I'j.rcl-S V III • . The Weather Punn-nv P««« Victory Stall,red lhtindfn.hnw*r« Oirr Ihno*. M-2 Low Monday "it See Pa(f* •• With Today 77 iu si, n°j 52 PRICE 5 CKNTS~ alary Competition Losing Faculty-Hannah WWW anks Low in Salary Resignations Up !>0% in Y ear Sll Prof Wage Scale Flunks Universilies Hunting 1— Profs dome to MSU - fit RH HARD H ARD .raf„.r,„ r». v,r.ll, .1 MJ.hitin. W.VBfSUI. rfcvntlv resigned si^ vice presi¬ reiving 5«,.so. MSU administration gels ana instructors I'niversitv and Western Mich¬ dent for academic affair?. sk for the low minimum receiving VYOno. igan University. general, the problem rwb ^ paid its faculty, The salaries and grade MSU in the different lank* f.»<- In 'he same survey for sal* «ilh "In low approprtatlnna from Siilnry 4-oni|M'tiliou -illi ollirr rollrgn anil mi!- the ba««« of a recent #ur- a:< : paid to the four different the Mate." Hamilton Mid. "There Yrmllira ha- rau«4'il IISD family mijllialinn* til arte by the American As- professor, 7.244. grade F. a*-.- instructional ranks, MSU placed waa a one-million dollar eut In of University Profes- ciate professor, *b.2T7. grade I); third ;n each category except, ini-rraM- .10', in llir |ia*t 10 iiionllii a« coin* assistant prbfos«or, S4.859. grade appropriation last year, and (AAUP), the university instructor, where it placed first K,les fair badly in com- D;.and instructor, $4.32o. a"pac¬ • There has been no general that haa to rome out of some¬ pari'il uilli In—I yrar IVi'i>iilml John A, llannali thing." - other institutions ing grade of c .•re,. in salaries at MSU for ri'vralt'il in a roiifi-ri'iire uilli (>o*. <». Mmnrn Six of the Rig If) Salaries can lie increased by a -ser learning. according to y. rt •he pact two years." said Dr. rut-back in other things,-be-Mid# X illiaiiK Momla>. ai>!d Hart, president of listed in the AAUP mrvf. and Hart Trie university should of the six. MSU placed fifth in but there is a limit to this. "Vmi 4-i.n niin jisi* iti.-titution it took vparv 1 There up." are several reasons for faster, in both size and quality, than United any other States school in the in «'•? short a Overseas everyone Is aware of Michigan# for average salaries paid to the tiriancial difficulties. receiving tlt.NI; •he h.w minimum* paid bv MSU, time " la pwfaa—r% reeetvlog facolty, falling behind the I ni- according to Thomas Hamilton, In lias I>t in the pas' two years. MSU making progress in Missile iiil "FAer>lv.wly is people and this is where looking tot they . »me.' Hannah said. oundtable Discussion Views vaiaries, tie -aid. hut i' i« wnr«e off tfKlflA ago than it was two years in bu\ ing pitaver. I'RFXalOH* WANN XII Siuxaested urn' Hannah 'aid 5 47 resignation# "aff memirers siibmitted t>y faculty ani m the past li| I he nnitersity has net hern , >m» i.'in ruin an in-litiition . nion'hs comparefl to 101 resiu- tier MSU Public Relations able to keep up to the average WASHINGTfFN V ( ,„u,r . nation- during -the year whieti because of insufficient *'>1 ! M 'fid.iv i« khouid swell (mtiiiiiii* Siill An ap¬ ". an propriation of funds from the lni|Ki—r 'hi- f'ircign aid budge* hy 40(1 ended last June 30 By KKLDA TBOt'T The Itoike Lansing area. term- mg in Detroit except on nigh#« state, he said. "1 he real problem is not tlinve * .limn dollar; 11.S A!Ii«• in ed "our greatest headac «•'" when it get* dar k." Hannah <•<». .- who ha\e already resigned, hut East-Yi est Rejrct Some t-chonh id the stale . .n F'-1 rope can ««•?,fro t lieefe«i-u'H r number one problem i* unapproved housing, v-uM he merited. those who we know ha\e offer* offer larger salaries than MS'" Ri "-.an f«»rce« vi'li a Iv.int < I MSU is • very respectable eliminated under b-amdarses High' a'ter the •• ar • r i..»d to go elsewhere." dors tx> atjst they have Jarg»- n r.' ar.il aircraft and mi- that people don't . fntv, but now considered. pan ids a"er ij* ; r not i«r"Vii- a i!,H President John A. approjiriation1. ie explaineo, c '« a w< .4 i»"ii' |j..r *<;»n asked *uppor* * f a "Inspection of off. t am, is »ng adequa'e rousmg. he aid ' • the Each Others Plan larger endowments to wo?:4 Thl• advice wa« « ve*t *h s inmarired at Spartan TV*- when, requt'- n- l f.15 million ,n< re.»«o bousing will fake pi are ln-tw.-e, n Mid- a « •■• err u«tng with Salaries make up Hppi 'Xi# S' .i'p Foreign Nela'.oti.q Cum- liable Monday night, t: e qyonxrt* and had 500 b«ds in the untversity't budget f-.r April 1 and Sep*. 1 each year, mately 80 percent of the univei- !iut*C4' h\ William Di'aj.*! ,b . statement climaxed bis according to the plan in one room in Jenison, he add¬ 19.'»9-«0. Williams has already sitv's expenditures, he said CiK.N'EVA u1*>—Kast and West rejvctiti each other's rival who atre**ed '-he "■•pen threat of recommended less than half that sionof tne problems which ed. Students commuting from "Mtiney I? not the «>n!> tkiir: ♦ war . . over Berlin." amount, mostly f r salary in¬ . evolved from the state m«re than 50 miles from Fa-', ' Student v ere on waiting tnat attracts tup quality facul... fimixwali f«»r a t.wm .n --ettlament «t the Iliy F«*ur Foreiprn . Draper, chairman of a commit¬ a; emus the university crease*. There were no salarv lomsing must get permission H«t* to get into the dorms then." to a university," he *raitl, 'a!- Minister* t .Moinl.iy. tee set up by President Ei«eq- raises' for faculty members lart from the Dean of SMder.ts office Hannah sai l 'Nov when we r s sc. n t.irv <,f s- .u « ♦ # ♦ iiower to evaluate the military •hough higher t,alari< • wuul ! i a perennial optimist. But under the new regulations have adequate spa-e. Undents make it raMrr to attract an i Ikrbr ,.i 1 progtA'n. testified behifnl rftr discouraged when I have "We've had .-tudenta Idled l:v* don't want t«.» live ir. norms " keep good people.'* p!;.n : r • ' Foster On lies closed door. A copy .,f hi* *ta'e- HnuiaM eai'i tii.it MSU and U »nd so much time convinc- of M were the < n:> Big HI There are many tmr,^ th. t With F-.'t and W. ment was made public. •vilty that the financial n iw.ola supported by pub!.* n ; said. is not permanent," 12.7 INtmiiis llo*|>itnlized profesxors l«x»k for in a ut.ivfr- fcitv. such as scholarly in'crrs'-, » t .inud r I « ; i Sinllv MissciI IIU prnptMil »cnha«rr'i reque^l from *1,93(1.- In increase II- fundi that did no* aru*s l.o* year increase sa'- Nine of the lesearch facilities, an int. r. t- ♦ .» SoV.t'l llli'II •no,»00 flew In the fare of con¬ >rh.«»ls ate fmarwert by sued I anting and Ana Arbor arden *poU for nlher uni* u» recruit family men* Two Chicago EFs Crash ua! interest on the par' student*, and a gc*Kl Jibrar he f the , Ut finan Sttvu'. settU'iet it* F oreign V v .1/ Cenevn siderable oentlment In Congrev* to rut hack that total. The bud¬ fund*. s j.aul- f;sv.-T,s k'> • :.,ipi»' H< sion have indlrated Utev will da plight ii making It rxtremelv handled. <•? State University of New CHICAGO 141 — Two aix-car ,l.-vatnl trains rarryinif dtffkull to attract top uusl.tv . location ("ui'i r. the same. Hannah aaid. the i • f. r- the fiat !>tra|>-hanirinir anil »eat«l iiaxjinuera to down, i at thi* en'«»r«\t ipnke for the last time to some faculty, and to retain those that e «>r any Before Draper committee DcrrifMTnt.c TV conference was. tne Ar t ' undtable. town Chinairo rra«hc.l hnad-tail durinir th, morninir rn.h we have." ii'ir.g a' this Sins. Miki Mar.vflrlU f.f M..n. of a series of such talks the gov¬ •re last 15 years, Mich- The average salary bit •• flromykn claimed the \\e«tcrn he added, Sta'.t has increased in qual- hour Monday. More than 12S persona wire taken to tioa. 1.311 faculty members of Msl ptmeri were trying «»• rxtrnd t.is.a and .1 hn Spat kman of AIj- ernor has railed with head* of the state's- three blggtSt untver- ■/>** than any other instt- pitala. iv S7.7J0, which **•**• a grade c.f their 'Isyrupation regime in 3 0(M) IT. 1 It « o.iu-.a agr»H"J* *h«' foreign f I a - .* he said. The impact sent the front far Wr«l Herlin" to erieompav* Ld W.tei ti.»n* gt'.-up pr.ihat.lv will inin n'.ah reported meeting with Jlillrml ) an bus cf. u-e lent ♦raan te!e*f..pmg C from the AA 1*1*. In the rn • - imum salary scale, how ever, Berlin, capital of the l.avt t#er- ton. f«»t.:i I " ter •:n» authorization In an>>u' 3'» t darenc< of W.i. ne State Ililberrv, president tef_ ;nto tire rear car of the hi " »*> dftllan. T'niver*!';.. 'T William* Monday in MSU gets a flunking grade of V man regime. tn the ooodc ■ vn with the deferred ll'uls Farewell: »'dV»narv lead tram. However, If all of the 23*5 in- , He turned dnwn *' • < ! !'J5U lurrigti F'.i-Mihower asked $l.600,fkifl,- talked U of \vj •h William'. M official* Mondiv. will div. us# i hearings in the Legisla* The grinding metal of the stitutions included in the AAUP V.'.-.tern package appnto i f - f>00 f »r military ai 1 • ■» friHid'y their ntranrial situation with the Aiislritlin-lhuniil ' a»ee; roaches virtually snapped idual Gcrnum reunrnv.'.. -n lie «i< a graphic part of any nations around the globe m the survey were rolled into one, the ic t,ff *he '.eg of 20-year-old Nancy and described the photo¬ f. cm! year vfartihg July 1. governor today * keep within th* npprapii- giant Institution wouM have a We-V; ;*tr we have SAM rRANCISCO - A Aiherger. standing a', the rear grade D average-salary ?-rale. f r uniting F.aU. and W. «* H» " grapher'* favorite target and Ihe i kad ed tmivcrsitief; reteivcd .i * -'al of the lead traifa "God help me." bv 40.* "... j,*. rarto»ni«t'« delight. He plaved a of 2 million for she cried and started m eaning Draper K.'.id 'he Russians opera'.on# and M .«J.0T2 tine tor ranmj too tnvieh - i.< "utterly unact-rp'a: leading role «t any internation¬ rojie, have 175 ground divisions ani during the current f.scal year. Mtnwnent,- he tali. whea* under rrop eimtfnls. «ai!- for her moti.tr An American ' s al get-together. Gov Williams has urged an ;r - >! slight solution to the ed with til. a new family M<*id,v l"~ lite in Australia. »av.n« Standing passengers bowled over into writhing piles. v ere Orchestra's rev men sion that after the Ofbmyk'i" ♦hree-Y . , •» Dt. Here ♦ • 1954 and twice n* .n fan;. ,..r 1935. a m-.re than 20.000 eon• bat plane*. These conventional force -. tren.e '.f $!H 4 million f«»r '. problem would be to fiO the S» nate ha* rccrrnvmendo "I'm in the fun: to tree the C S Tho-e aeatefU were hanged "iotti disturbing an 1 u;>- f.£u:# ••»•* M'*int h'aen- Draper said, "arc now being IAt.st Concert .«.* e an admistion fee for all «f| an iti<: t»a>f of a.>jut $2 mil- "'•* farmer " against other seats There was quieting " ir.fc- ■ .. .* -capped 1,1 t"''' ojf!.ir.rc, greatly strengthened with nu¬ applying to MSU. If but the lights went out d'wavs Jdo>r;«".l. clear weapons and with inter- lion he e-ou.i , Stantev Yaitkua said no fire \ I renrh apokexman thousht 1/ : ■ ivjdent were accepted and T a'«. aim-"-* nothing." Han¬ damaged coaches. slightly mediaee and J<»ng range* ballistic 'enrpU, this lee would apply * tuition. reUin hi-< Ameriean cituenah.ia and would not hesitate to me in the Demioie Partoe. 41. awlirwia Set Tonight ihe tone ef the eirn minister was much like th*t glum soviet f«»r- Ileavv shouldered «tn4»ped . . jlh no*# and turned . . • missiles " nah Mid. tack should he encounter Ani- of Ruaoiaa speeche* at the un- i.oun mouth . . for veer peering ml the rear Irata. aaig Be aaw . * y«ar roughly 3,500 treah- Tne music department w-;J! through a pair of round glwaaes. trallan restriction he a.w. felt the traia ahead MM aa Ike vu«re*sfal Big f our talks of I Spartan Hi Wagon to Greet °f '''me 6,000 accepted act- present the University Uhambe' Secretary • -f S"«b- C'nndiau arrived in th# fall. were unfair. Irarb*. He JaWil Ma krakea Grumyko left <,j»»-n vime a • -e- Orchestra in its last concert of u» * of negotiation, hov. t -.»r. Herier 'm fuati who uacci'-d Mildred. M. f*Uhl * "• University of Michigan Hh wife. hel there waaat ttaf. The eraab the season in the Music Am »•*pressing a willlngn* ■ * ' • Dulit* has hii wd boss mutn charge S50 for admiasiona tack teora at «k» *~rd»d ike felded—kU rak Mai tonight at • 15 p.m. under the his mind. • Newcomers to MSU in Fall ruis some aspects of the W- -•• on • M.* Hannah said. tow Oeekde. witk ker M-sear- direction of Hans Lainpl. ad Ikelr Ikree ern package Every piece of news we get •campus housing regula¬ trie aawe far M« Ifeaa a half This is Dr. tempi's debut a? a?j4/u". Mr. Duilf-s," said a mem- te lie mentioned spetifvuily «»; - briefly dlaciwd. regular conductor of the Cham¬ armament, a nonage * ■»>: -n de¬ Mr i f the American Delegation, A training »esnon will be h-! 1 °«ve v on moft of the bat- "My wife doesn't want to go.** ea lajersd eakle. ber Orchestra. He received ac¬ New pmfrywors will receive a claration, creabiin *j't j -r .xrd -we hurry it on to Mr. Herter " hearty oid-faxhioned welcome Hannah aaid apeaklng to Yank us explained. Many peisenfers in the rear claim for the performance* of but I w ant to be ,n the tront car of the rear train forrnanre will soon be given m Hrrter took the firmest pfe»,- quaint the stuiients with HI / the regulations said :i «u !:k*Ijr to ta th. a free man " Russell. tJ. s.id he wwtted to ran trjoufh rear door e»ti and jammed utto tna rear cars. the Kiva of the Education budd¬ ing hie line on German unitkatio:;. BULLETIN ir.g student representatives to -v el come all ncw_jaculty mem¬ Wagon procedure*. The tall American d»r.iotnat said bers. pomt lot ,o. Dennis. 11. sa.d he dtdn t. Tr.e accident wet Iriuered The rhamkii errbealra la- < am. canaykbaIm ru. After all Istmk** have beea » final peace treaty can only be Htartoa <«•>'■ Iaim Keren wee too youn, to kno« — when apparent mechanical trouc slain iaspNi mem>hefa aad ad- \ .tmtoUanl aa> aaOrl if read acted SpsrUs Wommi Lca- made with an "all-German gov¬ rrnlta U- B4< Hi. to——- hie developed some time earlier ▼aarad dliNh. It waa argaa- u laiamaUMWtot rax* Allaa gae will awtify orgaalsatUn* ernment, freely chosen by the MHUM Ita —rrlrr to tottar on a Logan Square train near- laad Br lap fadsrwaad. Mreeter German people." rwkra Mr- «» Itoto M«kt to sheet peMible chapereae* and -Htaralv atotof W * 0—a- ImHr-iMral rvlaiton.. ito ell tsen :n( downtown. The train halted. af Viae Ark a adrber* aad tBe sererilie* and Mr —talk ak— -Nkto i*a Six teams, oompoMd of one nted fee." Took- « Otnert fotlnwed stopped or The performance opens with man and one coed each, will IrsternlUe* a beet aew faculty stowed Pariae's train made a "PinocchJo, A Merry Overture." >nnr* WilUani* Hwk hour*. alaaiai. Tkara -as aa I———lala aa. visit families in October to ac¬ "But I'm in the fi*ht to 'tee stop at tne Western Avenue by Ernest Toch. It is based on From Tour for Wild Petitions arc available in 33.1 the adventures of PinoccKio, the aaaaaaa— at ky Ita Air Faraa quaint them with MSU. the U.S. termer And I elm to Station and was just picking up For the wife there will be Student Services for all student# legendary Italian puppet. Thv I.ANSIKO (41—Mrs. C. Men- aa —tat raaat ita Maa-ak ,tey an It. even if I have to lee.e .peed when the crash occurred. nen Williams, wife of the Gov¬ hints on shopping centers, bar¬ interested In scrying on Spar¬ to prove iL" Observers said the aU steel "Siegfried Idyll" by Wagner is tan Hi Wagon. Inter.tews will Melodic ernor, will com* home to Ian* gain basements and babysctters. of construction of the coaches and next on the program. Krtlt' Hninboue Moon The professor will receive In¬ be held to determine whether i the the slow movement of Parise's and »■easy to listen to, it is a ling Wid—day altar a round- student*: have proper qualifica¬ MOSCOW ie, — Th» Moon formation on Lecture Concert*. •he-warld trip to obwrxe the •eh criele, Aad the leek Fmrm Ume Clottd train probably Meed many Uvea. A passenger, Don WehUag. 24. splendid foil for the Hindeinith "Five Piece* for Orchestra" workifiga of the World Health Isn't aolid colored as many people World Travel series, and op¬ tions and enthusiasm. Miss Mabel Petersen, ass't di¬ which follow. Organisation. think, says academicianNlkolai portunity* to advise campus or¬ Feeto La— * .potted the Alberpar girl pinned The trip, made at her own ex¬ Barauactvov of Kharkov Univer- gs ni/ations. rector of women's division, and the telescoped platform of The concluding "composition. jw John StehUa of Beld- on Haydn's "London Symphony" la pense, took her to Japan. Korea, fity. His studies show it h«* red. Students will interview the Mrs. Robert Emerson are ad¬ T^wto -tock end tirad the train acroaa the aisle from the last of tBe IS written dur¬ the Philippine*, Burma, Afghan- brown, yellow, green, blue and families on their interests, tra¬ visors. Judy Kaiser. Ka!am.iz<* ?• Inuletita deodtoek da the motorman. Her lag waa sev¬ other shades, the Soviet News vels, and fraternity or sorority freshman, and Nancy Oliver, And he ered. so ha whipped a* hit tall ing the istan, India, Ttaiy, Switaerlar.d Pontine junior, or# co-chairm«% Agency Tasa aCtliatto—. Itodeto aad agpliad • «—*«■*• Jam ini • i y Al»r Ka*t really M Tiiijidart in tho tie?" *» F« Plia" v, •He Rcallv Has A Suauail Com,.l«, D—1 ... 0 Miclii^an Slate News ♦ '— * CAIRO US ..... — . A Dulch »nl>- . ._..w snarl. ... r» It i.M-ik t.wk i""'1' liut'P years• The island's pop, Chinese, Hindus, yt, ,• d suing in fh.- Abu Ra.sash air... Read flail? bv MM"* Ti.lHHf Muilenls anil lar-ultv (Mm r»p»r(»d Mon- sees, French, Fh.v about s-igbt miles north of the • > .«. ViV « ..,,bi. ■■■;, ■ ■ '■! «» uncowrfd 100 an- Madrassis, Bt-r,; * —• ► • i...nv,„K - . it h.T ps-ramids and Sph.vn* ot Giza. ,. At joins, Spanish, p. I ..nt Eopt'an tomb", mo.t nf Its report s.iid 'be '"nibs m- a variety of Aft • »>):• tham of Um C"! an. Mi. . 1". !'«' I':,-* Tw.i • l.diloiHil • CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ED 2-1511 KXT* 261J| DKSni.lNKS: 2 p.m. IISY BEFOKE PI BI.IC VIION FOR TUES., Ml |i^ Should MSIJ Ssvildt THl'KS. AM) FRI. EDITIONS SION. EDITION DEADLINE; 2 p.m. FRI. Rill* Payable 8-12 and 1-5 Monday through F'riday To Partv Elections? i % roi.lTII \l. I'AIITIKS. l-uiv.ill.il illv |-..!C. « JlVi'l CLASSIFIED RATES HOUSING PERSONAL rampaicrns—thrM* are Ihe IihcKImmh' ««1 Ani» i m'.ip iii'iiMtt i i- minimum IS wordt ' cy rltiriitk' elect inns. I day S5c A Pfiiriteci rivalry Ih'Imimii poliiic;.! p.n'.i i- 2 day« SI-45 pain pi**! government. It i- tin* -Irene»l> H'h! a -hip- v'«..! 3 days H.tt candidates and lender*. l.'onflietinp pnhcie afai 4 day* $2.25 Do You Want between the parties pive the \<»1i r the iti.tiui- tu v..-' i 5 dayi $2.50 ballot the way he see- fit ADDITIONAL CHARGES To Save . Because uf the partv dil'lereiu ea« h \' of the national convention and were nominated from a li-' F Kalama/oo. IV 8-1743 33 Living Expenses? of potential candidates submit ted bv varloii- precim t rondition. I».M> VOl.KSWAGKN Bit.ia>0 mile* FV candidate- are elect- 7-IK2 34 JANE. HAPPY MA'v ;o I thoae 4 1 ratio* v ■» •d to office. ..... . EMPLOYMENT • ' the London lloiiae a—* Keep in practne tor • procedure at a nnivcr-.it'. i- intere-tmp and edu¬ « * Such a - ve.* cational. Many campuses armiml the t inted State- li' u MKD1ATELY WANTED- DIRHWARMrR SAE iiairtnits I\l - 11 I TlEO-IT WE bus a ' » get a Ire* lig'tter Rogue ED 2-2554. John Fleming 33 an election device into their procedure Utile, state t iiivm SMOKB ON . i rnion W il'ii# sleek Pel *». ,j sity, for one. has a three part- -i-tein to e!e. t i' . • WANTED SECOND MAI T for ten *»eek* <>f nm imt work he I, ARB I, DKMlNd a" and Mudent povernment ot heer- tmnir.f June. -• t e exnerience » John lake Ihla Snch a procedure has nu-rit and m ure- a larver t-iiu.Mi! |iilei'|>rrliii<; the News INFORMATION b • eemiars. 3D p iii Phone ID 7-D4IV n'er • Nescx ofllte hefo.yi i» fn-e pa***! tu • ♦ ., s at election.*. It makes it mucb eu-ier !<■»• t. In Bring 1 1) i .de » . MAI F - A a | CAM AN BAfKl. HOt\ I) Howland Co-op low the campnipns quality in elections. of the various candidate 'i u. aire li es/ S/tHl tm Issues III IHKI HKIIH.I llm ir linse 121 .tdveittmpg. good W'oodmere radio rnpimitaioft. or TV KD S-l.D' P.»r' | THt MOO ma :$ Or lect. ;* * U'| ;tn v -w . 110 Anthonv Ha !. . j <)» evgn b/ t In (,eveva England and Paki*- - Conference BfRBOV WANTED BV Alpt a - p THE MSt ELECTION -•ystem doe- not pro\ ale -.m < iti ahosau b\ Igponard S« hm- r« a Phi May t'art imnediateis H<- | • f Da-/ ' » 1-3838 33 •lection. In the present Student (imcrmncnt rule., . .•«•*.»• v | '*' - 'i f -d *' «t student filling At'Si, requirements m.e. petition foi tie AOiTAl. WORKER I Oi A I. agen. e ! 0AIRY RIANT AN it* i 3t Rfimnr* II I All'VI %RV I DI C ATlllN need* experienced Prngr.v » rt'-e - primaries. This is jrood. « II H '•>r to develop group .uli'i'ie* "> FOR RENT ARARTMINTS ( Uut every election on the MSt campus end no m te. AsMiiuted I'res* News Analyst * v ■ S'3 r.t i. .I"- r. flu .d* oiit'asipg area* -s*. gtsod Mtarv FiceHero perponnei fir*,; '* n».u»* , K'LM REAL ESTATfl DC Electt of offi -e • 1 nra I* no' a routine po* • m, l> •' | rVFfBNIkUED ROOMS usual personal)tv chase. There are to» pi.dtme ..i - ij shoe ftn,i efr-.ge ator furmafieU. F LAN" SI NO IN It : S ;• »lo|«.' a '-.allenglng rreativ.- on* Op* • An ,.'* Ihiva'e entranv# ft.re# bedroom, tv n*prensher I. Plea*# ssrhe full n n' • and bat'- latum behind the candidate-. The center iluu tampai u I ORI.KTKV (UK 45" « mortii IV JhilUa Xi l-«o «>t the bedri>o . jM.-.tii'i ,r tifiievo I ati.tn* II Mulho'.laPd. ?"7 Towr- ••'aii* Ju p ii>. |ur*-»!is t at>m. Bring *%( on personal contacts. l-#s|. . .end st . t<*n*mg. Mtrhigpn 34 INAPPRfiVFD Carpeted lis nig go FCRNISHFD A- altaciied ga age. interest laps at the .MSI' poll-, and ever»oiie asks whs ric uriiit 4i. Kociiri HF A COSMETIC eo"«u!tar1 thia PARTMENT Th-ee n m I'aik r g • Hittuiujgh a yrraito no »\er when • A;iin»..er down on F' il A. I • irt Opport'pWf- for attra, »i*e n r>!- : .» ui,., *• The re*aon may well lie that the elections do not j»r<• \ i« to |*te . i); I • r ■ .» aod »mHitlftUa girl FD ?-r»77g after • ABlttua. phone ED J-27H2 altei 7 * ill make sour i .. . * n*u.iii\ good bu' .»« tri-sesej mime T « Fill I IRV M IIMI '.'F AR 4 AMPt'S Phni * the MSI ejection procedure. (MR • under on*try,-'Ion . 30 j> fti A ' Ha I) f -n3 " .' F" i A\si'»(; meted atmu.t Julv ; HirH-witn, tmfu - In, a- I'SilA H'' !.*• ' 1 «•■>*•' e H',a luiiiiio ' "«»ni» uiut-a large • • .« FOR SALE • i; Ci HOI IN MIST i*i' 11 wet her t.. bark the - candidate i'.! speak or t > a' * M \i»'e Rh. a t> un p ,. 'ireplar#, |»* ban. I i one and West f>rrm.tttv remain adamant lliat talks witch nut " ! >»• \ m, r»f Unjs- »«'. ..hriu an Heap',. ♦ svu-car garage. > V Perhaps the fraternities ami soiontu . or the dormitinie- hividvi- niiiTssi'Mis 10 tin | astern list in i ' In hand with talk of 1 • »• tken t»r, «sRATEn ' *KFA DEI tVFRFD A hi roll R.i . Kl) J-1.4W ,g Ignp kitchen, »»t. r oartiee > ••tirta' • M.m\ o»»s*r and # huge lot. pri, e, could back a candidate, or perh,»p the independent I If national povernment praet.ee- prevaded on campu-. riinrrsshtits to the West The* dun I belle. e Soviets air |iir|Mie«t VI.tr.RANk AH*N d' .,u« pa«*r;r« !•*.,-• ah!# D'e« I * 1)1 A N IUI — f. ■ -D|i» apart. s>it'i fmancing and aeles't s « I tha Younp KcpuMican-, Y'umy hemocrats »»r \ mmv Soviai- to give aiivthiiu (in tin' sake of nellleim ol« 7 3*1 |. u <■.' ?! I I... i.'i. -.f ..a *u- I - ait BARtTONF. '"KB Bakers 13' «-*,n 430 Tenor Par. t* ",e>>« uf*akia«' "*>'i. I 413 n ; ;,ne«l riiMik j»ufi !, Kilt studi" tiers, Available and bathroom, living June laiia and color thera. ED 2-3011, t m - e ■ • s VS.S FD 3- !37! vr 31 •" «"■ add'',' !,*! hed tH.) i*ts nould aiKinaor candidate cial p • motiln , FT) 2-.i.2» . ;;s RFCnRDR C.t FS'N Mt! I Fit If Tit. Such a »>.stem would not on! m-tn r. intere- * ; vol N(. HI M«M RVt« e , *>'d 'io' col u- * S ' )' « . • APAWT'FM TO s||AF?r %,p, SERVICE MSU flections, but would aiso biitip out better e..ndidat,e W ' . ! n.tfii StMtvs is .• ,t b .30 p u P: I'ii -f " • ".-nt »onri"t«ir 4? f pi" *i' «o'#le« «•', ii'ihtie* turm-hed Block . aihu * ■ Ai >n a A .. p, \ iS ' ,*a ACcboii. ED J-«02» • REAK snz V,. ' ED . If S fit It 11. i' ur and everv votinp student more insipht to the election '■ .,\ . . • o rr phonograph P'- oio SAieir. J-E14: }H>Mtiiiii of the M.i. ' 5 r-ap >• V, «un aisade and fii- SERVING i Hi i isaiiM when he casts his hallo!. Xifilit Stuff '»'« a * '»d*ra: 38n enla»g«- hulk tnrAL BACHF.IOR APARTMENT. IN TOWN V- ioauer. tract, torg* e'r Rhone • If nothinp else, such elections would put some tin and »!) *-!r.P rj N>v»;- •t.rnij. e. • . r Nlghi f dilwr „ M krittt Tf, •• ImxImI Jeamune I irkui* FCATURINS N't, Uian the vv.i) campus eiechou- are run todav. Wire tdllur HtCAN AVE ACROSS f Mm 1 SRUONUT S- \\ I in da I el ridge a , -iu<- F .r . . e ti>e, F -ir I- eu 21 MAC r t Nighl Vd tun paMene I nrnell •<»om» ; t'-.i » rs Palk,ng •"It ■!- |V - v ■ e , 8-03611 .14 ' v rr a BV El N f (•lit. *1 Did A I" TH At. 11 YE aervire, ci«-« Crossword Puzzle •: ^"Os^LV'S? Ma rtx t c •• itli tu* hats, I HUFF INr».,;rni»hg4! ROOmV H t her: v Lane. F i) ( In¬ to , TYPIST ANN B»" ,v .... , ••■ripun .",d A A P 2-3«'8p Flevtric fe SCM44 24 New Te«ta* F I) 2-4IM KrM'"- " - A^";f * -nets and tne#;!. * - a r—I .. merit »pr. • "g \nd this is the phase of whlrh the f'rencb and lietmans g.viR»J ro\# it-g of N->ah dmihtfui .. tocMs IXI-rUT TFRM I > • Stups t 25 Muiua! aliuiit Itiitish wtllinnness to drfritil the allied position in West H TM0m#$0N A tIR ACTIVE ispuig on an e.v ht, actor *, npi>»il,ort It* 11nt |iy force if iiercssarv are most afraid. APPROVED KNOT. fileen year* e\g- « * ■'1 1 Srar##a Jiwtiift > *'i riHJf B>-s* „irr a • ICPE 3* F juafiei• '*!' I M.rl i! *U", er FT) 7-07*4 «, srh.cie* Wi 'IV AND BADI" It. A»#f frr-n - «'l !t l!.-.'; ' f ■ a« ON) IR.I HI ) AND. 3# t «rtne«. o a-, i ,me iTT, > P»f » g i.ij1. . . , "-'(.I tr..s » IMJ Abbott Hd Phone FT). tn.ntc#. HI »-#227 122 Wood,"* » » • DOVRI F. BED V SPRING and mat. 14 CHE R 4! v ngralevJ •r. ,« gud covered por sale W «»'rr I he ohuH tiv t.n i.i and vst-aknps-'M of the W. « o,. a»K>na! cha r TIAllPS ASH CLOTHES Ind*#!-# V r- 'and ate aitei-en drape* Cxieilent conditio- It Cloth#-! 4." etamatiun f«luti«n of Voottrdoy'o Pwi«l» i iii.-i'i.o N'i.b«.i! i eh 111 *>{ \ sure just \vh> the Hi. I ICNOW CKAi?.!t esoj1; . FH 1-2*44 rhrat>er. At Wn'-: . o -tan test u \u -i !» block upt of -• ■ IT tginM 4• J" re part I'M itiri it guriicui t' thi* iii> or \f> laN T It STSANci XM * * 1 *!e i. m, , lbr:it , c just wha" tin • e t AI'ORTSW FAR • ' bedr,««ni tra e \ Roe## 42 I e»h of f>S Counief 3 Sewed > » gam YM CAN SO'ETlSJs fit T"r 1>TF^ A RUE SLACK TAP.' d the II Surgical »* ive !W$ Btvrriff B Enetosed . vtcd summtt omfi n iu < .Qki.y rut* OiES s A ON. f» *'< * - r* ui '"■*» n.en'c at'tivft* and 'a<1 »iH.4r#l e« *• gup rg . . V-'tW.:;:; s' rrMt- iv- ai, rat« urate. Term paper* depend.- ' thread ; r who fif,. ,.V.J aavh.g. Ouatttv tni.'gri J" s.nk* If -'w • i» -.ii'-he* *• '.PAD: A TIN! 121 Wood nt# re S • I d }!,!;« "T .SF'l.k, 1*54 It Tr#»«ta# i ** 11 lh* hm t/UH li'. oh. •' V Hi a , «. , , r i'. e I S ■ ■ ■ .vtotitai t e«*t '* %f °J I' _lJn»l,.f 1.5 )« « f'AMPUS tYPlM 11*1^4. 12 Hi other now s 2 I'attera the ai iui i i erpe * *i'- •■'i.l Make .„e !*!! a-» #( B Thmly .a«3 I»ailrr lias en F li 2- V.4J .14 rv.-RADIO SFFF-. * U fa.lMio f k*«p 1 Pouchn settled ^HOUSING r u«:: v „ i ratea 'ejevlfllon 10 atudeut aale* Fi'e s'* H Aatliorilf 2 l>ru* 9 Tut: o.l rot renT n '*> . u'" ,P': Nurs v l,hl!) IV 7-2142 20 tlav» ' at triou open # #.«• * »>l "_R«B Tl y«fUt.n< Micliipuu Stale News JO Bia.wl • tl-jg T V Teciuticlaii# £<*■ print p*i rot* ati r igatt. IV 1-35.3H 3 Ciwyhdmt 11 Srour* he ,r* A V Alt * Hi I New -I PTV.MHrH IV t * o-bedr flutfrv ,,, ■t4it Vntavor* 311 • UM t f»t baosing r A * fc-.jnurban Us 4 Rouivi • ing wlthfn t.\, •bout riAilo Ab> ' I'atii 'tint ... v.*-* ilai las Uiroua!' I I 6vESS.V vOO^V « .«te dfr n v e to and I' Lat'fcing \r i'e ,,r Pro'e*- s»orkl-g LOST and FOUND ^Pi?INTAATg£Ot.r J 20 JoiiH > i. • i " '■ ."ol .u-t , a h. ' * ' .ie », ■ t ... villi e 4H8 month. Phone FD 2-2,,3:1 • •e« i.e.11 an eels.ee.> ,( ,,® 21 Wogisenaa »v. . •. «•> « • , t'-.W Mi".-.ii i rt- • ,a o . under «!-.• act u{ Alarm a. ia:i LC.Sr Chirac te; m Ot.'tc* GERMAN STFPHERr, ta*> lanssing. Muii MA. AVE ACROSS from n . u , ()f g «.•#-!'.«>! i Ri'linul n.,ile $TuutSit$ 24 Negro of -v_ Via'i ku*'. script sous jwoaWe in advanc* tar St "10 li ona ie- 'or tsa "nn' Fnttrel* funt;*r.ed range, re- 10 I-I.n ,□ Ar r the tn fi. Niger, ' ■ lor three *c;< • fr.gergtm auKsgnattr . delta • My*d ii» bilaod Daily Pre**. A»»ix.a'.e<» pre*# arm T»o *torv hnu«e for ftv# men s*a«her. etc Mutt THI WINGCO s'*1'* AMociaied s otlagiata Pre** 23 Chart ® £D ; 9S4j ,or. fllder Ample parking 2« Readv 27 Piace out Idilor-iu-chief Managing editor Kill i allahM W lRl* "* ^ f#U X9r'M TRANSPORTA7 29 June bug llards ChrM 30 Afflrmativf business Alanacrr hi h« jHnrr BEDROOM RANCFlTtvio dining room, firetdare Eur- John Murphy CENTRAL AM FRI * I ircMlatmn I Mr ec tor 33 K.ng ot Paul J "W •*Kt avhovi! ED- u grr rn'.jff?"** Pari-Amertcan Hi* '' (oat# Rica. i m> Idiior J«yc» Kokk Nl*hi Spurt* t diMo» Ibtpu* 34 »e*t«t V»'l Pdit Page litlUir Iharlr* Naii-x s, |«rr\ Siu TBHtr BEDNOOM HOME, ideal tttea. Leaving June 2 -■ tomilETfCS* l^^RSONAL 3R Or »ea god Nit hard* MUlef tnav ettpr# #apeu« »* 40 Station spoil* Irtoor u peter Waller* Burn* Otllce sjaiiatrt* UaM^foc augon, . Awt K-l. rt»r« » • —*• sue I* is I diiur Sue Pttit 42. Boa .Mactirecor. sursin w, etc NigM fdilurs bit I rKhMin. ccitnutlcatlp lurk Boom Manager Norm RlaM ASAtfMlNTS .. aii w 'j. 43. Rounded "*'/* Iran*, Scot!. Nrid* aaiots limit Lagatr. Id Retail Manager Uaone Patrick WANTED t**'t Retail Manager Boh 1mm! .,*"■*g*»AJITMlWT» "loom I wr AS V'«1 Mllil r (tiler* n*T appendage 44 Gather llPI'tbarli, Jane -- W arkerMilH, Phil tUs.fied vHrhriber Manager Mar* l!S» M hl *JSTw«PT2:i R^L G4tr4K>v Dto■ JJZ 41-41 ^Htn CbII—, Mo.nl * •0m m MICHIGAN STATE NEWS nor 'r X || for Geniuses -On < illll|HIH Engagements Mav 1454 PageTbree t»ri:> Activities WMSB-TV irmed Forces n a ALPHA DMICBDN PI ,*yi Joy Kukla. Detro.t senior. *o Di.v Fred Shin, Grand Rapids jun¬ I ior. -l»y SI'K PICK K- P fn Mile News Society Editor DELTA DELTA Diane Kathhun, DELTA Vern<.;,"i# Schedule iek Inventions . ■•A •TV Mi eek pie*, ien!. Vice-president is John O'uo. junior, to William Mignt, Howell senior and Tau Kappa Week bid the • , of H: emorv week K'.l'-ofr, Tensing junior. Phi Sigma Kappa colony, Kpsilon. Channel 10 Will be l»! which ha i the second highest DELTA ZETA LijIINflTON I/TI—The armed forces Monilnv appealed : •Alio .nnlarship )a*t term, officers Ruth Plank. Chicago, HI., sen- AM particip.i «• ■or. to William Kilboume, Not it- Land of Play V mitinn's inventors to come up with device, that Aluh, ( D. proud for the year arc; Bob Charbon- graduate 4:;it» 10:00—Classroom 10 fmath; t snnhle soldiers to jump over mountains and live off Of. the s ■ f re wived nea i. president, Ibocne--er, NY, and Dave junior, Davis, Dame PHI KAPPA TAI' 10:50 Symbols in Society tor go :• • * M,.Ci!hgan\y Briar:!iff Manor, NY, junior, \.a Lonnie Jonnson, Ja kson 11:00—Sculpture (T> Ball" v., ' • A r ed ev National Inven- Lou Lehman. .Measure of Man < F Prof Claims , -v *. -r-t»r»-r ident s.*r i .. • V»; hi '• i student chapter of American Rochester, N"^'. graduate I J 00 - N'.»on Ropor t methods to re- • K,;r A U. S. Inflation Ring , K - • , - Yet-Medicine Association, will den-, to Ifel Parker. Detroit I! 15—Rural Review -vtcrsea cables, like pha T-■ -g , « H A < Food for Life True lar.ve's hold its annual Senior Tea. May graduate student, A'nce Burn- 12:3V h the i ..■an fishing trawler !0. In Peoples' C hurch. Twenty- nam. Michigan City, lnd »u 1:00—Ladiea Time P.t <.f ripping in Feb- Job Proibwvr flait" The women I shooed their ath¬ p!a»e. seven senior wives will receive * P U T." degrees (Pushing Huh Hud Burley. Chicago. Ill. junior. PI KAPPA PHI 1:30—Classroom 10 (Spar. - ) 6:00—Continental Ciaasroom . Full letic abilitv u»r lark ef it» at Bcvei.v Buschke.' Scrantc.r., < F> empiovrnent hr Throughi. Junior rlass wives ,fi! spokesman said, maintained in DI.RBT HdllMMII, llldDWMIJJ IU *riii > Tthen's llotidir Saturday morn¬ will Pa, •» Herbert Wendt, Taw as f:30—Teleditcon »<.,» \ , present a humorous pro¬ „ • "P decision to seek economy bemuse r.f F thtee year* now. Assistant Director of Campus ing. The sports da*, hased on for entertainment. City senior. 0:45—New* with Huntley ■ • f Spring- gram ancient l.rrrk (tl*mpie games Brink lev (N) j methods had no con- John Mender ,■ Ma v. >cni"r and Senior f hest, (.reek Week Executive W.ves of gtadua'.u.g cngincri< was mixed with color, humor Callftrhrr TtiUi Sri 7:00— Spartan Sport Ugh* Board and Pan- §1 with the February imi- feasor Young S'hiaii-ts «»r ei-'.n(>,n|, r_ ( ,u;, * a Set Iclary, Detiby Sibitu- Board, llrl I nion and excitement. will a'-o receive Mav 21, from D: PM T degtcs John P.p.. Professor Stuart Gallic her (Ei—Film , nun queen of !Ve night. A!,» Ornega showed dean of the college <■'. ergineer - • li give a talk entitled "Tne < >•)— Network program broken t running t in tne 'ion r.n lh 1i«t< have been Mued The nnlv \v,c rtV(, annua: P-.w Put! Bowl rlii*. si In addition to her a* thl c ■ ! "he v,.:Vv inz Dean Ryoer will speak '■> p: «< ►- of Folk I wire in lu'ern- ■trail* MWf thf c°unr'* ereaorg un. •• pi it :• - jP'"u- flifc u*. futrher the g'oup ire May- HI at 4 1.1 pm in the MAKE THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS p in 11*40. In response, the declining e.-t.; ,, a*. ' tuning her harp . u by ha* been Btch Chairman lor than a >■ 'l.t' «oU!petitor*, S.g- ia A'pr.a Mu colony'; par- lub-ary Lounge. The public it VOI R MORNING HABIT |l has received aeveral culture, i.-aimf ... ' 4r, i m.n- af'ev gi -iduatio-.. and her sorority, Delta Gamma vvhJ" S.g t Kappa leaped over eu'% •cekend fea'.qrcd a ba .nvited U |h,.uMi»d Ideas which itig • » be . ■ . : . . , i • htiwi instead. In ptu -uaiirr of Eurojwan rnl- thr- f > irdie* in record lis.! g,» ».e cebween n^embcr*'. icrerned. «r»-a tuia! and ar'istic interest* Den- net i i' •• a P .. * a« " e *. * « «'»•; and parents Saturda a .v.g . , ... \r , m.i j'.i . I V »)Pv .i: eon- indtt-n bv p' in. to *petif| *ome 'noii'hs tor •'. »- cr..r,g the group held a formal, h. 'nry. SPECIAL PURCHASE * lurking inventions are •'! uu in f ; ,i i, c «• uf-er grarlu.it ' n Ho' f •. .K '-re ogue cmnr -dance A brurtrh Sun- pro ruc'.v:* v t; ;. • | jed t„ the Pentagon, . , •t I)ei'a r*.;i Delbi ar eventuiilv retuin.ua to t*S\ I >.,• • , lv tn jij-i .■ uir rtn,| ., . - ehg. da* morn.r.g < >u*eu the at t,v»- whether they're . yet"•idf. and Columbia grad¬ i The : 'itary then ticg"- luring it rait im ' ' a l»e .i. . - terra limn iiv A • a IH-! * a M igit tie* for yi.ti.L'. Kluilent* l> :f a ! .ft .<. uate who/,! b rue i i< ■.» ,n?o chariots for ; .p-s'.i v r.h inventors for L-' tof> »*;o the ideas. v (ine r. u;» k , a - '• • '! 'it a!i ! e ,,f the M si' . . S'« P .* evidcrd .' ,,r R.,v»l (Jak ♦he . < ♦ * v e. was w on SIT /. Trurrl Vcn , liiaiii ralorpruii S'tntlav v, senior. Chuck But-rrworfh. «* bv A . ' K •. . Alyna. rT"'«t sensational — cd net » in the latest ' flub V . 't . in geared f',r iiit«rnati«/nal living \vr te« The rompetition was ilose and I'niitriim Set Tiiniiilit MAPS • I' H«- « ,e;tk . read* and judges had to o-ider fourth and Spa?'an W.mien's I.eague ASIA • 1st «.» t»«uW involved pern ;* a r'K'ket soldier* Boii I no fieri1 r , in. i. Fien. b. an.i *,w..k Spai-.-u ar.d • Ar.,nr. tiflh place finishes to come up with a wrmter— Pi Beta Phi. *,r.n-.r.iig ,-s annual T uvl WORLD - EUROPE - v. ill II . N•* • * Pr'»gi a-n, f'jrmeiiy kc. » • mountains and other or! fin, it 11*r e f ,r sew s! . i It s *>c\/v and . •• lor his major. ( huik lists di¬ a* tre European E' q ie--f Pro¬ keep I P Willi World KvwiU to l.u -ra'< i a p'i* gr- u.« Phi Kappa Sig¬ gram. tomorrow at T o m in J.' i.ihmI Cor Drroratioc Willi gll.- , lirhh* s oftiies and other ai- visional social science with a ma of*, er* ♦ •- 't.e coming term AH i device must provide ex- hi»torv .. • • A • ti\itii.% on rinipus have Incliul- specialty of political philosophy, T'nu-n prospective travr'- (U'pha Ptiybyla. Rochester, foreign and L" S. are .nvited stability and he suffl- g t re«pon«ive to control that ni'ivpinrri Vitcd. The j ed Water ( aruival Judges Chair- man, sorority fcing t hairman. He boasts an average of ].t, which, in romhi- all-univeraitv NY. i-ior. pre«:,.ent; Fred er», to attend and receive valuable 50c valN ROW HoMche. I Etmrurst, 1.1, junior, • How- nearer mar »** It to assist nation with hU linguistic skills, travel hint* on ' * i»e a I movement over rough Iff* k hHe earning normal com- has earned him a one rear I ul- liright scholarship to France. first vi ' •.*f**«; ten*; J.m Mc<'ue. M.nn»*ap«,;.*. M r.n, junior, sec¬ Gvod-W.'l Am-msfcador Abroad ' A panel o? anthorit e*- r.n CAMPUS ROOK STORE [lalpment of the Infantry/* ond vi e-prc ,der.' ♦ravel and general group rii*erfection tor and Treaaut',-1 of c.n b' * lan<. g ir.:.»r. have been elec'- kvires or processes that Ai ril.% \l BU T \ ■ 1 'ir Bonne|| Molir. l .t.- .rig ed i je-i »rnt ar. I Vice-pfemden*, < he*'. Chairman of the ".H Cn- J aruibie soldiers and civil- l.inda Cjlasaow. .!^ f. : , s .. ,,/t l| i\>>% respe* t.ve".. of S gma Ibdta Cl.t, ion M'Mi.l Week J.,// ami Water Vreeland. Now! Charles professional Journalism Dry Clean B;..k». !)-i' • men's |to live off the land by on sort-. ?. ; J.id; M-.i-e. t'ainivai N»e.v*pai>er PuulicM'* ■orrurg inedible materials \'ntvn • , r itf i • Chairman M« tior.orark-« are fra'em • Kath* Wrher, f • .• p • Jerry William Devine. Berkley sen¬ pr.d. The council >aid this .. . • . l atent, ib i • , Blue Kev Grern Meiue'. S<-.lo¬ president of Del¬ ha.* br«»ad application in ii..ij1, to I' •! ji ".'v , , | > i ,r,. - bar d and Blade. Pi Gamma Mu ior. is the new FREE STORAGE r.t of atomic war, li .'t- .if: i K • I I Mat* and |»hi Kappa Phi. ta Hitma Pi kenior vie#-presi¬ 1*1 Bl.l % I'lll inventions wanted in- I'aule >IrMath. : . < A memt»er of Kvari* S, ho'ar*. dent is Wllbert MarahaJI. Ann •lud* Brown, Bcaveiui.m s -pboniore and S.g- ■ it that can bo built into Sign a. Nanrv Sessions. Vi k pledge trainer and aenior ad¬ ior kg and rjj'i at an aitinirter liial 500,000 feet. burg «-upr,'.n hie, A>»:on College ;ur»K>r and • , J ; u ( .•- !• a A I at »ba ' «hman, to Howard .1 hp* ' u, Judy llurk, visor After graduation and over¬ pus. The finding-*# g**mp oft oam- phi Mu Alpha, peofaaafonal FREE Natbpraaflig Free.hltd! Ci' veiand, Ohio, soph- Delta Ta i I). :• i. < ami ( orhitt. >r.' and Beta Theta Pi. hall? sea* studies. Chuck plan* on two jr-J«:e fraternifr. haa elected Bill Gladstone Junior, as 1 ''hitag" I i A >ear* with Army fntei! genre < snnon, WE RE.XT rr/i Forum Set Mil!. M I hesselrint. .' nu -vide *et>ior, to 10% Caeh Diarount •. - , i. • • M" *'•. Mu '■ Ran t'.V, W." Med Tonight I'M a !>• ai.'t r \lu A P'.e TLXEDOS lil.lTA t\\ Bill \ FREE - ORE FULL RALLOR C ania Now Arailablr sU,\|A KAPPA breek forum consisting of Barn N ,sn Bjrlene Jornell B*'.:!«- ('."reck Cnkr, Itool llrrr or Orangr Free Parking Al Rear uty atid 30 soror it v Kent I Iter. I .».• *•: • » W .u I, \ Compare Our Pricra !! • will meet with seven »d- Mark. M:«i ari't ;■ a-, V l"»- ««:.* nu, • hie an 1 A'- Willi ,'t ltr». I llrm Piuu« bat leader* in the Kiva Deita Is ta lb • • . Jon Slerak. \ P Nanrt Angers. One Hour Marfinizing i . . a i to d.*r iss how the two Bov v .' sop e-'ore »• -e 1 - .M • to In M - Clr 2 I llrm kin;! Sire Pinu* ran tx-tter serve each I fit T \ , • . ' M.i' i n | '-n the f tare. K %FP* llijne Attderlon. \ \l I'll \ . ■< i !' •■'a t Marg VARSITY DRIVE *M ) sT- n, -ration leaner* a'- I urhmann. O 1 > o n u, '•> |tg w ; V President John ED 2-6517 LUCOR THEATRE RLOCK I - Thomss Hamilton, *•••. ■•t a-, t S-gma Alpha Eps.ion. . Alpha h, Carol Mood*. fc-ci lent for Academic Af- Birmingham lre*'.r • > I ' . /I T % TAI AI.PIIA llrl. >rr*icr K:.'tO p.m. In 1:30 a.m. iGu/ HI0, director of high Ge'dhof. Benton Man or he - (linger Johnsun, Midland jun- reiauona cooperation; kr -o Torn Hood, Paw Paw jun- man and Sigma Nu: Jane Ann rbaam, manager of rasi- Marwhn, Columbia ( lnd . r end Farmhouse; Joyce Me- i haili; James Deni9on, di- Va'mara. Fh' »n Bapid* junior, u, junior, to Don Ixuige! .fi. Pet" of tniversity relation*, Wirelwiugh, MSI* gradu- a«mor and Sign.a A pfm Bps. on, ftpvh Nonnamaker, as^t, direc- a e and A'oha Gamma Bbo I'lll All' AI.PIIA J student affairs and frater- W.»kefi« ALPH A ONIC BBS' PI Mora peopia are loyal to Camels than |advuor; aid ML*a Mabel Marilyn A 1 d # n. Jan lalk. Dearborn s' pho- a*»t director of atu- Mass . aophom-.'i. to Have Ml* » .ie to Jim Wilkei. Lanstog aay othar cifarette today. It etanda to I afla.ra and aororit/ ad- ner. Indianap-'lis. Ind, , reaaon: tba beat tobacco makes the sen.or and Phi Kappa Sigma. Letha A* pgr en, Lansing sopho- beat amok*. Tha Camel blend at eoally tobaccoa haa nevar been equalled toe rich flavor and eaayroing mlMiwaa No wonder Camel I* the No. 1 cigaralte of all brand* today! Fo4» ami fmtHy •toff «'• fm thm bird* . ,. Have a real cigarette- ©M have a CAMEL ! ^ jsfcj '•I CllCtaiC |M4V« lOTlO" UM iice to got o bottor shovol OvkU, . .. cIom, . IIC no MOIW -Sol -odimo yw om. we ISO SHAVI LOTION 'George! George! Drop the Camels! JHUITON Na-t^k • Tarawa f | \ May 19- 1939 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS htr Four Robinson Wins Delay Major - Bower Stops Elsworth League In Middleweight Battle In Intramural Softball Standings NKIV YORK M>|—Suirar Ray Robinson won another two- day delay in his fipht to kwp the world middleweight bo*, AMERICAN I.EAGI'E iny title Monday when PS-champ Carmen Ra-ilio was order¬ Bower House squeezed by Klswr.rlh 2-fl Mnrolay to win ed in appear at a New York Athletic Commission hearing Chirac" the Block 1 championship in independent Hoftliall. Cleveland Wednesday. in son and prometer Ram Rata . The winners picked up only Italtimnrr R hinson. resplendent In a Rower's outstanding defense- signed Ni the paper was ap¬ five hit* along the way, T»tit one Washington p.n-icv madras sports jacket and man was shortstop Sam Obuorn, proved. aald Klein. big blow by first baseman Bill Kansas City ivc/irmg dark glasses, was 38 He made several gi»«»| plays in¬ mu'es late. T*ie commission Harold Salkind, commissioner Stiglich was all they needed. Boston ■> cluding an unassisted double i • wait but went ahead of registration in Philadelphia, With two out and nobody on in New York ■ i ■, the fourth, Stiglich smashed a plav in the third. » ' .•.irnc v.vnous witnesses te.«ti- said at Rose'* reque*t he had homer over the head of K1 •?- Elsworth threatened several - ri'i-.u' Riv's contract to flg'.it attempted to locate Basilio or times but couldn't bring a run 21 in Philadelphia. All his two managers for several worth's leftfieldei ^ v across. Rob Jarvis an i Fb»h Mer¬ Rdm.tted Basilio hail not days. He *aid he finally reached In the fifth frame. Rower p.. i« . ries both U'»r safeties in th»' first co-manager Johnny DeJohn last came bark for one more tally to «'• signed R -binson signed May but a running entrb by Rower's Friday when he offered to post wrap it up, Rill Burgess led off U with a walk and was moved rightfieldrr rpielled the uprising. T1." 39-. ear-old champion $200,000 good faith money on In 'be second Cal Rev le<| off behalf of Rose. Around to third on a double r.cvc." iid '*kr tne witness stand. with « single down the middle DeJohn, supposed to call back down the right field line by win- H - i'vr. he h*»d brief, hurried that g"t by Patten. Rower's ren- Sunday, didn't call, Salkind said, lung piteher frv Ettlnger. r»r. e, with hts attorney, terfielder. Roy got to third on lb- identified his connection with Mat tin Machat. Jerry Cooper gained first on » the plav but was nipped at the NATION, 1 FAGII Rose as "helping a friend who Infield hit. but line \| Klein, a member i»f the orralrh plate on a nice play hy third ft 1. I'rl GR is in the hospital." Rose, a Phil¬ Green furred Rurgess at home. baseman Morton. .66* I'rnnolvtnu slate Athletic Milwaukee *!« 10 — adelphia councilman, is in the With the haaes still loaded. Al The losei.-i loaded the bases .545 4 nmmlviion, tr-titied hi* c«m- I'ranri-ro IM 13 • •Ian mlwinn had approved a rontract hospital. Phillip*, the losing piteher. lost In the third only to have x-Los Anselex 18 16 .5*9 3" ; control and walked Virgil llnr- Obotun's double plat cut calling for RnhinM»n to meet Ra- Irvln Kabn. president and the x-Cinrinnali Hi 15 .314 v< •olio in Philadelphia. chairman *f the board nf a rim¬ ton to hrlng KtUnger across with rallv short. Kttinger was not 18 17 .514 4' . Only Rob- Chieaxo ed circuit television company, tha run. seriously threatened again. 15 16 .481 3'z FOSTER HOFFMAN' (l.ftl •■* Bo, Sornrk combination and will be tuning up for f Pitt«hurxh leleprampter. prod a red a certi¬ st. I.oub It 20 .373 ft close eel Iheir tennis careers this afternoon lion in the Rig 10 championships to u ^ 60 Americans Attend Philadelphi.1 x-I'litinr nicht fame. II 19 .36" ft Killebrew fied rheek Tor $*23,000 that ho said would endorse to the prop¬ avalnal Indiana at home. The two senior* will he appearing la iheir last deal meet as a doubles Thursday through Saturday. monuav s nrsi • r* er party as a minlmam gnaran- tee for Boalllo. Home Run sill* anltcr 4. «»n ffaorUro ! Cuba Holds Sport Fete l.«s %nrel-». in*- Big 10 Championships Here • inrlnnatl al TOIUV's «..\W»s Machat rested his case, asking Mllwauh-f «l Mil 4 MHrl»r«» I * >— the commission to find that Rob¬ 4aV il l) v« *anf»rif 15-11 complied Contender inson had with it* (InrlnnaO al l.nt Aatcl't <*»— 90 NEW YORK athletes Mb—A total of college and AAU coachft'i an i from the metropolitan clinics will highlight the event. The festival, held under the direction of Cnpt. Filipe Ouerra, Nnsh.ill (2-51 vs. I*n(lre« '•-?» I'llUhnfKli 11-11 it Chiua.I|>hlj V* M loiHv Jarksnn 11-Si a l( hnac" — —HHOC 4 onlejf t.me American April 30 edict and a state su¬ preme court order to "enter into articles of agreement t — Olympic offtrials It ordered Basilio and Dejohn to NOW IS THE HOl'K will go under the name of the from all over the world gaihn- p .ice Chn ag<» White Sox. That scene. * —.: tion* at this year's champion¬ Thursday. g.\e hire !4 homer* m 34 game-, appear Wednesday at 2 p n*. With their - (If You're Moving > Eastern All-Stais, will lie George ed here Motidav for a two-dav Foster Hoffman an-l Bob Sas- ship to b*» held Wednesday night, sea i. three than tEDT). more runner-u^ sack haw combined t« make the Hoffman is hopeful of repeating 6-5, Coach Drobac •• Faherty. director of athletic- and meeting t-» hear report* and Cfklavito* 11. To have one of our little basketball mentor at Adelphi No. 2 doubles team a success his feat of last year when he won lie competing again-" "Opels" with the weigh suggehtions lor cutting It's much too early to com- Hoosier stjuad tha: i- French Set orange the playback title in the No 3 College in Hempstead, Long Is¬ both expen.ses and the piogiaut this year and this weekend at "ALLIED" Via on top atop land. Faherty will work in close pate Killebrew** pace with tiiat the Big 10 championships will singles slot to pick up three avoid its first los.ng ><•«<,> of the costly Olympic games. hy — the finest In moving association with Vinre l.eddv, *»f Babe Huth when the bam- . attempt to continue their good points for State seven veara. Nine members of the execu¬ service coats no more. bina established his record of kaaaaek Reached Semi-Finals Junior Jack Fi';- .1 roach of the New York Athletic tive board of the International fortunes. Club team Olympic Committee and repre¬ sentatives of nine fto national ltd half in 1927 Rut the kid is almost wav to equalling anothe Best Time, Roth returning lettermen. the* have also been an aaarl In the Sa.ssack did even better in last vear's championships. He reach¬ of Indiana's chief .. in the No. 5 sir... - > E j home run mar*—Han* Green- cuinmittees held the first ses¬ sing lea department this spring. ed the semi-finals of the No. ft finals to Michigan Acme Movent Storage Grand Prix MAKE TI1E lierg s two or more home runs singles before finally bowing out. the sion M»uda\ The actual work Hoffman waa elected captain hy in champions!. : MICHIGAN STATE NEWS la II games in one season IV 9-1343 his ieamnsaiea before the regu¬ Thi* wa« further than any other In a close match, INC. YOUR MORNING HABIT •if the meeting will done to- After warmuig up with a da> lar aeaaan opened, end plays N*. Spartan was able to go having hi; share .' ■- •louule and *n.*ie m Washing - PAUL, France 'A*) —- Maurice The delegates will hear bid* 3 single* while Kaaaaek has held The River Rouge senior has season. Mike Field ;■ < ton's first game 4-2 triumph. n«~ from several cities for the 1964 Tnntignant of France Mondav down the No. ft alngleo spot for been on the squad for two years has the Hoosier's bes: •* INSURANCE hammered two circuit blow* in the Grand Prix of Paul quandl and 19HH Olympic games. Tokyo won Mill!. a* a letter winner. In hi* junior is also a top-High/ ; avf r. i>. SPECIALIST* is the favorite for the 1904 the nightcap rowed Chicago's I-1 lead to one The Mow* nar¬ autiwnobile race for formula II Hoffman la from Monroe ar.d year he competed in the No. 5 Last year Indiana d't * games The Japanese have been ear* in a eooper-gordward. has betei playing tennis for State singles spot. This is the same State, ft-3. at Bloominnit Financial Reapenslbilitv Cases run but the White Sox tallied Bruce McLaren of New Zea¬ * making a big pitch a'd over the for three years as a letter man position he holds down this sea¬ Big I* Champion»hif* Y*ung Driver* • Motorcycles twice m the ninth for a 10-7 win. land in a Cooper Climax was • world in the hopes of beating He started out In his sophomore son. Indiana will be re.* Out pf Stat* Driver* second and Lucien Bianchi of ivtroR, Hruwol.". Vienna and year at the No. fl singles man As for doubles, Sassark was campus on Thwart " , CANCELLED AND REFUSED RISKS IMMEDIATELY Lausanne to the great sport* Belgium, in another Cooper Cli¬ and No. 3 doubles player and part of the No. 3 doubles team other conference lev HANDLED plum. Buenos Aue> is expei >d to start a drive for the lt)6 A • 57 3 miies an hour for the dis¬ today's meet with the Hosiers. Even s.irk. though long hours Will be $1 for the tance of 137 1 miles. The "A" elob presented Hoff¬ must tie spent each day in prai- and ftO cents for M- Rain started about the half- man with n r|n< on Thursday tice, each has maintained an all with ID.s. u «y point of the race and drenched the 10,000 spectators. Mantle Should Norman Barclay, of Great Brit¬ GRADUATING SENIORS ain, on cuit. in Cooper Climax skidded the west pavement 45th lap and ha car left Barclay was al slightly hurt tha the cir¬ NEW YORK UP) — Mickey Improve—Cn ing lapses, including a three- merer back up (P*t- on the hands and face Mantle's first manager. Harry base error on a fly ball in Sat¬ and (Camiio) Paw-ai An anticipated duel between Craft of the Kansas City A s. urday's game, hav* been hurt¬ out the staff. Tnntignant and Jean Behra ef thinka hi* former protege will ing the slumping cnampions. "1 said in spring 'rs.: France in a Porsche failed to right himself before Ih* season As for the Yanks, Craft says Raltimoc* had the develop. Behra had a flat tira la over. their problem is simple. "They staff in Florida. T •' LAST WEEK TO ORDER on the fourth lep. He lost three 'Maybe be* pressing a little." just aren't scoring the runs. 1 the national league, ' INegru Baneball League laps before getting beck into the race end finished fifth. said Craft who managed Mickey in the lower minors think they are getting pretty they hav* the Xoundai whan he good pitching but the whole club real fine staff " NEW YORK (.I*1—The Amer¬ Trintignant took the lead at worked In the Yankee farm ays- 1* hitting something like .240." As for Kansas City, ican Negro Raseoe:: League has the 10th Up after Masten Greg¬ tam. "He just can't get going. Craft fifth only two games «r expanded from four to sis ory of Kansas City had to drop points to Washington "When the young man eticka and Baltimore as two teams that Craft finds reason to i* : teams Kaletgh. NC, ami New* out because of mechanical trou¬ hia heed out of the dugout he have unexpectedly disturbed the ful. ark, N J, hav* been added. ble with hit Cooper Climax. doesn't get much encouragement. status quo in th* league. "Hal Smith has f 3 Those boos have an effect on groove at third ba^c "Washington has created a I6t you, whether you want to admit of confusion," he said. "That ing a great job," h« si it or not CAPS Ralph's "KEWPEE" Cafeteria "But he'll right himself be¬ fore the season 1* over." (Bob) Allison looks like quite a bell player (Harmon) Killebrew has turned out to be a star. Their Williams, th* from Baltimore, car a ber of things to h« ftv •>' Mantle la hitting only .2g? and (Roger) Maria has i * pitching has come through too. baa hit only five runs. His field¬ (Bill) Fiscner and (Russ) Kem- tial. The way (Bobi Gr.r. ;j LiaSUEia SMOUL ed Sunday (a two-* ' the Yankees) we doc t " worry about him. •It seems most of we have loet have : AND Maahcd Potato*- Spring eighth and ninth irtn;n* like that first when the Yankee* go*1 the ninth to beat us. gn «- Hot is here! Lai as tkm aaaua GOWNS DATE-MATQI rwhi«M4 Sl«>« fin® at cleaning # box storage UNION BOOK STORE PBjr whM FM Bkk tlWB M. Lai KMHsBk'1! Vanity SUP USAhtotlKd. E-t Running's Hurling, Kits State News Indianapolis Speedway Quiet; Lead Tigers to Victory Raeing Men Attend Funeral Many of them had gathered buqueique 7hte widow and t'A'C >i«M Sports F.dt'nr INDIANAPOLIS Driver* and mechanics put aside their in the same room to pav their >ouhg .sons survive. Slav !«♦. 1959 helmets and wrenches Monday 'aH respects to Bill Vukovirh. l ike an army burying its dead Manny A.vulo. Hat O'C'otino-. on Ihe battle field, the rarlni and the noisy Indianapolis Motor 4 Homers Iftuoiiiiii AltemplH I,;i,Ijnoi|i Speedway wa« stilled for an h'otir in a tribute to handsome, George Amick and other driver? who put on their racing goggir * men quickly picked up their tools again and resumed the juh \ v once too often of tuning rars and sharpening nlng ■ affable young Jerry Unser—49th I Help Stop to die at the half-century* I user. 7« and will started on driving skills for the next, final Oldest Track lit 'card ii an weekend of time trials for the o'd auto racing plant. a promising raeing rareer, died i esterdav of hums suffered w hen l.'.rd 504-mile rare May 34. Most of the men who gathered Nineteen spot* were still Ooen Red Sox J Itis New CIml leaner for memorial funeral home across the street Horn the speedway have had services in a he wrecked a car on a practice run May 3. Virtually everybody in Ga-o- • . -1 f 33-r»,r ."arf:ng #>JH after and shower* di> r.OSTOX i/P) — Slim .lini erased from the books. f t that stage of treatment. a f Hhoeii,x. la*.? sear'* win* «ther fjinnus Mimes «,f p^ut riavs As a result of Unser ? wrecx, o a*,.1 'hree-urre r.a'ionnl Bunninft cracked four hit.— The vvh" now ap|u>;i Pacesetter: ?n in !tkr)\' to eclipse the t>!:' N in mi. Ilaegg, .olderk. Ilar- H.e United Slates Auto C'luu ,1 a p. .n; T*-n> Bettenhauaen uf including a home run and a otT-vvar record still existing hic Uarrnrrdam—all have slip¬ tuled that all drivers in rairs r . if. Br,-*.. I . *he defending triple—in leading the l)e- and the powerful troit Tifrer* on a 16-hit a Ovanesvatt Hiosian named Igor Tc - ped eiurefullv from the lists. 1 i-i niark #>n Mav Troilus-Dies it *.intlons mu?t wear flame- pr#M'fed garments hereafter t'SA; ,» ' \* i i : . »o be driven bx meat mark, matle on Un.serT btKiy will be taken to '< • 4 Haul ft' Wehr'ec and 14-2 romp Owrro' , rampape a H" ha;., shortly after WILMINGTON. Del. i.V> Mien.'.cable dav at Ann A rip.'. Albuquerque. N M . for funeral (If ivo Mo. and Dempsey Wil- liter his world Boston's skidding Bed 'T a ■ • a\ Tcoilus. an early fdV«.ri'e for tHe - over serviie? and bun.)! He wa- m-t •• }»a v'honie, C-alif. M remark?- • ."<>* Monday. Ohio State athlete spread out seven Boston onslaught «'f time and Hie i Milnl*. herause he has stead- Flamingo Stake? at IHaleab in h tn collecting hi* fourth vie- ev.itable manh of athletic i»o.- Hi and firmli been creeping up February, died early Monday on I., owens* mark. 'he farm of his owner, Havard •orv of the aoaaon afainst three i ,',ii-,« do. entrating solidly he on Sharp, at nearby Middleto-.vn. Sharp, a dmv tor of Delaware f rustic l)rv Cleaners broad Hark, said the three-vear-oid ng (performance and five runs Owen? oi11\ • •'■ colt, had no' l?'#n right Satur¬ ha ted in paced Detroit's lustv <"mpctit.on. He once 5 I'lain llrr.M-. » $1.35 ..'i Veterinarians diag¬ i?*ack that included five double?, 18-Year-Old • r.i e,.r to..k a leap in day night. nosed the trouble a* a twisted I triple and four home runs. it counted i CjE • • •• w hen The other Detroit homers were mte?tine f tj.nt. «r Suit* •mashed by Charley Maxwell. Dash Star iVdr.ov.in, a s'tiilent nivv Trollu*. Nearrlhed bv Sharp a* "the best horse I ever had." ' III Itry I Inming 'JOf c 11// 4 ilh Tliit Ad %l Kallne and Frank Belling. an Armenian who Maxwell's eame wMh tun en. 100 meters started 19 limes as a 2 and S- I.noil Only I mil May 2.1 while the hoaeo were emptv far To Quit Sport . s :f: ii . r> i* ;n 9 fi Hie for the 10f» vesr-nld, letting six victories, Kaltne s and Bnlllnc'a klaats. The ion? was the sixth in seven i iKADMJ. N J A fre. K- ; .. • He * nu-'ec. t..o, an unusually infellr and above two second places places, fsr earnings ml DI3.1.3il. and two third i FREE PKKUP & DELIVERY PH. OX 4-7701 led-fa«:ed sefujnlbov who mat. n- 'omjietifoc. As a juvenile, he raced seven VwwwwwwMwyvw s .irt? for Boston. . „i. e-l 'he >j*>#•.! of the wnrld's be • times and had three victories, The Tigers, putting on of one lie won the I urnpeait broad Iml fur intertiationai one second and two thirds, earn¬ •hp better hitting performances • ■ i tn- it Mmkhiilm last of 'he year, were held scoreless fame at Hie afe of 18 lump %e,»r Willi a title leap uf 25 feet "'j ing 131,744. ^ MIX I Ii r ii X VITRI)\Y! STATU on \ in the fourth and nrnth in- .T'.-hn M'.-t.n. 5-1'. 140-|m»ui. i inches lie made an immense He ran e.gh* time* this vrar , ng*. Among the better indivi¬ He .;»n r.*thn'jf T7TT si i.e impre**mil >,u onlookers getting von three »au\«, wa* second IIRST Sllfltv TODAY AT 7 Of pm. dual performance* were three seni-u'. e'»-f. fieri the Hark •* 1 l.e.clit in his leap and sailing once, earned $111,633. HU thre* hit?, including two doubles, and Held ,«-<»rld s.,fti-r!ay w» ♦ n • through the air like a ballet triumph* all came at Hialeah, ♦ <> runs batted in by Kiddie leeied off 1 Ofg yards in 9 5 *«" - dam er. where he took. l>evides the rich y-v Maxwell and Kaline ear n «i". " c the v .; Id reeo: *i . e tp.e seooii o(»en- flamingo, ihe Bahama '.rack record in Stake* "h" Teenager 'nTrirssw- Had An x* -?»?> driving three runs, and a 3-fm- I I*. I I*. \\|l \ VtKOKFN hil.f. a« Brieh.im Voung University But aftn foil! u.oiv irus i h . !,»• leariini v.thm and ?c* a new « da\ and five rung scored by stranded In mid-ait. Nielsen has M..s! .n's e<.';-,|M-:i'tve atfi « . • an allowance even' pole vault)!. Mate Nielsen net* , , an .nch of 26 fee' Bailing \ a tilled 14 feet 3** iurlies on ntbrr Irys vafoer i> over. Un J .Sv 1 ne • tn later start? he sh.owed. but AIWT* HNSg; ego. But Running, who entered *h» •m S'. *•!..; v s r.ov.tate nt Wi . weekend a* Mv« failed to win In hi? la?* ounng, cane hitting .118, was the b.g t n He broke the game open I9.VI IVi'iikni"" Winner , F'h K. a V V f »r one pi-epat ptot v to >i.ir ? tra i lining t o - ,» i .II -• . and ha.i-'orm, T»-i - .oftimed ir. ♦he Derbi, he wa? pacemaker, hut finished 1 a.-t of an ear'y v bsmjwrjkssi^ . : , i .th a three-run homer into the !• . l.'h- e'l.o Bt-.M-e- «■: • . IT *?ar'ei' A couole of minor io'.oI.:. hed a new • .- . ti.<" , same go nip that operates ail--en's afTlated him late:-.. eh field screen in the third in* the with a tremeh- Royal Orbit Improving F.;;• ' i h.ih sc'iu.l he m'.a attends The horse wa* insured, the r-rg »i' !."• i.'ap <-f 2'» fi*ct 3 3 ft inches feature In ihe fifth he drove in another As a novi.'f .•» ".«■ Brothn amount undisclosed. Tt»a»!'. Hie tilth best «f when he boanrad a triple against h-wHi. Jotm wo! not t>e pe» nittcd tn.e f he onh l»*t!e. effort tho 4:e-f«ot sign Hi right renter •Then he added singles in Ihe According lo I laiidllers Ml ti'i'ifl leue Mke at (4iirt He then Ne .11 a'.tlict:, r.. v,e- g' «'* Rcirf.e e, \ V, I *n.i fd.;- A have el necn I . Dwell' turned in b\ the fiiegoi Be' # 10DH 4?iM' seventh and eighth, the last W p s1*! •. and llos'lvu Kange, he iur * «";• lb Ii.- i. ifuller* in-i-t flcivitl Ori.it fa w here '■ driving in atUI another run HAl.TIMoCi: • He was almost that effective ri r-teretl life. t • .ru¬ '' • "r-'Mnen ctiittlif ioninif (, ,.r Mik « Michigan States the mound. He struck 01/ I made op m-' '• iolob en nt her e.ti -'.iii* itr»* «■ ■ • \ ,iu eil tin* * .; > ■. 1'ieakne-s win- the Ir.-sh Cs.i11: ... ; a >* i.-to'.'t iv.'i.ng coach. Was if and walked the same. One - •he Mghe>t ho.-.t-maker on 'he Will i , \STOOD of those walks led to a firv- tier i* it!te.t'iy luv enu ic• .tin I ga.Mi ethinyl,. vear and I'm ?'.«r. J'.fill "Truck t a • lo* r- •'' :' ■- «• • n,e, Si.<»rtrtn ma* '|.Md four vearg -THE IIABEI.B? mrVtMg run for Boston, and Don :h .n a row a* an uwivrgraduatr. R tlun go* the other with hi? K • ' • ■ .i-: ,».•.• bu* if? not • • • ' v ■ u \j || , ..., H4a I ompirlr Program Information 'hird homer of the year in the • - At IM. . t,.i>k the Please Ibal III 3-.MI7 »* ver.tft. lie •> 0 About the only r|av for Boston was bright spot Ted Wi • ..g ••) I h •* • ' .« ' ' offcfc-1 j«tO t.»|l for .3- FREE LI6NTERS STARTS SUNDAY • • • \T 1:00 P.M. shaking hi* batting slum;' Ifeborah Kerr • Vul Brynner am# an. Ri.NO" I or trainer Reggie ( ornHI and Itn. « Cur l'»•. s - u ..f hi'-, and s. i Bleakness' i/iitt aactiu.riy , Betweaa 12 ft - 2 KQDL No. 28 and won going is.it pa ting ht» • (.'It w .H tart > ACROSS IN Schedule hackers *l *» ?« f«»r * '■ - .*• in the iiu'e- Deter 1'in one 1 Mwa i. a'l^i'i.s ioriR4i,i. "tut it)' i. • -a-'uii! lui.M.ng ill tilt Iiille- liclmom. NURRY! 5 x H'D.fa "paeiah ri"** pi i •„» n| ".| DOWN I K —l la '«! » II Thr^»» 4«.i|.f? m-el H.itierftelJ « n. .7 x, ' i Nn u» Simri ft. *«. too# Iii.trliniiicn a n r«i List 2 Days 13 IS. P i-M* -r bommA t V', ngar«f»« »BV u, tie' a if-a'v B14 •'h. «•« i i r K vs. a a nil sit \t D • Pi mi...h nngie vs. a tie « tut) GLADMER a.'na IV ' h»r •• s aV-a»i 1 4. W W'fti nwriauB In ii'ill ***** r>, JT'H4 '• "V • frunilf \|. Phi (itmni) show n I •• • J'•.» 14 It'tpuffaM*, »l* > kappa sigt vs. FarinhtiiKr I'M I I'M Tsu vs. *HT NOW StlOWlM, s 15 - :.zs • >.»> % f.anii'B 4««. •moliat.l# 4. l»-)Dfmii»-4 "M 2 W Kappa Phi vs. IM I" Me) ••■•••'4 7. s,,ieiii'i*ie a* O * ^bihwh m« B cai - a* P-'t «is out sioer rtwussn kxb 15 lit" *•* ( nltrm f»r 5. T.rrt»r tl P"*B«lBfn letan, ' -m ' * l» m P m I (*H4t l Rather * vs. 7 natlev t I VICELOBBaf JUKHCA'S AUDREY* ANTHONY rf.n<-hily rtr*1r~ 14. emn4a Dor ir a. as4 "4 HEW I (oart J a aai' p«»)a- » f m, nrvaa a «a • a m. Rrtas S vs. « - "•MM MANSIONS" J" »• "a"** 'Oe ii .e-i, .* S *« 'ha. * l'm Rutterflelg 7 *». « ...tmfvMOiN f*'.H PrW ts? 4 . rut it MOM hm M'foCOlOR Ji It 1 ym a»» ")' ■ '••** tru l;r a t '14 4<«g*r. 24 5«f>'- STAR TIM; THURSDAY it it.if • Inayf'ai ><• 1 2*. ; S .. I ..a r.4lae* fabM-a f.»r MICHIGAN Aradrniy \»ard W inner Su-an M HKaM.fioe i'v»n lla>ward in hrr Hraa4-.\*w Triumph 44. Kfttov, 19V! M 44. 7 v« Uh't* ti r>hb*d a lifli.y 44. Th.y aay Co.e»w Maw. IM.IM l» Bpint I N );,I B IN Oun% I ta-I M I !l | Fet tot a i:M ufiinSw P huo As cool and clear) ra a breath •( f teah air. JtbETjmr utot Mtwa niNti • • Ktnaat ieaf tobasvO . l8ld rolre%hu*£ rantbol « UUN CACTOOM and tho worldk moot t^orou^tdy t—tod filter! i ( -1MI DU1 POCTOS" eowotsTTuowtj •HOWS ITA1T AT — • With nary puff yowr mouth fools clean , 1 IM - I:H - »:«• - IM - ):H your throat rofroahod • T-tM a) (lit Mis M:M I'MTIUI NT AIT AT — I.II • i II - I ll ■ I II . , H CmeHcos Most- 1&ftesliing Qgoiefe Snt -WARUNrK" unuamt — STAITS "ATI IDAV "MOBBOBS Of THE — -jmmy. Acta taaucao a rt aaot- aitHout eiuTtai • JOEL MH BE % BMuia. WMaorfe - OWCB AT H WM. • Oaar? tan I r am MICHIGAN STATE NEWS "M p«rr S, CAgareUes " A m b 0 x Gates Gets Quarles' Post Increasing M J*- |»!» b 3 Radford Cancer Ills . ,'%-c SaucerFam WASHINGTON f/*»i—'Th* I 5 Recalled Send Pals director of the Public Health Service'* National Cancer 1 } To Duty Institute Mid Monday lunir cancer la increasing, partic¬ M- ir : f -Messages' ularly who are amontr men over heavy cliwrette 4."i ' : dp . '' d< (il|K ill IVlllU^IMI amokera. # ri d, HiiTarrhy Fillril Spur#* Ofh* Oft Dr. John Hellrr suggested that Invitation to IjumI Ir a heavy amoker should cut out ti WASHINGTON (An—The the habit entirely, or "if he can't B idmini.Htration moved Mon* M»\I »ON t,V) — A mo«. quit completely, he ought to cut P. lay to fill two pap.* at the saj/e was ^nt Into apitrr down as much as he can." op of the military cstal)- Monday invitinp any "parr In a copyrighted Interview in iahment, rhoo-injr Thomaa ship of fly in# *aucer crews VAN# V HTREETR. Indiana ♦he weekly magazine "U.S. late* ti» he deputy secre¬ who happenefl to bo around I'niverxitv mph—are. will rep- New* & World Heo-rt." Heller re*»rt the nnlvemHy In aUle tary of defen.-e and rwail- to skint down to earth for h recommended also: final* t » *clect candidate fnr infr Adm, Arthur Radford abort vacation. "Am Mhtfaal whe h 4.7 Mi** America rnnteat. Hhe won for temporary duty. Nobody, apparently, t->ok up nnlverxity ronteal at veara of age aai ever—and rer- Gates, mi* secretary of the t^e atfci ton. foil Her home t* t a Hi Ir M»e whe k a heavy a«er tivy, had be» n due to leave T'i •• m»' agi "Ik transmitted Bend ln«f. and «he U a negro.. •f el» a telle* — abouM have hi* •overnment serve e within a tew }. te!<;»vs'hv Mioug.d tran u. - pliyalrlan cheek hi* eheat hv an lay*. "srOt'NMtlL! SCOI'SDRM.!" erlea Itethany Baldwin. I.ivonia sinij by thousands of Briti- » A-rmr and hy phyaleal ex ami- InUmtllna Frtdar THREE PEDESTRIANS ,pr,*l al , Froidfnl Kiirnhowtr'* choice sophomore, In her rnle a* l.ita In "Gianni Kehlrrhi." Bruer l-egan hill. Newton, Kan., trad student, portrays the title role. The comlr -aiM»r fans. Secrecv Row » natiew. I won Id every dx mrnith*.4' aay. at lea*t SI. Ptltrthar,. Fl».. tttrr > drlvtr. V Kelly, tt. Ont Rim.. If • tajur.,. •f him a* M»e No- 2 civilian ad- The thought signal* otarted in, ,lowrd into • rnrnd. Prtll,, and opera hv rueeini will he presented hv the MSI Opera Workshop ninivtrator at the PfnU*«n Mir* vd expectation that Gate* would Mav 21 and 2H In the Kiva. going out apace men Hunday, inviting the down for the Hliit- Reflects on Saying lung cancer also strike* non-smokers, Heller said, "I ■ iiniiiiiik up la the No, I apol with *un weekend, an annual three- think that mo*t of the scientific Traitor Handle ■ WHETHER YOU ■ he likely departure this fall of Defenae Secretary Nell McElroy. Workshop Productions day holiday which ended Man- Press Also data show that excessive use of (iirt'tt Pasternak a WANT TO SELI. ■ day. cigarets gives one a greater risk ■ WHETHER YOU ■ of acquiring lung cancer " The WANT TO BUY The Dereuse Department hop- It ;»art of ! »e Infernatmn- <*♦- n-ey in government Is re?* ■ a wa* tobacco industry contends no MOSCOW Oftt—Bori.«. Paster¬ St nale confirtrui- ~ 3 *d f >P prompt so i "lazy journ- Glva Operas Wednesday a! Flying Saucer Contact Week¬ tail •. oad, »iu* nak was accused iwfore a So¬ * actual connection between smok¬ ( j"ii for Gate*. end fillsn ' which lcnn heavily on viet Writers Conference today of (;ttis :he nap wb> nominated left by the .sudden death t" fill Down in the quie*. green the Vre sennets, syndicated ing and lung cancer has been established. "the behavior of a traitor." ■Cwpn OlanHMt- ten U M.Kuiov i s Hg1' "f Ronald Quarto-. Wrt-. under special The MStF Opera Workshop is siiruiltaneouslv r. hearsing three will lie seen a* Harlequin; and David Cliffe, Landing, freshman, peine M'x, of Afhdnwu P-rest in Su*- the Hon Brinslev !>• poer materia, and cornier, two profe*- wrii «.f ioumalism at MSP em- cancer Heller said that while lung Is increasing "other can¬ Secretary Genera! Alexei Sur- kov of the Soviet Writers con¬ I k Try! : Trench waited to... He is a lead¬ gress denounced the author of phavoe,, Sundav Viewpoint cers—for example, stomach can¬ siii ssure piarles to yet ai *>»on n < a sue«e-»r possible be- to nfteras t.» \v produced Kiva of the Fx I. Illdr on Wed- in the will he The Brigheila. opening scene of "The ing British flying saucer fan went int.. the w<»o»|« because he He •••.er WKAH-RADIO. G»* rge Hough 'aid the on trouble cer—definitely crease." are on the de¬ Doctor Zhivag')." barred in ♦he .Soviet Union but a be«* scile? : LOW ODST- -.in o the defense :-tietarv is rief.fi.iv an I Thursday. Ma- 27. Merty Wives of Windsor." hv reckoned it a likclv r»!aie for a in the We>t. already overdue ; »ower at the fmii- ronferenee in Geneva I'll Ticket, the Union ticket office are t c.v on sale a', Nirolli .will he the second nnnt- her hv the Workshop Based shy space Trench man is to land convinced that if 5* t,»»n- th..' newspafKr* fxi' t-i be ^e. to dig for fa< G— they The outlook is rather grim with lung cancer and. despite The criticism was reminiscent of tin Communis', attack^ which : QUICK RESULTS \ After the President announced upon Shakespeare's comedy we reL ' heavily on government the decreasing amount of stom¬ ■ ED 2-1.111 ■ The program will feature three Martians Venuvians m receive pub i*\ men to cover their beat ach c-anncer, the outlook Is rath¬ developed when Pasternak wa the nomination of Gat#-., M< F'.- operatic entries Two -hor! and find two women who plot against friendlv .. ■ Est. 2«13 ■ thought* fr.m anyone for ' !.»*•■ voted the 1 N'obei Literature ruy sa d he would leave lor romjiai ilively unknown- operas talstaff who has dared to send this er grim with stomach* cancer on Earth it might eiioour- In said Hougii.' th«* fault Prize las', fali. Switieiiand t. will hair the hour an I a half amorous love-letter* to them too, primarily because these fit • them to climb into their th ¬ both. Jean lleyer. Greenville, foi £ overonehtai -f-rrer; and •dt** are inaccessible unri we Shuttle after annoiinremrnl of pro Main with u familiar and ing aaueer* and come down. So freshman, and Gwen Oswalt. *upj rr- -r. .:.f new s !ie* a* nr.Urh cannot diagnose them early classic opera. he snent Monday radiating kind the oelertlon of Gales, the |*re»- Ident wrote him ifeMenatiii* him The Opera Workshop will pre¬ Virksburg. sophomore, featured In thi* opera. will he thoughts aimut space men. '.r n.<»r« with the press. enough," Hdler raid. Around the start of the cen¬ Part Up Year Car a* acting aecretary of defense sent an opera intermerro; a "If ue don't rover the alory.'* while Mrllrov attends the liiri'lilflll •hi- . opera ' Aunt " a- ,« p!a\ vvithtn rich and m« indie music makes uaed hy radio atation*. if various Am y and Navy officer ,, a pla> Wtiollv unitdated to the thi* opera n favorite of opera of tn# information n* must have Atppk ul KED'S. that lite United State.! must de¬ larger work, it is n typical ex¬ theatres throughout the world. 'And some of us are if we are t use intelligently the using » vote more tmme> and attention ample of the intermezzo Owtuine* and seentc effects telepathy. The outer auarc peo¬ l«ower put in our hand* by a - .STOP IN TODAY - to preparations tor limited wars The roles are characteristic of for each opera have iieen care¬ ple use it, you know.-." democratic system tn time. tUL ar.d pay lor that additional em- Jtalian Improvised coined > Co¬ fully designed and constructed failure to art intelligent'' cuutd pha*-. hv reducing funds now lumbine will he #un»» by I.vnn hv student! of the MSU theatre be made the reason and t.se ex¬ KEII A I.SO INSTALLS devoti-t ' > purely strategic wea¬ Heckman, Grow Pointe, senior, department. All the operas will Wolverine Stuff cuse for depriving us of our free¬ Ml FILERS AMI pons of nuclear destruction. John Gorman, Unhung, senior, be sung in Engiifih. dom. I'oaitioiiH TAII.I'II'ES 0|M-ii .Sr. i.'ounril Petition» OKIIKR MIR E K E E Noted Author Presents Views Student* with yearbook ex¬ perience. high school or otm Petitions for Senior Council awl if, pla* lax wise, me wanted in 'he U - chairmanship* will be upen until hide m#>irr or rtoner What Makes Children Tick vrritie office for interview- for possible appointment t.. the tkfin yearbook staff Wednesday n#nt> ran nick Any interested ?;u- tee Union Desk «-r the Senior up petitions at RED'S SHELL SERVICE Among the positions to -tie fill¬ Class office in room 317 Student 710 Mich, A*e. Near KeUofff Ccattr As Complicated as Outer Space ed are associate editor, photo editor, feature eu tor. orgam/ations editor. in«lcx editor, cop - Serv Uf editor, senior* editoi. sport* eiii- N'o sclent !<♦ exploring outer I ask* of pip-school children i.s own and laying fv»undatioti* for tor, engraving eilitor, and ex- spat, or driving into ti e ••ivcfK the settling into healthful lllllh understanding the meaning of ch.inge eviitoc. Of the aton tackle* a greater routines of re.-t ait t activity, the life. Anys'i.e desiring to appiv f«. . challenge tt»hi n* . th- uiuun xiMMker maintained This mean* "AH thi.«f, and more, i* on the of ttiese itiv position* shmtld jtiE a.lull wh-» tin ' to fathom the going to hid and getttng his egonda for a little child, and In the Wolverine office during depths nf what make> a little needed test without a atruggle, how lie works at it," Dr. Duvalt contact Jennings Bird person* :> chdd "ttfk " learning to relax when he is evplamed. the afternoon This was the contention «, E\«t>n Duv.ol. noted author, a varlc'v of situations and he- chance to explore and find out lc tuicr and tslucator In the eommg int-reasMigly flexible and for themselves and they are Hannah. Itean* Inrilnl fte'd of fartior m I human re¬ atiie to accept changes happily. alter way* to respond and relate On Packaging Tonr lations • < fche talked to parents *i»e added. meaningfully to others." she said. and teachers on "What Little Another developmental task "They are also after opportuni¬ Invitations have been- extend-' Children A<« After" at a klSU was pointed out by Dr. Puvall ties to grow up arid become per¬ ed to president. Dr John A. ftusi for you conference a- mastering »:r Uuvnll. avccptmg new flavor* And tex¬ for children in which to learn, Seminar. 11»v-c to- -tie '-.mi, might !«' ture- m mod* with intcrc*t and The tour will start at " bd p m our poplin ihorf coot oddl • | and by standing by with under¬ I palled developmental ta-k- or growth rws|MinMbiUt»rs. l>. t)u- va • 1 task t« "a defined a Uxk whieti drveiopineutil a« fciijoymg liis f'»o>l with le,v*ening mt iiieu!.- of spilling, mexsing and toying. t Hher developmental task* in- standing support 4* children go aln»ut their business, youngster* assume a* much »e- s|)on*ibility n* they atf ready letting in A-2. South Campus. Thi" wt'.l be followed by a short pack aging »ocletv business meeting 4! 8.00 p.m . in 3k, A-l South Can- •ouch . to your outdoor wordrobd Ihraa initial* mboidtrw or abOtii a ixwtain period m the c lude developing the physical for. pus. lh« lite of an mdivuiual. the -tivee-s- skills appropriate to hi* stage of on pockot tok at no ful achievement of which lead- motor development, becoming a additional coat. *i« in his happuie - and t«» nn-e.-s participating member* of hi* tavks. while failure fanulv. learning to communicate wj'h Utet lino < lead* t,v unhappinciis in t he t"- elfixTively with an increasing dividual, vb.vapprov.il t>> alia(. With a flip «f .VII F. OS Ul SDKY! Wocli, lodon groon. on* noturoi Ihr romh >au hat* a III. (*r*at atyl*. If tarM) in what yan ttaal. tkin rat IP.fi GIRLS blouses in far jou. I'lain, rolli.M lN-aulifullv laumlrml 33 «1.75 LANSIN8 LAUNDRY CaN far yanr tari-cal Ma,r. I DRY CLEANERS t.utt IMating branch THE COED SHOP €21 GRAND RIVER ED 747U 211 EVERGREEN ST. it