■ }lotioi* Society The Vi cnlher ><\N I'M hii'f* I'hl Purity rtnudy, warwrr I :«i HptHhrrs I • ilf It •od.iV ... sii see rl Smlii|i lilSt) I'or r»0 Yi-ur* I,oh iloinhiy . . IS , (i. No M i.ast i.assist;. Miriiu;AN?rri.siiav.mavliCT»m> PIUC'K r» UP,NTS i|.|;igs at Half Mnsl Sation Mourns Pay less Payday for Profs Threatens I Iniversitios Dulles 'Passing Sweat Out . ^o: \V. I ON ni'*■—-Tlii* •*!wr:. an«l stripe* 11«»\\ nt h ilf m the world Monday in honor of John Poster Tax Income •»«»> Ba|«t ttihiile* followed loool ... <•! •>»hrr-* from »H i*a»t* of 1 ll\'lH>\ c.-l'i' \ Hair «»f ... n ■ rl.l mini (n»m diplo- . »»,f pebtteUn* who had r.T,;»iil hat ro«l has bronchi StfTerrnce* with Unite* «»1 nolmy in thr'Mhitn' i r*r*e to Him a* * areas of \\ r*| | .otulon Jc ..f - ,•!fHI . . h., r m.t piit taitUraa rh»tn|»irtn ft freedom. no uf of inn t, • .,n bile debt Whei o\ ri I o»i.|,.|i\ , IMHI NT .m l tin. to -k .ti! ll.c money In r 'be ('.vivumin! lu M.ie h\ snI.- K' • u iih Hie ni »»e ni i fund. • t.i'i d u.-Mt Dullr* a! w.«U* ot«« *i»;i.M. I with I'iiilo. \l .., \|sl *«• in.- , ■ nun. wr D«" : I i 1 \ Mil*- S.w* I'lnthi l,i *1 ' * li . .il, ' itli in,- * »ivi TIIInI M'*l* tiiaiiilrit.inre nun rnav he winiie-l almn* Ihr pin *peri nf a |iavle** |»avilai ilil* llidav. lull In Ihr me aniline Ilie* V Fit* ••lit make stuiie n |uli* in tin- |,.»«e nf a ganltn lloun «■•!! I»r«lilr Ilie "tl*| will continue to prorrs* s. » • age?',"* M , . t»> » Nliidenl Servhes luiiiiltlu: Ihr nun .ir«- iliilluir. i hole in lh<- ln*e pj* rolls iltd bur ||ir llir. k* Mi*«i**l|i|>i « I.MV, .1 |* f'nlr II T a.im m \V., Il nf Ilie will Willi a ili.inuml |i|,|iei| drill In m«lei in allow heller Ui.ulr f..t ill litloilioii si thr irg w h V'n nun arknowledeed reerivine a iiav*. w.oil* (he Htainagp for Hie lied aliuvr. ubr luoe liid.it sod rvprrlanl- . agenc* AP\ i mii|Mrliri,*i* r trpnii fiiwo Hie . ; , I'!'<*h'i*in 1 • \ n.ung a Negi Mr* I Irani,r Hiillr*. Mate Ihpai tnirnl of I trial lra»e Uallrr Herd V>a it Itetier*. at * foreign trmher MSI' id t* M ll»*t*iial in Washing Inn. Sundai. follow in« ihr death «f their Of ore lij (Icrmaii Armanienls, Iriel reeriill* a \fim mi« knifed ri.tfr* t iMifrrrnr* l»iille* hut hrolhei. John I o«ler liiillr* Mrmlwi* of Hie fantil* wrir al Hie • f U., fill got S lit ilnlh b» *1* white tmilM— prj t» iltfthl. a I >. *|»ohc*- M- •Mil I'M , i|,f .1 for in* re j»oil r\ie|*l I he rolor |*rd*idr nf the former Nerielai* nf Mate when lie died in hi* alerp. . »- reported ho* Irt Foreign ) l> - ( of In* »kin ■ .irr tndrci (irmttkn >n»!i German tipipithi optmnitol Muntrnurt at Dulle*' . . 11 toe Tua - . I .4'-,!i-\i'»:ro or»':itv.fa!it'll* • Afcwr -rT. «in,l s •>„. \V it.- IV- the National fiver I'uliev Alakers Mark ai d.i < N. «n>, p.., ft.,., 1 . • ■ . nr.. If. S., Ilil bv Beds . to. . • 1 y. 'I'll*, i 1hem II ,« • " b-il-.v enough Ok. Lai*or l'.» *\ i»uie.l out lore t'lt.ii ,h'V i • M, ,s V- 'aUii Sipsa'e There weir Moiulnv iii the Wcxl of |»isi lilt i lit' ...I picbed lo DM *,* j<: t \ !•'.».i\ h.»-i . t!„. »M. lawn h -ur* ■ t Apui iu'.ji iii loiivi 1*1 \\ r h • li ! i.i! *? .'e fund «'• !■» ,t!H *|W H- m* lion* l«f ihr . a a ngrmeuts t.rtTHnii> "ilitii a riiiiHny fur atomic iioinln r. mill a l.i iin h- Snn i.iv *;.**%,« «! inoif violoiH 4 v conference s. .!• • r.'i I •• i r n i: »:!!»* i? ill* fur rurki t -" lie iln w a |ifuiiiji| leliiike Ii'uiii I S. Courts Khrushchev . '• » • mjr •?i«l ?h» i i al t c.i onli'.. >'* !'v tin *pi'.ikrrs • . •• V > \n Mui.itrn V, • > , W .1 ■ I,idled I■ In' SciTi f.ii'\ uf St.if»T hristiaii lici t i l lie n,. Ihvr • ikei . « dm .for,inn. »ie • .»■•-* (tec. (i.'mi 'lie 'f'.house, ti.uiliig (uncial here «1 N. * •• !■ u:t VI I- i- . j I i.e A" • > "t 'I id •' I'! ' i,-I. II' w.i- Itin.Uefl liit'i « to Jew .»!• nif'uer.i-e " lie the I'. I ■„!, Foil Mm;; , ' «iu. Third I'olio Sliol , hull,-* !hh|. will lie in repose so U \ O..- k sK.nni-.' ? an'« WASHINGTON 11')—A Hun*!1 Milieommittc'iN P-TH , ,i w t . h I 'M I "tf She 'Ilie Ifjilirr*' | nioit lia* tut kne F ui? N> c„ i- rtl not In lake aiilou Hi the k National (allied air "'i.idU'ii *» '.'■ infectious .1 the hiiuln of jmlicv inakri*. is iltecitesmj: '• r . ii.ii • i e. , ■ I .„ui,M,oi ' F • ' G. roe,' - - . - ! >r 'I hour* ItrliMf (he ser¬ MM , ' t»io-* to fin e iipponl to Soviet I'lomicr Nikit.i Kliru I rh» \ In* .or.ition tn »'\j»lorut ion of outer follow in \rlington ii.),! s.» k> • > .i "• 'I'II* , I , , t , t h»onb Himi skill* piofrasur ami un*urre**ful ranilulate for the Then- n'ii*i.iei.O)ie roii'u- |v.;«ma! ( miner* Willi Dulles' llmur of ( ninnmmi* a* an Inile- , S. ! • . II I.S'.vd I ' ,m « I ' , ( mrmhrr i.f Ilie union *.<"1. howrvcr. .1* !■ will fh, ; Mile dav* later rarkef* IhnI* (fiend w«ni 1'irsictent the piPtttiifo. I Iseil- I*rni1riit. grant* .»* d*°*rriheii Ihr ihr ransuard iniml- «f "a i' >i,gsi s.' w h. i :»-.»• i i, , .,? Pull Board Hold. wa* found In Ilie MI»»l*M|i|d (••> .. If II ill Hie O". Of Hi,? colli -!« > ! ,NI- ((:;■( TL'' 'i i' •' 'I of pi'-poseil a - * >»"' ■ a nit„ ,;i.« Hu • side,of Hie I'earl Ri*er. acioss , ,! ,. .... u„ .... k Jm t(;e ' Hnte rnlored aem> invading Ibe II rilrrn Horld " lie vaid the* i • 'i'Isimu'.r it .: of the i»t >• Annual Banquet fiwio llogalusa. I a lie had lorn ! I, 11! I.', Hell. >>;■ , , . i ■ i ; | • ??,« i .: •< Hid ,'t • Bark, v. ;• '■ I- for ihr hnnlw «f A»u " .•'.ann..'T ' • tak.- hi* *i%- =• ui rate » fbi f» m jf In a f«-minute speech f.ui- ft* r »; MVti*' I - ran ait ti >■ - II.e .1. n I (i■ ko »sited the foul log I" ! a a t t* h i • , The annul Pui.-ijcation* f vn .. . > '• mt on d • una >thei f*. >i i ' . 1 if 1, A , - II, d hi,. '.i ii.ini/.t'ioi • M • . !hi- .-uin«,ic t f.„ i .mqiif? will ?H»n«»r staff Hie > a*i A' «»nc > •»"' ' powers lo .rgrrr in piinii|ite that '; «* w i l.t .. Ill, *.lid t • ,1 .ft ;.f i v.. . t.iik■- w th S' v »'l '.eavu i a* t.Mir a* Mil ■ ■ id a , ,«« nrgiitiilinil* helw een Hie ri* H .men! propel• I '*r hi'U.'-i ». <«'. ,-f (hi- SN, . News, \\ f.erni.in states icprrsenled «'«• |..t "We Impr In Ulk l'» all Hie l«|i .ri !!,.• i'op! u i.' j • Simi* in Sj aita.i Ei ide v* h«( to prople. iiieliidipg V|r Khru*h« - Ho'.o i * > II.' e FBI ;.ep«.i sir ilile tt.it o| respiring Geiin.ui AM \i> H.»! \ • lie*, and al*u their W»|i urieo- !■ ,i i ', i iiiai lan a! t> unit*. I* ark t-i li*U." %nfu«u said. it, tr.e I'noai t>a!'i>ioui. iSI'Mm* I«*eixili f t '11 liowc i ei Ki'j.. (» > i • • •» Service death "f P.i.-ke ' .»-» * a»!.lt» -I id ! i> >>l pi '• >i ' oh '■! Im < I .'•to- flo piaf i. . < d :m : >p.n'i' coinnotu, ...I 'tw •i.enl*. for tail leiiii will t>» HtMl no oth* r >,• • • ' i! !••«<« i ai fica*. iti tin , otiin eti T , Se«r,'»alioni.sls Losing nouiMcd ti* ?he eildips di, whole thing a a* new.* t<» ion, pro*ec uBTiri i i •« r'.alri »ltie-t. tne ofji .«»>» '•Point I'lan I)uii"lcil . n age . |,.c • ie (fiemuuo Aofuso. howivir. said i Irtivilicn ( tirniiul Wc Hi..' ' . , (jm • be sh.k« of th. I'ompetithm will Paii bus Parks lasers . sute-ommittee had di u*a-d • n» agaui » « Font pOAt is i« lid > t:.g »•> ' u itli Brook*, that llri- K- keen a. the five tiuolua'.n.n Hrithlnilitin l.xlrmlril i.tl hast Germans Present l.ad i ii'iil n», objection*. at«l (or Ihe coveted "oilcan'* ti This modernistic creation Deadline f »r U'l nig in « ml a- - G u t * t a n d i h k schofoi • and "i pin. in Jld Slielenl Nei I Male fvparlmeiit wffirial • c rlcli .m !u>i.ti+; H.O urn k tum k -1*1 1 ' K Delta <'hi. national piofcv>< For further a ! a ma!. Il ■ U !Hi,H'. HlicMVi il • '! ;l J'lf folluwril Ihr dl«ml*a«| of Ihr 1 had hern eohlacled but he re- SNF'.'a — Communist rhev la*l November when he (id ni,ici> *1i lid* i i OMiioleJu es cilMi k M ni'l.tv ni I.I'll, l! « k • terti hrr*. Supporter* i»f thr luwd u dr*ruM the mailer be journalism fraternity, to :h, tart Art KIotm,!. .r,;..u/a' , . •' '• 4 dr.fitiiMR at naid the three Wevtetn power* to Hitler rm lh. de-am of John intogr'.teei i'-aMl..- ■(!'•, the a|»- niiNlrrates drmaitdrd Ihr rrrall ' tund »a*ing thai If Ihr xubcoim five percent of the j >urna < chairman of A- tvtin* Cainiva , mud get out lit Ma* ?i. Thi* J D tit lif'f' «*' OS Ihr ■ - i ' .ftrcfire u dang- • '«i .m |i ,11 ni •rgrrgattoni*!*. Thru thr ■' •' millee make* Ihe lriu II will be graduates. at ED 2-35b » 'r rhr We*t*rn fuiet^n deadline later «a» indehnitelv So Vie' men „i Am.ci - JiOfis (• so » .< he i m..iih , it .li tegrrgalionM* drmaiidrd thr '•r* I he f r»l lime a < ungre**iwnal let, ,1 W, •! Genu.ill ,i- elect ion «k f: pUn to po*tp«ined w hen the U.S.. Britain i .i!i-1 " niiuteratr* he rrmotrd. -v L-. coinniiltee ha* visited Russia. IHoff i ii iur 37 «>f Fuubus h;rnse!f twice ptugg'- i ,.r. ctam and Trance agreed to the Gene* i.dritm ii'pCHteiHy r.ivc •!-nig , i, K . m.-i.i .aid Mon. va foreign Miniater* Parle* on Brooks, asked if t»r ws>utd ap¬ li e Wc' Icin tie't ga(i'»lis il! the 47 prtiiu ' . found tne F.cihio. ( >t '';r t; 4cher purge faction c- -♦ prove such a trip by Anfuao't cunlcicncc. il? third barked g,« u-«i|,>i,i->t well i#e* He called the teacher firing r-»n- !>;»:. oil. |«r. the future of German* and Ber¬ n hi > 1 . subcc-mrruttce. fold a reporter. In Wiuiiington the state hind with (he vot< > running out ;c. ihf Wrst of lin. Aicrt troveth* a "smoke*, rren" for mi them Cwt German *n- The East Germans have not departnirnt blunii wdvised So- ttlli gldtloll Vict I'M'iTufcr Kiirii -hchev that he faubus had minced u» word. The otSei two "egregatiunint*. .. . ^vw* s.t* arteries c"ntr°l of tw.e f .rrnaoy pre*cntc.l their plan to tl fi fi n a li u,fluid have ♦«> drop this imp if »n hi■> »uj !••',! t for thci». »n Uu Holier?, f-. *t , fkn Row - linking •so- the Western li.g Three or to the u , *«'• BtrUo he wanted to >,•*• the Geneva r» < i I eU'. hott tfiggerert by ihcir JhimI had small chanr# t*f atav- with West West Germans., of 44 He *ai;i IjimIs Dulles teacher* '■star:' M ing L.iIk* voccewi. . g "If recall. The Western official said they , * reruin number •( tfaili they (fi-id iw futaiiwoj ami h% Heuem have uublicixrd it through ntru- Hi rep moderates, who (s^**i TeMs parade at 4:30 p.m. voters had Avs'C.Htd Midwest Universities piled up 1.500 mar¬ . -'■* - --.v-n sarTuons Ln West Slieralon Opening optakinp oinrrrrly of Ihr "Die public u invited to the gin for the recall of the board's u (AMU). ^ -">,7" * • nov total about dralh nf an old acquaint- • cerfmollies to be held on the segregation leader. Ed McKin- Quill, former vic.e-president of ~.er lour hotel students soent tne aacr. paradu grounds adjacent to Old tey. The vote wa* 10.606 to ft, 107- AMU. succeeds as president Dr. t * *" ^uetion if not eUmina- < week end in New York as guests "tluriac both thr Ei- College held. In the event of In¬ against him. James Jensen, provost, lows anucommunist Sheraton Corp. The Corp. - propa- of the -'. .4 ».v M*ho»tr aad thr Truaun clement weather the program Replacement of any board State College .nteUijcnce activities asked the MSU schol of hotel, ShHlman will be in JenU'in Field Houit. meir.b«r recalled will be up to AMU ia a non-profit, Inter- • V ^r''n tnd * reduction restaurant and institutional admin bit raliaou. I)alle« ,1'te I - mat jm »»ido»n« una up r Nervier* lo Each year, awards arc pre¬ the Pulaski County Board of university corporation with a "r4" aa!i*w«tem activi- management to send hotel stu¬ roatrihotrd rrraliy la ad- Vt Ea-"' Berli»- afcfc up IhMr licSrla Irr canmrMO Which Mill lie sented to top cadets in the Education which ha< only one membership of 31 educational dents to Bmghampton. New . vaaciap Ihr brut ialrrmU hrM lu JrufaM rkMlmnr In Uw rraal 1 loci mrather. Sen- freshmen, snphomorei junior and Little Hock school district resi¬ and research institute n* Its * ihl L**1 Ci*rWM «i*iUE« York, said Dr. Joseph Thomp¬ of Ihr V& aad of Ihr br aOowrd to ptek up IMS ,«Ui« hr« Ikhrta through senior classes. The awards orig¬ dent among its five members. purpose is to promote, cncour* ZrT. Ail V.MI son. director of the school. world far puacr." Mid today. Wiargiij those tkkrU left WW WM he dUtrihuted (one to inate with various armed forces The county board until nowr age, and conduct research and ■^rfia ami The students assisted in the a ft—n m a first mm first atoiai lada If Ihero are organizations, industries ' and h is been outride thu integration education in all branches uf *** U* * grand opening of the Sheraton civic groups. battlcgiound. ac2ef.cc. *• tnmk* Mkite ttohato toft avar. too proaeso wtlTha miatgi Tharsday. Inn Hotel. f Am j X J. Foal u res Old I .oilers Lack of hilollortual Curiosity i) *i r run \ (!« -1 \TI N* It s M»t itn t • \t X National Problem Say Profs ' K Ave * in Museum II, I IRR\ Mil I I r In tutrllo*(Hit l^ananl "Tho altttlonl'a limo la !»»«» Hod Vsi ' a'iMu* in «»j|o«l np with rata, dalra. Inloronllog ('.rlclirilirs i«. « \n«»i % n t» \t 1* s ..f iixfelWtual rttrJ.w** •f. in ml thai fhr lion- lalo alhlollra and o%tia-rnrHrti v. V. ^!»*'tilf* nxr-v\< : t ■v.?. ait oarrHonl lai aillxllloa." huatlhnnl aald • ,v V. x irxx «• ^ "r »-.'l*!rv.1ril f ?*«t i? "If • mtlotlli »f llioao lhln«« President Ilannn!t • .cif ,• • - .• X fi Hn >■>"•••■'it tliiv.': nj|' . ;fu-*, ||rmx nn< Y ■■■• >«•., .1 , . ' . - •. 4 V v.o »-t lr»\ irtttoii , i.i Mns 'hat «O! r Mr I m al»., wno *« nuld In Inlollooittal ollmlnalrd. ham mnro imranlla " Iho llmo In aprnd xlndrwl s ; . . TVi-fr» .»r \nd !lm.t , % !»:.ko rmvn«iti »•!»{ Svxarthoul fuithor r«mton«ltsl n« i \ k t; \ citiu ! ■ )"■ .<■-. phi ilfMlt'Pf" x'c. (ris'i I'-rro fn l«o lhat antvo of ni" piosont .la, • r Mrrfda. tViW i f I*r S'a'r •liiitonla titiix-rtaiHoa • <> .1 m if " aio l»oonmins S vsv ?v« - . i.,' • 'r- •. * %'W»\ 1 hot o at n Mado arhoola fTint 'x pln. o U ,■ n «.l .. , • i Mini .• tr; • in MvKu. •• . V • .Uitt lv • • «v ■ - ^ ' x>^ , tiloa >v omphNPia on IT Ivalnuiii » 1 V'. !;«. prr-rr'r.t «*to <• tj»ti in lot i« ill Iho fho mind. Thi*. ho liohoxnl. lir w«.»it '■}(• X . v. MM" dft •nal.gn, . .• . ... i! in', an *.» rmiUl hr g imtllt llmluii fa.'." i Vxa-. -1'-* *u f t to '. V ' S' ' IS it ' . . in «uflf ••'Mil in .'-0 «*a"o»l ■F.luifl'i.,n Inxvard tho lack nf ourn«it> no •••*> y « .*. ••»«; KV'-.xspVfir • . t ho » htp w *y pro* find on our oampnaop tottav MS;' en !Kr Vltlini'th in nh'fiiif of i mm W :•>. » - «. ! in icmiiI M irtdrmit «»h Mudont I'OfU Holploaa CLASSIFIEDS inn itor» r*M <1 Mat*, all foui lUr:n*N xv», astf-f.! w ith 'ho nth- (ANPUS . hj'.v agreed thiv i« prnhahlv mmr a m • o n»n'ondo«t that. ft"'* \,*.x . I • > national ptohlrm. lalhrr than ho a \tst* mi« tTttot oft ts". \ ■ to.' liif .ll Mllf *ra Ho »aut that In EXT. 2I»1.*1 •• CD 2-l.r,11 r r 1>.V. * ' : 1' 1 * "if l'' . 1 r J ■ ■' r-0 « a* tiaually a .-.II Mora ' v* i; • r " * * at tha \ • ' to. t tinixrt • ti i:s„ wi n. A. r sha* >»oto m?rtol.l< Ihrmish I inl.i> , c *. • ». • *tangttt.( tho *w'.d . f. '.fNi •« "Wlnl ran Iho altMlonl »f In dn pn»«»Mt 4« ahnnt tho Mig Uvm; »•: . — • t »«i»r ronforoiM-o*." Mtorda laid classified rates \ a: i. u.o- w- • it, v. . ha«lr f Ton iff l< la aakrrf hrtoir la «on kna« t«i a**o« Ihp from In tho p«»i tho H an hntaao oa«« with la run taar minimum II word* FOR SAIL housing N,!X -v, ' V K' ' \ Itinia hfrr Unllrr aaiil "It aprtmhold tlflo In hand In Mghl Nil IS.- ATTINt'PN for sali } diyi VX AXMAIU I AtfX PA N' . • <1 1 • v..- »»auiil It rhlldnh In auiirat that ihf fitrnm* % «piln|Rald rltto ti 45 XI HI I Xi .11 firrirtiif It ii»rn nnrratrii tnt 3 dtyi v. noalH l«wk mi«hl« alllr ladi, In $1 15 .fill « tnait, ..tin Uki4 IX , iii tcpitii tt»» anr In aur umpintnn I# prnonl dan 4 day. wwifli I, |tfl(fill« (fff $? 15 atomic woapona** 5 day. vx - A .• if- r "r of a ... I.V50 LOST and FOUND • pra. .a' ndn- if JONS Mi'f. NARPXVAt! —-- -■.rtaeancaara'^xast■.? a *■ ■ ) -, nh«>w«" - * *' » . a. attain orvphaiifo.t !•» ADDITIONAl CHAH015 I «»M 1'Altt lit ( .. at !h# W. r ■ xi i*«* I st-.T- -- .0 >w » iV:>(a hoa>ii\hi i* Skill, I ii« x'il» a,-o>t hov ta 111 11 Xl» • XI i 5 IM till ■r Man igomoitt, t . « i* n o in i'hloaco e M '».. »B> I- —. 1 : » X«..x > iiail » ••>i.t*ii. |'|i uppro««o.4 . »:' ■ .«r , : o than a§- «S4 hi i. k «,tvx rwrnn i \. «*ot*. r prmhah;,- ■«« l«oon tho ■■ r.. 'a.t»><* .m ix.'i lytllx onnatdPi iia.io in 0«|»lt|»l»0«t t«»i. M-•».(.> • HOUSING • i. XXfxix hit I i m At'toiuan tl. .t ,« • . v »• S*: i « « ».f.a.n Ml* <1.0.. ' • « a f uri.V-Ux . v. ho **atisi Tho tmntotui - ' '*'oi laXt Ht'llh !...• ft A II MX nuioago ta.v, nM \;a Na.K rail RENT * l»_ J I XM2 H . .h i- d nxa'oria! rom.f«"t iii o »'«" I f " -1- t I ronat.l a c .ti %|tooa u .ft Hut V: 0 ifi'i'if haxr l».i• up j• itax PERSONA! 0 »oa « fon t totf 1X11 I»SI I Hrs.. N?> • >•". tho , 0»v |""«t {IX ' XMIP st IN * |i| v' • . r foarfu' < «* "fil* «;> r 1 «.»mo mo.ilalri It,• », ptt» i,j. ( 1 Plia-'i •r. a' ' ** 'Ho 4ma'. .♦oi * < 1 tigs I'll t-tkx.ll. XX . ■ to.t th.f rt«i thr.S I'll K 1XXM 4t«»..r • il lUflotonl % Hit wdo tvV! XVI ghl Mill! !••>* »« .... |l XhP'lt X lit ! ;i . I m>iv -lv V"fat .. 'nun a t dif. horUl.'c Pup v .. 1 tl.-. . • l .11 a*. | ,4k, Juhn*. iiXIl H«to» ».'«j t'llullo |V X I - r.i t.K •a,a uf a " 'u.« r 0 »«->*.fn..o.t Pha' t -.o .■ i'if P I SPA r r. *#rti Ihtnia a« tho Irntf In employment l At 1 HXhllKil I.V « - A'-. . .... .... | 1,„ . trrnatmnal attualton I ho oon s 1 o \ a t i |.-i mot Ix Ji lor v.i s iixn I*- - I' I...i 11 "'t a«ioau«to oaonomao w " . * It I tl!'-.* •j ll K XI ! •lin » Hi Ml . It'll 14k. I",. a«l 1 i'r. ha- • ■- (MAI I C&Kl* I'AXtP x. » » r i. r I. *.w or.i lam Tlurli ■ in o . J- - , XX Xll.XfM t spi'iPMHirt t*. .S|||»«>r% inioil Mi. ' i'or pautr* I., tn* T- .i ,-*n • « > tiwto' a • in. i * >■ in, •a»- Wuaruix ■ .a l)i »o** 0 xio Xi«" tuunaoi.-; .--.iiofr . t P . oa» pi.1 girit Ahlo •• tu HP XH i II.XNI IP XX ti A . . n '1<« ps»i . ,14. yi.|t t.ui i «■'. o rotor*".«-* Ma X \\Nn xx'«i,>* a >ra . "v.ugtfi. M.i h FOR RINT . -eg ■•iv, Micmgan irx. — K •' V.. K, V» • I (^allege Iligh-Sehoolisir AMTMl'K Ml MM XX to Isro r .'•■'. ». . . ■ : «*a; real estate «"> po-uiio a'xi ■'■xi'-t ' X\MM. \x PA r t. * uio* a •..tun.#' :• i ..toulAi aprUlllllg yy. hi., t. »•?>#! i4.f tntthor I k".ng out l. Hv ■ -«" ■ nthnra I angnn«o ahill* fcoromr .I ." pdlln ta> llif x.'s-^A i r»«onlial. ho anM iti-in xiAvrrn »rMAi* t»m« naai-i ii'I.im • »»»« giii lll fI. # '.»t! »"» hni.l i. p»* fitn'ril lit Alu.Jri.I- I"j r rr> m rt r' : ■ » » V •••**• IV*'.": if Pen it ' t o . aald.i viol * k*«:.l U.I',,-" ■ * in i.rgtr *»m-' «•"' f l-Htnk " ' • ijl'gr • ■ o . ». « -N. • ■ mo'iimf i • .*€ v»- • >■ twiiii' ii ♦ o too'u. o \X »• - Wi' !' T» tyr »oo. a x N.. tiUon V f J* • K"* V acta Oi'-'Wl'lVllIN-.? .»r lia'., v- f'MA I I HN'I I V on »« . aid Ho - i »;uai oJ a' Ju»' H»" X , UMiF 11< • . r tj '.«..ii iioiaiao. *■'• i T« '" t <"• Mai tho (In ho i« ihrmkhit Tho n vht Taitiot it *iT ■. If I h'lH"lXli'llt % >♦ A' ia ■» iiiiuu- \ iinros on m i sniluli.ua ft i l"I> I into at SutM tntial rmphtMtf To* ■ "i» iiiuHipir il » C* pi I ■■ ! 'M'I V *• ' «' xji.ft* . ; If »,!* t tr.ut hfr " ■kiting 3D vcuplr in. i.i .•'» i n' ciotmor■. in A-gx.* for rent m . ■ V Hi:i.o F.irniUkost t.i |>«V tw.i.ti I l» «-i» "r f .Ml r\*n- «.AMA..» ONF HUH k '**'.' *.1 *:u 2-' « <«• ASW! M 5h. oi. •A MsH'xx' Crossword Puzzle At" J t XK t!. 4. • X.hot' XV , i M 4 *r }tt t,. -> a p<». niu, tx J-va- 1 Big..living Juno ai SERVICE Vf"> ly a.■< i i': - kf A ltd fd =non trwrxcinnn b# .." » A v *- ; : s.' lacii for sale* BREAK SPECIALISTS ! XV. }U.»V»',J P'l HN . -.-.I i.-x.'.o I HI. EtSl frit'; • a □3CK-XV1 c**a i PA TNI R TOP MAIIOxiAVX PAH i VIA 1 .- on V .: 1.1 aoo ror iN TwWN WlTh • I -M-u, a" : f \ if ! ac>:»u(o Tat*ra. c>!:0 draw oi PAcolioiit un J a uiu.g •*' *4 in,. hliNk . • txxsc ociac U4»is Ha«»oi.*i'.» FO J-aoJ.i p:i> aver T v DELICIOUS SPUDhuV imn fjosa .»■ lie h».a H- M ocirwiop to ocai SPSJNTAXXSAH T tt K L.AIIM IDFAI . B X t'H i;J i .i APAKIMFN Tl-fiyVg F;c Sru." iurni»fi»4i lie huiot uu< SPUDNUT Shop > : ISk : I in. tu' ■- • ' Af: t ' jan luocim ikJ.ma. gui'O'g *.o« T*>* S t'odat t • » >e t»x .» \rr*>.'.v «f nlh: i' " r ' >•• jn hAfJNt; .Iiiiunri! ( 1..h* to .*arr.titi« and A A to H Cherry Lane. LD l-iflf.* ram a'-intt AirrsrioN KNTMI*- M *th1 1«v' 1\K''• *1 AhTS Must aoll !iwiiana»*>l.» .Xxgi """ T K,W-'" •ickot x'houg aoat. osoTi.Hvgirg pits CD 2-W4Mi M""„ ?"?!'J4» IVfliTElectric ANN BH..UV T;K>ie lv^"v-' ' iKx' ' , f i.-o « i on'.art I la via. CI) 1UM A) l'.u«ra tvpcwi ROOMS gad thexia. aUo i IVict -r r-' I j.1' v. A • • "< .•. . l.f.A VI\C5 ATATF VARIOL' S ^ ruxitotinid ito.-nt mrhtdir.g aoctmual N'ICC ROOMS ,\\r. n.(•« *onigoratsxr \-or hod. gu". < Fa.fcma CT.-haa X.N D «i." rn.er ap-irtmet i TVPINC, WANTED EXl f K'KSi v? | rales r m Tur*biarx meth'Ht Clo». rvMi? ub>. rxig o-r no 44 rent #«r t-.andyman. T" l-'na* . ux iv a-wui »".I> I! %t tho ' X) manual*. to»o| t.OINQ OITT OP Tlv* riHtn.:, g N.tt s« i I'lufi .xor la-.tnaxo* air jivob P,;."ie*% .«mtsi*«o T«t aa)o usSJi n;*ttro>.* six singlo hrrts iwrr*. wxil •ud TM'O t,OOI. ATTRACTIVE r«. tr i« -Si E BLACK. TYPIST Term iwtioi* an" t re.roa'iwn rix»ri. Numinor pr t >Oithv Doakm i-urate. («»: Reaa.mab.'V t tipwtHi a xiadraitMi pa«b rna'ra. rugs. > curtain*. itO Ahhwtt Rtt 2*1301. 121 Woodmere Aw Kririii-x \u.ini In ho nino ,onf* a»z I and «rov.«o-a and ni -mr* Juno il'h M* Ciiar'ioa ht. t kav- Mint an!! Pv ' ALPHA till SIGMA anrtoruixc** * x ,>■*'» M In'ir and I »rr- h kirig FD l-*T7» .i# ihe .'i(xon.rg oi « new 'raternitvTo. lio t* trkola tai iv next ia.'! form. Rush dr»rh>p % thor. GR ADE"ATION ANNOCht fcMENTS ■ udt-s >j. 3«i Tver green tonigS- , jp »XPERT TERM PAPER nn;h Ki>oxui'»e t'exo ai-»*'« ftiled 'hese it*. l*«« Ml aired room* .V1eKe »rr*:igoven'* TV WX CRXTFT) CAKFS DFLtVEKKO AND RADIO repair ■w , ,,»* PJ.o u PT) f-t2!« 4]g Grnvr 40 nr,'. * •tudento time Dgrt.oa *'*to»hdax ♦. Ma-, other! ,fl w„' '22 XX ooua.e: r. I ■t*.'* uto pa***>•• Reavudbl# pnee* AITROVtl) R-XIMS FOR utxiROn ' Kxaaat Bakorr IV X-dTti I'D 2*6227 CV-'iw in. Summor . fall LD 2-3U". FlATUHN* W CAMPLE TYPING ED 2-** ,"4' I APPROVED ROOMS tor nunc T V -RADIO SERVICE • SELECTlOV k'!.dor>r« fnr »r* ► auffxfnor .r fa.l 'phone retea ED 1-e3M after 1 to atudesta New .■ iCWfft P»«CFS' > teie\ teion aelae ftee turo - » l * I ♦A^IER SERVfCt hmriana Co- X-" 1 .•Nittng privilege*. ».i*t *r«er rai« . 214 E. OutlM. EU 2*«JnJ » » pa* a-- e*' . Jt ' Mate Vh* • « . »t f-t (gm'ry, I ;g»tl« jFOa SAlt "Alius TRANSPORTATION x -t' i »*•-• ,«•«'*» irtvgrwg-a, I '*■ *■ . itir * t n«rxv*» . a I*, ♦. ••» a.-na" «r. .*• 'bad^m ! WANTDO, *tn« TO ri.' -V I r-r; c n-* « UtoMtH* a e a e-f J Ak.w.r.... a',ir «a». **t I or « »*.. Menda\. ■v * ED 2hU2A W Friday. tJWtwr 1 « i ' >«**,* taP. WM. h. Thompson ! " t#,t*Ti» **lO; I '' * to* v dvr-ng O.K of JEWELER 1 m Row.tr GREAT MM Pt-oae IV LAKP.N x I"*. WANTED - - I, «.;»■ MfMDKm »*I«S UX.'O t»:a'rd ex bee.f4-.' e»,! thfl ». • Of ITWT t#ri? !»• '1.» IMI P ALACK 23 TM4»M%« C. %r»> *•: ry f-a* der SHepeisf Ceattr Fk.ollent cvmdu WANTED TO BUB LET l' lr «»» :J'V( *»'.-«■ ; i*tV* —-n't/ ' v . 'tan. One hedtucm, Iu>t A ll Mobile • o 5 if*'a; ifcn aiOnn adanat Village liiage epatimofxl* apanmetxi* tot " »- •* ■ jilomea • or. ,... ' ». t r«r t c Sets Initiation . ¥ 'T . i ' Kt ' v l.t to ' ll I' ll ...I .OW ( 'ft it llnftrr \ }ihu*i . . . 103 Seniors. HO Juniors What does ^lakr Srliolaslir llonornrv e thtr liiifulml Ihirr *riiit»i* nml Ihirlv sk jitnioi* will '•»» liufiiiltnl inio |*|)| Kappa |'hi. nalioital honor norirfy lunirhi. I he (ASA NOVA'S Hiiiitinl iniihiii.it) |t*ti<|uel KlPti P *tt I anting. Itt. iimtt P-;llt*W • fill i»e iit-i.i at * i»ni in t'won i xi P itl I anting J.tlirl Hophlrt. ROM Ml sl.AIH: niv SIIIIIH I*m '••»« A. II nml i lb Unit. Marlbn |»Klto. patl I un- have? John Whalr tlKlniRiitaheH loan I riglii, Ml roll Mai.I*. P'ilnt tiMiiiiR |.iir m hiiniMMiiirr. u ill Mu« me*. aprak t>n ' thinking l« (hit Mai) Matthew* t allino lllngliai" Ma*-- Mai Dm m I pi.anno. I'pti.tk*. i Ian . Jpoi William Karen Nt*lt»n Mat- I'a Joint Mi Elu" Mi Seniors of the Week JyVf -Stfrh*.•;/ \ll «i •finale ultttlrnlu atul urn Up t i *fK Aim P.I" ault N«k»«, I.i.inl iiiliiiiiiiiii.' -oii.livil l.,-- iii.'rfl.iiv • lpvplai.fl "•r f*»* S*,'i>"i' . • .i 1 oii'i .ll ii.g oil .« t < I fill to, liroigp Padgett. ItM* Mill ntrrl al s Id In .1? In Pa«t t .anting Ptntl. I'alirna'-'p of Hie eu I Sla.l. «o.ri *. ■pl«H . iiij; villi il.-li.-iom <'..ln. ,'.g ■r ti«-r>i Sj.ai * Itr* Ii4« |i4i I It I pi I .-.I in * h'tip! ■ff'&i hi"1"' * "ill ho r \Vi.|\riit»r I'Paitno .lao.ru Paint. P »«l bailing Itatiir i oik Paul tan \ .» livt nf rtiM|oi* artDIDe* rditrlog |»ii liiir-- ifiki-n •( thib lime Kooelet I at! I anting tin haul Mad A* • - ii. ) e«l * W'.i- ftnin Stale Sen* In f a IK put 1I1.1I ii |ii|>iu>; go.iil, 0ml no iiiii.rlMM'lil *'*) I,anting JamPt Mae p «»t I an¬ i*hi k «i*i»w Tin tiiift t« r.. -.I ting JaoiPt llmehai* liinttr PntlltP %riii «- 1 t f ftntllMP 14,«- 4 lie-.! | or I lie Ktate New* the 1*1 het hiMi.'ittrlr* in tlml d ret Keith Moblntnn Mobr'lton P p.it.mi rrein.mt, \t lllal.l Nam* ll""l'il. In p»ib • !«-• lit- w rtt |i«t lire it imp* rtllloi 11 Ire edl of llaliiin ipi.-r.l iiilnlui.lici tlml nr.- t'Ri'i'»•* xiifwiiot «ih<>lNi-.hlh in tlir e. I a* fan Ini and axxlxlant nigltt rdllnf. viiilont It,.. Inn# «;•..)■.»») Pp.*. • • inagar oir *11 i.rrit.e. firltl* of xtn.it, tailo r Hutu H" hard P.lwa.d H. ntl. H. K tlamai."! Ilall".* I anal 7»i'P fi nf*. ' t >». a-i.| tia eivr.i She Ml* iImIioi.ki of libit illf irrni-lililr. Win toil ii«il in ill 211 V|" . ifu nruilrtoli |i|ogi4in* Of) Hie p nf hilili. atie i Day. "r7. attil Ihr '".a VI fnbll Janp, SlnnrM liallP Klmtp* Ian- Kite ftexhinrtt •linlriil* a .1 4„ \s nir fOVIH IUM*trsll»w »f a honk fill rtiiMrrn failed tog Julian# I tniiald Vn. il Ii lllngliail). Mat. Hi..III. tike....>t M.d.pit Pliur ' >t |Vdt aftv lltiertni for I 4iopM* t hrxt. M.V.t-. nml Ir* fur iiiiirn-lf ulial ha«n wf.lttioti.il kophomtne *tu |aMiiu' WrMInf"—alNNit ■ while rahhlt nutrnlttg * hl«ik a«bl *i \ in An alhlele Ituh ha* nf She . Hn.lth Krrgn lUit'i.l, AlltP.1 H|i..)t . v\ 4® • iiiPMibt-i id • hi- I ♦It'"' JH-IMI k<« * |*hi VanlentP St JnoP|ilt land Wagon •hie In lllne he*. | grallheit and \ i. <-'„be» "f T1 . 4 '..HUM I'l n Hi ihrlr M.r* " lite,..la P luimi J.M.pt W'ailiphl, %>U A*on I iliou, Nnl* I* *Uu i I- r'l'M.al w .1 .-on n i' 'i CAS V NOVA pi I e .lit* l.i.'Hr I'ollltr John Wlhptg St# gnemhee in g»«*d xlandtng nf I t« a\\:. It* u.",r. A • no.I 41) 4.1.1 1>I .' 4 li'4 iltttgloi. Vagina > |.hen«..rt Pran.pi |piwilbg*i v.nitli *">'» A0[rla.o, Ij*■••log Ka I llaven. |h>naM Wolltini' P .«t lain kayg* An llrrlilral • nglneet Ip e f.»i Iipi 1I1M111. k 1 1 lati.'h. I l-Viioli Coot In lo Join A.rtu land Algona. Maamta Ha..a« aim ham , Ural# I'aix Mt.lgr III to.* W olownlk. Joan Wolff. tew tun IPpti.nl, Aleve. las Hnnuf at» It. '' (jet ' tiiMletit wl'li Ii. •. I. r\ been ai'i-p ,11 bet tour • .toulaitr* Mauiirl, | aiolamt II....h a i . >e.t. -. I '.'ti'ia.■. Ikolioa Itrauitei. itkaui.ta Jiutloi* to |>e initlslisl IfK-lude' tlivld Kalrailnl, Iron M.nn.ta.o • 1 •> ? a ' ' •)#)■••» 4Rr it //„• ohlml ni nl liiinl I'ittvrhi ill I'm tt /.anting Address IVilliaitt Mrll p"4»..| |.,ti.«itig fr. I serin to t ..S. Sum mil Katliti.i Mlowti lolrman M. I g» »• M'ol.rk J 4 .1. p Kan llPi.e.li.1 1'lionia* M*at ip p'lotto.iH.i III R>. haid No. man - sei-.ou nf Profiimrd • ' l.ao*o<( m illtaoi Nitaiti. til plank ilpm, tin Wrr: |i ■ «- ' P-rr -rf Vml SAN MAHIOS. 'lex "l'1 Milwaukri W ■« I "li f • - pitaitl I.ahr Delivery Service "•HI Mluni Algi.nt. Mol.rit f«i|t... *)♦■• "i tearl'g tfli* Sell I * \ I ft. If til Jtr|iK*«»i» ill If*' I'ha* Ira Itoltri I < rl. n fail* Paul I analog .Vtai* Ann I tui'l*. IU) Initiation Banquet M l' t* t lou.l J I Pa«t I anting v ee) . .•in . hair n » doubt I'Dr|MiM*-it Suflt!*) tlMt the I'liilnl •on i'..i..|ta..n i hm p.'i.l It. Mai'.' t'.MMl *l» t anion, Ohio. Ilianr I .•» » ha< P.lwalil Dan'Plk I •! ami I nip* • » i *r • i■- SI4leu un lie the iiiitfly Halloo* Call ED 2-6656 I "r Ann hoflh t itttt.m Htirrl | Input hi p.a**. DetroO t'harle* i a Ita■' Ma».'o llitr liaviu I,rami I,Iprtt.)*11 p"4*» I amii g Af'er gra ' . • . It-d- »o«1 »..* 1 >f Hie 1 t-.il fioli-t >•*• it 1 Htr 11 Karp.t lien- •iam«l* liiane liriiio lliami Mm|>kI*. or Ka* Pott l!*i*n tl.il'ila lining- fuio.ly wi - * for jiubiirutmil 011,| in meHiiiK »l Do* K■ ih 1HH 1 ->prTli. ..lu» ri'i'rtitlv rt'lMl'lKsl front x Ihnit i*r«iir* Jaik4.il,. Jranna t,n ion Pair* Joi'i.ton roinfi . it. w s l'ii'* ki'it »*'# " A* l-ol. In i. • f it'll lit i e in Hip iu-w Vv«'i I I " i itu.lv in In.lm. will «|K>nk timjghl nl the untiinil I'ltMI-utgli I'a K .I.I.,* |i, r. I arolvii K al* lit and I e.lgp Dean I anting li#i ...| S.ltaattla Unmi i I iiehi*. banting Villi.in I nt.lian k'. |.U*» ' (in. 'Jl, ■ ,1 atle I'lll' ii • i Um'vtt Ik-llt initinti.m lmni|uct itt -I I'mm. II' in r bi.kf.iii. Ian.*, Irllr* tb.- pi. ni.,p., Dil IjiDoing I'alrlria Magaw Hon ■re o*r«e*« *'rii t.Plain Alnho|i.|i. hum Ah. p |)iin* Mailii.ti.ri lp» -in' .-i*! i , • u S | 11 a i ■ < Ml. hard H'lai.ta t p.a )llir I hele Todtl I igootpi Irul ItnilM l ot I.awkMg P InfPDta 1Kb xnoinfii rcwunli «t t.f < ago .tot Napltla til. I ntrlrt 1t.e.ttl.oa Mai), Ma.ext. m t hi flair a«."i It'-gPr ll"ff»i ll'gri* I'll* JaorP* fvuoo I anting I * IP W al To I.rehire HOW THAT RING GETS AROUND! |V »»'• ' "wi;,!h P-iuda, Mo.rra. I an.luir Malla. Pinna lloopna VI Joapph Dohrrt .-«•»* Pllvei Mmigp Mi.Pva.d K.»«pr* Irnallv, *..* fail banting I anurn HundPret* t i" i Pf* !' • VtU\l"l ■ \ J I".Imp* Pa*t I anting I'atileta lion Mvtna S't-t Irilamt v...th Mei-rt. in i i.tno, ion til.i" Ifidipf I lloian lu KPaiuaigp. Mat* K|»erk PltnU |r * t»i" ! »• * •' •' ;>"• *t |i . Pt Worth Tl» He lltuirri W» rnnril h t'e "i Hem . |v . frt •,*! *«i • '.' ' KttO.••»*.. lout Monni* lluM Stonlagua. Jan# l.llpmai, Ma'paip' loil.ptg P«tt •» WMJB-TV rfc nm. ni ihr Anirn- M.oi'h) I'lttatuftl \ Mgltua I'n.r tl,t * "J t '• 'rRe - i.i anil ttaimt* i'o. a hal'-in I anting J"himi Itigold lAnalng t .t Pj.g a"•♦ at T ( , -- \K»,I - | .» ..< ' it \ lib I MM t ■•Itlwa'r' I Mi.la I'aahrvi. |. « t atub n Jpua*n I'dnmrp p rp.t* . t , tt ; t *em». hi"*.I , MO. S V V I IV: ... t il. ts.ntia. .in," Pvui »ioi» iii llpvatb J'ln* I.e.- < .( * rt i -1 'tie I n " i..tt. ISire rilivi Ha. Mat« Mr ... k, i .ilunihla vlllp I" a i n I i n hair., .uneii't Hie *'4' IV mi tolng*, Schedule i 'tor- ' • t MM I xMame I »"or «m|. > Maie.'.tl, i.iand i p.'pp iiiuIum.m hiiat p 111 lb. holPa Cmila Klwoir* Pail of e "fi¬ Ii* a' It.P < .. nuts. .she I|\is| J... Mtett'ian (tit. ago. V*,'I|| buna* Son". Ili.tiar.l lao I i'.amg i haiip* K uwlai P"aa' I » ll .1 - » J f | ... ^ (A reoA-vf »J India in Knrn SI.irl | Irt >o!t Mail» amg. Marv ki(h*y, Molt. NoI*pi| tbtb-Ji letinop I'aiU T'eta > r }f*r m rt\ hpmi im#d for an* Rt.t'hner t ir.riaml I t«o»ia Otiio Eilreo Rnerne*. fharioite Thomp- (hMMl 10 H* Driifrare s-id f*ru*ile»Kk * ih» will he aoo. lite*, lata! leoattig t ar.'lvn J.ut* Thurow Au Valour Jameatow... Keservationa Due AM H.« laaikk rm 'ude *Ori|f»M» «.f prnfiam N \ , Terr* Maluut'H \ertton 1*1*. iJiladir Part)."* " Ami•. i< a rti hi Ik I Del hip. Inula Wel««ter M t lair st»>ir« 1l»-l4fld tif rise •f ihr rmm hnmrit'i Ul«l- Soa.to \\ tlaoti Mllloltt l.ttlita W»l« For Abbot Dorm la N-4'Uanmiii 111 Ma t. a l ■>+ Itlitifth Id-ft,** mi.i 'The t l:4> el.ge of h«MTdlt«ni " in.get Ja. kaoit. Mttnel liel.ula. IPir»«lurlion of «ue«l> by rt !•—SVMktrt'l* Of S«V thin. I|a*>au t r.# »«nnlfiar, ajNinsKied by Um l'niiergiaduate men atientbng II ##—'The Srulpluie 1 I prrwdrni \rwnlr* Cer* )"i .'.'#1 MlrViO tit.wilt sint xuiiuner school m)mp went 1o re- H AS—Measure of Man Y |TV tmw-atlon will he given SlIIIIIIItT SltM'k .*erve a i»nn hi Al»iu»t ll*l( I aia.t #»»m bring a t-omplefe houping II IS— ftuia! Review If f#—f.art f,o | jf« i>* w-l \ e«t. I V trtilag tbw I ear U Ukr The North'nnd I' •vhou«* •urn* a)ip)ii*tion lo the Abbot hall I ••—Tdbiiee Tin e • IMMUtMl mer lhe*!er ImRteil n tne V'ttb- Eenei *1 offue 1-5 Wedneaday I !•—CISSSDNHII 10-Spal. i M.iil < rllklir \«ke*el •..irrf Ann Ptrochta A Thtind**. Men who want to I i*fitl iliopvtitiR criiln 1 De'ioit A ASttiNti I UN 4*1 P • • ,►* wi.. i *oar«l lu urn. iogether limit make llieir h«a announced * mnoitwr t»f i unlinan'il Clnor teaeivaituns together §44— NHt New N vol '•'» Aoieittdii niM-tnngr* for ipyieb'u-e* * < i|'|i*« e.| J it* t cumulative a.*• The t»miti«»n i* under •♦n»- Applu-ant# niu»t s'aie the *e:i- 7 #•—Spartan spni-'ut,' » 41 i-rits Sufnlav to Pie'p in If-# i i<«vt of the Actor'a J.yuii* $i m of summer srtiuol lbe» w ill «r»-#tkn erviftitMi f.rfbk eastn*t IC.e wt^vwi.itj by- ■ G«%an vrul prnvkie en« e iend. *nx«# nnl wiehuig to •nd * d«w»gn««1 t" g ve a bioed tNl—Naiwwli I.ail gn«aet. icswr', a.ug^ ' Gar* peeerve • eperifie tooin tbtniid * •duratwn in all aaywdt ef 'be an Jmh f..ik fun a, return their complete •ppikrs- VUWeVeV Ptukw. •;*;)" ptofeatKMia! thea'ei. Ut the nuMV«g«*r • offu* o< oiid *n>« iiun » i'afc GirL* Anyone over who la lnier«»ted in ally phan# 17 veai* of age their rvni.bmp had. FREE - ONE NALF OALLON K?-twi frr»;sn*n coed a of theater work U eligible. Applieeuone may ha picked up f'ok*. Knot II44V or Orangt i a.*Va:*d into national AU in the general offacea mt all There la no charge for I'lo* With 1 Kn. 1 llrai Fltaaa I Jurat*'.* Iviu, gcoolaatia nten e dormihatae. grain. h»r fntMhman wirnn Interested •fudenU • h t» u I d FREE - ONE fOU. NALLOM f • IJ or bat'.er average, write Mel Howard. Northlar.4 Vioirwc in Colombia W'ilk 4 R»f. I ad were: li*ai I'ltu. AnMod Playhoute, North land Cen'er, UOOOTA, Cokmbu P - hatitn Nanre petroit *5, lur an Interview. VARSITY DRIVE-M * t*'r.»»t sr. 4 ton iiiddt, 1'iverament haid an urgant cab- timU Cnnmo, ir.el meeting that anrtad •< dawn *1 rr«W. rrl'.a Kjj»pa H'^T ■*i ueeatt, l»*t r-*t l^naing, Joan tJintirg, rommissuMi on Inlemalional Id* lUf e t MaluiOa ll(t< uoation who joined wilh Cana¬ rJ,".,""' n'. P«c«v. dian educator* in Toronto. Can¬ t ?*"•. ■ -*wiee W'u ; Judy <■■■* r-r -n;. in MartWn ada. Friday and Saturday *o • Ifl Ruelltn llvmea. *• further the international ea- J*' ■ la/et J»ndaa»k. fxlyce Jot.naon. Vtil change of educational ideas. VARI-CUT J D»>iitnrd "» lo (iv. you your »l)linir. With a nig of whit* | rnaib you hart a gjf. llntai »t)l». -J. with a nwtaua'tnner filter "of"ACTI¬ If variety la what yoe *anl. tM« rut pi* Jtiti. VATED CHARCOAL,,. definitely orovad to maha tha mok* which hag teen 1 nt t n«,eA milriar tnrt tmnnMw., Si II n.75 NEW DUAL FILTER Call far your ruri-cut today. THE COED SHOP 121 CRAXD RIVER ED 747M Am Micmoxv sr.xri srw ■For The Itcconl* i! v.. »*. m« Tare Four Ova 's IIojm's I'mhll,,! I;f. 0 II. Aaron Possibly \intli in History I Itv Soil', ip/n'oron !»• 1, V ■ N To lint .100 or Hotter for Season I" r. WW YitRN ">" • • 40; it* "**■ T!ic ofher 4«h> bit*- Of Fritluv't Vc b',*ir 4f 1 Srf M (»• men *trf Hitt-r*. tlritmann With lunk . Aar.v or • . M » v. 40.1 .n 19J.1 JiV Jack*,*)*. 4i\1 II* 1'KTK IV VI in;, H *vV« bc.'.v- , t' r ' A' !9M; t .it OH Mate New* 1 Nap I c'A.e. -. b g ^ o|«-| h,.*.V"Y •.• ;** 4iV ImMi . !«* ';* Stale row cr* vvele developing .-n. A* I Till' NT ART AN* RttAAIN'fl litR «»' «*«" >'< 11 . .i- • ,g * h(-»d »*; ilancing girl* or frre Mew ». on- prtimt* Mow In it * drive h-watd vat«d* statu* I %* iv. v «■« " :•* Tc W \ (,, n nil 03 FTkUv, w hen what wo- suppo*..! «•» be it* hi- *ir»Nl co'wd manngevl to drive * . k . 11 A Bi- Te-.v. • r- . ■ - tAlice di spile the thtraf of a g-«o.» t:*e s ..t R. •. c\ ?r,"v«v ■'.:p Sn.O» tm x. making fn.) hmnr meet w a, turned luto a ;*»■ v « - k Whcihei thev will make the rf V •-'.M the •>'' " 4 "fivn* '» ■<" i <■- '> !* .if , it |1a«vn< for wont of ad opj«onon| Fnda* - foul-up I* doubtful. It t* •' »" ' '• eh s* r .ht rag c hat;-. ng U.T, Scheduled f»o in I he tnculta and ptinntiv rtil- ihe Spartad-, at lca*t thl* fall »h* t -r '.M off V» '.X .4?4 n 1. h. the «m which *ti»1i» t matrriah'c. % ' AhN.w.v'- S*« i Ni •»" didn't giv r am* w At Ding that H wouldn't add made up of tval duck* tncidepta" r »,*Avc-i ... K IV ed ><*i \ c«i it* most rflixlii r role •'« Ihr da* In an- glint |HH.ICI tOO. t'VAt alim VVA* p^!4 ... V 1. 'AC'IP iinnijimi> »l the WSlf 'meet " « K Mi tagv.mrmg A couple of hiindird would-be fan- 4Ci> AY V At, A W hen we vvrre In grade w hoo| « *upp*»»nl t.» he a 4 |im affair. t - The nu el wa* er count on a corncr-lot brtllga- Which we and mo-t of Ihe othei pio-pecllvc cup when it wa* auppoaed to if the jnm in - who rfnuf five uules to 'he i irmiil Hlvei W TaeetNHirne believed until we got there ahovv up there was almplv lio iiiM much thi the unitcrsit* lr . .After aii hour and a half of trvnrded MSl* e*t*eciall* people who give up i (that utad* college) and other ■uutlaiU Apprv>- i prtAte fight «ongY on the loudapeaKri and not a land money I for a club *p»-rt .% fr ,-k -1 sxnxfxlrlr I 1.3 1 14 tingle stiokc on the vvatet. we weir «tt»gu»te*t count on thnr vAi«il* "elder*"" gation or warn of their inabtlit* t. Si wa» atudent-eoach Jim Tvln ay he looKed u * It A 31 + it + warmrmrmwrmtm aclYxt the river at the hnnufboutul r*-fAn* of Hem owl* U* of *otnr ««f the tnt<* NOW SHOWING III I II • Ml - * II MStf new YollrvbAll ic-ulta HN/ fiWT \ srom «f 11 a mini; \ 101 »am A I MM iSSMSS The Wavue NUte lvv». who Mtched up the t.-i\ de*k on a gooJf night ma*be wr *ev .• aftern«*ou to not chewing until l» .'it i»'r *«' *r ate .v' MSisTir. told I when d wo t.ni late and wrt to 4nake a game* will t'e p1a*«nI, the ie*t be. RICHARD HKNRY double forfeit* ANTHONY face worthwhile, claimed the* ewperlen.nsl woine Put lhat'* the rr*ult Af HORRORS over g port of niechanual hteaKdown etvn*ute from the W1DMARK • FONDA • QU1NN Nh tor thtv t.» Ijmaina R \ • pestering prtvuicl re*i.lent* • DOROTHY DOUYRKN rnfortunately, the Tartar* are not allow ed to A team the* know thev'II nevri p;a _<*T>IE MALONE • MICHAELS dial telephone* white In training. *o whatever nuvhap they » tnsnint«red (or Mid thef" pucoun- nuctake. which I* unfoftunatel* .* «ome*vne rl«e much more than it«« Black ••ne of not realising the reaia*u*d-. terrsli w a* never made know n for certain *wl» N»a* PR*!* •* Mm «RNlitt,ii line of the tug selling point• f.'r a team niak- lege v ai *itr team Tl'l» W ANSON, «i*ikrr for the i miI (Ithlrt YrU. rirlvr* unr The tug a * ar*lte bid I* a faitl* devote,t and prefei- Well, an*how, they ahmtr up for Art* besl I * an* VM»i% lor the Independent I h»mpion«hip Inn ablv auttable following. Indication* were that meet*. MUSEUM •traUhl I o4lH| on ate Ron l rone (left* and Cecil Heron *rt up Mtn for I he A rU. Has Deal Willi Fullmer Pro Golft MIIWS UTAW AT — Major League Wins Prize TT ATI II A START AT - Kobinson Slates, "Basilio I ATA VIH* IHVTl Positively Won't Figlif Sfandiags In Tournei •VAH AMIRH AN II Alii 1 N ATION At K\rtOIIIRV . AA 1. Trl i;iA AA MFMPHIS f.-n CAM OR CARTOON nr. ADFI.HH A ^ - Suga with a Phi adclphni 1 le* eland 21 11 .*19 — Milwaukee 21 Din Whitt cracke,. •vha^p Rear am nv K.ii K»*Mn*cn. t:*,ng to ret* • er and iNw'r-i gld.tNM 1 1 Mrasix ?J 15 •ON 1 San I'rawelaeu jm* Monday to w h.w r-. ewe tT' t rivwit uf.td h v* w:t.h the IVnn*y * |iallimot Nt; rnu aihii rm \NS" rn lt*» it fight *» h«» once wrested Ihe title fr*NW 11 21 .411 9 Htwioii St. louta |? never brfnrfT* IN T0RK i'HOr HIM- • lamas Ta»t Newmaa A Barbara IU»*h K« hin»on ha«n I mired to term*, 400 New A x*rk II 21 Thiladelphia 15 knocked Canada * . ha* k gnr*i a even though Sugar K«« and hi* snvnu v R»*t 1* vnwnu . n**tlt* out .of the runn.r batker* have agreed to 1'* tROtt 4. kou I II* t Nir*gt> * *1 I eula « guaran¬ hole and tee li«l« |l«»« *:.v i*eo iifiritM •• ikiiu« i*i-letrar*** ton** » i-tMi. «I-J> «» PooevaM iJ-Ji ruiikart* •< Milatah'* i*l M.rt- The veteran 1» Kotunwm *Aid he'd ftg^* l\gr- n» iRi.it •. tinNi rti is>~ ai« d fl n Ratgriir (t il Calif, pro skidd** TtfiNKLlSH J ■>■>» - tn l».lMt ii-»i «* iiMtir (l-f) *n«rl*« *( tin I ran. i*< (St—. a c aiu, tNiut if the final round t-.. at S»<» toll |M Ar««rt H(•-•! *a Miller (J e» . b.v>. o ft:,-- to - * . .'.me* «? - * ♦ «i r»'t" tt->» I'hilaArlphit al t lorlnHati |SI- J-ho N sugar !».*» t*a%NiH|loe al HalltMur* i\t— t.nmr* I I ?l .« V»»n>«|t» ()•() . •: a ;g«..s s»«.: Hi t»»«»'n ti-ti it ai«»* ti-tr OMi (awn Kkr4Hlr4. ■ting *i!h i . Kohtnaon made hi* comment* th 1 18lh hole tha; to a rr*oi«lrd interview Julian t.raham and Art with Trier* lii Itriliiili Amatoiir 2':: PU»er. • *3- •f ladio alation \t|lAs Johannesburg. a- Cliamp Golfer Leads IVte:* ga d that after the in* hails fr.im Mark", * \ ,e-» v». fa,ei lip fnur strok.- woop*"."1 w .*» ;n . »a-.« *U$T*4U4n MUSCLI-MR"1 CONT1ST Nv w N "ill S .no... K -sv,.• > round with 3-un u ). « n.cr. tJe-vt gr Via.-vtwoi SANDWICH Tig.and .4^ -- fryim (iainecvtiV. Ga Swt * the plavofT prt'v. Lta V* S Wait' was 34 3 chain;; on Chathe C.>e and long and bitter match t«i l c- ie lis fie throe if Walker C 301-yard, 34 J" 'o cup tea-w- Han.!.*', little-ktiow n 4-A-vont- ie*1 H>-man American ol-t t ounfr* Club »< n ate* a Englishman, who won with '«•■>>> • figh; lulimer having trouble v.cne f.-r a *.* as cr Monday (hrough t ie a birdie on the 2l*t hole w Ire crow n " fir*t round of the British ama¬ But on the fii> tee. captain af I nrle Sam• The \a rial IVsuig teur golf championship. plavoff, Whitt and * But a sielarMua Walker rup force*. •i-n a.fea.lv ;■.** a tripled Hop. fifth (town for bridie n, team. mfml**. Tommy • as Jained In the aecond round » rtvp-n . f h>» t;t e and dim ted Aaron, fed tn the ftrit big upaet par gave him thiru b» Jaek Nrcklaut. the 19-year* , t vat BaaiUo and IvUuier fight cf the tournament On the »e--«.>nd aid aensatiau from t alumhu*. for Wf* UUt Aaron, 21 .year-old apprvuk-h landext collegian tkhio Bill IIyadman III af Ah- Ihe left of the g.i tngton. pi. and ItUly J we Tatton •f Margaataa. N t. All w«n by out but wen; * w i-.en he two-p,.' eserwhelmiag aearea down with a »tca T«*e*4 J—FHXI»ITlO* other V S players. • mix¬ The victor* g*. \ ture of military personnel and plave money y- \Katinnmi bus.ness men. also Player and Ba d CnglltM: DELEGATES TO A JAZZ CONVENTION came through w ith triumphs de¬ $2,050 The $25..*- spite the chill SS'iniles-pei-hour down through Jo winds which whipped over the nuMix* itmm.imne.t WTn-n Ihe Koya! St George « course from l.ir> o( thx laoeuni ia*kt» nou*. he u*-« *n? the English Channel Ford Hurts MuseUi \ One of these ua« Master a niiA;ihc>ne, TTie duutiaui w the Sgt. NEW YORK only Harold Ridgley, the mild-man- Ford. New York ^ pjy *ho onn rsp his fsviel »r.h a tyr* r.ere-d. 44-year-old army carver paw pitcher, srra.r man fronv _ Hoanuke. Va. who his left side Sunn¬ (opctod heal. The deietrates ,» ThinC was runner-up in this twxi A yea is ing a two-hit sh- li>h it's hrpnamalum' evtae from all »«•> to ScoUaad's Reid Jack. Baltimore. neiHXils of ;,i:i hot, cexv. and rvxvn te:n- lertli*. But they 're in perfect harmony I^AST 2 l»Vt| on one ihir.c the ia-nest taste of a Lucky a Fulurr • Mrtke. Get Luckies jourse'f. (You'll 1:40 . 3:10 - 3 t.-u.- ;* : tia u pruaoa. 7:13 • >15 HOW TO MAKE 525 Take • wort —RRfifuftr. ft* ewcr.jiie- AApj* n, yc«u can Riake an aruhsnal luvigyr . a * uik.'g mmckurw fk haftfyi' . an F-ng-Uih k«nc.*ur tmam, adir«u, <%>'.**& or «TG*rrv.tv and ckua Get the genuine article Gut thu honast tastu of a LUCKY STRIKE gss* /*«'«< l' - £&m. fj ~ \ *£. fti® ® -si; SrJSi-: ■ $' t Aw Ai .11,'1,1,1 tN «r.T» NI.VN Assassin Stopped 0 Men's Living IUiils «rt Ii," r««' «i. V * £>» n Pb! lo Murder Choose *500' Queens *r- SjilurilinV Vniiiiiil Knee, Ex-Governor Parade firkin* al tV\M \S'T/\ V I' k Vi!ted i . d: > .-.m!! "I u pill \ -rvrli MrU'v HvllllJ ttlliU IlitXH ellOHOU UpOHuM1# trt ,v-j- ,: c :ir- ixx.» ti'. i'hrtitU. iTi-.» »'\it tin- Memorial 0«v l.atuUda ('hi .htniof MHl» jn a •. • k-: .. jm !v.i i lev;.-, y.nen?.-1 v eh.uiman of tin- race, Itoh IVrk iMItloillired MutnlrtV. %w I tat lb loan- In ft:. at I ) ."III e »»•., clitic ' i1,1 5 im; t:ii it vi;i» ,S - >x ,-i , I- la! In Ulf' 1'fie *j»onfor of Ihr • i-atv «e»l » 'ia(lfti lit I Itaiulslivll lot.I r I'K tit \K% IMRKI \S •,r i • r Mcmhcrsliif Mailt. I.il l'!\|»riis u ■ Dn-rii . .!.« oo »|«otomt» » 'vtotto w f<: ic< rive lutf iwit « Ihr Concert To I but mill |«ah «•! l'«' jl s00 slurp |14k. Set Tonight I i si ling ft. ».aoitd »r*i of Ihr kh'p. Professors th. (tout itonoi r •. a is. nieat-rld .tail ,*,*;. 'M,»t v tojii'mo.At u ur. Austria l» to j" p.o. r.liiMI'i spell j'r, Ijs!* :»r.d literature « j|| Ih« , \e-i ■ , , • i t n »Vhr otitd.HU Uand . on,-, it*, in it.o !» hii| v'» i* si.rMeer it m «!»-! tuuui-luai \ v pi of e - •: the khrll «tr t« .idittottal «i MM' • • \ So-mi ox liitu-t at, ' JS P, M«Kh*tr I'oitt and tor uniottg lltr hn.nwI rttloNni '"V" '' v , - - «■-.• Is , Sj.'.mh i and All- of *pttn^ letin rx-pitU Tin* "« 1 iwwwktt, isrtm i> P . .'r.otitr .Met*,-it, tit rut brant» of Ihr »-hrl! rtttd %\ %l I III tw»llrr«»»n «tah% t llnbut Phinn*. .10, tlwwrr • ' ' •" ' ' 1" ' «iltt-.HUt,llMB« a.t.l Kt'ra'.U tu Hi# ■ V. > t, i ' • t IP ■ . Jrtniur llrt t - «ftri hr nllppril from t fltr r*rat»r on Ihr nrxt hiclirt fltmr *« I,n • r i I..,. . » t'\ Matnerit th-iU |driiMi«r »»f Ihr h^lrttrt* ^ |t,t r alroltu to lra|» third I loot ot a llJllrilt IntiltllitL in V ,, L . . ;in > in 1 . s t ' l\ ippa Stu-'ut. Jane /irt- Votk I'll* VititirtlAN Pail »-f Ihr t m di ania Invohrrt l»l om.i t It. v>-. fl-A.notod !.» Thr ptniMin h#|l«» x»Hh Ihr jtt.. > V'o t Mil, Jtt.lt famlllai -I I «'«|»lUlt Alatrh ' bx trvrttrr tMPPrr rrnt,» who ham* I coin Htr »**ra|»r Attn tun ; dep.-o.t. n.t .lor II lit a Iran from Hi w to low Irda- llr X\ n* tiol lnt„i • t jn l >. an . Sitiwa In «rr*t . ;n I'U. I ,-t > tii. lv ;i.> 1 a., I inlmllla" follow* , l». ta Tan IV1 • t i! it'll I I;. Ii l -I . . I "X < e • \".i Kite m,niMtirHi« of 11.»,n *« v• U.. Sarx. "d III |'U'' €' I. i t <>• * Hovrtl 1'itrintlk, Mum, »ir I • »f i» .- !».- i»l«-g* ■ oaf a llii* h - , r ' - td rumtnil an ntuiwril urmtnst M 4U'i»i> \'r« it"' b* \\ i v Ua, i PQfi&ffliUSa&o t ot ... i In Ihrtmil Mi>i bmio m in. h t jlonntsi b, le,ii'.-tid*. ' nht t, bi« n fn i o- t-% «"r Kaj P Ha.too n,r; > «* ill Irilntr tti«- ol ' I . U! \'l -. M.ttUi'ur. Ihr t'-.n-- (ns, Htr.1 ' < <•(»«•» i 1 H-Vtl • f \ Viftl r*.l< Mirk !«• tllUm >u * ,o i I ;ill,ls a, No. i«. i (ulihnt mtihrtt itir* «lj M . • ^ I I 11.i \ »»» •.« hum V- H , iHftbt inlbi'i >•> , ,\v ,MdHe May, . i kef. Ashn, for *Mf I*v ■ t.-i P"-r «!•%» II on! I a tndmlii dihn untirottiri at» I t ' lu'j »'ifk i hrtl ") ».• .• o* i »'1 |v • ■» V ■ >■" : * \ in I i latHM I* * * k M * I'.Vi i! I '■ .V I , s,k Ihrn i»tll IpaiI ifUM an 1 M ftf.a i .»H ! IIt i>("'•' ■ i •« ri In i«ti A On ot Int . TILL XVI MILT At JAIN n-'.M-r, |r*.«*»•;, Posilioiid ( to :oNN,-.i I*. Shr t t I P> >- :■! llt'tthtt !'-• Ilre.uel' Th •' t* t! . , i , , . f ti \ rat ,a ,. til'.t'V M Pl-d n l or \\ oU rriiie i . A \t> V |V.t,iN ,»lt,t H< .Mi! I* „«l Vi, lit*, »*i.d =t • . .stoio to f». |r , W :;t St.-.- - S. -,i»a in at m l"1' .. . ■, .. i , ttOitiV I klifX I ben % IN a vint-'UI« eon. I lit -vi »$.t- n. «'iN .*'.!• .ojite u- .i"t.r.fc fltr Xrat. i !•' ihr e«t>tti-o t). ,t W . ' *T • ol" I : • It. '•! I * S.i N I Hit || N M'U, I Mil' ' I- . . : I V . ! • . V,.; o, V'ti t>r n.oi' t| V t .iiiiliil.il,** >l„,« to . N , I i o .i : ,! , • 1 ■ k, i,oil.on III t • Art XX „rk l lii. XX k MSI Fourth «*i V ■■•..*: , ^ . No ! . .*.,„,I, t'.M lo : Two Prof* Wrile /fdiflli. I/til) /. \\ >: k» «f p, :jl*tP» * dofc, i i « t • . tt: ■ N , ' . • • o t.llxilt}: Rno. I j'llltt m*.lu In Jntl«*iiiu per Potato Hook !4ir« '• on IK Shr ,N.n..t At' «Hv*"»e.n»v k eif V M 1 iftn*1)k>tt«rr, * >. *|i ••!',!•!* .Hi JuotiN . • -< V 1 o nil* t:nf a ohtmjwt, ' •:*.!♦ 'Afi\ throash Sttt.J.e uob i ' •i.i-i-awC"»;!,•« til, km11 oi k ,t, , * rt it a *, N.ni'iui. n n: l i .t tin* tit.! el l«t mm: iku;* *rhvt:.so a Philip Mollis ., M ,r»>.. *i •-. - \h-,i- v- I- i* • -'.soi*, ,t,1 n ittki r\|tf,ftt-ur«-, lux ?• v< u • ' . Pi a Moh.- ami M-iribue . .*•!•■» ! N»> ,.!.i I lo I I * •• »*. !• t > riiji'l t IN !,r.,|t * <«; , t i ! ■•-*••. t •' le litem ti* ' (.lee ( lull's H-< ' ,.H, I i ■ I, iX. 41 11>* v o ini*.,:?. « vrr t!Tlk»li in •* • *. if .*• ; - a. * . n : 11 r foe lei Ihi I ;* - Audition- >i t t: \ ,1 pa ' t' .,iv. ! {.» : i, < In. ,o! ir* e *. ' . . • ' Ii,'.- 1 It-si ot, *u,\ t • ' ' •! ' h.-i 'a i o i, -t ii > i .,to ,» -o-t'tiill to- ! s. 1 , r.N M " I d ! t - oi. .. f. ' M I - OO I * h: , . H • I io I v. • t Pi \f.,„ . t? ' h* i s. . , . *, ' It k,. tfwl r\. - * t t ' i . .. ^ 1,1 ■ - ' •' ! I' d lot hit >*.»,,. I' . P •., *-.! x»,„ i 2 I r.ivt l brant* Ml!: n.r* .u *. P-r *.**• ., 1 ,• r .Ii <•(',- . v. a * un'.o UH. to ... .. li-'.t I l,i\rn MSI l'mf* . f * • >"*• *«•'• •»'' ti' k:.: , • > , P.. - n 1 wfm the ! ■ V - - *•-.« l-f-nita »..»»si pen> I i ..*. i>r to r. ;«.,•! b .-.t 1 w..0 i|„ ;Ut k*, V ,'H t ( 1j«H« ( oltte*! M.»l< 1 l.:.-r •<:»><>.r I .. - . . .i...H-.il. r,,-rj , -. } *>r I *»*• Vi c*-h« mi* «... j i ,,.k i v H. , LATE NIGHT BREAK WNMS CltWIIV. wtf Ihni n Mite h piKlttrrd rvttNiiir rrurl * *-2*',Tr M *.N ItxlAN I* 1 \n*ftrv I aid ||f wan tvlrrrd Ir jna* $:.'■>? n orihiv T* ,* r ».*, for » rh.ltf hr 4tt.*r* I* hu Tkr child. UfW«f. IS fn.rihN r!4. uat, AT hr»« Ralphs "KEWPEE" Cafeteria • Mrv SxMt ACkloNt t mh Mr h*d hmt NMRi h5M m«(HMi . % V ~ To Woum jor Ihilh* V.- . i . ' - - 'tVQ AD 'KV:.UH. I9m • - SPECIAL- OPEN Pt, «' ->• Tr\ ,. -p S'.-fikk* S41E OX 1.41 M)K) : 12 |i.in. Suu.laN • Thunula. Tt.'1* »»w t »"■ u t n« I., t* nut rimi.c damtrlts I 1 <30 PJM I.' .J.I-1U-1!»-1. i-y >nd n.k I.. II,Jl) woud,l*»lii. 1'ri.laT auit Saturtia. f *or SX- a* . GIRLS blouses a.m. M >.»« *u, I »nt» • *rm tt luKJ.mr r«,-c,i-. m flnlljr*...!, i»h(iinu»? I »ni guiut uk-o.-i.-n r-lrndj-i rnllnt THK IWirm, MANY Ul\» or IKJtllr. hiruva I'ldiit. UlLUS, u* .inrtinj iu U1- '■ i. (]uaii(it rotton ; r.!». I'.I.W, yrair fnrn.1, and II,ill,, tu Inalrr. ot 33c trcri\usTs I'aalry Cafft* MaHbnrn, I1,0ip M-.iri. m-i * U jut,full. Iaun.lrrr.1 an- «.«* to l.r,i,s y.ii ihi« pr-train ovrr the C.ili." • I .44 t*» (**•% l« HM.lcaat.nx >v«,m t\rrr Tan.lay niyl.t a( HM. NVI.y * 1 MMRf fkttfWft * M«-U.?T!»*•**"» •iiai't >tw apeak lu .-hh • «! suk Dmm In-uanwdlxT and a*k km if ahe'il kt COii 13i.K» AHX> RISKS iMMETlATTLY LARSIII LAUNDRY you at ay up to Ami no* mt it? ^ ltA?OUZ> xiwi-kyr. Kor mr if. Wo ki«k. all tkr «av. and I A NIT CLEANERS hopr for you ,| Uain'l W„ all,«, :!*, unlrmUr. Have 1(-1 CAI.L 3 *1 S0 auiiuurr. Stay weU. Hay est. May. knar. %j»9*r f.ul Lauuif branch IV 54419 ] out n I uti 211 EVERGREEN ST. lltNlluA^S