The Wcatlicr'- laiikee (Jo Home! Fair and Warmer Ticcpi Du II Aeain: Top N.Y. Jam Tuesday 13 Utt Pag' S Serving MSU For 50 Year* High Today Is "iKAST LAXiSI ?to73ficiflC AX—WEI)NESDAY, JUNE STlW PRICE 5 CENTS | SI. NV.ji. R. TUKEY RESIGNS FROM DUAL ATHLETIC ROLE j A £ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ lunTHassie Judge Orders Long Committed Fourth to Vacate Gratis 'options in 6 Years Br LABBT pos.titir.s f w Hearing Slated for Governor MllilluU "" becomes wllIWRRW«i~ M«r Tukey faculty the representative tu fourth After Filing Medical Report fl altf the la*t six years to vacate the GAl.VKsTiiN. Tf\. »1'. -- A jtitivt* Tu** C.Vi' i the IJig !i! ,\ v I, . Student . i lcs whffi the • ».;< rem • u -- i fount: I -HUdvu-. di.i gVEVA 'J*i — Amlrei the nu I?' if >y"i.c >criau- Jeti* : ■ -.TVe the pajH-i • t: 1. i h'irfl another de- U :io V, .1 • (Vtv. !! L. It Tuesday that West I". ve T iiTe>l a "free factor The r.e'v contep? letv ai-i .li*i.' was - tx'.iur of .th.- rhnvhoh ' • •• an i Slate Ne«*B Plioti* t»v Uoo *lurrav to •; Juhr: affiliated Ho ji*: .■liiatt n Demands But he offered two during Senior Switignut. Olds S«it«irda> finally with ti-4 I'KOI'DLY DIMM WING their rap* and gowns the 19S9 gradu¬ llall wa* the flr*l *top on their pro. Probe a token Westeni Hr. Titu* Karri*, inlernation- it* in I95* ate* were parading with the band on Mrs! C Ircle Drive Tuesday ges*ioiu all* known psyrhiatrist. certi- M.St* J« c : 1 «ta- in the city In aadi'i'-r, ?!>.«:>>t.« bed that lang suffered from I .-met troops joinetl wanted Tukev to be more ag* Fox. Hrigliam Outstanding Seniors mental illnes*. I hi Tm ii 4 West Berlin, or the fressive in pushing their view* He *.tid 111 pai-ei fi'.e.i lief hiir|(«'« When Slate wanted have h/n forces in the So- to Pi bate Judge Hugh lidiMin th.r I If Niirrolir Salr- 350 Graduates the number of tenders athletes 'Swing Out" to Fairehild • tns examination of. l-ng <1i uurrounded city could under scholarship < Increased < !o*ed "acute excitement, cause William H«*ich. MSt a«»Dh , Vpjced ty limitetl num. from lOfl to l.S® a year Tukey. unrteturmined " knowing the renferenee law of r th<» c-iuigratuUUii them ha manag¬ h.> ' :r ■ ■ ve Soviet troops marched ar- und the campu* »" Karen Fox. Flint, and Lowell , r,i*tratj.»n W i n n e * - ie- ing to remain solvent despite a the patient P likely because of morninf? when hr was ar¬ vet* Ber.ii' plan a "coro- gevtion. hi. mental illness to catPe im¬ In re<*er ' *"*>'r4- institution* «.? the 4Si' annual Senior Swing* Rrigham. Mat lainsinc. were . ei ed a citation and a $50 wa> V pry mi mi! budget raigned on new warrants i ; «j' ' • > end the mediate injury t.. himself or higher > ar-. s have evpenerc* eu Thursday night presented with eutslanding sen¬ lie rommenled that thl ha* idiarpiny htm with two sepa¬ Uht cieah jver the divid- ior awards by ( hurk Hutter- others if tint iminrdiatihy re¬ t*' interna] di*put« - l>etaee" Tim pro****; -n w».»und*if* way ('resident John A. Hannah given more degree* in the past rate -ale- of marijuana to strained " on>*ava.tcM • ant pt^-athie'i •1 • Fairehild theater w -ere Dave worth, rhairman of senior week. presented Board of Trustee nine year* than in all the year* ) w»:d the foreitn Mtnhlrrt Judge Gibson, in hi- ofTuial a narcotics ajrent. faefbv - MSV has been n > it- Ha!', pievi.ient of the acniar The** awarda are g.v»-n « *. t scholarship awards to the two up to that time. j.elhiB should he agree order, said He w 1. arr.ogntMl ir. Uuu.r.g - cepti'in. t'.C year on tivr ba*»1* c-t I' l 'evv.p *enlor*. man and woman, with Ja< k Ktnnrv. dire. !<>r • f plac*- 114 «!l the pirt*e« raarfrnrd Wha I R« n extra-currnular "It I* therefore ordered Hut • .tuiic.pal t*»u:! an<» '.v.i% place t La*t spring while ('resident • » , the highest mniuUlive point men: ••xi.U.iout the aUamii *-• 14 • rename irure far contributii'M '•» tin* *cmar said Larl l ong be and is hero- on $2U.0hU ix.m: John A llann «h w a* on a tour Tu 1 ... . Ifllst v...* • , average. I'l.m-iucnt aeivivv, !« grad- meat academic standing an t tharai- h* detained in protective cus¬ Hen i a head. fa. .ug tria' S- in Nigeria, the difference* in during the um\ Sylvia Walla.**. F.av Iym>i.'i4, uat>- ve «v •, ¥' dsptomat in a* trr tody and that John seal* Hos¬ tong wi'h John Ilariwr. NTS!* athletir polio between Tukey f.ial year. Since s history maj.-r w.Ui * 3 91 ali- (Wtieer# »*f the clan of I95» ;> gpeern made crystal The pital assume and maintain pro¬ jufuei, or. charge* <»r p..B*e*!Mng and Munn mushroomed and f \• ohservrd. the e. recipient* are n.wntft..»ted 'uverm'.v average, and Ernest tilth were elected at the ' f Kremitn it not tective ruiiodv and there safely muniuana. was retun»e*t b» the ploded with Tukey submittinv thr<»ugh a great deal of expan- by the ncruor rouncii and v u 1 ceremony. ILirtson. Dekalb ,IU , an a count - Dsnying city jat! after |.»* Tue*- t •*. from it* de- beep him pending further order* his resignation. i.j major with .1 3!»t average They arc David MeC'afTrce, »• West five up of this court." n right* tit .CjUick?y *.a pa'i n up 'hr t ft A* ■'5 of this aebolattic achieve- Da. . Feiguxxi, Mo, vice-proi- t>> Texas law requiring a heat¬ In the first of the new- war¬ of trie Heuh. • ' >, a. the tur-ii.Hannah -u- ' regiM : » n! deft!. Sue tJniipbtil. Asheville, rant* authorued hv the prosecu¬ • « " '-e B.f F nar paw- the l&er a- a resignation be- \ C ing foi a formal 1 omnii'men' «■» 1'reiiden? Hannah, rptjk# <*n . se> 1 etn.1 > . and Lana Liar', tor* office Monday. Reich wao ' ' niau-4 "should un day* Such a formal hearing In Hand Shell Finale t auio Tukev ntkiii that "n ♦ Mason, treasurer. charged with selling and dis¬ ta»* i inaidered oc- . "invisible, indivul- must tie held wi'dun 14 dav- in* made "a' four with a vrneer <»f .leading !» An actual date f heai rig. pensing II grams of marijuana V ' We**. and they r a and in a wa\ that can be smooth¬ ue hi* ignora.'ue. to the narcotic* agent arranged in internal will be M'l as #0011 a*, mriiica! ly accHanpi i.vbe*! " "A truly educated person." he Tlwnki, Journal! filed in lainaing last month. »" «' e c»tj, Cromj isu Tukey s stand was widely ar- Owrlurr I'l.m.l ill I0.'tl2. (lauoiuji documents are said, "always ha* an open mind, l/»ng, after the document are The other warrant, served The Slate News oilers a rlaimed h» Jus other faculty re¬ Wj» CIiuii*. I'aiiir from Ckiiiiihi* jud is confident of his own abil¬ ligned hv 'i>e Judge, would rr- |*»>a«, ia a hitter three* presentative constituent* a ho since*e Uianks to the Lan¬ Tu« d v hy F.uai rising <(~ Maa«n of the Big f our ity " r»i*in in protective custody until tharged. Hruch. with a *trw.~ bt sing SUIe Journal ier» were also under pressure Adult life is little 11. re than ^ for the the hearing !•• «>f .i.Miut !'i pound*. *>f «n the palace mf na* their athletic director* R* it* niiii . t inw needed instead o! in* gut u*e nf it* photo-engraver in • rut «n record before the and ann Tin- " 18U Overtuf'". w- . preparing todav'i local pic¬ "eiwe for Ue hrst time '■' » a*', nf Vilucv t>• make the-c ture* (lie State News lair- Governor. reque«led Tuesday 1 I«i-! 1-m-uig parking a'vhieti. *c*nc when *nc We*'*'■ f« 4iur»*d *:.r.: wwn tbr MSI." lure" was written as » vivid rhihl machine broke down ►l J 'icjir, for the We«t- ». ' *.Ut college cduca'ian, iiannari Tuesday night before any of If 'n* Governor ia committed, nidation wa« tehtativs tot '■rVi iif. band 1 •«•**> u* final p»rtrs)al of the events that cul¬ * |t» opt of Med R«'* IV minated Napoleons llight from Mid the photographs rould be he .■ permitted to a*k f-«r at.- ■i June 9. but no . e» 1 cei inva.vir.jj pea ran.r >>f 'Jie ««-Vad vra. Starr K***!er, dire, to? o'hei On th»* occasion Momow.'II begins with a prater engraved. rearing » thu East Ufi In 1932 when tf»e U4hd fl'*] ••"-van s'umgti relation#* w« uohw*.i the he could demand a jui; ttia,. a .ready had S.«n* oivservei. Jet I a' Tu¬ overture, much ch.» lor virtory. After setting >l«v . played advance hx- slire. Napoleon starts out "• kev was dijappoimen when tfe and unfuaifti aro11 his long, disastrous joornev ,l »"'>rn troop* in the oeadi'Ck two ««<■ a« • *'«» * |*rof. Falrope. dirert«r of the home, t hurrh bells ring, ami (In Bunks of Ki'il Gfilnr ■'*<1 band, had made arrangement* 'a«'i*r*d It U{to4-« bred the popu¬ pr >t» sal «*««-*.at* * o*w cr.r- with the KOT( and the Beau¬ rannon* are as tract for H'-»* Bow. jwi t.cipa- lace goes rumpletely wild with Prepare Floats for 'Route 76' l^iunchiiig mont lower bell ringers to a»- tion that would w tn fmre bf sist the band in making the jo». The band will open wf to Talk the Rut IH\ the* game also split S i on a hnale possible movement a* realistie as cert with Nictdai» its con¬ "Merry Wive* maltaii •• remove frmn the eon of Windsor Overture " Fallow - Noisy saw* and pounding I.xrallbur. senior mens honor¬ 4 arniy al Inlermisemn. rtver"*l>ank* Surne*. h»»r*e ar.d Tn* HOTC set up one 73 rnm I" AUSG Role ' torsive handbook a rule that allows partaripalton in the Rom cannon and gun* loaded with blank* several machine Com- mg this will iw Dream Pantomime" Irons "Han- "Prayer sod haifunete. marbr clutter lumber the bank* and pap*' nf t?.e ary. talurdav will top It* new members evening duriua (he Flat* uf various transportation will decorate the mode* of wagon* included. and Model-T's *U1 oe Bowl, wo now any ham ran go limr.l wild th« "brl! r.n|er» the. w! ami Gretel." by Hamper- Red Cedar today and Trumia c-r.' o? tcuiight $ S'.u- M it gets an invitation and elects dinrk. Can/«na." by IV nr a* 3S group* prepare tnrii rtoei* •'•are to acc'-moany the baud »n • roeeti'ftf win be a to accept It. Mirmin: and ballet mu«| . < • xn for the lkSfi Water Carniv# , 'ti b' Dr. Dal* tn* last movement. * Tukey *aid: he resignetf "to When the band reached the the opera "Faust." by Charie* "Routt U S. 7(1" a •>,vtar.t professor of Itnit n.v full h> research, final* of ibe overture, bell* be¬ Gctunod, Float (OnstTUrtM) d'Siir I •f.'-'* and chair- writing, ami tny adnaniatrativc Other selection# inctudr • An- Monday at midnight and ikum • ■••' C*>rr*mittee on the gan t« chinw and the guns com* '■%* respwruubdiUe* m the depart¬ mencerf nrifig. Not knowing this tirva Chenier." by OtorfJaWi. be C0mplet«4 by 5 Thurmay I'm versify, ment of horticulture " He serve* had been arranged, the audiersce Tantboo," by Frsmiwu Caveg; evening. - * * i vpeak on the hea 'dent Government •> partment ami a wurkl re¬ -The solvere Ma t know march by Tcaidoi the sponsorship .of Hie s*mnr >'W,J and trtil five nowned vicntut m research on tne ; r *re« of the what was bappintog.- saM Fai- class, will run at 8 jo Thursday ^ r radw>-active ijoWpes. will urtsna the flaffart ten- and Friday evening* and at 'J *j>. Future Fatah ha* been a member •# 11 the regaUr aeaaiM of ad eerto Na t la K Bat," hy ( . M p.m. Saturday. lb* 12* member Athiettr i mmtil Hehee. » veertal aaaataa vMi Secretary of the university at 'sum# IIK. basing served two "" u W IW U- the tune. Mr. Herman Hallnday, Henry Fillmore'* "Slim Trom¬ yenrs as viae rhairman. Ha has bone." will feature the entire 1 -'•«.« i 1 was silting on the front porch . heon chairman of the Amh !* I 1111 m w of his home, adjacent to the con¬ trombone section. _ ■ —Us«a MM ML n* CmsmMtee of the Csmdl far ■ cert area, listening.!j the band The band ha# witnetoed * *'"T »• *■ • !■■■■ W BSIM.I concert. He heard all the noise highly successful year, accord¬ Tukey expressed satisfaction ' Falcone, The standing !■*** «» tnnorj •( tn« in recummanding Fuiak as hu and unmadiately rg£i „ to the ' ing to scene in an attempt to keep tne ovation given to them in Chi¬ M pact eg tfm | written by successor. "We both think alike A-g-aatxe. u Bearing com- ROTC and beU ringers from i»- cago, and a concert' tour of the A dry run will be held Thurs¬ concerning vital athletic (H*** terfertng with the performance.. Upper peninsula were the mam day at 2 pin. to ct>-ord;nato -ra^< to Brr cePIapp, Uoru. He wiQ carry 00 the poli¬ a > . ;*& li- He didn't know this was part of highlights. continuity* music and lighting i of Student Congrew. cies as followed in the past," Judy Aaaif^ Lansing; Dave S u to bs . a prearranged program. Other performance* included Slate h»*M rs«to I ■ v sifflUMrr Concerning the Rose Bow I a winter concert, Senior Swing- Bieber, Detroit sophomore and (ONITIKTION ON from (l-r) Dave ■ImMM. CM! Siudtat -This time there will not be CoogcMa has question Fuaak declined to give out, ROTC parades, the Lansing Tom Jeeaphaen, Toledo, Ohio, underway Tneedey lag Tnwae Jia Ihtx » W&M it W »n~. a dafimte answer. "Ill wait and any confusion," Mid Prof. Fal¬ 1-.1 was', cone. "I have daridgd to let the Centennial parade, and two con¬ junior, wg| Mure the ipester * bagtoe Thareday. Tito b. it cm. b. m- aaa until I become better ac- ABkl percussion aactias aaka all the certo la thn toad *elL Rook Review Complete Education Acrobat: Satire on Our Tim Is Nonexistent Coal ACROBAT .Alfred (iroaamna ADMITS ex 1-tence volvement in a simultaneous In¬ with two ^U is, Ste¬ yond Willard forth between s>. 1 bough* a Ne\* . . Yorker to read, just :• -r laugh.-, ubia or the cr>' a protest and a sa'ire on the fol¬ What i* >our concept of a true education? lies of our time. Tm« protest i-' mind you. .whi'e ea'.i.g But ! Greenwich v; Grossman \v:*r done b* author Grossman ke;i* gertmg tangled in the ad- . A "true e(Jucati«»n" ro-ult in minds tlm* are v,*;':-omen's, feeling flashes of are the medi- . ... through his hero, Willard A '- judile of recoirnmnj* quality wherever it is found: in f»**»■- a' them. it> which h- heim. wh" bv his own admi'*i" ; ::qe :y Ti X. Y r<- culture. pons impatient with mediocrity in them .-elves, in yraduaU■*< i.s not a hero, but a calculating. i- i« not oi e w which he tee's fla- ie> ot rave When he who realize that the assimilation of "knowleilirp'* must be p>;is ire-sreking. deceji'ive net . er for Willard like the ' beatniks" about but the n am other super¬ example. accompanied Im j>m*er- of -lelect imm, discrimination, oryan- ficialities and absurdities wnich 'iuge govei'!' • -- bored with the empty life he i/at ion, analysis, synthesis and the ahilify to fit* the. com¬ .rake our presen* day ufv a nee into w •. eads. He think.- idly of leaving* u > munication to the audience. A true education would help his home. New York, and of go¬ His main ? the terrain" He then add* a grin, "it's a big citv and >oung fh'Cep'iof ' :c a I ■ any - One might ask "what i- wrong with rnotherh»to«;"" wi'h worj-en believe anything superior t""1, world. equal relevance. Formal education has always hod the -a me Willard, however, i- unh-.,' Ht- promises Cain- .!••-. that h- 'vill maris h«- when e ha< • . Acrobat Adnit* troubles: .students who think that, the goal of education the usual stereotyped beatnik wort 1 if,. we often think of He i* shavi i",teh':"\ of rising it, he neve is to make them more effective opportuni-ts, end that it . well-educated and employe: t. .i- Step::ame hi- naif point of v.p i is the teachers' joh f.i "iearn them"; teachers who think an,! involves Cairo ,T • hro'htr whether you employed he feels, bv the one ■ that ail one needs to teach is a fund of knowledge; educa¬ firm most Ilkel yto survive rh. ,n a Ukb cl'-ak and nagger p •- ' important, a • tional administrators who think the goal «»f administration which ultimately bring* es wh;c i he t jungle competition of today, th - novel to an unconvincing and a num b »• is to create the peace and stability of a cemetery at mid¬ United States government. Willard attempts to fin. abiuot end. liiatnlse-' A night. Ti:e in ,Ai rolut Admits you on meaning in life or at least some¬ It is true that nio-t people over ."«> are convinced that thing to fill the vacuum in tie A % .• -a.1. ami nevei goes be ¬ higher education was somehow better when they attended college, and that it was even better before that. The record Russia Tops I . S. in Lan^im DETROIT fT»--Th.< itniritr * Two foreign languages are re Among tiu'M foieirn language edm.-'i.-n p.- - quired of almo-t all -tmlent- at the uniiersltv level. AAhere the v. hich stud* ' gra.t. leaves much iai- iie*it'.-i when viewed beside t a' of einplu-t- »*a- on reading and <■!' .rr.;,M tan'. ,• pronut.ien' understanding original teM- in where tin Interpreting the New* S> \ >iuh.on. »u>» a , secondare srhcnil, the INFORMATION US. l>r euucaioi Harlan Hatcher, Pniid.-: the \er-il> -tudent Itnds Hie tint spoken "There are «rane,vi Merlin Compromise? PROMINA VIES * p ■ Women's (om O14" of (ie-i I the University of Mich.*,,! A":» ' ica's Inri'ig', U! •■-i ril wrisht i- in? and understanding the word placed upon speak- tpok So* iet *>-tent are in our ow: H«upr guage nutria it,.:, a» ! -rrted. nan, nj adpouate to the neco*- of i> Ha ,-d H* Alt I III K «.\ VMION Off i.• of several a g.« •». , 1 t') p 'v . Ru«iT»e*« ■ fee ,11 puwe " i One deSegat; uu aprcad I <• of • uo. il %,< . MUIPP* , ,11 ' t.l \E\ A r IIu M « A In- *ear\ tr>ou?.* . — * »*of umiT* *1011* the a fir lU'.che.. w no !•,••• language heavy empha in • i; s • *;•!* .o« I Tuc-tia t A r If OI It ATI III NT head d a neiegatmii of Noj- , d« ; make ■'» mdur* the H w M.g go > OR<( A\| / AT ION .... . 4 V .1 ! e . >i.«n ' » « MI* td an aeicpTs •* American ertuca'.. r- on 1 >iUh« of higher •• .Chd > • h i> i. »•, en. hi i'« % •' i 4 p I at p.. • S* i.i« • n-.V "1* ot tie Sao .pi fn. , a;' al°.<>*!ner>! . ".«* n kit!* . We '.to «!« r.nii i over peri.', fc* rafete-a C'i»ffee h u ga'.e his views in tnr *e. ,;.; ivit * foe lielroit >f»i > tie»r We * pc garr > »• *, . t : am t . * »• ! tyiJig • mltrr.i • ,em avaiiaoir i " nufht _ agir* to join *r« i'om- picine. av *.y M-'« • .1. pjui.*. But "in ci 1. . a tneir ow ti u Innate lenr.j for A-oxiated pie** Tin* itiuiiiaU in batruig *pic«. *ai*j- IMKIAN WUMIN v pop ..a- to urogram «>f lot , Kt Her Jin solution unt.i •eu?* and political piopagandi.* * LIAGIC "Almml e«rr|where wr • ruction lea v. ■ !'»* ^et «<■ Kit J Of Wild! Moa- * from «'i iierUn,' mta-it do bua - p m. Student S e went." Ilalrher Mid "wr met 1."' the c . A- AW ; ,iv srftie f<.i r.e*s w:'h U,e Ka l.erman Keu« tafunge hotiet tludrnl*. (rondan a- .. vrtainly, . ' a v a Ti * result to itd!e r»f four it of tU* Hi# a* agents of toe Russians on '.In ACT!Villi* t ARMVAl well »« rwllege. who could apeak i. ate to the li *!! »< if-l m||| lllli lifelines to Resiin 7 pm. 3.) I \Ut y ui: . . and undrr*Und I njli»h with •did powc .> -4 sc. »> I'.iui-Ud. **a* siim'tied up All this and a feu other de¬ C'outvc. 1 ankidrriblf »kill i • atjyv ■ MrUish diploma*. W|N(sl4> APARI AN** "Mf *f h*en platthc round tails. that a taken tucrthn. »ugir*ted Western mnipramta* after 7 p n ,V« w„. n>, fi The Umvv.'y r* A! • m... i r.Mve cal. dauy ami H and round the mulhrrrt hush In the mahtni. hue* '.I.-. P- • .den' *a, • t ,e st i_ ,.f !•'• m as . seilaie •' • w i'sn-\ri 7 am. \V, it, elf. i.taiy jfcn nave oeen mutinied - . \ f air a *t! ^ • ■I* I sue pa e fa>:. puhi <■ opu i«-" ?• that vei , n*.mu»nj* t iruug'. *ne tre :i Jot •, . and that wr lain.. ■ «jy tang - aome »-■" >' cuipoi. a-' k>itU ui»-'| III , r**eft' ,4 i !»;. <■ irfideu lo t* ai'-u mav fiave been .»i: - snow the »{!,>..•,.« tlis .Vliclii^un M..U* \i *« \ ' .ji. a * ' . uc«t !»e'v.t*«a it . . of 4 . •: k ' 4 deal might t»* puss.o * if on. .»< e-i «„ **s a* * Moeiij. f 'If t«0** iU'flOf | struct inn i« y .ien u a So the* woij -l cM>pe-a> tio u,.a 11 » r-da* < un>' u * Hi i* .aa* : * II^ Four w.d * -co.,. ,. th'. .- l»HMn*k*> vvas U '* u 1 of !hce I 4 M4I S ilui Nollioa *• •»« »»»fh being as » 'completely educated man' ** 4 ilft,4i4'.'ii of l he if paace- ttt'o J j,' !: ■ -• ;'l ♦ . • ' • th»ng» off,1 tab) B.,! mug able le'Ui aid or 9 special free-or. an THIRD ■« - ua »4lal»| |4. *papers he t ilirel as se, p« it data *«(!#' u"- <>ris'.4tuiUlg Uiat Wp»I Hei tin « irecatt.e awaie of thru rter 4tt .^i Mao n 3 IS' : a' I6e pout hours m ri,.k *f »«-ven' »'atu# nriil n.»t uia**i by one uiuta. t a»t Losiuui j. M , eighty n.:k 1 arm !0t, .id ef Av^rt, depressions >.t • I Inhuman*', which Si»nie Western off...4A bcueve ■ * Onj iftionn murk* the past 1.»«» >c.n liromvka tnen devidru *« lead • s,.|u■'*t that higher .>»uli an ouUi'ii* a< th.s ,on- for a formal oflei relocation whs not tiuivh more ■still ui Jut tin r getter- frirtn* Perhaps , r (H>uUt \,«ar in* vsa- ftg-urerl iha* \t the offe tame he ittoni thmi it i* lmU>. a *>i aummit niertiiig betu**u • m l ack for *u:i n.o e ..ntev- I a». ana Wr There U more critii*«m » ' liyh. ua'at i.t}» ?mia \ lm- POLIO e. i»n* genrtal tra-uu for *h . MIOM S? He i* s»i• 5 wa.i •au.s« of the expal ■ ■ cat.. u.d opportunities » j ..njj • ng I MathemaV S3 Besee.'h u»p,> h * ,% ui In ••■»* Western raun tries, vat lire J4 Comple e-t during thu lust .*10 \ ear s. ! h« re .oi ii i.or hi living coiirgr nni , I igotia .Oi » often |4.-s the •ntline «f the Western "*•»!» 1 Njwiof Ik Mfiii.: at.* rrjMttm'.cs in Artier:, a, ' v "f critical of rdo- "•» .uiUt-a] thr p, i. e .,f 4 fear* :e:*al promise" aroused seine disquiet .. en* untu ' i* a»* pvwoib'e 31 Cfttion indicates that - • . 13 Lintt rft i - : • V. U eoucatluu Was » * and displeasure. e«p*..• t • nea-s lucatise *<•* >J * fomt >" Jht* tav'iv rue I« Thoro-gk- rart To disillusion t.r,s ^ these evpaedt d *»d .»:,.»»■ n Ila - a»,oi "* '■ v A ••'niuuno'.. d.g'.wMVM's air fare 4 I'rorioun •o a I--* fears thro SHOT... vn v * u *«de. II Coat wilt 44 H.jft .n the Aimed that th»« iint * « | huh , • la-tiiu a:■ « and ; <"lt !> : t.'U'il »l«|* o. Westein de.e*4t;v*n.* an alley . i« the p,..*, i.a# '*'■*'•'» en dkiucirtCil elite should « » ; e ' v' t "f fiit ilia sic*. koe-p talking her* at two days have been U 41 Tramslft • a *i .command B4twtl4H 4f V44t*rg«| g Pau l batk-pedaUing *v • ^isttiou What raa t»a done to fix it? * We*! ' ---—^ mat It Water 47. Beho'.d 31 Jm.tgte previous * *he.* a<1 bcrit 41 Tree I Km A patltrular rraauu that ap¬ If my definition . f « true eu mark. telay.nj SI lotiie on* M Bar of DOT N t Lbr '!« plies u» thu par lev mar he trac¬ The West Oma then students, t.eagfier* .."»i adin.usdr Mondav tl Batang # meU* I An m*i ed ha 1 k lu a certain on f 32 Or letter 1 o'.'mo . 4*,on* SI Bung ef a IP f" 9i JS9 foster these goals. In sh,,?-: - " •, s 4 ,lV,, .lV filiv cifit ideiii e m H the part of some At astern sough! to fi:; s up . <» Western ladAer Ai Ce.n of i-A I,aim car;: the proprie!> virtual* SS Coirp'e- 'ac4-» of our g«>ai- u Ituiu.iu * : tort van lead to prue /,.r a Berlin * tnent of a 3' Hangman a lice "• una! happened after So now F.a.»t •on*» fulfillment of then and W«*- alike p.j F,hO flea Haik Ml .net e Ki.- an* engojeu in m* ga ne of If I could Hit down Wi'h dip- >7 That tn 1*1 •S Type evecv c •'ge Atuueiit for i,*» .14* Pom i.i* funeiai *.f Joon >*ualic pason.e n ?he f oster Uwl'o b*ve ol M Can tend* wares minute*, what advice would I give h n Waahinpton w eanna ca*h other do * 14. Net ir *nj J would give him the definition in the first paragraph, |7 Smalt at.nj ng june 3, 4, 5 in..4:30 and then t.ell him that his four wars of ., a gulden gift of time to pursue these goals I would remind him that charm, Influence, and glihticss are n.q nearly as im¬ -Micliigan Stale Xews laaacta Bead Daily By Mai • U.ttt Madeata and I amity portant a* effective intelligeme. iegald'e>s of the pr •»>. T>,» Mi. ft 144n stale St*» lemt he will face. I vvoubt lemnut him that he is obliged n published by studeidt of \|if- s-,-« to develop and use the talents thai gj,ve him, and that the 1' Uiveraity. I.ssi lansing Mich 1 not t/*# otfinal voice cf lb* unistrsttv « iibtnn d re* t or of fstulfs stijasri ,* tod* «i ticket: .* .1 unde seeam« «* -ut». o? c , ^ real contributor to future generations is the man who i# *"";d t—..- ... capable enough and courageous enough to frame the right *. ? Associated ! vetoes notn ottftln the vmtv.etsny cr t ,.- o •« ;# vien<(**f tuaaUona. «Mhe fre^ lru»d Daii, Pre* and Abated velsj .Te 50c SI AM.Id Vol. !1, No. 44 W«lnr*.l«.v, June M, ISto* IDZKKDA P»s» Two Pidt Up At -lii.Vril Srrvice 9-11 :.U' * «* and •'t.'t l Mludrul Srr*irr | . -I :.'t(> |' m J*|M»n-«ri-l bv AVSC MICHIGAN STATE NEWS .males Needed .tune 3. 14:,4 'Apathetic1 Opens Arms Not Industry inmn'i Pla« t» no Until recent yearn, he said, the ••etaI pressure of in - ceptive to the idea of women Beat Generation ■ . I •-? home* women a engineers. man's field has discouraged f have the oppor- Two of the major reasons for '<*•. and 'heir own price, position in in- many nullified ing into engineering. women from go- this change are that there are more theoretical and mathe¬ Receives Support ! D Ryder, of the matical positions open eliminat¬ However, Industry, m well as upper-middle class home- , o, Fi|.n«rm». Mid society, now is much more re- ing any physical handicap, the dean said. There is also a chang¬ The present generation which ha? been characterized by man? f.otn and tnei" fat-.ers pail the btl' ' ed attitude toward married wo¬ being "beat.1, apathetic." an< I cio not think this generation men working. materialistic" received votes o* :? more materialistic than o'her I .mi er-fcar Research men Teals have have more shewn that aptitude wo¬ for confidence from two MSU staff member? this week i-. a'.ion i? niore a'u »n? In fact, this realistic in its ron- / value.?—economic, nu.r- handling small parts and are Mi?? Barbara Rogei of the Konsmokers Worry able to than ran star men. at jobs for longer periods of time these Dean Ryder ex¬ detailed Menta' the present Hvgiene Department a Olin Health Centei. ?a>d thp generation w«? more !; k»-r \!. - uud Boge- and >puitu«»i." ?a..| ':,a' a Vi.u hlore Than Smokers ~ plained. This Is particularly niatur* than pa«t generation.? i - ... g- • era*, 'n- true in shop labor. Tun arc not afraid to <.»{»* Altnougii women engineers vita life? problems," Mi?? ling¬ are qualified, industry er said, and they take on re¬ MSt* r*«earcher.« report smokers tend to claim less accept- them, society is more receptive sponsibilities without fear ana Ir- about their well beinjr than nonsmokers do. to t ie idea, and the need fol¬ CENTER OE WORLD'S toegest vertirsl lift bridges eenneet Elitahethpert. N.J.. and New York manage to ?ce them through.' I It is likely that smokers are io ore technically trained women bridge U floated into place tn Arthur Kill. Net* City's borough of Staten Island. Baltimorr A Dhiu V ao example •>; < just hiding their real fears, even }rof Awarded is great, the fact remain* that York. Sunday, behind eld span It rrplatr*. iiir trains will he using the new span by July l.V B-vger c.te.i the i- a*r>*d .« "• fmrt fan'* • .e to themselves, according to Drs. some of American technical O- vamp-,A presen: Torrance Allen and Hans Toch, ,J Howe.:. • schools and engineering colleges In such matr.age?. "te ..v. -M.u. llcmlfcrship psychologists, and Dr. William Larer. market researcher who will not enroll them. Ton-Week Summer Sesniou hand and v fr botn • .a: *• rq*- p-.'fe " • "*i l og. and an- -aid t. a- a'iu;' ger.- Michigan State does espotisibiotie* <•' t • not have caring sun-eyed 750 Lansing residents • ♦hrouK!-."Ut h.?tory h.,ve that policy. e:r children, doing ' h-\:?e- d Princeton in a study of public attitude to¬ ward smoking and Few smokers cancer. relate cancer ages Dean Ryder enrollment engineering at any time. said of he encour¬ m omen in Four Term System Underway v otk. 'he r'«>king. and die laur.- o:\. • she said The husbands . ,p d--. A . : ■ (»• •: ! to e. (»f the:- yotlth a« I Imnarrl Gi*fn and smoktng and are afraid of This is not the case at some shopping Tni'v have 'i-a.-ne i *<» !,.■ ,eve • • i<" "" v out}; the affects. They tend to be more The ten-week summer school Sept t The two five-week ses¬ r are expeneh.-ed tea. he ' problem? of art rust- Sabbatical Leave other institutions. - liuv grcH'erii.? a w tn •••«•. :• optimistic on questions of can¬ »e*«ion to be initiated this year sion? will run from June 74- » ■ ordirig- to Tayloi For example, in a recent letter we? Ttii? w a? unheard of ,, Hvn no thi* .ncrease in cer's dangers concerning them¬ may be the begmnini; of the Julv .70 and from July 31-Sept. 4 Instrurtion will be given in concerning the ne#*u for women generation ag' Suci a '• mg proLiiems of youth may be tfenry Leonard. selves. engineers, the writer explained four quarter system »' MSI'. v Tav.ui. director of all of the colleges bv 4."»« regular would have scandah'e.i • e cojr.- proport; .na; 'o an increase in Student? maxi¬ « r- «ehotii and farult\ member? and 70 visit¬ Ud of thg department of take evenum .. OwIt If percent sf Ihe plain- mav a that Massachusetts Institute of mumtv," Miss Roger ?;ud problems of aocietv." he cigarette smokers and tt per¬ mum of 16 credit? in the ten- i r \ ; «n.'» t-.c enrullmerd ing instructors. M -s Bog«i a!?o ?a 1 sae d:d d piwphy At MSU. han been cent sf the Alter-cigarette smok¬ Technology does not like lu en¬ rol! women because of limited v. eek WASion and tnav a-4i> en- « • •'■-HI sum.-iiei He '.' .le ^ a.i .,-*e • . irn' > w 'i • m»i think studeti'? b. v« ••• >• \r -hr prot *m? o* yout- are D membership in lu;' in five-week ruur«es. f*re- »•' ' p« •?»!-.tage n! m - •.« arit to , \p i.r, i pu- v . i>c ers thought filters are effective dortnitorv space o: k.-ig tivi wa "a -ug , giert'* •. '• seem* 'iie piopletv* Institute for Advanced In ruMvisg •enter hesards The MIT admissions- ofT.e s.ouslv stu ier.'s c"u!-i not ea n e e ;-wii' ha? is < h - i*ou in ' Ma^on an , A m scli,H,l an i m some ..«?• - - o' >( e • a:*, gtioiet Howell than 13 credit? dU:Mig the 4'' Ci rai.ia'c fudent? Jjjy a* Princeton, N.J. mure C'e , a- •eur ;>*•;.«•.- mav said there is room for only M por'uig fan :.»•«. were a pa the ?.« And the probierna of «o- Having c!o>e friends or rela¬ nine-week session of - - were g a lUa e i.-. "•I Phi.'.ipA a grant which women. A generu'ion «gv. »'.e . , v aie rede.'ed in the prwu- tive? who died of career s-eim d Classes for the ten-week ses¬ K«' i,i 4i «,„• one- Ho*h women and me- • • gaaied ad::w»ion to the If America is to meet Russia's "ne majority of .students cx.ue «>' \mifl,.** to affect a person's attitude, the sion will begin June 24 end end h- : tk "i« sartuner *.-1i«k, *u- n-u .t'a w'll! be held dur.r.g the ctyte Dr. Leonard will be outstanding puoto of well (rein¬ surveyed showwi. Persons with * .nuiker and the new men « ..n- ftibtaMl Igave from MSU ed and uualifted engineers, ac¬ t-r.g »• lMi-60 year to con- rsaesrv.-. in the Acid of such contact were lwss likelv to smoke and were more pessimis¬ cording to Rear Admiral II. (I. Rickever In a recent New York J)r. Coellto ( lutsi'tt Director ?»ahui-'ai |mk»:, be available for in- tic about the chance? of recovei- ' T:.,» t^iule for registration ^-i*ir.dar6 logic. Times article, the t'.S. should t no n-standard defined as thost erw- ing from cancer than are others. "Hie study was sponsored bv the MSU Institutional Re«earch begin revamping Ita enrollment policies. Of lirazilian Culture Center L' t. t v, : i? to take plai-c June 24- i;' tjc .puuljshed m 'lie N»*ws a' a later date. State | jrar.ifiiy out of conaidera- Dr. Richard t'oelho will *ake V_v eii-rted b*.a: i? In State's graduating class of hm. i -■ ^rr.ed i cf tie lm1" between k»gie (Irant ccxnmittee through grants JdO engineers, there a two-veer leave of at^enre are onlv roin,v k- o' Amenran? and c.'- from the American Cancer so. >. efter branrhea of philoa- ♦wo women — Frances Weihl, from MSU to beome director * f is eru --* host* the Ingham ' countrv, t and arpineal science. c.etv and County the Itmationai Cultural centei ' Coleman, and Mrs. Nancy Don- Xi^t Odd. a permanent chapter of the ACS in Juu de E«»ra, Bras. aw.*'? 'he centers . ar - Tn# ma tor problem now is profe*?or m i vat c.ted by Harvard Uni« Speech Ed lack of interest bv women fur tms occupation Secondare nimmunication tinuing education skiUs and «••«- received- 'he Hrjr. it» sl.'L" scnools are trying to stir up m- appointmem the nigh a g'ant Cluh Formed icrest bv promoting engineering from the I'nited States Informa¬ clubs and science o?ganiratum-v tion a gen. , A hpeevh Education Club has tn# dean explained The Junior Bmationa! Cultural ren'ets, uu'\er«.'.« mvntly been f'»cmed for the BO .,1 I ngmeers Technic#! Societ whicti are located in the piuie - ga .■ a-* aiui f i.'uia sues»ch education a'iidents D1 i uto*. of which tn»»e aie ISO in pal cities of the Aineiuen ie« g:w S f ui tic* p« :*uh-t Fred Alexander and I>r David CA pubiict arid other • <»! • 'wf' w era Am* Michigan, also in svveiai • potter, of the speech department, a»e ptomottng countries, b< *j ,ara. *>Wi »IW I feminine inieieat. are private otg*n./a- Sliu aie *ne gdvisots w •ee-ng I of the fiewi* ' The put pose >WM^WW.VWVW/AAWAWWAVW.VAV.%V.V formed club is to >l.oiuiate in- Student Attitude*, tereto In the f.eld of sueev h \ FREE - ONE NALF OALLON education, encourage profeiiton- al growth by learning, end to I nines. Thinking I ok*. Ituol It-cr With J It**. 1 lt*m I'utw. or Oranx* f > THOMPSON'S provide situation for faculty- Vnder Mete Study student work to advance the field Dissuasion of snider,* teach¬ What eff#>i« does a college FREE W IIK - I ONE FULL OALLON Itrv I Itrm !'. jj / JEWELRY education have on studen* ing information on rewwiic# a ? value? hi? att.'ude* material. work field trip? in and *r»*wrh a<-ti* •«. -,a' pro- • e* iical *n nk:-.g* ana n.s „ VARSITY DRIVE-IN EAST LANSING In an atremp'. to nnd out. 'n* giarrs w Membership he limited to be en.ouragcd .n the chin * »• apaeeh education t nite.1 tion States Office of Educa¬ ha* gran'ed 14' ldj to aid jJ EO 2-0617 11*1. S*r*i. r Jt:Itl 1 p.m. l» I a.hi. \< 223 M.4.C. atiKMMa. graduate studenta. and a stutie being rondurterl by Dr. Paul Druse#!, director of evalua¬ mess toe is ef the speech toetiR? tion services. imerwptod la toe aree ef etwee- vwsa." tierv. • » fell having the u The ah* was ergmuaei wvrte* to *o MM department the department of apaecn ia the College ef Camanuftnetmat Ar*«. Meeting will he held ia the Aud. d toll ke n. i toe nao eet ef aaeand floor lounge leg*. ut- whoa Ike? are aealers. Officers for the earning »*sf v?r bnokm *1*<§*. Lan- are David HMtosr, president: Dn mat pomta out that "murn Mors peoplf krrp Roirj; b»ck rorCtmeis MS! re Mefhedc of the T*e Frusctpto* Patricia Adatns, see psea^env hea bow mid and written about than any ulhrr ci*arelte today. Tha Ktoerwire Pratt, eerretory, eed whether collates really Influent-* Camel blend of coatly tobaccos Reeew" A Harvard value patterns of the etudesM or has Md Judith Smith, treasurer former teener »nether higher ediaoataon is never been eijualled for rich flavor and *• togti aiao at Dua# mereiv an nteltecsuai. know- easygoing mildnraa. To-lay as always, •M the before Univertoty ef Spanish Club to Hear I edge-accumulating exponent* the beat tobacco makes the beat amok*. jdiUBg tba fee- We are attempting to see if s g- Liriuo|i Studrni fiifieent value change* do take Campus representedr# tor the p.ace If sr>. what kind are they Pre/ «o ladar* Faperiment tn Jnterneuenal Lav¬ and »bat brings them about *" Whsie. Baglah theo- ing Ondy Cumr?ung.«. will pra- Son^e infoivraUon concernu g a c rjngvualtod visiting srst a elide talk for the Spanish tr^ values and attitudes of *" the Humanities club at 7 JO o m. in 42 Union freshmen will be available this to! lecture eat -Time, She will relate aoms of hef fall with results on the com¬ f / pan the fads and fancy sfwff . . to: History'* plete project expected eerijr in experiences as an exchange atu- 'SWwjm. dent Ml Sga* tummsr. I Ml. Have a real Dry Clean Now! cigarette- haveaCAMfeL FREE STORAGE FREE ■•Ihpragfiag 10" C«h Dbcaaal WE RENT ' -»r»*mg ('■i.ung Ka -SfH-F • - - Baltimore If 21 .551 Nationalist China out of o.-T ♦■:.! r»5g..; e I-...' Of Season < hirago 25 21 .543 1 did C if: ira 1 Olympic movement in favor of C' For'v-o-.h,... Kansas City 22 21 .512 2'j ••* '.ion ri' t Not \ I'lTROir Washington .22 22 21 2f .489 .451 J«, S Red China. If tailed on apo-M groups the Chiang K.. -sr. • . i .Vet R»'S ur." ' fov • \Y ."iirrak Emits New lork 11 24 .442 5'g worldwide 'o insist that - n fn' wc: 22 .^r "r.C a'is4. Chmcfie ath!e'e> :>* a.'lovc-i I'" -«"• -i i • Boston .412 < Detroit'* 8 for 4 Sat* Maclirn Pact 14 25 :o enter the great pon'ev wh r. SIns-'-i'T"' ;• v • r A «•' a.. i TIMBtV'S R|:tlLTI h g h i i h t the international T'liji Wm'.e Mailc l»% Impofetrr g s a M fKOIt i. New York ap«»rt* scene every four • > » S'ri'Cs r.o' OJi *' DETROIT —!>>»i MO». a a- -• hcinmorc < bin •'.••■v Sr* V irk on four hit* Tu»«. unaullied hv the 4«ycnt 'PC 1 ' i' Hero lletiirn» heavyweiirht title contender, » a tporu event ;c ' tOllAV'S fi t Ml * Iten h.«ve nifrhl *< the Tiirer« eked maneuverings of internaticmal 'i w.f • e.-e:.' denied in transcribed te«*t •- W s.hini!t..n jt i IcvrUnd iNi-h.r. " (> ymjc.i politics. " ."ee ' • e <»• fl. , ojj triumph tiefore a monv Tuesdav that Kdwin '•er t»-1j Vs. Kcnrr it-J» Trie I'.S. vtatefc:,* f. ''.v-,p»vcrn:':« '.',» • .o-ued a hcliimorc touncterintr crowd of 42.2118. AhlquiHt was hi* manager 55 Piefcr At i|.l» t hiragn—f» li»l| fi~«j "he S'a'e TVoartjoer.'. hhi 1 pM 'he Yankee* for the when Ahlqui.«t sip.ned »•'> v.'» t ofk at HETROIT iNi— terrr a ■ between .lohan«xon and I ,- r -*•'*ei New York * winning V .1 V. , . f , * four with 'he T.jerk' tlie .Machen. N %TIO\ %|. I.I.AC.! i: j-su'oi' of the rampa.R-. State News 4 |., ~lf he < i e 'aha !i *' n ■« - e B' '-.".Age n* - ■n.# vif*©rv wit Dftroi't ager he >'i ' Jwiiansaon *»id . Prt '•'ed *o .sn«e** **.e Na* a . #fv- r T ne lit e •.he -es'.- 'or Milwaukee ♦. :n ncsc ro-.ega'. ir o r ■<.*• 'hre* Yanttee pitcher- yielded The *e-*.n.' • '■. taken frw •- "an I rancisco 27 '"ri" x.'t onge: eo "■ , f --rie hu* funding *'*'• N*** Phoia a* H..n *lurr^» harKsmi e- ,ei wa« read Pittsburgh .55? «irons n Cmr.a B* undai.e .»<« • b .-c.'m b-. Bill Skowron and •% I.AMKIlA (III ha«erunner slides tafel* into second ba*e un¬ i i .:- ue?t# c- ,?u ge Irving Kai. I o* fngrles in Red fh.r .j • : •« a,.,. t on the part of r'arte der a hieh (oral («able% \ et« throw in Tnesda? night's softhall irtart I: p j.e on '.he question <■! ( till aril .484 a ic^ ,i (.'7 : i?pr«»-e: Mi** contributed to the semi-final game Behind the one-hit hurling of Harlow Jud*on the hr'he. Ah-'iuirt had author1.' id Ine .'In' '".rf ' C'i■. Nijhl kpri'M I 41'« • j„a* ( inrinnati .4b* . ,-e"fea4. Ma as walked his wav barmen look a 2-1 deeUion. tu repre«e»i* the .Swedish figh't hi I.on is .Its r«->>r"•"■i «u F Page Bt f -rotib-e m the secorvJ mning Macheu has asked the court .37* Philadelphia .-er. the Tiger* scored their* to enjoin Johanswon from goin; The Ukiie tbtuws a shadow f-.r r .r, and an etror by fir«t tftilli 'I'win 2-1 Vii'lorick through with his scheduled title tt JsliAV * PMt I 1* ,^-jr Skowron opened the hout with champion fiord Pat- like- 1. sen I r»n« i»< u * NOW SHOWING!! STATE ,, the other T'.ger run in trrwon June 25. Macheu contend* inati J l Angcl-t 4 Pcrini St't'Us i The Titer* runaway might here made ef II In the eighth CG Vets, Bailey 2 that the after their bout la«t Septembci, tequlre* Johanavon to meet him agreement, signed Ju»t icgh l *t I «iu» a «»• (crutluul Plan I < ome The Greatrvl 1 amil> I arl* A told the Pic it's e again before fighting snrotir >• »• I'Dilae-ipttia, p««i «hen Uie firat two hatter* I ruwds HK*1 "IIOU e reached Msiaell hit a bemieer »• *k»w • first aafel*. Charlie In IM Softhall Finals else 'ftie of Juhan.Asoti''* a"m-.c - Ton tt in i«. .i 4' * I. XMI S Milwaukee For 3rd ML P M "hagr* liog shown f at h 00 a '• '•» — (Mil at ran who threw U heme plate Be Her/t»'; g "f Nev. Yo * n« fclMRON (OAUV , . i " r 'he f'lmn r |r>*c - I'ltl >I*I1T( ll Itl- »l, C-U 4'. A 11 fi'. • Price* tpparrntlr thinking he had a Pure pis* there. Oeapile the ( oral (.ab'e* W?* and Uiiily. 2 pwtnei! « ir toniirf-.t'* »*>*! B<>\ g <".ut- wa* ' I hlldrrii 'III — XIa A Pa the *<.>!) i .4 a« an# ant the Tigera aeuld » , J.fninon- 7. rf**ps*ctiveiy, Tnenlny nigfit, • >< 't< lif Ulatr not arore again. a on A; (»' .Atir.gei, NY, John: \Dat went ou* for a pinch of Ha:. .» .-or t ,-!p »« . . ope »• • up u .'At h ♦ ' ■ur .* ;r ar>r \ * he struck out fourth inning B it p'»Mfd x-.ffered a a : "*-! v .; u h- c deft--' I.-t. :»«'».« a B illielm t,^rut he Tuc»'iav d tw.u i r.g a w to r. . Summer lee ' . l v. a '• i-1 .rd " ma '1 •; ,i • . . •- •• «*• ' hitter. Enos Slaughter. . • " - r f: r. = - r -«r •• .»*: BJ. " ,« Kj% Airen ti»- the %wedi-h fighter worked , -- ft j- opportunity t<> h Session Sel .a.t 5 • . 'Hugged* ip.'e ' I Ao! t no- seen rounds with apocrine pari He--to* l>'Uer wa* Picked off i-' e h.'te o'-r* and in the second of two ' »-«rul b* catcher Lou. . Mr- • ' ■ " • '■• - .it MSI lliiik pa>e rounds with Rill Johnson he -*t ".ng Sr.ant 1 hurled and Ed Coa'e* >:ePU m e r.. - ■ . t S'lf. •"■e r,. J ii Chicago threw an* son more previous also went right hands than in workout. Johan* two rounds witi- •• igue ■ •-•. . . . single* in 'ni*e a: n l>a•• e Ha .-.C" • * Artie low nr. two with i larence ■ j 4' of relief * or*. * HI<'A(*o i-I*.— -A awHrm •* -e F.d B ■• K o I loyd and one with Rolf Johans¬ of jfi a?* chasw! Oriole pitch* a-r.a'e - f.g . t 1* <■■■ t >*w However Perlni said he duea- a.aed with aace* .wace- son hia hroiher • ■* i» ' e iff ■ f ■ ,g,. »| tlmdr the men behind the Hoyl U'iShelm off the . er The refji« * -• a cm ' .e A ,-K ru h matter* ||p *aid thai tfie ( bjflin followed by John l*riggs Tuesday nijrht and delated ponrhing Peg* a-.-i *» eeiPg ; . A a . >g« • third ftiai»r league ahould be »os that 1. double snd llank (Swens field¬ » It pm the fhiltimore-i'hiCftKo White fraochi*ed and then git en fiie er • choice \ 1 1 n«i*ipi*n«i»-e >ijx game for 16 minute*, tear* to dctelop leadership and %»t« Hell** Aaron. Lfutltli\ t i O *« 2 M.r- AciKori »:* a >..! "'fum farm asstem* and runstmrt H'IM I IM. ' i->u ' p »»' ug jtaitirnore won. f.-J. •Jl p m ■ *-..*• • park* liS*»m|««i I H«mpim*«»i

e e r a - n m^j \* • • .Namt'il Tops ii. V»". >« T»« I'm Itipp'"* h a »-r.n« of mamh e tt r 5 H •' ' v VOt I »XHXl I. » • ... •• . • .. e « *»r i , c.»<< " a km Nei. e » «. I lota I- *• r Ik .r *«--mar. he fa—d -I'JIOKM *( IlliOl I.Il l ar.d ' l>K %G«f RIP (,|RL* !» Va * »*• *■* n«!les t oiiri Ha>l»» | » | II t I Tncc A * »e e ncj.., ng a'Cftt u p\ ■» awr.g ' a- m prti In INL for Mav .g .i starring K«o»kie Htrnn starring la* Ham I * Btilt' I (1 I e c je- ■* « «,*»t I •' !N(TNN AT' ' ' . • g ■ 1- I • ■>*» f *» f J n H-» .-c- r » r.g e H'-i f.a ' ■ ■ . e "-a: * A' V»« I IS p m '; d »' eu fanning the a * w .-tn a •• h. e iiarve.- Hci .x • ' • ' • . g k a a <1 j '*»•*« t. Hatha* u.» a? losing pitcher Hank Irontak ■ * e' Tner. So a Pai>.» Jo. ,nr - h.^'g-1 Pirate* gate 4 e n,l .# J(» - 7 TU . H;|H V<. ♦ . W«*>» stored I amltda (bis onlt run R->«i«vh brougM wu' a pa. of T .evav ? i* the Na i/'a- »»o* it »urkt* the second when he walked uuurr.os and he and un.p 'e The I e A r .i a', h. P.a I. J '« WRWBUAfOffTl INGER STIVERS MEIFIWIR TI X M in g #« • •• • • 001 r - « \tl% I moved to second on a sacrifice Mgna S, ■ . ea ■ - • • ,jf; :• . t ■ ■ ' * hti Rprinfitis *».< and came home on loin Ras- ami ltd *r.e n'fjnr. C.»«. e * pia% durt-ig » - WORLP - FLESW " DEVIL Ti c ground i ew »en* o.; ' »o», . Ill in nuurni single Mat -t par* i w'-'i - (OMORROW IS SUPER BARGAIN DAY! - ■ r% IipM y and new *pa;»er» to f o IM • l '» •« e* 1 i >nr*« gave op •- ee n:| League P'e« '* 1 « »n ?i» %)•'. ' ■ 4 ' i e * a:a and -.^ Oj' f. v« healsalli, Rill Veera order¬ (i. ce .iVifwe-0 t;.*' \* |< c sr. oe r*t A 1 v * ■ - 1*41 PRI X If V\ s|| TRfl BH. Illfs . c afi - 411 e ht* icamma-.i.t J ed a breworka bomb eapiodrd Hand: * ee- h fece.vt r r* 22 Augur" 5 and :a IM Results ; . Jud-oo el - tf.e < <-, \ ft apeen *• on puff Ike mouod. a loud bang of white smoke—and the a fr.,1 naofBali ".r v. 40-n.ari '.«eri and t • ' ••* of "The V\i»rid It W<(. \l\ 0\\ I U'«h .ind M HUM IT the iJetil* I .UO-I ;o-*:lS *of fh.xti i .ii'hjn* i..'j*w *aikah-l gaaU were font The mwwod ■■ r,st c.u*. league g« » «;iy. *' "shanr ■ * kaamana : 1 raked down and Hilbelm J t*. 6: IT *» i . x 1 « • ,cx ou' v. . c- Hi* '.earn *«»«*.- was WAIJ.AU.'N new - » ' ri runt nt wed linlf two other platers fi- I'llUtlAU erroi*. ' * »*" t. il-*. n* 1 ? Apparen' v unnerved p. 'tie tured in the voting ||r«. I arc, ^1 \ltl* lOMOHKU^ a. - , », » ia-n. . .g warfare W..-.e:m a;>.co (he Pirate*' relief pitching star. e«»> -T>u> fvc. eu lw» ei stop for the Rrates e»tT-f<.»j4 1 ««r« • ■P -B.f V. ,c.'wd To* *> •"»« >' * t tea ; J <#••*.» f*rteIt) K«« M.W VOPK *i.t Use a »fw»ft .ra.e o* s* ft?*' run »i'; of? Wi.'oelm * in >j(,ng J3 inn- : ,a aiicpof H **« a given Mab t.r ■•.a* - «• of a* LENSES r. « a-frnaaa ciu'.c* a .d team H. ** ■ .e fes.ilt o* or.e ga-n» * tft feUo* Dav;. Cupper A>* Vtc-lr grat-kM ia'er Sintg I *h Mi-waueeo ,r May 2^ v en IM •. Highlights 0 'liada m the W w»>;*don tenn.» crvafr.piprisnip* iaier this ntor.v pr- .;.g » ii! be a-'XU-xed «f fuv - • .ethi?,g to do wi'jh those no ft ' pitched imik&di befotr 12 cw.*e« u"; ve i•• r* . <»• g 'he *1 date in the IM A -o 'he '<■! Da-' -• : JJ'h. 1 Vj', wii. im fnt u.-e 1 nave toad in a rx*C.* an • Aeror., the laague'* i*a.' iftf are l^irry Cut'm- the.n ■ " ' 01 defense of w^e Daw* Cup i» ave been ' f«o fca'A'i. compiled a '--d age and Jim Iunoer- .J' *'■ "" i5. Bo*eible AUfwat a little n.' rua separatum fr • pennon continues U»- seivK# He w».I p.a> »n 'he Iriiwi jnl lTv*•!.<> kw, •'» Dem Mali field ne,.r Keckehham and W-r« ' ' ■ c» •*.pa**. t^HHuameuia W*m#ie- •wak, with tala NaOai '..jr.j 4-0 pan. Top t*o *• ' " ' *»fc win meonls. don Let N90fiz*a!ert you • aal* throufh college, too • cnmforuhir N'ftDoi koope vou alert with c#f- • hwfRed by Wallace • fniw the na pl*»«a*nl ai.nv 24 year a of dependable uUrit you enjoy in toffer Fael- ALAN LA DO • JEAN A ITT M UN • VAN HRPUN ef. ivafvdM-r. ritore rouble rum- hahit forming N alert during M ji1> aiwf M , aM . INL J. R. KIROV riailifi ufild you salt real of ilcaji t«Uf k» I p, tinooWtr Jtegulared #|K«c?.,mi iNwDof. af'd t* Uut. ho au/c. Reap • A*-eff y Lo'iu., WALLACE USRSSSSBifSg?^ Mart* FRIDAY. JCNE Mk; / STAITIKG HATl'BOAY •WOMAN OHMEH-SfcII" Oarr«c Hwm Ij^^. IM R, WaaRJogtn* lr>» ti'i si*/ **•»* ORSON WELLES la "C0MFLLS»0!y, a i MB t, a*a i«ai« eawcywesca Ap« i Ncu I'orcif.'ii Aid Rill Liiiiiu'liefl MK .tun, 3. l»l» st .ti v., o Army AFItOTc M * House Strikes Against Waste LoriimiNsiun, (K pl.i R- • draft"! WASHINGTON I.f ruv. i.IN — foreign aid I louse genera! and comptroller to ho with the defense department on To 78 Sr'iiiors a part of the State Department it¬ military nid matter*. " paU'»n; i.j A'wpwtnj. tutuJIiMf! self- -not of the semi-Independ¬ ChairmanThoma- Morgan (D- A total of TH »"i ih« Stair f)i*|>nr-t- ent |('A which directly operate pai said creation of such a post inrs in Uic Arrnv stmi Riadmi.nji t \ jj i - *u -.hi , i-amsi any wante the aid program. v .e part of the answer to alle¬ RGTl* id MSI! wil' r at: mi. untir»n Th e insiieetor-genera!-comp¬ gations of wa-te aid. in a fev. nnd lieutenant en v?.■ I • tt.e Am.I • .1 in ; several rtllr"**' «nt ways rii- de'iarlmcnl, alftiv troller, have main with hi- stall, would responsibility for instance . the aid program. A House sub¬ fiscal irregularities in traditional ccrcm Ir-< , of nest week. monkeys, is dead. living creature* the U. S has public i* invited. In ♦ I'Me major innovation in the Her death came Monday dur¬ hurled to such heights and of inclement weather. • »-- Mate New* Ptrntn |v Ran Miiffit hill is a new |Mist of inspector ing an operation for removal of brought hark alive. gram will be in FEOVIIHNt. AN ATMOSPIIMIK «f lnlrllfrln»l arhlrvrmrnt f'rntrr Imh mural* Illustrating l»a«lr runrrpli In the history JenuMi 1 ] part of a recording instrument Baker, the smaller of the two, House. tkrauih education, Ilie Heritage rimm In (he new win? nf Krllna «f Ideas. ( nnslrurlion on the aim i« nearlv completed. used In her htstorir rocket jour¬ a one iiound squirrel monkey, is /.»'.»/ - t.'orrrrlioiiM Receiving comm. a; ney. at the school of aviation medi¬ 32 Army and 2* A;r Commlg&lonr to io c J Katlirvn Brown, Coleman ami forrr Intellectual Heritage Kiii|>lia*i/c«l I'at Ileilantl, Chicago, III., were The Army, announcing this cine a' the I'ensarola, Fla., Nav¬ rlet*. Tuesday, said death was not due al Air Station, reported In good namrd outstanding seniors at to any effects of her spare flight Army cadets will Ivccar,. condition. The Navy said she ive at the end of the l.aot.rn Night Sunday. Their Able, with her female com¬ still has electrodes under her rjrrjtc| Kellogg Acquires New Wall-Size Plurals Conference visitors to K«' on the nev. ohs'i turn names were not . News • g.nal lint given included in the the State panion monkey. Baker, rode a Jupiter Missile .100 miles above the earth at JO.OOO miles an hour *kin hut thev won't be removed until autopsy on some time A Die later, after an MAKE THI. MIC'HH.AN KTATF. Mvrl VOTE MORMNf. HAIR \ - e.nnpus i in ing net a ,mv other building Center's hew wing wi'l fm.f ii«.* »« is onple lented Itv . Kellogg tag. - of i mpictliili, wa du- f icititic- 'ii|»|cnr:it- Foimdatu» giant of S210.IKKI iti CAMPUS physical < s.ribed hv Neville as "an at- ing rounding the IriteMeelii.'d .ii!'io-:pher«-. The idea is U> provide sin. in the form «-f wall- lii.i.'t in.; B ingiug of wbul nio fo una tin el- tempt and vital role of lives of to shnw and the excitement learning in the a tw»- CLASSIFIEDS men women ED 2*1511 . lefifdli si/e mans miir.ti, intellectual which einphi- heiitage i.alh alioiit meeting ate.e. the Heritage and two unusual • • ■ n. miport,»nl. • ' wonderful »■-mIIv never ends '* part EXT. 2615 l»: ylll.lNKS: 2 p.m. DAY IIEFORK in terms of adult Ic uinnr Vet i room- Ilie r«d»rful photo murals arc PCBI.ICATION FOR TI ES.. WEI)., This Bfu nddllioii to whit is "The Heritage room attempt* the work »f I'rolrssor* Martin TUCKS.. ANI) Fill. EDITIONS -already recognised a* one of to show the haste eonerpls of Hurtle and l.enuartl Kitl*. tudh ."HON. EDITION DEADLINE: 2 p.m. FRI. the nation's oiilsl Hiding resi¬ man's intellectual heritage," rx- member* of the art department. dential conference facilities h a plains |ii II. It Net Hie. direr- The IIiIIn I'arahlc S-12 and I-.*. hold new step in deidcliiig the concepts portrayed in Monday Ihroueh Friday tor of the t onliiMiiin; I duration the murals are the sum total f»f total rharaelrr »f a university srrvirr. wldrli researrhrd the the idea • of a 12-man ta. in' to the more than fUMHifl adults needs of ronferer* for design¬ aril staff advisory commits, CLASSIFIED RATES ; who eome to the Continuing ing the pin sua I layout. eill'd together to plan f« r the?'- FOR SALE HOUSING # duration renter in scan li of ' "Hie kind of i ieas that are tp o pew adventure.* m academic 1 d.y minimum IS word. «Sf. ATTfNTlON JHOUSING SERVICE further knowledge rarli sear. • li i'u; .. ttie MSI' I.n>mr>. to me. t the » I.AVMMJ HUM in Turahue :te'- d ief«:ft'i •. t.low miig and techti.- l'h*-Ot,ai.ITV Mid- i ntahed M-Y Dne hlnn* to v-eek IV .V-**", H. . T. I, ,ni> T**' reasonable wil; —- A $»:><|i,ele line r.( f.i.-t u; .. .olle. tioii f«.i a.ivaii. t no i.t n-ett • !$.. deliver. 4'len Kreb» IV a-i»j habit — «f paving D.t i V.\ u - I ., la ..... : . ' ¥, -n, \' e*$ tt|tti ent ini lu'linr MlrHlhAN AVF A«.'ll'»Xs r. - and pieasuic. • lull* hA»* • I ■" Iiiftmnt. nnd , ran,pin llin.iihrd three tree- nr-ert •ursine t»remium« late in the mehi of 111,111*11.0 after «*|»u- • un'.re1 «t nnla»| art tint an In ' inei.t,i fo. iw.i «,r Otfee I Mil,I ' l*M H4KI\f . r n.sle WANTED CHILD A .F a-' - ,m I'tno prriod, Lloyd Jameson, alii'ti date of the IT MAMflll.H KTtlAN •hen Itl'l* ituoe..' • Clone to A'i'»'' */■ • trrUu.a evident «,hh|i(I*iii. en.t nf F f ' A lull.we .ate, F?n fukhll! y, *e'> athprr. expene manager of the l»ctroit Bcgional monthly srveral in-danccs de- Rotarian* lo (iiu- » Dlue. while wMil. At' jr. 44 lAK.HINt; I lllll f 144 M »M a parr. - .• »: > i velop of insuiunc- tiring lost IflTHRK PA1AV-M TMA* TION men I » :rn! VV i" a, ..r.wala'- y' Mwr* hoi'xim; h't4»\j %i CAMPCR TYPING FI* .-AI t*.. lhre« graduate etudenU fltli. K.fferriiat ! inter 1. Iminmula I Phone F.|» i-Wks* m f i. nt too,- ,.r. it.«e.< summer i it m. Private runt 4«>i N v, « i'l.oov llonorril ul lt{iii«|tiel *011 noted Again thi« year International mnilUhM) Ail 1 M.n nftei ill \ MUMAP I .rnwiteil iM- AD I-F.*32 10 7.74^ Some K-'iean veteran.- n Rotarv wti! iward 3d achoUr- '"Mil I'm rit*>tt,» n't Parr ft*» i-ar *TF *r tile. Th# annua! tarewell m mo - night sellout oi in par'-lut .- chip* for for ■ign study, liiclud- ma roirii iiiNvniiiiiir » vale Parki-g IV *- a«AZ # TYPIKTFlertrlr T-- * ANN BIW1W. C. ilrnt t- i. nitHllli"' Hnt (•!•« a.table banquet of the packaging ■ 11v»— training under ttie K-'iian ill in.: all travc living ant edw- vr .- av "•r*rt a»o tliext*. ah* . $••$ h A II r..r.|.• , I' cui.- iv a-.*** 4* Unit w»'l take plait" Laugh', .it Iti i inav have t• • start .u.elcra'- sMprrii n,a«ne F.l» -*<23 Also i cutiona! expr-nse* in the I'llll'l v . 4>' one M Yt II 30 p.iu. in nat I- r I', I"n -u ing tl.eir collist if ttu\ want of recipient- choio wo-H IV * MA* Afte: D r» «a a M)M* l*«l r.»m» M' TOHIA h*r*l"»n«rie The aw a I'd f : tt-.e pi. kaging to to llatioi ate t andtdnte- nuiy' iH- a sent.-, Sr tile*, line ... f |S»> plxwie u.NF. IIEHNimam DEM X> ,$»afl tall IV »or.* man i f the sear wb! be award¬ of then dl iH'i'Clit-. Kit S-1111 43 mr-nl next vi-ii. have « knowledge <: neat < Ttu»,,« f r n-.arned ed to Ktank tIit-eow ii.l. tie- Jani.-s -u sain 'lie I f*'tittle no i nildreti Will a.vep- APPROVED K'ttiM* F«»R language u >• | in tt.e .outi n .' I f*reia*.n»' dnlie- an |.ar»i«l • ...ler • » r •..» .n,e» or | al. I pa\ chairman of the U«.»id of ttie I ll.lec the law a Veteran'- tiv they «xi»e»' t • «ttid>. and a' • ■ eni Available June 1. Wide M- fl» 3 upw Ii.i firms National Stat. ti t > til t.-rnonatton ti*a ! Green *••■ Hank »>f tansmg lluild- 3et Tr-* .1*1.- t eight inteie ' in uunnaii nal affairs FII r-J.*' ing«»'.r '•4» «' k'Sl A I packaging h 44 h' MMEH TFHM ma ■ ■* are in ve.o- fH.rn the date of his di Those irdcrcstc.! vhould appc. THOMRSON TWO ,v elv Vite 1 to attend. b*>.» ul.D* *s r -ord housekeeping ri-».i.« p TMI WINGiD S'4»'AN; .»s, i li, ke'. n»av dniK- Bid In no event ma. at the H"tary club neare-i ti c; .. JCWfKR IfNAPPMuVFD M MMhliril A t..tU* eni'aiir. »' «•"» t'fe» I Male etuOen! : ■> ! f PANTM4..N1 '4 nree I nrfctug ' TS4T be puicha-cd nf f>i» . to take t; i. training Ik-vou.I nt residence In-lore 1. a-$e 1%** Fit J-4- I Miki >A Aden Aug Utiomer t»ro T »*. hl.w*. tr,... Uav at ? Jan .11. HHi*. ampua I hone |;i> j-thU *t'e hi.ack. tv pi*': 1. 1M». I'M J A4.'Vn Xi, l*-VI hlatk * after 41 >R st'MMFH l MlH'l tw i urn tf 'n- Term pat-er, t.sed *ni> Sr . *t '"ir- X quiet ne g ,■ ■ t- hre, trfate faat Heaaonat. •, isif >;t j.b^- iftt' * It in 4>- rSAFl'NilVfD rt'NMXMPD A- #•!*>:. in Wondmere a l «*t Ml. A K Ht.Ai . Hih coupe HOUSING PAHTMF.NT. f.*ur ginning men fail term Two i,|-*k« frnr- Parking be¬ - I, el|e«.* H t.n Heater rxvr.trr tfjim papik t rampui AD l->*>2 after 7pm f; sif-r rv> ltre» Wihtaikstru, H2J FOR RENT H'HiMy AND epartn eat .. iy|.»ng on an alevtri ; Parking C'oae Aiin.mee It** rtiteen years e\per:ei. LANDING CIA HIE in Three f.,r ruMuJyu.aii me and bath r#, , TI TM»rr HFDflfxiM FARM home Par'tal.- furntahed $ |« 7.41*30 \K• I?»' tf-47 VERY iAiil'AK N3.I while hard- I* miles from •tinter.I« M ED 3-143* We t uoh.ilster Doultle cam nut In esrhenge ,T, U.f oa-i tune w 'tk w.n- datr« THl CIUNIST CLCTHIJ J t«na ingine IP- herd l-nfge enrd-i- and t iay ««,r APARTMENTS «r>f)\ts mit »u- - FOR SALE flAllIRS i mine n*s.i 44 A> etlehli* Seote4ot>er Jan e« per or fall, men student* leathers SUCH MASONAM #»:ti liratul C Itokine privilege* Near i«m|)>b if M *-*M*.t he«?- SPECIAL $4 Ul»e - S EMPLOYMENT Parking sail esrmngt r.olt MJ1 Al»>ert St FD 3-JIS" •tl Vim t$ 25- 2TSB r\ tPinuvFii nnxiuirit A Dr- • e ■# 4i\r MAN Willi es.ept tonal HOt'*r In 1 .0 .me • ren* tj l.nVEI \ ro4iin iteoidr .Ft HM»HED APAMT 1*97 NEW \ffi4pv \* \ 43 Twu C. LANSING UUNC»' •hilUt tor ii«i dant- Tu sumoie- and or an* tea J VfENT Ae»*at.adate mr SELLING! t'arn imntedialeb i.on Phone at IV the e-TS4rl \-ti f Atl r.-r M rtem Mi it, uhse Jmal- Sludm. *. Paul (ail V unfa*' lieri Jamm FU 3-S971 •» aiudv hai rum:, t'tilities hedroiaii paid »»» unit# Ta.kir.g Se,>ara$e and f« t.eilr ->n n>« tor 7J3J 1 .,th*s doer An-. .inndutriing Pt..«r>e WUllana- 1 -rpet- 4* 227 MAC » tt r..! k boom ..... ' i Act jrrii .mIT pnse tv AND RADIO in- he.b ...m h.n.-e Gas t.eet 47 FD- to gtndents Cr..'.» .1 «•' '** FIR* . Fl.UURA TMHEF. rnxo LUjI iflfl rVJUNL) ironies. IJ3 «-MMlme r t AN\»»Nr IV l HI HMV lane are* Pj ami batn Newlt mrntshed and de . I7_.. , , — ID J-g337 MKYS RAN-LDN imereaied J-07JJ alter * in p*i V ■ .»i'-. $ IVtone (l>- 4* HI NHL* v*rXT ("OMPLPTFIA mg Unapprtrtd. #.3 a month FU «.raie«t. one hU* to rompw# Park- |,h$T GFRMAN StlF.PARD male \ funuei.ed three t-edruor- houee * i.iM« ir,.".d.\ ivame Ru- r.V -RADIO .VF.RV1' f Sues a * MAI.F l AMI' ttHAxF.iUN iswi- r.rto Garagr vard % ,r.l .St 11I n him Available Jon- June JJnd U.4 I ***"« " Wa'U. ^ E rates tn student* _ N* 4 SIM MM Sllllt I S tna-e open pui'. • -iihI xraiu June l.-A^gual 14. IV- nipeputwit for two months ing utll'tie. esre'jt ttlwme #l» month, inrtud- ' THREE DOOM i'pper k$wrtn.env Owner- | fumished. all uUbtteg eerept lights it i television at sales free »if shop open • a.m. to • > pr **U * i _ aMo rare (lesired No drtnklng h'. |70 M m.mih T V tecknlrtasa Ml I'm. 43 smoking Phone I\ 4.|h»3 «a l^naarsg IV E-3cla *417 Pr,«4»eei s- 4.1 PERSONAL Man. IV T-AMg. Co. >2 I " EXFAT'TIVF. SFI NVTANY FON W. I anting Pmleslah' u u/o Fsi^p- rV'RNlSMrn TIIREF R4VYM rot. tage Attractive aurmxtndingt ROOMS thi moo k4AIDS SAP SPARTAN AVIATlCN INC. 1'«>nal $atait$.^n in wri'-euuipped of- Rmt. 5.85 Drr range ml) • U'.ng Mvt>rthan4 to #«•■ to raigewn-M* IVi-ples CTturvh. age. edn, ia>lto-iai • Heole letter a:-d Mlarr work ahie for married couple #53 month.% Phone EI) T-01W HIMMER HOLAING APPROVED 43 i . 1 proved y I 3JLJ Abbott SIMMER MEN HTIDENTA rmwit Twin Mi for thrwe Ap- • 4T WfcSey M»«iev Wat5 I. • t-« •> • go Da-ry S:r-« a- .«• esperten,-e 44 for men two hlotk from 1 arnput Opett kitchen ED 3-4UMW I'NtVtRSlTY HOURE H1GM A-e 'yw lo- 44 A trcmcnvluin* vhIup frum our the hi!l Clean nmnii. large wuxJaw*. FQR SALE TWO BEDROOM T\ RN'IAHED ' ctam ventiDtum gru-t view, nn tref- Daire Plant anthont hau top hjxrrt rsftiri firm! The*** hmiae Jul? 1 or Sent 1 through • DC P*H"W U; and M December Coo! cmsentestf I weeMr rates Cniseraitv CAROL MILATZ and Dannv Drstck- juifl, U'i.xtirc kfiit ** U. campus. between 5 and 7 pm RAt . m.mth ED |-4«t anprov-d lor men atwdsfste Na fait Uit this ad to !•* sute News ftolf etuis «t sstan»-iei Inquire tsfnee d.*.r. *>4 .uric* :wt-e»r 3-3 *re comfortablo ymr 'ruutul APPROVED LIVING gCARTERS Center T-lo pni E. Lane>ng I »*4 5' and ( e* passes W the Ciest ; m. lor Dnvt-ln two TRANSPORTATION Rruie t D niw a»4d usid fur men. Rummer and Eall With and I . . . jHTfect for golf, tennia, aithout cosdttne Two — APPROVED NOISING COOK¬ THE PIN EJ4T wasp 1 *fX: I Dave Chowb ' tSm ... I nioti Phone ED ING faculties, stud* xon Eall Jackman Combo. The PUybova. or plain untMBind rvlaxtng, IhroitRi spring terms Low summer Rob. Ltf t ear >, rales Two minutes to Bertes. SO- bv Steven, .(ormerty JtaT VeartSST Cuatoni atyietl with full faxh- FOR RENT APART RUNTS Jock Breum Harris Jackmrn ALSO CAPS OvOvCS. ^VaOa- ioned hImvc#, ribbed collar. . wcor c .it' at WAMTKD A GMADCAT* HiigsiU ROBIN EON EALL. reesn Or- N NSMlt to share a modern, attraniee. (Mr- chard near Grand River Crgjuste KM AST BAKERY Jn hniuUome asxortmcnt of •iddcio rr'cis! mshed tMse bedroom apartment in OCUVlRa p. •umttier n eolorx. Vii iAR«r clsgioh Okemoa gMl Moore Vnivpfetttr nt ME CD T-UR4 or student ID 7-eTU after T pan APPROVED ROOMS IN new be dNMuaUv deenrated rabe tor MSI Phona IV aervtag M r 5^TB2K,' at reduced summer rates bhtrwera. frandor €>01« coutli APARTMENT Pi ED Utihttes paid 'ARTLyrtm r CRN I Ml- TV Parking available CD I-1MB. at IV tn:i msr- ned maapJe No • dafiii. Tw.t Mocks off campus Available June M gli menth. B> altar « WANTED lea# ENGLISH Al'stin heater three iisarr* >7 Radio Pheoe and ID- auBurr rem ivmior TWree RIAL ESTATE .PI ,7t II I II M H I S MNt after 4 tu«-» Wed gg room furnished apprNMwt Ml CLEAN. COOL AND Plrv rooms Psr man. Private t" i ".I GRADUATION awcu'XCEMEJtTS MAC. SD 1-im Available June |7 WITH entrance cuae It. ED S-MT. sraa -*-.■• Uasuea. your Name. sl-tuE e envelooea. twu sL>< 1 ««•«•. .auMi, Vir . UStNC HABIT. JOOHI Sii ■— •— »• """SMrl tervtce Myers UNAPPROVED EXCEPTIONALLY SUMMER TERM. S37.2i! With ftSBOJtown 2"' on ti: Ave. iSw"- ,U1 r NICE summer apartment for four. IP each Ml Rpertan Ave. WD tmvtt 3 N. •O per mnuh. meals Nigs tola. ED t-JOT to _ EHA a-i*u - ggg %, Mr7w tm .. - CAKES M birtbdavs Many sssrusr* wakh cA