Mir hi <'UII Slate News ~ f Hwper lUiirw Tr.«l.« finest i nest Harper, 36, retiring dl- di¬ a a consultant consultant to re-organize Ha¬ to re-organi/e Ha- I Michigan ^ State News INFQRMATiOi rt* '.or of MSU'a achoot of aocial waii's school of social work 341 truaent Eervicea Ka»t Lansing. Michigan Read Daily t>» NISI"* Student* and Farelly WEKI.EV •vork. will take a year's leave of curriculum. He will return in PubtlktrM on da* day* Monday througn Friday "rcluslve duilng rOrSDATI... puhlrhrd hv stiuji nt. of Michigan State University, fast Lan- , The Michigan State News i- absence effective September the fall of 1960. fall, winter and apring terms, weekly during 11er~ ,-r-d I.I'MHEON ' sinc. Mnh> without direct f;.» nit uprnMim. It ?« not the official voice of the university nr -neitai freshman issue between summer and f.dl term*. Entered aa 12.1# p.m., Wei, 1139. Dr. Gordon Aldridge, sen or Mi-ond c!a«« matter under the act of March 3. 18.3 at the pott ui/he .. || of the student body, but while •••eking to r which would di: a wrdnc im-i . • « n the two whether it comes from within th'e Harper will be an instructor and director in Harper's absence. ^Vlai'l"subscription* payable in advance for one term *3: for two •vtsi.tv "atirim, university <>r from out«idp. Mcit.ber «-f the .-V s«> ;col,INES: 2 a.m. D VT BEFORE PI BI.ICATION FOR TI ES.. WEI).. students in vears. THIRS.. AND FRI. EDITIONS housing is now "mijmmvd-pii" mt-ih "mm- Af.TIKH Gil WK do not like housing aiiprrvised'' housing. .V -ingle tmdergrad- MON. EDITION DEADLINE: 2 p.m. nil regulations, and would like to see them nates are ret)wired t<> !i\•- m hoiking .so- Hill* Payahk 8-12 and l-S Monday Ihrouph Friday dune away with, this is the most livable proved by the univer-it* f»r ■*«f'»»f* and and reasonable regulation we have seen to sanitation, according t<» I tie new rule- TP- liatt- rule also states th;it superx i»|'iart» »« 'i'iie present form of the regulation was classified rates for sale housing HOUSING real ESTATE will be required, except f«»r oieu enr.'lb-.i minifnufn IS waedi drawn up after weeks of discussion by the l.XKF Mfcttir, a • in the upper colleges tor veterao • >, at lea-t 1 day ISc FOR RENT FOR RENT heautifulh hrtiri . ..... administrative group, and many talks and sand beach Mamst.. 21 years of age. with ;• minimum grade 2 day. SI.45 •OLP CIUIS ROOMS trrma Phone IV ? compromises between student leaders and point average of 2 0 member* of the administration. 1 day, SI.1S MIW AND USID FRATERNITY-Boo»- The new regulation i- » general telaxa- We wish commend A day. SMS tor At. M Af'tiri OR APARTMENT. APPPOVTD ROOMS f\ new home Reduced tor qui k . , to Student CJovern- ' \• v J. ftiinishe.1. Rent In. ludei utltt- ai reduce,! sun rates Tiled lion of the present loin-uig rtiie< Ti e are * day, SI.SO 1 tea J*04 S. cedar. IV 4-4372 If shower- T-V ParkitiK available ; !.'t ' room house for rrate» nit. or /.... , ment and other campus organizations for t fee-4 f'sa# Ft) 3-11 AT 50 i Si ED 2-O.liia . . .. for unsupervised housing has been lowered the effort they put into - planning and additional charges * ',(*> *.MO^ <"*•$ fh'..0V' ' i r LANSING rot'R room unfur- i approvfd rooms for men to 21. far aaclt ward IS ! m«ned apartment Bri.-k hinl« BY OWNER F I r . smoothing nut the rough spot* in the pro- avar WOOD ( OVt . . . At Meat end water. One block u> uin- I Three bedroom* .«• nu« tit Also two rooi-1 mo*tl> fur- wk ark strom.\.\ in favor of the r» posed regulation. >c par day 9IDUCID PRICES! ni«hed *44. One bin. k to eainpn* j com#rat-lied will gwrage make |,p- We also wish to express appreciation to Rt> so [with 9120ii down on i quired inspections for safetv and sanita¬ xtf tatty r.ust-NO'i KITCHEN and tion standards. This requirement is for the the administration for it* fairness and automotive P9AN0OR BOIF COURSI IIAYrORO ST JUST off f Mi. M- , sTCDKNTs liitie* Phone FU 2-*7RR in eekeuds. Ave. Ph. ED : i«an Ave. Purnlnhetl attractse srnu benefit and protection of students. tias cooperation i-u- revising the proposed rule IV 4 1501 haiement anaitmenf Three rnoms, DMvate hafii 19 u panel llslnr |XH'BIT ROOM'S pintle long been needed in'some of the hou-ing change, and the sense of sincere give-and- a<*od rumfiUen. ED 1-47*0 room Available to «un 50 The mo-t rolltrov efs.al MvtbtM of ?!. rule- with students. cut leienMv overhauled VU f\r- • eidaeu i*o Tiaile i u.-i f,.. yg i • 4pm So ireen. RU t-a»14 after Ann •1 RffrNer M new rule i« the selling <»f l»oimdarn - on We fee! that this regulation has demon- Small unr | PR! VAI F Rr»OM« . «nite, new, 42) fD I-07JV after UN APPROVi:n FVRNtMiFfl * *!'.«.M-ri Two hl.H'kl acreen p.nch fiie area in which students tnav liv* Th ¬ s!rated how well the students and the ad¬ llTTH Rt'N* toed, bad'-j 4 m In PARTMENT Three men Parkin .944- ED 9-4441 44 " 1 1 • , Summer term. Two hlnckii Phone FO 2-M4I ait is disagreeable to some, but i! j< a com ministration can work together in solving «TOVf RET PIC Bit A TOR ORE**- rampua. Phone »D 3-/744 after promise between student rppre-eiilafivt - problems ami resolving discontentment l»e- 1451 MO-TD. NEW tag. larellent eonditlon. Many taaturea !ED T-t-** . yp« qeak*. bunk b#d« lamn* e»r 1 •m If "OIF SERVICE '""Ii m "* "■—— - —* Ch*r,#t- BD 3-9114. artei I »m | SUMMER XfEN APPROVED and the housing committee. 1 he rea-oii £wwii the two groups. fool F.n ?-W!.l T V.-RADIO SFPV1 IM4 PLYMOtrm lira nwa^ua POUR-deer ae <..1 ARC. I'* ca CAMERA R tth dnwnttair* Perktna ED 7-9451 apartment for tumti n — —. | rate* to student* dan New ttree, battery. |M ill end fleeh unit Like new. Reaeonablv i raea I ! the UNIVERSITY HOUSE. HtC.tl on 1 televlilon »u'e* I rr. Hm Pteee. ED i-tiaa m ii e.»'i room*, Urge w indow*. slum open 4 a ni » F . priced 991 Morrill Eat. 9497. f liilr<-liu<: the ISrua TV' 90 1 THREE ROOM APARTMENT for erne* ventilation, good view, no tra'- lechnh'innt C> .L I 1444 JAOt'An XK IM M bleek rent Partially furnished PaikR.* I tic roitt- free parking 95 and «tt IV 7-8ftj* fixed tep. New Mtchelln X Tree DECORATED CAKES DEL TVER ET) »v 4-«91d vi «-eeklv vimfner iale« Univ#r«it' I'tno firm. Pbene ED 9-1999. B. Lar - far earttea birthdat*. Many ether I anornved f" n,en student* Xn f«'l HICK S LAUNOI'M ■inf. after 4 *•»». a« deRetnu* pertrlee Reasonable prices STUDENT UNAPPROVED TWO i •. arsnote* Inquire office door, 3.u Ministers Disagree on Disagreeing dan 1999 OUMMOEIUt'tt femellent aPaee. 4-deer Oped ae- MEiJilltti_n 4-4791 y apartments four men each, for sum- rner rv I-4SI -with raaervattnn for 934 g Homai fall farm I ?-in p i rnr m r. l a -ing 1 30-4 JO ami 50 :k2 f 0*0^ OM 9c* Sf.» 5M. »• aaaa ed a-440. Pre* ao housing 1 ' t.aror coot ijoom i - 'I f "")2J * He J VI ROHIRh «»pe ■* '»» 're merelv offeia in return t po*l- MICHIGAN AVE ACROSS fmm .t.„ie>-«« i i-.«* »o ir-nu«. WF SSfClALIZf IN r»*»Cu| 199.1 rWEVROUtT EEL-AIR Nerd- , A««mulri| I'rex* New* \nah FOR SENT campus Eumished three ro«im apart- summe- tales 330 OakhiM IUN0LIS TO" tkuiemer 1 i»f vruua foi a veai. ton Standard tranemieelen. twe-tene — . n-ent Idea! for two oi three t't.'i- '.Ctx'l The foM-.fcO MM Pee et Mebllp Heme* _ a.ear ti«-v4 noi CM:- If cte .»!..»•* narf agreed to re 1 reiter Ceurt l.oi C-ie 91M 9 COOU R-EU-EURNISHED HOUSE B"d r,rMn« •*" ,v 51 MI Alan large eperlment, availeble June uuie the, Brian garrison* 10 a (trend Ehrpr, behind Papier e. dlter Tnev show l.it'e *ign • »f **.«-• 4 p ni. •# lith ft two to eight men Perking UNAPPROVED eurnistled 4- FOR SUMMER " ene leundrv Prtvete IV 4-9144 go PARTMENT, four men Parking Re- • •• pu« Rawkonable ED 2-174ft "i Ge- man t>- ev i , meatmen! and iefn the-• ; pi>»i 1.'ken tone, hailing ttie propa¬ 1*44 olmmoei1e. — • ginning fall farm Two blocks from gtaduaie studei" t ieni* to the siihim ' Rf.r white With red in< SUMMER TERM SHARE three uempus. ED 9-3713 efter 7 pm " ROOM FOR RENT Y« V\ Crm ganda and intelligent# arlivitie* bee room home Cloee Indeed, th«' .s> 'i .1 • eif en «teeriny and brakee. Perking 934 TV PINQ Ft.Fc ' agam-i w hien th# |{u««ian* com - thing fumtebed iv ONE REDROOM EURNTSttPD 4 }«•*! * It If M .i'ii - ., . plain, tnev would have come in |tter 4 IRI 9-M49 after 9 M partrnent a, roaa fron. Mason Do* •- , - r ROOM • FOR ie>- »er. « i tie: i ulleae » expetience Then- 'nit Berlin 11 ii 1 mi'!' • i •h# end of tha' year with then employment | tnrv. Parking utilities paid Mar-, vier *ec. .on ■ .»okhi| i»i n ileges EU 2-R34tl , FOB RENT A9AITMENTS nad couple preferred ED 1-535.1 Sit eev, P'-one FD 3-4344 aftri :• tl.e have ii-j#-. !« u . ■ . i'ar*aining position tremendoua- ••i"«e 11 he.tig «*VT*O HOH«*K*r.r* »<>• SUMVfER jnm W3 MA. Jo MENS Cit.E9 .( new i.;•:!?!,*q, weakrn#ki UNIVERSITV VILLAOF HID O.VTV APARTMENT 'ton* a - "i" of J-i!\ and August en Mackinaw la- ; Suhlat two bedroom •oartmant t two-four men Showei. rooking establish!!.* a nc.i d.-adi.M i an.I in the meantime t:.e Sov - • i,i Two adults ED 3-I4R) or IV 1 Ore* b'o. kx ea»- «jf campus To lane ecordins n a.ftnmet Additional furniahingt i , Svhustei beture s<: « U-e tv ,.»• ' ii .1' !' 5-.v.vm for interview P.), eluded ED 2 M- see phone IV 7-0875 Jii • agiremri. to guaiantee the l*te«irienl K 1. ,.n . ' ^ pi u p.e of occupation and . ' hl'VEN PARI OR tui' time men available june !*♦•■ Excep- PUn.MSltFD APARTMEN! 9 OR now I kr«-,> h; n lt>- . * we«terii a.-c#-« to the nu w-vuM • erne.i to work in out* %te older tons,I- two .»• three n ale •'udent* Pa: expert term i nu-e three ha'h - o fling tinent o' lata* natumall) • Everx thing ng Private El) 3-112!. jo SUMMER HOIKING I.n ai '• Summit coivfen n. • f '" ' r nave tiern of no mo- v 1 ue furnished »,,) Ml .V eek flitem • known rorrpan* > * and leferan.'es .10 . «• Pafkir.g and la vears ever «-»n to «.Kti Mian the. 1944. I94'y end 1B4!4 -equire.1 F»- interview retxiit to I TWO MATE STUDENTS to share 're- «, ith i.Ntkin# ori • \|i. i igan LinpU-* men' se< uutv t on- APPROVED PRIVATE El'RNKH- f'irni*ne<1 e»ar tment a>-os« tro... Ope i v poppet- guaiatdee* which tnev new p-o- 3P> N L spite! J AW4 30 ED fouae C..-oi> F.D «-«J22 5d TV .i,)««ion Wee-r.>oiM> batn utilities, Mason Dorm Parking ED 7-aV5.i 30 AND RADIO -,:i- '•1 p."e 'o tea: up at wii' Thuisdav Ask fe- Mr Xtottarff automatic furnace o- neat Paik- nfire ty studen'* ' Pnore .all* will not be antp'ed 40 ing I »o adults IV 3-I9J4 APARTMENT DOURl K AND t"I TAN root. AM) aire summer tr„nics t2J WwiHlme * 1 • «* Nc» retarv Iterter said at Tue«- 9.) singla rooms wtth «,vok;ni r>rtviieeev r... , <,,r • en Pru ate show et and ED 2-822; Oner pn ' ' ' day « Geneva meeting 'he I .1 - ruil TIME RARVMTTER for ft j EURNtSHED APARTMENT writ r*r' 1° gift*' lot summer tec, entrance '"•it to tampu* 95 50 and banning \\t fk month olu Own tran<|Ma'e |V i -; VPIST ANN BP' f-STlf t»7© spartan Village *a 2-2vo.i. Electric inidr- ti.reai.* ami dutfsv The1* APARTMENT Tl ) SHARK Tw< - route* doer to lounding the EAST I-ANS1NC. PROTESTANT ! SUBLET roR SUMMER term ! vacancies 94 5<» per week ED SUMMER 'g'r lag', atri rate* c-.u-era «n« and the*,* a »'..t f i . hun ti oeaues immed.aleU or Auy- . furnished buck . ie-bed room , a-n- Crossword Puzzle kne fereiue on and isith in ! M*r tia«aifnaliens and sa'ary arala [ 12. Iiuect LARGE RFi REATION ROOM 'or IM TO VS. • c op* the Jiie*,-,4v proposal* en- Abihtv to mart p ibl'r and three , TWO ROOM FUNN-ISMED aoan male atudei.U IACIOM v»«» fall tern pr>- l.tkiiMl at 3.v Subse¬ •ear* e*pet er.t desnahie Aopb ; ment Modei-c pa'kirg utilities n DELICIOUS SR.lN^j ' an-i iau.es the cie rga e« ate .... entrance batn. and urep,a,e • hex h. letter to PO !»>• J77 r I.an- eluded Available June 19 KD 3-115;' f U 3 quent iv raider j«oint* of di*it.« •ii t giving expex en.♦ renfidentul etter 4 V 4ppr..\ rd 6.I'a.oting 1« Muffle the 1 • rlereme# nignta! penuab- MNtfl.E OR DOUBLE room* Double* .*1c« *r -.•) SRU0NUT S-C» • S»ae of intmJ e- . addtes* ar.d te.er none tlradv- SI Rl FT .. H'R _ a-- ED 3-917 4 . SUMMER Cnen v »• ,i . vooking S,.mn»er and iai paper t? t . ti.if.gn miiustet* hi,-*, »'• *tupei,t aeo wivee v*Pt lane atuderr btn-k apei iment c om- 17 The I oenta i .ean neu: ,*• p.i- -,«.k , 11 Brootf o< e\ t-e tSvorabP «on*idete« A' oielelv iurnisued ED i-waj at'e- e expenan.ed AV 411.AH! F pai'n.er' !••• JUNE fist four o» five men S . o- I arte a- w curate. 3'1-tQl, 121 Woofli f».,t Hr«, *: # - , APPROVED ROOM* FOR wen¬ 50 Indian bv h »• n<" dig question wii! be tiling. Irite- \ ritirg and t'tvord- tner rate when wooer 91 a da^ ea.-b close in for tall winter, "transport ATlCVj spi II. Vrraint 44 Hriu-e w ner Kun 1 wili begin to k^egmg F.*' 945T morn.ngs^^^^Nt othet allowance oft ',.r lea*e imlli terms El> 3-2155 jo FOR SALE t*ailC*S ' 4oiut>en of Va«t«rda>'§ Ruaai* nevt June Ac*., studio apaitmeut 14 Summ t «• .u *■>?' pedn. the Berlin ttnis oi 17. Equipage 44 lit r DOWN • Ct-.Mi acter- '• ether -he w. ' sign a treat v for rent single 4-7 pn or nouhie. Pnone IV S 3.no. ii>en» APPROVED mr aummer ROOMS a»._ AND apart- ;<« GLIDER wanted rinrp* It. !n no •1 range- ■p. >• ;"i Fa-* bUnki from Union F.D 7-05(to Jg leaving .sat June manner men". 1 Droop Getmanv. encourage GARAGE FOR RENT Phone ED ' close TO CAMPUS furnished l eh;*:-S i ED 7-1517 aftei 3 > • M ..-.are u kade ar.d 9-4439 9ct tlrsi fin. 44 I'ronouo 2 Through • >" *0 «air> tn# i apartment t-\p tpmna APPROVED < LEAN RtXJMS »o: 39 Ptu« for * — - - and hat- 9-vt imludas ail utilities men Tile sliower i$ l>fflcer -r k '«» the cotikina s-«l ps-x- I AVI varlette ;u WANTED RIDFR- wind S Sooner 10 Old- 1 ;»a, dangei of im- PARKING Av ROSS FROM camRU* ED 3-30W :-c Sii-i-iTcer ratev Martin liall 445 aeles Leaving J ED 7-9352 batw • inaUumeiU War of till ivedia'e h« week, n.onth or •• •n in private, Abbott Rd ED 2-4J75 arte' J pm 50 • ago Contact K *« «. rnan.th D rr 31 Universal 52. Worm r liiv'ed and supeivued lot. 339 D4lta ItVE ROOM APART MENT. clean 2-1341 tl Young male .* *ne could ao. for he- u»- near M Teriodot t-ampu*. mat fio«i De».r# APPROVED ROOMS FOR men for 1937 new 34. IniUmti ual poipt»e «»f cieat«ng distuib- - - - --- - 43 Two i " realty holder attendanla graduate work oi c. bedruon WANTED RIDI 33. Wing* time Kenrev. 1141 Aibe-t * Air-conditioning (arpet- wartt.u twut BBaitMt M. Infect 4 H.ghett 14 Saying nothing •u.i s, fcince a» t-oe in.ard ED 9-4449 M York City erea M -« month sihoo printed a selection of >M. H 'H0M9S0N , alter i p m. Rich D •' 1 31 In4.an fc i"t : iK-em* cu.led from offei- JlWHi* ONF SINGLE BEDROOM ~g#rma- TO INCREASE THE length and 34 Procure ntr.tlv and one twin bedroom f,«r COS' of your- term paper see Sue • by : e youngsters. Ed.to * S '* ?■ 5#. ••. mg!l ca/q summer onlv. Phone ED t-4748 in ■iKk WANTED RfDFH^ 34 Gibtx > „ f u.nd »i>ace foi this ' and south LNv-f •* 34 Re at one by t -r ' -r- * Ct'<'4r .... ROOMS COOKING. ONE rvr tvro TO CLARENCE 17th or lith. frank B lJ ft irit O .a IF v don't 11 Cat«t* b.>v» Ptvate sN.vwer Coot alxn •mow tna« the next heat sarpil.tcs ilo.e 441 MAC. FD J-*Jys Jo •word ate red, auitig home i> livmg at t) e Del* S;g bouae WANTED ' 51 D . t Slix ki > are blue ten »7 a week. I v ant ns* DOUBLE AND SING IE room. baseball cards back It. Vai b form * BRAND NEW 93 34 each and 14 single BLka fr,un Signed Ramon a And if you don t behave and 4-volt bailerv 41, Turn mus.i EL. Post Offue for men. No cook* 'T'U acnil you up too" 4 ED 2-444.1 Phone ED t-Xtl* See rooms at MOTORCYCLE w A • ^Independ¬ ent t.eai.d * ♦ * IHCIAL ft; Sm ,00"' u 19, ,K7 AST da'«r«t'd JAK*"! rake onjrn. m.; serving 14 I •we weeks fcevef t»-er lor wU» B June NEWPORT NEWS, Vg. wT> - 47. Chart 49 Slender T' Dewev Sohan* of the FttCTHC FANS }»*S |4? per Ring APPROV1D HOUSING. faeCittea Rnome COOKING j 94 Two!— ^ ,V 4"#711 « 'j ..... Ef» *J _ police 'CNir su)». aeiihVARlY pRb l«5ktT5. cn*»- mcu2 -:^«\jamle»°vrdua£usb sr^ur^m ' f^-ed • hairt-he «ff»f bureau found three ever- ° au w ** •*nd procets rare ' ' CO- IClITltS Dences. parties partu grasm, ! K9 3-1943. rm ED I *4 J>*'k:ng tickets, three one CD 1-49)1 Weat 10 Colleohfn d-viar biiig and a note in the JOHN HIC.S HtiewAii WANTED GIRL* rv' of say -ga 1 ED r~ 9- ]erre: •» I K . 11 P-gpen 3 r » SFNIOR4 GREEK*--( AST chance The no # laid: "I v# °r**T HSU bou#bt ,'V"Z: - usi plaquee. Plaques Special *pe.ial rates'.fates . ., CAMPUS CUA>^ * fry huabenq g w-gtch." n. jtn l-hiveraity Plaque*. En* j ufrU RPADlT-HI?•' 99. W ^7 E Lanauig. Mien ED 7-4137 eve- • • • - ninge gg; ...LOW C04* f MICHIGAN STATE NEWT 1,2,3,4,5,6 - VACATION, AAH!! June II. I*.*>9 Pact Three Engagements Pinning! Williams'.on senior; Paula Hite, f ool! f ool! ROW Thru SATURDAY! STATE I ALPHA ( HI OMIGA Ohio State University graduate ALPHA DELTA PI Pointe senior and Aloha Tail | TODAY — Last Day | i? ■rff GrOS** Point# farelya Cleary. Haslctt soph¬ Omega. MUSIC AL ami ADCLTS :«• % 1P Ron A they, MSV trad- and Delta Zeta, to Dlek Barry, Columbus, Ohio, senior omore. to Paul Lucas. Schnecta- dy, N Y., senior and Alpha Gam¬ Girlie Goodall. ©more, to Midland soph- Jerry Bailey, Saginaw unwn J'I.I'I "WOMAN 1 ACTION HITS! SAT. MAT. .. S»e ; H ma Rho; Audrey Happy, .Flint sophomore and Beta Theta Pi. wRMflg OBSESSED" BEST TARELET HAIL i alpha FPSILON Fonter, phi Highland Park, Elaine Gilbert*#*. Detroit sen¬ junior, to Frank Davis. Haddon Pal Terrllt, Lansing senior, to - r IHATIRES! with Sutsnn llavward ior, to John joncker, University Heights. N.J., junior and Alpha Tom Smith, I.ogansport, Ind, Vnhcvore, to Robert Wolf, of Michigan -medical student; Chi Sigma; Gail Wilde*. Wash* senior and Delta Sigma Phi. -turn Fit I DAY lag'. !"• 5ara Gleaaon, St. Joseph sopht - ington. DC. junior, to Archie L AMBDA CHI ALPHA Roberts, Stephenson senior and Julie Shrpardson. Port Hur¬ ALPHA XI DELTA more, to Ronald Harness. St. S.gma Tbeta F.psilon. on Junior, to Ray Htraffon. Port trtl*« Menenlaeh. Birming. Joseph sophomore; Pal A'agel. ALPHA SIGMA PHI Huron junior; Joyce Noble. De¬ soph .'m^re, to Warren Garden City junior, to Richard Jngn K leery nski, Garden City; gae Ackley. Ovid freshman, troit freshman and Delta Gam- to Ned Vaa Ruekel, F.ast Lan¬ mart to Dennis McDonald. De¬ Phi. Blerman. Blissfteld junior, to |;k(. Nrenah, Wis., junior Alpha Sigma sing sophomore. troit sophomore; Joan Johnelson, Gene Silherhc.rn, Blissrteld; Jo¬ LAMBDA CHI ALPHA anne DeChent#. Grosse Pr:r.te (Ill OMEGA Randy f'aya. Benton Harbor Mm roe freshman and Delta, to Deano Bark. Ft. Delta irVne Row. William.'ton sophomore, to James DeStefann. junior, to Sandy Klein. Wtl- Delta «nore, to Jamea Harris. Gross* Potnte; Nancy Siren in. mefte, 111, junior and Zeta Bo'.a Lauderdale, Fla, senior. Battle Creek senior, to Jack Mr- THETA ( HI Tau. Sigrid August, Kan«at City Nee. Battle Creek. Baaemare GIMHRI4T HALL Nursing School junior, to Hugh Ballot Box Hoffman. Ukrvi>xt, N Y ior, to Robert Gur.r»r. Chicago . sen¬ Aatan Chodaah. Chicago, 111, frmhman. to Bill Myers. Roose- Myers. Prairi» Village. Kan., jun¬ ior; Jay Clabueseh. Pigeon soph¬ graduate student; Rtien (raw- \elt University senior and Tau omoie and Alpha Ni Delta, to *mt» elected officers of ford. Grand Rapids freshman, to Delta PM Jnhn No*, tensing junior; Ruth Sam Harris. Flint graduate stu¬ rig Gamma Hager. Dell# are: Genr- Ssgmaw junior, pres¬ et. Jo Arav l*ansinf junieff, dent; Ann rinww. Lake Port senior, to Doug Hanton. Port KAPPA ALPHA PM Martha Mallard. Gary. Pe-hmin. to John Young. South Ind. Ann Hodge. F.ast Lansing junior to Woodrnw port, Pa., Junior. Snyder, Williams- Huron senior; Barbara Wlnler. [ rice-rf*»:d.ik« Mattis, Detroit graduate studen*. , LaaiMs Dell#, freshman Pal Bishop. Hillsdale. 111. junior, to ( lair Sparling, Marine Mary Prwtss. Painted Po«\ ter.'i honorary are: Ann Pi- senior, to Al MacCartne.v, Grosse City junior. N Y, sophomore, to Joe Pierti. ■tg, Pontiac. president; Linda Corning. N.Y.: Diane Home. To¬ iPniyn, Zeeland, vic#-pre*i* ledo. Ohio, freshman, to Bnu e Your Key to Better Values . . . « officers of Taaaf Repah. Gregory, Toledo. Ohio, graduate Canipu* Cla««ifieil, . . , t.ow Cost; student; Betb Lane. Trenton rilenlor.are Blair president; Has. Mehaney.Eleanor junior, to Jack Staoleton. Grosse Shaw, at: i n, . HI . S M QB3SE& Pointe junior; lie WaHea. „ Ovid aentor, first vice- . 7:17 and , II btiJsfi' Grosse IVunte sophomore, to Jim Featnra. at; t;7d . til ■ S i* Firestone. Pittsburgh sophomoie, Wentlr e'ected officers of NOW SHOWING 717 and ( 31 4 Taa Alpha are: Matge OIi- I aiding to BHhap. Flint sophomoie. Robert MacJusick. Akron. — On The Srreett At l.**t /_ «. V \ I P eler'ed officers of Al* South Bend. Ind. freshman. »o Clark Bavin. South Bend. Ind. IT BEGAN ON A MICHIGAN CAMI'I S A*d Ended In The Mo*l Kamnii. . . . ; Ttebomh Y&r TLos^no'grarzi REFORM SCHOOL 01 | Ipsilea PI are Dan Diutk* Riverdale, N Y, r>opho- senior. Pal Eraal. Britton juno'. to Bon White, Conesus. X Y . TEENAGE THIAI, Of The lilt! Maarfce Chevalier' * .\tt *p.gi°*ia castiuo senior. Rrenda Brels. Llmhurf. ». president. Richard Rosen, „ tO 'V,. »>»«'•. «os$fo«o Ill, freshman, to Heib Batch. cmhm t Neck, N Y, junior, vice, laden t. Northwestern University junior. Cc^ydf y<9uA, 'B6C44ck^4. Nhoun at FREE ME IALF BALLON * - COMPANION FEATURE! I *» and •• .**• o nt Coli,. Root Bmt or Omen \DI»ID t AltflHIM With 1 Rrf. 1 Ufa Pima IthNU * liou It* !i\HM FREE - ONE FULL BALLON VMI Ml AY Till; SOUND AMI TIIK H in" With 4 Rtf. 1 Item Pima OSON ROLES HfAlinrf Mm,. I l IFTDN -\I||. UU.NNMMf Mitt* VAIWTY DMVE-NI duneymsi \\ I HII ED 2-0017 OEANSTOCKWOl U l ONLSllAN I.\<\ Del. Service 8:30 p.m. to 1:30 hil l \Tio\ nu i il l " IKADFOnpRjJIUM \M • a.i II KM It ADDED )UND! FOR LITTLE MONEY!! Intenl World-Wide New* * and * EtenU! Carleoa — litatm'i llam* I.Im" FLATS FOR FUN '3.95 to '6.95 LIERIBMAMN'S Going Abroad? SEE US FOR LUGGAGE /195 White 3.95 You il find luggage to fit every need In our complete aeiaction: Flyweight grasshoppers . . . practical old B-4 bags . • . fibre rases that are uglv at sin but so won¬ derfully light and tough . , . packing trunks that hold everything, if you insirt on taking the kitchen sink . . . And don't ir.iss our own collection of button.Irs -;.i* junk bags to take all the .extras. a White 6.95 WE FIX AND REPAIR . . I I In our own luggage shop. .—i \v 1ST Snath Wanhlnctnu Are. / MtCHIC.AN STATE NEWS In NCAA Track Meet fS' Baseball Apt Jaw# II. 1»" Squat Pmv Fan 111 (J * Dry Clean Now! Lake, Kennedy to Run Ends Winning ) pla p. FREE STORAGE Two Lake ami Journey compete Spartan to Uncoln. runners, Forddy Kenned?. Will in the 38th Bob Neb, to annua: John's Lake also has been elect¬ ed captain of next year's squad. For the two-mile event, MSU will enter this year's captain. Coombs was also awarded a let¬ ter and 23 freshman won num¬ erals. Signing of Al Luplow Anton" Major Surprises of Season -r FREE MfttbpraofiRg NCAA track and field champion¬ ships to be held this weekend Forddy Kennedy. Kennedy, who I arsilv Sellers Conch John Knl>»' haoebnll squad finished an,>•(,,, ; placed third in the conference Pake, who ran third in his !a-f indoor meet, won the outdoor ninif nennon thin year. The senson'n record outing, the IC4A meet two week- championship and his top time Ileal Freshmen the Ritr 10 record tea* n nienyer 8-7. 10rc Ciiah Discount WE REM II ✓ ' ago, won both the outdiv>r and this >car was a 908 clocking Four seniors received their As a final activity of the 1959- showing* against th, indoor' conference mile cha m¬ Kennedy also won the NCAA second varsity baseball letters: \0f Cartlx Now Available TUXEDOS pionships. His best time ?!'.« Sta'e Roger Plagenhoef, Bill ItoVh- The Juniors winning their sec¬ However, the t .v in the IC4A, Ed Moran of peo-i Member* of the team that ki*s, Rob Sassack, Hon Mescal! letters Dean Look. won ond wore they faced cel.'a; State and Pete Close of S letter* thi* year include Kenne¬ and Dave Berles all rolled tip In a doubleheadi John Fleser, Jim ConlitY and One Hour Marfinizing . th. Like. H<»b Hughes,-George victories tn the singles division, Dick Golden. Golden was re¬ beaten handily , • Ward. Jim Carr. Brian Cnstle. while Frosh Eisner was the lone cently elected captain for the Again when the *mj i Jim Horan. I.ye Fokstrom, Jason winner for the freshmen. 1980 season. era Michigan, s Harness, Mike Kleinhans. Al In the doubles division, a final LUGOM THEATRE BLOCK OCT TOUR Neumann, Don Marsh, John team compos oil of Tom Wav- Player*. mHo received a letter for the ft rut time Included: Wade played game of a team t:-,. Sharp. Tonv Smith, and Max shaw and Mark Wayne was the Cartu right. Bob Monerka. Don ffiem twice bet. , W» issengruber. Manager Dave only winner against the varsity. and were due • Munee. Pat Sartoriu*. Bill CUSS RMS Sehullifh. Mickey Sinks. John lege world scries, llendee, Boh Rom. Don Sackett in Omaha. V. trounced the 1' SPARTAN 6 and Craig Van Sclever. made it look ' k Twenty freshmen received amateur athleh numerals for the year. chion. WHh Oil Ohaact This season was a year prises of sur¬ for the Kobsmen. One of Outstanding kv «IVES YOt the first shocks came Spartan nine v, , Wheal Pack-Brakas Adj. when Al Luplow. major star center left field. .347, ]\ ond base and oi.-v.- ; fielder, signed a major league ,f j $3.00 PLEASURE! contract with the Cleveland In¬ dians for a bonus reputed to be and Koils' two ers. Wade Car: Don Munce, .313. ,• -. • , _ l over $25,000. LAST DAY AVAILABLE When Luplow left shortly af¬ There wax a rlo^ VACATION SPECIAL ter the Notre Dame game which he helped win with his third homer of the year, he was lead¬ fought betM ren I onL inhiii): MOTOR TUBE UP Lubrication RANNEY Jewelers COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE had a respectable. 408 batting uable player av .t- r average. the annual base I I loud m! Ar.nl All Travel I'Mlirmrm The team never aeemed to he The Spartans' til AMatt 14. ahle to win the eawy ones al¬ In the Big 10 was f II e Will Pick I (i am! Deliver Your Car AIR RAIL though It did maka very ., ..riji — — STEAMSHIP — TOUR good tie with Indians CRUISE — HOTEL — RESORT — PASSPORTS Neat to ftUte Theater H. A F. University Servian Sinclair, Inc. FOREIGN CARS gafjjB* ggggBa EAGLE CAFE 4 Information. Hexertolinn*. TirkrN I'll. IV : .Jas-e< for Spring Term is Thurwlsx. June II. All final l;i t»rni- «>f time, il aboib A3 a boo1'. In or-lei ;«t following schedule. Open for Book Taki« r\j»mma* xvi'i )>e gt*en in ai-c-nrdanee with the The tuvr oin «•! be p\*.i :r.i5uMi» in ('.-Urge course* iv fivrn beli •'i-u'i.ind- nf nun hour: i'ovotci5 keep pace wilh rising eosb. !lu» SIT \ lo 0 v F\.rn iu.tti.vi prW «I.' voften* •« * nii! ho anni'nnir.l hv the mxfrutior (lining the last i ,-oativiiy. iirgam/ntion. ■ pro- (tjiiion, editing and many other price fnr the !Pti'l Wolxc rin- will be ST pet book and organi- STI'N* XX ill he «»l>cn to t ike in and 1-4. 1.1 studeni Son, (Ttmmiml.-.ition Friday. June 12. 10 15-13 IS • aspect*. ■lition space "ill Iv SflO per textbooks Saturday. !•!» V m.. STTN xxill reopen i„ f4|, u * N.itur.il Sconce nd.ni. Jun« 13. 10 13-12 15 S.»- <1 S« if-nor \'«>n« ■ es:" '.td >n in *f. U. during '■ •' the «J. m « - nul the lin.e the c Ia*« i< «. h. iMle.i dining thi 'e given m the same cljvxuroom* used foi class r-nc can h<- hi.ugh' Si>act* >n the b»M»k for can be ' fogibfoti e/ecM fuMMie&t on tke £augk vrnteij |t at le*«t i t' f rfa»» and hour* follow the regular pattern all *tu START-s • dent* ir»" u. t«n« . .♦ i■■»»!!> » «ill antomattralli vie.-,- In a ■>« bought h> organ.za!ion< for S30 ro-iiNi * #! I f r«<;iie.t <•: i'-.e depnrtmenl concerned. the final evairtlna it pa^e '5n the o.'ur hind these ti..n ha* been d !cU hi t -. ogle hour lecture ge. tu.ii, and tn some jmtnnce*. »'intent:- --n encountei mn'lir** tkn schedule.! h\ th eederire over th»- r\> i- .. •• hp.-,- In tiv each w.eh will take n el hi the -ingle hour lecture Tie exmn ira- )»r:eos a « the rusts. entirely unrelated to Th«' liro-iuctio * of ti e FRIDAY Wuiveripe aetuallv costs he- exsmmat-nn \« iii- »>e . .1 Nivi.eit the %tude;-.t and the department requesting • - *cc- All irvti.n-'. rs h .v- ex in I•,I■ r.c .o iiWi'T.. «r- u% exanilnah - S-1P a »i so.l from 1 30-S 30 p Shirley's *-.«■ rri r June 12 MTV1 r MTWThF V -a. f» .xl F\! MTU ThF Tib TTh Tuesdai June 7 «>. a on I* pm THE NATION'S flrM floel toll hi tie missile mInmsHm. Tto I'UH BUG'S $ on- :u »> Onrge Washfntlon. Ml* the water after her lavnehtiur at Ornton. MMT rrtdai M»r Mends* J; r 13 mi r; F June 12 Conn., Tnenday. Mr*. Robert Anderaon. wife of the aeerelarj of \tn r VI W'ThF .3 43-J 43 MTWThF f xi to mi the treasury, christened the vetRel, a .lift-foot 5.4ftft ton craft that SSttirdsi SHIRLEY Tir»da> June 1.3 will launrh the TolarU missile from the deptha of the oedan or June If. » |X* m op 3 45-3 45 from the vurfaee. XX rdriewiax MXXF MTT? F J ii tie i - MichiKAii State Xews Grand River and Hasletf MacLAINE MTWThF R >xv io up Vr.dai .? Campus Classifieds . , . I.ow Cost rn 7-RiTt Your Key to Hotter Values . . . t I XssFs M-G-M X Kxa Tin e A- Date Is x-.ndax June 1? 'I'M ; Ju e IS *-»> I'M U X!XV gftei w ednesdsv. June 1" *-t» I'M » METRO COLOR •«< CINEMASCOPE Vu l lNXI THAN THF t:-. TTh gftei KXXX'INXT- RFMtT.AHiX 5 N X! XX HFIHT.UJ »»' »»F - ivx June IVKN TIVF AT 12 T-» PM F\f'F.I*T ANY "MMF PY DTHFR » Xt 1't.TY - don't be fooled - At TlOX kini^h thr hlufx iNVKsmait: stokxuk OFFHIS J4SX j4#y GWI; CO-1 tarring xx it h Miaiatiro Coif CLEAR ARD STORE YOUR CLUTNES WITH ROD TAYLOR JIM BACKUS CLAIRE KELLY Ths fewer jour «eorr. 15' higher xoiir US •pirtt* il the 1VORll» » I \KC.I sT mtnis- turr eourse weeks—and yon |.M in weehls |>ri»es fnr It With! »s well he one ol ]\()\y \ PICK THE* UP ARD PAY AS Rereen Play hy fienrge Well* Directed I rharle* W'a the winners tome on mil and fixe it a I.AST Man .Iran Xan Jnrk r« this weekend! HEEDED M THE FALL l.a.M Arthur llrflin Palanrt TIXIKS FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE TODAY! |B "SHANE" *hn.i n 1 (.0 1:1, J.Jt Ml • F:N miles east of last l.anstnt oil 15 U • . . SET AN ITEMIZED REOEIPT FDR YOUR GARMENTS THEY ARE VALUABLE TO YOU. !H - ^ FttUaat iff Mit't (MHfCMiil! (INSURED) CASH - see us first - fa HASPEL ^ (j/Jt'l (Jjfeii'fiV AU. WORK GUARANTEE!! CASH ANI) CARRY \\ I » iiltSflfl *"f College Cleaners r 020 W. Xlirhigmi Eatl Ionising El) 2-I71.T :i tin xx.isii dihi XX(Mr nut wDtuifrtu'.'x ii^lit t(ti xvnir |*-rt»Nl.'x ?'. v, i. t rtli si»- ft.il hlt(i1lO!i* %S t otlon 9.» *39 B 0 OK S k.x IXsrron IKI i: ALTERATIONS K IJecuUrs. >hort% UH»8*. Kxtra IrMiRn »nd Stouts Stic* .14 to 51 M MMI.K >1 II I-INE4 V •Itsspel •I'alm Heath Wash and Fashion Wear lixrr I IIH i:H Mc Buy All Books • li»f Imported tsilk 10« Ml • I'alm Heath Iroprral M.M, • opting Weave FLH •Cure • Mohair •Two Fanl Silk — Tropiral Nor-last 1 rojutal IMF IFN tlJF Anytime m • x«ctrl,i Hraod •5 M • • Itarron White Worsted Formal Jacket UN UN AT • summer • lropital sport slacka Coats a n !IN U.U Streating Finals? take a break at Odam's • Wash and Wear Cord Slacks Ul • \tar-Hound sutls . a AIM Txk* yoar mhn with you lo gb.net o«tr whit* you oajoy s rug of gorfrrt rofftt or n mo) rrfrroginc ML Tho II • • N DAY (HYftGE ACCOINT* roteita- suirt ufooglirrt and Iht —■ took— Odm'i "f am out grand, far Pad aad I-ad' llw gtor* for Dm grrfrct oludy brrnk. H0LDEN • REID UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE KRAYDOR SHOPPING CENTER Starr H.itr%. Mm. TXxrv. In I II M Tart, Xii, M t.N JUL M ( rJC »>JX the place for perfect coffee Odai 8 (la the People's Church Block)