pv At" State News INFORMATION Sy o MSU Loses Athletics Asset ■rU daily *7 MM 'a tl.lM Tli* Mi»hii?»n Rtafa .Vam-a la |tub|it>i#g by #tiid#n1* of 1M1111 aak rn-alty Mia-big*. Sta'a piRsiii\r« (htm 30 p rn . wn.M room 13 1* "■ -nuikfi f-»r "i. • M«iM% Ttlll.% I | fl\NQI IT ti 1 V|| V-1«( \ ft in . tHpif lnlv#r«tt)\ Kaat I an*1u« Mum y itliniil t lu< ulty aiip»r\'iat<"- trri XVHKN nil II \ll(ll.II Tl KCV •oibmilteil hi* r«--iirM;ilion interest protips" to have MSI' secure a moVe to Increase I* la not tho official vnlc-o of tn# nnlvaralty or of tli* atuilont bod f in joining V IIo.ee. 314 y * •* MSt'Vs Itijr 1(1 Klieiillv IN-prr rnt;iti\r ;irnl ,\flili-lie the nuniher of athletic tenders (athletes under aeholar- mil vhi'« arokltif to aorvo f'lo bo»» Intrroata of |»»»fii, k'^nd* road-, N %PI*.% M Mt* Ml "»! i A! -• >;• ja// » in hkff'o any ijiovo ahkli UAdlti it rum ■ «ol(i h*fvr*n 1 <• I i *11114' 11 ehnirniiitiNliip. I he M-html |n.-i flu- service-, of it m.-m shipt. ■ ■ bathRf It tOfli*« from wll'iin fb» nm «-r*l'v or fio»n o-i'-ddo M»« • - '. .10 p rn., v tHlMoftt* vi • of e r Awn lat»d Praaa Inlai d Daily Praaa And AtiocniMl CoUffiAt# r%« K Vt.lNt. 11IV | n • W ho brought MSI prcftige urn I fiivnr iii W'toteni Confer- Also, the conference faced rharpes that some Athletes Srrv ii-e tlu.- in« • VIN|, athletic circles. dmi'l hot her appealing in the classroom. This undoubted!1 | rnce Vol. 51, So. 45 Thursday, June 4. I95f» Rage Two } Tilkey hroichl to these- two po iti-«n- inteerilv. firm -hocked Tilkey. when he found out the faculty could do nti % kitt tint 30 room 4»0 N-' * Conviction ami the nriratinv .*ibilil\ I" exmnilie tin- proli. nothing alioiit it. However, since I hen Ihe conference has Cantnus Classifieds . • . High Readership . c • . letlix of collegiate Jilifklie- iiiul mri\r at a ileri ion which Imped lo erase the iucreasinp absence* of athlete*. wh* for the hel ti rmcnt of MS I ami sport- in pern r.tl. j\ ItKCUNT YLAItS. universities have had their own CLASSIFIEDS LT"'- fe ih f lleptR (• world. reimw neil -aunti-d, I uk«\ riirricil over private Internal feuds between the pro-educational and his scientific ami «itinl> lical approach to the formulation pro-athletic elements. Last aprlng MSI- had its oWn disa- preement hetween Ttikey and Athletic Director Biggie CAMPUS . tV of Big Id athletic policy. IIK IIAS AIAN AVS \M\ OCATttB the advancement of AIiiiiii. ED 2-1.1] 1 I:\T.26IS Tnke.v decided to resign under fire of undue pressure Collegiate athletics, hill in a n -ulaloi m.tnilei "Without from the athletic UKAIII.IVKS: 2 p.m. IMV (ti l Old. Pritl.lt 1TI0N I OR TI I S.. WKI), quarters. THI RS.. A\|| Kid. KOITIONS regulation and Miipen i-ion, colli Male athletic- can lie e..- "f. •V jty expoiteil In certain mlen-d pal to I fii i.ntrolled /ift» However, President John A. Hannah managed to patch NON. EDITION OKADI.IVK: 2 p m. I III. letic* iH'cnmcs a wild, racin.- lire in!li I to- -chool, athletix. up the rift. At the time Hannah did not regard the letter Hilk Payahlt R-12 and I*.", M(»nrf.i\ Ihnmch Kridny ;is a resignation liecatise Ttikey asked that the move be i parents ami alumni being the \i urnIn to- .•-.oil. made "at your convenience ami in a way that can be (luring hi* three-year tenure in the dual athletic roles. f Til key brought respect ami e teem lo the "baby" member of thi» Western ( oitlerenci sinnot hly accomplished." Hannah gave full support to Tilkey'* stand involving the classified rates minimum II wrndt i for sale housing personal When MS I made the hi- ten in e.-inioe .--limit lane** into dispute when he addressed the MSL academic aenate after v» morn finrri- I day We for RtNr the Tukev-Miinu epistsle._ Ihe Rip Id, ttie ottiei institution -huiim-l the new school 1 day. 11.45 "I UIMT.D POINT (H T that our athletic council or¬ ami gave it a minor role in t-on;• r« n « jtpowTHwrAS Tnr i.m I ail. .« ganization, which is cotnfHised of six faculty men. three 1 d,y, •I* \t» hi n nt • ••nt I—'bra r (• amtv isvirvN* 1* TIIK I INST MSI I \l I 1/1A it pre nt.,iiM w;, ll. I,t. .dtimiii. a student, the univeralty comptroller, the athletic 4 d.yl •j 25 •'"* ' * aa *ni.- .• III|« w -t •- «!- a »• - • bi,fl»» ■ Da-><»«. i I)r. Llov.l Ihmrnoii a noted chol.ir. who thon-lit lo- director anil the chairman, maintains control of our inter- I d,y< .. $2.50 r.- o -• t-.ii* tip -at' nf I' Oil- «.».! Iwina -B I S IS 4. - tit ?« I friends iji the Rip 11» wen- wnpathe.i. ":• • hi prooh-m collegiate athletics in the hands of our facility and as an ADDITIONAL CHARGES , iflTORK AAI.A TSACTire olg-t ».SK»b However. the conierenee .placed MM on prob.,tion |uc a integral part of our educations program—where it h«- ter eeck werd ever II J < rilfr*ppnti«l T H. rt r.n * iv* af¬ a - photim "'»i* r. . I year for violatinp in ruiliiit' leptilal em - tomfs," Hannah said. *« P" d.y ••• K- If Mr. Ltlpar Harden replaced him. Harden ••..nod a repu fatimi of lieinp an txeelleni repu enlaiof lb knew ho Tukey's firm position was widely hailed by his other AUTOMOTIVE t'oa Vtrinrf » k > -r. TM| MOO M# : faculty representative constituents who were also feeling f.ir fll-tnpii.ini' F'«c-il-ri' I'hona |.D ?-?vn I or Jim < to handle the loiiph politic ol the roll I eci-net- and soon Dm undue pressure by their athletic.directors. im« pLYMnirrtf HKT.rvrnrHr won the respect ol other in motion l.edie >n»|f followed So after his tireless and unselfish devotion in a iton- . *1 • >■ indahl-M ton- waahtrt wall* radio •utomatii »hift h-a'-r housing Harden, ami served for a lout period salary capacity, Ttikey leaves the Rig 1(1 "lo devote my I .-an liootichout. On* •\»n#r. l-hnnr M> 1-tlU ** Tilkey entered the Rip |u circle .-hen th« eont inil time to research, writing and my administrAtiva re¬ FOR RENT 04 »y PiANT was in the midst of ninn- e.iou-. turmoil IM7 VOI.KAWAOtN PtU* fool ra sponsibilities as head of the department of horticulture." t-tt*. TO l.FASr Ffift vrar «.r n ■- • - r-#4'l - fit • ar»r i ,»ir.j»l#,-l-- • ,»r:-n#1 11l i: MLTIIHDS that can help to develop Independent I #ro Aiaria'tl# I a>f# fardei Nau-# a- ft i-lav «ii>. ■ I»V1 MC -TI) Dl'l t'Xf Vallov In IHo Main Nrua writ's nit lh" alms ol rilniMli'Mi lu» r rclinl stml\ habits are tutorials, reading courses, and senior .»b iiitaiioi linniNi Ca'a lo and Nt a -SNIM • John Slntmi (iUKri'Mlrriin crshl let jl\.onril nt it if % tl I lilrr ♦> f»##n ruction. Fnono I.D I Mll aflar * service theses. These are too often put off because of the pressure I nl*rr*il* lhl« fall lit iwnrlili- prnfrscm vf nirl-rjii " rrrinc. Ilr. M^hnn rrrritrrl In* lis fiiim Souiliu d Okhhnin i of a-4urunients in regular courses and of extracurricular i%\\ rohd rONVFNHHIF »«- h-fl .»„n ItuiM# c.j* 'i#a' i.' l»!AK SKfC 4 • < l-l'.M v, t * .V I activities. The hurried lastminute efforts tnay he of doubt¬ aii#n* nndiMmi M-«l -ito black . • i Mate I ollr*r. 4 nuilrr* I mm Ilia- llilvrislll il IlkUhomi wild t<«i* NAU f ir-i.m.aN. I »a«J- inn- rilli ill 4|tplirrl iih-i li.oiit s Imm IUioiii I linriMlt Ilr Imiiril llir ful value hut the abuse of the system does not prove that a a#rtd Pmn# KD 7-«f U « NI'NDI.E STAT <'0\1pu*1iiv Nmutiad tor## b-.i'-w, oti'C'Ous '• MM' fdcull* In l!».%l it i< a had one .So long as a college status symbol is more iana PLYMOUTH HKI.VtDF HI (.*'•«» vard Ava #n.- Jun* «i Kill CATION IS Ihe hie-long 'i.ifch !•-»• t h« answer- to rewarded b\ society and sought hv students than is learn¬ »,»nv#rtibl# V-l p.»*ar ai##rina. Inr I-1, 11. unUl a a>Si •Itonfh, mi III > a»»«»' W 111 int u'llitia- -v<•»!»' non'i- fiv.,-- 'TuDN'j' certain ipiestions, "\N tint am J ami »h„ i n. imrpo • .n ing itself, an\ s\stein will be abused. ahm i ara S-uir#al N" n inku a • ' amokinfl Phuua IV «•**: *• lite? How call I fulfill im pinpo-e " ' I .»tin,.i choohur i I MAS OI.DN M aadan »- #ii#n* I .-tin afraid that, for most students, learning in the hu- | runrr N»>o\t •. only pari «»t edticaiion ami m«i ncce . i il the most im a • ran# ai- Ph-r.a KD I-4IO «'• taf# A'crarii a a«inr-.\ji -1»- r« . in.tintie- i- even more abruptly cut off than it is in tech- portant part, hut it n the p.iit I w ill con-i.lei Itere I he abl# for nia'ri—.1 roup'# a*5 -nnr-1 l»5« JAOt'SN XK tlft-M b a k i*i.una FD i via* greatest shortcomiug « t tnrum! e.im .iHon i too in-n h pre iiologv i.ootl leaching aims to arouse and nourish in atu- fi.ad te-u t.a » Mi'bUon-X "fa- dents the desire for learning, with the hope that some |IMb firm KD a-tM* al»-r • no, 44 TWO Hi:r»HOfiW F I'RNHHf tl occupation with a InhI\ of knowledge to I»»• -lutfi-l if.to bnuaa J in ' <>r s— p». nun., students w hile thev are ill school ami too little pit pai ation learning not inimeiliatelv connectrd with earning a living t4St fmnor HI Ac K flub II#. #.' i-»r - »•' n .• -... . - l«i#.l#n' rmtti #ior> I'aM r H#i'#f imp,. *•• • • -ue,. ri> J €.' s « AtfP *'t> f'n-.. or raiding a fatnilv continues after commencement. Rut all A "Pirn f d and inspiration tor continued lea nunc out iile of -choo' N#» oraa Pi>on« W-i'lanac* bac *-aao a «->d 1 a " *"> <4 of us who leach are painfully awara that we do not often fi*#: nrw.r This is certailil) Hue ot tr clinoloj: n ,l e Im Icn. winch Aeeticixrii i fV|N(, W'*S!FflS Pr ' . succeed in arousing a desire for learning strong enough to ~~l ac.t an xk -170 ism « nil# . a <1 for nan Kum«ba< a-'l la WItb a •• trt : «* also t(H» often includes III the reipnrecl tioiK of I.now h-il-'e ♦n . ' Oil|a# N#«1 -ii"iual»l#f * D ultuoul rm-ki'il (»i Ni.-aa If- endure hexond the final examination. •v#rn##d eeei. pro# i# a# t!»•, t'n«oi» Pt-ona F D T-#'aH4 *4 i'lbT BP" material alrea«l\ obsolete o» -ooti t.» become oi»-oieie. I he A' •• tu . adM _ 4i S.--V' f»,4 r., rapidity of let hnological change forcuo- '»c »o u I It i< unfortunate that the junior and senior years rre IFOR RENT apartments » -*r» Nfrfi a education to emphasize leainmc powci in *« . ! ol ma tei\ of s ImhI\ ot technological inloi in.»t so ot ien tilled with career preparation. If career prepara¬ tion lime eunnot he reduced, it would he desirable to dis¬ _ ON't EMPLOYMENT MAN W'TTH #i. •N,'o-a 1 1 iv ntr i ornt*y N#.,r nn- *n*>1«u* ♦•>.,- »..»»•.|» -'«• halo • I oaatal• iumaabaif lotlodar* >,*■ e • This tribute it m such a way Ihat seniors have more time for Rhillfv balir.Mt dan-oi| T.» is st'p|M».scd to l»e acioinpii lie.t I- greater • mtdi.i i • Main imo># t uriki'if V i ;»• tific information into 'I- school tier ami pot t.-iune lion*, but to tie inspired to continue the .search for answers ANVONK IN CIIEIIKV ? »"• *rfl •u,i ">i#' b#fin- .a g Jui.# if « a llal>-attimg IV. al D t •**. • n»on'o »<• F Mirnifa* t , ,-ar-*l#.l an - »H| w tdStD i»#»*» emmgh inspiration to otitmue sen lit it* leal inin-al tei gr.nl- at let graduation. » 01 a ait»r • ien j 1 _ nation. —Lawrence Malvern MAI.F CAMP COCNSK-tON »«*•• t ' * "*1 •"»» ONK ♦tona man Piugran * » i•#* .••» • *' ' ' '••*" . 4 r ' „ !'»-■ a*« ' 11" ta d rra'*a luna U-Ai.|uat 14 IV -,^' " 1 V 4 ,u r * t-4M>l, Mi Pa*r*_ 411 •" • month IV A-**. -- li>' us iofi« «.s> urio'i 0,, \ti k'MJ » o SO FOR SALE AH- • -a«« »• » i -a ' . r.a<1f num f « a and i-a- '-a* 11 • rxeur- rritv ' . UTA.CHUft &ic •« A Mr-i k ipir-T* » hlitlftinf »!.*• , .f m # • »0UN HAViXX/fTJl C£A. -Ul'i>i'#it aa-a*ii $'<»'# r» ria#r«- F t—;» -•#•» • - V ANYJ£AUX'Sr50fA(r CYJfST 60D CLODS m s-*jic I ^ FCNNMlirD. It- »« H"I V TV \d p * dc) »♦ iirt- NIW AND UMD l-ril Par-, at a* i/1 ' "» t ro,»»y. ,r>a a<^f l\ >-4.h, «• 73 W ooc. ' •- - fn- puirm#-. CI J I • d 1-1 *h-»na ID J-JA.'.- l *H ' 4a» i t V -radio »f.jkv, vr 4 -V \ - ' ' 4P' •. iiNvtsnrit it f .a APAHTX1KN * • art a ha*. r> . • »t.. ■<, • - -N a a ■ a'# antraf • o. I* 3 ami I ..<'''■00: • » I i . ■*#... .- m - riducid drtcis' A V Alt A HI.I jesr ae * >t» ■ 'V T.vvsp lj#«« »ha» »' i>a- - h ' 1 • M'CKS LA.'. i . a • t * --.■»■ 00 4 r-wm fun..*»#.« »• ' lo < • 4 *f H aland H frandoi frolp. c0j*vf apart py- V> p#- » — % f iv *11 Pbnna IV a-AlA» 4»T p m or,« ** f.» r Pinvf c«o» o»a fo« si ' -*1 1 wanted t« abar- a n .rfa-n a*'r*rlay# wi s»ic «. :i N I A i>.«l.#tl o- • a-»«r • a < RFI.I.IMt all. Kt'NMTV'HK. raa- *., ebly rn .-sa-N- #••#• * « OkamA* *a*« V' - a FD T-1224 IJhSLiS fC' I'niM »*a1 N*» MAP «ft t> IV id • POOT PLYWOOn tar top b-»a* vp AKTMf.VT PA ntt, V rVRMPtl- F.U T»* Naay# »#«ttoiiAl. * i .r m -i-V ■X"v tahla aat-h 1«« RO t-teNA IT- T»» ard lahtr*. 44 ID nad t'tlllliaa pa-d Al|iC»Ha for r ar. to ,#.# No .cMkir-n * - a •* Akt'tirtlD •!# •* fur Hth-V- - or t «H fa e - a. TRANSP0RTAT CM bl.nk* off lami-u, Au al> - J.ar- ri) ? «jn; ,^i r.n* - pa |» month KD 1-PTJi a da « UJVVINT. fOR r r.HADVATlON AKKOVNCKMIMS I »m u M VVM *11X1 TWO f.,r. u ,n.rd Cotsta.t O# » WITH four nar.*# doubt# *nval#y*> n.» #d bf a*#k#•*!- — # I*— • A- fit.-ua# t«A day ^#n'ia Miara . j-< MM PI DI-FT FOR A* MMKP T> #a ta- antral— MM a*-m»«t j . Pr.ntlnff Karvira. 1411 K. Muhjan f-arn|ah#t< % »* ».*r U IPANTtD RSDFF A *. IV I-1A3S If-43 MAC. PtF I-1**3 Asa.'abia Jun# -a-..-.# Jura |I *: * j'i: Oti OKATTD C'AKK.1 UKI 1VKHEO *# Mif Parka tmOMF ASD lat-'i-m"' F K-Wti FM #\ I ~ a t rf a"r» a, tor partiaa buthea4* Man# aihar fVAPPRexrn IX» FPMONaI 1 Y bar..-- Tl . • - .a.- 2-T43" W ANTTD - RIDPP a#:uta *^n#v + r• " ta #*.+ am ppaHa.n Ata ID f-at-Tt - ——-- U.4 R.*t IV attention - CO* SALS 'lAllIM W ANTED - KlDr.T! - WASH Ail I LATlX PAINT fvrmphko api rov rn «ia>*e - t alifwriu# L#-> >•* 1 in- atudlo *iuri an' i„r i'4RI f ' 1| On# b#«l. kit# a-t Wttr Ca- • » . fta OX 4-a31; ra.'N t ill lilt I #• 00 a %AS to 3-1744 r- **'•" ' ro D*.o-at e-» WAMTD- RIDIP a. a-'t—l' 44 •«« om »«jt NEW moon a «a tar poilili #' IDT 41. A ACUt; OR APAR rxiF.v T * t* hadr.ai-" . 4 l-auAP aflar 4 p» 4a i - $44S .»« # - Na*i» furr.aii#0 H# » ir>v ...Aaa ut. ■ t »',-«• :t « i 'h0t oryo> P*..r,a W01»an- U#a rv* S I #*»-• IV 4-4372 U , pidk WANTED JOHN MICKS HARDWARE '.-r 72~ * kr* .>r • kin-'« --• 'ia-( P A:>*H F»a" U» a COOL NR«T rif*»R aatrirani I^UTI 3D 2-A4s: i0; t aipa aporovad 'tr ] iii. -it |vt it;ah#o a 4 r--. r.O 3-1744 » I 30 - LOST and FOUND PIATUPIN* LOhT wanted •ITTtR SU. K IA.VNNG FOLK roo^s u«i,r. CC1MAV 4!irP4RO a,-# ».»nad apart-vNint Rr<. « bv.Cdi- * fr*Td>» ti* 0 R.r* CHaaruut l»#at and aata- • ar« P0 id 2-iOl ur ED 3-4- W A.NT3D R> GP • LOWER P4'C1 S CM# bnot ta *-«m- *« MVa IA3 Alaa i#a room it-oatn fa»- lASTtt SIIYtCl •x%H0d RA3 Una b4u*a t# .#<•» «. KD 3-AJRS fe. sa"*r vaa r» b a- da-a d* personal judisc hak1t > MICHIGAN AVI AlRcPA tr-... 11 .4 IE—t* 0i00 3 T •Ai.ntt. ia« "f-«S tetneae *-« fan.pua F'urhiabail tb aa r - it, •^atl- Fto® • AHTER , «l Dvtu# |u trr n aal Idati tan o* I'traf I'ub- Una it tfMt 4 iji. ra* a'c •• i'i-»a «a (i:U Pa* paid. Parking aao iv J SM #a fi.-o bafuam » #o |.j ft »ut# ,V(*> r ■.„ x+„ fr^ W ANTED TO P' a d f tb <#r a"' p..a. •** U»# l i aat Dtitv-ln. « A#atd nwdit'k# 1" V UXkl.vg CLOIl to Tbraa I D ba" PaHtaTl* fwrntab#,!. F,D --.,#34 #.!#?•' Mfgltl Staff THOMPSON WM. M. ""■■nt and • Na •tudmta RA3 I.D 3-1 Ui 43 nir JlWtltR riNwt i\ A ANT F.U TO HCY • .*- P»ulf>4-i-4 Rd-. aitar I am CD ?-w.* THREE ROOM VPPFR apart #tt b* A-#, a At«M pin»r . — bMn UiiN wfKA*#4 •' b'4 T'*-,' n# ■ ♦v-ntAhad ac ut.5it.-y . T » . f • »r .. r v,ar!»it a«>#pt tig •• j< » jj-, Ma VMllltRl lta Ja.ba.p - Valta- FCKAU tOU * * - run N«||Rack v a*aa< S-.appj*| Caatar a r.«dtn HI* Pia*t>«-«l »t »;#*»« , j' * CdAUct B.i-i*.-' •trra »;-tmer n trt fe«H*r (Ml MUtof ) Lanaing. g\i I-aelg. - « _ Agcou. JV y id if^i Minnow state vr.tw y.idcnt Blames Commies ' June I, 19",$ ftage Thfea it . Carny Floats Take to Water Tonight fight-Long Riots Bring *j" I- . f»- ■- t' fContinued from Mage II ...j V- «• i. e« i-.'i ,«,! '!-# i'i K»:>r>* (' t" M j IJHU, f>e.«., !>»!«* A »fti 4 • ■ f'trlcli* ** '>i.».-a,.o- f/e.'j .• J'-1 fugr-a " * V.>«* '1*11* ar.d Beaumont Ton." v.* • ..or»h In Mays le.g fUen War." !>--. C,.mir.a ac.d phi lve'„ WiUianr.s "Tweniy 1 -«e A v., -.H 4 « lartial Law I" 1 '.<•• • 4 !*•!•« ' 1-4 • / • C Ecuador - -! i '1-.-. a, d Vro n.e kptnt o: - to >; » ' *1.- 4 f>! ,1 :w I" • A"1 / AW*)! a/.d la-', -vr.* - T*- /'1 , H-.a 7 - . »► r i • - < 'A r H ,»» Van Jlo"*er <14 i • 'i A ' « • I* *.< : li t * .ef ItesUkf. . ♦»,'-eta 4f d A.o.ja 7.', If ft 4 eg Ij-ig. c... ■i a a 'i Aik*' - Ih.T'ii plotted bv OnTirr-uni*V accord- ,y\0r"„ Ecuador w* dead and an tie « ...• ' emergency meeting • '1 • Porto *' n.*;;.a A . !«,'• •' control. President with h:« ral,i.".e' He dc are.j Viejo. a reriter of liberal A r grn, la'I' - a he [V „ p„' ^ pi need th* en'ire was acting public from ana.thy to save '\e re¬ partv sentiment, was the strong¬ t •-ler mirtial law and ami aggne, hold of a brief, aboritivc revolt .'.ion " I f. Communlftt- in August, Itt-'id. two month* -^t.'rufflW«d thf-ugh thin the tinting was touched off af'er ponce v.-as elected to head 1 fv;», re,**' port city at h* studr-nt resentment toward K< uador s fust conservative ad- r.W» -nd armored. c»r» Police f hief t.ennidas Itel Cam- ;. . 'i y of force «topp«d po's order for police In break ■> !:. U.Y ; n Hi ve.nr e..« • tionv up .yan i hours of flghUng student street demonstrations. a <* one ag.»,\ ne** r.» - ! r.v.iian" and police. The chief was relieved when the Ihe nation had recently hern tvr « hundred peraoni soldiers took over the city. The relatively quirt Rut political ,.i lnjurtd. military commander, tl. (ol. turbulence is not new it, Icua- \flMrt in rrfftMlv w»mM M*«^r« Vegundo (apt. Moro»h iarinto Andrade named naval anting rlor. where tip until I9.V! i»o pre¬ sident had finished his term of I*AIIIS OF AT I^.AHT TWO di mi 'standing second from left» saved his l.i head of the ritv's police. f „ ml# • heekrrwi of office. All others In tsuador s h«»dies are strewn in front of state polirc i ducking behind car when bla*t ripped ..M (hreM*"* »*• ••••**• The demonstrations organ modern history had hern swept Wchurlkill Haven. Pa.. Tuesday after a Twisted tank of the propane gas truck .,« (day «r?l«I •• !•»" earlier th.« week after {ah '".i- out hv revolutions or military gas truck etplnded. killing at leavt II aaain-t billboard in barkgroutid after being bur' ,1,— «r pwtp—ww»Bl •' dents v.»r« k.. e i in an upnu/.g coups. force of the blast hurled these victim* against ed about I*!*, vards. I \plo*ion followed" fire allrr , fttmrri tator-Amertoan th« Porto hood of the car. Trooper driver f.arl Klinirr rear-end collision with tractor-trailer at Viejo gam'-on -a ■ f ii.r, hi-j. '.u« j mtntater's ctiftftBtc la Fi ida.. . in \*i Tm** •• Qmtu' Student" aid fivn.an* in 'h.-i' parts of u'ju.I e 'n s*u- AilviM'N (loll('2(% T on .it* and r riv.lia..* began I prtold«r.ti»l pr*«« office western ntv r.cai t. * < >»■' r.a l joined conscripts in ,-e*.v.,j f.;e hu'Hihg y police s'. h p m It iitusmmt ehtrfing the JC Office Assists Transfers to the officer*' Gun and f r.'.','-V' j H »n upridng to Porto g e ' . PI** . the commander. s * per*-:.' I* K.a-f ef i«ie last week had btsw *>' ^ t»: i'W They ba fesae > '.ud-. ...u«r» 5: r..a-ed cwrrnum* for tt.e fif It ( sroith u l » .1/1 !-"•»# .gan i* •>. \\* hive worked -. . it 3 H P-.r.H 1 M G.r'."«r.afP4t ••ge at.<>n (OC'JCCi. junior , nllej;e- ; ; i- * 27 D ltrtu . iv/vili? gnal Differenllv i 4" t.t 18 Dry nutstand . Or. Ma a ^mith an Ata.c.g h.ga ing Michigan public school sup¬ 1 ' , 0 // P.ak^r 1!'i * |V»pie , tmmun»ca!a ret < n y erintendent MM' officials to head this was selected office hi i r than II L-nt* I ' * bv rnerhods »anguage which but by * .c-. arc r.ot He serves as the assistant to the ' f ooper4tion it the kevnole 1 ci 4 14 Maraef with t»'* vice-president for off-campus ,fi i i f even aware of. accord.r.g [).. education. « 1 r I , 37 Support platter t>iwgid Ha l. pre* dern nf G-.er- 'lit *"1 1 I i r 3e Of * *ca% In. Tra.nihfi and Re-si *ur.# ~k ft* !>• '>r .Sn.iVh «•> d 'here are true. fur.(t. »r,« '<.*<* perforrr ed whicn V-• MSI Dr. (Jiosrn Editor r ■ t 1 j. ■ 1 aiphao*' • cn-ae^er Intonatidn pa"e/n» ur. - " , 4) Fftilhw T-e fir«*, he sa.d. dealt w''h r •. -■ Of Philosophy of Science U Ms.rtS*»*'- scioua.. bu.lt lnu> a lar.g.age, \fS'.* entrance reciuirementa t- '• U 0 -i exp:e%t feei.'.g* a» mut :i av transfer at orient* 1 ■ rM e r eftt v n- Ji d Uiffere .* r ./ . '•« h M 5^i*V have different pat'erns oh'h •T«»o mane dents were discovering that thev %fn|' transfer stu¬ * i* j' '• i 45 Men* f .esris v» poor e-ifwnanica'.ioo »pe:.f.-t / r* ■' J lacked the necesaar? educational -4-d ■ and mi«und«rstar,d,r.g. 44 Church background.** he said "The* * *e "• v' •to r-ceta The load news of yoice differs weren't prepared for MM' and r .■ . •' A- j •n 1 1 L 44 Ftr-v * *..efta n at betwtea cultures. spent years Ilall. to Iran, said w he has the! often dropped when they fell behind in their out of school Irr hndner will itvumr the 1 '(j t" 4k Sssacned IT New Tewa- Iranians natorally speak Uod. their studies -* Sm.'h •».'* fhkf • orjc ' position in ianuart He will rtk; 1 I rre-.t i>e ■ while Americana modify velre. Shouting Iranians disturb r.r,** rr,a:!c-1 i'» e er.'-ar.. e r-• continue to •phv depjftmeut but with * re¬ tear h in the phllo* • i w rti i x 54 •fit Nets ' tt Americans and creale a misun¬ qu.renr.enta to the M i-.e. . y., duced schedule. derstanding. while there is actu¬ . • e «•.,>•."./■ en*. ' .* al! • fust a difference in intona¬ \,w L'nilrryr.iiliuli' . ••.. ,r « a ve-r • y •>-.« II oh flint' lh*tril>iih il | ROtrtTAL W%* |/c MARIOV NYIM looks out from his tion patterns (•rani. Hit • • a !*o- ea: , SPORT COAT SALE d MS'Mk Im *0 dpslite lee berg conditions during f orriprenension t.ine d.fferi ,* •. t-> r*r.«At. t otitis in >iun Of jit r of post —I snsrlronnsenUI Mark IV toll at I >. between < aiturts and hinders Especially fa.e-.'M \ .tin*** in V»me eountr.es I'lr/r Vi1,'.! i from me?' ^e-« r,' pi*a) AW Material ( entoe la Philadelphia ft. P. Goodrich engineers < /rr.maf.iAa'.or.. S'ate Un.ver*.*"/ r • , f.d duals pad Iks aott. an? H provides enough Insulation to enable h^\e no regard for appo.n'men s a ' • r f . - i i naa la snrvtve an boar's Immersion In Arctic «alert in (ft* ;-.i> AT,c-,tar* sre clock-coo- w ,'-h rece ve t'»") 120 : e- ■ r* e , .1 ,r -1 si dr. ' ONLY SI8.00 bias-yees oestker. f .-.w» 1'• f .£:.*.*« * no T.i»s sp- rwveareh grar.f* . ■ • p.. .'."•-cr/» r sv r. nuaunder* .*.a " a e f s'ai'iO.rig i' --.enn.r.g » A thc.'.igv ' ' e N N f Ihe first luur will presenl toe n»v* theonr* of % VARSITY SHOP .UHS I'icnif Americans fee. r a ' svinposia on whsb-tv ',e»-.jve a r , fmui 8' »"•' ■ derision making determinant s.gn of dilfespect ;o b» .s'.e v-. . ,ng gran^a'e ♦ vmion iii» i usmm. ;« »*e f. r •» e and the nature ef umpliytr, he Set fur Sunday Amerieans rreato the aamo f*,efTs ?'» ufluergi. .»•< said. Schedale pue ThS Association of Off-<'arr- S'uolenig J« hoWthf it» a: - trouble Ilail seme said nations hy ignoring Brakes promises to aro promises. Ineansanhle. (M to hual spring picnic bunder •ho If»dge* park m Grand Ledge. while Americano treat them tho same way foreigners do Mm. Tho picnic, open vo a.i • • p-IB-IoM of |>4as pus a'ufienu, wiii oe be d from Mlaunder fM—Tsitdit'.rm JI O—News (N , rM~Apa. *1 Re;,*: ri—F.ua One Block East Of Campus tompI f tfytol in »" p«i ch«9 - »U Vltt It-tS *O»ch.0fl C4M»* lotto* t.tJ a.fu^ (M y , *(*.n mrlM mm «W I ■*" VHkltfM M >N '« ik.i IM( lr— kM H HOI I IUIKI 1024 E. Gra.no River ilMT Mi ED 2-6647 » I-MM 1 f rf ^ Michigan mw srm Api Red Sox Promise to Pursue Golden to Captain 0 Policy of Noil-Discrimination '60 Baseball Team BOSTON bP«—The M.marhti- Harris set forth the following the activities of fhese scouts In Dean l.o«K Cltoseii-mvp sett.x CnrnmifMort Ai:nin*'t Di- points, which Mrs. Ma honey said scouting Negro prospects will elimination *sid Wednesday it has accepted ii* "evidence of the commission approved: I. The lied Sox general man¬ continue to be made available fo the commission at its request. At Annual Squad Banquet g»»od faith'' an assurance from Ihe ager. Harris, or the business 3. The Red Sox offer an equal Boston Red So* to pursue a po¬ manager. Hit-hard O'Contiell, will opportunity to all to apply for Thn N part .-in blineliall tram picked Hick CIoM.-n. le v of non-dlscrimiitfttion. in hir¬ make a trip this year to Scotts- employment and all applicants to be the team captain next year. The xelection v.K. ,, ing Negro hollplayers. dale. Ariz, to obtain guarantees will he considered on a non¬ nouncetl al Ihe team'n banquet by Coach John K.,1,. On April 22 Ihe commission that suitable non-segregated ac¬ discriminatory basis. Several other awards were began a pndie into the Hod Sox comodations wilt he available Harris also told the commis¬ mode at the affair. Dean !/»ok, f'l hiring practices after three Bos- foii group* charged the club for all members of the Red Sox during future training Mentions. 5. Records of Bed Sox Instruc¬ sion scouting the Red Sox players of have been the Negro second base, was selected as the 'most valuable performer " Tins IOC Strike*i| wax biased in its handling of race for many years and there award Is based on offensive con¬ tions to their scouts of the team's Ir'v Negro infudder• Jerry (Pumpsie) Green. who was sent pack t<» the minor® ,< week Tmfore the sea¬ non-discriminatory policy and arc seven its farm system now. Negro ballplayers in — tributions. during the season is presenting leading tin Al Critics team in hits. runs. HIM'*, tola. lr son openmt. U. X ( 41 a The Hed So* denied the ftlle- gation, asserting "when capable Attendance for Milwaukee's Games H AItllN NPAHV. »h« me Iia-.es and triple*, lie is bat tup 347 going into the season'* Fin¬ Of Dccisionl I t players ate available thev will t»e u -ed. regardless of race, erex-d laoked like Ihla to National al game Saturday with Western Michigan University. IaAL'SANNK, or color " Cuffs Down Compared to Last Year league batters, soft one to a pours the high fifth-grade class¬ Dirk Kaddr received award for lop pitcher. He sport*- the i/T'i — A Very American pre»i
  • nnant, hut mate af his son, fireg. at a pic¬ nic In Milwankee. Tite great a 9-1 record sml has an earnrd run average of |.24. International cilviiip, ( ,1 mil lee, struck I».uk \v polis. His hatting average was Milwaukee left-hander, pitching Bolt Ross, sophomore pitcher, I heir once-rabid fana aren't breaking down the turnstiles nesilay at critics t,f ther-,*. .?M. He hail four home run®, far both teams, finally heat him¬ showed the most improvement ROIMiFK WARD. who drove to vlrlorr In the MM).mile Memorial to watch them do it. mittec's arlmissiori »»f i -1 one triple, and eight doubles. He self. 11-14. of any varsity player and CJnr- m.: liir rare nl Indianapolis, gets 4 from hiv wife. ImMliu Ihe The guardedly said that ihrtl rouhl munist China. lie R fimllt dog. in the winner's enclosure invt after he rame off the received 37 bases on halls and had stolen lit bases. six-year honeymoon booming business at the gate is of be n "The factor. Braves have don was lljortaa.s. third baseman, named the outstanding UK' has no intent inn (,f, ti| speedway. Ward averaged 131.81? m|ih in hi* leader 4 aril Spe- drawn *■» ■ »vci with attendance off by 1A4.- In Summer freshman elal. In act a new record for Ihe rare. Mr® Mildred Mah. chart- from last That adds tetnarkahly well for six years versing Its decisinq. year. that it's only natural to think of There i* one award tha' can't man of the thf e-oieinto'i rorn- up to a lot of rash. The I(K* decided he determined until afti r Satur¬ Sot for All". 3 reHMon, sail i the ager.cv now Outwardly, the Braves man¬ •» Irop in attendance as the nov¬ Basilio Bout ieh Congress last t. J day's game That is the leading . j-eiiMilers the closed. She elty wears off, said Tebbetts. recognize the Red ( case agement is undisturbed by the hitter award John Flt-ser, left- reached its "But we're trying to do every¬ ttw Olympic Committee | aid rxininussion turnout 424.125 fans of for 24 With Fullmer • thing possible to satisfy the tlelder. is presenting leading ! All-Stars to I'lav (amir finding afier receipts of from Stanley Harris, a letter executive home game® ftftR.fMt in 19.58. as compared with fans. • The f«ti In the street has other with 312, hut he is closely fol¬ lowed by I/>ok with 347. venting to Continental permit the Nate:. i , vice In president of the Hod S'»s hts letter, dattsl Ma> 27th. "We're not panicky," aays rea n • lor staying awiij from Matle Definite The Kobsmen will he facing a es«* mission Committee to ip on behalf . Forr.su NKW VOIJK i/l'i IMail of a second major leaim*' all- owner I.ou Prrinl. who parked the game, Bronco team Saturday that has up the club and moved It from beaten them twice earlier this only. . slur ImhvImII pnme to h»* plnyi'il this viar will Im> an¬ "Viij have to park vour ear NEW YORK <<*»>—'The already Huston in 19.13. "Attendance H The decision was and 6-1. y trv nounced early next week. Hir pi ner® aid lull owners Moon' rinns off we're In baseball all aronnd and maybe then walk a bait-mile over away and gravel lust to hazy chance of u Hay Robinson- Carmen Basilio bout for the reason. The 9-1 Broncos, however, re- Icized in non-Comm-.'. tries. The U. S S: . i not too concerned." get to the gale,** one said. "And world middleweight champion¬ rently lost a game to Big 10 mint denounced it .il.iM.lv h.-v«- •< .in 1 tht An. .1 • Angles Cob-eur., *uKg«-*t«"d I In* if mnt'. TitleDefense ci Birdie Tcbhets, kcr club'* executive vice presi¬ a and manages now the Milwatv- former play- If yot« get wav." lake thr dropped off lust bos yon might as far a- ship, New York version, prac¬ tically was obliterated Wednes¬ champions Minnesota. Nt'AA dislrirt 6-4, in playoffs before art of political di against Nationalist i a* t!»' KANSAS CITY f4r»—Arrange¬ day with the announcement tha' going on to win the tourney. If ments dent. point* to a combination of There's no question that the Basilio had flcerpted term* t>i this Is any scale to judge hv, the In a strongly wonli-d r*pi« k I Omilih were rrjw.rted virtual!- ( h.ilU'v Si l .ii', ii^ht.r,!. cornfdi tivl Wininesdav for Archie thing.' for the big dip. Braves are doing their utmost meet Cene Fullmer in art NBA Spartans last win was against sued through the lo< * ^1 Trbtvtts figures the current lure hark lost title fight quarters here, flrund icr K"i i Fi.i'k, t to patronage *jidut| GASOLINE l•.ivi r Kn.'tin ivprft t>'.i?iv»■* .Old F.-' lie Y<< ' Harvey of tfio M'«>rr to defend his ligfi' dtoav\ weight tide iri Karivas City next - ♦rend in bast*!mil, lack of new faces, construction underway in They're striving Milwaukee County, owner of the to convince by The announcement Norman Rothschild. Syra¬ was made Minnesota. 6-4, Western's all-time t e c n r d UK' "reeotnltes onl> sport*« ganisations and m>i rotm.l llss lowr-d |*rirr* lit 'lim it Jvptcndw against the Spartan* is 4H-23. * An. i n an t.i ui'iir ' and Hutu". Tim word came Wednesday the area of the park and a posl- stadium,' that a couple of things cuse. N V . promoter, who said menu, and has no intrntlna »| xible The series first started in 1916. leveling-off alt arc cott- l(ruiiIjir | 111 hi I Ifobri of the N.ilioiirtl with Ho* I^'.u'iir f'»en Iky Keartta. M *»re'* man¬ tubuting factors. are necessary. The Braves would like to see the bout would he held late this Regardless of Saturday's re¬ deviating from its h.i*ir *o«» | will »!*•*« I cntitriii«- ing June 12 :n the NCAA na¬ ihaam.tn of the IVn-i'-n Com¬ • dficia! who head* a Kans,i\ City, placed by permanent stands and Ogden, t'tah, among |io*stb!e bett* said. "And we have to ad¬ tional tournament at Omaha, Brundage said the Ik.: t>. .MOTOR on. mittee, will be presetit a wall put Up instead of the sites. Rothschild would be co- syndicate backing the fight, in a Neb ese Olympic Comm.' - Next rue^drt*. Fti.'k will n»n- mit that mavbe some fans ate wire fence around the outfield. promoter. telephone call fr-tu Washington 2 riiI mil $|n«> f.'. with. Nation.d Iwukue pie - ' I'xe Ihwii neg'rtiating with tire woik out final detail-' ef Ci?> Stai from to second tier seat* i'i Washington. "We the IOC last year. (Ml 21c it t|1. anil up llrikfi Is Iwilnl juvt two He g.iote >h<>uM Im* Setpe tea. mi-I a decision bed hv that niiflit. are tads practnalh set as f,. a< on Mre alt the de- is con¬ "There's also no cneoiAon that the construction of the new ex- Milwaukee, the two million which went mark In atten¬ over York, the State mission ruled Tuesdat. The de¬ Athletic t «m- For 5th Open Tlie Munich den® hlnrki es*t of tin* I nl ver¬ dance in four of its six previous rision was based on recognition age said, was taken t cerned. The nrx! step wilt lie to premwav out«Mr our gala* hi seasons, drew 42.081 fans for the of the validity of a contract MAMARONKTK. NY ■*'< — Nationalist ChineM* sify on lirsod River. (onto Mi. ho.in S'-ate lesumc* svicyt «!i oppiN'.ent, mutually hurting Tana jut don't realise « Robinson signed with Sam Rose lien Hogan is at the peak of in and see Cliff. ball pbr> agauut Noi thvxf >tertt that traffk move* reasonably home opener tn April, hut there CiHiimittee had no r: agreeable '* his game." Claude Harmon said of Philadelphia for a title de¬ ity in Continental in 1919 after a 31-year Jaime He did not indicate Who lite well and proa if Into Urn oU- hax-e been plenty of vacant seats i • dlnm la not Impeded. It's dlffl- since. Second largest crowd «>f fense against Basilio Wednesday. 'I would have t • the Peiping comn. opponent migf.' In* pick him to win his fifth open Moore will meet Yvon Dttrelle rolt to eonvlnre litem." the year .was 28,190 f«»r a Sunday Mary* Jenson of West Jordan, Formosa. TODAY IS BAMAM DAY cf Canada in a titie bout Juiv As lor a levt ting-off, Telibetts diHitdeheader May 31. Utah, manager of Fullmer, said next week " Harmon, former master* "There was no pre All Hay I'rfvlfw IS a! Mivdreal. anyone," Brundagi Wednesday that Basilio would rhampi -n. i* host professional at The date of the proposed fight Your Key to Hotter V»lue» . . . go? a larger percentage of the the Winged action w as pract. .- See 2 lea hires' Foot Golf flub .. Low Coat has not been act. Cam pun CUialtteda rnous arid it wa> «i . gate than hi* tighter. He said where the 59th U S Open Oolf cision, not political w. ,'niwf *'ton he could not disclose the terms, Championship will be contested of the word. 1 but added the contract includes June 11-13 ■m WOULD, m flan • Shown nt • TOIMY — LAST TIMKS! Coot! t'.onl! equal rights for Basilio. Fullmer "There Is nothing new Is He ha* hen the constant tn| •a n» gfVU. and Rothschild In negotiating practice companion of Mog»n artion. since alrrsd* f • '■» I Ilarr) Ingrr Mel i .no . i.aii. vt:» Paul Newman man television rights and determin¬ during the attet s piepaiaii-.n* third Asian games in Iniulvl BrUlonlr • Sitpnx * I errer miChioArx ing the site for the even: J ear, the athletes uf l»nr.-M | •'Shune' 'Shown lotlat 2 :'t»l - - 9:.V» TheYounq ,un<5 (T1 J* Robinson issued g statement (logon. 4ti. now burdened will were notified ttut thr* u Phdadeiphians Uins , wT t Monday Tint Ratnrday) Wednesday reiteiatiug hw will, The resjMiristUilltie* o? club only participate a« lom I* I mgnesx to meet Basilfo, and his manufacturer, next week-end m»sa and not from ( huu. 1 "| belief Basilio did not Intend to will he did participate." "" so I 65c to 5 p.m. seeking to break the fight him again. Tnree-wgy tie he ha.* with old "Because of trie in'.* « Willie Anderson and Bob Jonrs ity of the Olympic * t. a* the winning*-#! of all U, s. there has been a cur.t.i IgladmerI open corniietitors. four time* Each has won fort since involve the IOC in (World v. War 1 - '• "For a while Hogan was both¬ poltcjcs," Brundage 1 | ered w ith hi* putting." Harm- n "We are deterrruu Law 3 Dan! ; continued "No more He looks this w ith all our stn • . • 7 like the old Ben on the greens it is quite apparent ' * ' ' Tlf again. Besidrs, the open always misinformation has i-*--' is a driving contest H..gan Is Mill the most accurate hitter in Uie about the action of t • IO*-' the so-called Chinese p<'| fKMH business " its meeting in Munich " twnggfi > perform*nrr« GQUM.I NOW SHOWING!! like llawr in Gwlgor> Peck *'«»» ( n«-'uartrrer.t 111tli Victory < a« hu.e re-p'ed. ha* l*ceri inv.ted an orgamring ' and • • • Kir go! fO< fhe !' !. K.'ig "re enp ained the organ io».r.'.n ' o| / 4 Of Season Still Champion **e M'lbert «.ft- .a) de»iaie.| Wi-rt.n?: King, eaecutive 'I i» . «• I'.r.ve Hui.dagv. o*.v'- fr.;;'. . ■ o l.a te < • • (im .• v.'.i',- hod t,e*r, ' to No'ior.a eent in k'^.d • t»* ( h.-.o n'l.d '.;rj;r-'e * Stops , ' • ♦ '...el * \n Olymp.e Oirnmi'.tee n •• M verl *■ • • a -' ep'afo • * el n-.t make Red Chide a rr.'-n - i.m e tra* - 'ie'.' . . , ,'j j« coiVM. , l>ril\ G»hles Vet* tmery- 'ha» gi'Hip Red ( • :»„, - ! # * * - . all-university soft. ? and will not part.' .p*v A' .luiir r. e • ; Wednesday a* •l.e \IIf O V'rlj.n VihUr fa iloilM* Prohibit- TKO * (>y.tnip« Rosi to voted Ufl.e-a* • ' The nrganiring tummillW if I ,,..- Hrt>atenHhtp virto. v. . e »-.A:i V, W ' ■ i>i ii ninth rouml technical krifgi '•« • ou!d app. - a* rvprt.er. - the mnunrl'- , ,«• A' • :>e- or - | League -e > *■ . - T»o iunini'Mon d'*'or« ey- • «• f y ;• *' "iAI independent An- ..{> e - • • (f •,» *he Ro»! rut* after the b*!' *e-1 1.1..m 4 • .en « l#» dele a fight t« Ihe K.'.g ro d 'A m,;. • . ': »• ► , who • "■* >»on the ovftei e -el !'.e e.- *h ".und and *" 'lid thet *h'M»k Vta*l Again Standings up ■' • ei Refeie- Cfiar!e-- Rfsfiold* in tli* third round Rrnu n wa* rd ■ ' ■'"» a , .1 >.». givwt no *•» fop it.e con'ed . I'ndei Na f-ttint through t« Ihe rhollenrer > )' . • O e if.-ee : ■'! ****"" **p' • "'.4 How.r.g A -n rules .t per.' »''t< AAfl.RltAN I V A(»l I. »herp rnunter hur*l* while '•> ! .m R-'.V.< . a d e" n" t>»!»W »r>rt afirrenrt- . i , a* o f.in'b round TKO (iI'klni uff men* of R»«i * wild IV L Pet #»B - "• »"* -.4 '«• P -'h r»f the *rr»trh . . . o , R'* • r « - •hro .gh toe an'.re eigr' ' or.d r.'o.k. g Kan«o« ( it* TJ fl .131 I' '-f.' 4 p i' r,: stsrte' ale*. but i 4 . . The f.uri df lit I KOI r 21 .47ft 3' • •" Hioa 12 • »..» •. ;»"#—• If.me !• life tnr twe rune in the llr*Mfl hod opened cut* an the 2 4 ' i '.'e g'y • |M«k Iromhlee »»IM e. - r: » .■;.! : .r l.gh VWthintU.n 11 :«s 4h* 4 » ;«»r ' . e bridge nf l«nl * none In the third '. ' to New I'M k II tv. t T O Ccjr-." If*4 moved i« aeemid nn nn In- T'l • p; ■- - . 4,. • and alongaide the |#f| e»e in the • i '.ei 'he pie*. ho* Uii (ft 14 III A .4 K - ■ z •'» a " C f r B ■ ' •id tingle h* Hob ttumll. Dftn fifth But the* appeared t« he • . l\f»hl*r knorkPd • Te*nn leaguer miner aft fast work by hi* corn MIDSMIlO « atft *t I I* »• ^.. NILHAI'Klf. BR AVI ft oatfieid-r Iflenr* Aaron, tbe ma mr *.4-' • '..ted d•» • n Rep franei* ll*rn ip-N'Yi J.-t* «hort left field and the ball learuea' leading bitter here with I red llaney. bit hi* er ffew repaired meat nf the e • * a w #•»..«»*'..i, 4 4 I# » vleno ft telegram from Ruber I |,.i yW tbe fielder, allowing 1Mb homo run manager Hednewta* night again*! the *m f ranriwn fiiant* damage. ' .4 e • i J' . • I t.cei* «»<••• * « .1 * Hellim'.r* i I ! read King a ftaeeutlve director mt the II rumble* l« *#«re. Aarma now baa a 111 hatting average with t| hit* in Itl time* «t Midway .n 'he eighth, '■4' !' w .»• 'OV '. e* • 1*1 Ilu.l I t „m (, •» fort a high **'ri* *• • V»tk 4. vtue* lade* ftrganiaing turn- ■-•*• 1 f-'.rt/i R ieft to get the MC* bat. t'asfmd Rf»*: o.er the right e • v>. o» ..»■ • ■ a', milt»e o**erting that National- ' • > lollftt r» 4 Ml « I. V Do(l»ri» . • ♦ * RB*. or»d ,k,.e i la;.ded « hard r.f ' . ** ..a*, hei up h» • Ni^n lit f hine hod been in* lied t« • p fifth. the win nor« Yankrc* ^ iii. (»-5 the i f on the outride co in 'ft-4 i •end athlete* lm Ihe gamee prior • > er a hit. l.eo Hep- of 'he >p eve ( finis |1>. ion «• hinui I it,.H'»«" ' :» llallpurk Conliiu l lo the arti',11 of the |ntrrnati*flel Shift I • gi* li.4i) <11 j,-m *■ iwwd on a two A* »oon a* 'he bell ended "e S»» S f» »' I.» f Ulllf »-••* tilimpi'* f ommiitee ang the* gov Ref-foo Reynold* m.' *14II would he welcome Mantle's Hume Run e H'.nniot * -1 . f ( ,'l»id error Nwm Fod- . i . • . Sjr Clark Hale'ead ar.1 llftstcr About »r.e-! <»*!» |*m*i te heft ui*0 * . *i r*-\ a- i Judvn flew out - e }{ . .'• re:»':♦.#d an a • er • ti MG, vrav atepped in I)i Jack Kr epp of »he D **' '- e • r. Re?. H F Gr ** tp. cf Co smbia Boxing Cnmmiu. N »~^ • e-i one toward* the * AIION AI I » If,I I . . . ., Ir.e** 'be JtO•' rdd> "I ...ed the cu*« ♦ fv Beats Tiger Effort • -v *K»fT * •*. S'.ion. the loaing ■ ! en',re, ' rA*. 11 I Ret »,H •.*. t. • -.er. rtf'fUyl the bal! to- •e era! *e*orr|* wh.'e Bl'i Up Co • m • - - if- ' e fe'ieral |'r» * ililw eukee 17 17 A 54 i* ■»""'*ifvd ha*e arwl Hodge-* . '/d :r» r .1 r.ng waiting 1 - •t.rf * t, . • r-4- -ad out up ' a *en Ironeiftra 17 II '.41 , • •-ne hell tea*, never rame y- > r.g a'-d if t ,* h' 'he key atone aark. . • - RHOhurrh 14 ti 541 I . i * ' e o cond -. i ,*>• v:i-H on the play, DETROIT M c-kev Matitjy hit a towering nin*h- Referee Re»n«lda walked e*er to* Argele* 1A 't MA *• *,#• *• Hi a a' Va fbe \>U almost bag anetbor Inning home run \\Viine-- ^l4rl*ie» I'hiledelphta 14 "*4 141 11 , :0th hor.e v * down the .ddle - *• - i 'a« .01 • eft I'Olllivra* ram* bome. Hem- rr m ♦heir * • fir*t hi* «.f "he eenv 'irr^ • Tot.fVft Ir-rean-.ing r-'.wd HHisMhll i *1*111* • , e • - * apofU y - t'f. he didn t toueb tbe plate h-'oed " e »"e--, ar.ee ir.g under the '! ft-point rr ue*.' M. •*4*»» " »*" Ir#' f » 4 ,n*'» t"~e t 'f rtr" t,f »-*'• tre- e. o a ;f'.-n,a land aa nut on a ballet' threw t. .id 3T0-f •#>* rr.arker n * .* ♦/, MB: I ''e-n 'hrougn eight roun .« e,-. i »» I »-iii i .« tfie left fielder Referee Reyr-.ld* ^*d R *i I •• S i. ' *.• I r ght field, avl * .pert mi* %. - fhe l'ftakee* hatled out their * AA 1 : --e ••rerr B»:.e- hurler, d,d a wa* 6,' in fror.' TA-".. J..-.ge r» *<»•**.# i ♦* •»!* i to-v h'»r«e- f■ »r the T.g-r« vro •Id Inrmenter Irant |.ar». with f e-..c. hoid.ng the ba» - had f»a'?le<1 fr-oe a 5-1 rte'.rt five mn* In the third Inning hwt Norvei Ixpe. a f-.-re- boxer -.od TS-T5 a-1 J^lge Ho i t'1 .' e . f. e*->«r-f.- r «.r> % % r. * 14 • HANOSOMS WIARABLIS WITH *\ *n n-;* f-wir aafr'ie* AN even • .4 f •' Ml • I' g.ve f ;e'M» r..'Tie i>uren the Tiger*, trslng for their ninth ,|» i- * ea-nn.a'e* d .Hilftved V'» is-r.an th*o,r*.' Bro*- « .» « -•*• ' k ' ' . »0»"» lie net - m over Rlv N»' e«e ortarr in It game*, nipped *«i« . 4 •#■» 4 ?• ! • the* couldn't c*»n- . 0.* fr n* T.T-T' T-.e AP •i i«•■>. ii ri'i'iuj*—Hf-t.i* v pittnert on v ''v» n.n'h i*>- and finally tied it In the oesenth .» *..»•• *«- a > » *h Jj«*"n * fa-t boll -»d R'»*: f»u* t' *b R»*)« I At* *»!».»» *1 '4 - •ar* Vurun>, Bailey » pep- i JoTin B.anchar-t tit 'r.e en-j rgn.e f/n '-e «»' l.» I .»» I*v0 »•» . * V. r*. .4. ' * »teror.: wi.f got a aera'.rh • f,r»t hg ioag'je ho- e m "i .n 11, ReylV..' • '.o-! R •• ?•- 4K*ft«il 1 11 -r *••• ' ♦ f i-i* in the ah'ond. and (itr \el* 'lake lea jieg 'Ji the tnir.d a-d Yogi ♦'eod 1-1. J.ee -o" R. •' i * - •I-. «t »•*. »«• ty* a 4 ■ £Wra s.arrT-ei a '-ree-run and Vo 1-5- tn**-MkN «1-4. » • **!• « Wash n Wear | B"r*~a- h' a ' fie drive 4-3-1 r »■ had ' Of! 24 a ' f.--eg. -^"»rirt bpyeman • fn *• af'er G.l ?.!*Douga!d The AP had t e-1 Bowling Crimn. ®ver ne M. , • g-.f (f »» • 2*'Se ' - |i Vi » *'■'■ * ... - " - ■ vth But Jurt 4oub>d an1 Mor.'le » - ked Roftj •!*«»! - de • -g •- > - lou •• » • «- N • g „ **• 4 . ' * • *• 4. •e r «r. the re-.', of Re! ever To»n V »»gan stopped • a* ro'ed N' 3 ft" o g ; > * Defeat Topplem .der a- ♦• So e''a* Summer Suits ! . . * "4 ' 4f*. ; c go- » ■ -e » • B* >i oatamen "# Yar.fcee* bo'« for 'he r.e*' i ha».ef-ger»" b* *C'.A */d no w ■»?' ♦> v. or- ' ♦ *•'' . Bo:'e» had the •«ur .n- ngs o-.'e hit mate* and rc-g «e. • a?> • e e p t or-, f»iule* Vet* won • .e n- *■£.TW,g* •' maoe *he.r > »r».rSpcb again*! fjren 'he ope* f a r*,.y g t.r.g $* • . "• a' . a * r*a- a ,#■.;! pih-f'-erf bail » ?. »* Oouaie after p,av l/»- How- n.' drperj'jrr.* ihip f *ear« no ea'v i»wiing tra^oti- 'oe aecono t.rr.e .n '• » W«'rtre*day r..ghf. I* 'or *• '■ e« * e% i »'ar*er eh . Ra'ph Terr Roup* and h>« »u<- hhan'r an-} Ik.- lUftt hefare the hell ended the aeeand Brawn acoreg hi* hee«- 11 I A Ka.ir.e, had "riven 7V////I lU'fich i . i ir.f.eld *i» t.eiilennial I'mrnl * n •!, an *» it •iefeaferj the T'»p; era b* /<> f.r»f THIRD r .ft rr# »rt .»» a run .n **-e • ,.ng 32 i» ?•» »r r« in *.* e t" fee ga're «ur.»d " e fOjr*;i With a *.r.g> 1.ulf t.linir, t.xliiliiliitli -i As. rf.e.l «. et, an error &v Intramural ' ' ' ' T'jn. Kktbmco ' * up ar. i auoff.e. *39" \ft.'h a o? 2 bid ♦ A*rf ■' gneoftd r»u* -sored Kai.--e e' 'r.e. * - and the T ■.- * e Mm**;, i ]e* .-•»•' e .. • *» Carfer.r a! , ,.r. • -'e. y ,*h *" -hg POLIO t'i on'., one p.r r ':..ft one iut. .n • »e f.f h a* *r»e A n.ne-'v'e * il^reate *n*pe Ketaimaf, *s»n T« Tiger*, routed Terr Sfior.v aave fi>;i o IK'' a 'tee wa .. -g a' t * rha-r.pi.'-'* Bvi". '*' ^ Sew e*i f aiuta ang Maftein * a«i>> t i %, pother a g—*i e »r. i so' o »• a »«i sr.a v.U-a' Yrn- . the i» •»«". and a *n#.* v . < Harder* M .rt# n v * • In long ftt.leafte %«,t* ' ...» •'i - .i Rather a goine re.id t> a .'*5 anof.ner .•-T. on-*, Ko .r.e» f A *A e*T < . T "•'f - 1,1 • I (»«rl 1 fta*M» \ I. a other : matk T '•» «» ;e< -en* !U M-r pf*ol . •e-.; ' oe ♦ r.g " for ger-cr..! *"• '• a • « •inner *t IT* A TOPtOATA » »*,. I a hha» ie N'viena of *i"se Ve*« wiln a Sk't rK?.er. a tri/.e « ,d ft' :t -e .!» f .* »• te' . » oe lift ii la ft 1 *A ft ai» shlftflOAf* I, * * * J ti W «hoo * Cora! G* \> * »;•>* »*e o* o ■' \!*s ' » "ft lift HiftlHB | I* »« « *iu 4 «» a *».« » ■ De.tp Tau Dei'a. *-te fxa'err.t* i harr.^onr and Ka** Shaw 6 ' e • W.r (..Ml ILK k« , Kighl I S. Boat* . fior-n wiftner». a* »■ . ha-np« of the the • I-un.ve-- n- BEAT SUMMER NEAT 111 M h til l. I ji" Royal Regalia •»•»•*! w a*h a ni ab •( rr« Uamjufdl b-'wiing »ea*"'i. ill *1 'AKS'JLV-ON-TMAMES, will. KM HEAIIH CEMUR 4^c- •TrupftcaJ At lit e |* # ttr« | * American boa 4 nveraeaft entnr* « Intramural t «tf»e a* Ralm IUa<* lfa«pe| *»g mo«- t"e 1-4 h«T.,>y Iprjrft} Regatta COOL BNMKS Ihrtaa ftUurft- IIIH uiittb Results . » N# Sos.at ooatf are entered |t *'se »e •* *m rati L el JUNE 4, 5 I a.M. • 4:30 mi. TKEE LI TER LTIONN f - .'.ete'* heftvs- tii-l *iterwit « n««»••*.* a e-d ar.:.weight eign;* < G Veto » lUik. t • Regular* iKftft Etlfd IfBg* »i»d stftutt ' > tOIICtPtll. Ralphs "KEWPEE" Cafeteria ' 't uve grar.d challer.t. Po.ie* ) o«tr Belle* I M*. IJ-lf. Ml#* 31 l« Si 1''* ^ challenge cuu* l»-t» Boil*. » o»er paUe* t. !»-• »V-t A"-*;crrtT and the I'n- ■ • | c. H-a» r i 4j 0f R.-.»,on w»ii Peilet HI* t owe* Belle* f orteit* %, 11-1%. It t. f«tr TICKETS Mt, ( H«»l< >. *t IftBMM* biafti . . Iitft* BMiai. BcGeepwe rv,pet* for tne Thames le * « f Mho * J over 4 »*«» t » the* 4 M*e» ft. klu* I Ha*ge| Palm MmA *ft*ut| Biad W illftaei. hf Be**t. h* PUi—ff 50c 4*'»ftrd U«ro *' ' 1 neovvw eight Bode* S o»er I. >ke* *. ft»-i%~ •*-«» Karlt Morning Slo|»« Remdcaagt 4|aaaolU« »aft eiher*. »'»« g> Hrniey IS-i •»r ■I l oiir Nipflil Hrr«k» PM Up AI it It N DAT iUAftGt UIOIM* 11 - - .l*f» Sln.lriil >rr%i»'r Q.llrtn "Fiimuiii Hrundt fw Umd mad l.md' 11 ■ml llltl Mutlriil Vr> ir» 1 • 4:1111 |i.ui. BOLDEN f HANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • REID S|H.iiM.rnl lt> U St! * hare Meur* Mat. Tbura. frt ft Id 4b • PM. Tan.. Vtrd. Sal. Bid UL la • fJI- ■'■"itSjffijA -Afc.. sw