Gridders 'Come Out' Against Wolverines it* rin u M ti Rxi lonsost scoring play* of the afternoon. Most spectacular was half- Male New* "»p«*rl* Fdttor Ik. A Hoh Siu-i's 93-yard pa** Interception return S:. pu*krd off a fourth down Stan No«km aerial intended for 1\\ utnoR their way into Bl*i l*» Rob JohnM-p. barreled through a not «>f tackier* to the fat mSX bUvk JVir Mi*rtt • o|u.iS, in and home unmolested as Park Baker applied a ke\ of MS John Hnlstcsixl Mnh'sai: Stadium otvwn It »..• , sjinni "perrentagr" ulo* ho had -i> * ard> to ♦»«•- ' »« '■< to scrimmage. where Miehtg.ui would have *iinvnd- 5Sri2ji ,■ quarter ' . a- x»*er. tb« oi • i'.r. h.wt ho ha I toil the p«*> down Hut hi> gamble paid ivruni In scoring in i •iv. the 10:1.2.14 spectators crammed into tho t' of M\ tot.- 0*»l Ivttl •*>«• ''(vmni! hull Hun iv S'owart. who missed what could ha* o Invn tho gauw-win- < th. >'.»?»« rs .uve»unted foi ••v.s. lY\a> \ \ M his MSP dohut ac.nuM in **.;- tmpros*i\ o r minutes were unticlimatix' ovi stun of notion, putting iii h 2a-var • i^hik imw for smv olds tally aftor intorniisM. n m wciii M\KUV* and !»h- exxntmucd stead* ketl the MSI* giourwl at- • k.i • - no when the airwa* MltHH.AS s t O\|: M %KKt K Him mi id way through tho i-»st w !n»n tho Spartan rovot\< u m sptinkUM with a fox* romt- >. a v 1 withstand throo pl.t* tn»in msnlo tho two yard lino 46-yard end ... - moltidmu «4 • i \d'ti third down. Noskm . Aod ox or on a phtinto so clo.v ovt-n thy ofitotal:- had tronhlo 1> dm es and another tha: ... - .. tut F.«*>k Sophwmoiv Sp.iimi .ui wit- No 13 onanist 3d iom-s and f«»ui «io.i« I l «»»' Nrxx* fheu- |tx U„xrr • - , i'-fOx'tlM In¥>tS |V; sot i' .tafinu ha. k to tttfllt S'.do's msml *in»o IH.'Mt i- «i*io kow« i*iw*n> a* «•'*<•• i mum*; for I'AVmur i- Sllci U'.m. « ho inter- - k'>t credit for en!* vi. r. :\ »,o loft tin Paul Huuyan trophy at Ka-t OIIKI\l SI(»V.\I.S ftrst S|i;irtnn Tl). «*• llerh \Htler- Llnl * 8>a* P**» ;,B<1 Ihrnuch ilrlrndrr. t,n !, ,vn\vi*nxn attem.n ar' -ii xi.h' *««tn Tho tour-fm*t statin- of th« l.v;on«iai* U*> plows, through it pile of (IcIpndoiH from two a arils out. Kj.unl MSI lot'* »" the -twnil iitmlri Park H.ikn. k 1'vii -.a- . tit>r 'h.»4 prosontost in l*».'*3 atid lU.Vt Michigan ha- hol.j it i Stato. whnr. tia«t tin ttophy x<> in Uohorinos Ton* llin (.*17). Tom Johson (till ami Holt John |lV„mc hi"'. I11"* * kr> "» MS John Hal-trad. TWO MiriiiiMiiia .. fi!«'i> oi'i i:v k. :o'...xxuu; laat *ortI • IJ -1tu son view the heginninu of the «»nd. (jtrrrr (Inruival Tin* NNoatlioc Michigan State News llliifprinl for Futurr" Snitlererl show pis i»iwn- Tonitht High today •*<> In Fnion l.ow loom hi »o V J Serving AISl fur ."ill Yours ; , So liT fast'sjn'ii. mh toiiki: a. IMSIt I! t KM'S acuity Group Red Space Station Headed ites Findings (hmmittcc on Fill hit's For Flisrht Around Moon hiiiclions Kvplainntl H* M\HY lit II *lllii('|ii'iiil for I'litiiiv* "Utile* Joe* Third Red .Mate New* Manactnc Iriilot |''li»d. • (wmwnieo s ill mlrwdnrr Mill on In-tin* i *rii.» i>; 4ii .i. tho I uluro el tho • inumn tho t omnmt.. rvplain ih Jumnon it- m s ... in. »*m t llos initial 59 Career Carnival Hoekel Test Ship Slill ai norsticatinn and how it* rrrwmmo"d4lio»« ma* he iinpl*-- Successful i Hrimmny si tho hrnnnin. lurtKoUri* for the henrfit of nru . ta.k i wrlhrr xsart* ol 41*. **r will ti IX ill .»•« ' tlo ( oninutlr- sludrnls and tho out «net llir rr Tonight in Union On Course tr|».»rl i urdilKW. ol MAKt ll 1 IVosidrnt .l.»hi the V ha aPP' !< ' Itluepriut for the Future the PJ.'i't tuner I iintivul. Ship lo Shoot «>i»cns tuuight n* b::Ut in the siH'ottd tliM»r of the Untoti. «s- ah.i ahU'st mrmitr- - • I xkx*»- m md In » ttn ev-.fii; Its Face of Moon \lixhiy.xi A--n .m i* k Mi I». . ■" ?h« vuiuit of the I ?' ■ |e u r» - |M»n Tm•- i,i» *♦ W NMII.T Pie Nairn u..xn He' M>x'hi(.i '« taw » \!ui»it. 1M\ . a '! ]• in •*., pr. >r of aynni p u.xiik. Mi.-Iumh full y.lrnr XlUSCnXV is \ c.l: K \ i. \* .*• II. the IxHItl Ar*1 -• Axioms, hi*!* Mr* I',, \ U:. ik.x St.Oe *'•* •e 111- rxi. k pound So\ u»l sjiai'i' stilt i<>m «>r ' >» i". ..mi*-ton »i.MI Mini Ma hurl led t'iir bevoiui »»i»rlb a»iP •,.stratum , lit* A < Tbn*. 1 *n» IN.Ia. 1 rap,!,, librarian. J.r Minda* on eoiirse ib'sipued •ros., xvnxtor of institute Other* are New Turk Idle I"- ».ix he»i .»• In lake ii around I lie tllooil .*: .«.!• •; * a»k aiM«u: "u * lira lire ( o.. I lilted Air l.ine*. :v.P. »r.s of txiucation . J.-h li. and pholopraph its darken ... a = 'u- I s, (|*l| service. I .S lleparl Is The capsuU' and ed lace for the first lime. ■joinmiikt rat ion . Ftvn . ' Bt.PI'l ^PNTA11\I S from companie** rxhiluting at the I hw*r studenl* w i*hui( In talk uieni of Agriculture. Personnel . Mrlhv. ills?.', . - • ( arver t .irnnal will ih- g»*ing drm«»o*lrution«» and talking at greater length* to repte*en- Ol fire of the National I I hen |( -hoi»ld sw ine bank I d!i. .1 < N. i' i Mi. M with inicrc*t(xl «ludenls tonight and tueMlay in the t nion. tatise* sliuiild plan on vlsitins of 1 III A. Michigan Pre** \**u lo pleat, eiolip.ded orbit . cr. provost. Mr> H« .' . lll .ll llMli'|r.,|I mil , ,X Hi during the da*, aetwrding to Parke-liavi*. I'.s. (ieneral Ac around the en fill. i naric- \\ hitchait . \ «•:« Jark shingUton. assistant di- counting Office and Ttmkeii suiid.itfiring was iiileiuled trrplacoil, U*c.i • h..m;tmtios i-> rertor of the Plarement Bureau vr* s.Tia! syjt'ncpt ; .xt;>) \ w.i \\ t ■ ta Wool in lli-lory Mi**ii#s of«' the thing thi ■ Roller Bearing I o. lo ie*i N \S,\ ihr launching, prupulslun . spokesman said lit. Irst i r» i .n du* \\ gllrr .\>:an.- «x ' ".• * ear. '>*<» Ativng tiw x sxiisitii. N'.ini" plan »*.-«• w a* sin. e*still in all respects MSf gra«iuuti-> m hm-ii Umiri Texas. Oklahoma Floods exhibiting missiles an* Hembv . »rt\t «*! absence *pnn-.' m •-"« " ..thers wilt tiave only pi« - T.e while iaunehiiij, pla n.nvtei was mMriuTtv :••■ MX-K ' < t; lure-, of (.timer student r. • x. pa. i K.I IT I '•* ami admuu«?ratx-r> ?* Homecoming f)m/w«x * Atirkilig x\ilh (heir o'lnputut . I .|e-'l • .X Itl 1 • . ,1 , vrtv* *" say concernifu* tiier ?-• fsltnUile tin xie'ti.x tf-» ' - * •'< [ Destroy Homes, Ranches Alt student group* fraternities, sororitie* and other than men * ... I toot h .. t'x.t.Mimer- prwnuiieiit phi- , in tl i power. Font Mo" A lam . eiiednie.l Ih. develop M« r. it, . earn • , I,," ait.l' laid . ,1... • t*•«»! pp r«x..mmrndtxl tho i-o! p-- • H- UK %**•»! Itllll CM! *«x and women* resideme hall* o. and (heat West Me lu-u" P..e . apsides fir • v *1 ' and fUshfiood* Sundav brought new w.m - i.» who would like to erect home 1 ' ■'a* up,, in khort. w v •v. • • - .mee ,ne |>!anhltl,. a |MlMtu.tinair- blueprint theme ill their booth, Wan f,.i pa'xs.iiF of the I o! • : which 7,-Mhi r« j H j r \ o b- i-t • r-4*ri- '' • were - The Oklahoma dow?., • (teneral IJeetrir will ha*e a M jjana- in'iif* the annua, n. « . m*kIci'hmi* llla/4' . - ere t»Ameton»t» dusl m S*u'i'|w iCn^lihli ur c •-» . Whirlpool, which baked hisruil* a iih blue and yellow blotches v *!is-'s re|H*rt was handed over t th« Pr«-> \ ' .rna.».je* ... - ;i ram-slick roads, and .* f •" in oven* lasl .tear, i* planning .n a' a id two place nirs: area* anno*: Worth oilman died trie -> Huring the following m••■ 'n- ' w.»- . :> ?i4>r: i centr»•. Tcx;*s, a< k,, plan# during .n •< v something to eciual that. Technical rh. a ir it wa flu- Mu «!' IIoiiiIht Factor* Oi • .. k ' nc ••• 1 -'"ih i ■ iNpartx! for final publication I* ha- r.<»w been . and hon-us htuc ftuildtn^ and l'»»wb*s houo- ?ha' * ."-*4 five p» ryiw. an«t its'.- weather.;iunii*- will tu- ret'UMi.i.d !«nc lh«- wrath of our neig-n I Ills new station is equipped '• the faculty. Printing «-\}H*nse made having :»/«• thill *Wv;r! *m r student im|*».s.sibli*, but c»*pie.* ha C nf Arnern-a. H- sx <..|J " M s" vv el e lo In? foufwl Sunday make evtensive srientifir re- cnt Another tornado raked farm Ihirkroitm Meriini: • > . thivnigh {Mil of ,t huge fa.-l.-ix vV Education Hoom of the liitrary for Clirl {jis'ut-. ArrioM •.ai. j« :a nerf with yellow and uiu r»r British Ro.val An K-./ i e w.. Oklahoma d«-il ber« will meet UnicM al T 10 Hous«-ho]rl Pmanve ('<>ip . .' I.. light* nn the front porch citiinat.-fl Sutwl.iv uigJti •.» h.»v rarr*ing out Injured. |WI)EST HANNAH RMMIKKSFH hi- -dei.ghr" a* home. One woman Tfie funnel* ?;«uched down a* at* in the Stndenl Her vires dark- Hudson, Krogor *. and Mar-hull Workmen were tu liegxn tho CMktvcd fiv. mitil'rtl dollars (Ian.. onl* radio observation equipment transmitter* whhh hut will -'d.y of tho report, adding that some of the re- Kieid's task of removing the muxdirev'- ag. •: wither bureau warned af send Ihr inform ition hai k StaW agencies include e«l rrwsjKigi-g today Hut tu of course, subject to change, and em- and damaging owners tfie gfiiut Vulcan delta-win- . "'*'••• at bv A* \ and t>/aisuna *lu Kic of Un* ui'Mjn wdt various groups—the faculty tthrough ao,in iiomber and the new AVRn uiwce-n •r- 1 M*-n»hile. heavy overnight ludp to diHcrmirif ai,n« ( unci] and finally Academic*Senate>, the Board • IH twio-engineri turboprop ap ,i , v,r.« added l« the flood aitua* • itlstriUulir»n mas. IH' -a ? Brudy radio ftation, WIlHS. Bailey. ButterfieUi. Bather, v.d the Board delegated (hen liner and the administration. The length of time it jmn which had driven more than this would rw uf tremendous i* temporarily nonexistent a* a acting pre*idi»nt of Emin-' .s n- powers la MHA lo reorganise 'We will keep our products,n t > implement some of the recommemlations is 6.000 penom from their home* result of ruling* put forte last gpectively MppointcrJ iheniseivi* WBRH. and to art as a commit¬ echedulM going." *»id Sir Roy help Hi manned . manager of the Hawk. predicted t ►u.t.:., them. ;.>h- nu Some residents who re- station Atmlil Hall* Association PreudenU' Directors. alions it deems appropriate for Siddcly group which owim the sp,t( vuy aJpft ti *.ed ?o their home were patk- t" a long time bccauise i? w,il pflxlINC TIIK COMMIT?lit: in it.« fir-t mt^tuu*. ,?.£ " Tk <«;r.g again Sunday. Arkar -a^ nver roa# again Assembly. Befare Up fiaal dectsicms eaek 1'aiae the Bra eaaaUtaUau*. HRR.H. plant .ipl■' the iruiiielinex which J »'UTkj jt« investigations and conclusions: "It la the i*. Tu;>4 where river residents were wi*. Mih repart «raa pnatatad la a tngUir aad llmr- pr**M*al at a Rr*i> darm- By unanimous agreement, the H<>ard of Directors dissolved the Gruil sciil 0|m ii kilometcra earth. tS,210 muesi u» the were advised to e*i»ec1 a crest a nirwiUMit la the Bmird. i w years with which'the Committee must con- i- high a» the last big flood of Urn Awallf By Wee Markrli. WBRS constitution, thereby dis¬ On a|,|m'ui Court viee-peeaMeal Iran BatterfieU The Board then assembled, solving the Board of Director*. IT! ^*l'Committee r«*t the will always have to Keep in t»57 Drfrair adminicles U»r The report included opinion* Jim Ramsey, representative from Consequently, by this action, Betitioniiig for t»ne graduate LA Taken University which it is studying is located Civil from various member* of the Butterfieid, moved that as a all cfjntract* signed with WURS seat i»n the Student Traffic Ap¬ K-tic; ;,r nation, in the present world." administration or. the current matter of policy the Educational* by uUier organuati'ms are null peal Court oyens tuday and con¬ .,$1 [r *•' the Committee l*e able to overtook the nature mutation itartf. MSU has always been the very Homecoming Donee tundiUon of WURS ami what Director Halls. Wayne Tinkle, confiscate of Men's Residence and void tinues through Oct. 12. Peiitione Series Lead Ticket* So** on Sale step* should be taken to du! the all keys to the Brody radio Special guest.-', such ai repre¬ must be picked up by Friday station back on its feet. The sentatives from electrical en¬ ^•ent re*earch of the land-grant philosophy which couples extension in the interests of the Tickets for the annual Home- concensus of opinion showed room until such time as a de¬ gineering and TV'-radio-film de¬ in 326 Student Services from Willi 3-1 Win that cision is reached 8-11.30 partments, chairman of Brody UlS f cornin^ dance will go on sale at ^rody radio is definitely in concerning a.m., and must lie re¬ Michigan," Over Chino.v • Hannah said. the t'nion ticket office today. need of administration by an Brody radio. Board, and Mr. Lyle Thorburn, turned by 11:30 a.m. Oct. 12 to • organised governing body. Persons will be admitted lo of men's residence the same office. |N»tittoners will The dance :* scheduled for Oct. manager pMl XX ; 1,p,rt. ,f thr report aad a -uoimary and will feature Johnny Loru As first in a series of moves th«* radio room solely for the ha Us. will be at a special closed be interviewed and the selected "•"!>ia* objertivr- i. >rt forth by lha Coiaaillr* by MiLA UP deal with the situa¬ of withdrawing persona! meeting of MHA concerning at orient sm Pace s irxf tut orchestra. Tickets are purpose prcaented to Student ' Fat art «i|| b. $3,;3 a couple. tion, the presidents of Bryan, property. WBBS Monday night. Congraw for approval. Mi( iiiii*N »T*rr s-»:i»« WMSB-TY O.-lnhrr 1. IMI Pal* r»f»# ■»' i'";'fl Laborites Forecast I 1II t otes to End B.10 l.itid Of Pi a* mask rn»: lit HO t'lassi-oom to H Ml' *t*rr s»:w* Ohio Chrysler Strike ; mi,'in,, *n ^ ictory in Flections tit !fi I'lassrrmin 10 Spanish n .10 Of Men and Ideas •' vol r mormn.i ii.imi .1100 Oiildren Oiowing O - Continental AKRON, Ohio i.V) — .MimhImM's of t'niterb atnl confi- Uorkers lavnl 122 volisl ovcnvliclmittgly to tuvept a com !00 Noon IJoport 1.1.1/UtKTII TOIlli tloht, predicted Sunday Id* lailmritos will oust Harold Mtie- H'30 Progress Unity offer Siimlny. ctnlittK fiv«»-•!«> strike of o.oiht em¬ P.! 4.'» Flectricd* At Woik ii- * Initio »!A xv. firaml llhfl tuill.'iti's Fonservativos from power in Thursday's national ployes nt Chrysler ('orp.'s Twinshttrk', Ohio, atumpinvr plant/ 1 00 Trends \l Work l ast l«an«lng election in Britain. The stuke had been n tmutile. 1 30 Clasrooiit 10 S«nence I'Unn ami Organ Studio Twp week* hark, uhrn the Pausmg in me Yorkshire In some one foi the company, cul- tran.'e to the o'atd and m.-'c f. till Hisiurv in Motlern Ai.-i Ihr xtMIA ram palm got «iarlrd. Ihr p«»"* t priifirat Trarhrr of rtuitMa! v enter «.f I -ends al«. t '•■ng !:!■• i's pIMdllitton of HKII) time Cocks to avoid congestion I'eclme love of lmt«fM*p«l ippeared to glvr Ihr loharlt* (UiimiUi* •iiiial, oilPin sinrt* lioolvinc every a i'00-nu'r otmttvvign swing. m.xle'* Already 17..100 wolkr s ti 30 IVieddinn little hope of vtrtorx, I! S Plight, company vice ltlct*r of tunrtamenUl train- On* ** a\ y. ha'.red labor par'* " other state* had been ■ idled »> •!.» Hunt Ic*. Hnnk « * Mu I 1 don't want to sound ovet- pre ident m charge of au.o leader told a new* c.Mlfetetnv ly* the strike and I'hiysler pro- 00 .Seinm.o In Amen, ,u I limit tin** Ill> '!-••»I.7 inatiuiacluithg. said it would , . "• confident." ttie ear-old laK i Civtli/alioi! l*a:ed Sunda* to lay off -t.M.OdH "I lirllrvr we are going In e'tief told his news rnnfrrenoe. two days Ircfore an* assein'1'.* \volivet's m seven slates if the Will. The important thing'in the "hut t believe the signs are :> and niantifactui ing operations 5111»111111111111 III 1111M11111'I III It 11»I»I!'In11««11111!»»111»JI'IT r1111r|M1111111M11111» s?i ike vs-idmur*! until the mtdrpe could In restimeil next frw it**« U the doorstep the moment that Me shall win Work «nd gelttiic people out to Pie right-wing Sunda* Hw- i'hi*s!ev After '.he woikeiv stagrxl 'w.. NEW LOOK... ipin k!* notified ski" voir. pateh didn't agree In Its i'wn w.nkers to report wildcat walkouts l««d oontn ew at 7 p m DOBBS poll of p»H distriet* where neith¬ Pie companv firisl 1,1 pei'soii-.. Sun.lav night and the first pfo- fc%. '.V, If ** ,»•' th.o 1 (eel p-ett* er part* h fsnnlv rntretu-hed. diiotion worke'-s were told to including local president Nick tHOlf i.tef we *h.j!' pit!' n oft " tit,- ilispateh forisvist the t*«»n kosovich i>'Miiilci s-ud f.* o« la'.«e he ->n the t. h hefJ'te /fililnig i' mi! »p»M'.on po(K - *ervati\es would get lutek w h the men were reinstated hi' "-e siHLgbt to gi TEL-SET «s lomoan* I-Me* h.i*, tit pipit* !osr us pa>t it stiowed stir reMitl % a M-*eat m.itorit* in the Hon . • r l uge stamping piant track mus; serve out suspensions, .'JEW of i'ommons two le»* than th- * retroactive the start of the «v 'lie t nitii campaign thus f.n wildcat strike Sept The case hel.i in the old t»iu hainent M |S •«•'.»: !* .1 ti'sslip Ivtweeti I'a'n.k .1 V' Malic*. PAW of another man. alleged to hi,, the two ;MH:rv Maetnlllan ami t*ait.*krll made ." duectoi, said "1 think falsified h" employment re.' (tailxkell eoueedeil it Mould sunda* a eomparativr da* of . . *e cleared the air some orris, w PI he geltled tliroug.i he a rli»*e thing ami a haul rest from eampaignlng It wo* * * ' lie --aiit the compan* at hitrapoii eonlrixl to the 1**1 too Meek* • rp-' al included gi-.uding fight I'time A|im*irt of iitlaek amt eouiiter-atlaek ax '••• urn in compla nts I'Vci predicted textrrdii* hU Comer v- am pi's fUXsslUPUS Ati*e* the* tried to moo the pxttinated >«".* Mu-s ||e said Chrvsi -r were going to win. unv i'ivst IN per rent of the rlrelor* Mini i, eed to additional catwalk , Wii-i on \ font d:i*v «o go •* ■till haven't made their HHHt I5KAHKKSHIP up . n\e*oi belts, an r*tr» en NUle Mow* I'httin lit mil Klolmtn la po mind* v'-oueo ;|»j per ,-*-n; **f the Ha ■ ml- THIS CKI'MPI.KH AITO is Ihr result of :t ri V, •\\ 3>40iVOOtt * voire.* we-.- Alarm 'hut * 'ah." oppouet/ IBM IBM l^lan tlat occurred *1 the intersection of farm ami Slut ■t.-kr-g the »••»!!*ei v.f.ivrx and A i»ert of eieitmg Atuira*, the hasn't a chan.-r I'venuer in tt>e .IS per eoni Mumovtmg laivn I lane SatunU>. i iaiUke'. '.vi.nii . heading a la hoi pood!* h.Hir 4-«»n«er\alive district. F. i tins mortung the two SEE TNE ' campaign for ttie fir*t an {Cars Collide on Sol. t t "e, m-.s e apppaied to have got xu-gr ehaug :»g n{ confidence from «t»ift of the poll* his l*u? aside their political dlf'e: rmes and worshippixl togpthrr AT'er t.'ie service they walked ■ Kill woman and « l» ,, V a-., vie o* utioits hr has won down the rhurch stej*s togehei \ ;*.■ >ch«»ol student ou >ng h»« tout and said farewell RAMAC vWVrv m * t*v**-cat t'.'i- stfernixMi at the ns-r.-n .*( Farm and Nmth Him .-•'. >3 S' v \ RALPHS CAFETERIA Nis»fnc". m the .• • , ■ >, a, Ibmham. ** ,i« taken H.^jMia'. for etver- Mfn KfU-u M* aii Mvi.'.. "KEWPEF/S" The - . f r *>w. brad, and slig t HH»\VS I.I'M 1IIKON SI'Clltl. I'ot tiew ilit>h' Kut* now flair! For a I III'Oil tot.ill* new com ept of v* hat a new idea to Metier Smr.fnur Nerd* srviaiKm »< in hale can !'. wt* ih^ new Two Opiometrtxlx During I lot 11 is lei Set, lower-eruwu . . . tipht roi.Ksi.wv Harold A. Shiidor, 0. D. tnrrrr t'eloMeopc -lim Wrim. It'ii a Doblx* hot vKiihri vm.Ks (iiriiiinl See it HmImv ' Robert E. Barnes, O.D. in H.I. * IU TTKH ekeltlNlve. 1>ulyS||!F» • lAfx i:\ammrvl • Optical liep.urx Mor. it Tims. rwy • t.U>*ex Fitted • font act l.fWM'* Oct. 5 I B Tl.c Tog Shop MUtioim NO APPOINTMENT NFVFs.v\i:X UAMHii; i IMI I: Upon Mint. Thar. HI tventngx III a t% 49 c IBM IBM I.R on TIIK \n:it; — i;\st i.ansinc; ,l HolUltllllillllllll," I.F.C. ANNOUNCES FALL RUSH i lonigliL Ocl. .> 7:(K>-9:(M) Open Itiisli Smokers All Houses Oil & Wesl of Abbolt Alpha Gamma Rho Pi Kappa Phi Kappa Sigma Alpha Kappa Psi 121 Whilcbill* l)r. 244 W. .Mirbig*n 31)8 Abbott K.I. (Itn-iii*-— A Commerrr) 24-1 W. Lmnil Itivrr Phi Gamma Delta Phi Delta Theta Phi Kappa Psi (.2b Cum ley 322 Abbott K.I. 331 W. Michigan Alpha Sigma Phi •120 Evergreen Phi Kappa Sigma Psi Upsilon Alpha Tau Omega 23(. V. llurri*oti 810 W, (.rami 131 Evergreen Delta Sigma Pi Theta Chi Zeta Beta Tau Delta Upsilon (Uu»iu<>« & Cntiimrrci-) MOO Alibi,II ltd. 334 133 AI.Ih.II It.l. 327 llillere-l Evergreen iv;f Tuesday, Oct. 6 7:00-9:00 Open Smokers All Houses East of Abbott Rd. r ; : i •; •. 1 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 P.M. Legal Pledging Date i ts • a muiiihax statu m;«« October 5 1930 J VAi®* >Vi\ - (Vuv* -xr; ^A ff». Vta3s>> . (J Spartans Cop Kiglit Trophies ...Alt,,. *»» *.• \*r?+r. ,Jki i?>* i ' Tc. v.1 ^ ."V !\ ? ■ ' J;; .- r • At AAU Cross Country Meet ,*:• .md Tvii kit 14 Spartan* finished * t VT v. ; .n Western Michigan "on the the senior rlavi. The winner in trim priif. AIM' wax not eom- thr four-mile rare wax a Wext¬ «•: n N ■ - ern Mirhitan harrier. Itoh %xh- » ,'N prtint ax a Irani xinc* Dittrlrh frit that thr tram had not had niore with a ?d:M time. MSI"* adrquatr practice rrartirr does¬ I'orddv Kennedy wax aecond n't hrtin until rrgixtration week, with ?! 01 which is latrr tor Michigan Out if hd mor. running u t "«• *l4tr than other Michigan - <, < *;'\ *-n S;v.rtar.« were '• schools. • 'a- -4 It.". RexnuMa «- » '' 4 • ••-, w ?! :? Young ?• *"■' *-• * - a • ■ -v \.\V pre-, "<■•1 U r ?! to. (Jravd.v --cictvi 1* • ?! .13 Ward etgh'-h « o :■ 33 1V0.1 nth :: »t Stale Nf»i Photo p. ^ I '"c *t;\ .■ «vd ;»ck v'rvwei; U;h w.-.h iUie hiewx photo hi *• *•»*«■# HOII RHTITI (17) npp*nr< In h*n» lh* *r»rl fimlhall hypnniirnl ^ tv■»>*••••r • TS--«r n»it -n fur f:r»t 14. Nut rovnvrixu TO SPARK Ihr Si.nrl.nn crttund nltnrk. Ilrrl. Artdrrlr> di\r. for a Imrrn BirUl pa— in Snlurdan"* third quartrr. On hi. .... , r.m. *v r, l.= ;vv ' - shed >«v* w orr ;n ?0' lain a hnndt.ff from quirlnrhnrk T<»m Mil^.n I^S) nnd ntartn around Mirhisan drfrndrr Bill Tunnirliff. Nd« ihru i nii>O : ■ K -fiof H ;-Vvv to- e.ghlh iva.-r :: 4.V Htmn 5?r-t rich! rnd. a .5 Krax W oa *.* r '. iv *• M :: ;.s. jrssv r.twt I fiiarr* v < Hoh Bond :^Sh With :.A Duffy,Bump Agree: Spartans Had Class 1 \* ' $ SI • VII • > 41 ft-van Jlv i*-fh "42. I.SI Suprcmacx TV;. V>*h w ,*h 25 SI »*i.4 Ik'l !t-rv"^'E 5-Vh H .ft 2« A: MNSWC?^S Rm'ivro Throat Hittrtrh «aid that ihr Um plar- * * ♦ N ' - tnf of «nrh mrn a* Smtih. IIih- I4JWB ♦ ere — .£! *' was no ixvl'eg* f> '!>- an and T*lti m»i hr d»» matnl» •For The Kceonl" 'Croat Cairn* thrir not Mm tn itiapr art. U of MCoaeli to tvx- .I *< North** extern S- e~n CV. f vT..a. Texas * M *'.*>*- t rowrlt. in thr top 14. pav* a Ami thr littml /'/ovol I hi: iMMMt ,|a ? rerti. but Mot thr II rlromr ANN ARBOR-Y \W«*rm Mirfivfwn Nur.r . ANN ARBOR —"Good team. Ciiach Duff* Dang" • * ivko".; wV'.o "-r g* ".or *v-- y* v '>* A,.;r oiler t.v,> v . . • * w rrkmd and Intra* wash : !* " Sighed Mktiigan *on to smile S-." : r ranking-- A > a. »O-.A.I -rroe Oct mil pnmdr Oba'rrers "Bump" Tlltot -it> PETE WAITERS- Spartan dn***.", • * — r> r r r to cticxise the. toarn. after h:a jrnddert fo»*k it on tha Stat# Neu* Sport* I'ditor their 34-S v.ctrtn o\. V- Crr-.-oxv-j a:■ * No**r '.*»•• r chthe Eocan.1 time th.s re*sen. Th** team's s\-- - - v Keating fn tlye KxSier ream murder their foes but hate rever—never tvfor.-, was carrie*i over I ITKII.Y. .t wax the football game wh.b-h « a« whipping. Clobbering etc can i** ad- uf-er Michigan State stormtM that A »ng room as the • Inrsr*I Selection I nilcr a Single Roof Kmhs »im< and whose result.* will find their i» ■-■c-; , \£$ thmugh h«* griddeni ! >r a 14-* mim.«tere»f with w>n-e amourt of mutual respect, happily Hr^i to one « - - wav v" the B;g Id record book* win Batuivtay. the freshman but what these "spirit" leader.- are coming up taking shower* f - f tne halftime band entertainment hat hivid c.Mhh e*rl*yme«i "The> with now. wm« ' I biff v mapped hu fe» « n| || be. •. iadgo.t other than in the minds of lol.Oou out h«t u*. out Worked us and Saturday's Michigan State-Michig?.. We heard rumors tha* the sign wa« intended towel in tke xteimir: h.-i k Out t*ck:t*1 us' iimi.v V- -AX • Beat State" urt.. after ab*iut !2 nun- raam. ~The kid- w r rt Tfk. » .contort would h*\e m-ultnt ;n a w in f. r "he utec .5 the first quarter a; i '.hitf t whs altered td® •G.xxi en.mgh f« ha\-e a tor IhU tame, thee h».i * lag Wooer • .». equal,y .ta lopsudtM as the Spartan at the Kvs,- Bow'..' he because hating .« easier But the pre-game «|>e* desire. TIlix tx the Ww.i A i t„-*v jii.d cautt-Hjs >. saung he didn't gr l " u-vph » eial issue of the Oargov.e Michigan - humor. thai la vatng to cet better ..w «• -*-C- We haie never met MSU band Director lav-n. ' —* - want to put Duffy Datgfhertjr ma.g mttM 5-e.-r out the Utter theme—in tbnaih they plaved * imua nrt Fa 1-N•ne~#'.tb*»ugh we imagu-e we w..; h*-* on the ics* inhibited language they made l.aoo mi-uko fore r -i. h times pa*wx—bid ue know he is con- RXM ►" n i-H -The* haie treat perxwnnel in Can't we be friends again" nauRhrftv s.1 i - • airttrvi !•* msr.v . f those 'h i the know" to i>c RECORDS that with twhekfteld. and depth. Im, that ??-man firxt xtrint.'' an e*iv'.;fni bandxman and bandmaster, who con- • strives f>r perfection in his organix.*- ♦ * % HtMMIl. ♦ f fe« tt>a.i I tt'.e iragm: • alt.rot * the greatest »>:; the game, the . in tnaire and blue uniforms, wo on ban ' t.. -ed IfLMT V' V ft hi. 1 Illiot »*id before painting aut minutes of the *>v tic-s; * work Herb Adderle* as the kea man some »ort ■ f gooitics t-> the sixvtators the pro¬ didn't score du.- • *T%KT"» 1 RinU' IVrba: * the fact that h.ehi* a graduate of the tn Nlalr a »nrprKin*l» rax? win. ceed* to go 1 r new- playing ouWiu jcoar un- Daugheri* - <- I1IR Ml - school has something to do with . Tl T XOl t . ' M :nu*ic "AH three b\mmets will fact th«: he d: >•• link uibb \ l *rn*ll Rikff Whether i*n like jait or rlaxalral mu«ie. youII find h * a" hides, for the Ann ArNmtrs seldom fa 1 mentaoreii k.'.I he frow net. "and they A few of then —wh rrob.ii !* have emv.* string line ,n U • • •> the reawtl ml tear ehoire at ANPRI'S Rrrord ahrp. to : r;r up with ar. rtceptionai show The likes d;d k .1 n« fun S'-m s quarter* f * he r • rundow Yictrola" formalhm. etuwplete pristM the mo*t. obvious puny>i »n the m:nutes during " % complete ahvk of Stereo and Ill-It ta aluaaa on . Im. k*. Bei •.. • l«»-k and W»l* of inter.--.legist* athletics even ♦fud to He also ex pre* sound rffpets. makes halftime histofv . u-i.n enlettaming ii*%T %m»u • TM hand At hi not come in and hrou%e around Me are mpaciai- *>n are (wkeiit runnera. 5v. ie than a period f r buying h- t dog* get mto the gan-e. or at -es-t «•-, the WnTVenne a'd of hi* quarter *» open till 9 evety Monda* and Triday nuht. .y, tJ'.e double aiag" bench If it wetrn ? for NCAA rule* on the snb- • Bob Berc:cr Although the S|»artan band hax shown definite STATE "You can't defend aeaifiM on# thai barkhckl.' the improvement m our wsrral sea•»■•••., ,.f iiewirg ;»vi. U»y r.iigh' have playni h** had never man .n MSD- football, we mu*t *t .! consider a show ru^h " # tk it It wasn't ar .. • bumped eoa.-h **;d, heaptm; bp.Trt.o s f.nd *i.isod tn s lor.. \'«l I T * "Ar • KIIMHI * ?*• I t omfiirtr In if of listening I'ieoture ni«.;e j>ra.»e i«i the ^artans, as Saturday's to be an cncasier.*! treat For the first «;rve '»*' the themselves at« p the Hi* !t> heap, m offensii e and v'ommenting llH-%1 WP Til •"Even thixigh we bp * * ♦ detenu* * tmri. a- we.' a- standing* With in the game. I1 Ba .man on tie «rw»rt *;d«* " OTNIR TH%N our . oymr-• f "n - tat-.I "He ;.xnke*t lu JAZZ POP IJIiot Mid he uaan't »urprtx- show, we can't sai we f«.: mm h at home u Am i lows. Ohio S'A't • the achcdu • Purdue nr..'. Northwestern conir- • nibiUt:- had be*! u!d don't > Hi i • -. ed at the amount of time Hean Arbor. In fact we wet* tempted to b..v* the r. Woe Sunny Smite- : I wok plated t.radnalU the Urk- tnsiden step* of Berkri Ha a la Hungarian be tre for the t::r •• twnj.g though xome Dauthertv axxrrie.t promising k» »* • A GreatBigHug. DANCE er room became n*»airr at the refugee, on oue return To Ea*t l,»r.v.-.g The standings to riav « OMt KEM r c.kwt * VI I •toh kuri. Carl t han." »*: >•* pla«rr« reeoaered from the Friim the first "Hate S'.a'. to the .*«? %!.*■ V w i i 1*1 • or w t Hallman The* if < Mil Nil. v\ al %T» !»« -.« * ) I I *1 ahork of the reut we go! the impres-vyon that Ann Art- , * liu.c WESTERN CLASSIC •Afcxei to name *n »-«irt^t*n4in j- slti people were over«tepp.u ; t* <• tymm-Ts \*nsxttifra I « » Ml • •» II :» ? i I I I • 1« !« morex. in inotkrr ie*r •• ing to have a good ie*r ' l*-ir g p If It's Recontfnl. . , II c I•«»/ It E . t wax the ' >t U of M ixuitical mud-s»in* u«« itii»«« • 14 II I the Sjiartaro * exvwh io-e a ga.i.e u» \|M "Hate Mate*" We ha\e heard picas f . teav * • J4 • ? # !1 v| M n *u »n »Ull# 0 0 S I 0 14 J0 in with. "W. to whip, clobber, p» wu«r. trou; .>•, drub am ewn |I*M in hia uviUal year at t.-p heirt oidh 1 have t - ' - ANDRES F.v en L>, Ac offeiiMic Read Your Campus Classifieds tough t-'r V. Vk VMllM.niN |\ Tk« Agaacy p#r Everyday Values . cased with n.- .* * alter &n*>7 .n daivca j*a..i. '.to fealurmc CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . kids without B.» v* NN41TH-J ACKMAN QUICK RESULTS but today they M*« I.VC.I.l >l\ K HRST . . . . . . JACK Ml AI V Kt > SHOWING! BuMv mvr.\E KEi;. ADMISSION "it H1RIH JACK MIX KIN6ST0N TRIO IMF l UUDLRLx pimx mane wihets CIVIC CENTER W ED. OCT. II S:ltfl I'.M. 'RWKC&.iS j I'lrnly Of Srat* Aiailablr 111 HOU IN At »i.«S. 12.10. ttM IOK IIMII.UIUU PHO\r THE Bl K-Ml.K \(.l*0 THE HEAD IV t-Mtl xw orrKi oks >.t pj«. dvii.i mmmmZX HTOi "» •mm*'* %•*•»' i ■ E". T ► «m »- g.«r.-,- *.11 HA l»'l Ml AT «S« PM\ II ATI HI AVOID THE RUSH Ml INIIlh GET YOUR TICKETS FOR BRicrrrE Baudot phn Xavrltx • Nf»i 1m) A Jem fwtoM ♦ KTAirrs THI BS. m Super Sub! MtaaatfMWq THE CORONATION cyedfr^- P**ul BAH ;w 'iM I »♦*. *' e*u •mr VAOt OMM44CCVI«. 4*0 T,..r ANVmiC a BABOOTIMI! ( .. . — MWf r I "NIl Glin fdlL" Muni Tuire at 54? mi lft:lt Les Elgnt & His Ofchestn " fQ-HtT MOTS; NOT I — Ticket Sales At The l aiot October .V Union Rejects New linn!v Mt'ii llti'itlitM «• Sunday line. »< free from Industry Steel Offer airfields. |; C4U PINKHPltST. N i' • Jtensen. Schools to Aid l^lTTSHl'fK.ll <4*V The Vnitcd St eel workers I worM's /ip-sier," hilled .)• smal'evt .mc-uian Tl-memher copter do-itmed km pm.v, |{{, land roll vertically M r\tviitive Uvird acted tittanim»> pO'jvs,;: to cause >0'- Mr ration for accept- !! >• esorves built up during he taken to cure the disease. s:\-mmtlh prixluctloit Its t; K IIOPI MUID ii>: to the strike are W Tdneatlon U rlter \mont other things, the mem¬ . 'un out This would N ASHl\CTt»\ < V- -The nation's Kittle against juvenile bers sji.l the I'nion «oald hate l«» give up a rost «sf li*lnc clause tpid increase in uncm- •!in»jurne> mtis»t l»e fought in the ckt*»room* of its v '' A % school*. in duced the eld rontrart that totallinc pro¬ tT Word of the reporied rejee- *H " * ' ' The*- get the * •oimg^tev-■ eai increases ' • n.;* »v * -:"o :«**' ... 11 Kin -stii mi • rvitii. cents In hourly wages during lion, which rame during a !«»• . u \ . *?M t i-M f,»r '.-* oat <• ce-.ha* v* s.• •TV.o* .1. e• kpt• ••• onetime major league pitcher, the last three sears. b.oir meeting, was learned by • p«-tN**mv!, poses in Ids first mot le role is p,f \ssiveiated frr** from a ,> - uvv err* tot' h s".4j . '.valuedj .... . a pos|-t itil War I s eat tlr* TV rS.Vl.!:*!* tvMtd also **;•> source close to the negotiations, us dust r* insistence ;v' ' u w •:!*. eWre:* and * en' * "I he Wonderful »«•* ' >■,< nmon's w-age-pet icy eiwu- UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM in • ^ T.,_ sergeant (fc< n e*mtract lanipincc " v'~ T-ev hav. a natural rr',v p *;ai ' * ...sf *»,!•*.* t* 'V t.'.O >.!• Country " , o.vis here at U a.m. *v paver , ft'.iu'h, mote -» ma?ws«*it*ent more eon- ■ - ... v* 'h • iivr than toe pehee, r*w::-,* and **. - f.te agencies- finally: "the modern school a Vllhough it powerlul and pervasive foi.e called the school ha* for accepted a responsibllit* the personal growth of children, as well as and social VARSITY DRIVE IN in lighting delinquent t , the re- for their academic training and p,t»h alone. \ *ue- acquisition of knowledge" rrsslul prttgram. it said, rails On the other hand for close r«*«»peration with the T o «.»"« prima** '.. . • family, community agencies, and ;« not t.vat of a hes*' law enforcement ageneies and institution, or ** arvl»ou.*c *.< «• the ronrts. children—lv«d or uuuffe:'- "V W--l:a.**t i* Kv?r.*>v.ui .>f c: t. A< a s.v* • **!. .ts mauv- c*«n- ii Kit m:k\ ki corn ro—a-ns that of instruct;.*?*. Ws-s%*n Vn:vor*.i*. d.rec.-r ' hear; i:\sr I.ANSINI ?!•.• N t \ pr* iv* wild The joh :»--.* Prof Shart'f ia.ks gue futtoti.**-. •*•• wh. »\ adesjuato Introducing ... ;s*rt. .? ;s apt to mi I he rrp«*rt stressed that the ALLAN W. ROMERS seh<*«*rs res|H»nsibilit* to the de¬ linquent is the same it has to all children, or to other handi¬ tIAI I Ol *1 tlll.kS. INI.. capped children—the Mind, the deaf, lb- crippled, the mentall* (IffitKil [ tmpmttv Krprr*»rntati*r retarded • An Al.S.t . slttdenl who will axxixf you in I he w uH* selection of jour i\ piann;**^*-. i . .y ctiivui .* «-* «*'- * ' > e *"••- i- n ** s **a* a v"?' ' ••*-*. • «* »ie nqiicn*. e Ha-Mtxs * o,**.♦„ ••.* ? e •i t- i e * KP".- ..*r-,r-.and *u;h*vw i. " » * t> * *vwsf • s I Vs'-'f sr? :A ', th* Mmvtsu T>ies< haaurre-kstikr c rrr.Vit^Hnnbrs ha*e How d.*rs •! this atTert yon? taken a Id «*1 the risk v-l -4 txU.sK .ye . Vkhen vim join Pu Pont vnu ami your water heUcepter «• per*:„*«*» T. agh ard future are hacked hy research, aud it* prom¬ li^hlwei^lvl. ihe* < JSC. he intUtrv* 4 t «* ise ,.{ growth, kick year nuue j<4»s are err- ms They 're ma.ic c! r»c*g^rtoe-exxakxi auvi. ail the way to the top. r.>U*n fai r »c, the bottom rung of the technical ffad- TV»a year r*l n. t e.f Du Pont res. Bale's Udder, you arc jti*cn an aifual proj. vm k is «>v> yea:* . 14 %tr; e its di- *•-.*. cs; iss.^ncief I almost at imkt and begin to hsmdwis . f new p !•* h**e Ixru t reamd To leant v.-ar job hv d-dng it All training i» i»j*ro*e it in the aU»rai.--rv, To make it m the i un!. To fiiitl m*w To asherttw" l«e's,nJI;iWn|-.taUorfsl to yiuir background ai;d ujlcfcst*. It jwrtnit* jwritwlH* cvalua- 4V ' it »rv*s* the natwsa. To a m w. rkl t ? .-{ * ur jwrformaiwc. Our promotion taarkthk These new jVhs ransn? (:vna tra jter wAinmA to adniiai»traior. l» 1-s are haaevi on die c**n»ktio«i that y«»u sh. uki work at the top.of ytwir ability. It At I hi Pont, our bi»-* esa i* t * d** ey e? Kii *s t„ rea*,vn. tlien. that the better yimr the uiwiwetnemi \SV -Tne »t ia>- pewnwel ys*e* the old. New |*U*Ih-» I ke If vxti woukl like to know more about *'Tef!(*n",• floor«xarb**B resins, new fin¬ career oj^w\*tunitie» where growth through ishes like "Luckte*** aery lie automotive rrseairh has lem the hwtors and r.mtumr* ■ fcnishes new families of prwdweta like the as the ohj<\-ti*c, w* y our pUccment other r Mr literature, or write Ik I. du Pont.dr |w»l*esters — "Dat ron""* pvlycwter fiber, * M\ Ur"* jK*l>ester tha, "Crcoar"* js lr- A- !.x»» k Co llnr.i. 2U») Vnwwirs Butki- c v.pis. S *.» AC. Mrmun Co ester hlaa ia«e. ing, U iiiuuigtoa 9R, iViaware. *--' , - ?. I. MaMJwhaaem. ms& on MERRIAM WEBSTER