< IV \ sci• Bump 'Bump' Is Saturday's Spartan Slogan KAi ll M Dt.KI) t , "Cerenor ftv in last week's hurt his riyht shoulder before the season Itepran. missed tin* Atririe tilt and is still playlnp with a filmrplaw* pad over the sore spot. |>r. James Ketirip, team physician, and * vJrnl episode tn their PaiiKherty are reluctant to list him as a starter Saturday. louy jrridiron nvalrv S.d.ieii., Vnn Ariwr's I of M Hut l.ook took part in some blocking- practice Thursday stadium. — with Ibiffv mannittjr the dummy—for the first time Game time \ v ''v traditional sellout since his mishap and ran the top offensive backfield of cnuvd of f.5r,H . tsirtlv elottdv skies Gary Halltnan. llerl> Adtlerley and Hlanche Martin most and temperatures m the v;,:v * of the afternoon. All this brought no wonl of pain from Look, and Trainer —V!A\.l!i "n,,'r ( Virh ,-h*|. C.ayle Kobinson said he should have no further trouble un¬ rrm, Tr a dismal l!>,»x season • " h" «""" O^lrrlwnn afi.r less the had arm is jammed upward. If Look plays, replacing junior QB Tom Wilson, he will have a neu aerial taryot at riyht end. Sophomore Art I lems — '';'. , ttitnblm • "M ... , "■ -'v «'„• 1>n,t- , Hrandstatter. who doubles as a place kicker, was promoted . !»-.- Joss n m the ' Texas, u \\ n. wbu'h eoxt them a to the starting berth Thursday, nudjriug Pave N'orthcross ,v,;i,r "Kxplo on*',,,i-m. after the two* had alternated in this week's practice. ... , „ |,„llir)„,rt, ..1|nd this will be .on .,- ,hl> Trtt ()f (ho tf|||)l Michigan, dropped h> Missouri. 20-to. in the final seconds exploded • ..n.! 'f.:\,• .IrilN iihmI of plav last week, found a new ray of sophomore hope in eyes were rr* i.:'vxv , "doubtful >tarter" halfback Hennie Mcllae. who scored twice, once by nah- I lean I «x»k hitiK a M->ard Stan Xoskin aerial and led the team in rusli- nit ah MrmN l.Ook. ,'T": To Slorl nr mil in Slnrl ? iny. tIFX CALLAHAN qu.irterbackutg ehoD**. The Weather Chicago Win* l'i»rtl> t loinlv and I... Incfl— High Today ?»4 In I'lml (lam- l.ow Thursda> Id Of S*ri— Srniiij: l|fi| lor 50 Yrur. IMvICK :» CKN'TS KAST I.ANSlXtl, MH'IIU!AN -KUII'AV. IHTOIU:!! I MH "'t, No twi \m Tax Form. NEWS IN BRIEF ^ASHINC'TON 1.4V The Inter-,*• " Old Taxes Dock Strike Ties Up Shipping M r.'n ;:,*r .i new me»«m» fax • i - 's\ rvdtm' in five * ' '• ... ■ . v .».;e ; Atlantic, N>»| !IXVVi' Gulf ('oasis . .. loims Tlum of (.ohl II (til Fire Follows l or Affected In Tornado's I Fake Lilmr I i Milrr* i IIAUl KSTi>\ S i »V> Still rei lim? tn»m httrrieam* i W allsoiil -o« \ i fi.irlestett -ef'leti ilown Thtitsdex to \t;i«re rnti o,,ttU wifli an oil i'empanv fire that threatened NT.YV YOUK n1v-Ncttled .. : te.i!!p»ni» of gallotpi «»f irp-olme an.I ilioel fuel. over contract iht«»!inHon-, I r.n.iirt In Morrow I Million thUIKICl r dock Workers handling ship . .t i% A' r*.. Sleol Talks riirgoM on coasts Atlantic ami Gulf struck Thursday de¬ So >eai> -Vvie. •line in m spite picas of the yo\ern v< ' a-tcn-t" > »■•»; nwir-year. le-mot. 'U n a c Mto nine Start Attain nmltl ami wishes of their leaders ♦ ♦ ♦ As ,i result. . .?iq>|>uig <»n W i»rhl Haul* I rrotrs Yeir l*MM iiifn»H mrsm u<;m . n t ni-n thrid-: of the Anicru ;in <• t».-» Iitu ntul imluttfv eegotiati-uw, w.e virtual!* brought to u nL.oiO ' .u fiu'eii with po-sihte gctenw Mil! J- • ••* W,ui! Ha.i- • Hun,I ch nf (!rv cargo v« IWHJ A ment interventi'it hh»p. me? Were tied up Fuel '.,mket< i Th. ito .a in a new .xettitie I hiirsilnv ■ Ptlliiv U'CIV exeepllulis l»e-,m ■ M»»? I and tiM'k aii"'her stnii at "• -> o. 'oi ■ . I In*\ were handled by «»th»*> un- - P-i.W, etiililtff tip' VP .lot "Id "ti'et s 1 r I <> rtti't fire r aril u»C lotlv «i «-.(»• T-»t .|l Ihr 1 **«• xtindsrri p'rike the strike meant further win's # * * »'ii i » r»! »ot I frrluHrrii con- fur a nation alreail) aufferiim liooths was the t'ninn Hoard whose limith Vitfiw« if if \nr kit u hint I, I#*, mi* trnlui'd on tttinc kreu (t ST I I IK NTS Mll.l. h round the Velernn'.** eriMiumir effeeta of a reenrit iron. *nrrjrtmj p» 31 other huge eliih lumth at the 121 h annual Activities included their own dance group and chorus. atrike In sleelw nrkera. , t ,!, t r. t i«: •'.* Murur Unk» "Moosic Mil Max*' was the theme of the There seemed t«» In* no inum - night in Spartan „ Cnrnital held Thursda* •• c "f.v.j.-prviMtiiv: hvai'- carnival. ihale ehariee to halt the new r% rthyw-tci-. A » svnVr.'ic : Stadium. Winner of the first prire for v« alkmit hv the InclejaMiden' h>- gaming • • ice DWrt oe.*otu> •n v Ihtishtpg; the t e r national torngshoremeii'* -»• P. Teas*, umntial r«-.r train. fU*4ied hjgh--» c*>n'rwc? n»'gota got Tlicincd 1»» Sail" Title* Assh . which was kicked out of - t «... Ma* • ' Yi.-k the AFI.-CIO war* ago for - . ihe ;-M «.«• leg»ti racketeer domination tnit had tasn Cic iu*g<»t.1(Hng arena ff n ♦ hereto* 'tv was recently invited back to 'he fold. 'inrinjf l.rou/i (iiirn Ni> llrfrnsr I la I id Vlelfaoiald pirxident of Developments came fast. A- !M WSAtl ijf~ F..ur ... hue the xirikinc I ntlcd steelwork- Irturo X|.txinini. the tmthl- dog* The AcroUit* club put on tnong tfiem ,j, I'm-mi cl.*c fo. and ( nnrad inopcr. chief «*1 miiMlrian and maxcwl of Ihr n display with the tramp«>!ine 1. Railroad* halted movement ;' a-0' knows; tx-ck r. i. :: < . for the lu«ir xleH cixsipleu carnival, strallrd wl: i le still others viewed the eiinar u-stsnocy Thurv.i#% it *rta> . • •'?& gV« «|Mkisnun in «ood »plrih • tallCe gri'Wl'. *li« t I2t|i jnnii.il large s.-ullswl of the Sailing of most freight to the two ow.e « '■* r*;-i Instead, ucUrsc at:. :- i ... > •ndoxtr*, »ccmcd n cto.ru* <•' mi'n.ix' from loHith to booth along with to prevent huge pi leaps on on- when tkr) armed lor the meet¬ rrowdc of student*. All booth* club or the Pershing rifles of manned piers Excluded were a •z*sx*< sgaifiirt the four and tlo- -.r prs/i* »n Ai'tivit" the Army KOTV. 'Art were arrested- The tour < ■* •• c: .< .. ing in a downtown hotel Ihey t*«»tn *«. » >.*-;»•. M; joined in the "Moonik Mlt Max" few item*, such as military good*. ''** N *-• joked briefly with nrw«men be¬ I heme of Ihi* year'* earny. The American Institute of 2. New York em plovers u ho.- asiignaUan. rug • Ifermat fore getting down to husinex* Electrical Engineer* and insti¬ hastily called T'u We*' ( in !«• Drive J.«'/ ef Radio Engineers show n! II »;•; d. N.fT'. d ..(T Snniy provided fi.usic for the negotiation sev.l<>ti »«•? up I'C the nation's largest steel mills n!urtenI.* iiow enmpus flivori'e.. tw» 'rnnif •• vcater* and a <«•»- carnival along with the t.'alw- a federal mertiator The em¬ the Kingston Triu. would sound Houae • -r*i rtonahxt bv I's-al store* irU mid V'icalisl Pat Frem-i . ployer* assailed the strike as il¬ VV !',*• pi"-- .re f'.« J t* • their Oscill'qtiaple. and Placing second were the itivoiiwi M»j»hom"U: Terry llr.iv- legal and angrily demanded ttiat ! u,«rl« r of MHtiertwut a«wt mu»i;ilir.g «H >- Al'Sfl displayed photon of stu- PrundMtiors.. and tlurd. the ♦Tmnn, Muskegon senior, w<* the union t all it off. evacuated *v.m» n tr,left! • lent government leaders to bel¬ s ■ . acre 3. These employ era said thev l^mdseajM* A red»lecture and t'r- . aa;i< tper .in ait id urgency to the late. t entree ter acquaint new student* with •• ;?i. . r« wouldn't do am more hargaii.- were entertain*! .. han planning Club, as 75 «am- S|iecta?oni v by Air Force -k»- r-.u ,d <»f peace eff •hem. r f itf m In acld ion to fern- half mil¬ pu- nrgamrationii competed fm* at the YMCA-YWl'A leioth »v ing until the I l«A leadership is if ?Nif- c.rer* ;s> «k vtp' using Co-chairmen for Activities demonst.talert d could control ; » ;:.W»T BJ' -si-S.-T effort* were lion striking tteriwoi k> i-. cj*e-«- pri/es w'ni'»■ displaying the;.- Carnival were Carol Nicholson, ch^v5 to 2u0.(si0 employ V' <»?hvr m- various assets to pMHiwcttve men. ^•av;r«te:;i "n keeping it from Ihm rin it at I of M la-Roy, N'.Y, junior and Il-il Mrmieri nf tuition v 'Uuih Vrt•: oaij du-iriis tiave been irtw-d mcmljer* fiurisn, New Vork, NY., junior. «{=rewt«iig. Tuny i Anaalaai* » Hruokltn dm k I far these student* who sre wurker« lural voted Thanks y to Arhor for the cm! 4** Couleii't ilap|M-n Here! going to Au Mh| -r of M football game Ust- Area TV Slated hark In work luday. hnl II. % Freaidenl William Bradley said imi«' 9* ordas. sad who are Isshlrg far "We'll are ahunt ilul. I'm *4MI serial activity that night, the For Iowa Came Police srderiai Ike men k «k» out" Elephants Kill Sex en i>»f4w"mm wer* killed police have to ttmlrrw ullh." Vicious type of crtow that ?je» I aiverstty of Mkhlgai sponsor twa snrh aetivtdaa. The fnnthall Oanre will he held from t-12 p.m. la the I' of will game CHICAGO (Ah—The fjotball lietween Iowa and MSU t>ct. 10 will be televised cm re¬ uier* He said he picketed turned to their j<#bs. would have the if the men re¬ Hradhiy said union leader« «e?# American police. M I nlaw hallroam. Admission k* wikt elr .duinU continued the form* r Kslams* gional network in the seven would meet tiwnorrwv moruing "They arc a cool-headed peo¬ charge k 9lAd. state* in the Big Ten area. I; (SHiidn i happen in tHe /*** police chief. Tfccv art^'r'iii- uhd that all questions and prob¬ ple," he explalnefl. "It take* » An MM'-ir ef M Miser will The announcement was made lems aie to be settled then. i n;ug Ten games. The other tele¬ One hundred eighty fr«nm*» credit. the Promenrtdera cftarge of the polk* advlaory men aren't c&mmunbU They casts will be on Oct. 31 and Nov. and transfer student* have be«W It was his responsibility to Hildas and riavlsa were shewn unit m V.tsaam until * few ate Just plain hoodlums" .14, wtth the games to be select¬ invited to a Kellogg Center re¬ advise the police force*. Mod hy many grupa In gtva §m Man •week* *r- In the cltie*. traffic is a prob¬ a# their aH vdtea. Otfls nf etg- ed later ception Sunday from 3:30-4 30 nt the police are In the hire of The program* will be carried Tbe' geven polkemert, he e*- lem. the national government. How¬ ll hy the p.m for new student* in the .acre patrolI mg thejun- •The capita!. Saigort!" «nd primarily by NBC network af¬ school of hotel, restaurant ami ever. Saigon and two other cities . . cenbat Commuaigt guer» Hoyt. "ha* InterFectkms which filiates. institutional management few American policemen could have municipal forces The affair, scheduled for the r..a activity. Apparently, they He found the working, pro¬ u;#: urbed normally-p e a c e f u 1 handle without experience there. Church Hccc/Miou Set Centennial Room, will provide Motor bikes, scooters, bicycles, fessional policeman cooperative i a prtmart alsstt— put an hr an opportunity for students end eiepnant* in suae wgy. » Tana man-drawn vehicles and willing to learn. The «.epaaau attacked and ox cart*, Students, faculty members faculty to meet and mix on en In addition to giving technical P which wdl ho the poi^emen climbed trees. and small European cars cause and housemother* arc Invited to informal beats. Married student* J^csa HUT Aha ImOrnt Irmkma*. mmiiii—o Iw But the elephants shook trie a type of congesMM affk*. lufcpc Cft*r. (I, S. Fiiilxlein asm'Ih a M i cli i ga ii SI a I e i\ v >v s House Asks Florists Rnil l»4»l* ht MM i *tii4rht* and hrulif of Michigan Mate I'nlxer*H>. Fad bun¬ For Favorite Posy The Michigan State News t* iniMiviio.1 In *tud«m» D ting. Mich. xxitlunjl three! faculty Miperv Men It m of t!tp tfuitrnt tM.ty, hut xvhlir w-eking to m-i ve the n»»t thr offici.il x-He# of hivt miriest*. of hoth. nhtn.i* irmly to Hai¬ tnT" unitettatx 'i > ti# it'-v ittov# which would dm# a xvedge hetwpcu the two whether it rem** from wllltltt the V univrndtyr or from outftd#. Member of the Associated Piem. Inland Lhuly Pre** and As«vlato«t XX'ASIIINiiToX i.-n Thr flnrl.l" "t Amcrii-# Thur,.l„f prnlilrnt lh«t h«» hm, . V* Nftrdy ChrUI CoJIeguie Pre**. Idilor John Murphy Rit«lnr*« Manager -Ix-K.-I'i IIV nil- In i.ilvi- II thorny l,P. ( nil,i.lf mi.I iilt, fur -lit yrnri*. '<* Mary Huff Managing I'dttor l*aul I rsher I'trriilatlnn IMrerfm Iinriny tin- in..lith nf I Vtntinr. Ill 11,1(00 flnriatii' »hn|i« ,|| \r Krixtax, October '2, t'AV.i I'niro Two Vol. M. No. 6t» <-v.-r I tin rmintrv. flnvvi-r Invrr, will tin imki-il Ihln i|tnMi.,„. XXhlrh ihi.v >hmiM In- our niilionitl ftnml rmklrm' \ hull,>t hm In»i*ii |trr|mml hv Ihr Klorl»t»' Trli-ymiih Take MSU Image Along while xve're there xxm or lose liflm-rv .X—*ii linliny Ihr.-r xxt'ilef lllack cxi-.i sitNHit. t'.irti ('.imclliit. ('nrtiMtion. I'ixssfl Ibifbhii!. (>ritninm, ill cholom. In iil)vh.-iI■ Ulirykitmh,r, (ll«xii«»lu,*. i;«»|«|, „r,Hi TRADITION OP \1.1 tradition- fh.it * (thi- nomination xtus nTnili* by n (ix cxl-in-tIn- i.'n, The "Michigan Weekeml" xxill provide i.tn-x flip annual "Michigan Weekend," which is thrills for those xxho are luckx cross man. Sen Tbur*lou Mort.m of Krtttlicky). Ul\ If)i. highlighted hv the MSl'-t of M football many enough to attend and we hope the Spar¬ V nlU'x. Magnolia. Marig«»lii. Moiinthiti l.nurcl, (b-,-ill4i came. All rmtxl* leading to Ann Arlmp will I'e.xnx. Ixb.HlmicHilrixli. Ib»*#. ShdNlit IbtiN.V, Tulip tans will bring back to MSI their first. he n .steady ribbon of ears Saturday morn Fxcii bctore' tin- balloting begun officially, thr •v I»ig Id football victorx -dfice IP"»S. ing as .spirited MSU students head for the learned that thrx'tv in for trouble. I'he University of Michigan students will battlefield. be doing- their part as "host.-." for the I he* took the quest not tip with that guv voiing h.nhrU MSU'i nvting section will prohaWv make Seit. IhriMboe I'mnrlw Grrrtt (0 1(1). who i*> HJ |«hI.ix xveekeud. As listed on page one of todax * just as much noise as the Wolverine-.' .t* State N'exxs, there xxill be a Football Puttee I like the Violet,-" *anl Sen. tlreen. the annual spectacle gets underway he fore I'hat's tin- wax il is with tlower lover*, ft* opinio and a MSI I of M Mixer as xxell a< open ItHMkHl tans at Michigan Stadium and xm prom i * in g a* lisbertnen iii*cti**ittg lure- houses at the xanous sororities ami fratei ii Mil It'll he a great da> — and a great weekend I Ins n.-itioti strnx'gled along tor tlot'Aile*, clearing the nities after the game Saturday. for the many Spartan followers xxno (•f fxxi-i-sis and linliatis. xx it hoot worrying much /»'•. 4 have planned a full schedule of act it it x Till! KOOTIl M.I. IMMT. Will he from Hal loli.i tloxxei There's on thing to take along when , M 12 p.m. Saturday night in the I ot M II en in Io||;« p F'dxx.ml Tax lor of i'olornilo mti,..* nuke that trip to Ann Arhor: That's the I moii llatlroom A SI fee xxill be a bi t.i make tlie • «»!nfiil»ttt«- our national floxxei Michigan State l'nivrr*ity "image," x barged. The Msl 1 of M Mixer, xxitit Mi|t|Mxrlrr* «»t othri flower* have hiir*t into bl«Nini (mm last year the Wolverine students trax tree admission, will be held at South Quad¬ time fo time In recent xear*. though, ntiwl of ihr «rk.„ e'.ed to MSU for the annual clash. And I'm rangle starling at !» p.m. men I* haxe come from two group*, the Kiwr hlo« and thr the moat part (except for a new coat of And of course. if MSI students get to (oin Ia**« I l»lo( pamt on Spartvl, the U of M folloxvers act- the Vnn Arbor campus tmlay. the Univei lividentalix. i." n.itixois haxe a national floxxei ed like mature college students. -itx of Michigan students luxe extended I be I ihi'Mt'x e: i ongies.s has looked into this, ., i THIS ARAN MSU students should take the invitation to attend a gigantic pep r.t: xx,. xait n.>xx , (Xiitidenilx re|N»rt that the White Kratn | this mature manner with them to Ann Ar lv! .... *| the nation., t!.«xxci of I iberia. that the Philipptn, |; K>r. In the long run. each Individual stu It'll be a line day of fun and fitothnll public goes t( : the s.iu I'aguita. ami that Aiistr.i dent's l»ehavior will plant the "image" of Irving loolish stunt-, ami lid's hope that reasons un(eupteheiisibie in tin* henif*phere. ioxt MSU upon those at the University of Mich Remember that university "image"' Itetnre t.olden VV,,15 :» igan. xxell haxe no unpleasant after'-aI''fects to! Ibventix antics' ,-xerx orator on almost exn Hoxr xxpit xxe transfer this university !»• xx uig the xxeekend. 'as i Mist We m.ast dt> I h t - at oilce! Illls*ia a'li., "image" ilepemts upx»n how well we ai i outstripping is" J. VI. Itiiliri ln' S'-rtx ! s . n.. go.*: he rr lake u.s, i(iiss|,( t.e \|' Nrx«* \ti.il* st Tt; i F Wltf .( ;cl a floxxei' Rebels Desirable Influence Interpreting the iSeivs Mieliigau Slate Ne xx s • *»' t4«l I »i «mf Xiii|ii[(i, IV T \lt TtHt MAN\ areas of MSU life, V|.WX(|4V «►.(,..**•< Hv* ||i III Rill I XI I VII x\ '-* v»44* « tudiin \i|*l'*iiri lr* Tf»ll* IX ri %NNIU li a jcw*'..«r fratxnr < the status »|iio is higtdy rexered and tho«e f» 4.* . -• . X| 4. • (•(.< 'i ,| U' lr' * * » 14,-x g| f i *, * r \e »* rnlotiai ». \ i xxho would I'xK*k the bo.«i are hmkexl on xxub 4*1 - ((•« r (.»» i.ii# l#i % t" mild disxiam. often hx *tuden.s i 1 r . , .t •• *.-rf . .;« • sou* more than •.m* I "■ '• AI' hi. f nf tu 411% tiilrtril !<• 4«t . ... t a' >v«»t *• t:-. «-* x* than hum. ,«s mm h a* anx one eis« \.£ en.i s gu hrl»fiii On:.. I'm * >-. 41*li»l I'lfvl .I.MlMW • ■*. « '•' '.H» i>l course theie are rebels ami le >e - x 1. * pi.Tp'-f I ( ' r • t * *. O' t Iho-e xxho ix't»e! bx taking part llismll *».lr-. n V \n tllilrin mlrnl llinii wmiltl t \-x t.x • a 1 *•'?*■ «! O. ■ • SU'.* Nf I •«« u*« |V4. r- Imnirgulflt In-. are not destrabla o .Vemect «!., A .llUilioii N .*iil(| HO Or , A- ^0 •f.NX love tor #xf. a iei«io,.> . ■•••<' I..1 4 I ononuiosl !(•(•((Urol ativw here TV HT » ah til r» a • tat-.-- • «-ne ?»«»•»• Hut the life at MSI has never been »x»'Ut • 1} I MO • I. , - s, -: tv.1 ♦ •. • 'n a.xa.a \». a'*» • .'. ?.- r.s m* . snukxth for the rebel, not ex en for the quiet I am reminded of the onieriy xleniou- re be' -tlatum against dining rx«om dre«s regula- isr #;i i Jnu.s stagexl at Hrxalx Hail ta-t aprutg, Of c«»urse. r.« xiisctpiinarv action was taken ak.xinst the xiemonstrat»»rs. hut then thex didn't get what thex wantext either. Manx of the .wtter teat tires ot the Hut urn If Ihr rrhrl Irtdro ami .u.i.umi: i prog!.hui are »«egimimg ' ■ raitnol tpfik l«» Vltrtu 4t'»l Ihsrr i« (MKidrnhlr rxid.ii r «iis,> »..»-■»«<• ,»t MSI | haxe fi-'lt'o! Ihil Ihr x* half idr« .•( |hr rr mote «»mi mere professor* are dexo'u.g a- Mrlli.-n «« kr 14 niiIi hx a ihiikh i. " l ".U;e .is Jscs-iU e T.» I .a-- «ll-CU*»a '• Ox rxm •>( ihs %»4h imeuUiioit rathi'T li an straig"! lev tore «e**j«-!'.* v* i' -lh*x 4-> «|W4* for Ihf xx ai • ,4i: v t •» i a* t i.»n iv'x*e«-n tie ovt.ii'ii Hook Ib-xix'xx • CO .r*. T.9 a . > Ri-S#:c svx T'-c f a Titr CIKKIU-I IM mosphere at MSI -Oaa ni «e« tl I O AKI e l.u-t AMI AA II I Iwxnsstig campus ;n mam area*. an interest in producing sharp eog«d r *o.u e. x r ' u« r Autol>io^ra|iliv IVIls 3 !-lfv--sh hope for the future f the un.xer-i'v i« s-s ,x •• ; , »f tre mflueines th.«. Of 19lh (ieiilurv Paris un □ ODD oh> 0t. •^•53 trend has beeu set a: a: *1 toxxarxi r e i.xsr* ho.d here. u'.H>n m p.ace tiegree ran ng oou quqq It seems aScit !i" e f .*: . .ter-:<*u.. In t'« i heart.A eoiw .r with i in: ( mi i> oi mon rM vieiin •9 txpKll UK afc C Ma'or Jo'l»..ii\'U n expressing the hx»t»e tlx r.ml | ml xo4 00 li JDQ ar.d iixtcn'rv'oP n •*-. u'.d :..»•• a h gr r that I Van lhvi»e* will l»e al>> to grant the Random ll«»usr- I't.vs a*. !\ noun noc p.ace in American un.x»r-/. turn »'.-r*s;\e slUiiei'-s the pnxuege grau., aaunfl nun lng back facta ar.d legate* !x» prxdxs^. ths | ox r r nnir i-l ♦.( luiuxit I'he three scvtnms which constitute I i biln «>f .Vb»r.' onnno : nor iike some idiot mach.ne n..»rtr«\ Lc IVtit Ami. In .Mrtmiriitru. Vimuu vxt-re first 13I1L1 OHO Wt '.. 1' XX I V x - oxer wjtli.xut ai IVir. Robert Hoope* of Ms>1 -it ha* e publishext in France. ir*p«N'tjxelx in iiucj. I'mm nmi lihwi □un acwsn nouueed that "We are hot srfereste.'. gtv.*! • » s'r.» n upf pall s. a»uie from ucxcle rai.rg anxi S xxv>>hou> jwhu*'- INFORMATION liiev arc im« availubio tor.the ?n*i tune in Fr.ci.sb ami ii i fvt * □□ocoaaaoL, □□iraiia nanooo „ I rxajucmg we. -rx»»moe*i men. . : nv -♦ » at'.er ;..ree n-. xx ill prove a wcicx»nic a«ixiition to tbr F rench !-.teraiur» , "♦'» of. i f p* Af.mt rmart abraaixe eslge- rrta « xx • tmnslntion. — * §#teti«w #f v—kir'i i IMI RX AtlltN VI t I I H iv M A th.-e ach.rg muscle* • up kut.dM.-g:-a;x»- * (IN** am! uncowexi c "vy-ac. cr.: . s • • y. •• ■ In » .. ., I" w», ,in#4 • gxwho. lm nettri ox Mi'itxUv. IV it. '. 4S4Utauxt rts ?va;« ♦ svKifty. roi a.iji.stfrs t t % 1 llol It *11 MM ii c". r.tit »ra x- pint -H me #Od of tin ^r « t>R4.AM/ATIt)N ■. n riior* .o'. u.v, arhl mote rxu'1 an-: 1 i# oypo* 4 :« p . 4' s « • Pan* b«.: »-r *'i.»'x A*tA\fttt 'Film Fan-" " v cr.'r: , .. > .-*■.• f I f#.thful I. VMM V Ml 1 % \Iartrp xxb! 4 *.) .r • r: Cot#» • else* tieri- x ?i v- - . egviiat, n f -x ;... — P • j2 Turf b'uivc .1 „f lettwr wit llrigittc Dmimi Aftvmpt 1 T-nil.-u-e-i««.. . . 4 . %hn ■ S. O , , • ?'• Hard fat *%it rum (l-net a v ideal; .ef .' • ,o- iv, 1 vnu a' and «:■-» 24 an r.»; t I AINttllt *11 MM itrr«ere* m>d pi* - . deiperateiy »tt* h#.r v -".e -siie ' (• an'.f .eg *N» » «tl*X( %M/. klltlN The r.r*t value ef. : n.hrtei e!-* to nxotxe*. hant or. htw Bx MHILMI BVRtl t ♦ x* -r: apparev, v,-a- '■;;t ti..t s: at ?X* yea « undouberdlx hi This vtvul hi- .-ew'-'igx with ha feHrwx* ! kwu. fro . ;-t p.v. u«itx» . .* . ■ • -es h colhtt aad.r ».v ■- #r.;iT»oU ctenpasaauna'.e. .4..• . t*a* i w > 4 \i d.4 ;t tr.UvU bcUei Cen'er Open h.>>«•<• - n I jx .iore .xf a world n.'w pxasi. l>u- collim, Cx t:- « UMit : V Xerr.if taieixrnx^en'. ind.flet- dan.-ing x *x ia if» ;nb#nrnt uart «.f *4x age»> r v**1 • c".^x*»' uXf «'-'** ' a"«tiiuie tie tnte a dramatic pleee h an ixxrtx and raised and p»r» - AW*. •. fruttxfu',. honest-, t. M i •?*--».- r ^4 • . r «he r*N* te crl off thr street B AO p n. Tr. x>r< -t »- >. a« . -. '71" t utter faitare. Oi reurse, I had TtUlb rant of ihr d- .-U>-.xSX V. •• 'r ■ ■ »enu to hi» readeri '.he n «».>x fog-: tbat v - *•e^r-...^r-x: Irl( (t«|hl thn-N% hrxvll at a diffixiilt time Stewing it in other* *.U>grt.>v and ititvo«vt\(«»? righ'y t. .«otr.en fiiettds who e<>rtirtbuUM hdite-ty a ««rjrV nf A' • •'» . 1 the Nxefrx ef a »xr*»miixrnt laxx . term* ef «hat. tt mat trying te gt matt ote'e,! by the ur. x r *x " ' • • .ntebovtusl. e ;o'. *»M4 4 Xc; V >•£» .% lo because rrxeal l«x the reader "a xnx IIMRU* .-anr.oi tx# anv doubt Cwc tt (3 *e.I *•_ rx4* vj'a* : O- 0( (*arv. itrfplx toUi her aix4 the andtenre «aa tanghmg «e strange man.'* hat at the same ftwa^ly I *>»* tto (arrr«l ihr ease telle*nx| her ax^uilal 7 p m... 3d t'Uicri Hv; : r xv a* truly "the child of Morxt- leudtx and *• eftew %a a mat- ume. a very attraatixe Mr. I xrkMl* *X »»4th he her m? aa hi* mistre** and religion r. <. «» •• martre "* *ei» t«r ef fart I Ami Uinh a aim whose hwnrstx and literary ahil I xW« II u i II THrRtV rtidiat Aaart flwm Ikh latiglil tnU TV-.- r'.'fr* s third » ha* getten m many laagha dare ORGANIZATION a rertaia auRtrl nf ParWan itx will attach him mnre clwse- the t habbn-Reatmi day*. life, the MM reveal* I# the tx to the rearler Vum BwrckW :r. L- rs p*,.*. e*r .r. pa-ticuta'f «•*» 5 30 pm, Vtv.versuy I ,i* e» aami »'! * *x r*tere a fenUer-ce Today ran Cfxurxrh Supjxer v'.jo t.y- reader a prnaaagr nf extreme .AH -get'ier. thia book will not mwk* it. "a.td C-xt xvn>i e hsxv « \* xx' • » '. - x r* .»f ft.3a type l*c- c-xx-cd by r*-t«xr K'.irmrt's singularity take aaveil* home If • •r.'iy UnHbururr tne A;nerjca;» Woman.*" hai txes-n at . with Utile - knxx«x -i T-t r. mj t'etwn( an. »' If - ;. y 4-.Ni.rT the d.*x%ij( ;'«ra. ngxru and adult ?;.x l.utheryn Palffx ~ At a time wtmn literature F Rxi. -literal> s'xgure-—whx» tir* xdaunj «#xu«: t^n-.bo SSr ;s»- »rr tnan a csruia x*b\*HHja ' vfuiHitvl. o! i- ajT-*' evj.wx x » "Y". w;ll prx»xe to p.^.«ee* little GAMMA IH 1.1% since,, to achieve greater ami selves n. ar- n-.ru>:am-e wf ax'-.r.^ rx-x «S.i *tm »-.■■■ ■ loo lcn»'«wte«ge of France * lit¬ r r-exiatcm -^..rxtty Mx* evening would Cost supper 50 cenhs but Iw deeply lmj**.w»s1 by * u w CiSfmitltir. now ever, nosxr- thai . March*; xoodeo and no; ;- .xv# bex-n a total !(*» If | herf- 7 p m, Martin Luther Chr-^ci franknega and aincertty Hbp'a.x- erary circle?—but also will give van be drwT.attee'.'x ;* to iS readers a fiht-tuad a; - x toast CXCtUltf Th.e- Oitij r. i >*w acexxmpah^exi by a Busitxena meef.ng- rd by the author in unee'liog "tasve t« M* Proie»»vC. " r.<- f . at n:;.:at.v«n% f dram a tic or nth- utminunce with a arrange m.l- cur rem offeesaf. jj ar. a'tr^.v i !(\t.\M frxntt the f\!~x '• i fv-A.'i: .vjld be « t ATIIOMC Ml MM ORGANIZATION f*r t;xed ^|nx>! xet'x Fu- xv or Id he itt. but abo h'.s own m- »eu which »o much U sw.d at oraera tht: u ao pathe::, a. 1 \.\9i and hxsuti. thsviigh very litUe irept. tt emerge* *i farve I a* t.y eaxe :*f theater "1^* - S '■' gr- h;y or her kick* else, B:!J pm.. Cat:.of;. S.j, voivetr.aftt in ttu* xy-oild. or.iy .n-p.eanni 'Jung m a wert x* here Center. Sinxday Forum Finally, laNiuUuxT* rapid and m.ghi actually be k."o»n. wost^a't evea at'.anxpt i oe:- * An MtrmoA* ktatk xrws hUfw Variety Show, Too? Unions Picket Magazine Perform Govcrnnient Accepting 0 MucniPnii Appeals to Voters MSU Bond to Service Office Applicants : v f. v ter •• 1.0NH0V (TV—Prime Minis¬ j*»ic Macmlltart **id Thursday *»v is now clear for the ed fn torn tkm." replacing frer by and tiWims- dleetuwion and nemrt-la- At Saturday's Game WASHINGTON « fh —tntemat Revrhire service headquarters m«fiulfd Football far* will *«* * ISA-man variatr ahow aa well aa {sicketest Hmmday by ATI.-' Bow RCM-pllnir npi.hr,.,r ! «». Vs »r pummlt" and appealed to voters ronwmllvi rtrrlee h«H it was t'li) member* after a non-union from umlorirrinliintr t%» send him to ludh a t«»p ,r*rl innonnrraifiit of the lammll a aplrltnl Kama Saturday whan MSU ma«U the I'nlvaralt.v meeting with » »ttvng1y CVn* firm hrok over janitorial work for mrmbrmhlp in n, 1:. dale weald raw# before Briton* of Mich Iran at Ami Arbor. there •ervativa House of Commons vole for m new parliament neU The twnd mil travel to Ann Srtng of the Tfe^-ditd. appr>i« Al Coll-fr llonr,!. behind him. About a half do/.cn pickets, Thurtdi). Art** to put on the half-time prtately. a treo hnrmaiion. twlongtng to flic building ser¬ MUmmM!.'. In • campaign speech In tha show through the courtrsv of If the two parties finish In a "Hie clnatny number ulU lit¬ vice employes union, paced «»ut- CVfltMt offrr. h r'. Yorkshire city of Pudwy, the Old.vmobile division of Oeneral dead heat—-a« currrnl public erally l*e a "alam-banfer" as the aiiie tiie revenue service office* nln, (inn ot 30 tlur. t-,.J Trim# Minister declared: Motor*. The company has char- "We are ppptvwching thenKwt opinion sampling* indicate they drum f#ai»«m feature# the hand's They said they were striking a month on the tor it i huso* Which will leave the — dramatic moment In U* life ot Might — the small IJlvral party against Atlas Cleaning Service about 8 am. Saturday arrangement of "Cumaohrrw" MMMMAWII#. Futvpe and ef the wot Id since would hold tha balance of campus !m . a Chicago flrm flint return about 8 p.m. Behue the yame, the hand ¥ • war. W« h»r« now Bieceed- power. 1'n.ier the dtreel I on of Prof, will mareh on the field with ita Atlas t«*'k over tin* eleiifMng A t*vl WM la arrrplrj ,f - leonard Kaleiwie, the hand will "klchviop " T»>1lowing inirmiuo- Ji»h st midniglit Wednesday un¬ CVMate Beard wilt h„ m. ( der .» one-vivir contract Ihi- ■Igwiwawl deriai ihr m start it.* half time show with a tlon of Itrum Major William KIN8ST0R TRIO "curtain raiser." Playlivg "An* Stutter, the hand will preaent like the previous r«mtpactor. At¬ las dors not have an agreement gear ram ker no »dBM b* hrlp Vr 4. shiiuir, %ni , other Opening. Another Show," "Muskat Hamhle," salute Mich¬ with the building employes un- IwVreala. end (•> itsrrWg | the hand t* ill Mnn a stage cur¬ igan with an ' M" and Sta'.e CIVIC CENTER iam and rata# it. with an "S" fwrmation i»Ml tins w a* tlie first time such fl iiBliel eed ereatlw uum, Then, forming el« rewe. the r\en, oct. n r:no r.m. union picket line had been set for her assignor. r.,-^ hand will show tla deftne*a al Boaixl memlwr ma* -.irv trirky movement® m II swaye le l.fllH>r Helfltiuns Up at a government o w n c d turr fllanil life on hrr Plenty Of Seats Available the popular. "Swtnttn' Shep- building here But 'two '.s afe¬ rr gubtnil aid wvu ly (wsmeit buildings whirh h«*use At $2.f\ *2.10. I1JV5 herd's Bluer* Oltairntiiii \niiittl mamlv government oiTice* are teaiure, fiction e j: fOB BB8KRVATION'§ IHONR Tlir M H-MOR AtTt'M'Y Tor something sjvthal tn mu¬ twing picket est in cotmectmn Ideas for jhw.sIIvIc me Charles Noger*. gswwiate dt- IV sic. the 'Variety Show" wilt eon- ss if'i the same ]als.«r dispute with the Ivui.i'i special re»M.*r of Mtohlgan Stair l*ni. Imue A rcvenus* service ofTu-ia! said MSU INVils pox omrr ortv i t r m. o%iit \-er*it>'a tahnr and tndu*lrt.«l m orrangement of "IVvncianna ' - At'As told employes of the ore- l*ers of MademnUfllri ^ Relatnwia i enter, has been nam¬ ed etrairman of tlie t-sS»r tteta- vioys cssntm.qor they ss-oiiM lie hires! only if thrs asveptrs) a l 11. FIT/, Clnrrmonl. X II. Itntlor *n h» $1 an Iviroit aenior. Met n,^ uj The telectiivr was h>ade at tl a hour t'nion member* le-es-'sHl parllrlpatr to Ihr lirrrk |>ro|rrl (or • hi- fall, hrlpinc lltr land senior; slept f ^ir) grtwip'# annual meeting in IV- tip* propsvsaI and demandest that lihrHtr rrorroncr Ihrir lihrjii.t Inn.l^ lo »|trr.l rffirirnrt of West Caldwell. N Atlas sign an agreement w i',h ItN'li. uac lalv*r group Ihr nrn ninlrm. ('•liege Beard memVn \ lie was a founding member ot l*ntil altsMd two yoain ags*. eatne Ml imeni ihr \*9 q j the law seotion and has served cleaning of federal buJldmgs the •aalfMnent win a MM on it* governing cmiivet! and wag was done hv governmeot em- ilall- for llcforiii aatselle ()«eat lldltorshlg Ing v ehairman «*f tta pragram and plovm Rut the General Services (ravel !• New l»rk next J wotkahoie eommittew Administration the govern, 10 help write, edit *m i MAN VERSUS Rogers, who is al»f asvvtate profea»«r «*f personnel ®nd pn*- menv now farm* hs'usekeeptng ihiJ a gene* nvwt of bus Swainson Denounces (rale Hie A«g«*t < "fieie t dnotion administration tn the work to private enntractots They will be jvt » t«f. J College of Huatnaas and Ihiblu* A (ISA spokesman »atd Atlas Stale Senate Sct-l p •alary for their plus round-trip • h» trsru,** WEATHER Service, is »v\ tlie national iwitrl \«\*n the r**ntract h»r the revc. headquarteta »ob hy to New York cib nf arbitrators. American Arbi¬ nue service tration aassYtathsn. and the r«w. submitting the l«»wes' bid and PKTIiOlT ■ 1 *» A-inn' i. n k'hn Swaiuson called Thitri- While In Nf> Y»i WMsOsfrwwiairr It«wn fer of artsitrator* >\t the rehna! that the question of whefbei the »l.iv for tttt imnuHiuitp reform of the Stale Si'itatv. claim- Gucat Kditor bOrrv •- rity in her ch-wn t>\ . » -,q Mediation ami ConoiUatlvvr ,sot- rompanv was unionlftsi did n.d enter info the a*sar.t ing it I'i'pfp.Hi'nls Mi» htgait a* si wa* in 1 fash am work bam ~r vioe. so a .S-a mrvi.'US mm. al aaiiflaa aaali- ?■•* \i« \ u dliams m ofTices, ntore* and »:\c tiaaa, ha Mill *4»it.a hit agencies, aiitl w..iw» « art la •*•>* iham- Soph Picked I, "N N> Momona- iwi-M." At the the Mate F.m- Ruttding Ih'1'.Mt Vet- the »ign«Ni. editor to wlr* 4 1 To Attend Pair i , . inAa-nat^ al miafall, hishir GOOD LUCK sw.uiiMin presiding orticer »»f laeutenatlt Cloy- for further the College Rtturd imwhmsinllsinmkn. A wqibitmor Msr ■: . Set.a', .i nor. said sen.-if.'i - in t»oth jwr- Madnwalf lie. y; < » nue. ew York JI NY. •also SPARTANS! among 4-)l i':iit) c., no iv top tanking ;■ 1 .c i,. wi > <• Vh«- 'r»»ut«ie he. . f ;w»*««|ja! friend* not with the the senators, hut your name to M'** ltrae» Women's mvbiioti. M.idri*. s reprosr!.! t u'-ii: . Amer- .-*• • f-inciure «•< the Scn- vice*. Fxclunirr » . Bag Hefflercustom snot "ORAVANETTE" lea lute IV. at . (a the Fir*! Imiis. f be iv. World Agncul- i Idoy ' . Nt • fv ■ s.,!,« e "Mu-htgrtu * j-iesi-nt of i.ic one l'rof. I'caliirctl It*. BAST cn MVKR ON' Till'. CAMI't S a frb. 14. 181,"' i tv. t g ive cue 011 New Scric* * ' itfer'Nfiieilint Me ,* irnkiianil Th.« «>' l w • . i'Vik'a »i Cniffii For cauc IV efaie «i • r''.*»e-,i • iU < >\\ ,1 II- 'Piano Profile* • Oe tiKlni IS TN nominee* fi • . U at*te The Mu. if depv1 'he popi^ation l.ont-Loaline Thcs w«»ic na.i'ivl f. •v ex ■ uouuoed th.* tvn i"'.r f McDonaUlt Uon.ll p.I MiM. aeries "Pia-v P* ■ > Urn,' ■hip quail!U*. g*H«i ciu?en> ,. cast over WKAK * ■ l*i I s t« lien;, n»5r.»! - !-w 4 :1 II hut I hi ) mi flu Henry lUrru. * t ;">>< IT>e,'vs<, ■ othel - ' ■•■U ... *or of lhano at MA: an.I » ;i!ei'u.nvnev! la » •' II Iii'ii l.iullt* f.u ffllf'! The progra.i..* i» At t> e fa.- the 1 tunxi sta'cs east «t 2 3d ntn s...,»U,s »«■ H. 1ST CIS t" Thr w;,l dem<«n#tia four nun* aeaivh and pr».iu> i.o:. . ;• ... Harris w-ill also ct>nn»Ndue wit lodav'i 5 IN rear Ing the contribution* a'.otn • u e. •- i, He-v aie aflio *»f th«} first of the Mun.c eberg* and nviiketmc MSM\WIWVWWM*WAVVWW\VSV*W^WA faculty eon.eC' H.- . yi\\, J diess the gin'- ts seheduleil h»r 4. »! If^ ii.'fii in toe Music t .* W' ch SO d»- I i»n'k |i>r Ul« Harris is we.i kwi J -o ^ , brilliant )viani.*t. He ha* w»io quently a* a p:vp'- am r- I lim/icrj. IIII'II I7JII tla aoUuwt and is * hn ili'il To ( im/rrrm f iwr at tht^Nauon-, Mjo** f Interlochen. 1\ ■t v- Anvone between I? and 3() "Piano profile*' 1 j»gf i-*n uttend a cdy- wide range of par.» • ■, > u'.i eoniitettve Oct- 10- I run 1 criabra'^l . -w. <•** i Uwr Uiae camp tiear •itiona to seldom-ne»M :••• •• .... ,»v*Tdmg to Shirley piepces Harris *> f»* tioermg. home econumiea e*- Include* several " ti n-v...,: agent m iiHiUim vvun- aittoiu often ttujlief »'4 ? t». formed by piano COMING ATTRACTION OCT. 24 - QVIC CENTER TRY EM TODAY Thm'i s ww Ustr trr.,i at McDonald's... a special cbrnr nude from a goJ Chrddart.,. ME1KU' pastcusurd n.i procc>»rJ by Kraft Foods... rspedslly for McDonald's Chccscburgrxs. When things get too close for comfort* ^■V-AN Another McDonald's exclusin in good rating. Taaty, tanp aged Cheddars . . . grilled to , ' ' ' .■ perfection with 100? pure beef.,. served i your best friends won't tell you. •« ■ 4 cncqimmll... snuc ... piping hot on a toasted bun. Try 'em today at but your opponents will! AbM macs ruts... mould? McDonald s. The only place you caa get them 1 **u mkmcm*. a mcu foi f in town. • OM SOf Net PwSaiaw Mm* yo» lO*. MtT«i...rOltfMUlTOr •vs. oU-defprewclWi »S«l*tt«. ■'.{ St I __j J s •• f- • lawawRl«.laOi*L I i • laa«r*«n aarayaOaaw i w ^piw nn wiiewg www cwl nmy. ~-T * 1 i or# grooiy -v- | 1 ' i H* drive-in with the arches ■« . 1 EAST LANSING Tv» Blocks East of Briny HiR %' - r "\ Sirel Strike longest MH IIKI VS' IMTf vrw* Collegian Breaks Seeiirily, in.hr 1. in. rut ri»» Dines Willi klmisheliev Striking Workers ('LEAK LAKE. Iowa i/p> An Iowa College student said I'iikislhii laii'iiliiMi Mnvi'il tjipilal Over Million Mark today lie mingled freely with Premier Nikita Khrushehev K AH Ac Hi. Pakistan I' Th* -even lunched with Huasian seeurily guards--during the t 'luli'd States wil! bimUI fliu*h a Soviet lender'* visit to the stale without lining asked hi « V>ltlN<'tTON <4*t—Thr nnmly *lrikr' i.« utinwtol (<> luir Mwrisl lH'von.1 mm ' ! d'»Ht kfiou U'lui they flo¬ mi h tr'i'i and ...vui'itv w >"• this 1 ijittid ,IH nf Huki-'au ** •* ured 1 wu«." Mild t'htick V i-.i lU'n tlii* tfMi! We walked "t nil I v I n*t 1 lilt* is tliat the i.tfial ' Tin \ hf'ilnd thc'in and then c.iih- "ift'u-inl fitturr* wcrr lurking hut rt-li,.I.I.- ..mrrr. mint t*urv. it. of 1 heat Lake mwr asked Thev mm! tun« Kill".*' fotlt Wi'il \i-v •v lug atv.n TI,.it-vim morning'* .»»n>rl»r wulkmit of .lorkuork- thougtit t u us »cMiie»»ne tmpoi' "Wt Ml nl the Idissiait sei-nr The in' . eehi lm rr M»1 ami gulf f'Uiat port, I In- alrika-caiiaml ant " il« .iceiils lahle anil ate wllli ei nmdut hi fting. t Ins* P*»t million mark l>y a cri-v«tivr Klutuirv and ano»her J. vvan Iheni shunt afterwards t'hrls Ihes. t,.n \t* "d .lark ('hrtstrnseii. "!». ot fhoi'i Khan. I" the iv pmtd. man*- *!nkfiv triismi w a* dUeto ered anil r* tunning fin ton. rfnstied jei-uritv tines sin - iiliiHiiti, run 'I: north C ,j ,alreiutj were month* lounduiii tlie Communist h" eiirted nut I remained and n •! iiMMf 'rf an.i tvniM n »«. in the1 «*«•:. meat- United d.iHii, • r «M,r rna;-~ wot imtieed " "1-lr. »<"» •"'! I* !**'-» during Ids live- lioui visit at t o ahiiiit t-,tHin ni'l H.m a F-n, ...»Btr lio«\vel| (iarst imn upai i'oo'l Mu Iti .In ti am ti" -..rial livluatrim .. Kt.'-'iur; ■ l rvtnrst »,. »|HWt ttiipldi. last week 4 *. 1 i 14*141' siHd hi- .1.1 rCHmrt* a isue • minimum, Chrtatenaen. who m* |»hnto i l.t i- '. li- foi .1 ! • M iii ' P.iUi-tai , thP ui i.l ra.h of »>••:• «htV tin "v are ju*t a ..t.M. mil- 4teji#-iiiI.a 1 \ III man v~ p..■«:! .mlr. ovpt thr n« lltlrnf '• 'it; iujj «hare> »•? SOVIET PREMIER Nlkila Khrushchev Vnilkmo nlrpurl Srnl. »S aflrr his l«rl»r si on* 4 eh *■<"•« hU palled In Kliriishrtie*. ll.1Sill.l11 tlm Ian Hie ••ion .■ 1 »•• • •uneii.le.f a . ' a , ,, v .. * r.ampl*. wvrr.1 Aulwtai''. a: :\ J " »;*.•- 1-4 wmfs to the rrowrf which met him at I lie , «'"> "f . 1 , > >• . I..I *hl. "ill. - .lor, .State t m i i" ■ Hi a! Am.- 1 culm,; K 1 .4. in iin' Ui'iii'"- 1 .,„u«n! minis, h.vr I**" alt# l*»r |tbi nffl air • national niagartn* this week. Kl'.htiiv said h« ch.i'ted w * he ni.im Iji.. nf i,t gt*»gra ,»■ > lUn-h in • mm-h m- Vl4V .lt,J tu4r, dunaU in K«>lu. k>- , Saiiir Old I,inc KUIhuv tidd the Assmhaud a -m'Uiity agent jilnuit tnr t»*. i-r.Mi.HHin.'a1 ..n- defense t*n**.a Thm silav tliat when h. Inns nf glial cling thr |*teuui'i started out w't 1 I'tiristenseli 1? ■Hi** 1 ">• "rn" Or ('luhmmirii Chinese Foreign Minister nist to see the Premier . a. ttr rrmfimlnf rlrrl .Iraratr i« is t. l. H. HO. w"» *" "« lie sunt llirv wen not ijti s. lui 1MW rfr«Or**'" .rr & I. 0" *•»* 'T1 Srr Trosli tioi 1.ved 11*11 hi 44I sis-oiiiv the filfin untii thev hi introducing . . . „ „ N«I1 M M^lflr. T*" —'''7 — *•»*' «"• WA*ttt\«.n'N n ' • i r««u Calls .S.U War\alion thr "We had a sernrtt* t»l* rlear o* sliouted for the head nf serurlt* through aimt at We ANDRE'S I r.-,. , v kmgKt of th* hi i Phil• I ' ■ ,1 \tl>S» . I\V Ihst 1'hin.t « U«« » '«*' wm,M • | 1 !> * -,| | 4hk . h'lli . mluvt tut hp tll'-i-: ' »• rote lIlslMlld and thr on' the*'re part nf the famtl!*.' ,-t .»•*%•* t n<-f«hrt«ittnii rtnr*. tiiMi.i' tu-tit HgaHik! Ainr-<• jMiptliOl "We went to thr house vvtie'e o .i ' - m ts" Went. Kenn#vs»t». • . , to* ■e W *' r »e»'|.|ition vv.i'- held and Hu n I —A-eerto«n ftmolting \\r% v. v. rn. ! lit' I'heii plrdited ttiat thr C '• • Hi te-ined fou .1 refle.'.-. to a lent where reftv linteli's •*i peuwlVdC* «re "m iwn;*"**1 wen- ■ cm- giHtule ' togettier tv itti ' 1, ,ilc our party of rmetumaiv weie reived I he dignitarie: RECORD SHOP V ft'.* prmlucer* a!Tnt«>i. ai Ar'.fni 'ii4«.'.«M nhitiph Willi t!if" hiieei'li 1 ' .or Soi'ialfd rn'iip tevt In ' ■. is... gi'ok, \ iew > " K no- hi lev. Uatge (Am- \l,r» Cia" ?d.00tl idle in •»f f»V» fh.-nii... SikU.i K'u lolii'hev Sovie' thiinn." wmild ttni,— tVng nnmiHt tuitie of thr op- t..i . .40 'i Hem v Crthoi I*Hlge e,e.*#rri'io metal*. {•■ pint; •. (m v., ... In l hi nit!''-• 1 • toixt .\Mirrimn jmiIii «•- ... .'v-u leaders w o ,4<'eoui|Mtlued the IMimhiii \V lip rp miii will find I he largest selection of re , St.it'.M r; 'IM... M 1 .1 *.. i - 4 • l'i ev.hpik' Kl*eiilii»\\ ri »«• life is our of tlie ei«tipUnii I, M»«UH. mr V.*** ll'iil v.TH.trer. w re.• :v 1- 5-.1 . ... .»• I'-- ttrsi^st'i • i| tVtMillK Hi acHiisi them 1 eotded music in Michigan. A complete slock of 1 *"•»• * I-" k*" t'he 114iI gtiiup e raj*.'. • ti — -t r f t » jiva tein.i',i.'li.i' trip.ui' *m i»f right Stereo and III-l'i is alwity* hand, t ome in . • tlrlk. dim M l 1- on IM m m\ vMUlia ttmen tti-s >i».u •1 a lis \ In* drive , , "The I'n 'iM Vatic I S' ttr* **t 11' p»l< * l>oi tunitii*A m luuh-ranking iipiitr nut I*.**' * aide of Mi NEWLY OPENED and Ictouse around. We are open Mondav and A*a*r '.ve'id worker* Co * 1- ■ iie.j. i-n n.irs i» tvii' piilt't, ret rr'.* T/r- Ihltig told 11ip.urnn tea ii' ran " * rtvev a month in . us» t 11 >MIN 11; opposition m thr i'1*111 hi 11' 1; /cr « neillrr die if* thr of I'a tv of Ur.I i 'una In >«• 1 rJ«v> fu» «re« n«*rt'i to u •' • s • ' " v » ' e, ■r.' t ^:.»He ll ntllli •l.*' " re- .4 pi. ' of 'hr party pump.'1 'm D*'n*ih v'.nrvjiler t'orii -s.d lit IM I III» i , .■ j». 'i t '■ VARSITY BARBER .. . . I rr.** •' «"* T« uviUirg. Ohnv tss-'i , .1.; Ml • : 1 • to U. I***1 u'v |*vrtnim Teng Its . • I I urn/ilrtr l.inr of l.iHlrliiint I'lriinurr *'i-l halt a'tn«>-. Mil id Oil- I* 'ig »aul fir JViptng regtinr oetri lulled t*• rotittnue U>»' < • iiitemotjee operations '•»- j , fJ . ncindmr poxtuetion oi t ie • outte itrmiitiflx «vx|eip tti.it Ue-pllr iipjnn.it!.., it la1 atMiidonr. SHOP JAZZ POP !>*t** t^rt C4ir**ier »•»- \\ iuiH'ko Presents Film rm. i ttie ••oniMiniira nuiao'id.r ai'ne 43.000 of 1U .'I gi-i •e*s)ueti«,n n**rk*r* w»U h# peasant lahot |ti eomniiHO' >• UToivmuMs w \n. vttt.i: DANCE run under tnsir nulitaty rule l».. a*? .'t *ven atates. (AM. i n T-'ffl' 1 % «»ll ka» palanltatly Wk- itftk* U Uw l»«4aj «W "Kniiianiir in Andiloriniii \V rrs king of fiailithuml fuiuu WESTERN CLASSIC ana* 21 Ml M.A.t;. | PMPMI •' S maMmaker* 4 new and «•••!<-r- Ititfde nit MfNiivt, Fart Finding t fiwiri. Al- riiet','.it\ at',• trawl fi. n ' h, \ eti>v4 !)«vi» and i ai - Ilry, Olijrr. I'riip. II il * rt'i'tirtli'tl . . . It's al . . . i imut dim ho M Wiiliwi- lm affrrn im»ni glaaa eeaiain »\i iki-e-eivtiNi to til t.iun.rTi W.4I i K a 4 •. Team Arrives j r praUorlmn ««rkrri. A In \orlli lam* ANDRES ' • i ■ aiie«d> suffer.!'s *' I -.. - 4 t.1*»tVH(t ' 4 Jill ll llll IIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIItlllllllllllllllll llllll'I'IMt 1IH1II-I1I111IIII.I1III H ' It" .ft-' ar.al O'lm Hit r i«e4ti :• • fi-.i SAM VltltA 1 Ulna I \ CN j * . • i « .rr .v.ntent due to ie ■ an i ■ i fart'lindillg tr,... r earned !' 'del .1 I hums Life" 327 V W VslllMilOV l\ 'l-'l 123 4U.I 1 ".lm nort'u-in | i ' »•-*«•. ft '.-teed Ui 4'.. a* a 3 .> C «••• pi oiitleiii -ui 1 oiiUijtvi i.er" a.' f"n*ni frt'-fih: :.1 or a- .lie' :o llefeuse tieodituactei 'niu'wiat Zinc Aluiiiiiized •e It*. Uile*t hie j, -v j: e #.'r 11*4 foi an iMi-liir ,*»! inv«*stigotio.t | A . a i>-rv a • a j. if -i* u«a% tir.ke TJ.UI*- . < Hue" 4 *> "te car '«d « - of alleged aggrtI « , * oiiarmr.tu »evei.i'. Ho-na na'- fuunist Norttj N'n- 1 .1- r .-{ tne tphmg jn- I'lie teem blueprint ' US' iaf rtf the tlUTS* . iea>tifw and rta*u - III IK lift! \ VHihll l- !!.a! 4**1 ,4'ei! \i lt.h .' * oiig Norj||».i 1. •».«; • ,- .. for the ■ ■ .. . \ vvmii.k . ' ,.>■ th* (»•'' Muilidii, lifie!nl tin :ei' «»r* d o Invitvn Battle lr.i\a V of of ne*>i»en to iliaigt*. tltU-i \ l*v» I to Nam w 4a refugees tin 1 Villiin l'N .«* o«Nt. Hr a raU.o iieei prvalucer. twtra* . a*. va;i«-ut the North town Vlelnamese A'i'i\ tioi. ovf "ir i«n i future . wnier rxpituer t ominUiHst . aploii-d I'Nrn -> VATIOXS - A gratluatt of fJie l»s Uie Hoy a I Ann* ' R-'».>>n. «»' and a A t'N *j*»ki*j.Pi.«n si t f.r a t?-S. delega * o Owonikioti 1. tin.1.si msun \t i\ ran \ ... i!»s aiie.id w»'i plan.* to ftv kne K"Hip ' I* KRAMER AUTO PARTS i Puhpian* amhaasa- • vi i .'.g I let «n<1 Sarn Ten Nam |t-* <*? |trt>g»nt and nnle ciir>- Ma m ':*e ' " * • private diftiomaUe Vaiie.v, .1 repute*! »ugu;g .oWhat turn hir tf»e Coiiintifi;d |*.i*ne' 1' lai" leta'U on Ito 1. V.i JMMM:. kai VMAZCM* I\ 1.1335 ^pine diplomat. iy- nainesr lander » HiittuttititiiiH tun titnutnniHiiHMiiiii'iH*uuutiiH»iiuiitimiiiiHi. ' Guerrero, wiapped 1 ). | ■- * r ■: Ko.wrMtam «-aa reaeut- i'r "A fdipiuo dares to f * arvj talk Mck »t» hun - r.jr:r»oiii statements by ffc" v<. r«r.«u*g dkplomata of < 1 Jr.rndiy cvuntnes was SMCE, MISSILE & JIT PROJECTS *' r ' •'•ersnatn of a heoteh Wadoaaday to be- AT DOUGLAS e.n. i—r»u id Guarrern', have created outstanding ** behavior v*i *-arni- ' «- rude and '"ad-.uma of hia country « denial of cureer opportunities for L*7V'n 1 tkava aa abidui# F*ak»p " SCIENTISTS and ENGINEERS l.8* **' *"< >• '* m« Marat* »r r-ia*aa In any c- :1 "an la a man jwunx with or working on advanced degrees 1 • « k t» W , my aoe." tUAar'.- Cutnara 44. ) TfMilvr and hpave vehicle Mrue lures - A*MgiHiM«itA irn ludi rolat mg t» mi.sr.ile tie- following Stroctoroa load*, arwaa; - relating to cyclic temperatureeffe* t», and the 1959 tor JXeaths Pi nrt DDbdi—I—-ft luting to all investigation of new matcriaU, method*, product*, etc CAREER typM of Control prolilcinN •*'1 Father's" Nl—wl» >y»f m» - relating (oall AwNv—mln - relating to. wind iypM of guidance. doUitionL con¬ tunnel, research, atability and trol and communications control ItrvvisTiQLl in _ Tha Propolaloo - relating to fluid - Phyiio - relating to 7'*»» •*■ n-.l thair «f 14 chUdran. Mair mechanics, thermodynamics, metal nurfacoi and fatigue and# in Uka Of kiwaiMMk dynamic*, internal aevodynamio CARNIVAL IMIt, rr ,• Jt *•*" a Z+ corwtag'f jury 1 iX af *fc- —v r hi—sd Hundial Of Two Minds conditioning. pruanuiicaUon and oxygen ayntema I-relating to air ing a vaat range engineering ululla k — at all type*, involv¬ of acientific and H!: '. | il W «*i U 0. Otf fuN luff iitel ton «t OaUIMalal*—aaral ir-'-f' PERSONAL ON CAMPUS INTKRVIIWS I 11 - 1 4 fi H HE, DDT. 23 IIMON BUG. , Til a 1 " -•*—*• jm*m an< *•* » *• «•*«. * "4 mtm We urge you to make an 1 If you cannot do bo, pleaae write to rvepreaenh your placement.« ■i.Ilorallkaarara'CaraCaa . ..rapS* MM*««k**e- C C leUa— Staff Auutant to VP Engineering ;■ ; ;t ■> l|J UV-S.VLU III! - ~i KX A-COLV mirri .xc conrvsr SNN Of — TASTI y DOUGLAS AIRCRAPT COMPANY, INC. 9000 OcMin Park IM., Santa Menka, Calif*rn in Od. 5lh & Hi : ■ ■ V #'A 'T ftiraw kaau. Michigan st%tr vrnn r«» six Decker SiMirlati Harriers Meet Kalamazoo Meet October ?. 1434 Eagles Start Three ~ Fledglings « « Picks Top For First Cross-i* a tn.» i".*»eh Buck sha* dt*cK*i«M \ir*ta* In K.»lftina*«n». competlnn In the M),h.S4n Of n**k.c» \* ill start for She l*hii- Rde'ph ia ttaglc* Sunday in their th.it the F-iglo?.' No J draft choice. ,? \> Smith from Rice, Grid Tilts AM' However. MSU l« unattaeheti members cttteie.l as „ v. Coach Fran lv, \.i'n'!ui Football 1/sigue game w'.U do at tvv of the offensive hut n* here with thr Now York Wants. tackle spot*. Tom Decker haa a ayalem Ptrferml lhl» method became nf tack , nuatc practice Team* a* well a* tiitatfacl.,i for picking winner* In foot, trie* mav compete In the Mlchljjan A At' EXCLUSIVE! hall games. It'a not the old Nineteen Spartona. *evnt M whom will cool hnnchea or hot tipa aot. mi* toni trarall*. are entered An*aB| »* I'anA TwMf HenwHr. wtnnr. »( x, STARTS SUNDAY lip on which moat grand- them AA and IC4A Hllea Uat pear. aland prognoatlratora o|ier- Other* are Hub take. Hill Reynold- r.. ate, hut a mathematical rat¬ Smith, (leorite Tatu. Clayton Ward. Jrrr* N . ing. Fd i*»raydi»n. .!»"» Ilnratt. JacH Cttm-ell n...„.. Decker. .m Indianapolis fresh* llond. Hill Hredeitbeck. Hryah Castle «i- i man prr--ne.| major who would Fitch Their performance* this weekend *« : - ^ ' murh rather play ba.*kctl*a!l d,.elite w ho will be in the seven-man * i . IS FOR J than f.*»fball an* day, spent t\v*» ink the season years i1vv«*loptt\g hi* rat ins aya* Five freshmen me entered also The* m, >; , . BAUDOT: tern, whi.*h n^ictw each of the nation* t.»p 50 teams a tna\J- It urn banter. Jim Murray. Orlln l.ar*on. r-., x Wea\er and Kary I-adv. mum t»f !(H> points. xamr leant* entered In Ihe meet are Hr*irfn IMints ate aw.mhst aeeor.tinij Mlrhtian la«l year'* winner; Fa.lern Hlrhlna ptY* ea'a.vi potetttu' sootm«j Central Wtehtfan; Howling Itreen. Chleago ff»fi if >ou arr tra«rl- to, IIKHK'S TIIK HOY to »»lrh Saturday rn.t stalt*ti4-:»* *u1t!vx .eek- yi-.u "vartnt:* >?her second to MSI' m the nationals. Two »•? • in the MirhiganMimmirl game la«t Saturday. Michigan er tells its hatner* front Western. Art Evermde and lo»l on a MM minute npectacular Inuchdnnn |>a*«. hj a Afler ratine the lop .M»—for will ho ct»tn|>eUng Satutdi* AND FOR eecnnd string quarterback. The game ended 2IM.V example. Northwestern rale* lop I ATT rORHHV KKWNmir o» and Irl l>er Weuggea/er. There are twa* division* In the weekend -M. Ihla week with IM, 1*1 •ale frarn We«lern Wlrhlian I nlverxllt will he senior dlvisi.m. for all but freshm.-iv . , AlcKae i« preaently t' of Al'a leading ground gainer, lie — ■ ■-* i. |...iHi,| mil «-i-i rwi| n mvithvi, The •eraml with t»*. ele. — he ran twa of the lap harrier* eomprllnr In Ihe Wtehl«aii four-mile trek The Junior division, for frohtrr.. haa a total of M tarda in 1.1 try a. plrk ant tamr helween rated A AI meet Thl* will he Ihe flr*l malrh of Ihe miles. •♦wltcktu,. ImH Okluu. i> tttr* «• BnMw^, NT NOT 1ASMWU leant* b* eomparlni number*. %ea*en far Ihe Spartan I'm** Country *quad. V IK* f SHOW WON TO y rw — *%r %m» nith the Spartan* nwini STATE tki Tom jT"*'* BARDOT NOW - I.AST TWO *1 n • ir i m r w HAYS this weexrn.i asam*t Mtehtitan and al*'1 ttke* the followitV|{ N'MihwrMrrn eter law a Ohio Slate Meets S. California: PQ4N» WH4T tl» POM HIT IN a womomn 1 The laughter the hsppv ti» w rit rim the loving "f * wtnt.1t 1*1 ater Hatlar Arm* otrr llllnot* Nwlre Hame ater I'urdur Seeks to Re-establish Preside Michigan State t.* Tesa* A A v (letttnon eter I.ear a la Irrli (ui fi .t m titr.ii n i l rRTON. jk ?fi4* str«»ngi*»t college ixinference North west ent over Ok'.a Na*> ater *WI t»h.o Slate. .» prrrtutiai f*x»t- ft**tn top to l*cdt»tm. manage*! t«* amt lt»wa over A'alifott- . *, nil ater I I'l-A >** only four of srvrn games !»«;; pA*n ill the H'.g 10. nvks ** Te%*« ater I'nl the only lUg li) wtntin* , RANVN...ANOHII to re-«*tt.tt«U*a the >lnjlttiv dent¬ aka.n*t iMiUtde h*rs last week¬ Indiana ater Winnrmata big way. MILL IT DROMDNT ed p!a**tigr of tha' i**n?eret*.-e end Tw.» of th.vte were sqneak- Texan ChrOtlan ater Arkan«ax p.might's clash on • # WHIM IT I tonijc'd when it itte**t> S> iVim 14-1T 4»ver Ihtke and Angeles C*»ll»eutn tur' \\ is,s.n*m IK-14 over Stanford l"aidi*tn:.t at I >* Angeles become*" fhe scene <»f th-' W NOW.., ; Michigan lost to Missouri. Sh It All til • Yui^itv Heads • m The Hig IP. whtcit take* ;*r tie in c«mir&tcd reputation a* Mmneaota to Nebraska and. Series tm Sunday, i* »vv last o|*portuniUea for u; Ciftrl-aVC*,* , ti\int h* make a atning *•■ ■ > . •«4 COw • IamI S(|iui(ls against an Ohio State 1* at fu'l v outxide ; _ with tlie return of qiiartr-D#-. NTT U4N TOW »ONM4 . . in TOO MUCH now TNI M In Years Pasl Jerry Iheld, hurt in t: P IV *# game. ft4TVtf 4N0 IT t 4 04SSI* W't.'e t certainly wtMildn't he pnyxr '• s»v tha; Spartan tar- Xoulhem California. ««nmili Mtt atblr'.u- t*. a nnmlvr f far weal dee. hreeied m ti-.e fHM. hr* do hold titttinjuish- PtlUhurgh tS-a hit If Mm. a t\t re. '.is f r active setvioe .»n defense tliat Manked I'm fur the t .*•-*!"* tcene. the first time In 24 year* likrh V»- , si, t r-» hate hern a: will five the Bnrkeyes trfit*. MSI' •»»- ■ <-vrr 25 * rMt« Ha*e- tee. xllOWN TONHiHf U i*-4 r ».v •• JnJv K.-tH ha* been FrMny r..;'' . Also on the • 44 %\|» i# 44 a: M • htsatt State at nee the old .whe»lule are West \ .rrrva i «( M » \l\*. IIMI X -Till HI UMKV t»Pf» %t i tt «s4 • M A. .< « venr*. ttin'e tiolf — — ."dVA» *v SttHM? * • ■ • h Hen \ an AlOytte en.1 t Verge Washington. KiVkx •l « I! i iw *NAI«.MT\ 1.IRI " 1w»ce it tr«Axw. at I»etn»tt and Funnan a'. • mMOW|\«; mm Ui — *%t • : is -i.l ri. o» no *w %wr- at.* and ii>-nna*tio* * oa. !j on the sharp pawing of Fd H v. «tl noill tl %TI M * — t MbnNOM from 1 r M IN AMI » 3* ton use Stf;*ii'a and IM l>itrc- f .»l*es to end W-*--. Vitrei i UU l>»* (M Itin# Ifcrotm at f t.% « J ^ - I II h ' and former Teniup v*M.h atrmg of 29 atraicht Souther 1*m*T Mia fk» Ixerllcnl Pentram' Trartk Herman hate 12 year* Conference vietone* H;ne *u turned c*»nferetve player .v I'rvktah!* the real "elder week"after pitching *P' an 14- 4 *'ji:ih.i'*iV' «' the athiet-v fie- victory over |kwh«r. \V«vt V .:*ar-" »nt * Hu*ine*« Manascr ginm ha*t r*»ugh going m a iy 1 Krmndijc tvtu» ha» been ueriakui over HKTutvdtai. here 40 years. Pistons Tilt D\LR';de\V;ii: fc*CC0*O WO**. ITICK THORNTON, Nortliwpwtpm I nivprallv quarter- hack. Ihrous • H- haliind rralrr Jim AaSraOli furiag In Lansins uorknut at K.aa«lnn. Ill, for game with I**a Caivenilly CT-HUNF Saturday. Nortkueotera «as rated No. 2 ia Ike aatlaaal ►loading- of Ihe Aaaociated Prew foil after they Seftate* Saturday STARTING TODAY! Oklahoma. 4S-IS. A pair of gtandoui twake^* • em wtio ruae U> ilanhn a *' Big 10 mum to the Un*t area Saturday night »--er. w Detroit Piston* and Crvt-TftaV Royals meet in a specul ,*r- aedann National BaaketteH At* !k>s8y Moore Backus Lawns at the Ovic aviation geme tor at i p.m. Jack Quigf'.e. fctrrr.er SiW'* back court aur. an.i Deaa. twice named Mo* v* -* •Me In the Waetem Cor'.tw atule at Indiana U. » - ^ J unifbrm with the Quisle is making a wnrte tag Mi to break lnu> ikt MBA aftor a back injury art fail KCd kim aarly n the 1 bona training. Decs pU^ed » 3 Cinrtnnali last season tad •• to Dtoroit in flln •• La^natod a« the •'hari-ato* type Mayer with all a* aary aaallimrtnoi so perform* toe NBA. Qoigglc ha. :«** Check Bad Backa'i nod HMw"J*ulfj»cg Imk •£ gmmn.- myt ** • rmiOj • J trim, he *« » Mfec sur clO." m. »o' OMSO UBSBART- RAOUt WINSTON MILLER IcavitoiuK C»4i.i.tLort tnvoMONCMu* ^ mm. u» .WMPLllTJUl- »t. 14} ■ 4:11 . Ml 4 1444 r, ■t Wesley Sets Ground Breaking Hayrides, Dances Head iiwinjj ((round brrnkitig rerrmnnir-1 Society CONNIE ZEKIT Bright AiiIiiiiiii Weekend SfH'IbTV fcDITOK f«»r th<- iifw WVlov K»wii'hilloit Orlohi r J. IR.VF STATK NT:WH Pair Kit HI While mnnv HtixleotH will l»- truveling i» Ann Arlwr A.rand Tau Omega Hapi-I m,,., MnrxhHll i; Hrtsi. MethodM I his wi'i'k-i'iui tn support I hi' Spartan funtlmll toiim. tin- balding will lm cfimliit'l«hI Its cimnus will hi' fur from empty. Several living units ntul l.ynffa llnpkrtis KAm ttllT\ lllshop of Ihr Drtroit Kpise«»|»al the cornir of S llarri't.n and Religious Groups Sehetlult iirifunizHiions have planned nctivitlcH for the mtfl.-tl net. lor. tu H.I Mi"-! Srvrr- Alpha Kappa Alpha will hold •entor and Dei p;,.. a dance this evening frum R-t^ S/u'eiul Activities, Meetings Tin* flit HIT Mrlhudr I S'-lth lit couple. {'chirr n! MSU will I'otiliii.i :i at the American Ijcgion Hall. Sigma Alpha Mu will hold an ""■My Ktryy Sue Pmtlr. rhaprl. pni.vri loom1-. l.iungt", Memhen W Alffha Ntrma rhl open house Sunday evening in .frwi«h High Holidays n Hie the K ilhklidlrr Rnnni at the Th. riitt It-ii'l Ifiilr! Foundation is holding F- it'iiti.' will huUI their Sunday ophomore. i . 'it w - > ■" ehapter tinuM- Nalurday fVfti» l.djari ttl to th«- t tnipir. \t II) llosh Ilitslionah services at H th);. • nfftiiiK f'tr wnnblp nt I" t5 inc. llff.l I'ofitinn ()/«•« fa I •taint- i M'l'vr nor of tin* it ; ;iotr i vi-ning in the music auditor¬ H.ttt in C'tltfRf House Future m« Nn lU t-frl i'iHT yrou|i:- "ll I.it i■ • 11• i" ium Saturday and Sunday scr- p'.m.v i r fpl1uvv»hi{» will be f11•*- Preeinet * of Emmons I lab Any mate ytudent living in r \ it'fs will bo at ■ 0:30 a.m. In the Wednesday at planned a h tyride at R to mfn'n residence halt wh<» is in¬ ,.u Tapping M-'thotli>i Alumni Memorial {'hajml. , (l serf Mt B tun I,'H Orchard Si has flight at Wottf!ward's farm Chiiirniitii.|ii|K i Tltr faixt terested in a |e».|tion as F.\e«U« In the Swing." I'nion Hfwird i*' »•••••«)•• . Member* of ||llle| Foundation Petltlf n.f IV" l M Chnii it i> planning to nol.i .» Members of Gamma lVI#a live Secretary of Mcn'i Halts , plan « buffet supper at tf Nun reennl dance, wilt be field from THIS ARCHITECT* VIEW of the new We*lry CminHv miMrtuarv and rduratlona! huil.l•• -• ! meet ;»1 Martin Futher Assn. contact Don Sherwin. *hips are «va. Htjl day evening at Nlllel ha pel at B this evening ft»r a f»-1 j p.m Saturday for ail stu¬ lion building «hmrn Ihr modern trends IncnrfMiriiled in file t Cohrourst dents ArtmiMlon is 7.1 cents per A32B Emmons vHvenuer hunt unit. The building *ill inrludr ninny ttrrvirrN, "You'll Ilka -On (liintpiiM Oar CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Welcome Back Friawlly DKAItl.lNFS: I p.m. Day Itcfurc and Fri. Editions. Piihliralion for Tue*„ Wed.. Thurs.. Sarvict" Hills Payable s-12 and l-.'i Monday through Friday - Itv CON NIK ZKKIT- SUtF Nm Swirl. t'lUlnr KID 2-1511 EXT. 2hi.*. lli rvrryho.lv! This l« Connlo Zrkit, thr new Stale New* society islitor. After yuur graml stimrnrr of working, piny • lOOphn OCTANE ETNYL AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING REAL estate log or rvrn squwiing in those few extra rmills at summrr school, 1 lioin- you ar* nil rrn.ly fur nnotlirr liiif year nt Mpln OCTANE NEOULAR IIG IREAKFAST IONUS ROOMS MSU. GOOD - •"• r df" an.l \\> nil want to hear nbout the now nml exciting linp|ien. I'rndurl* of Ihiw Chemical Company known Iff; CHEVROLET • •» 8 * ' 4 o. FRESH • SPARTAN latui* !•"»■ hl.uk HALL-APPROVED JH.l frtttn > arnt>«i* l arye- fr*™h..t„* » • Apito*t- Inga of the summer . . pinnlngs, engagements, nml even f faV aut. Heir* h*,. i ' a tl t •\..rut rtt.ttits. tt .ohh.ttt. I In rarh. Ulg" . i; - fl., 4! - QUICK v. lithln with TV «»-at k and lillc* Glenn ) t the new liotinclng baby. Ami don't for vet the fabulous party the finest gasoline in Michigan ,. you v»*"n «'H . as — itui< tune" El) 2-2-173 5 • t ir »1 ilk* 'f», Thit *' SRUDNUT SHOP you have planned lor th* weekend or the election of your ! t « lower prirrs SERVICE - nailer , .. ran nur . , 2)2 MAC Op«a * «.««.-* p FOR SALE new officers. t - , « ' i * r'tti' i «• *r>- Th* first and axwt Important thin* to remember la th* r »«••" * p**fo""<|- ' TYI'FWIUTER, I'SEP. COMI'I.FTF- WEBBER SPARTAN SERVICE rPeondltumed. ttnriyiii ptta deadline. Th* torirty pa** appear* *very Friday and dead- t.Y It'll*. Eacvllpnt eofldllioti AU9&0. F-l»- » »N MOHIt.K HOME PliAIHIE Vlw- tin* far rapy I* W*da**day afternoon. i»5» FORD Fa •■*-* AFh , rr .1.1 In H Ekcrllent rnrttllllur d f-'VP' nattl' rrtt.iirth'tl ) t.lr.i» m. Itidr.1 i'innln*. rnraftment and hallnt box items should include 2516 E. KALAMAZOO •"! ri'1 ' r T " FXCFI I.FN1 VV AHIIINC MA- Will *41 rut. r F.I) 2-31.'t.'t b k v*> .J dhnelte hel $*A- • , if a. a, * ri'INF AT" New <'ie |arson'* nam*, hometown and class, l'or lilrlh an- . . . « • en- I • . I' ' Fl) J-3TI*' il* VAGADON'f) HOPSI TRAII.FK 0 i. ncemetita. Udml* parrnts' pamrs, haliy'a name, weight Mtf'RfiSi OrK RO-IMIK THREE »*»• i%vit hr«lro«tn; Ex.* Urn! .nmhlhtt, 11 3 1 rvr-pirt r«, llttrd »«h.iI C'.l .late of birth. nt ii'i IKt'. t•»»#• I rtsf *411 asking »2n I.Ik. l'uhlletty and *orial ehalr- ne>w IiIm-w. Fl) 7-t»77«l T ;TRAVFIO 5»»\ltt Thr** heri- nt.".-. 1- h..th«, fimil kthhr-i . nil II.. plea** don't forget to AI'I'I.FS ENJOY PICKtNfi v.. ■ -••ty.il! i|«twn|taMit*ri( 1 ak*- •••.rt v«»e Pf«4' l«S4 CHRySiER A Nutnebwt* v*MHm hiitii qn.«it- I- t t t«nla»! J«ttf Stmnrr KO- type or print rtaariy every- ovn Ofrharri It ill if. A 1-T7«y SAME DAY SERVICE low rate* lii,..if m .' milled to the so. I'rtrifleat. *#.'\ D-irlon R-l fee nnie- v'Ml of Nrtrth Wllllnntat.in Hn.nl hr- I t HOPSF I H AII.Ell l»tt. It*O* i iety pave. It Hive* much Iwpefi ShfrwiKifi attil Mdhlelt HtMtfl" phone Wlliumtlnn «*i*k !> •* lik* i. ** *.• r n. w N I -tt." .-««'*• rnut • | mi ti|y j time, truuhlo an.l tempers, ' TYPEWRITER PORTAIU.P HKM ' ewpeeialiy on a r*g* where ;t would 1>* dlsaatrou* If mi FORD • ' INfJTDN reltvnt cnu4ilinii l4k«' new ftolarli »a. hi id i'«he 15. E» LOST an.» F^'JND '*V " \ NV K t 1 \ : IV 5-11*3 ' 7 Mary and Bob w*r* pinned LOST DARK DIMMED *!..«.«** 'JT, • ' ARCMAHnk FIHER fit.ARM hunt I ouH, It . AT NO H.w4rd o""i''i Piinla. t Mr KhuI instead of Edna and Hob. lug how 50 lit TP »-aikiA > loth) M 734 Rather lUli «• 1 \ PlH 1 (N . Fleas* I rev* all new* per. Fl.Pf THIl HA/.ORS 3 N. I.K'li 1 tlnent to tha *ocl*ty paea H» tttittpir.n I Nrtrelct F.Nirllritt »■*»»• dltn.tt lilt tt XlMiwawf Make •" PEIPONAL nl.fr IV 3-ltlfte at th* Stat* Nee a office, Tho Bud-hior Agency SCI Student Sendees. Social «.MW» DFF.r --r AM) IfHk cnilMiwrt'M: .t» - gintle- « h. i. .• 1 >.t HtR »• ■ alt. net.that means all your i - . Avk aUntt s wtaiitM'ii ah-l uul.k fr«t*»n . EXTRA CHARGE ■ »l..ra*o rlatall* Rutwrr food Pn leafuftPt) -B* 11, .i ■ y;.y parties, irav tw dirert. durta OX 1-3HHI I SMtTH iACHMAH JACK |RAU?I " *»» • r.l to I.lnda Haumer and th* A K I' RWTilHTF.REI) GERMAN BCIIV STCV4NS HAftlli JACKSON r. ir,on* item* to l>i*n* Alipt>ard rtuiM tu; NmwiMut m »l««4* vaIlaD:rFS lEICHEM A HNiGHT AUTO SALES fix f*-?*:■ i .5 plwk m.yey olh*" RiCr. i .ar.lner. Phone IV 2-0624 1)00 f M.c Ave QUALITY GUARANTEED IMMJS E')H SALE Iakbrad.tr -ir* -i rx.-tUr.tf rr- SPORTS ' A H rNTMI'SlAATS' --i'vl.iiaina r«ll\ AN INVITATION fri*'. • »nam|ti.t»t .ii!, a- tor «' r La*»<«# IV J *!4t t.unUng nt... k ideal horttrl and »t Sunday Itrin* .at n.iv fan-Uv ,*•» )|i T-7*I.T •» •"■«r.i ptrntr lun.' and |.i t- fa *11 rbrhti«a' Netene# ",V PRY CLEANING P•»EI) TLI EV4»t|i»N RFF RIGFHt Jitir A I lint ■ in'..rtnalt.tn I tor \ «t- .. ".nr k »' a ri ED 7-l37'l si .nt* tu, fteuilT. an# h*u«e p.oit.rr* il M h I'. •• alien# -A- 8IIIRT LAUNDRY I'tkt spent M»)DFI met A FORI) T-til.tr. l ay It&n r*. .miting Hi-, TORS nn tt rrvn* S|m«> rarm*. F'fof 11lu F 4?;t »n open hau*a at vV WORK PANTS tat and liiciudiriK k»rv coal * I i rater t>* a Musi m>hoi»i*rt twt. r>- w I'F.nMlNS . INIFRFSTEI) IN lorn.- Raai Shan-tck Hnlii.e* • x'triv rt.* f..r 4.W lira*"" for nrllifnr MODI I r HOME PARTS and u■ it mil ELF 3-1173 f..r tnfnrmaticm S IK> Ii !•' .Moth', i IF t *11* ■ cwMirt** •'( all kind. Km Ouvn ir-tand tJiurvb of nrw *..trs :«» Jla.lrft K I Fl) 2-«kfU 3'. HIM riEI.I) and I-»tix take *0 •**" P».V| JAfiPAR XKH'iM. |Ua k STORE HOURS t roi.\rr!ihlr wltr wlirrH rtrt» iue- i. ad I,, thr Sfa«r \*ww nffa-r THEM w ) ( hrisl. Srlrnli«l rrllt Ittr*. luaeat'. ra."k Wtr.*- , KOUS'NG r-tw. rn . thr Pr*"» }„l u if for two «rrr na*sr - I)rt\*-In llrw« ID »; *.th •■«..*« c.»v*r Eniflnr Tranamisaion att'l ■ r«ei MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ktrmnr rrrrntl* o\rrh<*uIed Otu. FOR RENT Tie* K. fl P.M. «-1 i FIVE furniai-rd ROOM IU NGAI.OW. !ra«r !«• t .ijnf nifriv .-..nplr ON STAGE' IN REASON! At llaslilt «TIEVRni.rr rOPR d.«.r PiHMte park rvpiN.. SATURDAY IWO Standard lranntitsai.> »h<*»lrnt r«tr- i|) : v 1.2U33 Fran, is . r wn»r J.t*rii) n*k Katr Our ttr•* IBxi dition tnatdr and ».u' la.w mnragr i3*3" ft>«* W»*t y 7 .mum iv(f.h- ■ SiiiuUy, Oct. 4 8 A.M. - 7 P.M. On* ttttwr. Udv IV I-Utd H • OIl.Kf.F MEN THREE l*d JOAF4 ILONOEU nitteii.it ••*.*• fiadon CENTER Private- all {urmal'.rd at 7 p.m. EM .. .t.rhl-, IV k-»a afin 1 p • * MODEL A Gwd mndd. n HAsl-ETT NEAR DELIS ftv* Se en *tK«r«akfa*» nnttk. «s Tl) 7-«UJk . EMPLOYMENT ARAITMINTS MAN TO SHARE Furoialwd anaf- ..ent »u»* hwHk triai. Pniiin PV.<»,r •USINiSS OMORTUNITIES ED 1-35A3 *«AF.fc $4S TO FS A Wfct) TWO ROOMS AND hath rum- MEN'S SHOP SFARL tlMfc uirtab and nlrrl- (urnitJ-ril and arnvtMl f'ir one Alan tJ.rr* ntutti. ftartlallv fum*»h*tl and four ptr.nit 2tn Abbott ltd. J- F**t terming ■nfttnuahail Eac*Uan1 ronditntn AnexO'f t'htrf L; fV a.. ' H > J-1 Am 10 REAL ESTATE I pi- (it, «« ARC, a ?* MEN STUDENT# GROUP n1 fm.f M.W lOST*M.X>IU*Y-H<*ll*tl ' sets •* P i'f rpqw Iurni#>#t1 apartmrnt. nrw t> d»#>tat*r R|«t «r turktrf IV- M» Itopr. nraf ofcemoa Thrfta hf<4* WAN(£D siwri of y«tator, yoa'll a##rociaio RROCESS NOVECTHS OF CANA0A F-311) a» KI) S-M of ED 7-a»5 tf rrHwis* living i'd r.w>m*. full ifttht. r*c fettchcr room, * garggg. ----- - - dlnWt#* - t«r- ■ rroAdiv. innt»n». opr blnrk TWO Brnoo.iv front rammt* rate, 1 bai bulldrr, Tl 7-4*39^ •(#«« to;,■ Mft>s $ rondiUor. I'h-■ « !■ "T . V Si Cvpt. .H i) nt fcwAfi albnool swMlart... .H -»cP, Crt» « collection to meet the demand* of who FLU GME GIRl ... crtHwry caah- WISH TO WITH tf'i.dh»r working gtrl or HHARE APARTMENT SNCNT wav lines » men l*r Okpgnenr# raorrtrnm pttf< prrfrrrrd Ca'.l ~ " in , •'•'Srr Prrtrrahtv are 30-40 Mui' mwi, *on, Prtne* Prme* frail. Brothara sho«i-rtu _ ,v t>* fl*an Anartmant comanmil tu ' ~ * - XlSt* ran ou* and itor*« Rrffi*n.-*i «e*r the classics, yet »ilmire * look of individ¬ E, Grand River. E lanung I Pt.itnr ED J-040S gftar I 30 orv m COIJJEGE. ATUDKsVT WANTED at *>»km.H I uality . ,. distinctively styled in smart color viwauftaur ttm« from • am-# 0nt Aooraranr* and tvput to work nan, GIRL TO SHAKE furtuahed Attanban Studants. Octofac 3 blends; novelty stitching, s, m. I. xl sues, and manner ot drn. ai>r>e«ranre nt , tAnatnf apartment Lnundrv faclli- tje» Phone f.D 1-#8SS after i 3D. I .— - - ear tnatd* and out. mu«t he rewx, — a. white, gold, or Cambridge V-neck pullover in Contact Raymond Rnboraon. Tuner. IV #-#Tll after 1 p.m. I ROOMS Direct Sus Service to Universe. "pineapple" stitch; contrast color trim. la.Hs N» "xiixor.r Areaovxo sloiiim-. i frmma for men atudent. Parking b. lapped boat neck pullover, oliv e, black, gold, —1 ! ©rhr*Ie#ea, U weokle IV 4-2MB 3ia Michigan Stadium and return !" cognac, white, oxford, rack-stitch; side vents. I MPs FOR RENT f ART I ANS1NG-LARGE room tor RROZBM EOOD LOCKER* and atudent Private parking, hath entrance Linen* furnished M game. Leave E. Lansing bus aepot c. oliv*, blue, white. Cambridge, tan, grey, or rent Hold tip tn M pnunda _ Brown Bt per week. Phone ED T-MT9 4 r«wwrProducta OXF-JMI. gold "popcorn" Mitch cardigan: 5 metal button A.M. Leave . Prtre '•»! POULV. room NICELY furatahed and kitchenette l'ti»- University of Michigar - * closure; contras^color center trim, l.t.ps FOR SALE tt-» JR ©Md oer Meal woek. IV »-7»!« for one atudent 7 !»SU4TS!S?XuS2iP7t..!J7*i£ ooayant. MP Kuwaasr dium 30 minutes after game. Fcr '-^ ggj,, fryyo information phone.E, Lansing bus ofr:' ' * M v rStmrrsv *im fzrff- S ED 2-2113 M PT DIAMOND rtne ltSSMS!?^*PfM£4BeS)V**