L jioiiv Wilis Tli« Weather I |imor« llreak Rrcorit tlopdi, Cooler |,r.i Iin •'» v,,»r' . I,nw Sunday I"> sci* I '<1 I llieh Today «il X«."32 KAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—MOXI»AV, MAV I*. l'l.V, I'UK K ft rKNTS West Eyes Separate Settlement Production Reaches Ki^ 1 Plan l « Dicker Record Annual Rate On Berlin Government Report* GAP Kiw t >«•••!* lea Sltf Fill'l' Steeper Than First K»dimntetl W if Ii Nth l'r«»|H»»al WASHINGTON i,l'f—The climb in national output in the f.KNKVA ol'i \V.--te, fir*t three month* of 1 !#."»!* wan xtccper than preliminary •liplofnat * -aid s iii'la / nlpht livure- indicated, the government reported Sunday. thev mav h.'tve t Department a -i paraDt Berlin '.all'ltlal product settlement with iHi- in of¬ *' aft V- •"'I 14 a. if] Bell Ringers fer full debate of rival Ka-f* We-» fierman peace plan*. 1 anr.ua off., i i To Present • W '.on cya'.'i'i f f of . c *.'.«• - • iit'i-r v Wc.>r i .«"i ^ ' A':«-r.'»f il.cd tor pc»- •hor'aigh-g«».ng '!;»• i >;»»;> in the I AMD I"* i*l> ViAlN on the ri*e! No more i* tt»»- time of eoupif* wHh each other. At the \,»n IIhom-m term '-ri i. 'Alllflt W„* 1 ATI flf .r Program TRtk Mltttlf.W STATE POLICEMEN pre¬ a wowan had lo*t her purse in the water* fhev Big Four tore.an u..tumeet¬ ing »if tiie Thu» ♦Tiv.'..ig»-«j « phaw.f pro¬ We d •« p.an. Ilia Hii« shown uhrn Jerry tfchtnrr flit In on l ail Miuenson pare lo disc into (he Red Cedar during Iraining retrieved the pur«e, a man'* wallet tml other a*- lid oil in on him two danrri before) and lln(i» Kimim-n II... . began bus id- l.r(|IH'dIi'iI * i SW otf) 0(i a '-r i e, the firat quar- •!'anriu.r unchanged in The Spartan Bell Ringer*. iecurity sys'erru U.S. S'd'.'ar.t Rer etary erf • •« ' ' . r e n, -nth' of Hi .18 directed by Wendell We*t- Arrrpl.- \»>m Offer Rtat# Andrew Berdir.g told Brody Board Seeks Solutions ?. na A rn r i i f a n ( newsmen; ' befi,: rott, university carillonneur, "We • .in ever r ,n are going Into the neat S; ■*■ ' f'.r w;i J it* i %4 wni.fioo.- a* iiia! will present, a fc'rani on Rngliah handUll* musical pro- Dr. Beadle Resigns MSU Post few data of the conference with the hope snd expectation of get¬ jDoimitory Parking Problems ' ■ *. I I I I,.'...;, at S: 1T# p.m. Wednesday in ting Into detailed diacuaslon of Ilthouth no total* *»if lisrn the Muiiic Aud. her twentieta year in the educa¬ tho Western proposal. because data Di" 1.1 . • m f.e-i'i .« • prr,fe^*or of psychology at Drury I? improvement ?» : I* incomplete. the "Wo also toko It V r grar.'ed r.k'.inti and m . v . . . ■ A'' ''Ming in the prbg 'arn w ilt director < f ,v • W »* ♦•?, faivi .i-»ri OUrge, a church-related school tional field In September, said i Hroel y ar.d report kaul national inrome that tie* Ru w.ans want u* tr, «■» rt»Ai- !«• ter.«»r Wiltiam Heidlcr and of Stud« t. Aff.i.i' ha r« ign- ill in lad about >|0 billion for the* in Sprrngfield, Mo. aha •'thoroughly enjoyed hep the same y u sed Wed- Of the (!.» v-f.iiu»i |)u',p Tylrxak. ami ed her '.!s*' Droi «• thing with th«nr draft tbird «ir.*telit quarter. iUm set. At MSU, Dr Beadle has serv¬ work at MSU " She explained 1 |t - mi id organ is- A' Wi Fnhirwi Dean <*' '.V -ii „• M i-Kifin r". pe.ee tre-a'v tine * new moid. ed a fii-dltv adv."■!, t >h . I'd \|.m ,ger» (■omn'iuhitirs 'i ir •*!,; Dr. I- » «. i" • • AWS A *.vi*,e Hoard. Student i* her "intere-' .n work.rig .n a vjci offered F * s * ' < of -tafr 1:*.. ' r ii,nu,i' .pring '<»ur «■ Mu-hifc • -■ ' •• ' Judical'.. Alpha !«»?;.bd.i !>« *.» < college it iii»-»t that it " ' p>t.»' i rw-ehtis. On May 24 '.e (frtvfiman ».rboIasti» Dr. Frar.< L. direr • r • r. I-* •• ii: h«yiu r*» ■■((•" • ib effort* tUr,' gioup will he the feature'! f.. j.« - June ! horiorai i mi'l o".e Student r»f the V«* r.en D.vixi'/n, said *r * ;*"!.< >■ for a Gerr' ii-iitf ;• v an •hat r'-pJaMT.er.t for Dr. frwwrc hail hii*. ra! attrartion a* the National Mu«k.ri/urn '' i *».' •*•;• *T »up . r. . Head.'e J.a* yet oecn appointed. Soviet Rrcrr i«t N. <,'a Kf.ru* student opin- The Cherry fllos*o»ri feutiva! »! Tra- year ""Cd-i .»•; :.'!»eral .»'*> wise la a member of l>elta -hefev ha* snubbed the xag# ri. -.i, needed glee ^er'ee City I'rr-* • •ett*h ' >■' -'«•» ' ••'. r Kappa liinimi, women', educa¬ appr'Mi'h. bu* said se»rr.e :*?u» derision*. ret v. ,'i. .»:>'• if '.'nt ' i* ♦ fi- - l.ngllfth hand hell rincinc in tion honorary. PI Helta Theta, o" spv< .ps*"! - *;ii 1 r tec a' ... • id" p" .' .r. .1 rent yean ha* undergone Ire- , iraduate educalion honorary. are wrtn ta'k.ng If.o,' . Hut? ci-fieid hail, ns i L* • - W.'jrr, Ihe,' • D- IP-.." • A..: Runlnrw and Profea*lonal Wo¬ mendou* growth In popularity A ■ things now '"f We-.- ft C,r rail M'lerland, #•% " ii'. be ftsva I.«»e ; • «f» ■ • f l'- - • - men'* I lub. Michigan and Na¬ throughout the lulled Mate*. r.as «. owed f-.r ^r. lO'e-.m. stot .* . iMirdiug .vecrt- bit r,' - i• «•<<.i 'i tional A««n.'* of Women Mean* Ueslcott pointed nut. formerly known a* "Hwloo lie 11 Ringing" when praetleed h» traveling pro. !ne Born p»T*-rf»ne: fieri in lluron fount*' near and founaelor* and the Michi¬ gan f ounsclor'a A«*n. IN BRIEF fie *• . r»ego'ta'»-' v " for of t H«r genera' • new irou|» dei Ided to /((*(/.« I HO' /(«•! Iltlllioil t iirvlllr. Ill tteadie graduated rrv week f»r the re- an 4 ! fe**long|a, It ii now- more ac¬ lit fp'adle, who •-.)! begin /(#•#/ t nutftn Tm/t/H'tl . 1 F . - -pea-. honors from (rntril \|kh- • with ' of the term. The min- Oil (JillM-ar M.iiniiinil curately recognised a* an I nr- Iran I ollege. where *he receiv¬ pro graduate a llah mualeol euatoan dating har k LU A N*' Jl'lt A HAN.CI. L.o- A' - ttic meetings will tie Hut American «nd British dip¬ | m nrrj ttrinly residence UUnd «.rf. aid M< - ' IAIPKI r ->f fr.e T».« Cw.tr.l K i'irn.n!.i-ig, three hondred years, he odded. ed her Harhelor of Art* degree. <*be attained her 4fa.terv at the Ilannuli Seeks t.n.- i *: r n .r. ' f*-i*; . • I...-, v .»'• ; Brviy board tern. I'i ' S..r-w» • on the f Hed wi baniltrtil1 ir the faTr.C'l Wb.'e- (haiM'l Hell To\tr*Uy of I/#nd t do'tor ate at h*raru«r I niver»lt* . Beadle tx g.»n n« !«.»• ? '.g Nominees for eltn ministers see no chance at all of an* earl* definite settle¬ ' » -rfiinatioo of Eriimon? * ♦ e . ♦e .* ment of the German problem on maker of the fammia Amen'a- ;n La i /V*«, e Viee President - S if i Hen ehta of the terfield r.. . a, a vVM to prorrio'e f , • • - » the basis either of the Western - -ajk, in order Hailev ha. ' if.'} revolution Liberty Bell, LonrPoi'a lt:g Her., >4 h.gh »'h e>i F: *(.'» ♦ ♦ * or Misiet proposals catt iide Bow Hells aiwi man* »;.«•■■■• 'i for three •.«••.' S .• Ihtllr* II vukvr oth*r». ' uf.? for three year» . r. W< 1 I".*,!-;' Jo: ri A Hanr.*n There?- rc, they ;.ave dec. red A* ,\ Hughe*, proprietor of 'he f High in Dm • » ond 1 f ' i-r- of i-.VOte « '\t< u.'ir. •esyre'.y . .r i . ri—-. WASHINGTON •*' Wh»teehapc-1 foundry, hoard . ' 'aj* appointed 4 o* -re of *'"• '«•„ • <-!. jr, Pir.' *•* A;.-.! hv fe sahge a *« rep*•.**<■• I Suf»i,i; t ... -r ■ r. - • .n rcc«ir»Ung by the Spartan Be.I t* » .'.■•r for F.ugUh «.id • »• ,vr *'v Thursday '*•• .-core .nd.'.on *' ' 4 toreigli • • 'T1 of 'he I''.'erf . Ringer* arid pronoumed the r A'.nona State ' v-.gg" • *.*»,- f*/T a h»'A- vise pre*- If, - . - a'- d 1-jrtort se f- S'jo < He-'ai-.. France and West Wlnfma. *.!.r. for aradcr:,.-' a ft *. r - <;»•: -f.an>. k#.a*< S*err.». Oct of playing tuperlor to ar.y exiitmg n i j»»r.? •• : ;ou .y V. Ui Fng are! r .! two years Dr H» ' • I Dr Tfi'Kr.as ); '• re- lit >.e„,r,i'e ' ;-g.»p f> *b Md"*>- Wednesday'* program will cf-n- j ,* iition a\ man .< .; ■' t ,r re*:gr.ation in order * > a.-. f'ra.ir., *ist of variou* styles of n.usb* de- v ; Univt r? .' .. i . -r.e ;.;* ..den. 'd S* *V A-;v . - .r.tor -. arrs.-ge*- e-.t rigncd to rtivpUy the musirj; •. ed her oo« •*..'i'. < ' N« w V • k p:• * . •• -i..a o to >. r.ge or. * - - car»abJhties of ttii* unique .n- fo-: <>f Women an-i a • ■ " < ' • • i/r Har.-r.a' **<•-•:•.en* A Ilritlue (.oiliest . \ • • '*-• . IS.OR 4 W Of atrument Ten players nr.g 49 eigh* r.--*r •*'.* *J« g Gc r. ■ p- .•< .w»r of piyciV"log> at c.-r* ■ f . bell* to pr ^ • served for seven years a* Mrr* are -site i to cornu.uru ate of auphc »'«• Ui ix- *ourr»o?o»-n*. * ,ty 'rf (ierr-.ar.v D' an of Women and acvjc»at« ' vi'-wt an I norr..nati*>nt ' • w .11 be Wodneoday a' 1 t > a it Drury, Kill If 1 lll.lt /.I'D.(III. Slates Recital for.-.::.it?e«- ■ rrverrv-"--;' 0/ pa.'.'-t-'.r.g Afonda.. «. l Ar'.hur Ada erf 'b. t.O O I'etitioiiiii" Starts • .i^f-r *f thi- All v'uS«-bts j-.d fa runv 111b t - KUT V.. ATI! Tn I* - William Beidler. East tumaing • >•» .n pii<;* 'ig are .n*i'.-.- l I* K.i>< Ii..* ' I- . (. tenor, wiil perform tonight j' For Traffic Court ; -v.-.-t- -aJ Art ••* i-i no ?.r id *• F.a * Lan«»n< *,.*. , :." • (Mam *■ Sw ■ k > 8 IS p.m. in the Music Aud m Wr *"n ai.on - Horr.e !./.•*:; a.':*-: Sav;rx rj.- ■. . r*i i • f •* .'h !V.*n t * .. > < c-mm .n.v r . . - , a public graduate recital pe'itionlng open* t.May f " erning -i.'.e- new appointr:.-•■tv. ' » 3fi3 Abbot I'artoers wi.l be pro¬ H 'f vided*. »., s'l-»tuade'1 18 he *s . <- pres. .cut fi.r a ad--*:.. jor. received hi* bachelors de¬ A' . 'dl ciurt I'et ti'.T. v. «- W a '• -4 • • ' ■>*! tet.f to Afto..' cree fioin the American C on * able thru Frbl - fr ■•■..* - \ • • . K*JU( (•. *•" Il l i.r*. scrva'o.y ;:» 1831- He i4* a 'tu- . rn ,l?.i . r* t t,»r deni o> (it an Green well VI pctiUon« mud .U' sc'ur '--.fa new vice - ,* f president Th,* program op. « Hathaway, "ag. Scn Ha; K.o.ber, lumaru- iule CtioWi fcy ttnne Mm • . • ginning witn "Ferma, Dorinda .opening' t> i*,|TII. I ROM ALL walks «♦ liff \tiove Vern Irreh interview* Air Ruels Rem Mia'' by Caloaiani. The others up are ■ ■ • J :Hazard, i,.M.«i.''*c«< ad- - freshfnen r,r \ Hivhard Byrrrum, •Rural Review" rarh Tur-da» arid alNiut hn opmiwu «n rulltni »hee|i. are "A1 Amor, Quierro Veneer'' ■ir, iUor U' »» IMS AR candidate* r.-v.-*'. re'n.f 'ry *-h partmen*., John pm. ever HM*B lelevbrnn by Milan, "Elolgne d« ce qu on '■»" ' a.i-time studenU with, 2 45 a Gr- a ford. 4' i* ft,.ring depart* Ay me*' by IJe I-» Barre. and ■* -- allege average ( n.enf Ernest Me.by, education, biri . k Karin Show 'Fine Knacks for Ladies" by Af'cr being Interviewed "• . a Ed* *ifd W»-..:ne*. busmcax and Dow!and. r mating commit'ee all Aeicct- piibiy ervicc and Arthur Ad- "Dichterliege, or.e of 5ichu- eo andidatea will be preven'-i'd Se. enit and Ar*». T/MSB Interviews Mr. Slieep an;*. mann'g romantic */>ng cycles, hi S'udent Crmgreftji for approval will be aung by Beidler. He After being approved by C'on- a Do wrote toe words and music gr* >«. tou atudentg will be re- . Ki-onoiiiint Talk dire vi-d Thck Heuer, director i, , tatcviaion lufinstn ~ Blind .1 trreh In* of the following miniature cycle. qu.red to attend' regular court dr arlr.j everything Wodare Ihe lilmed p»rt...n ol lh» c? 'f.e program. "A Span". m" .oris for a period in a trains Laureled Tonight J on h nv to cull a sheep Tumor row Frwk'i (km year The final group of s-.ngs are »t»Tua- ' •hew. Itobhy will he ea the Bowies' "Blue Mountain Bal¬ Our to illnes*. Rbticrt Nathan, l .J"' ■' with Mr. She»p One program opened **•'" •Id *on drewwd ae HackMerry lad*". consulting econmist, attorney »how i ninee Veioet f riico ■ ' ,k'.. where anything Freeh drewfd in the *arb of an l ion. The pregraai will he haeed arid fortner deputy director of the Office of War Mobilization ISPSM"*! V«n r«ch. "Arabian—shtek whi.e a i,JVC upon the film "A »•? Uaraa T* Pentagon Questioned GENEVA Oti — France has and Reconversion will not speak I. ' ' 10 progra:n girl (Jean Cary) waited up^ f i*h." firmly turned thumbs down on J_ Ofi-'. Tuesdays and him. WASHINGTON Oft — Rep. at MSU tonight as planned. iiobbr. by the way. U an MSU San Francisco as a s»te for a The lecture, "Wages, Price* and ER "li:,s p»>. The film?—a feature on your jtu.ieRt too—MSU Cooperative Melvin Price (D-I1D raid Sun¬ possible East-Wast summit profits Ii a Growing, Economy" t r - ■cal i t trcsli approach to servant, the automatic N .* scry School that is. day he plana to try again to hold ference, high frtach ^p?c«nstic con- which had i*en »*t fT • pr% adcasting, it Is a machine Freeh a graduate of North public bearings this year on a^ ' "Signed to provide "This Is typical of the imag.- Pjkuta State ar.d obtained hU whether thl pentagon is guilty souicaa mii Anday night. They •2 JCeHogg Center pa ill_ kg re¬ nation ar.d plaoninf Vern pu« adhrd VfMea k balding scheduled lor k jMjM ^ |V , ar.d entertainment master's degree at MSU. He a of loot-dragging and InRuHHan MR into these shows in an effort to lM«t |s l4'» «<1 city dweUers make thea rore interesting, and Oow working toward • PhJ>. Iw m MM n nuciuur MM A I Aur Letter* to th,, f M Ulln Ha—We're Still Ahead Of Tliem' Mieliigan Sfafe News Tkt Rtalt N(tl' 0 Pro or Colloffialr — U-1 -c lf«4 Oail* by MMA \r «s.*»n state N'cwt .« published by Mudent* of Michia.in Stale ?S.«H Madpnu and I'aculU th.t Irttm ,„l. "UtSn Is Ihr Mlior k* not «m son ni'i la«t lAnsing. Mud. without direct f.vulty Hupvrvlsnui. p!a IPs Luplow's Choice i ^' :: - P > i? x ■ fc.'t:e - ts» cftii-sl »■>;•» o! the dri ver itv or nt the student bum. -» '• H*ek:st to serve the br t a-i »■ ,'ve u+iu-h would mtereats of t> «t».. -fntiU" riM.lv drive a u.-dge bt .... -ute Mfiilet - :• e« tr im ♦ »• - »he m.iu-d'v ei :.«« t inted Collegiate n*. "« Anv :>'ed l're»% Inland Daili I'lf" » d .A-- VP. LAST Til 1'KSli.AY ;«»• MS« /--.y INFORMAL fete, AI l,up!<»w. >ivri • ! .. nwi Vol. 51. No. "Mommy. May 18. tnr.il Pw» T«-« ■ more with the < Ipvcliirui Initial - • CATHOLIC RTCHlXi, than I.ujilow leading batter wa- hit! f .MSI . 1"* > .»-• : ' Michigan Stale ?4i S'uaerit fcenue Knv! Lnnvuig News Mulugnn 1/ATION 4 p.m., Catholic > ter cafeteria We (In not feel tha' it : e'i -c on da-.' Blond.o inroiiKh fndsv inclusive dm ire -er end ns "« *rr i- - " w-rekW mi'.i-k -uniturr terini .ind a leave hi" team in m;«l-e.i ■-»»:. (..II lerine Entered as • .•--..e net>»-een vi.-'-rner end A ifill l valnatile plaver. but «»■ <1 ... tr-- v . - '• tinder the act of March 3. 1B79 at for nne term 43; for luo the port mftce Siaf niirri con trout .4 ihinuv tto ir c - f *• - pai ah'e tn advance MBht 4 dltor %* er *-r — • *. Main stall w those who scream whin *L• • • • r-e I• -ti Dai'v F're»». Associated Pren» and the Avoidant j,„r It's easv to uml» r-faf i .«t"i t ba-e- •ird ft**. I inda Mooter hall coach John K«'b i hi , »d In. Rill ( allahan Idrtpe-lp-ehtef . . CAMPUS CLASV \ I Tha! is,' llarrty Christ dians' snutchinv of hi* »*.u > *4ae«rini ed.ief . . . HIGH READLlc it's rosy if you're n college ba IH'T II vol Hi; the rn, learned how hard it i* t«. »«•< .mmlat*- to take the Jtoirit «.f \iew #•' when it made !'!■ ted !iki' that CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS nionev wa- The artrument las-ome- \.i/ •• ...■ v,k- El) 2.1.(11 EXT. 2(.IJ tdne-s of ending .1 v,. .ru- o Comments such a- th.. • u . K 1.1'SI.I IVKS: p.m. IMS IIKtOltK I'l lll.K ATION I OR Tl'KS., Mm THI Its.. AM) I'M. EDITION'S Thurndav are vapue ami mr.«» f.t.i • ttung MOV EDITION DEADLINE: 2 a.m. EHI. U that most of tin hp w».. . i jcat lo!! for a few thousand dollar- r. \ # • . 'itipit ■te col- 11.11. I'.y.hlc 8-12 an4 1-5 Monday Ihrnufh Friday Icyr." Kobs said. "The\ di d loUII fringe- of in/ time baseball f«»r awhile • thef k" «,! ti ami CI ASSIF'Fn RATES I Acratch for a living " IS wo'd. HOUSING PERSONAL If Mr. I.uplow were a run .» : •. bill ! Indians' intervention mir? * f a. . IM.III 1 0«. 85c FOR RENT APARTMENTS THI MOO MA.CS S Would blow up the universe •. I,. 2 din ... $1.45 F©r *4 • NkK APARTMENT*, ROOMS 1 $1.95 ,th',ut 1-r.okii a, parking Two A-,d even r- stick t4» hi* ntuiiie* ami Lo ve- i Wi I e ll.'l M! Old . . . Mi.,, v block* t" rainpon Approxed. unap* I at v fTyr'' a- . on becoming a great phi urii.n . »id -.i 4 din ... . .... SZ.ab p^.'ved nununer ta'e* TV J-7i«;t7 •/ tke Da- y that basetiaH's filthv ptl.l wa- .< $ Old JQ ED 7 -0(Uo 3* DAIRY PLANT AN*h I vNAfpnovtn irRNisiiro a* RI'T IL III: were |list a t w ADDITIONAL CHAHGES 1 1 PARTMKNT Three men farking s„ i on »enn Two blocka from anticipation th«*t it would f•.* h. »oce «o-a o»«' IS mi> Phnna I'D 5-r7R;' after 7 REAL ESTATE n m 34 Ill this Wmpfti!l\e wot Id. t »»♦ • a ♦ r e- tn • ek' ac. 4c pt' day r. LANSING IN the wise and proja r tl nip roi'H I'NFTRMNIIFD ROOMS. three beditM.ni. tw„ . .. S-..\e . eii igei .Cor an,i furriPbert Two of the bedr. >o, of employ mem. AUTOMOTIVE AiM.i-k Private entrance and bath »'air« Bring |Hn « month IV P-.u&i 33 ('■•rneted living ro» tr» To go further, if. he w» r. .. k to a* 4! I a R.WlPi vn.dei One attached garage. I.ii » MODERN FVHNtSMED APART. down op NIA lb play haseball, then to would i ... II hl- * %4 #• TO* v ill. V;* k top 3* MF%. , n ruM from , an,pits Avail* *8 ill make vour p*, . talents at the low- prii a-. » t » . I,.'tier* lo I In* I'.il'lnr able June I*. Phone ».D 7-MM 31 tan Ave ueekend*. . ED 2-lw|.« „ > greater rewards id .» piofi ion. ! " aI bit1. I,rat ,te. OKFMOS AREA. »Tlt» , ami Him. k lo I v calupui 1st M . »:n *oi rt •• d AbiM.li Hd ID 2'3M3 3U 34 " ll. -1« vol | under (-or.ntrui't.n.i home Ti.. .< ledge, n college education a " kun.- Uieit 4 L) f-jwil. » « • •' tern. I'WU. N 11 agad'.r university during the id! »•.. .*n ,.*•>*.t.» . a Iioii. a • • a * a « EMPLOYMENT mATTHVITY ( APART WENT to SHARK with bcuae. 13 r.a.n. I There are numeiou e\nn j ■- re ■• * a: > vajt '-an ba 'Kt.ROt • n a »hrd Bi'M-k j (rum ranti.ua 7.u< rrs—and major leaguei .me.* >e,m) ?ut i'd 5r"v.?" '"r ,r",r' t « Led L u duelling arcomin,M.i g I niifrt I re Parking 10 i»iv -r education oillv because tI. I AM' I ASM.NT. FRONT AGE. 4 , fraternity $2t« ke »,der rental wit-i so. The best case i« that ot w ANT |'U unfiirius-rd apartmeni. All Hrou i All a - a- i tie* lutuihert Aulo.uatic aa* Contact \(r. Scott. )•««() f„r the New \ 111 2*03(11 k ^,nkv t'» rat IV ot !t : •• i mine ur IV 4-772b :a paid his w»\ fhcouyh ti...,c \ Miikei . IDT At BAfHEtOR APARTMfNT SERVICE s, and i" now iii.iku: • i '., I l!l{'!(l Rr- t , i..r i.ced in- ludea util.* baseball. • to r> < , edar IV 4-4.772 tf * BREAK SREC ' W e do not indie*e It,..' K>. M -RLFASP VNIVFRStTV VII SERVING THf- i I A,.I oiartinrnt .t,",*-*i4-ptemtie" IN TOWN rem for l.uplow ' w.i, (».,, bedroom Furniahed l»eiMi»it re- gj;reu »/n» I' uvfriih DELICIOUS Indiana took from i n., ., • i Village. 32 T' * . ■* l.uplow; a sopiii.iii, I., i v'li UK.AN' AVF ACROSS from SRUDNUT . pi,. T -r tb.ee net. |"iiml*hed season* tor AIM »•«•(! ...ir foon • ti'«l fl.»or Parking 23? A,..: abie J r ISt, IV S-fi3W» M was second Hiring u lt > t. Have lahn*MO ~ — — TYPING I1Y 11 N I 4RAVDOR NFAR SMALL (urni»t iter last fall • * * r ana" .- • I . one two * n,d ^>rvie«. clove • I'tili* H Cherry lone. FD He could llH* e bli.ki . , > It' I ( '.Ml-I'll, '•*«, • ,• :n1 aSo "uint.ilv Can be — — An* to.- M •eeri a'i*r 4 p ir.. and Sundava W I TY'PIST ANN Bid'' tackle and ended I t . t». t„ • I kl ainiiiii n. Clark Si 32 2-2VM Ctedrir »" ha*e to s|iend long \e.u r, , AnH.i Tiyt mill Ronu, KT" '" Indians paid lor hi, -icmdto. u I'n.lol* |-.rior ID b>' alt r«r* h'c T-ti77« a.'te- will I »tn\r (ile ha'h -nd t'biiirnikhed escept J ie:n«e:ator Air ton-, I.XPENT TERM Pa¬ — the law et average-. tt.;i: i rtitioned < l-'-e to iamp.i* and A A P ,A tlU , tvping on an *>• l» (he lililar '.*"1 Kenberrv Drive. Adult* Fifteen >eere expe »• 1 D 1-44m FOR SALE ROOMS THI CLIANEST CaC* #4 J Ot DILATED I AKf 9 IJFI IVFRCD r*'ta» », fhrta-k M*«i otner ONI DOl'UI I AND one an,*)*; SUCH IUS0NAIJ Reave- *be arnH Pumo, at 431 Abbott Hd Phone H>- ' *1 Rcfa *tt Hater* IV 4-g7*S tf t .W M S-.ru.2Sc » •-« A( BOSS I Anm il 3V M 4tA"..\r Wa n A C'g * • • «* ' K» 42% Tern* ban- FOR SALE trailers dKIK f»i i .4 A. LANSING LA.* 1 Th»»»e fullf M I i-r. » killed .44 N. I l|u»t iHau ( • Rr BO* (.;»\N UlllTH drr.it* ,!4A* wABlJTTt w It One bed* - IV MAC e, . . » p ,. r \ - r4",,l»- '"U bath laipvted air ion* |1 Heaver .VI J C.¬ * e ■■ .... j.* .a Alp * v.ugle* dHiuned Lot ill Trailer Haven TV Ai,r. RADIO 'M* Vi'» S.I U I [l'»TjT, .* , , u. . „ i ,, & A 11 ■ * I'boue ID 2-MU *• 12 w price ' * lo atudeot. n/ywiia t — •« 14 D.«trp«4 4 M li.vlithli.lv \|u«i It, rml I* ItiSlf v .. v. "-'J'". • . Jfui. „l«> *"%»«* lu5°jaa'U 15 Ami#" 17 D*t 4.' I s [°i'.fIs0,c 'V *. ri» : 12 , „ i. -STkSS »? ■ gfS.iWSB hXZ Manor. k.«. LO 7 -ftiM * - — — — JSSf. | 32 WASH CLOTHES . :»*> > 'c !N"BC. N!r . cheaper At Wendrt> 'IS Aah«».v« * r ' (iRADLATING. MUST SELL IB&4 'a biwvk weet ol Seal* H,.lull,.11 I., | I III 4 be liATuR NG 4.1 trader Full beth. 1 1 « o« I# M»icl wall*to.wall 1 a *>.•', ;h, ,iif'»r»ntr ' •rpet.iig Sleep* four Make me an SLC BLACK T4PI5T- container « : flu* ' HCN vfier #4 Trailer Haven. CD 14442. 34 •1. urate. 10 atruiA * 4i A , o nt .1 I I .» ar,i. th# - v-. tfepenua' •» !** CADIU-AC »i I ace lien I con* retea Term papera • »** * as recap 4 v. i • • are pee n 'kmi Must - aell within M da*a 111 Waodraere. i% I>«nre»!rp • |S »en*N -an.1 »e a a * * Sr« Ct li gheet otter tekca IV "*ll«l r,vv . e.1 tf-Jg 14 k.fnof lit 1 hor,u.*fi« I- VU.' » t v I'sTOM BUILT IMB3 HtCC $ UUNDiO *- * a\» j , • v Vindate. w tu.c 4 Ct ». *» let " J* Vent.utf »t Do.aed ... AtK.,.. £.**** turn*- will am 2TC2 I. M 24 tlepo* t 52 Katnci ur DROf Of# FOR St*' - Jt Vsimtn nwihrr niui hin Snlrta Fifti»4«d a t Ip.r* («»• a » 1 a a. .a ?-i inarei.cit i loertfa-,' nt • N Ahor«bu4 IIOHN 5 D«tt wi tnciAiui in e r» F.d"en> Euro.-e LOST DCNTAL LOW KB pprttal ,< a • >• I*iecent4.r I » IW c.it. »' f. or wnl h Thompson Mge. Reward Bettv B*m»anYCxi lUNOCH fO« Mi e etfec*.te f-4 Of 11 Livtlj- r..n;u',ct;«A I#v I «-» JimrUH IV , »«' <»n«» ] L»,M bi \ i .*» j *n • r-i ^ t>i y». »a.i ca "t PERSONAL CAurua TVPtNf. un — r" r- 7" 1 1 d r»g on »n« «■ 1 a—cam 1 u, T V .RADIO BCR\ l! 1 t ie ".e ru Till. FINEST TN Smitii ratea to etudent - i'r. IS'l bii. 4 t - of P-,. Lkr« «ri» -i'RINi, and met* i-' U'onOna. TWe PUvboy*. Bob* j Uievtfton *ale» Fi- 1 - - 4* t ,.*> • v Ait 1 a' a »;ed . *i'o' * , r ' 'lornierl* itm Vooiheia' 1 at *hop open • a m 1 * */; 1 — Vi*», . . a a u •:* Lit 2-2x4* «>*oea ».\,e.ie-•. cotMblKm i-< * «Uaut»» Harrts 3a, k*on. Valla* T V Techntetar« L ■ 32 Maticgahg fan: aga.tigi f-wtir.i.ftani. die* M d« art end othcra ConUct Bud*M..r ' igaa." IV 7*RRM iau»i vup and tl '•* + 4 ••leak t.vra:\ax fdr the f i.vmo 'Hilt WW ■ K»**T BAKCIIV OCUVOll tti" : SFARTAN AVIAT.C" :rf • 34 Sh-. :' trituration ,»f the e.g. > bettia tee.eg ten«v-e. Me:* divtSuelle iacwegled ty of me- » * Owre- rake aeratetg 14 I 19 .ri#e.i hei 14 * -a« you hat e area ail! carry «** MM Rhone IV 447B aafjjj I I ait'enaidlv de*novi- Sewn par merit Ra* : BUM I gt. a'ed m Dt» P*»" ID 2- . r i irpe' et Since similar bu* osrsiated .r CrOLT CIA Rand RURTYJAMICSONS Dance*. iESON S DUUC-I DIX2C-LAND ' )b >4 I .• a.-.r.-, y p..kt4 >> ut tejKiru.g on * tr.e Gtfrrr «r* sT.ti A 4,-aR.p.ete -VUALITV at line ol nien bog. a i.ecdmsa |ia|l CD %bc-. -rfe T tiai . .4*. fi./H .a.v is, it to eeuxx'.etit tnrtintiiig \ ■ 3* )iA8 SJT JvsT L8 that you w«M irie-i ■R *.'1 • i:» x i.eevt tu relreih ypur k?,*rw»«v:^e •• v. jrs?si!s&t% Captlel Cdy Aepa • 4 , u ' |Vv at«rg a tmacve hojvlsa 10* S u6tS' t.wt only m gev'krapbt to*, a'.-w fr* £2r*r,2S-**'— -n 14»■=- »ur, 4; , ,4<: u. ifte e.en.en!ar) W**'" - 42 \ '..'.can.g ;ourna^4*.:« ■ eth^s, Hhich are t»-«eyi un truth- HOUSING * •1 n k 11 *4 ** * ; •»] •*a 44 U., fu' reporting throughout the and none*:* LFOR ■ sf It • .«pit *«' '■*. except m RENT —1 the Sovie: Union and a'he »• *»•.- rn -t I 4v • ,»i r.i«: WAin^.*t,> p countT.e* kVAILABCI ItrrqiRER t«t MAC aV'E ^ ^ t |fc"f 4 : 1 r: u» 1 ' #t i- yVn'e'V.tn^iW 'igerato:^""eur ,tir"Uhe^ ™n" 'ir' iwftwrnt lor'siL- " * 14# i 44 b;,u > r; J' /meni l ew Uela%k r,-» *.j;., cm, ,. 1 ». .. audMiiaUc wa4te . etc. at-nnol tear. fJr*V PrreMeat * -4- ra » . b^W"Wljfr n**n ^'urt d.atem-e to -all llriiaiM ( iliarai Aiaa. KI» m*u» rkm to t-Sof *>„uw. i'.".*' ' lull. r....c,.»,„ IH- i if.* vi ae en ftdi t 2-3VI4. iSlith •No UU M detail*. '«» College, Mounl 1 MIC HIGAN 1TATE NEWA Semi nar IfehI Ma? Ill 1031 fag* Hire* teds Open Fire on Matsu Islands For Photons Fifteen Awards (riven At Kellofift it Mn sic Fan vocation fhleash " " Wl. Med. K'-nward i'-■■■••'rurbar, will addree* the A'kin, advcr'i .» ■ > »i !•>, (,!./«. rr, ,v , tr.a'o [. •;,«* nil r <•<:«-) MTVl'f vecj f hf .rig M.rodia -ix stucien'*: HaiA.ead, Owoh. .'and flu'ino*" rominar f■ »r 1..0- .1 •i'pir*- kc-riic.r; (iertrud# TopUff, luin*- [eaviest .'a'lon- it' tii'' • , iv fe* iona! jch'/'cfgraphers a'. K»-- A Hards '.j-jj Ct-ri'er thi* morniig fit '.c ■ •;* .ft Annua! r .tir»d»v flor.-o 1 ( oT •• .•■l tgari ( ity, sir.sor. Larry Maxev, .Mu./i- I rid pernor; Laurence , IDJi*cla> graduate »tu- Wi'l pre en' vun.e '•! '-ie ia'c • ||r V/ , O, If IK n, herd (,1 la. or. Jon I'ohfror.e, IXwand ittackYet • 1 r • Presented • ai ii,t-t jn advert n.g a,> * • . • • « ■ ii.p'Ti'. .''i * . m'l- r' iden', and Leon flan. \t> " color pbo'-.kiapti • • firaud ffapi'U gradua'e About 130 11*'ogf apher•! ff o J..-.- 'l-.o*. Man •c f l'f||M I Formosa Slrail pre -e-. i ;i' 'n't- ;n t> a * **-lefl l • i i* ' c c-. Kkbarvj Mr-' •Mel' vers', ''it f ' ' of ' ft ' ' * !,• 11, M ' n Itoivernox, Foril . . of Action ant - S.r;tur If. ' '• I It '• i' F AC Scene the ' 1 '1r v Mf! - '>» ard lb • here, r • r h- MS'' O .4 * ■'••• i ITAirEI (A1)—Chines# Na- tr • v, o? F.*'' T -v - . r A' ' -nr.'. '■,! ( • i.hfi j - g I «, . . 1 F. • J • I, • it i .: Hf 1 M .r of Mm SJ . - Gel Srliolarsliijis I'/n'-r o*. Ij .--'* ln*li«t.< and Communists fb. T- . v,.. J, i.ied f 1. 1 a d M... ,r Jarnf* Aught. a 90-mlnute artillery »•/- ' A • ' Ih- !'• ' lo*eph II* her ft re bio oriel Vc .n * e.verj v »'. cr*.' p Hi nt the northrrn end of *** A . !• » . aophomore \nn fatlon l.anainr j.ri «ed bv Ice an A - Um Strait Sunday af- 1 4 At?! f -r aentor and I cure Helwter. M • • V-C,ye ' e f'oi.'ege of flair Shore* freshman, received • .nee* ar.'i f'in..e Servi'e |r Communist funn«rs un. VVm a. f're««er foundation v,, holarship ,r.. • Th »•••>•• their heaviest at- . -hed t color panel forum di*e u*. award* of l|0lt-|*i(» earh. no'tenta and tr>e»r wiVM |-k yet on the Matsu •ion will al«o he held thi* morn¬ \ irt-i • Ut>*> rer.o Stcf.ctg? e • c 'f/Ki and rnaftnr « pr land*. ing with M*»l '* pluitographii t'.i • xr-e,.,* A*-f '.to Gijild '* * ;n fi'r.r"M adTimia'ra'con editor, Uilhur Ne|*on. a* «hair |7he Nationalist Uefen.se mini*- t • man > A. ' el A il ' ' j fcr rje-t T M-tii.'on, vide - e claim*! Communist tuns on f»i i'.i . K.i ' Iiff, it 'en a'.adnmi' affa.i „ mslmeivl ma*t weie silenced !>• V. ' •1 i ' on '4 <> .it',., '/.i- 1 A ,/ha ti-.ap- •. ier • it eounterflre. By n„- • • ».7. ;e.<-e or. Th«- Value of S- - «o #f* M. xiall*t count, the Beds find « shell*, of uhlch 112 hit Mslsu . ... ■ • ■ 4i. . 'J ' ■; left. 112 Peikantang Island ' .1 i • ,,re -d n 170 tended Ul the era. eimn. unique Mid a Net ion- MMOIt P,msld MfIronild. neislt liitiviiir. Millird Krn«nlitr. Oli\rt: Jjrim Uiu- • ' j y '4 • SPECIAL PURCHASE Kit officer eri'-y 1*0 aoldiere »l»l»«inleil Adjutant h-..rr- \S \S|I AM) WEAK (ipnnil r..t Michigan »\ Carter. I sn*ln*: ami iMsirt h -larkaon. I atoii Lie killed in the" bomherdmt - ■ change* ,1 s.iluti (j*■ au.in|v win;* In .|\ \ir pilot« arr ttr«ln Kilponni, ttikrlirld N l» . h.u - r, o • ■ . WHITE SlIOKT MI.EEVE L, (rfficee, three »'Idlers end Imre Hllll r„|,t% in *pe, i.,1 rernnon.e* lurw anil frrrrnrr I'rikham |.4k^ I'll*. T deilleoe . lest woundest. Matsu ehelled—by Six rounds das. The cadet*. jip i| r. iMU dtor* Monte ^turk ,'r ai he r •: 1 « W or ■> SPORT SHIRT "■ 1'' >''•£! V. 4 • Tea April 28, 1987. 'Commi nilalili' Kfforl* • eo . !,g • ; r. - ONLY S2.M | I The erUUerr WtUe waa are. « ' - I M beer earlier by Natal F.s K < ' VARSITY SHOP \4sli(>s 1 In wbleb NbUeaatM War- K< ks' ' ' • of Scarlet9 Ends Hun > • .• •<* | n II serfeee tercets '• B* f'i' 22* AHIIOTT III). E. I.ANSIM. tided sreel af Melee. Use dr- « v ; , eitpterry eeld. eddlec thai Ht I I Ol HN113 •i I Odemenlet eeeeele eket first I It ;<• I fled wbea fired bum. ' AVMA I In edditmn. the Commun is *, A f- » a '• ' h-ew M erlillery ehelle et tie . ' « *. am • ? •• .• fjensony Island*. . . - a:-. , f.'.».o.og Tin the rise *>f esxne TCsOon- kdt guariaev here three acUans •/ •• , % ■ ,i{ :e 1 *-» J-'h', • •• ijn aru •- .»? I'atfvt-* I mark the bwrnnmc of « Ind . i > - '»• I n. v Cenrr.urtlet etlempt tocrc a'e * \ '' 'ft I! \er I crista In yormnee Strain The re^t of the ra*t member* . 4 : • » F - * u» *. #• [ Pear Adm. IJu lfoh-Tu, chief were forced to change their IIT' e I, - osremen "f the defense mn • age* rciribtantli and. in «s»me • , f •? '»e 4 Irj', refused to My whether " ra*e*. were not alum effertite. ..dared !he attack a cqrta.:.- due again, one might *o*pect r to major ectinn. to vript dtfflrultie* . •Bit we no know.** he Ce¬ . a • , v«x. -r « ard ■■ !. '-<■*> A-e*i.''ar» a.Vi tm«c- ' center gun* In position ojie The local chapter i,t thf the¬ 1 >r*f c ; U r,,:.e ,i. ,uv a" age of 'be MS'f Ve - ater honoiart Ihrta Alpha Phi n-orner* and ,ix'v the I site botn W Jtfnoy ar.d Ms'-... undertook I »e produdion of A- ia/ingiy orxiug ,. nda S *r .*• Ii't'-gt Guftderaon. ' f t. r-af ur. or; ftay Bar \ahr« of Scarlet'' and did rr- fof wa« a be liev« a F- X-.fi* ;ng tr.o Jar..e» 'loin Available marbahlt wtil with all due run* i/lrt , F-i-r !.a-'.» r.g sn,crr lor ehdnifilp thf pit* i« **>n- udrrati'in* lion Burngar 'nc' er cr-c **fe pre*f *. For Gardener* rrriH il u iih one (anoh .«11«I i "i'r S'... < 7' i« '.ciaiHiV ion,; ■ >.m, Te l. ,« • - pr-e. ■ «ui three •'.der.*« and" tradu.il dmaipatton riurtnj I•• ■ ilnr hi, d c .g .» : - F x.n* La** lairacr.g Several garden plot# a."* ava. • generation* Imni IHT • to I'• '•! cd j: vageiv Ja' *- a'vertis.r.g rr.ar.age-. a'1 f ^fir fuiifnU, faculty or During the mime of the artion, i':. .»• v tfe- .1 -e Park a« M: ;>•. i I'i' .fk, Fait I-sniing frad <- a* residents Interested In gar- the si ene shi"* inrooiprehen*- 1 the vie* - gave generaiiy f-'.e .•e *"-u■•en', aa*.*tar* ed.'or. fir " nf Iveh from one generation to the a*. '• r- ■ ■ * - w.-.fg <*' the Ve'er nar.an 7~e p>•* are located nn Hag-* other for reaaon* which are not Adtiidg in tne.f rr • pant • «•* •i • They are f>0 ?"' obi iou*. it *-. A *« i i'- "Ml '• - 1 . • rd and fcrtilj/ci . * .' ■ ». . ■ f t H*,.-, ■■ •■•tc-rv!.. fret f- t y1 , . f • $3. Anyone In'*?- o'ed A.-.'Si.d contact H'fii y f "-e • ' i»4'' ' e rf.ar- i;>«ema, IV J>-6*00. Fall Silirdidrt Rroily iharmin* ANIMAL BANKS fonedultf of cla.»»ea for I M'lt tem- nyy be obtained in |!'3, A*" imatration Building, a >/T Ih*M iovvobU p*stcnoli»>*» • tr~*t capacity lor coins or used rotor Tboy art silver plotad, 5 by 3' > o-chot in •osily for "bonk robb -g THE MREYTON RING MARKS THE REAL THING! II tree MEICS HOW TMKVTOtf* DUAL fllTEl WORKS Q.E.D. Iss iocloaea sesbre*edM*ef Ibie *«■- '•* esdleeer apart rAwl. kee t. It COfB »n t"i *11. 5u'* , rie*ewes whit* outer !.lt«r... .deeer A s«i**eN. Vra, it's been demor stritci lur.e end trm* , «ef- »ge.n. that (or real refreshment it's Coke 2. «itn a uniq-* in-*' ' nv i< »c* yverjr time! Add up thet cold crop uate reek I VATtD ChMCOSI. . BfMCh h*4 5**1 thet lively lilt end you really have a dr.nlc IMS worth going alter. So whenever the crowd Am a multiple thirst, make the high sign ,f good taste... Psm around the RANNEY Jewelers d«lin.t*!y proved to mak* tn« »moa« ®!_L?'AW* mikHf end tmootft*. Coca-Cols! Quod Erst Dem'xistfsaduml 211 Abbntl Kd . /O east cum iivu on TSB CAMPt * SB L RIAUY ganted issidsr ansr-f k^ilXC lUtFRESHED...HAVB A COBB. l(M A of fr- Coce-Cofa Coefiej by R»H I T* MMMVt RKMIT* 9», Bt JIM MAI.UNT.TON S»n rranruro «. flmniMli S M.I«*Hkrr k. I f( \nc*l<» '3 lioaton !•. l»IT*OIT 1 Michigan State took the Nm \cr\t i. •. Ka»»a» Cttr I. U Buy * Fi>f Park nf Dual Filter T«rr»t«n !. «. t hirato 4. ? Wjiihincton 4. Chirac* S. IS first step in its comeback PMUrfrljihl* *» St. lout* tl> pOiS- Waliimoro «. 3 HrtfU»4 9 or Hit I'ararfr and Get a potted todays r,%wr« TODAY'S «i%Mrs trail Saturday. M !»*nkfT »t *»n » f«nrl»<-r*—Sp*ha DETROIT at Bo»ton—Runntni r. f»-•» J4-7. in the third-annua! union desk - hon. a tue. . Unit t»u\f* whPdnJrd. r»rr*r tJ-l» *» Brown «••!) t»:d Timer* fame N»f the best runner* in the are rank* with ball. attempU to an around end. Sam Mil¬ •er (19). to i mrifrr 13 yirdi nnhtni itants, last fall's vanity captain iforcvround). total. B par tan backs rolled op This I pr. 171 varde rnahini. Peels or I Plate Skirt Cleeaed SPECIAL Wilson, and h.s «; .coe«nr Jason Harness sccre.1 touch* yard, Martin 39 and Baker the lonrest extra point in » Week Ijirry fticbt. threw and »i--.e..*e) four of five extra point ling. struck Saturday, but it free With ley $3.00 Order a i-mier gnme t- an the pair of nullified hi* first «u..,, | Only professional sifnat cn'leio lead* ing the Old Timers. State con« a tempt* Jim NinowAkl scored the Old only hit the Old Timers. They hobbled seven times and lost tempt and forced the 13%\ \; ing sophomore 4o kirk f m nected on 11 of ; 7 passes for Timer* single marker In the the ball three times. The varsity 25 where he calmly »n t CA FF SUMMER SUMMER STORAGE '71 yard* Jim N'tnowski and FTarl Mm.; completed only fourth quarter. Slonac kicked the point after. recovered its only fumble. The over-anxious Spartans new width aprighi* Again the alumni a. |% L L ne of 34 pasaing attempt* for rolled up more yardage In penal¬ to punt after four f' > • Though fading to I MoHtproofiac Mottiproofiig SON Slanps S3 vards. Adderlev, Blanche score, Herb Martin and ties. The offlrisls railed II pen¬ Boidrn and Nino.. . S.* men shared in the Spartan Tark Baker contributed much alties for 135 yards. Tho Old thrown for losses Pickup a Delivery Miaor Repairs i I>.*■> ring Wilson. Date Northcro**, S'ewart, Jon Marx and yardage to the varsity's offens¬ ive drives. Adderlcy totaled 77 Timers w ere penalised only times for 15 yards. threo Bielat replaced V.' r.alcaller and wasted * The pattern of the day wai throwing State to , . KENT DELUXE CLEANERS set in the first scries with the score. Harness h..u ball. Tie Old Timers couldn't senior's MAY 20-23 K"r8:uP","r' move and were forced to punt. pais yards unmolested t * and r ; Then Adderlev made the new compleie a 76-.\arj M.ilint* Saturday, May 2.1, 2MM) p.m. 2911 s. wash. PHOME IV 7-5022 offense's introduction a sensa¬ The Old Timer* bcSAJl ft tional one as he took a short first sulMtained drb- m MSi: PLAYERS pass from Blanche Martin on next series bnt an lib;a! r the Old Timers 46 and penalty forced them scamper* r» 1 l.\ later Wilson tossed to North* The third stanza v * cross in the end zone. with neither squad Tho Old Timers didn't get a An Old Timers r chance to roll after the hirk off aa Wayne rentes fell on Ken si- began in the third ; DREAMING tied them to their ' esyk's fumble. The Spartans with N mow ski £-• ■ then need II play* with Wtl*«n a quarterback sneak ••oaklng la for tho TO front tho one. H'Uson returned and d>n Ntale to IU final arm. K- < Bob Berelch intercepted Kin* . owski's pass after the Old Timers ing Vie Zuecn's fumMf. made their initial first down. bpartans rolled Int» thr OF VACATIONS The peri od ended with State on tone with Don Str* ,rt t tho Old Timers' ]0. Ing the last six yam-. The change in quarters didn't The rest of the p. slow down the Spartans as seven fined between the 30- plays put them in tho end zone crs. All S«li Rrwrttd 11.00 again. Marx received In the romp C Wilsons - shovel pass behind the line Daugherty was aM lukrta AiaiUhl* at Unioa Ticket Office and skipped three most of his bench. A yards for the score. Ing the game the v. ■r—4U.U.r kick* prnh.Mr 11 was made up of All told, 36 gecon-t u played. Two defenders vcr. larly outstanding for ihr ■. • Rd MeLnraa. a Junior, rid- JUNE GRADUATES habit ef being at the run r at the right time, makint t- hey tackle* and one fun Sophomore fullb.i '< Newman broke up ORDER YOUR paaa pla>x to Dome 1 in the gam* to kc p * Timerg from a aec • The promising vtct. 20 days of apruig f • CAPS AM) GOWNS _ tice tor the Spartai Michigan State's M mural Building eontv 127 foot dirt arvtui in entire baseball lnf:< ! out for winter pract. •. \ .— ; -• HON. THRU T1H H.I It'» all ripht to ilrrim of vara Mow, l»ut It'i wK- (,Utimug aLcml to «Lt yuu air 8o.uj; la ■CM * IS I ilo after KTa.luati.Mi. •HI SO*1' , Wc »n^k>,t v.hi itmtklrr wotVins for INiWic Senior TOU Kt I waitDI KIcctrtc ami llai (.Mit|uuy in New Jmcy. With moio roil f titan otic btUt.ut ilulUr, iovretcd leading utilities in lite i\>tiiitry Lul.lio atiKHig in plant, it is otic of the Son ice ranli fouttli thv iiuCM,M-oattcl operating utility, companies NOW!! prosi,hug tiotli chstiic am! gas raittce in Utc L'lutotl States. So start thinking now alwut not year... sou would be raise to gttv IJulic huw^a K'ttaSat sunsidualwu. »EWD FOR THIS TMAVT •"ila tot the twfetatetim kractim -■Tr*yr!« Co^»- «H With llliiii ' • A ' *»iii'h »hnv '•■.'ii Fran Ibftiieh'* tbinrlad* tui ki'il u|i *jx fir^t~ ;»-• well n» a fir. U If • \ar»ity PlayerH "a Minnesota also w>w the Spew - mea-ure on Saturday, converted cetchere li.lpe.1 » ru- ■ i. O i*."landing players represer. - The fCyphers took Hmt af Rn i I* Spertene In a a 3 victim it.g every major varajty spc.r'. six singles matches sag tea m fridee •' Ulexet". 'nd • a I l.r *1.1 r of the meet was J.i ff A w ere .ungled oht a' trie ' S" ii in the three double* doclsleee Is l.l »,n in the wcood «anie • • hi*h "printer lerrv Ht/patrirk »r..' ken fry Tnur Any night for win. Doug .smith and Rea Mae llimoif The Itlini to.-k in« tiru who was a triple winner Solre Dame f apt strve Horn-, oipstaoding servi e call scored vietortee far ciine, 8-11. huh. won hoth of hi* vpecialtie* Glenn Mo/e. club pieaider.t, singles and the Srnli flash ■ • .'Mi-. -I .1 I Hide CerWrrilhlii Ihm Manet ihr m»-yard high hurdles ol5.Hl presented award* to: romhlnation teamed up te Am and Jehn *11 M-kirk- and the fjil ow hurdles I:T4.ki. t'ra vford Kennedy, trac k aiTcI feat MinneseU's Ne. 1 dee, 1-4 al#M. a« aelimi *» field W ill* Own Dornharh defeated Mike Klein- -* country: George bepetv., S-ft. 4-1. la doubles. a#4 ieekfd |Md St the plate loiifiiev With 2.%'^ Hans in both events as Harness >«acer: Jnn Ferguaon. wre.stling; The netters close their rggule. Munce led ib# 13 hit a', tack plarrd third ill the highs. K' vcjf.d Miller, hex key: Sam season Tuesday by plajdpg lex W-Iiiain*. for.tbgll. Bop Ander* gjsmut IMrdue with four single* NUir Neut J'lioto hv (till Jtlelmao •. i; ! I. ST'r.PHflt SPHINt.S. ( K >:i'iv K"--r;»vi •• '.'''-k diana on the MSU c-mrtg Mutt a id alio collected one safety JIM \l\OMtkl of the f Irirlanrf Kinuiu «•.. • *;; f ' ...... «'♦ 21 hi a: 1 J.-. egg. ba.ketball: and Terrence nt the Stadium. against Illinois. Cartwright was and luni Mil»«n i.f S|>| . |<«*tIi •iiiartrrturku, lop varsity player. The "S" f hih award went to ii .-i>:.. •* i D..i" i •> - ( •' Icrrim, fer.< .r.g 'H'.is wswker^f the Big 14 -for-eleven over the weck- loam o\rr Ihr honorv Ihey irtri« rd in Saturday's Ninowvki. voted the lir*t Old Timer perforn er by ■ , -J p, r hho !*» - All except Septty* tie seiporu. championahips will be h*ld Mr# ,IU1 and Hendee got two hits Old limrrs game. IVilum was Ilia rnipiciit of the press and radio. . V« fi-uii'i''. i'tir », ■ .nd H.m Cr.t g'iT. and Im:, H p - J: h. lil -e 440 ( a-' - a;a.n»i Purduo. , 72- u.le l-'al "f - • :• \lume now feoa»t» • 429 hat- fifth vi't-.iv in nr. !♦» » O .1 Don Ma >r, p!i el 111 average «nd Cartwright has Fiiiitili Willi 11 -1 Hicoi'il The <'V.er N-.tre Dame »- in? e: ,n enviable 10-for-20 record. ' Radele fawned II Wkrawk- ere M.ke Mwren'hi. .»• t • re an l K" • Golfers Sweep Quadrangular while wotchlwg hto fourth . ,ti rfi • • : 4 -. Hi* II win. Mwktag lila •ver-all CT . . yy (ftp fke A utkm mf " Raff y Rmmmd ike Flag, record. M. Hew ever. the bt« "Seee/eef Rep wtik Ckmk.") Mix we wee treading on danger !•».. .'! -I II : • ' ' I ' ' nit ground aa the SporUrw went b ' into the final frame. ISparta:;-. . ... • g tn. i' '«-*■ u11r M hen witji nn 11-1 j ihft Kleser finally split the .. m e. .ii-l'c-.P.'tl Ma hi^n':. tU game wide open with a basr-t nailed triple in the ninth He \\-f one run in their iui: a.. . In *urr;i ill *i* point* from P.«-p|ey."*chiiltr. Uailevvrdier rar» nieur • 'i>ni'<<#wiir. epnrW I'aul Predhonme of fletroit. of ihe inning, but it was t«*> la**- MOV IM* Irt.u VIvlint, l.a l h-l!ow hhI (net- in ahorl, trpicei Am* Ilnury er. he lu*t. t'.to Van Sciever limited the Uluo .... V10VIM. • • - • coiiege rtian- cmoltee hidav"* new Mnrtt .-■«I.•.!»/ dav * twin bill. !- ! conslii ' rha Kohamen wrapped up the . VhfUi M.»* soul.. ... MORI Places I -m-.ke tociav » new M i:lia,ro» " repl.ed Beppo, lonk'og 9 ( %. smith, "hooting in the MKIIIf.XS ST\1I athletie MOKI Times from It f» litre M.ea'l ll'.tchkiM dnve dMihie cyssrheed gsme In the early inning*. The? * mm- •niiiihrr one position, tallied a T»'l h« (o-l'l4 director Higgle Munii prevent* Our Littlo "OPIL" Wagons M Mntt-h *t»».rta tar. "hee*u«# they are m% got all they needed In the set- »n It and 7*1 tor a It# and halved the (Md Campus Itailv to llelp end when John Rnaoell walked, Vi> li.K •' 1' j plaoue at halftimr of up ' Sew" -*)«! IM fneod. ' What partan agent for "ALLIED'' liauier alter I". year* of *ervire. > designs! »..r tod-iv g t-n-ior hreeiier firing," «ud Reppe walked to forre In llutorl and Wenre brought (artwright a- S ' !•• viied I *'. U' K Slum. Tiie gartie "a* (irdirated to Acme Moveri 4 Storage I »ke tma 2 '* litre T - head Ifotrliki-U dnve double owerfee*^ crate on an infteld ont. \S "!.• 4-2. -in ' 'he Ti- ||e|ipinsUH (6a»n*l.aft Hrtudi >r>rt* car ' ' a-ke*l the fnend. - ■. IM . IV f-hSlJ •«, ». 0..I4.1 SHOW rtipiacetj the tachmneW eNR • 4 floubte to Look. Italph Parker and litau Hill V ill I t t It VI I — s»de draft carf'uretor " ^ain Pie by identicai Terry Gellinger of Illinois al¬ > - -Ton I'M. "(iracious,M exdaim**! the frwrnd itor* eight hNg In tho opener io get Um win. WUd pitching Tartars. Boilermakers srorrs- I 'mLtl lit ; \ Wow' What a World "t have rrpiarerj t,,e Ikn*! w»h * land o Goshen'" evU.med t.he frvctul. a i-m-nwt," add Bappe snd sloppy fielding ptagned the It Would Be If Cvery * aorta na. Don Racket I look the The MM' n»\i in;' team t« first place in a regatta held pUv The • Ail •• teenager Had An Audi base pot gloves ;o U*c glove v lu«t. He waa followed It the .»•t'*' • * former MSI Itoxer e- ar. i » .*i ; • Wa :«• M..V b place with Wisconsin with a 7-4 U ii ii Motor lily Unlit * a'-a r»v i»-" .ng *►.♦• : • . " • . - wd. Minnesota is still lead.r.g .S' fi-.-.riT go nii'-u' A \ ' . ""a NAME' i " trie the pack and Illinois is second War ti n Jkheibner of Vfilfurd, w '-id r|ii spa ': »• According in assistant coach In a cio*e race. Ila»ne open- fynner MSU boxri, *on h-a nun r • frank Pellerin, the team still has "J"he S:'.< ' •- PH. Sard ll.-ii s good chance of finishing *ev - P4 a small lead at the begin¬ f,r*t proftsfeiwRal fijlit last we«k «■•» y»ra r y I Ii ning hut fell con with Purdue ri I> 'i u!, » •'! iftg a i. ..i R0SAUMD •aid if they can take two-out-of- MO V.rd H'.o I and the Spartans at the half- ik k over Hal (.. e. n a >t%'H p..Hi- I three in thin weekend's hon e , mile mark law aid Ihr end of t - a * "t pi • • T •wid against Iowa and Mm •- 2 # »»f 'r,f f i t round I • I tie trgalta. the Tartar* and tap leap, befuie •uta* Stheiuuer. who quit a*r • ■. Hwlcrmaker* !*»ih faded im gite Rbachtra (ioll8|»r mavhta. la. urv-Bi.». h • MM Ito vie tail > T».t» Frnws - 4 p-'u hcung rrga'.ta of the »*■*•-i« w .tag ' ! this sun it leirn. term »tudle^ at H»« to pro box. plana S'.ate sunmi.pi'" debut was tv» >•. '9A# squads, a' LUCON RUSSELL ' 'D-J.T.V. 'trJfyrs- Inp preliminary tard fm t?i<- IN - J •% Ill-)"-' 35 \|y too haee Iwea the im>e um,' sa*d MM I Graad Hive; The . « *nl*M •» MUmkM kuu be Tart.1 toe lightweight champion-u p be e»j;uu.*t«J ' ahpM* it • rod,. l.njh l-ne for tap offa.r * I stgtp tx.ut. in which Gene Gret iam NOH MIOW IN( LAST 3 Pm TECNWCOlOn * W taSi, m* M lM.t im be at the Ldnaing B» et < lub Maybe a trifle," said Beppe, with a brae* utile ■ retained hi« title b> ou!i»oint;ng Complele show*. I m-S.M ' Know »Si*t I do when I tired*" said in PfIMM • ' But it **• eaev," said Beppo, rhuckling kindtiiy.' eveikis droop and the tiiusuutur* sags awl the | Dry Clean Now! ph-ted, what .* more batnrai loan Wu perk up vtlk I •yea Marlboro*" \ great rww *tnoke eith trttw maATaV ami a glial MC FREE STORAGE bl»«-r'' (ir:Kia.n.e«i tjw frwud. hi* young rves giiatemag. ^ ( hangedJo k*^-i» jM.e with today s changing tPaitdr •»> V c * tie*. eiami l>p[io. ehtriiiig hi* •in,* m oonrceu-.e 1 irrieg "A mgm rette for a xunnier age, »a age 01 gr*«'e« leieere aad I 'Audrey Anthony' Fill NitbprMflig MCPtURN PERKINS 4 on ng hor:ion*'' So*, tired buthappy. Beppo and h* 'need Ut) invoked f'«r a time m deep, silent conteattneat Al t-ehwa n HE REST frcnil epoke, "He certainly «• a beauty," be aaid. 1R% Caak Wmai c«tuAv -in - « * COLOR J 'Tou me*n my 2litre I .-head Hotchkisa dnve dodble evep* TlXEDOS LEE I. CON %DDtD ixm le ad ranishait Bntish -purta car .'" asked Bcppe: — Gwdi How Available HOP! FUMW6 SfSSt4 HAV*»AA4 ^hCMf V COLOR <%RTO0> HARLLLnN WOLF 'Yes," said the fr.egR How fvt will he go*" "Wfit. 1 dub t ngUUy kbua," *».d Beppu. "1 na't &ad tbp Parkiag Al Hrar ' I Hft t ree lint Our Price*!! Sl'N DAY — *Urutf.'« • me Mmenawaa Tom a hiry JOKJames Udwrak Kerr Swveltv A N«x» 1 ul Rrynnnrr One Hour VERBEU COREY NfXl "WAftl.Ot K" ' NiJT. gelt rr»JCTiCN"S^ t«MS Ifav sarrt I handler **mK JOI KNKY" ALsO Diana Ones AF Ifu'rm $ti< king with the §*n*d mid rmn'l Ambtlltr than Philip Iturn*—* nun in 1 id. Attmr rfgereffe. gww ric4, laatg 4 um nunc KM* Richard Widmark At Henry londa •■Thunder In to. smb" •III.ondf: siNNtr •*ede bp the people it hp mekc Mmrlbmrmn, Mumr.w st\tc vnrs Page sit Broiled Chicken (!!iniaxes Week al Creek IVa*l A | AI'Ai lTV C'ltOWU jammed *ht* T:iv n of PePn Surmn Phi Satevening «« (JiV"k l-Y. climaxed a *»eek- loii." Ii«t of activities dtiriiv Creek Week. The tr.iiliti<'!ia! wc.k -el a-i h- to the Creeks s.arfpd \vi?M Sororit.x Sin-/ on S.M.«v 1". and ended .• ith nn III -Pan."» i b.'iM'jiict at the lait-iM; i"i\ i«.* renter Sunday. Old i m|'<" e Kiehl wa-; the aren:. for .Athena'* Holiday Saturd; v niornim' : - the Pi lie?.-, phi's coypen place in the ar» r-v i|i,;-it• uI- rofv.cti*i..;\ Alpha \i Pr'ta fjni ho. I in r-.r i:» nip • •:. va' ribbon- were a warded to t i • ii'. ividiiid .U i o ' e;a h « Vent. Illi. tnl(\i:ii:»< I.UKW. .1 ..r til. ilcpfirtmorit of |»hi'o«.»pf" ..:n( la'i 'it.n W !tr .Mi hi/.m Cuiver-ii/;- eondi: '• i a lis h-'i'-u • eiini.eati.the P. ruPhe!! SundaV tnortmi.fr, t.r. We'-k eh. hunoii. chanter pr ■Men*-. I Pi '-Pen Hid v re.:- •- a'ul MSP : - •!;»-: • Sat /ija .• th n at. ft"- t i ■ a< tii" i i •• |»i. p a! .Miller, Vi?e- • Rt til HA« L MSU artrn pre iiicT l. >• ofl'.ratnnus affair.-. •'?• • -e I the galbering ink fw the .. and entertainment was provided • • the M>t • I'lub. L paid it« \ Iplia Delta harnioniv; vph ** Af it-'. Met Jil'igan'f* [ the basis ° Ua4c Pa'!" t.. win fit • t. pi are in the >. -ft ,• and Kappa by 'H Alpha feme's arraiitretnen* of "I <.> . u ♦ • l.o-: Chord k:<* ofUni A M Mho" took s. -ou.l place flAAUP). L 1 ki!m fair MlltOMI r> WlMHxSHOIN. cm..-..lion and .. e- v U with oi leteriYaierri *. leadership n-j '.a . n • . • \rh. ' "e din¬ Uf» learrin ner- dotted the week's schedule acu\ * a kfiroM Hait I'h'ir d P" ■i M« ' cr. I .e using janior and Si nm art up by Kappa, and Lim talari H Don AlaPlish. P.runon senior and A! t iaiun, 11 ho, serv- U through rl ed eo-ehairrneii during Creek Week. trad# a- of A ^ Picture Pace Photos lh Creek.* attend religion- t-onvo Sunday Al Hotie. Pill Kielman. Max Shtilninn and Norm Hint's Hundreds gather al Creek l east at Delia Sigma Phi house Saturday night (TP You There? RT KIU>^ luf nur.ber MSU n • vl j triity, but tn it it.- PH l*h j'immari Ptable Monfl L ftatrmcnt | k«iofl of tn« t i emtvod f .a« cri*J h • poronni l tUcouragd kn.-i so tnucl mxfttj tiiat r mi i* T'J M': said. M lanilni a iirdfa ipoti M« la rerrui I hf Mid. k* Vicr-Pro •■•n, u hu J n hero to | •' State Unl I jpnko for t p mndtable. •«# last |] j S'atf has lnq p '"o than a| h " ho said. In'.ah fopurtd i- ->• Witlian HchOR 'wita |f. hearings J • iftl sriihii kthtalMt }t k» Utk II | «»*1hel.i (hi won 1 ralernni m.i^ ihur-oa> I •RMpnenl.*' Alpha i.anima Deiia lakes .Suority Sing hnon I* alight m kial problem |l* an airr.isj F"'» *TO'.ytni itjdetit w fr* kroll, this it |i tuition. M y«ar rougl | of aome- 6,f»0 HA r arrived in p* Univcrsit «*r|c 150 i . . %.• i . Ifall.'' Hanntl j I p-campua f hi br.efl [OU'vc von m r Hannah Mi [rudtnti. of Stud* rir-l lor tn« r**d the r I 21 was li m p»>*.u s.. pooit 1 . at Athraa'i Hu tgialatui a Act oi WIXC VP). I«ftalatur» § tufht until ' °f Ofl My fcmonda tiong * <*«fe criaJi. "»mtn IU|h ■rjv* John I -oo Ih* lu-fi> take a bath as Girtl* tn«aar in ' "STotWnti a lus.f-war acrnu Uc Ked Cedar Saturday 'tod ®*tow P«lo « •Ru.'