■wsjOR JIM III IJM-: of lloohlrr. Colo., has the upper hand on (>i"S DVVi: RKI1KMAN shows his skill as he over- Hon Mehlin of the l.S. Marines in a bout in which llurke irrs Joseph Kockwiuid from Chicago. III., in the un. tiMik the decision. Ihdh were in the 117.5 Hi. class in the |lrtl cIji.s lor I he Pan-Am wrestling trials last week- whole lot of wrestling Pan-American wrestling trials. IW-hrnuti won the Imut on a decision hy the judge*. There was a going on Vltl Kt'Slll* (umplrtr Summary • of \Vrf*llinif Srr I'as* EAST LANSINU MICHIGAN—THt'H.si'\V, Al'lil'ST 0. tiiati Pan - American Hopefuls Prenare to Swim Friday Ki St /ITTI ROM V VMONi. mi; TOP S\\ IM MICKS present will lie Frank SUIr N>h» (Ampu» Irlilor McK timet :t«>w Indiana, who bettered the world mark Jl >1 VS TIIK lilt* 10 Swimming Championship* form when In >\«oi the 'JtMl-meter backstroke in a recent meet in J matt I'leaktng his own record by one-tenth of a hcc- aM> "initiated" the .Men's IM indoor pool, the Pan-Ameri¬ can humiming trials will be the spectacular opening com ' petition for the outdoor pool tins weekend, Two . \U Kinney's I loonier teammates nUo gained Around "'Hi men and women swimmers are expected fan it Japan Alan Somers broke an Amnicaii record to i>e here Friday, Saturday. .Monday and Tuesday to put to win th. IMMI meter free-tyle and Mike Tro\ Won the m tiieir bid- for the l .S team for the Pan-.Vwi'lJames in JOO I ..r buttei'lly. All ot the-« lankers will hi- here, plus Chicago. Charles .Met at t ree, coach of the Spartan squad, airnvhei lloo-ier. Hill Marlon. ioo-meW't- medley champion will coach the chosen team. in 1 outdoor A AI . Onh one spartan is entered.-frank Modiite will Im I'.ig lo champion, tittiv ei :>t! v ol Mulligan will have swimming m the breast strode event*. In the games m 1B55 in.,; o Us stars represented, such as Frank l.igacki. Itig at Mexico City. State had a winner in Clarke Scholea, who in and NCAA champ in the loo yard freestyle and butter ( II \RI.KS MCCUFKFL FRANK MOOINi: set a record in the IPO-meter freestyle and wan a member My artist, and Ron Clark, outdoor AAli 220-yunl breast - of the winning 4*HT-meter medley relay team. stroke I'.ig 10 champ. Pan American Swimming Cimeb MM *s contender in breast stroke ITKST, SMO\l> AMI Tlllltll places in all individual Ot TIMNMC AAli 110 and 22 yard Of ore ou reaped lo MJIH, a Institute ot iifeastatrnke winner from Miami Springboard and platform diving will la* held at 1» each K40. of $;r»M in aiiimmI rale of morning. Admission is free for these events, but the other Two of the top divers here will be Hon Harper, former |m%, or am Increase of more than > ' - >-4- «?<*<• uiM*1 i* en'e 1 duo Sinter, and tiarv Tobian. Los Angeles AC. both out¬ l!» |ierretil. I- .•"•salons cost 50 cent* for studenta and one dollar tor appi-u.ht#tt door AAU champs. Others are Ohio Mate's Ron O'Hrieii, k1.1 in. advert rung graduate, * ' > J iyny American adults. the starting •.•l.uy «•" champion 111 one-meter diving in the NCAA and Nam Hal! .iv-i i it, \ ' *-■ . "..vrruUm. Other events, are at 1 and 7:30 p.m. There are nine < p'.-d ai I'.liH ah' AiaJ ,ii f * ' ■ penod from events for nien. the 110-yard freestyle, 440-yard freestyle, champion of 'three-miter springboard in the NT AA and ;!) »!! .< IIM M »'«-li Im S4.8P. *1*11 ' Sept. 1. m . «iit«--meter chump in the indoor AAC. b *? ;n»Utule- wilt springboard diving, 110-yard backatoke, 220-yard butter¬ : a gam ot s.'k'i 111 aiuiuh 1 riitr The women will have some good coin petition, too, with Won all ,.nd 1 ■ r of fin an iiui.aM- of muu- •uial J{ . •. ! '■* *fp. «auon of math- fly. 1650-yard freestyle, platform diving. 220-yard lree- than pay pel ceo' J,", K -UCi.i. «-atrn$<«n tele- champion* like backatroker Curin Cone from Houston, < V. li '» b*5 *■ ; « atutica! toots to style. 220-yard breastatroke. ({sight h i> > report.-it 'hat vt n.fi r-tc .t n tipil tlamiltf',, r i>'style and met I ley star Sylvia Ituuska, Herkeiey. t al.. 1 • •'• .-.r.ew problanu. Women's events are springboard diving. 110-freestyle, the 10 are far mom jobs jn the .. vt'-uni »*!•« . «'4l c 4 ; t <• I, f *■ F.ys..-.vi«Uym is spoil- 220-yard freestyle, 110-yard butterfly, platform diving, butterfly artist Hetky Collins, Indiana polls, and diver iui{iier pay brackets for gradu- Muck r>-.».ttt*!i puiilita* lto-yard backstroke, 440-yard freestyle and 220-yard Irene Mac Donald. Hollywood, Cab, who uii set world .i'« • who ale aUoady in lue tiojiB editiH, .#nd !>»nald (iiciU, * .> jotoed the CoJ- breaststroke. marks in their specialties at their AAl' meet. exteraion puUlwatmn editor. Rusuirsa sikI PutrfiC i. a author of "Fi* ' M-tatemeal,*' » book 1 ifT/jy by AUyn and 1 Th# text deuil* a new kpprosch to corp- r* *' *?**» While sn econ- the Federal Reserve ! '* forked on a sia-voU v tin *r» average annual Income r-Jdv of (omrmt Install* of gift.OoO and over account tor credit 13 percent of the pie buyers, pmfaaaor Milton while only 4.2 percent of tboae * col league in the de- famibes wtw^e 4V(-rage annual V'* r>* •i"rrrunUng and fi* income is 12.000 or uiuicr aie m '• ^-inatraUon, is at* Uie »ame group. ■t * rummer ease writing *' k'- Blueberry and apple are by Harvard Gradu- far the must popular flavors. ' <»i of Buiuwii Adnunis* Together they account for ataiut Fthrouni Aug. |. half of the pies purtha*e«l com- merrially, Apple, accounts for 71 Ikrw Selected percent of the pies consumed and the figure for blueberry it lSF Coauaktee 57 percent. I* was further found that Dm, hMd it families buying blueberry pies W ,ai Start psUwlogy *«t. have, on the average, larger In* Hsu, hu Dm ' comes, larger families, more ed¬ "Prnmt bouniiu ucation and are slightly young¬ 'Oriioty nmmntn er than famiUaa buying other HK.H SCHOOL 8TC0BNTH s-irrt Itm llinka. Sao page • far a pklwi alary, * ' -,ru- V ,«nt. round.. all a.ar UMSli far tbaaaaawr Caaaaaliac CLASSIFIEDS ADS ' "Wliat Are You Trying To Do, Blow Up The Place Aim Michigan State News Ol AOI-IM I P.M. TUESDAY' Read Dalle be MM i ?5 ®W Students and Family Michigan State News is published by students of Michigan State University, East Lan¬ inn s ivXVAKH 11 and ,'4 MOXDA* Ihrot'ch ir.iiJ IV The sing, Mich., without direct faculty supervision. It is not the official voice of the university or I;D 2-1 ■» 11 ^ of the student body, but while seeking to serve the best interests of both, stands ready to bat¬ tle any move which would drive a wedge between the two whether it comes from within the (J university or from outside. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press and Associated REAL ESTATH Collegiate Press. RANCII STVLK . apartments i to en-bedrooms. 1' v Vol. 51, No. 57 Thursday, Auiruat <"•. Pace Two t-trph paneled lann!\ ith tits post, I, dlxh-v V! i wi» HOOV.k ( »• Vl'M h w ■ ance. built in . ., R p ,'. . \r« :- .''fit * t ..turn ■ .-nn room near nntl »-a—-, •; c the Ih--...... V c Students Are Asking: Y ! ., h.f. • ol,- fr«>:r est truiU-r* price. Call o« i-c M»ACF. AVAlt.Attt Short iirn<- V',) v >U nvement to lak,-. fWhere Are Our Grades?' rmundings P.o - - . ,, ROOMS !!.-me i ourt. SXk, !;i !•_ . ,1 Hath 3»«iJ n MM 11 1 VNl»t tK»l »U ^ t,;)! OVERHEARD on the campus during- the THR REKISTK.VK'S Of KICK announce! ""' ' 8 4 last week has been talk about the univer¬ early this week that grades can he seen at Please c.■. - r grades, have shown bitterness and disgust the completion of each term-—or course of I-i xlNo nllJ-Ni when finding out that grades will not. he study. And during summer school, a five- week session should he considered a "term." SERVICE mailed until the end of, the 10 weeks of summer school. The university has adopted a policy that THE CLEANES' < Students enrolled in only the first five- grades will not be mailed to students until SUCH XEASONAU: »| ' week session will receive their grades via the end of the term—in this case, a to. mail sometime this week. week term I except in the case of those at¬ V. 4 * It/- , BIT STUDENTS enrolled in lioth the tending only the fir-e live-week session). E LANSiNO '.a,n:i*| first and second five-week sessions, the 10- Officials say it's too much work to process week session, or a combination of the two grades twice during such a term. fXPFRICKCKP will not receive any grades by mail until W li! 1. It,- HRADES A RE IMPORTANT to the *t». : • final exams are over on September 1. • .»«.» ,'i4iel\ . . dent, however—perhaps the most imjnu- LOST and FOUND Students who wish to obtain their grad» - tant single item'in this educational system. have attempted to get them through the separate departments. But many of the de¬ The university has changed policies of the summer school program, but there are partments have regarded grades as "se¬ ; AMPfS TVP!. ' cret." and refuse to issue them. .-itII many rough spots which must be TRANSPORTATION Other students have gone directly to the ironed out. xeepsaae r ►W YORK Hi nt h- instructor, where they have met both with The releasing of grades promptly to the W A?C M success and failure. And a few planted post- students by mad is one. The extra work cards in their final exam bluebooks, in the involved in the process would be worth the hope that instructors would personally mail trouble, and lie great!> appreciated bv the w AN • t il NIDI li*- '• N« V' C 4.0C A their grades. student body. 11' A • S,v A St mien l"* View Review of W eek's Top Stories PERSONAL THOMPSON S *ot'| Vtus Aftb rRiPS «u«e 22J MAC it, IRIIMY Vice • Prc»nier' American Exhibition in Russia !t N:\lie a Ij.u M-'-o*nv and plunged in!-- >■■ * c;.»vt mi-, ,:.ymp l' WANTED —• -' ■ v « :i 4 TV speech tu the Kvi-*-«.•*» ann-ndiit r \cv» vt vid * • . Colas being tlistributed were varied anti iH-ople :n reply to charges th.e 1- : »-,i < 1 !' (EDITOR'S NOTE: Max Benne. who , re¬ -r.iruu Ay, FU A-err na u to blame lor w - «- !>»rtne. ;. \ ceived a ITS. degree from MSI two years often funnv !r«»i« .... John Man>vn On Mj. c Itasmuvseii <-f N»i*, USUALLY. THE FIRST SIB w»« taken by hetUi»pt, • etui of State v':-.? o'ur. ! ago and a Master's degree in Agriculture II v-4- rescued N.-. : v cautiously atnl then either downed with ,-ie« tu n froni the i'tiiot ae • te** wa* retuhted • i*, ttc last year, is currently traveling throughout Russia, and the following is his impression enthusiasm or spit out with a disgusted look. Rivet, for ».v where dav* . . he . was David Mel* strai • < -m- -i iM.itrd ni-uv«i» to to ie-.'' prolong the any s.o . f. • i -t l*h USE aid. president of th< Utui* 'Miiiiste; -. conference, vv-hieh w of the American Exhibition, now being held On the whole, the Exhibition Impressed sifrluiUKfH, indicated that t ao« ' ' end en Wedtlesd.n !(• Moscow. Benne is on a student exchange tue favorably. A few of the displays seem¬ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS in * r. i union would welcome •- r ».u t he would eav< 1 iet-.e ed too ultra modern anil some of Carl created Federal participation t'hurwid> vjue* F <•., program to the USSR under the supervi¬ s . . rff.-tt* io settle the nationw ie» a "I |h Hue Rhi!.l> M'urneo nor sion of the Council on Student Travel in Bandburga pictures fell beautifully into th«- r 4j-da• \ ».e« »: 11>r . The Kcd« r ■ ivom to:. - New York City.) s. a .» Agen. v tij-. -*»«.! plans Atner u 4 Hri'» ' Y ■ ■ • , N \ to i • a *e»*mograpn '■> t • >«-, r-*.,; , S«- AW 1. . II I -DAI HWV.-.%Y\SYWYY\WSWWWYSV%V.-.V.VAW IT SEEMED I.IKE Chemiatry -<>- in the m X ■ ruddle of Moscow. On the evening of July would help scientist* leatn wha. mits.de interference in toe ■ > • :• HIM VI1151 liOl.K■ TOl KX XVII M the nut * made of . ,. reive! 1 a • -uj - .»» '.it 1 1 was walking around the American KYTtRDAY In Vi.e-Ptt •: >1 VIM'S SAT. VI G. 2. - xl.Hhinese ktngoo' !..» • Exhibition in Moscow and «a« pleasantly tie ' N v \ farewell *pec* n « MOMMY A.t,* >1 1 L> surprised to sec Dr. (flic hard) Bye mini peering down at no from a display about R-.1--.14n ra.t-o and TV, he «.»ileii for a [a -1 peavc i>a»ed on mu* enangr -*' v.*:' =>«■'.. ■. . Jh. 138 IN I'RI/KS dent KUsenhow»: ai-d v •,, MM Dr. lb MM tu a l rathei than the ENTER NOW i i rum is an professor Premier Khru^iutu-v a* <• corks? r .tt the American Exhibit toil. I peace »-f our tender or dtcUtio noutwed Khrusn. ■ u . ».o- be either tide Secretary < ' : like grabbing the nearest llu*-u.in atnl the U.S. in S« pte-ulw!. a' Ub«: James Mu.oeil accuse,i Kisenhower rtu** teiUng him that "there u» one of my former . management and a one of fa.!* later in the fa ■•*... A ci* 11 I \ 11! \\ \1 (iDI.F It \M.I protestors " I would have done so >f'T . . , Max llenne bu>s a <*oda pop . , , ing to make ar> o. --us effort t.» the West • agreed '-•> sees a : nuie- r.i*.t of Ea»t Mnmng on I > D geu.e the l8-.iax-<»d steel strike t<».:'d speak Itus-ui- An America-, college girl •AWXSWNWV.wwawwwwwsv.WV 'Film Fare" . In the Exhibition, I hereout* even a p.. the Soviet propaganda line Perhaps show¬ from. Oh • . urge! that 200- : ire of beorgc Uichju-ft*. nn high m hoo; ing some severe acelies of our problems is P»«v»; d v'i'm.niujiiAt guard at tn« - .peu \uwved iiiiemiri't...^rf' Okemo*. being EM television. "Jumping -inter- good psychology m that the viewers see that we recognize improvements are need¬ Re*1-tu'» World Youth Festival » uggesl tier actos* t.ne fait fo< "The Nun's SloiV — » SPECIAL ei*tnbut»nf eafie's on t'nite^l .lohgnty I»recti uas also pictured stictih ed hi some areas—-at least, I hope *o, --ufg high for a nbound. I'o my surprise, Ho\\E\EK. most of the displays .Staves AgncuAur* Comtnu- A Major Aeliievenient m were not Not'h V.ei Nan» warned basketball is a rather popular sport m the .soviet Union of articles w hich are axaiiatue «>mi many of which we ad own in our stoics and use that fete'r .! w-H not f.ght.:*s .-.'ween Lao- ' rt:1:4m mdit- 1 HI M V* f»TORX ie, , a • » \ . This Wed The Exhibition was crowded and the the new home displayed w^* not at a • un ■ l',».. i'unist o :;ear ihe ,N. tvo* » ami loyal • ■ ■ Viet Na- ran iig. fjlm It is the !».«•*•' abwxti. iilr that ha* at-1 • i UuA-uan* were ob\ louslv interested in the extravagant, ailhough I doubt if ihe Ru*. -u* «x« : i-w »iei S,n :T' Pvem«r- The f"'m i* tn-'h **• ' k * WITH TEN GALLONS OF GAS . • » > display*. I'he reactions to the tree I'epsi >yai\s would l»eite\e - a it a statement K !•..> % v ,. ,u a- A met - ta.ni> -^rv,'* the a" ■ n . „ < »• • a;'' :«X- ' >£>d ite those w no rtsw* the.- • •-* *•*- - -- Summer Staff * t'nue I The lllm • rralttl theme i» unixri*al and not m the |rj»l r*»,ten OR MORE Crossword Puzzle I .lit.ir-in-l lvirf s o.ie .* e» in " th.i e • i » e yslfte It deal* with a hihik HrUmm Nun and her ftgl.i to eontroi Hrr Hardy thru! will and ahegale liet pride Ih4» *he uill .ifhinr ih*- idral r i ga -e t crowd V me-Pre- of «elf-Mcrifiee inner *pintu»l ttlettrr and mo*t tnipoiUut pe' LUBE Sl.00 fert obedienre whuh Ihe religious life demands I dller Larry C.usiia »..'u i't N v.»h _2.25 >|s>it| --ales' 5 qt. I0W 70 e te- H. i# ix l» •* *'. ..fcg • , ■ -•• ' - vept m\ he "Y vad daring tu* mvoivert in S».*ter I ua» -!-/«:•■' * 4o. ?*. I'hoUigtaphrt N-wrm Mines * -"»■ .«*• *Y , X Y 4'1 ■ Uign tu.inUies ed to, ihe m s g - -• i o *(.-■- ... Krpurtrr* Hi»« trd llainif*. X '»'i x > t t » h Poia< i mi the tia'u.x -x '!»«- 1 *'••••*• '■ "■ y •'*• •' •» •• $325 CiWit Msfttl, I'htllw Mic-' .eg • f urn,'- t.» Ru-4- V he i.oai (, *• .i. ' ; >• .• ' 'a-'. -■ -• • >: »• x V «* 1 he be!lev* * Vntrth. r*l lie*nig of wlt-i.-ah -Y' ' , a- • »» e K "..he* , souid ix oo'io SERVKE| IVHUVC he* v. *« .«• •- ' "" Advertising Iltrriw*r Judy RED'S SHELL inx.'.ej ,• XI*. t i :..:ed States Ilrr fttuU «»« - <« , ; , *' ■ oa fir Thurvw v« > :«al tr»»- xx ant the Gerrra- * ' > k ,<-t !>r: father > . », . -- : -t» a zalhxo when «du u«-» c>,.• • y . , ,,-h* - • At eel v« tng her l«* aid »v-d • upevrt ■■it- r».- .our : ' >. a*.u*.*r> Tin yiichK.AN >•- 10 Its energy * t 4 | Mieliiguii State News 1*1 »•-:?*«« StiOkM lan Lanvt.ig :g*» itmtlY fortxHiden bv Prolcitant *p«rd akin to S>ha*s - tv, •, Ordct •• rxpitsi,';! • f *<■. J---* * st,a«'r. NX. Mt Kl.l I.IH.I. I'KNTKK |1 S .Hi4*V •* ' < 4a»« ,Owncs«' '".nn fw > r-oa* —i. « Coring lie follow _!»i*tfr l.uke for nearix ix»o dread-* rn the religHin* fe.1 atv* '■ < d *- ; ( • »«V- i - -r- V „:,4 a life. Willi clarity. restraint, and dignity the life of a nurxim' nun - tm s« i« tfittt V, inn u fc» n. tplemiri of Ihe ritual *1 h-n Snlrr I uke lain her Jittal voxvv II - N Taketht *. a1 terrwr fiHed mmwenU xshen she is aturked hs a mad woman »fw* 0/ ever-.rig he* Died hs help, the magntfieanre and splendrr. the squalor a id ,*c> ror. let a t w. c^*c-»«- • dhNie fonnd during hrr xers happy and exentful yean a* a nurse- . 21 P-s so /. ^ryYi6»«r * getter» In Ike Belgium Congo 22 Arrange¬ I can halttly ;V> she® (*h-i credit Mi tKe a ded space, but I . \1 ment w,w. Uke to point out rcune of the mnjcu cwyvtributnirwy. Quiti Unwudy, eut leg .-#t th»» film repivn 5.U the mulU of a ropevtiul ksboF of » -e on the Cv*nnection 24 Moslem pgrt of Fred Z^i.rmnars. whose akiltfui .sensttive a\;ct deccatr di¬ ninth in (MUX rectum has produced a moving, aemi-ducumentary alutly >1 a >igwi- 29 Female rutl furnnt theme, with depths cf character revelation xeicb.m >etr, v-o H Snarl the screen :« Pstiern Much *'f this credit goes to the intelligent and tmpecbie screen io Fleuts piny by Robert Anderson and the liepth and sincerity projected by M Hydrsa!';* pump Audrey Hepburrv as Sutter Lukt- in unut is eawly the boal pt-rform- 95 Plunge a.uT of her cartHrj Tilt M'VS *11)11 w endowwsth nu-h i'_tirw x;ipi-rttr.s: cu<*. • into 3i Yarn H iter A ai? WV- .r£sTCVr* that even the minor h»iw are briih-i.tlx eUm i D»;; c Exlith Evans. 40 Employer i!- Dame IVggy Ashcruft, and Peter Finch give superb performances 41. Recent 7- N6 i®0 Cf CVTE *E5TeiQX» in major roles 41 Map > AMOIDUXOTEU. The beautiful and someUme* lyrical camerawork, bv Fran* PUji- genu* 44 rtn- bs.g nrf U hs toe commettxltsl. Every sh,»t is wtii-chvuen 'arui excelU-r.Uy 45 Prcverb phbtofraphed. The art direction by Alexander Trauner. eapcciahy 4- H *bo the GsJxh'e convert «it. rH>r>. i> t,«*ti rul. a.-cwirte ar>d rjuitc bsautjfiU. if Msi..4 I c a mint mvtnmctid this film too highly for those with direr t m- Tbx. Di2Cv€\q iv j-itTD inatuvg tastes, those interested in ivt'.RiuU*-mardl-ethical problems, or thom who just ITae gvxxi drama, this is a film you don't want to ■lll.lt) wmns. Vlichigan Ave. *1 Krand^^ MUHH.AN I1ATK MWI past-Present Japan Aiigu«t I. i9.su PipThrn SOUVENIR SUMMER STUDENTS M. S. 1!. I tniM- A on (lan'l! < II ARMS Displayed in Krcsgo Donl MeTell * ft I ftlertiftg . hI AIg ( HARMS t.N. t.fS r„ counlriM combine the p»M ami prew-it », Vi\iau IN hi « H-ll H and few phototrraphera havr mptine.) the ToSfH'nd Money M GET YOUR DRY CLEANING it Ml an „ ^ nation «» *♦" " ,h* W>™ei l!i«ihof nt Sttil?,., MAW PENNANT CHAM Mi to Art An outsider cannot tell a family how it nhoutd upend it* *"«' Kreeg* .10 II sterling IKS orl,sl,o/,* - • vym v. ' *' taller* ffta. \-i W Bt*lKtn ef* »U ax* j»hoto- llolil Discussions !U'»nev. hi Thi.« i? a main point of emphasi* in a Workshop education for Family Finance held this summer at MSI). ii ki. , m IN ONE HOUR ■*£ U »'lor and bl.c, ' «»""« ' W-ijr < importont for one —• ———— III At MONT TOW I'M «.?» « ' On Many To/tin 'S be important families try for a blend. But Sterling ,...«n:rrrt m •'•Pan ' Kach must make its on'v the family concerned can IN Ml. IN picture magazine Of Alore titan Iti ». n lift 'yion* ba•, ,fcrh ;•>.«.e*"--enr« aim explaned \!v« similar area-, Carol Shaffe: mine its g»»als Second, il ahould examine >t« resources and third, Net! to Slato Theater i.uiw which flarttM U*i Mv»n,id\ • ho 'ea.nes e*x»no living rather than 'make' aereeg «alh—also i#rtag- awww-graped plug, er in* skills and gtttec c'ulare a living available to take eot ., «, hapgg reeeaagwted In Other* a>e praet.ca »mr»- u». TORRES ► am ^.es nnp *x>iis'antiv de- nrugeg »-M" ■""In* the mental a t ctar.»ec. >u. LANSING CHURCHES oe iv ha' i* t must haw a no keagrcga •• Um leapir . „ », high in programs, home tomnium*-*'.i ti-onoi'iii-.. ( »VKts * .« h.i • • -I.,-* have' Alo«' EAST nutrition, beginning at --e Japan'* demonatra'os ttoto* the problema of ovei - school gupennTndeii's. fum- ALL SAINTS FIRST CHURCH OF madd p? prKf-war Jatmn and personne' sen. e» ri "'u-nc- ST. JOHN CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH and universive- h, antii FAST CHRIST SCIENTIST -cdm > '*** •' mc*drin J'fe, EPISCOPAL CHURCH I school prim ma * * • »n 4tl.ni fr«n fee majefty of a wrfftler *o ttie tven commtinit* visiting teacha?* development inn. & CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING brink ef The Mathar Cknufc -•••#' hufc of lit Fujiyama. •M Abbott load — CD t-lSli ciMPtiu* uniBAA shot ( AMmru > si hi kh%n hHor CENTER gi iantial, I lag i. Grand Hit** SALE FILM PROCESSING SERVICE r» a Kmuuli fr. P- Kippta ft**. Onrftn M. Jon*a M*t»or < hnrrh Irrvifff II • m. aniiitay Bcbnol u a m ItT M.AC. Avanua SKOUL SROUPS •nbjart • t'ODAV tCMVKa g ee A.M. Met? Coamnum --kPIKir • tnafay «»nn smr SHIRTS i DRESS SHIRTS 1 DAY-BLACK ARD WHITE i it • s « - ti.e* (H*k* •itting at a gg A • tt.ie IP PN A M. IP.ea am Hole (emmnnioa IH M. (.rand Rn*f 2M If H MUM*) Uiani *• P. aunnia .Xli.n W»d frt. ft BERMUDAS PRICE 2 DAYS - EKTACHROME Hail* Wiimi t U A IN AM It. Uanan » a Tn*a. n».»X e m. ibiii*. DlMtNG IN* HIFK t a in •* p m and ? p ni -9 ma. (»af«»ai»n« Dalle g aa A M. A aaiurda* I a.m. • I p.m. (after imm Mot* torn- 3 DAYS - K00ACNR0ME l it P.M. gaiurdav «•* M A 1 M l * P.M. Ibnrada*, •••lee f II p m. *n in nvirom* in aO*nd vl*it and C'hurrl n»e ffei le w A M. xarvliai and Maadliig R*g>m. Dtote, fee am Moining Pra»#» Pheaa t* t-ttl| (nk *••■» Muagk btgfc a*h#al aga Linn's Camera METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOO MARTIN LUTHER EAST LANSING ACROSS I'ROM THE IMON TRINITY CHURCH i EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH CHAPEL rAMrni Ueft hi n\ rb\a vhoc aed it* vparten A«enne letardaaemUMOeeal Ra* it. ur.rxr mil(.iam« 444 Akkorv Road WESLEY FOUNDATION tot h- Aagadere Mead Paamr (hapal Id I tht ftORkltlP ItRYHia Milae* M. T#•"••«. (| kteake eerto to Atand «tv*r) YOU ASKED FOR IT!! baerge I. Jerdae x ( Miaanurl d«aod» m. II AM. toMMMIn lav. Tramee A. Mairtaea, Mieiaiar xn kttrlfti at (bapal until tall fitndaf Mm amp Term lap. lebwaee A. Lapp. Mtaiatw Irtrliri al * briat I liiirtb • M a ■ . Mad Cedar Bcbenl e*an«*l«anu t.m'h nt Xtlrblgan I SALE Waal ef t. Narriann Rd • I# a m YES, ANOTHER BOOK Oaa Mlerb lirnia Oa fever Mr. <11 HI ft tlHIIltt • MNftt N«»P» tOfll •* 11 to a«.. State Theatre Iniaini faitai. Bl AM— BiinNaa Srboni • la ft M. 9«* nni^ b*rt*ry far fetk far»u*a R»t. Deaaid Ortnea SA ria*a*a tur t ni**raiiv aludonia, STORE f. ftedarane AT THE CAMPUS BOOK ■ a* Rnbart Alt Lntaeaeitp M« can MaCeanail W atudama tavtted #• attnnd ft. inane. Mtaklgak Cbntah frbeei af •* am. 1 .id pm. Medanadev Aaanini Id to e m, AN Agee Prefer aed Alkie etwdv. Paraeaaga he. ft. Jehaa dto i * Aigh $2.98 Cria ie#m Uioagfe iaaier 50c Aed Cedar liftei to FIRST CHRISTIAN LANSING CENTRAL FREE VALUES TO S7.50 Co to Some METHODIST CHURCH REFORMED CHURCH THIS IS A FRESH STOCK AND THE Cliurcli Every Sunday ftaahiagtea el iaftaraea vieraieg Mwrafcrp » Ii la R*t *ia Mankall ft. ionn XI, Notman Patiee TYPICAL COMMENT BY OUR CUS¬ tenia dervite — f.dd p m. it t U Vlnriunc tetrtie t P M. • *eeiag Woratup — t;gd p.m. gtaning •#»«•« a SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Call IV t-ddft TOMERS HAS BEEN "THIS IS BY lor fraaapenatioa Vbn«n abn daaue trwiiaarlan*a "Ike iketrk to toe Light aed t* rnnrrk aeM Mr. Aelt *IV i.|imj Lito Aear • •r Mr. tan Vliei (f.D l )Mt| ■PP teeiA. WetNiegiee Al Memea Rl«ar Dtr*a FAR THE BEST REMAINDER STOCK eard P dngdaa. ID Daamnnd 4 Ra» CENTRAL METHODIST ASCENSION EVER SHOWN." id.W A M Aikld draenl Aear. Callage fleee laagM CHURCH LUTHERAN OMeaa to Capttto YOU CAN CASH IN ON THIS TRE¬ napt , Mft CHURCH l td Prayer Aereiie * Chapel MENDOUS BARGAIN AND MANY II Ad aed • « r.naat lervir## fpeabar (Miaaeafl hpator t M laaiedt Mead • erahip Rarvtee l« to •ermea Dp AM. OTHERS AT C.B.S. Dr. tor |.ee »ie«bi»e Pael Merriaea (H MUe Raet to Aagadera Read) Cnatral Id a Pttaadle (kaiah ! had atoptod laaatog »M* aed Perm I aea ».Jd A M aed d Id P Id. Mtom Meal Leeateg ,4/jWKtok STATIONERY - ART PRINTS - PAPER ROUNDS MA aaaapaa Pet farthea UUmmatma aaII IV T-didl UMVOSITY LUTHERAN ' M.S.U. SOUVENIRS - SWEATSHIRTS CHURCH iuodaa ifhool t tl A M, 1 SHOP AT INTER CITY BIME CHURCH AND STUDENT CENTER t. y .ii'? * | g) WtRLt ■'< If 3d;; » ;uil»ldtx I mo am al Ureal l»r|*a to lae«p**d*et Inridamaelai Pre• Mill*mil (halmeal Lntheraa CnneaA) 'i- CAMPUS BOOK STORE RI f ft J IL'lhSfRA. PAHION H i* a m. at Church Di«i«ion el ftee dtraaf d.iedaa *ibia a«bon| (lea motCa Xerif of Aerkav Aail) wl: d.gfeei ft.to am .Morning Oor*blp RD Mill ea CD l*HM f.It pm twnib t.r..up* Viaeteg |a*piratm*a) dor a Ire * tin da* %.brdnla ii Pi I to pm R*«. r.*nr«* It P. xwkalakntg C*r*icaa I aed Jf.ld vh- Ra*nr«4n«r*d f»t M*it*r arr*ira| From The Union »\.ir.*r* 1,0 t :JU Ol CM l-?to| At ailabln Ave. Across Nuricrf | r«nft*fiofl rail tt 9-Jiei On Grand River tur Ceeda.a trhoel — d.to a to. Am Started 1951 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Page rnr Amuxl A. 1959 You're Ilrv-Ooeked ■ X There will be no recreational Pan-Aw Games ill Complete Photo (overage of Pan-Americ in Swim Trials in Next Week's S'News swimming at thr outdoor pool Today. Friday. Saturday. Mon- institute a «et baseball, boxing, cycling. * (J decided to ■ on. tl.iv and Tuesday, thr INI Of¬ Here's a brief rundown r-n tb« fice has annoiincrd. dur to thr .-ackuround « f thv I\m-A:vrr:- <■. (iaii r> to be hel.i every four trian sport*, fencing. gvP. Pan-American trhlv Thrrr will ran Games t.» be held ?h.> >'■;». between Olympic Games. ties, modem pentathlon I X PIZZA PIT RESTAURANT hr swimming Sunday from l-fi. in Chicago Aur 27-S. t•' 7. The Pan-Am#. it w as felt. would to l»u»tJ new and closer polo. polo, weightliftmg. swimming and diving. yafj,^ I rou.!* I SUITS rve The Pan-American Game# had *. ' 4 h n.is between the American wrestling, soccer football «- their inception during the chao¬ tennis. Women's competition I-*'5* Delirious pizza and fine fooil* . > < tic World War II many ponod.althouch nations previous! v had democracies, and provide extra interna*. na! competition spaced held in track and field. * fe-^J I eac.'t Olympiad. swimming and tennis. ^ I lightanark* or romplrlr dinner* , . . entertained such an event. the idea of staging H .wever. conflict# due to the Mexico City in 1955 L Imotli* have hern added for your Because the Olympics could war condition# and other estab¬ the second Pan-A m «ricT?*| AND not be held at Tokyo. Japan, .n lished competition# postponed Garnet. Again, all 2'. f rating pleasure. 1940. the latest irrere*' in t'm the first Game# until 1951, when took part, and a total 0' -1 Games was rekindled. AI.-o. the the> were held in Buenos Aires. sports were sponsored. But", 1 A": 21 nations participated. leybaH and s.vnchronire.i 1 Delivery after 4:30 F.D 2-0863 idea was stimulated further by ming replaced polo and ya^." Mulcted after the Olympics. Top Coats the growing ■•pirit «'f soli-i/.n*- 203 MAC AVE. among the nation.* of the We . :■»» Games were designed for For Chicago this year.\hg'Zj gram will include yachting ern Hemisphere ■ompetitmn ?n 19 sports. They At Buenos Aite*. Argentina, er» track and field, basketball. making a new total of 23 . NEW OPENING HOURS From m 1940. a >ngr« *s of Nati na: Olympic committee members I P.M. UNTIE KALE Fall and Winter representing in of the 21 out - tries in the Pan American t*n- Braid Naw Styles Louts DOHH BARBER SHOP Dry ('leaning CONCOURSE BASEMENT. • VARSITY TOWN and FRANDOR Shirt Laundry 1.50 RKLILAK Dnrlng the summrr months • COLLEGE HALL you've probably arm rhildrm 2.00 FLATTOP across from playing in thr streets . . . play* • EAGLE student services bldg. Ing halt or running oul to gel OPEN SATl'RDAY a lost ball. • DEVONSHIRE Ho you ran see it ia Impor¬ tant that your brakra arr al¬ LIEBERMANN'S- ways Drive working In at thrir brat. for everything from Our Annual August big weekend for l\S. wrestler* at the 1M a hrakr GI LT »M. rbrrkup to GOOD Brew your coffee It wjlh a • VALVK GRINDING • VITVErt. BALANCING • MOTOR TUNC VP • ACCKHHORIt H SALE the educated way! • BRAKE HERVKI • SPRINGS r SAVE SI I lo $18.00 ^ / )\\ • TAILPIPE A MCFfLER 0 WASHING 8 54 FOR FAST ROAD SERVICE CALL ED 7-8016 -48 _ i LARRY'S GULF SERVICE 5| : « J ON EAST MICHIGAN AT LOUIS (diagonally acroM from Best St. pnt ranee) J % 858 unda* afterneen. The Ohemn# Ratal) Club is ( hrmex this vsrek t nu II be amaied at the differ- .punsriing a chicken barbeeue dinner #1 91 <*> a nice. meal mi get together a group of friends or plan a • I'lNT family picnic at lakr Lansing Park on bnaday. (1-11 cup*) #1.50 I STARLITEf 0 t I 0 A J Miles W S ' >Muth»evi rf J0I I au«i><« M-5S • I.IUART (2-«> ll«>\ of IIN) filii-r* 1-11 p.) #4i.50 #2.75 off IMPORTANT: IKVNIMIK on merchant. rides Next Wednesday. HAT. lor free admission pad August one pick up your tickets from put I ran#or U. is half COMPLITil INTACTI vn Is THIN MM* HI V\l IVIMi NKM I \n t remember, it's barbecue time it Like Laisng • IKI • MT. tli BIG lllf* in mir fn-rinntinc en ."sunday. EXACTLY AS SHOWN "lilt So. til at 111 Kit No. t!» at |#.»# U»ir FIr (.1(1 I rnlrr ve yen at Lake Lansing! ON MOADWAY! •* P A lk-T< '» "t«n .A v- t4V, »e.; .thumb" 1. -NY-.v jUs^eUHomU. 107 Suiith hashing Ion Ate. Lake Lansing Park Hit Nn tit II 5# at l.aki- Ijii-ui^ l'jrk-4l|H-ii uighll>- Hit No. t4i lair Xhew HELD OVER! Exrt-pt Mamie* — All Day Huailiv Jto"}>laiL-L*"»h.mB . 1 45 2.J0 5.1# M UI'RIsI - t 15 • « 40 E VI'E att tssi sa i nqni 19 utu LOOK! OLADrviFH LOOK! EE VII It I. % pursuit mt % entrance IHDAV IS SI PKR IIAKCAI.N DAY Admission t V that is trigger-tense OPERATION DANES < hildrrn I nd«-r It lir« Mtth suspense' ALL DAY PKEVIEVI _ SKK TWO FKATl KtS j An. nvis si WfTiST nit k WALT DISNEY'S -UtRBV 11*.Ul. ul ik. UTTU rcoru" I \( I I Mtt IIKM | WMM.MHIUIM. ri». — Our New I'murr - KIRK DOUGLAS AMHONfQUNN HALWAUIS* SPECIAL POPULAR PR) PRICE Ctibf • NnwBy • J • BlUif ATTftACTKM • ASL1TI II N — CaiLOKN IK) C V. ha. AnuM TW» f)rt«f* ALMt — AOOCD CABTOO** * SNORT SITULITS IMIT AT MH — TIN COMMANDMENTS Mm ones nxu at mi ■ State News Photos^ By Norman Hiiics Each summer thousands of young people, from all parts of the U.S. and foreign countries, travel to the MSU campus L.r wlum is known as the "Counsel* ini^Tinics.'* REGISTRATION U the fir A These-people, the future lead¬ step fc-r "those who attend the ers of MSU's student bodv. are counseling clinics at MSU. Tin¬ the ones who will enroll as ts the first step in the counsel* freshmen in the fall. ing program, and here is where Their schedules during these Incoming freshmen get their orientation clinics are Jammed first glimpse of the university. with such activities as testing, medical examinations, ROTC orientation for men, meeting faculty members who represent their desired majors, and fami¬ liarization tvith student Teadei- THE CLINICS la*! only three and representatives for the Of¬ cin>>, and those who attended fice of Student Affairs. mu.-t pack up their bags and It's a busy schedule for the leave—but college life is not three-day visit to MSU. They far away. The person* who at¬ learn a lot, meet many new tend these clinics will be back friends, and obtain a first im¬ in the fa!! «« the> start their pression of what university liv¬ higher educatem at MSU. ing is like. Sinre the first clinic tvv started in 194!) with only 22» students attending, it has grown rapidly, and this year there will be more than 2,200 attending the clinics over an 11-week tieriod. HOURS play an Important role in the life of an MSU coed. Here fine cord attending the riituc checks the rules and regu¬ lations of dormitory living at the sign-out desk. TESTING i« one of th. jobt that must be done dining the counseling rliniev Here the in- romtng freshmen fill the class- rooms taking examination.* something they'll lie doing a lot of for the next four years. : VARSITY DRIVE IN : hllli cum SKKMl I It.r-lt.o It***' f COUNSELING continues l out I.oil); Ho;:* throughout the dav as each pro¬ spective .student is given per* mtrial attention eom.'ig in ing. the freshman Student Here, one in- :> interviewed Services build¬ PIZZA *#■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ II. HlltMl ItlHIM thy lumr Hi.I niuli pu.j l.imoj. i'. 1 .... rOVNSEUNC TS only > few door* coming au a>. a. a group of in¬ fre&nmen •* through CORAL GABLES the Student Government doors In the Student Service* build¬ ing to keep their appointment* Ol'I.N IIAIl.t .*» |>.i■ i. • 2 .tan. With Ute counsel*'r.v - PIZZA — COMPLETE DINNER.- - *MtnS( DAM IMi I ItlDAY .UTEIINtMiN . ENTERTAINMENT ANII DINM.ll> Kathshrllrr THIS IS IT! ITS NOT play for those »'! u work and im attend tie OPKN W KhNKSH.W TIIKOKill > \ 11 KDAT I counseling clinks. There's plen:* AM. OCT SUMMER ri.KAIlAXl i: of time to relax, stroll through BUY NOW AM) SAVi:: the tailipu* or visit with the ONI MILT CAST or MM parents in the lounges as tin sport shirts k™. :.oj a 3.9s n..» ; r..r <•,..«> family above i» doing, SWIM Sl'ITS lire. 3.9J A 1.95 Nm» WHITE DRESS SHIRTS It™. 3.91 A 1.9". N..» . k- Busy Hour TIES Yalur* In 2J0 51.w> MEN'S JACKETS II™. 53.93 \llH >.'.'1". M ACKS AM. fiUKATl.l Kl.IK I I D INSURANCE All. nlioii 4 i.nlart srniAUs;? kilt MflWW •nut COATS • Iniing 1 inter* • Out sf State Driver* M SMI K M IIS Nenn lime »* our *1 ' VtlM U1IV Mrtile and apiin.iril I trm Limits of Liability and property damaie is 111>4).MO «»d I1N 0H available time* ill the da* l»"- Onlv 914.9.> runlarl Icn* solution* CANCELLED AND REFUSED RISKS IMMEDIATELY ruiihed and hectic hi ml *• atr mm available. HANDLED it to lunch and bArk B* «*■! — Dr. Harold A. Shutter CALL-n ***1 UN KOSITCHEK'S VARSITY SHOP UJl (f No A Mirer the afternoon start* III ABBOTT IB ». UNMMI MALL COl'HT IIUNDOK CUSTER E. Mich. Aye. IV S-MIt I Dial IV 9*1212 w turned into • Ju*l Another ml tiiiiiiiiiii ,i/ niiiitiiiiwuuntiHiiiuiiiuituiiiiiinttiiuiiuuiikJU.r Rut not when >** "J Odam'i. If* rlo»r raw**®" 'Get A Bonus Life" pu* m that sou ew I'1 "* only a minute or tww DdR Zinc Alumiiized the «nkk aeevk* }*' with sonr meal and Ukr M <** —a *ure war l« krrp w- #| MUFFLERS allernoon. ha« food f** ^ OADE'S i a. tat 'a H caa'l t* A MUTS - NNEKS I mo lllork from Marrinl LARGEST DtSCOLST IS TOWS. llouMUg . . 4I|h'h Kt citing* KRAMER AUTO PARTS Opeu al 7 a.m. (or Breakfast Oram's 2909 E. ID MHZ00 • y Out- Block Eaat of § 84)0 E. KALAMAZOO IV 4-1335 8——■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■*—■■■■■■■■ -- i ————