Tlic Weather Voting Love l.inus l'onder* Shower*, cooler Social Future liich lodav I St Pace 2 Serving MSIJ For SO Years I,ow Tueodav 4.2 "EASTLANSING,M1CHI0AN—WKI'NKSdayTjInK 10. lit.V.T V'RK-EXcen'TS hvoL 31. X"' Geneva Convo May End Unless Mr. K. Intervenes Western Politics Hurt Allies Ministers In Big Four Talks 'Pessimistic' l-Viuls. Rivalries Waken Serrel Sr»<*ioit best's Negotiating Power t Tilled 'Negative* fiFNT.VA f/T»— Puliticn! fetitU af home ami miei-Hliie<] r.FA'FVA wP»—Tim West¬ i*i\nlrii'i iibroiul niT weakoninp the West's negotiatintf posi¬ ern Forcitrn Ministers show- tion with the Soviet t'nion at the Bipr Four talks. oil dconcern TnestlHY The latest !'»!t ai.-l « ■?, . fliii? the MetieVrt Conference —- t a me v. :*h ' ■ • ' ma: colSapie unless Soviet I'.O 'hat • i" \ nve ;/f -. NEWS So'- i of -.4. M. • A". I'ren ier Khrushchev inter- '.**!*• quickly to break the !'* k The word • *« that l*r'»Mt'r IN BRIEF Charles in* I»e f,*a!le American raeie** *«iaon I, dwa lo-* • • ' ' ..f tnc Wi-.-tcrn rv.** ■ A ' n- S.r.a. Av,. vt'K kpiles on fr»neh t«wl. i Steel IVaee I ryeil re-alt about ".'.a f * %-bomv iir rarrier* wit hae* fo :ye WASllINtiTllN P I*' shifted fr*rn B r*'.ven base*. Risen To. iy llfiicU r< r.eeC i IOIIN' ItOAV %an »l.«r-vn «» to q . duo!i ■ h.v^'u i.g ha-- I'iroliiiii "fmowz conn i.n re t'r.kf lux tei»n iiimimoert iv li«» Mai- N»w» Photo hv Roo Moriav pact bef the J- rfrnt '« »r ;ln* »i-.» * nil • tgk'.y f finals draw near. Undaunted !»> the inviting summery hree*e«, i ■ pe If.!.l"MlNATINO TMK heavy darkness of a mid-Mimmer's night, . as dead'.! iitx%««inr in the H"V Teuuniie the library realizes its duty to the students and stand* ready to aid. • the library *Unds a* » symbol of the day* ahead for MST student* Tif Western prhxtelv Se. j . 'ary of l^r^.T J.i t i •»f ' • til uca- *t>e»*iP4 th* *iew thst *n\ let Nl»t»r Andrei CJrn. Passport running exchange <.i rta'emer.*. tis* *•»» he »UIIin* while U\er steel issues ty the : . Missilf >ti It ti-iw Pi*ne«»pr» |a pin the Doctor Fees and union.* vn the AAe*t for failure to Decisions Books Reshelved dilutions Ike Hu|m- Trial llt'tiin- * * * i i'. .c,*..*%. :* a •• 1 .} i . ' >ee* " Thrust 1 fit nit: II*" LiJ'lO »S the ex plo*i\ e Berlin %im1 pobtH-al tarmail iark* at K K Sustained To ATI .ANTIC CITY, NJ. (>Tt— taliahassee. ri. c -. Uf«t fi»rm«ni. <*h#r# kinriif Kit It's Easily WASHINGTON itfb—1The Sta'e ■ Department* authority to deny Stop Roaming By sAMU; \ DOLLAII.AN ; >.•t<»l t *• mecrsttr follower*.. I.odwi* Er- This \ v -; *.r*t •-s.lydic n :;.!»•-W sub¬ X- B*- :r;t.. C"«mir.\in *•.. Gr.irewoi.', T...1 V-v* A All thoe tiang, taxen o.u a river int.- wh:cn >.ic wa* •a areas it regards as poten- Library. The President also hammered cuit Court to answer charge* gether se«m to Ik* 'o-acn. '.g *he ju«t iaunthed Tuesday gfi'i nporfeti. '..»i.'i at what he called urgent trouble spot*, such as lied Uomplvte revision of tin- .stock in? ami ihelviny system they rajied a Negro coed at guri- i-f Hen-. K^ivict diplomats qtiicB- n»*e.wn*tr»Mir. I< the n u'p upheld Tuesday by will lw underway thi.-* summer as |>r. Kit-hard f'hapin, pr point. • "n-.JtiiM River er. f the ha/-, •, re,i.l the w-Oi I that 'he i*.-• ■ -, was : a fid a sound d'efai. since World War 11 p Rape Li a rapital off"rise In r.-:en. e:id nek" •' 4-4'k. Slid sent associate librarian, aniinie- the jh» it iotl of dean of f til..' " Now when- from n. | ie f S Court of Appeals. herd in a >,*M*ch to the Florida, but no white man ever -en a »■ " w •••»■ .4 mii • i-s.'.ful c4»fn-li|*i6n lie* 'la foreign affairs, especially Mev\ exjosct* that -!.■* wd! begin libraries, riphwiny Mr, Jackson Towne. | n toe mtimate posture of to- T»,a • fi-.. Am-i i'.-an -•Hniai i Mcdual »nventi"n did Association'$ the Pre—* Lax *'ate been fur raping electrocuted in this a Negro. Rival Erlianl roaming gen-tippwl nusMlis. with her '<>ad of hydio- p«ri.b : «ri concession.''. whether the W. t * world of jets, radio and ■ n! aciU'-c the nations phyai* ★ # * nv-»nth* "f |?' "i:? power, an Individual's Teamsters i }■•• .a.i - •( charging unreasonable He put li this way; lliwuiw Air DrfniM- To llalllf' Behind >-i.eed her t- t ■msti m irt tion ' it \ii Amrrirjii I* am nnr * *p«4kr*mail uid *ue** hmv murh ••hibt'ert yen to go and to rr.aue tf:»- (»»•<»!ge Wa*hini»h'u rf>- hin*er" Ihr talk* will «o on. medical profession, Atbuti iter " I he a* To_Su|»|>ort lire may be circumscribed." WASHI.Ntilf.N 'A*1—The ma.- n,o*.t three-fourtn lumpbte a* ne-p..n-ibic Wesbip illfiir-n- much as any other, ha* a vital W4«ii» into the wat«*r. I *i t an opinion by Chief Judge ter plan for America's air de¬ .I.* aid Hertei H:. i Fn-lirh science* will inhabit interest in ptcventiiiK inltation. blueprint aimed at Labor Kill cgli Mim-U-r I'oiive fh* Mm - fense* a DURSSELDORF. Grrn..»nv Hundred* of worker* if ho h II barret', pnHtvman. the second floor, replacing ihr < erbiinly it wants to provide it* — settling the interscrvne misMle limit her at the >atd* of thr M »u4i • A jf't'tinj; inquisitor avow- --ViiT l'hi«rH«'i! 'r LudW'.g F.i- \ > f t"t-p i i'. . li <»\ i a r (J lit at ion section, rl'iwii stacks services for a fee within ranre feud-—was disiu*Ned Tuesday b.u't dts-iaiid Tue-iay night in- elretric boat division of (irnrral -.»• • • mli- failure a<'ee cithi r >-.g freedom to go und and fine arts room. The bininr«» of what people ran reasonably WASH I** during a one hour. 20 minute Dynamic* f'orp. watched with a. t!i«* Bei !.:i I of a mMoiOt going hi f"i>c i»n open :»gh" • > he p.eases can throw the room will be converted into I he |»av •" .s talx between president Eisen¬ v« r whet'ncr he I* quahfiwi * » pleased grin* a* thl* minhty auh- <«'ung This atijtn a tuay h-« e » r.1 »n croaiional neighbor- r(Juration room. The former fine F.» ■r further "vie hower and lop pentagon offic¬ it'H'I the We>t German peoph* mrrvihle alld toward her ele¬ lw» T| n.a te kn<»Wn 111 .in effort i:"d into turmoil." art- room will lie the documents TV unanimous decision of the ng i". i have alTcied a gic «t ial*. The vice rhamellor made • ment. f » put pre-*ute on fhe flussiant room. The new system will eli¬ ' ICgilltlS •he turn mer i mih-> wiu n the An air of mystery and seem • *t«'ement on arrival fiat k from to .how their hand n i- urt rejected "in at- minate the closed st<»« ks on sec¬ I'fn* navy fmpes s'ip Gc »ikC W.iiiam Worthy labor r ■pie havt to turn primarily t«» surrounded the gathering. Be¬ a trip to the U S In his absent e HiUish Foreign S«'ietaf\ V-'- ,t . . Jr. of ond floor. Wa/.nmgt"ii, called by I'rexident *ii.«- " '• i-i ntm-«' ft»r medical aid '"in forehand, Presidential Press Chancellor Koiirad Ade.iauer re¬ v n Lloyd wd) .said to be '« •* |b.>m L'p *«' • •• . M"!., to get his pa:.>- KiMiiiv vfi a "revolutionarv ' :■renewed. It upheld it»r»—i.ii irruption • Fin !;• t «t private Secretary James Magertv said versed a di'UMoit to tun for ;»p|»iejir fi-n e than his fell a.- a tic— ..dimaMne. i- the first of it AFL-C'IO < en; between d'ictv" and only it would "deal with the air \Ve-!« 'ii mini-' .', about an im¬ •' • " by toe U.S. District Court p.evident and now se»-k« to re¬ kio'l in the world ami that the Senate Rack*' n i ?he Pri-siden*. »!>;■• * * * generally itisidrred the r„ v j* expected to be »"i ■>- liern < I'oiariA Submarine fleet wdikeep Deprtidln* upon hi* diphniiat'e labor if^i.-.i.Mi 'n au'ionmg-— without Christian Deino- of feel In the pegplia- I v me Supreme Court, an;- Wrathrr Tftlhl ih'»ice of tils tiio United States ahead of tigM- "*en*e The Tt t'n M \f. m-emftg po ovcr-su ««.•»- ^peciilcally— against ciatic thirty to succeed Adenau¬ Bun*," l.loyd M4« reported to he* '♦n Worthy's passport came |.reusing Russia. ! i*td to ss ti..l ty f the w »v«-rn( tfie chain ed .i snip. lleve the Ka**tan« may yet eome r renewal in March 1957. CHICAGO t.P—The weather er in' I the brute next .Ylun T / i' f-'io ivn wiii s';it the medical bureau this year speaking derisively, l.rhard around. Department turned devised a ne.v I h.- o twr. after he refused t > r-;«,sed to*, any big sculc. laid rlaint T.u ie v way of telling the man in the ile« lured he had neier Hi'ijfjfs Luinls . At Tuesday * •essimi. We"tern I artt that ne would abide by'. : i• „f?i The ground floor will under¬ ltm •• I ferbidpen areas. Ifoffa ready u-.,ntefitH»rn .• . n »ug a • u up* aligned reading room will V non-existrnt. Individual diii- .S'Vi-lfiWi Itr/Mirl! heat spell. - But, an A - ;.iv.| pies* sur¬ soti, it concerns namely lh« protection of dwno- much nt'oc. MSU Ffforts po«il on die West Iteihn put forward t»* Thl provided '»*• All Stale New* account Mun« will u»r their own axxignrd little lat . na'.ic order." fie said. Spartan Six Two Teamsten -a ■ « r • -U'* reading t>m»k* njTctns. requiring rxrruliir*. and firuof readers: tinl.i> i* the last day to sub¬ vey to Tuesday, it's tell whether tabulating the a lie was evident] v fighting mad In R0TC Bo sia of the Western powers w'oukf affiim the right t.« main¬ paring befarc a li 'U-e lw»b. idriitifiration cards for anslsncd related effects >>f heat and hu¬ about a reported remark of Ade¬ tain their tnarps in Merlin and I Offers KseajN; Subcommittiv. preserved the reading books to be loaned lor mit pose*. your This name ran for pay pur¬ be done by midity a* a "discomfort index" nauer that Erhard. an economist, The influence of MSU and the to use the* fcUpplv lifelines acro»f Union's raw stand- two-hour periods. will ever become a« ;»«4pular as, was no more capable of being efforts of President Jofin A Kart German}. and would pro- I From Exaius "Our approach to lem." !»aiil Sam Zagri. this prob» Tcaini'irs Humanities division, primarily rrportins to the Slate New* off ire u« later than 4 3* pm. say. frying eggs on the sidewalk chancellor than Adenauer Hannah on behalf of the U K. Air Force Academy were laud¬ feet ttie eeonomii life of Wr*t oils. capable of becoming a painter in Berlin against ( <»mmuni.-t pie- languages and literature, will be iegblativc representative, ed Saturday by the superin¬ I I ^^^AN Tuesday « began sales what is £«.»nrih on the ground who has headed the Air For»e Academy since I05R, delivered East Ovrman II !oT I*,r SPARTAN Beat will preview * book review on *u;r>- ' stirs counsel, conceded may be abuses in certain Team¬ sters practice. 'here floor. Mmst of these realities by fail leim. plans will bo However, Radio Station Opens Monday the commissioning traditional ceremonies for cadets in MSU'i Army ami Air Force. address at Explosion __ Beat," and a three - the humanities flivssion will U- I * Hut we don't believe isolated and former production and fa¬ Fifteen .minute newscasts pre¬ ROTC unit*. GENEVA LTN — Three mi!e| J»f* Ifte spread of Sparty Pi* for instances of abuse should be the last to be changed depvnd- Five former MSU employe* sented five times daily will be General Bn'ggi was review west of the Oder-NeUae border avonjh. Judy Bishop. cilities supervisor of WKAH. mg upon appropriations and ad- will ouen a new radio station, I SPARTAN 6 will give made the basis for retributive will be program director the only other type of program¬ officer as the more than 3,000 with Poland, a gigantic indus¬ you a mmistrative approval. BiU ftn41 legislation,** Frcviant said. WSWM-FM operating on WI Green, egstnember of WKAR'i ming By lengthening newscast* cadets in MSU'* Army and Air trial plant ha* risen out of the week Chapin, referring to the H*s* I nvi in a bevy of humorous megacycle* June IS to serve the engineering itafT, and Bob Rent- the station can give a better Force ROTC unitj paaced. tn re¬ wilderness as a symbol of East of m«»re Hum <40.000 last year | * • » r - :xt, jokes by GWynne. Lansing area, Flint, Ann Arbor scbler, IBftO graduate and former coverage to the events of tha view. Germany's economic expansion Dr. Montgomery „ u. stolen bonks, said he plandcd day, Finucan sai«J. The traditional military cere¬ under tiic Communist system ' climaxing the institute a room check sys¬ and Saginaw employe of eonlinuing education The iron ami steet combine of . to I*'" : haj interview Jcion McCioff. MSL' graduate service, will join W.SWM's staff. Commercials will be limited monies included the awarding Add?, to Book an tem Dr Herbert The station, powercrl by ap- to seven minute* of advertising of the ITesident's Cup for out¬ Stalinatadt, planned to turn out Weuinger. In light of the student govern¬ of and former comu n* <>. million ton* of steel by I 'Pp-inted editor of the ment resolution urging steps to of the cap and gown program of prmri—teiy 10,000 watts and per hour. By giving "straight" standing performance by a cadet two Dr. Donald Moctgomcry. pro¬ commercials with no gimmicks in the-Army and Air Force de¬ BH»6. represents East Germany'« Review, a quarterly be taken to have a closer check¬ the continuing education service, urging a radius of 40 mile*, is fessor of physics, is author of will present tha tachment*. integration into the Soviet bloc. ££****andSyArts.theDr. College of ing system, Chapin said he fecll is general manager and^pred- loMglil six miles east of East the station one of the seven chanters in the sponsor's message mora affec¬ President Hannah made the Eighty percent of the plant'* Weiainger the university will recognize its *; of t.'se Midstati Briwdcnf* fan U*. II. It willoper- volume of "Solid State . ninth tively, Finucan added. awards this year to Air Force iron or# come* from the Soviet ^ «pm> his otunloM on the Physics." to be published by need for a closer check tq keep ing Corporation which is f.nanc- X f to 1 a.m. Monday Radio programming is only Cadet Monte L. Stuck, Mm of Union.. 1JJJ" ^Horul policy of Ih. Academic Press, New York and London, in July the library intact. _ ing the station. Robert Coleman. 25 year man¬ • *». Saturday and from P 4# tt 9Tb. Sundays. part of WSWM's function; how¬ The background Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Stuck. 3311 N. Cedar st., Lansing, and Eighty from Poland. percent of its ctLe of WKAR who retireil la»t Uta program format consist* ever. mu*ic come* Th e internationally - known LK (jtlrudar llrailliiir ager service, headed by Kentschier, Army Cadet Reinhard H. Schu¬ It* existence would he W|hm4 DUlriltuIrd series of bouks fqaturc* compte- July, is secretary-treasurer ot the corporation. Vice president al dlBtfllcal, light, mood and pop- •bleed with show will provide uninterrupted mu¬ mann, 4477 Lewis eve, Toledo, an very ecortorfiic burden in reuniWn The deadline for all announce¬ hensivc summations of advances will sic for professional sod business Ohio. Schumann la the eon of Germany where plentiful raw Wotnrtaw Wiu fa, dlctributrd in research and applications of ments for the fail term Union is James Anderton, Lansing numbers material* ere cieee al Rami te * Board calendar is Tuesday, June liniirrupted quarter offices, stores. Hamburg, Gar* 14, stodooi Imicii, to. various facets of solid itate —» baa i#-u uo J.J. If, Jun Finucan, 1050 gradual* physics. t Am UHEN l,« TJESTV-TUO ivi Michigan Slate News INFORMATION NiNSTHS HiSSSeJANp.f.-T)' NINE R.U5 Tu*STY-7UO b. ™SETe£Nh3oK5A«i>E;5HTH:v' 54a" 15 SEVENTEEN 00 KJ TH.N< SHELL 60 OUT WT^ Rmd Daily by MM"s 2V(M0 student# and Family c The Michigan st;i• © NV.vs is piibli.-h«*t intents «f- Michigan State University, fast Lan¬ sing. Mich., without fiiicvt faculty supi-iv!■ u.n. It is not the official voice of the university or PROMKNADCRff 5:30 p.m., 743 Grove St.. Ea*t of the student body, but while seeking ?<> m\e the best interests of both, stands ready to bat¬ i tle any move which would drive a wedge between the two whether it comes from within the Lansing. Party for members y\ only. university or from outside. Member of the Assoc iated Press, Inland Daily Press and Associated pin Collegiate Press. IHET.% SIGMA PHI Bi?. 7 p.m„ Mural Room, Union. ■/Ve« Vol. 51. No. I'l UVitneHlav, June |n. 195!) Pane Two Initiation ceremony. A New Standard Of Measure—You Know, / In Case Strauss Should t£e Confirmed" CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ED 2-1311 EXT. 2615 PEPr.OfCOM"1LKVl IIK'ni.lNES: I p.m. D.CV BEFORE PIBLICATION FOR TIES.. WED, MATlOfJAL THLUS, AND FBI. EDITIONS burcal) or SION. EDITION DEADLINE: 2 p.m. FBI. STANPAPP- Bills Payable g.|- and 1-5 Monday through Friday CLASSIFIED RATES = i! minimum IS wards FOR SALE MOUSING HOUSING SERVICE 1 day 15c FOR RENT for rent 2 days S1.45 601' ClUM J day, I ARARTMENTS ROOMS |I.»S NIW AND USiO , C day. 12.25 THREE ROOM MEN" —DOl'RI T ROOMS. Kitchen APARTMEST fut i days r#nt Partratlv furmthad Parkins ori' »i#g#» - *tmo*n>lfrr 40 a $2.50 L 6#-a T-asR ing ; iv 4-«a;« so v.-aak. IV l-MVT. * ki .h; F>tntif\Ivan:* So ADDITIONAL CHARGES t. >0 SHOF« C*»S fe.0v*S. j STUD PVT. UNAPPROVED "TWO — far aach ward ever IS [•maraoartnianU. *our man aarh for *uni- i SUMMER MOi'MNG — ROOM WOOD CO/fR', . . AT w1*h rapan.anon for fall tarn: p»r vaak ParKi",# and laundr' pn- 4c par day •K0UCID MICH' IV l-OMV EH S Homar SO >. ;###. vn., .ookms pnvllaga* at i— I additional coat Open a'l aumnter. . Stf I A pa/ r I MICHIGAN' AVE ACROSS from ! How land House C'o-oo. ED S-6S22 SO AUTOMOTIVE FRANOOi GO'. F COURSE j ramiMj* EumUhad tr.raa room ar »-aB7« aft#i 4pm p dPiiriuua oattriaa Raaaonabla |n>«i i~ ~ LI doill'l# « Sr g!f I arc a"'- K - avt Sakary. IV 4-a;>S »f ONE RFDROOSf FURNISHED spa. tap , 215 ion;*. tl» 1911 PLYMOUTH. RtTNR good bad' ,, ■- na »m#nt a< rop* from Manoii I)or 2-2574 and Hraa poor. MS. ID 2-MSl V M^IICIkl£L -tor Parkine utilitiaa paid M j _ .. nVUJIIXtg rtad auupta pr#f#rr#d ED J-S23.I 1 ROOT' FOR MEN Appro* #d 19SI PLYMOUTH r.OOD eossdl- I j dcmhla I *. .g!#» »iu gunnnar a' a ♦ inn flood ! SUMMER latl kiT tranaportation TV ONLY APARTMENT j fwo-four — aft»r » pm. Ask for Chuck in'""-" m»n Showai rooking • Thra# Mock* #a«* of campu*. 7" FA! I T r.r ROOMS *pr>r..*#cl It'4 SHAPE *hr## «##. pbon# IV 7-04*.» 50 'oi men D i.l#- SM *di. 6inglr» SB .'.it MG-TT) N'W C'loa# Marking tu buartan ii« 215 la/us ED 2-2.iT* iidiltou. Many teaturee. ♦r s ED 7-Mtr 3s» n*>nth. afte< #\ai ining furnitiiao IV r\. FURNISHED „ mr## ma'# APARTMENT atudanta. FOR Par!'- CAMPUS mi VOLKSWAGEN SUN roof ra ! - ing |»rtv||t# EIJ ROWER o-op WII I TAPE COD UNFURNISHED SI, diss, ugaralta Itgl.tai. Graan nnu.i I Ik# new, inaide and out. It»2a. IV fu-nar# Preferred w«*ta loo di*po ar# 2. ' I.IDu- e o BOOK STORE 4 -»:c« I a* fur nuked'r-ent aero** 'rsmi »'a(f it err b#r*. i:o "'.ildren I WSJ i Available Sep* I ED I-1 KM h( Manor Uorn Marking EI» 7-955.1 .Ml pQp SALE PLYMOUTH EOUR-door a#- da- New Elm Pi*.#. M).7-»IM tir#p, bartarv. gal. 314 Id EURNIPHED available FIVE ROOM ho «*# APAN 'MENT r»l# room* v it'r DOUBLE cookma pmdeg#, A N D I " REMASTER HOfs TRAlt - Across from June 17 to Pent J7 |i2i f if H'.'iB, X'vh N#1. er r-n' to fif tar t.i: i' « month including utilitiea Enon»- s. ru I-.,— c '-dreti- Km OI 184' Union IS»4 JAGUAR XK IM M #i. hlark IV is>#d top aing after a p in Ma* Mlrhalin X Tir#« tt.VOi) firm. Phona ED 3-tMA. E La"- go FOR RENT "AiTMINTI 4# L* N tl re# HOMER rmtmi Ft.mi a-.d i . Haslette 1937 4« R-l . ED-J-aMi GIIDt R * vn Bldg. carpeted 'Intu r H'>me« y Pa*king IV 5»-WlA« behind Poplar* restaurant a' SUBLET FOR FX PERT TERM P*pf ' SUMMER fher-v < , t ane atudent brtrk apurtmrrd c on - APARTMENT TO SHARE T*« tvomg oi* h„ elct • * 194* Fifteen platalv furntahed KD 7-un23 .aft#* ava' 'les |C .Vi per week. ED #-(t»1 cears exoaric , Si* • let l*!l| Ot.DSMORII.r. UONVERTI- |j_n »" Sororilv 1'reNideiits' I juinril Ailiin- RI E e> WHITE «*eering v Ith red Interior, po > • and brakae. ED I-III.i | AVATLARI.F JUNE ll*» partmatit to- »nar or five me- I are# a S.,n ROOMS 1935 TW£ CIIANSST' CLO*-L " tre- rata whan unde< «l a da« pm. ea« SUCH RIASONAIK F»:u Mia mi " "thar allowar < e oft for i#a«v until re\» June » I*.* »• ,d> nwi LARGE RE< RFATIf ROOM »<*r " EMPLOYMENT Gel Thai itudem fai: »ex- P » 'Missionary SpiriT •ir-gie or ED 3 #j»< dr.*. rUf.L TIM* 1ARVMI I BR fo> It CLOSE TO UAAIPUM month old Own tranaaortation. ED furnished E. LANSING LAwND»v 1-4710. 1170 Spartan Village fira^ floor ao#"tmgci' »•,«.. «tms Xl.SGI F OR DOUR! I "•om* «.or# aa and ba» Itu'ude.* ai uttlitie- » •♦•' j. ' vac » i«••'*.Of V.HiWI A id fa; About MSU During Vacation ii«i EAST IANRING - rhurs-h daairae immediatalv er Aug- 1st one alanographar-aek retar* • EROTEATANT PD t-wao n#ar F1\T RQOM cainptw .APARTMENT. pro fb,o< < Desire ear* $,) dent* ( lean near < a on* at'itd*' narkirr FD 2-315' a it *d • l«'s" »' LOST and FOUND -I' f.ERVAN ' a • Rt;:k v||r.PARD <»en« -uu* " i"# ' IV -..u* AND to vu RADIO -turients Wuudme I •» r t###Diinnist and one typlat for ra- eouole doing graduate worn r«- ED 2-8227 imi u- ed Hear Student M«d«: ii.rd keening addraaaograph. #»• , teaming Dick Kanne*. 1141 A b#' APPROVED ROOMS .,« ..r i:d 2-d.j' throughout lu* «•.»!leg* course TOR woman Mm feci tome reaporuibildv to MSU c lasailtraUons and aalar* at ale ED MW Typist ann brou i, ■ »■(<*«# to tab. *> una spt 'iv ^ What made you »ho»ne Ms! littler frf« Vies iMMiedc oil I Ability to meet public and three . MhAd i r>e a imsisuiaiy t«» prospective farm* ED 2-3IES M) Electric t- r*/ a« the institution in whicii • > . . .1 - indent in< in the student* in v..ui hometowns *ear« is- experience latter t«» PO deairable Ro* 37". E Applv Lan¬ ONE PRIVATE ROOM avatlahla aufrmer a-t ! , d* ibia. far * APPROVED ROOft*. AND anv1 1 PERSONAL '. S' .»«»• i." I niofi. model id. sing giving experience, confidential Parkieg. nrtiate bat'< n -i during Uu* summer holidays' Nrea tr#nt for aum-oar and ai 'ail !v. I E A DING references marital atatus. peiman- available. IV 2-<4«a altri 3 ,V» V IVEXPE*.«1 VI it;# wtnmtiK fuoUiaii w.p . h Hi.d he i.'h «■ i• 11!»!. Stuueid S. \\ e hope that m»,i will join w itu anrv. addreaa and telephone riradn- bi h-«« (hur. t.'nioi Et CtJ 7 -kfitki .Vi SRARTAN A.%T|0». . beautiful camiHts, the lecu.- vi. o Itu iditig. (ntiamuMl tmil *•• atudenr and lai ult* wivea will APARTMENT FURNISHED UTT- i s n Nu.iring ifie advantages of APPRO\ LEA ROOM*- 1 rnanttalicn of he t*\orabiv considered M I.TTIES euitabl# tor fnarrle.i «. ,•*# Daggef II 3-1392 a town and Kroge 1 Ait Ce«U tn.s man Tile mg a#d lur- \er> inil environment with no children 1*»© blocks off ra" uu* '• » w" * ft..' 44 ■ friend, or more iiihmmt.uo, s. ' eddiiK.n.i! elifllges i otnei ••n pei muniii ID I 5721 a:tei DF AH Hl.i.lF I . INTERESTING AND VARIED f< « AM>oit R<1 ply a rival f a 'o brtwimt •• ,i «,i- !.' • 'oic i on.. t t-vi ics ^ h«ri»rity Preaidenla ( Miaril eial office work fas' accurate tjFP* pm Jin mg naiai it be experienced im alum, h,« e en itilluem e >"» ■ If dt i.f id»" t.OVPT.V THREE. ROOM* * * * in filing. letter I and letefd- 'ur • your rie« i»k# flo.»< furnished Mr * at# keeping Ext fx. ning* M bath parking walk to eotr* , c (raiksnf cr# 'f Now that ><•« hat# Iwv.m,# • f75 Cae.tal * C«>u felt u|em en • fe.-l to I .' a nece>- a. nool Applv Varaitv tab Co, 123 >ng ee'a fiesumau atil! of m . .. *»> codece campus Drunk Driicrts? Wood I Clo*e in women i TV amui.* 2-?«3i •< ant »> f* o. FD 1-OAtu .785 be ion * at bus P diiiuiiisiieu' If • In the laiitur: FD t-Sij* DtDClOUS SFuP*. " . . . room aoa't">en» f un -. #,. letter if true fend we ». # ! iiaie Iu«t tea l youi editorial Ml monthl) |S«l J Sua. tail \»>l age rtk»MS fo« Phone ED y fa P..«ie FD -.tttv • « DIXII •! 1 tm i) Weil, wake a*.ping Ilia' only ilmeu can S^UDNUT SHOF up fiim.)-.. r . .-«ekda'>. tie «ie-i "' " ihara are mai«> picven' ass..ten'* on 'he higfi SUBI.n FOR m'm MF.R l#i tl-# * t things w *• - < PARKING ACROSS FROM rampua bedrow.M n G'ol e «• . * I heaitiiv tampui gpartni* ' br ■ * and ahmtlJ »>e proud ..f v Msi .»* agiee with b* weak month or terto i»i pii*ate. turnUhed »ru p# n.ontr* « lit w# i.ARGI OvtFORT AMI r BLACK TV PI*- Pa you teal .• u w..,, I ?.»<,.• even »nmg tliat you have wrii- lignttd and a«ti»ai\i*»d lot SM DaHa twine U> 1-072. aite< 4 »» p ar MEN' ihhi ♦ou I7t veara l«» fltuM» s 1 ten a«# la. ge a-ti ID 2-4*4*t* «- FURNISHED AUTR Ai*T1VE 7 WO liowever. ! fan to understand bedrevu • n#a #muaee ' offtneri al m - . >• • win von neglec' to apeak out FOR SALE tour adult* Garage Umterat'* ED 1*W- Three .u se.•.,'• ONE SINGLE Hfe'.UROOM *"'# ". 1 " i»#dio»»r*i »»' • You #n«i t4 #»e given 13(1 fir Ida in w hich t > «:. . ausisi! a fattoi which aiH' ■"SIATUIINft SUBLET" FOR SUMMKM lnmi*h- ! lUn.nier enl' FD 2*4748 ROBIN MUMIIA5 and I,, TRANSPORTATION i.» ant hot'i tret is cause for in- ed three too:*.*. "* m beds thou# R«K»5'R COOKING '# N> •rut the opportunity ;»o » a ONE • * "•ANTED , 4 • " WII. on* apa: timti' mi ic Marking. JrtO % Pennsvivania 50 BIDE T. f bo>* Mri* a'e ate shower Coo Nlever* #ari1 At ED 2-WdI t« tilt CiCA! Unva-In a/.-^ Can Wa e ■ ' * ag" ►pe.ial meeting held in ■3Wrt P? I UNAPPBOVED A P A B T M t S T. , Mfiona ED 2-M3I. nn .* Were you among those »• .» ««:»•* 1 !'4ll tutOis , 1 tnn mOMPLETELA . apa; ' • unutbeu f,»- t-.rac DOUBLE AND I .Anting heard the repot ts that • ill. k ' SINGLE » WANTED RIDER* ee#t# undwideil aiHio' v. en's maii»ed atudent - b.fn- from m#K*r held to enter ' AIu.-um audition to these s u.t. r»?- In ci win eating ptopmtinn of fatal , Available for aummer VD 2-5i»-« .« uu« 5" •i ><» E! ra t»„s. . a"d S3 suig e HuM-k ouice to- men No cook-j- REAL ESTATE Leaving Wednr.rtay Ji " *' or • " housing urn's iiuii.d i- D Re# o t atat, Pnone ED 2-2219 See at ' tmffic a.videnis involve dnnk- n.d room* Ac#*e j LvcW! or |V k-47»I * • • nnn-ptrfeiem e pi «w -• luiioeriMis Greek . si"Bt.rr for On# rummer I khtul - 42k <7rose tall ahead 5*) RAN* it - a it a el- , n> -■ng drivers iteccntly four •In¬ 'ad apartman: bedto*.- . t give# you two years m 5'm. . - • eft . . upuv 1..M.V .1" .I'.ti .H ta ramom On ! avberl s..,»gr RIDERS WANTED ID : - i, »#• a o * • «. dun. Bai't* St ED I-0J4* ' -APPROVED HOUSING. COOKING mall# tb a dec ision mranwt '# ' dents fun vi another Mich.gart • Ivoh-a garuei- leaving ICtii or Ittb I'll " Is* :t',: .c « Oichunl h viis f»»r hi •Hi*® ED 2-3W5I . » i a*d | (ta ♦*' « .4 » I patki « faci'lfiea Rooms |k Two you hav# ti e >. cge were killed when the.r tuiutv . i v l s.c went off tne road an.1 hit a I HAYEORD ST JUST off E Yluh- Bite. ,'e« Co on '<> ED 2-b*H H*rWr* IfedriiK I4n iiatlatt Hou»e 3» »RATERMT\ hoomixc. ifot hF RIDEKA e«. ■> rial flelda. For the r\« r< lira WM. M TH0MF$CN j >gan Ava Eurnahed attractive aeon i.iieo fur duica WANTED sale |27 msi loi 3 "■ k I'ltv eaptkonal »tnilrn,>, MM t. ■ P «e ! baaerrvnt auartinent T.uae in.- n* iu«»r\ house 2.uned ai d area ..< - JIVAILI* I orivata bath It u p«r-#t !'*.ng M EF.PING ROOMS FOR lent One rquinpeu «!ttr 5 Rick Hug id ■ S. have occur- block t'» i rater nit or •igned the llotutrs i .»e. oar a«rideuts I'tJ ai b«a Available to summer JVil Herxe* Park.rg and cuwk • co-op. 314 Cbanr- * » int anvilegrs oer week 3t * ED 3-tOUk >, through which tne*e s'ndei.:* n'.t uiviiiviug MM' yiudent*. In truden'* and next ». io*»l *#•■ i a* 4»; >. c * i Charles. ED 2-O.kW Ml I . - graduate students Phone IV 4-42V*l HV OWNER E I ASKING income WANTED RIDERS i - mar tilihie fh<-into .1 » mat . acihtrnl mention, in the aril south leaving I. pa: take .n two y'hi mrntisined, and otiieis alter 4 «n« *«y APPROVED BOOMS TOR -en thrgg -teclrao" 14 two foil bathx, at- I7lh - FD !•*» • . ■ •hi I It leg to the fuile*' ~ lathed x-.afcp automatic* neat or ltth. frank Brut' | Our act sou I *;%<• odi r* ioo,.L .«i. the v «• i.f lecent yean 'he newspapers w»jmro~»*M*L* »*.»<•»«.n.'*:, curr»e w-i',1 ■ ike p«v.",euts Il3>w I .- patticu- student or faculty member fo «harw *• ith ${*>■ dov n or Ml A. #42 hoat- eruii :e.l RrrRlGKRATOR FDR SALE GaoJ mlI)ut#l lo Berks* TD I-/!^ * preparatory tnglu; tie following fa»* aosMn ent Good location Ext HH'is and teaii'e thcu , KVi f Ave |»b. ED 2-lftU alter • - WANTED • .»• tar . sign.1. - rondltian ED J-BV. a e. k pm. »0 ' and arrthmatic n Hi'.tier a aurvivor or a rebab.e or ED I-tFT 4-9 ; PRIVATE ROOM*. AVAILABLE uaakeix.s pioveinc .■am c to . s I . * « witness BRAND NEW to- summer Two bloek* trom Ur.uii* vuea which ordinal ily rcporUnl that prior to a Mi» piute knsjwu to u'.in-i.» and a-Aolt o»tt#r* a.2 Gunaon Private entrance Gentlemen o*er INVITE* VOL H lusoac included in the accident the persons rnvoiv- aPar dent Service*. ft*e room apari-i.ent Hon #U i active sire* » • 44 anvh tUf r ;.ii three bed:o«>n< VD Jmjasi c.r had been at a Gatate, Anotior uti.jue a»p#> ■ ».* - *mn\ i'Cssin.** one s»f ncighborliood •com for aummer. 813 |. Gr. River e*u>- u* bar or had been GOLF CLUB.R-~WV.ALI TV at Rhone KD t NU APPROVED ROO VIA IN new bone Anvdav^atter I tlj»o !#.«• Ann. io MOTORCYCU WANT FU •durations! »y»tem * ' •# • >\ e f» * i t Ml by our emphasd/- iiykmg the ge> anraa A coti- eta luif f*f man a i AS at leduced fummet r#:#* Tilea l fur tau weeks. June ■ mar at a rouneeling conic ess*-*: of - i» v h e many gsnvt points of rounds I of neighborhood liars teel that it is the duty of and thiba. ladiaa aoutp'r#rt baa*, shoes. a,ce*aoria*. mcli riiMBaf •«. and —j DiOwert rUBNIKHBD four. Fry#- roon.s and a bain ABARTMBM batn FOR w j-ngj Pr:-, T-V Parking avaliab e 50 SERVICE ^ •eava tar (or Wrtfa. Brute, FD -r mean*, g '••# MSU we nay be aide To attras' aoparal at rubatantia) lavinia. is. In- . WKtKjffSSSSBBSBBB! the Slate News, vat a anuanc*. IV l-MK. '• «*! LARGE ROOM TEN waak Bum- ! T.V-RADIO SERVICE Special low new atuderu Counsrittig. . i ■" *r low is'Uslenh* thtwe as w#U a.« all dian H'lta Golf REASONABLY PRL'M' U' of •a*t of E. lanairg, V s it . mar term US id ?•»"• Jo rate* to itudcnt* New and paiteneed in the annum: ?K*m other means of mass communi¬ AVAtl-ABLB JUNK N #»»'• u-ed •cooler in good vondi' « . * w *ve m*v in1 proud ■ —- • - —— —- lelev.cKMi »ifj I tea tube check' - cation t.> impios uiwn the Am- from caitipu* Uaa than $1 pa* d.v, MALE 8TVDE.VTR KITCHEN and it >nw<> cptn - ID a* IMS. rm 302 1a available to *ve•.;«-,»<• In sek'Al I i n. to I an wm p gid of rhe e fast*, dot. t each. 3. «. A room fumunad apart- tuirking famine# Phone ED J-a:** - i ^ - "— daily mean the utter »en»e- FtFCTtC DNj $*t H. mart (or 3 to • man atudanta studio _ap«rtnvant. |§M pe- week ,' otter IK 43 ... gan, iv t-aaM i\ r-- *4» 1 «.v y- fryHA VTKO GIRL * I.NL • 2-8M1. lesMtrx* of iniking drinking an.i - . KV, W»;'. «4 . CNAK- . 4-T p m only. TWO DOUBLE ROOM* one tingle Miithioait Stale iNctvs diiving miudeis As can you have l>e pimtext. but thtv said re- CQA; ?Mta-<_ utiia* IUKAL BACilKt no good unlf-s the driver JOHN HICAS HAIOWAII N'ewlv furntahed Bawl include# utili¬ ties. 8884 N. Cedar. IV 4-43,*. If MEN'S GLEE CLUB fall, winter act •wiirg i ear Av I MALE APPROVED BOOM NLa tins *, wecklv diui'ig < ut :mi \tmi.i # m. uxamo four tmm uafur* •pecial hehun hetwren The human being untartunate- yhgla or dwubia V Cr. R.ver iSad AUDITIONS TODAY AN taaiie «imi n *j.«r f^'i teitoa. kntrtrd »• ROI (.EllLEX E-JI apartniant BfUk -JlMia*. " > a-aau awa" - aarotid class msttrr umiri is# «st o( Msuu a, J».«l ai is e Iv must bke po%t o.iua be reminded continual¬ water. One bleak Fa caai- East transfer. Ml- h Mail •ubscrlptpav aid# in ailiane# for on* term ly cm he soon becomes lax about Rarnblar. tt. T"" 8ma t 'T fiir * tmmmsmr hours, high «.n W; tor tw» diamond ring, the hill Clean mama. Urge wtmkr>« . Wfmi. »4 tor Hurt terms. >* n#' ED S'0:rt Membei Amort*led i ollrgta'e l ' # l> . ie-* s ljaiiy Pies#. AuosUtNl Pies* anil tht obeying the laws of his society. Therefore | ant concerned about 4» -rrti-e »».«. . UN APPRO VKD LTRMSHKD A® eroaa w-aekfv veutilstion. good view no tra'- (m noiae. free parking summer rata* , ** and I* Una aratt* TOMORROW Iditardn-chief y.'Ui' fatiure to mention a heed i ' Hill Callahan I HI bed*'U" "««*'• I *A*TMCS1 IB.— « aop'oved lo* man atudenD No (sli ! bunk 5-6 , lamps, ate. | Rum mar term. Two hbwke trum I MtNAgiM rdiUw iaaiam Manager — —- ... Hards t hrU| J«ha Mnrphv for mature problem of drinking on the thinking about the part .388 Charles. ED 2-8.78 attar 8 ».m » rampua Phana KD 2-J78S after 7 •a a •» tf ! % aeandat Center M# p m. R In a U ire ollue door, 23* La.-.smg I *0-4 3d ard 8# Room I/.3 flwnlaHan DlrerUr •f a>l p«s»pi# who drive - . Paul Leaker real MUSIC BUILDING » T I \ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Page Threa Music Majors June 10. !«r,a Steel Negotiations Exceed Quota To Affect Students people to consider holding more For All-A's Br ED DEEB than one job. This would make A < ..." -nly 7 percent of. the -• :'!ent bodv ai-^ mu5ic ma- ,< going to represent you the securing of part-time jobs jor-. '• •• music department conference talk while ' .be by students even more difficult. c'ai'" 1 i ? percent of *he all-A and management Other economists said a short¬ stude f<>i Winter terriv ' «— "11 er work week would mean long- 1-. for mufip ■ i will the outcome of the "" vacations and an Increase in i" a- >. >.. >u".t:ng -lima their pr«»portio:i- affi-rt mor« ,h,n - ■ tsarist business. This means that is' »• of-all-A studer t* b-- Ia.v \'M' students stand a heller chance • Dr. Walter Hodgon. I00-, main !««"■ "« M*'1" of seeking employment during si \ : 'he miivir department. |J5x I -iiH m'" Wnf. bnnnHta. in- wiflaimni- .nd the summer How does this months. relate he fr.'.d , t - <• he selective factor in to stu- I leave* only the fi* ISS . }•;■;'] «* ."i. I ^..i.1 Krnirr. l«b®r-lliSu«t. «• dents? If.- n'.nue n college a- It means that summer em¬ a'.or* GRADUATION AND BRIDAL GIFTS • rn'i- IS I , with ftonomiau ployment and career opportuni¬ V nnisir student* gr* ties are diminishing inteie-'s v»c"' L rtmou.-. '<■ of * ,ho"- In interviews with various IN HIS ESSAY, (libMin praised the GOP for "making derision * ht : f t are d to keep them in the future of our country, even though at u-» dtsiussed in I , r:«rk-T'« was students, the majority of them which were right for populari'tv." ||p said that "the Repuhiiean* H<»viB-on. Spec:a!i/«a- FROM JACOBSONS MEAN 11 would «s |!^ird> " how were concerned with the prob¬ time* (hi* coa! them have always followed the belief that American* have the right to, In ' • intensive interest were lem of rising prices and inflation. di*t • «>">*" work and would rather, live under than off government." I ff-orc explaining the d;-- ^would cream incentive tor If it takes less workers to pro¬ duce more goods, and prices of rate ajori numiter rf all-A according to MORE ON THOSE HAPPY OCCASIONS gooda keep increasing, how will Gibson Wins National Contest i; .ja Hoope* Aicanlrd atudents get an opportunity to •. if-tlihcipline of pra.-ti. - earn expenses in order to com In addition to u fully-paid, . year* is another fat- | plete their college education? Young Republican national title. literary Degree and Robert Repas of the Labor Industrial Relation Center chairman i.'vinerd John Tuesday Ashbiook a:*- t at David round-tup plane cruise to the na' .mal \ R convention in Deii- !•..« h . might work to make : to MSU sion," he said • if tne *'re] Vote for the GOP." was Gibson's \He President Richard Nt*on. literature degree. workers are successful in achiev¬ Boopea was awarded the Lit. ing a shorter week, fnen \ou 0. degree for hla distinguished ran be sine that others will fol¬ *tjrk •• eice-praaident of the gmertean Council of Learned j^eietiM and for his eontribu- low suit.-' What would workers received higher wages happen if the I)rv (IIcan Now! ucm to educational journalism. and increased benefits? appointment at FREE STORAGE prior to hia Here's what could resui' VSU-O. Hoopea waa a mem- Tuition might increase, cost of tar at tha department of English 1ext book* in ay increase, infla¬ •: Stanford Unlvaraity where he tion would still confront us. an. •way football games—especially to determine filling order. Later NEW YORK trP—The second for the regular All-Star game in v. guaranteed him that his purse because of the impending court the Michigan and Ohio State requests will be filled in order Judge Tuesday refused to halt Pittsburgh on July 7. All-Star game will pla will not be loss than $100,000. major league All-Star game on rv the Patterson-Johansson heavy¬ decision. contests— this fall had better as long as supply lasts. Aug. 3 fo Los AnRelcs was book¬ Both manager* may also se¬ following a vote of !.> y ' weight title figrrt. scheduled for Roth seemed pleased about the Rosensohn said he has $360,- June and Angst gratis will ed tor a late afternoon start lect different pitcher* than those managers and coaclu >• apply for tickets before leaving June 25 n Yankee Stadium, and judge's ruling. 000 in ■ bona tide orders and that n«»t in* on this year - alumni Tuesday and baseball Commis¬ rhosen for the July 7 game. In and Hanev select the campus this spring, according to a half hour !.»*er the two boxers "I'm happy to get thU thing expects the fight to gross be¬ all other Instance*, however, the members, MSU athletic ticket officials. mailing list and should pick up formally signed contracts for the over with." Mid Patterapn. tween $750,000 and $850,000 at sioner Ford Frick said "the fu¬ including p.- .... ^ application blanks in Jenison at ture of this additional game de¬ same squad* will compete. coaches. bout. •'I told the truth In my testi¬ the gate. Applications for individual the ticket office, the department pends on what happens then." For the second g.-,-.. game tickets received between Federal Judge Irving Kauf¬ mony," said Johansson, "and I Marhen. of Redding, Calif.. With the late afternoon start, warned. managers will not b- / man denied an application by Eddie Mac hen for an injunction never dreamed when I arrant'- cd f«»r this fight that it would m« knocked Ml In the ft rat round by Johanaaon, undefeated the contest would be seen in the early evening by millions of in their be starting lineups ^ v to bar Ingemar Johansson of come to this " European champion, at Oote- permitted to use .<■; V THE FUMIEST IDEA FOR MAKIN6 A MAI E Sw-den fr-ru fighting champion "Another knockout of the horg. Sweden, last Sept. 14. The fans United throughout much States. Los Angeles Is of the players. Different «• • •-r. will be named for , 4. INTO k MATE THAT EVER HIT THE KI&NI Floyd Patterson for the crown. IfiC." said Patterson's manager, t alifornlan. who wa* the lead- on daylight saving time and a .5 ti,.^/ Rt 1 p.m. the two gladiators Cm D'Amato, an implacable foe in* heavyweight contender be¬ geles game. hid aimed the formal contract «.r the dissolved International fore the fight, claimed that he p.m. start would mean that it IGlnn in another part of the rit>. I n- had agreement for would be on the TV screen The game will he Boxing (Mob. an a return and telecast by the \ltl der the part. Patterson will get "I'm delighted." said promoter hout. He rontended that Jo- starting at 5 p.m. standard time lotm DAVID / SHIRLEY ,TA percent of the gate reeelpts ard all of the promoter's «hare Pill Rosonsohn. "This clears away the list cloud and now we hans*»n had to fight him first before he fought Patterson or in the Rocky Mountain p.m. In the central states and 7 area, 6 Broadcasting Company Frick said that shou! t v NIVEN / RkUffif of TV. radio and movie receipt*. can push the ticket sale." Orig¬ anvone el*c. p.m. in the eastern time gone. ond All-Stnr game be -n_ J.han- >n wi'J got 20 percent inally the signing was to have Judge Kaufman said that he "We gen'! expect any f4.f#i." both All-Star game* n.-r ua,7. ! found that "The covenant ••Id Frlek. "If we get $5.1 would probably be Campus Classifieds Cow Cost iagreement i was not intended 76.ftdd to see the game In the same week during a ; . . . ir. to run beyond Feb. 14. 1959" and Callsewm that would be fine." break In the regular . >>i that "If it was intended to ex- The Dodger*' hall park ha* a He laughed heartily s- * < Show* at: 1:00 - .1:03 - 5:0$ heyund that time, the capacity of N.6M. question po?ed by t rep • ?:I3 and $ IR agreement was unreasonable and The starting time of the sec¬ The query was: "Ii •»- .v„, . Feature* at: 1:30 . 3:33 ton broad in scope." . 4:361 ond game will be either 4 or 5 each league wins on.- game • 7:33 and 9:3* year, is there a pos p m.. Lot Angeles time. The ex¬ •_- [ 'Chief,' Markin Roll act time will be *et later. a third All-Star ga: . .v "It also gets dam hot In Los FORD FRICK held later in the seas to To Tfiini* Victories Angeles early In the afternoon." , , . cautious optimism , the tie?" . REX'KEXHAM. England (/P>— said Friek. "We have a full Al. Wright of Westport, Conn. 6-2, al*o revealed tha* Afl-Star Man-. riage of Chicago, who is inter¬ partment accused the IOC of 6-1. •gets Casey Stengi 1 of Ne.v York and Fred llancv of Mil¬ national president, did not cast a ing an argument over narr.pj (( ballot a smoke anreen to hliie waukee each as presiding officer.. what t« will be permitted "The vote wa« taken by a U. S. said was Red-inr rec r*. to carry 28 players for the « show of hands and mv opinion litical action against Angeles game, three more than .W>r.irt wa. that the v«>te was 28 for and China. 22 against, said Roby on bis .ir- Roby said as ni.-.tter* rival, here from Europe stand R«'d China ha.. rt.«.fr- • The liX" met m Munich. Ger¬ from all internationa .. , mans. 10 day* ago bodies. It must i-i \ member of five intern, "I cannot agree witli Mr. groups before becon.\n± t... Brundate'* statement that the » tor Olympic recognit: vate en the action was practic¬ ally unanimous." said R«>t». Roby said he spoke twice One for the liook against the resolution expelling COMPTON, Calif —T Nationalist . China The resolu¬ and field officials said lu-w tion stated that "the Chinese the javelin throw niur< v' National Olympic committee, feet 31* indies by V. S Ms: having seat in Taiuci (Tai¬ Al Cantello will bt * '< wan' cannot consider t<. he tot recognition as a v. ir1 recognized under that r.ame cc»rd. Cantello'a mark as • • since it ri<«* not control sport in in the Com u ton relay# t: the country of China." night. Kelt IFJ. miChiGAN SUSAN HAYWARD A WOMAN UBSESSED » r. rMMl FCtUTY »Tt*0ew0WC tOUNO Suru FRIDAY ... 2 FEATURE*! ' COUNT YOUH ItVST MAN BLESSINGS IN'O SPACE FREE ! STORE YOUR TYPEWRITER FREE AT CAMPUS BOOK STORE irmui. WE WLL STME IT VN1& -Fill YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION CLEANING OR REPAIRING ARE OPTIONAL WE WILL STORE IT REGARDLESS TO MS CAMPUS BOOK STORE ioston Scores Five in 1st Inning; Major Aching Palmer Still Favored League MAMARONCEK, NY Arnold Palmer ? aching -4A ha' k KH. I'.ji for he fi.H, d- ' a hut tiiM'i never a- "his 011ft. hat co-favorite with Masters, champion, i* .Tv-3.v 0 and Sam Snead's sub-pat round* Standings Davie, Detroit, 5-2 •It's not ;*■ bad 1\. (verpowers prov ided the main talking point , I'almer checked in today with as golf's great and neat-git,•• XMIRK AN LCAfll R :u the Op.- sn. a hitch in his hark which he tuned up Tuesday for the 59ih i,.»t hiking tupse p blames on getting overheated H I. Pit. l' S. Open championship •in v I've and then riding in an air-eondi- MT The tournament >tarts Thuts - Maxwell's Baltimore 2«» 14 (... bnl hen do tinned car. I lie l.atrohe. Fa., ( hicato 24 .947 — dav over the lush Winged Fou* f California ( levclatid IlKTROII 2« 1H 14 IK .JIM .sen I' i !') gt>lf club atiii alieaov started calling it theyM the ' a nr.. a •i t- .•co pro had to u ilhdraw I astern Open at Baltimore dar¬ from the lome Run To Probe New Kansas < its Washington York IS 14 14 2.Y IS 19 .490 .453 3 5 open'" and the ' no-gupes open I'here are plenty of aching muscles and dislocated bones in Play l.olf MurliY >■ ing the final round last week. i\. But I intend io toe off Thorn- d I hav e to oo )• n a vvhec - Knough by said after a practivt .441 DEI IfOir p I'' v I'' 1." ■'iai " Boston 13 19 SV the field hut a staggering scar¬ ml t'liimd Ring Hoods Kti»l«.»i Halliinorr 11 I x|i 11 s j Mil Roll KtStl.TS lr««-l»nrf J 1 city of complaints about beautifully manicured layout Even Snead. who put a 1 the " iii-a wC'fkeufi g.»'! lop! nan in? t i i mi She « aided a n IV M -ud ling.) fifth Open. n'aV'M.B .« for Irving ?9 • IhmMf Pl«>* Hrlp ; « W»xhinci..n I, C hicago 4 1 22-114-23K .n the Naf.oiMi » -iiake .iff recui renee of » two- SACRAMENTO. Calif (JP) Nru >oik S. Kansas I lls t on the course before hp ever veai-Old stiouldet injurv. dav tourney on a par ,2 oni (jalr't 4-Hillrr The governor ntepped into a lillltV S OAMM played it. has l»ecn converted io California investigation of I ho ago at Wanlnnglon |N|- W Villi I BOSTON cCi - Boston'* hoodlum* in professional t* (Irtclanrf li m at Woorii'shirk i# #| Baltimnrp (N)—Brit L <*f.\ combined a hulf boxing TuOkday. ami anoth¬ t«-M »» Walkrr |4-?1 L„ hits »n<1 » Betroit er official predicted there iiMRon i» Mrln.k ai Boston—roytark (4-4i |J-«» - don't be fooled U for five runs in the would be a special federal Kan*)* t in Milmar at \ru (1-4) VntU — tMlry hfnir.j inning »nd n 5-i t i is grand jury inquiry a* well. iNVLsur. vii. si tm vt.i in nits J,,mph Tuendey night. The California athletic com- NkTIONAI. I.FAC.I F. |.-h T,ff rrftitrrnd Mi m;s.*io»i e:al i« already probing srv- of the 3V Prt. Charllr M.x- "unsavory aspects , P bran" hv os* Into the right field spurt Gov. Kdmuiid Brown asked Milwaukee Sau Francisco 31 31 .K04 .304 t CLEAN AND STORE YOUR CLOTHES WITH poo :n tltt ttilrd Inning 4 hicago 19 .51* 4 S'aie A't>. tier. Stanley Mosk I .M hwor » »• MMWtll'i l.os Angeles 19 .517 4 y* I rw„ *f tt« (,ulr. a •Iroog-»rmrd to tweets help the heie »oda\ H:vwn pointed on? commission which itic <*om- Pittsburgh 4'incinnaii Si l.ouis ?H 13 11 ..s«Jh .404 .494 3 711 , US J\()W PICK THEM UP AND PAY AS „ hinder, eielded Ml? »o«r m:s«io?i h;i.« <»n!' two investiga¬ n„ .lenrh •« •'» wnlkrt JFSSK OWENS lead* the field of Fniversitv of t'hiragn runners tors while Monk's office has 21. I'hil.tdrlphla 10 .391 11 NEEDED IN THE FALL. L, three HI «tnnt.I Kin InarM. as thee test the new track at *n|diet« Held In t hleaeo The track lip *aid the commission and le?s lllviiU A I.TK He tun •"« >• will he used In the Pan-American game* in late August. Angele* police may need help i hiraf.r s. t itirtnnail ? I V IH r lr x 3, ril|Ultp||>lllA V investigating the I■ x prrH.- r«i>ecially In sin Itiniixin s. iMiMburKlt 3 hearing of llo'lvwood l.egion I nut* I?, viilwankre V RECEIPT FOR si e held tht Tiirtl To Big lecjijjm* RiLiiiim*. S'aduini promoter Jackie Leon- , *1 lilt4V*9 Li-VMM GET AN ITEMIZED •mutt!' in check, except lot ant on June 3. V|ih< 4iiface 4t st. I out* |Nt—Niivii , v,n ■ tno-run wallop Tha1 • I 1 i > x Krllnrr 11-11 leslified before the nntv tnnitig in *'htchfc Minors' Boss Says THEY ARE VALUABLE TO YOU. I eonard ., •1 i-i Hi mire Own four batle.r. commission last month that San s Jmif» tft-S) at VS. pttlshuigh |>l— Will |0-4> YOUR GARMENTS - I rankle C'arho and Frank "Blin¬ I nu miMii at rlilragti—Purkrjr tA-tl [ "-e Tiger* left only .tht" ks" Palermo had tried to gain '« tfobbta 1S-&) , -■< tno the Soa defen'? I <.« ViKrlrt at Phitadclphta iXl— New Outfit Harmful It perrent control of welter¬ i..ned b. »hipping i nuiBle P ?> I- off a pair a weight champion Hon Jordan of vb lift ill v ». « on ley gt-ilg (INSURED) l.os Angeles. IL.„d nelralt turier Gerrv !>•* ie Mil? tan-IMft. ml mm In COlel'MRl >. Ohio ' hay the a check into the situation. rniy-hhitmr t:\sil VMI 1 VICKY l.tteie hurled hud a farmer Han eapabilit.v of iloing much nu •re harm than I'ich said Monday he believe* ALL WOllk I.I AKAM'I'KI) I'loriaee filanl. RarntMr pllrh Ti e hcrfu vf vie :t m.i - -..ti. underworld characters are in¬ CONTACT It ihraurb the ervrnth and al- eel mee'i it' -he C i. k a m e r s the "utuiifi ii in Jordan* Wight* Shi letI j, terested primarily anil Uirer klla Hr malk- j. .*d t three and fanned aevrn. Bar- aehatu aliened Ike ninth. t.e.v !e>r g week ip had an *• Sen.' to . «e?t.-« f ef !, title and as yet aren't trying to muscle in on other California LENSES College *■►! W ,i;.aral again rent hlt- fee* uptvi officials of btf'h the n v • i? k tc»ne tv .*- and For Harmon boxers Investigation of the Leonard threp nfficiat time* at minor* iTCaiie a fun.i of WASHINGTON Harnuvt boating continues in the hands (i2ll W. Vlirlii^aii hi«l Lutein;: I II 2-l7L'l • ! '.Of. ft a' 1;) * frtf Nk- of law enforcement officers and [ , , a r-i ha* grnie n fro IS III) r a |» A* ii •"..ooi l.ea«ic-b • Kiile-i c.', Ifie Washington Seii- ith a aac- -na wasn't expected to come before • - iir.ii e in nne t un vt r. * >hik^e: .• being honored ' * f ' today'f commission meeting. I' * be P> k:n* of P» 1 .f ' w :'h a ~|»rx a bight in hi* first . R v I plavM shor* fur ad:".i, a« a ri.a.or leagtie rrgti* - »\ n p ace <»f rum Buddin. (■) »• p i'-IOt'V. «ef \hf 't»'A •• - •a 'H i ' g..n . a".'»n. .10* \« et k te ■" e ■ 'i »■ is i l,1gho* is TUIIAV I liru S VI. ^ MI ant Ke p p s tfr T' e S'ri'e •«» »''s ^ \ltion IIlis! •Iv •.pirlikxrl llill 't,c hffrtlf tonight, ' 1*. e \ Olympic 71 %^keri If there were a wide ■.'father ijennitUng S-so. I »' (Jnffith HOLLYWOOD'S KhH);p> pixie a a? I'dirl'r, the minor league front |7W/w Planned riff on ; a 'e.-1 J UCMla \ Mgh*'d as a result of fhe new assiM ».i Clm ago HOTTEST NEW STAR! *f!.e- , i »..*:;!• *ga.b«' lion's formation. 'Iraufman an¬ • «.! i:x 'f A' Ci «an i.eague in vrw YORK 4» —The Cubim- swered: iion.e'■-19 . •- iwttru in till « Rromiciistirig S«ytem Tues- I fi w. • safe a: .. • ib- .v ,.ieri .44 announced plans for ueiilv • rumfoi table IN HIS FIRST STARRING ROLE! • hr ff T?te S»'f..4.t»r*' ♦HuyI ba»f * an 'e,dM< c»' mt i960 Ulympu \\ V • Rome ing .« r \ .'M ami p.a.ving i.i* t ist CAMftOW $: • harked by Wallace's \r til .*«••« ifl ' '<•' .fpi'.al since Aim noo m 11 scar* of dependable AnargMT-entj. have hM'i m«de t * Italian Olympic r« n- kif-s Unfa, hdu tnv •• I... hig-i Ud »- ' •> <»' V • '• ,* .. H it ',p i nip tnr iietU'h W*dd# • * «iaii\ telecasts of toe lilt. K. t HIM H baseball. u- U'-c;' »s '■> . •••■ « Aug. *3. I960. W in»« I JIM' W Hmiii llR. J It. MXtIN (•I . i,. t, \.. #• itft i."» ijci HI. < *..• .',g * -.5! be done up tape. THOMPSONS - • he >av> it i< t'-. • * :>a\e 'n« ItK. Mt l. Jl NSI N ■ e 'dp* finv*n tn New Yutk II li'.firv by ' Mi III Sr*a|i for t.ulipii - tune for net*oik This i* a - una " " HOKTUAL • ■'* IT ' Irr'ri. i /<..< •» 'h»- • WALLACE i hi>u . nc the first dai't TV T»autm*h rte'ia. nk! fn»ui '• . ' »t»s•«.i '>>"->• r. v »• W Tuibhto Map • Ia-af« .luhntiy and I'rattK Roggevet-u m JEWELRY * ■e •' -iic 'aire u*<*d summer Olvm- for such an js daman 'n; es. W nenge gx (ip>ne»al fui Ban v ManhKer .la«k I'uiien. OPTICIANS • r.g was not available Adams aii.-.-uried A;' thier EAST LANSING I ast l.ansing — " .hen the Olympu * v cie c .x?-: are forward* Wi'«.»n « ■state 1 heater Hldg. 1 ! Mettxmirie, A*. - Slot* _ !(.«• )..ii Nlll.« plaver holding toe i»- * of roii.Hrt utive gattet. at 223 M.A.C. Lansing—107 N. Washington Ml Naw IM Results ^ottrtBki.t. si'-l Aitteini-fmalt HAVE MONEY, WILL BUY • «*» *■» ®»»r Bryan k, 14-11, Might a port» fkiior C-i tin ll-IC. |$-J n*»r nailer », June la 1*»M* niiflti %ll-l nu pi»||, fDMi, M *••• ®v»r Sigma Na; 11*11, !!•« SUMMER SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS STUDENTS WE BUY ALL CURRENT EDITIONS fxMOw an nn mm I*. Man Srm In rrvnrnni. 11 iH iwn. nat ntrirMMn far mm Trn. REFORM SCHOOL GIRL tm nor «a •V MOMm mm Ok* w r"1-*.. MM. » »"* »»* Mir • tow hMU. r«r M«.r I I I f8- iil r Mt HMnlillM. Dm "*•■ \ TO SWIM'1 ■h m »W< i MICHIGAN STATE Vp*. I Posts Filled June It. 1959 pjj'l Seniors of the Week On Wolverine Dave Ryekman, Griffith, Intl.. chairman and worked the Chcmistfv tenior, has never been one to Bryan News. Following the appointment of bottle up his tensions and antag¬ An English major with an nil- Paul Rivas ae associate editor of the 198i» Wolverine, addition¬ Sludcnts onisms until they reappear as university average of 2 98. Dave al staff po.-itions were filled plans on grnd school after grad¬ Bervous stead, tics as a and the like. member of judidnr- In¬ uation. Chicago senior. Joseph Patrick Tuesday lw the elate editor. editor and asso* Recognized Flanagan, in spite of hi- name, Th»- o.hc appointees a.-" High family reeogsu-u, copy editor, Suz mu Price. New outstanding chenmv-v ♦ .-» is not a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. He i-, however, an SAE Rochcllc. N.V.. junior: photog- graduates Tuesday '1 and a member of Senior Coun¬ r.edit -r, AI Fredette. Dow:.- the annual cheirii cil. giiic wih.: organizations editor. night When Joe was t'rsf M'lceUd .to Larry I.ind Icy. Livonia onh: Carolyn K. Belter, l.i© a Senior of the W»ek. he told index •••iitoi. Sara Furr. DeKalb. ven senior, was giv. us that his future plans '.cere for HI junior: sports editor. Wayne , mednl of the Anier., *:•. inr: a career in advertising and sales Pars'1.:j: sing freshman: or¬ fif Chemists for ex.f.'v promotion ganization' copy editor, Sal v four years of chemisw. Since then he has changed Puree'1. Worthing ton. Ohio. Copies of "Handhooi-.» fi over to law. His work on Sen¬ xt»ph : engftivmas editor, Bruno i-try and Physics" \. ior Council doubtless influenced Mosct. (Hen Ellyn, HI., soph, tviwh,ru:ri studen;- this switch, hut yye susnect that and seniors erlit' r. Mary Her¬ man. M mchester soph. lcncA' ii chemistry. hi\ stint as Chief Voice of Doom The one presentiii on the All-I.'nivfrslty Judiciary cinched it. irk Oilman. East Jl( A member of Htue Kcv, Joe Hii*iiii'** lloiiorari<-* given by the Chcniii earned the honor not only from Hid yiuxwell Coodliv ing company. Those his work on Senior Council and Don Freeman. Jr.. M. the Judiciary, but from -uc'i AREA GRADE*SCHOOL and high school kids got a look at rot- Tuesday during nne of the multitude of tours through the popular Dr I.vU- Maxwell, heail nf the r Vermaire, Grand li- HAVE RVC'KMAN diversified activities a Water lections—animal, vegetable and mineral—at the MSI' museum building which opened in 195*. The museum i» open year-round . business education and secretar¬ tor R'gotti, Pontine. . •.< Carnival. \|C for the 19.*,'5 ial studies department, was hon¬ I:anr-Knapp. Soulh H • ,• tcs from Bryan Hall to Al'SG, |ro:n the MSU ch... he has maintained his sunny de¬ Hotel Dinner it,an of the Dance and Chair- Senior Hall, along 1.868 Tone During Michigan Week ored Tuesday at a farewell coffee hour evening in parlor A. American Chetnica' position by sentencing in- Jcl- with Union. .Maxwell has accepted a Seniors Albei t S,, lo-.e students to the rock |>; • a 2 8 all-university nverag . p. , position with Northern IlJinoi-. Andre Museum Relics Hold Attractions for in history. and Hal old Kids h;. major, ■*•. In addition to the job of Che f For Ins fraternitv, Sigma Al¬ Teacher's college in DeKalb, 111 bridge presented tc< • n cs. - Justice of tne AM-Univi rsn> Ju¬ pha EomIoii. he has been Secre¬ The coffee hour wa«= given hv pert. diciary, Dave has participated in tary and has plaveri IM footbail, Pi Omega Pi. business education a variety of other entertaining Hey' lai.d. at 'hi* big rile prepared. In the shnyy cases pi-i'iii • are brought to the mus« Trying to answer thc.r ones. basketball and baseball. honorary. Phi Gamma Nu. bu«i- activities, lie h i- i>«-» :i ,j inetn- From all those things, the be.ti trau Het that could take shoyving animal groupings, each t i t' Hons intelligently »- a real e.ial- Pf>- 'education and secretarial ber of both tie Concert and skin must he prepared, uiti-t paint* the background i !T a fellow - leg." shouts u lit- lenge. Why are 9»'h rock, trie honorary. and Phi Beta Lambda, Marching HnnrU for four y< .<* ' and 2ti other youngster stuffed, and mounted realistical¬ A tiiev leave the lecture a Marching Hand • oev. color the> are '' 'How did they future business ieaders hoiior- Hank Captain crowded round a .show window ly •o . ■ . tl.ev pass a showcase con- for three ye.irs and ,i member polish these -tone.- "H • a.!- Tee children comment ronfin- '.11niiig a large collection of pol- of the Hryan Hail Choir. Ti.- backttiounfta fur th« Ani¬ ti:is car made'' Why do t!,. CAMPt'S CLASSIFIEDS li( uslv a: they view the exhibits i he.i rocks and semi-procious mal i xhibit- mu.-t Ik- painted hi i se hrrn>« ic.ite* H ,- ft5 . HIGH READERSHIP . . . These are Michigan pro- • . . 'tie-. Dave's other aetivitiex have "Hey how would you like to animals gel so <»i,. " rx.ii1! coloring and detail. In oi tee-,, "IL"\ Included flrsaiiiratiniis Chair • have <»ne of those knives, or d. t.» d-» thta, artists paint the did the. spa thi- skeleton in man Water for the Carnival *58, Staring \'»S and axe:.'' see such or ••(rollv. did ya ever funny looking animal • c»ri.' from life, and numerous Next thr visitor* pa*« the lfMit here'' "Why do. bird- have PAY MORE? a P olograph- arc taken. Exam- , Layout Chairman, '57 Mater as thb?" This wax one of the first Did*- Always why The mu.«eu'ii pie- of the material found in th> v. n,v WHAT FOR? . Carnival Decoration* Committee This is the typical scene when area which the showcase will mobile ear* produced. It aold ir his fraternity. Delta Hp- igan srltnol children tour the building each year. They come \\ in (ioiiim Skilta SUMMER SUITS Siloti. Dave has ben lustoiian, parliamentarian, chapter editor, from all narts of the state. great number of the children are A W PRIVATE 75'. dacron. «.V. rollon and for activities chairman, Ilryan Hall, in addition to while from thr I.amine area, hut nun\ riling Awards part in (rating in the choir and judiciary, he w u & activities JOE FLANAGAN rome Jackson from areas as Detroit, Michigan week is the busies? well. flint, and tion 'Die two top writing competi¬ awards presented to fresh¬ ROOMS TO RENT ONLY S27.N week of the year, according i>» men by the department of ront- Lav KuHiMi't Placement Bureau Records Mi < receptionist Nancy Hallid.iy, museum work this year, in May. 1.888 During Michigan munication skills ot MSU have been won by Carolyn Valone ot Jarrestown. N.V. and Sharon 85 Per Week Varsity Shop U Sutton of Morenci, Mich. Each 22* A Mint i Rd. All-Time 11 i«r It for Interviews children toured the The museum is a mu.-eiitn tan popular trevived Miss a cash award. ED 2-6517 Fast l-tn*ing Valone, daughter of Mr* viewed here With children and teachers be- and Mis Russel Th«» P! arernent Bureau had i' Valone, 31 I* it i> concerned with ex¬ biggest vcai daU holil.n. Krimicv slate- starting, mi hi Shirley Lane in Jamestown, took hibits from our own slate- for.- 12.188 interviews t -r hi ibi-tm < t angt * to lie $5.700-.«0.500 1< >i Hr.-i pri/e for her essay submit¬ Ml.-: found time, tools and farm high, according to Jnvk K n.u ■.. m lent i and engineermg minors ted fall firm titled "A Farmer'* bachelor lc Ve j $4.80U- luachiiieiv used and invented in director of pla-emtnt Hurcau. '.I; tbf . Mis Sutton, daughter of Dr. the slate, furniture, clothes, and This uas a jump Iron la t S, a, noo f .| business. $4.4011- and Mrs. K. I» Sutton, 20| North * j.OOO tur libera! arts and household equipment used by *f. in Morenci, wax aw arded tirs; vear when only 7.244 interview a $4.4«»"i fur teacher candidates Michigan settlers. These exhib¬ prize fi>r her research jvrr* given by 714 employer paper its are a great visual aid in the The 1958-59 vrar had 947 ei i- There have been more oppur- 'Korean War Orphans—-Our He* t in lit it in all fields, especially teaching of Michigan htatoiy. upoiisibiJity?* pbning organization .setting up 1.444 inlerviewme *< icvmV. n - bu-me - itti i .liberal arts, who h Most croups that come through Six other4 awarded honorable TOP CASH PRICES flitting in the 12.188 .separate w..s lov. l.'ot' year. Kinney -aid. Ihe museum have appointments. mention for their writing wore: ftintrtit intei viev. > Aieas higolv sought are m ri- Miss llallidav gives talks about Walter H Hi own. S Diane Kinney cite* three reasons fur g.neer.iuj, science and math, ac- the museum to these groups. In Cum . France* DeUmg. Mahnda this upturn. Our is the physical «uunting. hotel and ie.stauram the second floor lecture room Hcrflukn, John I» Keiivy, Ann facilities, an the I'Dcrinrnt Bur¬ iii.tiMn firftt journaii- ui and she describes how exhibits are I'irochta. u ei ti i: at I element.'irv aiui eau uuartrr* air regarded as the finest in the rounlrv. tm- lbp«H-i.'ti education ptovers find the bureau pleasant, Kinnev il l th.P ftny senior and rnnveiiient. This is the first st i i having diflnulK getting complete year tu I tie new office. t uiplovment should c«»me »o the Another reason is the uptmu 1' v" • ' llui .. . mhj»i us in hW'Uf-i isindituuis idn'iu \ p< -ible ? a as--.statu e mativ emplu.n!'- are U:ii- If seniors so indicate and 'nig the campus m -e.!», lege-trained pei.-.e.r.t the quality ..f ttie students ha* bmlt up the inteiviewing *:.»n - lien. Kinney s od that l ;> • ( <<• K.n.iii-., would like their credentials kept active Ibis summer, they nuv Itayr Ibis d»»»e so tliey may be exposed to prospective employ¬ ers oyer Ihe summer months. PAID aro pleased about the high-type The I'l.u elm-lit Hur. au will bo active through Mu- summer. men and women they ve mlei - FOR USED link. Mire »lia|H- for III.' your uir it in All yuu nm-lurnnl malum will tnjoy ihr <««'l of Iht rvrninu at IJik, Un»in( Park. BOOKS lri|. In,on- • Try a -pred h«al lid* or a roller roaMrr thrill aad rool oil from Mudir». IKhiT let fin- KKirs "ooiisc HOME" ah pel you down, be uiae, relax at Lake Lan- -mtr I'ark aad fael awre in the uwod to SPECIAL otudy. • $1.50 l.iiliriralion Thi. Friday olartina at 1:00 p.m. U Seal, leot llay. Coupon* are available at your Seal, — 2..ill Oil Chaugr — 5i|l# Vllio tent dealer lor tree admimioa ticket* anil half I..*>0 (Iraki- AiljiiMlliriil prire ride*. Come ace u* before you c» homr. you'll be glad you did! A $5.50 ulur for oiilv Friv *3.89 Touring 3>rr* i<-«- Lake Lansing UNION BOOK STORE RED'S SHELL SERVICE Park OPEN NIGHTLY — EXCEPT MONDAY ALL DAY SUNDAY 71ft Mich. Ave. Near Ktllofg Center