IflH'iil Vacations Carol Heiss on Ice In MkhiCM 1 ompletr I'icture l*a«e Krnturrd Of Top Skater Sec I'aif* 1 See I'aue :. 'i< :n the Division of Business something about the language, history, economics, geograpii> two-degree piogr.uns l:\hiuallv airimged With will In* in- and politics of the country where • ti e ap¬ The ap, «,»« an¬ 2 Papers nounced j m:'.\ h\ Dean Alfred Seelve of the l'->".ege of Business he expect* to work "Thousands «»f American en¬ propriate needs of the students chiege to meet Un* and Public s. vice and J >'m gineers have g"iu* overseas wl'h IIIRAM I'llNCi, St. U the Re- little or no knowledge of tin An .MSt' ph\Mci>t Logan, president ,.f the N.i- ha* accept¬ BNG (T'RRENT **i»d« a group of dn«n a Kivrr in I'oland a> lhe> thr paridlm arr wind. Srr thr alori on Poland, written by in thr air to ralch thr ed scientific an invitation presentation* to give at two the tional which suppoi's Dr. As-'; flarnri s >? • K.hs{ I'hiiir.s » uliirvrnifnU curriculum. in puhlivan *rnatv»r-elect from Ha¬ waii. Kong, a businessman, will be the first person v*f Chinese language, history and customs of the foreign nation." repot is Dean John Hyder of the College Wapstua Engineering. Of Holland j of International Conference on Phy¬ riaaird their dr-tination. Thr rait an MSI atudrnt. on page ;!. sics of Solid* this week in Mel¬ development and hi* interest in mawt merchandising and retail¬ descent In serve In Congresea. He points nut that when the > h> holding hijam together. anil bourne. Australia ing were cited as primary fac¬ Russian* send out technical as¬ Dr. Winner Dr |»rv»fe>sor Frank of Blatt, pn>mc>. associate will dis¬ tors in bis selection to head the rapidly •growing program. In llrcail sistants they speak the language and are familiar with the re¬ Visits Here gion where they are to work. cuss research jointly with Dr he carried Meter liarlnr, on a The fins! "pilot .-ti .:ni?ion itin;<.ulu'm." program, fust <>:- .Veir Method Michigan State's engineering I>r. AaMert npsti a, coo. X Works )ISt sjilererl of Holland'* fercd cla.v I Tt v.-t for international i& one Campus pr. service a on assistant Dr proiess.»r of B.< i.ai.i Ki psch"t. former physics. men for cv -.r,\. •anng voung v>ponMt»iiif v Of Irnuliatum five-year program in which the engmev r recoiv. •> not only the foremtwt exiierimentjil titi- graduate -tuuent. and Burton clear physicists, is a rlistlti- in the {•••' ! ry that th% bachelor degree IA Win tne'O Voti.v.is- old I mIi.ii feeding is probably ulltiral as Swot?, graduate student NAFl ext. ; ir cu trieultnti.* fvi At Museum of science also the bachelor of arts. U'.it gtiishcil xisitini: professor i l*rn vi • kuij. . laid u. as jiiv agi it opera¬ the project, which wa* sup- Cornell t'u.v ' - i II I MR Uni¬ In the fiist two \ears the stu¬ this week. tion designed lor crop improve¬ vol si! v of R .utbvr fy Californ.y Atomic energy ma> pav M* Dr WapNtra Jith J» H Wifo. i on the ment tel. only recently has twirled by the Army (Iffire mi in 1 an.1 dud Ving dent takes the usual engineering is giving irtture* !!»>0 in the Ordname Research. eoneerns ISVSM.MC debt t<» society by preserving courses. In the thud, fourth ami daily at 10 Mlicr thr am in the Physics- prat tier attracted world- tbermoelev trie and electrical IrK atioii* (or •«' pr. •gi am in the f.«ni f «r the world'* starving fifth years the remaining en¬ Mathemntie* building confereiwe Af folia: feeding tt Ide attention. mouth properties of alloy*. gineering courses are pursued Ler, she i* considered During 'in p..-*, >evt-n year* Dean Sc.- . vnd Dr Th una* millions A comparatively new room. He is also discussing mu¬ £>*' >h The along with liberal arts course*. ] tap leading authonue* • >« .' Iiki pa,'«rs ou foliar feed¬ nthrr papei concerns Staudt, head. mc department and unexplored idea is to use Students will specialize on one tual problems with member* e? Absorhtion u much !..ivc twen published in J.»- wkjeet (ft fcriiluat.ou more ra¬ ing theoretical wotk dene jointly of marketing and tran-j»or«ati.ai radiation for preserving foods. of the fields of engineering— the physic* and astronomy de¬ rtetu» and leaves pid and efficient than through ; ..M«--e and an equal number with Helmut Sat/, graduate stu¬ adnunis.trati , :. piaised the ap¬ A slice of bread enclosed in agricultural, chemical, civil, partment. k is Utaai.'g the utuver- the roots where as mm h as *7 •. "a (ivfman language two dent It is about conduction in pointment percent of the nutrient may a plastic i»ag has been ill the electrical, mechanical or metal¬ he ,.n the subject have al- vi iv thin films and wires ' Michigan State Born in l»22. .* anxinu* to lurgical — but will also take IVapalra recriv- lost to «hrniiral reactions in icaci'- ist'!: pub..sited t»y Soviet On his return. Blatt wilt at¬ "MSU museum since June, lit58. eii the Ph.D. degree al the Uni- maintain me .eadeiship n earn¬ |tr Loses the ground • ■ >'.t 'i-r wild n •u-ro..'. a sptn-ial cont'd - nutrition has"" tend cu'ty the American Physical meeting. Aug 27-J8 svt- in ed in he.ng first to offer the curri.ulun m f «»d distribution," The bread I* ami entrrelv edible perfectly preserved Prior to i>e- courses appropriate to the le¬ gion of the wurld where they plan to work. veraity of Amsterdam in 1953. He ha* been a profexsor at the '.eu.j.rd |,.r ItlAU la Honolulu, Hawaii ROTC !s •;. in -. iK a ,Sv« • - v.d .'\\ e"n.«\• Teehniral University at llallt, Hlatt. nuniU-i of the phv- tng placed in die museum, the l'nder thr nrw program thr a fort.,nate ;ti having the service* Holland, vinre I95(i and ha* car¬ '* del s of cviei > ■ anil astrorio-i.v department luvad wa* bombarded With rnginrrring studrnt msv study m: - of su h dedicated.» apable people ried »n research in thr Institute bfessttrs I Ml. !:V fut.a^t aic readily collect- spravs .»f ta - since at pt.Mt. oxford w ill i-op,duct research I'n.v. r-i'v. Euglan as D» Ke nelly Wilson and l)r. Edwai i Biahd. The appointment atomic tion ray* Tin* intense vibra- prmluced by the bombard¬ such suhJrv-U as: thr Moham- mrdan wurld. Middle lastrrn lor Nuclear Amsterdam, since ItHR. Physic* Research, • . . .. o i a* i-Siuni bal'as where under a National Science found¬ of Dr. Barnet is evidence of the pruplrs and rnltnrrs, history of ment caused the destruction of u- au- incfiecUve ation grant fog a year, starting thr Far fcaat. romparalivr rr- In the school year. 1050-32, ■-i' ?* Assistant h.gh regard I t and strong sup¬ bacteria. .nipt in September. ligiun. grocraph), thr U.N. in he w us u visiting research pro- «' M.n'ar> Science port the university is giving '..he f I ll..w 15 to HP pcuent of The purpose of this and simi¬ wurld affairs, rrunumirs uf thr fes.Nor at falifornia Institute of program ' Major James F"ra • .• mitogen applied to lire lar experiment* i* to develop Far East. I.urupr ur l.atin Am¬ Tn hnology. This summer he is ft I •» v.. f . Sweet • .».« . ;..nc..pj : . ! .< ■ e j .a:.t I; i» in many plantation* the f-.rm MSU Miist'iiiu I eg an expressed the regret the fed industry in losing the sf a method preserving fovei* erica. and native pruplrs in wurld affairs, Ihrrr is also a a visiting physicist at Argonmt National laisuatoiy. 1. *P.(l j,■ * s*«i Wi".. services of l»r Brand hut point¬ in natural wmdilmn Irradiation, Tl-rrrdlt rrquirrmrnt in forrign sprayed on . : • .".log.!! Dr" Wapstra is best known (ids Species . "if • ScpUpmWf ed out "we are gratified a suc¬ h% the ppsx'ss is called, i* an Isngusgrs. f"i contrdnitions b» a dcepei Hubby- II ife f ■ t .„,M cessor of the caliber of Dr. Hor¬ leaves and nltirr ihoVe- -improvement ovn runnii.g in The engineering foi intern i- under stand,ng of tiie force® r W.-.I., Dt net will he taking over." Frotii Ktissia ■ I >, gruund part* of plant* are ef- that vvgrtaiiles and meats need tmnal service program i* of¬ tthirli hold the atom s micteuv » ; i c'U> >t In live organ* for absoipiion of Barnet fered by the College of Kngl- together. Thb loll* done through I lr A..- -.i, in Itf i.i Team to uutnrnU Irom tpiay*. Mndte* Hussian scientist* in M »m * . ..etc iron) gi Harvard Cuiicgv. r .oluiied iiiu not tic «-«*»kevl. neetiiig in v-ooptution with the Ins summary of nuclear masses with radioactive iMilope* *how .. aw .in M It A degree i(.o • A rMinpara»l«elv small dose of College of Science and Arts ami experimental work ih in¬ ■en Mai! .Urge .it that all nutrient* al»*orbrd by and lammgrad are now v *, .. void fIraduaie School of Bu*,- radiation u III prevent the sprout¬ Deati Hyder emphasizes that ter oal colivcl Moll. K.m»a\ U- aUo be Uken jog typical turd*, fish, and • ' plant root* call M'-s A iministrutioti m ar..j ing of potabies In storage, ( ber¬ preparation for international II. .N al-o a el! known tu i Korea in inivl spcvunrriii -f itu»*ia win up h> the leave*, stem* and a I'll D degree at Columbia Uni¬ ries ran he treated In cellophane service is not the only field es(a iimenial work in tiie n«n- A if-aiI itUtsU" froiu Ac ? ♦ he NISI' museuui fruit*. term! y .'I l»54 hags and kept longer than with whuh ran tie combined wi'h « miim i vati'.n f parity His wok ht A!,»: g enured the l)r lancoln Hettit. * -.•'» t . . , pes mil 'a la > A onvtitne executive wi*-.' oot irradiation. The surface engineering under the new ap¬ m Bos field in improved un d ved dui'u.jj ' -»i • ! • :.lir a- , o-d HUtrici..* professor of natural *c.encc. t Xtai -iiait Held and t o and pr--- sterilisation of meal ma» well proach ilcistandmc ..f tiie projM rtics of I**-' '•••« Fay if ; • the two Huasians wluie he w-< turn out to he one of the first He rxplatnv that some stodc.,: , of natuie's fundamental • -dint 4 manufacturing entv one ■••'• White at MS'' touring Itussia wi'u a group f ed fr «n ttvssv all a !y Dr Harriet co-ordinated large-scale applications of irra¬ may want to combine ingmeu- paitlehw, tire iieutlltio. > Mi ter- |>grr«- other profesxor* a *-oi -j* d by the Be Arden House executive pro- diation in the food Industry, »' f a hose (ami »• After Dr. He:' ' * return, the gt am, m t'Uiine** admintsLratiou |* J.j JCI.imiII MSI? Parted t«» ex¬ mani., objective to iria- ('liltpel Serves All lleli^iuns S • • museum P •• ...r ivcdmg la an ip.porta'it at v ..i iinbia before moving tu a W>r;i! 'A ar It the pr change rorTc#|)v»Mdeiu c witfi t'-e OiaiM.n in ♦"•'■■at fcaKis develop un- .n«- m agiKuiiural pr«»- N- i *'i»• stem 'cs Returning * ■ Di i a.tdit."tiai pra» si.c tw o ItuMian* The v ol re*jemd- p;> asant liaviirs .. i He a. it directed ihe advanced Aiumnr Memoi al P'-rti ' K«!:-as Jiji ence was in the form - f piint- liia.llaled |imvI» itase afUv Ctiapcl «>n .led. i . a- von a- lt.% llliiha- • anag.G.ent program "f Creole » At'- IliV.'t ■ Ih give and vefi««4e-s tan uc cd material and bulletin* Bite-ieun Curp •uo'itt that not 'he < ampuy of MSI' m-ius anv Hi Yrnrgucla Ar- gift* Wm • n .war,,, '•» ije to thv general public and ail ri igious .1. uoooiiatciis , >i through rvseaich The two Ruuuns are aeirnl H<- l.a* men management < •♦!- stone d»cii gs.'t: ' TOtltmis-, whole, statevi l I. Be »•") Associates In« A n- Svivioe U.U»iat .iv logy at Mvobrnw State I'nivemitt . June 7 ItlaJ (atiiolns, I'ro- lion altar I «■ • and the ather la with the /an•- rn. an Institute of Bakir.g ami In nj.iL >t est' nsive '.es!*. .1 t.siai.r. and Jew i*h chureli "I- Ti. • eombmation altar .♦ as a '■'"•'a tmun-fti evuieutf tnu-N far g< ctitiiulatt t - Jap. ■■ • • .'i • -u • ly.VJ •:> u lo I^aU. Vi.it* MSI lacteal Institute of the Arademy •f science •# the l>Hl In l^«- McKumy and Co. Midi, antbat iii'Tv no t«i*»e uradiaUd (eaetious f'Hi ix wlun fuiaU par tic ipa texi monies in tiie ciie- gift i* of late Mrs titerin iiuv-!.and Ml Stewart (grouted >i»d phystcist fnrtti t.he incrad. ' •*** ass.giHd W I . a •' A:. '.I I c A veisity n of Fafi«, France, i* Ihn lor ( iilliliiltltr rat» n On chapt'i tiie mam fltair there arc seat* fur 2 il3U. U, jean Bionscl. who is a exchanged are typical of tn»'; Bus*)a and the United Slab - . tp/ioiulllh'iil eventually dev ay* {.ishI •poil.ue is i a used by outside agent* nut: i Pels Mr O organ W Mniuer consulting donated of 13.1 ■• I He statetl that the t»Ui»rt- t.rivatriy tmaiued by tha i' Fort Betuung. lfto..ai. -ij AT'-'.MCatloe. of Ah A The Bu**ian of birds, { .»nk Deltufeth, dotu*ral as nartrria and bv the action of i inultant th»s jummcr for Bell Upas ami 23 chums Ti>« organ in Assm iahon tri"' | Of luvr* -,v"-ulo tu- course, with ne »> ror.iT •''-«",,-d * T'i»ph*ine iab iratones, iectumi r*h. nquirrcl*. mice, field mice, . .-u'.didate in buunc** admin.- interna, enzymes Irradiation hrwWM V re err tie j. a;.: vdsrews, and moles dificr frran fctratmn, has {teen appointed to kills surface bacteria, but d««*» to Fort "Externa and intv; a- " a rii Monday in the I*h>s* cuss ;• *l#teies >n the U S Yet. while ti.e J.'i-memlter arbitration parol not stop the action of these in¬ PjMktoftun Criteria of Ot.»• v.'* -Mathe:'atas bu.ldmg con- terna i the dtffeitsm** u great eiwiugn o! t ie Michigan Labor Mtxli *• v n*> mci r«a»m on 'Nuclear Maj- tu be interestuig. each specu.* u Board- Many f«*at* I'.mt coU/r when Utrt.nan.e of OpiugUj- cart tre easily identifud with i'S He join* |*rof. Charle* KiH- fc'ated with radiation. Cherrie* t>i . nted Mercury Nuclei " cvutin specie* in the U -h ^- v* ,»i tt*. director of the Lab -i and apple* Ut.anc a grayl«n lie .on.-ultti * with MRU AH these mammals, along with and Industrial Relations CVnUr. white Green coloring in leafy pi:., sicists Di Bros si, A as cdu- the ftsn and birds, ate obtained an.. u the other fatuity memtwr vegetables disappear* and meati M i't ,»< the Un.vcisity <-f Paru from ail parts of husaia id a* candy pud* are also used in flavoring The i prvaented at the recent nieet- i!.* of the American Society "/ Aitr . uliural Rngmeem at Cor¬ tropica! regit.ru, is in one of the greenhouses under the care <>f William MeKane. wdio has dur t» with The Cola Dee is a straight trunk, .Vi-ou a tail species dog biscuit* and chewing l»»bac- eo THu' ground-up weds are a bread ingredient 6 '111 nell Uruverilty. Botji awards worked at hi* job for X) years fret in heighL Usually grown MRU hav a ginger plant, too, were m the annual extenaiun This particular tree ti grow a m West Africa, this tree played u»cd for commercial ginger. exhibit* competition. principally for display, and the an important part in the social, Many of the specimen* are ac¬ jV b'; jl \\ .nnxr.g a blue ribbon froin bananas1 Uken from it arc used commercial and religious life of quired through the Seed Ex¬ the.society for their publication, for fiber*. tne natives, who eat it. change activity "w ere Dr r>-.naid Brown and Profeaaor Dennis Wiant. while The tree u now a year old. anywhere from one t<» The evergreen, Achraa Zapot* dative to is 'a Uii Central The luquaU. greenhou*e* a bold some tropica! fruit native 4 if "oatTai£r IMlirrBM «Hb a rhok* boW Their entry was a bulletin en- two years is the period required America- Its bark contains a to ITiiru. now grown in most r*w*r »l CoHral Hich Srboul pa-bm hi* lowaril tiih-d. • lughfing Your Home." for a crop in njwh compieUdy: latex "i chicle, the bads of tropu at and suidnrpical region*, An ther blue ril>br»n award thus, the fruit U now green chewing gum. In industry the uk lud.ng part, of the' United , V*"* • M|iwbbir brahr uul >1 thr -cbuul- trunk is tailed and the *ui>- State* A small, evergreen tree Allen Butchbaker, ag- Another plant in the green¬ *•*. 8nml ptnwu »rrr lakra inla lb* went ncuituxal engineer, for hie en- to house is the Bixa Oreilana. an stancc scraped from the bark with broad leave*, it* yellow- THE AOMIXIKTKATION MMtax g,u • ran.|iflls«. LV'l •"a *',*r lb. acbinl M»"Hli**'l» dcmop-lralMl h*for* :iv Electricity at Work" in U»e evergreen tree or small busn. The fa rob Flower is grown orange fruits are produced the fall and used flesh in jellie*, in F'ltatir,. cars*«t,ra. •MetriclaaWMtta ultacr wurken. ar« caapu. I« ialruralr it on. r radio and televisu»n class of the native to tropical America, through the Mediterranean re¬ ex.units competition. which bears fruit in iU secood gion and Central Asia. It is a #aucc* and pics. livtax W* MMMf a caaxWto -.artaauU Michigan State News "Ah, Yea—We Have Many Things In Common' Review . Apt K The Read Daily by MRU's 25.000 Student* and Michigan State News is published by students of Michigan State University, East Lan¬ Faculty (Pepfl (J sing. Mich., without direct faculty supervision. It is not the official voice of the university or i! the student body, but while seeking to serve the best interests of both, stands ready to bat- tie a.-.y move which would drive a wedge between the two whether it comes from within the university or from outside. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press and Associated Top News Storit THURSDAY—Key Republicans said they may trv r .k v Collegiate Press. the tougher ol the two House labor reform bill, Vl: p!.» attempt to pick up votes of wavering GOP members "J ■ Vol. .11. No. a«j Thursday, August -0, 1919 Page Two P. - Ways and Means Committee approved a temporary c«2 increase in gasoline taxes to help ease the super hi|-," ** inti crisis ... A German coastal vessel colided wn- , Second of a Series stroycr which apparently was shadowing a large.'SCa;e N.JJ maneuver. Allied naval sources said. The collision ;r. off the West German p»>rt of Kiel . . . The steel indarr. Poland's Countryside Viewed reliably rej>orted. has rejected a suggestion that ;♦ S10 a ton in lieu oi granting a wage increase in situation . . . Three negro girls strolled into Ha" H.g- jT C:-J a second day. of integration in Little Rock with only -t j By MSU Exchange Student fllllTon s VOTKrThl* is thr from segregationists. FRIDAY—The U.S. launched a 12-foot balloon ?a-e nounced 20 minutes later that all three stages of tj1e -. I drink was served. We had a great realised that the entire forest srrond article written this sum¬ rocket had ignited, it was announced at Cape Canav*- variety—spagetti in warm milk, wa* undermined and disrupted climaxed the busiest day in Cape Canaveral's hii- r> mer b* Kathis Pieman, a MSU macaronni in milk soup, rice in by a mate of trenches, hole*, v'. student now studs in* and work- milk soup, and then again spa¬ b*-rg Air Force Base in California, the Air Fortv dugouts and tunnel*. ins in Poland. Miss Pierson is On the other side of the camp tempt to score a spaceage first by recovering a 30< getti in milk soup, etc. which was ejected from the Discoverer V sate.iiv writing her impressions of that Our evening "soeieties" were we found more gunpits. and Pacific Typhoon Georgia ripped through Centra'" h- J country for the State News while only the cement and stone re¬ traveling under the Brethren often rampfires with tourists mains of a once-German bunk¬ pan's mam island, leaving 102 dead, 112 missiong. 6;s Service Program exchange. To¬ from other groups. We sang, 177.104 driven from their homes . The House. ;r a- er With a full view of the en¬ . . day she listened while others sang solos, of anticlimax, did the expected and formally pa.-o-c th? * describes the live of tire lake, the inlet and outlet, rural Poland. \ third article watched the fire, and talked. trei bill endorsed by President Eisenhower and the surrounding area, tins' . . . Each day will he published in the State' brought for us new had been a German fortress. Arthur Summerfield called Sen. Pat McNamara " Jl New s lihxl Thursday I. landsrape. a new ramp, and a In an attempt to restore their igan postmaster confirmations "capricious" and new experience, forests after the war, the Polish Summerfield called on McNamara (D-Mich> ' ,5 Bv K Willi: PII RSON- on which he bases his refusal to approve 30 p< :-3;n- Man and nature have develop¬ people replanted much of the If HowUv Hev' Were happv ed ,< strange eontra t in this, the land and already there are good ship appointments . Army engineers reported >aw • > si" ' .. * ' With thi Ma/ura region More than 1 i stands of forest Here the trees pears to bo a large aerial ljomb from World Wr •• ; . v wc V uf.. tne dot k "t lakes connected by streams and stand in neat rows (the planting don's Tate Gallery home of many of the nation , - a,-. <■:. • t i ;»;nj. The little millN- small rivers have made a na¬ system after the war was to put trees in perfect rows) with their SATURDAY - Fidel Castro was planning to ' ... .r. I Mi's -to- *r| .11 ., sent I- tural water network that. !>< - t.ill trunks and high, bushy tops Foreign Minister* Conference in Santiago. C . n a treeless hill. si.ii s serving as excellent ship¬ Dominican Republic aggression in the Carriobt., S.-okiny from a distance like ping and logging waterways m looking like giant soldiers with ,an Airlines Boeing 707 jetliner crashed and ex SLmdro:.* >•:» j birthday rake some parts, has become one of jilumes on their hats stardin; t1 r ;r.':it alter seeing the large tracts of men A severe earthquake rocked Formosa - • • ■ ct'i.sn two Ih'.Ilit'- in all «>r Poland, and very popu¬ aii'1 th< th.- natui il forests that are still un¬ jurtng 43 M re t.ian 200 Mac; warriors of At : n onto lar in Kuro|>ean countries. Sum¬ (>!;..- tak.- ivh. had harmed by man. spear- ..i i c.i.os. descended on the jail at Hard.: / > el-. for boy scouts and » '■ we mer camps Rrriusr it w»* a German ter¬ tr\ *«. : : «e release of 25) of their imprisoned w < i-:j; .!!•,-• f;vried tM't ae trave.- gul scout-, and for children <>! my '••• ear « i laborers are held here. The ma¬ ritory before thr war. mam «70 pharmaceutical employes out on a picni. 1 • r< There w. .v i:> >f u< One flu:- jority "t tin people tour the German peole still live In thi# t.N •: jxtisonuig near Angola. Indiana . . . A • r-«;: '■> "• .fi nil Poland f ■ >r five forests and lakes on bicycles, in area. The language I* aume- iornplvtfl'. around Manbatten Island in New V wetka timr* an odd romblnation of -if 3o miie an.t then wa# dissuaded from tr\. studying method* of bee kijacs, on foot (hiking . is very I'olish and German. I.Ike thr trip A ful'.-sca'e model of America's ; .e farm*, the town* are generally i Film Fare :— . . will be rushed t.- Moscow for showing in the I > - • small. Hut along with the plea¬ I rSay One for Me'Is SUNDAY—Flee-' Adnt William Halsey. jr.. 4 Too Sweet sant quaintness. the cleanliness hero. die«i a' Fi«»er- Island. Halsey. 76. vvw and hospitality in these vtllagrs Eisenhower a- a "*,reat natural leader" prt leave a lasting Impression. . . . The homes in these villages, Stx-reta.-'. Janif- liagerty said that President F. By I.AHRIME RIRII IN THE END everyone i* gon*. ever* one i« one o' hp ' •ughes- schedules since entering tr»- 'A unlike the red brick house# so the central part of happv. Robert Wagner gets Debbie Reynolds and Tw - Repuuiiian S«na:ors asked President F ■ common in filN'lK "GOING MY WAY." Hmg Crosby h«< the now-sober piano player takes the bridal Poland, are often stucco, always been intermittently donning toupee. p.jH- and R •- pub.t. a' once a ep- r' by nis own fact-finder cleanly whitewashed, with red man collar to sally forth with his well-modulated bouquet of Wagner and Reynolds and gives S«mreUirv • luit*"! Jame- Mitchell . , . Bee 1 tile or mental rooK Women are tone* (Crosby presidingi to the un-wed mother in a vaulevilic song anri dance man who came back * -# correcting the world's wrongs, reforming often seen with their stiff gesture that i* supposed to signifly something, c iubs «nd TY. died at the age of 65 . . The 'A ••• •• sinners and generally making the world a happy brooms made of small, dried although let'.* not hope it is a marriage proposal foreign minister*' reportedly reached agreed.i: or happy place in which to live The film also branches, sweeping the colible- In "Say One (or Mr." Crosby is there, sinner* possesses a number <>f song; plan for the Caribbean. stoiie street m front of their dances and other brief sortie* into the area of and other (alien folk are there and everyone be¬ "theology, (i.e. "We don't penali/e the children MONIIA1 — I-ack of time ha« caused the homes Theie is never a lawn, comes very, very happy in the end just like wu for the mistakes of their parents "i Premier Nikita Khrushchev# projxised visits ?. •' hut if the house doesn't come knew tliev would rigid to the .sidewalk, pretty C'rosbv has been proliferating rruscom eptnw eluding Detroit, and also the South . . . Whit< Now all this wouldn't be *<> awfully bad if it flower ai>ou* the functions and activities of a parish as,ntt a Negro student attending integrated class*- are planted on tnc wasn't for the fm t that it i* a'1 *o obvious, all Priest since he began tn»> black rube gambit some the-first tim« a# anti-iniegratiun activities pun-' sparse piece of ground so *ickenlv sweet, and all so idiotic. .Nt.ii back But this is the worst Westcri Hemisphere foreign ministers adopt. <. Lake Stu.il d\y. toe years travesty of the THE H'HOI.E THING lines up something like Hon" largest lake in Poland, both the lot. The opening scene in which Crosby, a* a condemming dictatorships as "lnconipatiL.. this The evil one* (who arc really good deep, shipping and tourot • industries" Priest, mind vnu. sings the pseudo-religiouv tit'.e -can system of Democratic Government, deep down) are: Roiiert Wagner, a young enter¬ aie highly developed Here, in song while Debbie Reynolds gambols about wis- tainer on the way to the top; and who is (11 a TUESDAY—Chile expelled » part of Cub* the last few years, the once- giing her j»ert little posterior is enough to niaUr heel. (2) conceited (hiding a deep-seated sense someone. I am sure, turn m hi* proverbial gra\«- men. who, ostensibly on .< good will trip lav.--.-. pa.ireful, unknown villages have of inferiority), and (3) lustful (sexually abnor¬ /.ation ii. Santiago aboard a Cuban air force tra turned into tourist resorts with THE FILM Ik NOT even very well prevented.. mal: He like# beautiful women). tatlure in New York City brought darkness n; •- t o Polish form Of night clubs It lias a tendency to drag in parts and some of the . and on * lew store- Wagner l? supported by an alcoholic piano so-called gags aie very, very bad indeed N > one ing- in a 5uu-block section of Manhattan . . . r ' No excursion like tins could player who would be a great composer if only ha* ever claimed, that the principles can a," i .ght person. d*maged«a big dam and toppits: i . 4* someone would have faith in him or he in him¬ Madison R:\er near Helena. Montana. cvci i»t without is numerous indeed thev cannot, but one might forgive them self or something, and also a young and beautiful no!. . .,|s f;M- man who slept if they tried, whnh indeed they do not Willi out un-weti mother i ap'.ioi Hoied so loud "Sav One for Mr" is. of course, designed f »r that he eonld be heard tiu -ugh rhe fori** <" rehahilatation arc Debbie Rey¬ northers (God hie.#* all of them) and tee:.-agel nolds. who is naive, pretty and is in love with V HI I G AItl AN nt.tn find .i I'olish woman, member- of the vtill of the in-. captain >lam away. nf the night three can- Wc had a pretty tired Uotieit Wagner; Ring Crosby, who is only inter¬ ested in the welfare of a!! concerned and who work* diligent;* and unselfishly in their behalf daughters, but one wonders if even thev » .r\ stomach this On the other side of the *c.»>. I feci that I mu*t warn the diatjeti'1.* to stay n CLASSIFIEDS ADS DEADLINE: IP-M TI lADM Polish people Even the average filih-goer (if he exist* I he wor,'| t.inipniu pari 4. le.iw I he shore afler carrt inu Iheir know l.iiflUh quite well, and (although thev rt- first do not recognize this or be able .to take the high sugar content whu'i BILL* FAYARLL 9-12 and 1-4 MONDA1 Himii ID twifil atio— ,» (l.ihi thai wouldn't permit navigation. alway* eager appreciate it. preferring to be left to their own III) 2*1511 were to learn new has caused me to write such an acrid review .ft 1 AT.>:»■ word*. I.xplainin* the name of sinful devices) hope* thai the appalling taste may w ash aw a* one town to me in Palish, thr* asked me to tell them the Eng¬ »• lish equl* alent. The name; Pup*: AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTAll Michigan Stale News - ■ '.ii : . i mgg.i.g the meaning: bottom . . . . the bot¬ Dtsoro u.-'i ..t- » k us. i annm 1), MKHFt.lTE-3 d.n> RANCH -5 tom we »it on *■' 1 )«a4UtifuI tr,ree-be«lr ttr Iwi; »n Il»r oilcicsllnc (ask A i .mm .. . I'm* 341 Stuoenf ScrWe* hast o-viiti"* nw 1'ler Uiken ED 1-1415 .the Ma/ura region, Jcs Micti.gan t-in h pa'-e e.- ••I unpa. I»ih» (he hMn ami « »« • • lb;. • iiJos. us fuic >' Publonad i»i cla«< days Monda* inrwuge SiKlav inv.ui<.lva auri-if with dt*P"*a: and oui vacation. Polish style, fa"- v- inter and aprmg tern-,- wreklv dunes *«nir-rr t» r ion* »U i.io (cm i<» our tahiitv .. ) a tui gr. buii' ten American picture of an' vpe.-iai fr**hn>an i*»u> Oetvvvcn mmitifr and («|i trur* Kn(era«:t country i* ni-ond i'la*• matter uudsr tha act of March X U">* at u>a yo»t wri»ta HOUSING *lu>n home near ro««r*. a colicw...nps anrt l4.> ronvenieni 1 and *p4" ' e-it* ai4.l4r>i« < > . ; " tourist organua- t»r sa«c. fur pounds of butter dis¬ i difficult di*m..g« " :rlrr tar-/- \\r < inrtit.-inert i..t roundir-a* tiotiji and facilities pri- tributed to live kiiai's. rto. thru are rapidly v«V l-oiMri parkina Phone IV Home Court tie traveled dais without glowing, am! the regular work¬ 5-SlM 4iei; i of weekend* 10 Hath :mi hlankrts tuhhrt tubes, canteens healing am sound of mrrhani- ing i :.- note ft Roman date 10 !'«•!.• institution* i» four weeks Norvik retrieved for Mi*# June .17 Charm A T T E N T ! 0 l- I,' fx t APART MINT FOR RENT furnuh- a year Even person who be¬ Lemon, petite and rrdhatrcd t I W 2V. Molten od >»'« Te-i Ave BLYERS E-» i p tuck Lan»i.-.g 9 ranch kltcher i. bi-.»ne longs to the labor party pays waitress on the liner MaUoma, It Affect.on uf the u iwaiiliiul l pin# eatin* *'*- due* pj>ed the wal¬ IT. Send out 41 Abraham's En :j'-an*UrrU'rd l<1 prr montd Mrs Flirt (V *-v:' - " In,- Res 1 full right* to travel under plan¬ let into the water 45 feet deep II Lacking nephew cab:liquid * grass hut of 4t fish- 42. A proposer ■OOMS ned self-con ft- ertnan Trie fishermen, with the-.r half price programs such a# ours at during a boat dull a: the liner* dock dtnee 43 45. Foreboding Tramp SERVICE ^ V. and .'I'.virivfl that V".'!."_e» of stark simplicity, shag- Our many days of fun. our Miss !». Padd'f 47. Demolish SLXEPtNG ROOM W lTH~kitfhe^ Lemon rnviefes m North Bft'V-1 . & hau and m their asked Norvik'* 2t Kmmet Walnut, Lan-- TYPIST AW 'a a- .mi Mt-U 11 -;.»•« a hUgt* bUf huge oar time* of intent discussions ami 4ft, Pernw .oua *irg IV 4-rqi* 1-JSS0 Deetrtc f p" boats appear to b»* more a part salvage firm for help and learn¬ 22. Kiln 4g Repent ft Cherr.ical ,ft and U.esla alao g»' » * „ * «-f. " >e learning, thencver-ending scenes ed the fee would be 1400. Nor¬ 2J Clever suffix APPROVED ROOMS FOR O' w a-, K t.v camp in surrounding nature than of beauty created by nature, our N) Different I. Realm -iBfte ano flauMa men. tire vik and two helper* went ahead expedient *r Weal Grand evxn.ng a" walk in the ijtr w e know. it. Color 51. Penitential TMI ctUNisr - •• u evening campfires plentiful in and recovered ' n 10. &ho*e K.-om the lakes comes a bount¬ wallet in ninKis . „..uitird w... d. and song* ami cheerfulness all made half hour search « H Drilling period clearly SUCH lUSCNALi " ' as da? a g.en to fali, lit a iful yield of fish each year, from ua a little sorry when we finally Norvik toot 52. Denary 1! Breed of FOR SALE Sft rtl • lie the forest* many animals, and W*ver away Miss Le¬ 27. Kind of DOWN dbg :,ie Thr :■ is,; ,at and sang, reached our last camp and head¬ from both many different bird# mon's offer of half her money. railroad car 1. Determin¬ It. Clamor o«rnKocn tkl-nk i.,r Was# 4 :•# •Me A •'?"■«'vie an and Polish songs. ed toward# home. " live Most impressionable are Instead, he collected a kias. 21. Melancholy ing influence 20 Raand *»crtfke .«*w at lion n-.rn.lt. ,17, Moot of the rest c*U ID 1-Ml 9 L LANS Se of the dais the many swans narrow p.r.p that live on the nf our tiip w ere similar to this 25. Assistance COMPLXTF RATTAN tivlna 22' MAC lakes and streams. They AcItC sA nw>m one | he whole camp usually arc one T-J.VN All 24. Trifling .ryuc^ ch*lr corner of the biggest bird# alive, but y thOc w arose at about T.20 am., and we yet one of the moat beautiful AS? FKTs THt* ,>-." c: cor amount 2t Common- 7 "|, U.TO tD b. TTL£MS10N~4^ MSV etuden' were usualli parked and te- iv i-rn and moat delicate place TWO BREAKING RIDING watt, enrrgiird with breakfast b* id em saddles ED 7-atU after F JO i m. We would slop in the mid¬ let hrte too. in this pul¬ JATiUe pm. CAMPI-S TVTisoCj chritude. man ha* managed la M.Dutch -- !• dle of a lake and swtiw: troll rOIn fish on the was: and then often deatrns. Although net tow in¬ tensive in thta area, war has commune 10. Ahead one rtrm «AIX-EMERALD r.n wry T.x>|< rut Era- IKMMi I fish after dinner. <1. Beast left wound* that not even no- W*1C# Often when we would find a tare ran heal. As we walked SL Emphasis 9E Group eg PERSONAL nice place <»n The shore, we stop¬ throne h the forent l-< one evening, eight ped and swam, rvjied, and went I almost fell Into a deep hole H France C10CI I; r hikes in the forest* looking t >r blueberriea and for a. Ipecial that wii esergrown with graaa. ITS NO* lVx£ {-.SWNS "7751 *-r *• milled the gram hark and TWtWT^SXt- A Fi.TK! wild strawberry that is very -mall, but with fragiant aroma foand that the »Mea w ere of REAL ESTATE TMOmKCnS ,!»v| cement. * inn-hole for a heasy and good taste rom W I artillery gun with a amall tun¬ / 115, FAMlCV-»COIR—omq « 121 MAC O". .v * certain ramps were able nel leading into it. tanking -non..-- or will trM. 11 S5S Iv *-m a lot , wrmit. *o have all the food for all t, little way In nwr rtgkt, we aaw tne«K so we often had to take the Irenek end and the opening *OOMI AXO~tMU. ALL FORMS Or ate aervtce. .rvTJ", < oU«e emn , m, ttm MU 4oin era. Ml Boat Grand P- r "Lr b our ft<*d frv»m these can-.ps fur that began the amall under¬ Btng ED T-S441 the next davs But a', every ground tunnel to the tunpit. camp, son.e kind of soup and Then looking around u», wo Vour Key to Better Values . . • Campus Classifieds . . . High Reader^ lugust VI. 1959 iwrmoafi mw news nn rmn- Aim Try die U. P.. Beaver Island Kfllry (ifls Votes; Sammy Ignored ■»! Ellison Kelly of Michigan State was among the vote-getters in 0 n- ballot fur Most Valuable Player in Friday's All-Star 'hicago Michigan's Rob Ptacek received the MVP award. game at Want an Offbeat Michigan Sammy Williams, State's 1958 Ail-American end, played well dur- ng the Stars 29-0 loss to the Baltimore Colts, but was ignored in Bv LARRY Gl'XTIN part of it for copper explorat. * The action stirred conservj. v ne balloting. State News Sports Editor tion groups into "Save the P r>;. v« For the adventurous student ies" campaigns, and R traveler. Michigan has a wealth poverty, stricken U P. natives were equa Vc insurance . r. U ffuandt • Young Drivers special! sis • Out of State Drivers of offbeat vacation possibilities. And most summer school stu¬ dent?. whether waiting for fall Iy determined that the copper interests should work a sect:-- of the Porkies to provide ne , registration or taking a week employment. Excess Limits of Liability and property damage lo off before starting work, find The controversy aroused re SIM.M# and SIM.dtt available September is the month to interest in the Porkies. •• I CANCELLED AND REFUSED RISKS IMMEDIATELY HANDLED CALL if No Answer travel. The weather warm, the bug and most ..f in dry and still are not the tourists so bad, have the last appreciable stand Michigan's virgin white p-,.- remains. The Michigan Co.-.;e vation Commission final: ,t . 1123 >. left the state's many play¬ E. Mieh. Ave. IV 54419 Dial IV 9-133t ground*. cided not to lease the site. The mountainous park . The Upper Peninsula is the vides a challenge to those best bet for those of vou who wish to camp, fish and v are looking for something dif¬ in a largely umnarred "v;.u(.r. ferent in the way of vacations. ness. Remnants of the glorious hey¬ The irun eeuutry. though per. CENTRAL MINE is owe of Enjoy Yourself Genuine MEXICAN FOODS TORTILLAS FRESH DAILY I nrhlladJv Mrtirin Tamale, Rikrl Good* many ropper mining ghost towns in the Keweenaw Peninsula. day of copper mining are "scat¬ tered throughout the Keweenaw Peninsula: the wilderness of the STUDENT TRAVELER Davr Morris, with doe Black;, prepares mil at Hieeins Lakr. onr of Ihr stale's man; ha Pi k* exettiag to the r**ua| obaerver, it aba Interesting little fboat town of Fayette The en Porcupine and Huron Moun¬ Big Bay de Nae. baa reeentb on irnrm nummrr ereninu* Served dally— also tains is among the most rugged fine camperounds. available lo take out been purchased by the xtate for TOKKKsS Michigan State's 1958 baseball and least explored in the Mid¬ conversion into a mining mu¬ west: Anatomy of a Murder fans rloning nf most Calumet and velege of poking around. Some¬ seum. Mexican Bakerv and Rettaiiranl team led the Rig 10 in team bat¬ 724 E. Or. River — IV 4-4MI might enjoy looking over the Heels mining operations. De¬ day one of these ghost towns There are. of course, rrj; ting with .310 percentage. caying mine shafts, crumbling should be restored to preserve . CHICKEN DELIGHT a Marquette and Big Ray scenes more other points of interest ,n described in the book and pic¬ atone buildings and mountains the copper era s heritage. Today the U P. The Huron Mounta.r.,, tured in the movie. of ropper **ftlaf.H however, re¬ the crumbling towns stand ready main an a memorial to the pros¬ to welcome anyone who gets a perhaps more rugged thar. t.-.e Those of you interested in 3030 MICHIGAN perous days when pure Mleh- thrill out of exploring remnants Porkies, those interesting r.c history will find the Keweenaw TAKE NOTE Copper Country fascinating. It ifan copper was the flneftt in of the pa-t towns of Negaunee and R-. periling, the Soo Canal, Tah- was here that the first mining the world and Michigan led the But Keweenawlafid is much nation In ropper produetion. more than an area of decaying quamenon Falls, and so on. Summer month* are busy boiwn (1841» in the country took months and the days to by boom town- The rocky, moun¬ Perhaps the strangest historic place. Here was a land teeming The ghost towns — such as site in the state is on Btave- without notire. Rut vour ear with as, much adventure as any Central Mine — are genuine. tainous peninsula, jutting out Island, off Charlevoix. H--. does notire them, and it may western boom t<«wn could boast There ha:- been no effort a! into Lake Superior. :s unparal¬ he time for leled for beauty. hunting and "King"' James , Jesse Strar.g IV 24)728 a checkup. Maybe The Copper Country Hm seen restoration and there is nobody founded a Mormon kingdom n you should romr in now, just poverty in recent vearx with the to collect money for the pri- fishing Brock way Mountain the 1840's. Strang and h. to he sure. Drive, near Copper Harbor, lowers believed he wax the c overlooks (.ne of the most rug¬ - You'll find we |hr sour ear gedly beautiful vistas in the vmely-appointed success"- > the assassinated Josep S-:. die expert rare it deserves. : ii. ioioo room state and the little band went Drive in for every thine from And from Houghton-llanroek ' '« (iOOH GULF cas to Nummrr I! the name that made pizza famous in Lansiny i and Copper Harbor, the ferry Lake Michigan island. The jority of the Mormons f. ma¬ rherkupv j lead* to |*le Kotale. >|iehigan'* Brigham Young to Utah rontrihntion to the National FHFK OPEN DAILY'S p.m. . 2 a.m. they founded Salt Iwik- . Parks system • VALVE GRINIIINf* On Beaver Island. "Kiac" • MOIOK TINE UP DELIVERY r i Down the Lake Su jienor coa't ■ Jame* was abselute leader if. • WHEEL BALANCING • ACCESSORIES to the southwes* is the f'orcn- though be did bumble htm«e)f • DRAKE KERVK I • SPRING* CORAL GABLES pine which Mountain- man1 con. •ede Stat* Bark, should ai- to Ibc extent nf being clerug to the state legislature But th# • TAILPIPE A MUFFLER • WASHING so be 4 nation., park I? became band ran iuta truublc I when it FOR FAST 110AII SERVICE CALL KD T-WII6 j I — PIZZA — COMPLETE DINNERS — SNACKS — • famous !a-' f.t Creek Mining *o when tried to toe Beai lease practiced pulyguuy and Mr»( wax aaaaasiuated. and hi* f*i- lowcr* dispersed by Irish In¬ J vaders from Charlevoix NOW Thru SATURDAY! I DANCING FRIDAY AFTERNOON Mormon village was burned lh» GULF SERVICE but the foundations of Mrsng* 2 • GREAT FAMILY ATTRACTIONS LARRY'S ENTERTAINMENT AND DINNERS printing office may aiill he seer %nd the King's highway on the KNOWN TODAY AT 7 tin 9: to island ix a name which recall* - ON EAST MICIIILAN AT LOUIS [ Mt OtntM fatt/moirs j! HliiiEiinalS arrow, friim ll-al SI. rnlrsnir) . ; ItatiifibfUrr the short-lived kingdom A ferry runs three tire • wee* between the island t* fawom t osmeiu s .VI nil Wotirtlion •Baby Needs' Slrrilr and appro, r. SSKt OK FOR MI" £V 0) Disney Cartoon* Shown First at Dn»k -t ompMr Assortment t ALL |\ .*»-l.t.V'i riHilart kn* ■oIuIh.d- atailahlr. :4a arr no* Call Cor lrre Deliier? mm man Sft*w*oucsi m msi 4MUW CMMCIDS VN EKI mi Locally owned and ^ ^a operated Dr. HsrsM A. Shmder Joseph and Dori* Marrk. MALL COURT HURREE! NURREE! Registered Pharmacist* EHANUOK CENTER HSOgags l o I In* lliy SUPER BARGAIN OAT -Rio Airerr 'snowfire' 2nd GREAT AIIRkt HON KNOWN THiltt AT . DM l crp ull • . . \li.-day err i'llkllkh ulyl • . . two n:,\ti kls! STARLITC I Mile, NMiUiwp.t af | *"• wmook. TimOaa mo futqc. f*m Lam* . mm auOO* Na*t.«*p, tm fc _ THkolr.H »,t tt. Rrf»- IASAUTK TMU IF A NIT RSKT MT! uucmomftGOGOuu-pmammmwumii stumt nrriiMirmrn THE BIGGEST — 2nd at 114 — SNOW IN THE WORLD! aa.m ,n wit wuau>- **QO ttays »i>m> »vrt at i.i SUN. WON. (2) Bit; llll's Pgr- STARTS SUNDAY! T :M P.M. RIO ACTION THRILLERS!.' 1 St'N. MOfr. tC'E. trfcp. 4 MCPAY9 Ert. at m • *:U, C M P M life Khown Friday at iw. 4.SC. M. uuawusouco wm WU-AR KR CARLOAD 5 PI Gridders Face Heavy Sked tsu Athletes State News ^ • Michigan State has picked on some of the best against which to attempt a comeback this coming football season. Six of the Spartans' 1959 opponents had strong winning records line in Class August *0. 1939 Sports MH«r AnliUit — — Urrr Giuta Dave Mawte las fall. And five of the opposition hold winning life-time marks over Michigan State. Iowa, Notre Dame. Indiana. Ohio State. Purdue and Northwest¬ all had winning records a year ago, and from pre-season fore¬ Linn 'i''i ^tate v,r,¥? t'nn,a P>»y«r Doujr Smith topped ern casts Iowa, OSU and Purdue are listed as the top contenders for l otball teams The varsity uses the new¬ SAN ntW'CSCO GIANTS second baseman Darvl Spen- sport, are the has hall in hand a* he leaps over Chicago Cub* runner , ' Vf-e. with by averages of J O er equipment and the freshman cer Art Sehiilt in fourth inning at Wrigley Field in Chicago LIEBERMANN'S- team uses tne older equipment. with their home towns Suinlav. Schult was forced out hut aggressive block pre¬ This year the freshman turnout vented double pla>. Action came when Giants *hortstop Kd jAU - M ade Cart- is expected to be between 100 Rressoud Misiped up Karl Averill's grounder and tossed petrch, %LI. Basic College, - Larry Fan- and 200 hopefuls. The players have two pairs of shoes. Jerseys, and Daniv One to Spencer. ( ul»* won. a-1. Locker Trunks fcu C.b Ind. education, of tnese «et> is used for prac¬ Golis. Bolivar, Pa., Duff*". No Duffi-r: make eitllepe packing . and the other |-^ tjftvsical sciences, 3.4; " tice sessions used for games only This keeps is easy Green Bay, Wis., so- rtrc«. JJ. Ted Wasson. the equipment manager busy be¬ Out* Stroke Ib-liind cause b«>th seta have to be in Ind., hotel manage- F-'re*f good shape COt'NTRY-TRACK— A good pair of football shoes sp. n- nr., cost about $20. a jersey about p'.A* tour: j las Ktlamaxoo, edu- S!0. and a pair of pants abou' dent.- a: lj* •Charles Mann. Tra- $30 A good helmet costs about Dufi: politicai K-ience. 3.1; $!7 A'.: the equipment u«ed by tan>. at:., |: Marsh. Charlotte, edu- " one player runs from $100 to tied 1k »• jV • Allan Newmann, $200 depending on how- good ncr »' Bi r. engineering. 3.0; men* J.».s. it w. jrwUi*. Gait. Ont.. ac- New equipment which will be Ha* green j< —•Track only. used this year by the entire John V llXG - Stephen Arnest. team are double-bar face guards. stuved and the new one. vies*. Ferndale. busi- put :n their place [ .. 3T; Charles Long-»ieevod ;er*e% * are worn MI \i« ** »onn« Mason, engineer- foR III i I- I III *11 HIILt by the linemen and snort-sleev¬ I »t. nu ka>oed hi* challenger in the Ml. Carmel, job. Practice starts August 23. their clnthinir and pear on the •. f. 3 c third. Then he offered Ingemar Jnhan**on one million dol »g« NASTICi—D.ck Becker, lar* for a heat>weight title fight. S» far no an*uer from campus trek. Size :id"xl2"xl6" education. 3 0. An- Bri» k yn. N Y-, edu- Johan**on. In other hoxini: new*. I)ave> Moore wa* sched¬ uled to defend hi* featherweiijhl title again*! e\-champ kid SPECIAL —hip enouirh to carry a l.iy load FIBER [ J4 Mtrraei Coco. Phil- HaM*e> W edne*da>. ami small munch to fit In a car. Pa engineering. 3 0. COVERED . lit - Alfred DeVuono, Man* education, 3 4. Campus Classified- l.ow Cost This Week Fitted with double draw I toils P'-ry r.cago. Ill, edu- and center lock. *12" > J MacKenxie, A rer-a s'viai telenet*, (ptaa ■**) P l.ese Copper CUff. SAVE YOURSELF .. «■;■-. J# Joseph Sel- .-ugxa >«»a. forestry, ON A LUBRICATION AND OIL CHANGE Ml-I -tf Streder. Chi- ^Ubh/mamriA. xs.net* admuuitra- RECl'LAR FRirr. SPECIAL PRICE Pau "Aintner Belle* Lube S1J10 Lul* J l.( «l mcial tcience*. J.?. MMIV(, - Franklin Mo- S qt. I0W-30 n.00 ■> ql. DHV..K) 2JS5 IM.50 Ill" South Washington Ave, |i// Worrall '■ Lions? - Ear'. M or rail, IV OI K VEX I t OADE'S REMODELED MORE RED'S SHELL SERVICE "Id MirilK.AN - gi State All-Am- .-*.-erj«ck. is pressing NEAR KELLOT.d ( ENTER ' No 1 quar- Vlt-ul-. Lrurrrir.. I nil Inn- of Bi vi-rsgr. ' • '.ne syot ni the Detroit *-*. George Wilson Two llliM-k- from Murrnil llou.ing Tl»OA\ IS St I'FR * tasaur r.ght now. THI'B. • ru .AT. Ill BIO HIT. GLADMER • r* * sou." he said, RARf.AIN I» \A ! i ,->re* -g Tobin hard." 0|».-n Evening- IT'RV..si. lh- SUgHwIi Kan! %i.i i»\\ i I:I MI n A »« -r, p*»»ing 2101 E. KALAMAZOO AIR-CONDITIONED TO VOI R CO*IM)KT I ■> * "1 pats him up -• eth.oiuon his work dur- there garnet iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1 DON f Ml JIRHV I WO II \ ll III N OIM LI.MIN t V 1111 IN Mill*" Wound WawnrrCOUORT 'tftiLLf y WNtf doesn't l>un him HI * HIT NO (2» HUNT U N *.JK« Mjn». M»ay ru«m ! Vi KCOLLAR -M I LATTOe SATURDAY Curse ,, s* UNDEAD)? nl'W THBl' Wtp Iti >UW ffdRbcMUMWJeanHAGEN HIT -GUNMEN PROM LAREDO" NO. (2) tH TBCMNKOLOB STARTS -ANATOMY OF A 2:22 • 3;49 • 9:11 1:14 • 19:3# THl'RS. MURDER" • CAROL ANI).HEIl SISTER. Nancy, records that may make (rood Ice skating STUDIES took much time during the first five spend many hours at home wading through music. and Carol spent weeks, many hours at the Library. by Pierre Brunet, one of the foremost skating coaches in the world. This summer. "'Carol spends approximately six to seven hours on the lcc. And in her spare time, she gives personal lessons. Two other members of the Heiss family are also develop¬ ing into Championship skaters. They are Carol's sister and brother, Nancy and Bruce. Nancy. ?n excellent techni¬ cal skater, will enroll as a freshman at MSU this fall, while I truce, a junior in high school, it one of the country's best skaters. Off the Ice. Carol is cheerful, agreeable and unaffected. She smiles a lot. Her face is bright. And on the ice, she's a friend of all the other skater's oo the She's just as attractive off the ice too rink—as well as the best skater in the world. Slate News Photos Itv Norm Hines I'KACTICE sessions have paid off fur Carol, who has tin* grncef(illness and |siiso neisl.'d for a championship sknlcr. Hero sho performs the "Mamrka." ISAM 1 and her nsim* mates unpack at the dormi¬ tory during the Counseling Clinic. Nancy will be a fresh, man at AISL' in September. At.I. Wullh and no play is a dull life, so Carol takes a few minutes out of her busy schedule to make friends with the ducks on the lied Cedar River. I.(ITS of fancy maneuvers on the ice are included in USE of the most bcautl. Carol's ful sights oil the ice is the routine, ami the "Hack Jump" is "Stag Jump," which Canal one of her finest. does with perfection. It Is one of the hardest ntaneur. ers for an ice skater to master. WORDS of wisdom from Carol and her coach. Pierre Brunei, are relayed to Bruce. Bruce will take a hi. test for skating at tha ice arena on Saturday.