Swiinniin" Action Michigan VOL. 51. Xo. 58 O State News Serving \ISL Kiir 50 Warn EAST LANS 1X0, MICHIGAN—'THURSDAY, AlV.l'ST i:J. I!»5!> Complete Picture Page Of Swim Trials See Page (i PIJICK .* CENTS 150 Swimmers Break Marks II* M/LTTL RAttSLY old Chris von Salua from Sara¬ fortunate fourth place. Machine* Collins had cut Miss Kinney's SUIT Ness (iMfw UHw toga. Calif., who easily won first as Well as clocks had to be record down to 1:11.2 in the Progress is being made all place in the 110, 230 and 440- used iii this decision. AAU meet last month. the time, as indicated last Fri¬ yard freestyle*. Even the long, grueling 1830- H<*»*ier Frank McKinney. re¬ day through Tuesday in the Far Ike mart pari, however. yard freestyle was a close race nowned as the world's greatest modern men's outdoor pool with George Rrcen. former backstroker, and wilier of the when ISO progressive men and mm* ftoae iifliiias The mea'a Courtland State great, and Alan Jin-vard backstroke, had some women broke records in the 110-yard freestyle had ike first Somen, an Indiana freshman, trouble with I.. B Schaefer. Pan-American Swim Trials. fear men clarked si dl4. War* pacing each other stroke for great Cleveland High School The record performances in¬ ealy Ikree af Hit rtfkl man to stroke through the entire race. star, entering Ohio State in the cluded t»5 American. 82 Ameri¬ Ike ftaala ga la ike Fan-Am The last lengths were more like fall. Shaefer led him in both the can cttirens" and three world Games to Chicago, ike rkafa-e a short 110-yard race, with honts and the final, but in both records, not even counting pool waali kave la ke a hard mm tor Breen going in front in 18:00.2, cases, hit the lane marker as he records, for the fastest time in aae man. a little over two seconds faster was going to the finish line, any race would be a record in After 37 minutes, the officials than Somers. slowing him down enough to the new pool. decided on Jeff Farrell, Elton One bad dive can edge out a let McKinney take over. Only one swimmer was a mul- Follett and Bill Woolaey, leav- leading diver, as Paula Jean rollnwlnc ar* the I'.*. repreten- and their «inning itme«: Myers Pope, l/>s Angeles, Calif., tatlvex to the Pan-Amertran Lame* found out. A |K»or dive by Mrs. Men- t ahe fofs off the 10-meter platform . .. Fope gave Barbara Gilders Pu- lls-yari ka«-k«trnke Jeff I'arrell. deck, Detroit, the three-meter iJt.J; I'Iton toilet!. :S7.J; Hill Wool- »ev. :St.3. springboard championship. Mrs. xprlnibojrd git ins: Sam Hall. Hoh HI for Teens Pope won the 10-metrr plat¬ form diving event, however Wehxter. tiarv Tohlan IIS-varg harkfttroke: rrank MrKin- nev. I rSJ.S; I., n shaefer. int.-;: 8mi Hall. Rig if champ from Charles Klftlrh. I :M.t. Learning Fast Okto Mate, winner mt Ike Ikree- MS-var* free«t>le: henrir Harri- A Hcrne from "Fanic in the Parlor" —tor •on. l:U.t; Fti*ene l.enr. 4:34.*: springboard diving far tienrge Preen. 4:34.4. —wrenched his shoulder the k— day In practice, so did not r.'s-var* huttertlv: Mike Trov. 1: ?s..*; I»axe (itllandee*. 5:S#A; Tmn Fri. and Sal. Niglils | Language Institute •van won enter the platform diving, hy Gary Tohion of Loo Angeles. Don Harper, former Ohio Mate champion, won Tarhnlrk. !:?!.«. IMalform 4IUnc t.ar* TnkUn, lion Harper, link Conner. |x.\o*»ar4 free*tvle: tieorse Hreeu. ts se.i; Alan Komer*. IS:W.S; tiarv fcPanic in the Parlor'' see- ttv briirht Lanainjr-arca high school student* are end place In Ihe platform, hut Nelnrlrh. I§:2J.J. ??s-yar* hrea%l*iroke: Ken Nak.i- t* hookey front summer vacation to learn a neve didn't even qualify In sprint- •one. 3 U.I; William Mutllken. 7: |..P in a new way at MSI*. In days of concentrated work, they're doing the board. Michigan State's Frank Mo- dine just nusxed qualifying in 4«..*. 5 01*. Fred Mumrk. SrtS.t. ??S-vard Ireexlelr: diehard Hltrk, HennU Ronxavelle. Peter Slut*. 5:1*5; Steve Clark. 5:1*5; Last of Film Series won college freshmen would \te on in l»t weeks of the 220-yard breastStrokc. Only 1*1; Crank Winter*, 51*4; Walter The last film on this summer's foreign film sent'.- will y cUs>c.>," testified Spanish instructor I Humid eight men in the lieats qualify Roie, Women: 5:11*. be shuu ti on Friday and Satunlriv. for the final, and he was the kprlnchoard llrini; Marhara l»o- • I 'aim* in !V I l«n .. Bt ti¬ derk. Paula Jean Pope. Joel l.enri. cv'r'e really interested," marvelled l»r. (ieorges ninth In line.'Dick Brackctt and ish film based ne long run- rreettyle: thru von Sali¬ Rii'hardson 11*-vard Dave Diget. varsity swimmers, 'Sail- as>«x'iate professor of French and director of va. I M*. Molly Itntkln. I SIS.I; Joan mug l,oiiti.in s'.Ti tine. :• •nd Lohaugh and Hoger Splllane. 1*5.5; Anne Hanerott. I: or lie** al c." w it -(town at unique Foreign Lanftuage High School institute, Harmon, former Spartans, swam •S.7. shlrlex Sink*. ISIS*. S*l*la theater Rtinvka. I ** 4. MSt "> fan. on id l*» out swimming. If they weren't interested, To Work i In heats, but failed to qualify. 5?*-vard tree*t*le: thro von Sali- Friday and Sa'mtl.iv r..?5!it- . dn't bo here." Nancy Harney, a slight 18- ra. 3:5*5; shirlev Mok*. 2:53.7; Joan The film .thmg willt :»t, fea- splllane. 5:34*. students, the kind accustomed to making •'A'*." year-old from Seattle. Wash., II*- vard kutlertlv: Reikv Collliiv, birette - "Him?! • m the Deep." broke her own world's record of will In Europe be 7.30 ,).ru • af much interest as they give, four hours a day, I I* a. Mollv Rotkln. 1:111; ham* presented at ltll.3 with a 1:08 8 showing in Ramev, 1:11.*. both night• five days a week. Ihe heats for the 110-yard but¬ Platform divine: Paula Jean Pope, I'eic*. 31«miiiI recrealrs the and Yates Teachers Xparllnc I).s J.tux Juno Irwin. Tahlea terfly She came in third in the II*-*,rd kaekvtroke: Carln Cone, role «h nit made her a star fire quevt; »u> ,♦! tecn-agcf« finals, Earl llu'hardsort. Ex1pii>.i««*i however, after Berkv 1:15.1; |.\nn Kurke, I:I3J; ChrtMlne overnicht. that o.t it bunt over- and un»«tenil\ require insian; KInter. I II*. Editor at MSU. has Iwen immu ,1 Collins. Indianapolis, Ind., and paw r r t n c ami domineerm* in for Year replies u» the appropriate lao- gUs>. Molly Botkin, law Angeles. Calif., who also surpassed her 5**-«ard breaxtatrnke: Snne Nan croft, 5 sa o. Pan* Kempner. 3:**.J. Ann Warner. l:*5.*. iiitorniat inn of fleet for the Unit¬ ed States culture at the Department of Agri¬ International Fan mother of the hrtdr. ( *ril smith ie|MMlx his xtase loir ot the "Km* r iir n imiv Prof, Joy- Traveling aux live' i'-. What Kictii- iv . "Where do .«| The question*. due lo he¬ ' Binue in the Pyrlur." film¬ «• ciivc teachers have Inrreaxingly difficult, flow If. S- agricultural authorities roine ed ni l.ouditn, has many hilari¬ . i-< • - 4 m'vcll-suu' on and on. Sometimes Ihe re- •I-Year College? with the an U. S exhibit sponsored by Llepartment of Agi i- ous moment* to recommend if twsan rpe«.';ai training pile!* are hrxiuting. Mure often, Most of the aehon i. ninfm<>d « MSI. * thr\ pre- cutture anil the American feed thet romr rapidly. to the 'iou.se uhr'e Mi s Mount industry The exhibit ix designed i - mc *.< uatelmg science *'.n- mate interest AP.er of v-lrtx>!«»om t ■»" hours of this knit the students Education Prof Studies to expand foreign markets f>»» U. S feeds Cremona is In the lives L.atoii. with her hudi.nid daughter, and Mster-ln- Mr- go t.» MSU * mod.-rn language law. Miss t atnion the rich agricultural l*«» Hivei Val¬ Grand Rapids'' Needs cMinnpermg. laboratory There tiuy intbvid- lan* in, the piovpeetivr qm- • s' bv MSU ley, near Milan, in noitheiii u.iliv i"ii'oiij aiMi li.*'en ' ♦ law arrives the day h« foie the Sv ieiuc Fouu- Italv them>*'ivex aiid their nu'ru-t"i> Hiehardson went to Wast-ou;- c*t i« Dr The iain'iators i* v arranged IKh'x the Grand Kapidx area need a four-year college? ton. D U. Wednesday for oi mu¬ ith on irave fro si that the m.stiuc'or tan adviw th,- N o ■ they ale. appalled -v of Mstr« Put another way, doe* Michigan need a four-year college tation lb' will In- joined tit New one «tudem or ' whole < ,a» Mi- Mould'' t\ '.itinicul wa\> ic* Tcach- there? York~i'if» Saturday by Mrs. Ilirh- thev heal a tain on I'pset with Mixx I .iton for ardson and tlieir daughter M.trv >..nie «*. of an appropriate A MSt* a>.«iciate prof—or of education i* mirvevinf leaxlns a houxe near tier moth¬ iif from their rrxpecltve .»*p« Ann. IT. lor the overseas flig d country i >* an MSU lecturer. the area's higher education needs for a legislative com¬ er x without telling hiin. I.eitix wl* for the ranting iri- to Europe The family will leaves her Thu in," ' oe l)r Fau/. Najjar, mittee headed by Uep. Jos¬ at the church. »l»r rarrfully rhexen Spend two week* of travel iii of L^iJahtm, telling Brought together again In the uill * i*U lu«h school*, •rul lerturr* anil dent- origina!. the Frvtich cia** a;«'Ut Algeria. W hat a Gift—* eph Whinery. With financial supp«»rt from Spain, France, Cteriiuiuv and Switzerland before going to paxtor, who hax also managed to xhiiw Vlixx Mount tiie error Tunisia and the Middle Ea*t Italy. |»B» m Kitmr and niath- the (»rand Hajud* fmindation, C)r. it might Bramard. cctwiomita department, i *■ Dr Harry A Bale of Hav • Dr John Jamrich is asking and The Kiehardvtns by |>lane to their East l-tnong will return of her «jtx. exiiiange their wedding vow*. tiie couple finally -i. -H a? MSU answering hundreds of such M Mount • no c i % * * • 18 The travel- taik.ng to lie Spanish cla»* It isn't every birthday that a qurxtion* ax; home alaait SeptendnT 28 Hu h- , about economic relations be¬ ardsoii is an asstwiate professor ail outf.fniirtii.it: |n i f-n in.incc. is ' ' -.i iii.nj three w«onan will receive an unusual What do the residents do? i'k. Iv to cause M .00 a ba< Met - tween the U s and L-»t,n Amer¬ birthday present frr-m a group How much do they earn? What In the dejtarfment of mfoin ,t- ■" . working t>i think twice hef.ne ica of men Juyc Johns* xi. a San¬ tloli seivive.s at the university, taking Miat us; \rc- ■. :aff and a ate the various school and col¬ final step toward the alt.u f?i»„sts They The program, which Or- Jay- dusky sophomore. Mason Hall, lege enrollments* What do the on the fields au\ belie* ex b Ihe only one of vv.»x such a Voman. Her birth¬ young people do after grad¬ llurt Prof* Travel vs., chemistry it* kind, wa* xtaried at Ihe re- day. on July II. was celebrated uating from high school? How Titree MSU horticultural sci¬ quexi of l*anxing xchool offieiaO. b*' the presentation of a bale many adults want evening class¬ entist*, Hi Harold Tukey. \l u»: training • Kmpha»i* *n the five-week of hay fiou. U»c men ot Abbott es.' J. Bukovae and S. II A'lttwii. .or dcvel- cuur.se** is continuaiiy on learn¬ Hall. If there Is to be a four-year are pailieipAting in the iifu-i- • >n '..ic Latest sci- ing to ypcak the language Dr>. Mis* Johruicm. just recently college, he wants to know national invitational >•-; mp. at • '*'♦ - -V licr.sj and prv- Joyaux and Vates believe the changed her major frr*n agri¬ w here it should be located, what on plant giowth regulator* «t plated thud In the Uunirn'r i' on .natertoiy younger the student, the more culture t** a Social Science divi- it s .ould teach, how big it tiie Boyrv-ThompMHi lustituie I'latform Diving at the Fan- **on. should lie and how much it for I'larit Itexeurch at Yorikti*, itA'ivr leach- readily he or xne will learn Am trials. w < # y to duplicate. proper pr jnunclaU'rt; The gift, neatly wrapped with will cost, now and later. New York. ■ ribowii* was quietly dropped in training, the Dr. Jo>au* v»ew* the program Alan to he taken toln nrrnnnl. • • • with the grratmt of pump . . . ;-«U; up their a way of crivouragmg young L-,e Lobby ill Mason Hall, by Dr. Jamrteb stressed, ntll be the ".'vateruls jn »ti- pe*>plc to ma;or in luretgn ian- unknown benefactors. It was ssestons «# tke tkrse private ^ i j and wii! spend visiting the high guages and fill *,«v.e of T.e many openings fur interpreter* found by the house mother who bu/aed Mu» Johnson to tell her fnnr-ymr ssteges and tsm pub- L-.M, MSU FuMixli CutuliiR I ^ ,tim: tc-eduies. and teachers'. of her unusual biru.oay present- On 4,500 Education Filnih The nearest state, tlegree- grunting liutitutiun is Western . A combined educational film... 'county superintendents o f Michigan University. Kalama- tatalog hav been isnuetl by aurl- schools, audio-visual directors, loo, 48 miles from f»rand llapld* lu-visual centers at MSU and faculty members of the two and Holland and 83 miies fr<*m the University of Michigan to universities and other users. Muskegon improve servue to teachers and "Motiwa p4rt«rrs are os*d to- Last year, as assistant director other users. rrea*ingljr In rdnrallua art only of the Ruaaell cumrnittee s study The UM-MSU catalog U an because student* learn bettor on Michigan's needs in highrr effort by the two state uinver- with them, but alaa because lhatr education. Dr. Jamrieti pointcl sitie* to promote efficiency »*e can Help toarbars beep np out that the Grand Rapida and through a central listing of wltb current rapid advances to Saginaw area* were the two so me L50U motion pictures all fields. " andiavtanal directors moat likely places to give con- which will lie more readily Feed lemkr ef Mbbigan and aideration to starting a four- -available to Michigan users t bar lea Hchulter ef MMi agree. year college. By arrangement between Uie E•. t,- • them have I believe the basic competed in the Olympics. And continue to flow. ; . ■ vacillation of political leaders at state and federal yet they all echo the same phrase, that Although the swim trials have detour* a\oid responsibility for enforcement—and ; MSU's outdoor pool is among the finest ed those students and faculty who are by -egregationists .ill over the South to force . in the world. swimming addicts, and have dulled the Rock : an effort to delay or prevent a sho vo THE MANY COACHES and other vet- tans of many, the pool is now open for grounds ' erans of swimming here for the trials are regular use. Blo—oni drxcribr* laubu* a* wavering under < of the same opinion. ITS HARD to give up those free hours xiirr until he was maneuvered into a politirj! ntrnrr Tkl In short, MSU has THE finest Olympic- of swimming pleasure in the world's offer* it a* hi* opinion thai Faubns wanted the t to art and thu* relieve him of responsibility for eder^i *£ sized outdoor pooh in the United States, greatest pool, but it was a fine exhibtion enfnrrin|J tion. and one of the best in the world. of swimming in the past week, and a And the indoor IM pool, now rated "old" great credit to the university, according But Blossom says the Federal government o:j.:rr-. T" • by those at MSU, also received much to wonls sjH»ken by the participants and a .-sure successful integration of souther then should be stronger* federal civil rights praise from those attending swimming coaches. crack down hard against bombing or destruens . agoinst scurrilous propaganda attacks on the • authorities and against the abus'e of the right • Review of Week's , THURSDAY — President F.i«- a blockbuster bomb near Top Stories the within 137 mile* at the low Rook Review bly near school grounds." ('ampin Classifieds lli^'h Kf.;.: Winwar's enhowcr, in a 13-tmnute speech heart of Roseburg. Oregon, point .... Margaret O'Brien, over vision, demand nationwide radio and tele¬ took to the that Congress pas* a people a causing emergency the damage which eight million dollars. A state of was declared National Guard was called may tup and former Academy Award-win¬ ning child star, married a 24- year-old art student in a cere¬ mony attended by hundreds of THE HAUNTED PALACE. \ Biography of Poe CLASSIFIEDS ADS I1I ADLIM 1P.M. Tl'KSIIW LIFE OF EDGAR ALLAN POE BILLS PAVABLL »-li and l-« MOMIA1 ihrnutk! law to drive "the gangsters, in ... . Queen Elizabeth is ex¬ pecting her third ch:!d early friend* and the American exhibit in Moscow fan* ... With By France* H'inwar Film Fare racketeers and other corrupt El) 2-1311 EXT. Sj. next year, Buckingham Palace rounding out it* second full Harper. 1939 S6 "Room at the Top* Gives elements' ou^ «»f the labor* announced President Eisen¬ week, it is believed that more THE HAUNTED PALACE management field . . . AFL-UlO ... President hower plans to make a quick than a million persons have seen France* Winwar's lot*- bio¬ George Meany said AUTOMOTIVE ESTail . later that a labor bill backed trip to Paris early in September tne displays so far graphy, and this fact ».* borrir REAL by the President bins that* would inflict grievous is a "blunder- . A hurricane turned the island of Kauai into a ma < SUNDAY — Vice - President out elequently in the obv»«»u.>- mastery that Miss Wmwar buui> British Cinema Vitality THRFE STOir. h<>u«r ;r • devastation in the state of Ha¬ Nixon said that In dealing with over her material. Rood parkin.: harm on all unions" whether <>* Soviet Premier Khrushchev you Tho material jri her new r Ry LAURENCE B\RI» for quick ».,.<• V they are corrupt or clean v ice-President Richard .... N'lXi-n have to l>e on guard every mo¬ work is maiie up of the es.*vi..« HOUSING reasonable mil Dick ' ■ — ft ATURDkY — Presment Eis¬ ment because he likes to do the of the life and time* of Arm. - Significant thing* >« m to be hapiiemng ovc: I. Br a n the Lan»ing He- * i eporteil to the National Stvui- o» First fO» »tNT enhower unexpected .... President ca * first great writer, the fu » a group of young writer* dubbed tr.< -\ngr. You tlv t'ouiud «>rt his historic two- is keeping his fad Men Eisenhower will leave for Eur¬ author from our shore* who a'- vpraug Ui» duruq trc ear:- fit*it¬ RANCH s "• V week tour through Russia and achedule fluid 5 TO * VTA -Wo > to permit hold¬ The Chiidren • ' i" and midiiif furnisOMt hous- tf ree-t*flr..,u ope a da* earlier than planned tracted serious critical attend"., er cia*< tar-H.o ■ * «.f i* • aparonent.- .«\adable i«>r Poland . . The Senate confirm* ing a quick Big Four summit horn and raisert during birch papeie : lite ihirtitw . so he can start his of ne and ear;* forties when t ,• o' Air Cnndltioiied pr:- e.| president Eisenhower's nom¬ series from Europe—the.tragic Israfel, v»ilh meeting if Soviet Premier talks with Western leaders ;n promise* t-f the S>mj! I (d'« Lound;. parsing Phone IV Edgar Allan Poe were being dunned into the heads i-ilM aietr *. or weekend- 10 unge b-jifr ination of Frederick Mueller, of Khrushchev makes some coo- Hr.:>he a tion foot- " Bonn. He will leave August 2f>. Admirably employed the uni¬ working c - They grew ,•» ' expeif tha' tf..' oi a; tii and East-West nottie tne ' Rapid*, to be Secretary cession to cas* tcn- and spend the next day confer¬ and stifling fieri personal adv ancemer.' ba.*€-«i A9AKTMINTS e»t near Tne rums of que tool* of the biographer - . .a a- price <.«.>. of Commerce . . . Soviet Premi¬ •lorv, .... one cf ring with Chancellor Konrad the unity for perspective achtev - upon the sig wi.uM uc gs rr . were searched t iiicrtn One and a oati inilea from i-uinrnifi: hfiuul invitation* m the We-h- the cf capital . . Chief Justice Earl backvtew, access to the t n i! wa- never lu .i ' FD 2-5792 8 remain* more victim' - wurrnundii Waned of the United States Ixxiy of the aubject'ii Instead r:^.i Home <"•> iin Hemisphere feared cremated when written t«> go along MX ton* to I.ARI.K SiTt'Oln APARTMFV1 -- Path Supreme Court flew to Moscow word as well as to the preserved pttrpctiiabe u»« ; - pnvi.eg.- with the d.nbtUon •. » get anpa-i I' wi'h his proposed visit to of dynamite and .v.. -niton ti ¬ . «*e utilibe- I i i"se to but said he has no plans to see and found bittei;;.-- and v". had Amema trate were touched "If • v ft >' correspondence, and a relative!* n •• t:u \ o.- pU. c !> g-. < T i-h«" hu* ifco per montn Soviet Premier Khrushchev . fixed history to l»e followed krting spokrsiiMii f«»r thnr (rnrrilMn thi* group of writers Fieven pcrvn* are kn,»wn dead Fidel Castro's force* reportedly Mi** Winwar recreates for th«* U«hed bai k at a Miriet* the* hailu t made and had no of EKIDM — A shaiplv d*\ d* and four more are missing . an t have smashed a two-pronged reader multiple dunension* »! rhanging Their angrv voice punrtured the *Uid and rwnaervative ■ Congress tried gauge the Soviet premier Khrushchev toM air-sea invasion of Cuban tern- the intense, haunted existence of Kriti*h literarv «r«ne inioic reaction to Pvexuiei : V. r-Pie*ident Nix n in a me- • tors and foiled threatened up¬ \'".A lb.. SERVICE u a p. *•,-.».if. v. :».".vr-vcr • ?.• ttwi-fei Kisetihowei s drmatid •' o a hiv aage that shaie-- the hope" *■ -c-. -. r.ave rr •• rising with the arrest of l.OtKt There ,!-e f to the British CIIICL..... a • stumg enough to end ra«.kctec- top-level Soviet-American meet¬ are vivid page* tie. - . :• uevdcf. a of ♦ ViUnty : soldiers Flash floods from .« long tiir.c the ciianh* :.r mg in labor-management r«",.»- ings will help bring better rela¬ ... rated to the early horrors of the .A the heaviest rains fn 62 years poet's life, which left him wit Room .4? tne re;. ;■•»••. ng ' -f ang- SUCH 9(ASCNAl.i " . . powerful Thor- tions between the two countries , n-,*-«••• -oar A h'r rocket 142- America's brought major disaster on For¬ an indelible image in his mind too hot to handle for the t :»t run house- a: the Staritgnt Drive- carrying a new pnddiewhee! mosa. The casualty list included pout d ' i-addlew heel ' satellite satellite sliced of the spectre of death and d- •.< .» powetlui. /ia.' *. ai adu : ■: : , through the * •« 222 known dead. 292 still miss¬ i »a:ed a, m a successful of spate in an ortnt witter thin monstrous finality We see, t.*i. of that Word. i.e.. b.-i a- rr.. a;»n,,cd to the Isx-ado-pvyChOiogica! FOR SALE I. LANS Ni launching Ad three stages ing and 226 injured the-young writer striving as a T\" hoi se opei ax l (f r a: i a expected, and calculations show- writer to make a living for the OMtiMh'ii sTEA.MEJf TRUNK if n '-d pi. A tiu. s ed that Explorer \ | w a> ah.''- J<»e lampion, the film * prolagunist tn a wreen play adapted . M 4» N D A Y — Secretary of *•'« and unused, originallx ftta h nanute and small family he had gathered from the noxel by John Brainr. i* rertaintv an angrx rio.-e at «!(*> Call ED 2-2WM an ex¬ ihg out 2rt.4tHl nu'es fi<>m the State Christian Herter flew to young fh'an 9 TELEVISION plosive chemical blew about him tared with the ugly but (inescapable realit* »»f spending hi* davs up like earth., men swinging down to Santiago for an Inter-American < OVIM.FT k RATTAN I'Vlnr room b* MSU »tudr" :v,a"W Poe s major works, and all of in gox eminent xerxire. he Is hound and determined to «" seetsonas lucr ihair IV (-aTi* Foreign Minister* conference c'a*t oil -'.e- corner his best-known poetry, and fic¬ hi* lower rla»* horkground and "reach the tan , . otree tahle. lamo Ll> « i» the troubled Caribbean . . . top' — l;» g CAMPUs ;\r-!X:.i 13 > Crossword Puule Former president Herbert Hoov¬ tion, of are creation assigned their in the moment- author's ca¬ lor The ne>f ar.d lii.oi to effect an adv*.'.t*g« percap* or.h avenue a b. erf •pen 1W . BRi \Kl.Mj RIDING west- er sani that Soviet Premier reer. thereby appreciating in in¬ he -yatemaltraUy and some * rv-f u- " arr.age W ' 'n.y a em .addle* fD "-dill after 5 50 p it KlIKAii w»N| M RO*S Khrushchev could bring world m- nc.Md w erf v. I Be . . peace a» a gift when he comes ♦ •* j>u*i ART ANFTTr TRAU FR 1*52 to reader And there is through¬ if. \« t he US Hoover Was 8.3 ore iedri*»m. Ekcellent Muat out a controlled, colorful evoca¬ but i '.e *c u-.iid 31* Trailer It„- i Wt old mature and. attracti* ; year* on Monday, but said tion of the historical Ionian ven TP 3-llg.l • 10 II W ' he felt like 72 years of Th«' problem com * hen »■'ween more . . Cuban* the the poet's Jv lia»n S'ate , looked Castro to prime Minister Fidel to clear iife In short, here :« a biography tee and women status he lo vet> and the otlet* hqi ion LOST^nd ^OUND lt»A I V* up the welter not to be mu*ed Thia fitua' d. IjOsT A PAIR 11 of rumor* of armed invasion • OH X e...v»e*i cen-i .' ' TS- r>! . g i piaAt Cm o Donald Yatex f >.-v. Mi «et trun. between THOMPSONS h' and domestic conspiracy that a'- n owe* much r»< power '.» >'• ' ge.-c • i a ng ir,-: astute dsrev*- her*,-, and xfaaon Fridav noon Ca.' II fieilix devetmn tcutci •n*; gnd ceftain-y to * very exce. piav ran ;r. Max-" 221 mac sweeping arrest? ovr .•ynevr, Nothing a. r«rri«g« 30 Ph ' pp.ne the weekend gu-ssed over When thos* f.uir a; -» «;i 11 Tut en Ik Proceed* native 40 kU power¬ fi • the century * Toe death tolt worst flood* (ids Honor qufe freely' m the •: "»»etn i«-»\»' ,c U'l" ou* i*.on- picsen* (that are day itage "PERSONAL "wanted on the National,-1 Chinese .*- aiv called for. they air used I? Rubber ful de tv II Yr c g • N able men The department of landscape t rf TIPS AND TRTps i of Fermosa The sequence dealing w;• n ',u- ' guide WANTED tC manufacture Hebre * maiden r we to 773 by Architecture ana v e r-eUti'vruhip.y are *>■•* mmmt;. leuure Sold at ne*- 7 Part of urban plan¬ vtand* * m-') .*• p inf r.ty 42 r.her otiic.a! count. Another 241 per- enavted with an uncommon re«.h\ , • dr.T^;e*r and f»ook!,to1e* g 32 Turin ise B.b'e, ning has receive^ a new five- are rea'1 IV S-IT2* befaee'v 19 Negative plant ->u« were listed jws.ple m rea.l otuationt. acting woukt abbr a> missing The year accreditation a, act. not in the PAl'l. Rl\ AS 20 Part of a 4.t Tuik *N • •ftic'.a! by the Am¬ Ho.lvwtfcHl 'their eye- net ir and Jrrrr Ikhl- 9 Drive casualty list also report¬ erican Society of Landscape as ed hot stee! >r Take "-r take IM» ad to Mate New# WANTED " SK2 play efflcai or ed 1.093 injured and 169.173 me ,n your arm*. Frank. I want to your hct hp* on mine" e between 2-5 pm for two free aha re furmahed >' 21 Cats lik# 41 Made a* av Architects, The only real shocking thing ai*»ut pesae* to Creat Drivg-In Bring ID merit W'a»h..".«' '* i«s cx,1er 9 Eng. -h hvmcles* that the char- •equ » t>on Michigan State* curriculum •cters and their action, are tf after 5 JO and 23 P.cket 44 T* teV.ng Khdot recognizably human. TUESDAY — The stock mar¬ Pi Iginally wa» approved by the 33 Cj pnno»4 i" Let ago 10 Italian 1 he ea*t turns in sunerh prrfurnunrr* with Lawrence ft»'i ket made a modest recover* society m 1932 AccrediUUcm Harvey . Sp ft vet playing J*e I amptun shs is h«th the brrs and the villain tf depends H Appear 31 Rrd.ah *t a team ah *9 FubUwglk JO MetaH.c element 11 Alligator pea: arter Mondav taking a deep plunge The Seriate Rackets on minimum size, up-m the meeting of standard* of faculty teaching facihtir* and lib¬ this and pteee an with hia true love heinc played with eeonom* sf means that marks the tree arttst k* Mmone an nndiistandin. THIS IS IT! 13 Mar ng Committee started hearing* be¬ ra: ». htgnnret. Heather hear* U just right as the jaaag, tmprrssmnskli ALL IMT SI MMER CLKAKAM i epec- hind closed door* on Walter according to pr .f Haro.d and naive daughter %nd the t«pe of excellent jnh thai we R«uthcr* UAW. with Tcuther l«autner, head of the deiwirt- have rrcuthei ruent. came la expect from the British i« tnrned in by a very fine BUY SOW AM) SAVE: IT Sou. demanding that the public be parting east. sap- admitted Gov MX MM' SHIRTS II Re a te of Louisiana planned to Earl L*>ng The directum by Ja»k rUylact r« ter^e and direct He lte|. 2J5 4 VM >o» i '■« 22 riumkke fr\nt my fight to the people" after a "carry Mirbiyaii 341 Male V», l an ecotvomical u>e , ( camera. c>rHcrtratiog upou his acUw> make# per- SWIM St ITS K«a. V»i 4 l.»J N>* servu-«s formancr. alifwHign he can s»e extremely subtle and W HITE DRESS SHIRTS 24 Be admitted rebellious legislature killed his PubbabM* t.'xvuen I (Ml CHU* Oay* rxlay tnciu»n«. ourine tall. MooOa* cinematic. certainly R»f. X»i A l ^ >•* 2* Speak of special session before it was an v> inter and MEN S HOSE Rn. *140 \f« -n'inr lerma txvek A'd told, tht* iv a ponerfu! and inicliigem adult JO. Former hour old . . . Republican con¬ hoi ida weekly during summer drama. wfll term and at* neciai :>*minan issue aiwl MMHlvely done and it cannot be bx» highlv recommended! TIES Valw* to IM Fr ee'.enyi* gressional loaders predicted that hetween Ii India IVesident Eisenhowers labor summer snd r«tt terms. hotwd that its iigmffcam-e will not go unnoticed and that nbI , MEN'S JACKETS Entered as second class 22. Has on bill will pasa tho House. matter un- we will receive more o? the same refreshing frankness tn the bf. |Ui S!L2c,sSL>l*rvh crrtea. last t^atumg. 1 '*'* *4 the aost future trom aenxs the aeas and perhaps from htre at home 34 Cona t on« Xtirtv SLACKS ALL GREATLY REDO E" Jt Chem.cal compound 00 M.td oath 01. Character »IN>KT (DATI n»"Caxa- YdlMk !• liN iiwu >in1 loria Ru>tt- ifIf cang" Only $14.95 §22.95 01 Work for 1%'ij OS. Scotch cap \ 02. Seven 01. M.ascut»; UN NOSIKMBD VARSITY «• Aaaorr u>. } », SUMMER STUDEHTS Chemists Study Tobacco Plants, Blood i. r.<.cnty-ieveti projects raug- and rouplrd to an oscillator Harold Gallick, i> studying pro¬ of chemistry, and Dr Ra>n , DRY (LEANING SERVICES 1 from study ot rriolecul.ir operating in thr megacycle per tein.* and allied substances in Anwar, instructor, are current. % VI A R E K *.;ture> toxicity of to research on the chemical solutions in second range. Dr Hans Liilevik. * as>«X'ia e the zyme production uf thrombin. a blood Thrombin en¬ conducting one, two and four- PRESCRIPTION I ; EXCELLENT WATERPROOFING ;i;s arc now being conducted professor of chemistry, head? causes coagulation of the blood year studies oil the toxicity of t • a r, Tie chemistry department, program of milk aid blood re- by changing the blood protein chromium and radium solutions CENTER ■r> RELIABLE MOTHPROOFING n- n l- Schwendeman. as- sea: c'\ »n several grad. of varying strengths upon ra' • :b»l N. 1 lippert. fibrinogen to fibrin. professor of chemistry, ua'e u.'ent and dogs. hy Erander arm v.-Tk.iU Dr Carl Hoppert, EXPERT ALTERATIONS - ri professor . .•■.uiying the molecular rov»- «-oporati.r Next to National Food* xv Michigan v, u! various substances w 1 • » Depyi"men? IJ.m • . ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■> I'rompt. Dependable x n o « e d to deciramagm' Plav . a iv cxt enzyme Prescription service . i'-'H of radar length frequency. oh.. \P: !V> p; hkI clot.*. • Drugs . • ASK FOR YOUR DISCOUNT CARD i;jd:oacti\e carbon dioxide i.v > • dihiiietic* » ::c used by Dr Richard IV.. Baby Need* professor ot cherhn.!i -, I omplete Assortment tobacco plants o. 'i- One Hour Martinizing •< 'race how i< «••• . •. I'.C CALL IV 5.1:135 carbon dioxide into nico- M-dM Unbelt I'm. Call For Free Delivery a graduate stu¬ l»r. Andrew Timniek. assist* dent and head of the clinical Locally owned and & ml professor of chemistry, is laboratories at sparrow litis, * operated «f.>ine at research with instrument, methods of chemical analysis pital. is studying normal and pathological metal ions in hlood .loveph and Doris Marek. Registered Pharmacists ! Frat Parkiig «»raar LUCON THEATRE BLOCK -vfr- ~~—■£■--- > Officially known as the high proteins ■■ possible futurr di¬ — . as ^ frequence titration method his OADE'S agnostic technique for detetting chemical analysis machine oper¬ blood diseases in their early ate* when a substance to he stage*. «nalwed is placed in a vessel A ■•-.v i..v - .• u den;. Attend Church This Sunday . , : i; l H HII1IIM11UII11111HI! • f' I :i:o ■ : . ., |, i Millions of Americans now wear contact lenses for normal MEATS - GROCERIES vision with natural good looks I he contact lens wearer can now eniov krneer vision wider field of vision Tt.ii Block* from Vlarrieil llnn-iii-: eye protection all d.tv wearing comfort EAST LANSING CHURCHES natural appearance Mould you be interested in discussing broader sports activities Open Evening* the possibilities of contact lenses and YOI K eyes . . 2909 E. KALAMAZOO ST. JOHN CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH ALL SAINTS FIRST CHURCH OF Dr. Harold A. SHnider OPTOMETRIST & CATHOLIC STUDENT EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHRIST SCIENTIST Mall Court t randor t enter lansiiig Mulligan EAST LANSING l\anhne * -1 tit» I Hrjnch of I He v|.,iutr cnurcQ CENTER tiiicrgeRomiaatioaal «•» Vfe Dot I noad - tt» !•! Jtl lite tiro tliuriti of Clout .v.%v.wv II. EORNO ROOM (tee. Joint I I'orirr — iuaiiuin anentut. teuton, vij*,. '.m Wed <.iana Rivrr at Vtuhi|an rr k kniM«;h It » Zippla 1«* I Grand Riser Htv Cardon M June* Rettor the name thai made pizza famous in La»*inp J;J vi %.t. Aifim DON'T TAKE CHANCES j: OPEN DAILY 5 p.m. Xueno iv 1 in.rt it yrr 1 net t. « 1,1 « 2 a nt. Holt lut anurias aiHonl || am • INDtf SIHVUIS lor sour safrtv we can give | ItNDAt iLRVItg Vl.t*r> . #0 a fit I 1 hi . Viittll > 1 ♦ our car a free inspection. and 1 ■ ia a A.m. Holy communion p.m v ia p.iu CORAL GABLES . !i «q vol » il there i« an* damage replace % vi lu«.h» Mum them at once Don't take a 1 WHIISI IMHlVltWl iiltNlt' to.011 a in Holt ( onimuBiaa or Headliu ttor.m chance on a faults mulflet. it 1 i<» - a.rv • la ve • it;J» hi Ml Vs i.rauri Itlsn ran he dangrrouv viornmi Ptaver and arnica • Kali* vftmc at a:U A Ho,. 1 xrhramm - PIZZA — COMPLETE DINNERS — SNACKS l« Vliutil Vlun Wad In \wu lf find we give vour car ■» 1 m.«v p m the e\|»ert care it deserves, Dun U * I 1*1 vta..e» | V.M lurs. tHurs true in for l»AMTN(. FRIDAY AFTERNOON III HIM. | HI WIIK everything from t a in -A p 111 and p.m »V o he tanfrwiuni Hail* km .% v| a ibartU kchvol t.OMD til I.I {.w to summer IhutuUt. IA vaiitrdus 9 a.m. • t i> m * Jo |».vi. loiter H<>nrt » * DPI HMIV^ t DPI checkup* VII Ble S* He Mill# I.. aOriid I it o e • ENTERTAINMENT AND DINNERS gatnria* «•» w a MMrM P.M. . It A VI ifiimion *»fsn#. and sun and in» li Oailv, » «h» vi.•tutu Piattr lleariliia Rnt.iu Phona IP lull faotn tnrougti high KtMl tie a at VALVE GRIN DIM. MHEEL BALANCING • MO MIR • \( t I xxORII * II \F I I* ifcitiiskellrr BRAKE SEHVIt I • xfRIM.% OPEN WEDNESDAY THROt'OFI SATt'RDAt r.ULPIPI. * Ml II III: • S\ AxlllM. METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD MARTIN LUTHER EAST LANSING VAV.V.V.% UNI Mil.* ISM III M-t EAST UNSING PEOPLES CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH f FOR I'AST ROM) SKIt\It 1. ( Al l FH 7't"lh CHAPEL and j live tit Kt\| lit Mtt i*« s tt I. »it itvi tii MtVI, iHierdtnemiNatioMi I n apartair AVAiiuA |LARRY'S GULF SERVICE WESLEY FOUNDATION tT flrv I.. IH.rvf W IL LI A >19 II* Vhh.ti» Road 1 ort:\ nuns. 1:11:. 1111 mm It'i S Hatadnrn Rwari Pasior n iiwp v|. fiaam. i A a pel Id f-o: id •I OX HAST MICIIIOAN M I,til Is IV Alack* ■•>"» »f Otaad Htteri IVOHaHtl* AIHVI1.IV i.rnrg# | Jwirian ti V vi. •1 Iduuoiullv »in« from llr.il >1 rnlrann Minuieta ■ Vlittuuri Asanrit \KeparJi SOIHSIM. BlIH alllf Ret. |rumart A Moriooa. Vliniiier :%SWdWWMWbVbS%W.%SW.*.SV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V Vunrit* Unrtitip So I tmi.M at tta|i#i uniii * tli I eon LIEBERMANN'S— J H

u vi Audita. Michigan I# .<• * m VM Vi#t knur.*. Ash out at t « rw i> m W,rinr.it* I . .in *«d t.'rial at•>.'«! COA u»«w lA'ottiA Junior n »n Par.anage No s< J«un« Ira-1 . and llim. tt.iri FROM TllklK Rk(;tl.Ut STOl.k ON UNSING CENTRAL FREE FIRST CHRISTIAN (Jo to Some METHODIST CHURCH REFORMED SALE Cliurvli Evcrv Sunday WaiiiiHguiu ai Jellefton V|..rning Worth |» llartt Vr. John CHURCH siaroiaii s| H of Mian »f PaWul HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Viruin Is#.nog xersice Hor*r.ip t .«r» p iu. ! .J» |r at. Horning A«'< It V SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH ts#ning her. i P. MEN WOMEN CHILDREN I of I a# I remporiation Cbu"n t ail •' Hie Crglit IV l-VCl and * U« d'site tfan.pKfian • tiiinr. .all so. ii.,h , is » .Ut« iv«thingi»a %• *1" l.ife Hour' sir. Van Vli*i H If i-.iHi whim: iiiky i.ast H-n ..ri » li l» In •■I'.nP I Note. %!l «W« taken from our regular vtock No vpe- ASCENSION CENTRAL METHODIST rial Purrhavev" or Mawwfarturer » f to%e.l»ot« %ll xhep- la ... V *1 tt'Bia -Ru'ir » •.!.#*• » laughl ard« Wualilt xhort taken rigkt aff our «hel»e« and x«uirai Atrent* CHURCH coinc at prw-e* yon won't believe A» l»» ti * • hi WarrtAti LUTHERAN lieRi.. M VI by WMF CHURCH Ntfliiiiial \ilt.Tli«.tl SHOES ti »<• and : AA v#r»r« »• A Ad Praser Ifmu I* CAayel ty/ rs FMliwifl Senndr Woithip X#r mi |««0 |l| f S-pc. pUte selling r.«e»i ip»u" IIIMIKKHS Ok I'AIKS KkDlM O l»r Iftm# R«krrt«p T.M Raaiait Road Ve'mon Rt Theie's a worici ri-rfcrcu* .< I'* Vlli* law af Nacad-.rn Readl tfel steel alloy and tn the rs :«r. I ha* vh- I f'lWat H A A rieudit lh«n, . < hoove it an carefwdy. I!li«x*rst«d a.v-• 25% 75% »rae An* »er»ua leasing Ana* and tarn lane l a I M and » J« P H I ail I anting forged from the firesI Jd-g i»k* hn.a.f POiiahed to perries.*."'. o- '••<'*>- u*c«w- > It's a shape thai wiil fa provediy with 'lie tin* '*'■ TO Ruuiad uirwugA umem A»r furiner MHrutftaiHee km iv : cc UNIVERSITY accetsor.es—*m orv setiu.f ***• fo» your*# how really lo*ef> qualtty »Wmie*e > be CHURCH IIS F.ANT , INTER-CITY BIBLE CHURCH Vu»d«e Sell out til % Vt JumI Mir of *0 pattern* in our nutionmlty adnrti*rd ilainit** rnttntmn , ..^C Len ards s GRAND RIVF.lt AT J * a l l< t* Vutidar Indep,nd#n< HIV I. rro J HiAi# xthrHti t mii Hi». V x I(ih *• t,..ri.ini V miiii. irfi ppt Wuftkiy ItWA RMiiki Xorii. of Heihev 11* f-AVJI i>r t il 1-r. li Raj ^^ie/imourvnA. * I AA p in rtfiiing ImptfalKifia. *#mw» Siif.da v R«A#dU*« Het Ge.ffge W r. M« XeltAurg i XN'wri Hf-efggatrtl f«i Hetler V»r.i»#| IrriKti 9 and i( h im.s i;n;. till mm; #.u i iiU or cu I'lHI VvrilH VeailaAle JM# South \\ashingtun \\9. Sundas AsMoni — A.wt a.m. V%VF: tvt SAVF: DI *AVF. M« NAIF. <$« *%w « * »A%I. Ancts«t 13. 1939 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Pact Pnr Am Perez Retains Unitas Called a "Gambler' Brotsmann on foreign Mission Flyweight Title collegiate boxing experts con¬ State College. Pocatello, »j TOKVCdPweual Perez, mighty "Little Bull f the Argin*^. " John Brotzmann, veteran ducting a series of clinics in The pair left the country 1^ —As Colts Prepare for 'Stars « Michigan State athletic staff rctained his world flyweight boxing title Monday night •* -ul- member, is mission to Germany and France for coach¬ Aug. on a ust 3. The main clinic 0 pointifig Japan's Kenji Yonckura in a dull 15-nmnder. Pert.' Showed few flashes of the brilliant style and punCMng Europe for the U.S. Army. es and officials involved army's extensive boxing pro¬ in the held at Numberg. will ba Germany, xnver that have piled up 50 victories—35 by knockout—an 52 fight.-. Brotzmann, coach of the .Mich¬ Special to the State News tation. He has great peripheral hack who booted four field gram Working with Brotzmann army personnel brought ♦». Perez floored Yonekura in the second round for igan State varsity boxing team a seven-count. vision. He can size up the whole goals through the barriers in until the sport was dropped this is Milton Holt, coach at Idaho gether from all over Eura V WESTMINSTER. Md —Coach field or play in one Instant." last year's 35-19 victory for the r'« Weeb Ewbank. who is readying past season, is one of two U.S. p. I'nltas who tossed 19 touch* All-Stars over Detroit. * c 'fsr the ment 'a'-rid Colts for their against champion Baltimore Aug. 14 assign¬ the College All- down passes last season, throws 50 yards effortlessly with no The only place kicker of note when the squad assembled was MEXICAN Gtnnlnf KOOns uindup. And he throws quickly. TOKIII.I V* HOSH DAILY Stars m Chicago's Soldiers' Phi! Blazer, North Carolina »nrhilada«. Tamalt-s "He has a real live arm," de¬ MFTIMII BaNM Field, calls Johnny Unitas "one clares Ewbank. "He tackle. tirrvrd dally—also can throw || of the mo.-t daring quarter* long or short with accuracy. S»m Williams. Michigan State available to take out backs I've ever seen." end, and Billy Stacy, Mississippi torres. ' And his interception total is ai- Johnny will take a gamble State halfback, have shown pro¬ Mrxiran Hak-rv and Restaurant ways way down." O:'- anytime he feels like it." says Unit is is fully recovered front mise in practice sessions. 121 C. Or. River — IV 4-IMI f Ewbank. i don't mean that he's the rib injury which sidelined d reckless. He just has a lot of ■■■■■■■■HHHHBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH^ ■ him for two games in the mid¬ courage and assurance, and he's willing to take chances if he dle of last season. Ewbank held Unitas out of a S VARSITY DRIVE IR ! ' thinks he can get touchdowns ti came with the New York Giants ■ that way." the following Sunday, and again FOX CI Kll SKKVICF. ■ • a Ewba'nk says Unitas has a against the Chicago Bears the F "tremendous-' ability to "feel next week. 5 llar.B-O llri'f ■ out the defense. He ran tense things. He'll go up to the scrim¬ "But into I threw a heck of a J Fool Ixiii); Dog- ■ mage line and check off (change scare George Mains and the Bears." Weeb chuckles. "I re¬ signals) without any break in PIZZA fused to say whether I was go¬ rhythm and hardly any hesi- ing to start George Shaw (now Si x: •"MOST* TlKS. (2) lll<; HITS a property of the Giants) or FWiir missis Unitas. There's a heck of a lot i ski: i s for rooms to hunt IANA TURNER fest&iiJj itowi! of difference in preparing for ' I8HN GAVIN those two guys The day of the game in Wriglcy field. 1 had 11111111i1111111111111111 f M 111 i 4111111111 n ii 111 n 1111111;11111111111111111111111111111111 i SANDRA DfE Unitas out there throwing dur¬ IIE) JAME! ing the warmup*. I thought I, "Get A Bonus Life" OANOMWT Papa Halas' eyes were going to pop righ' out of their, sockets. "UL IO: !«> Lake Landing Sunda> for a Zinc Alunmized going SUSAN KOHNER; MUM He didn't know that there wasn't a chance in the world of Unitas ! 1 picnic. Mommy s«i>h there's and vve don't vvant to a Mr balloon going up miss that. Think you ran plnving that da v. I? wa all he y< come? ! MUFFLERS I HIT SO. Hi could do to lift the ball" ★ ★ "And next Tuesday and Thursday the tickets for 1 WW WED TO TUIYHIS STOHVI EVANSTON. III—The kicking rides that arc mostly $2.00 are only $1.00. So we're game of the All-Stars is getting a thorough tc-t going out for rides then. in practice 1 MOBSTER scrimmage s train gainst game for as the collegians their appearance a- the Colt- m th,- 26th of the All-Star "And Mommy said that Mednesday is SCHAKKIt ItltLA 0 DAY, and she sent us down to the store In get some tickets there. They let us in for free and scries. STARTS Wr.lt. (2) FIRST RI'N HITS Mindful of the scoring possi¬ pay half on the rides. bilities afforded 1>\ good goal kickeiv. "Coming?" Coach Otto Graham MUMMY seeks some one who t an emulate tin* feati of Tad Weed, diminu¬ See you at l-ake Lansing! i. tm.i:sr nisr.ot \r i.v run s tive-Ohio State specialist, who e f ESSES?'', WITII VINCENT run I ... shown At :.I#-5-7:4J-IO;Oi) placements helped down the Lake Lansing Park Cleveland Blown-, and Bobby . III K HONEYMOON Ml %TT» RI D HI Joe Conrad. Texas A A M. half- KRAMER AUTO PARTS ( KIMI |„ KALAMAZOO NOW Thru SATURDAY! I Mil I.II.V AHI l: 1 ERROR IV 4-13.1.1 I Like r.i 111 in, tin 11 iiii hi i n ,i mi 11 ituii i.it.iiitni i mi i ii.m i i.ii 11 inn iiiiiii i null i inl Imti-iiif! l'arlk-0|H-ii nighlh— MKxf SHOW IM P Y MWIWN TODAY AT. llmiilii,, All I N . |C;H — Day Sunday NOW SHORING! two mighty excitement stars in on 1 ghia1 double action show TODAY..™?: , — 6ic In I'.M. — rralura Tkan. .1 1. IM. LU. IM. MS ml 7///V f H iy 4f/VP shown at l-3;4S-6:30-9:|5 Louiis SI \IM'S J OfS s WKD. Dry Cleaning r^L*^5*TH'7i ,b.-i -mm IN V| tMIN island in tiil m'nb and shirt l.aundry ^ CumSK [it con*.«s< AND * STARTIXII Sl'NOAY * .to os« from FRI. IS SUI'ER IIAHUAIN DAY iU "lilt IIRMT MAN IS ID HI*ACL" lindrnt »rrytrr% bldi. Mwhifl Undan Iheir first full AI.I.K.IV TWO Jo Morrow in Irnclh frslurc' The 'Ihrec St«Miges FKEVIEW SEE FEATURESf "Till: I.K(iKM) in THURJ., FBI., UT. OF "HAVL IHM KLT. -IH»*i, Irl i Jl. J1J. IM p it ,1 t «• « .'t llil- TO»! IIOOLKV" MILL TKAVEI." Friiluy I llil- SiluriUt JohhWayme.Wiiuam Hoiden Mm*, I M • v un Mart IN OLADMER I -ainrr* I « » » i hi art ii 1 U IM NOW SHOWING P-3Si.lt. uuui i 2nd The stalwart commander of the USS f!' -!t ,.p \ (let V IK f "■ •f*. u\ - TIIKII.IJMI Komblatt seems to ha«e mkkk: s i arts SUNDAY! mm MMl MM aauaii • ntta — M s "misplaced MllMxk MILIHLRX MIOWN AT IM ALI. something TMC A THOUSAND Ml.llTS USS HOMMLATTI Tht gun-hot death ■V soffltu on Wild Mono Mesa!1 KQINNttS-aBMCROT Kisetiiim *n Warn Stallions Hi I ! ' 4N '.» v AND 0"c'^rt GEOPGC MNti Or THE MILD ftTALUON* »R| AT ft 17 FEMALE CAHMS OF IK CWKSE REOSU 3RD ee ati're twt'e at 19:31 - Hit OTHER NIGHTS 'SCOTT MADY ■ V; - ii • .comix; soon 1 WALT *»l MIS'tTK SLEEPING BUUTY" we STEP* to danger sat. news ■ sport reei, • CARTOON only' at late SHOW "OOH—OAHsnr katc * -no. mi " WATCH FOR: "Blfi CIRCUS" • ntrau- "HOLE la tht BEAD" _ \ ' sSNtew- Michigan State Kent Plroit Lions Have 10 Sophs yij -d^% State _ , Cnmpua Classified! . . . Low Cost preparation for *59 Season linn I .»/• I Ntws^£2^ Li,»«••» Dan Lewis e of ^"isconsm. of¬ »«••• fensive tackle John (Jorciv of r,r3 on the theory that Tennessee and ends Steve Junk¬ SCHOOL ORVS in the National ' er of Xavier. Jim Gibbons of 6u*tin % Iowa and Tom Rychleo of Am¬ Assistant—l.en t r«n»X* • a team Is 1)0 contend" erican International. August 11. m9 I'age I'ive •SCABS 0,-j-oit Lions would an- ■ jood shape tor the Defensive stalwarts tackles Alex Karros of lost a include - > WITH THE AU.-AMBRIOAIM 1 L -1.10 I -rrtntlv are figured tor 10 second year and Bill Glass of Baylor, line- barker Wayne Walker of Idaho, and !; Sports LOOK! defensive halfback Dave T."-~ "">< in Coach Oeerte YV,".s lor the season, WMtsell or Indiana. "I think this group can hold fay. » <*■ ■" Editorial affensive men and (our . MBS" Boxing has never been know n i its own when matched against *frsv jvrtonners are In- to be an exact sport—exact m I sophomores ,^L on any other team tut. The offensive in the NFL," observes Wilson. the fact that schedules arc ad¬ _ , rimposed of halfbacks •All have shown us tremendous *. hered to and contracts honored. The current heavyweight sit¬ ■iVrtb of Presbyterian end desire and effort during prac¬ is" in point. tice sessions this year and we A DIVER ponhm himself upward from At right, a swimmer makes a quick turn uation a case When Ingemnr Johansson expect great things from them the bottom in thin underwater shot (left). during Pan-American trial?* race. K(\|C \N FOODS kayoed Floyd Patterson for the as a unit in '59 " men i ss raise nam heavyweight crown June 26. a r isoitilm Tswales There was no hesitation on ■*-.*- •'"•a* ,,r.O eslrt-at- Wilson's part to name the out¬ Team to Work Out Here return bout was scheduled for . Sept. 22. within the 90-dav re¬ nuns'* '• uk# *•« standing players during "rookie turn bout clause of their con¬ TORRES Swimmers Praise MSU Pool camp" drills and both were tract. k . ass*" ..a inasae sophs. John Gordy and Bill Now there, is much doubt as E t K|>tt Glass. to whether Patterson will get a NOW... : By SIZETTE BAMSLV in California and a meet in Somt- i"! rht« participants had shot at Johansson before June, Japan. alread.v -\.»dc the Pan-Am team if ever. MSU has a good right to be # * * by the 220-yarii freestyle, so This is, however, the fault of 0OLLE8E TRAVEL OFFICE proud of its outdoor pool, which held the Pan-American swim¬ of A Finnish family by Ruuska was the name well-represent¬ swam have .i !a?:!y to allow others to chance. Brecn was the Patterson- manager. Amato, rather than Johansson— Cus D'- t. K &W A 30-DAY . Bonded Atent All Travel Conferences ming trials Inst weekend. State s ed m the trials. Sylvia Ruuska, slowest 'V them, taking an extra that is. if you belive Bill Rosen* a 3' 8".*150 pound 17-year-old. minute >wim the four leng'hs. sohn. promoter of the first fig it. Charles McCaffree, who will ■ AIR - RAIL — STEAMSHIP — TOlTt coach the men's team for fhe won berths on the 110 and 440- but if was Jelt F.irrell that Rosensohn charged in a Sports I cm |$E stole the show Farrell took it Illustrated article last week tnai — HOTEL — RESORT — PASSPORTS yard freestyle teams. Her 13- games, said that the pool re¬ so easv f ha' at vine time he D'Amato had forced him to kick vear-old sister, Patricia, a heavy FOREIGN CARS Information. Reservations. Tickets ceived many compliments fr ke a legal in a free¬ though not ordinal v. # # * in with "partners" who have lately tried to force hurt out .if the promoting position for tljt&~- rcmatch CHARGE Weikko, kept them moving b? MEMBER: American Society of Travel Agents from the tense city atmosphere. Juno S' ver lrwm. who plac¬ Th.iM- who have followed ACCOUNT chanting "go. go, go" in a big D'- * * * ed second ;n plattonn divtn... Amato's actions in the past will 130 V, Grand Rivrr booming voice. is the oldest veteran of tho not lie surprised at Rosensohn's The men's team will work out ★ df if gi-oup At 30. siie has been "ti ehatges And Johansson is to be EDgewood 2-8007 in East Lansing for about a week, then rest until Aug 21. There w-cre times when the 1948 av.d .>J O'vmpic teams commended for his unwilling¬ George Bteen, distance swim¬ and 1955 Pan-Am train East Lanaing. Michigan AT SEARS ■ She ness to be a pawn. when they will begin swimming mer, was probably sorry he was also h-rtppens to be the mother But the whole situation i$ m Chicago, The rest will be such a good teacher. He has [ A Diu»u»n of Cealrml Mlrliiran'i eldest and Most Complete a much needed .one for tho?" spent summers working out with of four children, txirii within working against the innocent Travel Service the last fi\e years. ex-champion. Floyd Patterson. who have competed in recent Alan Somers, and tho Indiana meets in the AAU competition freshman learned so well that he come close to beating Breen INSURANCE THE Rtcnous LONDON Stage Hit is now on the SCREEN in the J (150-yard freestyle race. The throat> ★ ★ ★ Andy Devine. fa¬ r. I) quandt * Young Driver* SPECIALIST? • Out of Slate Driver* you seloct tho way to pay! mous for his role as Wild Bill I \cfsi l imits of l.uhillt.% and property damagr to Hiekok's sidekick, has a swim¬ ?> I no.ouo and S3O0.0OII availahlr Good newil NOW you can pay your Sears mer for a son. and Dennis, con¬ CANCLLLLD AND REFUSED RISKS IMMEDIATELY Revolving Charge account within 30 days after siderably thinner than his fath¬ HANDLED er. was in Last Lansing trying your billing date without a service charge, OR to win a place on the team. CALL | if No Answer you may spread your payments evur many 1123 I . Mirh. Ave. IV 5-1419 | Dial IV 9-1332 months (with a small service charge). DOHM BARBER SHOP costoi**,: bvhement. I1.VMMM 1.J0 REGULAR MINIATURE GOLF SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 2.IM) FLATTOP OPKN SATURDAY I'luv Miniature Gtilf — PARK FREE IR FRARDOR wll the biirlil", laryrol rungr. FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE 3't a ilea eaxl of Kaat Umini on UA Ifi 'AVAWMVW/awavavwwavwavwavaw*. 5 TOP COATS .. .FUST MOUNT. smxututo* MWiOUutt •» presented by - AND- PIZZA DELIVERY , Fri.. Sat. WflkigM Slate Uaivcriity -auuhhsioii .hh* AVS MSI' IIAItliEK SHOP Aug. 14. 13 FMEMN FILM SERES 7: W l, m- N» MAI III 2- till To Home anil ( CALIFORNIA WEIGHT CALL ED 2-9183 PIZZA PIT RESTAURART OVER COATS 203 M\<: ■a- w iiva - va ■' KOSITCHEK'S ANNUM,. AUGUST SALE - SAVE 811 TO *18 NOW - 8 smoothest ridel %m «f Mm T Mg teat* Chovratet gim jtmi mm any car la Hi Mi 48 *54 *58 Aarooo roe* rial—bo', evorever tokoo take* ■ * Chevy the Icadiny loo-priced throe iow-prictd aan la a lat of ro- A FIVE DOLLAR DEPOSIT •»»r r - • ' chappy country road ' un — paatad atop* froa highway Booth tell yen I boor lightly Cbevrotot', BEST KNOINC-rhevrolet en- BUT BTVU-lt a Bitdyw W ILI. HOLD YOUR CHOICE f nil» ICoil MMpoaoioa haadies rou»fc fine, have l-.nf won npert prane of Um Wodiaf lorn priaod t that , romp-iad"I - cad cod apriara (prion never from iirtuaily every autumobil* uaauaukahljr aodara la pan Nam •Nuook. aevor mod (tooae! Try mafarine. and. juot recently. Chev. vatrot any of (nine for your- roiet receiird the NASCAR* Out¬ standing Achievement aoard for -la Ita prtaa daaa" aaya IWl'. LAB SCIENCE aapaalaa. "a mm TIL OCT. 15th Onto you do. you*U find your ~«n»d aayiag what MOTOR "the rrealion and conlinuinf de¬ hi «b ia dariaff aMfar* br«y»Jrt/zr, TREND ■amine putn Uiio nay: velopment of America, aoat lb- BIBT TBABfvlH-A ay - Ike miiDuI. mi quirk cienl V-typo engine," K A.DAI Guide Baak ana r*e featured in •nfteet ndinp ear in it* price riaaa* Bui the kappieat part of i( BUTICOMOMV A pair of yao the tauroa value YauT aa CSevy'i aalra Clear arm- th, rnuntry tho> love thr.v* - NEW FALL SUITS - *.! ia thai Uue Fuit Coil nde n Chevrolet ,i»e, with Po.erfiida petite-nae ring charms. trot Me of UNO bif baala-all won their ctaaa in thi, year a Habit- Authentic miniature replicas »ith college AT THE SAME LOW PRICES I opimoo* oaa Economy Run. topping every 1 facta other fult-aiaad ear. And the oin- aeal, affixed with > loop lor hanging un either mni aitoag* ana a nrhippill UM- • bracelet or neckchain. mp-g. ■-Official diaea- 1 A wonderful gift and an exquisite reminder BRAIUS-Cbevy'i that , --—-I ta A.M-A* ahow fki.TiIri aadaaa offer —ore liainr brake, are the birraat ia of hit alma mater or your ow n. front aoot bead rmm tkaa ail but their field, built for up to U% wrar hik (OU.U.E Rise, in miniature un ->• of ike htpk priood con more 'root Mat hip ma fby up ta t» iaka) «■■ tho -other tow" of loafer life. In a direct competition conducted by NASCAR. Chavy out- ' both of the other laadiaff your bracelet or iwckcluiin. ^ ^ ^ kfosiicheUros. Visit your locdl authorized-Chevrolet Uea er ar.d tee much more Clwy has to oHtr! CAMPUS BOOK STORE ea Grand River brroM froa the lalen — DOWNTOWN 113 N. WASHINGTON — Tt was a colorful four The Pan-American swim¬ For those few who were on new grace and beauty, It's all over now. The pool days at the outdoor pool— ming trials featured the able to watch the swimming For MSU it was the best is again open to students for although the color was tem¬ best swimmers in the na¬ and diving from the under- possible publicity. That, the recreational use. It feels pered a bit Friday and Sat¬ tion—and Charles McCaf- water windows, the trials swimmers liked the pool is urday by rain and overcast free. MSU and Pan-Am had a new dimension. It was an understatement. Ami it good to Ik? able to swim skies. swimming coach, saw his . from this vantage-point that also made a hit with report- again, although mavl»e yon Rut the weather w a s predictions before the trials Swimmers and divers took ers and photographers. feel a little sheepish swim¬ brighter Monday and Tues¬ come true. Perhaps it was ming ami diving in a pool day. The stands were near¬ iu jest that he commented that the greats have just ly filled with spectators. that the pool contained "the Television and n e w s r e «• I fastest, water in the nation," Stale News Photos left. Rut if you were among the spectators, you won't cameras recorded the events but the number of records soon forget the nageant of from nearly every angle. that fell made it seem true. IK Norman Hiucs the Fan-Am trials. T"K I„. «it TI K platform st."ii''s !ik'» the Statue "«f Lib¬ ert v -vi'i provide* a challenge f- ! the tiest divers in the United Tilt mOW'lt and h.tvv !«».k on a- eizht vax-.v ■ «-r• mane then ■ to the nthej end of the jc-.l in tiie uuHertlj linai*. A HUkstROkt artist (far Iff4 > get* some advice from her coach during a practice session. In the photo at the- right, it a> if the korr i* Wrangl¬ ing the winner But actually, both are congratulating each other, as each made the I'an- Am women * team. p. riant job*, but. dm dig the' l«-V) >tid» race ber« thr> werr to be doing nothing but getting a