ■ which will iinln.il' •f"»» lierfmm'n ««rrhe*tra. S'iCmn Alpha Mn he« p!»nr.ed MARTIN LUTHER UNIVERSITY LUTHERA!. I Franclvo, Hawaii, PEOPLES CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST SCIENTIST sail Speech Opens fornreil Wiikind" of , •i.eir • lii■iiipi'inw """* K""il I'arrrt* are arriving CHURCH 1 , laanllful lnhd»cai«"i as f •;'!» . 'n Join In I,n the »Nk- CHAPEL EAST LANSING FOUNDATION ftnarb a# Tfea Mrtfew ffearra ■itm'- A tin' poopla and their ('.\ HE ('.on vo ffi'J ff-hvities art-! t/» nVirvl Sat- uMny evenings formal dinner. AND STUDENT CENTER Tfea IlraS ( her.fe af f hfiaS «i vris? icmtpu a llldlSlMBlMHOal Irltrifltt, •*«>•*, Mm i,,u K»n«'« hraotlful harbor, CATti: !' «• ni.r/ Muirav t.n- fKati*in»| t*«ariR fnitll) ill w. OrdaS tlrer r>r.t,lr-rar lrl» la lh» peak. roln ari'l D,. Si..;.!*-v 'Awlrrwt Mirr l.rrlurr Malr.l MwrMlBf WuMtilp l» H (I'll tss C. O'ltS B.vtr (innlilni hnndrrda af aquare Will d I'M l|' r I.Vft'f-,% U*l , f.f . Mlaamtyrl »>■««) riiTiainn •« Ana at*mi H wr*t Orsef aivsv »S Mlrhlfar. ', < hlna'a land, and an I? S f.„„| • »iit,.:„. 4\ H p m. lo- Devefnf>mer* and flrhv ior ( h«irr fe der via at flam If** hl'r'St B*rdk ef B*rk«i Nail) •iv c maxot urn, rmw A St. ItiupB Part#*, Wlala'er "Hd performaorr af a thin- nu,'iii in Kfh < '■r IM SenSar •♦nanf II a m. kiaa «-f n I'pn.tiAjfut" w. ! b» t< e fopir fp Mm to i nit |.r*r. a III l af lha 51m. addrd frat- Tlir n«*i me.-, to f.J„ t, h v. ,i. a f ««., k< 0.1 , is a f|,n. O.ltfti . "f fn ■'•I'K '.ft J« f n K;nf, from the ft ft Mf-»r -iriai l^iho:atopy at thifti to t-nii •» •afejatf A■ • i xritr oivif i « IS aat UMAX ••lief 01 Al(tifi'lar,< t ft.ir Ha Me King will ajeak MOBTAIS Aso IMMOBTAI.I * I* ahown Sat- • Inland," ..> 1 mi; t» , 11 on h 1 W iNMoRUiir fMtr S M 11/ ant || M ItADA* BtKVIta r ni|.M, I" a r-,!ii[M.'till.' '' in M ■ I .1 it. 1-i.iKngr We toe d»v fi o.n In ijfj Nat- I* to r s i-in i'i oia.' .V iei.f e Blading Bh'.an „f (ha Whole country. • .fctr buit'hng. The H»» Henry A. HetlanS tl»- • it Bikl* tivdy I IS SBd II SS AM Hf>p»Hir Af ai.ori.ts cm mm IW W. OramS Bltt# r»tl" »o*p»iarv l*hlila»n »f (i»l- i»ii t«rr*r, l«l' an4 I hi Mitiy attk •III rii.i.ro with tnr. proarH at II tS. » Noi.r sriMit ■ MM. Met fa • -S faimna l)*lt» Pffm I !■ May. J'titph fartrr a m p m TBaa Then • indent Seminar. II IS » »• I II 1'i'nir t*4 nut S'rtf V*tMU • a m •» p ib. ltd 7 |iii'l |i. Site(Sdp • in. • I |a, There's no squawks lD'»*it*» fdrtrrf 'Ml ll»m M»V lltBBld Otf*9 Atl. Ann net |npir ipptnf Slann***! t. V % I'ea'air \»ni traa'ftr HutianS SpirMue* ( hijraS IthiBl X*tt l>'f r^'taf «ll»|« H'.ute PaFit HIM All ara •aieaaia •* »n»n4 (feerta Molt. MltSIIB* SWAM 11 SS AM • iPitrif ana tltil i«S at# IAa Biailng Bh'.a*. about Odanis hreokfasts rar...ua|* 1# OS »-TWt AM tfufy »ns |t«4«H(« Malt'.MS trts fee* tnrrauja aigfe Kfeadl as* lrtrf.na Walraaad EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER EAST LANSING No sir. lhfr»> no ballrr way ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Of alarl yoor day than anjoj ina EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN TRINITY CHURCH lo i CATHOLIC STUDENT Aeaaan brukfaat at Odam'n. • n4 InturSenamiiiatfaaal CHURCH Itfe tpnffen« (ENTER «•» t- itosn wvLUAwt tThrihar you act and nilililr WESLEY FOUNDATION sss H HiilSirt IMS Pt» Hum I. wn«ld*4 Minl»t#» fniMt M Riitnitil ft f Cifpie oasaia aravif rt a roll or raally chow dnon o il • r SSilinn M t»nnua», life |il«ul*a fetraal • 1 ST M AC. AitRM f» felerfes nartfe nf OrmS Bivart II AM. ItNDAt raooBAW the hi* Spartan Break fast, for Irft'ia I. OrSaa • stiMt i.i or Tar Minlvfari Per 1 reman A- Mlnltt»» fitt I anting it. Hlgfe ftefeaai, lit •iw-imTACiuw • anly loC, you'll hart to admit • Vh'rtt B'.aS f IS o • «» • ISM ' II jf IBM. ■ tS a » Worvtiit Be * irtfeifiiSS O I MI. MUMMf ( hefrfe Sa»e»,i trstli thcrt'a no oquaoks about IHakr •mint •( I t) * t IS IB *r rAt i t vi#w poist •»'r, an# ASni* fe«eSr felf.AllllMO AMITUUC IS S« M••*••) Odaia'i braaklaat*. . S TS am. •*! f»Sar •*••«! lerman SMCCiSSIOS* linStni* act • • »'mi it aat Oa* Bine a Brit if S Harriaata Id (nut t4el» ehnttei. Taur order lo taken courteously Piilf Mitel SSI S IIS S-M* o» •#*#» or. orara invirti IS tS a m W'kriiiip a*S ternnna hg • S) AM—SanAav OMf van CMlrtiMi Dill* IS If A I' B an. S'a»e ttra'ra gy ••«■ I'uauan A StSffHe# and aarrad quickly Ira. in* .ou » M r M. (titer •oaefM Sundry f*t larvicdl (Befrn IrkMl far (feud •'at* eiaidds fad lairttntp ItiSei'i Istvrlsy I t M * t .M-IM M. t n-irrr, Irfeefrt at • W •"( II IS ( and eM*r. I it Trtnrtp CallaglatA railavauip auough Uum to roallv enjoy i(. t * , d* hi.nl IlllfeW Cfife (**■ tfe(s«in JsAisr a in All 1 nmiaitp S . Mil. da* t enter* a. a a* tangnt fep Ai. Bafaa Tfeira.a Mxa.gia Si«>a BAA* tanaa t MiWMtL li A M. IIBMOS fl?f#n SOB TWB f«AI • 1 at P M IISMO* • St AM- BaS# CsMBBiin 11# AM fSMtlf ttfvlds »tS (barm •(feat! si i#\i # Asr> tmp mai r Co f»r Da< S •arr.mr #i«« |«i ad Filed iia».ng thai l»S ft'* I d«i S ft A M MS S IS P Si II Sfe AM MeraiBf #t»f»t ad Baf# BaataS tirtaia tampaa fa# lar'nad laftamauaa tail |V s-sifel to ftlWMBBllB US ItfBM Some CAsvaaatav cm • M BM. ItaSif VISIT THE UNIVERSITY CHAPEL Church Every• Sunday OLIVET BAPTIST FIRST PRESIYER1AN CENTRAL METHOOLST CHURCH CHURCH till B. Mirfeigaa INTER-CITY BIBLE CHURCH CHURCH It* WMUaaa Start Mm. pau*t t Wi: | MIlNllrtv (Fu*a at 11»♦*•«!* Ort*«a it (tpm M .-»! a • *4 prafif fdfiikd n dtx t*na MaraaMg WBdaAtp • id * UdepeaSeat I ia4iB**'«i ♦*»! tMfedi An* L.id» ' II M 4 >( « lipwl O I it ttifti A * (i»B • SS A >1 ■M t>) N mm (e l.»« rt.«*»!•# AieaB'B OrtVe* al I dl aad II it (katid fe«Aaal I »d r rt Sang at A.B'd »•»*•«< f.« d t titref! r*'i«n ** •:•»•* PtvtKlWiT St np at lamt tnAawaAlp I it in - •• Hi'ter. manor if tfer'nUB BiadMAg laitltti taps I I nn a at. Vlmrntng Ml'.tit | 4we«l>.| MSMrtS' MM-• aat. Tfea#Mai t as 9 x • SS IB Swa n f.rvifi A C At •* A OS flA* * i* fee iHB «' » TBt |B Itan.ng lnfirt'»a*i »""*» tail vdwer-mva prea^n-at •AS Mat da AUIMiMtl I inier It |»a A letdop «">-•! st' nine a ptiKtrtig *( WI <' m Aap*.wen-at S#t»MB »n I liH • II AM aas las 9H (Aur.drr Bi-il|a« i*4 ••# B» " S m | ewn t. r«wpw Alaait dSBpat fad laOtB«i»« lianipwruiiwn rati IV he, aA Itm BAB ptama af Mf* »«« • «r i M «*a4ii irtd'*: •.*.-» • ifeafe f*r n'tw rwesi a4«Ut CiBtru w a »wm.» ctertn •tr i-sns J ~ " »• ctsol Is CBBipsai Taking stock ? HUT ONUTIAN LAUMI ONTIAl FREE UMVERSAilST EAST LANSING BETHANY BAPTIST ha liaioad on lha job — and rarai.a n'wa Trkin* Mark of job opportunilirs. loo* pa. chwka sbila .ou'ra karnwp' UNITARfAN UNITY (ENTER - CHURCH II look o»rr »rry crrrfutlr lh" j"l" Tho avmamrnl of CHURCH lor callage oumrn cl Ms higan Brl.! There • mora loo! CHURCH t:s W OtanA A«»» •tea ft fMMfrtUrd Aviaaa 1 meeting new friend* lha lhr.ll at pr o w Bt idffdraaa • ■.•it «• eulia. tan*# Wlkaebia to uaa ,wir riiilrya Ircin- motion. ... the .araliooa with pay ... lha a N .!«•» at t»».|#f( Mu'aiaa A*r»n.» af II SB saa. SUA* ft feta*a* teiia af feparrin Ann I BtBiCtvBg op rtfecji- BaaAat B*Anal 'n* lo good ad»aiUc*a-iagirdlrw» of regular iai*«*. vas Tradntng (nat Bit ft Madamig • amfe'B - tlBBA. •aaBa* »#««# II an A *1 ii mnjor-la 0 variety of e.rilinj job. for Vk. nil gel all lha drUila ahoat Ike 1st. MA M. Batata a tarn# vama •BPBlBA ,1 BB fA t fear*a feenmt aad ••(••« luadar IrtMA < ia»fc. ana, Organ*«• Marat* IB SB U A » JB f* •Belt IriNuUii Tag Sen- 'tin A*Ma — •mart youa* woman like you. telephone |ob lot .00? Call Of wrUtUdae IB AM iJB»a Ana t lula, IiIbb tanl a. (knrb. hnar to Miaa Virginia PhiBipa. *35 ladaUrial t 9H • «Btau# - Oa t am re* Tka fact ibal you ka.a no pravioui bun- •vBBtAg Bars Ma McB Mitungi • pn>* fnAv ftaaB AiMnwS itU tfea Fcliawsfe'B f Bmtg^a* l.>»dra. MtaphoM tOodoard imm » p an. - M I ana i»*« AffiltalwS Hv» i i wi tt»a B»tn I a*i Aapwat tan«•« 3.V900. til Jtll Vtsa wAa td»n itaattatun -ma CM at aw u«ti us in OiralB A W«bmB. tMaur in* a fact af (Ilia ia^orUnt work. You'll (Sanaa If k-M't-Bfa*? IV feiSUl Inrtattnn.lv lata SSTtsaWOB Willi1" MICHIGAN BELL TELEPIBNE COMPAHT W Ai»r MICHIGAN STATE M«S r*tst :• • . L the mile in 4113 and {oak the drills. vvsc i rmeman highs and 220-hnvs i Slate's thinclads w ill two-mile event with P:l7-2 . u X Mi.-higan V.. k a»ke« ' .itt'tUvie by a c::! *irk t.Hiay fur South IV nil, Kennedy and I.ake will run meet. |>h, r. PHI KAPPA TAU Tt'X RKNTAI, hack. *"•' I'ni f »r their final dual meet both distance events Jim Horan Coach Pittrich Kleinhans. Jason Ji * ■ vt,; v .'MiiU'ir • tUfd.Kir season, against the two-mile while . 24 Hour Sercler ,if the will go in Vr- }\ V PVi'--ve.i Notre D«"re Tons Smith will complete the Hill Hredcnhi'ck M»rfUI Group Briers isints nines for the mile For the 880. Irish in the high hi:: will In? ' ' Spartan runners i Two VARSITY SHOP < • ft en.is Kleinhans I'oac; Ftan Pittrich will select Klhott, . • . . . *. . U ju:u:d*"> OM Timer* cvcing rcw MSI' varsity r»v- Abbott Rd l"A*t lainsint three from cbmhination of are low hurdle ere • , a l'.ij't Ko! t i> Kennevly w ill a DELTA SIGMA PHI W out to h*»er the fw«»-nu:c Hi,an Castle. Hob Hughes, Jim and Smith. Tie mile relay te • ok » t 9 L'rt 4 and nu'.er IT b Carr Wi-issengruber, 11n '..ike Will Set his sight? on a In the sprints. John Sharp tie will complete t:, to v iiiakim; in tiik ri:i» and 1 ake also placed the -Jjo. Hon Marsh will run M M Us he C vered the' mile with Carr and Weisseniftiber In in the will pole vault win . tram with Kritu Mri,J :n 4 04 9, hut since the 118. i.„j and AI Neumann hi n,r S\TUN)\N 1:011 P.M. • t:• r;« r man won his e*v«-nf, Notre name's outstanding In the latter event. V'tirp,, • H, .,. 'ores could hot set ne w sprint man is Gerry Fitrgatrick. tllke Murando tnadr .m winnei of the 100 ( 09 71 and lent toss of 220-h- T. distance' runner for tite Iri-h is Hen Greg.ry. who was C70 ( 218> against Army In against Army. the hurdles the Irish have Capt. .4 double W.nn.r against Arms Neumann and ( STATE discus entries a no \; als'j go in the shot p will compete In bo' >Yo» t What a World II VmiM H* " • «''> I AT and broad jump will enter the high Tr»n»*rr Had A" Mi,mr t »? • * t» liott and Mehw broad jump I entries. HE RULED AVMTIE FIRST What Is So Rare AMERICA'S NAME SHOW WILDEST ERA! Iht ».• I IMrrwrM liiinlt'dialf Fur Your (,ir t ii.|| AT As a Day in June! loriitWXm! ROSALIND 1:80 W e Huy ami v||; A + Lm'iI (;ir« A d.iy In May *1 I br I «n*ln« Bark ZDS (Srpone RUSSELL P.M. naturally. hrate nur To pro\r wpcnln: thi* on a and to rrle Hall* b.»«i*. wr V Foster & Paul, Incl I f'raturr Shown J.N.I PO-ti 10-9 have for you thi* frrr ticket worth !Sf which |lm you a rldr on ana :■: oTEMR 2S00 K. Grand IDtrr amusement you rhonsr t'ome out won f.ATK NKWS — CARTOON "TIIK DICK DOCTOR" | and bring your fnr ticket We'll be :i block.** West ni I r.ui'lJ open for you nichtl* from today on. I.ATK SHOW SAT. XICillT STARTS AT 11:011 I'.M. FRKK TICKET I'OI OR t Alt TOON LAKE LANSING PARK Dry Clean Now! The llarrlfw W»lf Good for I Hide • I. AST "TIIKSK HHMi DAYS', Mil l s" — COMING SOON OrtMrah Krrr • Vul Mrtnnrr __ FREE STOR AGEI Also -NH M D win;*' Procram Information I l» *• -Ml Diana Dm* •tiik jot hm;ym Ai Ml "HMiNDK SlNNKir LAKE LANSING FREE Mothproof!■( I.illicit al ill** Wrallier i. ™ OPEN IVERY NIGHT TO 9 > PARK OPEN NMlllI'l.Y. Aid. DAY SUNDAY. 10'. CariU Di>ruiinl A«ailalilr l.rt l'* Walrr» PrAof Your Coat*. Mo«duy Ihroe^h Sutyrdajv Federal 1 L 1/ L II nL EXCEPT MONDAY (.'uiupare Our I'rirrs ! ! Frrr Parking Al Rrur j dept stoies ronv> i"» SFPER.kxruain n\x : See loo let I All Day Pretieu ! One Hour Marfinizing : .. \ ' . f.andnr frata. IV 7 « .J , 1 tire — t'nnlintiini, from 1 p.m. UK BINT 1IXFINH LUCON THEATRE BLOCK sl I'KIMIAKU MS DL\' It Mill \IN DAY St IIKIH I K: ••IKMI'Ksr I "AI I AS JKSSt I AAIKS" 3:2».J:i:. A 11:115 UNFORGETTABLE ENTERTAINMENT! STOMMM THE HOOHTS Of W tiHudson's (j,eal romanticndvvnturo ol South VVmerica..# MOTION MCTUNC QaUTNCtSI of a girl as mysterious as she is beautiful..,and ol tho Secret of a land unknown to man. the Green Mansions Now! A modern F 'fT" " refugee t' v from the «..noNcaar.m>NW "roaring 20's" VAN HLFLIN-SILVAVA UANoAU VTVEfA LINOFOKS GEOffREY HORSE Man-made marvels in STARTS TODAY! THE NEW RACCOON __ LOOK 39" Jyif ,,y "CH«r5« It" 1 'imv j'lrlrtiilri' of Or. loll* and D\nr!H jn a .Itortio ihst, lioiiml to l <* ilie iiu..| jmpiil.ir throw-oil in Miur wtnlruba. Even lirllrr than l( a ceo nit, lowraw. [•IJfiASi SI l:U • Faatarr 7:45 S:2S-9>| 10:09 • (iaMaSnv* A MatraCalar . -B- Revived Stale IN'iirf j Sli,; ulC Havoc Sla'c. 1'nn'nf Oftfiosc MSI Ktnvcrs Faces Bij» 10 Eoes ■ 11.. e.r.'fi■.< • '.' Sieoh/n -• t>n • • S' ,t ere*A ti leave ian..mi'ii arid ho ' P"i tie irn^l • . .-,T • fiil • M:'an Sav ' 1,.. fir fU tiftp, Ai Wt« .1. . s *. ' May's Daze Hr iip '.ti H'.rttotwI 9 9 -f pnrtie- »r\•( '. ' • Shop urn, hh_vm "TIi.' Spartan* i* itr-ml" 1 • • i :»< . fof elf.' '• • FAST DRY CLEANING -07 MAC r.ri 2*i"ah Afirr ximtehinir vtetnr.v lr>m tin- p,w ■ „1 .tor*,) in \\ ,..i IM Results 'inly T . fie bourn te.i" to date 'to i .i,i, ' ■ |e .lav'* thrillrr with Notre Ibum', ih.- Spin Mm mm i lOIIIIVtl. ;.»>'• \V#»vn«- Slate. . < ( lau iliei|« f.ow C*o«f, i preparing for a Itlif In weeki-ml mi. SI I'. I. It | I't I a IN ilhil <|I'« m eji be I tiltana SERVICE? arnp'O . , . !.. learn in at Purdue tnda. «t- Hi . I 1,1 |1| IM I'll! : 1(. J. . 't i i>« r a , • "l i • >• -> s -l I I.H4 « I.I with the t ellai • • • i- ..f;«* jJ.itne j,, t t< ^ »* I I ! Mt h t, .• ,i ai• Ui'!ai V < <■ aret , Boilermakers Second ; ' ri ' MO \»li ■ Mill h*l»4 I t In \ ,f' l>nlis <>', " 'iff plmoln will host the Spat- > t a i, , • , . fack ^ ! " k f.t Kin lis Jor . (> rod initio n I 1.1 I la si'uiday f«»r a doubleheati- ■ i , It \ '■ • t *!•; I'lii I || u: • let r.-fi • i I't,I n< II IM ft b t I'm nil-.I'M all. . •'!!' • ft;. " [ \i.itftmj to Coach John K"h-, Mil t M It % f I lit e, • :i tie!,) fill U»U . »* I : t, t'l I , lb It .♦»«»» : •('. ; I tl bhio t 1 ,^r-itinn to finish ttiK'.i tip I. <■ , ftandinn* " I slut, t r. t orf#M» , ESQUIRE to m'o^cew ac«»iids<, 'vlu' fork It.idat/ has Hi a-.en I -haw . air. • Ring* *a h#.o# |f»T#Hn*M I! I H MM i ., MrtiriK amiRnmcht Th> t In-. HI MM i Klhlill s » MOIIIs. fiCI r»oA#r l#,»rrnt. Mnulatt# f i» una of the foui Ihg V W stim Sli4« 1 miif atl'l • •, HimiHU Ibtlm ISe w fiee pa r klfl i.' hrealhtikinc of anp#rr» letUnti «,nalilT and »»lu» \nvtin»e { Mat. 50c Intramural SOU SIIOUISC. ih..» io."irf • f a nr gpiidtiaiinn krtlinc eh«w»%# Ihtl hrln|« 9tl or»cti f'O") r««» the mm 1(4 * Itydfl b tfj the ttm#l#«s heavtr 9f ft Highlights |«N (tt HUM I.AWMS'O MIOUIMi / v prrfioua "iiaai si iiooi. ",f fraternity track rostei««n»» f led II i/' l',«d»-r«F.;» IIKI.I. ( ATS" r .t t1 e IM office by noon AND r, Sera'eh meethiK i* ♦ pii' "iioi nun i. \si. | iftny, ?0H IM building. ! M.« 279 USED CARS ■ •• ★ ★ ★ Van S' ev« . SI AIMS SI'MIA V I Independent, dorm and ft a . re.I Iyf' Ii a, !• . Vnity 'e.irn folf pairinRi » >• Lv available at the IM offi" MUST BE SOLD SPECIAL PURCHASE I i I'»»7 fH.lHAHHtll.l-. |0V) N \ S11 »'»' '«■ • a • a#'••• ICamiller rt» Hart .- * ♦. ■ r - ► . * r 0 , ! ..*.»• e ' Hi <|b|0 .r<. • ... 100% Wool 10',7 I Cliffi »oi '* .. |1 «■ . »4 * 120 ", IOV, i lll.\ KOI I I 'A » 'tm pj It I. A 7. E R S from I'M , I III V ICftl I I II i7o . v.-. t. S00". Ki ». >17.'Hi INDIA to-,) I OKI) ftia t1*#..'* "f 'till I.e» NOW IS )•« . ,n 11 li» I'll•* Ih# *170 RANNEY • re ••«'.»»ii >iii ON IA ' ►«'l« ft tt»« l.»ntn j.,1 .i • h'rf # i«i>i tli# »a| wail >.'» tiel .'iibitrflol ' "•' r if - I I'd. I ollll io",: poviiM Jewelers n,..n I he * irlti# lire i" an I i,( hi * I o r, i i/r* IMlt $35 Bud Kouts Chevrolet I l.ansmL' Neit t<» *lale *1 healer / 2722 nnrf 2^00 I.. Afirhijfoon iv 9 b ", n Bobette Shop Say Srfflc.t Clrtfbm STAKTIS.. »l M»\) *11.11 AM. Ml Hl'llt IN0f 127 K. (iranil Kit.r l ift I.uiimiic f.K %NI» in I RIVI R "HIIM. \ I HOMl,I I. >e*t In <,'nni|iii* ISimiL Murr OS till I VMI'I * THAI I kc... — .'! Friday (Taaita) Salarday - Dash- - Frit Ladias Drivar Night! CRESTSm Mayi«'(AsriM$a6 THtATRf To-Dawn Movialtien i.iiiim* Karl* • Sim lair I'rldir Sitf in laillr* Driirr'o Siirht • Onrr Annua0> u» Admit All l^ldy l)rl»»r» AlrmlulfU i'rrr — If Stir HIKE 4 i.rr.-e 4inl lliiii^liniil. Sat. Nijrlit Cn't I)rl*» I'uah llrr — I'ull llrr or Sil Iter nn Ihrr (7) llonr. of (.ontimioii. I.ntrrl.iii. Your I.*# and L»t ilrr Slrrr — J«»t So Sbf'« llrhind mrnl 9 Hr«, Ailni. 9 show Stat, at lltok Tka Uhaol a* Ilia Car I'ull. I f TO S»i INTO Ibr W illi (.'II Color Cartoon* Heiofflca — Goad l.urk. irtTt ar so HoUMU' i .vrranav .mown at • 31 I A Ol'N rMDAT AT HI md IS I. ■KIT MKIT MUCNOMWAfiNU SL. ^ KIM wr EGAN MUTT ui NUTS m.VVENOV HILLER ' -i W .... ^ rinxr ONCE AT l» »t TK ilWIM dlltl AT IMI UTTiARMD OCX AT III mr at »!:»! MULtT OSTS A OVft ONCC AT lt:«J CAMTOOM TKVTtTAL —QUI I rttlT AT 9:19 cAJtron# tuww row at m>_ mm mnv: urn mm .v.;