The Weather Tennis Meet ■ iMii.v * M»*t ( loudy With Shower* High Today SO To Biff I" Low Thursday 02 S« 1'nK* •' Spning WSU For ."50 Years ~KAST PRICE 5 CENTS LANSING. MICHIGAN—THCRSHAV. MAY 21. 1989 loL.3t.Jl"- State * * on * Time With Today's Payroll Students to Get Colleges Checks Friday May Also By SAX US A DOLLAHAN Get Paid I'rUlay's student payroll will W met although future pay- toll plane are still indefinite, said Philip May, vice-president Tax Hcccipls in charye of huxirc* and finance. Wednesday, MSt: i having difficulty In Prmiilr I'iiihU P'iinnmg fm next Avar's budget -m Tax Talks a? the legislature is at Least thiTi" month1 behind the usual iii The fur PMH htpi I'His* stale ndministraliv# time for hearing.- with MSU ad- Gain Little m nistrative heads. IliwHssinn* roncerning appro¬ board said .$5.IHH.RMO payroll for 2H.0HH Wednesday a priation* ha*, in past year*, be¬ stale employes uotild out Headway • gun |n Frbruarv or March. No «iirb hearing ha* been *rheduled *•. yet. MSI* ran make no defi¬ oil schedule today. iro Tlie Imimrd reported a t# inp- Stat* Nr*» Photo hv Ron Xltirrav Of Future Hope vided enough cash to meet tha eo of the House way* and _ LAM It OA (III ALPHA fraternity ha* been floating a means committee, or both, have I'hotn by SI** simlman obligation. .TthiM balloon above Spartan Stadium to advertise the Jr. in the past conducted the hear¬ BUN tVAKTIIKIM oalches a* Marna Krmmrr- Kiate New* rrcise*. Commencement will be held in Spartan IV hallaen wa« loaned to them by the W. J. Small advrr- t»r T«F AiSOCIAtm PRKSS there wa* sl«n talk at the ings with MSU officials to ar¬ ling. Three Itivrrs. and Jitdt Henderson. San- Stadium and all eligible and interested seniors I aifiK* in Bo*ton. Shown taking It down are Jim Kirkendall. r«pilol that the slate might be d . *oph., and Bob Peck. Lanaing Jr. Bipartisan legislative tax rive at a mutually agreeable ap¬ dnsky, try on robes for senior commencement ex- are welcome to rome. able to rr|ea*e M.iOO.OM later negotiator* i.ict airain Wed¬ propriations figure. thi* month lo the three major A hearing with Oov. O. Mod¬ state universities. The xrhnol* lint Thru Saturday nesday without producing? ern Williams last Monday was Dr. I.i Recognized need Ihe money to meet monlb- any concrete results. How¬ primarily to familiarize? him end payrolls. with the situation and did not. several of them (incerc Portrayals ever. Frank Committee However. And A USG Names 7 in any way serve to take Hie Gen. thought progress was being place ef a legislative hearing, S/ymanski woubj «ay only thM I » made, slowly. said May. a decision on the matter mig it "II I* a fact that became of be ri'u.-oed today. [park 'Menagerie' Speaker Don Pc.irs (R-Hu- To Aid in Academic A ffairs the leglalatare being N Involved Gov. William- addetl, "f think chananl said top state revenue «.»•'! 1 have sufficient revenue* In Ibe ruh problem* and lax expert! wilt he called into dt*rn*»len« lhal they have net h»r the payments. The question another session at 4 pm. today whether held the regular budget hear¬ is we ran ?!*u; digging H. OILKIT /.in for eampwrison of estimated solved take of the toad off of tin Di'M r»»»r«>!-i'i»'- i liaii- a ing* and Mil* make* It more dif¬ StU i iid Coiigrc: mi" ir.i . into thi Imi klog " Jisr Player* invmiere of Tenno«.«ro William*' prirc receipt* under various tax pro. ;J> >u!d< (he I 'immit'e*.' mi and CI)U< k H«'rhi'i*. • n c- • i of i-.iii , ficulty for n* to reaasurr the Wedn. ■lt»\ iwgiit lo have a «uis Nimr. n a a letter to Dr. *h«« t ban* Lee, chairman, t'ongress Hu?.iuu>k versitie*. clude regular. labor and the retiring prnlrw*ir and director awl ipratiiknl wtih ,Uar|. humor. he a«ked about contentions the month-end salaried pay. No ap- common feeling that there is an of foreign aludioe. in recognition and Siute Affair... Hill Errett The decixion to meet tiHlay* use ta* bill backed by Hepubli- Increasing need for Al'Sf} to (married housing), i-hair-inan [me'i th, production and propritaion* have been Issued of bi« manv rear* of service lo major state payroll and a'minor 1 of interest sustained by rana was administratively work¬ for the ne>nth-end payroll as take an active jiart in academic and Pete McPheri'iu fE. f^jiaw i. state payroll .-.kipped I performances were good, Vmr, there were shortcorr- Reds Plan able. Gov William* TM*4«y advla- taday •*'■- .vet. th g-% ■ affairs. Tlie resolution will «!*■» Ihe oiilvemily. !>r. Le«» has long !»•"«■•* it fani- vice- Fieifag chairman: Elertjon*. Bill (Knimony). > iiHirman. came after tne board heard a favorable tln.ancial renort fro»n .May 15 _ I'irtr figure in 'tie ad\aru-fment Nancy Merrill (Phillips», vice- | 'Jilt can not be overlooked. eg fear* and Bep. j-'»? *•- rimt I .nine. Nerved State Treasurer Sanford ft row n. of the affair* of foreign student |uhtsr nil of Amanda, mother of a hypersensitive a south- U. S. Seige wahkl «f M«M. Democratic flaar leader. Ibat he Urnvght I'm nraineed that . fi rd Rill t.ivmgood an - j_ieti!ir»iting for f• chairman: Finances. Dick i fraternities». (fraternities \ Larry vice-chairman Swupc Campbell Tlie $130,000 minor payroll of about withheld from law¬ and a dreaming Conuiieiifeiiieiit Tickets son wa* that It ti« net. A.ititi Student Government schol¬ rjrganuatiiin*-. John Love hpliyed by Linda Miles, iauii'i freqaent reminlar- WithoutWar • I men.hers f«-el don't think Republican there is any grea* ar dav hip will he open until Mon- Requirements are en all - < Bailey i. chairman Cow den •■ satisfactorily overc*»mc. I UIhrimhI *«ked for and re- The administrative Ix ard a'- Miles had an admittedly Speaking of the general effort, di.triliuU.I liy the Alumni Office.' 2'tH Student Service*, reived approval of two new cab¬ sia will never jro to war hut pea:* said. "Were still v.» reported if will siH,n holtl a next M"nday and Tuexda.v. inet appointees. They are Glnny 7V>/> llanar alt U5k in Irving to main- meeting to review the entire i southern dialect through- says communism may take awrav fr'sn any agreement." Spring and summer graduate . 1 brail, director of orientation tlnu.nvial situation for the re¬ other gowns will -i d I tho piay. Al'.-ough she was lAept diKtoral candidate*. gra<<- and John Barkham, dim lor of over America some day in a But be added negotiation* In mainder of the fiscal year. T e. 1 aiway* wholly consistent in ua'mg summer term, may pi< k one week before v,»r- To Fratcruilichi Sororitv Gives wry of. was id a. They are on a tout spon¬ cus9iorw were "strict!', exn' i <- If Ikkela are *1111 left aflrr Beatnik Rusted W ASHlNCTtlN n1*>—John » all kave^hdd an opporlunily to For the flr«l time fraternitu < a timid, fragile girl dwell* sored by Ralph Kennick. vw r t >rp ' Rears nodded in agree¬ receive a third ticket, the **m* - Koxter Ihillfx, near the end |k»».r. animals a cloud and "cuckoo land" of president of TV stations WTVJ ment procedure will be fallowed on ;! be- included in tm* duplicate flab I J* urn/, was expected flculnik i*>«! wtt»> to arrive Thurs¬ of life, hak now been award¬ Annual Awuril old phono- of Miami. Rears was asked if Republi¬ Thursday. bridge tournament n» be belli would abandon the u*e ' »h«- Kappa !X*lta bouse Sun- day for u sexxiun of p«M'trv- Jk/. 'Words, Sue Mills emoted during Ibe »«• cans Activity card* will be needed ed tht hivrhewt decoration an Dr. Llye Maxwell, head of rue ft suck warmth, sensitivity Khrushchev, tax if N»m* clearly declared it ■ :u\ at 2 p m re,ailing at Kewpee ■ cancelled iii partmcnt id business educa- to pick up tickets ! ftion, predicted communism unwt»rkabl«. Traditionally, only nororite-s his trip been nut of lack of fund*. American civilian can be sincerity that to see and Since commencement will be tici, wa. the gues' speaker at eventually will replace capiUl- ve taken jiart in the unnuai f'Jmpmt t'h«'*t. the xioup given for service to hi* the annua! Phi Gamma N'u din¬ J' hrrfrom ime thedrew genuine *ym- ism and said: iy abandon It." held in Soartan Stadium, tiekc t> urtiamrtit, according 1<» co- -nonsoring tkunw aid th.«> Ihe audience. This replied, "It would have tome will be needed only if bad country—the medal of free¬ ner held \Vtdn*stiav night in he «-hffirman F»an SHimle and S.e.- poet may be in town a week honor of the rorority's gradua'- was as sincere as her "If it is proved mat commun¬ influence i n our thinking" weather force* the ceremony to I rom Tuesday, dcpcJttling on dom. F»"»ri! of the character. . ,1 Fair. TnpMtR will i*t a- ing seniors. He entitled- hi* ism can do more for the welfap«- move to Jemaon Field House .'. ui iled. !. nances, President Eisenhower bestow- K-*a» brother Tom. played of the peupje, then no rocket He ventured the prediction Diploma* wttl be ready fur ed it on his foimer secrtftary .-t IH-ech "One Mile Ahead " I"-- Kerr, waa alight!v lev, hold it hack No ideas can that use tax probably would distribution on June II. I.«n- Among the award* presented can a state in an -unusual sort of wa- did his role be held bac k by guns" b<* an element in tlic "final tax *in« and Kad Lanaing alndrnu The President had his son and during the evening was the Phi Gamma Nu Scholarship Kev f* Mil but there were some Khrushchev then launched in¬ package" are aakod In anil fnr then* a! the aide. Nlaj John Ktsi fiho.vei. hike pfiMtericiw to a discussion of Soviet ten kft The speaker said he wj« a- (teniae INIIre. IM Ad. All nther wicrh is g;\eii amu.dlv b% ' m the medal tn Mr*. Dulles Tin- - f,l "rank "tene had ail the fwary hand movements advances and told his guest?, 1 greeah!*' to continuing the ees- Friday afternoon *H'm the diploma* wiK he nulled lo Ihe day Then vh»- iiit nenbfl it «-i national orgain/ation to 'he -.en- i"i woman, in the iivision of to . can assure you we will not be • e ns her hutrbitrui in his Mcknuun ' '* pDusible. However, his legislature quits for its tradi¬ bu.nnes* and wonomics in each the llrst to use our weapons The Union Bookstore has not Walter Reed Army ho.wpitui f *as ,esj then tional weekend n-»|>ite if other college or uhiveisityf m which one would against you. We want to develop received the graduation an¬ of an intoxicated Individ* negotiators agreed. Eisenhower could have taken Phi Gamma Nu Sorority ha.< a trade and cultural relations." nouncements yet, but expects rare uf the presentation himself, chapter who graduated with tha delivery tomorrow, or shortly when he "wa* nut again Mondo highest average. L.4J'es C.'c,fTi a? Jim the gen- thereafter. The State News will w*''. cailer; a deep but gay Dead Sea Scroll* pub!i«h this information as soun far an# of hi* mans vi»it« tn hi* eanrer-stricken friend. thy It «ix won thi* veor He linger af by Dora- l.mmett. wha £**u.;ty ureaied was sheer delight, at it become* available. h*« * 3.1? average. « tender and Tne deadline to order caps Rut. for this ceremony tie pre¬ Bible Revision Seen ■or Miss St linger also received a individual, although he and gown* Friday. To avoid ferred to stand aside'in favor of •*2o cash award known ax '.he- K r*-l f toe f"- of- the voic* P*tch later disappointments and as¬ Mr*. Dulle*. the former secre¬ Sigma Kpsilon scholarship in • "Wilfred the MSU Pl»- play. DETROIT H.Wifal «•*- He said only about one per sure a store urges good lit, the Union Book- all graduating stu¬ tary's wife of almost 47 years. The White House disclosed the business which is given annually j?} •?' r .ft cent or le*» of the scrolls now to the Phi Gamma Nu member Bl-fljc1,"r' '"<■ ou'«5 pert nay* publication of the Dead dents who have not already award Wednesday and told how 11 (r-" '*.< , major iucmw. bring translated by scholars Will done so to drop in for measure- graduating with the highest ... Sea scrolls will bring a revision affect toe meaning of Bible. it was delivered average. quit, rr—p- men t» today or tomorrow , vtry entertained. in the Old Testament to con¬ form, with new information. But he prwlicts there will be little The Dead Sea scroll! are pre- Christian manuscript! found by nomadic Arabs aeaied in Jars Thoae students who expect to attend .Senior Swingout, may pick up tneir cans and gowns at Mr*. Dull#* and alher mem¬ ber* of Ui# family are *p#ading what lima they ran with Dull#*. Mrs. Maxwell was a special guest for the evening and re¬ ceived a gift as a farewell ges¬ s I,ill JUiicil Posts change in meaning •> a result of in cave a at Qumran near the the Union Bookstore May M. Ali Pain-killing drug* art now be¬ ture. The Maxwells will 1*9 f e*naiii Open the recently unearthed parch¬ ments. "The scholar will find the re¬ l>ad Sea. Of the MO now in the hands uf scholars, Jnore than half deal with Bihlidal theme*. More are known to exist and Typhoid Shoto Give* ing given In make him aa com¬ fortable aa nooaibie. Ho sleep* murk of Km time. leaving soon to take over new duties at Northern Illinois Uni- versity at DeKalb. I visions of pie accepted tradi¬ SOUTH Km —A woman ■Ola >.« new M *•« ohehoeo cross said scholars are trying to Swuo' cou°- tional text revolutionary but worker la th, hakory at tlx tltm Ire toaotod to piano wkere ata- The Stat# Department said Archery Meet SlmtetI t raise funds to buy them. to vtow aI Ike nwana rapard Wednesday there has been ' no hvn lo Friday, thosa with only a casual know¬ Unlvonity ol Notr, Dame hu mt walkie, Cro>* estimated it wilt take • . rtaaUf. km ever, Maw Oadaato change in hi* condition since The all-university woman *• ■ WaLi? rmultni—!m! Jim Bl,*n. gmior ledge of the Bible will miss most of it." said frank Cross, cura¬ HI, years to publish the manu¬ t> ithoM favor and *,000 itudcnu l,aa will da waie load. Thaw Tuesday, when it was reported archery meet will be Saturday , tor <»f the Harvard Semitic scripts now in hand and another hav, boon offered free anti¬ W Ike led Cedar will aadaaktodlp re- to have grown worse for thn at 9:90 a.m. on the 'archery field #.P by Ih, half century to bring out the typhoid ^ota to prevent ipre.d second lime in ffva days. Muad to* Ubnry. K Vtondav Ihrouph Friday tional foe. and with the I'ntteri States. Reunification of Germany is of 'he ma Mil* objectives of th* West German government. But not prepared to accept unifi* AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING PERSONAL cation on Ku^ian terms Similarly, it opposed any s«i »• fni a confederation of the two rOMPl.FTF.LV Ft'H VI Stirn HIE FIVFST t\ l!t»t*SK a - aoatt'iieni. available, lai kinan Combo, The i German states, holding that th •« otiln perpetuate the division of fuce »•> etglv i.vtu -,-»>■ •••'■> tveti hi Stevens VNt r.N'T FOP fo' !He E*—.. teacbers pdk) mortbls g-iaran'ee Von Brentan* ia represented by B'ilhelm Grew*, tha Weal German Pleasant aa!e« pnsifion wit:i Pei.^ ambassador to Washington. But he keepa a rlaaa ebeek an eanfer- Distributors Tnterx lews will be heM i pm \far *. 7' 3* and 2-, »• .AM F' KNT«UKD APARTMENT. At- ence affairs from bis RabUil *>■'* »»>f Hie French frontier. F Michigan I-ansiru Ask. Io> Mi COM MOD AT TONS fnt four male or., REAL ESTATE] female 425 month. IV «t-46*j ,17 = Allied with French Foreign Minister Manure C'ouve he Murvilte. he insists on an iron-hard Western line in dealing with the Rus¬ WANTED ktud*nt fev mcptioni*: an.j a--e »: Will OP ve' Sl'Bl.ET FOR SUMMER * . iiv —<3 .!<••• i>. One b*d- I campus kinaai twimining neauufiSv''N|aiidlcaw ji>» sians. Britain favor* a softer approach. The United S'ates steers a asis*an* m arra.i Heap!*-; •*" Ba7m St E.l) ,-o24R ii |>:,8piner.i going "• somewhat middle course. Tf g-ansi. When theie's a hint of even a slight weakening ©f the Western N"-» FUttMSHFD FOR ADULT couple i KiiolU*"1 "hTne031w., HU.P WANTFD FEMALE Ore c; iidren or p*'» 3 > goon tired — morn Rented to ktw girl Offi.e loft 4i» hour >erk *-i room, Private t>ath L'g* o: base- line, the heavy-set, broad-shouldered German steps in quicklv to n'*r.♦ for laundn 115 per week IV- • I psiairv nr" no Aatitrdais Paid * scatioo Must I'wn hedroonik. repair the breach. y-iw:rr .17 larg ft* accurate tvpoi. sor e bonkkeer- Fxrclient npjxn tuni* Vpv,K. C-O— <- Once word leaked out that the Western minister! might accept mg experience necesar- IV - owner ED J-3UI t « uAiH'-ifre-j wri r —~ betueen « "» No inter\ieui it ■ ■ SIX RCMt" APARTMENT a face-saving truce with the Russians ovei Berlin and sidetrack appointment 1* mmrt Four rc iaMe 17' KD- ERA I ERMTIES their peace plan for Germanv. WANTED AEt OND MAIF . .11 1 ou*e thai will 4., Says I'orri^ii Sliulic* I'riif Von Brentana charged in with a demand that the West lighten fii tee giniMi's Jure P»f »»eek« • ► «--re exp-r.e ». H li «> M s i'k *, t T M„ \r;> Vik.. g,»ul Icoatu.i oilier- -avaiU* up its posture. Barked by ( auve lie Alurville, ha called as Ihe tact Dick Ujlurhert ,v ed. I.. ,, Reaitv L , • West to demand a maximum price from Moscow far any back¬ Castro Tolerant, (.tuitions ir j-Tti.r, • -Vi.'l ♦ of Reds . tracking on the West's package peace plan. A lOAMETh io'a • • 'i Opuoriuniti ' -*:•« ' : \ vi*t'Mt .x ^ s HN'ISHF The rl.ltivi.s giri. I'D 7-07T1 a'" .' Hf uminv hi 11 iv.i »t I'S, Hiitish and French toteign«* then jv,ined wiin ■■■" Pari Kulel C.v. V"H Hr« ntano to rush out ..'atcment hi.,'*.' , saving that, while Iteilin .. ■ i%. t a am: 2-ITS.' aft( Bui's S'«i • -.f the I'niti d s e'h.r i-s les citllld he dismsse i • ilh Russia outsule the pea, e plan, FOR RENT V .uoeieit , v.,"eit hi .ng ro< *a-4«c »,.i M* permit* < .« irii issues could not actuall- he settled separately from this pun u >.* - u > 1 i. A P I \ V "1 Hi J \ » I» | t ess Ihlir With tin- futuie of (iermai: a' *take, Von Brentauo would like GARAfit NEAR i AMPt'S *' * PARI MIX; to sii in on the ministerial srxv.u>« »r t We gnvmng i4 t»*< tail Ave ED 3-J«i , ■ H ..I put t|„* .... . eekends ia.nouv ED »-».'»12 nit of hand. But his associates s«v he convinced it if desirable, • u i i, •» for the FOR SALE '.all. j,t • present at least, to leave his chao- vacant IOVFI \ THRU IIIREE BEDK'M) • •• |«t>e<1 Pr a*» l< i ati.. :oi alude" e.ith i CAMFJtA S«M RETTVX It Fit p»i « W al» ' ED .-IM»h tie follows the Palaee of Nations world war In the privacy and ten# rD l-JSDl a?'*' * » P " >v • g • t V'fMidtN ur t» - ner t t» I I*4i* • smoke-filled atmosphere of his villa. He Is a chain smoker '• f.OINtl OUT OF the * "TM row mg SERVICE ' * APPKit D ' VICl MEN r business For w e ».V »lc* e l e • ici, T*'»hdii -i■ I There gie mottling conference, with hi« staff then a nte,ii»a» .e n.-nple'e wttb mattiev# mver« e • • e s t it- • r, t Junked a'. v. .: v.* * among the cedars on ihe villa grounds f..!lowe,l perhaps or net! •• D*»k- -i-baua l og- ru' ui'! . . IRIAK IPIC AL i f!» l-hilTS *i«e* .' in .ip*: i Mm: .* i lu'ii m-oii « Ui one of tne Western a Bg Thue n inM'c .ky '.i, 7 H■ f T'ier# there n I'lKAl R»< in D'ARTMFN , During af»rrntmmuni.<*> • ■ • r . «p4t«»c* is,, i. hn fotcign munrtrv m H. i . vrniR I SWF Aft I-4V7.* OUICIOUS »Pvz3N-'i • i 'asti •» : ; i ;»-a' ' the • "mi s i. j" • from members of n.i cte:ega: <•». or. 'he i 11 llli 1 X N AVI A• IIOSP : -■ . r« •! oi-v ,t fe I A .o e of ' SRU0NCI7 S»- » v *o |. V. H,e>'ai •> r»a> rrai1' I P - , a' " o- 8 p n ' W nat n t - ■ r ea«' • * Ea"t tnoa> he asks Ai 7 v M .tm . • ! « » « fiat to «i» UmioiTow i h * ■ i.*r vi i nt ' 11*1 M"» BY Ft NI not «en tre. clone * • >f aitM-A', I - eden N» ' *• »• H i h*r, v Lan«. ED i ri» J-4J4- i uba, 'JViimi TV PIS" ANN BR" Political Setup to Test .« ,1 >• |l WEODINO DR> •r 1 **• Ur* J-.N.V Elevtric t i ■ A I»i•' I 44. «•!> *. a to, > c -oeis and tcex.i, a « I.JM f tt!f d '1 i e ED 1 -«?'* » * I f .... M ■ .. I led Tulare-in ST Asia , t XPERT :• nk on TERM »■' v 4,■ etc » I iilXtg *..» t ttc«ti , ear* e,«e * and tti« g.i.'i io. '•» Rt.iVFD hM'l ■ Hs I II N4IBIRI n t 4. Tertian a. ,, s.i.u I ep. i1 e . . r- 4 HICK S LAUN. i •• DF < Oil A It D Axis r ED 7 -k7H4 * l>an« di.tiu*! Ann Assoriaied I'tes* News Anaiysl ,n fje.i 2*.t. »' they fear timt ' «• Wnat .' jf, ; PI - to? sale rtkiLHS 1.9 the*.: :• 1 ; i' ' >' i. v as' Ha* OtOP OFF Fa* si 1 -f1, l-x.ui .nr ie s »'ur the C' i>' 'hi* Wt SPICIAIIZI '• ■g p'-el ■ ft f»u' i : ne*r Red p...., s In 1 *•»« \ oed •UNDits FOR c.'S » »s«l. I'.,"-' fiav ; out., ilantagf.t ' by t ..a;- p' 1 g"]wfe''»■ uTa*M Pth x i f >• t it.iie . f l i un»4;n i the 'An n.,r' prov.nces sti.h K[. t c » i A'F r'wr-:''*'(, imuu began outmg *n# Vie* M n-v u» Her. ' r e CI '/t N Tflfo «4 A*T r I e . a . ' e » c ,vMb Ft a ft» iu ■ • e l euM a'. g.»\er.n •ingle s* iiV-V: • Al ROM 32 Hwmou RWvc«iK/.v.i;«ut J» * 1 A K'|[lS N f. *4 L [ '/ .o. i :h»--1 a » .. i t and c.f • • e, e po'it.i a. e 'i en* t'-'et.gV. .a. . e» e:M g » . ,i e >S Mm 11 M»*< 0 r r d , > 'a • ... ►. ami wive contro « the ei1, i e I • .'■! I t* •; Uaxr iiegi*' A< VVenii t My befotg »r i ... D i , bio. k *r»i of •- «ipfl#h»'v Ihe ,nd • ' gfn i L''i. RDi «'W and j * *4 fin.: -de WW H THOMPSON 1 d "1 I< AM* a TyPIN'. ' (f Q-\t «'• tfll V M. . , i ' iB! E MO Ml NEXT w* ■ esle t Rvaiy 37 I>n meim e a ViiTiinmi.s' battalions w n i JiWUI# n«>, . , 4 U8m- Seote.'i he x i t'a m t \|rwlern II Snurra nf • -! l,f " 'dJ£|v o t i 'b :g- ^ - » v-r. tee »-ught to retain then own of* • » • •>* Hea»« iieide J.ju .N 7,4- » TM( CllANIS* IthilgO A the)' -.11. Bi£ *< »sT.V >9H .n* *: ■ t. e : c...gtta* ets on be;f!^ mrutpufa:ed in:.i JUCM IIAIO"',-' " - II Track left 3H A bine . f ' ttuer .i - nut not .n- the national army OWNERS MUST >»!! l i*iS lilort, br nh.p 14 Anima l |UWf 30 Natural t;o*AW& a u^z'i J^MWT '»■, nun.t i.unot — Cabinet >»»!» M.l.,1 I. 601F CIUIS S x »4 tc.gie hedr<*oii'. Unix traits tiail*, N.,\- S - J'i.'i ' *■ s >.'aBeQMS pf> < P \r.m*t«-i« ne.< Phone IV VA*,1 AC,,. ri« g.'vejument has • X •lomac, ah f it v rnwkini |k. ulllMwaiiu 4-2SVM a/t*r 1 pe* i6 '>• «. owiiti, ver 41 t ■induct.ji • Raiution ot Yeitcday a F»'ta a I Th \A u£ Si K * :i v' luwierales, "•MU« nkkk mhmM Ita • St. !«s* V ADILLAU J. I. LANSING IA.*-:1' I *i*!ient c-.n- l»Outlying v* ovv 'o or-itc Tnc-kyitrs and o'her Mirxitts > i,tartan, w nUh imnnl.i ••t "h A|list ge ; Si iihir 20 da. • J: fcuAs. d.itnrt 1 he leftist parties bare gune iwrrilta. M.g ieel offer takes IV 7-2142 a. * V As p c> nnrkini alikx See M U tt-SH 14 A .ding over to the opposition in Parlia¬ Ikn rimna ml T\ -RADIO SERVI J J A'O-.' (»■»'*»«? c?tA"j*Ct~ a MUM |«n> • I LOST ind FOUND ^ 15 Summom ment. and whether the |imn- . a.vl rase, to atudeut* \* * m»M tar Ikr »r« atata ml 10 Open court! 47 W,- mrnt can aurvU# is a guoolion kl*|a- C-y Istl I'ltuMun aale* Frt* * Don v »nr» nkkk will rata nr.l nrrk a 1 »uoi> open g 11 ' tl Hel.ret a Tb malum I he Communists, who received P-.r POST GERM AN SHEPHERD male! TV Tecbmriaii* Co- fc auric M Draw 1 T-i ■ i«. hukav.l. tha- • 'g.-'ON n H.nts of i'ofoetT Ei .sol Re- igan IV 7-ES5* |S Coma to »* 3i bo!! T 2 KM p,t •nit 4' i percent of Ihe tote in hrr.i'v ktl.rr., S-raa,.'.!. . *a-d ED J-14T7 or ED 5-44.*- M c Ch:r.r«t F4AK90* 60LF C0U*SI and la*t yeor elections, go vein: n en' •n.ont*. s are work¬ eiet * a strung LOST PHI GAMMA IV,ia a»eet- 14 Veitment comb f if m «I.J ing desperate I. to fooler 0 eha* «\ rr pat he tie towar.1 Heu Ch-.ra • cart J»,n»ilhdia.,a>nd shaoed «::i • IN Ov*i 4; A n rearia. four aephir*? - tic sanation in whnh tbey hope Recent report* from India a e Reward F.D T-0D5J Re Roft •hedoaed M Alia. 94 I'arn#.a to gain strength tna' active expression of ct.' - HOUSING u U1ST J^ADfES WRISTWATCM mineral *!«r r» Three tea:* ago there was a twin of Red China in the Tib¬ -.xMte •*Kt A C*' F0« HINT gold Engraved 4i»h MRU li A.. strong ic«in;n„ > te. >n tow a: i etan afTa.r has died down Reaard U» 2-I.H2 room >ai 37 Tie r r- 7- 7— rr- pr .1 V*: Co>r? afTiliat.on >ith Moacow THi WiNGIO SP* r F" new Deihi Hr a AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER us w y- T" a*" 21 f y ; and tn'.ernationai Commuaiam. Jtut Communis: economic aaais'.- wedded to its govemment policy of coexis'- re.-r.aln. ft*fu* P ,i«'e S,» r* o-Lecroo. suburtxan uvmg vnUun i.v* duplex at "PERSONAL ~ 13 /FS43 n r ence with Peiping Tnere nun id* dri\* to r Laiitwg 1 Prore*- .« MARTY J A V'lESON S DUWF-LAND w~ r X T~ ;*» r; ■ ance turned 3 22. is- . Sail. O^gi*©ti> Day' E. □ r ...... - ta Contract • . a^._. ^1 ^SswSSJS ** p.m. 25 Fores! Ig%4 E - Pfgduct* 1 4! (.• B l^tw.tig Dialectic evening -S.«™= fr Building Dr. James Gol!. IW w 42 Cseedy and cii.vv . be 32 or older r about w z□ 9 If VI i L_ *4 4J Str . a a goM UaU • n.rr. rm « li» picnic. speaker. a.ailefti* June 19 An#;, FD 2-3*14 perking- M KWAST. BAKERY OELIVTRS In- WANTED TO SCBI ' Village znrr ! 44 A 7 im pm. VVe*>y House Movie RMORMI4) (HRIWTIAN THRtF nafba BKDRtXiM dining ixkxpi. |,r*i>te*o RANCH, two Fyr- »n* UU Phone IV 4-c,i3 beloie ! - t '• 1-nod. July and V 2-1511. ext. »n» * N o e< w 3T 46 N -• man* contacting mae.ed |13S. Neer »oU |?;f. m w j Tf 46 Y»> M ARTIN 4NOIR I I I HI R ( MArCL ITLLOWUUf »-l.«7 arc <.«•!« LI>- tf R4a.ii kta.v, .tntxi .1,1 t - . Jll" ta MXU ALUMNO' "ed end June. Inlgrr ' □ 40 " N.ikna-nj- 7.45 p m , tri •ut* •v*«* c (or Idvar4 " FUm, OPENING FOR ONE or t»o *• . urniatied eparlnicni I pm, Mart,a Luther refresAoaenta. 2nL\'l ilioal'' DnvegI with two horn- tion* with the tied in game* Titer*. Ttiev are ting his three hits In pacing the Conference To Start Friday hut the Titers lfi-hit onslaught on five pitchers, «i srd a single "o help plunge moved VARSITY DRIVE-IN The w.rM ers ?/, • champion New York¬ American Ixagiic cel- ahead. aeven percentage points flail Detroit. Harris also homered for To Bow Oil! Holding 11-1 Season Record, ED 2-6617 Wednesday f >r the flt>t time Detroit is now 13-20 with 304 Lary, font-time scourge of the Yankee*, wan rluhbed SEATTLE f.Tl — It will be Stale Plais I lark horse Role m Til irar-. percentages to the Yanks' 12-1H, only In something of a pagan '"funeral T third 387. the first and ninth innings. . baseman's when the Pacific Coast Confer¬ Ik-I. Jii-rvirr lli.lll p.m. to I :.'IO ii.m. % a*. hjkiiiJ The last time With it.* most aucrraaful regular srason in hi--.., tm a grand the Yankees The Yanks got to him for ence dies this weekend, age 44 a 2- \ww.\wuw.v.\wv.-: »< h-- Y i the Tigers and v. ere in last place at this state 0 lead in the first The it* belt, Mtchivan State', jrolf nquari will tec inning on wake—with running and : V:mfeee-k:!>r Frank of the season was Lary to a May 23, HMO. Mic key Mantle's single and Yogi leaping and displays of muscular and Saturday in til.- Biir 10 champion,hi|>, :,t ,■ , 1"!-k slaughter of the reeling The only other times since then Derra's first of two homers of prowess—will come first in the Defending champion Purdue Yankee^. that they have been last were in the game. The 28-year-old hurl- form of the final conference with a 79 on the ' the early days of the and laid year's runner-up Indi¬ seasons rr pu' the screws on the Yanks track and field meet next Fri¬ Barrett had two round* -SALE It wa* the third straight tie- when ana figure to battle it out for feat for the links and only a few games had after that until the ninth when day and Saturday. conference honors again this 80'* last Saturday dropped been played. hut - them from seventh pi are to Yost, a native of New York, two singles and a ground out Saturday night and Sunday year at the tough University Golf easily Improve upon th,„ eighth in an exchange of posi¬ produced one run and homers the faculty re preventative* «f Course. the conference meet. walked twice in n„ addition to get- h.v Mantle and Bcrra scored the nine member school*, acting But ?u«t a little Turk could showing this aeason Ma» , three more. Notre Dame, where he a* mortician*, will prepare the alk.w Michigan State and ho were ready for the kill. RAINCOATS They duled its own demise a' a meet¬ roach Ben Van Alstyne'* six years, has two .a added three more in the sixth, Spartan* downed Mtehirun. WK* THEATRE . PHONE IV. 2-9831 one of them on Yost's single, six ing la«U August in Portland Ore. mn«ln and Detroit In a onad- juniors pacing its • The discontent had broken into U'Hvck, defending • NOW SHOWING I in the seventh when Eddie_Jiit the open In the spring of I match la*t weekend at \-tdua| his grand champion, ALL 20% OFF slammer, .• and two in The University of Washington the site nf the conference tour¬ the ninth. Yost touched off this Francis, the fourth ; i < was placed on probation for two ney to rlo*e out their season er last year, have final attack with a lead-off horn* schedule with an 11-1 record. years for violation of the rules makers to an 8-i • cr. on payment of athletes. Van AMyne wa< highly against conference I.ittle Bobby Shantz f0-2>. the , pleased with several perform¬ APONE I'd.A next drew a three-year this year. Bob Bl t • film- t.rrcn Yankee starter, was the loser ances over the long par 72. 18 probation ami Southern C'alif- Boots arc two oth*: after pitching four shutout inn¬ hole course. Tv ('apliir and Tim h'rnia a two-year probation on averages! less than ings. • Mat ami tollon I.ATI: NEWS Hl^f^N^RIME^UlDBARE' similar charges California was tagged with a $23,000 fine. Baldwin captured or* for the medalist hon¬ Spartans. giving per round early in Indiana, with its s • ron _ CARTOON "THE l)| CK IKHTOH" Threats of Michigan State the low scorer \ \ withdrawal were men back from last SHOWS START AT — I Mill . .1:11(1 . 5:00 - each of its 12 matches this oi: i; 7:00 - 9:0.1 heard and the conference finally in Iit'tup squad, has IK ATI RES START AT — 1:18 . decided to call it rjnits. 5ea«>n. * \ .1:18 -5:18- 7:18 . 9.31 over Michigan State • ft ii«li mill ft i-ur -) STARTING SATI'RIIAY (- The deceased will leave one (.'uplift, sporting in even 76 winning here two v«v?kg child—the four-member Athle¬ stroke average for the season, The Boosters hold - tic Assn. of Western Universities. a pair of 76'* for an eight w in over Purdue >.f UCLA. California. Washington over par 152 last Saturday, the Boilermaker* and Southern California formed Baldwin, finally rounding into it and will provide the western fonn after some early season team points while . the champions by thn entry for the Ron- Bowl foot¬ troubles, carded a 15 and 77 for Ihirdue has two v * ball game after I860 his 132 total. The Spartan coach will take the Hoosiers too. The rest of the schools — Stanford. Oregon. Oregon Mat*, six players to the meet, but only Host Michigan fiildl W ■Ss©ftdfo H©m§©| Washington have operate not a« Ntate organhied and Independent* Idaho- and will the five low final tallying The meet scores strictly on medalist play for 72 count is based 111 real *«rpriae of the i D olverlne* werr last hoM u meet In 1949 when tlin Iam holes, the team having the low the loop rrown w ith a 1949' Minor get-together1- are slated total score for five of its players total. Lf.ayairay during the week Athletic di¬ i harm' winning. Ihirdue won l» about their chore of selecting foes. ftmlth. Jack Bevnokl*. Tad Despite its GET SATISFYING the' western team next winter. Nehmldt and Gary Barrett round Spartans Just week, 5: FLAVOR... Southern California, has dominated the track which out the apnad. posted a better team * picture Smith, who shot In the num¬ Michigan State, P4F»--<" 4 So friendly in the conference, again w"iTl I* ber one position Saturday and Wisconsin could < -• your taste! the heavv favorite. A scramble Twice •! 8 17 and lMHi carded a 78 and on 80 for a 158 any of the top four • . Lew for second place Is expected total, also hn* averaged an even The Badgers absurd* • 2nd HIT among Oregon, UCLA,. Califor¬ 78 strokes cs from the Spartan* — — per round for the nia and Stanford. record season against Big !t No CATTLE EMPIRE Reynold* was the Spartans Iowa, paced by last flat"filtersd-out"flavor! JOEL MK RIiA Slan Drobac, Michigan State's tennis coach, was the Hig 10's mainstay averaging early in the season, about 75 strokes per vidual runnerup J- could provide a fi •. ■ «• « L * No dry *smok®d-oMt"tr»^te! — ONCE AT II P.M — singles champion as an' under¬ graduate at MSU In 1853 round during msd-wav*. A re¬ moments also, Liet t' • « turn to his ther, near par form feu ted by the Spartans' \ would greatly enhance the Spar¬ 4!?-l'z. earlier this w TODAY IS SUPER.BAROAM DAY tans* chances. Schmidt, who carded a one Illinois haven't shown too and N mu •. cn-er par 145 at Notre Dame this season and are Biff Fnliirfit earlier, shie a par 71 round place high on the lis* M against Indiana here. Schmidt and Ohio State have I'Mrwl hi an 88 on the first unknown records ana « liRITA MANSION** round last week, but came back 2 It • 5 25 - a.4i prise. "TMI NDIt la the *1 N SNEAK I'REVl'E TONITE AHOl'T 9:1m IS:M • I N - 715 • 14*3 Att*nd th» 7 p.m. *how and aw both fralurr*. Sort*. «» ranoot tall too th« mm of tha "Sn»ak.* A( AO! MY AWARD WINNI H Don't Miw It! MICHIGAN NOX 7K iBIM HT KVB BMBIMUB MEAE* WWV SMOKE ^TRAVELED' See how Rail Molls fomous length . of fme tobacco :: * IP- trove's end gentles the smoLe —mokes it mild — but does not 1>t»u get Bjf Moifv. ftt-vxa lev^ <# ^ •tie *>nesi toboccoe n * con buy O *iVin toxiu «**! JMiiIgg filter out that Satisfying flavor! Outstanding and they MS Mild 1 - rouoaaow is scfcb-baigaix day #Wtitf -JU. _> nutvam — all day rbvi e WytLD, TUB JAMB- * "WAaLOCK" mt 1u ocvil* *7 ' Stata Major League Vlcht Standings kporM falter kwrette M«.o AMIRM AN IIAt.l! NATIONAL ITAfii r Mat 51. 1939 Cage l ive IV I, I'd. 4.B W I. Pet. ( Ie vela ltd 51 II «-.« — Milwaukee 51 II .<50 I hiragn 5! 11 .«5«» '• San Kranciace 10 10 .341 Kobsmen Baltimore Kinviv € IIv 50 15 15 Ik .571 IM 5'j 31. ( hicagn a-Liw Angelea 50, 50 17 17 .341 .341 Washington 17 50 .150 ««j x-f inclnnati 17 17 .300 uf*L »-■ J Beat VI) Bri'tnn DKTKOIT 1.1 13 to 20 .too .104 n *• , l'Mt*hurgh si. Lotii* 15 14 10 50 .451 .41 ! New York 15 10 307 O'i Philadelphia II 51 .144 I Bil l. IIOTC'HKIH* JO\ IRK KSOV ,,« Sinrloao' Nt. 1 man • • • . . Michigan #t»r , . . In Detroit 1 wh»\i *.i» At IM i HOI I 1.1. Vru a York nr*t 1 1 * «l \-l'l.iving nighl game. • in. *gn W!l»\Ml»AVa RMI'I ia 7. I'hlladrlphla 4 I rinrlim 4, MllM*ilkC4 J K*n«4« ( 11 v a, llnsl'i'n * t in *l | »til* II. f*ltt«hiirih I lirt \ «*ngarl|itiia al < htiage tioao <» !» n Andrrwn f!d) h*n«,i« I itv 41 Motion—fiarwr il-l» I'iMkhiiren at *t I mil, iN|—Oil 1 he Spurton tut set u» 11 f emu v* Hrrw-rr ll-ll »» Hi lunlM tt-4» linlv iirdiibd. IIMIV gtnvr, irhtiliilM. l»eitt the I niversity of he. gAma ,1 fruit Wetlnesilnx, g.n. tiv Your Key to Better Values , , . • veil re on earlier ilefeat at Michigan State News the hands of ihe Titaint. Camtiti* ('lassifjpcls , . f.ow Cost . *••,»> PJ.'P sa-.r • o Ti« f- * 'i"OM *i <, .,t»„nd IOAI IIINSON. ATI). *ecnnil from Ihe left, left, while llerh I'lxher. nlher xeennd plare and '"e We'--# P 't hing < o' gH'Tte timiv «a< Mft'e n the W eiii^aiull. lleiiMHi \A in 2 y,*ir 'in» ed a* ( 'e g HON M'MMIDT 1RT \N|IKI1U \ eft S. ewi Mickey Sink* atm ,,,Boilermaker captain . , • . , were , Big 10 Tennis Another ran ni< added In Ihe 'ii lm«e im It ve;ais \Vpdne*(i.< mile run* 111* half-mile lime Wftdih- t'tul I l.^vc Sin . third when Jnhn lle»er hit an »",.piii (ii-t place with 10 !!4 wa* *21. and hi* 4.51 mile lime Siitm.1 Nu St. (1 put -a; Inelde the park home tan point* broke hi* own reeord of 5:05. were . ricor^e S'» our .'u, SAI The ha" «a« a aharpie hit SAP. tii>*e' one nf tire 't.rn I»aae lale. A I'lal A. anil Jim (i< »rgc Kv «nk"vn t.. and grinder 'he' wen' do-Mi the pmesctlids. Sigma No. '■ Mil nr. I'lal K *ig. aaere *eeonel .1 Slt'ohf, S \ i db • . •i.o.i he pl,». mg second wtlh 28 17 poiti' and third i" the HHII-vard. aaid Tourney Begins e ne and r ule.i t' r AT'» won !h» MO .: I left fields? 'hen mnt.'.ued •••• s.gin^ No o. cupiril third w 1 Warren Kellogg. |l||l. and llill • *h KA i' ' ;an,l sAI. u •"'Ct M M r.A' r*-« fourth w ith '!' 4 I onner All), xeconal .and third e ba''irig »ege atl:l on' t e III pu-.t \t. i >1 .vet. i: • • Mr , .ir »r i DTI) fifth 18 in the mile. . , Nu A'..- (I. S nk« f'«r»k the miitni.l n the AT( ! t Hi I tWofiouirU' Witauc . I Hi • .1! j . • I . - RT ft an t Fran Mill. By I.Alt ft V Mil l.l K 'h a »d held tn»- Ti'4'i« *»«•!» • Ton, II" ... «..) I ha* inn h ill. .HIV, - i Nu. 11 a - •»*»| ( Mtippa (•4-^^ , roi.o* through 'he h Mi 5 .i'u| Ihe 220 "t \V \ V A. IIAKEI.KSH AVOl.r vrtooi u With Mit'hiKflfi's Wolverines looming »* the tiile t;tv••!;»♦•, ,» »« » gVi, m . i'tu. to -lllK , Af'e t'.e !,,nt:rr ov I >-et in '42 ) k M Si-p.M r: • Al I i \l.Ullt I" I the Bi»r HMennis clinni|iimwhips will ..pen thi* inoiiunp «t Our ilea it K' K \ I'm. "e .1 At eft ip ne 'o ai.M . In on the courts south of the Stadium. • .'ill 'ne Spartant mi'il the top f..r . i in 'ite inn Ft ( iinaplele Program Informalinn Hfi* if held Jit MSl' for Of O,# eighth ,»ii(i Al nc'iui.tiin, ATiJ. w> ■ I >..t I'lease llaal I D 5 5417 • • i,'im- in hlMorx, the meet I le«er started action « ikI I the 220 t:l nff th# l;, BihihI a nut «u ni t» here g«>- utidefuav with the in the eighth whea he waa hit lion AA leg audi. Ia*t year's Im- \-e,ik \V -< • ii-.n !e^ , *1 \IMS SI NDAA • • • \T 1:00 VM. » j'p« myitioff grabbing 'he bi a pitched hall. Dean l.nnk UK i\i;i;i» ot It Ti:lis The . ... et »• U a Deborah Kerr • \ ul Brxnner r.ening dav gpotlight. Double* and Made I artwright kept the •'i Wt in» "TIIK lOt JtNKV IM Schedule • . .niijuc i.i IN "A!"' Sll \|*K w : : >w thi* afternoon rallv going with g single each. ti • ' <•( MM* t-nni* Al.Sil lliana lM»r* "BI.ON'DT ^INNJ.R" »>;»,• S an Drobac, Spai'an Meitie walked catcher Jim ten* — !)• >»iiar a' a Rig |i) »«•? N on II find it <*ii* a liiilitAe a our • m • and meet direator. i*'e» lin hot III Al I. \V ilver.tie, the team '•» M Kellogg I , \V. V '» |i tn ■» a* mg c. • fen 'he ne*'. n an mp iM»i'- 1 W Aha, * v* llrvata I l#fes| on iiur aa ell-kepi mats. Tw» w wi'n Kalama/u»» gee «i»m t>e | m i «n 'he f.ret pawiuan t ! *h»w I# V % I *h4M 1 The M St , ha%r been >e! I I -II * l« * V, | N||4U > hunilreal >ard run«e area. »• leading the wav |t'»" c levoofi* and then Hi'1 (Mil !^:p.e ii.n.iv OH I I «f4l l.4hlr, A ft. • « llimrf MEN'S SLITS • : | .f IriikMin i* Mirhlnn'i No I >• ,1'; * i e,| i 4 it for h;« I'M ! I:aii*i < rtioh 'i v ». t iHMt In I tingle* plurr and hai jrl («• iiern • f!iv'('r| So ic'rie# ii> *»•; .land* have a .111), .. : v rn • f 'he gj r-e S nk- k •' *r i aa* M-iv-i omr A III «• *1*1114 N ' FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE Im# in conference plat. Ill* n *'•# hi' ing coltrnn ■« -'h a I'ht f.4IOO(4 V, III n «tand t.i iiami.e t|,«. .'Pi miles ea*l of K. I.. Inn# !*■« «n in Mat Brown of \nirr |)imr. Ion lennia tram in 111»wil (AiM-ited tent his tn in addi'.on. 4 n an :>'V up. e'. v. t»nn Munce, fir.i out. at. ! 'he r C\i Matlier Attl I I A II Al I * >« M »'•>« ' " Wash n Wear ihe Midweat Ihia aeaaon. r ti up li. ' .i »*. u 11: . Raria'r came «n .n the Mallirr . .. Hill." 4 t i»« n.dtirr i i Ratlin I The oniv trim Rrirk»r.n didn't . goto '•» ftn.vh the game to' I. vm I a I it. lima, which ha* .• s,e''e'.« 1*1 '•»• a*t two 7 !" *ha« I a *»••>. One Block East Of Campus r •*,: w ns a a.. . > • I *h.i« ' > - I *h »'« . of •« imn in Ai t Andtn * ne fljdn't a a "'f-gle I . *I|4VV I l ! S»'4W > •* % •, i 'f 'hr«# two milide « i-f u'nlei » . IJ.g ?0 I 1.1 .■ .I.. • .ur lie1 f>.' Deinve. • e «ix a-.d n cn re leiiescd he ktruck faced Mcfti# t II Ml • !• 10 a. vm Nhau *ha« * ' - II I . * a •((■«' 14 IA l *!..•« *lia Palm Iteach '« performance! of ine year t.ei gr I em *»•«« IV. aa *04 . or |! I Sil • . ije'-od ;n 'he and ic- »*n he expected. f..r Kiiy>«>:> If II'* aiifl I r Npar'eng ,n o:der. - 'ne fT.«* ' bf plentv of lop notch •* 4 i nor umujfh, in thin the Mth ter Dirk fielder Dagnannn. picked DeUnit op a cen. tingle rii » •»' meet, A total of ' and a denhle fee twn ef the five Iteaila i from 'he 10 school lluiable p.i\er, entered competition and IH Results I liana hit*. \ efer go' thiee h 'f fur four il or Wrinkle Shape Retaining. Re«i«lanl In tnarn are acme of the \na MI! tnui Newe*| I olor* end Model* t-Kin'rv • beat. t.rnei at the p.e'e fo*- ttie Spuu- tiiiorf».pi* : n nuftrrfifi# I a Michigan ma* have a tough H4llr t * k Hem I '4i.«. including two aingie* and Knieiwau a "The Long Mileage Nulla" ' Iminnni 1. I. Immiim I t a n.»ofi ■"* pulling away from rha - I'll *h«» S. It MMhtr t I Children aomelinie* yel •oilier St IT* A TOPC OAT* • gert. |l!inon and defending a* rati on a wiiaor# i t 4W»*. got two hi'* for foil* t p* to the pla'e anu ha»> a 159 50 »• I153 0C ■ • «mpion Iowa. But the Wolve* Hnlrt * I HMlerfirl# I Mulo • II. WkitterCiei^ I t I (arelpMt while pl.iatny Eave a aohrt cor* of veteran* • x e and a triple. t«» la«i khaw I I*. I a«i Mia* I 4 •Mualitf SPORT C OAT* I a» laourinait I 1 artwngh'. «#•# of the »<»o. near the. »treel . . . Ilui • am Mufilt 4 up the.r So. I ace trick- Kwwar It Unlit I 959 93 UalM.nO • « Get a id Dttbie, Bob Soaaone, verted ratchei» kcyt .p hi* that doesn'l excuse and. I orfeti# I »nk Fulton and Wayne Fra- H»al «or I lre» a .od h.t'ing atreak w h '*»♦ Year Kound us cheek aiaur • - *l, \( kS • '*1 are tn# other Mailtv 4 »«»i Halko t » ogle* f * four tone* a' ba' Michigan 113.9$ te 14* in ''in M»l I MMI I Michigan S'a'e will face M n- brakes liwlaa, p.avari that could apeli MalUk 1 •»»»r Mail** t\ • is t 'he u.p -earn ui tne fhg HAMBURGERS t ■rwwo'a. » difference. •summer W Ys|| .% IVI YR SI'IT* • i«aia N« Ilk I'M li >* 14-14 on Kndav If the SjM.tan* the tight far fanrili *he«id ha lailrin 179 »\ •«na«f hcl MM'. OMa Mala. Mr n a«#» l.l g liter arri M4Ma «'«» <411 brat them i' ruttld pa\e for IRmoit to Uc the CJo- the BUDS MLn., Minan.u m4 Nartk- HIM ever IM w a * '•Trupiml si I Cs • Mtera Alt! •»»» MM »l| pfierg for firat place. bar Palm Beach. Ila*prt and [Sgii] men, "'■e Spartang mil throw Bill ' other*— 139.9$ to 1101.00 Uu« .iito th# fray after a 1021 K. Grand Riykk • ■ ' »ea»- n of stifT "•* 'mi* ia a junior and competition. will Open Smoker SERVICE returning No. I twia in tn# Big 10 neat 7:30 l« 0:30 liriaA Biter and lla*ieit KU 2-0647 13 i niton I'ltfclv ALTKH ATIONS >*"f. 1 CD 7-AI7S Kegiiiars, ShnrU, Kongo, • " H* * ! No I player, 1*o,„ with Capt. Km* Doug - - Howland Co-op 75 Marram Kxlra I.«»ngs and Slotil* >f i' ff-nan, Bob Saseork. Hog- TONIGHT •f ^fenhoef and Ron Men all Sizn .11 In 51 n 'r< Spartan attack. State fin- • h' i fi tba No. tourney, f spot in last 11, Hlurkk from ll*rkrr Hall Dry (Ilean Now! NEW . . . '•4 V. tap). Dm IMubI4I. 323 Ann SI. El! 2-0.121 Summer I'liathes ; \ loll Our ^ iirlil; IWHlanukm JM n4t< FREE STORAGE a ArrixiiiK Ihnl> | I omplele selerlwn a»f BP9»* J f*4"" ■ rmrl mm Nnnn. v Wear and JurnDliini* * , toHar- ; si/F.H 11* * ; * I student*. Junior, i edet, f'ir~ -r which it at pteaant or J " 1 *»or "Irg on • runnmi l*ud »ilh urivaraity, Indiana, rr> DELLS FREE Motkproofiac Hu*ky th, ralibar of It. minor Blf. ( llolt I nf famou* brand* ■ . Arrow, BoUay, MeGregee. 1, t. out to provt I1HE.X OX SATURDAY XICHT Ila*pel. Palm Bcea h, Nocirty Brand, Wallham. I*? Bowl, III'. llivcouiit KENT Rembrandt Manhattan and other*. FACIXTV MAT 2M (iarik Nov. Iwiklilr II X El MIS II •a4 t- •STl?0K.VrS AM1DEKX DAXCIXO Free I'urlviug ,Al Hear 70 • 60 * 90 MAY 4 IIARCii: AlCOl'NTl ''•U II i..u ... matin, aau aw. <4>iii|Mrr Our I'rire, J ! "huioou* Hi otitis for HoU and l.od" i it.iu'U Urn imam. |( ank 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. aiar*. Ao* Mwtrsi Stan* ,N<- STAG * DRAG ADMISSION .73c One Hour Marfinizing HOLDEN dl REID ! •«'»! *«I.UCD VAN UNr.«" IV 1*41,3 AIAD CAPS ORCHESTRA LU6RN THEATRE BLOCK Store fKAMMJK S||OI»l*l\G CENTER lluui *, Mon I hur*. Tri. 9.10 to 0 P M. i'l 1%: , wr» over the city Saturday in the I-an*injr Centen¬ Many charactarlatifa* the coming Alp' :, J nial parade. eilon itho-Theta AIpHm I'hi lelevialon production n| "(J plan* a career in medical re¬ Two other MM* roeds. Diane search. Forever Hold Your Peace" from ordinary TV faro. 1 Tillotson. Arlington. Va.. sopho¬ M v Tillofjrat. the run¬ The farce fantasy, written by more. and Sue Montgomery William Sakalausk^.*. The production, produce.! ner-up. added the Mi<« tensing -.J Fast f.ansing sophomore, will onte«t to her long list of beau't grid student, dealing grn- i directed by Ron Weave; Thrt- also take part In the parade. honor* including Crescent v:.*1 ca;'y w ith peop'e who talk .t»>* Miss Tillotson was the first run¬ Rivrrr, senior, will feat»> uJ cour*. Ml.-s MSt" o»ur*. of 1953 •• uch. will be presented from ner-up In the contest while Miss an.1 Mis* MSt* of 1939 Combin¬ !J 30-12 43 pm. Sunday. Ma'. Bumgardner, Pontiac gu Montgomery was one of the ing beauty with ;n't!!:cener. SI. WMSIL dent. Linda Smith. rv-roJ five finalists. *he a member •>( Tmvrr Guard Sponsored hy the joint efforts freshman, and James T.'yu and Alpha Lamda Delta, -cho- nf the local chapters of Alpha East Lansing junior. Mi-* Hewe, who will he aw*o- !a*tic honorary A career in sec¬ KpslUn It ho. national radio-TV rr.i»i«*;iilv entered in the M-»« . ondare education a planned honorary, and Theta Alpha Phi. Michigan runUM in Mii*'*efi«»n. Mi>« Montgomery, a national national dramatics honorary, the played 'Clair De Lune'' by Claude D«*Bu«y for he." 'ah nt syitrron i/ed swimming cham¬ uanaual story takes place in Ailvrrtiaing Agi-tirv | pion. excel Is »n fhe field of phy¬ eight different arenes In as many p r^ ntntinn in the contest She sical education and plans to own different places, hot only one Garrer Oppoiiunii, i« a home economic* mav-r and a school of dance and teach set H used serving for all lo¬ plan* t«» do graduate u-ork in swimming. cation*. For dictitics. ExrrplioiMl A member «f Kappa Kappa C.ammt. Miss Hesse previous!* Junr Gradual,'. w as pus queen of Snyder Hall. In addition to her honors as a cam¬ beauty, she |« a member of FREE (OLD STORAGE: Here en is with a Exceptional young tare iTeatlN-r opportu. men en ability Al'Sli. Frosh-soph Council. desire to develop top !e\ei . Campus Chest and I'nlon Board in the adverllstng agenr - ■ ne,«. Fashion shows. * After graduation. Miss Hesse National advertising ogrn, lllf.D\ IIFSSf,. Detroit wphnmnrr, fsrrnml from Irfl. hark row > Barbara Bancroft. Morenci soph., and Sharon Sandhorn. Xunfleld wide group of dlveraifiao # and outstanding profe*Kinnr «*• chosen Mi« Lansing Ihi* weekend. Diane Tillotson Arlimbtn, fr.; (third row. l-r> Berky Thompson, last fonsinr fr., Montgomery MAKK THR potation Is now expar.H • K ■ Va., soph., (second row, right). was runner-up and Susan Mntit and Kay Brown. Defrnil senior; (second row > Surranc Snyder and personnel developmen* pi, «r,." gnmery. last Lansing soph (third row. middle) was also a finalist. Tillotaon; and front, Susan Peterson. Ml< HIC. AK STATK SEWS Candidate* with aultaMr . flcadon* who are accej -r ■" ;o. Pictured are (bark row, l-r) Ann Hudson, I-anting senior. Ilrwr. this VOI R MOUNTING HABIT program will get r - a, practical experience in ■ t art. and client contact, .tc * to individual abllltie* Founded lJlT.'l income increaaew *»4rt re g u ! i r u C0LLE8E TRAVEL OFFICE , Hotel Dinner through the program peri.* a real future in atom ;>Y,| u •' who have completed the ;v,-g's-I Beat Garden First Plans Begin AIR Honilrd Afrnt All Tratrl I'mfn'Mn, — RAII. — STEAMSHIP — TOCR now agency. hold key pnaitions v it.-. 111 Plan* for Here are the haste requira-I Hotel Holiday, mnd academic record, lug*. - Ity CAROI.Vtf S( III LI INC.rrt S -il from the Mediterranean tumn, ar«» under way with election of committee chairmen. the Inlnrmalinn. K#-,nalii>n-, Tick,., CAMPUS CLEANERS (aI ability and apsctal apti» for hr advertising work a* «i thorough-going aptitu,-- «»k'il a;»a w«> bought to plant The general chairman is Den- MEMIIEH: Amariran Sorlfty nf Travrl A,,ni. given thoee ronaldered ev<r(ed with the plant »>r _ troit. sr; secretary, landa F»i-«l Ijuminp Vlirhimni and ambitions honest Iv r-aan.-, H . •• •:«* i■ ■ • 'jd.ruoii-iv .-re. - n .-itched as near y as possible ilip« r. Pittsburgh, Pa roph ; : COMPLETE I.A1NDRY SERVICE a*. !» d.i'.ii garder. in s l" s J'arineler wud. fi.xsl. Frank Banks, Foist l«an*u g. % In, i.inn nf I rnlrkl', ,Mnl and M-.I i flmpkU wlocti The wchms .f Michigan *:c ED 2.0*;.' RecriiSv 1".r- (. .»■ n. ijoph . executive chief, treorge SI* E. GRAND RIVER hue . 1 1: Pr. !. -- a o grown fur identify a- W..S ;.!• ' i 1 High <. Park Ituige. HI ir ; m - - W .1. tl. erd.r. ,.-.-d t ■ lion c.r.d study pin)»*<-«. Ea. h >' v *■ rotations. Pave T"ir«*. Fa" ct ornamental wred, ,i> are «».! tl.e plant# . i •: « .-citmn I.ansing *oph,; tickets end »>ale*» the garden. i« identified t y ..J SiiHibV fU1 1 •HindIl.g u Jack Bonne. New York, N Y., \\ . Gym, V' George black name label, thus a farmer j. ; engineering, Jack Connelly, w.;h h particular iv bothersome .Downers Grove, 111 , *oph " and . -v, cuf.v.>r of the G.'ti - »•< v e.*d n ay kru.g it to t.-e Gai- aortal chairman, John Yengo, «i«-n and easily identify it. Several of the finer ornamen¬ Ithica, N.Y., Jr. tal plants are hnslcd at varioua apoU <>u rampus. I)r. I'aimaler said, but thai the new area was COMMUNITY CIRCLE FLAYERS bring added so that II would he possible to view Hum all in one I'KKSKNT: place. PYGMALION 111 liEOKliB IIKKN AMI* SHAW » The i int mil story from Whirh **My Km ir End*" M«* Taker '• 8:15 MI- • roe Uj-ed a. c-n i.i.g :o •. an i u the Eco'uvic i i< i:. • i•:.»!'«U- .up all n.,- MAY 22, 23 MAY 21,29,30 p •. t. M- » ; Vnaiet- raid. TirkeU — $2.00 Two other new areas to be added Du* sear ate Die Medi¬ Special Student Kales — $1.00 terranean and *soHthern Appa¬ lachian Mountain* plants. Ihe Civic Coaler ExMbiUai Nail .Mediterranean plants inrlude 30 spe» it's of colorful native tulips that were gathered wild and transplanted here. WMSB-TV Piping Good Pizza FM 12 :00—N mi Hi port 12.15 In no ; i J2.30 - I 1:1)0---laidies Tmve 110 «. .d :pom • ' r Cj ! '« SO «'S{>JalG*• > CASA NOVA 6.00-—v. -'..i.ncnU, Ciax*(" 11 f:30—T> Scsi.t' in RIK KIM1 II AI.IVN Vl/J.\ VISIT 6 «$-.%»•»* N * IK» Special liepivrt CVS A .VIVA AT 211 M.A.C. CASA fl ) 1 ... , M)VA IS THE II1EAI, SPOT TO BRING VOI R DATE OEFERING A DELICIOIS ASSORTMENT OF ITAI.- aiade in Italy, 9«r Sredella casual*,cat coral,•• OnaliH IVN SANIiW ICIIES IN ADDITION TO suaaor capars .ilk « aost happy coatiaaalal aid GASOLINE PIPING GOOD PIZZA e. hano-colour ostrilla call loal-awoys, flashad with Ha* Lowest Trice* In Tohi brass aaiihosds taargrap -shopad «afar haol. 14,«« Krgular lit h> I IhulV k. natural straw aula with a cushiaoed iasalt, high 28" ni 32%ml cork htal, and caraaic coatarod straw flawar. W.N MOTOR oil. c. natural calf barafaet - Cil ran *|3» 1 (ASA NOVA'S cork law baal, saadal with fool-cuskiaainp Iringsd t-strap, ianor salt. W.N rigarrltm 2.It per |M