The Weather |j|oo*ik Mil Mux Cki-BIVHI C ontinued l-'nlr and ('tnd ,\t llttth Today fi.'l TiwIRM liOtv Wednesday lo Serving MSI! For .11) Yrnr* rnici: r» CF.NTS I -'i-,i:' kasi^.ansim;, Mii itfiiAN—TfirnsiiAt , ihtohkii i. iw.s» i ■ f i !'.' > ' 'X ' * -'Aii' , ■■ ■ K Told: Pay Lend-Lease Debt Sri lien it'll I lev.' Committee oil Future T?fe i ,s May Fasu Stresses Academic Trade Bar 7M'a»e Heporl Accent* I .X. M< IIMIIfl- 'Kehitili of IntelleeliialiMiir *1100 Million Tito rppurt.H of flip Fartiifv Comniittoe on fin* Futiiit W ASIIIN'iTON l'i M of t In* I 'nivorsif v Iuim Imtii relenseil in h 7 T-|»t-t >?«• lunik let kitn Khrn>lu'lii*\ w,i t«»l«l if with iwoinmi'iulafion* rtit|»h«Ni/.in(f "a rohiifh of infellec- t amp I ».t\ i«l t lia' il Uw i.i f tialisrn." lea • »li;iI.|«* about pa\ inp ut I it < inultiiiiillion ilull.ii I KKSrONSIIIIl.lTIKS of hi lid en I ronKreH*nten *»« «'VCI\ t'ti i< i vit'f! the f.wiiiiiiMi«r'«E is .1 stlit'** Aclivilies Iciut Ica-t* • id»t il tuav pav»« flic \va\ I mi »*;i ititr ' c jdrtd by I lean Tom Kimc nl Ihe fir-l AlSf. mrelinu f •< it! ptc»i'fit»'.| in tlir stimmnrv Italic i «• 111. I imii apain ' Wednenday night. t mr ■ •! !in* future to ' of which MSP unlvet (larnival lib la Rally Approved hmilil ;i - i H\ v iti.'lr "I. \i'tiirve* iuti'i'iintiomil «11• - On loni^hl [USG Appropriates 'nit fmil by etnpha«i.'iflg II* Ihe blent I i ••filch. k»'"Ui iU> «D«i profegjuonnl in I ii hrv Si'Vi'Hty-fivp campus or- pinjiram*. pani7.nfit»ns will contrri'x'ald Illll KlrtiMin Milt I). .fl did If.! f«»: "1. |)»*veh»ps and maintains . _. l,00(> for Show in Spartan Sfailinnt tonight WIIKN SI'AICTAN STADIUM Menrhera today in lh# Union llallnnim. Holding card** vigorous four* year ttndergrad- tn supply "Mnnailt Mil Max" are filled, this wrrlinn will feature Ihe Mock ar# Kelli tirccn. art chairman; Jim Kirheo- ii.!i* iirogrnms ii»i# held fur all frewhmen from 2-."» |).n». Ihe. |)iihlicil\ chairman. it rongreaa thought "big" Weilnestlnv itiyltf in ith pualiti which c.un strength from Each otgnnl/ntton—will u-a* « ■ I Mil g m.I that \ • meeting of Ihe IJhV.i-fio school year. .i*t i coiitiibute t<» ' these re- song title to illustrate Hie port Ihe St.ite |»rp.ifl|iient* srr J it tiwk nrr r^m*. and <"'»• ron*tiier-'»hh* de» and /fi/op Kutlnr .t r.uvh. gtfitlijnte pftiiii iim* and t»iufe**lon- if til.i\ vities nt i m estr.i-cuniculnr acti¬ MSP. Trophtex will f»e Nikita Asks Ike SpIh Headline Mini ranking official dot express to.i»p that negotiation* over Itn* Iki'.f hour *'f heated 'IHwIp "3. P.iretulfv select*- the pro- awarded to the 'hrce Ih»*1 •da'* World War If lend-lease »tv d to . ovipi^.mrti knwrvfr, finally Rep. Proposed Is tiniii roi ' tn w fin h It will l»e dlxtin- hi*tl and alloc.ites its uvni'- h ■ mwiinii *m finally fessor in humanities nnnuutuiii j»> Iftolt t' • i:i»n |>rogr«nt *hoiiUI be nb<»l- iVtping Wi*dru's«l»v. "We, oti our ri'Niitii*' formal strike Mettlement iupotintiniH lialay in M t rl<»»r. world's liiK'V- « k" "* " ladd-ir i ' it.ti. effcvtivr with the fall Arturn Mitlnlni, the mtthiral i tw -:ub !»* Hep. Dun p,c • mia do everything po*si- I'ltt'dmrph. nlumitniMi mesh iIim- .lO'emta .,-Mfei. I960." muatrlan chi»*en as the rami* derided Jewish Hi»li Ut.. :i*M. i; |d»* It.. ulil'df v" a.»< pieclude war a means !«. Ui I )c;» It I' week and will »h* he featured x? jfw«iw» i' '■>* »r t rrta i nmrtit ise ,n Nov. fl Hie huge efetdroiM. prut mimsttriDK m.«'tum »e>ear«ti t»e from the moat their *erie* of Important part d recommended on the program* tonight. solved said. tbloiigli nrgoUations, he Holidays • ereetixi 111 I'tinh' Ih-o lh pilo t i hp session heir loom;iii lo rn.»r i CI.DOO. chance*, tint* one of the 74 Music at the carnival win he The glolie-trotting S«»v»» t I ipnt pver an l»nnr mhsion a but gap will i'« hi HT ihe t k pace* I* devoted to the topic, supplied hy the West Circle prr'UM i first) troui iii» vbit to Slorl Friday gellier I liaitman Itoxer Itloiu li of I S steel I oip not oilier I i» ennstnrt i-Aiigressnien which i* Included in the *ee- I Ii iv e .!«// Nocietv Ihe t ibareU the U tiled State*, u*ed 'he all- steel executive* with I nion (i sure defetce against bai : undercradnate education. embrie ing ' we" to covet the Ft ftav 111. tin* Ii«'ginnmi |fc* in>uM piil ihi a prafra¬ tiun on and vuealiflt Pat French, livnnia mi President llat id M« Outlaid Itolli missiio whole ('omnium*.' !»!•*• in if till* J. ll lligo llMl.d.r rophomore. will ah.o be featuied a Hie. Se»ni 'loll. • • i il re»»f sith hit name en- sides declined allerward b» arid make a ■ac¬ The M»nent .il t«»v : shap.-d I*,. • v 1'nif v thorough re- Ten v Hisvenii in. Mn- kcgoU > (»•■•»( ii i! a rci rption, but b»s If'M i || i 'ii'ie < itnil Y'tiii K. loinment on whether any pru¬ Antenna "f the : a iai w un a ,in : o-.t into 10 si*. tC'io ill Pie pr>igi e< lemaih were diiirtcd t«. a »»r•* !b"h II tiMh ifi i t».«• («♦» id It ht charging an ad* '1-nior. W ni C pin i had hern made a If* i>t 50 rent*. ure l.tMMI feet in •" 1 '• ' I*1' M ;.i.t.• Ppoit tin* I'ast f-.r the The cafliiv al. i »•- ("»'■-••♦■.i t. itomiiianity ( hinc» t* atxta n«e i«»«l marking Ui«* til -1 da uf tin nes* afioni'iit I Itmil l\ *.s I isil t> 4tMt leet w ler ' 'he > «■! • } • P-i.terKi4ou.ite Elm.• lb..!. il.ndn ye- F- .-nt. .. . ... he .. • Schumann (In- AWS and Men * i unci: v* i Ma-' Tre-TlUig." ♦he ChHic-e - . new f .r teiescpe aii.tehiui hen.»i i u / !i i;* 't..■.* I'ronirtoi. Ho ('•mui unist l*art> leadei, otei Allilll Mii V» .If »• V.Hi ' I* U»»- d. • 'I. »t iony WASHING I'O.V 1* »' i •:1 voiced the ... t from 7- Id p.m the nav> a* S\««a» (o ne W i, IMS I .imiMl* Program.-. I'rem » r Uhou Fi.-En wet* duvli Friday and «.ii'.!,•.•• ft- K." ' '! • . ! W.-l! . ■ u MM' • ijjht to for- l o-chairfiieu fm M.c even' ■ *• i Va The iargi-*' "i"''*'1 1 k 'a.tii S!-i.b*n' and "ie Pnivet otv. tho*e *vno !rt»-oe«| in NN . f.n thin Prtiol Nh ho|-in. la lt .v among or radio ante')'-' • • :' .«)•?• •> : r ii Mill I the t 'nit ei Mi v I - »i.i» pi elude to lite (hi J eele- , ' "• ».< have n • i . and Hal (iuriaii, N K.ppu "t n.e It- ' r:'v. h;U' ottev ' next dlttmetei otic ta- - M ''••• 'a- • . . ;pn 'itig Oi'' Pfovi I 'v to pa York. N Y. juuioi Uralioii of I'm CommunM t'hiu- AtiinemeI.'. v. ill ti er . I P it,!.. (»; ipim/itijt and Plan .1. !. i l| u Mm . Il I ' England i «• iI'Kiini* x lUlli liti U,da\ fl Milt ' Uf. Im.«. fl ( If ' I I '. . p.. •i-M-.-.t i, Ml .1 emphasis UjM#n » Xpi«•>*•*• i :he things UN llumls Off •aid. adding; .01 Tin* t ■ If fuiiu A tog . I..- ill-Id si on i.n bedtile "f f Iff.(Ill bo|ied "An agreement no be initialed before mi return to i that student < .mire** When I talked •*. I're lent WASHINCI'ON v A 1 • ait ititciview f it Washington next week " lie i« Algerian Fate .. .cteri .. m w as .if»t■ , .r,• , d Haiibi Am i I'd i« »(and f»r. Fiswn'iower un itnpi io» . rd States pt ' •*. >:.»-» New Welcome Fat.- balli /.i - j li.ipl.Mli 4u .le • doe l.aek from Id* Irip tn Palm W-. Ho _ •A.e lliu' the I*revident of m,p urging of an intem.oioin! «*t:• <' '• , ' nc. I - HI -ee no alter - I t ltd* l, .• MSU "• I alll . on Oil K a week Kl 'di.i. Uni'ed State-, and hr has th«- , 'or a large make eas.v^lwymeii* ■••i ' • r.rfV.e to dot'ig cxr-iything po- i- t'NITr.n S'ATKlN'S NV I mm bol.iv. i..i tl.t'-e Iwaji »,f formal a MSU. to haw sitf>|>ort "f many people Klisll IIAsllONAII Wednesday ' -■ ■ 0 developed nati-ms ncvo . to 'tii-ngthcn effective tcaeh- France deciarrfl I**- (fiat *v»'ir ui»»k*-n o|f " I'M U^-' ' ul»V« I I': .1. • entertainment at ii a are »»f the need for relax fig F id.. H (. m Mu i lb ward Wednesday. and w-liolaily attainment to it ix now up to the Algerian* And ' >r -immi A S'-«rn im.-rKid smiling 'n ■ > the tsolution was Ilelegattons fr**ri; \V a .d Mat k t j*hei the cttii'l aim "f ativ »n- themselves to chouse their own *nter.nultonal tension " t lav Mi a hotel, • . • . oid. I:. a-i.boA<-r • • • The Soviet Premier t*dd 11.«* Satu. da • 'I in .. . Aimed Nations which d« iaterl ' ' "i'utnm of higtier learning - (ethtical dcitiny and tht Untied YfnmoriA) < ■ .ii" ' I' als win* In. i . ' \.k. !. ..ft 'a-.. - f ^ Purdue game Nations should keep hands off. gatliering that ail hough Com - position at the bonk? • *i'•1 *• ?fm advance of '-he intelhst inion l.ey .1- If..' Ml•" " ' '*■ faded bv a -big vunist nations have i-rea?<*d a Suodii, ft 30 -i A i . . meeting uitt the inten».djgh unammoujt M i eft and turned it* repiut over * < it; the form of rallied away to a for the plan The RmI tlerixloii i* due fo¬ distributed tutn this summer Ui invmbcfS It has been of th«e M-mbly the Algerians had al¬ ready demonstrated they were i*l «y*tiiu by force 70 tiompiiiiies Allraeled km ggy. The bank * governor* were placing their trust for the future facult 10,000 Left rwaMrrfd rerUin to adopt a beginning in Monday'* in On, Charles D# CJault*. Career Curny Set Next Week npauer for the evening A x» •t ies •f Mndenla. Tnan rendition iMtrorttng the bank State News will mure fully A»* • 'kar^ed the rangnaa- to tfraw M • .Itoftor lw »>' %.->ver the committee's rejeirt. Ian its #%• Without Jolts I Mkuaed tn consider- , ef ■nr ltommt-r-' lw» rtow>'«> «m»I«IIH M >■ AV'ir tIonic Moo. pressed JUrkM n.. »ivol will be MMine at tn Die Tlw i'r counlii. - I loll, lo Offer men Mo* rrprNMURvN af Rt Algniao af HllhllgM with bie Union Un--. .eat Mnii'tay and r .ngreinntrn la on th.*» .rr lunj-lrrm crnl.-> DETROIT

— (tiry«l,r Tuwdiiv due '« » tfl«> pi,i. enielit ..f Lj'v'remain Deanutibiaied King Mid. in whit'h art' pa.ablr In aSm in part of Ihe currency of the t A'eir (.iirrimhmi Corp. laid off lO.laxi work- thv IBM HA VIAt th# nr.>; Ttte Asian*African group was flie.i Ii': IT, Walay at plant., in Mirli- quotum* until the borrowing nation A .[wvUlirt In rbmmbri'i.l expected to press for a U N re¬ The r. ci ,f th» extlibi! - w ill I have been Thia would diafrlbute aniorur muiif. In M r.. IUU, kM l**n solution urging France to entn iiran and Indiana bwan,, of in- r.n the .ti»»nd floor, out cv.-ti acorao of rrruntne. 'pari rif th. fcucti negotiations. Ttie prov.- a shorlapi* of laaly ,lamp- expanded t'ooipared .(>1>"1B'*,I A*«« i.t. M»k* at Hut I 'Ail! Ire mj thtl th» fore urn aid burden whiril no* sional Algerian government bar¬ The "unroum, inr* k'ill go j|| far a„ {J Ma .i 111. MSU muiic <1,11.rt- inif* rraultinp from a lalxr to l».-.r ve.ii falU kolely on the United Mate. mint announced. ed in Tunis has offered to hold n.eriy u»»d fur siorage »(»»*•*. « -ii However. Under Secretary or .li.piilH at th, company'. .ng "c-jKMuibiUty Dr Hall comas U> Stat# from talks ou th# basis of Dr Gaulle * wilt be occupied i.j the Afmfd Ditiun awured TwiiiKliurf. Ohio, plant. | •* itader.ia.'* Slate Dougla. the govamor. that d..llar->ai- Nortn Texas College where n# recent proposals. The company said some 4.V000 Forres for tin*, die 11th >cat of the carnival. wf.rkeii in commercial music ing is not the American objec¬ of its 71,000 prr»duction workers ,ujr » the Mmlte at to teaching and received hia HA ■ii even states will tre idled by The placement Bureau, -♦jiun- wrr of the carnival, will present » ta tive. end MA degree* He received ha -n,lt^ he nix Ed D. degree-, from New Friday night, halting nearly all the annual show with more than t* ****-■ i m> imm assemblies of 1000 model cars. 70 different companies being Tiwpe Accident York University 1^.^' « I"' km kM tto far Uw Mipsar uM l.M« represented Booths will be set Traffto werkera kava keew UM eff at set up. some with attractions In what appeared to be a slap Ciainu 8 Live* at the Algerian rebel govern¬ plaMa lw Ike Iktlik area and like movies, free pamphlet* or aa wall aa e«p#«*Mlal laWra- ment Couve D# Murvilie de¬ UN al 0uk to Indian*n^t*. samples and special exhibit ■•»« * In Texaa Town t#r> between hands wOl hrtdge Mw gap farawl tratwtog mi tkr clared: The "spet?iaL exhibits" Include t "We say no on# has the right By the end of the week, th# thl* year's mtpc+ianical "brain," wuon. Rep. rauI MOUNT VERNON. Tex uP>-~ cammrrcial mwate tali. the IBM entry and a 23-feet to impose on Algeria th# regime company «aid. the layoffs will l„^": Untiof) cxRtain- Mount Vernon actwoli were that is to be its own. ThU re¬ affect other plant* In Ohio, missile from Bcndix Aviation The bands will work closely amall . I, • fvnior wit Tinnwrd cloaed Wednesday as thU Co. * " ™*"tr»Uon be- rut ,Tcxm city mourned the with the university TV and gime can result only from the Ml«K»urit. California, Delaware (IcpresentaDve* will answer © M radio stations as well' as per¬ will, fteely expressed, of the Al¬ and New Vork, l />' ^ iacumd death of two tenchen and »ix ptudentg killed in the cra-di of forming the compoaitiona of th# gerians themselves. Combats, Beaidea those laid off. 3.500 any questions about xalaries, op- In v *nd *>tor Car- violence and terror are not the workers are idled by the strike portunitiea and requlrentcnt*, sO !_•' "-.fed ruofrmiun their bus and a truck commercial music classes. the material presented is of the " Dr Hall's work is designed mean* of reaching a solution " called by the United Auto Work¬ * Trunm hed The collision occurred early ers union Tuesday at the Twinf- type that woud be useful to sen¬ for students wt.o plan to make He said the Algerians' partici¬ I r- I f"' »nd th«t 'I** *n •*" It Tuesday night at neartJy Coop¬ their careers commercial music pation in a constitutional refer¬ burg Stamping Plant. iors anticipating interviews as r •-€ to AUSG er where tie junior high school rather than teaching or concert endum on Sept. 2ft. 1058. consti¬ In a statement. UAW vice well as freshmen debating do with It. students had gone for a football choice of a major. performance. tuted evidence that they intend- president Norman Matthew s i'^»*1*0 *oic,d game with the Cooper team He has been active as an ad* ad "Their future to be made said, "The union ii prepared at Jack Shingleton, assistant di¬ Twenty-one other students with France, and—why not *av any time to sit down at the rector. of the Placement Bureau, CAREER CARNIVAL'.! llii|iUl tor Uw (War* vM and the driver of the truck were judicator. clinician and panoUst contributed to lb# En¬ ao—that w, this end, ley were bargaining table with the com¬ aays that MSU's Career Carni¬ I rjtod .Jut hngpltillird One 11-year-old and has val is duplicated by many f«atart auajr linlhi >■ 1*1 — ■tog. t*li wi imiwIm cyclopedia Bntanfikn and var¬ piacihg thair tnat in Geo. De pany to youth remained in critical con¬ Gaulle.** schools and believed to be one ious mu*ic ma dition Wednesday. ■ % fFKAR Offers New Features IUKIIKI: WHKRSON Courageous Coed Enters li S'-'"1"11"-"' SBATTU5 • — Diane Ewlnfi o-hlili hrl ln r,irlv „ miw s,..,11V llith hei eomplle •» ol V\ vtnUfiht-A K iuforhati SII.INC1 I I r* i .'10 p m. Hoof ,i entered the tTnlvemlty of \V«sh- ehMdhood s»v ahe will ApprenticeV ram oera e. IIMtRI IOITOR (j ' MM) Mill Pa«e Tu« ipghin Weiinesdii.v — trt a bed Rut the handicap has not al- Ih.eie 1- .1 -'Mitee df i'oura«.- 4 \rnoii( si iiiim October I. !•»:.«* mounted on w heels frrlrd the sharp mlml or spark I...i h..i--...»"«- ah':; ORCIAM/ATION ,n.l liO *f|4li«»u tiintie takes rio'd* in tin** Una prr*oih»Mt» •*' il1'* t'f' 4-iS p mi t A nrw uppwit! •' tp |»rm: wants to earn a degree In l»*» in s.-hniii- . V w illi a pencil held In her \m-W\ .in.l , has sri up :«• iMo- »•«'!" nil oppor S!ie typewrite* with it stickle!.I rlmloi*. .VI-,' ami li'-' "i" 4'enter I off, , iv »»f rrniio Rhe turns lw»c»k m,. i i.iU- Km"a ■ K'11 ir r tlinitV U> rVp'-Mi v ,1,-pal the *an»e wa> Stir will l»i H.-'u* Scleni'.'. ihit lii i'"' I" hihi-i"1 ' MARTIN I I (III |; , ,h|>| I vt station ;!•?»» mvl» .«<• page* w ith her totlfiue of Mir titiive' Plucky Puttie, a !!i-ve«r-oM m pre-' tr ITi.K!i-li ami »<« i""K- (TIOIK *ehol . ha-. IP „ het i Atv*v*Tng • :.- "» *».<•!*.!••. •* paralysed from the * ho „u»riri. ■ ir I ll" 7 p mi Mai tin i : *i.iff mem- v\ iI IVaeh.-i* , be«»t of the •••■ i:•'• • »*'.-■. nr.- ,,1,1. -Til 1.1*1- a IIIMI'I'I . peck down hv a spinal giowtli New member •.i.ienl an o\*ei--- film dpparkvr * "••«* » • •1( *t ipiat tei." of Mas* I'.vo?' -■ .■th- : jiim broadcaat- or-.fc.iut-si :.;*t pfWfiThm Vrv. efkt .VI to pf < ".V :: i.UV ".1,-tua ' «• v - %l»ptiianl* for the ronrtp are isiefull* arreeneil by the •!*- Sfi.tNNI Top Pa* for New IVaehers a i'S.-.'A" \ CUl I'll A LOW* ,.U I LAN I NAIL V.{ rrvWn of 4 ,« .»:»»•♦ .n.r >--*fT tiwn'* ttalT in order to determine I've Jutie IS* AH edtic.i' m off. ring educ- - I COM ISO AuS.* I CAN'T CAtt' -.-TikW ,-..- As"--■ RegisiratUn .v. two.vol1. liectee- AlulAlv SVlT THE ilJOOo l rour>e ;« limited t»> »«vu.»r*. Kvh whether or realiiet the evtent of lh« re* not the atwdent graduate of or »niver*it> a Michigan college planning to tea. ri Ihe »•'we re.on1ed m MSI" SlI.ftIM* pnd We- alk V-ASCi PS.V.NC' n-rtt and women, "'to have .1 - v t-a uns ■pAn«lhtlllie« Involved. An MSI fit a«» »■ rea.1v Like : ra.t o training Pus rail wiM earn froyi S3.H0U ern M Chlgav A term before 'the ftthlent abo te.cive 'he higi- 11 :^.l i c>u»r*e« and are •.vterr*l«\l in to ♦fl.iUlO. neeoriluifi to Tlnvim* •tr w.'l wwkutfi out special commuru* wishes to seine o« ah nppren- P... sil.OPtt. Which i* »l> A'a-k.i" . ti.-e. he mibt meet with • Nnrtltev. special »#«i*tnnt in »e- cat'.oivs prob>•••..« pi.i, rmerit %n apprentice mif rhw»» Ilia WKAR staff member to discms wrati ■ f.T the Mielugan f.duea Average Tune' run a- WR.IH itaff mmhfr he wlahe* the pri^sram. If I e is accepted, ttoU \* 1! «* $4,10(1 f Adt.-an clli- te asrk amlrr, in which ever be may regwirr the fnllowinu N-.rtliev" i».i-r.t tii- finding- u , i aci11 it*-*, a-' i-o'iipnvrd t" a 1 ■ n dfairimrnl he a refers—man¬ terw ..r $4..'Oil a" the t'ntveistii • rw seeviVi- uAc* Pu-Mc* lelfMM- I from 10 Mich¬ agement. ara4«fttan. a pert*, Students a-e grade.-t at the Detroit r.HnVPtP end of the term afte; a consul- igan coMegc* ati. univiM-Mtms programming. ar anr ether. !> ,« reaporalhilitiev Inrluo.e ration between b;< spnren'ice 11 have pax ta^-t and i-astrr and the instructor M- Mii-liigiin Sllli- New* aml'.'cvc-.-tvt cv kr-"a 'w.:nj favi; with the *'«•' t:on'« h**t<*rv and poUcief wor«v- s.iinWl to » ;;>ervi*e the onitse. Niplit Staff .141 Htudent Rervi.-e# The apprei t ,r « a *o nnjuo- eda** Mnr«.l»» •*g close:>• w .:h his superior a' s;v* a week and e.i ♦..> «uin n a detailed report S l(M liiinHP Sjwdf -I Ootuticw fit411 Mill If tt. PuhMM-e.i ,.UB , iihin no • M i<- . in-.!* r nir wr-M- it.irine ■ *n o.r- r v ,.f w'-.i- r 1 .«< learned thmufi.j I Ipt.u Jim* l iorln esrn t*>e rev^vin' step* \n Hill fclelwMn Uor • .li.ln • «rre. iliinng •*.»*«--• * • r . oiir*r and h * p.*.f stair Vrst P«itUo k« Mehl st41f* giiiiOti, vial 1 :; r«:!l| h.;S i**f"tu-,;',ar rtfiw Mtvwell. and-Oiane I urn* supertisor of (he film runm. *rlwls a re al' ,lf.» gua'f'md s'.idn.t* .n*eve**c * I.NKK MII I S. n-er.: r U-IT.I «•: sr.-.Mid ill ** tiaMn .1 \ Ta ttfi to Rtcnsrtf tVeil. ■\ sc. vittfi applC'*.; i> ulie*led rerU from the rack* of more Ihnn a(HMI filmw in Ihe i AM ITS I.OW I'OS I ll.ASSlKlKDS ,irr .."I.«• a. I «>r Mjr. ?i ra-l I.«||*U»«. l» » at Micti. the »»'•■ WKAH Program vhwvxlmnV!, term may «*» Ill i Aitdio-Vinuail I'enler film lilirnrt. visit the WK ATI *tat . t on ♦he a i*preni* eiw»niract«*1 ' » fourth floor of I' e CLASSIFIEDS «r, internet ;n «trj*ur- \-\ tienler Serse* Stmleol* neve >p tr.nts otter than hi* own. !>;»- for further infonnainm CAMPUS Kfliicalional 4lollvwood* III) VIII.INKS: I p-ni. Ila) llrlm* l'ulilir»llon for Ilia*.. **»•!.. Ihuis.. Will Chinese Surpass ' :inil I rl. Kililmn- Mid— Camilla N-U »nd l-.'i Vlnnila. IhrmiKli Iridny ~ Both V. S. ami Russia? Operates on (iaiiipus 111) 2-1 ."> 11 K\T. 2fel.> \ ew MSf stuilenta are av* ?h..t the univprsity h«a its Rf Alt Tilt It IDMIN own private "H«»lh w.hh!" ojH*r..firg on enntpii-. com¬ FOR SALE HOUSING SERVICE" \r Netrafeatutea Writer plete with film proriuctbn *tu*ib,« and a library of more AUTOMOTIVE 1 > I •1 pi FOB sail WASHINGTON* —A* Ion if siz«» ■> than .vtHHi films, fllnta at H « lit \ HIM rt xl AMUHII | . lafAkFASt BONUS s v t-'.ii •r-.r» •« Titer was asking: «f It the *mm never melt* i e Au.i.c-k u.i 1 * efei to itmirvK - Hi aiiei I.*' **ri- GOOD TtAllEBS .1 V-T'g "\e different * . o smiihern fart* orange* en* FHISW t.uuii limit pHvmu v.-t.,*.» the hi«hr*t ll »h»rr% with «»nl .in eirth \ riMl Ml rental Ihe (enters »fli. e htm mainlJiM* enuipmeul mnir OUIC* r V. i* . i« ... • ieii.iinte«i H t *.r ,*!i! lit J-.IIA.' KHUiltl." im Imleif •> • iavoli r*1 %ea;o he Que»t tv «•»■* feel It »Un thsn of enuipment- sauoNuT SHOP low i |.*err»t. *.•«»» pieces pei* :i tt ?• f V 4 v !' 4 rre.nder*. re* '♦.-WHI, ..vrf'uUiirM «»" . the turfsii dipiewtsii. S'8 piNieet«»rs. tape • »i ,i Ira * '*4i' *' f"-' JJ; MAC Ort* * » m * r " ivrl'er, N - hrlww level «i,| plaseis and puhli« address l»ei« r» sea *i *t« nw ,mt JoMi. at I II 3-HR4I rvrrw Ht'irit i pHii.u T in in vi Piaa* ^VA5H:vr,- • Irt .he . Vw'H i* >•*• e « ;■• > !sy* , HMumrr n tKin Ra t I « - i.... *- i u v.. • «.!.« • -a»». H ... *' T ^Br H« ia feu foaf.nj t . ' *AC I.\«M . - r ,«rr V f I II J-MT' Ja,i.r« s n.sei I.O- ErJnej • e i icatttu ■i t hi vnot rr rot n .t ■ VI I* ?- - . ao;pu.*-yon fcrrme Milt A "« III M si" • H V ll I IT r« til be, full I III ' r ■ rr ■ »* .iii>> ».>••• | # While ihe nupitb of the hi", ' » • _*r ;>r • \ *_ . ««'•• •ft! l . ... IV - . proilm llon drpulmrni » reel* A 1 H-- ASS KISIl »-,V ^U( ftiVTi LOST and FOUND ftifihWB . i f, air it rioted to uimersio p»r *..rk-.not '' Ihr %u«lio IimiiI i fill' Mi.niii rr > 4 R/ad. In *in ItlBrhra he added . P«m v ' -ducti n •' owl v t»?» v K i . al*o handle* educational film* ►a. »ti #imm1 tire* a»»«t rim* *t. shev •; *' ll.*.! HARK HIMMIM *.».*e« .< runner. In irlkini uitlt * M Kim- \H:-.' " !„s at* : «»J4 .-»tf Rr'- 4T(! it.'nr. I .1! T-I ' 1VPIST v\ ■ Mo«r George ChrlMepher. •• on a national ha*i* ! » «l H-* -e» Ila': * I"ta. • . at- on an cpm' OLIWMMHI! I' * OM I H" . per the Maine *4 id later. Khru-h- y ■ • from ' r t « IVJI xtvvtrsr KirTi'N* rt fit .N'i'ri* ami :. r i t« 'M « • * H » ?t HXi n Mr- 11^ t'4 I .> PERSONAL hu ran aaid that in lime I hina a • " a •■ - ,... V rt **U • I * r "* ^laff artist* are skilled in de- 1 .. \V -t.-*a:e !"■" ?•»«*• ' •MASH i,mill Man w i t turpi** hnth . Minmt leltriinc illusUaltiif. Sen ruj i t in n »'IM t-.' • i o S» BhC-C' 1 V*e« e ' .. e *' '1 urlaaflin: photofiaphi and 3- EMPLOYMENT •. r Nr.. • I'll dark; of On one thiof alt ii»liwr* teem |» di«pla* ♦onstfurtion" MHll.b IIONir PARIS - - If..I l»! 1\ a-li. Hi "1* Mm an r. ,»f 4. «">-i* kf ** •-* to- t to agree the lot of Ihr v;tnir»i 4 ,a«. |i.. r" R ' 11» Z-V b-f. bu IwSiNfSS OMOttUN MS i;ei •nee little more thin »li\rt lis* ,U III Hit' k VNI >vri Is of re: . -1 *n v - im|*ru* nl tremendout'. • • i* ON SUGl IN PERSON 1: DBOP OFF F0» smH wwiieei thai si HOUSING JOAN HONDEU WE SPEC AI h , ;I,-ij \:tv. Ila reel FC« BENT •M PR J. Al. HOIMTI*' u vsi.rr* M AR ni l ! * " * 11 •aival •••id Al* Nf»* Anaiui PBOCISS N0*(lr'iS C« CANADA THE OABA At tME TOP OP ThE -,» %r 1 Mart I I'M I HMVIlin ft «'SF u* STAiBS Interpreting , Ua* tH) II ir-laud Ja*- » 4 ID T'l . . TYPING; t.RAin Sir. MR i'SiVl.R tuaicf AMITMINTS The \ens Our new |ftv I -a. ■ It a herd t« make peeltlte ».-s i a-»■-*' >*"■ • •- • •• •- i> i" tiairmmu about t hina. In pan* * »«ee« t- return • -- *il'\ *TI HIST* URMIT -f t.» c «n-l garaee '» ' •■*« r.t-. »he»l aw-M'i.f. ur Rtderaiiiin *«f three 4.*' nt wr IS »-**•*4 . ;.•»i r.viee! , «M.«e ••- r*a^-t i- is ' Fit «r ri» ,ta-.e W urn f . »- :• ' «• • v c. , : »".* «e» Crossword Puzzle % n i'l'1.1.1X5P. sTVUkVT W ANTi n 4. luaufleii' and tvplit t.-. *«."k. * SNI. r I P|.H\IACn APAKTSIKST 1M ■- tth '.win a- atudent (V - bin Plume Pal A ED S-U3T &B0W Nv- * w- (m * fr..n * a -" -« P'* At"uafa ■ e » ■ *■,- i ■ s "> < ■ e,A".-*: t e n a"1 manner « dre«* ncprarawf • a.:, - a; , :e*-o* ' - tar in* 1 da an.i out cv;' '*• r» . A! IR* 1 IVI TWf RCOROOW REAL ESTATE io ta. * Rat- .i« »1 Rot # * ' T.a a * % * <• . - ' -• * • . ' -e *vm»:o- Tuner, IV M-M'XM aMer T v "■ t -or c «, . • H.T f -■■■■'■ :-r ' ei:' fH nd.Rfi d«-WC.-*p- Adult* l» rririear-a^T Duracl ED g. ma .. AON-46,1 W I'S7" South Street. t.e,j-,Hnv uell »ep- nlrtet home IMSITION UPIV I'OR * " t. ^ " Uf» and ure h«.f bath* ana,! , •• tine a-d ore »>.» a - e.1 - « W - *" *. «. - e - ;:-j ..r ^' ■* «*l..f\ t«* iimmm Phoj'* ED MV ., , >H , . ARTux uuBTwrvf $DAR . VIF.NT A»eenhuu*e u^rn Aopro*Ifnateivc.a*« ;r«H*toneMir* end one rao-i. * -• ' n i. td wffw.rv, u; I y m »r °I *'tr> beeulifui'v lands*aoed ■ ace »%.*» ...>! Cv seemed !«• he trying «u sell in Uu.J mted Stales -I '--P1 '" XHARF . -r'«ie: » tw « re ,00m. carafe tar. t^ijaine *!>Vr* J' "av Pi„K*e I.D l-rJL'-l after S .*1 ■** *» iJ ru" basement Wonderful buv* hu.ider. Tl' 3-4U' The w. .«i #•*• .* - « . a...**--' -s T,.« cvwtarctism. ittkt morrv roon 14wkfr< • o-.e fenl Hold uo U» .od I'roduite OX 4-JMU tf BOOMS : ,i*d. calls f -r fhc .vr - ,:j o,.Mb';e uv*laifi if service niugcc ApPRovr.D sutrptNO = l-'.e. S - .e e ;» t'-e w », .• * f . *a^e ev.-ierc ' flu' p.f f.iUte 'rfiKmtkOn*, th# '-11 11 "1 * for sale 1 —•or" a.aeai. '.-r n-.en 13 "fekl* «"dents PAr*me THFSIA IV 4-JJP« 21* jn<4 ntra- t*Wir-,e' uanted Phone IV- PAPERS. TERM paper*. transportati DHirrORORfi ("KILOS MAPt.r s Hi»|-re« . 4-awi evceot S-turde* IV ».I$M 4 >*..*.»< V:.. :■ c.e, ag-c-s to fc,»e *-:*• fie value* for the four dr aeer* blanket drawer IL^—— and _ WANTED R!Df TO fed +*•>* ■' ,e4.r TV s K." V"tr. t* *v.-wi>t«Td * refused to d* a* e ardrobe Uk» M« IV |-#*l After EAST I.ANSJNG-T.ARGF room r .r KENNY DAVIS OKCHCSTRA ha. k iVtrdw* J fat IT: a: >*c ht » ad*.*.,-:rg Ujy t-„> iju-,; KKna-g ;?*♦ Umt no* Sum. » -cue •tufleiw Private paiamg feat, ami entrance Ixnen* fumivhed. t* p;.., „ ED 3-UT7 ' 24 Contact ttrenca H J: ♦ b. V,* *M-J prvnen *e-- thai K -urf-vhev h« f>yen up REASON'A RLE GREEN ATPDIO ne- week Phone ED T-04:«» « a- v -afi ..mpo.-utit to r m by fne ah.ft m trrmrtf rrfimrding hit Couch and bonder l*hune IV S-41IT * GOOD SINGLE ROOM for man wear* U.%ne*» tre have beer, •i'.ed pwsM.j.ei a m«fK '■# an enure;* .n Wm Berlin defferem end than That shoe GIRLS RK'YCLE nun lerge haaaet. US GOOD rond - Prwate I D TMHM I ahouet parhmg WBO ED »-IT4« • entranc* near amou* SNORT WAY LINES a '.e** ♦ a:ua f« Ber n Tt , n/d Save been 'a .it. berate means OLTMPIC PORTABLE T YPFW'RI- tan POU.V NU ELY furnwhed t'* ar-.l ft.t s * .la'ior, t«- the fritted state* and hi* new appearaixe TER "»ar Uke new $A* Phone TT • !*•»# • -»m a-»rt Mtchenetle L'ti!-- f.Hnrr 4 > t(«» nsifl Idea! 'or one *tv»deM a* a «ert; »*f ;ewe flu a« lie- wee* IV S-TFta 5 . •ntrthutin, u tkf «,iw»rn W nntani u, ,m tnptrt. MrrROSCOPr ae-eeu*. tmrfe ot*. TeftttvM. (■*« eve-me***- f-.tirn »-o*«t ■ • C.RADt 'ATT MTV PLEAFAVT .... Attention Student*, October 3. Imm w» im, Imu, far > mhmM mhnk. la, w| , ,H. en rate Co*< *40 aakmg D> Like rtuum*. i w.e atrr"i*«i*ner«.* new Eileen ED 7-ST* 7 i-reo. dhowef, Mfkinc lUO Sout , fttmtt Mar raalala aa Mara praMMa a< ra.l aawlaMaato Ikaa M —- r»r;n*vtv#nia IV »-«|A. tf the hwkiMteR visit APPLES ENVOY PICKING veur - D'rect Bui Service to Unive--" ' •wn. Nutsemu* vartttas. fcieh qua'.- GOOD CONTORTARLE ROOM Eor !ndeed. « : ie'* 'bat K*v .e*e-nr r*4Ve put to*. t* lew- rate* Orrhar.t HiH iG.A aradua'e atuder.t Share hath with . ward any real eeuKe*cxrn he was prepares* u* in#.*e behve Preki- Petridaa) «■» Da"on Rd One mile .me .other It* per wee*. ED MSM 4 .ib*m duri . t K,*er.h >**er >uv. a» reac;.'* e - ;r er.t wTJ be addM to the faihenhg a- » eo n« r :e chief* ol gov- »eel a# North tweet* pnone w4Hiair.*tt>n Road be« • - Rherwtwd and Haaiett Road* WlUiamaton MSA S — ... - ———— . —. Michigan Stadium and retu'" o*-*j Phone ED B-WTB * dd dBd dlldd ... I- 1 , — — — hume pihelaaaa dHd dBd dBBB • Ore thing Khrtuhitrv ha* m'r mTt«:nk:r.- tmreaaed lUaiiai M a met- tnfi hew. ftO lh TV Masft ELBrnUC RAZORS t *encfc« I J ?..wv>1 a/ier • SINGLE MOO*! WITH oarktnt JMJ 4 A.M. Leave University of Michigan S'e| dBBBd dBd dfl rhanl ef underalapdi— hetsieea peoples RemtSEkHN I Noreico. Raceilent ror • Le-Me IV d it ten 1414 W Ruatne* Make art - 5-0223 * dBIBBd dBd d TunchiH warned that^e*'* h„ -«un.,-c p-x^^.1 f..r r-'—pletf dimrmament should be t-.--mi4erecl oai* Mgk.rul the back- •Bar. IV f-MIS TYPEWRITER. t'SED COMPLETE- 'irvt *oe*e -- — S student, SLEEPING ROOM TOR woman convenientiv located en* ate entrance. Ill Aitwe Par C - o'um 30 minutes after game. For r--:*! pj ► nd of a complete n SPARTAN HALL-APPROVED 215 —- • Ixiu'i* one block from cammi* luirae *' - .< r.; can be com!denes! w,'r with that e- attitude. T*e Com- EXCELLENT WASHING MA- warm room*, waahbowt in each, (arte r have promised too often to *uT t e f.** world into a sense CHIN* U* N*W dinette set U> iohfev with TV *nack and luii* ' '.-....0 security aitl then acted aga'njrt If ED KTR* S nuMhine* ED 5-2573 3 T c free world, on ff'e other hand. wch,1.^ ne dashing its own RITER PORT ABIE REN'- I'NSt'PFRVIZED 214 CHARLES * ED 2-2113 •Moa end ca*e Ex • Street One block from Berke* Hall '• »t any given r*rwr:«e of change. St>v\e; Ru«ia uera denied " Like new. U7 ftd , Parkina end cooking fecilitlea. fcD- ; the rhance to prove out. I T-aifti. ft MIC lilt.AN M ATH M Wt Hi> Unions Control? y.Nu/if/oM* Toniglil ath of 34 Investigated Three Profs Appear For Hotel Holiday October I. It.'it Vt arrin»toii lloldt. New MSU Poet fait Thr*« Auditioning for the floor show I > fix 'ln» pint ohiertaiftmeht to be pr<»vu i- Dr. Wlllnrd Warrington, a membet «»f the MStJ faculty for seven L-'r-' hr'.t ..f » >l"-k 11, much "'r- In Eeonomie Shu lies od at tion's the annual ilolel A-.socia- Holiday in llados will ho years, Services. ban been apiMiiuted professor and filrector of Evaluation nVn'<.l4>- ."kiln th» hold at 7:.'lh tonight in Kellogg , , ■!<. .!rr* rx|.lixi"n • v'.-Per illy i-aniiot jll»- Hie ni < it Msin Ih-'.icvc flii* Con tor And. Lai iK- in Hi' ai< whl'h ) lie i-onstdered monu(io- iIi;i,-iihsi. nil.i (id.. proHi-riplmu The Hotel flolidnv. on (let Jl. J,,.. Bl*ht. ' 1 "ii h i-omthon error in lios. • up MSP ceoiiomlsl IckP- will cons st of a social h-an. EL Hf.n.H ■ Ainvxvi pinna fled helmJ-4)ie Joint K.-oiiomif !«•):'» -the fallacy nf the ihbx- diniH-r, floor slum- and dam mg , .i.,nl'«r«teit. lurtilnj art anatngv " ,k, frr» rnl nn.l rnlnln* t'opinn'tec of p.'ngres* lh Wash¬ Hi- •.aid, "Lvon if il wore flv» mln. "h1r ' (I'hHi f»r regard tlhinns »s fur n-H p.p.iM Prn.h onimtry ington W«Hine'di4> IH t billies Kiltingswoplh. o'lutvalori' of im- husinean motiopo- Laos IVoops «wihM« n( here, mr ijuju i-mnno|Ri!ior), the l»i'of*%.«.;«ir of economies and lab¬ f, I ^4* Ilk' n NM«»r or hm.i nniiis" i.d relntlonx. and unpli.Mtti.n !■«•«•* < mat kct.s " \ lf.NTIAVF La-w -I' The m ■ flnnh "< l'rth Viot \ i KfhH th* disaster while Piii'M people, PK-liidtllg some .•as rop'Uto.i i 'fii-iai'v Wc.ini WL wW * iWfMl «lr! fhrnd. Aviation Affney Itrornnu-nt ton- i oi e»-««nom!sts. say "in- nut "IT the labor sup- Organ I'rol'rssor dav A drtril-.r noti. '-v spokcmin lo i'or!, Arnold, ha* born! ^f,|SO,< to ^ jd\ >>! nl nit . tlrms. or even en¬ therefore. th« s «aid I,not .an ii. nips have recap- t fcr mm' t0,(< nrxvMnrn thrv tile ,-r it--, > atnio -ifrd tea. tier of the organ 'hioiI ail tlio Nam Ma \* i' and .should :»e Lj „,t# out a bomb as the aru.. brought inonof»i.fii«. under thr anti-tru-t «' >Isl' for the roming rear, the b run* pai-.'iol to the wind. • t"- . dopar fiiuMit i *r|itittci* t Ni th "adna- .--r bordi-r and ■ST aid the disintegration law • \? n..Id r« -i i vrri hi* Ma• '•*'■ h i; hern a -'aging area f"t rep¬ v] v,vf occurred by - f .Music tic - c !|- .in f|\r I'tv- els . northern .muii NVua p; of pressure in the cab- iino ||i-lie Is, aliogcdlv sup-» • '- » 'ox S|Ki«-e Scienlisl ■ v . of IrgfM Michigan ami hi* dov- at I'm.»n Theolo,!- od In North PoVM:,n r a* n-.u It V farttea. a Branlff vlee tllinn-es Outlook ».•' Siiint.arr ii Now ^ otk CM la- . took the v illoy iti 'he h 'i tk« vent la Ifca eraah lie ha. 1-oinpo.Cil and pun- u«'st offensive of Ihe lQ-wrrk- a -of raana. I t!i choral and org >n I nit prewar* eeaM have pathet I an insurgent* were •i\ s.-irntist f>t Fn«d Singer no vo.k' lie h i* iiad wide rvpo.t- Salurda.. Almo-I IIihi frr-hmrn ImhiI.- hail hrrn killed in fighting in Ihe north l.'tiger br!ii'VP» that * Soviet < •• r ,i i.-c t.ili-' church organ, Vy fit the four engine |»r*»rnlril al Ihr -inihiw. 11...., |iarl nf a kr.iup i- >h*...n -..ittiH-,t • pa.-is raft ndght »«e t. ition i,.. ti and toucher ar.d The ke\ position of Mii"iiif ,< found immediately in the Son, at the lin.t of the * alios, Hail inn In purrha-r lukrl.. .uin iic.t into print around the a nn .01 - c| AMI < > «nu JU'«™ indirating they may earth ! - ill! p'.ifu intial organ v- • till was under going rebel hu¬ |rf drappod off before the ex- ! had thought the Russian* las-nig at nicks, howevei The I' N. Riilwrmimittee v ill \ added. "There has I'rodneer In Narrate in \iul • «••» •• u-'i f.othej ahead than I :.* < • 111 * omploved a* Miriis'n leave (omnrrorv hv p'ane I • I now tt. nk thrv a-e." Sin-get Mo-.. ,r I'ooplos Church, tie t*rn no indication of plans t.» g,\vtou»!y came apart In trove! hvh Piano Series and spaeerraft author nf drslgns from which safrllit# and MAREK PRESCRIPTION S n *n. in Mir A ramr some nf thr initial I'.*, Tax Wi.itu-kn. a Starts Sunday ■ will nan.r- *'Romania" COUlU of the bci..'M ! f » llcnrv IUn is, t»f the • riui .c spare program*. Ilr Mnsrow no and apare *r mposiam attended w an eaamir radiation at the (ENTER in Effect tr>. it*. people .oct • lepal't-i n*IP I'i.i I , i^'ifili his so I'll'* fhofilcs" Sunday nt in* m« tlatinn of Sciences nf the Soviet and remained In Arade- SRI \a. lit Irandor Next ta Nalianai C'lippert tnnda Free Earkinc (.^-Gasoline life and rio'tPi Jo over WK.Mf radio Ruwu for a time to study apare frexrriptien Apertaliata • one cent a gallon Inelwded In the diM-umenla- Kt. All w idria b-.l'iant development-. 13 fe1e-ni taxes it mid- tion are scenes of Hueharest the -•'to atid ensemble pianist, lln»- s • -fer *a ft thilt before Rue- PKESCIIIPTIONS — DRUGS — {'OSMETICS '.VfJriMdav. •he eiTertive hour for rapttal fit*. ( on*ljttU Ian dances and Kmiun- liHirrmni of i . a a sv»n- or.-ne.lra soioutt all.I i< a ;... to i ot i » fiopc tn! ' Micron* full* to p'.«'-r h man in¬ she must HAHY NEEDS riot »f til it t iApwIvm (Kmas LOW EVERY DAY PRICES O £ .-reuse v«*#d by congress 'ii'ii.lier the national and devel¬ 0 Ibe Itlarlk sea • '.• at lest . »pm;> demm-. t bi!'.ion dollars to kec,» : i-an.p at IttU'i ><*• fien op .» ft a. king tie'work, and thlx KOTEX Oil MOIIESS lire. 11. Til — JI.I9 fr-vn stalling on the Inter- A R »r lb* w !i apiwitr as ujventng re- .1 .MI • lie none m t!ie next few IS—Jkt frwtdt, sgrhwy network, ItP ivrei * n ttie fa!! term series «*f vn-i-l.« or mon'.hi SIMII.AC BABY MILK llfjf. 27r— 2.'lf ^ fimmin ii».i ni ihn imtiy al.'M'Mr la w* rrrpa.M wed. the fatoline tax in- trig u:i d» part men' faculty pin- Hut we shouldn't fori thai GILLETTE IH.UE IILADES Ilr*. 9*c —7»r « effective for 21 months. the f:1!" c«,r* Sunday at 4 p m. in Uuf wo air a-suriM of getting » man fanny §n/tly haaaalh a laathar aaatnar halt...hlaaamaf I, !M1. unless congress" '!;• Music Ami. I'NK'AP VITAMINS Ilr*. >.1.11—2.19 With military braaa hatlama. Bona hatya *r{ in'o space fir- ' Singer said. tor .eg^Ution. the fed- time- I..- p Ilr*. >3.39 — 2.9* .i ru l-OLV-VI SOL DROPS fraarh bUt Jamat ataaa I l» lh ...out. !*\ x !!1 revert hack to writer a rut exp cent* a gallon. Cialtv i* the ;► STORE HOURS •ne-cent increase applied differen* .t - of gaeolin# held by pie in other j' 9 a.m. • 10 p.m. DAILY — fi p.m. • 10 p. m. SUNDAY and jobber* as of A i! .1 i i-l'e ■' ut rot «tor mi in the Of C.p/.rt v.* PilDNU IV for KKKK e'a.l filling gtatlon>, west i.■«.,«>• i.or ♦niinHni iimtiHiiiiinhiiiMuinn " W Amertcaaa m« rontart lenses for normal Ik aalaral feed lwk». wear NEW! INSTANT! Jwat Mia mm hW mN ae» leaa wearer raw www enjoy wider field of «i*ion At last! A breakfast drink vtaww all das wearing rnmiort •I appearawte broader sport* activities yaa be iwierested tw dismount the possibilities of leaaea awd VOIR eye* . . . you can keep in your room Or. HaraM L Shaidtr OPTOMIiTRIbT I rawdwr ( enter Lansing Michifin M*.* vitamin C llwn •'•nf* julcv Nf.v TANG I. ill' lireakli.-l IVawbwe MM! .Iniik you call keep ri*lit nil jour Ituuluhrll* TANG kttpv »ny ninubiiniiiMbititiiniMiiMimiii'iiii, »hrre withcmt rclrigeraturn. Man* m much M pmi want, whenever you want. Ju.l mil villi plain col.! waliT—nullum; to iquccze, nutliinu in unlreeM. RIDE THE BUS TO Orlnk TANO avary maenlnp anil Rrt more vitamin C than orange «.r yrapelruit juice nive. yuu. I'hts .itamin A. Tacit* tral K"*J. !"'• South Baptist Church TaOay's autpnmanl. t,a I AM.! R r a4Ml .1 ll fMMI'ltata SOUTH WASHINGTON' AT MOORE'S RIVER DRIVE — I.ANSING JUST CUP AND SAVE THIS HANDY MAP FOR FREE CAMPfS TOa Hi Rt H AND BACK SERVICE EACH SUNDAY MORNING AND EVENING ■S IV »' L" - .H ih'1 V- 10 A.M. BIBLE M HOOI ' ]j • i-Jf CLASSES FOR YOUNG ADULTS ' r j >ct'd K.' AND YOUNG MARRIEDS •» i • 11AJI. MORNING WORSHIP pn Sip Pi1 8KBM0N: "GOD-CAPTURED MEN" r fart1* 7 P.SI. EVI'MNG SERVICE * s aepd* SUMMON: "NOAH'S OIK SPEAKS- i Situation* and gag line* for our ten campui character* Addreta. TANG College Contest. !*pt. CRM. I'ost Division. Battle Cicck, Mwhiftan. (Lntiics must be postmarked before Ike. lo, I'Jo'J ) 8:30 P. M. ADULT YUUTU (above). MuU relate to 1ANG. V til pay kilo fur every entry uted. FELLOWSHIP ' Aw Wynn, Craig to Hurl Mirmmv s-mtf \nv« ■ft October t. I'd*# r«ur Quo liOltormnn Clone 0 Luke Appling Is New Tiger (loaeli Slate Harriers Expert t > DKTIU>1 T ' e Appling. N*>\ «.t;|!. •• tdirlus (J.ukrl f->i mrr I'hii'Ntfn White Wivllicilav W.I* ti.i tu¬ plttijs iiiiirklt «|trnl til term*. Repeat of Last ) ear Series Opener Today "Mikr**.." Ferretl «.»nl, "ex¬ Irtdas Alter an oil ■V* rd n roih h by the l>«»fri-it Tig* m I1VI. h* • „||||( CREST] pect* AppMng tn bo a hitfing it* m /.r.m R\MM \ f*HK'AOn '1*1 Tlte 8"-to day for travel, llir> xs ill (,Mlm (,«,r hitlrr J I. 1" '!» *•'• * V..rk Sunday at the va*| | ,K \h|r|f pi«m*h <«• n«*ll »s a h;iso com*'* With only one titan lost Htrouph yrailuatinn, tho miss C'uettgo White S>»t. hungry for II. *»• I'll*'"' f™ AppHmjwa- "ii fodmrnnV of lb. exjwriemv .»«• .in infVtdi-r World S. iie* sftei w.iitimt 40 ( olisettm with its 'M.oiln srit lut* f4j» imvk fVtlnlt lUin.l^il JmiPiU* ol-..* wilt bo «»f great value " country tram expects a frtwwl year, equivalent to last year's a '.u' » . mMiihri »f 1'hr series will cnnthiur 41 p, venrs, will send 3f->eai-"id 3V|th the White Sii\ ftntn lf> U triple triumph of the NCAA, Hip li> and ICIA titles. k:m I> ' W.vnn after the eharged- ('fevetahd tndiaos t olisrum Monday and possthi Th«r. • Fri. • Sat. through HNti app'hh: i- I" i ii Appling h, mioocoit* T'-m llon- former New Y«>tk Y;»"~ l»avo l dm. itig to Indoor and 1111 1 .»* Angeles I lodgers in to¬ Cf-.tov ?S. hr"ke "> wi(h the Tuesday If Ihe best »f .xrw a oountry champ; lti*l» Dwigei* :h !«'»"» pitched nnd m .waged Memphis >>f tin* half-mile champion, i* rompefitlon toes to 4 tiftli l.oo. who vv.i* lot go tart wool., onMoor day's ilrlaved "ixMoi :»1 t'mni*- Southern A l**t »•». 1 .tki I'll! to ind *H.f iin.t ou'ittft them ci both the la and '50 !ho i'm'v harrier lost Thoso re¬ . TAUANS nloiig with pitching ooiuh Wd- 1, .!.!»'! . uu! tun Hey ke\ Park If the* slill haven't dr.1,)^ |{ MntAtrr Itlrk Frr- 11« llmllin The latter** Pinvi'v- turning include Fnrddy ,Ko u- Stii! riding »"» Cloud Nine :tf there w ill he another travel «t, MWtST (•riirr dt defending tiatfortul rolle- lU'i ' . "I ( tie nation,d* rrll said Dykrs listed Appling por *fdl is to bo named •u iv. • the Miclc fir their di im.i'ie playoff *•>'- Wednesday with plav r,(Urnl- 1t,« t. 1 on i. IS • ory over MdwaukiT. the Ikxtg- to t'hleuto for tames rhand- W' K. llama.'"** S.uin IMI* MSI l * not romprii c >. i is turned rangy Hofiei ("ra g and pnsslhly Friday. STARTS TODAY tl.: a- * ., f.-.M, Nun •fi3*n mrn. f v « 11 -M. then best starting ptleh- of 'he , D«p»'Z rofuwrj t.. namP -j, er iti the eV-'ih; month pdchcix who 'would I'OMCIItr Slums ST In* ■ l« - l« • Ml - 111 ICIf't National 1 engue sea-.m Wynn in rotation It W4s ^ Thr fnrrrasl rails for "partU lievrxl hr might prrfer to tH • I II I HI SHOWS AT I J* . JJS • »:J» . * in . »:M Ft c< t'd'i ich eojiih. a*.,t to rlotidy" «rather *» llh Ihr lem- tiMr left hnndfVI Ttilly PlMVe(|i |*ll (AMINO . ."ONI lljl«l ;issb! Tl**ii (It !*!-a1 11. ex'3-i ' . 15) (It ChUNigt) liutrad of *h g,.m( bcb. 3 ing the t. . * prrwturr in thr mhldle tin's. a«- AN AMAZING DUAL ROLE FOR ACADEMY AWARD STAR siirtni thr srltout rrowd t»f Coliaetim With I la. f.uuastic Irl rtrld xcrrrn jdrrtrtilng out ^ .*.•,0 4 fairly rnmforlahlr after- srhrdnlrd for foul line. alec guinness niHiii Thr «amr. thr 2M-f»W»t Thr rr.imn llie *p.irl.m« .or, WYNN t'RAICi I pm. lilhti will hr hroadrast series starters I tirver havr sren the Coil tint eouiprtlitR a** * Iriim Ml the . , and televised al I2i45 pan ••rum,*' l*«pr/ -j tini|it MirhkAii \%l Iht* wrekrml It lirrAiwr of l.ick «•! prarllrr i \\'jim l. All tames from i'hi sc- -,'s ag.« ?»*■• the New Yolk u is somrthing likr Fenva M-G-M Work-outs don't hew In until rrs- rain will he aired at I'M."* pm y.iak«*i-v a up from p.u-k in I lost on only omre rtu presents his l.tritlon wrrk. anil shier Ms|' ynd i os Anteles tames will he- H h«- «-*n a game in '35, crr.drd " >in at 4 pm with broadrastlnt 'he DistgePs ever Askrd whrit would happen | NEW triumph! uuutli after other lllrh- startlnc at .3:4.1 p.m. the -mix time the Soy if thr Dndgrri lr.ui nnhrrxlllrs do. thr harriers won t'e Wort.t Championship Ileeausr ,.f limited eapaedv "f In I9.M) he !••*' "fr Pntll June aide to stop his mm from dud luAru'l h nl as nmeh praelier-. tin palK. tnrte had tmen a Wild IT he w.o '. 'ing 'Xi the IVslg- ing. l/'pt'Z siiid, "We have wa i ittiii rr'urtioes an* sriii.'t- m i amtde fm fiekets A* tMiiaS, cr-. S}s»Kane tarn ctrrb log series nil yenr without Red Ton \ Smith and Jim Itor.iM, ttiele Here reimrts thai tiekef« The schedule calls for tames » ing n but it ewiauUr hi tutu,': li-oj Tt'u Keipu'dv vi ere setting for several times Nt i omiskey Tark today and help to us." and l.dii' .ire wmioi * and Hr> thi"I filer* value A it *itn: S.IJllllWllW Ttie speeds White Sex y*b" « ho. Med the pennant S»*p: *• World Series Slalistia Kd Aitavd. air ! i 11, Id favi'iates over Uie \'.i' ioei.ii 14'iigtie champions in t*■!!i r entire series and fb * llli'Ai'.ti iT*» -A is»sitkm-h*-position statistical tminfiarieon t foi? r Rocky llinls Apparently the home ojwmer • • n.d'.ils figure tho-Siix W-d 1 l.-s Angeles LkstgcO at d (Tucago White S«»x: • ins 1 nvsrwrN after HttisnrrJ - (•, read i and e*1ter a m tit J»» 1111 eu*»r »«a «ins Ring Return ' ee-dai vacation fnwn actual kl'1,1' «» »fc » Whilr It tat it i me" 1>« 411 37 114 ?« 2 ?x s>« ) . 11 av \i tide thr Dodger* ma* be SlIIIMi nxstwrs 'i'fie wi'in from the tense race at |S| 11 miami HFAVii. Fia «v • • o «vs VI IM Sit. 1st 177 23 II 8 IS • -i »J , i: ClNHMA^rm '« ' y\ r 1 r.i\ s wi t / imhiiu i.nd (dayoff shoktstopx « CH OW t-v PC I UXf en.evntion |!,i rkv Mareian,.. Mana.e! \! t^»per. who -iffn- • j ?i? ?7 «i 3 ♦ e 1 1 iiow i ' > .'H> pounds from a iuk'i e»i -i Deo J.yu.udo .s-ntraci Ttie«- 13* *17 sa 137 It 3 s J* y. «!..» sent the American I eagu * 1 limit »I%X» W»:N .» • ti-It SUltCflMWC SAAO • d a d .Mo. e.mdr?in«ii Wed- 143 331 SI 13* IS I 1 l| ♦! pr*d)i> Ui.v. hi* has txmn hoik- eh amps through a Imtimg dniJ 117 133 41 IMt ?3 ) .3 4* 1 ' !| -Iti.M \ t»\« I \T 9 P M. 21 a; 14 t 1 :» j the if' final workout Y ester- ««»• "fti lug on) in a mil.,-Him .m l J — I ll HIT — t«.i. : i haven's vsto the «» k»i "■iv ttiex playoil an intra *>juat 1 try tit 1 ntMs t . • us j|t» 17 *» It 1«o» on a ri'inetM* k game IM 4} ? S3 112 IK t IT * • : . W -.. d he 1 ik* to liaht .lo- To the treat surprise of n<»- i IMtW riilllfRi SOIUTT M acr. i*s 17a ss 111 trt • 2i «* I lift •>'! ' iohix I ope/ named llynn i?t- lis sit w lb »» : • .* ?» I* Wriiir *"v "Thai's * l«»uth turUinn. If 10» as his denuiie starter Any¬ Itrmritr l»'d, rr . lis 171 33 S3 II 2 Is Jo a I Hrrr still lithlint. sure I'd thing else would have been a Nti.itr tutiivttH Thy like to lie hi hint shocker Ihe huskt rifht band¬ Wc Xn.Ml Who. Sa, 113 *7 7» 3(1 'is 177 *1 ?2 IN 1*4 4 2* It IS *1 tt 4 H 4 had the gl.>ve* nrt the hig man for t htrato Kltrii. Who. s«\ ' Ms?; Sure, hit! .ng live iKtg 1 ve in a g> avnaaiuin er all was season lout. \ tucced com¬ 1 All Ml ttH IP 3t>4 *1 It petitor tttnn throws « confus¬ Whit (ill ie . Mail i..uo m. t iui! I ! a ve *t ' If I y,I weir - ing mixture of pilches that tctsiMW IIS 137 ixntt.iimx 13 * Ooiiid ma* ■ ■ e'Mi K. M'tioo- i •'» f eve. be b flWllllU, 4 range screwball, through slider eurve. and fast knurkler ball, « ash While lnr«-.-n Who* Itpntll. Whit- s«i s.*s 3< 1*7 101 278 Ik 4* 1 i w Death ru» M-n-xcartoon • sovm.t* • s*ws MUHlitin f 1* - In WynnA only World s-nrt /IMWTI. IM|Tt* ki sin \t ot rutunit It 41 ? I 4.1 I ; t* » a i ;! I'M ttirlll* |t-4i*t< K-r«i»ki i>>sl(rn * '> ■»■ or*. >x» > 9 * iw»w,n i wtm liwtun n. Shows Idart —- GiADMFR Teatvires start— I «> - 3 A3 latrix. KLftl RVI; lie 244 ("XI ( lit KX 27 3S |.« RnmiN* While Sos I KIUVV * ritlltvv L h|MU»<< t>MU(ers li.iir. While he* WOW! tMllU.IM I'lUMIM. GEUKlit 5icvuo (.IP H I rata 131 |?| ShTTTS ?J s( J3 41 pr pOw«seo staTre-w l""4»f Xlrllei ill • tt 14 MILLIE PERKINS I akwt W M N bttsfas 13 131 11* •• 171 WUhimt 13 12.3 It! M MS r.^m 11 I"3 1*2 74 141 I hulk 14 Jl 24 1* *7 14 3D DIARY liltlipsirta .'S 4* 4S What A Deal! WHITE SOX PIT! HIM. Stairs *: us in 2% s« ski* 47 211 217 31 S» less Rise IIS ITS II 17 12 • •'rent 14 224 217 St 111 I' Irnsman 11 Iss 171 I atman 17 |.3€ lis Aria* Moot* 50 TON'S BARBER SHOP >prci Mnrhigati Field Saturda>\gam# win <*»»*(• k dating buck sard Increase a day. Wednesday H \l 1I«" li' t„ fI!] hi*vera 1 gap*, Relutning, Utouifit. It junior ran smool ilv and true to fonn K' lit. t!»A he lied about ?.*» sards max¬ ■Tommy Wilson wild I-'i K.nvh StriMrr nt intiide left III* reax I xiW" vrxx* sjiitrls MHwr Ami V'nach (Jem- Kctiuex im-hiding tho-i* b*ft bv gradual- except f<»r one minor mishap imum. w ill run the M|ii*d(' MtM S|wrn tailor v ,,N tossr* flttd : », • •'i V America halfback I eb tt g.Mls last vear lied Jtoulltan I srolxo Vtlnn* About midway through ' •* llanghei-tx announced predicting an imme.p.,v v.iii.inrlliitM ant AlUMtdwest for tor's «'ti the squad, while the practice the gates of the lie d 1 laugher!> -a .' he dein ' tig Hvloher I, IA.VI I'age Hit 'record Ids clew* Mitvcsvtn! 'it ivi k Neil flutlei trl.» iMiged .1? of State's 41» isxvung open and a mimt v *!ietdT the Irani is ilue to W«tk «ul v', Cither speexibig m \x*11 oiils an hour today. I hr Ilk , . nvev >ca«on ojHMt- "This i* h« far llir rimthrii Hcturnmg (.it h's viv-Mui sea- gnats Streder, a twnisfer stu¬ dent. formerly starrerI lor the nil- came I Nielli- Sbl.-.l f «»r trasrllng rosin will llini Molxcritic* Hold sirens tda.-lmg v mail schedule «r'vr hail irt." hr ad ,i* spartan goalteftdiu * In.M.ina Txvh rin.*i N o!, « former for* Illinois Navv Pier squad wditcli Ingham Counts SheritT. Mill I o-iec night xs ill l»r held lie posted virtmii their mils, "hut Hr Imr a itiittihfi held MSI* to two "f its three w:ih converted to h.« Maine*. g«»t nut and demanded tlo'O i! It) p 111 'O III t I Vtiiglii-i tx .'mi Look .• ! » Lvn^llix IVavlive w . . .... varsity of raHfrlriicnl plhrn some t es m I5»5« and I!>A7 ... A • *»»b bof-'tt* Ihe 105$ sea- lo know where Id Mil lie as was oa' S'.udxmt-. t•»> li.* ■ , 'at? ! on tIn ro-tel I .« ' • of ! t start- plaxliii in* w liiKllImn xx hit IV Other forwards Include Ber- .. , .tgo jm-.ted fix ,- ahutmitv ANN AllHiHI T P*-n.c riie shrniT and .« depu'x ■x x i and date-, xx ;'| to a. en -'J'! a chalice i,i Miiix si c .»■■•<.* !h,-ir Jt»5H |*»- should make this « hard l.. hr «| Conk, a»» All-America -vac . «un a n t«»t«! of nine me -••i.i inniiiug dnllfl giahlted the walked out to xctierr Coach •r.hlah d n the Men IM bmtd • mil i" a punttn^ ■ablution , tram." , a N»» ">•- ■" «' K i game.*. 1».«t ve*. ch«»ice us a so|»hom»>re lasl yeai. 1 111 fly Ikiugberty xx-a* d«dhn; in '. and •.'iidrn'* facultx ct \ • lb arid - inttel ' - Iikcb ' ■ The Sj»art.-*»* tiefi-me h.o t„. M1 ai right wing and John Sop'h- / spol'.gh! \Vt*diie*'d:«y a- 'hr iirXi t*' K »-id a ^ |mi: -a jtiniors who saw M-'-h.a ,u !• ulli.i" team giouod the Hi - i M|tiad« He s»miMiofii d and families ix ! u-r H e -I .... .1, 1 . sa'.iii l.i s an. hmthev «*f Art, on the lef. Di.iurliritx plan- !<• • ai'.-M: ro f,»twutits m t'».A$ wi'.l 1 hi I I tMIld N'l rtlUllI tW •» ,\fel .ilea*, buckled the culT- -'ii 'lien's IM But'dhig Cuidim in..- i- t' i I <• iu.'tvnk slots In SiViPi, think Two t-'okic.K on the front him, and matched bun ui f-ni ag.-s mctit x i'.ii • ainl ofdet x 1 • liti-i- rigid ends ifidiMTiio:- at.n ,i v.i f hout pmctvce He-smii fwuii.iv ks line will he Inside rigid Ikive uniform h» the . ,o aiunittnt iM t #»|V at r the ln-if defense- i'oi lliimp K'holi kept Hie l.o Outs'.ie and venter forward Ci¬ nil m In'tHwn their goalie n;i t a> oiil! ipov-ng at a fa-i Mclaica- didn't -»-en. k" • VAmYWASWAWAV.V.VAVAVNNNV.V.V.VASV.J • utTen-rvp ruOi vil Heron. but he ! wti Hot we Ham¬ p.nv in pi cpiiiatioit lot Sa'.p \x hat was on mu All plisers required I* I ilton t}i-rfiardt are ti.ive Imm n tin* oi'lv one I'lu SPARTAN BELL RINGERS ;i atid ({rent/ air s t-uoieivnve opcnvi xs-ph .v t!i\! l".• • Ntn' tales at tb«* play hoth offense and defense Muhu'.tii State iest of flip player*. gather' I left '"I-1 i:u!it lull po.H.tbms. te- in soeeer a* l» huvkey. Aetlwn S,.pb,.tu.ii v b*lfi*it k 11« liH"' a cot ml tfte pa'.to! e.o an i .H,n. *'v,-!x Is continuous with nu time uut*. McK ie. xx ho -ci red Uio h o. h tiexkiisl him •: (v>i '.s I'on i ii( 1'hKnmui Ks :■ .Nv. Tlie tilnv-Bunie I!»»"*»• seliedu'e *1, * i m ••),« Wolverine Mi i » Ihe rharge that had her it •; • n\ tM.usn //ixw////>) • t eiilrr half hack IVIr MrKin- ix ill itic'ude two new opponents • • M «.imii i la-t \x evk. re It umped against Ihe starling Will return to III* old pml. lhand It.iptds* t'atvin i'olhvi : in ned lo action after brut is laekle ssas stealing cereal from !•• he fotmer fulIlM* I* joined at richl f.enrte hair hr Sepelts w !', send d> new ly-organized . . i 1 tiiiv i.ix li • x» llir r: - Kinds dining halls, tsidenth NEED NEW PLAYERS Mj.ia«i aK.niivt the Smirtans fn * . * a ! , liou 11* . Mel.uca* must hasr hern partis ami on the left bx e%-forward '•u"v wild hone series, the his', -■ *'■«»; v'plu' iml peed gnillx because he stuttered out 5 |: > i ■ Vtitic* Okinr middlemen on Halfback* are (he a soever leant, aueli -r: ei SM'r has placed Halvv. -.11!1 \s.». lucn- lo (he sheriff. "You're not ar- '/( SJI Kl. IIUM. ) IIHJI Si l.o.i, m ruggnl • - lb* t - on- I xii x k anil , 11 •• rrsling me for that cereal I •: . formint the initial defense w hi. h receive- unvh talent 's< Li'.iiiiantan !«> >'.n Niit. Tie st^viv.v hegan p n f.>u* tmolera' first the light* at ( ah in tht. 11- night and their tele«i*lon dehut. The* tilt—under . \ .-,i -i iM*t.»ui o lot anxonr ottii iMting loucli Iih'', intrt- ait ham hnnornry deputy of the Ing countv sheriff* dept Accoidmg to team p'lysunm. | 4 1Slate's tr.a!" varp 'v yea-, plat IVhealon at home Hrt. Ill Im"■ w It; tie held at m I.htm J01? of the Mrli s .10 p '• hr Kcuiig, nil injured plasm - I hik iih iiMsr i\ - ! hefore the rameraa of MMMN- •o 1! and Fred Arhan . ixvoveimg 1 . .tie letter* awarded. warn «• d thus no ret* ns were fliglhtltty tor TV. sshivh trlerasta throughout IM Itudsltna a* xx :io w.i< taken to the hospi S PI// v I'tis season, Kenney aaid mid-Mlrhlgan. |':rat hove game will he ! ;.e u * ;' * ai im * m 'oe t >t ta! tast night w as hack at pra - tn-e today with a brutaed leg : FOOT I .ONI. HOT iNNiS ! The forward l»t;f , svor.jg rqu!v*',c?U to a — aoever's against Calvin next Wednesday at :t :to pm on the Soerrr field. HVmiiiiu ate t* now o|wu bx-tiig accepted |{v-erv,» t Hean l ook, senior hark. Is hack running with the quarter- S it xtt no ; t»*ck .vld — lost two of its h g orten.dve gun* at the end three f * utii of Spartan Stadium on :.*c,M,:: piMc-uv F.remng piac- fiist squad although he is still S I I Klt M ltMl I IU I IM KV M ltMl lS ssraring hi* east, look'* pass¬ S.ihw Une ce xx ill he -»*hedulext x .• ! S ' l.ct Hc.»s.»n A'.i-Au'erifati at the lutude Ai S*rrta. twue in 'v inuity repoi teti Weiine.'-- is? »$K1 ing Is gradually coming hack 5 FAST I.WSIM. I ll 17 'iw-itton and all-time da^ wa to Okilie, who auffeteri Spar!*" seiner wit.i 51 £>•*'.* an infection in a split toenail m and h*i been hospitall/ed ill WUte NkHI I'll"!" !»• I'piI | llldlirtE Mirt-e year*,- h.if *ra*lu«*eil I IhOVlir NOLI. ORAM) (I) l«a»|>«* high to grab a head *o has Art Southan. one of tills week Kfones said he would star* NEWLY OPENED * bv John Soul Han in soccer practice «n*K*»iun. Or:ii*o i* the founder* of MM' aoirer, r<*»k;e Juiift HitUdn Vie left ha f luu *f if ran net minder; Southan hope** In keep hi- * with '* goals in his tateer at ap-t Si.'..irdit> if okiur d«H*s no*. /or ii nnilrr i lip it* llir i name prominent among S|iartan fan*. Male ras'OViw itt time. ARMAO JAMAL VARSITY BARBER tovikov \am\s Soviets SHOP nils SA IT IIDAV MUIIT F/VSTKR. FASTKH! lo Pentathlon (iron n IKT. .A-«|(MIP.U. AITOIM UKMS \\ All.VIII.F pis muior mull I ' l ege e'ifi.ilft en' enptu.:im »p i ii up*x.«>q I < e i • r-d f ,f I!ii.«wii» Sli«vr»»flll ill Till,- llrfrl«»r: I VI I. Fir :-'e>21 f i»re rl.i--Os»iii- ni-d »n<'fe te i '- ri « gj. x* c, d' -|iem'e liml . ANN AIIBOR. till II. i'. ii «Ifl'ar-K.n,* mi;«• «|«» in,I »print »b Ini'.o.r'Himfl n-r XimTir.m Irani lini-lir- >ur|iri*ilip tnl lll KLTH Ml. Ml 2011 M.V.I. 1,-ri her* like M;»\ ihe- "<» xx h it mu-' x*e d<> »' hde xxe hqild fl»n * xk.l irmixia r!a.-r'N«ii» Mti'i tooij no»re leu* her-' \\r i<-m-i get iietter «»«e •-> ,t |[w«i Olnrr. I'n.p. >\\YA. .',x tT — Tlit' >o\ n t i i.lot; U i*xinv-xia\ PHOSI «»>l.«VATIOS- ACCKPIII. r»t Hie clan-fieitu* ami temini* *•- n-- < Im • .' »l ti' "c Vx *>1 ul Mo,lent IVntiithkm . h I'di'ioii-I'dp-. -ih- piiom tiii m n-Mok Afiisi x iv : nt'isf do < -. s tram utul ithiiv t«: - 'I ins column nnrrn.illx » g "i • , md fhrtlert, 1 l :j * l Will today f«*fUugld«r •*. eyu • III- t • • nap x *x . : !» to h p.m. werkilavs. '.1 u.nt. lo h p.nt. Salurdat education ^lv■•pin-or* tlie ftmk't • • I *L ■ I * |» Morn-1 igaret'e*. ; 'i # :l H »• Iwitiiiv * hunch b, i «r : i> tr • ; v m » ii IX ii id ■ BLAZERS •plendt'l fh.'ip* tliev mi* ihe inflk'-r- of I'lnhp M"i» p fond "f bretie mot tier, prrtdge the i oii*tdntiof' snd eoipdrx h'Mlmg' I Wifilxlx gnd engaging they I" -« • mil •■■■ «* ?•»•:> tiling * 'n 1 tpttdtt drift-int « « Id • v 1 U Ink ftt mt tt t-Hlrxpa. >. |.,o|.d rxitl. trio it x s* the g.f.tfes foey hrog ii i H X 4(1/ » tit • 4.1 ^^■ Quiai tr^ii! xx 4* sUlidings. «rronri in the 1 hr sill- I' O T I li v in n ii . i veil tn iwo htndv pseksges TfUihpPHjf flljvfop h'V tin- fiadd "iiai *•»:I pok and 'ii# ^^P*>hi \we rir 411 leani was How ran we inak' I f'ei i«e «»• evi-tng ■ nop i • iM' >! Me** |t g oil caiii|>tb« . second ■ H.i. m.iiv... ut t :u' BIG, TRIPL-THICK «w *»» • t newer Can noil ftfiH o* fehoHeo. ' g ii v "te wonl *1 rrgfubhe com-en. I i in ns'e nils >h«rj»eit. >|**«*i.l up tlie «lu< • - \r»i o • e oi.iv f e MILK-SHAKES Se>U.\ V ,'x J he liititi I tin, »(»in bl««,r- nul.r Ihrir marl, in St ih, anrld- of aiaaru- U/ iif lliiiiiifr linr fa.hinn*. Ion Ih, ■ oil,!, man. on or nff f't'/i in Illinois Ih, raman-. xardroli, ia not torn y •u r **> ' V '.in* a 1,1, «II haul an*. •ws ■■ H ghwav s'SOdo and »J5.- t'lRnmit* j C» Hnogfji trotted lor Ih, mo-l ayprn 'J:t to cinch the priat, altir, hi m,n'a Uwgnt. •. * • .ant for tlie • lot hint Iraval In Following » • ! «t <>f eourwi *i'h *"|ge»teij inetliiaie to 1 * I>.Mgcn, Tuesday up each ot.e. 1 t* •>' I randor and H«Mm & ousc. of revenue K,id. PllVSIf H- J.iinitna'e *k>* oentfon*. Burgess, Toil- 1 •>: Chairman, es- r.YYi IfftlTHiT I Ml Tilt Ik* 0>**e* downhill, ikt whitd f rave gone into 5>' ,yT'-o St ITS i TOIS O.XTS Mote will run mn> It luster. • - as n result of 59'" '• 125" »V .. !«,„ CW- K V»INEFiRlN'i - Make slide ro ** lull aa i«ng. [ 1"* * - « ,nd ihe Mil- Change all tempo* to tiiegto < Vn •'HwJ Tjenefll »*■ : •>«. who b»-rd to Ylt'fylC - SPORT COATS In ii# getnwd from lii.ts suggestion is thai one* yuy i|««l 29,s" 89H wellA time, i*mfHia prom* will ail ie over bv ten pn». Witq |SuingUne MEN'S SLACKS ••u'lent* 1'nrig home *ne«rlv, r<*ii*nee *11 languisli and m*r- cotlheellnf*'«»n he transferred to the Hwildwt* and , ytapler no 13" " 39" i»rouiuU Itoptrlrneni Almo, honses now u»ed •iudefit* can i>e returned t«» the f(cl»««4 of \mioai f»»r marrtexi ilu*bandr> > 1)1Sgerthana XX ASH A WEAR ALGLBRC It \ aiwava equal* twenty-lwii, much Uut» if1 pack of gum! SI.ACKS gonsurrung eompuUt4on can I* eliminated, OFNTIxI ft\ »kip l*0LTHY- Amalgamat*Um qU^ira. l ike thiaj feetlr—Ihev fail nni *n#i.o», l-i // m m Hat Uiihi tftnt >>,eJ iJ you wiwaf Mat *14 gei, *>">4 ) on mn'f no/AiV Wl # f #* Council Ready - V Gracie Rages North vrw YORK „ s>...,n 1- N>» V.W. KivVrrellp-r » i« Jersey. Ohio, ida. Oreg»*n" the newspaper rpx>. Rix-kefeller w.'a av rpt-i«r'« In <-'V«-n and Norrh Carol.r- pi .„••> I'M flwKWI S«M For Carnival rHARt.RSTOV — Storm g a reached Immediate! 1 i Gracie. its hurricane fury sjvnt The devastation, onls.r m .. v.. v if meiH. taisi Satur«1a>. . -» .f y tn.t still dangeroiL* for the ginning to be as>ev*ed. dlars ... .*-v..rn':.w. fhc Ypw Y--rfc v-aid he hadn't do moved amount to mi'bor- • • to® :',wis it may cause, South t'arulma .v -« V—." .p .i .' *».! Np-w ll«nn-.- wxHihi enter the Marv * northward along the slope*, of ; W o •Tome Fly With Me.* the Junior Council booth a! Activi¬ t h e Appalachian Mountains Clrtl Defense authorities ,..'t.r' U.... .1«T. ItltPUHS Sew Ham|Vshire priman ty Carnival tonight, will #rivc gtudom* an idea of the J- Wednesday, toward Pentvyl- that ismstr to public In Senth i"areltn* council's activities. vities. vama toll of life and fdvr- I fa J w 3 *n«ttte« del I lvrl l our friend* 11 Fraternities A heavy A* the first meeting cf 'Fr oniTv.l. heJ WVin«cli,v night ertv lav in it* wake. l»o Seventeen deaths were attrib¬ "'• KEN'S BARBER SHOP" :■> : *»• tv.ion. future aetivtties The weather h.."v.» ; I uted to Gracie -seven in South flash m:-,> .VC-. a'- A e . discussed Brochure* on r r Introduee , Carolina. - -••< f.-r .Mf.v chairman*!*.,** t FliMnda. and one each in Geor- dent.s of 'ow-oing *'e». *"•' II here I.inxI ('.rooming Regim • :>e available at the can"- along r\cr>- and strra-v. • formal I tic* tbt* «ear nit hi ant*. f>* IV will be •"* T* Open Rtisli (llarificatioii Made prtsmntions .ys' v . m fe M-*-.- llamm IIIKECTI.V ACROSS FROM TIIK STATU TIIKATRK ON ABBOTT HH f«w ramwHte# fHair- The twv jnwiil •.% r t*n..r On Greek Course r».- •' r • tittomnc rrc»tl0 student-*. * »'•! .v(s»n rush. twr'orrn a® the Notre t>*ro« \: U. U ' v^.-era HI RRIl'INE r.KACIK •Ummnl inln th» t'amlinao Tuta. .-tfe-Al in the Evening i'otle;e beginnitig Oi t *« "'• an.-t m*h cha.*men were *.-e-e f -c r«MMibtt(tte« af hnWing •« cwr the neu- orvv> cf n»hre> acme thr ar*a Fathc- C«v«tas K-Hiklak.s, and rrvn meeting with Jwntnr tUm T»-.c rurjv-e of hav-.r.* r-r S>> • •a • m<*et one night .t week on mrwt^n were dlwnmed Swch Wednesday* frmi 5-7 pm '-•■ ai»«bl tiee Jwnb** i" o.e^'.Ay ha.* to alow •-.c rv,«Vv Piiitionn Ready Voir meetings i»y>mUwttt te cantribute Mrit their t?re e of celtir.* *:• tC.oa of t o tlffcrmt fraterr. * Dillon Savs • TVt,- on* for the AM-tViirer. "it *10. v»eck> a* was T'e fi*e t« slated Mondayi. 515 1 no- tmi-eUnjE fr«*r house "o »-;* Stude-.5 Government Judic- • The held *bide-.t Veiled Natiraa ItJ f'.rrt meofen* on h»u;«c Hush «.-h\-.t.cs n ". ". e Mr. R. (lati .trv are nc-.v l*n»on CMuvurse. available m Vacancies the e\- I .tu-rin^ Jnh* ( 1|m-ii c.wt* cr men students tnter- ivi 1*. * jvnv in the t*n»»wi tc »'l rrxt nva-X A'.! h»xi*e* «K f. ■: three fa'.! term jhv-t-'- ushering for lecture- mauv office*. The fnn;?. <-f AMvtt U.i ** ! be " ,.0 ev«M n first impressions matter. Buy "Copter # ?«v* performam-es are n sponsored by Junior Ovxmctl. wi»J Mondav. iVt 5 a!1 houa-e* o>>i n-.-res. one seni.w. and •wo tVAn.s — scries s# .-wtrueted en the *a;"' *iTW* of AMvt on 1h:es«fa* tVt f grad.-.ate studenta tVrb men „*keo. to sign up a? the Vnfor J, ••><. t"N m Near York and muV jirxf A", houses >*n MVh-ss.U* and wvwnen may potitivvn until • . kr ffice this week Stude-i W \SHJVr.TON ^ t*no.rr jvint the.r work The to*a in command of the communicate direeC* with it. l\-' ~. N - —.v:ta*-.v « w -y iV 7- . %:-e:-s are situation is of rourae, perfectly gloomed * ■ b# set up needed to Atm j the house* *1 Sx-sti-i ,-*? State JVuglaa W- urong the trtferngiioral ami. lUtf ;n s-,1 there? no \ml. a good-looking shirt—with master! tailoring — t» one of the e«aential» \m*rvan atudenti on camr-i* to A *-eeV *v* cl.vM r:C- w". rrhv N.fciU Khruahchee j.. nw-'.d a>>,la problems in «*i f'tX'**. Cf-aeevt rush rre«:-e M e re*|Aertfull» submit the Mattering t jo a*-e4.i and crtler • he' • "Tabber" with the authentic ^o.'.ecrua! atn*«epfcere The VN rusheee tney attetv.1 v-e r.^h \rre» —; better under* Utv.* (*rr.etun#a cal'M Cowrsl arr« v. c r*cr fnvn *n AmerteJW . .v. left it up to t-e "Sa»fori»ed" fabric- —ottford tr: • JVC f-* e'.l • -* rrcr;eT and h.« gcwmr.-.enf ami broaticbdh #>'* !4. hM f.r * "v*hvv,ve-" MSU Drama r.~ai ten f-e»h--*»?■. *."•»>* •: ieeuc • 2J «ave*fce r- •* pv.: wh -h .n v a :~rr.£~r- ♦ * Khniahcher oft to This osxintry. Brings Roles r-.» *em in order r® r* '• e !Sv*i.ier* FisenSrarer. a» S> a^n-ec *erm. AH enaier.-a UvW h « Krrr.'-;n r-n-«t f.v eev- m;A hare * 2$ a' .wv>l'.#<•# to P'NWect i' be.;- nARROW- er/t. r'-ce* n For Students |v.nlie C.j tem ml etbff a 7 2 »11 eav>ff» nnat* cr • : * c-- that er* retorted Khr..<*vhe»- . n V. r.iar announced he C j term te fo eotie »-x*ee was mtemetM r Sxir.r< ore fH M — . a-i,l »\%..d a'a P'.lhvn hv he hu |.,i am H»# NCAA •' 1 reemwst tr. wac tv a* iho* «l Wb^i - fsiayV 9i en yaar i> ohuctlM when askei mm T-lt am. • ' AMistant Registrar >- •.« M rvntoM. Gets 1' of C Post tN'-.t '.v» a: tt M-esdit a news (sv.fem-oe He .a*:.: .f t* a,«- Compliments I>it«d V. VuirhnaA. m*cu a*. Mp -h.jr*"- >'-« 1 j-ot lha- •-e -e **.-»**-• *vs. a ** ' - un-xffscial. by g'.a.i t'.vjch. ■' rut but ai.t.h a Do hbu Think fbrlfburse/f? of e n-ar.^1 ad ..r* - HntU', baa t*eer. apc-ntfl .- - e: a (SHARPEN YOUR WITS ON THIS!*) rnrv- cf :-e Off * i*f Axn..»- ikTj snd Kawii at the V>-- Ur lmr« on Trip awev ty V C»kr» i# a sao-e ve »vf «-n« fnxn Nnruu *#*»*-. ecv>.*airr f-- a.r..ner a *,y\1 fbOMlenl K->- v*»-i *.x*thevn Ca..- Wednesia* f* a-. '- Hriend "ta 1MU-4 « Ita Ur.m li l\u*een.T. In :tv v# m-nesl diT gy.C-.Tg i-a.w.-on u-xirr the v.« T--* M t*.vy r-*i rw r * ' a -%*#-«■ V a-ai cngm :r e» - deeert "e n>;v* c.-io# pann Ita IW**1" 1 l* - \ oaixv-uu wn-wxj frv*» v • . - •V u •«■■ «v»p >...* r.aiX -«£ e a»u- • Ca .#,vv Snwr^s ,r. OMtam' err «4 t» • f* a' a .V « v m.r v» re a a »-d er rt«i. lhrrrlorir* on Salr *: • tft* suneruri*, fLseno.** - "Vtant *t • r»caib"se director,.« for *5*- r- Nvircf Smu A**iUb* •cS lid's (mM? AX tl.\\ II SUN OS €000 TASTl roc imiTAnoM mwm m mo-voi agixct Cr a.^>r»| qg TW Caaa Csis Cwswt Sy Formate Smuon It !4I74 cox omcs otva i-i r x cult U-LOU Kk ldOU BOTTinCi COMrtM If you w« a firl m a !>*' hmg e*-. en a *fci alafM, Marts Tonight »ww you aj. A \* r„. :>> .a ** , - .-R\ mCpU,T" 'be O "Tn ."r-i iarv» •. ..n-b< afo,*er ifD -*5u.> eg*-. > icert I",; gv- h- f-ard*** I*c i~ov;' Sank the atafenv-fit »mokr VICEROY. They In--* CtMi rM N *"!*. ' abrajrs. darkest hrforw VICEROY ha., a atMtiNtf All'■ Pd—d 10 VC, pin* iL» 5 aa *«tfa» Oa aiiatrw rwra of SKtr.iesJ *e.ia®s? ifl* a gvxd hiter with more rva-iirvh behin.i J- 15*s r»A-.-r. i-:.r £r"'.Rg ho?n# anv other . . . the filter th,- rluap* • JS r«h TCs giagw tviaAeo «<•'•■■:• * O a pec* of bttfw- America', »moking habit- At: -ail l eg 11>-| f .a -gdSj ? t D ■ *a eg fto ?ws-a m-T.; for fugfei vikjusenf VICEROY hutiaihw «a»» . Me'- iKCt&t m aur. t- 11 iwiNasae'i atwd 0eews«a-w-'to A _i • □ c 1' OJ 'If AM We rAerierf (/»la M-ee e»:'' '•*' :i« Abwo M. rmnaa a sar^wog^ e? Vr. — tX-i yott tlu&k' thai * nan (wAwu. Aow'rr pretty tUut-p ...e-"' '* ■n {AW* VtSLt V3M;-j« "*+• v »Wa pr ini re* who raa poi#.v*u!: 1% it+t poind (O—BU*. pow Ihutkj.-r i t*-;t 4oaaa*t Kke should A> r* awi Ami d* h iny- iwrif CmMt. 9Vmaao • 5AJT? fB> keep the wboia granon*. b# ma*-#!- iluat ta Lji.MsiT iO do a rC neariwum. AZ aeuaa»• bit of wJf-ae-aljx» en why 1 a^w: a atntf^at-g a* ior»! kedaaMi'; Lk#-ofosokith! eff-rmSKrwwkfat aD) hate tk* W «et k««r? or-*— re-n e*e arjw b> »*- Vbe-ftber er m tbey fc* -e a •» z«:cjoa is*.t ,vevw eK^er-snacs. * Hpr. '--wow , bmaWi j« ,A)taAO Tutursl color cat cat, vaaHaUa for }>puf (-x»ta. .ppd tak. tW »p*pi I* «W . UM* ,-g) :5$ y. -ttaay t-o A*.V» fcr-iUwa OMka. Ut Srj4#r.; •oat eon! W ut* 'W tm* '.A.' Tmkm th. kwta: Si,' (C) Ok. krrv*t. w-.T caejii Mat-rr.^m hood a>4 criodtsi pO hhf far I ' la' » * *:«CC:oq mort nnalMw omigM. I t't A wi» anoker who drpnda on hk own ELIZ.4BETH TOnn ,—V|S*r cktaiii; two So jadsmnt. tm ofaaiutu al othan. ia ha I* «U . n mm