7T7TT ' »*> **» -* ir-4W3».r' time. Kible r» IXN *. < . !•, ;d«» a* to#* trirwi' 'Ihf- 1 U*m» xf'i'lf-n'- who ar#* ref'iminu t»> MSI thi« week ntiident* Omv «»•.; d • am i Ha- o-.# • • f,,- Mone.s Iiurinp these three «hor* month*. M>I' t-riKfuUng Au'l. l>;; •• 7 SO-9 a-vf • an . nuTiU* the A « ■1 .1. J : *. rre*i of • »• »-h ; 'i ! The iicuver-;?'. ha- expander! jfre»ttl' physically, aca¬ £1 . 4-1 piannc'l giving . s< . »• • c demically an#! international!*.. fr« lunctior; . new iranxff: i>> :r ; -er* -! «•' and t»;« ■ li the academic world. MS?' Initiated a new summer .rn.V'fv , n ever. i*»-- (Id ward ( n • • <• ,t in the..' vj - program, dexigned to euabie »tudcnt» to complete a fu'l term> work |hr«ia(h«ut \b- week «♦** AlMdents will levied In Vac Two five-week «es«i«ins and one lo-week session were [r Kroin Dr. Hamuli lioh. imthrmatifA end fetieral heid. thu- making it p#etxibo- for a ktudert. to complete his erfiiratinn. enroll for rooroe* co'jegi- education *r» thre#- .ear- pro\idtnr he g.,e* to echo*.' with their Kitfemir advioer* tn«- tear round. >ic Year Brings atlend prr-refi»tr«Uon meeUn«» and lour* handled by M«4»«t fill id e^. raroim out I#»e reg»« In {»;»*' ve.tr week term*, and i' wasn't vuirtrner «e«-r,ii* potniMe i. -U-week and nine- carr a fuil term load. Ira lion procedure m»4 tmm- 4fl Challenges I pletin* other reuaired aeit«il#e< >ir • ,, even's »hi ' * * • vr- ; Iai ntllmi'ii I Michigan State »t.rotifer tf an affair* t une.oded Sa - (p •• h No trad it km at n.rft/ :r the Aud b? *'•> ?r«» common resolve t-» make each ' ear • . »a S (rWri' ■■'•■.4'«f»iftor»re.; univerd* en. . or tmfor*. Although H . K :•!». V o ' d»' • # • « ; • * • I , ' rnmn with py#-—our f-r-t • xien's . tfi of dr«f. I he fKiel w*« the site nf the -rwe* *'' •-.« fortius Pitnei triout* ■ - i" :••■ D»'i veiirt apo—♦ -r'♦ ♦" ; "• ' : f I'jn ftrpTir^u UiHUfiiiiit thrilled . -1'e «e*« .» V i".V A • »♦' "here were v i»r.: ♦er.Sitv • a ;/'V,| r-'i With the atftrt of each *:>: .* e . . .1 . . a - ' ^ : f» the Vl a* the naltnn * line*t •wimmer* >rv. s' P< - ' - attempted In make the |W» mr . r» • ,!ve find-* px|)re»-i»>n in rraev i* ^Vrer t -» : *• -Os - " ai-'ei- gruiilA Ameriran pan - \m team ■ • nerr. fjnr-< Fa*- I a- cia-a, r .-r • F«»r the f»ctjH>. i* find* e*ire«-.oe p- -r V'rwJav. » ; rnf- 'A,, f* l • ft. ;ia t • %! • better research, twtter conns#-;it:;' of ■ v.:-• •a-;*er f . . f< . . ,reU t * '« intent* of serious purposr. it find---, e\j>r»v- ' r %t «sts ■: In--- -H'-sidenc# Oesr.r • a f .i,n to take full advantaire « f their */reaf %i»-o h< §n.-i A' K-. rg.a'e K. intellectual and m#cia growth ■ * • f ' pr I* Ve T A' \ tN < l,\IM credr for - a t r* . no particular P..r • - r. ■A. *w. demand* the l***t effort- of ,V of «. •■ in ?' ■ «tu*|er.t« *;'! fend . Hi.-.-. rU> privilfg« of livimr and working? in a uru- •f-r- ♦. .-tie'.* reetififs II rfromri vet**. m-i-ter/ than A' *. 3=0 pft •• » A'. . | '-^a jr;?y Its demands are m<»r»' I hit issue f,f the sute New a. i>. .rip «r Hjt1 importance of education t<> the '=• ■■■ »;%' rev* 'hat the at a summer trhool rnatw* titled the ttelrmne CdiUnn H l : repfenent^i'jve* in! w-*;U being of our countrv is liewir rediscovered. tion where he reeeived an h»»n- distributed this week in A -V • *'i'l Lie.',* Pt.: iDftse-,? ••eing ■f the times U for excellence, and student-' «i'! ' ,ff«m.4-e hr»ri'»mc? w "rtr> degree durmtlortes and ether lirtng ai»«> at registrauen mxiHfentiy repeated in many subtle way*. If units and t cail : »ef on mroiliMkt tie ■ ■ - ■ .eai .j It* Id aace« are the meet eser i knge not to be reacted, but to be welcomed iv ry. New foreign -,rv »' atodeou ore la- , ->< r 4 S par i{«,n ' ;->r aa of u« if we choose to rrmke if * —I'residenl John A. Hannah the ! A'». 1 nited ca." ^uv hUlet *#»rv.,-e gnmta*. — SKI TION PA(rl> > .a- W-e en * l^-a^ue aa-f .••■•* However. > qw * 1-i The ctataa of Spartv—one .f getorng erected in time to 1 The ,student and I onerwity \ ,/• Phi Cm'ega. offer a h#- > before Pr-vf June * n-i I MSU I*bu .* ^ the tndamirki o' - graduaUhg elasi of tha' trea' tnr %ra/vufer student« < iillege * I «wt» af :.•«-*an rraiting mf ou*. «»f |vl -Oak Is mi branch . Tiewer. standi a* a ryrnbo! t--> '**#'.•' I tor aperv»l growfMr > J-.: us i'eeaua# f wa« b*g f had .. 4 \|*l '* Hi*tart #*e whrv havg pajoyed college * • a^hletie teams. an.i .. iftidudc Oftt *'•■f . • -.'.-li-U'ht* .«i nade in five section* ar. i Npertan Tradlttwn* yeers it MSI' #lut*k 9-2'» a. .voider* »' T per. *'• # then toe on!» k/»n -big name II. t ampu- Lifting and Activities f*.ceroid T.i^a- Tlie u;jperc:»Mmen have treJ- As I have s'>-»d r»ere Xhrr-tj > «-• ,*h to hold me was in Grand 14 ar.< ilx r for gff<«ai|»H rnen aured the huge Spartan as the ' yp»r», I have v»n H-/»e tamp#. 4rli mk IT \jt ge. I'm afraid I made qu.to • at 7 »m Thurtd** jnifMritMn to the university la* f.'.-t I team* and loauog ><•?.> f ( aunuliti] t enter II . 1 35 bnitiacA will look wp to •*. a ,.w aixiut my glage nave seer, this g» »w I a«hM.n« cariai life specU* pccgrarf for *!5 ordinary salt s,Ui* would ' r a he It c.-Ry tunes before Waving a fulege to a wn«ver frradual* dwrin* w- -i«n (tiNitflV »t T.10 pjn. on me like a sebra« coat l« Sjurtr was finally cornere-i . ■ and enter the Big to foot£.4 1 . • r,u:*d^y ift FaarcfuM t'rtder Mirrird l(a«»iit| of the varying unnpeix- 14 -* vp-xteorsnip of Aiv#r.*ted by an asnbiUous reporter dur- iOg the summer, TH* follow trg b# t: i«i use at different heights in tiv t4M meeP f«f a*, .they pasa stadium a.v! are ar u: • - i Relitian. «U s rales tfliM hoirimg II i Vi in- Student*, thi? "Wh. s V.:i Pinaiiy, a lead g;{ campus, ttoa library rector, went to Southern Cali- fwaia and saw a large autue of several tons? My Clay outside Weighs only MOO pound*, but iard Spartan' A< the it«mni Continue rv- Baabefball. <«alf ( ran* aw«nlr>. iraek . . , u 31 ji and the L'rucn are to he con¬ a Trojan. ement inside weighs much volving. the atodenta come and :» He thought it would be a m: ' thruuihaat the week. A go. but I m *urc they won't for¬ 3d y . ducted gwaj Idea to have aomatbing m»»re than that. • I air am ar a I Pragram iornptete schedulr »f these al l •I was dedicated in June. ge'. r.c, juxt »a I cant forget wwlmming. features . :: .milar on* MSU'« campus and the?); Y», f have many lbln«< :s a 1 Wtfkome Week activities is ta!ke»l to Professor Leonard 1943. at the triangle where the Tenni* I en# lag .. »,i in.nk ato*ut ' :.atcft u the Wdawr Weufc fu i Cedar road and Kalanuutef iwtgw irth of the art depart- b-.' |R|R|HH " XV > ' .♦' 'V.O# . ¥ "" . \ixiA±i \a Am Michigan State News Introducing" '»! ' Rnl Dally by MSU's U.M# fttndrnts and Family The Michigan State News is published by students of Michigan State University. East Lan¬ sing, Mich., without direct faculty supervision. It is not the official voice of the university or President Haunt of the student body, but while seeking to serve the best interests of both, stands ready to bat¬ c Excels in 3 Rolf tle any move which would drive a wedge between the two whether it comes from within the university or from outside. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press and Associated • I Collegiate Press. • r MSI' PRESIDENT John A. Hannah i "|lf, ,if Hardy Christ, Mary Huff Photographer* Norm lllne*, Ron Murray f>1a Advertising Manager Wall mulre Circulation men in Michigan. Manager Paul l,e*her P. Nporta Editor Lyn fthrpard He woar- three hats ami change.* then. tf for the fe»leral government; a medium-i/Mj f., Vol. 61, No. 61 Monday, September 21, 10.V.I Cairo Two state government: and a green and white t MSI' on the front. W ith hi- federal hat *et aquarely on hi- il Set Your Collegiate Coal Hannah. «a- appointed a member of bower** Citizen.- Advisory Committee American V»uth for an indefinite period 1 y * In I»ecemt»er. I'C»7. Dr. Hannah wa« a; At a Well-Rounded Education dent Eisenhower to serve t nmmi.*-i«'». which jis chairnian handetl itN rep'ir' >. ' IT'S THAT TIME of the year npnin when ths- He -ja-nd* of hi.- tun which the student investigates every pes. college* and universities all over the na¬ government on thi> project. tion welcome the new and the old nlitdenls sible facility, that is the most meaningful. PATTY CHARLIE BROWN VIOLET DR. HANNAH IS nerving an men The library is not a great brick and a bark to the campus. glass building to be used only for doing vi-itor- of the Air Force Academy. Ir. ! Mirhiyan State t'niveralty this week is outside reading and -completing term pa¬ llerhlork (iarloon* I'Vuluml accepte*i apjaiintment.*1 to the board o. putting out the welcome mat for approxi¬ pers. Many books inside that library aro National War < oMege. Washington, D.< mately S.400 freshmen and tranafer atn- filled with facts, but never get opened. It's boani Ot the As-n. of the United .State- deuts, ee well ea the uppercla.smen who are returning for another year's academic called "intellectual curiosity" that, makes the above-average student peruse such Read S'JSews Page 2 Daily- In Januai" Ei-enhower «U"chairman of the Unite . lb"»f. Dr. Hannah wa> apj. work. books for added knowledge. the perm.:.:or.: Joint Board on Dcfen With this edit ion of the rampus newspaper, the State News also extends the open hand to all studenta who will spend daily TIIK UNIVERSITY also offers a Lec¬ ture-Concert series to the students, which Editorials, Peanuts, Info; Plus! th" U.S. In rhi> a<.-ignment, he head a nectior. 1 ,,r a B»-man agency charged wit ro*>nlifi at Michigan State University. It haa one of edu¬ and students ice. the largest and most lieautiful cation. on the Mate Newt editoii.il campuses in pane each term REVIEW* IIE SEi:\EI) TWD YEARS on tin the country: it has one of Ihe finest athletic There's a saving that "a strong . body t.MTORI VL.H Review* of currm- 't;ivH velopment A-tvuory Board, which foni makes a strong mind." and MSI gives it.-, plants; and it's academic program is among State New* editor* and st.itf and bi i lei l.ucy, the world * num- these i* J M Roberts, with hi- D: not a complete education. 1 u -n Ha:.!;*-* ~ewo\, a- presiilcnt nf I.istenlng to pro- o. i unc • luss-Uudgel," Snoop i, c o n. interpreting n e feasors lecture and wringing the textbooks part in so many varied acivitie.s than at a the day who want- to he a hu- News."' '.ruu: i and St.( niver.-ifu- :? for every fact is but a fundamental university. It's tour years that will be re¬ m.i" Iwtng. Schroeder, the lover INFORMATION rhairman *>'■ the executive committee for phase membered throughout life. ♦ fUt'.i ivcn and classical Notice* ft»r cai'--pu* of education. mu- 4 aie >»ar . lb i- -:i.i active on'several comri:, It's time to start now. Plan vour . i,inus who finds securev published daily in :.ie ••Infor¬ ♦ •rant Y-.-r. 'I ha pro¬ university offers the student many gram* thoughtful!), and )•: i thumb and a blankt' mation'* column, a listing of educational opportunities outside the class, carry them out so shi'tT:• Ol It \ta( BRESIDEM i< a memo. • that they result the "straight man" ' IIIRHI RT HUM K Meeting" and event* scbedul"«i in a well-roumied etluca- ■ < atrip. Violet the da- Micniga: !;. room. It is a Well-rounded who draw * top editorial eartoon* on of publication In¬ "J'tuvphone lb* i- chairnu.i education, in tion for you. 1< < 1 h.i' Chariie Hi ova I* humation notices * mil*? he turn¬ th»' lu 'r u* oranch of the Federal iie.-eri t i ism', Pu ty, Dm \ TAO warning.* tr p« ed in at the Mate New* office mer? -»*r *»f the ieiard of directors of tb« hftiik and a thorn m Charlie rihiu vour eh»- tiefore 3 j» m. tlie dav m lore U.e Student I oice Must Use (Jiaimcls • ft' ..mi Kdv. mi ami -, *i*ter side. tin-Pen. the dirty Sally, Charlie Brown* quencr • 300 ord> "i ie«>. nieeUug. Kun.i ( offf* Tat lor ar .j mensta-r of America. the iazard of tin Dr. Hannah has been IIY THE TIME n student ha* III It HI (»( K Offcrx Ailviee Bre^ulent of M: completed The Slate News ha« il« "letter to the The newrst addition to paa»* ver ;• a »> ,b« l 1!«11 lb i* 12th pi. registration he will be familiar with anmn Editor" column spocil'icallv for such indi¬ t v and vers.*;. tn>iit which he His of the fine. ', i > «*.< gratiiiatill in !:• of M.SU'r many code*: NS. CS. —these once-my Morions sets of letters HUM, lll'li will vidual voice* that desire to lie heard, t nre- full.v thought-out. letter whose writers o> Heilier! d.i v editorial car- Dean of Students (>ires He f.a> 1*- ia*« :?.r n awardeii honorary degree Agriculture by Michigan have lost their puzzling character. . who pen* th# Ir "f i*i . make valid point* subjects which arc ' I in',er-it> of But within a week, at least by next on 1'ip p.e top ediu»r- Michigan Thursday morning's .state News, he'll find not trivial, are hound provoke thought. to tmd render ami u.: 11? . t < .i!'!.«.n s! S t ■» - 'i America Wsohiiiglon He P»*t. Welcome to Newcomers i'te- I '.iver-i' I M-.er-,;- o* 1 . o? 'ilia. Byuk.vui*. Doctor." Ihctor of Scienc* himself greeted by a new symbol At'SG. • <•? \ .. .■* -.lie than 200 m.':;r ; The office of the Dean of Studenta ii'.! l.vMioiopx Ihctot' of ! Upon further Investigation be will discover AND LVLin I.IY ING I MT has ,t Stu¬ tie ■' p- jh i . Uu afvmt t he na- cordially welcome* l:f.»ie l*,a - |M!„r 0f , . that It'a really not pronounced U"'i all new .students to Michigan State ( entia "nwz-grh," dent Congress representative, to whom This two-time University. We are I »"CL»r of A but simply abbreviates stu¬ Pulitzer Prize happy you have chosen MSU to continue your education ion ( obegr , and 1* All-Univrrsit.v fctu- dents are encouraged to take their winner and » ?«• -».me author Those of you who N» rtf.i rn M« f.igati i 1 dent Government. sug¬ are coming to college for the • "ge. gestion*. ideas and opinions < ougrFss re- identified ut;i * boldly- first And, If the little wheels are still turning, ptiiited trariemar? time will have many new experiences. The "Herblot k." opportunit!*" , prescntnli\cs. too, in earning out their, to meet new people—make new he may recollect that this is the same ftli* rnstrr ol a-.jp'y subject* that took his quarter at it waa a group registration—yes, atudent government tax, wasn't responsibility, can and should seek out the who have jtjmiKHi withou* joy opinions of their constituents on whatever a tier ajapearuig a critical activities anil experience* to you. in friends—engage in new communal living are open Provosl Miller INole* campus controversies are current or de¬ Herbloek vart.w. r. *d.- like an it? Now, any Scotchman will total up this four years, 11! terms in mercenarily all. of serving of comment. The cry "If wc only were • .n'c: national WT.. W hat '• K M-. W Who" «»r xer. DuU There are some regulations with which to become familiar First, the rule relative to drinking or you will wan? Added Academic Slant quarters and determine to get bis three dob given the .« l o'im uiHA's. K ruahrtiev, bringing alcoholic beverages on the property of Michigan A». a' oioei* have been -uh-jexted to standing. The penalty i* au?«»- PI IR It *t y.- talk. toe same bitmg • rio. matic-suspension and there is no alternative. You will want • a*\\!>U HOWEVER. CONSIDERING cm I-of convocation. Much too often, stu¬ from U hen tn»- u<* of three dol- tilts lough ati.i'tic i -rimerit*tor to cooperate in this university provo-t. lara or no, AUSG can only work effectively dent* fail to sec and avail themselves regulation. ihe v..» • of »>n win id affau ' Some of you will need to become familiar pre*i,a«?:*.- jt»r acadeniR* with traffic a??.- if studenta do attempt to get the chance when it exists. Hack PJ.Mt he left eo!leg« «ampu- vo a?iuii. something regulations: all of you, with housing rule- You will , crested this spring > from It. AUSG, along with the Stale New*, The actions of Student and wet:? t > woik • Chi- to leant and observe college traditions want A fx«tni#.«- n.ove "« step jn the < m Congress havu ca*« Path New* and maintain good and, more informally, Spartan Koundtable. not been taken lightly bv the ,i- - e-ft'ort*l a. have Deer, moving for *orrte time— administra¬ carumniAt \ - H* rhree '.-.ades citizenship. channels the "student voice" so that it tion. A suggestion t.» arc! - < •» may suspend traffic regu¬ university's academic . . be heard and recognized. Many recreational or.-J cul¬ prog lations between terms passed In tural activities Congress are offered for Individual comments—or compliments was adopted without pleasure - change by the Board your Take advantakr V. ll*# Minimal' «hil' or complaints are of what you can with the ton# usually lost if they go of Trustees. And. in an even m«»re vital line research no further than a conversation with *n you have available. Ai arfeiv i area, proposed housing - it'Motion-, modi, At MSU you will no! i roommate. True, most of these fied considerably by last be furt ier me- : » ' probably d«* spring's Congress, pervuwd so far a« the n a. mti' ma serve to l»e lost. But ,re of ht-ped tha' ' any that have validity were accepted »■ a.'avna- your time i« ror*erned Learn greater avqua-. and worth may be effectn e if taken from Little voice-, even those with to prepare i'-»r tnrrorr->*•« the source through a designated channel to big thing* a.< to sav, will never be hoard unless signment lotfore taking tods * * the proper authority. tiny use pU^surr Develop an adequate channel to a "tarty a-xi ik^iIivc ac em. the pisy program: then foiUi* 4icn Na'.i.,i , A f*od start in the unirer«wy '■ifiher lUvau-.-" ;•! ■ . of jne to¬ Volunteer Assistants Deserve Braise pupil.- litnr" thou-^and* have i* di- JV Is importaflt will accwnnlish Sound sU«tv iabc- much for jn.» VI H#r M>d u# ~lr#m#nd*u* mruKU.* l*ut f'.rat Uwngs first Get ■ rnuih >. a* — and RESIDES AIIOI'T 11,100 new freshmen -• ineredihl# prm- IIIE MORE THAN DD Student i.ientdjed in f an edueabno a* >i"»u can. efore classes. Many of them have Helmet ami with >ou r#ni >#*n |n u%»» neyt «h«p- ABO. agisting at Ill VHP. Ot»*#rv# study and qu.te trr nZ V«s| come, not just to register or get settled in registration. AUSG. Del¬ : Make it ptseaible for tbe « ht*lnr* H# .„ %aid. ta phi Kpsilon and he wax an NL.N p*- "*rn«th nerd rooms, but specifically to roll out the wel¬ international (Tub work¬ Cleveland n oon who wiahes io study to do - prim# n« Imttx mt er*. offering aid to inip>trUB«z, come mat for new students. foreign students; SWl, He nejjan •o—it i* hi* rtfht t' vi o- .a.r^fai They will add coeds who spon-or a w.h>. \\ .ivhiitf • AH of the *ervtce« 'of the that any iiher their efforts" to make things as program for transfers; ton p.wt after gc from ur.ver* •** w-j tJC}. easy and AWN and other women's Dean of Student? Office are v||t tr<> Arv:v !.•! -HMd. .. 'gr-ofMrra understandable and, if possible, as uneon- groups who carry ( available ti> you at any time. fa & quality .if ' out women - dorm orientation ami "Who's KtlSsVVOKIt I a. f using, as they can for the incoming ;In¬ A *oiuti -n f TOM UNCI The following services under ^Latr VUkuga« W ho and W hat'* W .r fiKr to dents. *s hatreligious groups, that prufewo: De*a M MMmI. ihe Dean of Sludents Office >c*rv Uw ne* tea who open their door* ro be pn»vast re- The willingness of these students to students and par¬ daily cros>" .-:> tan hr'pfnl ^.a'k.-d A r.amber of give ents for The Counseling Center, take your problem* to them ex- ' their time voluntary, without get-acquainted activities; Union have found d ;po>„ Health per*- arxt no*e*j sc?^»Uirs Xi»e Center—to help you when you are ill. Placement Office—for reward except perhaps pay or any Board, conducting Union tours and spon¬ handy—te keep your coc.# f r-f umvermty a} teach¬ m. r*n personal sat is far. c'.a** :f for uothin. part-time job if you need one (You should not plan t?? work dur¬ er* soring a I-riday night dance; the Marching ing your first term unless it is absolutely necessary > Men's Divi¬ mearcner* * ...Min tion, givea added credence to MSI"* tradi¬ a'no test x.u- ;• C/.ag itrps Band, cheerleader*. Varsity Club and . sion—student organizations, veterans affairs, loans. Intrrfratcnuty ,r XlSU» ore- dent* with ficuit? tion of friendliness. AC- vocabulary Use«« « putting on the "Meet the Team" paper.* across Council, men's cooperatives. Women's Division—Associated Women menUooc* ciMsroom By publishing this first Welcome Edition pep .» i Students. Spartan Women's League, sororities, social affairs For¬ y *"*r * x*? —.-.mu u.^ MSUs btgra«> the SUtf Newa hopes to rally; VMCA-VWCA. WK\ and word is seiv.ce-i t ...ae.n, join, ami also give M11A and Press eign Student At!vi*er Housing Office Keel free to »top in these of¬ trwpcits of s'.-df again. At SG. sponsor* of mixer in :»« tM LV iL.-L* credit to, the many individual students ant! dances. An LETTERS fices and talk over your problems. Cv..cu B> 1,5? ii^tn ministration reD. added note of thanks Hf :wm«) uv student groups who offer their time and goes to Ginny Thrall, Student, or A university can be a wonderfully stimulating and meaningful rrrrr.l ,-cre»w m complex probteti* student director of :r.emben experience to each of you, I wish to all of you success and many at confident that 1 assistance in orienting new student* this Orientation, whose re¬ who w an; . \,:gnpeu, C .,.r« l - L.*ul«rxTKlu,ie sponsibility it to direct and «or<1» ol p.. happy experiences while you are here. will face the diff- week* the whole complex coordinate their opinion, s- ;v to id ,:f Speruly«" ' effort* ' !*»;«!, «^n; of finding way* program. .run lrf jn. TOM RING Mu* year trIU vited to u»- tv .'a..v renter #n dents can fee' * Letter, DEAN" OF STUDENT* f1«dll*« «m to tm- their professor* u*KI. a in the campus cm MICHIGAN* STATE NEW* rtllMI lM,ihfi9 St of Higher Education Rising Where Do Your Educational Dollars Go? outside the Cooperative ErVr.- 4ake 2 9 The scholarship pro* Do you kr , here your Ho!- ceKta, with the rerr.a.nder re>m- gram and the institutional co- program re^u^es 4 4 cer.ta lars go wh'- . nd MSU? ing from -.'at apf»ropnations of the dol.ar. opera'.on and public services ich Faster Than Cost of Living Here's a fir.; breakdown on and other wiurcej. Student Scr/ires, Including program each um about two cllege cw:t Teachers' salaries and iRs^ruc- h^-al'h s^-rvices, r.uuitte'irig anl centa. Each MS!' * ident pays tl.030 tional supplies average a.v.ut a.'t.v.t.r- averages ah>-Mit IJ .^'•'.ear-ti averages about 14 for four y* . ■' • ,.v,n "o • , V, 2 cer.'s on the ed-r av.r.a! cer.ta I'.,'.operations are rent* nr. fe dollar, and general and $2,220 ,• a Mithi- I'lant mair.tena-.ee. re- adv..nitration costs um up .the dollar. . a'Xiut 3 7 r'-r/ per joii, Room and Board How Coll Pflft Costs Rise fan resident This amooo- cent of the ♦ , about lit pa-r- e/Jj-ut-onal r a-. r "ation ge and improvements abr«ut 15 rer.*.» Non-credit wot* ir; extension I..orar:ei cents, ar.d rH ; aiy»ut three and constructing rev,a.n,r.g by. n;ne-t«ntha of a pen- Rise in 5 Years COLLEGE* TUITION G INC. 1954-55 1959-#,• RW. A BD. % INC. 1954-55 1959-49 25c FREE TICKET tk Mirh. State nth 12$$ 42% $444 1745 19% »Se I fill T|( KIT 25c or not, folks, the cost of training a college edij. U of Michigan 1 no I cog 39 G 1799 941$ 14% Ijkr bnun* Park frH-vr.r p»<*e with the cost of living—and in fart, times as fast as the average cost Ohio State 1 1*9 ft 270 43G 979$ ijik.- I-in-in*' I'urk igood for awe ride) . • and four Illinois ft 550 *J7M $449 12% (good for one ride. Kept. 22 • Sept. 2d Wisconsin I '.no ft 000 20G 1719 $959 14% Sept 52 . Vept 211 2> OPEN NIGHTS 2Sc 11*00 21G . f..fi years, the cost of higher education has Voire flame *1450 < If-lode, rofim. hoard and taittnn. tie OF! s MONTH 25e f,t heitrhts. It has been rising much faster Miami 'Ohio? $ 1'ie ft 210 43% $544 9759 24% 27% . of food or automobiles. Harvard s *00 11250 54% $725 91999 9999 14% • ^>)» In up Ml $ *40 $1120 33G 977$ 9450 9999 29% always the right move.. jn five Princeton $ *54 ft 14 50 70'5 r,f poor way- And ,r, r. Ohio 1 I it: ft 270 52", $531 9792 22% • ave t>orw»- it ha* not roo> to .vra • . How ling f.re# n s 20* * 3!5 54", $441 9799 49% .-.,j board ra«e« some of the leading pr- fe-' •« 1900 1959 9% and administrator to the earn- smith f olj-ge * 000 *12.50 39", Kent **tate % 177 ft 217 34% 1534 954$ 9% z, -,d 5 "ate uni- pua. Indiana $ 390 ft 540 3*G $475 $74$ 11% • .• MSt', are Equipment and other ovt- av-rage in- h«i'i co !■ have refler*"d tn tne y, * ,r.i,y have tuition increases. sav the ed >• when *oa tp-nd th» day at l.ake I^n*ing Park. There's plenty At-r," in the m'ors a-, they repea* the MSU Governing Body of pirmr area, and a midway loaded ,. . of free parking. Jot* , - in recent atory—higher cc hig:.er tui¬ tion. with ride* and imu»»m»#u . . . The Coaster, The Flying univer- At MSI*, r v r • « vooter »r,'t The Tilt-O-Whirl lor tho*e who like to mere University Policy , , y.ear'.v *13»Kl f i-rn and d-nt (wno is living in '.he 12f»5 f »r tuit.or «•.* '• h' . - Sets at a Dancing. slower pace, there's Mtnatur* Golf, Roller Skating, and Aid other cJf-rnir year In !0*>4 , annua! cut 41B0. and thus 4.: \ new name for an old co mmittee wa^ rrante^l by the bother Shout parking a lunch. When you feel ■ wai a ;.•»« flon't • . ,... around cent increa.-e M. n;/an vo'er- la-' April, a- 'he Michigan .State Board of • hungry. *top ,n at one of our restaurant* or lunch stands. Room and board i* MSt." 7rprepiac^l the name, Slate Board of A/ricuJture. merit !>io*n 10.54-JH55 v..i $040 aod T-- :■ : Tru,'e^. a 10. Infer d-liMou* hamburgers, crisp, golden french frieu, and • • I i . rduco- growing • year it* |72.i. or a If, p^rc b-ar i v. <■ dut.»- and r>jMic treaiurer, instrur^n: an: I^hilip Mar, Karl Mcraor.ei, ire-cold drinks. increase ii . .ti< are running .earning v. ;th ae< retary. ' . "r.at hinh MSU i'r;'' »' in trie S-.t.h is cha;rrr.an of the And don't forget to bring along your skatev Make a date, increa-es though Om. Shi , ''4--i-i»r h-i'ory of Uic ur.iver- and en)ny the fun of roller skating throughout the winter cost* Will Bojrd. student* .for ifwunri-. had a $149 c* t for -nth* at l.ake |^r*inr Park. Me will be open every Med- v o-.gir.a! tt.e Two members will be mkmtmg rr 4*> v(ar * tu.".^ t - name i ■•a< that flay its $270, or « 45 p> r • ♦ of Educa" or. Tn- WtU from the Board la IK*. Brody re*day friday Saturday, and Sunday night And if your • nough giftd t ' It-o-rd ot Ail'iru.'u.'e. is retiring after serving man? fraternity or w.rority is looking for a plaee to hold tho*e Fall increase. • «» »-<.und • • • »ears in that raparitt, and At the University of V ">l "or ;/h the years unt.i Term partie* ju«t rail If. P-U221 and let ua help you arrange '>ke » real Kou*e was defeated at the palla ptn. room a: .' boiifl c. • , • the \ .--r* approved Uie newest it at Lake Leasing Park. .• on eompe- la*t April. t'ii• iprm* • 5; i-sia. $700 in 11154-55 T'if> re $•'..» . S,.< .f r.err.rrfvc are e.er*. V/-rrer. Huff and frank Mer- r» djig loan today. thu-. a lb p« rcer.", in¬ crease .,na ' '.tner f »^r serve in r.-.an Wili fill the two posi¬ • j, -lars'" u-. • c.i tions . '• r* to deal )'-r f r .".j,ar •. .; The hoard meet* monthly, re- The Hoard of Trustees is re- - .••n, t.Mng e»,"• • ,f r ,1 • ,o. Viewing and approving staff s;* \t;ble f >r accepting gifta if. >.i blame cf.'xk the figure. «>n tn.\ p*.e. for the university. . . change*, rule* changes, con¬ and grarh* ;;v r*-as**s in ft ha» bren prt-dic"' d that struction work, and hearing re¬ It abo ad.v .rusters and super- ■v." ana tysird. coiiegf. tu.'.i.ns eor/.'.ue to v.us the M-chigan Agricul'ural port* the unuerait) opera¬ Lansing on < •,.y part of the reveal* that ri»e ;n tJi«- ne*t JO year must tJie go up in gmd of ofd'-r t/, pros. <• qia;." . eo ;ra'. :« T v tion* To*- present elected «.f the ft-*: : a*e Clark I. Br->- memtevs hxperirr.er.t Station svitem. •a Mrjj c,nd ids s ..... nutr.'.or, and research agf»r^»my. in Lake ; rru.-ft faster 'd«>manoed . r.>*ierr. Arner. a. T>ie Hard r*.a*»% final d-ci- Arthur R/,use, Park •.f ..ving This. rt». Larn*.* say the educator t. ii"vn« ( .• C A. en Har ar., r. *nc or. iG ur.' ru>- and regu- because thev And ;" electa tr.e um- • d f,ve vear* leT',.: Co .',-.'- D Smith. Bin- » r.r .r.i. Jan Var.-ierp.ocg. ver> t> t prr*.den*. .•.e\ had fai!>*n Nr'r, \!u«h i- r. and G. Dona.d V'retarv Mrl>»ne! I* re*pi-in- • r.'.a were pav - i 'i f for ur. vers.t y properties, OI'KS MfillTLY — EXCKIT MOMMY e "-•ton of the MUSKOGEE. Okla T.re Steven* G'.r.d It-p.d and traa»uref Ma> hand <■* :>ud- .'.'•am. ata'ion 7-.»50 ie;y,r*»-»J t-> trie Th.e fir- ' r-em-e-f .1- ge-..r,g. f.nan- iai rec-rts dls- ALL DAY RI N0AY • ' f #fultjr Ml- telephone company it nee^^d d r hifie Dr J.-n A. Hanrian, I're fi? MS'" I-y-.n liar*- tiunMMOti and the aui.t.r.g of •. vmity has new telephone T7»e aid one . .< f !»*•• a"e . o per..'.lender, t "of college account* « because burne/i in a Pre College Life Captured and Preserved ... by the candid camera of the msl 1960 WOLVERINE THE STUDENT-CENTERED YEARBOOK Sports - Dances - Carnivals - Academics Just One Block East Of Campus And Berkey Hall On Grand Elver. homejf America's. favorite. Hamburger. '"•'"•uSXv Cofne in and get aquainltd! Bring a hearty appetite. We will give you faat, cheer¬ ful, courteous service ... plenty of free parking...no car hops...no we'll serve you the tastiest food in tipping...and town! a pleasure every family can afford] Juicy 100% pure beef Hamburgers, only lor ... rich, creamy, triple-thick Milk Shakes, only 20r ... crisp, delicious French Fries, only 10c. A family of five can enjoy McDonald's "All American Meal" for only $2.23... a feast of fun, fresh air... at extra thrifty food, and prices. look for the Drive-in with the arches • V '£ -V • 9 SU-OAKLAND OPENS FOR FRESHMEN THIS FALL nrollment ol 600 Kxpectcd (hddand's (jirrieuluni Stn>ssrs Liberal irts [t MSU's 'Sister" Seliool , „ ..ynm* if fall term of atyaj*. 666 a ' - v M ith Modern I ieici>oinl such openmj? far:!date ubon' J.266 It uill offer a four-tear pure—but f'r ur»- T.-ii* will take dervraduate institution with A modern Student C enter for «. MSU-Oakland graduate programs added », f«.od servlre and *»w ial activities needed. Ilerree will also being planned and will .-wi about 90 mi!'- . ,. programs i* he offered in hii-ine*. admini¬ likef* he fompleted this fall. '{i ("ampui near !)'•- stration. engineering. liberal art* It not and .Macomb "/ ' e. are *• ■ .. Oaf.:and and tea* her education, a* for • » - f f»re< *.n» f,r, the v on Mead ov; seen as the rc*olt- of a spernl r>■ • • - ■ :i'*no'Uih m « 1.600 «'»•••■'■ studt of the need* of po*t-huh . 1 r >-t- :n«, v.-,!: :*} s* hool education in that arei* jfn'v •' a'.! Mr. A if red «' * .-*•; ■ ..T ... - '.ney earlier ban MSr • . bav. • . v»Sf. with a aub- , to: puriw ' t new eer.'®r »■? *Js?'-0 ' • located 10 - f-owinjt popu- ... Amer.va and -en and worn*-;. 'J*. MSU-O i* highlighted by beautiful huiUlint: T 4>w o»* • oi i**d«r. *iwl til t» e * • e p! wirrci '1 r'd rrifi r;ee»tr.g wiener «tM. HI-A car Veteran i ■-•bile d r.'.i «! * dent- sii n» 'enuired 1*1 de ■■'id :r» lottov im *'** e > -»|i f thorouch knowledge <'.d .h,.!' if ie<*t one forej^n Heads MSI -() Staff . I •rreefrent arner lanyuafe •* II pi.ed Particular nr. the emphasis Ku.stan language '» .. !0-v«-a - • . •• •• MS* n • rr .{usUa- V . : \:sr- ' - of .if:, h .♦ ' ly^.n T- . vsr V. • of T f- will not he offered in the >iew etfrnmlum The l»r» branch ha* facilities for t.200 M \ki» \ %RM P . . Ms| -II head < HU.\* STATR NtWt September *51. |SS» fcer |. |*a«e *» THE PIZZA PIT REST AIRANI 203 M.A.C. Ave. (Downstairs) pizza: KWH) A.M. • 1:00 A.M. Si Mm • Till Hso w 10 vakik'i il>: IV|iprrurii. Mii-lirniini. II.iiii. Onion. *lirnn|i. I.nm IVjiprr. 10:00 A.M. • 2:00 A.M. Fltlim & Sathiihv It.iinlilir^. Vnrlimi. Olnr. ISatoii. slzf>: <» • Iri.lisiilual. I.V* Regular. 10" Kins. Rij-iiljr anil King >i/. Ilrlorrnl. lunches: "lilt PIZZA Willi llll. TIIIV llainligrjc-. t.ianl IImi >ainl»irlie-. utisp ij«lm ... nit n>t.*r (•ianl Kar-lt-l.l. *iilmiarilie. Fremli trie-. Onion Rina-- Iloulile llaiiiliurn*. ami 1 .iriou- Other handuielie. DINNERS: h|ia^li«-lli W ith Oral Saurr j Gulilrn Freiirll trir.l 1 hirhrn FrriK-li Fried Mirini|» llaniburjcrr Mrak W ith I Iniuu. PIZZA DELIVERY j■ —v I 3-' ■ fi ;| l f i- St Fillet of Orean Perrli I* Breadefl Pork >, tinctively its own Perhaps it is filled with cnllhounds drink- On a J ijr;« • most outstanding Is its tradition in,? eoffei or just killing time. fourth of th< • . . of friendliness. The university Though ed the "Tr.,i women on rumpus takes pride in this open atmos¬ tion's are referred to «*•> cm-tl.-. they Faith '• :• phere, which seems to prevail are terhfiirally not true rt*«i • pageant v/a more on this campus than on until Cedar River they've tnen k: -ed ■ ?. wo* t. the midnight in the shadow of annual •.. Then there is the warring na¬ Beaumr.nt Tower. tion to form . ture that the Spartans, have in Arid another romantic "muU" Carnival, (♦thirties. The biggest rival i. feat is oiiSy engage; couple, l antern \i2ht with the University of Michi¬ are •em itted to i the stone Origin ill and „r, . gan. a victory in this game n i re •• u K* giummi n* ning, a prim means u successful season. Rook' wh.en is n'f.'.r lb aumonf. moved throng | \ The ('diversity of Mirhirin each arnior. junior Seniors follow minv fradi- aN<» enters into another tradi¬ more, llons of their own Old Odlete carrying ., i, tion, that of Hparty, the atatu*- the Mould p.is* i„ Ifjll. adj.ircnt to the firill. is a . that stands for, and defends the class helmv. VIM'. Before the annual football room exclusively for seniors, The folio.. lath year a tahle-top is nut in game. Wolverine students usu¬ Stunt Dav v. this r»M»m for seniors to rarve ally lake the liberty to test ior would !. their initials. Table-tops of pre¬ their artistic talents on Kpartv vious years hang on the walls. carry toys « , in the I" of M school colors, around can ■ Mais* and Blue. The end of the year find? green* fresh," < . »is in a solemn even' railed Every true Spartan must It also b« Senior Swing-Out in which 'he dltion that class parades to the Aud An¬ with the c.ir- other occasion finds senior w - would stU'i. m< n preser.sin;: lighted lantern* straight line '■» unriert lajismen during Lan¬ This tern expl.'ti .N'ig'.f. a a •• s mboi of the winding wn'^ pa*- ing responsibility. These nr« President John A Hannah traditions. T" ha a Iranition of his own. tr.»' of although tine ki-ejiing the door to hl " - ilentii come fire always open to students will alwavs w i'n problem■ has gmwn .■ Th< annual Spinster':- Spin is and will eon*:,-, the colorful turnabout scrr.i- school exist*. forrual dance for whan coeds buv the tickets, provide trans¬ vihi'II America's largest anil most portation and furnish home- See History of MSU Stored see eomplcte campus fashion shop wait* Jiik' for you at Jacohson's! you'll fin«l In IBM's Kamae at I nion all the important names you know Bunded Agent AH Travel Conferences The history of MSU—all neat- ness for arrounlin* prom-J ami depend upon as national gym* J> i"rc,i w a machine It's the first timr thn Allt ■< J — BAIL — STKAMSIIIP TOITt Tn.«- what MSU students been used as a» nhilut hoys of quality, come see us — and «] noon, ( Itl ISi: — IIOTKI. — ICKSOKT — I'ASSPOKTS otner interested persons American rampu- Kmu, ^ wi!i b»- able to mi- during On- made appearanrcs your awnv-from-home headquarters UOBUKi.N CANS ^ p. ^ eniation Week and until Oct..- aels Wurld fair and at i* ui lor everything that signifies the ber '» erican l.xhihiti'.n Informatiofl. Iteser vat ions. Tickets All w M vo,j hav»- to d<> . pn* a hut other than ti. d it fashion-perfection of the MichiKun MI.Mltl.lt: American Society of Tra\el AgenU certain button and you'.! find not hern on rvlututw a find out the significant hi'tory Stale coed. To find th» of MSU during .< irrtaif year, of MSU in h I.TO W . (irutiil Kitrr j including the sport., r.ntorv operator pr»- An IBM R.inue. « mtH-hantt-al Th« your and UOp wootl 2*2I(»(»7 brain, w. 1 b»- installed in th«- MSU'* histoi ■. I..IM lailisin<:. MirliiLMii l.'ncn I/.-ingf for inspection ;*• .ivallable, ,r. ^ Jroide the If,e i.ic wo' be the tory will !>•-: • hulory of MM,, a well as a An opsti h'»n- - '.^It tn-rtorv of tn«- world in four the faculty la ' i iangiiagir-. til October 5' • it This machine is used in busi- !»»• able to ? - FIRST NATIONAL Michigan Slate University l.ikr ;iiltiinUi-r of our Muili-nl ll.inlviii); Si-rvi" • tou pay unit #)..*i(i fur a IkmA of iO rhrcki Pm : • nn miinlhly ntrvicr rhamr In pay # no minimum Italance required MOIHiHN hltlU.IN IIXNKIM er.MHAI.I.V I .(HATED Kknt Dki.im; Cleaners Free Pick Up And arroaa fnim IWrkry Hall Delivery added rnn\rnience, Eliminates Needless Trips To The Cleaners. w mdow si are open til |;3o each our door* and drivedn weekday, iacluding Saturday. Save linn- anil money! Hake use of Kent Deluxe Clean our (rirndly staff i- prrparrd to handlr all ; er's free nr*ds. including |iiek-u|i ami ilelixerx M-rxiee In all Marrieil llnu- iastallai.nt loans, sawn, money orders, and travelers' cheeks. ' iny I nit*. lal us (tel your family's elotliea reatlj for the Eall term i« - ft acquainted Kill, ( all l\ TSI.ygg for on the s|io| free |iiek-U|i. a friendly bank of Eaal Lansing Eaal Grand River at Division Si. 1 Aw. I. raw • Mirmr.AN STATE NEW* grUrmk,, ,, „;i 1 Three Stages of Development— 3, Blood Drives Am iv MAC, MSC and Now MSI! Sponsored Yearly Drinking One hard and fast rule wh'ch on 21 who Campus drink as long as they gan. to BanneA and violators criminal Srr Campus organizations annu¬ the university enforces strictly abi'le by pollpee nils, and make well as university proscvu i >n ally sponsor three blood drives is that, of drinking no disturbances. action (j The n;.!i<.n"s first n3r1cuMur.il thing about it. In housing alone, !0"»2 to require all students 'o Mittced graduate studies. T'i" curb * car. one each term. If you plan to drink alcoholic Because East Lansing i« wdrv." The state liquor fo opi-ucd i?> doors lo fi:t the Increase in spare has made take four one-year courses m next year, an Honors College Student- are able to give three beverages on the MSU rumpus, no liquor selling or drinking which concerns fur. h-, 'I •iiu h:r- in 18*7. tv. o year* af- MSI' the national leader in (he Communication skill-. Natural for superior students was or¬ you will be liable to Immediate e-tablishmenls are found within quor to a minor st.rr, ? 'I It- number of dormitory rooms and Science. Social Science and Hu¬ ganized. flints per year to help the "Any person who it 'wis found" !. needy The Bed Cross says th it expulsion from school if caught. City limits. This does not pro¬ , , Kxaet!> HHl year- later, th" married housing units. manities. And this fall, another addi¬ hibit the student over 21 from gives or furnishes an., it is safe to give blood every Automatic suspension will re- lie beverage to faw n in titiitioo. now known a- The Continuing Education tion tb the university—MSU- drinking legally outside the city a n.;:.->r J Academic e x pitnuion and three months. suit it students are caught vi»« M iv^an State University, en¬ Service, established in l!)4i), pro¬ (hikland — is opening its^ doors limits, however. on authority of and • changes have kept pare with (living blood In an MSU blood lating the long-standing Board ' rol ted student-. the vide* out-of-the-classroom edu¬ to students. Michigan law forbids the to a prescription of "3 ^ - phy-ieal developments. drive entitles anv student to re¬ of Trustee' rule which states .. a licensed physician, sha1' In between tiv.' I'm even*-. In 11)14. the Basic College cation for more than Jfih.OOO Today, as in thd past, the ceive free blood from any Red that no student, under or over transjiort of open or sealed aJ- MM' served a the nioflfl f"r was established to strengthen persons annually.. university is meeting the edu¬ 21 years of age. may bring anv eoholic beverage by minors in guilty of a misdemeanor" Cross agency. Misdemeanor charges 3-,. America'* land-grant \\»tem • »: specialized training by support¬ Iii the centennial year of cational and cultural demands Dormitories, fraternities, sor¬ form of alcoholic beverage on ears, regardless of the original ,| eu'lcji-s. i" 'abli-h'd under tie ing it with a broader general I95f», the institution was recog¬ of the present. At the same orities und coops annually enter campus or other college-operated buyer. be issued for persons un-p-^l Mi.mil of !8fi2 Many permitted to who falsely represent *h«:r* at I i Act education nized time. MSU is making plans for Minors not foundat'on. Originally a,s Michigan State Uni¬ competitive raqes to win prizes building a' any time. are ehatoti - wen- made in tlir uni- for the purpose of pur, m-t tip with seven divisions, the versity, with nine academic the tremendous growth antici¬ for the biggest percentage of The university, however, does purchase or accept alcoholic mp.v. >' nieture, ami one of Basic College wa.< revamped In colleges and a school for ad- pated during the next 15 years. blood donated. not condemn those students over beverages anywhere in Michi¬ attempting to purchasr 1 the larue-t ami best athletic oj.o t- was iuilif I'or :ul years, funn Ift'M-19.1.1. the institution was known as >1 hid tan Stale (allege of Agri- etilliire and Applied Science. X .1111011:4 th" top ten uni- ver-;tn . 111 America in enrol!- tot n , MSU tu<- lioeome widclv km.. n f..r pioneering in demo- 1 education. t Parmer ' Institute-, which WELCOME university established II IH;I: •in' forerunners "f the < 'if' 11 native l',vt»-r smn Service, one "f MSt' s most exteu- ci vit't" ft» the people of .M»< i ig.ui and tor nation Women were first admitted to MSI as students in 1*70. and home economies classes were added to the curriculum in 1*96. Jo I8J5.~), mechanical engin- r* 11114 rmir i'. were offered for ABOARD ••■■■ to 1 lime, and m 1888. f.tie am iciiltiiral experiment • fati-.u «M. established The fust shor*- (•••urse, .1 six-wisk cla-s in ■ 1 a, • y manufacturing, w.n. of- 1 c 11'11 in 1 ft!* I Tin fir-t rov iiu' extern i..n agent \k a . appointed in 11)12, and luce then the MSU fie'd staff has crown to about 3()fl 4-11 t'luh agent- Country Agi - . idtural aceii'. ' tbmie Demon¬ and I'oiiMinier TO... stration .i.mii'' K'tuc.ilioii agent Ms| s rurrtculuiu irr« slead- II* during llie first Half of (lie ?oth eenlun. too. radar stu¬ dents ran clmose froni approx¬ imately 1.10 nyirses of stud*, moie than seven of tthith of¬ fer graduite rredit. !\ , ... • phi nun 11. d glo'A t'l i. M>* c.ii .• after I to' etui "f W . .1 to .• II * A » r-. • , • 1 ' ■ Mil .1..! .• ,'1 .11 . ',t. t Pofit h.-.1 - .1 I I de. r.* • space «l • V huge prohh is- lltil the uiiiiersily did some* \ OIIIIIIcui-SAHI DRY CLEANING In (h'iciiliiio; New Sluili'tils lu 1 ef , in.r piano 1 fa. ' VV. , . tin* e\|*atl"h»n Week #>'• ON ONE PAIR PANTS fu ,1,M Ad hough r c.entation pm- glai.i 1 e> ha* t'lijver-..' »r» «S » S«ee •. * |M:? of m h<"du> of a.-* OR ONE PLAIN SKIRT tivitien,- this w«s modified *?->i e ttttor.ded ria e '\Vel«s.e e Week" adopted • l'»*t and t e OR SWEATER • t this tune S ine that jew. it filudrnt iepie entats*i' hat Ha t a facility shj-e m endow it> ., planning, •. Birih- tngham >crku '. '.cods (lie pi »lrr III lir XI ainid. thai ihr nord dry rlraninn rannnl «larl In drnrril* il. News froth NA1IK . g; nn thi« jew Thrrrfnrr »t rail it MARTIM/.IMi. Other studei t active In orientation ac g -up-, t'num Ikoarvl, I'aris hash it ms ADDRESS j] conducting tout* «»( the I'llioh, I" ji T<»ver liuoid. sop i'.inoie mm'* MARTIMZK pmprrly. «r u< unit ihr lalml. mm.1 up In riair and vvornt n s h .'KU fu ies tii.it ni.uhinrry and -prrully train nur rmpkiyrm in iln unr. Skirl Items are aid at reg».*ti«H«n and handle gjllllf itujatlom id th Infonnation TnnU A.Ws c cMiPitia * \Vho- lahr adianlaar of this nffrr. gelling shorter. Who »nd W • What". SW. (»mr intn nur nlurr nilh Ihr ruupon «n«l AIM, <»n Ihr riahl. \nu mil fur yuurnrlf nhal IA'I iis tlo your ■0H feu leeinbers Kapccv" for tramfers work ai rcgistr»- i AT') srr nr nran nhrn nr nav. "Hunt ■«!*£. tlonl; t'roah-Supb Council, pro¬ Dry l Iran. MAKTINIZE. tdleralitms. viding help wit i trial vchiMtul".: "ml WIC: MH A, A ISC.; AiKS VMCA - YWCA: luteruat'.oiiii Club: Vaikity Club, and campus rpHalou- iaganlnabons »■ •;.* - • * •- •• *■ ' • • Section Ty> •» Married Housing ail State News tampu" Living, Modem Housing For Activities Married Student* Pa^r- 9-20 See t'ade in .S-rv ing MM l or .>(1 Year* PUKE CENTS to PAGES WEI.i'OME EIHTION KAM I.ANmNG. Mil lilt;AN—MONI'AV. SEPTEMBER 21. 19.W I So. 61 ANOTHER 'FIRST FOR MSU IS ITS DORM SYSTEM \VOTHKIt "FIRST' FOR MSI is it- vast anil com- ti'»na] fnt'lliliiu; I He larpt'st of the tvumenV dormitories* are Abbott- residence halls. ma'K All men's dorms have washer-and dryer-. coin-operated au* •• arid hair dryer-. Students ar* re-imn-ifr.e of their own na»ms. Guidance in the women's dorrt::-"Tie- > fc.r the ui hanM* living system. With one of America'" finest Mn-'on and Snyder-I'hillipK, Originally men'? dornw, these A .'acuity member and his wife live in each unit and Advi-or and Assistant Kesident A t' .<<>r «:i«! llerriw system*. MSI * has eight men'* ami 1IJ women'* foiir are now entirely for women, with the last one (PhiG scrvf as He-ident Advisor and Besident Ho->s-. Their Be-jitent »t ident. Flesident As-i-tant.-. IJ*irn-- ataili'I'le for undergraduate student-. lip*) being converted in 105b. These four dormitories are fur ' ions are to counsel and assist student- with their pro- HOI SE OFHt KITS, elected •, . . let ' . I \V"'!ien'- undergraduate resilience hall" incltnle North located on the K«>t end of the ca^pu*. blcr/:* ami to work for the best intere-t- of the group. . ♦•ad their tiormitorv governmer.t and art r>«. a- '*"r Iami South Williams Ka*t and We»t Vake'ey. Ea-t and We-t A string of dorms extending from the Union westward MCI! PORM1TOKY i" divided into precincts, and ea • • carrvuig >•;»? effect iveiv all approve*•: »or ;v lGuaion, Gilchrist, North and South Campbell, Mason. Ab- f»r» ■ < ♦ I- super\ise•!?; the men's and women's dormi? ■MUlrrs Within the Rrody group are *ix dorms. including KXrKPT l oll A f'KW SINGLES, al! r«»om« in the men's ■ acquainterl personally with the -tuder.t- in then ; r— jii.Gon in campus activities i- art H" the projects each dorm work¬ Iggtterfield, Rather, liryan. Armntronir, Emmons and dormitory system are designed to accommodate two stu¬ i: ~ and assist and supervise them with their pr--»bien Among |r,'V while Shaw Hall is divided into Ea*t and West. dents, although they are also equipped to accommodate j; the Women's dormitories, rrptms are de-ignwi for *.«•• ing. >parUiCade. Ghristmas pn»jec*-. ' ,* womev "t;iy i. ui.MHi drives. Water I'arnlval atn: ;ntra SHAW. ONE OF THE LARGEST men'* dormitories in three men jf a housing shortage exists. *' although, as in the men'- dorm*, they are ee .. »- :r»--'imen and transfer students ore re*;u:red ■ world, accommodate.* approximately lion men. Brod '. AH are furnished with beds, pillows, dresser*, I" accommmlate three, A iniver-itv dormitories during the first ♦ rooms if. *he | op rrwe-t and mint modem primp "f dorm* at MSI', i- study desks and chairs. The students must furnish their i '• •• furnishings are the same a- in the men's dorm'- -M»-nc»'. Kjrst-vear women students nine a.s.. re-: ;< II .,-ate.i aero** from Kellogg Center on Harrison Road. With own blanket*-, towels, linens and study lamps. • - and women must furnish their <-wn >*•<: !:*»•:.. \. ■ oortu* for a complete yearu unles- thei ..* •• at H"T; v r. ,.,:,ruxinu.tely poo men in each of the six dorms, the Rrody All dorms have a recreation room and lounge for the - tovels, dresser scarfs, bedspread- and stud:- iamo-. "0. .i' •' I omneslate* nU.ut o. 11 s1 students. relative- or work for pmni and «»aivi a' ;* ... women'p dorms have a recreation room and iom;' - I Rn*1 Hall is the center of that group, serving the men convenience of the students. Grill and library facilities are home. • well as personal laundry facilities, including electric iron I sitr cafeteria, prill, television, meeting room and recrea- 'provided in .Shaw Hall, and in Brody Hall for the Brodv Coeds Ponder 'Brothers' Bid ['Going Greek Incoming Men Tu-ntwi.ine frh!"rn:ti-s a!i-i f;s»" ■ * ar" M>* ■ f.,i men inti r.-"-.! in j.iji.nir M- i.rcek Whether to "jro Greek" or remain an -independent is * iia" I «' almost every coed. Joining a sorority is cer- |u,i. .i . hie *tep. and is to he -• . rush. coeds seriously considered. f . an all-university 2- To "g'» active'* »?•#:• :>>du:ngi most housed ."•> a\ :cast a 2.2 for the •r . mediately preceding in.- |M :n 'ration is he'.d m »a-. Vrvv-oer A? this tame i. forested poeda muet sign • for f«nn.i! .v.Action 1* held for . r+ *,• ■ sl.dci of all M't't'.vr: Rushers will > „• ■ • - booklet "It s Al! [>■■*<< Mt." which contains •r chapters, pic* -■-•avM and pu*. as • * u-T do * and don't's" 1 ifd» irt a climpae af torar- I ft* Ufa rarh fall •hen afternoon I t»*. ir# hrId hy the tnent* I ompuy sororitiea. ( wit* vhll -- I #wh h«u*e. in troupa of thirty. Mart* ififftminf fr**hirt#rt **i!l I ind in this wit meet the nan* b" •me amstmlH **»tn Iff I b»r« and »ff the homes. v* b#r rr.»n » ru»h *Urt« Th# ■ . - beg.ns m Janu* rrtUftfll TfJuUt#* ru-hlft* !»#♦»-# '»■ j : stage? of man •Jaf# for all »h# *** i»| fr* Coeds select seven tgr».itie» Mft rantpB* , '.ICy S.MtiMt in iMOMi ' Ti e I "a .» ' ' »« * choice to four r-i t" two On'.y •* party is attended » : ;*• *.ge, prctwiRc# t* rush prncremea. the par* I '•#* *e» more #Ub«»r«ir. The I fiuf »utp* «re imlamr parUe* I refreshment* a*r\ed at |'4fhlb#Preference •" exrnlng. dessert la heM 1 ; • !!,•*• coed* make ' '■>( *oror:'..e* itory • r.g U» J-- ' , :* • A* tne ^ -irfke out Ufa. e matched ■' ' • the iorority men ' . • <- the hits If a • . .«• ^ her fir« -'•* a g-sxl chance ... •. • 4 • 1 1 ' ' * ' a pocorwf. ' » > and bids . r • at»d up t>v rushera |lunn| hM tun* i* a p'ftlff Pari He ienie post ol f#l* l» bn«»»» th# •» ^ i».wi;p»J in the Union Utr* hi |»irt«ip«ll»n »» ifltti • Rusn w superviae4 t»#a an4 d>»ing pt#«la# duit#« ^.'.Mruenie Council, coai- ' ini«rrtn| thr i#l#ph«nm at- repreaenta'-iv "* -• nnuae t#ndin| pl#4(# mrfUn|t and «»fkili( tf> lh# hutixf h.»R r«un»ell«ra are mmib- n it girls. |fHr>r I Boil rrgres»niati%ea ruihrrn dMrUg fall I formal ratk rauawlUr* \ ■ *AA * ' - p * I B'slribBtr lot' 'er-t *•>' -r*".'v.vf a wffire U a 'i ' *»' ' " * TuriLet '» tm mp* al Mai ; aM 1 a# tW 3# frikraiiio at lb# ? ' T:«t ta » aponeor n»any V r . »• 1 and arounsi campus. »• Hall a iwrmitacr *U> #r. • ";V-" Tjvt' la Iks fefkr m %aa M ..-a 5 ■ ' v ug the groupk cum- Th. phi Hvlad tasHtMu aflmd at MlihMaa laMMiag: I a<«rmu Itllaar 9m af Mw I aai**riM« apar«aaa»( ali—phsr? (-is ?<» an.* a 22 > IrawraMM. wrW*. aa-a»h aumUd * • till Uw ' ' •"jt In Athena a IMUunn. la|«i Ml Hall e#alrr ml lt» f Wrm pi ' .i.tNig Il.ua an ah a.atiaMv U MM atadaMa. . . i ^ - a eporta day featuring vaa.au. ***• Mall, air ml lh# ••rl4a fraurrrt«:.i« a! t akvto, Sad. a pan it Uv II T*r 2® - Grreg games ((UKU* ivUrkahv ma Ihv up. an ic .KJf - ("hi lb'•<«*«• a A - I mailable to MSU Students ' '* fharitd race includ* uhv tps pi, a lino, A'pf'a Kapha fSi. A;^a Off-Campus Lh •• .rttviin. uiclude Si*r- s.I?t a Phi, A'pha Tay 0*»*Si». I " UiMk Wnk. Sp.ru- Beta Thrti Pt. Drttji ('Hi, lh i a H mawnuii Md W.tsr &il»i« P^i. Delt« S.*:n» fh •w.v»L* where reasonal.lv atamlard* of behavior and decorum will Off-campus livtng also is *vailsl.lv to women students. Dei'.4 Tau Oth.4, tht.ta Up-.« *"111/ nalKHUi MonliH I ■'• *r>ud ;UM an campu. On MORE THAN 7.P0P undarvraduala ami praduata .tu- be maintained All undergraduate women except new freshmen and trans¬ Urn. 'Karmhouae, Kappa Stif-aw I A "• Alpha Omkna Pi. alike find (hat off-eampua Uvin« ia baat auitad for fers may live in approved h..me». These residences are tsSinurta Chi Alpf?3. De' a ' ' Kvpa. Kappa Drlta. Ai- livnts Unsupervised quarters may be approved for single men Thru. Phi KAPP* P*i. Phi Ksp* (hem. I - 'AU Orrupa. Alpha Phi. .... living away from home only for non enrolled in the upfwr »u|*-vi»e*. work for room and board in a private home. Mu* Kappa Alpha I si, Sitfrna living unit I must live ir supervised off-campus housing. * I ' ■*-1 Alpha Gamma D.1U on I NDKK THE REGI'LATION. all *inxle uiwk.vr-duat*« Freshmen and new transfer* must live in university resi¬ Graduate students ami undergraduate women over 21 Phi Cptviiun and Phi Si*rut J . Phi Mu 1. looaud on are reuuired to live in quarter* approved by the uni.yraity dence halls for thYfr first year. years of ajj« may iAe ut uuu-supervised housing. Ksgpe. IS I T* hut ®have A1e» a bowe. a* meetinx required standards of nafety and aanitatloo 'Nand t Heplember 11. 1959 M*. I. Pag' ^ IC and MIIA MUt. THI MICHIGAN MTATE NEHK 1\ MIC HIGAN STATE NEHH Wh- oronh Spcuisor AiiiiumI VOCE MORNING HABIT olivet baptist church i| i Ihiiicc on Friday Tha AMKKICAN IIAITIST STL'IIKNT KKIJ.OWSHII' Livi Is Lili nu « "Fn *i i: rm< i. encr Council and Men'* Hall is comim; INVITES VOl You've probably reuil ami jhh mm ie. A> w-iation. will bt held an Fri- . . . ii\iHV. but you're no ilonlit ..till ««inilerinif Jil.t what r v. Sept. 2.5 WED OCT 14, INI Krv. Wm. Ilartman Ml«« I raocr- Wanninr The dani-r, opct-ially for the |i\ intr in a .ororily hoii.e i. like. l'a»tor I hri-tian Kil. Ilirrrlor sorority livlnjf ha* aimilarilie,. «it|, .1.,rm |vjni. •i ni incoming freshmen and transfer Srr iftlim four •tvdent*. will be held at fht» Church School 0:11 a.m. the -ante time differ* ereatlj. Bj'hIv Hall ?.lul*i-pur;» ec rooms for dttaiU y ' 01 all. there are from f»-12 Mus'c •'•ill. be fur- Worship Srrvirr 11 :IMI a.m. • ■ . >ui 40 R-omen in each hous<. '' ni*h«:d nv Brutlv Itadio II V F 1)30 p.m. ,e a dorm ha* an;, -ahe.• u." 2.50 to 500. Because «»( . • '••• ' • '. • EirninK Sen ice i MMI p.m. IN it RANc r • ■ ••»..«^. ..it.-. lirfur» ( ,S. A III I tpiandt I hurch llu« Stop., al all llorm> , . t- .iselv-knit group i*. Ii NPECtVUHTi* poth dorms and .IO.J- •. '1 ' < rfre subject to «;< " toung Drivers * Out uf Mute Drivers , j« Michigan State News \WS regulation* reyamu*.. '' ' I. l:\ress Mmlts of V.Mhiltt? and property dimigr to . dies*. etc. In but'. unit- •••■ : . k • SIM.M4 and HM.Ht available C'ampus Classifieds . . . Hijrh Ueadership are responsible (■» tn. •• . ■ i \ncm,u:d and hkflsko risks immediaielv . ..n o of their rooms. •' •» • • •». HANDLED IUriii«« af the amaller sire «»r Mtrarities, there are mans ad- One »f these is that « v« SORORITY l.ivivc; pro, id—< Ikr rhann far infaraialil,, 1413 -CALL—] „ No Answer vintage*. dinner I* nerved by bus inn* rather than cafeteria *t»le. And ptrrsone rata together with the Inlike dorms sororities hate uhrlhrr il lir riurinu a k-ah >r~.ion or while ila limr lo rram for Ihi—r turns >nu raa'l beat thr com- otadvina. Whin Mich. Are. IV5441I I Dial IV 9-Ittl „ private telephones and therefore forlalile "urroundinu- -urh to a -ofa for ralaxalinn aod huusemother. There are usually do not haie hours on rails. Ibis lunch hnura: one before aludy, two noon and the oeeond about means that coeds must bate n th •phone duts" from I-II p.m. IMS. Hondas-Thursdat Woiiieii Cook Own .Heals first church and Mindav In most houses Sunday sup- afternoons, \nother duty is ftr' Inot served in dorm-i is Van Hooseii Hall Has prnc tonne "Mudv hall." coeds. This mea o (ji'il nrepnred by *et*jng up cafeteria-style and M • ' h .u-c- v * • I South guii|)U8 qf christ, scientist \e'!< •( v,y tsa-d* s.of t'.sua; v "Apartment* Atmosphere -inns ► irt,t ..if.: •. ;• and ti e etud*. arc-.. liacti r«*»ni u o*»n- mothc-r and her asMktant* Wrdnc^da. E.rninp Mroling — h;0fl p.m. H'mm vacancies are d >as? once. Toe entena:n:ng ♦ sdtn thu office, and these up-! - X fpi.pjK-d There ..-e ccntr-recl around the evening ... noon lunrhron . . . rhilanthropte proiecis are a U'.ln. rice--■sers, lamps, e a s v date listings are available sororit* life and this de-k* ■' .vr, refrigc -m- rn«i; atudentii at all time*. part of I 'a.r-. functions are .innofi 11:00-1:1.7 The Housing Office, a bra.\< means some wort of fund raisin*. t'»r. <-- «*>. a* This is accomplished through Vwtc j»hon« of the Dean of Studc-nUs »iff.. <. ,o i#-r living utbt* Many Mon thru Krl * a.m. — 1 p.m. sales and is the university agency ch.tr; i rar washes magarine drives. rummage »• W»ir. * take turn* ! e .ijwrtment* ' e meals. f in«-ti<«ns sre utonce.1 \» .-.n (firal liuililing lo ihr riglil of llir ri'n the responsibility In »■:!- groui** from Shaw Ma The Saturda.: * a.m. — 1 p.m. and genera v .k' liuililing) ■> oiluralion .i • campus housing matters v: .-cp frt.m Shaw are This office acts as an e«|>ef'.a'>ly when it r* Tut* A Thur, T p.m. — * p.m. mat ion center Where '.en Van lloosrn conUins all the sti-»,»ping for f'«»ri or g«"*r.g a may find listings of rx.-.V , >. advantages of a regular dormi- ride to church .^«sne c . ,n - *y ear ye* It offers coumx ' torv. I hat »s. there is a rerrea* nv.--. .ng i :\ise to student* in r» ire -1 Ti te- rl(glide to h\e n Van turn room, lounge. laundrv appropriate housing I? a,i • . rooms, and reception area. There H'ea-en a g.rl must br -• =<• d approves b>>th men a -.'.uTi'H'i'. e and have a 12 a - is ecru a kitchenette aff the « * off-campus. ' recreation room where the girls college ave:-age Sever,' g -A a-.J it acta vudeM.' counsel apd a* a connim' and householders adv.. • v. ■ • « can conk meals far male guests. in Hcaisen also na* a hbusc- rcvreiunenda'ityng panv ajipi.cau n to Van Huo en must 3rr»en® for »d nUatcm mmm nm clotbirb r>- 'her ..n<1 two crauuate asai.*t- n'-'pute* sn«v FOR SALE TO GEitTLEHES * CATC5 « « « ir.HLT!3 * # 5'JVJTT # * it nicii runniitn m nm rnmnun « « * S|X «n « * * * It Mmot« man el twrwlwg seLCNDIO rnmi ¥ •••lien tsmwi o4 trfwe « Fir ktedoo •• ¥ ■•h »n»a I 4OANHI| rkn ifilie i..£STMENT * ¥ k«if (tNifd • k*at Lm I * ¥ * ¥ $1395 I ¥ I * ¥ * ¥ ¥ CiWutirj j ¥ Cut Catastrophe May Strike « h» the lint# • ¥ ¥ ¥ St Without Warning! kMHH*ahw WUie ¥ {MHH The wmpiflar IpaaeR to od- * The mtmm «B Mvttiafcraia ¥ *m hi* inMH i"1*0! Nm • « lamadi ¥ llM pmrt» ««d «Mt aiaona o g., *4*04 mthmml fko •he D^h a« aid* Mtf alee*e. •eia-dad d • Isrge w* It ¥ rlt^ililc iI«|m-ihI« iiI») wtCMin-l hiyli liu>|titakninliral -«ir«i- 1* « # a #■ ago « ■ Hi Protect vouro-lf (ami jmir ¥ * raj npmr* ilur l» arriilrnl or .ii kiir—. $68.00 * Ii7.lt ¥ ¥ *★###**#*#*### **•*« Dm't m^m tin.. o^pnrluNl. lo parlkiralr in ynur W- n-t crnnp in-nranrc plan nhirh in fall, torrid . i&i th* wwjh %kim cwn t¥ ueee tf* pry Wd." ¥ I War hurt atailabl* al the iaMiraac* teak la Ik* ragMrallaa law. { •a to lb* * *» ¥ Ran lefflet •• .. ... w • • l'ate«rill« by loaliaralal ( a»uali> ( u«paa> uf ( bicaga, IUmmm, -AaMrira'a Na. I AccMaal * *Kk- » * $32.50 EART GRAND UTR ON TCS CAMPt * » fm m -ia Apt Mary Mayo^ >fXfnilifr -I. 1111 Armstrong and 1. I'nr 1} >ll< im.AV «t»t \m» X University Life for Fro-.h Coeds Begins in Dormitor c I Calvary Church University life freshmen in thr dorm. begins for Thirteen packed full of coeds discussing events of that day and »tu !y Worms Change to Grad Units Mayo Halls. V of these residence halls await plans for the evening. Free ad¬ *" ii-,it"f regulations. • f- id tnf-n ami women gradu- 4, Only a head resident ad- r'« the arrival of the latest bateh of vice of all soils floats around will convert . students depending on <;u' this rait, will be hired in each ha 1 Evaagalieal UmM InHtw f e visor p. first-year coeds at MSU. one of these gab sessions induct¬ .,r r.-miml.' «>'. "n8|r V r ing the right hair style, whom Mary M.iyo and Armstrong w here graduates are houfen It isn't long alter she nrrtves graduate bving un'tv Pads nt t 5. The graduate womer ' that tiir coed realizes that ttic to date, what to wear, or what Gr.-euji A- i. r< uM of the change. 170 itoard and ing in Mary Mayo Hall will o# VP) Month IViin«»l».inM hr..biwii«. chirm isn't merely a place to to write a term paper on. eot-ds ■ . keti during spring till! giver, the same freedom f- •n■ Members 01 the opposite sc* mils hang her hat. eat and sleep. At tc: -t to :5o i new housing. fifturly restrictions as men are often met through dorm a university ttir size of MSU Each car. several gradui't dents. ( linrrli School •):)."» \.M. aortal life has to begin on at contacts and functions. Thin students have cxprc-M-d a desire uti^ and Ma I Morning \\or»hi|» I I :fNI \.\l. least as small a scale as the dormitory. Social life begins within the first few clays alter may be an exchange with one of the boys' dorms, an informal, dance, or flic girl down the hall who knows a follow dinner to be housed in a hall separate from There undergraduate myc also been students. indiei- Dorm Frcsiilcnts Join MHA Ytttilli )Vllo»»hi|» 0:00 I'.M, the coed arrives. During this tif te- that they would hki* to tw Ktetiinj! Mcrvlrr 7:00 I'.M. period she has ample opjw.rtuii- ity to become acquainted with the coeds around her. The coeu.i looking for a date. Spartucade, Water mas Carnival, project arc and a Christ¬ those done in free from a year's eon tract, and meal restrictions. To Uovcrn the Men's HalL dorm president. Derm pr^ • if she will asaociate with probably cooperation with men's living I?»eat)*e «f the trowing en- rol'mrnt In the School for Ad¬ ae- a- representative* • I:I come from a wide variety of units. ?h,- i luneib when attend,; % Girls get an up|K>rtunity to vanced Graduate Studies. I.vie backgrounds. I II l/ft/ II I I I f/M/. II? 117.S learn to live in close contact Thorhnrn. nvvnacrr of resident MHA meetings. These associations with peo¬ Tin MHA arts as a gove— with one or two others. Adjust¬ halls, and Emery Foster, mana¬ ple in her own dorm will grow. • i.ial -ui^erstrueture to «e • )Ol II III It I III Rl II • ing to the "ants and wishes of ger of dormitories and food ser¬ After dinner each evening it tfu- needs of men student* in t • othci people In iifi important vice*. made the follow ins rr- isn't uncommon to see a room •. idrnee halls. In addition *e part of a university education rommendat'ons for residence and can be learned in the dorm. halls for the I!!.>!»-«« acadeniii promoting dorm activities surw Not only does a coed learn to d.inii intramural*, dance ,%I, outing during year. WELCOME TO adjust to t ic.se strangers, she alvo becomes close to them and for the Greeks is I. Se' a "it- a!; ul Mai p e-.- p.it.f. etc . rrfu! t»l'K*k the MHA i« a jv • tn all-universe finds them handy when there is sponsored by IK. Mayo Mali f• »r h-fUMitg fiectmes uate w-Mirien alio one-halt »f Ha A The Men s Hall Assn eneou- INTER CITY BIBLE CHURCH a problem. Armstrong Hal! (bun precinct.* > M dt.ru. ■ coun.-il .-.k-H Hge* participation of it« mem- fur graduate men Thn would 1 r i11! : r-irienr ha'Is iici's in outride activities suen at give the university an opiau- v. rihe.1 . student Government. In • • tunit.v to house approximate!1 ■•..-I -»f vacancies in Sluaent I A.ST MIC lllc; \> AVE. NEAR THE CITY I.IMITS The Holy Trinity t'ongces.^. dorm presidents have tue responsibility of appointor.; REV. i;i:RAI.O JAY TCIXSTRA. I*»*lnr representatives to fill the en STUDENTS Inlrr City llihlr Churrh i* a r«tfr «tf Rihlr-tejirhinir minMn ami Mi.sii.n- ar» effort. II *Und* Mimrrlt upon 1 he fundamental* of thr Inilh in a ilni of ernnine apootari. t* I Mnnmnulinnl in rharartrr and is in GREEK ORTHODOX UMVERSITr UITNEMN CHURCH fellowship with all flume lose thr la>rd Jr*u* <'hri-t *inrrrrl>. VOI cordially intitrd !• attend ii* *er» ice*. Vnu *ill find a warm Christian CHURCH arr - NATIONAl. I.ITHERAN (OIMTI. - urlrnmr an ail ins you per Robert L. Mafihit, Mtuteter DiMMon *nd Ann Slwl« Mt IHvMm M, « L. lUn hkirl>« north nf R»rhn llalll •f Lauiag SUNDAY PROGRAM SIMIAN Phon* En 2-5S7I Cant laneiug Jr. Mad located at Washington A Elm V: l.i a.m. Sunalat llihlr Srhmil. tor I'attnrn — OONAL!) VV. HERB, and tit extend* a ulnrere urlrome to the lrann|M>iialioii rail IV 0 710.1 CHARLES KI.INKSICK 9 it n. r with Adult Mair freehmen of M.S.I'. 11:00 a.m. Mnrninp M or-hip Mrrairr 10 30 a.m. Martin Wurthtp SERVICES — !>. 10:1.N and 11:10 a.m. w Ufa rnntiautag Cburrh .*i: l.» |i.m. V omii— l'rn|ilr\ Hour Kri. father koalas Koallall* Srheol for third tilde sa* Studrnt Sunda* School t la*r — 10:1 "1 a.m 7 :IMI |i.m. I u uins Eaau»«'li«lir Hour Nunday: Ditinr l.ilurgi. I0;.1(i a.m. • 12 noon Wrdnroda)*. 7 a.m.—I h» llol* ( ommunion. folloord Student* are uale—e to all h\ hrcakfa-t at 7 :W \\in>EM?\> I all If iran*u*rtette« to UOOded. parUH tiama IV I'llll far further infaroMMan Choir llthrarsal — To lir announrrd call ID t-Mlt 7 :I10 |i.m. llihlr *lml« ami I'raarr Mrrliny M.S.U. SCHOOL SUPPLIES STADIUM ROBE JEWELRY: WELCOME SPECIAL UNIVERSITY RIM MARIS FRIERDSRIP RNWS -3" BLANKETS SREAFFER FER SPECIAL STATESMAN WAS MW KEY CRAMS SIS.50 SMS SWEATER fiUAROS SOUVENIRS: STATIONERY: ADMIRAL SI04M S6.N SAVE MCREY M THIS CLASS RMCS SWEATSHIRTS SNML miNKIT FM UNITED OFFER HCW JACKETS MM - WtttfH STUBERT BESK - WALL MUGS LAMPS ROTES - CAMPUS VIEWS POSTCARDS 6 for 25c GLASSES iMkitem \II.w > (PLENTY OF PARKING JUST OUTSIDE "OUR BACK DOOR) THE CAMPUS BOOK STORE 131-133 EAST GRAND RIVER AVMIE ' " j EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN MII'Svt. i f*<. ■ ur PHONE ED 2-4413 . ii!|ji H • f i'J ft 13 MICHIGAN* STATE NEWS September 21. 1»S> *»*• -■ F»*» University Fashions: Casual but Neat Hang Onto ID Card And Activity Book (ioeds Keep Informed «f li:uiir onto ir thai Identifinttkin rartl which you'll rt-cci-.e rrsi«trati'iii: It"* an important item. po*«fttlv th» j item that you'll tue tluriny the *ch,>"l to New Style Trends r- • .it, • : -i'- Bf MI mice W! Scries l»-. well-known fact that fashion i> i< »)#•;•» mm v |»Hrt if ft«*!♦•?** a *n'' to ,w** * *"«H-wnrn cliche, even e..H a»i»l Entsrtainniciit -rian wants to achieve that "right out ».f ih»- tiand-hux" [:• ' •• >r. '.IS'' »V • >»k. •yip fashion magazine* snve a picture '.f what's what in . t'c styles, but MSL'. like e\cry other college. has pe. f•„;;sr trends all its own. y,♦ the ultra-sophisticateil nor kip-in-anything-handy, a-ual in a NEAT manner, is the >t\l»- par. at MM'. \\f don't get all "dolled-up" f<»r c!a^-e.-. hut jt> H sure bet !>•.* k -kIrt« and sweaters, crew-necks T... ; nd slacks, harmonize. Fall term, both the ll> r.«r.| w* . . .<* iar we're Iv; alike front shoulder to ralf w an-l at:fvit\ hook .ire u^d to • 'V;^ doesn't JT.PI,: the color obtain fiHithall lifkrt*. w hi« h us*. ' fan envelope* the ,.:d r;.- ia= v 'lacks for c*wi> *n are dislribulrd ;»• the JenPnn -■ campus. r>. When it storms, ^er. are getting bold. neser tarr* an umbrella. hut a FieldhoiiHe ticket off Ire. Senior* '1 'A ..:.' purchase ticket. Monday, jun¬ r : • . * **cau.*e m spring rr.a-.y .a sinker is sometimes allowed. • ,.are« bare his leg frt«m iors on Tuesday, aophomore* nil A 'rv .•" .. ■ • ,i an *i • r •> ankle'). •" V." Wednesdat and (reahmen on • ^,-5 fashion* are Bsmj/e. 1 hiilsday. y.i sporty. A coed kee;» t'l • ii pr>- * tr. -« »*-y5e treed, w.'r- MM' hfl fff. - :r.g "verboard for the V- the: ■•iJ'i-i," W.r 1 T' V . •• • pr show' *-<- ti ke' f .r * f •, , e* a!. You"". Sr.: «1«-. ;>.a us«-. .. wot n a'e ..e pre-er.MV'f. • f litx: ar.:,» • (> • :s nr. t>t I* rourse tailored blnese the dances, llarv.- jnciuii- and New Fad In Sport Coats rard a ill get him in'. athletic fM'nu free / : 1.1 A. : aMt yre 1 • 4 r.*. \U* \'.e C"T: •" S»'-. '« T*»k-«ra nMfW. «tui l<« -Mrrl. Bail.',. 'Right* for MenSt S-,o . tr. pa.. - For the Ferture-C onrert »er- T- .•u'er •■? m r* ,.ntl. „ ,M n -ark '• *»«««♦• «iim* • ■ • . r rj ,1 .». V, e* ,* ' •• ' * . '■ ' *. • . t - • 1? ' • < .... -**k. —rrtk ^1 l. Mar.v of the bPi/rfs .-»!tr»n js'pltl 'M' '• :.-eiu i.«• k lirket ofTire. :•»' t , rrew-nerk. : .i/cr- >•:.j rv !•;, vi-r,. .1 or (rsfc ni y •n triio remains a- • . n ;• *H t T nimum-nevcl 1. '. •J . .. ." ' . t \* Hi vear vests ..* r> \ • »r. the breast pocket ■ popular fM'tial ;-•« kv liiU'Ji lor} ' • be errfnpjei:-I I • ■ '■ ■ are nuafc.ng a i-H-0 ■ acrompan> ing b-o • fiei the ?po:* . ,.f ■•!,.,irnV* f.ee s . \ new u» rfnt»Miiifc " • T ■*■ ■ ne sees. *r ar. :• - .v-urnrobe (in columns >■• Il>« at t .. dp^., i .i i arm }-colofed j e K- sh« j'd \, ,vi with strati • * .• . ,nd e.gjit > •« P" tbn with Jrtither Isift'.n>. welt mmm e-v. .s:r*s havt- ?» •* ;. Hjtd ' jKitcii pockets f..ezer*—■the traditional > ' •* - f< d ir.»l» . t Slack- ■'•re all trimlv :•» -'■* ' * ■»**•*• "• f«** i' o'iv in olive tones and r. <■ I- . g»n«-j.4; av, *»'ien greer.—*.\e •*. sr...-.; t.-ucft U« -»uf • < L'J , - - - :.»rk gravr. ^nd h<»|*ackings Fabrics • ♦• We Welcome You To nuNooa # • -.::.nd Tr- a nLa/e- > " ■ - T' • 'ji.tfl ! ,;t. »•> •-ri-fiviit-.vt- rtannel T • h'»jxsackJng tnflnv (* OflH (VUY Km r n c D A 1 rEDEHAL ly.c i- a -r -r.g *"'.d or piawl »k :? carriev 'u» shirts. The ' » is-.t tave an extra • • ;,um- :tir'.uc-:i.u' 'he n.- .•m NI6MT TO • CINTU a .* A- VSt* coed wxi.d rather 1 f «r riais and n-te . . arm 'ha! I>- .d tig *uA r ■ >, nirt ,s still the • bu'b'Ji-down, - : - ad'--, » MSL and Small s Moe. fhtu Sat. ' dept stores th... IV 1 lost nr.* blur, i,f-v. ■: ami gtrr. ' ♦ h.-re ; ■f'ln difference of <■, n- t • •iare?--«t ': sr, »sr seen ;r, a--. - .on m the short point and B • • •■i.'iti '.•» dark ' . aifi «.;.v •• a-;:te vor>! te»oo_ - • ^ a'.r 'ermw shoe*, tiat- r . :n« ' ...•••■%! *'i v*i •• ift» tab liars .'pei'wear, car coaU * - V .. -• i-'..', Ti t- *h"ii 1 I• v.a •r.e cLr'iV. the better T'u • with j.fHv.e: lortcn-type cw.' • a *.e cheats, accompfa* • ' r,f> And almost • •• / » : 'j v*. ,-l tf ■ eiefK-a or km*- w ' hi\ •• » -tatural »l* • race ;n annte: r -r\ or ts»'•>"*»'■ .ar ain. -at v. . n, -FOOTNOTE^: r .A e\ef •,d.'id «»'».♦*i patUMTjIfl. A.Ti a 1r; : r ti *ubles ad- % trench real la another •n.raio'" a* a m 'iM ! »peoa' t-a'f - f'-'tet1 'iff,an-!' and mu»t Irani ■September to Ute Harr.N tw'-ci"-. and aoiid col-»r For the crisp tail weather, the W ember and from April »r« cumpk'- Iar»«(h Jane #» era one look* S(H*ial (Calendar Keeps -for fall ""TnrTnr^-trrrtr-t Lively Paee All Year ii* jt in mi now v:niv on Saturday afternoon: Are -i knidiny! V.* Big "rush" k for ee.v. fall term at least. There i- v» t- n.in r el-e do. suede Gum Drops a-.■' everyone, old and new -.tudei.'> are ready to jump -he social whirl at MSI*. Most popular catual ever! } " .m . ga;j,c». parties am Soft suede successes in «r .*■ ' art,; u» mam.- !. up black, grey or ginger. • .» ~ t busy one Foam crepe soles. Sixes - thing twin** '• • w*rk The hrs" ■ * 4 to 10, AA-B. *% 99 • c b-«o*t * regular A«-C . - ; r j' <■"! tsr.vWi ;» frtday r.ig : • r *- Ballroom ha-'A ' r* !0 < cerav-'- * '■ excited MSI* •: head fO'jtt". a * •' .ir nejght*«r> tn»»p the into MM' uapw %f f hM leaMa o« a aer- Um f«U it«mo te •! »»• irtor- e%. ' - ' !> - ~xrT IW-V'f.dl.* winter Men's importod - and Jin*; •• Oet IT vrtil be beM bm Rel- • ' A :*h t-f» the «/rd •«r back-to-school VKWOO, bloe CASHMEEE -OCR FAMOUS "DREAMSPUN"' CLA*!Cdt sport coat* and slack* in our campus collecth»n for H»59dMi. Whether this is your first or final *"i * wfacn rou donY Uiink ev- Im» other hie e*ei»W on ra«n*«» 'tnir.g a-ill get done in time . Soft, ao soft! And so luxurioualy made! Our full- "• '* the 24th of October the The dar.c* wf dance* htr.w year at MSt\ come in for a prep course or a 0ii.nrig winter term That a -ie faahion*d "Dreamapun" cUaaiet ar« thrilling to touch, quick refresher in "great look* " r*" .pu« au'l take on a new- It* * h returntag atamn: Uvvng j-Http wh.cfi :.<** been in tr>e beautiful to wear, easy to care for. At achoo! and -n—& it t) • a o~inr c -mpatiaf for honors srtfif. p.ar-r.ir.g f. •• - •»' 2 rar college, in town and in the suburb#, the "Dream pun** %tm' t-nviiyt abow some real N'arr.e and '-»p er.felUia- fur-Llend texture ha* made it the moat admired of lowertown Natural shoulder I brvlot *atU . SSt.Sf - ker ns- »nC hard work er* rxrc t. campos for tw» sweater*, and the heat-loved. We have "Dream*pun" Towertown |%y leamr Hspaack *«H with Ve»t . . M» Jt For all 'sports'... whito u the afaAanrt for par- MS** Uf enteriam the MSU Towertown |*f Inspire# sport Costa-. ... IBM, '•** »-hen aimoat asrary orpan- %■ A «U**ica for ypu r+w in the neweat Garland colors. U.S. Kods tennis oifords Jii caaaput areZcorr,** A cfeA'ige from 6 "*'4S Mile# 34-40. HMM Raeport C lob Manuel bolt »7» 5* >% initiated last year when Uie J- Mopnorb so# flannel slarkt III ft) to ItSftS WhiSa wothabW duel n nnjiasg11bre*kfa»u H >p cuminltWe decnlr-t "to make «"*•» tlRM fonrut Oafordt with Mm And u v-j. both napita of t/.f J-HfiJ) in¬ cushion insole en# ercb formal. Authentic it vie .n shirts — sport shir!* Women's 4-10. M-M. •" "OO lAw ih. Ht* *» ' u, A^d Mb • Mhgte «li IK Mm. Mmmmmmm vim u ■■n'S^ih M. M *e\tr t*,e u Spr.ng ■wee* ftrl-ask-bojr, andaif a boid their own of term briefs spring and aoroething tr.se .« .n wind. The •ptnstar'a Spot turnatxxit. here, "Hie men with a Mr whole Um Mm* rmUttr | |J| tin tjalfaiul theater* open and jackets to rortipletr your Guct njursv Monday an# f ri#ai atfhU Ml ft P.M Men's Alt. AlS •IB | i |*1 "" M an »■ i MSU being ehoaeh by Mortar H>#m. TWer Guard, and Spar¬ i r. "» r Thorn MM M tan and all W ••men's Then there is Laafue the Senior Ball the other senior activi- ti«. the Le» Gourmets ainner- > ).. Uf t ' a » SMALL'S r» ' ' f»U term are Mm JVC-Pas- wet dance and Mm Hotel As*-»- > mora I—em uauaSly act dxnee. the O* R"*»t *t»-n*"red ty the Ag Council, the Eng»- neetinf E*}>*wti-> kij£h- ■ t r.M 11 nil, II SSI M H IflNSH * M tax ( UITML* • •ation'x diaapr ten." ibbnM vM. , f^fnrt you feMoar it. the end ligbts spring term with nan* fail term atD have arrived conUaVs and acUviUe?. t>* Greek " " un.L-- N, CMrUtmuo parties. i - V »-< ■ e * sfptmvt »i. i»:.n Union-Hub of Campus ii •Miniiniv statu vnrs MSU *«•. s. r»»n building. If. tar.-. "■* j tab'e in »h«* a r conditioned gni: as the stu¬ fir«t to fltmr offers a superb place relax, and the lint-floor darning pm-ticipatiun Board. in ' :<• on hi.'ami ' ■« I l,l'ri • Di-k. If located in the for, you're m need of a qn wer to some problem an,...- ! * bookstore offers a central pla«*r building, you'll find it m A place where student* gath¬ dents rake tvre off between CRAFT relaxation. the m n si «* . For er, whether it be for a ookc in classes • • go 'grilling ~ Every¬ to pick up those school supplies The Ride Bureau, a Fun is in store for those who room is an ideal spot. Equip¬ the grill, a game of ping pong, thing from a dinner to the tra¬ which get* rides home r.„ ^ like to play ping bong, bowl, ped with fIf-Ki and stereophon¬ bowling or ixml. or an evening ditional coke is served and the many pstudenls each term jt ic sound, this room is located on meal in the cafeteria—the Un¬ jukebox i< hardly silent for a play poo! or just like to watch also located in the Union M.S.U. ion and its many serves the student body. facilities minute as *he students relax The spacious Imrair an the television. ties. For And for the fellows, the Union is equipped with all these facili¬ a bar her the third floor sic are featured, from classical to room pops. are %ll hpe* of mu. Also included two pianos. in the ■\ And for art lovers in,-.: t. art- presented by th> ; Itoarri in the form of In. „ n# ., , art, music, drama and th. <■, - AM) - f).,r. .. a-. ' .-v.-,- K 'lv, snop i» located on the basemen! Art exhibits are cor.v floor. tht .- . n un^the. third p...- ,.vid«*d by ..in {»• Downtown Lansing Many MSU students living Banquets and other DON'T LET YOURSELF (•«'! 'I 'W (r. r. • off-campus and the East Lan¬ dinner* are often held r • ..rd M.'s? "I sing townsfolk alike find that Union, usually in one , ... the cafeteria, located in the i»ual affnu's I'ok yoim; mens Uni. n Board. parlors or the ballroom . c; basement, is the most economi¬ Miv.nri floor. GET BEHIND THE ... ap o? cal dining spot for dinner. The a l. ■ Tnis is the building CLOTHING cafeteria, with ment of food., is the its great assort¬ dining spn* ,-t s? or-'a ft /at M»l • •I.any ail students leisure wh! hours, and . ^urn-lit. arc for hundreds of people ea.-h \Aheri there is a social. :••• FURNISHINGS day. Other activities included m T' <• J'- 'ifornu»!b t.onai. cultural and scrv«» tor f«>r a!! students Union arc the music room. Uiimn Bui'-ortg 'St 1 ! SPORTSWEAR the ' downtown i.ansini; om:i(s Tin: i:\IT.I SIVK NAM): III!AMIS FAMil.Alt Til YOI' AND IN vorit FHIKNDS (|l ANTTY AND V Mill). . . . AMI \ {jvnrn U( fights into a new WE vr Kllsm ilKKs .... Only ( I.UTHIM. • — VAILSITY TOWN liAIIAIKNTS 25c Kilt THE I SMARTEST • lOI.I.IKiK II M.I. TOOTSIES IN • KAIil.K CLASS ElaMte utrlni-ttr • iikvonsiiiki: tape red softnr«« on yvafer-thtn Italian coir • KiNfisniniii: Black or Tobarrn |',ut • hlTI'KMIKIMKIt IIIIMSIIIM.S AND SI'OHTXWTl Alt Buy your• m SPARTAN Now 7.95 III.'All NATION AI.I.A KNOWN I.AIIKI.S He Mire you buy your Mib*eription Spartan. Thi* year Spartan h coming to toil with an all new format, dirt your subscription during - sum i»\ - Welcome Week at the Union and the Auditorium. AMI ItKOUSi: Midi Ml W itlt a subscription toil are guaranteed a copy—and it will be delivered to you if you live in a dorm, fraternity, or Mimrit) houxe. Watch the Octolier Stale Nrws for the coming of Spartan. iMn't yy.iil l.\SI I.WslM. until it's lmi late. Reserve your copy now. J |i CAMPUS FASHIONS 44 for the BIG GAME" W lull i« ill** lli*: l.jinr.' | In* Ktnir is liuu;. lining rtrrv iiitiiiM'iil nf. jour i'.)[l.')(r currrr. It « lnuminj: mIi.iI i<> «.rur ami »lirii lit nrur il. I or l.i-lii.,ii i« |,url mm.I l of ri>llr;*r 1.1,—,ni..r. t Un,- .,.|h-< i li« in*; in sliirli evi-rj #irl run In- vuri>il«. , 'Vv,,r „ /„■ ">ns '"A- . I ruf llirnugli An*n>l M.nl< nii>j.< ll, - «rr ull lln- rhoM-n l»j llir >lll«*. cililnr. ami llirir rollrp. luur.l nf jjirU from ru.ii|iu>ts urrw— liir ronnlrj . ' lo llir Sljlr Mio|i u...I "lul S.i K polio va. • »* tlu- ili-li M'* ,i • "■<- ire i>t :.2 «'f the to •!-.«*.* cultural W lial could lie more natural for ihe life of eterj M.>.l . tine program, conducted in co¬ euiii|iils man llian llie "NATLIt VI. I.OOK I" \ re-oumliii^ ue« ar.M :ivr«-: ..»! opporiunitieg on operation with Olin (faith Cer- ciirjipu*. anil • a .'he \ ' trr. Student* pay only 50 ten " per shot under the plan Th • miixu-tant treasurer j pur*t-e?i .ugs. ..ffc ! r: e look! Ami toii'll find il in hu;i|i|i°» liiiver-il\ Shop (nat* student insurance arrangement COM.RI wW is another gram through AUSG-sponsored pro¬ which students M"*t areas of .ern orally). From llie easy romfort of the -nil (cpeeialh riylil t-ome 'o Al'SC » at'e.' i receive direct, tangible benefl . through representative* e'ecfed Milli llie new \e»l) and -port eoal In llie ili-liuelite appeal of In 1958. more than $80,000 ;u to S'.ide-it Congress Mcet.ng out. benefits wa> paid Other direct-benefit program* evcrv Werlnesdav n;gV. stu¬ llie oxford clolli -liirl. il all add- up In a campus dents representing a'.! '.v n; and the arr the small-loan fund Welcome Week booklet, for the un fs - d< rmitor.e*. aororities. «s»-ops. married h.xi»- fraternities, look of authenticity ! You'll find (lie "N VII It VI. I.OOK" first time last > ear At'Mi ing. I^nxing and la.n«-.r.g awarded a $100 scholarship and - discus* p-ob'er.i area* and all through your wardrobe, in lit -port it is hoped that more funds mas con'roversia! sv»ue*. pa » or de- he available for such use in the fi-at proposed revilu'.ior.s or shirts ami-rasual slmes, too. VV In mil lr* on an outfit . . . future. bills T"<»*e paved are enae'ed AL'SG's actions can and do into ordmantes governing all we know wtu'll lake lo this new look, nalurallt ! • fleet alt students and the uni¬ •tudenta. versity as a whole. Student AI'SG Vlre-President. < on- Government was instrumental gross Speaker Rryro Plapp. Ito- in tne name change from MSC Kalh. III., junior, heads the leg- to MSU, even after college of¬ lalative branch and holds the ficials had given up hope of see¬ gavel at all Congress meetings. ing the measure passed. A hugt Keren standing committees work publicity program sponsored by out many details nf prapoasd AUSG hastened by several measures, studying the var¬ years the construction of the ious situations from ill angles new librai y. and reporting their findings to Concern {or students' need to I ongreso along with recommen¬ drive cur* resulted, through dations for passage or defeat. At'Sfi acti -n. in a comple'e flip, Initiated this fpr.ng by the originally, from total restriction present Congress is the Aca¬ (no students could drive) to demic Affairs Committee, to total liueraii/at.on < all student* handle all matter* affecting t-.e could drive» Further study on academic area of student life, traffic found Student Govern¬ diners include: C-'tigress Busi- ment m • .<• midst <»f problems nr^s and Stale Affair*—oncid- of overcrowded nark.ng I..U and ering interna! rongrcx*;<.r.a: reg¬ streets and resumed :r» the »?u- ulations. Clevtiorir. — har.d.:r.g dent d.vtng rectiiu' •n» oportionment of representat.^es, ' AUSG icp: c-cn'at.v c* con¬ t-.n id mates. credential* a r. i tinue thru study of student working witti t*.e executive driving, charg nr. t. ruit-v to CleeUons Bureau adjust cangtng tie*. The.r Finance—studying all b.!l* -rn- action las" vear resulted »n sua- volving appropria'; ^n* m the pen.-. working wi'h the e*e«- Ho us.' regulation# were ii' .e Orf&niutiifu Bureau *■ n mod.tied j' i 4 • r i/cd by .a ' .•'.artenng groups ard • he*.king sears St- ' x •fiafcsi A officer e.igibihty, Traff* and gre-- :»•* 'i.-rui '-d a'l *tu- Safety—adapting student motor derr.a to u out instructor* ».f ven -:e regulation?, and Student each t" .. . ..rid *»><• ?! iiefo e I: : »nd We.fare hanribig they " • A • ar-.v .«• .* • ■ r.g! • c-st. n of bilU which sue con »i• welfare ■o . , afle -t f% ider.t welfare i brought (*«•; •; s'.-der.' gov¬ ar.l !• • ' ht into the other es ernment A |5fl-pa«e Motor. of student T:' r«M* »r. of " e ?»*••*• Ac S- government at \|*l i* scheduled fif-n . Affa.r* (.'••ri n it*ee f .1- a trend begun by * e last printed this sear, adding .«« to be rontinuitv and background for t .ngr«-» toward an ir.cre«».ng new government personnel. e.'eres! .n t.-.e un vefMty* n- •ri!cefu.d env;r»>rr\*i.' T he One of the ••r'rovct- « .to— s nu* stU'i* ;ng of the pas! •* » • •* ai.es been Ns:udef.' ' A*-' I'OTC. ' e r-mrse atetiaj a* • " .e '*«r* ; . - .iy a«pext, MSf lc,.do •«. » r- and •♦.* fa " • w..; f i" * a ti... ? *; • •. vear »• • • • are'u • r.'-tlm..gnt »tudv of after much ii * U-*. n of '!»• na- • .r't orUir.t a:.-* t p.r.a-tir.»-i jh. I»f • i;>* • r kn v n In !'• i'hi-- wi c to:.r.d ».ic A' Ml P'.af. «exi«- by tn.it t>rga!../a'.. 'i- ff.e A • • • . ..'i •i ».?•»» • rniM-.rit "f *'uder»'s Student fnion n "»■ t ■■ho tome net ore '• H the JU- d fomfnun-*.*. ivu- «i. .. T>n- i »urt« gomprje •*T.M./ef- sc.' sfa.*n« ; w- Mil, car liana.ing • c.tl/r n* • *Pr»* . lent F..s«":u-* F'0»t» I> The All-1 nirersity Judielart. and J n Ke: • o* - • b% < hief JusUco Ron • headed u'.i »ted .n h. vi tne p • * Mmth. l»etro«t irnior. hears all I ANSA •ludent discipline coses rsrept O.xrcga nr.* f t *'e >i ' those Involttog remedial nr par* sued no. 'ic.il q tie* %«..?»> *f 4 medhal irvatlhent The It other gpritig. however. Stialen'. t >*. jusiii r* include eight noder- g e-* failed to give I'SNSA the ntsvssNiiy uiajbrity. hoid.ng th-t gradustes. two grad stodenU lord rloth the bei.cliU r«s e v»-i by inrir • and two representatives from the Itean of stwdenlo office bembip went not d reel ... greet A." • • .gh " ' d^ ore re- enougtit" *rt date ju.n.ug Ma- . -tr.f subject to re- of NsA .• progra. • ran oe u*e l (,, , I • ' ♦ in--.. »' fi'uaents by non-mc"'w;• c wci a* o> .f*rtC r. -r Vhan ta-o re- me*li(jel versa'.* "f • »'udent ceurt de*;* .11 Mi s programs are paid for n i.ave r»e«-r. ma :e "h as term A vvs. hi' and rest- Vi -otu:.. • At. V. - d.v.d- • :m«r ha.> It .-*o l»a- j»>ser 1 ,i• r•*« 1 A :* *' rije'-N ' « ed u. o three im... •■• ♦ *♦*. . •>.'..on of Congress tjve .eg:.* .«*',«v«■ jurii. '.a. •> •» a;Vt bHMub fo* Hon mylriuv « «i•»wi>r: N.»!-.r.. the pa Mem of the . federa. g - conot. t u t ;onoi • t y • A ' S.VU0 crnn.eir' f*re»-.d»-nt H... I. . - t iKup ia. ig • e judicial branch gtxKt. Oct rod junau c-t'lM" are tftv Stu«e:,t Traffic Apt-c-l t e actimtws of : V.rce and i urt a d ♦-** I-*te Re^jtraU.»n f It. i Natural shoulder >pwr! t «».it nc*«t a» a repie>« r."f b e fee Appe-i l »*rt, ' Winch MSU student b. studetita can sprjeui traffic and lt«»f»>s**i---tn !••«! »..i•>'!«»! tilth we!!e»1 IXMITItl. ia'.c reg»k'ratiua f*hes iof" i*m ki-t* and - «lv vent*. Miwck ,»i Directly heading *t,e wore >? white hler.it of wucil-vllk-Orhiri f a the csecuLve brancti Ad btretive Vice-Proawient Ih.a l.tMiSiii)2 for Work? riul wear |»v t oUiitr> t a#iirvi*. Holme*. t Aj. s ,'.ur« <*n tho Mat# carry out function* a*».gr-e*f v 'New* the cUOpW daily new*. (l.) Jgvwc.R Uvlord (loth Shirt Congress and perform apeiia.- paper Stnke up new fr.end- Histinrtive shirt Uiiorml with * fi! * bed services oftWWtiflft—pian- gam valuable joumaluuc with huttnr.s town colUr »-..pa. win| and enacting the Wkloome • x lerieAC* and he p so put out l»er(tH'tk»fiM Week prowr-m. .m gan./a'iont- tmck, back Im•* ie*« a iprwapoper you re proud Uiof. •Psy owe-third is M days with button ehnrtenr g and regulating MSU s front, sifiw'ie cuflv. . no employment ter nmrly 200 student groups; pub* *!>.erv's I>ntp up to the office anytime •Pay owe-third la as d#»s •7.1 lie ralations — publicizing and a-k for s jjO. Its may. •Pay owe-third la H dsyy AUSG I dctfvttin* and I ff« r i g free silk-screening and m.nvoi'- KAfATTf ItlltT FLOOR draphihg service Vi organwa- Michigan Male Vwa tions.' Ml atuoeot Spartan Spirit org-r.nng Pubbaiwe •" »n4a» Ir - ^rfvo. Mill *»U. R? M—.a*T "The I'lwe In (lo for Ihe lobelt You kntut " rallies, ("ampu* Che*? - . »r, j .rn pep vir.te' ar.l *pr»«g *»"»»• e*»Ot« MSl"s only V*-1 niohry-racing *»#«>* dor.ne •«« KNAPP'S STORE FOR MEN ~ group whu*; donate- It* I »n»»*" -and 5 MCA- tier 4 . act (,f \<4rcn -a 5i ssurst s. jr» sg tho sot venu I y Service# iiT'ce r-.t Laoatrvg. Stun. VWC'A: personnel - s^u-ctui* Mail , •fiip.ioin smi * able to ad- -crrr « f* training eludents to carry , •%! r and I; i-.f tnrea terma. M .Hit AU'SG * w«>k aiwetiona - See. 2. Page 16 MIC HIGAN STATE XtlU Social and Spiritual A WS Handbook Spells Study Proves Religion ID CAROI. VOGT Regulations Trie dorm for MSI Ct clc.-ung hours arc the** ! > -oo M mdny dirough Thurs* •Us. Can Be Fun at MSU TeMbo-'k.- answer;- freshman women vc! if they . don't a> many plan u happy foui ycc hold tne incoming da... ur-'ay. «rrl > . .. 1:00 a.m. Friday and Sat* \-k,u- which ! J.00 Sunday even- ' • • - a change from Three "late sure Movr teavmc " ... - :'r.e . , The many activities various religious clul* on c.irn- of the and meetings. Dinners, socio I days: service*, conducted hvstu¬ Vi\ at MSU ,. r, '..-ri'! or- allowed to the . it' mav v gatherings and weekend r - dents, on alternate Fridays and f)n«- of the -si'. ;. ,, r. ■ Mich will In- th»- v. I pus are proving that religion treats arc olanncd for this Kosher Kitchen anil meetings on that n-> rood .-m afford to n 'n six • term upon ai- miRiru'.. # ^ ran !>e fun—as evidenced by the year's member?'. Sundays. without i> 'h'1 A\VS H<" • .inin ;»n all-coHege 2 0 point The- social activities planned along Lutheran Student Assn. meets The Christian Sci -nee Organ- put oat one eit by the A — spx.-u. ext..ms..«n? of time arc ing on » with spiritual study- at University lAithcran activi¬ i/iition meets on Tuesday nig)4? ci.itcd Worn; i: S idem , • x -I'M for all-col- man a" : A new group was formed in ties as well h.s the Sunday meet¬ Students read from the Bibb ' The AWS I »'• or. «H!/;r evefi'- -'i !• as auditorium tinrf *r.-- the spring of 1957 to unify some ings. and the Christian Science Tcx*- TIIK MSir CII.AI'KI.. on the hanks of (he Red Cedar, tf to whom tile A'imini-'r " h i M-er!Iirtuiv and special probten of the frotestant clubs. Eleven ' The Presbyterian Fellowship Ixw-k and hold discussions is a lining monument to MSI men who died in wars from delegated th.- responsibility >1 n<*". %• groups belong to the Council fur is a new group, formed from The Fellowship of Religion? Christian Work, which tries "to the Bast Presbyterian ChurcJi, the Civil War to I he Korean conflict. eon trolling and enforcing rule- i.mdix. k ai-o outline Be Liberals js an interdenomina¬ which the eomcn mux ox u'.'-'jons on promote and strengthen the now holding its service? in F.ast . quiet. Sur- tional group. This is a new witness to the Christian faith_n Each year thest 'etyilatiom i .< ■ up ' ■ ." ilitate studv- God in the campus community Lansing Junior High School. Spartan rhrlstian Fellowship, group which cussion?. holds weekly dis¬ Catholic Student Center spelled cut in ■should bt a a handbook •vh. • •"instant comp-'ui; " rn nfjvi'i !•. mm. j Showers and 'united too- of MSU " an Interdenominational Huh, Kappa Phi v as formed for •o the new i-'-ed. at eel during ear!.'1 and The Council plans "to discover accomplish together those holds ltd meetings on Thursday nights. Singing of hymns and coeds Member of the Methodist faith, Newest Religious Addition a become^ fa «v w.'t- •• <;i• ng arid your?, t.ut •ins* <»f 'he the common tasks which may best recreation follow the program. : formally initiated, new lib on earnpo- urov.de tvpmg rooms for Meetings are held in Wesley The Catholic Student At the ("SO. classes, forum M\kl j l»e realized through united ef¬ Student-led Bible atudles are ICegulati»n» «n hour*. over¬ House. is the newest addition to A system of quiet hours is rn- fort." held In each dorm, and mem¬ discussions, lectures, movies and night permissions and r\an» The Navoo League, for the ligious life serving the forced in women's living units Mil IIII.W The tCW had It* first group bers may attend hi-yearly re- wues! speakers are presented. «frk. "(Juirt hours," are listed Seventh Day Adventists, meets public. to encourage' effective *tudt. effort in the fall of 1957 when Irrats. The social In help un-ronfuse the bewild¬ t during the week. The Catholic Studen' program includes During the tua-k o| final exams. •a retreat waa planned. In the Trinity Collegiate Fellowship The Reformed Christian Fel¬ and St John Chun h. •lames every Sa'urda.v ered entering rued O.I I. v..r\jvl 'winter meets in the Masonic Temple. nigh! as a apeaker, Denis Half, gave a aeries of lectures on Sponsored by the East l«in?ing lowship was organized last year plete building, was »•!! as many other informal for students of the Christian Re¬ in 1958. part lit? • "University Under God" to Trinity Church, the purpose of the organization is to bring a formed faith. The group meets The spiritual -nrogr S' John's aceornmodates near- members of these 11 groups. More CCW projects are being closer relationship to God one night a week for Bible dis¬ lie students may find it. 1.000 people. A library, cafe¬ ATTEND cussion, speakers and films. daily Mass and eonfe: teria, study rooms, lounge ar.d planned for this year. through prayer and Bible study. Social activities and service pro- " rosary, retreats, novena The group also plans picnics ami rei reation room are also includ¬ Each group in the CCW has teas. jects are i*»ing planned. ('ana and Pre-Cana confer ed in the building. f«iur delegates on the Council. These consist member, two one students. of one clergyman The faculty clubs may and Bible The YMCA and YWCA Study groups hours, and weekly meeting.-- as hold coffee KIMBERLY DOWNS well as .social activities. The A ( t>rtlial U'elronir Airilit* ) on Al be full or associate members. Included in the CCW is Can¬ terbury ^Episcopal Club, the students. group Weekly for Y's sponsor campus many events on and joint activities Wesley Foundation for Meth¬ East Lansing Trinity Church CHURCH OF CHRIST odists is the final group in the 'meetings, coffee hours ami re¬ C7 treats are on the agenda for this CCW. Wesley House is a stu¬ (fnrmoil hy a merger of llio Honthart Street unit year. Meetings arc held on dent renter where members 120 S|>arlaii Am iiih-. Ka«i l^m-iiig 'Sunday evenings and will be may hold'their gatherings.. Fur- hint t.nnsinu congregations) runs arc held on Sundays and I Hihlr followed by recreution. retreats are held each term . Trurhiiiu Military in I lio t ion lor of Km! I.tiiminu Christian Student Foundation #ls an interdenominational group There are other rellglona clubs for students of the various aa eampns he aides the anes in tha CCW. Among theoe la ff'nai K. EUGENE WILLIAMS. Temporarily meetiig al 742 Baagkart Strati falth.s belonging to Peoples "Church. Members meet on Sun¬ B'rlth Hlllel Foundation for Jewlah atudrntn. Bible dtarus- 11:110 A.M. — MOKNINC WIIKSIill- SKIIVK K day nighta and pttand retrrala .twice a year. flka group* arc held an Tue»- SUNDAY SERVICESt 7:3(1 I'.M. — KVK.N'IMi WOKSKII' KKHVICK Aaaw. meela la Iba Alaauil Me Looking lor Work? Miiriiinc W , ,r-lii|>: 11:1."land 11:4MI A. Al. OTIIKIt SKItVICKS: As a student at MSU, you .in¬ Ilihlr Sludjr 10:00 A.M. eligible to work on the State 9:4S A.M. — SUNDAY SCHOOL, ( I.ASSKS K()l( AI.I. ACES News, the campus daily news¬ bmiiij! W,,r-I>i|,: 0:00IVM paper. Strike up new friend- «:»•• IVM. — TRINITY COLI.ECIATE I LI.LDMSIIII' ■hips, gain valuable journalistic exjwrience and help to put out (all l ni\rn Cnun* D»l* U fnr «i« Mi<- o newspap* r you're proud of. aouri Synod laitharana, Martin 7:.1tt IVM. — I'KAYKK ANIt IIIIII.E STI l)V ON There's no employment line \Luther Chapel la tha meeting WKIINKMOAY KVKNIM. FOR TKWSHIKTUION CALL ED Drop up to the office anytime ■ plae* for tha weekly services and ask for a job If e.«s\ THE FRATERNITIES of MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Oct. 5 INVITE YOU Oct. 6 All Houses West of Abbott Rd. TO THEIR A!' Houses East of Abbott Rd. Alpha Chi Sigma M'dia K|>-il»n Pi Alpha kappa IV>i Alpha Sipma I'hi OPEN RUSHES A'mIhi (..iii.ih.i Kin, l'i ta lii,-la Pi Delia Chi Alpha Tan Dmrpa Delta Sigrnia Plii Delta Sigma Pi Delta lau Delta Delia Upailon I.F.C. RUSH l and.da Chi llii Alpha Karmhouae kappa P»i Phi kap|w Tau kappa Sigma rhi Deha Thela SEPT. 30 l'i kappa Phi >ignia Alpha Epailon Phi Gamma Delia Sigma Alpha Mu Pal Upailon UNION BALLROOM Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Iheia Chi Tr-anglr Phi Sigma kappa Colony 7:00 P.M. 0 la Hela Tau I'hi "■|.ai»n Group MtClflOAV STATE KITS Htomktr SI. 1919 See. 2. !*•«• 17 iseling Center Helps Solve Student Problems — * --*-*1 OrienUUMi ami curriculum alij nllfrioliliiiH Irctiou Besting help*, the student . » : departments, Placement Bureau the Hculth Service or other de¬ jroblein.1 may challenge the most stable and mature individual. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i wnuud partments. Ability to cope with problems pinpoint his interests, and as* sists htm In the selection of his No problem is too insignificant effectively is vital to personal Milk future vocation. to justify coming to the Coun¬ well-being and a realistic per¬ CANDY & seling Center, located on the spective of life. Tests arc taken in testing recognition that such MSI* ^ second floor. Student Services It is in OP DBTROIT rooms and are followed up uy concerns may interfere with the Ice Cream Building an interview with a counselor l.ik" an\ one else, a university student's over-all success in the who helps the student discuss student is subject to the ten¬ university and in after life that K CASH & CARRY test results in the light Of his sions and problems of daily liv¬ 'he MSU Counseling Center ex¬ high school records and person¬ nt. al background. ing. Conflicting values ' and ists. MILK Personal pfo^lenis are also welcomed at the center. Some of , sjiytr cm**!"* the many difficulties that a stu¬ 2 Cal. Grade A Homogenized dent may have emotionally, are with <•"»- buy your j a feeling of inferiority, a la.-k 34c **•!»•- of confidence, lack of normal prrn.nr*'" <" optimism, low morale, feeling l> r\ * of discouragement, depression, difficulty in working out a phil¬ ticket r rf,f»»roltie*. osophy of life and rceori.-ilm,: ; previous values with value of now 1201 C.,Grand River this campus. Counseling is a learning i>. >- East Landing cess, a growth experience wh» rr TICKETS ON SALE IN THE UNION Now Av**..able at • the student works on hn proo- 3O.v.j E. Midi. The Card Shop, ino i Icms with the assistance of a counselor. Many problems an, ALL-UNIVERSITY Just WVsl of Sears due to a lack of information u the part of students about tin-:, abilities, interests and ••WW i:. GRAND RIVER LMSIM FMM PMOWTS 00. personal characteristics, t - I:I> 24.733 CORONATION K. I.WIM; - »el«»rs can assist students m ui>- laming such information When Ihr ( uunsrling < enter idr student* FOUNDATION k unable In pnn uilh the information or.*rr\irr rnunselnr will re¬ CHRISTIAN STL DENT BALL requested, the fer him In the appropriate *«urre*. include remed,;,; PEOPLES CHURCH These way *»rv If# •* j ihf center. arid tutoring services, academic use 30 on. INTERDENOMINATIONAL EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN >l> CLASSIFIEDS \\ nil T. *. r. i* i Mudcnt felloe-hip for tho-e who are seeking In grow In Christian Faith, ia Interdenomin¬ ational in nature and Is related In the (ongrrgational, Evangelical and Reformed, Evangelical United Ihsciplr* denominations, and lo Penplr* Church. if llrrihrm. anil ASCENSION Toil Ire*C.orilially l/irifed lo .(/fend Gampus Vesper* at College House Mnriiinjr W <>r-lii|> at l'eo|de» Cluirrli LUTHERAN 0:30 and 11:00 A.M. Each Sunilav al 7:00 Phlr^ i \\ All College House Vrliv ilies Inelnding Rrrakfast.Forum YM I CHURCH ¥ r..M d < Miwturi M nufl I Mudy (.roups. Social Events. Deputations and Conferences. College House is open daily. 2TWi HH»IFM M(mi4 1'arcnls are cordially invited to Its Facilities and Personnel ' i mi. K. of Hagftciorn ltd Worship al Peoples Church are provided fnr you. iKMt l> 118 W. (.rand River A«e. Ka>f Lunging when visiting in East Lansing III i.m Rev. Joseph A. Porter. Director .'110 IV. I.rand River Ave. LES EiGART Mjndav School ?»: Ia.m. |»W Thf Service |ii:S» a.m. I"" a* mat i*»n W. K. AND UNIVERSITY CENTER Rev. George ^ra'-sal —• NirkeUbure EI) 7-7% 1 HIS ORCHESTRA EPISCOPAL all saints church p.m. CD 2-3723 or soft Ahhett Road F.ast tensing. Michigan il WILL FIND A W ARM W ELCOME THE REVEREND GORDON M. JONES Jr.. Rocfor VI THE REVEREND JOHN V. PORTER. Chaplain Till: REVEREND ROBERT C. GARDNER. Chaplain To Married Students SOUTH BAPTIST . S 1 CHURCH ESPECIALLY FOR YOU rordiallv invited lo lake pari In Iha ^•LTH WASHINGTON AT Ml HIRES RIY Ell DIIIVE-I.ANsING While you are In college you are servires and arlivllieo of All Saints Parish. Il officially repreoeata Ihe Episcopal church on rarnpus and is thus designed especially for university SUNDAY 8:30 P.M. people. Vou sill find thai many of lis members belong In Ihe faculty and | SUNDAY 10 A.M. adult youth student body and thai ils clergy are especially qualified to minister lo Allege bible class fellowship students, lis services are designed lo fit Ihr needs of both high and b>- rhurrhmrn. (ounseling and confessions are available lo those who desire THVin W \KRINGEK. TF.ACHLK Ihem. The Canterbury Club is the Episcopal student organisation at DIM iNSlDNS-l-ANFIsS Michigan Stale shirh welcome* all Episcopal students on campus. -vTta.u, scirstx u«r sat mint mm; IIOIII OF RF.FRKMIMFNT [HflE AR. BIBLE-CENTERED TEACHING AN 1 P-TO-OATE APPROACH TO CHRISTIAN l.l\ ING * THOUGHT-PROVOKING HOI R SUNDAY SIRVIOES VOLTE ENJOY IT! •40,140, art II 40 A.M. T, FREE 8AMPUS-T0-CHURCN BUS SENVICE-OALL IV 2-1312 HOLY OQMNMMN WiMiiiAif • T A.M. II A.M. aaU 7 P.M. faNawatf Ay braakfaat far ataAaafa 4 il CLEAR. POSTIVE BIBLE MESSAGES May-MOP* i '• i*4i PROGRAM ■ I THRILLING MUSICAL ; " I 8-10 PJ. gi i i AN SaMa Pariah MAKE SOLTH BAPTIST YOLK CHLRCH-AWAY-FROM-HOME ALL Mao. pAaron 1 '■ t - V »■ *0 -:i Ha». 2. rage IX MIClllCiAN STATE NEWS September U. Students Able to Act fisted of the musical comedies, Attendances of the play- often Visit our famous Lower Flo '•The Tender Trap. Hie Pa- run very high. Last year'* total S'dcnt* anrl administrators tatives from Student Govern¬ Gift Center to see what's ne< The MSG Student Produ.-- jama Game," and "Mister Hub¬ attendance was over 44.000 peo¬ at MSG get ment. the State News, living • !m i provided by the speech together once each ple, including the plays «»n cam¬ . d< pai erts." month to talk over problems n units and major student organi¬ tment, provides ample op- pus. tours, and children's plavs town hall mee'ing-typc sations «at'er for dinner either !)•••:'.unity for Pla>» are held in various lo¬ a alf-m participation to called Spartan Round Table t Or Hannah's home in the " -indent who wishes to turn cations nu campus. such a* was These plays arc all self-ii- . or performed "The Imaginary In¬ tjuidating. Dr. Walker conclud¬ President John A Hannah. Gomri's Green Itoom. I attention to extra-curricular valid* in the Arena Theater last ed. as the costumes, scenery and Dean of Students Tom King, t'u A discussion of any arid ev¬ 'activities. year; the "(lias* Menagerie" in royalties are paid for by fnc vue-presidents, oilier adminis¬ ery topic someone cares to bring Students who desire not ti trative personnel Fairrhild Theater. "Murder in pruccfds from each production and represen- up follows the meal. !;' • -it back and view a play the Cathedral" in the Klva. and ,.\e the opportunity to fake in the 'Cradle Song" in the Studio i\ e part fn the acting or Theater. .voikiiiy of each oroduetion. Al-homth the fiO-'flO schedule ■Students with speech majors |i,t ni.t eideo. students are urged •. i ! heen deilnilely d»'- to try often take an active part laboratory Production- direct¬ in hie Peggy and her fine Staff ing parts of plnv.v, scene,-, aim ».u' cre-.v lot parts working or of volunteer for forthcoming often one-act plays Original play,-, -lien of hair Stylists Say... production state. f>r John !.»-t U'.id.f t director of productions. year's "Ashe- of Se.nlet" .>"( sowictimes written and pre-i nt- Picking actors .nut stage edfhv MSG student i-reus is quite a problem, be MSG students often ha\e the continued. Actor-singers are opportunity to tour mam twirls especially bard to liml for mus¬ of tin- glolw. as last \rai, the ical productions. players of "The Tender Trap" toured and played for the arm¬ Am- -tlidefit of any college, ed service* in West Germany i'ivi 'i y enrolled in MSG, is und France. ' • ins.imaged to try out for plays, The Children s Theater Tour¬ Jn W.iiker continues, 'live .1 providing satisfactory grade ing Co, last yeai. toured Mich¬ C»«d Spatial Days igan providing plays for chil¬ p.. i • average. dren. IP .in - of ing range from just a few hours practicing and work¬ Evary .» week to practicing every Maa, Tats, Md Wad I'fffgy l.unifhrri; productions often range i11•. and mysteries, to and drama. Igi-t year's .M-, lot example, con- ★ Spaeialiata ia Silver Bloadiag I Tipping HQ YOU QUESTION 100% WOOL tb.it religion slioiild be a ★ Pannaaaah aad hair styling n.tv of life and not merely BLAZERS a statement of ereeils anil Nnvy-OHve-Slripr ★ the Ib.it praetlee of rituals? ub.it a mail is and $24.85 A $27.85 Slenderizing TaUa does is more imporlant llieii (VMcr Salon < lien trie) bow In- defines God? Mimr: I'r.Kiic.il jjift- •• I ili-lioetis.- «l«-—ijm from »nr ii.lln- Ib.it the primary respon- \\ Tys i"i Tn -*V\ "k a i c -Oi in I.— uil-rrli-fil in tin- Nt-w lorkrr. sihililv aiess for rests upon mail? buman pro- Cord's A Flaaatls ★ Experts ia leeg hair styling -led ii- It.tn- illi If i on Ito. you wouldn't SI'KCI.ll, $4.95. i.rii-.-il from S2.IMI lo > I be interested ill the— ★ air ctadHitatd dryars-for comfort There* alway> sumeihitig exciting' ami new in owr I. t enter: unusual (terminal pifts. fresh new designs i?- crystal, ImatiYifu! acees-wiries from all over the world, *'• I Inloies milt tilks v Prospect KU. of .sparrow llosp t BUY ANDSAYU AT /.Ml University Beaity Salon »- such a refreshing rxjienenee. l»e sure to stop in . . • m\ i win * VARSITY SHOP ft:,ist /..ivs/vr.'.s most uoniits s ii.o\) IrlloMship of Itrliginus l.iberaU r.'H Alilnitt Itil. I* M sun I vp.-t iiluii Idist Lansing, .Mich. 2 Doors East af Lacaa Thaatra EO 2-1116 107 South Washington Ave, ENLARGED STOR COMPLETE "PAPERBACKS BEING ADDED SOON TO OUR AUTHORIZED NEW AND USED TEXTBOOKS opemm; special OPEMISC SPECIAL METAL DESK BOOK BACKS EXTENSION WALL LAMPS 59c *2.95 mm iiigan state xrwn II I'/ll ttf*adei*»hip Bikes Grow Popular at MSU il« v i»« s»r,in«h MAKI 1111: MM Mil* AN ^ I % 11 \|AV* voi R MOIINIM, || Mil l avoided li> I he alert student a—i-tant- and WITH A CAMERA ..lust like, in the hi * 1( JAMS— ( ampti- Police. who earetiill) eontrol the becomes a iMittleneek FROM LINN S [•% »anip«i" How of trill'lie durinu the ru-h hour-. people ru-h to their wb- at n a. m. Serious tie-up- are HEADQUARTERS FOR 1704 East Michigan Ave, iving Problems Arise As aClfU Of DiSTinnion IV 9-9466 More Studenls Operate Car l«ctaft (near Marshall I Complete line of ALL yarns ..W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V and kniting supplies t I'.IMUI, WELCOME TO Sulky knits and ski sweaters MSU a specialty, ml Ihr |ii»lilrni. limit- t-ull find w» else myr ear » tirrn plaint »MI —til * the e«p*rl uir II Or«rrtr«. I n»l of jII. rai H i,. » i -rr in HI* Iitnr in f»r e%er»thi»»t fr**tn f OH III i.l I.I |i« I* fall w hilr ennUled JI rhrrkri|H. l mi" hj«r j sinker %t the entMiiir fi» f4« h |»Jik- • lit |n| 4p|ir»i n| t«»l n»e lot »lii- llrnlv the timet •wiitrniiU •» Hie1h41tn.1l „ itr I tie s-'le will aiitmnalii ill* npeii l«i «ii« 4* V.W.V.V. the* elitei the h»t hut without ]n e»nl% the iltuer will tool linn** It Mtaililril iii»nle .'tent «i>i»in« reiuli- • •ertuukft riurliu anii— from Ileal SI. enit.no el »• • i.< »• hn the * m-l uteit tn h«mih rrlak 'AV.V.V,V*w.V.V.,.waw.%w.swbv.wb%V.w,V. A Ml.I'll \N I \NNLI» I.IM IM LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN flukr •m *iii.l tlw»l %\ in • R'»l M,v •laffc hi .95 • UUK american tanned cordovans fit- handsome TED OVER give yor AMERICAN COMBINATION 1.ASTS TO r,i h>u pitting -hoes . . . >it and ft FX (IF tmene enjoy the exceptional top $19.95 BOOKSTORE grade hand crafted CORDOVAN SHOES A SHOE FOR all occasions. HARRYMAN'S CORNER W. GRAND RIVER & EVERGREEN Aradrmk Uff an State Serving MSU For 50 Year* News l'ase« 21-2* WELCOME EDITION EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 81, 1959 Academic Life Brings Challenge: Nine Colleges Offer Wide Choice Veterinary M- a nvn-yuur course ■ •>, I an excellent ' • .: - • • _ r professional program leading to the I Km tor of Veterinaiy M'-mi-mc degree. MSlTs df>ti;-.. c.»'«! roil j.j ir.ternatmnal work >r.<* t. ••• m,ir.ii assistance pro-.- •. has filtered doe n Deaden :< 'if- f;••• Lansing camp,, v.-< iI as abroad Man; eo'ir-es ate international in nature. A program .i.jineerir-g anr.o.mced << i;- this sumyr- r. f«-r • \- ample, may l • •.*,«* toward eiirnnatitu -on < th* t'c - American" *-t:*< -»■ > ■/ oversea* project*. The cname- nr.-' •' dent ill thi> r «• wii! «ttid- the language. h-f.. eevr.-.-iv. . geography, j> • '• and e-.-too • of the country in which he - to work bev.v,. his engineering special?.* Ten foreign languages are taught, with plans for expansion in the department in the near future. Courses in political science. his¬ tory. gfOffr.iph*. fnreitn studies and literature also treat particular aspects of foreign nations and their peoples. A number 1 ftirriru'a in the College Ku*m». - ;»« u -i.-se«i pro¬ more con- fessional me ,»t- • '!,- .•?umo-'-.r? ph.v-c of •» •• i/i-s-e - With MKTI The depart t- . of police admini-'tnitioti ami ; ; > ;»:.d ! marketing a* 'rursportation a f.• .n i-ti..'e-n at- m- •'.■•d-K'.'-v. program Wornen •: !!• w.-re fir-1 HIM .« ted to MSt" ?b* " Col¬ Msr a<, den or u ■ range < f fieids ar. i many lege of Hon.* Kr-.uon.ics. and this college. to* . m«• r> . .« leader in !'-• * . • : ■ • ;iep.,rt?rier.t« are- nationally known Stu- Th«* C'olie.n • Comnuiniration Art-, established in C < > fr,. ft foreign countries and txi landc? • • the .'.par'ment.s ,,f .speech at-1 journal im. . ha- " Natural Srlenre stud* the structure of • students in compass r • -• ■ ' ' F.i * I,an • .; a-i-it knowledge and ex- to include r« •• oaitirer.t. general comirunieatmn art .»•?• ■ i...jar!-- endear <.r . '' - v.w .. .... vertnung ar.d r» . television and ?:!• The -a. TV ' •? l.ong f.iineil is the College of \gricilltiire. the oldest of the uni* make f U-p-non h «•<: purm-M a- s . .«'i s- ' All 'Student \efsit* founded ill IK.Y'i »s one of the first in the nation demoted In the seient'fir stud* «»f rrop-r.*ls»ne Itesides courses in the various program training maior* Nun.er«.,.s oth- . • *•; « - ma-< media field . too. off# r on* an rag* •' Ms'' '• pluses of arrieiiliurf the f ollege offers riirrirulj in fnmtr). fisli- where • «• in ??•• •••irtiy In an il'M'c.v„' : .-.f*• Must lake eries «nd uildllfe nirkaillig and rrs«mrre deielopment. a*.; •' • - a an* < f nn h arc fundament..! known per,.y.»nag«' avi* cornc to MSI' h-> >' u. g . r. — an*r..i ... ' :• " ' -■* ■ >>• * t '•ut.s.ind.i.g The College «f 4 Basics FlVsl.r; . aliout 11 ti ac fiml «*\tra n.i Ua-ic l •» . '/< glirmc- * Wriei primipa' t'i« they n;:uc > nut '«ein" rurrii t.iln Nrademir advisers help atu Keworking arhedule* around open aertiou* is * familiar ta*k to registering students dents in selection of tifitl. course* . I % '-rtsi • tn - Student Groups Give Help cation --K. i- n.»'-ur.-« • , Registration—Complex but Vital Process »•<•!.•»! a' I • ;r- lAreptioii.il students run a» - celeraie their Hasp- program b* taking (omptrhrnsi* e e*an*% '.he procos* *. • "romps,'* fine oho has attained S" Counc. [ men bet * a - * aturh'tv- a- . r- service to A In a first term basic or tr.a: acheduie* .S»p# an elected to » e servoe .. being vitally n»t «**»*• an A and It combination in two •tv»r*» ■ , ■ ?,iuver».'>, can fun-' » take the exam for h'jr.oranev T<»*aer f»ua.-i i - • student on * ..-«-r,r!g • >'u;»crr • terms mav a ■ a* posatble Honors f ollege graduates need term of the course n.eni and Green lleimet >rr.f «»u: or. •-•w the following . . *.'ed the t'om-.Ti mongers of Alpha 1' llegistralion card*, whu h must t • eck the fir«t morning of class¬ out* the stipulated I*! credit* ^ If ho passes with an \ or a It. >». ' 4 • m-M'Jtc*. or... ; B* and for mal»«. completion of ^ he gets full credit. If not. he MV-.-.n f -ised ir-.cga service fraternity g<- e he fompteteh filled out before es all registration information • • - « Its > I f hours. Narrow location «l ftlinply lakes the regular course : <■ i»-h -hed the d«-k, or of fi^re.-t help during reg.s*.ration beginning the procedure ma* will he t4liulated b* Ibe Higiv- restrictions air done aw a* with a*- 'ed trar's office staff and read* for , A rev J ms 1 C.'iimfn Sk,. - p - Foreign ttuden's will he picked up Ihia week In the • .. iy-* inhered freshman c<»»*d The siudeiii with an aradende t* •• »•.*; „bv AUSG \dministration Mdg.. the (du¬ IBM mashine* are a limr- - •» • t'-e * hours in the use adtiser plan* his own program apru.g term, pa* t? e «»-, a ' »* Aud, he mea!«: Approximately 225-2.V> *•*■ ration Hldg or at an informa¬ xavirig t*»ol in this tabulation to fit his aptitude* and inter- W scare?1..r.g fi>r a new c-ur- * den's w.'l ervter the Au i r%e- tion tent. hut man* ssorkers are nrre«*it» nr. i e* •' f ' e frustrated «'u- e*l* ;*i minutes from the tin e rej - to complete lartous phases of Emphd.si* has in-tn ei,- ■' '& • ,«*, . **.akas ' h :. g the ]'#'.* cr l'»bin ' *i>f *tuden's ;ra*ion opens at 1 p m TuevLv the work. From registration in¬ Writing and ;t»adir.g, ir.-'.ea : ' .f t tH i * * .• * A1 h Ul'd .«• * ' Y id, students a;r told - AU *'■ . tirxduding st>e»k- i.nt.i 4 30 pm. Friday formation rla*s lists, permanent ail fnur $ku s ;• . .?•« u forgotten, however, - . 'he sign- ' Card« a-" Ing and htten.ng, previv-i?:*- • a'" ♦ vep*. »ns m'r- denra register according to • • •i and rer-ietked at v»r records and grade reports are tau< t v, <. *nc rule We hard ** ^.'piiabetica! listing printed r ;. ;n?*; new <-.«rds arc r« - made dca'«. Wrk-rre Week program Naturtti science ?i-.ir ftee many atuden's f- e»l out and han-ied u. With U-t of SCIrnufic ? -- A final ciean-up period « w» , s,r**"/■» through the *i. » r *af/>* are viAitrd bv fie ■ th"i (*e ope:-, at 4'pm. Friday f«c -.,r a-t-i n 20 minute-' ibtfe visiting "i r< • thoae who niias their des.gna ' i Draw ing from an'hrup" '» / (ouraes, »i+-,'nar*b, . time, but after 4 30 Friday. Uv-- , pociology. es"?* '* ' Registration ran he difficult— ■ 1- ' veterans on PL .V'fi science and F-wia'. fAvcTT' < . if the student makes it so Nu¬ coniers must pay a $15-24 fee ■ i and foreign *' inen' ■ il ' ■ ar . merous aids to those about to to register m-ti wncr.ce hundred workers, t - A Nioks are distributed certain are/is «f mar.-- v« • register for the first lime help Three L> pictures tnap{>e^ K. beba trier greatl*. however, to rUrtf* a»4 eluding 135 student*, are involv¬ fees.are assessed and fond Siudeuts in the human.-., - simplify regislrataon at Nihl*- es! in the funcLumr.g of *.:>• When the student rewcr.es t *• (OSMT •crie* examine man as a um-i »• compiex total procedure These Mar. y ftudent group* K-v» r -• r f.oor of the Aud. he c*n yiO. however, are of Ijtt.e u*e creative being, cmuentra'-.n.' volunteer assistance at regiatrx- U' j. i %n pick up class car-i-. without atuder.t csjoperatio?- uj»n the inteUectual aspects f •. Student G ndct offer the.r otw each course and *erv . ,r. S'.uilcn'a are advised to pa* hij rpligioms concepts, the ar'*. n conducting required listed on his enrollment card Strwt srrVK'*- :ose attention lo all lr*tru«- political ideas and pattern <, n• c .'Zaan, pre-rrgistralion tourf. Frtwh* government and law. ;tor YMC Sweanj, *B*CA 741 t»IM UNTf Sec. 3. Pare 22 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS September 21. :? 1 j; Am i\; Honors College Opens Student's Careers » Advanced Fields r-''i i) v i (Continued from Page 21) amination, to study indepen¬ dency under a faculty member, to take graduate courses. out Co-curricular activities round the student's academic core. Honors College member* are in¬ noted hcrship ne-s *'an and . . increase tur>l rHf-confidrruv <>:' it- . ahilitv in inVI!""- rr. ••n- and nvre willing- to pursue in¬ Sought at Carnival M'/KTTE IWMSEV to take advanced courses with¬ B> vited to faculty and graduate dependent «\-"rk " completing prerequisites and MSU cun't exactly unveil the future for its students, but - out &Vc colloqttia and seminars and ticipate in special Honors Col¬ par¬ Staying in the C-dle.se re¬ quire- that a student kctp i it Is always trying to make it a little clearer or make "blue¬ lege seminars. They can use the cumulative 3 2 •verigc It he prints" available. library stacks (otherwise re¬ fa.1> to do this, he i- returned "Career Carnival — Blueprint In- schedule*," say* Jack Shin- served for faculty and grad stu¬ t«. a regular curriculum an I for the Future" is this year- elcton. A«al. riaecmenl Direr- dents), relax in a special lounge graduates with the required op¬ theme of the annual ei. \t lor. adviaor for the carnival. fi/ . . tions. on the Library's third floor, an I which seeks to offer glimps e Students may judge for them¬ hundred fhirfy-two *'u- register on the first day of re¬ nnc fii n's have graduated in Honors into what's ahead for college selves during this two-dav ex¬ gistration. graduates in many voca'i •" position. for they will have the Honors sections in many de¬ College since i*» itvepti-n. Thi "- The Placement Bureau spon¬ 1958 gradual • were chance to personally ask ropre- of visitor*. Here, MSI' «i partments are offered Mi'umor sors Career Carnival this ve.n. *»n'.atives from 75 companies CARKKR CARNIVAL* which will he held Though it is difficult to pin t'.e f:r«t to complete their de¬ at it has for the last 11 year- Michigan State Police I.....:h. questions on opportunities, in early October this year, drawn hundreds down specific successes of the grees under the special arrange¬ The carnival will be. held in th. wages and requirements within program, Jdzerda says he has ments. recond floor of the Union, from their organizations. ■ INSURANCE 0:30-10 a.m.-10 p.m. p.m. Oct. 5 Oct. 6. and "We expect a very good tear 0 30 Most major fields will be rep¬ resented. Education majors will find Michigan Public Schools Sciences, Arts Train Cilizt || .! quaiidt • Voting Driver* SPECIALIST* • Olll nf State Driver* The the ates companies demand for have Indicated rollege gradu¬ is on the Increase, as evi¬ representatives to question, scientists and engineers will find Parke Davis, Dow Chemical and By CAROL LITAh In a democratic society, where people decide crucial issues viding opportunities for it* ma- jor* to perform on radio and TV and make publir appearance*, service operating Engineer)! and . v."tr J recital*, rhoral and or¬ mcnt give- Ex re* * Limit* of Liability and property damage to denced bv the requests we've the Aluminum Co. of America through their representatives in hold* use <>f M.V $100,000 and $300,000 available already received for Interview- representatives. chestral concept*. government, they must be edu¬ "Mi.stic ' CANCELLED AND REFUSED RISKS IMMEDIATELY Many business organizations cated not just in specialized Foreign languages and English The y»m Ml HANDLED are sending members of their areas, but also in history, liter¬ are included in the Division of offer* traiiuii- (or firms, such as those from House¬ Language and Literature. 1123 CAM, if No Answer PAIGE hold Finance Corp, .1 L. Hud¬ son, Kroner's, Marshall Field, ature. science and philosophy. Though the Basic College i* designed to fultill this need to The Mathematical and Physi- pre-theolncv interested m 4 ma K»r iitvi E. Mich. Ave. IV 5-8419 Dial IV 9-1232 Upjohn Co. Sutherland Paper, a degree, the College of Science DEAN FKRUlSON ration. It im ludf, K5B9 CRAFT Standard Oil Co. Michigan Bell, Burroughs and IBM (Indiana), and Arts offers more intensive study m these areas. The departments of the Col¬ hi* Dr. I.loyd Ferguson ha* held position •* Dean of the C ol- die*, OROphv, grogr.t ph», ps\ i linlo;\ riology and oithmi hi lege of Science and Aria just students taki the lege are organized into five di¬ six month*, having been ap¬ The I'nlled Slate* government divisional major vjq- visions. Bioilgtcal Science. Fine will *end the Gro**e He Naval pointed In April. Since 195« he alent to librr.il 4ru Arts, language and Literature, TO ALL or YOU AT MSU Air Station. Air Force. Army, and Marine*. The Boy Seoul* and the Girl Seoul* a* well a* the Personnel Office of the Na¬ Mathematical and physical Science and Social Science and Arts students nviy Science had been head «f the Biological >cience Division and the de¬ partment of microbiology public health. and A div itios is the College arc to • wrm: huh yoik iieiik-yoi mil. iie too.'! tional Council of the YMC A obtam either a riejxirtmental or music. I will he present. divisional major, created fo- religion SWT \ III I k (ICI'CIt* ' those who desire a more general ea! Scicn.'c Divi-mn consists of chemistn imol.'g- . mathematics, it give- •> News has been released that knowledge of several areas. physics and astronomy, and s'a- study m >■ a Npecia) feature of this year's The Departmental major :s and hot ti-tios The statistics depart - -, Now that carnival will be an IBM "brain ' recommended for those concentrated study who nient maintain* a counseling areas. Among the other exhibits wish more in a single area or plan to u j you're on u hieh each company uses t<* a'- your own... * •raet attention and ,-orne phase of lie work will be a illustrate 33-foot high missile from the graduate work The Biological Science Divi¬ sion include* botany and plant MSlTs Oldest College B'-ndix Aviation Co pathology, entomologv. micro¬ You'll nerd a complete and authori¬ tative dictionary to help you in your college work. There ate !<> reason* HI.AC K (•RA) RL'ST ed by This academic carnival, prais¬ representative* a* the biology, and publir health, phi¬ lology and pharmarologv. rool- Offers Broad Traiiiiii: tor insisting on Webster s New BLACK best of its kind, i* open to the ogv and Die School of Nur*ing. < ollcgiate Dictioaary, the Mcrriam* 4 TO l» \\ in H « TO m AA TO H The uiitv ersi'y * oldest college, the Colirg. whole student body, with the Il offer* opportunity for fur¬ Webster. "WEDCL LOAFER*'' "DESERT HOOT" r tabli-hed in 1K.V'» wtien MSU was founder; hopes that freshmen a* well ** ther study during summer 3. Only Merriam-Webstrr is based seniors will use it to form their months at the Kellogg Gull turai College One of the first offering tra.: • . on the unabridged Webvtri'y New International Diet ion a i *, Ju-I Twit Of Manv Slvle- — Slop In "blueprint for the future" Lake Biological Station Courses Iii4 trie ('.dirge t.as expanded and mode r*. with emphasis on field study are mamiiig a h«dei in research and develop Second Edition. Anil Look Aronnil — llon'l For^i'l Your Coupon!! it." mat * related fields 8. Only Merriam-Webster meet* offered there is biology. geog¬ . the detailed requirements of col¬ lege students. lixlen*ion Serve* raphy. education and related Scientific principles nf plication b* as students on the t'niversit* !• lei fiire and labefv.' 8, Only Mernam-Webster gives the sot Ml ST HAVE A (lit I'ON! ! subjects. Chances for Individual . hour!,* v»rtg«N for then work tin the fan. technical Latin names for plants, ■ill of Mir hipan directed research are available pern n'.iigt «-f tin produce used for 30.0'Hi animals. SAVE A HICK! ! SAVE A BECK! for both undergraduate and 4. Only Merriam-Webstcr is Kim .i The university extends it* ed¬ grad students on complete records of the w.iy OA AM. (I\ AEI. ucational arm throughout Mich¬ Art and music corupri.se the DKAN COVVUKN 8 s 8 I nalish is spokrn and written ft. ttnlv Merriam-Webstcr is kept up to date by a large stall of specialists. X OMENS THIS MAY NOT LOOK I.IKK A HOI, Mil U S 1*1 Mil MENS SHOES SIIOIT.I) I.IKK THIS. Ml GIM¬ igan with the service* of the co¬ operative extension program In¬ formation and vided to citizens services are pro¬ Division of Fine Arts. dent* whose cultural rather than al aim in For stu¬ college is profession¬ divisional major, with 70- Dr Iliom.t* (iiutlrn head* the (ollnr of filth >r.ir in Hut position aftrr eominc to V|*>l plots, nurseries iaii'i, agricultural, home demonstra¬ ju-t last year, sponsors month¬ II ed ft,r n - a*- for instruction,v ; , tion. and 4H Ciuh agent* all ly art tx.'ubision.s wide in range oru-nted curricula i>rg.i («rt of the College of Agricul¬ and variety, which often prove m.o -t'ld* r • •».« i ! three iuoad arras \g ture staff Sixty thousand rural interesting to a majority of ri' iiltuial Sc»e:„e oj General Agriculture and urban youth bike part in Student# Majors In ag economies, ag mechanics, anlnul bu*b# the stales 411 program The maik department, pro¬ production farm crop*, pomology and veer la t>lr pottiea try husbandry, rrsourre development sail seirr.<« imnn ornamental horticulture are open to students broad arras. In addition, student' m Agricultural s. specialize in d« rv n.auufacturmg or food t- Agriculture currwuUup also mciudci ag edu-a' majorr. Outside the thiee areas, agriculture stud, rngmeeru g, fisheries, nrtd wildlife, forestry merchandising, mobile homes, packaging n agcnurit. r«M>i«ntial building or wood pi<«* lWirinr.AX STATr NEWS Srptrmbrr tl, IBI In. ». Tm »» Plan for Marriage Plans? —See Home Ec Dept. w Engineers Although many are reluctant to admit it, a large number of coeds come to college to prepare for the many living planning — and furnishing and' care aspects of family raising of children, cooking meals, of the home, budgeting Income, and selecting and making clothing—is the col¬ lege's aim. Courses are given In five partments: foods and nutrition, de¬ find openings In home ee sion, food or textiles extent research, dietetics, home ec Journalhun or work in radio and TV, retailing, fashion design, horn# furnish¬ ings, interior decorating and in¬ es 1 ,)II) Business for careers making and in marriage, home- parenthood. In home economics, home manage¬ ment and child development, in¬ stitutional management. A type of field work if re¬ ical a i "\i 1 Programs C7 view of this primary (and wel¬ come) aim of young woman¬ hood, and to train professional workers in the field, the College DEAN An MSU PORTER graduate. Dr. Thrl- ma Porter returned to her alma stitutional arts. administration, and textiles, clothing Home ee graduates, and related besides quired for every home ec major —each must live for three wcekj in a homa management of Home Economics was found¬ mater in 1958. joining the home unit. the many openings in teaching, Changed ec staff and accepting the posi¬ tance ii ed in 1898 Today more than 800 coeds, tion an Dean of the College of and a few scattered men, are Home Economics in September fa H! C.illrjtr . Irraln enrolled in the College's varied of that year. n«'|iurtini-nta curricula. Superior preparation Wallace's en FieM* > | program of on pi n- ik'ntvn Ilecpnt chances in the CoU lire «f Business and Public Exceptional Gifts Beautiful Trophys for technical assis- Service, MSI"* larcest in en- brauekoffiec , which part of an rnllmrnt. have seen a re- curriculum will l»e orcanization of divisions and 3040 Vine Street to stinly of the the ad.linc of new courses in.i culture in which and four new departments. (opposite Soon to work. i.« evidence la Fnodor) Courses formerly under gen¬ College of Engineer- eral business and some in eco- .{(Kiate outlook. nom.es have lK»cn transferred to i the College are of* newly created departments of A GRADUATE STUDENT in Metallurgical Engineering, accounting and financial admin- seven related fields: ag- istration; marketing and trans- eng.ncer.ng (in co- part of MSI *s enpineerinp curricula, is heat-treating a portatiofi Administration; per¬ w.ih toe College of piece of metal in the laboratory. sonnel and production adminis- rei, applied mechanics, trah. n; and insurance, law and real estate. r^neering, civil and of Kdiicalion College Students in the College enroll in either Business Administra- EAX RYDER t.on. including the four new de- n Ipdrr. Dean l.nfiinwrins. besides of the Trains Many Teachers partmen's, nn-i hotel, ITi'.e business restaurant and etiucation administration, and institu- of jrars of service in Student teaching in Michigan ary tea. her«. college instructors and academic institu- and adult educators. schools gives education majors DEAN SEEYEH \ :.i f. S. *nd forrian a chance to pr.r'.ce clussr.-onv The r.'-A- Education B'.dg, or invention of various methyls under sujwTvid'-n of an Hean of the College of flasi- Instrument*. cwtiploN-d .n spring 1938. cen- experienced teach* r One term ne«« and Pubtie Service la Dr. trah/ed curricula of the College ni a bachelor's dcfrcc of student teaching is required Alfrrd See I ye. noted educator, al ensineering and MS ■ti south campus. Its modern economist and authority In mar¬ fur every eiucah n nn. -r an t Mate I niversitjr and f' r all other s'udcr.ts earning .•unl unusual kiva, a cmcul.r keting. Dean Seel ye was ap¬ ua state College, Rv- lecture r a>tn w ith exceptionally teacher's eerti'lcatcs pointed in 1957. coming to NSII rd at General Electric teachers leave cam¬ tir.e acustics, has won fame in I'niveraity of Texas, COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICESi Sorority or Fraternity letters or your name Student from v Mrtrr Co. and head- wcd-kt.own maco/ines for its where he waa head of the mar¬ Engrave vour to live ;n a school connum- available plain or with .Mich. Stale Seal. pus t of Illinois' electrical areii.tectural design. keting. re*»urcr«. tr a naportallow TANKARD is • eve fxamlnallonA • prncrlptlono flDod nc department before S'udents preparing for set- and international trade depart¬ >|«t as dean in 1954. DEAN EHU'KSON All pieces crafted from the finest lead-frei , s..ry school *e.e fiing taxe ment. pewter that does not tarnish or darken • Contact lenses • fashion traOMS :■ ocrams in educat.on in com- Seelye received hit M A nationally-known educator Dean w,*h age. Its charming finish requires no bifi.fi. -ri with a major in the marketing and matter's In electrical lif- in polishing in normal use .., only an occa¬ guidance authority. l»r t I...catp.t directly oppovlto Frandor, Wtllsco'i iitccrmg, and • '•«»• of agriculture, business economic* from Syracuse t'wl- sional washing to keep its original sheen* txvhanual cngi- ford EdirKson w is appointed •« and public service, science and irtrslty and doctorate in bwal- new office Is easily accessible and offers plenty metallurgical engi- bead the College of (duration art-, home «y or c.mimunication A Tanlard. glass bottom D V»»« &i in 1953. lie had served at 51M At least 30 tmlit.s in edu- nets administration at Indiana 1 pint capacity I'UiO 7 in, hL'h fr.no H.OO of free parking. Equipped with tho latest In op. thalmic eiiuipment, it Is hacked with Wallace') I'niveraity. 'J in. inh aince 1914 as a professor in ed¬ ca'. 'r., including student teach¬ • *and«irh Tray, ll! in. 11 hiyh lo.no engineering take Dean of 4he diameter Authentic scal¬ in. -it i.ra- . then branch ucation llasir College. and as ing, art* required for certuka- b' rial management; or Public loped ecan Erirkwm received REd Service, including police admin- C lbi»»I.I'a :1 Reverede*ign sign. > r from Northern - Illinois Mate i*tration and public safety, po- 3' t in. dia« f 1.50 oumc« $5.50 0.50 r»<." rx'imtMhtnu by Dr. U'. C. lES'SEN, witsssl yptomttOO et'.r.g in their sopho- ii ii'iii! 4 Technical and spec-* Teachers C ollege. 51 \ and Phil Station ^ KAK iitical science, url»an planning l> in. dia. 5SKI Ci.imi 1 p r ♦ 7.50 architecture, and ♦* in. .lis. WALLACE OPTICIAHS ,r from Northwestern l'ni\ersit>. «nq landr-cape 7>a in. dia, 7.50 1 quark ln.no in each depart- in tho dey»art- m.M-s or no time for lie has authored II tn»oks and Informs. Kducalcs aocial work or economics. k uu di*. lo.ua m quuiS 13.50 numerous articles in his field nn*nt «»f H.. ;e '.m a'.: curricula K.eld training is important in understanding of Ifa.lio Iasfciicrs a number of departments Hotel .1010 Vina St. (oppouita Frandor) Ph. IV f-27Tl engineering ity and hi part in neighbor- majors get on-the-job practice at 107 N. Washington CCl^-THt international silver company hi. • . hood func' a.-, we'd its W K A R, Michigan State's Alio offices downtown a- wt a« firm knowl- Kellogg Center. Supervised anti DR. 1. R. NIXON. nfUttfcB . At ting the a imporUiiit teochaig ron-crnnicrcia! rad.o station, is DR. R. C. JONA S tre'f application. field work is pait of curricula in experience «wi the a;r da.lv with a format ?»r the future include a fur.al work |nd police ad. V> of Engineering More to. ii'hefs are ruined 1-v >n than ..f news, music and educational To* College fwis two-vear RANNEY JEWELERS .ped on south MSI; » ( 1 ego of &Jural features F r the rest of thix :«• riev< i month, WKAR Mart* it» da. v terminal programs in bonk:.' g, by any ofi er It i 19 iv :',v next five years c offer- general business, insurance a- i v. cost of >13 profess ! J 'or "Mi* •< j»r .grarnm.ng at A 45 a m. and real estate, retailing and secre¬ sect >1 l«i- «>i for t-ic nieritary and (v>n<'ludes at 8 pnv tarial studies. t'eiebrating i*.-, 38th year of rial Education Teachers eervne this WKAR is one of America's old- rut radio station* past summer, It broadcasts Hrgin \s Colorful As Autumn on an 870 kilocycle frequency It's time is start finding net'easinp Demand Today handicapped from studios in WKAR-EM, n -w in ita year, the Aud. recently moved transmis- 11th those rtassrssm balMings — the first day of classes Is only a few days off. "Tlii< rroinl fwln mcay" irhrn you enter mentally a' »> nation-teaching rally or rhildren in nerd of specially >: f...t.»-h from a 3'Ml-f.H»t Tho halls of Herke«, Ml* the thulium . . . The hreesy, colorful afterr - e blind, deaf, t.-wer to the l.'HKi-foot tower torsi Hrienee, tdurstion and -handicapped, trained tea. hrrs. >; • • ; ..r emotional- Vtl formerly use.1 rv WKAH-TV. others will onre agsin be noon iicirnhinfct your lutir, In most lor Spe-i The signal can now* reach about filled as NHt begins tho .i rapidly ex- class i ie r 70 percent of Michigan's pupu- srsdemle year on Monday. bar. >>• .st \, ry d.f- late girl when her hair train •g ■!< » programs In ft •en: tr 'Jii rv :9.oars tiles o Tlilt con /m/i/wn to any "• educated, i. re- oi »• For ( Com/tiii. for a Hrllt-r Joh ■ and ', ri graduate. must, m rvMuiatms v o r k »«' on it ttyleil by the COED SHOP. with oth. * * Hewdes Shorthand ph.. i-h.a'ri Ihr Natural mature, they and 1 —•and tis.* »f yourtelf at the beauty tolan that fea« ♦ .landing to ap- ..f nor- Hotter Uigirea of pii- quite for. gr: to teach.mi -..una a.rlvO tno r—r Mill All. ".. ma I cia.sM ' ■apjad s. id symbol* derived fr.»m your own ABC's Employs r nret hair tlylinu far the college raeil, - • ♦ designed for Thousand* han 1 .! have s.itr.-. iiu syrnlioU. no machine* Speed-writing shorthand usew'*nal Children, rdiD t'l-.n eauao f'.r symbol types. The only shorthand ever to bear tho Good SHOP s THE COED • (iftNlt- IP .M-keeping Magazine label of approval. K.Ilg : •>'on for the blind tie. I tea .-fiv¬ financial . as well at |i'SI'on'oq of the men- er emotional »r.s pn>vMia N-.tc You can become a g'xxl typist quicker thru the new -i/lf-d estimate that there incrrttsing s i ■a f.-r to-^o Vutte-O-Matic plan of. teaching typing available only at LB U. 021 GUANO RIVEK ED 74)763 lUvmi tMIW. ph>«i- interested LANSMfi BUSMESS UMVEBSIH Vour Kiy to Better Value! . . . 111 W. I..I.U * rhMW IV 4-MM I C»r pm Ci,■l,<.«if|e(), Jlinh I5en.li r-hip , _ , rr Glad to have you back. Cava Nnta No. 2 I- a lad In he ahle to servo )uu unre saain. Nothing is changed—We're at ill verting the he-d Italian -lyle I'iua and Spaghetti in Ea.t Canning. And dun't forget our Delivery Service. When >uu get hungry fur I'iua, ju-l call EI) 2-lib.Vi. »«CASA N0VA-2 M ThU coupon north !'r toward* the pur- PIZZA Chaar wich. of Pifia (oupou ^paahetti. or any sand¬ iiuutcd l<« one per peraon. ll i 25c 211 M.A.C. 2Jc SPAGHETTI ^iimiiumiiM RAVIOLI Casa Nova No. 2 EAST LASSISC'S OLDEST PIZZERIA eastiarsm i, W j 3. Pag* 24 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS September 21. 1K4 Radio-TV Llajors Gain Pracl VARSITY DRIVE-IN VARSITY DRIVE IN ARAIN OFFERS THE FINEST PIZZA In Livo Slat ions: WKAR, W] •t-i m ft* IN EAST LANSING. with student help, heeded by Jct—, fly JL'DV THI ROW during and telecasting shows. Dr. Arrr.snd Hunter. vit« Mdowmtjt 1 WMSB-TV. a n on-commercial The samp «|iiality i« c.irni-li- After respiration look for Student in radio arid TV station shares time on Channel Programming J prunerily ed¬ ,n ib. i ■— courses have two we 11-equipped ucational. On "Classroom 10" '.'bly ami p(l on all our Pizzuw: -niall, the n pedal* of the week, free "labs" at their disposal n K» with WILX-TV. a commerc¬ Spanish, scirnce. an. music end Evmtt Klrtwte Yi "• *» ial station which operates from | regular, anil larp-. Free «li- ilelivery with earh order. WMSB-TV and WKAR rad. ». math are taught to Lensiny —brr. f.ll -w.r Ud dbd qjJ,■ A number of students are em¬ Jackson on the NBC network third, fourth, fifth and slxtn | livrrv to Dornis, Apt*., KeniemlM-r thi* rolumn it ployed by both stations part- They are the first television sta¬ gradv, over closed circuit. A WM d.layH I, , time for work in staging; IJgh'- children's hour and women's Iioiim-w anil (irck unit-. your tpot for tperialt in ing. and even assisting in pr >- tions in the world to combine program are list reyular fea¬ Construc-Jnc _ i I'ixra. the features of both educational on schedule a-.- and occasionally a student and commercial broadcasting jn ture-. WMsa-r,' Jl production is put on the sir. DELIVERY FROM 8 p.m. The one .channel. cau>d—«--?] - I a.m. A non-commercial station is After nearly four yeeei In «r vmtur. .a t, 7® rwnpetitivr henrlnta MSI' was KIN0SY0N TRIO always fared with the problem (ranted final approval fee the 1217 E. Grand River Phone No: ED 2-6517 IS COMING of not havinr enough funds to support it. On the other hand. VHF ehannel time plan with the Trlertelen en Ike ahnred- Com m a commercial station usually t orp. of Mirhlesn. Mfil'a Ckan- WED OCT 14,1959 cannot fit public service pro¬ grams in with its extensive ad¬ nel «n. WRAR-TV bad been ell- rnl Mnee Jnne awaiUnf Ibe Opem ;)| vertising commitments. .% shar- See nection four ed time plan gives both stations greater program availability. FCC decision. But juv before construction De/xirtim .Vart Nov. 3, the Two for details TV stJhtlw ., ruo Jat-K-'-r. Br»et drafting and TV vertising a-.- of full-time film C„, a corn off i tor 1:1 the heor- - irii*. :i:»o a temporary injunc¬ year in .« C..r4,11 tion and work was held up. ication An. The firm contended MSU Course been tmr« would *-:.»;«•*«- the state conititu- •!■ Ta ran • -re :<4Art ifgt.Iative an- speech a- . men's am pr .• .!*;<«'; ns ait >v entering into l»een a die-J partner*!".!:; w**-. a commercial and ! riistrucUor) of TV curricula Journ.i,. faculties .v.thout pnor legisla¬ for work tive <:-onsen t. . zinef. :.vi ..rr MSI* Attorney . IdhUind Carr . - the hk. J - e..arg» s tn.it Channel sons in :•> ■ i i s'.i'e-financtd project dress, unfour. ied Funds f »r construe- t: -n nad already been approprt- pathology theater. a- : J cation ar *~-i < DEAN SABINE flexib.lity — In. Gordon Sabine came U communica*: LEO PAIL CLARENCE MM in 1935 with * buchgruund tration ir. ar.r>-" *ct area. of experience an a veteran re¬ porter. writer and educator. Hia lege depqrr.sr.'j; Dohm Barber Shop AT new spa per work with the baching Include a Milwauhee Jour¬ A liberal « ftttiAiettions ma.J I CAMPUS CLEANERS nal. Christian Science Monitor, .emphasized 4; t hirago Sun. Kansas City Star. the Col'.eg- y j HOURSt TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY « TIF. 3:30 Wisconsin «»tate Journal. Lynch- can b- a g-rd pr> burg l\ Having received at loiversity his B.% and of Wiaconain on wh.r-. s haircut that only experienced luirhert ran i:lt e. and Phl> at I niveraity of ter< of ev»" c.-.c*7| # ALTERATIONS lum 1 d'Awcd 11 Aad yon will find there experienced burlier, at tofcm llarber Shop. FLAT TOPS *2.00 ★ DYE WORK Minnesota, Sabine since 1950 as dean of the J* had served cation Em:w.a>.re". i-» school at I'niveraity of Oregon, lie has also contributed many foreign .argiag-v articles to nationally pwbllahe* dies, Er.g.'.v i 411FRARDOR (Itax'iui'iil of Uotirolir.e I IV 4-1207 317 K. GRAND R\. ED 2-0972 and part:cu.ir magazines. with an^'1-^- ■ " -r»r*— fii- I v ' I v Yx.:** i ■ 'V v'; f' ' I i i ./ ,yi "This week we have to get ouk room organized"' I } (with things from the Card Shop Inc.) i 12 2 2 Complete Assortment of Bedspreads and Draperies 2 2 DESK LAMPS DECORATING GOODIES FROM 2 2 BOOK RACKS OUR BRAND NEW GIFT 2 RECORD RACKS SHOP. 1 2 BOOK CADDIES 2 I-m 2 I HEfts*' li THE CARD SHOP Inc. 309 E. GRAND RIVER E. LANSING ED 2-6753 2 Home Studio of and Contemporary Card*" 2 V*ura#rau#eureaeeaeearea rea e*u reu rea e«d r-d r«o « '" w iiUs '-p'ii' r Mtf Illf.XV ST WE NEWS >f|jt.mh.r 51. 1955 9ff. 3. r.t. 35 Slaffrrs liirilml News Holds Top Ranking Vir late Inirtr «l«'l ii» ^nrkiiiE on thf .* I VI I . M.WS* An nifri-iu •"! hi til Iiru Murlrnl* will he held ,«t *.7,0 p I ni'wi I'ai'oi* It ami I \n itiffnm.il survey nf introductory m. Thursd.iv «ludml pub- | li'Mt»"ii* i*lid the iTMI. Mtt* vftill lir given ami new students I will luv i charm* In ert if-««nlinP-d tvlth old staffer*. Modem* Inti rtM'-d m ecu v. a'lu-rtisint. *povtv society, features. editorial i.r li;i; rr any | ill aw nf uorktnc '»n llir p.»pcr are invited to it- Hopes lo Becoiiic I,mi'" "I I vt.if, r> are reminded lo he present. ( offer, rider and (folicIntiith will lie served. . . 'our-Morning llahil \S CMC I AIN t- the ni : .,9 t iM- day. the Michigan State Ni»«. •i jt« n»un«l-up »»f van p i >'..?< . n ' m . _ • a! nev .*. . • cnn»f'ii> paper ,* rank--! amoli: , daile* in the r'l.uMt .,. < ,ii tl-1'rnni. :he A .-soeiMmi i I*i • • • ; f s .Vltf X P.,r ,,f r,,n? ill f • • 1' • ■ . \"i-.\*» a I• . :ni versai". edition. A- • . • ( '<■(] "blue Tues'i<< . * • >*.;•< >our every ni'-rnir;.- : .. . 1 ,, ;?h a new \ jn'f • ' -v. ...ncvni. « fi«- . .,j" }>|in' «*«»!«»r '! t- f• . . i lilt; I'l III.If ATION DAKMtOOM. loealed on the fluid, . •■. ;! Ci*• i*t 1 VI K NEWS til > room i* a bu-> place ex cry | M \| VI • MS oft» 11■' ritil>ii> all' - i 'alii . . i' • Sln*e Ni" afternoon ,i* reporter* look loi a "*roop" and editor* plan .• • ••■' • >. is ;t!l.v;r - -earefit,.'. : ■ the next da> * paper. There i* great opportunity for new ., •• r • holt • fro.-h man via •" 1 is- : - • flatter* on the State Sew* I hi*'.year. THE WASHBURN SMOKE SHOP... : ! a» , - « Xi't'i !' :. • . II \-i TilK IIIM.KM \Sll IIUSI I INK ill Spartan Mag Offers lliinior I UMI'I I.TK SMIIKINi. 111 l.»IIIIIK> in I. I \N-IM. sp4itail yiai;a/iiir « suhsrripiioni to the miiitlnr \« til he sold diirias Wrlroine Week at rrgistl«*tion -Old •" the I toon Suhserlhers lain the id' intac* of Iter delt\ert to >1.1. Ill It I.IM. iheir lis ing units. I or those who i mi on > .>< • spatl.ni don't sutfsrribi the maiaiinr Ill Hill VI I II. I'll'l.- lint sfaiftl s will lie sold at %«rioUs t Mtnpns • loratlons 1111 I III > (Ml ... I • •_ tic. spartan. ■ i %»'.< ... . . -'III. :,l U» P ' III lll.lt >MHh|M. . s- .... I. ; si i, '. n. Ma in eit r.i • .11 Mi I"- • ' :• \l I K»llltll.> ✓ Fill Up at.... i' ..| : j|(Ui'i".i Malt • • DRAKE S REFINERY STATION Till; \\ ASHIIIRN . ' ■ ■ ' • M i f Vi' i i it i. i.it \ni» iciy i;u \y i;. spat la it SMOKE SHOP I.\*l I.\N*IM«. Ml» lIlt.VN -'I I K. I.It \NII ItIV Kit A( ltll>S I HUM I M"N III.III. lUORKIXf. I<) KM I* ' WELCOME TO M. S. U. and to MATTHEWS l.asf I.ansing's tt»p refreshment «pot SikI.i* — Sundaes Malt* Li»lin« Heeord IUnana split* Soup* and s.mdwirhe* II olvvviiw lit lie Open OaiU — it a.m. until ll 'Jit p.m. fiimixhl ill 11 i'ltisI nil itm "tfc# ' !'•• •» \\ ■ \ ■ ' < .« : . i< eoinpiisfifTif'.* S'." *-.e Mh-I «*3Ci**r»fs •• .! > ■' , 1 A ■ *■ I'hhiiiI I It/mi Ills >Imlriil blilors 221 Air St. elrs ( East Lansing Just one block North of the Campus llefore After • ■ n jear ti.e Uniq ie . SEE THE t ' ludrnt DIFFERENCE i'fft Unlvrrliif will he 'ntered—•keUhlnc the university e«»ed or man I 'vriune venture it reallr IMurt Allrr rrtfwfttf nf tt.e bock *-"! I ct me help you 'r 'say an MSU «U'- • bn ieimtt acttvitir *. lo "see the dif* * .v.jp or individua! frrence." 'ipfssion of opinion ia.'Mzauonj and pui- h.5 partwipauon tn Candid Thf f*rerk-leftfr p.iltern «f thi* bedspread nuke* it a mu-t or-grama. If JfU desire •• -d authenticity m»»re informa¬ for an> c>r| goinie I.reek, or girt* who are already oororilv. j,; - edition will Se m* abieiKre ot advefr tion about con¬ ^*r»se that Will m- tact Irnyr*. clip • 'n the book * ea.torial ■ Ji decoratixe minle tor any K»T* rimni. this advertise¬ *r,d enjoyiswftt • • r and introduction Greater ment and mail. Subtle tolofuig* axailable in Ko*e, lilue, (ireen, and Iteige. "■r.rti b».jt empfwVjc art • make it an enure!/ production. 'WO Walterm* .« the ' * CIFTS' Of D'H f!(TtOn Editor Jennings Bird, Same Tenn, senior, and '■ "fie Manager Don Stover, Springs senior ,v,'b are very cap«b!e cmhusiaatic beiper*. A!- AUrr« To llr. J. It. miinii.1 Ctt- iiul-lfin 222 Abbott Rd. 5 ^af^«CTA-|V Phone ED 2-6892 cant produce the br»k Lansing 915.919 rri><4'« IM, J Ar*d invite prospective rUOKI 3.9231 f ,rrI ' dr:>P 'U ^•iHtent in at the Wolve- S*»rvW-* Section Four ^frn's IM Building Sports Preview* I nmalched Farilitic* Coaches Speak t'ampua Showpiece Intramural* She Pate 2 * t» PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS WELCOME EDITION EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—Mfl.VDAV. SEPTEMBER 21. 1959 "VOL. ••>!■ No. 6' lUFFY TESTS DOUBLE WING-T IN OPENER |7n>lSL!*B Varied Program Hero's Ihe 195* Spartan Gridders Semi-Platoon Athletics for All By BIGGIE Ml VN System Readv a »' \ STt'DENT at Michigan State von are automatic* When huff' Ihtiiyhertxfmttliall -quad open.s Saturday extended a" invitation to become a part of the feeling Hyaitt-t liNa A A M, trained eve- will watch for siynn tr i tradition that make* up what in known a* the "Spar- of a return to yridiron vlor' . f , n Spirit." This is a Jong spirit of unity and group barking stood squarely behind the teams effort on After a hmuilialimr 1 h-ta-«.M ithe team'- n.r»-l Hi' ... I«i renttnl left it in the conference ba.-ementi. Ilsuiirheily's Held. We are thoroughly committed to excellence in cl aiye.s bate adopted an offensive ,->>tem unique to Co!, l .' • •* • itevrx in/ <: i>er> will pro¬ , of college life and fi'O.n • • * , ear dnii-. vide plea-ant memories in the da v. after graduation. .Michigan State ha- com¬ pleted several new facilities for the use of the student ImmIv. Intramural buildings "Ktc.CHt •• MINN for men and for women have Walker, left guard; and Fred Arhana>. left end. The two been completed. These buildings feature three HERE THEY ARE. thr 1959 Hi I ion nf Ihe Spartan font- hall team. This is Ihe *av they'll he lined up on the offen wingback*. in the hackfield are Gary Itallman (extreme r.minv p'»> intramural programs in the country. The new site formation in the new "itnuhle-winit" formation. I'ir- Dean l.ook and fullback Hlanche Martin round out the i cT course is now in it- -econd year of use and is liirrtt akine Ihe line (l-r| are: Date Northerns*, right eml e!ampi<»n-hip calilier. A new batterx of bo all-weather Calmer I'yle. right tackle; Ed Mrl.ura*. left tackle; I'npt. hackfield. r'iuf tennis courts are now available, .lenison gym and Don Mrighl, right guard: John Wilk*. center; Mirkn - :. .1 t>u-e a- well as the ice arena are ai.-«> at the disposal students. i *':! THE e ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT i- interested in ever b;in I9.».» Fcal lb* Ki'iH'iiit'il? • . !»• • participating in some phase of «pnrt* activity. In- - , n is offered to the beginner. Intramural activity is crammed for all individuals aud organizations who ar- vrested in organized activity. The opportunity to corn on a varsity team is offered to tho-e who wi.-h to plax Duffy's Set for Climb Up Big 10 «» i.tn *n»r%ni» *,! »f «h.. . ;<> : by • - an«l all our guard- and full- Ladder higher skill level. ;»ri• - links at Mime lime during the "Injurir* to ket pla vers like nea-on hurt our rltanee*. f!e philosophy of this school is to develop a well-round- ftlanrhe Vlartin. \rt Johnson v '. an unu-ually -lean 'i individual. The student's education involves more than •; ft • fna* araviM*.: -n •. Your physical needs are as important in oMim study "We 1'roudlv I'resenl • . - mental development. Your body, like a racing car, i... i •-» v • •• -.»unri ■ : ... Wg'l*-' up. rven on . : well-tuned and in good condition in order to jwr- muLt necrv-ariw m efficiently. . .it.'' fl"V« '! 1'e athletic department would like to invde ou to get j'r-.Mai-:. -warnings of a HMItTAN M'lltlT. the • o the spirit of our fall sports program On Sept. "JI. '.-•vt-.-inji-off f •• l».>9 trukled in- lallxlng agency nf Mudent spa per olumr.>. but I* due for a face¬ r >partan fans will assemble to meet the football team (■ox ernment. the ni'»v*. cvnicul f»f t;.« the stadium. We expect this year - squad to be one of • v "Bill I'll guarantee »ne lions lifting- fall term. Hut a financial • ;•<• \croff vm- "l.vrrxbodx who plax* •• r»o-t interesting teams to take the field in -everai . • ; s mat Duffy Daugherty y lie add- tor this jrar xxill hr in pinch hints the changes mav he for less activity in the profes¬ us »" We a-k your support. • i empire was on the shape." entertainment line. To will have the privilege of watching i collapse sional A •. this fall, you \*«jk ■ fi .• • *»», and not too grare. nut the inside dope mi -Mending Itisr 1". I< t A and N't A A cross country ■ find A.-.* the fact made known, ' •impious in action. You can enjoy the soccer team which ; *>party's plans, see "Big Name an undefeated string lusting over tie pa-t three |»ep Rallies? ho kolljV on page This fall the long elimh up 37 "nr- the Rig la ladder begin* again. ubie- • r A»- are a member of the Dig I«» Conference. If you can- Once hffnre In bis tenure a* r « «-r.• • ' * a member of one of our teams, we invite you to spartan iMaister. We promise you one of the most ex- lie >|SF bead roach ha* Dougherty had to start from the lower end n.Hihing multiple offense {ii«o •ntx'uie 'A.ng an ' I -Sporlstulk nf the Mnlrrn ioaftreoro h otback format! here at Michigan .Slate. Prognost ica Cum '>r.g sports season* ever, minding* The Msr com-, cliim* 'ha' Tha*. wa? I95*i Duffy had Spartan adaptation of coaching rein* j USU Gridders Face : • taken the n:g" double-wing T p..tba!} The fonn.ntion i< a bo .<■ in <>»"»•.*.•( c WAA HACK THERE in 19»4. the Spartan gridders J931.. came around, everything ingredient «»f the ('.'ho. ago-1 ard- fim-iied a liieadtruud awtaon by winning onlv three games Toughest Foes in '59 ran State's J 959 football schedule, says head coach went lu; kiefg Spartans ' wrong t,re i-ii.i narrow victories Trtwn the team The new coach after another jiial '. offensive otto., Relaxation of the limited •titiition rule • liberal tw of *.•»>'*<..<_!*.vt - on de¬ a.i <-». > • while losing fix. That xear happened to be t\fir-t a- head coach Alter setting coii>ecutive-ganieH-vxcm-rec..nl-. going '» Duffv (tougher- ' tbe hopelesslv outdat¬ fense. say Daugln-rt.r. wh-» ...••• the Ro-e lloxx I and being hailed a- nation*! « hampion* dm Itoughertv, arrays the Spartans against the toughest (it . . ed Northwestern Wildcats and plans to astern**'- uu.'on-- •. in/ the earlx |i'the Spaltaii* fell flat on their face ttt -pponenu in the school's history. Indiana Ho* >ifrs kept tfie 5»par- Dean I-i W ' 7>t opener Texas tar." chi* of the basement «»< - on offen c I' ■ Uv, Nhortb- 'itc -I'uron < n«Ui ,i ik*vi captain w.i- nan »-I Nut re , The .Spartan* h-" A'l-A.:.- cupaixy that year 1953 was dif¬ 'a* the iiumod ounqucC |b- xxa- a ' • • feature uar if iDack candidate I»,f ... unni-r or a coach J -e J>. pilot ih I |'.•*»*» -qii.i-' named I link' Nxrtrom (who, in- . ferent. Mr'uteiej who ranked Kultat u h. ik - 11. Lsxt see* hi Michigan State's first undis¬ Ihr pew rule prrnoi* *ne etl'K'kx . P'» xerful guard ti e Irish x**u *iX while losing ciilenlui.' i- now mi Hs-'i-tant i o.tcii for the .spartan*!. (AtionaUy In total of- puted Big 10 ehampionship fol- suh*litatimi tor pu> whhli il four The key to their rfattoaal l.jwesi by a thrilling 17-14 vic¬ lo call plats 111 C KA I'l I.I.ED no ptinche- a* he accepted the Ittinnr. mi year. The A*«ies ere loxxs Ibuihcrti rating will be quanerbark tory ..ver L'CLA in the closing DUFFY . when nrrcssarx Were letting the -.enior- off now. but were picking tip from the bench Gooigf l/o, who lo»ed for rune l*» MNBBCU roVTBAU. touchdowns last year. Four Big 10 opponent* fo!- seconds brought of the jovial the Bo*e Bowl Irishman DAUGHERTY He plans to leave play-r illio; to the •luarterturks rvept He h crew and b> worklllg together, we'll keep th« hoat "Coach of the Year" acclaim. rases where he has inform it ton in-' \ * • reach the coa.-t." '•*« UK (Ml ■epl 26 k»w: Indiana, Oct. 24, Ohio State. Oct. 3!: Ihirdue, Nov. *, The wire service poll was strict¬ they don't have on the firl I ] i i!e>:i'iafion xxa* obvinuk. and the next seaaoti.. Growth Ori. 3 . Spartan SlailiumV iA> • (Af OH. !• and Northwestern, Nov. 14. ly no-contest. Tbi* all luiMbl to a dent- . tto ughti U i • n t an. < .»r: - the >| i'an- -mleil into the Rose Howl, although not < t »• sopn-:. •• • X^r* IIMI# (H) Ori. 17 The llorwicr* entered a griJ-* uob trail un of Neotoo* Law la pleasure back field uvt i vcop r.i Hiaii C-NW i i; ec t».,d pcebicictl the SpttrDUH to finiah an high a- «Mu»* (If, r*» HU4e )A) Ort. OH. tl 31 Iron renaissance la.^t Coac i Phd Dickens, fall under compiUng reserve, la oae aeuaaa a baa of Maableat bars waa toa* Accompuniefl Grid Prowess counting on ••• ftiisstng or :'i- t apt. • « a ■ *ii' '.<• .e* i • tliird in the Dig I" that -ne*on. Uet -ea-on, with Duff) itoughertv in hit fifth >cat*, IML 1 IHI Jtoe. 1 a 5-3-1 record. They mould oe WtbwMieru (N» Bee. II as stron* this year formed tola oae of < Spartan Stadium, home of th« Micbiirau Slate With Pa :»«*«, 'Boo. Suci. (t-rl: 'l»« - wa more lii.-a-trou* than in **»4, a a the final record allowed Misiej .NKM. (A) Nov. 99 OUs Mate's Nm4i Him h Since 1955. *rt:h the excep¬ .nquad. wok enlarirml in PA*»7 to aant 7G.00II pcraons, makin/ ry> Charon. Huda . 'Jotmi Sh.irp, ffcli three win*, fixe lessen and one tie. HpKtH tm IkM Ma irwaM tion of last season, a Duffy- it the third larirent xtadium in th« Bin 10. Only Michiirau Ryan. (Ron) HaUJ.-er. (Doai ANDTHKR NEW CAPTAIN was chosen at the banquet ittI Ina liars fc# nan la OfW" in Stadium ami Ohio Stadium have ffreaier aeatinir capacities. m:M w,lh th. btlp of a coached team was a winning Stewart and (tatroy) Loudrr- after last season, and it wax a stocky, powerful guard 1931. tot Mm lartoiN vUl to ;•<— •) aliod mulUpla otfciuc. team, always near the top In The enlargement in 1957 was waa of- irulk In tfiere. we should po*-e named Don Wright. N.vatrom worked hi* heart out, driving > j Coach Bump BUiott an- .ingaB-T Oct. I wban Purdue is rated a Big 10 title the Big 10 and nationally, as well. .*»• Ihe latest In a series of struction project« over con¬ the rwid. BOM IS a breakaway threat to our op¬ ponents." he says himself with a fanatic will to win. 1 think Wright will do I' I favorite in many circlet, and the same. vtrntjr af hoata the with 23 returnees from last Looking bock on 1958 with years which raised the capacity sealing The Spartan ccsch v/a- n- •«««, „ Aan Arbor. Laat years 0-1-2 teem, they deserve a'l its disastrous results, the from an original 14,000 vents luctant to single out plajtox Not a a|Htr(.4wriler in the country baa been l»old enough fi £•""" th» V of M-MBU - 0 a 11.11 tia. game the odds. Northwestern'! ■ Ara purwrghiari is optimistic a* the leading question 1950 be another "We're is thD: l»55'"• ready to climb back "Cart* »>ack in 1923 The gargan'uan growth of the stadium parallel the rise of Spartan teams to Another roust ruction added 9,000 soau in 1956 anil project who might rate ptwt-season n - eugnitton oeforc the present »«;«- ton gets underway to predict great things for the Spartans, only that lie fighting to get out of the cellar of the Dig 10. they'll u ih 1 «•» Wildcats have their greatest the Udder.*' say D-ugherty, national grid prominence brought capacity to 60.000. T»**n 'But, if you ba»e it on p» t The circumstances art* almost identical to those at the ut> In 1057, upper decks were add¬ ato la Imm* depth in many Tnc sea*on finale ^t Miami "but just how far we climb de¬ ed to the east and west stands performance, then I'd have '.i beginning of I9.VY An unending will to win. and a deter¬ I"' Ort 10. Caaft r«M The flrto stadluiu •« erect¬ valpTiU pit* the Spartans against a Hur¬ pend* on a number of thing*/* suffered more graduation ed la 1913. with the liaea ra. to bring capacity to 76,000, and say that Blanche Martin. Don Wright have Dean what mined -quad of Spartz^ led by a fighting captain coukl pos¬ "We lojok and sibly send MSG on the trail westward. -b _ ricane team that posted a poor the facility was renamed Spar¬ kW gtorwe Ma losses in 1957 thin most persons pesDj. |a IMS osb sere add- it lakes." 2-8 record last year and will do eapaeit* le tan Stadium. Mf ' - *" well to break even in 1939. realized We kwt 21 Icttermen, -V • S,r. 4. r««« M MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Rtflnnhrr <1, Officials fir IAN MIITARD Encourage Student Use of Dream Plant An intramural program scheduling int^r-living unit team •♦tin: phiiosophv we wish to stres.-," savs tlerrfc, 1 hi- building with all its facilities i- for the stu¬ that'S km.iii. MEN! Whether \< V »■ a mu-rle-lMiuiot play in t»;iI;. basketball aim' softball ami Individmd com- is that i!ifsti in otlmr -kill -pert- was already in operation, but dent-. Student fees paid for it, and now we want them physical cultnrist, a sophi>ti ated «ijua.-k • n* h i-:.i-?. a t<".- hjooded, all-American -unliath« r m a v go •• • i»ao- lacked fitie- to -?ii* the interest of most students. to take advantage of it." (Maintenance, according to Munn. tuititoii. haskctbail. voMevbail or f ai • . *.\i,»*»> j I « >11 \\ TOOK STEPS to remedy this in 1057 when vfil! 'cost sTT.uuu annually and will be financed through find MS I '* .Mm'- Intramural building u ' win.! Ma- doctor former ♦ennis coach Harris Crank Herman was hired as athU'tic department gate receipts.! ordered. ehief pharmaei-f mm ig full-time basis. His official designa¬ "uur outdoor Olvmpic-size pool lias been called 'the fin¬ Tile doctor, ill this < ;• > i- Pt ' • -.?•*•:« . • "Hiv " Muuu. tion wa» "chairman of intramural athletics." Iteeman and est in the nation.' 'the finest in the world* and it is a top lieutenant, Hoh Cowans, set up office in the lobby student pool. Some students find i! hard to helieve. 'V-u n! • i- director of atldetics. and hi- }"•• notion i- an !•■' ia-"i .b-ni-on t >\ in11;<-inrn and concentrated on improving !M mean WE can swim here?' we'll often hear them sa\. I hi* ' w ith u-- • program that provide- e\ •. Spartan • • I• •» -ehedulinr. increasing student participation and expanding i*n't surprising. Where else can you find thi- type of pool equalled facilities for Individual and ten."-. ;...rtiiup. tioli. the program's facilities. for general student use?" Since the opening of the Men'- IM o n <:n „■ ;.i-t .1; n no . In the meantime. .Murin had conceived the general blue- Even though IM facilities attract national and interna- J i >i lilt IVjntMlltM. OHM I. ^ 1 JSM Is III llo- c « ■ y Mct'affrer adjusts the lMilklir.ul * H in the Mrn\ l>l Irnlmir from his adjoining control room. hr.iH I Merman <011 tele- I he moveable hulklie.id divides phone) 4nd hi- 4uls|.inh, Hoh tomans 1 view in* weekh re-er- . >7^1 the pool separate sections, v at Ion -heel 1 timl Hon. tierrir, ' ^^■0 swimmers HV rv praftire wHhoiit interference. pi.in future schedule*. JhadPP athletic department official* haven't ha" plete cooperation of President• John A. Hannah and the by the IM oft ice every week. -Here, t<»o, a problem arose perlntives to describe the Sp.i 1!..:s -1r*.1 * Hoard of Agriculture and then Watched the building con. over individual versus team practice, n>o, ha\e done mmTi oohinv and aioi-■ rue! 141»1 take fdnee. The la*? phase started in 1057 and *\VK \\ \\T HI MAKE SI HE that the ftrflou who ha- ktlldellt- fee -filialiced structure 4 "iiip'«- »•! it tin- •l.iiiiiarv. The outdoor jiool opened come t" ■ lioot ii.l-kets |»\ him.-ejf yets hi- chalice." The building itself deserve- .< tm explain Ihcfn.in To make utn. team prat th e reserv at ions heaped upon it'. A- 111tran10r.il n* ■ have .i hour limitation and ,-oitie courts are -«■' aside ipiestioii a functional "tiling ..t i.e.oi for Jliu.v idu.ti pra< t ice. ( AIM I i: ((IMMKNTS outdoor pool drew internal am., no i, • • "Ve-i io.fi ' have to in* it \ .1-1' athlete," i'eoijmls i»oe- • \|cn's Intramural building i* most recent showpiece I'.fii-American swimming t»■%»»•»* > sit> at i '• a.' •• '"•* eiiviith- toi HPi ainui a< team cotnpeti. Hie Men's liitiamnrtd 'auUIn • lion W.' •1 r\«• :u'-*r» - • \ .mcd'recreational ottering dependent on student in¬ \ud the man behunl the phdo.-opfp v-.i ; let est Munn. I'itA - ic.d t it ne in- • 'i.I lit' a puihlilig aiolig with i einiis 1 oh ch i f u.i etio-en to head a nation.o : i.-, >if 'iir- 1 i>ai h I- etui ley I ••llllis. Soccer subject IP t.'i I he group Ho.o ti f»en ValiAlsfytie, >W'in»- trends through stmh mc tt 111 tn .fi ! h-. in« '. H" ollt h of todai 's I nited Stati-- w,.- M *'a me. diirim the tir-' v n u 0 • 1 i rt'4. l-encmg « oach Charles meliii»er> «»f the phv*iral edllcatpul • »ate»l that t.17'1 hour- i|uahf\ of tronfii r ihn - Hn the «onti;,> ■:it 1 disco\ercal that the average Noting nu.u «>; • is in praitM.- l.'>o - «. h. > • I ill-collie a r«'a I its . |!ut what of the . Age was alarmuii l\ "soft." "all and paddle 'i and <•< ■ ■ While the uatioind pre-.- Con i 1,1 e c. tent.-. acci»rdii)g t• • tterrie, oip. .t sp»»r! urifariiiM.t!- io si . istinmittee - campaign t'.ugheu He- A- - a.lll tlol he .diowed t• 1 uiterft'le UOMEN'S IM I \( II llll a ally, Munn laid plan- to can \ '11.-4.1' ti.vtn, t»» 11 the AI» n - J,\f pi lilt tof the I \| bUlldim.'. * 14 4 f • 4 i let real offering h liec Nig hi. ever I 1 a;. '1 plant tiiiouvh adiuimstration «t-.4»n>. 4 liedille 14*r ctn.irts is ; orilig cotsl date- and -> r»* Tilt MIVlNti I'l %i»ti*M •< ntlSK \| MINI SS |t tiesl'll M-I4MII-.U to lit. .( <4)4,411 I % I \|t|l t SIHIHI K I'UUM i iMiiph t the Men's |M BHidtHir p"«< 4,1111 with nii-drvint spctimi. llevrliipris .»* the* e\erri*r ot the luii v, imiin .>t thr i llntiiMlet dtippint in the attpnionc liMkei litems which ate (U multi-level *prln*hojrdi. P"4 kept sent.-.an invitinc rlwiieiqh >• plural huildlns. The uppaituv is loi inu ta -uohm u-r clean wHH the help «»t shoe anil slihwrr tratfie rule*. the huh rfivim Jhth«-M-t«. 1 ,, I • Si., 1--, tilk ^ k ". ■ e <^'4' " .s • ■ —^ - Hit. MpIcS IN'TKAMt'li\L Imililiii* a< erii lru»i Ihe uulsolr-- »e .Men's IM nuldiwr jmniI one of the pie»r«" wn live MM campus. was « yt|ilir men and reed vtadrsu alike. a t • » ' MICHIGAN STATE NEWS September SI. lift* Sec. 4. Fage 31 Favored to Ropciit Sophs Strengthen Squad Harriers Defend Triple Championship ThincEad Balance Boosts Big from 10 Hopes the eraaa ennntry team. Cross country coach Fran Dr labeled "v«ry atrong replace¬ Better balance should mean ment. Newman waa me of the - n mpetitjon and runner-up hi atandnnt aaphomarey laat spring. Tuny Knllk. wMI ran Hi Ike trich nark, good reason to «*» she Big 10 meet. ment." are Jem FHefc and Boh brighter days for MSU's track Another gridder. Junior Ja¬ RN. Jem FHeh, a mphainara optimistic about team prospect* Three other retamiac senior*. Bond. Bond waa an nnknawn team, says Coach Fran Dittrieh. "A better spread of talent son Harness, will enter brojd with promise, and Hnrtar Max this fall. 'Last war the Spa - Bob l-ake. Jim Haran and Tony a year ato. Today DHtrtrh rate* tVelaengraher will ha available tans won the Big 10. k*4A ant smith, are ready to leave MSC him highly. than we had last year should jump, high jump and hurdles - make us able to give a better events. U eligilile. Mike Oehard, in the Ml and FHeh will danblt NCAA championships, and six in a hlaie of glory. Other hold- in the Mt. of Dittrich's seven starters arc over * la iter* are junior* Bill •Bond kepi on Improving all account of ourselves." Ditt rich a sophomore, will specialize in year long." the cross country told a State News interviewer. the high Jump. In the 100 and 200-yard returning Reynold, and George Tain. mentor said. Graduation's toll was lighter In broad jump competition sprints Wcisengruber and juntor Only Dave Lean, who <•.>■>- A trio of senior letterincn, "With the sophomore strength than in past years, even though we have, even though we'll lose Dave Lean, the Big 10's champ¬ i AISI I F COMMENTS our senior starters, we'll have ion. and Crawford "Fordcly" CAPSITE COMMENTS • MSI eras* country took the triple-crown la*t fail the speed to carry over into fu¬ Kennedy, the outdoor two-mile • Track fortune* are on (he upswing at MSC, • Dittrieh has material to continue winning ways ture seasons. 1 expect that we champion, were lost for 19110. Coach Dil t rich will have a very excellent sea¬ Others not returning are Don • Sophomore standouts pre** veteran* and point to fu¬ son.'' Marsh, Bob Hughes and Bo'j • Key In new- neaaon i* greater team Halaitce ture succes* The harriers run Saturd.iv Elliott. • Sophomore talent gives coach material with which to mornings and may be observed maneuver laincd the team : -• • cu. v J .k MoCue. Jim Carr and Jack from the Forest Akers G*»lf From the Urge sophomore lost tnt'uu sl'.tdU 0 ».'• : . will try to gain the Course club house. The Spa> crop, two foothull players. Dave Leading ' r tr, • d - \cn: i position. They will have tans, as in past years, will play .Handera and Dkk leak, have Dittrieh will enter junior Frank John Sharp will work with ♦ his fnl: wi!' ».• rapt. K : *■ *«:•<.«** the performances of host to the NCAA meet in la'e been nominated to help Al New¬ Mehlwald and sophomores Ho¬ Zacij Ford and Still. Kennedy. u innv t-w r; • v-.- ' '.all r'ol sophomores, how- November. man In the weights depart- ward Still and Solomon "Son¬ Dittrieh expects C'apt Bob du»: title. WAA .«• • L4\ vwt. warns i*o.-»ch Dittrieh. ny" Akpnta. Mehtwald will also laike to again lead the half- T-(tc may be a couple of. receive the coach's nod in low mile entry. Lake is a miler, >«v * uc1 • disappointed seniors." because Ed Gray don. Tryont Invitation hurdles. Mike Kleinhims. a Jun¬ ior. wilt join him if he isn't pole also, a? are Atterbcrry. senior Jack Cro.wcll, Junior Bill Rey¬ * . *.»!! Ward and Gerald Young Track ami crosn country conch Fran Hittrieh piicoitrtw* vaulting. Other pole vsmltors nold, ami freshmen Fitch. Ed Graydon, Gerald Young. Clay¬ »-&.*• r;, - f.'ur-mile time trvouts any freshmen interested in running in eitltcr sport to visit will be senior Lee Ekstrom. ton Ward and Rob Bond. Trim Stale • II» Del. .'I sor.ug .n W, man 22 min¬ him for a talk. sophomore Gerald Deilenau and 4Yi*eon*in t A * Del. II ute- \ al m the AAU novice Mohhvald. Senior Jim floran will he "We'll lie jrlatl to see, talk to and issue equipment to any¬ Used exclusively in the tw >- Notre Dame >|| No* : ti : : finished seeond, In the 44* and IN senior* Rig |0 Meet 1 No*. 13 W.i ...c ..;id Young fifth." one who believes he has a chance to make our teams." says Millie A Iter berry. Brian C'aatle mile and will be joined by It l\ Heel No* |« Dittrieh. He and Ass't Coach Jim Gibbert will conduct time and Jim C'anr will lead the Crowell, Reynolds. Ward, Young The other two nirniher* of thr and Graydon. FOaPDY KENNEDY MSI* delegatioa. A aether aaainr Nt %\ Meet ,11, No*. 12 *»phomorr mm inlet Ih.t Bltlricli trials for cross country a> >oon as school starts this fall. . , . captain* harrier* . WELCOME • • • FROSH to MSU.. next the four years of your life will be your most enjoyable and memorable Brut wiihfR from all the Frandor MerrhanU . . , Mirhit*n Stale L'nivemit* «inr choice I.oU of lack in FRAHDOR SHOPPIRG CERTER NERCHRRTS »m a vm . . • FIRM thr vrari ahrad. riKM l.aMode *h*r 1 Y«MtrialH| ( niton *h«p I inn f anori sh*f 1 Hollrrt* Hardware t h*m Me %n *hor» Drue ( «n»|Mn» Shopping Center your 1 I unnlngham • > Drnnh fi Da>. D l» " Dahm Barber Shop 1 MiriMt Yarn *Hop Mieh» Flash ( leaner* RAH shoes stop in soon! • > Dr. W. Mine t«*> > Kiker s Cleaners » Fashale P.\ store • seo *N sase Fahrie » Frandor Auto Holi » Dr. Harold Shooter • Frandor Beauty Shop • sinter seoMUT Marhine ( » General Fleetrlc ( redit > > fir. Lanv sp. Toller a fir. Lan*. Employment Vet* > • • * lender form I It ore sparun 1 eeon I mttneer* f orprt I o. studn. I Shop uisrfv . ... Shop F R R H 0 0 R J Green'* Apparel ! Sept. 26 TEXAS'AftM Nov. 7 PURDUE » ► I hompson * Jewelry > firianell Brother* > Haney'a Ktddieland o tie Rak > » Harry ma o » Shoe* The Hohhy Huh • • top Yaloe RrOe. trod* s Cntr. J*Ocl. .? MICHIGAN - Nov. It. NORTHWESTERN I » > HaMen-ReM ( orp Mamair Food shop Co. I'Ort. 10 IOWA *Nov. 20 MIAMI ' • sears-Roeboek A I o. > > JaMn'a Shoe Repair Howard Johnson a Rr*i o o I oiled shirt Hslvrriar seroire Dsatrtkotors- CO. | Ort. 17 NOTRE DAME o o o. R. Kinney Rife hen*. I or Shoes o • | H Wool worth to It rule* s supermarket j Ort. 24 INDIANA'(Homecoming) • ft. R. Kreace tampan* O A tetter s (harrssl House I-Oct. 31 OillO STATE *gamri» rmrv • Kroger Company i Clip-out this football schedule and keep it handy FREE Parking for over o,000 ears i*. 4. h|« 32 MICHIGAN STATE NE1YS virtuniMT si. its# Enter Fourtli Year Unbeaten 19.V) Hockey Rtmrnvmp k G Hooters Set to Extend Streak By TARRY CilHTIN the Midwest and several strong straight years every year it Any gut's.sc-, about who the Eastern teams. The Midwestern was eligible. * most successful coach is at Soccer Coaches Association has Why the -ucl-os? of xocccr at Michigan State today? voted MSU the No. I soccer Michigan Slab" )a It's Gene. Kenney. team in the Midwest *for thr.»o "We have the largest colony »3 of foreign ■dtniois "I any uni¬ c Never heard of him? Mr coaches MSlTs varsity soc¬ versity in the nation," is Ken- cer team—which has never lost ney's an.swci "book at out a same. team. Most of the players arc Tic Spartan hooters have an Americans no-v. but nearly .ill - ■ u«'. Since the sport of them have foreign back¬ grounds " .'St LK COMMENTS Soccer team's mucpcm*. in 19.-,9 SO< < I It due la rifely to foreign sniiDt 11: aid. Indiana Tech SO punitive action taat fall. According to Resolution 12. Section T heir opponents have not Art Southan and Ray Burden, rickson will be available fnrr KRIC'H scratch. Of the 15 top men on He-(v'• unis - ; returnee atudent* are directed to report to Dean of Students Tom King been pushovers. MSU has play¬ co-founder of the varsity team, the season opener on. but Real ed the most powerful teams oncs top Spar¬ Terrs M'-rone B- N »rma ' en thejr witneaa raae* of "excessive petting" on the river banks. , . . . . Turcotte. Glen Mickelson and grounds. respectively. Former tan team. 10 have graduated Bob Anr-'r-mg and M< "Red fhristofforson form the n.i- Claude Fornell, all highly re. Ail-American hooter Angetos "We'll be thin," says Coacn eleas of i u 1959*60 m?uad An¬ garded for their scoring a - •. Pilitais is from Italy. Bessone, "especially in our fir-t ■won't be ready until win'e- Leo Vander Horst, AU-Amer- eight games. S t uf these arc dre U" -1' . Jack Ro..e!t< a'. i term. ican defenseman. has a Dutch on the rmtd When four of t> it Ton. Mu-' -men, the number Oade's Predicts The Score background Others have come promising sophomores become from Sweden. Ijthuania. Ghana. eligible at the start of winter Squad Balance Factor Germany. Jamaica — and even term, we'd havr a strongs i Afghanistan. bench Until then, we'll be short- Burdett. Southan and many handed " To Strengthen Gyninasb The man on 'he mwj: jcm**'- Drop in mid Oadr's i imiIImII i'rrdirlion Board. Every others who made soccer popular * on the MSU campus, hive grad¬ Mbility-wKe i- n"\v ^miie Eld >'■ week (luring (he football -ravin. Oade attempt* to predict uated. VanSpybrook. He must fbi the the outromc of varlou* (ami*. But Kenney is not dismayed, H.irriny a repetition of the ineligibility wave that aha*. New stars, such as Erich Stred- CAPSULE COMMENTS And when your Aftfr-lhr-eamr parly -tart- In run dry, er. Berrne CV/.k and Cecil Her¬ tered 1 !«*»!•'s jryntnaetic.* entry the MSU I960 team shuiM . • Coach Ifowont** team and the fnod i* running low. remember Oadt'n rarrien a on, have replaced the old have greater depth and mee»t with letter success, g*vi was national runner-up rnmplrte lint of heieraue- and party fixin'a. "Our forward line is stronger Coach (ieorpe JSzypula. than ever before." Kenney said, laM -ea-on free exercise ppeeialht Dick vfi, :n of Srv*puia's "although we lost most of out • Graduation losses were Becker, tumbling and trampn- g> na-'-< -a ere k».-: through WE CARRT A COMPLETE UNE OF: defensive star-. It's predict how a season will go. hard to •heavy. Hut soph* will cla--rr- lai'ure- including line artist Turn strung all-aruund Capt. Temple tnd Angel* and we can't stay unbeaten for¬ help henrh the Ted Mus/vcko. Cal Testa. BEVERAGES ever, but this should be a pretty • VanSpv hrnak and Gtrard. *fe top 1959 performcr, good year." W her ley to duel for and Mike U ieo were the on)v The top pointmaker i MEATS Despite the fact that most goalie1 position gcaduatior •«*.<-< this he Stan Tarshis, a stando,;' # home, games are held at 9 am thou. s-o prosptWo a.e look¬ POODS on Saturdays when students ing up parallel bars and rings eonr*- Shoes of A','-American grad.:- td.yn. Hal Shorr, a junior. « a AND PARTY FIXIN'S would rather sleep, the sport * ate J »e Sclinger witiwi* the S.-vs hcr.es re-- upon * good all-around man who snou t becoming popular with the stu¬ *ophan*.re q.i.i; , the help in the points column benetit of game experience dent body beoau.se of MSU's re¬ o-.a.-ri contend*. : only r\- cord and because After he become* eligible. Tratnpolinist Chuck Thoe-- soccer is a kv#M-.ence " ' --'f be-" son and John Daniel.*, ■* Oade's Grocery fast, exciting bodv-eontaet sp»v *oph»m»re Jim 3Vhertry pr«- Steve Johnson eatis t e group As Kenney says, the winning mivev to battle Vansp* brook for the tram pod ne. sixvializcs in tumbling and free iti fr»-e rxerci-e the goaltending dutle< tloMine exnviae. will lead there atreak can't last forever But ana tumbUn- en trie* T?w "Um three years without defeat have rate* the two on a par now. three, lian. Brow v.. J;- Dnr- trie*. Sandy Horn, a tran«fe» though Wherley may have from Navy Pier, is counted •* estabhahed the sport as an im¬ even k.-e and l^rty Ba*r.«'e v*;'n to handle the still ring*. 2M E. KALAMAZOO PNOHE: ED portant varsity activity, a un¬ ique example of a "miner a slight edge in experience. Other graduated seniors who sv-.TAiia aroui I a* perff-rmeck out.- ta n ding »d- S/vpula labels the side h«r«# n« the team's greatest weakne-v aport' aucceeding side by side mu*t b# replace^ are top scor¬ er* Jiv I'olano h: .i Dick. Hamil¬ Returning |r«m the role uf but, looks for the added dfp'.i with king football at a Big 10 ton. veteran defenscmen Butch the *rh»la*tM-allv ineligible are to conpensatc for this. university. "HOWDY" KMGSTONTMO Do ytw like to juat anoop when you romp in a a Imp — and CIVIC CCMTER not h« bothered nor hovrrril over by rlerlc*? If I know WED., 0(1.14-8:00 p.m. »o, you'll like our atudiril raaualnraa in an Early Amrrirau atyln of nhowing our rxrluaivr line of fine attire for mm and womrn. TICKETS M SALE NOW AT: CAMPUS MUSIC SHOP 2 217 K. (.RAM) KIVKIt Vou'rr alwaxa wrlrontr to PMC'S MUSIC SIMP f'$*>■ -fi yd- - -x anoop, and frrl frrr to aneak a 221 S. WASHINGTON piece of randy from Ihr llarrrl S2IS MAM. IT—KRAMHUt or a park of matrhra from lllr llurkrt. RAIAMMMT ■ RRMPWwOI ■ IfWUMf Wm If VRVI 10) K. MICHIGAN MVM OUTER SIX SPFICE OPEN MONDAY • )RIDAV K P.M. Tickcto $3.20, 2.6.V, 2.10. 1.33 Bill Campbell lax inrl. . For Reservation* 111, IV 2-OD21 ('.ampkcirs Suburban Sbop I U BLOCK SEATS AVAILABLE . . . ji NEW HACK HE SI RE AM) PHONE THE BLD-MOR AGENCY ik EM ICANCE I ROM CITY PARKING LOT SAY HELLO TO IV 2-0621 "CLOWE" iS Cia)o BeemeaUlhe ill the door ■■ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS September 11. 1*5* See. 4. hie 3.1 Like Father- Like Sun Diamond Hopes Dampened MSI' junior outfielder John Fleser is a second (fenera¬ Alleiul Noire Dame tion player for Baselmll Conch John Kolis. Fleser is the Pep Rally Pro Raids Dim Kobs' Outlook son of Don Fleser, who played for Coach Kobs in the mid- twenties. Friday, October 16 ~ Plemann. a lefthander, who was the plate with Munce and Bob ft, LTN SHEPARD at shortstop and RHI Schudlleh sidelined by injuries most of the at first are fixtures at those Moncska in reserve. Both Hen- ■\*hf ta ukft. 4wl to Hit— 1959 season. If Piemann eomcs positions. dec and Cartwright in the out¬ It the pre Mito Hit get bark strong, he rould he one of Jerry I*umian.«ki rates an field have had catching exper¬ Oraluttoa nut" the Big 19 sleepers. edge at second, but some pro¬ ience. if it's needed. MAC 0 them, - frwn "S«B| «f Eiki" The top righthanders are Dun moted sophomore infielders, Ron The MSU coach forecasts Sackett. MirkeysSinks and Crate Holmes a«d flnrdon Hjortass. another season with the champ¬ - fhij verse, be it ever so Van Sciever. Each of them could displace him. These three ionship decided in the last game . h»my, the plight c.f pitched often last year, although * ill get a chance at third, too. or two. He casts Minnesota as MSI' Baseball Cdech John Kobs Kobs general:v used Radatz in where Sartorius divides his the team to beat, along with he scans team prospects for ••must " Michigan, if •it's pitching comes UotM-0 4> games time Either pitcher Sinks or i960 season. Rattling Picmann for the num¬ catcher Don Munee will back through, and a stronger Iowa. Dick Radatz posted a 10-1 rc- ber one lefty spot is Bob Ross, Schudlirh at first. A balanced conference will pre¬ , „rd for Coach Kobs in 1950. an outstanding performer as a Kobs has Jim Conlin behind vent any chance of a runaway. tcrvrntage which topped ail ..•i'er Big 10 moundsmen. but ftjHatz has gone the way of all ,i seniors. The former Spar- "Since 1901 football has gained a strong foothold In thu • captain now draws a pny- athletics of the college, and the summit of the upward trend ,'tdk n the Boston Red Sox ,-.an:7atinn. was reached In 1908 and 1909 when our team defeated such Rani-hitting AI Iaiplow. whom strong rivals as Marquette. DePaul. Wabash, and DePauw, K "t- had depended on for 1900 and played a scoreless tie with the University of Michigan. ; I- .-, left the Spartans wild six ;<»Vi games to go when the The Season of '98 will long be remembered as one in which ( V iand Indians flashed a big the college team completed Its schedule without a single r.us check his way. \nd Dean Look, the ilauinr defeat " The Wolverine—-1911 Hiitflelder-aemml baseman. after refusing a profeaatonal offer in Since 19.19. the year MSU Barber Shop first opened its the neichhorhMd of U9.999 in order to play for MM' In 1959, door*. MSU'* football team has continued to gain recognition, is reportedly ready to algn away in I95t the Spartans had another undefeated year, and in his amateur atatwa after the football season. 19,53 ami 1955 the Spartans won the Rose Bowl gam*. W# at .♦•.ining these three in the Van's MSU Barber Shop feel proud of our team as wa hivi departed heroes arc sophomore. Other holdovers who .% Rl WINC. IH NT in a tense sitwatton atlm Spnrton baseball watched it grow. 1 i Russell and John Carter. could help if they show im¬ fans in this Rig 19 encounter with Purdue. All hama tunes are •. steady outfield performers played at Old i allege Field where hleaeheritea root fur the men of , provement are lefthanders Ken i campaigns past, and Jerry welcomes you to Michigan Stat# Avery and Brooks Tilley and Rsin. There's no need for outfield harriers, aa the Bud Cedar river Wendall 'Van* VanPatten K nuy. a part-time second- winds its nun course around the nutfleld. A well-hit drive Into righthanders Dei Kurcz. Pat ami to Van's MSU Barber Shop tha shop with K«rrvun. More grief came when Haircuts by 1'nivcr.sity • . • Jackman and Tom Van Siooten. the river is an automatic home run. Thia season the Rpartan* will Kemerllng, a catcher who the Mark of Progress the Shop whare your haircut can K"bs tali.1 t« » f bik.e right¬ mKs the long hall as sluggers AI l.uplow and Dean Laafc have said , , , ".nved up rapidly as the season hander*. We* Klew.cki and J. gnnd-hve. be arranged by appointment if you dour* r •crested, broke his ankle. Richard Jones, as future stand¬ \ I 'his saddened Kobs until Appointment outs who may see lots of action V(» »ow concedes his team only about spending ton much llmu wafting fog ■. outside chance*' to win the championship. laist this season. % real fight looms in the out¬ COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE Stop worrying , '.Vrenue a barber. With six barbers to serve you, it is now possible for ♦(.»• Spartans finished in a field where graduation and the ,.r llondrd Auent All Travel Conference* • ' -place tie with Indiana, srouU took their heaviest toll. you to enjoy the trimmest and quickest haircut in town. eight and losing seven. Top contenders are Pat Sartor- • AIR — If All. — STEAMSHIP — TOI'R (Itl'ISE IIOTEI, — RESORT — PASSPORTS U Juat i'irk up a 1'htme | —- CAPSI'LE COMMENTS — lop atars ha»e graduated or ha,r In-rn -.tgiied FOREIGN CARS • van's I li> Ilia League »enut* Information, Reservation*. Ticket* U Dial EI) 2-1810 I # \\eukened tram ha. "outside than,," for till, hid if pitching develops MF.MI1ER: Amrriran Snriefy of Travel Agent* i • Kalllr ro>al in night fur infirld anil mitfirlil p»«ls lleser. John llendee 1.10 V. (Irimtl River U Make Your Ow it MSU Barber Shop !:> idmg exhibition games, f f III*. John IVrwmal A|i|N>inlnirnt r- -« u.i 21-14. and \\ade I artoright, all mem- kDjfewtMMl 2JWdi7 209 MAC ED 2-1819 We have an outside ch*n< hers of la*t season s suuad. and lhni llummeil. a fleet nesrnmrr. l.a-l latti*iii|f. Michigan depends on how ft.: * j.i U Anil Sare Timn -NEXT DOOM TO OUA HOTAV +r* develop for us." T • inf.'-: J. especially second \ l»i\ isMin of t entral Michigan's Oldest and Most t amplete K • . wheri. '11u<' ; experimenting Travel Hervlee 1'rrhaps the biggest uuesliou *<>• r. pun-'- las; year, remains mark on the mnnnd staff is Don • * open t'.», ■ Dick tm-!den '60 Wolverine Old in Tradition i < illjmMM ■ 1 v New in Ideas An outstanding yearbook featuring you, the student, and your life at M. S. U. All the year's highlights portrayed in picture and word. A hook which no Spartan should he without, a hook to he treasured for years to come hy each M.S. U. student. • I ' All copies must be purchased in advance. The Wolverine will he on i sale at Registration. Simply complete card 7 in the Registration packet, I! and present with payment at the cashier's window. ■| ' Hill 4.« seniors - Sign up for. Wolverine Senior Pictures at Registration I— : : ■ ixM&i ' "' ^ «>c"|, iv «ti-, . i n, n>t-- fcrr II. lMft «<•< I I'iiir r. » "—" ;- , 12 Sport* DKcrcil i ED ER AL , Intramural Activity dept stores n Interests Coeds, Too Most up M\n\ Mrrr popular anion# coed athletic activities mv t|i«> in. Cannon gold-dust.d traniural *|tort*. MSI* coeds can participate in the women's "Salutation" spread IM program on livin# unit or independent teams, or as individuals, and have a range of 12 sports from which to CB choose. unit golf) for permanent Field hockey volleyball and Sinn of the particular living unit swimming open the tall term Full or favin lintlevv, wrinhle-tk^ Competition i< Kr.-n n>r tin- calendar. Independent. teams traveling "All-Sports Troph>." spread does wonders to your Soffit Mrt mv m.i. r.ic i lAitno compete in the field hockey room! Washes in a breeze and o*»rtt awarded each year to the living I "7-pound entry fare* «tlff rhillrnp tourney, while in volleyball and needs no ironing. Many color* . unit with the hi«>.» i total num¬ —petit ..r swimming competition is among Matching drapes . 5.91 pr. ber of points, based on partici¬ living units (dormitory and sor¬ Ui» K»rgy. Woodin ority teams) pation and rank. In the winter living units vie Any ft4 is Hieihtc to win a Full or twin Bata« of Gratis number two Menaces men in 11.« : poimder last Collins year, has been "Picnic" bedspread 91 - m >x , ,.r. •' c v ' - ">acti .••■» a* ed n» k» weight means a division- weight reshuffling ;• The r Joss beefed up to 137 for -•M '-n and ui!! displacr the coming Biaqio 8 'ho making. tluciiardo m the start- Goes with any decor! A modern • •d.. .1 hn Baum. .« •*'!. t X tiier injured mi ••- tnvon»u in a striped, textured has regained h.< • •" "f gear's team, l.erov .ut to wash, wrinkle- • n . a weave; easy h: i'\ and win tl* !•» |ihtg "• ' • • « reported l> in ton Red, green, brown . resistant as no!,- left »• m-avv • i-.i :i.-.-i again and should • weight Fergus.•'hoe- * .' ai w 'he I37 pound divi¬ Matching drapes 8 98 pr. . ■■ riot be so ea-ilv filled sion and V topho -on-. !Vt.> s, v %■ . 1 derails Jem Jarkard ami Da l.orclnit Johnson are number t »••. an- one and two men in the 147- -V ( pound rnmpetition. but will be .J -1 Pig mat, :!• g E. -i- -r wh pushed l»» sophomore Bate l k-< n.st :>rtr. itig rav- • i- James. >". . • * M» .-j i1 ' 30- er r. tin* Par-A - -» mi wrestl¬ A h v Bob Mom should •7. but f ht isn't in ,» ing competitor, letter far taking part in intra¬ The best hope of the fresh- l)i,i Wohlfert is n I. for t»ip bowling, ehamptonshb). i . Individuals in.iv enter the b.id- mural apart*. One hundred tram, firorgr llnhh* of As " P Sc ;l«NI*e< m*n points are awarded for full par¬ SALE mmtou touriianunt. and mile- • Battle ( reek, vi ill gain the 1?.1- M • oo are cxjuvted t» ticipation In each *port. tilth 200 !t>T-pound grapphn. pendent teams are invited to ■4 ,ioim basketball play points to her credit, a coed re¬ « \|bs| | f; (OMMFATS ceives an "S'..'fiir .too an "M." »t count* i John M - J t-sihng Mjuarl finished third in Hit* III ln*t vvrMlher bring* the widest and when *he ha* accumulated Famous rebuilt l'.*7-p< 'ii nd er 1.000 point*, a "I M.ke Sen/.ig \* ill variety nf both indoor and out¬ door sporting activities. Softball, ,r in-- »• »ill weaken Jie\l tear* leant and mg« n P Baum can ; Women who i-.m ^ uin ;...•••• toad, tennis, cull and s> nrhtolii/-d m fill the •;;»«» t.eorge II tilth* roislil Ik* ureal, sax* t ttat h the! M.Vrj he:.\ '• eight Sen/ig m.t> svi imming unit competition, are open to living while any cord or more honor arc ctiti'bH to ngn an scroll. These a d all oihvt TYPEWRITERS ten up .1 .'hiss IM awards arc pn «ntcil at a I'1 p VSP cat h believe* may enter the annual arrhety WAA-spomnrcd dissert hcid and fencing tournament*. pound mnior* starllUC ,loe berllf abrad of Slarchal and John "ici\ • g. ;n II t'.lw what 'St and Moser w-'l int looks from here The Women's Athletic A*>n (WAAh of which every coed is each spring term. Royolite typewriter 29M»69 Benson. s automatically member, con¬ with carrying case J o rehuil.bng year With a a Tht H"bb- . .. .r •> - i rgnrded freshman team trol* all mtrauiural *|H.rt>. Pa Out they gol Many models to -.»> - (*■•"..' • .* • • :■ , ; f Board of. Director*, besides ttie L. C. Smith, . away, Collin* is What a wondariul to itort choose ftom, including pU< e fifth .. meet last a • t N'.ih-i' »' A A1' piamung ahead a year usual elected officers, is com¬ KINGSTON TRIO 'ha school year! way Streamlined Underwood, Remington, Wood¬ * # « posed of a manager for each portable goes anywhpra with The I3b-i>"U?i i >,on ,* Fenrilry t oJlin** sjM.rt Working with a" advisor, is i oiim; stock! Some one of a kind, so hurry still D.> ,^ \j: h Coaen lightweight ease. Pico type, i niu«t fill the a que-:.oi, •• .. s the coed manager plans anil nJar. » oil during •f. i . ' ng f >r*un»-«. there * no •Qty tef margin. nf tu« number .. schedules matches for all en- three scorer*. hl.S -.pho" ... c.j : recover,-1 Beh.ni place ke home' From hu« pre¬ sent te.tp Mike Senrig. fhiane trarju in her particular sport WED OCT 14,1959 ?fti«on With the anu ma i and set* up championship play- bin i, ft. ri. i soph - W'.h'ferl, John Baum and Jerry ikrr than - , , »t J a. K.ird are graduates of I.an- of*'n S«" -wlii.il four lil t »pp*4r »o have more Bin Trophic* are awarded to first It. Matcha' KWpoiiii i sng's F.astern High School, for rfrti.iU hand to do •irart f Mn ihde \ r", Youtig Ia»roy Gma- place winners in each of the *u class ,u - ferf:w*n, both /»*! a ti Da e Monroe are Lan- IM lpoM< i volley ball, swim- ;.,P'! fb fe'i- min?. bowling, softball. tenm* t man rig Sevt..n prrxlucU. • (' ;,:n* need* .V-urc. I II Wear it in rain, snow, 'shine! Zip- out campus poplin Just right for gomg-to-cicm wear (U AI.ITV l.l'Alt.VNTKKII on those crisp mornings from now •"10 IIIM ItS: through late fall! Has fire-engine n niRt i Kiu.vv * IMIV ( I.KAMM; red furiy Orion" rip-in, cp out liner. Popular balmacan style in 'AM P.M. n sunt I I II MHO sues 8 to 18. Pick your favorite in willow green or beige. - *11 111)A* # VVOIIK I'IMS ' I M. ■ 7 P.M. WANTED! welcome mat is J he always out at ME DAY CLEANING SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE 'j FEDERALS '• ' k an oop center oi.xlrrn •rirntifk' jilanl .ml -killr.l r*|»rrt» V'" 'Ii- Iml tlraninji orriirr in to-n. If >•••■ J 'oi-h jolt," our Samr Hoi Srriir r i- aoiil- 41 no f\lra ruM-iiiil no lo— in .|iiulili. iSWffSf \ "I >.oir jtarntriil- -fl lli.il rxlrj iii'li.i'i: I JV£LCW£i. •i 'in* m-ril lo lw|i lluil "like iich" loo'.. ■ rtnuoyc' i '♦ I See. 4. Page 34 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS September 31. 19St Champion Cagers Face Rough Sea the After three basketball banner seasons, season? forces of Coach Forddy Anderson appear headed stitutos from last seasons, but less depth on the bench. "We've lost more men in past Green Green ■ >tt and Bob and Anderegg. We Bob Anderegg. Tommy Rand, our quarter¬ back guard, and a very valuable quarter- .182 This 182 This was rank second rank was good enough to second to Burton in Big 10 good enoush to Michigan* M. to Michigan's M C. totals. "Jump- C. Anderegg'a 45# tallies and 194 Andrreg* *45# J*®11**teammates average last season topped ■» teasnmasea and ranked him be¬ ™°°u.n* *• far a leveling-off period. substitute guard in Jim Stouffer. hind Julias McCoy at the aceoad "I'm not a coach crying, but We're in for a rebuilding year," all-time MSI* scorer for one aea- look at the statistics." says An¬ Green was one of the most *nn of play. Green's three-sra- derson. "Our tallest man (Lance mn scoring lotal ranked him Olson) is only C'4". We're going third on the all-time MNU list to be little boys in a big league." CAPSITE COMMENTS behind McCoy and Al Ferrari. While relinquishing the favor¬ • 1**1 year the eager* \ndrregg. with 992 point" f* ite role to the HooMcrs of w on I he Hitr 10 litle hi« three year*. Is fourth. Branch McCrackpn. Anderson with a 12-2 perform¬ promises a "good" team to Spar¬ F'»r these performances Green tan fans. Thr MSU coach's ance. Overall they nnd Anderegg were named to brand of fast-break basketball were 19-1. r» „n*I" Lance Olson t in tht.5 im- ; < , . . "We'll have an Interesting the talle*! man on the par.. dab." Anderson u)». "We'll be team.. Coach Anderson earl v M'.isiiij, but a running club more than ever says. "We'll he little u-hen" Green and Anderegg v. ere before—by Recently. Well have ;i :i; ii»l I -ft f .-.r-iU'P.'Vd to use new tactics to compensate hoys in a big league." y .-t i .* w;.< the consistent for lack of height." \RT C.OWF.NS oar LANCE snooting of guard Rand ••OR V( g ( OLSON shift* to pivot rr CAPUN. MS IT calf frontreaaer. riamtatiif Uio . . . . and Umce Olson that broke the • L»p rehg Anderson and new assistant • • . . . steady scorer . . . spectacular players ever to play attempting Ma pott. Capita ui ether varsity golfers coach Bruce Fossum will have ■n a Spartan court. Often de¬ me Johnny" with 427 points and -one : d earned 'ho victory. Stouffer. who would have lopptil tv., N)i. Bra VaaAMyne't 19S9 entry laak like the beat to fill tremendous holes for the years.* but never as many good scribed as a "human pogo stick" an 18.5 game average ranked With we've bad ta mur yean. 1959-60 campaign. This means men," laments Forddy. "We i • t on the backboards. Green led second in these departments for started on t Big 10 teams, Greet, v- i ;:n.e off the bench to contribute GI*ot» and forwirS promotion for several top sub- two great co-captains in Johnny Michigan State in rebounds with the Spartans. krr in hith cf4r a» rittnhlfd (It a IJ.J | ihr rwaifM mi#.; fin—four cimrv^ AKHk SEARS WELCOMES ALL MSU winninc trdrn «tg( overall rrcttrd nf four low , meant "fame* won" SEARS reenp thr school it. huh. rating in natinnai noils, fininhmc thir ll«tlng and arrrotl NBf STUDENTS BACK TO CAMPUS ranks. "Wc'vt i.. *v *1. some c". t 'v.. a, ■ ] j)«ft thr.'. . will sta- as succr-svf. son said Th*- AilJTATt 10-90 Designed for long school service... Green's will fall Art G-wrt • ,• - Wi y n r •, Motor Oil meets everv demand for pivot p«>«r w,, placed him , -. io,i. O Ml Cm — highest quality IkMo fraAn at «M to «w ... o#Mi totot towpwOm.. and TOWER DRAFTING SETS tdodpp npont flninhntpot engine 279 1495 JFZy w; n''-4 <■*.. ■ • 1.1 STORES MORE STARTS to AllsMe Power Rated Batteries •Cull oil* in>lrumrala hair rigirfit) and lialanrr • linr.l nichrl plalrd art in on% rational latnul i»\vr ftH •Ju.l say "Charge It" tut Sears Revolving Charge . . . sparkplu* r inaumt tb Modern design—all the lale*t features* High lest. hard nickel the back is ir »0< foes, G»»vu ; silver resists al point* lief at giMi ■i.r*art' wear of action and *tre**. All instruments ter ptis.1. Aft are perfectly balanced ... . precision crafted in \\e*t Germany. promise An;' may sutpr 1 Iluy now at Sears. 1959-60 |> t ' Moving l;'- 'r - w sition to team * tt forward : « < •' 17" Sears offers you these added conveniences- steady and tact is year as a s»' lense* • - *' * w expei-te'. ' *■,T, ' Hf 9 Still avera«t MATTERY game last o (iCAKANTKF. KUrn 1.1 — la«m .1 m M..I- i*i »M'r . . . II*. Mn Uun OpaaEvwy of Soars RtvsMog AnHerson prfkKW from 1*9" Itavr Isks tertbbiins set up i III — -I M vau aaruriMiKT -|. « f..M I MMIi. u. .UI .im. kaimw. inM. ArauUr ».—• tlckl Wl—N, IMC— Mataay-Ttaretlay FREE Chart* Asoooat.. goal for the Ill MOM. BUI NMD IM ..... The kev M>'-' *•». »wm -nK. M .a.. - .... M,u .( i. ton.., W.. Bar H* . . . aMl FrMty SImmMo Parking l> a. a Itlkllay Stortey flip Board To war Typing Papor tunes this »Ui *■ Jim Bechuu* a-l lO.taia — .am— taaB. ...al.. ....-.-a ,n<. r_ Bm'i aa Vluri;.- or lair terUeaeNpari —ISO lend Shoot* I player wlv< /*"'** -■& rrttt rar aa. i—i m,H IWIP.M. in Fraador lllllllllla to |MV Anderson. lb-.*, •HI2»/j ..... 2->< l.illl'U'aa 79c with Fahs *h»» »o*o»«o h«id*e«d. Set "•-> —' - .... — position. M — ■ n.« mo Early-can suWhtJl Ro-te. w».9se. Al S««m! see nurtir.k sct»« i prove are boldovcri Jda FREE! Regular-3.95 Harry Tur»« bsry Bill Golia. I'i * ? Save 15#J 'golden' . JUBILEE View", WITCH BARD or U'omcn'n Wa&aon and T>« * but forwards, Young A quart- t are sfi * fOBta f i create a bit mors with • foe the stand-:-. P^ W-Hh tngoir derson. JL0.RhIm Mil Main* Ttay are Art Factory rr; Overhaul I Art I FLIGHTLINER BICYCLE 'ruinaui received IHt Rrplirli (il.'i.i - M)V • -* *-rh Wn—hiV Iirh' to.dibi w LOW 9? —d AO—M< «i| The SpartAfl aifwn aril Or.. > Su" sensational M-pbocnoer the teams to bra'- and Wiacons.n. betk RR • liidHoid Irah. rarjr •StfkH, HwW.| dae new coach*, S-e *-0 how carrier VUI MMRiiTII: in Anderson * • Eray -nllii 1.71-in. What n k' whit* rilcwiB. Michigan State! Dual i'lu-lUr dr.itn for alrcogth and braoly. Mm advanced tra-point kicker ■-« who tallied 94 cm Mia* hike nf 195?—Im.. rhraow pUlrd fmdrra. kradlcUr. 1947 and I94P- aprockrK rim., chain guard. HmM dnnl hwdUghtn. Bay onw —... IW«. >' al big raving.! _ ulra poll '. Prtao* Dn Not Inflate* »Ui« Rttes lei lui tairato. An. that jr».r »nd *:■>** In Frtsta be clrartd Uh» p-1 " Ca^cr la 1M1 Kvar. eight against Marqas» * MirmOAV KTATC MWS *r*rm»rr II. lit* ft. I. hit IT kers to Tackle All Big 10 Squads; r Bif' eful |Ub AmMist Mewersen. Despite Graduation Losses swimming cna-h speaking in tien fer their eountr> do tn m> after the- SteuartV birthday 'turning "rnle varsity Uewell. in distance diver; and free¬ man, Moweraon railed t*mig slier- iIm In sprints, one of smnnther-lnnktng freestylers. lie the standing fri'-hinaii team is distH'Te member of la t vear's Dick Bmckett. froiMvter, who Mower- littri will have C'Mrh Chsrle* Mfl'alfrff's ab- fell »lici, he was participating style. will swim again wilt |>rnnv son sav« "-how - promise ,.j be¬ I«ar 11 """i S'uth Africa 1:1 the IJDH Mnvvcrson said that he ing one of the finest distance nener. mM that the team t* • Simnnsnn. an inditidu.il medley Kir PV I# » i; !„• unable to li-okmu for great things from men we've had" iMktnr forward to .1 good sra- ss artist who was sidelined by a • v,, MSU tins year •nnier Dave Digit, who swims sophomores nre Tick irhooi In • sen and hoping for better than ...»en tor hack operation last irar. Other several •1 freer Die baekstroke, btittei- Rla?ieu ski,, .-printer. l.«s. Borm- fsnrth place In the Big 10. Tin Spartans hu\c "ill whkh it held la-t vcar. aluable returning members, ;ly and individual medley Bill Singleton, a minor tn the brcaststreko. bai. miuiies. >i.s. bark stroke; Dan I'.n.vts th.- W ith Texas A & M Vfir o« n P°°,s 'oA,\.r such as Frank Moduu, .•v en Is could be among the top brcast- oiitstanding frnyh sprmter. B«b r Moweraon prcd eu that pow¬ Rt'I Jatnirson returt - in the state's ncw defending Rig to Frier in sprints and Ron (Ttge Band i senior, erhouse Michigan >>h-• v , s. CWPSn.K I1IMMKNTS frerstvte and events; llmurd l.er. uhn srt a new (rmh record in the 200- pn%«iblv nth rr I're[tares for Openerwithout ottlii not tic complete able men through gra iu.»t: .1. • Assi't Coach MowerMiit Fall and football ffatttcs Wi yuril baekstrokr. will swim hi- Al Coxon was u--ofu. m • v predicts >trimuk> be¬ apeeialtv. fiurrcrn Matt will the half-time iHTformancps of the MSU marching batul. backstroke, but »•• • i t . • . tween I of >! and In¬ help in sprints: Wayne I'arsons TP.- 13» barul ineinbers hav e event? as well. D Tl.i rrprtcii back to itrokcr lost thv •. • Tankers will swim fir^l med to 9.» members for the win¬ High hop« arc being plao i campus Sept 13 fur tvvu full Diver Tmn K « . complete season in the ter and spring concert band sea¬ Mci'affn (in Dctitu Uuppett II i'la - - ■« e. k of practice before classes coach's sen. Dav« The concert croup often modern Men's IM in- stroki and Cud Sba.o the top bti'iii son. breaststroker n , tours Michigan during spring -school at Vale. t • dtuir pmd. m.Ui m mittci ! .nvd also . do. The k'y show, which taken vacation. Performing for mili¬ tain- -wiMimc! I. u he: g.--l but brief tO-l'J minute-, of the year. Capt I> 1 1\." an • New fciar* may lie jun¬ so!ih,,|,l(,|rs ,u. Tn " Su'liv 1 a tary parades, senior swingout g «->!,* intenni siuit, 1- the result outstanding M'1 <■ ' ior Date Miiiet and and commencement round out the ' breaststiolv . n.i ft- : W> ,- ..f 11 i,i 1 led and careful planning mendous tMntp" t •# the year's band activities. son*]; missed sophotrore Mick I track • far. . h ill add t-. Stat - .ii - ph. . during the regular quar¬ The activities band, a separ¬ ■ 1 ven hour>- per ne k Rob Thomas, in the buttrrfh. ell to help "old" *lar, ing chancer ter about ate. mixed group, plays for pep of i>ractuc It * the entire band and Ren Smith, nuii.g i were senior Frank Modine. Tit- t'l.iy-liO Irnlillir .rhritnl. rallies and aoine athletic and Resides plaving for all home iraduated also. U%%l lilt.FT 4an * «>r 7 Tonailn and l«*»a sial# other event.*. After student agi¬ Another >w ■ - . lu»\ IMTTt.litON t ail I tames this fall, thr hand will and action by AUSG lest hi great imtentul Uurv Join--. promising returnee Ian al •' Hie a 11-int pi tnvttalianal Swim- make two away trips. It will tation utoniM missed b> t! < . t villain leasing . , , ■ -isteht m th< splint - and re— miiie m-i.h- at last Ian-Ins year, the band was allowed to I rrlominj -tinkers in the K Mo .1 rr - travel to Ann Arbor for the Steuart. distance fr> > Urn-yard l.o- will return . Ian is Iowa al I a-i I amine plav the "Star Spangled Ban¬ MM -I of M contest Oct. 3. and • n the difficulty Miiniop«|'i H»n said Singh to; JaitTI MniBf-iti. at ner" at home basketball games Will '■><- . ' * '* alo. M,in;«gei- Ron K -Im . t- b.e , W t*i •■•i«iii al I a-» I anslitc. •ne M ,. 1.111 "i Ohio, when the • ftff! 'l"M I font lh- to t nlumhus ineligible. Stru.irl ,n i"ig 1U chaii ; n m *1« M» Mann Mli: -print, r Kwhanl Miie». •unci I rb» s atter World War II. The strength area. wHci ■ . cv«• • th» Nv'AA in br« ii-i-troki an l Ja k I rh II Vli.lucan al Vnn Vfh.if Annual High School Band and l50o-e;eti r '• lit .-v hiUs!' tii<*l ginh spnutci ising Irb lllinnl. al i tiani|iai(ii of of the bleachers for a standing : fiV- Ihr B ; >.'.•tHimore vf;i:. Wickering in the i k. a ill Spartan Stadium is \CA.\ eha vie.■■ : . Irh ?a lihio stair al • a-i l.an-lnc !)«•- m crowd had been a matter of con¬ .• .ii-llipS , . Jim ten¬ linn * S.t a I ..1 t IVuilin mi •4. 4 in.v aril fr. • i< tithers returning are round out tb. n' 1 b am. last I in-ine 'rheduled for the rca>nn's open¬ cern. After it was pointed out -♦I'fMl-'J.VHl frresttlr: lirnn* •rcestyle an; n.'n. , u ,t ilar 7-. Hi li 1 Nim|H»nriiipt at i ia dislanee Th<« varsi' de-i by Thirtv-five high sehnol bands that fans stood en masse for the ,t Under Ric 10 ai d " \\ • ■» 100-yard free- .. • Itli fian! ;sv hil'lvhei In s \nn Vrhnf er ».*• the m \.\ al patla-. 1f*av Michigan have • 1 111 I m Mil V|ir upcoming hoinoii - f:.vii ail over MSU Fight S-mg. the athletic f-nvign Mudi if.-. (III . tit.: i net'* *Ulc. Jerrj ihaduirk, the onli spt - invited to East Lancing to • ear for each * ear • ; Ih«-u department and department of att«aid the game and play a few public safety okayed the an- numbers during the half them's playing. m Spirit Kickpt! in INu'lietlnMik Leonard Falcone wit direct the marching band for his 32n-l »ea- »on tho year Direetoi Oscar Along with An' Stover ami the Thf Pep Rallies? So Solly!' FrM.thall Formation Committee, Name a croup of band incmber«. Fal- d.nr plans alt the band's intri- • eat« formatums and weekly IS COMING performances t preced • **» MSt* Purdue ur>re eeedrd i Director several innovations such a ela;' ef en'er'a • 'A rr T ;r.v a" both "•f.tlljh'Vi ' ■ ll'iinevoni. 4M4 T'v. ..r -r Rigg e Muni, s.. -ju-ken have the de¬ in fa- in Ift.'iR band *a v production;. Novel dance WED OCT 14,1MB Imhmrii rivaupioni of "b; • na'tic" U'. ati. :: for one tef: sendolfv . entei .».mm it will ?.• »>' cra/e ' until the ( v g-e- icitm- is eve • d 1 hariec to put h.« of the MM -N e * '• ittur the p*1 ' '*'» reaction thi.« 'far Spartan sion. smoke and *ound effects ' Ire Week "Meet be !?.(,, ctfet t li?•*t fail Hj • 1 i; • e Spirit offering may provide a l) 4'... The prcfe- 1 1 ise*i e .,ue«tion in added realc-m when the band P^an* la venes Sept 3m ■-.» a>-rr. v thcp D m< - «.k-,Regxntli. found him- g» 1 U-h ta:s ear e:tt sal' '-ehcduled for N >v rmnds cr tne tallies final answer. S,-.rit * . ; • Tins fa Spurts at odd* witfi Congresv I Chat w# tv i".;« vear c working or. a S-.iHhi du sget below the • g- ■ « I: •;.> dp tn:i! j4-r line, ot to 10^ pfrtormi-. I e A110 execu- jrourvs kar'. Some Student Goverrur.en*. money hiv# solans have been loy.ng w th |sy Sfuler.t Con- [ a fvated peote.-.ional en- to the idea of -b«g name' dents concept was admisMon contracting w;tr a »nd charging at.i- However, th.v unpopular m Cor.- The Tog Shop . . . suggest? ... |p»^i riuie* This funded Con- greas circles ia>' "-ear |fyl 4ppr;.^r;a!ion Chwek C'ieffl, master ef rere- ii name"' taltnt ■MWie* fee the "Meet the Team ' » ore fall rally, t« reported leader of College Credits pewcram 1 ftur freshmen the **W« pane'* group ^rd for spartan Actually Spartan Sp-n' doe* 1 pep rally ef not exist in tta pad convnus#; -n A year be- Mhin smith and form. If the eommicsion re¬ I at an | «,u, Map organized. Ciolfi will prooab ne appointed «u direct s When thui hajspen*. he w. f rd her¬ I Cor.re Spcwk- self in the same poa;tw»n bp pr -mis* tnat former director* Arnie Rooertf [*» hi Supermarket Back-to-Campus (swi Fieldlio Gym Students Fashions oi» of ih, finest athletic team" in the ccm- is-'e is also the site of one of tt» best r' in tne nation. '.if ftuae the Offices for the owcifv *od athletic department *•' from the pager- of... LaSIJ(lift- magazine ' F.eldhouve, boused on the ?ev-and Coo:. ■ 1 MSU t varsity some clas-roorr.* the ath'.euc ticket office and the swimmjig \W, the build- pool gallery I i»*krr ipse* for A gymnasium 94 fee* wide 1 Tftnbm 9t and 216 feet long, with three full-sued basketoall cupies, most r-f the third fioe»r There are also badminton and cour-j. oc¬ sportswear bv McGREGOR — Ufa to Ow Toliayball courts and the g>m- bmtic equipment the Up w resiling Heer DONEGAL - huts by DOBBS - Hi „ Put la new fer rUw YORK tsr«f( Surrounding the back of Jem- Shirts hy ENRO • clothing liy JON mi is Old Co lint "n' ■asoball tea.-ri practice? ar.d plays in the 5,000 seat stadium in om comer of Old College "" «r we gym- Field- Tb# field, the ortgm*! tgurf Sute athletic field, also Mich- SEE THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF ESQUIRE I-ball the ha.naf^g contains three lighted intramural football fields, a practice golf THE TOG SHOP • fashions most court*. * w diamonds. and intramural softbail LL'tON THK.VTKK HLII IHM. designating AcTOM IM flcM Jtauor. is Don and lh» Ir» Arena. h«rr of Spartan hockrv. The nnk » LAM LANSING appropriate to the COLLEGE gentlemen • U faat br 200 Ittl In a*du-.n ,N, -J practic* ana . to tta use aa a . 1 1. aa— playing aurface for the hockey ar». Vanity Mam, thr (cr I. u>rd for both » rooma af aWilM 'maa'a and cord,' skatinj cla«r. and it opan for pubbc akaung. ti, »»» »«.« .... 3» MICHIGAN state xtw» Sclimittcr Bank* on Vets' Snvvv Fencing Upswing Is Predicted Dame Fortune Is .smiling cm Al MeCallum, Sam Teleki. l)i k Sunrtwall. John lh.lt s. |.i. 11 the fencing forces of Coach Snider, Larry Backus and Dave N.l'lim, 1) .in Mills. Ij.nnin Charles Schmitter. Sr Six start¬ Johns n ttliH Charlie Adams is Stafscth. ing lettermen are returning for the best of the sophomore crop.- Schmitter labels Cornelius Bill McNamafa. a tronufci >t• i- varsity competition this winter term. Hoonhoot, John Tulloch, Harry dent with fencing experience.' With only foil specialist Terry could help, too Cilirnn graduated a n d some Most of the new mi n hn* •' promising sophomores coming fought in thi- foil classification up. the Schmittcrmen are def¬ and may switch to sabir or epee initely stronger than the 3-8 fin¬ blades if they arc untied there. isher last seas-n Lawless and MeCallum should "The o n I v hitch," admits head the foil entries with Mc¬ Schmitter, "is that most of the Namara, Teleki and the sopho¬ returning lettermen weren't ex- more grmtn supo'.ying reserve ♦strength Both MeCallum and "The Tiger" are hard -vorki r* CAI'Sl l.K COMMENTS and rate highly with Coaeh • The frnrfr* had a |""ir Schmitter arasun in lfl."i!l, win. in sabre competition. Artiest should lend the MSU delegation I IKi: I tTIII R. I.IKE SON—Fnarh fharln Srhmittrr rrm«r% ninir three while las. with Stafscth. Mills. Haiku-., Marie* with hi* leading protege. Charlr* Srhmittrr, Jr., captain of ini; eluht. llrown and Don and Lonnie I hi* frnrinc *qnad. Thr lop spartan «wnrd*man last *ra*on. • Six startina leltermen Johnson fighting for the other oMinir Srhmittrr will again hr rrlird upon a* thr tram'a hrrad and should ereale an im¬ opening Another possibility is butter man. Pat Muldoon, an eligibility proved. balanced squad question. in IWill. Schmitter. Ji i- 'he mod - Eoed Sports Program • t'oarh Sehmillrr rouraKrs studrnls to rn- FENCING COACH Charles eessfui he fought epee in veteran, although tin foil division take last season to strengthen that fenrini; courses v,,i>;-v on thr MStf campus are not limited strictly to thr Sehmltter marfca bis Ifnd year entry. Clary and Dowd. epee and train t tip*. Any coed, but more particularly one with skill in tenn. fnj- varsity. ss MSI7 mentor of thr varsity starters hist year, will vie for team this season. In 195? he was the remaining post m print ic< «:ni«cing or field hockey. is eligible f«>r one of the three womenV named "Fencing Cnarh of tin- nelly world beaters last season * t- Handy Hippb-i. an ejxe \ .«< is> teams, nil of which participate in intercollegiate meet*. Hut with an added year of ex¬ Year" hy the National Fencing starter in 1958, comes out. Me *J*hr '. • ,..i and niter t ID.* ..r meets, on an invitational basis, are scheduled for fall and quarter*. Trvwit* will W held early fall term practice hours, 3-5 pm. m swimmers arc captained thi.* during tlnf the Women's CJym pool year tiy Nancy Miller. Muxko- and be Dirk he haek. "Tiger" als^ Veteran Ix-mh Lawless will strength should supplied by Carl Knight, l.eague of America in 1954 and in 1955 he directed the M AX championship which was fencing meet held at MSF. lie also the spring term dent£ among •* * thi-rc-point d i- \,irsit\ * athletes. Drobac's Racquet Squad Coach Schmitter, unlike oth# r ■..II vv im senior honorary. also president of Green Splash, women's synchronized Manuel flodriguez, Neil Brown. Don Johnson, Hoy Ushigoshlma, is a member of the I960 Olym¬ pic fencing \arsiti sports coaches, has m- recruiting system other than in¬ Fur Big 10 Banner teresting men in the team through his gym fencing course Michigan Star, i v.irMtv tcrl- cure to be strong competitor* They "itudtH h, S?an Uro- in the annual fall tournament gain«t Auburn. "Only two men on the 111.5# his team, i-Mcho. team had fencing experience be¬ I»ac, rail Lett t" » 7-5 dual meet that decide* team position*. Troy Mail¬ Mescal! lead ihe Spartans In ing to Florida RALPH'S fore ruining to MSIV Mid Tw-ord during t 1959-tiO mm- vie winning column last spring two of the Schmitter. mim an!•* College Fit-id. foot- meet. con nr. , ft-3. a: Itelerminatimt i« the key word in thi* unique r«>ed affair Iowa .»■ THE HEAVENLY JOB LOUIS DOES! —but kperUinr* are often *ur- prised hy Ihe akill exhibited by Ihr On mm the BU rclurn I* M*t »* t»oth team*. Two week* of dailv prarlire prior to that important tan* delfSlrd lttl\ MF.M ALL Saturday often rr*ult in minor rumpletr arti«» «<| . . I'ercenUge leader . 7-5 stale injuries—and alway* in enthu*- ia«Mr. trained nquad* "We srr 'T.f juhtm ftcger P'.agcn'hi's: i Big Hi and figures to boost The thin year "<»" * The coed team* are coached only graduAimti loss4« SiMit.in }>oj»ds as do Smith and by," by ckmpus fraterruUcs The 1X1- ivy re no 3 and 4 «?n-n i apt >- fkosa^ ta Gamma team by Sigma Chi Foster Huffman and B,>b S.ii- Hagenmaff. who tallied intprcs- that wc and the Gamma phi's by the *aik • Hoffmann was ,, - ki\v 8-4 singles record*. two . ' '"'I The Spartan uetiers opened "The r- • » ' men uf Beta Thcta Pi Bu*bo>» year yvterao and Sa.*>ack had las'. •( ason w ith tiieir annual it takes /'iir i/iirl.1, »/i«7.ii, from both huuaes lead spiritint played two uthern trip to crowds in cheering. XUlMiugh the fuur retwriung. 'wet-n winter and Flonda be- teiuu* players. »-7J lettrrman will nuke up the uu- spring terms peat the Highlighting the half-time in¬ t" get some early practice be tote shown la*7. *<*' 1 mil*, ilrx chimin termission is the .selection ol rleu* of the net -quad* *«»pho- opening the Big 10 schedule. Uie Big 10 & •Miss Powder Puff" Each cam¬ niore* Brian lomy Hayne pus fraternity sends one "of p.* Xsher and llucb Shilladay fi- Itmntlry; any lime own members. g|>proi>rtateiy garbeti and escorted, to compete for the 'Ttueen'a" crown tiliccrlcudcrs Set H lien aiifmirancc Gift certificate* were awartfed to the winner and runnera-up For Fall Kouscrs last year by CamnbelFji Suburb¬ canal* ... tJWKlijjg Spartan griddm an Shop ami Mar-Kitt stud.u, on- while Vandervoorts lUrdwa.-e to thr field each game and awarded an engraved trophy t«» rousing enthusiastic MSU fan* the winning sorority tram. will ta" twelve j-nappy, giecn- Father* ef Ihe aerortty roed* and - w h i te -dix ked cheerieadc r* Mr* the eatnak Delta Tan Ciortls vm the varsity squad ;n- Delta fratrroity hu thu* far clude: L>:hU Hofdrma, Midland heM a mawapiy M,lhe title, rap- senior. Eppie Bruebne?, Grand tarhg it far the put flrr roo- Hapids junior. Marge Rohs, Ka- ■irntAve yean. lamaroo junior. Sue Bcekman, The Gamma Phi Beta toed* Lansing junior, Diane Tyicrak, won last year's game. 13-0, av - Detroit sophomore; and Kitty enging a 2ft-0 loss to Delta G^m- Paul. Winston-Salem, N.C jun¬ ma in 1M7. ~v ior Varsity men are Dick Beau- The nwxiern Tivord for Michi¬ dry. Wyandotte senior; Bob Ro- gan State touchdowns by an in¬ rich, Battle Creek, sophomore; dividual is held by Lynn Cha Illi¬ Top* Terry. Aimont senior, Mor- nois who scored 31 during a r ie Spenser. Kalkaska senior; span. Chandnoi* tied and Dick Stafford, Gita.se Pomte Everett "Sonny" Grandebus for senior. t th® most touchdowns scored during a singlet, season. Both Jtac Thomas set the Michi¬ scored 12. ChandnoU in 1048 gan State pass interception rec¬ and Orandelius in 1950. Lerov ord in 1950 wrhen he stole eight ih.f. "Bud" Crane scored four times opponents' passes. The career agalnal Hawaii in 1947 to set record is held by Lynn Chand- the MSU record for touchdown, noit (1948-49) who intercepted l» • *• * —' f-. J. jih mci.tN fit %tr SlM'% deptember it. 1Mf V IKK-NO MISTAKE nlioiit it ON THE FIKIiO. the pro jrnme show . . . — the foot hall season is here! sh'iininv ileum majors . . . bandsmen kick- stepping onto the sHulium tin t' . . . I.ooiwml M hen August's doc days are only win¬ Fulcom directing . . . "Tito MS! Field ter'.-- daydreams and September's Sony is Sonir." "The MSt' Alma Muter." "In My ending" . . . there's a different sort of tang Men v t Htlstuohilo." "Tito Star SpamMed in the air on autumn days. You can feel l»atnior" ... a >»utpp> o\it to tho siiloliiios. the fallen leaves as they crackle underfoot In tho corner of the «*n*I zone. I»i* Hid as you tread the winding paths on autumn tho Poll, mannotl 1»> tho Inirlv tnon til' holla day*. It's an eye-catching arrangement of 1 |»» ... Thoy yrow fat throiitli churning through the turnstiles at MSI on inacii\itv last yoar . . . lot's koop thotn in autumn days. shapo this son son. I Mi ft \ ! Ah. ves . . . the indescribable but unfor¬ Plot k "S." tho ft'oshntan flash ratal solu¬ gettable flavor of those October Saturdays tion . . . halftinio stunts tor national TV . . . that spirit of excitement . . . hawkers \io\\or> . . . "o\oryl»od\ up o\oryt»oil> waving pennants and programs . . . endless ilown —• cards s. jo, 17. IS. 1th and H'l roncesxjnii stands . . . green and white- Up - evervbodv up ovor> hod> dow n" . .. . uniformed gladiators . . . section 16. row "I was out of it. hut I hon I joined I Hock -eats ;!J and :»2 . . . climbing still high¬ 'S* hon't be out of it He in it!" . . . er. fraternity brothers with sorority sisters "Sign up now!" the\ call thi- Spartan Spirit at Al'Sli. Halftinio hurry iny tin ouch tho tun¬ . . . . . Fan! Human, trophv symbol of the tra¬ nel to cot cokes and hot docs . . . milling ditional ri\alr\ between Spartan and Wolv¬ crowds . . . unendinc lines . . . Concession¬ erine . . zealously protected in Hast Lan¬ aires' cash register# ringing . . . "lots of sing, snubbed in Ann Arbor ... at Notre mustard" . . . Hoy Scout ushers checking I'ame, the Irish shillelagh'ii at stake at ticket sinhs . , . section Hi, row .V», seatf •to the MSl'T itl M winner Indiana, the brass spittoon. .'•I and .T2, • The IN hell announces tour Inlaw in T « ■hum. To lr Iwfcn •Hd j stM | Ihe naMg - M-hMk l.ine* form at .lent-on for fiMdhall tickets The annual liomec-owing ili-play* . « , l'nr giMnl seats, join I thick "S" All I said was,ff1We're going to Odarn's r h Urohgfd •hi'd fiftl fl U-t dinner i nert f«r .1 lion carter nil uth th.imBwM fwmj "M»Kr minr rare" That's rirht VII nf our «lr»k dinner* are prrfMir l 111-1 ihr no »«»u request V11H all of our dinners, uhrllirr delirious. Juicy Meek*, lender illro of raol beef, or sold* 11 blown Im-ihIi fried ihrimp, are srnrd nilh pel a toe* mil boiler, and a mUiI, lion I ask for )u«l a hatiihiocrr . . %*k tor tM«m » own special Hri-lburui .Made from fir*h rtouoil beef, tbr lane beef palli 1* served la you 011 a Toasted Sraame sent Run. If your lasle* run In Ihr unusual tjdaru * also oilers «u ru'l promise you * Mw from utur dale, hut ue ean promiae you I WWati meal al Odam's. Vou *4* >00 like hamburgers? Well, try our famous Reelburgers mm a toasted Sesame Seed Bun. Waul In make a big impression. I real keg to a aleak dinner (and Just between u* two. il won't tost over four dollars for botki. tflu completely remodeling our KMrhrn. and installing Ike flupal Ptaaa ovens. Hdam . la now akle to give you the floral, moat t a pertly prepared Ptaaa lu the last Lansing area. The apreial aawee la prepared here to our bttekeu lu loaure |uat Ike right amount of Italiao aeaaouluf. and Ike eruaf log red teat a are mimed "Jual to"— The results? Italian atyle fliaa Ike nay yon like it—Aptry and Delieiona. . Apt 3V 0 THE CAMPUS BOOK STORE * y R 131-133 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE "Wff EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN PHONE ED 2-4413 4 $Gw>*es $ S ? * iff y $ 0 $ m (PLENTY OF PARKING JUST OUTSIDE OUR BACK DOOR) NEW & USED TEXTBOOKS EXACTLY AS REQUIRED IN EACH CLASS - JUST GIVE OUR CLERKS YOUR LIST OF CLASS NUMBERS, THEY WILL COLLECT ALL REQUIRED BOOKS FOR YOU. OVER 100 CLERKS TO SERVE YOU - FASTER, BETTER! BOOKS FOR BASIC COLLEGE: NECESSARY SUPPLIES: $ NATURAL SCIENCE (We have them all) !☆ SOCIAL SCIENCE (Used available) ft NOTEBOOKS, NOTEBOOK PAPER ft HUMANITIES (hundreds of used including the new adoption by Brinton) ft SPIRALS - Simplify your note taking COMMUNICATION SKILLS (All books are the new All types & sizes printing as required by the Department) ft ROOM DECORATIONS: ft IMPROVEMENT SERVICES (the complete list) Get that M.S.U. Animal, Mug, Desk set, Pennant styles BOOKS FOR MAJOR COURSES: many ☆ ECON 200, 201, 202 (We have 175 used, and lots ft ARTIST SUPPLIES: Everything as required by the of new) ☆ CHEM 100 Series (Good stock of the new books) Art Dent. ft BUSINESS 101 (Lots of the assigned title) ☆ MATHEMATICS 100 Series ENGINEERING SUPPLIES: Slide rules, Drawing V PHYSICS 100 and 200 Series Boards, Graph and Drawing Paper, Drawing sets. MICHIGAN'S LARGEST DISPLAY OF QUALITY ft TYPEWRITER SALES, SERVICE, RENTAL: PAPER BOUND BOOKS All makes, s6.00 month will rent,a new nwhiw STUDY-. ASSIGNED 5,000 TITLES AIDS READING COURSE KW TITUS AMD MULT OUTLINES ft COMPLETE PEN & PENCIL DEPT: PAKN m INK RUM M MM BASEMENT \ Sheaffer, Parker, Esterbrook COME IN FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF THE '1959 FALL TERM TEXTBOOK & SUPPLY LIST Kj if BUY FROM THIS LIST BEFORE CLASSES START AND Vi *r < ' • ' ■ USEDAVAILABLE. BOOKS ARE ■ ■J 'ft