Serving MSU For 50 Year* vol,. At, No. 42 BAST LAN81N0. MICHIGAN—MONDAY, JUNK I. 1969 NATO to Plan Future Course In London Meeting This Week Ike Hopes To Discuss I Wll-SOX. AI I'll % 1*111. Mmi* on a* an- slate Junior 500 Maturdai. \»hrr 11 hum- runner* pu*hr«l Nrm IMo.lo M Hill Klrlmait For Series Relations „ |ic4it Johnson. relieve* Jim Hull In Alpha I'hl In lirlori Iii Ihr Women's Division. the library In Lambda I hi Alpha* Of Nations 01 Summits lirr Help* Alpha I'lii Tell* Minifttrr* OiH-<-n FH/HIM-III 'I'i» l'ri--iili. Friilu, Of FxpertHtioiiN I.O.VIION A"ii inter¬ f; KNKV A (eP>—PrMitlent nal joiial Drain trti,l of Diif nil I Mr SI %STIH Alpha l*h h» The MSI' shore pa* . tiating process mux! be justified h> *ome progress living achieved SJueen Flisatieth will preside runner* who relaveil Srls Kcco II Se.-. am prize wem u . unit their ROTC new to Klswoitti A in The ttie pieeeiilitg stage. i'resident conversed with Honorary personallv at the opening session of the Atlantic Congress Frldav. Her 636 fellow* Congress mem¬ II artit I aire around Ihr ' I'.frnan « letter to hl» mothct, the Dig Four Foicign Minister* ber* include former «nr I ttierberrv. Ah in Waddle*. Dave Norlh- I* Hi Ihe Associated tiatli, I'ress t ' •«-: and 1 iligi tiei expecifMet'* aoottl lus leal lull* in ROTC. at the White House luncheon la ? Thursday during their ahorl Announces and foreign ministers and scores of top men in literature and the premiers nahm: ur„ . In >■ iu11' >e\eial laughs from th« (.t .povcr for 'he funeral of John | Pax e Tale. arts. A fmivth places ph,i Tan Omega wete .»«■' "I a >•*' itsmid D«> fit holiriu;. Sund.c a ' M» lugo! •" • I . OW it liophies were awarded at * j osier Dulles points thai Kcenhower *»• 00 i.ocils fm- ('.mgiec • a -ct t„» b hi eiowdetl rnepllon at the I a mixta S.iul to have made. ♦he NATO m 19.'»7 It fmicti'.i. ii,t Ih'lt* Tail iH'lta .■III) - t I ' .1 J, I- -i • I ! . > e tin a't • " drill >> ,.i, Ihr \.e t hi hou«e after the final race, He i* personally ready to gd Eiftv cuiiii' uurin'ti. out- . to iiuike NATO 'wnrttMOg (it'll I! S ' . l toed lit ins unit sponsor* se¬ ant w here - a I most anytime lo ti.'-ie 'b.ifi ju":t a militacv ' • n the women's ; stivn«IiiiK hi »i»'livities, wem * I'viii minute*. i>e- A • 'i thev imi- tHi.e »« i • » • ■ i u tn« i ulat' at'fiitiuii tu NA D) -, (ui- *•»!' «•' "a? Tin M»u shown thiouKh thiCa'* He hope* the (iriieVH tiegotia* ti'lii N'ipht eereitbdiiei ,^1111. is' ie .itii'ic with 'lie iiiv •:v «.f the five - «■ »"'•'»« i 'ci at 12 .In, to. allow ♦ ..(.* will jU.tdy ttie toiiM'iung Tuhlier* wiio ha i fa a, t ideiiU .»!••(. p iipsrri h en,! *• tiny nipht. mitt'sl nations «,f the world epuid made bv ' A —it»?e«l the pot tide of queen* to limf of the fn*t suntinit meeting t»y thr cnuntiles which &teer a neu- fieri in 1 tie men > « \iigima Till.ii!. Wiutlijiiglitri, Du>.» met a ii«*ii-iiuhda> vv.ciK- through hast Laming to the a peeing (iii S'line first Step ill. Ohio, Itnl course. luuior, was alinoiiru'od starting tine the direction hf Oennan unifica. President of MoiIni- Hoard, Another majof topic down for . ;»g around fol an end new J'e' forming ** 'a^er f"t the tiou or on some unden.tan.loig senior women'* bono;dry heavy diwusBJuii i* the iclation ■ w.i< i>a«kett»all eoai h to preserve the exi-hog F.a '• I'rnhv llton Kasl LariMog tup liefAceri NATO member \ ,l t Aii'k"on Ma «" Hdpn We t artangerntnt* hi divined f• biiian. ( untiie. «• •« .e ii.iMifi lie-.' pit - , ami t «.iuo " lh..o of J lei lin. •Ml 111 of Towel Go od. I.pbo- V.. 1 I K.og, f. dm, No .. He would not ex » •' ?■•'«. and \\ hen the ituirnian brings llioif 'Vmiiii u llo'e• j ,n \ fci-teat lung iigreemcn! cm- down the gavel closing the Coii- sliaroii /imniernian, firnsse giess June 16. roiurele guides cige from a summit «..nsei« u. e, Cninie HihmIs, Junior, was of foi NATO's next-decade will lint um.lived pioiilen.- *«■..< he Hiiall* installed as president of have tie en suggested to tavern on to a subsequent, met '* Mil» New* I'lmlB »»v (till Kiel ma ii Associated Women's Students the Alliance's role to economic, jug of foreign Minpteu f»|N N V TIIRAII.. Worthing ton. Ohio, junior and newly elected HcscIiimIiiIciI Die Pi evident view* attributed to to eonfoiiu » dn the- president of Mortar Hoard, senior women's hnuurary. admires Ihe Activities Itoard her pin from and past president received social, piohlems. cultural and political seein president's pin of I'enny Green. F.i*l (.anting freshman, hew presi¬ 1 mIIs t.uhman. f ort Wavne. tnd Kton Expert , espiesseii pnvateiv t.i i • dent of Tower Guard, sophomore women's honorary. senior. The United H?.ihv', with 13d Lc, delegates of Western Na'. -n* Naiii \ Hellt'l, Ho, i l! juniU!. IrpM-sftfltatlVI". will have thi who ai«• envisaging - - barring b.gge.'d delegation Britain will Talks TottiRliI untxirsven . developments - lha' limit meeting* at toe rate «" Full K eekrnil Selieiliili' 'a.j AWS unbailed fudii i.»rr „ president RoHid n\ of pasi have 70 delegates* *o will Km en Mllllgari, Fi.uice. Italy and Went German*•. about one a year leioiiie a m n/eM.iertt F. rst « .i."|., .1 Nathan. Mttoihev ognued feature of in'einatci 2.200 to Herein* Difthmms l.tu-lllg « e|t' eel HOI ed i.itxei(iiM of Mortar Board ...-I toicer Uepu' v ' g.i'i-v ate apjeirt mned roughly II., I • ' Wai M-d.ih/a |n iM'twren, lot Foreign M • Ifteis of the powers Vitally con it CiOmnieiicemeiil Suiulav of it ' Bhv ice pie ('" • id* en ' Sue elm» S< ed¬ Ann nt, the ha' iv "f population. Dom-a.I1 Kalaooi/o.., fa*»!iiitg the U.S. delegation i.ned with 'ne ioue* at *tak< . dm- . I \1 St' * 1 ami MSI' will t**m|g-r lU'KfiM'* f nil •• •!irit.tti-tf LM'iHl jfinilu- v, i!| be four Senators Hutn rt tod Iboue F .«t Wiyni hf- Innu-irmi M« !.»u--»ns t'elitei foi would nice .Hi** at the titMh annual >|d' ijik cnimimni'fnii'iit pxerriM-j* t'lbtii Mail. Pabst,, Huiriptiiex (D-Mitirn, Shemian With tfir President's wo»o * ,,m tonigt.s. .old' i orrevpoiidenl. fll-Kyj; K»tes Kefauvcr Sue Iteece. Knit Xf*t I'h'ito l.v Mat Simlinui fti *n in t/»**»*• minds, tor I'- , Sunday, isalurdav. before commence- ■ D-reiii/ and lacop Juvi's 'It- 17 tR I tRN|\AL IROfllll s weir imparked on airual by Ill* talk «n "H*«r» Friies F Minister* w en* said trifoin Prime Mini>i*r Ju.nn Do fim- NY ami Profits in a t.row in* F«oo «!1\ to have discussed the «!.»'• bakcr of ('amidi* w ill .niijie inenl. I'resideut (lannab will uf- officii of fov-rr • li-.l. vmUi.ii. Oak junior. Horeen Uund kmdri N V fiiiate at a I'atriarrh's I tub lun- ort*ln*ll* Mhrdulrd for of the fust summit onfeien • Guard an vice pie.-j.lent, Kalfi. I Hall. Vhu.larlrk t la Ohm sop1*'• ** umi tie graduating clar-i ■>' -1 clieuii fridav honoring Ihe gold¬ \'i. kcrMi.nt. Dowagun |tllla. I,awi num. v al.iul Mac Kooni* Ik. u ill he held In linioln % and H Kelloa* « enter. <>n their overniftd a.r iout» h.ok to this city from Wasb.rm |»mi. et'ietiH'IUCk ill lU'tl. Spai'Hii S'a«l- en anniversai» ilist of IftOti. l.nda t'orivi i e. eiietai -. lb loiiig. an i Water (larity luii-uici Nam Smitin Bioon, riu.lor- . ton Tiiuisday. ("la * icuni'-n^, and Ige» Aniioimeeil \ s'isiicnt* ?e.l and faculty are m- ('resident • oiifer John Hannah will degrees to an estimated • .tnqjiis iiriditl'Hi tour i to r .uc hi hot bib-ri ifiihirnicmciit. in btr t.i i Alpha Hill*. Gamma Delia, under Diieatn oil Sale A faiui'v sem.nar w.:I iieai Spartan Kdilor HIM seniors and another 4h'l RfJTf i xniMii .• I'.mi.g .intmU-ot Wwtcr C'ariuvai- le.litus a' 2.»J S"i- number. "Mirk MrGllllgan's I'onitioilH 0|M'll . . Graduating seniors who hove Struoi Swmgout. and cio- •irni Service* Hall." Water Carnival ticket* an "d i xiiiplctcd Army «»i An >'orc< ou-fting a' 7 .'1(1 pm. Tuesday Nathan will addre** a arad ItfrTC training will be cum- iiuluflc. .it Fauchild Tlieater Wi .1 1 ait,0on ted bv Ka- •ate in the I tiort, Bel key Hail. tiiv, Await W iliners • unci Application* for the position* uate seminar |ue*da> morning nf editor business u.jj.Kioned nfond lu utcr.Mnb in i .hi ic K'lin.oi officer* ate elect¬ tt,. Itiowi.i '.nig I Would Weave .1,1 uft South c.rnpuv fm Itnu e or ?ttanag< i at la on problem* of under¬ liaditional Comniemcnunt Week ed, Seruoib longregale in fioui Sor.^ f»», You Praise' to the U S. 7H." the U'.MJ Wa'ef Ca>m- for the 1959-60 Spailan Maga¬ .i developed areaa also in 253 Stu¬ zine have been opetied to all in - i ertmony at 10 a.m. Saturday on '•{ their varum* schools and land" and Hall* ■ t lv . ' v ai Thuradav-Saturday •Ahuti _ • r fit*t, second. N .V. junior and judge* and dent Hervlees. ♦ill take viewers » II- S.Mcc 1V46 Nathan has headed editor, James DougUnv Maj. Gen. John Briggi, coin- officer* anri ttie MSl? maichmg nutstandrng i «it* of t(»«• tmu through the yearx of Ameuran c\irnival. "Route . len Hills |.an»inc junior and ciawes carry lantern* from the history. the Robert R Nathan Associates Those applying wul * mandant of the IJ S An Force band 1'" ^Ave Arrived and *te IropKlea rhairman. In addition pei son* The rnimbei ."76" stgnifte-r toe Im including service a« econ- have until Thursday ncKrri. to Acaduiny, will speak briefly and After commencement week ac¬ Union to the lawn of Cowir* |* far the winners Trie to their committer* . omi< adviser to France, Burma. submit their JettenrWf applica¬ a war (1 conimlaslong to 52 Army tivities, the student tjody Will Houic, President John A. Han¬ (ear in which th» United Studs *«tr«v*i*nM will be Six *4 inch high water sport became an indejzc ident nation United Nation* Reconstruction tion and proposed plans for the and 26 Air Force cAdet An¬ prepaie for final examination* nah"* home- Friday and Set* tiophies will t>e awarded to con¬ June 12-June 17 A thunriei -hower interiupted testants in gimwaUftg, joustlihg, Ajcncy. Puerto Rcio and Colom¬ corning year. other 10 Arrny cadets will he when spring "Route I'.S. 76" runs Thuis- All appliranta wilt be int«r- oommlaaloned at the end of Urrh closes officially Sunday night'* parade arid the |' f iiUc# trophy will be earh of ihe two first can<>e race, lug of exchange, in and out war and Apache bia He was a former deputy dir¬ viewed by ttie Board of Stu¬ summer. ceiemorue* were held in the dav and Saturday at 6 Friday at k:Jo pn pm. and • ector of tne office of War Mo- dent Publication*, at the lait All unit* of the two ROTC Mu*ic And. T r.1 ;-aee living fourth places unit* race The await?* have a wood base btli'Atmn and Rccnnvrriion and meeting r»f the year. detachments pass in rcvifcw u< • King Hiiudoiiiii Dr. Hannah, assisted by Mrs. lriteriaj»*i »n *ni» r la i n /m e i, t tnairman of the planning com¬ The up plications form* and fore the new reserve officers to will )»e provic-.d bv w « .;icci share a trophv and are two iiered a> the floa* mittee .of the War Production . instructions may be picked up ehmax the military program In KimIn li. S. Visit nee I.ANIIRNs. Page I • m ttie river t'r."- ai •m>u t- | itirK are dtrtkil hul trophies An eagle tops the at the SPARTAN office the event of ram, commence¬ ing and log rul ing at - mc'u 4c i final tier while a plaque has •a vise !« aeeerilaf to the been mounted cn the front. ment or comrniMioning exer¬ WILMINGTDN. Del bP> — /Irlirilien Ctiruy 'nding >r> a fe* dunk* into the av, Mt id, Red Cedar. Vigorous Deiii Needed Says Kennedy cise* would be staged inside King IbiudotuM of the Belgian*, Thurxda* night• judge* are »'imniiii. Jrnison Field Houae. winding up his three-week Am¬ To Meet lotI ifilit Mr*. KJranor M«rri*rr. huaoan Trice of tickets tor Thursday I- WASHINGTON (attng in urriay 62 1 hildren «ill b I* Friday and At tivitiai Carnival next fail will ^•ili two colored wood el* awl Haul Prdeare, of the hu- nedy (D-Mass) said Sunday. No 'day milled Thord y ntr6( for ' f ' ^ lie*a with a column ■uaUiei department. Kennedy, now* regarded as a leading contender^ for hi* party's meet tonight 10 31 Union at spedal price of 73 cento. die are He flbw to Wilmington in an u toped with n N John Crawford, advertising de» nomination, mud he docan't go along with the idea that just any Tibet Rebel* BUimetl 7:30 pm | Aw.g the eacraviny, Democrat can end Republican control of the White House. air forcv plane from Williams¬ Ail AcUviuJfc Carnival organi¬ Water Carnival,' an annual partment. Dr. Robert Ctheridge. director of Xten'g Division, *n-J -I wsali IKtok a vicsrsaa. and pragrwatoe aMl affaettv TAIPEI, Formosa A na¬ burg, Vs., where he toured the zations are given lha opportu¬ piojeet under the ipongorihip of ► »■* «W» diwalraiid initma Hal ha aaoM wta. tionalist Chinese news agency nity to mert and introduce stu¬ the genior clay*. Is a memorable F« t^tueTheof column liberty reifn* at Miaa Margaret Werner, home rrs> claimed Sunday Tibetan rebels restored colonial capital. When dents to the organization's goals part of commencement weekend. and fif- economics, will rate the floats he arrived, he was whisked off 'd brorue. Two large to be aa air if a* Hto party to.** Hi hM. killed about 1660 Chinese com¬ as integrated parts of the MRU Water Carniva! living unit re¬ Friday night. accent two aid** of the Kennedy said he thinks tl« principal Issue in I960 will revolve munist troops on May 22 in a to the estate of Mr., and "Mrs, campus. presentative* may pick up park* Saturday's btiges include Charles Cumberland, associate around presidential leadership. battle southwest of Lhasa. Tib¬ Lamrnut Du Pont Copclfftd for AH organizations that have tag permits In 317 Student .Ser¬ '**«<• toit "The I960'* are going to be a terribly crucial and changing period et's1 capital. There was no way tea. A dinner at the famed long- not entered the carnival are vice* between 3-5 pm. toriny, profeasor of history. , Leonard and the solutions for all the problems that came up in the 10s of confirming the report carried wood estate of Pierre Du Poht urged to attend the meeting. Construction may begin on rivet PJt> hna »» ttaiar Falcone, musk professor, and . ■> by Tatao. Petitions will be available. at «u«. mte. Charles Snuliie, an MSU alumni. and '50* arc not going to be enough," he said. Jollowed. midnight. Aim »i Wonts 0 Teachers, Students ''Hi- Max Have To Double Our Cooxl On riiw Sul>jeel" Micliigan Slalc News Read Daile hf Al*l » ?'» ••<» students and I acuity M v'» Lack Direct Contact smg The Mi S'at.- News o publi-heO i»* -m.' .Mich, wiltiout liinnt f.vultv vuin-i v. - • -t ..r the student bods, but .xhde vrk'u to ' t "• the «•' Mu higai! State tutix !* if bo! the official Voice ol to vt mlerets ,.f both. Man. . P. - tie an.x move xvhieh ......11 dr.xe a "• two w hx-1 her it comes f, v e ' EDITOH'S NOTf I»r !.!«»%«l f rmusutt iirw dealt i»f the College liniversitv or from out suit'- Memtwi th» V .niatcd Ires*. Inland 1 ally Press • •f Sflfiirf iiml \rls ilirnicir t»f Ihr ilitMmi of bbdogiril Collegiate Press. . arlrnce ■ I and |»r»ftwnr .tod head of the (IriMrlmnil of thirrohiolog» •*#* •nd public health «hpn he prepared Hip follow ins article Hip second Vol. 51, No. 4-' Molt.lax, Julie 1, H'.VJ $ *■'- in • state Next a vertex mi piiiii'4liiin submitted mi rr»|iirM bv veteral i»f . MM '« dUlhtguUhed faculty miinliir* I rrguxoit uit binn v v. Sept July. 1956 I K» 191'?. •! leh.inou. I ml . and JoIiipiI Hip M*l staff in INFORMATION Micliioun State IN cws 311 siutwut Seiv»ce« fast tamstni. Mi.^ U TIVITIRfl ( ARNIVAI. p..,' • ' ea Oaxv lurntax Oiiougti Frhl«\ HOI II l\S PHI C'lOlIS and - hit i'- n'« {«mm! !<> j « » : -:xg 'r. weklv (luring viiui: t'iii|ih;i>i »• 7 .10 p.m., .11 Union. Organiza¬ si,#. 'J' i-e'i "if .--up dro-ren summer himI f.ill w, .. i, "teaching" rather (hall "lea num.' " FVum the tNii'licM con¬ tions meeting. ,ria <-»■» >• - •**•-! umtrr tlx® »cl el March 3, I8i» at • t tact with education in tin- 1.-1 t J -.' if Si .;. primary schooL, the importable i XTMOIK RTt'DC.N'T ORflAN- ; suit* r-.px.»..»* pax»b!e in advance far one m ^ c«f the teacher t■**<>•»I, The I/AT ION lr- -»««. h I • I'oee »e> "is. s't traiMmc proemm fur leaeh Vie • «•* i f InlanJ IJaily l'te»X, A««.h idled 4 p.m.. Catholic Student Cen¬ I' » its. likewise. winiid appear '■» concern the method* .>• Ae . *'tJ f«hlegiate Press . ter Cafeteria. Coffee hour. teaching rather than ?> method* .»i laarnim* Thi- eept of being* taught rather than i.'arnwv i* carried through primar\ ami secondare school la college bv sunn* students. Wfifii this a1111mit* prevail*. tin- student is to accept what the teacher presents to 'urn tint willim* *h»jws lit!'a* CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS desire or aptitude lor cum bevond this 'eacheil |»os*e*ses an a'lilih. *t» stimulate the point. The yood ED 2-1311 EXT. 2i.ij >tudel»t to learn, to think ami r.» develop a .desire for learning'. m:uu im:s: p.m. i.vx iufouk im ni.irvnos run ti i:s wt i (>ne might ipiesthm whether there i» such a thiny an Till KS.. XSI> I III. KIIITIONS •educated man. Iducah-m ■„ cm!minim thine x\uh no XIOV. KIXITION III) XIII.INF: 1* p m. I III. Ultimate state tuta'-u lie student in college should Kill- l'«>ihl* S-I-' ami l ."> XlanJjv thmuKh I'riHav have as a coal, deve'opfnent the faculties to »• and un¬ derstand w f ' is cu e on aronml him lie must . have the broad concepts upon uhidi he can continue to Iniild CLASSIFIED RATES during tne rertlHUbb-r Id i is lite. I l l- i> the 'educated* Mian minimum IS wordt HOUSING LOST and FQUlj If there is anything r»*a"\ 1 uronc with education today it day 85c FOR RENT Will. in. max l»e de-rnbrd in terms of attituiie 2 Possible there is a days tendetu x tor hoth'te.ichei and student to 3 place too much dayx |l 95 emphasis on absorbing selected tacts and act|innn«: certain 4 daw $7 35 ' '""" 'echniijues rather than obtain::-*? concepts and a broad out¬ 5 dayi U.50 look characterized as libera! education. The development ADDITIONAL CHARGES . PERSONAL and widespread Use of object i\e txpe examinations whiidi for Met. w,rd ,«,r IS CHI % nrntviM-MixtN si x\ win>di• i GUI lake b.i- stress factual information tend to encoumye the memoii. . r r Igerat.-I - I Ac p.' a., 1 • t .. . t X * ' ration of selected items to pa** the examination n 4.1 without I'M' tlrui» I I) any real effort directed to an utniei»tanding of the subiect AUTOMOTIVE FOR RENT APARTMENTS THE riNIs! matter, Jm Kman i on i> baX4 JAGUAR XK 1J»' . H» ♦ H- - i>\ Stevens ilerm f *ed foji New M hi'.- TilK IhKM hi:I \ I tONsllll »ivw hfm ;•!«*. ad, !:t ratio of teacher to stuiie- ' ■ ixxiKir nt.A. n <• ffiellent rxxixdit).." situation, would commufileate . New l.we I'l Hj.i K XX Asr - na x1. ;:iu »l.\ K I leceivilitf lion, When, a u >TK est ions m the opinion . f th tor le.-di I and Reform JAG' AH Xk-lf i - ' Kiud'tv »S«3 oe. I't.i ..I .e '• I achieved a famsuaritx wi'h tin- v participation in all intoiljKvn? c< At Standstill •> er •JU nedti ra . J u tiotl of an essa1 . his teach, i w. i i « » I'M I N'T II A V \ N A M» - Txxa weeks move on to another subject have ihomhi mine Premier tut#! ' This ideal situation *j ru s. • learn ; b ( astro eeremoruouslv * >p»c.1 Dairy Plant t through liecessiix, i.\ .« •Kiartin leform !««• to break EMPLOYMENT . » t ec ■, Jaiye LoulhoUlma' P ha« u.c tempted to retain sotiu- -eimsao. e ' . been nwatlfled 11» a > u- , i, je* uer.i teade to pu o REAL tS - A . . t >n in > obuur! ga'e'te. What er ratio. With larger - in J* holding it up' and litinersities, and uniortunafe x i There me hires here 'h»' the school*, there has been ie s oppoi'umi law me. I* unoertii # »«».■■* r Michigan. Lau' k Hum. i i ''angi-.x (»t>e » ib htm u »eei tnunication licfween student ami leachet J ! in a tivrrt? ten a k I- I tXKUUTtVF «ff(-Rri«RV H»> x'ouraye less m\e and take t\pe'.«f comnnmu a' M Mamie Ke: rande? Via: instructor depending more ami nioie w i h t • "a, ^rp >•' ?1 \ in- c ate '"e .. f'-tge '..-l be. Heat v teaching loads haxe tor'm • t>re,k i g ijx »>' bx. ge «u»4r iJuu-. > SERVICE of various forms of examination-, w hich rex p. IRtAR JPK-4. mum amount **f lime tor eva uattoo |$ -,n»r S W Nl, • evaluation lias manv advani vautaip- \ student t," Xt IT II I) X H AS onicious nuyht 1 i I lu.-e da- - r >-g .■ •e of'.ve. fd tareer with»>ut fiaxniK to a - e . Ma SRbDNt' t .*t| than completion of t • n) 4 aYWMr: i a fiertvit living in is..ia': , >*k Ritmr hi• ••" x I rns« *. so t e >• ndeoi xx i: i «»rai v or i»i wntmy max y' isv'r.rv comtnumcatov FOR SALE !i»vMini mtS rviUMi »v -erv i,r . - Ik (.'her, - l^nr 11> ' • H AO' A I Jo*. UK 1.1 \ K IN a ap .*: TV MUST ANN BIN cunent concept* ?->-»• of t' .iax m. t i-i tr ..• ' a e rv .«*»• |IHt ItuS ». tomoirxiw. The educftHnl m«u a inven nuitust • * • s ie,' MlCK S LA- V 4 • undaridami.nn of am, i:ir of the pas' u fhe pies, DROP OFF FO« . 1 ~ KUIHthillg a- e . . , t<» just menu i • < o ' VAC SPCC'ALlZi ' max find » . i,.i » - lUNDLiS FC« .viX I row, Af liraa ' s* ,'1.' v; tanrr «»f contuuin y est uat; leice aa a f.uimlaf. • . .» « - r, r-L30i, ut w,.».i A lirxxadej* base tor th-s adMered by e^tahh-h. y .» atudent should r»v V, H THOMRSON IJCPBRT TUtx ) a»Kiet> earh. »mt tins c.ib t JiWRII •>« - r I J'nft VM > r - t*artkt|va?in* tn off can-j -.i- or VW ( A, scout my or ,•••■»• TV AM) HA biO .-.ri,-e tv> He .should also ; »r *« WIDIMN.. CaRrgM o.-f*' TtUIM> Ui'k* each ^ mif• r, ' : Ex ••><*) ' . • «ue t?duv v .xmitith '• I'D f-3Afik '-V I ' ficti'm ami ore mm f u • -m R>»'V THI CLtANtS' rVGUkH Bl\r Rvhsk !». X, . • tiident tp.ateTi.i tak.?' H'fll. *« Ot,'^ 1-4 • Oap'C *"'*• ^ Such reasonai t •« - |«!J44 |d,f S I-- jence in c»r',cy.r AT\C »r>C>V v.; «,C1 » ClUEk-^t AUr* •' b. "" *'•'* f tr.* •» n4*-v «x as 4 ! t: p:-v»- la>l'W A « -• otete I ne n' e^iiijw-cri' * . * **** err\;Seae-c 31 i'lnht hij. «-, *ree-S»Cfte« «--j '' *■'' -xe o-iu'c !"D "-w, t. LANSING aauarel «i I - c ? "a - • m » V A«> *•"! i)l N >S i«A a McALESTCR. Ok! a tl»» ea.i nf |f !#n»mf l"A '# 42 T V -RADIO sFRV. »> C-ninty Treasurer Archie Dahi- tmes 10 itudcnt. wCl'f CILIS # . in J-ir I lelerisKW « a » r- T r- r- vx m received a note from a p-le# Ire* P M c.hoo upen tim ' T" V* Michifan awitan askiiri it • e- Niw AND USLC ' AfARTAN "*i.K» M4'|. ■'•• TV TectmKiam Co 9 • .«veWA»r:' 5ul 4 fund check from the county w»« T»tex ' ;«»n. IV '4 in »T 7~ 3T*] 4' valid VICE HOOMA SPARTAN AViAi AND »£x»-*rp»eni« ' Tlxe 12 33 shtck was dated rj'p, I**e ! T" sr June 13. JKT fcaad> im-ae 7T" >• rr u- J i :>Nti m J • ♦ ♦ r.i> lf -1. J j U Bj rrj i TT Jo rr ^OR sale Li .nti 17" 1 & JT r r BlRMtNOrtAM Ala JT -\\ t> Mitchell Mid he was happr -- RIDwCID PRICES! L.Aiyy O.'S^icnaj MB?- NEW tRA'LfRS 1 MODS ~ y- j 1 to give the man the tune—bo: Tva« FLfM •'* **" CXCj . FRANDOR frOLR COURSE *-»=- .t XI R *i «r !r t "I hot the timepiece a# « ResT"» X tjt" •utlahte rr w 3C i tne gtmten'i Aeeilatole v- 4'-.; r r « mmer and «, fat? ie.w-% |j*»> „ "" C :.jt »T" IT fiijght Stuff nteeth- •*•*! XXJ N. Trawia. ptume IV- « LOST and FOUND WANTED rr Night Mlar • —..... That APPROVED 5T IT _ - —— hit Waeherharth LIVING QUARTER* tOsr _ — B L a»m rhwk fer n\0*. Rumifter ang xa*me.« xxlthem ixukma Unxoa eoMSfettlf T-«« Phone ED T»«> hioche f»rt With and kMt. frem m»«a»- •are. GERMAN- -*«♦ Prone to g-uTl . . . R,-k - AwrrARD * . ee to S44M m.-. • rvnivrs covivc. ton nave no ticket* 4 eveUnhto. CMtaU Jt-afc « L.'' ae i MICHIGAN STUE MW* tuisiana's Governor Long June I, Page Three Football Players Halt Panlie Raid Rests in Psychiatric Clinic I \l KooIImi! at ii"i ■! I AHASsFK K.a )>!a\er< sfmidtng gu.u.i itoiv d. or.s haltc.i a p.»n- • \ .a?:.« Thi-v ■f tin- KSU lootliall team at all d..»or« o! the dbiiiutory to fru-- 11.ate ;i»i\!oncd mcmlieis efiorts to break into :;«• i aid e\jw«ii!i.»n s' oif of it- !h«- oiiildnig legislators Netv Hotel goal on .the V.- . . ■ Kiouda St.iV I'm .>u- Sutio.iv .; > i . \.»iiimI* Ill, .i v**»-tried o.i'iolnian .-ai d to viatit ttu.-.f football piil V - '<» J The h.el.h recruited law en by Curriculum - foici 'we w'au: oi I u p.o.t- ct . I..,, led '.a:-*..- «ht In Wlii'ii oit:ji'i/ilion pcise Hie u student government was unable to riis- larowing crowd. It. It Oglesln, drill of students, tele¬ phoned police, tifty-slx hirb* 10 (>i R»i. Approved I! v.i wax sponded- pAtcolnien. sheriff's depu¬ ties .Mid (lie city policemen re¬ htyh Treatment Hotel Exrculitw -• peopt. . I ;I .* i.i. I .al KSU ' iU \ car Lomiiiniil i ! i ■ ,< nn !; 11 to pi rated h . \o one was inpircd I'ulbe ai Tex. (/T»—IVm. l-.M. . ,1 ' O..W 11 I. Ol.ll IC llll wlut resisted . rested two bus Oov Karl Long of l^uu- Overtv lu-ltnintr nopi'ovul el lot Is to dispel s? ti e IllilliilK '. i.... -in . :-. iioi .i - nii'e panbe il gu! inn. reported rasiing easily i vi x .. ■ , i i .r told officers the . of the new eurrieulum in the lliioog They • ..v . .1 .a pan li ..'ii a illitow on restraint" Sunday In nehool of hotel, restanriint. were liiiili s« liool stiidt ills too bad come out to join the Inn clink', ami iiHtilutkmnl nmnritre. nephew. Sen. Russell men! has been voiceif b> 2l» t ... .al.". .. '. .. I (jvU» pnwntwd wore in- l« l ' »' " d the I . .? :•» ,n an address to a leinlirpr hotel exei'iitive.* ami editors of trade tnibliealionx joint session «f the legit- jiund.iv night. at a recent curriculum eval¬ en'ered John Sraly hew- uation meeting Ht KcIIokk after a Raton nenu- Rouge, Center. AliXllltlNf* llll tOWIl of the SIaIc pew News Wolyeriiir I'holo li> mil these people are Buy Your Tickets Now The curriculum will become capital. ■ »•- plane. EXTKSMNO rONGR%Ttl^TK>NUttV& |tS°»?£+'• effective September, 1000. I>i eager to get s itories hoik at it. 1 lie yratlotok was and will be citcit to the fraternities polar ami disliiboled lo the dorm¬ winners. Allan A then, bed sctar; Mary Barraae. bed aapparUaa ar- Joseph Thompson, director of the trip baa than a Tuesday, tieiieral distribution will begin Wednesday in llie old treaa: and Dan Bwtogarduer bMl mpparMag aetar. la Mpartoa edi¬ achtHil, said dejietiditot on the ap¬ t • tunned togiala- tor. Jann f. Itonclaaa. The Mpartoa maaaalne aad Thela Alpha rhl. ST I N oflicr. R Student Services. uneon- proval of the various curriculum the awards each year. committees at MSI'. The hotel executives repre¬ Escapee* Testify YOUR sented various hotel chains, re¬ wg- llniverwity Field Staff sorts and country clubs from many parts of the United States, raat and i hompnon said. (.It ristiuns I'erscculoiI ftar he strode It legislative Burton Ends Lectures «•» In summing up the reaction those attending the meeting. ■e ef a 1 H- On Chinese Education I-.lwin Boss, president of the American Hotel Assit. and Boss Hotels, said' By Chinese Communists % then expert." il CIKORGL MOITAT were the usetl by Kuliert t.ui- Ion of tho American I'nivereitie. Kielii Staff to exprei* "Every betel man la the rait¬ ed h la tea abeald kaew what la being done al MSI'. The faruttv of Ihk whnol Is to he eeagralH- laled for their eompreheasive WASHINGTON (/V)—Livi' Asian church Icailcr- have re ported tu a roitgrt'N.siorml vroup that the pi»venunoiii> «•! I*I'd I tuna and North Korea are practieinp torture and atrocihc.H in an elI'ort lo wipe out I hri-tiainl 1959 eduction under the Chine,# t'ommuni.t reitime. tlurtun, analysis of their educational pre- recently returned front Chine, wound up III deye of lec¬ grant." Japan \ oles la amntf the In the eoun- (burses Set ture, laat Kriiley. ikai • Under the Uhui**e (umnHi sv steni." according to Bui - made The evaluation committee was up of Dr. Ralph Wilson, chairman: Bernard Ihxwlx, pro¬ fessor. liviif Tllakei, assistant Lor Control WATER CARNIVAL a«vtved about six tun, "»n» matter how intelligent professor, and (ieorge Bidrll, ill¬ Of I'arliaineitl '' the guvensor went In lAinfiuufses v»hj ?b#» mav be. unlcs* von fol'ow peisiribed px*,,twa! d>'itig umImv. t allege. Barton took advaared general secretary of the Hong Korviga language Institute* in ated. Duplication of content was P .n,»» Mi:.1*1* r N dm-suke k - •Indtoe In (blame hietory aad laigelv eliminated. h bU ral-lieu.iH i at* aie ex bong International t lirlstian French, Spanish and German language at felling. , Ttie preaent' progiatu was re- pe. 'e i to awes-p up additional leadership, sahl the milt t In is for elementary and aecundaiv Be has traveled widely in Bail eluiribes In Red f biua organiaed the »»e«is of the se.t on a pbtlfuriTi of conUnue>l air school teachers will be offered China as a news correspondent faculty ami committee ftiul.ip - l.'htaiv (oopeiation • with l ie run by the internment to in dune 14-July SO at MSI' Emphasis will be put nn « and ik for ■ time was llovxk Kong reaponiienl for the American Broadcasting Company He join¬ said courses nedita were Ttiumpaod were developed. Some new dtupped 'ban add¬ Mo »■ I n.'cj State* lotii.l' fit** i' l» ' m the nation" ..le i»at• high -ilel nnstcs g.«:i.> dttclriiiale as '"show ra*rs " the people or seryr JUNE 4, 5 & 6 •peaking and heating the lang- ed the American University ed by «•. .<•! light o| lift ,«tc lib# uage through use of MSU's new I.eld Staff in 19S8 The cweetealaai eensfsto of ly l.c hailed a* slgi. 'n a»l. language laboiauuy and audio-_ yieuat aids. i Burton save. "The Communist >iiitlulled communes aie glow* geaeral ederaUeeal and basic toehateel skills which develop Hons. A ocii tlie Upper Hon*.- n ..f t 'until lllol ■ .- » Michigan Stala Universities' Inducted mil be classroom nig and the utile phase Uiat re¬ heekgreaad tad aadersUndlus. Iball the Hon.*-* of Re,.- : -4?) nun • . sembles the traditional famdv Aenmnxt ration* tuiaa and su«n Uiscuxsiont, \tn cunuular and pa'tern m uiat of i»eimittiiig the ef the sladeal sad his lelatiwo le eeetet*. They atae deirlop • .i' 11'« .. U.e a ! vx o- -op.. "b;i .1 »* - ma x h no river spectacular you heal extra-cur? wu!#' activities l.sbano and x* if? * . ;,»r <•' *• backgreead for prufessioiui foreign dun* and foietgn aether The children a1# ig sed ens tor who Jlerent method, and teohnm .*» in tonuniirdal tun series reurses "Hie courses m t;ein i < . won't want lo miss. in foreign language teaching *. "The startling fat ! " accord Hie If r x sbibl'mg Wang ■ the citpit«il ness and tHsmooot.« m \i « be taken up. ing to Burton "is that rhildren ■ o • . ! Hjo. ,«y in 'he a-' u. i.e? last %*ia direiloi of the Hap *(ndenta with nackg unes opeiatihg on I ¥20. in birue Israel, that have been a small scale time that ttme Burton the services indusli v studwits u.e a» a ha.«.« fo( fo» ' » ■ 'I.# an (. * aiiipa.gII x-.llgle is. ie bat been iH.iiiil Aiiap l'« »ei il'.' m lic'nt'i f »«o • .las J no < lent. , . Rev I sin I a! I .i>i sai Sunday , g greater eonunand of a vesfigat'on «»f protileinr m mvs, "not one child raised under v 'I. *tein has left the com¬ ?.**'.Mai. n$ demaudeti Uy S4Wiai tiori. pare laadun to leach fotcign mune." acrordeng to Bui - leu and coniiriuiiids languag— in grade wheel. ion. "allows the way genes attoi x Indepeadenl dadi fee researr ti Dotal la mag be obtained from le prarlddd far the eareR4u*«'«< con be altered to taiinin to Dr. George# Joyaua. associate new aocial codes " in the foreign lang- Barton foeta iBal Urn I'nMed OuUtanding s'udentt mav .4' department. which >s If in ( klas bs dcrtake b«dh UaA.c and app • 1 aponsorhtig the institute* in 101- MMaally wMV research project# in the t > »i laboration with the College e/ servire# industry tttokrch r» id JaM trying to SENIOR Education trr Uiev may do i«se»rch * Impeae new aerial reforms. or * The communist movement management and marke' n •m m»n .nd qwit. Slutlrnl lirtfi \redeil ;u Chins has been going oji prohlnni related to the »ei * i;Dc« 11*20 »ay« Burton. "and industry' The reeeaich mn'e 1 with rtt«B Th»7 till — ««U tun. and •Ri.ll t. M tn. 1M br l| lout Dry Clean Now! * — tn#? w.r. trap- Ta»r, na« plant? of air. "r'w IIIIN itr— "a '-una in Ihtr#.- Tuesday, June 2 FREE STORAGE W caliad a aoal mala tt itappad m.nata at • CST, 41 hour, and •ur.oia, ,.i„ ^ tiy— n.urnuif tarn, out j, r*mark- Fill ialhprttflag t< 7:30 p.m. "So# Yaa Than!" f' r-d cor.dit.ak lor ai w i-*.t nod.- tn# 10'i Cub Diarounl WE RENT ☆ Meet at your Tickats Raw Oa AitrniioB CoaUct Card* Mow Availahlr TUXEDOS schtHil l«u Tatim Free Sola al Mm I Stanl# aad nam id Expert Aheratioua Parking Al Rear raatdd I ☆ In case of rain go |S. IkaH 1 Mia One Hour Marfinizing Directly to Fairchild Union Concourse . MAIXCOtWT rsANnoe( Michigan stati* new* Jam I* 1959 I'air I in Zach Ford Registers INDIANAPOLIS U*» — Roger Only Firsi Ward, 38, the Beau Hrummel of auto racing, gunned his Leader Card Special to a record-break¬ Roll l.nkr FiilliTv ing triumph- In the 43rd 500 mile speedway race Saturday. Third in IC IA Ward's first speedway victory in nine starts came with a Michigan State's thin- clads captured five.places in masterful display of consistent the Michigan AAl' meet at driving by the laOS Angeles veteran who controlled the race Kalamazoo ami also one fiom the 82nd lap of the 200 lap place in the ICI A meet nt grind. ,\ew York Saturday. Defending champion Jimmy Miler H«»o Lake placed thud Bryan was forced to quit early In the 1C4A as tie fin >hed be¬ in the speed contest. hind Penn State's Kd In beating out runner-up Jim who had beaten laiko earlier Hatlimann bv 23 seconds, Ward this season, and Pete Close of broke the 1957 record or 133601 St. John's. Moran and Close wcr- with 135857. TW(J sritDINQ RA< LRS msh past the grandstand In Katnrday'a Thg ears are probably going faster than 160 mpl. i ,h„ both timed in 4 09 3 while Lake covered the dn-tatu.»» in 4 11 H. The only other Spartan enter* ed in the meet was t'apt. lord- d« Kennedy hIiu ran seventh HP ACT Ml N III: st IINI1 ON GAME In t'hieato where Rill Verrk is the two-mile. hold* sway. Here little mm from outer %t»aee intirfeeO In uniform, In the AAU meet, fj»-t»n•..*• of course» swarmed from a hrliropter onto the field ahead of nirtit 7ach Ford won the L'JO- • m t baseball game last week. They gate spare guns to l.uis Aparieio, dash with a tune «*f 2i H .u 1 left, and Nelson l o\. • then came back to place *ev«»n.i ill the 100 Another fieshnian. s«-nn> A - pata, placed third in toe broad jump while George Wad a. < took third in the three-mile Mill In the longest event of the af-i no in, Bill Iteynoids finished third in the mx-nnle run. ■i the Ib'h inning decided the fir-? contest. Fi\c singles, four of them in a ion. piu> an error gave West¬ ern Michigan its four runs in IAH'ISVILI.F !»• -Dim W hie d« isive ninth frame of the who was an also-ran. itecim . lughtcap. Making the hit* were a champion Sunha* r a ?r>e •. Af!=!\ Hanch. l»inv IlcUm ;er, THIS IS ALL TH AT remain* of l.en Sutton's "U'olrotl Sperial** ond time m sunessive week .i« rrv S km;i. Ia n tlrabo-Ask *n.l after hitting the retainer wall (wire and spinning across the track, when he wn 'hi- KenLhkv Larry Hatidal!. narrowly muting other ear*, onto the turf. Derby Open with a 72-hoie total iriwsr utMF) Wr»lftn Wlrh. MM MSI MM I# I of 374. noire name imm imm mm • I I ST ATE NEWS photographer student *»t rig lit in ou the The rS-vear-uld Hot r ego Monrl, llllllrk III md BrUmn, Mat Shu I man revered the MM«" aclion. Springs, Calif, pro filed a Cut Mitchell, t'alihni,h «*» ana Wujnfc orniMi U4NKI on Memorial Day for onelnalve After the rare Shulman rush¬ GENE HARTLEY BRINGS hi* Drewry Special lindrr par 61 to come nut of Mourn wo h. ?im i«M art—a If ff rover age In the I,analog area. ed bark to last Lansing to hate Into the pit for gas, lire change and rherk-nter. third place. Noire (lame • 1*1—4 f 1 I arnerf. Shnlman aaa one of many pho¬ the exclusive shot* processed for ThU was Hartley'a first pit stop after going SO Only la*t Monday. Whit! HareU it I. M»p«»<>> tldnii.itt ill, httnrlrr i*l ar»4 Wnjrlfc. ronnlry amlgned to eover Iho taking the Memphis Open u» event. a playoff against Gary |'la> vi¬ Campus Classifieds , , . Low Cost and Al Balding Campus Classifieds , , . High Readership ' '■J*4 spiffs tMe -*■ -S V > • , RIMiER H \RIK anil Jim K.lhman UK. thrlr final with a ariiund 133.857 mph average. Rathman the eval before rntrring victoiy lane. Ward won the cLk»*tc 23 second* after Hard. 7i»/» 10 Hit!there I IftHJiief Waid L* Angsiet. ISi . A t miles ti.m- * Jim IUl KM urn. \|(- I. IIA41!# 3- J «. n ii ii > Thomson, P- I IA .UO. ttuyertown, * Tunv Ren.#i>hau*en. Tinier P.«x 111. |j«:«ui A Paul U«4d»n->iih, 4! Visit futures. Muh. iJ4 jao « -Johruir Uoyd. > irum, i •! |jg« •Ml i Dua»e carter, lmi t. Houston, 1#*, 143* •a »—Holt V*iUt. Uskiatml. C«l. 133- jus 10- Al AiitiKHiKii, Pa# HI »7t. AW (km Uk ihavcf thil adRiaU k> an) tlutuK, ccniiitkon. to «vtrv akin Mil bntl. Ititl Mt Iba conlrol panal LxH to lower THI RTARTKR-h H.SO GOK* Own and the at It in and laate# anK.1 ,tnu (KKkalM Itolln Corofc. whtrc M'k roar* aal a. ahawa bare. Ibe raee beaaa alKernaan Baturda,. tear# ia lou|h. rK#M to tana, when akin a tender. I'nlinuieO tolling ul between livenrd I'urtt See the he* Soil Vblatic T»I)AY ami n KSDAY Paid lo II itltir I and Una uom everywhere INDIA.VAIW ' Then, Ward of la-s A drop a Km to lha bahh lu/bxl the 3QO-™ unlay at rev r«i rught picked check ever p^ ■ winner -llodJLki r-The Mai purw was also a recarti The biggest pw paid in tjve >L > wc. world* rUvr was 83»l5.217 ? vtou» high far ?h 1103,574, paid to J in 1958. ngw I ndju»tnbln "SHANE" Waatd a Lari..t * (Ml — lane rui tSTJM tnr a .^Maxwell's HR Enables Tigers State New Braves Split 2, Lose Vz Game- To SF: Hoak-Burgess Blast To Take 5th and Down Indians June I. 1939 \i«ii» -lint sport* ratinr **4lliDBtnn Robin* S/Hilm Pair lilts n Cleveland Pa|( five Hurl l-llillrrs llomcrs Each MIJAVAUKKK ..n - Tl.« < I NCI NN ATI irTb—Piiu- |Bows, 7-4, Major two winninirest active pitch¬ btuyli honir runs raked the /ft er* In the* National League stands, bombed siirronndinR League (To Davie traded four hit victories bnililinjrs anil routed Cincin¬ Sunday as the first place nati's Beds. 0-2 and 14-11, Standings Milwaukee Braves and la-t place Philadelphia Phillies in a tliiiibleheader Sunda\. Holt Skmnei'% grand i!nn Rookie Takes AMI Kl( AN LFAfit'R divided a double header. The poke m the second page headed a uarade of extra base (nf*. D< n \\ 1 Pet. f*H Phillies won the first behind 2nd of Season ( lev eland ?.Y n .:»93 __ Robin Roberts, (»-(». and ihe llo.ik !■•! • and Sin.iky Heds- each hit two leHti- Burgess - ( hioiii fj ii .3611 1 Braves the second behind #i in the opener, then added 1>ETR0IT oTl — Chart ir ItaltlniiMe 23 71 .343 1 /- Warren Spahn, 2-1. allot!.i-i mi 'he nightcap. KOfkfd relief pi'clt- Kan*** ( ily ft .466 4'V Since the second J*.m I ir IinJinpto. "Call' the t#- I'M Kill 1 "ll n .463 Y'i ,r'j:m rrrry'i firnt pitch in Nr** Y **rk 19 73 .43! 6 YTancisco (iiaiit» won, the spi.i IDHIIN IHMil K IS s .. s' ..f I'd ate* have vn toiie* n iiie 'a t eigi.t games ninth inning for a thrrr- tot the Hi ;rve- lead to tw.» and *evct, • (|, t\ jsliingtiui 71 76 .447 6«a . . *calp* Brave* . , half and gave the l>e- « game* r,,n-homer Boston | *» 74 .442 t»'t ' I'.; ,ifc» .!• cd th ee hut Spahn v w'.oi \ ua- ' 2r»;*» .1 trni'- Ticcr, a M victory * »• *1 Mi M x Ml *| l a nf ci* wdh i t:;,: effect before 'u* rn.i.i ■» Icstgue career ami ;„vfr the Cleveland Indiana IO 1 Hn| I ;. i ir* Han it 4 X'« Vurk I. *4 4-iiin,im, • put him even with Carl lluhhcil, it It"* F'aif took ovet ni ttic IIiahts' farm (;".>i, ti .* «f\cn!!< and throttled i'jn» Suntl*.. k4tl«4, 4 ll, * 1 hlC4KO now t,'«•' into the nppe' Or. a|inu>rr I. tlotlcn 1 who .« the on!* National league . inna!i hitting. He picked i.p firirf iroted wtnnma ieft-hundei m ". r H«i-«d»all Hall I..- !11 *i 'r»r* without k loss - I «»i» M x It I III < hifUiig fivc a: end of lsg| i-tcfier JerVv t>av» end Halve; * rUnrt at l»S I Hul 1 —He ii |« (| <•' Y'atnc K.i'pa H'xc* holds the p., sea-on 'lie K .'rr.n eneed of tttaawell ttvoui of ".'*»#» a ague Phe Hed* gave the Pi rate* • I)..-.,, i-itching the route <"r The vc'ciah Heave had It. work ou* the ' - me in his major lo- unit Hrdulrd. 4(»U» shutout until "o mi nightcap lag »jinrt s t»ig' ' l. lead teetering hack and forth. r rereer, survived • uotit' - 1 (YOKING FOR HITTIR tHIM.% (Wf iMsa- Viakre NlaOlra. The picture looks hrifhler a* w "en (Jene Yhee>e h.t tu- !.t*■ t „n,1 hurled hitters u«!l |rl. of Ihe \ tllON.%1. I.FA(it I pinch home run ■•? the *ea-.'M # * * niittdirt sixth ptgrr New Yerk Ihe tanks rrept out of last plare hr healitu ,.,r: :n» art five innings. banker* throuch The hntuer left Frrc*e ••til* o: peers a lele%i%**»e riam m Maskinctou. j e Kunda*. IV 1. Pet (.K _ lie suited Ihe s»inning rails off the Ma or league ma-k i* (.iiiiilj. i.aiin Milwaukee ?M 16 .636 — b* ,|.'l)tii;\ Kicdet .k ! Hto"k- 1.1th a single all reliefer Mike 2nd ni\i»ion Shuffle in \L San Fraiw i*e« 26 19 .37 N 7't !yn in 1932 • S.W KHASl IS. O O- .Inhh. I,...... and wan anerlfired In I'itUluirgh 24 21 .333 411 We* ( ovingtoii gav • Sp.ii •; * IV* Anfonnelli limited Ch'cagA lw.nd Terrs rame la and ssalh- I os Angeles 73 !t .321 3 (tie offensive he'.p <■ m e i i '<* five hits and belted a three- led Kaenn InlenUnnalls hefnrn I ilss.sll hit kit ninth ksne nf Bill Skoicron s 3-Run Homer ( Im ago ( Incinnall "»t I nui* 73 21 IN 24 73 76 .469 4-.7 409 10 6«2 6 with fa-', •» a k a fu- to two third run F.dihe Mat hew of hornet the >e.n .n pic. to t' A IH>\ 11(1 AK i mii San 'lie Cu double to give »e* nod plat • Fiaticixco « 6-3 victory over »* sundav. I'hiladrlpliig 17 IN .376 ll': cd ' fcow hirli s.uldlcil I'. i hi. ago loaded the ha*es d of 27.700 welcomed e \* slam* 3 lioiiiers w i'i Carries Yanks Out . ^ -t***a of Cellar ith tin me ninth and Sm ScMinr-Kh \* icf. a' s. ■ ■\>o mi' in ; |f i back froth a succex*- *l Ml \\s HI st l |* r art "t.p tn which the *».!« in See .' S etui ttlr i|.|n« | < pi... h and Ta* !■• I" . p w BimI" Will Miliei HMieverf Atdonelll. who «•: out of eighth place .n i'll I stiiifh 14 S I Mil lllliall It. i I. * .ed tiir'n. on* I'd m \ ad struck out II in racking up v 4II I 1411.1.1)1 S I III. 4M> ^ A'ci an League for the M< I in *» i »111> rs i * * W.fiil pi. ked 'He i' ."t r'il tor hl« fti * I ... Intele* I. si. I out* I A M id I KS •m» .'tt» votoiy. Pinch hdtef ,t H. ito Sal id* Kouh. Ha i<*»ng then singled for ()*« f »tv- season. The home- He ■ t-r i»f -he i.i-fi tMtk iig a i! i pitch in the e loll MS I. % *11 * the Tiger* gr- Y ankee* a ... ft- -.x'fi and la-' hit and brought . 4 , $»x i < if h.wci .id ii I '4f..l4.. ,ui»c Ihe «rtrran Cianrr. uhum Ihe sw hasrn'l I if .( » » I.»> l * . t i g iue.rking 'i It..uu* I'hoMiMui. who had All •" • J.! le-stgur «»nl* ilHIti «r hrrtiilrit. iu nil-, he dkcii \ if I* the t tn ref Chciggo •- Waten ainrr Jul* 4 l'».»7. tan hi* «ra*nlt mark l«i Maxwell • c.r* u ' < a- in .ilalgf a., M. Mu' Ton* 'la* lor, who h*d e name developed into a 4 3 with onlv Fail torge*nn's No 4 hornet in finrt till, i ..«• -a he null Mir 2'Wth < n il di the eighth, gtoundej duel attei #:m IM , a (he fir*l inning shutout, thru he held Highlights . • * p i erasing a Nru Y"ik lfTi|H*il • ai cei The oh.* It.. , » ait. ihe wo* to three single* The three-tiu: tn-n, gave t 'in nil* tea! 'i ">e Ipviiit *ou« hed Da* e t •»* ui wr a. •• wa* pt skv Ml the plate, getting 2 run* .n tne fitst atm an I 3 d \\ ■ • f. nf 'he IN! t».«' it I ifti.f1' Ma'low-, who had 1! i goalie no ,, -j an mi firing tunc. ler r. >»e ? ut*h on B.l * .Ma K.f a S.m T'i.e til i. O S \*.I Ilea Ion i I!♦'»!♦ NCAA ruhneee ■ V ■* i. ...i.cil »n Sc.".nd » game bchltui > men ••* 1 of the ' 1.. Hill dr!tr, «iiuad is *h« Orel -« t* . into tne center Me. rt ti.s c and Indian* who !-.*t tn Detroit. .1 h ie,' tta ' 1 ,1 illllif I Mil I ' .11 111. " 1 .eagii"* inn tin i n i» ee'O • «-ie i ghthanucr Hal Ski' r\ ' TlritAil wa Kola una selection hut the -ookie ngh'hanv I or right inning* \td*liin{Un« t ansti* I*jm ui< • •gs.cie*! »t !>.ng' Mime *hukv i,.iic .nn fig*, tt'-rn -at nv-trticf the te«t o' tut matched Yurie* * shuluut piu-htng and the t ulwu •own aid pitt lied the Orudis t«» a 2-i • •« he *» »n hit second dr- righthander easll* di»n*»»'d nf Ihe fir«l tno tan O*. .vis.M *11 ft the Boston R»i1 S..s i ">n ags'n*t one defea kee hatlri* in Ihe ninth then Mul*» Mantle . drawn si* in and uul ml Iruuble several limrt Ignited the winning rail* with a doahie la right in the first two inning*, hul art down Ihe *•.% Hs hit Minute MIsmm in Ihe THiNKUSH renter Yogi Kerri was purpo*el* pa**ad Show- without a hit in Ihe iasl sis. lie allowed do*loit I fUta sM then retired the last rati after taking nne hail lined hi* eighth hancr nnlr four hit* jI n himself *4 Indian* ke fired Dane help- with a two-run single nf the *ea**»n Isita* the bleacher* tn left renter • ie «.-.«• J.>i!ed Ted Wiliipn *' n..« «t f t '-0 " •' Y«Hi h.t f.f hi* i Hi »-rr. The 4o ...i «ifi » -g.f is tke third that seal the Titers i'a.j ... . . : a 1 •• * * t • i • t, i,» -* m three offinal ti ... I i»ii hriefl* until Martin tied While Bri an HP (ail ing the S- \ • >$ I the «r«If 4 4 uilh hia houtei «' .'.f l aisav at lu»ei Ike l)< ... K t i ' h • T gr-* scored twice n Kerrare*e wslarn f e bii'Ht The ('in-les lift i\ m* n i . at ■ i'f 1.1 the f-rsi inning H .-a-! one tn e\ n * inning Engltth: LOWEST MAN IN THE COMMENCEMENT CLASS N trag j f-e aced until the »e\. drowu, who pu*hrd his moid to * I gui nut s r, e was lifted for a •f a base* loaded situation in the fir*l inning ThlnMlfah Irmntlmllon I TI it' »ih!\- ruurwj. i l.tM l.ircf h I wirt-d *>.a-d Garcia aod tu the second wild pilrhed 1st* k (»ernrit In- scrvisl ill cane fi "to thud base for doston * on I* run in W1TI' I uiM'— (lininif li.ill. The only MXHjiiuuitMjna I mi h.» fourth drfea' . the -t* be 4* r up a oo.iblc *•» V. W. it? ,i tn« . \ iimhmci Wcri* i In* iiiM-M iiih drill i.-1 (jitw linn Iwiiv h vuv. After , eep lifted l »t »»a* lonipJeie charge fr*»fn t)i< i live year* of work iat - ,ort the T.g.*»% in .• a l\vo voar .'oll.-y.... ha finally got hi* a e Ihe Han*a* (Its V* kaiaiRi larts itias with His.aii aiif.wrd Hn-ton «uii> t*<> s step ahead • . « # W'J g'njj Senators w (lie run* in the •e«t»nd inning and Karr* I auoai* •*t lb* >a*' *.* linin g* both nn v «f k c c diploma. tin* word for llii* Ii How ia gladitalr! Of with Pre*ton (laid* grand dsn fcwmer •« the • ' ♦ ' e. York Yankee* g'< pa*! *e* or id ,'ourw, ik-iiik ji ky 1.01 m.nkw liim a* ,1 man of liich riagrra •i%th thumped the ( hieagn \\ hue *** » ! hehiod Hafiort ie thrratened all • ittertumri f* >i - Ned (iarvrr s feur hit pitching ■ e» ef! I he ba c* )i 4>»» were • a double by Al f'tlarctk and ttillie lash* * long l»a-«--ioa-.eJ .h.t •' Jl» g a . * single olf the left field wall il.Hiii.r t»» Hi. * w *ir- ea ». * • d fvt I iteiosk. who vent eight mnrngs r»ef. . . g (fiQhih WANDCRINQ HORtC »un«" • • u» I,e».» Kde>, gulfemi rua tlui'i •'»'«t 1» if. the • .*"! I .a!-''- s al tu'e l''»" ' « '■* as*.i -! ' v e » ic'.ot ies tn-.i a» -'i »#. » r g.ed n- -e •* ru ■ '5 • Tfie B*.*1./i. i«o* ioupled with New Y tu¬ i»rtott , . a id t*M>h thud i-i a »l>*J p ' •. $ .ar> * a kea-e* the Alt er >. an League twllai. 1k|«kll MM. FATALOOUi One Block East Of Campus » -4 t'»w»«ag .... t*> nl*i t».f*f»»# Mriggv* ie SO* in Tie, lOD AV M MNilll I » I ( emplele ll-S.4M:t| A ml bb«*» * : HOW TO MAKE ^25 Feature •"•■"•I Ml NT SI T I 33-4 «7-4 111 I t »"W" **** r° * « O.rU.g »S-t (»•• WHCN VOU HIP TPtr ne -s,*»# gag Narr. ,»•* * »»»-- I ' *t" Nirti. gas Rgltigs ueece caust off anv 'lake ■» "»»• I. U-tr-M I « word niuKruitir. for eiurnple Willi city vouvt find maw » a MS ~M»ru» »t, you tan mnks a Inirglar * weekly *uufi>i * . i-grS|N. (hi Sf- rush unocrncath. ci0aaitti COMMINCIAL itn§ , a liars club build in brat/attm , a IP IIMNID ' ; • ', 1.1| j, i i i i • malUf '4-—Heavy* Qst the genuine article* '■ia"I ru«4 wwk Sunuy • wm Get the honest taste •* Our Uf, of P»«c* "* 1 New Province. Then ij; .v.f | ' * >"rrnoon at his training ie bossd five brisk round. 1024 £. River | || f t F. ' v? d.fferen; sparring trn part- £D 2-6647 Wwkk'RBsaoi m r\—'-n miEii* m |A,I.I KUMI., g » RMtk *(A»|«r of a LUCKY STRIKE vu 1 ; itffi 1 defends his title —— Kesl; I #i* Ii a Sweden § lnpsinsr Jo- *a ^sw Y'ork June 24. "WOMAN OWMM10- •kkK fndml tf — .i/.... flj—-j. —. l/L— y~-* —*» •