[l|Sl Hurler Signs Michigan S tate News Summer link HiHali Inks P««l ('lasso* Start XVith KcH Sox FKIIM1 For $20,000 C / S-rx Smiii|jiiifi MSl. htr 50 \ r;ir« 1ISI ar- Villi K *» UK NTS KAST I.ANSINt;. MIC11 ICS AX —T! U' US PA \V J C N K 25. 1059 feu si.N"- 61- Summer School Initiates New Class Schedules Students Aide to Finish Requirements in 3 Years MSU ini'tlates ii new program Fridav when rlasse* begin In Ibt» Ifith annual summer school under schedule* of a 10-week and Iwn five-week session*. Formerly, summer sessions had six-week and nine-week terms and 1:1 hours maximum credit. Sixteen credit* may be taken in the new system. Five-week session*, the second opening Aug. .1, run concurrently with the longer term. Dt Clair T.i v lot. Simmv Sr'tool director, explaitic ! Mi.o MSU Hit 'The expanded 10-vvck m->io?t will make 0 p.r-ihl" for ,i *»u- dent to take .» fn'l quartiM's ' k Bx' Biol*. lo»,| of lit hour I i (he iimrn. i while the uvn fivr-uvek .-e--.ion. with rarlv and late starting time i offer a R'c*' den! of flrxibil i< Rohlwries l.t Vlv our prorpani." "dating in *rhiw| thr year around, students max nuw cum II wn* 4i rouifh ihwI.mI for plete rr«|idrenieiiN for s har!» MSC iliirinir tin »prlmr rtnr's «te«rre in three years In term fi ii n I Mnmiiwtioii stead of fmir. WIS'k. s.»v»n(v vi.xittng pi.'fe A serte* of three riot* at tin will Join the 43i(-memb«M MSP summer f.ieultv. Amojic iheu. men's dormitories caused th« ,ce two well-known vlmlm* oampu' East tainsing, ld*n*m:; and »?ate police to patrol the ao|sdntod 'hips' Dr. HetU'v T'm.o students were caught Pfkii.', ens.nrei •nalhem iti, .nil from !(.»- Pluveridiy of Tis-b- * '. v p -li.e for Ktealing, dut»lica'- e.oloKv. Vienna, Austria, and Jh mg and selling final examina¬ rill: Al II WASN'T As ( KUWIHTl. hut sluiirnU Hoi In stsnd Itu hard Fugle, English ilep.vrl- tions lines walling In register fur summer school Wednesday and t«»«la\ The MSU Golf Course safe nient head at Tulane ttnivcrsiD. robbed of $1,000. lb-sides the regular summer Outlay of kl25.(NNI was program, more than 30 work - The M*C admtnlslratUn ws* door pool tentathely sH to open Monday (See story, page .1) •reused wf w ithholding Informs- shops, institutes and sonilnim have been schexlulext, some of tlaw shout the events when lr- Resolution In Capitol rtinted st the hsd pnhltrtty snd worried over legtslstlve erltt- them off campus. The university course* at ill regional renters al will affrr Eight \ational Dvfvn: ctsm. Three night* of disorderly Benton Harbor. Marquette, Pontlae. Haglnaw and Grand Rapids Grants Given to iiSt \rd Discusses State's Cash Crisis problems l« found without de- gtudent demonstrations at the men's th»* eggin week «$Ccurred dormitories during Traverse City. Other rourses will he offered at Adrtan. Rattle Creak. Detroit. Erorse, Hillsdale. Fitrht National Defense* Kdiiaition act fellowship* rep. for the sake of the future, the provide for lt» growing student The disorders, blamed on Jarksan, Muskegon, N'lles and *entinjr wn outlay of more than SIUo.immi over the m- I Ths pmbiem# of fututo pxy- state ahuuid get this problrtn •H»pul;*t.on. to create entire new lav and unless the institu'Uuv exam time ten-ions," resulted llarl land. thre« year* have heen auanled to AlSlr hy the I S. lb- ps»oar* the slowness technologie>. and to participate of higher education ar»» ade¬ il students battling with police, !Ss Michigan state Lefisla - ak'ived more fullw in the future growth, quately supt>orted, the people of with nino bow* arrested. Field and cdurse work for cre¬ part men t of Health, Kiiucatiott. ami Welfare. The resolution which passed Michigan will suffer a !»»• dit in education, physical edu¬ The fellowships are open '<> |wre pnn.ked much di*cuss;on defense, and welfare of the na- .students uiteo-sted which it will take generations During the demonstration on cation. botany, fisheries and graduate students who arc stai'- tcicncc to of the MSI* Board • .«<-• w a* ng l.on, Thnrsdas. Irlday and ftaturdav college te.ichiUg «i!uati<»n call* for bv- wildlife, geography, microbiol¬ uig' or who have just starteo a** Thursday, "Michigan''* \\#!em of higher "The to repair. The NaV.f .il llefei Flo .. education. i'»rig the envy of eveiy "The urgencies of the moment nights of esaai week, police of- ogy and zoology will be offered work toward doctoral riegr** The fVurJ was informed that niextiate and Intelligent at-iion. saasulted. rocks and '<■.(! nf-t ioitii<>ri/e> 1.000 tc" . transcend ail other considera¬ fleers were a' the W. K. Kellogg Gull Ukc Five of them Will be Mdinmi-- ' ?!»e university doesn't get an state in the nation, i« b« ipg The Hoard of Trustees of MSI*, I.q.s for the 1950-80 sehcad y«*er tions They call for immediate Biological Station in an ^ight- lensl bv the ('"liege of Huspics sUivatkm for the Juno grievous! x damaged by the cur¬ j-.iiitly and individually, urge week session June 22 to Aug 14 •it I. >00 fellow .ship* »n .i.h .f and resolute action." aiiil Public Service for mai*»r ■ pa-to'.', an arrangement has rent financial emu. 'hat every effort be made to ,V.\«fi Return* I .eel.in an Summer Art SchiH»l in a new bii.sir.ess adrnlnisti .< 'he 'following three avademh i raoe wnth local banks to find a sound, early solution to •■at The grant< cure pay ?.>r faculty and staff. ♦he State's fiscal problems and Brgmnind todsv, the State In T-e ever.! the payroll can- lege* and Miiivrrsllif* the situa¬ tion has reached critical propor¬ to provide the support *<"» neces¬ MSU Adds Nev« will publish a weekly hold art and design clnises In ♦lie first five-week session. The other three will he in ■ > H n' i*"! v oe of i.i - 'hf . ?■ Twentv hiiw.o.i'it {h e 2,1 be w' through untversitv sary if Michigan's colleges and newspaper during the summer I'urestrv and park manage¬ mathematics and will he for nlo n the vcm! i ieri«-«\ five 1:1 r - tions. Staff member* arc que*, |and*. ' r* *be MSU faculty and ahje to obtain their pay- >!aif tionina the wisdom of remaining ttnivcrsitir.-- are to meet the chal- Editor to Staff term able every The issues will be avail¬ Thursday, All classi¬ ment summer ramp* will oper¬ ate at Dunbar Forest near Nault ileitis program engaged in an expander' in computer work am nation, NIX ITI rngmrene.g. jr. in their present positions, pro¬ l.-nKes of the futule. This in- «! the hanks The uni- fied advertising must be made *tr. Marie June *2 In Aug. 78. algebra. •her will pay the banks. spective new farultv members at elude- the need* f«»r Ixkh operat- Appointment of fpe, bv Tuesday at 1 pm., and the other Institutions are hesitant to i-'ig and capital outlay, education editor of Pie New York and a forest land management The fellow-hips cairx' stqw-no i'-rres% when funds are display advertiffing deadlin# is course will he offered at Camp trainer join a system whose future i« Times, t'» the faculty of MSU—• of *2,000 fl»e first vc.u, SL'.«hm» Imperative that these Monday at 4 p.m. so uncertain and educational "It U institutions reeelve the neces¬ Oakland was announced !a*t Mhaw, Chatham, during tke la- fhe seciind and *2.400 the ihon I'lioto llonorarx IV IWurd iIm sated unan- leaders are alarmed at the de¬ vvrek bv Chancellor D II Vat- eggs were thrown at police week session. In urldition, the fvll'iw rc«'»*iv« funds to retain and streng¬ stndents were work»h«$ps and Mwb U tend a resolution to terioration of morale. sary then thrir present faculties, to per. *U On-campus seminars will take up many $4'M) a year for each rlepcliden? IiIiIn Mi-iiiIh-i> » (amn«. state Administrs- Pojie. whose apfeunt nent is thrown Into the Red Cedar river MSI' will receive on ' "It is both si agio and ironic provide adequate facilities for effective July 1, will serve as snd a student was Injured by a aspects of education, statistics, [tire Itosrd and the legislature thai >uch should bo the case at the quality training of an In- chemistry, .school and institu¬ $2,500 for each fellow In cov 'ami the state's financial assistant to Chanrelbe Vomer flying stone. net* of hi* education. v> important a monicr' m «reaving number of younq men tional administration, gifted and and as lecturer i i the MSU—O The demonstrations were State s educatema'. history. Mich¬ and women, and to pwah for¬ retarded children and other sub¬ The fellowships are imliulcd ward the research and instruc¬ "great tssues" ptogram. around the Brody groups of The Board, cx»n< croed with igan drsfirratrly need- ways to "We are delighted *nsor the expanded graduate programs of police summoned sll available High School Honors Science In¬ 121 rolleges and universities. Summer Series Includes ' Generations of •i.eft. dedicated supported by a truly en- ner. ' T.us is further evidence of the enthusiastic rcc?j#t'.on being forces from (he atea to their aid. stitute for 100 gifted high school students which began Suitduy The institutions involved >i • eoirna ghtened jwople. have pains- accorded the educational con¬ The office of the dean of stu- >i ofc svion <"r. J and will last until July 31. fq submit nominations fo- b - i cept of MSU—O. drnts i»eg.in an investigation of [Concerts, Foreign Films takingly erected in Michigan a .Jv el,..rf xf, o# The fourth annual Institute on lowrbips to Commissioner of NY noble educational structure. T«>- Pope, 4H, ha.; lieen education the demonstrations, and disci¬ Education, Lawtenct G. Per- boron ,ii v ar** 11esi.'tent Norji editor of the New York Times Asia will be June 24 to July 30, uav the very foundations of that plinary action i* anticipated not with lectures by Asian and Am- thick. In their recommendations, Hine and vice pre o irr ♦ R > . since 1958 He joined the Times A morning convocation, two (French >, Ftkiav and Saturday. structure are threatened. Unlew only against !hi*e students who i.rii>un lander*. the institutions must give pre- J a me a solution to the State's financial after serving for three years in were arrested but also against tve,.:ig concerts and tight for- June 2$ and 2". ' Beaching l« « Washing on a* av-i«tant chief s number of students who were e.gr nave been scheduled the Sur*'' (Germani. Thursday and education columnist for the identified as participants and k-" .i Sur.mer School at Mich* and Friday. July 2 and 8 ' Apa- I'liuirikl (fives Washington bureau of the Gan¬ ringleaders by resident advisors | k** frs'e Vnlvcriitjr, according rajito" (Indian t. Fnd,.> and nett newspapers. in the dormitories. ^ W..tons Paul, director of hectare-Concert scries, Saturday. July 10 and II: "D->n Daily Seminars He graduated from DePauw Three male gtadenla fare #*• university in 1933 and was a the I^eeture-Concert aerie* Qmxotv" (Spanish'. Friday and pgWM after eenfetatoa thai Saturday, June IT and 18 On Infrared Study Ractor scholar and varsity foot- they aeld stolen final esauitna* Jeubon ** on Friday. July 10. Pre- Xna-ndi Arikiw e. will - "Gate of Hell" iJapunea* l, bail captain. He was born July Unas to ether students at the One of the world's foremost 13. 1910, in Minneapolis, Minn. >' •-* Eastern Nigeria. Dr Fridav an i Saturday. July 24 Pope served as a Washington **<■' will speak at 11 pan. and 2*-: "Citiien Kane" (Ameri¬ physicists is giving daily semi¬ Two of the student* involved nars and conferring with fellow correspondent for a group of c Ti;.xhsid theater. can). Friday and Saturday, July Mid-Western newspapers, 1933- were employed as part-time scientists at Michigan State Uni- tatard Carpenter. American 21 and Aug 1. La Strada" (Ita¬ 25, neat served as assistant janitors and had after-hours ac¬ venuty this wvek. cess to faculty offices. According Vttcert puniat, will be preserit- lian!. Friday and Saturday. Aug. Dr. Jean I^comte has conduct¬ •ports editor of the Washington •* P 15 pxr., Thursday. July 7 and 8: and "Panic in the Par¬ to statements, one student Jani¬ ed research in infrared spectro¬ Poat and in 1934 joined the ataff 5- the Musjc Auditoriom. lor" (Bm.shi. Fridav and Sat¬ tor stole copies of the exams of the Washington Evening Star Carpenter, described by review- urday, Aug. 14 and 15. scopy since 1919 at the Labora¬ wrblle he worked, and a second tory of Physical Research of the where he remained until 1943. f I *v in outstanding young On the Star he was assistant student acted as middleman, will University of Paris (Sormonne), who reproduced the exams and perform selections edi¬ , Beethoven. Chopin, Trvimts •'for • I'lav ► France. He will confer with Dr. Tho¬ foreign editor, assistant city tor. state editor and national provided them to at least one peddler. The third student was £*. Aibtni* and Saint-Saen Edward.-, Dr. Clarence news editor. fl'ker. Cos*, baritone, and Whctsel. soprano, will be Slu(£ixl ill I in/ mas liause and James Parker, who identified as a peddler. The examinations wera from rratured 4. g i5 pm Thursday, Tryouti for the summer term are engaged in infrared studies in the MSU physics and astron¬ Appointment* Okayed three psychology courses. Psy¬ A in the University Audi- play. "Janus," a recent Broadway Thirty-nine sppointmenti, chology of Personality, Abnor¬ omy department. He will also mal Psychology and Psychology » 4 varied program with comedy hit, will be held today nine overseas project appoint¬ »**. informality, and "ird Fridav beginning at « p.m. give a dvraartmental colloquium at Advertising and Selling. costumes at 4 p.m., today, in the physics- ments, eight transfers, 18 pro¬ The auditions are scheduled In the investigation of the ^'^»phy. *»* in Cos. was fea- the lead role of the for room 49 of the Auditorium mathematics oonfcronce room. motions and new designations, li leaves of absence and 28 re- three, police also uncovered 40 One of the first physicists to and are open to all graduate and stolen library books from the t*J?-T ,ho* "Wonderful realise its practical importance rignationa and terminations at from the Whetael has appcar- undergraduate students, accord¬ Michigan Mate University were students' rooms, some « in physics, physical chemistry, from the f T\ with the NBC Opera, ing to Roger Busfield, awusUnt biology, medicine and Industry, approved last Thursday by tha msu library, others irurt.gn film*. 7JO professor of speech. Dr. Lecomt# has one of the proved last Thursday by the library in the , Capitol ^ rurchiid thTw. m 7* "Janus," by Carolyn Green, Board of Trustees. Ten of the •lUI mora from the univgr- best equipped laboratories i* lbs will be staged arena style on lt world for infrared study. us vera I tte Msgplfirf * Juijr 21 to July 25. I\Ii<*Iii«r;iii State News '"Think llc'll Thaw Oul A"*1 r"'iiip To Life Again?" Holes Lively, thulerslamlingf Beiil Bill* hv MSf'i J.Vftofl students mil I .tmlly Aim The Michigan Staff News tn ntibli- ♦M »*y Minimi-* of Michigan Staff I' 19n>M ti'.f OMU 1 Mii"i l> »>.. vvith.wit iliirit (until* supervision the .. , \« r - it »• ui of the stuilflit IjOiI* 'Ol »i nut w'- la seeking to battie v.* mnvr i-e {he v fin •, whether if esvne* t;.im vstlm* ' est i i'i -isI* r>,-t i. stand- would iinu- <•* v-i-ilirr lu-tweeit tbr wiiuUt :«ip rrndv p , Mmnhri By MSU Student Exchange the Av*««'t.*ted Pre»* Inland Pn Pies •d Au>m isted Collegiate 0 i>i ITs* Vol. 51. No M Thursihiv, .lane I'm ire Twn * IBIIOB* NOTI: %« M«H ,1 >.|\: ami ' d.w anothrr most people. If the* < mmt1 h»iK. , X student. Kathle name'* it hratc. port a large Pierson. now * «• group ,M fr(1 there Is no problem ,»t **_ Board of Trustees studying in Poland, is writin# \Xomen's Names liavs seem i«» ,|| . B Ihe about her impressions of that hold Ihe most Importance. The people ran rllmh iPU I Vf . truck tBuilt like ruttine for the Mate Newt. Miss honored woman received * an arm* \fn* I Pierson went to Poland with a crand array friends of flowers from all and port truck> and travel. accept n,t "**1I Urges State to Act group of Polish people who have her men women been In the t'ntted Stales one alike. If she K to have a part v. Poland is the only . year under the Brethren Service II is the mstom that she must Europe which the n Program exchange. Three Am¬ put it on hbr«elf. trucks outnumbei • , AS Till! t'ASII CRISIS in Miihiyun 1 mount w more se. erican men and Kathle are the There arc two things c-pen ■>' We have bee i-ars. Tore, fhe people of the -Im'p Income more coiu'itiiviI first people to make this pro¬ ally -difficult fqi Americans to some American Ai , gram a two-was exchange. \ become accustomed t-< Eu¬ iclt behind" after the And those nnM mm iM nml :in* people who n-!* on st.-ite "t group of III exchanges came Id -s»specta"* Pol ami s'.itl being used funds for payment* to their empio.T*. .MSI i- m llii* rope is-, by the t'ntted Statea last Mas. line is the smaHnrss of the small farmers. rHtefror.v, and tlie poerninir hoard of the university, the The following living quarter*, and 'he .-tV; To comprehend the is the first of Hoard of Trustee.", has announced pn>t!ic;\ its rotted n her Impressions is the amount t!f liquor consum¬ &ge of Poland is of the life In ^ o\er the lark of f'uml« lo fina"ip a linn of Poland ed possible for anyone higher education *mve*s?'u!'\. Poland cannot build home- no* seen it. Not a *; ■ A radio u billing lou.i - in fast enougu village escaped soun¬ Mthouph pa\ le«•'. the thrteat of p a e The deafening vnire of ihe the meal Is the usual beverage. arc still tearing down ' "» I them has injured the morale of I',trull; m« inbi »•-. pea'* out from gno- announcer But beer (with a very low al •• here there once *« a tt.er speaker hung outside the RKCAt st: or mis tiiki:\t of» »? bein'n paid. main cholole content i and othei li¬ tng. post Office F.verywhere, people served also IVoplf Imagine of the Msr faculty have already stilmiitted their rnsiyna- quors are a fnur-ttnry dfjqr, aland to discus*, guess, and bet take special ment atore nf hrlrk pride in the wine tions. Thrv Mill po to nthi-r institution* which assure a "Is Poland ahean ot ranritu ! today ' "I they make themselves. strafed and burned, wiq, paycheck, and which will injure a larrt r check. heard they were in fifth place " four walls left j T is easy to undri stand, how¬ stamlini Other facultv member* at MSI haven't submitted their No It's not the World Series. ever. why t'ns c<>no:ii.--n rv;c, looking hare to the «k« i^, It's iuat a hirsele rare, hut one fRMffllfttion*. but Ihinkmy are alxuit doiny - In man* region.* it :« impo«sib> gine huge holea In it* of ihe most exciting events of And etil! others—those edmatoi wounds that eannot he it-hf th« the year for the Polish people lo ge: w ater t -a- is suitable to repdr*#' drmk. and milk vri* expen¬ Imagine these and *..u mifht join the MM' facultv h. t.verydas between 4:3d-.\ pm a seen aome of Warsaw h,,t sive With price* hupi and w-agr- a, u ,l(j, thoughts out of their minds. hetfeopter broadcasts the pro- _ much lower than ours, it t* no stands today. The university is helple-.* I* <. greaston of the race from the I hope thai d.ffirult to understand why Eighty percent oi ,t|i> erene. It la expected that over the money will be yiv«n to the that pav matu things are different in leiin smoldering MJtt people ua III jam War«aw Poland. the with check* be met on time can war; a gigm % . stadium to aee the eontoatants restoration to mstt M as IMTI \TKI> one plan to insure payments to ride the laat lap to the finlah If I were a«ke<| what i« the perfo; . . most common thing that 1 see amazing how much > ■# i's facult>. If the universitv doe-n't receive an additional Hue on the track hutlt there. ha- in America. 1 would probab'* been rebuilt. allocation from the state to meet the June 110 payroll, it Called the "wyecig poko)u.M But the reply the automobile The most wju cre/i ha« arranged a credit .system with the local batik*. iwhich race of peacei, mean* moic than jum cc.n-pnon Sight :n Poland !- 8 - a dcf.u ^ , •f r** fit »• r began Berlin on Mav 4 in Rut lisinjr this svstem. MSI would have to pa.v interest a mooe of transportation .» scape It-- injuries , The 10R rider* from IB different s:. horse and v* agon i ** hieh ha* • to the hanks. Th- would be another added •.• expense that ovtinire* participating aie rid¬ The dream of every Pole i* :»*• mote imagination a r * would have to come out of ti e 1M.MM10 budget ing from Berlin to Prague, to Scirnlisls lo I'Aplorr 1 r•** u and then to Warsaw to own an automobile sotuedav ,» l*e. om.ng real a: The Hoard of Trustees said that the situation in Mi , .. but It Is • : o n' expei iciii-f, Rat K a dream thai most of , .. vear there ha* been a Iran i.« critical to education. A resolution directed to the them know will go tinrrallreil w and • , . different route chose!-., with this il/v.s/v. Under F"rt!i\s Crust "f or family, tinventor, the State Administrative H«»anl and the Legisla¬ year marking the ! Stlx time the Ihe ears In Poland are tisiull* -ss of f ■ t ture waa passed unanimou.Mv at it* last meetiny, uryiny / ra, e ha* been held tasirahs. government-o vv n e d t Vet. o hat u da* ;* atti rars or the vehicles of foreign exoeedingl* mr> yviili that the cash crisis be solve' "t\.i the sake Th.« i* r.n!y the second time fbat officials crowded living ronrfllion* a pi» of the future of education " ' I III I OK * XOII -Ultal* it Berlin ha* been in.'udro, < i \i. been Although few sent low standard of . , e . n ,a. :u' trvi'v a big a autonvm • livnu ma The Hoard is concertie.1 i : like inside llir earlti? Irtriitisls Ire:, out oim i .'a itrred. sha step forward Iot dated equipment, and » . • se -.e»i But it i* rr'a n to lean are ow reo private:*, t # mon» lark elan to drill » hole mile* iteep lov Poland an.! a people who cannot , of the state today, but a> w»tei ' > ore hxs vet a'-. supplies, the people air nieplm, i < . i > heavily on 'he petroleum Indm- ea*i!v of ntost families " . ' !*•• used in the ocean lo find oul The !<■ uplrU t > >te a hole let ' forget the pa*t losses and ••'•mirkab!# aehtevemen-y for other p»m*arv ne.-es-dn-- their struggle with slren8 hand* kf*t for the unit er-.: a • nnli uriter ilmud one of the •io a ho.e .ha: tr^ ? rg m.?f«v:ng and who have »i;f- g.s no.vn tl f. ■ I ere Tiie usual talk !»«■: urn and determined beau* KAKIA SCRIM. Tl km. i . rut J. fill V HalUial. i ship* on preliniinar« eaploration IS.iMK) fe» ' the ficulfv placrg trust even r.uw • > . open sea \ra:s otf the Pacdu l ■ a^' a»-.l w*.» get together is bet *« ! !'»• it-maik its anv iatior, , of r quested a $4 .» million mcr«a*» over Xlit* lPi.x..' • tnidret. lei's wit1-, . about Ihe ambitious a s.-ix tier-, . pro- !n-a'?i w a'.es of ;:u# snran.c •; Ihe ibi.f of Mev:t.v near Ve* * a'" to buy t'u- * « j Hut Htli, pe ie iter that fiscal year, the buoy« Iti I in a stoi * urillen earlus- ncpth. tr.an.v the rulcts ftvm pi a cy h,.*. . • f. r Msr was $:\V lo.biHi. is ana m. torcy cte :« th» |>cyt iiuv, WtC- Us;i.b liel» for the Associated land a:v«i fror. tlennan* an; question Of w" Press.I fot wilt Recommendations from ,» I .ci.-1 slat. >n unit tie «.n a , n a 1 tte be In uncietua'er 0 »: g. a few people own motorrve'e- ift ,*re**ton of Po'.ai! Ttin. •>*"'. a i.'im'i e*. are finding ■ ihips.Tuo permleum .nouvts ' Now ihat pnipriatmns railed * t a • i b .• vear B» U RN ABB I X4.i l Loinnbia a* ■ it . understanding in tneir relation- urn -, »-■ ;« corvnr., i.irui :* vrrv p»vo. * University ,t'« necessary to rave reeV,«vt» the bicycles aie a,*.> im ir^ Aim I-.* an : . »• i, I op VMS 111 !!».»!», hi :ror.i 1 oh mbia » t «• t-f vesting ire hole, of tesnaeri- outof the mot'ihalb 1 lie Associated Press P,V at-.1 vMiaVng v* ith Men, worn- If povc: t* lv to he year s budge'. v.« g . .i! t>b>e.- \ st i \. •ig the d".'l tlie b. -e a*'e- a. *- en and children of a x-t lfc ■!f*nrq and ftr* ages into mone*. KXiland i* ».o-c c.v Thi« inerra-e w: v i ». • • a ( -i c *ra .4 g h.' i- bu * cie-. often t: : a 1 to advance ,.v. • . M;i- ; i ahund«n-'p o- ... i e ii In UV*h-.V,», |fie Mppropnat i< i .. • . pciafrd a • a "he hif r ato -.an es A nopula *y». • of lite, :e.»e« •;|'T to i*s natuie 4 , iff hv Vohnmo.a MSI' and its extension service* •- «Xi.Utn# Ter> *e aasociati.vn*. mrth-vj* of Ukdl|i b.omgy ex. ur* «*n* t< t ' a«the e \#v v The olhc.* are t!i# gt* *: have been w iken forests- and lakes HIT THIS AKAK. the umv,• rsit v ol hotwv Hear ft p-.*vuiLon. e-tee, and place m on btcy,"?e« • :i country. and > » the Wornis llo.e O. f- The bi#ke ir» her- t ommuniration* . . pr » r« WOil h e t w r e ii spirit oprrRtjnf and rxfen-. n expen-r>. but must ne A'.Unta- .v g ac;. In-tdufu and * pe vc.-«ed by ' add the . , n the nt t"e Moh be keep, n g town* and for trral Nlistanre* !i— A place of pcwer net P> i«fi nevei Ix- cor.. 1 MSl'-Oakland branch to the htpUv! operatinc MSI D w .'I ,i i m ia:*ii from i'cxa* aam io - 'no rtri'mg p. at form - aru either bv true k hii9 1 • b •' alte: or fnr i.H and ct'iit fo. cost the university >rdJ.fUUg t > yrarg ■ approximate!-. .*.V»imipu this \c.,i '•< ard su;»,HU ' ng * the unw. be.-ig in the mut timet ships will do no Meg' t an :' proven*'.!-.# The r»vc»mmendatif * <<: :.< n.nu'iit represents ;% jou «i »• « ' every E\rro|>can war. and dulling Instead. Ihrv will hunt an,. *nar':'. !« tf fhc or P pe afte; percent increase in appropn, MSI I Li up samples from the mean bot¬ 11 • !He chi't vrais of hiving *he;! land nme mil teach includes the M>1 i» bran. i tom. listen in on artificial earth¬ g,ve ; i «*. and then taken VARI-Cl en a -• t U .i in# c p j'brrv, i MSI -alia ' perc quakes neated lit dropping rv plosive i hat tea in the sea. and ne '•e • »a down throug.; the w i*», fcM. k i { ••a.elul the I'-.'e* w.v oniv rrvpet", to and to p# 1 v car. 1 ":e .scan boti.e and -.he-Vi-r.v . e« * arising on oiher sliidus to dr With Si .•. l . un.vi o . , the Isvdo* i loe \! e IX a e llesinneW to give you your lei mine wlieihei Ihe bottom is .n a vn» proud • e The pipe w ' !S\ e to •i ! v.It must meet 1.) # suitable for the drilling , ("• an nUi h;-, own xlvling. With project *' es-t i x miles ione *,ro$e\ i'.j*>oiuu.e natio a flip of vers:!y. Mich a i-umi-i ;*m Thev • Xpi the comb you have i.-» r.H»m b i •' v i,i Be- aii r pro.,d i.t the.r and » dif¬ I'M.,, A!' 1 he P e tbe\ Vlohole—as Ihe ■' u,> fix avr 1? Jio . lug hole -eve i ferent xtvle. If vgrieiv ub.v s..',n ,i t 1* what vou warn, tin hav has been dubbed — will tin it or t* :: , a' tunes ;? i* meager a a rough titl e « • en* nun s rflorU lo esplorr the ••• -.u, . 'In aie piiHsd of the • ii for vou. i c-nven! fa- i . t»ne t» oi lil and spare about Inni in a a , >m.pl; hmeti *, pioud of \ r s :t#e>;ed a;:err.a.ve « !J .. dtamatir new direction. It will ticr-iago— iu*l pr*»u-i to r»e Pn'r- chop water-pr.«.f !i#h* a p.. ; furnish window, man's first, l*bey haw a-i enthusrg.sm that :i.75 a . ocean ' m\ down*, then keep the Crossword Puzzle into ihe interior of the earth rieo;»c; '**it plstfocm in pose sort o: oy er . • e.ng we* from alive, a happiness pi .ce e«« in aeivee jus* of -ve #h- outisoard . moUuk. f u 'i.i-. and tr.ey love to *mg A(ROSX jc } ■ g «r.,l dance • * gS-M .Mi Summer Slu ff r 1 heir genuine huapitaltiv and >\ 11 ttet vet •udne t their lave tu he with uther pewple Cull for your v■'>'i-ut * SiOirh 5* Sar, •> today. I ditor-in-t hief Hard* t hrist is evident everywhere, • De" <• lo I'ltalt T t imput I ditor burette Bam*e« r. like around a to ait *rlt.' 1J 1 ifhl e s.t r*i-> ju \> «■ r , >ports I ditor 1'hwtacrapher Nairn Hines Larry (isslin iIhuii for houi* after g meal and evesy thmg. ;nciUd.ng THE COED SHOP cotton fab.* h» ■ »• - 11 Pay dies- > **' Jr.ten.iM (hi I*uat' i fir porter a Howard Holmes, pv.l.hv*. With triendi..e r «!l i.K VMi HI* Kit IS t«Chk:.ft 3f S! . « (•eorge Moflat. Phyllis Mac- h»awt and l;ves have been open- Ell T-0Ti>". prern,..- httM kniesh. Tat Hey nig «\i to u* They want to a.tow 1R. Compl.sM S# Cor.ea tneir r- Ihe entire Xtobnle Advertising Blrector Judy .*» country, and want ti 17 Not h* cm proie.t 4C C * * will Ikurow ra- aoout America The-, are take . 1* Oppone • • several vears bperi*I 42 Ira* s - - PAWS • to know- H* • arvx.ous and to unoer* It Americs? ren-e drilling equipment, murh of t St.* «i « N. A-e[. >'-** *. and in turn U) be under* inventor which doesn t exi»l vet. will he 4« Gray .Vlirliigan Male Vrsi 8 DP Recepi.cr, Spssk room ft Corpu.et. 4! Mue c«i L.«b fursc* 4f. Not bv.*v -f :*r ; l 4 ensrifi J Si.rr*. l.». *t <' can t He* IC Xtvlhfr ch.ck»>.s Indian required mas #a»n several smaller holes he experience drilled first, and partis to parth he- t; - J4! fituqf -t &,er\i.es MM;iiea oi fito am VtoraaV .;gq Fi'dav !r. .i*«ie tikmrc tsii *e* an**• 24 Fasten v*n ravse a unlikels aingle hole is id*.* «e»«lc ct.trl > Instead o* sin i-ii.iiu - 4" W ndrr 1 to tr.ghtrr, 11 Anc lUhan flu-.ng auw.r.ef »-i: •»( 11 MoMisv J* Shy to yield all the dillerrnt c' i and spectat on ihr..ih iiiii,.. **-l ... J rarr.v kinds * Kl> Mill summer • ar« ten t«H terms e calender i* a different U riant 41 H • ■ f f Gea-ie* -* l*prv/ar of information wanted y-.trred as second >U« s'tet «»■ EXT. 2*. I i 8k Irnut# 49 AtK'ur.u W Jr. tav. J f»? re; Sit e* Vi*r. h s Name* Day. Off ore day all the .youih tr» at the P©it •1 F.avec lh§ ■ .e, F-art Vanstrg, Wuh •Geoige*' have tneu- Name* r- r r F • T A r.r»t card ttl Frrdvca.tvaat HOUSING HOUSING T" 1if |« i ■* \ Zi Pi acl.rf •4 ClVta|< B'NAI HUTU MLLEL FOUNOATNM xi'MJura «?..jhle HmUM, r^osr,* tKU. iof tarn* Pro at, #r- ;•*!«. etuorn** St'.MMLH. FALL TFtT-!* and double rooms for - f 1 25 Afre* it ark•• H.ndr anc# PRJVATt J ears |V 3-t«#4 «n» B-eakfatV. parking 5 J» 019* IV ma.e ! '.*•* »• * 1 rafn a3*rtm*nt. fur- K M " I? Nmr'.n». •KM HOME MIXER rnshed T*iut»et paid. p4-gm¥ . -v . BASEMENT A P A It T M I hi 2? less Bj w ay of »'( ch.*l*| prtvilfga* »rli-un„ IV W i»er *-<04l mmitlx. a , rooma. '; anca. bath ear age. ga« Coles* hast. bu». 7J M J* fi JT 3C iv-fc* n kac| 12 r»Uu.lr» SUNDAY. JURE 20, 7M P.R. FAST LAVMXC. r*.*o tvedrweiT* ranch Ikn» Ar,n s, f -'sg*- U.ull* furnished. - JV 4-0*43 neighborhood * 15 N©un*h»4 * H R^uodad Owner, r.O 1-17# 1 - 42 joq Bovs n g service lli sppendac# 1 AT THE ROOMS FOR i»ka tbftft. Kitchen IS. InutaM »H| CliANiiT ClOIfli % u HI M Soaris «4 ' jy'*J3|JJ* •'•'hang. V«*n.ni«r god ^ SUCH iUSONAia MICIS * 5hl COCDM r Br cm , l«TTAGK~rOR~RtVT ¥,.1 *;e,p Si *• . Jk «-•>, V mr ' BSU*. SB Tear kpart' fimr Ukeirort grwyvRs A.»iur> >em#»eber. b*n.i gs op an# Augusi #4 tnrewtn da*. Uk UR boa-at.f i W,., A D*, . 01, • 1 r f IX* 4-#g7« 3# r«e>rfr.'s..» 41 Cave SroC1 311 HHAQREST (al IraN Mvar) " OKFMOS __ ARF.A ~ Jl'ST of? r- j • I. LANSIN6 IAUNCI' >5? -AC sp : ' • , ri #1 rarrcft, Bop* Nearly carpeted. new the*# begnvon* Stl 'e,-,-ed. *c*eere.i • | 1 ♦4 Carpwus; #> ne-m. |1#700 'wanted KW gewnCkq tool 4 •»Wf. CO 1-ttTi ' J . LARGE CLEAN COOL mens run.- mx TIME BART RTTTER *nr •'umIT** AD 1* I Alb. *r< UO!,k V rt»tR old Own transportsti > t-ttM. 1*7# • ftpariaa 4 MICHIGAN ITATt OTEWA FM,TSVM Ine H, last t ! •iistce Board OK's 'Science of Money9 Subject Draivs Telephone Engineers C-.f's MSU Receives Gifts and GrantsFoundation and grants of $021440.52, jng with thre* other Brazitiart The Ford Totaling 8625,440 granted cepted f<»r I>r. Harold Hart, pro¬ tension Changes fessor of chemistry. including *:"9.13J from the In¬ universities in the introduction $50,000 for workshops, and a l)v. Harold Tukey and Dr. IV . SiMv nf tht? natitw's telephone of plant facilities to meet this ternationa' Cooperation Admin- of business administration. $50,000 grant from the t' S. Of¬ JJvlvan Wittwer x*'ill continue a exer-increasing service demand i«tration f'tr a ptMic.-t in Brar.il, Also accepted wene two grants fice of Education wa« accepted research project under a $20,000 rrumrors will turn to the broad and for the replacement of ob- -'toed hx the Board of from the American National Bed grant from the Atomic Energy xx c c a. field of ik-onivmios for adiiitionat to support a summer institute include Five Appointments, t-ainins in "the science of s<»lete equipment lies xxith the enimecvs. they add segment* of tc>- Trustee* la In Sa* Pau'c xx cr k Bra-it. MSI! ('vow: 550.000 to create a search ftamework and specific research design*, and 50.700 to re¬ which u dl concentrate on me'h- ods of identify ing anil counsel¬ Commission. granted $15,137 t<> be used tinder The AF.C also |V« Kesignatious in Staff monr.v" Su»n1av through July IT. Four major «f>ecia'ihelped establish the the direction of Profe«*«r Herbert phtme engineering xvi'.l l»e colt* Ad- relate the Fed Cross chapter oi- ing able high school students. The engineers will spend the f.i<* S j ,,t Business An unsolicited and unrevti ic'ed Ba'l in fisheries and witdlife. stifled Cost Considerations in n inis'ta*., u in 1 afin Am.enca ganiratinn to the decision-mak¬ Grants of $20,359 and $12,331 I three weeks «l Kellogg Center Fi..;ineering Pex'islorts, Fund a- giant of k.'vO.piHt from the Amevi* : in'the "taff of the Mich'ivnn t'.m,. oopera- stuuving economic emicrpte. the puv.'al Kcpnonuc Concepts. En-, It 19VI 1 • ,i, o.r rp.,. K-A ing structure in four American i an Chemical S«H'ie'x xvns ac¬ v ere given for study in physics. »m approved hv ny the ine |l««nlHoard of ties v....n«t.'ti service I vvten«ien Service were grant, the n-oiect involve* xv.vk- • relationship of earnings t.» caoi- gineeivg Fxmdamen'.Hl Tlans |.„t week. Included were five appointmenta. one t.il rrspnrements and the neees- and Communicating Engineering |t«« fcf»r,,wo resiimationa, three leaves of nhsenee and one si'.x of (oordtuation between all L)Cv «ior s Attend Church This Sunday vieoai tments. including the huiM- TK-C ee-aple'e Oil." f... . , \( | de.r.e .; u. commercial. c<«*t. eif'P- ,f!r ....'hided ..lititx externum at MS'.' •*■** i*o.t. p\tf men'., plant, production, trati c. WHHS \evi\* Hrl|» •• ' „..ik at UW. ' Agent. 4-H X'Utb work Kent transmission, factory- and sales ■ ... (•" ' . . • iv. tie obtained from Sept 1. I«5" to soi>' t I'ttt.- Wnitf* need* student* to fill MSf An*"*'. to «,Ytnt a n.itt.'"*! I-M 'ellpprp.,, engineers -?• "v dvitrtrt ,n JUn*' "feral*! tor ittiitv the (erston to SVaxhtngten. lit dtre.Mton of the Stntrr T>i1c: «l unrir. », The telephone industn's g.-mx- th f«*r the past decade !v.«s been Ihe vacancies on the fall term staff. Positions are open in an¬ EAST LANSING CHURCHES a-Allegan apt* o\ cd to nouncing, englneet ing, and of¬ ottaxx Tilt* I'liame t 'C •ulv 15. "«* Board of Trxivtetv was evcoeded by the trementtous ih- vivase in this country's popula- u.tot lit 'he short finer Olftroiv. a* dixit, t extra- fice help George Miller, WHHS ... .1 >w *tr. ask« *11 in¬ PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF d0C*r . . \«« degree« from 111. roil- Ms Iv a* held the position ot »«».■. rial* SNtrnalO'v dlftn.t fttporvisor a continuation of this trend, con¬ terested students to call Ihe sta¬ ST. JOHN CHURCH 411 »'t"b« for f'* ivivrthsnt di-dnct ference officials sax. Lw •• reelann. assistant atlO.It.arr, tn Mlrhlfin aim wtll lhat rilAlvli-t contnvvir to The responsibility for the type tion. at extension 1137 7. STUDENT CHRIST SCIENTIST EAST LANSING work to 'r" Vv'"r. »«"; 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT Rranrh Of Tk* AfnMior 4'hnrrfe M .a. drr.r.mri.1 at FOUNDATION '* — er' ' *" ".. on... OS «aa M" •>' » Sri-'. ..... 1 elver.'" Miehiiai State Uaivarsity (ENTER l«itatstn*iwlnaM*n$< I ho I !r«t XnrntUf. rtiiifrk nf thrift Hn.tnn, A4*«*. _! • ra o >h." ;«* f. ((ranS Rt«*r ." re.ie" »>- otitis m*»r it siiikt(am 14> a. OianS Ri«*f FOREIGN FILM SERIES •aa «»,( ',',J,"i. i« rr..a.ere. ellerl... ir a Kititiiiiti t* e /tppi# lOV r Mtsnr llf lT. patter ( hiltrt, A*,Tlr*( t| am. ' ,',V'e.r "erre-ea »r <»• I'T M % C UMiit hun#*# i.hoAl || « m R*r. .!•»«»Mi PnrtAr, ittilt«l*t I* 1"... aere.ra "" p. 'f. —..el. e.'en.ien .ire'. |irr*nil* I^jr;"v-re. eeurlr, ... in* 1a* 1* 0# a iw inhtorl L«»r.,'.rre'.^' ler'aaed Miw„ it Ml if IIRVKI "(•Irish%\ si irM i t ii«V* N'axilt •• <^*tntA- t X« I IS Ml »• t! ta a-" e'".™1" '?'V . . . r i ......toe J.ilv 1». I—' • 1« Aixa It "« A XI NliaxHIP A I VI (M'l I 5 (HI it H R-ailing Rntim (Patix *.ot«| At » *S * ferTVjr^rv':;*. <• AA in f i*imon a, xiarion Minim* lit is uianrf Rltrr (Ion W,4. lit s f«£ Im* A»W"« Mlth herhushano * a m I llr*. - n m ihnt* A*«|irM »af *9r* •BP""'** l'«wfrItKlv • AA i XI A < tonr« t* Si Ito.,I » l» xi i amptK I i tit X (Mil an# ? p m A p m » >il r XI 1 jfi*r Numii I H.iiniil tv I i m •in in I tart «•»«. I *«.»** Nrx # A |»..r(,r [ _from Jul* 1 I"' .'"I* r M. All at* RAlrnRi* ft* *fl*na • iinirh wjjjg, Mi.,ppt a triWl Brlwdar- iAlluSA* «-.* 1« A ' t 10 A U It it* A t|. S*rxir*« an# s i-it *nS »»• Ik* W'"« taweer. •minlr ex- R*iSint Room ot' . ''Zat eettiMiMr marketing thit nun rfcon# I II ;-»TI| i itk ream thrumh i(|h »ikn»| a|* f**#»»iin* HrlioniA ZJZ Oakland [fcTlfM '• Mareh *C lf>0 lo I thousind forced.^ foundation S*t» X that rout ot Mi*" EDGEWOOD MARTIN LUTHER EAST LANSING i How*. miny drolls.,.» METHODIST CHURCH OF (Wat Britfl Millet lorn, Uwyir, TRINITY CHURCH Jitwi *111 h"M ■" "0*^ EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH CHAPEL i and miwr Sunday at « lifionniif#.,, (dor;. • ni i'o At rim* .tie Hiltel Heuw. I If hpAftan ,« •■trfrfrnnmlRaflnnal I (at Grand Iwn. Kab- Cimbler, bllHoniirt., ^ Be* 1 ft t.r\r Wll 1 iaai$ I AMbam 7eeeae\ director, i buret »f fun! WESLEY FOUNDATION 44S A HA|4#«in R«a« •i vi>4v at mi hu b f'ASlnf - a. re. Hand to mvv. the »tn- eordia.lv ttt- 1,nA'i.i, — riin — (A iIvah St (I hlorkt *«*(!, of ((rang Ru*ri llntnint 44or»hiR tana and II 1.4 «nfl*MH» AMIS IIM (X||*«iMiri MxnoRf l,*o*|A I Jul A** 1 hv Inronparabl* 414 Ahhnil NosS UOO HOOL1 unci Miuitl*ri ncr a in i,.in: in Tola tn ■ *« irwrnaa 4. sIakUar, MirI*<** (hagrl B It 1-SHI III* XII UONS OS xlS ' mar r. in vti mu AnnSa* «,>r>h># in: Jin nnnn.i 7 tio ,nvn3 jn.k "JINX" • t# am. r»s r*a*r ithAAi R#t. Bi.hin.iin I »i'p. mml*l*r X XI XIIIIN (.in axilll > Hi Moot III SIONMI! A IION CHOI.BAM it,u.u una a:ia On* Bio. a B**l of s. Narri,n« r# I oxt iuy|i*r. : in : n ia J.n: in «»« Bfx»t IM i-rmoR (•amnia Oriia fruitim S g m on inn jnanu ' ('• * hi hiiit,1^r a. ii<><>l in ri i :m i X.13 3 I33U nor. FAIRONHO THEATRE AMsaiti: 50c II M am. RliiA Th*atr* A IU AM lutsrim Baifwr. Bee. KoualS uiinvr isannn^z uinn Axe. 4ii I nlxerxlis xi.i(,hii JUNE 2D, 27 « hat.h iihiml •a»4 (Iran FRIDAY, SATURDAY MArt lit allrnif co.uan i n i s i - Boll, .Xllihlgaa »nx 13 < IJ I 1 U 1 II iilionl #1 9 t# A m. Pravtr and ix.h"e Sohtion to Pmlf II II I M All i|»i I liurift 7 0# si mix pin mi u*dn*x«fA| Ivrnlnta ( rih ,.mm (li(oii(h Junior Mi|h SiMlilup Mt li\ A 'isa SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Co to Sonic limh «i(alr|im 41 M»«r*| ai**r Dm* a«i#*r. a s. ritimar# * n«o Cliureli Every Sunday A' »•' 19 ar AM. BihlA irhral Bari, CaI|*|* (|*m t* he ir, »tOI Bumir, Miaril Briarm •MS BIN ASaNSION AU SAINTS •I A M. IBBMO* EPISCOPAL CHURCH TBB MAM BiO WINB LUTHERAN I AS P M. SSBMOh M# % a hot i Bos# - SB Mill (ONHORKT or fME rtfiBE CHURCH • P.M. Be* joha S. rorter m (hagiaia Plimiiirl Rin«4i 111# BuleM Boa SI* S-tm hf SO V-1M1 i ts a At iriaipiftiitoa tail 1%' I'liai FIRST CNIISTUN UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CENTRAL METHODIST LANSM6 CENTRAL FREE CHURCH REFORMED CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH AND STUOOT CENTER ixuira *1 (aaitAi CHURCH (Afaiiaaal t aiheraa ( rrr*ii> B| J* If* ram 94a Marshall at UixlsiAR at Ahh Strati 9 aa Braxer iarsne ta lhapel Bar. JAha M. Bafmaa. fa Ma* M*rM| MerahtB — II am. ftaa BIa, bs Atria af Berber Main Wor.hip herslre* • la at# ll:l| STARTING TODAY!! VtMS Beaaisg Merita Warmi# — — I M I* ' )• Maralas Bftalhf sarrka Srrxira la 4.M. 1 P.M. SI* l-UII AuaAav ar SO BtbaSale 2-5114 Wililam W. Pas Auiala praachmi SWUNG SHOE DISPOSAL SALE mty ItMRRiM S SS • 14 44 S it % rrIB SrstH far Truua*ruu*a (all IV S-ia»l Aratlahie Tk, MMan., r«Md braad ahaaa gmtty lldewd to »l« IN Ckarn a# the U|B' Mr. Vaa VUal ittt J-SMSi Nursery Saa4ay Bchaal — t-.ss am. ■Caairal ia s Vrlaalli Cbarrh tooMtoc atocba. Ymt ■ppOTtautr to add ant- •r rtoa far Maniac ahM faahiaaa to ymt waidnbe at raal aavtoc*. V .3, Mirmnw rr%tc srxrn Jnne •$. l«tt Psee fane Ai»» a; o .UX the the The Wii! be Mich-.can 'he «wh!!£ trials f-vr Hosts Pan American H restliiiii. SiriinniiiiQ Trials s.'-o an.! Tan A-verwau R.o-f* The w rrvtS;*:* trv S*.;:c ?h.» San'- , !c;• w, .»■ AuRust T. through gust u i* I ■ 1. m ith Tuesday, Au¬ Sunday off. The l\m American games themselves in* he'd in Chicago August ST-S.virmber ~. F. n Coi;i:n. veteran Mirh- of thr wrestle.. weight Th.cv will nation's . classes come finest compete amateur In eight for team hertrrr. from A At*, col¬ legiate. YMCA and high school ranks. has in iwm for three mats to he operation simultaneously, permanent seats and has fine pivss-radio facilities. can handle up to 2.000 sped a tors in Sex-era 1 hundred male and fe¬ Floyd Favored 3 to -Sparring— Meets inu{ !- like extracts from a Yogi Hear cartoon. of the race. Johnson was dethroned in Ha¬ fheaters *»«">•> ;> only s27.i9 Floyd's first foe, the foggy-headed Torn- vana bv Jess Willard in 1910. iherc The fight xx i» are nt> 1 mv Jackson, danced to rock and roll music Jou I/mi*' popularity for practical pur- 9 30 p.m. EST during' his training period. fx«xses endetl the race barrier in Imxing. a»id Pete Rademacher, an amateur Ixoxer, .tohan«-son. v. today it would seem that Patterson, because previously univ XI XSil.YUKXR promoted himself into a title fight through he is an American, would have a greater \ hen in one » a business venture with the wholesome sentimental folloxr \«m. in this title matrh. i* « name of Youth. Inc. Rademacher explained one of the ha country. . Itiiliy ( «riU that the purpose of the fight was to give But Patterson i- not .« po]>u'ar cham¬ punches in l>ov right that crnshm inspiration to youths who presumably pion. His defenses have for the most part IVsplfe trv would also pain the courage to tap Patter¬ Sp.-riijl S."' •).> son on the shoulder and ask him if he been fiascos, ami manager Cm H'Amato speed, the epellint:^ f..t rithl hand or a m»; , has kept his man under wraps during his L would care to en page in fisticuffs. showed, noxx an.l i»urt one-man battles with the International , his last hoxin^ drill, Roy Harris came out of the Texas brush Boxing Club. W hich has harmed Ixoxing Thivo men. • Mil) .nil S.* r at to make the name Cut and Shoot famous. more, the IBC or I >'A ma to. is op."* 4 v de- Johansson's rcn The backwoods schoolteacher, it was claim¬ hate. puncher, found l.en hotilchek't ed. came from the toughest family in Cut Ingo, the public ?»* • the press he would personally lxeat up his ~0-c* WSV • 1 champion they can idolize. One -portswrit- feature shewn at 13a. I &.V g, $ o,V la n.X pm 228 Abbott Kd. son if Roy did not heat Floyd. Any day er has written that a foreigner winning •Sear *« *♦•*"** ***,i noxx you will hear that Patterson is match¬ boxing's biggest pme would v:v<- a lift ts^ #!»••/ liillSliiSAlil tool Kant l anding. Mich. ed up against B'vr Hmrx Harris for the the Rport i'f the world level, ending Ameri¬ title. • can dominance Thus the "White Hope" Brian London got hi- title shot hx !««.*ing feeling for Johansson to Henry Cooper in England. The fight wa* rx All of this may be true But Floxd Pat. threatenext from the start when the British terson. I think, is a great tighter the - Board of Boxing Control said it would sus¬ great rat since Louis, and greater than pend Brian if he went through with the Rocky Marciano. match. 1-as Vegas was the site until two When Ingemar Joh.o - - n er. ♦.» the n.ovn I'UURM v weeks before the fieht. when it was hur¬ . • . big les| tor p, canvas in, say, the 1 :>th roun.i tonieht, < 11 riedly changed to Indianapolis. IVAmatix, ;ng Patlcrson's pr Patterson will finally have prove*I him-e!f. seer and flooren ! j-. it was reporttnt, rot hi< feelings hurt when • Ingemar will give him a tough time, and ho Rot up t■' XV,; somcbodv implied that gamblers were certainly has a chance to ui; Patterson Th»» o»»enint - r - backing the shoxx. will probably have to g»; off the canvas in Porep? ton is!,, t1-. Tonight, l'atterson meets Ingemar .?«>. an early round. t*e*-au»e the hansson in New York tor the title. The big' PattersiMi is «vi(;r But when in doubt, go v , . , ;vm- . sive "klP.** He £xxede has a reputation for tbe hardest pion. Floyd Patterson u k- ■> Johans¬ ahcoting for put' right hand punch in boxing. son out in the 1.1th rou .• ia >.,•« \ork a Rood ehampio- Ingemnr's sentimental following recalls tonight. to xvin puhhc apr I'attrrson's record .. *5 « and »ne l«*s. a doimird i IH Highlights smhx lo rhamp Jar* M.i\n.\ ex-lichi hrjv.si trsmur*' ».«'.?• unbeaten in 21 ho,u» >. 3 An* group Mont.j»v;e: a* Ext. he is capable . • 28*1 f'.-r further .nfarmaUon kixvo punch, C'v concern ,r.j soft nut p...*. he kept ' wraps during 'r ■ Littrrion w s tovuhes: f.jrs si tail* from Arch;c . BOOKS m 193d. H;s pre* were knockout * Tommy Jackson, macher. Hoy li .- Lrvidon. Fronuiter B :' ' • prpiiictini a S: Yankee Stadni; >« ata selling for ?: um I SNIRliY 6.S WVU / MkUINE T3i«S| I * ASK ANY GIRL ^ (4Mdwi W M . A u:s • a 38. i.3« o | S AY E S1 out of g4 AT GIBSON'S BOOKSTORE (in the peoples church block) m n mn mm i»IW From Mich. I* " I,4 Aw Oakland Posts 2 counties WKAR to Produce Series y join project Of Educational Interview o >: Get Approval fn MlrMjran 0 enp of »t* stales a pilot protect to develop lea.i- ershtp training an.t interest in pwblir affair* throngh the Co¬ man* ni*tl«ful«hed fields will Americans in be featured tn a new Sd-minute in ten-lew aerie* FMHII-,1 «m "l totte ,h» lhmpofc*1«t 1Ur«.,r»: V..J author and ataff memher ^ American Mu«eunv of * R Vf msuv hoard flakes operative F* tension tterrten and Ifuron connttpa have Service, to be produced by WKAW radio for the National A«.*n. of IMuca- ram in .—lar nf apc»aranr» ara■ Irna.' Malt,,. Hlrt.npii.hart r>"- ilistor*; Frieh Fromm, ;r!(! iionally - known ps* ch.\,n|. Broadcasters. fr<«n- nf -turallnn at MSI'. An- and author; Henry s-.v# (.Jj faculty appointment S tiona! 10 !>r. n eho*rr» to participate project *|K»n*or t> the fund Recipient of a frant ,-uager, author and pref^'y Am her*: (»v. ■ from the a*.*oriati<*n. 1VKAB nill troiil l« (.n The h'riory at Adult F.fttca'.ion. an organi- Ten .•,rjvdntmeit!« to the MSl'-OflKlnnd facultv were ap- '•*r lane a series of 13 inten-iev* * Charles Siepmarvn, prof^,, VtRMMItl Tlir MMIMMtlNT enmta the heanttfnt prln- Found* with otit.riandinji authors, edi¬ aduratieai. New VorW t finned last wrck In the university's Hoard of Trustees. "henerhat the Mat ; a?ion -»* no by the Ford rev*. \ iHia lira*. In a *erne frnm the eamidj, tors. publishers, educators and to england More sjwaker* srn ■iV.:, ! j tew. The teief a-*. otn'WonH rtt r».v.v- t i. a' —> an e't.Nr fol- ua« ef Ma«roa tlamhiirt e*tneatr.t at the In an.! the tlerpiant-. 1'nlveratt* t'nlieoltj *»f niflrrnt hfrirs romlnt In the falrehlld Theatre nn I t Ma* anil Satnr*la». the V'nrrltn Tlfnt fiion to expend p.fueationet op- povtunitle* on all levels of Am* prean life i*i»litieal leaders for use on the NAFB network of ?• e*1ueation- o! radio stations across the na¬ Dr. n. Ma'colm Trout, Agvt- etilfural F.xi*eriment station Fulbright, chairman r.» •«., naie Foreign Belatio- tee; Norman Cousin*, ^.i,. ~ tho Saturday Review .•' e? the \r« Y V Time* ». a«- t>". W^liam Kai>a.-k a •v.nni- stteeeeda killiii^sh.irili The pnuecf '< t.ot-wi.ie effort t.« hnsaden and pau of a na- tion 11 tied "Oral Faaara en M«- dairy scientist, wilt t*e one of ture: Linus Paviting, No^", •Mant t.> the Chance". Uu vnd four scientist* pom the United a', llw.w ,-o"pen the scone of extension. ratten.M the aerlea will to eh- winner, chairman hvturrr in Cheat Ismo «. rfiis- '«>»• of (he faru't. State* attending the t.1th Inter- and moderated by Mr jtiw Jul* " TVpe. 43 ha* had • ** i *r rantc of rxpe-wn.NP ;-v fo'.Vfir, ga .UMilsrt Pf hut.*!* effrstnr Sr,>' 1 K-- i r..(r- . ■ l)r. Slivlwr Promoted . v.vrdHc to Frank Sugjfitt, pro- >.v» .Ns.jiiir.atoT and former head the department of resource tallied Jamea for tto MKI' Tlotera. TV eeerdlnater relief# ef Fdeea nati.vva* Pair* C.-tgtr-.*. The Conjrvr<* will be held In F.n gland, Monday to istrv division. Callfmn } - tute of Technology jv.( Arthur Adam*. pre«iin«- ^a pewxpape: ad r»d x « u-k *» -dh hark. .10. *veeive.t thr P'v TV 4' I ,ond.v crican Council on v.* Ijdtor (.enter Job .cveiopo'en? Mui • particul.trlv rich hacks In ed:irat>«xnal affair* . £;-re at r.s'u'uhia t'nivriM'* in'rltpeiuat V«'f« i To Sugg 11 vm- * «he program h»» Princeton Choir •fulv .1 Trout will be a reporter a? the Confine** He will give n Marshall Field Jr r t'hieagi* Pallv Kern >. »■ ; P Dt r.«"|» Milttirws ^trfflof C^r*pl.t V.l'ten straka ». 1! ir prove p'an go Sun-Times. Wt'lun B- .In. k St i 1h r, dimtor the 1 n and extenale-! To Cit e Concert ■untrnan* leview nine paper* ml tin nndfnr*4n»1f prat ram struct in hjMoi IV >f IV.I. pro- puWisher. Faicyclo^vie » w- TT, *ulynitte»f to him from worker* M»nl»mporin riltllflUAn at St: akt at led" i.l K.1;. lion* rrf. r nica: Sen Hubert fp.;. around the world .*n 'he fechni- In ■iiate a' U I 1! h:1 encourage extension The !*rmceton Seminary Choir member of the Scn.v* r,. Celnmhta I alttnlli. a* grew* hip Sep! chairman for the f»retram In the College a • 1 tv r.t the .itrr a.M-vttic. rtea'ing with varied will present a concert re\'. B'e,? ca' prphlerv.- of distrfb.iting milk Retations committee U .>* o '* \V: 1 fi¬ Mr : ... 1> CM: .• the National llwMrti \t*ftr» affair* that affect farm ?>f*da\ at S pm at the A'l for Itqu-.d consumption tor Bowie*. CotVgl f »... VVtafory and t>o rlapmrnt ef uh Saint* V.piscopat Church. 300 More than ?.(khi dairy scien- holfta rhtllMlH*" effective studied si the Ftive-*it« V K " .*••: >» • " " ho ha and oth.v "eup'.e - Connecticut's Secor p. C v.i where he received 'he rv- 4 • O* O > v ,i ■■ l l.val lead- Abbott R«v... ♦ i«'v from different pail* of the The NAF.B grant. * «i pre<« n' rxtensinn and rim ■ , the Ph It. degree tn hKI«n at *i ! deg-oe ntv ffe-T !• •-.g- e-*h;t' ti made nationally, is the ,y The Congres* is ■ graduate of MSF. i« a member wt. .-ev the Conger** Cehimhia Fng K*-.- or a Fulhnc'M rngace ' >n " r »s ■ " ei reived by the MSU **a- three years. - lis ST.eiv i apiN.inTn r:r .-•• • of the chop held ever*- t- fn re«eatvh on ho- d.vt.M al cv will ron'mue tin- . TSc prdfr^• Dr. Fran."-. Tafwa a •> •• >«•: •e: Tnt .v a vi « !. rxvei* e • < IV.-ff -t 31. '!»«•; Fo.'i The choir is eurrentlv on i*« nf the f.vrtgu Unjrw -.ce .11■,•■■■ ' * r»- U degree ihu 'fall fr. -• ' ♦i ' « e• e appro* c i ' • n ecs . .our i t* ill • i*,e ore ItdMhv.c annual summer tour Ihroufh to meet at C«n»chrr Co Vge B»'.' - 'te Hoard of Tru-dec. 11, nerihea«tetn state* and f'.ve pro¬ stwents Wucoron whrr P* raw. Md . a* rif-V; .if Fv.o-erv.Ti hr o regarcpf .»« • of rhrl or leave through Tuevia. Ho*al Colli ge ■ of e, oroii'.w e.wuu'tar.t. * it her i*avt!ri|*atind state* are vince* of Canada welcome summer the foretfrt language grvun. ef¬ wiivruili '» •• o * f or.vT-.'ot -f. v ih a! ihr TVn-.vy!* ama. lrdn.u*. Montana. I)i. David .tone*, professor of • FaK. a**d l" fective De. g: a.ius'e v'w.-e-v* s.-.r >. r and Techn«»iegv •' c >• Tr\.*» ^wi Arirona Ti-.e protect music at Princeton Theological Dr. William It IV Roher? a* l.wv go,* scoiland, an t t- ,v < irvofvr* t«-o tsv • •• each Seminary. '* direct,.r cf the IM7.7.A. .1 CONVENIENT SIZES Kur- *> ••• ' • choir. . tant pr.sfes*,>r . » ■ '♦ • ' a ; v-r of counsel- c -1 ; V«F.-o* the Mxt f* y* the"e tt!e< •ttfoft.'vv.* a. »*«.v , 'e wrv'< • effc toe Jw i ',1 II vkm-. .14 Before tninlni 10 nEI.H'101'S VARIETIES rnit* in I4M. |ir Slteher «u a fir r.f ph.. . ■ r"f\~ iy S ■ Tdergrs revrarrh a**««elvte tn the Mar- t. Hani'vse- r 5*. ** pr,- ide and ?he jfiVio al i urd |tn*inr«« vhool Fartier he EOHI'I.ETE MENI' OE FAVORITE FOOIls. teaderkh.:- '*« .-.Mr >.•■ • . it' v a: VM' an eveenttve a**Utant. t It* I'l.l S V NOON ANI1 PINNER RPECIAI. I'OH .COLLEGE BIKE SHOP ** a« r.f the r v« • " e It . r 1 o, fftWiW *» ■ .-.■ ■ * r ntemhfr*. ttijr Mahlltretlnn • l« O'l Hw . . i.-" 'f t »• Va. Board, a re*ear« h a*«oct,*te with *.75 and I .SO n\v k S t. a' I • -'f ToCftSl. the I nited steel Marker* «»t pfTrs*- tmerii t and an eceneml*! *«ith iv r. . NT n e ;:u » •'■ t n.ve« •*• • rert a rew english ricyole ■ IMZZABPRGF.RS: t,s*-*h.r *' f ■ « <; o i i Vir -e- a* a-« •' - ef ehev.s» ' «" 1f **•' Tnr* lvs» j: ."4 r < ( EM S * ' "'K, v. MSU Gets Cash State Sinks Furthei * ■pi as ft' 83 Million Released r-'": -V':v; To MSU; Debt Grows MS- jut#-- Although (fro Slnto of Michfgnu ponlintiei* to «lnk i1ep|M»r into ilcht, MSI - Wul-tlip other stuto mllege.t ntul ttnivpi'Hu Hoh juv itviMvint: the funits ntvessatv to meet tlieir pay¬ roll*. T»m S 1 a t e dnhlrative Mivu.I trleace Aid Mon.l t:" ui n su(hi»»l>e,i to MSP Students piovervil Mil hlgaa. |kI!V lUU'NKT. prrxinnl rnarh to t nnil . ,'t.i Warn;. a »i«ilins ir, >.l,.itrr Inn., \..« \„rt, II, i... in Uaxmenl fipv will thrni fnvii thru «»f 1'ivcr the fw«> unlvriTl- fho halaticc due 1 H."*H-.*»!> genrra' Disciplined |lhi. .nmmrr ico nkHlint: rlinic l,r:. n I ti l,.,. line l,i H,:i MllMt IkltnUw i h# «Mmmrr. |r» .Imm. fund «v»pr*>pi i.itit'ii- :in.l allon them in meet June o«> rolls mil to rctlrr debts t'< thru supplier Cor Thefts . M,l Jul' anil 111. which have hrm piling up snui1 t in re student' were perma¬ apt m*' nently suspended from MSU I, ,.11 to Play M»l sat* It million, while Ibr 1'nhrnlh of Mlrbigan r+~ Slid a fourth wn trie* tall term pi • Ktusi»eiided for penalties re¬ IIR KOIIMtl I IIIIKIIH.I relvea 44.? million. , . .Gne* |o Miami I'lilverMlv. . * The Male Mill owe. Wayne sulting from partli ipatioii In irilloit Concert •i . i.-r-wipnln# India, witt Stall' I'nivrrrit" II million on 11* tlitrt-RW stale ajipmptlalion. the recent theft and sale examination-paper • Fllicriilnp New Mr.inwhilc Michigan's worv' Action on the . ;» ••- «», taken \vscntcd Tonight hv the faculty committee • Painting In on • Mini.- in M.M- fiscal d;u vrar In hixtorv rudest Tur*- at nddnighl. with no hnll- student conduit and announced Dean of Men "Indiasi Ait< t«a- .V I.KOIT OK IIIOII St'lUHII, Mudmu Irarn thr fundn* cah.in that solutions of I ho cash from the office of the Dean of ,i»i! \\Mcott. carillonnput, will pr« rnrillon mrfllil* of pultinK toffHhrr a n#w*paprr in a workshop crisis and tax Thr 1 "2-month problem arc near. period ended Students Of the three assessed perma¬ At II of Miami tonight at 8 at Beaumont You or. llolh mm will hr on Ihr ram- ronnrftfd with thr tomiNiinication Art* rlinic briag hrlil nent Tuesday night with a 4110 mil¬ suspensions, one was a |*ii* all wrrk to l.a.l Informal on «-*mpu«. 1)1 Robert Ftheridgc, a*sKt- ,v « pSm "lYacludmm lion deficit in the *t4fe gener.il pnil-tinie custodian In one 01 rmup iti*ru«sioo* 4* 1*4rI of Ihr atu iltiectof -if the Men'* I>1 s • n • " Atr tender" m.w T.»r "'Marv Stuart' siimmri |n*liloir on l*U %f To lliiili School Slinlciil* lund. the Inrgest ever recorded. I n pa id bill* lo publle ftchools, the campu* building.* where he obtained the exam- The otliei vision a' MSU. ha resigned hi , . lairs. nnlver*llle«. local governmenls I'm receiving permanent sii p..«| '.1 I', ; (iiii« De.o. Men c Mi I'm. I invi-it- 'o • 1 xI• -1 it. (fjH'iis Series and vendor* I* about 444 mllllop. peic ion were involved in ' -• • r \ .'to : . U Th.;' kke Ssii.itV tn Si.\-( .011 rsc I*ro»Tani ■> Miinu.i 'ushesj ,v»,uvi The new fl.ral year slatted kale of the paper' student II ■ s , W W • Hi!,',!! 1*' Sr., n.. • ')'• IVedne.Mbiv. willi Gov G Men Toe f-uiili wlm crived tempnt.it* iiMwini",! . 11 v 'I I. \ Mcnnris**«hn. 1 •It-Ate*-: ' (hi W «••.> •" ■en William* anil GDI' legif.ln- hi "Wsmi'H* Know ' th. still deadlmked how *0 p irclui*ed the cxainiiuitlon p.i Offered in Cotton Arts »r arc 0 dm IIIk -iiiiimn i**"crpi«■ ci • ■■ • tl.1 :T*r al»"iit $!4n mll'loo a voai pei It Wfti explained in the ;"c ha'S. t 'Svlvt.V by Dc I'.r I it 11 < i »;•- w. •. •. • ... .c.i ,i- 4: new revenue lo k«vp the Dean of Htudeiits offur that t- ' ! -vt*v.«-; fr.xu ' V*- Dean ( wit K'e»>. id |t|p . ,■ »: a. 11 ' ;.0 : \» iitidgct balanced and gradually will he pei in it nil to applv fut in colirito a -*ix ***>ur.s*4 proKram Kn- will g- , Ki»e fit* tsr-t time vet *P>. and De.u | l?u»r ." H •n.«m \i • t K an,, : lit icnikh the vuipt.v treaMiry i»-*ntr> «t the conelusioii of '•i th. Uiiiv lis Id I Sit "* ' bv IV.' :"JH : DV Hit . u in » *imnninii-ati«*n A it - \- hemp of fern! !«• hijrh school Mil- Michigan s general fund wo* next foil term *■■ and "Rci- I lean of Mm x '.«:i .»> • r f •• K.- ilitit* of Ms I . Journalism ami foon^o-* have ln*rit avail- 4.M million ui the red lart June The names i-t hie studen' No ha. Un mp,.eil h> IVn.u! the preceding withheld .no- i * : .I 'i'R" qv'.C.i 4 Hi alile for II >*mi-. hut o»ur«r* in ru*hu .tint trlevUmn, vrar* ?n when fiscal were The theft of thr film! .meeiHl 1.0. 11, ,,| MSU " •c-Kiik * H'nai ' -a: \Mr ended The SHI oil Hon It: exam U»t»U (Allowing the re- » " Ihh*k tHliltnjr an.t makeup ami theati* are now imlmietl. . % reasc in thr detlrit l« the latgest oecutred during the testing per- Dl Ktuemlge mi a llAv • ill be % (our of Ihr thr S'Vt" map,t,.tf A l- Mr- Itinovalnm to t.n- a one-vrar period since the i«hI at the ami of the spring pilot during \V"iltl Wat II, <0.1 » urn the carillon. nilh ri»ur*. 1# .1 fmoweek prv>gi ao l* 1 gl nhi.di -»f Soulhci n Mate's rue--.cn? accounting *>>trm term, Rtrki h» Unu-aii. 1W | dMNM iwrmblr In the >onani gra4ualr«l frost* ihr (terman Film ?:• may attend * week* either June tmnc began. Irrsr4la| statement*, 11111c'I'. Uiover»d lie • Mi .1 .1 krho.'l of %rl Homh4», .. u;«e 1 two lo nue gianhsl a PhD degiec al MSI l at Ihr flour of Ihr '*?-.(nit July tt-.lulv 17. or EHierldge has served ui Shown Todav r * in Ihil 4i*tl hrW hi* fifM onr 1 or |>r M.u \e- •nan IMt rahihilion in Hombav In • r* ■ren* nui via' and take a new !..f the er'ire fori-- advanced All-Time lligli •f sM Use a exam* xerond while be warhetl. *tuden( arted a* til* pi c serif position Since .1 III* IIIMI. and 1 one of the mo ' xr.j ; (svr programs tfcrf. hoi* (or thr ■ *e dm oig Ore vecotid *e*«io*i middleman, w b a reprodured popular adiiufiMtrHficc ndve-ct Seen at MSI) . a JI. Ho wi'i have 11. .!;*!* an.t ^ (be and pravlded tbem •vs« oomvrts at 4 < tran film of Approxunalr'o .Ifih nltiden** exam* on the compip., courisellnig !•» As- ».tn • Mii-higA1- a"-' m*|ghl»t»i itrg to at lea*t an# peddler. The manv aroup* "u«-*,ia> x »nn Thtun- .IV an«tr»l • I...U04 t.Kia> 1 In alt field*, the atudenta re- high i-»t the mtmniei. as it* the peddler. *rrved a advisor 'hr Aii j a jraduaTv . f MSU. Ho MM', #.:172 t-'tal Iwttered last vear'n »•' Sctv.iier'* a.'. -* »J reivr InMrurltea* from t nlver Umversttv Student etttmrhi I boihei.'t % and master s H.iiHrt high, accordtng to Ketmit Two student- Admitted hi.r II. Hw di aula. ^ •it* farullv member*, and haxe id applied puho. drama, Ho i- and Smith, registrar HieV roiibeil Ihr safe in the i graduate «kil*nm uill »i« ss the *.0 w 1■ h,«v«" 111 those in radio and television The remaining BOO wax in credit MSU golf team, Gary WhHetiei. will be made only al the Ixun- Belgium, Holland. Two add.: ia well K.rr. lurxlux Nijjl.l Adhoiijih there 1 • . Ore facilities of VVMSH- txti-iiKinti enrollment admitted burgUrizing the sab drle* and road inlrr«rr!io»%. #.* as m the The (Oil total toe higii- Gaunt!. 28, 1 a senior ii Mm;. Tured t*.>11**-»•• i -\ ..nd WKAH-KM an 1 AM a- wgs There will be no change in thr saaa. He ha* wni- Pa-, asm ,iis. Hustties* Adrninistratiori, smV i'-rf* to a k o»i* to them Forwwic s?u- e*' 11)1 to that tinu- llesuieii* aim delivers to the t herry Lane |fuv instruction book on pre**; iu.li* rnr -Iliuent was 7,HJrt anil Whltener. 21. is a snphoinm e Tonight «>TS i lei and hi u-rit* practice di*cu**irti and apartment*. irorr.lly made a credit extension 428 111 llusiness Admiiustrgtloii. bi'oMi to aavt ■ iMtc, while the theatre stu- •■at: ..*s recording, tan j>or: U. urn * 1M iauhiiUg at > Jo. aim. • i work on acting arid makr- ei .n a few week*. speak oil Mas ...» orected toward presimtattun Ainrriea*H (.rcalucHh Grow* . : audience pi Around the lilolir Awards air presented to out - rtudent' at a fmat July Fourth—Happy Birthday! -*.indmg Mrhenn Friday noon which pa* of W eek 's Top News Stories nt* and ft lend* may attend. mew n Julv Fourth. 177#i. sav. tlie mi earth Nilbni were nwneil Id* <»tii|M>mlt I suir* m4 hr ••mwiriird mnh Ihr in grr* into am? .1 mtU'-man «»*■•* t»'ui '* fiatru-s ourmg 4 thuodn- i,..\vrnoi Nt-v* V.rk. Nelson HiKkcfeHcr of t*otigirs*m^n and defetm: plurs' RU.IIRIM. Id I !'• '•* Talk# al Kiva of the world Freedom was it» fattier and a mi man wa*. er Ibe meed ef bis king bed, depended Tbe A* a te*ui? the United Sla must take a -JhikI ami express v *N»»l la crashed i;> is en.lwrs *•; the diplomatic rorp- toll reached 17 »• vku.div*i I sr. Andrew* Wellington C01- Brvlrw" storm and • king redid give te blm er take it.*«slf in the council* of the t'» participate in formal piuOcri the murk* depths • •? ti.» fiier. executive assistant to U N. equality was its mutiivr It was mirlli of Miia> All h«">. .,1 • ,*r>' lairn into a world of suffering, aw-ev frem bins anrtblng—oven world. That *tand and expres¬ mrUat, Jaao » utg 34 Ameruai:.- dieri tl« leiemonie Ogeechee Hiver f« r mot* n. s. retui-y-GeneraI Dag liarnnrar- hi* life. sion has ever been on tin* side tin..* of an explosion that sen' turmoil and revolution, but B-NOTON President airship that wa* en route to Ch - Nandav. June IE nj.ild. will tie the first speaker • »f Hlierty and fretnium and )u*- through the years !» has grown — JiRltALEM Prcnu*-.- Ifevid flaming butane gas castad.-.g .r the College Of Mutation Neeiiless tn say, the idea Iha' vrtord biil* to con- cago to the giant it has now become, tice, and in uppuiiUon to every¬ a^ priKiuclion of M.H OtLEAN* I- fca. Hen-Clur ion. informed leader* of down a river piai ground Sin. summer serie* of distinguished the people of a country could thing that tend* to limit or Uei. and to which the world turns toaaenr. Long of Louisiana won hi* Iro - hi* Mapai part> that he will rc- iiuv aftprrna.il ,.feakers at )1 am. Friday in govern themselves appeared ut¬ them to the individual. BNfitOX »ign if the l^-ft-wing lab«»r par¬ LIM CM.V Mkh An MN« the Kiva. for help and guidance, The in¬ —. Steel rvvgo- Oom from a date mental lw>sp.- fant certainly has made its terly ridiculous to the world. It This characteristic stand ha Ibrvis? d firing two official* who tus, in hi* coalition government Student. Douglas Stcsdman. ?♦ i »rdi«r, also the coordinator was considered a case of the run head «»n into philosophies a ita- shot to death accidentaii mark in this troubled ami har¬ K-ri*r teemed certain arc convincrd h«* t»ee*i* tr**."- iv.nit«u«' their attacks on the was f Pnited Nation.! programs and slave* ruling the master and and government* which hold 'he by two target-practicing friend* assed world. • vrtuUves of the 12 ment. Long was freed b> » siair ale of Draeli-manfuactured activities, is tiie i*»»ly top of¬ thetefore suiely impossible. state to be everything and the who wanted to "ware th»* he'; The nations which werg then rfitiu to West Germany ficial who has been wills the infant o tr.paaie* rejecletl judge «n the re*-tv»e*t t.f hi* la. - out of him " Steadman. a sopb*.- the moat powerful have now Nevertheless, the na¬ individual peisoii to he nothing. MiLURIM. r.a. — A (night UN*, since it was founded and tion grew and grew and the So war* have followed in which ■ to a "summit" con- yer. who argued that there w*s aunken into old age, or have tram of ga*-filled tank cars more from Had Axe. wc r,a* been advisor to all presi¬ |sith David McDonald, no suit for hi* c*uitinuet considered a ptUANll — Gov. Earl •Caitro'i r« volutionar* govern¬ very healthy or robust one. pered. Bo it has continued for ful in the world. w.*k!.x. At least 15 persons were JERI SALEM - A hitter im¬ Centennial Room, Kellogg Cen¬ close to two centuries. In thix -iiuina filed a rc- ment broke diplomatic relations Such infants had usually died Who are our rulers? We arc. kiil.'d and dozens injured pute over a sale of Israeli ar-. ter. at 12:10 p.m. period practically all king* and ^ka<8 a legal separation with the Dominican HcpuMic, In childhood or their teens and Among us are peoples of every NtH YORK first Deputy to West German> was expecte*! Cordite has held his present Wife, who had him accusing strongman Kafacl Tru- very seldom reached maturity. emperors have paaaed into his¬ color, creed and nationality un¬ Premier Fn>l Kozlov of the Sov¬ to bring the tall of the govern¬ post since IM4 and two years > mental hospital, jillo * regime of mass extermiri- The mortality tables for such tory until kingdoms are now der • the suti. This is our iet arrived after a record ment of Premier David Ben- prior to that was an expert on fn***- Jaae 2« ation of war prisoners and cruel infants were discoureging, to rarities,, and have in moat in¬ strength. We arc able to draw non-stop flight from Moscow. Gurion. mtcr national security for the stances 'turned to rule by the EAL ~ The St. Law. bombing of nefetc-eless rttuctif alate it mildly. strength from all. We live in Hi* Soviet TIM 14 turboprop, NIW YORK—A Soviet Union Department of Bute. 'was officially deri- haiarda.t. Jaae >7 Just how did the infant man¬ tiarmony. The fact that Ameri¬ with a red tail, touched down scientific and cultural exhibi¬ He hag traveled in Europe In infant f*resr U hours later. The beth and prince PhiUip motored available this summer Pi stu¬ before. In fact, it had scarcely To our country let us say- Court, on the last day of the 000 inhabitants IH iniies north ^a.*««d the frst major to the Eisenhower Lock by car dents ift either the Men's Dlvi- ef Ike Lard. As 1 even thought about them. Many happy returns of the day, current court session, ruled out, of Naha. It waa one of the worst 1 the inland ua* when their jacht was stalled by *i *n office er !M Rtudent Ser¬ ed Ike world aw Juel aa a and Many, Many more happy ' as unauthorized either by Con¬ military disasters since Wot Id «>• St. Lawrence ara- log. The yacht wa< forced to War 11 in Okinawa vices for I If Iktf really were Qsit 1 birthdayal I -p».*ed in ApriL anchor 2i miles from the Eiscn- gress or the President, the gov Ap' -Film T«n* iv Michigan State News *Wt*'rc Vol (lonnn lie Stampeded* Fi»ahin*w John %\uah«' . • yr.- r~ •"'?*. "*vy • s*-. • a c Read IVxily lit MM"« t.VIMM) student* And limit* The Michi**" S'a'r \nn ix publish*«: i-' m« of M « higAn '$-atr I'mx-crcm fas? I .■»••- 'Hio Bravo" Tinned I % v« t j Y r ' f Ring. y,v'; u ;?.V:;t lilt Pit f.*. psf thp Milder. I Iwxdx-, but *x h.ir MTkn t ' tip Aim n'H'*r xxhirh v ruld drW-» a x« iV*..- bo?worn the tu.i \x hr-thcr it o ti -. \ ovn.'o or ft urn outyuic tVdeg.Atc Ihvs > ol. 51. N«». 52 Mon.br: rf the v;;oi-p >;< • Thursday. Julx 1 i' W> t t*e .if::.:*! xvp of the i ;•» e the lv-*t ?v.?rtv-t» of hr-th. stard* Iran* \sv. rja'r.f Press. I-'aiui Pa.'o Preys ami A-v-riati .1 1959 rv fro r • •. * • >» .?v. Fas'i Two • to bs* • 41 •• Slow, Nol Too it* i vttRivri: nvrii Bonn UIU lilt Wit .tatting -tohn Wax he. tVan M.. ,ir.i Hi,Vt N. on. Mi(fri.t fconi a Rrnora! v. f It ('i;u in»i a' the State Theatre and r- Keep Independence Day Sa fe , i« , --t f ' 1'ho ril.'s. »i nsiv Hi! nunutes, should ru •. • >| vt tnr.i •?«' tilled with enough a . .,, ;• >• • Th-» '1 Inr doe* neither If Yon Plan Holiday'Driving •r • * ib s'-, t .-od • r. M*wV'« '.i .i.-hn t '• ;it■•« • . 'm.'Imh picture autre ■i - .ii'empt to keep x . THR HI MUNi; SHI Nl> o rd hi mo:.!,-,;' ' .• hn-» ■ the alirinjr marching mu*ix- • f lie arrests a murilrrer whose imwerful luolhrr .• ,i».- of 4 hiied funman, trie* to hlork Wayne (run, it parades through mam t « i f * S--r, I 5 n-11 ;-t.-i ,1! I i• ■xpe. '.d Xtarshal titnrr oxer to I he I oiled stales flowing- flujr* thai line 1K ?K • ■ ■ - 4 h«- '* hij-hw.v-A til.i inv the thri'. • are the traditional nt'»«■'« ■•* " « V Hi ck, v.! 'Hcnw-irhi y. ihcrr a• r; 1 . ' - W. v T s HppUt ©f Julx. , . (.'".I- i.! • ' .. - I-,.;'. V }.» '■ '<■ . .11 . I.H-1.S Iillioustv i'k. Millions of \meriean* « t Hi' 1 the s. , ii»- i* fll! m | • ' ! cl'.-u'.. : fc»-: < w hi, h u as rife, s-.\. America's luilrpen r s • • ■ ■ \ • ; and cud up . has.Mk « to sisit relatives VI.o -i .-•( V.a.mj.v n.n t*r !»e« a Durinp this hoiui.ii neck.:. 4 :•■»■■ ... . . , . V ; • .--.i ma> i h;vk P.. : of America will overflow « " i'. - happi •>? * to the "idhrr rn« I ralhei enroxed Mi Brett it an plating the eoior the xx a % ill aw hot and stone*-fared a* usual X|«rtin lenkn^J TIIK HR M 111 S. pV'1. a .. !:« ..I ,\ « i It r.'t he hi- ' xx as goinc to break doxtn an«l a« l an* minute, and \riW| mm; holes xx-l! l>c crowded a- peor.:.- , presrnee in thr film was Inexplieahle exeept a« ban (c. j :i... - -.f taa.t ot the oilier drix er la.: tempt to beat the mt.H*umrr»' h«;.' a*e rroxxii xxa* in the last anal*si* Kiehx Nelson lh, W»J ian «.!: h» y>s. ;? nu»t happen. The parks and other pace* of micro lionship XXaxue x* Ames |»iekin*on— a nexx fare i« I'hc drinkit.w uritfj. of course. .* the sax the least wdl also l>e 'ammed There n;!l he accidrr:-* 1t"-* wo«m mp-t darccr-oas The chances are that «»v# .•: i1 v, i , two jTople xx ho xx i'| »lie o . • :< ««> • ' i»*,fn,t ii I- and don't think that the "other . or. \ t tlu ' .y .in hir'-wai * th * weekend xxhe - ,*i-- «UctW's. urn >hough in* v(1 peta involved m ac«:dent> .»• t.-.n, a.Vm'.I in an accident cause*! b>* a drmk- • Accident* killed 1x55 "other >. • v !'h. r.v,»'v v'.-r . C . n \ •' i< ' ' j.»iol..<;iaphx lx- K. ■ •. jng the Fourth of .litis hoinii.x >«.. is:-. • v; rvsii. i Ate* x)v..ti' *:•»«-«. : .» The dnxer mav be an expcriencrd. cap Three hundred and seven! ■ ". ther g.< si « -• .. • a;."-'-' : Pip must. %» »* hm. -m* ai'-e xetiran behind the wheel. Hut too ontributicwi is died in traffic. 192 hv drowning a .1 ! ii v.v ft ■ as »:•, • -hi.x lii.nks can I'm>..v sjk>iI his tivord. If should prove miscellaneous accident *. i«..' -n.-#H • *, ' < ; . #■• . • strtccer* a car and becomes involved \ v • - 1 he NlOA* of II ..»!.,#■ . NOT ONR OR TIIOSF t*.55 th. c» a i an a«cn:r:.'. hi * left with lejral pro • ' »:■ • v I existent I*, s„m !-. sii|*|xt*\r.i 1-. accident could or would happen to 1 - ,«' ;*'\>i hi i i. i memories. ... -. i '• mos, unio. 1,ted »•? t' The "other j?u> " i« all of .> No immure from acctder s F \. • mune onle to the extent .1 h;s own . e > t *>. h.-.ppi i a\. .11 . v,aj can .such ill**, ter* bet«»re the. keep the hiyhwa' an Bureau of the Census lakes dm? t ». I down bx follow my a list of safe Forward Look at Fdueation lion or common sens. .il x my tips • This Fourth of Juh—iiiKe ill be a three-,;*\ wr-tke: 1 ir.xr*- 1. Start earl' , expect fre^ui deiax • .Mieiiioiiti Stale \ cn» an.i »*ii\ v f» r home eat » i s.a'f* P.or*.- ' millions of America ■.» M.•'■■•;*!« «, , 8 2. Ikv't dnvc . . : x ou're tired 4'-^ i r,i«ia ;•,** taken * » thee hiffhwava a:id funseek* fv w u» ;.«nt f T He i x: icautious w hen drix try on ur •< h »'-.«•*.i f»' the eduiat. parka, lakes and picr.ie ©!•«■ ..'..i ix wo * ♦ •« • • tee e»Hni;Al:>Mi «.• Make sure that t-.uj w • : :r t f I. ■ »• 'if x* !»»«1e. *'f*. at'vl ' ■ .. Keep a safe delaine behm,! she ,,,t "other ruxs" th> Ir. o ih . r P.. Ko. a «.t f t..> *»■.'. ■ .OOlViUXMY-.t ' s your aafetv puar.i up a a r v( ?* -ieaf^inn tqpxftCAo.i : ko. p ac,. ..: • 5. i* x. i »i 'p a -r.k t* t bichw;»' for a •» ' An-f: r . * e.-onowy ar do*n as > ou y. * ria..- . c *r« e p . '' • - ' s.c t«ee. y>; ; the Car com '.* '» po-a-e** .r. '.be }fl:» I. : Ilard* C hrist • holiday weaken i .! t!«. ruao ) r I tlilm HOIIDW I'KKlPPs a?* a. Ku'k out t< tf other i »i.>;arn. 'c e *>n-u« | ludx Ihnrow kdxertis.ni la* 1 ■ i yn*" —and I'anl 1 rsher t IrruUlio" Ikr B. -vai; » r r vf,; * « » f "Of added imptiunrr la the most danjrervuis t.n cs . f s * •» . in *»«».« * d|ler IX all sqnirr l.e Fn'til * pu*:Sf-f e: hifn tchO'-' trenenw I* that thesr tan s.;.»ilr K.nv.f. I inipMs 1,1 u>! x|ai> St.r HaiUn.i percent more oarecro,,x . A.. \ oiv» «|>re%f.to the r«v«.f con,; fc-, « ". ;n.'if*«e b> * reuin are at the tap t>f the in- •< nr. rjpur i ♦ ten* • • l«»*x i •- »av than norrr.a! • i *: n.. •>; cio'c t.» f e -M.e impor?. •nine *. ale *n the ( rn«m Hn 1 A. |.«rir i« II.-n ■ si«»fta. Chilli. *♦... I » • Pa,» H*n Hiixli ivaixmne t aih.ti. The dmer a bo.00 l«e tneve %a". ?\ lake e*M'--dorf; tire course . r rj t '.e n*x *»> * t*a ■ > V. •:»i IOC.;- rraus rlaxsifliatien of eaiitini In t^SS thi* ■ I.'up )• ex ,rv a. power b» e.rns«i.niul acso-is than es er The fad : « Jro# 9. i: ^ 1 . ? ,\ e. »u • ; dru.k (roups pe. i"d in ad. SV million, the ennixalent »»f Hrl| e\ r r half nf the population CLASSIFIEDS ADS IX ytarx aid and eirr in thai w;:h •« cee . f. ISeiv Addition to Athletic Plant xear. 4# weir pen rut ax than acain*t current!• a third uwf«hii mt and lhi« o*rr little a&r •■osrt, s|t*.< ano a«<- '-ho HI %tlLIM 3 P 41 TI I *ii4 x \.\ST WIMktK nil I s I'M IHII A lt and 1-4 MllMtU th ».nif| ... irewp hirit in 1*>* •Thwx the intensive educa¬ e* c.ujcat > * K • " '• i - ■ S " ' I tion and training of our man Fll J 1511 | \ I .* w, .•;wre.t •» ,..k :-«?.?•»• >>t t , : . v-l w , # e power resources is a pnmart 1 Ke Ver » ;M . " i . ' ' ' •' * ' , a •• £ 1" »..!T :: • . requirement for the nation * Mirl.iiia.i Slalr Vt. oe? U * ' '' e ' . w . . future pro|ie<« and serurit* HOUSING LOST «no FOLN ) ' ' . ., t ion*! fac. »A *.•••. . -> .arts wx , ' if ^ - O-ne I.r-'f. i . Pe coir par00 • * • • • • , ^ M-- %••}»€-•.t-..; '•!■•: ' v ..... < • .. : ,-Kc S.O c I o4 ! ff.e b it l« v , v . . . . itvwiu: an PERSONAM ; rr t-e.ng a;.p ••• a •t . >p; s: - tips ax ■ aim-roe- irt- pcaii * ;U pr \ . •' 1 f » ' t*c .-n u-e -:..r « * .da a*x,i |v.« k m."c i Amriuur ' - . .. .. » '•JsJ i*i If srtfii t i xs 1 Tr.« (» . i xcaosx I: cT.d r *f# * v . .« se t taXe I • - busal:;.ir. i« th . » • INH»l HI t.l 1 VI ItlNw . -a 1 \ 1 h e. t if fioir. x • A . sh. i: H .e beime* 1.» x • J '■ . Crots « 32 \ Ida; T# tha m .»i » . < . . >>. r k . . . ;4 • r.«:» • a. 4 r.*»ie S t Dem. »h I.) 3-144 plants in P* i.*' T O d h ' 2i Supe: oi .1* SERVICE K1EN HKItiHI HI IN*. itiNwiuii I I|.»i. 4 quality *w w f a:;»r<,av »... IS Hat n F.I), liae of t ■ ;»' v » . , i \.n tl Ti« • s nt a* l - «':>i5e. . M*. THE CllANLS* t..er a»t i-SlS fa. a fc-r-; j i-i V " I . 1 • , j -i" A * 14 ... cava s )* Wrap* around SUCH •lAS0*»at.t ' lueebr.a' i f the i \ « ' . V U 2.' 15 h pe .ed 3S Haaieq NvK.'V* rOH AtN'T «it ft rvr \» M*,. . *1 (. hicapo. an. *, : ■ - * ■ ■ » S» Wit.».. r.f i»i-.»iiege» .V# H*« it Fort.A«i% - • c.. ' " v ■ tsC». * A ".M S, 1! far «»♦ ranee« ' DOW h I Turn .n.-ue I. LA*4S,S» iA.«.:«' | - . . i.r.c riam:..-'-, facui:'* w." r-.- w-.--.-CV5; U Purpitai* | ;«•••' ma:: rartbi!) I MaAn cut . aPPAxiVHD slNx»L,e OB dox.n,# coyr..t>of- :or the «-.»•. •; .?'% r... • .,.-o.*: » »un .n-'r » n m. K a» - ■; -;.r •*'-n Hl«*x and ■.. off II Maae » I Veuna ictan rau.i)u«. CAf % 4? River in *\ is Casikmwt i I A tt) l-iiea^ Iht MhU hU ' • H Veneiue.a tree l« Oh e g II Trhan^ 41 Siuermf , S F ace coUaft to«w "WO ROOM * AND ham tiOSAki c I II Mother i.| St Nuhh.W J ever ci a 4 Chr .rtmee • n uUUIiea. t.ea- at.d parku-.g i tu- ch;chen I// Housing Must Be Approved M Amor, i H. farutud# * Th# fura • :oea! «l Nua.ne»e k*4 % Sua d.afc « Marr* I) Trar.i- parer • c*;i afwr «# 4 -''leti'rx contra* w • II The cha*e«i "™, »pi-» SI Nank #4 SI W'aa Hex r.f -.11.. tu. - I? \ HI M1N1H H •' ' "•* twial. c to live i« unauper- twina x .ctor.ewf •an! ke II We.|M et 1 IX T*." 4-.JP1 • •" vm. >uiu«. & SI Kaw II Mieo. J netchet prec.ew* df \; v ■ er». wh.ic.h Have md set bee?-. a> c.ore* fALL TCJtMA Prixaie she dea.re h.n.x, 20 L.keret* ^ : -cart.pu*- 1 -♦ univei>.fv tnus*. yet the T- r- r- 3" r- %'va Ci-ab^ roon % l«t mai* »iudet.'v "! \;v. v«t- ' t na•« h-w.r.g re- • • * r»jT- * oka, P p Pi y •1 C. rr.b na rianti y H '** **1. park.ng IV 2-:*4 «ite- i fu.a-1-r- V > ' •• •-» • ii'u'eryr*.. uatr r • ny p r:" l»ll> I AN HI. iHtNI. Houstny titii-..e at K\t 2241. *i >vt dea:0ihF""' t ■'* f □ 11 vt& ~T ~ 22 Tesrporarf faahron 2J, Itahan tttf FOR SALE OR RENT WANTED ar» TH,usm; 1; Vr , .ar!* r* i4;,pr. %*-■! 24. Antelope »i t « exc«U«At fur condition, g bee. hy the u." vffv.t i a* • ••;« * .;,y appj-osai Sept. 15 .TliBH -*wv ii ■ ■ iw-m 25 Shenx v»o'.#»H n»*r van put Ideal Ivcwne c*n w fxeel* On lot MobU Hotne» Manor ri-tx TIMT P .B- month oid Own trti 1 1 atanciarda of beivaixwr and ti«*y»rum hfthtT IK sfuoert the householder IT W jr fr w JT or rni CD i a.i hi,. ;«e r anftr 9 g-r.l*. 1J7U-B bp*JU v^4i*J maautaine.. ca-i contact the HoUs.fcK Hffice An *jv ,i 1 w w JT. Grind ;rt« « I NSI FKKV tM II Ml VRTFKS ; * jso. t'tii nt u. K set up .and the quarter* ir*" L BT □ IW.: rr ahred* SO Cite x FOR SALE two BTVOCNT box a, iome. No hou*e*' 4#xer Will 4.-i." • *»■ approved lor a;r.yle men !.\ ;r.p a*? from wo: it in«p*s-;*s1 at a time conxement f;.r m 2 L 24 Repair W CODING DRCSS W m? iege* Sr.;ail child *>r :Z* j b chapel uth the house bidder and i]ou«ir.p Office H- St lndehn.te t*wn L;h» new. size m White aii* own tranaporuuor. home only fur men mmlnv m the v*: • .v IT m S -- eigarua. PIivmM Cq ",-iC3? un.tof heel j 4.4 '* ufficiala. -HOi-»wirE-Htu- cudeye» tor telmw who hase «-rx'#d at JwV-.i. *• r SlMPU ■" en p- r open least months .n act/ve.aUta* in one of To avoid Ust-mmnt# coiifusmn. student* ^4,S ??' w E SS Cirtie at 1«M .« MOVUIC ....c MU11.1B rU.CE, S.II- .»u., ... ,J(. io»"a no hr c*i »'• * the United State.*- mil dan s^rxuvea»,• a» *hvii'id cutiijcJL the Housing Office earl* . " " \ i 4S. Net teen Id catalog, •leeded m Mit Write Ha.^;* least 21 years of aat, and with a 'minimum ha..ore tc y»t appruxal of the*urdv*r*d> c XT . w 41. Copy MB MOO.. 3S12 BeUevue Rd 42. Mimgiil • IIALL-IABK ► |U> fJi-uimcraiU jm»,ie j« .nt averape of 2 s*. w. i result ti rtichni students from »uch ... . 3 Uf.l U..1* J,.u w rfr , 43 Cat »cr* The iiniveraiTy now has apprQximatyly I'.-J.'s".Imr:: - *"-• u> : ... rftrs. arivi fun try them to accept room* ~ 44 Pen pomt .1. Tri.Wf Hi r. 3 TRANSPORTAT r 1 1 w 7T- fT" 400 rftfiderw-e* ajtprtn e*i oi fiwijE2——— . . . HK.1I nE-XDEKSi!!!' . liable on* ox« rer . . . . . 1XIW COST . MO to lK«n<4) f a ' . *■' A W A > . . ix'utM t.OV and •