i The University — A Guide to the Future (KIMTOIfK N'OTK; In Inn weeks innrr Iliiin 2..MI0 sen 1 hi- ,i!ive when ft t "ti n v serves as the n*. If fhe-e four tiualilii's together roiistitute the true na¬ 1ms will enmplele Ihrlr ncmlemic po.-dtoi rrt|iilienienls nnil leave i,, .i,i ,.r the achievement of Ihe past. In ture of the university, then it follows that it. is not a place MSI wilh a toilet:e di|tlenr this I -' i.. I* I." i, ,ii.l, 2i i; iioeoiutiiitled 1 »«•«•»*11it is time* against the university mind. The teacher asks only that tie ( ONI ItOM KI) ItV the te>s iin.i hinviltleriiDT, titiil .snmetimes »vor. ,i H iom . jilleptnnre neiltiei to parl.v, flag, he allowed to u e tin* same old fashioned methods of peda¬ Rlsf* Nrm t'tmto kv Mil Minlmin wholmittg, variety of activities 'which are constantly potior nor lit- • Ah-n, in .1 it u! i,.ii ., m -I ems, all pass before it, gogy as those emploved liy the coach: a Way of behavior k IK i\t, II' r.erpetnate. Lmii*/ TulL at K«7h>vc uncommitted, all at the same time. empi'i naki-tl. . —-Herbert Wrisinger . 4HH»m»lllKl .It'll " '''"V \\ If!".. 1*1 '• I V. rill.i I'll. III a 1.1 \ t»J' - .villi'! Show era, w armer ( ,,i Uot.cil U Nathan A--'i'« i-itf., Ihi , will .,,!rnt •.eniin.il Tui'jiila.v morning lam on wore Thursday • . . ..tl t'luinli u s in .'<3 Stu.lent Sri \ ti »• - ■ |V'ttu«. nf KaoUotlUC I'i'll* * in the <»Mrl ii.h' Serving M>|i For 50 Years High Today St in the Miine num. VOL. &l. No. 41 liA.M I \\ * A * IM„ Mil (III,\\ | lilhAV, WW ;m». f.i.vj I'ltICK 6CK.NTS Mil) Itroiulrasl* trull" station, lit etui * the Junior >Ui» Saturday Two Monkeys Survive Trip Into Space w Noble Detroit sophon.. •! e. .i I liri'iur • Will lIltlMlU'W till" ll OW.l I I ■" ■ wm- h llmiiiiii r \cvilril . ti. ♦ ")'»<'I ' "II1 I*'- , i",- • (* i.i. I" -i-iii.-i" Ai< . iVl'v.H.t tit «M Animals 33?V t*i t COP Backs Stand ■ vi . .-I K« i*t.i*. * * * Mshl Infirm lions ■ ni Joiirnev a • J. ting in the name he iw» t*« the I-anlel" Ni>;M p l/mon Sun ;.»>• at |'lt*i*e,i.*.i"'i rtiet all wuim u . . . .ly •! Against Income Tax 11* fNK Wllirillfll I'MISS 300 Milt s \uihtei Itmi Seiner »"< .!•• Use *" m ' the lUlH'rwUMI Jthollld vv 1,11 (•.< ,le. Sen Carlton Morris (If Kalamazoot, with the hacking All Si. rtl t" take of mo.xt Republican majority M'litt'l women are j.*rt senators, Thuraday reaffirm¬ J..|.il.-r Hi it. ed an "unalterable Mtand" against an income tax on iruiU * * * Ilivrw in Ocean . viduals *ir cor|a»ratious. lititiitiini tnrnls Kratly Hia atatement I af- 1,000 Attciul was 1er I AH; I ANA VI .K AI I-!.« •i i i"ei.t>* Hie ill. Student-- ma> ,•<. k »• a ttepobhean c<« n.'nonal raiicua tiles , ll.ivt - t/Vi Thn f'nitpil .Staffs ■ by pifm'iilitig their receipts Suiphu ..in a .» ,.u. i snrlit.i 1 tie put nn open .sale M«»t»ria> which «!l gia.iiaU- should l«rn I • • •• Senior Tea rver,. Dew amen HOP neliator« l iter they did n<«t uI.m i iIi# •' I Ttitir ilav kovf .Sou niiliH into *paci» firiil tui» ni«»n- to it. i»r to portion* of t parent.•• »n<1 guests. t'"Muuen. I'menl w.'i Approximately t.000 neuinrt Hint hoiiiplil f h»*m buck alive .'ft. aii.i tint at 4 0t» p m Taken liter a II*. tl»e |Misiliiin as punted iti tin -•••.« »'t,J K'-'dufllc iti| enacted. Ih'iilH Cilc (attiflicl of IiiIcc.mI al I t»H a m. tEH'I't. 1hur*d«y evrntnf arnUr and The atatentent asserted lif d* 'Miiv ufio hour and 33 m.n- iv.iisi-ji, the t renin - 7 i 'mil .i Ivri Ijli rials lodmlr vludrnli •( the let- *c i lot or* will "not ieti''«f," aiil u' .... 11.-v 1H*' mi iliacv* had Criticism ' lrcr« nf Iduratlnn. Home Iro- there be no of Strauss Renewed can coinpiomive f >k#* ii ape ('anavetal nwniick. xornrr and Wlerlnary any kind that entbra.es -v \-mi. the Nav .• . hulirlnl by Jury Xlrdliine ailended. come to* on cot|n»cation «•. - in* ••>•..■ 1" • d in a poweiful Jupj'.r ' ) !t»c the fiscal or family earnings " i 111'iu tried 14'#• For'lixlarlian ism .HINi. H • ' ^ • range »'*.< * The iu" tii lii«* irccpu-'ti tine wrrn . "Their Is n>t middle gr-.iccS I '"#• 1 * • over one pu-M.irnt and Mr*. Mann a)i, p.i'M.ad ,M'M IW I a! between inerane ta*c- and ol .r biui'liiiy I»l 'Hn» P» «• - «n hour MINK«Ui^n for cli.-.'k- l.| » S- ale >.« !•, I',. • , i MlbjOCt oi At.!.sua mii'n submarine warfare grand jui> l.ad jn tuUii 1'ietn en c mg 1 nt* «fif Dave Ball, prry- • productive of "crKM'ging hurrau- \ etr The lleel lug I S.H Kiou*. [*>str hiMi»l>em. It railed extort a 'ii and c H-ieaui e .".aides. Men!. Jack l.in*trom, vice-prea- vracy.'* ! I •' 1. I • >' ran* fhrir check* mat o. signup IIj for A'lmlni- :< ., <»*"/«'»■• ..'ii.-! AHon if . i D- Y) Navv recovery ship, discovered a * PolMl deterrent to a'id Jum Lysrtt, treasurer. ..•' w rii a .» Mian with «•*- The grand juty returned^/" t- , tt.c nose sod Ne«au*.e of iU ghiUl) Fxv»b»n! weather permitted s hit.* ulck' I sit.ifooi aaiording to the fol¬ ?«!.«.v«- l llll'l.nl IflUlI -!s W"ll <1 cone plucked U from m destmrliveljr. mentj, against a u-ui of 15 indi- the reception t» t>c held in the ('ulmulur Siftnn/is " i. Armiiod t lowing schedule. ti«. 'i «|ll «-f:t .#11 I- the sea. Some four hours " viduats IV 1'U I *. later a medical officer *hu*rtl • ■ .3 President m'idrn where the deana and in- sS.fdy Anyone interested in piiK t • n ' •"<» IK'lh.V. • h if June I newt: " ' t if h«- de« in.: jdftl J'. Ut tili'Urke, the entertained the aenioti. I * Ibis inufht Board calendar should notify : •« Nauri* Senior* • •• ' I'-1* June ' .\o'io, Baker pci/vt No ,i#- tlir big sect'tid highut «.fTi«er »n U; I / lune 4 jutu'o or uthci «itffic-udif* " jHivvetful ur.ioli. i. Atu.lt, and iMifttiw ithev. fitiitee l« f "ir June 10. 4,int»p«tib" . DdTuUJiv hi >iK-ftiiig p., hoil \«keil Tor (lotjncil fc. < utttpof tiramt-i of ti,e cu- in, r in |)o Pari • • and a cumn.uncatoiru m • %• ► m'Co.'I # loo! . been •<- ;» deuiv««d annouqc efi.cn? th*» '' «-d by ai'fnur « oftirei» ' the u.'ima.-. Acre siive f! Tube Shape us Junior 500 Day hears » miners, Pushcarts ti.riH! M'H fi.iM actiViU. Hip IICM .scnifij ( s next 'mil.. 11 v,o. rc;eatcd tbr.-c ho at "AC and Bur- their parade women's classes will qualify for the final*. Four the week chairman, Sara Furr, pected to receive a rousing wel¬ positions. fx ka.ii, til. ' #I*rt come at a newg conference of mcvinf tow ard Grand River humorous entries wilt pa.** the stands before the Alumni relatidha, Pooh Wag¬ Ihe national aeronautic* and finals are run to allow the runners to rerouperate. ner, BUiorntteld Hill*; public re- - ■ wr*t on Grand River to the Ab- Trophies will be awarded during the recep¬ space administration (NASA). lations, Bill Swlries, Detroit; and procede around W. tion at the Lambda C'hi Alpha house Immediately " - /Circle senior Swingout chairman. Ana stands in front of the Women's after the last race All spectator* are uh ited to S)al>a.igh, ManiAeld, Ohio; pub- SfMirla Trial* Sri ' join the queens and the honored guest*. Refresh¬ '■ licity chairman, Bruce Johnson, Preliminary trials for v,. c . ind Irn-m win check wilh Jack ments and music will be provided. Cincinnati, Ohio; State News, sports events "to be held during dcik by lb. a,.run, lin, The $200 helium balloon that floated over Sper- Toni Kobb, Detroit; touring tal¬ intermission of Water Carnival. K.tofuu, .ntriea wiU be checked tan Stadium for the past week, somehow ex¬ ent show chairman. Dee Vaa June 4-6, are scheduled today Ecankovich at •sat* Xtwi Bitot* kr Mas SSulaua the officaia dc" ploded some time Wednesday. The balloon, used Hdl.i, Royal Oak; senior bail ami Saturday from • a m. to 12 at the lame tune. tu advertise the Jr. 500. was loaned to the Lamb¬ THIS JR. MS CART. reUing alenc Hexl Circle elassie. George Evankavlrh mini ihe Ree tawa- chairman. Ron Barnum, Lan¬ '■ noon and from 2-3 p.m. at the I rrLble similar to the ooe uaed In da Chi'a without cba«e by the J .W. Small ad¬ Drive al a nrry tea Miles per hour, ki aaa ef mower pulling Lambda C hi Alpha'* entry, driven sing; Hannah's recepUona, Holly canoe shelter. Entry blanks may ipcu, Sou, will ba lb, official pac. vertising agency of Boston, ■way eb teh will race Malar day la the eaa^as h| Mask Treats k. Arneil, AlauhkMet, N.Y* Ui obtained at the Caata del hi k I> ■ \ v v. * Michigan Stair Nrw* Krad Ihtil* |t« * <> , tiHtntMrt Stilts M»J'« J«»»J.1 1.1' ■!» : V 1 m !t 4>tudti' • Wi'lt'l *-r_' • •*• HtH.i "UC.?; rtiMtahro %|s| > aint l utiltv .... , ( t'll- U'i • !• 'H." ■>! ,X . • Kv» ILtoonli Ctlilat ■ " \t U(4>< Mat- , . N(«| .» - ta Uvi t') 't>HH II- M MU'ltlgAM *>i |I« •• T M'av t». t> tntio Mini -i mfnlUM , . "»»•.»»!» *:*.» b'l>."S > .. lO . - Ifllitati. M«*r-. • '«•» »•« \U'4*I »»V., > - I ■» •' »•< ••••,- . O. ■ *•»*.! > trl'Oaltvt Hltr . >.• • '»• wriimi , so. must , t%. . «•>» P ••-• ' • •■••'. i «•' > !.• •.•' • Hrti V.u .i St.Uii.lt .t, i«t twiwrrn Aiii'-M,-, !• I'lp :i IV "1,'ir »!>»'. i- .1 J 1 and. »5 ♦IiUrirtl M-. il itMlir. »»;. • «• i> •.< . i O'-i «Hil - >lp \<. ■ ki«- V. . N .»'■ •••■• >' t »tl Mat. •v As.v«ibttsi I'lta tf'in' iv»kl» t v« iViifii'J >»..• H'f tJlM--.'. 'V.iki tt»|X t'T OiH»V . .. 1 Mail Aillvtvilv**t , , \ is! »t.»n,'« Mt \ 1"H|* |V«f Ol iv 1 \i»i M. No. II UNION Krt.l.tx. Max WW I'ju'f IV o F.tHit loi n*, ||. tw v . INFORMATION CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ^LAMBDA CHI Al PHA rtm.%% i iiKi«iii%> mHIM I tMiKKt RV ( | I II I HI MMtlON 111' Vl»l INKS' " |> at l> A A tin OKI H Itl U A I ION I OH II IS \\ t[) BOO JUNIOR ' •.» :m , MfiH lm |\s- « J .•• I ' MiU't* IVfk Sxv • ■" !«.; |*art\ kfl'Ov P-. i'. «' mi iss.. wit rm. i-mrioxs li PIM % nil I I li »\. i' *'.!l 'tin' at S i't" llttV. KIHTION in: \l»l INK: i1 |>.nt. fill. WEST CIRCLF DBIVL ■i V* . « ' !••. Ma SlK'VA im l.uthvi * I IMIKHINI fv t» rrt \ I I I n St ■'1 ■ , Ililh. I'atahlr s li1 ami K' Xliintla* Ihrtiitah frlilay SWIIHH PL t: Am£Rt, ACW i rui »i \ NiiiM % tt»l M. MH I \l IM S I II It : f- |4*»tit;\ |>i RLDi» %i rii \ i mi i % ;• A t;« . • Cl ASSIHtn Iv A I tS Id'.iAV >A 5'ttOiUts HOUSING persona; \ t. ait i'.-t I ilvtltf- I ' minimum IS wordt \n%% I! * Vtt'd V \t I V «• I d*y f114 FOR RENT u*MM % nu I % ' 2 day* Jl 4S : , t.omc. ,N| '«»• • \t .0. t 1 Ja>A SI* TAUT 4 dlH ........ * $• «s . r w n .., ' v' 5 dlvt Sa SO * • 'i. * v .• • •.. •! .•.• »l V S.X.IT,, .. I a - • < t * ! -'"«W l'« UvAti ADDITIONAL CHARCUS ( t M: i. \i»u ,VM X' AtttA J AM't Ipf #*vh **i»lvi OAfl IS • • > x . .. ' t i».l t>M - . Till M %!* SHOW< thr matfrr pon-u f»*r Itir 4*ill »l«rl *t th* MitmfH t livtttitivluttt IttvlPA.I 6» p»" J.»v ? vr.tiling* M» SW ii> hrld V«lurd*« T%1« »f*M r»i» 1 A^rif* »» t« f.Mtitrt »rAt* w| MuhiAi.^" > A'c Nfxvi rnmnu* n.i-Miu-.iv. i ow Vo< . . automotive ' K\x AST t* l.li.aliv H AH 1 I Atupus I'lAMiiitHls »lr. Hik'h Hrttiirrship . . Ikr I'ii-Ik* for IVictcm UtL. . . . |>hi..i. v'RAT'V^N V kaotTv i'H v IS'tK . Crossword Puzzle « « I M.Ht (HI MaX^ Diplomats Return ,x • . WVS*W"TV\ ' t U to Geneva I %t* ft irioii 91 Tut I »h W«vl*t . •A' . AtMtS . • A » j • ■ li Sjvv.» • »w«n| f- — • Wf.t t I»M»r 3# mtnuln real ESTA'; . Vhmvln J« Sapp. - '«+r • - tii J- *' xf j marnmj tlx* i.» i ri I K»'t » * mm?"i\ IV An.i»'it» rtUPt* VM11OMl »•*«■-' t rr«ull« * il ik i: lufli M ?"•* A-*.T i R«»vt « • (inlrri ilrvmtko U C*f»pt vAN 4U CARS *hrt » '•* '.V W~.gr- kf c « " t I* r * »!<•• A V ' It IflliYOlJ v I -V I ' $ Antutvi I* JUotobPfr ' N A - > . • r IV " ,"v< vv *" / V.»- • i' Ami t » il9* W Ihu't •••wlistA »f V*«ltrda>'« ffwuV ^ < - • ««*••» v* f V - .J •■?••* ■•'f+L 'i* ■' KiS.v» * W » • t 4 . It'lMtl#! ,ti Httt.tti <.r ••V- » . wviU r'V-c %"flrr LN< Mhllf llv*u«r «»»tv I* Mkt t»os\ I Si«l on IrrTUit. t-*'< (t>r«t|ii minwlru r( t# r."tu«u«M •I NunwitNil I tVwn#»t.< lh» • Alw •*» I uHf J sutrv Hiiuitt. vtrw wv«l • Film Fan* Ili»rt •ltd Kawtt kvA »(T Itf it TSicI "wiifc «* Cl»irp t i S Oh to ».♦ ruM ifihrr »m ihf t»Ut'f ft Sf»r*l*r* W> It dtvif* .•' #<# tow It It Tom AMI :J »iu#vt s* owi r# Ijist J Wrou##»i <*( ritttviMn llrtur if* id# tSMlU People on Forth »uif Zt v'vpd KWI vowarvl 11 \npo«o irurn irtp i# (.rnru 2» a Tin w 4 T»«t. •• Mt V "'■«"» r-rjAHM t: Victim ,v: rtv1 •' • t\*ur v > vVilfviio t \ II l.«kf m*>1« Fight Rave Problems VAtf'V irttl!# x 'n# M Stuff «• of ttnlt ' If liooAwr !>«••« !.|!V * Stl Tr^vil $ M«r»h •'..if# X* Pimm *i fru.t P«m *■■ *'■ i'■**»>■'■ i \ht T CtMTlfOUl "H'atw II SiuMltr U ImjwlutlSi >. »*- SkW.fs- a* *» CP ItOtlM s (v'f Cf L*\ rf, *r » ;*r • 23 l'rvvtT#hl« •; u t uv« '•> ■ •* .»? "•# v <*«*" < ♦ *»# iv* k .A' * k v-r ' •r • mat k '»*t • O'tN Ni- mt'fv im (tin .*«• > w much HMPM t-r j%i * \ sv VP" : f JK ; ' V ANstf of ■» - > " \'"'t v *r* itruia yrvtF'U -"-J* V'-o**« "' th# t '.|M*00l ktru.;'4 > i-fry A*t UrtllwriHtq | l*mfll#r K##< I? Cuttutf \i**» V'f th# fclii . At -■ ' Wit - > • |»d W#«i«i#( rfUtuvi |imi>> iMUiim vf «..| '• s'tllOi t v*' v m-* »•*« •.? JV*** ,'i-r S' 3vffov«. J1.M2 s!',(i > IWWfTi tfwtrl W It Ihisjrfi ' af«vMfit, .v lore*. ."•* :-w -4 t>r -*«•. iufcukut . • < *,* .•* -e *<»• h *dd«si •( tint* b i ..•.-!# v.v SAP*.* T> 90 Author lit* \ *. vv •«*<• V •» »t ■ » >*« \Arn »U'. ;• ..ivUs v*t4wa » Hf Mt» tr «V4.LT w iNth u» h» tWorff employment . v * "*• "*' rg'-a • N \ ■'■• • *• • *».'« " »•. ■ « 4 -4..if >4 •*# i r ' «• IVtp . gr* ' *' * * ." i J.V Contronu '•• / .* >■'. N . > fc ' « • » H U«W.v«»4 *"* ■ ( .• - . ( t * ,» " * "•■t fM ' -■* *4' , WW ' b-r\1« 3* Surfto* SERVICE • itmi • It AA x»t, 4. 94 H p K*n#« 9t Ktmiinoff O Svwt* mstwr WltCiOv', *J Wpt t !>»:« SffUONv' 44 Monjtf' FOR RENT .... VA;- ♦> A", r #\#n4. ifft tp.nl L* AH Nlik.i • i .'«• mm •' > i> . ;»* AF JNi. "9 v ^ antTo I'roUvt You A»uiii»t Tbt* IVtxiliililv FOR SALE H\ »'• t ?V» t . V Thai iximiuals Miulu llitlo In Hfro" Hi AXUVI »i, 4».! a-'*V OK Al* .•• ft i » t it* .•-r- ■ .-fair, J**' K> ^ •' lax. ii; v* ... t hap; ATlxXN ANVt'i N> TWTN-v « TTV iW IX* -» tJi ;.V> ♦ »r; u«. •,» rVPINU IX* M .»* vX*i -«•. » .<• S • » » '-.tin r- •; IV X . . ti'-.f kfvt.w. '.4ii F vl,"- J.I Xtf 1% J-IW* it-*.' * rx*»EjiT r»:Hx' IxivVKAHP > »K»S P>V i\ » K pi i :i-.g twi *n r fi " AL«f FOR SAU T»* il«S i Intra a vr»:« «v itfHaWi tnwS'fl#* Sf*'»- a' • PStaf* H« «*t Hjtk»n IV l-PL TV AND RAP-. 'f i,. . m *|ATg«.-Nti : i-;... - >*» ,•• tnauva Iortc* to »tun I »»if* T -'VJ twa" .1. r-krd *' -a, - •'■■„ it- »*«• ffwwr P.- >nop oj>»n • a ?n ' •"„'[■ TV Trv.iinto-*:m Ci> A—*1 . » v.'C J# »*vf vC lax iVri T- *r-,.r"ir.g oouf cl rxk~Ajr ican. IV T-SW4 V N -O rli -w auty *? »*t twr f V f -I' A . gwt ». V W pt .f* A ,in« cn «nr« « f't f-Tj |j* Duratwf *t<* },IKSW* ' Fr* S.f» CXPniPCO " *.-a , ,*» -> .idi** Hat* mhaww •, i-r»*orir». *»•».; with varifd ►-if"' • .K**tr' «i *virm*-f,i»t rn.vnipt prrrx*" **»t HUH r G»'-:r A' -•.«!>•» v*v.~g*. on* in:v». j- . personal kHwtran LD !-♦>*# um»t-f r *. 14 At HWrVAN SPARTAN AViAT.ON " f rVDOr-TMf a*t> for a' A- ■ housing 5 R I' *' •«' A TEE fHtiT.'i *#*» > . - f -,da 1 t<- Vf>ur Bnn* f-.v-r,--at# txrts WE * an FO* AtNT C#.lt « *• hey srt'tirvT* wr.rr AIX. ,t at- ROOM WOW I T ' - .vr.^ ■oxr i Ld k# :j X| 'ir* r; >' 1" »•-< .•«» i'rf-tl- Av*f:*H* r« rrr « 1- —«- XV W Ifrv-n •:>? «n.i »^d. " ; -mi# PtfM a tfvac* ©krnr \..4V»iY?> |ii H rrkrwi*. stum* [V- *•.*»«. ».-*«?# - «V*n«U C»p-Ml Cdy A^gr-' *-M»! Al . «i ^-ssi TXX the hw APPROVtD LIVING W'.ARTtSs *»." w»*r *--4 Fall Wah *i«j PT from jw*f wcwrv nr» rrV.r* vw A-sr# D».X It KH.* 4) TRANSPORT Vr.vo «--KAanf fncnr ED T>^S*4 Lww-Al* fnsro • «. %*■!**• VOVKX HAVE SIZZ y gmrn »nd ing around Jun« MALI IUDIB TC > *• , J.J r-Hi ur jrt,- APARTMENTS ; tMxrndc Thr :acgr* _ u ~*ANTB>: »IOt r. I-'- ' *.n ] or • r - ' THREE KERJES ntKLE ROOM UPPtjT~fcOAfUB-amt IrrTurr rrrvrrt TrxUy ruxncnrr te.— :■ Or-'. * . . . r. " » ED £*T>r? l- '.SAV Pf.m* fTk * mnntjt J4!i Lmnm-M IV rf'Wtwwt H 1} ZERRY Swhn atMf Cart Bofinun WANTED, take r- > *4 ts I-* sutr Nt«i „{. tDCAL BACHELOR AFARTMINT rt.-w Hrtivrr-. Nmlr lumnffi Rr-.t iaJimMi uUL* J.J f, m f^,r tv4 tn 2K4 H crdar. IV 4-ASH. t« in« Cirxt Drrxr-la. Brine U ,D- r»r»*d. J*Ur •"<» A-*-*1- -v- « Ax on (!;iiii|hi« ■»: Empire. II ool Units Team I p Society In \eiv lintliina Suit Fashion Sultry Spring r» ,11, ."i I'' " ,1 Ml ,si i: rincK M MO II I X I IMIim; * su»: price - M4lr Nrxt * Swift* I tiller n ; I* i'Hf xvete !«• muUM' ' \ '"«• ii'nipcmlurt* Siiiiiiiixt .s lli't'e!_ »• »l i»e tuetineil ie think f fi»* i .iU'mi.t! had jumped tx> 'nid- % •;;* the Writhe/ - • '* • W- I * *• like Hie l»'ii >r tfiis > !? - Olli\ sldllV summer 111 Fa-*! I at MltlV ..'llll' • » . Term Parties Pd i Mr?! ' I' Meekeiul: H tItutt* of ^uit> that Memorial H Vv/,v» > 1 . Ij t • .villi u»na!!x ofteus the parks and lakes. I'll** »>i' *w mi- • •'vf >>.»?«» 'w.-.t !»e r:!*pl'.M>- with swimmer* «ml Urn tires "(.ft i litmus I.iff" xt «■ '.is nit'xU'lnh rare N.,' • • . i at \\ , • i 'tiic Oitif Curls wit! line '» \ i •r the i«| t be' i' ; • ! |» m (JUl'C'i Ihimi \ , ' - l< \ > . m.;\' ;.•!,• am! Alpha (l/unttia Ih . IKIHIIIIVT %M» Mlhi HAWAII rrrrltr Ihrir llrkHx to l\*lrx i» • n-ati •'ift ' ft-' x n s >h' nil! hi* nm*tii|*at • : I 4111(1*1 Ruuir I k ?i». from * mrnther nt (lie ilrkri ta.innilllrr \ !•+•»' .T ' • .-.•« xi* V|,-x> s i;I 111 If IMllta hal f »•. .. . far ,1 .'> ,•? Krlrrals. I'ifiiifs, Ton ( t»Mi;ratnlation-x In thr wiimrit »»f Ihr SparlHti Mara /itir ami Ihrla Mpha I'hi "(Kxart" Ihr Irophirt urir V xxx,mini Mrxlnrsxlax In luiltliindinu ^I>1 lhrt|M.in> Ian \tkrn **at trltnlril Ihr irat «. I»»p nrtiir ami Ma»» \l Kcli«fious (»iMMi|»s Plan iHUMtfs \l|.h> Ot.nit.Mi I't hotn.j* ixrxx il Ihi'li i.m in if-xlimir: / I /»•«./ S/ /)/si 11/ \/ / X It'll \ . . . >»ir ILi-tn-oitr lop «iii!«••»■» \ikrn hrhl Ihr Irml in "Mn* il in.. thr intiii il IIuse II.ill Ihis tit • in ihr I alhrtiial." nhilr \!i*t ISiixximltr Nlarrrti m Weekend l)iseiissi<»iis rxrnuiK Itx t lul. Jl IIxihmI Hills < hum I>r« limns «x ill rrn KRAMER AUTO PARTS C.i 11 l ima !; l.amr • XX. . o "-.fxI h«'-t mpm.fi 1Hvx I «m|Mh reiu'inu- itf'nuiis ,**-* lakn In I hi tri ••I Iltr aiomixl ttuxxrrs Ixtilr, xx an hit. ill l.r \tH*» 1 fillet i.ii r.l l»m « txi.nlr es lo. ||u 1 .iKr ' M ■ I it hriil a! " f»r«t nipp. this xxrekemi in l.nlh \\»x ii i j. xx I liis.s < ' fr sh||, - i a IXOH I. K \l \X| l\ M.t.sr, \l *1. hx Until, ll.it .s iiiil otilirx I I III llll I ! i . t u..s • > II. ?ti"a* !"r her fxxlr 111 "A«hrt « ' II fxlrx Mflhmli*! | i.iiiiiltilhMi Ihrti Initio »x ill Iraxe fur Ihr kati Mm » I Ha tin 1! 1 I ««lli Imnp for « tlxrrr ilai \\ il ;a»' ''•e f. f 11 out at a Mill (lr I ! x*n«»\is »*•? retrent '( hiuiumix ami linn Today's Walelies Sl> led ihj|ilrt hum r t - * v etui!w r 11 i nxunl*! Mramxx 4»hnu r xve- will hr ore,! >:!' lihl ex rtt •he f1 axlition.x lam'1 ' •or wf Ihr n«4lM lo|0.s fur tli»- :N.'. \ V ! re. .. •• ix0*1 i.a?i ix err tr*uie< let* 1 hi ht 1 >!' »•„. - •'» fHxxlon klioxx In* % thr Ij|.r I* I rrhiUi|iirv It. hr pUxnl iiii|»|i As Jeweled Pins. (ilijis M - i.t rohuiix 4iitl hr 4lnx* 4«h(ii( t.f V. • x1' laiitrrn* ■ «i% I hi (> • %mrr(r4ii h I'l iluiiiit thr Mo .iimt.mo ' M'r.it't" XloMien mn H41 " • I ?!,' . •. • • 4 1' inn ii is si fi n uviii. ii\ mi I»,i Imlurr — XII llj. l'rf,lr«" l Mtilimimi. t runt I p.m. M I'l l! ItXHl. XIN l»XX • ItXItl. XIN nil X III III I.I.: 1 1 "XX Xlil Ol k ' nl ,1:J* s 0.' .?tm JNii'r 1'hr x >: X '• 1 (•olil 4it(| *iiltri Imiiiix «s vxulr • llll. Mil St. mil XIIKI 1*111 INS" t 4lhollr Muilriil ( ruin »l til« • x 411 Ini h or rimrr i jii hr xx «n ix nl I UK • i:to . 10:01 It* wrrkrml aitixdir* S4turd4f lor rj«i!4l Iiximk oi itirss u|t «l I* Jit whm thrr lr*xr from (Inr itrx* »xrt*t x**tih hr.oi.tr* Ihr I riitrr (or ttlrcriaM I'jlk 4 net klarr xx hrn t lt|t|>ril on lo — STARTS TODAY! — o.rr hxMtfltr t..*ix.l I rilir h*xr % hrrti |il4tior«l (iii nii- 4tul Ihr 4 Mi4trhui| rhxttt ■ toup «itU 4trlxr h4< k In 1**1 Pinning; I «ii«ni4 in llntr lor * lUmr from t-IS K Sx I }• X «■ it Sun,!,.•. ' ■ pa, n k xx — \i i n \ i.PPit mi i \ • \ — V A"' \ I Mtln -s \\ iIke's. GLADMER ttlhrr (.it h *t|M4ir imxrlx rii4n » t.lr** inrtuH. xx 4it h *t in hfs It ttit4|.* to 4 *14ntl U|> (Hnlliait on NlItX SHIIXXINI, thr x*r(*l I his stxlr I* r*|»ri r4IIs I k will) \ t III 41 I'll \ rrroimiirtidrtl lot |.uhlt< *|tr4k ri» 4ml xx 4ti h xx 4t, hri » x h III NHkri Peck 111^1 <*lltlW I I'M .14. k lie., I 41I t I Ortsf Acn til W r in lit k I i)fCioi;i i'I • III K (I'l l *11,W % t n.rrsoM I .Hi'- HlCf tkv flNKH LA, ' At'M /C t- r*rA 16c TODAY Thru SATURDA' Mat. 50c fcooxie c"i it»»T6T»*Vioka I \ I I I Valine II \ I I I J i :» t« - . IHI:. Oli'i \VatvLiknu>x t- you won t H? i i $h':. believe your eyes' focMiiyn .■ 1'-* •fwkJv i/e*!*x? J xhflr> 'UfS lithC tOK 4SO'i-t - ( hftndlrr %\|» • tuntrr I* in? ifuee people ur« / f4'tk wait it? fmjtfy T' ? •«« -,jr A, - A 1 ■> Jrlf 14114 A' > o HI' \ iCffls *i!h Ihcu' J • s» fc pic6i«f» tie* «ip i.xux rvm> v r* ' •* n.xrar J i "i*n »fjn ontf • I s-ne •cr an' : >rv ■ * • xi(is ii K . * •-*»* 't- CETJ3II0 FtlfiYi /-/>a Mz.ro/v Pill . «*>. ■- » - •» x Newman i.— • j M %i . t — i M . I N lit) ■ « w atlr • n w it[» ■ n w ite«t • as Tony Laurence, if ut«>* at i !« • iM- f;li - - 1 n 1:21 MGM "The Yum r»t >*(*♦* Ull MlOhlXb \oi 1: t \\in > HI \ 1 >o 1 \u 1 i.n% "(.LkMUIOlx Xlli lilt H.H— hou.l*ooi»' mmkni ( %ri«ni\ Harry BELAFONIE IWMfHflS -mm aa a mac.tml HAMILTON WATCH comix; soon Inter STEVENS Mel FERRER 1 m A SOL C. SIEGEL P' THE BARBARA RUSH-aiexis sMTn-s-.;-, keith Defiant thi WVMtm tw FLESH THOMPSON JEWELRY OlAN: BREWSTER-HUCMK-Mnuw -imDEVIL \l It 1 *• * v« Ones X C»4MArCL,n •«% Oli«* M II >M ryiiCHIGAr* -%M«» 1 1 sr 1.1\>/\ 1. *«• Xl l.' XI t un.kmi • N...r « . . .. Ilufli tu joi l xrc.an % *• ( • «^«u> NOW M^NKNT! ■ **l"okt jicssal kr - Ikliooi Thr KiralrKl of all XXV>lrrn« ' *" if 5, ■ .Mil lilt.AN SIAII NIMS KvKdilors New Shows Pluiiiied Alar *9. I AMI Voiiutr Socialists ( lull Slate litTt'ive II KAIi Schedule Sei Ciivil Liberties Discussion Awards I'or Summer I'rogmnis "w.'l I'i o'eetioi, l.e .1, il- of e.l * iviI al thi 11lit-. Io So-, . .1 \. ■ . . , Milto %>«*• edl- U l\ \|; umiuuiiii'imI hulm • p,« \. | i . , . , flM nifi fh«t h siHinnpr piopnitu srhml. da * HlfftHlg 111 lht' N'.allik Si, i.l , ,, |„ , , mhmI tt»>»Miii I'lmgrt'*- • u ill l»rpin hi .1 hup ami ciMitiiHid through Augual. I iali !• i lull il ti I'luoo 0 . IY!iow«hip* C»«»tu th*» i . Wot m Mo hitMii." .m ■ I. . • II, ft,a I I'nliiu.tl Science a**u». . . , .. v , , plofl WMJB-TV ..1 ..I . III..:, ll, • il; ; . I I" do *Liff work . lit Olio* IO.ll loll oil k a lo- !. . .eii I. MSI I.>10 owl Mohipjoi Wtie.u III Oil ( la. loom in I I SUMMER SUITS ill !I0 Pi ill! It .tl S. lela I , Mcl'iui*. -»» vem old 1 it , - il. ,io,l Wo . ot 11.00 I lei Have I I*' I \S.mli and Wear , !«•» for tli«* Wall SIipot ft.l III hllioo- 7a thtrroti. J"i col Ion Philadelphia, hail* Moll I %K 14:.10 lloiiimelil.il TMa't i nt HOARD. Inner OiMitl and Ills women will l»e teroenivrd al I,anient night. Sun tin- 111' I piort .nimictl il' • , ,i Mile *»«• maiiaaei fame ,m\ I'onoMs and wm« xvnmrn line «f •rrrnadr At* the nulslAiidlng women PHI Mil house I lie lop senior lionoilnc da* al a r in i '■ .' ■•Ml. I I 11 III otii M edlle.il ioll.il . IoK.Oi I' I ! 00 \....11 llep.a l SPECIAL $27.99 m-chief» Prime gtadu • l - lo -i t i ll llillltdex I * IA Hitler Miiikrt.ug ,t HLX.A : f.n h - I.»!|tid oil 4 I ' 'III He-.oio i e» LEN KOSITCHEK'S VARSITY SHOP 'f «>it two of flexed lo if Iti-unl llitni nl MSI -O how W ho II Will In* I no I .adles Ttuo* ' >t,e national aw aia. w ill • li fiiui sKitioos slio- I III HI Mn .. -KM A HIM ITT It 11. I; I, VNSINi. I* M ] ',, „ etipend plo« — \\w» -*——Afie^TAjs*— - v:.s Trustees '. hit Ii 00 t Oil* Hil l. . I .. to and Ii.mu Accept financial Aid O-.I I'I I\ r new s ,, i-xpeitse* • ii..in MM - Il > W'O" 1^ . . \X • • n,I..i null ion fioiu « ito I elo.il!.,.II i» | o K i. ini- Ii l\ New* IN i„tx and fadltU JI moio i • ti,' in ! lie Soul 11 - Purchase Your Tickets Now! .... the slods I .'w.i .e.i of u»e ne rtyiei of the Mate lioio 7.00 I i. Ids AI-. hVi\» I he fellow • hip-. uii t i• *i' S» ,, w e»e .i.. p. st'.i 1 •! \l•.I i.. lai.of I I'i P.I.ii no* 'in- ulructuie and turn . .1 I.li OH ao.I 11 >... .1 .•■ I". >»■ '«•«- Tin ? i .till a'vo pi.ie HoiiW.SI. iNi Nelvto.lt legislature tin .nigh, . will 11 o, • ■ llrmel* low lempeialuies (Villi .til lht MM I '..f do.ls III I'll I'll.'. »ii 1'ollgl e»stt»|m| I : ..... k . . •he eairled mil ht pli«siels|s III Oplt..; ; . !• ll" I il " 1 I > I i •• lloltri i spemr and Hi Jerr» S; .i!i • *>> , . U ti C oliMio. for the III, : w.Iftl w I * ' 'M I. .O '| f.o veil11<. INSl K AM i *■" Willi siippoel lisint • tfiiantll .. * beginning i'i I ..wen a > i *nt t .aitlUUlOK lluooufi "io k V\ Kt • i f ' .il II. '>Hi. gianl from the lir lone I he trustees also aeeepled » r. i.. Sl'l.l lAl l'sis H.I' e i .eek h" V.M - .ik! .ng NUd ft.l furnished lesitleme and ad|oin w 1! follow a one in.auh ■» U:l III M! rflK.BU I . , - * i III' Old! asSlsUlt.-e |I|I.|I'I ! In I iiuneiul Itespoiisildlilv t axes rtOoti program, aeive f"m h» Of •«!.«'.I ing lot in last Pausing piesrm . ." .11-.u; ,|H. .11 :%• ■ '.» * 1959 I llloitll.l.l H ..odtian l.'iili.ti.- to ed to lite unlserslty lis Slieii oil Vunng Ihivers * Molorrteles ,« i k of I olomhi.i in their develop Professor Hiseii d . !i . t '..o fir wa- a.'i op • i K rli.n d Milltmau. H» •»» litem of agfieiihtiral eilnealion. d oudi'igijoi.i i' IV 5-8419 WATER CARNIVAL , ,i »• ■ • . i no I A|nil. Ave. Itial IV ut iinetted the iiwaid u« extension .ind leseatili Keseiireli Award t t-.i • '! p.11 tit , po'l.Ml pll'K i •< lit Mai. I Ii • MM » anl l*'»S ir*pe»'oeii ... a MSI' ho ■ A t.i h Kl.t • . pt >>g. .i • i . ■ - . . " • I . ... , ...Oil it.! w dh '' »*.t l'. I wife; I valo. • I I ndcrprads I ' 1 •' .'tl t ,H«jr»«l.»'| •: N.I • Ik X'.llo.O. ■ < - • aim »» ;l ei .' Ii.' lie . ai • IfuriKi!.. ..idiniu I.I! ' fl ' • SUNDAY Thru TUESDAY Don't Miss i.li, (/urn Oram ' k . . t !» a I*. t- U!l..r fin --el of K P.. i, • . I IICSI Sllnw 1:0(1 P.M. • • SMASH KITS!! Michigan Stale University's lor Science If ''• m Kh I ■ t i , •; St t I . t - i if gn e of Si lenlifir Heseari I. IHI HOOK THAI ROLLICKED Slmlriils (>I'I f ' l a \|e M ashllllloii. |M Most Unique and Thrilling Event. IWO CONTININTS IS A ROMANTIC . *"« lalrided MSI *•' , ■ . „ eotisls aie n' . * .o sates w dh a Ito" foi it RIOI ON IHLSCRUN! „ , . te. r.vr f.A.A K.'o IA Award?. , • « a.o* tj'.'i <» o ' i.t Itg Is 4* Hut' of ft*! a I. • , a <.,*te ieavait h g • N* i F a a-n ogtoo. I.-M t- > degit'i s ot . • . , ? r .. wi.iei g> ,,r • 4ilualr* he- m.tile '. y a to eo he 1. This Year's Theme .. 4 ve» •»' 'Or MSI tp . >:t n.itdr '!«• iin'iooa. in the gtai'l nao i. ,»f So. . I -• I ENTER NOW . ! . K.IO . y dep..;'... ro - > .«• Hamilton *!• »•- ' . i a . p " d . ■ne-ua• Miniature finlf louinameol •« «• • t '..I ai adetn.'- afT.»o I'.»: .. i "f H i M' • I or i > a\ « d II ii'. ttin en all rvpeux# tiip t#» New Jeixey ... I • • ■ f ;ne .iicge of X » «• <•' FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE • III of I K.I.I" hw»d* . ami Ai in. .'I'i ntilrw rml of La«l l.ntming ** History Since its Founding. : > eo (Nit* f... % '■ a .■ « iew and expti .'iioii.'a i Hi Aiao VVa'e . I . 'o -,ita'..«»n aphne the duet ;■<< tea. f..n• e a JUNE 4, 5 & 6 w h«n the > oung un.u- i s# rie aoows reaeaich " early mines: n DEBBIE REVNOlPS On the Red Cedar River W RANDALL PAUL DOUCIAS (dlllll .% I llil The Mating Game II..Iiil.it l'r..tcr.iiii (.») Dolor Dorloon* l'ir«i .it Ii11 r ♦ tut srunit who situto tut wish , m?- .. w«slKIU(JAkK.».u'ddkrH. «.s,,MiihlM«kir,. "vV* ** MM awtm • joaa twu .(«*•»-v>.• fr»-tt'iiirtL4 ItA^h'liil • iwwsi^HlrtfMWhl * • "n m (MIUS MIX • a AM* a a sIMiAA.N Al Mi • I M - I VA _ l.l'lrI'M Mm T»»f •( Both Nigbl FIREWORKS tjumemmr It's Just rialII (,oad Old I'llsliioned l int! JJ- ( IIII.IIKI.N AIM 1.1 A Ike if wHl ««me gwMl nWI fashmned fun follow this good . . •Id fMhlMrd advice! Have a meameaHle Memorial W.tk- — LAST# 2# ILWH ead; gel together to an nrfaulted groap. nualifiing mu for grag# rale*, lake a picnic lunch and mar to l ake l,an*ing vo • * •! Sh»v* ii Park. After mtr laaek stroll Ik mufti the park and en n*» the guar amaegpenta mill find there. Mhrn »«u want t<» s%1lRDAt relat a little, take a ride •■ wr »ld fashioned n.manlir FIRM Wnthrrp paddle haat and crotae dnnn the lake If mu re the ANOti •dventnmtM tape, vnu may prefer a IhriUtng speed Imal ride I M P .M. to nnr aew f rit Craft. Ito mane wnt we know jou ll e«j«> AIM I IS ynnrself! 0ul,, Everyoae Will Be There! < Mil IBRI V Luke Lan-siii" 4Pe '//""<> IIIDHs / Tickets ea Sale Now Park ' 6 . _ ' WI.ONKSOAV M.vi.r or K.N NII.HTI.V — KXCEII MONO t V DlvM.Lv miK^llA(i(.\ IMMI" at the Union Desk A I.I. WAY MAIlAY — ALSO ^.SI IIMAKINK SKAHAWK- I aim Worrit's Tonv Beltenliaiiseii rjW * y o Turner Puts Green Gar in 500 SENIORS * tMMANAim.lS -»'• Tuns U -' \pie: Siitiiniiiv Utlt«» liU'i'ts. the "ii Hi,, i.t.e crew. Put was hurt badly later y. ttettrhhuu«en. one i»f the inure •tmUc.s «nli- deteuis .iroqn.i the thai year m I' ■ a dirt track rate VU xiqoM'Stlttous— ii rut one of the .mi >'tn k TuttU'i w ill drive lit 'P.,! to he -'III till- and will he starting again Sat¬ tuck ..t l!l liulo ITK-illg, I'll- urday after a two-.vear absence thuiv. 1 i well when II I'll CD [rum the Memorial Day event. iiMife; the green ting, . ,,i the Indiann|x»- If. I'd ti' \1 *'* .,ii s i H i 'hvav 'in nittiu v. .lie paint- hoys are |>uirJ DeiMirtmenl off ir Warns IOC a Tim i• i •'i'n 11 e. fliinly flx- t'tl I i ,i t eii oi ptvi.il to be driv. In!tiei. former na¬ WASHINGTON M'» The A.WOl'NCMENTS • si ( i i .ii champion Slate Department Thursday cau¬ from e: the hist green tiously censured the Interna¬ ri ire Inci* IUMI tional Olympic Committer for JiiiiiiiY .lirktoii nf llenert llut its decision to expel Nationalist y.|»r!iti:v falif.. ilriiYr a itieNel China. duhht-il V'Tlie lirrrn llnrnel" In The department pre*: officer, HAVE Hie l"ai r.MP iiieclunleal Ii Weill nut with lr«tll»le after only f.meohi ference White, toltl a news con¬ the department believe-, y; 14|iH hut .larhxoti hail nn such a political decision on the wreck % and now in link reprr- part of the committee "won! : l* Nriitjtnr lot an auto accentory totally inconsistent with it. non- noil STTVI NS. iih%|sUn| h.ieki it»4ll rtiteii at *1*1' lor Hirer * , iiianufjctiirri. polltir.il Ii idltiori- ARRIVED... ...» Tin h. net : ' ■ • ■■ •' • e. moie .'I sage K'ey Rleen than an The rouifnitter i- American, Averv Hiundag. headed b- Mills, Mil* roach line aeerptrrf a iMttltion as the he.td htskclli.tll roach lit (lie I of *outh Carol ma. Mrnrns pl.isrd no il was .toiiouiicrd *|Milan Irains, IhuiMtas Itefor. int., i,, K' ' Communist China quit the or¬ If l ut n. i ' ikes a good show¬ ganization earlier this year be¬ Sliul „tiK. superslition Am I lend f.'oiieli out tlir glare — ing ei ••,. . cause it recognized Nationalist inav ■ > 1'«* Klalierfv of Chi¬ China l*iil on llir glamour cago • i ilei'i m It three yearn "We are reluctant to believ willi W allmr Sun Ulu««r« Jq;.» : big Mie" . p:t'. ■: .H: ! vx ,1!,' tlie fat e with ii h.unnn k ill eeTI-imlfurtTI»'f a discrimina¬ taken • Stevens to do to S(, .t pit tory nature," White ►aid. Itolwrt Stewns. Miidiignn State'' UHnistmit l»ask«! Tor high fashion In th# sun, swv Wallace'! Bring your receipt rieiivtioit of quality sun gin sac*. Take, fur exciting example, rfUU'li. will lovtiflle tin' head basketball eonrIt at tin* 1 versify of South Carolina. >■ the Hav-tUn "Smart Sat" l«v Haunch A Iaunb. In |'14«» FREE new |i,. The lereiYCtl Hie it4" .h .TpjM.itifim'U4 wa- a wide selection of color# to match your wardrobe neiiiirotl Thai Ctre ill I'H'I and the VI V , . , t... i>> He Kf with Km-Han 8lee hi pi.M Itefore lakliiy; quality lein»e# that are ground-and* 11.1.' and |tu'gl«> Mt.hn ii! Ii < ' us« .f» frohti coach In I9.AI. he hci,< LIGHTERS polished to cuhi fur flatvlrs# .in e. f.'t .. S. Maa^ui and Irtdata Till • I* M Steu-(i s»,t* on the coaching vtafi * ,i ( •: it" ' s. I.teat lakes Vasal Station n- lt,»Akrfl».»I! |>l,T»ei. h.i ; \1 lilO Fix.- I'iirk of . wallace opticians il a».' 'he i'.i-.t t.. three I.-i lAm ••• .. i !' -i. < :•• . alMt coached f«»r two srjsun, « Mil'ortl. In,I. ilnth School |)t R I Jane* l»r J R Vixen l»r. W Ho.il Eill.-r I'iir.-Ooo • . : x he had Imm-H ' ' lb r. Jensen . .a 11 UNION BOOK Krgistcred Registered Heguirred i'-e t > i p ha\» Optometrut or llil I'iiriul.- WT'U- vpj i . i •. »*«• (i W. i 1.1 War it '•1 i Optometrist Optometrix! ? • he | d en i .< )• • lit? V MaahincloH It? N. Maahlnfloit auir Theatre RI4«. uuil l>ii a f«.'b h.-i u- ' .Mulut • Hi. i I' -i iA,• nnnitssi'>i- the I anaing I anein# | . | .anting . in VVai'-aw, lli'i ! • 1 v , S'M.TJV FREE LHXHTER YV.»; . p.' ' t'h IV t-1 ITS Th. IV S-IITft Th. »|» f-SI IT v > r k .t.i i 1 i'T •lifiil ■■ •mi bnf ' '• . . Iluih :»i MlM. .O smith ( ... . . i- . I. : "1.11 . Oxi. ,«ltd be .■ gi ♦ , ' M.i'Ul have two ch!1 UNION OESK Mrtfiis IcHrrrd ott Mlrliitdii ; \ cjt.. "! i. and ! DINE OUT TONIGHT Stair team* of 1*17, 1!MN and years «'dd, MON. I TUE. COMMUNITY CIRCLE PLAYERS load ami BatwHR 12 A 3 I'ltEMEM : Atmosphere IN I.ANSINt; DINE PYGMALION At Its I ery liest its in GKOKGE HEIIN \ HD Sll\\\ WITH Tilt: DINES The llfiginal Story from Which "^li lair I .ad* The Most Cooperative Was Taken TARPOFK'S 321 k. michigan ave. y\\ 8:15 p.m. Kl K. RU.AMAZOO Make a m'noieons Sport Shirts Ki'irrriiliiiiii Th# Omm Room may 28, 29, 30 * dinners a Man Ever Owned. Ticket* — S2.0I! Ai»ir t or a dancing Special Student Hates "I.until!n't Itrininnl — SI.Do ton r OTI V — (liareinil Hroiler" Civic Cellar Exhibition Hall lirmlnalian ,*J,\ Mi. II \M »l Ihr I Mil. I tinner I % M Rnonnvnlt Noltl Siinil.it. Junr 7 i Lu*ti> si Mv%m Block North of the Capitol ItHiK l«»R II i' tiiM.I IMIIIi; I VNOI'I Ampin Parkins \ HllMIKIIt I I |l|\M II "for a? T« • in Tin: t« m: or n t:\st\i The ii odium) iiiji. \\ mi Ml Tenderer! > leal, at 1 mi Tier Hi" the PAGODA MIIIM. IttKV UM I host ! • m . | i< fm FVdlliriitg I II. IMtiilir f;;t.2.-» nil' I.It till \TIO\ lit T unit t list: Mt: u. plenty t»t free parking in oi it i.or ZEIBLER'S CHARCOAL iMANSMOOTH' i»:i e. michigan aye. phone it ROUSE Sport Shirts muij In I he Grander shrug off wrinkles automatically! Shopping tenter NEED NO IRONING! Th« jmJuited lenes ol Ih.s crup L'AIGLON RESTAURANT UIHAL U.UlLfcS' art on'y part ot these shirts' n«* ombr« plaid beauty. Becausa it's Ojm ii t> Dii. A Vfrk Mansmocth, it's compittaty washabl* by hand, 7 a.m. in Dinr In < on! It) |i.m. Comfort IL FORNO ROOM 'the name that mmle /ana famout in l.antinit" machm* hanjer or in without so or much ol commercially — drip dryabia an automatic a dryar, and raady to wear hint ol an iron. Take your cue on a Abracadabra Foolish boy—th* bat *sy to msko • botti* ifninj PIZZA from Sammy Kaye—alip into a Manhattan sport of Coko dinpptw i* to driok it! Ya, COMPLETE DINNERS — — — SNACKS - mllov sit*, ••illow, that raid a crap tat* to lirrakf*»l Oprn Daily 5 slurt today. You'll hnd plenty here to •o daply wtafyinc... ti* th* livdy Idt p.m. . 2 a.m. choose from. to *o hrifht sad chcrrful th* vhol* a Luncheon* (toy •am* happtw, J at hk* NOW ENJOY m*«ic. So opca DINNER BY CAN1ILE1.K.IIT 85.00 •a*m*l Jat uncap th* botti* and — * limner- |*t raady fa Th* Paa* That Ratraha! coaxi < mm a KU.AM.UIMI Uathakrllrr SB RIALUT RBPKBBHXD...MAVB A COSSI lUIOli I BOM TtUIU'll l*TTT77? SU NDAY EVENINGS 5 p.m. . 9 p.m. H. Kositciikk Bros. us x. W ashington LA-tAUl CtKA-lUU IUIIU.Sk ttUVASt Mf Aim 0 The si»ii ificti ii I difference CONGRATULATIONS * Coagratalatioas ft Best Wishos V JR. 500 TROPHIES M«M pemm* don't realize whal n difference TO UMU CM OLFIM %>u there i* in life insurance companies. Thin dif¬ R Will Re On lo affect V* Display fer em e nifieanlly. can >ou and your family slg- on S vJUNIOR 500 I In Our Bus Lambda Chi Alpha's Jr. "500M I would like lo show you how. I from During The Race Truman F. Schrag, Jr. special agent I In- NorlliwrshTii Mnliial l.ifr lihiiruiiee Co. CORAL CABLES Huh t».r Kr»l ihwr Milwaukee, Wisconsin j:t t (iriml Rlv»r y±» l\ VRUt ■\1.1 Tussing llldg.A I.anting FK 0-2421 Re&uiooft § Ross ,v C0MRATULATI0NS Cash For Yonr Usad I TO TEXTBOOKS At LAMBDA CHI ALPHA OH THE LAMBDA CHI ALPHA CAMPUS JUHI0R BOO book store Lrnw. from I iiion FROM THE < iimiilrtr lliml. X- >(//>/»/>■ Srrvicr COLLEGE DRUG STORE SUM. NOW Willi i; CRICKS ARE I I' ( «•! WE DELIVER CALL E0 2-0103 v ( OSGRATl LATIO\S BE TRIM WITH A TRIM \ I" FROM SPARTAN BARBER JOHN HICKS HARDWARE Congratulations I AMBD4 fill ALPH I AT l.at«n and t>ardm supplir. and th» THE JR. m (.ifU and Hou^rwarr. 1939 DERBY Sporting t.ood* and Tut. ** * «tee the mm %be cm** M veme the rr> he*if* spartan Shrmin William. Tain). Builder. Hard, barber shop art \lij Itfflrr THE mn.umm Neat to Kroar'it — Arrow from t'nion K if? GtAXD I i ON TVS cAvrrt I blank far* if Mba Center TOG 201 GRAND RIVER ED 2 3212 SHOP