1 SIS' Slrrl Slrik*' Tin* Weather .(>M Sink' Main and cooler Cwnllniir* High Onlay Sw I'aM 'i I,ou Montln* PUIfK :» CENTS I vol. .*'!• >«'**• Career Carnival Closes Today Wall Si rue' Stale Tax . iremnants Journal Co* orinii In Court * New A ork l*il|MT DecMon Waited S'liil* Hi |M»rlrrs On !YIIII\ | eu *!»!•• t' V ! he lllt.TlMt.'.i .spivliit'.iv at last lUi'hl'*- iiju'tunc 1 tie « at cer «'at nival wen ic|n»i*te''s fi*oti» the Wall Street Journal, who weir o»\ennj.r MSI $ annual «•*ent tar t heir paper. TM.- . •: •*. • 'I .le , !l»i I •• \ *t..tr X-W II* *1 It..*.-.- I'm,,;; t .* :■ we" • c .pcf |k|A KENT GIVES a hrolhfr IMti Signu located will take on I vogue St. formal dedications int thrmulPHi; ' n*tmn The Ipp.t Jim Snttle* some assistance a» I he* place Stitula* W S* . ,1,-tu II.. planumj: i' jhr finishing touches on the new hou-e •••I..,"'ft \M". !.,i hug tht.-U ;! k; MniilM rs to Co \.'li>r NUle Xirws I'ltntn hv *» ':t Mii.-a a ... •' the .xhtl.e are on •c -ft-ond It.*.! of the Uni-.ti INTERESTED IN THE NAVY? This is and continues all da> toda>. Itepresenta- i>ii! one on the ta d flooi lii Sigma K:i|)[uis Open House Ihr Inciter l.i\ .\n Irtlxlatlirr j|i|iinlnl tllr ?•» in .in at with reer one of the over TO exhibits in the Ca¬ Carntral, which opened Montla* night tires from man> int* an> companies will lie answer* t|tieslions students pose. J-lh>l> I'rtitiiin* Ihir tempt Ia rurr Mn hltiii'i hnan- ctjl Inmblf* t ree Navigation in Suez Canal WediirMl.M IM-tition tor i* IfHiii Oie last day .1 llop rliaii to , »,m • - :!*, : • • »■' < vii. :;s . s . - \\ . . ft. : men. retitioiw ma* lie pieked up r.«;cilUlU's i H Is : • {titled Arab in the I'nion 4 oneolilxe. The fill A Republic Accuses - \ .. . • ■ ' > ■ V; s low tot; positn»ii«. are ..pel. de .-oration*, tickets, favor*, puh l.eit*. program*. roneexxion*. Israel o f Fake Crisis in I V photocraph*. (tiie.U and patrons. ■roup , \.\ * .(-• •» \ \ r; »\s Miss *1*1 i.umge Ttia! an,) puhlie relation* is RAM At' the ih'Mgneit to T USU Goals HIM w1 ltui.'j Hi.ii is M ■ llir lourl \tt\ , (.rn ' IV.ul II I* rlrjfli 4ii 4ltrni|il *tl .nti Oil.I f Aran ovii* .tritl auv. oiiswer mipaiel' o! i|ii«".< tun. nuijor op tield* a latge il. I lit |it|u» llir lliirr |»rrrrnl .fil- 1' u.li! IV pi Hit; Uw •■llir ioiistituti.Mi t*li(« ..! in* .i , • the Inquirer need only gi*# * liUti.ll l'al. >Iltnk III' x.iiil |st,irl lis* I r.itl* t.l ro.le mimhrr. which stand* lor [Building for Future— \im •mi thr w.ilrv t.t\ it.. V A U iieinliitr "al 4iii ruiir ..ml |»|,»ee a rertaln held, to who Wllll.illl 4tt4elitni> alii roiiili- then ict*e* some vital Informa¬ Of (Committee at MSI -in Til. .lit: Frosh Get to Sit on 40-Yard Line tioiis " }•'«iii..i. ||r 4i ilrM rihril 4 "iintr the t ul' roiitra* vii. tion on this major, wage*, for graduate* in illrlioiit." ami added: "ImiIiik i Second .of .t m f.itlrd on Ihr flrld of Imlllr. Ilirv Another new exhibit Mux yes. »!!'• 'irau «»? >(l By Performing Short 'Card Duty' - A b h\ *!ie lahtoiy, winch i.s ex • the future of .MSI !•<■ < ommittc How oi lliri are riilillrd t«. iit.iint.ilii 4K.iiiis( us a oiir-xidril tabuing fccvcral books «»q ra- timer#!! V has -vi>;u-I hut m \ ■•;t I v.ns! V ' I itirr - ,IM llfl ?»l4lr of war." t '■:t, '■ [M'1'Sd KopresfiUiiiive* fn«ni 70 er*i,- • .•h.-fi itiR -. -r th** >.i •- ' * mraati.mal ill *ir.ciion by eiuphas The Kh.u »i.i.4p|».Mri<ortunitie#, wage* and - ana maintains v!i.*<u> e.ir nmtei IVl. IM*. ..i • iiiiythirig ck». within tfieir emit* . • •• vv- am! off-campus ptoc rants .»!' e\.-r in '/.S/ //us \nliil ■< nw, c.tr^g- f»'■ • -,w vV h Hi. -* k fwuiititsl a--. A' t Convention mm' ji» this assemhli. Diplotn.i- panics The organisation^ ln- which cam strength tram am! contribute et! tils have ' I»'t'ii per-isting e!ude bu*im*sR, engineering and I'a inter 1/7 . oil tin- )• slatr-widi* Trarh'-t' lte!)ilni the MTliiin an at temp' iioii-ti* luacal group#, u-t well At -'.ac . graduate ami professional nrov r,.mv. T t" T1h> tn*s t the Armed J'orct s, Profession S'atni- t>i niiit.riii/t» risk ••( new I-- U' ' a saiects the prociam.s it w < Ft... iVufi an t ■ allocate* it- avaliable n-"iiive- in tin Stuff I nil Term • **n<« (K4•• • ' ' «' .11,1 (TKI*S» **"• n tv - hop t»r Mieh-l'AR. blowup 111 the Mid¬ >' w. tammutee stale* that anuimil.ition. organization oes? achieve them 'I I' .dcr '.- v! I . UHigrd !h.»: uurdi.x;:"t: K.I* rtU..-: "• ^ .»*'■ '« 11. fi.l!..til- »* an nt.Mv at»*nip'. •Hi.n-. '.>> fu! ni.tn«- On!* n.-w ttir Mvi.toi "Ma;iuir.iti vrar will 'h tu«hI at K.lucafion Awm « dle Fast. ex I irly tended fhix lb vear eiuh.it the j:o on V A K. ls- Applications ICosrnnnation of knowledge rouplerf with prmidini* for f«»i th« * :n,- ,i*i if "S.* c».»;:.vt nu> jMrta'iiMiW* f»n oi'ii-- MIUI Tiv.- 1'ariq. ««n St. Maiy !U . l«ikr. mar rae'i flipping in No- Canal *tinc the disco*err of new knowledge are two ot . i J.n. itattlr t'r.s'k I K*t in» lude hound from I - ■ . W- an ->uni< ? • 1 f.-ur I*r« . aig'H's JlltU.ir f.'t lll.lt rue! to o'.tiei c.ipii i n-even t r. p s a-jmount purposes of a unirersit r. MSI f .« i -i\ 4 i t-;.'. , Iff I-,,- Appro x una !i»ly f?.V Avuiluhlc No** . . •i ^ wrrr in.r!«..!)* s.*if- tfiough eiirruxl en ii.iii-l.Arue i l- • . t'nv.ii sw- all IS chatnnoii rrpi 'if»rnt.i!«t • • v: ujH.n the p&xf tor the future, the Com 1" •> : vm. u.oui i i; ri uit.novt mA Diiin-h freighter has "" 4 b " MM should »! reip.:tlieu even area it! MF.A r.-gi'.n> and 15.' district I tee n stalled at I'ort Said suite K'olbright Kfudy or research .. • . . ... •. N.. • ■■n. :v«' a' ttir on. «iav > elects to enter or continue. I I \ V! ••'** } lt\ wiUiiir In llir Itlin-k Irrwli- Mir . ' May lwsau.se if•- « ,ipr,un n - #c»ioitir#iii|> candidato* hav« un- !in;:. •»dillg- 1. < rt»r«M nun rrcrivr man* ad\aiUa«rs. ri'.t. a.-t fioe ' • . olwv ah onler f •< i »n« M «i, t :•(» to tile applications at • • ears MSI' h.is d.■ve!'o|,«"i> a nuuihr? ,»1 MKA riH.ritui.it.tr < f *lrnihrr% m| on Ihr 4ii *.ird llnr Sinn tjst .iCon ,if hii l-laeli .-uigo * Giu.iaate otf.cw lu .Mom 1 I tui~. MSI " -" laiir well known Slutlio rii«-;ilt-r ' i-t>pe. at all Itonir camri. iii»lrarf ot Ihr ciirgr ..! ! linivrisit v act:vito-.. F.iWZI declaied his (Siuntrv Hail • traditional role Im >* it! th» year- alu ad not i-muI riid-ioiir frn.hiu.in *ral». ami stalf n-prrs.-ntatiVi' to tin4 u .V uhldiiig hy the pruu iples of Tuition, maintenance, ind nil! in* M'von and imio- TKI*S everything that other imtiUiludt* are (l|N'iih TrioiiU !he Condantinople CoiivenU.ai >f round-trip travel exjH*ri*e* will • :nntt's ot tla-hinjf during l>r Fr.*l V«**.o'ani. of MSI? IHflB 4»c provided by the Inxtitute of my things of significance which other m- guaranteeing fiee pu-sago bo Oil »■=■• ..a f-'iiw. during whicti,!u' and MirtUktan folb-Ko TKI'S Intel national Edix-ation whh'lt • f " a M«*t aptilUil •diiough the waterway. doing or can do Ie>- well." the Commit- • .. , is. will work in c»»r- rlukirtnan. will art as .-o-t Imo- ■ • At Mus.ua t.f i* and Thirsby a*. ' admmisteis the program for '.bu nreal S'Utit r .eater f«»r di with tin1 (Mi!id. Thy man Uu- wt»ik»h«>p with Sim* U S liopa rfrnent of St^te. Msit ! ./'•! WhiV... V Via - • 4 , 1 «.<•'. the Committee mv* a '"Chi*cr-ity which 1U Wis -r. .,m. i a. s *r;* i irwl u* t tor. <'.,w will Iw lPicviMtd during tn« \.ci> tMmr game inons K«*y topa-j to la* rovrrrd air \alhm'sCimrl Student* interested must h# undergraduate Nuvi'ii ' i.'.td ■ a significant and viy.»r»:■ .. J . l: H i;.-t- W n "a it l T? a A i 4-..I I - . * '.»sl by atnarm-l thraUr and jwirtaiisitV in HUh*. tm local TKI'S ebairmrn. do- m itir TKI'S Ilogins Si ndv pli. ation. must have earned a ha.hrl.ir'* degree or it* equiva¬ I n .Phil-iu.-ip-V and art' t|Kins< u>r ■ M ■ A • . 1 Na •. Ul i>! o , . i • edge of the language of the host the quality of graduate programs i' Art Me a,a v - stuJkm.* At many 'li.ii.t'* ttjfougt; Friday 'Hinr wiU In* gluniH for tnr vrai and drvrlop- m»; plans for impirmrniiiitf Kn country, and must be In good hroad principle* or guides form the Irasis of ofb*i. Uve auii, <>> iiracllit this *.-«• i on Ot-t. the 1JU iUtir ■ .• .trait'." ii> WJiCih n a It- Mat.- program wi tlu* l»t«*ol level. WASHINGTON |M*iit- *-* upon wdh racial and civil rights case/ b«- under 3.". \ear «. <#f age and no After admitting 39 men to hrtvr studied or lived abr-Mt! I • • *-><■-."ity of selectivity among pn»grams to in- practice before it. the court re¬ the jHixt trouble ahead foi a bright young T'ie rep.rt,>. listed ihese gutde- tired to work on a lung list of .A plan of pn.postsi study b- al„| quality. I lii.il > Xiolr—I.Ik# auav rihrr tential deiififiuen? u sp-dved, Pre t-n."llun*l tll/|p*»«» )u«#aAie drl.n hi»«« tor the teacher '«• follow .h order to be releA/td next Mon- be carries! out wttiun the >• If vtive are the pi even - lad Com *■ weU-U»-d'» family '^b rbuice of the fundamental disciplines •- iinenc. #t»p» n»i blat^.w In l»u, in * rrm«hi nt lour -more ;ve • measure-, t.-^it can be taken a sn«jil, farming area c».mjnun- trying to spot potential dellii- da* Tins lixt will show which uiyroad should submitted wiH: ^ i-.- upon broad, Mineral education. Affirmation of the *rt.f Irw. H.Mlrhflrl# rdi.f »l..tn ««'». '.Ot sprrUl.a •rlh.Hls t. K Ihr Tie fciHial and We conwr.u:-- it * It nught mean wanethsng qiiefiV- case* it will consider front among the appiu atmn and r.s ipntc integrity of the regular aca- S«ti»nal ».r, r%han«li\r. *rar-i*M ««4* — eiuu. youngster "predelin¬ the court since the summer rc- approved institution* of nepartiaenta, divisions, cylleges. an Ptt«r.i» tor u»e |) irarkrr* IfjlBI yournsaUw 'is on hi* way t«» bright young lad of imnugr-m a wttn quent," for there is a cotaMont ci'Sft liegiri at the end of June. tommittre feels that under the laind-Rrant phil- If. detect fK.lrnii4l c Ana-Pacinc 1 lundamental iMunption is the desirability of n> G. K IIOOIAIUKI.II thn.agn early identdioat. and The teacher must unu' the role he has been given. ices will begin at once to hear area 1 AP Maolwn Wriirr aeuofi to fwi-stali the de*»'l<»p- y rduratkwul opportunity at the university level, WASHINGTON' -Thrn ■- VnFnt of many juvenile deiin- th. i i port said, that behavior . 0 Utihze all available sources arguments on lOtoe of the 70 or The Grtoduute t.itfice may oe to large pros|»ective enrollments anil in* no €n»j* way to teil in advamr quenu " iV4M n, and cauv must be of information and guidance, in¬ to caws it already has agreed eon.vulte.1 f .r further inform . t»ef«»re behavior can in- cluding profesaionally trained to consider. tion or uppiicanU. may Write 'o pressures result in sug- • ^°*f* "f higher education, u hii b are heailml for Al. yuur,g*tor*. a' one tune or Chariged All nine of the black-robed the Information ami t'omueluig the eilucation should be livubie. and which aren't another, violate *«>me motut «r - cost of university rules and regulations Ti e teacher must understand Distinguish between those acts justices were in place as Chief Divixion. Institute of Interrm- b> the recipients rather than by the society Jf there were, half thr UP tie major Sow. then, does the class rxxi.n that discipline is important, bu* of misbehavior which reflect Justice Earl Warren presided af¬ lional Education, I E*u»t C7Ui St., a^ainsi yuveoile delmqucacy eomomic deprivation (stealing fably over the brief c>j>rning York 21. NY. would be won. tearhcr #>»rt them out? of treatment Correction or aJ- New ahd doe* IRA take the place and selling a classmate's sweat¬ ceremonies. AH appeared in ■ w^?^fion4 are anthithetical to the philosophy Delinquency isn't a C4-huur There are no aunple. rule-of- 4'y that it is no cure for delinquert- er) and those which reflect j»er- good health and some, especially L ! M'Chigan State was founded and should ize fHcknes*. say* » n^areh study thumb rmKhuda u*cd, said tiie report. The tenei*,, that can '** justment—riot revenge--must !>e aonal mrdadjuiUnent (rutting Justice Hugo Muck, wore heavy Spurlun Vml« Sli.fr, I*. < n>r!vly by the University." states the Committee. published here It rarely hap¬ that same sweiter to riblzius). I ®^ible to believe that the onm't misjudge every act of summer tans. In addition to considering .Mitiiy I'lMiUuM, 0|m*ii M-rkius nust^chavsor takes a facUirs. the pupil's personal I * "■'"'■-'*1 i.rirtly by .(uueilt fw- ami that the Uni- 1 fairly long lime to develop, ano makeup, the "fcar.g he runs wi'.n or ridicule a pupil, especially• in misbehavior as an indication of many cases stemming from Anyone wishing to work in e',u..j continue to potential delinquency. school Integration, including ma¬ advertuung. copy, promotion or have a» an inteyra! part of it" many youngsters Rive hints or or plays with, hi* family Imcr* the presence of ot^er pupib. A't! this puts a heavy burd.'n Recognize that the pupil's jor ones from Virginia and North an ou the SI'AHTAN. MSU# well before the pattern is ground. Tho&c factors mtut be r^» P~'"t.^ced major research ami offsn at. the neignburbood in which he lives. by school administrators and him to 'take it out** on the lobar fie'd and on matters deal¬ today from 3-5 p.m. and Wed¬ IF lr,e teaching and research pr<*nim.< must lie F-.r example failure in sev¬ colleges and schools of educ.t- school, the teacher and bis ing with anti-communist legis¬ nesday from 2-30-4:30. Punitiona end of a year*tong study, cm- eral school subject* might mean *. pha-vzed that the barber the po¬ kMaja* Card] -IVrMMialilirs" Tlie fiouitaeling CpiiIw Feature Vaae Calietl "|)i,.|J ■» D Dr. W illiam Combs A Place to Take Your vanrement. and hath the attrac¬ t'enier Troubles during regular office j o< tuber S. !!•.»!• «r*ri II XKKKK MW- XNUKKSOV »*»«Kl r»te Twei • cr \VASH!Ni;iX>\ Departmri;1 ed to back ujj .x • 1* ; ■ Kver.toite ! piwWen*. in- tive and unattractive feature*— hours 1 fl -! t - 4A am. and 1-5 p in- official* thai ;vv- .''iiitina MSt' student*. .oHt ev¬ i > A*. iVan of t'nivprnity Soryiiv*. has been vmioral ovrrspor of many Mr William II Fornix im|H»rtnnt university ert t.\-ir 0|.'iis.ii-.d> ..f 1'ifM' «t i- > teoig fl-eir tit.tibles to the i« avallahle In the t'enter'a Oc- rupatlonal Mhrars. The -erviees of the Center .i' e daily. Monday through Friday 1 nr hy calling ED 2-1511. exten¬ sion '2.1113. Krosh-Sopli tIroii|i I'laiis hleetions mctrta for 4 e»i, "Tlie Naked m >; . y, V'enti r __ n ,o' vi- -"\ t'lUHwpIing wish,dig '<> 'Hie E'twh-Ssmh tvuru-;' ♦..* si-ene fum'tlons in the past 10 yritr*. hasi*-. llowrter. anxotie ;Ur, Last July he also asmmed the iliitie.* of the tumersitv i vi ! • , r».-i |V.iI'd.rvi; oi V'e "n S'lMlent "le Sr i «.vorid - o'*c «• I *•«•.• (.» of charge a voluntarv Any student *pe.ik with a rmmseior lm-m-d- desigtiatod o. up'tut tees to :ec.i- (W.erin:,. The de',W(. Tafi' ¥ - .v.,. ,.r o,r <,,••{♦[ 'it*, nvkrw 'Vo-.huig to ta'k to a eounvet"* witely max stop »\ the ("enter la'e the prograii' "f « verv.' •«■- the *"t gallon l'Vvio.. Secretary of Faculties. His new appointment requires that a r.iM;,c an ap|M»int'netit without an apisuiitment if !»«• • lilting to the elect;•»".* m «♦»* ; 1 ' gfrtmv-, he attend and keep the minutes of the university's weekly i vi.. . • '«' •• i'.»ii:v-t!imjj t'enter »f< s servne Ml -•. v« *: ig jo 'he reception;;; at the classes Tlie main purpose "f •v>n*'r x ca 4 *ar*e District defend a ( inir*. *u t ►*,- .• .. , Ad' f; c wake vmv-- - , administrative jrroup meetings, the Academic found I and Ve'.* .ttulerds the count 1' |k«*tjna«ter ilo • t r;rrsi »» -i.»:i» t»*i.-mltrig com c , i Anthony Hall Gives (line he '"'A I Su-Tniertlel.' Academic Senate meetings, and graduate council meetings. plans aod coming student* w'.'.ri :> s \s head of Fniver*it\ Services. Mean Fornix has itins. . \ .v.ci"'i»! ti.»ns and cu*t."vx ■•' x«-w x rl xi,si wi*.-« l orp . (he }1 Xt pm-v.'V.a - ... a a I'W.'.went pr*»l>- e de :x r- J.ff] MSI' diction o\er (he lihrarv and the museum, the Audio-Visual teiw* Klilcrlaiiiitt al lea liirmigh Site V."'. ciiltni.ii »c:\ .«• iv.v. 1 v.- To Future in A^rieulture X.-i-'itt r x'av '."siie-J The Venter, the l,et*Tnre-C«ntcert series, the KttTi Air Science 1-V • »' ^ yen let. y.OilO pr-si»n« -r- of the counci; ••* o' • •< s "g * .. - • - \ «ni*a"\ '-'.c • , x- .•n. „ wptiif.' and Military Science divi¬ eiyved gmd^'ue ■ ».m*e!ir,a '.«v sponsorship of .1 • p-c-c.c. ■ ... >*r Amer-ca-. iv entry of 4 dece " V.jj ♦n sions and the Hejiistrar's of¬ ni1;\ a' the t»and*lie . to g x. I'nitesf * Art:*(.*, ,. t vrvii. i' 'i.ijhoi annual ti»t«i On the outskirts of south rumpus- stands Anthonc Hall, • ' X->- via* J' I metoheis a ch.-incc to aequo . vards for de \ ci - fice 'ip l"elite;"* tostor.v no! only clumping the silhouette of Michigan State Fni •.» r*e.i the new |he I'ean and his wife, I'mir lhmi*jn«l llir hnnilrrd of recelveil inills lifiial conn - versify but also giving a due as to what the future nut> Ur. I.. Jonn1 to (./re .It tea Sii'l- X|irlii«.in Mat,, \f| parents of a son and dauph¬ lhr*e total of l?.g|J inter- bring in the field of agriculture. 1 >1*. ; Ipttnn J41 • Sf - in-. reside at IJ70 Orchard %rUn« in a W vi afivV Pr Fme t I. I'iimo 1 '.onrrrt 11iff. s lew s Px»P'* ' eq >\ •, c<4. Mrect, Fast Fausinp. .' i;r.f fo! t.-'.x '•'•*- • ' i v- 1.18 va tlOXHfth I rtOa. , 1 • .1 •! .1' 1 ■»* I*. V ' .mo ,ie.«n emeritus (»f agi ■rSf .'.i* of hOM-OI"!- ". • Tf <• Mil. . On-jrliiirir. .. , ' icon and -•• c - r . I Van Fomhs' first «p. "icn-;< ^* : • <• • i*s tostsi w I'II • e. An":,.-.v 11.»;1 «•«« «•.»•** ptevtv.: •» • ' l»t l-« x "••iwlax* v— " » 'a ! of I9JH T' ♦* In contrast to the Malts lit 4"d f fsnntmeut at MSF was that IfW «MT 1 >..11 .tone*, p .»■' ••' •• ' • tri;,.«v-g »*.*t;-e* * meat* laNna- parfmetil. the Ponltrv Mepart l ''»fl" *u " r , , «tf hiMorj and (tolitical *ei- t and tortun: •••• Toc*.i.-> a. b ' » t ••irreU a« «r, ..... ment doe» not srll It* prodmdv , ■ * a.v. c:earners. !7 re*e«r, tUT 4.-1 111* fill IJI'A - .-:r« Th.s ;< e »econd f.». rt-- •4 ■ silt**,-*. ... ' |H»inted professor and head *ao .••.nfprer.r rooms a;* 1 inc. nutrition, management mat ..J- h.»\e *Me ami iv to do wci! n (>v n Vital . f " C -cm fl* O. c > .. .. r r • keting. phvslnlogv and prove** *4 of the department of public lie ' " a" au.i 'vcm, uiUi 4 sealing ;s invited to attend •em-* to t » tv .'f W»" Ing p«Miltrv l« carried on n*lnt Administration J can'' »ee ■ ' * cot . er- .41.4. about f.X.IMia < blrks. K.rtflP poult* Wha' tV«r-"c . vine had been 30 He has also served as ad¬ '••fc w> c ; t es 4 Odd laving birds, and 3.Ml breed¬ urge 'd m*rt '■» expand ami «o n CLASSIFIEDS ehou o I .i'«' ministrative assistant to (he president on academic af¬ fairs, 1917-10. ami dean of Xrrordini raun%e|or. appraslmatelv ?tper- la l»r V*aul kini •a. -' Its within partment* «ch«*.»t Mone* de*ignate*l for rr of the various de¬ tt'r agricultwe e ing lurkex* each year . Fa.v'it.e* o\ snacr heir a-e for sinxplenie-' 3 duo 'ax ing CAMPUS the All-i ollcge division, a rent of the erohlema hreaihl to search h» 'he *iaie and fe>ie*a' I. -us a' the Kellogg Far-. »o.i HFAIM.INKS: 1 p at. Ha* Hefore FuMimtion fur Tue*,. Wetl. I hm* the renter raneern aradewlr HaU e ("reek and "J Olid more a' "am! Fri. Kdiiton* governments jxhiIH not l*e use ' forerunner of the present •rhiei emeni ednratlanal - vaea fixpei Pentn*u!a Station a ^londa* through I ridi* •• t»F.%\ COMH« • « fu't potential in the ot.i e Hill* Fa* able * i: and I "• t'niversity Services. t » tmnal rholre*. and personal-•»> Cha'ham university arrvirr* agr .nU.ur# headquarters which he ««« appointed m rial problem* »*• the %ntmat IVaahandrv, One of »he a ma of :he Amrna 111) 2-l.tl I li\ 1. 2n|j The fowtlseiiti rro— •:*.« Huvhtivir* I>epar*fT5eni *?.i{f « 1010. Hairy and Toaltrv thfirlmriiu f.C'swv up t"e mmplete pr-»- '«vt« » mpenirr. .s»;jr.sr.1.4 » Horn in tireeii fount\, Ind Oi ' 1 sot'». ip are ahle t« rarrv «•» their re . . - rrr. t ji- * im , <■ s . f raising me 'iveebu •• PERSONA. , the A II and M V degree* at Indiana Ftmeraitv in 10.M vi i>ei.vm .«f " c entering frevt- •earrh in a centralized laratlon * augh'ei ;ng. a:x»t marketing *' e automotive for sale stilh eaeellent faellllle* avallahle and 19«tf, respetM i\eiv He riveived the Fh.lb degree in 1 , amended the three- for H«l Hsafe f. »! nrou ic'. striving «'l tt»e «exe- \r> r n» .£•••.■■ M-'n.e ■> produce meat tha: « at the Fniver*itv of IVnnsvhania isi-tvipa e n «i--. . > 19"»d f-ntai •• m eek a.-fsO-.e* The Ha ' ah*o *eixe* 4 wee' a-d f'a .»rful. llefore turning to Msl'. I»r Comlm taught in Indiana voivO Toii{hl| " 4HWi.1ucte.1 meat :apora;.'MP* se x# o Maating - • i.' v.l ■ % • r A -moll' Ha ! ro*c.ii. ' public «rh«toU. 1911 Ja. «;i« associate professor of histor* • ;. »e ...i.-S s. :.»;•;«*>»'< «*• «te*er»«;ne-< res v'i i'**-es a e he id ' •>..• 4 ... th«x*r ro:itiev'e>i i«»» n j and political wiener. Ilerea Follege. !9i>-bi. and instructor of history and political science at the I nivetstty of Ten* t 4 1- .1 \i.*\ m ••vi* . ' "T pr.igvatv toi jwve le* * vetj t i : T r tam -.ear*i e- « «■' tvnef t. itUixtra'.w.^ vd.fv t»*e"- xiv F.x"i<»;!- 1 H.o.d Adm nisttatiou. » and F.»od I'e. hiiologx H" e up "ft j 0 agrta-ullure i« im . ne*we, 19.11-.'Is s- -g fat-w 'and. e*r ;»»men Progre** in Ma 4" 1 ' -1 cC.V* portanl because the nation de He was a member of the committee on modern; ..tin -t m " o u ' a. aden c The da \ plant %upp es the pemls on the kmerlean farmer government in Michigan. lO'.s '0. the t oii«tituttonal He MS' (! apt l.ior*. . » w t*.» e umser*-.'. v with ne.esv.itx to provide adequate and food o. v ar» vt * »"«f IN&USH HO«C qualitv fo*»d product*. Vision Studv Commission in KM-'. the technical staff of the *• * a hrri » ■ * :»i>nnT -an ire C.4 rx p-.xn..llt-'.-e MSf "*• X •'" -r.x Had is a *vmb*x'. afgv. *he pr xtii.-tv wee • v\ ■ Tax Studv Advisorv Fommi*»*;on n 19b". !t. and immhv' »«• Uidew »n*o i-4-1 e 4 .» so *-.» i in 1 i* lain*. « a i"v v .g'-e-s at MSI", a x 'a *tep leader, in social welfare for the I title Ibnoer < ommissnm Me 1 v» do re»earM >» ' h the • 4»tx * '• K '• |9S* D*W » for Michigan, 10oO f.F f * a d • .i , 4" r wo: g ar.i r\pe- g: am re-»H»n*:t> e for i"-«x •.•:• g' ava.'ub.e ;-.i.»duc',s • » He has written article* for imv?o***< toqnu s .«• ' Information thaul varieu* »>. r o aC 1 exe top qua! t\ .-.a • e he' *» msr r. e.ea' g w \"\ «il* h .-.its "moufliow me na .„ \ F o.icai — the duiie« and aalai* ... the a..'.for of "Tcnnc*>ee -.v V.itta and is rii|*alion« rattle, the vpmilunilier tot ad- quo.-:.or* ie-t nuttttt**n Michigan State New: J. M. Itoherl*" **.. Cat as : » -o .. st- « VI* >»«« .Xn«l<»i • NOW .•41 »* fc-.ii ij»t » k-NT v *0-. OA'S* , iff -» t « «.'»*»•' Interpreting the News * V « ii,< M i* |i« lltrdt t hr»*t • tiiler in i hot • * e ■ »0us •*' . - Adder st«*• • 4s e % ed .n •misora'x t>uipo«ev •.•ei d.- g > • ■*x .-.-..q •a'»- I irraltiMn Director Paul I e*hci iH»ps*r!une tirrc ' " • » *• Mtr s •. t.- Ills Niior Soe Fiw» I mi...'. H i' I %IUh*« i>.p • g H i \ t until e. 4; .1 tde w.« d vamjsa.gn •( x >• t I- ' t * 4-414. housing I'm SStUmti-tt I4n P»i» Mlltn !•*»»- . V.. k i>Sn 1 M> Mr- 4> o.*,*a. ext * Wx>ut a."- When se u .it s', aggie*-* ,x rues* **•1 »4i I'm# tiller Jt«*n »pe»w III' Mtlil'l. Hern *l»r- . Suviot Fxt'c's (a "at i /r*• < >r . K. • W l!..-« I »«"!*» H»fr. ! ?*-e e " e Cunniun. X U hi MU*r> »nh.ui I o4«l» lu i K- »'H Mintin s-'Hi Hmn -1 p*«\ n* • >H « -x Ml »»lrk*,'4 WnOi |l»IUhlv K'l.-t Mii.i" tH. R I'rmn r.x. : *,;• e e s *M|i 4 .. . \i|kl »4K«r* NI \»li.•!'». Si. r rt4.lt** Mift.iH' ** •< -ii .a, afTa.r* ,'vav* i e Mau» Tie-Tuhg aid t'h.Ki . ?ir * «W > ( ' \' ru * :tt- . W • ' r I 4»r» Wilier. Hill •»»'• . * n . Ni.mi. f.n-l.i; A-ri n a ata'.c- 4 -rf '4X4 ' < i I mill I «fti4(r Ov»n Sin • I l»««i"»4 M.ntiri Mm *«r . . . i*. - ..■•* WS4*. Tc* , I leers. Tool . . "<»n ••.d,t'»" 1 U -M'» I- * If- • i-» I 4U«*'* Mm I »M" • s fve :\i* • fnd "* mr" 0* nt pcinnw?-,* !■'»* 4*0* MitHfi. I »n k* I ir 4 a I'll Ilrwt I !»•».'.<4 g:e., u Iixe'l* 11 |V;p.ng W-e:e«» .a;.-# -,*e U.% "f The Bud-Mo' *je r-. »• • wa, - *;iHifi be. weer * - pav rr rs \ .« ,• N »• .•:• . o *t in* . t;.^ie*e liext* It* I4IUOM) IJMITUX •r - T • a • t *-*'• -.0 in* ■ -••• * •' «»»i «xf * \'ov.-.* 4". 1 Pe.»s::g cw ohee* r so4r'.4« * ».r r;> » "F" *t ihe*»re: .cun* H.v.icr* »x? g U uie We**, d .* now o:t: . - WASHlNtsIAA 4* Te V .+ -• "\. SM-TH JACkVA"- 4 Michigan St. N none. \ a time when Rum a « * e its 'x •' t \e »raa; *epera:e- v.ei bu«s.nesa eve. u * 01 t. r ton* s'i*h • * •( . .si i*.«mv v »>n tenden.- »eea:•;g » . .«*•*' a temporary a*- Teifc |Ati,AC C* » ampus Ciassifid .» • ; . .xe;r m. 1 e fh :»«*c ': • *t;se a *-!>xj.1 of pro* ■.*e. p. *» axnage .« *»v»t:o* e; a . . •tgrevsusr tirvw*» ,•,* $.*.au >w X iXKJtnertx*. ' 4 ofi< t.' ** 'a iWHdt r-omeuv* T' cjr a 2C8.4] . dt.l tl.x* . is- ,e\e Hu-s*an ar.i v'h r.e*e actxxss a- a gad.:a' •• ..«• A -e • Phone IV Crossword Puzzle > f 31 s'pera:. **i -sh.'.4 ne ma r.i* i- If *ei»ara;er.esa .. •** «x\u ;i lea*: T a.* .k* 'x S*» have R^V.C ', uv» . . . EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATE c s JBVJjL t>VcwiH t>1 • ;-f •1,4?:.—the .-4 a...:,." 4. d.iterwicex of e p.a*« -.1 o •; no iw T- w'e'ailQ t I t i-im . d d r*M aeeei to T*-e w :we t>wa.:>e«» a*u i be e.*e the Amrr,..'i • «tlf WAS'lD-UlJ Ot tE-XVIVo t cang »,.» we ., howexei. metre-x- a v'*«ruwun;vt p.».ur*.rg . -*s*td res-.*fn.;«- Hie r- .1 e <«rac«- un»'' T!:v« •.* .' ,u.rn<*A4d. a* e Ke * fo.iowesl more and in wh,eh Mae and K o.-h*re. v.,sen :vi. *.■..»'• v.- !•***,.« »o* KD I-«at rcuOtvn;c understand e«»*r- othet Th-n i»utjng ' naxof* can :«*avt -o ■ t*»t« isCl IiD . **»4db.r •.* e tvs pea. - NEW tVN'Tl ••• ' i« .*♦ • e > \ «u I n.v. ami cxxild ;*e cNVH-eraunf •». oe:... - - prue* n Ru*s;a *. 4 ne . a •.« tit Mava u*-" »;na:e that, a* t e We' myo ment a can; m.i ,.r . v* a rw-Mtu. l-j ha a- a jxef.em ' * .ema' ng Vis *'"ai'Vf* »;«».•>« e »f a \* .-ee aexewif .;i h-n »xea.-e «♦»!»..; ;•. •,<* »Wv-. sfltiCa: '.tve -.e - -t.4 arv." **•' -# ■ • 0* ".'A Ve t. e >«v a.-» »• < Av•< «• f#a » (>e-a>4*e'» . I.' • 'V •,*»:».:»/.* I* t-, ' aga.n.«t ,we We - sfsi w .tfts-ut rev-.qpv'... -si :- e .r s , fc, • -•--»; . rr? t-vw.- -• rn : . V IV., ">g a p*x "'4 pro tr.«portaut* e *>f v • .r. w '•"4 M-.rvUjC"- t o- (o 14 --gx* a«A»» ■ - . . e. ■" ,- wri .or *••♦ O". HsJ Vo«'»- K; ru.-dw.-ev IWi- 4s n.-d y- »•!".<" • te e,- \-* .. . ' v v ".*■. 'r,?ii!? ,z*Si2 A^ 'fx- v. * i-s'a*e Pltrtiicvi' .... r .... , I '.ha*, the': v. . »".m- w »* THOMPSON •* .3 5> •*•-.« ETV 4YWXIV..U*# . «• tx . c ha *-i*5 {*ee:» '.Aiko.g •-•P. t- ?-**n Xcurvx. Wo re* y > t-oter-.ng pea.r K: hi* a nr- !*-■- U«- *:•-•' j; fa*..-, T u 4* ■ax ay v»n.x Ua •of Vi • * • ■"-"• - • Apr A-'ART'dflN"- "e.Tf t.l* ■ vx.-yne, t-hev "a\t :a. '.Sl».'« t-i • • »n*' »-• qs|f w w. i ri» sir v - * rru *-•« K* SERVICE Aif/it Mo// T- V>- -•*Xext * 'avr eont.RiMMl '.her m. - ' « 4. - .v d..ev v-n f -c >* T ie*e aie - t t •« "..w ■ - Tf •site. *-d I") * axu. • * TV. RADIO X - ' | »*»>.-» fu :-«•»* ec.s*r r-M*, <54,0 XA ,N- 4 x.aat iiiw aorfti# ikr .if<. a'i a.ea . datxj'r vtior > a" or* g.ven v * f r-x* •OOMS a* rtdMt IN '•' t'MSill 141*44 t «Ul4|* 1- v . i r..*i >;xex vftca ». Ni»x» »uft i«u Qmwtth ;,**per* tjv eccmomnb, tiul mtna rwv) v, vi i; H,r -- nuvijoi^r agldvuitura' a^iev'.ahxiy Pre * pptuyv* ? I'-xp ••#•■. e- S*M for r.ego-'-.a'uon o* "«ll to* tktlMl* Hiluv R*w* ai'd »■ k*. '4 -"wri lt*r cluoef i hut IMSA r<4**w»4r v •woe* #- • P—V4l» CP, Lna.w- ' ai'f T.'-e JTS-pagr romjv'ai-rxfi » »s *. u aiiatle , fvpninP. so ip" ' 1*1 !«'(» «u*.*tl Wo* l*»*>4 S1..T V L4-»*U'.g | • • PuUfeivhed hx the S*--a.e-H .*«• TNPIST AN" >ALJ> i LIJOi »TMAt# »r -«- *SMRx*tidv ewp.:v.iltee J* attest '-eat .fq'St-v.e rr4"x«e» 'oeatt*! w-v • WKAfiif atwcwd xi rrm; oasxr* 4'.d V'«» ' * - StUttcel » -e j»-e-e -eq - «■«- .'...T, u ^aTa.r,* :;ie cxxvuneot that 'the pe »' ",-»ur » »e*4 TV r>' maktog cwrrp«r»s?ns befwo.cn Awe'x *tf CbA-bertme! IV >-aa*t - * Heban j DO IT TO Ve¬ . 4»-(J any two natuxna' evon.aruev a;e Tvro Rt s^ovs ;; je-t w. un #»- nt wduul J*** Cord a.." Jin; •« CR.ADS x*T VPFN rvFARAS x • »tee wea-Y ltn LD jqrl exowduiglv ccm;.p!e\ even U.ehu«>i Th4'4 flu tD ?-x*«: a "nr-» »* - . ■ -WO k'Y- - r-e* *r *4'Ax: r Squth w*ve \x-her. these rvoxm-ni.c* . KK-NNV D * "* % are at different stages »' «H - rvit Tl n oat «e»Mr« eaue- *v».-*4 TV V-C " Pm#na U> J ot * r». Pruacz !ir<-*h»-» FOR »eek IM*"*-'-' *' ve-'ssgment and hai'e d fferent ra.*My. xv r Vmp-nve <*«*e T1PISC. * T» sea _* .>• Te%4-a O • 1-ue p*»'dcy objective* " Devul Graaick rf Ca.-neffie In- for rent re ' »„P«rK>r »wncii iuoenor tieww ^ *■"''C* ' .... 4MtairaUor. of - ctitute ef tWUMtogy wrote that . Kirr* we| _ 3 A ne Waart-- ro '-«■*• «: A'—^t ♦re SwH-tei nxanafer n* more i • Perl mom HwW 19 V. >*- o>U f\x»n tocxra* UrvAe* ~ ♦4 F n FkeJjr to be a coReye graduate 4i Si. k than Ute American, atisl ams.rig > v-t iTwda.u " ox t-aesi >' lost end found WANTED 4- y - »' Ni»vlet college graduate* a much for sale 4» Rv'1.4 r 0X1 NICCD GOOD f,v' K*.i- - i larger prvportion ha« cr.ginevi- F"o«t (.toy# na«' it x"iet executive* depend HO",*",. •' ~ .T, 51 Sr»,:«( *xr bonuae* for *» average of *000 £**** personal ONI nrunml •-- ...n-l - »!*«♦' ohe-dlfth U> one-third of their MISN St^ v , te.inam frw ffj-1 j JJ Kern -# te town O !•♦** "" total income, he said, and tfxe 0x>»C« >C • Sin'e kept 55 Aoent work for »uperiom who "shoxx a S»v0NUT SNO» e'vjL marked uie." ampeuem*# with fall- j 212 MAC Cm* A •M.-k ».-«*. w rurJiLW i**r^e4tJ -fid 4BU e - 9<>tG*Tr< * OHt«E»T1»A tA4» b*4 b*"t« T-msf rv blltl a kSL.£SE n. ob VIM lilt, VN -sf AII M AV S ll'SW Rejects Contract, October ti. I'>:»!» Smirlt Ho|t«» INFORMATION Red Ship SPANISH ( I I'll 7 1M lanmge. t'niou |tm, 1'luted Nati-ms AVKSI HA IIOI s| Study group. 4 10 p i» MVl I.uke Mini the s■,■' \ IL S. May Attempt Resumes Negotiations To Take X Wi V H 30 I NION AH P m C'iMMsitv HOVKIl . 33 Ciuaii Chess Toutne* ChiistiiUi lU'liefs piRIMttSts ; I'pe 30 p m> W I n.i-i. ,> si -a ulnuisa. !U»"'uiluii; , To Orbit Satellite Moon Pics hlfltl »*. ' -!' up I'tlli M Knn.lin i'all,'.nil's, fee v; •, >M "''*."t ,n d,m.'«' lei hlUMUi (Ml'a tp.lts.in ,'I Sept. Pud l'.\|>hisioii Forces like ■ e i • cAttini.it rrcnrxi <•' Vl'lu Hel» evtlMi,'! ;*.- MOSCOW < Tk~-The 'Sov¬ OKli WI/ ATION i win s i n 11I H Postponi'Micnl lo November . ITaft-Hartley iet lunar l aboratory U ex¬ pected to roach the moon 1 Ill OCK ' f in V Ciifimln HRIItl.t t I I H h«»l»! S'mi." • ; .1(1 a \MMM lltM St fiK AIM VII t i»i:i vi .«• ' \ Ml i A 1*1 ( \\ V\ I'l! VI.. I I', It,.' I'nilwl Stat.— tii.iv Dispute A today, curve around it and •I in take man'* first pictures of . lies-. ;h> a v !IUH'1U1*; ] t,| ,\n!h.»tty Slides I'll T Ha ■ vioitrvn mi Attn •rv a I milt late the m November to «»ri»it m«»«»n. an informed sourre camera carryi»i« ■satellite re|*orted Monday. the side always hidden from t,,rrsl:n;i;H .Ti — The it 'i)!iuv.*s I a ' v _ the earth. \i imu rm oviit; a l,v.vi >•,.rW.-r* liliintly n«r H' i p,'»in.i >!».„ i 'i mn « '< f Ill P tr .CM Sttldi S s-' '' * riiin iiiiii'. 4»«a vo ice ulll sldll Ihr nioou vdo'Uli shot I .1 "«•« «•(•*" "f- I WM5B-TV . striltoo ■ v. • • 4* nil!'-,' V\.1S ,,t| the 14 "' lite Vl'is |».»d .»ss| tiled 1« 17. VI,'hen r.'simwl . 1' ?3S 3 3 7 • i'i ritovii \ mm lis 1 >o IVoierl Alereur* I'his i*.«d. like ith thr ln.lu»- " C- e. . «■ v* .is s',i.\ r,." t ,'os'f .■ \\. a , I v. , Channel 10 s 1 * ihr ntir d*«M4erd. i» tiller lh4M ■ , ,, rtf.'i't t" rml thr • . •.* ' w* «hr e.nih'1- «r.iv.,4 th-'notls'i .Itlan "W IV.IM' P ,'i ' r•• t ni *r Vil is f4ds 4ml ran ' tt.p 'he Hussions s,4 a 'lityM »trrl strikr. .. I! VIM fh I-4; a.-' " ding t,' pUn IMU VfllMl VI NlirilTl I S. ,,r,l («,«., ,,.

* ' lit M Mi . .14 : Cm,41 11 Ipo - is , four •! i * oerlo.l hrtio ^ , , . . , * V -' .'"k tndieiitums tr«.',! ,.g s-.i 'm it .!n.|.rl! He !Vue* Ma •,'^in Ma niii; 11. l 31 |tii' t»ir Inlortomt v -Pv"* er »• «i u 1d , ' s. ■ 4M4!•>!!!* depa: ' sil.t it is (I'ltilill ill Ihr pronn a-pee, ■ r?'»M s 11.1 .♦ \*;|s tf.ivi- • i-4i»s.ite e.,'?.||4»rtlr> Act i'U' >•' ' «*• Hie tJussi.UI- J»ir- men' iv i' ar-.'U'. ■ tsisi,; m»si. lirepii.ilion c4ii he done lis Mien i'. »"•' (C.'»r.i position and OOllld be i s, -li.:,- |,' r *ml sl.trl .'.iHeu p,, | s\v « iTfl-meiuber woe films h.irk electronic itiu im- Must r r cumnutlee turned down mrdlilrb AIM Mi III IM III It \\k fi • •• 11 t ie ,B '«• !•:»' »' '' ■ n»s.*llsfjrli»r». Thr vote S. '\ C t'otoptllms S' 1 tniniini*"* t IIKINII IV si II M I M. .111.1 most ' Oil*. v\l/ VI Iron 's'4.*s- ' >nd «4td it* offei pifsident fin MSI slums iimmrinc student's the answers !'• I.IV pwi» ,|"r; ** 41 .1 l>-cent houi lv . ; > .4 lo I heir questions on v»ace earnings m varions fields, as Pie S|I,),Y v /ttutf. u •>:. H < o.il Mt rrliiinto Mi rl hrlirird llie N.itlon.il AMI III VMM. j;. !*a«e eve. 4 two- I'm' \ «pv.>'.».! Sue i'V.hV >•? I I' *PI 11 II •v •*■■*' fold by U\A|Vt in the ( areer Carmvars debut Monda* silt It I V I Oil.IV ill Kl'llouu gi lit M »* ■ UY.1 4 omi. thii* no fit-T nighl. i ,ii|.'ivv,r >h«erv .tlorx" ^ - "nt this (urn! VI ' nv-iiftr 04, sw i t*; ,«' • ■ • • r.s -1 n.n inflfl- ... I iiion Chiefs ( oiirci'iiril ,.r'! lutiii.» s of'iite and the" Irhlti) I a tt (honcc GALS - «, ,r.~r4v,- jji product;en luck t«»w *rd thr paieri! To Ihoti >ithjects p ., TV,. p.,.r. twins.t * $t.i!cmW 'lifii Tas« '■••• Shippers Ignore Safely p-r " v% i.i K.mg 'S# vv. '«h «>f the t*r*»- " .14 Iti'W* UjjeliC* . « 4s Ul.i' ;,i; ,vhts an hour fi" . .. • 4t;»r:'•»,»» h Within 7 ,4!..l tUIVUlii V4 ■ ■ -c*'. U a l.leti ,1.1st ir tit's' of th«- At Slrike-Bfiund Piers h • 4» t , '!« " . ' H tip , fl ■- ■ m*- ^ furthrr renditions to It Nl'W i»|JK } j • ... .,«j\ ch.irired M«>mhiv fh.t* . t'r 1 ••* MO OMKl Bottled Up Hps »rc thrmsfhes totalis U!»- shjptnrs wrrr Atamhtrdi .»' the nation s Scientist* r\t»erl picture* |.tken «UWr ..".i thtva!riled --by imp'ic.d ton - t.- r\ lit the silrllllr rjmrrt of the ,*€ I re', ;e".-e h< 4*1 ' istnk. " fit sitlr »f Ihr ntUMli to show thr s Or The - v. changes pan. !'•<• «;• •» x h,•.i* ' tie nil* some seamen ^ sjmr crater wars faniillai to all Cat 'Ss>rk:T'.C rules A * | tv:' -sree hour* after the r" - , > • . Iel' - . 4M , ;»!»,•! S itoHttt-carers M ,'f| • :.»!«» , tlMfSMlg It* IV,. ' Night Of nf* an rstv frvtMent t>. . . . ei :i.< • .• M '.J" MO ' V lOO tig y. hr I i an i R l .Mua.l ft i»*t« ii- the i. r t \. , ; -iMMnr . *«. i" |v.o . ■,'■ 11 . ret - . jr.. . l«*' ,lil tu-i.. r» (1.1 is! ,V «"t (IS t'XMt •• '<■,( s#., i i/tr l/s| Stmlfiil* >iiui l'>.t7 iel the • uesiouaMn* 'i J". ' nt "if s'pke 11 •• • l.'K * > 4 s«-' « 1*1! - sh.-tf- Ui.fc t" '■'# t*arguuun^ I ,s' . V.. »•..! «>r :•:! ... ■ the earth • v :.v.' an h'j.nng Tt** ilistriltutoti thousands of coronation ball * Vt'acc P • >*v t «»«' u'« : •• fr.'i'i i ,iu,ivi4 v ijv ''in** itsr frt»n "ie VAN'S MSU BARBER SHOP <*P ,-rv • v'jn.i 1»V n- v s, , r. s..- ■ ■ press. f. i. a;t s"..tVsfn a, | A: Pi.'-. Sent r<a:" js - <■>? b..''i aide* t«» if* *n urgrivy to similai 4«ti»Mis Ncliunal I its'i Itelalioiis Itaaril elsruhetr the FOR AWMNTiENT ED 21819 TICKETS ON SALE AT TNE UNION -»e of MH1.1VW nliUmol leni|Mir a r v iesti«lita CIVIC CENTER * »'*OTJ hrf.sje the PtPv> IliC onlri in ledrral «ourl 111 ..m • Taft- Hart'e>- which \e*» tlrlrans ordrrmc the ualk IKT. II 8:00 P.M. sw.\w.vw.v.*v.v.sw.'Asw.v.v.v.'.w.-.wv.".v: . get thr »»ri*et « back on out hailed therr f s* br ».*t 4—ua> cvK'.aifi off Plenty Of SmIm Available I IK* I sllltn 7 I* VI \i $2.10, $!.:»:» STATE MIR RIMRTOIONV I'llOM Till: HI II AMIR IV Mill M.ISIV mix omn ori.x s #. ni iiaiiv | M„ 1.IMI.III i« taw t»||Ot\ N OM \ \I * -1(» • ..!•).iillMMiiil.OMflJOUIMJi'.'o, |HIKRV: lit KKV! Kflu.i.r s|,IIHi|,„; UNIVERSITY STUDENTS SPECIAL lilt II K» Ol till s\V %V|f Pnme beef open face aandwiih au ju«— vIioh n at 7 and 1® P-W evlra Urge plate—whipped potato—toffee *1%K!> WH» or milk—in addition, sample liberally from any or all of 0 special appetuers. NOTH K: All meals served l»y ihr "Mouse ifr "t1':1 *^|l(«r irt I SIIA I'riHf. Nuthiif but Ihf I .est fur >ou from . .. "House of Bar" 113 m. V||( |||(,A> AVE. (NEXT TO HOTEI. O1.0S) x ' i i: >petuli/ing in: roast beef, round beef, rhiilrn. duck, *teak». etc. rr tf ' you o/iravi remember** M W Qi V, 1 fkinnmUMtillliUIUUUWtmilli;illllllMIM»llil*lli»imi|M!llllimMIM»iim.'i mi IIIGAN .r*n: M«* IVIohrr ll. I«.W Inframural Big 10 Gridders Roekv Doesn't Make Detroit: Schedule C.litillenae Dions I'overturn Vac Coming • CT' Foes i>rnt.ur ^ l*ndefe»»te*t liork* didn't »h«« Hr l**d IM 1 Hallrt II IOWA CITY. IOWA <1^ town went through ;i brisk «lp- |A| 1 It.uIrA J* ' . '• R«s K > spoken t«» a luncheon group IM t «4ilr* T * *Vnsivp «lri!l Momhiy »•* I hp Hnwkeyps hegnii prcparuthAns rattier in mm. rhitM- In chirr.- : fur fhrir honnvoming ilatp with Michigan State Sat unlay. IM • Mr» an 1 MarvU" • ' * «'«»• .'IT 1*1 * n *•* f Ut u ,.f (he nrnt conference exported All hands wore available for duty, with no serious injuries • > fence Mo'V-i* ■ t'rartirr t u lit t uhilf » "'.w Koek* to ifflvr b* raf .it X pn> p\ms i''•. « 10 | Uw.Mlh A I IIXHlunt : "1 old *ii-n »**%!•% in the l-l-IO loss to Northwestern. anmnmAcmen*. J'.'- t.;» !*h«*ne am 11 <"■ene It * IB l •* M II..In. h o Molt« MttMr\u;v in. v v.i! |H"i *l>) it*.: -terbrts>k ti.i^ luvn W VN^ «* C\ «•» '« ■ ' ' t»«rh Held A aju tf 'M.'k ' " • K.iAtfi • I me I ontrr* h **.». OtciA ;!* dA-tlua Mt»n- r«\>.^ «•' rv* • V.r M > ' • \.|. I a A I ith.tr* • fiA,'' ill AflfA Hlssd .M "I v»-Men n-n h.i a 10 Motor All. r a a MOflU a • I ' ti ' - po.irh fin Hi* tons-a** ailed smnonnrr IMn%WriA 1 » AIM * OHIO ST VII'. Us P U 1a» f.vt'lA.A!; « !»C«'M *,:•**"- . "•••! * i .» "i*'.. > • • . I A *01 v. .,... mrnl of t rhallrngr l«»i U'hans * IB Ton* « M okrl a» roll Mill s. Ohio I.IS Ohm . a^1 ,t Staii' S.t?urtl.t* »on* title rome tod at I irld pi i;v .>( i -v. i •!' .ittncmtu«' 4rtll«t>n < »■ A 'n John Sf.»p'«*:oo. <• • Ia»tt* !«-aI Huokt'A-ps \A-urk- ► in I ronton* 1 • : % 110in*A t t , M, . f ?h«* tJ.* Haves Ihsmm re* A . II Ithrr I I Itkthrr > ► I .n.Ainji fur the Puck*' Hu to \ arsils ( lnl» D» Mrrl • la Pihlons Krlpasr ■••!!■ heie Sdftmldy anainsi limt I I > 1 • \ ,r*'u* i - rh-t «»»• k .* m I!line:«. I'.in- Am »rf*llrr fn.m . » . : ,tl> v v W r-!' iivuidi ■ ' I . I »uutk |t« Phi (Kl I. A A I h Phi I'll! Il. lt Stale's (Jui^le H.ivev -..r i H? .•( hi« chatK'"* TIIRKK FRKSIIMAN (IRI DOERS with I ml Krnir Clark (rrnl*r) n m»ir m : \ ' I •.«■ • ". I *11 h* tn ' •« » • « « Ah *» I'M Pi a. A ' I'h *•« »UI PETftOlT I*1 T*e tVtr refsie.i ■ nn\iu*a! did din mi er i>»vu Sta'A-'- drfea; iM bripht-flppe.hr in ir fulures di*>|»l.i> their ti.innlk I'liill r-M'rpI for hi. km" r m ■.*•:»>.. 4'» * . rn. a» ... M,. ,iit ndrrAoi «Tu»rd> AA««*-iA at Southern Cntifom a phvsipjil flllrihutrs. Jim llcthltill from K11 • hiin.U. iwrfiHl for .niirim: |vi.«.-. ||, • • !v •« .« »• I I |t| A ' *11 >» 1t|. I* Phi Pai A I" 1' . ma 1.aaaciv at. I Jack V>WK- vi KIM ». rh.-in;in (I) mounts 21pounds on his 10 nil-nil in Hullnki. N.A .. »» a pr. f> frame, ami none of it flflh. D;oe Rehrmau * k IHI> ' A /Ml A* Phi I %r%VITTK. Ind >V He and •—a III Pi (r) is a 27u-|hniml all-state tackle a * ■ « t « k'ien !'S»k ever the helm »*( .. . '.a»A«'S: %u»v.n AVIWP ; n «• '.'i*u«*r MieP - I'Ainfue« firxt unif M.vidiv it* Ho*e I111I001 c,'u Tin' Per It eel a k s . ;« . . «c.i* " «si »H»t bill Wit.'l *»**.« < place ut ■u't-.ned in)uri\| H>»ss Vi.'htnet. fur the «ea»en AAith a Krosii. IIihiIita ..o. l :iva.i-o « ' * brt«* ln- fjae'iPTAl ehmil.lei MiintvrA of the Martins and l aic Kvciiiiiii • • . ; m ■ a*-.,- „ »hr ■".•-,0 rist.vn player alternate units *\e:e « i.ehA-* fur .« amo'p*i «»nt «'i »«c . itive'v a•(",■*>4 «" l'"- aaA*rk«4Ai., but the remainder of . I'w.i tUwke>es he r.un the iM Results • • .• \ • ..'iA.il !U«. '.he S'l'ia*! went through »vnta»" i.kS* t el.1 ts-h". Snack!! , - , (VI pia»-t»ee m preparation fe* v>"- A I»ve; M • ''ut A" s the sight too...'* V « '.At ' . Sa|U a < o; I AMA|*A\I I . V !• lMps ' II id a * s Htg ll} opener with Wk- unit,- ,A,Vi V.Vl.h IV :fA f eager a< the cmpsed man*- :nv limr. lotAir^nrd fain rv*n*m I laugheri *• f,u' (■ A ;A: .Actum{ M.»* • t > pause and w .• thruvu't pia»> *t> Wlsl a i Rot wh ■\ he t.Atsst •wmiites on K> k \inl ll lloi-.n'l I iihorl«-;illi« r. iir l»il» - H <• Drliirr FOREIGN FILM SERIES m.»re ra n kept Wi*A>*n*:n'« f.k»'- ba'l Mjuad inside M>wi.t.n Ttu* \\ ooilv (llainis No (.uill— Ton* guard and W iw'fensive back Kiutuegi i» - - ent»re membership **-**?kod bin< meeting ha* bevn iMtiHinrwl f-» lti*r« intrndrd t<» hil hlin.-hul or Ihrn h«m )u»l pick up Ihr phono dial 111 and A StMrin^. >iiu«i' Mori of tin- S t>". Uslav m Jivi Men* IM M Arsrrd a urir nils* and struck ».itd. "The tee «a:«. v niin>*r «>; S VI.KM MIIlTI Till \l > btn'vUi'i i'«vieh Charles S*hmo- pick shafrr. hrolhrr of 4 1*4*4 place *our eider We drlori prompil* from .v p m to lurkv, thev k* tcr irtAite* p«|*erleneeit and new writer I he Incident mninuhl Mimltt throneh lh»u*«t.» and until I itf den» sporl* H.tiAinton .i"* am kudu and vilurdu Marriiit: frneet« a'ise lhac'i e f ■ the occurred be 4 hPlA»4A. ouUldr t.» tne cH*n»t, In « pun lonuht \oil II Ukr it com.:*.* seAMAn CAMAi.ng *eac>*n open* \Ve»VArvi4» W«si'»evia» wh:eti a Wrt Cea>- the Hut kryr dressini riHAm sOIOM sll.NOKIM T\l" IIIIM IMI Hi.. . w-csV* prrss tati weather. team dc ■ 1 mti.km: ntiMovaor .inehes * a > ' new *n n* Among th • motok n m. • I \I Vt OKIMUNO bi uises da* Fairchild Theatre • Willi I W\l Wl lM. • M'tl ssORII S V ■ • * 4V*s%nie* Y-AM H.I* .1 W : *a . Il»t ArlM!M- Wad. Than.. FH.. - Oct. 7. 8. 9 • ItR Wr M DIt I • • spRIM.s W %s|||M. 1 s gf-TAe • m.«t\'e »"a 1 .* urei OA'.IAKI. U.K. • T%ll Plfl A Ml IIIIK / IM / t\.MM."> Oi.lH'.sT I'IZ/l.HI I 7 aid 9:15 pjn. 1 • w itn j»t.. \ .1, w ;*h the pre* WWW.S 211 M.A.I. I ,i»l I ju«in^ l!|l 2^ Ailitiioion: .All.- •I ««A inside Ihr dressing 'Ml I OB I AST RO.AO SKKVICi: C AI.I. CO T SUH r»A«»tAA With Ihr I*l4*rr* when I AAi a'. ier. Tt. nolired Ihrsr two men in Ihr sei .reiiage hillwa* with Ihrir pencils and Men* IX ! LARRY'S GULF SERVICl'l note hooks out Another 1 At.-.vss' - ..xv 1 - .4" • v« i V ». have pi act ice. or d "r • Pel r turn »»».« K> .But Americas . *• • 1 H e ,'f *•'» ' CAST AlH'HKi'AN AT UUIs s, • . ON IT AAA!' ♦ ••• **•» other st4>e*J. *»> I with most famous lili.C.Wkllt arrkk* from Ural St. rnttan.ri buiMing a *.k. a" lady docs it! ^WVWAMVSNNNNNNNNNNNWUVNNWASNSNNSNSSNSNNSNNNN-! I»olf (iaiiiliilno No Ear is design <*f •* i* nkMV Ioa el v (hint Una Nets Heeoril <>T Age!*-** beauty, .t p't frvwu Enuwe 7 '* >«\»n* Albert * !• ' ago M.ss lihrrtv H.-s'-nnr: t Hi srliimtril million* to .• * 1 * iiv »w : -h'.aie Voivdv thtsr chorvw with ttn' s '2w urwyer*.! wwrvU tuAr nv your g »lf «ssirse ?• tins!. >hHir ixsh. your I.'ie ram Skir.d •hoddlcsi nwisrssi >tvim- IWnlgee atv»t a .• • »ng to Ivrrjittie fns* .. I sununee rule* a lift my Ump baud# t.'ie tM»,-k :«•. - thr golden door .** tN'urse i» 35-311 1>»e ppetrwnis ■»** held l»> J44K H« H* team n«»*t! * w ho :« a ser.i-'r Another v». - 1st. C A Sm * to.**, last w evk a. • *.ftti hole-ih-one h .ssurv ivf tfte vanned 4 fimr 16->«mi ninr* \f. ««1 lo .lot DM does it! When you're in New TU York. I*' *ute to pvike tlv trip o>er to «v Mis* PJ'i Uwtty. Ami w!*r*\*r >\*u are right tK'w en •R hs- I W thi» cigsuvtte th.*t * •Mti k 1 nde*f to your tan* ( oitikrd That'* l!M um in Ur, When thing* get too close for comfort « •!!<*• iwi uith nxire u-U* to it No •so wondc r more auvernun* is* switch to RJI^verV d in * live Modem*. . switch I(ft STICK DfOOOtANT •s< i*4* I toL'N' • N* CjvhJ*4 -fa rfa. sWCu£, ! s«« law Main wit LM • OnJ See# $' 1 Itilnhe- h |11»» leitillii£ iMHltionx t.eorcta le.lt I | ntlt«l4ll« SI4IP ail . t-Nl I *4| miixeil ii|» front xeventh pla.-r t« Xortl. M eslrrw . v .r.w» I ait Hr.ui'tc single S-t J* * ' i tffii . i-at «">x }v tloril In litis nerlt s x otitic ami 1 trxi. tl-ax »tk worKi Wu iif*..'- »< O- - ed a 3-V»-r»v: spotless Texas from iMIh t« X Xllsslsstwet .71 t I "• 441 £L*g "• e matnf Mo"- left rteM •nr. The* liHlat. Irjrf. with th«* fi»tir*h mntlnt *(4in thrrr 41 thr tlntfi I »»lt*»*um t«» up SjU'i'il lilh'-St't'Lcr Sl,itf..»nt* rat iii • !•#» .X?x i I Inn/il in» I (HI M.l'.ll. Umi XX l«. ..n.tti ex en though OP »« «"*,h* . lose x otitic ill. rv~..«•' :wi« « >•« V'v * The Marline *»we l« I |» tit Miss kept Us goal line i-lrait in tu II I.'U X....IH 4 . 4r1.ll..4 • t» it' |w .«*• ' ._-■ White S»'\ en l>Vt <('• v * • •* ft\*r hifk« .i*\i 'Hi •" < »«. 'WKVU IK * \! V K1 A !'*• » Jv an r.isx xiflorx oxer Wenxphis I • t( s. t4« Ose 1 ..Vl.l.-m* t ) ..* -•» (l-lt \\\>t .1 Sert*-« %t.ite l| X><•><■• i< .1-14 'v the thint i .«••.: -l ,• U t. !♦. *»tt x«,"*ltls fjtstfst auti» IX S,»..lhrr.. Xt riling".. •» \ . r.Mlt fil t XX IH"S Ik Pen., si ».» 1 *. .4-#. • H\l * ' Si>\ MittrtM v», S v , h.Uit «1 h' .t It.t.'k f.t Ik. 1 'I tisrlri 1 . t «. of 02.550. •he twr«c; "t» • » *•*..* • i «••• sh.M ' 4»* • • s jt.»I u.' Ts id • •>,- fchdet ut hitt !0W> -.iff. 20-14 I* %»r »w»rr . * •• \crnc < » t* Xfk4l"l. it-#' »fc*ex ' 'ui.tx' .1 .•»- hutit w tthin * . . f.istt'rtt hands ttf tilm '« Illinois .l l» Vf LXxtcrt* hotvev ■«•»'••• .. . .• .*.»• - • ■ . • . ; we c>- .1. » If-.* Box Score . K«'4f" 1'Vi.i ***e .*:.;••• VMVlXt *»4 unhurt in the mishap xxhteh oeriittfil xyhen his 4 Thompson xx.i% nas The v>e*. u,» v". '• v . Iht* ttmr the htttr I »h« (title blur t hallenger I skul.lrit in milshx salt llr xxresiled Ihr ear fourth U» 'r.vi-r. ;n a •si-.t v .. eunt ** 4% lr*ntlr 4"«t the White on ihr I! mile sit atghlaxx ax and xxhiio-d Ihtotult some ol the » 4 t t s I • » * » 4 • hur'ets Kur I' t, n I W\ 11 >»i r , !» lltHijfi <• trrmcml'Mit v • *«'x K«*%ehwrw xhwit x» ere 1 enter i t«»»e l->wpeit —the ti> 4 |Mnti tilth tingle In John Mralcht b.iok time traps SO |i hla«t the lh«dv hut* .41"e «. ramhltnt in with the * * * • t er*. net celtinc a bit rx.ept t"nith run «.ll« henter »ltei the thmt MORE — Innint The nvf « 4 1# • ft «» P.er>-» tn Tth I N «■ V X r.x K . I I lilt s| l.'\ l< I 1 >111\ 1 in M 10 H I 1 *•4 #1* -* l»r- IVixe v' EOR nmr , [V, %•* H.*«U»« >'*• *,n* title:-. .1 :v ■ i:\M 1 1112.0:. 1: ■ ,»« in* I hn *t* t *"* IVv \» *• »« X -ii I \l ,-..u r- a >x . • a * » • it .,.i . » % «• • I ! I »hi. IBM IBM *»,.<> I 14ltl«l I »I »lt-* I4l| ! - , t« ' I 4.14: 1 4 » ■ »ui#« t •»* t '4141 " l«4l. Pter.e ilatrtx. SEE THE PRIdU* I «imi tM | .-*-»• * *4.* 4 «t»' MuMe> Hair !»•«- •»> rlU"lightPiler I , Rirui •>' I '«» I'trl* I li M irj> !/(•(/* MSI : Track Slar University Launderette [<«/« for I Si Nexl To E. Lansing Bus Station KM c Uc.,4* m » «'<« <. « ■} '■*>. \L. »M A• ' •* ih, •x em la >ks*rtu i moil » e. «*.••: iwc4 rt i- • I m...: «, w iriumlrill> B' t*-minct«»n High Hcho.il huniii: *4u4d the IIim A (tip la«t Iprini I hi if, > * , N «' \ •• .»o I ntn 11 ill . . rr>"- s-j . v . '* t » eitv« iipt - twill liailt from I pr inmiaaij ' -V< • V ■ AS' .. > 4 « . 'rnvK • - lit* ■ ,.j: ■ .♦ - , |« NOW thru I KBUAN * * -**' >s ••' tfl t-.M' \|OKI l«> III A ^ * n\KMI «H MllNhtt" tfowdy fws more.. Top Fli|ht ^o tun thdn privates in (o^e / ) ^n-jj U.S.KEDS SERVICE for perfect footwork and comfort kjh1 t< m^rn 1 f*r • ^ • '* l> » * a? "4 a -T I < 1 1 I '1 f T ■ I.ul>r nation t • • * Hrakr Itfpair 1. "a: r .1 " - '• '.■jf AtAA.t %& t .. ww^pv't Ivu, "V ' ► Tunr-l p* ■ -Op Ml" t.Afl I ' p < Space-age thinking and communications BUD'S if/1.51' ttl I a.' • A » r gt (f-4 ■ • a •' .»etn • ha' 5g) limim M-l St , +* Mm . » dri h rx nui g> »• 1 i" • •t 4 xlwteii. firm .d v 4 j .1.700,OhM II!# milium SERVICE .«J I XX .< I I-. ,jX|.. -mL."" x • m I 'Air* h wi-f-k. amI xr» i« aUti.ng bi I (K XIK" — I UtV . '! - ) ' iiii'i i "iif 1 •. , • t., it.. 1;k m'ii-m.I, (dan ahead, mxeat 6JCV G«APfc6 BACK Ht» AND AFlfc* ink IbG 6AMt 6A^K>.E wA ..(I t 1' 1 I 1 -4 n -.|fafffit T4' ' in Hi. li tt.- .if i-mU • -Tu ir Id fo.x iilpi.tsi tfi.N >ear. mfUiuti in ai. ne, nex* facd- te 5 n| . y i"-|4f»i."« VX Ml .1 lit'lltltr it'll t i « us 1 .4*#| tn meet Tha e\»r-iiHreaaing t'u. ae otA:c intvtrf li"fn<>rrow I. GENERAL TELEPHONE & ELECTRONICS MtrilKlAN STATE NEWS October »i. toj't (>.'! Days of Strikes British Elections This Thursday \ iolent Union Dispute (r.mfifined from Page 11 Committee tdtasi.s to itiriij. mental need . SuiiimitTalk Turned Over to Court • ...... -v • .'i ?ed. integrated but whereby the recipient rather acceptance malor ndjuo be made. Ms* •. . tim ehallvtige ,i»y toM! cost of his eduea- Major Issue The violence-marked dispute over rlNrlNXATI t/P< — v. v . proaches ■ , • . uoo'.i lead to separation mental arc. union representation at the Cross Co.. plant in Mi. Clem¬ integration of the ph.: M.m "Aduptinj, ens. Mich., Monday was turned over to the C.S. ( ourt or !*n \,s;'i effort." pbilnsophy In Campaign Appeals, sixth circuit, for settlement. Other • Irani philow»ph> features of the I .a ltd- as stated bv years a his..' forward vu;.- • Three members of the court court ruling oil its illegal and the fnmmittre inrludes a broad curse!ve> T**—Prime Minister io.»k under advisement a peti¬ . T,< >NDON ( tion bv the strike-bound com* void certification." liberal education for students moiig the i It .1 r r» 1 d Mnrmillfln promised The t'NfV n 1 'he Nt Wit • »• ho are also interested in tech¬ finns o; h; -• t.» mandate de-.iTti*;• atev . !>.»n> Monday to keep on fighting for • •f the I'ntted Automobile W'.irk- •.ao •; pica i.n-p 'ha nical or professional training: state and v ,■ ♦mi !y summit talks, lie denied • is local ! 55 a> collective l».u- .•emp mv 1 ,e. •• ' A. i to u. ' the university should use its end that he is. making a »»«»liticnt football knowledge and facilities for solv- tioy- of th,. gaining apeney with 'he I'AW inc the significant problems of .an-1 bar.: • .m* ^ Tbe fro.s ('orniufo Future oi ♦ ■id «»t the project. .■•id tha* ,h1 •.oriel* the univrrslty has a rr- tures automation equipment and imtnted ' fMh Macmtlbm'* ronserviu t strike has been tioit.g on for Nt.WH \. snonsibilifv t«» earn knowledge tars and Hugh Oaitgkell'* twih- Th-. i to the people, and Ihe univer- ti.'I days as a result of 'he n - orites took up the summit talks pule. sit* out;bt to be a mechanism The Bod-Mor .i, a major issue in Thuu-day * tor change in s«M-icty. The I'AH l.iH-al won a eollrr- , a: M*r •Th, fin.. e'r. lion vf a Hew House im Corn* llve bargaining rlertion in No¬ 1- b • .. 'c id I lllol'.S. vember. P».SS. The rompanv unit featurti • i .- i i Jr.- phtlusopby." |tntain's#allies vittohed fhH an eniplose group rhallenerd the I? IIUI.C 1MITII- I \i K> by the typhoon which cut a swath of t development .with 'sdrnee vvhieh^ THESE HOUSES were reduced to match¬ hit result, contending j maioritv of iv 1 '. ..!«i> -- .lis; the JAf K Hi: \| \ v iv conceal on nova nor, "Dip'/*"* death and destruction through the central I he workers did not support tbe ... ma's said the process «>f orrailu- wood in Xitgnya after Typhoon. Vera roar¬ s 11 \ | union. ed through lasl week. Nagoya. Japan's part of the nation. - us? continue llARItls luordweq sii - in,, . ;i\' top-Un«l •*vel talks talks ham The N"I .ftf* . • drive. Mib-eqiirmtv by W Wes'ea'i a- A'.- largest city, w as one of I he hardest -. there i- Till. H\l I \|i| IH liii.vi led bv Vie big Wrsu-w Ij bird f, the vote would stand , x;,. - , ■ "■! •. -i.o.ue tha* loiina. until nfletM^Brlti^wiJ* « . < • Tint, r onipanv cr.nten.1e,| - .111 1 i!C ... I... •• Mir.in; I'ltis nun* ' •the reaii'v" of the PHONE IV 2 ~ Sv^t^lt'I'l'liree Million People Jobless is m'i, lalitor Tendprs|drw '.on vvhuh makes the M-ItH v | ; r. in-tdtitio-s dent Eisenhower gov.y ..... the bruih-off for Hiwing$?'** " for Hrying#m # position "un.supportat- in I iiio.i . Che re.d f.u ?< a: .• ' ■' • summit conference mi Unemployment Hearings Begin u-e the •in. election campaign. Thcvi tenrtevi, "tha* the union h VII I lii- W .i-k VOH f a statement'from Preside?-? c.dled a strike, supported a'nv.s: s||(.H|\ he.idqunt* esctusivelv bv stranger picket Kim Tihowefs vacation of ma) l:2s I-; v.--. m Palm Springs,'Calif., that WASHINGTON P' A- v.k •.♦•■nidovment earned '•»* « ' an.- ,n-. i I " the only purpose of the »tr:k<- • demands of fechthiJeg.v '•• ' 1 nd b- eakdowps t" ' force the company to n urn . • «vt usi'SO » *wQ**l 10. !♦»«« "oV »:B been no agreement! • » tint»• had e.an for the 1' S thi.oi-K.-T-. hold summit talk1:. certain amount g. ♦al, he *• .should be >, n:.c the union lontiniic 'h.rouv:-.t' 'i'.o Mono u s >" ,•* . . ,-t t.» vu.i Even a •, Ma. millan was umibn«hed.;H«t t oMunerce unemplovm? nt car. '»,• a "p trftemplovmenf like th o. • • kei p t-it* tUicfi.-a'; fTorn "The union has enca«rd in the I'n,. m ConcoMfsc \l h"m, mi i:* IIIKIIiJII Rl Till II rit.' K1 M ti-M presents .-idi was pitching the conserva- t:ve iivflisiilf g.hml" a- well . -mi f,*i£ from recession-. is - i:c''ii-.: - at of han t ' and !o keep violent mob action to force re¬ trig sign-tips w bo uccc cause on the claim that* he :a!ci Ult-o' ou'jHIt, 10 «.t'l in? a positive cH-onom.:: ,.!.fc:eiire "it i« inVcr* !■ , , policies f-«r ' and ij we a:e to tv-il *.tei;ni-.tration piars For every girl who '■T.e tha*. Mr Macmitkm sh,«uM was ever RESTAURANT > <• I'nc-e contrast ng vewpos ?.,-** p'aV tVOtv poll': •* W 'h >i \ - sal u-.-rld Issues " w. e given t'\ Vw ( .' l • .1! I d '« ,\H.- : involved with an older man.. .. I' .-an only anger and in I- Wa t'l er s Fi.l Andts-.V It:.' i i. d -r tndoir JAZZ CONCERT OPEN 10 A.M. WEEKDAYS • >ur a':he vi special .Senate t • ium:"ee .. !• Him't iflilmi Is* a trage'tv* a ».? opened heartuu* aurnsI at > V I. ut:T. 21 — «:i\u cr.M i:i,• KIM FR \ e pr.vpi . *»f a suite? :? PIZZA DKI IVKItV « • , .. wire to \w woiMV.' t ? • ji-ii.-n i ug out why tn« re than thr«H } mo are -u? of tony leaturini: NOVAK MARCH ;•* Mr. Maemii'ae.'s clumsy .«'• ev n t.u'vtwh '«• -no- >/ IN hi \TO\ - .11 M l IIIllST) 4FTEH **30 0 ■ ,.t* to bring the is^ ie info • ae limit daces • of his elivtn n JJCllCl .1 ' V 1(1 ss 1 sh.,Ve piiom: t:n 2-iMUi.t Kin k • as-. iii'iV •! mi n mi siihi. \ 1 imjMisrn quickly,' **-r f*rbn.g us of dragging our lis" . .da ..si,. I 1 I.F.C. ANNOUNCES * FALL RUSH « Tonight,Oct. 6 7:00-9:00 Open linsli Smokers AH Houses Fast of Ahbott Alpha Epsilon Pi Delta Tau Delta Phi Sigma Kappa Sigma Nu 207 IIobii,' M. 711 liiirt-liam Or. 313 All,, rt l.i<) Unit,* Beta Theta Pi Farml louse Si^ma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon 301 MAi: !!.*,.) Itojsn.- 1.11 Ito^.l, 131 Itoguc Lambda Chi Sigma Alpha Mu Triangle v1 ' ¥ Delta Chi Alpha (Lnginrrring) ' V 12» Had, 307 K. (Jraml Ki*rr , dot VV ooiIiiiitc II 1211 K. Graml Hi*rr Delta Sigma Phi Phi Kappa Tau Sigma Chi Zeta Beta Tau 1212 K. (Jraiitl Itiicr 720 K. Gran,I Kiwr 910 Gr»*r llagatlurti Wednesday, Oet. 7 7:00-9:00 Open Smokers All Houses Wednesday, Oct. 14, 7K)0 P.M. Legal Pledguig Date