fThe Weather jyphoon Ha?#* Shower* and fooler }xfitne>f Storm Kill* High Today "•» low Mooda> •>" ><* V*ct 3 ....... Sfnin| MSI For 50 War* TRICK S CENTS r^j. so. KAST I.A\SIX(;.~MI«'HU;AX—tuksuav.";sittemrkk afc-iaw Ugerians leadv' Ike-Khrushchev Debates May kv T»1« > Talk Will Open Way tq Summit Meeting Possibility iVace IF( Rush • A- •i r-.- • » *v-At» Hinted to i -fV fift- Festivities .... y.."via * • thfv arr with * To Start Reporters Ka*l-We*t l*arle\ |*r- r-*~V- oo f.aulk Sure, >o Duress ^5vt « ooafo-firr and | Kortiiiil Ku«liiiiu ■' «r'J,t,rBV- To Hopin Tixtay U'ASHIXtiTON ,ph-Pre i - K ctn\. Thcv sitlont Kisenhowrr M net - sf: «,m' Th? Intrr-K r» t r r n i t y tlay his secret talks with C.nm.': wili l*-yin f.ill ni*h Soviet Premier Nikita K! u* TU1* a. , , ***.'* Ka ti Rove* wj-.,. ... -•rfu«e>' int. MAM Or for the Artnitits C'.tntttfll -t.ind- out* loniirlit »i T ::W in KaiivhiU rttshchev aUuit Berlin's fu¬ , • - r -e.y » • A-erirrrn: ^ide ihe Alpha Kp^ilon I'i fratemitv hou*e a%ith one of ilw Tlifatri- with a prntrram that ture Uh 1 to enough progress i-- r,jor. *alks a'..'. **ma?»ier>. Hal 4«urian. «ho i«. nvchairman of the mmital featur.'* Pr. Stanley l-irer- to w ipe out many of his ob¬ *»ilh Carol NichoUon. an \lpha i.amm.i Itella. The mascot iia. (iran of tho Honors CoU jections to a summit con¬ ftWS !»• i*» at the hoit*e onh temporarih and will |>e in ference. »-err" • Spartan loco. »« ihe main speaker. . M. r wv a* - tj'.V »o Stadium Thursdav. Dr F'.i.An N-^nnanuker, form- PRESIDKNT K1SEXHOU KR and Trea*- is at left and .lamest Stiles*, director of the .V A spec ".a! !>.-,*» o mferc :\-f « dee'.Ara'uxn F.t«enhow« - ^ hmusi .« ,,, e- and present ad- tirv of firm U hold a dummv "hand" ut the Treasury's sating* bond* division is at cen¬ .v K.i*' 'A.- »v<-r*e f.~«r the v.n*u.-. c*»ru ••- wit -v n. llr-.v- i. an.i .i ha.' ronviwatton. *• IV Ids'fnt.; A i"', deser-.be the cent. Treasure Secretary Robert Andersun vettch. We-' tierma:i a.i.t *>t: |j'*i«ite i w« frowtwed AlteHl'l F«r»K»i» that Satellite I neovers Ne>v * . F. Atrr..-\ a F;..tfrn;tv Man ar-i the Meat The Kvau»r* (irai-ir Hoar* Towaril Sonlli ni'.u-1 The hide? f»re*id«m' -a.d n.-> Sxste-- at MSI*" will be Khrushchev- « «ear« after hahttmc the Wr • a n 'Hard* Radiation Baud p IV N.nna-naker'.* subjivt. . . eeaid ante no ... ' \t. ' B. Hurricane Winds the* Dangerous ■•a After the «peerbe* and the ."iKr«MNt thor# u h* no deadline « fatare He It*»ed three . wrfrrve mte«ra- .shewing »f a new flint prwdueod , F.ic-W# • icg. ' < h» WASIITV [•ON \—T" » I > \\ his ! «a!oiit!o the 1 ntverwlti ef Indiana .Mwktng PONt-efu', -#• - K"4 inetrerelitart Frahre en MOV. f, ha« fiv.ir.'i ,« v<< i« undotivtod. bar.ii of in- ramptis rntitled "The frateentt* MIAMI. F • >' — Htirru-ane - «s to -hi* southeast. tl.Pe extremely dangerous hurttcane ticm#:i: tense and *'« ; ;tround the rarth. It c>>ui»i mean Idea 1F( provident Id Renting f.ir.-e w.:hi> of 4i) mph extended ar.d all i.-lan.i-. tma.-hes and I )pei i\'v«'*-u-.v K9otK pn*r:ic? of :. * will gite a brief elo*lng speech. 2«>u n-tle> northwestward and wa'ortnmt areas must w (w- hs* ssreed the*# utk* *h«ttld athied d,.>r,c« man mto *;vtc» dancerous" w .rut* of 125 mi't-s nw : >v crnmer. 125 miles - on th east ward p!ete!\ evacuated if loss of life net h# "ssnrmurth or wndub T-e .*c K a*i:\ *he eonvivatioc. &Q M tv'.av and n«ai*c*i to¬ . *.-*** geifter and . : per hour "It is emphasised that hurri¬ is to be avoided." Dav.,-.' .i p in. extended." He did not explain ry:e--vi;-.,- ... tvtr1 »Arn;v cr« v.wr ctiflre f ?.ree-nacr response to ward t;#v: c a-Soutt\ Carolina cane Gracie has grown into an advisory said whelher thi* meant necetiater* rr.jr aev ' ' - an - .v '-ub ;r. ?h«» ntt'! between *« ru:.. '.• was asod- would have dav*. weeks or w*' arsr»<'-v- *-• F&irvhi'.. and the Krvstfe Art coa--' . . >w *nos wtuch weather- month* to talk. L' . "Sf / Algerian republic »• Nauctr.., Ai-.-.A". Ac iniC.tmf Fro. \erre, *• iea-t fresh rr. an a 2 2 mu*t average me-. ate*! avo..;e>i ' i«n nr? f tdMHild be evacu¬ Ifs of life is to i*e Desk. Offering Box Looted No one t< under dure**." F.c t«»u#r said, when as ken - 12 Stutients At a -** a. r.f\e Khrushchev promised At Cditholic Student Outer - i-*A C3ftaS»50M w: u" the:' i . trn-i s.t order t.i go active Hnrruan* emergency warr¬ acier.t.*-. tne divided ar: jvV.itJca; ing- »ere displavcxt from >*•«- to e:»>e pressure on pc-r inter tem- A . oU*.*" ttudenu Ic; -1 a *,re. TO# Wilmington, German capital. ^ri? -.r„. •?•«-.« •-> ar-~ y self atxar-.i the tin- t ■ ■ eruAt To Receive vsr.Ga, NT. to St Center. John's Catholic Student 32? M AC. Ave., wn< The was Iniian.'# of the i-n' >mt« Mmffrr* robbed of sino on Saturday Ai*- in his desk Checks worth $7d ho .vtatcil emphatn al!v thi- ht-x > Gs„ • IE-re. IVerr e railed ?n shortly a :•*! T^e pK-turc 1 >A - Scholarships An iafaraul meeting and Miami sa.vi „t 3 p m. (EST) that *! .rm tine and high .*«»r£ ihe^ : \ - course at MSU Blake's proper¬ .« • - arvjw-s had «n the paper and an* wh«» dr- Student hwernmen? Judu-- thf1 auth«irities that part of the that might he shaping up. •rientific gam* %«> tar from the \ 'O.i • • utoversi'v . v warned re-. *ir# t«» work are renntred tn at¬ avjbatiN.' !-. •1'iincv w.i* stolen from an offer- ty wa< removes 1 from his atito- Khrnshrliev in reporting on - flight of the 141*i»«'ur..t satellite . ;» > t e e. tv -I? V at# : ' fn*n $2V> tend Position* are now open Union t*on.vH \ .uiitwics rx- .-ig tx>x under the vtgtl ltghv-. nvobtle j..itkeif m a YMCA lot. hi* talk* Nundav said be and t«t»l*rer \1 It i* called the . ;• -»".£■■ - \M ..e effort ?.> t«r those Interested In advertis¬ f--r ?hr«v* fatl ten sopho- lisenhower found murh In eom- - * • Taddle Wheel satellite becao*e • - •>-» tJOC u :ii» h - Ike Suninions Leaders hrv- ing. writing, sport*, office mon in their *earrh for a settle¬ - xv Gaulle. •# the vanes stamhr.c nut (rem n cw-'- pua. 143 news »re« or.# senior, ar. i two work, photograph*, engravlnt. ment of the Berlin crisis. It* sides. Ihese vane* eat« h the graduate student* Bo:., men j rmuMu! r<>* enuoent Man's ra** which are renvertrd • The v. .*!.»'.»ar# made editing, doing make-np and and w-.jmen may petition until And Monday, back in Moscow, |l4»ea« t* heyoMir, »»mera«i rtf«< - roan- tnte radios. eriergi fer (fee satellite * t • - r itg-h' £'"■ f frrwr. A - C:-.arlotteivtl;e. headline*, typing and answering phone* bee Wednesday * Mate tV T To Settle Steel Strike Khrushchev shout# 1 to loud ap- piau.-e at a homecoming rally: i " •#*■*•«*#* an4 the New* for nlare of the meeting. Myrtle Beach. SC. ? Savan 'G-ng i-,\e American-Soviet t V)—Rrwident Eisenhower, calling thp friendshipl" i actrr.r-.str-- •" Agr:rulf.trC - tea*,* uut Utr% ran - •• almvf normal levels Khrushohev told the Russian*-, -at*- .'e * • - ■ -- ta I ^3** be e*:ab..'tbc-1 a Cdntinuing steel .strike intolerable, Monday summoned in¬ fund ta memory he had found Eisenhower t<> be pc.i :.~J: <•-* : 7" • ••' ' . > r 'V»s Tr;i>* rr.u«y have ,20 a 11-college to "All persons within reach of dustry and union leaders to the White House Wednesday, of j»eace with ■• Albert Vaughan th * term ami either * n man the )>ack- these tide* should evacuate Im¬ ' A v.de wn«nar*b.p« for, 3 2 a!' coiJcgc average or a 2 5 mediately before esrape i« cut He planned to appeal jiersonally for a quick settlement. mg of all but a small mirvmty p#.- ce;*#; an i devftrvxaj ??*;< term to g > active w;nt#f The President earlier told in* of Americans. h* rising water*" forera*ler ' ' tr»«#c ■ - off • •Tf . y Ex nt"A* conference lie wa« "getting Ei-enliower set off a diploma* t ~ e arr*. or. y Car ai n;v« . : • *-1 ■ « ar..j ■vntnt-Y who are ; tiiiancial assistance la t Thirty fraierruties will «et up Waller Da*is said. sick and iirti! of 4h.» appareti? Khrushchev tie furor this morning by telling f <- ihe-r"-tieffree wr«-rk b«>orhs in the Union bal'.rteint • AH safely precaution.* ahould .:npav«e' i»t stc#l. He said «*»n- newsmen he could n«e. guaran¬ ' 4 '-'r gCA • tw . piiat caliv the 76-dsy-old w alk¬ % tee that settlement would o &•:. once " once orlc*. \.. .. . «r. ent> e.f ine A.oer* Ca>e award* for tjh« a.-jhtemic '#«r are' We-tnetuiay night m the first day of Open Rush. TIi;.* will permit )x» rushed to midnight tonight" l>avi* Mid Gracie had been completion before out must not Then Eisenhow • r pu! mntiniis. in tele- Suys U.S. Trip uphold protect the any the previous freedom vows of West '■» rusher* to meet representatires Wort It while '• declare- tua# f 2h»« . i'rawforti. A!-.ford soph- of all 30 fraternities in the same mti-nat/ying during the day "an t calls for Roger Blough. l»»ar.l licrliners and to guard alheil Co? any ]" * p ?' - . ;s n«r# an exirernely dangen-us chairman of U S. Steel Corp. right Kennel': B u 11 t. »r=, room govern- Zat MOSCOW OP) — Nikita Within minute*, however, Ike rr*d tv ; Tlapi-U m*art. James R.uh activities will continue hurricane " mi top industry leader, and C- A" 5 David McDonaUI. president of Khrushchev, beaming at a hero * While House issued a special r .<• • Birmu-ifhwrn s-rph> - a!l next week. AH house* west pin. air reconnaissance ^- -A Ten; ag a lf*ri;U ' the sinking steelworker* Union welcome home, said Monday lux Gui***'; Otvaw<*? of Abbott Rd. will be open Oct. l'«.-atesi Grade M 30 degrees statement insisting that thi* an¬ - «C4:.)n. dr. >rfc be American trip was very success¬ north latitude, ?8 degree* west lie arranged for them to come swer "did not mean that the Kenneth Hure, 5; all houses east of Abbott on ' ■ ""•» ■ ' : - • orate 3.400 ffiui la separate White Hawse meet¬ ful. H# told the Russian |k**q»l«- freedom of the • -at-. • v»piv«r»ore; RtchnrH (K * 6: and ail house* on Oct, longitude «»r 23d miles aouth- people of West 'v.r Kdabtor- . Presidcnt Eisenhower is a man ,oar;r;iJ s •a;.: or Charleston. SC mov¬ ing* with their respective in- Berlin wa« gotnc to he aban¬ H a ; r • Manet?# ^jpuomore. No invitation* will be needed to . with the backing of all . The*..;- ar. d as try and nntan allies Wednes¬ of peace doned or that allied rights were # H I-* ? Grind Haven attend the houses at th.* stag# ing weyt-fuirthwrst at 12 mile* TV»* a band*-. ! ' day maroiag. but a small minority of Amer¬ going to he abandoned by any * -» v': : z.i»y >i*r- ■ A;v,r. K rartr. Bad A w ee* < f closed rush v.iil p*-r hour. t:\-e In New Vork, » spokesman icans unilateral action." **■* As. « »;o>cet>.'re, Vtrg.ma M.Ps frtiiow*. Closed rufh rtieani that Reports from aircraft indi¬ • (nrflap a pfc.vMc;** a* Vre s r.vvr.' for McDonald «tid the steel- The Soviet premier noted in¬ The President said a!! he *-■« K -c*f '."d )-wS'b*KJV.*re. Allen Nei- nishee* may attend the rush cated peak winds reached 125 w«« FTer.cn Sow a rniie* an hour and hurricane workers chief would In* on hand, stance* of hostility and com¬ trying to say by hi* reply was : K-ngsfnx»re. for all fr#tenut4es is Oct. 14. to tr.e norihwewt of certtvr and 50 group* were ssked to pass on lution of ^n# Berlin question • ■ • -e»- :. flight The new band form* the presidential bid to others on his tour, but good feeling was But ha sfteciflfti w.!a t«bel a pother powsibie harrier. b»»'h sides. th# keynote of his report "Any jgreemer.t must be ac¬ D- J-tr. .''«>• ' I. tiller SKMUIOO Grant Tne stated purpose of the Khrushchev praised Eisen¬ ceptable t«» the people nf the meetings will be to "urge both hower before a packed home¬ including pp>Ieuor *' *ne Ur.ivers;ty ->f the most con¬ area, ChkagA aaid the !>ew uan.i ww Aides to resume free collective coming rally at tije Moscow cerned—the people of Wc.t Ber¬ Club frails Tonight detected by a .f vicr oe\ e Uoo bombtrdraeou oy b.gr cr— to rneasufe ' aa -t- : ae- Television to Am I ma.rdam.ng proper Help Teachers dia-?*- the critique session suppictncn*- bargaining with a view to set¬ tlement of the dispute in the in¬ terest of the nation." The union walked out of bar¬ Kports Palace throughout the Soviet Union - for "his statesmanship, wisdom and courage in broadcast judging the lin and the Federal Germany " news His earlier confer#ni# remark* Republic of ii*d a! said ru> 'he crgy jwrtide* ■ A Muoy of the use of t«J«Vi- world situation." Th* premier irn'ruir-ent* a ;i**a rd eo r i ie. piioe? Is rpy diction clear? Do ed by tape recordings of »te gaining »«wktons last I'ytday say¬ such tiling to the astonishment sksri *eki Up*? recording? to Im¬ f ?..ter*r* W« prove icachtrr preparatlofl will I speak too fast or too *iow? practice tiMching, and the tiurd ing further talk* were useless. could hardly say enough nice of newsmen who felt Ebenhow - I . ' -'-A3tiCra* dock cor.-iucxi at ilSU under a Am I dressing correctly?* group will have the critique ses¬ things about the IT. S. President. er might be bucking down orv im II , *•< • A-"A* tot --it reg.*- .1 tS(. Rweiciiifi o# will sion supplemented by kinescope hi* previous stand Veto S109JM2 grant from the U.S. Oftice of Education accepted rr- "The practice actually be able to answer some teacher recordings (sight and sound), He—" EH* ■> hmT**I—eaT "I don't know what kind o# I a rioti* Petition* ft r~ ^ n-GI i s :nade while the trainee was la kaggli — Ha ksm. solution may finally prove ac¬ ccmly by the FWwrd "f ftuRt of these queeDong for herself tamphleta. be hod aaM be waeot year ta lata May ar sarly Jus, ceptable, as I aoy, but yoq must ' <"-rr«Tit w^p Pr» with the use of kin—cope and teaching. _ The e^cta-e - •:.** To minimise the Influence of idN to try la a—a— Ma—a tor Ma bafftaatog of Rnssls's «rlsf start with thia." Eisenhower to better appraiae tbmr ourn tape recordings." i J!-?* s"Nu"t • t>-« announced Monday taona ore being received for the. ' vu>' i* -■ - performance* by neering and The study involve* three tne presence of microphone*, re¬ "f said. "The situation la abiAor- of 20 readonly selected cording equipment and cameras, But if the President's got the impression that mat.* listening to k.neacop* *nd tape groups . yfJ »f*rBr am. folkming vacancies us Student recording! of ih#ir eiaur'Xirr. practice teachers ranging from exp'air.« Tmters. the eaeriments a! appeal for a negotiated settle¬ Eisenhower sincerely wants to ; - * 1» Dora:, Cuagrecs: Bailey <1.1. Bryan will be conducted in school* ment fails to bear fruit, he liquidate the cold war and . I '■ — — If - (I), Btttterfteid (1), Lrrunoc* preseotauons. the elementary through the high establish normal relations be¬ Carnival (bairns school level and covering the which have apace to conceal the probably will have no other re¬ L*w "* •""•a* V> «|. ' *r.day ■*eetr«%»i -'ke -,;te pretty much as C , »a^,..r. -t * '."ii 'o. he'dow public Mr K . Mr. rtssunie ca'.lixi two that da, t ... be negative one . effect * ••' a \'o:crit w :r.d an.d K v!one. That* the way he'* heen all We!' Fyisertb. * The c.mte are a'! stacked now for new trouble between i jrikiU K'-ra.*h.*hev. do along < onversattnnatly. Rhrush mcit all fit * !V. ! i! * «■ the people of Ka<*t Germany and their Communist rulers. damage* Or d d enough rain fad rhr* I* like • fnethall runner *:oc'. noi K-r Although he specifically declined to put wonia into the duriig hfe- mountain meeting who keep# reserving W« field, Eisenhower hov,- f Soviet Premier's mouth. President Fisenhower make* it a Camp David. Md. v g *e hilt keep* hi* eye •• R»e teal conference snx*** f:#< h. pe '-at. exentuall*. interna* whole Itine. pretty e'ear that KhniiK'hev has ptit off into the indefi¬ the bv and to ho--r v -a! . n>p> w;' lv -vtier * must have bei nite future any showdown over Berlin. lake an* 'artner ri*enho*ve -•• ve-r ago • t fVe— r- *he £.%«• O -an •» a« It.*- — rrse—-ation* aca:*-'* *« J u , su' .o.y s c h .-'iv?imist \ t'v* some g»*\i "" ■ Sight Staff the Only one gur»* steel strike \ • e-.'h •- »*tv \ v th.«' were directed, that ' W«;'d >>-vr, £V» j rr- . «terr a" -.!t the f«-rrpv - •> -.-s * had n«* specific an*wet> >licliigau State i\en* ionde F.#*t a- ; We-' In.' forrm Thi% r«*ld Ika^e meant Ot'% ;»>usiv : -o take a Vterlin t«*tal#4 «ttbin Wa«t nuoh tee In the pro*-#**, the l'a»t Ger¬ 341 stuoem S* v.cet f.a>t Larnr.g m,. fi. «.ermau» ere«* ■rr» i-„h,.vm ,< • . «** «n>' nono.»> trmugn f * ».J wbtrh aa«M nlttmatele en# the man regime'* position w a* first .-•r: a.1,1 »iv r* t#r t.s »eents d.inng - , *jj in»1»trd oi en to the point where Or • - F-mhoxi. ••!* issue eefwern «ii """er an,* f*M »e • , , *'g t lenltal there. . -r .• eeadtie:. -er\. in afliance far ene !»•- »• 1 minMer* conference in C.enei a rg M- K te- « s • t"i ifree Hnrr >."< -a ■ n ef:e the* -..'.i f,g. An f\'r.i6 •— ;h»» \nw it ha* heen deflated to the K h -u»t c '• rv »fvv» hec a " point where negotiation* oier it* Ha.it rt.'« -i He 't.«: v«.» vi "e power* reiert entireli to the — e*it e»' -e rcg.viare a re« arrange Tve A".ee. he vt:.t *ha*. it t» ti.ve f-r a pea.** stu--;. « Kremlin V r • • e < •- llfl-,: ake* ci e r , N'a: r--* J CLASSIFIEDS ADS ursnnsr irxi Ti»«nsv < h th East Oer~*ar-._ an-, rtn -£•* re two Gerrran s*a*es ..r- Bill* rsvmil ,J »nJ 1-4 XIO\tl,r Ihnnitk IRIIISV *;! "*.e perr-;t'H the e V • .»• ra" e Kit Mill EXT. 2611 i>r*rar«. therr-etves to arrange ;>■*• • •, •. hf-en get .v.-ati.v. -c v." •e *K»rr *♦ ,we goner. The %ltte« »nMi t «• fer ri*%ret that, hal he»»ed mi the nego- Pressures a.-* o "ere- AUTOMOTIVE ttatkma Met. The* hetan t« « urgent *h«n when talk, the* ha* e hern talking > e auerr.pl. . o-,vr e e*er atnee. and new the rhief •' iflF\1»OtFT TT 1>"K li.s . Michigan State [News e >* ' «*' TV - ;2.| Pr: - ui«ah\V • » - ' ■ *5 «-*a « >*. * t h«e.---^e e\ ,fco ■' ' a V'' . e •«•• • • § g. V . * * " • ret 'a,-*» *r\ i* '« *,.! *« \K'«o\t, n<» l»* 'V •' . f ' b-v^ f.,u *■ • »eo* -c *■ 'ht N-s- -.fere-*- ' is • • e- .(«**"• -.«• - Nsre. to i,-\ - t w •- ,-h A .-e ,V" ■•« ' »V e A r.er.caa. vje.n^i a.. I g-.ne Tr»nsr-..s*»,i-x • •• -e>en".\ <-» e-saivrrf ♦ A Hurt* - «• » *V Pre - • a- rn ?-<#» het-src Hard* ( hri«t Id tor l*h« Mnriih* Hu»iPf« Manager kUrt Huff Manag mg I d.|,»r T x* ,■•!t-tv.'e*r Paul tocher 29. vy I irmlalion Ihreetnr lV.sC Two Ike-Khrushchev Talk? y ' "T nSMORll T e- ee'.,x . r* .ellr ;-OV\T«Tt •-• Vo; v.. \.. «• • *p.«» V-J 2-ss- Termed 'Successful* EMPLOYMENT Block Must Succeed R» %RTVIt It GUAMBN • IS'KISS 0#PC«TUK'tl|$ liiNIx -V Ui'h an a r > f re ief. Futvj* haiieii the t* This Year— Or Face Grave o ;ts—e K'.rushcr ev f a* President Ki*» r'h-w orV talk* with Nikil* " *ucce«>f.: Murtlo' There wa* frener., rv;*t <*••: fhet> v* ■ i be a summit meetir^ be fort • V • IV <: v .- * e t Er.s'nta* g;'-*x •• a* M>1 1 £ s f • f'•>>~ ' R "• h*.%v*nnsr: ard ir»«papg:« historic *nrr.i''ic.i"ce ?* ,-,-n f - •' a ' ear . her * 1 \.a »r ;f ;'■# -*-.o i*; . r » « an.p 1*uva4 »i<\.oraio n t»v ti e American ami Sow er an»1 nm*. rr *• «:j •h". .-.p - r j -. <*: iggsiera that:. ll A" >*ocrss vovtk-ts c* c*s*:* (sc. • sta¬ B'-- s k "> " mshe '« ' - ' sppeAmn-. e 'At' OfNXsVt V * par. . li.e* Ft.r that rpa*. ■ • v ,* *.* ... ,• e »t ,\ .-re !>.*- e -e so: a*' «tv*-n W Vj*" * 1 -e .CUV >• : * ••* r" • -e 't ■ f ' * * - li »■ <\ *-jyj THtAHt TKM\G . 1 HI KI ^ «*\| TK«M IU I T * ' , 0- ex •" £• £ ■ ■- A * - eg. - ..t- .4 pah!tVFNT '.1 i.., m- \ '• • »•"• !re* - a ne'V' air » hrtwe*. er * - * R rv- ; .. o n I, • • - »-e- • * : s H' m. v* Park I'D f-!4'T detail ' - ; Tien before x \-i,i • • , f -e :t ,x readirg a ed aiTeunt *»f ihe top ieiel km- A fa-.i'. ' a 00 The • rf»,UN • .• . "x - i r ir •• • • ■• W -» ' !;. : . V. * • . * , 4 r « «*■ • erwan *«i»et exchange*. Prime --p pi. v e e • Minister Maemillan mm peg in¬ I -r *:v" i-'e: T -e ' - - * f- • * t Is* V «e he /. to arc la.m them a* sw< «e**ful P-V .«■ viib.r s. t>»-N d » U • ! : Ho Fai new e« * *- s . ,, ... -• 4"r 4 n-r- b* iweked ia an ete« local hattle v. »Ti «: • ■•* • . "* ' Vu n..• re 5T'.»wt** a"', k ' ' t . -t; tw - for power. MocmtlUa alia claim¬ Ai»or X rxi ft.,., , ■ e-> ed personal credit for PUatng • -er re,MV- • Bit an T- • r*:v e * ' ' •• * '" * the trail toward la*t-kke*t an » fa :• .> B" IM O A. .tv ; e- * e - • e *n pp. •• to ,'••#*"n~.,~ .• ",• .... der*landing*. He told a pnltlaral A:«-.*».e- a.-. »>n.:r-s jwoi-gfa.' ' .'^v j, n ravii \ .:m B WW 1 v . hi« « a-'trfl :• !■# IV.:*' i MZ- is."-' V-4 ' — Bri v.: I OK IMF HR*T TIM I •• ' err : "ve *r v' "•.« ■ ;*.i, but in ' • e e'.r- »* 'm. t v- * .4-' '. I *e r *: cant fee -in • - Crossword Puzzle ••4* ■N A ' a* he E22Ei.M^E Mill I'RtiHkHM r • e ♦ .* ■R t d a " t >■» w/' s t H i>h.« -* »• B*r ' ' St"; HrN h*'-. if*' _ e ' .*-r !• - * "■ IUvL set. mi:) -H r tr.jf crjra" r ■ ' .* v at ton H Stra* from e-- h .-B- ' • ' - * • *•'*»> ' " •. « IxVtltl . . ftr.ix* f • s ' t * ; !■■»•' ■- « If..*, "f » ct .** a» Vf it..; ■ t v**'-r.4|* t\ .*> ami hvnr* a* we V*..v*. i" •' -m. f • -i a- rt ' « - ♦- pxet *' 'c- rat tOCMi ^B* r* hiX'.a. FOR RENT B*>r ■ TV RAOI a >e -* -"** fist perforr.-.Ance- • T » r*. .'jien I r r c a t'ci r ex s- |J>. "•alter- •; faJla-* IV X ^Bp4 M - •• 1- a-*. t ft. ■?.} s poop Minuxft Bt4h [a TM dBc ■ (■ —- » o-*1** ac Of *:• . rem tl r • * Ttr> >'r. ft FA * AS r rnr . s V: iv INFORMATION '•• 1-* ..powr.na .a „ti. l i » A T T|[ 4#n ix. . f k .. Tr «vree« STa t *MC T w AMaVal ^BjR)ar.i 4 14 ra- - • « " i~'.vse« * r-g c!»5h "VTJ CCS\r< iPTAHl.T ROOM For TYPIST !-*«*> £ lex— As I . - -r ^BN Va. •f * ».♦: .• -r- - * --• »-•- uenenii atid u.e- ^B* tt e »! >-*r-er I: > w week ^^gKar-nr. "» *a «t an a' VM«na> i Pwaa • warkixg »?t t* run nyv- t..»■ FD 2-122-4 4 me kt rit \ I kMKDk %m T % «C. 'If ». -x*e x •' A . A e t:2 txe- term. xia. It W , .- -.'".ii Ri* ,? rr-n , profe*- ornsxfT < -T ' « •- rt W fh^aeit »omx » r* ra of '±. s--, * *Ay „-S\, *v«! B: ■ . g-.dw.-e 4 * - r r.1 r yue- .* iftce'>#xj F . a* eg.am t Newt Karae* -♦ p-o-, ro i-*-, , fSK,.V,v . B:i stlN-gt ra-t : «.v Jft Also- FOR SALE * & IOKI *1ET til* " * V ar-»|r 4« • 1 Regu'.gsg— 1 A" 't est 51 Fera e fradx.a'e w Alt • S. „ •" ■ •»"tD•" ,**5C! • - . aer I . Ctr . - -• M *fc-eep EN^l lSH HFS-. r;.r> port r-« . r* .> X» Pho-a to- pe-wm l| Ve- -;enn TRESIS PA ft: •- •' '* - • e-.r» -arood r *"**"* H*rf:Uvi lenlex- 3-JAi Vet a h.n. a tli J-dkiJi >-4 t> n ' and «• er »• liijIfeSsV.var '.^k... • *'.. *"•■ a «.4e- • s-e-" ■ »£•? c 4 Seriefc- T..1ir: I . :: T P Iirre ■♦* , eej> •« V c>a«nS b'S* ' a ia. i Pair Of i-c'. » >{< Fhe»e:i#« A r. R< rvingtcxn „T*tr^Vif Zs? "T" j Norek-o E*ee!Jo- e ii EaciawaLnw' t.i avtia. i I-'." tx 114. *"* •:1 ""!» ,T*T x:rr...... ' Ton, „MW Ml... ,« ."w,ID :•»-t. g Eenra et. ( is *.«* ai 4* \ar«# a'ler'.-i.'O UOI.ua HOXT -*«-« . ■ e- 4 e.-nlv ?2 Fanr- pi IX ,V— ,'VO'. f «:xi, Pnov" Q _ KEKXV 0. ' '! »rui \\ fbtnt, at* *• Csr.VaXa :i. klefl* .«!« u" -»« "•*— *«. tsiuMi x, .:.Zt ^ IU.KI . (ltd «, hi "P* ,t ,1,1 • : — i> Range -i ft. t>» ra 0 «* VfteRg ra* tratb -r"*.-,., »"»-« IV Mil 4 TYPivu 'iuvr;-"-'. f-* V-'-'T.'V V . .— "•» -t.' •- f»JI WW » Pr ■■• •- 5 ea V.'•■ .!***» "OOU. A,*XU4«IC r.,. N.v • A. Mv • ve'y ■*"" !V l-*r r.:^- .r'„ f'- - »*«♦ n-a , iSmJiKli*.- Biettu* rapr.« « ■: -- It 2t Ac-.irai.-aa TANK rm- VACXU-XI .w~ '"-1" '*• " 4-A -i B»1Xes A ,Av.- utium t?»aciAnov 2? Ste al •Id ewrifv vacuum c-iaane- $: .'ane W on. ft i-O XH A c«JT M CK '! ■ p.m.t Si v.Vx»a. a.: ve*a mmctt R Vreel ,ro * *" J *»*,* pmat« »---a.-. r aauw KM* iTCN3l«i,; 1 e. HKTx# ____ at* .fe t-vmi UXK* witB cam L.aa ne-4 - ..... • RtOW.Sa W Oftt * Ht-hls MODUk 0 AM t tt KA, '-*1* i ? SPARTAX HALL-APPROVtfD tlS a W .,T,e- g a: :r, U«vCg*— •wnant nu am. le-cio as *•-,. <*», •- v t».ar« *«a ITaTI kiPRA WO OkftT.A B. u. U. DD r>^ tu- B,' knV * 1U,V ' ? rr, 2Z4 awodert »er- 24. fna cat iA ss*?a^,T5h»jr«--« ►m. . *?:*-% j - IS Off c SOIXG KiPLBIK AX an gr*sH»- VOCTH ua ica.vt.mm -mtot., ** : 1 n'*« c •• Sw i- .tv, 24 I'a.wft. lipsruUs# M S to ,' Fv mrd t^eecag Taj Mara, *.S*1* " . — i - iABifACJ Osi S-- '*'' *©• Utl MOtTAl BOARO r.S-aa . i C WlCCtX"» EVGUPM ho- Mur*: rc**n. l?a.aa. iTuh »:ke One rwer nl" w. k ri-c-^* e-^^* - p, H?y5 ERAHU*cflaaditwn. y 'i... enwdrtwm EO Mitt P-ftoor- i1 e- *a • tac«i»m ksMHunox or or?- 1 VW' Car .*-»•' * OlKfT DCAX. MOT IM ,.b, »"'H'it io h«w f; 1 11 ' kMft A hTt Dtvra miTor antw-je (errnan — *a 'v r Uafaot HER. M*:«em k iii l«K Xt; MXIAU9T CUR WR w AXO PORK ante Chm -e 3 .^*33" ' •**. ad „ Li!*- «•■< coed-Ton IIiR ... a« atumcc.u». auxx-xum. i a pmn. TV'. wanteC cv. rs^ac.. Orga a$ E*. :an-a;.&a tnodor contmemal grade*, fat — ..... ... and prepaya^ica fjr V^anT* r*tTrol - erv.g -***- 'rT"' , VAt?ABOS"q HOCtE TRAtUUt HOUSDUOLPft .vv.x Ctnuc»i MICTIIC.1K STATE JilWN Three 3,400 Citizens Thought Dead JR. I9.t9 *Sofl -Loan*' Urged September Ike. Anderson Support After Raging of Typhoon Vera IDA for Foreign Aid WASHINGTON* /Ti—TreaMent F.isenliower ami Sorre- t.u> Tronsury Ktd»erl AtuleiMon Motnlay ursri'tl tin* Norm finabl e minjatiT* t>{ (>S frcn xvnrld nations to cre«te an easy term 'fn.linjr aironcy to help unilertlevelopeii countries. Ijaoanese e»i fivc-c tl • c.i ..' iiv. .»,• T.'vk- •v ' -h.- " «• pieellMfa far removed (inantre Sberafon wlnWera. r*rlt Hotel oher* tbe in from t*«e private IVillagc eenfereore l« In arorreo*. In if- ' gmcr- 'he -kori.i Kir's '.■-■•Mt.o-.ai •".< ic- real a share of the aid htirden. talk The hrntlkvafttimii ivononu. I VA00YA. JAPAN. (TW. T!'.e r bi"W< re M-k i>f -no*t Kuril < •••. ' Lr nil this * Meity of the I > • iox. • " . iMin'ri' S. F'. ' M.»\»rr s-il.l jne< L i" after the savage Wow b*.k do nmre to P;-Vvn \>m »n,l it well ' 11 l»-".■ m ur.i he'n'ng o.umt i*st* - which J y /*. i ,iW bodien may Inter-.. h.itlag'toii iit-iiiy. i.t'lv "f'eor'v. bv iic'i i ■■ >7 • - *v# :;t> *s w-ilderneM of \* . 1 rcMil* a «truncci and ilium i^sri*. The III. I iiimiIiI make "%oft • h - ft«v in flic im.i'i i m! MRS. IV\T NINON |mk«v» tilth her liinehetm utie*l. >lr*. tW"'' }' *• Stl iMnu'Vlmn. Mith In v. interest ..,.r j. ,,«• ,.vr'\ |...ruct!»nt!M I'. Slreel •r Nihiln lxhrii^hehet, tin I he *le|i«. «f the ^.,.r at W»t rate* and long repayment per- m, ' nr. lh>' i the hfhnv. and the ./J *r» «• •!» beUevtdl itMi*. and repavabie' in part at he n«*d.' F.ivonho'.ver . finntlcia' leader* he <« .t~ tlaiiuhler* ti*ileil Ihe National (iallrry of Art. »«-.*••• t"'» men Mid thelf a«*i*t nation* whieh eonltl not •- t»*:oi.l in rep. '' 'ha' '.he I'S -* *u *•. i' e conservative •vess'on a nerc-t 'i - .ait .n.-e 1 irniv ' it , '!*L> would Take Prosit f »riV/ l ir/.f/.t grn-.k'hand h.iv .I-•• •• «• i r h h- .t^nn- --i- rased •.•«** kces '.nj etirtMinuM p? .•«•« e'»- I he Xlbletit- llepailmenl Mill V neekmd the rfeetfli* sell a limited number of Mlrh- •i\r!' stiilde an 1 achiev k,' .* -Vf t.-ne« It would. ttan came tlekela to freohmen imk a prtispeclivc balance In the , Ami or m\st\ng total federal budget Madenl*. One tirhrl per oludenl "IVe mtbl all of our J",w-4 3 4.V The n*>rat pre- Mill be «old. u*e ki'led S.OM per- Iihvrt-uiv llli Kr,S »•»*-.. HAM* in the . . halU of Arrhi* ?*it> «hoivn its wares ai*ff >»*« in Phrnn a. ti a«u» an arehitertural I re*ltmen •tudent* mu*t |«tf- force*, eapeelallk in fi*eal and • IM4. ftnaneial matter*, to help keen testuraI tJtion»rt A-t a> Oklahoma I nner- exhihition. oenl a eouaon from Ihelr irtit • American «uund ["«•*•' *J*f td flr.d out il« hook ant| pa» the rrcular the ecnnoim -ira'e are the figures of *nd to avoid Inflation." Ilhen* rr.bJv. rhe havoc For MSI . MSI -O •ale price of #4. The ulr Mill earn on \led- hower aaid. a'-'X* unbelievable "Th<' winte miiv! he done id- ne*d i k sept 3d. and continue eevl. In .»:! \»oiUi econo¬ kt^« *g« a Vr^v-i frock a ';»• - • until the «uaa>* it e*han*ted Thi-' t-'h «j«t rtunrophfc re- Board Approves Appointmcnts mies the one sure wav I he ticket otViee In Jeni*on • • irhieve tin:* dependable ab- t;vmna«ium will be open from human welfare n Te*Wa». *a4 the \an.-e» In lam tn .*> p m including the V dev.-fed his niien:n: I vtm tta IM-mile artad* hour terunti I i« *N aWel noon vfatement to a simila- apjiea' •f the ■■ ,• , Offn he «a-.d. on!\ a rclatue * •re •till eat eff 11 orvv .r . r.v and nc-.v -U'- v\a- finance eten *nnnd deaelooment >•) . ' n-.arv.-i of canital is nee U i ftfl relief, tad IM.M« ash. f.oa%, '-.in>:c •; pru.iecis lUenhnwer aald. If the e t • i le.« developed nation ?o • in tin* reatral Jap aosctvc 3n -,♦> ^ a- ... s A„ borrow et* had to meet the credit aim. b a* r -onoMiiealh sound i rHr af lae million can temina'i.'-s a- MS" •.* ' IS •!■•* Ikw : natural iii.tiif |.» profcaux nl Hi pritate lender*. i : 'unn'e if a e did n« ' h..|., -i am anil plant paiiuxoi* s^.ii these si'.uatjon.s.'* he t»ld -th# the Sanyo-Che dis- Trustee s:\ • rr« *wtv.. I tarnalil Imiff Jr tfom aitm t tiraittr a.«l*l.«ni in id'ntiMiin. i delegates ^m rat u*emb.'cmen believe TTicn** AotMint 1%•»-.-» .. Mst'-O ntinUPiMin l<» aaalaiani in ri-f* frr'.-Mvi r of euualtieg ocvurred- fOilO\<* uc'r J ». far* nfflrf. *rpi 1 Hlanle. Ifcrn l-.rti from inalfiitlnr »n mint |fV- ••-Ta'et that when the v '*'r linn %Pt\>rp\ In IntlPitilnr In .mil IDA." tbe Ihest- . i\\ IM pr U A.-r W rt fp 'newer?. at least 800 bod- e« I*-.. -**» 4 • r ' *• r• iiilinnal rn.narth *rp» 1 In |i>( tl l«*n Jn«rpli aaupr «.»i» he found there alone, »r4'. v.# ; >;»• * . i 4-»* tan I pni|f»iu>r irum ri.iiuiinii »n> f ne.l ■ <» d-Mib* ov»-.:i!-4\ •*«»•.. lit raaruon a built on reclaim- " ... !•«< to in.lUiitlonjI ffirirrlt. »r% *«•••;i'.| i Jrd rear the entrance to the ei' I •: ■ • >•' * u-»* lin ntiiir m rnnlinuim MHretion i«- T!"*\ rrxi'-.i'i'Mi * school I it 'he i i af VafR^a. The rtir.rtct is SaO fowler! that only tt.e «i.lanl 14 'II r, nt in l.hrrili nunnmlfi (Hr Jr. Aran nt K.ltiam iran»frrrr.l >lnArnlt. nr.it.* in • it-k «'t i »tigh a nurriiet u/elcome back to »rrp known '.n h mi i i-gf'.nn. i Rear of tw-e»ry heusea M»l Hit for »nr itar Hafinntni *rpv - .ervatior* abo-.r 'he p p a**# ♦--• water* | l.eata ha«e reached Nvr.e . M |>»lnfr» a*«llh. phi.tcai in*irt«.«nr »4iir«ti»n «no »r in > f » ' . " P t-iliOH .'•« • ' i.k.e 1'fV'M ;r.-'ti.1e.i an Aiistralii* 1 j-'-te C* Br it good luck ••e randntf of N'anytJ-C'ho, rf*«iu«n Ihi.mo M*nil in.|r».i. - in countrie* the i|ear ahead! vti-.k ea Vi l««4llh ph<«t.4l *4n(iMnn »r.» '• —tj rebef rapjSies tla^e rovtmat has been w Every rf»ailon m«rh ind Tefri irttfn i»nun< hni.inii *»•*. t»if pr«. \>.-her FsefiHower nor \*i- in ..I ifflipl nwlnain 1, i |ir»;»^. r Jnhn Kohr in- mentioned *hat a chef to carry in help to N*«ein(arnat. of ,• \l x >r r Hunamcr - of the tVS i« to light- ta-t profcaanr 1" I Marietta i>v i.atni" afcilla A>«« SI Hufii M" • k n.-t k * i houaaac* c( mamoned rmi- nuaeaiac ■ n.in« Mario. tt«ntni aaaiatanl multuor of ualotal •rttai. *apt 1 l« l»*r 11. iai« « Harir* . air rrotramr l,e«» Mertam 'C. tuir*. iiitn Aue S> f-ie-r .H.-hleutr- r 'be foreign aid load ot» A- ra a varum.* para of th!» iiiltom prnlmor *1 ar' H.«r Moore .e. turer I ran* If'ei- Mama, M»»»r a««'«'ant prt«'e*»..i • liialPw.lor i" ■' '*• ♦»'ern e Ana ' ei.4*i *axi>Avrr« tn ge" ngn'fwi [ laffrt etfy in Japan llin< f'.-v" eaaiate " rr •»•»- • - s -e a»*.*ia»e prntaw A'1' r.J«t" Hai'imwr im'ru.t.vr ,c . nrv'rri na'.--rv oonvibuie pa»rh»>in*< K4- I»V an.t fma- aA'Mlni*" .•- | terr.c' Lgva went en for the in rti.-rof toiiNi- iit'.P'iW" '•*»•■ / .*,*•*• .1-rn.tM- ...HHu'r prnteaiM' *«».v ;a'e prn'r*^. llemtr, . ... inline Aoe ' II aa'xn IMtterwr. . •.» the nnderrtete.i»ii«»- k i*u*h :'vi»\ idua. k an i » rcrvi wared in from the fi#i,<1 >1 . igh the IDA. The waterfront and harbor flC >a1p- v p-.'f • Par a M " -i t .nainirti'- >-*envr.si a *f " }•#««•• ter.itaor.v to the mitre pc .■ »' kndervnn wo nnder*to*Ht to "» typhoon A 13.500* Kfrtnc Ve-H.e be urging «nme of the indnldual i r»>nt:nu«rf p ■ i- «" • e*-fs ifc.p aprawVs upon a ln.Un.-ii-' m beater Try out* Mari ie4i her Man tecar eAurati.ni a.»i»lani aa.ivtanl uuirurtnr tin. I th> %eh ire.emhi \ leAerpfuem. *.>..ri»fe pr.. tn eniineerlnc. %U( II I «»" Hon - :in» Thurmiay fe>>i>r Marlon teatlie* rlolhinf »"•! cel*ieA «rA mi, in.irurinr in elertriral enameer- kilt t! Peler i.rah.in. in.irii. - an. aepi I »« |»e. U. !••.* if tn' in elertrnal enemerrins. lie- it >r*ri (j «nA m films John Urornirr. i Fairchild at 7 4**l«tant »epi pmlf.Mi' «f mwuI *eten«'r !-S« t.» %ur ' I l**i» > iif • e.« i.atT'eir f M.i"hn| h..'ai! anil Iii»lfllf1. ' Piaf r-v «•- km'! anarA tor *tu4> in Iretan-t ■ A>1* -I' \Viw»n > K i, in Io ta «• I* avaeo-.a r^erered :n H«ii!' i nil'. k»»or 14'* prnfe%»«r of .. I i e,«e.«rr p4iri.-iP«' An* St R"he t • , hrnu.it > »ep« I*.in t.» %ii>- I ••• ^avited to the open \ «ho I ;iiht««h< auafi Inr »«uA> in V..#r m-'ruimr r Kenarapf' . i aM !• a iav rraftu sale' , t ettlr v. . » tryoj'. m Fairchild I'elanA I i»F»nr» a.mimer. pr. fe. ..r .OA I.eaA of |eo(raph« April 1*. 1'v.una* llai'le re* urn a I rt'e.i. • m frrrm- 7.J0 p.n "Thur.*- .-.n'lMiiin* tAuistmu Aut SI l». ' I In Sep' 1* I*** for vluA' and ' ,f h*ad aiwutant Ad-niMl--'» * ' I" *e.fern tur«p» |*iMTr.dav The Uh>ver»ity duett a»»iart».i ' !#<-• J*- * t > J-.I. e • ■ «- , tr4<»i • ■ t r- m e.ve- Si hnlafuhlpv --ei>t Anu.rc • Fi«l«»r. Ithranan. A- e IS lengls i|%«M to COWpMt OR ar.*ourKa p an* for 4-i'iut I.tAarn* a««i»t.kn» nm'e*- It,ion* and •»•■* uewenatton# P H Handait, librarian ier' '« aaotv. a-.i raixee.-.- i-rmhict. Seiv I *i» •pr-'-v»r1 .»-• a? ;a"» « trk *;i •. fhanm Montgomery ap*.taie- v . - » w.U he nerved. W liter A a *rt melon i».«iji» pr«- - - i..m Pmtei' hep" II More oatmriie i»»me4 pfnte»*».r en A At . V't. fe.»« Ma» Mueller. feeeaif. Frolot '. H*p- !. city Lie wr»#h vnlmwlld . e.otioiTiirv s*p» 1 »o »e« retary. ViOUtom |37Wf» a.;: he held Sfvwe I. Neman I. kiM. Ae%ttnaie4 »• il tew piayi ©f tine iirertnr of the ei.vlmon »f »> • • Ma-tin profMH r of p#^. ; - Paul Barrtt'. a««latart inatructor -i Aue I Jarweir ne 4-1 t.nnl.jc'inn a afidv entineenne a.ii*»at>t i»r«ife*»< ant nrnfevMif of polltlral wienre 4*4 the , Face of A •ureaii of aortal and Pnliifai *" •t mtan^e orifina! *earra Kxamined • Optical Repair* »por*»red by Utt de- r.t. a«*ntat;t rea't^ra* deaifna'.ed e- • i.Uni.es lilted • (iifliift l.en«eo viun' dire.-t«r "1 ac.miaa. -n. »-e-li' >**5 year it 1 Haroid rWvnfc# J' d--e-* ' '» c "r' f- «»i j> r«ir- mac* LliaoAfC yit.'taiKin t> aaaix-ta'e pr-"t and at».*wn«i SO APPOINTMF.VT N'FAT.SSAHV ♦o every daytime occasion r' « , «ui4«n-. education and inaUtU'.ctfval fe*eafcn. NU.I. COI'HT (tXTII IV MkM ' " >»U u mnl Opea Moa Thar.. Fri Kveaiaca Til • Mflton DtcAertnn '*ad of t • d*- . ( produrtioeia. Larl rarinvent .vf .rwrjvt. la1* and lined in warm orion pile, nU'f admlntatraU'Av **» . e-i ^Z^arr^ne Wr*- ' I^» Clan Mt- inciiadad: head of tho deoartrr.ent -f ««• J4^ . . m tfc# Cathe. the aiMaeal* "PlajaiM quilted steeve lining both (ASA NOVA No. 2 UILV«*ity gtud- 1 M PM«C'.- i noturoi, loden green. » luim, ThMMr it. red. winltf-|dn, or block East Lansing's OMosI Piinria in B-18 liiev 49.91 «MT m? *■* 'V a- PIZZA- SUBMARINES Hhiili *1 HM DIAL ■"AXBiATaaT ED 2-6655 We Deliver MICHIGAN 8TATT NEWS September W. IWI Page Four Young Hoffa Hcli>» Team Stir JV. V . Group Backs IVidMIH'Unvw Bo* Score Drills Ope A* A UKR Proposed Stadium i.ob Mlltam. Nfil. Moon, If .wuri.r* I» Jh \n n n i S 4 a 5 a a I I nut ro % a a • t 3 J i 4 a Frosh Grid (] OUS!" XKW YORK (TV-Official* of the Now York Cohvon- larkrr. ff •-l.llllA 4 a a a a a a a a a a i a a i a a * • * to make a great coach ou» . ... ...» . ...1* ear Ail as league . . sr.r,;^ ... "ztf I airl* rf rg MAI.IINGTOX and Ron \\v,k . H* JIM pion, : tion Bureau "Moniaj- lurko,! the propotod construction of a M.wUf IB 3*1131 4 • i a ? a ,*f rue-*iedmtey in All-Amer- Flint Central. UrmfifT, rf 4 i i i s a M«*te than 120 freshmen .1".- ican candidate " * S2,00tC*eat sta.lium at Klitahinp Moadowa to aceomnimliito KOAfhOlO, f With the opening ,o. «\rere*1 Coach C.ordie Ser * < Dierman, who tries:! out fo« 33 III*. »» 4 b a a s 3 V Hullough will step - an entry in the now Continental major leacne. a a : 31, Of* ill. |i I Nhrtf*. e t ; a a a a a a a o opening whistle Monday tor the the Pan-American games in tee first frosh f*iottviU drill eistant coartt. Tl.e torn 33 sz: a orr-Cmj cUn •"'< , After hearing a report on the Mnntreat. Buffalo. At¬ T 1*1 A I* i ia hMvowfll Sael I.*.* a meting fain and Green B.i* Pi. Among the griddera will be I H * <• third league from William Shea, lanta, New Or leapt and a eom- mu wAtmi %« R M RRI ro 4 all-rtatc. «ri*h» replacing Buck N ehairman «*f the wa^r'j baae- 3 a a i 4 s Jimmy Hoffa. Jr., *.»n of the is * n- tiined Dallaa-Fart Berth entry. 3*U*. SB flji.i .tan.,, S-S iNMohing at Colors,i SB 4 a I • i s famed teamster president FflhffHU lv«!T committee, the boarn of di¬ Shea said the New York MatBf**. 34..>rk, IB * ■ Haiti 4*ill fit tab* the fresh- MM •* W»lrt ^*"»• "l*his year we ?e rectors. in their resolution, said '' 3ar«*n. rf ? a m.„ i. I*-"* n.x*k and corner of m MirKira* St«l» l'»lT»r*it.v in eonstrueting the Stadium would !*e completely r»rve. ii ? a man emphaaU on bit. fa«l line¬ ' >1 "A delay row stadium may jeopardire the covered with a dome. It would «-3|a*r. If ? a men. Tbe S-fi. Ifid poond IV- aha — aa -fall 2^ fore we recruited FORKICN FIIM SKRIKS have moving stairways and suf¬ l«*can. »• 1 4 I I I 1 Imlt I'note* all-rity perfnrmrt rnuhifk ii r-o Ti*' points out a-ars ■> FitnMM 1V»U* city's participation in the third l unAlll. Rrnton, rf « I a fttr tila *•••*• '« ficient parking facilities. i* a leading tuard randidale. I'oach Hill Yo,*m:: MX. RffL M major league." wnif*. i» 2* hrltkl. h» *•« " mmn* Shea predicted the hew In making a progress report B-NlatuBifT I a All-state j*e;formers, mostly lesiilt only eight or r n: Mr wiMrBam. e a a the line. league would begin o;*er*tions fit the board, Shea Wasted Am¬ fr**m Michigan, will head 'he w ent out of state " <1 Tour I 31 J • 2 t: ii tv.hcr big linemen include r.*t in 1961 New York. Toronto, erican and National txvigur Total* scholarship group which '•< « He said they had been R-*ifuiF4 f«r Pa fit# in SO*, fraction of the actual y .urt .Ij.-K-m. (-1. «S: T Kantcki. — • Iw-St. Paul already are set as giving "hp service" to efforts to r r*n for b ! establish the third league e flir* OMl tnr *4c%l*B«*« M* WB cap'a* w guard «m S'a'.c's Howard Mudd. MldUttd, »-3, ITATrMS aTART AT t-M • 1*1 • *.11 • »:S* members. i moi'i Wi*ai ana—t Serr, — Frosh M, 'clint:* o» The Continental league, rath¬ 3uin»nBrr . r(r aaa aaa—? 1#»2 MtKwal Vnomptoh*'..» 2.30 Shea vaid the remaining three er than harming minor league, I wnu PP-r.inBun. Pent an4 team, points out that any MM* Hut there will In* ottt#U«dini 3latB»*»». 3«Al aM *4 :«M by Mike C*x*ti*T. wh » n.>4*r> make eBht-learn hnck< T-Yoshman track. GLADMER team* «« np an will the greatest "aid to min¬ ..... I 14.o-l-» a. Mil- male student is tlljible to tr> • v ... leiiae «e»M » or league baseball ever, wi.il.ff R. *mt for the freshman team Ac¬ transferred fr**n Indiana C«B>p- try and hockey c.v- ^ ^e said MR RoMkoro tt t os- wa« * running mate of Herb have meetings th:« 31* |»f* Hi t»: cording to Serr v.y^c outstant- , -| I «hrrr*- (W. t-}| ing player* ha\T l*«vn feund AdderI e*. firs: string varsity es of t!ie rwisvt;*, AIR-OON RITIOX KD TO YOt'R COMFORT Pllln* 41. S-ai » a i * Northeast Hitfh in 4 4J| NOW S H 0 TV I N (■ IH Highlights 31. M*B®n rii Brtmiu sVrrfT t (Aina. 1, t » • t (IUhM. I.e*an*. I. M*«kjllli#* J among the men who merely becniwr Uvy^ like the out ha'fhf*. * at Philadclphva and fun* the 100- 43<*u need. First year track yard d.*sh in 9S. uaSCntSs.: I'V VT h,M*efU'.« meet a- * t ' ... Managers' meeting for touch game., *j _ 4|u«rterback Ale* Vikinaff. football. donn volley'.**.! and Ndbd la tit&num *iark nut* day m 209 Jenis«v- v ** h«* Ird lansint Faalern U «n orienUtt**n N-, fraternity howling are aereral beef* linemen T*««» at era . managers M iiu Mfl»*rm\ WliRaa ? <»r. undefeated aeaann last *ear. is will be at 7.10 pm Wednesday n.fifr WIIH.) t'*C«alM, PnrlirB. af the Urgent are Jim Habbilt Wu? Hco- RUnehe martin's alma mater; l*efoie they go NOW SHOWING tv is so enthus..'-:.. Im'5 245 Aoun.N en a .S-l.t Tom 1 hitman, who 1«m Rich¬ 1 i 4 LUCON ( Slid 1:11 frame> ti*at tie ekdaimw. H« » mond ll ii' '-o an undefiNOtNi Cross country * 1:13 • • 7. | Ctxmibs innounc, > 7 tt - till iirbt jXKSt* open to fro-.' meet inter*evto,t no at BARDOT STATE SIIOH 7 p.m. ia*u: from 3-2< 30 p . o- j. mil III.I. nLATI'RC SHOW Iiipo Sua. lie \\„„•( Figlil in I'liiLi.lrlphii ntw york < .. weight dumpion l HilMoR lruy n,*t kn , •> «| Marl- his rematch with > • t 1V*< M-G-M pMMnft kit NfW * f! mi ksiuy: *>*n will be held, , ..r *"■•••-* ,v*| place where it w w.'j be 2*41 ALEC GURMESS "I will not fight - lAa^.! denlnr M U HUMS OWL KUt1 phia." the person,, # st^M said Monday The e 'a.: ; the DIARY OF MAonnnto... At km «w» ■ MUM, nw'l Ktct' r«*trtd f { .... rep*irta that he \*.. !er*>m their n*\: *r (WMMRWn.awiwF •4 *■ IMI A GREAT Sl SfrNsr-PACHrH HIT The Bad-Mor Agnq ANNE FRANK iy-scw-wkw ""Pie finest n c.a-■.-* n.-ac' featuring "jp/Mp SMITH-JAtKM 3\ JACK BR II \ surt* I ridas IVI 2nd BOBBY STI HNa iwiiti <8 •riiuil i %»T41H- v«i Mleem. fUrr* 4 aa A Tin k. "The l ive Pennies" W I. %RK Y PARKA II4RBIS JHKM.V THF. VAI-1 \!>m* T SHOWN Tea-lilt plus man* othf-* MAT ArtKUTION "TAHUittiT A "Order* to KHf Gary Creak* and "llame Harrier' THE INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL presents "An Introduction To Fraternities" Fairchild Theater Tonite, September 29 7:30 P.M. M i i N rr lodgers Win Playoff Opener; ookie Hurler Stars in Relief Leboro Cubs Hiiv loimM's Grimm ;|*2 Win 3rd Time \v* l(u«* I ami- |mwhlr .11 rintc K\dhl llnrlrr (fK.t), Kankakee. III.: Jack Ijtmrr- XKW SPARTAN biinkftbiill rmiebintr ;»UKK K - n-wUtiint Tom Kund (r) will bnvr to bn»k Kimtierley, Wise.; Dace Cox (i»-l). Winnr- tiUr.At-i» V* "I'm I. i t»r\ Sherry's bril- . up to thi* ywr's crop of ninr fro-h rnpyr-. mucca. Nev.; Ilick llall (11. Alanltowac, •*■N'hinp *"»! huppv as .» kid," said l»1 Wj-c.; John Srhwenk f!»•"»). Aurora. III.; ^ Knnrf, former MSI cairn- and no nhrimp r we'viv * sixth-ill* year-old < harlie ilrinun Mon- him*elf at 0*2f»"9iTrlr>* the lowering group Stan Chandler l •»-."»). Lmn-cille. K>.; Mc- iliiv as lip jnioeeniiHi l.oh firceur Mac I •»-•»>. IVlaluma. Calif ; Hon . v —o r cavo the I hat head Coach Cordite Andcr-on call- i.m \"cvV« IWjr- Seheffinj? «- manager ef I lie Saho 11*-7 >. Xoiinu-toun. Ohm; and Id Wil¬ . "Slate* flnent fre*hman group in recent ' w"»w over Mil* rbicagtx i'uIk liam* |b-i). Strou«l*hiirtt. P«. ■ • The of Sohrffltv? >ear.*." They are (l*r) Ihiane Kilbride IVm^V in thr °^n- reaigtuu.Mi after three *ea * a* xktpper and 1 * three playoff National Lea* appclntmen' '■ iJumm wan an¬ 2nd \e„ lloneli to Handlr I nt-li nounced t»v I'.ub'lTrsidem Phd Wrlgley lnie i'uh* sharisi flfth r 0, • r .vunue v- ;.** tvdg*:V tvn An«y^M SOPHOMORE HALFBACK Hon Stewart »lllf hi"* n»ai hen no during a brief offensive Wen fnwn H« 41 ntint place thi* eiratght yiv.r tit *ear Willi Ili^ |»|;i\ by Haetnett on July JO, 19.1ft. ed hi t!*e NVAA regional torn- *i*tant to (SutHlliil ai d Hand i , •|.iea--.;d -Hint Ctrlmm returned a* manager on namrut. ha* lieet* named assb' Xiiiler*oii hlnre la*l season. I'he - .* A-cOv ca ve other I* (truer Fo**um. former over duties pnft i '•» coach at hi* «lma ma - anl cage rMnrv Mc- May T. 1944. taking Over trout f»rern (lav. HI*.. 11e*l m coach af IMst several vr«i> in 11.■ > .V' Sparlan 11 knuckles Down yvvfc- j.'*rter. -o Jim Wi' on He was out again High school, whose apiioltilmrttl .., ei» Jure 10. 1949. Krankie FrtwU 1'tje appedntmcut S,.i* effect rirs nnil Sonny Mean- IV .. .. ; c\> king wd.h l«» take bead • : u, i ✓ « vc'rran. the teolacmg hf" ttrnnm i.de.1 'he I'utv* Sti'VI'lis .1' !!»• I :i1 v i I Slight Edge g br.H'.g-d Up • ,, A» l). S. Takes Following Opening Day Jolt r . v •»:, . • e.i -.v .! t1 * pennant < •; t;».i \ 19.1.1 and 104 « South I'ai'oUiu . i vl<-c - ;n !**.• l»*t Ctlff leasing Ihe ( uh«. Cirimm the fntven•»' 1» • • L. aueeeeded Tnmm * l> a ;•> who \% defensor quarlerhaek. he ahte to plav again*! Xltrhlgan manager \biee *«M and .• L Vi>< dew weuld ha»» aftn- Stateo 9 »' ■ > "«* made a' good *ho*»»ng In Ml- However, line Norlherw** and Urate* nn Mas 31. IMi He i, griMCtf lavt IT* . urifa* * game when he wa« trap¬ Xllekev Mailer, who waa hrul*ed went with I hem to Milwaukee |*t«u-d «f Rmehwrw had* I A.VM wj- t ;vu»Tr: o. i . In the came, haven't at a Med run¬ and wa« rrpl wed hv I red llan- iivnsnKV i.t'» rue « shiintioi* Slit!'1.1, M- .v., .. i.,t ... Lj | '1 pitch ha ( WlU« The Seen", rrae' .-e ! r i lw ped in charge of the offemr re.,tct state* >!*ot i«i ihe front The American national .duia' ■ h ippevel l%vait»e of " e ning *el e* on June I?. I9.»ti L 9 ft *>•# right field fence hirt.f 8ivar*a-t s'« • ■ ■ •« •« f A' T» r uiidwa* t« lint of tlie ilni cliampion. Hob Millet. Sea- n:'1, *nh4'--;»*e ru'e* V" " llovk n » «<, rui«i:: g ,,k'A will *ee a i« tftft bee«# run leading «*.1 With the e-A ■> of r-» * a' *• . - . • .. world modem pentathlon game* tie. Wash., helped move 'he mi-- 9 w\th The Mew hv the The e\ho-Ta'. -•-• ' * , >.» • • • ■ ' ■■ ■* o re.-ldee .»• e Wit t the f: Mrr »nee f new i.». e« next yeai I've Moiida* but defending ch«". *»lls,n^ t' s team pi'o ttrt rhe*e »!'» a ki>-e m>u?\ a hg farm s\«- whe i* detng a - "•■- \ c,,' ; <• ?n.."\e Iven work r ctWhrr \ > • vrr.-.v. i • e out plaie hv it ring a pettei' ,'ai bton Hu.sia s?*ii'1 m.ht bidutid >h #f mini U fill •o- £•...- • ' ' i ;»i ■ • t e « * ' .* 'he-1 » a • hi • .IT-' . i ••..rWe base his fourth blink of live *hot« . . i !- t S !e.»,i w.th V.hi 4 (Hunts Xno* «-i , who have Lm »*/** af Ri'i I iwr*- -cr a * ,e.i-T t*e ii ocm Hip s a 7..M50 The sfuvtlbg e»u*i|ietdH»n- ' •• Mr r.i D.mtfhertv « the shifting the ;• ee-t'. .»! to m.ike the t'-jo* [fdJ IN Highlights h nniV ke wte Ihf evetj^-vf ilyy Hi n*e da.vj <. fb# f«w» Three l/itin AmiUtcau eidric thud fret fmm I»uff* H*mhrrl» %aut he «t« :o i aert. to J\ «, S ' Ike from quarter- • " I b.»*otn*n Jitn M'e.m* » »S>Mt . battled for He m-livtdllal lead of game* - Con*ti'el >; out I Hp American lead pmhahl* . a V >r-v, l*?*- in Uu« tice-.*|KM* cyet.t ' fhe '0 »urh *« liar* Rallhttn. halfback i'-e i< l> i .l ick-on (339 w * i won't hold up loda* when the Malta of Hra/il • • Hroseelau I rand and Xrf Nrind«Uiirr rttil I it" !«,• ote- former MirUiga't leant* engage in *wlmntiiiK. hut • v acd re! rf moved ha« k Into the first |»la,r ' Id t he *ai»l "Mf will ha«c I" hate S* > -.iv. hpaw p.tehcr Mot* Ihe* could *1111 win hv letling Hee: he as*ume«f in Saliirda* * riding . ••a* ■> -• - Men • iwifeiiuanre* out «»f »«• State News pct.au-*'i «lt-!0 w ' i San An 14. ••me event, hut lo*t sunda* in trio Ihe lead hai k in running. hot* like fllanehe Xfartin «»■' tons th -d baseman Hon s«'> I'he team mooting home I M Hiding 1 I •;.**** • -rr w a* ing la | apt. Antonio Almada of IWn 14ruhl ho»* with e\pen t.» i,3J.' wit!i iwif, Antonio), and weld M WtflMr- WhJrti »:-<» wit* < #xtra vi>r Plow <4 in* Xfexlro. I ill* Uetfi of Argen- I iff—*v- eneer If we are r»iut »*• l.fM ptrbrr Hick KlHworP* fino wa* Until behind Almada S.etoa, -w old u iU.-.h.p '< game* " i;i)•; I aiuj JhO earnest run av- Hulle d w a mmoim aiid ' • A rep" • it * p.* • ' • » - ; '.or A* Igor \ovikov i»i Hum.a. mm-V • erag-* w/n For* Worth*."' r * thud H1 his third strain".! individual b\ ■ f ;. •■ e" ing ► ii v«-v rva.it - • ' N • (irtmin. former fir i Im^c *!« a Tr:- fine* before iviita'nlon title, drupped Iki. 1, llui'garv . ve'ei.-.n Up.m f < ;w>.n--' f ' I o U til,til f.• ttin(f With a He nn.) a MU'time batting *\ei- The g-onr.d rrr « pcifesai" i f ••,»#.. " Aw the in- age t HI. •miolopv r • i.v s- O M' (ton it •(•• )»» h \* c runntrg a i . Tbe spartan nocid 'ram en- at th» .*4- - ueen u.g a te.*. but wa« atd! «c.i ih# ram in up and orrd*a'u ht* r**T. U>>k *urt t)-i, i 'e; never-:"eaten <• ' hp. season 4* fhe MSU Vans'dy lean* on! NEWLY OPENED I nivei ->• v elc* rar-r out with lead ar.i ahouAer injury in p'e- ea ♦ i f Florida .n hotoi The J*>»ter* have tow-r and it doubtful t bnidoi M arret* ftlle* •. na.M.v he will l< a v'.i-'er , • S/ g..- i- undefeated aim • gudtf /i»r ii nrntrr r/i'/i it» tlir nu tii«ecaual H-.th Ihe opuoaing Haagheri* pU"« "" fearhma i arst'.v t*i 193d. habita «.f liter a long dl*ru*- ..#*'s game *' Michigan halfback-Miiarlerha. k H«»h Her |t*m» » i ordered the rover off a.e gat under It uI* plased **a* 4? uii- rich Mine mote * t pla** Her, i» h * in Irainer all l,a*le likellhoikl Kobin*on *aid all plasrr* VAVWAWAVAWAV 5 SPARTAN kXVbVtVMWbSWMWAXSVAV. BELL RINRERS VARSITY BARBER SEX IJMrtt Colli student • *4 ( of \l f»r/i/i/cr.« injured -aturda* * till will SII0 P BEFORE (>*» !r»m the very atari. in ( MSI '.s PttPlLilt PF.RFORMF.n s »'. • e tnrea* e-t ■ <• ubueua' Sllitrlvn I'mrlirr il l/.*lit:ill todi* > ia Te.e- lt\ F:\CUSII IHMtttFILS) triiHMdin.vrs c* xii.xui.i. ' '■'* - « • ";i- -1 . ' -ee .\JOO are* turnout I V- Tit I it'll ANN Xh;". " F/iV/.« < -ludio •'.> M. (irand I a*f tanking 1'iano and Ifrgan Sladio Hirer NEED NEW PLAYERS I CIJ. Kl» 7-

21 MARRIAGE In the (tctolier p.«uc of • S'.adiu • .t, • 'i 21 Ml CI.A.I. f hunnir ( lUtrm ef i«a*«<»4 Iff SIC RF. WIM; ABILITY RF(J( IRFIt Redbook • 're Hrav t * c..- a • * : . 4 . • -e^a * ua iiyil, in, «o ing 0»»r* M :.*an v.. ••• « i. it«>e t.d lundimmul leain- Ili'i'se Miner, Prop. • i-"« waa X ah«*r*.ene • ' i*l • Fnroll n«w 111 1*4413 l. CIJ. IV t'OK IVTKRVIKW the tUgtilnn for Vming Adulia k«* II* • • i • 1 *i| |l** » I • n ll 4 t' i.eak • •-.e f,e". I *.'.<• • ' *" 9 • ' V- • ■ . a*. League SiMtTar. • •" e 1 ' ' ^ a i acn it.. "• I ;lg f<: ■ ■ - ■ • •'.r.a.ng a k:-uck ked « i% h.' Twite. out. MllMMMiH 5eom Wn.*e Th# tr

' -cM uT*.u» * e vor ' JTC SPEECH ACTIVITIES '*• •-•ufi ia'.i ;r« tvHi.o \i..n.gv toi*k. w •.. '. 4 9-: owing S'a'f ne-. l fit • i.*« *' ' a«4ir"' *;•' - a'" THURSDAY, .. OCTOBER' J. . 4 1950 curumi y * Agg e>. nr-)" *■» ^ ' "a — a was a problem he W - r.e< .ramp in Mvsfrourt uM*t t» » > v i 5>4,,7' Forensic Mixer University Thealre Trvouls - 6 Tetnple in the vma? musute r • -it. « it* U»*se-. over M.-C W''-- FAIRONILD TNEATRE to . « • e Conference Room TbarsAay, Oat. I aai Friday, Oct. 2 7:00-10.110 p.m. OPPORTUNITY 2nd Floor, Physics-Math, 7:30 p.m. - A praviau at Nns saasaa't ncitiag ichaAil* to Dm For All Students Interested ^ laaiaft tar THE MAN WHO DANE TO DINNER, fall MARKETING in Debate and Forensics FainUy Tifntin v wnwvmw wiwwwwwwwt OmmAv wwwwwg ■ www* far flu ivi 20 •*» aaa. iwvw| I w CLUB mm.. \ swat n'| | # FmMw WTRDHRIY, a fciauup at KSU'i -A- Raatfaga at FADE OF A STRANGER, fall Thata Alpha ^ ,M 1 "CAKEER SIGHT ! ti *M Mm- 5 » W* "• ^*r— ,r~ " J" TSm* mrm "p,l Ull- = teui inter. IhMW 5 Inter* Jnk MM"*,: J i ☆ y>- Sip-apt lac Draw PatHiaai * ^ ^ | .Will'"—IW -CMUM ■ |« ; ' AN Rapiar IWtraraity SlaAaait Arc Waiaawa £ Otel (*ffr* .ttl £ mill M. jn* - j tetennwinw"""""""*1^ i SEE AND SAVE SEE AND SAVE SEALTEST PRODUCTS CHOCOUTE MILK 2 qts. for 39c You Save 15c COTTAGE CHEESE 2 cartons, for 39c You Save 19c VELVET BRAND ICE CREAM '2 gal. only 49c IV 9-8540 2909 E. KALAMAZOO i