Polish Religion 4,th.ill Preview Imprrvinn of Poland's I,£ in (Jrid Pow«r* Religions f,Win In" Prwlk* See Page 2 0 Years ~ MICHIGAN—THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1950 PKIY E 5 I KMS" [ •■. XoTiW EAST LANSING. Count the Days .. There's Only One Week of Classes Remaining o aid of lir. Glen 'I'aggart. head uf And tlic 10-mcter diving plat- In another vu-rk. the newest plete a full term's work of 16 academic experiment at MSI* credit hours. MSl 's International Programs. form at the outdoor pool h«« will come to a rinse and stu¬ And it was a summer full of presented a rhallenge to many The colorful swimming and as they contemplate the results dents who have unite through many extra-curricular events on the summer of study will finally wrestling Pan-American Games of making the famed jump campus. try outs, held at .he Men's IM get that much-deserved vacation. I sinking back over the past Other activities also ha e building, thrilled thousands for Final exams will mark the rune weeks. MSU students have two weeks. Although keeping helped to keep the students' end of summer school on Fri¬ had the opportunity to sec many minds off the summer heat. the students from using their day, Sept. 4. although it will be special programs as well as the favorite athletic facilities, the Rut the summer isn't o\er yet Just the beginning of a short regular ones. finest swimmers and wrestlers there's still one week rema ¬ summer session for the MS!J The Premier of Eastern Ni¬ in the United States put on ins m which the students mu-' football team, which will begin geria. Dr. Nnamdi Akikiwe. was summer workouts next Monday. a noted personality visiting the spectacular exhibitions while keep their nose- to the trying to make the U.S. Pan- After that—well, some will be This marked the first year campus. I»r. Arikiwe. who received an Am team. graduated: others will leave t«u that the university's summer The opening of the outdoor other schools; and still others program included two five-week honorary degree from President will take that two-week vaca¬ and a 10-week session. Prev¬ John A. Hannah at a special pool was possibly the most re¬ freshing achievement this sum¬ tion and then come back f >r iously, only nine and six-week summer convocation, came to the mer. as it served to cool off more, remembering that fall sessions were held. rampus seeking advice for his students weary of hot, humid term starts on Sep' 29- It win the first summer that proposed I niversity of Nigeria, lie surreeded in enlisting the weather. We'll see you then. MHl' students were able to com¬ Record Enrollment In Driver Education 1«»2 Student* Participate In MSI '* Summer Program Tin- summer'* expanded driver education program at Slate N'rm Photo be Noun Hinr« the end zone where he hopes the Spartans will score -MSI drew » record enrollment of 182 students from 25 TAN STADIUM has been empty since last fall, but scans touchdowns throughout the season. states and included facility representation from nine col- Mithall practice beginning next Monday. visions of manx t m the stands are seen. Here, an MSI student lejrcs. Most of the student* participating were working toward advanced deprees in education with an emphasis on driver education. I'rof. Paul Viirg The expanded program in driver education xvas provided In response to a growing demand l»v teachers at both high scho-tl and college levels for a broad background prepara¬ tion in safety and traffic education. The eight courses offered in the summer workshops covered driver educa¬ E;-.er-'i"wcr-Kru- Pies? < Pr..fiv*i., Va h -.laiittabiefl tion curricula and teaching methods, general safety educa¬ '! ' * n- ' W H ■ ! thing W hu'll Esdwc.jjc ' v.»:S eyta'j- ■ Russia .. tion. traffic safety rduriltKiti, Om¬ I'unld hap|icn would la* an open 1 "firntR," re- hid I pr»'. -->r of diplomatic it -p.. : t it 11. has to failure h» agree. Midi «> .1 re- |KU»I «»f fiir telf-vised debate perw>'ii,iiiy con rfiniiity factors safety i in i driving, ganirutum, State News t MSI PfpMoent He:- between Vu-e-Presidi-nl fbcha.il traffic information, Will Publish smell! nm.ui. public en- i>e 0>r first time a 111■ 'Vet and President Then- Nixon and Premier Khrushchev. ' Hw« ever been in V' • N . "Then there would be let¬ g neering and auto mechanics. d&utcs." tM)id*Dr Paul hfiu-rr to R .ev.'t toured Europe a down on lK»th sides followed by Each two-week workshop hi- ! siyv be the first time German the MSU i-iveiv Professor Xarg but not wiule in of. the eop- mereased tension," lie said The historian also mentioned \el\ed laboratory fid hours of class and woik and carried Speeial Issue hear, Pri>: icn'. tuo evt i H) ll" • sees a report that Premier Khrutsehev A 40-page special edition 'a XtM* Vrw« ehnln h, Hill I'llllhil, con President feieinrs between Premier Kh- three term credits on the gradu¬ | v>!' to RU«M.» nay meet with Mao Tse-tung cut! al! returning student* «m DIC. Ell WIN IIE1TINGIIAIS. in*!ruclor in speech and lime President \\ ood row tVIUon riisluhex and President Eisen¬ ate level. the Re Grants to'almg IIO.imiu jh.». be said, "ma* be eon- office, went oith to I'ari* and portant r lieeause Russia and the ■ M'ed schoiai-hips for 133 of 'he be published by the Mate New» nel hoard s> mlMils with participants attending Ihe Seminar lor Ihe purpose of attending the I lilted states are "reall* the irrned that the meetings rouid JiMeph SUIin. nor ^ . rent teai hers Of these gran!- ,n September. on Communication conducted by MSU for the International I learn of the post-World War I peace com- mil* two strong powers in the bring about an end of a lessen- * a.'«) provided by !*i« nor ail# wa- The issue, dubbed the ' Wel- world " Inter-Industry High- Cooperation Administration. Ihe seminar is being held in }rr nailed the Wraleni frreiicr. M rhigan cue Edition," will be available the In ion through next week. • he explained. pr. M.l. • • lb - ' r"«-n • Safety Committer. • I; I'rrm Run l.tuls . • to students a« thry arrive on Franklin R- m . .. .. the Allstate Kounilation, and JR. • a f . !i»e hiato.iC Afi A-' 'r ■ '' • i U, , Willi this edition, the Stale S •oil from funds proM'ierl by i.'m.pi:. for registration and nr- .»•!,»n week. Jt will l»e distri¬ Here for Two Week* !»«• i.e continued. and an - News will reasr publication un¬ * . American Trucking ,V-mh i.i- | *a< not pa I ?.; c visit trati i P; • Harry T m .• til the first day of classes fall r through the National Ui,...- buted m the And and all campus I «• or president Dwight Es- Htawv.lt o',;H>r «tj,1 major went did tab no* term. September tS. Ihe paper will be published on a dailv basis during the fall, winter and .r, • . . < v ion on A»ws latton. Safety Kdueati"M. an of the National f.o.j. ... dot m. un ies on Sept. 21 Slate Tins ednion, New* hi toi v. will the biggest include in International Seminar Will. llut p: •• j,nv teatures im ttie MSU .»?.»- (Amies Home' la MSI f spring terms, < u- seetie, campus living. ing of the cold lie mar \\ KAR Stalioii* ' . ->i ,<>i. i ii,lbs an-l activitie- 'alomhura to Travel war. and mai.v o'tiers Hv Hll.l. I AII.AHXN believe that as long as there is a cold war, he ran bargain with Need Assislanl.- irs. ■ I the issue oniv foi had in. on.- tin Siimlax afternoon some All from a do/en im- Russia and gain thereby. tions xxill arrive.at Kellogg f enter to regi-ter for the Weeks in Europe otbei "He wav could a!>n i c a si if) if tension di* rva-' P . twenty-fifth being cotiillicteii by in a series .\|Sl of Seininar.a on f omtmimcHtiou lor the Internntionnl t oojieratinu international, trade would ! science department hwul Dr. Joseph L.iPn toiiragcd Although ia-'R of . to gaih ura Administration tlCA). wf diiint Ihinp tiui had liltl* tual rari.o id Ha Western trade is certainu n.y. Utes FrkU.x for Western Europe «ui .» thre»-?.. ! " %l*n, Russia is so powerful ica-mg ■ U. it ■>; lo.idlt. I'he srn.ii ar p?n tieipkflt* • uiulrr*laiidiiiK uf him t« put wret king China, it may Im omik- foeu all over the Uio'.-d During' his five-week travels EaPalomhura w>!i thai we iannul in any way die- ere is a need fo, II. .,\ it., Walt Spore arrive their plan# into effect in the irig each Chinese work an ex'ia i»'ites where tiiev have lieeo face «»f tiadilttiiMl. la t and t possible student exchange hetxxeen Italian and tale lu her. She i* a grown— ng Al*i*!»H'- for ,«if bundling 'be Mdxoiti*- wk hour a day to make up for s'udving riKwiern trvhMuue* #ud and growing—concern." uai hhcpatd in sports edi¬ rullMral nppoHiliun In change 1 universities, deliver a paiier to the Fourth World * nder of surnruei hi •Tiadc. incidentally, may be methods, in field# ranging from ft.-, ..f \! —v ■ ct group of re|>"rteu «ic h . , big factor in the talka. In- • n terniM and fall te i of sociology and attempt to complete a research a iiis, call Dick Estell, out "getting the stoiies". Norm a^flcultiiie *o nuelear engim-ii. W ide r, • • r- .>f trade with the US. . with an Italian colleague at the University of .Yrir (hurst* i teased would better the Russian stand¬ ■> extension 2372. • la I'iuneia-liug" Mines will add it.v to the paper through hi# ing, under the >ie>nsoi>hip »,f I ''.a U-ihnical *.s#isitmce pro- Hi'« lion, the i li.iT11 »fi.-i' I U A a!'••! ♦ adi)!-! t-fi MSU '•» > ,- ard of living and make commu¬ studiiw and offices ,- gi am set up » trial ; » aio u> n cet t • Carnegie Corp. grant. UiPalomhara plans t<» In Uintfiiugi* nism appear more successful " pH tuies for mo*! parinumot.*, this l* the ric« ■ <>f O.c I • A pa- p•ith Italian universities concerning poMibilitie* of *l.e fmal week of their It oi.. ig of undergraduate .student exchange. Indepeit- ptogram' In Ine Uni'-cd V.* •>, i the Carnegie study, MSU faculty members and OfferetlinFall They wtlf s'hiu be going HornC To-: a-.- - i. .1- .. .. [fc|»rtmenU have already shown interest in such y«u have fo g<» around tie Knowledge. '"•<> have gain- finals from V'm ? no: ; , c i with the University of Florence. An exchange n ith r.e phrase it's all Greek »r» aturjvtng in fee Unoed S'.di fr ■<•... S'lutit A -'.., '..tn * Mtudent* and faculty members is being considered u> im le»th formally and thr--ugn m>- fI• .i Thatlab" u d «•' e» ,to ■C professor*, and cx- A r.ew ciruixe in Modcrnf *• ? v at ion #nd on-!he-job train¬ -■ »iI> ri i'ii-V',' i j h;, »:Ir* • t«. i Scgotuitions along Greek wii! be started Ujis fall ing, for peruKl- fioui * few ciiffe.cn' m . , v?m) do/ • I Will b« continued by in the Evening College, for thu*e »i.oid - to two or three year* ere -f fiats.Mv. wno w -h to rid themselves of %ltliow*ti it I* H«med Ihe • fin the ha«i# tof e\pe»«en> e this phra.M' Seinin«r #n ( •NimMMiralton. the sained frmn the National t*r»- ! ss Inv nation from The Modern Greek course will •ne-week HUOni Hm nothlui pe«t in A*rl» ultural (wmmum- World Congress of be taught by tr.c Rev. Father to I* dire*(It with r*di«. Ulr- ration and other propoU. far- • * bt held in Milan Costa# Kouklaku, priest of tho vhhn «r aUirr mrdu pit.# member* fiom man# de¬ V Italy, Sept. »-l5, U- fix# a paper rn- Greek Community In tjuusng. Through # broad inter pi na¬ partment* orsanisrd a tentative daal lather Keoklakts baa had tion of coipmunica'ion ami thy prosraui. A pilot *einin*r run- and Opera- ronasdersMe esperlear# la »o<'i#l and cuRuril faetois in¬ dueled at XIM la*t June met kl&Ci of the Pol- ' Irarbiag the earn. Mo UagM volved in tiie communkatiuii with M .A. approval and a con¬ This dealt n Greek Srlwd for the | proct.**, the S«uiinar on Com¬ tract wa» *it»ed for It aemiiiara dties involved for years, and three years munication seek* to create an for 1954-3* I ioance researcher who College of Paget Mai awareness of communication The seuunai was uffiGthiy b» • 1 basic framework that the political ashing ton. problems and offer* guidance to gun last (Xuibi'i .» ('a. a,- .i Th^s fall he Will start hit the participant* to help them laxige in Grand CacgpJn hta'" i i* controlled by se. > • td year of teaching in tha analyze tome of the difficulties Dark, near Berkcly bpfoig W. "Jpoup of people 1 Public School* Adult EducaUrm they, are likely to encounter Va I criticism of lauuuiig. ... i Upon returning to their home lb* au*«" <»t it# • nterdi**'iSiRna»"y The cost of the course for tho countries with idea* for chang¬ nature, the seminar ; fweded ' a fall term will range from $3 U» ing and improving agisting staff drawn from all area# >t jjo. depending on the number method* and system* the • university, including the of students. It will be held on The seminar originated wh«-n department* (A apeech; journa¬ Wednesday * 4nd Fridays from 1.CA. officials in Washington lism; television, radio and fib r; 5-7 pm Although no credit w.U DC. discovered that returning aockilogy; foundation* of edui a- KATH-tXM M«M*. **•' " be given fall term, there la a ,111 ia IMl »«•»'• FM* if participants had met with iner¬ tion; audio-visual, genera! c*"- MM •' ClM. kM *—• good chance that by winter term tia and opposition in proposing munication arts, and common,-' the course will be made a regu¬ change# and adaptation of the ratioa skill# Im Mm »m wrt to ton lar college credit course. new methods they had observed Other staff members include to )UU Oe- NM'. akt Students interested In such a THERE THEY CO — Ih* ®M iirtM tewing «i«» W«I4 War II. tel mw pn- during their stay in the United oenmunication theorists, sociolo- course In Modern Greek should contact the Rev. Fr. Coataa JCou- fctoning terracte arc being awve# ta a aaw jarl, aa Spartan Villaga, CaJnarally ViHaga States. fi*t#, paychologuta and anthro- klakis at 1<* East Elm St.. Lau- aila aa balUirn aute raam for aa* MM. ate Cterry Laat agartanali ante Iteao Mas) of Ike padMpudifsMd potefiato fathered from the Urn- that they had learned new way# fflM IIUUNAH Pm* •) I to. sing. or'telephone IV 3-56SI. iaga Sarb baWiaga wan aaa# f»r warrtte Cl.»r». ..to T««" r.«.to "Those Cnys Have Funny Ideas About Americanisnt- Apt M i ch i ga 11 SI a I e IN7 c w s Review X Read Daily by M*|"* ' T'mmi Mixlent* and Faculty They Hit You From The Front" of Week] n'lits of Michigan Stale University, East Lau- Top News Stork The Michigan State News is published hv ri¬ 0 • sing, Mich., without direct faculty superx immii It Is not the official voice of the university or of the student body, but while seeking to sen e the hest interests of both, stands ready to bat- * tic any move which would drive a wedge between the two whether it comes from within the Till RSDAY -■ AFL-CIO President James Carr x university or from outside. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press and Associated Houm members by letter that union member? , i»»'« Collegiate Press. them out of office because thc.v voted for "puni\v, r. labor-reform legislation . the Air Force failrd on Pajre Two . ' \ r Vol. 51, No. 00 Thursday, August 27, 1959 recover a 300-jMJund capsule ejected from the Discover^!,-} high abizve the earth. Two previous recovery tries in , covercr satellite shots also failed . Religious Activity in Poland FRIDAY- President Eisenhower formally proclaim the 5oth state in the Union and unfurled the new So-jn, flan It has five rows of six stars alternating with ? 7 !l Viewed by MSU Student five stars in the field of blue speed jet seaplane program after spending 4qq rr '.' % and receiving nine aircraft. It cited economies and *7 culties w ith the plane, the P6M seamaster . . . The Navy canc*; . . , -r^ 'EDITOR'S NOTE: Thia Is the headed towards Lovich. In the southwestern part of promised Congress that no more of its officers third artirle written this sum¬ Cars, busses, trucks, motor¬ Poland, still different syne*..'* weekend parties in the Bahamas Islands as guests fj' mer l>v Kathie Plerson. a MSP cycles and even bicycles all of religion are evident Tiny tractors . . The Canadian Government again ha r-rot«2l flowed into the small town, and red brick chapels, that prooablv student now studying and work- inr in Poland. Miss Plerson is created such a traffic problem one or two people can kn«cl United States against the proposed diversion if feet of water a second from the Great Lakes thro- l.ooo I »•> writing her impressions of that in the main square that offi¬ inside of. have been built a' ^ canal canal . Soxiet Premier Soviet Premier NikiU Nikit* *kB1,k.L.* **1 drainage . Khrushcher +2I country for the State New* cials were fearful for awhile many crossroads. Wreaths or major address and engage in a no-holds-barred w hile traveling under the that the procession would have flower corsages hang on the with.reporters at the National Pre?, Rrethren Service Program e*- no place to process. doors. . answer tcmbcr lt>. session c:^J rhange, and today her subject We. like most of the other Polish SATURDAY—Steven Rockefeller, an heir to or# people, whether be- w is the religions of Poland.) people there, had made our way llerers or non-believers, are greatest fortunes, married Anne Marie Rasmussen. one* s to I/ivich because it is one of At 11:45 the bells suddenly proud of their rhurrhe*. A* you kitchen maid. The country church wedding ended the days during the entire year when j^j < .une lo life and began to toll approach a town of any sire, her and whispered "darling"' in her ear . , . New York when all the true natives of Get i luudlv. AH eyes turned towards the first thing yon notice is the Rockefeller confirmed that he won't consider this region wear their tradition¬ being 1 „ the large church on the West spires of the rhurrhes rising for the vice-presidency as the running mate of Richard side of flie square, and a whi»p* al costume. above all other roofs. Soviet Premier Khrushchev will visit at least sex en Air. • ring hush fell over the crowd Poles from mlleo around, and on his historic journey to the United States next With anticipation c-f showing month. ta»| that jammed the plaza await- many foreign visitors aro lured tion White House at Gettysburg announced. He w ! every year by the promise of you their town, the people whom ^|■ fug this moment. Finally the ton. New York City. Los Angele*, San Francisco. you are visiting say. "first, we On 3 doors which everyone had been seeing this csreptlonnl cere¬ Ames, Iowa, and Pittsburgh . will go to see the church, and watching carefully began to mony In Iho bright color of the after that will walk through SUNDAY—Communist rebels have made a surpn«» open slowly, and from them rostumes. we itrifd tral Laos and forced Government troop* out of emerged the under-Priests dress¬ However, the crowd Is neither the park and sec the castle." til ting the administrative capital of Vientiane two"; the The churches are really beau¬ . 5, all-white robes. Then significant nor the . ed in most . tiful inside sawed their way out of the state penitentiar;. *• tieople carrying banners, statues most impressing aspect of th's Many iwautifu! por» j Iowa, after overpowing four guards during churcr. of Marv, and pictures of Christ scene. Underlying the toll of the statues*, ornament.*., windows and on scenes the walls, an 1 in the of the fugitives were captured before noon, three r' 1*-.'-^ can e into the sunlight. bells, the chanting of the wor¬ home of a Fort Madison minister where they hat We were standing Just be- shippers. the rose petals at the often the ago some histoiy underlying of the building are ter's wife . he/. ^J T vond the church, and as the I*riest's feet, is a deep passion MONDAY—President Eisenhower will waive worshippers passed us, we were of a religion that is tlw same found Premier Nikita Khrushchev at the airport when ^1 able to see toeir costumes of as our religion in the United Another jih.ee of the religion the T fn.it arrives Sept 15 . Panic hit the Royal capita! r.f wool with beautiful hand-err.- States, yet something lliat we quite as pleasant) that s . . Lurjtf different as rep^'rts- of Communist rebel attacks in the c tue tuneral Becau •* Pry ,r. • broidered blouses typical of have never known of »he city. Unconfirmed rep«'rts said rebels were ihcir region. One evening a* the sun u ,i* scarcity of cars, the operatic TJ casket, e usually carried nr miles of the city, in Laos . Hawaii official I •. they had be¬ slowly sinking toward America, . . As suddenly as taken by horse and wagon from Congress in historic ceremonies that saw American <• gun tn ring, the bells eeaaed to we were riding along a countr*. toll. Everyone In the long Hno road on bicycles. The song, a the tuneral parlor tn the church. Film Fare Japanese ancestry take the oath of office for the t.n A ceremony quite strange to us Nation's histor* was turning around towards the slow chant, drifted to us fro •» ehurrh. and then Uie people down the road. A~. we neare.l is carried on during this time TURRDAY—President Eisenhower said one purr-"# Kaye's rThe Five Pennies'' carrying banners and the ether a place when* the two roads Ax Europe is to pledge Western unity "in opposing, h '■ we were nearliig the *lreet St mho Is put these dewn and came together, we saw thr ••• thai i* traveled moat hv sar>, any aggression" against the allies . . . Th» H ear* knell there the street to Means committee voted down a on women kneeling on the gra :s and other vehicle* paaalng compromise pro-v v- prat. They remained In prayer before a whib» monument tii »t through Nkierniewlre une da«. highway financing crisis. The committee reaff m - until •in the their the hells onee chorus. Then alowlv people rose, turned, and again took stood like against the pale i.mk sky a storied |,v the side of the road miniature teeple We I mixed tilack, heard voire*. was the ImimI slowly A chanting Priest, clad walking «f in •- Called Enjoyable, Insufferable action for a 22-rnonth one-rent a gasoline tax . . beating scientific and propaganda triumph wh.:«* h Russia may shoot a man ir.t. sp.«.. gallon increase continued their trek around the and stti>id quletlv watching bang with his hands fntded in Khrushchev is in the United States, West l,rri,k Hv LAH'RCNCE HARIF gate this to the fan magazines and the square Two more women came dou q prater. Dlrretlv behind him sources said, \ I he end of the prm-e^ion thr road, placed the flowers walked a woman shrouded in TMU NBW DANNY KAYK picture. "The gossip columns. » one mar u*. we heaid the ling, Kiev vii-ii 1 tearing on the black, carrying a large bouquet Five Pennies," can probably be ailerjuittely By way of closing out the summer, I o.g of j.imti ludli,. First came fhrtrii, ami then knelt and of flutters, and weeping refit*. Murnnieii up ami UNpenned with in these would like to mention few film* that have CLASSIFIEDS ADS a little gill* ranging in agfu from joined in the chant t hildren few word*: The find half i* enjoyable; the five i.i seven veirs, dressed in who came ui'h the next woman F««ur iM-iring a small l>een recently realized and that should ..h «h.«. liicvw* Ttiev voir sat on the twin h th front Even • i*ki', pfotiabiv of a child, fol- aecotul half i* insufferable. prove to l>e of more than passing interest. !> • ; Tbr asket ttKADUNE: 1P.M. TI'CXD.XT "The Five Pennies" is a Hio-Pic of Her! > If • ,!tK ri'iwers It the HtMe though we seemed to he an at- i w«i wiu'v. The list is, of course, far from all-inclusive, llltiij mi t out. ide Mlt.S PXYARU: •■It UI, 1., MONDAY carried then t rail ion' • Willi flow¬ U>rwi> ItB hii-k« is t'-e u. or pel haps liettei Nichols, the cornetist and band leader. The but these are films of recognized quality. h.oio. Itefora the path of phrased "'iiisti actnn." drawing er The people makmg up the KD Mill EXT. Ml re t "f the funeral p.irtt walk¬ first half of the film, and the one I would Tor those of you that have access to the the head Ihievl tin women'* attention, the ed behind the casket, many of recommend seeing, concerns itself with his art theaters, I have included several for¬ Sis own were •nerving the chanting never stopped t hi hip them dressed m bbut Alt rise to prominence and the formation of hca.l I'tie-t a*. or sal vedatelv return lo town, we tame no i eign films. AUTOMOTIVE ton- hmtther made the loud his band. Here n t',,- , mo n a idatforin bc- anotlicr ito\- ali.l Mflotlu we have some wonderfully "North by Northwest"—The new Hitch¬ on' heard f.u down the stiee* J-.ve.M tuo nub"-, hill led ill in* group >f women mh.'oi t ;-«• PCiNTIAf : exciting film work, some extremely enter- cock thriller and an above-pur job. "Ai.pf «-<|>M'r f'HID'T AN. h«rdl»p IMT Mii*4fe hvdrsm,'.. p..v»pr x»**rin» 3-4*11 af'»r 1 aiii hrskp- hp,!*' iuh timoruzad en- uiiouuding turn, ringing brt •ui net utnglv oldtv i. of the picture, some very good jazz of the ens treatment of that now-famous docu¬ Nun 1 Gei PNe* Drive Id SLIGMTLV oil. ' -r: stzd at hem Aft. r m Tnrpp ie j>i »v <-r lu ll* l.te'twhere that I hate hren ' iJixie-Swing variety, ment. FOR SAl.K »X)RD IXfiS Cuxtom 3- •e» Mir aill »•.• f » Hard:' , I'd* was Ihe end of the wor in Po*and. I hate notned it lll'T, OH, that second half! During the "They Came to Cordura"—Included here o«-.f out!*.tan r git f Hadx. \Aiit. and heatar Onlv automatic ■ iT vhlji|H-rv who Itad hern Inside the •nam no stoads, in tillages and «hurt h. hut early days, Nichols acquires himself a wife for adventure fans, a film that provides - -»• mo If fMfirr' . ..nditioc II w as not the end lie*tde fields. « cross or a re¬ •i iv. I 'f• unetert th and child, in that order. Well, the daugh¬ ! 14111 ••#> 10 PERSONA. of the |n ocessioii People from ligious ornament of some kind in good entertainment. The novel from which • H XAI.R 1W.A Renault Dauphin* name sit i tlf nowd |irg.«u pushing Ihelr lliet are usually large, stand ter contracts polio and Nichols quits the this script is taken I by the same name! '«-•* Mve natatv brjt, l»>» mile- SANDV rut" In thr nth'; e tune h#' fak# • « tow ant* the end of the line, r.D 2-J*»• . •• iv ing about set en feel tall, and dunce band circuit, heaves his comet into was written 1« by Dr. (Jlendon Swarthout, Of'U# twtvff ;f • anil I tiling in behind Ihe Priest Ihe chants of the men around are Sometimes Ihe of many different tarlelles shrine Is a crude have slide, tie' ai a mativ often < uangrt, uncertainty nub Frisco* bay, ami settles down with a house assistant professor o f communication HOUSING paa»#c Cr#»' CKI-.t ). t e most and steady job to be able to give his rot-R r am:: the Pi test seemed to he appro- cross made of two small Iree pari, .* skills at MM". down, |i> 4 Safe to j iv that tn regard • fOA 9ENT tut i le arromplanmeiit to the limb*, or sometime* Its a large daughter the attention he had not !»een "Umk Hark in Anger"—Tony Richard¬ a -■ ali»- ■ of ihe lips of the people lellgloti. it!. 4i r tv i types mot tug monument tine thing Is similar, able to do in the past. The big questions son directing a screen treatment that sur¬ 2 1» » • MkN—We't (urmai.ed houre that followed, walking in silent, however: lliet alwats Itatr a i'oiati.t. Unite w then become #i"! apart- exit- ataiiaM* t«,r REAL EST4T iitu.tlisiir utter rxiktrius ••; Will daughter ever wulk passes the stage version. -p' t-r- A • Conditioned pri¬ prater pirtuie or a figure of ( lirlst or vate l-auml i« tug and Uh e ' again and will Nichols ever play again? I "Wild Strawberries"—Another provoca¬ •. parkin* I'hon* IV RAM H . I) Marx . S alM »i-ir * n thrtP-bPdmff •u •ii« that I liav don't think I will i> i 'lit , Hod< ami , ■ • e mult d VI..' giving too much away tive and lyrical film from one of the most ! V t' T f > Tt • r* 11 %rt acen* )"rch vxite par # * » Course, l .er » — di»tv.-r' belli* t if I say that they ii».. am! at the very same creative and productive contemporary di¬ R-M-t Hat' Aa>hrr- But d XXII ril m betw e« ,ip t mir.H^if N- pip. • n little tot)—by some remarkable coincidence. rectors, Igmar Bergman. • hiidrrr In,, month Phon* * an.l !»• »\ ■ uo.iili* legion w a* m s • f m the to. Frankly, this reviewer is rather tired of "The !lou*e I l.ive In**—Distinguished as this unrealistic, maudlin fare. He would one of the few good films to come out of »r.VKN RCMlM ft'RNiSHFD Wa.k- u.t duta; . - ia«npu» Will pant in Manx tear* of war and pov- rather see a picture where n polio victim post-war Soviet Russia. ffouo nf ?Vi\l Tl* 2-911* lit Crossword Puzzle e rft hopelessly hate hi ought the people groping for some didn't walk again and was forced to adjust And the two films reviewed in this col¬ • rt RVtMtrD VIM -11 .joitu-daie 1 • ROOM hout* tuae f» bua to tiie new situation, as in that great power Ihtt ran relict r classic. umn that were considered of exceptional r -.•»#* III.. t'a : Ipxi tfXad J? l an • '•» them. % religion has grown that "The Men." And tired old entertainer* merit—"The Nun's Story" and "Room at •! per --r la. «xtit# IIS .«-• >!u.1ent C«" IV- #mf rnhtf «- U'traiu# pu,» I \ '.a-an V-« ftv«*va>e the goternntenl would not dare struggling to make a comeback? l,et's rele¬ the Top." latixlflt ]« SERVICE ft t) to Irt and st|iiel< h. and conse¬ 4 T f AFAlTMlNTS TVI'tst an »« gx.0 35 Ve «n»atl v quently existence has deteloped between g friendly, peaceful co¬ Hook H«'\ it'K nim'tm . hcstvl't Thre* 2-^.V' Eleefrv and ti* t; I n* I'ttti aac# these '.rni^.p-i !*>'> ^ '.nunth utilt- two opposite sides. o#» in*iud#d 3e i . ft.t Oara*• call IV 9-4Tia thi cu««.fs- r.:'-1 Detective Stories Reviewed Id l« A e be-" Etc v chut, h .$ jammed for 14 III . user • II , tt nam Maw* «*w > Sunday, in ' Rt m im af SRTVIF.nt rmid#re. SUCH IEASOMM ' t.i." ,»f the churches have »M#d S33i« per moiitt. 15 Fven # .nr,c id 2-»»w Sf "1 : t • I Scatter la lover had teal*. t' nr.* ti c churcii n* Jark I »krr part tn the amateur investiga¬ *p-« .Xw'taNie k,<« h#n#t(# fnr uue *i0V» p#r kfuder » |*|; 1. LANS Si •'■"''I 44 t)nt« # Man • naira v« * aiUuHigh t.h# majority t f Vandereook followers amt Pvll* Unair* PTiimy# IV »-l»U l« e . t n oit Tm» dm n. v,i f,,„M »tui tion—which leads them both in- — 4t Collectiait ID Diunkard the * i»*-op!e art- very pvH«r, no! there must be thousands—will 31 W'eight » -tarn, necofuq.an.Uiion from tu eyebrow, s.« well as hair- NEW WpfiO-UAR APARTMENTS cf factt It SvHinei this and I" a i- nu*»cvl when the EGa Stanley Uardner, who fev't raising adventure* enjoy <•».*< involving iji.er >•»■» i*., tedpiur., *.r CA«Pl-« • •9 l>re»t ttpni Pan British agent Lynch and his ..•nd)ti..ixe«! bx.t:» -n unit* fuJ! pa*e- At I Petty v ; -t tion ->iate goes aruund. and that Jark I'tnrr, .Author Usher's style i* terse, It Card game fulfilling his n.ent ImmMiate peemeten Fano- Puqartiiig n ».tv« cat' i'aMi!> js»** *>Ben mure promts*, '"wit, makt tuslory in American "Watson" Profesw-r i.p» «eie«Mtxe Call Mn uwau : 12 Barrel s'untl spar*, harshly realistic. His 2ah Mafguere tie. IV i-hC Oxambera •uii ..fa ' • t can afford. It seems a Deane se< against the exo'ic id rtave the mystery field' characters have great vigor and \9 Wa.rd M Uorier rtand bit runic*? that monetarily There are »*\cral passion, but oddly lack person¬ Uickgrouni of the Murray •OOMS 32 Vf ma. I things to Mountain Kange of New Gui¬ DOWN coat speaking, in a poof countrt, admire tn the »u»r> of tna-k- ality. owing probably to their SLttunsc ROOM H I Facets »f 33 Foetaait l'ricsthtaxi should be the richest tiriver Steve pe . ek » sketchy delineation This ne* nea with k.tchen efforts lo pro I lege* North Walnut. Lan- solar oxer hetda occupation, and that the church rrsvue an old frieod writer has po*er, but it needs Four proapec tor* disappear Mn» IV 9-or* CiOC' convicted jo lunar yaar 34 Titer •iw'uM be the most elabvwraie of murder from and the experienced ijetecting 2.V GarUv.. r'.ot a daie «uh the discipline and direction. His APPROVED HC»OV|* FOR • (•».• si home. gas chamber. Tiie friend's wife. novel, due in the spring, should juir i* called in th* Papua to •'«*)* and double «T Wen Grand 21. Glut -» investigate. International ten- Roer main 2# Sj . f f answer a few questions TIB IMNOCOrr HOi'SK sum* here over uranium—lot* TMO »r>OM» AVAJLABL, M ,n- |M THOM'SCNS i,tr| of it—that the Russians are rt •- ««'» flo-v e; • Ry ramema retio-iHe Gxr1« on|r. Call ED 9.4*8' T*o blm k, fn«rx JU MAC u* • 30 C\ .it.. e4 . ging up and Urytng to ship out of the island. n .»> It E.u vj e The latest Lockridge deals ALL ro*vi< or'n->:, ■» Plot, backdrop and characters at* eerx-iee ne- ♦ • r.V e with a husband-wife team who are all well-handled. Vander¬ FOR SALE ere 941 Eaat Grand * f , J3 get mixed up in the sale of state ain« ED T-«ft4t eook maintains his high stand¬ IMJ MAWLTTTt. M 24 he re Department aacreta in and -. M Cto« eriia.i.ent 3T P.ntf v* around Waahingtotx and have ards of entertainment. -U !Nn.!l W"W.Artw KAUffnunI, Aer*. Ul». OA—no IXPIIT TIBV! Oo.rur — •- •. ri '"."jSl thamaaivaa, hsdividually, a real Vain 39 Show to bo cbaee with foreign agenta. f'»Ml i»r.D ROYAL condition omrrtranmM,: fT* IV (a to 9-793t jp Donald and Marian Leeds are 40 Metal a t rier a tc.vl a likeable enough couple who, Michigan Stale >«•*, all auMMtxt NF.x Re-*ui.ahie HKrOOT* Phone HVDRAPLANE hvrxicaa JV )(jn9 jym 41 Prepare for as fata will have it, get in over Huoi.,^^1 an TW* ,4 woukino or'' ctaaa Oji UouOa* _ :i \ publicat on their heads and have to be res¬ U 'Hxan rrxo-x u>«liis>xe. darn-t fall, r** f,.' 1 , :I '■ *. k" WU'L> - 43. Obstruct violet and epntxe ter»*a cxrert HOMIS v.T, »~A.n, to. : •- • . cued by the Federal Bureau of ixxno-xs. n . w"lv.n~ o~. ,",r • X ,ru! - m 13 Hydraulic Investigation -eeaiy aartng term and one apacsal rmavnan Ixxjs summer tuo and three bedro->rr.» on diapla* A case of mistaken identities Ue'^ren wmnwr and fall tarmx ?ul IUm* itw,r °*n E*ir uttlji »rr-. Entered aa Mwrnd claaa matter en- .r.'L*^ Good wWtipn of »P« ui 0 - « 7' involve* the innocent Leeds, oer act of Marek x ir# et the aoa mobile home. An*. da. 5S5 " ■ but U's all resolved satisfactor¬ •tftre. East lancing Mic« ***•" u,"»rr»a down l,ni HlU. ID l-« _ pavmen. located Mail •ubernpttofu par able tn ad- corner of Penn- ily IS readable chapters later «mk« foe one term S3, for t»o ! Cra.r Op,r » In an and that's easily predic¬ leey.s. U •fx* three terms. U . . CAMPL'S The Aaeectaled Prem la enUUed table. This isn't what the Lock- ridgaa do boat, jfc* they, do ear- ******* J* tha uee reHre eg ah the lecal news prtated far repubh- 1*0 Rjrr.AK'Ni; ithiNo -,,t* ...LOW CCS?- re- it off well. f — - - •" •—■ u> wiu uSioaiTS.. w , , , HIGH R£.U>LSSf| August ... I?LV» on.niM.is «TATE V!£,,i?AV si.vit NLVrs.stws rats three rage inree Creativity in Children Says Visiting Prof Chinese Refugee Likes Hong Kong 'Population Malts IIONG b!.i'k • KONG d H'kh Vur.jv P W., mi mi %\ ruou* ffiRIII.1. V» I ML*M l»\ILt Stifled, Says Anderson Atom Peace I so' a contented, modi.-* «*•••,-. jn-. • .-Mck«-nv aiiii chi.' ■ *nrhllaAa». Timil*. H'tl'lB B.b»S «..e»Ss (i'Tou ti c meicharn WI .'i H''' er sve • o" iru *Stilv—aiw. ch"\v foir t m K.trig* i' '! priMTeiillv not'lMK 'o t-a... twilibl* it tak» est ( MlUllI" ' Hti* (ie,.f,,tr «n. .»• f '-'Vil l'f lill'i * « > I - TORRES ' -"k over tii' oumiw - ■ !• >u< > .< « if ua-e v. - iiejn^i ln-iij Virtu in lull", and Kestaurant f»;i> etiMt# applic.it bill- "• lire • i'thir.^ 'ft.-* bock home the- ».. r.r. River IV 4-4SSI Researcher '.'I — li.-i h t«» Mifpc extent jli 1 heavy popllla- T-'day, a' e . , •• r ' rvi. tt.i'p dream ab'iut v, uMittu lion proldem- i Tve .... ..i'iren .< tin. . ,j Notes in »' '* i-i! lif Med lugetbi i out M • iri. lea,, iij* • »»-, iii'vidi-'i ■ a - d boiii (1, -..»}» ni;\\ Fall •' I •' -«l !»• . !• !•!., Ill A.I " oMltls i New Book .-I- i i .* ifi-tiiigiii-hmi ; • ;■••■Kll.i,' llofli K ■ SLACKS j> . . rt.-i'k Iti M .»' «< ilid n",n • Creativity In children j« b»in? stifled bv "polite, nil- •' pi" ll'irh v wife feed* the faUlilv VMtl) III. eight on the ri|iiiva|ent of mral brainwashinif," cnn. ■«•!»#•! of Vlll a iiioiitli | he two eliti'i tends a noted research |h . It.'. *i< dsughlers. aged !<» anil !"». work ; ■ nloiri't at J1SU. b.. e Hflu DPI 'ill in a lexllle null tlsieh aiiiI Iii> SVI\lt II V slAl.kll Or. Harold Anderson not»s I. II .Hand hiolher lake on odd jolt, wlieli ♦ra- "in children cream it v is find them vi build a n . thev i ah in i.oun -it \i»i: nut r vi i. a - versa!. Among adult* .• i* ••-(»«■< .alls uf'i a nonexistent." tr.e • II f.vamining rretlirlh it a hu¬ • • . 1 it 11 r* t man resource are 14 distio- Ol II NEW SI.At l\S VRE IT T fni»hed writers hi a arw b«mk IN CI.EAN Sll\l»I.IER LINES -Creativity and Its (.'■Itivatmn ' |V. h uca IM I VILLI. WITH NEW INTEREST e edited b« Andersnn and pub¬ grtine.1 a' lished this week thy Harper A VI IIEI.T LINE \M» POCKET BrMhrr* >. • OVIE SEE Till. Ill f.K The work inductee adriic^ev W.I.J Wai i: .VM%VtV.WWWAV.V.V.VAVWAV.V.VAWi*, • (.ELECTION IN CJI AI.ITV g vcn during a symposium «»o ll'-J'.e *• , reativitjr. t ei. ad\ bv I VIIRIO \XH SMART C OLOR* ' take note . Among the contributor* are e.t Etm Kromm, author, psvrh . •>' -7 All:.I'll Altii- ...WITH CONSTANT ACCENT ItlitVMI! CIIIAVS are gninu Ibe tampu* road- n face 'ojfiit »nd professor of pfyvrv. -.HiCil summer months are hu«* ON KIVII OK I • .«• . logy at Michigan: Margie lilt ink* before the tbou%anil- ol. -tuilenf and lattiMv driver- ■■ ■ -■ ». the ¥'.4.\ anthropologi*!. and Har-t d appear on cantpti- I all term ■ . 'eh h.dcl. • without riotne Hilt tour ear *• ;ay »f". Vale profes oi <■' '.< • f»h J* •«:. our ■ does notice litem, and it m.«» tvmlls • a-1 political science i'id the Nor lie (inte for a checkup Vlavhe *1 ClUMLIMGN - • chapter on creaw • .<- Manx OliUti- - in l(ii««ia * < ; • j\ « vv.t'rr r« ♦ on should come in now, just •* • .r.a developme: *. A: • "i the Gorman to lie sine % ou? that br«».* T »-v wurkod • oi.iv t: of reec".' i f 4on'II find we gite tour car '! t - \l - .n ' r bu' >' "has beer. * teeli child training tr i- Lonuecilv i • on Increase the expert care it deserves Ifrtve m for evert thing from "• ' • BltOVt N S • • - r culture* for cf •.• .... i.fMifi (.1 |,| gas to summer • Nvnicvi, MAI AOI1K VV.,f ||r uf*. "the «q*rallrrt «<• •ra*or» ie rlieekups. "• » ' mitring. the polite rulluril i.ti •• I»r U t , hrtuiu ashing madr up of rhildren small incident-, is •he P* : •- • A \I \ I (.UIVDIM. • Mil Mill It \| I |> V 8695 •mall ohstrui tiona. small defln . -e Ge:n..i- • Ulll l.l H%I.ANf INC. • ACC I.kkOnil * pons .. '^ra brain* a-ho,; • Hft%KI MRVICI • sfKIVf.k a* home and *• i* fudaen. rirama'u • llereditv ..•• 1 authorities *\ a-lull S-e I III! V~l ROM) SERVICE ( VI.I. I ll * . i - . - .• ,p- bra' Tie motivation i« » : i J I h» %nterM4n woniAii i» the g and activity la. a- . WASHINGTON V* rrfive. ummirna'c.r, , idi.»konall> acfifstt from I tea I M. entrance! •. *e!/-pruteitrig i ftrnuifj-.'' CASH FOR BOOKS WE NEED BOOKS FOR FALL SELL NOW FOR TOP PRICE .- '> _ *, •J Pick Up Those ,MSL Souvenirs for Your Friends and Family at Home. ii P CJ u b a|.| 6 ■: (ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING) . ' ( .Al»» August 37. 1939 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS fat* Font 1 Sparring* McCaffrcc: IV Kvaslievski Invites 63 firichlers I £=F (J Tliis Is 4AI! Records Iowa Has 17 Lettcrmcn Back v IOWA CI TV — The call for The list includes 22 seniors. 11 juniors and 30 sophomores. i-. Jeter. Wcirton. W a fl-l. Va . IRn-poimdei who H •• -cm.. . Will Fair football, 1959, has been Issued Seventeen lettermen are listed, speed, skill and desire M» H) I.Altm lilSTIN — p. to #3 University of Iowa play¬ it* si /ith; kamsi v 12 are linemen and 5 are backs. averaged 7.2 yartls on «• • • Slate News Sports Editor V r ers by Coach Forest Evashevski. Of the invitees, six were re¬ rles during the regular sehedui. State News ('.imiMis Editor In his eighth season as head gular starters on the 195B team last fall and in the Rom It" • i ItK.CAl SK A M AJOHITY of the "Sparrinp" column* roach, Evashcvski will greet the "Our swim team is the which won the Big 10 title and became the i^im**'*' most valu¬ which have appeared in the Stale News during the last athletes Monday for the annual defeated California In the Rose able player when he " greatest ever assembled by press-radio-TV day activities, Bowl. These men who helped fiuii'-pltis year- have concerntHl the sport of boxing, it the United States. I think cord- for most yards. I!M h< then will start twice daily drills seenr- fitlini' that this—the last.--should also concern Jowa to compile an H-l-l record average. 21.3; and longest T!i every Pan-American record Tuesday. are ends Curt Merz and co-cap- run. HI vard some comment on this-most individualistic of all sports. will be broken." tain Don Norton, center Bill This left hilfb.uk dye- well A lot has happened in professional boxing this summer. Those enthusiastic word ih-ih; ^^AD^ONDITIONEI^I Lnpham, halfbacks Bob Jeter and co-Captain Bay Jaucb and on defense, t<»o. arnl rateher l.e' year h< a . a pa- grabber H Iiivenim* Johansson and .lose I'ecerra have been crowned •"from MSU'n Uhar'es .\M".afff fullback I)on Horn. for 117 yards and two ton, champion*-. The heavvweiprht situation has never been who is coaching the E S tea ESQUIRE By positions, there are to dtiven.s. lie wot, the coach' more confuted. The middleweight division is also confused for the Pan-American (Jam- ends, 12 tackles, II guards. 0 award last spring for attend wiUi Silvan* lta> U'lbinsfui the champion in two states and starting today to Chicago T •• centers, 5 quarterbacks. 0 left attitude and hard work -o swimming events don't begin a nee. either Carmen llasilio or Cene Fullmer (they fij-rht Fri¬ until Monday. halfbacks, 7 right halfbacks, and practice. Jeter scored six touch day) the champion of the others. Some of the swimmer-- M - 6 fullbacks. downs last year, Iowa's No. It has been a summer in which Floyd Patterson crawled Caffree was talking ai>out me I lawk eyes will have numerous scorer double daily practices before off the floor seven times, ami a summer in which ilogfin Mike Troy, new butterfly kui. Co-Cap'ain Ba> Jaucli <■ re¬ Who will be On the India • classes open Sept. 24. Concen¬ gular right halfback The Men "Kid" Itassey quit in his corner. varsity this year Frank M- tration will l»e upon prepara¬ rlota, |!|. athlete has worked The Hassey situation dpsertis sonic comment. Itiisspy, tions for the opener with Cali¬ his way up from the fourth Kinney will be 'b f< o'l.ng h. it would seem, was an excellent and courageous leal her- laurels in tnc bek-'r k< a- fornia at Berkeley Sept 2«i, fol¬ team since his sophomore sea¬ weight champ. Iluf when he lost the title to Ihivey Moore gainst rn«t oniv oanda i o » lowed by home games with son. On the 195H title team, he earlier this year, he lost it because he refused to go out varioiLs North and Smith A Northwestern Oct. 3 and Mich¬ started eight of ten game- and - eric,an nations, hut in o'vn igan State (Homecoming) Oct. lead rushing yard-gainer-- with for the llth round. In the rematch. Haswey seemed to he 10 521 vards. average of It H m young teammate I. l'« Seh-e - Rose Iktwl record-breaker Je¬ 7ft carries holding up "ell against !\|oore. 'then he tiMik a heating in f* iwho a'mos' he:a' him out ter, and Iff.* Hawkeye yardage the I nth and refused to come out for the lltli. in the trials on varn;iU • earlier tin month leader Jaurh are the highlight "My hand was hurt," he explained. "I didn't want to halfback* of Iowa'* squad. They are the class of the If) Pan-A 111s lipht when that happened." Another |»air from the I s Joe Jhowti won the Ii«fr weii'hi noun with a broken that should lead a rood race candidates, Hawkcyc h«»|»es f"f long and steady yardage and Start Today ripM. I can remember the Pocky-Marriaho Archie Moore will) eaeli other l >. swimmers Is thai o| (iwircr as well as twin* their performances of the past fiybl. Moore had been down three time- and he could lirren and Alan Somer*. Hreen Khow that they will he spear¬ head* of the running attack In (lliiea sometimes pax mg trn- 1 lit, 2'J 11 .South American nations will when Archie .• ,»% ifi t• i« an was. floored three times by V von IlureiJe in their first bout 4|t'-\ al,| r«eevfv!e march in proud review in huge •Nancx Rarne;., world reeo. Keep It Up ? Soldier Field a> dramatic open¬ but rattle back to win bv a knockout h'ildei m the 1 l()-yI fi "1 / ing ilay ceremonies arc held I am sure you will find Friday' field a ereat one for .Oi l Be: v.: Collir.'" 'he ,.:i . • The games will be opened thi- type of cotiraee. I loth Ifa-ilio and Fullmer are touirh In V het in the fjij.i:• m to officially bv I'reMdeilt Eocn- event. v,,!i competitor-, if hoi talented boxer- again In1 bat!J,r,g b'Hvet - brotbei, |)i Milt >u K - Mi' bi'/an Mate' soccer tvam has a bjjr order ahead rf it senhower, pmcti-hitting for the MKI.I.. Tills IS T hi; I.AST of span'my" columns. ( - .0 ,1) ( line. 0.0 k tr- ike hah,. "in lull—tn intT tn maintain an undefeated streak which chief executfve, Hope you haven't lost too many bet- foilowmvr "(tils'* io: a raj Ahhe Bancroft, :r, tr, At• line -e " for f«H»tb.ttl and bovine | ii.v..- Tn mv V". •• buck thruqjfb three Varsity seasons. • • • immediate bre.istslrok.-. ar»- jnor« on th 1 future is t nited I'res- Internati'ina but the experience U'Mief. team . v r.ikened by the liYfj of Vaaglf trained and the fun of writing for tie Mate News will not I in- I 'an -An 1 SI - ,n_- Hnr" . and Butler. in p..r?ag. I' 1r K « be lorpotten. Adio-. Louis I'tvtl Heron is one rea«cr !;• Die t i.liiH' . la-' 1.: S< {' . Kenney's «>ptjn!jsm. Hcror. *;>* wid replace Sou thai a" rpt'jr Dry ClramnK and Illinois Can'l Make Ends Mocl f rward, U a former JtT.aicjj .ol Detroit t'hrpfte tepiaccj, Aii-Sta. the faiuiasc bi?» Shirt Laundry u \ it 1, k luad ■lally will Iv¬ lineman J.. us (ire S-a r;-« an,| wi!i go on Trim Tlii- ijiwrten-, winners .' •** I'ltKSCIUCriUN i-iipfit of new * m • ' ■ :f> 1 out' unoffaial Big 10 title m :9S* Iran •• . • ■rn— • an.t Cap! Buirtd. , I" » *'tugiapfivr» «t 30 p tn c 1: k r i: it Mori- ng the rnnked first in tne Mm.-c wd lit • : 'I 1 i/-a!a 0 < twftan -• guard-* an « ! .1111 N. ( Itppr,). s-etamd. behind Drexe;. Fa j announce Kilo' who ha- announced J.n But I..S.11.-Pi r u. Alost of (he *lars of the the nation. I»v Frandor ' pa,| a he XVl{t 1 < ,llli|Ui- 1 o>'■*• , • Ihrre *casoii»— \rd Hollei, |.eo Nexl to Nalioiial foods For tne first time '.r.e wrrr • • 11 If- ailii i)> -U v iriiiill) Aarider ||«»r*l \l -phantom" !cj:-i w-.R Ih* affiliate'! I'romid. iM'iiendalde .•' 1 a11 vitutie*. C-f! wtive TNVRS. URN WEO. rt«:xl /iV/r/oyr So/ilis *»i»rii mil Art soutlian—have i.fftcu". if.nfercnce Tne b-v.-jr* £EDw Prescription Nervire Jan 1. hope-; for the lie.-' !••■■• grad i« j led >•«. ,•**) the Midwesteri; -r.'c- Vlfrugs in- young I'JaU squad, but fc.u Hv Aug. 27 • Thru Sept. 2 - i osmetics materia! may t>e lack. (,■>. K i" »* rnee early thts yea-, ard ! i r Mn hi' (.rudes V , can uai the Midwvste- -,>t 7 Big Day* V'Hahv Needs DOHK BARBER SHOP for a championship rontein'e- hp n|m.! for the four'!; v jv» V,-Complete Assorlment (•re*lest problem f*rin« the < DM III KM veteran mentor, dean of • ei»r, will be eiigin.e ' ■ « -a- MADE IN MICHIGAN — REGULAR ADMISSION CALL IV r.-ixv. It \M Ml \ I. His l«» v-M>;sn\ ' -Thro* 1'jii ' onai I K WIHIK lurches, is an overwhelming w. championship rnee- J; Call lor Free Delivery , 1 si.phomor Louis. lark of experieitied material *1 t.,11 1 player' inn o., and ftrure • »aciie# 14 Ivan |i Wiiu. Itei kinanit of S|. I.ouis, Ala. Duf<' anm I mini mi's Dickens Predicts • . will |»e joined In another teller- HHIII «. iiimmuM men. Jerr*- Patrick. Canton. NOW SHOWING! Ohio, who has been shifted from guard. Ilowesrr, it I* apparent ami gaui'-'t riigUi '. ' 1 iark. ' iiampaig;, 'lintfill Season—51 Sonlis thai help must lie supplied from Arms.tr>-' Sauit k :.(» 2 llnilliii" Hil-t mine. ION hid The squad will be turn*-: - ♦* among the newcomers. Mu'i an 1 Iful I' Sevei The interior hue rutuatnm ifiht var.o to photographer- a* 2.30 "a'- :• M«> Annstroug mud? brighter, « m • .•• I.e. idid 1 • " !9V5) da,. y 14 tUCHl tvntet I cannot impress up.n JAMES' L.vn (hp I»V« .'.:.d»lc Tnc t.Did.iir 5pc'. iti.iv be a: « 1 , .« ,. n .fil l 1' ■ p..-or.. .»• :«•(*, ha if back p .. • • f an '■"1 jnurh about your i.:t 6«cr*t... Ihp HidPOuP ai • mental condu.on whe«i • -iiiatciy maruni. h<»**cvci •> tis* I9.su vars»t> LEEIRCMCK • ,.ia- OBSESSION el... t- t ha.* moved lettcrnivu g,,.i i 1 .•** h Mi.t liruhn e\ «-i". rejH>rt." Dickens wr, r sq'-as i'-ve Ash. Alton, to cpn'-v;. on' ; .*mber» "A!" of u- m.a?.- »i;- squad of R5 candidates to BENGAZZAH* '-ri Tuewtay. 1 The Man Who .).« ■« ha.« .fioiuofe* a pr«mi*»ng gtoup ■o jMirt for practices, on Tuc--. Uu- *taC -of autun. • 1 Dukem -on that be. nfue fort in and put for'.h eve:" ef¬ attitude, physica ce> ditwm. neatnciR. discipline. i»i I. -^VVf * wa* last at»ve ail, a burning bestf* * ■x ,y-regarded compete and win Our :>>d '-ru nCMtOOOLOR* k H*«eo * r«0OvCKM PIZZA DELIVERY f'-c natioa f-d! n, much tougher that ku Wgit *u • and fifth «-* vear The coacbinf P»" j' the squad and I truly believe If you *»"' 2ml lli^ Allriirtion ! To fliinii' mill I •Aug 3', for to have a winner bad tim 11111 > •».: can have " TM2MT NIMKST one CALL ED 2-M63 oioactcscon^ (|Uai Rflt •<*n*«C»*»l»R!tR tot sam lUvtrr p r. h iNSlHANCr. 1 Hhftoi* lapKmOMtWll araSoNeedetwodN ono ffttMiMGti/sCa ANATOMY OF A MI'MMMI SHOWN ONCE AT l:l« PIZZA PIT RESTAURANT * l»u»* Dr vers • (mi nf Male DrHm toPLCUUklf l-kcess Limit* • l.iabitit* and — w* iuiihi 203 XI AC prapirty inaai* In »IM.«m and U66.M6 avaUaM* ShaVTho G CANCELLED ANC REFUSED RISKS HANDLED IMMEDIATELY Wirlradaat STARTING WEDMLSDU Event tin On The HERE WITH ALL ITS MIGHT AND FIGHT! 1 - Mich. Ave. ivwiiTl .wsanoiisai COLLERE TRAVEL IPFIt Hooded Aitot AU Tr*«ri CMmm 1■ OADE'S IN OLR NEWLY REMODELED STORE iS CRUISE AIR — — RAIL — STEAMSHIP —> TOUR HOTEL InforowtiM, nnirrRllRM. — FOREIGN CARS RESORT — I • .<**} : MEMBER: Aanrku f v. NOBttI SaCKHMMSA MRN-aWUS COftJRN-ERSN OWEN 2 )ldh Lnmtin, Full line of Ib-vi-raye* ■ SmMji «T Tn*H A*n ~ MNCOOWU) CASEY-JtAN HEME AUMONT-DAglO FAfitAR 130 A", Gnunl River 11 SPECIAL SATURDAY M1DNITE 3RD FEATURE "NEW ORLEANS AFTER DARK" PETER CUSHlNG • SUSAM CANALES rr: BEnE OAYIS :r —..S**a»RSI(*PT.,JOhR HWW-JESSMSM i RrmrXMI WfJO* MMRB WARNCR ROOsBh ■ 2 Two Block* Irani Married Open Eveniugp Hou*ing ■ ■ Ea*( EDgewood Luwiag, Miekifn 2-6667 , ONCBATUdt an L »ai unit- — A Division of Central MMMcm'b site Rurw—nnnnnnJ Gophers Invite State News 1 Gridders Invited to Drills 07 Candidates To Grid Drills ro'-. MIVN F.A POLf.N--Coach M ur- Warrnath has i"u»-d invita- ractice " "-kprv- • Vi 67 candidates for *he Michigan August t:. i*.»* • *!••*•« — lot fry Ga«fin Face Five !!!.'/♦ f'v/hall squad t'mver-.ity of Minnesota to report for 'he of fa!l practice Monday. ins op'-r..nL' Semis Mosl The f.r*' scheduierl prac';re y Sophs Have Slim (Ihanee >r-t f r Tuesday a' rJ a.m T" fpiphcrr: Vi'! work <• 1* (> raiders da: *•• ■—»' U tt ' and 4 30 lay '* . -e ui.'i! the week of the operi- To Staii for \\ ildeals 1: :• r 3 .• e -> • - Nvrjra k;< -.n v;.vr 26 a' Memo.-.a! S'a- ity-one Michigan KVANHOV. III. When N..r» V \» fo-.t !»all squill! !R !ei-en or *h- Mikity football play. . r l n-';omLle« aKj'-' he it/uiliir'i M- »n'latt f'-r the opening' of . • Tve are Arl'e Bor-- Lt received Invitation* I i *!.i, »•. man* N*"a fa< «•%. '21 * ••• exait. will Ix- •*prinki«il •ad . • d B K v/h. haifha- >* [ Loach anmrit' the t»"i eanHiflata». v - . ». p.- v , Ji-rrv Friend, ar.d irerty to refMirt for fall e T '■!,k«- V."tack!'-; fv.h Charon. D'-an let r on Tuesday. 0 • . .<:»• ■ !'• ; rrv S. e* rJ#d ,,f Spartan athletes £ , , p }!a«herg T-m Ij'rtt In many ymr* — Ft, and Jut Roger f. V •.c-mc In Monda' -a 11--.-- rr.ond Richarf and r examination* .1 .: v and 7' v. end-; L--ua picture-taking - J .• I'-d J--»e Salem, . ^tn - ill start two-a- ks. I>r* .r.. pen* "j-. following day. . tha r,-f..)rw dominate the list •bite \>%»« •»* Vorrn Hl»'i ,' 'r „. 40. ranking A *»ure Hljrn of r«M»fl»;«VI -ea«on — pulling the ranva* around M' by a *•*•' •* I* This Week ^ Htoners, the •# bringing tore the U»k to! parts a* Ml at tn4 mart ef throe win*, improving an the W| IS the five Wol ves Look to Noskin I tad one tie tmnpling teal M\h VOIRSKI.K optimistic Dau> We have some ahead of us There dif- To Repl aee Boh Ptacek P'lind: p..urid, m«»re VI launce halfback ISt-pound **»pho- from Marmn. ON \ I.I HICK \ I ION \MMMI. IIKM I.Alt I'llH I- >H.< i.u. 1'iin UIAM.K f>x .atk <#f really pro- - |i»d. came up with an impre.- T». «:• P. •• P,-i. Wr- slvr .print practice performance I ul»* *1.011 \ erien t(d players, espec- ANN* AI FMI: levi'.., leller nieii for ea< h position yarbf nvka. I "«• u.ad* - I.ul« St.Vi . and is e\pe» ted to push veteran •r.i *ne line. ni ^ i|uariiTb;i> K •• r*... ■ it While the* posses* |immI run¬ i-i p . 24d f»f>un'i* i|t. |(i\\-:io 2jr, - red Pack, listed by , ' r» .::» Manwr, it ' '• a/ » .» VI Kimhroiith for the left half qt. ItiW-Vi A.IMI Ptacv k. -»;»i of • - H. 10 t- ning strength n«ne ran he re¬ . K >a< k pat y B...m of W. job left r»pen h* the graduation . ire in reci-n' • . >'■ garded as a real gamehreaking mi'.i * «» ha:'s from Pa u • « • , l'b-Os " sir, u S.'l.2."» (>,« M10 H.k like of Wlllmer Jowler y . Arnana-.. Detroit; the chi"? pi 'hlcnv r» -»■ "Nunday pumh" I*pe of threat . a 'T a- M p- »rr!" Ta- K.e Bast Lansing, 1 *,* '•■■■! .(>r. t.iiter Har* roach, ("ha ■ <-i - - it ; : • K , one-mrh Willie Boy km. of Cotumbui ».*• Bessemer; Ji» when ralo hr ftr ' M < /» •<■. !:• I. i'' •,.n • a' 6-4 *-«d a' V,r RED'S SHELL SERVICE . S" Joseph; Roh- Blui «ouad • Tu«- :.i ■ •a- !'#»; He led - ■••.• . > • . , guar'! f r- -1 >ff AUIeboro, Ma«v; f*ta*'"k Mulug in r.ne gt;.uri' gamer* with < In Iff »«>iir m- v. . ft .»of Grand Rapids, a" V8 ' enrn- | K. n* Chicopec. Ma.s a »lr .. - ... -,vr;.u' .;t 710 MICHIGAN V •- •••,. Highland sole-ted .*• the \-. ■ . ... •■.'!« ! . e« f .r 131 M>1 fjxenrhne. Aliquip.»a, /: i.unted f >: 3fl-vard SLAB KLLLOM. (I.Ml.l! .• 4 pe»J"#.!0«i-: :• •• - i ■•.. , »• Try- *rt. Bakertdli. Sc-.uh/. Aurora, II. P.i : Trite aer'-ur ■. Ah-S'.< i': ii '-.r I. . .. Silky lliii" friiin Mr CarmeL i.ndel. Wilhaniston ged. *l*fiili:u' •!■ r. jif • , ., .in -• Retires 1 o NOW Thru SATURDAY! ♦ jrKI.L* William Boy kin. he»-». uTi , . . in. . M.i. M\R C:»f s •«. s James Chastoin. he leave', a in* yj.. !. the oarrei *!, r • e-.*tc-j - f-rwi.7 Pj Allan Hill. Haekfield mriiOir If,ink I onhe >1 Jame* East Chica- •','1'. './»-d hea:t thr • J • l.KKAT HITS! FIRST SIIUW «;00 P.M. and l.lliati Imw their pe> Kakelii. T |»er rent Too dr.: trnub"* - a ferrd * .pCJpKSt |? IT nefkj. HI !*? JH.1 it, . .luiland Robert h«- of lii*. passes hu tear as rum- pared In Ptirrk'i perrenUge nf m/t of tbr I)r M«-- r. ee'.r.g, a' ■) RANNEY (ii-'r*r.'-r T Rosa va trie i racago. HI William lun years ago the slnrk* ■ , tain *-Per Tom Wini - Ht.'t. I hira man Hit |h.."i ner tenl of h.g fr!. ».v * ; '«c returried Vu JEWELERS HI hit rur.i fj. f : v'al.ion ftj1: ■ his shots, placing 105 minutes Silky d.d'. • ! ve up o» h i J rrirr*; I |tg|»* - Michael Biondo. behind Jim Van Pell who vas reputati'jr. running dow-> tne f'r*. B'• Grand IU- (he No | sitnal raller s;»eed • ; '• fr'.rr ! fi to ;t0 ! Velio* gold % . H : r. Midland W. . • • I .11.00 . lengths •••.»•.*. aod •.# 'a ed - Hd S.ifillMA I^-o off. tn I N k • S>-\- Mass. George 1, • , A ■ crab!* .r: 'or IU',% Kentucky ( white sr»ld *19.00 fierbv ■••d 'be per-** r.evM P.u' i »'.rua» av.!.*\ Ohio; K- * at nt.e On fwrr. '• ,-v SS deposit .. l> nu.d Kopa«;';i. A-cre an -ng the n. *»'. fabulous J P. N'^te a- TODAY AT Ly f i •««»: id Jy-I. artdl J-vKi. . . . p. Jo',:'. "Lu#.U»*. ever seer. » i w.-v - • IBM . H* . Mack. Bare a. +J 1 C» i TOIIA* .nrt I III. - • • DLLS • • Jnd f.BKAT HIT ! ! L..:' lie- f.oo/ / t.md I _ : i ■•?. D»ri Wright. Dear* Ihur. .1 IIS J !• S!«. i is. » M r m hTll* J:-. Br.-lge Larry Cund;'f. Hoit«»- ( a- - Lane Tech Of the yov'".'! *•*- .*.« ' yi"•.;«*«••■ » '■>*• • MiC'HiGAN '"»• liCf? DavidM>!i. Y SIIKS1 100! THRU IS long ■ .tr Pa i" P'l-ne* a I AN SLIDES into mud at fir*l hai.# in Milwaukee Sta¬ !m Danny Ea« *r'»u. T'--'-'.'— , p.»ond tie-*-' e rr FRIDAY IS • l>tac , J»»nn !>. . Roy WiUs, Ont . Canada dium where a sudden downpour raught infield uncovered. Sea of mud seemed just too inviting for fan to resist. . .. THE BIG ' Stamos stands ahoul six feet SUPER IttTURMK P»: :■ Urry Bn- two Inrhes tall better than !»« pounds he p«*- and weighing CIRCUS -w 1. . __ f;r «.:ne J,m Chesney, •esses a strong arm While he RAR6AIN Oaf ** AY< ( >et •• '-*1- -'I 1 ONLY j v s A/ • GLADMER w»yne Pontes, Can- 'K ■ K oe •till haa a great deal to learn ■Ohto. T*c Gnmsley, Car.- he showed flashes of ahilit* in Paul Hrisko, Cleve- aprlng practice His alert defem DAY! SIXKTS SUNDAY! 1:110 P.M. i '>"n. *>;■» Kurcz. Whiting, aive plat »• another factor in AIK-C OMllTIONKIl TO YOI'K ( O.VO OKT >a- L-»»k Lansing; Lr- 4U.D4Y TWO bki favor. | Wierp-:.:*. Wilklnaburg, ' W .mju, Iat peer. Pa;me r *r,r « *r' and ,n NOW SNIWINI PUYII.W • IMTIRI.V TITANTK... TO... VN... ran live team iUdelphia. — Herb Adder- pa_; Gary spring practu smartly Neither, however rtn held over — 2nd big week run mit:... rm: ui r.u. - - v/ k IT REAI-LY IIAI'I'ENLDf ^'ONE OF match Noakin in e*pc*r.«nce but p' K-i"' Ea*l_Detroit; Boh Ber- Tin: un ui vol k ui !: ' "Hammond. |nd.; Larry I!!; Bennett both apparently possess rrai pc- itntial. "A WOW! The Best Danny's Done!' htXd HOm* 1 Detroit; Frad McEach- Development of greater • !- ICRE COME THE PEOPLE around back field speed *il! te Graadvt;^ Jon Mar*. NHO WILL FILL IT of Michigan s chief prob¬ THE YEAR'S! '"l .Am.; one f** Jok.n Bob Ed Ryan. Chiea- Ricucci. lem* The Wolvennei p»e e « v •- ORCHIDS! I WITH JOT! .... * Sharp, Flint, Don erans for every position out &jn.Ve* Muskegon; Robert Su- G-« • Tw need for a real breakaway run¬ J*»rtd B.arw. M.i!«y Col!* ST TEN"! (KA — Art Acosta, ner of the Jim Pace trpe .$ a lauc" . ■ Ptn au*r' *•'- problem that i« confronting Head Coacn Burrp Elliott and [ PC Car! Charon. Boyne hut coactung cohorts Hatcher, Carnegie. *r six Mew vow* critics Blanche Martin, River WhUa asly Smkim is bach at Pc.-e i ► Jiiel*U Newnan. De- W Sc'.l' bava tbree lacarLJughs1 Sp^'tso Kusc T0Wr_ [IL FORM) ROOM Gawfi sat •jig n»m« that mad* pizsa famous in Lantinf »ff LOWS ~ open daily I M. ■ i as. Arrrstrang « CORAL GABLES titfr ana bsml am l=HJ —-=~M Auonl 17, l»n •12 I)riii>r'& v ciMiy of OdawMie, ttic Unl- Teacher* E\|)erinient vn.ity of Maryland, th» I'nivciHity of Oklahoma, C'oi- mil. I'ciinxvlvMhiii State, Midi n Thirty-two driver education nr-w With Some I'hivcislty of Ohio, ]MltKiiH Sluir N Fla. 4 rlr*. iiir liidinc the t'SHA. I.C'. t •'•hips front a *2.5«)o Male or female? That's an , Allstate Miicatlonal* Tratntni Reararrti Foundation. ini|M»rtant qucHtJon even Ontrr. and thr (••vrrnmrnt Al- when applied to cucumluT fairw Institute. flowers. only female flouera prorhu't In June iff tliis year, the trail was renewed for 40 con¬ hum : (."A V ? t,« I... semi tun«. Since CncBpon vegetable*. Ami MSll reaean'i- " Un( : could riot handle the load .h ri s have ftniri'l t»««t certain Wait, N't'tition to itN scheduled huhiiih i liiirmfinc ciiemienla lnfhietire where and when female flowers Iminiiii-s. ttiif scinihiir movcil •» llairruu I tic t'liivri it y of Mary |»in| n, fir on. folleac I'aik, lust outside Wa ilorticiilliirlsts Sylvan Witt- tpBRSI inyton After three week* theo u cr, John Buknvac and Sfnnley . ttie entire opei-Mtiun was nmvi il IIurn have hern e*|icrimentlnjf «i1li new chemicals that re- to for the University of li.lawan six week#. VAN'S gulutr plant growth. THIS MM' MX'ATKS lhr rilin Ihiil Atrlcal»Br# I eitf Ineer Mill Si iiiiii.ii N - :»t is being coo- »l»il durini: hi- tour ••< Miaul rrealed • plawt-frawlh iliiitcd in tin* Union tin-, week Soviet I'rrmirr Nikita kbrti»brbev will Stales. and N" 2U will lie held 01. prmMem when he 4#vrla»r4 a #»w meekantral HarvaaUr far campus ih »' week On Septem¬ ber I J, the M'liiliuii will return raetrmterra. THla harvaaler warba to ( kr4 wHea r^rtrmWra frawn an NcHport latilge for the Attend Church This win- L rnnnera. ar it rrnwft. Rukovae and net an IHt plftftl Haaa Rlea are tryln* Rlbhrrellln — the plant- STKVKS RIN'KKFKI.I.KIL khsrs his hridr, the former Anne Mnrie NasmusMrR, iiftrr their weddint; in Soirne. Nor¬ b arr n,ir i Mure operation. lb hi rsf»e< trd In attend the aemi 1,501! diirinc il# *ecnnd year id The pgrlii ipoio aemi nar Sunda growth stimulator — on rucum- has i.erv thr sex lid* «tf chemical new Influemr* flower* Thir* way. With thrm ar* thr) thr bride's* fnmilv; 1 horhild. Mr*, houise Kasmus*rn; Steven'** brother. .Michael, and father, evolved anil changed eonUnuallv kincr it began. east lansing churches New York tiov. Nelson Morkefeller. The b«fic content remain* the it can help avoid female flowers near the crown. *aun . hut the staff buildk tin Wiltwcr says gihl»errllln also si Hiiii.o iilouod ciuli group ..f st. john church peoples church all sms first ck"r(H (f| participant:,, helpx keep tnicumher plants Read '.Adulf llonk •.pcii.il needs fitting each It to thru liiHn vetting «»n trs» early. F.arlv- week It has & catholic student EPISCfP'l (HUSiCH christ SCIENTIST M t flowers are near the crown# turned I into a learning prim east lansing Coinnni isl ( oiijcssi's ,ts thr \ fonn l»efore branches a tin stall as milch as foi toe and tunnrrs ran gr«»w raten- par to ip.nits. \.i'inliio: ti» l»i John Ball center •SO Vbho'f R..e'' «»•» !••*•* » r..»i*r - t h«i»iiiin II Voiiih ft** UMttJoti v| Iwim Heelitt ix designed to go over a field the l»c| Mo-k «'f oil" ■v AH Till R MISOS «.Illy oner, so tt work* t»e*t on thing.- Ih ■••loc tai- t.enable* that rl|ien all at one*. A I* Nenafealurea Writer id ci h •• in change, that h whr Wtttwrr and Idea ara ararch- will have si vliu WASIIINfiTON' f'T'r—Antericit'ji lilmiriati e cUUM' II VII VV III IIV It t. ti«M f,,r hormona chemical* that, i Ball sai l of them, Iteltl their THtli annual ronfereiit'i in i- ruus* a whol# field to set t »* v v| l|oi« « ..nonunion flu*kcm thi.a ii jbmhI time for a conlV.NMoii. • i Hltlx I j» .i • and rl|»eii at rat# tlma. MSU iiluitt brredrra are alio looking My first enduring love affair with Tiosliop ITicalrc Jtl UO n* V V| la ot» # m ll"l» I oiMwonom «f vmietiea that tend to grow was a librarian. MfttJit." n.M.m n it- tm* way. Sti# was a dowdv little la«U. social mns executive IImvkI Clift, w.«s saving iIuc«»m, l.ookx Porward lit P tpllan limnt Murtiiiif Pntrr «r»l l»o«» III W It fa oil Hurt hut And her eve* were surprisingly then as if reading my thought.- miachievious. She was old, tre¬ "line reason'we have tiouldc To l.'Stli SeaHon mfw iv #4 i tt Vi K.I.. mendously old. May It# 40, may. - * t to j o in . tractmg more young pcplc i* Uiiivi Pi ins«. iii» MM* 'I lira he 140. When you'ie a small »• i' > Junior I'll- I 0km that sfcr**otyf»C'l picture of the *h'inl» *i liiioj I a ot -\ p m aotl i conuiH.nlv Jtnoon pat p hoy, It doesn't .»« lovxtiop. Ex-Governor •he had • matter. I presume name, hut 1 never little old lady who was the li¬ brarian " I low liMiktni! fotwaid to il nf p|.i% x l.i'ti •• 1*9 m \ v| IMwr*4«\. » is ptw ll"»* « "0- III Safliril.tv Ram -In heard it. kc.t -n prod ia linn nnM«A Itr atlrnnit t/» #iiri My dowdy librarian seemed OCOliioTalki- THla B«eall«ft Haa he en hob Mng mb al the llhrarlanV meet. fir away. librarian, But with I hope the n> her kcicrtitu t'h.m Start',| c. it ip lux I Mill M-rv,.| lis F.lcurioi tw.. put- cub room thtuuiii iu*i» school ip llillt. s tm v|utnio« Pu»« vrrurr* •trading Moon, ami »t»H and *>• | pOM-l The fli t l» .III effective At DU Convo Ing: WHnl nHnnl "Lady 4 Halter - ley'a Lnvte"? II w a* banned stuffing, will rcmcmlwr the old- fashioned recipe f,.- ttc cere lata;••>'■• w i It ten I a and pi, aimed h* undc oiu'-itai |»tdx.. Hy tha f#tma*ter general. I>id and intrilcctual ietnbng of mimII graduate and gialw.i'r xliuleii's •he Ithrarlana plan %• Hit a bo* * fi'l tluoe bicycle biixkc'*, ill cilililtno ttic.'i'ri . and second methodist church of edgewood martin luther east laming a# a community outlet f"i ai. » girls, and keep them reading children Welt, B similar question faceil my librarian. I had read some¬ east lansing peoples church trinity CHURCH gaaasaaaaas##a###k###########a#a##a#i where that "An American Trag¬ a nil chapel edy"* vat not fit for amall eyes. In the interest of science, I de¬ ■ VARSITY DRIVE IN : |Nl#r4#nomiM#tiOttaJ cided thla theory should lie put wesley foundation meet- to the test. ; HIK CtJIilt SKKV m i: : l»v H. Hai#4ot ■» Ro«4 115 th My librarian must have had prune moment.* of doubt when I 2 liur-lt-O Il,,f : M llwm VI l ennrnt. If blot aa aona of Oonl RltO) year «tf will " lirvtn I J«»t4*a have m touch popped the question to her. lint 4 l oot but- I)<>;•« 2 aiiotaicri with chapter* she finally reached behind a Mat Iruntaa %. Moimoa, Vliniutr Ineluded Btrlp en- ■tack of hooka end brought it V'liidit PIZZA ■ Irlea. out, and "An American Tragedy" So Oio.n tt Vhaprl unol I alt ■ The MHO art* play went home with those in the hi- Mas. MuRinaoR (. I l»o« ■ f t« a rn.. Mr4 (tin Vtbtwl a pp. Mini#!*? ryele basket. at I hri.j lOHirti find lime. «»•>• Ulo. s Wrxl Her deelelap wee eerraet. I waa ■ SKK I S KOK KtNOIS TO KKNT ■ of R HoriiMK Mil I'annnitan>a s»o'h »| Vliibt#ao O Nell wan Oov«Mt nf Ohln on iito n» ft.an 1»M until Ua4 year when an frtgklaBsd Hy IH* * lee tree *«- Men •■aaaaasaasaaaaaasasaaasaaaaaaaeaaaaf Si# a in aeene neer IH# end that I lt:M a.m., Rt«t» IHrtOt bt was beaten he Michael l»t- Parent mnrdsisd nnynne etnee NMfwi* for Sulk Irrtito iHtario S4t:e. An inairurtet nl Marietta f.u.if "We have vacancies for around I'ullege, ha aenrnd In ttva Ohio T.000 tti < lltilMKl lit tor r more librarians," the as- I hot) h RrhOol K«,klUxOlt tious« of HapeaaantaUvea from U l*l'P 191* ta ISM. Is* » #«* Hilunnrll othee pri—Rwanj DLN wtva MIIII AN rooai LETS I* a* am vn %i»» *t joitn, ill COBIIt L va 1BMN UVILT thonti btliwoi at % .1# * m VlHOtaatt ♦ apeak at tha convention In- ksrMIMis Tinalrt «iu*le Benjamin ltebbert-m, MritrM Bah#4 (ImXIi M'4 1(411 ivhout tub iin#to torouirt itimor M ka #( *<# j Waaliington 1VC* attorney; l»r. V#ft»4 44U«—4l#u Thomaa lirady. Vice l*ra*lden( Itallakl# «a irk# aat <*f the University of Miaeourl end TIWHKS i'. Edward llolteberg, Chicago MribM Btkrtt aa4 BrMaaranl 114 ft. r.t. Blvtr — IV 4-4MI attorney. Co Mini at aiMlMM m« *w MhM Ik #•#*■! : GO lo Some lansing central free methodist church first chfilstian reformed tk# mk# Ira# «##r#r m# m .M*. Cliurcli Ererv Sum hi v church . , . Iran# lUra ,Uk «i inner »>n PICNICING! n.,4 K iw>. #,# #n#M0ra .11 anrlK# mlM :t« Vlaf»o»fl *1 MMnl «min#M kraaio I.K# hUiIII.. Mnrntnjt « t| M*» John VI ||..|«ite cot* WraM rw h# khmM ta v-.utn #mta| Ih# #m#ttalHO# •* I »ttur« — j.w bnt ratal Iran# ••# toe a «h .,. That'# right. I.rt'a hatt south baptist church - uj, ,m Wnrniat ktnir* a pirnir. I nk, bttning Irnlu Dr. NanM A. tbeider Unnlng I'nrk lor I R»H»poft tlKiii 4 ,tl IV fSUI la arr(rrt for picalrv Urit bvuib Hiitm>itua .%( vpHift Mb# Abort« OPItkMKTBIST pirnic area—plu, ri«lr», «.! 10# MStu 4B!g i h»«r m»# 4#»ifr ir.o-.-——■ Mall tapir rrender isabr tat* M»yr* «« fourth rail Mr Hull tl* lamini. MtrHigap 5 boatiag oa tha takr ant lunch ttand-. •r Mr. %«R Vital Itl» IVepHee t-IMI Mom a f 4 I !«»*'«, UP iiiiHMiuwauwitiiNiHmttiMBeumwtiiBitiiumii uiuunuiiiiiiiiiiiiubtt?- iiliiBiiuidiiiuiiitiiUHiiiliiimutuitBiBBmsituiMttiiumMitniluiiitrtiiaj labor I tap ia rooting up «o I- *urt not to miv. thr l« tm 4 W ld««i Moor C«tl#c* fbu fausbt ascension central methocnst | ''ccl A Boniu Life" lirauturka oa Ihr Clh and 7th o( Srplrmlwi. a> l»# Ma»i4 Nirrtait. Natural bttcuta church lutheran Zinc Alumnizerl •IM, Mvl Ukr ! loaaiag'* atru goi da>. I'rMaj, Saturday and Sunday rollrr nhaling on Wednr.. church Ottawa M Caifiol nights. Sure II.44 an* vrnittt MUFFLERS I IB eravar 4arik-4 w t'R##" - cnn'l bant thai for witty! B» ibbwHin Riwutt Itr Mum at4 »a4«*n WarMMn tarvOt If 14 ** t* ts*» Navart 4-*a4 Sre you at l^ke Laaaing. rr#M4#Mi •( L«*4om Babto latHaU m#4 1 bataP** i« al IHaiMtf taraaa B« WW4 tan M Ma««4ora 4u*4p Baal »arrn- » fra* ku aarttaa ImHm Mmi« 4*4 lirta 1am »..*4 % m. m4 4.34 t m. tantral ia a rrta«4i» kNSt WMM »« tMWM MrwtUM MM IV 4-RJKt tax Lammmr wbftm ihe church t i| v W. LARGEST DISCOl'ST IS TOW S ... I ing Park »:4k » m tawtaf «• wn K. MHNH.VV MlimirM ImHimiiIu uv * numv era-M.u. r%si«»m »tai _ i-44 RJM tsrvusr at ira*4 |»r„t ta I • Ma krkaM »• *• IVtlMNMl •miaaraa KRAMER AUTO PARTS * M «k* Ikarts II .-44 a.m WanilM »ar«Mf lakr lamiuf Park—41|m-ii nipliiU- » ll p m %mmUt ttiaapi BII>Bi4 41 44# t« |A Ivaatai bMplialMuu Sarvka ~\ 41 wa nbaba VaOk a# *»'*« V 800 E. KALAMAZOO IV 4-1335 Lxrrpt .Monday# — All l)a> SumLi« 44k KM1I ar BB HJf | (.Nsrwn I I f4» Bat tar kmirrl M IV §■) 141 Bat baurit W « ktrtrMMri 41k Wfel a« M •art Ma# I Ml »••** ).M| ■ Will AvMOata