The Weather Kol>»ni<'ii Close High Today !I2 iKi-t Ku**«l WMU l/0« Thurtdav 60 lHi Alumni Day Sratlarrd Thuod»r»ho»*r« sn l'»r* 4 Senlnn MSU For 50 Yew* *EAST LANMMO. MICHIGAN—Hui)AY, JUNE 6,W9 PRICE 5' CENTS Vlll,. '•!. N?._46 h( Commencement Schedule I'VTItlARCHS' club lunc HEON 1" noon, stocks of campus 2nd floor. Union TODAY p.m., leaving from Union 2,200 to Get Degrees Sunday Old Grads CLASS of l*»"> DINNER t; pm„ Galaxy Room. Kelloiuc Ctoilrr MSU Set | CLASS of IW9 dinner 6 p.m., 21 Union To Honor (Celebrate ater carnival h 9 p.m. sati kdaa 3 Alumni Weekend mortar board reunion hreakfas1 711 MSI Ijldeln Id a.m., 22 t.'nion MSI will prenwit hi.atin- gui-Jiifl Aliinuu A wart la to l«t I.omiiiiw-ioii* gOTC COMMISSIONING AND PARADE five former Rtuilimtn nt An¬ in a.m.. Old Collepo Fialil • nual commencement ex»*r- furiiir;.-.i.itdr./ of KU'H NON-REUNION ALUMNI 'cadet. a'iumt.i art.. j?j<- and N'oon, Parlor A, Union cite* Sunday. . Three of the gr'mp aie engj- t):»• *,eifv .(.n'.'i.ti o.n.m»nue- i CLASS OF 1914 LUNCHEON • r.eer- who have carved out e*- men* wjil pro- !«;•• a coiorln, 12 noon, ICiKim 21, Union e utive evreer* in industry, one climax '■» tbe •• ''MI CLASS OF 1924 LUNCHEON in a retired profr-sor of i»»»t«n/ th.4 *A ••♦•ke','1 for ' iiou.-aful - I ' noon. Centennial Room, Kellopt i ,-ir-i and one a re'ired advertising of -f ni'-tit* and aiofiini. ( LASS OF 19.11 LUNCHEON ever utive 12 noon, Parlor C, Union NimtimVd a • •uliUnding alumni mt |!i!il li* the Alumni CLASS OF 1944 LUNCHEON td\ i*un ( ouneil are: 12 noon, Red Cellar Room. KellopK 1 enter latuis C'araj»e!la. Manh4''-«t, HI S TOURS OF THE CAMPUS l/stig l«.!and, ( a . "f 1H.T er»- A Ha:.- 2-1 p.m.. Union ♦-> -,n < ginet"- and now vice-president baseball game _ of Sylvania-Corrong Nuclrar t orp. ,'i p.m., MSU va. Western Michigan, i in. t . I o-ld Bernard ("oggan .h , I.a .To'.ta, HATER CARNIVAL Calif, das* of 1&2W, engineer, 9 p.m. vice-pr evident-general manager sunday of Convair Division, General i oaiaiencement exercises Dynamic* Corp I»on IranetM*. Amagansett, N p.m.. Stadium (F'airchild in ca-r of rami • ♦*«♦ |.®nt Island. rla«a t*f 1414, retir¬ ed vice-president and director t»f J. Mailer Thomson advertising Ex-Student Murphv «nmpani. Arthur V iri'OM, S<»r«dale. N V . cla** of 1429, engineer and i* '• .M • '• - now group vice-president of - Gen R ,,i Killed in Car Crash General Electric Co Truman Vur.cker, Qrw-rwartle, lnd, class, of 1414, profevaor emeritu* of botany of DnPauw William Murphy, 22, a former student from Lexington, "Off RATIOS'," by S'erth M'illlams and Belts *icms El. depift fame Info being was j«*t one of 15 flost* thai ma ! lbe»r drhot University. Haas, «u killed inaUntly at 1:35 a.m. Thursday when the f arapella. a pinneer In IM lag the loaa ef righla kf the Amerirs?i male after woman snffrrage Ihursdaj i»i|hl In- l - Route *♦. . Mater ( irnml I'lak. ■porta ear in which ha *aa riding ran off the road and hit atosnie energy held, in prewntlv A * ' 8 A.:. > ar ' K r j... ^ a","' r—nve »«•' .1,-) a trea on Laka drive north of Carlton atreet in Haalett. - 4 z raneemed with all enauarrelal From Lilicrtv Hell to 1976 .. i' nmiss.- ..) Tne driver, MR7 aw lor Hugo pradnrtinn artivlties nf n nnrp- S-*ufda; »r. «/.d < .. .eg# •mtina vfekk In n hriawt pes- grave, waa injured and taken Fieid J' e-.efttirg dneer nf narlrar fad eiement* the :'e«e.**,e •« apcrmw hospital where hi* NEWS 'Route V. S. 76' Retells History fsvi a brief aadf*- » r odiuon i« Hated aa fair after * • ' .Ml! (;»ri Jstr.,0* Plr.dg plant manager of thn . undergeiag surgery Thursday While ,..«•?.1-r/ ;»f the U .H A ." noming. He received head in¬ Atomic Power Division of We*t« 1 IN BRIEF *- A • »r* juries end e broken arm. Inghouse Corp., he was com¬ I he entire HOT 1 detwzhment. Stale police aaid Thursday that mended for hii efforts In the more than rsdet*. wilt p«r- At Water Corny Opening Niglit oey ara ■till Investigating production tii# nuclear po*s - tirlpate in th- rommiuinnini k rave's Mkhifan traffic record r*df PUm$ Tulk$ er plant'which propelled Nauti¬ parade, *tong with the marrhinr i rt-.ich showed 14 moving viola- lus. the first atomic submarine. band bora since August, 1456. GENEVA MP) — The Western Coggan was assigned to Gen¬ : . •! g:..'-. vie •• i allien, are planning a new bid eral Dynamics in 14S4 to accele¬ Mi* 4river's Ifteeaaa waa ana* ' ' A to get talks going again wi*h rate the Atlas missile program, PI. MT. PRH » eg to Michigan* financial col¬ ' A.r« • • , ,,, •, . mM far a awtli laat year Russia on European security taking responsibility for t.e State News Smiety Fditor lapse. Mi ma laal wftalar. Pellee are and disarmament problems, complete Atlas team Before Judv A -■? w. # 'MdRg te are If mm Maeasa History was * i -» • »* Western officials reported Thurs¬ joining Convair in 1952 he had told before T • by manv .» ■m ww ularaad te blm. never • ... . . day, been with General Motors Corp. rung a* the senior t-s ■ , • A police official aaid Krava ♦ + * vamp of J'o;* Aa f •« •' n 'arft- 1939 when he started1 with » irr 'ted that he and Murphy. since •d the opening p*-rf .:rt,*:,<*? of ed to nl' *,,are ♦* .r.j to da — l-»'.e - iy '* Ever. S-! - i -» • ■ •• aircraft' projects also ♦he Reil CerJar »* *■ Two Hasiett girla aaid that Strauss Thursday was assured • * prise v.*:t V) ".*• p*." -r'r ,t- ■ »• at if. t Iraariare. aaw retired, waa 44 units rewrote the h. of itey uw a car rpeed part them h nut f: c *-• his seventh Democratic vote i*» . .!.u» before the accident. years la advertising and poblir United States in "U S ft • «- world travels. i. the forthcoming Senate decision •» i»".* W_,vr •' a. fi *. ■ i The MG reaverUMe fallad te wfMito a curve and left Um on whether to confirm his nomi¬ relations. Early with the ( aiifomia Emit Grew • la k»« career '76 " A rapacity crowd lined the Bern k e wa.t D-ive B.Vber sod T»/r %<"> ••t-'.- : ■ <-p». >»• - Discoverer's fhii nfnini i jtidr— wiil * f- O" * staged 'hjMjgfl Satufiav it 9 nation to be Secretary of Com- ers Rsrhaage his efferta helped i rmdwav IS feet before It etreek hank* of the river anil showed who ji ''ci i «r. » v- he Jeha < riv»f«rtl i,u pro- " * R—i fto-iar riv: T# 5h>-» Robert Kerr 1D- Sen .Missing .Mict' - merrr. make "tsakW" a kmnwkoM ■ lwi» tree aed waa i great rnthw»ia*m to hear the er!v and >ume*'.at naive pr«- i,f i4'.rrtlub(: |ir Robert Okla) was the seventh of his word. He with l*ord and waa story of the rountry. t"'d from feasor an-j vanoo. ot,*.•; a- - I hrrulje i terUtr of fn»n * cSi• W ' *,♦ - v»-r- ■ party to declare publicly for the • Thomas Agewey snore than ft days the IJherty It'll rrack- - Murphv thar. Mr* la survived by his C. H. Murphy, of embattled cabinet nominee. # ♦ * years, serving aa president be¬ the perv».na-.'. •o*** and n Sit.:. • , Tiioimlit Dciifl ii«i"R f.rr of th* wbewl of end s|i«« Vltrtsret M»r- I'o- fore resigning. leimgton, Mans., and a broUier, life and in-.T.'- g... C H. Murphy, of Roseville, Communism fought Vmson it one of the five top S*«.joii |,y the I < ilar ar.d appJauie tnroug4 tn« - 5 ANDKMif : G A.." V * Nrhttlulnl for NiimiIjv C* f The body was removed to the GUATEMALA and the flv. 'A*. — H.r.arr.. executives a 193! firm he of has General Electric, been Holder of a master of arts with since Tli* I9U Tli.ta (' vxnity pr ira" The float, r 'Mf a'-'- r*. \si. III ar« i f '"»■ < ,»d- * ' :. -4* f - '» -. . *'• Diefeiilniker Es'es-Leadley funeral home moved •.,/ do ■ t» i*nAing arrangemenu. American republics started a* a meeting Thursday to plan Joint degree from Harvard, he receiv¬ ed t Centennial Award in 1955 will t »-dar hoid a "Sk-'.s. u starting »? 3 . Sun* Toe program the C.'.tr. *rf o 'r* "..*r i*:! ava;.at»u* ;a*-» * '■ I lentIs I'tirly action against Communist pene¬ 1 be during the tr.r**e hour - ,v. vice-chairman of ti«« Top J*// mua. - Final Meeting tration. Communism is blamed and is MSU Development Fund board day present iru-iudirsg itai ( 'rf-n- leading the long culorful pro¬ . .v; - ^ f V -"4 ■ . s: t Tor ('ti nut In for many recent and current up¬ of trustee* ran of Toronto. uri- cession hi. the King and Queen ■ r- - '. , }-? ; ,r V| , (•' J ., •> heavals in I-atin Amerua float, with senior clan* president Held bv AUSG 0 ♦ ♦ # Tie rece'ivr five w:i) be the first to the university» Distin¬ der Gorge Shearing Trie session, under ' Dave Hall and secretary i«m »Ufu .4 . ; • f♦ "A ' l.yseM aboard, (heme of the T*e new representative* and Ike to Roue Interest guished Alumni Awards. Simi¬ Ship of Bud Span/ ■ ros» Host, kept aecret until the open¬ T- ■ .«•; -■ .♦ 1 *•> u.4- * - i f ur lar awards, from the Alumni held on the Beta ^ orbit f->r 24 i * " appointments were made at i W* ,r% » . Student Congress* laat meeting WASHINGTON m — Pre.:- club of Washington. DC, had from Snyder haJi h• -.-n* is ing call. wa« the Declaration of n .uie ckbtyle '.♦•ar Ha *• a . ar - Jh» year. Wednesday night. dent Eisenhower Thursday gave solid indication lie shortly will been given annually since 1944. wekt>m«. Independence. caVn its par s< hot*. ■■ '.%*♦ MSI lltTciio He .-a",si .»•* -vf • New representatives are Nan- i.the first cr-aturec to r«- p* to ■u'.f C'jn**Tvati v. ask Congress to increase the in¬ tf Hitnier (S. Campbell), and terest rate ceiling on govern¬ BiiftineMiiiifn Do Slow Sizzle •.>; /;'trr, i.r ..' I'arlial l*n\mt-iit _ iJa-to He .» F.f W. den (C. Lansing). Ap- y Jnkm<'r r of ' V " " "-i ' •ferliaft M pointed by President Bill Livin- . ment bonds, as well as the 244 •iJvsr-e,'. r • *. pr • j»- r t s *vfS'' rer-e v# t . paftia! • t .. u !»♦-. wnere fe billion dollar ceiling on the fed¬ 'Discomfort Intlex, Attacked v mbhe relation posts sger.fy, ?a.d -r>«- 'h :.<• - .-n -f 12,4419 444 '• -•• i t* ♦ • <• *■ r • a vend»A* u *••.« :r.e aatoma. v eral debt. Rlitin under .u»*e»'..g«?i-:-« .i.'a'u/* A .-ir>».ia*. wru'*» ere Eddie Deeb, director of fx* *• z .• . i-ruhip - f th# par'*. tern*' relations and Dan Riedct, ♦ # ♦ ♦ toe .nji"*r: ar.g:e fvm-fvd *he tor .is ;;v|f\ he •*•* VPhicle director of internal relation*. Slayer's Appeal fails NEW YORK bPs—It's neither conditions A reading of *5 in- ard Hoggin, a rs'.an ficdttiud Juhnvvf: was ♦ j--;.r-,pe/ ann'-u.n- " wr-i ' tl-' ** :ha* due for fehctarn Sea-Jer aft the bit bto, Cauck Cioffi was made chair- 7,0 An-r -; in.'-1 a; »rre n' in !954 One year later he too* fan of OMAHA — Condemned tne heat nor the humidity that dkates that about haif are mis¬ lotcking at the pr.g.-.'cr isrr■.I I3JHJ4J for toe *r.--nt,n r,-f DMifvnnekt'r haa served a« •^•flusMoner. and Tom Prots- ly everyU/dy u *£*>ut U» pass Df sizxlc with a rating o< abc/ut . **•"' tempt to escape Nebraska's elec¬ It s tr.e weather bureau's new Wednesday Thirteen mrnutos J-une. according to Philip May. rrs#-«niwr of th* Car-edJa* dek- officially appointed as tric chair Three federal c:ry.\ out. 100 percent t JusUce of student Traffic way of talking aboyt the heat 'a?*r the »*v> ntj stags, o-mtain- MBU t,*e*,S'ur*i i-' • "ii to the Ututcd Nxtsva* i. court judges threw out hts bid and the humidity. But after a tnree-day tryout After talking it over with a »r'g the 'mew ip it* ; A total xidSl!!u)S It's a complicated kind of about discomfort indexes might on# of the finest in the world, he sstd, vacation vputa N|M-ak to* father, » "« computation in which a scale i$ •care awey oodles: of visitors \earhtmk IMssyed RoliUcal Club !vm»Uy ralMd to Uluv.r- "HkF Rf'le of a Dtefenbaker, now 43, receivv* *'- set up f«>r the relationship be¬ and customer*. Coffin pleaded fur the weath¬ Mooda,. M UBiverxdy."* will be the his HA. MA. and LLB from th* tween temperature and humid- Does it ever ram In sunny er bureau to cut it out At »b«? Ita* te a delay at the print¬ a < «>u»l Mi*h—»u* at ket Ish AAgielea? Is toe weather very least, lie •aid, the «ab«t er* Mel venae* will not be aubjeet of an address by Dr. University of SoiuUMwiis n «' P.,r< of the dutnbwllea will ing as a Ueutenat overseas ig «ra supposed to mean that about 14 Young Sociausts Club on sua* World War 2* be vac admitte* Collar at Ypal- Sortable? Aha. city's Motel Aa variation voted at I PA percent of the people are made »?>« Incama uncomfortable by the waather Travel agency executive Rich¬ ita. day at I N pan. ta M Ubmm. kkfeU ~ wwvtraity. *»< • M Michigan State News Michigan State News Vour Key to Hotter Values . , , Rfid Daily bv MH("« Jlflnil student* and faculty 341 R*u«lari» Services East Lansing Mlibtgan Put5?i»r.ed on class 4a.vs Monday tnroogn frtdav inclusive during Michigan State New, (J Tne Mm hipun State Nmi uaci'iiij. j:»iy I.if. .!>».' t publiM-.eri i.• •• • i .•!«!,• i* • • -• • • < ' ' «,f >B« if*..!, ••••'• ■ - fad. niter ami soring terms weekly during summer term* »»u - snei-'al fre*.tnr;an issue n«t>-een summer end fall feu.-s fntersd •« ■ecund I-te«s matter under the act ef Marrh I. IS«S at Itia P"»' otftve r«mpu" t laNsif'ieils . . . Ilirh Keadi-r-h p .1 »!'!!« *PeK'"r So *-'VP '■ r. •...-«!• " ».a*t i H ♦ h.ittle »iiv move *. lin n v «.iil>| «»» ■ .. c-dve In- -.»•••. o» ' •ether it ntWt w io.%« ft. M. he Associated Preys |.i!,«..r» Dun.- f'ir«s a-.| A • i /■.-,• ... . #. iateu < ;* «si til* P'f.« . Bb Vol. 51, No 4<»~ I'Yitlat. Jo He •*>. I !»"•!> Pajre Two CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ED 2-1311 EXT. 2615 Human Perfection DEADLINES: 2 p.m. DAY BEFORE I'I BI.K ATION FOR TI ES., WED* "v- I-. / THI'KS.. AND FRI. EDITIONS MON. EDITION DEADLINE: 2 p.m. FRI. Education's Goal Bilk I'ayahlc 8-12 and 1*5 Monday through Friday tlni l oil's NOT*, Dr. Joseph l»ru*e it I* an a**M;iM professor of humanities and raine l«» Mirtiigati Slate in I Ml lie trarhr* classified rates r honorv sertinns in Hie rfeiMrtiiient .toil lieitlls llir- university's Great ftonk* r nurse, a enteral ptihlir servlrr offered by Hie iibrm ■ II w«4t j for sale 1 housing personal t Dr. Druse reretved liU I'liti from Ibe I tiiversifv of I h'rafo. hi* M \ ISc' IflTORK H'eretiUal M4I.AVfTD ThA'TIO'. FOP PENT ! *»K.VIOHS. ORKKKn : from Marrjuefie .md a bachelor #»f riliieatlnn from V lot IW T-h d sod ♦ /.rrter M«f pl»nu.-< , - ■ n sialr. »l.« ias«enger ear. Ken. KIT 7-13'ti »fie. - -... *rf,ii p-. Unl-.e-,,'. i Ilia arlirle i* Ibe »i«|h In a Stale New* series. » ROOMS rr. t »l.« Unsing. Mt<-: KIHTATION' KXISTS for Hit- fiprfi-rtwui of the human IMS Or-e THK KINFNT IN . personality. I'tihlie ethnatit'ii » \i t. tor the pert'ertion of $2 .SO '• '"u ""L*. ee« ?i- •»•»' htrian l orrf... T»-.e P t)V Stevens iformerly t. s FOOT PI.VWOOD Kfj V-0.|D;{ V( the rivir personalil\ ot n:ao. which owe he eApn-i.-ed ADDITIONAL CHAISE' Iri'-h flraurn. Hattrs Ja M-n't and otlie«s. Cor tj RPiitjjtllv in two vvir the onohfnr-ive c.H»:orm..i ion wi;h I,. ... - -v., ever IS rrot'fti.f rtfn> r..e -• v'r Are e-. IV ■ff. i< - the social machine, or the creative ami Hiituroiny irruption *c pe, d«y. •t'A*4 ThtrMMH K O J-!W«» HOB I ART EH »'.d r>. in the community'- TUB Pnona lbi\t<. i,.re U..H an II.e - , The essential function public iii-titution- i< order; automotive Shaw O't i,-" ft. '. l-e i- l''r "***** between S-X 'o the 1.1est pi Dr. t the innate tendency of public education i* toward the con* formity which so often is taken for onler ^housing ftOWFM m-11 real estate The chief problem fanny American public education it ilk MacBllLIVRAlf CMkVtOlff ! FO* RENT t *. 'et ff .'r: Ffr- to resist its own tendance, and to encourafc the divisive, "Nnaw Ihyself"—l)ru*« 7-oi «:• 'Hi HOI'F «rnooi | . f OTTAGr AT illl.IJl.r Ink. , « r j'ooin the individual, the creative. Hut I tie paradox of such an mile, from I -.n»lng MCMMKR MF Af>- bou-e resident.a, IHI vOtKSWABIN taa a a-a u.ina boat lovely grounds nr-.-ed .^.n« ' .. I'j a d.u grir-ge Amrde effort lies in the fact that to accomplish it. the roots of tOCO ax* IV «-(«;») j *3.'* Abbott . «).. Gromyko Stalls * if !s».' Iikt oi a LPelt den fh.weri b*and ■ i. nno it.. education in general must in- rcsouyht; the preoccupation with public (with its concern for society t must be abandon* *' on Bid iHf FORO. F-wita- » s-s' Hfi * available I KfANffUIKD June FIVK. I? to MOOVI Sent sent 17 hnu ' 112 • fis, I NIVFIfKlTY v-r,til..ti..ri Hu» utt.rr Rhone IV 4-RhH Oa* heat *T'iri advantage* a' nearest Fe-.-ed »'ibV), U% a month including ed; the concern for the total jrrowth of the individual - For Access tort *■ I# P»a utiiil|e«, Pborn Berlin » body, mind, aonl — as individual must he reestablished. to jearg i.Hia cs * •ea! (iv a-wtsi 1 TO 1.1:ASF. FOR year »oi)".ved P.- It'll-, - #"«ai#|. house „r nor, »«•»:.-ie» THK PKOtilUM »»f such education must at all level* rnom with ar < ommodatl'ir ' enter F l.a> I V>-4 J*i liK.VUVA oVi—Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko 1 f'lt IU men dIui aparttnetv fwr mn- | 7-lo r» rr. elementary, colU'tfinte, graduate — recognize the natural iff' CHIVIOLIT ||g to*. . i|*t Completely furnished runt sidetracked Thursday a Western bid for a guarantee of 4,6 • :ng and laundry f« ri 90-iiiinute secret nesriutm, • #• e«. I for part time work -vitr, our da - F id'. Ii»»» or F an glare." ! aociety who love, respect and aid their fellows Thev are asked for the gu*rahte» a* • earn lairge garden and play «t,a.» inner • l. Ave Ph ED 2 1- Western offu la 1* ware not rul¬ l in Ser.feinber Ja>ne* r.o >»ekenoa laet of All workers who for a minimum span of years earn test of Soviet willingnr** to j t(iand >71 (t-SWib u, 2-RUfl ELI Albert M-arh ing out tne poaalbdlty that Gro¬ their bread by one or the other techni«|Ue. J* fsmiDroonse «xiyein«ot Ill Mes«lUIVlAf CHlVROLiT FUNNISIIFD FOCR RtKivt RF^FRVr. FOR in thy Hfi'liti iti»i myko might take a mora eom- FA- I Any inversion of this order results in the deformation of j'.nni buu*e Gss neat |.i Efi t'lp-iideri! K. eohower warned prnmlalng linethe crucial ar* on OK Usad Car Ul •• US is *1-1746 fit, after 1 SIX tap, education itself, of the soviet\ in which it occur.*., and of Wv.hh ie .are de*ired No drinking r,r < ,ei D-.-ibie *» '*■ * in both the concept of the machine i* paramount. exj.osed »up|»ly line* ii« , smoking Phone IV l-AA.', to lua'ten lit. 201 i.«....» FD 2 2.V. • » / TH{ t .' . meet him at the aummil. WestMti inforruanU said tiro- •i VvvVM w:-.- " The ultimate success of American public education lies mvko in tti« "Mo progress" tct- Gromyko, wno U in close ia«a kmii iam acvtin K«ai>. a>ut APPROVED LIVING tit'ARTFHfs Xea'er three MrSi |m phone for tiien h-.mmei and Fail With and 1 If-AN. COOL OCLIOOUS SRUDN. not in the number of Scientists, i uyinerr .ri,4ir•- 11ci- aire*, to West Her - SRUONUT $HCR M r.D 3-lttT - — - to meet the V doea foster—men who know themselves. Inr yood and evil, hi but posed this block premier face-to*fate t»»l f'HRV'noi.rt STAN'DAWn FOR RENT r MA the •e o 154 Pneas f.l> 7-IIIT e"'e AtAtiMINTS a , Sin h ovei weekend, Soviet aourr- M MEN WOMEN KCM.UFR rate men who know their place- in tin- wmld, tm love and i*«» a iiraranlee would be 44 «.* dnuhte r? *«• s.r V la,-. e« •aid DOWNTOWN KF AR FXPERIFNCFD TOF-t fortliM»riori( If (he West agreesi APPROVED room* -na'tar, lla 2i» lu#«»r* Et» U. latum; men who know techimpie for npplinii ion and tit- lo ronrell As the Geneva eoaferene# tm Mf,-Tf) OH t xr Yellow with tor three men Utilities ehnuer 4-2S74 > -an*- t ». ieiP in . West Herlin to a de Dertung Summer or tali 17 *-0>.. "ron.p! i *if. «e; card. Against men of tin* sort no tm < him- n<>i now In Us faarlb week. sistaH (i sen interter Immaculate condi- 1 o< stum I'tvH.e ED 2-A-i- icio nor militaiifril tree ills tie* Pneee 111 3-Mlg eOet 4 47 MfNGlTH A-f)rP)f'B!F* In • derisive stage af seer• I at imperiiim i aii triumph ultimate!) I , S S« i 11 no of .Style C hi goiialiaaa. Khrnabrbes PI.CA4ANT cofll.. ROOMY a per j ? via: ' i!r lege. f.. Albert - P-ore TVPINf; T f MM PAPF';S apgaarad I4M PLVMOtrni ■CLFVF.OFRL "-en' Avatla'de sr-rfe: F.. » ta" rSri,un«Me w|J! p. THK 8TD0K.NT enteriny college todav can do not him? '•.oIlertei. British Koreigo l« be priming bin Eaaf bier two lone white walls tedm he.tef Tw« hlor-lsa to tampup FD 7-«)3M and Sni: ie.ives « leu hr«b* IV , a Mmstfi -,n«lah»eld washer* eutemali more profitable Jo himself than to draw Selwyn tdnyd. and leaden VFN riO''HI.E up a complete re¬ fierun foreign Mtuintei Maui* for a abnwdew n The Big four ministers mr' cleea ferntagbput. Onet •ewne- FO R-RIM Phone MEN! FfRVfSHFD with rnokltig ATI'DIM A PAR T.i '.•tlege* home ROM.' etmr**o< sponse to that ancient Ionian exhorlntron which be at the ire I H.I.I# i war* n S*. % Pe o ne tie Murville repeated- foi yo minute* in the hrxurioui ■Utnnier Seginrur.g June 16 <•> «(i basis of all western civilisation, all philosoph). all science, • have it if, te ) this Soviet 1447 VOf.K.VWAOFN XCN roo» MS a moist , I M.. igi - | pto- villa of t'ouvr de Ntur^ille. be¬ 4 > ngerette hghta (,-»ei- fin a-At* TVPIvr ANN KKOW ■ all history, all literature—Know Th\*elt p" < '"'ti I fie gi Oljttd. I' Would side the sunny ptadd waters r,f tme new, meioa end out H'W ? -i"W' f ir, I r.» t- f.-e * OJbt FAHT AITiF ONF Until he ha* done so. all his memon work, hi social i ltd the We.*ti rn o*runa'ion h*i I l.akr Geneva ■•...era and tfiMtg. ei»* r« It was a peaceful Avenue Private »i,t U'« tt'i ' Bil iiti rlefeii.i Ifr I4M MCA tONVFRTIRIF Peru* encounters. Ills wtivifnv-. hi- dien- ion wji! be a- *o P setting for tne flrif rea give- •weei I7.M mdes One I a n.onth IV S MMFH MOt'AINC* room ht | BLACK h i-.tM,said Cilo- and-take Phone ED 4-174: - TYPIST much dust in the wind. Until he ha i-.tnbli-iird himself, session aimed a' Parking and I, • al'.dr v p hi. Ter". Pape-a a • , » ■ »II*4 f .(*'• t it v« ould he fW#r 47 | rt'PNIelllD No** l MOM ete» v.n .u'.ki . . a-s. '•»: »•»*»' • ■ * ' ' oif • to tt diSCUMUoil loik user Ueilin F «• ?#nt *#rv ■'*' In *-land Mm Hon" will in all truth be oni\ nonu-thinr whuii "brushes f • >• eeilent . undit (.,, Red wdu Sleek ' *** • r«ne aosMmeru. a~n • Ijiir •••ion yltei I Western informant* • ;r sa d Gro- tip RAN fnrdeme'h Ireoe run | J"!' » » FXOEffT TFRV PAPFR si dared PRIVATE RCJON! off" on him and from him "O't. »••(. r u i id on trie futoie Phone ED 7 -OA 4- tv|.ing or. en e># • r. m>K" tuttied «' the »ivtt se* ailablr a.mmrr -enr i-f West Filteen >»a'* espcnef.ite Brlii', .r.vate na'. l.ieaafa-' Hut when tie has di*co\ered him Mun t ta* he was prepare ; . ISM JAOt'AR Xk IfB-XI bilk rt'RNlallFD APARTMENT FOR '!.''»• I •- itisius* a the whole world presents il-elf a pie' cmea! « co-nprn-n ,# 4144* firm FD • ISA* after ape. ve'e entran.-e IV • «*** nu¬ {•> t.. b»r .,!• Western to »r R t WO SPARTAN AVIATION N- ts full of pit. plan —although he re significant occa-um. ami a thigh' jeded it a a INI DOIA.F (tub rnune ELACK AL Alt AH! 9 Jt NF » >, i e ,r;.-(*715 i-'kmg _ A package F«tel|ent rnr.dition Radio Ifaa'ei from campus ten » an t sliort for ttie jo\ of leanunc. in *u» b • 0 Wi Be i »h along- The Ruasian showed this muco New tiree Phone Wilhenuten Tilt earti J 4 n»- 4 riK'm turn - fl «.#: -ludenti a Ie-.* t » ;■ e ,»r studto apart., enf gn j,, ministers tor* made it JAOt'AR. XK-I/O Phone IV »" 1-uWc 44J Grove ciaar iha' the its* w ile hard- 4-7 pi only 49 ten oupe Red .o.wUter L> .'ue would never ariep' hi* plan f., • s' MMFN TFRV TWO 'the alriioftpherr al I hut* • er .eed ram. U est' 4i»»' Afllf.f Fop ■t'MMFR T " * ee • »d »eneep-i g F*.|M t't'"ie§ St#-*#- stationing Suv ie' rroup* a'ong 4a ana-to art Ja*» rtn.f Cap'tgl Cty A.»pe»t Ho * meeliiu was pleasant " . a e- l(a e • Crossword Puzzle aanl one I rem h Informant, "but auie tin aliied Iroops in West B« employment kvet.abie June 4 .taw »* A tir o TV ANIi RADIO rear at- I ' Mf i RfKOfS prire Ut Iluderila L'lV'TU t APPROV ED I.X- FP i ION Al l V VICr » n-me» Park mg . '. «e S , o.-iucs 122 Woudme a. I iam ACIOIE WANTED NOW FOR Fait term apd"" en! • i - Jit Biblical INFORMATION 4e each j4i Soettan FD 9-4297 Pleasant, reafionetbla git! tor gen¬ Ave ED 1 Quirk Id lu* 11 eral k»uM«>tk end I in. -.time .ate 44 TV -RADIO KFWtnrE leatn 4 Biblical .It Josi e f,A r v !T!,J£it^tLAiTle!S (nhd jltiO.H a O 4 l \ 11 KHI 111 < I | H btrrt phi « an ante!' rhildrer '7 end It' weekl* at in l About ou.. Puma FO Ft'RNfHHED APPROVED t'lAJAE K)8 SALE TRAlLlRS me* ICE 'u atud* .See Eoecie: #' * '*4 !t.t 2-9444 after • pn :« •tt.ain aua>! Fi.Ubie •,>» leievusen »u.ea nntuntgiis \l.rii J,V| I'.i. Si,-., 44 rI*".n'tTps:t « r.,wVt . •» ant. We* Mctea P ar. couple, uUiit.e* paid M5 ED 9-BW a! »hvp uuen 4 an. tp • c . • Tuikoh :i r.n *c 4* 1 TV Technietane Cu 9049 k »« nitig srs>ir»n SEEDED TMIR wCMXtER two M weight amp U ai»i r. IN 11 UN % 114IN %l ale students fur ftltM end igan .IV' 7-,jM 12 PauuUk.rg JV I'outuiei t cTO!N jsjr|h|A,i"|N | it t I I H *WI A Hit OEM A' WIVEA i de» telephone answering earvue in Sun- IDEAL ft.A( IfEl.OR APARTMENT Phor e W liiiauu , A: fiu... f«■ . ..... CRtNiROI ewhenge fm free tnon. end look¬ NewT* furnianed Rent ludea ut,. - in. TMI CLEANEST CL0T»«t 14 Legal 38 That u ' ci| tiea 9404 S i, r imjuired ing prlt Ueges Pius mm» tenuroere- » ta»r |V 4 *379 if ' etTtcn It ConltiiFiif .^R give*real M I 41 HI II I % II O.I.O T prn. Moore a fanh. Hot' An Men for car evpetises Prefer me- COOL FIRST floor lost and found SUCH REA50NAI.E FR.Cf Chung's evening on an American fatm vet or vet student hu' srth cunsider apartment •bbr 40, He laid " AM t rcc'efuu other Miller Animal Clinic. l-erge lurmthe«i i.kiiih t nidi* . 2 V: ut * mu-' i« offere 4 ED 2-1 Ten :«> 14 na*n 41 Moils, f cf Vesterday'a ' '* pjovihg ground 41 rr.e'd;- ran/ H.nk Oenerou* re- A ett1 4 Oy ■ and families free |' Ul * UIIIN E IAN4INO FOUR r-«r. uitfur- o. F D 9-»*> < •uation contart Mn RSniATVIIED N'l'EAf FOR E L LANSING LAUNC4 Itoif An rushed dormant 47 Iv -.nt of DOWN |d Doltam'of h :t"> p is K.«*t I.anauig paix •elm. Ell ;-02l« T.anaing doetor'a olfue end to e< apart -.en' Heat e-a •*#!#' Bn.-a build.- t On# blrw-n 1,1 r» Vf i Z MA. < If Or. ph* si- 1 ft s trout e>at m euager- Pnone ED J-aSxt 4* WHOEVER pl( KED I P r . • 4 "ar pu« 4A* *;•> tun mostlv I, tne wior g and »(,(. i \N ri.RBim < r,> cian 41 > o Antes I ! H bnasr* u.m riishe.! cue! 4' t..e (.r»n Hei-.r- Transportatic. • . . ove MAN with as.- One SIik* to campus writer h%ii Kim esreptienal 1 atinr p.ea.e i an ni.'t gey 2 Toi 3 ptv. A'd ba.n.t Choun amiit tor ballroom den. ing To ED I M. ^ #*.< «ng« ti r.•• St Vrna.l J.t ttr gn.t I U Kit IN Sll tn.Nls A HAS . tn,.r . u at Jin r it-4 r.o a-Vn 41 Bsc ng i Tar-talum Term-end pi. t»;« tram iminediatelv for executive po*i- boitlri beauty W tien at the Arthur Murtav St.'did MICHIGAN AVI A JO )AS from u W ng:. .1 »> n l> •■! :p bitei national Club HWIIV PUINHATION Pi una IV 9-1MI. Ask l»r Mrs cameu* Furnished tnre< ______ it Containihg »!.:* n«t 14 Ugalt aim Paul aoart- t OAT WOMAN * PRf Wl RIPTION w ANTED- TO « 4 ,'ri* ■ • . I toon basement .1 or 5 30 p nt. Wesie\ n.ent Idaa' for tv or tnree t tm- all p«wiibla 47 You ami . liou»e ties SUhgla#-!* V.clnitv i-A S.. .'(• « siit'irnu leaving La«»«••< • me 5 \nilu 2i» -S.ngoii Driiice pud Parautg 4de IV i-4UM 44 4-a cpsiid j at;.. au afr invited Bicnir and awint 'y* Phone OX 4-gfil SI Looked 4»» Clear prodi \ aue «iU »• angrilv ape lOI NH (KN ULhtl 11 1 R for sale APARTMENTS ROOMS TOR sun W 19 Cub r dec.rretrr 90 Naval officer SJ Bat. b f- JUtikof la ,i,r 21 urnws( \ Ml %-VMl % N Hon e at W#tci R 30 u.m., Union Or N l^ATF MODHI. CBOALEV televi- n < et <*«ting «>r fa!!. h.e»- privuege* student* lea. ei - Nga- .eii p-i* PERSONAL^ « S-4dtt1 e* ANTED RIDER* TO June 14 or IT Let a • t | a' i 'ami-' Idrerda will si^ak dm "IT G«ed Parking liat A bert St. ED 1-913! on he UMtgi'ian S4eia> KWAAr V ''art of a v.. Bar: ■ caft evening* on!> «g BAKERY DELIVERS m- t v-mmuna 6 W.I :*1 vt—-graduating Role of Phone IV l-Ntt 4T divjduatl* deenrefrd c»ke stove M Cor net ed « politica! c.lup m • t»r *3» serving i« 421 N HOMER On una IV 4-47SA tt.-al n„ | Untvcrytty 14CR MODE!. * k hi-ft set W ired Furrisiied apart- before I If Tellurium coll oy f M 'a n am f -ee r . .. « and Seth. pn- ».n |f Will .fimmuir frutr- Ms • * for eterenbiM*.. Esceilent Ktndtlio" f. lani:ii» eacr. da". symbol 95 Number St Of a vate. Pal wing IV l-seM 4* nymph Pbene ED R-IRel for inn Crane 47 MARTY JAVIF_SON S classes return at 19 or t • rounded DtXir-t^AND stbie 7- r- # 1 e i* * 'appeiusag# WUTABfWUSOSNAWu -i DlL ORATED L AKER n..nM.n DS I IV ER D ME.VT LOVELY FURNISHED A.vui- siln» APART- "• *'d ' eddiOiB Dan e,. oartifs. ED t-AkS:. West graaeei s. klotkbrtdge luuli thr«u|> Write Ja»,.i Fc»-d , r :tt U • AIXTrOSE eAStTlUCAS, far earliee bythdtve Many ntner ,tU{Jv ,ix,r. oedronsn un U si* Nepa-ate arm rteu kfl4,. ,< dvwe Memhester. M'.rMg*- deVeinue segtrses Rea»» t e ;4*«'-y retLvi-a t-d Phune bl.wks (rem mXr,- Z ar,v P'*'* vuinitv or uoints we*' B fk 3it \ ,an-.pue a m ED #-rM after 1 *«/TL a may allow have it minor it» to but lev, no*• 2-4u* after - s 1 ion. pel me lest n.ii.t rr'f'etis iS*e'«> s'-e'-at'e. ;-e%lk *♦* u» to t-eirt .v i&a'.e The vers fa. t f I'fta L X APPROVED V IA 41 Wax i i •STRIVE . PAEnat.NT. fuue f CRN IRKED e.en. Perking A* He- withheld Matiatigy casts i.r. doubt the on " nanV tbetr run are - wanted I g.nntng fall tei" Two sloeke frum bar One tnii.g h raecer 42 th WM. H TMOM9S0N haa clear¬ •Af .( ed WANTED BY CKADCATf tt 44 i.aivt • f Jiwuia a i.lMie ED M7H arter t p m tf ue In longer reed* Al'AG an Student apatbv no esptanattofi The dent and family. Ty o be- T ■*4 I AN*tNO THREE ROOM Uck of interest urirtmeM »»r home for '• •J ill Ire i i!!p.;e Ln.altflf *" kaautiiu " *■ euH n.ent Fumuhed Wl!1 tnovodiK apart, to the wishes „i in aite irdUlteremr IV 4HIT94 4H Aii, 0: the electorate b- F-enset ShippikR. t »o or three graduate eoldents foii- our reoresentatives tt it, causes >ap r'( • furf-ished I no lunger VV ANTED TO BUY. R «"»»«• '■■T -a . e* (.a age nerd ' - axaUabie .0 *hv petimg,. „ 4$ I'ndet >'.si..i Pnwne ED Deans tn« for jwrvttcms for after 4 pit- F.D 2-i*t4. « be rster.dsM ALSO •JT >r 51 V'ou r GOLF CLUDE—DUALITY et s'ad- nr »c. 1 -uK. get pneee. A verr.piete line ef mew* h.a'uau-t seated wlLxtul havina tn MAIX COMPANION W cfeahe md ROOMS w»rt a,n election S-c a tei., l«rr.0icg trip. 7t - legiea' eeuipment granted 52 Baa#,.aa inc)udtn| e B0a.1l Vt'esbiitgtur' ClMsrAU EE Truategs -.*5 N" •"' Ttirisdic-tino that M JSTSRSF'SSSg-^?. peitaew Ott» Eat 94:4 or *<: a-ipuSCww1. ssr^r sSttneissL "~s.Li* • F EM AI E (OU-EGE ETUDE?- m 'filial. •rs summer emploj meet- *■ , j ed r — HI-! \ Interview Slated MICHIGAN STATE NEWS WMSB-TV J#a# S. I9SW P«*#Tkre WMSB Sets S/fecial Schedule Commencement Show A.M. 10 Attend Church This Sunday In » nprci»l two-hour proprram derotrH to commencement •:M— Id#r,d of Play day »t MSU, WMSB-TV *31 Interview «ever»l of MSIT* outrUndin* rani on and the recipient. of the 19.">9 Di.tin- !#:•#—Claetroom 10 east lansing CHURCHES 10:10— Political Sri#iti» jui.hed Alumni Award*. Sunday at 2 p.m. on channel 10. P,y Dno Buail. of tho :l. »entnr 4** pre. Men'. ro*. preeidenl ot (Mitels Slate lt:M—Noon B#port lt:IO—B#tt#r Marketing mann iutheb university lutheran christian first church of pirn Het. Dinner Dance lt:S0—9t#«ourr#« church peoples church student christ scientist M-lllHlll if Ik* I'M Alamni «««, *l*w »>•«• «< D>» 1:00—I.*di#a T>m# ISO—Clanroom-Muatr chapel rraarMW. wW be kkntam k» ("i.m»'t'.n| th# AFROTC m.Mionlng rom- r»r»i# »n*1 r#r»T.or- P.M. and student center east lansing foundation ■ '»A'fe »♦ Ta. M.rfc.r tfe.rrfe i#a will b# *h# •nnual lb. fir it Cfeurta .» rarm dmr.#r 0:00—Continental Cltfiioom a*fardtfe«*toatf.*al danc# •' c#r.*#r S*tur- •riaaritt, k.i».a tlaaf. IF) i\iii h'w-or ^r«wi»| 0.10 N.raiag W.rtht# ilk aad tl II Iff I. Graad - T#:#dit.on iRlmiH •%■«#! Ritar • r./l comnft <-»»• nt.ui.a a< A** iwin !k wm flraat Bttir at Mir»l|.a f-'wk nrodr. will rewuniw* »u.i 0:40—N#w« f S > Dor#4 hv »h# Arnold Air Sor-}#lv. oob Downer **** Uw "io™l 1:00—T.#:da Afar 444 Ahh#tt (I#* kltahi fe.rta ef Barbae ||||| r "nt't fi aa. Entertainment will b# pew ,4- ■ Old "tare" •• "Aw jwn ■«" iri—Film iha##l BO l-kit * imrpa F.rf.r, Mit»ia»ar • 'iftdar BrftMl 1| 'a.m.. #1 by th# cat#* a'.tJr#d m th# r M. Mill #f RO t-Blll Jen Jtjm "f •* fM—Network «ir#vA b!4 f Ma'.r • il Otkia ttedy b# pr#a#nt#d to th# honorary To Sing Tonight (Ml 0e###r. • ••■naar: II M • a*. • I# a.d II *• «M 114 fee# Gran. Ritar group aponaort of th# A*r Fore#, Irtaaa Rf who w#r# rHoa#n at tn# Corona¬ Janir# Winkler. Gro»«e Polr.t# BiM.i Dtka• If# Itr F. Mario* |i«#t tion Ball : «H ft. f t| •#n:or, will »ing her a#ni&r t»- It _F '-I r a*r»f>.• % »»ptr» ♦ i Th# »v#nt will romm#ne#w *h citlt in 'he Muaic Attd at 0 15 Vllftlt I II to- l.#n Mi. Im.'.rtefi- |t *• » m pm Hi |rnik( f.*4 f.r Sethiif fa.f. Thare a reception Un# at ft MS. d.rn#» p -n S.i# ii a inprano. Jane M(».# l. .irti«(r" IntariM Pitttf •*». !»..••# «atrial ka>| Mailt k« 4am lam a*. I a m a a "ft. following ai I M. and th# c*#• include M.-i Winkler it an appl.ed kail. Mil felt** • i.«M IIM4M Pr##id#nt Jotwt A ifiannan. C>1. voice mojor She has b#c»i ac'iv# Thorn## BrttrRi prn%w#or of a - F.n««at. •• OS IHk e.tta I. AUt.e i# Drtaif (rife • h"«kt. ai|. Hh..i *|. m the Vat# S.nger* ar.d the Ft*. *| #-em rR aa. Rarnif aad #.ftt.ft,.c lakkMM OaO# I4R A ft. * It RR ft^a i«ate Tfeaarr# . Of Bar. »r.aaaa A. M.rr ».# • J0 FJR. (adtae 0#«m tbftr.b ».*••! i.,t tfeif. grata f etiarj fa* fe^fe R.rattta Irt.Hf te.tan.ta fakeoa# aae aattr QtBtOaf H it A 1J> Ml rm ib.rtfe Btbaai at 4 la aad II r aa. 4it I .*ttr#>. l«t... lAriOUf BITOBVT 4MU4 tnfe itatB Rfetaatfe 'talk 0<|fe »|r»\fhrr wiih GOfhfsihR' la etra* t. Mr... OAHRO RROOVt IWOOAf • OhhlM'lS MfOIIhlKiS laatat otgO CUaa — 11 RR tl yin. to IN. 4 I( Dl N r4 aaairr.HR th* ga, Wada.aday l<#a.t| 1R *R as* AO At*. Oitfe Mfeaai F«daoaAi#-f ta R Pfeaaa BO I fik f a. Call fO f-M 4 f.r tr.aa#.rta>.^ Oad Catar in.ti Fr.aar aad Otfeie ha.r (hsukd) \ t - see us first - - All saints south baptist church first wesleyam methodist church fftscopal church •tWh Vaoackt At kaaraa Oitat One. feartfe Ire Wat.*a Am. .1 t Or«|. O IdtM, fell i'»' M1'b>|». ALL VOKK GUARANTEED GASH AND CARRY earR F. • |a|«M, 0 0. 0»aa»#4 4 At. l-.fla v I I*. - | (t A JO. M.raag Wft.', ilk h M College Cleaners - Raa Afefe#** »•*# - ye l-llit lid IN OlfeIR 0.«r C.ll#|a flaaa f.Rgbl I «4t# harem. - |M F 4 b» Or Dart. O.rrtaar. feauarai lutara •#« Ota F F.naf — (aa#aia fea.tat •»'» '* - I ft M 0.#*( MRU IFfflht IhVltlfiOh: I i.affl.4 R»#.a.#a r. e..«t »««f H te« EMC lauMteg ED 2-4713 tl AM. Rife MO# .«« Rra^l a ia a. <««||I at fer Oere#D fMae. « MMhtRM Rh*»a l*h> r.r'b. faataitaat. Tf Mt • A IAPPV MAO " •L OOAV BORWH tkPM. HtfeOf •MR AA Okf ■■■■!■■ ■ vol* /FWtRI 04TO •!•••« Co to Some 4 fR F M. Church Every Sunday Oa feaet. fearnaar #e laa##a# aa id. Oram (xin't first pksbverian figure out what 1149 AM- < F».. fee* a##w« laatat Drama aaapea i«akf tfea# a*d fata laa 4 RR A M ae.tHFM. Pa DrDr» ataiaauia aa. IV IWRR ascension church I like best about lutheran Rtk#» RR COftMai I . ••• Wilktafli a. OWbmta bTJHMta# breakfast at Odanis 1MW»» CW» •40 PA twfeday church * Dftre# R 1*11*4 FftrvaD i*. "a'ftae*' MwRka. * (kreaa k'hi**## stiaa*«yt **.♦.» VISIT THE UNIVERSITY CHAPEL . IffeHtllM ' F.. karetar# teny .| rn tuirtt K.*. *' 4 ...a FHthiai ai M>l It. »< Ori.h,'I 8•«.| • . •**.*» •!#•(*( r.,1 1 I lii* llit faat atrtitt. My •tin ia lake* • a m|« •«..« a.a. • c«4 • nt laae..| coyrttbuale aad atnW *kiekI., lta«laf Mt ouvet baptist •aodft lint t# raallv tajby M. church central methodist till • MWfeiyaa inter-city bible church 4**4«' a..wmi t l i h church Np I Ilk* Ike M. Itamt bMraibf* I bale kate •aa 4iui>.a Oaaaaaa. F.a*a mi I MIlOIGA# a are <• t*« 4 # RR* A Iim far ■ rail a at caffee. afktr Mara lata Mftraao W.ruhi# IV RR A M I.Fte.tmt.ut Fra-Mlt1«a:.l *»«"»•« a* < »W4ta* B*|,...g J«r il (b r*,| * «,| Db% fc » tl INRVO4, FRIIua. a a# (fetrri IthH 4 RR AA r-.n» hare#, a .Ht laMM I fill a# with a bif Hpartaa Hrmhfaat. Bat laait l»h#«a**« 11 I . 1 M 11 ( ra<* D»,.* hi. t l«H • a eft*# »«>• «.« aa HI aa. Hit aa Batter what I hat*, il'a fraah a at it'a l«#4O0 Mraaaaa V* It RR a a. MwaDf fearifeg MM oaafe ffearitit 140 PA I M fD| Rtaaf. llftane ■Ml. fRRga RttaDi lDM*f*—* ••rait. F, M.r Bat t*a«rfa at V a, »raa-* .. #.«•.»*( t#./t#r# l.-arfaaMt4 9* o.i>.- ht»..,«» ID I mi ar II* T-;ai Ik Iraatyartaua Ml It R-tlfl • JR I M l GfMfta Hat. I grnmm what I realty Ukt ia the la.tral >a • fr.a. a ia.' a way I faat after break faat al I rati . . . pai Mara hraahfaat at what I i aa4 fkst chkstian lakh central fiee unversaust east lansing bethany baptist i •aa Biaa unitarian unity cbitet church I I *.'I W. Dr.*# lie.r IOUI 4b. MIL LB A F.U«r taa# A Ftppatuttait Aaeooo at.ra«g *nt« MeaaD*# at itfefBt roMMAAOMo#r* II 4R t a R^AA i B R-10 PA Odai a- PtR RaDBRl RD4 hkhkt laatat triMt Ii la. OtfhDIQ 1*1^ AA o IJR FJR. the place for perfect coffee s IR AJA « PA rfekakapiM ihR I JR 9m. OataD OtaD 4 larfe. Rr|ia<« (fed* Paati Ftatat A Cdan. Orbm# Fail■ Wife Clyo.- BO OtfeRIBDR UDaratB Raatft A tka. It. Va.t Maiaan*. • # ■ -MM I *«#• I *•# Vr«rb (ta# A*fktB».I[ #*a ana id# IwDw Afftaata*## an laita fraa# a 0*M«a 1 •ar. Raiak A in ikmnaartf La. a Maahi. mb ■t- mirmcav state mnrs > I. 11.11 h» fw» Apt Furgol Chooses Littler in U. S. Kobsmen Face Broncos in NEW YOIIK U'>—Fx-chnm- Open o pion Ed Purgol Thursday Joined the giant guessing game of wh>» will win the 50th U. S. open golf Snead, Mike Souehak, Art Wail Jr., and Gene Littler. I like Litt¬ ler best." his sayK, jo. own the *'I chances in the, open, he have mice as much they're trying to chance and Hour hah also are drivers and "Wall Is so riding wanderful is I.ittler. a wave of put¬ In Yearly Alum Day Tilt i championship next week — hit Furgol won the I Ml cham¬ shoot to the Moon." m private pick is Gene Littler. pionship al Ha It it >.rol In Spring¬ ting confidence, He feels he ran Littler, after being proclaimed t»l:i "In relating the course to the men, i would name five I think field. N.J., with a left ered since rhlldhod—one of the arm w1th- the brightest prospect in got; and probable successor to Ho- sink green from anywhere and he does. That's a on the Owens Likes Tough Foe Major . have an outstanding chance," mlraclea of aport. I.ittler. a gan, Lit. a slump shortly after terrific advantage in going Into New Pan-Am In College I the lame-armed professional freshman pro at the time, miss¬ his proKj»erous 1954-55 season*. the Open. But Littler can both said. 'They are Hen Ifngnn, Sam ed an X-foot putt on the final v ,v, . green which would have given Only recently has tie returned to his old form, winning the Phoe¬ drive and putt—"and I think he Games Track League w£? him a tie. Furgol h»i:ii (, ii. -h. imi ra!n durlftg-the summer, it'll be Kansas City 23 22 .511 Vt Western Michigan nine ic at \ Nth arm* uvm year* ago when Lke lightmr.g n«xt August." Washington 23 24 .449 i"t .'1 p.m. Saturday on OldI Col. / u.. he reached into hear'* rage, Owens starred In the 193fi DETROIT 22 23 .444 4»i lope in the annual Alumni FREE STORAGE a Olympic* in Berlin, running the Day game, State's season demonstrate* howling, form al New York 21 24 .447 4'3 101 meters in 10 3 and TQNIGHTl setting 4 finale. Mania Monica, Calif. He use* a 29 26 435 a new Olympic record »' that standard time of 20;7 for 200 meters. The Bronco* hove overpower¬ 14-pound hall, special TNI'RXDAV'X RESULT* \ ed State twice previously thi# relea*e merhanlwn at end *f \f» fork It. DETROIT 3 and FREE Mothfroofiig hi* artificial arm. He ha* pilled "It haa nice Owen* aaid mi the track. "It hwunee tm It." re¬ H'dlnn 1. KlRMi Ulty Z season, ft-1 and fl-I. The Drones sport a 24-3 sea¬ (hiragM a. Naltlmnre it (It innln(*> a high game of (75. mind* me *f the track in Her- Oal>- |imr« irhcdtiled. son record. Their last loss wa* to Minnesota, 6-4, in NCAA dis¬ TOMORROW' 10'. ( Di«<-»mii WE KENT The 400-meter field track hew York TODAY'* OA.MR* at Cleveland (M—Ditmar trict play. fur (?-!! vv Hell (t-tl. The Spartnns have Card* Now Avuilalil)' Snr*p> Say- the Pan American games in Ro«ton at C'tilraco (M—Delnrh IJ-I) a 24-14 re¬ ni<;iit TUXEDOS Huidlers Field rnjuireri s.x weeks v«. Wvnn (7-tl. Ra|fImnre at Ranaa* ritv (Nl— Fap- cord with and tied Indiana' for fourth in the place Big 10. E\|htI Alteration* Eire Athletes Still tr» complete by the Chicago park dis'ric* f»at H ehnliion (4-T) V* at «»arver H-"l| lit TROI1 fN| — Their last win was against con¬ Parking At Krar A special-cindor and clay mix flrlaa* . ond bate, with .346. Ward, who won the Indi«r»aisilis TNI USD At * Rr.NLT.TS "The Broncos A .t ten.h performance of var- HiH.hi.rah ». St. Ionia l are a fine col¬ 50d-rr,iir race in a car owned b\ J.»n group* tPs"J change San Iramlon II. Wilvvaukee % lege baseball team and should Hob Wilke of Milwaukee, heada I Nlrago 1. I*toltade||thta ? somewhat fiom to vcai as make an excellent showing in the t lartnnall S. Los Angeles 3 entry lw! in ttie 10th annua! A personnel varies The top «wh«»- the college World Series J una Rex Mi vd 100-nule national TODAY'S f.AMrs in the latest chock were in I Angelea at Milwaukee l\( 12 at Omaha," Coach John Kobt tennis, with 2 90 rhampioruhip big rar race at •• (••Are* (t->) <— said. a a vet age. v*. Syaho <1-S| State Fair Park Sunday. a an t ranrlarw t lorlnnail (M— swimming and basketball with al State will lo«e four seniors at Thirteen of the first 15 fin- Aatanelli O-ti va. rurfce* (Mi. Last 2 59. s.ti.Tor with 2 55 and track Chlrafo at Plttskurali (N|-H«kkle the close of Saturday's game. T H's Nher* arul 14 of tl»e first 15 (Ml va. law —Rlay- Fa!! term grades fur the var- wav wit J conipe'r here fork tl-ll *a. i aid well (1-1>. K<>rwrk, and outfielders John tltv ff».ti*a|! team ov*i agv-mile race record of 1 37- ,H44 (M.U6I mittee ia sponsoring » golf ci.nic thla year." Kaba aaid. "This h approaimately half and when R miles per hourj, a' 1:30 p in. Saturday at Forest you loae someone like that yau act in i»56 by Pat Flaherty. Akcra g»»!f course have a real Iom oa your hands." Several pro* led by Byron If Hadatz hurl# a win Satur¬ .1:Hi Nelson will lie on hand to con¬ 10:4)0 IM Results duct the clinic. Other j»ro* will day hi# chances of being made an All-American selection will Chick Harbert, Horton Smith l>e Vol.i r* RAM. enhanced greatly, }|# pre¬ and Al Watrnug. kAthCf 4 e*cr J. IS-4. lt-11 sently ha* a 9-1 won-lart record W sia 4 14-14. Il l A nine-hule exhibition match and a 1.24 earned There *. ever run C never Rr>sn a HwUcrfMld I: will i>e played by the pros dfter average. It-It, During tfie past li-ii. IM oli*ro«*4 |tM«i week thu Imikiiiii a *»rr a f-n-ii the clinic. Kobsmen base been having a was a Ail Bihsr gawct 4unktf forfeits Ticket* for the event may be scries of games with the fresh¬ purchased from the pro sh"p at man squad in order to give a motion picture IM toe golf course. The cO»t is 50 A greater number of j-.tebert rents for adult# and 25 cent# tor TIIS AND TKII'S modnd experience under gan.u like guide iMt mater letml students. conditions .* HttDY CtlMDMO • •» ma • ««u rim • am iwmm • m mui NIJ al news-aURie R Shim* at — I :(MI . 3:IMt . 5:00 • 7:(Hi . l;(Mi failure* at Miatalara (Mf TaaraaaMal , — 1:26 • I.ATK NEWS EVENTS 3:26 • 5:26 . 7:26 • V:3» Wla aa all nma M, la Nnr lm.f N -lil.AMOROI'H HOLl.TMIMin- MAIiOO CABTIMIN — -BITANA MAflOO" C.ool I miChiGAr* tooI i (Sa—avalk) ALSO — alar la a.ll.a.l laaraa. TOMORROW IS SUPER BARflAM OAT! IM anklr prlan far It »„v. I Ste T»o Kaalura* — CnnllniHiu* Kri.m I p.m. All liar I'rarlaw! NOW SHOWING! FAIRWAY ROLF RAMI SITEK-IIAKt.AIN I1AV! 3*, aMIaa aaat of Eaal y IIAKt.AIN «»AV StTIKIIlII.K: "CtlMI'CUSION" al |:lo 4:26 7:12 IHKH CHOI' llll.l." al 2:33 . . 11:61 ROW SH0WII6!! statu: ■ 6:00 ■ 0:2s r i A ' STARTS TOMORROW TV (,mM ("a— Earlr Aral* I riallf IT IIKtiAN ON V MICHIGAN (AMI'IS (raoW riUT RHOW . . . L Anil lindnl In Tha MimI Kamnu- TEENAGE 'CHI A I. Of Thr llay! KCUUNCO iTHC CM. Mkaatr Oa, akaa* at A t:W t:« A IIM a prtoaa — Oal f CKATCST . CDWUsnn STOkY t'hlMraa I .air Of IM£ lit a aat Hal. IWh WEST Sllnw "rot jtei Start* IVU NUKO! Tollile u.s. '76" 1:01 |t.m. ORSON WELLES SUSAN HAYVNARD DIANE VARS) DEAN SIOCXWUL BRAOfORO DILMAN '*-.14 You don't STUDENTS VOWED TO rV, . UNEXPLORED! want to • ASM • miss it! Calar Cartaaa Lataat Saw* k ,1 Michigan Staff Nrw* T l inlrr I'ar Bui No tlincli Wilis 14-3; Fonl Redeemed State You t Key to I letter Value* . . , l*i 11 lor D'ads in Eastern igers See Who\s Boss o I ' BALTIMORE -r Sn.gmg B' (.»'■" t a II". 1 w,"| f,6 <-d Ha « *m*. 1 i stroke pa- . T» '•( ,,hI 0 i ter • LAST DAY • j.,- t ■ -r - a m>mi John Eixinger. Ije'.i C'-d. " Pine Ridge a LroIT '4*>- W'hitev J" 'H, T1 ie stuck\ i »titlipa> help#.I New Yoikei* and fill McDoug- \ If III »»«rti o retrev kilter . • f.s >.X c-a, Tr Of -da. - \M Than January of Fk ri-.t i in,' hi* tj-Kti ia'. »' with ix'h It-., li ar 1 ,n of Coror aoo t ' |,ted by 10 «*t»« batn * inn aid. with • pait of doubles and June .V IV,* Page five Si•;/. *■ :■ •' e a ;ng home -jm after h;* team +-.t on tneir lie* i»* *»• A' _ Thursday defeated the a'e* * ningle. drove in hit first run;- ') ' .* i of 'he Or.«', - n bombed Ji;n Running fr, ■ '.tf-r stroke ba< k -ere J- I' T,ger* for the firtd time m ven run* in the fir-t three mn .since Mav 10 -f ( ha't« T- Tloppv1 Bccoiiii'h ( a . Ford, once the owner of a 5-0 ftr»e se&v>n« a- 'he N*v mg Foid aho drove arioc1 •if * e pa; *e» *0# •' • H i Maiat . of Ob a. T» ■ lifetime mark aga>n*t the Tiget« Jyar.kce* blasted the Tigri*. N'*w York'* final two run* w»i,t FOR W of Se ton Sta. < al l .Till Lion Gritlili'i' Ho •» had not beaten them since ilav I' ,1 ilieir aixih tuuii iph >n a ninth He inning double. i 9541 His fortunes again-t I he gr«*« ■ row th ««« *•» •*• and T»tom> Je» »•*' * plater* ln»he* ai Or mave their choice the ball and tee it ••* ESQUIRE^ trod Lions The Visken teed elT en Dun¬ up mil all the was to the green* KlliHITS MGIITH. THIRD POLIO SHOT * •»»* ' four.tun* ago. erove ,ri The former Ohio S'-'e A |y. lighliqhls *f>re« 'or •. » 1 a v.-i'h doni.'e ning with fenr rnns In the first a and h;« e:gh' Amenta halfback, IWV> He -r- • SIMMS- e „; . | a inning. I.eper hatting a< rims th* 15c * • no F. «»on Howard al <• ♦ jophy winner, will be •'et'.r. ■ a"r- .«• • , 1* f Ling term fencing i -.i ra- homeied for 'he i ejuv en a ted hrsl |ms «iik a double and Mi - Dougald sending ims more in his fourth sea on of pr >fi ri'.r.a >■ -, of ler'-c a- » Mai. 50c + + * football lie has a 4t rwh.r«i 1 drew 13 entries iri foil di with his ftrst deuhle. \ pair ef T ' l.e< a SA' average over three xea "f.s h .' NOW SHOW IN,. Foil llailir llr ('.on lil't e ' ' six in eoee .winner singles and l.npes' home run • 'e*f|:».| • gr • O a". 1 I John Seoa^tion. Ttailing la-1 year was u .ed mo*tl" a* * predured three more in the third ACTION HITS ■ •ere Steve Sutton ar.d I.*'- lughf* N«'l Kaltman won I re event, vith Ben M. K.«v llrl|inl Itiil Thur»e« and down-, seven of them la»i *r- stored 10 f-»u» 2 OLIN HEALTH (EHTER T.gei* Thumbs* paid • ,n ex'#-« Jt T e Yankee* added five .•'.•vc son |r n P igel finishing in 'he of 4«f»IK)0 for a 11-vest-old i.n* oft Pete H .rnsicle ovei *h- ( a-'id* signed h»« » | two *P"1» hitting * ¥ * A d- Ko*. oij'ie lei o of S'-u'her*. r»-s«• turn. next exl: » flee innings, '« making *.x 'ir contrat'. ♦ww-yea: afte- pia%i> g deal arranged w .» TODAY A C g.» 0 for a* rr.a'. a Gables Vet* won 'he K o., a righl-hanoe; a!.' the run* Ra> Naiierkl, vi ho yie}d- he joined the pro rank* |n: ersitv team lem. - Vie, wt-. hit e.ght to f run* n ei M'kev Mantle's game-*.-.- lie become* the fifth ve'« <• Caat Shaw. 4-3. in tne . i CG Vela bee' Ka-t Shaw ugh wt.'Ki! and ave:aged ron p#» vm »h.« *»«• 14 S*: ><."<• t< whi'e n,ng home run in the nin'h inn ing Wednesday ri.ght. ua* rap- 'o *ign are Already signed for ,5#.. liflebatket Joe St hi . ,-u 8 A.M. 4:30 P.M. r>th »mgie« matches, while p'( in.g m three ga nr* II.* ;.ed for a pair of New Yor* run* lineman John Gordv arid b* *< PERSUADER , Robkkt kiorm 'earn was dumping bat'ing average ;oo la Nu i" d.»ubie* ThtrtfdAa . a, ,n it in the ninth. Terrr Ran and Earl Morra Mitcnum |t and 124 individual* pa - game* KlttO. fi-feet-3 and Jfl* TICKETS ited In this spring s tenmt pounds, was signed tr srout (., Williams BUD KOUTS 50c > announce* - INAL'BANf K f. h. quandt * linaneial ResponoibiMv < a set iPIXMI.lSTS "LIFETIME" Pick Up At • Ynnng Driver* • • Motorryrles Onl af Stat* Driver* USED CAR .'!l!fi Miiil.'iii >••!■»••••* *>• 11 :^> VI '.catensts »t,e k F ||U> •■ear* Hid K"d* hfi* brought to centra, ajtp' s • Set# »p- r« »krfi» arc 14 ..«kle Michigan a ne » » p*-. a re* tiandar i « ' r*'«,»leJ '• »i'kew automotive merrharwiisir.g 'ha' *!••» -iwl • ar bu ► »,ifji From lit prnpe ei---r rr.ora car for le»s rr.ons\ Now the used '*r buver get* per Iks s*n(>c nf tha ''Get A Unmix Life'* I form ante backed promises that add up to greater rnoUir.r.g sre ,••■ » pate* .,*■ HINMR sati'fatt.on and d'.liar «aving* work order on your choice of car Our csr* are guarantee-• At Ru 1 K- ut* <>d »«e * a* », aaa i >»,» gewerfwil* ,f,g g,|H «r4(f . n a gnt. %. Sl-I Ml TONITE! TONITE! Zinc Aluminizcd j not for 30 davt . fin na . s - $0 days - 1 i'rires hava been reduced on ever- ear and this Mufe'.rrs Guarantee' is j our buyer's bonus it is ear - hut for . * • Life " $5.95 • uU IMI ,*t* FRI. SAT. SUN. THE REMARKABLY FUNNY STORY MUFFLERS ! Bud Keuts Chevrolet Hay Krfflrr Cwt'OW twoe fm OF A REMARKABLE FAMILY MAN! I %*f GRIhD RIIU iMimnft'a Chevrolet Center ^ OS Illl I %MFt * THE I'it M* ZWM K. Mickigaa iv » bmmtjpc=l-au4wpjj l -■"t Remarkable IIEBEIMANN'S MR. LARGEST DISCOl\T IS TOW V . . . 5 PfeNNYPACKER ClNEVteScOPG KRAMER AUTO PARTS j COLOR by DC LUXE »I0 K. KALAMAZOO IV t.m.V 5 FOR A GIFT... a Her EcAor» c-aenax WEBBMH3UIREC0BURN S'JOHNELY " he'll carry with pride! r :« -" y v, ■' V'' • ,'H kit "li ft %>. Vkl o'^"t Swing into Summer KermsrkaMe Mr I'enmparker «ha«« at I 14 at WANDA HANCOCKS with lirautifiil Ji MARllYtJ no iron" Ininilril ^~ykuf/A(i//iur MONROE StMf" Bloasas by and boson k«r uenpon^nl Ship'R Sbara TOdY I he Nat i***f *f the MM* PAJAMAS • ill make year summer 11 Curvs eslra-special. brief and ftleevet are niched far • A •' '• M jAck » \ rilra rMlaeM Staan ia extra east *• 4a4 tha TRI-TAPER LUGGAGE mien i ..-y IfMMoK •are far. Jbs» m4s, n ^ 6'L'r iiicfc BMM-k-dry and near. i\ ■ HaajoLW-** Lighlrr! tilronjrrrl J>ni«rl»-r! >• shrink. pill tea. N fuss rwll M he Here i 'be f.ft that e*ery gradwVe >.<• a;.,.- - • ♦ S'Se* e e*tj*n t.* \ x Some ("•>' in ••mama r+mfti mm with an summer at- me ioete most molaed 1'. » maae for nxeietn tonitrut t.oo f,r»crgia»s nun it pr>und« lighter Permam'e mats age u* t rtinforted * • m eooe CO'«"ss '.yon elt'M is**«d . f*»*. ft j \ V L'KE a tie active >•• • etingt rest^t* and scxiffs—wipe ciea e.ap end wa'tr. * a ge<« r rmeds »v 1»*» *9%'. f* 1 *-9 Cn»o*e IT HOT- hl*u*e h? natMsnall* fa- ky*.a *itu ec*«fie- nasi ship n tm»» tof WOtlKN: 1«i in fi»» li.hw* n.inr»: MSttFI-a IIKl-a, MM IbamOi pr-aM*. pises *1 t# It >t'*ll.«a«a 'I8'SI,,49M «M> lil. II H*C -*.»• U» >1 I* 34 13a. i'm \lKN: Nine -iiw la Our cr.lor.: »244i «44» ^7. L. i<" jj§ie/umam/nA. * I ».M > - .. Vf . Hi H 1 lij I H 1', H. Kosiichek Bros. -K.. II in4 I. ,4*.- I.U .Iw* *4 11.11 I»J Milk Maalliii|laa At*. IIS N, W WIINI.luN 2M asm M. KM* I Mmmt F Water Carnival. Too! MICHIGAN STATE NEWS NEW pion E Pinning* Religious Units Honor Ballot Box inn, 5. 1»5» Nit, 'he glfi will «h*mpi Picnics9 Dances Set M A I. Ml A a r y Mlf* MA PHI Ziegler, Lansing, to Jamew Johnaon, Holding senior; Graduates at lianqaets ls Newly elected officers of Del¬ Dells Dells arc: Nancy J-ut- P R E E ADMISSION TIC KIT IV Campus religious irrmips are fa knur to the water this Here's ? Bright private Linda Whisler, Tindla.v, Ohm, tenton, Concord junior, presi¬ (EXCEPT M NDAISi "In men, " Spring Mood fir fOXME ZEKIT sophomore and Delta Gamma, to William llillahfer, Findlav, Ohio, senior; Bee key CooJman, Norlh- weekend as tbey wipji up the term's activities. Bethel Manor is annual term holding their picnic at Aiward will review the Book of Exodus. dent; Sue Blanchard, Ferndale junior, vice-president. LAKE UANSIM, PARK •aid. r "Koute U.S. TO." 105D Water Carnival. is in the spotlight ville freshman, to l.ynn Mat/en, Northville senior; Nancy Kelscy. Lake Saturday afternoon and Wesley xvill be swimming, (mating, and Student Foundation New officers of Les Gourmet* your evening are: Fred Carol, Wilmington, this weekend. The annual extravaganza, under the spon¬ Vennontville freshman, to John water skiing at Lake Lansing Catholic Student Organization l.eindecker, Kalamazoo junior. Sunday afternoon. Groups arc Dels., Junior, president; Carl sorship of the senior class, made its debut last, nijfht ant I will bold an 'Honors Dinner" for will run iiyain this evening and Saturday evening at 0. Debbi BETA TIIKTA PI e Crandall, Detroit graduating seniors Satutday at t; ir> at the Catholic Student to leave from the Methodist Stu¬ dent Outer at 8 and 5 p.m. Schneider, McKeesport, Pa., jun¬ ior, vlce-presideht. FREE TICKET 2 Bot> Eberhart and h:s orch«c- tra Wlil provide the nuei the fifth competitive \e;«. for i'.lle nic l.aki- er «■ f-»r Saturflny afternoon at Lansing. Swimming, wat¬ kiirif*. --off bull game and a freshman, Park to Hick llennrssy, Ridge, 111., senior. Center. A 10 graduation day break¬ fast is scheduled for Sunday at STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR AM tt/f SFMFM /,•//,/ Judy of ly.; Jf-g. Date KAPPA ALPHA PS| Al l.-I MVEKMTV STUDENT fiOVERNMEM Bicber. Detroit lonhorrorr, and weiner roast arc olnnned for the Aiward Lake will lie the scene t'arnlyti Rush, Ponfiac sopho¬ MICHIGAN STATE: I NIVERMITY Toni Jospph.-oti, Toledo. Ohio, rla\ more. to Jim Bradley. Detroit of a (' S. <> picnic Sunday nt<- IVV OAY HIT SlilSDAI Alpha Tap Omefi.i and date- ei noon. The Philosophy Club WINTER TERM I§59 junior, share the master of cere¬ senior monies spotlight. •- ill attend a record"' dnnec v, 111 meet at H Sunday evening. Yrrotilil Nmlgrl Eipenir Ha Inner tmin. evening tit the American PI KAPPA PHI pan-Orthodox Student A-so- (> ni r.,1 F iinil Foe U r iijini .jllnD Allot mrnl The Alpha .Sirma Phi'* anil Pat Daves. Birmingham, 'o scheduled a term- .(•id fimt '.ti'.ii ni Sltinrnl Gov't. URIOII H ill .eiatioii t..e their dates will he enm*ins 1 1 .,i,'.i Sc-f ft'fai t F,tph S UW 00 1 VU 14 Hill Gilbert. Birmingham fresh¬ end dinner lor all Orthodox 9 1.93 JM Z M ltl-rl.ll- llft'l St|f,|lU««W ?.KUKi 197 31 2FPI Ikemielvn this evening at a man; Uiretta Maroow, Washing¬ student.-, at the JVllMWHV Coffee F«j'i»|.t irnt. Mnintcniti.i t- A rr|.an 42.1 HO !M 91 2«R m PK1* nmt rnerade party. A IUH».ofcel- ton, D.C., Kouhomore. to kellh !'<>• '.sirs- • IMUl m 14 33 J|fler. with « •rtliai and a dimmed liar-room jail mil or in the Engagements Kaiirrmaii, Caro sophomore; Pnm Fuller. Elmhurst, III., freshnum, Shop. dinnei Dancing will follow the Canterbury Club is closing out h 4 7 f W-.I' I ruts- r.rni I'uhln xinltalt.m Ifs'l.slif,iik iinclt r »hp :an (M 'in in 32o . "hi 7 Fill 0 00 42 40 K... ;Uvp Mrnncli tOfl ISI 44 10 AA Oil fcarhRrnnnd. will provide the at¬ U hl l fJAMM.% IIM.TA to Klrby Metcalfe, Detroit fresh¬ the term with a picnic at Clark 8 f>i,.iAl ll.iLiniinx Ktiriil Urn mi 100 00 mosphere for the part*. A sherr* I'ettj. ( oinbei land. man. Lake Sundav afternoon The Dixieland eomho u ill furnish «l*7«>'*i aio3o ri a mo a; Mil. senior, t.. John Schell K.e' TAIiMHOTKE group leaves AH Saints Church the maair for dancing. Lansing inioi Carole I'hikrr- Ml .< l.on tt.i Young, pontigc sopho¬ «■„ • ■ "it lurii'lmn- of Ihr U*»cubvp. V •Kev Club." thenn "f l|,e ton. Saginaw yenuu. to iI*tr<>l lie tin i \, bid, ti. linn I'ettrncill. ing at Shaarev Zedak (.'ongrega- . A' .•rm. ll'.., S|«ai pana. D' arliorn grailu- New Hudson junior tiofi m-Laming Rabbi Zemach d Ii • ..ilrgp Hflatl'Hia i.A no M 30 h 70 l oini nul and <« us this »n»l> a?e 'fudent and Alpha Tan Ome¬ 'ir^.inl/p'i'ina ('nnin-illpp IAAO0 121 *■ 29 74 flower*, with the men's Im niton- h SpailnM Spirit 1VI fill 117 11 ••1711 mith your frr* lickfl for any niere* in the center, *iil dci..i ga. sf.ictpnt firirnt.ition :u »HI :t-> oo a'e the table- ("'uiptis will 411*11% Slt»MA fill H s- ,iirio fongrpiw auppliri 41 INI r< ir 17 32 ridr. the roller roaster, turnpike t AH I'nlvPPsltv JudlrlArv in no .vi on danee to ttie inuMr of tiie Kenm (fa.i Sluing, Mirnilllgham, to 1 ' '1 ' ilfir CotirF 2A cm IR 4*1 li 51 ride, or any of our other fine Mr! Davis orchestra Norm Cutler. Detroit junior M 1'ittmrn' itoomi 300 in. 0 00 amusements. We are alno fen- 12 1" i|,|.M)|ir ints-rl WliirlPOl F iliwi HMO id) 202.90 777 2o Alpha Kappa Alpha «•>' K;«p- IH.l.TA ZKTA 1-1 i;. . -.,1 r»m>orr>i>ruitss,i F.'i-'i ?,VI fM| 2.MI 00 luring a hoat show thin week¬ pa AI pit a IM have plufine I their Palricia Under. Travel m- Cltv spring formal fur !i Satunl.-o- 12170 OH * 9110 49 91210 5] end fnr your special entertain >i in .r, to Williaoi Khingcr, mrnl. I'nmr and see us; we'll evening at the Lan-ving Civu (.i and . Itapid u A Center. |v It Kmtrliik. Ihtioit fresh¬ \ \ lfrff.iii. il l».n 921 .AO %r> 7R lie lixikinu for ynu! - ».A »•• The African .student %«*ocm- man, t.» la- Schrmdt/. (iaiieii •P« 11.- Acr«.nnt-«»7HIPI 'l-dal If.rr.t.' tien haa acheduled their term »5I 01 Total Kxprntf-« nun F*f jiintoi. parte for 9 Saturday eveninc '•» s\l |»| it IIAM. $i:c l»»t » • t JS 21 I'aha. t> Kenneth |fcnvlc>. Battle lie r;\ -Mr 02.147 Theta Chi haa planned a pre- Cieck senior I'r, naid ».*|>rn*# •At . Li . .r.ti r\ «t credit 174 "wi twrrird over to "ir ha la nee ns vt in ft Lake Lansing \l,..iu .11 lotto the AII-UmvaiMtv Student t„.\, • ... m debit Park ,, e *»f liiM H cm the houk« ni the Mirlilgan Htatv Kiilverallv t'ornp- Siudent Government of .Michigan state CONGRATULATIONS Lena Dart Treasurer Winter Term I9.'»« OI'KN NKiHTI.V — EXCEPT MOMIA1 AI.I. DAY SUNDAY GRADUATES DINE OUT TONIGHT Good Luck in your CAREER Celebrate Graduation IN LANSING Thanks for your Patronage With A Leisurely Meal irs DINE W ITH THE DINES KENT DELUXE CLEANERS TARPOFF'S 121 E. KAI.AMA/.OO Make .121 E. MICHIGAN AVE. * LUNCHEONS 2911 S. WISH. PHONE IV 7-0022 Heterralinnu + DINNERS Noir Far # DANCING "biuiaf'i Original Your Charcoal Broiler" i.rmluatiou at th* Dinner N«tel Suitilat, J tt tie- 7 'r Block North of th* Capitnl LOOK FOR II 2-623.1 WHITE CAXorr Partial r- «. r A WONIIEKII I. DINNER sT "For The AP *'?! v TO THE Tl NK or peasant HAMMOND ORGAN Ml SIC •if n ii ii TendereU Steak :r^ AT You F.ter Ale" the PAGODA al.RVI.NG EVERT DAT HUM 1 am. • l is pju IValiiriiig 1 II, l-ltsiin JS3.2.N TOP GRADUATION OFF WITH A FINE MEAL PLENTY OF F REE PARKING IN OUR LOT IIIILIR'S OIARGIAL 1824 E. .MICHIGAN AVE. PHONE IV 2-UIS I9VSI la Th* Fraador Hon roe Una Uu impale SpnrC CMpei, hard In dad a(u, p.», Shopptaa C*ot*r dings to curves like a cat on a carpet Jt L'AIGLON RESTAURANT ; CORAL CABLES' OpMf 6 Davs A Wwi the tmvel-lovin'Chevrolet 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. IL FORNO ROOM Mini el— kul a dtedlaske- The only thine that may he hard to four wheels and the leaf aprine. » it nasi sp-rlt rae like I he (Wsrlle eon lake a I urn -ilk enrk sulid understand i.« how it ran nffer the rule it dies, alone with so nunv that most other cars still us. Take a Chevy down a snaky hark read '."the name that made pigaa fmmoa* in IMating ; other luvur.-rsr virtues, and still and >ou'U /r.i the difference in th.- rom|s-te in ths low-pries Held. sure it holds throurh curie, 1 PIZZA tt It's easy Is see where CkevreM W e use the word eompele only in way and shoots over rough spots with — — COMPLETE DIN NEKS — SNACKS - i eels its road aeius-. With hie coil lhe.senee of price. For with a ride hardly a ripple. I pa - 2 uE S(.nrir, at every o heel, a firm, w idrr a« special as Chevy's, leal mm- This one's rrally If statiee and all of its pound, dis¬ l-titors are hard to come by. made to travel tributed with isiin.Ukiua can. There's a world of difference be¬ and loves every Ill NOW ENJOY Chevy's bora with jl tween Chevrolet's coil sprincs at all — DINNER BY CANDLELIGHT minute of it. -Siqp byjour.kx^aufhorijHl Chevrolet dealer's and sample Chevy's road litlufcfHfr aiWDAT EVKN1N68 sense! S pa.-l pja. ikki