* Pan-American Wrestling Trials Start Today in IM Arena A IIvIhk. "\Vhi.'» \\ |„ i s XVrmlwill represent the United States in the hut-American name* in bt Ml the MtrhlgMii Slut* this wwk«uul for this Chicago late ill Ati|ni*t. nation* tr>I'tits r..t th,- I'.ni A'nifiu-.ni nrt'silini: twim The trvoiits will he held in the al'ena of Michigan State'* At lutrwt fount lini «iii|.pl,T, ftvm mn mvlittn ..f new Men's Intramural ISuildiiur. which has a spectator . .. the Un<< atv oil 111.- list ,.t |i«ti Am ami MSI wtvstllmt capncih of 2,000. coach VVn»lh'v Wrest liny sessions w ill he Jield at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. each Is- Uumv utv past 'Olympic team a tut chutttpiomt •day today through Saturday. of ovoix iltvn-Option as thick as pebldes on a bench. Admission to each session is one dollar fur adults and Hum hnrh m-h.m! UN trom Mi cents for students and children. There are no reserved ranee m ape to vetternble veterans like i»i V \ Northrttp. o? the San Kratwi«co seats. Olympic v lub, lie has mhii xexern! N \Al* chnmpioti.thips ami Is the onU yr.upplet « ho nuole both the PJM and DJ.VY Hesides those already mentioned, anions the more out¬ standing wrestlers in each class are the following: I ,S. I'an Atneruan teams winning the title ill HUM, II |.a— I'hll Kills, the Oklahoma AM champ from Tulsa: They \ar> in %iw from mights mite Ihek Wilson. of To- led.. l imersiu. who i- th,. eurrent til i pott ml National Okla .hdinson. Norfolk. Vn.t four times- Virginia state Idyll A AI tiee sivV ami Greco Roman etianipiou, to ponderous school champion, and Gilbert Sane hi!/., U.S. Marines cham¬ Pave lu'hnnaii. i'i.» p'timl Mteluvan State freshman who pion was a top Inch -elus. wre-tler. ami „Y»P -|mutul Pale lewis, 12.VO Phie Auhle. of the New Yolk Athletic I Tub, tho of Milwaukee. Wis. ami the I'tmefnt) of Oklahoma, who NVAA champion in I hod while at Cornell university; Lar¬ KKN MAIIM.OW was on the T S Olympic team in p.h'uV n:\m.KY tmi INS ry htuehle, of I'niveraity of IMttshuryh, the Kaatern I* %\ XMI Ml XV fase 4 and rrlalrd ilarin pair ,V . . Spartan star contends . • They have one common nmtl tnake the team which will MSP eoaeh in rharirr of Pan \m uiapplris *rr • MjlilW— »l I'" . l'aii-\in W rrxllin" Finals \lready? t . S. Mat men I,-. , »hi«rl turn! Clash Twin> lurk, but See Paces I, Mml*. I'*- ri;u i: r, pknts H. V. N •away First Five-Week Session lampcretl v • M«l Virions I'rnf >a** Closes With Exams Today l mi flirt I'o—ii«l«- 2nd Term ... t- -"ih between , 'iuc t'nroallyamjran- maritime for mem- Performers Sliine Enrollment i,mi' „ ,i.. lokcs latsm force « the aiiceeaa In 'Janus'' Singing To Drop b, s; taw retve Seaway. n« st/irvi kxxism Tin. first fivp.wimk *v«- • « ccmtUMons tin* MSt' Niimnui . "t .-a .**>k. Mar»- The MSP Players put on one of * •< r,x>s\ entertainim; hiiiii «»f »L A « n> on the (days the campus bus had when thev presented I'aroiyu HihtHii prokrrant cm!* wilh - .... •»: ••.»••» by Char- Green's "Janus" last weekend. fiiiiil exiuniniitionM Im« I n y published In taken Dnlay. Thin year, the .•■-alienee to a close- s The Arena Theatre tr*H*|a»rted P „. •• M-SlKl Hcl*- Il.th annual .summer nrhrml ,i:\; . \?sr ' ' . ranjre view of an apartment mum in New y«»rk 4 itv where ., 4*. an op' two married, hut not to each other. pat hens! in the Rrupram at MSI', marked s-\v th* M-awiiv summer to write "lusty, busty" no\e»* under the pseu¬ the first time that the five- :-*.r *l .< .v eper»«t A I.tlNti Muscoiites stand in line to see Ihe wee! ek and ID-week Hessinn* with donym of "Janus." were used in the educational «AUhm< American exhibition in the Itussian . mode! home at the Jmici, ptayCii by Judith Do- r. MS 'he w**4y capital cit*. The exhibit was opened officially last Triday . ward. ivat the hall of the wilt¬ |ir<»jrram. p.-.Mf tvw*n* v «m' lft* :■» t:vr boom U» tfcfll k% \ M*-tVe*«deMi No-hard Num. Since than, lite exhibi¬ tion has been jammed. ing team that gave the b..ok> their »pH'V appeal. Dev cohort. Dutch Art * fee-, IkgeliaDuii ami paymrnt nf (or the second live-week ^ p-. . r jp.wtertk Will la- inniph led Fri- Denny, |wirtn.ved h> tU»tK-rt M-s ion rr««r. wmiiiis ivMbiilr en»le*M. r end « member of I .S. Slalc l)« pl. Trip Smith, torwal was fact able to supplv »i^- fr\im hi- being a (hi Exhibit il.iv- for those who did not le- gi.ster l«»i both .M-*M mm num. relationship naa mure than The rl(v»e of Ihe ftr«! fix Next Tuesilai' will be the flixi NIXON AMI kllltt Sllc IIKV IIINK—I 'rrmirr Nlklla l our Formosa Schools (riendh da i Dial ebaliges in elirnllmebl empS^yer*. uf»* w.-ek -essi>mi in the Art de¬ - »• ■ ■.•.•- i h .»rker> Jessica's husband, e •.i yUr-o l Khrtiohehev and Vier-I'rrnideiil Itiehard Nixon *il t»Erth«*r will br airepted. and Mrdurx stuart Packard, ran't u . • - partment is ncconipanirst h\ ix Die Isxl dav f«r res kit a at dinner at the t'.S. Kmhass.v at M«m»w la*l Saturda*. t»k ila \ i < r otUi-ith, "t.'-l the value of cv.n the three utmsiial ami contrasi- (but. adding courses or changing -v" ' 5vih«rsd rtb-servJUKVi < Thar Msl" .'«!.icato!v will make a survey of two univrr. 4t,ind Truistinif President Kisenhower'* health. Khrilwhcttev told artistic t»art of the relation- .» exhibitions. xcclionx. .Oil Ac.H'ia'A b at the reipjest » f the t'.S. Mate Pe|Wirt- iiur Nixon: "I, like all mv colleague*, like your Pre*ident." • ,. I »rn ami wants to put «>» ciul !>• trid,ix, Augu t 7, la the firud < In .llspiav »' A th*t Uber nr- menf > Intern; i ^-operation Admini«tration. A -a\ collector. Mi Hat • . tiAiiery until ni-xt Weslnesdai «(.n (or itr tiarfh Krrmgt . thre.Ci us the situation with ■ - , the exhtbition made up "f \l 'Make a Slum" .mint Mve-xverk xeMloU. ax> .".err orveloped m • • works by con?erni»oi y Dutch The 'j| Homing -os si on wih i a-r do- 2 Ig I.ni mens !•... Ih-'uran « Dr. Kurt discovers of Jcs.-ica iH'ing lis*, < • • % Ttie exhibition r* organ- < uitliiult unMl Si-pfi rntH-r I. • Small Aiidienrc Allentls of agricultural nl as Dejuiv A w;te imdi r . with the '*'|ieratinn of thr mil tin unintcn uplctl Hl-vvei i deep-watts • - :c. ••••-« tr. Ken-ire nun Is .. ,m ' ht\»d <«f MSI'• Osmaaa. and Dr. Janus a« count and as Gd's m - ' . i lands Ministry of Edu- cter I i« own ■n. A I' and Ssiencc. and T»,»- ni * jiiOiOiiiii "f handln.t VVrnn.-K. a»ueiate prt»- Goss and Wlietsel SIiom thet union §ro*» • Etrurgton was t»eau'.;tu!'.> gh* to • h- I'ntUfd Sta'r- h> • JII-M ••• k i'hiisi - ami lw- villi br rUmuUied «• inlr- . K>unUatii»n» ol niuca- in his roV toe tiis Iji'Cll tin noxious «>. • NcUnrland* information v.i.jvirk su h 1 :i to.- nnmticr "f Mudeiits attendiu* Iwp athrr exhibition* in tiir k» IIOU \|;|* IIOI.Ml * «tirri inUi the live-week {•n-UiWS.' t ieavr »n t.'ie end, Jessica ts stji' allow«! ' ■ ' V»I i.altery dime by >1*1 MSU * Hiinmi r schrsil. ilrenry night ami the etmi|ietitioi» ol "Jjimiw" k«',»i ate Is-' ind throw- mart- r. ... r..e Vlt- K .!» AugU*'. two months i»f the vc.ir tu'.'i A Thi enrollinent figures for th* graduate xludent- who s*til re- «» vhe l.ekr- into »-a1i«aa'. w .k ! jn;u t>» Wright in D«*nny, and the rest of the tune the eniwil small last Thurrulav ni>fht at the "Make a Show fit.-' fivi weeks reached a re¬ rrtie (heir degree* at the ««u- ronuit wiUi diflvrenl »ml in«utuUaa« of ihe t.» I». V* t. with Gil. who had first sug¬ rlu*iiMt ml summer term. production ktajreil hy Itohert Go.ms ami Louiae Whetnel ami nin! height of R.'>V2. gested divorce summri's enrollment Mg •*»W hriiwh m( Uie o»- Dr fb - -The It % ho rfMtt«U4 Mirh. The small cast was well-cho¬ Inese shows ai> ov Margaret act'ompanietl hy piani-t Martin Kalnutiioff in the Ami. ti i»: * w lis 8,0(1(1. state I ni*er*tt» la cooper¬ If. '"er aml'El-a M;.a The show yvould hav» Im-«. n for he. Kan sen. They generally appeared 'o i'd. white and lavender dn* . During the froolid five-week A- ate with the ■imeratttev of Tai¬ H.inier'a exhibite-n comprises medmcie, had it not been for t\: i • that, competing gram. Pi . • tw professional and kept l while (joss was wearing a tilth session, the enrollment ftguie i pei and liaehtoic in the deael- costuming, a few of the the K; A - mold light, yet believable Mis* pa.ntiagS, pntib. and scuiptuic, eentury Inng-waistcd gray suit ■t n yctk-.r-i io achieve a rttultura song.*. and the ettcure. Ksia i tally rx|#d«l to drop ccmxiderahi.' wpment nf Mime of their aradr* Howard often too ana v. a; <1 M'.xs Richard'* show is (am next sang Kontbrrs's u- '-Uriii before the rich rwt'.vwi h— was to approximately 4.D00 student* mir profram*." rrporta lha» ,-wi-d of jewelry, pnnfmak- unique, though, was the glibfiess dwiOwUii-'1 but ni'»st of the time this fit m "One Alene" from "The lleserl A limited number of course* t» eaw «js emppymcut Tailirt. and painting. These ex'-.ibi- which Gi'ti and Whetsel used s*. model with the part Packard had a sons" followed b> the o|»erslit -.'i an i«i..cti The ' (letting Acquainted Ran* only to give the regular stu¬ him." mate you live in," the contem¬ tirninr" was full of banality, dents chance to accelerate o>»ue involved All veterans enrolled under The f|i*f song, a duet, was a While in Southeast Asia. Dean porary comedy gave the tarn; «.s except when it was Interposed their program of study, but al¬ tall PL 5.rHi kfwiuid report fn«lurt* and a determined effort is being both granted in HM5. Mr. Kalmanoff played several •it'/en Kane9 at FairchilcJ bent ents are naturally. Both their par¬ medical doctors. pace and because he thinks hit children might get a cation there. better edu¬ r:.«de in science. to interest move peopie Dr. Frank Blatt received the Ph.D. degree at the University numbers on the piano. Not until they sang their en¬ 2'Wrrk Worlubou Dr. Fred Hein, from the Bur¬ The brothers were born in of Health Education of the • < Kan#,- ga American Fatrchdd Theater at T:10 P™ Wnna. Austria. The family Or- Blatt's main professional Dr. Biakt said Australian uni- of Washington in I9&I. He has core, the "Shcepie and the eau been concerned with theoretical Guatie," were they able American Medical Assn., is con¬ ** ■ death of a boit nights. S-hg.e admission a moved to the United Sutea In interest is a theory of supercon¬ versitiea ore organized like those to in Europe. However, he added, and experimental solid state really capture the hearts of the ducting a two-week workshop tycoon, will be 50 cents. IMP and pareotg. end sons be- ductivity which he and his Orson Welles stars in tlur m> they also odar evening classes physics, particularly studies of audience, with the amusing on health in the department of * ca.Tie American citizens. The associates developed. health, physical education and Foreign Film lion picture classic- Welles & parents now live in Cincinnati, This theory explains why and aarial aghruiturc as many the thermoelectric properties of comical little story of a goat recreation. also the film's writer, producer Mlkiyi. and sheep. • Saturday. many metals kite virtually all American IimsHIsi do. There ••* where the father la in private xij be shown. at and director. \ i. it» Vour Ni\o" and XI U'l'yil Cum null t'.v.l} .'v. * If »\. lour* ' *1 Michigan State News 'V. Possible Ticket VANSV.V Am Read Patlr by MSI"* JJ.W» Student* -"7^>no ( y The Michigan State New* t* inthliyhed by students of Mu-,,ii;a.i Suite I'nlv crsitv. t!a>t L.jf Mich. without direct faculty- supervision. It is not t«> oft'i'n! voice oi the mitversit* or .wuHiitig hunsetf xteel sink,- t MIN of the student body but while seeking to serve the best mvrvos of tH>th. stmnH read* to bat. •m i) tie a;-* nwc which would drive a wedge between the two whetiut it uviu-s front within the itrrk Xlitrhrll »f huprx |„ Sleetworkrfx- h university or from outside Member of the Associated I'rwi, Inland Daiiy Ihvss and Associated lioiulil In hU drx|»r(.,ir 4 mi 1 * Collegiate l*re>a- >■ t.» »in |hr strtkr *rit||.,„f yU Vol. 51. No. 5t> Thursday. July oU. UKW Page Two xtavrtl off IrmiMr (,.t >|f| p l.ilr lit .lunr bv inx|n,int tn from fhrnhmi, ^ I ion a lit whtrh riublrd Some Good Entertainment — (o 100-Mrrk announrr iela* 4 In thr r4i|,« 3"; milr ,s\sww xtrikr. The Pan-American Trials Xivoiix like tun 01 trip j t«» Kii**»j M-rni* *««•«•» prr*oiial or. S'ure 1 be similar t-rf, eve of : i \ KRSITY KNOWN for the many As for wrestling, there is such a sport xtrstrci t.« riwtire turn tbr luuuiiulloo for I'rrxHlrnt. liOP tnit lailetl Ihv.uim- wouM not fall in New Mitcbe'i w, h r»ltK*ational and entertaining «peo* recognized as being professional, but those AIK-C0N . rself a "fact-fr taeles that it brings to the campus—that's pro "actors" do not wrestle in any of the '.be t*re»i»1ent th<- true of MSI'. serious, sporting style of those who will be H'.s SEW new role And another spectacle is on its w»v. in the Pan-Am trials. M ■ The I nited States Pan-American l tame* MSP fans will have the chance to wit¬ figure. I! wn. is to ness the best in swimming and wrestling ci iia's in swimming and wrestling will prv> on vide entertainment for inierc*ted MSI m these trials for the "Olympics of Ameri* ear A i stndenU, faculty and staff members. rrNulem of Neu UKKSri lNt; TRIALS will bo held n ;• eiK1 ■ \vit!» Nix. PI r.\ FN MFMHFKS of the MSt' wrest forma tmckir. •he IM budding's Sport* Arena v»n J til v i i ■ 'c team will compete in the trials, and a • ■ in a* bv V: U and August I Swimming trials will V i '-.-ie member of the swimming team will ..itniUale—and u rrom August tV.lt at the 1M building » Pre- 'entia! >■ u rue i pate. new outdwr p»vi. I'he cost for watching these athlete* per- Ihe-e exciting athletic events will pt> • u in is small. Students and children Can v; :e the be.*t tn entertainment—short t»i orofossuoial sports. i'he U>t amateur performers v\ t1 .an admittance for *»0 cents, while adults •v charged SI These prices, of course. r »r each individual event. CLASSIFIEDS ADS i need Mates compete for places «r v nixniixt ipm TifMiAV WALT D the I > teion 1 r the flames. tv» be held in So if you want to root the MSI' partici¬ Hit I < I' XX XHII e-l! and l-l XIOMtAV throuth I nillj I'hicaco in >e. r-'-'HT pant* on to berths on the L'.S. team, if Kl) 3-1311 EXT. :v >t v.ames Vr. toe iH'st this count r> ting in the stand* at the IM building dur¬ 1 nrvv ,o.nvvk;j»u r * ing the trials. f..; i M.'vl K*"vhx has. ■ .vexr-ve *■-' If ■■'***■ Havrr 111 3-1 • «u fx'V' ll • ■ >U. Which Category Are You In? Review of Week's ..•v.r .ire rv riOf'r »V /fiww ■ . ; \NorilKK PH \ .b« i.tking ttiial mer session. v-N -tV l*re:vuo: Nikn.i Kb.*vj- - \Nl> OF I'Ol KSK. there are a few stu¬ iji-:i t*la*'.o g '.he V S RI IM afj exam* • ' • »' live-week courses, W VSii'N.: f. '\ 1> « - > « a't.'.jvle towarvt HUMU4 K • ♦ here are van**: though?* ■♦' the future as dents grinning widely today ** fellow stu¬ • It' ll V4 iRTtHtN— rvii.Vhev the V S ta-\ • y 5|Ks IN ' f at f:r-a te-t i* completed. dents "sweat out" final exams. These are ' t, r. ' ■ »i.f H.*be.' Kr •• - ar-vU'.mmg thi* was •» *llt»XX * the students enrolled onlv in the ltMaeek C r. • \ e N t' n* Wrt » . er eounsel ■ f the Sen*'..- FOR SOME, vv-i.i v v.;:i mark the final ' Ik ATI Rl session, and they have no worries aUmt us,. V'. u 4!. Sty • LONii BPU'H—A *Utue*iue ^ '• -V : 'fey ' .» text book a« a student ftetaufx . f^' * H xit>*( tin REAL EST > ope; fuu's this week—for them, midterm exam* l>; u'-.e'V v*x\t ir-> n IVI*V. M;>| ' I- .o-oewems x HOUSING fhe *» .vAtuvral prve-s will l»e ;• •••- *ue x ,t M>! Trrt - H jm.ngvlvr., uu puked Kv\i-M e dipoma w M t»e their* TO THOSK who will be . graduated tvxia'. re-: -t v'aix weiv y*ub.v• t,v.;g. of cour-e. that ev. f • *vur ^ a Or.se ctiMM .ttrmi c'-4. a* * «»itttei*taie, we s.vy t.» them "vivsxi luck tn the future with grade* For these Uv o«*war.d s.vi'.Vi'.i' .4. . • . -, To tho*e who are leaving until fall term, aS'<.: ?.* -iv..Viiarx 4 v»4 V|«»Mi %V Jt I V A\ All AO. lie rvturn of Fid?'. Cuijm ts V I erwiiv it - n« ** time to look toward the we say to them "Don't lsp gone t^xv long- H V\ AN X- V • x-o • It 4. II XV V X X ivw e; s'ure. ami the vHitsnie world • and reniemt>er, fall term c!a>*es start on • • v t a?*' SI -v v 4V4• rtlPAY. Jt IV f« uit ' Ft IK OlHrKs vacations or summer jobs September -S " MOM OW — \ u«r-p;xsuien? a* '.hem a' rr tods*" as they devave AND TO THOSK who are knowledge- 4' I \ S.-i A J {KU .. |v-/- »;-t ag«ii .N.k N. .iu*'u- hungry, and are continuing their education - " * u • »'• education until the . •*» ve h.f. t»ui I rxixt.K vi» 'n l-.'ti n * veateo. "M. wa ,i n any -er thing* to tv- for another five week*, we sa\ > them i 4- -*i • • «\.v is OV ' Uo -ivirmg the summer unt.' "Keep plugging—it's going to ;* a long, . * » 4f,. >41 N *. ' 4 . ' • . SERVICE . - la g h summer 'e-m vk * n Utt ^ep'.em.st a v '.h.r**ua h.v #ap- s* re: I ONt. HI %i || CilANiv- , . . -iJ ta*f- : HH io - vuCH Mason*!. *'.d ~llot. Si Ill* * i * • K M tokiajfeta vJEi*.'j • Belovotl Infidel—Story XlROx* V V '«!. * • t *fyi «■* * s rigie » »' ' "'■T» "*»1 i < T"s ■ - I vANSiNv 1 \ t* a * «■* s » * » " ' SH Of F. Scott Fitzgerald ". } s Xf I ROW III > t «. » # « ■ m o «H||i *: * % HOI aton r • * ■3 - ' s 1 .... TTh'oB i'H lULOXtD IMIl'll U . • f »'-* . - e 2 *BH- * 1 'iRvJu1 tW?. . C4 R» vkaUk i.ui** **4 tlmtf I rank * C a <■« s ; \ 1! T v 1 s ; r »! ■nt* H-MV V •. |S1» W S> 1 ' \ - - • . *' 4 •»«■) T*1 Xliisaki ; • V,.,', -* a r-'.a • ' ■ i ' IUU«»4 latwle'l 1 W 4' t« r> >ve* , FOR SALE ■ < ii *' ♦ » - HUfeV "*«r i s. . - } it* • i i * i»x i it i % u i t- it t-t, XoX Os|HJR*lv CiC- * NC r k« a *» ■ -*l 1^4 rvrotaaltv ;* s,- a s* W v BUfrui* w a 1MS4 «a>»r Hff 1*4 WoAx nmi kai WAN .ED s*' *m ib+ Im4<* %utf ia a»4 rvrotaaUy t*<* h* ta- -4 ?> J i?rr-* >*4 b+t a» a* Itvwbi b*r la*X«i4 •• 4 -•aurvi cc. «re M' 4., «■ i''* ■ a. , s. r -.i a "v-Tvies*»,rv a•••..-.■> tvf a Uwii>wv HXX XX X 4 - ? -g *.*r tx^n-e.-c** a< a .xai. gin. a**i .*. »a» 1 - 5— i pT~ x»w xair.K I 11A I. I'lA S J'ur Lirahilil\ " i.- Xf-i t . . : »;*• C4. r*3 Afixf L--y Sh-.ri ' x ».u . g;? ,e * » " • 4 4 . . • a i * H .- . * Oi "c taOgtt lib .xa**o ra i *— ': - 1 • *;«?* •> SJMiUft Orahaaa. Sit C«na« t*» Nr* Y-fX fee »«c- • - a k: J i.i-e Krtluml In $l,t.WO ».r~a.'- • .o- -. •>- twy - i" ■' d»-a -V * t.,a : • .1 >444 U* aaa |iv«t tW K4U«*4 k^al far Via NacVJl Xmrrvai ! .. *'* .w Vfvxatirr XUtaa-*a 4 *4 la laM 1ST J **« fW* W th# XXrst CkMl » • Mk au» AaaiMa ua Wr aM4 H»r jag »ar«r4 #•« vary aril fear • * ■ Mi<'lii«r;iu Slate Nev»* Wa 4auMf aaarrvaa* 4*4 k rut» Is *3* so# aaa ts Jw vf txa: y*u, a* a r-a-^ 4 ' tv J* *- M -g»'* r*ft Sxvtt rtVagtraiei Thswr f* - ,:*x.y,# " ib Je to *■* «e«ct •- fhwn ftnt - ■./•rvi » .U-«4- a-: " j»: „v. -.g* jv .-♦.-.n i>m N» t 'a« • a;- to - *} t Sh.». X«yv«» : Ai t V Vc Har4* (brfea »i.!- .ar Vth V"i- t Mgkra: ft tJ« 5f-,e f» 1MT •- i «; ..tr-oa - i j* • b • M 4* ; , . Ja4* Osrss ldiU»r tn-rbirf X4vertK»ni Otrretor rjxji: *# r-x\ say rrrigi'thg Jasjferataij v wftvsnx '.. « » -rf4—- u A Lu* Paal I eeher | LirralaUan Oir«-et«»r a*4 - r-.»r -f —XNa'. *.*♦ S?at iran dt-J wt getfcgwe* "-u ia il S: c t l»rtv (i«*M I hi. trim thrre Miwa rurh. hutlt (a |>J|. j. A_~«r:oa u <*:« ef 1*4 awrt pewr-.iu-g scxtl jU 1 *4 ','wl l*en« »a*4«r Mf"! W,U IrUU M.iutrf Urt 4^ Marx *•» a4«Ue4 J « l4.«M , *c» _ Tfea 1 i»aifeiliiR UM My«« —rrJ !J L» * _ ™ ♦tr' '• »«-•—». aie*-' R»a v.#** ittuwr I 4rht*v I.im* r.nr lor >vufiiE.trix. a h..u-.krrpt*( treat far yoaf ■i—i fei *anl»wa< la ... >«ur ahutcy's -urth if yon act ■»—. (Appi -" lai « aflht. W 1 lam — lil 4 «>■—an 4 extra) ilil l by *• afniuiiUi roth IM M h a lrac«4? Hal an •c. Siix cu vR v:: iA,* *: K ;\ae .AAV .■•fcVilt jj irhat' s>« -n Meat Sects FtSRterhM «o»t Ml tiMrw <*>.-r.*aif«ewS ta be hi* *f»vT -?S -CJ-AA" *.A\ VCC^ RS AiTE -is I At> ^.V.i3*v u.t, —Ie * 1J3 r Unvioi Let -HatfeMit deluxe r»"l* aBcrala" an m artat TWy were; mctujtr: «■! rewraabdlt? ias the »eru»« of ree£l*ir.4 s»e*a ebtigfetxu. •« pac?!*' a>i ur - / f *' 6 —rxUNivhfd Uwu. xferut* -til. u iftbcr and drvrr NOT —tarkif UM| ,arg I air tendm^**' Sfrtty (» rea-.erng 'Cat aWde tfeUur* a ^rvOahia, «•* muit it... tit— HOU e's beet effort AM toils *s its fiaai pagn flhrt to pattom his remaining years to these ideals Ar.«: it is L-. these tf K.'agrra.M'j tstocae rf- b>fi '—•*' heel, —ca recti nr. r Ire trice h*»t draee* a sice —Clectrte -*!—<■■■ Inetocrawr ateraa*. ^ final pages that the > * 4 fines tts freatest sxrth. Mas Grsha^- portrart of the enter »tribes as as betng tjscpauheuc azid farthf.. as «ba mm im. V« cewC as far aa More. •J 9E e ^ .*« any »ou sate day after one at 1639 Ana St. By o-"- • realtor's 7... Near Marble School. mcmoan mn am f»|t raw W illiuniH Willi All-Star (iritltli'm I. I»» Vour Kr.v to M'trr Values . . . t Hlt'ACJO The H»5«> Atl-Sltif football team wtttrh-fBCPS the Intramural Pan-American Wrestling Trials Mfc-hiran State News Cnnipus Classifieds . . • Low Coal pmft-SMOhnl champion Haltimprp Cults Aug 14 has begun truininrf. Although the Uig tu and Not ft- H.uiir have (uniiibtittdi a larger Schedule (Continued horn Page I) 'ii-ii'iiUi'Miute 1-hniupion. mil l*hi>- Imvn wtitle al Iti i the UiAs mid piAJi N'« \A'*harnp loviii Jiimr> li-u-heiis i'er-m.ni ttklnhn- ron it TunH'i f.nd the t*'.Vit NCAA CiH.rrtiO m New of champion while Iowj Vnrk. the tnSf NA* James i ' • number ot players than usual to the sipuut, othei stvtloim «»t the cil* stale tin- AC 111' i*t Silt tit \l I i ... III.n Waterloo Iowh. tlie Iowa m V--I <-i< Allen, i s , 'restet tiu'ltiiles State's Sjiuim* mhoutstaMiiiu. perfertuers as Michigan V!f «.itnes . -nen'ltiM of the into! Olympic team, Itn on N AAi i haino in l»* and NC¬ Williams ami Mu-h»«.»n\ IUUj Ptaeek ton vv lerr* it.'!., oi TuIimi former t" s Ann*. Iu.i• I»»k 1«» AA chump nt 1"M. frang ■ uroii-s .mil Mlcliigini Stair wrmdlvr i lioin-o » \t.»M.I NAAP 111 ; I H|l 11111} f 1111111H11 (111 tl i 11 IHI t ti IH11111 i !il!!»M»' "i.| i ; , ';.; 111"'!! I i i! 1 in «tin *»,,, M-.olul III t lie ut spook* Snioki- isvti mill l»:W ami totireil Wnsslii with Millions of \ titer let Its now wear ttormal JS I.Uih Play Vliiiiuture llolt eonlart lenses lor in- I s I.-.on this kiiinnier. Vision Willi natural good looks < MONO VV t .on it, or Hmililri Col ncconit in Ii'. \A\l -jint Norman Vimuu.. I he ronlaet lens lit t \ illisr irttiiu * I .11.-Ill* Scslon Mill! Mli- Ilviil on ihc- world** larjwl raiijir. Weneer »ision wearer ran now enjoy . . . • in • siob\ \* I »tnt -.1 is- e-o I'»:»<• in* iti chntipMn eve ttroleeliou ohler all fit-M of vision Jj n »mi vv V 111*- C I i.ink tlettocct hi Nisi York hirtnlii-i of the Jttfttt l Hi ni ill* v*earing eomfori •» ,« l Mariilt Hilt •i. i«-.in. Mrni i'opple. ' .hwollt. AIRWAY GOLF RANGE ! Hi ** natural appearance broader sport* activities ^ III • iniiinxore* o t v.-l. \ ,n.i . \t i-tiHinp ni tlir iHfcM .Hilt !1.V| P.tn• Mould you lie iuierested in discussing the possibilities of N '-i.i'i i .rml.,., oi \i ii-.iii unit I".Vt llii -sirtn Ion. coitlael lenses anil YtK li W | list s|» VV eves \ 'cm,.- Hike- Jl, mile* east of East laa*in* on Ms. I« ^ in I I ni* VllMsr »* 1 the t mvei •»«> Of Ul.Sii.H', Dr. Harold A. Shnider lit ' \nmi.it Ho* *» l lotvti A A lint in liii*: It'.'" John llotnc. Mi. l.ituslitg, Michigan ek light hetiw in AM vviMin iKr JIRRY JACKARD ii NCAA 'hie- Ilill .V conleinler . . . Ms| I IT - petundrr . . . hi'?* . itii •!'- hit , K ni San 1 'a I Ms Hi pas' Ctl|t», I'CH. .11.1 IWi-.i N * \i ihaiiil' Mild • Hia-inl-e I I he iJnv-.ian lour Irani, aii.l I hm M ...nil.. ... ,-fHp.i.i st.ia, OVER!...|MICHIGAN N A.AC , - ,n„. .. | aj» and t"VJ HELD tin- ll'K I ■ lilJi-i l'«5H *n.l JU.*-' BREAKFASTS ARE ,ii"' Ml AT nI PMONI IV J ' i tiwr-~!t.>h Vl.nelU Vn.-e. e. ..ml in I'ift'i \ i. A A and NAVII. ji,,l .. : .ei.iiiei ..f ti e liuuian t-'Uf 2nd WONDERFUL WEEK! iMfu-rs. fiui.r Hie C entra! Michigan THE NICEST TIIIN(;S I'rom Tin* Vrrv llp^innni^ Sin* W its \«»| I.ike I'lir Olliit* . . . i,,i, i cat ..-ni i'.i.iii trttm l.-*n«mc \fter >t short v*uIk in tin' early |"as«r' li lluiIlM* St elites ail. «f MuTilfati I'rum the verv heginning this'is siri, ,".i 1-iI'sceii 111>s- morning a hig breakfast of crisp ha- Si'h. >. •! I s Ml,Mel I.:,'. , h like ultier mm inn pictures . nut . n.<" ' i»t- •.I'M- • a»u> m«m l-.n- Sr hm li.in.it, I*, *llr< '1 mm - it v IOM' *unM* Vs and luasl and jan Haiti* creek "a Ml" 'meal, I'UJi Hudre!i Hepburn S. In.,,1 * it 11 al in !•».**• Ill Knlllim • , r * served with milk and en I'lee *uri .• luar. Halll«- c reek and Central Mirh- It: >—J*rrw lackitrd n la:H't' starts the dav with hang. y<:J tt »'..Hiern ML hi.'*' Si ale Ted • FREDZINNEMANN'Sm., I nihil*. I "iiui'in •.•liner , hiu.l Mirlilii.il Kinder' stair 1..11 ami s. rt,r in, Ureakfasl al Odum's is and elteerful—lite service so pleasant ¥he GQun's Store im. I a-—1«... Ii ■ • II,sl»e ' 1 l.iHrr. II,.he-1 VVrbet. Laiwlhg Hams Lam ta»'v- « Ta»l- is tops, lite ei- Pnaili VV ohliert. • Mlctoicaii ,le ,i,l 1 .,'i-iftc l.a-le'l* "I— lints H"cp. Last Un.l'i Illg. fiNid Is ill it* lli'sl I. main* *11 MI AN IIMIPS Ihlam's is open at 7:00 to give yott ItiNIII l vi l Ml *M IlilLY I In IHIada*. 1 aliial* * MrMran Hiked l.•••■da lots of lime In make it in class or Srfsrd dell*—al*" a* silaklr lis lake iwt work. 11 Mi If KS WELCOME Odam'i ro PAH-AM fvery eltclrllyinf momtnl - *11 lh* untipcclcd dram* — •I lh* (Mrnily human Iml seller that enthralled millionsi WRESTLERS Peter Finch Our. t -,'-. .*-i. la I • Ml- •! W*N iAg«at" » • MM tlil't » \ link Hudson tills I Mi III Is MINI." EXCLUSIVE FIRST HUH SHOWING!! shown TOIl \ V AIR I ONIHIIONID %r ESQUIRE 7 00 FABUIPuS! GIANT TWO STORIES OF ACTION AND SUSPENSE.. BOTH TRUE I NEVER BEFORE REVEALED ...NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED I BufWOcl SHOWN n ,i < ! i ' k. I ■pill lOUAT ; il AT l:M P Jl. OMTI -f TODAY Thru .SATURDAY!! BOOKSTORE hmt mow im rJl. MTLIUAY riftUT SNOW 1:00 PN (IN THE PEOPLES CHURCH BLOCK) NO ADVANCE IN PKKTJ! Adall tie tut Mai. Ma ) . Sis Mirmr.tv Mitt *f7*« P«l» Itm »«!■•! «• I"' MSG Stmlnil? Museom Gains Foreign Naferials f:l ri rhese Bruins Golleet Others* From Various Exchange Programs rwt* m 1,600 Get TB t'uMurmg tooKto i»lfl pn.iM'a! rxpenute'Os air t^e Am a >xx!utii»n t«f t'tieniieaU x\ ,»j\! '. i v tun; lit the Hub \ \t »:atlv I'l'-'HTiiuts hji\e mailt4 fi*h, fowl hiix! imtmuti'!* .vns«« VeiiU* sUiffeU ,i xivmirt Jnxtitutf. iv ■' Si'iesu'f '.>r»iv M-a* urn I lauds available to the Museum for fo; her jxroitvi. Ka.x /imiuer- ii i it i: fini'tix: Pr.il-.-o bear sKulL In Germ Form nun i> eut uiij * "irx ,t! »i te*t\iivh e!usi*e?> n> well hs for t!ispt«> pur- Sin.ui s, tl.'.xa! Oak. •* 1>. prexieiu- t>u'.tx»n ami Hi ntEsatiiTi ftlul *'r+*%U o ' tV Mutetiti t»? Value*! r.' iu , . •"lM* 'i;r. n ..<■ a'ill uxt-.a I« .;«,■! r.'xtri arv liiiYx'tixrs .(.••in Se'.H*tt»n i> tv-xiure!ot x>f and ^ r. i: > i E * '< ' " * III 1M»|' ;» »•• HiV .1 '* i tai x i hupci th,- stxs'.iSute- ' t»* I raudor t l**1 MS! Kuc a •. ■< • . •» ■ . ' ' Use A x!.. y Hahe Xfil In Xallnwal ••uviion. ju-tviv.'.iv Mn.t". \v>-'..: ' 'x\' •. Materia*.* ;» V'* KXi'hnitgx-- f iv:i( pl.x.f-f i I'm m pi IVprnda for the Mu-h:w\»r. V frr: Pt«*> *?•.♦ - xx ...XV.' t». It. ': l" |\ M'IA.MI n , Vi'.u»»s ! ..i\f ;vfi' « rrcacriplinit I "*\e xHl't'*- actiie tuViYu'. !'B *:«*! !?•> pre»e»'• • "v lir.. " • • ; i.., . IX X- 'he Mu«ru'-. •• «'.X must ? M.ikr! tan- mUi\'tli'.aU Mw.t t't.Vr .•••i.i'-V -.f» Milr i VV'..' ■ have .».r ltd* Nf'i ■ . «•' \ ■ t. qiiaiidt • Uum |lri* fr* * l»ul »rtrtAum> ft Male W" ^ - imux i'otmrliit (lahx Xrrtlt iHiHitj tin* i'»»l xrar p% •i.»V4 .*">i t» tvUnxaii flu! V A I xrrtt I nulla of I ubllllx ami pn»|»rrl» d»m*jr lo j. 4'nmplrlr AxmiiIi I **t *r »f tturiuc tubri rluiiirt «»f m*1eii»!* H«ir brru Vs. J 'ill' 'Hl.s '■«" . ' lltMiHo* and *1**.— arallaW* * I4»x'„\ v'h !»' I'AI.L IV MS . wlu» Irstint iiiii|Mi(ii «r* *11 utailr xx tih unixfrxiit muxrunix !txv rrr \ f.»ur »vHV'.e« ' V\x I i t K;> V.VP KVKt'SKO RISKS IMMEDIA I'KLV 4'all Inr free Iteluf .•I lltchttan «■ »uir . ui Ihr I nitr.l «»U»e* Thntf in MM had Ihr reluni ft»i rlutle lulanr I nlimllx, flip fit- " s-Ar.-t \.x *.hr ! lartllr nu ne*| GALL ' lr*l matlm** of ill the trxcn luixrrtitx cf 1.px»i*U. Tr\*« % the I MiverAin of ' I s .till i VX .tip!!. Kt'lf-S" i- urkiv-u MtV'.l "• • i* if 14f3 | ^ \„ %n«« A 1* Jnaeph and l»nrl% ! nprrale«l j d *»tl MThlftth till! Ihe* «lu! IV 5-1419 a in '0- 4'm» :X Revlalrrrd Than ih.i it ».i XX • . nl h»»lhrr lo hiir ihe t«*»i mail I Mich. %*f. \Utki Ktf 'tl t.Ut '• 1 K* a?', f a • ■> ; hrviuve 'm»lhtix$ thowrt! up fix \KIKl» KOJ1M % the fap*»- x.it.'tviit : t't'i 'rx"n t'kva •• • i' x- a • mt itm Unit * trained pht • bpinit h)i» ** «« named MKs \ >s*t - V. rv'U.UM \ it-r iv tKiift rtn he the tuxlge of * mriM *| I on| Hfiih I a!if . N A' V.M.iC-MX In the | most *talr« hit x*i«l potilixe nrsaltxr rrax'tixni the nr»l OiifiUil U» **»« the ■ K.x rwi«;n.a. an.x n? faur pern*u* ha* * tttbervulx» art* homtr <* LANSING CHURCHES tit »nfrtlinn Tht* mean* *t> prekimatrlt ■?«Kh| its MKh> i:\ST t*n VARSITY DRIVE IR 5 ■ PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH nut « l Kll M lix II I s 51. JOHN CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST SCUM ll.ir-ll-0 »»«f | & CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING lifittt'it of 1 he Mother ill foul l.oni: lloj:- ■ FOUNDATION Ihr lint ihxifth or ittfl CENTER Siirntiil. ReilvB, M«x| PIZZA u i KiitNtmk 1 : U At. if r /ipr't Me Mm iir*ad *;x»r • a r• ii« w jatfpk i.f*i?e *hM Poriff. Minuter in t hun h kuuda* 1. t.raad Sen iter 11 kt-u.Hxi Ritrr || i n i^ | f « • e .> i».ff * m- »akjftt . . *IN|»AI •UttlCt HOI 1 ' l it • • *i • lie# • u it % xi SUMMER STUDENTS it t* aoRtmr it riofl.19 cm kin iHik* tilinif n I U a Rradtit^ Room \ r* the i f tr m Utttdi lit H. t.ianJ Ritrr | in i««*pa .% r»iifi t\lllis lll. M./. I ONI !• Mas «trd. I ri. i a M.»J p m. IX* » Xl«.tr» ♦ II A I SI % X| 1 are.' ihltrx I w'f..wm n».i« I | X|, A j P xi «tmpiii Ctxpere • a mx -» a ax. and i p.n».« » i* r xi. umi Rattrx x tkufti »(Jta*»i GET VOl It DKV CLEANING (v*«rr Hex 1 farter Saturda* » i ux. • t p ( lilmOx I ) I « trM.»-#e PM III are nrlrotne to attrtid I# AM % *1 | kerxire* ana ii*»t and l»ha»« 11* T.»1X| lt«k mr.'uta ki|k tih.'eJ *(* Rradiiif Rimmh ONE HOI K lioirti atlfwil IN METHODIST CHURCH Of ED6EW00D MARTIN LUTHER EAST LANSING | EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH TRINITY CHU V \ v< One Hour Marfinizing WESLEY FOUNDATION «■« Iitlrr4m«ittiaetteniti CHAPEL 4*1 4»hetl Rate Rex t.v# t. > Parian HOtVt Ivrnue 11 ILLlj I ; M<1 H \KBLK >Hl•»* Fret Perking al rear LUCON THEATRE BLOCK Uiitv* xj. femteiit. III N. Il*g*4»-r» Ho.*# Peiier | M \l I I* Milt xl ktotM ettiUi t'f CUli iitert tfcepfi id :•#*'« MHRillP SI RI ll I ^ t r.f|» I ialit MtlUM'f tHiiwiR >xatMI « C M. Re* (feat* I MfttwH. Maixitf t .i*it» It cretin i" setvitet at lliprl aaiil • at! t'tttl Re* Rjkia*Ma ii tire HHitMI ItfiH. Rrd tflxr kiixeoi t'fxiif. at thfi.i ( hu't k t'o« R:x*ik 11 r>i »f fc Ittriiei *4 PrnnitltaaM Santh t>( Mitlnaan lirwei S J* a m t»« set rt ixr IRI Uiili e» His un»» state tkiitti Nnrtv't ft»i »«t—>uBa** Rchai Rev. Itvitald Oritur R» Rvkeei 1 1M; .re tUMi far Imxrmt* n« W I a»t MrCfillN .%ii iaitetiiir St. Jvhni, Mitkiaaa *' udrai t iatilrd la atl^ i» >e a m. kit i|tt i kurra •tlinai »l IJI *« . M e m . Mrdar*d«e Rrd itdai kt*«»i ink ravta ikfxUik Joaier »••*» NneMit >». St. J«k*i ltt>J Plaxer and llikie iiud*. I SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Co to Somi Svuik Ha>iuB,tan .»« Meerti Rue* time lutdtu.0 0 etilNll 4 Rtti Church Everv Sunday If ae % St. • » • Rant t CUte lauaki l« Of Oattd Rarnner. Xaniral Icntre OriH, Silt ASCENSION AU SAINTS •' VH, ilRXtON LUTHERAN EPISCOPAL (II •t t»l» IX IRI Ml'RXi H khf.M K—* -lb I •e p U fitRxiux CHURCH R«* Je%n f. Pnixrr — iij l»nn lIRt 1 Hi MIXl*MO* I tfsefx Rr*. berioe M !»•" l*«ie(l Rati • fee k«* »#i"*e itt'.sc xmi and I*I« lane t.fl 1 M and I .» P.M. ^t»e lax* *t Hutlixri Read) IxiO tkfvt*»k ' tax en* tar rnitnrr tniraaxatma rail II U>l lit I i Oat) ieAaxatual INTER-CITY IIIU CHURCH tkkda* Riwi tji is:Rk am Maiv i#moiki 44|. *. MUmioax Mar am* f»*|« and S« rt d Indeeaadani lusdamrniai Pte-Millrnyu UIIIUI RI\ «. j uimit v p.sstoR l*t am. at ilrtt Drtsa Ii » I) km »akdap U-k«e Hied 1) *e .» at Meraei Rmkii t«:M k in. at Cfenrta OiRINti 111. Hll| Hi pas. taata Gr*ir> t.dk r a Ixttut la*p>rai>aaai Irntr* IRnr»d«), *41 e Re*, bewtt *. fi. t.X%r»rrj Kmi(tkuee let Rrrter teniw#| ,lKkiltNrf • tr tfUtpeniMk tail iv e-tlkj 10 m 10 l-tftl t>a*l«, fen aJk. I lansing (biiial free fnst qmstian unveksity lutttftan central ' methowst ouch OMKH CHUKN ! ktaikpee ki leiftnre church ano sruoen cena terrava at ft»««l| Id MaraRaR %t » i|mM, | iMvniph' rhamplon Shii/o Sa*ii- httrn —will he an honored guest IIAVI vol I %I K •' « collegiate wtr.' ' «h'.|< trie at Michigan Stale during the SUNDAY!! - STATE It lull »• ,iltd.Ml»1> 'H> »nvd t!< urgt '• at '• -l"i! Pan-American (lame# wrestling Pan-American wie*t!ntg trials Oils itftrrn«K.n I s.iUud.i n have never seen »i»mprtillve ivii opposed !•» in nuts this n ci'keud. HKST SHOW I: P.M. ' JHlin MOM It urn ^ : • AITUAC'TKINS! • J MHtM Mlt Mi pn)(e*i>ii>i)M! wrestling then a new expeinin. awaits von Sn*nhaiii. who won the IHtt tup MSI' owlcnitrrs for I'an-Antrtirnn «rc-ilmc h.ntnr-. U student* ui*d on cent* to sit one i'u gfeirtest mat putind ehampnmship in the Mel- ♦SHE SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN event* m Michigan- hi»tm> at bourne games in 1 UMl. is eut- the StM-il \ieiui • •'. the Men'# THE STRANGER S LOVE!.. hniniig this euuntrv lin¬ Enitw':,'o Included lull aiuural The tiio' lUnliiutg iimif at a >•»*•» tune rently ing exluhitmn* ami participating in elude*. !... ivhiix student* who will »»e lc.i\ tng t.'t home this aftenn»«*n lie innk part in the elinie finals feature MM»n a* ai» •" er held in the IM lltdhllMg Arena ties Still anniud f.u is worth* ltd* e\en if the fmai two von cannot *IAv waleh tin ilw»v it fust for eoaehr* nfrieiaK and I'an %in Irviinl* eunle*tant* on Med nesd.it mulches intween ! ttn , pin *s, Coaches, Areas Unitty in Mnhig.m siati proud that hostntg the wiollmg oiul • ttnteut the urw\cr>ttv »* • -Mouhi wun- of" of to S.uahai 'hi- the tii, era a win i* leengiu/ed as nhr |il\ .peat lie e lieu -appall fit pusiti.ai , if w iestle.' .lapaiiee k VISTA «tHI»Uc I«* the M.Vaffio. *uinm n also tttal"- h» P. tll.l. t,' a U-'v *<«>! t* ? i lint thele «mild letleitioii ol; the d. o! Mil" Olvmpif tuav take wrestling uvei in enaeh am>thet and vein SUSAN Spaitae hi I'u-. cud [m'uihmU'.v til the •»*!•- take n\ eil here ei ' »' iM.i't Wtesf' tin -ueefs , .. HAYWARD -c ,ean il«nM p»c- ll.uucs e.'Mu DOHH BARBER SHOP ea'.ipus serve* Thr \ i .. til' l,i 1*11 a ui 1'. iWttlll > id rtl.' it MP!, he, a the pill niMiil liM; nisiMUT. Mo)CaSKI ®B§g§@l[£) f s \v rest - hinrst.n i«»g* It tniuh , ken oil niAMMiit CT tsjK «r jc.c )(=>£ , KIU1.IV in ■ .nh i.-e.i thi A'aii-uliai •slip >,n |»o|>ulai STEPHEN BOYD C Ot,r>fr hv Ot ,I'XF Kt lidlei I'oUUi i .0 una i.vit } ?,.< \"\v men'* •< . • 111,1 W 111 re pre N "i i . ,ii w ir .t 1':.g »-aeh BARBARA NICHOLb ••• mg loan. 1' muni parts of the wotl.i have the same t-i a.o« rr vTrar , »!tn: SHOWN Nl NllAV at SYDNEY BOtHM . |s. 10 and 11 t'oiu Ins s.jun fl".. !•• i- mit'ihei of •. n as-.eoe hen thai . i. ijn have pie-lnh 2:50 - Ii 10 9:20 I' M ^.t.he* lu»!il kr» rvmun. We MM iii • tiiimp:. Hatlv'M .mo Jtig 111 ill.imps lll'EN SATt UllVV ' w ,«u greats. A :!t |»» .-»: hand It • a n let national Hn- HLNRY HATHAWAY tiveuts an t hi-' Snai ta. < 1111.1; fe.e w e- Hi: in |- twvoe sti'uhoir- ,o,, eoimdet if mi'iMtant 2nd IION II l it %« ill illII11 SHOWN at I 10 - 4.50 - 0 lo and a hn*t Mauiim,: - ••i, . a' t • lun iiotanie wi I [ to! "M l aUiuntv Spartan eanwd fiVe Atm.fi. perl V".!!h . . «s ' t: v ' a i.> . :una*t get <>tj t;t RORY CALHOUN A GLORIA GRAHAMEI enter team £• Hii: h.i, kgi 1,1 - . v s\. ...pad lending thee c.t then Ktcke 1!«•<.! ' ■ s "ittkin,; .a M SPECIAL SUCK SALE! [ IT!' are MiVaffw. John Kendle* havkelti.i LLOYD BRUGES This Week GUERTI Sehmittet lies Sa flA Now lor kill Oil Reran urrMlIng SIM! : ,i!. cagt Keg s: tla Now » foi SI.U10 JOANfC ranrnd The | the mil ninlt* i will dlrrrt the Iteg Sll.11,1 Now 7 for SI7.0W ytiun al | held when In ( bleat* Ihr Me\ieu la%t : i tint vi i. \iiijs WITH TEH GALLONS OF CAS Iteg 814.95 No 'f for 824.00 I*"* Hie I > tram OR MORE i'lltton C'orilh JC.I.JId II. FORNO ROOM J Lr rtonipion*hip. 1. in Nte Pounding Program that'll Pop the Pulse of Every Red-Bloou.d American! |u II M S 1 IIARMs BRING THE GIRLS Basic Eight Piece ij i.ti- t.« ft Oil. tt.IN) I Make 'em take notes! USANJAV liLMS. INC, GOLF SETS l.i\t ( HARM* Fcr Men * d Wo* \i 1-ftJ MS A Positive Plethora ot Pulchritude! |M IUWIR THIS CORNlR 34 88 s:j IN »' HO ROUNDS *ND J9 J, 11 I H*l. UtAL Mrrlim las Jrigitte • Rlfhf hand man's tot Jtvikn iSARDOT Kigltl hand woiiieii*# wi. ld«ol Ml, for eomplele baginnari or -c/ ■ 1/ eaiwal golfer,! Include a1 »!» » ru» 'O on, g«i9 t«n(,0> n kit O, 9 dub bag, 2 wood,, 4 iron,, and 2-way putter. All kmla G'«»- giui. in *on| «k,|. m lop quality contraction. Sh tkam now, al Scan. b'vak Quality |-» (U'igrr iimr ..ri; 3 lor 1.09 | Ut wt rtmk thr » »•' ol I. »h«r heat and I n»:'y S*u»* tnmod I * cauw trouble "' * ■' u«4 kni t ThfUorf «owU ton I cmut yr*\ «of f*uin*ft»ng PracOfU IfWanhnew - l U OuHBuH* r (nitnf r waubhwear lor lanmtf. W Nhl BaiifHod Cue 9m, ruggud «m. WmN ™»|tc umyi nx»«M (OH* Or* lauMMlud Jeowww tukiaUun thm§ Ja»t Kay. "Ckarcc It" M Soar. Kcvohriac Mr — IMS UWIUl - UWB MOVAC!, Chare*. Ha* Vaur Scar. Credit Naaagar. "IT HAPPENED TO JANC 'Satinfaction *umrmmlctd ar gear at awry tack' Maa, II Naaa la » ML Than. M. I:M AJL la t ML — ru* — Tan., hai. act. Ml AJL la I M rJ>. Imi Ha,«sr# « "WOMAN OOMtHSCD" nil t. MUMtarn Art. Phaat IV h-lUI Shows T»c* »t *:Z7eg#U* —y . .. ; MICHIGAN STATU NTH a Board of Trustees Book Stealing Explained Auguxl I, IMi Approve Changes Kleptos Among Wanted Thieves I.'ist KOSITCHEK'S year, about 5.000 book# Book# purloined in sev¬ known to have Include Seven Resignations, worth approximately $40,000 eral are One person was special pocket inside 4 were stolen from the MSt' li¬ ways, according to Gross. The most usual experiences are tailored his coat a in which he could easi¬ SUMMER Appointments. Leave* brary. Jutnes Gross explains why in his essay on "Why lYo- those of people who want to read certain books ly place a book or two. Rome and cannot bibliophiles pose as professors. Twenty changes in tin- staff of the Michigan Cooperative pie Steal Rooks " CLEARAN' afford to purchase them, but Occasionally a person will Kxtrnsion Sen-ire were approved recently by the Hoard of Stealing of lusoks did not start still want to own them. enter a library with a small Trustees. Chances included four appointments, one reap, iuMe at MSI*. It probably began The usual place to hide books, package which will grow larger with the printing of the tint continues Gross, is or a brief case which will be¬ pointnient, five transfers, under the seven resignations and three books. As long us a few book* arm-pit, covered by a top-coat come bulkier. leaves of absence. were around, they Mere jealous¬ Apnutntrd mere: IMIr Rrfefitrt i« futility rxtrii- iiMrketing. in the t'efmkev ellerllse Julv 31. |v\s. (<■ accept em¬ area, ly guarded. Ilut with mass pro¬ - CLOTHING - ployment with the Pepper ids e farm, •Urn agent. I-N t'luk work, Iimroit tin \otistlk. t'onn duction. bonks became object- roMHlt. rlfnlltr Julv I»M, to .mrrrtl Milium Mullrr Harold Spink H rwunh rxlrnxtmi stis* agent, \isian Rae. county home economics, in kre-ttns« ommoil counties. rxtensnsn < Missm- He, live of mote general interest and could more readily be stolen, SPORTSWEAR - FURRISVIKRI agent. 4-H rink %»«rk. Jarkvnn rutin- Jl, ISM. to enter oilier employ- states Gross in his essay. iy, rtfrrtlve July fO. tlr rr- in-ut. iri.rd a N* itrgrre from MM lit The tltss as rountv ex¬ fairly wealthy student, I Ml anil ha* horn Irarhms voca¬ tional agricultural in I rnirtil t'ltv. ternum agent i on IIU home economics, t tar* rlfrtlls e the poor, and the mediocre, even IMicinii. pizza ami fine IoihI« . . . fug IV. |s», (,» Michigan. Mi»» Janire Chrtvlenaen at county uork in commercial recreation Joined the rxtension xt.itf in lf\s xhe »ll»»t CASTRO, u raring a the professors - people in every lifflil Murk* SPORT COATS SPORT r*lrn«lon agrnf in retldrncr, .if tail I anting, eftective Aug t. l#*» t harles agenl. I M livelier. counts extension t iuh htxrhall uniform, takes some ealegorv of hooks, he states. life have stolen or rtimplrli- dinner- . . . ssork, t.enesee c«un- Value* to |JS Values Nell t evlenalon) Writ a* a*xl«lant prolenor In thr itr|»aifnu-tii of Maul |ifolr„.tr «M #» arm-up pilihr* tsrfurr Hie Psychological factors play an Now booth* Iihvc Ih-cii ailileil for your in »agl animal husbandry. etleetive Sr|«l. I, ll-xiiiilturr in the department of 1MB. llntuullurr ami urnsmrntal tmrttrul- xtart of thr rxhihition important role. In many cases, game at a« Reappointed Mat William MtuiMll extension torrialiM in Itnd-utv title. ftth-ultuir. New f-»rk « i.niplt X|.,IP Civile (a t'nls rr«t|jr. ,if Havana, Cuba, last Mrrkrml. kleptomania is the basic cause for taking books. ruling plranurr. planning, effective Julv I. I»W. leave* >»f Vbxeure (minded franafert Included mere; l» f t ant, dutnet externum di¬ Drlivrrv aftrr I :.1il R. C. loll front district extension Kit 2-08t>3 topervlaor. agriculture. ta*f laming. In the new position of rounit ex¬ rector !•"» to from Xrpt. I ■ not inn - lsi«, to lm ssoik on hU I'h if il. ■ m SPORT SHIRTS rtt-ttn- at the I nlvrisltv of Witrun- ternum agent, program consultant. in sin Huron countt. effeciite Jut. I. Pi*' (•Irason Rohlts. former Moron I - tt arge T Table lilenn hommerfeldl from counts t-ounfs externum agent in sirliul- extenalon agent, resource develop Hire, from Juts IS lHYi to July t*. lue* to $g Value* ment. In Machtnar county, to tl>e Itil to continue his wotk wlfh It f new poattlon of counir externum a* extension t-M agent in k<"'t Open at 111:11(1 a.m. * rrkday« agent, rien program consultant, in Iter- counts, efferti.e Julv I. IBVJ. Rasmond lamh from rountv rx* |i>". Jnhn trorke. lounts externum dt rr-fr»r in I'resuite l.le June 'u. |wa I nun in Jills' manage I. *3 lenston agent. 4-H I'luh work, to |u.t,to Mtke ulttx tu be ramtrurtrd tarhson eonntv, to Use same posi¬ al Kodgers t lis tion In Baton ronnty, effective Juts I J. I»». James I one front rountv rxtrnMmi SUCKS lo $18.50 NOW $12.88 $1} agent. 4-M 4'luh work at Isrge to .•mnty extension agent. I tl flub I work, tn Muskegon county, effective I OADE'S Julv II. I»M. Milium Mnller from counts- ex¬ tension agent. I-H tints work to lusiola sion counts, agent, to euuutv resource stsrklnac county, efferfisc Aug. I. development, exten¬ Love . . that Hon. . ix the time tax make sure % ytnir ear ii in top eondi- 5 Mo before you leave, and % SUITS lit. Resignations Included Phillip Roberts, county extension The s : after you return, drive in for ^ IVY - MS WITH VERTS Value* a.enl. 4-M conniv. effeetlse June flub work. '<» Montcalm I'M. '« : MEATS - GROCERIES : o rhecknp. J» trath vocational agrtcultnre been on the staff since January Me »«•« lis*. Service s 5 You'll find we give your ear S Rossi Vraedrtch. assistant exten¬ ■ I llliii k- from tlurriril the expert care it deserve*. ^ sion public at Ion a editor department ho Housing " Hrlve In for everything from J of information services, lot* It. IM*. to accept position wills effeetlse 2 ■ GOOD Gl'LF gas to summer PRESS SHIRTS dress sHnm| Xgrlenltural Publishers. Mis. Me has been on the gtall sin.e Milwaukee. ■ U|>«-ii Kseniui:* J checkups. PIN AND TAB SIMMER Xprll I. I%»? si turn e Mill, district extension COLORED SHORT >1 EEYll stipertisor, tensing, t-H flub program, last eftective Juts IT. ISM to 2909 E. KALAMAZOO • VALVE CtRINniSC. • MOTOR TI NE IT Y.la« OHM V.lur. u U strepi position of stale IN flub leader foe tonneettcut John Rrav. dtsgrtel extension agent. XaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaa* • WHEEL WALAM IM. • -AC'C'E SPORIE A T1 ^'''{'iiuitHiiiiJiiiUMuuMiiiiMumimiiimiiimiimiueiMMHtfiitnutiiuinu • BRAKE RERVU E • hPRINC.S Dry Clean in g • TAILPtrC A Ml FTLER • W ASHINti "(•ft A Hon us TOCtllitl riMN MflLV VtMflsx IxrhlMai. tamale* k a nil Life" ^^WVW. Mexican Ma keg tinnfi Shirt Laumlry •rrsrd Ralls—wl»- Zinc Alumiiized FOR FAST ROAD SERVICK CALL ED 7-9046 4klrrosifcheL 4 asalUbl* la take eat Atrox« from TORRES xiudrnt trrvK-r* blsig. lURR^s GULF SERVICE tiro? Mexican Maker* and Real annul MIJFFIFRS i tr« k. Ut, Mixer — IV ••ami -"-JM-J-M-Mky I 5 OX EAST MICHIGAN AT LOUIS COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE (diagonally arroaa from llaal St. mtranrr) — downtown — lis N. WASHINGTON .Igrnt All Travrl I'tmfrrrn.r- AIR — KAIL — STEAMSHIP — TOUT CRUISE — MOTEL — RESORT — PASSPORTS TOREK! N CARS lafaraulion. Rr-ri* at i»>n.. Tkkrl* •MEAIBEKl Amrric.oi Sn-irl- «.f lra>«l Ac.-nU 130 \V. C.ran.l IShcr § HKCtST IIISCOt \T IV ItJM V KRAMER AUTO PARTS) ... I CAMPUS BOOK STORE EDgl-HOOll F,i>t laiti-iiiR. Jlit-lii-ao WK) K. KALAMAZOO IV H335 | PAYING TOP PRiaS FOR USED A IlKUM «g Clllnl Mkhu.n .Id,.I ,nd M.-.l FoHiuiiiu.niiui,i>iiUNmiitHmiiiiiiimiiuiiimiumti=iiiiwti4iJiiifiiitiii>i TEXT BOOKS 1 ( .m.irl. Tr«%rl >#,,(*-, . . . nwry scene THEY ALSO HAVE TOP BARGAINS jomfthing IN MM. SOUVENIRS ... — MICHIGAN STATE SWEATSHIRTS UNIT I JUVEN1E STATIONERY M&U. IMPRINT AN0 SOCIAL MUGS, GLASSES, ASH TRAYS *U. WMT DOUBLE SUMMER TREAT Km, Rorn dajr* hrKia ml TimmUv. Ym BEACH TOWELS, BLANKETS ran pi.W up tickri* al >uur Kin* Kura dtalrr akirfc arr for ftr* talr admi..„vi. oar half off «■ ridr- and ,-hanrr- -n priir-. TOPS IN SUMMER READING FOR Ihi. Suadar is l-ll 'da< al lakr 4-Hrr'» *ill hr hann* a ljui.in* and tk» h.-r»r »ho«, ia addiliaa !• ADULTS AND CHILDREN. ihr Kalka-n ..crn.ion Ikm'l f-rtrt n.m. Kin* Knra darn arr ant «aak OVER 5,000 PAPERBOUND TITLES Tunda. through Friday. And if yh likr ham* doa'l au-a Ihr ,hon- ,»n Sunday, BEST SELLERS IN FICTION & Srr you at Lakr Lanuag! NON-FICTION —t-tt ■HHgM