Youth Institute! v.,- -• fliiiok Open Golf Michigan StateNews High School ( rM> »"* C»toto««l* Spmhma J tV, Twirwawoit Sm I'axr It Sf« r**» i Q MSI' l or SO Vest. rnti-K r. cents <",h.""M. s*. w FAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—Tlll listi.\V. jn.Y IMS \(>i(! Outdoor Pool Nigerian Premier Gets Heady for Bathers MSU Honorary Degree It'll Open Today—Barring ,\nv Unexpected Difficulties At Ceremonies Fridav H» NUPl CNRDT Stitf *»«• NlWr-lR rhlff ^ **.iter Rvnt)#ri*n«l on th# MSI* oasis will r#- Nnanidi A/.ikiwe to Talk (V, •tthtonU, Ofttlty *n.l »1»ff »« Ilie new t-;r»rmir*l outdoor pool opem officially f, B.I ■JmlwM eh.rje .erellwl m nmm»" M tnlramural 'Aparajito' band, made up of outstatidinK high sclHwd musician* on »ampu* this summer. Prevented* wiw'v rr«i» tWwnan. hut ttu- "Apurnjito" (Th# t'nvan. * This will be a tare opportu* f nmulrwt t.i prrwnt til t *• for student* and tn*vu«- quieheill, thp »eoon,l film of ...» .„. fM —♦<»•• •« »• » mar nan. Th* atw MSI' oatdnor paal hchtad afteraaaa. and awlmmlng fun will hrgan , . and wtwff wm btra day at MSU. I nils* Inc the ptailng of the t'ordier auid last Kridav in Mm will b# shown »t ? 3d th* M*a'i latraaiaral halMtat via HIM today, hairing »n> unfnr*«**n drlava. ail tw M W British National knlhetn iM the first of the ("ullotrp of #r •• fee tbv „.#.libera, All ineludtng thore p.m. mer Nwh #ventrqr* in the nim arrtes at Sum* FairchlM. gerla l« a British lerritortal colony I and th# National An¬ Kdurrttmn Summer Series Karc Kvcnt atMteto tornvtreret. must "Aparahto," like "Pather Pan- Kurd Foundation (*ivca Grant them of the Tolled Males, the Hpcakcrs, Spoil in Skios , LV chaV was pexxltieed and di¬ tniorallon will he given hi the l or lict executive stint t.» l^r f##» rrwW-t. farulty and rected In India by Sar Tavlor Pi -A/i- UN *KJol.l. offici..'» w zation * ho the h.» mi In-e- be Last TiiohI;iv prohevsor on various area* of ■ -a*. Xa naw und.r U in ovitrast to the village lif# A new anil original program teaidenl M.V|' alaff memhrr kuv- will be introduced b* Pre¬ gin r All ii-droiiomtciil o\ out -n "Pather rancha!t fm e'ementary arh«M«l teacher know ledge and method* of K'c. In Pr.n ..ti H a*a a p-«w*lll»d In tha in teaching them. the master teacher will delete sident .1 -h i A llamiah • i* of raro that thoro w u* urt ro- education to he started thia fall A'lktwe'* addrn* w ill i»o 'he Sue.* I'.mM in is'tii P-nL Rar«M iM Ran# Rawer*, afca At de of exploding rnt" gen¬ *at#4 tb# realtor iai father •he will return to MSU p for During this pcrtud, Mi.*s Doe olniorvinjr such «n nccur- IMi.QQd grant announced today the honorat> Doctor of law* et »l w.ii wen* controlled t»v H^imrrlt In Talker Paw- another ten-week summer ses¬ h..; als«« take formal cotusr* roitco tiwik plnoo last Tiios- by the F«vd Foundation. degree. t'N action be said Were wttl b# • 1 ehaN " cretins# Itotr rrtw tw The' funds will he uned by the sion. • aught by MSU pit»fe*«ois in ,, The purpose rt f»r Ankt«■••'* llMwever. the 1A has not li¬ ilnv at !•: I.*» a.m. m« M II r«M #Mi fw RMM " kpnraJM# " Tk# rwt if Itw ###t HWan aWe litewna te War tee a I the local community college MSU College of Education to v"it t'» Ihe MSU campu*. which quidated cold war. nor was it Hsf#a«l ten i tlurd summer session Tlii< (-!;in*'' \ i'liii* pi* i t ifl la fltffvrenl N««m. induct research comparing the After a mmrn will end next Tuesday, I* to re¬ an up to give peace It metelv frmit i.f 'in- l»i r Xvlkiwe has exnrvased an The new plan offers students tn a wav that ran gain results. and t* slmilur to j solar eclip«»-. !*>• pew'., ir th# building ther Pinchali "* the fourth year but the salary Interest tn haling MM *p##lal- who want to teach the appor- Since Cot-dirt agree* with the "Aparaltto" won the grand which happen', when the moon run «uw» A- * «r.« Jun#. lNt. l##VCf r«rt of th# n#w IM prue at the IM* Vtow T»lm ♦.unity to obtain a beeWater*# 23 Student* will be increased to >3.MX). Requirements for graduation 1st* assist In and devetepmenl Ihe ealahllshmeol of Ih# Tnlver- Martin Bub#r st.itciornl that the moves in front «>' ttie sun. Di s*-9 M completed. N#w touch FeativaL It also received the degree and k ' of Nigeria ' "greatest disaster i* breakdown Sfoklei expl.»ine.l at a minimum of will be about the same a* those ailv •wts*2 fekte and #oflta:: dia- -.t •# muth of th# IM butldtr.g h##e. aaaded. and will go prue for beat dilution at 5an rranciMv* the President of Tilm Teettval and India's Gold the The indent am tgjdd In Rm late tern yoata af Reprimanded for teachers taking the standard four-year course except lor the He will (ileum i ic« .* a id otnn- of A'.i>'; u .in educaiio-i Classes Dismissed of the Ft Pi ti*U-lidu.i.- Stoklcv • 'i • ■ .i fi.rmcr ilirrctor 1'l.vnct.u mm in I'bi - 'cH< hr« *c cnc# oovimi* dtffetence in amount pf By University •ik liOin some of U\* mi n Colin?r> a onerat.on bar devtim# us# Medal fiH- "the best film of the lite ftve-vear V! If i Slid Y w ritni,-. ,n the - fi.Mii of loprmi- a*t»eriancc. . ciastruotn .no • IM .1 meeting Friday evetiing c#»t fw!" term. nee steei ..mxed to JO-1M itlent.* I h«Mi .0 MSl II.• *ai-t tti;.' th# The rnrrteulNm calls for a •x •"i lb Amen,.!.* v ho arc «?u The third y*r\ rt the trilogy. MtV. caxic Voardahg to Beeman. exact Piaciplinar* i c 11 a n a. t#tal #f |H1 term huurs, half in dc it* a? MM ell i the <U»I a? til St.i!c an I >vh M ?.v th# n#w pool will b# •The'World of rec#nU> CooiwratHm of MSt* com¬ t> llaonah and P«" Glen Ta. i l which * i'.! fcatuic \urm». I'liilc.) eo*-»Uon u\ about a m «• c*Mnplete\l and ha* opene.t a*, munity college* and communit*- (iinat 22 MSU student* who the first t»s years and half in a» c •iiitiig ?•» Dr. I'liii , -t at:a the teal three. g.nt. Dean of tti# In'eri..i?iom.»I, •»( t'watem in India The three aoli(viI ayatema it involved in wtrn involved in tliaturb- Program*, ll-ifed Nigeria in K lor, dui tor of the MSI resilient* were net fr* th.# pool has been m films trace the life of an Irntian This include* 4'» term hour* xrtv ml the plan. a nee* on the rampu* June Ms*. IWVJt. at the rcijiir»i of the miner aide lo «ih*rri r II. allhnuth lire* particular in basic lopr-i's, ti in physual fcr • w##%. poiicr con- family, fallowing m Say Jane D««e. a m-et t high State* Stale ivpart- able in wslch Wnu* ap- II* 12 and M »«« announced United were -# student aril family the developntent ef the tv>r Ai>u school graduate, w ants to oe a educutiou, Tti in ait* and e-r^-| meiiP* International coopeialion < line to five ex - priMchiiis Itrgiiliis. then draw- ♦ w. 1 be ma.^e.'* »a:.l Becman. from childhood to manhood. teacher, but feel* *ne rann•^t af- by the ltean of Student.* science*. 32 m ptoios*w»nal edu¬ i in* iso from il. » administration vo iniAtlUst*,'' tie *>. ' the poc*l w hl b# ueel fird to go away to sc:u*'l for office. cation course* and 13 hour* in related music, art and physical Dean Tafgart reports thai he ice gicrtt |t< 11M»i lance m t'N ' At lew*' Iw e.u'h -*•■*♦: ttieie •o * f t recrMUm. it will al- four Year*. atudent was found 'n- f# tbe s.:e of the Pan-Am- Speech Therapy Under the ne*% program an# One nocent and slecUuon* involving education course*- MSU official* believe the pro¬ has never been tn a fnuntrv "where the drtie for education U.k "lit < .H no ni i it' i ptai in ttie hid i* 4ii s.< The th# on#* she would take If fhe diaclpllnarv pndition, practical experience, a lr*«. ev- l»e GattonNanied aerxu-e rt the MSU Speech Dept. is being continued during attended MSU for her freahman strict four on disciplinary proiiatlon pensive education, differing cx- perimentii! program* in vaimus l ie«n'gc Washington*- of tha' area «»f the woHd."' Pcan fag- This can broaden tolerance and ivvpecl understanding, of bright stats aix- much lc*.« common and tophomore years and two >on warning pr^lwition. t'ordier gave importanee of planet al-o m.»\ occulf » •tr»t five-week aessmn llu» communities, a continuous and g.nt .*al one* of i-ompHrifig student* in the a* it's often tale.I with inter¬ event of « ri ;l.#nn:teu T>r*. Gattocv, Aileftn )uBkf, present program with those in tune was e*Ltor-in-( hicf of a-e«« i'. is an good standing. papera in Accra and Lagos/ ior statu.*. t<»r n planet t«i occult one of «*» r ven the nod bv the board the new one. Following «re the epedfie ac¬ tlll'M* ' ». H- tO SPARTAN editor, tion*. together with additional parts mt the I'V t »:•-% uho haa worked on the c*mo# for two year*, aenred penalties, a* handed ik»w n by From the Slat lie's Mouth and Frum easiern Canada, tenus wa* about the faculty committee on stu¬ IH drarees above tbe eastern «» --j;t editor fall term, wht'a dent conduct: when it occulted lie- Years lioriswn Spurty Looks Through + r -x.i *.*> rt stories lor publ.- 1. Three atudent* were sus¬ *ulus. Ha "Dirty White Tennu which appeared in tha pended. These atudeniA .will not "F'lien Michigan. Venus did¬ •' *" a a as been reprinted m Wa pramitied to attend the uni¬ "S'licieriU and facultv iiubi'C-1 n't rise high enough t-i la- *e< i but may afraid I made • versity in the fall term Grand l.edge. I'm tint,I the iK'cultiitbm *».■< over.'* Mswal roaiape humor mas- BY Sparty-Ceramic Sparty bscausc I it and for Apply for readmistion at tnr end fuM about m* glaae. nu« quite a *4 Id Dr. StnkW. a. !%e« this •f the fall term. Th»« action Do you wonder why t stand The ordinary salt glaze would Spartan atbirtic teanix, an«| the information about the Venus entered in thtir tran- bake on me like a zebra's coat Iwonr stuck. nUo i« Iter# with my rye* toward Hie atmosphere w ' tie valuable A* I hu\c s'owl through when plan* are made to "iacnr •cript*. iterth? N« doubt there are a because of ihe varying tempera¬ thr wm« | have >e*n Rose fbrw| 2. Fourteen student* were f#wr people who real ire tha1 I ture* a» different height* in the it direr') v bv inter-plentary Irani, and l«*ing tcjrr<* | have placed on strict diaclplma ry think. I have veen so much kiln Finallv a lead glaze wax this institution grow from spare pntef. he Mid probation The*# (tiptent*. for ry ainc# | came here in June. 1443. deve|r(ierl and they fired m\ Uidafmite period, are pro- a college »o .i university and an that | have plenty to keep me temperature to 2300 degrees in Chilrirrn'* |lr«iiiniir« Wibited from holding office in occupied five day* It took nte nine day* cn?n in* Rig 10 Football fans a* 'hey pass to the extracurricular club?, governing Often f think nf my first day*. to root off moot me llrlil liv S|M'rrli lto|»l. went into the kiln .stadium and arc aroused by my groups and activities, the action Ralph Ynunf. athletic director, When I is entered an their transcripts went to Southern California I was II feet, 9 inches Jail but confidence. Discouraged stu¬ Classes in creative dramatic* and additional restriction* can dent* have often come lo n>« lo for children of the third and *"• and aaiv a large atatue c-f a the firing shrunk me to 10 tret. pJbiieue*. TWe Waned We made a* may sstm fitting. 6 inches. Even at that I think think. fourth grade age arc being of¬ Trojan. the praaent duwcuon t. Four students ware placed th# tallest free-standing "I'm very photogenic and am fered by the speech department H* thought It would be a I'm metatiee the disciplinary probation. This world!. And fever!le subject Yleitore ate# during July. Hoys and girls go¬ •n flood idoa to have something ceramic in the a **»<«* was af would you believe that I toeign h#ih artlalteal- ing into or out of either grade "imkty penalty la the same as strict similar tn MSU i campus and Iwve to petal me. will b# accepted that it i* not recorded on the talked to I'l of. lamiiard Mrveial toll*? My clay ouhiide li and Uteralls' I am Ih# vteBm Cla-*-xt-K will be held in room * *i student a transcript Junflwrirth of tli# art depart¬ weighs only 3,uou pounds but te uiAiiy jukes hut ma t"J' tovarnWly. 123 Aud from 1MU am on v*nactpalae 4. Two student- were placed ment ttowevcr. it wa* quite a my ivmvrit inside weigh* much kuuw m# fur wrhat I on warning probatum. These white bafurv Prof. Jungwirth more than that. guard ton te MAT and Ih# sym¬ Tuesdays and Fridays beginning tendinis waived no additional bol te all Ih# flflhlteg and val- next Tuesday and continuing bag— making me out of Ohio I was dedicated la Jan#. It43. through July 2R. A fee of H il tea panattti* but must take the ini- ctef. The complete process of al Ih# triangle where Ih# fled iaal Mgiseiaaa. Rntlwa to roster* their records "A* Ih# seasons continue re¬ charged for the term. ■M bM*r 1 developing m« took almost two Cedar read of pood standing in lb* »«"># volving the students come and Kegistiabons may be made bv yann! MSV BOTC iteSMU ftaS H te al *Mt tt Ikter Inktel te msnaar as raquirod in othsr II toe erected la tha# te but I'm sure they won't for¬ calling Ext. 27ui twlwccn Id Mr IMS (wUHmUm* m Fart tttef. *■■■■■ Th* BOTC disciplinary actions. other fBNM I waa Mf I had te ha tenia In flv# milsat and kaa te thai get me. just a* 1 can't forget «.tn.-4 p.m. this week. Dr. Jed Davis wdil b# its Dr. Uhw tt I SSI at (tea Alter , at* Dtcialona involving two mum Urb to# taly Mia hii M'l h##u them. Yes. 1 have many things I** tt tW< intete*. patttea teto praaUa* •todsnto will Ws delayed until M# to MS «M la lo Hunk about/ charge of the course. hr* Ml torn. tnmun « U* tJtU* I'll I Mllj I* I ■M to (hate mtMUrr cteMM M Ih* — Film Far.— 7~T7. * Trace, Brother Don't Start Anvtliiir." -4U* Michigan Slate News — Ro\ieH Horse Soldiers. Cm4 iia* M *« •» StMrau 1*4 l»f»lt«* Y»# fJi.;?.&*• Stif. \#*» :» pwh'**h#d h *.r<. KM- mtth'-ui • r#rt faculty #up#rvir.o:v '.? is re! !4r e'f.e.a! mamc* of th# ;;• .»< of is «aoi«M Kviy. hut •hi1# ###4 *.:*.# to *#rv# th# #rs* '.n.t#r#«t> of So-\ »•* ■ '« ma.v '.» >*•- *t-uwf#nU u# M^MAs-. Va:# VtsivrrMt*. f«>- I a**- "• or Smitli Pacific. Aparajiio • •#!» r*aw» wturti would iff!*# a *r#o.f# hrtftw th# t»»v» i»V!Vr •* row* fro- w ;•'• - '"*# m i .»m M i n.sii ■•.'■a? ww from #;;t«M# Member f' thr A'«fcv.a:Y-. Prow tr.!*.*d t>4;o rves? and A».v -•■• , .. : tX-iA" tfl the f•;•»• . , Y ''•« a*a h*#** ,. • ar.t • pirt> lf.6 *t ' • " ... ... .'VS-';i hit .Mi it ,: r" - U Na. M Thur*da*. July #, r«jrc TVo M r. hever-latyA , R ,i -■•,.■ w n' vet «M ^"iiti''-, .<■ + , ■ tNttg* ilMlvt.l.'l , .. VFW pi.nur. t .st iv Says MSI! Officials . • i. . • , - - In r»fm. T. ,, ,.t„ 'hwuch . amrta m«Ui«m .•■ Attenij)i>t to Scuttle ROTC •■ .. . v the faflwrr t«> :• . ! j i , • ., . ;>,vi •.a i i.r.v ov..'H'-v (HHHIltd to a itoft.t at. . I \ FTKIUNS or FOREION * 4RS. Ath#ra CAn«\cntion in Traeer*# City*. . tUMV" '-vtrsn mavtrtrv. MSt* }« rtAt th# nnty wniv#r*itv tn aitntt ••!••. :»N at MSC tnd ether .>. • \*rged top tiAn th# wonh of Ri>Tt a* a c»«mp-.C*»*r> . . .•• the Ur\v3,«ua\ ajAr en*. >g#* an.: ur.isc nCti## with "#r- cf *tu»i^ .. ,. ,r Wavnr toa.1v a . ngrr.r.g the natinr.'ji defer.*# efforts" bv o.v.:r># 4. . ten it At* to wvri * • . , > .r.g t*> ecuUl# the reserve nfficer train- TA1.K Ol" CM AN<;!MJ fr.^n rontf \ . • k ' -.■•• i* an #**rnt-.t,;. , aatjw r. dr#« much atiertluv* .:nix#r*it;#*. th#r# #\.*t#d a ur.atrin.v.* . . . ' >*..,..1 til.# to tnfo? th# MSI* campu* winter a*-., « pin.An that th# ROTV #h«^uM b# put on a • •. Seats to-' the .r.g term*. hut never waa it nffKiaib i-Ahir.tarv ha«;« , . . tnAia« «ior. tor Sai»« Tv# l'nitA»i Sta'A* Am*' TVpatiwcnt has %. .. - f* s ThurtMay ar •. y* ■ .esc*ted that th# unir#rv;0 ahnuM at v. 4 . , th# program. Th# member* cf 1 vr hinted that AAmp;i"«.in ROTC at AAllcfc* t'.:- a sensitn# #n.1 ■ v.% W, when placing th# chare# a? ffutthr.* an.i un;v#r»it:#a m th# futr.n# mav b# ncr n'.vtern tn.1i*. -: s *- '' # ROTV* #raa r»nt acting or. j.Vid facta #v:*t#nt THK TAU ON THK MSI CAMTI S »«,n Mr ON THK STATE NKMS ar# net n fa^ or c' atw\«h;np *:vh a pr\>er*tri a* RO CLASSIFIEDS ADS 4 auggpM that th# nr.;v#r*.;tT ah.vJd au *h th# prv>«rar-. It did. however, arg-u# Ts" \or oa At her Are* n: ratio-* and Aft- # pro# and rone . .m tv» j r v ri r«n*r -a a rompulrory to a t-oduniarv has « a vat Af r#diic;r,e ;t to a vt' ha*;*. *« ; aheu d h# ;f. an mst.tutiAn Af h:fh#; mil. r.i *bi» • it «»s i . voviivt .hmnii r*tn.t Many (TAup# at MSI» d##m^i ROTC a vnwsaan funct c-r which aheu'td h# a* r*R;r. j ri> i-lill KXT. ttli a . n Oth#r*. ;r>c?u*i:r^ Th# v'#«« Af *w# \TW- ar# that MSI "* •# Stat# \#w* at"d;*h th# prceram Th.*, Af HOUSING absurd automotive s-a.-w. a charcr * \v.ii:rtArr ha*.;* St.". AAi'.r*#- is ,WT*l.f n>R KF.N » , P.vp' « Revit of Week lop Stories \ « in op * 1 a.isi v* , raitvnn mi«*.nai UH u \\ 1>rr»l>CT—v»er r>rr»»MT—V* -* t.v, s . V. »- .v Hi. -#fcurrwo Sr.v- America Subject of •# •' iSovel fc*e..-- •c MVt \ 0 *,VM »IV le 4*>. ITHMMU.* i-inim » w.' V n ft p.. TKV -ff t t>. >■ **»- S 1 -no. 4»#l".l41 #WN"WT .U?w« :>4-. P N'F r, » f fN-T#* Ih# manthfc Sftiff th# •##elf*# .. i-e* 1 »v m fftN'nn .vf ►. .% AMOhi.tV** t*# iVA*""fre~ • -,hat % 9- 1 jprw* *u Iht* intimata trrtntp .-aur?' ' r- VI.?... .7- V# > « ' * .V ft ».rr »?f tv' t »fPt nul Awltlwi—ia»nl #." P»rnt..r .V* ro- M 4» FOR SALE •r . ■' ru " 4 ■ , agnn. t" ■ * c |>» t #AHT W-'hT. T » Ar •«-»">-■. 4 - . gov- v •' vf't rtei-.i,-* — %t#- * »- f - -t a "01: .t. \FM M(VN W4IIV*K\ t p-.:vw P.. *•—'>.e.' •'r-ft- i (H4.--ft « 'h f • S* •ft.- .4 p"a ' o*f '< »> * \e\ j hntrnvm, •*■*• t~ fc'ft ■ I 4- " tr " *• 4" • : v 'ft. .- ♦ f..»s 4 A, - ft. rr ft- «• ;•„» -n*nv **!• jp»: • « I W **HI*i.t AN — « v. . a -1.. 4 % .;d a «•, • *■&« t ei 41* Vra»>*f hm- a -* ' -a v; *—#- in «.*»-#•# ft Arr, ft#* i_ i- wr. si's- e* -'v . , * S. .(* r-o* . » t'4 ' e •».- i* v. . « nn S.fcl F #!Kr he. . F-t » . — >•* .V A# *V TT *\nu . a tfOMm mi • •atrj *|.v -o 4 pr;rw-.r>» . N*r»* . r. anwt ft i. h* , r r.ssl e.vrfltle- i MAMAT, «»»!-*>•« 4- p ft*p' - « ft.m-f'.t—.- r#A.» *'v »t * ft..4 hrvftSifht h.- •>.*# M«kei } ——#<1 |M I 4 aan tan nil « 1 :> J-uj; > 4*"—ft* « r Jvvwfr ka 'ft ft--1 str rwwft P i.-ii-.f artUM nhovw w %v|U>t,T\tN — a a' ■ *1 qi. .*•* > h#oor*.# an# •■a,*>A««-ar ft r* I A—#~ 5ft~4AwS.n* 4 |f »" »" i* -# # th# p..'>p « nro- fh .'A.-ft- 4 '.** ft»'"#w*A-. * * • pa »p h,wis**sl ano fa MM A* .ifr- i • fc v-f i -ft .ft ."•« % APT ft- 4|'AT *• 4-.» A **•* -»>f '-n•#*•-#»»<■; *| -* h \ n—4-ft* a-ft th-*<» .•»*!<#>• 4ft> -..v.- »?. ana «r- p- !• :• , as • ,"v»ncvw#r th*t h;« •*«-« ■» a.* •"■{ r-fw-*" —w i ^ • * . ■ a r""»v r *># fnrtf - ' *l«* ftf UIBUf* a C4PJ4 —4* •«•» p iS i « » f # iP.iv;1- ■ REAL ESTATE . - "ee . > i> F.ft *,*•-«- 4T. #. - A« 1 r*#-a A* ' « | •. ■:r- V n '* ~w rs* * iwiiNsn nil : —Kj i 4, »e ts •» fe# *•« «i t># t..-p h# ?*.*>#•■! • rw,iP.#o#».t •> -*♦ e«\r« tvvrrr* vai * •-»>* sr- t»! *wa V*A "* r »* ASinvi.TAN — s.. . art » r4KS: tw 4 r~ft* 4T'4Wwac v. t i ','jrr * . vivo .* a A*IO*\.TU\~A -a . v » « s.» ft* tr#r • dO"«VPr XV A 1h# B*44tt(i| an# Ihm K-v IVcar • * • ft.s • ' ft * r*.v*» ft? * - . •WjAa.; v r-h» Afrp-vts. 1*44 »-a .»#: * ARVk-r, -t» mo~# 1 mtd "ft# — air 'Jtviftf ftf ho... -• ~*f ro.r .*»* * *•# nv. S . i fc *. ft-• .'«■ pi- -ve. »r,« hi-OfcB*, • 4 ■ ;.ha -f-rfc"k h»" "■-■ft J.-VJOA#-.".::#* .w P'V * v ft- A* v V ft, '> «4>A 4 ./*>- • ..# ar:;»ft i»a,n ih# v':,U: 1* • n»r v -■ # - .-.n- i.iSki »•». 4.4 #ocec ■ tv# .■■'• r.f a; • *w»' us !•* *.{ » f.vv. .* • - - .-v... R*.- r Jfc-, rs» .'«vn*..##r4f».# >-#..#-• ftp- kS*-*"vWi ft##*# ;» in'rf ■: 1 Wl" y*t wa 4 ' *Oi.' •»# i*r. 'mt. .v»f» -ft* 4- •VwftOft >■-. vrmmt*. • \r-r- 4 !W » ■■ •f -p 4 . v.V -e An..*" - t n.»-rs-a. » *uaai(vaiN t His lirtV- IA . •• V n* - ft • #k t.. r* **4.6 t# -ft «!n4f fciTii-i,. n*u •?•.» *-.rV!--*--4 S44- S» n •-*. ^ ft ► -v •' 4 4 » W#. >» SERVICE »r * e~n* ,«-fc iv f.v g-.»- f • *. *ia 4'.- • #pf*»4i imw* a# il* taf* iii CfciAhisT cic-is 4* vw* I.' !».n 1 4 Mi# **#*• V- M#r» • kp-» ** ' .* :"*h ; 4- 'fta -r. -r« «. ft Sfc'C* tiOOSOif M Jt ••4#* H 1# #«1 th* laiotlrv* Michigan State .News r •*'#■ r#a ;,!*#« . ■ . r 4 • th#** 4ft»w fr—i «h* »«t—s i»»# iKH AirtW* r At - v- V*' 4 \ "f a - 14l4'l k4M> Ihtfc A a I •!< . *•-. ..-rt %!•"» 4a« Lfcrsitjt %».» .g*» .'V--OSK. f : * V*;»iftT.. ftftt ... (I •* - ir*; cwf.iv :L 1 _ » 4#*r*l4»4|N* fck* M VI* « t f ■:" • ftftSkfJV,. e i*vs si i*fcs:«' •>.. i . » r -# ♦#• '—n »!#** Pal aaaitp-a »r* ■>-a »ji";tf»~r.* * i VL-.t.J •»-. • «*4 • . ft. .v.*4 . '4 *-4*. . 4V- mmi i# *p-| #•« #«•* . i; v . h »r b»'» • ► :• '• ?• ft l>r»»4 ft* . ft -■ i-. *n.r.g» . ->c # ftft-SfS*-. >*v *■ ft-.-J- & -• O 4- !lw IV* ft. * k-*»i ;«r- *■<# '4' .-i»»nft ftbtft t$ ift»tw *# ar* im* II **r * *« "i* ftp -v-ft \a .him ft- fse ftft-niv ft' tvw-ov VSHAOSfttM# ar* "is 6.»ll•#«*• PnNft. AftiA "tmi AMAeianne #"■»•» ftn# «*># v. ft-* • -. fc-* . «• ?V «• ft.-» CUT 6ILLI8E TRAVEL OFFICE WaTCH M* VUU-Aft ftftfc *»« »..-*■* ft- - ■*«•.» ♦. • 4 -v-va- , SALE! / !li*ri#d Lgrnt AH Ira*#! t *»nlrr#nA#x CfcOC* A* T* * 4 \IK — R All. ST I*. A MS HIP TOIR lotls« 4 -ftN C-V -4- Nalu#* to Sviv.V.TO — — -♦ r-f-ft* 4- -tci • • 1 KllsK — HOTI I — Kl>OKT — IV\s>IH>RlS THCM#SOS S JLWIi.** » »* *i rt -ft- fp, MLT SIIJO IORKU.N CARS personal ...... * :.*? *»ac (ft ,»• • U%MV\". R..v V* — t * tefofputhfe. Kexcrv!hK«.« h '.'W-ift 4 .ft*«- ft-,# gp- - WANTED r-r—ft*- a akft soft •# MKMBIR; Anteruan N«cf#t> t^f tratrl Agent* .'•ft ' • S' . ■ - ' ft-ftA- #" . *- » ASH A fth.K lOKtlv ft4 .& ft* " ft ;.f •• t -.S# S. I.'iO ^ dAViPL'A i«AS>*. P"iEi.-> » . (tranil Hitrr (. •• Drcv- rw*%v v* " • ••• »v-^ ' r *4 • S3J6 KUgrhiHHl 2^W)h? T4 4.4 ..r v4 *<# *4r'ftC !S W'« *" af "tft Riift- ..4* VvSl;.' luiftl I ^lifting. \|i< higan I II I /. /'/,( > for l.inihility . . , TllvJiaT Jil| • VoMof. % l »< • <»'*v «f < e*iml Mxbuu'i #M#*4 ami **•*». ">..** Kiiliiciil — Bl A AMI ,AM .1 to S 13.100 ft . ■ ■ •#ftr rv ' ,*■ . " ■ -- ! "* - *- J r^ o iCs '■ ... --h* •. * k~—. #! • *>» [rfl K.»*i tthrk'% A * -*■ - 4 « Hfcirpr « VAftSfTT SHOP Afchwt Kf "V»ft I II(HIM* t..*ftt,*1 »•*■;.-vr. r.*w ?-■• **•*:•'. 4#4&.; E*»l L»B»r«t. MkS - U•,.•#**- Zinc Aluninized MUFFlrERS Tfck ina (km Mim rawh. bull » IM1. » Mm! '* ?•—«»Ufft, a \ fcBi»i>fc»«piBa irwl tar ,Mir «ifr • • • .'ftSf ■**.»'» ft»rtli tl }t art ao». <.A**lk»m" Cfctrm) ( ft3CAv5_K^.\ve c X II me ItHM u mi IMaif raai# i L4Kt.t>T W.y/H >r l\ TOW \ , . . tana, thrmha —OA waRwr aaA #orr —ml hcac rWtrir* km aam if «; hac4#r t*a tat KRAMER AUTO PARTS • Ortaaai WO Ca kALAMAZllO IV 1.1335 S«* aaj *n> alirr mmt al I4S9 Aaa St. B.v »«»»' I 1 L . i rnpniiiiu 1 f— uit naltars 7;,. Naar 1 " Minim** rriir wnca 1 FIHIMH Mr I. IU) ,iv Rare Books ( anoeing* Swimming 125 Rodents Play Guinea Pig Role in Library Anions! Summer Fun The Ttv«.r ermomto* lalwa- flach rat reoeiiea a ha*U* food What h#pi»on« to Value of hewn* the nutrient In pr.vesvlna it !>r ecomMttb* flalne Rntherforrf. hnm# orofesstu, r-iniliifted wreVd*** v"h<»«* hold.* t*.i w*'e a'htno rats containing vitamins, minerals, a *lv-month project with tadt* ■'.•»nd £ !* Sit n n. on tivy a protect now underway. lUtt fat. Vroteln and sugar ITaolt rat oard turner way he plated fc»r #*rerime-: r1 -o a ted potatoes ,*v»»ev«i(m ttro »!*1vr»tr and are being 'ihl bean* put through v,, m it. ,se tn t**e air>«;.met! !abo- ts fe.1 about four and one-half Result* of past eaperlen. ea in the tut e#n* liana I different proee««e* Airlculture t*-f .1*rV »y«. "Th# R.vl« ,-r **d f *r npuntr The VM'S tM BniWfnt **»« ra'or* all ra«* a-r Wept at the ounoe* a Wl I kaeaaw the* engineering student* prtS'es* the have been puhlt«hrsl in ' Journal * a.rftNi'1. temo*r«M;TT Mark* of Rata are of Agriculture and Food i*he»n- in p-'.l 1e*f «n.l fdor. en vrUttm project fao itie* f *r in# s;iv1 heaie require Ivan* Another |oint ... <■' on **ed h* 'V \ padd'ehaiU arohery. .-•tea are r'a.-ist ... thai a'l rats Rave the «i n it i agrteultin e engineering on iatrv." a»»d American Journal taeali far feed aatHaati ii badminton iweetaa the «a-"r a 'Mount of «»m- of Ctlnleal Nutiitmn " i n-»,T' \* rron start . M fh* '.bra-* tMa*»a««. .« . and weitht lift int. light. AU f»|M are d?ainferte.i. v, . n v «r*»" re? ef *••.-/»•• II itch Rf*ilfr*hip - , , \»tur.l in* on * Your Key to Hrttfr Valuoi t'umpuA' riUMirirdu . MSt* dw—« 1:? iir*-. an.i to m?d*ng**t on < *rillnnnriir WrMmll . . . r. h. «Y» tcred npgvrini ,»r » if is • >L- • Avv' O'Oeo Vi> (ii.r t'nnrfrt at 8 **/--kron« . v. , . h»'.' " Th«* 'lV*r* V*, 4 ( •V *« outdoor oof.-eM. Hotspur" 1; i« autog< ., »-*r:Toneur. Will meet th»**e who ^ i*# mi*** the ivvl Unwr *;•••»*•<*'' * • • . are fnto-ertevi at the #«»ot of the >*K h»*w':ng and CHURCHES •of • iW • ^ .. y. v*V A- «*«V NvV< "**"• • «»>* ip* .V a ' tn Uta f•:**•,* of dr*—* . ♦»♦.- * ... ••■ -• vnn f.s-n « to f-.m, 9 $ so |* m. # . tower for a eondueted Wr of the canlUw EAST LANSING ,'«.* ***** «,f bran . ewin a ' •*• •••.,, ;*?♦ mijvrvV ,« ' **-•« . . • CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF ',n,, in a T*h*w'~<* \u ST. JOHN CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH !V ' v *n:i *"** *<*»»♦*' Junuar* •<);•. \ \ M ARRIED STUDENTS!! CHRIST SCIENTIST pate irenelstlen Yum her i T'*rv a'*.. *-,»• .» f -* STUDENT Call-H 74622-to... EAST LANSING t edsn.v of OAVr.'. « w- » . "Thit-*'.-" - 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT nraarh »f Tkr Mailiti rfeatrO FOUNDATION tki 0l»H l itarrg ef IkilH "«V Free pick up grlenltai. R*' •M Weal final Rlrtr Si F». p fMMii'ti tt r. fippii am c. oaiNnr rrrrr. rsai*r Cknirk Irntrtt II s a*. Free Summer Snulti irk'Mil II s m. II. FORNO ROOM tit a % i\ glean* a** |e«#fg f«rm, Mialaiaf » Storage •abt#rt IS SO I M. •illii Miiwi Ot'MtgV IIRV1I C "iiin*MiNr n/smt thiil tnoiir fn'tm fnmoun in I » Oomplrlr I jitinilr. f 10 • 0-00 • toco • II if IS M I M nrnaanir at rrortto ruici a#a4tag Rmm t7J v — OWirtETK niWKKS — S\ U'KS - i Srr* irr «»•»* *«MtM( |l 0 tt g •*r«i«« a* ISO nr. »*••« ai*a» p.., | pm • I «M ISiwim l>Ui. Sfl.rpppn . Ott. lekiawm glen. WaS. • * m ■% p m. frl. KENT CLEANERS Oliii «!•••#« Hi O 0 sa g M. Tart. TkMii 0» K.NJOI — lUNNER BY CANPl-El liillT r**»t»«a|e*« nail* I M 1 M n I N PM ri«»Ni Tnptfi t a tn.-S a tn, sea t pat-0 gm • l» ra «aM*r H*a*r« | SaturSa* 0 s et - I * m ftttiiakrllrr 2911 S. WASNNWTON •#«•>«•• hm n t.M-O'Ot rag. 10 M g M. AH are welraie# a#t*lr#a an4 fe att#a4 rtmrrk «lalt sea eae Ike B#a4teg Rurm. SIMMY EVENINGS S p.m . 3 pm Plaaa »n t-OTTO fill »*#m IKraagH kl|h aefeant «g* IitifMi «#le*ms MARTIN LUTHER EAST LANSING METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD TRINITY CHURCH Tremendous EAST LANSING WESLEY FOUNDATION •ea PEOPLES CHURCH letefgeeeattosileea I CHAPEL pes 170 tparlee a. Iirtrv* faataf A*aaea WIMJAMB 000 N. PsosOer* Baa4 M. Ttraral, Mevaleg w*mhi» loss eag 11:10 wnaspir agnvirgt «f eraeO Pi**t) Sale! (0 klttki eerte k Mlsseatl gftieg) B I ««eerfe I IwRai o o CAsgvl to a-«itg 0 90 s at Peg CsPsr fePeel Hiadrris of Fiat Vol—a* • IraaHc RaiieNois or Ott Mttl Weaf ef I ntrtHea ■ r#*t Otpprr. fit Intt gr Oaeinta Oalla frefltsm f em. "Ik# ROD s«*rr atsn kotat" IIas em* gtete fktitft 0 II A M—Saage* likttl «riih t 10 A.M. lter*#r* ga* Mk »#r*iaaa far I'alverali* atua#nt#. Interim Psalef, nee. OeasM Oiimi elate#t SAVE 50% to 70% P* Pa*, tiwni A. MarHtaa isos lt#sa A»e. All I nl*#raltr Tkatrfe ifkeal Pelt. Mlahlgea •lug#a|t In«tieg le eti#n4 march Oakeel al I M am. TOO pm. U'#aae#ae* 0 teeing 10 M am, Att Agss rarteaage he O* 0-11*0 n*a t *gsf a«feeei Cflg feem tbreeoh Jeeter nigh $ M to $2.18 origiaally prtlithod from SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Go to Some $2JOtoS||aOI J2J9 to $I0J0 fg P. taggoa. PM. Church Every Sunday MJ0 A JO. Plate 0#ke*t Pea*. Cetteo* Clsm Tsagao LITERATURE - BIOGR APHY - POETRY If Pr. Pa*«g Wanneer, hetarsl Oct eat* ASCENSION AU SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH PHILOSOPHY-PSYCHOLOGY-HUMOR tot II AM. OtnwoN rt-PtUT or gob LUTHERAN OSS A A sett B»aA • BB I-IJI3 CHURCH SCIENCE - HISTORY - REFERENCE non t H PM to om art IIRMUV to % rp IMUwmM SinoSi Ret «.<>ra*n SI J.tnes N»»i*r Ills Notletl N.iaa ROMANCE - SPORTS - ART - TRAVEL *r#e ga* eerrtre leaving Heetea lStaa|k sampaa Ikta sag room iaae • ?# A M ona 0*f htftker lairemstma tall IV O '-'S PA 1-tlOI (<* MM» leal ef lt«l MegaSwra MoaSi (.anting tt Mill 01 Ml li f.O 0 00 g M M»it ieiamiinl** and manv, many more. a fine It 00 am Mul> InmmunlvH sag MTU-CITY MRU CHURCH Oentft* Schmil • 11 1M Unreiei Pit)»r on* IrrtNf selection of Odor Prints... really Mg#o»ag#ai StSt k MICHK.Ai raagameaial Pt#-Hillea**l —V ga. « ft'lNtTPg. PAIfOP raeeubest nO choice. 10:10 oat. si Cbartb for framing. ylfor O AS am. lis* ML » s» gn tangsg PiMe M t( 1 hurra#;., maatea l.|* pre Mel; gem Per Ottrt# n^ ( Mcbslabaog HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS! fa* Ptttti •#**!*#) tP *» IP 1*1001 Pall*. 9 00 am- Meeeiag r»a»tf AU SUBJECTS! fa* fosasfwlatisa saU IV MIP \ UMVBSnY LUTHBAN CENTRAL METHODIST FMEST CMRSTIAN SALE STARTS TODAY! 830 A.M. SHARP! CHURCH CHURCH AND STUDBn CENTER IMllisil tatberse CsbboMl CAMPUS BOOK STORE I— Pnitr gsftte* la CbAgel (Its PAeeba Maftb ef Peobe* III) gp O-OOtl er gp M1N Werabie Benrlre 10AO A.M. I# A JO. f PA AbbgS* ■t lalag Mnsi •ervtaea g bag 10:00 be gmre Mssmstioltsn Marts** A*alt*Me On Grand River Across From Union Building i 'am saP M*. —P lit g-AOMl VPs* IIP t«MM» Maioi 0*be*l — OAO OA Csatfsi to a orteagip Cbsrtb J Mirninw AT AT* N*W« Aw fage r»nr Sjmrlini S|>ort« Slmrl- laframural Sports Week iii Briq Jfcty $, iv 20 Teams Sign for Sofllmll Highlights 0 V > MINIATURE GOLF i fntrnmura! director tb-rnum whs happily *urpil»od to find that 30 tonm* had idgned tip for the summer nnfthall Frank ketball it Ontihi, baa tlie nlck- ttAMt* gle to "Sonny.'* Of Munn Is? i* ratted course, itw«ya tndiappy i'larcmr Nig¬ Munn. A will golf and tennis tournament l*e held In the coming weeks for all sludcnli who are will early (Farh week publish anmmrr a week's «|Kirl« news. the Nlafp N'rwa summary nf the Iteranae «f deadline* the Innings. ^ I, filled roturt Ttie Tfllu» woo again, .Sunday, In a rhubarb- I lost on had n new manager V1' Still lime to ritiii|trli* in tiiiiriiniiii'iit h ague Vhefc wei0 aUml Id Interested. Signup sheets lire nummary will Include Items ♦ A * available al the tennis courts after Pinky KiggiHs was filed r summer. from the previous Wednesday tb'd Sos^ ^ V in all fxpriiM' trip In Mnlinnaf Toiirimnirnl % * * * rtiOM riir. Aiu'iitvrs and Torrent Akcr* golf course. tlirouih Tuesday—HIM from Ittiilv the Yoik ln*t plaee »a-, named mtenm Michigan State's IAR7 hiichalt replaced »•» - jl maoagei lint wa». ^ FAIRWAY 60LF RANGE uan Apparently Clarence Isn't a populai name with 'he MirhU State athletic department, tcHin spent fill for one doren ha«ohalt# entire which season. lasted III# IM Schedule IMsftMI I—IV- pile line's A! early home run, tlie Nat¬ K.«- rial tiooi". later l»y Hilly Jorge* of Wmdungfon ^ .I1! mllr. rant of Knl |jM«lng on I'.S. Ill ^ t'laience Mean-.. who last week aims t new* ii ional league won the first A11 - In the National la-ague, Mil¬ ?! hinhi inirv waukee to-.t an.I regained first wa* named head coach "f has- AAA fill MM* hpeiht .Star game, R-4 ' Stan Prnbsc, Michigan State* trnntj, roach Is in farm Oar ai%ly-Nln#r* Akk«f I | kmnk* rhn* «UM»**n« Akfcnlt T fVlrnit'a pennant fever ended plaee, held a two pettehfago point* lead over the Sill Fian- charge of fire abruptly over the weekend. l'in I Hants at the AH Star m m A ill HI ,or A IV i tumung recreation department'a WarllN Mull animal lint. After the Tiyer* defeated K:i" game bleak !<■». Ao^e'r--. was program for 'the anmmrr. lie tlntiliHrri I nlv. VIM ar City Wednesday, i, an.I Nrrnk* e«-i*»n*n*« In-.' one-half game behind lh«» ha* announced a aertea of sum¬ nMllmru Sa-SintM with the aid of t 'parley Mas- lead. • s mer tournaments, for children AhMI t IHallt wrll'a grand slam h«>mn in several age bracket*, and for TfcnfMl** — I II f in In* 11 can I lots adiilla. or «M I Marlin Hall M OmalvatfS I arrnk* n. Mnn«*« - flUNlmet* S IS p m. I'iilellgo. 0-7, Thlgsd.iv, thev fell game* "ff Ihe pare b« ■ for the All-Star game In oak \ lan II WIS meitibci Ales Ohm-do, IV,„ of I'u- t'S Havi. IN' I Slnka rr, ilal*•Miner* IK' f farm Oar. **. AkfcuO I Friday It wan a to-inning, i> .1 I up team, r tahll-'hr.d filmwelf TaaaAa* — l;l> pw ,i. the W'Oild'* l>e.! amalent Ins* t.» Chicago Then Icagor °J &° Fogland fm the Wim¬ bledon championship. -oiiadilug Hod or' t e»4*a<*«ne« ri. M*tA ble-header. ft-1 ahd Iin II I.ike lite good lm»d and |,mv pi i«*r*i At* , . , Itiil Ihrie is so much mine! Kesllt, (Mum* is (he handiest thing lo vnmpti* «— just s lilmi from the dorms. And After 1 net (here it's so romforlnble nnd relaxing. Kesidrs, I Mam's is open nl 7 a.m. so I ran eal breakfrtsl. And even if I'm in a hurr> I know that with lite fast sett ire at (Mim's I won't be tale. It's open til ) a.m. hai for that late evening pieee of pie And roffee. l.ola of free parking. nl course. i Odam's I OM ItltHk I \s| or MAMhVAMktl I NAll. ISEMI/S A T, F' AIMNT ALI Continuing Into A 2nd Smash Wed *tTfc«..-COOL! (00l!| I i »'•«' • • gBB»in »AII the romance..V I 'Suits songs...and spectacle of the entertainment 'Sport Goats world's most wonderful 'iarman Shoes entertainment! 'Hosiery 9c AND UP ♦ 'Spring Jackets 1 'Sweaters \VW - HEW TITLES ADDED DAILY * Selected group* at real •aviug* — limited quauitie* in stock — Every iteui ha* original tag* — v > | ALL SALB8 FINAL - NO LAYAW AYS OR CHARGES ] UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE The Tog Shop tmmmvmwm FUNK NUTBI MwafRAYWIUTON'MKn—L (In the People'* Church Block) LUGON THEATER WILDING - EAST LANSING •I I M. « M u4 I M ml mil. *•* Ml. dm .1 4 . n. ' Mi;' X Mff llffe AT %TY MW4 Fafr rif# Julv t. 1^1% ■ ia a TNE PIZZA PIT RESTAURANT 20.1 Mai: WE, J Sizes - PIZZA 10 Varieties PI I.IVKIIV AFTER I:.«»I'.U 11» 2-OIWi.l J ■■■(■■■■■■■■■(■■■(■■■iaaaiMaaaiiii* IHOI IM. SVSI I M IU E IOK \ Mini >|ifdal<>r» fnllaw arllnn flom l.lfurhrrx i u:imii i ? -fi|»;iri»M£ Slontmttt' Sooioti Sfifiiil V r,ix»iilr iii W.rvxi, E Kill, pci t,il.nsim-.h! * I,,,.-. l„ urrrn, rln||*d fidlllvr *a a a* tori* l.i III nlir 10 rhrrk • i-H liw«h II if nun I'liuIn. tiv I SHIW I.I VIIS I'll ill's \ohlr N. si. f.iccn in llos|iil,-il — Itiiiiion IVoiiltlc % »U II lind »# flir mill fa. ot tie I Kx\wriiucin tel. '■hill,. I.M, li MO loiigfi no O FEN |».isr in In. fifitlliini Ii " tin! | h I ...,1.1s Ar.-lc (.(Mil* l.ia i * it la -It. I Mil;, i.t TIN i • |,J, i, , •j»Ml I. u ill xvoiilil |M- irloa'i'l f linkups Slnlr \rw» NpniU i on.. • ■ •»• 11 1.. In, .lohnnv !, , kIn-.-.i tM.llicrfif 1 foil hr if • ' •' hl '« uy, »1.11.i...I to. .IVH4I vcar■ • Thcv mil it Ihr »*< »l»l«* OhlH'l jl'lUT 111 • M|..|.|illlt; if |M.I, \ .,. I, OM ..Hit, out I It MlIll' • VAI.VP I.RINIMMl • MlifUR II M ( i* i'oiuI .tirou'lii \i f th. ' 1 " • •J, 0|HM1. lu'ltl for I III* • Hu n. , I. Air-ii up %f • f wfiltll s GOOD TIME vv ..ii'.-ii' In • lost wlU'kpinl. tin • %% III I I. NAI. N.NI INI. IlilU i '••nut ry € "lnl» 11 W II.Ml Who (Ml |„ pi,. Ii.ill H IX • srniM.s »nv in I In' w orlil for 0 rnojot kiiII - Michigan Stata University GOLF 'thr total f«»r ran- hiiM.i:. i .-I »».. '•ftir, rn-.'i.l IOK FAST KM\M .SFKVM ». 4 \l I l it ^irn. 4.1 ('till ill font •■.I il.n Ihrlt licit SUMMER SESSION tiv,-ni!i .*1 Manirtioiirk. fl.VKKV'S GULF SI IIMCI l-lir mi. .»».( of "» .0(1 pack - I 1p.ll l!I»i• * i iitr.i « rv, |iriwni« ■ "-I si* . .mh vr SiiihImv It IX Ottcll VV I . to .it I Mile East of Campus on U.S. 16 MORNING »upp arrirw* from ffcral M. rnfranrr) |,(h, ,iM.ii'Hkr»l fur thr ' i bole .1.000 IIHU \p.»l ! VAV//.NN%V///.Vp*////.VW/.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.*.'' CONVOCATION Ml. ,i,.I M«»»ul.»\ 1st Opan 12 to 12 . » ihi- plmoff Uv two it., i, Mun I it. 12 f» TV; «ftei «• A ««-. LniiM. ".fir mivv ii,r„ xvii mm: I H «hi — IH4IO •dmiwom .-barer »hi»« r«l **.»* S praise t a i a u iiiin ihkii i i ix1 M STATE I <*,» dollar lomparril lit lit nui i> or n n: i IB,I l»ur dollar* admix OR. NNAMOI AZIKIWE | In • *lrh tbr MHif pUirr* snows roi»%% I'ti-uiift <»f Mir lio-irrn Ifrv, n»n tif Ninrtio r iHimmrnU i« ' J'.ll ftiv "Villi: ami IIumv xpds «• VV i ll On % MR »RIIR%% %f r on r x Friday, Jaly 10, 11:00 a.m. ■ ; hi MMAP^ G §.< fhv Kmc* «a« aii .*vf*»n,' mi •»>»«•»%• Uaivarsity Aaditoriam •»y faii. li "i<- a? i*- u .heap urk ft tit ir twin ii - UKIUNKIIIOVI It III vol It IOMIOIM 0Niy237-Ak !ka 'roe ■' Opto •!*«* CI hv thi.nmhinit Flint bruugtlt Of fhc At . . lull\\ - IS SI Fi ll VI I, IIVV I'll|-:\ IKVV - It\IK.\IN U\1 SEE i I'E.VTI IIES FtETlllGH..^ N\f MATIN'S I «»• I' M • r>r*-r.V Mkti Murine »|>urt* I inns TIIAItS. .11)11 N VV VV NE A. IX "Till. Wil l i VVI Hill.HEN llul.SE SUMMEMS" OnHie %|Rl 11*.. pritl v - SUf N. • .(jur frit. ' *V Miii • i i MI. Mu'liiuan )■ a ma Mr* ( Irotiitig & I'l l s SIIUVVX vi-x^ .i i«•?■ r thai rport* svr I X.,, IJM.SN sUIIIS — I II X|l I, IX Ml, UN.IN < iirarlv anv Shirl Idiumln I ','fi lain,' :!>*; mv.uif* thr- 1.1 VST IITTMT ilXTnr.ou I'll. Hi It v VI li Sv-. iS'iitf a'.though isirU, out •»' u.»x tiurlriil ii'Miw outrrv from bide I Villous t'KSTIV VI. MUST AT I.I Sis OMGORfPlffi ; '.?sc 41,1- IV- ,:t mativ ttic fl'OM spectators il V.WbV.'.WASW.V. "F9RKCHPPM ?N|». All ION HIV NHOHN %V a •*. ONl.% Iniir M«'|i in llii* Itiplil Ilim'liiMi IIAlltel I AI'IMIIM VII.M- t ... %. AWftlV Of •Oi&c • ■« »'Al ai^ 1 ftCHPnCOlOA* A\ aii viii r *11 %M " Nlltmh ONI I: ONXV AT » «• Van's IN LOVE NSU Barber Shop Nine f — 2 Si.MIAV Thru Tl VMiW 11 — daKKAT ATTRAITION ! ! — 2 S»» M.VI -Next I,""" •» < jj Paul Nflxifian till 2-lit I'' IN l.o% I A O/iR' OM K ONLY AT II T Jte V.V.V.V V.'.W) ^ JOHN WAYNE I Michigaa Slate Uaivarsity ""PRHtRWIHM TT? fjFIYHW I FOREIM FILM SERIES ^^JOHN HUSTON | It.iu. * . A (.11 All A O.Nir. AT 11:44 SI NMAV JL MOMMAV . KXf l.t SlVK FIRST SHOHINf pr.'M-nl. DOUBU TH9UIL SHOW! 19 APARAJITO" (India) EAfiSAPA m • Atcns »th • spa* rtrv. t»* erhr::? AMI |i •"mating Seqael to "Father Pancliali" ..USUI- AT — -•WI'-TKrt ATll P.M SMI STUNS IW SCaiSN Ti KtC WED- THfRE.. JI'I.Y U-IA-I* — I IMVS WITH A NIW OtAMATIC Rtf I FAMNU THEATRE lei mmltj. FRIDAY ANN SATURDAY, AKIHUROR&saS?- mums® JVLY IS, 11 EVEARCIM. KAYMKVM«»T 7:30 p.m. no. IMU.V '* AC 4«i 4f T4:3t and JOSF.I'M S W 1:00 S:te !•:!• & e= Adauaaion: 50r 2hU HIT STOPOVER TOKYO ££5iji AT — • . Mtrmfll* STAT* NKW# Jul* •». !!»M Aw* Communication Arts, Music Markvlhifi f /»'» Summer Staff of Speech Clinicians MlehifW f'sle Nc*v» I 3! To llaro Panel -fMiipu* Cla.»lflisls Low Cc.«t Serve in Therapy for 50 Children • •. 0 Institute Enrollment Increases On Opintrlnnilv The am! ttan* Tlu< clinic for >|wli llirmpv. n service of llio spcccti I ir|.ri.u Iuu'f Vonr Key to Heller Vuliini . , _ * maifirUttfi ilcpocliocof, i. Iicimr coolituictl ilurinj; I lie fic>t five week LIEBlllHANn J y %s»* Offer More iHutattmi nmettisu itepartment sstdt the in MuKiMmiu s«»n- iicxnlon I hi. DUttimcr. four to sevpn and come from ttie r Oiri 50 ehlldrrn aie Ivtrnj t.aiKlnc area, but t!>e e 31 e not t'luts. nil! present a panel »ii> Ve Varied Scope t lissinn 1 nseoUt Mon.tay .it t .Id p >n ni lUvin. Kelhsfij: Artlun worked and tw p with by faetiUv i nine student linlcian* tbu- essential qualifications The children come to the c OtALITV STAINLESS the Pthei three teinr*. there two or three times a week i.uv hi Sessions KaithanKa, ISusnnnel Piiest"i t.»r the Kis'ste fp. wilt nnvtet* mg me matt* tnetv students helping, hour each timet and use nne oi ... dttsigned for graolaas livii^ ate but iip faculty nteiubei* the * s available clinic twin- f". The • ■•< *r«»u*n ef the l\MW« tV.stvsi Junttle# In M;»rUe'. •• ; «*;>eeeh eerrectten tuahu# am their appointtnent with the II All* Institute June usiuiied to #|vnd a certain » « lv tne genera! theme <>t nicum. One of the t-«otn« ha. a *; , .1, ;\ .V had an rnrpllmrnt mount of time in the clinic »n Otie-wav ntln-Pi so the ChlMtrn ihe iti«.ni**lon, and all studens , »•» ;iv *n»l • ?t» t»»r the second.' intereateii In marketini; an coitnecliott with their studies can see how pthei# arc helped v, 6 'i IT t„»st sear Thev wttrk « Hh the chlldmn h\ The length of time *Pi r anty"040 riUh»ll*vi m 11 teai-hlng them tP hear then the clinic \aiies with each |no an ppp.Mtunlly fpltmvin,; Its. p.. ». • i.'iH •ti«e\r*«ipn tn addrw* fan hanks spesx'h rimr. then ?> teaching hleiu A lisp < v milioi s|u-ech dr he M; |n*lduie .Tune \< - them t.» n-ake the. enrnvt aoutrd might Iv cleated up m one • . and the panel with question- te. t J. . H 'u»« .195 cnidied. l*i-t The Ketall Manacensent and then .ITteaching them tP u-c term, whereas a cleft i*ali'e pa¬ Vl*l 114!* r\eiyda> i s r.-i r »» Ml eo.n *e f s-nr which t^r pan* •h.»t sound »n thru tent' would be « bm* '*!>,» MiUr.n, assistant cc» l.tufluaue h»a tHH'-n selivtest »-«rn*i«t- of 5' pvuldein. Cl'- ! . n* aU.Mi . i f.u tftikv. the es*nttnutng stalest scmc paiiretpanta fvotn ?.1 eorupame- p« I'hatle# redret tlie clinic, interview# the head nf tm til* fur in attend » and will include three »sampan. parent* of each ehtld hefme the Ili'iiriiiil Clinic llctnl prraident*. nine vice preaident. I'mm n\* jva«.t r*pet tenor dires-tora ef isj-eratiPn. prisnnnrl ch;'d begins instinct ton This u To N/x'ii/. ol Seminar l> Ain w n. king is tth s oung diiivhsea atvd i>sntmller« Thr>e £t\e the parent* an overall |s(sms> 1 Lnd fiat sear at'n mm aie atlehdlng Iwrni-e «•; view of what will happen. Or J.'M) ■>' « <*»r lhe-» high *ch«*sl aturiew* tl-e ♦speech fawlu mm range frnm Pi J.fa ' t're MaikrtlUg Club * will Iv palate the theraps I* deslgurd paitesl in one of the public Uv- i.» the India tduat raae Ulies spon-miC't a. put c! a "Nig Is K-kiMl torn an epiwrtiinltr to #:gn s.mU'a o'o spee.ti o'tnMi.'.i a**gl« are encrwragtng atwdenta appht #tton carvta fpilpwrng the Most of the children that »v»«ue the ebmc range in age tr«»n and voice «ictwe M*r« (Kan U»»» »• fw meeting jo eatra Mali (« awwiauer " The student# at the iNvnmum- cauon Art# Institute fr>m s« l*i s . anas fe»est for the first time a ed t win* a« New of York, are of* stud*. The rOMr hand- greet %M» ilRtlM*nMI and • flourish M Marine « wrps Quern titsatvih It al entrance lo t'hteajw's Interna ttonal Trade lair This wa» ene of the site* the Quern atstted dur¬ DRY CLEAN hi>I»;N IIM dkdio-trlevtM.wi, SpMial" e "i—ir Sh^Mt « --..Aei a ing all das tour of cits f.'ren»,a a, .nirnaltsm and dra¬ t auffei'a d 'dmgu'.vhtsl (Idtware m saim ma; •-#. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Thr rad»o-t#".ev i» .ms eon-«e le-a cm sod to ft the hand. Just one «f . ■■tv.t I 2-llikiliis #?**■-* stud* «.n the plants>ng and KEEP COOL m our natuMnilly adveitised stainless »•« 1 * ■» .'!.«( »sf tv wad cast*. ni >.1 prxsiTammmi. and latv.ia- oaiv ■«w* eaperieoor I Oft*) KtHJul f iHkl H ith 2—I'antM iVamatio* .« e»nwmet w .-.h M m i> iwsim;? 99 ' he ".s*- : AmdamenUU m a. or C *n,i make-.qs The shsdem » » *»«>/ tfrinka 2—I'Uin »kirl. . • e the#* thine* to a,-- > mi ll mim a . i.-il l» our n»v i « p.a* tv-forr an or a.v.reoee. Ml l.ouru rUNilt IJITT ('KM Kit laaraalisM *la4*ai« ala^i, 2—Ssralrr* wiaa ••anaa a»d tV wriw »aaiV#4 tsewagwper Ml tint Ralph's "KEWPEES" Cafeteria One Hour Martinizing . »«■l,llr« wnA whew »«Wiw« then S.(inU iclu-» Ural. Fim Paridag M raar LllCea TNEITKE BLOCK 107 Smtih \Savhinufnn \u ■h# f.arr^w* # .tAt".* »t. V V»c «rW I .tl» of room t >** c* us# s* u# H rr»e# . x • < v»e*vw »»V* it.#.- .,s» . . (i in. («r !>rr.iki.i«t » rwC! v- *v *s* a '.»m Cr # ■ M is# to:* i.VCI* O# A.SS-C" .IXCITHI# l¥INTI Educational...Decorative...In Full Brilliant Qtlor! i* .r s"hw;^r c.f ■ -■# i»c •eWAYM e.f t*s# l .STWTTW.-K •! Nsn M1t InsXTi'# IV .'».k TV'- I" »*i* w s>4 vhe Ma#>* .v.™/.*/;-" LOOK .and LEARN' (hili/oor Movies llehi Vacrdwrt e* esodf-ese ...wk S ef on "fc.o Friilms v1^ * fit s Mason-ANiv " . J,v" )..•■*« *n »' CHILDREN'S POSTERS t- i » ** e*c* n ♦.* w ?■ ?. !i- »- * a* *r .w.V'- - ;v*r cs-. -*•«. -s :-ee * Iv :»■**■ ft *N\- r « . c. .Ne ««>,*• *w c i% *- ALWARD LAKE RESORT • StimuUting aim) inapirinc lor rhtldrrn of mil ggrt' ■.Yt "..»!» 'm • Brdiauful drroralitr gfrr»w»ri»a for t-htliirrn'* rotmt*, *. #*-..W *cc ;iw Mfcs.r Hi pUtruuoo, BUivrirs cU^rinmis | ATTENTION! .. f v u„ v w'. n '• *• Iv t. «*.«*. '• _ dcrtd a*w*r* l« M*J.n« «"#•'•«* JO. Home** osUrH lhwA.1 C«. Mu Menu *.-.4 irj (,-**»« of haitei IMM'Ikw# ALWARD LAKE RESORT 1*4 *nd MUM iWT Mil ps."**g (sy.-kfoi it 13* IS at.t M( * .".V-J t K*f* no SMtTOti or l#nn a> #-ew rii*.L«Ur K#d lte*Tk Am rvs Alh vcm t jr».r'. and ihJMM )ual art p*n e' • *' * ^ 'w.M«ain w*4 »V* It*.: f. « o.'tJ kHCW froea a*.Mr# mUM "hue ■— 4 HAKKKKS Kxrrllrnl isuuinin; W *V r -M» ^ «^«'v , 13* 4#irc« MrOiwtiO* ow« to wiTOtr 0» Th* W a-. s> vs. l«. tu MV *i ihw'd $ m. o H .! y./r kfhuwi ot WW I, auptt-lonrtisis » ..n iimi f«l lukf i mm uTtt. w#e *t i** rv.uru** ^ iiwn«#,«nwa r*a air tk* Lr. . #*4 m MI'op 0» auitip *aa»30«»» " Suit Is Itrjrh « sa MIS* sxmft* ft TS do* «> sr..- •• »•!'.* «! (** I » I atvral* J.*e*#s w *>»«» U'k r "* *'■** I •« **4 ouwr IiHK kiwv ill wmivM luolM ••nmr% oi a* r» J".I IJ 1.4.1 tliting |.ljttiiriii. til Facaiti Mtakgrs ui Stafaat FaaiUgg • j • I Jll 4l—> rn k'V 1V S K of 1 v ; ** / 1 M IK rRlXHIPTTON j.irnif lal.lfs ([>TER * ♦ M) S dll tJHxirrti (jrililir. I e . If Uaiplrir Hurl Iwir 12 mik^ north of on U.S. 27 1 *v»l of Alsiril KotJ s >• Ok «r Oimin .:4.r4 «■ jnotnr UNION BOOK STOR Of* *Ui> # «_ib.'IO »:30 #.■. Mm£;(U St*tt H«*hh io-pdr:mem A##ro.r4 , ty;'-' .<- -UJ \