't The Weather port* Highlight >l l „v _ »."> 1. lark Hurls Win, Trilw SkiddinK Srr No. *1«J I'aitf ."i • Michigan StateNews EAST LANSING. Srninj! MSU For SO Years MICHIGAN—TCESPAY. .11 NE J. 1H59 l,ow Monday High Today Fair and Pleasant PRICE 5 CENTS 50 tfS Hole Saboteurs' I'atl'l (live ll At. ut J /<> C romyko's Charge Three Counters U. P. Mine Blast Touches Off f Harboring Spies VKYA rrl.i liu-oiiK- .Tax INilirs «Jovt»iTii»r Williams sat down with six upper iVtminsula y \ Wild bu/v "* lisr*. plu* rourl verdict award at the pmituto a legislators Motulav fiijrht in a eoiu'iM'ted effort to set up a —Hsit at I.ik Angeles. I alii., lid- W ASHINGTON .4".-Th* Su. • . r. it'i '-1 See tela i. \ • }■ I' ■ !' miningr code for the state following- the early morning mine sjss "let 'em gi*c it to a ho*pi- around • . suirloi Fx :■ .■ .• Ot *iv . V tal or to thr Red C ro%*. I keep j. .w Court Monday agrwd to lilast at iron Rivet* which claimed the lives of four persons ... . f the Big Kent it-view a deci.*nm that beneiit# while injuring li» others. The t'nited ^tate*. Britain and trsing to tell thrm thai, hut the internal resenue people won't i .Hit by unions t • striking work* A searing flash of fire whip¬ *p&rkvd Strauss Hit , , .in was l'ran»-f an*wrrrd the >»\iet \r- let me give it aw a*." . •- a » i-xt nut from federal in* ped like ii "belch of he!!" • ne u-ua. % «iu' - ruMtion* with charge* «f their : Times, whie't own. In iloiiii; »o, the informant* »o-T'.y taxes through the Sonvood Iron Mine in the I'pper IVnninsuia shortly math new- story •aid. the Ur*tern power* *ouchl Trie decision by the t* S Cir* •Route 76" ' is For , ■ ■ .0' .'s:>- Prime "s <«-rotary irt '■ Minister to pu! an- to make one ke* point clear \\, • w.ut;. v . in • •• g Court in v'h.vay » was .•(»* i'en'.en to the high tribunal by ivertmient Trying a'ter 9 lie.ep We've in a.m. the been following nunc. a cave living »o j»#f ■ in Blueprints Deception' ti.. appeai »aal mar.y thou — ifoo mine safety Jaw to- at le.i*' . r otom* expevh i ;s «»f tax'»avers receive mil* o' i.i-: three legislative se*- ■••ie " Williiinw .said ; ,.m- of hohai x m .tnUe bene* possible machitia- A-kCii why i' wa.« the legisla- It satil thp Cir- Shaping l p Wf the : t* each ytai ! . motitn And meaning* be- id Court decision, aunouiiceil l M • mi failed, the Governor sair: . the mam talking point of I h - iy5fi. ran «• vmter t.i mil* the ' I'he Republicans have resist¬ hundred* «f diplomat* and lb : ei V o' the interna! Kevenue Ser* B5 JUVIC KtlltB . ed it tooth and nail. The* have f'.'e- S tinea attending this confer- meeting \uc ' .a . such benefit* consti¬ uino'ion a* t- llu- n up RI.VS f,.i.i i.luenrint4 '■ i "B ie*t*ted ail industrial safety le¬ • tute taxable income. I i> the ;$»5y W.i t- t'.itr. - gislation. hut thev went with us •iea!ioti v. .is made i" •j •. me r ne . Ltoyd 1 he minister*, now lit the \.t . were mused to the Be l»-\V\o. «tl .1 fourth week of their talk*, met a* midnight Mutnia" intended *■ n p.jCdC behalf of i>aar i.ve* that strike benefit* are S.vul'i i.ec, fote V ueci if the mining compan- Br";*. i/ed member* of }»u nts bemg deducted fur living roiisulltiu economist, attornev. and former depots diu-ctor of the Dtrksen •* I'Iuums t«»ld of a l».g house, collapsed »,u«-btoi-. tie minwUrt* narrow- unit* continuing to work after In urging the Supreme louiI f-?«" witn Br:\»n dc «ga'-.on swiftlv to (I'Mrr of War Molnliiatoin wa* %p»n*a»re4 h< M*1 s |^t—»r and In¬ »e -i M expnet » rnai The room, which had e.t tbeir negotiation* down t<> to review and overturn tp* Cn • m. a- ,neti lie n i ».*; n change of British the designated tun«. • con«;deration ot the Ber? n crl- dustrial Relation* I rtiler. PrcMiiefi* l.i.xelihov el 1o With* becti mioeit out several year The extravaganza wi.I «.ut Court decision, the JUatu-e * . ortemplatrd, tnat n > and the tTlated pr-utiects for maw btikua*' huininaUon. ago. *< ax walled off after nun#" • » e\.«-< of Lloyd leaving -. run ttir»*e nights, Thtirsd.i.', Fri¬ Def>«rtment *aui ' the is-ue m a eiieotinfereil highly inflummaid* a cummt1 enfereno ' <*• 'rip foreign office br- day am! Saturday including the coatmuing and growing • gf. Ma* Ylorse til-Orel, « ■ ef genera! election in The \Ve>f« rnefv r.dsfisi t'-a- n.gh'lv parade of float4, water fectuig a very inr*;«- n.imliei of Ifelive did l r:i«lilioii sen ne threatening • filibuster to pre¬ sulphurous state. a--. Bern i «etf.e»*ient mud pro- taxpayers, who ai« g»-nera!.> it The slia tiering fork sent : »• no *"n1 ha* reach- #p.»rt* an! sidelight* and inter* vent xtrauss' confirmation, tug • fee- fneir ••• war-won right* • he lowest tax bra *. i .- i-oi clouds of noxious fumes and T. of Liovd < in; - n i-'-mn i-ntcrtainmen' tested last week that Lisenhow Seniors Don Gowns . « - lo n> -t.rif.ii. * .o"p* if. the d.vid- til afford the costs of '.ga'i (■" dust spewing Into the -c transfer to another cab- Thirty-live rtoata. including 7# . er withdraw (he nomination. passatr ei city. a%err any *nrea' f a navs at the I.MM) foot level. The ?o»t. living unit* working jointly, are mi'it*" showdown an 1 jvi'tw fumes raught fire from the f-.it e the re-, ie- " slated to participate in the prac¬ U olrerine IhUrihiilimi laneous bust ion %p##n .»«d himself w*s understood i tice Ihursdas at 2 p m. i om trapping .In For 49tli iSwingout run B»ti»*rfad the London Time* We4' He '.n 4 JM.fil miners. B< ne ar.d Securities -twnrn;'* The distribution schedule I set \ 4 •rt with a« much aatonish- for the 193* Wolveilnr ha- \t s secret meeting 'saiurdav Ice f i ' R iute I' S 7f5 ' i« re* i The mine io.*t ruN'h of f,..n r»i and re*entment a* the W- e el * of t umlt-r i t«ld t«rom»ko the Med sponsible for pi te-.-'-irig ii! Wat¬ been advanced one da» fo» Hi V»". i* »*• into llerter ax tppt b> the Inland mrmberw of the Brtttoh off-campus living unit* • - apir'ititm* S'e#-I insisted on these three- principle* er ( armvai prt»j*nv and mcli* B» Kll IRK KM IN* I o in anv new Berlin settlement \i iuH float* from damage T!u* Off-ram pus students ami' «. rtiiu.it r vv F d an ! hi# fellow-Brit* J|l w:l! 1» working ti «- »t>- go said the Shet wood -a* I The Ame Har.'. British a 1 sororities who do not live <« ill-' >w itir aroBt;-! the campus a* : U» a* thev t» »- U-K ~*.e asi.mL«ned. American, j.. ctiun with the department of Tn '•o'•• a ;i 'ork" nunc win. n Trench have the *•«{" " t" • their houses mav pick up then M'fve the IP- enr-Moi Seto r - tradition id gone 30S working day# with* S. v.et and German of- p iloir safets B«r!in. despite . . '.tin tr<*»p« i". No ':•!!. w.i 1 \** a'Uwved Wolverine* in the old Ml N i' «m a • nient. Thr last fa»..| i . veet en stunned by wha* »l »« n tieloii- a Khrushchev'4 it«-R\and «*f N - a.-oss Farm l-une bridge or office. ?♦ Ntudent service* !•» I'M 11 unerring graduates x* all i . let'' n' Pie uiTtie took pi n » had t.» aav. at thr* IH'tfi !•' hh- A'■ vg-mber that these units be with¬ i:iui. the ai"a of Farm U«ne ginning al I p.m. toda>. at t»W* hail llooie |,r«- IM4B when » .i t m th« East-West • !»' I «l I T;ta' ipbim. -a. i one man was kill* drawn from the Aud to Shaw I-ane * * * o-DM-r* at the Home lr aua'cm*. f. The West.' p powers has e a II' . he .At 'in r?> t iilirriiii- A|.|>li.'.i 11 • ■ < i- iijlit itC 4 >m- cave n thortlv •» T.ght to unir.»j>eiif*t <.»f tya performani-ejs untii the event .* Vhv i-.ro*: or** an«f FuHlic oerro-e* sen¬ ' " J* * ' Minute- late: a -iuccs from hi* minister- in- *u< eiMii- n'v rail and a.r route* between West A fence wt'S i»e ere ;rrf Al! ior* at M»#rill h*ll I •miuoni- •mpaov ii seoe doiinrr ga e- -.«.ave*." the report ovi.-r application# for c. • xchanguig uuc- v<|iia and Ber-.r. a.ru.v- the bridge wit or . a and i»u*ineaa position rati*.n* Art senior* at the h- mask* ind went down the "In tie foreign secretary * *!!ieri ria- We*' w-ii! r.«>* re»---g- , 3. The '.ane »»^>eti for emergency Jeurnafism building. vi>n : i imi derei dust and smoke to recover the ern trt»»ps must e«ti*er get out h* the police force, iir» oudetls will meet at tiilt- area campus in the office de»d and in hired carrying of the burden." of West Berlin • >' S viet ner hall hu ! in vrr They also the police and securities com¬ • I.- f.yth «| helped lead to safety several *r«x>p* into tiiat Wesiern out¬ mittee. I'crshing Rifles and stu¬ miners who post. The S-ivw-f Uli o wo-.it V:v-s' \J ((,!'«• .4 "I were temporarily els" Wives refuse to cotvsidw a:i> 4 oi dent guides. Float-, can not iwr moves! from * * A blinded liv dust and fumes. !! U Edwards, iv '.srieu to appL *■- Vo • .e p>.yitioft the ace a« .gllvd mine #up#* Cnliorl Ki-ji'i'ts irfKirrjt. the hnquet Set Berlin. o -a,(I • men we.o •taring coi.structluB ' without a n>' two hoii'-. after thr ravr-ih heav ps-rvai'.v of deducted Keith Nieemai: i-iding to H-.< Ltv*u* Job 4 Ipporlimilv wa- uiie «if tp,* BULLETIN 1# Veteran*' Wives will hok! . ..ntrc a.. f ' fm'n-Tx or-right to the - * f-'-irth annual banquet • ■•!. cm: r .ts>e chairman ASHING I t>N !i--' Kan' blackened to du»t #cre*U» at T pan. There will be an cmeigency at the ..id fit or xh*> U aii-.r on aim g'iioe. lie said tie had leap¬ rter H tel MANAGI A. Vk.lM.. — < ar with Ore*, aid equipment ed into ..sue m 'lie !*•*•■' S'ruus* run- a lusftagrw ay. liar low I v Ar- wllhin tb« imi )• hkkr. Water Carnival ticket* arc- on from a Europe-bound., litu-r■, told fiery gas The veteran miner * - rr-eive their PhT de- A ullkul guard cu.iki.ni... sale m t e Union. Berhey Hall en J •:* I r J», p i'I S\t a>i#% he feel* hi* u*eful«e*s * said he pulled his mat aver his Mid Ilk Rrtl l.c..." fare, nl and on S>uth Campus '7* 'Pitting hubby through). fm. ar.n'.natwwd at to sutoi a »tu«ty "Sv oeihg ini- head. "This prubably saved mv he women include M llllA~it -aadar la L-> Maik- life." be Mid thr pa.rcd and herice pieasr with¬ i Aaderaoo, Valerie tea ton. jam aad m»"4 lata lb. «»««• Junittr C.innn il ■ »»*? i-'--; >;» - prexktor.!. draw o.v ttanie fr<»ni consider a- Powerful fume* soared ou*. of it- « Jorgenson. Yvonne Ilia. abar. tbay artr allarbrd Da »vi M :*tfx <*r f.a v • ng. tor mine through tiie shaft. One tion Erpf'g message w«# made —'"* Ruth lePerrlerr Dunne by gavanuaaal yl»« aad D.. V r..afT. <»* pn.r.'e !♦**« pe worker #ai«l he ttontgut ^ fee. Bo bra MulUner. gyaaad Uaa*. Hem Iters f hasen .fvs f : -til. k vire v. ietiv Dave public by thr Department he sat going to suffucatc be¬ **' ' • Van Pattan and Ber- -1Tbay i ut d..uag la dkar- Bi ! Fr'g'i "' M«> J"* fore iw? reached the surface with hummer.*. «.r ' lb. r—aiaai.aa uld Ten. fophortore* have ta-en . Nuuuui-Wtalr tar elected bv the iunior claas ofTu- FL%aj«n 1 ho-ag" II! secre- a load of injured on the elevator. A ....ad way* at abaal 15 la- «rs to crunpoae next year'^ Jun¬ • - H..-e ( »!" ;wi" Aahesi.ie, Hrenhs Down on Duly The scaring flame# knocked radar* liadad abaal 1 •-» *•» hploma Distribution ior Council. Member# were chos* S ' •&.» laar. Jierlat Itodt* out pumps and light*, making day aaar Malaaalb*. rir.ld.al or*4 trrw-'oier. l,*'.a Daft, ( OrtNltAGKN. DaCMii.rk >4T rescue operation* difficult. en frotn over 80 petition- h'inge Announced Laia laatai .aid la a latabhaa. New Junior Council member# M ci- r._ aiai R" w She*'*. T -ied#*. —A Russian-made Zi* from the A company *po«*«n.an d«* laUrrkn. aad war* .akbly OfeK- government'# , car pool broke rlthed to say when the mine •Xf-Tu will not be reedy Include: J-Hop, Arnie RoberL. down twice recently on It# a«- would re«n»en No aamagr tali* ■ - hum, East Lamm* and Tk>r|Mrtiii IVlilM-lilllg wa* te Ho. Detroit; Stale. Sew*. An¬ *_•' ' "led in the Sleto News. slav Vice l*reildent Edward Kar- r nette Krauae. Groaae Pointe; c.Rdidtte decree. I lo*« I hur-da* del), on a tour of the Danish •-» '.i *"e asked to call tor Tba ailliayl gaard laid »a- Laftiing; block S. Jim Kugcn- catK«s* will Uiea meet to inter- at Eiainore an hour late for § *"' Irak altarbad Iba wrawd la-ad- dail. Burlington, Ind ; membefa- ess. ta mm Cataa C«- ] *P- enaa at the Senior Of* a*.-large. Pat Day, Saginaw; Jim i f* appaicanu and go over luncheon given in his honor by Ail other diplomas lag graa* la tba adataaaa aad " a* rrtnk. Rochester. BUI Mitchell. propcate^i plana tor Mil furi Foreign Mintstar Jens OMR "nailed to the students' ■ a-iurwa. Brooklyn, K-Y. i« odpcaltoa m pn« inj r a***-«♦. Michigan State News Michigan State News Read Oath hv Msl"* TVOilO MuHeut* and facility ait Student Service* East Lar.-ing, Michigan The .•! v.,'- \r ■ • s < H, t) . »j on ila*« iia>« Mnndav ihrougn Friday inclusive during V )... • i., . • - ... • fail wit h*' and spring terms, weekly durlngi summer term* and j ^tjeiiui D evil mart '.sue between summer and 'fall terms. Filtered a* set mid "a— matter under the act of March 3. 1870 at the post oiflce >4 t I 4'D.' U- Mich Mail «ub*i f.pUoni payable in artejnee for or.e term 13: for two I I .' I. d D- fc.j 'hire term* S> Member of tlie Inland Daily Press. Associated Press end the Vol.-si, No. n Tuesday. .Itint I iir.ii I'a ye Two 'HSkp rife »gt'««r .'ed t'o'Ieg.ate «•.>- i»ere Robb Mght sports E'«tiior« Sureiie Ao'l » tf it Page editor (harles Kam»ev, l.arr* Stiller. Hm H'. Itard* Hnrns gpori* »dhof f» Peter Walters Offire stanagrr* Helen iel\ Idilor »ur Pf li e MarCrecor. Slaryin Srntt University Provides Mi- lit Fditor* Ii41* tranr. Sandv legate Kit F rtrkson. l.d Hark Room Retail Manager Manager S'orm Win** Wayne PairiiW 1 groit. Velda Trout t*«'l Retail Stanager Hob kppel got Mrht Editor* Phil t la*«tied Manager Slary sue Hallba'h. Jane Warkerbarlh. Srhrtber Sandra fiollaban. snnette Rra- .%«»'( t'laaatfied Manager Joan Intellectual Benefits ii»e. trannine larkln* Wire Edimrs Wan* loan Sllltar. Marc Eos rineck. Sharon toad*. I tnda tofndge, Sfeyer National Manager Stindrv %dvrrtl«ing J ltd * Thurow Walt Squlra Stanager iftHTORS S(ITt U'hcn preparing irgue*!* In 4 ilonn fjrullv Incra.ers SI Fredette. Jm Wall- Phnie Editor t arry liiivtin member* for an article on education, the Mat- Nr«» suxte«le'I four tnt'on Hill Kieltnan T qur*tiony »s a guide to the author* w hie'h .ipp~.ir in t!ie fallow ing plree b* llr. Ituwl \»e Dr. N've. head of the division of lunging* Michigan State New* and literature, will retire from the lait.r iy>in September. (•'ampul (.'laft*ifieda . . . Low Coat \n arrompli«hed author. .\»e won the I'ulit/er and f.nejif peirr* for biography In I!*!."» for hi* hook, "fjeorge H.itirrint- Itrihuiin Itehel '' III* article i* the third In a eerie* What i« >our An education is |>nni;tr: concept of a f ru«» education' 1*T- t hi! f ». • - •!«!• Nou Phot® lr Mar ray 1 CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS reived. defined. ami indued in u-r: ED 2-ir.11 .. " aon is to enable an iri<..\ I ?n . RO* DrffOI K. I \*T I.ANsiVfi JtMOR (ha«i the lap® »f EXT. 2615 tionships Hint (control of th»*t»i» hoi hi- tV'li.u town worn liv cjiuImIjIc* for tha Honor'a Dagraa. Tha variou* (iotor. Payentrv that he niav know »> fh;i k and . KMucation i-. in ••lie.!. i..iin;ny <1 n( ' II CLASSIFIED RATES the hroHile-t and tlre|ie-t »ei:-e tn one's self, one's *onet\. and f world U. row I flit f !«»' W . ('oni nwnvemen t Robes minimum IS wprdi HOUSING HOUSING REAL ESTAT: 1 da,t ISc FOR RENT FOR RENT BV CUVVFR F I §on, when he was president • I'nt "''•mil. |»f r it in! 'ii'i-e bedriH.i:.* I lore Many Traditions : 2 d«yg $1.45 • nl tf.irage a, fuirably by writinv "Tie ImT - i nt}.« ROOMS 3 tl *5 fumiahed I'-VOLT. ip.rer t OMHt.FTFJ V . if 're *< : ' SlAk1 dOH .1 • '.AK*. philoiuiphy■. Vou shall mo*t i '••..!: • : 4 d«y« $2.25 c'*Tm9^ vard Avallahii June JKiui* >!'IU E« t 4 Ace t'h KD aral t i «■ j>H'nso.jih for two montha lli'a inolWii, ■uciMcj. university by the philnvoph c teai hi ' i ummencement fxerci..* nt , -. MSI' involvt many intfr»«t- 5 da/t ... S2.S0 ' tr"s Utilities rx ent rotor,|> On n-. of conduct is what e\. i\ wi-e man •diould Wl li lu derive iny tru.liti.ni.H anil t'Ktubli«ireii No ' drinking This still holds trm pair«kirg Pbor,® IV ♦», SERVICE try and color of commencement lie* th* tradition that wa« fee •«ck svprd wvdr IS i ft .FA N Secondarily, an education a No a tunc»i'»n t|, -ociety e*lahli»hed in I8!»l by a yronp of early Amarican educator.. Fl'R.VTAIIFD TMRFt ROOM !*CA< SRtC * 4c pet day' ! Attractive aurntundt".g* '«¥•'.-3 TH- : In which it exist*, it i- the mean- b'. which th.- caunoiuif \ Thi< yroup met at Columbia Cniveraity and drafted a cod* »h'e fur married couple #53 nr. maintains and transmits i* ph\-ir.d and intehecto.il char, of retrulationa Kuverninir commencement - parmenta. AUTOMOTIVE .IF.R TFRV AIR DELICIOUS 5» acter. and by which i1 ctianc *. deri\ine *ole\ truin tj !)♦••;ic* f the gowns rcprc- - ' t- SIMMER HOI'AIM. APPROVED ' pe it •• r - .rn t ■ i hlo< k frr»iti lanipu. ■ - l"«.*5 FORD t ONVFRTIHf.F creation of educated in«li\idu.c* w n lied I' .Bi'V E'D Z-X.. ' ■ "g different devices ami Oxford M A Open k '(hen I.D 3-BAKk S»UDNv* wac the sign of hi* re.lerp londltior Red n:', ti* Because Un. Ii\e> in a nniver-e built id cert.cn kind- • atmg various facui- independence Square rapa aueh :• Rg ll fordoma'" Trade em vu>v ■>' •• • idered phone FD T-ti3.lT a j TWO BE OHIIOV FT R.N 1 SHE D ■ r *: I Since ttmt time ' I ' i i (jtistii those ■ Jul- materia'.*, the educatid p« c-<>n in -t -turn the {»h>-ica! as worn today were prob- i De. ( i*e e - .' ■ - ! of lent thui'.tg * ; i,) : > * PIN- * AN • liet it adopted by ablv derived from the ihapt of 1451 FORD VICTORI A t .ril.mr at i . tcieiices. Because tin- " i d populated u i • h 1 \my thing-.. . ' i . i amuw » *> a Fl>" 3-<2 v .< toilent's and univei- jiciiolars' botiks ' i 'e*. like he*. #1*0 $'n\ii IJI*eett # am RIM" v f whom he is. one, he mm' sttnb. '*•, oei;." • i -ciences. ED 3-3131 ( A i ii.id Jlo lives within a complex and }«."! I iu'ecrat'-d -ryertibie V-#. power Iteeri.j vhich he must understand, n id *.• » per a needs, and society when nios". wthoot i ickir.g fw i III.HU DOIHTK Hot- > AN HtlMJF IP » ferent departments ef lewrutug fltg-.' -.e » 'op *po'!e*» W- l itL.fi Pt».,n« Fu i-e.u.g to which he mud evndu.ih. -nine mama r wt ie study,: g ' . df .. .. Jr. tn adapt White fw the depertmeat ef arts s-s-V . it*. < i ) :-■;*#> t H • •> Drdei-s, Dions* «»r hence the sfud\ of the ».- -co i >. is adapted from the white fur 1 'h* 1 OLDS eg $ed*r E*.e lee.' . FOU RENT ARagTMENTs • oanp buc'i 'i,.'- i"iu«, good »tre» Hatgaut pti># Men think and cimouuii. ;. « . 11 • . ■ •, • , must i.-ani ' 1 'i i ru •• -n ' siik'.'i a edging of the Oxferd hands: red. , trade Phone ED 3-A4JJ ,• > *> WANTED OR SD' A TF tile- < how to- etnplos iaiic oace. c. . . and mathen.a'. Since A .eie • •• out *- a > traditional rotor of the ehurch. j !>' i. a eai ode: i 411r4.» SA* JAGt'AR XK I*)-*: »d ct-.i at ' t'f. for theology; green, the eelor of ore he-.--.. >> »,>«;• men bv tin ir li.it me a «• -:epeii. , d '• cn .de .. . .«• ve '"•1 lop. Ne- Mu hue • X | Oke- no* 4®4v '■ ii»I find I'.et■•..! i.u- herbs, for medlrlne; golden yet- »t»hO firm. ID 3-lk«S e'er # t er*'!* F.x- Jif,f the beaiititu!. ttm- n » t km * iiicratm line low for erienre. kn*1 D.'l nvu HDD \ Pp v ,tK t\%\ tnrr.F bi.s* k r .n i hd mil* sr. And ,i e. i b ih.Oo So ' > '|o to • y . e.lent inrduwn Had n H»jt* APARTSfFN'T FOR bt'M.MF.H Tie manner of woiki.ig in t e N«dr.- i ;..«# ■ . .n.put Hi understand the -if'. e.xi-terce and I lie Intercollegiate group t ho*e Ne * tirse. I'none Wiiiiamato- U. .... miiii • ' e .i -inyul.tr *• Pnone I I) T-act* tlue- type* of guwiiit. Ihe bach- licfcirri* (te'.ernunrs the iOi«»i of life of lus own in reletence there." • u*i bwve phil- tcivti <»n the ho...t elor's goun. made of tdark Kor rui - JAGUAR. XK i» »dS\-*I.N«; FOt'H "* osopliv and religion, lu tlm «• thin * I etiut ;it i"U. worsted material and haslna pic. a Matter of Snenre in En - tnp oar»f,e.:' " a»«On* Br 4 cem ■ Jaguar engc « El»- »ie« pj.,. What is wrnnu: witfi education !odn\ ' long iMiiulcd tleeves. the mas¬ g.r.cciuid would be iupreeemrd 1 aM3 #A* A ... r.wi x ed #f>3 one bin* I Nothmy more or l« * than what. I.« ters bow u of either Idark ailk i .• golden yvl'.nu Di.etiDi tn « . . that it tines not read ' ■ i ■ .. or Html with long closed sleeve* p we f the orange of Engineer- EMPLOYMENT E I .AN AIMS I U>M. The W'NGEO and the arc of a circle near the '; A Bavhe'or of Engineermg ably. At istotle ' w r.de -. <■ o. m , \ : ANNONF IN ( It ERRS I I" »f*i ,\u »tu«l*i u #K* FD 3,4. OP $ At' toil...in In the luster's gown vt.iij ■ f tiange .f Eigmeei- • mereated in Bah* a»t?n g. I»n«ee tCl > ayice on tbo t hoc, ' r d th 11in* tltp thin. iili a slit thus * T-;c im • g f r ' r- a-etJt afer • .. A PA HTMEN' Rooms FOR , hot b W d li re-|t. t ' o : iii|.|'i ' ci*'tic Ihe appearanre of ilmrt u.aics the uiu\er»t\, be ho**! MALE CAMP 1 <)» N *8.1.1 1 kt t»dr M'» -rj, pr-.i •* V.j! ^ c-anatcs . slee\ Ihe »leg;r<« and t)o"a i.'e. ' and we ha\. i < . 1 . . ■ < • . i es ' -e open P-og't « * . *'• S' ED : and eraP* J .ne IT-Augi.*' .:i t.r.g cry the iun>.1 l e area ^ EXPERT TFRV *Uice. Speed u a > , It ho •»■■«■ * '' «• fc-iJOI. Mr. Peru tv„, i ... «iegr«-e .* .i* 11, ei\« and h.c . «, a. ; . -a' ■ . a Ms" • tl 3t HOl'R stCRT b* e r 1 Cei-ii tea-1 e. w ( 1'« dee »^ » 1 «• U) p . *n he eap-.ert u -• g * What tali be done In h\ P.e*MI.' i*!ei p.<»)!•-: . i .• r 4>n > : | ;>oarr|. an 1 fa. *4 - tn eri * * " he * x .■ .., a*"1 Wed . :ut e>D t v.. 1 ■4 i.a u i e - «»egree'. nc:•■.«< -g rvm • MIMIE ROQS and >. i t r .» t • 't A' « a. r\t' j Org « e« F.Xti V' lVt SE. RF A H \ Ei>R E LOST an() FOUND !.* thick 14i *lnt Pro'ei'an' . h »r« :'g t • M1! 4-3 If Mill t I Mi 1(1 M| (low ft v. i:l| i *l if t cii m u . ' ' , * i»»*•« RE. • Vara ••> ««*»«■!• f V A»? D TRANSPORTATC* Ag: .. \..e - s . •a-.ee Avo*' •* •».*»> :#r Ulen what aibnc wnuhi Fl» . m»»i '■ P. .-.n'. • . ' .4 M-'. tie . . . p . • Edge mwt I'eop!'-* *♦»'(' f Mti.l'WH 1 I s »M. •*. ; ar-n .r, - *g» *' pltii me '!> A. -. 4. P T frtln, 4 W,TC-r .rr,^,- LOST and FOUND g! ' Id K;>.-.■..•*) FOR SALE et'.» 11!#4' ■ le lti« tt. .Make * . . 4 *a 04-(l Pa ''•d \ C.i : . 4 K'tar.r no -ecfiitl c ..Id . I. AN*iv;. that know 'ANTED HDD . I,-. i . , , ; , goals, or ' ;•«? * .•:! k! . V • of 4: ' . r, :e. 0 v 1, •> y| AT Ut.MTS 1 t OTHF* Rl/F * ' -AJ3 Re P at pen *"rt E* *•!* ' FT) •S* ibell t he • 1 ' • K" i • r • It p 1, t s# •!')* Aietlabie Ju'a B' F.D tl-.g |ie\I 11• ur' t » *t .i' i- . b ut - 44 N 1(. >\ EH F..' 'ERSONA1 n »-■ r \* 're gtrtduaU-j n-.a--, 1 ,h v. n - » » C.RADCATtON ANNOCN.. EVENT* a'e Pork,' * IS' > •*•■,* •' •* *' JM* "• 'hex H pe WITH »*«• name, double enyet . e« 11*• ne* two • oar 'in tie " e » A* AI, ABU# :\ N1 J< • cat -C4 ' ■ undorn » :« . Hi... Pnntir g *e vice. t«5 t Mn r k #'* tie *',.)*•■" »i»s *c.d gti\* n- i»tt h ^ Ate IV »-a*54 tf-4# »!*»«?apatt.-'-e.-t f. • • *r.e m Ut K ».y* RIDERS • 1 14.4* -•* !be* #e:\e '-o rro- ". I kr ' >« n,j t;-.,-,# I t .4.4 ID lift OR A TtO CAKES DVUVKREft •f The co:,'inuitj 4' tf C.gn.'r of f*» nertt®a birthd#** Stan* o"*#. r»#.: t xi t .» ■ it*hn®M4 pe**r:#4 R4j»»r»-ab'e e- **« ;• i * The en! te rot:: e , e k«aet WaVe-v IV 4 #:•* y' Vot*r' • v WANTED ' • •*' « 1 AH- a« niea- ■ gu.' tf l! 4* n d-'y? " 4s ' ■ a c.i. HATUSING lab-* ' A HE NTS CTYMIN 4 . t*f#3 * It# k o ■ ' I . 4 .- > !<( ***■ rti be. kg' 4. i .. .. . 1 *• • v : "T rs DC - a-, j ' t:»NER\ MU fv* , 1 »:e i »p<> • .- e>. :T*«e g • e;**! ♦-|*e -r*e *j "•» -*'.•-« w.iv»ij .»-«.» Tui»t hrTi «,-*r -ire-f . * h»*W-' VkUfF-'Cf C«- Ml Ahfcoii BIDING -HABIT D h . Women « t; * « •f 5Atl* Plane AKTMON* HAU it Hi* T* 4-re ' I tlKIXRV « M U * aE*er « t KtVEBSITV HOl'KF HMiH «« WEDDING r»R*N« TTFRf D er •he nt»t. cigM?) wwr « large * umI«,»-, \n xi • 3d p m Fores by v *<•,• Or cthiea xw.lila'i««, gwwt . * . fa*4hN ••im chapel him * # « * a* no tra- - 1 1 m J W \C: ShT R,. l«*!tW»t Mkrdltlen FD !■*» 43 '•* now# free earn ,<.« ai » j H t tn \i 11 teAHf •. ws,i®er ;ate- Crttver-tc fcetdtuten!* *«•. veil aft®. aaowrveW <»..«;* r Otxa. ti WASMAMI lAT(g PAST ■ er 'er » i.a * I 4 IP ... *1 • 11\ 111» > . 3U p r W . .t er, v 1 . .-*"#• t *«« W#»«' -4 T ie » m :* s- mat E evi,*«a wt wfl AUOiflOMl r » Ct.se*. . APPHOVfy ElOCSIKC (UUk nt im \M» HKIIil I t Lilf rOW TII MUM I CLV qve'-o—1! '«#- «a-a-» IVG :a*tUf)#- 104m Fen Art DDI. ? 3d thri*t.gT: ypTKia Uerr.i lam WWlWW "tUGiSOAY AND lHUtSOAF . .I p m. Afithonv Halt, ae^ene,"l4tS *4 •: re'ev T*v« m n,ita» |« It#. **' ED- I KKt I ' I \ I 1|| Rt || Shaker: Mrs Ana* *. , JOHH men HAtOWAK S-glnl «3 Albert A* \t»l XlltlVk inamtff THIS W£E< ANO NIKT 4># *:ve» A«,-e** ffwn 0* »n KPAEKVE rOR EAl.l rooc# Or ;t \ « -"**r Grand ft\ «r »»••• vr»nv 1 titt umx XPOXTaWMM THE LATEA'T 410 T-cin* a Per t pm & ai» :#a la p er. * a«4 gvJ. -i# • OCM 121 MUSIC luikD HG tl 1 tt A7»/i/ Staff »"d niNrr »i fvvit* •»a itia. «p.np 4 'pare! Quedtv at Iwnfget et «uh- a* APPSLOVKD ROOM a IN radcuyed «-%.,}«. • ■■■■! t ..cgc Hal;, it »=: •••»».** .«.ri V . whfc *aife oc tiue \i«hi ra*■# TV ParAN-a * *;W* ED 7-1 tfc» *i" "Me Iwlrrate io*» mum n.x .* uff!vVi> ra **•*» mil# e#«t of E Lanethg L' ft te *.l twwioimity auu as% \l»l M. Rl rt HI It XNjs tolHant 4»e«n.s r.Alt TERM Urgto BCKYNTA #po.rt;ietf N»e W Irs reus* ENGLISH BIKE. »vX)K >» >1 ant* or men rv-uh'e* $t V. a.ngle* $M # •'<> , <, M L-nron. Niaat atari M»rv »•« ae.erel ai renew \m On;* tm l\ • Noar'an Ha l. Jl# U.a CD g-STt - Vour Key to Better Values . . - -- P tl Xielwae I LR4 eg*ee Ija Campus Cl&sMlivdi 4 * • Com* Cuefc jnClIIGAN fTATE NEWS * Jane ?. Pagelbreo Louisiana Gov. Under Iraq Nixes Crossword Puzzle QBE] BHD 00003 Military a □aaaaaa asosa □a oaoa annaa Psychiatric Observation ACROSS !6. Rainy □an aaac ana acinu □□□□ aaa Assistance I Quirk 4 thrust Sparo.d 27 Hyrax 73 ! Carpenter's tool □aa nana na □aaena aaaoaa ft*h 21 TrianguiAT oa naaa ana Doctors Seek BAGHDAD. American E-: oassy Iraq >a.u M - • T- • « Explosive devices ,r. •«: □an aaaa anaa Iraq has ri • c-:i A • > . i: Salata'.w 32 Coffee aaa aana ana 11 S >'.ce ;-lang oaaaa aans aa Cooperation m.llfarv a i or ":•» i'. conflicts w."'i i.e.* ■•o..r.r:v ■ t.\e r-.ei.tra..tv • • - 14 S* • 15 b CK.f "i Narrates aaaara aaasnaa aaaaa nan aaa GALVESTON. Ton •*'> — A . - pan - g -i.shei medical spokesman Monday said The Iraq E'>r« g • M. .. 16 M.nJ 37. Egg c.-.t SoLtion ef Yfgterday't boggle Scrr a not • to •* e-. ja* ■' - , 17 T 'n*;p ra>4 33 L'e con¬ physicians seek to determine 13 Weave ro^e firmed tird.iv tern • a' : .. '.ne • • I En:!o$.ag "what specific psychiatric prob¬ 20 J.foon repcr: e .,gf.» : • Of ' 1 Part cf me Car«l lem. if any'* is troubling Louisi¬ p xidej? 3.1 Fievncf 9 Monanv* ana Gov. Ear! Long. supplement ' • •".»- n t-.ta-. - 2; Kama.:* cave.; mouth medan grrc.n"r.T j r. and roo 4 S~.ee;) 2 CupL.tr In obviously guarded state¬ . prince 11 Wr-ifor 47 Front t 3 Advantage ments. Dr. John Truslow said, IT Fcat-er wsrd 44 Gael.? 4 Jostle ••every attempt is bein* made to 11. Reode- 24 Youth 45 Dresi 5 s toidtol mfioxibie v achieve his cooperation with fcelovel tt; figure phas.,'0 ; ' 19 Hignrad- continuing »tud:e«" The state¬ Ga.n'.e i « Put into way* couol p.tv ' a* ment indica'td without speviiic- • 25 Locp »a articn 21. Jacfeot We 7 Matecial a''\ saving so that the governor tatt.nj 22- Sh.p Lhl'.N Damp acS .« resisting c»rc chills' We know 'he eye* of the S Cima cou itrv are on u*. so w»> are fnuli ». Kindnf making everv human effort to agar arrive a* a diagnosis a< s-on as In \V.t«hin(ton |he state ile- r ApfKAM- po>«:h!e." Di Tru-iou said parlmenl said the Iraq govrrii- owet • Thi< isn't ,iu-" an ordinary ment ha* cameled not onl* the fl.MMlM case—w» ail know that." ne 1954 militar* aid agreement hut 29. Moon I RIJGI1INO ?• TON'S. 3«-foot-hith bow of nuclear-powered added. * ' also a July 23. 19*»7 agreement lOTotaMop L4,4 ni«ilr rntecr I'.S.S. l ong Brarh i« hoisted into place for providing \nieriean assistance LylW w the powerful iMp under eonstruction in Quincy. Mj«4 . The governor flew here Sat¬ I ohelp establish a rommunica- ,rd Navy* first atomic surface ship ::i feet lone, will be urday from l.oMi»iaaa'* capital nuied July M- or Raton Rouge and wa* placed Hons network in the couuin. «*rrST' In the hospital'* p»*rhiatrtc elin* HALE KOCH. Brookfield. Wi*.. Jr. receive* the fir*t William ie under rare of Dr. Ti»u* liar- Tillman Irophv at the annual award* das parade for Arms and Air IKfrr .'fWeck Session* ri*. internationally known phy- lorre KOTC unit*. The award goes to the outstanding air cadet ' Haghi.,,! I'.. «hiathoi. making the best speech on air pnwri Presenting the award I* Mr*. u . - Ufte.Av Tillman, whose husband, the late Set. Uilliam Tillman, died while [Summer Sessions Set r-utburfcts His trip ■eg:»lature followed tantrum-!.ke before tne Louisiana a»stgned lo the Air Force ROTl staff at MSI . lA-paf ' i.t " i :• • *•!' « I - r IVhlTe : '..it- fi •:,. : - In store for Iking are detailed ■ Is Third Term Closes Se«repatioiiist Seeks Han of Itv K . • c: o. ., physical and mental checkup*, lep-u-Ted. .'• if ri t i ■ : • f r:\.k . Dr Truslow said. T.orh days until •ending dirertlv to the Houting American twhiio-., a- a* The doctor said. 'The extra Three Little Pius' Sana school begin* its Director. JJT Mudrnt Sertice*. The *tjT. dt*p,ii'T'ueiiT iU\ n V 4 » -*■ r nurses were put on duty because Vour K«»v to Better Values • # * All the aerviccs available dar¬ ed To ■ ■ The ca... *' 5.%e»* sewioos. of tne importance of the ma . . . • . .- ing the regular achool year w;., C (7 t.oii ul thv m...'a-v aid .stf i- Muhijmn Statu News ,, k sessions offer i and a* a precaution " He said continue Included wMl be tr.e bieill. C.inipu- Cia-oiUMis . , . Hiu*'' neader^hftt opportunity to carry tne family requested the extra Replaces Black Rabhit ;f * an load of credits, with State Nevs. published weekly care. direction Hardy [ natjruri of eight credits per under Christ. the of The 61-v e a e-old governor . a • rair.g to Clair Tay- slipped out of the capitol Satui- -» .*n * ! TAXXAHASSEE. EL (f*1- A effort? •<* Z'~* • a ; £.r*ur of summer achool Tne >ummer gchoo' enrol 1- dav for the hush-hush flight ' -iuced to Iki". The rmnt has n«er; continual.v m- Miami *vgregati«Ti leader love - 11 : avail, ng college. In the week before*, he twnc »k'•••<)!' libra Me* "Oh, to be in Elba... ej a blast a; "Tne Three Little !•»•■. a". T «rea>.r.g In 1935 enroli-rert the legislature wi'h emu- | the first m solan. beginning at .XI a- 4 612 .1 1956, a* 5.4 wipe it off tne state * 8.025. Taylor expects the num¬ and shouted boasts _ » :i and ending Sept. 4. A ing bookshelves. Hawthorn. that Winston. / .el" bo" t > go up t > over 9.000. |ifnl wa» enroll for the lint Political reaction in Louisiana David Hawthctf-n sun! clev- Hr1.' .1" * pre .?»"'• * O* now ■ n I.a»t sear approximate I« 4S men or remain fur the com* wa* fast. iMtegrationats had gotten hold Ti t le i'o nitv Propertv Owns s ; percent of the total enrollment ||h# term. viere grad atudenu. Tbia year Ni* nephew . •■vii.i ri ha b. ,"i there it an e« pee ted 54 percent on a 4-lerri oa*ii enauling iegiolalive oaeaien loot night In y«,ur.g*tvr« with a \«T*io»» that ? . • m?eg' • e Summer »crxx>i catalogues are * ..it: ' U> complete 4 4- aaplain that tba governor* pictunM i black pig a superior < '«• . e.gfU>otho«xi« i. ! .M,« ava..atue a*, tne Registrar * «f- «• ur- • .r. three years health bad broken under Ike W» a white pig ra;i. w a - .g r ■» v. • • ' nave been UivtributeG. •*<« pride in offering t» ersbl# perleg «f time." worse than trie raoo-i for* ' rvtho.n >41 • * ! *ho* a w» e AppMcat.ons for admiuioa Six representative* oppose* hirh ha- come urvle 1".« h ti Slid uLt'o during the tumme: m»\ oe obtaine. •.•:.* prufeaKir*. uiought him back. SOAS-n *«•-. , I • while pis. a black anil a white I Kr%i4rnre hail* available Opponents of Long point out • Pj>e sri w " i •• o ' ;e i « WMSB-TV • are ' tne Louisiana Constitution and Mark pis darning a jig . > wnn graduate and uadurgrad- iat it. «• men and women. An ap- perrmta removal of a governor As Hawthorn .•v.rrpi-c? » Hi A ... -.Mia f>- «»re«*« nation mo be obtained by A M ' *ia i« incapacitatfttl the while i»-g a ' the "'K '<»-«,.• ., ' 4 t:Jt—Land nf p'^ The.v view his flight ai a ma- w r.:te who a; e ea't ' • U" e ,. • .... • it) ! .e It . . |o OM v'.a>.- 10-Ms*.: nruver to block h.* rem»\a! bad wolf I'fia* n • ■* " • h We .« o\e ■ • . iNm/rnf Juiliriarv I A: 34 -S*-. M (' S-.V - • office nine with Li Guv. p.g a ho h» ' fa- .• ol • • o . i *'.e e • V i It M-la g • r 1 '• -»r ir»r»r a Uhg a* it over - . f bri'k l» 1 • * * |7'♦liiimis Keatlv 11.30 I!t0-N.: Meat-* ' ■ ' Ma:. Hfo ' 1 ' •t * >r 'ne\ ng to oust m.gh' l-org faie t'ouo.e in H biusnuff . Haw: from V a. * .: > . ' .« * J gifjl. "V r VC • • a , • ' the All-Cnne - |?:IS—Rui a R.v.e.« * . ■ judic.ary are now 11:14—c our.ty Ager.? i .*• • Men''a Division, Stu- 1:44—I^idie* Tune 't >«- * • 134—4.. ass room lO-spar.ian ■ Vkcv.i * rxlit foe three fa'! r*. I 'm s : oret ar»d two grad- i;44—Cont.neiilal Clasaruusn Ma.e and ferr.a.e ir yie fK' . » f:34—TtlediUon arsw* urfU be ««ndusffei <:4Mi«*t (S «... Pet.tioiunf wall con- 7A4-J»parun Sport.,gh? ju ttoa woe a gad in—Tarn t 3i-'- la.. Jjm A. IN»—Network DO YOU LIKE ITALIAN FOOD? u it! For Mm fiaosi as- of Kaiaa wilti finy M4 vWf Com Nova al 211 rrS whxts up front thxt counts 1 he mjitcry i* solved' Napoleon « bistros for a spare carton of Wmstonv! 'I iM fc % a rate stnoising treat thai tomes liiiiou* gesture was just ro reassure himscitdlwthc had plenty oi tigarcttcc from Winston s famous f uttf hlctitl — His u»»<) rr,av lave traveled on us v.h«h mean* a careful selection of hue, USA NOVA stomach, but the old boy himself wouMn it Ik. t have beencaught at Waterloo ludn t Uth cucckiiig it* Ikl^un mild tolwtcus specially lilter smoking Krv a prvxewd fur pavk real iouq. y»ur MHMMr tlMvalaM kmc 211 HJLC » 2-4455 to 4eci— fWaw brooddolh tool drip* toy. wrtokto-lroo. Winston tastes good— tftorad wi* no*hod collor and liny acoan pood bowon.. like a cigarette should! (Wa «M Mvary aafvioa la yaa) in whim bto*. hop*. *'**n, and pink. 10-11 sisos 4.00 MICHIGAN STAT* NEWS Jan* 9, 1959 Ex* Pan ,.SV'AV ... ■ Pirates Win 8 of 11 Eddie Machen Contests Fight Pittsburgh Baseball Fans Of Johansson and Patterson Look for Pennant Hopeful NEW YORK '/P> — Eddie seeking to enjoin Johansson to agree la a rematch. He con- PITTSBURGH LP» — Every, The Pirates promptly won getting Ave and Bur***, , Machen's manager '.estifled Mon¬ from fighting Patterson until he tends farther that Ahlqaist sign¬ body knows a magician can do eight out of 11 — four straight Hoak three apiece 1,1 day a contract had been signed first gives Machen a return ed the contract under duress. tricks. But how long can Danny from the Cincinnati Reds, one of three from Milwaukee and three pitcher Bob Friend ». by Swedish promoter Edwin fight. Thev claim under the con¬ Murtaugh keep up the magic Won his first Flaherty said that shortly aft¬ with his Pittsburgh Pirates? of four more with the Reds. game after Ahlquist for a return bout be¬ tract Johansson m u s t fight straight losses and R tween Machen and Ingemar Machen before he fights anyone er he arrived in Sweden, prior The answer may come in the fJ(> One af the setbacks was a » forkball specialist., c to the fight, he contacted Abl- two-week home stand that has " Johansson the day before the else. heart-breaking 1-4 las* to the amaze with his fine two fought last September 14 The •iuist regarding an agreement this rabid baseball town talk¬ Braves In 13 Innings despite 12 case i.«r~boing heard by ins. He has sever. " The manager, Sid Flaherty of federal for a return boufSf Machen ing pennant once again. It was¬ perfeet Innings af pitching bv judge Irving Kaufman without a loss this seas-- San Francisco, said the contract without a jury should lose. n't a few weeks ago. —nthpsw Harvey Haddix. "kS But the last 11 games have strong of 12 going • , was signed by Ahlquist at G«»tc- Machen was in court Monday Flaherty said he and Ahlquist Haddix was slated for his reg¬ last defeat in . . discussed televizing a possible changed the complexion of ular turn the mound Sunday May of borg, Sweden, the site of the but did not testify. Johanssons on return bout in the US. The things and the Pirate manage¬ While the Pirates fight. lawyer said the Swedish chal¬ but Murtaugh said the little guy Ac . manager said he telephoned ment Is lleklng Rs chops In an- deserved an extra couple days' comingon with a ru- J»han«Mn knocked nut Mach- lenger will break training and is hard up for outfi. from Sweden to Truman Gibson, tirlpotion thai team Is Anally on rest after his masterful per¬ > appear Wednesday. Earlier, the berto Clemente is en of Redding, Calif.. in the first president of the International Its way. formance. • round beeome lawyer, Ben Herzberg, had a k- abled list and In the leading ed Judge aKufman Boxing Club (now defunct \ It all started Friday a week Haddix will pitch against the his i... to excuse Joe challenger and later signed for who was in Chicago. Flaherty ago with Murtaugh benching St. Louis Cardinals tonight as Christopher fro- Johansson from appearing in.*.;,' • title bout with world cham¬ said Gibson authorized the TV first, baseman Dick Stuart and was hurt a few day the all important home stand pion Floyd Patterson at Yankee J»h«n**on contends that Ahl- for the fight and tentatively set shortstop Dick Groat for a few opens. He'll be opposed by eith¬ Despite all this th.. i Stadium. June 23. 4> S>, j j League To lirar Final NEW YORK Ruling OA—Sutar Hay books May 2fi when he pitched 12 consecutive perfect innings for Pittsburgh's Pirates against (Jarre of Pittsburgh (inn May 2fi, 1959 nno-000 000 0—0 12 1 Washington M.THOir Mosnwn 21 19 .1. ( lr\ rland 24 34 (icxtc I .447 442 < 4 Has Split Season Robinson will learn today whe¬ Milwaukee. Milw aukvc lunui t'lli 3. Chlrasii I ther he still has a piece of the The Braves finally got one IM/0 O00 000 000 1—1 1 0 TOUSV'S (1CMM Wa«htn|tnn at rktrlanC I \ I—Ma- BIRMINGHAM. Ala. iAV— Directors of the world middleweight hit and put across a run in the Presented by Southern Assn., AtfUjfiflinir to bolster boxing title mo* u-J) **. (.rant i3-l» sa^yritip' att 13th inrung to win, 1-0 National league of Professional H.tltintorr at Chlrafu CM)—Wllh-lni The New York Athletic Com¬ »T-o9 91. Shaw 14-11 voted Monday to split the 1959 season. mission has announced Baseball Clubs'* it will League president Warren Giles St* torh at IIF.TROIT CN>—Waat The (iiics conferred with Haddix U-?> 9|. llniil (1-21 standings slate will be hand down its verdict Turs«i.i\ snnounred plans for the gift main her* over the week-end and notion at Kanaa* ritv (N)—BalU* an wiped clean after games of June on schedule ; - nt 9 30 g in. (EST) whether on Monday and said II will prob¬ i?-l» vs. Mrrtrrt tl-li It at the homo field • it will suggested the tray and goblet . atrip the 39-year-old ably ge presented at Fortes Th:s will give each club a 'hat is leading the b fighter of New" York recogni¬ theme, but told Haddix he was NATIONAL LF-AGI't: Field MMnellme during thr Fl- new Chance to race into the up¬ games of July 12. T.-.t- tion as champion. welcome to any other memento W L Pet. GB rales' heme stand which ends per reaches of the league and — play the leaders. he might prefer. Milwaukee 29 17 .422 — The National Boxing Assn. va¬ Jnne II. the club owners hope—it will Charlie Hurth. That will he « perfect re- San Fraaelaca 27 19 .397 cated the title last May 4 be¬ give fresh enthusiasm to fans. the Southern Assn., The goblets ate to represent membrtmcP,'* Haddix told Giles Pittahurgh 24 21 .333 4 i cause Robinson had gone long the 12 innings, and each will '4 couldn't think of anything fto far the fan* in the South¬ the Special directors r l.o* Angeles 23 23 Jtl 4«, . , beyond the six months period ern Awn. have shwrtl onlj said only: be engraved with a play-by-play I f rather have to recall the oc¬ ( hie ago 23 24 .449 4 too hi which he was due to defend well Iww liUle the* rare "The account of the Braves going casion.'' C'inclaaatl 21 23 .437 %|- majority of ih» r k* his crown. tendance I* down from la*t felt that Ihla win far m<'r» down in order in each inning. M Laai* IS 21 .499 year Robin*in had been ordered •'« al all firlal for the leagur The tray will be inscribed aa 28 polnl* except New Or- *« i * Philadephia 17 .374 II by the New Yoik commission to sign for a defense ag*ln>t follows: "T» Harvey Haddix Patterson *an HOXUCV't rrancittn il RKStttS Milwaukee t leana and Naabvllie. Atlanta, Nashville. New Or¬ fur apparent rea*on% about a tot of other thinn \\ <■ u only gam* aetiaOulad Ilasilio or face loss of the title in recognition of his outstand¬ leans, Chattanooga and Shreve- thia aio the onlv aclinn Uie' After holding hearings at which both Robinson and Basitio testi¬ ing performance — unprecedent¬ Knocks Out *«n rilDAVl i.kWOS Franritrn at Milwaukee (Si— saufwrd tS-SI *i. Will** tl-li p.»rt approved the split w .son. Earl Mann, gtncri.' - ed in baseball history — Lui Aaieltt at Cincinnati I N >— Birmingham. Mobile and Mem¬ of the second-di\a-. \ fied, the csttnmission reserved phis oppofted it. SfMirnutlc Bitching 12 Consecutive Perfect (ir)Mlale t»-4> v* Lawrence <1-11 Crackers led the rr<... t decision. C hiraao at PkUadelpata i N k—Rill- * Innings Unless the same team wins special meeting a: uin 41-St 9%. Owen* (S-)i St I wui« at Pttufeurch iNi~«Pre¬ both halve* of the spi.t season, motion for a split sc.. CHATHAM. N J bW-lfeavv- ceded li rumpled unof tutpend- the two victors will meet m a After the vote he ed same of Mar *►—t M l—Mcllanlrl • weignt champion Floyd Patter¬ best-of-seven series for the pen¬ «1-T> 91. Itanlel* (l-li In *n*pend- is no cure-all but It son floored another sparring ed tame. Mtae|| |S-I) or Jack ton nant at the end of the regular tl-Sl it. Maddls tl-S) help the league and ' partner Monday in a brisk four 154-game season it will help us in A' round workout. SENIORS The pnet-teuton playoff be¬ § la Iha - Howie Da via of Glen Cove, N Y was a victim in the third Sox Control tween automaUcailv half-aeaaon knock* champion* started f"ur the players ihat season we * y. - , out the It * a new club. A • round «»f Floyd's boxing drill. traditional shaughne*** Playoff undoubtedly will he The champ pound sparmate with decked a the 180- last left Still Buttled among the top fonr finither* In the Southern. terest and every o'..'.< The last time tr-,» > 1959 and right to the jaw. The All-Star CHICAGO at — 'Warfare in game will re¬ played a split season wi Patterson punched sharply in SENIOR SWINGOUT the Chicago White Sox front of¬ his other one-round aeasior.a fice broke out anew Monday. with Billv Tiadaie, Lou Jones Jack Arnold Welfeld. attorney Mantl<,*n Average Zoom* and oJhnny Byrd. for vice president Charles Coin- II mi the Afth straight Ray iskey, asked Judge Thomas •f baiiai for Pslteraon mho lo prsparlag fee his UUe Release Courtney to vacate his April 3d Frank Robinson Leads WATER (ARNIYAL TONIGHT - 7:30 agaiaet Sweden's Jsm 1L Ho Will Ml box today. laieasr Patterson's drills art In sharp Jo- ruling which denied Comiskey an injunction to block a stock¬ holders* meeting The meeting, on the —me day. In RBI's for National eleeted ECU Yeerk to the beard contrast to Johansson's work¬ ef dtreetorm. and he was named NEW YORK I Ah—-Frank Rob- Mathews af the Brsvc* Wmi outs. *IYie undefeated European Preetdenl May I. iruon of Cincinnati and Bill with II. MmI at year sabaol champion says ho does not be¬ lieve in flooring sparring part¬ Cumiskejr's attorney explaine^l Skowron of the New York Yan¬ Meanwhile. Aaron >» ♦. kees did ROUTE US '16 that the meeting was held be- eune powerful hitting ners. points with only sever :• " fv*e the final order denying the wh»le batting leader* Hank Aar¬ times at bat. His averag- "I don't like to use my right • - • injunction waa drawn up on May on of Milwaukee and Harvey ef frixn .4kl to .419 Coiumtiniralioii Art, — Jourualioiii lllilj:. with all my strength in train¬ 4. Kueun of Detroit went into > > ing.** said Jehanuon a Burgrs.* of P;ttaburg.' ' • ; at his Yeock and his syndicate, who tatlspin during the final week of in second olace with s tsc (•roaainger, N.Y., camp Sunday. control 34 per cent of the White May. Ayrirultiirr - V^ri.-iillurr Hull ' I will aave it for Patterson Sox stock, don't like the fu.«*. Robinson drove in 10 runs to gam to .370, resulting safeties m 24 tries W '' f when we fight." "I am dtaAarbed. eentalaly.** take over the National League of San Francisco move JUNE 4, 5 & 6 • aald Veeeh. *T wanted ihlags to RBI lead with 4?. Sa wron ha* Ktigitirrr* - OI.U Hull werk ent amicably, and aatar- batted in 14 runs In hi* last six places to third on a c » . pickup to .339 May* " MICHIGAN ally I den t like to see this bap« games to move to within two of nine hits in 23 a* im • • '> llumr Kruiiuiuir* — Huuir llconomii', pen.** pace-setting Harmon Killebrew Pinion of Cincinna'. * • »;> NOW KNOWING ComUkey, who holds 48 per of Washington. Sk jwron has 37 vanced two notches '• LAST 4 DAYS cent interest in the Whde Sox, and Killebrew, who ai*o leads The fleet Reds' outfield*' KtliK ulioii - Morrill Hull TODAY'S ACHED! LE: charges he ui the center of « the American League in hom¬ ed 10 points to J33 w'.. *■' * A paaarMi of U.S. history aiaea Complete Khans; squeeze piar to force him to ers. has 39 for-24 showing. lill-HLLH A 9 #1 sell his stock. Ksklussa cracked Ave Kimiu«-»* A I'ulilir >rr\ire — Morrill Hull Feature; "I have found thev want to Dwiri sad uMved tato a — »wd Kaaaa. the Aa*eric*n Uu* include me as a member of the place tto wNh Asm la the Na- 44 p*">" ••• Iha erMag af Iha soastihrtios. |;IS-HM:«i-llt the aroRv of rooara club onle if I sell my shares to •toaal Leagae's hsan raa casa- three hiu >• -1 SfifUff A Art* Natural Niruer - Hlily. ANKRV YOUMI MOMANII them,"* he said. KME Raa IL Mkmfc Maiar'a gaaie* .344 rna;+ Fax af Iha Chieaga Hkiw irirriiury Mrtliriur - Uillurr Hull •t «r»a*4 GLADMLR Is la 3d Pon't -latul in linr. Inn your ticket. hum, Honor* l ollrjjr in !J - Mrrl at jour M-hooU Al KaKae af rr tea • J to sea hi third place at 3Ji I.to - • to Mocker Mantle of the Ys Tiahats aa Sola la aaaa at rata ga Features Star* and Gene Woodling • ' ls* ' IJS - 1 to more made th# must . * *rf4k IN Mantle Boomed 39 po. FainMM Tbssbr tto • •to 244 to J34. by collect 4 - ■ ' ia Iha -GET in 33 tripa (• 433 pace A ling moved up 39 pokM " 1 12-for-3t porformancr V» ■-* Waar Saps art Dams OCT and Woodling are de*r OF LIFE— with Ro'gar Maris of K* ■>* Union (omourse (aa MO Maa |H Mil iLasp GO OCT TO A MOVIE* City, who Is recovering ''cr- appendectomy. Killebrew slammed •'t,t more homore last wck • ' ST ART ISC. season total ef If He '* SATt'aOAT — "COMPILSIOS" Rocky Colavito of Clrvc.J- *7 Ave. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Flourishing Seniors of the Wook Forth State Statistics Dept. Head June *. 1939 Vice. Games Deadlocked Chosen Liaison Officer In Indiana lit Meeting Dr. Tjco Katz. head of the MSU statistics h.q.s been granted a leave of absence to accept department, appointment Invmli^atnrx K»f as a European scientific liaison officer for the U.S. Office Rfitcfil* llrld Itiu-k of Naval Research. Fhirapu Gangster* Professor Katz will be accom¬ From L'iirtii|il»yt-, counsel to the Senate LANSING M')—Gov. M il. leave of absence from her posi¬ the exchange of scientific infor¬ JUskctr Committer, *a*d Mon¬ tion as office manager in the liams anil Ford Motor f'o. mation be: ween Europe and day gambling and vice rackets America will take him to major Michigan attorney general's of¬ hav<* flourished :n I«?ke County, X|K>kc*men trot novherc fice. iipiversititN and governmental Ind., .in own violation of the Monday In an exploration research organizations through¬ law. fCenncdr sj.d committee in¬ for ajrreement on the much out the continent. 7 Cliem Students disputed temporary unem. In hi* absence. Dr. Krnnrlh vestigators have br< n 1 - kir.g will he acting brad of into allegations of collusion be¬ PAT MEIOY DAVE SHANNON plo.vment compensation bill Arnold the department. Dr. Ingram Ob del Scholarships tween big shot Chicago gang¬ Libertyville, 111. senior, Pat Nile? senior, Dave Shannon, kin. now on sabbatical leave at Undergraduate scholars hips sters. racke'.crr* and sis or eight MeJoy, categorically refuses to is one of the best arguments on For eight weeks, emergency Stanford Fniverslty. will he aet- from the Universal Oil Products officials in Lake County. change tractor tires. She will campus against the engineer's extended benefits to about 28. ing director of the statistical Co. have been awarded to the The counsel «a:d spokesmen not drive a garbage truck, sweep reputation for 000 laboratory, presently in Dr. In the Indiana govern r> offic? being an aca¬ unemployed persons eligible following students: rhimnevs, or gandv dance, hir demic recluse. under a special fedora! act have Katx's charge. Donald Brandt. Liverpool. N. contend state !*•*• g.ve* the as far as we can determine those A civil engineering major been held up while lawmakers The MS'.' professor, whose Y., junior and Morris Place, De¬ county autonomy :n la* en¬ about the forcement affairs and that the are only jobs she with an aJI-umversitv 3.3 aver¬ remain deadlocked over a r»r<>- pnrtieu. i iv. possibility will be troit sophomore, tied for first won't tackle. Dave has successfully par¬ vision •fate government can't interfere age. relating t » the so-called and second place awards of. "The situation in Lake Count., Probably pat's biggest Job this ticipated in enough activities to Ford-Canton decision cf the $600 each. rAROI. rllAVES. four. p*U h-r kiltfn whll- -tltlnc ,u, |V year was the organization and use tin the snare time of his en- State Supreme Court in January. Dean Reenders, Grand Haver xrMk.tr of , born on hrr trindfuhor'. f.rm nrar Aflu- generally is as hud as any .■ •* direction of tne annua! Publica¬ tin* class. let alone his i t*ha investigators> have seer. :n own A three-mail Ford delegation Junior, was awarded the third Wtnd.lorm R.nutrd Ihr (urn nn Crank Prirbnnn', farm tion* Banquet, a gathering of Dave's ♦r.s United State* m our 2'j major office this year scholarship of $400. v-rne 30(1 student edit ts. writers headed hy John Bngj*. vlre ha* been the presidency of the ye'afa of work, as far as tne and publication* managers, some ROTC officer;' Club president of Industrial relation*, Honorable mention* went to Michigan State News breakdown of law enforcement His other Clifford Hart; Melville Bode, of the top braNS on campus and all-university activities have in¬ met with the governor at Wil¬ East Lansing senior, and William Campua Classifiofla . . . Low Cort is concerned." Kennedy told a liam*' Invitation. numerous other guest In addi- cluded J-Iiop tickets committee Your Key to Hotter Value, hews conference Williams, St. Clair Shores soph¬ . . . "■ n to this chore, *he is com- chairman and IFC He *3id public hear.ng- th personnel Afterward. Bugi- ».»!u;d w..! he John T***<>, forme: head ■ f resentative. tor. layout lantern Water and Mortar Carnival art Bonrd programs, chairman, and edi¬ in Dave 1957 In Ihe College of Kngineerim; ha* been a member of bill. 'he This would in effect overrule Supremo Court and pre- award of 31.500 from Chemical Co the Dow i*. h. quandt * SrECLALIST* Financial Responsibility Caves tne Indeoendent < Night co-chairman. ASCK. Engineering Council and yen' any future application.* of n Machuw Prior to Ihfir |oh«, she has no lev* lhan four engineering ^mwc Frank I illagv • loung Drivers • .Mnlnrryrles Operators and Repair Men s l'n- its controversial decision award¬ • Out of State Driver* hern A CSC* personnel director. honorarie*. These are Tau Beta i«»n f,oca! I ;n Gars ing jobless benefits to J 1.000 De¬ WUPPERTAL. Germany^ — C'oncres* representative, a mem¬ I'i. Phi Lambda Tau. Knlghl* of The*/ broke ground ( 3.WELLED AND REFUSED RISKS IM.MF.DIAH He said Te*r«> contend* the ber of the llolverinc stall and troit area Ford employes idled Sunday f' t M. Patrick and Chi Lmilon. lie a new European village for dis¬ HANDLED finlnti mi driven ut of t>u>.- b> a strike ;n 1953 at a sup¬ both night editor and i% new* by rarki-'err wtn. amnc-fii campus this year* vice-president of plier plant in (,'ant«-n, Ohio DR. KATZ placed persons and named it editor for the Stale News. She Knight* of SI. Patrick. Anne Frank. Anne Frank CALL a fortune from, pinbaii gambling, , to go to Europe , « * was 1411 if N® Ansupr has also hern J-llvp newspaper Outside Buga* raffed the derision "to 'he voung Jewish girl prostitution ami other racket* in the c»nr;'v and advertising chairman ami is ,i of engineering. Dave member of phi Kta Sigma. tally unwarranted Interference ■ i < and statistic*, w the diary that later who wrote \* o< trans¬ E. Mich. Ave. IV 5-8419 Dial IV 2.337$ spinster Spin publicity co-chair* Phi Kappa phi and Blue Key yvith the havir problem of labor- ' .f 13 vnrnt.-'N. lated i: t Kenrit |\ «a,.t " e cnm»m:ttee ' i -shattering *'.ige and has subpoenaed man For his fraternity, Sigma No. management relationships." lie m .lie in leave from s-rt«»n plays. Metro !i In addition to Mortar Board. Dive ha> participated referred («» it a* the "Supreme vaenka, deputv count* attomry in IM Pat's hofioranes include Alpna ' strike subsidy derision." R'rt'iN'tici.in • football, softball and track, ami Court 'i> (depute ptosecutor» ■( the coun¬ l ambda Deba. ' the Town Guard. has la en (aotain of both the • > staf' .11 the ty, and hi* record* Phi • No company should ts* re¬ >■' The committer will k*>k into Kappa Phi. Delta Phi Alpha liou-e f'Mttbali and track team- , '. fue He !S (German honorary! and Thetn He h..s quired by Uw or the Supreme .i • ■■■'•• scienti ? from Hoiovarhka * administration as been treasurer and Court to finance a strike against MS!' the staff. Sigma Phi (women s journnlisni i "iirte v chairman, a.id received , I.jrne i county attorney in I952-58. and itself." he said. For I currently honorary i. She has held office the H 1» Donald Montg Outstanding Junior - . . his work lines theri a. a deputy award has the caie "ii m m«»st of these appeal before the I ■ • • .. !• >i Jff.WK-'. he: ' county attorney. Kennedy said along with a S2hh scholarsrnp Cnitrd S! itc* Supreme l «»urt. For her dorm, Snu'h t'arnp- last year. 4 i; '.■•'intment in: fore re HOW THAT RING GETS AROUND! Holovachka probably will i >; As a resident of East In tiell. I'at ba* ta-en a separate news confereniv, I . ' i \!S! be called during the f.r*t few secretary, Shaw, he was a member of tne William* chairman of the 'S7 term told the same rejxirt- \ e MSlf * . n'i \ D-. part* dol m enunr I days ©f the hearing*, but may and resident advisor e* he regafili tne Smevkcn* T „ After graduation, Dave plan te*f;fjr ia'er in the week. A language a- "wholiv unaccept¬ ie»* ' f cm« from MSt journalism major with an on an a lvanced degree * . « m civil able" because n>» fault vt then* all -university 3 " average, pat is • ,ch . (i.f (he t" S. em* engineering. Starkweatlwr "till »*er undecided plan* atn.ut One tmng. howevci, futuie ra- seetns certain. Whatever her job (iris I loo rim: m, it w ill 1m* a busy one bniiinrrr V «■«'»/« //••/;# By i. S. ( '.ourI Are you iuterevlrd in ST. 1.1 M IS l ib The working on a student publi¬ eighth I S. Ctmut Court "f cation" Ihrre are opening* on the Monday >**t » hear- •talf of the spartan I ngnicer injf tor 1«» a tit Thursday in Ihe nnlv rr«|Uirernrnt for OlDflha on «n appeal C> theme posiliun* i* the de*ire Charles Starkweather, «"tt- to work on the magarlne. All mtudenU eligible regard- fesftd killer "f 11 perm 01* sir lemm of their major who iit under death sentence Anyone interrmted in a po¬ in N'ehra-K.t sition on Ihe Mall should see \ t'uer-iiriig* -i.va* urn at Jit. student Srnlrn «• Appeal i' -!• Hi" • a ' and It «la mm day*, May 15 hear 'lie 1.«« n .n«- i. through June ,V or call Hea¬ • aUly named •( i•■»* o.«u ■« - ter Kay II F-S114. .»r U* mi in-) s ♦,» i./i.Neio ."•) •• \ernc Kool IV 4-M»'!7 old .SUlKWt'.r r. 11 ills i>. 1 ! . a writ of h«>.fat » ry.,* Thc hearing ' i.ijtni* Wednesday i»«it » «» « . aug. ■ ' T '» lloppe Gels Gran I Thur*U« a" 'ie ir.|u. • f * e • For English Study Judge* named to tw.-at 'h. D» flarrv That is 'he dav on wi.'h Siark- II.»ppe, professor • f |!ngutJ-H»l acttdymie were ^Cllton Wuhsm. prr*»- leal #f Ihe Omaha Par %%*» H of tite . .-hi- a in liner MSI' Nlel (apvrale preside ut of the '*• u'.tv »ll'.' r 1942. was a Fu! - Omaha Barrister* I lwt> ami t t :£*-■■ ...;ai m Belgium in Jamea Arhertnan. president wf tHAd-yj Jn ll>.\«-57 h, t «-k < the lainiaster iNebr > Counts leave umn scat •- to ley tun at Svr.an Bar A**n Matkweather based C'i.vi *''* llao.a-.i veteran •' under hta appeal nn a claim he had n.-t Iraterv* City, f\htt»ti« mater¬ had adequate le^al rnunset. sua D* iiaf tnient wu*pn»> ial* from a recent expedition START TNE OAT OFF RI8MT "Hie ©Hill .i;i»:»*»-d V it h ■*«•» • to Hr Boffin Baker. dlrecUr of thrr t J show * au.K I'riin f I'luyi Trunin . Ihe Mf nrruli.>n ghoubi . n..i i>e TOKYO Aaih'to and his i'row wife u Pr.nce played alumnu* i'?©t. Zimmerman cave the inu»eum doaena of animal WITH •l at II a m t > era tuat- of Lansing Seatisn llup in Sex- ft IRY OLEANERS after an intr»>. by Al Tubbs, the club s T.tut l.tmtinf branch chairman Phil Ball- It tthis term's AOCS prvs;- to 211 EVERGREEN SI'.