The leather fetters ^i"» Sho»»r» and narmrr I<>p Inrtiana, «-t. lx>« Tuesday 62 „ f i„| Dual V«*l A'f — Jame* Tue-ili "r in thee words: Van Uw hesrint »rrdlrlf"« that the started. Warnings OF FACULTY JS NOT threateneil a nationwide strike of all lai»«»r harnc-«-e« union* with antitrnvt law*. T'-c talk .»•> < if * onfrre- » -e- Tvda* • •■M faver Mr. In House Mrih. The Tanda, indicates haw farts deselnped I" the PACE WITH B est (lulls A-l W- rah rail ';ie * . r. -*r- ".a' -t:u » r 10 Out Dollar. i T'f- n rrtaeed his «a»»art. IN OTHER 'I ersuilles' rhtrn «-ut the employers f'- «v FIELDS . 4 icer.c shifts to the N Ho Threaten and for al!'• j nei.e-ve that op- The antitrust prop'.ea! ear - •t.,a n-iTinw will con- •"•iir, Sen I on \! «'.• CD M jrev our: n8 the (low the hear- \\ A S Ji 1 N (i TON .4'»— YVarain/s of in flat inn. « lu¬ At Geiwuu \ . jt reret.' Senav -..eer «RSOHS •• dtl Itu-.nt l» ft« S' • • e Vu.oe • lr 'nth confirmation is cent dollar and .'t presiden¬ •T'" * SV p' »l, • ed C if - un'siff !' urws w nose head tial veto were sounded Tues¬ knock- Prii|Mi«eil / '->.112: • • i* a ur - n-jt day as the House plunged n- . ;.uf unde. iav- en thousands of words l»rrinun irrah 1 he 7»d delegate* te th- gsd condemnation dur- into its annual battle over MX -oath \tUntii and C»ulf feast thc est *r.; hearing, con- new housing legislation. fiENKVA ' I* - The WV.t diMriit ronventien ef the l.eng- ron-.ment Tuesday to Final voting will not beg;-!, accu*e rd uildlt when lloh» threaten-, Tue*«fa'* of tr\ invr *o irm>o*c m ftiuful far Ike vale ef Debate over a big *2.100.000.- rd severe reprisal* if an anti¬ 000 Democratic-back«si on Herman' a j>♦•*<»* trea'v housing trust Ian is passed measure got under \va> w.'.h the on the hardi hnoa «.f !h»« I* »• a; A--r ' 'hat ' orTU'-tee's six Rcpubli- - • Eisenhower administration com¬ World War I settlement at • it « p.l ' e -fjou: jr.s «r.r«e of its Democrats • fir him. The eight "no" ing out in favor of a $1,300,000.- Versaillr*. * r-.-e a" «»ur n?rav • > -r. w ] i n 000 substitute six»n« by a a giv«n 'ta'e ' *he *urbulen* i all by Democrats, Fr«mcri j"i» .*-i "cr M* .- frna'-c 4 likely to begin southern Democrat. Rep. a. N. ti -e .Louvf IK' '.! '• *e* • f n*-'. .:ro Fr eoni.rmation early Herlong of Florida FRFSIDRNT JOHN A. HANNAH tahea a look at the giant facts given lop priority by the Board of Trustee*, the university'* govern- would drive *h»- Gent)an pe"- • p i.'»n'ex* of it Defeat ef the Herlong substi- Mhlch he and Viee ('resident I'hilip May say have put .Michigan ing b«.«rd. faculty salaries have not. a* these ehart* *ho%», kept i»Ie ♦ > despa- am he re' tH • ■ all union.-. tete was predicted hv Speaker Mate | niversity in a preearinus academic predicament. Although pare with pay scale* across the country, r.O» ■ ." »h»- V|r =Vl -tia! nominations for Andrei Gron.-k-., M-.-'s of the Hanae Nam Ratbarn -r- • pal ha mlgnai i*h Fereign <4#rr#tary W*i» 1 One rcault of thi« choice be¬ tlv Dl( K B ARD president for busir.e *n,| f .ng w,me lei hn.cai yx^ttionc.*• he Rig 10. the university treasurer I lore tod toe Hour* altera • '.an to do *hst." "e Sena* tween two bill* could be no sai-i stated. ? 'd a reporter. - T noV -he ? parked him to be Real incline in tik-- "Ur.i'ed ant e. again*! the Hevtot treaty pre- Ir. addition to !<• > ' Professor * salaries have drop- "qi-.'.ed he •f Commerce, sue- housing legislation at all. This Slates has increased ♦>' 4 per¬ u . "The budget for equipment Jert. a- -i-'.r.g >• ^ possibility was conceded by Ra-- cent in the r»'~" 20 year*, while salaries, this lack of * •- '■ had he rut .*»« percent, and tied from eighth place to ninth, 4 'M'V •' r£ the m.gned Sinclair to associate The British diplomat' Je<;4;^d burn when be called for immed¬ the salaries ,>f MSU faculty have brought about many otr-«: 'hw r. the nupplies and service* budget professor*' and assis¬ that toe t 'omnr,un»*t draft "would ne do i*." 'or. Ort. 24. The formal iate defeat of Herlong* propos¬ Mav S.Iid. Ma* rut 10 percent. tant professors' *a!«ries have Hoffa i a rep'-r'.er afte* ' went ♦• the Senate gone up only 10 3 percent. have to r>e imp^ei * >t ■' were als. This ,s due to h lack of sp- The administration ' '■■■* i 1 "The merit increase, given to dropped from second tn >ix»h, 'he 72 rr..!'i -n Gefn-a'.* • The- •**■ ng ' . IT. Ptrau* 83 year* old, if and instructors' salaries ha\« to .-over (fader existing parliamentary tv.-opnalionx from the state, .<> - eliminate 90 position* vile *o ***• ran'* w.n s *• York investment rnenilM-is •'..«• have ifv divided !• u C.u- procedure, the Home ronld wind cording to Philip May, vice staff arwl on the faculty, ^ ■ dropped from first to second "If their sbjert is to dit ide u* • io'.vi, outstanding qnai.'ie-. hav this legislation passes and we're c-iaiman, S'.raua violated accept or reject the committee "The norma; step ui« tea.-e. i* doing in ef!'.* .> *o - a WiiharTu. and 'he preeiden's '•* . tied ae, we'll have to have our r^uirj^ that he keep program wtthool change. In that g.w-n to e .,>> »■. ees ,,f ' .«* "Msb imp-Ite 'err-.* 'be three big universities have rontrar|« with a common termi¬ fall* advued on atom- event, which seems entirely rfi- un.vv.sity, had t«» be elimi¬ • n Gerrr.anv «> -*e 'done sf been held ♦'» siibstan*i»:p the re- nation date." he told the re- **"••*. He accuaed Strauss probable. It Is expected the honae nated " Ver-ail'.e*." I.' y i -a.d •inest* for m 'he uni- porter. y ,J'rl god-like credit for would vote to kill the Mil or C'hii .fied employee* \c "Te *ucge«t harne«*ing tier- ver i'v budgets, according to At* -VJig the hydrogen bomb. oeod H hock to committee for n in the state t ap.'". iv* eive'l many in advanre ef rennifira- OV »fimr, pre1* secretary f»r •2! this. Cruel fresh start. theirs, fu» said liwn with impe*#4 term* abeut W dam.-. ton* be called w. The Federal Housing Admin¬ "Repair* to plant equipment which the German people have No release r,e been made at . istrator. Norman Mason, came had to he deferred, and the this time bv *» not~been «en«nlt#d hold* eut « Williams con- out in favor of Herlong * limited quality of maintenance mk mod unhappy prosper!. At any cerniiig the f.nancial proo'em viet Dashes housing program, just before the bill was called up after week.* cf low ered. rate terv " that i« the lesson ef h»%- -'» en -Aou'.d rrq «.re The neglect "f n-aiidepanee la:>r.g.r.'»r< May Mot (Jnit men taxe par: delay occasioned by rules com¬ The Versa. ,r« Treaty, iigned wt's Hopes mittee refusal to permit the bill noes he n«»t result in any .«avings.' said. June 28. 1919, strippeff tie,": ., h-.e hike T'ea- 'T: r (if 'ie the «*re r- Tearr^-e* - » to come to the floor. of 'mndred-s of .-qua.-# mile* ' 'Many people have suggested Savs McElrov ers. and "re -v«- worker* v. "me Agreement Apparently abandoning nope of winning House approval of Eisenhower's original $1,800,000,- that the tuiticm Ijc raued to help alleviate the financial sitTjation." • WASHINGTON oP> Secre¬ » ix-rder territory an.1 onies, ar.d provided for h« a-, v reparation.* The terms have ai! ;t« •*' •""*".*♦ f :h»* iu* ■ •> 'Tser ■ ?»fav said, "but the tuition at — A The Soviet 000 program. Mason said Her- Irem blamed f- commit hie dent,'* Brown said he was con¬ «tate appropriation, have ih* Hi* decision put a damper on Soviet plan ;n hard-hitting Will Let Paid vinced that if pasted the bill Creased only 78 4 percent speculation that Thomas (»Bte*. French : to • propoMi of the ••will not become law.** Mil draws more %ludent* Jr. whom president Eisenhower "Seek a treats weeld de aeth- h* ini %«*<»« it tit* ritty for a broad iag te salve Ih# problem Detract senior. ahead and arm. This is Cut. 1945 First priority claim a gain d. Rase Lansing but its*-** the total available General Fuiat at out- This waa a »e*yion of wortls rvsi'urcvii of $ 17.800.000 w«vu;-.i Gout- Abbot Coeds Comprise Miniature UN and not deeds. Neither East n- r West budged an inch during the three-hour, 22-minute session cn be $3,900,000 due ou! to ci.-m- p'ete trie Mav !5 primary wh'- 1 interest fund nbkga'toe to There la no They like the food, bat miss the pivotal problems before the Wayne and Wexford eountie*. Entering the basement of Ab¬ ican*. she said, seemed more feeling of individ¬ their native dishes. When they conference—the future of Ger¬ Into** toe abate atoiahtra* bot Hall to like going to a minia¬ friendly. ualism. get a chance they visit off-cam- many and Berlin. *!>.# rhaagr the ture meeting of the United Nae- The housemothers of Abbot Kristi Kokolakl, junior from of the second week of •4 mm at the tions. won high praise from all the Athens, Greece, complained of pus students from their native session . „ Geneva parley pushed toe IS.lto.Mt stale Coeds from nine foreign girl*. Their interest and friend- the lack of spiritual like and country and cook their favorite the the intellectual environment. Dis¬ dishes. opposing aides into a tighter psirsN tlHgaliig wawld hat* countries make their home there. liness toward the girls made Studying conditions are good deadlock. a* —d claim Latin American, European them feel at home. cussion groups on intellectual In the dorm because, they said, Brown's projection tended ■ i and Asian countries are repre¬ This opinion, however, was topics would help this situation, •he said. most of the girls where they suoatantiate nix guess sented. not extended to the faculty. » Mrs. Truman'i Taautr that there might be enough ca- Yolanda Balcao, graduate stu¬ The coeds agreed that tney live are graduate students and i SMB These students, although, from f >und imsplxnn have a serious attitude toward on hand late m the week to p-iy backgrounds that differ greatly, dent from Sao Paulo, Brazil, equal with Former others on campus. They found education. KANSAS CITY 'At Ton a cnunk of past due approba¬ And their closest friends tend to commented on the lack of in¬ — Foster it difficult, however, to maintain Although she said she was br—t tumor removed from Mrs. tions to the three major state be other foreign students formal contacts with the facul¬ homesick. Miss Kokolaki indi¬ universities. The coeds agree that this ty. Vu Thi Kim said she felt social contacts, they said. . Tfir^r Truman was becign. re¬ A payment totaling lfi.700.iAa) Foreign student organisations cated that the likes MSU and search hoapttnl announced Tues- and closeness is shared .because of that large classes made the dis¬ of some thought all the girla there would dsy. against arrearage* of nearly their similaf situations far away tance between the student* and are help in meeting rt •e fal- share her opinion. She said the ?- nw -74-yenr-old wife of ton million dollarx would carry the from home, teachers too great. people hut the/ said studies, be¬ ing difficult for khaoh take much wouldn't want former preesdswt isnlai rntm % MSU Vu Thi Kim Chau, a junior The fadulty probably is will¬ of their that. else in the United two hour and 41 from Viet-Nam, first attended a ing to help, the women agreed, small school la Texas and Amer¬ but the/ feel aeluctant to as*. with them. to an/ atom aikaxl. Am 3>1 '*] Don't Know How I Happened To Michigan Slate 'News Get 0 Re.Id Dail.v by MSL"« 25.fl«« Sfuilrnt* and I 'acuity Ho tiled Ip In The First Place" 1 CAMPUS (LASSI FIEDS ] V ri;. It nut Michigan S'at<> News r Tbf t'ixver»iiy. Kus* Lam-mi; s is not the oifkwl volte «<( ti.e While «rekii!it to -erie t >• bc-t . nubb : ««i l»v -• m n ■ '!■•_' /..f t ' "if i ' 1 ED 2-1511 EXT. 2(iisl R: ■ in battle any move «lin n ■••■■mi «." • «-ri«r lit : whether it tome* tr..,n within tt.e ui.t.f -it. k, Ivr (i| Pres.*. the Avsocia.tcd Press Inland Oailv Pies* ami A -nciateu • • • automotive 1 housing personam ft Vol.51, No. 31 Wmhuwliiy May t!i.V.» l*av<- T»'» I A 1.1 A • *w • ' —, . PYGMALION! OR: owner. W hite with black top. Phone JB. 29, 30. civic f >• S.4 3-4300. Hall, taoisme. 8 15 p • dent price: It. 195# VOLKSWAGEN EXCELLENT [. Baseball Bleachers condition. 32.000 miles. Phone Ki>- 2-1612. 34 I 1.4RRL John take DEM I NO u thi* ar) • 'v News office hetwei-n two free pafiea to t! c IP Bring I D. Source of Danger KWAST rtividnalle decorated S2-85 Phone IV RAKFRY <■. 4-. Pi' UTJ 1MSASTKK IIKSI I.TKO l;i-t Sunday wIhmi .1 ~crti.ii' •>' THE FINEST IN • blpnchers collapsed at a rodeo in Kxns.-t* Jackman Combo. The p , ,, ^ The casualty list included onp dead and more Hutu I •"»'» hv Steven* (formeriv y, .la'-ic Rr; in .lenison Ki#»1iUis»»i-•• . . DAlltY PLANT ANTNOhr because officials feared that I he tnas> -lamliny tuiyht . result In another tragedy. The anthem was restored after » f • b»4.- «u ■ '44; Co-op 2-:c.;t4 regularly, ami that roved under the bleacher- during men MB ROADSTER . . . basketball jrames to make sure that 110 boards were loo-i \ •« THREE BEDROOM Hb] K • ore mile from can ■ All this concern has been shown for the bleacher- in ■ arneting. recreation 1 ,, I8M AUSTIN HfALEy too car garage, lard*'. »>; •lenison Field house, hut not a wo hi hit- been -|H»keii about . 123. a one owner q . the condition of the bleachers outside at tlx baseball field. > * Nj, ton location. Onlv * • >.tin Mitchell. IV , THE PORTABLE sections of the bleachers there were |?|4| FD 2-0H32. Mitchell R- slapped together at the beginning of the season, and ap¬ DfPl.EX FOR RENT Two bed¬ E LANSING IN CO -J parently left to rot. STRATTONS SRORTS CAR CENTER room*. lara# living ro,»m kitchen, iitilltv foorn SO" a month plus utilt* three bedroom, two (•,. Two of the bedrooms tip* Contact Rai rv Fxv hank. ED- By mid-May# these blear hers contain many marks of Itll-tttf I. Mtckifta 2*3534, E. Lansing Realty Co, Rphi stairs Bring S'f» mw-i Carpeted living room, i ■ \ wear, ant! are risky to sit upon, not onl.\ because of the tnr# 36 attaclied garage. fi3 3.» numerous splinters, but.ji.lso because of the condition. do • n on F II A B- ... MAt AVE At "ROSA from St will make votir pavu-r.-. tt, The bleachers are old, they are wobbly, and the\ have EMPLOYMENT's •Tigerat,.- Fnttreh autoin.xii «u*he e«, furnlshen Tange. . re- ta veekenrts Ave ED 2-l«lJ a • r « ; many, many ltM>se hoards. One spectator, attempting t.o Sl'MMF.R WORK PARTTIME «•! Tvvo storv he house fot five men MiiK 22 older Amu'r or narkin# 'ji! walk up to one of the top rows of portable section din¬ t,me Five men needed for mi? a? ailabia June 13 ED 2-3RI4 3« fiKFMOS AREA HER! . «,<1# order dent ot la-g enatlubailv usual! v good buv III MSI , ing the MSt'-Notre Dame baseball game, happened to step on the wrong board—it was a Iimw one thai had become IVojcel Itcaelics Jlillians hnoMn rompanv start *? Car holarship si *5 ner hou- '<» and refererve required for those who qua',:* FOR RENT arartments tri-level construction ana uniier pleted about July 1st I home This * . Phone IV 7-5W72 34 NICE APARTMENTS ROOMS unhinged, and ininiediateli that piniik wavered like a giant p ni v i". without cooking parking T«, ,H»ms niu* a large iem . • Extension fireplace I'j hatos , May Af fect Yon see-saw. blinks t«> tariipuh Atrp overi, una, • WANTED AFCOND MAI.F cm* tv.o-ta' gatage. cut,, ••". - *f> 1 ten eek proved, summer rate* Tt' 2-763'. I. vr kit, hen. »• ren-*. • " e. Hurt he- IT WAS JI'ST MTHV for the stmlent that he was ath¬ ilr".ng tune Jot' Some e\vwf,r ,r ED ,f« and a laige lot. prue oe,-es«a". Phone ED .-0415 v if), tinaiir mg all letically inclinet I enough to break Ills fall a* to- -lid throng It al'e: 123 lOL'Ik wriEf fl.ree itinv an«i sole, t vour • > - r 4 He and be»'. Ilri, k apartment building the stands. It was just luck that this loose board happened iv ■ . \js: »• . ti-i.s Move, reingetatoi i,e«t. hot watr tai'.s and color acben e* « f'1'' NOCl41. WORKER J O. Al. agenrv tntJi. 4 D 2-3011, e- • i • ■ lu it/. I'tj ' fo; parking to be only about six feet from the ground instead of near - !I!#1 4' Cm,in: the • ' 4 him k to r«n,|,u< ami ort.' I'm: eeo« e\j»e teiwed Progra ■ « dire - bus 4:>7 vn Also tia< helnr apartnien' the top, where it is about Ileet from the ground And ii . d- d u.irigr tt tj»» method <»f caan:tij> tor to giotin a ftvlMe* develop 'n S.3 ED 2-43IS ;u »» fot each fun;!" • I favorite kind Of p'"k>» out'avlng F-cei'e ' oersonnel area* THREE BEDWRJ ? was just hick that nobodv was sitting on tin nolr-i, salarv ftesifh# nour* good PNAPPROVT.D Et'RVISHF.D particular lavitiA lloitte t th.»' i" .'Mt 1 n- »\ u«e« "th'S routine position b x K no* a PARTMEXT A Three pier, Parktr.,- board—becklisc such ;f simple -ft p would have sent ,m •n « . ':eg? i.e. uOfi on vuiii • : foa'ton* send l| Mulhnliatul. Jt7 Tour V I analog SERVICE The bleachers ill Jettison Fieltlhoiise aren't the orilv empt Ip liet/pv younger Mirhiga 34 x.v 4-1 etalias* tHei tinie bx.'in CSAPPRmTD rcRMSIIFD A IH4K SHC » ones which the tinlversltv should be concerned about. BF A t'ftsMFTK corsu'-a • ti, , PAR I MLN'I ft" nien Parking H» '. rn'-rti fxe i>a * ef'e. •« ri' Ute 5- c. ii TMl . • fipportumt* c a,'-* J.'miing ta'1 fein Ivn block- frtm * Because of weather conditions, the outdoor Meaeher art A iarg- p.< • (if Die r v't-Msi..- •ihXiovls gn Fo 7-0774 a"e "7*.: pu- ED 2-27*2 atte* 7 pro t IN TOWN W •• much more vulnerable to decay. Board warp in the rain .« f.c , - *.it • rpv p LOVEl.V THREE BOOM f.r*! fi„. DIL'C'OUS sr.:- • *' Cr >l UNI. " ami wind; the boards become insecure in thesr hinge •ci.bed Private ertrame bat t - I -m fAc'. FOR RENT P., king Walk to campy* 474 I. when they warp.. ' \\ V'.iKfdard i»r puune ED 2-2482 .36 IFUDNUT S- a-vet 'i"\v evg NF A R CAM PI'S It Would he a sad plight tor tlx- mover 11 \ if -omenta \: s 1 APAHTMFNT ROOMS wim, uiting ■ AND »"*n I -ac.'ibea pa'Kinf Sunuuei were criticalh • injured, or 1! a eivaiila- coliap-c •>•• urrol-. ' The ,'r. to TYPING BY FIN! » Abbot- Ri! ED 2*437 v bct ailso of the negligence o| le pecix-n A♦ ?« 1 1 tx i.\, . i H' c ■ FOR SALE « ier 3 D ;i 'i P H Cherry tl seri ne. elo*e t.are. ED 2- C.l- rfi ; of human ap»H*tators arc ju t a valuable vlitPri . . t„• 1' 41 CI KAFTFH MOPFHN riRMSUKD APARr- , HI-FI PllciNO 31 EN t T 3 1'IST ANN BRO'i at-oss 'r,,., . an pu« Ava a basketball game in .lenison or a f ••'b-n Ve C.W me Sits. %.«•• baseball gartx . AAo ED 2-338i .15 abie June 16 Phone ED 7-iltl4 II ?-29N> F lei trie bx p,inert end inesiit, • llrilisli Crops . F LANSING FOt'B-ronni unfur- WEDDING DRESS WALTZ Ir.,e-» - .e't a Parti em H»irior P one FD J-A2I8 5-7 » » Abbo't «K> R.i V' ED 1 - 3383 Rt-al'v. 31. .14 fv Eitteeit ping on an eie sears extwne • Puhtxi eO o i y'l.v» tu ■ • i.«4Dt 4TION ANNtlCNCEMEN ts tt iri! INDIA* Hfl I c sTCDIO- enatt- l< i tntei «"e« •oe.i.l firsloiiin ittnf to' P4 r.f I T, t HP. •'••*. « : ?,. ie* fun riai venue A' e" • •ertFurnished »>">-•«•! haft'rnot- TV AND RADIO •' '■i'"'-" 'u«To a •! i.-cg e . v »t«n. an <»f never* Pri-itmg, 1421 F Mill p> e to student* ! »». ntul i la » man*' »,Au», .. boo* g- -1 E''-.V . AvaXuh'# Jure >* t I jmit.i Mi. i A e IV J-25U- •-». trmues 122 Wootlmfi*. * W Mail subm ni ' ft<|t.<|. » 1 d i). e«*»tc v lit?irtg ;»rufe*-.»r toon' ,iv ■ artrtiti..i,ai ED 2-3128 bed ooo S • E D 2-«22i a" MSf ;n t#'m» *1 f.n tI.H-# lei.. «.<»,•# crttr ,||» .1 ,»hip« »> t»l'«"OR4TED C4KF8 DFLIVFR'T* Mrmbei of i' e lift i * *ve .■». f— 'hda's na'tles Mans- ot Fe lowxh.p i> ev.den? |n the I vast Bakers IV <-471.1 tf Neslv furptahed Rent in. luriea utlli- t,e» Jlk.4 s v ed«i l\ 4-4572. tf I dUor-iu-rhirf uumffrou* men* .01,1 women's Itiil t a I Lilian cluos within the churche* Minwini editor ll.ll (I V I III 1*1 MICHIGAN A VF ACROSA frtnc llNaliMMt* Manager A* an is in ])• Whale one 1.0 FEATURING • S*IU'C . ■ A. a'iable .? t.M.n.c Fi « 38 Fl.gM Heielaf s»a"» l> m . art i»e >at.t t,> !»e l»es:: ooth ATTHAi MVE I HREF ROOMS Capdel C 4y Attperi v t'• ' ,'e ba'h I'n utni«hed except 111 \ I \ A I A mil e i ' 1 t'.t.-i ' exploit 1 • - ■r out [>«1>p'e S£*v;:f »*c.»e .oiri reii ,«e-at,.r Air run- W ASH CLOTHES ci ' 'v' Tiie earlier riii to .-nop.if and A A iiig I mm lt \\ • ,ci#u »..»e P ibeaper At Wendrov • fc'"< -♦ore '.23 Kenbei * Un»» Adults bloyfe west of He* • i>t"v !*•< the it;iff ie or • Hriti-h ED 2-4AA8 It . c.h. Tea v.iiti t.he't coterete t AVtPUS TYPING ED 14 ACBOSR 30 Pert of a , ' tlcv.h e oa I Chop bi idle jev'« »kii h •* math ano t ROOMS ■ 1 a laniiiagc- . r r- I f If TM| ClUNIST C.0--1! I 4 Bog 32 lloisetnan * earlie- age uo an i-4 i"i ' •' e • ; » \\|.' A TTRAv It\ E APPROVED KNOl • Bishopr.e 31 Make a s idh* British stuocnts do no; '3 pined ruwn Bovs summer and SUCH DEASONAI.I " 'I II Ho«m« mistake S'A «• I'm or. *M M THOMPSON l o«- marry while a a in aununei ED 7-S794 .u. implement 35 Lake pint \p X r-1 S. ■ M-.a •• s« • r' in • iis sg fending college JEWELER . II- »' II. Diminish .n Pa Men receive their officer's ONE poUBLF AND one aingis w a»n 4 D'y • .0'- • f 1 < «m me k«v4o* bfe..' n-a..' 831 37 V t'ri 'M training before they i "<■ at Abbttli Rd Phone ED- gradually Jeopardy c s:. •< . «,.p • reach the UU-et' . At home • E a-de? SFoppej C«- 1. LANSINS |« Nominal university level. They serve two « ■J a« then valna 40 Subdued veer* between the age* of TS-20, K)R SALE i. ■ MAC ■" O" k ♦ 1 s 'l..- vi-t 'i t. ■ TRAIURS II Gift again t. jt ■« GOLF n.CHV » M, and then go on to tne t'nive. ot ALITY at bud- 17. Make 41 Casts 1. ' . , .. -ret in* d;>. ge ptoes A NEW MOON r ■. - K A t.T. 1 some* A——J .plete line of rv en • coi ct'MPl.rrt facilities speeches ballots lolut on of Yeattrday'a Pwaal* H • ...I"'. it .■ » v IToportiunatrly. more Ameri¬ and ladies equipment induduxg l.ti" full prise Irira/ for s>ugls 4tu- ra »s to sfuden'* N» ■ '>c*»n |ti cans cJuha lejevjajon aatrs lies If Withers! 44 Employer I Vi.U't: . rt .( I I'Mllt l«f ,1 ( rece»ve biffier educa'ion hags atistes. i.cewinp aod dent or hunting tahci IV 7-2*37 it. a» owe open • a m to A ■' 9 *U 57 Kind of 4 Mur# aonare a? substantia! savings In¬ 10 Constant!* 43 Hearty ;han cio Bntivh. com men U T V lechninaiB Co, OS«.pl:tV ' iliM me •pplp ^ « of :l-.|k V .< of itse!?. dian HUM tiolf Course one no e THE PRICE IN right JU 1855 Mo- ' it on. SI Oodhf the 48 Whiter fcrigiish theologian east of E bile IV 7-i53A • - a. that " - Fier.i.h iiiih \\ • Lansing. V S |« .14 'e.tiuve t Lot 103 Trailer Havre under wot U| 4i. Polo Hukl now \ 5 Umiv' ■ Set re- ED J ;."tman d<'iei,,i,i«xi« «tr tvi; v in Whaie is a visiting lecturer a« , •I Went M Age I Infui t)l«l b l..h#:v '0 Hertet DOl'BLF BFD SPRING and mat- at .MSB this term with the Hu¬ trexa go'.d wveud ,.,a»to,al nvair MOBILE HOME furtively 12 Thin • material rcluKi 1 t <■ \ «' Hen- ED t 2»84 New Moon J4 Reasonable 3730 N Ea*' 27. Deserve 54 3 Avitu .* t.» hr . . .1, ,•« .»» o vet t„ tn-xi .. !>:■' ducting a course on the Koie St 41-/— 43 at suppi.rt. 85 Hv 3 Take by S Gl *tei> of Christianity in the Modest, GOLF CLUR5 OWNERS MI ST SELL IW5 Liber*t S«t Ycu' F 84 10 <'•!: World*' t,> a grnitp of g.adnatea lion Completed for if ,sse • v ,W sitigle bedroom trader. Nov- [ - trte at MSU n Btl. • Ns. — 14 S. ir i rUV- Kw.3SP 7-AT a'.»d scho'.a-iicaliv seeded un» tin lot near LTuveraity Phone IV- THI WIN6i0 $F4l'AS$ | r r r T r r r . r- 4» " hm 9fAK pfKCIL-FM. tie: graduate*. - • I i* i e* 4-23M5 atfer S p iv ikt t KAV£ 6££v HAiT Nj I 10 7-45*) 1: Nee |4«t T" - *r~ IIHarveit fjtNJT Fdt9tv£ "frV-itWd TIM- The profe-vor also has plar.- GR ADV A TING. MUST SELL 1W* F S'l! 11 1 e»t a vetnmar ser>e« of mtorma! •e«. S- I'd Weed 37 trader Full hath, wall-to-wall TRANSFORTATIC am r »! Grave %(ZM6 trVjNtK. J.V, loctuies for faculty members Os'f |4T| Make me an 4* 7~ 22 Burn >\g r Haven. ED 8-5843 34 wet! as public speecnea l^ait Stf LAI** CUSM CN 1885 CAOlt J.AC jr. Excellent 1 ' lENTaAL AMUI, A 1 n 14" S3 Tk the rI m part < f month- the theologian brought t,p to date the famous Dead Sea FRanOOR «OLR COJRSI ririton M.gTeat effer takes Must aell within M IV 7-2142 eon- dais tf-.ts Pati-Arneruan Costa Rica, Hlfhwag throut" " . W nr *» p_ ■n 74 t tt04>'".y , trie#. Leaving June >tr f r* ,5 VP- S» roll*. He told his audience at ' iv #.f':CR CUSTOM BUILT may share expenses H» L. - • . !K13 VmdaJe. 7»9 Apt K-l. Ferris Inatd- « r 7i w H ;« M Sp MSI' of the scrolls' importance ft trailer M inch range Will aecri- ptds I# I" ll If u in helping peop.e interpret the w 31 t- thought* and writings of the WANTED yo w Fkj,',\ \:.v on 1 Fur I A.1V Tw *.Ai, early Chtisiianv fO* RENT *r ir ff S.t Cv 1 paved V*.' 7^ Oxford and U tut RtAcvy# FAVJR(T£ fV\V»V« IS pouthana in -England, including F'.vete suburban living within five New two-bedroom dwRJex werd ED 2-1477 or ED 8-»4ju j* WAITTtS-at .COLUtijC _ & Ih „ W - u v/A'j LtTftSS. £WW«. v.-< f. /v? inJhule drue to K lanstng. Rrotee- ; T: i 4 < 4 1 N M abdiidant vt S<--* v the ptxraidency of Chestnut Col¬ lege. Cambridge.' He was also sonel man and wit# or working vouole. fill month. Pnor.e KD 8-3433 heart lONT am. PHI GAMMA diamond Delta shaped sur¬ sweet- tor. an# of two tvon. ;iif;f^g partment lof Summer urr 'J W W" So 4tiV.iT rounded ii ith pearls, four aaphiri» »• h,y4-vear. Fi»r sell preacher at the University of Reward m _ 4- Fx V - * "* tf"1* ED 7-~"*~ d.-taiue to tamPU* Ii«v KM!* 1 m w t sr T 44 M.:e 49 Out it or 50 Pen Cambridge.' Dr. Whale has written several book* Christianity. One of his on hat"j THREE niAheri. 8738 dining BEDROOM ftrep'a.e room Fur- Near «ood av'.ooU. ED- RANCH, two Ball. Gengiapf'-V Be ft Kan details. ' Coilege. Mount J -""4 ' .a ■ mm ■ si mm mm 5.V Altai# later books is the I 2-1.°. ^ „ Band MARTY JA'lIESON Dahcea, parties. S DfXIF-t.AND WANTED TO St BIT 1 gra.v?*rs. Village apartment* is?li'ISiS. SPaSiS! '"-'Si ,, veddiade. ED 8-8*41. West *ha v IK rind. July and Aw*««! * Sail UM. 3-13; I. eat. JBiE I f■vsm I () * [wniicr Performance MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Russian Language Mav 79. 1934 Pag# Thre* Psych Prof Gets lass Menagerie Opens Interest Quintupled Argentine Award Dr. Harold Anderson. profe«- Menagerie.** Trn- The MSIT Players production teachers fr».n 24 Five timpk nifFTP MSU Htuilnnts arc . WKAR Wednc da*- at I 13 p ■ kind she lavishes on her collec¬ scientific-, polih.,i! and mi uai.- The urogram. in a a.x s.Kvial meeting m Buenos Ai e« tion "f For ti.e past four years. An- gla.-s animals. i? tie. • eeks >'• ic». • a* prnducr 1 and Tom. 'he restless who fier-on ha* oeen rhaiTnan of tne son "Sp idiik has s'e.w ri 'hp. [' S ii.i! u'Cfl 1 Felix (Jrecne. Amanda (pais will emulate ■ how advanced Russia i* in tec mc-ubcr of the British , n.'uitb'e on :nter-Ameritau father and -fail in love wi"i niral fields." tie pointed o.i* ■ nm! ..ftice and member of • .»' to-iperabon and research. h ng distaiur." will be portr.i- - "Therefore our scientists a?e i• • • - Br.tish Broadta«'ing Con-pan- ed bv .?ohn Hen. graduate Greene » - corning more interested in Ru Rive* e>e-witnes> ». - dent from Kalama/oo. Stale ^r^*« etinln h\ stay shulman ncientit'ic count* of hi* travel* throug t ompleting the quartet of Ibe Atl.MA RISI.Rtl' ftffirer Training Corps cadet« get their wings Man term MSU .••ill thought off- a \i< Peking. Shanghai and rurai Gal WILDROOT drama's characters is ( liarIrs in liicsdj* afternoon ceremonies in front of liem llall indicating called Scientific Rus.-idi area* of China I CREAM-OILCharfia! course €"iofTI. l ong Island N.Y.. sopho¬ completion of the Army flight tiaining program. he added The ncric* *liow* the Russian more. In the role of the (ientle- role in China * development and "The I . S. government hadlv man t aller, he is the man who what we ax- expect from bmn U4tl.ES t'lOFFI. Lent Island. N.V.. sophomore, as the Gentle- comes to dinner and tries to get Tlxtreinclv I'lraKcil' need* *ian." the former army people trained In Ruv- <'i.'nmuni*t goverm.entg in » .e a fsllfr- help the rrippled and sh* l.aura get oxer I aura over her Inferiority com¬ inxtrurtor »aid. language future. He explained f taffrterity comple* In • srene from "The (ilass Menagerie.*' plex. hut disappoints Amanda that thiv will encourage better pUym production which opens tonight in tairchild Theater. . |b plated he hut Mills. Skokie, III., freshman. b» married. The already being engaged to he play w as revived In New Army KOK! Performs mutual nalional undervtanding relation*. in inter- Liiifl*eii|>f' Rose in Union Y»rk in head ng the east. HC.6 with Helen Haves For Federal Insperlion air.uig w •Rus-uan ■! !d," tne arti*!., Poltoratzkv ipeale*t ibcrature ui tne ' Victors Displiiveil Williams a -»'! • ,.t.g enrrie* n the natio? has wop the led Chinese Specialist And Russian is a :i, ai. it, Home I r Yoik Clitics Award to rev ti • *'F\trenie!v pleaserl'* va-1 the »»!•<.it <.f the federal Itt- be ituiful langUrffp- ' ug" ' onte-t 'aie 'ill exlli ■ for "(Ha*.< Menagpfr." St.»»' •.jieetiMFi teurn ti|N»n i'onipletioti of iN .thii .ai in-pei'tiofi The n.a «uit\ -if the MM' grapiic divplav being j- Car Named Desire.' and 'Cat • 1 id the Ann) IB f i t cadet corps. Toe-da dent* taking Ru*m wins Lecture Series •1 a* MS'' by the den*- a Hot Tin Hoof "' He had ar - A f'lfh' • o'fier • ■ ( H • Sir. •• • f !joiIm ,ip<> .iti-rii'pi *ui Il*i notTaoT.N* Y uv# Thaea'iaa triumphant openitig ri c* Al n •• fb 11: ,- in*.*•« • ,n". free, #, mat aatural good | A on rommunist China, T'ohert Rtirton of the Manh of rlrama 'Sweet this year Bird of when hi- Youth S X' t Rt'i ieir w: e v > ! .. i tu fid, pi g— < ' •m. ,1K pr • rb rfFi Mi v m It., 'f A*!. was produced Hi-tadwav from ■ jvitll.eaD iencan Universities Field Staff, open* a 10-da.v ptjriinl on of •• To » ■tp- lecture*, aeminar* and meeting* on camptM today, A special discussion on c<»u may Ticket* for ' (»la»s l»e puichaovl a' tne St .* Menager • ' Toe (Otitis of \l Co'- Ml Poltor . . pri-Acnt! - dent Union boxoffue. Top gra ha, 1 i rs \ munist China at 7 pin. Thur*«- the .«»- ' Ui *". « f R.i- .rf , »t Ms h ge ,«n I t ■■!. • Suuiu- and WHSB-TV dsv in the Tower Room »>f the Union will Im* Burton has open to the traveled public. Ilr»»prl to Honor Nrn Arts aiwith a d Ik' 1 •-vim; ed for Mb',:. SUilwfip- plot' x »:rtt in Harm (i I.' t'..! > VI,.1. ' 1*1 • .1 .,» ; a III Ml s' ,.i. (hu«x:,, ye,i t.,id • ' ' en i t ;il IMMI lllkl ' ' i e ; C ! 1' .■ . widely Conl Ilorni Officer* Rv.a v W H ;. O'ti ("orps. t".' lirntx *'udying t fksaasl 1ft In China • . a- a news eorreapon- «f Aits and s• %MHR«I I" B. ; It* • Iruiian. dent, covering the civil war mi I N'cwlv elfx'ed Women'* m - S, en. c .. ! A ' -#■! . >! s grad- »' If Burrus, ar.d political developments. He left deflt all ufTitvrs'W i.l be honor¬ eatihg W$*i h.g- • or. • and t e Tini Soriolouy I'ruft China shortly before the Con - ed at a dessert at 7 t»»nigh' .n •op ten jk-i- •"-•! of Hot: t e.- ||B-Ls .d ef P'.a v munis'* mm ml Shanghai, travel¬ Arntstuii.g« Iiurtng the vperial recog¬ Hi mi Trorvl (.riinl* diiung room *' leye graduates Si,! «e.» ,Vf t: e Klwraon* Jf» ed extensively through Asia and nition w.iv afforded fade! .laniev, •.iKllli'i"!,*, anmuli e | " e re- (**.»! Studies) Furor* and lectured on China t<» It. liunn. I anving Jr.. and cadet Dr I.iiwom Pe't.t. a««tJltan, heads of •' . . ieg» •, personality U S. the I art H I gglevlon. Npartan 411 the under auspices of ptofesftoi of natutgl sue,'no, v, . I ban Llayd Feig.« u and D« - llM^tikcal S erve the Chicago Council on Foieign adiirvsft the new oftireti li s St anlex l.lgetcta lace vr. who retriied their j#-4Vc *g and Dr. Spock Hi'I a turns. topic w i! 1 be 'he t'SSR. wh.» h The ( » nt«-! 1..a' R. v v i« a w miv indii ating completion of |F> the 4ru»r flight program lie returned to llong Kong r.e mm'im'I ,af! yeai.'lv em-• i ■ ,i f \ K. ,i .• v. r | It-Car - •if.'.'v of the Con--- In lull to serve on the staff of Women's Inter-r es i den*-# with tb« ln'.erre *ti. r* k'a,- lb .• ' e i#"i i r,.»«in no our", ai.' CWM.'J ti| (he American consulate general, !i.»- .).» .. a .usu » >t a a- 't- I ■ »-*,ng of ' e council sponsors the des-ert f,>r ti e art* and *■< ie>,. • » ... I • I'dfit.fl' .■!. ii So, .y .. S •• .e from 1934 to 19.3* he was a re¬ the dorm olTuriv tu become bet¬ ..'I Red t'-i*i r.ioi. "i K- be tb# Coiiege of V <»•« and search consultant in llong Kong k>kg ( «-n!ei h>>nf»nng me v.- ty S"pi B-'3 .n Milan. Pa Kaon Report ter acquainted. Ar.-, • i A"einiing wa» Dean W II Beef •• tt i 1 read a paj»e* to the far fastern and Russian llP-T" Mark.:, to Market l ■ bs. Ii* Harry K. uoei. Dean « <:ei1 • So nil Cue i-e put- m ', •• At Your Serv ice Institute of the University of fleei *,'i .1 V, Wuibume. <."*»!. Dor -e - Mlgt a'e ' *• . Washington. INFORMATION • 4a ties Fo, w-i i aiidrevs the in - In collaboration with found¬ .' Hem- oi. i ■ Ita—'.:.-*roorp in (Science) n n.strv seiboFy" of the Chi'.ese C'oniii.u! M. 'or: K '.lunvHi. c ..det llr.g. Jtl-Cotit orntal Classroom er H.iTI R I ARMVAI, SI K.ISO SO. Ml. lllinK ( I I H I.e., RfiuMird* W. i .a-', f • Fl Party vlv- left the partv in 193ft. III—T»>'' Burton wrote a tvxo-xolume to - A l.AKHT I 30 pw, frople* (. S r det « • !->-•! Kiw.o 'Ui «fue? |(S—New \ lory of the Chinese Commun. t 7 3<) p.m., 311 Student Set* lege House. Ann iw b Am / ROTC or »• -h •« STATE VI. e*. -fit* .'.si Ms. party. n A gradua'e of Iowa Wedevgn ( ATHOLIC KTI DLVr mi TA PHI LPMMIN Hr«|tiir«* 1'n-liiiMllnio | f'„t. College, Burton took advan.e-t ORfiAMZATION . :o pin, .li'llt/,11 H' •*» ¥ ■ •' .defd* . ' Min Thru SATI 'KII.W foundl for littlo monoyl fi—NcU >;* piofiim studies In Chinese history a < 4 pm, Catholic h'odent ( in- .' 1 j'.gUage a* Peking sf'rr xu> 7 30 p m I! !*•' H At* MUTATION t l l R FLATS FOR FUN . tune service as a Na\> office" •IT eVii.e III Makes ii> 'he Pat ' • 3U p;n 2.(H Kiliua .0. At TI4TTII> t \KNI3 41 p.. Those to schisb. e Pill I• .43131 % Nt IM.C HtfARIt »l Appearance Burton for a .wo,.,.: «.-• r fi 1.1 ti m, to Union Abbott Si . en* a. , e 7 p ni. 4.' U• RP4RTAS M'OMI.S'M I I 4t.l » - 7.IM» P 31. s3.95 "* s7.95 i may do so b> casing Extension dorr Ox Roast t.RFLN HEI.MKT 44ow! 44hat a 3301. K 30 pin , 13 Union. 7 p.m. program. 32 Union. Tfave.n a GLADMER It 44 q«I4 Re If I very Horld •-.-Vino lit. mad. *.!h society Tues* Wtttverine Inti-rrivm XOWSHOWIMi Teenager Had An | IIAVS u It f «j i; front of Ber*» for Hu*inr*i Slaff r.4 IIIUIEB AMERICA'S I »- • •***• '•*' resting before e I Ig Roast. attraction tha Interview's are held fop following position* on. th# I960 Wolv#rtn# b«* staff: HOST MHMMS EIA! "AUNTIE MANE" eales manager, promotion man¬ »es** Oi Roust, the aev- •wi'Ti ager, offne manager, a»,d per- j*jve. ia sponsored •unncl manager, Apil.catbru \ *1emberi and in- may be puked up In 344 or 34? s u) aaaiUfua to tL# meal, Student Services R0SAUMD 1 |*m* net w een one ©f »A| Clate and the Ag School Application* should! be re¬ turned to Don Stover in tht 4 ©rang Wolverin# oRu# during Uit af¬ TOMORROW IS HI PKH-BAHCAIX IIVV rkallmge »ai leaued RUSSELL ternoon. [*» *1 ilebs te their invi- Sm Two IUk Allrarliua* D Re faeutly. The fee- CunliniNiu* IVrformanrrs from 12:511 I*.VI. tjcharged with being 1HUBS0AV SCHEOt'l.K Powered and eld faahieaed -rim. H.ul.,1" II*. 1:11 .11* - J Af (leba. * " rhun*.r In Tk. su«" 11:11 , H . 1:11 . I, 11 - TECHNICOLOR ft!C.-PL T *< *** Jfame will • Thursday on the soccer Pk sauto c< the Madium, STARTS TOMORROW WEII. AXn THI'lt. mi •HI WWM NOW! thu'vi WMTM I'***, 1 M-I.M •Ml '—•'SI * l:N '•»» * l:M . |S> muSU SmBEEML 'fl1 J «Mf luae i.n •MOWS VtABT AT • in - t:N - 1:n — • *:n ADDED EXTRA COLOR CARTOON — ill lEATl'US ST AST AT - "THt NARELESM 4IOLI * •A* • frf-« MM, *;,t «mJ. *•». m4 *«A *f...W»yl 1:11 • 1:11 - *11 . 1:11 ■ 1:1* POWtMTTUCKeW] SUNDAY n.r'l, riw wrfM, —4 mmdm *1 M. u.*. M*. kk W MM * IWHHW — — -tmc mack doerok also *«« "S Mmcam stabtwo battbbat The Style Shop • ARLOCK* . Diaaa Dora -mobbobb or tmb MUIHCIC4 -BI.ONDK SINNER'* *•<»> Fwte » At 11 WM. • "JAOQUESfiOGERIC black mvbbtm" ( ""fv Ah 5I Ilatelier Warns: MICHIGAN SI., i», »M STATE NEW* H,t,v | 6 ' Perxhing Rifle. Tie* M * Soviet Catching U. S. The MSU for Pershing Rifle .!r, fourth place in a rir; • pla Dayton, Ohio, last Saturda- is k, R:-'. Vc. In Education Field Barry* Billings, Owego, \ y junior, is their team common h or. The drill team's next By Til* ASSOCIATRB PRESS p' lng will bo in the'Lansing Cep] The Soviet Union is catchinjr up with the United States h in the field of education at an astounding rate, Dr. Harlan tennial Parade Saturday. i Hatcher* University of Michigan President, declared Tues¬ n day. Hatcher headed a V of M dele* Reepsake M«rm4i I Ag Awards /•atinn meeting with Gov. Wil¬ liam1; Id plead for an increase Class leew^hw orftftemm Rim tr II Distributed i.i budget appropriations for next year, # Gellsie Seal Oban* • Hatcher recently returned el"' F. Al Roundup from group » of tour of Russia educators .surveying with a SPARTAN BELLMNGER* are giving their first music department concert tonight In the Mnaie And at ft: 15. The "Evening with English Handbells" features the hell ensemble include* (l-r)l Loralynne I Frrrfen, Jeanette S wen son. Margery , Donald Nlebola. Patricia Bine. Carol Nancy Oliver. Patricia Syfer*. Dorla AND progress thco in fields of art ensemble. Mane Tylerak and William I ahroer. Dance-Duo. and William Iteidler. tenor. The Bellringer* are directed hy Wendell W'esteott Stevens and Marilyn Mlnford. Walsh l1-,«: i Spring Juil/rin/i and the humanities. .MSI* Carillonneur. The I Select. Winner- Kit*Id w ork 51eml*r* of Block hiu! "The l« pay Soviet I'nlon i» willing for education and in mak¬ Replaces Laboratories ing education pa»." Matcher said. Bridle and other students in "Every one of u* has to hammer I the animal husbandry de¬ partment were honored May 14 fet the second annual away at the theme of staying ahead »f them. I think perhaps we are becoming a little hit com¬ MSU Offers Highway Traffic Curriculum placent." Spring Boundup. *' t'hil Jones. Sarnnar ceived the National Block arid senior, re¬ Hatcher said nation'* he educational thought this prog ram The unprecedented automobiles and increase izi the number of ra? n*«:. ti.i'inet., dr;v»r p«yehology, jour- education, urbun then Srliiiltz of the School .of Police fmaller cities. The field service training courses sent. in the field but at pre¬ MSU is the only place Thwapsee's Jewelry I'* Bridle club merit • trophy, an should got the same high priority drivers in the part few -tears n.'xnnmg atKi police administra¬ Administration said. '"Our lab program also includes brief vis¬ where a student may get the 221 M.A.C. AT*. tion. is fteldwork." its of observation and work in three E's of traffic administra¬ ward presented annually to the as national defense. He said has helped t«» bring about a-i- Bjchf ..• degree candidate-. This fleldwork taken students tion, engineering, education and outstanding senior of the Mich¬ there is a danger of damaging - government traffic agencies In other MSU first a curriculum iu '. sja-iMi two terms of their to traffic safety an effort to provide the student enforcement all in one curricu¬ E. Laming igan chapter. the university beyond repair. organizations, In Highway Traffic Administra¬ senior in held Marge Gunn. Midland Junior, "I hojie this legislature will year training t<# driver education organizations, with an overall view of the Held lum. tion. »er,ui»i!:t them with Tcccived the junior scholarship realize the desperate need for a some of the and traffic divisions of police of traffic administration. The And and only curriculum award of $100 from the Michi¬ high priority for education," he problems in traffic administra¬ departments in Chicago, Detroit, Most colleges already have gan Block end Bridle club. said. of this created type In the world it In 1956 within t y tion and methods of coping with Cleveland, Mew York and many "He have no laba," Glenn TONKHT THROWN SATURDAY The Hoof and Hook Award, The university was given a School nf Police AftimnistrjV-in x: 11 p.m. Knirchlld Thru I r. for total score in both the meat budget of for the cur¬ an-vr the growing item »nd Matinrr Salurday, 2:0(1 p.m. I and livestock Judging contests rent fiscal year. It a«ked for for better .in.I >afrr wav \» Dclor, Mallow an. SS».-*fMMM>0 for the next fiscal control the Rood of the nation went to Hick year hut the figure was tratTn * MSU IM.AYERS trim¬ med U «34.2M.ftoe hy Gov. Mil¬ Vtruce Madsen. In the senior meat pidgin* now a grad prmmil iums and the budget division. student, took . the - courses lead¬ contest Dick Dolor won first ing to the degree before it place, Gordon Galloway, Potts- the The current year's budget for univeisitv even offered. The curriculum was Tsaasssat WilNaais' town, Pa, grad student, placed was trimmed was approved in 1*5* and Mad¬ second and Dave Price, East about one million dolbus from sen became the first In graduate the previous year. Ionising senior, third "•"Glass in Jone 1*57. Terry Glimn. Dearborn sen¬ Vice President Marvin Nu- huss told the Goyeriuu he be¬ Since then three others nave ior. took first place in the lieved Michigan received then degree m High¬ slaughter contest Dave Price, and Michigan Ka>t Lansing senior, was runner State Universities were the only way Traffic Administration and two major institution-, in the seven students. live undi r. " i ♦- Uj. country with budget cuts In the nates and two in the master's Hill Mcl/eod. Lake City aoph- Mena^rie"^ last 1(1 years. program, arc now twolle 1 m otnure, placed hist in the ovet« The pressures of increased en¬ »hc course all livestock judging contest. rollments, a faculU shortage ami The nc.e niiru-uturr l< d»-- Mcleod was high man In signed the expanding fields of kno.t . t.. prepare student ! r the presentation of oral reasons career work trartn safe*, ledge all make budget mcica es »" in tho overall contest. council-, trnff c an I imtxrrative, Niehuss raid. r'wr.nw i->i • Patricia Kueti/h, East traffic «i»fct;- association.. ' *»l U AIK Ik. ft.W nlth * eurrtruhim «r. timing "the word has gone around l.l wi-lk.-J*H Iralnlnt In .nnln^rlni ,utnm»- All S.als Rmervtd ll.oo states, c-ltics, counties and met¬ junior, placed flr.«t m the beef the entire country Uia* the Lni- —X w rrtwi. w a Ik. kalMn'. hit prohlrm. htlrm Inn n rnnkd nlrrrln Xnrlnc Ik. .ainnun caMI# judging contest. ropolitan area', Madsen. n»»e a —Ir.fli. Itm*. «f Ik. s.hnrl Ticl.rU A.ailahlr at rnmn Tlrkft Offirr versities in Michigan are In of Pnllrr i p m. rnnh U.FIIr Mcf.rod won the sheep Judg¬ consultant to the Highway Traf¬ anUMrilmn. Illihwnv Trnffir AknlnMralkn financial difficulty." Niehuss fic Center said. ing contest. Phil House placed said. "Job offers have been ttwond followed by Al Garwood. In addition (he increasing pouring In on our faculty number of course* dealing with Cieorgc Gilbert. Manistee jun¬ ior, won top honors in the swine traffic problems has created a judging context followed l»v Me¬ Niehuss amd every teacher need for teachers with a broad in la «d ami Hcrnaid Smith. the University s faeultv depart - background In the field. uient had been offered at least included in the Highway Traf¬ l w o jolwi. So fur. he said, a aur- fic Administration student's cur- Travel Program iitisinglv small number have de- liculum is a wide diversity of cid«Ht to leave course* including classes »n p.- Set for May 27 It is absolutely essential to lineal science, economics, gene- hare strong salary increases next The annua! Travel New* Pro¬ year." fie said "Failure to make gram, sponsored by Spartan Wo¬ I) A I I. V ! substantial progress will be dis- men's J«eagur. will U- Mav 'aMtou* ' Watch for the two "tipets" at 7 pni in 32, not t!,;- Something in the nature of h with the orange colored evening as previousiy run in tin- crusade i> needed," comment- "ALLIED" Van* on top. . State New .* ed Williams. "We should l** o AH protpcotive tinvrlrrs, for¬ ashamed to have to point to We're here to help MSI eign and t'- S, are invited to at¬ Russia foi an example Mlndenl* and Eaenlty tend and receive valuable travel Move tiints cut "How to t»e a IhhhI- laril or Long Distance Will AmUrxs.idoi Abo-ad Or/1' Ki'/m Sign I /> A tall panel of authoi dies ,.n travel Organizations representatives and general gioup will be held to encourage aud¬ discission should sign up tinlay from 12-5 Aom Movers &Siwa«e p.m. for Activities Carnival this ience participation. fall INC. IV *-*541 in .llti Student Services ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS ON Fl.AWI.ESS FITTING Belle Sliarmeer Nvlons SET IN ITEMIZED RE0E1PT FOR I.EG-SI/E STOCKINGS - FULL FASHIONED AND SEAMLESS YOUR OARMENTS - TREY ARE VALUABLE TO YOU. HIIKV lor xlrndrr. '.mall Irps; 8', • 10>, MODITE lor attract .lit Itcai Ml ~ DUCHESS (tr ull. larger ltg»; #!, rDU - -SEE US FIRST- lire. 1.13 Reg. 1.50 pair 1.17 1.28 RfC. 1.83 1.41 Rag. |.»s pair 166 a a ..... a pair a pair _ AI.I. WORK GUARANTEED CASH AND CARRY 350 3 PAIRS ^ 80 s pairs y^,20 495 3 PAIRS College Cleaners Km* aad Irnata la tali-fukkard aa-nrMa dm. .Mrn. N.. rall-( d.,lka. limn, 3 PAIRS fall-lraaik. la tiwrr krrl maiklaa dan ar Itanl IS- 620 V. fnll-fashioncd walking Mam laaar, dan. Michigan Ea»t Lauftinx ED 2-1713 knar, dan. % V