Michigan Stale News Im4 Daily by MSl"» 5.VRR# Magenta and I acuity --AND WHERE IT Reds Seek premier Khrushchev held « solution of World Peac international prolt- Thl* la different. greemeut a# all „v TneSrtHnrfugan State Ne*-a is nub'.iahnd by student* of Michigan . televised news conference at the 1cm*. toward the consolidation ed. nd an I eaaaat »tr, East t'r.AfMdty, Mu-V without direct Jj«t I anting. Mu-'i C faculty aups-rvum 1' ta not the oftforai vM<-t ct t!»e umverrttv nt of the itydnit p.hP , of peace throughout the world thing has hem g.„e~ National Press Club t« report William Uwrewee af the cot eV.le eeekmg to tor*-# the be.*f mterc»t« of Dot... stand* read' arraug*maala Mu, Thf to battle any motf »^h wou'd cr.ve a u-edge brtu-eon r o t<> o on hi* talks with Eisenhower Yarh Time*. geealdesH d tj* vhether it conw from w ttitn the ttn>*ct"iit or nom .t it. do Y«mi-r! and to say farewell to his "sput- gaverameul and pre** Cluh. auuauueed «••• «»♦ f. of tho A»- is usually the Press Club , it him (Preatdeut tllsewhuwar) and that capitalism, bring - Leads to Conformity af all tha subject* touched #e. there was a great deal lu camman president rather than the speak¬ er who decide' what questions will be actually put to the gressive than Peuda'-cr . it. and that Comnv:-.-.<- uudermnndtuf uf aur THOI'SANPS OK PKOPI.K pourix! out of Syrian Sta¬ In nestUen* and nur af the weed to lm- speaker more placed Capitalism Whit progressive dium foHowbg the pane Saturday. At the brhtpe behind Cnder Sunday afternoon $ pro¬ urere relattoea hetsreeu the twe cedure. the RuMtatia retained place communism' the library, the pace slackened more and a man who had of selection over written A. The process of •„-<-< • \ een anxiously trying to keep track of his friends said • The Soviet t'nion. our gov¬ power questions propounded to Khrush¬ the change of a svu; „v loundlv. "Man. a ;yr«on could pet lost among all these ernment and people I rerre«en\ chev. going on. We in our court-* trench coat*." And he «a*n*t kidding. K very where you 1*v>V - are gutde*1 by the interest of Among the question put to only completeit the consolidating peace and frtend- of Communist instni.-.;ir., ed there were trench coats, short, fat trench coats and tall, •hip between nations. We have Khrushchev were g p.* sou thtnk a summit othor countries have thin trench coats. And strangely enough their wearers all barn making and will make all meeting is now a«*ured* Where done that. And looked the same. Just blurs in a dreary day. efforts to end the cold war *rd even having had » and when do sou propose to hold .... The trench coat, long the mark of a student, has also fo improve relations between our it" pie of Communism, countries •» I seek a new pie come to be the badge of conformity. And what the man The Communist Chief added X ttolr the director uf llcx-e that the (Y»- feared is true, it would be ea*y to l>ecome lost among the tf*«titutton ran tell hi* emulate* -. t^a* he belieieii 'In 'he f:na! all ts Raw read* and algR aa the bes*. We uv#. trench coats, to l»ecome lo«t among new Ideas and new 1 • 1 ri. common sense w ill promr: arder ar Instruettaa af aame aurt. we will ha re.».'\ surroundings. Fvetpone from the timid fre*hman to the the right course of action in 'he smug «enior finds himself faced with the problem.. We're expected to be like rteryone elr ir.M. I.KT*S KM K IT. it's easier to take-aomebody else'* Idea® ■ILI.S PmiU »-l« !•« MO*DU IkrMtk rtiD.r like opening a can of sardines than it is to formulate your ED Mill EXT. :«IS own It's easier to scorn what everyone else scorns than to stick your neck out by disagreeing. It's easier to let John FOR SALE HOUSING or Charlie or George do it (head a committee, start a peti¬ Willi lk< AUTOMOTIVE tion. write a term paper for vou> because you're smart POVTtAC. aae rtwr* tv- •'6 llltlMST ION US avoid responsibility. And it's even easier to be¬ enough to come classroom tust a trench coat in the back of some profes*or'« because >»»u came here tor a degree and not an Siiminit Talk Ends Mr. tar the reading af the eemmuni W .1 there Visit be a Summit t**i running. .!a«n « 10 am 'not Safurdavt. Hr\*Pot rr rt*n«"»e to* T\' #-Ull r.^.* het.>i» * 60CP FtlSN OUICX ,4- • -s j SLKKPVHO j atiiOant fiwtymsn* mvtsi W*-«l education. Hi *11.1.1 I RYAN be'nre the Kisenhoner i«." ropn rowfRTlPt.r v.» • i St in* me*, prnat* antrtn.-w.ij Po uue. whether an* uragre** «i« White ShUONUt SMC® In these fla\* of togetberne**. organization* and advanc WASlUXi'.TUN 'P. - • made an the llerltn t)ar«tlnn. v.*v. Thai, sa d Hag- fnrd*matu- Rartin aril ha**»: *. • ; »ire« S.*Ji4 b'.ark white ton K^cnb.nvi-r arm S»w .<*• p.m. J SPAPTAN- HAU.-Are*cr !r.g**group-thmk*. vou'd l»et*er cling to.a word that ha* be P cr V. k 1 * a Khrwsnchrv whether the twa In reality "gat ,> v \«-ouId depend on progress everllent ,ond'''«*i* thruout iu»t t-r-# to hj. that nice cam-orr s#r Jl? MAC 0*#S a I I.OUI* on» Mo» V rrn— *»•*•»* • c* m'g ? make such a tree1 - come almost a* ba.I to sa\ ** ant wf the tour lettered tan- H*ste*t ■-,'i I «sm* raw*, a»st,K-,.' , • • XT».- nil!itr|t- t'hs\r.>lrt KT IXTRIC PAYORS JS.hnki entir.t ihr-.r h:s»or;.- tw*f>-\va\ na flare." r£ :*r.yfifab>. on the e'imina- Oksmot Open ev»r* ni'* fill 9 . t'P-, Rrmrgton. I Nere'.c© K*.we etv. It's the word T submit meeting Sundav with a ... threat to the Western s-ioio rr • aa> oitt.-n u:« *\ Shitw««*e Max* an . macntnm TD 3-JP. i »;.V.emcnl ttiat me.- ri fTu-.r.' e< pr >trrr-»- «;< made at,; a MrTRoroiJTAN MAPF ahe »v i ranmvn n Rer". n and upon iso.* Y01"*RK Ol T of t»-e minor league the minute vou *a* ,vi .1 :>e pettted lo oeavelu! * -.1 j think the » •»- - » • Tr.t tPa mi*. Tudor h»rOto*» * - j ».' *C-f>er-en< of the Western allies. * m MM1 » Xtoptu of HOMPhm«i» PARTS And and ready mean. "I think." I l»e::eve." or bettor yet, "I dis¬ \" HagMlv rr- t loan neg.»t:a'bvn rather than force tv unique mm y K*n *Ui*»r btrVm* and cooxini 4 J ! -.a understandings reach- . ed SetUn I.Sa>» His.ett Rd rj» 2-AMI n! t-to.4 agree." and can tiack it. You'll hate a chance to do thi« T^e !«o. meeting on a rvs-. l MO- THr ovt v ItoA xto *hrs»udfi1 mountain top .n Mar . % T t'-bwr,."! of nosoi.atioi * » »• Cenvp IX-.* id mean talks tn ten«:r* Four an.-» rrafne«te . ! - ... starting todav. If you're wj>e you'll make the most of ■e wer.1 rt i, u'd mean * mer . ' 1 a trs* San would be r ods onb three laantto eM ttsrd- r»t aeeamima- HOU YWOOt) to ,wn. A.s0 AlUdm DAXTtr.U Won fOt SAll lamp | I*no. ,1e.-iitrd to re»v,*«n negot a like rw« rar , Irs a -K.! ' TVS y*y>uld have to re challenging or accepting the opinions of other* your in- r-. I j tioji* on * e critieal question «f ."g hr'.-M the fwmgn m^n;ste-« TRAILERS -kevi out through diplomatic strnctor*. the authors of your text UmK* and other stu¬ n >1 r'. a fo-rign minister^' meo*- P p of WVc Perhr ^ char.no'.*. said Hagcrtv vovvr.RTt not j" t u n SFT Waiter Mogen - . ; __ .*■i or even a Sunvmt Confer- i«-a ot.DsxTORU.r l'itra« R«r K" < »r1 h«( P»tr»ct MOt RF TPAITFP ' - dents in your c'*»*♦•*. 1 her al»a ifreef that fre«i- Pi t V. r-t;r« IbrirtmaU. r»- IV a-*iiT. 2 to *♦ alumvur all givi.i •n er.» e One toRg-etoRdlng toa* will f*7 esaela** Pxc*:i*r.t r»*n• The world ha* a !<•! to otter people w vo aren't at rani to oi > dmi I iaenhewer's rel«rn *1*11 Rut tiucb legal he addei he reepeaed: The qaettoa af TANK TYPF VACffM cletorr. i 2-UXX be different, penp e who want to learn and to lead, people la (he *«slet I nt«n. erl|iMlh Haslet repayment af |«a R'arM and unrlfhi *«cuum rieaner. g'.n - — *v .i:M de-sehd the outc»*me w ho don't let themselves get lost among the trench coats •rhe*ulei» 3 . oven is HOTS*, tpa:*. »;J» jree.-e* «■ , (NMtfwiied until sfKini- make a Like neu NA \V«v.'d P e President W regard t.* the lend-:ea«e F V til kilt" with cord l.tk* ne« i".e>c U« report on hi« talk*" lUg- dci»- Andre** Rerdmg. as*i*tar.t rrone V A 7-*i» I V AG.A POND !»."*• USlbtSS OtoORTUNiTifS two bedroom Fee n-enn » powputfiwner.i .f u fu '- : Charlie llroivn Offers Hrcrela'v of sta'e for public af- #rt*' left that possitulltr open. piano good roNnrrioN r*- rr j.ama r» rr.s « <-\> Per'. •• st *ao> r g ue d:d * t hnou Hut fe:-». told repsrler* there aould v»» U M v * W • e'iest tore XV Xck.i^ X* htm r,i-' atter the Ihm.der,' » mo ,o*iih. like ne» tJu. l'hone LD he «od the I*re»tent wou'd an- reg*vti»,:.*ns for a poa»;Ke *# '«»• ' v» I-*Sli »'. LOST and FOUV •ettlefneni a* • ture yet to be Commentaries on Life ne_. P* a no..-a'.tens meeting of Amer.ean. a;»l were Krancn that a foreign - l.rtlm la the Editor fixed. At war'* end. Ru««.a"s lend STTDKNT reds tebirs, !»!«!es floor rtltVmRE cba-r*. Ut.im hook ta k'D !•*# PINK m. ho* 3 mt» Phnat tOST P Ro,>ni i, «=-•=—= OVT IVOR'. l^rtsir.e he-a' >a*e debt *f«vvi at •illOfi.OCO.- MOVir CAXIKIIA RfXUtr n-onrl OK TIIK K* !* * IKIIIPS " • ^ ■*« at MM', one of n--»:-sier* «a< ;n the effing. *'■ The Mala Xewx that letter* ■uhmltted far tha request* (VNi T" e l"n *od S'ates i*-i>i 4 a r-illweter maiann# 1.*«diPf, SERVICE len» l«<- the closest and tm•«* rew«n'.tn.g is with the ch.cf character f ;;.' -ig y Khhus u nev protuiS v "l etter* to the Mttor"*ertten the cum dowr. to |M million eeulaf n*r,' o'-.i* M teieatoyie 'ft *« h-w • the strmed T-*hirt »« j notified in h«\-. hart hope* of jetting some eettle- HOUSING t„> heads-->f-gosvrnmert leve' ir.e-- Tlie Ruwani oflere*t on!v ir.f a pla.t • the etii*-»r*» pace lava use in four cartoon The taaoer-s of t e »or'.(1> two 30ii - ...m an.i the negotiatjoni FOR RIKT DRO* OFF *o« St.' t .p the (iwirur, . fbuminat;ng »»b«ervation> at*>ut »« or uuev. SV« - bi«wlc* hr ?- a'' e to make n.-.>t }sv«t*rf,i. nat'or.s appealed c*x" apae*1 / " ) que at I s r.ev r.ev4» yonferenee, r t'NTVRNlSHXD 4 1 OAK to ram on, | sMc-*L-;t *• lbt« enigma rid red h"e. which often are lost* m the most st.ren ai«M ■«»> • the >0*'. mm- toi Wme Eisenhower'sea 1 a! Sun- - . e tc pr,-*;rf famiii or atudem ,.f the.r }*n\a'.e eonversa- .e re d adcarKe of the « AVTF.r> rVl.L Tivr In rent«: r^retua.a hraaki*at nook, e*- i •UNOUS *C« faftx' i are full* conceived editorials u i a** church aenii-e*. otaer t. ,1 ra-t. »• Ka.serien.-e ©reierret. • Ve |*res.oeni'a Van-.p regular Wednesday schesiu r Grand River :-* ra-air* Ptoit XI) 1 -A.W * I* S officials d'.scuseed tra.-ie n ceraon .V»> » The expjoits or rather the exploitation* of l har'ie Brown, i».iv.... M. ret re-1 Hagcr*v a*.a tne Preaident LAKF luAVSTNG LAKCTRONT problems with Khruahchev an.*, _ . whr* j* regarded with open admiration or at leaM affec¬ In a last minuta attempt ta rad iw .n 'ouch wxt.t i'ed rottape Ga« hea» Shower t OH INFyx ke* men ;n h-s entourage tisri-aie i.i -ninutes from u.ir,, , #»». * A cr.ca < VVrsTe- a »ies alxn;' tionate contempt by hi* content pane*. provide a Uugh-pr<*- hng kay ta the AeaUUkk an . |\'W ' . a " oattxyne P-e t'afnp I>a\.« Rhruxhrhev appeared at hi* « <»? l.F4,F frrt 1>ENT WAVTT.D a. Mw **>"»*** W"' Saeinaa the fundamental twin imua« of e »' *rr »> *-*!•. J vok.ng "*ight tftt* what make the human animal go \ta«t Berlin and duidad t*er- v, cx;«e*'* *n nee* cenferewre <• he dreppinc ■ . auise !• a-.d f>pi»*. «e '-t. fk o«r'- re fTnm a am.-4 pm Aopearatn- , ..... ^ . TV RADIO Rtrs:» bread hint* thai the Anal jmnt ar4 runrer of «l!e»« appea:an.-e • ' 1kAMPt-S. P.irn4«hed uder.t \VI',' hu ■» THI.KK.'S A UTTl.i: bit > t t arr.c .Brown in .. h of - a"--r. , t,.em on t..e u'.i,«.e « •"r ta ro.,p-» ^nd^haPi %y*.j ' or radh* el- _ mans, the to a extended their c.< • • »er irwde and out n«.t he rvut f r" TV* 4-sijU talk* full tue n a rMHDiaaiqM en hU and Imtr- 4 -fa t Ra - .md Rofce'SK.n lian- i* *o great i bar ic Brown man-te-man a perhaps that * why hu* app« isn't the onU one who h»* ever tv« n *corned tor searching hour* he*and schedule Hh* did the rresident pa%i- hewee* talk* had net told all. I«,.w asns.lur,.. > MINTS ProZm nir. P;i' r .ies.-Ton to reopen na- pane his Muei «tit» Hagert* h« an* mean* PORfTtON OPTN TOR t*ro fuii-' . . PoouUr nn.an r • for Mvurifs and meaning in life or has I teen Wwildeyed by xaid hath ide* agreed iprini On the question of Re: .n. he ♦ •p.# pad one half-tin e medi.ai h.- INDIAN Hit.IA STTDfO «p«rt. ^ Tria IV g ' »•- 0 0 >r. *r.e dangarviua !>:- «• .Xn.cana Phot.# tii frer.* furnisAeif iisir# r.h,m bed- the fkk e 'av ;« of has Jedow mar' Ami «e*t-a pf*'inted tt **• f.iio^mv.i »h a was a better time It get* h*t •a d. pt much --tftai n . all c**uM * * ' ro«vr" kit. hen fa'* Aoornred hou*- TYPIRT ANN RK critics nae I., v are not rare out.sue the realm ol a comic ■ !-«dii to hur • terl* raid iu Maaraw in Narem- to t. i at th.s tie And on toe , rT-».. ... tr.KR.NAR* * 11 D* N _ 5 .. .... UDF "« ' phone " TO fa"1-ti*.v- thrv* MA montiiivJ na4e«* i-Jtoit rievtn. and total* « • «* *» . »■ > of ■* kjv.c-. at Geit ■ >• her <,uo*:i.n eg d'^arma.ment. f.e f an'ed jor re.eo- >nt»t and olfir- . inf #tnp * vague, particular i> t'hon* IT S-sh: } c.lRI TO SHARP furnished r. j — -J tr-'. ex J.*»rn ttte «a ** * ** ,'h re Char'if Brown 11,4 or y },*« * 'mature stomach' a* he Ur.a.n* ao*«nier.t Uundrs fault- O TON SIT twrW» Mice c> .1 ;:»rr. : • ue ol I . > g.iv-, out ai-o a \ery ma- •' 'e lUvoe Prm* Srs ;eia: « Crossword Puzzle garj to r » far t. e Soviet t'n¬ ion rr, g .' g> v** ard meeUr.g na» .*.rv7.* vAtrn u avr. . ^ ,n„ > ^ , .ZJ,, .... Jg.-.-es HAgM-.? J APARTMRVT FOR FAMILY four ^ ' turf hfiu tor one «o young. N much so that his prtddem* The rommuiuqwe sa d f«;.,.e ti:e YWj dern,and* f. * f-x>.- N A T I O N A t. M.ANCrAtTV RF* roorr« u'liines and bat* fuii'- furriabed all! Mrk-.ng XV oer month i „r an - or at least the altitudes he encounters would md l^f alien negotiate-tui »*ou t he an e.1. •; U H« a a prot»f ,j gr. j cor.tr3-♦ Pit A> ar t f.^undatsoni . . . -oi rea* b» Idaal for famtl* j Jo r. t li s -Acd-.is a'.-o tha¬ ee-vor.autr ikus rameua rewessmta- i c.Midren. AvaUaMe Ost. X ED- FOUR LAvs:*' to a middle-Aged mar. In literature he'd tv c«!le*l a univer- » PuMir re.afior* tra nm* aa.ar' of ne had more than a litUe hope ar-v-c u'd o a r.'.errsts Inter*seas Pla.-en>ent Pureaj Tjes- toCKIO UP and CI. aal character for there are C harlie Browns in every race, i\»u.i-.r.e.-. aM*. r. 'a ,r,'er«-»:.« ' a' a Su- m.: conference da' and Hrdnesdav Mr Goldberg 2 DOTBLF ROOM. KTTCHEN bath sate entrance e\tension phone ' S* d4 :a< • • creed and time. We car. laugh at t harde Brown'a failing* fir . of ' e m*:t.'er.»r..y >f „mr*v'r ua. v w as n the offing In this, Nt RhtRY HP.1.PFR THRPP hou » Unena and ©arhlr.f A* MIP 2 ! WavN 4 0 . • » * migh: have been ueek m txchanre for rlae Ian and misfortune*, understand them, and even champion his AKa. the eammuniqe* said however, he a u*eful ran*rrxatians were held putting *.«re a.jUiUongi a'.oam YW\A OonUct Mr* U"'\ ROOMS I I lANS'NS kA.s.'l causes tveause the.* re our ow r. 2P MA. •* an a number af questman* af- aoh.nd hr % oan a 'cmpts 'o ON* VFJTi NTCT room avatUbla Wt hope sou " jvun u» in b'. ow.ng the daily discoveries br.ng aovxrt »uvn a meeting FOR RENT fi-.r tsa ( r * too bi.Kks from can.- , fe*ung relation* between the . of Charlie Brown. Lacy, Unus ami Pikv»pv. It will iv an qu.cwl*. ous *.D J-WT1 after J o m 1 —- - — — education ,n jtaelf. I ntied I man sutr* nnd the *a* let Including tha questian af GARAGE AT 1W Kada.a •> —V**.?£!*• AJ *•» Keen* Dr. Pnon# APFROVTD ROOM FOR Tea male a«"l THER1P «ther tvjwr.e 4-JUS •aaeot >4tur;a PAPI^s TTJJV1 e *T> httOl ■fudanta G •<«* ; Cfear N» toarte - bUietn prwd roadman. t men etu'dent. Parkin* «* Tboaa IV- { the near future II Gu.g*i Mnra PP f-totl. My* 11-U> 1JM W. AOegan I TVNUNJ note OvmWb. '• Hieir communique earre en irnum legabiiit" »r»'ft.- to rmiae ' the tost oa* <*f Khrjahches 1 aueertor repeodj- t•■>'* clamly con»«4ee*Uen of vouf, spectacular Vnftnd Stun visit tathfkah - Jane WgncR. ED 5- •*' * ^ In th# 44 hour* between tie Berhev v-r.eT leader s arrival at the nver M Clear light laacham 4 Kmqhf Walcoma, Studanf, U^dn^-- n,r TTrti Prar-der-t's mountain retma'., 1*. yellew . MOWING Wi't 1 ginning Friday evening, the two St'-Nj s?"f ^ /"rttfaAaiAMOoi prnctpa: anlagor.im in the cold «N9 SOU lUSiNdS WITH THHi Sfcl*lCt ar' * ere within taking dp- VyMUSAN BEWWf • : :^* ivtuv JUST *4 W| Vi OOM IN TNI ,*ST. QUAUI' **nce of oca another uiumi 21 hour* * A Urge »ha-e ef »*e trra btc a-« f * ' MrS 1/ •> \ went to tfie Berta-Germanv » ,? ■ «*.» ., i, ■( - 7 att *s c» q-ueatkn. *nt#» neither rraa ap- parmtJy budging frxni h« pre- SATiSfACTON & •' x-oui^r mated pom ton if* *1 ai»l ATTINTION and hhimnci W. H. TNC*>>- to stuosnts and coiuai msoNNii Y»yr Ctot' t*' 1 ON All CA* DIALS' iv >: *' iA Wagner aa chnructor Michigan Slate News nmct GTAID «T. K.dchea agpurta- BEECHEM I KNIGHT AUTO SALES WANTED s pmH 1 tian,e #. Am: lent ft U- •- la.a v *P*r») uia wsoc German • Phone ED J-RT4 aft*.* 5 Aigfcf Sla/f Kag u-.aer » tne o^> c««s Uv (ant!-* ICrtt I®. 7>.rr© ijac I. M hi. Dance »»e© terrta U for truwa ie- - IV 1AI4I l»KI«M 15 Batoiee aa I4I1 tor Hit* |iit«r de.tr XicXt surf Mauagrr »«r» t Iran, <:••• Ml MM MP tRtorwro * tm -iinw mtc mtra H"HT t for the Stata the medical profp««jnn. Thirteen of the RUmimit* Hoard orf •Alcoholism, "I* aimed will be aired on a 13- a! creating a better understand¬ i,ioii Lounge Features '-.inn •»vr w:M Michigan iv network supplied to nn.i mcm- ing ot alcoholism, and inform¬ ing the public how it can help makk'T** '5 h| 'Mechanical Brain* problem." explained MK'llltiVN • : >'.viono in the National A<- attack the STAtr m:w« >.v,«»;on ,>? Educational ttmad- Ralph Daniel, SUA executive • i-'ors all acrws the nation. director ror* MORVINC. HABIT ♦uilort a«d faculty members won't have (.. , -,-ini the I'niversitv's history t hi> xvk> ,„(>?rjory m#- e-.a< counties MSU (»ratl , • VWrld COLLEGE CLEANERS exhit«t «*•' Edits Book A newaM.c huts AO. Clio: ; l.», < "' "" T.„ .HI" 1,r< rut. on re- ■ th;s w eek ingenious'■> science and. \a n • f, h ,1. • . SPECIAL - - SPECIAL , I p.r «alverdt> * hi*- old ,1. Ilvintc H "> ... Hannah graduate c; Mst' of l-ans ng n LIMITED TIME ONLY y. \i" tRand»»'u Into a ' V .".mting a'reaAiv a'arved CLEAN - PRESS - WATER REPEL TREATMENT v," . Kvday at Id m-'tivc:,.!h. 620 W. MICHIGAN ED 24713 tZ~t< va Vi — m,t '* oMiiln agent* > »Vsp,v _ ,hf mmm»ml. *be f^.r.hfA it* mfalHMe 1 H.Pfl.art bring* forth Y 4.1* *n>< t»p<% »* • |l MSI"* « !!("' ivng WELCOME BACK MSU STUDENTS . eg.I '.4 .. : 1 - adoi- on. MM* The Campus Is Getting Bigger Di IK The Dav-So W liv Walk When t V MSV ; . . * • • you're ready for anything in Y 011 Can Hide. See Us Now About 1U1 ii/i»»». Music |, in I isil The Purchase Or Renting Of A hill Term AND WOMEN. AVAILABLE AT > Mario Hike Of Your Choice, the oolleoe bike shop ADltRS. IN WHITE AND COLORS, FOR MLN FINE STORES EVERYWHERE .mo Am- 134 n. harrison ed 24117 • ''• ,1 e «• tune PAY MORE!! WHAT FOR! , , Slide Rule T I with | *prti. in opera eom- 1 wnfj rourv Bay Aad Save A! Tha VARSITY shop . . . y May I help. r ami a special - Honor a t tdlrfr SLu- I taltarr •( luh " compieted BLAZERS ,• oTVhewtral n.usu* • III.IK i ' ' Dunrg • DI.IVK • III. UK ■ : "t .,%*i H-«r $24» <• > IruvTf- v : Ca- 'irtjl. will -.w»te atu- vtsing on '' • ■■■ ir.tc- a* f uropean -anTieology, ' * screnca Wash 'R' Wear Flaaatls |» -t H"liw* m Remanr. Un- He ia and « iradu- Har- mar- NOW ONLY $4.95 these H Slide Rules 1 • it> iho OS'S legion of ' • ■ ■ : " -Jo I'ruver- raincoats Avr, a : Ncr -:* Chi.^fO. LtPu»*iarut are your best buy al$ 14W e an.ver- Special saa tham at your collaga atoral 11. Uam, Faitat I. UmI ThM'i the lamuu> KAfi comes complete with a smart top-grain cowhide cess sag detachable belt-loop carrier And you'll get ( manual Occinil* K*k tyium - preferred by engiocen and fea¬ a tured by both there KAE Slide Rulei. Thii lytlcm (ivct you lor easy self-instruction or lietween-classes reference... a all the tcalta you'll need ... arranged wilhout troublesome handsome library-bound book you can keep for years, H Flight coaplicetiotu. It never contradicts itself... every Kale rc- fha lag lag Duptaa Daairrig... an instrument of unques¬ lales — consistently - to the basic C and O Kales. Numbers tionable quality. It's made of choicest mahogany - ruth¬ SERVICE are color-coded for easy reading ia both dircciions: black lessly selected, seasoned for years. Its graduations art reads left to right, red reads right lo left. engine-divided - deeply, accurately engraved. The moat re¬ ALL Wilier... VenarU. - With the KIE Decilrig Kale sys- spected slide rule made, and yours complete with (' I ubricatic LOW HOLER lea you can ftnd square-root values quickly, wilhout stop- lined leather case, bell-loop carrier, end library- Hepaij WOOL ptag to met There's M confusion - direct (unctions alx ayi instruction manual. ®t-l pw suits SWEATERS appear on like colon, co-functions on opposite colon. Get Oer the Tacts - about KAE Slide Rules, plus drawing usatru- the hMMAtt of these dear, simplt, efficient Kales on either ments and other supplies you'll need-in I of the two K*E Decbrtg Slide Rules - the KAE Jet-Log'" KAE booklets-"Slide Rule? May I NO'S t39s,-*49s# Dotal Decilrig* or the KAE Log Log Duplet Decilrig * Ml mm with a lifetime guarantee. help ' and the IV5V-60 KAE College Buying Guide. Both are yours, free at (gg) S|MTiai (>riiu|i I'rirr. On Bowling Shirt*. Bloom and Jacket. The lag lag is aside of handsome, durable Ivorite*. and your college store. Pick them up today! seiviqi ' L &r«»* lD ' NTS Unr UN KOSITCHEK'S VARSITY SHOP KIUFPIL * ItSIR CO. 228 ABBOTT RD. E. IAM81NC niw rota - MoeoaSN. n ) • eitaoir • cmcaoo - amwautti - at touts • oauas - mnvib - s«n isanciko • toa i fJflmVf ;*, 1*5* michic.av ntatt vrws Pirr Fonr Wolverines,Duke Am upui lUftl Gi*idders Lo»c Fall In Last Mimil y Pulverize* California While Bands Perform Iowa € In Roue Bowl Repeat Saturday dawned a.« a dismal, rainy da?. The rain which ^ ». quit ju.«? before frame time and resumed in the cloning R.ib Hr**. a 21 vrar old fotivprted halflia,» , :l minutes of play made a perfect nettinp for the Michigan W. W* Mi,.«ouri at it- k)we*t |wint Satunlay and , , State football team's 0-7 defeat against Texas A & M in B for both receivers and the clnck Iwat Michw the season's opener. a darinp touchdown in the final two secon.i. The Sparta lis' new double and its activities ever the past . Haas was supposed !<"> quar- tional footba.; winged T ffenae was a general 25 years disappointment u they couldn't tcpbsck MUwouri's number two bus grt it rolling Only .n Three kpartan , gridders were unit, but found himself in the Bake. he*n h, of thr tin*. Hr »lmo«t shook loos, for * lone tourhdn«n seem ' the third quarter did they show Injured In Saturday's tilt. The* SOPHOMORE HALFBACK C.nry lUllman (14) nukr. game with 2 45 left and Mis¬ scared • tw ica» in •, jaunt lair in thr samr. hut »cnt out of hounds »hilr " Ii Mel .uras. . were tackle. Id souri trailing. the type of play that makes nor of his fr» trips around l»ft rod in Saturday's £amr. hat the Barkrx r\ ruined the debut ine thr lichtropr do»n thr -idrlinr. Itlorkrrs ahrad or sprained left knee; end Dave The victory back with /nnlcr winning :ean\> Northerns*, rat over eye. and Hallman didn't rarr> asnflrn as hr micht harr fninr timrsi of Michigan's new heart coach. .">^1 Itallman arr I>a»r Mandrrs <71) and I'almrr I*>Ir fdh). After Blanche Martin"* touch¬ Matte, tuminc fr. halfback Carl C haron, dislocat¬ hrcausr thr Trvas A & M drfrnsr was simnerst on his sidr Bump E'Uott, and snapped a hera. firlnt down and An Brar-istatter's » . ed finger. ttv.verine opening game win¬ dawn to ec.r.vr r»ior. the squad ag&.n pas* *. py* ning streak at four straight. lapsed ha. k into its former in- ef!e«-t.vf nes-s ng. According to Dr team physician. J.»me< Feti¬ McLucas Green Bay Upsets Bears. 1-ft Northwestern mated the Ok¬ Chock and 51 Bryant seeanri. wit*. Lft i, One hncht spot in the rame and Northerns.* w.l! be running lahoma Sooner*. 45-13. in an¬ length-of-the-field m»rrg.l was h* *< occasion the huh halfUme for performance school hands. The the festivities was by dent ed Tuesday. was a Northcross' ac. .« result of being kick¬ Baltimore Colts Beat Detroit entire innir.g Lionsmarches covered a total of 504 other lilt Satarda* rated «eeond frred iu worst defeat since Bud Oklahoma in the nation »nf- gore, Kicking ?po then b»»-. touchdxiwn tt -' the tilth annual high school The defending champion Bstt- through the warm up games *ard* and look onl* 41 plavs. Wilkinson beeame roach. first defeat «• Dean Look, senior Quarter- Rand Day. hack ul'.o was slated to sta:• m-re Celts sputtered and Bat if the Bear* were ineffer¬ an average of 12.3 yards on ea»h Hawkeyes gave up or.e B.g 10 team.. 1-1A-I ri'-c- In anvMher T tile. their nerihhor*. the € hi - A total of 2,752 bandsmen Saturday's game, was sidelined umlvrd fi - more *han two • t uchdowh f 're game in pla*. quick touchdown to California eace < ardinai*. made like a tNinsin comhir i55 Michigan and one Ohio last week with a shoulder in¬ when J.-T S*r. FrsrCisco --t P- cd up a ,v.d then staged a repeat of the per.tvis. but finally opened their bonrh of champ* in crashing •re f urh quar. rr alertness f %c «o: participated. jury, Look js still wearing a fuiTi-'e of a 2-0 leu si over Philadelphia lv- R»-e B*^wl game by pulverising National F League scas- n the Hi*hin|t«n Redskin*. 41-2Q Ring.*. reCi' V C:"in1 t •nor S*anf r - The bands honored the f\ -"- east, and it is very doubtful • y-.e Kiisies lw>gan making 42-12. with a 21-9 Vict r i over the Do¬ In the other the San pun* return «>r. ' be Bear* 2fi them. mud bath d..» en.f o; rhe Michigan Seh.-il that he will piav in this week s tn-'d Lions Sunn. t«a^. v v : la* s lav-:. Jim Ta' '• r • •,-i',r,".i gestures :n the Favored Ohio State ra'lied a Franei*ro 4Per* eat down the But "e 4Ner* downpour Band and Orchestra AssociaU in game against Michigan. Ha.f a dorm o ner c'ub? al>o »5*'rtvd left err; f -r the tlr...; y ...artcr with dramatic fourth-down pass Fbiladelphia Katie*. 24-14 Fnlthark Tom it it it got stared in the first b.g Su~- t*l \»- > sr.is r" kid * after f»v fouch- to heal Duke. 14-13. in the final two taoehdawr* rn Gordie Serr exp» - < The biggest Tlie league opened official".- Bohny J:-e C •rr.i, . s yep'-nd - ■ - although they were on two minutes of a wild mtersec- Coach cty :he «ras smashes and h »rl 5sotucdai rucr.t when the Ne-.> Fr--co 1 when the final gun TbaBaMtrlciacy • ti¬ f-,-r. Tex a- A t M. • be the . te over 150 players Monday when surprise turned ; * booted a 26-yard-fifli by t Vc.rk G.ants humbled tr.e L-- 25 pon's * r tee C.-.r :•- jfe-H i-d . he opens freshman football 6 trui-iph regis ered c s. • . 1 "The finest ir dance music" prae' re at Old College Field. Green Bay Pack' •> ever the Ante'i s R.;-* * 23-21. a i t r.a.s He tallied on rua« of 5k V A Tit*, f passed fcr one II /life Sox II iii. fore 41.552 fan* Indiana, u- f eat urine Pittsburgh Stee'ers overpowered 4Ser -.sire and Joe Perry and . Hank Bullough will step in as Ch,-;,; t Bear- Tne Be«rs had an 133 yards. grsblx*o a 5-ya.d the Cleveland Browns. 17-7. s- •;; h plunged ever t >r its best advam D ft- /. Over Tigers . SMITH JACK MAN' asv.sUr.t roach replacing de¬ eorrpi.e- a 5-1 exh.h.t.'-n rec¬ v-.i s* <-m M C Reyno r* a-M ord and looked' strong a.- The was 40 minutes old ./ked tne extra p ri* aftor_ «il •he ethers Norm Van Brock tin a new mnmr-c JACK BRAI N parted Buck Nvstrorr bet-.re " c Colts managed *. • *.s..d '* bofih. Philadelphia fumbling I'.: • seven Cans' loucbdowT.s * DETROIT (J*-The Chicago HORRY STEVENS CUHIIJtMKtWflMilUJtitnttllfllUTIMilll tlbt'lHl.ttib! iSMt i it Mi i id Ifj i« ie *cs '!' "Prey had made art or..1 ouc.hciow :• contest. 20-0. - , The Card*' seven toaehdown White So* had tbe.r final World H ARRIS JACKSON fir-' - ah .n the opening qtwr- fore about IS i Series tune-up Sunday and de* THE VAU.AHERES NEW LOO.x ... ter r.ide us* one threat in..t? ■- Ctilc* Rnlf* Out J«nr»' llittrr fexited the Detroit Tigers 6-4 Inderdog Nrh-jxk» first 3f> min:itet. were tral.r.; •n Minnesota famM* , pin- man, nlhrr- Tne American League cham¬ no-hitter that w*U go 1 f»-0. ar.d nrawmg ' It DOSBS «ere CHICAGO -f*—Warren G:>*. « a tereepted na«*'» • • i pions scored five run? in the PHONE IV 2-0124 bm-. r- the crowd • ,-f the Nat; -• - 0 - a stsparate cartegory." oa.d first inning <■■?. rookie B»»b tor? at Wrman.il sufj^l But then %l»n Amecke hulled Irf-.i* .- said Sunday that Sar. Giles. A. officwl no-hitter Bruce The T.rers made two hind the three tatic T over fr«m the one and John F-an. .s«m p teher Sam J >r ■ of Cla* White l- cs- fi rune innings." errors behind Bruce in tre inn¬ ;:-IV TilL-SST V'nitaa to**ed two touchdown sever.-T.n.rg rw*-h'."» r ags.:>*. T »• pMwn for such a ruling ing. Jim Rivera hit a two-run busker* tamed rmfiher Into live toachdav ■ pa**e* and it was all over. I ni- V Lnu.s Saturr.ay r.i^ht u n »: homer and Luis Aparicio ss*>le ta« ha* now thrown at leart one l><*-hit*cr :< *hat many pitchers have no- Before the NOTICE touchdown pa** in 2d straight o' A.-N%.rding t » i«.»a.'..e r ■ —re's gx->,r.g which are l.vt in two Tre bases two thefts by Aixaricio buskers were , game* that a'\ ■* t - -!• secenth. ewfhth or ninth inn- ( U-s e\ . <4 .«»>■• • enbaled him to t.e the club re¬ di>g« by 10 p» Poe to on error the can¬ m,3t ge n.ne iftiungs. The Pickers" victory equalled TV—-.."or cord of 56 stolen bases set by ful Minncsrv^ ' cellation date— SIN- Saturda* * I Wally Moses Tne Sox scored an fhowred text: PAY. Sept. 27 12:10 — insurance run m the ninth and fdvoritcs r. : introducing stringers played » their second mi the Ca*a Not a piu.i the score. . . . half the garr.e. ad which ran in the SV.W WEIjCOMK Nsue wan SPARTIH BELL RINGERSI ANDRE'S not inserted. (USl 'S PltPI L4R PERFORMER S FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. OS ESC.USH HASDBF.U>) STATE RECORD SHOP REED NEW PLAYERS * MOVTCE-WEH lit SIC RE.WISC ABILITY RFAJl IRIQ\ Where ?nu will find Artare*>t wiectaiw of re- * I *lwn .1 ID Omlf corded mu-ic in Michigan. A compl*!* wfnch of CALL IV 94)663 FOR !>TKK\IOT Mereo and Hi-Fi i* alway* on hand. Come in THE BIGGEST kc eouei* »a« vhw»«d be wits&c • dor- and bmw*e arc»und. We are open Monday and SOWto*. WOULD! r For new daafc' For new flair! For • at>W Battc TfWT If* ♦cckaOgi-f. (fdVkcaeve' «?:ua coodrtis*' WW #if mgr e»' t baoi TWO' *"Kt »or Friday till y to serve you, FUNNY! Th( writtnf Anetwc ten ol Cterkt odC.-:'::\ VICTOR | • iota My new concept in of w hat a new idea hats can do for YOt\ see the new mvfle tbn ?*.* {►■ «?{ t >Jti b&aaue f»' t »$!tf • 3f»f tncwgioef fever. ri'-pt i «*•»« gfff *e«f f 'I f ( om/tit le Line of I.Utening Plefuure •W RRWd loidj d Wrtk tm TW Loence h i Iv.bbs Tei-.set. lower-crown . tight f'»e*c On'* $.*54 po.t.a c iei.f »"f S'» taw - 5*«f • is»e ' Mob', to* kmN wtotor deposit of r-^i'S telescope . , shm brim It's a Ih- ' - "bo*CHr.| haj >at? V-«' Sat.ifKt»o« JAZZ POP ato ctocUn. Tto nny Mfe tot csncocteO i *i-f iwmii RED e*c:us.\e. See it Onlv'||-» - - i tri rf*t«s to*to»...» trmd h i tojJteei Raps UtorT . rt tot- * r. i— BUTTONS • Cln l*M »-w< *. L The Tog Shop V*C tut K* 'WO U. -Itffllf 1MC0MS... RHONDA Ipnpw'cimeBtoei'' mtib | LITON THEATER BLIX^ — EAST LANSING FLEMING imwHi i i w man u * n «ti* • < »en«ii«Hiit u AimnuumuMm wNNBumw ifctG If il's rrronliil . . • ItV at . . . now showim; .huh. start xt —~ ANDRE'S GLADMER AiaCOXOmoXED TO yocr comeort _ I M . JH ITATIRLS .TXRT XT - . I M • J IT - X >1 • » !l t :• . HI 327 N. X VSH1MITON IV 9-9423 - -f — riu« — TM RUkT.RiRa.il ITOIT feafnttr; "Tbt Kin* V I TUk-lli I* US .Mickicaa Slat* t'errciwilv hi mil fuun iuii EOREIGN FILM SERIES COMING ATTRACTION TuinWM TXMt. Mm. * *■* m tl * M _ OCT. 24 - CIVIC CENTER THE STAN URSR (ARNIVJ frl presents KATWM GRANT MEOW -BLUEPRINT PETETIflRRE OAVIDJNELSON FOR THE Km\ mm RaSt'V. ,v\ IP-lb AT TO A AM MAT ATFI MHIV - •TAHABCO" a rtNtDCRS TO klLL" 'i I gS m ■ ■' ■■vb ■; :h. I raves, Dodgers Tied MICHIGAN NOW THRU* FRIDAY! A Start)tnc MMtea PW«rf | In N.L. Pennant Raee That Talk* Hrirt>la*HNrt With Today'* Yninittrr'i COimpted in the »ex-enth OnW The lost . r- . y---e Mi!- thi* afternoon h» the Dodger then did thex look |jkf an and Itra\ e rietorie* and their _ v Nat:on- payoff wtth rithth-plaee hall clnb. hr«t tame defeat at St. I ami*. htmp- fru! Fnw the inning en the Ir. the (wjy <*ther National innocence... CIVIC CENTER m-,..aie!r>hia #cw.-c M *'~c rVvtjrrs' I.e.-p.!ar,-ff .n M44 the St he uttoara- \ ict.xry nve- th. Chinas Ci:h% L-v. s Car.vr.a;* knocked c T ,ve 1 garr.e of stared the Braves They km>v ai'. aft n 'he ^rr.ivn faec- *- • rvviger* and went on Kei S-^v n *he \>v,* the ser.e* the tide • » m«* rcthing •>» a vtrtciry « Contrary •* the World Series ■ ...- tftday,M.> eladiuffl «fcW* keep there. al:v First n.-ri f-.n the exc vi •>r .. v>i*.:re -vher. there are *rh*d- od < T day* f.xr trax*e! be*u«m awakening |l w.'i Miiwialtfr f :e- wa« rh.r £•'*« -n C.h cs--. and e-n * c to what they WED., (XT. <4-8:00,.. ,;ers ,>' their be#t- manager Fred H.ir « is w-vt C.vtft. there xv.J iv no off rided •" :„vUv\ «t;,rter He va.1 TVe> wi*I 1 r' ' •«".!! d>r.- It wnuM ;v c.th !*-,Y ays 'he p'.av »fT t \>iav a* C un'v Stad- ' K z*e • BliriyVe : ^ a' 121-15A. boater Fr.riy r.:?-/ a- i 3.5 r~ fC*< th» ed oat The A cole* after "-<• .2.1—,- for the Car '- •. UV. v.a , y.C---.-. ' ■' i eor. * est torn erreIt ♦ hCv ■ r - ' 0 t nr.: -tar- • -• . **axe to p!.-,*• a **-.:rd came it .> • ■ W nt,i had r - .i ve, • -N» - for 'Vedr.esday a' L.x* «**«: The l«*t time the Nation*! rr.«< 1 TICKETS ON SALE HOW AT: ... A ' c •". r- .... <•' I1» """* 1 eaeur had a T»la*ofT x«a* tn *«•> — • ir oer,* t-e 1*51 *» hen IVohhx Thomson hit :*h txx-o j #ei Oirwh 1 l'nw ner.-.a-.t ex-er •» hi* famous "miracle"' home run MU1, """ -t.r *. --a" v - :• ev m have , } «. ftxien* for *i\ for the Vex* Verk Giant* to — ?.« the t-we,•£.. reguiar- • it he r PANAMOUNT NEWSNOP league State News ^ inn k. Miniu;\s [!_ Slanjing' CIVIC CENTER BOX OFFICE Liih F vv ii vc.tr It t Pft c.w ui'Kv movhax • imnxx i-* ivm *4 »a .* ^ ATA IWitor Sr« Hum* liikrt. .<.1.20. 2.l».». 2.10. !..».» s 1 r 1 .1 •« ?A 513 r> Neptemhrr IS |«>i* Pace fire •. •» AM 1* • •• 4«T I# tux inrl. ;blue •4 «• 4A1 I# %• i;o :* M- tor Ki-rrtalinn» I'll. IX 2-INi2l at •) Id* 51 NEWLY OPENED *1 »i < i» denim • x-, v. . |t MTR'-n ; « -r - ■" . fur 11 nrnti r flip it% tin- VARSITY BARBER CAStX MAMX* ATTENTION ONfiANIZATIONS kimwi iivt.tt Prt (.it LYNLB'deWILDE n I BI.IM k SRtTS A* XII.XBI.i: u *• S.5A S.VA SHOP . . . .S3» 3 waCOOSAID was:•> * I'llOM rilK Bt 1I M4IK 41.IM 4 ,.5#h A M'l'OlM MIMh V\ XII XIII I 4*1 4A1 4«1 I! 1! 15 1 \ll HI :.'*>2I WHIM Ted l\ 2-4W.21 ItobinMHl. rampu* KeprrM'nt.ilive »t *4» 416 Mart* Prods* IM 2nd 1 a peasant playoft 2* * ALL REQUIRED SUPPLIES THESE ARE OUR SPECIALTIES, AND WE STILL HAVE ALL THE AUTHORIZED BOOKS AND SUPPLIES REQUIRED FOR FALL TERM AT M.S.U. » -SEE l)S FIRST- THE CAMPUS BOOK STORE 131 -133 EAST GRAND RIVBt AVENUE EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN PHONE ED 2-4413 y jj O P M "» MICH1GAV STATE NEW* Priest t» Teai-li September MSU Gets $683,000 Modern Greek A new non-credit eour~ From Grants, Gifts ,n rr..vlc.rr, Creek mill he offered this tall in the evening coiloc. Classes to be hrtd oruv e* , meek for 30 weeks, will bet i t\ 5 Tw ( ".vifffl Greek r unt' *. ; b> tauart b* the Rev father C • « K uklaki*, pr.c«l th.* Greek ,*ommun;*y .n S'ijdrr.ts interested L«ar.*.;r.c in tak:r.2 ACCtBDITED !h,* «>ur*e should contact fath¬ er $10 Kv-k'.aki# chsrged l»v per a; IV student 5-56.AS n il t* A B3LJizm >tudi«»u* ientlcmcr arc ad* I Or. Cbarle«* J. Gaa. pr*»- \ «%ed to include at lca»t one ■ fewwor of accounting and fi¬ of the proprietor'* hla/cr* ■ nancial administration at and an aocompan* ini **»i*t- I Michigan State Iniser-i!* coat m the wmcrsits **nrd- V and a top authority on the robe These ma* he purchased 1 federal income ta*. ha* been h* other* than itudent*. and " ma* he"cho*en from a school elected president of the Am- of unusual and cla**ic colors. erican Accounting Associa tion. effectise Jan. 1. Present $39.95 fiau Hcfflcr Y.v:1! need a corr'rt UI'ac dietK*ra-> •» -c - , cotiepe *ori Tv,• A MODERATE TRICE lor «l»*i*tir| o- \»:se CUSTOM SHOP Go'tepate IVtvr..-. \ FOR TtlF. Ft S F.ST IS ED 2-4UI or ED 2-MS1 KAST GD. RIVER ON THE CAMPUS \Afh* tet 1. On'y *\ on the un»w , . Ne« Inter- ,a-j. ^ FOOT LOV; HOT DOCS Secocut V J'-io ■ 2. On'* \1t - v- n *s. the dcta ■ ■ ClTtB SERVICE EAST LANSOG RALPH'S CAFETERIA lece WudCTV* 3. On!* M.-*~if *\ tcvhnvai la:.r. r^-j- ( itimiA RIIIHMNNII save Tonmr vomv oRitri vm it m agahms "KEWPEE'S" 4. On!* MerrU-V*?*** »*n Vnfh*h c»*r*r'etf 5. Or,i* Mc~ i* — •?. iv w.-n* q .AT THE LOW CTITUNT It ATI *: rumor <\#T -*••»> «v ■ r«p* rtAt am ti m m i r*»r rt.AtaoV il VM Mkr i enf* ... j- . *.# # for the finest in foods tip to npesria!»*t* date h* 3. tVi* Mcr-v.—u .v-, a i-p nsr (xi m»>> il* a w . TlSI il M ' tf I 1*9* * dcfiRttM*n« - Vk a- TIWI I? *i . Tf a ewp* - * c**ent x to ..r *r-e»3i iN «ki| tf 9 for' ptete meaner * rm «9 tt* il vt » Sr a rer» 7. On* Men*-.- \w- is *»•» a vmujt iiroit ,3* *o< «* » t„i* ... rtrttrt SI «1 m Ui a r«r< • ■. e\tcn»:*i r-« I tll tfl aii i sr a r«r* ».• A. Or,/. M~.-Vk.-K I tr» <* am *r a mr' *" l.lf» Il ATI i !'•* 9 Wfarate h-.V -* .« ran* * • uri it at« t'-r a ft* • * graph v a! * *k 1 «»«A 'l »r i iXr a r«r* SATiai-A* IS I m»ST i 19 akil »*r a e^pt 1 * *tKS. J V Manias moist n »n ». a r«.p. 9. tV A At. aroeia u 11 «nuiva i»r a «»-r* She onc>« - ' seoar* n 11 «Tft%rtT» n %r > it t r..r« «« ar**i o" 1*91 til •• am*i rr a w $0. a Ir* < Mr- *n.i*n( aoxnni u»n*> »-r a o»o •" mi AH A OB arm •• mt* < Sr a rep' «» cent in M . BSBPIR* ii at» jv a e«^« o ssrt ai'si arvim «» *t. u a t«pa .* (id Webster'* s m MrcrtlTI* il* WMWl X3» a eep* ts*nar* tkc kt RDlJtiO (9 WMM I IV a i»r« tixlu'' r.- awimit as pom <• mm* t :v a tap, i.at'irs now eotmaai «• a r«v* A-or*nfhr "v t «(h.ii • i •*.» »s» a e»«e« Spnnynckl !. st . pot *i a (.aim* it n ?a i ft" The l.lral Plan- It. *l»-«-t Amir «.i aatoi a <1 »t 1 Me a ew mart a* aa/aaa it at . »r a r»na< k or J«»l n aa IS' a r«r» w»«na*»e* 1 JACOBSOiN'S MEN'S SHOP 210 ABBOTT RD. - EAST LANSING ervoorfs Here is trul* a "man's world" where you will find most up-to-the-mmute in men's and older bo>"* fash-1® OFFICIAL SUPPLIES selected with an eye to romfort and style, and where r*^- think*—including ample parking—has been planned for for all GYM CLASSES con* enience. H ADMIXTON Wllh th» t.N.ptratd.n ef .Vmrrtra's liar.) mj.fr-. 'K RACKETS Mm'. *h..p »ill rf(l«i th» J.rolMaii liae-honorfl .siW- • WuM.n ard. of a..urrd .imIiIv. gund laal* and Mtbfactii.m *-*- MATCHED a saoidmr oulrr coaK .larks »port»».ar to aiiA and aiatrh. 'k'"v a Midlirti" TAKCET a HELD ARROWS undrrurar. M