*y-J&lj The Wfathfi* xjr K Confirm* I'artly i'k>iid> and I'noler fX of IWrli* Itifih Tt»day fid Threat 1,«m Tur*day I- ««• I'ac 3 Sor*in^ MSI' For nl) Vrsm t'KK K :»rKsns" ••■ \.V 1-4 K.VST 1 ,A\S1\«;.''"MUMttt'.AX—1WKIWESIVW. SKPTKMBKR SO. 1WH Soviets Walk Out of UN Assembly HtmIs Kcat't Activities Carnival Auaiiisl Slated for Thursday Tibet Talk • V.-.N n 'rv \9\$ Avtivitit'-i Ircl.lllil. » M111:1* .1 3 j-i VhtnN. ..i\ r.vhi in Simrtan Sudivinu IS<'<|iic«t Pi'lmti' I'N'iril' NATIONS. \ V Hurricane tl'i A walkout in t itf I N t iettei al ni.i** Soviet filoe Assentl'H lue*iia\ sel tho flutters stav.'i' for luttei ilebate *bt» Mm# »« n;.' N rhina i* lining to Ue.str«»v jd lt innn«, n« frvm aflrr hi* «p«*fh nn th, id,al (rater*:,> .in II I ■' Carolinas the TiUdaii jwopli s u.,\ of lit i* I-, nun at tk, aiinual IH" rn.h ci-n-.Kalton iar: i M. ■ •< • • «• s.w.m a.-:.- , •• .. - -v- *v . C t:... na tNvt«t IKii.Ii ( omooalion - - 43 • h -.v.** ••■•, .•* ■ . rt^mati'd a! v.;rrvarve Hit fore the sn.-e.-n '.'i.- .«- !'■•. " '■ !' , !' TM.ni . M o. . st.ttr \rn« I'Hotii h* Hill HIHnittt . v- : >-VV ,\i • « i "TUrt.'-.iV N.i'.iou.i i'!iii'.» an,!>a they have their cards and the thought that . , f .' i K\c;t:u IKKSIIMEN sit the f:erda Describes Kt\K on ii.-i T «- > i *'■■: — ba?t«srcs4 !he strp- of Jrniaon Tuesday nicht tmaitinc >ISl may bring hack a victory Saturday "From IhU rostrum, as rrpre- «•*•. » -,£ . i •irt.. i the t'peninc of the Miehuran same ticket to keep them awake. krttUlhr of rhina. I dyrlare • i ii'-r line at s .t.m. today. It's a lonu wait but thai fire China eomlemits the leal Fraternity \. ••,'•; • • :•••.- 1 *1- . 3. J Com in it it is| alrm-ilirs in llhi-i • \ s > y - •» v,-.,*. uvre and welcomes any proposal to M, Rill. MrMl.TIR \t)iiu;ini:ikt-r. Dikt-mii ( lian^c rtantinr Ihem lit the present session of Hie Awniilih." Tsiana ,s- • • . •• A ..v.; asserted • vrr tv ir.sn i« rot tr>- i* <*VA3.WI3. j\eM A|)|)ointments Aiinoutieed V \ • • • ''I - -i '«•: that h# #sn u»t* • C- •«• %!■« ' * -deoiuiv- I-OUTM,!*.-«• w,t. o\;,, • but a« on# Otw n> in w i» Villrd Jurin« 0v( t-- .i, . "1 • k.U A '.M il oil ' » ~ •<-,rho.ad," mM I'r S: >: , Ih# tlmm lit »n AMtnivobile «b* ivMu. • !• • a n-kl \l i, . , Bv Dean of Students Olfiee »«*! nrir IViuferd * I to ,• r. - .ui i-ui- vivn'Hio iaat nipr.- j » O 1.0A • o til '• cole li - \f ileal i * . *? • *» T-.rr w m .,r s-sv- - >nart;ui Spirit SAte m>. r injui ,e- yervHis p .;.. ?r. - ,u- -. i \ i" i MSL.w.i'Amy wdh the : ♦»>.- * « • .3'-AnjeeHurs •i • i -r* *' * .io,v*in?3ie?*t« t.,\r Nvn a.M m.i \i} . t i-w. sn .i !'<>i -r ■3 w-,*• H., r • ite ai-nntatr Si'-'i-v! i'' . He's p. Hi.-., and nu w K .3 c'l .1 ae of living wnu "pi: no to tenipf t.« to -ii .3 i-v.-len • -,i • of ui tradition .1 - ■' Lie ' ' 1 mv to it [w Up* l<» Hop* MsL mcaed It \ tl v\.o • Si,', t'.v*r- .» > • <• " etvir. > 13 ' V.I I. • « . v;at. ". pvK«"-io '• now o«"i- ' Vi t«v.;•» H«- ts a'amiHM of IN 'a t. ■ . ,1 •>,. ... ,• lvi:«. vfcrtMl V * *Me t« a«- 1 V 'Ah 4 1 \t« " « a *e N •" « - • . ... v, ■.?•. •■- . v- .3 ^ V - .1 -3 . If*A » H. an nms a:id i ult'.r i .oi'.-n -io N T*-»* ts*:»'-.u >*■ nurtseo:*.# b . - i'• It. »-•„• I v V ■'( M T rdS 'a A" gva.ui.if | v n?r»l fr»temite . - and M3.tav* • 'iV «. n " • " i . In stu ■ k ita unolon'.-i- . they ndixfrtl tad tmellee- u i .% i < n« v ■*< N 'unanMker r*v«,:»c.i :•. - V P U',,3 ",t- anv.s i ?".•■ ■■3 \ added, "tiie Lii ' -d Notion* |.,i, w»>.i'.a eon!ante -v <•. ••• ■■>* «>s *ne «'•!* V 3-a.Si'V [ re»ltrr« \\*\ f Northern -n ehete «- . #t>4 ' • ' .i • 1-.- •» ft , o 1 oid V . .. »hr 'm *«m •• '.i~t a# h *ran-te:mi fj a-'-.l 'a.'.gh: S)H a! vi'?etu"e for \ i-o h o in.n ,..i, a \ ■•in e •>•* I# stutn a ■ \ ■ "•: •- *' • U t *r i* «, ■ * v Ait t V-oii»gv ;n ittaO. He tho sP.ua- Haven Sw-f, t .• • - * is an *-*••> - *' intense ti-- to sdu-.u *••* organ.? «- year* .it i'.rand legal rig-it to ,»"> t< .. rev'ljK.ng IV Robert K'In— »:h1 wtiv «n ttte artr.y for iw Kw«rtg kr ti'iin '.Mr.f r- * • m rwkincd sumn'er "I he internment* eonreriird r:.< MS- ir » i .*.«• {WMfii ad- , . Rst..v je.t'i iwferc getting further rmtsider that this \s- G'vftTi?Re"'. WUKt* " •erm ' ?**e a -•*..* »n a* M .t-i P w : 4 t.:*y He then v -• • r,.-..n# Krrn>r>': W*ri- tr 1 semhlyr has duly In rail for the t? v, v i .» ' Horr* Pi - Direct r >f V.M!.:e* >:v< a ' i ■- *TVt\*h W *7 aw. *is re- Arj. snd Nan.- •• The ht* wind |«re de*n new¬ N-.« . restoration of the religions and ken* a* ■:■• '.'.unsferrivt ft 3\ ,-' —&':rT. *v S;>. h un* -irg c-rtwure!'. er line*. aorwiMl Irm and up- at , v » N r-e i the? fly II liberties of the people of h . s ;■• ■.. •*. ■■ -nHT.r.. n • > .«■> a gi • iui*e > • .. "I reeled hmldint* Tawenog e.i- !* here *1 thet ' ; -4 •-.. .- -.1 w aw '- ** ' ' H-ki .lei : d.v- ■ r i •'rsirait.M mm awept a*a* er hrek# up Hi • iodic*' J \fin Staffers Greeks Stale Hea< h Huh wind*. S l#f« ahevr m»r- and barter Install*lien*. !:>!.» flv *. - -.1 -i M A r»S r.V' • S • :v».la }r in V \ -3 t-rtMte -3 I".. 'i tr.-e ami n iiinci* , c .In \-.'i'.n.iTii,»k.-! 1..iiv— Vu The -v >o\ «voikiii»t :-;d Up o strung * t" ■'3 !{.' taught ,3 the VP m t- e >t-1a i-?r >•u'*;. ■ It . mal hrrr and e\pected to rearh .-k! * .• N'f I Di\i k. ■3 ~ieet.r.g ' r *Z gn,1 .thru e\er. \y ;■* r *& Ixettilinu: Task tl feet ebe* here, Hood-Mi tol t\e*r. U • an-! tH-icrr joining Ann Ar -.r ' .«■ pub' M .. Rt ill .%• v-ik •' i M ■ .NO ',,e |v»- in Uniti. 'i.» Ire i.e. the I -uppoit ;,f .nil M ... i ' p. t."luted Slates who ho> * N -v r -1 ' ;' * ; are*% and iMtlaied many rem- I- •"■■ W J v m - : brc-'. - •.. i e -i;, Tar IJbrarv v x* . ■ - v m unities. |l. ■ \* . " j IW"HiP Wf^r.rtkisy at ~ . ■ * in •• I* ■ n ' MiisJcmgu-n «•!'■" "i \ V " -'irr a r»i F • * School* r'.>..4 a* **•. • tm i • 1 - " A erithly that A,, fen; stu- • >■1 r ■ a n New i kim-i-rd. Ohio. and ' i' J»i ■ I.S Ml •r 1 v.-M-k* ar#» e lurtu'-t -?".•■ - '* : • -V ■ - pr«t o ■ Sc.' M IV V e ad\ I' -r t.) -* jre i u# *. ■ Th• ' thoUMMd* "f perrian: I f! AWs. A 'iv : • lU'i: i. Aiph-1 •: P--. t. ru# are ... „ ■- •> t«erf.;Tre .i j.ien:* *ro were •* *.*' «•,< -f* rr ■ a J«,• :N a „ n ALSO She wiiuirt «v.b- ' a-W fit 1 ,ra ■ - =t •< •• e •• ea' .» .i,.'u-e on the . ' u . . » .. ., • . tp*;-r k ... t rr.'.r* bureau t?-.r»»..s:h Piif Cf -« > ' A ■ I'tiiV'' -y Judu .arv .••-v.-itf-kvrt-.*. rr- Hlock **>*' t orrection v.'... letviiM* per»- n M • i'.VOi »!• HA .1 ■ 1 I.' ■! . II * <• ; a i. -aiie-s.r-» The -•» c«ffe# be*f gu*nisrr« a t '*• ;n .,; mm i'i •• .it tlSL n and an- h- id fr«w *• V y m • • •' "" ' t -i Inianti ».-if - •• - -n e- fkl.tit: %.iiil in-, cotrronirnt 37- *w «til he W . - I' VV *S 1 harsda* ifee I «><»« hsllroem JbnMi'i'f". C Ci#un. a» ".n iwrm a;'."r>r-«ach«si. it .u shiH'krd it the ii llun i»f «n * .pi. nt •: A\vs A.'to - Wed* fvfrv ran'.f-a* ' Pi Su A the t hiiu-kr ( Hinitiutiiklk in not . r i , - IIYRRY HVKIMV «. ' Nc >m t^e Nr* '.-4 *■ -■ ■ ■ . assumes new post . . es -i TFT ci*».«uminjt u*k j ml 'niir Nrnlimentft hntAv re¬ >..• \cd >• i. CI3 *• i-l •. Mi stated rFirt '. s -,£ • .« that iM'it ||e 1, .a 0 due* .lot i main the kAine " It»-d I bin* * .11 !j! '.ill ! Siuilcnt Traffic v. i . .. , • ir «*t grow ar ! • fit ;.t «.u.re *n»- «< .3 -i Aiivi. tio'.'.i ii ailuim in (ihrt, he added, '.ire ' r* ■ t- • t t " ■; .' ' • ', '' IH'l »"i" 'Is -I ">t cun.«r- t" : f ' tern rng: Kduc.it i- -lial N'-iyit-e* liekhu abhorrent t«> the I bine^e peo¬ .'-..-.r every .* »k n s'-.id.-ni. enier.r^ n two »••.'- er- • > . \: • M; Ri •oori'ied and no* ple " ' efs t.?at if the* - - - :hm m-.-v.wi I>i. Kj. .i.nj X -lay a • r ■ di He declated that hi?, '* goveui- .. n-'": -ii .. M «•! g. -1 ' . - - ' ' -• •• tr* {rater- be gr«^e*! }••>■ men^ix-f"- ; <-'?-*< a t t ♦ ■ • i k '■*, -H-jd t.nr»rw . •a . •>11 the i :• \ . .» . I Owned •' Hii'har.i. n tharge "f fratern- <*!»•(.• pU kiged u . • ■• then the t.m# you the fmo'i B-atd ea.-h en- ,h-\k. gi.i'iuo*"! Ii.'m MSL v A: >• • #ay Wi ,| A IT* ■ On the »• • . r I .!*•'.m j hi »!>;»- ' - rcali/o their r-rf'.f iRtie w> of- Tk-'f i<: if ' -Xa, j ■*» -«rr bt>und M traiwe *o it-*'r?r. • »- i* e n..-.s- detree '> social >ctein«- in « it u»ptt 'i a .M a,a-.rd.iq i* «lr y .? direO r t • ."i o . n"f tnfm m frer »t aiude'ita *i> - ester the 15»t'l Willie <11 .'iiropUk ill- was •a i'ii Lre pi .v.. ■, -•. <.f sell-de¬ ; • .gtai .. ' ■ M'»|c: LN *• > ' * t the ipmkft » 4i t; n. • -Ti PR rUN>\ NOWAMYKIK ,i i; . ■ of* Ih .'a Sigf.a I'i li' If: sn-d. ■'< ■ . ,»■• • its ad i-t diMiuv. f» -,i *' #bi«;U* ia# -frs- .lirrvfft J .:.a Re ful l* Vk'.«h< »w which {!•* ■'• receive* lran*fer .• i . up .. .v •: ;d affairs n I w is |.t •*<• ' I AI'Si H« . ■ m •*. tf the t'b-3- *'«' •>»•« n thf -a1 (* -'i Oreere-I h#v« »:.• Ilea*. - . » I. a.'.t tnifd hot T* - Thi 'i h«t; Ai.'K o hi A-'ter f.vo mm- in the army ■ • N da-n .ii: ' • \ ru; e i iMi'hf A/i« IW Mm- Use mananeromt - tjusrd whi«rau**. !• ■ ->•* *r' -•«" f;-v ruon -f t r r m i r; e what adiua'cnett* > .<:« After the war he r»v.i • - t is M A He a'."> dul graiiua*.' •i -a 'it 1'ii -«*t 1*1., v«. 41 nf - nniw;pai of T*pi>an Junior H - *" Ui ids U»y a-ne :i U-|f»S'- I -n c;' ■ . | 5-Ha 1.4mm* Kipri *' -- I• 4.'i Si- «*-«-w34 Jr.xi; yf.i >jc. je !« make enter- of k f ||."i Vti'd. He i< Ii .w >• .iiu 'ii i»n< e idee birth N . • ♦•fa K« Brta n»i. lag and leaving Vie tmihtr.g a Ann Arfwr and re-na » 1 prwb-ni pejaonio i worn She a . 4J 3, AlKl Uw~-Uied from u th-' she con-idrio h»-rf.e.;!' st-idvitic for his rl.iftor.i'e ui ?,. '.naif ,-iiid CirtrpHtimot ('bint there until he <•*«'■ »e to MSI* ... < Tbeu tad CM ea?.i?r for u»e student r, t 43 *.-• ». Stud»i:l l'»:riwiii.t'l .v > k Ti'al t Chilje e tiqr.- ""'4 r*ffee aa4 4*- J9ifl He was m the Department viry foriun-de ' • U* Unk a* • «i • ia» *?*., « lurrkiki I i.-afig b«»v artted the A-'-fe - •- V ***>-!«. thirt* October 5th ami tilli bi■. when S»»viv* Premier Nik < --*•<- J- Jp bowfe.* Kh-UAh. la v {>.-.«• xt "< S Hu.Tn in. Honaid M»»rri««»n. H'»3- ?\mC* data, and the world h■ • - M fitatmij in the United Nation* :r* mm* rw*a. a. M mtti aiM.ii du.r»g the auar.rter ; ta-.' a ert SUivking and ChaiUts W.»«'- t.or_v was usrtl during -ne Bi'i**- Wial# Ne*« MiiHI l-dltor •iii.:nmat>'>Tt we ,h*i her. S'A< World y.iir when the to«- tllriilion Junior* RAMAC. already a erowd- 'iilliniuil Ux*s ejf.iia.ed * - • p«eaM?r. will tymain o»i tamp - HA MAC tRann.t A •• > < . chine appeared 'ht f«• prhNuiiirg f»r J-lfi-p chair- Method <»f Aciwunung and t o?i- RAMAC A.i. a: • at llu- . uian-hip* »urtA today at tf a, i. next week a* a feature of •he Appc.va--.-ir..' » • 3e iowrspftia \1k»-T.m-Ann «i« an eghi in the t'r;! '■ - ••' »'• IBM. hat been answering ques¬ events f*'currtng in tne yearv end one-half million people saw tickets favors, oublicity. public tion* on MSU history, world 1-1959 rnav be obtained by tovitar* C*; •' - IVrs-'.#n?>eJ D»* it reiaUons, Mus MSU, programs Lu- Litutri ^history and MSU sports, for the punching the date and a code Lr rertor Pa- Lasj aa-.s A*>. !>'■- number for sports, MSU history The idea of using such a ma¬ guest* ar«J patrons, and eonces- I. heid r. V- Law- Etotee fttnlkef wii* b* i-l carnival, Aest Monday and rector or world history (the latter, in chine for display at^SU start- sions and photography. Lar^r.f wRfet recwved ia a ,1be 'emrnival i» d'iertwi < Tuesday, it wiil add to its re¬ pertoire question* on the Place¬ English. French. Spanwlv or fit one night last year when i 'tuaities *'it26 -jprow-arlt* President John A. Hannah told La ' H>5 a'* 2 43 Ta«- eat ment reer Bureau, sponsor Carnival, and employment of the Ca¬ German > Materia! on salaries for grad¬ Spartan Roundtable members Los Angeles * # ♦ Oujt one of the hardest tasks the Las', t^ggg M)N> jr. v arious field*. uates is presently U'ing put ;n Offer. v>jr- fkf -he Student Grnlts Mu«r . - the machine and will I* avail¬ University face* Is telling stu¬ , ** A?* ***5«%r ."idUa* trett an ' laturaskce rt-prvvt c.«v e * *• Student* . may ai-k que*tn«is able during IV carnival, along dent* and faculty about MSL"# on Mcir field, duties the Place¬ '" kc,Uii SC. 3 14^5 , rr. oo Tuev with material already mention- tradition and history. In 6-5 Win; iff 'iwl»lhr» Mhi Ik* MSI' jfiflh IBM. . SigZiUpit f'>" 'Vfiion liV-sr! BOB working with the Placement i ■ In Series *tac£ag received akcerat«ooa g* * £rMftare4 left *o poJcc • ef etanc:ng lonrruiw r.'J day ;c tbt Umoo autructioo and will be Coocourae and cbe<« *-o- icnal f*r IBM. apwsU* RAMAC -kit* Jar Scfc«*UI*>. Jala arm imiaa aalaa irajar*. aaj Uasa CaaJlir. fwM r*f- Ctxuucl*d Willi th* IBM oilier Exhibit** the machine will U several MSU fraduates »ow Bureau for the salary informa¬ tion. Madison Kuhn, school his¬ torian, supplied MSU historical ger of the Lansing office, who arranged to have it on campus, litis is the first time the tna- ehine has been displayed in this Sw Page S i V,:i > k 'e . hf Lffl, J® worth erf foe bowii&g to toe Ui-jfi Bo* I- rcMaUlik*. *taaJ fcf- CaaJlar aaj Slwkiac art MSL" grad- in 1 ■nhM. Tfcoy Ho liehird material; Fred fttatiey. MSU type <4 getting. if 11 * »• kite *» in. jug Aiiey. *"id eoofttou# lAXVK^reout toe week. ■ u Michigan Slate News' SOMEONE IS FALDNG DOWN INFORMATION Ar >hii n«tu m M*r> »v»« ««4r-t. .«/ r.^.u. 'p.vv*-'^ *V5 '0* --*?•* «.KIIX *ri %^ll rROMrx.xniRN T pro. IV • > *" v» VPs- • ,f-»- v v • . . - s.i.- N( x ><;v 1"." 1* R\rr\ \i rn% mi .« > p v. . ?k Vn- i \ ••>• ■ '- I I ^ • • «;«1I w. RMI'TX IAI* ■- • •• « 1 Otj.' A' I US ft • «1A:W • « sM n i R N' c • • , J*" J .ft* -. .N. • . a /. o..v.r.c»» -.inv na 4 '*«*r M^I my %KI» *n.i > >» .v 4frv«N. I M P® , 5' < k.^ •%» • 11 •*»'» MIRKItlMi ill* A 30 • - . » ' •• ' . ' • | M.IM I *!>«'• « ,« >" M " ti>; HOAO i >r\RTA\ ■ r... MOMiv,..- , « \.4v - A.i fi*4» «f, KterfiTEr rill l"T % MwWI T« vZaTTx.' ';i TVvC MILUON : to »■«• 3.1 ; •• • ».« •• - t.if VJi • t.• ••1 Library's New Look tfS v. s . S • . - ... * or\«r#- %umr-#r f» •, P.V :v.v "5* Atr .» r . • • *'* « V .V :» i I •x--on "OA -sr."too rV.;v% «•«»*• tJS* *** i %iiioii« sin m\T V Welcome Change OR(.%XI7 Uiox ttavi i 4 4 s o r . I » V . *». .-• MarpR* i « -. r . . ".n r \xh»i i imi Till! MS! It UK ART H.i* rpoer.'v ar. • ' IT. V.O'.A OA- '. -V Mu'hiitsn St*U NV«» • . < \- -v,-war. '.m, am: v»e *ne hapev t»> mv that a!- (■srr.pu» CU^ifW* • • • 1 >,ee:v. to V an iirjwvvemcnt over — -'.* sonveiiiMs tnttildki, often.frustrating system of "'•rvw* roavr c*-a:*$y« b**e ta!»rr, p".A»e ami a". research a pre*: deal easier for «h«x:\! UK \IH (AMPUS INKS: \ p.m |lj. tlrf.«rf CLASSIFIEDSPuMkllion for Tu«* W*«1, T>urv . ar., : ac.. t A .Sr. an»l I'ri. Kdili«>nv The ch*,njrr« arr 1>• ;vr A«*ifhed Reading R.vm «•<« KtIN Pa«ah!e s.i: and 1 * Mon«1a* thrnuch Trida* « ■*» • *hest. Nv*k« ard other matena'a are rv.nr a .-Nv* o i^ir, h« lw.i e*?aM:*hfd: atv. I> arrange.: k I) 2- m i •Kvr.snjj ■ « .-• w« l . Ml ** Iv'sp roi iix? ~<-cpv*;- • ;. r . 1 r.orr the prefer! * v'oni, a«»»r:ed •CVSkfS • •1% ;#*• .". '< bertvweo tmrr, oo>;or>*! !.V.r*r.e« tor a fi- 4-wf»tO.I* . NMTTK .«, k r» r. •*. >« p>Ase*t At this f h.a"£* *« * "'*• Vac.: ty--he*-* Are '. ftRprx. * M*C* ?-i* *t tr :» \ *a• * *» orx.« ."■* not he hindered b> the kif *Ct Sail mk* f r«« 4 • • 4 » *• . - . „.w*s. .*> of r.-.atft ,*'« siRoe VhvW* «i!' be checkCfti rta;UM . •< %W Ail c..t -,....a >. '•■Ji»■ • .WV »*a« s "J. M. RolwrU" fr« vopr. r "«»T.T ft X t HI't KlH T SASTFM v;« Veer >%• ' :Vd "» rac" 0 vr v»«« AI»*I»«I ♦k# »o«; * %-fsr.n \ -v O.T*VAN • 'ft W ■» the .:.vr of -. .. . o-a; .!*■*•••> A ■ -w , :< «topjw. at i.oo P. »• :».«*«•* tvteixxxT*. ar.i ivok* e .. • <\.. • a'» ri*h that are irr.pixvrrb Mjm-tsl • • o-y" " y' l»«. • -«• Interpreting the Meivs ^ • el . Tve «#« i- ,'*Ar* : . - 'r** ' . . » 4 * 4< ••err or.h V-o »'..Rrrtl and afler ^erai>e faculty (rroops. ^ *w c»-a4v.i« • rV;uY.f v.' ;C.VY-A .1* , •> , • T,v*e* ,'mt -Se * •■ r > ear* r*T-(»*; • ' jv*" *F >' ■ . ir .a < *** * • r ' a.vr. to the roo-.ev *pe: P- e .*e' • v PE;SCNX1 jlM/fcU a--. if i ftr *f •■' t | .f>. •tvs k *!r» J v X i ( K • rrf'oer* were -r . :v yy ,..As t ♦>*. - • •'■"■* **. '- *« r a* r « . o-ve « -,eo . • •• w her, water.a'.* *trr r "*» » * if N't 'I V A •■ nt »o«t ft «< i »• i •. * KIA T 1' * .71 ' %Sf v» • f J*: v - :. .h • \ nil «M etc e . :• v-i AiVei f-r a.'M.^e or. twe • ihr.'. iV.f ,•' rv# - ■ rrO £ . .-r- »: <** '' "* # S." .4 i —1 r*:» - r* 4 » f-p «.r*. A*e i ;rc . ;»e Vaot.'te lihmry f'otrr* t*ee a- i "-e « • * • .-r the V . e; . #> W.. ' W.*v.ve • . 5 iVvemraept reacted favorahN to • tr S n • * * S* . ES-fti] \ r vc« • < • r »' .1 • *■£ ■» teh ><% . . Tve 'A -oi a'.. * .* r?.-t rs>e. »• » .■» \> • (! . . t mi w»n fm>fwNf h#*fw tX»t i* i*S.) te» .- > • "i ' f' -v» p , -t cvtt'.rf orient^ to ,we » » «■ •• H tt TKe I fnlfi l>«e *i ihf Sn^l wifift *f 4f«e»iWftpiri| kn« re *"xe ■ ■ *■; — 'vi, vx4 .'v-er *v- .»4m a *.-. :ve »• k 1kl»««vi« ore aetukll* |n,r( f««r i while »e«* m .ll * . trr* lSfi|>l lXf» X»A i>kun«f4 Hni Iiimu in hew mwefc it lh«% »ii>iu4e rwelinw.w rsxnr-e r . *| area*, are *» oy*-. t *,ye .■ Tve hvi« far we e ir^MNftl tw » »«<-f *ue renaifv»t»f»e be if* »nr .vateo n ».-• ".At.or are r.-w or th ovher KvAt ,r tr# (fw»t« |l m»ifW AfivlneH ikit ikf v»ifu nnikl menef M*»f nr. • tir«l «ue ml fe? hew Mm* J a-. « - ' '•* * . .V • F " J -.WY SERVICE M-r.e t ;e ,i. A: yvtstr\ t here apt tr.a - o » %-ora H«- An -tVf ""A-—wrt f ■ e -ft «4 n -»vp x-r -\rr ^ 1 • Xhr.;* vf. . A f-f- \ » "Y< .V.« » #e-e-.w >e rra- . f* • - r* o r*x —*■. > •« .a N'.erce and Scer.oe e'-fs-» tPe .'W • HfCft-fftr I Ik 31*' ».:*C k*.i5 . av * . n - » *-*■•■ . a v" -> '• r-.. «1 4 » he . a 'airef staff to bette- " Tiach rf the d,MMV.« now v*a a 4 kf •,•• ••*;.' -vr ■ ■ ■ » 5 f - •■ • "Y-- ft*.* -* I • *rn »ftf • 4 •n. »n Vftk" ' e* OR RICHARD nuns. . -es r o' e hra-e« -e » • v • - k -* n-.m* ftft • * e4e e vr« 'Sat there bit n.^t been %.*•> CrtPRpla "t« c..r-oe— tg -"t. S ••» r e • ar- "*•«* "e rnosa:>o-.» a» t! >\« hope that no one * »• . i i »*■#-*• ■ 4 *v aev*n* «* ft r w .1" «i e l»f ft't « \T •p.* .a..>e to ,<-»ue ro*r.r.-».*•*. k Kr»i i ifr fir "' »f*M »! th»» lrf||i «i< ikm I. vr • r • rs/ . .'-i" \ • ■ ftf +r • •til- 4/ :-i*ft ft -t. i |, . < i o : r- > V ni.w>M c i. i fftf.i 'i nil Vftrf ikrt turin« T^e urpe **..ver,a. t>vv -e» ano. to do the.r Nn«* T»|H i.| n t* M»fHki' i I iFw>M »kr Ilk ,r .« f ft •» r ' *Y s*- » a •e cswneratR w :t*i ...oran- e-ff.•%• »a..« *c maKt the new e- - .-■ - - *■ v4 : *w - *' < » If \ V • • r -.*• ; ■ *?>0 t.fre r>"; ■. nO** :*-• •-■ a »ooma inl.M U ftft« w i' II housing TVTf Af. >^e ea- cera'-'s he tvar.V/.:l that .abamt tr-or.f tve .*•■- 3 -ar» Ih « fa ', was the mata .atJC-n . ' k;I «fs* ■m wwvat?nr.a the l har'* <•«>/«/ Ihntn I lirrr , ■ m*i. e* at th# na-.r. #-t,-ar. e to t*t banding. »r a Vo.f .V/ijx'I T «m II nil ' - ft*, ft TA » ft . *. -*e t Ace~»s* h« ' v — c * at the ma n ao»or w4vu»o i«e e-e * a r» * ,^w*th O ao'.Lfo.- to tke v.- #*» KvA TC»"sS em • ?f » Hnwe^er. the itv. % o ;a .-ivioi oe«Aa - ea-'k f ■« »• ■•* . . W4* frtn * r * • %* . » -n* *■•* H— - >. * »> * r '-ft-* • - . ~v"V - Vavt nao# ;*•.« tre -ar* w err- .e te KV»a ..ke a ^u»»-e .irre-fv*.a*w ».f >ea*r p ; ,fc~ -a. r er ;4-ar. a «»:: «a ■ pnx 9*r. .4 ft ft.ft » fttfir r- ra 'Q*!^' "O-ci-OYiT ^ T."P!4T *** ».-«• EMPLOYMENT i__ ...i. I... LtTL.it t-f _ r *- ft—\ ft "" ** • * •"*.* vi n: X4%a» rwi ii %t ati a . ft v Ia*Hit* to thr Kftlilor '-* ' » ' - ' . vreftftF- a. * m» * h I**. U , S«x mr.6**. '* lo( t Mi>RxlXft. N kRll ■ v-ft. » ' « Y*» »'»« •- * Crosswora Puzzle ^i'tA «!-*v, Foreign Stouten I It its ftl" MC3 • vra • »n ft. tTfTwik V .-<+ ■ e»H«. b*ft- . n • nr- 4 ' *out UCTlhe 7 , 4 fi'ift r"^* ^ Intermit7 Center Imss r. I ^ .t Xetf »|* "" «nft|- iZ» *r,. - *re «*e*r- T-- 1-CiI *"# ■- V* ra¬ n - • - — _ te ah# lane *4- "toftre k»nr"-rkf r. . .. .- . vr I *. ► .1* Til y -hr-r w . .t r^-ftY *r* A **'«■ we '*• ? •* "ir » .'«c • • hccpi 01 "ft* ,rz . . ' fnl • •* V*»|,*Y •* a *Y- nv* ir «earr <*f n •*/ *r ip v.*-- TO"t.y WtftW. I W V- v K^» IS tft«*! •» far ift-r -#», «. •? <-*u- - - ' ... ro r-ftW..^ »- > rw^-: -■ -•<* iT.'i-tji- -*a 4">-—#•- «w»r fiW rF*.X*T*« IN Rw-vYe *»»« *».-• r--.*rw ' i* > tne S«r*ftfoe "WTft a » ftW* .«h W »r Mftiir* rpi^r- ,4t. »-• rvii. . . 7 . w» Q.^ ncN»frTA»aEiwt.i.' *. « ■ va» -wft' . rfiefid na» arrtft-eM '*• K«'A arvd (* «rr ft"ftorw f «-♦. r .1 o- IV h JSftfti *. -fftMnrtiM. yT ■!?. *»> KTVNt to i • • * e • «*>4r ■-« tr# fttfi r Jftta vwt O WCftOW Wr _ •*,»• e -V-* •/• tne r.V . I*. • V **2 _.4,x>-* -- •," P - N •«-»? -•ry«*. ^Twc-;tl, . W4XTO rru. TTUt •To*' M* O Ki.M. Ow we- raw r •.- .Ajtft * *# 'vr HufTRma wi'LTia . P. * ,^;4 rre^e -.-40» fW-tJI Irl Rrbft t«rsMlual<- Tt^Lr^mTS-rSVnr " •^|^- V. 0" .V .> a*W ••» farv,- -.lift ♦•* five or*r» .... ft •• <•««♦:/IP** -• « £V"1T» Tit: nyf "*•' W Ari if r*i! w wrrftOR Mk t. Ofwtftl &«« , • -»■» >» -ft Mm****, -ft-Y r Maj. Barron Sayn «w. e*t j*r : v ,.>!• -»• O" >•"*■* ' if" t*ar.»ev«5#« »•» ».i "Yr»* '*• Of* LJCt aiiumi aravrto ^kTr ,-e nfu'k* irv »^:*/eY *»» raii-ftp." *»M tft-M* ft Yl r.-: • • - t< *-. »*♦ • * #»<-* tf»- f » - -« nr .Iftftw'w.-/ «*h, n* x.' ru : ct.Ktifx. r r- -.«-. *•« *M V».o- w«i"npf iVaa HaPy.'T H>xww «( iftt «v a-pftft, *etwar*a-» .. :4. n' k TT# kr- . *♦ i's,o» *v: PS* *ru«t »w r • ft' -* v 7*f Jf'.. J*.e*" ir > Xwfc Aftw^ri.' •* ' *: >. ft* -• fWetwC X*' • wt laftew. Fja.--! r/*a rONTOWTAW--f *'"«OAt a*" ; „ - jnh ec rwe.'cTC'im m*.; r./mamae anfi atumc Jaa" a«r»p» far trr Tufir* Ik" k-r**.» k~a* t «»«• r»" J'* v-ft *p • »*-*re ■*•"■ * "** • e.ft#:Y peK.»a«a 'Wir IjaeeiiY* T3W# «a Hft4M.*< ftTWV'-'n.-Y< Stia; wranoft o»ntk _ err* *K rwT •»»* rt> »-t»* * v. » n>a »u".- (Mai «ft a* ai M a ane* aer; ff'es'f .r. pnr*. iy owe )aifftTw« hvp-... a. *rw«» O I-'j «u*»r tax*r-voad T #r. »-t «... ^ erecti*v f n' r * • • <■—♦ t-i».n»fft n»flw CD t-iv v * I'M if we rw«M ftw«M we M tM WT3R «TTiar* aaraft.ee CAR DCKiTi Vr.r. •* hwawi Maw* a* wa -a paaaa? —fMoaM w .TSi f war tr ?d» *:«-■*. • keR wen T-Yftwwwro-rr v-.- roa fi- .«'• 4- »■- ■ ••** '"fy l^rte -ft-rs* "Xare V*a» »an . * an#** m« aa.W^r* *• .1 tac.7tw moo Ljorsr** u* ?-».» • h i *»w: t aawr r«?»- •v far *;*re» »*re pane "ft TXaa Xkawa r*nft.wt Imtftw that ; rr. ,^,.Yu,r..Yr*- •■-**-• . r ^ «•*« « «-•-•* -*. Vieaa arw e&ct auaneata *• n* PV - I V V-*C» * » >AU* Prtajn »j-t »*. ft.4ft '4^ '"Y-* r *c *> at ■ tew w~Khu*R We «~A nme tha* as , v. \-TftT vrrf ■ ■/» ... •'"* ' ,4 HAftftT awsBtaaa the*- wn^ he ».« ysmsssf".. 'ever P.U.I4C »*.« TO. »IV- ^ maarrsa nnj lt at uafai— v »r KJ w n c.. ^ "S T-w 't-OTf-'"'- tr :nk treat ft ■ i on sr. P & awer ay .iwc "># *a« paar>?aa>; transpo^, 3 yjc «w bat. ?t5 " 9 LV r*prt »ia 7 AVK m*Pl YaCRTI owwr U»4 or# Mert —•*= tirew .ft*t» T kJ *-«e -.r e- tec-.:--- fwerwr »*' truft-vY tnr r-rf* aawiw aC «a •ers ^irr-nf« ir*—r. r?*o—*. s» ewcX. U*|t *"• aee-.-ec.l eift act. ./.pp. #ra TV r*« a«M t^rz. ' w O 1-^a » ...» ID !STi » IO '-w *"^1 a Mil llli. %\ STWV M WS K Confirms End of Berlin Threat Srpirmbcr !t>. 1939 Fi|f Thtf 9 Graduate Fellowships \eiv ireliilecture \ V .!J jSlP- «*•* rWr-FltH^ff Tnessla* mi th* Khro*h Uik, ahl(h • a v c! "D-rrcfxx-^ •vox rxr«v! tfte {»> ^ ' e dradiiate offtoe :< ofte*-- sh'.fv*. John Hax Whv.nox Vs.-- - Displayed • to Per'.in situatuxr. *-rtoc :n* kcr; •'s 'o-.-'a; « n alxxHit feMoxx - xlatixMt, h5«' Fifth Avenue. \« >» V-a.-x arx-'-.Sv'-.uc ii'd u'x • TuendAjr bis ended •( Camp j>ax id. M4. . V • k 2d. New YvxrK" tor apr' • , . J v F •»a •. V' xy r X •• r*., *!v' •. . rrwi»Vnt t»»- Sunday afternoon ■ - a sro»- - « KhrufhrhfY MBMiwewnt •x.-.-x .•«■ asd 'or graO- x'aiton fxinns and furrher '.nf.v-- x >X\X tvn .*V. rtrjrotifttKMU xv, Freno*i Erxvx Ucfyt Aq>\»rui rv«:> er.t.rr x • •. jvvsi ami oivr ' -onx !» a m till tO p m. v * f* tupxdi? xx«• rfitrdfd M •*«*- ".;a:e c.id* Most of these »u.iftV.id'.-vc for h'r.-g ap- Vn.x .■ - > • x'Ik la he . - r* y - Berlin wiU be Mv»i >.p ur„1cr>».\\i —.<• Ca •• > P«xrtim tht* xirxx mt l«ed fslltx av.sov a-e o.-en for com petti '.on prrA-'or-S :s Nov 3d Sc'vs .... \:. ••.tectiire Monday through Friday. an«1 un- .INMI a time linv.t. Dav.d agreement r.i.ip 9. . n^,\t\r. Do .fv ••*••• '.v rf x*n thr part aC ih# S»>1 Pre* naf..,na' 'oax-.s IORIK.N TRAIMNt; S, ile vd noon Spwfdiy It wilt ct {V'"V ■ '• A %RI % : au.s vhoxv \x' a* due - vs..1 this *pw- x-'-Aivge xvjx.A-.cver -r. ihe rqffv* . ■* "•"* C 'V I' S ",<\!k'.rrji .» mi*r >t .tdx*;\t< and «en» rnnowAHirv the * t 'IT. -v.Hiern architecture max Moxvn U'lttl IVd. 2 .V tbe V S Britain *-4 Fr*-.e t; vt-vp**1 to keep a* « K.u.~;v'vrrv txa-'* *n V-'vV". \\ hat r s»-*.ho\xrr sa .•(Tct'.ng a li-niu\» «,* iVx-*" . ■' 1 x "i'x>» oxViVror.iY M.xudax »" <■••» at MSf or e\oxx V*Y number of fc'lovxs v.ps for t .-e U bvn.xn far •,:-«» ft® .r.^— A'ivVA'. , *.o the AAnwrr.frt r.v,-«v. !•.-.« • .x .<"x:.x:t Khnvs'uMxrx- ar.1 a - ■• e .-v-e ftx core to the acaxleiuu- x-car 1960-61 for grad¬ P> cf Was; Bfrt.-i. *.xr rwijxx-.j «f >.•••»•..j... j^ .p.- *r *» EiretWvw* r is .-. xw . '•»» Afc-w* "ha*- *.Vx vvvxu'.t •j..; e rt(Toe. fli Mo - ;! uate l:-a;mng n the s.v..d V-Y r *** vV. W* Bcr'itx V>f CiV**..."..ft -*f Ge~\*:x Ag*t*~rn* .-..i .'-A-gf j; f r•>.*# ;> -x > . ;v.;x,;a' —•'( |»«! - H- ' a:'.; .vy the rva- ix .cnccv nrh:«f ng law. a nil t.-.e cvxxrxi F^.eh Wednesday ■ ts.s ■ f £ ■ •'. ui- •. hirnftx'.'.t ex rc'a'.ng to Ar.\ ,vid w*r proWm*. * !U*T iVI - V rr-.v* • • .^nrv Offers 0 • ' . * l-w'x-Y -,'v -ad rxvL.-rxs'i . 'X oov.ta;n #•—.ou:t«e» the X'.x.xr F.ist. t.» the S-'x'.ct Vn- v.tafi •"** ** r-raa;," A'.P-atv. sa • ' , -•• r »<•■.* :*.xxx 0' :o .1 r- ,v-: u*i> '.J'.*■ *. o ,x{ f»- .'.on xh.jxa \x :h a.x- i»x-r a ' J F-Jstcrt'. Fiirxxixc. ot t.x "A"X v Ax '• •.•v \ . • , ./*- - ««* JM'. XX f <..- • • 4»".>n -..x wa* saM' n • •« iead .-ex and ether A" xs-'ii'h ,x? the Sahara; *• v;;r r«"" ".»*•■• reftmnd The V '.x»xs-h ps are ;vArt of a ,*uir tvpartmrnl report- a r-.„Cvx »kep'..\C a. - - ;Msl " "xvp hfWHST ri 1 n k 11; it r sciioi \r- br.Mder Ford F.Hindat;on «"• Pud* ATxV.g rT.'.A'.S A'.* ,V..x.v- ^ „ uri««a4«n nf Uw Mhtr * a • •CM' c • • «inrs 1 or t.R\ni \r» sti • .j \mC Mtulk TtMtj %'A- mais hr;r a\xi; tv v.rure >'. For ROT( P.— .•*■ • x •»,there r.x" iv prxxliM'Sx i M app'.soan.xc.s "• t unxierstarxisng »xf foreign areas V «f> \ • r,-. - • '\«M '.".it vV\ them " v -.o; :-.to the xtradu.i e .-yx-.X AT". •.' that ate rxyjmted for the eft«N'- * Ji,s " ' * * 2F .-an ..'x r.-.. Tufxdsr, the afflrial Sextet • s"o:y vVt 20 Aop'.iea* Wvc di*x*harge of the-.r %Muv?;y-a CAREER CARNIVAL '. \..xa. nexxy i(rm-x Tux txxwd | state y« s<» p'.chexi to ■ * •> Krserx <• ; ?vay tncmsscd tntenrafuxna! rcspomi* v • i. •• - .'v* xi,.; :*,x,.rr a .X-,. ment saxinc that enf •( »ts a ?.t;> S ,v,0' ! Sxxrv »xp5 Stude btlltes. . A t>X ". . .xrre«p.xndent« had sent Rhnt«h .»oo avr.uvge tvrsvxrvoc . i» Ttcse U-am ug V lo\xv -.ps are .N-x st *,• .'tf-.v- A'%1 ;.YV- ehex- t request te wmffut en v x . a* xxit'n "cembers «xf fr,tended to cv.vurnge 'he x'xvv- »ixv :ry-. ?\1 KO A the Itsenhaxxer xtatenxent. • s V'.j'tx rtf'nt C'xvvntfe#. . bnatton of fcxrcign area train* presents - - - .•••■'■ vV" -o -«ir ,yv-V,'. " ax —f. X f r - •• Ta«s "c q-.i»vexl E-.jixT.h.xxver K'TUvh^ex "cxxrrfx-; ;« x v ...., ore ..;vvx cao'ine car. tv date \Hxta -ovt N'arvCx rf (y -i T ivg xx ex bh training vt a .' not 4 disovpbn«s designed to si.v- e- . * o* ,se Me o:T*.ex • c. V \Y 'ftp Nax a! firmer >ed the f«xftjff of ' e \vr* resca-vh jwrv'.t x'f .» * Ixittr xf p. wr r at'iv—erh reaohexl by vix. We M\Rs||%|| SCIIOI %RS|||rs readx trained sx'hola-s. fnx»>,—.rr. *"A\e ndoexl aireexi that "he -- »or t.R%m %r» sti i»v \v BLUEPRINT x" ; *v..v r># SOTv* ;»r;xxn r-ax y r\»n^Yv! tftr ; s>".,iv,xr* :.i be iwutfl >v • •,* ItfrHn and that ls»..e RRirisii iMvrnsirtrs i«h»». a gesture »xf *hank> tor t» D'c I'-v'cd fe loxx-sh-pjx Stales are and ax .v Canadian 1.x • e i* t .-ens, and tx* jvnenj rx'v.xt ng t -e ;v.: «hoxt\1 be f.xrs-i «, T's-xi.'-a ' Ad. the Brr *i gov. " pc:—.iret\tlx :•* 'he \ s XX !\d e— iv:t t'at thrv xhou'.vt n. * r......... cxtab'.txh.exi r he Mar. ,'A" g-.ve s,:v.a","al evtdenxi* of Se ,'n-x:raotevi :ndedn;tely. x »" ..♦•'o'srxrSip* - tsyj to <• •- t'-or mdent'ion fx* Sx-o'iic o*:- V e Sox e t j\xvn:Tf 1 " -o ix \:rer oan.« '.x studv f«xr d«*- . r.-'o Apn'.toav.'x should not - KS.-ush.-hex* *aut. "xxould Uke r xv« it n-;t;sh i;n;vevs'.'..'s, d'"..i- tlx t'e ox er .13 xears cf age., rx.wxx A(.v.n te csxnAdvTve '"a eve .x-x ards are offered ex. |Vc\'••Mining relating to the rart-ox exMtoemed xx.v. ,1 • v x e.i- A"ercan gradv.a-fx. fomgv, area 'f : ".crxhxt '.* n.-t ty.e c]\te»tton ef \iv< and the • » • x,» •. * -x -.v.ier *Kt rcuu.rcd «a Pe *.x 'v xef.'M wtth*xti« o.r n fs.v;xf.ona! e;rvu:n- More spex ' ix, ap|-';oaUx'n8 ..% a-' ioxvrdanx** xx i'.S t e v i". o« .'Jv a-e 'nvext f-o-r '-e x.".-:.irv,-.,>x 'e-a > 0 ••••-,»-, «*as!',fi tettaj»V". are I ' Graduate *'Ux1i'n*a :n • a c'.e—"a- • < vt r F;.rxpe. t *e •x • xotrs xx • • a :xa«~.c x-a e a! >0 cv.'Cs or human •.•. *0. xx X -oo • •e-. - * ' o,xn#x*'.ixta::n4 ts»a. e -.yxxivds -.xer annum t»'. s xx t txi cvHvbme tra-.ning n ex and on tec*. Vcot . .. t-oi- fteid.xx 'I inters.xc train¬ "«.* ' 'r -d'a ,rC\i'« xNxnttv.e-. • ing a foreign area IAnnua hers - •.> x. .X'vier \,x- 'pHO .n. rvu<» '.pop he Infor. re- D Soh«x av« xx ho have already rexc'vet -he d.vtorate its one . f >n -nav he obt.rrtvf fvx"M Meet • the siVL.il sciences or humani'iea M.MISHI Snag •ea rs' Hrit xh ihra; i"r \x ,0 xx >h to ad.l training it* x- .it.en Ss'-t • re.. 4.1 fore gn areas. WON BL06. mth it Hills t. No ■XI''.' x y • er s lha.'a, Nex York h>. II careers i'o"ege in seniors government, business, xx ho n'aA HOODROW Mil SOV n% no mmiitip ntxx oxvrmunioations, xxr other n« it- tiomi rr.uoH'siiirs aeademio professions may add V.V.S aohexxu'.ed to "• - x ear graduate xtw.ix m apod College seniors xx-ho ex- ef.v Jan J xasxr'* M; xo-eus-ess nati.ral • e- •> :\f • x" • «-x #,y jxex-t to fo; oxv ax-axtenuc earret* '-«t teadV.ne tAn'.e*ji •'». - x. ." os iM •".i*hon,a'ox ' r are not eligibly to apoly for tlrsl '»*•..re ,\v- .•« txj.-fc %x «.•■ .xx-", go ♦e^x-hers .; >»»«- graduate suin^mt F^-dav. lawmialier* «'fre adVi>eo v >rr. •« f ytHI jx'ia tit.' i IVixgrams may he undertakeri r-..e* v * oenerderw \ a *.x\, *•.,-# 'u Sir Isaac Nczi ton is struck *" m the V S. or abroad, or -e e ft tv.'x mx ■ re xx-'evtc.'vi *0 Sexs'mp 'ax ir- n the defxar'-rot" of tbe.r ftcav.xcx* of the a «j»jv:c.Vton. Ap¬ !')' another great idea! the . a ors* -u'. ,v| ' •' «• Sex".-—e xxf *he axx vea* ;x;-vxV4.iet • Put n.» Pit dax* t.'V tx. • "A IvkI •' J' n# f xr F",:rt'rr iwr»m*hons lttfonua'.011 .« plications must be suhmittexi oil or Iv'ore N ;> •I Application form* 'and further • . »"«v * v).x.r*;*ru-r.* un es> gixen xan Ise obtained fn>nt l>r Ru«* Information may 1* obtained :.M*red:ate eft ex' »r.! N'\e. est 2051 or lite Grad¬ f-ocTt ih# Secretary, The Ford HO. S4.<1 eaoerx Acting hf nf has C.ov *-e tit* J«»hn • rr » ! .-g t.x m HITS r. V l OIMMTlON: :: n v. . a ; a «;>e>. .4 m-v> .Y.. ' s t .ox-jxe' ' >n fxxp these fr'.'x>%- r-ex-r«4arx v .tea! •' 'he 'as k" ps ;« i»;vn txs r;t:rerH r/ t.?-# WHAT'S prxt*.er« n axe " e eg . 1 xx Sa ' ax e not had full op* oex,dec. to ,Y>rr'.e '.vs. * and x . 'i iwfurnv to rtevr..»o their ta'.• the ear'x ad .n,rr»»^er! r x pe»a .«# of a-biirarv bat- ' SU'-e r .xwrrrxtpv.t x 4» g x ^vx r e~s »uoh a« rac.a' or cultural #xt:j if the b :• don • • haoe • • .- cans, e r»«e.A-x*ertoin«. N'egr t'h ve«. nesp.Xmenegns. Sgsatush- Amer Amertoin Jap- In- 00 -r *-iip.'-.a« " *• * i d.a-.s, 'esidents -f (iuartt. Pt.r; • K r< • urg rg 0- rr.H, . '> 00. " Sa v m '-•■ \hrg-.n gel the campus vote * fx ' • k#» a ; r». e Vorxa.a.'h a i a- i dxx.ng -a 1 «iv.» <> Mount a n area* and Me S f-v - ix du-v t x a •re >f - ♦ !U>t •errt!or'.e« •**» nratklov ,n ...,e>l Hterc*fex1 studer '* sh.u. d Us " * rste uj ''Oppsvriuuity Keii.m- Dr. Guile Accepts Second Fulbri^lit Dr. Ral-.xh Gui e. iwy-.a'a search In ionic polx-menta'icn prifuspoc of E^wmiPin-. hsa > • under the outstanding physical «wpte»i a rnlhngbt •*»rd fnsa polymer chemist. Dr. D. C. Pep¬ •h# I* S. .%ut# Dsfwrlmeni to lecture and 00 P.M. ANN ARBOR HIGH ANN ARBOR. MICH. Me Miw- Neme toew thnsteKoeeam But «hen it comei doxi n to a riilh' proce«» them for filter i'I really pieaturable filter ci;a- .moliini;. The result: Filter. #1 up fr >nt of a modern fil¬ f-1- j rme. it'i u hat c** up— in frr.r.t Blend -?• o the filter, that »— that make, ter. That 1 w hat maketWinaton ">U ;f the tufferen.e! a nmp!rte filter ofarene. And there'» where X\rin«a ~i Filter-Blrnd alio makei had an intpired idea ~ Filter- XX'innon America'a beatAellins;. , if Blend ! XX inuon rpecxa!ly lelectl heviHajtinc filter ctparette.Take choice, mild tohaora*. then >pe- it from Sir Uaac: Im '-)»• Juu't ft if hi: it thr hc*J ft tmrs that Wiutm tastes food like a cjpratts shoMI" * i rt"*9-.at 'WM f* ■ «nrvnr.%\ *SF The W«fr. « tr.lrAr.i-rj'. jvvi v ours have l«~ Announced Re- llrrtins Sri iTf a sw.rr.jniRf -« T*"tr .**; \t.v..i.ie "■ r u iS i.-.tfT iT»» n- :< fr.xr. 4 .IS " ' 5W *~-d • *.« r*- TumhJa,.* Tb.ur*cUy rr.v-- T 'w .* JO iti TMI MMKhtrn ru»« Auburn. a ? 0 vu'tiv.1 of Ten- m<>iv jfJei :i i^v« without * l.*s* and Ok!*?*..--.' a VWfur * a nsfhto'ub tv.ghiiwu*, were f:-\w *'V ' ervoort's *c itv opp'ooch ItgM-Keorteo to the today of the USt- J 959 Os:V:.vi'i »J< *.bc wvvr.d ft:'! « .v'loso jxvawu And Auburn fnrd in t-N- Ape.wni M >v* ICH HKAN I.OOK •:rut wcekb poM. After & 45*13 h .ict ion w»U ihey *»ce Saturdn> ? . carefree fife loss lo N\*rthwe*'.etn tn * **bi* VlMlf the IWUil niAJI »MT i«IJ not h-jve boon affected by foxi .*ufferwi h* •or*e Ok- :.4'-.vv.» the 4 OFFICIAL SUPPLIES .iter pod clear eut of «fhi *"• NU'et :-fc Auburn Ot utded frvxn third 'o for all GYM CLASSES JtJh pUee »n Other •r.w.f !he r.iURt*. uhoft dr-vved BADMINTON •Mlt of lh* top to #fW SMI. \V[j»v;'il!l And 1YU \k '.svtts:1 Hob Here;. V, w p, r» T1 W \1 Tl K*» KM KFTS won fro-f S*a"' ' * **■•*? Mite >o«* "*r«,rt» 1 .tit' hiM.i* With hi> MWjvv >• .1 dipped f-vm ftAib to !£tn .-.: »i whit* qti.'rti - v plae* ;n rh* defensive t«vvv. • • \\ •r'is.ve «" nt. \\ «m"k : K*e:r lo,»a. Oeorc i Tiv" V r w :hh it.it > Fa'."- • SfwWinc Item*. Tonnrxoo and Tew* Martin And Herb \ defrn#* • Martlrectxr Th* Utter JtroHp re? ctewic b'Cier t & thrr*-fourth* » ' e i • ear or ajra.nut T.\ H*re ■* it m tw* * "'0 \V or k" by ; , .■ 'oiret rh-e* *e"**c if I'.MOhrj i'hib fMddeif A unpadded w*vk'« ird'-i- ■'•»« • fape^km L1J5 to iv niomir c >..• • iiAtt'*k?n iij | Fnd Pave N '-.hrr.v- , w.tA Frrst Artvaran • unit He rtifferoi wren ktckiM in ;he • urdav. Tiokte Fd Mot v.-i tv«M out «>f .i i.np !*g. show p.* - 1*1 HI If SESSIONS !.i*t:ne miurv. nr.: . , irxriMWAk u^eiM in pract.. o. Vautrdi* A ^undi* 3 04* 5 t»# Styled hv llomer MilU ^ith all* rUMMO Tue*da« thn»u«h kjlwdtf • nol Si*d* tn Spartan tireee. «*t • JA - 1# M eff uillt larce 1«^»»»ch white che- »TI i»» \T* *rn i \i K \n ^ ^iturdi* Afte«NH>n JV « da* ailk S. Mea*ure^ ni"* \ *1". *iiw|t« jflerttiw.u VAr i do I venmo Wr » da* >kotuu* /,orf> PI.EXTN OK >K UK HEM AI s mii iik;\> >r\rt i MttRsin ut s. » isHINirrov li F IRKN l announces OPEN RUSH SMOKER Union Ballroom Tonite, Sept The S.'rir* *rhr.hil< ArSneaks Into Series > Mi.- Ins 1\,;('IVx I' W.IJ. State News ' "Only Play JU> »osn i e I Had' e »u«\ . . ., St. y), ■ j:vr nipuvg out » *%\ • N s! M !!KM' ■ . • v • i utnpha Th. ^ wiinrg «ai to A's'ou 4-.I said :n t>e nitttit v i". i 'i. \**si 1 ' UK ■ ;.'fx ... ,- x ••■ * > i or I grabltoii tit# out thrie and got cm m '>" • I;v v,% ;.f ;\svxrr>' aevonst rh*fv>r> '' vs. *"■•,• >, • ' ■•- -• i • .• x v.* f.>r ptg'tt trv Mantilla, cUva f?\# straight i*:. . m; b'K hTM 1.1'S . t »-."*?» n'-1 th# ItrtNf) ■ J' ■ ■ x V. ... ;. 1 IO Hl»V • - M. t-e o:\Iy play IVfnrr ftofxe, rtmshmg , / f ;•* wttnin v'ar' Fv. .'i- Prv**."• i o' i'ii i HhVk-ton^ ' . ., r.^ ,. •» first wea.*ott a» * tksikei %•«*#. n v..:;-,-i>-r.- Cut twke up * tct>f . »'•«■* bad \r.\ V-••• .'-tit >U-«Mri tV»»i '•'oux#. Manggrf a':er a great carcci n! sho KINGSTON TRIO . .. --t '•o •;"'x ;v,:v*?£ ai'd nwttnunl t«* y • - \ ■ v\i 'o #*♦# th# atop, said the victory btou.: P rt.1 «rt#putted 'K, .'.•Srin* INvlrr* ;» •*: vTuu'k Chum IV-.". ' •• \r M.ft**'"»a wis sat h.m altint*' as ph.oh stabs:.• : ' . -t P.-r'.d »it ft the v>r,-.», v, ta Ctueage * v . . f • » ftdrrlf narkman %*ha nan 51 iiihm »;ravr%. «uol«trnlf wrakrnrel fkrto «trat«hl ho.i s-n. » locker w;f-ii h.s lion as aiiv of -be pim'iant ' CIVIC CENTER timphs in M-!uoh he oartic.pa • W I II Oi l 1 1 n 'Mi r M *■» it-. t>* tVitlf Maan iHikr SnWIrr and Nndf+a x < "-ade ■ food pla#.' #s a plasei . r^.^, 1' >. rtr»» rww istac I'— Ilif ninth .ml ihr b««#« alii an had v ant In th# ninth. sum * • rngrr. "H# Just tftrror Alston strolled over from Hie ^ >« Rvrdeti#'* Ritohiue masieri ih# »itnation toucticvl off a furn^ua duo! u ba. (i was en# of tfio»« and Ih# shouting I1 It'llt% llf SimU \wiil;ililc hrwk# ***** •• ««Hl lie the i-1 "ix'cr -rinding ttotwmn managnt Waltrr Al- things tumuli of Hie \l 5J.b'.. ii.Mii. v| , . sli tor*' dressing lie and , 3 ^ MM* fc«tf W 1W tUtkl at. :i of tn# LVslgrra and Frrd Hanr* ».( ton In t.-r ♦ ihi'anf TVxlgeh e?uh- room, warmls shook hands and FOK lit **> l;\ WION** I'llOM rut III I) mil; VI.IM ? ■ r 1 % M-1 lite baye* )o#derf in -V •*, house. H sigos who n*>rtnall# •■* tlanes * fer !5th toning tp t,u;.- . •* I Una* tr.adn fttt P.rat movt bv cailing f.'r TVn a vorv .' r*. man, #op#arrd t# Mane* said: ,rVftu cam# from be¬ It V (»». • I MrV.iVi. a right hamirxi roUrf man. to fa. a hind and heat n* and son de It i #\r br th# dtagppsMnUng croM.i , f t*# lie hspp'.rst of them all. ittix m i it i on \ i h i \i ii \11 t V .3 •#rs# to win. 45hen son blow |t ;># vj-t.vwtNl «iltp#um. Norm I-arkrt. a i#ft han.iM Ki'.'or It didn't uork "It's th# higg#«t run I #*rr for Ijrkrr linnri a 1-1 pr.oh off th# handy lo t aoarrg in m* life." he aaig. *1 a three-run lead In the ninth. I.vt L *vn»red th# #nt.r# r *» »{ *-» xvring Moon hag n# idea af searing t aitual- L. • •"/ of th# ff.It Kvkex: *• >.«. gn>1 nr.oh nmn#r Bi^bby I* storpeg after raungmg third HUM sunn : P M * » \*h IVdg#r pin-hfT. »-,< H .» iN t lama Harm# again ntth th# hook for Me* hasa %»h#n Caaoh Rees# veiled 1alking No: manv of 'o each othc Me Hrasos wc-e .Mam STATE. 4 RIO II Minis Ci •"* Tfth Nh.Iwptilwt fllnc#r. iver# ch,.g. tdahoa nrtin mna making hia u a-toa. Han## araatnd Warrrn Spahn. hi* 2i>-gantn , » 4 M tivS^h tt«y #*p#e:«\i to »'at 4 , CAM, fTKItlO 4| haunc# »«as ia a#a . ',»»#•< »«cf ■; •* show cntvg ami FMbi Mil nil. I 11;i I ■* r id naff to ktm » » nf.mg ##t«ra« grmthnaw, n ho had an 0-5 r#• pact Tarr# and hit eur roNiom t mi no i ni»ss ii" » « slipping ipucstv »M|1 oS She c- • r t> • .v. »e TVyfgen* Ve«k»ff timer. ps .«. r\"rvl aga:ri«a thn X>Hlg#r* Aj>ahn ram# on to ttrst has# raarh en Ih# thettldrr a#.. ". STAKTIMi TOMOIIKliNi Hit ItMm . . - V^.-T Av.-t »^. dreaming of \I 'w aukee* .• •. I to fi tW J** rtlMUM. IN MtoN ftrint i-.-.tv. j oatoh of Fur'!o « Morifum fl* into th# y ' • #r MILL IT RROUdMT •x stadium, emptx a .. , frtm \h* T>*4ttr%" #M Wfwktyw Nmr ' a*** 'mrd mtror, H*vtgo« taggo>i up and hwM a '•■ g \ "an of (t feet 4 inches WITM IT! \'s iH»und<, \vskoi nersi>u« lc-« Miokov Vernon ic*!co a' itorfi* »«*• Mite Mathr»« iai# un ■st •% -g run oa'k "g ' vie prison a tit.v.k and drummcHi hi* Miurt 1%'tlU* amgI# a*#r aronnd Ka«# n.ia .»x i '.in ' •u the trunk's . rtic no . „■■, * «i« v'"« tur* Tito . #n#u|ti ia ranvtnr# Han#* that Kpahn. nhn pitch- *oj ■* j. ie p!tx"''#*i the hig- od g.i « e of ••.•..* lite x\ a< very loud • « ur , t IXxispr >*no pU^v\: -\ * tan i h | am# Palnrda* a a* Ihmnfh. II# go*' '•■* •'..? « rrrv «.:« p:*n>f? cirfrat.v ♦ , v hraughi an ia#v ia*. a right hand#r. nil#* Al¬ w «t •■.>* yvncehtniting Almost oveii«siked ui the «• • ston oailrg upan Chuok taaagian. a right hanger h.«•,!. re *4id. 1 wasn't new- ftis.x>n was Mathews' tilth ho- . %" »#. T t"~ hat far 4'lrm Lahln#. As *ann as Alston saw «> Wren I go? m the game. I c with nobsxlv on m the :\:m Jo h# eniichag ang sent up th# 1#ft hang## Man «' in ' tee 'be pressure a" .» tl gave him the Nl, liome r. i . • *+ -*\t p;rch »harptr thrmis* p O 'S-'IP U'"M latrl* to hat far l**#gun i»> ••«,« ;vu. n the*# '.is', ivuple t '*«• ovrr i'hicaio'a Frnie Ha s -»r' ?--s\ bj.»< Mantilla. t>.# w.; .«• t na'H worked h.s %* a* out of tne Inning. • m»h*n>. m# pri'x*i::# ha* been MM ftm-sflOxl til# S.i.l. ;.l \i mi i ti; m r-» -• • «••* w *xtr. .': •■■ *" i :*• ♦ -roexi W w .th 4V ,- j. -y i ::-t 9*\*vS.\ n,*! tv • - • • ".« and Jr.v.ior Ctltiam sent •' «; * -^v K.» hurrseii thrv.» •. .. \ - m-\ o * ' — ..ko a ore-handrd running oat. ?i i * s'.iy l knew l owed •- •• <■-- Fra-tc Tor to ar.i U •.:■•. • - ,-i -uiot.y in th# 50th inn "g although « r • m i a ..t I o anted l - ■ •» v- *i,i hold Up at tH;nv *v '*♦ ?4i*st run Ut# Loa Ar.gr>* , • •.*' a enough —an to whon' Mantuia turn- »tr-\# g U alter who manaied this same eluh to i th."e and get Alston—the puiel man ' PAY MORE!! MM - ' GiADMER 'HI Aim pmoni iv a-aeti |1 »troug men :•> NIIW SIM »i» IM. ' • - T'v.ifp ro-.rh P*.*Pbo*i }*•><-•« ,t. •ho M. i . . throo a frustrating ses rnth-plaee fin¬ WHAT FOR? u\» o» riin tiiu at rti ii in s ui \i i inn s *•■" ( ivrto tor it n-.ear.t tb.o til ilom.is h or -Vm A.iixxk bxiuiHtsi ish last season — was under- siaiidahls speechless when he ISII-'-ttilEPBS -• -v- fivm !»-••-. Sfrif* \rI . v \y Ttovtng . W ,i.|, 11 ,.„r > >- % a* ?.« » rs»; far lb# Rravr* « ho »P Jai hit Jot Pi " t>o rihs ai d f ui • ' „ 'i.i.v. x atuoim:»*xi •.» an FLANNELS 3'HE DIARY OF . » ,b-: sin*# H«mI up Htih j ; on a h t-.it u INxt pa«.t th.* ted bn.'X'U. Math# x 'A' ' \\ ;.U and F*ul> b.n y e • •«•!•*" ' he said, I •Rip $4.95 . i —•*»«» alone |t»«nw I ito ••*•. -t . »i •;? Tn !•*# Ih# |»«*nn4nl vi »x- k h." • ou* a'tor he ioadod the t»a>< > "• •: mi,, :i 1.1 *4X am on f. ur straight pitohe* \x \ X tr <•»! 'o answer ■ j « i . n »n infifldVinjlr *ntJ IV ,*| tJ| «t prav# -i.totier a d the 1om« V.X. om or ley Pet .in of HIT AMI SAVK \r wINNE FRANK . ».r*t puch but he eouM- • llrai c c;honed through th# . a j." I ." o i r>*. t"!, r •• v : ms o.dor.M- o ;:ai". i ill the TTt.t he! h" e\tetid«Ni .us hand l.ni ko.ilclirk'n ♦ « VARSITY SHOP I CiNr t] mta «m r«» % 22* Abb.HI ltd. | MSI SKI '/IRREVERENTLY FUNNY!'! llb.1 l^nsint. Muh. I NF.\T ATTRAt HON -r AM ANi.O .v Olllll Its in Mil ' | m ^, f>j y Timet i ♦ a C LI B ■"HAPPILr yw7 LARCENOUS!'; i a « * » * • FIRST MEETING WED.. SEPT. 30 mCNAEl RIDGRAVt I 22. •Oilif VOtlFv' * a a • 7 :.'tll |>.in. Kin. It I Iraiurelle - Plus III# Kiss look tot me of speedee drive-ins** | I Ml»N Nlirhig.m Suie I nivers.il\ Mill HiKKKA HI M SF.KIHS crispy, tender, delicious l iir.hild Theatre KU.KMIM WH H>MI It rd . Kept. '.I » * Admission: l»#f t • a • • » t » i.... i . FRENCH FRIES •»ll* * * a a • in Kin : i w 1 i» o * " * t Ir.lor. I J# i !« »!• • JI-H4, i M l| ■ » ,* ua 1 •*»•»» <« :ip. the motion pkrtw«"Mne denim" ' ■ •*■ -a ».*s •'*•«»» tea miM>. talks heart to heart with hitmt frtrei only hrttvr 1 that a what you'll any aU»uf »:'**«>• - • ?«» a** '•» i«f Leam, yonag America-j/itf tMrpmts! golden brown ami deluiuu lInly IH# for a guird. liupit Inrn full hag at MclXu. i. l w sit* to. Imt leaner Is Ami don't forget our hamburger* ' Icmh r |ui< v ail beef on toasted bun* to ♦ at* See—| Only l it firing the whole family iw M) mt-4 ill lOMt .HT .1 lull 'iieui of a iMfnhu'Kc' a milk shake, ami jy "Vv:: toih-Wileaefca# 11, I id it h fries lor only !*»< t r !||i . in s-e.* > I Ma- j ij if! Wi «- I#- . v.. -isst. ptBKlH "" ' ■ * TODD ' i: 'lit ; 'I I.ne ll.fr * ast laauag to'*o. ■ t j teee^?*r*,f #S**S true- .ST.SBTS I Kill XI ' '. I'KIX ATI'S AKKAIK ' imwi h. lea • »:»• " -M •n utu b Mr MmIh' l;ll IM Ml »r^«s**aoa®ssiKS3BW'* Iff "s.u Ml NlMK lun Crr: 4 '•»" trrrfcr - • .j. MICHIGAN NfATK NKH'M fsrrv September .10. I3.VI Your Ke.V t" IVllet Vultlwt , ' j A* y. 1 * •> <\ <-■ t Comes Out rumpus fbivufloifM . Iliifh ICfftilrrKhip rSPARTAN BELL NINDERS o i Fetes K •: (usi *.s von i in I'FKFimnit s V J « hand per«ninllv In rugiiiia- $ t>\ i:\ni.isii ii i\minis) ' Willi tioli-. for a eninptoini*e jr is IIIr Mew A ••eri<-s of-rallies »l I'eiplnfi ■ A-'.eriil'lv Hall h.i- it the NEED NEW PLATENS V C stage f"i tin ItiMI celebration 'he*'* «tilrh Khfii 'lu h< V the opining ' Mt >t message '«» rally Monday hail¬ j: UI sit III IIUM. IIIIUTY RKIfl Mill FOR INTERVIEW iirresx- ing f|»e Chinese Cnnltnutiisl rev- CAM. IV one of hlsforv's gtertt ' 'MVUltt- nllltlofl as est event- fir pledged eternal l'.VWV.V.V.'.W.V.WWWWWWWW.V u fl lend- I'elpmg hip betoeen • Moscow ailil Karfio omtiltnrrd In Trlplug. Ill hrwadeaalv 1«k*«, silrl Ml dis¬ COMING ATTRACTION l«H»k Ihe ros¬ OCT. 24 - CIVIC CENTER tinguished visitors trum liiesda* lo laud tied i •' China's achievements. f' I prided U» tine w a« .lose t Jon/ale/ of thr t , ■ i,i three Chilean Cuptnuntd I'rtflv lie THE STAN „... N.«, rr-«n fc- niH ni.(m,n I wit b Itlll'l was cploted as saving "In Chile, in* hem inik in In - as in other countries id I ait hi N IM'V I.\M;lN, Ihr flr*l Hitman mrin- ilrnl. nnd H«h llrnhnrrrr. prr-ldrnl. N»nr> k.iu I lull Kht llsllClif'V blight 'rtk»* America. Ihe struggle lo wipe lire »l Ihr MSI1 Vrlrranh ,'lull in Ihrrr -rrxrd «« * WAC Innlrurlnr In Ihr SrrnnH out the evil-- .r ft.s Imperial¬ trnr-, on- prrrrnlrd * "Murk Hiik" hrnr- IVnrM W«r. nnd rrrmllr rrrvrd -rvrntrrn i" lielng intelisllled " ism The main eelebratlon will N- inK Ihr fiimlllnr rmhlrm nf Ihr Vrlr ('lull mi.nlh- in AJrrmnnv an Ihr Nnn-Cniuml-.- l»«* , a Iks on Steel; held in riennitninn N-piaie, for gtaiul the p'w/a. known hudt tu H«»'l eeieniouiea of Ihe o nl Ihr Sr|ilrml>rr L"Mh mrrllnv.-Shnnn nllh hrr nrr Mux Ailnm-, Ihr rluh'n \ lrr I'rr-I- nlnnrd Offlcrr-ln-('har«r nf and Kduralinn. Infnrmnlinn Considered Chinese emperor* Action The Mjiiare I'efplng ha-, Itadlo «a>d the been evtended !-• Kappa Sigina'i" in Iti^ Trouble •s»ver 1,300.000 *V|iiare feet MODIRN »#*«** u ji5 WASHINGTON (/V)~The being oiled Ttiemlny In the likely event hower is nimble to win Agreement from jrovornment'it leirul marliitierv Frenhlent Kl-»en union timl iiultiHhy nearl* abreast foul times II* ongtmil m/o -wild I.N0 persons mil maiih a, ro>* it, Greeks Testify in Death Case ller* they eotlld have saved Sfrri^ IHT«aNaTIOU*U.V aad M» 4'* ... lenders lo end the 77 day-old steel strike. Action lo Invoke emergetiej trjr'a demand far greater free¬ Tlirn* MSI I.I'S \N(HIT'S f/h gi'.Mg i » swallow the livei if If "I'm California Several of the frntofnity n f«»r• Swanson Itnd wuneone told them FAMOUS oncHggTtu 7 pI mer member* it* charter wf the he was choking They anid thev pr.»* i«ien« of the Taft-lUrtlvv dom In making eeanomles in the la t thing I »ft» " Nchool lin* lieen atigpended — lold the lx»v had a *j»a*in. law. Willi an BO-dny fooling olf |'he*e. a wltnea* said Tue«dH*. were work prartleea. and (ft the tin prrmd. may c«*me qulektv if 4>.nbowrt* separate talks to- lan'a demand for a I.Vrenl-an hour ralae In par and heneht* Facility Men were tfie la*! vvonlfi Su ansou spoke before he rhnked llielinrd 'testified at an impie t into the death Jerold Ifaiidolpb *nb| that nf- v\ Hi negotlAtois from both b» death while Irving to swallow ,m s.Ocv do not break the deadlock for ever* year nndrr'a new eon trarl. The ateelwnrkera aver¬ S/wah TIHIiiy ii large piece of ot|-*oak#d llvei tci Hwatisofi collap-ed wllh Ihe TkalMMigrAgMWi 11v«*» stuck in hi* throat. "I raw 1 lie President l»"l • • aged 9-111 an hour before Ihe ., .i fraternity baring ritual I Km Haw (fraternity president! "Tl»e finest in dance music' hand In Ihe AllttAllan Manila*. alrlke he*an July I.Y Phriv memlHM* of the MSI' Swan*nu. Jl, died Sept, 17 ell featuring before tn>» civitig and t went over and con¬ «at tin he hm telling »lrh and In the pa*t. fart finding faeiilt* aie appearing route to a hunptt.il from the SMITH-JACKMAN iti rd of Ihe ImpAsse whirl* boards have taken tin* better Joint Fcohonuc i'oninuttce of kappa Sigma fralrrnll* house soled him " I'ongiess t.sla* In connection Ambulance Attendant.* told po¬ JACK ItNAI N drcitrnrd l««l Irldag when Ihe part of a week to hold hearing* nl the Intserslty of Southern xlrclt* oilier a I nlon hroke ««1 nnd come up with a report with it* study emplovmen'. HOIM4V STRAINS tatka In hie** grow tti and prn e levels fnduslr* -labor t.-ik. on crouitde Ihe? were fel¬ After .getting tin* la*nrd'< re¬ port, the I Ambient may ordi t lb t'harle* KtlhngswoiMi. HARRIS JACKSON the fabulous professor of eeonmnb's aibl lab¬ B'NAI B RITH MUEL FOUNDATION THR VAI.I.AHR Rl s FRESHMEN on* no place. tiie jtfdice dejuMtmrnt t.i aeek i .. ■ g «i,\ aive trdeml willi of F.Mrnhower * the rlv.il ablet. ofThMaW *aid thev a rmii't injunction t«* iiait the strike for 80 «tn* v is not settled within If tiie strike those fid or discu*« at and an industrial relation*, will market power of union* afternis-n session s< in in it or moil iiontikv smvii rs plus man* others HNK IV2-U24 4 i>« own bit j*er*4*nal inter- da* s, the union may resume its l>r Jack Stielwr, profess. r » f KOMI H%SHQ\%|| .11 bring Ihe industry and all government ettunaiuc* and dlrrvtor of the • , h ** cl.wer blether walkout IjiIh*;- and Industrial Helation- IKIItAT. Oct 2. Hint I' M Mu«ir Hidldtng Auditorium •, t» mm* remedies, evcept for mediation, Bit Wrtt pUMill Til «9 will have been rvhau.ste«l Crritei, will he concerned wdi S %TI Nil % V. Ort 3. Hilt AM Alnmnl Memorial Chapel eilueada* Mglil I util Nine ■ the lion-wage dipvts of «-olb- •- , M, d IteeoUM- --g the *vi»ik«*ut idle hPO.lhm Merl men! In Ihe 12 year* since rn.*«' of the Taft-Hartley 1-iw tin' Imigaining Hi* testimony SIAIIAI. Oct. 4. fi ll! A M , llumui Memorial I hapel Open Kver* \\ . ,k.-h and in ally 2ini.0iM eUi- it* emergnuv provisions ha*e will be given tin* morning thild MSt' faculty mem¬ ,i mia.'u m industries tie- tieen invoked I.N tune In nine l e HIM Kim K «m steel of these ease*, Mi Ike-endtn ; ber contfthuttng 11 the Mud* i- 4 In hi* statement MnmU*. Ihe agieement* were ieache*t du - lb Abba tjrrner. professor f S| NIIAI. Oct II. <.I» I' M . Music Huilding Auditorium President deflated thai an far aa iM'iiMiiii', who gave his testi• tng Uie fid-day injunction |hm - MOMlAV, (Hi 12. »:3# AAI . Alumni Memorial C hapel internment If ll#n ran he bM moiiy Thursday. Sept. 24. hi mi* hi la hear "I am nat go* MOMIAT. Ort. 17. 4 «• P.M.. Alumni Memorial « hapel tag la *em*U lha i ranamy la after " I VARSITY DRIVE IN : • in light of this. Kiaenln***er I'll! AM; NO IT—Thai evening <*er*lee« on Oel. 2 and Clef. It •, n'w!f,i l.* sot in motion thr Hartley law'* machinery Weleome Vat • « meeting* with the sierl 5 for Tin: fi\f.st i\ - i will he held In Muaie Auditorium tveryone fruit Thst • * don't bear Vga". weapon he ha*. 5 pizza S * Pir-..trnt Will meet first *c .*• iu*w* group headed ! FOOT I.OM; IUM INHiS : M NDAV. Oct 4. ft.dd P.M.. KITIIT 8ITPIK and MOVIR • *d i'is-jvr. chief of haigiumng team, : It Alt IM.I ■ "Ihe t aine Mutiny" at the lltllel House ., • • o , lUh. Uwrd chair- 5 «:i Kit SKHV111. IIKI.IV FRY SKK* ll li . v S v Sl«el t.'»>rp \* •.'* thy umon Nest ■ E.AST I.ANSIM; KPga».»17 S ':** sSreiworkevs pic*>- \» . .\.*:| ihe lime MrlVnabt neared for lhe%e Welcome to State , . . fateful talk*. Justice prtttthl* lOpatlmrnt law* era were »e* NEWLY OPENED . /<«»/. to II nllurr'n for nil your o/ttirol nrriln err ted well along an Ihrtr |*re- nu tl.o * woik for ant action /or a nrtiii r cli/i it* thr urnicr the Taft-Hartley law J . . i»**n decide* to W- »i '•«- '..i' ;.** 1#**. he e*»u!d do so heurg between the VARSITY BARBER • ' • -a* w P* Vv-tti >.de» and i ' - - p. * ne.i take*i(t for a v .,: - - a *.*»■*'•• n idr Jiv could net SHOP w e '.n the weal, nurging a i\v * "lnir first th-ng he w**uld d1 APIAHVTUKVrs A* AII.Altl.l-: ;*e to de* .'are a national w emergent* grvw.ng eul s*f the I.A1.I. Ell 7-1*121 |>;o oaged ar.utdown of this t*a>- n- I'uiustri 208 U.A.I- Then he waiiU »rl «p a fael- Htt*t (N|(r, Prop. finding hoard u re part an the twBft, In this ra»e. there are twe rhlef anea: ill The indna- SENIORS Our new Viae kr—th •ffkr si i Is FtssOi) •Mcwtiva young (oppnUt* | or dynamic Siga gp far yggr aaaigr »sn tlmlpml lo shw jroa better mon-obout-campus MiM ■ *or cist lit sehmi faw twin -iih rsvsnibls *sit» |»slt.lobfic on HAaJaM P-IJ ess tUsakM psiilsy en Ihe eihei) wets Wiioied wiO you is MMvf wfi rrawf. oried. wkeAwr yw ecs faisd is wonmi koptacking er iaecrti^ >»«-■ 1— Daa Sa MAW aawh mWimJ skruJilsis HaAA Yaar pWm «W kg |g ftt If wnnnR (mmh MRiap migPi ss» •• |sp ww namvoi KHnfiOtfi, rviawv imtr at ND NUT It yw. , heok cssOr wst MM alive, brown, grey. *M V v V.I , iv n, w. c. testes', WtMi mmsu P . L | wi kg lakaa far a I i mi afca jp ttb vmIu . run i ii id T ' - wmw UEVS SHOP 61, * Alio ottkf dunnOnn al W> *• W»«hln«»on BS-B.C.J lie ABBOTT RD. — EAST LANSING SRpNK