The Weather Ntiicr* luminal# I'IoihI.v and Warmar High Ton** l,i ivnni* Mf»l Sunilm Smln(i MSU For SO Var« ,«m . I'jcf 5 I'RICE 5 OF,NTS KAST I,ANS1NG7»0CHH;AN—Ml»N"l'AY. MAY2S, 1958 ANCER TAKES DULLES' LIFE Trustees Nation Mourns Appoint Great Provost Diplomat 111*. Miller Get* Funeral Set Wednesday (ioniltiiu'd Job At Arlington Gemeterv WASHINGTON blh -.ftthrt FmhIit Dulles, former Sec re The Tliuihl Trusii»rsition Fri* A Njplileneil nation ami nit left of the free world poured ilav. the offtcr of the jmi* forth homayv to the man who .served «i\ eventful tears mm VOst. a Creator and cnslodian of America's foreign fioHev. T It. - . upmanted »i I'aut VrU-t. \* •••' '> is h«M-h \ c-pifhi- . The wt vice* will lie held de>',; i-.tvu-.itio i \Vcdiw *dnv id Atlmglon Na'ion- Ministers r.'t imi-ii amcr I-i-hmi. ! .ii OiTictert The pi.H- -: v i.Mvhine the I'lcsldeot Fi fllfiotttf. week- \ • • president wiVi 11MMI'*: Inlernalionai lawvrr at the 1*'.*^ %er- endioii m (h ih >l»iuc. I'fi <»li IORMIR SHRM IRY OT RTATT John F»v llreak Off an . the \it» i't.-stden: "f .i.ade»'iii •aille* |»eaee ennferntee. and a* Krpnhlirjii m-ii • I Dull.'! .. lifetime lul**., • r ter Hulle* I* pictured In varloo* elep* Inward ati.t.i •. \ t. ui.-si lti Th> nia<- In* illii«lriou* career aa a buy of Ibree in l**!: alor from New lork in 1*1* for woiUI pi'fii'.. ii ?.■»• only tn Haavilti'-r. tv\.< «.«as as-' DrMiiiiv. "ofie of the truly great a vtndrnt «f rrlneelon I'nlveralljr In the earl* Drumallt tlaniuh a«ked I'lChidrnt an rlihl memhci John Conference men of our llfin lliillev tlnil m hi. sleep It of Miirijiiunii PoiiihI ronuniltee in secure facullv sua • . t«» am F.I IT Racked In ikeip-d irhiionu for a nen vice presi¬ Stnirl Miniver entire;. • dent it hen Hamilton resigned in pnemeotiia. he *?reng'' . Offer* S\in|»;tlIt\ will and courage were with ma.siM 2 Students He rescued in ovtii x accept the pre.%idencN of the State vev-.tx •'Then- York .»> \mhu a I'm* certain i% Caught Do|)<>Hsrpei. Four liF.NKVA i/T» F o r e i if n - The ltiy» Ministers unequal In the 'ask _uj furtii. > piolongiug ttii. htM mi'Mic»»toii< luit'le lo«.t. "-rt. i President Hannah Two MSI? i imo Wednesday and Thursday. • the • ampUfc tint l« (t| « i tt» I'tgh'p Toewtiiy night for the Was told tflat t a n had hecn a IS I Opera Workshop been moving far same lime—la¬ • e-ti reculfence of the cancer of '.;e vs ards greater emphaata upon Ibe William Reich, Chicago t*?. i, .t i the.r sonsce oi lift thro An American delegation colon for nhich he w.ik opcrah o sophomore, and Jolm Haiv?. Tickvt* c oft yah- to-iav In aniver«lls « academic program " pokesman aniiouiifid S"vni upon in IH.jt! » !Jie Union, licrkfv 11" I. .,i ,1 on The Fndav •womitig McHenry. 111 junior, wore on- - t F-.icign Minuter Andrei flio- Jleaw radiation tieatmeni o Present 3 One-Acts Although new to MSI?. Hie . South Cainpus for "Routr U S bf mvko eXpH SHOtl to Ifertm »vi < failed to stop the dread disease, title of pro vast 19 commonly thr 19't» Watv* UariiivM MAC. at 4 30 * m mveslig-o-oi I' icaiin-.l «'■ Ihr telephone hi* "deep roo- alllloiigti flu lle.> Was aide 'o u-«n1 tliroughout the United .limp 4-*. whKh w;l! -!>«• when jMilin found out air Hit c^o|erH•e*,, ;»ri' slUdt'Tll • ileisbMvi Hertei * lifin* to hurry pil-il for u time ?-'i ft ic-pi'e \ par* •H-nkic." in opera intvrmruo In Saltcri, ami thr Kffeeuve June I, Mi Her as and powveaaiwn of mariiuaiu Route V S TH" run- Ttum % polirr arrnl nirt Rrii li In an te tor tor the ftitietal u Florida «renr ' "The Marrv Wivri of \Vtml«or." i>i \'i- Harper. ?•. was be id for po^r* t a«t (siivint parking l«t iImiuI NrilUli mi»| I rem h l»rei*n Hv April J2 tie -A.i i.a. k'm . i»4 and FikImv »• r. ;t«* pm. and MinMrrt Srlw in I.I«*d and evM.itdi »he stop onlv. II Iliurvilav and a* hospital, never i* prrfrrnir»t by the MSI' Opera Workihop, Saturday at 9 pin Men's and p.m. Maura f'«u*e l»» Murvillr *u leave again Ililee da\ In the raiil. officer* confs. women's living uiiiUi h»u- Pint !»**»it s quantity nf rrii*lied r aftel r<-«*y »nti Thursday. - miihl •reutupany Herhr In hi* hi.- return. F.isenhower reluct- catcvl more than 10 ptuiiuh marijuana, pa vim thr *u*pret ♦si up to design .old bio!.I fi- .♦!« ■ relVr.-. opera »4*< '** and the too «-.!? be sung in Lrlliri'iur Taylor marijuana. If rolled utt«i < C ' • -ed on N|>ecifie year" m his-' $ I till iii ptarked niunri prntonal plane «nd the Ameri¬ can bpokroman Mid Gr«m*kn Mlllly tpin .14 accepted Dulie ' retiylia- Sc. M-tary of S'/ile Their rets, it« *.»Se price bring $3S.iMrt) • tory, Ttie marijuana ww< ?o i • ugM .n the Kiva may want la i». I«m». « Ku;a' ...i RuJidiaf. ( omhirls Circe Accor*l»ng t«» officer*, cacti in sprelabtrs will view thr mill thr d.itc none tatfoatoiy foi There was wndrupread •!P*"',»- weie eye Vf.c and a : n catch the Ihesideti?'* m tii* aret is usually ».»1(| f"i 30 cents vo.r • cfcem W - #Uf( lishted river, the dnorsted j.. •,?ive ..ii'tilifii o'iirfl tft'Ion that fiUMiivko ft" alt hu When he did so to *T.' using the standard si« di-ivroutted. o **wv. ~f. ttir struc- .1* Mother Cloys of two-grams pes cigntet floats an<| hear the unhftlra aeenmpanv iiig each mu*ir of Ihr do/en When Ihr- w .<■ oftberv {>oto the !a»t I'ountrv's latter condemiiMt ioin» I anted 1 ivihir* l ame to llullrv* teally, offer* «»f Indie* police- in the p.e? Mn Arlene Tav ■ f.' fNdice said that they believed Host ea its way down llie Red l.tiiiiny. I.ausir.g .u»<| Si.ite jm- lied vide—Fitrhlinw rr. Sir Uin- '• • ..v re parti- the tw<» students were one Ue entered Ron h' ap.irtment ii.-gii* aOt iiif 'tie Cum-rnt m I edar. '.v. tor Ure opera memoer of music faculty. wa$ keeping wits the rut rent atti¬ *t«n I hurrhill of Hritain. form- the major source* of supply m The price of ticket* for Tmur- .i?ifi ani'dPl the poo : - T«ai v are nr. aa'.e the p.ono PtvioUf m ' hei »oo» tude of Soviet oonriRation erJUevldnil Marty i ruin.hi and Central Michigan air »1 2b; Friday $17 . »n.l The Hi pound * "f ruaniuana oilier*. s. ---. r cket office for LaurvrtiH** rsMnpo*.t«on .... The four- jhiwei talk? will r* certo for run" and «behest ra'," According to Reich, the mast- s.iturday, ^2 Children will i*» w ., found in H.ario r . ,tc?ie«* break. The two-day reis sb will ♦renin** »f mnaieal dra- wanted t-> buy" Authorities a-- tea's final concert **« giver m * 75. give ttie conferee* a chance to ♦eirru.nmeni will feature sumed that the weed w as prx>b Pftrfun Karchild review and tnayt*- ievi*e their «p,rA. "Gianni Mr* Ta> a r » e fvm.rlv an ably faald to MSU student* and $»" Irotn the first per- ntance* •»;, tin i»eill:lle- f on-igu I'olli y uaaihfted belli plied pian»> frtao tie Eastman A**ker| If Gloin k" A oilld go tueceat with i abitict i c.n And Du.if "*0« i ad dramatically. School and t'> M.chigan University of Nukmt for Threat to Washington tor tiie funeral. Herding said Ih rfer iiad no' "Id lahiipt i i t . PAI'L MIIXM the Whth Hole >yiidni,'. * ' thirteenth east* Tayior conduit e- as a r '.-aiy, tfte story Laurence his com jyosii.or, which he s" **' " , . . new gravate . . . To Middle East mentioned ihi to the S»ivnf miniuder and (Jromvko no,1 no¬ empty and unwad .iu t la*t WetlneMtrty, the Chief ]* u^tart and ciafty, posed for hi«-candidacv foi ?"■<- will awume admtnia* AMMAN. Jordan ' P> - The thing on the ♦Ubject but ttia' it Executive Gianni ia -towed on D>,|;, s master of music degree m t<»m- direction over the on- was jsttsihl* Gromvko might Set and act* situation in Iraq has broght the Nation', tn.-.- . .t award to poution last year jvpus education program. threat of communism to the wont to go. t cr*-? *rs': b..»ir.o*n, Newton. »f persuad* Tied Ormahd. candidate fr# the degree of ma>U; of ■r ... w ill tanUnoe bla admin- iatralive reapoiwibHily oyer Ibe ttie whole Middle East, King Hus¬ civilian.*, th. '"rn Outv 1.1 Medal fnrsoiii of have Kriv it * '' "s- Natives of the of wtXHiwindy. vva? a foloist m labor and lodoalrlal Relation* sein declared Sunday. b illianiH IVaiM'b invert ihia award y.ruv it was v" Ruoso Dotutt. The j-uung Jordan monarch m-uted in j«4i» -First Rhapsody fur Ciannr'.'* * •» »-'• Dediealion • 4 enter. Hilbmr Traffic Safely President Game! Abdel <* > t>"'- :v -iiV.ixtt fa;n Iheir I enter, and Ibe inoperative It- said Nasser of the United Arab H« - DulleH* * A * ■ Schiechi de- Senior tension Service. llulle* leaven » - falsify ^wi-onatloni. The a will Reception- Miller, born in West Virginia, public must bear much of responsibility for the e*l*tenrc the By Gov. the fi Aaoarialad Mermen frrw William. '■ - '-i •. m Ui«f develop as Slated Thin Week graduated from West Virginia University «i 193» of the threat. The 23-vear-oU! king who' paid tribute t MMwiiy «"U> u* te taka a hand in Arab leader, "But there never was th' to Mrs. Home, Italy, and his daughter, Robert Hinshaw. a l»re- prapKtiv* tndmu* ahip. •lightest question of his com¬ ^-All I want.U to aerve the bytcrUn minister who lives in *"52 mmM. people of mj own country and plete dedication O the ideal of New York. ylf4«"* pick up their SlafaH lajaml the Arab a-oeid bjr kettinf Ibair a world of peace founded on Hi* younger brother Allen h;*1;™1 **ord OC. justice among men and among . - S.^dcct Srrrtet*. VakUaf Parade As part of this study, he wrote on the road to clear definite nations." Dulles, i* director of the govern¬ •" 'ecu b, the book. -Community Healli procreaa.- Huaatin Mid. "to or* ment's secret Central JottiiU ua .. „ Klkhi Arinwa, • Lu«nt Action: A Study of Community ganixa tlte movement far a march gence Agency. He also lea TemmOrr Support 7-«.- A^W"J512 F—•* ••T""' *cd- ■Murday v.*'"1* white witehinj thr Contrasts.** Miller's professional member* toward a batter future. There te a (teat opportunity BOSTON l/f.—Trem.t,r rre- three married sisters: Mrs. Mr garet Edwards of Rye. N Y • «• Laiuinc Cutennial p^ad. from shjps include those in the Am¬ new far Iradrrihtp. at a time Mrs, Nstalie Seymour of Utic# sident James IIoff a sai M HI icli iir a 11 Stale H e \\ s "l ook - I'm WumV (lollefre <»r«ds 0 *, Krad |%«it« b% MM * ?V»W Mrtdrnt* and lazuli* Job Prospects The v >-.i,s- X . . . % ;•« V .. ,' ... V,;otUga . State rimer*.-'*. Fa*! t.*-- V » .y Y. ■ I. . . •• 1! ■• 'H i !hi" »»?::. 1*1 v. ;pe i'l the lilt: vet*•-.:* or I o' the A'uW- • l>vt\ hi..! •> v V !hr I v ! !-■ "'V 't.vbs VtAsU U* bat t*U *. . s . - . ; v , • - R v. A - • • ,\i -..V- . '■■■'y '•»••• •■•' '■<•' ** f*..-'?>i*t .• iv -vs fl>v- u ifhm the uvu .« »v,:t «•.:.• V. V. 1 1- *nd Pa..* r»«*v add A "ms »".«•< Belter in '59 4 " ,At*' FlV « \ iv. M, \«* o? \11U5ii\ \l. lll.V.l P*g p Txx%» If * » *. . V hi <; h noni M il 11» p Red Book Ban Protested IvMirOltd Pit** t itucuMun Mrllir If li Job i>n* :♦ > t* for thi* \m \ , j< j,:i . \4 »ih! S!ln than thev w cir a .» • « ivitini. tbs' marked 'be nn«t- • mi: i mvr iior-snn f'H1 itt \-nVrica for i»!ett|oj?ieal n*'.!■••>« " • '« k-.-'MV- v U:.» • e ha-ijs o: the »-on«iitntion*! u Otis !{ v-.-.i }.m »|t BrMitnnti"* t. ■ V I t!!pn V.} i . 'v*r *1* . • •*. ' > i"v-,* . i . I tti e. . ' ««; s|Vts h and infol- !h» \ ».» '» HlliMilC f'U'il litu. f.*mi .;p v«sT?:t "fwi, , • ; • «a! fiVhn'bid •u ( • , \ • i ' ' T C **" t')T|l«ll ■ r'. v ,o leeisia'iott « '1 t'iv . to ivir b ,i with ivv.iv iti.m i*tH> »* U-. The fxr. ■.pr-*»v by< .w- v . " ' * • a o„n iv ihose t ks uonld mup • lv vjiu;Oi.»n of lo\ : ,>V4> ' i - \ m . . «,r:r ehpiin w demand f«" rullrce traditate* . There I* • *treut un'- •><*,! i!.ii *» v.". - t • " " • - v.. •'* •.( : .!!!,■ .4 hirtir.«ashi*ii \ \ in irlrncr malhrmai r* and ensinrnlng lhu*r xillh i». ih( s 'r ' e oonia:';e«l J!\ stirh nt« *hii«itd tie abh- in trt kill* hit* the* max have tn lo«L jv .;ruat*. tvcv n . > >• :** rt - » ■ ".v.; ■ lnr,frl »« '.:*'e*' in }• i• I > A •< * th v ,i frsT. I>•-«• n .it ednra'ionss: *elilr for le*» i, ■ »<•. 1 - »t« gissl :»> **it'll firtda «v a , a: 1•« >s v* " 5 s T.., nvrr MM.OHS tiAuib'.r On- 's-olt • 1.1 < or* 'nt'T On • ii'tt sifmilitali «">• .V " A" . « »; I ; N :,. t>r •!. ■• o r. < o ■••'•. sOti v» . t «M;0 ' •' • *.,.*» r* \ t ' \ ' » A To; r seno.js a , s-iji, '.bi in; s.' 10 atlualin n lib till tnM'lvfc M •«*»••' • « :•' ?

'i - ions' nphta ; ,.,t -.,at '-.ill. .t-nr i .'Ubh Tb. d«v K rn-t whru .« t-j. -I I '•. * I VI ' ' v isi on Anierifs In drux ir.« a'. ••.- I I-Vilj* |. ' £'•' ' .Tiro A IJ.HSf l»b Thl'V IV. a 4 , * V" sib opi*Oima ••• * ;u banks lirpsifmritt store* Slid • £ \Hf ' .'• V'.. r* :o wh-stexer infonnstjon V 4>a r» .'IS J '<■ - >-f • a'Uijf T W» » « ' •' I • ■ 1 I • Thr d*i ko-' to hy fur .... oiillook *«om* geutofibt* I - . .,| x*o;:\l l*e • . : rs nr :->;«• ' ; • ■ ' •" ' »' ■' v' qnau* M-.g .l.- tn o .u e*|ilo;atn-n h. t \stio«. an.i laii't ho-- . % .>fI i.. « the *Iiwk «' SKSinst tots i- lb.' a fou tea(v aw ilo-'logt maiois ha> have t :.;ti-:tv .••an* to mm V-.'.e ivf.nv got I in* lh» mix thox xvsnt Mwi-v a loTiepe i:r»d- un.i od nest ions I Ihe I ahoi tVisarlmenl (mini* nut that rmpha*t* In ttrtm .**. t*rr «i "A r • : ««. : .1 . «.•..< > hsekptvund- • ha* *hifie«i from >111411111% to qnalitx. |MrlieMlatlx Is in# Uir.f v. - , • , . unoer>ta!niir.K of eommun Wj . fit Id tndu«irx i* l%einc mote «electixr tn it* klrlnt . » .■ w..•» ■ ,, < .. - v* eotv.muniMn x* ho diva net be a big faotoi Ttir Juno gtaOuate msv have t«» go U I < OWIIAII f , •< 1 i* . «m> snd melhivis Iv'.-iv ho tot* thi- >ot% he %%ant* a. : .on *»ra : vt : '-<■ .• :., < . 1IU IU1 I «;•.* intrxHinml in the lejn«?». An r*' - ai». JTOiMV oolloge students will get t'u f %» • lfi\! }•>»'. 5: > Jii-.e The depsutmpil *a* * »t believe* tolix will In ; . t.eoryo StsiisnKa Jr. * ■> t h that a !• «s>., ' A . t%u! » ' of thro: 14or, t gt *. ths exsot job the4 . » *> v; ■ » i il ni sr. rtrti-integration hill eat- a •• *a ar% tho want, tn the »it\ the\ xxant r .. At» ; . . . 5. . t* h.u h xxoui.f make it s enme TeA. •■« a firi.1 %* htte the »up|ilr isn't e*pe%te. K- K i y.r*\ ' ' X ' ' , srx jv.ijvi to make apt ' .»sth the denand fo< n .tni year* The National To •» »i'hiv>l !. j recently for»v*>t a m-. itato no\t fail i%f t.IX.000 toa.' t . - > t>: .>••* « « *»-e a* 1a>t *e»i Tho »hoitAg« •« partli iilarlx acuti s-it'-e <> •'» '4 M 1 ' 'One of 'IViih (ireal Men* I... sub it • fields and the rl. n ontai* grade* > • v ■ P..- oe sv.i lee • . ' v * < Tt • v ■ • • - The tradilisnalli ton aalarte*. xxhioh haxr xterird ntim . "'..Ac ■•* to u ;«-r |radualr« a%*a% from teAohim haxr been tnerea*tng ai «u.-ki 11 .' • J. rent I hi lbs Praised i i. h r s?-e a xrar In the gnl decade Next fall. Ihe axeratr. irarhif | •n* v . v a:.' V v v r* - < • * as Dedicated ar% In Job |xrx*Msx"'« thi* eonnlrx " h.• in if xxill hr about *.x son tho n. uv. epi i Jud.«*ti% are htigh" 104* .to-' a *b-aip .u.i.-oi- in ; To Service. Peacem Country A>«.mates o\et t*'» i w !m %ears In add it urn to i pe" •» there 1* a ' i' i tx-r«s g o.M\» »•! nib- A'a-rui." .w /••' ' » as a.'T*ert»*.ns !»-..!>•., t ad.o and ti it % i*i.n i w «•» ; r : . \ XVome-4 4%« ,.:o ay01 a to have the isost of it in t «ion-..K •*. tv , Hi JI«H% 1 HXtllM hunt T .h ladiof IK 14 -n ot • there ;* a 4 giatiUaie* « th stcnographi, ■ ov. r v 'A w N. ;\xn -kill- and bn : v ■. y •. e trounds ho . vi . »;• adsa .r a,-\n-..n>st».iio ,• ymsp- •"* a e ootne ' "lif wt;t h# i j. MNkfii ||* . r.'- 1^. s All uh« Sell* i r •« h# Si — L\) \ l» IHIN irnlh htlifwd thAt a searrfnl * s»ed : i.i. • .*» *» | 1!I|V fO»A O ih# -''I'" . 4 'egret .n.'.. r: %■ • , be MX N ni'.« \ 1'*' •■•-■"i . ft*Har* A . tA So Art ItSrrli anil |m*Oi t If • XV K-W u *ff of 1,4 boo .times Xtm belt s reer»-t'' Aid \mlrd in Doju1 Search e» *i«. eui«>* u-tesied ti.. , m r ilrnlliiili partite |m|hi• ;. i .: • .»• V'i< ■ Noir |he rale t».f aitn •a br »ivd 1HKI I INII li I » Ni l» " •'• ■ - n\. s •. •• • - . , S.i - 1 •••*»•.-• OS. 44 , ! v ti.,, - . • . ,t ■4' <*• * *« «: ' •«: i?*a% «< t arteun *aid |Juile« los* ■ i» •'*4.f in* red at a wbr •u» leunti t a ltd the lire xxotM i-st., iisb.xt to i-oth need In* i tenrrr* u> bAdlt t; a ' A- < * » a- X.: IK. X • fiar.s'.pt Ms • t„ I ,«» li! >> *! j l»» \ ;% . • • N« .-r . ti ' *• * • t* a I ni wf fViMAenf Him x *" 11 iu!lr« »u a »•* - he pea to *;err a . .o t i.;., !- V treat salrnM and a $rea» mas . . *•'. csMtUnu« tu f rrk;.v. ■< and ht aerved kS» fawtrt >tlt '.vi Aiu1 Waver J udsi ,H ' i*T t'f {ft*. XI.m.>. aiiottier nmibpi. *a.a A • • • »•>» I -V 11.. i\. .e» i fu: of *ju#bv.e» i*4c in jnrtUsr u'e ?nested g isviutMnalow- Crossword Puzzle b ' • > ' .. .V , i. .oittl! Tiic'-est... m.utatigabd %l lO»S 3' C ur*ed of « a . nvrrgy a a. on vop u» Um a .g ! Vta*^ *•:- at r *:•** I ' *ehsc " M>1 * . , Pa 5 Pa- * f the • en:be-* • k:'">■* ' : * ' * 3" K *va of 5 . a.* " Ur»*t crm> ■ . »*> ti;t ho» rx« • Oiiien Clilt ft Herter Lrares Geneva • " % tifrtomr trf USsr im a arid 3 Tfl tw»! J.i W»er.t, sa t r' * ■ pea.* h»» rudrd hi» tsar- If Vbtre cf »oc'. g,xi hS-fb 34 *tr to* Aiw-s and An* friend 1' Chee»e Cwn>*ia- t' V, ti i.iw»r'»unrt.r.4 m *T9 df«M#d - » . ' a ' 'a;«* vi v. . is Sheep * t. v tending is New Testa* la beiiei it4d rrUuon* in»H| sa de*. Jvv R I idler D. Dulle* (irilics Saddt'iietf e- try at Death isaoa Mr a a* fram a fee aalji hi. Ufa asd W> rMkAMsl rr.'^v ever Wsr'crn Ewrajini »f tr.* %©ehl i.kt a *•?.. d*r» lh £;M-r.h-Pu i - tH-.jr *,r.eist t..i Presj-oer- IV Ua- > li Lumber IP r. kraa i. get Noah ■ mRMKR xiam^ • ever *t. hestid the »kl tiiaman'.ti silt, is llie mwt "1 deep.x f#e; t.-f g;ra? narratrx# < Af*.U: »r«r% ta fOrad Jvi-nd*' ♦Cv Lev Aied Fv-r In. v * m&jo !*.«.» 4 * .tied rravwrd t* n>-ft tr.e death ef Jo:.n Tosie 11 Go a*«y \ t-« r* vi e'iS|»xf iMAstraUss ta uark In Geofv*. ;b* la'-.-Weo for i>.. «2 Froi.c a fc" nri hsrder ,e» CvTii'.jt u'en 'ty 1 au'.M K> Cc-ntr^i V *. -< rt KSj4-'i »m% r*r Ifc attache^ trt+Muv, ham.mef . . Ui',4 of 5'*:e Clxr.o,^.-. >*• • *i. *'*• **♦ v "• nf ik .oo. Htnr Adenauer taid (.ermast 21 Enbre.y . . . x * had A4 Too ' 'ft# to n> lo f/t f«-serai R'sfh- »«*t Js K 'chetx n. is,'-- rsi "an asdersUadint friend A! Unclcte f> f ;»n* t..- r ;. v . ...»■ *'•• . .-. , . • . • «■ * ■- r Hcrnr na'.or TTw-.e was a »hs wo an; S2 '"..rr;" r t-'.-r? to made the rao»e •( .ihe :s Ahead S^'..tary rer;;w«r*. 'c " vi* '* e'rT'i ' * ' •' •• " tv.« oihetr Wtocj': Si Afternoon D- Ras< •• *,-n * I >*t mm Pe^le his »«M. He 2* African *»i : . f .{*♦••• • r n>» ' •'!».•. > '> ' v the '> - - 1 * v. V * n, • r;v ^ alio v- !H >.n: hv Hnnnr hi* mnaa.1 fly par be* best if we » .s'.jf ? ■ • • - .E: » rt*.* ef mr:?1 Sov«a: rcire-.fiv Mm *it; A;.d. * iwUaar ktr«A't"-+ t*-.we«-r eon • •" ,v atesg »h« read «« set i< Crvenyko, »h« s|,rce.i ' .« ' i s. .* r "v ! 'i •' *> liii lifll . n. " ««*• h •st teg ether nuh bim'* r*'.' b. « h# • i : .'• - »J "■ > ^ t. • * ht' ■ * t tos will i* v •' - c Sav 'r-eoess.. tvprtsse-.l to liertt. Uhii# 'ji* dei'h aftimrvated irfi . • V- -v -S.« nC • , dec? r, o*s:«it«cr *.-\e news the buf^w-- |KiU;..TV •a f... , in ihe cosi ins x *.i> of time. - si.e. Dai'ie* Milrwri at tsrspr and •T'an.uv w arid. Ta». vhe s!f>ciai ' a rt »aenw. 2 ••» t♦ '. r..s s»»< • o';e jivd^stioa thst is oiffi- *r 1 "t -vxjet aewi ifttncy. reported ;t %ai«. llsai art* muUhma* af the fht Russuin* consUunttj- *- -ev: ^*; ptwa-prr. m a Jl'tonl ti -*pa;ch IK LLLS \X K> UN! * - «a-iK4T,i c«>«..7-»£* «r: WdMMUr; fMfh. masrnad Ue without v. Ciitn t ;iA* * :T,. - «M>r»! wrmtveiit ;;.'e|T",3v so-. • fwif iXfiUf? af ate la sa a e respect ■ml flihltt far hril— aha Matcoxr Ra.jjs reported it a* the 14th Stem la « Ui fceaitfc aate kk Ufa far IT-rte.-.i his r«M r»waiup ot dsmerhc new* Vhe fai>t GcfttUd r.crt* h>*a Ckwciut E:.t- .ADN Ur. m.xr M- >.er Jt*roU Ma*- . wup'.eti Pit gn-"" . ftvy_r.ouf?>T. J *4 iih 4 mUSs«, ChaftcelJor Kiiarsd A St- pfu|rt»gany*a atuok. It described »« rsjirr of *s; Gtr.nnx, Pjct-u ««* 9t the «fer.T Charts ar G««'.> c{ frthv PUiii Inst!gatur* uf i 'ne policy «f sSjrength* sfains't •U nkKAmed him s« a pernor.*; the Savtei and aa;d h * friend. Tbtj rerremoctad turn -nwipe *as knkedi inaeixaras) * *» Uie face-?o-f »c» wifh -the creation of a new- , ready day or nifbt to fij half war tiar-ger ,n Europe througn hi) sro-iis uxe s-c.rld for c.eart the i.-ramra; ol Bona,"* c MTCHIC.W STATE *r.w* Mn? t*. Pl|« Tfcrn 'jnances Serious Say Trustees liivorsily Iiiiiol Ity lie ; |hiil> lli'tr""'"!!* tiir J"'"' I. I «ni . Xrttft «" «"*>, !*»«•* ill tin* riW-.ra lir»n> li. I «.«• " ; I Sltir Nrwt I'hnln kt |»nn XTIIthrii The;.- •bit linn Saturday night. I lie play rllmaxed Ihe of pow ei r\ttvmp|v last list siinlcHl pla* piutliicliitns of Ihe year. I of • V .*. h, m. 1- in; » 11 m i• • r, I mill til Srilnirl> mM M | KW Mil" iflrimmn al Kap« pa IM. Tom V»tei line. Mama Chi. and lh»n St. I:«ll is on!\ ,n 'he eai'v >lagr< ani brr "(ii11>c one of the I» t - PIIm tm M>l«< IK ■»»'• •* ■""* pa Uella'a atuiiinl lit nittoHtiMinrnl nte il-i»; rhil IWher. Sigma « hi. Uavpe UiUon. I'lii hap .fohn. Phi Kappa IM. of what •'« leims i(»e unfmished Announced «'i . It ilpt» Mrs.-net, K.i ' lam * I! \v\Mti\(;niM flemot i at- iv* in.hff. •• c Dei..,ft , A'« He vol uth'U." and |h.i* inr; seiuot. • , « ■artalM-a ft* "" •"•**»• from tun e.nhest history, i»«v« * f*h! Kappa I'aii and /eta lb-t,» In Hie niab»r tole- of -'a \ t 'o till .ni l), w ill a< * "> 'A - w „ '**' erftd ecminmc Interests have tin* T.u i were the wmnci-. of I'm Dili,ill i.iililh tile He'oilli i Hrt i.i • oil I W ' ' ,1! I'll (ftiK I ori'i "1 • ■ I , aa^mtr <"* Push ('.art Derliv Ncars dvitaken '«• dominate ?hp coun K-ipprt Ihl'.i hi. ige tout • W ill. I iviiiiu, SnphomoM , John comp'l«*lelv odds with the- • • «< rn*'** »i« million (I V, polith .ittv and ecirnolnu- 11's * li,oreid held Sunday atteinoou •. i >n lo, l . i d Ion-, o nun , tli-d Kiiii|ihotti'r', farm plan# mr.\ tv*'\ bsnkf when 'Ko»noinic mntivea have c" • M' I'm KD holl-e I mo, . ||,o !, Mid ii.-' oi M. 4 lino, 1 In \ l ounted oil pi • ' g e Junior 500 Runners Practice K-hHVl in pav- tuptrd lv>", |„iUt . al pa»' e* fr» shrnan He»»rv Hern ten t • me . me oid thus handing ! 1?,# v:\ivpKit*. Th'« Hip point w h» e tliri are !ai m % In Ihe rol itrd rompetiliitit. . ■. ophl.O I .1 • • •, .i.ti i 111 ' i .i. .»n i' Set on,I mi Itnh hiMppc >t I iait Whip ex e'b.ii k bef.Me J'"1* ,0* ilup'-i itc* of • -o h iMliei. and an' Si II.• a soph I nil lie,!.- i n e in a n •'»' o ... - Oil I fi ll WoUdi'iitiK c.v;v! I lifted ovc this TrMIX three divouoiis. men's speed, podtitdil, oi tnold ci'oiio ius I'lii Kappa lau. 4 'if'c, I ..u It,,!. .re. k. ti. I in I m l lie, boll \ e ilc1'"'1 whict» also IS Ulrt '- «.(♦•< V, fir-wml •• " women'* upeed, and the mi ted inic priti. iph" ' tie charge i .ci , .. • ' m rig Hi. lllg, \vhy men tire»>i'.| in ^ • i s'l.itoi;' lorn h\ t"ie Women* tiv and iH-moiii- So nvi r',u v, won tn potetitial Ve* » JT# tt**»t W »*• unlv»r. elothe< have Ixx-n nmimig tinn to offi'i rffoyunt.iceoux pos- humoioil* division The iace was originated when tic The ttepuh pacfio' tie u .in < ontunie' ' luo. »• i; ,i i n r iiiutp e • is Hi . .m p nio. The 111>,'11 1 • . 'n il i-■ J.m, »'"* II , e l. i iMible.ft. iii".v fouuil vainpity and lit l~an'; if mils f •'! the aniiNpncrr. 4 on;- -a** •*•*! hit the dollar* the I-imhda t his decided thai li-,i !u'd die |'i11.i'* wheie thi n ui.. ,. .111,1 i .uolc .lol.nvoii, ftb.K- ikel -o.d .Ii . I .no .1.1- \ hill givinr wheat farmera a? oH hours of the al.tx end c . • tii. and loihhpr.tkci I mg ftopiiomoi e, ft,. Alpha I V -o i I of even liiihrr j^ibly u«r." May tolvi •Ifoii i* (a seeme i a llieok Feast al tinn hou«e ptimaM ... 'I I . . lo. .1 • on. • oi ■ Ihe rhoirr pii«e * liight' The 10 >'i Junior 500 ljuet n. viii.nv l»\ n ee'injr !'-•» D. .1 Ih inoi (el r in,..I. | ed suppnris than provided «nl Ttiev're pia.di.-mR for ihe !?"» Carol Nicholson, and hrt comt svould he hut extensive They nig. .i : now are mdr wilt •* rrlp* tad some tlouhle gtlting pel* pi iMiomie demands of a* maiiv i lid place weld to IVgfu'b* I..UO inc. ... U -l I 1.1 S'.I.O, goes before the House rules annual 1 amivia r: i A'p'ia .fun v lead the parade of OMmv.o. |.i p.m. ( ti isiivti'•■. 1 ! hi«'Sioti, hut finally the admin- groups a* possible with ttie lea I . o d ' ■ .i ge I'm • T,iw a , ronimittee for floor elearanre to¬ I tf MM! U «••« imthemw- (or 50ft pushcai f i.uf l>e t h e lonvertthlrs lo the staittng i ' .i»l)oij allowed them to »Iter offense J" other gmnp* and the or if, .nid M.iicm Mown, lim •• fiethinan day or Inesdav, i (N mmta* " Memorial p.n on We t < i. o line. They will lie followed )>v p ufite, siiphouiuii, lot Kappa (rthideia hnvw scheduled a vote off West t'usle Drive for an gcneial public Hoth pal ties in The te'tiritf for the opt i i son- r)i Hamilton. who rtvrctt- Jltive. Ah inn latum l?> mtmatu-e 'he nuoens repietenting every i*HHiit veins have voted public A't'ha Ihetrt. li I'liig .in l* t - i!!,i 11del mi* I., fine lie*' weekend if t o hour. »t from hi« position ■« «>f the Indianapolis 500 m > liui'j; mm enttreil. funds 'ha' secured 'he ftuppoit w as devigned In Mo tinel |'i . >, I; Cofoinitteo nr'a bi tli e. The first derby wax somewhat In the NAith'Snnlli roinprtl* , i ,r f,%r academic • ?- rare. 45 campus h\ "i: mi:* »io Ha. k m '4JI when the lainihdt he« tie as a few of the rats went (if spei in I ifilerrvt group* I till ago lunmr |h*n And they expect the hill to p.i (, laneiihaum. I auxin* l/gwrfncted on the faculty entered in this vr.u • . \. tr 4."atatted Ihe del tn t»uv- off the course and hashed Into tti • :ur e of ttie < uh«titu' on of tlon I d I-It •; .III.-. ' .| of ihe H'xlin ' o, ( i*.»i i. angi ied over K> e.,- _j li MS''. Pa oh entiy is all owtxl o»»« et nor i. Mennen \Vithan>a senior, and t mils Ueingaiteu. fo| hu -|ne* s and M ,,d(ll S'ot t o! ' t • iiowd. Th'« piohlem wax till!-..! pow ei .• . | b M.t, oid oil agru I Hid fsovrttV resignations, taoe »art w hioh tou t he con* I'mjk'ht down the rhixkeied I ansinc fte«hman. took first notified Ihe following year hv agluuhiual power rt- the i»u»t ft 11' on lie, t , »iiim of Mie 1 Iluii' i* leaders le' It be kn'o r» r*#»i nv thr cui mi! rati*. ptrurted te ce»'.•>•••. >p«. • n< fctw; tm's flag Th>« year, heal place (or /eta Rrla law a careful safety check ut ail im|»oi '.ui' single poll! oh' in- » "111 wen* it. u'nixl by J une* the, a • i *'aily «nd willing !» M J*- mtt higher ha Kelhal! cua, h. Fotddv Andei- Second place w u won bv w-x Tlic> also • n one uruf / ui'im in iv.ii is.utdi * we ha^# Hetidmn, Homului junior. I. k veto. tha iai* Imfurp the race. a ^ W thr tfST-Sft whoo! year. and five pusheiu .'tor their liv¬ Noit, w .11 hi tlie official starter. a penn h i at it pnrtv Unit it in- Dsv* Itall. Kerguson, M" senmi, \ »c«,gnat ions have The r.t.'o. •;• po. « ,u h ruuin ' Spain giaihiato student, lor ■. y ;*e ye*i pushing thl* iai one tpnn'.ci of the final heats, apeelatora will •« the I hirage 1 rlbnne and Ihe Itetrwil Iree Prrw have eoyerrd fgi A Mi'higan icuitio al State Hmversity e«oinK»dtt i< now Delta Tan Dsda. FREE - ONE HALF GALLON he ruirrtaineit by linmoroiia £- v *a.,i the threat of « mile. a •he gala event en Ihe »p«l. In voiking with !h« govvrthnent »»f Thud plaie went to I'a' t tikf, limit llrer ur OriinK* jt, v.( .■"•■■ i« • ' »:*• i*.. Ihiat parade. The huntotona en- fieire, Skokie, III. jumm, and A apecial pace car I* usril lo If At Harner Hrolher« roverrd (htlomhia, .v-uUi Atuotuw as a With 2 Ken. I Item I'i/./uo Ar-~ \\t . ;!x\l MSt' a* tiirx will l»e judged on Iheir de» Handy Furlong, Haltluioie, Mil. Ptart each heal and irlat tin* II In Iheir newareel* Many of consultant ut land •••• water Tfcjr; iuMkmin«hip. eontinnlte ...i gTvushb-* for other »*vt »akt th# faulty pregrrss of each innlextant haik • twin. ami effeellvriieaa oif preaenU- the ether Detroit paper*, aa well pndih'ma, Haleigti ftstlaw* ts gophnmoro. for 1*4 Itata I'lii. Ttopiilew wero awrantrsl 1t% FREE - ONE FULL GALLON In Ihe atartini p«tiiit to keep the a« nthrr targe Mlehlaaa aheeta attidv it d eesmomie «level«»pn'enl Lr^r-.c, .tlv.i'. an apparent lion. first and bocotkI plaeo winner a. Willi 4 Ha. I ll,m I'lHM apectatorw iulnnurd a« to how carry I ha affair annually. , ro-iox !.% ui th« Magdalen a Val¬ Chairmen for 1hw •¥•»!» w»r« ) o» *; ■ .vns'iauoti f<«r hi|fh#r C.mTpeMthm for the tevtn b.g ley. a lowland aiea Mwiut «*« rati *v Ihe rare l« profreaalnt. fated Since the rata wn» to*t the MoU f.rtlf a« laige as Michigan. Sandy Fair, St. Ignac# »enlor# and Han su iinle, Ih-trult s«nim! VARSITY DRIVE-IN » mr «mi the r*n«|Mi« ui IP4H on cam. Hrtihmo M»)S most of tiie tn»p- ifr«it»rr* arr mmh pu*. ollirr l.anihda Chi Ad> « a! vallev is still in lungl*^ ami ED 2*0517 )•(> *(frr« raiiaiHK Iran* rhaptris arrua* thr conn'iv l ew • wamps. (<< n e lib,II RKADFHsHII' ■ - v.-.* V.'ASWVWWMWVWWV.i.W.V.V.'.V uiiiipu aie Imginninf hi plant »" I i-e* \\p»t t oast to F'oi < i.t in e aivd oilier »«,.« ihi> U hurting IS South, e 'i Killing to liob !'■ , i itrtfirtiiti*, i 'iv ateii r"»p* v*Hon, nee, . ig '!«■« laiulty Junior MM) ihM.iima'i in I'J4J I f letuined t« MSIf in*, Main- Among ltie«e ate me 1 ».'\ of Kenfuckv. .vn .lose .s'« and professor and head nf ih# ■ v i«.■»• pro- »• nt»er (a top i Allege, Cinver»itv f Utah i i.epurtiuent of biological actentv. i ■ i • a C..1 ,y atato J-io'rHia S'ate College. • wiuKt not rom* • i ■«' of tne stair-* t - 1 ittit .*thi lo l.t l i •:■■- A. Hannah — a he ha» talked - *»■> Jlatnirtii Y Ih'fivt'v mat'uwi* *" rave, who unit- aiki aaid HI Di* Chester La*»on. homj of | 4 r,t *.' aaUon w ould Hio derailment of natural »< - .;• v>rr # longer ence, will receive an huiiorai / Or Hannah aaul degree at the 85th tsunmefu »• K.'f til "f Thiel h jo *■' • are alno CiHiccnwd no College, Green- \ille, I'a y.'r >■.* ■* lM«rd 'r. an ,.i »1m» riiaruwed rati- prohhem, laiwauu also will delivn an lift MIIHWOf wlghtl ewvy in our mirty i »ar«ilment for fall trrm. adihess a' trje Thirl Colleii.? al |» expected t« be Alumni Assn. Kpung banquel «ol*'c«lor garden print, a laminin,. mail ■ i fall SI f ■ datii-^< >!■< r&WW1 Saturday romantic colon Irom tt>» toitly ihirrad I tt Mav !!» thr univrrsity A giadua'e of Thirl College ^ •cerpiri '* 4 ,■*r cent more jrft*Wti>v-f«4iii - *• •*'* - •• in li)5i) hold* a master* botqu, bodico and uplihad l.rtt, wa tt, »' and PhD degree from tne Uiu- pr cent more 1 paNicealad groat ikirt. p.nk I r.acer.u. Bta corr.pared *• - i6i tratufer ?■> 514 la*t 8^ Lsie*.• »• ^ Ver»it> of Michigan He svi veil as utitiuclor if! lo tha state Sana PPM* by N> WWrhHI or Mr quart • llorol on wh.t*. f. Thrae f.rurfs show a Uttal Urology al MStJ and «a> a*su'- SIIAO CM WC» Ml rniojrd hlm»Sf »l thf banqttel held In •ut professor of biology at W»'• tt •hro'uaent of 20.8 hi. hultor thl. ..rkrml I. .. h.O .>( Ih. (.t.un .latin I'M'-'H. ■M. I.AHMON • to 16 iliai. 33.W tenberg College. Ktorr reierxationa are will rallH IrM Ui. M>1 lu-altl In IM<. • on May ft d *;o i.450 in '5ft. f i 3rd Polio Shot Start Today Dry (leaning Time! i » ihoti third of the arnca of Yni. we'll rloon up. briuhlrn up. 4U ftp your itulhra eta be given at 1 «-%• 1-4 from ft ain. to to Mwaomi! tutor* will l>* reliod. Oar nartict i- > Kr Itolui, pal II twin no nurr. Starl oal Ik* string Ff"*4 'it u pu reheard b> torias wrll drou-ril. (.!»• oo a rail sow! - . . 526 Student r<»' fr*a ft.n jo a/n. and r from 1-4 m pan. REE SUMMER STORAGE TkS 1 wa ctntr each. ^ NOTING? .Minor Ktpolm t1 ii I ■ n '«cainr mhi S*H (IREEN STAMPS i rI — - mm m* P irk up A IMiirr.v wtU xm ike mm fUiMir van, 3-v ;ii KENT DELUXE CLEANERS - \ 3911 S. WASH. VHOSE IV 7-OS32 ■ Kl 4A l:- f» k Km H • CanipUfi ('las.iifirtlfi . * . Iliitli Rcadorihlp Stole News | Michigan Fencers Sweep Tournament Mn fiustii fetieer* wwept all four events at the Midwestern SHEPARD'S Mthl *|t.»tlf I , # , tartv Willrr Mw* n,w re*r f it r Anntixiir IVneintr rmunninent held tliia weekend ill Ih« Mr,, liit>,,i„»r*l Hiill.lI„fr. CAST I.XVSIN1; STIHO; OI'KN XVKItNKSIIXVS ^ ,,, „r Jt..» •""llf't, I ilpl A.IJtit I'NTII, » I- XI. • I t hril. YIHI' irtilntlf. Wrle Sprit Radal/. Look iNaincd lo •■tt! •i. mill, frrt't'.l in '-rvrn '.tot tho Mlxh* * *' II* en* I **wn tttrdftl anif litn Ihr thir«l <'en*pnll flnlvlirit ! t It,,iiii It « toil tool fimt Ih. NCAA All-Star Trams ' \ lifl.t of 7H foturi* Irotn "take it easy" I' ■ . ., n, \ oi fItr til. 10, III.MM-. \Vt t •»ii*in. K«" H».vi - , liiut.pio.t, liniehr.l fit, U*. Mi«*oiit l, Momrr-ofrt mi l HUH \\.\A\I'", Ind 11'i (inlx three (flnxeii nmiifiife.l «i. > 1 it...| |*ai |'i utnlilry. nl Mm liiyito pm liftpB'rxt 111 Hir S» I, Mo. pliMrd lliinl i«. xi,• itk the llur h» m«*n»i|»4»lx on the NCAA Ihstrirt I Mt.|v«o= t fthaU, nil-star ha-it'luill train Sundax. Nl,t • HiyMtx. I'onlttti topho IN STYLE THIS SUI 0 ,- ■ pi.r i .i MMI, IS*o n 1 a \ c 1 * in^11 Ni In I lip tnrit'« «ehrr Hi* lelittt I,AST 3 I.AXS ll.tittf I .eft Ft. I. ultt. l Moo itiil mil fmiii We Mill I 'tox .1 v.t 1 (ii.fttii| ttf llrl.nM feliae rel Mi.iioritti vx • 11* tin otiS i n' tll*l xx tilt * h | irtnitl la..* *t*l, 1 1 tt 11 ! •' if'.I | If A It I Hull. >|S|!. LUCON 1' 1 lit I'i.- Ioa' frit',' 1 ,1 1 11 . silxrtittan of 4 Itltato. Ill, «at l»v fin iji iiiit !■■ »M r'.t i.i M a 1 t 111 NfUott. 4 t l.-i lion .inn •rt tool o!;t intlfri' vl. I'toil Tr.„t, • • < t-pi r frming f it lo I' i. 1.1 |)ti k; 0 H n no I to k llrt I :.Uv-.l :fn.fc III-7 :«li.U:4« «* - 1 *, a K* IV,!,., \i. k IVll.t.o:, 1., No'ir Why Walk?... -. til to ill. (no I ft,'till, »\ 1111» spj if- m .1 ft out llovel iiAk thrilling 1.1, 111, ,. XI..I I>„ u So |m-i 1 .1, fun ontci I .♦ I It.mi I k . »• i ii M m . ' ■ . >. ••.»• 1 • g 11 Villi. tt>«lrr«! tt«:,.4r Um-,| if.-oti >! I »• • •, it " ^ s.-. ,.o,l « -e. o • lit \\ ...o ... ft','... * Oil'It Keiteiy. A|s| . • ,01. k ... 1 ♦« t ,00 of Msli When Vou Can I " 1 Hit r U.I lI'MO'in. M>t h. I,-.i. i'i,1 t'.il III iii k'"OUi, Muitt • -> ' t .it ir* Si Itn.l'lrt, anil 1 ,- 1 ,t> 1»11■ 11 it. (hr »'elr Con. HON MLM'AI.I. rrlnrn« a «i"rvf in Ihr Ills in IrnnU rhmnpliMi I'lhri |)ti k W» r, t«• 111. |.,«.t •Nr. "ml 11, . II-, k l.'olltll* Krttf pffa) r,| qualify foi- itn Ihr sperlen ritnrl« Salnida* MpmhII «»* ihr Innr S|inint t . S" t X lllio 1 lo *otal oinprtilinit I'flier t« ritlrr final* l»la*. II* I"' drlreird It* MIiIiIiiiii'« IVmiir I ! 1 lit»*p ll'll UiiHpp. Mm'tx' I IhtAp Krt'h 11.11, Ileum-- I Itr ntrn a . foil ritmarlMinn j„ the \n. « •ln*lr% Thr Hnlvrrlnr* rnnt|*le|r|.v dxini . t . I.t l t 4 ilr.ll «t«rr|f for III* Mith- liMlrrf x* a* H»« 1,1 H,n ,hr rr"*w wHh A- b"inla. Sr. oiitl ilu'-r li.ik sit M l. N'oi.r Si',.i I t 111. | Ko, M«x*l- Q&te. ,p ,»,A. I i.t'tii' l*an tr.itt lit inn Ktirgrr. alar- tng lilO 'l .( II.IO t 'I'lor.l IliUP lu.vr III ox* .1. Mu ft- I '" ) rlxi Ik»nf l-itit'n.en, linl: MSI1 Places 5tli ,;;hm Si. of'.fop lit.It t\". lil.tto.s X rtilf, I tt-iif Net I'iOo'BM. Knit l'iirliir> Don't SI.oh; It •, v» 1 i.o XIeel X i.i.r..'ll<-il I .• I! t'lflli I, .1 t 1 X Milt ll.llt.4 1, S',.-1 ' 1 It,.i i IV. .'t If'k1' l-trl.l I Mir 11A tt 1 p--lt O •*, h„Ui Af 1». tioou't Rt Ixo'ltllml 1 ti M ,. h.K.ilt Wolves Take I ■ ti :;lf ' I l.tltlf O! Klfl'l r 't-'if Hon (i.-tlf, Jluftx X ill. lott \ \| • tt H Dl.-o omni S1«ir Xcllin II in s spat tan*' a* is- o.g lAiirii Atui n,*»♦•! hrlxxt-mt Mulogao Wayi.p Stair *.n Ihr li. alid lltvrt roxiiav off aflrr lit# Tat'm in ll.e St tlllif 1'i-hoi I'I r MSI' x« i.tlif'll'' Irtll.l* 01, failfi to apprar f'tl il* nKfimCitone«M-V NEW, COOL > iTemiis Crown '- .on t iitpr.l mil lU krntoit m 4 ., rtigagrrt.rut • Swim • P-Mirr* to pp. W. . 11 1,*.11.r l-'ruiav w irh ^ v.' 11 tit i»,.* . A<" xva« lo Itav# br-rrt MtfioK»n. mm Trnv toll.,, f of Hir »htrr ! it- xx nn, • 1 I tx r ".i't« ht-Mi xr.tik S'alr'a final ago. at.,I xxoiii'l rtaxlrwl COiMFORTASLE \ iiMini- entries ,Saturday. us tliex sxxej.t to a cntiiutdtidimr I , : \ JllilJtl Uri Cl:nr '.. I1..1 •• Stimlch o, . place final |M»«ition in the frtMh annual I?ir In meet. ilMO * t Kftmril"., BUGGY BUMPERS s- »ii(| k •• , t.(1 a vul of »; point- \.'l 11t XX O fft |l V v n>* tin- V- :i i» ■»vitr ftan ilol(t»M . •-?«. fun-hp.! second .1 1 f..t r. 4 i. ;t, 4 * I • .'Ilk I'tti' i Sit"': •'(■ lit " io# A l it, I'-o - CLEARANCE 41 Msi' .'iijiPd firth « tli I' 11, II. M» !• 1 .»I V , • 1 \V■ Hr Mtthr* nun nil *iv «f . |hr t> I ihr vtmlr* lillrv a* n rII *% Ihr I it ire , OuMft nun it* ihr vrmid llnif II *x»* In Ihr hi* Msr 1.0 * . . >»• .... 1 n m. MICHIGAN ■ Si-.tit., it 1 it 4 1 • • 1!*»" V- I MM *i Ihr lilt l» thai a *»n«lr 1 NOW SlIOWINt. I mm hut »nrp< all Ihr h nit or* 1 Ur l«*l In II h*x Ihr Ihr *lni* v« ti* itiiM'h Ihr «jnir 4 iilttplrlr Shit***' l.l.'t-U ih in rfttnltlr* A* Ihr Nit I liilr I | numli* nf I hlragu in 1MB. SALE It I? A « H • ir : .'tut \f< tan- to xx rlit In Yl it til* a ti e irein of* Ill-Ill r >-' ,tugh' i»f \|Ul»* I rit kkon llnhlr. Iltrr ifrfrelni «t l« • •! • ir xx ,»• A'I AIMitim en In** a Ir Ant of %it \mtrrn »- ,it imi - N't | single* .Ittlin \Atli«. h-11. h 4 ' .1 rJiMiiitafrvi In n nl>. Dine su mit w 11 ▼ M » 1 It Of 'III' «'.4* lip 1 Si . h 4 hv .1011 Kit.k r \ It- ...f Hi r. ( h'it* ki-nnilgt- IhUnr of \\ In" CDineH (lentli smixlt'l in UP TO & t • II lift. Srf our .. . I .-.Mm* .t M of Mil.Ml I.,., tito.t .* ' .11 l« ,i it it • 1 J'l' of ii ori» lit {f .lt d iir>*i a*' I io- »)'"••*- // IM Schedule s 50% .« «• K"k.1 ♦, n fi ' • 't o- Fit: • • n-Worx 1 if l»"ii Mfiiii- Hoii |..t*ri*h)t'i. o - « J Hrvhtr* Ylr*TAll, Mh| » ttlhrr I >'»»» v 11. 4 riitiirs nnr ell rliniineird un tt llMtl > If llilllt I I mlA* huxrrfirM 4 x» Malhrr T Hi "»r.»M * ' x * 4111.noli. i > 1 J M.a« • !♦ rf Pie i, of SpA'i.t'f K-i n No ■' xiotti>'»'« Hoffman- lhn» XISI Kll|£« Ki-(f. I.'i". Vou 2.11.7 I"it' Of It t > It | t ■>»•( t.*i»ip> \pi> vt I tnk» Srt .0 k .*<.1. m« t»UAi 1«*rftrial > ♦ Wo | *n«* i. 1 .. N11. k x Hr**tt* T V1 .ir iaH-I.I ak-1 ',v' Thf. .XIs| Xl«-u'» l -lii.t* Key. 1.2.7 \,i* ,'i.7 * In .. in -.1 Hir li t-1*. 1 > 1'o.lwt of 1 I* thti I tt llHllrKirlri I D^V'r Mtrtriixx -o tTMf'iing Vlll I ItHII I I 4»»» ti i, H-.1 Ho.xi'vi't, in Ihr next XISI Jiirk.-I*. • l..l.lrr..'» l-ll Mr-. .7.2.7 Vom.'I. 1.7 |. 111 • t f 411 rt I im,p nut. I'.e x .xoir iira'rn b* »! t>a*b t«i« %> 4 4.if tibvUil Ovrr « t Moil,gen » Zetl/rff-IVA-in k fin*., x w Vril.taiv f n». IkifH «-!. 6 XISI Jin k. I*, fottllt 144-1 I .7.'1.7 Xi.H 1I..7II rnnl Thr drrpir r.dgrd Hlf. TODAY Thru Tl HSDXX .list /i|.|»'r s»cal Shirt-, -mall llejj. T..7II .X,i> 1.7.7 I'l.L Milr dig* in. Ir .if th¬ alridr and XlSt Sxo-ut -Itiil*. i-liililrrii, l-ll Mi-jj. I ..">44 V.m .7.7 ru* piur ron- »rrvr» *uur' ONLY XISI Sttral Sl.irls xtmlli 144-1 i IIeg. I.«1.7 VI.H .*1,7 . * . %nd Ihr |»)i i« I'.ix Kixrr II.m.,1 I Fox Mixer l.xn lrra-e > Ue-. .'1.7 Vow Me),. 1.11.7 Vl.XX ,.7'i .711 WNsllAHLL Ihrr . « * »m | lava Ira* naahahlr! 9.95 f httot# from whitt. wild nata. aunbural. itiirt <'»• PLUS MANY OTHERS 19; Hidiiia .slim. Narrow, Medium. IU. Bl(i ATTKAXTION COME IN AND SAVE VMIlM \kk t DM) \ f.hargr II MOWN AT 1M 4 If M till M II. IS XOt'K lHXHt.L X I-l.ATS fjl INN VMUM ) bQEris Mil inns • EOiMO OMYIMK HICIIT ACROSS FROM HOME KC BI ILUING .IMtfkMWkl.tM vnesficO* 317 LAST UK AND KIVEK DOWNTOWN LANftXNO ( 010* t, Of lUXf AVENUE Hi iOUTII WASHINGTON WSONMDAT inafofnonc souno M XT: University Bookstore LAST l-ANSINU AV'LNllt Parking City lad Aak Vs About GRAND "T0M THI MB- -THE VOI Mi nilLADILrHO-Vh" 128 XV. Grand River Ave- — Hear Entjaoc# HITs: — ALM — -Wj**l> MMI Al.AIN" feu I Nrwnian. Barbara Ravb Frft Parkiug . . ' ■ ; ■ ;r Am ill Vlt llHiAV ST ATI NTH A 0 Bad Public Relations Brings Ala* TV I AMI '"'ht,! Government Lists Reil Embargoes * Dissatisfaction With Strauss WAsmNt;ih>\ i lh i s fl.hAO.POP of oatnto- «'.rrt iVitp t:t ihr prrrnti- ^ «hrrt.« and p!ato« v lu'rt horitur* wt»t * V k?»'' i * V "\^N l: "•.• made aca(n«t Mm h* Sen* t'lln- h.snt* i-' ftii«inn«*mrn a.Micht goventmnr Thr -s"pin* -< *lrt mtTlion of g«*o»tv inn Irdnxnn il»AM» »nd hln i»«o1 "thr tis'hntfliir .T tna: by pr»->nt**ion to ?htp niHttlt $*.' ovport* vMM'O'i no klO.'l.t Tv driuit'tnwht * Hrfatorr tll-Tm* inm»pn«M" Rtmivi htm mfUt.m worth of jjood* to nott • Tt»«.- during Janu tju attot !* to not t .••• • ■on Mug *enatar> »,yh«t.I ^(tA.< » .-tvalr* ivn'ivvfin rintain rmtlttnr* . , "thr I'lVtrnum; S'.-a-.a* of lv> drvi.nta in ar* Matvh of thi> yrsti 1h>o M*cwi« Honors I'rrrinrl to thr U«xl i gong v I diMi't son h«^t» hr v.n in !m« dfriwi pan* «-f iv a* unqualified ra!*r- fwmpctrni c.>ntmrtv« "t( hr had ;»H» rnmr «* witUly In and had «•( C»Mi*mri*-r IVpnttmrnt «.*id T'r tultip of rr'r.frd apj'oition- «a« MtrUrxl h> M* trftoal t. An Vmor* .-ifthltdml tat: to mm iv*v-n. • p« r n. ot Is '•»' tia'ir with Hod t'hut af- I vo'h. r** t than sg(*«k o.»a mod it lr* lii rn«r«t I-. : Srns admiltrd hr mtthl hair madr •pptove fhr*r th'iT big ovdr - hav! mwwhwr* nun ■* of .•» »mif mUfahra a* rhalrman nf from *0',u. I I :oa*l o ieir/mint I' S r\'s«t tv ta H:, thr Ilmtlf Fnrri* I worth of jmho* . itavr a .1 pom I a* e; .«<•' • > ort'« ■ f"-.jt apr.*T\ .«; r hi* alfllttdr t think hr tnUht aaid. micht havr mlhtar* too tl I )iscusses Aftp *« million - th hair hrrn ranfltmrd nxnvrtfrit Into »*rrtain font* il A «**.' W'ti: dr'ri nt.Jto thr .. r •" * ** ... N v •* 'ix' work. IV-.-ic MVprUri fHWvv.ri.-p I'dUl %\|k I OU trors tf IM.IKI nf rat hnn wrldrd aw n titW'.« for thr !"W • la»l rf thr *pflnc frtricn film «rtlr*. . ■ j '< '• ' •• t v , : •» ■ i» a diffrtrnt kind of job and *«.ll hr *hrnn tnnlfht at faltrh-M »l 1 and • Ha*ln« In thr plprllnr |*lpr srrrrlar* I r*»i» T ' vr mtrn-wm *haw>-; 1 - T • «.l !Wll)i W Beatniks r • . a* a h.jt nr** man hr orr»a;n.< nnn«nal and drltthtfnl mmrd* Mt an** prr*nnall* di*at*prn«rd s I I nrl Vairh thr *<*wna "M*t < »'«■»* mr itimms fr- •.. **'dr«* thi* *hlpmrnl a* not in thr I S Uppboal " Id.n'sx »». — •. P. -f*r tt»*'*o ««P»r i t.rmld P I nuhlin thr harhrlnr *hr ** ant* In mart*, and in an-.n- iter *a»d in an Mapiuaw and a.mir j t ath* IHinn Ihr litllr dait(h|ri **lm dnr*n I national Inlrrr*! Thr nrdrt had TasAf. v« *idrni ,». * ■•••. of T- . a nanird ** u' ** anl her In man * him Ir.li1"»i »i hf had intruded in mmn :r«v TVm.stat* oh* i •. • » hrrn Ittrnrd dnwn twirr hrfnrr 1*" ram>iinn hnl had {•rttrraliott Krart* a.r *mart't.-a <;n.V : "«• rh»r.,.--d *« attitcdr m »»d (n« h/van*r ar-d chartr* nf In Milrrialt-m »'• arjfo* madr h* s< An - . « l.m-k Hike* lo K.ii k- y> hi*rp,v. ,K-K»n 'hat \ \h CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . . am d.vv.nafiv thr n.vmmat! 1 . M hut ittftLtv* Prof Sees • As' 1'hnv MSI Ivfi! ' thp farultt 'm*nv "BrrW hranns* >taff mrmbrr* »,*urp^d of.:* of art. 'ir"'|yi-> 'hat b* thr a.: atdmu • Jov l\i Strau** Of Manv Stolen liikes «»tnr*.*rv !*•'"« thin *>r» \ irw. \o II orrv i*o.v: Sunday pvrr W MS|v Srr»i;«« lint Him tla* in Mamiuaon « avod a * p»diJ-«-s' ta*>r ' » •r a nrAIM IM S: i* nt TIII KS. \M» nil KIHTIONS OW lilMMJI PI IU.U ATI0\ I'OK 1TKS.. M i ll, T\ an.i \\ K AK-radhv Thrv hrtneuv* aKWd h.«« •!*«.»• "Ji'i miiiij:" thr rjtu*r . • ^ V-i 1mKp« mi MUN. I DITICN IM AIM IM 2 |vm. I HI. Pi $Un?rv Mffrrda. at.:. Philip K* fumpiK, Of lev .tge «vrr *'.v !o * ! *» •, »i rivt >r of t hp Honor* Col. .him u h V hr ** a« 1r*ttf\imt jtivontinv tP-Ku'hitivl Hrnht:. .hnvt.n- of pphljy UiiU Pitt.iMr s-i: grid I * Mnnrtd* ihrouch Crldat Wa*hinftivn atair lVm*v»at» ieffr. Pr. Km Ma.-rorir. a* havrn't forfroftm *.*r-r of v V\ nrmrr < limatv M*?ar,t profrspor of rt>m. ihmc* Tvan* 111 I .iv! .Ill t«';lr» .•-•;! ion Skv* nn,i Va « Vn hr andtdatr aua.nai na. Mtd a alv.,.* un*ii,>v*«f thr:-'. ro. Hr • \ MSI Prof CI ASS minimum URATES IS wmdt HOUSING PERSONAi • .PV.r lUrr. " A r Votvc . Hrp *Vn Mat- 1*. N*M'\ ll<.«u KOTV of: .or. the program'* nun-n S iD-U'ath tnfhimit.a Rrpi.oh.-an . . - »'. To I .('('lure 2 1 da* ffV FOR Rf NT '• \r\K*. V t* ♦ tMir<«*Vs |*i\ m.-r*. nast-r \r»» N« M Idit.v rrnalo: to h * nrv. h •* ddyt $ • AS . .■ * \ r • '«* H* f-M.*: u «ho a*kr*i ih.a: h.» Tn-ah - ... , ; a -1 no 1 : r uw\1 »a;d hr t.h.nk* tt\ a o-ao In Miiropo 3 4 davx day* . . $1 1? 5? ?S ' ' • ' I It HM'sT IN \e * tV*r in,-i.*rr.:» ha\r trndrd to • i.f»M • » .--.US' r**.- nam «-;rnt1vrr,. * thr o, |vx» < 5 dayt $.* S;1 » Niirn- J, TYC R:*v.' t»on to st:a11*« amonj ,ur *r? » n V , s -.. r '' :i>r air » ft drm.vrai* ADOiTiONAl CHAR.Tij. ' IP< rack wmd o»ri IS llr rrm«rr «n a *rt> *Hn»t t. da* Senior I'imiisl or- ■ limr ahnui Sfi privent H h*k«» h ' r,\i >s*f .1 *** ' I • A hr %atd mini AUTOMOTIVE , • • * • • ' » »' l"ie t \ .wr" i •' hi tiirr lii'citiil v t . ! % v lUltnii'Mi' tdrrrda aaid iKal Ihn nmpHaai* Thr VST m«» o «1 ■. nn raw fMfflfiwt Ma rhanl« *■ i j*twr:i :v ,*ri 7w M |»i-^ »f»nr.| Mi«n a( mn p an at .'A : hff f V vt #»» i»l Ihr annual • w»|» tmnMtlari dm* ♦ »»r»ry| ilrohalif romArltAnt n TSr V. . A.. ai .« :> Jiri real estate < WWpf-t e* a-.A i»( .1 a i* n»n:« a inifimr, unnti »hr Thr y .it . •» t-MtlAi a*trr».". ' 'sfs > EMPLOYMENT V. IV *\ijn«. wr*v ftYijf- •wnmil rwm»f«r ainrr - • Ha.x », K*» «on.t »* *1 • r '•* raem Wmrli War U ' X r V'.v > i r iw> the « i - V.' / . ' v ? . 'It ma» ha»r hrrn »h- *«*tk •» i i • *\ y »Vohr«' » a« rf ptnlr«*innal hii»rtr tMe*e* *,> • ,■ I Hr fnllouttu *»rrk hr **UI at '• "t hr a*ad h« t»r ma n *«*rat>rt at t>«r apra i > j iv.» iatgr Hr jWvigram t*4» thr tun* Int. rnaitt'ttal VV All- V: 1 *■*> "I *M »t. Harh " IVir .h*€ ; A.v.,1 th;r«» *rO» *»# *.< * v tu »**»** tvr » n,i r-.. I'tmt Jan. r i*»ntir*« i - Vtthu - " i . . IflVfVft'V A y >. !'•** A*t1 ■- '*» *« ma • J*mr | It* «•: <.»- i* .< • . *n-*t> II ! K m.n, no hatprrit and 1 ••«.!* »n '.i* »r ». * - »|r . n a -• * > t is* fhrrtho . I "» |>W»t lllhf TindM.lMH a . **» i rs *.r. V- Wrf» -1*14 • i * . '« - >•»* »r- 4*->r* H «MM • - ' rvfrt •••• «*. M \ ri««w ..*u,: RENT . • i t * . ..*».-«< .. h n ll» i-MW ov , * . . Vl.. h • t Km mi • . rt» AKTtP'h MVRMAV * t 1 t» I < rt i5f\T* \ "I'.ri * r l.»k ' T> #" .i irv e (v«un t V * !•».. a; l\ to. . i t"ri m:.-r : d * . . - ;**. „ » p VI un vfgs • • - SERVICE *Wf da B«l an- ta •• Mi M • '.,. u. V hrnch I'm - »«i4k me**. thai »• ri>r . laim* Hr'n ti ui.> lrv »*. * l»r > - >4 x*> »• ft ? ' 'Or In.irn thr \f*l aNanJ. 'ii 'higittrrr' >«-<•» llrll> f, v a* « X-* V- prnprtt* r:«ir>tmt I tilth s! hliilnl 0{kfC»OUS SPUDA. A WAvrrp nvtil «»', S'UDNUT H\ »'i M. t U:-'* ' » l> I-. .• ;., r f «-h* : A- '"....••(r . «* »e that hr would noi warn tr rtatlr Hratnth* *• up pma hitt hnr*i flrUn *n =OR TEN t wim* crssr*' i torf «n « thr hcrab«« PUaTi.1* ihr *f* »r* WMSB-TV ur OM r.u* K H'Ck S LAUN0*v"va »»?».'« mwfiPNI tr thru *owl OtOf Oft fO« Sid •'Mi* lVi ».a** !n*.n« *«*»»|. whuk ihr* hat* thr . , ,r •-OR SAL u> • iuiAiizf IN r« »c- fo* s*.:o •• '"»■« k* It-HW i Ai t '• IW-fv •Mi art* iklt -It* Civ. r , »■• 1 i <-*.r. I'tsn "* *•-• exi'r*. gin .*■ •Hi* II* ha-rtk >**» ; »'.*• ■ " • cVie iir * . i • V. nv» ■*), Hit" Knot 1« trwr* *! a nr* \ To n ,' t*.*-ei« h*> ■* j*. irtv - * h:.v • t « i<"* - iftfc •£* *Tv»*'.» tut A!iK»;» * < i»* .""ft »!» 2-Ain . UtT»« vsvo -nor-# « ..*• tt*>urv la* Mat ««-:* « AVM S TVCI.V, lr. • I"-"*. f K "-{ CllANISf C.C-. !W nstTIf) t 4K1* on At .-r« t.5r*hi*ar» w. - .-v such UAJOHAlll »■ . e* - •■. iviitnr l.r. - *;■-# .-*• . {.»**« Ratro |V i-Tb « " •:'d HCXT T •fc • -tf u W*:t . .. « ,«l . ■ of .Jhr -.*. FCATUltNG »•!* f»» * I' ,jg :*rs* s'hartc*. *gr ffi *-oic » .. »> >'. . . !-rTf» SRt-;t".>. K3R SAL' Hlltli . L UUN: . * ?? I T*!4 *.- Ti^E s-0C'K^>\ CENTER - )*>■'- < >SE A' vl. t > it * t \ -RADIO SCirYiv i tc-.. 'v tfit |V i•;rj* - LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY jk, raw* IrlrvuwH* to aiijctcat- %*)n f nt x. t.j *• '•A •I am* n «oen lin lull EiiiOs ' f"» ' ittit'.Wt »«io- rv (' t Marv.r har .. t.,o a-l« Mar t* TV Ttduiifian* C« X~ 1. fX) *-«o4 & . Of-' < n Vr* V.t-i hr ihr at tftrmi *ar IV T-.A* rS:< tt-; uti- • he tut. W *MCMf$0N j «tT**ur* N !•*•*' T. - * «'*•■< a -tt *«N*r>» at. Ihr 4-a*a»^f .t I, t*rra jcwcm A-, tw t.enlarge <* luaaira kguwmiiaiuua i#i* «j «* hr»v! M esut dMv!? CuSJ^r, *' » M«. er.t rt«. »s« ■ iak ....-• Vi.*t Wo IV T-2J4J tf.jg " l,-»* s* , ;jirr» «»m "hr kilt0 id jwTwxui.arr. e*t* t-»»dcy Skae«.rf Cr»t«r ..*• o«4--..*o-0pn* .art b« «na uunyw* ..rt-gr. h»: CdM.r '.OST an.-' POUND v « lock * ..:* r«*» * ctaJAl !w li. nA*»t% tLOtkh- QVAim * >*.*.!. >. *:**■ Jrtfcfc;'. fr: f .-»* A o—-.v.:rtr t.n* at »a tn*»- < Ca»da< ClT Argml ' I and -a;t.r* (ftmngiit transportatTon, -.h tvd.if Vhh. Uf >'f hririf iV-f . .- td -■ *.:* ptkir.K t« v > >*■ ydk.< 4«f A.In..•*.,•! I. 1 4 »«•"•*». riwlx npnam h*a* at ««*t a^tmartaal umt> •rrrawne*. a»**! gu VvTVJ vu"!" « . !•*- I* *r, Hi't* t awr i» 1.4.A-fiar It h *■*•>*• i Ccntrtt. «tnt un.'r V y* I Law* I Vdfi RegaaitnUfciii m»* hr »r*t rf r tan.«^ I'l |« j: * hmf7, J^SSS ^hlfiTWATCH. a S « r • p ir,. M«r*-.a !•* mtti i RABY Btn VERY |**| c-x»di. rrtday, nawwr terrr. i« V<" ■ p' Ca» he «m #r. at ah ft ' Dcy ©yfl FvrnihQ Ossvet ' «»pt ha innr g- p m. e*-*r* jg brnf >•<**« iltwi « • »'« TBIT" Miri-HARVfON-KA*DON. AM and R' .ANTED TO STBIXT f. >*«> rv fanrr fc*r re*. Also btocui# VTilafc apartment* tor t - o i •'.k32 H»-;l* ED 5-AMT .tj pV. • IV Mor' t R"«k Joly and Augua'- F' 00 him, wt. jo?a g 1