Am iv NBW (j pion E 1he gin v/ill u i Michigan Slale News "Oil Boy — Wail Till They Discover 'Black Beauty General Ed neat ion i rhampi Is True Education Read Dally tiv MM * «V«MMI Mliidenla and Faculty X private Thf Michigan State News Is publehed by student', of Michigan State University. Ra-1 !>!. "In i n ■iliK. Mil h . without direct facility vupei '• e mo. It is hot the official voice of the univeii! -.r men, I of the student body, but while seekinx to -five the best interests of both, stands read* to b;>'- Ve- have H DIIITOR'K NOTIi: f»r Richard Sehlegel. (lie sevi-niii r""tril tie an' move which would drive a wedge between the two whether it eomes from within the thf lo the Stele News rt!lira lion series, i* a llienretirul ph*Mr,M university or from outside. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press and Associated rrrelved a HA frnm the I nivcr-ilv of C hlraeo in 1 Ti., •aid. •'] Ml J Collegiate pre**. I id versify nf low a in l'D« and ;t I'hD from thr 1 """Mil Vol. 5J, So. 47 Monday, June 8, 1050 raiT". Two Illinois in IRIS. He came to MSI' in J0I8 and i* , I'rofr^l physics.) f.KNFKAL KDI'CATION N r^fhf»|i-« Hi. friift ndm'Htiiiii; the ctliicatctl |n»raoM 'Dicniil ! Only Drivers Can Prevent t hiiNiasms. for soitim "f Dm art *, for thf M'icin o Dim, for history, for philosophy. Hut in, j,om.( . ftiitisfartorv, I think, to He a mlttipprl ;ir.t Accidents 011 the Highway nam I Homo •ip«,cializ«! knowlccljrr* for farniny .< The fc 11 k*htr''I piM""on's intoii ;v<- know li-djr. fis-Ui jchonld jfivp him or ho- a iimap from v. A C'AH SPED Xloiiv ft Lake Lartsinv pan fun was hospitalized-. u'ndprifanflinjf of the world onM yrow 'lhroo; road and suddenly missed a turn. The dri¬ What can lie door to pr< vein sucf acri rializoil knowledge one train- a of profi ver w hs injured—and his passenprr 11 he dents? Surelv then- are enougli speed limit and conipotenc'f with which to cope with sono T< cur'* owner) was killed. A former MSL student ilied last Wed¬ signs posted alow the roads. The roads are {rood, and iti the case of the two acci¬ tic'ftl prohlonis of living. Anifle from the formal eilnration that <. nesday niprht. in this Automobile accident. dents, the road conditions were good. rollpjfe courue.N. there i1 the- more import;*!/ Mis companion, ami MSI senior, who was Reminders can he printed in newspapers; Don" that involves heiny of pood spirit am driving, was hospitalized »s the sport*, they can he spoken over radio and tele* i- heinjf moved 1»\ ideali-ni rather than c ,. car swerved off the highway and into a sjon; and speed limits can he enforced by ii lieinj.' critical and reali-th and 'iviny w it • . tree—only a few days before he was to police. dedication to end- thot am v.orthy and I n. take part, in gradual ion ceremonif- Hut when a person gets henind the steer-* \ MI If ll AN I.HI 1 XTIDN doe* a t,, Almost one year ago I » the, a -iml ing wheel, lie must be his own policeman. No reminders, talk or enforcement can training people tor v arioo -- pi 'I'e-sioii-. a no lar tragedy occurred. A AIM' student wit* slight amount of penerai ediu at ion. What I n killed when his sport scar, the same type prevent him from taking his own life or fe-t excitement ahont academic aitivitic". hut a different color, crashed into the hack the life of another if he fails to obey the To extend nia/iN .-cientilie knowledge on laws. . of a large tanker truck .ju-l east of MAC fiatqre, to dehate t.he *uliDe problem-' of Avenue. His passenger, a former MSC stu¬ WITH ROOD WRATH Kit. there are more care on the roads. The drivers must he « v < 1 ri"*• ahou! what 1 a pr«»f»er soejetv or ; dent at the time, was hospitalized with cron«»mir ystem or tu-t to have a fine tin-' critical Injuries. lert to every road condition. They must O!' look my ill p!1' ore - : the*' ran he acti\,.e Many excuses were given for that acii- observe speed limits and be sure that they !■■ pive iife ai d incidentally, Imiid the truck was are in condition to drive. . dent. A witness said that -oeielje- that ktiow wl.i' Die.'.- are domp. ' gearing down for a traffic light without Such a tragedy as that which happened eeeni- far too much mil to oe yiviny train.1 using brakes, and thus did not give a light¬ last week could have been prevented with a livinir and enj«e, ,np a relativel.v nieatiin- ed signal of his anticipated atop. careful driving. It could have aaved much suffering and sadness. dai-lo-day livinjr in luxuriou* cin-iim tare. Another report was that the sport scar I DON I THINK that what the ,• had faulty brakes, an I should not have The mass migration to ail parts of the wa' of currieuhm. re-arranpernent- or "ra. l»een on the road. country will soon he made bv thousands ol MSC students as they start their sum¬ aid*" wjli do much toward "fixiny" thioy \ HIT WIIATKU •t tie reason, a man are million ami million.- ot ednealeil Amu. wan killed and another seriously inpuvd. mer vacation. Tueaniiiyfiil. civ ili/ed live*-, ho? overall, 0111 The United Stales Army — What Kind! There may have been mechanical reason- To prevent another tragedy, remind for last week's tragedy, but nevi ithele*-. yourself of the consequences of speed be¬ caoph? in a iloriiinauce to a eoneern wiD. level! Dtoiiph neee *al I actlVltie* of pro. another man met death while his com fore yon press down on that accelerator. eon mini ink". How thi* *"• mi. avain-t the !m Minora NOTf—Tbe alee In defen-e of the pi«po*e»1 re- On Ipnl fl. Ihe senate pa** •hape and rnle nf I' M. grnand Sci ietsf-' of -e e,| an amendment In Ihe mill¬ and idea »;,ii he ttroken 1 00 not know, p, Kadalz Deserves All- American fnree* in an* produced sharp debate In Wash inilnn fulnre II i« an artnment In war ha* NmI t M{ alwav* navr nf the Arm* manpnner rnnflirt • »gher menta' reuuirernerit* and p-i-v-u i,' Ki iMiiiowf r ficitn /ai THE Hit. MAN ah rugged his shoulder** legiate baseball team in the t'nited States ¬ than lijrht fiction tor current remit up. The re. H* The AaaiM-lated rreaa incentive pa\ p 1 a-• ry ng "ilt the sclierlided redtH - and walked off the mound for the t inn I 'I he baseball season is over for Uadut/ several books a ear can jro a Imip way tow am- r. Tneie* a 64- page, reient *» having a eareer farra af .'•n to 8ZU.h0n nu-n I*- q»Tiir time. Mis teammates swarmed out of the ami tbu other members of the Spartan de(la*sified and l«i»le-notitert bright men, the serve tar* <011 1 inli'llectuajly pieit ami informed. •—Richard vhig nngrr-** ran aA»rr>pn.ite Lie dugout offering congratulations for hi* team. document in ihe Pentagon which fewer men wauld •* 1 t\u'. 1' canned loire tiic remarkable pitching job and for the work Hut the collegiate honors have not yet be«»* the unieveaiing title * De far trainint purnnse* and ) • • ■ ■ ' til it'll to *(»»■' l| , paitment of the Army Pampnle since smart soldier* rarrli are that he had done during the past three been picked, and certainly the name of f ' • "• N.- JCI l-l lost to dntv herau*r of di*«ielio pu- • ogr ol : 1 if 4 years. The crowd, on its feet, offend it* I tick Ibidat/. should not lie neglected. He 1,1 • •. ■ r 1 , he lived H«*.rally, the pa np: »»-* OU!- arv infractions the Arm* will will he nominated for the all-American 0 '• • Ho congratulations hne* «oarp difleieiie* neiveen fain manpower heietolme wan¬ • .1 o. . • *1 • I The man—Mick Kadat/. captain of the baseball team and he should take his place the Annjr and 1'ie .deri' K -e* ed In prison stockade* \ • • r. '• . 1. .it t. lOS'.l Spartan baseball team lie had iu.-i next to numerous other MSI ha,«ehall hower over the role o' giound Wnen me f*i*«inrn* »i>*.ke • star* who have received all-American rat- l»irr« m an* future wai bout completed a masterful three-hit shutout t tie Army* t'.at going 'o other r,.#** ' neeo- win over Western Michigan rni\er*iii nig'* iri the past. giotfud uarfaie and • Hs.rig addtt.onal manpose1 i.» nwe- "much, mucn bigge: ierro« * a to wind lip his collegiate athlete mien Iladal/ eariied-ruu average for the the proU'en * «' 'he atom < ag# brush war fls uci o r . The aeore was a lopsided H o «e,isini vvas under I.J In the JMP \ innings « ile e»-(»eners' >• e- .t irui. did t ■■ aga r,,'- , The victnrv was not important to an that he pdched, he allowed only auate* he *> »e «■ tfieo witi, runs ground of 'he House oouge « «ni4.let Arm, contain.!.g w tia league standings, and it added onK ami t»7 hit * heaiuig* ue . a-* ■ fnru ei fle'euse > e « r e ' * THERE \|(K OTHER T.V '• Since forn.ei Si', ie / win to the {Spartan*' mediocre 'J.) II *c.. seniors who also I ha» ie* Wi 11 «a ed "more eon rec«»nl deserve credit for contributions to the MM' uang bv a t»c. * c.ouni »• c 4i| i Hut it was important to Madat/. the baseball scene during the past three years. l.ssenliall* Ihe aiflyioent nter mn fiine of ma*.*ne ir'a . I he names of (ierry Korvvek. Johnnv Hu* the rale af manpower In the U'ft" gient, who during the game passed the in Jariuwn It# .4. 't\r A1 atamie ate ha* keen |»in« an steadilv 100 strikeout total for the season ami end sell. John ( arter. Jim t'onlin and Hob *■'! ink m si.-e in the .Pentagen. 4 am res* and Kahius have been heard many times over This rut 'dng s.*N «>' ed with 106. With this victor*. Kadat/s Ihe Imuliir hranrh *tn«e Ihe MShjHiwn produced rmi season record ended at to wins ami only the loud speakers at Old College Field. end af Unild Wai II Congies* e tingle setback They have been stalwarts in MSC base¬ Tie ileuate was iiuerw.fied in MORE IMPORTANT. the three.hit shut #ut was hurled against one of the country ball since IP57. They" were important mem hers of a team which came within one Se.i'e; .o»-'. otdel•*i.l t ie ; June .to. ItliR |'re«- 44 Covait • 44 P4f» \5I. »,|C AN I DI < Vtl i\ a 4 fairly fed .. uieui K.-eniowei * ouuge < » ii 41 Notaao|« p/tipir („r* ptolro-HMt*. jhj| in glvlii; mhu< l/lkr* lo the Idlilor (100 hy a further ir.t ■> . • ft;*• - ing of genrral editraKae Who | mis* 1* * moot *: r\ itekt Jui- I M OpsralM •rsilmw srtiviUr* --s^hlrgr! Kisetvhower dwu u.*sed »f»e mil* aala S'News Mil Jar i'arv situation a Mai >n U •I Brought 'Censorship' a nans c<»n fete nee in into baa ie«t*n»e to II Public Noluiian questions about U S aefenie M I rids is fmrle ture In relation to the Berlin M Craw lab# Te Mm IdHert in;Med fut publica*.u»n w,t* one Ho* it a n." ion*i»tent I Ourat Ives crisis. If ieateh It WaabacM Tun-aid the end «»f w h-we content c!ca>;» ie«en»l«>d tt r idea * of fiecitom of speech He said "I d»st thin* * Instruct.\g an weighing V Color «R and of Me 01 e<* for tr.e e.iP i* arm* nf llttsi l« a. scaur as quarter you screed in punt * r Sov.rt II.en line .n , i- '"o a small f Ta'a quality suppres* a p.e^e written to- arm*. Artnall* there has keen an 24 Segment ef weekly rolunin. "The Soap B*«v nei iumi p,Niiue ■ f u* who column a- whose so!e pn.p<»se affart ta relate the Berlin srtn • V.i.aga scurve 1 it which political aviriwa *tu- leeil it *ii>red with it Hut »«■ '»« *o g.\e student* an opgor- attan ta the fact that we shaald t About 25 Cngt.ali denia were tochpies* thru \iev» sent it tn t>*1 pub!.. .,'... n ill the in :• to f.\pie*« theii own po hate a lal mare grannd farcaa " JO Drina • .etter U. «>n uUte current that *u. h fieei a politic* column would and w; tv Hi- hnp*d pudtu*! i .-••-u.i' vf .i ..(<,« we'. iinpwpuia: *h,»Uiil #n»i (:j»\r .» we 1. te!' MlMl'-ng II" !i / InM.'N Ulna! simp!* d.-agteed op.mon*. and to suppres* iset-ause tne ea.tor* u P,?» •"cue Wha' W ground foicrt :he Ihesiden' askau .aid 1,',i in do Kurope?" Would with 4 ) Ratalthraa oiler.rf II tog sft srbael 24 27 2f Regret Widespread Fruit you -v di«vu»*ion on campus en A eriten uillveisit* f-j,-. >'or :n « reason, the depart- II Cory home N< J-A The depart mm! of |N»Ii?*c i' «•'«■ r uir.enne hiave tnenl c' kH»llt ,a! teifme. avtjni; -•art ni « star* ground »s? • y.v, would- a gu.und hi 20 eube C\. «.»%. - tX-rr: AV"P Tnt_VAl i ,-rj n that • "" - -V ct\'s «s? . ^ m rtue undertook t«* obtain the >.>nd * Ch a* a bvKl*, ha* diMvied that r egu.n if i-o . ' > r t going to 21 Faury miunim (ami u* aiudents. tu t -•n\.. can n.» linger in g*rot1 cotisoence nake ve on * 22 Daughter ef ■"■'I'ci .1./ A ' >-■ ,« had the student* w»;e ta be perfect rti.- Sta:»' New* <*« 11. ' punt¬ pwituipate in the piepasat'oi *a Cadmus enfoue sour v Y-».i have lv free to write on anv poli'ica ed' i i.-i. Mil n.e editul u.- . f future poiumut for The Soap 24 fubstanc* got to go to other i ■ear.s " aubjecl, even if it gtlrted eonm* , I. rt e cu.s urd timi he would Bo* UMd .n Asked if he were confident ckem.ral it veittv. At no time.did ntembe•- of the department attempt to ist't t; * punt he «h»,^aiidH .' see n*. end supi%>i'.ed in Ike Dept. ef feltUral Re (ease 1 The state New* is iQdced in that the Army »« ed could handle a no* constitut* brush fire'' analyst 21 Male- influenra or te! limit a to the bv h;* rilitonal buoid favor of free chtcussion of all situation, the .Prastdeiu replied: believe opinions rvprcMfd in the C" We like to think thai editor* irteou.gie*. but unfortunately a i d say Ih;» If w# isnt. then II Mafa . • II v umns. •if •tudcut new *papel* oh A wei t ewsiMper with a circulation of the.war * gotten beiot.vl a brush plow We assumed that the em tot* yainpusc* sir bold iiusab- 17.00(1 copies daily is not the It. Or. and you've g Mirhigai, Slslr Ni-*» . war. to take of U>o State New* would f»»t 'UinaUstn lun hwii We MFORHATIM c*•• ' I *iiuie as a classroom situation - you ve go' to think 141 liluatnl servnts 41 Rtreat II tea column* in the swine wav are saddened bv the fait U»a' The S'ute News reflect* an ihi- in much, mum b-gger tenna.** dHHBf «f urcb.n fNibiMMO Of* ft**.* C.iv* UotvU, > Each columnist. After, all. i\n • •n out eampu* stuoeic eddor* «^e »^f the university to its read¬ If Arm* deflnittan. a "brnab 42 Rtraugta 11.magft If.i*v i/,cluw. * dutintf -all WINCED RrABTO* rapreuing hi» own views, and lee! to a, t a* censor* er* and the public and as such fire" war te anytblng tens ttea *dm dRRHd 41 Rlalk tna spr'u# » »m» 0v,*r+ •*.«-»».- •ominrt 7 pjr... Qu*M, *■ ' ' * If people thought that he wa* Tne etiitor* have every right has an obligation to represent a Mel na< tear 41. Portia •' #n* tngLwi Imm kalacanal la Mfiuiwn Dirtt'Wr* meei. wtong, we hoped that tliey to disclaim i es|Kvn*u>ilit> for • tne university and the studeii' nblab nallawsI 4t.Terri*ie snd fan • would try to cunvime him of o'uiiin, or even to servital la Ml 4*. if tiers Jr*" . *» MT,*-O«J, m.'rer »« AimitltJ. i **>" " print an i»xi\ as a whole We still fee! kit error in a full and Lee r\- edltoua! clearl* el alake tt Ancient !!T„t. I 3 »«> SI tftv Lansing. MJCe 4 D-m 41 L'ui-Ai , leluting, it po;ii! b\ • e ptomulgation of the Soviet The Apt* •«.. .MSil, ehange of ides* rather than bv Egyptian »ub«rnpti.m* cm>. ,M« m »6 muter ' point In !•», '. \> e woutd h#v« •' 1 •' m keeping with thi* vsnra im .-q. ,rln ™ yield itomie wespoi* are used eity u ftSf i\iff/it Si-'i*JlW PTV*S J-L4J t» 4£ tunity »o expie** no Xtm U*i column uvai w*i sub- view* contribution to of the tasues. a fiee d.seuuicn di.*as*.v;ate ourselves from such •rticSes—ed ; needed. Caiua wi:t he high- •>- ««>•» <• >. ' U- I: ir.!iti,n sight rau«.r 4**l«laat w '' , . « * * <*««•* Mihl staff >,IW Dupsu-f.cs, Ltste \. Ml< lllf»%N SI ATI. M.Ut iicilian Voting Benson | Prof Translates French Book Pi r. • apo e.,n in Atci .. a, rit'r* he and pi It re Wapoleo i Accuses 1R1I 'cm \ a •• ... f ,-cn? h let- yiu'ed and toe sights the. *a>». WMSB-TV Schedule Concerns Italy v ; • o: r-g A (ieorge* Joyaux« who-e ex¬ 'l-n.i.e'»«eiith rontu.'S, cellent translation retains f«- ' 'rar.'.atrd hv toe ferri Pisani letters a'.l of Channel 10 Congress or.g.nal luster, is also re- in, k i. on ate pro- • ,eir fcor e »■ . artmenl of for- for their redsicovei v eign lar ■ uage* nearly a 100 year* after their A.M. It* J— F.le< ♦ricl'y at Work (F) filial Results May (last T- e • • k • puo ishfd to * fir*', publication in France," one t W—The Jjand of play I 00—I^td -a Time I 10—For 'ne» I^adies INayiii • i.'ten bv IJeij- Jovaus tame across »n orig- I* 01—Tales of Poindea're I IV— Armchair Adventure (Vt tcr i •-< :> fern 1' ina' test thiee years ago in the In Agriculture - |t:IS—Children Curner (fj I A|. . . . s •i • officer in shop of a Pari* bouou'imte", IR .TO—Political S< en. e g #0—/'ontinen1*! Clas*room '!.e Ameritan a second hand l>onk dealer. II 00—d'Mldren firowrng ' F . g:3g—Teledition .jiju'n IPU.FRMO (/?■>—BaUpl ot box« flo««l Sun.lm- nitrhl on , •leetlon that h*x alarmwl Italv'* nilinjr WASIIIMiTON bfV-Scc. 11:10—I,* cp'o.nal Child 0 41—NBC \>w * fNi petary of Atfrirultnre K/ra Michigan Slate New* Titian Damocrata, chwr».l tha communis t», ami ilapply Tuft Henson said Suntlav f antptu f'lfty-ificd* Low Cost I?:M—N'tv.n Hepr.rt ? #•—Delinquency R I —I iloi (/oropi. t ncaiwl tho Roman Catholic Final I ! IV— Dec 1«u!t«. whir \ot»r K>y to Better X'altir* , . . IM0—Agru ullurai ton t (NI—Net • .. k h thould be that Conirress ii playinK , , .* et known bv 'unight, may «.9 |H)lilic* with ajfriculttire. {edslhiilfl Ion* political nhaiow Italy. This mid-Medi'erranca i aero** MAJOR C.INIRAI, JAMES The mrniiMriB who control the lealtli to Aid i«l*nd has one tent-, of all the voters in Italy Voting was for a new parliament. RRMgftS at the r cm men r naa ROTC the (Rest apeaker Satnrdai. romrnlaaionin* Ifouue and Senate Agricultural Committees apparently decided there * no political ha¬ haven't CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS lo l# ?iad«> in finding a teal Kl) 2-1311 KXT. 2615 \tronft State The Christian deiwacrsts. «hn hava wan ever* vale here since "%• allied landing* In Warlrf ROTC T.c o'k.i to the farm problem.' aa.d •vet view m a with filmed television Hep. Hastings * ' • N LS: 2 p.m. IMV ML LOB L I'llILM \ I ION I OB Tl LS.. WL.O., mmWTON —1« W- War n. were llfhlini le regain K' i R-Maa* >. Illl KS.. \NI> I III. COITIONS v** 19 '■* MON. KOITION OKAOLINK: 2 p.m. I III. Ihr central the* | • "P"'1 a held for a drive on Italy'* Martin i iirtan I arl tdli.ifin. In Hena«n alngled oat wheat Iw m eltwgfw IS word* for sale housing personal VI* I palrtti |.sal Irwin, William ragging what he uid was "too j, of Amartean dnctora central government I iiClnalane. linn M. vi.tUn Hamr I f T»'. Off IMI" fair I'attimn. Ihnmii Ran* marh goverameat an dtaa much d*r |$c ruv f,f»a7rr> neirvr.PMi FOR PETIT <•' ,'nawd tha Sovlat Union The Catholic church « ri» con¬ Jon John H'busier Ititii) *liannnrt I o il golltir • In agriculture." 7 da,t ti f"r ''*• •'" »«' -• »•. i » •.'at • a ' I' x aparlaliata found cerned over Catholics Sfehert. Harold hSatnaar. t»or*on a 1.05 '»e: ■ 11. 'n#i l> • - • » i:s r. - • » who vote Cottimeriting tha' wartime pr<- A*a*TMffet( Vmiih an* Bn»r kmith 3 d*f» I, .. r. ' *S- H«»er IV 4-« a. , proa ma in madtcina aim. for candid*'#* wno p r o f e »« « a«ai« ra.Plsini I t, trer rtud in whea* - »• v . •is -I tj. ' • ♦ *»• P' ■'« A i, |>;ie »' - [.aaaraiwa af Sputnik' av.o • Jama* Rern«. Jam** Marntt political vav 'with coiTimunwm I ami i top* far beyond our need*. S did 17.50 »■ * »'i •• -• » 1 J'l t ' •# » |. fit »••*!! Monroa. Jon HarthnlM. %n*>* Mla». , oar. Iradwa! aara and aduca- Tha Christian democrats had >1 I'Sf * •' '!»• Warner Hro«rt Hanrt Benson said > i» ?-?•*? i I or hill » lien A0D1TICNAL CHAMGLS . uaoaarda atill "fall far anorf an uphill battle in an effort to nit hiatal liasl* H"bin»on Hrnrv And I th nk *• e should k*ep " i" •• 'In f»r. ' • • r.e «• !«»»'• r,u»r» tha Unitad Stalaa'* unseat wealths Silvio Bh.i|t»n*r>fp (.iiitav llanmi Siinr for eack wed o*or IS of * t t a '* Mdar/-., villlar hurl BmUli »«Nar* hulli- in mind 'oo t•,at fn«r*t of 't.e who bolted the party la** aui'i" II" Hi»bar* I homei John Maatar, ir»l nnuer the wheat (pi ire • 4c per 4*f r *t Is -i I ■' Jama* Maloiia -[<»i t»r* Tf»t» rmi «- and beiame the .s and • l*> au« a l»-raar plan pre* ■ uppoit progr.i-Tt » ji i —* .'->t ••-..■ . If'* ' "automotive - . wwtlM line Graana. Roger Hoffar liuaha dent 43* * t » r.l> H f t. 4 e H ' e with communis'* and fav- Iter gen from 'he production of a few, -• V Em— af *ar* dlaaaaa aad civta in hi* government sat. Jaih t llffnr* Koahn tan Marbarl viaiar Ira | a la rift ic itivelv few. big farmer* . Handria. » ■ u %t : laerama hlarra. t*«oi /iitaut, Ralph I hi|iman Actually, thev repre«ent le*« eot* f it *. » t * MUaaaa calle Wuhaal In hli dissident , |fl T r • » t. • t ... iraerga f»a>, t.aar V o>, Nna| than 10 percor.t of the total rkrMtoa deenuerals the C hrla- aiatam >• 'let S» Wf», »;i.- .»*| r 9 tiaa uarlallat anion and aara he Ral|.h vindgali Hale in Rita. farmert who grow whea' " | n» • . »U 2 r.|7 are- • OOM? real estate I harleg la' nirt Wee* Jama* i Ntl II avapld Referring to tho Regale and bapan It will win II aaata. Even lloudau. Rl'haf* i.otliab « harla* POD SILLS IC» LIS5 •»T »»f. MR • it'ft Itfrr* B» Agrteultara • Mouse (ommlttoe*. APi'Rr.' *r> r»c 1' t. rooKtvr; f>.Jhl# [akaaanafto INt a» la If II gala aal? ala ar seven It Han*ia«. Jarrs W'Ranna. Jama* Nae I mill Pi.ttula Ironn hand. Rirhar* Reason aaltf. »i 4 . . •#.*#• » • •« Pt •«.». « • Rilgbt give him a balance ef Ihomraeh. Rirhar* Wahar an* « raig GOtf Cl'rlS • *« •»• A" pie *••» *- * fo try and foe'er ' Walar Thev prefer ... < y . • , :•» • ... gnwer between the Christian mada bv a ll*a arson ra*»n ware nama* •he illusion that the farm proo- S»0'.i4MT SMC *L M*V a»<0 U'.IO .»•* -#■ * - -1 kt e .-t dam areata and the ether parties. at *itlin(Niaha* |ra*uaiu. thav 4 rr"f '. f ».--«* Lmaa pidilw baalth mlaamn a . ara 'rrr\ should attributed to the » . -.-t Ia.v» r tA ie * I |p Or. Thorn aa Parran, When Mtlarro bolted, four Jarrr flee*. Wan«a|| Haaten, |ae- pre«ent adminntra'ion. rathe- ranea I Una Dae Farbmhin en* #>* A se-stiof S*- in t »r> » U. A aurgaon panaral. cither Christian democrats fol¬ Wnnta than to Congre*a which a'ar*ed St.irb aa aacfawtpa program, tha lowed h:m and joned v un eorr- Wee aha raaana* eneelmaai in • » * n'-.'e buaineaa—and of I' i r» • *>« , 4 MMRfr l> R'lfl"* I .N s <• ■ »» '«l*i . »i tha air farce rater* a ara It arm aawag MM milaa muni«ta, left-wing socialists, fas¬ grura Rra«a Jamai I onn Ivan course it * on e Congress thai cists and monarchist* in the situation. • I0UCE0 RR'CE't 1 .•»«♦»» We- «•- * It I •» "i "e > 1 r*#- f nitrell, t hartag Nar«ia Rnaart ran correct Mntrhleane. I»a*i* Ja>fe*<.N %la« p INT. tnwtr finding, war. a majority to support hit gov- stg.Ranria Thandnra Millar. William House leaders have scheduled » • e ■Mix bv tha U. ft. ernment Milia s«imin Sriini tlgar Cat dena'e for Tue*dav or Wednes- H'. ri i'.i* » garnar* Faaitah, Rrara gun- *»at.0OR CO'i*5l i OaaWi Saratra. The sociali*t* h*ve threatened mar. nav on a wheat bi>l brought out !• .r- » r» >• * I e* ft •*• • ■ lowaa Huaaw. Pia Amarl- to withdraw their bar«.r.g if Nar«a* Rn%anharg. pa* I* Srnii t»e Dem«-»cra'* on th* lloi-e 4 ' • IJ Muaaxo continues Bala i harla* Waltar. Iia*-* I found, awdwina w a ataia- t<> accept f*>- John Warran RannaUi Jaahar Rweal* Agriculture Committee In 'ha riata and monarchist support Wiaamae ae* Jamaa La* ah I. faca of CiCJT* ve'o prediction*. *OUt M'CHA*'l PB'I OiOSMOI'iK flMK&iMawc -! '•! » *'*> • . '1 r»«srR l .'.I.M Xtit p r%.' - «...»•••.»' I. -ler.M. ?-• • . nie ettfer'i*# »hre# be » •' 4- /f«» srter l I I ** ««a Or.» •• housing IVflOJl letJewe 10 Mifl service fO* *£NT l»»ae ',»r. a ''tnKi.r ar Mifjur.r i• TOP CASH PRICES bH C'O'js seuOHWTA • •• S4.1 ' t»H ei.VMOtTH c;cjc*f> . .. »• a .rauru »1 •» »• l»ar.«44r.riN»»..r IV • JM • * _ . \Kjtwj' shoo • '»r I em Ail fnt Oii«k W « *. 1 , », » * ne»t" 4 • 1 • IV B-VW. isas Mo-Tn Nrw "m *• • e»»r 'iilmn. Mar?e IH'u •• to ! SB* ,0 LI A •*. 4 |t', t- r» -# • #«e» I V) » - »,#•■* •• #..-•# r# ————— •I HI ' I • ••» tt'ftl % — ' • *0 • - « • .. t •» tsaa Rfrrrse rrata* '• * weee.B "ur'i'.'t lia I *r» r • 1" •i-t» *4 #• Ul. 4 t «i r e-4-* vr«- 'e«* r #•- tans Tew a'-er I «• '' *• ai* • . >4 -.e-s 4 -« '-e« • • »- li.t • •# e» |p aoi nrimx' itaspaw) FOt 4INT aaai'Mssr*, ■ I w • -.ime*e a • »f gt,es r* FW*«se go 1 -lilt afe _ . ****** •* •''Hfjr eo»» 4''UMftt r rcMfir' :r* 1 •-* "»«e •t «f t , • . • v - • er. ■ • -ie • PAID • . . 'rg • a*Q-TO DRI L *R yedw* win Bi'i.ri 9! • P*, nt,, «m« e'enw iwiwiiete c«n* • »* • * f'MU We«N# emu gWues BD I i'X4 eegOVKD AFAR f U I X T 4 I*- — #4 e •» lealTON or ATiQN RsC |. oMrLrnt-V — — hir«.a.a.i '1 • •• ». | •» '• off • ' I A i«f mn»iin r» — w. •, » -» f I ar aieg | R A It • - Ww Rgrwu Hggaui. Oveun 'ie H.ti hi 1 ee Si***' - — . ~ — ' «! ml .mr.rr r». iU'teen' fm. i,mrw> . • - |r,e - MM M44. mvuilKJ •- »•-' •• vt.l" nnf ifJW RkUea hr.we B im - ■ rgROb. •' HAVgORO «T ntr Off K M - r*' ' ;rw • ROrtWO »A,H bM e|dv*erI* |4'. A • „ . f»n #• >.►••••** r» .• e<" e«| »"1" m si - '' C...J r.m_ Ami »—. •«») JAOVOR. RK-IO" ig«« wniBg rerO- t,#m- .nt aeWUent 7 »• • Ha IB !•«<• fU 1 * • w## * he 1 ape Mi iip-v»*»'er» trf ••• ea- IS f* r»4-e e " ,v »4r»ir» .!*?•" •vectmud sum gri«e tu e* 4 't JO t SIT' EMPLOYMENT • •*. H IO MR: vi - ._ 'O AKO 4 _ VARrRTi |er- •• .i»r« 'A AXTffj ,.r fRMAl.R . r*r OOADt'arg• . ¥ , » tf|V WO^fV Ot*MWR »••»; H'Ca i1 LA . « ./ lA.nueoeAl ». M : -4 C A j MDIOM4' •fllfeSSTrUb geeT •r»-»»a'e "re- #M4"men« - • 1 «••••».n . - — F»* Jf»*t -• " *">uhw N.M I Vt M- . t ST"r^" --au : its: .» *v*"** «•1 '=• L' • » CIO* OB BO* II..* til' CI in fUmu. luter •nt«r« .n* ww - - • e *'• ,»»i •-.» if • >MMM ■" « Pwutual rwwMOit wow * ro« gift r. i «— " * *•* - lv 1tL-.T't " ."V. "." . ' I.»0» S'.SI-'l Ktftcftttm# <•"• PULABAHT COOL B'HMV S~M5Rr 4P4 " — tlTi-e- Tv -uaof. +9im< f *ae- at i .• ;r". 1- — • .. mm-— *» ! * £££. •••• » rt •« "> . ' ' ♦ ee -4 . a ' yt . e-j | ,„r t.n» «V!t7; — „ vni* gt'VMrn, .'5S. • I A" 9 e BOOKS _ 4' • fa e M- Miaar" A"? f V te«..- *F U- 4*:sr.Nrf.'iv".-.- . • « ww », • Ufnanet e* **•' - e '4 »'f * nn rv t-«e tr •' i r-'£v~r£ iwmew--ITrr^-' u:*-';,-Sr »N-«• - TN« CiUNfST CtOTHB ^•-MSrs^i -a 4; .-• •; SUCH IIASOMI.I eg cist hm 1Vjr-r - - ««■1 " " ' •t I :sc C* *•*•. yc » - • til's eoo«r« rpe • ( 10NS-N6 LA.kCi' » . P» • I J I 4 •*H IV B-Ot a FOR SALE AVAffAMf i'V» »i N " • mow r . •» 'rent h i4"C). " •— » •• 'I »r.'M TV 1 AJ • » TRANSPORTATION" 140 I )• I 'r.W »'U<1*U'I 4 rt 0 I 4:0 *
    Hi!** Iu*v nw nr mui n.'me fvrS-J3i» s-t p r». <*•' 4* - ■ — — »' •eUr Jiff* IT F--.ue if! flO'LlgS MV4J « l So V# ■cu'Wu'lu-n a^ * Jim Ci*A# *'• •' Rl.rr 1 .muB-ed tr>n II'MUU Three »«l ^ WA*rrrn RltiVRO TO M AMse 't *_ rfAC. CO 1-lieJ Av..4h'4 i-*c.e r ■I .»*' « ^ e A.f-eW *. • ' '»e.i,e ' *1 4 *A* I*, | .. .'.tl lie 1? Lew 4-iaO.BD u MATWilN* s «"ier F* -- • w •CTTlt 5 LE* ' CO fOFAL RA> HCi OR » AFARTUgst ' AAMiu aiuuia <4«4i>.o ui %*-, ■ > rjf.»' ed -n mm wtiJ'- .' . . k * Fr»»*»4 W 1*4 v * J; # 17 *t io«^e »»<•• >■- > - —> > ■> LOST and FOUND «>•' «.aw'.*4t (A**n V saUUC'W *;. IV- UNION BOOK STORE «-*4 « 4g lAStf* st»<.» * W.ixirm ' ui. n t<—m» •<>,. ,H . " •-eij a.'.ar*-. ai.t Rnca h-M.I*u>g ' L/jUT RItUAX cifpuaerx —«~ WA -TIIA-RIOKR TO Lo« Acgwe* 7" - e»«<^■ ^V,^\wj^U^e2L2ucrr r.'u!r si oil uiJ? uHL' •"* "S*ID »«•" oliSSLr*,.*; ^ t-esia s-.cir*s ''*■■7,1* ' r» «u ltd FTuuu IO _ *> M ■ T. eglgtUM* jewro. $T.ID 2-attl g1 WHOgN'gl HCXID ' F ">• .tw i WANTED #wd »ha fee gf Mir a*i • UirMViAV AVg AC ROM frwr i/**.. >wl #' '.-.* r.rem Heir - „ ttr4* r— Marl- - •.» .- ' ' '' ' if i«: r nuKl rrvt*XT 4» . . ... ... BMI. II •« t WW. K fMOMRSCN d Fat «mg SR. IV J-wjsi U t. »a ■ — .Mf —IMI n— •.♦• e< ^ j^uag M JCWfllC »>1 N irovrt gjntich*d Span-! t/»ST tACJ'IAN I FRM<:RIFT»ON Vauhi v . i 4 w^Ulbiri ■« ed gu •«*. i- t we ksne f* MR Rn- • i'i|i«N« M w» c*. sA l CV,,/J?T • rrKiisfiifm *• a • AUGJA Mf RMIIMIf • * * kweep *| Cer «» \ %* • Far*«*g IV g-R ge i *u* Mir ib Vwut**B m gnjd**. , Games Out Michigan mn new* June ft. I9.".9 Pace Four Now Only 3 NEW plon K» Major League the um Baltimore Climbs in Standings will wi rhempi private "In i Bv lloyt TMK VXSOfTATfi) WINS WilhHm |»it<*hed Balti- fri'H'C Into MHnnrf place In the ed on Cal in on Mrl.iah for four run* the second Inning and held to wn Ithe second 4-3. . peda escaped a mild threat to go four-hitter a* elghl-lnnlng all the way with a Cincinnati took Standings Tigers Keep Take 3rd Straight, 6 men, I American Id-ague landing* on Detroit climbed Up to the .500 the aerond. 7-1. AMI BH AN l-KAOri: NATIONAL LRAOI'l: have a Sunday with hi- ninth straight Chicago climbed to third place mark and a fourth-plate tie. W L Pet. GB IV L Pet. GB the : Victoiv M illie Milwaliki •■ open¬ three games behind Chicago, by by knocking off Pittsburgh ( bleage •» 23 .858 — Milwaukee 31 24 .448 said. '1 ed lead in twice 4-:? and 1-0. Belief pitch¬ uo a two-game the hammering Washington fi-4 The Baltimore 88 24 JIS* | Nan Franehco 34 23 JWft 2 .National. Tiger.-, are now jml three games ing by Bill Henry In the first t leveland ?• 23 .531 I'i Chicago 24 25 ,52ft 4 w »sHI\r.l5\- DETROIT »x who divided a doubleheari- ex. Boh Buhl pitched a four- pitcher, and Ciino CimoH. St. XI KIlAY'X BFSn.TN day a* Detroit beat the Senators in the third. I'tirtar. r It'MltY'ft BFmI'I.T* nan Franrlaro ft, I; Cinrinnati 3, V fl-4 and completed a sweep of Ex-Tig«r Reno Bertuia, _Har¬ h—ft'otirlnay, f *r with Boston. Chicago scored hitter for his fifth victory. The I /mis outfielder,Swapped punch¬ I l< \ alantf 7. I; New York ft. « FMIadalphla II. •; ftt. I.nul* I, 2 HRmfurit, si* in the second Inning es in a fifth Inning dispute dur¬ 1 hlrar" ft. I: Pllttknrgh 8. a the three-game series before mon Killebnw and Sieveis 1 hfcnahrrr^ ri runs largest Milwaukee crowd since l lilrago #, 8; Boston ft, « , Baltimore 1, Kansas City a vniwaiiXaa S, (.»• ftngala* 3 20.347 Rrigg* Stadium fans slammeo double^ as Washington K ■ fn'iv p eriroute to n !»-4 oianing vii titrv opening day, .12.300, saw the tit- ing the second game of u double- IIFTBOII ft, Washington ft TOItftY'M t.AMKH t- Banqtiar hut the Bed So* turned hack a header at Philadelphia. The Yost drove In three runs with increased its lead to 3-0 Hltihhs. fi fending National league champ¬ i hIoia il Mllwankaa—Mnrehead ninth-inning White So* rally ion* break out of their slump Phils nut* lugged the la it-place TOO YV'S «• %MF* • n-81 «. Btirdeiia ti-fti l is Nth and 12th round trippers, Ra> Narleski received credit d—Nararnii HKIBOir Boston ft ran«Urn at PltlHktirch — |S>im«»n»<»l. \, p for the victor*, despite shaky at IM-Bunnln* Han and won the second game 4-2. with a 12-hlt attack. Cardinal* In the opener 11-0 a • '.-fti vs. Brewer t.t-3) Millar #1-1) v* Bllna (ft.]| hitting a two-run blast in the T»••*•* total of nine ftinb scheduled.) limit gamak trhaeulad < third and adding another with relief pitching. Dave Si It r final¬ |» INoll — The *eaxnnx largest erourf, Nan Francisco had to settle a pitchers saw ac¬ game *>.««. 1b turned out at Cleveland for a spill at Cinrinnati after tion. Vinegar Bend Ml/ell shut the bases ernnty in the seventh ly pitched the Tiger* out of n Kuann. rf bases-loaded jam in the eighth Ti to are the Indiana aplit two with the New Vnrk Tanker*. winning the firat game 5-3 he- hind Jark Nanfnrd. Orlando <>• out the Phils In the second, 2-0, with five hit*. Tup Hurdler 'Kelaxcs' Charlie Nth Maxwell also hi' his home run in the third » to preserve Narleski's second v|4kmall. If fe.ilinr tlarrl*. lb it Herb Score went all the way to Detroit wiped out Washington'* victory. Marbaraf. i Pedro Ramos, llrclca*. Three NAIA Victories it •ah# the first, 7-5. with the lead with four runs. The loser was It'illln*. ?b firet five in- help of a three-run homer h? Tito Pranrona. The Vanlta Jump- Final Examination Schedule lor Spring, 1959 Kov Slevers and Jim bit home runs Lemon for the Senators. who worked tungs for the Nat* the Ml.Hsl. ft »-1 hruiav H- artankt. || The l#r.t dwv «>f rlxi*e» f<-r Spring Term l« Thtuaday, June II All final Put Gilbert in Spotlight HHIat. p examination* will »> I KOI I Said 'Fixed' datarminad hv the (lav* and tha flma fha claaa la ai hadulad during ' tain. F*ainm.iOorn will ha givan In the aarna classroom* uaad for class day. Gilbert, holder of one world your rare* you tighten up and MILWAUKEE f/f)—.Johnny Thomson of R'»:nrtoti. Pa., I - Hum ford Uatblnclon 24-II. Ie S, r meeting* during tha term then you're in trouble. K. miino-X.. H4tr | • hurdle* record, paced Winvton- lexi from the «t«rt to finish Sunday as he won the loo I oil—W '-h nroo. KANSAS CITY f/h I won It If «t la,i«t two of tha data and hours follow tha ragular pattern. all at-i- Gilbert's meth'id of licking »H—Barloo. h 'hand* down* and that * all there vlatiiv Instructors. and room achadulaa will automatically ilaar In a few Satern's tiny three-man team tn tension is to clown around with mile biff car race at State Fair Park. Thomson finished al¬ Htfnford llollin. In i inirat ■< at tha .rarpiast of tha department concarnad, tha final exan.lns- the NAIA title lft*t night by hi* teammates before he run* most a mile ahead of Johnny Royct of Fresno, ( aiif., aiuf iron. Vast 3. *!**»• i» to it." tion t.a* hean *< hatlulad hv tha atngla hour lactura aactlon, and In some K 4linr. That's how .lerrv Walker. Bal¬ instance* student* mat ancountar conflict*. In that avant, tha examlna- sweeping the 440, 220 and 120- and generally to wisecrack hi* ti» n scheduled hv tha class maaflng two houra each week wilt tag# pre- yard hurdles. It w»* the fir*' averaired 98.01 miles an h«»ur. timore's claw rookie pitcher, cadanca nvar tha a*amtnatlon scheduled hv tha aingla hour lactura Tha v» ay through the "worrying" His time of one hour, 50 6H0 answered charge* ,,f Bill Tuttle, examination will ha arranged hatwaan tha etudant and tha dapartmant triple triumph in the meet'* hours. requesting tha arterial achadulmg of Pa examination second ft wa* almost 13 second* by Itad Afliirlt, Muncia. I rid . veteran Katisd* City outfielder. eight-year history. "I Just like peeple." Gilbert All m-trui-tors having axammattona from 5-10 am and from I 30-.V30 p m oft the track record. Thomson, «pun and Kathman h car land¬ N.■ (Iraki (W. 1-6) « ' | ♦ hat a cowmilking contest prior air lamiaatad to tarminata their examinations promptly a> that room* Best target# are the said. "Kverybody likes a Jefce and till i Id lugs may ha rlaatatl tor tha examination parloda which follow however, set a new qualifying ed atop Amlck'%. Amhk wax n«l bl-lar I • • to the Oriole-A's game Sunday NCAA and AAC meet© la whlrli so I Just try te eblige. Hut record of 103 52 mile-: an hour Halkx—Kioto* iniyred. Kathman wax taken la I —Hfa\an» x*!>p K"» I) v «* "fixed" pi favor of ttie visi¬ MOIINtNfl (T-ANSE* !'; AFTRBNOON CLAS5IS he baa arered prtvbM vteiertea. some lime* | relax better by do¬ he averaged almost 102 , . and a hospital, came lurk and then t—I ftft. A—W.lftt ir Basin* If i-otir Begin- tor. vuur "As ing tome serine* reading *o I'll miles an hour for the firs! 2.'i Few ©f the 15.800 fans who rla«a nine al clan long as I atay relaxed 1 wa* returned k< Ihe hospital. li.aria una nf Your exam maata on# r Vour axarit go out and buy a book te get miles. Two accidents, neither ••! think I can make it to the Olytn- Cardwell, Uia,a tin.# x tlma h witnessed the Orioles' 3-0 vic¬ my mind elf track. I den't want Jin Da\ alt of Indtanap- Hour* »lala la hours dil» D | pici," tn» 23-year-old student- which produced any injuries, tory over the A's In Municipal to go In for any of tbe fretting _ mwe * no Monday ! MWF t (HI .Saturday teacher said Sunday. "When you slowed down the race for it tot .it Stadium were In a position to Mrrnr a .hi Ini.a 5 1 MTTI.F 1 3D Jnna 13 I tee wHnetlme* In tbe dorm* Mifferrug bun- on I 3D-3 >1 start thinking too much about of t4 miles exactly what went on a* MTWTbP .1 44-5 4.1 I MTWTbP and dreaaing room* " Cimoli in m*c 1 At Monday ___ Rodger Ward of Tndianapolt vviu-n hi- ' rf taugh' T'lli *(■» Tuexdav TTh Walker and Tuttle went aland Gilitert didn't tome clove to a :w Jnna IS 1 DO Juna 13 the 500 mile w inner on Memorial })> 20 nub- t« the rcrwinilkitig chores ill a two- Heavy Champ record* .1 ft.ft-S 43 I *1-3 SO any last night, partly 'A M 1 Tor - Bt' minute r»mte*t near homo 1 MWF 8 On Tuasdav Day. gave Th'unaon hi*" on!v »er- . plate. MWF * no W'adne«dav l>ecause of a 15 M I' ll wind and of Tin lev Park. Hi the The Judaea winner declared with almeal Waklar two MTDiF MTWTbP TTh —-*r— g a on W| ___ Jnna 1/ 10 lft-18 19 Wadnaadav MTThP MTWTbP TTH t 30 r no Juna ta I «n-j Mi Wadneartav Has Workout paillv because of his heavy run¬ ning schiMjuie. loii,* competition. Ward was only six aecondx behind with two miles to go when hi Thomson Near Riot pounds of nillk to hit credit am Juna 17 Juna 17 i Hi* 220-yard low time of :24, PHILADELPHIA Top Ten » 30 .1 45-1 45 1-30-1 30 car went out wiUi engine Tuttle barely got enough to for example, wa* nearly two weigh. mw r in is) Prldat Mwr .1 00 Frlda\ CHATHAM, N J. —A ca¬ trouble. Ward was awarded 1.1'ti lion Card well, f- * -' xirn.F Juna MTTHP 3 30 Juna 18 second* slower than his own 10 30 II pacity trowd of 400, including place. "Walker had a leaky row." MTWTbP a ihi-io oo MTWTbP 1 no-IMin PM meet record of ;22 8. IU hold* utlclphio Phi! • TTH 3 CHI Toaada- Huenn* Aire* promoter Juan Tuttle complained. "I'm an old TTh in irt Paturdav i ie world mark of 22 1 for the A. J. Fey I ef HeM*ten Texas und St. L« n i * row hand and I know I didn't io on June 1.1 3 30 Juna I* Lectoure, Sunday watched aw-10 00 7 0O-X t"l I'M heavyw-eight champion Floyd 22» lows on a straightaway. was third, falhmvd hi ud \ ttlliv tl. | I V.I (lino Uimoli hwj-; • have a fair deal the minute ! MWF II (« Mnnda v MWF ———— 4 on Frldat With Gilbert producing M mmi ef TsJmpa. Fla.. and AI Flaxar and ( tub I, VII H II Fri sat down." MTThP II JO June 15 MTThP 4 A) Juna IS Patterson box five lively round*. Aaron Ml VI •*a« 1* »: tlx fx and touch*" " MTWTbP 3 AA A 4ft Patterson ts preparing for hi* potnla Winston • Nalem ran up Keller, Green Acre*. Fla. Hurra**, fill M l%« MTWTbP a ID-10 ID 50 for tbe two-day evenl. one I rp»ft* f*7 ?a u 14* riot in the fit" TTh 11 we'¬ Tuawlay It ib 4«» Saturday title defen*e against Sweden * x ) 1? JX »x Jll ll:* June 10 ft 30 Juna |;t more than rwnnerup Kaat Tessa Other finisher* among the Hnilrbaa fnil IX IXH 8* JX jta the second gam. ! , ft (D-1ft (D 3 ti t ta Ingemar Johannson at Yankee first ten were 0, B<»n Veith, ( nr.ninahJiii x | |v 175 It tl m ft tote. Godfrey Moore account¬ Fin*nn header here Suj . STATE Stadium, June 35. i inn jj 78# 4* tl .181 . _ mwe 18 no W adnaadav * ed fer II more in tbe bop. step Oakland. Calif 7, Eddie Hachs. wax*, a r »i >U at •X l!l MTThP If so June 17 Ifertoure told Cue D'Amato, Il all starUni 1 Center Valley, Fa ft, Ihtn Jrey- lamyla, f inn ftt •ax «a s: 131 MTWTbP ft 00-10 Oft Jnmp aad bread Jump and ftiofon Mil 41 IU ?* si 381 brushed bai k t Patterson's manager, he would TTH 18 00 Prtdav >11 Roger* added eight In laml, Indianapolis. 0, Dan Bran¬ Wfclla. ft |. tv IW 81 «a J-0 like to put on a hasvvweight said sr»mething ' |,AST FIRST 18 30 June It son, Champaign. III. 10, I^*n Sut¬ 1 JO-3 .*» title fight tn Ruenoa Aire* If HOVIF HI VS started out p-w... - TWO SHOW It wa* the first NAIA (Na¬ ton. Firtland. Ore. rVKKfllfO Cl-Attgfft Patterson bests Johsnnson D'¬ vtaihan* Miloauhaa IX Card we 11 m«" If Vour t'laaa Mae- tional Asan. of Intercollegiate A crowd of 22.807 »aw the Yaron vtiiMaubr* Ift Your Fxam Time fti Data la and HAYS • 6:00 l\M. M attar 3 Amato said he was interested in Nukinuin 1 Inrtnnail It they extham , Monday. Juna Ift 7-W FM Athletics) title for the all-Negro race which provided a purse of T aftar ft I uaadav, June IS. 7-a Pvt the possibility. $18,050 Thomson's car won a- Han* > 1 i a tract 11 fore plate un i < 1 North Carolina rollegv and the a rata, xan |ranri*r «• 13 Shown *l 6:0(1 • 6:20 W. MW aftar I Wadnaadav. June 1*. 7-a FM Patterwm twxed against five iM>ut could intervene lit. TTH after Fi Ida* Juna li. 7-H FM first time a school ha* won with $4,850 M> KIN At. FX AMI N A f ION sparring partners, intluding a BIN* BXTTIIi Cimoli w.i> v MAY BF OIVtN AT ANY TIME OTHFN Twe men were Injured In pre¬ THAN TUB RlXal'LAHl.Y ht HhOMEli TIME EXCEPT BY EACULTY just three rntrie*. Hank* f Nlrim ftt grrnrnd and Cardw giant amateur "^nSSST ACTION. liminary evenla. Jim Ralhman Bobin*'**. ( innnnali ftl kkt Bun van, a 28-year-old, ef Miami. Fla., aeeand V »'•»'» Xflloauh — him as the \r*,> > place six-four, 205-pounder from New York, went the first round with Scliults to Join flnlaber al Indlanapals. waa In- • »i'#S». l'in*»n x«n ( innnnAii Fiannvl« t, tl l•; Tifger* in lloston <1 tice ran when tbe rar driven for a big man and attempted to nulling between ' that ever tap**// slug with the champion. Patter- DETROIT M'l—R.lcf pitch,• AMftnit AN | ft %«, Cardinals puo»-r tent htm spinning to the Plater »*a < iu* i. vn A' ■on rupee with a left beok te the Barney Schultr. will join the Detroit Tigers in Hoeton in tint# lilransral ftt »NN, uiT Mar»«. Kan (in «t « i?e 8J 2ft IX «l was erts and being rest-.;- Cimuii ex fto*. i hirat« ft.* ?|| 2i ax and Roberts haii • JlW. for tonight's game. KALINI. OFT. ft* l*a Jtl Patlereo© thee went round The 32-year-oid righthander, ed from getting Sckedule a annuel*. Be»t»n ft* |x* JIS •sen with iPiaaw McTeir, liou • knockloba 11 apeculut, was ob- Wunftlinft BalU #7 Ml Jit ing again. Robert. ' ' William* Kan C i* M! Jl* Janes, Billy Tisdsle end Johnny tamed from the Tigers' Charles¬ Pbntlp*. t hleas* •• l«* manager Solly lie * Byrd. ton farm club Sunday. H# hat nna t. Ceert I Wants*. NY each other off t « ft MM* • W llwa « Lepet, h Y «• l*« The officials mada 27 relief appearances for *: - • ft# Batter ft ya. winner ef 7 a ■ I4w Senators. •enaeeft MOWE BI NS undecided who •rm I. ceert i Klltebree, Wathlniion and allowed b " ' t alavlte. < latalane IB Ratter ft «a ftrras • Cimoli to rema.r. I rianftna. ftlaMlmorr • e# Derm Una la Between (fee lye I emnn. Washtnf t«a The Fhllliea r.»- Senaen, IWttnR Gym ft. Ceert « »"»t. DFTBOIT one mure tnr ■ • t ea steam Me vs. Ate AIUmn, WaUitaaten Cimoli and was ' - ti«a A TO v*. Beta Ttteta PI •iftft ftfttma Be «•. Beta Tbeta PI Bt n« nvrriu in game, Jack 5'« Ktllekvew, WaaKin«<«n bim, ftBenren. Nan York Meyer struck m. Cuas Forty Avoid The Ceef / Ceef ! TrUnftea. »»■"** m»i»r BaMlBaeta ti.e 15.742 par' san i Cvewrda'! Prtrea • • • i 1 Lepea. ben fark an fans cheered. Adults , , 74# I htldreu lb mu rtiCMN o Plua - 2nd. Attraction! NOWThra nhown at 7:50 Only! THIKSDAY! to 1 Ik One Bloo East Of Campus B J. f2 <*'k SUBfTIHRIflE t SERHflUJH tl - WEDNESDAY - (n 6 Mill) ■ ..*'» rtt S8.SS II Hnrt -KMhto* htM Mmiw a "JUform School GlrT Aod X>) Hefflet 1024 E. GUANO RIVKK Pay ipeia — KABT OLtM) BIVKK fcl)ro«Mrip iiirr ON TMX i'AMrrs ED 2-6647 Michigan State News Vour Key to Better Values . . • State News ^ partan SHEPARD'S extern Finally Bows Uiir I innrl Ralrllr Mini Page lira HAST I.ANSIM; STOKE OPEN IVHDNHSIIAVS Season's Final Game I' NTH. » P.M. «,Brt»n lw«el»H mjiuiI rc\rr«fta> f,n the lead.*, .r-.»rr- *■' »' Omaha. %>b. mound inner on Audrevs*. Ill, turned in the be«t be?t record of dint-iff u k-d fit *' tee Rallie Hoptoad rame op to lourid of the day a par-equa'- / .' ', u iKM,sted her I'f na'uv* The lYonr.s fiaKh the inning and allowed I»H K R 5DAT7. JOHN ROBS pi :/r '.:ig 72—to finish t »urth with 19.1 . H' *10.530 :he:r regular peason Radala a freak triple to right ...his |bth win.., ...another winning aeasnn ... , a p'iis 17 score. A .1 ' e .19- 75 In 'he f.r# setback in 2! field pa Mist Raw It pu' 'ogelher eon- fine • ••d "-.aijieft Mis* Ra« i* «.s-ent ro-ar.dt.of 7 • 7J. 7fi 7 4 In hi* four the pm-r r.-.r the double elim- r»da'7 ba*.T mf Honda w Sta'e • tin« in Western the f f re\r «er.r»w« v Hifill School Slur dels "f S»-a I land. G» Th'-y p'aved in t.he same . by !9 vent t«g das w.thout and Sunday. po-i's on open- \':i;g»n <24-6) and threatened throughout the Mi** sutti, la*l sear's reunit Statf j. «- 22-4i open Ftidar The of the game ei ror* and p.ird ip -even 8100.000 ML Contract roliin winner, arid went rinsed pointless with she a had I 7i THE YAGNTSNU ... g -:to action Sttur- The Rranrm aiade aeveral plus 41 point total and tHM-keted •mart, prarttral. healthy saeak I - < tri fine fielding plait bat never At'STIN*. Tex. f/PV~Biy ftaymond Culp. IT, the pitching the terond-plare purse of It,lift. ert fee Men. These are the did meaaiire up In the team that sensation of Austin High School, hae already made hit for¬ IV Rar. • • f •»? C'llumOuj. •Itle en campuses everywhere HELD OVER! Comes in white. Records will go to Omaha Ittne 1! In tune in baseball. , »•. • »'■*•> reamh.e.g -ho turn m sires g-11 plat Oklahoma State in the ml- league c' .n signing the voung 1< ■*■'>* tl c-wfuf-.g bat k \\ailable for women, too! He g(,' $!00.(K)0 io ^-gf: a «-on- third pia< lege World series Irxai; He *a,nu* w»* a- U' in c Coai-n Charlie Mahe? nf W e.-. « set v« *h Philadelf»hia of the •fie b.ggcki ever jund by the v ti a |,|u« .'4 *cr»ie MARILYN MONROE fall in Meet em sent four pdchei* to the nroufid attempting fo gi\e eai :i .* a'tonal Culii, league Saturday fi-foo*. 195-pminde? Philadelphia organization r-H :k veteran from S' and hne b—iw enmpew.eoa TONY CURTIS pome game experience wound up his high school caree- If Champs He only brought hi« be*t a. r Bil! Topp in foi the lav' two last week with for the l>59 season. He had a a 14-1 rprord Make *urr »,,ur rar i« in • jACKlfMMoN .BILLY mUXI >-ta— inning*. The Sparfa>ne picked up 21-4 record for the last two gnwd •hapr for llir |)f?TO.V Jh — Thee another run in the aixtb and campaigns. SOME runnintr for team one In the seven*h r,*t » hut it was Oklaho¬ Tnpp* record for the season *Tre alwata dreamed af sneh Irip boinr! wear la t-l. things.** said the vmmf right¬ ma* nnv way you The elopes* the Rroruoa can¬ hander. "This la the greatest KKirS 'diOlM. Ill IMC HOT 1 »♦ the mf*t of to a run 'a* a »?ig fly fo e;' day mt my life " Jrrp'on« Saturday nipht. wan or tied it) f.eid Johnn. bv I^ai-v Buchanan tha- Ki'" - had to lean a- Hap Mo-se of Da lav PhiladeU phi! scout, aigned Culp He'll go SPECIAL ga:n»t Uie fence fo pul' do*: City. Phillies farm f 1.50 l.uhriralinn | event# ffi Gai Hodgnn got Coach .lohn K"i.« allowed i 0 Johnson I-v* uf 'he meer'i outetand- a rliib in the C'lssi D Appa a^hian |m a • oft of spars four of hi* graouabng seniors to league, reporting »his week 2.50 Oil (.hangr — 5,|i* \.|IN) r- Hodgvm ran a 4 OS :t get in the ga~e If the bov develop* as e»- etvmg faur-mmute miler iiected. he could be in the mi- 1.50 Rraka Ailjii-lmrni Bi -v if Oregon in h t Two kev piavers on Mic-hi- 1 »rt in three or four year*.' # («o S'a'e s !959 baseball squad Morse said "We plan fo put a V S5.50 talur for mil. record! f#il dur* .erood baseman Dean Ix»/»k r.«fl *#• special pitching roach with him - - | -e wru-it and ai»o cep-er perform fielder A1 !«upiow- M.SUs football for two or three week* and get *3.89 RARELY Ml « • • it tMM *f thr ibiar *n rah* in him off to a good start '* bark field Morse outbid ll other maiof | sff fc* the ah*#art of three i'rrr 'louring >rr\ irr the change from rheaitae to she •f the I nlTmHf *f I mpire look in weiee a eloth i art"* r#la* teaaa a ad a ing has Wee gulek and sere* FREE MC HALF BALLON RED'S SHELL SERVICE Idst i»i injur* • offered h* Here is a rasual shoe with the - vgar •print champion Ibahhv fashionable heel that bleeds • htle < om pet tag Hi the ( nk,. Knnl IWr or (>r*n(, regally with the leiptre look H itk 2 Krt. I II,h, Pun. Sr»r h,lk>(( Ontrr they're strlishly soars le sires | ' *'d d*»h. ;i» Mich. A\t. 4',-ll; widths slim, medium raught rr.uv-ie p'w- 4" "ire* ahnrr of the a goal FREE - ONE FULL IALL0N —-iv " .»»• 'nr **n;f .r,| on the c:nde'* Veiled over ED 2-0DI7 -rp* -ela*td the II, I. Sfrtii* in I :.Hl «.m. t t pre*enting a r. * -e*- »keo#< |g;» harrw, «M bark •«) Jogging NOW shouim; »-th col rioted fem.nm.ty and figu'd control ond C'eo»ti >""» the field befera tha eve- i **rr 1 MHi . 1:10 . &:Z0 o itgnooal «ts sbooe Protegem ygrhco! ttripot, w o# « hi* TIfortune. Mor- 7:30 .1:10 ** r. -rad 'he Ab*iex at man* night*. Moroit, checks ond toiid * >' -V 4f. 9 three >aida THE PAISAN . . » .iver JoT.n colors tent »ho«»»v ' Le-.Urf, A'hletiC i !uo <*als here % a romfortahie fab ' Tea®* royol or tvrquo*se rie pump that's smart sad amaiag (hlahMMM «p«rtT sod penrtteal too' Rahrrt Riaga, who sues >0 to >6 They're washable' Stses I It career be*t |a aia- widths slim medium tha M# I M 1195 t* a tee a hwaf- • frr«»»Ap M a* «raa the *"M arth JJ.?; nth* »' iMt the Rtaraa # NFAT Hli; ATTRALTION # * l«Vj. and lua hraia wha I BUMif rf MV TB PB0NV I 1 the that PM| •MH ii»t. , • Ida ill > this yanr (mm ' and Jam Cira- ' • OMnbtaaa S-atr and J. |*H,«S '* Ot,Vra tied foe ■ GJ6 YOUNG If* po.e vault, each I Ti-t Dry Clean Now! IFREE STORAGE Charge It! )01 K 10 IS IOI K LHAKI.k A I-l.Alt Fill ■•IbprttliiS - is t . §1 Si% ard< WE REM TUXEDO! Km Parkiag Al Hear RK.IIT AC'ROHH I MUM NOME KC HI II.OINti 117 IJkbT GRAND RIVtR DOVTKTOWN LANftlHU ■ v* ?i One Hour MartiniiiiHi . A V E.N UK EAST LANSING Parking — City hoi Hi SOUTll WASHINGTON • A*k AVIXCl tl About Rear Entrance 11 eo Parking * Ati Only 3 Games Out MICHIGAN MATE NF.U* Jtine 9. 1959 Page Pi*or Now JM . Major League Baltimore Climbs in Standings (J V » pta more Hoyt Wilhelm pitched Balti¬ into siK-ond place fTi TTtf* ed in on on (he In f'al Mel.ish for four second wn Ithe Inning and held second 4-3. runs peda escaped a mild threat to ga four-hitter as eight-Inning all the way with a Cluclauatl took Standings Tigers Keep Winnin&\ 0* standing* on Take 3rd ,S6 American League Detroit climbed up to the .500 the second,. 7-1. AMERICAN I.KAGCF NATIONAL Lf.AGI'K B:? place . Sunday with hi* ninth straight mark and a fourth-plate tip, Chicago climbed to third W L frt fill IV L fet. GR s.« ■ victory while Milwaukee open¬ three games behind Chicago, by by knocking off ^Pittsburgh ( birafo 79 33 .551 —- Milwaukee 31 39 .994 — ed up a two-game lead in the hammering Washington 0-4. The twice 4-2 and 1-0. Relief pitch¬ Baltimore 79 74 JII I 39 33 .549 3 National. Tigers are now ju t three game* ing by Bill Henry in the first Cleveland ?« 33 431 |I fhkago 31 35 .534 4 w VHHIMiTBV The unbeaten' knuckle hall DETROIT (A*)-—A psir of home Sievers- hit his in the sccoptl llerinlx. — frr.m the top. game and both Henry and Don HFTROIT 75 55 499 3 I .OS Angele* 39 74 .519 ««J 5i> inning, then crime through with r—I'lens, ?h pitcher shut out Kansas City Milwaukee scored eight runs Kl.'.ton in the second helped Kansas f'Hy 74 34 599 3 fltlsburgh 37 34 .399 5 tuns by Eddie YonI against his iI Vlli\nn. rl run-prod living double as the ✓ 3-0 with seven hits, moving the John Buzhardt and E'mer Sin¬ 34 I1 in the seventh inning, knocking New York 35 .499 3> Clnrlnnati 35 34 .473 7 KitlehreM. :»h old Washington teammates sup¬ Orioles within one game of the out Don Drysdaie on the way to 73 39 79 39 .499 Senator- knocked out starter sleyers. hi gleton win. Mashinglon .44? k Philadelphia league-lending Chicago White an f{»2 decision over l/m Angel¬ Don Card well, Philadelphia Hoatnn 35 59 .449 39 31 .393 II plied the margin of victory Sun¬ Don Mohsi with a pair of runs lo-mnn. It « St. l-oui* f—Veldivl.-Lo Sox who divided a doublehead- es. Boh Buhl pitchcil a four- pitcher, and Gino t'imoli. .St. SlMtAV'h BESI'LTH day as Detroit beat the Senators in the third. Furter. r with Boston.. Bonis outfielder,"swapped punch¬ MMtAY'K sjn Iranrlsro 3, I; Clnrlnnati 9, t fl-4 and completed a sweep of Ex-Tiger Reno Bertoia, Har¬ h—Cmirlney, e er Chicago scored hitter for his fifth victory. The l leveland 7, 3; New Y«rk 4, 4 Philadelphia II. •; ht. I.nula I, 2 srmloril. ss six runs in the second inning largest Milwaukee crowd since es In a fifth inning dispute dur¬ « hlrago *, J; Hostoa 4. 4 I tilragn 4. I. Pittsburgh 2, • Ihe three-game series before mon Kiliebrew and Sievers 'I hrnneberrv, ri 9-4 onening Maltimnre J, Kansas 4'Uy a Milwaukee g, I as Angeles 2 20,347 Briggs Stadium fans. slammed doubles as Washington H'.tnns, p enroute to a victdry opening day. 32.3)1!). aw the de¬ ing the second game of a double- PETNOII •. Washington 4 TODAY'S Ci AMES r~ Besifiier hut the Bed Sox turned header Philadelphia. The Yost drove In three runs with increased it lead to ,'1-h back_a fending National I,eague champ¬ a' t ht« ago at Milsrauhee—Morehead Slnhbs. |> ninth-inning White - Sox raliv ions break out of their slump Phils out*lugged the last-place TOO AY'S It AMES ((•-?t vs. Bnrdette <«-4) his 11 th and 12th round trippers, Rav Narleski received credit (I—Narnrnu lOIROir at Hnstnn (N)— Uonnin< San frattrlsen at Pittsburgh (3)- Romnnosl.), fj and won the second game 4-2. with a J2-hlt attack. Cardinals in the opener 11-9 *•> Mlller f 3-11 vs. Kline U-}) hitting a two-run blast In the for the victory, despite slinky Total* (3-4) vs. Brewer fJ-J) Iftnl) games srheduled > relief pitching. Dave Sisler final¬ flETMOll The aeaann's largest crowd, Nan Francisco had to settle a total of nine pitchers saw ac¬ ftliilv game schednled » third and adding another with V ••si. 1h — SM23. turned nut at Cleveland for a split at Cincinnati after tion. Vinegar Bend Mizel! shut the banes empty in the seventh. ly pitched the Tigers out of a Ruenn. rf to see the Indians split two winning Ihe first game 5-3 he- out the phi!? In the second, 2-0, T op Hurdler Ticlaxcx" Charlie Maxwell also hi! his bales-loaded jam in the eighth Maxwell. If Kallne, with the New York hind Jack Nanford. Orlando 4>- with five hits. llth home run in the third as to preserve Narleski'* second . f If Yankees. Harris. Ih Herb Ncore went all the way tn Detroit wiped out Washington's victory. Herheret, r Three NAIA Victories Pedro Ramos, The loser was Itriilses. »* take the first. 7-5. with the lead with four runs. Knlllnx. lb worked the first five in¬ help nf a three-run hnmer hr Final EianiMtion Schedule lor Spring, 19S9 Roy Sievers and Jim Lemon hit home for the Senators. v. ho nings for the Nat-. a M(»ssl, — p 4 hi Isle v Tltn rranenna. The Yanks jump- runs Sarlrskl. The Ifcxt day of classes for Spring Term is Thursdaj. June II All final p examinations will he given lo a.-mrdance with the following Hs«lc College course# is given hel«>\». schedule Put Gilbert in S|>otlight Sister, p Totals Johnny Thomson fl ins The time of the examination* in (aoicmilkinx , Examination week of ( rooms lasses. Communication Skills will t»« snnoiinred by th* instructor during the last Fttdsv, .fun# 12. 10 M-12 13 SIOUX FAIalaS, S.t>. (/!*»—A rvconl triple victory in th« i a—Fouled h—(.f.llOldr^ —I lie«| out Fopned out nil! oil! |„r for |..r I..I e Stunt in KC Natural Science Na'urdav. June 13. 10 13-12 13 Big Car Race in M is. Social Science Mondav, June J3. 10 10-15 13 N'AfA small rollejrt* championships thrust Elian (iilbert into siiiRled for It.rt'.t r Inr l.emon In tlli Humanities Tuesday. June 14. 10 13-12 14 the front ranks of U.S. Olympic hiirtllinR contenders Sun¬ Waaliinilon k 1- ( other than Hsalc College course* it The time of examination In «ecl HI IRill I Saul 'Fixed9 . .., ... i determined hv the (lav* and the time th* class la a(heduled during the day. I - - Samford s .r. , term Examinations will ha given In the aams classrooms usad for clasa your races you tighten up and MIIAVAUKEE (>P)—Johnny Thomson of Royerlon, Pa.. Washluirlon. 21-11. lo •< Gilbert, holder of one world meetings during the tenn. then you're in trouble. iromoeo'kk. Same-r.: hurdles record, paced Wiiiston- let! from th«* start to finish Sunday as he won thi* 100 I.Illl— W'asli>n«lon |., KANSAS CITY VP)—1"I won It If at least two of ihe dais and hours follow the regular pattern, all atu- Gilbert's method of licking 'hands down' and that's all there driiis. Instiudors. and room schedules will automatically claar. In a few SaInn's tiny three-man team to tension is to clown around with mile biK car race at State Fair Park. Thomson finished al¬ sainford. liollin K in course at the re#|iie-.t of the department concerned, the final examina¬ . is to it.'* tion has heen scheduled hv the single hour lecture section, and In some the NAIA title last night by his teammates before he runs most a mil** ahead of Johnny Boyd of Fresno, ( aiif., and" iron. Vast ?. Mum,! instances students may encounter conflicts In that event, the examina¬ •weeping the 440, 220 and 120- Kallne. That's how Jerry Walker. Bal¬ tion scheduled hy the class meeting two hour* each weak ssltl take pre¬ and generally to wisecrack his averaged 98.01 miles an hour. II' li I yard hurdles. It was the firs* timore's classy rookie pitcher, cedence over the examination scheduled by the single hour lecture The way through the "worrying" HI* time of one hour, 50 6H9 —• It itnos (I.. 6-Hl i answered charges of Bill examination will he arranged between the student and the department triple triumph in thv meet's hours siohtis Tuttle, second* almost 13 seconds Slossl \ eteran Kansas City outfielder, requesting the ai>eclal scheduling of tie examination eight-year history. "I Just like people " Gilbert was by Red Amiek, Muitrif. Ind., lloinonosliv • All instructors having examinations from •-!•> am and from I 3O-.VJ0 n m off the track record. Thomson, spun and Kathman'* ear land¬ V.irleskl IW. 7-«) t that a cowmllking contest prior an- tei|uested to terminate their examinations promptly a. that roorrr Gilbert'* Beat target* are the •aid. "Everybedy likes a Jake an June 14 I m the 500 mile winner on Memorial preliminary 20 rnih- late which t!»e rowmilkitig chores in two- I *1-3 30 last Heavy Champ records night, partly a :i 43-3 4.-. any won ITon- Better.:.aii'i-n minute contest near home plate. ' i Mwr Day. gave Thomson hi- only ser¬ o MUF « «• Wednesday because of a 15 M P H. wind and ious of Tinley Bark. 1'^ the The Judge* declared H'akler winner with almost two MTTbF MTWTHF X Mi a no __ June II 10 13-12 IS Wedneedes* MTThf MTW*lhf_ TTh " 1 10 2 no __ ~ June I XhM ft) Wednesday 14 ~ Has Workout partly because of his heavy ning schedule run¬ six competition. Ward seconds behind with two miles to go when hi w as only Thomson Near Hiut pound* of milk to hi* credit. * .i<» June 17 2 IU June 17 His 220-yard low time of :24, Tutile weigh. barely ««! enough to Mwr MTThf "~W 10 3u .1 4.1-4 43 Frlrtav June 12 - jl i vwr MTThf '.100 S 10 1 Xht » rnds\ .fun# 12 CHATHAM. NJ pacity crowd of 400, including Lt*>—A ra¬ for example, was nearly two •.eccrfuk slower than his own car place. went trouble. Ward out was with engine awarded 13th Top Ten PHTLADEBPHIA I>on furdwel!. t... • "Walker had a leaky cow.** MTWThF * M ix».|0 00 _ MTWThf 7 no-a no P.M Buenos Aires promoter Juan meet record of :22 8 He holds t.-arfmr »Mt«inrn (ba*ert ail 173 atk'lphia Phi!!.-- Tuttle complained. "I'm an old TIT* 10 14) "" "i rih 1 ueada- Saturday June 14 Lrctoiire, 1 te world mark of 22 1 for the A. J. Fayt af Houston. Texas er more at a»»»i and St. Lou.* « «ow hand and I know I didn't 10 jo June M 2 30 Sunday w a t c h e d 7 Csi-S is) P3I 22f lows on a straightaway. third, faltowed by ud Lar¬ aw-iooo heavyweight champion Floyd was M inis %i. i > u.i i (Jino (jmoli , have a fair deal the minute I Mwr Fridas With Gilbert af TaJmpa. Fla.. and At FUvrr and Hub *at down." MTThF II... 11 j« Monda- June 13 gjsg MTThr 4*1 June 11 Patterson box ftve lively round?. predaring Si son Aaron. Mil I, II %I1 ''•« N I* II x: I'rl .tlx es and toucher MTWThf li «n-io ix> miw mr 1 4A-S 4.3 Patterson is preparing for his petals Winston-Nalem ran ap Keller. Green Acres. Fla. Hiirceix, ion ____ 59 fee the twe-day event, one riot in the firr TTh ~ ~h do " Tuesday i1 Th Saturday title defense against Sweden's i rH< a l June |J Other finishers among the Hecond panic ' 1130 June is mere than rnnnerap Kast Taxes the Hnurhee. Fhll Is |sx ?S 4S R IO-I9 I 44-A 44 Ingemar .lohann«on at Yankee first ten were: 4, Bob Vrith, I unnintham. a |. II l*\ |7 «| Mate. Godfrey Meerr aeeennt- header here •Sm. state MWF MTThf J una n"1* [I Stadium, June 25 Ji+rtoure told Cu* D'Amato, ad far It mere tn the bap. atop Oakland, Calif 7. Eddie Sacm. I'lnson Mas*, a f (Inn 31 31 72# Hi 4S 47 71 *s It all started . Center 1 emple. f Inn Jl m «m 47 MTWThf • OO-IOM) _ !} Patteraon'a manager, he would Valley, Pa. 8, Don Free- Br*r«n Mil «l is*. » si brushed back < Friday BpmtII Ragera added eight In land. Indianapolis 9. Dan Bran¬ While. % I. 4) IU 21 «n I.AST FIRST June It like to put on a heavyweight . s.iid something -1 i son, Champaign. III. 10, Len Sut¬ I :jn-j .xi title fight In Buenos Aire* If HOME KI N» started out t'-v- TWO SHOW It was the first NAIA I Na¬ ton. 1'ortland. Ore. FVKNINO t LAHSfS " Patteraon beats Jobannann D'¬ Wain-Mi Milnauhee Cardwcll it.c" If Your Class Mre Your F.sam Time It Date la tional Assn. of Intercollegiate A crowd of 22,897 law the Varan Mllwauher DAYS • KSHII'.M. M sfter A Monday. Juna II. 7-» PM Amato said he was Interested tn race which provided a purse of H.'linuin I inrlnnail and they , Athletics) title for tne all-Negro HanSt. I hiracn T After 4 tueadav Juna 14. 7-* PM the possibility. 118.8.V) Thomson's car won a- fore plate ump.o - Shown nl «:<><) 1*^5535? ACTION. liminary evepla. Jim Rathman N«hin*«n. (iniinnaii fk! Bunian, a 24-year-old. Ve*a. Finton San t innnnaii Sranrlsro team* —includuu York, went tlie first round witn squatters, racsfi * Oo9*M,,Awito» the -champ. Bury an moved fa.-t vulved In an accident in a prar Mai hew*. Mlloauhee Majn. san »iann.... There Tiftern in Honton was v Ilea ran when Ihe car driven for a big man and attempted to "Snowpeak Opera" pulling between • alug with the champion. Pattrr- DETROIT (4*1—.Relief pitcher AMRBKAV Cardinals pia-.»•.* h aant him flaver naU ^ i«s (. vn M H fcl aon apinning to the Barney Schultx will join the was living rent,,'- rupee jaw. wife a left he»X to the Detroit Tigers in Boston in tima for tonight's game. Inlramiral Kl f.NN. UKT Maris. Kan (ley j- »os. I bleato KALINt, per. P) I en 41 3? 211 ITS |J js us j\ I) .j«T .127 erta and Cimoli ex. and Roberts had Patteraon the* want a round The 32-year-old righthander, ed from getting •eah with •oiomon Joaea. MeTair, !xm BiUf Twdaia and Jotuwy a knock lobe! 1 specialist, was ob¬ tained from the Titers' Charles¬ Schedule Bunnelt. Pmo>* a |m m Wnatfllnf William*. Kan Haiti r J» 47 li: 142 27 44 .111 ing again. manager Robert Solly lie * by ~*"Https. (Xlca** 44 I4S 7* . Byrd. ton farm club Sunday, lie ha* nrm L fetn I Maaui 0IU*. NY il iu II each other off 7 •• g ikes • vs. W ikev 4 NY 4* lit M .399 17 relief appearances fer The officials a; , <* 4.W Bailey | te. vUaer *f 7 p* NOMR Rt'NI undecided who • . Klllekren. Watblaiiaa arid allowed b.>'h 4 Oyae I, c**rt I I - IW Rttter • alavlta. rieveUnd vs Beysa I Cimoli to rem*.: * fto*l* hetsHS UMlyi lemon . Wa*n«M|loii The Phillies rig ' Jenaea. Boston YOST. DKTKilIT one more A Hiss — *" Cimoli and was ' >-■< ■INI BATTtP IN game, Jack him. Meyer struck ou Cmmlt Cmoi! the 15,742 partisan . an fans cheered. rvi i ( rl 1i C M ri CanpibK^ NOW Tfcm One Bioa East Of Ik THIJMOAY! fta 1 yja, 1024 E. Grand River ED 2-6647