i'KICK 5 CENTS ins to Russia Challenges IJ11 justified Charges M Say* Wr*t Arlioit Only for I'rntrrtion fiKNKVA «i talk ever last minute %Ucr matter* in * ilre«i«iiig nv Al Wovrr The Western powers taken "prudent action to protect themselves," Herter said, in re¬ have onlv _ ON* ir» — Th# Nerr; l.tnd* Mvlfv ttoodmere. N T., frexhman; room before Thursday night's performance. sponse to actions started by the vote of 175-91 which defeated of unit* Most of the S.I delegates to I Ihorwii? poiwcd • 92,- a year. Hue Mills. Sandiiskv junior. Jed iMviv dirrrlor. Soviet Union. attempt by Rep William ('■>;. The public housing feature of the underworld convention were g*v Vusir.* bill includ- an The West has always contend¬ mer r>-Miss> t.« kn-vk at: pun- the b»H i* viewed a* totalis un¬ httle known to the general pub¬ ed that Russia initiated the | partner. for a four-year arms Apalachin. Hut the 11< sdditior.s! low-rent lie housing author-.tv out n* » pending $2,100,000,000 acceptable hower ho to President* ca'lcd Kixrn- Congress lic before government contend* they form¬ *To Bailee In to l.ive* race and that the North Atlantic homing w «»n alliance and other Western pact* aa-^unt and the rub¬ bill. las: Januarv to terminate the ed the eaecutiv# hoard of "the constituted a resume to the So¬ largest criminal syndicate in the Theme feature are at odds public housing program. viet challenge. Sparks Dance Program er,! lettering- eharfet ef "aallep- Eisenhower's Republican* predicted Ei^cn- country.'* Ilerlrr made what amounted |R| aeelallam." Ihe Mouse refut¬ h"\*-er will vet" the bill if it The Apalachin, N.Y., meeting to a reliukr to (.rnmvkn a *hnrt ed la eat out aathnrib for 140.* Sectored the Wit reaches him u ith the public was held Nov. 14, 1937, at the I time hrfore the II. S. Herrelarv Ml sew anlti af government- lavish hill top home of Joseph round nurnlter e Inset I tne first of dieamittg and re- |s«xiti* *tu» If Anally e«- housing ponisioti. My ANMTTI KRAI si: a person «« to play host at dinner to No price tag «'p placed on liarhara It wsa broken up by par: of the program. irotubermg wjmethitig Uiat made the Soviet minister aa well as 'To Dance is To Live" v as Hcuse-M^H bill now this feature hv the bill's *pr«-ln**> i -. and Forever" was dative.) b> new wig his arguments for tlie ijs of big :v«ue continued «•«« the public Despite lack of state appro¬ priations student payroll wa« Trustees to Review Protnenaders damped Bieir wav into the audiences hearts with Joari Hredv in an interpt resignation "Well of were proiravrd Loneliness" danced l»V lij Soviet treaty to propoxnl he signed for a with peace each met today. I ion a Id Humgairiner. 'I lie move¬ xide of divided a g.iv opening number Germany. The payroll Is a comparative- ly small ore. amountmg to 1*1- New Housing Rules Dee-Do ** CSO t<» Give ments of the dancer* hod* ed perfect control in show turning, ¬ We.tern spokesmen mice more mecicd the proposal. Amhassa- eomleal number, -lour* t»o rheMra Plans ono, according to Merrill Pier- A the words into meaning. •t 'f Wllhelm Grewe West aon. av«istant to v.re-president President J«»hn A. Hannah will discuss • new set of housing a Hiring" followed, featuring human marionettes. Their me¬ May Pageant "Jar/-From Th«n to Now" Germanv specitically denounced of Iring Concert in charge of business and fin¬ ances. regulations with the lizard of Trustees today at it* regular monthly meeting. The board will meet at the MSL'-Oakland chanical movements gave a ■Be¬ ring Impression of dolls The Catholic Studer* Otgan- • :.vv. .-u pfgl -I'tl. the thud part of trie a f >r ptovismn a in the Soviet plan German confederation He S 331* Orchertra. conduct- The pevt payroll. May 29 it branch a: 10 a m. A group of children a! p;.r i/atiuti V*.- present annua' • So-pbiiirid'* a ♦' j•..■;#! tf»u!h- ".iu! it wit-, designed to paraly/a \ Louj Potter jr . will pre- a double payroll which w.'.l in¬ The regulations will later he submitted to Dr. Hannah and vcii- gaily depicted 1" l.n Ma v Criwnilii: expected t" ert j.tr? nu'n'a-t ' n'i.t • Inhibi- West Germany. clude lal»>»r pae and aalaried lov¬ |r* wjif crcert in Fair- an administrative group for final approval. Hufitet, M.txine lfarn* an-i . aw ..itxiut t.twi'l tarsor..-, S«l"- i',..we it/r Sunday at 4 p.m. facultv and staff month-end If approved, the regulations will be an administrative policy, si.«* at 2 p.m i*i the Uan-l.-!,vi'.. ers a tastv of the nsd thing. Martha lb i>* in "Happv Dav .« ! The concert will be WKAR. pay. Funds for this payroll have not been issued by the rate and not The a Board ruling proposed regulation* are: "Ibmrid We (io'* a nu»rry-go- Tiie Mie-sed terem«»»;y Virgin Mat. h«»ru«s as ').♦• the A wealth Charleston pint rayed of Ireling in ja/r. eom- the Hamilton's ah!I open the legislature a.« Mousing regulations for all aadergrsdtsale student* , ,f.r ,.f (,<..» .(lift f|U«v» *>' muuieation. Banvei* included by Himiky- r.s front Twenty -aeven hundred un.- versity students arc involved m a' 1. Ail first year students must reside in the residence least one year. (Veterans, married and local residents ex¬ halls for I'umilv Slali'd ( >■ eh !»t.'u».n .">! earth souurvhe- :'u l' it fa i.i th« it. tlofinie lion ft-iBer, llcckv Randall Jr.. and I'hil Tiet- llabel. Replacement l or Oiilcfiriifi/ trie' today's payroll. Despite the pre¬ .Ting Ma«. f» Suggested H cepted. A veteran for the purposes of these regulations must , sot fur P.ar.o and Or- \Iai \ t sent financial crisis. Phillip ha.e served a: least 21 months in active status in one of the ui-U' .r.fi t - , i'.tr? »• carina*-; In i»58 by May. vice-president m charge «»t Lr.ited States military services. Saturday morning a' y an % niriii Iter of the • irst ( om- loti. Taylor work business and finance, has reas¬ of performer* The fueultv suggestions for a ** re¬ ?. Alcohol is prohibited ui the living quarters of students at ti "UNancls I" liiunioii risk* of M. Thsnu* r 1". 's a Master of Music sured students that tneir pav all over the nation will- m a c iu new vice president for aeadeui.r MSU Amuiiihs parish in East |.aii tiie "Living Rosary" and 80 memlM-r* «,f the First Cou»- mun.on class. wove mass "Dream various numiM-; Darxinr. themes "Fad into Steady one Fever.'* eighl-meniher cornmittee to se¬ cure suggestions from the fac¬ safety and sanitation ;ary1 where reasonable standards of be¬ ultv for a new vice president S5ISG Wi havior and decorum will be maintained. Supervised quarters Lansing celebrate its if00th an¬ Benediction nf the Bic»*e«l Study." and "Final Fling"* were — An txplorion by a Hon.. I>«nncr»t when Dr. Thomas Hamilton re¬ Will be required except as noted in (2). niversary. «=* Sacrament will conclude the riauc««l by various members of 'T mirkwi the end of another neyotiatiny .e-.ion signed. 2. Unsupervised quarters may be approved lor aincle men The parade will Ijegin at Miff¬ pi "gram An open house has the cast Hamilton iefdgned in order to Kepublican and Dtmocmtle legi.«Iator.« seeking a living away from home only for men enrolled In the upper col¬ lin street and Michigan ave It been scheduled for the Catholic The snow ended with varia¬ accept the presidency of State will then move west on Mich¬ Student Center immediately fol¬ tions of rhythm in the MbU compromise on taxes. leges (or veterans as defined above), at least tl years of age, fufht sung* University of New York igan ave. to Capital ave. lowing. Rep. T. John Let.in*. (D-De- and w.th a minimum grade point average of 20. The participation of the facul¬ troll) .ntri'.r etlticiied Repuh- 3. The housing araa in which quarters may ba located ghaU tv was go**!, said Hathaway, and lican senators on the biparUsan be bounded by Mount Hope Hoed on the south, east to NorS To Feature Serenade ihe choices indicated that committee for what he describ¬ Okemos Road, on the west. Pennsylvania Avenue north to Sag- thoughtful consideration was 1 k ed as unwillingness to consider inaw, then north on Wood Street to Include Hopwuod Acres and given to each selection. An,.- Lantern Night to Honor Coeds , >pk(,1 then east to take in the annegei part of Cast Lnnsing to Abbott ' ——l dftl.c,!—1 to anything other than their use A significant number of tha I «tmi» of Micta- tax increase bill. Road. Abbott Road KHMb to Saginaw, aaat to North Okemos faculty were recommended, hut »H1 -How can you talk with them Road. a relatively few received wide tUm,, MicMaan when they want one thing and 4. Each landlord requaalinf the university to approve hit Paper lanterns made by Mor¬ Sunday night a procession of spread support, he said. Thera L* JO «t 4 pat. that's it," Letinski asked. "How facilities lor a student reaidanee must agree to determine the t«antern Night, May 31 at 8 were some off-campus choices, tar Board member* will be hung women in their .caps and no room for compromise. They p.m.. is MSlTs traditional pro¬ senior received the support *^4 performer* In dance, eligibility of each student negotiating a rental agreement with hut none cession and ceremony honoring on the door of each living unit gowns, the top 5(1 junior, sopho¬ no room for cntnprimise. They him. that on-campus nomination* had 4nd iitnaturc, the 50 outstanding graduating outstanding senior and freshman ' women, received.. rajort everything else.** *. Inspection for approved quarters will be mad# from April which has an more, ,fB roopvi. " at < 1st to September 13th of each year for the ensuing year. senior women. May 26. Mortar Boaid, Tower Guard, 11 will probably be a man who by WILX-TV It baa been an annual event Single female anisrgraiasto etodeate: and aws members will parade has had experienct himself in the 1920s when tne first The number of lanterns will ir,latter ata* aC«a I I. All single, undergraduate women students, under 25 years Since correspond to the number of around Circle Drive ending at scholarly activity, and If poo- jrof/. at Msu aaa* TMS». M kar aH k. . of sge. must live in residence halls, sorority bouma, with par¬ program was organised by Mrs. Cowle's House where the presi¬ sible, administrative ability, outstanding seniors residing 'J' 1kirian) enajman. vUl County fea aa baai. ents. or in supervised homes inspected and approved by the Halliday, wife of a former sec¬ retory of tho Board of Agricul¬ there. The honored coeds will dent and his wife will recognize Hathaway said. lajiriiit—r triad to office of the Housing Director. the 50 .outstanding seniors. Ttu* appeared to be the gen¬ "■■•otor. ture. not be identified until Sunday Mk. y aaliaai and areral aud After Hannah has given his eral consensu* of thoee who sub¬ The ceremony took place at night. tbar thou«ht Um (0-minut. speech he will recognise each mitted their selections^ said Cowle's House, where President May 27 the members of Mor¬ "kUicAi* Tdk accoropliahad aa rnudt Board, Tower Guard, and of the honored senior* ax Mrs. Hathaway. Pledge Trick Creates Fire Hazard and Mrs. John A. Hannah have tar AWS will serenade these wo¬ Hannah gives :her a carnation I*.1* aad lab-. -r» not 41MWOUH*).- Mid continued to boat tho event for men's living unit* with lighted and certificate of achievement. Prolonuty piod«M pilod *i*tt Tho the past 22 years. Ticket* Available ^y Tzr* • ^ Bpmktr Dam Pwi • aki «M okout tho ottttud* 1 tho , prank." John Patriarch*. East I -~'"f Sr. marshal. Mid. "tho Lnoal Tower Guard, and Associated ben of outstanding seniors will no procession and the program OOP inib Mgotioton did art aland in too canter. w i*i be heid uitlba Munc Aud. Itrtna CM . flfNMAh ffAH flu' May M. IMS Km ft* Attend Church This Sunday EAST LANSING CHURCHES r ■MM jMRngM mo CHRISTIAN FKST OUCH OE MARTIN LUTHER UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN ^m^^^mas mmaoainieo ^ PEOPLES CHURCH STUDENT . CHRIST SCENTS! CHURCH CHAPEL FOUNDATION df Ms I EAST LANSING i AND STUDENT CENTER BtNDAT BCREDl'tt Interdenominational (Xiiiinn.il I ttHtrrtn Council! Morning Worship •»< 111" Division at Ann Street too West (Irand River at Mlrhtgaw (Mlnourl Synod! 444 AkMt Rwl (Two bforks NnrMt of Rerkey Hill) REV. c. mtANDT TrrrT. Pastor Rev. Joseph Poatar, MtaMog • • • lab assistant inspects part of $.»0.?»oo maVhine**. t'o"** " " nuoi BO M1TI ri» i-smi or ro t-:u» S M and lids A.M. lonmiit arsttw oNVirr MSU Spends ••evidence or tub trinitv" t oo. 10:ts, * ii it 1110 RCNDAt SRRVICB WORVRIP AT PBOPLBS CIVRCI •rIS BIMl ftwdy Mnlr Cnmmnninn at all Services $50,000 rm ■ writer. Sermon ill 9 3# and "lnr«r«|iihlr I I 'M AM Question" IM PM. Campws Vespers •lit! MIND OP TM». IOKO" for Bubbler (.amma Helta Program Vespers B IS pm. < pM. Student Seminar; 11:14 a.m. 11:04 "No and Ves" Dr. John S. Whale Dr. tore John In ( ha pel. ». Serial Whale will give toe- Room of Alnmnl I s.m «• p ut. Ml T pan-9 | »-r,, r thi» bubble ma- Topic "l ife »nd Mtaetan of the SatuRy l su e | pm I a 5 Alumni Chapel .<• ' is the familiar call heard Interim Paster. Rev. Donald Ortner Church School Church" J s Whale lii.tlitMityhwl limiting - MSI's physics research de- tWM Dean Ave. professor Meet at Celtepe Menee at I P.M. jv^tmen'. Hell, Michigan 9:10 A At. 11 94 A.M. •;v Joseph, llallam. asswiate Sveryonw Waleeane All Faculty and Students Welcome Crih room through high school a«a r , -. '.r ef physics, is heading Piiwnio AW. OX W1U • • research program dealing a bvihhle chamber that in- - , the fundamental part- i.!:-" make up the nucleus , < METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASIMINSTER EAST LARSMG ■mr u m^m^ewsw , Work ■ "o atonu brean • year ago last ST. JOHN CHURCH summer at the cnemotron of the EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN TRMTY CHURCH p ..khaven Nattona l.ahorator*, l.n: Island, N V„ when 60.000 & CATHOLIC STUDENT rheirtjraph* of Rich energy in- CENTER and Interdenominational CHURCH Icru-tions were taken a* a re¬ sult «>f the rroeeas dtsrovrred by WESLEY FOUNDATION 449 N. Haiadorn (load Rev. Robert U Merelend. MtaM frof 1) Cilaser of the University rr. R. Ravanaogh f». P. tipple MS Plvtden Street Michigan. Wilson M. Tennenr, «( 111 M A C. Avtwwn (S Slocks north wf Grand Rlver> Mxl"s bubble chamber i« e«- St-NDAT PROORAM II A M. George I. Jordan •c.', fi- $50,000 according to •THE LIVING MEMORIAL' Sunday M«mn Ministers Paet Unsing dr. High StSswl, I jpv It is being financed Abbott Rend ■ through the University tut* Slew* rtmtn »>t Mas Shulman 1:S» • R U - U4I • l»:W watching the bubble* hur>l S«M^n^H^tr*hlj» Rev. Rnhtnaon O. la pp. Minister IS a.m. CSurch S ah eel. wHh III a-.i the National Science Organ- , .. • (Rdkr Ottlng at •:» A «.*■ on, 14:44 Maaaea) aery, end Adntt Stndp. f 14 a m . Med Cedar School Sermow Baliam U presently working One Hlork West of R Harrison RA a Tod ente ore wetceme In sup *r.n the University of Wiscon¬ TOR M AN" fonr ndnlt eenreea. Rail? Mama 4:ta A l:W A.M. tin Sever |»r. • WR«» SPEAK* fish in' sin's research group headed by pr 1-97TI 14:34 am. All Age* High School f elli ■ mis 1 A S MS. Tht Spartan Co-op nuiscrv deck pants or surfers straight from Med Cedar School S.T .x! will sponsor a rummage California. And girls — you've pot f»'9 Monday 9-3 at the South em hooked when >nu wear slunning Lansing Community Hall, boat neck shirts in naiy, red or All SAINTS SOUTH BAPTin CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN NATIONAL rillM white. rATINO FOR VOIR All fashions from California in look* "ALI-IFD handles MOVE? mere na¬ alike st> les for men and gals. EPISCOPAL CHURCH SouUi Washington Al Mooroa River Drive tional account moves than Howard r. Siigden, D.D. Desmond d. RvR anv other . . , V«»ur firm will respect your rhooMng us to move you ... Robbie's •M AhhoU Ma. Mi P. RmI Portev — TO I-1JII - Chaplain la ix) A M. Ilihie School Hour, College by Dr. David Warrlner. riasa Taught Nalurel Sclvnao Call Dept., sisv SPECIAL INVITATION! OH His & Her tau«Rt Rp I Shop day School clean eeUon CeuouNnuL Anne Hovers & Storage It AM. SIMMON INC. IV 9-U4J 207 MAC Ell M7S8 *H»CHI WITNESS IN THIS AfiE" 1 mi P.M. SERMON %M AM Rlwiy Cnmmualnw "(•(III MARIS A MAN" S:J4 P.M. |J4 AJd- family Service aad Church B«hoel est II NCE AND THE MIRl.t" Go Dr. Devld Warrlner Pree bus service leaving Shasr end Perm l.ane 9:14 A M and • 14 P.M. Routed through ramput. tor further Inlrometlon cell IV a-4JM to "But it's not as good Some CAM13BHLBV CLll BJt P JR. Sunder Church Every Sunday as breakfast at Odam's" VISIT THE UNIVERSITY CHAPEL I'm not a complain,r. hut the breakfasts I've hem ffettinir QUVET BAPTIST lately ... «r||, they've been CHURCH FIST PtESBYHNAN lacking. MIS R. Mtcblgea ani-on MU OWKH CM I've Irled raising n fuss, but Rev. EMm Rtrfsw. Psfltat Mil R. MICHIGAN there has been absolutely nu gutus mmmm WrtMls - ■ - PAS A ||Rt AM. Independent Fundamental Pre-Mlllenlal smspmmTbrwi CReuet REV U. d. TLTNSTRA, PASTOR action. UfgR SsRswl 9M AM. I SB Ml SBR MM sm PsRsuahlp »*PA till am. Sunday Ribta School mRM SgrvMaa TAB PA IIRS IA Morning Worship So. I've decided an toon as I UtAl ffcutaddf IAS PJL •MB pm. Tooth Groups leant to aw a fork I'm going 1MB Ml UJB i turn lutameftonel Cautaf st IRS RR Evening Inspirational Service to atart my day with a Spar¬ l:U AM Md »J4 PM. Riultl rhuiI tiiri— Teg information (Nnrserv Re-organlaed Tor Rotter Bervlce) tan Breakfast al Odam's. tor Trenaportetien cell IV B-1ISI But aalU then I'll aettie (or n ISk- ^ — B BB Bnudsf fog atagle pwa • rail aad coffee. If roar breakfasts have been larking too, enjoy your fav¬ orite kind at breakfast at. Odam's. On C :iiii|>iis Pinnings Pedaling II under Dlt.TA nun Ron t.bida Sloenm. Ii > i x ne h.h d 1 Rt Wi.l I . ho vi,' « vr i- n> si v. ntn» s»ha.n. to 4'hut lev \ , , •. to Neil I dison. \lsi! !:• ».• state \xxxt ton spifhu and Ph y \ Soetrtx l-ititor ItfXI % tl'sllON Thc ihkc ha« lit t I \ 1\l lit t I % come i Inna xx"ix J.tnda HiHxJ. •• ri the diix s i»! Pit* fmcien: N V . hi -h'li.m h,lV ii... S l . una i '.son. f.' 4»' and >w.v%vayvavav.%v.svas%sv.,.v.v.%nsn%%w.,.v4| M O! > | ..'id K.-p a; l !ii;;iii M hx )<> n.cde, xxhii'hixx as piopclli d iii.-i. to John Harbison, ^ a Tb. 'a. o Hix r Kail, v IPinv in a Hvlnwt! J tod ?. i|, i :ng the H'«'Ult V Y . s. niot. \ v x-iis s,i ,'ula n o. i>; If vehi.lp -id inj:I i,o • xvoi i h, til and »?., • « • xx s.i'i sum n s o;iM ;i i, r whrr. Kappo V • S I . X • ■ 'X !• . .• ,11 i llmosnltrrr ii \ .is dtHb u!" ?.. l»;.'an. < Mulniv C.i and !. r. -*1 i \ " i I'iir (tfllrr |M=. III 1. I' . •. til . . «,-.i ii \k m \ •» 1 ' '. n-rdod to I . *li*. tnan:sM' «•!;•! 1h:s • .1 M l.' in- Kkl'I'g n|f i VI \ t.illiert, V ... i f Tu;.v ' . i\ It Kmx I . p.. * I * Oil. Mill (i I). • li. ■ ii nn: llAblj; CAKK X .'llt'OM Patricia Kr.e. | . . : inV b-n M -IV ,i i • ,• I I V M XSIIINIiTON li-nin e and Doha I v i, , _ Wr'xr kidded limit l ines! tl x foio 'u don ii Nnn our routi- \ihnt * x eloeipede V|i«ban\ in put pedal* on 1 K.'iA and re fiary (illder. V i • • >v , . ' 't I' ' • \I . 4 Ho.. I . • .< IIix e K Pin I I'Oll \ I I»X\ \ I. XNSlNii V.m but UO* Nrd-i. (band P.-,' t'liir blip named It ."hlryrle.'' Slnee then * 'pi t tiii'i bill jf or fnoil in iib.M one bike xx heel im« *hiunk and Have Kelly, t. • 1 son. Man < - i ', \ > , :. • t; "I'I.A llll XITKII 5 wbrn a* till tbr» adopted tbr bicycle niiulf til transportation. the other expanded. mi. Patk. N Y Pali icia . Mi'. ii •. • Ken Mils K«'liojol| 1 I- •' m.« v. irn x ,»\| I ,< I.Mik nearly alike If vpu lorget i :< p • \ . • • v. her I- ;ir flf Hi here I.iislixtrll X.I . I'i. • lit* ■ » nor P tt - v ' tin il n. ix you're put'kod jou're bi¬ i'iiip r b'-*»r ! hr '>•-{ Hung ble 'n find yourself insptvlitu; The annual 1 . ' >. V . t •* W'-.x \..« \l.audon Volet* pltmdtd... oral hike* Club Spi Ulg tei'n n .. ' , t ,|; ' cmur ainug n ',.i|^ ttnh' sex In search of the • » «h,i I,k«- ti'iii>it fight one held Saturdax r . I id lio: i,- S o . II: < I' g pi *. n.i and get xou places last and eeo nonH.-allx thev ex en boa? the ill I s of lhlhht'M? "»?,* in • of State Ni'os. \V..'vei s'.it! Si. irt II . s . s..- HE WANTS Spartan M.tga n» 1 ; i -v. • V. v- a1-.I Mrnibler on mileage t,» the gal OR ALL ri//H »•' II eel*end ! Hi', • >n :a,nis V i the thi« htghx' »• Ion H in* to Iteeeixe A 4' i* club'' of Hie newt the i \ • wo i . . Han,i oanmg S?i« 1 OF US Rx I liNNH nKIT Freshman Urii nlnlion Sclietlnleil n«{ vanoiH canipiH livim: sit:; * - ••it* the pli«ht of the poor MAY VS«|K .i':i m iM'koiul of t«-i*m pai l i» ti rni plebian He not oolx lu« t,. pedestrian these daxs dodee ears on Speeial l)ej»reea llv Mnlicul Zir/iiiii/njjv Honorary ■up jCHithof tra . liisild Kiiri lie* ts«ed xxith a. ' PiiMing Htiblxx Tlo d« Alpha Dei a T'o DIE!" i) rvn H'-nv- pal He xx me naee he's no bmcei *afe ». a? 'end Ma k'ris v« i ' he auntded Sah "«ii\ tei nttologv pi te i.. .. !Ug I let, i 1 bp Ininfttrniril mio an island ot on *idrxxalk* lit* reallx illr«al .tft Mt» higaii V:«te Spai'ao i* sp-msoi ing a fie".! .... \ enchantment Natimlax ex mine to ride on *iitex* atk* <. WiX'os xx ho»e ii.is!i*i uis xx t tatioli pi Ogi H I tie ... lot their llavxaiian part* flu- W f gi.i.lua'r this xeai The xlegn-s Max ;hi, at ; in r. basement ax ill br tilled MUb Mini i.c |o.>l> ' «.n.T t « t\x( xvi'l Im gix'en fl? a iuncheon a' XX iC lie ill 14»j i .dim . 1 - e ... .... • |) xxith |» a I l»i trer* ifillnril All women « ill..: I Old »ami mlo hi v or.-it (latdrs V .,11 • . . . throughout. Mvr parakeet* or esied in ined.< ;»1 to. tin.. ! air, ha M • 11 K. h,i» adx .so \X : tol'.oxx I PHi • rntftlain •■bid* and Iris from California . Ph. .s, ! aid the PUT'* \« Ijj ,aiunial term and ll.txx .tiian I nod ax ill also add hex e i on •Htonon T a. s x« ofTn er* an xx ■ I in- mt roilii. »«d and •• i: Arii M ' M to the theme. I run Halxex V.I 1 • i ;x • • I rnin-lK 4 1Mb band mil add the hni«hltig * V- > insia'.led »l tne luncheim. COMMUNITY CIRCLE PLAYERS ■ p, K "" "»»i* 4,,'l touches to the tropiral evening »ri the mow! I'HKSKYl: Alpha I'h.'s %■,- --.a n,itk-t *n^vV"X ol bo»iH <#**•'b 1 »• matt m 'tne with hei • Rill she rtaota oil', in gba be-4 tke lair Lailx" t onstanee llennett. Detroit Hee Dunn. Bay x'ux senior, 'o !»«!:.♦ fpyiLu, - 10- anr ... Wan Taken fharles Heidi. Detiod .UUttUUHMK'S paoouciiON * •. v to s.,,j;nt» tenii dar.tv u im- Mi d < .leiiy VVtifton. 4»n»ss,. Pninte aen- in a' 'be Tse. r I onnie Krone. Three tor and Pm I'psiion N.»!r.i ii.'UM- !.ix in r\ i"i'.nc Okrni.n, Tbr dan • I'f.iWs iwnio' \o Strpe.en Wel'.n, KNVHIR HAII 8:15 p.m. IIRXT xlltm bllOWN \t ,v '' hr vriiM-lornvi; I Iji iiarriori hate heen on the H.dax ,a I»».I r.% N V , aetxioi rrsii.t>v s N'anrs »i»hotnore, to IVelmnre. Bill Wxaudotte liutnphie . MAY 22, 23 MAY 21,29,30 i ei r vi THE JOURNEY 2 is 9 :ts fi tia rinmpace for file pa*t xxerK In Aancx A av xai 1. Hum.ngbam Hear loike temui, Mary llota- Tiiket«> lil.tlO xilaliomt to Hie "tiil t*Uod sou... an,1 Kappa Alpha The a, tuen. Lu'hngton aenun, to Ma* •— . R3KRT MORHY E G MARSHALL • mm CtltT MM**t t'arlx." planned for Natordai to |)«xid Mrhulte. nirmoighain Special Student ICaten Jl.tMi rxeniiu. luxe been delivered x ij sen •• Putter*. MSI* graduate — OAi'i •ciUKf • cati D*t ms • M JUM MRMOS. JL /»:t% tai ai pun warrior xxith Invitation enclosed *ii a Imne. Sxxintminc i* planned i .«•. on TRMNC.If !«•■-?, D» 'roc teni.. Nanex tiowtrlrh, Detroit t o • Civic Caatar EiMbitica Nail for the afternoon and a rwliiiite danre for the rvenins • »eui«M. Hiuke Ibnn Nelson. ce \Vi!*on Ka»? l.ati-r-g De'ii t uo. Store* to Donald 5>lder. ««*niot, Janet St 4 Rullen. HERE SHE IS! A \ u ' v tns- t> ' to Wilbur ferrx, MSI Lansing cennn, to Richard H.r ao' 'ao* THE m| A Ol in 11 ■Hi.nfc and gia<: ode low, MM" graduate and Alpla 'Ml i I N 1 4 ' OS A MIVN thrtfiO «'f the iH'Ha s;r Vlnh* Sigma TMI Ml Chi Sigma. GLADME f.irmu! datner «'.>•, . u,.; '••• 1 Md ihix evening }--'.t S.dur.iax evening .t' * • Maine II e * e r. 1 m .xt KAPPA AI.PHA Till 1A BLONDE •»i liir ( h.irnt.il Hrign;-. Ohio aenw-r, to Damei (onnie Mohi. Dearborn #»n- H"tel OUts. The x i oxx'MitiK «•: ' • ••IV." "'.in xx.ii ' .e f'opoff, leinsing junior ami a.- int to Dm Sperrv, MStI g»ao.»• BOMBSHELL! pha Kappa I'n a> and Sigtua Alpha Epailon. TIIKATKK - I'I ION K IV. 2-'lJt.l I rvriiint: > fostix i'.ie Kenny l;.t x - anil b.i mvhrstra ^ • v ■ today * sati'rdav \;no the tnnsa f<»t the evetnr a To nun of Phi Si err, a Kappa i bony and their dates v h at- H« RuM brut their term oui.ug Saturdax America's A MOVIE MASTERPIECE. 14 I 4.. ■ *h» flu hoij*r ax ill a' has been pi Alvxaul l«ike. A high r'a>* «atere»l picnic with filet mignoii unnsexi. altogether absorbing... Most Lin. loss Era! 'APQNE HIS lilt *ND CRIMIS l»ID M*l' the enchantment lies in 1 XII. MHH — I IRIIMIS "1111 111 I K IHM II.I: ita warmth, humor and SHI,UN I'll, AX -XI — 111". 3 »., I »•! LUCON ■ great understanding... 11X11 ION NT.XKI XT — I I* I II - .1 II * 1 I' I fl A PLEASURE!" TOMORROW IS SI I'KIt 11X11,.XIN 0X1 I.ATt: SHOW in I'.M. — Jmu9 Zv»f, Cue Mugoena Al l. DAY TRKVIKW — sKK TWO I K III ltl.s ROO STKK.KR AS "XI. r'.XI'OVK" It'.i i ii 11* Shown At — 2:13 ■ #:HN N:3„ IJ: III . 2:311 • 1:30 For 0 * Y 1*1,1 S — Ol R VKW I KATITIK 0:30 • 8:30 - 10:30 MIMM J 1JVYSL53M ; Through t thousand 5 cants a pfiouo ptopii- -hale yx flHU mm ( Anirriran) Mi i |irmrulr«l lix »^1,oS !. J -■ Ki f o I FIMOmi raum S* •6A f '•IJtl il 1 w'l [^CftNiCOLOA* . UHW till 1 pi H cM Adiifd! NwraNjr £ Ntw« if.' (artooa • m COMING 8QQ8i • il nmown at — !:«• • i.'.i • 1:** - 11:11 It Aitilwinat SOe SAIE UMIW starts 0att 00AV xt — IM M; 'fl b;.'| M fj, i-J lfi it \ •' A». Wl' H|» A * M All ».#■%?» M 1 Meet Minnfwcla. lova Here II! /?/#. 70 Tighten* Up Inlramvril '» llGrt |>«* *.-»• 10 Mi 0 . i f{ x iC |>);» i F tf .4* P.-» On Eligibility Rules 9tl> Remits 4. f. tnir T»jags im f l.»«n l»w ' Kobsmen Close Out Big 101 g I y (■■ ' " i /I', It,i' 1 < "t ji lit PO'I? tint AljjffM. Nt I- .ifffi R'-. "« 7*}i* x--' rn Mi* %ar-tn' tiM*- Mi-, Vf. I f.... I„. !■..,-«* i .,i ffitrf »»<»/•»• •»'♦./« I- *U\* by » • »l«f«« II »*«. Gftff. I ft* a W. H'! bnWiw 1.,*'* ttlniTJ * tt»- ff • . Hhtr «.ir Or » »D#a ► M I (fit** ' t> hi i'ill* >r I, rturrtr* " *:"J 'ft* r Ti"ii t"* «■ t|j vH' Tf f',« t . r' ' '•» — 't.» ' itt.i * i , t • *Ui*-r V ft'uxt 0 «• nitri* "" H M*«t t'.n Mn lV' fnttif ?•-... "rtf if»» »}«j M 'am*- sntiii' sb*"' i" 2^' t'Pii'" v" ■ •„ I p;*n-* it f'P J"v« pit'.*" ♦?:*?!' '' ' •'j £nnm Tiu ' - Dwifrt'l ti«j» p**'- «'» o r. •■' «>*< « .'■I tUttf.*. trvAt " '*»• Wircif; p tit** Ih fur-* ®t'«' 1rrmHiF pupfr'in* t t ♦ • t»f fTi vp« » »|u>r 1 M»»» ! *r»» i"nr7*''r ft*- v»» ffitr r " •.'luitifl* tf 1'»» «>u'fi« c n» » ... , t f* * ■# Bl.#i> f Y l» mwr Al.j,r nil** 4 IC P W«f »tv*.» fttAt t f rhtnyipt'H vili ».• k?." |:an»f '•T'* Mi'htrirf rilnwM ternnr^wr u rmi « "* » fHt»f J.»f rijftt' (t ,r»«lf i/Bt'.Jtlf I'tfflf.l '?*"'rjf f'.Jvj'UU' ■■t.i Vict •« •»»»» d» .«w, lr.r»A# tHn »t UH W lw Ir tfp- upw *: Out* Wutiw J1t» (I *v.4»U ha- »t *{/•»»♦' IT #»•*"*.tt'f; t"T»» pt'tnr Spur ;£ • M tilt* V*-* I■ Mijor b'*mvv« I ••!!»;,;»|J uj fkrar livvk V'hv "W •" U" .Hpco it V < jw«u«« v.-- rM«» Mtfrn- "T-t rryw ".n»r t*t*ii*tat«r »r »wf P. IX Ip H< I•■«•••! rntw t» rti|> it*«KlA» rt1 tin «» Biu ly'atriM^ tpifut ttn ifjt.r l«r 1»m< I' 'j'jn** ."n#J "'•'1 ft" Gpf ?'* *>'- *i*i*tti« » .r?i' t'ftur* »i tt»* • lllll , »#r|«'.' kl'MMH1 »»' tfp'iTif "T t'i» fJtti' Wf- pikf u II' *»f »f —*•**»« tn»i* llMll«.|t| «T>i.t »• if »ti * 'III I IT;., Irivilr Anotbt'i' tlindiiKti Al.t ' ir»i ^i' —' P. P*1 Ml* 't tt;«' T.-A- • >•#» ;. •«»'* ♦» V IM.t,.. T|t • ' »• I. • • AMIO' »,# • r'.n- it j • *.| * ap *»nr •|# vf. I l.-r-'M p.,. .VI M 1 fnt Of >a»*in' vf.tti- "M ♦,(!?• f* -*>| I: t«M« • < .nut. v )Y'r- "*"»M tJ'j *'!•' !*i|r.A» «:a* »t!vr 'ir\rU«»«l »J 1) . — « ' » t l .,.,jr..f.,«.i,n"t rf •♦.* 11-f ffi'tt "f: *y is VP *♦*.,» !**•- »,» ♦!- »*• fut MMMImhh* H4* l:. C'f Iff..-* ., fr 8* H ««- r«xi*«« •l" jt|i* trtw V»» ..•M-pj-I •»«, rt " >t uiv i ttf r. 1 V ••tin . . Ht't.« MMtlMirVoi . f tt 4f»f 6'-f i»A-» tA-UT J». A**t !»• t»M J 14 11 A". I 7 1 *>£«!»"• ••* T'-^w^c D " it.t; w •iinHf HB't w if** i>'i'ii»i'f ♦ »»» >i.« (MI''I »•» »K»M» Jr m 'tt#< r »»' '* V' pit* «•*"♦ In* MtfifAwu 7 t • i-xn-^n I'M' ♦"'! In * **•(• 'itn-r »>'.nt I «r» 1V > tiUAi^n Ilk* V aVIa't u *• ;•"* t ui '"•*•'' " iwii • 4 1 Hmj «*>■*-» *K |N». • •v»" w, VNi; run.' Ml'Hlltl'f ... . Mf •• %A-a:.'»f. In** |t*r'«"hm |Af th> I" (.*«•' CAHOl WK M ►milr.rti.* •!»»' •' •»».•» **»"*"•■ ! <■ '>M*t I •- E »'■«< » "I'M'lwl lv« 1 ill'At f I. f Il|it.«•** 7**., Onlltfif Af « 3J!" V» liwihi-. " (il l MUM *' » •|'| «lt f «,;» ■'«•« .A' tf'. '.U-JA'Tlf'.- • • •ftA'k 'im-# «if v ti*' '.*•• *i|» 'IJiJi'if >»!( $15.9 5 (U» •'Ml,# V'M" m U» < Oi#|ll»fiC n l|l»( l|l|< •■X l». tl'»» M « At M HA A' hll'lK'"'! U III..'Ill ; U ' - . CH/f> r.-'».A i»vr .« t'fVI'M f'.*f 'K* j-arri* ' •«,|- "at . .,*•• **'?•v rrfit.' ' £' '«• '•»"« II ' ' ft|-|»' Mi"»-* v . / MMMII..!,. IMT# "'n..)' »» VI Alltlllf MM r*l'A77 t'« u?ft*»r *fiuif* i !»•'' ♦ 'ih-r ♦•,»".* *"»• '** * u'. i«f I»i'»; i..n #.ii f>. • »' • Af- Wt ' * M' hull'" * . . ..ftUM-ltM' ...» '4 *; •(#'•> iM'n V*'H« I'.'iB» i-jt M \ MM r ii| )l liV'l»M v't Mi* vm r»'•»•■» At f§H»«6i>f im#« fcay Krfftrr • M»K'I» l»*Tl •I • I' — *.• nmVy «*>Mn ilM'f U.jn VH> I MAUI fttt Mfl'ilAI v» liAMI I in l-ikf. kfririwl* Rali-il Tliglilt in liiklanfA Kn-iilf »Ahf l,MMI ffVtH l«4«, MtiOiniffll«| .inu'.t. ,1,11 nw. fi II I M t/N MO « AMI I » i.o vh wt 11 u r. IIIN" f iHHIA V JV H ?• i _ cii, «'ir«i»i, HIMI la* f imMM' IV Ahf iH «» u if If it n f'U tM « < i , Thinclmls Seek Rig 10 Itulividual li >» i*i « t. JOH* uiiirtr 4»'*•..,« »»iP V ♦MM-r.cruu*" " '*•# «4t,. Dry (ilea 11 Now! . i#T ,i,J A*nn>.» M |4I«M U fj ♦•»• f . I .»,M«■; 1/ */ ,' 1 f A* • •£. • -nr. A» :t»f tv-urn* it tnu I? fj &«.< » v .♦ Pit tap tti?** ♦•»»" * nrt,. pv' , fi-ni" t.ui.v.t't* •»* M- «■'i** Tllmun , tvMi«i * r»» ! 1« ••*« Attn t r'r>* *»n,tr- v Tk*» «*!*»• kiwiAt «>n>»t4w r*»t tw khf M." „ "»» f-3 f ' * i« »V To?.? V* ''r. a-'i x? FREE STORAGE *• CM* IwMt &*•!•*«•« rV» tr,» w Utt'f f AN..' *N»'#vrt.- p * /•- »>AI | IH.I t»i> wlw «a> M V" 1"' In-f* f* e»i«r**f I* ttf* ff.**-. | M ft*.' «*4« TK» t«M» * ',**•» Mia t*ii» Wat *f :? Va v.',' .?!" mr% fm t»n |] MU»*U*. #• •*., A....'A | *».* * '•.*• *. |r ' •*»."• Iaa Mk**f lH HkftAt Kit •A».. » *-;♦» V*.:*MT7» I n V* fc*Tf f.M J •»*••**•'« ' 4 ' •• ki>h»*U «• • f... -f ft -I -A ••* | »•« f»A*..A' I»I A !-**»• I Ik.- >* nt **7 f'n ln»».* tt»» f»f* Maim*. »'■« I «*•(•. » ■ ; '»■. *u "i' i- FREE Mothproof!■( h*i |m4 rhkiA* ml wt+- AfM4n.fl- »-..•»*.« / 41 »'m 1 SG'Vtff? 'iU"! »*t fc?'" *••* fMf* Anttj. »-< »• 1A*A<> * ' fH'AfM HilflVt 1%-lf » V M A" h"- nf* ftMf It I IWM «n I )U tktM M X »HVA.» '{• / niO- * • A' fmnkwti- '**— *.,•» »'lA't ;m'a »'»t v.» ftf.'r • v- ;»i." jfa. f»rk*r <* it •« l«« (» '■ i kww. #*.' t.'-.-.M*' «y # % > 10'. <4.1. DIM i.mil WK HEM I-' rt fl .»v.w *-.•*» { vtn-y.M ip- ttrti otix V*»*> .r* Rpritr.' Car*.*** • Aril. Kum A t MIIMIII. I1XEDOS 271 in Vtfvo n t,ruifiunW -? amp [ DELLS »n-' V w !?«• AlWr* At.** ; ..f T i*ui|iu« Our I'rit t * ! 1 1 rt* Parking At kw 1 -•.» -A vr* t-ff ifn -• '-*> • i*In*'»V4C vrii; f v»tt.t K r ^• ' ♦^n.i ;r.- ,i ;•# C»rW5a*it.i OI'KN ON SATURDAY Mi,III ;v /M »y !*.•♦» v»-u"P trrtr;- ■»- f A. One Houir Marfinizing ■AT Ori Bootmi l.il LU0M 1 REATRE IL90K 1 MODKRN DAM AM. «t F.M. to 1 A.M. STAG A DRAG ADMISSION .7.V GRADUATING SENIORS MAD CAPS ORGIIESTR A TODAY ruuxx noU HOIKS — »:» A.M. TO t:M I' M. is the LAST DAY to order ^ . i caps AND kifk iatkn* t*«t gowns nA A* f*t*n kak MmAi. * •"-v'n ii> 1111 n 11 nir aij UNION BOOK STORE a s;'v ■ Hi M0m ak • ;i , ... I- ^r,;'.^vyVyy,.-v> ' At U of M Course Torlay Michigan Grabs Early Lead Stota klauie V vT Golfers Tee Off iii Encouraged by an outstand¬ kinship distance? and pinpoint¬ Loop Meet Baldwin (77.4). Jack Ttevhold t In Big 10 Tennis Tournament ing ll-t season record. Mich¬ ed l"ng iron shots to stay close 177.7 J. Tail Schmidt. < 7R» and Nlghl Sporle PAHnr igan State's gojf squad opens its to par over the 18-hote course. C»ai y Bariett (7«IRi Hi,' to li I'etrnv in • five scores are counted in Mi. tt. t»vi r.i, k,v,b bid fodav for its highest finish Michigan Shite has never ever in the Big 10 conference broken into the conference's team totals fur the strictly mr*i first division in 'he loop meet. nlist tournev meet. golf rnc'l at Ann .At'*". The Spartans, who have relied The best Spartan showing in the I,as! vcai's final trim stand¬ ATO Oiitliits upon team ha fa nee throughout past have lieon sixth place fin¬ ings arid point totals xx< t« McsealT Lone Singles Snakes, Hilt the,, schedule along most with in successful regular history, host Michigan as a are rated ishes in l!».M. tfl.Tfl ami last veai. Van ABtyne is resting the Spartans* hopes on the «ame si* I. Purdue ?. Indiana 15. Alhrnesota I..M? 1.514 Ii Victor for MSU Netlers daikhor*e in the nirri and are men that defeated Michigan, 4 Ohio Male 1 • I 1,558 Loses, 9-2 expected to battle the foi third plat i Wolverines Wisconsin • piadrangular ami Detmit match over in a the 5. low « Mlt 14 a NT ATI. I 571 1.578 Wolverine course last weekend 7. Illinois Seventh After l>l lliij'. IMnv: Although "iithit |.iy ATO *51 it - Defending . hampioiy Piudue. Ui-.cem.lo 1,577 loop king for f Open Hi 10 H.m. Itnlnt lu.i Nua i-d'hallers c.tpi1iili/p»t < \eo and Indiana. 'aM wi'li their season aveiages in •• ill Mirhigan North western i 5X0 1.801 on error' and walks to \vm n year's mimPci-ii,». shoultl bailie parenthesis, will be Tv I aplin H< LARK V MILIAR '♦ d out for 'he crown again 'his 17k), C. A Smith tT«». Ton inlianiiiiat cmo i Tlmi - '. • ai \ bit of spire wa« added Jlioliik'"" •"i-'"' " ronimMiiiliiu' li-ml in rir. drove IM^ lis upstate nval fm its laxity in ( .inadian television iigtit* to the throinriiont the rpst of lite iIhj in hot ami humi.l matlo r, thlre Mill' w i'Ii a d.nildc and a niinor Big l<» sport* B»C.(| Olympic games in have been sold to an Aioerican t.tomr thi inert pniprcssi'il throuirh the iiuartor finals ami most single Sigma Nn i .In. i Jei««iiidr ' 1'i.vri gwve Hn ill the lien Ai. 'H'iihg t>« Spaitan ( omh agency for a price that wilt semi-finals In-fore ilarkni' ^ tiiiallv raliiaf .1 halt to ■ s w „f the a Ben Van ABtvue. tlm University he ion -" i . l a inline mil ill 'he golf coin has lawn well pre- range between $350,001) and Klion. B expected. loo a s til tn B-iid in- • \»itti 'one niHM «»n A7.rn.nno k p.OfNl for 'tie cijfifetctn e lore', ... rmt of tnr Hav'r |>I«<. dicAvx. MldiimnA ton l-thitxiiit. t.asi Ttie Italian olvmpic eommit- being field in Ann Ait"" for 'he Wahronos h«.l piled up a Indiana's Alike Held and Illi¬ I . • time I"< e BM'I M « hl«.in ti-e «aid it had turned dov.-n .in l«» AMI Have llixoo and ,.o,l of-4 points. « lul, llllnoo. otTer of $100,000 for European », was Hie closest com- nois' tei \| l|ollui;io octr I he uuar final o in nets in the No I Don Kill Ali li.tiiald IMxmi and e»i It Al had llerggren »nr pl.t ved Hie i iih.e pit a tile host that yen by winning the rr..w n TV right* to the gaoiea. Sheraton Hotels pe'itof. • ingles spot I lie tony, narrow feirwevs an.l th#r 0»hPj. (cam* " rrr rvrn b^hinH Minnesota had l \ ' lato Andrews Bill downed Hotcnk. i■ •* i» ' s,.*, n i'. Stale News Pintle fc» Mo HHiilman led I he hitlers **lth two sincles I'ronhled l»y errors hi the field smalt, rlovf Iv-trapited gieens re- *,ii 11 «• I mm hi iing, accornV drives STUDENT- and eoiiserutlve walks ATO m, Ohi-» State P. Indiana RlltttRN l\ Till. vrARTANR' ,laht man nli-ll iwlvt mil t, oa « MSB 5. Wi«enn«in 4. and Mottnom «i» son >■( Wb..»mm. :» tic., Kc,Hi ; V -i» » 4 commentary from I narh .llm Tyler, Iw mntnrlwiat at rear, during a praetiee session for the first home rrew regatta at M*C, today pltehrr xfrie Kiaiiurryik lefl Hie mound In the I hud Itioloi fi"in tees set track to ehamp- FACULTY jSMrthwestem 1 Purdue was Kl k>-«in ho "d N-othweM gttli #. ( m I. t. «-!. and o • against AAayne State. lie had Iwu alrikeonts in his C.M'.I \rrli.-ry llrrl PLAN favoy op iimHi thai |M»iiii fi *tt..ii| ,.f •| 1„. a ' 1*1.. . < -it'. w Here's Oo»«l News lor Students, lorutty m l • ll •••».« r Top Area f'.iirth oo-et .A » to"iole.t *'» «f.|l»g.' pcrsunri'i Ti.f'ugifcd a.I «-.\ |»;..\« ■ v *1 ■ •»11 nifc iMing. V lu ll A l'i i t. |- Ni.ii. i tliH - niiinmr, o >g" v >' 1 a hi'i»ug: dete.tl the c 'tnpt tition w .'bout Rowers Fare Tartars fn-l'let fi t I «' 11. »i' . | nx.tn llirctv tfj lintd a l»a cman i« i I-cm H,i- an tier > tai a* » "» 4 • • to Id Irehiml 'fir ar.'l college w.-< ■ • n«11 to n.ul a iimm hhtai v manager I, - n l'»*ar w»,en two of more oeeu( ' the *#rn» r »om In First Home Contest t ' ho llu' « in ' • a •• r.'.-c- -«r of tba 6 • . -c i- H"'«'» To Clash anv S.t ■ .tit. 11 a ned : M-,if ,1, r I he Nil's <11 Ho i p, . a*d .an Him of 1a ce' etch- in U dtlea • » eoa-r in when he |>eued a I • , ti t -no ' have placed m '•'« MSI", ft 4. tt n the N.t ; TIip fir,*! rowinjf rctfatla hi MichiKun SfAtd hialorv Will timing H* ■ ni, f.ana la. . el n tl « U ^ A , ,1. M-e •, «it(J h.c-e h, ,-nd an i,,. ,,t '. !. „ i a,.»!ic louriiaiiieni spth I . 1 -.•ft de- 1 t .1 Spec.el vi»tp tetes ire f r Mam* hf the fop-tlivrli! Btn» He ! • ,• VV • . it fit. he hrltl mi the (irnntl Hivrr in LunsiiiK »t 4 ihis nftrrmHiti AM' Hue.' She added that equipment vied f'f «ti)!a*ie fe.t V r luli*, John \ltt nhuigcr the v.iili'C a' '».«■ ote«-l f'« «*•»•- her eonega o-k-'i. takes on Wayne State in its final .. HI. K I ,.:'t»n ;.rvt,-;l Bill when the Spartan crew wa- " amateur fencers in the na- .tl h T't'idm ' I*m hue h-o ». 'mm. hm ler and Ki.imaicnk tc-iaid who do not have itM'U hoet doe the ?'«* Werirs •iin will see net ion at the ••11 encounter of the nprinp aeAnon. alio V. • . . IN a.... d. •••...I' wa.« the beet «. u, Jt*a' B" v"',r ' (' p*rd Midwestern regional f wr¬ Shoeing (Hunt is set for the 4*aailv oe'euui.1*) »M-n ■ -u I'm ..n-. II. 10-.. Do?,', f. ».• I, Bftprnimn are Milan Savh. h. Ni.'dh l.t'idtn siinet bridge over FRgiatart' at Sbtra'uM II*.'-i, ing championships at the in the N''' •• .• • • vf • iot ihr i; .ml Mixei. si'li the fdtlsh Bruce Hunt, Map Jov. Al Wick* and " j'II '>• »nttt!*d • » H • ■ Men'# Intramural lull hi i tnr l.xrept lor Hon Alesrall. A|s|' i "Mr ?.0Of) rne'r' i | ft 1H miles) pit. Dean Atrboit. Bill Miyhop. apafl.sl !' - ount 'i*' your 1 L> e»rd from •h\* weekend. Stnrtiiur time entiles well weren't fating nearly as Umu n«'!e.iin nr.n West Mt Hop# M ke Ireckei. Wtlaon and Frank Ft SAVE OVER S300 A YEAR hbera i It \IIlow HI IIOI for the opening round is !» Ih'ld Bruce Nuhols end Holt Briar IU7 AlltlHI Hi am. Saturday Br ides ||..«Tn » * "• tn Ihre# tares are scheduled. are the team's- roxnwalni, ligtit- H|irnini(* uvniliilile for fall Isrtti |:.|*. — II) ! XUXI Sa>«fee .and ft- ' k • • «lr*» *' a' fht tvee* will include mm* tor freshman tin terms of **• weight non-rowers who handle meml>erHhi|i in tt.e '..sit-: Aridi e » 1 S'tjg t,.1 women'* division i hamp* periettre. not rlaaa standing I. the rudder, keep their oarsmen Sn.ith and B»' Junior varsity and varsity rrewa -♦hip* ••■mi drawing participants Minnesota. Missouri, \W- then .tur ning t umd mull ic« All rontests are for eight-oared m ler cadence and men'* Serve »• to maintain spirits chat ULREY CO-OP Smith w»>■ liefeated I»*. Illi¬ sheila, plua eoatwaln. •isin. Kentucky, Indiana. Ohio •t a high level. •\t Michigan The meet i* nois Bon Bte. kem 1 . A fi W n, The crww sl?'« competes dur- mi K lh»aril $11(1 a T«* m H':*. :t '•!. \ / d.v Aion Michigan State will 'end nine •ixmeyred h\ the Amateur Fen- and two coxswains ir»- ing thu fait months ax long a« **i league of America and will sack Hit■' defra' h' '»!»• h.ttid >! t to eineti the i rs, aiteinating the ex- weather perinitv and work* old SMOKER "STRIPE UP b lank bultoti .1 t»,.- W.tlv 11 .t.e». r divided into thirteen divi '.a man in each category. The during fhe win'er r»n indont • xu with four entries from It-.', ti-0, di a «•»(! o-toiai .'ti.t'i '' rowing appMiatus rleaigne*t to THE BAND" .•*-h Hair. llosrr IMagenhoef. plating in f ' esiauan cte t race*. ^ew ■ is unljeet#h In having topped s inulal# in-the-wa!er condi¬ 7^0 p.m. |hr No 4 singles, has »rl to inert \Savne Mate twice and Purdue tions. la tit* s»Oman's division. .lor I pkins of Illinois for Mirhigan mil he represented hv •rtnilin.il herlh a i-li: » th>< sea tn Tsss., May 20 532 AbbaH Ri for the Light-up Weight duelists Rowing, a club at Mich- •u'b J»4» Gsadrteh. nuUUndin* - Mirhigan State as Ml w i.nr»ef o .l; !'•■! ..>«>■ '-It- He "M ot -,»IK » * '< air I i«an stole is Intramural rte- and Style-up Modeling of a »n#hamare «hn Is current Mid- i.ai'ment »uh-tdised and. in Its Paula Neil - ..f M,'dw"■' l. I yeai history, ha? grown CREW fell champion. "MR. STRIPE TONES" ■ s«i fi-.t. an. -a la.t T . ' sweeny, Mldneat semi-finalist - h -trong eon tender for a ttf M-t t.f VA. :. .. . i ' • ( p-omotion ' to varsitv statu*. SOCKS hot year: Margaret Maitnsl of In d'HiI'ii". the I'.-O - t.h-•« f - "Snowpeak Opera" SPORT**" herteit and Mary Haghy, ami- M»->, Hi! duo w . ,1,-.. j. ■ e»-» - 4 number uf mid western MM. student. f,t! ip-te.-'.ng \ •' i- 'on « M'hoois, Main* State and fur- due among them, has# had var¬ Michigan State fencing Coach team o'f Sf n T»o .1-' iem u. Hi' sity rrewa for eeveral years and SKOIAL Tie Schmitter. the meet In. i> • m an ojieniiig C0,T *•*1. "rer* fin Bvron Michigan arid Midwest grvl epee champion, Dick Kriegci. lound w I'lav ith 1 ti alt le onMiaa! ton of h ■..■■ i ■ '• »1 a' a* he rge Thomas, forn» ai Mulligan Stale Other row¬ »o-tm# Big 10 sabre champion ers expected to see action thin < Supply top coni|»etition in Deadline •'-»! 0 * -By fair respective events. golf, te-di.- aiwi ft 111 .i g • tilt I* Vhnv.tUn also will be keop- if none. ' "ic I'he •' -if '■■•■*> '* v ng t\n eye on his son. Chuck will Ire held th.' •'«ekenfi, while •' who the "'.he- event 1 eanAideird the top Have You L* erm* from the Michigan State Monda.v Si-.n •}•• "«• m-u'e >»nrty in tx>in the foil and epee ip pei'trrn 01 by pfi '• a* the werrtv I\1 office Heard fa hes fa*k?aw ke'gkn* MAY-JUNE CAMPAIGN SALE! LmIA LRAIAJ The — — »— wxeer Rig sr sew fWHmwp* 264 CARS MUST BE SOLD!! Cssk your wholw fdnbssghsll Hwa PONTIAC t»vr VAl XIIALI. isi? • News? loom cw|hio«u«*f* r»i4i:ng" «-conr "tde» ti'i* fn.e ur haidtep, tow " ane-owner with radio. SL...?le» in ever) »e ,.e, ' ( " t ^ri- rar in the t1*..! — * ■■ b'.i.v O-ji HKIi. i NOW • rentilotsM iwaals y : ' ^vdramatic drhe and pnver $.»n i n' n't tp»d> to "land -o«t «rt- yeerrng Wat $] tm» - ~ e I* * (ki-ired j t t..al i i-neitior, Vt iii 92 IM ABUEC ar Psly-Vi-M l.H* to assure purs *«,e pit' e NOW . $1,793 .9* (iiHOO Hlut HUSM .7H L*t cborful NOW • $l.*in .. 2SS7 ,»T I.IH ln>HtiR .. 1.29 t fotkiUW glSUSMf. * n*« Strip*., In FORD C'HKt ItOI.KT 2.S9 liuullR .. 2.RI Wkitu sr tuduM n«w light-up JT *VrUn# with a T- (.reett 2-door. you i! r od it In b« 1.71 KoH* «r NUm 1.19 lonM brighten-up Pewer pUnt that puts tr e». eilert condirt-.r. merherwe- .. V ... hsar asuy pmnl gS-WS Trans and keeps you there. t.K>' ali\. heeiitiJul in appe»r*r.ct, .17 SMIac Baby Milk „ .21 thOM MRR-UP Bfi, rerdometic drive. Thrifty stand* ret shift »ix Wet S ****—" w* WJI0' |] 386. pur sale price monwnte whm NOW • 91.170 NOW - SU7* H't fun to Ihte a \ OI.DS MOBILE FREE DELIVERY bit dangooMly. Or A* Drag «a* PraacripIlM Orim Ovtr II SMOOTH LfATMCT a* W>*k*nH ^ rLYMOCTH Kpotleae t-door etjuiped with hydrematlc drive '8.90 ?■*> MtMMtk ahift. radio radio, Try it heater, on the road, yob teil us OrSwi la By I ML IMIvtrt* Ham* Oav RM4 COTTON RIVIERA Spcrial how good it it Price will «tiU go wr'H IM My «eta»l Priir We, ear —i^ mrtee oown iron •».»*• PHONE IV 5-43S5 NOW - Iljts NOW • $1,540 ltd. Blue, Patent, Black Calf NeUti^-ieo# SiAcbs Marek Prescription Center Bud Kouls Chevrolet MI N. CHyyirt By PuBr The Style Shop HL Kositciiek Bros. 1722 IM iwl Lansing's Chevrolet Center Neil le NsUnml Fee* IAII LANUNG Ill N. WASHINGTON MWp. iv MU1 wmmv 5T\Tr \nv* I ce Plans 1 \o! 'For Coats Onls* M>. •*. t«« *»«» n,», — Sour Hoy to Bettor Values . , . Retirement APO Service Fralerm I v # a Cantpua Michtmn Stale Nciva l'la--if5cl» . .. Lo*r Cost in I960 Hams 'Save Our Grass' Rr MTHUVIK YOfNrt Swing into Summer - ' " v T >#. llMi! of •:> -»u«iu« i1ep*rt- mmpu* It * ivi nv.v "for cows only" a.* read. This ami other humorous slojran# ntv «omo of the mmus arounJ at Wanda Hancock's rr-tir* frv-m the • :> ;n i*i i i r«* TDtrO but h# from my A'pK-i rh: Omoca service fraternity's annual Save Our t'.rov* reminder that portion* of the campus* greenery are with BERMUDAS ■n'i **' a United being seeded. by Service to the campit*. Wi* e * ■■■ e rn gfu- Mummy Said fnunfy. the main oh ts*U\-c of riati.w h»* N-wn Atpha Phi Jo Collin- sitd »• bom in lar .• >: : iv-.i-e »fc*« a t's rpeof Most I'optil; Opt*a cat.'ona! fratetttUy vinee 1R25. AF\V g"-ve* f.v fcioiwsh;,-. Bohhir Brook* Iea.trr*hip an,J *e:A )oe. mutiMil Miirtnini Show ~ ■ a The men a'«.n :ntcne«trA \ sA*inc into Sum¬ i. ... o-i««n the two r* * on r*n #<*ctitm|t. combined weeVrn.i mer aa (th smartly tftitore* Itei- iw iiviH noovrw f.vtal aetit (tie* w ,vi « • ' V, t' « 1*.0 he »ilt tale ft *• MSP ntn*eAjm sit* ft m«*a shorts in natlonalta fa¬ terminal lease from t:■■• hetpinc prA'i-ave a ncarb* N " «- to Irail-t en* atw*r , r has i>l*» idly Avatcbci m« Canrp fv>r Us lumrrer ip1''- mous brands now tiftilahle at v univrrtitirt mil a! least three pcncrationg of siu- mc Man** If»nencWs i'as* before her. Male ntndent* at OtfW haoflinl •fCnvninc in 1*6# I* »11! t>nr |termiid*s to T v figure in • HoIia i*n mum- teceike • **H« Wlail Cram «n are sure rKimanfniU a* an In- t ■ "vi th# Inca eolturc « f APO w ha purrhaae* an* at1ielr» meet with *our ftpprnval hnt will continue hta '.SY MV Sba i* it wn«t N» said. the* mi< want fratn the atare* :» w.ih MM" throw** U» \saitahte in arnel cloth, cot¬ :> • "A.wahf* AA-ei'i preserved for Fj»ch fa'.l the .*er\ ice fva'e - )i»A«ai Oalft ton linit. eolton cord or pnplln g . a ' >nc ev'tener n.'A »An«i« « -h the ■ e.< :be InfenuHflftftt cotton, these Itermuds* are The •• iim-.i *.n a.vordinp ta cd p . n Haker, the most pop- A TVS AAort-'s ahw.g " " '• T - smarth tailor cai and east to .. ' ami «#tvrd at •,. . eah-h.t m the miu'etmi. AV. r 0;»a: 1 an.- iVtv-n Helmet. care for. v \ years T" - " many a .*itor« and wh»AJa?tte harsvai tr\ tiding ..i-'evi laimfnan », . v.va'ut to v-.ew this re he. dc*-:» in par.n.r,* their ache- v C;;ril<*n in IP'. 1 The m;;m,m,v was foo"d gomc- owh-v 5 ^ - n Nua Co^t-re n- 4, ncV»Iar*v.ip }•, the A "vie* Vi'iirta-rs* as r g iv-tfr.f-.gj tv. • a»n* tu e •'. t m.ahnl bum t.v rr l a Th-r. P *-a About her AIV* A» «c ref:Tvhmim'< to - \ in the V S. Aie:e a • .- r* meant, f.v use rt s« .- her. ha.; was a eow*r woAittr.< fe"■'»» s-h.e. '*nn «*"• - smRRi UJ c fl R "•infer# at ,H* I irtTweidty lAciiwr attend Sponsored liv (»rrrn Splash ■ ■ ■ -■ c ■■ a !.v a:r < from "Ola| Al\v nneetinf* Wrvi need a* » *1 Hc»a»;*e of the very d ■< e - • or «h# fnretrn ealin ::n AMwl Rd. V.»«t I an.inc r-vi c;f the bo»^« bad 7 ?,1 pi--. .1 :\.3 Siu.tant S:- • n»# 1.1 rr^m IMM1 tve-. much VKfv. Synchronized Swimmers rnese-A-gv. n twe bono a v,« tifif t*o* k i» « *« that corn u pre*e*Ac.i «f-a i* »-«r Haw a., r.a-.jr»: dr» ir.g Ha.r, fr- Until- 1 Sri . mm* OPEN TOll A A 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. o^a io'nfnftm IT. - Efr rs * tV tkr'ft.'n ftnd an* •• the Win Three Firsts at Meet >.ve * km are . fie»r'.» ident- T # ,'iaad'ine for -ajvaf ft*w- . • yg ^.vriu in IMA. «:• a. i A'<*r.nnin»caite»n ' • be!>e*WT in #<5 li¬ ef the Other rejAeat ev*m> ,n .. are g * at death •« ;■•-£*< ft rr.v- %v. vsv f,v -sr-.iy- »-a- ' Va: r cvr M*k J*. e«;t nf f-i.i' rvr~ « ,:»e ;r 7** rhn P»'V * Sec.wi.1 a Jv' or brand of irv \t 1 g trer-'f-4 Ooilrge. ftf.h ..'A n •■(•in . i h# r»«««iiff>*"e S*"fh hnifiirert S'« v-. g-t ®ri' A - vkmvtermg* an.1 JS'kk IV!".: rrunt Mret here iart p- i. • in enko rvmpei.ti.nn. fi.-iit T"»»-e . aWv, iV.'-.a 1<-r r •Jiwienfc. .raoainae# «-Nh m*+ tn. Ska'.».-.1A». t* Green ei-nn? * . w.>^i ~% the* will flal Mw W»« T*\tr,i p.a-f wa* wvo hv . e tntie tinman" ^ irnrrunc t* h.wvrw: in the *. ■ e»»,nt r (SO Solietlules » a.ina A. iwyv and Mar40 off en * ino**s p-fw-n* hkir-- jfftitw*! »r>rUi e r ■ •! r ;vv v. YAm $ a7nv-n ••Gtm* SUMMER EMPLOYMENT WITH * a : gtooeru ;n I' »"-*.«■' > .wirth plaoe went re- f. *f *iV»nm*"r«' Nanr* V."K* V'S. * *e>f S|H\ikiii£: (imiesl a s- i ce Kr-k'-n a-Ht .hanr r- vf»n*»;ea •< the If- • 7' Kir » I ''.rv-■.< s:.-"p f.'.j- '-r».n« w*-' x aT "• # h'rs. CAREER OPPORTUNITY f «..-■•• * •he tern tr*cuk?v.£ g. intai W. " Kjot— ** XSV, f -. \aro< V r.s.'C Kc.»■ • V-e torn if iktfi-v, t0ur**%. a rum- ffyn v-hario'ie H"- fan hv.g f.fth piaoe w - 1U . )<*n IteM M m- » » BT,r.;k Vol vi^n A )rt j*>r.g" h« Ail v a Johnson • A ww)««e •wmmer emp)e*gneet agparlgwW* with efcftllewg- v filMrtKmh. eorai. .* c~>r-:c rv » n, ,.1 I-.>-14 i""7* 'kk* MTJV' ' ■•T'. « « . - in* ewreer pwmihtltt)e« limite* nnf* b* *e»r ftmhitten an* Kmh *~yp -f * a; the a *- PW» i r A re • • ' !*• w the laftwr a# "fta IWt- . . "t • with a well estahhshe* tniernatmnal Miaainuaa »s irHi.ie f.n \s.A*, f A'v >" ahtlllA • vf.r, mi ahe ( MM Matei" « . v . • " . . l f t « r ix' aV S'.g 1 f.v* taw. Saiw.r* Nav., Of k- hu * available in all un*ergT»*«»lev , t.u»e*e , * Aa Oatftag af Hi • ' h »■» .'A* ov.fv.-I* •"I"-. ,v> v '* .» Sen* ir. -- VS4.U Mark Hug ramarr in s«» nf the 15#* brawehe* nf the HNmvti." ••i^ktwa'a Car- •- : S*«r .. Ann N "Phi.* '.%*(• Mhtot R hewing Maehire if Mart* (XlMaftaa " Jhillrs' (biulilion the 4-': .: V V>.' v'k'h. . *.;v. •. S .,h " •:•»' w : O he. . * 1 t>iv„ a I'hfc- . Ii.vr -.a. Aalnabke hu*ine*« eaperiencr while earning aalar* t nmpan* near iwr hnmr piu* enm- t.ain I. n n>rr4*M» arurtee Meal«n« . (So.'Wf*:t t" V - *%'/*-- '■ " mission Anpr |w*lential ahtlitiea will he *eaeknpe* b» nur Jicniiiiii* II cah g c..» v .* .r.fc • ; gfieechrg • «> S ■ .w . 1 t • e 1 hi • k a; ■ .'.i STf »V • J".a"-'. V A a d pm en training pmgram r^Titwe of Pi Xarr»* « r • * f : ■* mni sc ihip snrrrMfal men w hn wish te finance their e*ueat»nn ma* xt\SH.zw.r,-\ I* • - ■ Vu t» fnar- i»'« ' 7 -e «e ' ' B.--W -4 mntinue nn a part-lime ha»<» during -chnnl term Alt aue- . .ar »n* T"rarer !>...•« •« *-"• * danrh'ar aosi V '.r.'P' v pre«r--.*M sp V. •"<• A* it ?■•»- Ka R.vAr'• reaafut men will he giien a graduaonn earner sggsrtnniU the aarr-e a* r* •' vm ". A • -hkPm. ». .• va.-r*. * »s - • * e ;«v .-Aw P.— V.a with a rKtagf for a*Aanremert in l*nme*tie Pates foreign w her he w a» mjv •?' or. g: • « i • .a • "#mrri*. ha |>»an» »« .• W gv • lHslr ihation ,A*a ertiaing. Ingineenni. finance etc w-fkkc the S'.f X>trj;«a?i.-7-'rr i ' . ' Si-. - < .f ■*••• iMttuk.r^ wo.* iftdha'e.-i "P .**"*.'.* I or personal inter a lew auiing name an* loeation nf col- g ori. g a so V:« offer SVjwtmeri: t»rr*a off -"rT i, • < ... • • lege, area of desire* empim mrr.1, course nr mom. and jear r.» • • ,1 Ma » nf graduation, te #r»l« W: u h1 hea-arr rp. inere - iV *e :«■ M-iis :«s; ;r.r, 1*. e*n - wa* jvthi'.f nea . *. rr;>- ': r-n ,w- .r. ».o ftatemerk Itu.iea *-V i* wfcg.nt fc" a.h»«r- MM.I.K sewim; M M HOE company . i p ' ^ev. |(. 4JO ar-'Ut t.-w.»x; 'it'h'. agf.t.-' i *;u-. lrl)oi.ihi|i IP Itmadwa* Sew * erW A. New \nrW I I'rrsuienH (.(U I Jt >t> ^Surv-g*. p. . :.i~e . ''e ?.>r^ »• - ATTENTION: MR. I A HOLIER Sa»rrela~* of S r.j vrake- **hS re.» ; » t n* ♦ • 4--^ ,-w.n-k IHU S VOl C.OOIl Dirrc w nf .wale* Promouon Ji it-ire - I irani* trt* tirupa • t ww aui Urn weekewl hr mi 1 m. : liaaaasiukkaaikiikiiKitkiiiiiiaiie frtenda |aw«#m goeg inr lhi» great game •■ *<■'. 1V;»<- t*' the *-es* Oitoin ihr pita*are n( gulf gnur.( «n !'* r-fr »s U A'« ear mimerc tee* nr the miniature game k«'lr Allmtion (AiiUrt n anc fto«S *»r. the L\liUi>T rearw. Mel- anir. a w ait 14*11* ^ rjin-r* • ••■* \$ i>f»»oeM a»i4 .uyt- if. at iw'.etniahiak Tvnn. t!ie K.:^ Steriie and FAIRWAY fiOLF RAME ?• '-.i.i-.-r.i oi u*»e Jhwa- com tart ien* wolution> It mom ea»i af I a»t Unking an Is If art mow ttftiUI'if. »• -j» •j-*nntatio» e»f th# :w h* Thoma* vwrr-praaMtant* fti * Dr. HartM A. Stonier lit ; (t Or.tar. N at. of V>« waftT J* M AU. IW'KT PIZZA PIT t • inn*: inOustrj aft* nUNDi'R » tNTTR * nr t»»e Jiram- [•■••••■••■lautMiiiuiaiiiiiiiia^ "(id .1 Bonus Life" i NOV OPEN 10 \.M. ■ Zinc Aluminized j featuring daily noon A dinntr tpeciaU The Tall Girl MUFFLERS I TI EsDAPS MPEtJAl l.rilM Him Sink. »Hk Prark-Kilf I r*»rk I'rm. Coil Sia*. Roi: uic Cm* *99 IftMaa 0v Cua vOT Bpftiftnlkoa iVvlNIM I tin trnl for Bolter. Ink 7m or Coffoc. The Tall Girl I«1 Kftftk mr tort, are jwmr tog* to tto« Oft DESIRE IS TO SERVE CNTVERSITY ftora. toft* «M mwI aa* reUve* afto ton to to *3.98 , STfDEVTS AND Bl'SINESS PEOriX / ifUJST ascocxr IS TOWS ... 5 CXI IZAMTSATICSS *v PH. W. C. iLS'$ES\ gcguMrM eptomeingt KRAMER AUTO PARTS Sod C. KALAMAZOO IV 4-13J5 | I Serving tko Finest Pissa At Aluxni 203 VLA.C. ED 24)863 WALLACE OPTICIANS 'emZnanmlSZ^ r