M T I Pan-Am Preview 'Janus' Opens an State News1 ■ Tonight at And "litMt!*," a romantic comoilv 1»> fjirohn (I rent, w ill opeii vol.. 51. No, 55 KAST Ncrting MSP I'ur SO Ycur* I .ANSI NO, MICIIIOAN Tilt KSKAV. JI'I.V 2:1. l»,Vl" So. Pofo S I'ltlOK A CKN'Tfl . , three-nlKht run tonight in the arena theater of the \tst \ tut. New Frosh Attend Counseling Clinics 4 utain time I* S:l.'» p.m. the c»*t ront|wme«l entirely of Mimmer eiadtiate stu- Vnt*. veteran* of college and community Ihratrr pro. 11(1 M'lt*. VpjH'arin^ a** Jessica U Mrs. Judte I toward of t,nosing, iv!c of ildl is played by Stuart Packard'of t'ohimhin- Orientation Hubert Smith of tho ..rtrays I Untitle IJousseau. the Andover French tracher IIojh' t ollegv ^speech faeultv Trustees Approve . t t» i derates w ith Jessica to form the vuitimj. Irani of To Aelivitv Driving Revisions * .hsnu* " yv%(, ;ju > Pontine high .school touchers. G.oth I'mnetim and ne Stiuduk nnintl out the east u> Mr Harper and On (laiiipiis <« Add* .lames Miller Appointed M.iruaret Sullhan, Hubert Fro* Ion and < laude lhtupbtn Nt NttKM HIRER ,featured m the I'J.m HiomiIw.ix run ol this eometlv. Seerelarv; llmlget Okayed "Welmntt* In Mirltlgak the romrd>*» action renters around f.dl's ili-coter) that Stntn I iiiverMtv" in tha „ «ife hns Keen secret I* writing "lii-lt litnlt" historical The student driving reyulntion* were nveihnule.1 last well iirfti phrime ttutf greet, „oeU during the suntmrr months with the prep school wrvk «.h Ihr MStJ Hoard of Trilstrt'H volihl to relax thrm rent' h instruelor. somewhat. ed the new ntudeiitN who en¬ \a seats ate reserved for the three performances, ami In other fiction taken nt the Imuril meeting, thr H|»|M>ltit- rolled in tlii* week's neneiotl are available at the dour. The arena area Is locatetl Hunt of J Mine* Miller as secret nrv to thr Hoanl ami grcrr- of the t'lHiiiselittif cent era ...neath the mam auditorium in the space previously oc- tury of thr 'univrr»ity was approvml, ami thr first budget hiifh nelunil rlinie. i ,-d by the University Museum. for MSl'-Oakland was announced. The MSU w-rlocne mat w^» There wa.i also much emphuaia on pay raises at MSI J, r ol led ..nt f(.c »oior 167 lneon<- to curb an alarming liat of faculty resignation.*, as thr llig firrfimrli » !h» rfHolle«J in Ihe r lliiii M'di'lav sftriieam for Hoard approved a budget of .fL'8,444,854 for operating thr ii (vf.iilwlud direr "tay orient*, university. t 1**ii ptogfMiti tf> tMiiipu* life and In the drtvtiitt revisions, the act iv it it--. rule on run pit* driving terms was relaxed. between Eisenhower Their schedule* With SUCh BC tl' lltfi weie jamme 1 te.ting rneiiu .41 t siniLiiistioiuk, It'i'f c I'revlnualv. per*«*n« enrolled In XlM|t were dent*" even rnnMdered ."•In¬ between term*, »r- Nominates oreintatioh fac nlt» their iiu for iiiliiT* men, w t»o mn-fuig represent rnrdlng In IHe driving ende. The de*ne«l mapu- arid (.»•*■>- new rule. However, •*>• IHol ■Indent* ore •ween nol "■IndenU" He- MSU Grad I lor I/IS t ton nor fice of rrprc Student with entiittvc* *tudent Affaire for lender* th# Of¬ term*, and eon drive on R* TRI 4RSIM 1X11II rata* The program l» an extrn-uon reman* nllHoot sermlla for fall term reglstralion Poi'ktug h»l desighstionK were A former MSU also cttsiiged, •% the lots will atuilenl, TIIK NEWLY - FNHUMID f res I. men ■1st* Noo ftmlB Sv Ntifiit lliiif* Ret*- stodents mske out tern- l«o given a distangulsliing name. Frederick Henry Mueller, 11urn the high sclnml counseling rbnic fill address, which wax then followed by a porsry enrollment esrds while l*reviouslv, students often eoin- wax nominated by Freaitlent the Kit a in I lie Education building for meeting with the individual counselors. at the university. After the** plstued of being confuted t»e- F.iaenhower Tuesday for their first formal welcome In MSI . Mr. Counseling for incoming freshmen will con¬ fsects of their program are com¬ imtNc of the parking l<»t* being idrrittfied by rode letters promotion to aecretary of Thomas Goodrich presented I he welcoming tinue throughout the summer. pleted. the students are frea to commerce. tour the university and enjov Another major rh«nge in the the many fsrtllttea available en driving regulations is to relieve Mueller, 65. was graduated rampua. the part-time students and eve¬ from MRU In 1914 ning college students from the Mr has l»ren under-Nerretary During the three-dav clinics, of commerce since lire. 3, 1956 driving restrictions, ('inter the new regulation, students carry¬ ing less than seven credits will Fof two years before ttiat, he h «s amistant secretary for do¬ New WMSB Manager Named irifoniirig fieshman obtain imprnssion living is like of what a firr,t university not lie required to register their mestic affairs. Hoii'-ed in Went (.andon dorm¬ INUOHK TAX IXVKSTItiATOM llarper. played he automobllra as student ear*. He baa bean acting secretary Ih ice ttoWNi'd, formerly »u Seven of Itowaid • plays weic the ••even-part Mauiue Evans itory. the student* find nut about i.arth ErnngtMi. seems skeptical at the explanation of Ml 1.1.Kit af commerce since Rear Adm. NIK' tclrvo lon pi (Mincer, will in "(lined oil Hie network III setle* dorrn meals, dorm regulali'int NEW ntCKKTAir leak tors am stopped awl ef lircomr m the Hoard of Trustees. Waahl. rh«inn*(i «»f the S»*nsle production supei visor Ala ka. After wartime service of absence to aervs ai tha state MSI' Massachusetts Ui lecuuiana art W I-.'A $r*nt covers a tor ve¬ Commerce Committee tiu»« wilt Howard, a lecturer at Xlsl an Air F'>rce information- controller. Tire 7 p m. cciemonv in the attending , st f,»r the pruat4i i< t>r W A'i'iuVad, dran of handle Mueller's mmnnatiou, •inre September. Ifr.VN in Ihr de¬ Ahimm Mc'icilal Chapel mark c-'liicatioii officer, he became Tlie first clinic was a'arted Nam. where MSf adv the c'i'tiege of Veterinary Medi- Mar-fl-HI'DOKT said "I don't nee anv reason why partment of television, radio , tnViitrr director at the Dallas cd the i nd of four year* "f nil July 14, 1949 Two hundred » IH* A budget of 1670.000 was he shouldn't be confirmed '• film, ha* experience in aiade- Institute Vocal and Drama¬ teen c«v4uictin| *n nursing education for the reci¬ of twenty-five student* enrolled Krwirrh in loch energy phv- granted U> the MKli-Oakland Republican leader F.\ errfl ntir tear bin* and in bolli ednra- ■■a* vfiHij project *0: tic Ait-, an instructor in speech that year, and slnre then the «lr« will he furthrierf at Xtirh- Dirksrn pient* With the pinning they tiranch, which will ojren its of Tllinoi* prc^inted nd commercial trlevi- and Ihr ate at Southern MrMi- arc eligible to liecoine register¬ enrollment, which is voluntary, icaw Mate hi a sloi.nw* iranl doors to students for tha first apeedy Senate confirmation. ia>- jfrare »iU be u>ed uivu s ed iiiiisex by state examination odist I piver-dty. a graduate as- has increased to about 2,2'xj lioni the National hrienre time in ing: » c . n <f International P* - appropriations will be a very able sily of Wahiungton giaduate. the Florence Kcrnpf, director of the due. tor of Ucc Dallas Center period. and Pr "Ptie cudin of t!.e ultimate $MiO,000, and the other $120,000 ritizen with an extensive <>u WMSli Alfred Seelv. :- new managei in FcIj- h. hoot of nursing at MRU. I'layt l« the College of Uu*im • • i t 'is'Uutiofi of tna'.ler. 'includ- will come from, student feas. nchs background arul a In ^d ruary, 193J, was apiM.ir^c.i a Knsehkneeht will replace Pat¬ Df. Thomaa Goodrich, coordi¬ j; the aecie*. of * at hoi l, tne The largest Hndgal field of experience in the unit Ihr address was delivered ley nator for Ihe W iic Service. producer in NIM"« Educa¬ rick f'.illihan, wh'i is to summer . com¬ join the program, nut ieus «•? an at "in for the MNI'-o Hranrb to merce department. | am sine tional Television and Itadio far I.lord 4erau*on. dean of the National F'hn ational Television ■ays that the MRU faculty and "Ik# ptuirtm lor Ihr nrxl .till ts- d *.vte«| by Dr Jusejm first year k payrolls whisk to¬ he will make t olleie of Rrienre and Arta. administrative a very ahlr and tenter. In Mav. I'9.">7, hc.wa ap-l Radio ( enter in New York. personnel feel tor* will be Mmfwhil I'.«' tal $427,000. Included to tola a* . a«i.t ate pi'ofiwnur t»f distinguished secretary of com¬ jiamcd executive producer of The new production and fa< il- thai Ihe eilnir helps incoming sraller ui*n what we have had Tti"-e phv*,. > is faculty and administrates merce." the entire ETV prwjcit receiving pins include freshmen become more orien¬ .« vh# m;* report* (lean 1«<- iti»-k manager has heed a fpll- Aivo.her NSK grant. $20,000, salaries a# $274. Mi. (tonine Milhrim and Hetty I'oit- tated to rampua life. Research •art II* %mhI there will he much and la bar ' Hue member of the WMSB iva* awarded to Dr. Jul.us K«- par rolls af IMJN. cr fi(»'ii t..oising Knv Mrf'arthy staff •bows lbs! a student Who has rrraur rmph*»U placed on edu since 1934, and earlier was - and Dr Don luchienberg Durward and t oii-vtaiu e /.inn «»f East t.an- -oumal v a.-< Varner, chancellor h cameraman, floor director and gsma through Ibis clinic-show * irUUUft In relation in phy«K* for a tneoretical in- Xiiig. C'hki lotte ('nan, Gro»*n of MSU-O, rejinrted to tha writer-director. less tendency to drop out of "its lh» pnMie MtmlnbUilmn gaUoa of h^h energy phy¬ Board that hi* office hat receiv¬ lie; Mdhecnt Fleming. Birming¬ t.-. college than a student ubo has ■sutul* |n \4l(nn ham, llcverly June, t'obimhia sics. ed 054 application* for ad mis- not taken part. T'p ormrd also accepted a Two graduate fellowship pro¬ sion to tha branch. He villc, f.iainc Tortetli ksl/tnHr, predicted 4 '.on unit ulaiion § grant from the Ford gram* will be carried out in ine that the final enrollment will Kingsford. Ann Priestly Jairnrr, This program for incoming •sanation for a teacher educa- sciences and social sciences with be about 200. Vassar, Diane I.irkfeldt. piv MRlf students, faculty and freshmen .* sponsored by the to-jeci The grant, detail* "Foundation Hall" will ke the mouth: Ann Mctraif. Midland. counseling center in reopera¬ NNF grants of $66,900 and 111,* - staff members rallied to the rail wfuch Joyceann Norman, Caledonia. tion with the other agencies of were announced ear- 4W. to i** teacher*. arul Vida Vlncenty of Dearborn. feces will be weicomsd to MRU. A pilot project to develop tne building aa the Aral at u» '•> Erst large-scale " research leadership training and interest new branah, but will I raxi je-i concerning tuberculosis **'1 *■* conducted at in public affairs will be con¬ ducted thrt/ugh the Cooperative MSU-O 1 tion of i riirougli AIiiiii iVIugiiziiic sSl under two granta from the Extension Service, under a $40.- who helped draw tha format to A«r ~..rur*j research service of the entire 000 grant from the Fund for SjMirtun Grads Kept Informed program * VS. Department of Agri- Adult Education. White Plains, -re D.recung the - program NY. Given tentative approval, auk- ject tu review at tka neat maot- J. W. Knapp Company Plans mg af tha Trustee*, waa a bud- a« ii iiv How do -M.RU alumni keep in nil can't be sent out of those coun- trir«, * woe The MRU Alemei established In IMI, and at Magastoo loucn with what's going on Ihe MRU Alumni Magaaiee tnet time was known a« the Expansion to East Lansing aruund they arc thr campus? Bemuse scattered throughout the United Slates and foreign is are divided into various Some of tnc regular features "Affairs of Slate," a section#. page 'Michigan • Agricultural Wnen the school changed t:o#i4 ■ Jft##phift#'a #*##th##rl AranPad w#m#n'a #h#rua will h# faith hlaixtixaid n#mlhx Cl#h#h#n( pOOtinulMf tl* txilviltaa during Ilia auiliinn *axilt*n, xx ill MI#«I»MI. j4#m. d##rhftiT« gradual* ■tud*r llii< .mux «!•«\ On tha tripping ptax l»x Ih* T#*pi«ff Ik# #w at "»»d#r# CS#t# #f Malt" (Japan#*#), * ill nr#fa#it».r («#ai* •(lr##»»x*'#M. HkimI ShHI. »ltft U»l III ml) \ll|ll|lhtl ti«*t trial* fhantaUsl. John Hx nga tl i# mm 9m" «mi 9# mm Aim. h# pr#d#nt»d fridax' #nd A#tui hftad af th# x-ftlr# d#p#rf men l, <(1 4 xx fl.xte x* h« of Hilt Kalltet ||\ .1 n'lirx xx-ill hr r.xlloix-a.d hx Ih# «l#v#r Hag. #f Ik# r#m# Maalh. •• l« wiaging hath «ftfha, and hi day night* #t 7.R0 In falrehlld inn high *» •*«♦«»' Ih# taal nxolliMi Ml thr illu arid *••*?#, Ih# m#lk#r. malty thr*. tlada t.#mpl, dir#«lftr af Ih# * tolhiknig i'fiiii(ti|v nit lha Thaatr# Th# plat la • dram# #f. u., tx.ng f«» "tier xx rrH* If XX It tX 1*1 f»g » 4*11 XX 4a III* tfMlirit hildgr I.. »l..h,|,t#v Maitlnu Rad laaalag ■*«!#». #m VMdr# ft|»«*fa M'ftrhahap, «lli aandiun ' N , $ imr-h *1 i' ' Hand Mill* llaii » Hrgi«o ■ « tlir The . a>' ,.f rmuadx on If*# < Iral#. lad laadag j#m#». «tll p#aat«xh «ri Ih thr P'th C#ntin*v with TtIt# PiM/elf and harafhv *»XUt'*L,X **«)*• <«*ndurl*f lla flial irlrtllun •g#inat • hgekgraiiftd #f th# tin Are* #t|o #| th# plana xx a* fti litga it >li MX..,| ,i of «'«»** ■tag *h# p*m# #f mm ##d , , (>-r atnOeiXi'* x* hh'li I ha Oxerlutr ftiim "Ntu«h- fur alaixr# I'uiv Pa'on Ttapida r#«hi#m. maama linkim partal fpirt and th# atruagi# •' Admiauinn nltl h# an# dalt#t «lixt.xM t»» teatlxal hi larnh 4,„hhMmixt • And a pi#dn4'a «li|.l#n|_ #» Jft4#phtrx#. l:dxy#rd fi«k«M. C^#r1#tt# rix*#T rtaa* far e#ntrnl #f ih# T». k#«a #r# #n agi# at %a irplaa faallxal II nai I (radial xxllli Tirkat ftffir# thxnahi ill. fa. r.aat Parxclng grad ial# #li|4#nt. xv|u h# b#rt- (f#Uhti*k'. V.v.th ITajnlAg I*-"'4 w •' • liMid (aat mux litg tempo Mr at >„«'#« W'11 r,M> xxaa the finale from 'Death anil .. i.o!ilnxm» « tttat.'i, Tranaflaniallnn " Um< , -r The **•• %t N.mr mi ri (ilx (i.i.h Attend Church This *d* Sunday nt fixt't •»»«! I',f" Ilia Suilf Of Hi'» al I i r«xK • h< »>*• begun Muali ' It* Hamlet, »* a* t »lr> ... «•«'• •" Itghtful and u»t otoxiiif ntio|... yum: TH AN AJWC Inn* of forrign mad# *trrl art un "It."". aillnu 1'hr "i Ivrilmt ** a* lino loaded from Too «hl|»* in a ('nt|iti* Chii*li. Tft, port. Thr I. | ,h, "I " kl I •«.».< «»*•> Hlft 1*^ hi an oxailuir h.ll.ixxrtl l»* litr light ami g.i> I.»u.I ami f.r»» ■, *lrrl xx a* ntadr in iirt manx, l .ii\rmhiiig and llrlgium, EAST LANSING CHURCHES 'It.nner* xx ill) ail Unilrifl..** ,.| t ,■>*)• Wll» ■>' .WIHI't •<>• »<•" *•■# '• itirl.hl* t'I'll.«xx lug M.I- Mil. !hr x l.tu l ilni. Lediiiy (liven on Jiiihiii „ Ifcrh I..i ||| f>*f ■ ##••*»' aM.tii !•(*! till- »<»f|nr w . ■ Mir I..mil). ..mnirulut Ml-Ii . I.II * ,lft)i|Mi i oil Mi'luUx lit x 11.. Mu*< utii fta* a itf*|)lav i»f 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT east larsmi student cniist scientist Mriall' mil I •'•<»> lull .)f llir . HI p in tn llir Mm .. Ami ' In.I.-in *.n*ii nit* and iiafl* Kien- Nil) le.t t))il) » •taaa# af TA# 1 »l«« r ,mu x* "th I In* limi' a I.Ml car 'I 1**1.1 i . N ..nut*, It.mi i* ith lha 111*1 Hiilr on i tn Nil i rolei g»i tttl • lha lt«« boiiir 1.1 hr at x Japan 14 d»» wmm ▼A# Ptaaa Pka* at «k#a nut m#t*4l»UxaUhg a of . I fin * Mir ain't |i A'.'pgi. in Miinion rmx.lt. i *i M liiogtani |. m l». 11 tig It |tlax lug Ihhiki ou A«ta i nil CENTER It...I.Hi |n r«(tlanf of 11 o * oiffit \ kinu Alt II.4X he «erit af Ih# , foil* Suilr 1" '*14 I •a# t«# tiail Ritar o jgiahi#»# ut «r. tntt Mm , A*X*«' J*liitfrtil Sri \ it#* llwil.ling ami mpex'tain ro ir Pi... r i ttllrga III 11nX ri fmtl I'll XI II •( fe |<1#l I lira Pnfou loiaiaih fl P Hp#la Mlad* htmIi iii lha kixii Ilia tupix i* Mxr aii.liruia t*lii • Mir. 4*#a## Oh#*#A Ntwua *» a aa. ii*ull !iKa liiur • Af» XM tlx* Wula lit. JaaapA f#M*i, igaaMa# ••adar Okad II • a. xxi* tha Ml*' ixf II'I v,f (i-iihtnua! fa«t Inn* Kril I liiiiit-Kio.ki.1 •I hPAV NBVlfl I# M a #i. HlJOl PIZZA 1c i iMltf Itaaaaa 1 ••h, fi

••• llir 4'.»!.»« ia a# haomi .pn-« , ,r M a. x |.n*r * i* llaH x* a- a In Krai's lo l.iMiii- ■ xtilli niir rt'giilur »t.r ilrni |ii/m B lawai I* lit V. A rut «*•#» t is tml«ai f.»Mo**r«t xxllli tnr n' Mia N -tulli 't • aini..^ 2 k|.t-.'iitl IimImx In-lxift'ii ft |t.,ti. A 12 |t.ni. J a..i» xta.Ma « aa a raa it #94. J#4#ph A. hllfl. Mas. «•#. td. • i «.l pa#. **' 2 *,*ir 0.# \V htxojtrr 1*1 Vi Y" .- I'M) 111 * 111 J I.Ml Itrrr nr lixkr tint I *lxfi|ilMX| Italia t a# AM. d IN H», tiatM Vaapaia Taaa. Tim. VARSITY DRIVE IH . i t rt«*v ,1 »i> a mnfflad tiUinpf * of Mia irrd ar- . a Ir.a i lo. .i | Ma timioi ' "Alia Ka Si .la.r ail *r *,•»no bring tnvt xx*. ilafrA >. tn,*. » h. ih* xn'ihit. l»M '• r MNP In METHODIST CHURCH Of (dkwood martin iuthh east mm f i *. a fan .* fa*t lamp. pi ..f IVI in * n.a ii |ailaiila mMlrrilii ' «ii|Mtl MNnaw h»t h* I la t* nil il •ita in> • PS ,thr |M»ln • long EAST LAJQRK feofus church trinity church chafel a I Ilka Ttaaln ftntahait i It.tit to .iaxaltip |»r aa# hi «Ith • fail mailnt 14# ppanpa A t >' «*,'n kmi i ".in aim f! .I -m4 tha aaannd talari Inn nix I hamnna frnan hnllr t'llflf *• i ilaltlira rr Mia g'omt.l« i., ! *x n i own' WESLEY FOUNDATION m M. Oaplwa laa# 444 A4MM Baa* • a*, A. ROMPl | flat urn.la.i >®uth Oi.-ha*lr*i l*> Mticaa M. Taaaaa*. ir tin. r tOnwgtit t•'r «• klaaAa laid at taatl khar) rpapal M <-#nl x« x« g« akiarpta fio attua t- iat#aa i* ttiild do! «nlc x* it |n i B* >i F, 11 p ' i » ! iii iii if tha* italrai f t x* a* tha "Aliag- • it»»iali«1 gixxamnxant •••■ Teaaia# a. Mataiaaa, MMMo fa*' wafhprtpgt ■ a |aIloi*oK ha »'ta**ri| ' ha* (> iaxxaa* Margbt# at amtrr mk isi b* "AllagratM* a in1., ih# aunt of •t'APaf iem«ia IT'S A GREAT LIFE a •xx xima of riioru* an ' ■at. Pariaaa# •. lagp, Mhiao I*|»' xxaia Andauta a-u t xa a m Pa# r##ar •»##*' •!•'#*#• «a*«pip #MA fair »•* aappetp nr *'• 4t»ilatua axpia* n»a Pfarh ttaa at p. gamaa #4 laaautM, It tt «ipipmam matf fi.tn tioppn " na ga»#r Pr •anp a# xil \u xx »i*oii*j |a ClI • * lax) Ixx .Ml* tie ion hi i\*l Ml *ll l. 411 V p "xat1 **x a* fti'iu :nf »nritil«*«x Mrii.m n*hr* lamal*. t. Some |»ao|ila «ftx thing* arrii'l lih# they tt«ail ta It aa #»., #«#•# TAaaita tit AM. Aa(t#ty fa* Nil Oittiat • 4# a m«—#aa|#p paAaat nu' .oria f.«r * tnoutaii *»M»H 4411* 4lxn I rtx to ra rd on atv'HiMl KllltNIl In I4k« N«l he—»*rn thr fun t*n'f tha *pma *nx mor?. •r pat. Tvaaaaa a. ggatHaa# •a*. Mapai# Aftaa* •laxtaa tar » anal pig rhuixk 4i*mxI I f * mimivr . Piatsa tha ix >k ii es MP Pa at M*d aaa*ll Va land* rhangnl tha 1 »f tha aiHiianra an«1 thai. Iltil xx r knnxi hetln. Urrkanrf* af I «k» I Aiming rAaia# tahaat at IN aa Pt. PaPaa, Mi#Pl#aa Ifl»i:nx»aii It J# a m , Ad 4gaa h-, Moaaila tin*. |T»Pn xaa I Krquiam > air iiml a* g«MM< a* thrx rtrr nrtr On I rniax night* ■a# la#«r a.aaal ink taaaa Ainik lulw H|» ra**##a«a Pa. tapaa M l fiaio aa# •«#«# < 'In * <■ Thrsa Dahght T aasani (Movav xx«* rxj.ri i llirx glxr at*mx lire gtmrrir* rtrrx hour. Thr firt* | "« fH'fu .m ■ to lha aat ' A nnrka f*n Saluidax- night ran'l l»r t»rat. And Satur r!» <»< Taaxa by fhiWr !•»» » kxm apinl than aaronntad tn# ou»n for in . daxa and Sunda** Ihrtr i* a foirign apnrta rar aliuw. south iaftist church Go to Some AaaiP PanwitM At Maaiaa Altar ant* Mind a.xi. liailiNin aMrn*ion and paraihul# jump I SPOUT SHIRTS XI X II I h lamt i Church Every Sunday I'HKSIKIIMION *uia tup* off a **rrkrnd for u«. AA# roiild juat lit# •atd r. fagdaa, • ■ Shprl SJrrxp# i i : \ I i; K * Ihrtr. \Ah> don't you join to*? laaa am Aiata l#Aaal a a*. «#daga Alaa# «mp< |Whil# • Hutton I In x% n ■fr DIM IIXM.t. at #r Pa*i# warrtaar. hataral tifain k*g. $j.ts Nail I* h* I randnr Natmnal laaf* p#p(, map ASCENSION AIL SAMIS I SPECIAL S2.D6 hanpl. Hapandabla EFOCOFAL CHURCH Lake Lansing Park Praax Iiplu.n bar*Irf 1 x* Dana* * ii aii apAMPb LUTHERAN • rpAatth *• PApan* • ^ . < •amalii a pip iiat# A##a — em pun Rah* Naada J151 V AND SAVE AT ^ ('•mplala Aaanilmant t #a p m tpamap CHURCH At*. MM P* Pa*la* «• MagAM J ho»ilchrk't CAM. IV •ap a a pa am iidit ' 'APMP PtA#P> (all Par Praa Dallxary IAf i jinking r«rk-0|ir» nighllx- A a#. Aar### K Ma« Imat | VARSITY SNDP I .•call* aparalad annad aad ^ ?tpp $uum A#*a ::x xbtaii iu. A Janaph a ad |»arla Marak. k*rr|tl x|aiiil4x» — All Max Xunili. pia# a«i 4*r*x#a laa.iag aaan aa# Para l#aa i.sa Aaaia# trraaga taaapa* Par hiau t#iraa**ua# aaU in a a aa# a 'a ;•#»#■ fj, (!a Mua Pa A #f laga«#ra A«a#> timt impiiap lad litaii |'*»l IMNI!. Mich. Raglatarad PkarMflil* PAP AM' datp CaaaaaUaa SALE HTTEf-CITY MRU CHURCH IMIO laA##t t il A d .ip ip A m. mm CtMPAMat a* daratAf Praya* a## Parrt## CLEAN NOW! *a!7 i mu'klAAN PMIKIP DRY |p#a#a#g»#t Puaiaaiaaial Pra-aio##iai aaa a. i, rtlhptaa, pa4iaa iip pat. at Araal Brwa •# II M AM- At CiPKP At pin A tab At spa • 44 a aa. aaaiap Alpi# Okad 11 4# a aa. Maratng WartAip • 44 p a Pasta Araapa fAAradgy, t.Jl pa. A#tp #aaa aap pap Maaadpg MfdiAiail farrir# 2-Hilxini* ■a*. Aaarga f, tMMipwi At#Ala# (MAPaarp Ma-#rgaawa# Par Aan#i ititiaai •r 8 i * 1 i AAdf. IIP AA. Ml Wig# NfA Paa fagidiaM aad ip p-1im 2-p4nir 99 •r 2-l'ljin klkirik immmuLMt m omm Ilf ^->hrAl«rA «IF AtAtttPfaiM Mftft m Si •kmma ii am mem One Hour Marfinizing VMAip mm ii ia Aar. Jug ft I IP Plata* (vap ft#4%# Maaft OS ftamr* i#aj v#am Aagfia# — a At |« em t-APii •* em mm nmm#| baatlr# t# A.M. Mnhg WPMPlp — 'id |# , liatai Parxiaa t m. '•» VAMIMMMi a#a ip f tp 4 p4t via## # #pd lf.pt vm Paddag at tut tMA ap# «#d|p MpfftPappMp# *^ap aa#»#a df ftp l!|a4 a#d zvrtsiMiMlSE* MHTtHll* Ht.AT* HIWI -Sparring" Jul* 11 \9S9 New Swimming I'olicv Pi|» r»ur fc in Brief At* \ 'tii111(1 'Jumping , "Vtl White Son hid bretl <"i MMw.iuKt' tiMRtnu N„ talrnt, no ni„nr> no nitnrst m > in trgatned hi* crown .» Intramural •i Mi lid t . i fV.1 top |»i-1 enough l»» Itke Ihr Idea, u a* p JULY CLEARANCE remained in hWLUULiin! t it \< H The Anirilrnn mm thr vrnlirt You don't lirai iinirh «'f Mm! tininioi, fitfitmntotr*. Jim Jrffrlm, Ja. k Mir HUfKhlim mill ihr l!n Sr-hmrliug. J'M* laiUla. F.fiard ii,a< i Mimiih Idle. sinking deeper hi beat ThN auniinri'a rhaiiiplhoBhij, |ir„utaii, t^i .lor NValmtt have all tried And *nj x - ItJTE t.» Mir Attthl* "f oblivion, Mir ninii wniuru heat thr Atnrti<.in Schedule litis t'rrii Ihr uio-.t rirtttnti In vrai*. rhninpttiiiA have alrrat|> firm rionnnl ntr\ r Mtlrx tuivr ht-rli MllrrrMfiiHv ilrfrmlrM An.t thru, Mil IIIMI. Jt i.| 1 % la itilirh inot r to mine. lark HrrollW. Huh Mrtloiialil. ItIg tngrniar Jnhnuiuniii atul little Jo*i Mrti-iin tin * ALWARD LAKE RESORT Unit t' ltltlri, IMYlir Hl«w rilrI a la 'Moi, nil tin, j on mn. tan, air thr new ill\ i-.ionnl kiiiKs of the *poit .lohnu- ta«• itlotE. Ilch lli«-r .on knvoeil Klov.l MuMrrxoli foi the lirav y v» rleht a II -llili'l, lr trvir J t all, lion xiHiiiinHi. ham Hallo title atul tteerrm knorkrd out •\lpfioioi«> Itatnni I M *t • r4rf Ii k W llllaiiit. Holt I ff, for the bantduiweiitht efmMi Joe Miowu pv>- •Man Kiiai li, till haul Mam loo In trrtrd Ills ItghtwrtKht Melt with « I'KO «nri ATTENTION! t 1 • tin >n ik HI lilrl» II II oiiliioril, I Mm hi, t inn II • 11in\ J m II I I'otlrf Hiiiullr Mlllw. I I' J I'dol.t Host unit welteiwrtght kinii t*oii Joulau •Irriitoneil tU lem old IVuin Minn \t truvt four llioie tttlr IhmiI*. ,'drli pioiiu oijj I'ikofill. Mom Nldlrl im1k1iar ami i kiial) Ex.'.'ll.-itl ■>«iiiiininc I 10 p hi 'foiinl t il.nd.on, II k law and mvn tiD-. Mom lilltm ogni'rd In iiioul rotimiiHMoii <»•. inuldtrn ujii'i Hilr- m theft Ml'*t defense 11„ , llnioln l*iMll« fun lhas balnp. tlrr.r .larllni (ihim h*if bm, it ihdiop. inlghl figld Mooir of tiii.tm Shoi tn .(miiious J a, K Sharkn, Ma* t S|»riiif> ft'il Iul>i' .ritr.l at Ihr (Oir iiiiilo If mil Septnntiei I'tun. howrvri. i» doul«ttnl tUaddovk l'tir odi'l* lliax th' «i- CiTip m tfnm Hi do uol .•■■Mild nolif> wi«ii l>i mo ihl. turn, mm Ihr iMIiaiMMfal ,lM»ir \tt of I hear, with the rk,«pt> n of th. hi.! hi.tol* IM» t Sitliih lii'urli Johanaaoii I'littri *oli Mi.tp, wriy. •" « rkpr. n i nb-p»p»'Ml«J Ait. !•. i, noon |» thing ilai •• of Joe 1 ioul. NATUtMarlMtt... Mu! then T «#• thr gin who y I losing in thr doldiutn*" Faulty Mambars aad Sladaal Familial ...Writ, not Mn* autumn anvwin to kaio Johansson In their fits' , I mi «l«.» enjoy IM Highllii lul» ill -Itmlr PIZZA PIT RESTAURANT T'airing, for I lia, J lournamem m.« ,, (lii'llic |j||ile« 2IKt M AC at the court* t.v gin at .1 p m nil iiiiiilrrii (iu'ililii'» /•. /■. ...ii. itoil\ .N/M'cm/ — r.M- • Wf Mr.lirr I lllll|lll'll< Mlill'k li.ir | f'iss.i Itrlirrry to llomr or I am/on ii/Iit I .'.'If' | (imr WW thru SAMMY I whan my ctNaat TIM 12 mile. imrlli of InuiMiiii on |',S. 27 E0 24W3 BOB HOPE RHONMRBtlNG go to Kin,: from 1 mill' xi'»l of Alaiiril Itoml N», beer t*r #!r«h,ilif briruir* allowed Open tlttilv Jl it m. lit ttj.lM p.m. «*it ptopril* Louis Iiiiir M.'p in llic Kifsltl Miri'i'tiuii Drv l lrnnine Michigan Stale llrall h Itepntimitt Appro* tui ami II11 111 l T Shirt laundry AITDIMTMKM'S %s anuM fion, II All..Mil.K aludmt (rrvkfl hide. Friday A Satarday Cask* to-Dawn ■»l»l ISM MaviaHioa GLADMER VAN'S 5 I'ricf*: ) rlkl* unit! 1.11 urn: ((inn \>n uomtvsvi. HELD OVER HSU Barber Shop § uu tr.t imi n\ vi wr.y.K :#•> m it •.»»! inn., in I'm xm J whilr iikIiI Rfl CUI.OU CARTOON nissr \l DISK \ Hit lilt. TN kfllRV Kll 2.|»l'» SO depos11 uith art* | { . okimn>i (ovt new ivia ioip III Milt IN Mil IIICalN Plus Stale Hid E. r*. !| 1*1 I \H| Mt|| H oI f P i s n i > t rmplrlr Hh»«. M«,t I! 1.1-i I! Ht » 1\ INDERE I iMliitft hiart Ii }M (»•« 119 mat At - THE MIGHTY SAGA TfCHHICOLOS t IMUKII I A SihI al A «t 0F1HIWOR10S AMIGHDEST MAN! Rmmuh- ttakj»nuLiuay i|id£S ALfliF' ^Na^am •■ajarHid UM imi Na. I kMI-MUo. No Adiame in I'riffs > Scon \ |..»c6Cbwj HI i H AN AN 1x4 *1 I• )# >1 \lll> O SUNDAY!! loo p.m. FIRS! MAN INTO SPACE MK,« either non-fiction or academic. .C1J the author haa heen mahle lo Some of the most recent pub¬ K of printing certain untversuy Scholarly b«vks in alt area# of find a emwrneretal pnhHaher. lication* include: "Oscar Wilde'* hwM >* »i« , , nt Mr- , Ici nnoii4g\ , j textNsk* The first non-teNt- stud y, including agricultural Approximately 20 books *>e bv Frank Harris. "Midwestern Km plunmns an.l !»ndw«i" |v»ir». t Facility's Quality '.'VJ Kx>k imbltahlng hegatt in No- science# lVogresstve IVlltic#"' by Hussell mvhltis-lutr »»d ram| 1) vrmt»er. 1*>7. siut since that and hook* o? regional and general interest, are pub¬ handle«i hv the MSU Pre#.# for publication, during the year. Nye and "Hush and Hackw^xls: UvW i',ri in rd l» ,v time the MSI' Ihr-ui ha# rie- lished All textbook# for !'a*.c When the manuscript is accept¬ A Comparison of the Frontier in * veloprxi a* a #ch»qarl> press, College ate published bv the ed. the editorial work is usually Australia and the United States" V Viflt^n year* &u\t, ttrtly 14 t» jvrcrnt of MSI"* fneulty publtthing both scholarly tn.nn- MSC Pre## •lone by the MSU Prrs* unless by H. C- Allen v r * < \i tUvtorrtto.i. Now '"!« muMou n.*p in tho srhoUxtu* qualification* of our , over GO pctvont have th(.* drjrrpr. grev#ha ami tsvks of general in¬ terest. «eUto« •tonally U when pvklUhed the ttrh eeea- ta of the manuscript ta well written. Upon completion of the editorial I,vie Walr is director and chairman of the board, John MINIATURE GOI I w ork the maitttscript is aent to Stone is president and John iJal- .H'ultv t* rqiulltsl by few if any of this country's uni- Mad.ion Craftaman in New York m mfflm mme crsitie*, says prrsMrnt John A. Hannah, e member* of the faculty. Dovlo Made MKA Head lagher i# managing editor. c <•? the highest caliber piv- teiviews with l.iW of our gra.i- tV. touts Doyle, assistant di¬ t>r. Calhoun Collier, assistant PRIZES' » a. m trie nation. are Intrr- \i#te# were granted by only 100 rect.T of Continuing Fducation professor of teacher e.!ucatuvn, i'.nrrfrrr and anunl.» i ot gamsati.vu m Ute 1910 * t j»*t Service, haa been e'.er-tevt presi¬ electesl vice-president and ■\a * mvgnued in their was F.iuy lo comh? ■ * -M i Vtanv hold ptuitnwta on ;• suuna'.v, of j':o.'r*>v,wjO organns- governing • " ear. 244 cie*#e T'.4 MSU of emplo*rra Interview-is! a students, an bo a? Tt\» jv.vent in- dent of the MSU chapter of the Michigan Kducatton A.*#n. for !♦>♦ fO. Dr fesvor |ss#t*el Plyth. assistant pio- »»f fetatv-treasurer. mathematics, i» icc- V-. Hani lo gel? know — mmr in for a holnnrrd hairrut FAIRWAY GOLF Rj_ ... w> ^ .111 mile* nt*l of KjisI Unsing j > « The ree#«gnitk*n of MSU # on l s «• * and others receive i# top !\ PSIMKCI tvoeatvh <|iiaiiclt „ '>cmc« fo" * I V n hi* »{»r«vh to to 1'l'Wl.fiT.t !la"« the facv.,'«, ;:•••!#e's-ties ."f foreign students m total emsvllmens It ha# al»o r. li RrKillUMf the coed shop Prawn an increasing number of • leant Driver* • Oat ef Stale Driver* 6.11 I.mud Riirr CAS r •*» been a rare meeting of hts*i »chgraduate# who ate t iJmlla ef I ubilttv and peeper*» gaaaagt ta • j o- jwfroioiu' or k''." versa »*t (o Iaouis* ClNnrrs KD National Mer .t 'c's'ist* a« i 1144 M4 and I1H N4 available - *•! (*ns«ation that has not West mghous-r ScieOv# faleni a: 'e*»t one member ef CANCCtULD AND HFFVSF.P KtSKS IMMFDIATtl.Y • • av»:lt» >c*i,h w mr-.era septesented on V'* MANDLXlt :. ' * !»1 • »•- ^ltlltl|lttit1tMlti!lllltit1Hltl||l|||illlfttlMtlt It Itlllll Mill till lltllilttlllliltllllttt^ t-nxl llrlt I'nlhriglit CALL 1 the •;e«| MSI i*«namfni ha* lliti IIJI If Nie Anawer 'Irvt A litmus Life" I academic attain- IV 54419 • 0-. #' Park*, graduate suntr-: rnt*. I* (Ml, She federal F. Mick. Am. Dtal IV »-ltSt \ Zinc Aluninized NOVA ut ivshitcal acienve. ha# inameHl did *#4 a rani the i iritm rS eatode afvlceltaral isr M«e«* fee re- I «•( A fox »AT.^rst sttt.i# a Fwllwight «.-ho!%rah.p at the University of ! •ii rtwaerl isasti freon the the Philippine* MI-LI I MUFFLERS i inmral set*led |?ta*M. flaia M—■ M-. RIMifH wllVt wMrpfpn| !#*♦. industry and one *t»\n%\ roop* datum tvniributed a Ic'.ai Tomiti MihlltJlt ** »ar#p intLT tlMlln FOREMN FUI SEMIS N0.-2 >V for re—arch Sere **rati an Htlrl »a« * figure tumped te •.*♦.- ♦ tud Stllr-alt* liailttt* N UU ew( |»rr«rnl« »«t year atVt five founds- wmtr TORRES "An abaoliita 'muai'l ■■pwlaNa. « ,b\it»:\g -vness hat not tnetiiwlnl *»a a nnrr t* •Holtlng, aanaueua, truly axotle. 211 M.A.C - a **•! <• *» tmprweemeet either In. A rare axperteneal" —nr.tm- MIDSUMMER TRFAT Gate Hr.i i LARGEST msCOl'XT IN TOWS ... OPEN 11:30 , ear t rfcerlas atai • fee ret a«d au* be fu%i • »#*r arrga to keep it U* tap run- rra4lltoa tkrwiMal IM % atbal ear Ml U* the ^ N NBW YORK FILM CPITtCS "Mil Foreign Film ol lite Year I" AWARD i| KRAMER BOO K. KALAMA/INl AUTO PARTS { PHONE ED IV 4-1335 2-66! fret ef ibe a«n»mer sneaiUia % f inn iMiiiiinuitMiniiuiitittiitiuutt nut tu nit iliiitt 111 ti i tMti limit Hit mi uur Yep 11 ftaf N tbe #*• g*«e veer ear -P4jparbl...Unaurpaaaad aalai... evprr* rare li Meier*ea. aj I Wire tp far ever# thing fnua N Aatontahlngiy tooauMTuli Will tWD til'ir ekerkppa. taa ta ippps* < N Pellpht Amerlean viewersi" Farther Wiiacii— m all • • * UVB OUXWMi ran BAUMCIMI • MOW« • %CVf **OU» * • ITRIM'tl 11 M IT I FiMay anl SiMay, My 24, 26 r. Id .Aa4 •R kk tUy'n mm Sfrtai I Smmmt Shoes • TABMVC A m-FTUB • MIMIlMi 7:30 p.in. panaanl %NV*WW#S Ailminnion: 50r KM FAST ROAD SSRV1CK CALL ll> T-toU LARRY's GULF service! E. 0. M. ^1 PX EAST MICHIGAN AT LOUS (JaararKr tan tnm MmI St. mum FIVE DAY SALE ALL pricas ilaihaf again UEIflMANN'S- COMPLETE Far Qaiak Clmraaaa It Yia'ra aariaMf iarttaf la I tea m Im display af CLEARANCE Ywall be IPawl. tae aee ike iilirtHn. Opera*, T-taagh aprtagpfeaarv Myle fa*, a haa jm akpgv praaep M lke*r PrlgUtaJ prim. ragular lo nut of All Summer ORREFORS CRYSTAL »» ■■■■■■» MitMs laml watpred mar. c«e*r *ia>L While. me JACQUELINES App.vrel Wipe. Marti. U.90 Creep ia4 Melge tapea « ta If. iUA ta B ta Ike SlH)rtsb far • SLACKS ragular lo MJt .shirts CONNIES • SY1MYE.AR . sport coats THOUSAND WINDOWS- by Siaiai Gate g r«f. !•> i ♦23.50 mmd #27.50 • JACKETS ~\m+ , a«— an n.--.*4 -arvt- 5* .1 -1 It-o; tr "■ ■«' Ctntn tC tawai . . . slits - year round and • e»t «• H'hm :i* !<»« »«. i-*. «■ i *j an mi m •*».- ». . sl.mmer m .. Mr cf .«-t Mi ■ -afciMQn* r»r*-u;r. it '■»" • • >'»■•■> <«*7 a frm M. JVoa a . « a u.x ... TOP COATS-FURN1SHLNGS iltaW V« n atear* wilnn to art aar vSat'a aav to aar , to «t*c -.'"I Lo»Ut FLOOK GUT CENTEX si '■ — DOWNTOWN _ i#r A'*. II* X. WASHINGTON i ■SSx