The Weal Iter rkiiHl) with Shower* i I MM W erinc.rlfiy * - *m Smlnn MSII I'or 50 Your. High Today 71 VmI ,N" 10 IjAMT I.AN'.SIN'ij, M III 11( j A N—TI III H.HI) A V.M A V !!H. I1IMI I'HICES CBNTH" Hannah Asks for $4.7 Million Budget Allan Aikin IIchI Actor Salary MS 11 Stars Iiicnuise NpcmIcmI It* IJNDA lOINIIMil 'llir- iqitii lull limrii/ilii' ri lit I Ttli'tn At|ihn Pill "OftClllV ui'if iiwaided lo MSI 's lop io Ioim mid nt'lI'PMMt'M WtqllH'it- HI it It* \n,« •*!*•>««» It\ Shim llliin tint it* MANUKA IM»M aims jHI 1| IN Mil K of I rii Hiwlli lirk'i V«Hr»ll» Slitt|i tlirt ti|* I out nip'lit id l In- ntimuil Spet'cli Awurdtt ( onvomllon hrlil in l In* I iiion, A plr-M for i. «1,7iHi.tif*ft i»ul»Ulnll«»« senior nf Ihr »r«l for ai-lly.lllr* I In shop t ihf i )•!• • k«• irnltir • *73 rlniliins rrrllflealr for lit* many Allah Aiki-ii »*•* liU'lpet im ri-iine fur Itl.V.I MM Tlhllirt wt rtliipnv ,l .i ful lo- I 'nIIo-iIi .,l'' a, lib Mat John DulleH w,*-* «t m imhiH Iiv MSI lienrinp Willi nfficiah . • xv a * x Ah FminIii** i ufiMiiilti-e urol- I If si a Iiatnr " !iiig a-!.>r t»i.|,!,v Interred lie'dm Ait .•■"!li Ituiiigrtlilttrt fm AUSG to Imwsligule i-ll '»,# hlMl i"t At Arlington hi- i-nit* Ih "Munlrt III Ho I ' '« -t.i'e « Htht-ibal " Mai v I♦•*11on*- m- MHoiMifteei: 4>i,l u.i/ / or III the ilivi'rt'. fi f,., «* ' '-.ii iig M IX III* MX* HI,| fill lH-»l kill* rei..e Iiieadav afVino"fi I»ii1iii»- m llr- » hi A llies of WAHHtNfiTON

~John I Compulsory S, nil, I " Honoralilr mention went to it l uhli-r Iitilli'N with tniricd mi mill dl'iMti lir'd hlll ddr* Werl- •* It» fmiilint the evtrs runt»»♦. m»**M» salary |«hn ln«u-*«r* llsonsli for fa* • and new uld I »nda Mites, hest a* tress; Don staff needed A rrtyhUiiHI !•» invwIiKiiti* Ihf |»t*f.Hfnl ijnTt pini'imn t|t Humgardner. I»est ar-lnt. and ni'vdiiv willi militnrv honor* Is to overmine demage from Ihe I'lVt '1 hod- Y\>[ tt«i pa- ril lit*! niyht lay Stmh ui t onpifsn itfl«*r it I lint a Knhlhnf, tost ailiess the p* old n* Ihr* nation itnd p M-l- %r». Cll'dO tmm *'•» 1.IK1 tttllV 11 I.I M III til l r siitl Itoii l.angrlnli "Mmilc 1«" are nnw undrrwa* Ih- carnival will get rut and to support rotlllp- i Inn us In "Murder In Ihe 4 alhe *a »ml a hull hour ihdiutt\ are totr looking ItllllHMrd nit* i It,log Ih- he h* l*l nlslillv, Jnnr I ihmurh tunc «. oed NH' progress I'l r faiilr n( I it IiinimnI «Oril ful dial" w«m special honor ahle formal fttrcwfll from rr- ntrr a ! t'rfi t'u'< i "f Ihr invndlgn- ami frrritrtl a|i|iio«al fm hvr mention rnntiiiK Wain- far nival, final prep-ttallnnv lot j.« * 111 .Student inn- nowi'd nthlr'Niiit'ii of itiNlty ilai oah j'-l M»e tn»tre*e -„§ a|i|Mitnlrra (<• Ihr | •Miunlllrr «f Wll.X ami WII.S presented a '*••! • »i all 'Mi "I" >•' • "«i «* toing iiiiiiji:. »:r..'4. • -•« fiik •*» Ms fhlMtlg IWIW- Aradrmir ItmrfiU 'llir* air. to o ti i,|.fin . mi nutsUiuliiig htndt. I'lllll'V lll.-inkw ill I nioii iieM n* "« fall f ibniKi .- .i» _ Hrlare UimmIomiiI IManr I tlloi aihli-VMiiehl ladio an>l trie I ,u" tomenimg iimii|>uI- in The man who had itolleateil *».».• I,!W| >( ,*«•»,. <,*7 ami. I'aul lr*lirt. ItlMaiil I l«»ui . - vision to David Ktulik anil Mai- mtidi of In* life to a noes' for |b"»8 It> Rt»!V and si ">r>fing A* •» *'r/| I ml KruMn* Jousting, Tug-of- Wnr Sol nor llvn MiA'arlhv. v or Id |a-a«e found II for him- r I Th# i!••. !.t'inn i u« l**«t the Ih l.auirlM IIimiIIi o s taut • . •*!f at last in AthngPoi Nation¬ '.-,v r, M,ii Wouaoit .*-1 .vonx.'iee Amilrrwir Affairs il»-ati of m"Mnil, hri klpha I psllun Nhu. national al t'wnrteiv • s .ai.l'i With MM ..ft.' .Ja/ i wikP Ihr investigation and |,\,s !!„ 1 In ItrM'llr drama and theater honor art, a President Kaavitiower looked •I • h» '• i *#vi i*'1 M r ratne ■. } «ka |fu gat kilci than [ ;rl tf ft" If! Ill '•> .«•' >ifinlaln»n> I" «•••»•- the thud ha' Mils IMupp. Im'i tain 'i l"» pi Ihr iko. llnrr t'oiifiirv. oik \»-ni I far nil* Itinr I ivini{<»ydi piesenled memtorahlps to David Nnilll* and I rank |.awls, Inalrur- tors lu Ihe apaerh department. oti at ttie Impressive inilitaiv services ConiprixMing hi* hp* m a thin line, Imi appeaie*! rlose to For '76 Carney Intermission foirt.alnei 'A mM're — lt.r»da ' ft- 'i> 'he 'a V-nate prrhef,«e| » . ; i rttMH far the 4rliais of arr • Attolltfr rhie/ »f s'ale 81 ♦state News flty I dltnr -•'i'1 M.olmui f.mphasie was on Ihe need for |n« Ikf rammillrr enough time V ill' 111 ttir tlklil of tmiIio, Irlfvision . a'o.fc funds for a good salar* ad,usi ♦ ear-uUl K'*nrad Adenauer, A sr«r ii"wimi^ atnl iRm, William lliglit was tiMiueilrrr «d W* « Stj|ii.*| ntenl at Ihe hearing, said Philip , Gernopi*, I'rehooiiar v tnals for ixi'i r Ihr If Ihr irriimmrmlillnnt ImmIii'i given the outstanding st-boiai- parfdlrts lo get out and In Mat. * I* e • president In iharge of m 1 hie h» (ha ni'»urnms. j-or- on . a i |hi« 1* * waa amnng «;.',rts «-'. ei.'s lo tie held 'lo, to.? a« *l„ Itolh paildlrts must to in ^>rrf in an l<> I imirm, |M«rd arinf imii-voting •» fifirnMliv*- n» ax* aid « liai lea llai to. . ititerthi:. loo »'l ' If "!, 7W, * .I n., Ihr i a nor when II passes Ihe hn»tne*s and linanee. I fitrairilnl lit Ihr I nmrnlt- 1o Coiiki' I" i'!»x»'ivf and r\- Kathleen llaxcfiport, Italtiaia 4 »i MM- S* luduled '"da., 4 i id;*'. t m Ihr Iwluir and at lrtl up- 4 os and Kawianee I.ii.dio-ig filttkh line. ' * Mi I .in hS'l t»iri* Mir orw "f MM ir Ki., HI d hat If/I,y I,on, W a m. ' • I ' i l» Uir Hoard »l Agriculture otii* Miiro «rir i«*ii!t*»ri»lr.J A!' xv,»ir outstanding lepresetdaltvrg Vrlp—Sinn for ( lieek* If .ori and fr«an ,! '* ft*, a' ft,a Th,*r tr,,,,. t„ ii'*Ti to*- xv "1 !»•• on e.,i »eo»e*l '. Alii.If,, vrye ag . hts ut -fa, Tn* S r./.* 'i$<*' MHf'i'- Irim. nnlliliic inuld br Kovrrniny lio'ln- rhaM'lr to arml of the department t »o <»e h.-ite, <.•>*! I,: 1,1 A lit hold On- ,'.•.* SI, I |n •»h!*-r..* ,rrrt!,..| h> fa. iinl far a year am Ma*. ii'int-rn!.!!m .. air u gnt tn ,, will ' mm . ••*• noddle and ••-in men • -,rt' 'fit* y»-.u retr*n< on * r>' i I I't! '«» continue the student t- .'ante iiirtv ttii'ttm *,it, f.Mii.r* ha tint the lop all-university paddh- Thr hrvt to poll ' . a i ah* f,in,, la-' >eai • it ■ . *•..> f »r t,.r next year uut a' 'he t 'iiion d»- > If 'i» iiadr point atrra«r In the area ft,*1 o..jei ing t*«i,i over the ho# Hi ,{.!-< »pii.,!,/»0' ..••ext PI! !lir K' t'lltl* tluat Ihr foims have not !»«-• ti 1 .i«d on' of pathalagv and audl- (dliem. Prof *i»rr« h Tr.e * a, , jii'.h.i., i eti,* "At c? : ;r .Mi!: t iiiir lived 'idrfit-' . jt olo|t. and Harbara ItrrnnrU had oiav U" '!»♦• 1 »'• • 'I >tn f •- ♦ »h* , » and writ* at*! it failure l,» •, i|n :,g ! he fur and «ti!l Ihr hithest as erase In epeerb •s *-w Stuili n' I <t»- • all'M* gllltM'SllUg l.»«c, In !>r Untold Han |,rufr«aor i.f rase of rain t'.iM/i "ii "'*• hrinisliv, u. «'ii» of Ihr**- Aiiif- V.Vd'M'g W ifif Auard Ttie statesmen had flov n ■ llhtmlinijtfH'tl i Atlantic and l'a« ifh to **■ t« .«i Kiinwaii • in Mi« «i»-Mi ut Mi« i»an chrtniat !«• u.v.vr etan'* iBiiue If,. ! pl'-pet 'in- lea' the Stale News received Its la»' ilte* for the former •" *- Mi" ifnnir f»t »«| if "«.«»'» rvi.r whii« MSf, *.*< Tlir *oa aids. #dnniu*t*ird l»v at the age t»f 71, a * <■ -»f Associated f nlleglale Press tanct-i f<-il *U-p' Hi*', Mh* uili'H" It x 'v up 'rfllv 10 3 pOKCfl* thr AniiMiiau Chrtnoal So«irt\, Ml EL Polls newspaper critical service fur alsu foibidden t#» full ,utc» 'h»* air to supt'off ir-raich by ou»* first semester ItSg-S*. f,mwi»li« arrived here offer water bold ,.u to 11»»- • .»!,„*• Hannah said la«l tear hi* hod- atamtiny .■*, tenMsts scire ted by Ing eareptlnnal measure* Ih the jous'ing cvMit, get rot of M MIMt forced Ihe Mis witter college dallies up an t-ifiSV f t orient* and faculty a<•*■ <>mpil»l 1 ment* in baric re- team r /n«i*t* of two u.ut, uric onitcrsity lo eliminate W post among the SI entries receiv¬ of praise fur his nld dlplonmlie fr,arf| »i accompany other arairh in Mir petroli um held ed the lop rating nf All- fne. Arknnwledglng the* had to peddle the lat.oe .-.liile 'he (tons • wt eqyipmant espenses wt 1*;;^ voter* to tiur poll* Thr iiH'iif.i tan in' used for American class, the Wayne many differences, he termed other jourtx m t».« (' -it- by M nerrent «nd reduce sect he i'*~* fl ;or ihr annual school any purpose during a period of and vupply schvltles Mate I niversity Dalit Col¬ Dulles "sn nntatandlng states¬ tcstaiit* wiil m- «li*qtMi»!i«'l f'«r v fir they will decide Six year* to aid in the pursuit legian waa among the tup man. onlatandlng dlptonml hitting below- the wan! oi !hr*».-.- ' If »;»rt.j', a,. : Ms. :.«•"*•! - (i special education of research m #n> field of nig th*- te»ll newspapers. her Jiia to ui.ivf-r-i! .njiiaupjuM child* science which may afford a bas¬ funeral services were held h. * Jou-'ii■ ' •»'! In the past decade, the i el irupi »vrd 'hen • /ft* : .Air fi' •.. is fui the ricaich connected mtd-aftemtxm in the grr-.i* '» >- for hit*iris to*- »*»."«• *. h Mve » - , Mate Mews has won the lev¬ all tftos* ti»«i wftiic Mj inert*. chairman of uitfi the pclroieum field. tf.icsrched Washington 'iiSi' i "l eled A I l-Amerhan rating '.and* fdiiihg into U,<- v. i ci t.r ' ial The burial service-, nth t: •{ M Mtfj Ifig rj iAn* citizen*' com* Dr. II ar t, iiiteraalwnally nearly every year to place It slippliiy «»lf th* -'U- 'w.fa -*»««' •«* '>•* sue, i*i education said military ritos MUiwnd at y#'"uitr r»-i 4U.1M .r. ... At among the Up let college form The team wiU, m , 'h - "f ton, resting place of the nai.'-n * uerccnt tftis yr.v I? *;Un wUI atfqpt- dailies la the country. The Mac dead. Dulles was a ri>ap»r two nut of three fa , wn. (he R * :"'*Lao1 county V* hi hi I ' SUP hews has aever placed World War I. event. Pl'iiulc ScIsimiI ■ ' in school elec- lower than the second big beat Jucf a d The cathedral was marly fill¬ The canue ear bans e requires a July 13 rating af first flaaa. ed. The President and Mf- K'* fear men in twn rannes. One i.ltaM fWWre« In Eaal *i Hill br M!- •»« affected by thr studio theater: Mitharl Welch, >enhower were there to* Vice Preiident Richard M ••«-ie 'fix- while In the Im»m. the other At the Plan Parted Ma>berry, who It technical theater and design; ninmbers of the cabinet ami »» on. ! gun the twn canoes start *»ral Nurauen ntft—ti »n ra«p«a. tf Wckh and Char lee liaison, chil¬ dren's theater, Wallace Hurdett, supreme the Sermtc and court, and mernbi-ti of House, toward a «Ren the event a whistle will point, graduating senior Marilyn Ponrey of IhlrsM at the spring term In Florida •senior Reception. Tonight will he the last night this term fur the i"*— aj needing vpecial dramatic writing; arid David I the bow men must senior event which is held at Cow lea llonae. rAfJ-Alf AA5EE. R* J* — ^'Vicea, Mid May* Bumgaidner. area of theater. and continue r ,> .«« Hirmtlly and toe* Adlai Stevenson The |^«rkt» Senate W»V.n«» • .row •,!•» mnri of school inte¬ '«*r- 1^-*; Lyme Martin sun. General r»ef* tn ♦he pa!h wh**"• • hang* ranoes, with the ftrat 1 Uul Jl| .Ml speech eehetarakipe weal In Margaret lalwi. Mamld Ed¬ Adlai Stevenson, former pre¬ sidential candidate, will (haeu>« team across the finish ime win¬ ning. What Is Ihe Purpose of Education! gration Tf e House oaMcd »r.<1 x»rr 'o . to Inadequate reporting tonight a canoe. At the sound f fh- tiety arc the re-.ult -»f an rdu- terests of a* tne rlcr The result quality .trivste education if in¬ |w >'"■ Of Ufa m- Hubrr Cliingsworth on WMSB-TV*% "Special R» port " whistle, the paddler* mu>t jump catkmal system which, instead .is that education has be- tegration force* "ditn'.i to hint lfa» i!!." ,|w'' nrrtcUw Dr. awarded certificates in forensics This lack of adequate report¬ out of the canoes and into the of guiding the natural change c«r,f part of the struggle tor to private sctweiU | •• U. unit. - OB. HAIOLO NAIT to Charles Herbert, extempor¬ ing caused the national >-.rprt>e over the advances in Soviet edu¬ from childhood to power between religionr. class¬ One Senate bill wvuid bum Iwi-vT ^ it! ... ■ *rv"* *'•!! be ajKiUble «oeci»l ed¬ known for his work on the me¬ chanisms of organic reactions, aneous Ernest speaking and debate; Green, intercollegiate cation, the launching of Sputnik and Lunik, and economic ad¬ Reprieve Giipi and maturity, arrests development at its most mis-, chicvou* stage, and forces th^ juvenile es, and nations. The pupil is iv/t considered for hit own sake, out recruit.'' »4 prop" ation of his past research. This work has led to a better Speech education awards were given to Harold Edwards as of the problems we confront is how we can describe Soviet suc¬ won a 48-hour rt- the orphans as its mentally dt- The State News contacted a aterg to accept integration bp promising teacher and Jail sentence* after fe< live inmates '* htlf dozen top educators at M£U uaing achooiroom time to cxtoll understanding of natural forces most cess in the economic field with¬ .'?'s "" I'-0"® »' Amy Salisbury for her contri¬ arretted for contempt of Philosopher Bertrand Russell for their answer*. The amfci I Now. The MB Ills I " "HMny " °' Pf°P"- txpUin^. that produce changes in matter, he said. bution to speech education. out appearing to advocate the system. penned the following: "Educa* •una Friday. EMI I . * x I El Aw £ Mic liii»';iu Stale Nim^s ,!.irk»iin, M.n 27* . . . (»o%. J, I*. t'olenmn •*»•! Ill* will nmkf ih* t l»l I ike Nm, | um available U» Mieliiuan Slate MfWi nt RrtM Httlf t*ir UCNl *.R list f*lh*P MuJ.-t'lA *n.l I rrptilar »c»»itMi t»i llie praml jlirv 0 •% i Dili in \mriul»« r ♦ . . y\\ i T»»\ \ H\ ftnuu-i't !*•« M«#«*»• (»*. t;. * r. :Tl: U.. ■«.«.. . - . *r u>« '•»— - •• Ann* '»» an At V. » . 7Ai-i" ..T *1- vt. 1 • •« «... »u.„ m . t«»M fftMt • Is-* ». «.l « M'. '• , r 1 !!»•' !«"•• »'« «il« * !.«» .*"• IKIM 4* '**• Kierlri Yv \ A! M \ A ' • ■ V.. ,V. . ' '• #*1.*. IM<»* A.*.*. *.»•♦( I'n>* I tllt'Ago I »*r.1 « . • » f r i l»U« Uflv • HlilflrM. f f * I i'nni|Mi4 ClMiatftciU , • • IIIRII Heaileiwtii|» Moderates Trcmnnh Vein Ke> t«» Hettei Valt'ea . , , iftg Isia IV.. I.I \\ , In Little lioek \ ole CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS I ITTIT KiH'K IOI I'K< W V. * a »ssn< «*• ED 20511 K\ |. - • 2i|j s K u . its * *. s:r< . I Kncv >«.■»% nrtm i\rs ■ t.n. nts nit oki ri in t.Miitv ton hi. | c ' r1 * » • * % mi us \mi i in t otiions . •' HON. I IH II.IV III'UM INK: :■ p n. mi %»Nn* \r . • *; »■. Mill* I'm* nit If St;' nml I '» \toililiiv llirniich IKiLn . * ,~x • 4 . % , «,, « .•» * ' \ trwv» T>«• •••-.■ CUSSIFIFS RA1ES » * . \ s m>n>mum II ».. .•» HOUSING PI RSONaI .v 'v r\ • I l.» IV fOR RINI Vt '.s» '.-v.. , \ . nil Itn l«. I I a.,. . t. «s . > . t <*•.. |. «s , . , v - i MI MMvim t» ',7 N','' >■ '• M ilr. . • ' • • . .. \ .Vs « a.v. i: :s ' ' • U» » a> y„. . . ,x ».«>< i.vvo v,v -X « AOPITIONAI OI4R.US ' ♦#» •*. S *»o'0 et#i IN i It. .>.« i it p#' d»\ V.'llttlV .1 RMli \ •' R..I «-.i Moi • l • y « . ' r V V I ' , . V'l- a « VI ' 1 I I'"' #.l AUTOMOTIVI , . > . .1.1. V A IS 1 \ ' | »N»\ • R. iN.nm I . ..I It .;i \>. • ! 'f. •• ft.' «• . ' . U . , . It a . - * K V\ V ! I <»♦.' I* A- K 4Ml» III » 1 . ,n;—» DARKEN? AMMtMINtv m »■. • i4 (M1Y.M.IMIM ■ »*.- I h.< )|i I i «»» A ' M.I » |t f i I •«• ' »• > \»» ... Via I .••HIT* |«» I In* lililor « ' V *SV\ f I IV | IH»« , . OA «V ftAi.: U« »« * I l» •l»; n I. \" if !» \f \'; ! 77 •»*« n- n s REAL til All Corrupts Education I . «»w »u . ih. i V . II" . - I » slliilrhl» Mu»t \*t% i+r«| |hlrilti ihJ W\>", DIMIU«' \ITODK EMPLOYMENT N\ |xtt» l» A * lltrr t •• the I di|«t • ~vi\ %t 'r II ;t X n AV » ,\! I •••# .t. . • »• .* vv I iv>» H»»»nia ; •«. 1 ;i. 'v. nr n Nr.. ! Teacher** l'a\ r.| .... 1 A Nvtv y '• • •' T 1 . r» t«e.V »•. a'Ua.aa ».■'• 1 K. u* .iv f>,» laifis lieliiml » AM »• . ; e 1 'e- <»'» 1 K ATI MM ,!r . I . -As ,rt I.- 1* tR« Niim -M • H» l *,v: • «*.' ■ t tRinp.M i .i n lliKv 1(1liHttit. e»i tot "f ■ » # .1 .• . r . %!H»I|. f V. . nr a onir la . . , • i- . .I."-, it*' It '»• i J a i ninwa ' • »V v wa "I.hrvt • .•»•« « a s» . . » a 4. » if if t: I., fut t • • V A«" •< .\ » I' v*.—. ' tlMMitlt A • .»• I .» A'' ' M 4 V • . I' , »», a— FOR RENT , v r SERVCE • a f fr .» h . ».A« A A ' ' I , .» » ..«• • a •■ ' *•< , " c Uf+1 r » J . I*. FOR SALE t ■ «» ; r 4\ tNU »Y AT» \ IR'.P .. ,d <• • nt < .r •«. veiMi hv « . .. t- r »i. a ■ * a .1 f «. ««M# -At #« n> i«Nf * >» ftrrr* t t nr.# Mrl « U«»#« •Hi CP|N NW i*eu»r Ass i (►on lUrimt vst 4.,'. V . «>• aiui tiiMi a t CO OP vi > INFORMATION ' »• |V|. p*rtat« ,'NAsm paatiir* ^ ' 'h»la*. *\»s *#«>•• TT» v aw • • * \ f HI - t • M. a*» iAti m.At'K Trt,t. iat laa' it,., k. K , HaAa - rv t-a-a* »rn I %l I HI I %IION < | | K IL.SH RlloRMIH ( HRIHItN IIUAlllHlltr '4s N IN T\-:t a,«-. >-- v • • S. *<•-**«• •» r * 4*. Ca . rfr » .« - V t1 4*f *• • -..>»• "■» '■* uw " AN MAI I I IV,.I ■5^ IRI III I % '**' t>•* ' Ft. f. 14. WiSGltT S»* I * \K* .>f v " MHtTIN LI 1 HI I llliril «' ♦ N* '•• r S. - •* > « ;.A" i<« wu H Thompson J cwiiu ' • *.».«« 'i ' Itl -Jl'""* • IV «-.* I OA TWO # - . • K •••' 44, tip«r< fxetwr iri «»r» at. t 4 IIOIR ■ M.» Room. • V • • »MI F.fifan jran r.. * F r» • - t f »a-*. t «'■•» v V?Ar'i- I. • Sti e*>-, I [Ukr ' i-r lit*. Fiff hi lt % rni tr%iioN • J-' 4'JvVf 4 Cl «• "• " » p 14 t>. x " \J. * *■»»„%, , |t*i • "V A.VD I*. KA; - •*<1 root • "IStiOS 4TTB4. Tivr tr. 1ilct I2J IVcvn. t*:- R.4T*im » -XI U «. a f« i« OhKi««f V».SH.|,| t.Ti. >. s' 1 Mrt 4| , - e?V* * TR HUN %M%|» I r r %UlO Hl WVtP ROOM4 CAVin.i.T\IM FOR , :.v«^ * 4 LI R | . ' ' •*!««•♦ 4« . air a •>- .V> ra.i, T V .RADIO t-f H * 30 :• TsH<-v, . -t j ' '« • A'tav* I .Prt t*»r^ rtr. rates 10 itudt, — * p.. f • VUt' arr i'|f">.rtn talenal. i uie« 1 ■O > ' icmifiii (IIMI %i rt) l-Ol* 494 Ore,, 40 *1 afii-p apen • * ■■ * p- J'.< StUi'rr: TV. Tr.htitr.a * s r« K)« SALE TtAllUS lean. IV Stmt w>i»•%tt4 ►, re^- »| I INTtUIRY (LI 14 !«* CRfAT • AKf4 » One Med.' i 4 p "• lltjoe fTotrtf* rrr. f^.vev# R*t>. M« 4f»fr J. .. t>j*o rrrr'-i «, •Cl» cms 4] kwattiio CO |-«M Lile Can Be... Kirn 4UN4 Ml T pv Sun K.XTr»- . I n Mw ASS CSIS ROYCRNFT rx ^:>wt * TSAJ W.I rsw.d tt.>n r*a"M. »aa* ! TRANSPOs'a'^ rorwai nituUaft of PWMJTA RaaMnftim, L«i a 41 p irnrr iti oht i mon ' WANTED RIPF »• . '... .» ;tvi ROVTiAi t*7 h^Tnoma 4torg»a 'laavina ' ' *" r t it ' turn A under din : 30 p«v. 4? t'BSon. (.tatfuatmc ""j«t a»tl Lot B-S2 <•£<•«■ H ITU C C"s :. "> ;s Fra«'« Trai'er Court Nailer Court U \«r-- IIMT.IL .. A ear a 41 Waahmfton and Crc I :vft T p m . It I'tiioB. Km «"..'»»«* c. WalM. IV l »M -v a-;.* ? c-f *w <4"t :»»».. (« OKU IUU E .AA-xsoi toi« ccvm '•»RI' C IIOMK ~MXT~7^.trf' MAL* RIOCR V ., • * m : »..j ^ ofTw-nt V^1* Wouam to Ift* around ,1 f-e { Ci MNKNI nilKGOlT .< to.i a' 41* •w^unatla rj» N. £a«t WA.VTtD Rill, #" CJlUYaMi aon. I or 4 p n . > r-t i >i'rr ? jim. Murai iu*a \ L'»i. .^•TA.r., ...r LOST and FOUND • ' w _ , yTT*- ri*- • .4 '*4 - a I - N-- *»- M X"" S >» So i-titJ. •"an-'tv Uu.ra fy,:r ".f arrarai at »jh- w»st mrrrr.rN siror ru> WANTED i\ig/i« Sen// ^a^Uvt . * t |V.|i q-,j .4 * I —- ' 5^'- -T i«M n- .aa tntf-a s H :H Golf < at (*iad«4t 't*, • Kadna and i*.* VNt h%4 y*ci Q.r:> t are a 2 *1|«t 01nuoathura Rt'joa HJitt, . t.«*if. WAMIO TO KV»" ' » * • I ;;f ♦ —4 «»f « Lanaina f J». ia «« ^1 VilUf* apdTtn»rnf« iS:- i » .-v S9C+- ' +■ r*-n, A- V >4 V I Me ad , . 4aa>Me trcafa WtBCOR l»riod, U.c OhX« t^ai ;« • v ... A .. »t »ai Wvee .. raw a«VWa • f * er- «'tli IMRtRrAL Rfy ORO n'.'T- ,Nr** " , CO«M.~fi.hw.l Juljr and A -* »• > ■ l#R.f Mt* Hthir lot t 9 artate r-fa »n tan loatuor . , ' Pt|t( Iff — ^ C«R44«t * 1 13 Mri-a:'' , , ' " •"■2s lMP Reward. Ffe .tv« m l Wr.te CASH FOR R" nr ?r C O Woo'e kjf&g; f . - at IN • Nun: id. A* •-» ' Mirint;*v orvir Sim .|li!<* SryiVfflllioilislH Recall Biolo»M"il Slnlinn Mo 'R. Itt'.'t r«M Ibrrt (Ivl lultint I it hi. Sim hi a ni (lull Lain* i an bus 111 lends lo Keep I' rp til milt «»f Ji.iv Ititf V"'ll . r!".it 1 ttttltliittlA, Kfll'i'u » v mi llr t I ni Kt|ll("t| ftti'l l;' Itc'lll- i""1 itiirlir, nf'bi'Hti (•' II I i" t .tilt miiimtl" wa'ff nilrgti "/ mint ttlinii Ime itt.l ldn'1 rkansas Schools Shut t il l' - V lull llli* vlll'lt l.'n it! il "|l It (Illigutfli Bt titlll l.ttb' MM * \V. k KrllMtUJ iittll I.«»! ' • . itii ni mil iiiuj'.in lit Ir-ttiii lr«t'hlii(j mrtli'i'l 1 Jtlnlnrfll il »' ,lt I'tH ll" i .ni.. I *l.ili..||, nl|i. It 14 *»(»*-» ' I -1-1 '•> «l" lie ill wmk il' llir •mii. • anhttn Ittsidril i t tiltr ii* In gn n I mii Ii' in . I.HI c mi . ill llir In. h- .... Jtt.!.-.!«• I iiltiHiillO lilllltllril In |tim|| lot fill. "Unit m t tin", i >n il" lu 'I i ...i r* mr tifTrtril d' lh«||i"»i| H'-it t Hid ni""t llvr in ill oi lltr I In rr \y.ih. Jut!.I rtn t ii.t .n i. -t mi'r ami timlri gt m|i|.itr lr\ r> • r. ' «•! t litre- orpirg.i |l*»itt*ln It oil it 1(1.1 ||* • .i in |t o I o it nii.ii i- ii -, ,. - it- iih4w ll.r itni. "... ..ii" . (tAiRr't* IIMI'Ia (ho bchen-1 oolrli on llir l«i|||> of thr tiling littii nf W 'F M'lt'ii I. • I i»iImi« iHoilr !««• tclc.lvt.ui ,ljt I ■«*» htfih of || Irobrtt •(•rrrliro In on|t|teti | Ibo I liter • egtr«alli.iiUU In niir lib nalil i.-4t «"1 " tic toiilil not l.rlirvr thr rrtoit r»t • »#•• • c .i»»» »ne4 In', gi itUiHiirni Dana' Juno (> t'.rv i..I't'iilrr il l« in.|..i*t.( ) . .»»*• !•*»}»* l» i.M.U.W {> ■ ■ I .• llr i t-|iiir.| .r oi.iil.l tmlv il tlir • mheo Wl« - |H ii|>il* \ nlril mi ll.r i > ur .if Itilrgi at i.ill l mi A,t|i| irv*"«i il I MII.I IIIMIt •* l.dtnrnllitA * ml M«l|tlt Mrnviirr *i Itiiiiirrln altr »i>« h (httig *• • » lltr lutrm In fnrrlnlA rnmit- tt|tri.i ''l.ltiii.t Krlitnlir' vtltlrlt V* I ♦ «tn SSnni. n'H I SI MM |»t rnr nlrtl Hriliir«ilo Milh Inn ntlirr ti|triA«. nig III aii.I will itr given lutilgti! at « I » • r% . **:■.! t»«r . ,*gr "« »•« It I'h lovi; \vviinli., ,l«,. . • t« " L,| lloliil.O ill llailr* S|ittfit. l'ro|ilt\ I' i ' . t(tr*11* in W.imt U * III t. I m. 11 41 S « III If.t'Hi' mi Kl.l'. '"in I n' fi 4"i |i in hi llir I'm.'it I if. I'rtli.iiij inr In-1 tig nriil imi, r. bi-ti Si 11 1.(1111 »* 4» It • '|i 11V vt ill l'f %'lifii, o*t**l ■ > u« Mill . . . .1 •til «'' I I.l "fit*» Ml Iff" rtl'"ll II ' tirt 'IK' t * • II OtM Mil .Ml • ! 'if X Ill lia* iv» m liter ttidjiM il v of llir *>s . o-r •. u l»r- A < S... ,r! % *|>« tug otgmu- i 'ii i ti it in ulo t It it* vrsii itiol unit 4.' «•{ K« tatimii until ,1 tiitr j Irllrn tvtll I»« i |>|i-vrtilnl WHITE STAG: ALL FOR FUN IN THE SUN puth oil for u lun-fillad holiday in thota tailclotb playort ond hava mora timo . to do wondorful thing* and ralon lor now thoto world- lamout ploydothot ha*o a wath w«or tim.h that takot ttio work owl of iwmmor fun, th» color, aro dolightM, PRE-ELECTRIC (§//ice to got a 0,*Ur no «fliw tlkwr "lw maikMO you UM bottor thavol ,, . tmwrlor ,,, 1 00 loo mint on-tano lurk.pur, topai, blwo, or goranium with toao- ditching.• to 1$. SHAVE LOTION lamaito. KM barmoda,M> SMUITON iwiuMlmw , clamdiggort, AM - dont be fooled - 1 trim top* to mokh. investigate storage offers "J taildoih mniop, 4.9S / rainbow pioid wa*h-woat CLEAN ANN STORE YOUR OLOTNES WITH cotton roll tloovo »hirt in iroclod gold, rod or bhto. US ]\QW MR THEN UP AND PAY AS groon combination*, 4.M NEEDED IN THE FALL cotton knit ttripo tbirt, S.M - . OCT AN ITENIZEO RECEIPT FOR YOUR OARKNTS - THEY ARE VALUARLE TO YOU. - see us first - aij, WORK GUARANTEED CASH AND CARRY College Cleaners WO W. Michigan East Canning ED 2-1713 wroow «T*tr \nt* Mm M r» j y con i rovers ial 12-inniiig game •|ii,p«lmrnr MSV Places Football Ticket Sales Phillies liv lluililix held to 1-0 score To U of Min Ma For .V.v/ )<*(//* Hegin . j "--ivr ,«f Pre/ Buvs ihrnr* »s a-Ksui en *m •mentional wi'i. Tken TN> tk-Ve* t:v «*—c tutw. .\v A iisvk thrust his chin out 2 Rival Team* Tie for I .end v.v A V c* Hj '.'*•.•< e -.i ■•< \ .ts w im' ! '-s»'• '*<: \t 'naaViv a".i Joiut' t after i*\&\ re- into tow,- 'he I* sit?? Vrsfie aid sent a r*i tss'l ,»v*r the rv : .•' '.*>*•. Ph 'vitii-j frh\ »hrw h.-'ier and the fin.4' llit'hlKon Stall' was awoml In tin' Hiy In I U*» f*U wktw V. i"1 j ryj.-sovt Itnl tv*w • 1 v' >m H. \\ob ( arppnlrr. |>resu1ent i»f I'i'.s '•!> mmiH'lilivi' >rar in ovt'r-nll |vrfi,rt. ot» i.ssr- a* Min'."Is *kxs-' t-V-'-M" V* • I •V' MVt\ i'i'vw the PhtUilelphui rhilliea. t«ni« in all »|s'rla 111 which Bir 111 fhani|. i Vivv IVO vvxffvl. «•;?•>' K.t Mi h •»•-«• V4 . fouchtxl M\vn.l ** r' *o, p#> saot'rtxtNt S:».i to «ei- 4ud ,rj • -ed acros, WeshtenUt K»uK^t ,;,t 'V u:- /: M-.'Vl • M.,' !»' •• ano. Hems Aais-n w&* «i*rrs ft New Jrr^es «!")' mvgniiol. ifhe«d Adciw . "i $tv , the thutnfe-eo Mil* {*«••• ,J »;% » •< Nf <•>:» »a Tt,rr» «ir !J "W** liidianapo ..-•i a . ■• ' "v tv*ses Vsnat*- not * Co were re|«ortei! i»v? I* Hf »jd | *\*M% *v*«!l»ar. 4*1»1 cti*ss ivuntrv ur 'M, K"to- v?i -r» s4**\t Aaron h.i. V W hite Sox » to l»e 'he future a!.atJtpmK ■ #! l«g«Xe1baU ><-e hockcv |,t -uv.) ;»4l t«u» b» 'her Ifnnm.l of the !u»M eluK sw .ovnum. wrestUng. 1 v i» 0 k. "-4.1 '. rt rsl thirst Ho:'; Speeds av v* n-r re"t 4-nxt H ;' t'*rt*ente- s'.rsi g fir gifunast;.*, and fencing »' w,n ■ I'nx Ins: '.ho' •e AOs! go!f. tennis, hgiebal' Manage u *"*inV l»4*iv!: ru'nt .Ad* iuii*r'T!i'.. •and an.r track in Ihe apring fftmar; s nv, ou n;'ov»;:ig Aaron to NY MORE? *,< ■ "n*' n* t**e "'na' fd an a nerlng •••lem Still Kaim Indian It it, ' w ^*r m a -u v'.iVs irsfoevst the n'4i • 4# fmiioU far a «rvt flai-r. ninr 4 i,i ■• t<. ' '.4 *h,t: a'.tuv the i' * «,*»«r'» sUd-uts' far a erennd and %*» nn down tbr ' hi* .*••••.•: tv treatevl rs a. -v*- ">e tVU- l«ne to l»lh nlai-e and one p-»iw» INIM.W AINM as'iav- v WHAT FOR? rYIK*vVtiiY * Ik—f hu*#iriV« uu s *; --••• v run. hut '« te- rr ,.u-e -.r« iVuwe* vW-'.i on a Towf isHitc wtate inuMni H"; |N»lnl%. rui rhe oltl ItnltHi' •, .« e - 4, -as n* ' 1 a :*vv-tsa«i pa<«ed will hi Allrhlgan. whlik ftum live ttvl SrtwitA »« he i W \ an hurled ?tis h ads'i-cm* :*\e iiai'dcTi Sta'c Spmhiny, sen :• < !■■■. Kvsica* to tre*: '"•< tallied *? Third r*a« Illinois mwi gt k»j a t»t# hillrf * ♦«'»! '" ttu vr leMirutf vufton K*< ra.e t-aci I Itt'T uh a ruse v v n vso ' *s f the h;?te; ha»i with M points i\i» w»; in l>A«l «r»,'k i«? 4 4"*- V*f! \Ntvinesdas a fxtw a *; ■•••(• njM ** t areenter ud in a *Utewent s'aie and Michigan tnxl foi dititf, was Itflle,1 •eo i+e • whh*h WpwJ • Xf\. — a V' v»v»• that he hewght U»v "•« • ;ie 'rad in the mtml»er of c!>a i; ■ rainstorm We... » Ore* the Utt«ib*e W **n%e\-v SUMMER SUITS t\* fr; ;«!vts*e t'leteUml In I>»o\iiio • £4 the tf*« «u(|r«thMi •! »»» tlnanrtal ;i;,»nstnps won MSt' won cioss drivers stomt i T> l sUvrvet, '> ftMlw k• *•• K.-'Vr v' « ,• («uv« wrrrnt »« iss* w*v> (»roti|) mental iwn W> er h-4d Im fhtnre r*m tndimtital deaele¬ o.Hiritra. *n.; nasa' Michigan was tops 111 arui h.vkei swioi- final tune-up : ■ t lie VM\\ oOii tt Still Dehatino .. • ment ' ni rig. i-idvv- track and *rn. i. N-4;r' tins Hi* o..i . w »fw» 1.: the I'a'o.ten v'.«ur:» S:ad- r.':no!« And .Mintsruota each vv>>. t% • *ve>J"elev» du^l tM ■i wtt oi»'. A live-day t ONLY S27.89 ,*»Ked Nv,»yt»e ijiritfu. • •■ - tuo |\.:o:ir each and Iowa, Wisconsin won 01 w aim the showets •• > w-tte •!»••• • turpi •••.,•,; f-..i » VH"! •-• ;•. a • '..Sr S>» VORX »% The of ^ v'T-.s'' ait'lx force the W —a.Se aaa. a:-c '• »ach use which del.led !e*m> :n s -. ♦ 1 'eft :fti- Ino if; •-.• smu- A:.- e«\* 1' since the Ltfl Kositcksi's ment *•••■•• ♦• » -\c. the s ir * a!' !3 of the Hig ti' champ.0:1- • .. t . . \ - ir-v a"e«.t i»j Uie h.;I - IBtl. i ,■ W' t # S>'\ • Hie.4-:*' f - rur •hip sp."'* during the ei!'.,e A^ veo. .. iv a-Hither »•«,%• ."or ferv a-r sear I'.'uioiv Iowa and Mmne- We -if, iji The ■Ingle Vanity Strap IMMUNITY CIRCLE PUYFRS %fvr Awl W»«b kie Afr finish ,-.< 4r4- when tl •!•«» w«« RintN «kra HUt'H-hiUf- - ■: .V-1 - * vV 4t*o'. - A-ana. iV'.jo State apd Wis, siludiM Ki CKlSCNr tur IrttKMi vtllai aa4 Itl •«; . «•jethe*- the ,14-iv.i s'a* ukl *v- Purdtie and • «s«turd*s an.l in N* V s- latisu v.r-er w . Northwestern Mottdat. T.xreptim thv K, Htiirrihi KabM viil Me mi i-mve:::iv —u' • ;»«> the a-isi. *"U: * ha", he d do each had. tune F latv»c W'#a «.*• ' s'hx-.-^isvt ravion, rain rImm, PYGMALION 1 has s.,^'•«■'.< »»• rrpiti^l by limt .-, w .*-• '. .- he. i .»'■ . tu, ^t»k« **Ke |*i Minnie i * i'"- • 4 .n-fivAr h*.s ■ light rnoMgh or Lu* Mmnw lax her Bohsletl Rare ; K> vi a rvllrr u» Utirtl and Rwbi ,-s . 14 < n ■ i'»r- en Ha*. • in Ur veer nansh FrrMll rnnning (he lui im t.KORt III KWKD SI!\W N IrUill* ■•*> »'.v mi", co — 'v■ •team wan generated e«ee the ronatltnte a race sto» 'iii '* eu'.-iMtch:ng ih- t<4**a there , sMt, m lis were verdul indU-atMn* nuaht that hand *irr • i« •tadinnt the that an he met The eaght mllwa MUr htgilt in iVUnarr «M«f»th« Ftir Olympics trarh. The 1926 r« , 1" *» i» \ v I t: o. tM--. ".vs', : vlA't ta''. i»v.. Tvrge »..%?>. * »aj if Itr it d,«e* action and r»rn if I* Mlewa af thv Nathmal I4s>« - heart nf the rlnh the aeaung and pnrhtng PhtladelHtta. tn give Ml*NJCH rave two hours ,s, *• SNt -" Lv..*r Germanv • V • Ttie % v x> ixurrr tAvV after five raruxiv no TKMU •-.e e-^*rv fW".. .n 1*1 L**b «Mt%» and t*i|>s •nave It arntel* laeht hi t anni* Irtrrnationa: IV vie pic Commit* ca-. — **M4en.n4 ;n Kahinwn af his title Mae A htadinan She rtnwh line that aunt ;ec W' rejected ill. pa\ PKiMi" Sprrul Mm'iR! •. * jv ,r rJlrre.1 *• i hv th* • move The last 125 KuSe* — "•' SKI ( cs>»-;~ w.-e ha> afreeit * eve? •f.r. t-o**aah:y to ».*M r*,*r« a: l-ake I'.icid. N Y Civic Cutsr ExMbHrai Hall »e* VVftvt P 'tv hjL» kr.i '.v- Ir - 4 .v H.v.nssv. at •• ,.r s sv .-%• ,* a. . u* factrsi. dec * a< tiie ?.*s e, * !»• a v. tr o? 35 to 21 the KX* light. vvuiaUieraMs tage of leader W oe. ta Utr H.v.: • u'.sf •. t f** s*<* n*ls \ot*\t down a Sw m *.»a. • es-.s'-ug* (.vrms'.sal to >*■• . ntMore the Johnnie Parsons w .i « :. r t. e to* For the •:ti« M'tvleil CvKtjpeUtlon »* tries- vraaej fcav. nate leader in Wc W,y A - ». • V. .e n*. then, it o KKttiutted a to the 1i»m> ptograi' The 10*> , tv' 4**- *4" t»V *r*:-« . 44 «. *•! winter den downpviur «t aceav Hv w .- OA«V -ir ad 'sAaue gime* wilt Np txetd at Tke cuivur.f unrr. ne-f \v« •.» * i Su-aw a'. 345 miles. wt am the la Yaiiey. Last 2 Days! MiCHi&Ari tr-^Ote ut tn# ?r»: A »U* T^e" a,t* we w .'.: »•.., 1 «.».*• a.-^'ea a:-.-.*vi rh-Iaiespfu# ila** DiiwerVt ha* cor.le.'red Mhr Ora ftewl uw dara Iftt Pat O'Connor, k iJoiite* &v Tsta- 15-c«r pile up U1.1. 14 thei--. for a revet *«; r*-.c • frvup* determined not to »UI M4 he 0m the iter A O. a- .f Miawe' i-f-xiwei a —he Me start of last year's M. a to • ra s-ae the 1>- ..*♦ He asked for «Mymp«r prwgram The lilmu* exe.a-d *4 - T «,»• * »»Uie Mil mivn uat.v eatunate* for p> I classic, was the i - t Vi - *1 *•« We k*r.'* Se-i•: • , atad* Bitilii Federal**® thea U«|.#w viMKx et-S'r"" ♦.:e» iw' far. nothing has freak storm in the ; *e*, aatJ iNr n.n*.x ■■■■■axed H has ahlfted the IMF 11TI *«♦ * ' I Hr Ma.-rva* M..f Ve 00, .! -•-ved oewsRil the ••rid he baled whirlwind brief \ ' n *« to«rtWKt for ftsrtv?. or rhamp*MMhipa HORRORS 4 r»n it southwest I 4 it further to tie v-sir' ' \ .•-4* Or | i|* tfm Lake TUeid W corner fW «fl < *11 4"1st (arUu. I (i t r--i.U{M ;ea,» a."Vi f.aa'. t.-va Vth.A' Hal* O'Connor as he ra- >e\ rr.'Ji W t !« •-* .v-44L »|| ofter«*g S C.ror v>.. ,*»• s'arvei-ter- a.r**4» *«n*i 12 4 D- 4 «:ei *.„> •» --rw ■y i»mr* only on ll' auj' IIV •,*>' : f ■ *4 a. re*, howgcl J*r.- - . stser. ••.» Sft* etgkt HmSa s-.ana^. « evenu had Olympic statu* high apeeda New Y.ft iwioe to Set.' y ? BIK'. US I'll <.11111)111 -ars * I'iiW J;: other act.sir W nines via v. , Speedway museum '")) lKt "he IvV ordered SvhiUi Africa off, ■- «\K" »l ts' bar recout crowd r rini: diAortmsraition Ui . IHI \IU St. I'HIL ll'lIli'HI IS>" STARTS p.c*;rvg »u permits running Olympic team*, and *t I.** • JOtl . I#:*l turtied down urdav. Just what • a prop,ssa" to col¬ lect be is a secret of f.« a three-per cent fax TOD.AY •»ki on tt— tn-Lxt-* » O. s-r.pic uccett ment. It never c.> v to help tman,*e 1 en s i B*t« fedetatKmi. tendance, estimated ' (K X Nk» H,Tl B1. 000 000 up on past Mer j ntnnnnuiut cm 0 crariD iwimtihc 1.EAV1.NG Yankee Coach llnu •tout o> urn hi m nm *1 snort... IM OM MSI? fractured in I'mctn its ikasuks ikk ka ik inuk ^ «•*» l*r iw wi ikk 0 i nomi: ikk ik irc Uul* NEW YORK l-l' ' v ikm-okt gg tf kl! coach of the New Y- r* <* spent a comfort*...« • Paul Newman hasoit boafohit '■ *• X*M hospital Tuesday wmi sustaining multiple ' » : Mil the right chtek • » The Young AoMMtmsiSlirifi •truck by a line d: v, na stevens At the time of ,v Peck Phiiadelphians WC TM K. NHAWAMU IT f*4M2 Houk practice Lars en was at b#t was pitcher serving 5' klfdm «, - **» free (old storag ^'' no MM mm A sacscsa Production kdmunhisk pay only for cleamnf. a>p wmKYILM : ! pressing in the fall ™n_vtn'u»t dwvk-in window servh n** Ttiaao bental 1 DTK WOBK * ALTnUTlOKS c« *mnrm-% • 14* '!* ir . - ;* :• IHifK ***** nsi SUVICK8 ABK ALL or»"E*E U1 tUy.rrrvtev ft See 2 Big Fi (IWTK. «jrn OW*cKEAS?^-ajEaja:.jQHi*ii(iB m TO^TOt ^ mm nx m kjp . COmbH)> -to* world. to aas.s:w.iaa ruai arb in awn.- i n - *m - im - moi ra *p CAMPUS CLEANERSRO ** SOW (47 S. CBAND If Slimforil Joins Annii. jCA Walks Mijor State News ® |« Beat SAE i AMI KM %\ I f Atil t Le«|ue SMIRIS XX 1 Pet liR Me* fl. BW Night ggene *dhfi . a it, pi i# mamip«r Big Rig 10 ''Miglit Reconsider^ Bowl ANN Altllllll Hi s.sid Weitoesday the coiifereme fatuity might recouu.ler i'ji lei ndhatiuu ('11 MirNigJira lepiraeutative now league ( fuMiid, allfin make m i, P( I.A S'lidiii'in an,| Washington up Ihr •!)*•.*• *p"it» ( ali pnaslldr llmr Howl It* X Rig individual tn rnmmlttee was named however, tn devise regulations |*.i ttlg lit memheis It* l|tallnn I( (;. (XI Vets to ('.ompele Mr* el 4 ltd l liirim •• ft tl l« lit? tiU* t — III «>f • ijii tTie lt'i*e Bowl fitoflnill colt if Kiunf.ifd joins the new ill I I week, >>4! f.»r Big tin* |U fii I epi r •' ' ,-ut < • .1 fm in,w split With other any participant. Unhiding Its share of (lie gale members will h# I'ilcliiii}!. IIihiii'i-n A o of Wevicrn I'uivci siti, ■i\es l>\ .* '> 3 lie vote leiused || or linlepeiulent (mn Naltlmor* 11 l« 1*1 tu Hi !1 • T* • It w ould t»c i k.ilde." t«» tetiew I he Hue Bow! mil Ma»htntion Mulligan voted to irnpw 'na Alll*«* t il* IT •• IX* •• ■aul |)i. Man n* I'lnrd lit an m- tniil wilh the I'ai ilic I'nii'd < nu 1 Bowl pact and ag.nn-u striking l)ivIk Rtuhitz. Al n« ( vvionf "if theie were a change feu'tn Bid nl d same tin Luplow toview e e • hub t»n IT 1? It* T • i , For • •il i a-1 mi ,nn post - 4*a*rin Notion l« 11 111 ■ Bid if Stanfnid cinca in, Hu'ie hv the same 3 3 Mile, the Big lo . v.* rhi Alpha literally ivalketl off with a semi-fiuaU New York II 1? itx could i,e infilled to vti lkr out of it i >•»; n In I li-! 111on Plan! ant fir hi. «•••( 4 aoflhall Wednesday night as it piUmm! r. iht - ,, !!.ttei«it* ■ Tbeie m> no indlra*n>u a' ulati-m* a se,-'i,>ft |ii iiihimu High in Rig 1(1 Statistics hilim ml %% i 01*1 i l« • f f. alto • ui 'lie i !.artei * Vp'ia Kpailon. tn t». Big Batik Kromviik got vreitit I'l I Mill I It.lfe at 1 Mtiioi MiKluM tilt, p»il|i«io4 * the ieieut \t>*lrin ( unlpinu r • nrmbei* I,* p,*lhiu».ilr r* |m> ' a • .AHili-lt, A li of We»t * hit •*.. * l»t plana I • Big III! meeting there would i > I I'm- h,. w it > „ IIH < I |>.II olar l«. I Tw 1*t«hUt|lun a H'ltiHiiiO • a . ignge of mini! nil anionr I his left the door open fm ado B*»dt»* .* I OU ** * littIM rllN'AtiO tfl'i MiuntMutii * tiolili'it tiiijihrra t»ru»linfil purl And In fart, d appealed men ll.« S.t'-M III. *1 tip. plana i N » •• .!• .» H nil-.', foil., ' umei *»f Mrihrtl lite bp-it tfttm ImttiiifT ttmrk atut top itulitt I'l I Mill I «i i i\i I « Rcmt I n jo res I inner .Uinhf-I 4-liiiiNiiin i I'fjii f i e . >,rt»picicdup <«» I'I' tt t| or **•••%! ivp *« *ha« it •< fotitr Im (heir Ffcnttfl ronfifrutitf Bin Hi runfei'tmu'f tut-if- Plant sent lliete had Iippii '• "f individual schools ha p 4 j ..,-!■■• 4 as •.ai '' liable* « h' Rosa i soli n n-liinii: a 278 hitting average and e«er. signed hv the ne«s asswrtatlwn t* hi* h Is teplec v* as sent n* a hospital f n v i n ' • * '«*• 'hat ir* our ro*%- ,wr' \'!» 1 XV 1. Pel liR •w aided Hie individual butting t ley eland Indians during (He Ing the dissntvlng Pertftr 4 nest of hi* i 'glit middle llngei. jmi* i.«geih»M OKk V I'tulet Milwaukee 1.X II fill — 111a11,pi'>nship l«» Minnesota * |t«»n *p4si*n. ela*ed in unly seven < nnfeirm e . * the huee I litis lr.«i*ci*i'a 11 It III 9 L'andon 4,.l cwitfeieiue games the Mil 1'nvo ili-i-uid hetufiui >an with II * 10 twhii • geiit-i ad' lot « »*»f Uv»M Xnceles TJ 11 XII % finished COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE . \ 1 i»s The t',i»pTiers gl.««» l"iip 4 'dgti iigNid fui wa'k* wet* given l»n»ntotet* Bill Kosmtsuhti Mini \* 'Ma' l.iiiii.m shrtied itia . • V* hi* ago 11 11 MMI X'« aecorul in fielding with a 8-^8 s< ho!a*!wa5tT t'u* It'Aritflto eniptnl Weil- . ''i'-iiii' h.>iii*T Idle, a' ihier ,« s.MC tmnmdttnen "» Pittsburgh ?• 1* V* pet rentage I*nidue » Mike C)*l«»w*kl ll'intlftl Agenf Ml Tntvul t nnferritcea K Itf'f b» I«i* *'»• liehilnv ami thfenteiieti the 1 ln« tnnali ID tl .488 • Top defensive team «a« IIU < Michigan a tla*e Brown I ,, , ,, runt WiUxnul • tnl V I o v it PatterMon InRfiti.Hr JoliMns.Hon honw weight title M Philadelphia l.auis 1? IX 11 1.X 4IX 11X nmt with the runevup •!*>! w Pfirt The llhni ith WiMHU»*iii ahare«t sru.nd hi hitting tu ( au-u.m IN Results Mil — NAll. — STKAMSllir — TOI IC l.ll It* ItaWW. nt its»si*at a avu I la * nig the league leguMis we»r SOV IN VI I. I,,, wuh a 8-H ivcont. I I SS» t |(| |SE — IIOTEI, — II Fi SO HI — HASSPORTS I,m, i hi KM '*• Ihhlht tight n! Vnnkee Stadium, *m I lan.Ki* I Ml Iwttl* 4 ■iff'i* lucked a' 3f»4 » * is shaw IS » s W Shan T t *111M * lit p# 4 ftll«hilfgll t K -i> Kl.oi" of Illinois l)"ii Wea I OR I II. \ r\lts r«» June "Jo. I in. Innali l«. rhlliOil|ihi« 0 I iNNtaN* • |N Hull r f fir 1,1 (. ■ ••' l«M of N •iihweNtcin an.l John • i l • \ pi* I • *",*♦« M«M IM Schedule I ln« 4(u tnplli iniAMiitPle |,„I.L • The 38 * ear-old prom.-'ei a. i up a a *a i.tMi* U.i lead of M ic hi gun h.iIp. » ( Nalhpr ' I lufiMin.itmn. RpapridliuttM, lickels ' ~ i Ihll lltal. ►'»« •» ciko.i l> Amalo. |*at'ci*.m » •• .*4 » ftlUGurili al ililwaiikfp MmiiIpI* „d am Mitor, Hi ,*H»4 i ' ii is Ja* if e* ttdlpi I'll ; m Ihu pit. h.itg depai tmen' agei. of casting doubt* .-n w hr ■ at I win* 4' s*n D latnltri*-JaiAum r Imp' won-lost ieon d «!' MEMBER: Aniprintn Snriflv of Tr«v»l A genu II,.a. 1 mil Himdm I her the llgtit wilt t»e sugtsl lit* *4 asnfwia 11-41 go* lit VI i. md li auhlf Mtalni l*» i hii4|e si I «» ai*(p|p4 im ■ Mill y •• |. in »• i.| nv Ten. Gettinget <»r 11.14*01* tot.I I*.F III Hoftettsobn sani he would site mm i' tt ts ** lltiseis II li •e T i u *• t *i % pi* noig and fhek BadaU of I .'III R C.rjiifl ICixcr and yilVtta ■« '• the managw if he pi.'I* the rhiUaplpMia at ilruinnaU IM- tr i in ts ftig*si* v* OPTOMFTRY . M 1 gan Sta'e •■* ith 3-0 an in* mom im champion «'uf »»f toe figlo Mwpns il l* ss Nushall 4"* • 1 % tit t ii*u t l llo| H4*4n| Itrst earned run a*«-iage wa« SHnaiinrPt thai appli. aluoi* far IV*hi I. t'ewrt i railed me yeslerda* s4inl*«i.iw In tl* i«*«p, hp(inf*IN( ftflli. sAF inllmi. Iiir ' • « 7 |M. Hsihrf I «• Otalkpr I nv Purdue'* Ja.k Ilelm ks' It oh ing sp*,fmibpr fl. ISVS SIS naw bPlH( l.tihl l.anuiiiR, Mif'liiRiin \; • a an v tin ttm mi*. * f -r ' • cached base «*»» an meralna and aalg he «u thinh Ing #f moving Uie fig hi from Team I • em (■ Its Up* 1 ts Us i Ip. • Sails* 4 vs Nsllav * *i*m I. t null t n.iM i iit~ p iJellmger pitched the mo*' 8". and had Hie mo*' ra< pi* *a 1 year t»to*a «f % Ittvismn of t'etllral Mu higan oldest and Xlnsl ( nmptels |*rafp**iati4l tltidy s 4 a*rt ».*ore.t on an m- New Vark." aalg the New loth Traii'ls lis t'.iil* el* *e«M I n IN •' nailav T vs. Nails* I altSH 7 «s r this is . . ■ • ,de ga ne«, 3'r w a* lpa4iN( in lha gpgipp travel Service , \ i'» p :..h hitter, Jim promoter. "| totg him the fliht sum r this V * * 9 this I •l.e ctukefni' king wilii 4» Ihn-tnr of Optometry «n going to he held right heir the wadu final!v got the at Yankee Stadium and that I hii' 14i*l l{f«atla l lis I <<*m II. « timi 4 shaw I ss. F- ahsw 4 I pis N shaw I «« n thaw • |- . Hafnp'.ou walked lead- mi* not going to he intimidated The Sp.*i 'an rowing Ifnm. • em *» ihaw * il NT. shaw it \ll>-nli»ii 4 inil.n l RNI IflMIIM* (UN ,« tn T v« Bavsmussen to I've got tee murk at atake in thie fcchniuleti to have lonuilnted >'« I1NVII dSs&tomanM. IMIHU r •>', •!!* fifth Til* alrradv. *i»i'iig cun*tietitioii la t week, sll unhfiill* *n4*.idual lawrwawiPHt I.PII* flrirrrt % IS MhiH *« fahnilips ' vrfieiuer stole secntiil P4*4 1*4 *etl* hull,4 a, p||,n* . I iliuit rtir who' he >.i\. will tiavel tinlav to I'uUef Mili¬ *4ww4a* a srhpaula i« *|ip«if|p4 lib* r%»> t.M Bi'l SI rill, unit appu.ird ««• i hour** If I n em • * {-.*ro» auitnoif He can' pull ouf tate Academy in Indiana for a i.M.nnip vs wiwnps el hlOiail- ptsl »»*4 ai>4 KlTHin . atnasned a he does, he's 4 rune l o «n in final irgatfa. f.ihsiiia* I Slltt MS t leitw Mtltll |4)N*4 Write fnr billlPlin in Hli.l«|it*R .v • i* head ef the left. nouiev a* w*U a* public opinion. I'oact Jim Tyler gnrmume-l Npnsnh st Naihaway Iiiin«i» t »ilp(# nf ii|iii>mplr* *\8ilnt»le. FOR GRADUATION... /tmllasa ts drnll die now l!t* S *f Irhlgait V.PNIIP. : i« oi.r.g M Me winning I " sue h u f." ev el > thing I n the .,ijngI' in plana af'er !««' li>hn<»s ss t ars 4 hiragw IS IIIIN..I4 de'etinincd f«» put the f ght on K'ldav's scheduled rh.*er wilh *|pn#pI vs. fitrmtw kvf! demonstrated it• lite ke> man '«» the pur/lng Wa\ne Staff wax rancelteil vhen stnhlsr War.on is vs fcnrhn fPiPist.N Dr. H«r«ld A. Shnider { »"*ugth in the first font promotion M \i> .«!•» , ovtldn i Ihe Tartara railed !o show up. Sll' h It tt I NNh *c*r ** * ghi i .n* ■ put together six be reached Irving ♦e.ep.ctnp'er That i* not kahn. pre* den! i T 1**1"' w'• »■' The meet would hate hern the hr*r fta.«*« on Spat tan for wain*. right-man ehel.a Milt wishiwg |i..npni • Ih.'.p In e'a* fp|pi»h«Np laiiiwg ths 1*1 efflra. IN *l»ildat hafma ma* nusiMil by t nisllhps (pi «e- MAI.I* ml'NT I |(AMHIll ( ENTER gifts of fine leather |t».n fVinahue hag («• h«HM- t.4! dluig the closed circuit tele* ate planned in the frexhinaii. t a lrfmrM*M imuh In- \'.«»on of the tight, said he *-•** jumor-varsite and varaltv divt- reaterfteld Nimatan. »ba c.-nfirtect the f ght u.ui'd l»e 41 -n* Michigan Stale Witt send I uM ana Matting average*. of the leacae * high iin hag g held and in Yankee Stadium. II men ♦« Culver, Including an IK YOI ARK HARD eafra roxtwain and a apaie f« ail »i««n Tyler gaid. Virtually .'I More Nations oartman. the time per*r»nn#l will thus TO FIT... |'. a-.Ma Ch * two other hd* r* scratch compete in each race •id •;>* punched out a Texas varie'y Added lo I'an-Am The three division* are bated v. s.ur. • -rr > center and LTark nn rowing experience rather CUIl AOC. '' Ti. P»n than class standing ■ n a bunt »••>« American O: gam/tag Commit¬ S'air's freshman new ha* i put together II tee Weone-da* acknowledged •« ' 1 rues a* it wallop- faced three f«.e« thi» spring three mote nat.c.n* ebgib'e t.» ' • : leading the hit pa- w I'hout a lovs. topping Wayne it. Ti:t..*»n» • ** 'Win Kisehuk with participate in 'he th »d Pan Sta'e twice end Purdue once. t B American game* Aug 27 'o »r >0 Wejr with two. Sept 7 - Wr-»i. the winning Duten Gtiiana, N.catagua and s • * *'nk* on', out*. four hit* Ecuador were among e x • na MUM MM - ^ t»<-n« officially reci.gnued for -.N gave Up unly one membership hv trie Internatou- GOOD TIME GOLF ' ' r . hampionshio al Olympic I'ommittee — who** Ba' n Two. Bailee * confirmation ts nece*«ary—at • vJ > to 'ne stick was I'e e in R'«ne. Italy . o had two life- Kr«ulir, Short, longs ExtiM lung a, Stunts llrrr'n (hhmI Nrh*! ||iiffj'. Sun Mat I'lay iMtlliall fur MSI) We isepciali/e in plrdsiiig the hoa»g|-t«a-fit iimii. " i.>:o i*» _ rw. If >ou art an ou» si/rr you'll find wide se¬ ■ n Sonny Grandei;.i« '* that Colorado i» lection of fantuux Inand wiimmer nuitsi anil * '-.acing Jamec Hof. ■ m' t;ie uni\fr*.t* year iuunit in fabrics and tolor<* that will • said young Hof fa please >ou. "' ai«> is considering < Michigan S'a'.e • ?ne alma mat«i of U* *lialll5 «a #*| MMIN *t II* '* of the a YEAR-IOI Ml AITTS .. tldlia IBM Teanutera l'n« visited the Big • *r«»NT COAT a _ fg .lg la »V .M HIP, HIP, HURRAY 'erence campus ai'h •MIA * RLtt Kt .. * 91 la St .M iv*r the weekend. » .'ar guard for a De« ' »»/ team la*t for the sea- "In Our KNEE Al.TENATIONts "Hwya* World ' »« Mi Far GREYHOUND'way wporlswear Negulars Shorts, long-. Extra l and Stouts Clear MMMrial B«f mm lla t« ong* Sailing to save money! inaiao Miidenta • - t adei* Hu*kn* Si/en 11 lo :»| Trooi tlflP Meiling Ca'alina v. (MP Waak Eai coUae*i'c to'* window*, i t luipoH' low fanes: •Hos tomans •Mansfield adds MHtrad to the ohite » • I iiltriralHin s>on rida and complete yuwateii skirt. \»vy, Red. a. /I,-In, try.* r 111,1 yllh *V**W| l,#r. rastroom' You'll hava a tdtiMi airini g ? ** J •Krenth ^hriner»4.oodrich Footwear » to .1N...$I7*9S HltaU, toll •( myl4,4 total, talltor. \<»> I g j«e ( I mill AH ta MMtak *91.1 ry«hta». yyttoto, Maui. or. \ him *« >!«lt toi' Greyhound —'t * often t MM lliil g Tat Sorfo »a« ("ov er-l'p, *• | U. Maa'i m,l rata ta ito,»l> ttaMto r.wWt mtti i faster than other public^ SOW PiltK I'l »e I PrtoM OataM, k,t um,r ta ilHitil 1—hta, fin* la* Aisel siiaik-Lio. tranaportation. and afoay* 3* . ga • — l»AY i HfRtil ACCOCSTM r. Print, litlNn Ifltory tolUyta »llk rattlHt »*lli-tlt4 itk* aapankwa! .SiM.SM.Vea 15,15 nit tollt*i4 i•-Vtat. "HT "fiiMiiiu Urania far bad and' ill, MUl) mpttlMSf Yvu can takd men wdh pmu kn g Grayhour d U'. aand your L«iwng j.»n» Nn.lnM TO TAKE THE LEAVE THE 0MVIN6 10 *Ut . ANO US' GREYUfllJND I K TMHIH -tar, Sni< SHOeeiNU CKNTKK Mm . TSara. Trl *.1* ta • P.M. (in. MM. Ml. S.1S A.M. to 4 P.M. tt< Akhott M. Fast I .assise in; South ■ uknimi A,4. - . I, Aw mictuci \\ xtxtf >rws ■»; *«♦ ?i t*va i) IS*e Fi*»r Controversial 12-Inning Game •|m r^tmrnt* MSI' Places Football Ticket Sales Phillies * Bv lladdix Meld to 1-0 Seore ToI >: V 3?, » For \>xt )i»nr Hegin 'A V'.AVS' Is ,■• t x»f tiling &\ Rtvul rn a. mt*nt:o«al wait l*h*n Pre/ Bin s ofniM TV txA*: VI, v~* .*a—Vd v" ' M v*'",* I'ftH" ;.v 0»tvL thruat h * *tna <*wt '2 Kiuil TVaiiw l it' for I .rat I We* J. Site w Aval any doubl w*x *- V c* that tt"..- -v *" ? t'WW and w?i{ a 'Ji i.V . « V.'- •< • \ <> !m: V 'waufc** tsftSSen »iihl after i*- toitv ;*» ba -4 . t»\rr the rtdht In Team ('.liam|>ioiiNlii|ij« Won *«vl*rileSd ?why A', *-"»e *tft:". (>| thi» >v.v»*c |Vi -.»•'■ v tn.x aj'iva:vvt ?t» b* a run APKi.tnuA 'fc Mi,'hiir»n Stiff «a« ««"."»! in th,- !!..■ l.i ■ i .•' that tjfh tnnuta. Wli* t>!w : hv-Vf: **M thr Oni', I v'tAe Uu V»*» Vi- '*asT«* Itr.S ,V> ,vm(vtiti\,' ynir in o.-nr-all pi-rfi-r,, ■ f.-»,^v> iNP I • x -rwi> 'IMU thtvw-.i*4 wrw IM th* rh'Uiiplphiii rhilli**. . *; # t'»"».»krd v* vwn u.-r^w; M *' «»•*. \i' " tvuvhvvt W *\ln*vila> tvujfht th* trim,in nil ...n't. in which i'l* tO chnttip »■». ■?*>- hin» h» w. i'M r\ , a. 'vai >.w »»:- W *lv" .••v. atW H*nr> Aania mvctt'.oi J. ; • ; i » * ""tu' ;.y a, a tHTWU' r»v*«t*"*»'V. 1 Howl wvrtn« »ft«lent en a Still Haiml Italian M xv.Ht'ii Int ftva 'aM* «♦ ' el, v- V» A*,i 'v*vt thr >!•«: • '.tkM.'tffr ' I# (Hunt, for a «r*( place, ninr ii. < is« 'i. • v< ».!?uv thr a . v T'-o '»'ul ly. ' •• a «iv". t sUvtmr* IV'J- far « •eeend ft«d %.» on down the h "••* « • '-** t'vatxv! at u the Une to tdlh wlaee and one t* >»t»t IXlxi \\ \| \>: WHAT FOR? av • - . «iy K \r n IV in a-e Y >.\r i'HK'AtlO v}v—»v'hivajf^v** ■•u a but ! 1 tr- vtate amft%»ed , |w*tnt% Th* oUi Ittilt.v • .1 ■■•"■ i> "'J* %r> v'an dvn v'vnii'ty. 'f a '»*■■'*v Wft«we«l onU bx Ml* hid aw wbUW NV*on n*' '•"• a •!*>--ivnv' Sp**ilwnv. • tt»-r thiTxl leer?* *" *e hurtvfvi ho 1 « v ■ !,«,<■.« a' to *itM IV ft.t'.nnuta the vkltiVn State lh»'v tftllied 1 bird wft% lllinoix H*t,s ,. vi-jt V- Ibe b.xJ i wr Mite* rva vr vk'tvn'v h.« ra.-e ttaek th*r »■* n thxsf XX Wl \Nl» (K • -• ft. th* Jl.ttrs hftsi • xxtlh S« pemtft v ; by* \r»t irtel •- tb-r U ffv Kfr . a fin* fHvsMt* 1 ft t.- ••*• ru;i - 4'arwrnler ud in a •CalriHenl S'ate a-"u M h:k*" Stext '.«• tlinip. wits Uvti. . i •• xx 1r'> W»w J 'it iV-x— u»# 5/»Vr W V.-' ' — A V t dwieiin' i»V*» thai h# hvn«ht U»* |Kft»eer«» "al -he >ad '.n the nunvw of c ■« •• rainstorm W»\ SUMMER SUITS It •hf ' rv. pl*c* L'}*\*Un\l lit lie »< m» Hnan*-lal MSI* n of! iin\*rs xitvHHi K "V fl.* w* t-i.riti »« b» •» t*M wa»»» l>n\iiii! (»rou|i adftuer* le h»»ld t*r flalnre eent mervial induairial drvrh»e* . o..'!'*hi,ix -u"t*: x . »x «if baftkeu'W and >s' "• \Af final tuti*-up • . *J ; tUTM, 15 K '"Vr •» t+r%wjvc* »wat V > \\ ■ " vVf 'kV**,*. hit 'li- #r *•!,• \t:.*''i|ta'' ** is top* '» xxx."- 1Tt* 4,'xnl xtiKLn-.;, Still l)olmtin«! - wenl. " • be*ix*r !>,»•» M»rxr*v lilt f ke*e v* ?. s %<.i Md :'dv ".'.iik CM Ut iia v. - , *x »» i'v> «;%».-* Wt due! ! V ■ I; she i'amdm Stad- IV "o'.x and M nhex.Oft r.x, h xx >♦. • »ui »•;•• :-,v*n.» >n (.y;-. ORLY S27.99 »I W b*V fevvevi ' he ■ xx u and I 'x» a Wtx. >nxm A hvedax ' On Title KiarKit '.' * Jtc dATkafftft. v.- on um "Mue d't' ano Is. .••or edvh 'he «h,x\x «• , ■« .eii. land • *** xx or r t«ra>vn « vn',■.••■■ Shu wn'e n t t -« *.--yv tWftMU ftaext a* a ftladsiou *tte. «'" Msx*hi<*" State .ft VAC. OH X ;fu\»U|its the xic,, • "*v J'4 \r\v vp.nx y pK,. CvA. 'iV»» he -nade ava ah e f;v luoh u»e ,.•*•.ft' vx 1 ,"• V-icd 'ea • n ftil'ty forxv '.he v ui • W. 'ftv Snvi n >'.« A • U« iMttttak's '• «••' i\*nn* " , »■ • a" J of • eut ainee toe . sy M 'ftriet the ule not N '.he Ht fU vtiajupuxo. <»—t* tii t«< . . 1<« r . S ;ti~ Hft. Kv»-- . held nstedfi^r that »p."t« lUtt : . • W"*.* S'\ .• pur ".4 '.he e:" »- Jim; (V a"-xb*r tv\- .ear tPunwv tow a a"-.S M'Vi- ivx »;",v there ate a nuln.-e Vanity S*«s MMMUHITY CIRCLE PLAYFRS Lflpr Wttitt kad iwl(ha< mii i r«a uilii( la M- Up VI "N ,vtv i. 'iw wva! dv- •» otrsr tra.-'., r^aaiH suitdMe *o'.a ha.1 '. 1 each Keprr*etitei the The race aincle pimper pofttponrnHv | H], to- a fttadnuv eac • xvere M:."'^ar ! III !»r t»«lh «W« pikiA-klUpr • * h-vvh.-^ .•> %*-.»•• xx hen It al*o xx a, r-uft rrdc.4. mhnthft e.' atwv,:- .{••tut. State a;»d \V.«, ••• (MM: Ki I'KVSVVr hw h«mvM m4 Id KV.V thv AiUvvft < " !*v,r.H:e a Waturdax and xx i, S1 N-.v tati.*-. whether 1'*' 'yfiW' » u'.d x and Nortliwe*;.-' t>u«rrafci d*«IWd Y.v\-r*\V4 . Moixdftx |:\«r|x(n<4 I M 11M:C ( «rtl »«i '(!*v; c- '.he "aiKi. i'u! what he .1 du each ha t li t J PYGMALION H»#i ""ft."•.••.v< • *»» >» 1 is, , i'y-.. .■• ,AMon. rata alwat, (t*rrv v, .tf! '. ;t he *u!*» | >.V(>K».>- BERVVKII Sll v« VI d-M» » rviWr V<» w ft third ud Iwkt |MK fMllftl ll*V . n • »* ■« ' ♦•..•,• '."v s* ,•««' <*n, :•«• "•«*v- Hi» t(.» • •warn tar Iter was im l#n#ral»d U* «»ar •«« WMrH Uid Bolisletl Rare permit ruanina the t cftkMfttitwle a race the ; >* J J vur. !r»* -\|> K*:r ltfl< la thud IftHWftft «A toiv* rrwpen*! W Uke UM> riillllei u tap* around Use ! Mi* Vj(M rhiii>v>. Wt Ihvfv 4vntm»«v« * rr* inAviiMitt <««aht ihftt hand e«er wa« me river tlfeal an eftjbl niiUlnn delUr TW For Olyinpirs track *.jn osi'i- The IP.^ • run o i - 8:15 p.m. 04 rfftw-s »t« ftvrdurt drixi •iadtwn be Nill »■ PeUnare r* . Aoted l)ouii ta iv. m«, ,.■ - »5ift tvftx n«Hi|v n Tw*r.% — •»> ■""* e;ds IW K'-v " H Vftvn AHI and %»«*« •naee l« araieU iarli al i nnaie tnnprnaU.ssa! ibmpi' ContmiN ta.-e after five car. 1 »irr.c'a ;.n • liNtwa vf kw I11W that ami Mae4 Madia* :ee Wedrexuft* the !tm.*h line (.11. PO PRI X IE* ,•* vj-.a sutffr*.,! re e* Uvl a iwvf >3Mfvvi! Stwhrat Kuic* — ft tk» * « v» tap fu( v/ ifcv l<|tl a,-(m>« Yhie to V*W she l tto'd vT'x «.{.(,• The lbst 125 f e. ' "• ~r*l tiviva'. ftohetne fuunderea. how - KS»- ) ddSijSw-. h%. - tvt. ftie«.1 race were ru?s un> • Ukr I* •■ hft. when raxwx Vs. f IfW exer. tv>wruhip cfluw j .»c:d. \ Y' Civic Caatar Exkikihaa Hail Wian »'vw Nra r- v*-* '*•- H.v 'IV. -• ■ • a .'out faced, devstuid the prv -ev • !'X ft > 'r of 3> to :: the UV i.dht. vxmftideraVU NYS •a m 'uiJ'.S x-'text d.»xx Svx laae of lead*: V\ 1 -t-'ftTa ♦»»*'". ♦".r4^4• Uftv H.v»u - pay o»'.■' Johnnie 1'irwiu l i • t t^'wcafiu' For She tr*>« restore '.he «X» »\i xx - "f *T| * ..*. vf'pj; i-.-is-v ».v«y Stun c.*iipeSitixXt t - the l*fi> nate leader in > r "i* * •v* V.- -14 then, it cvaaidered p-.x'irji" The jIV I 1 CSfiVdhfa twv y**r« t|vi a .fen 1 .»r e W* rws| tvwn- v KN;, H-%' ;*«.¥• - ft ■» • .lead iv»ue winter will he held at downpour > t 1 • Vt a: 345 milef. Last 2 Days! MiCHiGAfi tr.AM«»-v fitftc* - a-wi ui ci# irvt tr*-*a *1 wv . a a k*. «ta r ihv «»%■*' ft'-v Th*" xv •»,; ft.'VM ar-.taxet "n Kfc,'.a V.pAi* LWwvfSh, Mayer Ru-a- baa ,vri|et;*d Sx)ua* We Ne U»e ftrwt U*e Va.,ey. C'wi.1 1'at UCxxnnor. W k P.,« tto wvui*'*-* atnee IPtf one • .1 murr d a 3d M -v« - * by .xl'»vast Is-j. i t~* '..Vw Nt a nrvvta ■i '.a 4"vs_o* determined net tit bftbaliddlwt «UI wet be ew Uke IJ-etr pile up Uva 4 e- i reater V ali* the Phulie* •'art x»f laixt x ear 1 M t utu jL i»v» S ' «m ,-ae tie a*aeit for Oixvnpar erweraan tbe Iwteewn • i»««a e»H ft W ■.-.vtan ..-t' r- .. u•.-.** . At Sry * . is eatundsea for pxwaifcle ftSad* •total Mabalid hdvetma flftMif, waft the x • -T. « »ai t.-v oft'r t^duam. tlkew | hattmi A'ft.Y^w* u- * tex S»' far. iv» aeweewed it Ma ahtfted tbe INI freak atoms in the >4 ftt (aft'Ul -"V n;an i •'! «!• i '. 1 * to i ' J : H* Wftv-rta' **..• v-- .v 1 ■» - \tS bervnd the werld be baled whirlwind brief x -e' 1 t it tvwer.' "v-r wntj. . or rhamptewablpa horrors a ruh 1 t lee sir* t2w *fh «a a »u aat« i%- rw-fta- thv v.xu."" ' \ • 1 • *.v »'a i'arpen'.rr pa:' for the -< -xre:j« .. I1 . *" * '.ft* ki C.vr ,r, VI*.,, a,-re*i« IP i*y» to go. > wa,« M davdwexi The oFTHE 1 M'prJ t&rtr* w*~*a i ;n The !Hf had awarded the Af*-»: tbr hva*'-•*< TOMORROW IS SUPER IAR0AM DAY! • • N>.-* Fit av LA" >*■ r»*,x*r H. K,kam« «vc «, • p.r w v- *d-e me-.t ooed *. ( a-• *«!»rs w*i the ID! winter the hnck V'l Ui* lO*. ^1.*** — ' "'«*lrssf ti.a-«*ir\; vdttrf-s«4 S VU'M: A.Vt' ?«t ' v'i~.e te- a ready ownevl \2 4 >»_j : % >r„-. *'x: B Mi i • H.V ,vv • xxR'.y x'« iNxrvliti.ei the track toe alipperx far »! t'r U BAR-, Vl\ |l\> ' , - t ax *7-'d ta# ryrfs; Nv* Yx* ,-r v v-4 a,-r*«, hvw*f.". in «ac- evert* had Oiyripac »'a*.as hiph — h*RI, ti\ t»u minul,k Si J*' -ft t •- i?y.,\v I c. ft, • .v*r W exin u« .ia \. MUSEUM "M VK1(K K" *t ! .V,.C THV \i>( S,. PHU- UH:ii'Hl\N>" »1 l.« . iJM . STARTS to KV x».*\ienr.t S.«uth oar -ic.a Arrnra '.ftorunciaiAjri in IMi-tin* i*o, ihxr.^MC tear-Tj. and tunwud down a prv»t,v»a'. to coi- Speedway reexmt permita runni: 4 ur.iax. Just what crowd oft, 1? \ a lex-s be is a Jtvret v»f • a three-per ce«it TODAY , «*»»» •»— sro-iMu ta\ on O'-xT-.p-c uckfti nsecst. It PUS 1 (WP* 1 to heip finance never d..* ' »■ tsSer-ias. xr.ftl aporta fexjesatixxni. tendance, patinsatcxt • OtKM* MCttKk 000 900 up on ixa»! Met* 9t* nanwnnuKsi ' CJTft 0 0(91T13 !W LAST !MU LEAVING Yanker Cooth ll-'in I noht n iut* Mil m nen irwm._ ~tM OM MX'! Fractured in fViKi.'l ki in nuaws iwk km i« imm ^ »«<» It «W Is* bui* htreuiiwa nuan D»»W" *Hk IW mil, NEW YORK if-" OUU-W'SHia! of the New Y coach , Ware m spent a comforus.t Paul Newman taropu daily. HABRT BEUFONTE Far tbe fUewi h.xajHtal Tuesday awnai sufttaimnf multiple ' ■ Mil the rwffct cheek The Young AoMMmrsASlwan a truck by • line dr.-. Phiiadeiphians MCER STEVENS »r XM t MBAWAMCI it iuu ^.AS the Urr.e cf Houk practice Larsen wa« pitcher was at bat fervir-g v* T L MEL FERRER FREE COLD STORAGE I i ,j \j/ m? MOM vhOP A SaCSBEL Production rii^ TKWXUtmHfSI PAY ONLY FOR CLEANING AND —iTM DEVIL PRESSING LN THE FALI. : CONVENIENT DWVE-IN WINDOW .ftEKVHt : TOE TVXEDO RENTAL. .• CMBMAKOTO : DYE WORE : ALTERATIONS n«> isa - t« if — M-;a ALSCS SKTH*BFSAII RSTH TNATB THESE TOE SERVICES ARE x" Ol'ftW" I - . (9W. DAHE 5FEASTP • a,E ajg. aa n-jac dDmhttirr -fr SwS B% Fcatarn TO YOL" MT 1 hmi I ,., mi COMF1 L?IU> ^ ^ . CMM -IWtJWWM W HI KT 2:M . i:M . IK •^woauinm yuan act tipgnt* 1* ♦4aft.Ta».MiU t ° ma CAMPUS CLEANERS 117 g. grand ^. If Slanfurtl Joins Aksii. Mijor Stale News ^|p po Beat SAE I %H»*H Aft I V %(•! 9 lufoe tiinllmi W rr« ON Slav tl. IIM Ndght aa«me tailor. •irreiie N«iti«pv Page lira 0 < Kig 10 ANN t.ti.l WVditridax 10 AttnOft (T» faculty might ret'ititftidpr it* letiniruittoo thp citiifpien» p flight KiTonsider Itowl a rrpir.*Pi«iAiik e f". ii" ixv C Irilfc-U'' ! 11.1, fii like III.I, II I.A up S-Hlflir-1 II lilt.| i hi- NV net »'-t!. A - I • 111 lr ' "O p. "tt% Itnsslhlr Mnsr Nnts I |i4llli l|lillnii lit individual Nig III mrmhrts % however, Nig la i-nntiitlflpp tt as named In devise regMlatlnns N (;, (i(i Vols to Com polo t let el4ltd I 7« 74 «J1 bi»a I — of fhP K"*p Mou t foot i»a1i roll •tji? if Staiiforil jitiiiH the op" .it !„wl It ' xxopk i"ti" f.ii Htg ! lit- lu fli-i i "to i ' i"ii'.t • fill Alt V hnw Ms altiere nf Ihe gate will ha lllflir I|t4lll iiwltldtiig In I'ilcliiii}!. Ilnmi'i-N A- of Wrx'.r-tii t'liixcr-utu *' 1 til* C"'l 1 ; IN • *|t|i| rt 11h nlltpi members || or liulopoiulonl Cnoui Nattlmorr 't MX'Pft iH >1 • ♦ 7.1 Nit t«« \% ohlnilun •« 111 .1 It witttld he l'pnirti kal'te " '.r leiif" ihe Ho i- Htm ' .o Vln l.j-r.m '."ole/1 to t r npvv •;<# i in »: o< •• , a.i ti Or Maicii* I'litti' ill An "i It a, I O it}, lh" i'.I. >!.. i "III U" > I ii.i, i ami rtg.iin-i •tiikoig < t'ht n« ruoiiK VMOM Mpha litot'ttllv w.t!koil off with a *#mi finals or i mm Notion ftc«» Vntfc 17 u I* tl 77 AH 471 •a\ 7*i • •<. Dick liudulz. 1/ Luf>loic ;n Hie rot.M view f Ire if 'here Sfttnfoid xx r'ip clixps a tit. r li.i'igp !!'«• e f'pinlitp lit |pfu*pd 11if -.aim* hi Mti* H i ill Ike "III I f '• 1 iiili", the |li* .!• "f v ||- Im i III . - i> i 11 |n i •• i >•" 11 ii ill roll pox| -raariin . Softball IVfih^tlnv night a* it edged r nlati"iw 4 'ion on"if,^ I II I" !•>' .11(1 lir- Ilk of A tl ITU -pie x*a- no iiitlica' •' *»-. |n i lligh in llig Id Statistics wuiviMiu i mo Mt ,,f f. .4',I,. 'm* . Iiarlpt ..ft Kps»U»n. 1° 11 Big Hank Kr\»m,*ak got *trd l .. . • '» I Hill I it illlMt tlt», aoil|i«n»4 1,11»PI \ vun N •f e r.fiit WrtlrlH ft niilpi fin p i•• • * "I pill ' ii ip.l'l- 111 P«, •,. Al'.'r-lli A- «'f \Yeii ■ «t ton, « notion ' MI- >1 • »>'• •(<• > t itirliltl I H g lilt niee'liig i!ipip <«-.ttlUl !• »i*A*rur gsfi.t*'. ! W ltltln(lon » I ITrV-l I I'll- pill ft I. 11 lift 1" a nolltmol* • » ao;p of mini! on Aiix.-nt- litis Iff ft (he ftlnni ti|trii fm , »» «u niter e% o? ' •* » U # l)\ iiimht. It r I 0)1 t lull tt t lilt |t 1| al I V, lit III t Iriflniil I,It'll >. IN i «< ( MH'AdO t I• k MIHMPSOIH * «iiiiilt-n t.o|tltpra pi'ittlmPtl the ImvhI ton til Hit 11 iittf ttutrk ntnl lup miiivuliuil hit t vr ett o-r' "it 'ilf* And i.HiflKtx jt» fa, l it A|i|>p,i rr.iixft ailltuv foil" . , in i'*e nt mmi *i « hu4«n in» i *•« rotitp to Ihrit* gtH'ontl con*tn*uti\#» Hip lo rtititVrent'i* Im-p- Itcrra Injures I in iter I 'iOlii" hl'il .idm; • ">!1 I "Ullll P ,t it or tlo>«l i' #» tl tl»R«t •! »i Planl taid liter e Itad hrnt III* <>f ill.In dull! *1 '"Hilt luh r gi 4. • l.*l»le« »tef ew'ed * ' liosciisollll Nalltmoif i lit •! N»« i»*lm i« at tt I rut I; it or t wilrt toik iNi ttll Uttiit* «■« UaII fhrttttpiottihip f ;t\«l Official •tdlifllf* ff«i tt'P I lie he*t ritltferettt P hailing swttte 1 (tree dfts<-ti*sittit aradetttt ftlral allhtmgh east nr (lie ftle , \T.\V 11 X ( i V«»HK "1111 > I ll-d I* lo Ii ' |)i"i|,tl 11" . " ! • 11■ .M .'*i rtthli 'c* • '< Med ii nilmd .ko.ii,, ni er te rlPO? ftr»« » »paMm which en.lP.I 'a'-t xxct-k •ital-li srlttallt ttJ« ..ftlft ht Mirh Ihe Rmht ftlnunlaltis at (nln Nf x Yoik Yankee* \ft edni- d.ix T oil ,nd Ih- dm lined to name . ,eng't» or 1 * I luce I inlii * n %nt»\ %i 11 st.t »; rttd cteditPtl llie iJitphera xx i'h • J.H hitting avpiagr and it Alt firr Slatr'v I tt|tl»tt %| I iieloxt . tig nod ht I low Ihe tad# itete Sftrftngs asswrltlutn ttttghl u hlr h is teplar htlit thr Y"gl MAS Ili-iiA, n,e mgillar ■'flit 'o * 111 *S 111 ft it I f"l r ih Iipi X I ilk ' in.' ■ .idded ike '»•*#» I't,Me },a,» ill ."ir r% IV 1 ppft ft .N swat.'lrd 'he itld x idurtl tr.rtttng ft letelattil Inrlteiis rlttrittg Ihe ittg ihe dtssnlving PArlfip I nasi of hit iiglit nt■«ioi:K I* i int.M Sltln mkrr ts 14 till . — »!pt«rti*hu» to Minuew*tii ft M-'t» »p aaittt plated in unit seven ft nttfeiem e t l*r v'.it fact* *«»»l tn*t\wvM • an IraitrlNra ?l Ift sal a ft .r.i-.h\ic mou ml *m#«i n I'lttvhurgh ?# 7a >aa pptcpiuaue >. •!, ihiulllps m:ue ft i- l"'t aW i Itondril Airnt XII Tr«,,l I nnfripii.p. v# r no.tvliiv ami throrttotu'ti thn t lHi tunali trt 71 41* a Top .irfetiuve team wa« IIU hi ' Michigan ♦ I'll* nroxv.. .. \|>'ft n ; Jft--ul a tut V I o * \\ l'.ittor HMpiTia r»»# W >e*i .t ptoM .••pi «• iitHM Matin * e Mafhr-T V I Ilt|t It s H cpa l <»f \1 higan lllflll III.I, II,!,. l(p,Pt'\HtKH". lii kpi« I Mnit thai »»•*» rim up end i ■■ j'.*i**t t> K-'.'a'.' I'a'.V * ■!• * o • Pitt «ti iir c It »t tlilmvktr HattlRlt lo the piti iletMi tineu ,.pj ,ftrn haftlers He o"»4 auri. «»f ci'flni .1 « '>»• at • • it tt i oni■ at Jar tl .'I •» NillRk f it N4tt Itatiilna JailoRH lrtt»' .ton lok| tecoi,( »♦ A XII XII• I.II Amptixin mwipi* nf lr,v,l XrpiiI. «f N»H 'hp sua in si i. righ* Agist ■ f « hp * lift) tt aanftri4 l* at h»g IroubU hndittg Ihe «h.ifl«* at In %M|*t*a iNi Mill ft -a p m ••.it itt fen Gettingof ..f ii i iNtns loi in.r im *t '-kpnttt'tt' »u *'p *1'. m t'lf tr t iii «t t u v#i« ^ ,„a miked •*» «• mm i' tt tt tfttlltRttit (I M ftp l It s •• Sigma fte t i»"i9 sn.i lliiti fla.latA of •iPTortprnv I .'Ml Aft. (. r.i iii I Ki'ri* • t •-* »t<" i# *ip n> >« thn Pt> .iRgrlptua at ftlttrlitnaM iSt— r |«# wi»i» ceellt ' tiNRtta (I It It. Snattall p ft m v.gan S'u'e with n t> ChAO*f. * !«' •;»# ?•-*? vim i avail i PJ : e,l f.llt axeiagP was that spi'li, Rltririi ft>if I' II^I-hihiiI lUtlifi?^ ha I. i'ettrl I f Aftr.. SAf r.i foi "ItAmaW tillnl m t«U«4n lam kllliri I re. Rtlftrr • ' itv Purdue'A J.tiU llelni a in it* alaaart brfinnitra *S* Kt»va injx kfflfmlrr 9. |9VS at# nirw hrlWa I I Ull-illic. ft I ie Ii 11>ii , J k, r • • " ■ a, fhf SVXKO. * «* hed ita-e in an maratai awl uig ha au ttlak Ing mt an tng lit* flfhl frwn 'IVam a s m • am Hail#t 1 rt ieiin a Nelltt 4 ve tixm I. Nallet ft « irttfl I k.i ,1, • mi- 0 ftielliiiger pifchtHl 'tie mo*' M' an.| had Hill" reoitM .l«l 1 tear ««ttt«# »f fmlrttlantl aftttav , In, i,him nt ( pnli.l (In hie,i, « mil M«b, i ..mpi#to t • s'i- scorrxi on an • \pw Vark uM lh* >>* k«k iYuftfltt In Ciilftfr t am I lin Nadav t 1 shew t *» ve fteilti t P Shaw t« «-te gamp". n ha.ia'i p at irttini im lha lr|iTT Irivrl MPTDIrp j ,» , uh h f'.or. Jim fraawlfi "I t«'d him Ih* fight 9 pm P. Shaw t i< f Shaw • • he kt'.kPou'. ktn< -a i lit 4" «i«i galng la h* hpl4 rlghl hat* I mm lot itf ftlplompftl t at Vmkw stadium and that I I trr l.;ii.t Hc^atla ; |t m a II. shew t ta I Shaw 4 I our I e •/it- *i o r.nai".* g.n t«# I p m « shew t ta W Shaw • Hi";p ou wa'Wed .Pen- mt not gnlng to h# inlimldalad The S|«;ti'an towing trst'ti. « a rw W. Shaw ft tt ft*, shew It Vtl«*ntie»it I oillnrl tun iRiMiAii run Ha-v u*««u t.» I «» got t«« murk at atak* In thia ' «ti n »t i p.lulpkl t»» have ttututlolPtl 'v itssiv •mmftNi r * it ,i*i i- I* »•' 'Mr t'.ft.'i 'f Ae o«*r »!ole tavoftHl «*:.'» 'k ro> fi» T-e H I alrrad* M I \"*-r Hp 4

i ri|iilt hwttftl •« (fToliril im- aria ulriurr d/OsittomawriA. » .1 • ;■•■ ed a •tp .Its** tt * a M;;"Vl iv»t m Rnal it-gal'* rohattiat Mini ne t lanw •oliilmnw M tltp Imt hnllrtm l» MltMINtR • • r freed «>• I ho Vft* n *ri a* «p ' a« puh'v no nion ina. n Jiin TVer Urn am It ta Nalltawtv lllltawta t nl|p«» «f tt|"»mrltt ii*ailnlilr. FOR GRADUATION... /•mhranw fa Srwit dtp miftft' ire* t I xi'ihinn ftxaana, w c 5 .a ::\* ammri I > P h n f f » me . .-.mgr in ^ptaiu after t««' firhhawW ta. I Mr* (htfagw l«. Illtwi'ta dp P: ,»»'• c • ■ i>u«. ttr t ght O ■ f-ulat a »chPk1u'iPil i -pi with TI'RTTl fa. I nrmaw MS » * ;iev .»!»«'.♦ a'ed « \r AP% fan '•» mi'• ug W.tx rte Stafp *vn ran. pl'pil vhen xiohlar SariwR ta tt (ft'irhw PRiRlaow Dr. Harold A. Shnider g I • jj"- ••' !ho fli >' 'out pt »m 'ti *i! 1' \v. %'•* ».tiiKin • the r*r'»n failf.l lo >hvt\x up turtle tt «w«h r» ,k .♦f *■ t fw»i«»hu# I'V »"-• • :tv« htl kjotuor !«• fcoiw~ lip •P Pl. . :r« ••v.n* hPt' a; V- T^a' Kah'- ,un ' * • '' unutua i«n '«»•• •<' The meet wou >1 ha\p been 'he ftt«' I'm on i*« Spartan for ntfi' eight-man vhel s N.tta Ihxif m ftlMirdat t malt hat withiwg tw a'at harm* mat I" «a- ani a IrlrI'howT numktii by tetliwg the IN errtra MAM, COI HT I It WIN ill CKNTKK gills ol fine leather r rg '.he t!Osed CltTUlt to>« a r ttlanflPd in lb' frealitnaii. on* • ir*rorn4ona Mnaah In* t K»n of thp -tig u. aasi he »•• *<• itiniop.vgptitp and varaltv clivi- r*at*r(^kl NamiNon. nko i nf.itwt *ht» f ghr w>n»M 1>p «t"n* Muhtgan State will *end l i«M ooo haltini atorago*. of I ho loamon hith iIm hi! a hp <1 and m Vatmpp S'adium. It men to Culver, including an IK VOI AKK IIAKO p\!ta ret*twain and a *pa-p h«i! float Tvtpr aaid. VirtuaMv • K'i « too othor h:*t ^Iitrr Nation" t.aratran. thp satixp ppraitnnel will thus TO KIT... t' wrahft var-.o'k t" tipple m eavh rare •j* *o "."ehokt no* a Tox*« Ailtlt-tl to I'iin-Niii Thp three dift-iviora ate t«»i j j p4i* t.kjte'.nor It •pp wpi.r. >dak aofcnow!ed|pu?» • (i ■ *' a N cat agi;a a> d ' * ' « • * > f.< «i0 (t-. v 0U!» fowf h'ita r ,.adk»- *p»p a»nc»ng p ; - na OKNINB SOON * ■•">« »kff . a > rpv -gmifd for •• <• US', e up .ir.h >-'it* tia -•• . r*o na;npion«hip Ba-U'v < a' 0'>mp r»>n*rrrat. n c i itnvk trpp - » holt « nun l|at I'lot llrrr'n IhmmI No-mw! |"»tlull f«r MSI Wi Np|xiali/p in pleasing lh# h.nd tu fil man. tn c.>'.•> r «... Sain* _ If you art an mit-si/pr you'll find n "id# *#• « • Grando •« '*■ *ha» Colorado let I ion of famouw III and siimmri suits and *>* havinf Jo'Tio* H*»f- j" tnt un:\rr>.*% >ear-round in falirim and rulors thai will 'a d vour.f Hoffa please you. •' « v is cor.itdor.' g » Mrhtffcn S'j'f • 'r.o «'m« matoa of ftl( VMeeVIPMHi mi mm»b al it* •llAI-IUI M» ftlllft la.stto 115 at -h«. TP4nt*t«rs I'rt* . viaitatd fhp Big •ftPOOT COAT ft _ ta.xaiw av.xa HIP, HIP, HURRAY '*"t ?w« r am pus * i*n •VO Vft ftL4( Aft S.a.'r (• .if.# •ver ;hp weekend. • guard f,»r a Dp- • • ream last aea- for the **ln Our KHEE AI.TEKATIONS "Hoya' World ' Bt Mi Far GREYHOUND* way dgertisrir Hrgulars, Shorts, l.ongs. Extra I ongs and Stoutft sit# • to ta Clear Sailing Maaarial Bay to save money! Jutitort • ( idrU sttttfents Hu«h" Si/#s .11 to I Troni the - eteitmg Caialina Wart Isi i;. s2.r»»«r» '•» tvftne. 1 • Mil IIi (.hinyr •pith air condrt onirkg f»-c COMWANC THfOf LOW, •Howtonianft •.Mansfield •ddi evwlrart «• die wlnie ■ tu'P n.ndowf, a r *o*P#r'- LOW fAtIL • I uhriralMin $»o« ''da and complpt# pieeto J skirl. -Navy, Hnl. \ /ip-ltg brush filted «ith shaving gear. ?i rpitrcom' You U hav« a i,a iNit itfiiM • U» | •F rench skrinrrWiartridi Footwear ! H llamlev hell uf maided itridle lea I her 12to4,R.. $17.05 "» k"« -!Rlt nriN vol u him Rt HTTIR 6a; rpadiJN hemp on a G'pyhound — «t s oftpn t in laiitt Nit ti.o I Jee • T»1 : SarfHtae Titter-I -Jaw. p, in i I lililt hit ml untHih spin rashMt, washable lining. I». Han't jpwal ease af tmiwlh saddle rnwhida I fa$tpr tha* other public NtW tOKK »•» ie I. Prince Gardner hev-Uitter nf eeliahrd rati hid* riu* la* Atari skaik*4»0. t-anaportatroo arulatoay* 3# . a# • aa no t H ft tot ftCCOt.NTft frinrr (.arikrr Rrgtairar hftllfnld with remaiaMe ghtit-tard \ U..M.IS caer pnlftahed tuwbtde. »"»•» "i'amuu* Nrantl* far IW and l.tnl' tUAgJUrai POOOUMSF Y»u can toM «"•! vNh pmt •« a Ci»»* ou-«l O. Mnd rv.' • '•«• '» C*«yi.wo,Hl r«u,i rSl ® SERVICE rrt such * ft.*, *mv* rfi hourl contort *nd «0*l roo Mo' G IIOI.OKN til RKII) Wanda Hancock <• *4 R.*e* Sm4 N«*loil Ml i-aitt TO TtUlI TMt LLAVl ItC OWVINC 10 RUt »N0 Vt' REFUND 'im Hnn I K XMHtK tan, an. ui. sllOI'PINi; CENTKK Mm., tt.r" rn t.u to • r.m. >.m a.m. i. t r.m. !!« AkM! M. Uaeisf 10* South XtMhiRRlM Ata.