' f ■ h !l Mithigan State N>«« i J Your Key to Hotter V alues . . • I! State News ■ Ipartan Nine Wins, 8-0 SHEPARD'S [extern Finally Bows June % J'i'.S Nteht «p*in«"/ditA7 | |«mI larrr Raletle Milter fat* K VST I.ANSINfi STOKE OPEN VVEOVHSDAYS Season's Final Game I'NTH. * P.M. J., SpgrUn I'""*1'*11 *aw*l rever-eil two earlier ilefenN II tmien's Pro (>olJ Title I ,i(llt \\ otero Michiirun Saturday. 8-b. ♦ * * ('apt. Dick Rada:/ ;>.vi,ert •,.« does to Betsy Bawls yoiirnn I'lfiy 10th win outing of the only three h *1 in the Kobsmer,« «ea .on a no ai'ov.ed :« - st'ViMlT v.l. Ts—After «#»v*n vearv of trvinjr. P.cta • * & STYLES COMFORT ^ FABRIC I M i l Tourney ed Rnb Hamei go* the lr» « Broncov. although he on!* two-third* *t>»e la u.#» - fian • fe<- - •. i >nftitaniii.r?. S.Ifinally won the women'.* pro- ml robin ifolf tournament Sunday with a point SHOES * in* »*Tri> m*%m of ? ■ •-»? r . wore ■* pi' ..fjj Canoe Krook Countrv Club. representing Di«- nmg Hamet aliov er, . n •« 'h»* NCAA ba-e- during hix ahort »"»•. on \t,e lendif ■ v 'n«rr»r>' »' Omaha. Neb mound nr\ Aniie * * t.l . turned ;'i 'i.e be*» • the b«"' retard of Rollie Hnpinnd rame u tn l.'- t-iuiid o' the n»v a on:-eh.* • The •LVonni JOHN' Kl«« bO'»«?ed her ■ ' naliao. finiah the ianiaa and aliened l»f( A HAD AT/ ug 72-to firoan iourth *''b lit " A!ft .VV) -heir W«r pepaon Radala a freak triplr tn right . hH lath win .. another winning »»»*•* . • a piu* 17 »<-ore. * *t e 3H-3A-TS in the . ^r.n» wetback In 21 field. , * Mi** Ra"*l» p..' tr.geinv*- co'"* - d- H Mi** Ra*» .a OBlGaadrick • In hi* four •u'fn! rOurd* of 7.' 7_\ 7k 74 tr;p<- *m the pa'e . i f f* 'i.f the double elim- Badatz bat'e.i an-f,a>, r p. I'liilli«'» Si«n 11 int point« her - and 7V • * the 90-no> •ourna- r> ' 'he 'ournaT e- R* tournament wis com- left-handed r,en?. pi'- dihg up <• .-c.d 'frr> n own-M>s and A tot a of «.* •.» defeat Sa'jrday when Ciemxori run* were piled up uv \t\t Spar¬ p )«'« e r • M," Sugg* Hi sill School Sttir dels 9 s'-a : »r.d. Ga bv Di.Tjit .3 title with • tan* in the f;r * vent M . rnu* \•• oh pen- ove» Florida State i">■ p a-ed m the pare „» We*tern ne\ r « e -. r.* •, ng da* and S iiray. #f*r. M;'hig»n <24-6) and threatened throughou: »he -e.* Mi«* »u»* 1 a*t yesr'f round t.pinf^:p {la- Friday The S'1' 22-41 open of the game and poep error* -even S100.000 ML (hutmet raWn and winner «»nt pninlle««. ringed with She had a <6 a TNE YACHTSHU ... pLr» ng r.to action Satur- The Vlrenr«K made aeveral plii* pnmt V>lal and pnrketed •mart, practical, health? sneak- [ r t trip.'header. fine fielding plan hut never Al STJN. Tex* -,er •he b.gge^f e« m pa-d bv the ' ern >eni four p:*rhr:« to a'.->na: league Sa'uroa« Philadelphia «»'** i ratiwi mound attempting to g,-., ^a> < u r». fi-foo" '9V-pounde' aome'game experjnntc •* our»d op h.# h.gh achord caree- If (Jiamps Bill He only brought h»» be«- » P Tojip in fot the ia*! ivo • a*1 week the •* .'h a, aeaaon 14-1 He rnrord had • jrnnjngs. The Spa far* ptrkeci jr. 23-4 record for the la«t two i0T'«TOV <*> — They another run iti tht nxth an ; rampaign* l»-*t runninjr for tenrn one in the »even^ 'T re alna«t dreamed nf aweh Tenpt record for the aeavon |•* tmt it. wa« Gklaho- la t-l ihingv " Mid Ihe rwiRf right¬ ghow anv way you Tne rloxey* hander 'Thle la tbe granteal ihe Bronco# < an - !• at the meet of to a run • a* a .»ug f » to >»■ day nf my |»fe.s r.piun* Saturday nifrht. fieid bv l^.-- But hanan tha- i.cvrmi won or tied in Johnn* Fir«f» had 'o lean a » »'d Gail Hodgaon got gatnsi tne fence \n pu': no* Coacn John K'»t>* *:;«•.> ed a |-v i< .he meet'i outatand- ■.rrer b> a vote of aporta four o' hi* gratioa'ihg »emo-» •, Hodgvir. ran a 4 03 3 ger m tn# game eavmg four-minute miter Si 't ft Oregon in hi* Two key plater* on V gar. S'a> a ba*et>*:: aqua " >-*n -##* rem rat fell dur- .. »erond baaeman Dean 1 **>*. Hrenihg and cep'er f.eide? A t«up t* mt at the ilia# an rah> a.«o perform in MS'.' i fctba . barkfteid | «ff b* the akeact mt three af the I'nlrmHf mt ■ trial flu Iran and a ^fnf Iri inlurr suffered he re* »prmi rhamptnn hmhhf ahll' rompettng In Uw -«ar4 daah. | "'»v rau2.ht a muv ie ♦h rjrd* abort of the goal mu/ m;aa the AAU na- t« geheduitd for two week* | ?«■ na» Afiiienw Chrietian •niter keeled over I 4 * nth.rig on the cinder* b.p< 'reji'ment relaxed the * t«ua ie. preventing a » '**' ■ area* Kit bark rnmt Jagging f>*4 the held before Um eve- I *m a»er. »i« rmafvrtone. Mor- atr:. red tne Abilene ' rid to a 40 2 ".a* ' . a* . •*{.!: Da\ running v4 «4f: tr as manv night*. » • 'V three yarda • >' 4*i fl over John -"'•WjTt a'hit»Mc club uf Trxa* ■ > • «"n ••Mima OkUbanaana Kabert (tinge, aba I kw rareer beet In win- I Ibt M« in 1 M Mieve Rwef- I freahbwia »bn wan lb# mme «itb U.I; Nth, •ha ton* tbe dlarna ' mh. and Man Krwln. wba ' the ae.t M| ntlb U>, a J I>«*'ev arwi Jim (ira- ^4f Obiahaxna State and .f. a rrf Oklahoma tied for be po»e vault, earn l H-l Dry Clean Now! FREE STORAGE FIIE ■•IkprtoffiS 10% WE REST I CardaNaw "IIXEOOS i', I'rre Parkiag Al Rear ¥■ M One Hour Martinizing • • • Kxcalihur taps new members Alice and friend lake second place honors iiirfrnhaker get* honorary decree Commencement J1 \ ••• CaitU watch The Weather |Sp»rt* Highlight lair. Continued warm Ti»fr» n*«t Bow*: Hitch Today *mi (tannine Get* Win See '*»*' 3 Low Monday <»i» KAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—TlF.SDAY, JUNE 9. 1959 piuckITcents IL. 51. No- W Remember When! Tells GOP s te liable Government Geneva Conference Nears heir Great Cause n>un,l i s. Mail ruble. proirresfive ident WASHINGTON

—Pre? jrreate«t cause they can have , jtapulilicnn* Monday 1 Me government for the country. Eisenhower tol«! chore. Eisenhower was gi.ited by a rising ovation \*i r-n he «•»<»!.>■ a! Close, Russians Declare No Hints a a- Sino-a-.)la'e or n* i iii'f.<»rin« Jlemiblunn ;• Monday • r • t un Ike Requests Higher [ntering The l aid yui a'!, i v..- On RorSin viid In led more il ami -Oi..:' Mian »i> i S.,11.1.dim , |,v ... i- : Interest Limitations lissile Ago Sinatc can.paitin !I committee* » « '! pooio-an ja8r,,/.w- i~" . u A Mil \< JT( )\ f4*i—Threat s of resist a i ice arid delay in Situation The President, who «*i smil¬ f <>ngN »s gifetotl a pruposal l»v President Eisenhower Mon- ingly throiifh a aeries of speech- iln\ for a higher limit on the national debt and for scrai>- \Yi'.| IMsbii- M.-. t I RorLrl Ijirrir- e* by Republican leaders In C on¬ ping the interest rate ceiling i»n L'.S, savings and other In S,*,T#'l Tim la) Ij.000 Ir-llrr* gress. Wild the narty faithful it i« his hope they will transform ■ .i"; a- * • ' willing. F.i-en- i( KSONVHXE. Fla. IA'I themselves Into mitting service aimed at enlist¬ a gigantic re¬ •d in a special E. Germans i.KNF.VA sillII- dec .'.ireil e.—Th. Mohda Km—* t h./it mail delivery entered ing enough voles to uin back legislature, the ems F and H nioile »ye Monday, GOP control of Congress ill IMt.il-' tiie l»if K"or F>.reign Min* r. a V. S- submarine of! "A sound, stable, p!"gr« - at ren* w ill Ih» to 3 raised , per In Moscow i-ter- ' onft-ivnre i- nearing /•anuc c®a*t. a Regulus 1 the greatest cause we a* He-, dune I—a week an end brought approxi- I r 3.000 letters to Mayport ar, Naval Air Station government for this country is publican* could have '..day f..i this country,*' the Pres.ident de¬ • A ef ;,v ke.l C'ortgrp?-* ' • For Talks M:k.\ari : v, K.' v..' -a ••••• K'.:e.g« Msfc.-- jp'-'KCfc- .«'.«• t ue *'« |»er cent limit An if*. < < declined facksorville. clared ^ ! whieh ha-; pre* a.a d • . waiter Hen. Arthur Sum- Eisenhower said the Repuhh- ld'rt <,ri ail guvernn ' ' 1.rot,-HullI S»'i k» ;d vho cirr.e here to rc- . j . .* Em t-W« t cans, wrio in his 1 vn v.. id- ai e, ur *n . W hu li IW'V, llrrlin >« l11,-tii. iiI lt«-r«T.-.- ?.r*\ missile tr.ail khip- ..*f . ; • • . somewhat impoverished a' tins ; i.r lortger ami '<• laid the experimental «x- I \W ID N< E. M kl.VERX point, need in ore than jut m<>n- leueral debt ieiliti'4 ' • iin rf a new technique of to win next %»ar' election MUSI (l\V ,,|». — Nikita rei ip'ent of Gutnenheim .»**.«rd ty i.gures. a pernianeti; jmcation "is of historic Khrushchev welconierl East see STORV. Tage ! He said the GOP n-en-.ncis at" ' .°,'t tiiill-«n dollar-, in ftnee to the peoples of the going to have to »><• real re¬ . f the p.event ?H3 b-liun Iiermany's I e a <1 e r s here world." cruit* in the ca:t-c lor freedom, ceiling nf -')r» Ili* derlaratinn after a •.•n p»tia«v Monday for talks on various »ame aiMk mall %f Right •»« xammevfteM part af peace and justict "We must have a dollar that • ; e«r ,!• K starting Juh 2H»1 blilmil prohlerns that he said "can Gourt Voids "!• Iti; . 'hour lour set ret Mini»t«,r» that nprned *r**mn «f the fat liprm II Mlaalle i* sound," he said • We ei.t lie settled in a spirit of fiftIt nrrh of ihe (old war must ,ri teni|K>ra"y ni - Ihe 36-f -o*. Regulus 1 was be must economically be spiritually string inspired to We I he debt JKH biliiwi. pr»p«>%al is experted friendship." To S"V»-' I': h»i.d. l NAACPLaw: meeting I ■ •!! • j i from the submarine USS do our duty 4' re Utu •. f, up . !•» lie approved suhstsntially as ro a: 9 10 a m.. ami land- eiy J2 minutes later at the it ion near the mouth of the Sharing the Elsenhower, Vice President Niix- speaking with Eisenhower asked, although per¬ haps not until after llcntorrats riuin;.' ai.d Rreinti id i a■; luru Part i UhieRaiii Willi (latch en told Ihe Republicans that the Use ii as the takeoff for a criti¬ River. W,i''e r ins turnout showed they have the cal, full dress public scrutiny \» I'oHi-r H»it \ .:. e a.a t .( a' - al workers were on hand T«*p prwUli-m* of the E;i.-l G< i- apirlt with which they can and •f the spending, borrowing and '-•■re •; —:-e'ing »«* "mal) foniriunii'tx .ire tied »'! »•«•- p uaio«<] the mail and will win next year'* elections. taxing policies of his admini¬ lniliiiiln.il < a-i« i S-'V.e* rr»mi«'r Niki'a The iy to the Rig Four Foreign ,\!in- . it by air on its way. stration. And, at a gathering which i»'ers (*onfe*- nce ;n Geneve K '.' u■•.'■.f'hrv'i •*i-»k'-roi warning bore a red, white and i-cent American commen- v a.m't supposed plug anyone Rut several Influential Demo¬ They include Ihe de*ire of I.ITTI.K If H K. Ark I', ' • r1 ' g.y,' up h» t stamp isrue of 1957. particularly, Nixon got an in¬ crats died the interest p.o- Grotewohl't regime for a sepa¬ A tlirw-jwliri' Knleral ! it".-/' <>rs ' Allies m Soviet troduction which underscored REMEMBER TRI IM.ING screw tampue up ie )«ur kneee in #».'• ui M-l Ber'm Navy at Washington said p. -als talks with newsrr.i-:i rate pease treaty and control of Cuiirl M»nd»v -truck i|,i»n his while eending a silent prayer to the gedi for xonic pleasant statemw.''1 Senate Mil- T A .n. British and sbmartne was about 10d own pre-eminent role in the »new- a:. ! .11 ttevtern fommunnation line* nil Arkan-ii* law .!iM|M»lify- • race for the party presidential HO degree weather? knur prayer* have been anewcred. Ilow would j'.r.ty Deader I.vnd n Juhnvet F ♦ ' •• • •.»- a eij fr.e.r off the roast when it fired tielween Wert German* and nomination next year. Rep, yon like m little of that white Muff now? tD-Texi contendt^t that ren oval Wert Berlin. The Kuwitna are iriK ntrrrttaT, »»f th.- Natum- - .< 'h Grin: »ka 1 missile. Richard Simpson of Pennsyl¬ i>t the interest celling would r>>i«Ti arguing for them in the Geneva al Awn. f',r tin* A'lvan.'p- •' •»., R.i". : • ■•- .vie 1 \ vania said of Nixon op i*>rrowing c-^ts thiough«ut TTH'tit ..f I nliiri'il l''-,|tlf front "In 1 y»;o, he will take the Seamen. Soldier* lb-feel trie ec<»nomy Congress wo! •ex¬ < onferent e. the French »*id that nwwnrk- I "*• guidance crew uf tlx. Gr .'.ewuMi and Ulont • led an IHiWir ,m|)|,.yment. hut 'ha ing paper* were «uhmitled hv plate now occupied by President plore every alternative to chang¬ I It the tub. brought M !■ IB-member deiegatioh * - C,,nrt -ai,l it h.nl It" author, either tide Thl* indicated thai Eisenhower " ing the law." he Mid r Unwl M peer te a ef Mai purl iM plane that The "I Vice must President replied as \ that 1 am Cuba Facing Greater "But when it romrs to lifting the celling* on the interest rates. cal. techniial and e^.-noni, l>er*y uti'ier ,vh«» a r, -t lar.dcd *un a' Vnuk •% • itv t,i (irrvrnt iharire-. iftc iti— no te«| the nrw h* * awning 'm.mIimiu I a*t or Went were rhi«m over Berlin to tuhmit- ' bridge aomewhat overwhelmed by tiie I believe we must stop. look, In and pu*h »n vummit prm-eeduig-. '.•■■'.d. a.t j.v to * con¬ t postmaster general in an introduction." and listen. And the look will he before National Busi- i Pahlieationa. Inc, on Jan. predicted regular miamle Heist A mirtleil Internal Uneasiness a long, hard one." Hep. Wright Palinan (D-T» * >. radio and TV. Khru.-h»hev >aid the pre-erne >>f tr.e Ea*t Gern.aii H .,1 ference \ . y' •'.*: • I , Me: . i.i i i S. ! -it leading Democratic wpotu*? ran - HAVANA oTh—Political and economic unre-t appear* .- a to he growing under Premier Phiel Castro'.* revolutiotmrv ot money matter*, saul rising VNmii //«•//» ttf/Mtrl! » man reaches the moon, »sd, "your mail will be de¬ Fulhrifilit Grant regime. interest < au*e rates Of inflation and there is are "the mam All arewunt neruiiie* anil ?0.- !"•« i. Little ■ .f live Ba'.sta • .• lender* a fice before Thur«da« if you ruling would he appealed bt the duelled in Feeder ir» the vinie r>i>at to in er» and larger share big-money of the national in- want to get paid for the p*«t f. S. Supreme 1 ourt eld who wrote the to lecture in philology at Uni¬ K»"'' West, Fla ' "r i sne.H term. The •»•*«•! roui* 'oil "•» i in the mail packet raid versity College, Galway, Ireland, OKIAKOMA C ITY i.C'i — I! times In addition ih » while the **.tie i ■ hi• *i nu: »flm one would go to Presi- t hicken feed that Roy during the 1959-90 academic wasn t Castro'* armv is reported :<■ delegation m'.'. make it pu»*;b.e I'Ubtii • m.o er.' "r:.er* .'* 1 lUrnhower. year. Prof Heist currently is on Wilrnuth found when he opened his new chicken feeder. fid to M.aim The tensenexs .in the { >! Loulsiutiu'* t i discuo a n iri-.tier <-f queyti ins of mtei est to tx.tf* rountrie- c iu*e N A ALT'. .o «*• ' ,r* 1 ' • '» r*o Cars Stolen It -ah* fl.bbO. atmosphere here .-tie .4iti<-. We hhall certainly di.< u Lung View* leave in Reigium where he is « Wdmuth found the money in two factors editing a series of medieval and and settle all these que»tron . tears that romotunisU and i MSU Campus earlier manuscripts. He spent the c ho ken feeder fee thought at an atmosphere of vrnnph't* [*•• —I wwn Holm from the year 1952-53 in Belgium un¬ der a research fellowship from the Star u > hard*••re stole of Ralph He rc-turmx! the m>*nev their supporters are uu (ulut armed forces and iMsernment and Ihe ( astro agra¬ mwsilius in Quick Return unanimity, a* it should bexmoug friend* and,like-'hmking ctun,- whie In •MO not** m Uw wMk- the Belgian-American Educa¬ t-» Stanley who explained he had BATON ROUGE. I-i • P» - pion* of peace." he -aid. tion Foundation. Under the Kul- hidden the ea*b to r.e<«ij be would- burglar* from finding it and rian land program, which rrllirs desrrlhe as even more extreme UiUisiana Gov. L"ng# telephope I Rhruahchev «aid hit vi*ll to plover -,a« 'he Mgh? ' ■ I'ttlirr Wilt •nt. . llit Chevrolet bright grant he will be on leave '.r.en had forgotten wheic he two than thai proposed by Cuha'a from a phjchiatri.' clinic i » the Mipalg Trade lair in organ.'/ •'ion* *« w : »- - br W.Itev Wegler. »» from M.SU for the.period Sept. 1, M"f»da/, telling him a chance to i liturdey morning from ■ 1959 to Aug, 31., 1990. put the money. rvmmonist party. Galveston. Tc* hi* executive secretary he hoped . Mareh talk over gavt mutual problem* with itHriuding M-hooi tea* era, : or have belonged y . it Iiriti Lino Despite Castor's dt-rua . n-anv W 'pot 0* Circle Drive to t»e back soon- Ihe East fiermaua l.etpaig wa* here believe that cenmut rstx The law require- • r in¬ r leMrr.. . I mlrrpratls U. S. Educators' Politics th-'se who foliceW the Mrs. Wilnia Lockhart. his Ihe aauwdlug heard far hia reil- and r - cluding C'/Ufcge raUii'.r '■ eratteu teal (I) the Savtet I n- JWmwe.. • IBM Ford coo- munist line are moving ;r.:» : T.gume executive secretary, list organirational i ..ne.',"',- > eened by Dmhi E»rd- pooiUont of power and import¬ •aid Ijong telephoned her twice, law may atgn a separate peace »n«i con*ributton* tor the pa- Kitf * »r.c:s \fst- a rat * »We« from Rather apparently with permission of treaty with East Germany and Open for Investigation ance !4*e \e.ir* an I make* :: • g •»'< U ' *M a err a- rr^'nf a,' %..■. I lot late Meail.y morn- hi* physician*. (ft certainly will give It cen¬ Reports are heard ftt^juentiy affidavit requisite to ernpl > - tiftUft- NiiifXiftf 4' • JTrr.k.rtg • Gov. Long mentioned he hop¬ tral erer Western rente* te Ber¬ in Havana tnat this is e--veciaU> men! i'<« •. ti %|, r • ti an v *n*l ;p ed to be back soon, and he dis¬ lin. into communism in thv^ field of true m the rovtduliottary army Ihe Ln ha* been widely crit- Sevep # r- ftyuxki gu»ity **f «- WASHINGTON (4V-The Sa- cussed legislative matters.'* she Ulbricht told hi* host ''we education: healed b> Raul Ca*to*. the pre- klaed h« educator*, especially ejA'. o -ess S&itpr.* a?al premu Court ruled Monday Coo- "An edoratiMsal InatMoUoo la mier's brother. said. hope to learn from your greater faculty member* of the I niver- ne was f Hiitd fuMt* of furntNij- gresa has the right to question mmi a ronsUtetloaal aaoetoary Other factors contributing to Iks O-ywr-sM chief ex ecu- expertet te." •Hy H Arkan*aa. a* a violation :r,g n'krohol to milVOfv educators about their political from loo airy lot# matter* that the unrest are the unsettled He declared West Germany uf academic freedom. John Crtggs. z*. *as found live wuu Buwu lo Ihe eliuir ef ffWJ* Ureell ' Sector at tha World behpfa in making sweeping in¬ may otherwise he economise ccaviitions and tf«e re- Pp. lite RMth May It afler t and West Berlin are hotbeds of Atty. Gen Dtiut FUnru,*'*-. guilts •>? providing aU^r/. M ported plan to dr«d* from 15 000 war. He »aid conclusion of a author of both measures, sa.d minors be Justice J'**eph Pearvsu vestigation! of communism. to 20,009 a^dier* from the arm¬ peace treaty with Germany the decision wa* "ri d unexpect¬ He was hne i 15130 Thp 9-4 ruling upheld tnu He hud hallowed hu wrath at W'/uld open up the prospects for In a' dissent. Justice Black ed forces. ed " He aided that tne invalid¬ contempt contrictioa of Uoyd establishing a united, independ¬ Nanc* Irewrh. IS (arol llig- noted that Barenblatt relied up¬ Castro himself has announced •he lugtalature in »peer he* ated law already bed accom¬ Beruublatt a termer teacher at touched with profanity. ent and peace-loving Germany " sin*. Is ratctci* KowrU. M; on tne fxot (freedom of speech) plaits to trim the army. Inform¬ plished nu.»st of what it was de¬ Itf wortd i Vaaaar College end the Univer¬ Mary Ann (iearduas I); U «• AmcndmAt. and that the court about 15.000 form¬ Long, reported by attending . S CittKU Om ed sources say signed U» do PUM4 a re- sity of Mich'g** who refused in Batista troops still carried phyaiciuau to ho aoffry at hit "The employment law was one WiMMtard. I* Ion Prir»t |t; ard j§94 to tell the House Commit- majority held that first amend¬ er A ft rn/Min i'.ontrot Iredrtc Broth in hard I la tha Soviet ©n Ihe rolls and 3,000 member* placo«n«M te the clinic, facet a of several designed t<» cripple were ment freedoms may be abridged op Uo-Amertcao Activities •l« M each. member of in the inter oat of the nation's se¬ of tha 99th of July movement court hourtef June 14 Exchange Promoted and kill the NAACP in Arkan- L_« J—■ Rvtag itata iHRtaf was e curity. BiOrk added: who fought Batista will be df"p- ***," Bennett taid 'Already it the Communist Party. Deputies came upon the car at -The activities of this coosgniu ped. GENEVA (C,—Th. L'» *!.«- has resulted in disvolutirm of about 2 am, and as the officers Juetke Merlon who wrote the day propoaed a detailed three- several NAACP chapter* in, the tee (on un-American activities) approached the group scattered. !ft—w-.p majority opinion said the high authorised by CoitgreM, do pre¬ power exchange of technical in¬ state." After a chavr through the court would always be alert cisely that, through /ipoeure, ALSO Lkmm. DIM- Court had »P- formation on controlling high swampy area four were arrest- agateat intrusion bv Congress altitude nuclear explosion* ^ ^AMAYIKAU into academic teaching-freedom obloquy and oublk scorn." •llltll prominent Texa* them Student$ EeUrtt eut 4 am. aad tetcy- fratkd* » Uvtr tbt cupt 1 n '—that -broadly viewed, inquir- x In the Louis- worth made the proposal upon The chemistry department here. Borenblstt was convKted Ttey «m he pM ul 9M teu- its outstanding stu¬ and Crigga *«» picked up at Air rsnak Mghly pp- Ipa i an pat be mode Into the p M , m—4 may want to the resumption of the nuclear be honoring of contempt of Congress and BmM Rwvhw tea 9-4:14 this toiught at 7:90 u» 122 T wwyi A-.4 Ortea" tuM miaaUu teaching that is pursued in any •ervu aa Ml ewu couhael with- teat luspentum roufsftoct hftuT dents - Atlantic taipt, of our educational Institutions.1* given a sentence of ate months " a month s vncaM. But, ho aoid, aa to iBQUirMo in jail and |1M Ano. Api Si (J College Education Is Signs on Doors Signify Features Exam Fever Epidemic St'E PRICE lv ^ to Privilege of Society tlx KIT I.MCKftON Jllnr 9. 1939 •sCvll. M:\VS KOCICTV-FCATtKE LDITll, Br? Finding the old faahioned "Do not disturb" signs stolen Vc IT IS HEI.O that Aristotle had an iitniihi ail rompri-irq.' from a variety of hotels across the country not strong Knowledge. Today our complicated society does not enable enough sentiment* to keep out intruders during final exam •Olcbritic*" lis to have such knowledge; as a result, we find, in the week, .MSI' coeds have begun composing their own. extreme, the scientist who ma* know exerythirtp about -We're Clark • studying mighty hard!* not wake me," one more realis¬ the mtiRCUlar movements of the left front ley of the wasp, cnie d«Kti i'i u wo.-nan's residence tic ail night crammer pleadr-ri I r hut who overlooks the fact that the ley belong to an iiail proclaimed in five inch ' Caution, bear hibernating. Do Animal, and that the animal belongs to the animal kingdom, letter* la*t final exam week. not disturb" one sign read. The ■ By PAT M<( UtTy, "Piea«e don't put up a st'nk. and that the animal kingdom, in turn, i* part of the )%vat- warning V.-as signed by the "So¬ we ai-e only trying to think." ciety for the Prevention of Stu¬ er Universe. Awareness of part knowledge often leads to another proclaimed in a more The present finatici«l erikin i.w jnut one nf *h»- dif« dent Flunking" frustration, and frustration often leads p. a turniny away poetic vein. ,*itiiationj« Flnrk HdmIv ha> -een us a member of] One coed, fearing a loss /mm reality. Thus, tho situation becomes worse. Tin -siti:- One room of final exam cram¬ friends from her final exa-u js'overnintf hoarfl for eonseciilive years, Ation is still further ayymvated by the fact, that im. i t a -'Mi' mer* finding theii We are week aloofness, posted the f. ' ■ Ac'-'orclintr to Bi-ikIv. who will retire from h.- gu l.virig" sign being ignored poqjqjj demands are made on the skills of the business executive, lowing letter to would-be inrtu- ihe I'.oanl of Trustee* al the end of this sm added a postscript, "Don't bo¬ ders: »-arl or the labor leader, the government administrator, the ther. it'* locked ' ,university faecxl a similar problem in the 10:;i. - Dear Neighbor 1 enjoy your teacher. Consequently, the, teaching of skills and the de¬ If v-ou enter vti will he state couldn't meet appropriations because oj , company, really J do—bo if v-ou'll velopment of the mind mav have to he expanded bevond ahunne i. despised, ar.1 killed all cooperate and stay on your was oddioua f*ic> looks- Don't present comprehensiofb side if the door 1 might be able . liotner it isn't worth it." one • enjoy your company ne\' Durink' the depression, however, the student* a* This reference to the future should put us on yuard. A d< and Ihe automation increases, so will the problems accompanvin" liuif Vfttt I'hu.o to ft'Atlli A wouid-be intrudes added to •errn too.' adminj*tiaii„n* I'll KUKIA. I» trait s'nJnr. »ed ('st-rilr Ktrrurk. Rattl* t'rerk There is a new ton - ..i lo Keep a elo*e ei'e on the students because the> , automation. I'robabh a twenty hour week will be t • t o «igij "I respect youi privacy, Ju.unr prrpjrzl »n ri.'iw for f am* In thrir favorite good-luck * or thi« 'T graduated Sun¬ jrr im i desire to «tud\. I question inu t hem-Cives." much for a hiyhly automat i -ed society even confide; in-,* "iinili;. ni*" l.v«-n Jor't *uulrd rlrphanl gain* knowledge when day. Please let me studv so I on11 your lpe':>g of od'ous." diplopia." I the increased imputation and a biyher scale of liviny. Thu . rv4in fever strike*. •We are atudyjng. Please be n»ay get spring giaduate begged my o-ie Brod\ ihe wa- appointed t»» the State Board ot Board of Trustees, in 1921, 17 .\cai I every person will have much more spare time on hand than was the case heretofore. Kmpty time, if not made l-'niiliri> Ih'iiiocmcv considerate, unless the dorm is do not on disturb fire," one ur now praduation from .MAC. I■ useful* can be danyerous : therefore, the leaders of society *ign pleaded. Pol-Luck • In that year he also became executive sec:, is will have to give thouyht |o the problem of the nature To which s lov-al nn:ghbo» Michigan Farm Bureau. Under his leadership te'ded the "I'll ' > hi MSI Project Aids commen*. i" of man, too. even more considerate. 1 won't f.i-tur|) you even if the dorm Picnics St'I Bureau jrrew to a membership <»f 57, Bv Bil l. PAMKRI.F.AI' plies. automobile and farm with conveniences of many kinds. So, on the one hand, people are made to feel that, "to take thilly* easy" i* a In h devastated and divided country, Vietnam, an MSI* Professor The Spartan will climax its eleventh yeai Nursery School of jiabilitv insurance. insurance and lite advisory group i* providing technical aid and assistance wonderful ami desirable situation; but on the other hanb. operation today and Wednesda- On Feb. J, his eightieth in order to take it easy, one has to submit to much un¬ easiness! W ill "Cducation" be called upon to do Un¬ in the modernization and reorganization of the government disrupted by the strife of a civil war. Awarded with children pot luck picnics for school and their parent- birthdav. executive Bnaly retired a-* vice-president of . . . Th» -irouf. cuJ.ilKMtti« Both the old Surrte. argaified on picnics will be held a' tlie Michqran Farm Bureau. required enliyhtetiiny Study Grant Vl« tMjei n,t>\ t i nr. I Hnr*. into the Vietnam 3"30 p.m. at the .school pta> Many are the complaint < about the fact that the a\crne< Utt" field v and "i rem li He is now serving that or-, Hnreati of |nve*tigation. » ground, corner of Willow Ian- man today shows little awareness of matter* that should I) W. and Birch rd j/a u'.a; em a* conn-el on T «• ( inverted the country'*! , according to Mi-« concern u* all: often thi* i- caused by iynorame ol what .Kirt ,!iii> * i at ion M'huol into t tie* s udv in England iy tne pro- Betty Garlic, teacher due,tor u public affair*. .uid pi i. fni associate k* ati prx»fe*sor tne nursery school In Irj may be termed "current event " This is aeoni/iiie' A«i Is; : utc Adniinit*- Brodv wa* jq»- »»f mechanical engineering for The nursery aeliuol it super¬ modern man can be edii poinfed by I'resident fd*en- Nfi, litiih tlleni. president ot thi* September. vised hv the College of flono- produce !.u ;n..:nl»er of men hower to the lie has his radio. T.V., ami.the newspaper at the l»rtakla-t Virin.uo. invited VlUlilgaii state f>: senre Malvern of the l.ronomir*' home board of ilirec- qualKtiu • . lib executive ;ub« in management table. If he cannot re;|d, amlio-Msual prop will help him t ni»er*»tv to *rint a tejm of ('..liege of Engineering laat week child tor.* of the Farm Credit Ad¬ K V * 1 llll «■!.' and development depart¬ uprrtalisi* to aiil the Vietiuni wa< a- aided a grant from fli* to overcome his intellectual inertia. For entertainment Toe pust»i e of MSl"s X*ss*t- ment. ministration at U a-hnqrton. gov ermnent in recovering alter .1 mn Simon Ciuggenheim foun- It* service* are available does not even tiave to use In* automobile, lie ha* hi- movie . ♦.,» . lea'e an eflicient The period Bnalv has eialit* vr.ii* ol nil. dation for advanced atudv »• children of married students a'-'" theater in his living room. II he wants to experience the o-*-••,,<■ iatu-ally oriented admtn- served op MM"* jroserniny !•!» h.r • . »r.. i""t ai!«.ni, al«o Cambridge University it is ooerated each school 'ten;- deliyht of marveliny over the work- of in. u ami nature completed modern. The foundation* encourage* board Has been one of sig¬ , Vi , Mm-., wn:< h v» ill he t-ari ird on by the on a family cooperative basis from atop a mountain or the Fmpire State Building. mod * turn • !, n». Vietnamese, l-i'he! ' itOM noftii of •k. atltPe far dalng esperimenlal new huildinw*. thcL. II' ! ITU to sernre more ednration on the Man? fathers also help repair de* i*ed a *ell i-i- . »•; . anaroiunrd ♦«» she jolt raaaarrh an the defermalian af to>a and arhool equipment on liquidalmg plan w herrb* III dornntorie* I THK MOD Kits I \|\ I! IIS HA eem* to have re .0 ted to \ i ' Vt.n ! t metala. primariD variau* kind* weekends, the teacher said. been built at no eo*t to the l'-e university s*bo piovide* af ataala, Malvern's taxpayer*. The boairi ha* i ail excellence in empirical studies lather than an excellence lint of that trouhled period area af Children two and one-half <•, built ihe \ud. Spartan Stadium. Jenimin ■\ pji-pipant ptogsasn irt the l'ieldh».u*c i in philosoptiical tin-one-. Thi** could lead to a dauperoo-v rime President Ngo liinh lliein. if s five year* old.are elij- be t< a Ihe I nion on loan* to be retired from vv lio-e i t-k it i* to rebuild hi* Malvern received a s»athe!«o » re*enur*. s* hotas shq-.a and fc!!*> v snips tend t ie sc iool for tu,, or i) ,, situation. With the rapid advancement ol techni:'e/r a ma<>r • added. s, fore.*iyl.t ' >c»Aai'i?«- pol.ee offuer* 's» fv.im the t*rsl\e*r -.: * : • surio loiupo tpe techliojopy of today but who are not adequately pit pared .i* to the world, that *oeial in* . ' Dk'u- . nipq.s, Aeeordiir. t t ;is t.r an her univei h.ihia snd the P I> in ap Among the f.n. Up «•< * . . ;»i-'- "»*e iiate oelwieii 3jt.Ni mid lit the event that -our present lei inntloya tin- antl econoinie pio*perit« ran el »' mil ate U.vo p ay acres now would have l»e I, r study anil ©b*e;vat.on tne *r. i ••••m. tir*l lie a« tueved under a free f A-i-ii oteihanics from Itiwwu LTuver- a inimatuie An i her pioloem lai come antiquated which ma- happen oveniirht. Ihi> ol»>« • .in n.ethovtc isi g.vetn- workshop a-id a iii). the hoard i* tha' - demoiMtir *v*lein. said ti«het fi ly iiicjitiC an : police avMvd.ie* fei.ied pia'ground the* an vat ion become* more important in lite lipl ' of the suypi-- After m .mie a.leqpaG- "Then i* -urh call I- • I USUI V t>« In nnv rase, the work of the reiTi.-ng |,i« m* * * de*. a itmg e tia: * i»ia* - 4 Bio. i tion that bv the time that we have iuoucl.t up -t Xl*i|' group i« done at the re- degree, Malvesn laugn' matur- .Mir . -aid, ' ' iuii o.hvr .•dale* are pur gjrtlciii, whi n fnr , nu¬ tiotl of a particular kiml of *pet unit t the need tor the mattes in the public miw!' n speciaiis:* " . «|iie*| of. in cooperation with, ll i en pi#n' Oklahoma f<- t)w year- bate, specialty mav have been replaced bv some other m greater and with the appro*al of the he vva- of t tt, into' iit-:- include n*. , 'ur - He *aul that .MS! need* more s n-ernnei c frt i.if* qualified facuh munz 1 need. To make \irlnam government, fI « h e I t ' -and Ituups wtu-e. we cannot now even hcym t>t a' Case institute of lVvh"t>:.»gv > gu.nea p.^ w Im» hoal Plili. degree* in *tre««ed Vietnam is free to ar- Torre is also a upecia' in».-r order lo maintain it* high I identify the skills needed ten year* hence, for the simple their children group, he added. mav he unknown today ♦M'lM r s 1 *e.%3 After retiruiK from the Board MSf was recognized for it* "Nursery school benefit* rhll vf Trustee-. I Warld Mar II interrupted hi* to The implication of statements such a* the*e is that **»■ i" v t.n r. .««»rk >n ViHnam in .* »t>ee. uv dren b« leaching self-eon tide nee liiu.si' a hi-ton o? tie the member* nf the career and ke lamed the Navt. ■ nd Michitran Farm lhi> should cease to train experts 111 narrow fields; rather, we gloup la- v i Hasifms. regi. tivities," Miss Garlic «aid Micbipan Industrie! t onference and .«»p- « aides them to adapt to mam demand* for ail kind* of t.> *iilleri In the Iraiislormatton of Administration When iif i.. hi* if- The nun- a'id heipuiueim < otiiurU of the Nation, search studies. Malvern and >.• play gtound * ent.«. It has been emphasized that there w d! t»e ecniioina wonderful opportunity for , . ami Parole A*-n. wife and daughter »ii; ton. the ■1..U .I iirttrr advantage to the individual who acquire* the kind of lund.t Crossword Puzzle 3eHtF] Continent 'ben who a»T limitm if p ,« ,..u, , .H-a| anil mental training that vviil allow him to move n.u k ami forth 33Q OjWil|tit I Malvern « yoa abr ,.» u.;! b«- gi -'..nd m i-.ng * Mi e units." m ?iie gdd'-d -arrie i .Miu »..nt i., |.j,v. th.-m," Uriah over several occupational cnltgoin- ,?1SJ eonclutled hi* »m Al«0*« 33 Kind ft BD QBOO itc- uy a'ten ■ :«g tne lb. the *x :oot , i t.andu When I think how to iinpleinent *,»me of these supg» - t Inteinatioiirti I u igie<« ft,- Ap n'v ! Otherw.ye paraUeio* nunata piled Mechanics po cnilrtren each • -t\i. tlonx 1 feel that they indicate a strom- pie .. for the -tu.'-. A 5»zr{>er.t giam BUJ 353 in I:a:y nui.ng Gai'.o *aid pa-ent* *■ -uid seg ©f history, philosophy, literature. -tuine, applied m it m a c'.rat.ng 47 Overlook Qnanan joobdS the turn sum ner to of tybo the cainous lie vvi!: lor < <• the . »■: 'heir children n> ., f,.: t What 4ms So that, every person he enabled to develop In* intent* 1." Sets of tools 45 Blare 44. llebtew Quoaci uaa acia opening of fail term. 13b0 fa • term. tual capacity to its utmost limit*, I would lirst recommend 11 Tea 14. Krtpiraiory meaiui e 5s [jooau Tarent* can register '-i»ir oocs Lin an nasu children by calling Miss Garlic 44 Anger tlirhifaii Stair (ASi NOVA'S sound thai each student serious!* impure into hi* own mind a* 15. Send Out 51 Fresh-v*st«r □an uaaci □□ai3 341 aiuaert \rH> a* ex; 3240. before Junr IT to his true choice of academic subject matter Tin* he |6 Three porpoise □oaacin naaann Servtcee worn the nursery icnool closes Pubiisneo on v.ass da«« Mor-da* ahould do regardless of so-called job opiairtunities (tnlv prefix 57 Begmnsr riaaEca nnnnon1 Hi Iriuav tn,iu*oe during ur for the sunime I" Presently 3J Cd.bie sinter and spring terr.e extent Parent* wishing to register by following this course will he achieve a. harmony of nimd II Lev tut»er •alMitgn af Vaattriay a Puuk texiutava v-eekl* dutiiig sunnuet the tenn and one special r rhildien during the sum¬ •nd heart which will enable him to contribute most to the 54 M fhMt fresivnao l*»ue Uangerous •ociety of which he is a member It Sili.ne** yard* 3> Ctasa 4 Compound # Hindu between Rntered as second der get of summer and rlasa Marvh 3. tils at the »o«i fait matter term* un¬ mer should call the home man¬ agement and child development hava? «! Incomp'.cte ether pr.ncets part 54 Meshed 3 Dead office, test Lenatrig. Muh department, eat. 2003. SECONDLY. in determininp hi* intellectual cour*e of 10 Smi'ii ?4 Kniysna fabric 4 Crustacean Ouiil xiltiiMriur -iiimImirhr- Action, the student should be convinced that there i* no Thuk 5? Umtof 7. Signer of island var, o»rrfl.— force 1! Refute limit to Knowledge and excellence; therefore, he should head of ha r ??. Malignant the Declara¬ II. Strike* ■"a **Oil iMirioiia ruld iiiml*. DOW X tion af Inde¬ •trivt to give the best he has to offer 31. Upright pendence violently iImI i« Jn tha third place, I feel it important to point out that 31 Rapid 1. Pieces out I One to "I Article |iipin, ,«MmI. ami an a-Mirtnx it. 2 City in Ohio «f Italian WOLVERINE 3V llsnriie w horn legal • college education should be looked upon a* a 3 Secured privilege 36 Manner 3 Becomes conveyance •4 Sunken >|iirril -amlwirhrW that -irr that, aociely bestows upon those who are willing to show 37.r»h eggs r.gid is made fence irri-aiatilil,-. SR. vj.|, a, 211 Ihentselves Worthy of tin* privilege: nun h money i* in. J" r- r- T- r- r- 1" 35 Scion x^ted in higher education ami this imposes an obligation - 3™^ 7 24 Greenness *!..*.(„ ami Irj fnr ynurx-lf nliat I .i-j upon the recipient* to demonstrate their worth This can nr II. AH.tc.sl •No* a lia«. be l»est achieved if every student, a* a matter of course, accepts the extra dutv of qualitymg himself tor lea»ici>h (» i" W" if Ung-rage 34 Harsh s hall DISTRIBUTION IT" jr S3. Pendaat lag In hia particular group or society; out *»met> need* lead- n fx ■ the ear (ASA NOVA •ra and the alumni ot out college* add umversitie* should nr 33 Blood T""T" TT ■■ m atatid reaily to provide this needed tunc!am Education, by it* \»iv wording, means "to lead out." ir~ ■T y~ »•> -■ 34 relat.ve College teacher TUES. & WED, 1-4:30 pm that is, to lead out from ignorance to knowledge sr ar n ■ collwq Ax the university student is being "educated." so will the *r 1 IT J 14 Puauti fcy aloe Tkf OUei! mill finru Huterm in £«•/ lndmg f?| 11" 44. Rorran }' i't "■ duty: with the privilege of goat tht duty of preparation receiving a for leadership. college education ir «r 8 tyrant 44 Bear ng WEDNESDAY-LAST DAY (Wa axtaad Mhrary mh!. a mile in 1:42 2 4 said. "I can't underst aid why lead in this department with 19. al Orbit, wh'v heat Sword Dancer when he hatted 312 'at Jamaica. placed third in Big Leagues to Play Chicagoatis air m» untvecpti\e. Ed Mathews of Milwaukee hit bv four lengths in the preakness, Meanwhile, llank Aaron of The colt, named for former at the Michigan A.\;; We should ti \ to find out." three to boost his leading Na¬ i' at 5-2. The K:ng Ranch's Ihe Milwaukee Itravcs collected heavyweight boxing The test on the new time re¬ tional League total to 19. champion Bl.o k Hills, surprise w inner over nine hits In 23 trips last week. Jack Dernpsey, was timed in 49 vealed several thing- Killebrew also FiraI. Ilie time helweeii often were as long as a races half This average one ed reduced .4IK mark his pace-settln* point and he shnw after Sunday's - American League in runs hatted in with 41, two move than Bill paces the 2nd All-Star Game 2 '5 for the half, and 1:15 for the three quarters. Rova! Orbit Saturday, i* listed in the at P> ter 4-1. Pan Pan-Am hour. The patron* are able to a Skowron of New York. F.rnie Dolce fMid SI0.0(H) to make Ma- Other probable Belmont start¬ Try ou Is action. nassa Mauler a supplementary er* include Howard Keck'* Bag¬ lrj*e the track at 8:30 p.m. only Banks of the Chicago Cubs drove N'KW YORK f/P>—The ma inr leagues will play a aeennd an hour latrr than the old sys¬ Sniokey llurgess of Pittsburgh in six runs last week to dead¬ entry for the Preaknes* May 18. dad. and the Meadow Stable* All-Star vania Aug. .'{ t his y cai- at the law Antrelea Coll. but the rolt finishefi out of the Prince's firm. The Claiborne tem of a '» p.m. post time. dropped 22 points to .348 with lock Cincinnati's Frank Robin¬ aciini. Since then, however. h«- Farm's Held Here Secondly, the Workers the oillv four hits pi 20 times at hat. for the money. Dunce, third in the in son top spot in the Na¬ However, the lugging pirates' The final finished second t«> the Brook- Dithers. R in i race today at Industrial area whele the track tional I a-ague. Each has 51. stamp of approval The owners 4 . mont purse will gnes $142,500, the wrestling anu s white-collar winkers from the with a 7-for-IK performance and Frick and unanimously approv¬ tenance of Juvenile baseball pro¬ Half a doten starters appeared downtown Chicago area is able to get to the track after a day's a seven point increase to ,328. He is deadlocked with Joe Cun¬ Turning Pro ed the contest. Previously the elub owner* grams through Ihe I egion, Itahe Ruth League, Little American .certain for the mile and one half Belmont, final Jewel in the w.lh gross All the winner taking down a purse Mm,iv-., $92,825. Mauler wotlld trials for Uncle S.v the Pan American The wrestling try , of t ic«f win k a nil still, see a full ningham of St. Lotus. WASHINGTON (AV-All-Am- had given their approval at then- League and others. Kentucky Derby• Frr*kne«»-Bel- . have to d" !'> get !>• '. , off the held July 31- Aug. ! 7 mnnl triple crown. r; e to finish through Aug. 11, >■'.! II una a dm and the handle I'l point lead nver his rlosest ball in Washington next season mously for the game. w.-re Hobiu Rolierts, Philadel¬ round 4-5 is the Rrookrneade foinnti, wos'h $7,125. off The Pan A. • was Just under MOO.tiMl a day competitor. A week ago Kuenn - but for the Air Force gnd not The las league president*— phia pitcher, nnd Harvey Kuenu, Stable's Sword Dancer, who was The Beiino:'* wi.i oc televised themselves will t • the Detroit outfielder, ai pLycrt re¬ pro Redskins, who drafted H'arren lilies of the National natiotiallv iCBS) from 3 30-4 cago Aug. 27-S him. and Joe ('renin of the American presentatives, and John Gtil- Flovil Truiim llnrtl " v • p.m. EST. Fend ley Collin- v. 14ST TIMI Malt Dlsnry'a •The Shan y Dog- STATE said Redskin roach Mike Nixon Monday he hat been inform¬ —•will meet with Frtek today to work ont details. i reath Ij»ne of i»f Plttsburgn and Frank Cleveland, pension com¬ CHATHAM. N.J (jn-Heavy¬ Martin said Ray Bmussard igan State wre1' would rue Mar.u-sa Mauler. meet director f u t ed Austin will Join the Air Force mittee representatives. Eddie weight champion FlymJ Patter¬ • TODAY! •and* "Submarine Seahawk" This will mark fhe first time Willie Sh)**maker rules Sword Yost, Detroit mMeider, also wax trials, says tic expe and report in September to Boil¬ since the inception of the Ail- son Monday had another slug¬ Dancer, with Wdie Arcaro on nf the nation* ing Field here. Boiling usually present, ging «es«ion with E *; » is was the ion with a hard right to the . , ranks. the pro* after completing his volved, the innovation presently judgement of the plaver repre¬ head early in their «ound. This The site of the w air force hitch in two or sentatives and the ; ••:.« oh t>Y> proved costly for Patterson bat¬ HOnEST HEW STARS! years. The National Football League three is approved for this year only. "If It proves successful, con¬ sideration then will he given !•» mittee members th.i, most of the money «*«>uld t»e u »* i ' pav for tered him with both hands to head and body will be the arm,a Men's Intramura: dub did sign halfback Dick the back service ' i«n« and Patterson comj»le!ed his 1k>x- campus it ha.- : continuing It through 1989 anil Tiiats to be in Ha lev would insure . of I'll? Monday Haley. ve*te»| old-fime ing iiv going h rou-i.i rach with 1001." trick said. taneouxl.v. can •• 5-in and 190 |Kiun,f*, way its plavt'is then full share of i« ■ Johnnv James and Svd»rn m Mc- Flick said he alrea..\- had 2 (MM) spectator.. ninth draft pick. He led Pitt won rights and guarantee fvill Ttei negotiated the televi'.wn ami >.t- letirement benefit uf tne present- Todav sea'- and ha.* : ■ in rushing, scoring, kickoff and Patterson v." go to olo lights for $250,008 'he same !a. ilities. punt returns last season. day plaver ' New York for the offir inI sign¬ sum an that of the Pittsburgh Several hundn : "In setting Up the original ing ceremonv for hu title de¬ game, and with the same spon¬ male swimmer*- .> fense against SwedenT ingemar . pension plan." Roberts »,»id, IN Schedule sor Johansson at Yankee Stadium, canpete in the •'great care wax taken to make Receipts for the aeend game June 25. show the fo:' w will be «tivitfcwl on the sunt that men who were near same Ttie site will be " • TIXNII basis the end of thnr careers weie nil k M#M»| ft. J alias iHVkli now prevailing fur the pic-sized o.utdiK.r , extended every right that a>- ftist game. Sixty pe cent will intramural mg rumoletion a UtiX MaUiaaay vs. Larrr Lmt ix' aiioted to the pla>er»' pen¬ cured to young players coming tol l tVBAI.1 Intramural building kysos Arena under the plan. non fund, and 40 per vent will have seating caj-a 9 p at. € «l tela vs. Usilav • go t<> the central Juii.i i>? the "This involved an obligation xifaia Na vs. Urtaa ■ 2.IXM) spectators t pnt. Wlaaer st ymlsas maltha*. major leagues. amounting to several mi!bom «»f dollars and it is this obligat-im Highlights bleachers. Charles McCatTn> i PIZZA PIT RESTAURANT that comes first in the minds of the representatives and pension committee members * The foftbatl accuracy will be continued through Thur*« day of this week. Tlie event is being hel.i from 4-8 p.m. on throw Igan State's coach js the director. Comp*?itors and v.n- swur.; * g both Pan Am eve: diamond two near Dem. Hall, rr.NM.ET (OU-IN8 housed and fed in > > > Present leader U Larry Cotton. xmiNac cwarh * *■" . •« Gloria Cattilla . . Bory facilities. Ti.« m »l«t*l U'lsr 10 VARETES OF TNI TASTEST team as finally civ* » in training on camp . * HIKKY! I AST 3 PAYS triala until time to gu 1:00 - 3:10 - 5:20 PIZZA M TOWN!! 7:30 • 9:40 cago tor the big *h»v%. FAY SPAIN Cool! Cool! r. A COWI.KTK .MK.NH U* IIEI.ICIOIS I'OOI! IVK KKATI'RK A DAILY Ll'NCHKON AM) 5 ' NOW Thra I M IIINNKK .SPECIAL THCB80AY! >°o*| A HONK COOKKI) MKAI. CODII'LEIK 70o II 1'I.EASE NOTE . . . THA\kS TO AL1. FOR YOt R "LISTEN TO (HANK STEVENS) SHOW PAST PATROSAGE, ASIt A ON RADIO STATIONS WILS AND HAPPY TACATIOS TO ALL FRIDtY PARTICIPATE IN THK ... (KUWAItl) "ROOKIE" IIYRNES) tsami > •' • CONTEST • DON'T FORGET! UN RADIO WILS COMPLETE PROORA.M INFORMATION ED 2-5817 - PIZZA PIT MAN INTO *r« K s I. If ' National Open Tourney 'igers Top Boston, 6-3, State News Engulfed by Youthful Pros [ove Into Fourth Place Jane §• lift* MlM • parte Editor — TUn it..rn< The i MAMARONECK. N Y CF) - youth movement thai has ngulfed American pro golf nev¬ t Xfiddln oft. the one* who reallr and hampion. Tnmmi Holt. They're the defrndint are feared A* o pat ,o *mgle complain' ;a. tot the there hasn't been a tournament. laliue Gets Willi All-American (loiii'li er wat more entry list for coampionship. But the warning evident than in the the SMtii U S. Open Winged Foot Mnnda in b» fot a ma Bolt, e tor te*t. in his an lir>t tvpaiv-cf practice r-mno llngan. advanre la start prat m bo arrived %%ell in lir e, rail* it doe* "big ' [ltli Homer aiound a fair «aur*e. x« commented. "Look a' I* t; y?;''V the older Itill t b« ju*l got here. Volleyball Club Kuris V ■ w.i. don't discount a*ner. n way Anv one «»f al>nit plaver*. plaver* caoable of \smnu . is "K •. mi ' .ee ."-it ire. Of the t *0 player* si heduled If Season # Hut I think I E"ing to ir,.. -• ..ie if 'rte i an keep Me to start Thursday in the cham¬ Most Active Season !!>!« crtur-c I nevet ' >• ' l asper • r a • a pionship over the trving H.Rll- fore, bid thev Tl il r»e r*« tr • ni I se 'uiigh ;s prett* ttii«K. vatd. nar 3J-3.v 70 Witiged Fot.f kind whete if > hi lum: .♦ . 1 i . « .ou «onie s»in'« »• e-t course, neartv a do/en pro. iKiiiiniii)! (Jets 3rd Michigan State'* vnlleylmll clllh fi11»**114*4i attt active xear and a' least throe of the 'no v ou like that dun t have '"In- kin i ** a : n t • ! '••• i.'••••I a. e ■ sonje ider t'.au open* iimter the direct inn of Mick Ne! *(dt. faculty ailvinnr ami >• ■Win Otcr Hosnx am.i'eurs an* 23 or undei. Thei- W.nged Foo*. • fie H'-n ... a " e ' il« v • volxi ■ •• • • - tin.n as (mi av*M. more than .10 m the undei- coach, a e Jonv* won (»i« >e. olid t tpen 'C . i a* .»• i s t»;«rd to keep as i ;«i la-* Dainio Martinson wan presi¬ i I, I»rn\ ' Pi —lim Rnn- dent and John Priede v. a* vice in pditn ipated in 'tie 10 %eai« ba ago ha* making a normal t couple X who dor* it rather of 7** a Rul they're almost forgottpn M »*< > 1 '• T.-urtiey i*i lVH«.t president They had id dues as hen mention *ui h a* Hen change* that reduced short pa N i k!au w.i.» £usnt)y. pitched Detroit you . )n Ma» T-. s \» a the first rd- paving member*. tlcia! llogan. Sammv Knead. ( arv V« to Jong 4 «. tiie L'StiA mao» ♦- had a 1 • ■"ii vi*ivi* nt they part |r:rtory ever Boston Mon. . ■- Five clinic* wete Itelci bv the • r and ' roul . (>;.tcd m nijrht. tossing a strong rapidly growing club. Three of Rackets Rii> I'mbleni j In Mti (bp team *p| another these were in the lousing area thitter for « fi-1 decision, and the other two were at Bat¬ preirdrnt. Ihrv were the tir*t t j'wdrr fgbthonrifr twice tle Creek and Flint. Hio l« tram evrr to take patl Niiklau* i* the l*-*ear-ald <•' «even consecutive Sw bit*"*:* and had only The •ppartunitv team mii to thow alio given ait it* akill in np» Ihr at National Dp* Xfuinr*. Iowa. Vollevb.ill tout In Right Management 4 ohirnbns Ivpities golf llbm. « redhead Aoulh moAemeni as ho rad inning. hp.»hed to ?hj:r| lie was aa limine tournament* al h»t »•»* 'he fifth in which during the half-lime of the Ohio t ope :« do even tir SA< RAMKNTO. Calif. d1'» motor .lackie l.eonard. one nf Ik and \a a* a member nf the B>'nfJians bunched three of State-spartan haaketball game. o • hen the toutn,.- the tnen who talked btik victorious I. x. Walker 4up r hit* with the onjv walk The* plated tnn Arbor YAH A - If racketeer* can t»e pre- f 1 do iti Texa1- lanmard tot.I a ho*pi'al pu learn this spring, lie rapid give i:ng yielded for thetr thiee in thia exhibition ". if i» of Hie s iuad ventpil from miMcling i" on coiiference Satw . tha* Ftau llie proft a scare but no one real - I'd fot the College Car bo, eastern under vatm Iv expert* him la da it. Too tnurne»« a< ie spop.soted Moil Jordan'* welterweijrht ie ■tanningi teammatet mean- ' - At;., fi teams Nci-.iii cnaracter. wa« re.ponfirest On Mav 20. Leonard had to * >4 av 1 before e had de- Ahrr* for IS hit* In seven •d Mm op and Ruben* Fib- pt oitlcm* xx ill lie solved. the athletic r'Hiirnisvmn tn t«. a ■ a *m. ne nt 'or km 4 lih» nine innings the Tiger* *• .second sipiad That declaiation Mondav rene Angeles that thiea's wee -vat »• ".n out of the ItfV. _.«frd In gelling their lead- - I hatter on b«*e. Major n. voileybatl paitii- the ' out ,1a- k t'reh. r\e< uttye nf- iiv Ei auk ( arivv and fight ' H'.nkv ' Palermo mature la" • rfhe i • off Monday t fa" iliai w i' > f. e' of »f e California A'h'et i ha. i a 1"' > co'd in f'i# might have been the ii jh (tundai- nard «.od the thr-ea's came af'» league e vr who vv a* name ! !a • . ( •nci.i sjofi. 13 i»et • -u t hotljentig 'ne.'' rr i vent f« font double Martin hi. a (. t Nov 10 bv the National Hoxng ( afbo demanded a i •• [ m not playing too . • - ;>e' Ktniiioiis Win* Dunn « ai *i i ix (it I Kill I 4 Hno.in ) • \ Dettni* « But II* 11 -!I » • 4 lifit 4 4-r* e« s;ine round AX «s|un. inn i\|- AXvnn STUDENTS ■ * .34 *. I buna *1 «T - 4» nt Ahm ii-.'i X*. ki««h»r !>v h"« 'fK-k over the 1 *• »*••a. ■ ' i '*>■ 'n I rtlgi d tne place, just Si'ctmtl Straight Year I iX-ll lit I Pol | i »-i i lev elan* |l H'lslnit »•. r am* al Hallonore i l\i -Irn 14 r-41 (X.-ll|lr{l ' f>' Kari '-a« t i♦ v. it li v«. l.rani il-lr I oral, stale Irderal nlluial* ■ ■ S'.itt - fiiueh tn -eniod M'MKHiquet'c a Una 'he inn k air rnxesflgaling la*l AA'ednes- I' . '.. »• v* •i no »n"ir t..jn |M»-1 N AIDIN Al I F.A(»I I. Positions are opm no the stale New* in reporting •a- ...rgcfl uih 'he in sure r a llg p..t VI* da*'% slugging In I n* Angeles of .oiM's ! Ills .li eiiil tiie * lose*i I •*•(, a eri *,»r?e; Tmrt in M « 1 IM 4.H lloll*wood legion Madiutti Ivpiiif and adveilisina for *iimmer leim ••-..nir* i.nr the to\*led . »>. a* s.,i , ee.-ed b> Milwaukee 3! 10 kl3 ■ •••!. v 4 n'la ' n»a hi»'«o; baa IraurtM-B 3* !4 .53* 3 •« n-'-.ii I • earn 'ha' *a\e Sign a I be paper will be publlsbed onre a week and -i . . Hour. -s Tot R ie- 4 btrgga 1* 14 IK fK .31* .31* 3 3 FREE - ONE HALF GALLON will lake onlt a few bom* of vniir lime kalini'V Nijjlil * x v rn Hi no lienAa'1. I oa Cincinnati Angele* 13 ;* «:' V, i »ke. Kuril Hei't' ur Orunue am position 4 l!<-e. f) . k \f . #n»t Hesideft tiring intriesling «nd »timnl ilmg the newt- anr« \»'« .i«ie a <>n FREE i rf I • r a a '■ i ■ * x 1R» *1 l ix i., . 't-.pfiv ts: - exlrarurrirular aeinii* Tf • • n g.i t r Aiilwaiibee • i »«•. «c•• < ♦ "» 1 d o it i • ; pe'itton. fiiitburaii Iim Moumi 4 • 11 Wilh I Krii. I lt»m l'l«*»s • a' of Mom j.. i inning*! I /»•«• i • • • • « Ha ha» ■« ■ :?»e J)nin Dill game i,.aii « a*u»»t . itia a i inttafnuia | «.• x n i al*. al f ii il «.1. ii>i. t. x !«<»• f » • i i i ' t..i s ,4 s »r. ,#.j »evond tXilliaai* ll-ll O (►• an, <• stale New* office Tuesda« or \Aedne«dati after I •(», itepeod np uir-.'i > <>M Is b«wi '•tits r II I ilia I t It I • 1 li e go.f . >'?. a - of pfiit ve.inta *11 rillHlllS Xni.inalli « g-1» 41 tl pill sbur | h , |i* ■ Xi ED 2-6517 or mme in during siuntner irglslralion i iHOasid ai i hmift-Xinhiil it • ►••to* «nr n a at «« Xn«ar«i>n l|-4l IM. St*ra15:."Ill gg.in. Ii» I :.'iO a.m. •" « e «lll Robi ii soii - liasi I in li»h I .MO* auk•# •• «( 11-4 • »• 4a*k»«>« ll-4i 1 «oti* t N i— »p4ha MV/.V.V.'.VAV.V \r.W VOHK Suget «- . I.ewe g' cbami.ion in Nr-v Y hi o. t »ba Na'-onal (taxing ft.Mjii.aon paid Alonda. f » » ■>•••' As»n • NBAi nar ueciaieu the P V *»«««.■ th tiK4 hi* nr»- -.e f.gf.! t ii ue • • e v *. an' I • a • • IM again*: i am rr Ha*. . Tie NBA xa ampior sailors insist on t'ain-1* than any other [•-Vsiksa 1st *'•••* IB MB; and I m v* !■».*' » -e' * .1 I *•» ' *•» Rami la »h Rotiarhlld of •oit ataaitaii-4 a mtihon d » ar* a' ' e ga> p'onio'er No m rigarette today. It atamJa to reason: x. ve ht« »igh»d Ran:io gtid ft ' paid Robtroior. I «po*e to o e a. the best tobacco make* the beat (moke. A IMIM anu ( it tn put nn t e < — ^ , i.ei " ue Baaaeto. P«44m of Cgrmrn a«* » ve« trri r.e costly tobaccos has it * t m»na < awa*****# •. sg*i' i' mid* Aug m on# of The Camel blend of feel* »r a<> #• #r • ana atiti, Loa- !»•<•. t* a..si«t. # Aether fot '-e hg' n I' , -ane «e>ei • ' !e* never been equalled for rich flavor and [•* o«i»s H t.*i in d »a rt n S>»g«».*# hn, BP >••• iinn, haeaa, phia Sep ii B.»» I •**!.' »n easygoing mildness No wonder Camrl - a «!>•» have • »«up.* of tve-up figt. • M"P iaq tie and RarilMi'g tw«» iraiMMtn I tw. mi e a a i i i . an4*er« w«.uld eav# thlg w#e« la the No. 1 cigarette of all! flrat 14 11)1 Hobinaon m tetogt./ed •• •n » »rt tha aavtn poatiol#'aite» it. l-ti i « t • a is 1—4 44 a-h iip. U... Ik. fads and Imiuy tf yd tw lasd/wSS*,.... IMRisills The Next Best Thing Have a real _ VfLlttBAU. 4. ik. «. it |«a l •: II. L'» 14 » ' •: tk. it • »*. »4 _ t *; i». it. m » «t I. It. li ' h H, • I •: I. t» li II. IS. 11; Ik I. To Going Home cigarette- fcl* lW '« '*'••'€■4 «r at*t«ii II.• it 14. tt IT P| I, I Tllt.Ht: IS Ml IX «.w AI.I.S RtiASOS H»K vol' TO t.lVK AND A CMMXI. IM'HI.Mi have a CAMEL • *• ii avo ii M MMKK MCHtJOU t 1; fcu*oi* roLutoi or li MV' Fsr S7JB a ttssk; only SI JO a Say; 1 oPTOmTO! VOt' CAN ENJOY: TELEVISION, PRIVATE Isslr" ^wH——« 1 I • •' >'«<»■—»■' M«) «• •» OMM, <*(IH HEDKtMtM. WASHEMOKVEK. U.I. TIIE UIVVNTV 'S Of A MOVIE. IJVIMi IKMHI. AITOMATM 111 "1'SMUtl IN APPLICATION'S ARE MOV IIEI.M; Ai CEPTLII irninci AT THE s**tt ar 4MB. tpttiriX MB- »■ •?« Camels?" 14* BELTS SMMA PHI MUSE 'How can I be sure you've (jot some 'p-gf-Ss; Sfewwt 1212 E. GRAND RIVER «r CALL EII 2-2**1 ii * ' k . — *• - • ' • r Am MICHIGAN STATE NEWS In the Family 3M X-15's First Solo Success Jane 9 19S* (J police lo All Bicycle Oiviien enrolling in After v. * Test Flight Bike owners not summer school should store their June 18, hicvic* picked up and fli-po-n Ji p!:i 16 Burned blcvaUw- off university property. doned property. Students ■ Bi? V'C- For Rocket This permits servicing bicycle school should mow enrolling < >*t, In Truck racks months. during the s u m met' cles to their idence before June summer iLl * Short Glide iff. Collision Final CiamiHtioi Sdndnh tor Spring, !:j1 ; 'X e*re in llii»in>-«»' Tp»I I'ilnl Stair* Vlrxiraii blmtrr* The last d»V «f «!a«»s for Spring Term to Tkuradar. June t!. •xaminat'or* -w lit he given In gccordenca with the- fol!ov.,r,g iyie time of thS e\-rr.in**iflr.s in Befic College courser Is given w * ' d. Killed Uoing lloitif F.ramtnation rooms vlll Kc grnounccd by the Instructor raring ■ gjj week of el*5se«. c* HOWARDS All!, riilif. d. rommunfcatien fkil'f JuMU. lOdi-'yij (jV)—The XI5 rocket plane, KiUiMl Sciei e ?:,,uLd*T' »Jun* ; »r PIIOKNIX IIP) — Sixteen Social Science Monday, June 1j. '"*« « II expected to give man his tn-ts-ij-jj Mexican farm laborer* were IfiimsnPie* ^ iesdey, June II, id 15-1* xg • first taste of space, glided burned to death Monday The time o' examination In sec u»r* otr.er than »l«.le lX^ deterirareo tv tr.e d*v> »rd the time the -Ins fce.-a-;*- P beautifully to a perfect, when a heavily loaded make¬ term ExAndnationi will be given tn the game clas*rot ,r* used meeting; during the terra. * landitur Monday on its first shift bus smashed into a solo flight. tree and exploded in flames. Crack test pilot Scott Cross- Thirty-two others injured, fiStancee sTuient'. encounter eonfflcta. In that field, beamin#. said afterward: three mas eve,, critically. fion scheduled by *he rla»' meeting two hourt each wee* •We're in business now. Wo reden.v over the examination scheduled by the single h-;- The workers were en route .. know that we ran take 'em up examination will he arranged between toe student and the < from a labor ramp at Mesa, requesting the special scheduling »l its examination and hring 'em back in "tie Art/., to the garlic fields near an Instructors having examinations from X-t0 a m. and * t:30.jg|M piece " T*'Meson, west of phoenix. For lucted to vi mate r-tci* examinations picmyij-. • • - * The plane is designed.to rocket am! bnild'ng* ,i-.e re t for tne exatnlnation neri.«l» many this was to be their lust A FT FM NOOK to the edge of Kpace—100 miles NINf. (7LASSES . 1 A««|* or more workday in the United Status. If vo Begin* 1' vour Beg." J high. * ■ They planned to return to Mex¬ rl.V-« ring »' t!a«« rung „ A B!it mother ship .mixing at met'. one if Ymir ovaai meet* nne Vnor ico m a da i or so. n; Sf7 M.F.H. arven mllea high rut »he«e tine A these • T| g | Those killed had been asleep '•ours tlalr t* hours 'la's » the xleek black dart luuxe at §*45 ——— , on the floor or were trapped MWF f »*' Mnndav MWF t m "sNtes.^ a m aver this desert flight test ' fT'l V B M June 5 MTThF l rw ' near the front of the bus MONTE STUCK aad hla mether, Mra. HarwM Stark af Lan«in«, t a renter. Gathering speed a* he — a vr.cTftF 3 *9-5 « MTWThF . • VI» converted truck with canvas hold the rap* and gown* the.v ware when TTh dart shallot* ly, (reaafield level¬ they both received di¬ TTh |w Tuesday 1 (SI •*x.0ss^ sides and top and no window. plomas at enmmeneement exercise* Sunday. During one term all a :«i June 10 1 »> It ed «rr at II.IO0 feet to test hand¬ ^ 05-5 AS .. M-i* five member* of the Sturk family were taking MSI' rour*e* .. M itnrwfi Raid the hux explod¬ MWF ling In level flight. at the ami ' MW*r D mi W'ediieiday Jew,- "* ed "like *amr time. Monte rereived a haehelor'* MTThF a so Then he unci it ovt r ngain a rlap of thunder. degree in eommunieation MTThV 9 :•» June (7 ,*.n WThV fcrs :» art* an his mother a ma*ter'* degree in art. M1 WThP L. 19-12 IS : v.- * and did a lazy S—two alow I HO Flames immediately rngulfe.i 1 Th TTh 2 P. ».*> tVedi*e»*ia* the vehicle as the laboin 9 VI June IT 2 30 degree turn4. ■ "•# ; fought to reach 3 49-5:43 lie awnoaherf down for a land¬ safety through Mom. Son Let ing at nearly 2C'«». sun-baked mud aurlace of floa- m ph on th a single rear door partly block¬ ed by suitcases and a water bar¬ Degree* \»wr MTn.r MTWIhF 10 IS. t« 3.1 Ftid.^ .1 i.u p 00-10 (10 12 MWF MTTnF MTWThF^ i AO *> 1. r;v, -J «•-' v. a rel i rn 10 .Si lOl' Tlh " a.tiond Dry Lake. \ huge 'letdj- ir-tail of dust followed, ripped tip by skids on the Xl.Vs belly. The driver, Gloria Jr.. told the highway pa¬ Nato Manuel MSU Family Institution MWF 10 » 1! Wl June % (il. |(1 tf how much Kraumont Tower on which the hellmasirr will assistant. Stuck family of Lansiap is concerned. a fy,.in oo play a dedicatory The bus leit Baseline ! ? U. * ridav jesponr.e t had for laindng . . concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, part of his first American concert Jtnad, a The vca- deuiunstrated Sun tour - VI u Jtme 12 It handled m a i ii suburban chief nicely. Just alm.it which is being managed by Wcstcntt. thoroughfare die. artern.Hiii w iieti Mrs. S'u.-k concern, tic will enter 1 Vu" 3i. what we MrpTtcd " On the w.i south of phoenix, plunged Into aiM hei son Monte tioth receiv¬ n.isigation *i txHil in AukiM. •MSf! CLA.XSEJ* down. Cross! eld radioed that a three-fpot deep ditch and ed degrees She wit- awarded II: mother piari- t.» i • fill ' ■ •. ' Uss M" \wur Exam Time A !)«•» ti *"r th'ng" were r. lug so veil he London Liwwtiil > mashed into trees alongside the road. one of the big an MA in ii» t and Monte rereiv- further rvdh h . .lo irtas. June 15. *.•«. P.\ facades. June tg. 7-« *»• feit like doln.f a barre* toil. Me M a BA m communication «rt Aoikiiu toward i io u*of w "w j ir i Vedneedav. June 17 PM • •• "Tfn »•'.>: t > irta4 June IC. !•» PV didn't. I.imer ( harbeneau. who lite* But. tins is only • urU doxrto S'l. U f-» pait of thy - N'11 USA I. I X A't l'. \ I TIwy Called n ■.'» MAY HI GfVtN' AT AM TlMf OIL On the ground the 3/-vta- near the arene. said. ran to •Aii:«' chi'dnn'* book- an.i lUuf- I HAS HIT! l L.ARLV fc. UFIKIFU TIM I EXCEPT ft1. »A.VJ «*' I father of five told newsmen the window tfi.tr hoi ACT ll»N * and xaw the flames During one t< th. entir' own t"i ;< "There's keen anme conjecture • spread over the bus. I thought family, moth* i, t She reii'tr.h won »,». '-•• that thta plane would he hard '(hieer\ LiIh>race Savs it was a i rattle truck until I and daughter. \» • ..squat, inovin «»i jawcu" to land. I deny this emphati¬ heard the mreaming. There wa« i »iii-ea at MSU «t 'UC1' S.RS! uo n:ii at the Krc gt Aa Ccuvi. ( j\mpus Classifieds , , » Low Co* w. cally. It'a a nice plane to fly. * nothing we rould do." tunc. II handle* Uk* ether high per* Wiiluni Burn?, LONIHIX i.l'i— LiIhtmcp testified .Monday he wan met * rural fire¬ While Ihc father was dum- forma*** plane a In a glide. •it feels pretty go nl to sit th«rt plane coming along exactly In cries of "fairv" nihi "queer jrn home" from a audience after a London newspaper printed a column criti¬ llritish a man. reached the scene first. He futilelv battled the inferno with garden iiose. Mis wife said, graduate work in special edura* lion, the mother «e sopho¬ WMSB-TV STOf FN URN more in ait education. The as tve had pa pec ted '' cal of him. •When we got there, men were AM ..... and neve ... — jias iteen anything «>r ,. . daughter, Mir«. wa« a senior in Tin* American plain a and en¬ filSA The lall l if 11.. CiosaflPlU. an engineer, has screaming and running all over arlenre ami Riwech. ■ been on the XlS project since the design Me ui a veteran tc- t tertainer hh'k ttie stand Ml Brit¬ ish high court and denied under the kind' l.iherare. testifying after the the place themselves Some were dialing al lhai lime was a freshman en and Monte |0:0ll To in- announced 10:30 Svui op of Societv _ « away from the gineering aludenl. Not lo he pilot for the Air llorcc and (|UestiiillUig of In-, eounsei lh.,1 opening statements told of his wreck ' left out. the teen-age son. Mur- 11:00 Fainting (F North American Aviation, which made tins XIY Me was the fir*' " tie is a homosexual Libera.'** has-sued tire Imttdon reception icmc after Im the a Sheffield and Connor column Other witnesses jured wandered atouml said the ,« near. in¬ Ihwe. was takim: tioinluinc les- •ons at the music department. 11:30 Measure of Man .1 12:00- Noon Krpoih Ralph s "KEWPEE" Cafeteria man sound to m flv a twice the .peed of Douglas Rkyr»rk<-t William Miii"i Neil and (' uiii"i it- iolumm-f w ti.» u- ■ had I h. lircn widely circulated. article t aUeii lalmiare in' Some field lay in a between state the of shock plowed All seem to take a-adenuc Me in stride, for in earning their 17:I.V— Hural Hevicv 12:30 Count. Agent 1:00 - I in 1»M the pel* luime Cassandra Lii» ' 'th; deadly. wu.kui,. rnigner- rows, muariihg in pain. Lu bes Tunc degriM not one memtwi of the l.3o Tti# XlS ha« been Whin.I io i JiUoine-. (Iilhei 1 It. \iu tti^. -iiuugdng, «hromium-plate>i, Tactic tFj lamilv got below .« 3 b aveiag. schedule in its test pn-giam Im- said at the ope'iiiitg .if Jin- -i eiit iiii|u equated, lum.n >uc, , r.M. c.i - Ili - c.iuse of various electronic mal¬ that 'languu; c in C'onnoi . col¬ i.uiveriny, «.<«;!»•.», tnut-tlavm- Wagon .Meets er Monte concedes that life moth is ahead • »l:00 I'ontmciital C"la- Big or I .ill I.' <•! him when 0 30 functions. umn UI S< pteinlwi. iwr.»'v. • i:m .1! * i d. ni.Ticm^. in- « < i a'M-ctiVeied IVi.Hliti •». To l)i*eii*» I'laiis comes to grades and hitting \h- 1 There were four tests with the and was miendep i.» me,.M that. neap ..f mother love K;li -N|U Now. X'.S locked under Itie It cj *■ IuIhm.kv w,«s h..m«i-a xu.4 Without doubt I i< fes'ks. but he has al»> i -'•nir iu 7.00 Spartan Sport*,.light Sundwirlir* .( e the big- for his share of hotu.r- For Fall w ing. Only one was planned. And 'be glide test was twi.-e pm. - the (lei aid Mui.it tbioiiiier. and Connor, decdai album vf,. - g»- • tin.« sctimnital vomit oj a'.i IVojcot As the outstanding cadet m the Air For. »• HOTT. he ; .'.i ill tN # -k i! n i —Nefwui i. Cold I'lale- pound at the last minute be- •d I.itK ia. e ha* not Twelve chapcronc* recently a.*k*d J. i n Ih.i years recipient of the I Resi¬ »aose of trouble. vpecifle sum m damage. A.- chosen by the Spartan Hi Wagon dent'* cup and was selected A»;ir«l Ui.cn i.uuitig m Hrituh piacttce the met Monday night to discuss receive regular am -unt. if am . will In* Uetcr- plans for the fall term project. second a comnu>s...n a l.a-1 lan-iiif- Uru.l The organization, initiated hv . hentenant Edwin Kscu|H*eH Kroin halts min»d of 10 i«y men the and jury. two It women eonswis the Spartan Women's League, Monte I* interested in science writing hut the Air Force is his Nir* Buehier. son Edwin Buehier. 43HA llaga- of Mr an.i was started to better neive'stu¬ «.om. East Lansing, ,raj beer, dent-faculty relation- Si* teams, Adniiiiistrutioii named I .III '« recipient of Riiiltlin^ !/«»•> I ail achieve ritr* composed of one man and one f.'lsS'Vciri t.tlilnr ment award in machine desigi S'inm/ I'lan coed each, wtll visit families in Am Uf:.I .Utitlanl •or the student graduating m October hi acquaint them with Tie clans of 195!J who ha* don. Once A Snake Refuse wasiiinctxn Aut.« Workers stc.etarv-tiru.s- ;-or Krnfl Ma/ev i* t'l.iu 1 MSI'. These students will interview the Mel State Kciter. News former and June editor IM5H or ao»k in machine «.f outstanding excellence design urg, t t'ongicss the families on their The award interests, journalism graduate, has been ha* been estab- Sn»k« uiti-l t» nlitli.-r thnm,'h ir«ik< in tin- «.ilK ..! Monday to enact a >uiplus food travels and U.-hed by the Industrial Press distribution fraternity or soror¬ named MNusunt in public reia- of MSl"» nlil«t utamliiiK »lruvlnr.. tin* rv«r win.- nt !hc pri»gram along th- ity affiliations lions for the New York City. • ' < • "f a bdl tiffs re-f Michigan Educa¬ Adminiittriitiiiii IiuiIiIimk by Sen The 12 chosen a< coapeiotict tion Association, begun !•' show .!►> I !■-o J- i Kennedy <1>-Mu according to Hlltlt ill IHHI .1 *i«t "t I:'? . s ) Include Larry Miller, Hubert l)r. Dale « • well- sagging Wilder the w ' Me estimated 17 million per¬ Kennedy, executive • :»■ S»*s. Jon Notd, Charle* Knctch- 000, the building now houses of¬ of museum sln-iu.1 i i.ieks son* in the nation suffer from secretary. ■ nel, Jern>ld Merry. Scott Belter join* Jack White, pub- fice* of ttie president, xectetan. were some sort of maiiuitrfthn and Foster, appearmc ibt walls, BEATNIK «n Mary lawman, KilU lireen, registrar and other mhuiimtia- he Miut surplus foods lie relations director, a former making refuge i»U«vs for snakes C.B.S.' should i»« Nancy Heller, Nancy tont Peveut)-eight yeara ago. when th.it csr.»i>cst from second floor />Kilogv Into s in the useii t«» help meet their neetls Joan KokxUirJ Simmons, and fat Seveson. assistant Alumni editor Maga/ine. of the MSU - it to •hip Aral land-grant college had II all came to a head one day an enrollgnenl of about SO*, the when one of the wall-d%\riling (ASH bnlldlng aerved aa a library and shakes lost its footing and fell admlntrtrattva office. o«y department was on the *ec ond Aoor along with the mus¬ The go«d- through onto secretary. the a crack in the ceiling desk of a squeamish Dry Clean Now! FOR FDR YOUR BOOKS eum. FREE STORAGE S.» in 1937. the building was It was in 1924 that a new revamped. The /oology and e»l- library was built, #o the book* ucalion detmrtmrnU movrxi out and the provident'* office were and the president'* and other All moved out. In their place cam* offices took their place. the newly-formed education de¬ partment and more office* The front wing was built 1947, obscuring the older tn sec¬ FREE lilkprnllai By that time, the building had tion. u ! INKlRANtr. 10fe Cash Discount CURRENT EDITIONS WANTED r. Ii quandt* Fiuaucial fteapeaaiblhtr (aeca HPKCIAUKT4 Cards Now Available m me * *HM Driven • Melerrirln Expert Alterations CAMPUS BOOK STORE • Out p| Itato Driven CANCELLED AND REFUSED RISKS IMMEDIATELY 14?! HANDLED CALI. — One Hour THE 2 FRONT DOOR & it ton. E. MIA. Ave. 54419 BOOR STORE ' out tv i-u;i inn nunc un rati- (ITS A GASSER) ffli'i'f' mm .S