•* ja •r !; ' Nerving AINU For 50 Yrura VOU Si. No. S4 HAST I. ANSI Mi. MUliicAN—TIU'liSllAV. Jlll.V Ifi. l!».V.» PRICE ft CENTS , Dr. Azikiwe Impressed With the MSU System Of University Education w Hv H 4RIIY « NRINT the ».)tnmi* ill « pre** ennte- slay at Kellogg Center. I hove slab Neww Mlloc-lw-4*hle# rrin-e Monday afternoon before noticed unmet on* men and "1 am favorably lni|»re*ae*l hi* tleparltire women who have conic to take with what ) have sren at Mich¬ The Premier, on » «i«-d«v refresher course* visit ti» MSU. sliiilirii tile igan State University," Eastern lor "MMU U urhanlteil." the rre- Nigei inn Premier Nnauvdi Afi- thods iue<| at ti«i* Uint-giant mler continued "There are ki*%e srimmarUrd of his visit to Imiltution in preoai iitton foi m«nv schuUrs nil the cAnipu*. designing ihe Univrndlv of Ni¬ hut alt «f (hem are cooperallvr. geria Thev do not keep their know- his WW Newt rsw» »V Nana Mww* Speakers "I earn* U* M.4|t her# live I wanted la study the Un«l grant college plan In America." Br. ledge thev learn." to make Sheutsrlves. MM|! a Instead, place to THK HATS MAKE THK IHKKKKFNVF M 0.000 I ulhrran rhurrh v mil ho galhrt delegation. The delegatkm shown •% from Illinois. The Mallher l.eagoe in the To Lecture Aslktw* aald. "And MX|< ta Hie nldeat ef the land-grant Inatttu- lean The Urctn.ei compaied Aniri loghci education to thai of m th* MSI' »npua for the Milthrr l.»». youth organisation of the MtaMtwri nynod. ttwna — It'# the mwdel." Nigei ta~*rh Nlgeiia. education <», r.w. ml ton. F-arh dalrcalr oraro a (illfrwt »l»l* •' •'•I •» rorrwpood «nh large*! of the three major Lutheran group* in the country. Jm On Art Ed. mo*i The Premier outlined influential fact* thai he the i* very a privilege, he said Only the few people can get a higher education But lit Amel i •rale News StMta *v Norm Wtn#i Th* art riapartmrnt will found at MSU during his visit ra. he said tiiat etlucation is a I VSIKIfV Ml.ElllAN I'KKMIFK Nnnawlt Atlklw# mmi "It gave ii* an Idea of the offer lartura* and drmon- right. I'rrsidenl John Ilnnnith Hi*ru*s MSU'n roW In I Hp 4p- j Delegate* From 07 Couiitir* atration* on varioua aubjact* typical he said. land-grant "MSU institution " performs it* that Dr he A/iklvvr feci* said la*l education week (es|w- vrlopmcnt r»f Ihe prr»p«w»erl University of Nigeria after cerenmities in Ihe Ami law! Friday. durinir th* lummir aaaainn. function* hv giving top priority dally hlghet education) i* of 4-H Club W eek Attracts 1J00 community^ to the need* of the vital Importance to the future Ibvturm will harln today It est*!.* ta* make them happy of his new country, which will and Friday on "TW Mann, ThU Ihe meeoh, ami IVtcr William Spike inc of Art Education To- "Secondly, there's no stagna¬ tion at MSU The program f»»r gain it.* itiilepcndence on Octo¬ Varied tlonrwew Offered f Pr MUAIA WAM year. yrairim an ber t, | mill. VMW H*:I *»•• • aimed al la# point* ftral. leadership work day." continuing education kec|v* the "Be are an agrlrultMral peo¬ ts,T 1.100 4-11 tftub mem be i * t: tended the 41»t annual 4-H rh«t«Ming better Ina t I amc« a career rear and personal held daily empha- aecniHl. aelf. Scholarships American Youth to attend the Federation The first lecture. •"Childhood Creativity." will be fivon todav people informed. During my ple." be aald. 'and we need an agrtrullural school Therefore Coniin Arts Students v t«> W«fk. July 7-10. were and at 9 pm. tn Kresge Art Ibe land-grant system Ills nur Leadership Training Camp were Work Hard, Ixtam IAit T^es# iwmhfn- cam# from 07 aiatni Iheae points. sllawtnc Center in the falter* by Hose- needs well." member* to attend classes ef awarded t«* Carot Ann tlraf ervl mary Berm*r, director of «rt at Michigan rounuea and weir *e- Agriculture, however, won't by the'.r rounty leaders Uieir choice t >uane L. Crites l»y Dr. Russeil Kansas Cltv Public School* l»e the only course of studv cm j.- »ht ha*u of achievement* Scholarship* of fjjd were Msw hv. Eaiucatlon —The Main presented t»> Nancy Hutchim. "Art Promoter of Crogtlvlty" will be phs*iml at the . Univei mI v «»f Much fins I wen «ea»m|ilohiMl 111 tin* ('oninitllUChtioilM The |S»iT«we of 4-H wffk is m |-v# outstanding member* IXutalii Staung and Me'.v.i Jo IW Mawbv ib* named the •he subject in the second lecture Nigeria, which Dr. A/ikivr <\rl.s Institute l»> the attiilentM eitrollrsl fur h foiir-wpek hope* will open its doors t-» stu¬ han*pn Awaid* of S-.'» bond* h* Victor la»wrenfold, heed of grt hIjiv at MSU. f their Junior •ad Rellb * altar* ew Frtier. ftan ItN 4e It srtH eeaHai al a 4 far pwat ftaawa- he said I* do I.-r their lo rep eoate* th. students tl.ev give running aerttaaa of a year¬ "I have learned a lot while One hundred nine girh mo- ■taa wHb Oesa Hsitaaai aa .ui book i« rt the dwUea of p For Research dele,i dresses. w«i» and suiU "iiinaHijHtajH {SSn al nalurallr MM'," I be won't said, adopt "although every¬ AKiioiig.i have a tf.r ImaIC charu-e to *lud#lll- debate They Haeo they h«d ma^e during t*he pa*t thing that I have learned." d<, not (*ranted~MSU ■ e*r in 4-H work An honor trvwp of M girl* acre sekvled IT mTmhii n"l»!Sr. it- i In older to huiiil n uiuver*it> thev learn tor fundamcniai* of debating and give content!**' ai v been weeks. doing thi* tar the part two to return during 4-11 B'ale 11 if «f aft. Ksnaai CH* PubMi in Nigeria. Di A/ikiwe a pec* . I II.- .indents are g.-ceu ?*o protects designed la pr*>- Show. The honor group include* t"- mi VMer Lessewtata. trial lie will need much leduu- mini!'-# 'o j'lepaic '.i In the midieograpiMxl now»• *v.c oronomio research will bo baei al art aiesaltaa a4 Feww- cal assistance oaiN^r joM-iiofj the student* have Ardla Jannasvh. Ruth Copes*. iliei»i\-oui«lte »oir.<-HjHMa j • A-oi out at MSU under •ftvaaAi Mats I'nleevnlt*. The In Ihe as»i*l4iirr. Br. Ilamiah tiad an opportunity to put out Jeanetie lloeiw*. Margaret Col¬ mi..HIM A/IK IB » M" «■' ' • announce! last Monday one-page edition of tho Coov- starts ons. Call Ann Aiken. Marilyn penal Hmmmtom win be brti ta ha* said that he would agree to 41 Ida v. the advanced drama ,t < to# IW4 Foundation of New 191 K««fO. # « • Speaks al I (invocation * . * esrhange of professors after students ssill give two plavs in Arts Newt. TaUms. Sandra Ftnkbeiner, an Var4 l.vrin Newman, Joyce Mirhmer- "Impiaaainns of European Art Ihe University ef Nigeria Has the auditorium "Iwrch Bear¬ Research groups in monetary will he discussed hiiiirn. Bonnie Pfluro. Mary E-lucattan" opened. He also consented to ers." Ihe first play ta a Gap \lM|Ctf/.iiir Ili>ii4»ml > ■■■*? and industrial organize- *til be supported by a Schmidt, Barbara Barttu. l*»lta t\irn«»«. Conme Snider, Patri¬ •eat Wednesday in th# art de¬ partment's program, with Pt Land-Grant have of the Bean Glen Taggart, dean international programs shirk l!»!Ms. comedy taken from the MSU was liciMifod Sunday ta IS' yv. grant from th# Founds- cia Nighs wander, Betay Mc- fe« sors Undse* flecker and help aaaist the Nigerian project The second is "4 limed Oak ubiiaiirr ef one of the nattem'a «' ■r. in # program to be dirtclol Dr Clifford Hikireth. head department of economic* P'jenon. Mama Bevanuey, Marjorte Bird. Sue Sj»r*»wl, Ca¬ Grant Bwrayae speaking Idea to Aid with technical advice. A'ikiwe said he is great !v ,i ai.o tiadgii- ate comedy to be given try Hire# pla»^ Tlu •- Wili i«-i - toe .••rural alumni award was mode at tho maga/itie*. Conference of Tha 44fh tha rol Heddman. Carol Cam, Lin- I.'aHUmi Concert* impressed bv the laioi gi.mt i<4uc Atudei.U iIm pailrd irag'dv. "T1»e latt.* \m.nc.tu Alumni Council p| U of Nigeria Th# l(u4iti#a system which provides not onlv a lilt* far a wilair tar leach- Patricia Ciiikey, Sandra La Itani. Continue I nil/ July .11 classroom and laiMiiuioiy train¬ Foxes" The Mid play i* a M.m kiirMc Island. ♦n in am all liberal aria r#IWir». AM* WHt:T*rj. The Carillon Concert* at Beau¬ comedy taki-n f. >o Oklahoma. Th# MSU Mogo/me was cltod (MM* Carolyn Levi.. Mar *nne ul iiicoi- TV* present t encert at MSt mont Tower will be continued Green Grow the la!a<--. and fur honorable mention in inalU prsjrrt la . . , . . * Diana Walyuut. Marv Welser, (h.riles a system of educating AmrriraV taml-irrant ml- lution and student catcgurioa. ►» I* Walter < Knvalee Beta, Karen Gtrbaca, through July 91. arhedulfd tor tlie petaple III the field thl"Ugh tiir last '■* a real-Ur-lifr play, Hautn. Susan Mendham, I pm. mi Tuesday* and Thurs¬ l*K* itlnt of nliliation will "huge l*s«r " Steven ArneU ii editor of tha TV. HJdreUs'i project involve* Concert Team I'attv Sharon Johnson. Kathleen Lar¬ days and 4 pm on Sunday* At play an important roir in its research and •xleii»ion fa¬ cilities The student* enrolled in the magazine. the and of aach concert. Wen¬ »vtfhopi which will combine ry. and Janet West. .hapinii th# future of a fri-r •avanoed graduate research, th# main purpoee be- training with To Perform Many *cr* recreational activities offered the deleggtes con- dell Wearott. the csrilkvnneur, will conduct a tour of the caril¬ Nifaria. tha 1'ramirr of the (live u Bint 'o get lon. Those interested in the t«»ur Kaatarn Rpfion of Ninrriu "i graduate studen's ciuding with Suck Hop and a At MSU And a indfeatad U«t Friday at th* Blood Dontitions Save Money ctrci fr research earlier than Ceremonial at the Campfire by should meat at Us# foot of tn# »' praee&L toe river. Thursday evening tower. Aud. ># workshops will start in Tho Broadway baritone and Dr Nnsmfll Art hi we •uevW. a-.r*.e? term and will probably soprano team of Ik** and Whet- ing at a summer school eonvuea- »a.«i»t#t out Any healthy pprsua ev.'.r.»e throughout the year. There's reason for pe.*p> Tr Bed Crust will accept sc: wi.l preseri' a new ty^ie of twin, wa* also awarded the a tart w een lB-«o years of age l,l>..-I dnn thon* a' tlie INWiple a IV. Adam* L* directing an concert next Thursday at tu« tionorary Doctor of Law* de- doing thing* in tin* world donate, although perenfb *• •««*! program designed e*iM-cially in the cave of donat¬ < muvtH just Wr*t and aer««*s < an MSC Aurt giee < »rf A leading espunent of inde¬ ing blood to the Red Cross i»el A ttn 11.30 a in and i *U under 2! year* old tnd uamsr- !y e*crera in small liberal costumr^l and choreograpted pendence tn West Africa. Dr Ted Boyer. sophomore pre- ri**! *•"» colleges, duct* and solos t.ed together bv Aalklwe sketched the history of veterinarian student at MStJ p li¬ btht edtwaiara frewi eight Custer. Michigan, has lt fakes le-M than an hour to No ai»pointment is required as action or conversation to Rive hla country, pointing out that it from donate, and there are rv. harm¬ there will be enough nurses and Xdemtcra mmU ralleges are the concert the pace of a m*ma¬ became a British protectorate at learned that the few minute* tt ful! after-effects, the Red Cross volunteers to care for all t ••^♦tating la Um seminar. ture Broadway performance the turn of the century and will takes to give a pint of blood * Nig held mil Aug. Robert Cos* played opposite become an independent sove¬ may someday be rewarded. Carol Char.ninR in the Broad- reign state on Oct. 1. UWW Several time* in the past t*o TV project include* a survey wav show "Wonderful T»aii" Mia ta MMU was ta year*. Ted donated blood when •* recent literature and develop- and had a lead.ng role in the aeab Mm ■nltlian In building a the Red Cross unit was on tin- rier,*4 ir the field* of govern- Metropolitan Opera gaaoria*.*m a taai-gvtaH type of aalvwdiy la campus He say* now tha' it 5WT' Wgerta. was "'foe somebody who needed business. Special em- Lr S. and Car.aaian tour of * placed oat selecting re- "Fledermaus" He appeared on The proposed program would It " projects which can be mien nationwide telecasts ax tie contracted through the rt*r.ed U.S. State Department under Thia summer, Teds father, -^t with facilities avail- Omnibus and NBC Opera. *ang tasii Hover, waa that "some¬ ••>.# »•. Amali liberal arte inati- in Carnegie Hall and made re¬ the international co-operation tcjom administration. MSU technical body". He was rushed ta the corda for Columbia. Book of the hospital al Ana Arbor and rr euperta and advisor* would he A-areg eaplms that the Month club and New Record a there received 44 trsnsfustna* tarbeipenta anil begin their re- I ■■Ifft WtoteeJ iMrw Robert assigned to Nigeria under such a warr* contract. during hia erillral Illness and durtag the aaminar. re- Geaai Jataed wMh bNita -Make -r* *•« MSU has undertaken similar surgery. months later for e pro- a Mm" while tar were fea¬ cm report and will complete tured la Ihe Breed way predee- projects at Okinawa where it AH 44 pints used were re¬ *r individual programs with- has supervised the formation of Mew -EMawt. • placed without charge by the « • mr. Sn# received her first stage Um University of the Ryukvus. local Ri-d Cross blood cenUu, la Pnkiatan end in Colombia, thus saving the family this nor¬ training with the ballet at the Paris Opera, attended Juliiard overwhelming expense AH mally Dept. Movies School, the NBC had featured role* iu TV Opera and ha* which would have been piled on already-large medical and f^ontinue Monday been soloist with the Little Or¬ hospital costs. . n« «r. <,.1 mum 4, MSU chestra society and the New Mrs. Boyer, TW'* mother, has York Philharmonic symphony. asked that summer school stu¬ . '*"»! UM M.M1 -Th* dents, faculty and staff mem¬ ■votw.Lan HUchia*- iM -Th* "It le ta avoid creating a bers be told how grateful the « ■» T.I.- Mawlar twnuM a iu An C*n* Arab Open Howe v nam at la Nlg*rlan society, family is for the blood provided stm MP attainment of its in- because of JdSlTs participation w rh« mo*M> in span to th* Th* Arab Club anil hmd *" dppMdaaaa. that the idea of a in the Red Cross program. ***** M ««— — 1—Itolnn span hou** at tb* UN iouM* Wiadll Pi Nigeria was born," In lh* baiamant of u>* Umon THREE YOUN6 The MRU Dr. Aatlrtwe mid. "Houii- loda* from I-JO-10 pjn. to .«n- lh* (am that mm srttl have ,n^ i ia bii| >i-i gvpd that such s 0rB»'*r.ul An* at India', th* mamoral* Ib* Axab raaolutlon. aa lhay ycacUcaet » ahauld be ■•rt »o*M* in th* prMMt aarn*. that occurred this month. The It la lawtod to tnanrt wi\«ImmIv> SImpa III". €Tlnim** iMieliijsun Stnlr INtWVs Michigan Slale Ne%vs .111 xtu.inM .1 ,. .til«. M#tv»v#n Al.-ratAk IN.I luinUMR MK'IMfRn I 'ayatftp fHajRV Im'lUntk p H,t,-.„t iHl Mr fry ttftt'ty ?V#M Rumania iM Itrally , , ,' t.-i -s aa pa la Ik UMlAl'# XM»t||t»#r t#ni<> •" " t'.-taa ca'ta wtttiattlk-A anal (all l#l IlkR. f'tato-r,t Tt-,r M(ctiij»ft SUti \>A» M jubtUV.I l»v Ftiulfm* <(<. but whlW seeking to »en * the t'r>t tmeiexU of l».»th. outwit Jea.tt to b*\- M-ill xtll"a I l|'Ui»"» « H t<-> I"" ' <«•'' tw..i# which nnuUt «tm • • we»tg0 Mweeit the two whether H c«'|ne» ftvni wtttitn V\* frti-i o .im Mrinl.t <'i I" l *.» a 1 a. l*tW» SwnaVtalrrt rt#nft ftii,< ,,,t itj «m foom eutm.ir Member of the .4s»*cUt#«l r>«-x», Inland Dally |*ie»» and A;-.»«tatovt A . M l .tr«l l>llrR»taid I*' .'"Writ*'* ll.rttv rllllsl , . tol'M I. rMrt WL »tl, No. &l Thursday, Jul? 1*. 1M» Pujff Twti J„ • Ttmrnw yi" | r.„rl HrewlilUn li|,„,„ \ ..Mitir Milt %t.irkti*ii Trr|Mi»lrr. I»ww MwmwUIii >|,r^ P falte Noted by Statesmen — Kultii. llAxiincx Kak lmK.nk Waa t'Hyi #wN Marfrirlp Srh,^r .* I,,,, 1 .IC'H.VU Vt i iK t.MMIh l/«ll. t . x»'..ttk » I kill,.... #11- Iddnr WAll «l.,a ku, lilaaw frp.ftll kl.nM#f M.ftt.H# riatolftr« at., UlvxUUa.H A..!.,,., A Credit to The University M.-fwrti'tk 1411 ax a tit #«..! .aa a. rata Kiikta a •> Jo AMUfta PhAlllu MlVtSltAK. P.. II S jIn frlM* for « colI eft# or titii- th# wlrtbllstlimrttt *tul tlt?vpU>p»UM»t of Ih# Ciiiupu* t*l}is"itumIs . a a High Kcudcvship l:> wheit » ifMed atateaman p«<« II • I'ltivfrrtiHy M NitffttM. t ,,,i 1 Kev to Pellet t «l"e» . . . Krotn Ms viyit, lip. AttiMwp nlit lukf aid;, « • i»Hi «H«i the visitor temea In back to bis country matVy of the Mca* A *() 4 l*NK0IT to tha atudent Vltnn »nd nine Rtitelan ftdueetore. Inclnd Kxiy jn ita Interest in the Kaatern Niiret. REAL ESTATE In# A. t Merkuehevlch. •««l»l»nl Soviet automotive ian'a visit to the campus There aa** onlv Mtpl.tor of Rdueatlon »nd A A Smlnwv. «tandinp ro*>«u left on the ground fkvr of t.ai^ • 'I'l'IMk' f.s,>.t Ittaili# fa>r Inn WHY ,t j 4 Raralan ehlM peeetoltiftT educator. the Aud last Kridav when l>r. Ajlkiwe r 1 >'tas*o«» a all Oli k a >4,i. aY » ti f-k-xRi V | ftitfttiag lira -1 K'e- AN01KKR RfltARI.R. fastem Nicer- Ml J AVM spoke and re%*riA ot his honorary degree ien frtoite* Nnamdl Arlhtwe. •'»« «n ram. The convocation *hoA*e*l that the %ISl' ' lU.sruvi UH'H CHOIa t >, -s ••.-!. wt aaraa Xi », , students are interested in the thought* of pal for the pot wok to seel advice for Xftn, ". t. .■ utaaar# '1 '1ft *1111114 at 11 a*.'#>x r fr.1 • be,, the leaders of the world, in these litre* * \ t>l s« « k in education project In hi. horn. eoiintr IH1 f i. tuoat Abaxk# nari aa. x ft!a. At..|! r..Jil Nva- when international affairs are at their 1 , tie. Ailklw.'t visit we# not mertls lo »>a lilt tiling. 0*11114 fa ,,,„ » ,_j.y tekd )v*rt in the m'orlul exervl-rs lot V 11- apev The spontaneous ovation after Ur. Tftat 1 M ,lse when h« roeelved «n honor.r d.vtor Ankiwc's spee% h certainly showed their HOUSING of l»w deftree 111. purposes «•« 10 review appreciation ARARTMfNTS »a>H SAtr tlV itonet thl eperatlone of *n American lend tirsni tine thing for sure MSI' stire made a txa,.,i- iftia. 'i flk • tulntltd* - e. •», .... frtend with the Prenrer of \frua a 'a' x^t ,av. 1 AJ.k \iata. ».tf Mftg•<(."■ A'I* m.titutlon. »nd ho h«. exrnrssed en in¬ r«l gdlftt# i»«kx, Ii tvitili « ■ rat son fttaa'iit HRlAAi > ♦V %-f terest in htvini MSI' specialists ...ill in ».».•»»« ; , »ASr t.ANKlNO ravr f •»,»,. tXU .t. - Ideal laaaa MlaW • *-, gaiftgr ' ftftlllt k Ikngflti.arliw,' %i •kxa If VA> di'ftll Otoliri. |' 1 »a. 5\" Review of W eek's Top Stories B«H»k Review a • H HirVVlVIt - t. arn hralrtwaiaa* Itll Ak x aatUiri» , l.k V • .. . i>: , 4 **#- . «•* ?,v a >■ j kk|i>.imili"t .VkAl .*tf rwr n A« n.*>«i'V*,V tvi t* * t * 1.111 laa.tr.* I5a .tr^ar'ad rfrfrc 4 %*.4%t**t - T-# t»'u; 1 « ,'H n#»*' a**\'.raix*r» tv* ROOMS iMARII»TA>N »t » • 'I'w.Vi- fvaarnwaat ytanda t hauccr Itfff Stir HiSt'f h*« x 1 \ t il » LOST and FOUND it# Aoammuisvg ttttttlt rati a to. r rnAdOlASAOii Vh#*e eid »t^rm I w»: ** ut 51.'* •* f *.v .ft* tv'v*»d *'>♦ rtf.trrtA |A 4 hrlped the rraitrr hv iwedern- - ' 1 A turn IU At K S# wry?^.fa?# rwr#» •*»' » TVtaa» .tatatwi^nat n.«t t « et 4 C CawVf JVA.X .«!.'»t a ie»katd HITS# |At ftt.,1 i-r» » . e «?•« n.vt,>w »rvt •>.?-.hh - is» diar a S;-*S JitSx the Kin# thr laniuair w hrn hr ''en » a • , i frnrr t>* 'V KJ i"AT\« *» n i! v.,t 4.' "f ni.s.'i atsttv.Aa tN# (arplf .*f *f«i frai- tXit'on gkecrsn repeiivck*. ■ p I ,« r.»nl«l SS hrn mndrntlgalSnii x i»tn*s» Jatla lt» UrCVntlla rial j>t» m *»« ^ c.--i If If pf'.vs kftVP-vn.'.k .»? a tVV.i'r x mi Id inlrrtrrp with rhvnt# «" •o A »• ftptx'-a. e. . # # !i."# , Ji*,> * . ,4t-\v rf.M tw* IllltU. 111% II AHtmar.hAir r% » »• Medevst drer'4 '.» itAAktng a i r ■ t a (#1 c .n*i«*d id a» - mrlrr he hit |le*»rd iibrmuI >.» J - * PERSONAL TV,Pre— ar N«WA t.v.-.ra-.* decided fAvvefreck CVkre the tv tmriH Vlikitnc *ht» ra" rrad V-.e xA.ti t:*t At a^'- i at • ■ AA f-.t .t %\ A\ Alt ALU t AN * t«HI »; A\p 11 a I • v *.ao nwifc.rj .jf i «»# > **r Hat a t i.a Mgtr No., a , at*'-;,-- r»- . t. a t a'fh". v |ar.f- A.y w># could teed Ah# te* - with thr»r nl»" t > pie u* f».i '.••• IW; ..w 4 - M«i A* a:O man «%»*»...} 10 I •*!«•#* f,da 1 ' 1 •»«' n a*.Ita lit U-g 1 ' a^ta an ,a v.M ***«:»- »a» i -.a ■-.ea a >.x'\ ot 9 i.e «a«tl »*♦** ■■« • •» 'x — f i.n ,t v' Srftt Aa-. ire written, th# • d »*v a* » A.'- a. . Y AP » oax n an aoA.r kk • « r • a-vk.1 K . nw...: •-! - rw'i» M.V'Afft A Nil pft • +' K*n-«-, K .l.'tpt 1"m« a* t -.t » tva 'a t *re ?#ft hexxnong h r*» \St o»a;v N-mi". » w f I gx'. SERVICE 4k^ "%# Ixi' • »u,~* r.* .a fatJ <>f t>a i»*nt e »«>• •#«:' W J-JlU. ♦ ft • av ier>t:t'» teeder and "xa pU>- »?;• A k un.A| r| r." •war.?*# ' d:#•.< • tHR C.lANfST CLOtHfV v>.#^ V JAUNnal at Mil 41 MfrHAT mi l» Three ef t*»e fr»ar gte*t t.-.j- 4»n# #f ill# mam difiic«lti#A 1 neater • iu- ih# -: o».r.0 a-i ♦ a> n-.. WiXkAl ANJl pat AH . A>rv^x '*:i SUCH Rl ASONAl.i ft Ct' C am -v-a >a«^a atara t ' ' ■■ A «a <• « laa'ia »« tHaHlkAiTtAN TV n.x rat -i * * .- h fv*'## 0? mecl:#vel turr* wfrKfr fra* fr#et rrr-apec ialwi .lag.stf ix'Sri v-ixtievat a.T» "a m* > ^pn'i'K Uft \ A iMtre i* ra-al Put.a h*ve hees perfeemfxt m E»-|- 400"« #'•- ' • 'a ?l« **•,. , . read#ra tram Ih# airdif»il d«» k f ; - k% • iV -A'» Olt,' Vhft x*-a '- and tha fur* kHtms.N THAUrR Ailai '»'••" t .Cs.. . a : »a »rd duti".4 I't i«t dfx-act* ma ta tfr# Sanaa#ar lb# *4### - ;if» pi Htviciiow auij a». • ■ 1 » • • 1 « ,w j-» atiK.wf tNv. lA>%W»k F" • - |V. « »Jrvm| »»-» ' 4 a.^'-wA »:a a l v# k shree keArs me c v p letir 0<# ;Jvg dimwni ar# in • I LANSIN6 lAUNP#' *♦«•» IVx* »w.*4 ..r w *1 a -,hA f*-.v # a ya pa* fc .xv a a». t* ".a *%. \nr \ K fw a at R4.«4 » fN.'t • .-n av, ji.t v.vytv.,4-,4 V.vi •« Cik V PT'.cryi.J* t n|li«h hrpfti imr il I A|InI awr# dlfTtrull lhan 1 far •aury g- I d i.» •♦•Yrs' AAa«'c*«. *4 j f • Ji.N-.wr.at . Cft.' i't itK' ftVr a- %ou'e**xe» s d vx tat » Mxp FOR SALE ai fra : * «t .aa»t u"i. aa*> . 4'Oh'. 1 a** ■ :.x.-,u the pr\x5x«"ii*xr.» mtrt-sro uesAit oiAwcsr't t# kl* ton -jWAtifr yw i H II»N»AAR{ K'^fvafr.'Sat ^ a.-.-a. ^ ^ >.♦ a* *•» ff - jf *t NO ANA—JV. v *> S«..xv a » -a 1 M." a VI .> #♦ V .ft',*'. - e»ov % fc# i«| tn» ,y the r o« VfRAi AMfHftfii « «>t» tx* 4 . * t L niccrstil .Mean in<> -s- i-s't .* t-*!|N'ri>': to trait* 4 WATCH and -.w- ;■* ,v* a Na # 5* CM» §'• tude {Vir'x P'—l ****».< fW I a f » vt .n .-v ut c+ |i*f'Rt|» " A*t .Vf , *«f ft* MM' is a univrrMt) inhubstix! ) % r-k'j-. a, IN, H tH 1.1 air'Wf i «a w flit S> » v .* a * v ra »M0iii tvfj Ot.J.. s« '* i ft' ( CLOCK a»"Vrwfvt *n# u i KI.\W mutter frsor, «r«! 1 •• ■ on us k#r».?x »•*!•- - of the worUi Hut the '.«i' K. «. ..-* . = '»<■ A a.* »♦ *va * « ..*»•.#•. r*rr*Mi Mi '♦ "ta :•> *AA."| , .t -n *ie l* V #\,v;o MS .* ■.w,m» a. RlFAIftlN* same unitcrM» frUWWl ItMaa t v •v" r T. Af . # em rr.f-n v» "C as La-.. iNsr --ft -.a .*<,w ."-Vr.'. .,4 va country or what religion »t stemx, n« I'P J ;: x, 4 •» -.r. a . rr^.' "•••* • Mft IFU 111% It f- V JNkJs \ l»h*o» »w.-f' r ihem ».v?keuh-e a» < :f- AiHw-a! asikt meaning Thompsons jiwiai' ^ is ax--. AwnyMMw "* ' "*ar» N rt .*c* -4 ort%H % ^ - 4 va 1 i.tNt%% r^a Wa.-arr. ,vn :ra*h.ai a'.serra «« t,» to vi... The t.oUrn Hulo The U-'. e* :r i, •• : urst-k other* t «■•; vp.-ai »rsk til j-ia* «* J MAC (art lea • « »•*! •a^VlTfr.4 i !v--> C "J ar xf t t ^■ ; A*a a « 'f t • 4 M' ft .. t.ifXJ A-x. AUJW * . ft ■ wvHiliI have them a ^'.4 r.v.*:: .">vV* .a 4 • :-i t»- r-SH*a n - — 4- %ftomd frMl w •eettva Ifrpftf • it ia I rrv to thma—esn eui«si>v.k i'hnst-uin c. ■ it'T't ot dutv »U' t v IV t*t* frrsi'ft o>it* trtasr a autp* *e i-r-r* nf.'-d a? umt'ii a* •M NAM mi the ILM* «• rru IVn ' rSkiac, TRANSPORTATION rn "■ : -4 -f T 4*•; ifrg Sliw Ml On «wrW«tt« wlprt- pexHenc i. USUVfrsAilt* RIPE \A ANTED TO Aft • •' f • x* ,t| Iff t 1 ~ 'te fd Aid tRtrlhitRtti edfied ip A« a matter of fact, it h. nt»k|u;!> .Id's a--xni«rt lira r r|k S " • » Crossword F Ui 11 4 -*■*-41 vv», axj, «v?a-* U\V*,W AN Uk« pto'i tRfladNl M N«M fTMR lS« OftXx fcvA of us suspect • ftttf > K 4 mi SMrtan \ tiiftft «-r fu Rrahnunmin: V; * .* :• aaght un. NI.N %t>Bfr -.Sc t\ IY.v;» AfrMt da' -Vna ra|p40i w to. h T* w- f* KitaV* r»»Xof-.1' 4 1*44 IS# wfreV kMMi M (war to others which wouki caa> jk.ft.-i it i.U»ue t. v ,UI— Ma WANTED *" hahharata. »tUl7. real estate * a* 4> *-Ni* vf •t V'.S cw Had tr*w rrt»if#a m is# tft*i La! xlkAlir HFIP SANT* a- 1 VA H ^.th • Vh. t' a■ Via ta Kk: dxv>a' Si4|»w#n HudMhism ' Hurt no? <• t hf> * U>s> furta plan, no arfr» » 1 * L i'\t x w^r- »». » ' t Mi 1 cailra'tinllft ,n a'flof a ' '' •* *t Par T-a T'4 M.U"f -44 fkf ..W -ft- woukl finii hnrttu] - I dana % arc «. riv Wfl gtft* ftt e .*41v .* ex S • • a ' r-1' E.m .-\v.-*ar 1 JT ft-v, .• r .*. M« vi>4o: •'•#*■•' #A*3 . udgf" f « MiriaRtxRi: **1» there o",e o,i.ght to W- $*.- >1 • nun tat-.. ^ "♦ ' t ft.*•< fi, : ' * v..,• o.s Wt'itr Han-atMH Pnrfei ■ J* We H1 Ta»5e4tk 13 O a Vf iac \.a '.Ah.- ft-a? ■ grea: cjc ei c~# a -■ -* m > acted ttj»« thrviughx»ut on#:'-- w hole life? Huie.\ it is tf ♦ et-ur »v»! arc 1 '■•—fa .-..--fj.' v» a44 e: yevt ,v*-pi T^-e -eu.v: 4*4 * maxim of k»vmjj kindness Ik» m,-t unto others what >0 ; V A Vii'c's K uAsSlf ;KD-S VkAVTTD-SMAl-L > • #! fiir Acfu*t APART Vl> ' " V-ar .a Vafv* IXv not*: ctxx3 v .-ft-r» axvxs u« of « * A: 1 (i. t x i« would have them > unu> >m: —Analevts. \% :*3. N*r»Dtiftf,'tfti rfttdtdole-ft.^l ' * a '4 -4 t.n»a* li'a. t KLAt>tK>itIP at' Stri- RaXk'ti »T PnUi.-x 'it- *Sa \'. wra » • At T»m>ri: -Regard yoar neightn i s gain as your own gain . La » a Feg-.*vp..R,| * m the rea %IO\tUT. JUT IJ ars-i fall c? $a.a and your neighbor's loss as your own kiss.''—T'ai Shamj -e I ALL /'.' I'lA S Jar Livability . CRM A % — T*a Ia»--f lh.rpx.fh She oe a-U ?*;- Ran Tine P'lem . .. %>a »a sr A-hi-a « her a ,- fr a% -.1# f xxw 'he ar4»u»ft-A- l#raa»truaiA«: "That nature alone is f khJ which re- ?-a lietlaeetl •- '.-- r- .x>~ s Slo.lOB ' • cvr a.-.: or -■'# r.a;.\..k *.-.v frains fn^m doing unto another whatsoever »* not good for lit a» f * »a-j 4 w.- i f^Sfrui. •"« a 1.4 1*; .x? t.*vp itself—|ladbkta»-»- • Nf crv-;.*'.- Jwlaiwai: "What is hateful %<:> do not to your-fellow, * • * > ■ # H'aa*. *> /■.', hj; k »\ Ms# reau.-mixsc, ar*a a- man. That is the eiMi"- Uw , all v, v le.-i w commcnurv "— TiM, SRaRWt. uvU. - #.;«• a.-. w*_3t.4r.r-\ .art w.tge-p-' \ xer# v *♦ >.>* •• ' .wc fr.raat rr^-n a »r rer. the i"- c?\ e in ClridiMilt: "AU tknm abatnwirr >» would thai mn cr*a c.#f: C«r*'«,V Ta*- v.-ii #• fMminal man afr# reere- Hcbrawt ail Nod toon familiar with the (ioldrn Ku'e for T\YS»4T AX! 14 "Rs ■«. «fre imt cuntaritft toforo Jo»o» enunciated it for Christian in the ffW TON* - TV* w. >»M«wi ad Rati f»H oa tfta Mount. NM • USc«.«44 teerymaa i*# i#»i Thi» I: three bedroom ranch, bnilt in 1PS4. ia ideal ! M a 00 s Anyone can toot hia choir* of the eiyht forma. Thev all 4mm JI •■fVs-ti >•» ?V P.titr aa fav: MCI ang »«t aften ja,"e frM .« •d# up to tto tftBi* thir.y. They differ only a. different fur jounitsters.. a hounekeeping Iron! for your wife I 1 a*4 b-- t*e *bev# fracW» dKInadolol —Uol %h*4 air nadlllaarf I —-oU freaL eketne* btii xalor dill ■ iriyn aeraraa dc? dZflB dIBB rIVVf *4MH JBBB MiA See any da> you ute realtor after a one at IMS Ana SI. By 7',,. Near Marhlo School. owner, • * Ai" Mirmr.w ^t%tr MMI 1 IV III* 1«. 1»M Alums Supply Miisciim :W0 Orchitis in llorl (Greenhouses 1) IU« Hi ha* ' Willi Different Kxliiluts "vWCr ' LW.i - * huttiviiMttt*; i,,!«i <- Kvhthltw fr»im tin* fur inrnort of t>»«• ivnrlil ton! in hi at rtrvhi.1t l*r. £.* »e list nlntnni urn now on in ">•' MSl Mu*t»iuii t'rtv JiV *.»• ■■ • »«v - i: <>f O-rt tfirul fullrtUoW «il I ?>i»a»1 that mm'i*ri . ! li i AiM'h fl* Hit f'lil'rii i T iirtn it, nnil nui'iiiimU i | 1,1 H'lll IIIHll V kit I (l|l lllHl I >*■ • hi cum ha* l>crl» «,«nI»I Of I'll .MM *JT| ll « 1. •" 1m l)i l» S Hull.*. * V. HH \ dmI. ». Imt aa itll itlf i». K •«" ntummi* of Ms ffl'il t n'.M itooi an.I 11 f 11 n 11> 1.1 n, • in I'lillr. (1 as l»wn CPn.1'",; In tit* lollrrtloit* mi Plum . ' •• n, .-I IAIIII* find mam malt lip h«a *nii « Mint ii. m It It* ti L'hiU* to Mir tUit.tritm !>'■ MW i* . ,»( «• v ii a • li.ni (till 11 mm ii itrri tin tar am a itiic. d tlitllt. dint hia it % t ' in ,.i|!iv!i'H of tiled* tf« a J nllirr lAfiiral 4 hllrati mammal* »( .ill' 1I>Im!» amuml I .Id Ihrlr it alto d ATilnl rollriftoii I•:; .i* Am. IIR Ihrm Hi* nf 4 tlilrdii lliifi |a. a nil tnrul of th* fv|»|«rf| 4 hllrtHM •linti iklio III llirtp air litril llir forrimtool hi IpII I* Mrimlillc si,.,) Ilti rlthrr a« rthiliilt tM ttir titutruio • idi'tti. pMO.il Mill Mil II Willi* Clr»p pliul .aitil Hi llir liin hgrnlliHl HkIiI i o,r .anil llhlw. rntrra I'lltalinaa Ml»rr kallr*. ationt Inl ttir alilitrnlt mi llirt air \ I lOilillo *»trrl cull* I»l4ltl n«r«l In riiMiiri linn Mith ttir m« 4 wnlr fpnni iImwhImmii I lr*rlaml 'of wrrhrtol ■fur • hi *1 tripnir Altollirr alimutiiN nf MM' rlattrt aaIi rtir rtiirrlnl ttrrl tlilWr tMllatl Hfilnrnlav In Mot I null llmtiNl I.A ifir- liilr il'i Museum SIlOAAh Sllllll' AjKI'H it I .IMA it /uimil'IMiHO nf 't'»H \t' 4 'If A /foc/.'s II,>1,1 Sorrels II oi l,I nil It. I'ltl SAT. en (lie HITS I'n ltat|*s I'll fT-. in.*'ni■■ idtint int' hit tin I > tulil !,i l\ IcHI Ut III! Nil I. M *10 IIIr Ml ID AT II.IJ .' iloitl ni i» KIIIIIM* ! MMIITN. Ml Ht fea\c «'f I liui In I he III III 4.1 * AI h" ..I ||| J NI'SIIAA'S w HHil **'ltl' BOB NOPE JUtAS 1 Ait Hs Tin. 1» «Art|^ JuMlli.' • *!«■*• • ANA iimi : Mai, toe . Oil vll urf.*.l in H'C »• «' 'I f- I' 14l I* ••? »ifM SO 'rtuiiJolnC i id ! he '•• • f li'i't . oi on - JanbS OLgJOU • hr Mierini' l>> h > ■ •' •« - I lirli tl»r*r |inlinlt In ihr iionnl waiiu 111*1*1 tlMlloo of III. 1 "lllrB W »*■ CAIVO »lai!oi|f aaiI'i it ■ Cahliau t" • "liooli• . air iia.lio ill! hlrii into tfnl flmr In llirnt *..• r*«tl« +mm>— ^ Party "THE HANGING ml i a.l* awe or f ft.Ml iiuihi'fi in A»#i. >*• Htf.i • m ' • ai 'iliaptrtA III tluiAA llir tltiNruin rtliUnl I Ii of llirtr "i Imo liilohllr*. N|iiniKr* ihmIa of llir r.illlr*l iuhh.) (ii.i i,ii.n.1 Crashers THEE" •It ir, !a PI, -In. jnrtr.lr.1 i i.e priimi AA!'., Ihr |'«f- «-.• Irit, ' It a r.irIt lull li Willi llt«|ir a |i.l»llUlU lion* Mn*riiiii ailnl I col a nihil.i li alt rninr In Ihr n»\t . lu I" Hu e ihr *l tl Michigan Stale University si N. AIO.Y l-'l I NI I I I.KNT HITS KTARMIMi Ii %MV CIHtriK •la. Ill •», ,h Me - , < » !■ ■ * al Italllta Ihr Imi k llir mI anliiMl llir i'A*r illu* lifr ill Ifw iIan tlirIt Atltrir ll*h liev a|i|irara»ur ao.l u,r to. FOREIGN FILM SERIES till Ml III MIUAAN AT » in AMI Mkll t Ml HI I I, — I* imo r n|irri:ll - I1),' IIIr Ml MIOAAN IIM I AT li.ll «nown At r»# . * ,»• "HEAVEN KNOWS. INI II I IKS: itflfl V 111* Ta I. P*rp*l,ats#i of IN# 'CRIME ollho '■K till "f fh« III IMIIIAN KIRK AIKAT KNTRKK N,1 aJo.aa'i. U CENTORVI NOBfcRT M1TCNIM - ASH — HOT A Kl.KI A III K "STOPOVER AI ASIIKO I'OI AIOKS it.I 01 II I mil nil I THE TWER" MTt-H %BT liBAMik.lt; H%RH%R% BIMII OI'K.N li AM I :.HI I'.JI li! I' 11 ON I III S A I ■ i I l'1/./..AS Kit sl id ii i — I H . «',:! i m I 'tW6 II i: L D 0 V E R :mi i:\citim. okkk MtCNH t. LEVINE TiTllOOD CURDLING COLOR" — A Mil llll.AN SI OK > _ ^ »>r — I H AIKU IN Mil llll. AN - on Hut NO i uiT-teum STEWART LSI KEti&Z 1IH . , J0SF.ru N'. OK (.CM -1*1.It.ASK NOTE - »h#». Hurt Al Jl I'Hlarr. > — NUil Al ITU . I N . j u Complelr Shaw* »t U k-i I i J. I . ■■ e . ■ v (p. J, I .pit • nl Hie irpni t "I Hie ■ p."iilii | gt itnp ii iin i etiiMig iii- • i.ii-pit ti ll (nit tain ih.ill tailing Field Alt 1 Mil el ill I ..III I.till e Mil Aug I t ii np'»fl .niil win king it 111» lui fiitme nil h. puli'i iu-tl the .mil ill tiilniti I in no nihi l •! ■ 11111111111111111IIfII11111111111111ti11111MI•11i11«111111MIti1111111111111111 It 111i|:11( Hie fmutti uflni llie iiii.i' o Alillion* of Aiurrirana now urar ronlaii Irnara foi iMtimal ti«ioii u llh nalural gnml look* leu I I* tin m il 111 In l'i e» olent .luhn \ IhiniiMlt in Allan-1 llir roiitart Irna wrairl ran nnu rn|o» porliiiiiti<'" Lei Heller •He ('lie I Mininlttee in.nle .i |m<»* iep.nl In Ihe Ihe-iilrn* krnrrr % l*lnn rir piolreliott ulller firltl nl ilalitn all tla* itrailng tnmluil In nailer «|nuu aellt lllra College Degree .lull :i ,hm»I *10111 .lull • II 'li- n.ilui il appeal anrr jlli iii ina ilt i e« iinnnenilAi inii* Mtnilil * nil Itr llilri raletl hi tll*i'||««lni Ihr pusathillllra nf rnnlaii lrn*e* and llll It r*e* . H, MAN A MM' TNMWMIK IWriiMi l-'ilm* SIiiivv Dr. Harold A. Shnidor ImiiI". |H*n»niinel dlmlnr of (lie s s |vr,. U|t I loll l,lni\oli—l, rltrli'U' I fill* |Mil* |M"ll|. l'i li'l mcitl tit 1 vtillI•' lU.eel, ill In- pi i • lie N> linn I'll, Imi I'm . i III''.i« .iii.I Sulniil.i' pi (AMI'HMIH si III KM %> MIOI* f A Yll'lll I Is M ill MH%.\ sllop . • 11«"»I It :i ion i it«- "yttf.i pi . ■•. nl. ■ p • nl..) / a k .mi ilil I n-.ili e al i llll p i.i iiluiliil Iml. ' ' i i l 11'ii' '»".nn- iiintl p.'piil.ti nihil, Hi Mj,. llll'Mt I'llKll ' I.MI. .. Il 11 I'D* I,III MltlM>lgt'Miei|l "1 I'llp.'l' ill, I til II.I II' I.M ! 'll lll! . t: 11 W HO Topic 1 ii"1" ' 11 ■ t n 11 ii n I h 1111111111111 n 11 n 11111 h i n 1111 ii' ni i^j ii 11 ii 11 ii' i' 111 I urn f I nil.(Mill and x:l»iMiuii availalilr « ( AMI I llll ANIi lUH'sHi ItlSKS I MAIM HA I H Y at , UIMH lJ" •••• "" Inwslimalvil * IIIOK nil III ii vitiiKKsimi' KM ~ IIA.NIH.KI) CAM. if Nn himrr llll I ."I." r,i I tnfi'imi.«iI,>n 11iiiiTii'iii|i • IV S-1419 IHal 1%' t-ltSt lllri i l« »rf *percl» •iilot v mul »i.Uini.ii v I*«»I» ni i'linoiiiss Milk Sir , |««r Ihr a mlteller an Itt'lllg Mllgltl I II Ii (.»• Ijlll Mill |* a.'.hr-* Ihr |»«wr» . iitlcnU l»v it liei* i iiiii iw . Ihr •IHIrrrMl til 111V l|l|HI|llll'll '<» Ivllli. ' • fl irOilHK I'tiaii until l. rpli |Mil*. < ieiii i* ile|».ii tmiu! 11 .i • i •■in ' 9 llll Ii Ml "I .il n ii i illliH " .1 \ \iation? the aluir m Ilia Ihe Nrtl flunr Va\*s U I P * .pie U«»n ni nl ■ •ii frmii (mult* ineiiiiu-i t m il / W nlleii ulatriiicttU ft«»«n Mil hllfPF g.ult (AMrHfl.l.H M Ml Kit AM MIDI* ( AMI'MII.M si III lth\N MSU BARBER SHOP . . ii •It'll t." Hrfmr ton ilatl lhal hip t-Mnnii,"er ii • nl'r.l f.i' I'f.e Ihr At» Kl» MM» Irl u* rlirrk tour ear la In l.n* ilia Mintlnn of fraa trip 'lentil' a NelialP th.it Mil •llll II 11 — NK\T IMMIII TO CAS 1 Mil I S •nrr llrhr a In irnulilr for a rhrrkiip 4 Friday A Satorday it> dpiNiinlril l»* 14 In. Ii .ll04llltMtrilllt»IIUIIMIIM*lttllMII.MI.'. e.ii.n... -. "Ill rarwaah antllma. i iiiiiiiiiKit* mi l mi.mi "i e<. Sopor • Bargain ■|*t>r itilt'i"i>i »* a l<» v< hrthr* Ynull find ** |t*r »"ni rat th ' IV .MIIiI'.II \ thoiilil l»e i miipu'ii i «.i MSI' anee i*i»if«-t lltr ripril rara M Hronrt »«SNtWIUSV« (5) Hit Program avrr*thing from One Blo« East Of Campus llll** in for ri sk fnltilV illfc' ;• f.Il lllll llll II a caktodn festival i iicst XT a till f.fiOH <•( II h« •" auntme i •ii a leflei p.."ii I.«-«I IM 'iu I'hrt klip*. •lair Nrwa rrven!ii»K that n nnipul-nri n n i.I i i »iu| |r ii|h a harhelm '* degree lllll i'll In Hie M » i til V " • A AI.A A. ItltlMPlNU • AlOlllK IIM. IT 5 iml » welrl » "• din • Af I I.HXOKII M •r* • Will IX HH.AM IMi itt i« hrnrhrial In an* • ATRINfifl ihr baalne** I In *lit • (IRAKI x| RAH » •mhlit •Iml' Ihr fund* • WAHIIIM. • 1.All Til'!. 4 All 11I I R •f lli» field otil III p *n«l Itnnii il Hum uutli It. 1 Ol( 1 \SI Ko All SEKVK E CALL ED 7*!Miir. |i — juoulii-a ■ t—— il A K EK AMAs Jl ssF M~MM ?M|» AT « 4I gulf SIvRVICK — itutr oil \?»i;• ' .•II KM Kiel ion i i: N r K K vol * I lipprft ' | LARRY'S f ON EAST MKTIIOAN AT I.OI IS II* IYo»i;tni !•» Itandnr J! (iliiuoniillv «rr.n* Iron llrul SI. rnlmiKr) Si\| In Nihiiml I Mini* Trontpl. Mrpntllal.le IwrrwrtwwvwrwMwwtwvwwvwMv^ Trrariipttnn Srnlrf III lit • All i I uMiirlir* Hah* Nrrda I timplrlp i%»mii liiirut I cam. i\ 5 ia:»5 all • «r I rrr Hrlnrry J021 F. (fllA.M) Kivkk I 0 . i I 0 W Ultra *1 si iNlkanl mi I 101 aoatog mm i.im all* •*» urd and 1 If) N M.I IT • Htl • SAT CD HID HITS • • K pn • «/ Wl phi* Jw-rph and •per a led lluil* .Mairk, ED 2-6647 inr so. id at in HIT Ml. ftp ST Hi !« *U -i 'iu-rll* • at Cam* 1 NrgUlrrrd PhamiarUta «> HELD OVER...3rd SMASH WEEK! IT'S ALL HERE! All its romance- WAl Mr SEE IT MICHIGAN songs... laughter NOW — l ahl mqhnf a . rapbapa ,nt: 11 / c~.— DOVI MISS THEATOt PHONE IV 1 7311 IT and soectscle! HUN • .MOM • ii) MM. HITS — "KMHIII TIIlP Mil \l III *Am a MMNy 6K I'., I mSSmS mrmmt - * ™ Rumtn 11*041 RoeiA DUarafi Kirr SO. »i »■ Nan I COMPtllSlON *—t r-iirif DEAN SrOCKWUl PMKOKO DtlMIN -1'. Manet CluvUiu ft rt'OrCO. 0* ClN«MntcoP£ a a, OM» Mi ROOfff ■. nAWMt K; 'i IN: g| 1%^ — -S-"ONC* AT I.M — tins, (ii nsst uvs hits Tl E. WEII. THl'K. J — HIT — PKOt.RAM Pacu ttss. wan. oUTH -^StaWHrT^waafiaa utnmm* in U ita rarai MMfHt tMrtmm El SOU msn feJPTKS TWH'C AT •;» ANW It n OKCK !!"»:« h k a* d MEUIT flOSlilHt SM 1RU HIT BXTKA ADIIEI1 * AT I0:W Si.n. EHIDAY JTLV 2«H>! THE CORONATION OK I'OI'K JOHN XXIII prink Wma Say iaia. tea. Em 41 nr. ii.m. FILMED AT THE VATICAN IN ROME ii okey hephi rn (llAASraa Ma (All Uair.I-Maliuae Bmx OfHca IN CINE.M.UROI'K AND COLOR " SM*r l.ak* In rlaaaa al l:Si a.m.—P'raluya al l:lt, 1:11. I IS pa. ualy. "Hit M VS STOKY" Aim Green Shins Got 1 Intel <11(1111.\N «T\TI NIU« JV CJ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS With NY kiiirkerhorkrrs Sports Week tvn k in Frt Jrsv : Your Key l»» Mutter VhIih*h , , Johnny lit ecu of mi. in*."" It.ftNl tlAl.lr Tho He • «»♦» Tifip. : l.itdh. f«U ! Htiitr, Ihr rloh'9 I9.N0 N" ' .•in- h.ilf uwiiiVH aivns frmii 1 II*' Aii.- mi ;*li ( fi vrlaull ill til I choice, In* glutted ssilii III- ||»|»UIM 1". I'll'-- n SAVE 0* TO JO? MO MOM! New Vnih Knickerbocker i Alih.'ii h OS » •>! tin c ripi'ii • \., I nil l*» I I" ( hsiliMU »" »»» SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE ». i. .i. I (In t'inilif IImM. il 5* i-. MOMOIIMl fil III In ;l. il Sall||.l; s fit hi Ml»H.ia« ir»' I ' i I l.'-iiifl Ihi •>- «'••• k Alt , 111 ili.liiiii*, 1'iimiHH til*.' rir » E-tMt lJmt4 rhttiff o»f (nmniu IiumhIn mrit'o and *»«*'• »nmmrr Miitl r;m n, 0- r.HM.ft, mini .I 1'.'. i.l M I vrai rmind rlolliliia. fiiMtUhliK* «|MMt«ur*r misl •Imm M I i.'I Eiiiit fiinmlt lii*1 sm . H iiM.h #- Hill!'.*;'* "I lilt 4'tM'tM* dnrrd for rlrirnnr* in NMkr inmn for Ihr Milml *»f «•«« net* IHlUtU lit 'J3 KIMIM'H f l MM U!«* Ii"|i|;ii il'lC f.. »\ii FfiiHh r.is fit i ll 'II luili li •it*. putiit HVi'l rttlth lit 0 II' r »- o . I I hi- • lt»lti f«ll llMk. •, _ IU 'l uiMti'.i . i'l. si I IM'I l> I'i u « iiitld Ni»v I'ililii ImImI t>f MhlJ W it*tifiv<1* Hum ami a hulf Hit liir i»»tanil 1m- hih ! * tlf.V.S / A 'J I'.IMT SI MMI K I'll .1 liluhmi in Mlihlfcin Stale Vhi k Vankr« * *s • i r It hllitl Its "•*'» t» K«iMt* - :• ■: « I Ml I'K IR-KOl Ml si ITS hisliii V \ hnk.-t.lt III 111.' Nr.Ii-mmI I. ',»« fonnd N iii Kmhi imh lru«ll»t« ' 4 Hi. h mc.ci- tt Vtilsvaiik ••• »:»Ti|i|»r I i»l»« mul a Ptoif 6"""" l«t» lllM IIIVll * TINVI. wOV MOT Tin-' H|«rtltiti*' get-ill hrhlMii tlm lilantu, l«w»k •»" M*«aiiMl ii«lil.aU NaT Mlrvrn. I'd. H v » (f.'.irr/tf I'olm llrach anil llmfwl) OIIINW cftftrrw lion center Had bunion* •« Antfi'lrv lu*1 im« yninp hOMNO .luff lli'i i'i I it ih.r.i-d Hi l.v I.l svil.ll. .. m»m.ii.h iC. Mraa. .llitlrraan rarh Iravlna (i*r«lrr. irr (ha rampa. to .aha uau Ka«,l r„lf> ■ KKC.'t'l.Alt SMt.lHI TCI I7S..NI VAM KS ti .Mrd ftintt III* fi'rf Jillio ?i Mi'strnii iiMlitfis'inrn, vrnn tfir svi.rld Ii.ihI.tihv.• irfM • hA»ii|«i»»»H.I>h. Ma.an. haa*. Int Uaalh Caaattoa an* Maana (nr (ha.a, Wr.1it.Mli»y ttljht frsMit Ali'honir lUHinl in l-«* An|»lr* Thr HUH r SO II M'l.'ir.. .<* i'i.ds, to #.vi.«ir» IM Schedule (HI., touch tui*|>itul I'l.nMv Aodt*ihim «rti i l t§ Hrlt i hnnt|ti' H'' 1U. it.uh1 W reslliuu; Trials Here ' III I ItOltV TO *|IOOlit I (Cim'sm \* m.YS SI MMTK SI. U ks UohAi.i smulti' Hlni|i l« lirtOH'in* Uirni r'« 111* HrfMIr fir i ll U..HH H. lit'' HUH I" I Hit fi'1 til' ItUI rutin! II* IM I f Vllli*f Mini* It I 01 III Opt •< . m»i lialt." AMili i'.m mi I Wi It. | M Hjllll rll.iill|»|i»H f )uti .tfililnn tiHik MM IhiAuHv IfttilH l(M. I I.IK 11 O.M.I ill *22.115 I II IKS M..V.I nt INirlinnii nti'l «oii n uitmiltHHii- l.t-fnmt Top Amaleiirs| ill • slili Nliiri* »• Oifcol I 111 SST-fk I.I.L it. Hilt SO M $ii.'Hi. !*«I.«I«I hi HI«.«I«I | HT.il IM III I • IV Ol.llllttr I Hill ills nloo a I* *»o tilt** 1 til.-I ll \s :i>! Mt.llli.IH Nllllo II mil :i mrnilo'. of tin* iltn llt^ H«-i mill. ti in hi l ilt S'i'iTtliiI iIi'Ihim- ol Uti till. Thv .nit.I.--I. Hit Ugh' nf ti'-lil Ml i i>i>jn t «tlint u llh Ori'Vii i «>Mli'iii»i!»I «.-«• i. iH.r«t >"H . 1'Valure Ili'lIKH IKIII Hill Ml SLACKS HvAnrirfii UijJ 1 0 I !lill||llilll' ltt|» ri-lv.Hls iii ss Jul . »»nt hullrlr'i M" flu' rrenin «»l Amrrlrn'n Hiniileur wreallii-i ,r„, i s i'i «t will IIHII it III Ihv Itttti* ill hrtwin-n I.. I..- iii m/ur j*lii«r|» romlilion l«»r Hit- I S I'.,. HOI I Ihlii SI. V. IK i f HHiimI »-•««•-«« li.'U I «TI... tin.. II .Ill I.l 'IViom in.nils iii Mlrhlirnii Sfwte July :ti> Til mn \,/ WA. V'.S SI'OKI' MATS Hilt! f.'i flu Ml. hlM.lM Ainulurf Hull ( h ni.|Hoii.iilj. Sun Ini N'.i I.*, Hutu Hght t'f Ihi.h' Life czn be bezutifu! (trill In calip. Mik.« Sum hak svmi ihr Wi t. rn t)|»i n nl l*l««f*l*ttitfIm t»s uitr 'tt..ki S it.''a hr t . iii ichUs ate t.Hltmi; KKia i llt *50.00 TO »MO.on VAl.t'KS (HlllHldrl in t us it Arn.'M i'fihn.i M. Inn i thr H"»« « n. t.nn, 1'HUti ! I'nti Ann*.irnv IIOK9I NftMN'O I fth. Nn atii « «. uis rii » flit.- < v siti.-u ss In-u the t.... , ..ni|.Hil.»t'■ SO PI *21.Ti. M2.«I.*I HI lUt'L'L. t|r liliiMi.il In tin' Mut. 11. Kf lilns fi»l lh»' fl»»i ItlMi' • tltrr lit- looi uu: n .ntn- i i.f Uh- I'SSli A't.1 nhii't*l all llnhe and t CI(UM| '.pill iilirnati III in k Mills In 4 fs*» 1l.lfH.uit Stnkr* Jutm II It .w tit.lt. Mr,I they'll ftlli'Mmn Mate i„,h, Itrttiilio* • Short** • I hmrs • t\\1m l.otiK* Sifro III t«i M Stout* A final I'.'trtl TimIIu. a IM ult.'l, ssi.H Iht Mit PiIkth M- The farmri rlne* after n allrndint 9' •I'M. In a II.. I Hit lit PHii.lt • tilth. Hii'tiiilmtHt follilVA Hlg IKN4 h I li.- tHi.ru tHh ujvtiiHti in lw. v .i Hiissui nnu|». moh the In the «©rlitt Them A ft| Itt ss.. i - N ^ 6m lUlMgt ilU|tl'»X1Hi.l'el ; i s PKKR .41TEH HIO\S I'Xpr-.'Ieit '«• . "a which Will • Mac IkwaMII? , ; "f'nmiwi Nrand• for IHitf tot*? /.nrf* Mei.'« 111!:. • krww Arntu —Il«»f fill IS f. A \l (. • NIdihoHtn • M» 040 0.1 leghtte lank I • iMloa HOLDENW REID • aii.l high ■ • ■ . at • WHlONor they'll i.« -if. KKAMtON SlIOITIM; C'KKTKK f/tCt D.t&¥t\l4 IV 24172a eight weight . ... The arena h • m • 99 no i NAftuir ftrntt ftts :<«»:»<» Xirliiumi tir. Ml Kromliir Wu On Make HUM! tratiiurft! IhnUi threi ni.itv • , U» Mnr Mln pn K(. prrlmnmtmr. IM' s.iniiMutn'cu tUc un i" "" <:• y. SI'KCIAI. THIS tVKKK immanent .. SALE! Fini Time at t'lIK 0 CVI. t'.SKS *|.1.M5 Kill S I'VI.. CARS IIK.M5 press-iatl." UNION BOOK STORE Serving A • ft'. III part* MM. Mm Mrlrlr. li.f *11' t«- r, .■ ; this Amawing Price! cuiieh uf s* i * • . Si RED'S SHELL SERVICE Imui s State. half The ina' of tw tAl Tin MKTII.iAN tJ.uni" -4 iPri ( leaning -1 M:U« KKI.L.Mr.i CKNTKII Muhigun s .• and Buajt Stub < l - Rummer • Shiil l.aundr> later tft DESIGNS for GIVING COJ.OR REPRODUCTIONS ALWARD LAKE RESOI JTou conioctually tm and iMl tha RAISED BRUSHSTROKES! ATTENTION! Tara Mtili Tor fdmuiii. Ititurt hour» riiil ALWARD LAKE RES0| hvi't'llr-nl Nwiniiiiinj! Spring fnl lake Sand, brn-h QUALITY STAMLOS FOR GRACIOUS UV949. Wi and 12 foot diving platform' An u^yNuoliy twasv' Hfc' toltiKfk>3 ©I ftolk'^o- s»v4<1 rM_to_ aa —r . a ra tijif WsoqI $u*'< fwiih. «* rosy *a coat ' * ' ' ft! W ' fc>n. *TOi; ft 1H ' 3>**W*Wtwaldttk .19.9ft Iota of atwdr L f-i *»»• ftlf fS +cmrj *»*!. ftftVft picnic tabic* DJ V.Td St* Ik*$* «mI mm.v mart in our etriting all Lautrve Matin* coiUtlUm of qumliix Mini*— . . . m mm- Coanpieto Dvgat liommUy mdttrtitd in tk* S*%* YmHmr Dui?' mngmint. 12 mile* north mi I Rnrtrg on P-1 n®T.' many oihvrt laehidir.9 ian*.i 1 talk woat of Akrard Road i. pereaa. ar.a ittu-U!ev —MCh a dvligfcl to lb* «y«. »oc.h a p.ctur* Sa kavr vr alaakaOa 0 l«u volt bv proud to ovn ana dapisy.J 0pm dag* ItaUM R " IRT SMlh tt'MhiactMi A>». Mickiraa SUU UaalU DgputMal Ap*r< \ m hi ivm I J T ■ - Hps*#*** •> ym. 1 . *»» ■:h^ JUL- -JUL ' —_ . Wider, c(Nil *1 Ural, In n»w up In ill degree*. __ lliinriinls of MludrnU I«h»K advantage* °f th* milihau pool's ii|ii>ninK wrrk. thins 4* n major nllrm-Uon of fx«rilif %. II'h Open I 11I• I 10 |».tii. 7.|| ail Outdoor Pool State News ■£&- Students Mock lo New IIVI Pool inline rs Conre 1*4 8# Nr* c.nt st thr iiiiltlooi Men's ltoil(|iug Ioih hooii doing 11 |.....I nil in - lullminimi hrinh until 10 |i 111 nil Hit* work and ji.miblv f 1 • »m now on Thr flow¬ ing lino* is fir slide, illilulrd hv •ho iiiiinhoi of kwinintri'i. Using. Thr* 11*01 % oh,i-ivlng no IM of smoking on rlh or I or thr Juki I .ifkr.l that cooperate in thr following rules: thr . 9* ; Intramural Highlights it.. ,,t.* 1 .1.1 ii„ 1 11,.in liking the pool, mm) «Im> iilirni.Min .out will ho ni« .lulled ami «.l)il>tii| nc*t wool.. .t> coitling to llortiuiii. I tii* <>f inr. tflMrft containers on tin* deck. Swimmers nrr nlr.o i MiUionrd lo v . n/itiniMtoil tty walk oaiofnlly to and fro ,1 It'll* id »• Inch Inn. <»n « flu* divllig town aw all- thr In- . ( annuo I ditto > :\,i* ('.( " I t; . Hik»mi|>-. nir upon for n golf iiiul IrWMl* nuil.lt l<< i» »i ..f ,uu I'tin thi-i locker loom*, where the floor I! .*tiilh»tioii "f rilling , «'* t wrrk% for nil nl 11, Ion In who nr.* im.i. i.,i * l-.MIt ' •'i or • . in.* ...mum,; V'l'f It.•010.in itfinotitii'od f^iiil thr •slippery when wei. vliori*. n to itv diliihlo ,tl the loiiuin tour hi And Foil f mtn work 01 rally ileal wook . V :u:i..l»M« >'••• huikltng Mild p..oi will ho upon U,! o.cKcli.i »<• nit 11 o 1 \ M.»n m i'hti i*i?,• ..•ni r linulli nioinlioih inj* uiged to Maui for lit*- l.nulU i. t mil a 11.1 t'»r\h k II. Mill, who iiioiit.li t (II,ling lo thr lotr.until n| Offiri* .I,;',;,-. ■! ••unH'M" \Un Soniris . Uio nutrt fin irjv.'cm'iilr.t i'v if' Mil. nill l»r iirrlt OntitlsnlrN atrr lUllhi l|«ll NOW! !» ivtiiml tli lirftp si .no far lli» 1 rimrs CLIiAN Aug tlr witli the I .nil mciri Oiaitl.tr,« ttvrt ki.nh. DKY icr* kt>! IKS': • •■III llir It OMiCi« air mini It* law — 1 nil in I Alio* In In r.iKin • \.Vf w mi,. 1 Mil. sisllMltrli tor* Sloli. lir Amrilciiii illiKii irioul \| 1 If. Ill, Villatr I .licit Ctrl Mnht Iota itpi tort UiIiiiI 1 Msli Mitrit ctrr I n.hi dpi iNrttillt nl furtilat *c»l Ui il.t's an.i A.u «u» riprrlnl 1* |.«r« llriiiro h. a (nlntal Ilutbait4l)i utu I wit. % t|> 4.tt un til «ill Ii* f.il.lislitd 400 mc'i' 4III01 in.1 }oiiti£«|ri 11 tin pl.nrd . v Misn w ill U* Don li t I,to Ihr fullttwlni tsrrkl A.V. "i Pno Stall an t llir lllilllltlu.il uutllrt .tit,| . ■ "•( ill hampion who LET US rl U»l it-4i s Aitirili'ait in,ml . - V .\ A , ' 1 no lei .hi iiu- u I lie rirnl Sam I ta it, OSl! STUDY AIDS week.-MM l o'.il ut A At . • o.flri iitlo id H " (i Ih 1011 PHI) orie- . ■ • n.t '. IC. Ni AA. Do Your Wash & Wear Garmenls Dn k K' '»«U ,,f thr \ of M ft Outline for 111ui.tr rnur*r« , 's \Al'; t- j*i.i (in«crl in smir . Tme Mck \h* 10 ★ 1'lui.lir .lain on, D .1! i D.ivr 4*1.1 i.OIJ VI 1. Mil I -• i * ttnlrlHink) • • Lall.i.Lm rrrnr.l* mill viM'ill.lltiiry S, \ \ rlariimzing •X It , ★ I k»e minuter < tirk tu U llir A IMOKNOROO.M 1 \ rar.l* One Hour [fruit (Drk hot- ntaik i« the '*f/ir mime that tmule fiiisa famous in l.un»iim"\j ★ Uul-iilr rra.lin^N (|.«|icr Icniinl in nnr LUCON THEATRE BLOCK irrirait l.u-rmrnl Blnrr) Frss Psrkiig af rssr f J SN Af KS — J I alihtrtua *>aiur- Srsl ciiia.MT rarr 4t — HZ7 \ — I UMI»! I I I IUNNI IfS — 1 Oprn Hailt A |im - * aril llaiirinc Iiul4» Aflrinmtn J , I i*nk N \ \ llmliiir td:, I:NJO\ — luwiif n> i \MH.I;I.K.IIT CAMPUS BOOK STORE Tog Shop - 1 - * - ! o* M x l.AI K. (iranit llitrr - A Al¬ tRalhakrllrr Arm** from I'tiinn lloililin^ t'- Mudikrw, A' .<:n M Mill I SIMM.S S p.m. • <1 p.m. •" t- laif.s. I V K. Hv 4.' ')*l. V, V Ypti'vo fnt more In go on than our a.iv eo! | Hi try motor mafa/inr ha a given Chevjr'ii ■l !'H'. e , ; hi. eUndard paaaenffrr car itid Corvottr V>'« '«■*■ ' Two iifiatiiitod prom* SI'OKTS t'AHS llJd'S- * \ .-.J ,» TKATKD mvi il Ihiw way: M. . . aunty A \' wtmir. On* oI 1 Big lasts CJtsvy gl*•< Iht moat wonderfully r«*a|Mina|ve engine Scl^1 Ca.c ut. and rati atar any car in in Ml available tmlay at any price." And If >»u SALE . thrift of a ai*. you still get llie for men want thr Seuthrif. brat of it in a Chevy. Ms. .,*1 ,\mrr- « ♦ itri-.d. Ail HIT ECONOMY Nod«uM almut thia: a pair of Chevy fixes with I'owergiido (amt in firat and aecond in their claas in n, OSU thia year'* Mohilgas Fronomy Hun-get¬ ting the beat mileage of any full-size car, Selected Groups At - Gone 22 3H miles i»*r gallon. - Tremendous Savings *'• e',i tick- BEST BRAKES Not only bigger, but iiaiir built with bonded lining* for up to hbr,« A • «*»> longer life. Just to prove what's what. '*■' *nci rr- Chevy out stopped l»oth of the "other two" >|,ori C.iuN ► of r.ctnir game in a NASCAR •-conducted tr».t of repeated Sin rr Nlil« stops from highway Ipeed". $l*rk < •' 111"""",' a«4 Itnill Coat* •Smimmmi Atmrsmtmm Jurmaii Silo.-* le Ohio \rrow **liirt* »u- Otx.o, BEST BIDE A few minutes Irehind the Sfirinir Jii.'k. l* • 41 -'ah game wheel will leave no doubt about this. Vl ? urdmg MOTOR TREND magazine sums it up ays. J&'l Biftic this way: . . the smoothest., softest riding car in its price most quiet, class." V2 OKI'' 0 FK r' }our BUT TRADE-IN Check tho figures in any N A D A.* Guide Book You'll find that I mm Chevy used car prices last year averaged up to $124 higher than comparable models Mark* - Sliirl« 4HKOW M((.KK(.l»ll friiiu of the "other two." Itcrniixla* — llal* BSST SOOM OMcial diimiMian* ra- DONEIiAI. J.tRM.W Swim Wr«r porM U Um Aulaawbilc Manufaetunn Aatadalioo auk* II dear. Chtv/'a front ■Ml Up room, for example ia up ta f.t lata wldar than comparable car*. HIS ALL REDUCED XtKO KING If* the ool/ car af tka Ij ' STYLX taadiaf low prirod S that'a unmiatakably modaro In rvcry lino "In iu price claw." •aya POPULAR SCIKNCK mataiin*. "a The Tog Shop Pew high in daring it/ling." fElilS NoaonutaoK rtorti ui tuviNt iitJl awricd't /ajjJJaz CWVUOtETS m m THAN AM OTidg Ctai I.LCO.N THEATER BUILDING - EAST LANSING J4M Ope* aw r CorttHt. MM ealg «»l4e*t«r aporU Try the hot one-v&t you1 IqwJ luthoriud Chevrolet dealer! -v* n- » 1 muiiiuan ar.vrr Nrn. Jul. II. I'M y Blind 6Rcad' at Library Room Mcrrly Arlpqiiutr Willi Braille Books, Records Concert by Carpenter > Lacks Exciting Style f I Love Desserts." v>* Now iMachino r •l al'Mm MMW (fives Students I'mnlit Itit'hunl I'unwntrr h»'l "<>n"' eKcllinit nitific |>rr- purnl. I>ut failnl to Iruiwfrr lis rmotion on I ho krvluwrtl Hot "letters* in Hip firut of tho fiinimrr l^vturr-Concprt Surloi prm#n. I tut I illilllT rralirr lim tut ion* luut Thuruilui wit* effective in this |*»rlraval. MU irtA n\*w s\ n« anil Icc crriitlt rimlil l>< utiiil | J i i'«riH»nlpr mm (»rrvl*P att«l Albenli'i "Cordoba" waa light, t * i'l. i •» • 'vrc mak* up mlotjUNlr. but Invkrsl lite llvle hul unlnaplrtd. Nalnt-Haemi' * dwInMl*:* in MS^* « 1'.- ttrepaaaiy to mako a nanip for "Kluile en Tonne de V»Ue" w a* Vhc NvV, a (UMfi • himself Mowpvpi. lite etmeeit « colorful, varied piece, bul at Diliim'a. The pit- i» li»nlr. i en .n tirathe. may be foun I C Art* plea*«ttt anil »n)ovriI by *;r ttanntf h>«n» for the ajiaiit, played mechanically. the nearly-full houar In thp Mu- Carpenter also played two en¬ >(| IlkllOH—audi Ullll|.«i/r,| ale At til t tv* t.v.n *-.e many Help* cores. "(llrl with Ibe Tinned The tlrni i»ieve, "SotiaU in t»; \i 1'itJrMS. .?wludm»; Halt" by tVlHlwv and "Tieltitle K Minor, ttyua 37" h> beeth- • , . ,, n !ir! e thrv n»*.» in A Tlat" by Chopin. too. mvrtt, eommonlv iefnte,! "Ap- .• i *»» Uv>e »A\ord«ngv tr paaalonita" bwauae of It.* tut r*deiv n prtva'.«- bulent, constant drl\p ctnipletl r »eadm| T\y»*t" >tt th* mid with a quieter theme, l«v*t some « « j'*«*\ ''M* '•«* t£>B. of it* fervor In i'arpentri '* tue- ?>.«: •>»*<■ t*..* advant**<- VV'!>wv:f f" '■< ma-.".- rhaitieat pliMiltn^ ItkrwUe |o*t lite motsi of the I'atpentei I'ic iiikI icc r„J . I .O average arid aiv mg'""- following Chopin pits-r. Van*- a of the T.'«f Ouatd - •«*rr " to Tea.I to bHui tlona llntlante*. Optu 1? ' I lull'* for lltr, anil notlii,,- | rmkably Ike mart lnlere*llni ny«•» th;« ft«-r - .. •:.i *r u Here waa "Varlallen* en a lor 10 hour* wcckb • *»e who ha»e a' 3 iV* a»rr*!»," Theme kearlalll fer Ike Tell I IiIumi'*. Il*a o|H'li til I u.tti. (ul Hand A lane" hy Ratenellu. a • Owaroed a aoV-'arahip f* • • nevelly aeleetten aa enly an r -.* HRnm.'t »'! ,* hand waa emptayed. The maale I'rofraaional "loal tlt'aacrl." • e-e •.* h.rr rca.iet* for ad,l;« waa aa varied Ikal II ittr Ike •»t h.-*;!* <»f atody effect af bath hands being naed Care 111* raWU uo* a ifcwl »f Nf*f l» I* "" walking Odam's »IS't» arrews stormy seat atul •*(*« l«r elaaarwem »«# but • I baa »r«fial mI« taUirt a* pi vNSSWSS\SWVWW\VWWVW/^^^WWWV't llry (Taaain( U|trn at 7 a.m. for Brrakfaal «ba cmlamari iltlaa an4 slate. "n «nur.( w th a m!.«. t Ail Mutineers aad MINIATURE GOLF * -4 i-cr*-n punc*>e» each **..*! Shirt laaadrr Due Block Kaat of Alu-.m- * »*ve'. I .r>-> r;ght to left. In »«:\k o! heaiy paper. *wi (iet AmiiimIs trad the wttUrtg, w* mv.-r Still tiuiv t.i t'.nu|M*to < ti t -p :*apet over. a* 1*Uct « Vvv ,» V.sv .1<- hT' rtiK in tournament a'l «•* * a-w onr '-iv> -*Tt d si * e e tovvrst t'*,kwar.l* % . W*,!h " iv H:*i > wt:tr:. »-.• •• -tVcwi t.'i' aw.i:..* f.T \\ ill all r\|irn»r trip to National Tournament . p.* .etets van tw formt\1 *•. »•.«-' '• v p*Vi * t".i fun I !-» I time. ftom if St to Vv .\4 gtudecit .. much u> e*vcr teed over r th* the Si i v- 1-1 ••!;< II.;.•• >* »'.«>•••* s »♦•..*'»•; - S'i mil** **>t of but laaatac aa I'A It $ Starling tomorrow... STYLE SHOP'S money iipj'i. >e » wntt»i *ul bu '.t ••<* w *% ••. • >vt .< »■ ••. a N%\W wn k for mta'.eke* '. \ o - ■ tav'tf. ■. j'»,u •« v - \ *# n IN* read. -.g iwn at* trml thv •%*'- '«'•-»* :.V COMPLETE SHOE .n CkMtt- ♦ ttnbu;e\i m-wders . * I* atvi furniture MSI' Alu"' - IH'ti! ion. COLLEBE TRAVEL OFFICE .• V*:- linlry ltu.hr lr a Up an MM ta.-nh* mrmhrr, lUmdnt A**ot All Tr»t*l faafemuw Other faoltiip* art' a |»rp*rnlrd a |*a|*vr that tinlril »mom Ihr »* FOR HIOOHRMREW STOCKS! Rtaiy *as\iSi*nt h* rv**a v.* p.a- mi :N vl . on-.i . v rtifa! f o. • . a unvro, A IM>Man M « rami UWMMB't film Ml Mail r MSI* aavraayn to V,t Vr.rrl la.lr. .• «4 itulrruj t»tr* »wr. V »: .K^K-K •f Umn Ju»f »ivt t avr.asr V H K o fc mit*. a* a S .*r-. a*'ho'.*« • p. ssiTtvi nat... »**n1 • Miaat:« in onlrr *p4 Vm a'.a"p ».d w. .vti r-.a"o **f r*T» IPTvlt. JoUlf/t ikiing W ork DOHM BARBER SHOP Something for to f or W auhmflori I'otl ItlMlM KM HIMMIM IKWlHtR Everyone... ' n*M0a of Ub Harv^v J«sUft# of thr CtWiii-»-*aVa A * Ciia aunnv.er • < >' in \>* t r l.M» ItKi.l I.Alt iiHi 1'l.ATTOr I'ack up your rar aa. S^*». . , a\t laA^arbvt (PC i IX*; *n4 OI'l.N SAT1 KHAV com* «iait ua at th* Lahp V«a§ Head laiuai lAtrk. W* art A"*'9^ \M»C aifhllr Tua*4a> Ihraaph K0S1TCHEKS Suada. and all day m t>a t Hda> Dichta «• ,bJ ft*- SUMMER CLEARANCE |i.« aaay a fr** haahM at ■reran** *.*r» half tuar. A 1.1, THKKt: H.IKIR> Why ao« com* aad try ha tha larky uaa' MENS CLOTHING t'ira aarkt? Sara. Uta Satarday ai(ht *a ara (a- Sportswear - Furnishings iax lo ha. a apatial SHyiay. n' t.al totalhar a (reap aad auk* a raa*r.aluo, 1 aa SHOES arai.a a W. radarlwa aa aU ride*. Ta auka a ra. W rcaanalam. tall ft Knot ah«( tha kiddiee for a ridr on tha roller rao ALL ITEMS PRICED *r, lurnpik* rid*, or aay af ear othrr fiaa aamma PUR JIXY CIX.VRA.Mi. b> La»r a Urj* picnic area ahich ia free I* i Sale Starts Today! Hum- now, we're looking for yon. 1500 pair mIc m at giv* away prices. Earn 1^ 1: 4)J^ — Jtcbeklros. DOWVtOtrN 1U X WASHINGTON — Lake Lansing Park Park-Open nightly— MauSaya - All Day Swrfnp 'Mm If