The Wcatlicr nndamentals High |{;iin anil I'milrr till jnphasized lam Tuesday 5- Srrviii» MSt Fur 50 Year* VOL. 51. No. Ml EAST LAN'SINV., MICHIGAN—WEIlNEsTlAV! OCTOBER 7. 195S ritlOE 8 CENTS Future (iummittw Moms I ndei>'niduate Education is| ' HKAVII.V EMPHASIZED „i -~o.iati.mi.. the Committee state,: ultimate measure Third of a Serir, | (ho Committer on tho Future's report i, that or1 lu„t,. rilucation. frrfacinK its more specil'ie rr- of any university the various is the type sov Steel Negotiators Itrhirniii" on Course Camera In ffockef | Fail to End Ignore Leaders Strike IkeV u „„! I'irit, it prmlueea." May Gef Ficfvret ", '. |,, those who are of today's world, the repon specialist., alone, T.,la> we -iee.1 eunnot Red Rocket Passes Of Moon't Fate /' Plea for Settlement i' with hroader vision, those who are informed, in. t'v critical of their anrroundimr., >et protnl of the Preside 111 Vlns Itesorl til they see, and above all deeply eoneerned for their Moon's Hidden Side To Tafldlnrllev Aet fnfn. ( p»—The cosmic rocket l.unik 111. designed to *tr MosroW .piration of people of just this sort i, the ta,h of no- the perpetually hidden side «>»' the ntinm, has pass¬ Flying laboratory iir.a'e, education at MSG and other universities an,! -urvet Due fo Come Within I PITTSBl'IBill i/Tb—A hastilv called summit meeting of ed behind the moon strictly on course and operating nor¬ J ,if oar nation. Our underifmduatr freeI'aill mu-t 4,350 St ir* Of Modnl tup -teel executives and union leaders Tuesday night failed ' mally, the liussians announced late Tuesday. produce any progress toward settlement of the 81-day- then, say the Committee, "not t" develon per-oii, to i'\ss »).• ( • »U4- >.uin t 'It- old steel strike. passively adjust to present soeietv l.ut persons •» packed with ★ # # I'tio unusual session follmved tnli'hcactiveiy concerned with adjusting so»'iet> to tho est human aspirations and potential.,." emphasis upon the l'niver«it>', tradition 4 ".a '••j'v : recording :m.t tnn-- apo... .'lis. came if- "f the miton M'dhiu .c Airplanes Ike Halts nnather plea ■-enhower for end the strike of jlHl.OOO Unit¬ fmm President Ei- no letup in efforts jjjntss and deilication to providing ediu-ational op- ff,; !' M ai-p'- .i."i =•» ',i The time wis A M PST On Display ed Steelwnrjvers. further negotiations Hajte to all havintr the nliilitv and serious intent to are Dockers'' * .\ivnit three hours later, tne -ctiiHluteil Unless u break cotnes |hf Committee sees "no reason to apply more ritror- jjanoion standanis ..." s■■*. «. neiAs U.aTh viile agenev added. ' near the .* At Airport It t No Cloter Due To Come Than soon to ttn* invoke the Taft-Hartley act President s-eems sure sTEtll OF TUSIITEMXf! ndniii^ion> rwfiiirrnieti!- plane of • he lunor (H|uaU>t 1740 Mile• ?•» get mills I»nck in operation nioiinc -tru ll* Shutdown " ittiv *n direst* incmiMin^r stnfiihtnl- «»i uchievr aloittf I hf roekrl the »- prr-rfrtermined or¬ r , , • n .»ti dotlMr facill- From Forth f..;- an R(i-dav periixl. \fler 90-mliiule mnferenre tw' l.MT.tH will refich their full pot tut iu1. If \* tY!t a bit" T%ss -aid This rlllpliril ; , ,• C j,'.* City airi>«»rt will hrtween «i\ initu-lrv leader- and »tu, musician* and other-* who vi.-it tin- onit»;i- «»ft. ?i I'm werketld OIT ha!' \iik111.: ■ ' th- Til* H.o'lfS I ot It Ma ttn- oil'', mdu tr>' th,. second • mer imef - Fuller use of those by -student- i- l -.p.. t.-r ('• cti Ai.tried .1 u:% I > »ofi« »tandard<» In* not appreciably rat-eii until the •. a •. ne. military an I ■it. i'it .•!!).- Ttn* o'l .1 -1-SM..M, last Wed- d" ,j4 (mpulatam approaches ,'UMmhi student, !te\«>nd tin-* T'" pi t m raft I Mill be Meld Tt> i.» lav in Washiiuft.-n. follow. et iic a ith I'm- nie.'i' jit definite projections have U'en made ii I '• K ' A. ' .-v.'uni.o an i Swndkv and will ," » . . f • -it. ■ f! to policies* concerninfr admii*-ion-. th»- i <<•.< »»•?•.« KST '• -' i -five a- a public «»l***n • Ttifi' conference led '•> <« increaaintr the number of sch«»iari*hip- ?.» atfr.ic: s.oiri *rirnu«l- ewpecl il- ra ♦ ••.or f.'i in,- ih*M' terminal i'Tirv.oi harsamin.': here If' ttudent* of high academic potential. "I* i- a!-- n»« . dm -knal* durliu the loop on I *:' 1 • ll\ w Ml. tl tievelopf I 111 the other side to answer some I Potable forth Orbwl •* 1:i.i* *. i!'1 ..It. I IV li they add, "that proa|H«ctive student- |»erceive the * ill '! ' If I" house and display . . rrnlurlrs-old .|iir-tion- ahout the IRSUAY: ficneral Education and the Italic t olleue moon itieiOrt-e «>• a promotion 'he um' of F / V InlrmaliiMul I limn, «iH»ke«nun I'M liilioiiiril «d III'- IT'Ma¬ thr TiiikiMR I wioliorriiirn * Hivnl Mi IMimIiI. I MV Tre-i dent, told new-men afler 1ur»- a* a friendly place in w hich -ttalent- m.n h.»\e ' if anoru The iiiiht - mrelnie thai "we '••••aaa***** drid - 41'li'Mi -aid in Nrw Turk contact with senior faculty member-, w here m*t»\ •penis! m Ffbni- were -lilOn* t« c»nvlitre them • "\\r alw.iv- nlirv llu iiivrin- «l the 111-I1. •* I mil what's on Ihe other » pi T u. ' ■ EHINti THK KEriJNT an.l pr. .i it'teti i r.'Wtf »•! e >n ita! and North d 11 - I" VHd I hi" 111'. : M ill ha\. I l*C side ot the moon. .»•••!, Iflll I junior colleges, the t'ntnmittee - '.il. O I *■ an-i ;»i i:» \ foi hand. m»w )M--enc< i.aav i»i«ii I. ' .ti- outer fill ft ftn* Ix>Mf-r 11 ir.iie.i ' wrrvu*- in the number of transfer -tudt nt- frc»m the-e • I., -r- \rVt»mpa^\iny this, the pro|M«rti«ui «•* upiwi- .t pi to I in-lH*. ' ..-simwd 44 Iii hfllo^ (ii'iilrr tht fourth i-b ir '.iim " • Ma the ••. U|»f |'T C I I'll I'e i h.. ji !' .. i •. • ' > ' I'll , *.||t an hull I OT 1 freshmen ami sophomores wii! U- mcre.ised cm-srngfi Viv V •• C-v I*'* h: • T'.II fW-riud. Harvest Hall Slated it I '-.if net ,T'-»-r «'f metho«ls of encourapmy tran-h r enrviirni'nr H- HH i; : .si ,i • I I I »-. I. la* »h« I la . recommended. roojH»rative r»hit»«»tw! p with -..j-inior college administrat«»r- and taeu t men. Japanese .... The H"tar> i iub fl-p ■»' Wain.. thf .• • . S!; oil 1! i I-.n-- ft The Harvest Ball, annua -pmi ored b\ the Agrieuiture ■ •Idb'iiV'1 .iiii- (Mioi'.'ii, . lit iili-l Hl'.ogfi tin »d'i »* \ - - • •..gee-ted. rwammendationv include lilw r.. « iat. m •: Daneers • • o »'!)f| the af'IVl!if> T Mf- • :>» ..I i' t oiincil its t he U'pintitnp t nuts, w ill lm held < H ! I,. How th«- albumver.dty nig the Nut re I lame gallb xH'ial luni I jj 1 t- the llailleT hr«t «l*-|i ,national emer- itmlei Ihe I't.-v trie CSV* '■feiiit*. placing all students, im-uidine tr.m-:e» . lem t proT tshm- l i-enhower to? The .ialif* K ' | r|« Appear .»\f- She .its . -Mi: . . « ■ ',..1 , i-e. It' le f«s*tinc in respect to earnim/ aca-iein hoif-r-. ft.. •»! the Hf. H'-1 imiimiI a three-man fact hinliii* Series Slates • .•i fopin <• pl¬ *. f Mi . hoard ami 111-trm led Un- mem •• •- relationships between M>t and nn, <• an MI.a! j.h.tojjraphv j. !,.» m fr«.,n H I.' , r lor- |o report lo loin h« Silot :>'"'-er-; Junior College Teachmc !• .0 Ml ' .1 ll.-play til lie I . ..!. S.\ I - ' < ■ "ipb ' 1 - 1'iSler •» • I lie hoard make- 110 re Alaskan I'ilm tin rwavutive air.-raff taim-t frtn ! m- "I .r -tructors to apemi |H-ri«Hl- te.n • ine . • M>1 .1 -I' i TaK I ? « ■ Mi.otar* h». "i-t o Ati ('"uncil and t ... rommrod tlion- I he union'* po-ition ha- her 11 flr- iniion trailer -aid thr tn». .Hi: programs for comnuiniti and juto-»r c«»»iec«- ."i'o;ina>-.-aiii plain— . fhee H i. Ihle Ihimichoiit the negotiation*, f • i. net.ui..' n«'M ai il appropriate areas. ' i. i .i'iPti .i un..|Wf i "n The ttarve ♦ !«.. M W.i- . hot did 'oncrde II ha- not KK i:\.\M ATIN<; KST.AHI.IsIIUM r.,dn. . ft • ,c e ver. «j>» -nnourued «'■ t « a.. 4" ft pifMideil <11 i IV changed since the latest peace : or selected new ones, the Coinp .!!*-• ' • lis th» nvi,i' • i' i tin '?#«*• >..'!• ti tphv Alii !» i s ti >i I t 1.1K' lalk- opened here • • W Travel -''it. S.tiu- i • ( ,. r of f 'ofntprlYe of t.Ti, A i'.oidid.'f to,' -'.deinent .1 shciuld emphasize liU-rul and ' i .-.-rt t c h - 1- An *.,• ' . ti: 1 \ .'fit' u., .. p " in tin and « ' l.e ■ -. and Iii Ml'. ! • 'ei ' I'*•*.' off''! of ,t u*aspects of sul»ject matter. A ma ••n" In , 'lint 1117.' dep. ' :• •i mn»a: iuiil.iiiig !»••. ! . Ill •ii. |'l. .dflU ' it Ii Hi ti i;i ••♦ -»1 i*'ti * piovidiiir r«'»mmended lilteral arts elective- • • •»* .ir|V.»-- 1 -tit T-.f .17 f.eidid It A i - . if ' Id. 1 In . c ■ |H-!.. . pil'.l . •' .• ,i.:< .oid lo'itfli' * f-gram, aiiding that ab.-en* ' I'' ? :: 1 free ..Ik'**I «n the is« i- e-tioii eii t o*iit-- an hour i -•'« • , • . A H I .' I t,e *e, ' •ii ti fed* ■ i i W .a » - H p f < ft AI to. Im an' . and | which .-ihh e department shouhi make it " ted injUl't t ii '. \ K.I ! ■ . .1 Mil II t:l,nAl i" .li I . .11 il t find >i'r,in formulating uniform {**• ^ »• impf" • •o.Uti' a' 7 p in How ie .f ih»i a >e« iiw' pi-.. fi.i- ti.iV" •: ii'111; and llvrler I'11 Is ■ 11 a i■ t»f the * «•*.'• ' vv I hi* • «.ninu!Ji lino r * a;..»> programs is recommende«i Womb : Jiiilieiarv IVlilinn« fl'll i till I ;• it. C ' moVlf He lour* oid i procedure ■•'til'' mill! ' .c a « ' in pi «"■ id'-n? * ;i.i i*> focu.sed u|a»n strong pi •gram- 1 i i, • n arid iHu-li it- d " fundamental disciplines. ... T. ■ relay "i* - i "o • i|a; ' . « All-rniMM .*' • ■' lfi.1 ,\: • i - < J. M.l'i ui.ii.. .. • net , I "Hi nil!., u f With oM fbe Iiim' . ill) liftl hifliicim -drs*i.,iul ami occupational fold- .• • • Jul! >" I S' '!i 11' ( .'IS f I MliffP ' of \l (.tunf s/iiiii ii \ k.i 4T» Slat." i , >' ti MiR. and an n »'• : I •.. ..•■(i ■• v ai :ir.»ur-»' aVa>.aI>.'• Vat ariiu ifi . M .vie of t .« MSI -t \l ron.p!. ».• " f. a* li M. I it i |i*M ... lia n- I titter hire "Its e«iucati«>n, Irnfh a- -rpala'* )" 'VI " •' i adba.'> gaim Mii. >- pi« i '- tf.. • • .»■, > a tel: . . -- . ' • * *1 *' Uil trtf. i ' 'if >l,i ' df I .1 a in- laieiu- ^ of professional programs '•illlXht *' , 3(. p lit in the I.'. '.ti •- - lie a- WASHINGTON I*' — Self l !l> a I. '• - .t.-'iU' a *tj..r. • pne M-hiuf and U' Stole Christian llertfi *'O'. »mphasis upon the fundament di-cipuio* . •.,. K< ' Ui IX admiilt"'" ill''- -'jfi-nt- ' I loth men ^ . • I i«"-da" the Cmutl Stat 1 " •►•tues, physical and biological science-, mat I • vroneii may apply. Open Hu-li in ImI-I Singe in "tin It. • ! •• »H> hununitie* and the fine art-—1- -trongb re- ' ■ x' .• foi th* action of olh* ' lie-ides the self-evident wdue kn««wleilge I ... -Tu ■ • ' hlo 1 MTIII I I*'- . II: Fraternities U elconie Rusliees ' • ! - advances in aoplosf fit-Id- ar»- de'-. n- • I'.'1 ng lied ( (uti 1 V in. .. ' • in." Herb 1 s.t.l in the fundamental discipline- ■■(ne intt re 'ji'.g djfti'i»*ni •> ha. 1 • - :he»e fundamental fiehl- an ciucia' ' • rut' I" ! At ell Kit'. H* Hil l. %|t VIA«l! l! u»» fra i ■stn*itV Wnd cultural -trength ••? the state -»nd bo,.**»!■ iv« iag» "'•rp.1 «mi » and lb it Chlht a goVMuncnU Ttw fmt*rnity rtisi. >.i • .. ,l+ rep«*rt States. il it par'. • •n Viv |*ieintet N K » * a 0 Milt .x" into full -.»in.• ' "ne i Ihe men ulliver'iiv average. K; rtidn ftev tup ' Peipine. l^l' • j.uic. th'" vfmrleiniig ,if M Hu' fia'i? Khru-hc tev ii«- «ti » Sov e* — F..r this reason, training in l»ase theories Wit'i freshmen enrollment .* trie actual ru-hioa jierual b » ti* k" r ml 111 ,T' \ .»{ »«-ekina poacrdut m»!u- world pndrimit. llerter in every field must be highly empha-i/e«l d< hifhekt -inci , !9ah. fiaU.n aprk • . instituting of a foil i riShi r nm y i#« pi< ii« d Ailr . tioru »f told ■' iifrr'-ru« Hu* of ;n the dome, and id' f;it.1 -Its averag* Hu« a lu*Ms tic* are exprrlrnnng dr«- d the to Dk'Uins Budgets. ivavirsi ru-h's in year- of r'Hiw. niay not hav« Tt th* adminutration, the generou, roi|K'ration of thr t>f iu»a a r' i i Muueri a.. ...nivi i' r i ii -i pl«>d,p • ,TV*'ia«'- • ». • « - • •i-t Hcrtcr ie.idt .aid. ('hineve 1 otnniun- 1 Mao Tx-Tung m ■ .cantiv -n«-nt throughou; '» Charters at Meeting tne tefm of A 112 so ' sign; tot ally caused by th* hijc*. - feels that the. n^s see the r» - p|. till* .'op ■ ''■"• rerpiii.ft the vt-il not ori!> on thi.» but all rollmen! Since the ms'ah/iH ' »urgenc of ruafi that they havi Thi i.gula'wn i».-«i**?*•• •* ' tftwT is»ui- of the present Intfr-Kratrninf" t/s-en for » all univerntv .1.04k« t.. gn ac¬ rt'-rter <4ui im* »«ts no reason bu* nes* confront* SUHeat ftliowship Council rxecutive cabinet With the cios** of Ojieri rush Gecktfy enters She tive .nay t»e wa .«.0 in the case for «XjX-tting a relaxing of ten¬ ['■' { '.grew lonigm The March, many chanses have t*-. tonight. ru*h now ijetween Rod China and option of tha receive a permanent charter Vadr for tie specific purp.>v .t stage known us rlo*e**»r un'> wn this campu vlsor. {aunt- out that closed tion. providing he 1 < In pther action. Cor.*r. wrul i u-h •- rhc perifel a ben rushces ytudent 1 no' including repeated jx'int had been made to Khrusn- „ " e" lv Perhaps *1>r M/crda - Greek Courj-c. 1 and hu., at least u 20 ptcv bv President Eisenhower 'l«mjm» organI- -(-• uo»»n irvos temporal\ a;»- i on vocation" and the "Vrv***"- ar«* invited back only b» the in¬ (! acted tcnu for Oeifcr**® r«-pr dividual houae* for closed »mok- all ur.-Vefsit.- average during their lalk- at Camp I».v« upon. meeting of the Greek and ad¬ vid nine day- ago. cnarteri up for einUtive» from tnen» and wo* ministration leaders Urt • iiring vrs Spekkmg on behalf of *.h« Ex¬ Council. IFC execufive In response Ut another ques¬ * t»- Uiojui of: pa),- mcn'w rewidence hallo served to klckoff the continuing Actually, little smoking take* ecutive Vice prvsrden' Mike Old um *•*- tion. llerter said the United Aiaociation. drive of the IKC for self-im¬ place Jt u just more of a *e- "-cat** Club. Par*. lective period. pieSP'l i'.: appreciation t«> the States holds Huasia respomibi«r S'iNrw- Suff l» provement. Whatever :he reason, l*oth for the KOS BIF.IIKRMAN. Herb AwkWy uaMMarv Hmtr a.H ruimee arid the fraternity, where administration and to the indi¬ in xdne degree (or the acliuna 'I*1 Society, Nations! rrnpnivenent* and plans have 2 4 °< Home Builders. AH «, Sv.'c N<»> »UStr« Emrry Ciwhiar «b* **»- "S»«rly" to »h— lb* fratornilt Urn taking place. the proceedings are usually a vidual dorm »Jtnim.itrators for of Hod China ax they may re- cooperation in this tenn'a •uch placet u Korea, raubMK tbc kiad af airirit llrctk an npact af thair fel¬ little more informal. Activities their .oapUrt Student r&urt- Will meet toiiiUiit «t 7,p-m. in (.'•»rresponding with the gene¬ Student Union. designed to give ru«h«es a rush program. the L'ni'.n »rt ruuni low rated aehotowlHp Jativity, that •re and Dutiplf. THIS MORN.'Nc S-t j;. Pool (ioiiMlriM-lioii THE WU. SHE SAllr&T, PEITT CPAlo UJ'i \ii -. Muo-liuug i'iinc i\« See!" V Michigan State N CW ' MARV TCWMV (ilM'N l)|» iM°0 . KimI Dally by MhI 'i T.Yflua student* and I •In i ult* I 'onsl ruction of new puhl..- 7 no Mirtugao Slate s#we •* ,n.aitar eg »r etuiienie • i anil send-public vcimmihg |h» o* nueieMy tM' ta/uing Mien oitltoui ducei fa« li.v ,» i»i Michlgiin wa* up 6"» percent nil voice eg ilia uaiveieiiv «>t of in# • - i.rv i. the fir! half of trus yen • i» noi t# HI* w'.il# MM'III lil Met Ida hset in'tlH'* oi p it'i • « .|| mi >• botti# ttiv mo*# which mo.M rir.-.r • ws.'ge oe >. »•••. rr.e i over the s.ittie period of t .nether It i.umee from wninln ihe - r f im <• - • »> Michigan Deportment of AmmhIM >fi ^PEALLV UkES HE department appioved plan* for IH pools, compared with 2.'l in |T "LINDS" 6HECAKECISHT Know tlic Score ihr first half of ll»S8. for This pools at II resorts, U year's approval* were mote' , -Vf AS AND'-AO WNAVE4IST PlAlN AS PAT I) ti school*, ,1 apartment develop¬ Before You Gamble ment*.-ft .*iilKtivlsinriv. I c uli. ari't I swimming club A ('cording to the state ad- eountiy I IT WAS I. VIE in flic rnnte lift Satimlay and a time »*'it nnnistrative co«le, plans for a called. The public address announced took the appro-, public and semi-public swim¬ .Michiir»n St»t» NV«- «itt pool* must be approved hinitv to relay some final score* of other collegiate footba.i ming hi the state health department Cnnipui Clo.Tsificds ... Low o,. games to the fans. prior to construction Immediately the man in the next row reached into h;* pocket, pulled out a colored card and studied it. AIJ this adds up to the time of year when the foot bail spot card gambling syndicates sponsor the "football pool- 'I lie ntan, after placing bis bet, has checked to sc# if be CAMPUS UK.Vlll.lNKS: I p.m. CLASSIFIEDS l»«y llfforr I'uhlirition for Turn.. VV>4.. ihu,. and Kri. Kdilloim. Dradllnr for lion. MilIon: | illn has won. I aids are distributed each week by the syndicate to Hill. Pavahlt H-12 and I-.1 Monday Ihrnuch Krida\ ' persons on the these persons iti various college lampmes turn distribute them to the football fan*. across the nation, EI) 2-1511 KVT. 2o, TIIESK roOTIIAM. spot cards are used for gambling FOR SALE purposes by purchasers who select from four to ten of the automotive nation's top games. The buyer picks a team, either giving pr>;> ANt> pom* sale Choice. | ommerriet erodes. <"tjf J number of points --the spot—ami collects ;«• or 1 mahagiuisr or receiving a v ranoert and quk-k froren A«k aheut | cm iieutlo Browsr Bond Pf a rale generally around 0-1 if all ria selections are correct. ■•nraee |«tl fO»0 * .to- V ••*< " durts. OX 4-M9I. If 1 Although illegal, this activity has grown at an alarming Of IN xmoiu HOOg POM aai.r t.abrsdnr re- rale. The "football pools" hav# become big institutions on 0 fS»S. iriever shumnioii ured. esrallen* hunting st.« U. idee! hunter and I TO'i .*••' I he college campuses. famile net. M» T-7JI.1. S When caught, the offenders find a stiff penalty. I«tl CHlVtOtlT t ' x • (is n earn Trt.rvTMOv -RErmr;r.RA , I n Ami the ones caught are ustiallv those who distribute a t. ''» ! • »*• or o« TciHN fimxivsar w'«*liem ranges From |2.X gervioo flfoto. 1110 F the football sjait cards on fbe various campuses. Tor this i.c • <\ a-i. Michigan. * • OOu j- job. the syndicata usually "hires" college students. APPf.FS HP Vt'MFHriUR vaneties I and vegetotde* ! While the men in the syndicate rarely get into hot water i«ta CH!vaoilT . *•■«» s.>4.. «• and Fre«h sweet rider oilier fruit* and grope juice witji the authorities, the college students who sell the spot goo . r -• ps-»»-*» . v« 4 * + in eoll.iti tots Inweeu (iet ounipSui* now w hile ihev ' v.iur choice Hal- . raids are the.ones who auffcr.tht consequences when a^d !*«» et low orn-e* Koad«ute %'mru, I «•« »«a* ffriMati Jar fa i*Vr« »• 4 •-•-I- •*» • I miles e4«t of K. i f M.trVei caught. in 1 I' 1 oi --"-a» « nMIHOUMlM. in 1 MOOCHN- "In Popular gambling scandal flit lite t'niversitv of — , , Last rear a HFA*ONAIM F. ORFFS' *>Tt,I»H! Peril (iluk I') Michigan campus, with the Wolverines' fullback Ton> lti<» I.ellert* lo die Kililnr isys fOtd tltO • much and holster. I'hone IV 3-4117 S and basketball captain Jack Lewis among those who wrif • < • »•" P*V7 I.AMRRFTA MOTOR scooter —v- ./. i\l. Roberts'' Article Attacked s ■ * I' *est Windshield MO miles pei arrested. ,'•» 1 •-1 r •» i • ,1AA aetion r.o t-arts a tHi WiNGCO ' Similar Incidents have occurred over the \ears at other VM K'tTRn TYPE recorder good *h-*p twkin* pla*e» fer cov* • londltlon f.l» Ralph Tice t universities. * * * the Vdttar He** •• don't hanker none It's hud enough to suffer the penalfv for stich an artum. I w !' e ar* e ai*»ut A'geiia J*% 1 vr 1 f'Mi'ha I games no m.»re An |UCH*M A UMIGMT AUTO, tails TWO (..inteu ORAVFk nf ihe (omd Miepliefil (TIAPF.I. IUU Will ! Uses Roo- • nd it's worse lor the university represented • IkS * :** I*. W hlt h V* «« SI1'* n e i*i* ntdy g"t three farmen •4. rifire IV S-StM V (enter Clause •a*i#*as'* a •1 There have been rumors of sticli activities on the MM r ; ■* J XI H-»brrta. had nam left at State, it wa« nice «»f vo,» l.His let ROY s ENGLISH BICYCLE Phone - campus this vcar. Iletore lumping the chance to make a »;• '* t' 4' iseivt a» r\t»laii4tlt«n * • recall u* 'n flu* our senior 1100 t M.«k.g«* a.» iv j ai4> IV y-IJts e*ier 3 *r P'" student* should nnittnt afiiHii.l ICcappcaicd PART* end sc- HOMf In 411 few bucks by unloading such *pot cards, a- t *-*• e 1 eer MOntl.t . -••urie- . f 4 • kinu. Ken «»''*** remember the maximum penalty of pit da\s in jail ami rate I e berfl Cr*t rmit..»iits- pttint * w tiethe? the An thel sign i| dial hrang .. is ir, m .«* le* t R.t rr» j.< The Bud-Mc Ag gla««e* bill It Isskrd Ilka i«i|»» t. * M»Ht» t udf-r h«> e a $IUO fine upon conviction X iri art Natuaial fuvenuoeiit ■» fa the Idllnr. I raited * ma "(treat state"! share was nice *i.r lshi - , .»• t*V> 11 e HOUSING : e te e tha' lei'ton 'v the n>4 A lew iiai# aipi in. i.t.i.i.g a t »ew iii>hot«1si» | lii.t't-ktrtl 41(4 ..-1 t r It mu«t have tank a M af hraln* ' edler Munt • "J. M. UOImtI*" w !.*!" «•• t e v. 1 e ar o-i.l ir- •••oil 1 •* n t; •*. of «nv Mmo.hi (01 ssiline FOR RtNT It ;» Ht t-... i.if ihr'gti 1*( »r ssiei • SMITH jac»M*>. \P New a Analyst f'.videh'ii. nil »■ im pi a tn* (turn shame those mean guvs -ea araRTMENTS lOBIt STIVES pa-.s* * The (at* 1* tha- t» - OKI' is'-. M'tmn »em. • on* .X Jiff i* \ a* M*lhl -f g.ortii f. i.ii dr.if r4 hke 4 • i»ee finitr Ihe I . af Missouri lore it eri dru e • • .*<'# * .e'r tHi laLiau t» upper Inlcrprcl'iiii* •• IK.r VtFV SIX 1 own r III I «ess that're still mate ( the middle «»f « oe*r1-«. »ti t-IW. t. It» *-is:i Dr e '.i»Mi*he*i pi"* ■ e c rii«rtr. % t'.Ve nine nuUittii given n up «rl , | , 1.mi' ; ir .s A.*oin Th « with tie Mffdy itutir* a* the about heatin *011 so good u'.idje* oriteir uic' idm# d'i*e A » ** Pl»*. nx to' * *1". r«c, . U • PI. e i .; tef 11 1 Iiiuie* * rem Phone iv 2-Cli e.t»e-;-**»efit ha* »as*o direct-ng *»M'v atstrfi.e !■•'.• A *0 ! din't tnuiir. aninod* t-cete* *.•« •! i.Miilition II .j 1 ' lug" rt-te H 1' 1 ntenuing ihil " • , * Tliv iSvws t-e ■r war a*a:*i*i t With Itwr •' gii e rr ' 4" |Wrt unt.! ifie tetnembeieii mati fieri' \Va ' » II f-(***« oNvriiTtBi» i.M) itlM'N TW»> fOr»HOOM "REAL ESTA'i'ec We!' Wa ' he* mom ••i v c itrvaiirr * Ni.ive *nd NATO II t«n a 4«er*t»n i*t»** ie,ni.u*»i'.»m» t»f m* *.vi-e ft' i ■ e< 1. V le *r t ' ,. • .(P 1 «.• 01.« FO MIS' •*• the '4i• sunn.n • •-! I s'tel ,V h' i.- • i.hiigali.oi* *«• I .i' r the hr.ti nig e>-mli *>n • ' esieire . 4 • Wlote >»► * '•' •* • •' «vi a liu:ut»er« r.n .pje' ,g. r SClHirr V-« ». '.'f i' vfAT OR RFN't **-ree iiiiiusf>e>i »i..| N Mo ...ii i.i. ■:<- a k t tiHinn v 1 ir*jn'tV» .«• •• '» the ailnlii pr »,en i»" P'"'P.* an* Hi ; ■ •O ivi'; 1 '.ne .«'arting e.enn iter* s.i W lines' >• IV s !.i* 1-*...'" * . Hireling Uv| Xnaibrr petnl pweallwnrd I* a v | a 11 hgn; < V it see IMll in ' N»';«.i Ueni > from trie f «-f in t Nt»e» • 1 1 thai rtHna*ai*m Mtf hi entrr %l Die | enlrr hi* hern iltwril Mi ..itan Sound* like ... t»M »TlRO 4-tav»K Mai «• M*ll»0 l»M RIDROMV! M tsn I »ilie«oir s teiia tf lhe vetalallna raalinue* I.. .. 4. e- I w. »■ •» e< I new • g.KT e I»u? W » ' s.iim ''.4' the 1 1 -.e-l • • .i ie« for mate than ane week now .1 |H11ili. s. a'.U | w aaId like la mention »twir I. ,-v I ir»N C* ! N- , \ p. del-. *e 4«ii »P»> and neither ihr administration « ' M (liayrr* ha*e to ,m tm* ••• .Idipn pet* llri-V El!- Pi one ftui. * h . it Ihr I N "iik' "I o AUiIiAl" fat I* %« it I* ksaaa la alt nar the Undent had* term la he **a. 'I whs*. State* p;a»ri» muke •••$'; CHFV R**1 FT rt im>R !•.. »■ «' iitl o eji- Ill e r . ait* Arah Xilirnaliim |« hfhlin» %er* ranremed abant the iwur b* . p'.a* ut |4«l ' V or .1 ed *«» «e" Pm»ee i I! 1 m* MASON < r.» . in rot "4 the i t.N I * 1 neaaanm a**a la a«ir raun He** it4• »." e lllilft'il although I he t*! 111 t «*».* llalh part* either neglect ar fail We. I • e-v e a ca n IVne 4' ■in limit oigsiioalioit It lea rieenluii s.i no rl og iti W »*' gt.-u, Oils • to reallie the iMporUaie ihit r • * ' anuthr- word a thank*' • *■„» rot R tk M*R P' 1 mouth I four iohi'i trie t' S i> no« a inrini" i e \ 4r -*-i n •nrive- » • Ihe I enter i*U«rd It «nnt ' » i'4-i g ■it fieu* fur*1 A " ■••• (Mifjatton ,y .V-U7; ,4 it condition. No stjdeu** I I \ IO stand* fin Onltil TrrtO tlrianitelinn uhi.h u*r«4 i« anl* the mirror Ikit reflerled 1..1H ' EMPLOYMENT k# the Baghdad I'scl hrlmr rrt«lull«ioo 1'irmirr Xiwiel Xnuv ..a'.eo e A at • V e l* a I Ihe image of eur di«tanl home* love, .led llurkslrr MI'tllM* t.ROCP of 'eur kewM 4«N*k H4|hiliil mil of II .m-'fa hut a I to «er«ed the parpan *f 1' N ; : a ,ei 1 . * CO** t 1 vt\ «• ,1 i«hed eoerln.ent, nri- • SERVICE -i Ire • ■* e- r . «, • I'*k. '»• •« IV- . I'* present nifMiiri * ge l.iil.i kf Va.«- > aa an immeaanraMe hand«hakr de e 1 . • HUR WANUD— Mail 01 UMA.I , p . etc.! i-4"*e» • ' nerkma Ft» 7-«art tf \'N. til rough Jt'lMI K>- I'. " I;»I ' •' She !-.»* «• :'•! Ihe latter analag* refer* ta Ihe ■t MS! ! l> 2-l>ai or yov-R feme treat «« ** lib .-til "I 0- r • •■ . • i . •. fail lhal In Ihe tenter we had ATTRAlTtYF TWO BmRthVVi tor I Mi t sml I'll I ami *!»."•• •:>» lout..41 4.1 s> \!M a NX' the remarkable apporf wit* ta (OtRitNCt RtQUiRtO t a-to.ei t one !»;•>. k *roi tp* ' ' refrigerator caninu* FiCRtO w» **•- "A.1 It cafe* "hr had «u:t .o i»l Hum n.i|>i li.m Nhe i a it.• «■«••. * * —-r .e*e ens** the prwelew* krarpt* MSI ill vi..\ p e,l r\ Atlu.i* l» Oiuand »-t*- til the IV.'lk: < tun M itlf. * 1 e *4 .1 in ..I - in ought about «ttb rnltnral and • a*t. H Hut lo 4»sio«k' : , 1 t • « Xt.ui St.*'. v a X |f a * '.hi idealagiral tnlerrbaagea he I M i! W 1 % 11 T<» NHAHV aPARTMEVT Hal ,t' lnltm a ■ In.04 u li 1 It \tu 444. m 4. u ** * Iween individual* of different F.." #• eed t -40 Mu-l I s moil t a« imci* i" 1 ountriea to Ihe • a,- V lifimrr! r«Hi*ei'ien* *0 \r- ller" ntinirttiftil * r K*iere(i*e* " s*t a#-»e* too Ihr in ..ev 4 r II. .e ar .1 ir« .i, ret1 e« le 411 I S'ore* c a. I he e*rl. MIUI114II) knit tin «« Ihr v' ,ir.r... We «4 -'f kind if <- r »t> J i»4"V si*e 4 3*i tin* or (tmmuiii.l •" t h» m hu h huMri twniplrlrti iMitnl no u«Irmrnl t*( the l • * * % lio 1 » , .»c« e VtV>' a.-- «» sOInn hardrt n( Indu «o rirl't *-> '.'1 a .* r tine, n f;*»iv » ^ «phrre Irnm Nmttnik U Ihr \\h...r '4 • r 1. nr.* a w H Thompson il ««« htt)»ed llie Aob >Ule« ««uU "X Ml mu.n.-'v a* a M designed o a lure hv which da v. .. . t. Flli.X • he led lnl» Ihr Iree world defen«e (imp s» » : »■ •• y*i r» Wt'.'i *. • y tO?aa f-esec mpVTION '.All *TVDt.NTA tic tJ.acs v • • mention l>r»l'i'tr 114 : A t.ihi'ii'lu-c, thi* nrt . jn tr«i ■ ' a 1 ' •r • ed •" the % petal that Mil Ml atudr i« ihr Alperun tv' 4..).«ie- *•! ■ mhhen and park Pi.i" e !l» ?-a7M tfl svetuna* • ■'r aei l ucnl thuii food mil 4* iM'it •> TTie v •"v> «'. mo: «vf 1 YPtb' an- uraple II wa* *a«d thai Atgena 1 c r i.e..:. . ♦ • -.4 PART riVif lX*St ! ION ..pen f« SPPROVFTl ROOM* FOR men B-RXH' Lie When It 4'] I'tiPctl t ill • .t 4• >1 '411 v. * ■ fo:. - ith .4* •. •* V loci.! T*t - frs»-i Be'ke* P- \w*e •4. .» lapat live a ilheat the erotiu a'.M'udr* o: '»• a TV--re •* ;ni *e« i»e;>era ar.d ' • Itie otfaitt/alits! lt>gelhet Phr I s »intittl hiti> » -* 1 a»d af I ranre. hetau«e af ev.n.N fttr . ( , \Vhu»e nan.e* a., teg w h 4 ,«de MSI v • - e., No :n e*t" tv »«ui 4 rig *. 4 Ar e- •-#'. e One double now available tug • - t.*i »hr truoe ra h ri « on air ie Atticr - a- :r.*' tic -.t : • J«'1 rn J-aia- » alher Ihini* I g nrv ol- it V F Ml. Lerting III. - U> IT J I hi* ho'ufhl '.he itu!!i of l'« >i.\ urt \ .a i.n • ..1 ■ » « t*« w ai Id mane* ar like la a*k X|r. Rrheit* 1*4*1* 'ri -.ii-:r . »• r. *n t"d fVfi F-Xiej-' -n .4»- wiN-k* fnottui.. v i> f r f R ADC a TF VJFN PLEASA*1" CO-PP k'** le-laufl ,'e : - Uitt to.eirt } ho. ,•;»*> .1 '1. eito t Sft --. i i. 4.4 .» r .•4 e poM» rai" 1 i- wm d c air . tie* »D J-a- «» game. WAMRDVl DrSi WITH »oer. , Mill dare I tame HPend ane |wl- ■i4«k>ne Riki Sou*;- I ;.itU r Uf'tfiuM 1 haven - >41.1 -4 tne un* per».* *. 1. •: ■; hav« I It- • •rlitfiil »t*«' 'hr S' All !'4* i'tY'l II l".lit'-' a l^Pere ED J-HMF4 either Frida* .- |he Xl|enan«* la it Wi* FRFF RENT FOI* one week Net ft then *. the t'lfat -4'. ' i> •> » '• » .t »• •• ■» :.-i ,• . . .... r ilaiati TrrtthM '•> . tu*. Mic,, a . In ituilie* we may u«»t exoei. >«iunl«* » D hie o' ting*# r.wvw kitchen, TYPINU Hut* far rdnraling the Algei • Mii.iu'd Ivn.nv . phooe and t>!arming « f a fen tmiti.te eu;u 4;t , one .... -v * iai*t«| lheir alanUatd af kn«n\ .1' at building 1*4*! nappropri- Dur sehvsiiuwiKv *eem to n * TWO VI Al F lot ..-li¬ v.*" niii'p IV entietict • and diss*, s'-i ir tiler .New pJ'iChixl radrx»»tf*u t'tukr-' .1 Sta1 Hoars .: g i tin* ar t; at the .* Hut we pla\ fiH»tl«i: very we.'. re work for *e r« *nd »'.» V Pre p.- e j-ab'i livini* l- ">.41 «tiiden' hut not • e.e«ee"' L'» • ha* * • * eoag ftui w ,i: ;•><• . -ic • Hie tu '.-i* "• * *.*•»« T 'tie ' • a'<* c. nianv rt-i-tN',* i> 4 To u* that mNtw a lot • » li.H.k St..ip » Lansing . • TYPI.NN. . r vhin e "ha*, a un vetsc.* *-f th.* meeting Our new 1H t*-r.-.uiv and wb i rwo m sRoxs. ti > . •- m #% 1 ' i I'MCi pruvuie sue it fav.i ~e A* a t-t ne U t .it e e \j«,o 4 .c Me a. * 4 > >, e lot • - I h«»|»e the lesson* tbat or gacr • hence for rite.* • 'S.**. • Juu In.urc leg 1 'km. bu' t>K>ug1x xnpllct, sir j*tf,rv •• tint it tis-k oil * t .1 »> .-4UUig Miii; "le hrttife 44 .0.1- e~ ivW-np. that other*. lost and found spnerc-r ' "• a* e e* Were stutiipvi and wr l-learneti i tahtfiKil, Tneta Chi ED 3-AMl » akloratio-i - >'Ut. the tv-UUtJ -fv got 141 better tlcter e a*-1.1 a»u e - than tie fr-.ia. •• a'hl :i-.,»nei f »r lY*:v e (1 Hut even it the Venter \*4<- .•she W oik ' The WoJveunes bent to their FLU/ TfvlF GIRI inner* •» - tiki p.n* fr an.t m.*rr* tr*r the t.'■ a }»erf*N lion ought wr -p ler esperten.e ptefrrred •'*' lONT WHITE HEAVY-FRAME Lerkci grave*. white oeeoeptrvt rase, he- ,*r . e '.:x g • e-e X'- RtMier-* vteai Uip -a.-t drop of water frn.n nerson Pnoce Brotne's Shoo-1 lie ( »»«»* - And |>uor old ' Bumps' just head River. F. ten*. < a tweei !i4'ti«i-*u t.* know, tn. an agvnnrmg de*ert travetrr K. «rd Bart»arait.J^1^57-ij^wMtJ| burned. . J.A.C « tana., t A gcr:j t.,nn.*t :* n who 1 the clouds deny him the for rent M: «o fieri |» i..n la Uve a ithvHit f'rrn.h m*>r>ev and groi*e of a raitt ar t hu> fate Uie Amid tlie cheers that tang out personal rSii- iU»t aao e.-oiH*rr*.ca! help, bui i*rt4Uise niii'hcle .»/ an otitis* FROZEN FOOD t OCKFRN 'a. » • ,r. 41 Lt-ni a !»• " t* «• • higt*. rent Hold us to Slki poutMl* Un- • I Rl YV CATER ORCHERTR A • .* fran.-* and * bu>:ne*»i-..en IS i» lime for fie student b*»dy ;»»•". -*»ur : And crie* Jo all ' Hate State." " Da'ueabie n-u»lr with that big ba.*>* " ». r >al a-t Bed Ptsd ■ 4,- 1 t .'4»« • •-■ri undet the a 1 * ^.* will n.-t f - ri miit-rj ' t.» do something »ignirVi:»t so-.ind and feeling IT one tV 3-147* S3 If' I 4(1. -it Mi.» The iviire »u*k1 oat against the if».' riri ■ •« IM' a Me > 4 oev if A grr.a .« free I think ai*>u? 1'.* priibinii* Tiler akv; FOR SALE KFN HAVEMAN and Dun Eettis l» t» *4 '..1 free ». •• « »* *ou ktWM* h<»w 1 :,fi Algeria . wami l tie »•«' vim by tlie«i»jelve*. take this ad to the Atate Nesia office . Mevt*et< vt' 1'ir l i'and l!W * MSIT 34 . . lAof M t hetween ?-J o m (>*r two tree oaase* As-vt iatr.1 t. ol'egia'e e»r>* L th.u J miu.ii Juan Seatl Al suuerv •Id MUM AST ION US in th# Crest Dnvo-ln Bruig ID «t *e iou to turn Ua page* f|RR» M* llardr t hi i»l AOOO Coi-er Iditar-IH I hirf hi-uvr* and *hy did wet ♦ * * Mar* Half M«a«|inf I dtiwr <-ar-.ifat.Ne.-a tight the Btitwh JMSH Sp.a* , llHtrw MlR4|fi CtrcwUlUn INrevtw 11»* fdtier »..» ptt,« tniiai-ei leha Marsh* Caul le«her Sili lattahaa. Take the resaorn that the Amei - »a*v* u*.ed. and the p.«nu that * I lianki*. (lo/./in. lite (m Be .. OUlCK.Scr* S^UOWUT"SHO^ . ; A l»»«T»N NIL SlNSiSl S'.IL AVA UXll£ IN WASTES Tlr^iah used and cornpai* l#4t r«|» »«lt«( A«« i Nil r»|« le.i •f *«»,!. tr(ai. irtnninr 1 httt k Inhit Kerthul ln*t W*thn«tea. X »«#»* Hrrh* -"e f-.ettk sdh Algcr-an *:toa- Fur tin- K<'M'|iliiiir BALTIMORE bfh-To de-er- J12 MAC Open 4 a.*h-4 a.m t arhUo (IfOtr Mtttacrf. Nntn Viae- mine who would about first 'n M FD H ' « '■ (•) Kmf- W it*oe .•n ar . M*e V-s* pfnuiatitv t»e- I I'llosa miii 1 h» iwilwwlne IMSU. iOlul*« iilFOIWU! «WMt pallet 0 Cnr, Wtllrit Mark htwrn »li'»«t»r \-fi4 Hn»t Min «rnt WlrMcan frrMW gain*- of |nm>1. the two I.KATHKR MIMIC RATV'HI-t 4. .i , iLiiff r •* s»tlr(« 14.1«.(. I wtiH.t /rktt .im t' e two tain W4« 14 n etrorome Neart* nee IV S-T*TS a ■ vuus IU' IV * *'** Xil« hi IdttJM* ttllilAH • > ,4 * Cunt Mttiam in.a r»-ta lull*. Ihr I nurrwiv rf Vli.kUm u'tn nippe-t a ou'n. ON (NGllSn HANOItllSI * a ntt 1 a | f l" 1 K'latl tlanat f I |t.n»l - .%■ Arab siud.ui MUdrllt a«U|ir«ll,.M, I* Ihr ONI ROOM- ATP All I 1 let et-, , The coin ro.lcd into one of the heirl»*om Jatif Wnlti vlarila who wrotr ihr iron »«•»•!• Mam***. i"'."* diamond ruva l*i Ptatmum duuior.d- OwiUne*-.' «,: With \ tiu-ttal litiriltlni itiraoi IVai Eilittir and curxm* from tabla'p piaket*. *0 Bedford Hep- siudded r.iHinttna Ontv 4130 Ptiore II", >1 A4J", n.mutrs frui.. - ' %a«1 \tpai ■•liwrt tair* t«it«t(« Wilier, Sill M. tt a«il M»l « Watt littiriM *t|iiifr Mauaiat t—— *. *l*t» }M Xight Staff II of Ml.-it.gaii. ner reachad into retrieve it kO 5-g737 m in town ED J-b- MM I leer (.SnOtr I,.an *1 hnhrr t» 1 < Ia*«lfir4 M4it»' !*>*• N'lkt peaar * tharaa (ni< I rhoi-e vunt 'hank >ou ad A glouuuf firemen w toke.l tl.X THKF.I gy ARTER LENGTH MOV- "... I* I-OWI f.. IM«n« EXPERirNx ! ■' ' '1 »#ltet" -It.t "Mr* rl t'4*'«a ■ewarg s>.'»"»« fid the re 1. im ryntption yuf Bit* scholarships which provide tmaneial aid for graduate peeled to hit the I thorites hard¬ Mrensth of their oartirv. I'ach ships and stud* Most of these awards uic open loi. competition oil u national 111 00 Clnssr«K»m 10 - \ * "^So* to wVTKW r- Tif Oons.rv,- er than the Conservatives ba s i s 10 30 I'.ipstifiituiii and Hum P"""* »CPU>«) put in more than '.'.000 miles of ' ,.,t Ut-'r Trlme Minister Graduate students and seniors loncdiiK-. ti. enter graduate pro¬ Rights Re IV .-"'irrcntlv studying the subnet Marmillin. I " trickery the Conservative barnstorming around the conn- grams at MSI' or elsewhere arc welcome to-come to the Gradiiafe 1 I 00 GoviMniwent and Hum. v ..rt'tu and tlte Bommittoe on the Fu¬ "V •-'*«"> *4» Britain's leader, and tr > ■ Otfu-r. I!:4 Morrill Hall, and lock thiough the materials F.nii spr.iv- : ture of the Bnivewtty has «*•- Hugh GaiUkell. head of the l a¬ Nature •i topic* at MSB. has fx.-.nnj »nd confusing bor party, hoped their elertion- In ! •. e'e ' .•••. » N3> - W'cdnesda* this column will contain announcements of fellowships seen new- development at the rrady presented its recommcnd- ~Z.-\ cs'upsign sine* World 11. 30 Omttnento: v'iassi..•••?, .. date- are running for 630 seats eering had mobilised the full with application deadlines and other pcitmciit mformation. Bn.vrrsitv of Wisconsin tn .1 ati us to abolish Jhe compulsory - u noarcd *n fntl H. use Commons 1200 Nisnt Report "|i.inf»rd Traeher Kiwi.* Grants'" offer men and women with e'.ose 143-; 27 » vet. M m. pi ogt am I-JI nns'lqnsn"-" wnltnd * e There .ire 35 400.000 eligible r p in da* night, member* of the Wi rite faculty committee now ft* II* voter's dssl- voters hii' rve Thar. Kl faculty status to complete their studies tow ant a doctorate at an more accredited American untversit* of then choice Candidates must be 12 3ll To Market. T" M irk • eee.c't: fa.'tlltv .1' M.liltset; vot.'d studying* mm* will rei»rt Nov o.f"'an' Tliuis.lsy election In tile Psrlis- INFORMATION ■-« '' 'vent )M- expeettxi r.. de>;>i'.e the oe.o »>{ she c.i y- K»'- between and 40 years of age and tunc three years of teaching 12 43 rales «'t !'■ •m.tex': i ,u. ep: to e ziKe *hc program voluttt.i;* .. feeommendatii'ti i demic at the meeting of the Aca¬ Senate ABSG'* Academ e experience, two of which must be at .» senior college. Tii'ttd.s anit Views • t, msne pis-pie kept their p-ii :M 1 00 I'lu matte, will be- M-tp t»> . Bommttlep t* current!* 4ATIIOIK STIBUNT Applications must be made through the deans of the uhdergrad- .Mil fr«n I"'11 ukp,s . 1 ' 1:30 B;.i*.ro.'if 'it s.'. i ■ v.. ORGANIZATION • *.* -uet * ..• *. 1 .at* . u.iu colleges Each dean may submit one i-unination fot each 2UUU . peeza, iM'mmittv'e tor fprH-ci eomiiliting its study of the pro- I .suiMssers thst (ore- ire ,'Pu -.ippo-te.i lu Studies »: ud\ t: e\i*eeted o gi.un and will report at nex: ' *tu.icnts -n tils college lip to thrc non '.nations i* n were Md'ed. Polls indi- 4-.'» p.m. Bath- S'u t 6 00 Histur * 1>: Modem A".. tacultv voti' ago n week* Student v'ongresKS mee'- th« cuuvme was a toss- d'enter lY-tTee tunn T i'he grant- range from 52400 t•» MHun I'hc li.ison officei t »» itiVtur >' ;• .me iii< foi MSB and the hantorth Kolindatioi lleau Milton Muclder \ou>- •o! abo.i: attoPiej tr.rce months, ing »INHERITS %N|» Mil III II I r .\*o i >oo I' Wisconsin Student A *n Telrviib'". uiatioiis from the several colleges should be submitted to his office m I ti 30 ae.'.-rditig to • . . Mimttle.' head (I I H i\VS.\i and student paper, the *umrner the stan , I 1Mt rvtr »■« s Isst rosh ef hets "'3il i»'' . K res'h l',;- on or before Oct 12. ti 4 » 11 tmRc*. BrinkV* r»i.s v.e i W.sci.nsin Haily Cardinal, we e ( onserestires wmiM a*eiei,,'. oi lovve* '1111*1' Films "Kaihab Ruck*. ' W V 00 liet nan Kxpiessiomsm , "National Srirnrr Inundation'i noperative f ellowships" fot grad¬ the iotn|ur- a.tivr m the |ittsh towgrdg » I .is s f""1 *<■ 'ri erways arut K'.,v*va* c n uate students to the sciences MSB e.a.* been allotted a certain num¬ a* :hv to aooli.sfi Later tt eon voluntar* piv.giam I s I sftorite rletar, r~e fror* p; •gi.iiii Lacey 1« Talk North'* arid •'B.wkeou".?r* ber of these fellowships Application bin s «i,. available ill most WsA had even registered one earned ** iff, a vote of t'te til'e | > Heller HO t« »«' «P I Milrsleel »( " •• *'■ >! from Raw hull' ' Bov > tin Lurk .'itni's i-t seietuo departments • i Mi. . ampus Applications must .senate to 'eave tfte division to of its membets and as a lobbyist m bill to catiioi it snniM i»i iom.p'etcd and turned in to the Graduate office not later than tacultv a n .1 the issue, the I , seehle « s fenserrsBre rle- On Overseas Mr uiuversp* ihange {<• voluntary had ongi- I I are net eOds srslnst • iJlkor- rtrlerr went to t to I. ORGANIZATION t» 30 p m . * "at ho' c S*.. i- Ikimh School: No* einbci jli Board A' MSB oj Regent* two iommtftiH's ate n.lteil m WSA |a Center Executive Board nice - "Reminder of Application Headline* for l ellow ships described in l-'hn t.ace>, difivtm- <»? ! I sassier • toller net srenld win mg 7 30 r'omimttfY meeting* LuikI in (ioolrr Previous Issues '* t hiiee <►' Research An.ib- • 1 tee Ostlers. SPECIAL IBtCATION tltli "Booilrow Wilson National fellowships The deadline for iioiu- ' ' A*:.i. will l*e on »an.pus KIN6ST0N TRIO Wednc-dn* to .1; w .! -*-.i- big headquarters !«• . u— TV two 7 30 p t'l . A13 Education. I'fllCMA't*> V • !• IS* . motions lU tober 31 Kaeult* metrbei - wishmg * to mniunatc pro - dent.* and f.ieuit* tre .i i*t I»-oi claims of victory designed sigma H'siion imii pe.tive graduate students may .to l>* writing direct!*, to tin- oi.metunities of hotel;:' Se 1 .J Krk up the CIVIC CENTER .1 tiring party 8 30 p -m . 34 I'r .o chairnian of the Regional Commit i''ssoi Dudlc* William-. V iee Officer att.i the rnh- .*» tin I gdwel horve* MANAGEMENT tun • . . .e i (nouiwxf Graduate School. Ohio State B'- 'i > ; *.' 164 West tilth Ave, Bl¬ 1 Even the weather outlook was »i * - e m l'S f-'teigii afTati WKI>„ INT. 14 SMMi P.M. 8 30 p m 3.1 I'moii ' V>'M * ." bag* o 11'•»l iumbus. Ohio I •.•vertain. Thr long range f*»rc- Student- ;nietesp\l and tiae- Pill GAMM \ N| 1: would be appiecudeit if •..i:i•« : ot each nomination lettei background in e. on..mi. s I suggested sunny and warm 7 pn . 3* In i R . is sent l)i Rtissel N*e, 213 M ind II.i w ho i* the MSB \Voo*i- tn. .i Plenty (If Sea In Available 1 (a central and eastern districts meeting put.lie us hu*iiie.*s adnpnist: ■e.'. Mono,.i* d«i,- (no * i<•** Wi'si.n bason officer t on. or m-noring i" lu>tor*, iv«- At 52.65. 52.10. 51.55 I on voting day with chilly rain PAN ORTHOnON SI ( |l| N | ' (•*■.'i Vic llu'i ,T • Scholarship for Graduate Students." Completed op- language, geog- I tht nortii and west. Bad • ASSN. "I ulbright MMcnce. I til*. KI SI IB ATIONM PIIONi: Till. HI H-MttR AGI Nt V !:*> suburb •.nteniatiou.ii atYairs I upavicr and a low poll is ex- 7 p m. 34 V s • p..i ali. r,. -"list he turned in 1- the Giadiiate office l»\ Oct '.Ml raph*. or lit.*. T 'he .da- IV T-IW?I ralhet Kran.-i l>*njhur !» > Applicants an- reminded that ! * ,.ie ponsihle for scheduling are a*ked to melt' .. fot tut Hum nif" •- M<»\ GlTKT OPI'N 3-6 I'M IIAll.V' I vii'w * with each lombci i" the campus Kiilliright - >•.;) met. The in •'.■ I ' New Center V'oiorext s' ,ie l*At KAGIM. MM II T> »'i ••* " .Oh''. e d.i o«.led to: •»•!•* I 1 l ;.i :me*',.- * ' uu t lee o« j ore Oct Mar shall 20 Scholarships for Graduate stud* at Itiitish t uiversi- nnitiBii 7 30 p m ?t» H i ::«' i» tlcs." Applicatior. deadline is t», 3,. Scheduled Kit s' lis (it)I RMI IS 8 l».m - . . ..'ing Ke'iog^ V * fa. "Hpportunitv fellowships of the .lohn Aouiu at.oii .leadline is Oct 31 ''»■!» lla* Wiiitney foundation:" \Ni\lT\! I For Spring tena meet I' *. M >•. !.. Thompson u . ?' 4 * ii.ip<" bo.: "foreign Area Training fellowships of the ford' foundation." HOMECOMING DANCE N Appi.vali.'M .leadline is No* I 10ail t i ♦rte ot* a.»- "w'dr'i Para." a $500,000 IM |rv? center at the nor: • - 1 1 ip - !iij*.i o\'«*' '»'«♦ I'livs Ed Majors to Mori NI t I UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM t llll I) III il l OPMI ok .Chili' a' iduca! ,. N<-* prac'oi a- |.-'-n>:.on lav next spring !|r ■ A' • - ret * ai lent on Announcement of the plan* .• v. opped of ma lot's and jiciiui s vv iii meet n ma-ir M.»ndav bv HaroUi I.NltlNI I RINt. I til Nt II Oflc s'.liiik th." "U -It Thid da* 4 .in nigh; a: 7 pm m the inum 7 t> m. r.H • i lid.:.-.'-arm'tiee t I'd i >. .egi Field vice president of the , locnge. Women's lntramuii JOHNNY LONG AND HIS ORCHESTRA I Walter Neller Company Tip II "'.in1 o.". at: i •>* - l'!m meeting i* to acipiam an ifia to partic•- IIOIII IVMHIUItIN N one fi •: without plevtouv | P a/a < on ne t by West Brouk- freshmen wd!- othei cla**es and V Development. Inc 230 pi Kelibgg 1.: teacici s m phv > evt. * e " m- , W iking drawings are bein* lilt llll iiiflli lit II tllllllfiltiltllltllfdi i i 11 i 1111 s n 111 n 1111 n SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24,1959 PIII HI.I % i %MHI»\ |rr.?ete4 hi architects and bids 7 33 Cn oo l/.Sf I <•«-«/ f/i/M.inr.'./ Millions of Americans now wear contact lm»r» for normal . br* received beginning Nov. Sclera' tenants have leased PRilMI N \IH K* To lliiih Silt.'. I I'on/ vision with natural good looks D A Variety Store. ; o w . * t;.- i> The contact lens wrarrr can now rnhn d.fci H p bus.! ' Sandra Eikei. AVvairtotte wider Held of vision Kwast Baker*, krneei vision 5.i. i .) per couple Prugs-. . c up >> r. 'ia< iH'c: a,»po all dav wearing comfort ■ ihart Braun, barber: Joseph r*e protection lAnd c Mint, and Ray lnger- Tin r \ Mt.M\ PIII . I « .'a'.oo l',." • CM.I : . natural appearance tnoader sp«irls activities pan. ' • viftirn' M " ga discussing the possibilltim of v. laundry r»-.« in ude construe!ion ef A ■ -• ' • • . • 'tie no**sending A&l* ft**t iUMIT MM NIIATION * i o'l.cge and univer>i'.» Dr. Harold A. Shaidor Tie re will be parking 4lo ,. Wis . H • a- tirrtiMf trint for 350 M FisF- received •be ac- car> . .. an SMKA B. a » Alail i otiri I randor f enter Musmg. Mu lligan lu\ t said the opening of A'- ttanlmr .'-li.iit Street and the Buff ham (til l> INGINftTK* Director, meeting in laUlsing "ilMillMIIIIIIIM:: , ■ , : * • i M M i I f < 44411 i 11111 ii 11 i' 114 H It i 11; 111 i 11 i i 11! Ill 11 f I Iroe-Hagatorn R««ad route will : p.m. .«♦- I no-i Frovjde ea*v accentbility to the Mtrer fr»«o. East l*inaing. » - • ir. •• I T f cor.ip!ete*t development TT ► have 377 M)0 aquate fe«K §NtM AP« L«.v? mof Future expansion ' :»»*.'•> a< ine West Briw-K f ■■'i r ►.? nans iMruage, 150 feei of ao- tiiiMiiMiiaumuiHibtn. #■ o ....• ervoort's 211 L. l.tantl lit* t*t Last Lansing' UNIVERSITY SPECIAL! STUDENTS ■HUMAN STATE JACKET SPECIAL s% ilia yce*iiliii.«- ln.r-.-lii.l.' I. jlli.'r .ler.m Prim* bwf l|w face *and»ich .in ju.— warmth—and Mn| color, loo. in this «*lra tare* pat*—»hipped p..iai.i—coffee lot* of handaomelv styled jacket Hud* of 24-nr •r taUk—4a addition, sample liherally from •spartan Green wool, sleeves of genuine hotse- hide. .Nylon lined, all sites- «ay or all of • special appetxer*. 8 17 95 98c MicMgaa Slate .NOTICE: AU Mala aer*ed by the "H«u-e BLANKETS loo II use it In your room, at the foot- Prime. Nothing but the Beef" ixst far yea art I'SDA ; "V hall games, on tire college stay. * I vied picnics during your en bv llorner Mill* from ... Willi an all wool bod v. blanket it set off with a large iS-inck wide white rhe- Utile "js". % & I9\ I"Hoiise of Beef 12 95 S I'la.lie Carrying Ca*e $2.9j FEED THE HAND YOU BITE ALL YEAR You know who we mean. Send thr old folks at home a CandyGram. (You can chargr it!)t 113 V. MICHIGAN AVE. (NEXT TO HOTEI. OLUS) PLASTIC NVI.OX CONVERSE SHUTTLECOMhS TOItNAMlSl SlIUTTLLCOf.ks SNEAKERS GtmMiniiiip the aoriti a *wv*-o o rnrMuge Specialiiiac ia: raaot hoof, round beef, chicken, lour pervonal Ulegram if 4Kduatty th« covx» of a bo* of hiiury chocoiatoft. duiiwcrvd by A«*te n U".on ti.rougt'out dock, • looks, etc. 5 19l r. ^ 49c „ -to-to. !7.45 th« USA 2 lb*., $5. 1 lb., $2 90. pla* covt o* teiegram. Ja*t phone M«*t«rn Union Arid charge it. o* tcurve "food yam altrovi remember" COMING SOON' VAX'S AXM AI. PKKSKASON Ski SALE ''"-'liffijitpjipij j juj j j j| i jjjjji jp j] jijpiji:; H M iiibiiilitii' Ap Orfaher ?. !«.*>!» Minnr.av statf vrws Face Four While Sox Sav: Shaw, Rouovnn Coinliiup for 1-0 Squeaker j\ Campus Cinssilanls I ow ('<».*♦ H— Yes. We're Chicago Wins to Hang 0 ii »■■■*. «■■■■■■*•■*■■■■■■■■■ c y 1 j VARSITY DRIVE IN j Gonna Beat 'Em * Kj U\S ANGELES Boh Shaw. Billv Puree .nnd Pick Donovan Walter Alston, the Dodger*' maslcrwlnd. qoirhlv swltrh*| ^ I Rip Bepulakl. After all this n,3nf0,f^l V» : FOR THF. FIMF.ST I V - ; three-pitcher shutout to. World Series his¬ right handed halter. IB AL LOPEZ teamed up for the first Pierce was ordered to pass Repulski Intentionally, inadmc ihr hJ '* V'C S PIZZA I uis . pi — • ii. 'i oritl, said: "I just ran for the tory Tuesdav to keep the Chicago White Sox alive with a I-' Trumpets blared and the big crowd yelled "charge ,tt',t-; & victory over I.<>s Angeles in the fifth gaioo iMo Sunday's hero in the ever-changing parade of D ,.tJ V--. - . I FOOT LONG HOT DOGS i yes. we're gonna boat Vm now ," fftu'p and tiicre the ball vva* didn't botiier snapping down tnv 1 A sensational running eateh t»y Jim Rivera near the fence in ,- ime up to bat for Johnny Roaebnrn. Once again Alston u-iN p. J chortled jubilant manager . Al right renter in the seventh saved Shaw, and Donovan's brilliant ■ itvit ap : Lopeg in tin* gay While Sox sunglasses, because they don't clutch pitching with the basts loaded in the eighth stopped the last mg the book, subbing a right handed batter for a M?y wu!jJ help out here." southpaw doing the pitching. ... , dressing room Tuesday. ■ Cl RIt SEItVl< E DEI.IVERY SERVICE* Dick Donovan quietly discuss- Dodger threat la-ivr ducked out of the dugout for his third trip of the inCl% All of his team agreed with The Wiiitc Son' second victory cut the pod-> !,*■. lead to ed his masterful relief job in ami w .ivvd m Duk Donovan, the tough lurk loser of SJn(»IT. ■ EAST LANSING El> 2-6517 ' him. White Sox player to the eighth inning "checker 3-2 and sent the series hark to Coiniske> Park in wher* game, who had been throwing in the bullpen for First the \th came will bt. played Thur-il.iv afternoon * b,ieag<« al -1 game" between both managers ' .i;o* J into the clubhouse after 4 hustle the Pale Hose' thrilling 1-0 vic¬ killed another Dodger threat will be the sue of the seventh game, if necessai?. wilt bo an n'f day for travel on Friday after- l'rinovan. yanked Sunday when he still was locked m * Font. Daily from I p.m. with men on second and third nn Tomorrow tie worked carefully on Furillo Lust a ball Then a ca-.H A d tory in this fifth world series Another marine throne that set a nrvv sriirs attendanre mark game was veteran pitcher Early and one out. N,-\t .1 foul hack that just barelv hit the screen. ' 0 t Feature: of R2.70G squirmed throueh Itoderr uprislne* in the seventh and Furillo wcut for the next pitch and lofted a high pop to Bufc "I got Kuril to on fast ball V; . C I 30 3:3! 3:31 7:11 9:11 NOW Ihril FRIDAY! Wynn, who gets the Thursday piehth. Farh time they failed to break throueh the Sox for that Phillips at third base. M I • - - . call m Comiskey Park. 0tui Zinuner on a slider," said Donovan. one preeiou* run. That brnurht lip Ibvn Zlmmer. who had run for Chuck fn '" "Now: you sports writers, you. 9 MORI* UN TIIAV A BARREL OF MONKEYS' 1 could Chicago seottd the only run m the fouitb a" i N'-'tie K->\ and In the seventh and remained in to play shortslon Zimtncr we're going back to the tug "I wish honestly gay f was completely calm out there Jim I#and:s ripped singles to right fn i i F« \ r ued *.*• third on been at bat since Sent. ? and hadn't hit aafely stner \us ?i ^ barn." Wynn hollered at the Landis' hit and n»nijH»d home while Shern. l «*i!.i: was hitting mt«> -but I wasn't. This was all Air had brmi warming the benrh since loaing hia ahortstop . nulling writers waiting to surge a double play info the two dressing rooms. nothing at all " Maury Wills. The brain eel!< of the riv al maMagers thn-btvd with activity i i Ztmmer lofted Donovan's second pitch to Al Smith, w ho had ji ^obody said before the has more, Jungle .lim Rivera who trade "Just like 1 the frantic eighth when pinch hitter followed ptnen hitter and -\! moved from right field to left, and the side was out ( a game-saving catch of Charlie game. »f we win. this one. we . V \j i-id's poke to deep right center win the series. Now 1 say it La»p« .' artfully niggled his pitching staff The three pinch hitters in one inning tied a series record again," Lope* said. Rivera's running grab of Charlie Neat's run it :!v bail ever, Alston, fresh out "f hitters, sent up pitbher Igtrry Shorn r. bat fl with Dodgers on third and sec- when the Dodgers had men <e f. t ,« an •: * ore in the eighth appaiiirtg total of .1 The seventh inning was almost a« tense as the eighth with J, tmbbuig and weaving as he pitched his way out of trouble i the help of Rivera's great catch. ICE SKATING although they outhit the Sox rune to fvx«- This was the day the Sox awltehed lhe table* on the I Shaw, the victim of three homer* In the second came at Chicago, Ever slnre the lt-0 opener, ('hieago has been leaving had jllovved seven hit*, ineliiriing a fourth-inning triple by Gil This time the Dodger* stranded II. including t«« | 2o> SKATE itiii.ic sessions llmice*. Hut be had *hut the do»»r ever* time men on base the third, two In lhe seventh and the hig three In the eighth. aftmnoon* W.i.'iv M.s'ii Opetu'i th« eighth with .01 c.tsv ftv bail t*» center Just to add a final frantic touch to this most unu-u, ,rn„ . Siutrdir A Sunday that looktsl like a sip ,• out. .In I .and is i.>* trai k the gii.»mi-,g helicopter phtnuwNi down in right field to pick up .» • EVENINGS hall ;n the d.i,-.*lm.: sunshine against the whit«--shirt«si I'.n kground hurrv It was not Walter O'Malley, the D*»dger's owner He . ht: Tuesday through Saturday d let it ••pert out el his glove DATE 10:01) a- It was scored a» a base no to stay. mmhhSSt \ 7:3W - Norm Lai's.- mi Mug «»n'e bunt attempt t«*>k the t-> 3-1 STl'DI NTs SPECIAL BATES Nfore he f..nkd off a pitch Then he loft.M t,» Ha.ra tor the ?>r«t Want Id He a Manager? llnri' ii Saturday afternoon 33e a day •up Moedav's home run hen*, lined h thiru tut of the Ctt-^ekrarMooiE Sunday afternoon Evenings 30e a day 30e a day dav. a siii^i.-. ju t pa t the itching glove • ' Nell:* F«-x and Moon raced ••> thud H*'tlg« > had hit « srrearning t* ui :r>»«* the left field tna* Al' freshmen are and sophomores interested in being . J" JBM tyvwn«f*"JUI»T RfcXAWAiflft Slmtinu Party statu' a lew rnorm nts earlier, promptm..: la-iw-r to make a. quick ••■■anagers f r the Uisketjvall BttUSUWS , WNSioiiiiiuO tr;p to the mound tor a eonfereru.- with Nh*w team are asked to askevl to leave their i'i.enty ok skate iientai.s the tvHsketboll ofTtee in ClNUMAficOPC vaaano «M| When Ron Fauiv, a left handed ba't*»f, was sent up to hi' for name by next MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Don l)«meter la»pe/ .h-iided Shaw- had enoug'. H<- called to the Jen i so Field House STARTS TUIItAV bullpen for south|M\v B.Mv Pierce as the drama mownvd week "lUT NOT FOR MK" — Clark (lalilr. Carroll llakrr ICE ARENA Thw-'n II rux DONOYys fifth tame hrroe* . unrlil »f M-l.-rlion in Go Go Sox Not Gone I V « Hit* %I.D r»i-j!lii»« frain*-, Vnarino. tux. ?h t« lantiv. cf al W alla«T*» in-* I t»llsr. r KlMsswsKl. Ih *miih. if-lf liranrli iitfiri- • l'hi|li|>« Ih v|< Vnsnv. i| ktvpra. rl vim: k ci.ii'I'eiit shaw. i» 1'icrrc. p liunman, p (lippii-ilr S*»r* in Krandnt) laUl* ID* AMilllv i X > lou'tl find I ansina s widest si*. t.llliam. ih npai. fh IrrlMin of fashion frames at Hal- vio.ui. rf-rf I srhrr II larr s — in either loratNvn In ad¬ Hniir,, |h dition there's romplete optical Dcmrirr, cf r->airlv services . . eye examination, f•RcimDki. if noArhoro, r lens grinding, contact irnsrs. I I itrill.* hinaUna, g UIIU. •• Opro Monday. Thursday A Iri "til f» PN. s-t shscisn h-Zimmrr. m Tuesday. Wednesday A sat 'til 3 l*.M. Koiilax r-sniOcr II I'lMtrr« DR. \\, I. JI.NvLN, Rrgikirrrd tlpiomrtrist Williams. |* h-shrrn Total* a-Ualkstf for UiIIa In ' WALLACE OPTICIANS b-Ran f or t aar« iaii in : ca-Hit into fwrrr |»las I llh. d-Han for snidrr in Hh VINE AT ('.IHI'I'EIM (()|i|»»Mir Fraiiilor) I'll. IV <>-2771 f-WaihcO UUcnuonaUv f«» »• %l»o Of (ires Downtown at 107 N. W ashing u>n Dr. R. C. Jours and Dr. J. R Nixon, Rrghlmd DptomrUtsu «hlcata ■*» . Las AwrlD ' I r xwr or-\f4i »n*i I Ll*n-( hiraio S. I o» IihIm P JH-MoOgra aU-t.iiliau. • '«• - 11* H « I* .Am •«noiim-«nciir I .AST 2 IIAYS Raofsx (I » All C: GUINNl SS of importanct to *-P»rcF Donovan 1 * ' HI SCAl'Ll.OAT l-firrg I hAtlrr in »•' _ •H-ttoofas I. HiIImrv* ' *»«• - I ENGINEERING AND I t) • s jo Pt»m t. a«»-fcoufsv *. lta« t. WP-Mu*. f '» * *»■ TMr MS • »:« PHYSICAL SCIENCE TOMORROW 1$ BARGAIN' DAY ★ 2 BIG ATTR.U.TIO.Nji MAJORS Sm "Th» Srapncoat" l*lu. our a*w hit ,., THt SHOCKING HIT. PLAY ElECTRlfltS Jb£ SCREEN! l ivihffj and space Diwicit i* engaged .« »>oe of thy I *11 VTION. - You h,.t . Mk.'iuui of l*o of the chotcr.; hrodvvvi vpcvtruni* of viicmifu n the countfy. The Imnf >t... in lh< .ountr> »l l.xVhMd. Hud^urttn foe ih, Dmtiou ha* complete capahilitv m «L>re man 40 *ica* ot tech IWioo .!« u Sunn.. .It, Cflif.unu, on ihf Snn Fruwivo ftotogv from uvnerpt to opc- u.en I'.nuuulf. Kftttt.h uul tkw'jfmfnl fnoiliua in kxiuU warning infra¬ I or ilune nho desire to continue their education nnd tecum ad.anced degtcea Lockheed maintain, iwo programs The ? PLAYWRIGHT tor a weekend red wcicm againcl Miotic mwvile attackv bawd on the u%e of liraduute Siudv Program petmm aeiccted engineer, and to- with a man aafel'iic* PROJECT SAM OS » designed for the development 'cntiua to oteau* ad. anced degrees at the company* tienu (; PADDY three times K of an advatvrd uteCitc recornaiwance *>»tcm MIDAS and SAMOS are progr*iM ot the Advanced Research D&COYERER, Projects Agency under the direction of the Air Force Ballistic latiile working par* time M Lockheed. lhe luitnei Rcimhuncmeni Plan the tuitK* f.x approved ceasing counce remits dfty per cent of tor itUried, CHAYEFSKY'S ODES TO THE mragel" HO WmI Miuik Dtiiuon with LkXkhecd av »yx;emv nunaget. «ho arc working fal tag 8SKsLvr-X ■ 1 COMMONPLACE r i SPECIAL CAMPUS INTtRVItlVS oy *m.« Member* of our technical ataf! win be Lockhfd - [ available on campo* for pcrwtul interv iew s en •Xary AOiivr •l""1 | BED.. OCE 21 MISSILES AND SPACE DIVISION KosUchrk'i 1 ■I ¥ 4. Lm For appointment, pieawwe your •vNUyVALS. PAL« ALWUk «AM NUT* SANTA C«US. SANTA MAA-A. CAL»l taaaaM.-Mi^w wuMSimalTanSi Hi M. Placement Duvet or now. CAPE CANA VENAL. PUL . AkEIISSOMS. N M. . MAN Alt trwiour n u ■ . i i, man sue ■AMU OF IK war MOamaaanauNMtmlHiawMw UI - Ml • Ml ■"•S. -'0^ ,-/Ai s: ;-L- w, £b ir I Booters Duffy Briefs Quarterback Bercich i .*> Open League Play Stat* N*ws^£_^ xx h.i Bill xx a< Brniih onrr a a State jtriddrr halfback and than -lid While hi* buys Michigan worked again*! plays. riaugh«*rty *dmttted Against Calvin Here Today 'uHixack. ini\\ i* widening h;\ Imxii k"«ixv:»si|je nf the guarterba.k he may have some lineup, i •«>.**? i. »n. change* for this week. Niebi tlporf* I inter From h»xx« comes word Hut • «•'»:> ■ guttte '<»- M.i '.i-. i. Vim M . v>.nMicv den ' 'her. •„,3 vars t\ Suite will compete in the Ea*1!* Jim ttoliinvimi t.mirii in i tin senior defum- rh-su.Hiruig end Curt Merz was ■a .'in ' .1 \ .■«.n!i,tl eiiumpiun* X««l*nnl Hill I*online xvith an ailing knee. — 1 i'.t« Michigan S'.i'r s • y. division <>r the tO-tea-it October ?. 19V* I'ace l ive :x i- vp«vla!ist qtiarterlKick -- .*id(dined g" the:i- tirst M;d- h'Tguc *A f««ur-game conference Tint.i ' a,- [iikiii'j xx-111 • ' xx I' b<- nunc of ait »*• > " M. iv has been having troub'e played l»v all • . •< ver C'Cin'rence victorx v> Module \\ ill Mr when eang!'. m the game oil •»'- xx it", the knee since it was Ope - virtiut X the v-.i'mc •rain again-', eni'>>n xvcen 'hex ttviuis, xx-ith the top percentage u'< d "ii la*: spring He xvas u eaiU'i IM Schedule 'hi tk m.t K.ipM*'s a* tin- I ' m- wilh tin club competing with the West¬ • 1 ■ »»n the Savi i' • Tie \x hi."-, won the season opett- the .'list two game.* Be tits'practice uniform but limi'-. .3 SO • ern division champ for the xxi.rk l«i liaisenmg up e\m er "a'*! T*vh. 1-.I . I. 1 , , iHT(i»nilo*l Well at the 11 :* «'• <»•!"» 1':; h.impmnsiiip late m November. x '•» |i in >jf|i xx i!h in* limited mhii. I xi i nattier T-s Itm the Spartans have an¬ ttnlx sxx ilch XX ill be in the I X| • » *l«i« A T I X| tintivrflrI.I : K other iron in the tire. They hope i hall hacks, futhixxiug a shoulder XliirU* I xi i lirvan I ■ ( o.ich MiiITx ll.iuchert.x xx hi k llrrnk- to rrreivr a nod to eonipete In muscle injurx to renter halt I xt xx >ii.iw *-•» ed his serious minded crrxx hard I'nrltrr I iHA the tir*t amtiial \t"A.% cham¬ IVte McKiiinon. xx lui is a dmitu •tulterlirlii IIO.NNKX'll.l.K SA I T r> irt I • • in preparation for Ihe loxx 4 ell- pionship at the same time. II fill starter for this xverkrnd's ; linmmi* '■% thex should tain this honor and Slippeix t»i»ck tilt and xxill ilc- * HI I shaw I - counter saturdax !■' I A T .S .1'! — ,X| 1 .• k »• 1 * X» I Shaw I I lead the I astern division thex hiiilelx not ptax todax. Accord * ill XX shaw : I \ M • hig.m \ 1 etui v .• l«*lir.i Thompson of Kl Motile. x\mild advance to the national* hie t« Kennex. * In XX shaw Ttturh twirl I-' • •• • .in cintcii in the Spaih.'i I'alif., Tue*ilav unofficially and the second place division :• xx sh.iw *•: . .imn .4TX«t tne gridltcr* .lie tliltlk- broke li\ e world Mpeed * in Heal \* tlnw«■. I each lirne Krnitex point* team would advance to league I'lav hi» ..head "he llaxx kcxi:s. x» •»«» VI Km- * •i V, I" i *•» Itailei , . I • i .'lb a mill '1 touKbct tc ' marks. •Hit thr *i/c jiuI general itnal* IrlilulN tlrlA tporU prominence »i .i *rhmtl Phi- MSI Ka t X ton :• ». in IU> an t 0 Me |; i,i II" ,iii . * h.i* little ilu xxith the IruL.u'. t M»XX thru S.XT1IIIIXX ! • II:. "I It* to Mil > f| lew III gtUi!■ I't n« spo i II > Ml . lliilli-rlirlil Iliilli i Ii. I.I 5 • f < TATE KailM.1 •> »« I.' ilht'i I • ' MUST SIIOXX 7:1)0 I'.XI in«xx I isi. K'MJH v iii:ui: s x ian:.xT i xxiii.x shoxx \rilt*i\ t* SltttHitio' imm' M • > t*x' aav*. 1 VM h\Y: ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS PHI ETA SIGMA "★★★■A-is 1110rr lusciously beiutiful thjn rvei. os l|MH; VOllW \IU> Vrtil Ileum i* a I up nttetwhc c.»g invitine " bi£ ripe peach' Thr best thing j fihi* xe.n ■» MSI sinter leant, lie wented txxm- in the Wl» thai has happened to French movies since I can 1 Lrn ofienvi as Stale tlnwttetl Indiana lech. I ; \i in. not remember when,artistically anil materially1" ll Lfcratr Jamaica it is si ill one •»! I he team's hc*i •conili ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA D. . h... Jj d players, accnrdiittf to i'nach l.ette Kennex *( nisnc.rrri: n.\Rnor i AlRfBiSMAfiPl IIBiiVjUO StlNMRY IMNV0KI MUM im MUM Hi 111 lili'QUil k .. fcwws Wl |.| . IH|l |Mltlt" for I liiitnut Or .lust lit lull. I itulhiill FREE WEINER ROAST AND SQAURE DANCE • //// : lilt. I I;ATI iu;s Ibo^ In America's Favorite Kids in a SATURDAY. OCT. 10, BENJAMIN FARM ■}', + FULL LENGTH FUN SHOW! REESE OLGER'S NEWLY OPENED mrib ' Vfitm tf(.' _ *-4 >aiu it f K.. MEET IN UNION LOUNGE AT 7 P.M. Wi.'x kiV MAvxV; AN|»SUiV* ' VARSITY BARBER¬ 'm f at the icidlf bepmnm^ e m tell!!»endns . oco rr.rrm n ii.tium SHOP i* rairJ by Coil n 2011 11. V VI <.1111 i.Hit *hox« H 1 xx u i rl : II. rod- i" Ii SHOWN VI «A:»r. a.. « «> III I I lit lit \ I NIK* VI * 1 ' SI \ "lU'dsts ol Miuseilb's' A "Ixape ol Malaya Sliinr- lit Itiiluii —. vliiii Mil II | Oli i lilt liltl N looking? NO 11 vol i:l I ovtltt MSI CHORUS >-nxdr* student* and *iatf 'Mr mxe* and Ittlshands FOR A member* id the I till ?r*it x vuininuui GOOD TIME and other stnitei* ON • ' parln ip.ite m Ihe prep.u at nm and performance of OCT. 30 I! Vt H's Magnificat * \l i.ll \N WII.U \M> i htfsim .v I . THEN GO TO hit#\|{* Dream of Derontm* THE ho ihe t hit*lma* '•o»d t.ood I rul.ti ronrerl* CORONATION "I 'he nidation in u a BALL*; 7'* |> m f horal Room. Wu*ic Hutithng III kl I* icx Mil: IV mi I MlIV OPEN RUSH DOES YOUR RAINCOAT REPEL WATER LIKE A SPONGE SMOKERS "•'.so... I'riti.finjs Iknriil- 01 Then X'uu .Need The Water ALL HOUSES ONE HOUR MARTINIZING 1*1)Im lM|...Stems Too Short ...See IIS For End Alterations TONIGHT OCF. 7 FAST SERVICE ONE HOUR MARTINIZING 7:00 - 9:00. UKOH MOCK FREE FARK'MO IN REAP MICHIGAN STATE vi* th-tober 7.1459 Double-Cross Told r*ti Diirrpn M noil Ai»< ROTC Cadets Wali-r Karniial vr \ai|)fi iV By Contestant '21 The secretary newly of apji,> t|, <] Receive Ranks Carnival i> D .n - ^ ;n iuccr> -. forthcoming shows falo, N Y senie: WASHINGTON I'- A . tost ant on urn '->t televcion The witness *atd there wo.- Miss Wood. ;\ j near p.imc en the part of Freed¬ sensationally ill-fated .ci- man and Enright when he gave -rt»r committee chairman al.«o , v«j the right answer on the night of f, '■ the I i n tactics. Arni> ROIV. awarded newly promoted cadet offi¬ sweriitg a question he was >u,>- Water Carnival May 20. !t»cT He ^'d that w is r Tuesday in Demonstration * vc cers their ranks in a ceremony posiyd to miss time ;-m d for him to lose The apinunt" iV I • ^ llait. This testimony, to a hous and thu- depart after week* ef nounced by M.-f Surre;i' suhcommittee. ranie from Jam Hank Bloom- berry senior, and general n-trrlel T' . ?' i L- Off:.-, k-■ "• ■'« 7 vlcscofw Snodgra-s. .1 ;t7-> ear-old Nr-v York artist w ho appeare«t in •!,, .1 eontest with gardvn man of Water Carnival *!•»••■ I * spring of on ■ Twent.. - ii f the hi^»e. -l *• i I-• -I - Vi.d the Ha - too*', 10- COl,. Ml'NSOX (I) pins an honor on pel. IMaj. Howard Kat/. Maj. Raymond SpiLr- he had been under psychiatric Captain; Howaid Kin P» : - •d is h..; i e.• a. hap. d '.ike new l\ appointed Comm. Douulas Smilh. arelli. Maj. William Rtilehow. and Maj. treatment for nervousness and a a, * I -: . «t'i.i -r. %!.•• It n- 1 he i- the mo-t ni James Schwartz. conscience after leav¬ a (third front I). Other newly appointed radet troubled Sj.ig.i; flu. Plymouth senior. M.»- live ifue'it >.f IN Kind and the "Twenty-One'' show, a 1- officers include (I to r) Id. Col. Russel I'ep- ing r, William Rutchow., the four'h ' teer«ib!e ie >0 Justified: O. editor. Mauir; James S«h- telescope in the world. 1. That he pleaded in vain •uart,'. St. TYtetsburg, K!a Major; Kenneth, ! :in- {>. The teleseojn* can chart lUttfi of ttie k\, breaking it ;my •Rased on Kqiialils* with Dan Enright, one of tec show's producers, to let him ■ tut senior. Captain; ft;, hoi down into 40.000 section-. play "an honest game" Soviet IJ it ion Suggests Plan Cwizd.ila, P« CV.y n:"-I * The 20-ton %trrl and alumi¬ 2. Til at in March 1 PAT he C ,L»n. | William Pn-. : ,t: . num structure Is located atop won Si0.000 in bets that Van Hamburg. N v. senior. IJ «'''•■ Doren would lose, to another I'r.u h Mountain, ahout 16 miles . pel; Terry Purse!. Hurham Pt, contestant, and leave the show. northwest of here The V!7U »mm> junior. Id Smith, Detroit junior. Captain The following seri;.«r't . Colonel; ntnt J >hn Irlrsriipr hi« ronstrurted under a eon tract Naval Re«eareh a* p.ut »f the with the Office «>! For Scientists" Con ference Stem pel got $40,500 for his appearances on the show Snodgrass said one of the were Hpjxdnhvl t" the r;»"k ' ONIC* prosfam of radio producers. Albert Freedman, i* .appiMi- in »,.n 1 -• 1. •• Cadet 1st lieutenant, ana c\rri •» v \noys. r a«>tronoinv which hrjan in PUT. ' •» A- -eii,\b) v Mi had given him questions and >o!tied as company commatt-U • I • s.i\ • Cm n jco kplivrin,: answers and told him <•? plans , It will lie nperilled Jolntlv hi • ';M Soviet Unui'l James Oerlach. M' ("• :rv't it !•> . the I'nlvrrsili'« aatronnniv and lor ties and other excitement- Par rv Zindel. William*!-'-. ?v -t- \ c .... .»r v. Mic. ; reaching agrre- ruflnrrrOif departments. •1 'pension of nuclear ,dd Puller, olivet; Arthur !>««w i. •rn,i!:i'ii.i! confi reiii c telPMS.-pe I'd Seer* till y o| St a Hinntn»:h«in; Ne t NewUn, P 1 - •old Thomas Woodruff, Roch.- - T'e adio Is !>» - "A iji expel ii Mci . ; I'll t s. Embassador llenrv Cabot S/Mirlan Siou-u/is IV t-wmlc diet clu \ Y.; .Kichar.l Crittenden. F. ii iuil I •ei 1 ,»n» •• . James Mellow CI, I'm- u ail 'he .si1 t.,| 5. flie ins'k.v (Ipeii Selnveilzer I odi'.e denied •t'T hid merely this, lie said ller- presented the p TimIiiy Robert tlrof. twins."-it; iJ.e % . ■ t v fois ,ou| had not blamed the Students wishing to work in s.'hrn. ke Howard Ihtv; J -'m h Virii; ;!' .Hj-a iti.-n Ooiiei., lvsmi\ (,oiliest *-iuil I niou for delaying agree¬ advertising, copy, prorrotton or n .,% Vm. Ma*.»n; Robert Perms k- sp • re • 'is W'he* A e •The CfMd.'ue ef A!'- ment. art positions on SPARTAN the fabulous «• Holland; James Chin. C ... l: ei llit* his 11 ■ ' V MSU's humor magazine, should cpfifc- mo>t severe in 4 FRESHMEN '• I- i S. 1 Ml e-p-.i, >\ w is i >; Melvvn, Shu »'.ir 11 ;ri• . ,;<• CiiiMi • -u , S'\ ■ Mtea'md waves f I' in-. ■ .11 v,red I-.- t? .. f . puf the xign up today f:" p 2 .10-4 J1 s. nt.u.l Klein, Wilmtf - . ! : . Pick up radio Ml evp ■ a'jiill pf PIT r pace S 'I a ei'./ r Kiiuc u i n h nohdi ocfo! e the ilen- pin. in 34"> Student Service-- T-1- .»: d Thomas Trmplr, Rve «. nv.c,' that are a half-hu'ii; the T. i M t "I -l hltVii t ick' . the last day s e.i! s oM, !»■ id. h.«Vo Ix-. tl 11 ,i\ • ; \ - m'.!-. dav ts fur applying. ill c-ll!) ! f * •' IMP- ' ecnteid »s op< HI-d : ■" *.i evervIhMv that '«* a* 186.000 in: ~- 1 St mien III h Available in; in sp.i for 5fk» nui -n yiats. Ihr «prech w is cruerall* mild els. 111- • . 1 1'I !he time behind • in tone. It rniisi«|i'd mainly of idli.i pf In land and Malaya student in eatsi.i are av»,i* an appeal for urgent action on X|%K» Till T • 1 . 'lM.n; :ft 'cv ,..i possili'e * e in the Imsemertt of the A - .soviet Premier KhrushcheCs MK IIHIW ST.HI: XHWH -. . alinosphel e of Uie Didg, Vault X proposal made here 'Ml da a* 350 . u nsstration t Ot K MOKMMi ll\ltll pf Si fiw ■ w 1 ' i' declaret lor complete world di».irntamfnt c'p.u'm Kurne'sov In four years, \. I r. >.'.■• • f ttw? maifl «»l»- ■ . V : • ■ !' ' !ui. m, • • , d P"'. ' • K'HiisheN'vN profh»>- ;> - p..- •> ., •• - i ■ Crossword Puzzle i'.i .1 .1 on the I.h iff that C N IN > c, pi-wide fpi noenuaie AflOM :u Tn hire - p. «r,*t :»•?*.* * contri c 1 Dull »omh4 X Tart J4 Snub colt tq 31 Hetlncf \ r, akia and v.*it. pp.kmd 1 du e.| lake JL Controlled 12 Una**. tmn 36 Children'# game 37 Small RALPHS CAFETERIA "KEWPEE'S" 1.1 J 4 Single •month t; .1 P! V'P »li-'-,e stroke in dpi! I i< • ! ?h Stag# Irr.m* jA Hirr.l rf piavrr V- . . Ri} lopvcs iimiikmn M'laiu 1 1t T r»0tof itovsr ^ tk fnioyim-.t 1,0 tolwt<0O of v#»t#rd»»'« Pull f 4:r<'lottIs 'd J imtitt ttt;i:it ! R Of *ir m\siii:ii hh vtoks 20 Vra gVt- hUfiteUov depaiteil from hi* l- fi t- 17 I'etiPim ? Fund en prepared le\l to tell delegates 5! t -net 11 1 lii M. the 4 T.mth IP F r. ver not M.i.i i \i«i is latest soviet rochet "is right • 40 Super*oe i 21 l'«it s* :h the !»• to 0.cfor pubticaf iO'.i fi t money un** travelling around the moon •4 M« >1 ,-i k ! «ti M k %» M« •« 5 Atundent 22 Wcsly H<- added con in rn it C St Sv,r,.p »• Sk .• , 1 i: ... . •• ,m c J-.' !' rnr« ?i Hi »t . . ^ \vnie»l jH»s-:'--e iis-pi i.iiii'ti !c- 2" W r#he#4 > if » r rt I'li-ei l.ivh 49c , • .'C- t, t-. - c.. 1 M k- u c :<■ VelU^' rxt.eA'. 10 p *te I»»»w S 11 . ' The Crueilile* In I.J 25 !'. PJI -s 2* S.h PPCm t- ,! . • • Starts 'l'oni»lit V r V •c 31 » 4 0 M . . ' f.i . ; . l I* 32 Fit-*-- 34 I MvUne Michigan State University " 'ni«>».«n i <% I* 3> S i -vi! . FOREIGN FILM SERIES « r* 3ti M tt n IV H • , |irt-r»l« f\ — I' .1 «« rr ir THE CRUCIBLE t» W Muthr-I . jv v ! N >1 U Xt UieeOef dog mat 11 f* IV ♦a Pull t'- ( French) . 4t r.ecref W J; jronr* »• 9 00 43 Mr Cant.-r s \ si-ariii". >.11 ,ij-o Slurs of llu- ♦4 M u 40 4r 4S F. * i! -me¬ •.1 m : . • Mini \M tt:ii Tin VIA «» • tier. ot ■ C; it umph 4 •5 w 4ts vi* term Marring Jch iter h« * It ii u 4* fleard pf SlMUM Ml.Mllifd tlO.MA.MI gram ■ I I /Ml til I TOIIII lit I KM-; lll linMiKUT rd studio, fjl \\. (.rand River PU ymm si kunr Cast I .a using Fairchild Tkfttre JW.SSS\SWSSSWSWWAS\SSW\WSSWSSS\\s terttfled piano and Organ Studio Teacher mi the MMIt Wed, Thurs., Fri., - Oct. 7, I, I (PsnNibg u«l»m of m|ir»ir4 7 aid 9:18 M>< I iluft l«iolM«( ewrj. GOOD J.UCK mnsli rh"* ef tmi4««*Rul tnuo in* 1 larall now. »D 2.4413 lilini—ion: .»0r SPARTANS! F.xclutirc % T0NITE IS COLLEGE NITE "CRIVANETTE" § i:1 • Fiili-hRrjif/filiJ I'roev»» For ^ % ALL THE PIZZA YOU CAN EAT ! Fonv-Failing II riir.' • ^ $ 4.11 J weOh«ct. 7 *-it ra. m -<• i ii A. iSi'. < '■ KHEK im'IKIM; /?., i^ RICARDO'S (the King) in krak 5 1 al I lie light in W illiani.lun taaiWllWWWWVWWWMMWWWW^llWWWVt